00210-mo report 2006

1 Volun teers m ade 7 million phone calls, organized 7,500 house parties, and launched 6,000 in-district events. More people volunteered in 2006 than in 2004. We raise d and spe nt $27 million in this tw o-year e lecti on cycle. We spent $25 million on taking back the House. Over 250,000 members contributed $3.6 million to individual House candidates and over $2.8 million to fund MoveOn TV ads in targeted d istricts. Our “Cau ght Red -Handed” TV ads demonstrated e arly tha t Democrats could win a majority in Congress by taking on Republicans others thought couldn’t be defeated. Of the nine long-shot races we targeted with these ads, Democrats won at least five. Changing the national political landscape is a tall order. But if we build on the enormous grassroots energy we saw over the past six months, we know it’s possible. For us, for our families, for our children, for our country, the stakes could hardly be higher. -Adam and Justin Ruben, January 18, 2005, in an email proposing a Take Back the House campaign to MoveOn members TAKING BACK THE HOUSE On-the-ground action by memb ers h elped en sure t hat Republicans who supported the Bush fiasco in Iraq would pay the price at the polls. We fund ed stron g progres sive can did ates lik e Jerry McNe rney (OH) and Bruce Braley (IA) in their campaigns to win House seats, and Sherrod Brown (OH) and John Tester (MT) in their tough Senate battles. Our m emb ers hip gre w by 450, 000. “I used to think my one signature or call didn’t matter. But then I got an email from MoveOn and I learned I can make a difference. MoveOn makes democracy work.” -Helen S., Phoenix, Arizona, MoveOn member

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• Volunteers made 7 million phone calls, organized 7,500

house parties, and launched 6,000 in-district events. More

people volunteered in 2006 than in 2004.

• We raised and spent $27 million in this two-year election

cycle. We spent $25 million on taking back the House. Over

250,000 members contributed $3.6 million to individual House candidates and over $2.8 million to fund MoveOn TV

ads in targeted districts.

• Our “Caught Red-Handed” TV ads demonstrated early that

Democrats could win a majority in Congress by taking on

Republicans others thought couldn’t be defeated. Of 

the nine long-shot races we targeted with these ads,

Democrats won at least five.

Changing the national political landscape is a tall order. But if we build on the enormous grassroots energy 

we saw over the past six months, we know it’s possible. For us, for our families, for our children, for our 

country, the stakes could hardly be higher.

-Adam and Justin Ruben, January 18, 2005, in an email proposing

a Take Back the House campaign to MoveOn members


• On-the-ground action by members helped ensure that

Republicans who supported the Bush fiasco in Iraq would

pay the price at the polls.

• We funded strong progressive candidates like Jerry McNerney

(OH) and Bruce Braley (IA) in their campaigns to win House

seats, and Sherrod Brown (OH) and John Tester (MT) in theirtough Senate battles.

• Our membership grew by 450,000.

“I used to think my one signature or call didn’t 

matter. But then I got an email from MoveOn and I 

learned I can make a difference. MoveOn makes

democracy work.” -Helen S., Phoenix, Arizona, MoveOn member

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Independent Ope ra ti on E xpendi tu res M arg in o f Vic to ry

Ta rget District C andidate De mo cracy* + Co ntributions on 11/ 8/06 C alls to Voters



MO Claire McCaskill $ 399,388.20 41,969 230,808

MT Jon Tester 352,274.96 1,739 73,843

OH Sherrod Brown 331,049.54 451,564 1,009,103

PA Bob Casey 188,907.80 683,584 808,170

RI Sheldon Whitehouse 3,516.59 26,726 87,003VA Jim Webb 17,156.00 7,236 503,181

HOUSEAZ (5) Harry Mitchell 146,645.72 5,955 51,162

AZ (8) Gabrielle Giffords 6,919.83 25,159 24,894

CA (11) Jerry McNerney 53,043.62 9,355 46,261

C0 (7) Ed Perlmutter 7,230.37 22,999 41,866

CT (2) Joe Courtney 113,157.99 170 103,862

CT (5) Chris Murphy 502,997.60 26,219 100,013

FL (16) Timothy Mahoney 159,580.97 4,519 53,927

FL (22) Ron Klein 756.88 8,713 95,899

IA (1) Bruce Braley 87,004.67 24,312 81,876

IA (2) Dave Loebsack 0.00 5,711 32,912

IN (2) Joe Donnelly 378,950.54 15,145 67,871

IN (8) Brad Ellsworth 10,823.76 46,494 91,380

IN (9) Baron Hill 11,711.72 6,576 92,915

KY (3) John Yarmuth 3,297.95 5,890 48,530

MN (1) Tim Walz 103,438.05 13,886 74,597

NC (11) Heath Shuler 1,425.02 17,639 111,494

NH (2) Paul Hodes 150,017.00 14,620 65,429NY (19) John Hall 1,391.03 3,528 68,552

NY (20) Kirsten Gillibrand 148,812.62 13,028 74,437NY (24) Michael Arcuri 183,495.05 15,340 85,374

OH (18) Zack Space 170,158.40 48,543 92,408

PA (4) Jason Altmire 447,939.94 10,109 39,795PA (7) Joe Sestak 6,306.59 32,081 83,042

PA (8) Patrick Murphy 91,284.24 1,521 102,691

PA (10) Christoph er Carney 168,107.14 12,454 74,042

TX (22) Nicholas Lampson 168,200.01 14,930 68,589

WI (8) Steve Kagen 11,846.4 6,608 38,901

= ”Red-Handed” TV Ad

* Operation Democracy is MoveOn’s off-line field network.

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 I see Bush’s proposal as the “  Stock Brokers Full

Employment Act” of 2005. It is an attempt both to

 start in motion the dismantling of the small security 

 some already have, and to loot public assets for the

use of the wealthiest and strongest amongst us.

-Robert C., Cincinnati, Ohio, MoveOn member

 I’m a 67 year old retired life-long Republican and I’m

embarrassed and angered by the Bush administra-

tion’s approach to Social Security …

-Seabury L., Bethel, Maryland, MoveOn member

In February 2005, Republicans went home to host hundreds of 

town hall meetings to sell Social Security privatization. They

were met by resistant constituents with what Rep. DeborahPryce (R-OH) described as, “everything but eggs to throw at

us.” In a rapid mobilization, hundreds of MoveOn members

signed up to ask tough questions at these meetings.

By the time they returned to Washington, the Republicans

were on the defensive, and distancing themselves from the

president on Social Security. USA Today reported with a head-

line, “GOP boards up the ‘town hall.”

Our members were just getting started.

The Social Security battle embodied our

for 2005: block the Republicans’ right-wi

agenda through real, local, in-district act

We called the program Operation Democr


Operation Democracy got me starte

the political process. I don’t think

have gotten involved in this electio

the political process if a MoveOn o

er hadn’t asked me. I’d still be sitt

home waiting on the election to ha

With Operation Democracy, I’ve delivered petiti

and held house parties to engage people in my

munity and change the direction of this countr

-Marlynn N., Lakewood, Colorado, MoveOn

We expected 2005 to be a tough year. The Republican

claimed a broad mandate and pressed forward with th

ical agenda. It was a “man the barricades” moment.

IN 2: Chris Chocola vs. Joe Donnelly

In 2005, no one except his eventual opponent andMoveOn thought Rep. Chocola was vulnerable to a

Democratic challenge. But Chocola was one of the knational proponents of Social Security privatization, so he became an early target for us.

In this district, we mobilized members and later, ran oseries of three “Caught Red-Handed” ads. The ads h

lighted the congressman’s support of Republican-ledislative efforts to protect special interests over his costituents. These ads drove down his approval ratings10 points early in the election cycle and alertedDemocratic donors and activists to the possibility t ha

could have a “change election.”

Calls to voters: 60,935

Margin of victory: 15,145

Independent Expenditures + Contributions: $378,9



In the dark days after the 2004 election, taking back the

House in 2006 seemed l ike a stretch. President Bush was

treating his slim majority as a broad mandate for conservative

policy. With Democrats in disarray, it seemed that the presi-

dent would be able to use his “War on Terror” rhetoric to build

public support for the endless occupation of Iraq, and to win

key domestic battles like privatizing Social Securi ty.

For MoveOn’s members—many of whom were new to

political action in 2004—taking back the House seemed

like the only hope. There was no way that this Congress and

this president were going to pass the broad reforms required

to put our nation back on its path. We needed new leader-ship. And so, trusting in the wisdom of crowds, we set our

sight on the House for 2006.

We’ve always believed that the issues that concern and ani-

mate our members are the issues that move America. We let

our members’ passion be our guide. That trust was borne out:

Iraq became the issue that drove most Americans to the

polls. Nearly as motivating was the big-business vote-buying

that produced high drug prices, an unsustainable energy pol-

icy, and the Abramoff-DeLay corruption of Congress.


When Adam and Justin asked in January 2005 if we wanted

to build “a national, volunteer-powered grassroots campaign

to win back the House,” the answer was an emphatic “yes.”

And so we began our two-year journey together. It’s worth

recalling the promises we made then, because, as happens so

rarely in life and politics, we actually accomplished them:

With thousands of teams around the country, we’ll run a mas-

 sive, grassroots, neighbor-to-neighbor drive to mobilize opposi-

tion to the Republican leadership’s conservative policies and 

 promote progressive candidates. We’ll reach millions of people

at their homes and many more through the media.

 In key swing districts where conservative incumbents are vul-

nerable, we’ll publicly hold them accountable for each and 

every vote they cast against the public interest. … Instead of 

launching a field campaign three months before the election,

we’ll start NOW to recruit leaders, persuade voters, and build a

 grassroots base for victory. Best of all, our efforts to mobilize

voters will have an even larger impact in a lower-turnout con-

 gressional election than they did in the presidential election.

Here’s how our story unfolded.

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Right wing electoral successes … have led to predictable hubris and overreach. With the unraveling of 

 American policy in Iraq, weak economic results, ethics scandals and frightening forays into theocracy

Schiavo), the Right is setting itself up for a historic change election. Our strategy in the past nine mo

has been to fight key fights—like Social Security—to rebuild progressive confidence. We believe there

an opportunity for Democrats and progressives to pivot to an offensive posture and that MoveOn.org 

Political Action can play an important catalytic role.

-Eli Pariser, September 22, 2005, in an email proposing

expand the electoral battlefield in the 2006 congressional



By early 2006, we sensed that change was in the air. Most

Americans had become fed up with the Bush administration’s

disastrous Iraq policy and with the Republican Congress’ tilt

toward their pharmaceutical and oil industry patrons. To

make this a “change” election and win back a majority in

the House, Democrats would have to expand the electoral

battlefield. They would have to compete in at least 40 dis-

tricts to pick up the 15 seats they needed.

We searched for a way to make our case and decided that the

most persuasive thing to do would be to identify some seats

Our pollster, Stan Greenberg, observed that whenever 

Democrats raised the issue of Iraq, they gained support.

Candidates would only strengthen their position with vot-

ers if they were clear about their opposition to the con-

tinuing occupation.

Overall, we helped shape the Democratic message and set the

stage for a large group of Democrats to join Rep. John

Murtha’s call for an exit timetable.

• Members hosted more than 3,000 solemn vigils attended by

hundreds of thousands of people to honor U.S. soldiers killed

and wounded in Iraq and to demand an end to the military


• In November, 2005, we ran TV ads in 8 districts defending

Rep. John Murtha against Republican attacks on his call for

a responsible end to the U.S. occupation.

• In December, members held 283 press conferences, o

by veterans, to keep up the pressure to set a timetab

ending the occupation.

• By August 2006, our TV ad holding the Republican C

accountable for failing to exercise its oversight role o

president’s disastrous Iraq policies became the main

Democratic message.

• In October, we hosted 1,343 house parties to watch

movie Iraq for Sale and make get-out-the-vote phone

to voters.

• In late August, members held press conferences in 2

releasing the local cost of the Iraq War. These events

that Iraq was in the news heading into the last 8 we

before the election.

“MoveOn kept pushing on Iraq when our leaders w-Thomas L., Miami, Florida, MoveOn


The success of our work on Social Security proved that wehad the grassroots strength to fight back effectively.

Through Operation Democracy, we aimed to bring together 

the best of online organizing with an on-the-ground net-

work of active members. The vision: folks working together

in communities around the country to confront Republican

congressmen bent on privatizing Social Security or white-

washing Tom DeLay’s corruption or continuing the military

occupation of Iraq.

Grassroots Pressure

We also realized we couldn’t just start organizing six weeks

before the next big election—we needed to be working

together locally, on an ongoing basis, to lay the groundwork

for change. So, MoveOn members formed thousands of neigh-

borhood teams and city-wide Coordinating Councils in 200

cities and nearly 100 congressional districts. To make it hap-

pen, we worked with our close partner, Grassroots Campaigns,

to hire regional organizers who trained and developed our

volunteer leaders. We focused in places where we thought

Republican incumbents were vulnerable to grassroots pressure

on the issues in 2005—and to an electoral challenge the fol-

lowing year.

MoveOn members held 5,700 actions in these districts over

the next 18 months.

Together, working with allies, we helped stop Social Security

privatization cold. We pressed Congress to c ensure Tom DeLay

for his money-laundering in Texas, and helped create an

atmosphere in which he was forced to resign. And we blocked

some of the worst cuts in George Bush’s 2005 budget.


On September 11, 2001, I called my commanding offi-

cer and said, ‘Wherever this came from, send me.’ But 

that’s not where they sent me. They sent me to Iraq. If 

they get away with it this time, they’ll do it again.

But if it costs them their power, we send a message.

-Ginmar, Private, United States Army, MoveOn member

We also played a special role, over the two-year period, in

the opposition to the U.S. occupation of Iraq.

In 2005, when Democrats were divided over how to deal

with the issue of Iraq, our members’ views were clear.

They wanted Democratic candidates to criticize the

Republicans in Congress for their blind support of the admin-istration’s failed Iraq policy. And they hoped that Democrats

would demand a timetable for a responsible exit. By the end

of the year, we were able to rally around John Murtha’s

courageous stand.

We commissioned a poll of 60 potential swing House districts

to give Democratic challengers confidence that if they

offered forthright criticism of the war and occupation, and

even called for a timetable to withdraw troops, it would help

them with voters.

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Second Tier to First Tier Polling showed that our ads drove up the negative ratings

for each incumbent by 5 to 10 percentage points. In similar

Congressional districts where we polled at the same time but

ran no ads, there was no change in support for the

Republican incumbent. By mid-September, all four of our 

Republican targets were listed as toss-ups for re-election.

The Wall Street Journal reported that Rep. Nancy Johnson

spent more than $100,000 rebutting our commercials, “and

analysts on both sides agree that the online group’s ads

have made her re-election uncertain. Three other House

Republicans targeted by MoveOn—one each in Virginia, Ohio

and Colorado—are also struggling.”

Republican House Majority Leader John Boehner admitted

ruefully that the ads “certainly have had some impact. Rep.

Rahm Emanuel, head of the Democratic Congressional 

Campaign Committee, was understandably more enthusiastic:

“MoveOn ads targeting the members of Congress, Pryce,

Chocola, Drake and Nancy Johnson have effectively made the

case that there is a close relationship between the contribu-

tions they collect and the votes they take in Congress. T

ads have clearly made second-tier races into first-tier co

The New York Times later listed our “Red-Handed” ad a

Rep. Thelma Drake as one of the seven most effective

this election cycle.

When we launched our campaign to take back the hou

January of 2005, the Cook Report listed two Republic

seats as likely toss-ups for the 2006 election. By Octo

2006, that number had jumped to 31. And all four of

targets were on the “toss-up” list.


“MoveOn gave me and other concerned resident

Virginia’s second district the tools to inform ot

about Drake’s poor voting record. The friendshi

alliances that MoveOn’s “Caught Red-Handed” c

 paign enabled us to forge will continue to impa

 politics in Virginia—long after the last vote is

ed on November 7th.” 

-Kay G., Virginia Beach, Virginia, MoveOn

While the ads were running in June and July, Operati

Democracy organized delegations in over forty congre

districts to confront our representatives when they ca

home during the congressional recess. Armed with gia

hands and signs, MoveOn members followe

representatives to town hall meetings, ap

ances and fundraisers to let fellow voters

how their congressmen’s allegiance to special interest

all of us. The teams also connected with voters throug


that were thought to be securely in the hands of Republican

incumbents but that we thought could be made competitive.

We wanted to show that “second-tier” races could be

turned into “first-tier” contests because mainstream

America had had enough.


With $1.5 million from thousands of us we launched a hard-hitting TV ad campaign in four congressional districts (Chris

Chocola, IN-2, Thelma Drake, VA-2, Nancy Johnson, CT-5, and

Deborah Pryce, OH-15) where voters seemed open to change.

We developed the “red-handed” image and message and

tested our ads for effectiveness before putting them on

the air.

The ads worked not only because the red-handed metaphor

was translated into a vivid and memorable TV image, but also

because the ads expressed what so many voters were angry


• Republicans in Congress took money from the pharmaceutical 

industry and then kept drug prices high for senior citizens.

• Republicans in Congress took money from the major oil 

companies and then failed to lead toward clean, cheap

energy sources.

• Republicans in Congress took money from defense contrac-

tors in Iraq like Halliburton then voted to protect them from

punishment for defrauding the government while our sol-

diers lacked adequate body armor.

By the summer of ’06, scandals and plummeting pub-

lic support had transformed the Republican machine

from a party of bad ideas to a party of no ideas.

MoveOn members were more than happy to fill the

void. Nearly 10,000 members gathered in over 500

living rooms nationwide to discuss the big positive

changes they’d most like to make to improve

America. Then we asked our entire membership to

vote on the three top priorities for our official

Positive Agenda. They picked: 1) Health care for all;

2) Energy independence from clean renewable

sources; and 3) Democracy restored.

In September we organized the Progressive Vision

speech series to emphasize that a change of leader-

ship in Washington was necessary to achieve our

goals. Ohio Representative and Senate candidate

Sherrod Brown, Senator Barack Obama and Senator

Russ Feingold headlined, drawing large in-person

and online crowds.


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“It is amazing to think that my $15 can make

 such a difference.” 

-Robert H., Cincinnati, Ohio, MoveOn member

Our members have always believed that the only way to sep-

arate politicians from big-money entanglements is to provide

a base of small-donor support. This cycle we had a chance to

show just how effective small donors can be in winning

highly competitive elections.

OH Senate: Mike DeWine vs. Sherrod Brown

In 2003, Brown read MoveOn members’ statementsagainst the Iraq War on the House floor. Ever since thenmembers have loved him. We were there with earlymoney for what figured to be a tough race against a two-

 term opponent in a state where the Republican turnoutmachine made headlines in 2004. Progressives can win in the heart of the country and in a red state like Ohio.

Calls to voters: 1,009,103

Margin of victory: 451,564

Independent Expenditures + Contributions: $331,049

Throughout the election year members responded to o

repeated appeals to help finance the campaigns of ca

dates we supported and the work that MoveOn has do


$27,392,712 : total raised

608,727 : number of individual contributions

$45.00 : amount of average contribution

$6,040,420 : amount bundled for 35 House

and Senate candidates

Federal Election Commission data show that MoveO

Political Action was one of the leading sources of f

cial support for Democratic candidates outside of t

Democratic Party’s committees. And we did it all wit

contributions from tens of thousands of members, pro

once again the efficacy of the small donor approach,

offers candidates a way to win without becoming dep

on money from special interests.


ters to the editor, local radio talk shows, and asking tough

questions at town hall meetings.

• In Indiana, the team released the “Cost of War” report high-

lighting how much Rep. Chocola’s unflagging support for the

war cost South Bend residents in real dollars. Members

released similar reports in 25 Congressional districts.

• In Louisville, KY, 15 folks rallied at a gas station to tell vot-

ers about Rep. Northup’s ties to Big Oil. A week later, the

group held a press conference on Rep. Northup’s cutting vet-

erans' benefits while sending our troops to war.

• In Virginia Beach, our members attended every “Coffee with

Thelma” event that Rep. Drake held. They asked her tough

questions about her allegiance to special interests.

• Armed with flyers on war profiteering and their foam red

hands, MoveOn members in Fayetteville, North Carolina

attended a defense contractor tradeshow that Rep. Robin

Hayes sponsored.

Local media wrote over 2,000 stories about our actions. All

of the congressional districts that turned out to be com-

petitive in 2006 were ones in which Operation Democracy

organizers were on the job helping us mobilize.

MoveOn.org volunteers Don Briggs, of LaPorte,

and Peter Smith and Reynaldo Hernandez, of 

South Bend, wave foam hands reading "caught 

red-handed" Wednesday in downtown South

Bend. They were among the people who

announced the political group's estimate of the

 Iraq war's cost to congressional District 2.

Laurel Ames of South Lake Tahoe holds up a red 

 foam hand that reads "Caught red-handed" dur-

ing Rep. John Doolittle's speech at the 2006 

Lake Tahoe Forum at Sand Harbor Thursday.

The demonstration was the first of four planned 

in the next two weeks with a "caught red-hand-

ed" theme to draw attention to Northup's voting 

record and campaign fund sources, said Mike

Bailey, a computer technician and volunteer 

coordinator for MoveOn.org in Kentucky.


courier-journal.comLouisville, Kentucky


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We developed two ways for people to make calls.

Individuals could call from home, using a cut-

ting-edge online tool that walks the user through

the script and records the results one call at a

time. We also launched a weekly series of phone

parties, where members gathered together to

make calls on their cell phones.

To recruit the volunteer army needed to make

it work, we worked with our close partner,

Grassroots Campaigns, to set up campaign

offices in 40 cities. Each night. MoveOn mem-

bers called other members in their region, ask-

ing them to sign up with the campaign. By the

end of the program, MoveOn members recruit-

ed over 17,000 other members to join the volunteer team.

Phone Parties

For phone parties, members opened their homes and invited

other members in their area to bring their cell phones (and

chargers) and make calls to end one-party Republican rule in

Washington. These parties proved to be a huge success, draw-

ing in thousands of new volunteers and creating a real sense

of local community around the program.

Because the program was based online, we were able to use

“smart targeting” to direct members’ calls to where they would

have the highest impact. So volunteers living in or near com-

petitive districts would automatically be directed to voters in

their area. Volunteers in other parts of the country would be

directed to whichever districts around the co untry needed the

most urgent attention. The “liquid” internet technology we

developed for the phone program made this possible.

We also wanted to make sure we were turning out the right

voters. So we began an ambitious “micro-targeting” program,

applying a grassroots twist to an approach Republican

employed so successfully to get their supporters to th

In late October, the number of competitive races

increased by the day and Call for Change was exactl

tool the moment required. It enabled us to send hun

of thousands of turnout calls into the races where they

needed most as conditions changed. On October 19th,

example we saw a poll showing Tim Walz, the Democra

challenger in Minnesota 1, closing the gap. Within a f

calls were pouring into the district—making it a toss-

When the dust settled, Call for Change involved more

bers in making more calls than even we had dared to

We exceeded all of our targets the night before Electio

Here are some of the final numbers:

7,492 house parties attended by 46,790 pe

51,719 people called from home

7,001,102 total calls made

61 districts targeted




As the fall homestretch approached it became clear that

most Americans wanted a change of direction in Iraq and

that the Republicans in Congress were being dragged down

by their support for the president’s insistence on staying the

course. Each day, the news from Baghdad made Iraq the

over-arching issue driving voters to the Democrats.

We realized two important things about this election from

the outset.

• First, we were facing a “turnout” rather

than a “persuasion” election—our pri-

mary responsibility was helping to get

voters who wanted change to actually

show up at the polls.

• Second, we were facing a potential 

“change election” where a voter revolt

could shake up the playing field and

dramatically alter the political land-

scape in the final months.

Our early TV and grassroots mobilizations were designed to

start that wave; our fall get-out-the-vote campaign had to

be ready to put it over the top.

We also realized that MoveOn’s most powerful asset—our

members—are scattered all over the country, and most of 

our densest concentrations were not in contested districts.

We needed a plan to involve everyone, no matter where in

the country they lived.

“Liquid” Phone Bank

 I signed up to make calls because as a patriotic 

 American I know that millions of tiny voices can

drum the big money Republicans right out of 

Congress if we all pull together as a team.

-William K., Old Fort, North Carolina, MoveOn member

Call for Change was the answer. The core

idea is fairly simple—a web-based “liq-

uid phone bank” allowing MoveOn mem-

bers to pour calls from wherever they

live into wherever they are needed. We

could then turn to any district in the

country that needed extra attention, and

keep the calls flowing until we reached

all of our target voters.

We tested our program in April in a

California House special election and it worked. A Yale

University study showed that our phone bank was the

most effective volunteer calling program ever studied.

With the theory confirmed, we turned our attention to the

larger 2006 campaign.

Labor Day was Monday, and that means campaign season has officially begun. Getting ahead early in these

races is key to victory. That's why next weekend—September 16th and 17th—we're launching with a big,

nation-wide action to take back Congress.

Control of the House is in reach, but making it happen is going to take a big push. They've got millions of 

dollars in corporate money. What we have is people power. So it's going to take every last one of us—work-

ing together—to win.

-Adam Ruben, September 5, 2006, in an email launching

a nation-wide action to take back Congress.

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Paid for by MoveOn.org Political Action, www.moveon.org. Not authorized by any candidate or candidate’s committe

Daron Murphy

Ray Murphy

Jeani Murray

Sara Narva

Colleen Neff 

Craig Newmark

David Nickerson

Ellen Nissenbaum

Alex Norman

Barack Obama

Clint Obrian

Frank O'Brian

Aoife O'Brien

Karen Olick

David Olson

Holly Orr

Quincy Orr

Emanuel Pariser

Trita Parsi

Josh Peck

Rosie Perez

Duane Peterson

Doug Phelps

Jill Pike

Chellie Pingree

Hannah Pingree

Karla Pippa

Andrew Pirie

John Podesta

Mike Podhorzer

Carl Pope

Orin Puniello

Ari Rabin-Havt

John Ramsburgh

Deborah Reed

Neil Reiff 

Lindsay Reinhardt

Cecile Richards

Paul Rieckhoff 

Tim Robbins

Elin Roland

Anthony Romero

Steve Rosenthal 

Melissa Roy

Abzug Ella Ruben

Jasper DiJulio Ruben

James Rucker

David Ryder

Joe Sandler

Larry Scanlon

John Scarlett

Susan Shaer

Laura Shapiro

Bryson Shaub

Gavin Shaub

Michael Shaub

Todd Shuster

Joel Silberman

Brandon Silverman

David Sirota

Derek Slater

Jessica Smith

Joe Soave

Alanna Sobel 

Agnes Sokol 

Greg Soltys

Darren Speece

Kate Spellman

Dori Steinberg

Stubi Steininger

Julia Stiles

Danielle Stillman

Matt Stoller

Marty Stone

Ken Strasma

Jake Struck

Rebecca Subar

Tom Swan

Tim Tagaris

Nancy Talanian

Lilia Tamm

Linda Tatelbaum

Milt Tatelbaum

Betsy Taylor

Roy Temple

Paul Tewes

Lee Tien

Gloria Totten

Kevin Tweedy

Matt Utterback

Cenk Uygur

Michael Vachon

Chelsea Voytek

Audrey Ward

Rabbi Arthur Waskow

Julie Waterman

Abby Weinberg

Tina Weishaus

Dan Weiss

Lydia Weiss

Rene Westbrook

Karen White

Selina Williams

Justin Wilson

Matt Wilson

Harold Winer

Kal Winer

Alissa Wise

Brad Woodhouse

Vicki Zenoff 

Bill Zimmerman



America Votes

Americans United

Brave New Films

Call for Change


Cesar the Dog

Cobalt LLP

Daily Kos

Democracy for America

Don't Block my Voice


Emergency Campaign for

America's Priorities

EMILY's List

Fontanello Duffield

and Otake LLP

Free Press Action Fund

George Washington


Georgetown Universit

Goldstein Communica

Grassroots Campaigns

Grassroots Solutions


League of 

Conservation Voter


Michael Stipe & REM

Miles the pup


MoveOn Support Corp


National Constitution



Palace Press


Progressive blogosph

Sandler Reiff & Young


Sierra Club

Stone's Phones

The H-Bomb

The Organizing Group

The Roots


Voter Action

Wake Up Wal-Mart

Young Turks

and MoveOn's three m

members, who make

this possible



Two years ago the future looked bleak. President Bush won

re-election and he had a Congress that would rubber-stamp

his radical ideas.

Most MoveOn members are pretty new to politics. I worried

people would get discouraged and quit—but folks didn’t.

MoveOn members knew that the Republican grip on power

was less firm than it appeared. So we rolled up our sleeves

and kept fighting for the things in which we all believe.

All that hard work paid off. Here we are, with an important

victory. It’s not the end of this story. It’s more of a begin-

ning. But in 2005 and 2006, we laid the foundation on which

we can finally begin to build a more progressive America.

Thanks for all you do,

Eli Pariser


Jose Acevedo

Ben Africa

Cat Beastie Africa

Kathie Africa

Tami Africa

George Aldrich

John Amato

Tom Andrews

Ira Arlook

Anna Aurilio

Lisa Bastick

Mike Batchelder

Andy Bechhoefer

Brendan Bell 

Glen Besa

Steve Billet

Micayla Birondo

Virginia Blades

Jeff Blum

Fred Blundell 

Hui Blundell 

Mary Blundell 

Mei Blundell 

Solon Blundell 

Joshua BoettigerBecky Bond

Heather Booth

Paul Booth

Bob Borosage

David Boundy

Chris Bowers

Gail Boyd

Larry Boyd

Jim Brayton

Donna Brazile

Bobbi Breitman

David Brock

Jean Brooks

Walter Brooks

Sen. Sherrod Brown

Mike Brune

David Brunton

Anna Burger

Geof Cahoon

Doug Carlston

Dan Carol 

Cat Carter

Alan Charney

Rani Chaudhary

Ben Cohen

Jeff Cohen

Stosh Colter

Greg Colvin

Michele Combs

Roberta Combs

Phoebe Connelly

Bob Creamer

John Cusack

Kelly Dafler

Sarah DiJulio

Jeff DirksonDavid Donnelly

Josh Downey

Clare Ducey

Carol Duffield

Emily Duffy

Matt Durning

Cathy Duvall 

Ann Eastman

Jack Eastman

Japhet Els

John Estrella

Nava EtShalom

Zack Exley

Susan Fairbairn

Russell Feingold

David Fenton

Michael Fien

Temo Figueroa

Dan Firger

Trevor Fitzgibbon

Ben Flaccus

Linda Foley

Michael Fontanello

Cheryl Foster

Richard Foster

Kimberly Fountain

Maggie Fox

Lauren Frank

Al Franken

Judith Freeman

Ned. B. Friend

Ivan Frishberg

Judi Galpin

Norman Galpin

Maz Garrone

Robert GassKaren Geraghty

Robert Gibbs

Gina Glantz

Rachel Goldstein

Ellen Golombeck

Heather Gonzales-


Keith Goodman

Al Gore

Hugh Graham

Lisa Graves

Roberta Green

Anna Greenberg

Stan Greenberg

Bill Greene

Robert Greenwald

Simon Greer

Laura Gross

Adam Gurvich

Timothy Hansen

Gus Henry

Roger Hickey

Shawnee Hoover

Andrew Hoppin

Alex Howe

Arianna Huffington

Jon Hutchens

Juliana Hydanus

Jadzia Imani

Leslie Sholl Jaffe

Lisaa Jebsen

Brett Johnson

Kathy Johnson

Aram Kailian

Yukari Iwatani Kane

Helmut KapczynskiMax Kapczynski

Stefan Kapczynski

Gene Karpinski

David Kean

Sam Dog Kean

Hillary Keegin

Carol Kelly

Colleen Kiernan

Michael Kieschnick

Benita Kline

Eric Klinenberg

Brian Komar

Allison Kozak

Kalee Kreider

Steve Kretzmann

George Lakoff 

Gara LaMarche

Ned Lamont

Billee Laskin

Jesse Laymon

Scott Lee

Andrew Lehman

Roz Lemieux

Autumn Rose-Sarah


Hal Leventhal 

Eric Levin

David Levitt

Dora Lievow

Mike Lux

Dan Manatt

Ben Mankiewicz

Pacy Markman

Monica Marsh

Tony Massaro

PJ McCannJoel Middleton

Jed Miller

Mindy Miller

Ira Mintz

Kathy Mitchel 

Kim Molstre

Michael Moore

Mik Moore

Markos Moulitsas

Michelle Mulder

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