
Prof. US B. IStk Volume XXXIII HOPE COLLEGE, Holland, Michigan, Jan. 24 j 92] G. R. " Y " AGAIN GOES DOWN OEFORE HOPE OUT-PLAYED IN- ALL DEPART- MENTS OF GAME—BASKET SHOOTING POOR COLLEGE GIRLS ENTERTAIN LADIES' LITERARY CLUB Hope'i Pasting Fine—Team Individual Work of First Calibre and Th€ Ladies Literary Club was pleasantly entertained by a College Girls' program in charge of Mlrs. Durfee. Those wiho took part rep- resented the three College societies, Sorosds, Delphi, and Sybilline. The program was of a miscellaneous na- ture : Piano Solo Wilma Meyer a) Romance Schumann ib) PolichineHe... Radunaninoff The College Girl <A Today ..... '. v . .iMargaret Schmalfeld Michigan Opens 'Doors to Hope TWO SENIORS ACCEPTED AS GRADUATE ASSISANTS—RE- CEIVE $600 AND TUITION Nuabt? IS AL KINGMA ELECTED FOOT- BALL MANAGER •u Van Loo and Ottorhof Win Honors Through Efforu ot Dr. Godfrey Trio—La Serenata iMiss Boland, Misses Feet IMiss Hemmes at the piano. Although Grand Rapids "Y" heralded their coming with advance announcement that changes in their •••; established line-up would give Hope Interview w,th Mo J ern Gr ^ ece n *., a hard fight, they failed to produce. X1Tie C ri There were uo changes and a score of 36 to 17 dispels the idea of a ne- cessarily hard fight. Hope trium- . . . . phed handily in a.n exciting game 0 or y 0 1 a \r \ o i, which was featured by the evident __.*** i' * VJ ' ' anna an ^ ^ rivalry which has always existed be- 1C a i eCOr * ti • lir * tween the two teams. It has always n 0 0 « 1:1:18 v been rather hard for Grand Rapids Piano ^ -YMo admit Hope's superiority at v , CPolonaiseHMcOowell) basketball, hut again, after being ^c* 1 Solo. .... Virgima Van Verst served with two defeats, so is the Readmg^.. . . . EvertKne Kuyper tale told Chorus—Rose In the Bud n ,' t. • * , ., . Sixteen Girls ,brand Rapids opened the scoring in first half with a foul on a second try, justly given by Referee Johnson FOURTEEN FOOTBALL MEN RE- when our youthful '^loyalities of the CEIVE "H'S" AND city tried to ''razz'^ Van Ess. For a SWEATERS time both teams missed shot after shot as the ball travelled all over the floor. iBut the trouble on Hope's Dick Blocker and JacU Schouten Take Part in Ceremony part was with the ball evidently, ana after Coach "Jack" had rubbed the charm over it while he pretended to relace it, the Hope boys showed . i.L.' v l i t- ^ j • . , M any one thing has been lacking what it could do. Priest opened with AiVi^f # O" the eam P' l s d u n n K the past years it has been the recogniton that a neat shot from the side. Dick fol- 'vV* iowed with a foul shot, and repeated, 'u "Ti Iccv e u,tu,, n • 4. ,, v- , should be given to wsai^rs of the ( ^ Priest then looped^ another pretty t< Tjj. , , ,, . . T , ^ ^ i H • ^ has been the custom in the toss. It was then the <l Y * secured i. *. i i.i. j ... , . . A , « , , past to give the letters and sweaters their only field goal of the first half. . ,1. 1. t. j ... , , , . to the men whenever they happened As the game progressed the ©layine . u i. . 1 u j j ,, . V to come » but y ^ r we have became harder atid the passang fast a l a ^ t. u* i. 1 1 mi. t. A adopted another system which we and clever. Tihe best work of the . , « . . , ^ hope will prove to be a very efficient game was done the last of the half one while Hope out-pteyed their oppon- / n j 1 , 7 / , . rr , A mass meeting was called last ents caging shot after shot. Hope's mu ^ • \ t. * ^ c , . . ^ * Thursday night for the purpose of defense was good though Grand with i i) -j » , giving public recognition to the men Rapids inability to connect with , , . , , who won their letter in the past points was due mainly to poor and * i.u m tv 1 -di 1 x f l ^ K football season. Dick Blocker rep- inaccurate ahooting. Garry received re8entin?i the s t u d e l l t s e x p r € S S 6 d our a fine crack m the head and di^lay- appreciation of the w(>rk that the ed hia wrath with a passion for hard mell did last faH in holdi ^ plunging m a way that boded ,10 h(>nor of Hope 0I1 idironi In onTT ln Way * oixier that we might express this en A .. 0 ' . gratitude the Athletic Association After two minutes of play Mike deaired ^ each one of the opened the east basket with a short letter men with a sweateri C(>ach shot. Priest followed with one on a- « ^ 0 ii , „^ |T , ^ n ^ . , 'Schouten was called upon to pre- dead level For a time the game s e n t t h e i n which h e d i d i n a mannet became a fouling match, Referee that woul(1 make old Demosthenes Johnson evidently not enjoying his sit up and take n<)ticei The fol . task very much. Zuidervelde of lowing m€n were pr€sent e d with a ' Grand Rapids took an evident di* dark nOTy V . n€ck stveater like to most of the Ho.pe men but bearing (]he seasonls stripe usually came out with the short end ^ George Hoek) Capt .. Elect or on the long sid* of the floor. Dyke Van p uttenr Harry Boerama Grand Rapid's. scoring picked up a wiuiam p yle> william Elferdink, bit her when Cook and Fowle tallied Wi|liam Tuill8ma) Hellry Hidding, with two apiece. Lawrence Hamburg, Garret Wasse- ^ After a brief intermission, Waas Fredl Deckeri Bernard Heit . r*" was substituted for Priest. Zuider- bring A1 Kingmai Garr€t De j ong> vrfde also left the floor. The game and Manager B€rt Van Ark . ended 36 to 11. Dick played one f ee i that is indeed a very L| of his best games this season, fight- jegijable way of presenting the ' ing witl ^ his old " pep " and cag ' ng Athletic awards. Sometime in the twenty-two points for Hope. Priest we hope that we ^ ^ able .. P'ay** 1 a ^ eat P 4881 "® eame and d- ^ ^ uj^ recognition to the bas- " so accounted for ten points. His ketball &r]d track men. iLet's show apparent roughness was due more the that we , re tehin<1 thwn to his intense following the .ball than ^ tini ^ to intentional fouling. Dick's foul shooting was great, making six out of seven tries. Fowle, (playdng the DeJon^ Jl.G Powle cleanest gome for the " Y " also was VanlPutten .L. G.. Zuidervelde individual high pointer with six * Delnay - points. Field Goals—Priest 5, Japinga, 8, Hope G. R. Y. Schuurmans 1, Van Putten 1, Powle priest R. F... Drummond 2, Cook 2. Foul Goals—Japinga 6 } Wassenaar out of 7; Van Ess 6 out of 12; Japinga L.(F Cook F^wle 2 but of 3. Referee—Johnson Schuurmans. O Van Ess of Purdue. Scorer—Mol. Time- Last week another event proved Hope is on the map as far as effic- iency goes. The University of Mich- igan has consistently followed the practice of awarding . scholarships and assistantsihips solely to its own students, and while Hope has been placing men with uniform success at Ohio, at Illinois and other schools, our own state university has always been closed to us in this respect. During the past month as a result of the efforts of the head of the de- partment of Chemistry, Dr. A. T. Godfrey, Prof Bigelow has consent- ed to make an exception to the rule in favor of the Hope students. Maurice Van Loo, '21 of Zeeland and Jud Osterhof, '21,. of Thayer, Indiana are the two wlio are now possessors of $600 assistantships with exemptions from tuition at the Uni- versity of Michigan. This comes not only as a recognition of the excep- tional record of these men at Hope, but also as a result of wihat our grad- uates are doing wherever they have gone. Gerrit Van Zyl of Hospers, Iowa, attended iMichigan last year on the State College Fellowship. His very satisfactory record has won him a teaching assistantshii! for the com- ing year and doubtless proved in- strumental in the obtaining of these scholastic honors for the two local students. It goes without saying that all look to these men to make more than good in their graduate work.. Hope needs more of these victories and each student can do his part by the simple practice of study and co-operation with the faculty. At present more professors and instructors and also a larger equip- ment is sadly necessary to an un- hampered development. Hope must girow. Let's back her all we can. iCongratulations to all responsible for this last success/ At a meeting of the Athletic As- sociatioi last Friday Albert Kingma was elected football manager for the ensuing year. " A l " is without a doubt the best man for the posi- tion. He realizes the standing of the various college* in Michigan, and he knows what Hope can do. We are confident our men will back him up. The best of success, Al, in getting a good schedule for next fall. MINSTREL PROGRAM LAUNCHES MILESTfl COMIC SKETCHES, SOLOS AND CHORUS RENDERINGS CAP- TIVATE AUDIENCE Overflowing Pep and Enthuiiaim for Year Book EEW SOROSIS ENTERTAIN WITH EXCEPTIONAL SUCCESS PLEASE Before the Milestone Staff can be- gin to assemble and arrange the new annual it is very essential that all the pictures of the students be in. Thus far everything has been com- ing along fine/ The majority of the ind&vidual (pictures have been handed in, however a few tardy one are holding! up the work. In order that we may get our work in the hands of the engravers as soon as possible, we have set a definite date at which time all the pictures must •be in.- February 15 has been set as the time limit. If your profile is not handed in before that date it will not get in the new Milestone." AH those who have any interesting snap shots will do us a great favor by handing them to Billy Schnooberger or any one of those appointed to re - ceive thenu Watch the bulletin board for the Milestone notices. -.V . <l' "• (• - • Haynee keeper-dampen. Detroit, Mich., Jan. 17, 1921 To the Students of Hope College— The Van Baat family wish to ex- press their gratitude to the students for their sympathy shown during the recent illness and death of their beloved son and brother, Herman. (Mrs. G. H. Van Baak, and family. Mitset Durrin, Den Herder and Bouma Show Real Talent and Originality ''New Sorosites present Scenes'' from Literature, not from temper. Performers, presentation, amd scenes were applauded, and applause seemed too weak to signify the ap- preciation of the oflder sisters who made up the audience. The sketch of a lighted candle and a quill in ink was a fitting as well as artistic symbol of the literary sourc- es of inspiration. .Longfellow, Sar- ah A. Jewett, and James M. Barrie —no sham literature, and the very best of interpretation. Hiawatha's wooing in two scenes, with Grace Durrin, Janet Bouma, Isla Pruim, and Nella Den Herder as Hiawatha, Nokomis, Minnehaha, and the Arrow-iMaker respectively. The setting was ingeniously contriv- ed—all the audience missed was the "Big Sea Waters" beyond the tent of Nokomis. The audience them- selves (or itself?) was artistically disposed at various elevations and points of vantage, so as to miss not anything—not even the little Minne- haha. iThese scenes from- the Indian Courtship and then one from "A Winter's Courtship" from 1 'Strang- ers and Wayfares, M Nokomis had miraculously developed into a most life-like stage-driver in winter trap- pings. The "stage" was set to face the audience, and Minnehaha was now the plump little widow Tobin on the elevated seat on the slightly un- steady stage. Vane Jera and Frank Mills were mistaken for sugar lumps by the horses, but the rest of the audience feflt strongly the horses' presence in spirit, if not in the flesh. Every time the stage stopped (to facilitate conversation, etc., be- tween the driver and the drivee) the stage shook so thai; Mrs. Tobin al- most lost her bonnet. This scene ended with victory for Mrs./Tobin, intense satisfaction on the part of "Mr. Jegerson/' and rest for the horses. ^'Qircumgtences Leading to (the First Sermon on the Approval'of Women'' happened next at the well where Gyssy Babbie went to draw water, and incidentally drew the "Little Minister " The "Little Minister" had once been Grace Dur- rin, and the Egyptian Babbie, Nella Den Herder. The acting was sup- erb on the part of both, with a rev- elation of Gyssy's character at the close, with an answer to it by the lit- tle Minister. / ^Oh, if I were a man I should wish to be everything that I am not, and nothing that I am. I should scorn to be a <liar, I should choose to be open; in all things, I should try to fight the world honestly. But I am only a woman, and so—well, that is the kind of a man I should like to marry." And the answer with con- viction "I am that man." And so dosed a program well thought out, well worked up, most excellently rendered, and very much appreciated. The annual drive for subscriptions to the Milestone began last Thurs- day night when the Junior class en- tertained the entire student t>ody with a genuine minstrel show. Hie chapel was well filled with a few hundred of cheering, ihappy stu- dents. iAs the curtain fell the entire company sang IMandy Lou*. This company was composed of ten Jun- ior men who had spent the last weak in Wending their voices into that which people of today call harmony. Then the real fun .began. Mi:, Blocker, Editor of the Milestone, acting as Mr. Interlocutor, started the conversation between the two end men and himself. .The two end men -were funny to say the least. Teunis Bake as ^ile", and John Flikkema as "Stone", kept the audi- ence in a fit of laughter throughout the entire program. Perched upon large soup barrels they related their whole life's history much to tiie pleasure of the occupants of the seats below. This conversation was interspened with sele^ions by the entire com- pany, and also musical selections by individuals. "Pockets" Te Paske was at his best in the singing of "The Bedouin Love Song". Milton- Boland rendered a selection upon his Saxaphone in a very fine manner. "Stone" Flikkema entertained the audience with a Euphonium Solo, choosing as his number "The Lost Chord." Dirty Dyke manipulated his clarinet very cleverly while he played a variation of "Comin' Thru the Rye." Miss Hammelink, playing in her usual charming way, gave a piano solo, "Polonaise" by McDow-' ell. And last but not least, came "Mile" with his Kazoo-clarinet charming the audience with his ren- dering of "II Trovatore." The last number of the program was a song by the entire company, "Old Kentucky Chums." And yet this was not the last Blocker intro- duced the Milestone to the studentry and asked the aid of everyone to make this Milestone a huge success. Now that the race is on, let's go. CCNSTITUTION MASS MEETING Athletics at Hope College has un- dergone rather radical changes dur- ing the last two or three years and to meet these new conditions a com- mittee of the Athletic Associaion Board has written an entireJy new constitution. This constitution oon- tans much new niateriail that was left out of the old one. The cam- mittee have have done their best and will bring it before the student body the first Monday night after exams, are over- Every members of the Ath- letic Association should be presen fc to dascues the articles and to vote on them. Read the proposed consti- tution in last week's Anchor and come prepared to rote fnteflligently and to offer suggestions where they may be necessary. The comnrfttee do not wish to impose this constitu- tion upon the student body, bat have written it somewhat as a guide to the Associaion. Let's aH be out and put the Athletic Association on a sound basis for the years to come. 1 -

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Prof. US B. IStk

Volume XXXIII HOPE COLLEGE, Holland, Michigan, Jan. 24 j 92]





Hope'i Pasting Fine—Team Individual Work of First



Th€ Ladies Literary Club was pleasantly entertained by a College Girls' program in charge of Mlrs. Durfee. Those wiho took part rep-resented the three College societies, Sorosds, Delphi, and Sybilline. The program was of a miscellaneous na-ture : Piano Solo Wilma Meyer

a) Romance Schumann ib) PolichineHe... Radunaninoff

The College Girl <A T o d a y . . . . . ' . v. .iMargaret Schmalfeld

Michigan Opens 'Doors to Hope



N u a b t ? IS



Van Loo and Ottorhof Win Honors Through Efforu ot Dr.


Trio—La Serenata iMiss Boland, Misses Feet IMiss Hemmes at the piano.

Although Grand Rapids " Y " heralded their coming with advance announcement that changes in their • • • ; established line-up would give Hope I n t e r v i e w w , t h M o J e r n G r ^ e c e

n *., a hard fight, they failed to produce. X1Tie C r i

There were uo changes and a score of 36 to 17 dispels the idea of a ne-cessarily hard fight. Hope trium- . . . . phed handily in a.n exciting game 0 o r y 0 1 a \r \ o i, which was featured by the evident __.*** i ' * VJ ' ' a n n a a n ^ ^ rivalry which has always existed be- 1C 1° a i e C O r * t i • lir * tween the two teams. It has always n 0 0 « 1:1:18 v been rather hard for Grand Rapids P i a n o ^ - Y M o admit Hope's superiority at v , CPolonaiseHMcOowell) basketball, hut again, af ter being ^ c * 1 Solo. . . . . Virgima Van Verst served with two defeats, so is the R e a d m g ^ . . . . . EvertKne Kuyper tale told Chorus—Rose In the Bud

n , ' t. • * , ., . Sixteen Girls ,brand Rapids opened the scoring

in first half with a foul on a second try, justly given by Referee Johnson FOURTEEN FOOTBALL MEN RE-when our youthful '^loyalities of the CEIVE "H 'S" AND city tried to ''razz'^ Van Ess. For a SWEATERS time both teams missed shot after shot as the ball travelled all over the floor. iBut the trouble on Hope's D i c k B l o c k e r a n d J a c U S c h o u t e n

Take Part in Ceremony part was with the ball evidently, ana af ter Coach " Jack" had rubbed the charm over it while he pretended to relace it, the Hope boys showed . i.L.' v l i t -

^ j • . , M any one thing has been lacking what it could do. Priest opened with „ AiVif # O" t h e e a m P ' l s d u n n K the past years

it has been the recogniton that a neat shot from the side. Dick fol-

'vV* iowed with a foul shot, and repeated, 'u "Ti I c c v e u , t u , ,

n • 4. ,, v- , should be given to wsai^rs of the ( ^ Priest then looped^ another pretty t < T j j . , , ,, . .

T, ^ ^ i H • ^ has been the custom in the toss. I t was then the <lY * secured i. *. • i i.i. j . . . , „ . . A, « , , past to give the letters and sweaters their only field goal of the first half. . ,1. 1. t. j . . . , , , . to the men whenever they happened

As the game progressed the ©layine . u i. . 1 u j j ,, • . V to c o m e » b u t y ^ r we have became harder atid the passang fast a l a ^ t. u* i.

1 1 mi. t. A adopted another system which we and clever. Tihe best work of the . , « . . , ^ hope will prove to be a very efficient game was done the last of the half o n e

while Hope out-pteyed their oppon- / n j 1 • , 7 / , . rr , A mass meeting was called last

ents caging shot after shot. Hope's mu ^ • \ t. * ^ c , . . ^ * Thursday night for the purpose of defense was good though Grand



i) - j • » , giving public recognition to the men Rapids inability to connect with , , . , , who won their letter in the past points was due mainly to poor and * i.u m tv 1 -di 1 x • f l ^ K football season. Dick Blocker rep-inaccurate ahooting. Garry received r e 8 e n t i n ? i t h e s t u d e l l t s e x p r € S S 6 d o u r

a fine crack m the head and di^lay- a p p r e c i a t i o n o f t h e w ( > r k t h a t t h e

ed hia wrath with a passion for hard m e l l d i d l a s t f a H i n h o l d i ^ plunging m a way that boded ,10 h ( > n o r o f H o p e 0 I1 i d i r o n i I n

o n T T l n Way* oixier that we might express this e n

A . . 0 ' . gratitude the Athletic Association After two minutes of play Mike d e a i r e d ^ e a c h o n e o f t h e

opened the east basket with a short l e t t e r m e n w i t h a s w e a t e r i C ( > a c h

shot. Priest followed with one on a- « ^0ii , „^ | T , ^ n ^ — . , 'Schouten was called upon to pre-dead level For a time the game s e n t t h e i n w h i c h h e d i d i n a m a n n e t

• became a fouling match, Referee t h a t w o u l ( 1 m a k e o l d Demosthenes Johnson evidently not enjoying his s i t u p a n d t a k e n < ) t i c e i T h e f o l . task very much. Zuidervelde of l o w i n g m € n w e r e p r € s e n t e d with a

' Grand Rapids took an evident di* d a r k n O T y V . n € c k s t v e a t e r

like to most of the Ho.pe men but b e a r i n g ( ]he s e a s o n l s s t r i p e

usually came out with the short end ^ G e o r g e H o e k ) C a p t . . E l e c t

or on the long sid* of the floor. D y k e V a n p u t t e n r H a r r y B o e r a m a

Grand Rapid's. scoring picked up a w i u i a m p y l e > w i l l i a m Elferdink, bit her when Cook and Fowle tallied W i | l i a m T u i l l 8 m a ) H e l l r y Hidding,

with two apiece. Lawrence Hamburg, Garret Wasse-^ After a brief intermission, Waas F r e d l D e c k e r i B e r n a r d H e i t .

r*" was substituted for Priest. Zuider- b r i n g A 1 K i n g m a i G a r r € t D e j o n g >

vrfde also left the floor. The game a n d M a n a g e r B € r t V a n A r k . ended 36 to 11. Dick played one f e e i that is indeed a very

L | of his best games this season, fight- jegijable way of presenting the

' i n g w i t l^ h i s o l d " p e p " a n d c a g ' n g Athletic awards. Sometime in the twenty-two points for Hope. Priest w e h o p e t h a t w e ^ ^ a b l e

.. P'ay**1 a ^ e a t P4881"® eame and d - ^ ^ u j ^ recognition to the bas-" so accounted for ten points. His k e t b a l l &r]d t r a c k men. iLet's show

apparent roughness was due more t h e t h a t w e , r e tehin<1 t h w n

to his intense following the .ball than ^ t i n i ^ to intentional fouling. Dick's foul shooting was great, making six out of seven tries. Fowle, (playdng the DeJon^ J l . G Powle cleanest gome for the " Y " also was VanlPutten .L. G.. Zuidervelde individual high pointer with six * Delnay

- points. Field Goals—Priest 5, Japinga, 8, Hope G. R. Y. Schuurmans 1, Van Putten 1, Powle priest R. F . . . Drummond 2, Cook 2. Foul Goals—Japinga 6

} Wassenaar out of 7; Van Ess 6 out of 12; Japinga L.(F Cook F^wle 2 but of 3. Referee—Johnson Schuurmans. O Van Ess of Purdue. Scorer—Mol. Time-

Last week another event proved Hope is on the map as far as effic-iency goes. The University of Mich-igan has consistently followed the practice of awarding . scholarships and assistantsihips solely to its own students, and while Hope has been placing men with uniform success at Ohio, at Illinois and other schools, our own state university has always been closed to us in this respect. During the past month as a result of the efforts of the head of the de-partment of Chemistry, Dr. A. T. Godfrey, Prof Bigelow has consent-ed to make an exception to the rule in favor of the Hope students.

Maurice Van Loo, '21 of Zeeland and Jud Osterhof, '21,. of Thayer, Indiana are the two wlio are now possessors of $600 assistantships with exemptions from tuition at the Uni-versity of Michigan. This comes not only as a recognition of the excep-tional record of these men at Hope, but also as a result of wihat our grad-uates are doing wherever they have gone. Gerrit Van Zyl of Hospers, Iowa, attended iMichigan last year on the State College Fellowship. His very satisfactory record has won him a teaching assistantshii! for the com-ing year and doubtless proved in-strumental in the obtaining of these scholastic honors for the two local students.

I t goes without saying that all look to these men to make more than good in their graduate work.. Hope needs more of these victories and each student can do his part by the simple practice of study and co-operation with the faculty.

At present more professors and instructors and also a larger equip-ment is sadly necessary to an un-hampered development. Hope must girow. Let's back her all we can.

iCongratulations to all responsible for this last success/

At a meeting of the Athletic As-sociatioi last Friday Albert Kingma was elected football manager for the ensuing year. " A l " is without a doubt the best man for the posi-tion. He realizes the standing of the various college* in Michigan, and he knows what Hope can do. We are confident our men will back him up.

The best of success, Al, in getting a good schedule for next fall.




Overflowing Pep and Enthuiiaim for Year Book



Before the Milestone Staff can be-gin to assemble and arrange the new annual it is very essential that all the pictures of the students be in. Thus far everything has been com-ing along fine/ The majority of the ind&vidual (pictures have been handed in, however a few tardy one are holding! up the work. In order that we may get our work in the hands of the engravers as soon as possible, we have set a definite date at which time all the pictures must •be in.- February 15 has been set as the time limit. If your profile is not handed in before that date it will not get in the new Milestone." AH those who have any interesting snap shots will do us a great favor by handing them to Billy Schnooberger or any one of those appointed to re -ceive thenu Watch the bulletin board for the Milestone notices.

• -.V . <l' "• • (• - • •

Haynee keeper-dampen.

Detroit, Mich., Jan. 17, 1921 To the Students of Hope College—

The Van Baat family wish to ex-press their gratitude to the students for their sympathy shown during the recent illness and death of their beloved son and brother, Herman.

(Mrs. G. H. Van Baak, and family.

Mitset Durrin, Den Herder and Bouma Show Real Talent and

Originality ' 'New Sorosites present Scenes' '

from Literature, not from temper. Performers, presentation, amd scenes were applauded, and applause seemed too weak to signify the ap-preciation of the oflder sisters who made up the audience.

The sketch of a lighted candle and a quill in ink was a fitting as well as artistic symbol of the literary sourc-es of inspiration. .Longfellow, Sar-ah A. Jewett, and James M. Barrie —no sham literature, and the very best of interpretation.

Hiawatha's wooing in two scenes, with Grace Durrin, Janet Bouma, Isla Pruim, and Nella Den Herder as Hiawatha, Nokomis, Minnehaha, and the Arrow-iMaker respectively. The setting was ingeniously contriv-ed—all the audience missed was the "Big Sea Waters" beyond the tent of Nokomis. The audience them-selves (or itself?) was artistically disposed at various elevations and points of vantage, so as to miss not anything—not even the little Minne-haha.

iThese scenes from- the Indian Courtship and then one from "A Winter's Courtship" from 1 'Strang-ers and Wayfares,M Nokomis had miraculously developed into a most life-like stage-driver in winter trap-pings. The "stage" was set to face the audience, and Minnehaha was now the plump little widow Tobin on the elevated seat on the slightly un-steady stage. Vane Jera and Frank Mills were mistaken for sugar lumps by the horses, but the rest of the audience feflt strongly the horses' presence in spirit, if not in the flesh. Every time the stage stopped (to facilitate conversation, etc., be-tween the driver and the drivee) the stage shook so thai; Mrs. Tobin al-most lost her bonnet. This scene ended with victory for Mrs./Tobin, intense satisfaction on the part of "Mr. Jegerson/ ' and rest for the horses.

^'Qircumgtences Leading to (the First Sermon on the Approval'of Women'' happened next at the well where Gyssy Babbie went to draw water, and incidentally drew the "Little Minister " The "Little Minister" had once been Grace Dur-rin, and the Egyptian Babbie, Nella Den Herder. The acting was sup-erb on the part of both, with a rev-elation of Gyssy's character at the close, with an answer to it by the lit-tle Minister. /

^Oh, if I were a man I should wish to be everything that I am not, and nothing that I am. I should scorn to be a <liar, I should choose to be open; in all things, I should try to fight the world honestly. But I am only a woman, and so—well, that is the kind of a man I should like to marry." And the answer with con-viction " I am that man."

And so dosed a program well thought out, well worked up, most excellently rendered, and very much appreciated.

The annual drive for subscriptions to the Milestone began last Thurs-day night when the Junior class en-tertained the entire student t>ody with a genuine minstrel show. Hie chapel was well filled with a few hundred of cheering, ihappy stu-dents. iAs the curtain fell the entire company sang IMandy Lou*. This company was composed of ten Jun-ior men who had spent the last weak in Wending their voices into that which people of today call harmony.

Then the real fun .began. Mi:, Blocker, Editor of the Milestone, acting as Mr. Interlocutor, started the conversation between the two end men and himself. .The two end men -were funny to say the least. Teunis Bake as ^ i l e " , and John Flikkema as "Stone", kept the audi-ence in a fit of laughter throughout the entire program. Perched upon large soup barrels they related their whole life's history much to tiie pleasure of the occupants of the seats below.

This conversation was interspened with sele^ions by the entire com-pany, and also musical selections by individuals. "Pockets" Te Paske was at his best in the singing of "The Bedouin Love Song". Milton-Boland rendered a selection upon his Saxaphone in a very fine manner. "Stone" Flikkema entertained the audience with a Euphonium Solo, choosing as his number "The Lost Chord." Dirty Dyke manipulated his clarinet very cleverly while he played a variation of "Comin' Thru the Rye." Miss Hammelink, playing in her usual charming way, gave a piano solo, "Polonaise" by McDow-' ell. And last but not least, came "Mile" with his Kazoo-clarinet charming the audience with his ren-dering of "II Trovatore."

The last number of the program was a song by the entire company, "Old Kentucky Chums." And yet this was not the last Blocker intro-duced the Milestone to the studentry and asked the aid of everyone to make this Milestone a huge success. Now that the race is on, let's go.


Athletics at Hope College has un-dergone rather radical changes dur-ing the last two or three years and to meet these new conditions a com-mittee of the Athletic Associaion Board has written an entireJy new constitution. This constitution oon-tans much new niateriail that was left out of the old one. The cam-mittee have have done their best and will bring it before the student body the first Monday night af ter exams, are over- Every members of the Ath-letic Association should be presen fc to dascues the articles and to vote on them. Read the proposed consti-tution in last week's Anchor and come prepared to rote fnteflligently and to offer suggestions where they may be necessary. The comnrfttee do not wish to impose this constitu-tion upon the student body, bat have written it somewhat as a guide to the Associaion. Let's aH be out and put the Athletic Association on a sound basis for the years to come.

1 -

Page 2: 01-24-1921


®l|f Atirffnr

P i W U k t d %ttrj W « d A M d » 7 d u r i n g t b « O o l -

j t a r b y a t u d t a U o f H o p * O o l U f o .

B O A R D O F E D I T O R S T h e o d o r e YHUBUL. — E d U o r - i n - C h i e f

P e t e r D e V r l e a A , a o c l a t J * S d l ^ B e r t V a n A r i l - A f t S 2 S Helene Van Raalte Alumni F r i e d a H e l t U n d . C a ? p u f / ^ T u n i s B a k e r . ^ . . . R H p l d F i r e

. B U S I N E S S D E P A R T M E N T

E v e r t F l i k k e m a - . . . . M a n a g e r

M u . . . . . f l . f t O par yaar to adTawe • l a g l e O o p i e f • f * 1 ® 1

l i O c t o b e r , 1 0 1 7 , I ' r t b o t l t e d O o l o b e r 1 9 ,

1 9 1 8 .

mense reBponsiWllty: was it not Em-erson who said, w Beware when God lets loose a Thinker upon this plan-

et"? Btaiffing is more of an axt than a

science. I t hinges to a considerable extent on .personality. Reputation, however, is a desirahfle asset. The evil^that men do lives a f te r them, and "so a bit of studying done in the Freshman year is a great aid in bluf-fing during the Senior. Professors are a gsnateful species and do not quickly forget the earl enthusiasm of unsophisticated verdancy, and thus seeds of endeavor planted' earty in a college career can yie'ld a boun-teous harvest of bluffs before grad-

uation. All things considered, he exam-

ines best who crams best all things, both great and small.



The trouble with examinations is that they do not examine. At best they achieve no more than investi-gation. They never analyze or dis-sect—[possibly for fear of the pau-city of the findings—and seldom pro-vide enough data fo r efficient diag-nosis. They are somewhat of * lookingvat-the-tongue business to find out the patient's state of health and furnish a basis for regulation of the diet. A t times this method is satisfactory, but at other tones it is misleading, depending upon the physcian's s tate of vision, and the patient's state of mind; or, per-chance, upon what the patient had for breakfast. From some view-points that whimsical goddess. Luck, has a decisive influence upon the outcome. Others insist that in-genuity and diplomaey—on the pat-ient 's .part, of course—produce a softening effect on the rigor of the resultant prescription. Perhaps it is true. That it works the other way can not be doubted^, for many instances could be cited wljere an anticipated recommendation of a change of . diet has a/wakened unsus-pected powers of ingenuity and di-plomacy in an attempt to forestall it.

Scholastic examinations are par-ticularly interesting. They have a meaning all their own. They are more of an atmosphere than a pro-cess, and more of a state of mind than an atmosphere. As a process they have two especial features that distinguish them,—cramming, and bfluffling^—w'hivh are favorable an-alogous to the intake and exhaust of a gasoline engine, except that the nature of the two processes are somewhat reversed. Cnamaning, which corresponds to the intaike, is generally forcible and hasty, and in this sense is comparable to the ex-haust; bluffing, on the other hand, Which corresponds to the exhaust, is relatively slow and measured, like the intake. The analogy is imper-

* feet also in the sense that both cramming and bluffing are decidedly exhausting, leaving a student in a rather ^wilted condition. In the case of bluffing this wilted state may arise either from the exertion of the act or from professorial detection in the act; and this should be borne well in mind by the student as resuscitation in the one case is much more rapid than in the other.

The secret of successful crammdng is nicely-calculated repetition, since the number of repetitions is directly proportionai to the hours of re ten-ton. Hence, a mathematical genius by calculating exactly the number of hours before examination that the cramming must be done, can accur-ately deduce the nuniber of repeti-tions required to carry him just thru the. examination, and no farmer ; and thus leave his mind unhamipered by .extraneous and obsolete knowl-

- edge at the opening of the next semester. I t is partly for this rea-son that Albebra and Trigonometry are taught during the Freshman yeqr, for educators have long real-ized the tremendous advantages in-herent in a system whereby stu-dents learned no more, and retained no longer, than the examination i v quired. I t relieves them of an im-

Misa Nellie Churchford wishes to thank all Hope students and faculty members for their valuable gifts of money and clothing which brot the Christmas spirit into the many poor and needy homes of Holland.


It happened during the year nineteen hundred and thirty. Four members of the famous old family of Hopeites were gathered together for an evening of pleasure and hap-py companionship. They were; A. Senior, U. Junior, 0 . Sophomore, N. Freshman. They were here to dis-cuss old. friends and classmates, and to drift back, together, to those happy days of the past. 'Memories of that past were very dear to each of them, for those years spent a t College were counted among the happiest years of their life.

"Do you remember Louise?", asked 0 . Sophomore- "We girls were speaking of her just the other day, and we were trying to recall some of the things she did while at col-lege, She graduated in '24, didn't she?"

N. Freshman answered, "Yes, she graduated with my class. I remem-ber her well. And do you remem-ber Happy Jim? He graduated in '21, I think. He was a hard worker at school."

' 'Yes , " said U. Junior, "And there are so many others. I often think about. A fellow is so likely to for-get those good old times and his old codlege pals. One ought to keep a complete record of all of his friends —their pictures, activities and such things. Then he would not forget so 8O0n.';

' "Why," exclaimed A. Senior, " I have the very thing. Our good old Milestones—all about our (Ad class-mates and college chums. I have a Milestone for every year I spent at College. I'll get them."

And the Milestones proved very entertaining, indeed. The old fa-miliar scenes brought back happy memories. The pictures of the fac-ulty, the various classes, athletic teams, organizations, joke depart-ment, and college calendar—all car-ried them back to " those good old days."

The evening passed quickly. I t was soon time for them to part. As they exchanged farewells, A. Senior said, "Those Milestones are worth their weight in gold. I certainly am glad that I have them."

AH of which means. Fellow Hope-ites, that when you leave these col-lege halls, and pass out into the world, there will be nothing which can mean so much to you, as your col lege annual I t will play the part of a true friend. If you want something which is worth |3.(M).now, and will be worth many times more that amount, as the years go by, do not fail to fin out a subscription blank for the 1921 Milestone. You cannot invest your money more wisely.

Yours for a happy and successful future, filled with fond memories of "our golden college days ."

The Milestone Staff.

Insoire thou me. 0 saeredl Muse, in this my task of joy, To show the wonders of thy might, the ^ t s t h ^ ^ ^ e ^ f r Whereby thy charms are known. The earth, the sky, the a Thv warshiD is a pleasure. To thee in lowhness does bend The heart of every man that breathes. Songs e f j o y as^eiul Where'er thy spirit is invited. Thy divine inspired strains Have soothed the heart of man whene e* in <*™"8

To Hip dmrs his cup of woe. In the stillness of the m^nt, O'er silent hdlls and resting fields with <*lm and ' Thnn dost the creeping beasts inspire to sung thedr nignUy song. K . t S . t d T . n M . k . S S . « « The enchantment of thy mugihty a r t o f ^ y e t d o A a way The heart of mortal man-, where er thou beckonest the way. w w £ tooTrtt, thoil movest men to happiness and g t a A ^ s , But doet thou chooee the q ^ r w i s e , t,o lonedy enef Wiben dreary night giwe/xinto day A nA in thip east the sleepy sun comes looking o er the sleep,

^ i s then from darksome w u ^ U y ^ ^ ^ A thousand binds in unison send forth their Prom silent hills and vales and bush and ' Breaks forth a sound of happy mirth afcm to that divine. One miehty chorus! Their sweet throats nearly break. In utterance of their happy Bongs by t ^ T o v ^ r S i l l This then the head of man lifts f W him liirht and beauty, joy and gladness, deeply drmx nnear nn S f T o S v b o u S s wealth. Oh, flttuse how great thou ar t . F o ™ ™ o v i d e this deep sweet joy, the thrill o f s o u l and heart. How sacred the tender ties thy channBwlt of t inspire! TVmk*r tie® vet strong f a r than death or hell and fire. TKWS cry of new-born babe, TIO words CAM e ' e r express I t e w S ^ s ^ e a n i n g for its mother, the infinite tenderness W i t H h i c h she heare the sound. Its helpless crying voice. Arouses into consciousness new causes t o ^ o i c e . The tender joy of motherhood inspired by thy wall, . Finds only love its counterpart, a calm both deep and stall.

Andi Nature seems intent on man its mighty forces cla-in,

Of play he most enjoys. All nature to him Her forces for his pleasure, while ever hills And field^ He romps in his wild game. Soon tired of his play. He seeks new scenes to visit and slowly moves ^way. His voice grows fainter, fainter as slowly on he goes Tifl h a r d l y ^ is heard. Oh, Muse how The musk from his voice! When thus touched by ^ y ^ r m , His voice once loud and harsh, grows tender, sweet and How of t on quiet evening, have I thy spirit l eu . When day retiring from her tasks in holy stillness kne t To hallow nights arrival, ,ere to earth she ^ ^ . Her watchful eyes so fair, and in the arms of n 5 , . r e F ^ f Twas then while dusk came slowly creeping o er the hills,

f n ' p t o U v e S ' a n d w T t h l ^ u r ^ d beate ^ c n ^ e t e kept, The rythmi of their tuneful song, whale n m i and nature slept.

S - U g busy guardsmen keeping watch thrwighout the night. Gruffly buzzed their s tem commands as ^ w a r d kepi fe.r flight.

S S S S n t . ~ n . • " 4

. U h w W g n t l . M « * ,

Termed thy chawms most fittingly " the music of the spheres. The heart that beats in. tune can hear a thousand different lays, For all of life itself reveals the wonders of thy ways.

Literature and Life We are living in an age of degen--erybody's business ought to be our

eracy. For altho science has ad lbusiness. As a philosopher, the true vanced tremendously in recent yearslscholars studies the thoughts and who can say that the great and good "acts of men, the whys and where-things of human life have not de- fores of every human emotion. %But clined? I n music we have jazz, in in searching out this vast maae of painting the insane jargon of the human thought and endeavor he is tuturists' mind, in poetry and writ- always analyzing and classifying, ing .beautiful senseless nothingness, separating the good from the bad, The Philistine and ithe iconoclast skimming the dross from the pure stand in high places and rant and gold, dividing the superficial from rave at the ever-growing applauding what is genuine, for in the purple multitude. In religion and morality distance is his ideal, the Truth that as well as in art, the times present makes men free. All sin and pain a sorry spectacle. We a r e drifting and strife and sorrow and death, towards another Renaissance or all these are the results of ignorance catastrophe. ^ 3 0 ^ jWlosopher

The value of good literature to- stands aloof f rom the world and day is inestimable. Every original watches the races of men go by, and utterance of the ideas of the world studies them, dividing the truly good, has been first conceived, and has All that essentially concerns man, found its first tangible expression in all his achievements, has failures, poetry. The poet leaves his stamp and all that goes to the heart of upon the lives of the whole Pace, human existence is chronicled and —philosophers reason, scientists ex- expressed in ar t , and of all art , lit-plore, money-changers scheme, trad- erature to us is the most (intelligible, esmen haggle, and farmers plough or Books explain, man to himself. They sow—all under conditions modified open avenues of vision and suggest by what has been divulged in song, trends of thought which- throw-search

To the student of today, as a lights of deeper * self-understanding searcher a f te r truth, literature ought and appreciation. They reveal to us to have a special appeal. , We read the meaning of our every thought, because we have a passion to know They tell us things of ourselves life,—life on the Gold Coast, life in which we never suspected. • the just ordinary bourgeois homes, /Books are epochs in the careers of life on the sea, life in the great great men. They a re dividing lines marts of trade, life everywhere. Ev- in the lives of the lowliest. In the

grey dawn of • winter's morning I sat wjth a volume of 'Xes Misera-bfes / ' following the last pitiful ef-forts of Jean Valjean, and looking out on the street which was filled with shivering, hurrying workmen, I beheld a new world, in which all men were Jean Valjeans, and I was one of them. I know a man whose whole life was changed by one reading of " In Memoriam." A Conon Doyle read " D o n Quixote" while he was very young, and resolved that he would never misrepresent anything again. The eleoquence and fire of ^ orators is of ten very misleading, but in the quiet, unemotional contempla-tion of books, one finds rest and peace of soul, or calmly rejects the author a s misinformed1 and unworthy of acceptance. •

The desire for sympathy is an in-nate characteristic of us all. The savage is less miserable in fea r and " danger when there is a fellow-suffer-er. The fearful dread of standing alone is alleviated in a measure by the convpanionship of books; to find sympathy which comes from a knowl-edge that our inmost emotions are shared, we turn to them. He will never lack a friend who lives with books. Tri te though this may sound, yet the constant repetition of the truth does not make it false. So often we a r e forced' by circumstances to be surrounded by base and ig-noble, or uncongenial influences. But to the lover of literature this is no serious handicap. As Emerson explains—^"Go with mean people and you think life is mean. Then read Plutarch, and the world is a proud

• place, peopled with men of prfitive quality, with heroes and demigods standing around us, who will not let us sleep." The sordid and the base are nothing .to those who revel with master minds through l>e medium of literature.

I t may be that some cf us are bom to merely cut and dried mattcr-of-foct existences, as teachers, doc-tors, office clerks, and npen us has fallen the curse of vainly striving for a passing hour of pleasure. Tho the blood of the Troubadour course madly through our veins, tho our fingers itch for a string of the long-bow, we can never know them in reality. Yet within the four walls of our library is a treasure house of adventure. We live Romeo and Juliet over a thousand times in our minds. Yon corpulent lawyer is intrepid Le-ander; he swims the Hellespont night af ter night, and catches no cold do-ing so, 'Behold there Robin Hood who

> in the humdrum world is Smith the shoe salesman. Come with imagina-tion and you open th* gates to an all-possrble way of living!

But, above all this, in the develop-ment and interpretation of litera-ture is the hope of civilization. The poet, the author, is the dreamer. The dreamer is the idealist, and the ideal-ist is the most practical man under the sun.

No great deed, no marvelous in-vention, and nothing worth the doing ^vas ever accomplished without first being conceived as a vision. New-ton, Luther, Emerson, Galileo, Tennyson, Lincoln—-ail these were dreamers, idealists. The idealist is t h a . pioneer, ,blazing the way, through ignorance and prejudice; without (ham civilization degenerates to i ts primordial stage. Art, of which literature is the most universal em-bodiment, remains the enduiin^ power of civilization.

Ralph C. Metaia.

GrSat interest centers in the He-brew University on the Mount of Ol-ives, I t is planned' to make it the world center for Jewish- culture and education. A collection of books is being made from all over the world. One collection of 40,000 volumes has been given. Among the world-famous Jewish scholars who have joined the faculty of the university a re : Prof, Albert Einstein, author of the new Uieory of relativity; Prof, August von Wassermann, discoverer of the blo^d test which and

Prof. S. Freud, the psycho^maJyst. -

Page 3: 01-24-1921

T H E A N 0 H 6 B

From India CAMPUS NEWS used by all the inhabitants and many carloads are exported^ The Palmy-ra 'a large leaf is used for roof cov- Everybody goring to hear the Mon-erings. Th» date palm bears a tague's tonight? Dea Oasewaarde, Tindivanam, S. Arcot, India.

Greetings from Che land of the Palms dwarf-like frui t which never ripens w h o h a 8 h e a r d t h e i r P r ® g T a m fl'teen

We have ony two seasons down h e r e - T h e ^ ^ t h e t r ee . ^ * r * ^ 9 P l e n d l d ' in the S o u % r n part of India, name- w h e n f e P m e n t e d is India's drink, or * ly: "ho t and hotter ." So December, "toddy," so called. The juice of the Dr. J. B. Nykeric addressed the January and February would be con- ' o w n u t pahn is said to be most in- Reiformed Ministers of Western sidered " h o t " and the other months toxicating. Michigan at a Social Conference " h o t t e ' r " . Mango, Tamarind, Papaya, Plant- held in the Third Reformed church

The temperature at this time of i n e o r Banana. Ousterd Apple, Ban- 'n Grand Rapids last Monday aft-year is about 75° in the shade. The yan> and the Rain tfee are the most .ernoon. IThe topic of his address medium or averhge temperature is common trees. The first five men W 8 S "Read t he Word ' ." 9jj0 and the hottest is 105°: Tindiv- t'oned are f ru i t trees. The tamarind None than Dr. Nykerk, himself,

a nam is twenty miles f rom the sea '» U 8 e d i n and also for a kind » " l n t ^ e t ^ coast so we do get the benefit of a of pickle. The Papaya' is more or tifully " t h e Word ' J h o s e of us

little tea breeze in the evenings most l e s s I i !ke o u r musk-mellon in appear- h a v e t a k e , > t l l e ° of the year. We have a fine sleep- ance. We eat it raw or stewed. C(>ur8e ' " f 1 h ' m ' ^ t h a t ^ ing place all screened in, on the roof Their seeds have a pepsin tajte. You " b e c T u H f so our nights are quite comfortable, all know the plantine, only these H

Each year two Monsoons are ex- varieties are smaller than the home ^ pected. The N. E. Monsoon is the banana. The- other two frui',8 are too 1

heavy and long one. which comes in difficult to describe, but they are Of all Peop'f. n<>ne are M husy iui the last of October, November, and very delicious. ^uderU. Their days a r e f f l l ^ w . t h December. I t is then that the tanks. We have a number of the native a ^mu'titude of duties and « s p o I or lakes and ponds are filled to over- vegetables, but as a rule we send for Ci t ies . But the two bu |

our first good rain and " i t came hundred miles away. ^ a l l , k i ny

d r l e s s t o o k o u r t u i t i o n 5

Snctioi StM Shoes

At the Athletic Store

Get your Basket Ball outfit early.

TongereiTs Store



down in sheets. ' The last shower We have a numh r o f p e t t - d ^ , ,U8 o u r r e . dad some damage in this district, the plants shrubs, different colored cro- * * * JTaightened out our railroads were washed out, a dam tons, ferns, small palms, etc. The J w o r k ( a n d benevo-

I m

Keefer's Lunch Room



i j a v . way la one o( l b , l ank , anti jonoa c r . i p t . . l l h it, plak aad d m m 1 ( l n l i j . and its water overflowed into the w h l t e bVssom is viry pretty and •' . sion slips. AW thanks and praise to

Miss .De Free and' Prof. Wichers! Now, if we don't flunk in exams, we can begin work with light hearts, poeketbooks, and minds.

next and forced two others to break. £™ws nos t rapidly. All of thes^ The water flooded the lands in the a r e started from cuttings. The most close vicinity and washed aiway rice disappohling tb nj? is the grass. crops. The S. W. Monsoon comes in F r o m a distance it may look green, May or June and is light, but much b u t ']t i s v e r y t h i n a r i d t h e s a n d y s o i l

n Z i e i - f " ! 3 t h r : t - 1 4 t* T A ^ t Harold Lubbers is with ou again. The poor people live in wretched short weed than a beautiful velvet ^ o s t e n s i b l y f o r a flying

quarters and naturally in the rainy 'awn- ,. . . •, visit only, but such is Hope's attrac-season their low, poorly built mud T h e B i r d Fauna of India is hand-huts leak an4 become very damp, wme and very extensive. I wish you Even in our Bungalow our clothes c ould hear the birds sing at this very and leather goods become mouldy moment. Some of them are beauti-and spoil. These conditions usher in f u l r i c h songsters and others such as the many diseases as influenza, chol- the "Brain-Fever B i rd" and the era, small pox and plague. " T h e c r o w a r e B108* annoying. W e often Survivors of the Fi t tes t ' ' are the on- see the Wild Parrots, Minas (gracula

tion for him that he is thinking of staying unti! June, dong some study-ing, of course, in the meanwhile.

p. s . b o t e r & CO.

Everything in Clothing, Shoes and Hosiery. Luxite Hosiery for women in silks and lisles. Basket Ball Shoes used by leading Colleges

also at reduced prices.

Another shipment of Womens 4 Bkl. Arctics received-

r Dr. Dimnent returned from the hospital last Friday. Altho he will nQ.t be able to conduct his classes for

a , t j uui some time, we are glad to have him ly ones who can live in this land of musica), Seven-Sisters or Babblers, ^ ^ o n ^ c ^ dirt, filth and disease. various splendid species of the Wood

As I said the water supplies arc Peckers, blue birds of all shades, the " t a n k s " or what we would call Fairy Blue Bird, (Irena) King Fish- REV. TEUNIS GOWENS ADDRESS-lakes, ponds, and - stagnant pools, ers, BukBuls, Hoopoes, Black Rob- £ 5 CHAPEL TUESDAY Where more recent civilization has ins. Humming Birds and many other entered they have deep wells. Most gorgeous colored species. The Rev. Teunis E. Gowens, of of them are open, but the more re- Likewise the butterflies and moths Mountain Plains, New Jersey, and a cent and sanitary ones have high ce- a r e numberless and beautifully col- graduate of the class of 1919, ad-ment walls and a cover, with a door ored. Some of the insects we come in dressed the students in Chapel Tues- 1 on each side, which is expected to contact with, and continually have to day morning. He gave a very inter- ' be kept closed exteept when people fight are the white ants, mosquitoes, esting talk on Isaiah 40:81, "But j|jt=i draw water. We have two open bed-bugs which we are bound to pick they that wait for Jehovah shall re- 111 wells on our compound where a up in the houses and on trains), and new their strength; they shall mount number of our Christians and our-' the scorpion. up with wings as eagles; they shall selves get our supply. Certain castes The reptile, the snalke also should ^un and not be weary; they shall can go to certain <<tanks , , and it is have a space here. The tree, the walk, and not faint. J le first showed strange that no caste man will ever grass rakes, and the Cobras are t h a t » in spite of the seeming re-attempt to draw water from a tank found in our yard f rom time to time, versed order of the phrases, the oas used by those of other castes. Most The Cobra is the most poisonous and d e r was correct. The mounting up of the tan(k» have steps leading down the one we fea r most We have found c a n b e compared -to the idealism and

to the water 's edge. Crowds of eight Cobra eggs under a pile of people come to these tanks with brick and a large black Cobra in the brass and earthen pots which they office wastepaper basket. fill and carry home. This is the In this section of the country they ^ h u m . d r u m m o n o t o n y o f

general proceedure : _ T h e y stand in raise paddy peanuts, raggi and kam- b u s i n e s s i w h i c h i s h a r d e s t o f a l l t o

the water, wash their pots, take a bu. We have learned to eat nee e n ( j u r e 4

drink, fill their pots, take a bath, daily like the native. The Indian T h r e e a r e p e s s a r y for per-wash their clothes, come out, put on does not consider a meal, a meal un- w y e T & r i c e a n d ) finally success: a p . their wet clothes, put the pots of wa- less he has had a heap of rice. Tin- o f c o n s c i e n c e > ^ s e n M o f

ter on their heads, and go off letting divanam is called the pe anut or / . o m ( p u l s i o n > a n d a feeling of confi-the heat of the body, the sun, and groundnut country. ' The-peanuts d e n c e A I n a n c a n n o t perform his the air dry their clothes. In some are of a smaller variety than those d a . l y t a s k a w i t h a n y d € g r e e 0 f 3 ^ . tanks they also let their cows, buff- at home. Besides extracting great c e g g ^ e v e r i p ] e a s u r e to himself, if aloes, etc. walk in to bathe and to quantities of oil from the peanuts ^ jg c o n t inual ly working against his drinfc. i t is some sight to see the here, large amounts are also export- a w n c 0 n s c i e n c e . And he will not be #

people and cattle all in at once per- ed for later consignment to America a y e <j0 ^ jf h e does | forming these various duties. I could as ''olive-oil." Raggi and kambu are n o ^ ^hat this is his^uty. If that * tell endless tales, fo r in and around both grains. Raggi is much like rye. 0 f compulsion is present, he \ their houses they do f a r worse things It is ground into a fine powder and w i i | n o t be able to relinquish his r | as, burying the first born infant of a then cooked. I t is used as a cereal either. He will have to keep S few days old in the kitchen. The and is cheaper than rice. 0TU Again, contfiderice is necessary • cattle also live inside their little All the farming is done in the t 0 the whole-hearted performance of I homes. Please imagine fo r yourself crudest fashion. Most labor is done duty, fo r no one perseveres in a • how much these folks know and ob- by hand but the plow and many of thing, much less undeirtakee it, if s fcre rules of hygiene and sanita- the oil mills are worked by bullocfc he thinks it may fail.

Fountain Pens— Eversharp Pencils

Every student needs them. You can get just what you want



the dreams of youth, starting out in life. The running signifies the en-thusdasm - and joyousness of youth, while the walking means the daily

Let Us Do Your Photo Work! Good work and reasonable

prices assured.



Holland Photo Shop 10 East 8th St. D. J, DU SAAR


20 pet off On Shirts and Pants

S U P E R I O R CIGAR CO. 3 0 0 R W f f p A v e ,


| Gonklin's Self Filling Pens Tht best kind to bay. .They art fuinntced.

For Sale only at

MODEL DRUG STORE Corn.r Rirar aad 8lh Si.

4 I

us look at the more pic-of the country. One

by the plants, and birds.

power. But we must know if we can trust Mrs. Nellie S. Van Vranken. our consciences to he our guides.

— Oiw dense of duty maybe warped, Florence McKelvie returned to and cause us to view things out of

All school Tuesday af ter a six week's their t rue perspective. And both the different kinds of ^est at home. are necessary fo r the last, the as-

— * surance of victory. I t is only bf

and shrubs. The Y. W. C. A. has sent $75 to- "waiting for the Lord" and by trust-to beautify the ward paying the salary- of Mdss Eliz- ing in Him and in His judgment

There are three abeth Dunning, a Y. W. C. A. secre- that we can have the approval Of in this section, th" tary in Japan. The " Y " girl* also conscience, sense of compulsion, and

and the Date, sent $40 to the Armenian Relief the confidence necessary to ' 'walk,

fonft which is fund. and not f a i n t . "

Music Studies, Sheet Music, Books, Violins and Vio-

linists EVERYTI

_ y,L

n wutstb

. 'v-

r "

Page 4: 01-24-1921

f . * ' . ' 1? T-


Y. W. C. A.

Four r

Nutty Stuff Subscribe for the Milestone —$8 for a fortune of memories

When You Think of Flowers RKMIliBER—THE T W E L F T H ST. F L O R A L S H O P - P H O N B 1501

Developing, Printing -AND-

Everything Photographic AT COSTER'S

19 E. Eighth Street Citz. P h o n e 1582


WAGENAAR & HAMM, 2 8 W « t t 9 t h S t r . Cit*. Phone 1470

STATIONERY SPECIALS Highland Linen $1.15 and $1.25 boxes for


FRIS BOOK STORE 30 West 8th St.

OUR FOUNTAIN SPECIALS Snow Ball Sundae 20c. Maple Pecan Sundae 25c.

" Maple Walnut Sundae 25c. Hot Chocolate

" Malted Milk Try one of these after the game.

Lindeborg's Drug Store 54 EAST EIGHTH STR.

The Holland Dry Cleaners Goods called for and delivered

Phone 1528 H. Meengs, Prop. 9 E. 8 th St

For your meals and lunches while in Holland stop at the


N. HOFFMAN, Proprietor Citizens Phone 1041 Holland, Mich


Dry Goods, Coats and Cloaks and



Get Your Eats for Society affairs



Have You Tried some of our Bread and Rolls? If not, try some today, you will be delighted with the delicious, apetizing fla-# vor; Just ask for Fedtral, the name that guarantees quality. ^

Federal System of Bakeries, 18 E. 8th St., Holland, Mich. |

Almost ail vl the College and Pre-paratory girls gathered at the Y. W. C. A. meeting Thursday evening to listen to a talk given by Mies Nellie Churchford who has charge of the Holland City Rescue Mission.^ Miss Churchford gives ther time and her strength and ev-en her last dodlar at all hours of the day and night to the poor, needy and unfortunate in our city. iShe is a noble woman of God. and one almost wonders at her mar-velous faith, fihe lives for and with her (Master.. Sihe said "I feed the poor, care for the sick, and bury the dead, but my aim is to bring them to the Lord Jesus Christ." Miss Ohurchford loves girls and especial-ly understands the industrial girl. -She said that so many philanthropic women want to do something for the shop girl but fail. The reason ii that they go about it in a conde-scending, patronizing way and for-get tbat a girl is a girl. (No matter how poor or rich, how good or bad she ds. Miss Churchford gave us some splendid suggestions as to how we can remove the great gulf wiiich exists between the Industrial Girl and the College Girl. She related many touching incidents in her work and at the close of the meeting, all of us went away determined to live more unselfish lives, to widen our circles, to do away with our de-structive criticizing and to live clos-er to the Master.

The devotional service was in charge of Lillian Van Dyke, whose consecrated life and friendly spirit is ever a great inspiration to ail of us. The many fervent and sincere prayers offered by the girls caused Miss Churchford to say "Girls, you have the spirit of God in your midst ."

We now feel that the following prayer from an English woman's Litany of Today's Needs, should be the prayer in the heart of each Hope girl.

"Lord, help women to meet the needs of this great day large-heart-edly and large-mindedly, giving wide service with a wise and sturdy hearts.. (Make us generous and constructive in criticizing, keep us from unkind words and unkind sil-ences. Jn these days When old sign posts are being pulled" down, grant us to be bold in blazingi new trails, but also to be faithful to thy lessons of the past that we may leave a fair-er as well as a nobler world to those who come af te r us. Cleanse us from all pettiness or self-seeking, filling us with a gallant and undaunt-ed spirit, that we may be diffusers of life, invigorating all we meet.

Boys and Girls Have your annual photo's

taken now at the

Lacey Studio HOLLAND

We hate to stoop so lo#, but we have been busier than a one-armed paper hanger with cuties, so there s nothing else to do. In order to fill this column this week we will have to resort to poetry. We ihope you will forgive us. Here's the best we

can do:

The L e a Wad The bell is tolling 8. To the store comes Kate. She should have come a t seven Altho she quits a t eleven.

e is a weary salesgirl; She is also very glum; She feels beneath the c o u n t e r -But does not find her gum.

"Heavings! Oh Mag." Oh, Maud! Some of youse come early x

And has beat me to my wad! I may be but a woiking goil. But woiking goils has rights; An ' to preserve that gum I kep* it here o' nights.

No goil aint no lady For a crook she has become Who'd steal from any lady Her on 'y wad o* gum!

Here and There We understand that they don' t

serve toothpicks at the dorm. Well, they do seem sort of useless there.

There is a school that advertises that it will teach any girl to become a movie actress for $2. We have no-ticed quite a few of i t ' s graduates on the screen.

Dyke and Chuck took in a show on their Iowa trip and they bought the seats in the highest row of the top gallery so that nothing in the show would go over their heads.

Yes, we know we are silly, but then, that famous saying of Prof. Wichers and Abraham Lincoln that "God must have loved the common people because he made so many of them," applies also to silly people.

Girls, don't be discouraged be-cause you are not good looking. Beauty is the first gift Nature gives to women and the first she takes from her. You have nothing to lose then.



is the place to go if you want service. Three experienced bar-bers.

The Student's Barbers ^ CASPER BELT

Below Hotel Holland

Are you interested in a


at half price. Any make, sny model. Typing 6c. per 100 words.


iODEL LAUNDRY J . 8th St. Citz. Phone 1442

Our Motto

Quality and Prompt Service

Feeding The Ravens

POOR printing, besides be-ing a waste of expenture, gives negative, unfavora-

ble impressions. Money spent for poor printing is like feeding it to the birds. Whereas, print ing of quality is effective, eco nomical, and lasting.

From the printing of the simplest envelope stuffer or

^ card to the most complex order we aim to imbue a spirit of quality and attractiveness.

Why not let us cO - operate for a most pleasing result on your next job of printing?

You'll find our prices right too, the same to everybody.

STEKETEE • VAN HUIS Printing House

180 River Ave. Holland, Mich. Phone 1908

A chip of the old block is often a blockhead. .

; )


Marcus Muilenburg, '20, has re-cently taken a position in the High school at Marcus, Iowa. He will be instructor in Mathematics and Latin.

WeW we are sorry but there are only 24 hours in a day and since we have used 22 of today's hours al-ready we might as well sleep the other two. You know, late supers and late hours make men unhealthy, unwealthy and otherwise.

The engagement , of Miss Hattie Ver Meer, '20, and Mr. Henry Mol, has been announced.

< <

(A call has been extended to Rev. Richard Vanden Berg\, of Chicago, III., by the Reformed church of Vriesland, Mich. Rev. Vanden Berg was a member of the class of 1913.

Rev. Cornelius De Young of Schenectady, N. ., has accepted the pastorate of the Second Reformed church of Orange City, la. Rev. De Young belonged to the class of '12.

Rev. Teunis Gouwens, Hope '09, who has been visiting in Holland, has returned to his home in Moiln-tain Lakes, N. J.

The Sorosis new girls entertained their society sisters Wednesday evening.

Ethical query; Which is better to borrow money to pay your tuition or to register late and pay a dollar which is not wanted by the college?



One of our bright little prodigies of the Prep wrote up an experiment for Prof. Evans the other day on

The Osculating Spring.' '

We realize that all is not good that is written—sometimes it is rotten. You know we cannot shine all the time—even the sun can ' t do that.

S. Sprietsma & Son HOLLAND, MICH.

HollandCity Sate Bank HOLLAND, MICH.

Closing Chorus:—lEarly to bed and early, to 'r ise.

And you^ll never meet any regular guys.

Capital $100,000.00 Surplus and Profits $85,000.00

Gentlemen, be seated!


22 West 8th Street, Above Woolworth's 5 and . 10 Cent Store ,

Office Hours— 9 to 11 A. M. % to 6 P. M.

Tues. and Sat. 7 to 9 P. M.

DR. A. LEENHOUTS Citz. Phone 1208





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Franklin Policies

Are Registered. See

Wm. J. Olive

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