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Lab Guide




© 2013 ServiceNow All Rights Reserved Page 1

Service Catalog 301 LABS: In this lab session, attendees learn how to use and maintain an extension to the Service Catalog application that utilizes the power of the ServiceNow platform:

• Lab 1 - For this lab, you explore exactly what the item configuration application consists of, including what tables/business rules and workflow control the automation.

• Lab 2 – For the second lab, you bulk import a prepopulated list of souvenirs into the item configuration table. This simulates the collections of items from a business unit and demonstrates the speed at which this automation can build out a catalog.

• Lab 3 – In the third lab, you extend the base item configuration table to include Recurring Price and Frequency. These additions to the service catalog in Calgary show how this base concept can be extended as the platform and/or your business grows.

• Lab 4 – In the final lab you add an additional task to the item configuration table and update the corresponding workflow to work with the new fields. This again serves to show how this concept is configurable in an easy manner to meet the needs of the business.

Version notes: Lab content was built using the Calgary release of ServiceNow. Operations will likely work in older versions, but this has not been tested.

© 2013 ServiceNow All Rights Reserved Page 2

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© 2013 ServiceNow All Rights Reserved Page 6

Lab 1 In this lab, you create a new Catalog Item with the Item Configuration Application and explore the Business Rule and Workflow that controls the item creation process.

Create a New Item

1. Log into your lab instance as admin using the password admin.

2. Navigate to Item Configuration > Item Configurations.

3. Click New.

Explore the Item

Configuration Application

© 2013 ServiceNow All Rights Reserved Page 7

4. Complete the form as follows: Item Name: Red Stapler Category: Office and Print Price: 20.00 Item Description: Great desk accessory Manager Approval: checked Task 1: checked Task 1 Fulfillment Group: Procurement Task 1 Description: Procure and deliver red stapler

5. Right-click the header and Save.

View the Business Rule

1. Right-click the header and select Personalize > Business Rules.

2. Click Item Creation.

3. The Script is well commented. What steps does this Business Rule Perform?

4. Navigate to Item Configuration > Item Configurations.

5. Click Red Stapler to open the record.

© 2013 ServiceNow All Rights Reserved Page 8

View the Catalog Item

1. Click the information decoration next to the Catalog Item.

2. What Workflow is attached to the Catalog Item?

3. What Variable Sets are associated with the Catalog Item?

4. Click Try It.

5. Click Order Now.

6. Click Red Stapler.

7. Under Related Links, click Show Workflow.

8. What is the active Workflow Activity? How does the Workflow utilize information from the Item Configuration?

9. Close the Workflow window.

© 2013 ServiceNow All Rights Reserved Page 9

Lab 2 You have a large number of souvenirs to import to the catalog. Rather than creating each individually, you can use the new Application to bulk import the items.

Load Data Through System Import Sets

1. Download the Excel spreadsheet with the catalog items to import from the link provided on the Live Feed.

2. Navigate to System Import Sets > Load Data.

3. Complete the form as follows: Create new Label: Item Configuration Import Upload an Excel file File: Select the file downloaded in Step 1

Bulk Import Catalog Items

© 2013 ServiceNow All Rights Reserved Page 10

4. Click Go.

5. Under Next steps!, click Create transform map.

6. Complete the form as follows: Name: Item Config Transform Target table: Example Item Config [u_ex_item_config]

7. Click Auto map matching fields. NOTE: you should have 16 mapped fields.

8. Under Related Links, click Transform.

© 2013 ServiceNow All Rights Reserved Page 11

9. Verify Item Config Transform is selected, and click Transform.

10. Navigate to Item Configuration > Item Configurations to see the new items.

© 2013 ServiceNow All Rights Reserved Page 12

Lab 3 The Calgary release of ServiceNow introduces recurring prices. In this lab, you update the Item Configuration Application to allow item creators to supply recurring prices. In addition to adding the new fields, you need to update the Business Rules to account for the new fields.

Add Recurring Price and Frequency Fields

1. Navigate to Item Configuration > Item Configurations.

2. Click New.

3. Right-click the header bar and select Personalize > Form Layout.

4. Under Create new field, complete the fields as follows: Name: Recurring Price Type: Price

5. Click Add.

Extend the Item

Configuration Application

© 2013 ServiceNow All Rights Reserved Page 13

6. Under Create new field, complete the fields as follows: Name: Recurring Frequency Type: Choice

7. Click Add.

8. Move Recurring Price and Recurring Frequency from the bottom of the Selected list so they appear right under Price.

9. Click Save.

10. Right-click the label for Recurring Frequency and select Personalize Dictionary.

© 2013 ServiceNow All Rights Reserved Page 14

11. Update the Dictionary Entry as follows: Choice table: Frequency [sys_frequency] Choice field: Value

12. Click Update.

13. Verify that Recurring Frequency now has values to select.

© 2013 ServiceNow All Rights Reserved Page 15

Update the Item Creation Business Rule

1. Right-click the header bar and select Personalize > Business Rules.

2. Click Item Creation.

3. Challenge: Modify the Script in the Business Rule to map the two new fields to the corresponding fields in the catalog item table. Check the Live Feed for hints if you get stuck.

Create a Business Rule to Update the Catalog Item

1. From the list of Business Rules, click New.

2. Complete the form as follows: Name: Update Item Recurring Price and Freq Update: checked

3. Challenge: Modify the Script in the Business Rule to update the corresponding fields in the catalog item table if these values change. Check the Live Feed for hints if you get stuck.

Test the New Fields

1. Navigate to Item Configuration > Item Configurations.

2. Create a new item with a Recurring Price and Frequency.

3. Verify the values carry over to the Catalog Item record.

4. Update the Recurring Price and Frequency on the Item Configuration table.

5. Verify the values update on the Catalog Item record.

© 2013 ServiceNow All Rights Reserved Page 16

Lab 4 You have some situations where the Catalog Item requires four tasks to be completed rather than just the three currently available in the Item Configuration Application. You need to update the form and the Workflow to allow for an additional task to be created.

Update the Item Configurations Form

1. Navigate to Item Configuration > Item Configurations.

2. Click New.

3. Right-click the header bar and select Personalize > Form Layout.

4. Under Create new field, add the following three fields: Name: Task 4 Type: True/False Name: Task 4 Fulfillment Group Type: Reference Table to Reference: Group [sys_user_group] Name: Task 4 Description Type: String Field Length: Medium (100)

5. Place the new fields under the Task 3 fields.

6. Click Save.

Update the Workflow

Add a Task to the Workflow

© 2013 ServiceNow All Rights Reserved Page 17

1. Navigate to Workflow > Workflow Editor.

2. Click Open and select Basic Catalog Item.

3. Click the Workflow Actions (gear) button and select Checkout.

4. Right-click the If Task 3 Activity and select Copy Activity.

5. Double-click the new Activity to open it.

6. Rename the Activity If Task 4 and update the Script to determine if Task 4 is needed. Check the Live Feed for hints if you get stuck.

7. Click Update.

8. Right-click the Task 4 Activity and select Copy Activity.

9. Double-click the new Activity to open it.

10. Rename the Activity Task 4 and update the Script to set Task 4 Fulfillment Group and Description information. Check the Live Feed for hints if you get stuck.

11. Click Update.

© 2013 ServiceNow All Rights Reserved Page 18

12. Update the Workflow transitions as follows: Remove the connection from If Task 3 | No to End Remove the connection from Task 3 | Always to End Connect If Task 3 | No to If Task 4 Connect If Task 4 | No to End Connect If Task 4 | Yes to Task 4 Connect Task 4 | Always to End

13. Click the Workflow Actions (gear) button and select Publish.

© 2013 ServiceNow All Rights Reserved Page 19

Test the Workflow

1. Navigate to Item Configuration > Item Configurations.

2. Create a new item with a Task 4. NOTE: Tasks 1-3 are not necessary to create a Task 4 for the purpose of this test.

3. Verify the task is created with the appropriate description and Fulfillment Group.

Additional Resources • Service Catalog:

http://wiki.servicenow.com/index.php?title=Introduction_to_Service_Catalog • Creating a Custom Application:
