
By Mike Tegeder, Parks & Trails Council president P arks & Trails Council is very much identified with our great system of Minnesota State Parks. Indeed, a major undertaking in P&TC’s early years was the innovative effort to raise private funds to acquire land for a new state park, which we now know as Afton State Park. A reading of Roy Meyer’s “Everyone’s Country Estate: A History of Minnesota’s State Parks” testifies to our essential involvement with many of the great state parks we now enjoy. But we have also had relationships with regional parks for some time and this is a growing involvement as this issue’s story on Anderson Park in Isanti County testifies. Our 76 state parks are truly jewels that bedeck our state but the growing development of regional parks only enhances the presence of special places for a growing population. is is a great time for P&TC to work with various regional groups like the Friends of An- derson Park to provide more park and trail opportunities. ese often are the first connection for people with parks. It was for me. My own appreciation of the parks goes back to when I was about 10 years old. Living in north Minneapolis did not provide much in the way of outdoor ad- venture. But my parents signed me up for day camp at Baker Regional Park, then known as Lake Independence County Park. Once school ended we were bused out daily for a week where there was swimming, archery, crafts and even fishing from the shoreline. I did this for several years and I still have fond memories of the program. And then my brother and I with some friends began biking on county roads out to the park for day-long summer adventures. Luckily county roads were not too heavily traveled by cars then. Regional and local parks are very acces- sible. ey are often a bike or bus ride away. Working with local and regional groups P&TC support can make them even more available. ere is especially an opportunity to connect these parks with regional bike trails. ese are exciting days. parks & trails council of mn www.parksandtrails.org Letter from the president of Parks & Trails Council Regional parks: meaningful to state’s outdoor recreation Since 1954, the nonprofit, member-supported Parks & Trails Council of Minnesota has been saving special places for the public’s use and benefit. Together we ensure our state’s most outstanding natural lands are preserved for parks and trails. Join us in continuing this legacy for future generations to understand and experience the natural world. Plus our members receive a year’s subscription to MINNESOTA TRAILS MAGAZINE. Join Today! Either mail the subscription card enclosed in this magazine or join online www. ParksandTrails.org Join us in saving special places! Parks & Trails Council of Minnesota would like to thank the following sponsor www.pincushiontrailsinn.com Minnesota Trails Summer 2015 5 1505Summer.indd 5 5/5/15 1:26 PM

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Post on 15-Sep-2015




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  • By Mike Tegeder, Parks & Trails Council president

    Parks & Trails Council is very much identified with our great system of Minnesota State Parks. Indeed, a major undertaking in P&TCs early years was the innovative effort to raise private funds to acquire land for a new state park, which we now know as Afton State Park. A reading of Roy Meyers Everyones Country Estate: A History of Minnesotas State Parks testifies to our essential involvement with many of the great state parks we now enjoy.But we have also had relationships with regional parks for some time and this is a growing involvement as this issues story on Anderson Park in Isanti County testifies.Our 76 state parks are truly jewels that bedeck our state but the growing development of regional parks only enhances the presence of special places for a growing population. This is a great time for P&TC to work with various regional groups like the Friends of An-derson Park to provide more park and trail opportunities. These often are the first connection for people with parks. It was for me.My own appreciation of the parks goes back to when I was about 10 years old.

    Living in north Minneapolis did not provide much in the way of outdoor ad-venture. But my parents signed me up for day camp at Baker Regional Park, then known as Lake Independence County Park. Once school ended we were bused out daily for a week where there was swimming, archery, crafts and even fishing from the shoreline. I did this for several years and I still have fond memories of the program. And then my brother and I with some

    friends began biking on county roads out to the park for day-long summer adventures. Luckily county roads were not too heavily traveled by cars then.Regional and local parks are very acces-sible. They are often a bike or bus ride away. Working with local and regional groups P&TC support can make them even more available. There is especially an opportunity to connect these parks with regional bike trails. These are exciting days.

    parks & trails council of mn w w w . p a r k s a n d t r a i l s . o r g

    Letter from the president of Parks & Trails CouncilRegional parks: meaningful to states outdoor recreation

    Minnesota Trails Summer 2015 5

    Since 1954, the nonprofit, member-supported Parks & Trails Council of Minnesota has been

    saving special places for the publics use and benefit. Together we ensure our states most outstanding natural lands are

    preserved for parks and trails. Join us in continuing this legacy for future generations to understand and experience the natural world.

    Plus our members receive a years subscription to Minnesota trails Magazine. Join Today! Either mail the subscription card enclosed in this magazine or join online


    Join us in saving special places!

    Parks & Trails Council of Minnesota would like to thank the following sponsor www.pincushiontrailsinn.com

    Minnesota Trails Summer 2015 5

    1505Summer.indd 5 5/5/15 1:26 PM