00 scholarship (26 sept 2011) deal workshop

Your Research/Scholarship Statement Workshop Co-sponsored by USC’s Libraries’ PSC and APCAT Committees Danielle Mihram September 2011

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Your Research/Scholarship Statement

Workshop Co-sponsored by USC’s Libraries’

PSC and APCAT Committees

Danielle Mihram

September 2011

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Goals and Outcomes for this Workshop

Goals:Examine the current issues relating to research in

librarianshipLearn how to articulate your own research/scholarship


OutcomesDevelop better mentoring practices for junior library

faculty as they develop their research agenda

Develop a structure to your own statement

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• Research? Scholarship? What do we mean?• Research/Scholarship in the Academy• Cultures of Research• Scholarship: Six Yardsticks of Excellence• Research Agendas• Research in Librarianship: Issues to Consider• Why a Research/Scholarship Statement? (What

Constitutes an Effective Statement?) • Sources of Funding• Case Study: Peter, Katharin: USC Libraries’ Residence

Hall Ambassadors Program.• Where do we go from here?

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Research? Scholarship? What do we mean?

• Systematic and rigorous investigation aimed at the discovery of previously unknown phenomena.

• The construction of original works of significant intellectual merit.

• The development of explanatory theory and its application to new situations or problems.

• The analysis and interpretation of existing knowledge aimed at improving, through diverse means of communication, the depth of human understanding

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Research? Scholarship? What do we mean?(Cont’d)

In the complete academic experience research, scholarship, and criticism overlap (McClintock, 2006):

“Scholarship begins with the cumulative state of a field, the broader the better, and integrates findings, new and old, addressing a fundamental concern by crafting a coherent understanding of the whole.

Research starts with a well-defined, specific question, to which the researcher seeks a clear and definite answer using peer-sanctioned methods and techniques.

Criticism addresses a spectrum of aims and accomplishments and informs selection among them, strengthening assent, deepening appreciation, provoking doubt, channeling attention and energy.”

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Research in Librarianship

• “… an inquiry, which is carried out, at least to some degree, by a systematic method with the purpose of eliciting some new facts, concepts or ideas.” (Peritz, 1980)

• “To some people, research is simply a carefully conducted investigation of a subject or a situation. To others it is the discovery of previously unknown facts. To still others it implies a highly specific approach to designing and conduction research studies in keeping with externally determined guidelines or methods.” (Special Libraries Association, 2001)

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Scholarship in the Academy, according to the Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of


Boyer (1990) and, later, his colleagues at the Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching suggest a fourfold definition which, they argue, corresponds to different approaches to the ways knowledge is perceived and approached: the advancement of knowledge, its application, representation, and integration in society.

These ideas conceptualize research, scholarship, and academic teaching & learning as all part of the same enterprise.

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Scholarship in the Academy

1. The scholarship of discovery (which comes close to the idea of “research”): It contributes to the “stock of human knowledge” and also to the intellectual climate of the institution.

2. The scholarship of integration: concerned with making inter-disciplinary connections:

“In calling for a scholarship of integration, ... what we mean is serious, disciplined work that seeks to interpret, draw together, and bring new insight to bear on original research.” (Boyer 1990: 19)

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Scholarship in the Academy (Cont’d)

3. The scholarship of application: the application of knowledge in the wider community. There is a caution against seeing theory and practice separate for what is envisaged is a dynamic interaction where “the one renews the other” (Boyer 1990: 23).

4. The scholarship of teaching: Defined as well informed teachers; teaching which is carefully planned, continuously evaluated and relates to the subject taught; teaching which encourages active learning and encourages students to be critical, creative thinkers with the capacity to go on learning after their university days are over; and a recognition that teachers are also learners (Boyer 1990: 24).

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Cultures of Research

Research at Emory [University]: – The Report of the Commission on Research (2003)


“The commission has identified distinct cultures of research in the humanities, social sciences, health sciences, business, law, and theology.” p. 35)

(See Table [Handout]: “Research at Emory “ )

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Scholarship: Six Yardsticks of Excellence (Glassick et al., 1997)

When people praise a work of scholarship they usually mean that the project in question shows that it has been guided by these qualitative standards:

1. Clear goals2. Adequate preparation3. Appropriate methods4. Significant results5. Effective communication6. Reflective critique

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1. Clear Goals

Questions:• Is the basic question to

be addressed clearly stated?

• Has the scholar defined with clarity, his or her objective?

• Is the purpose of the project stated in a clear and useful way?


Does the scholar state the basic purposes of his or her works clearly?

Does the scholar define objectives that are realistic and achievable?

Does the scholar identify important questions in the field?

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2. Adequate Preparation

This is one of the most basic and important aspect for scholarly work of all kinds:

Whether engaged in discovery, integration, application, or teaching, the scholar must bring the wealth of knowledge, depth of experience, and combination of resources the project needs.

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2. Adequate Preparation


• Is the author well-versed in the literature of the field?

• Does the scholarship appear current?

• Is the author in command of both primary sources and the standard secondary literature in the field?

Standards:Does the scholar show an

understanding of existing scholarship in the field?

Does the scholar bring the necessary skills to his or her work?

Does the scholar bring together the resources necessary to move the project forward?

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3. Appropriate Methods


• Is the scholarship adequate in terms of methodology?

• Were the methods and procedures appropriate to the project?

Standards:Does the scholar use

methods appropriate to the goals?

Does the scholar apply effectively the methods selected?

Does the scholar modify procedures in response to changing circumstances?

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4. Significant Results


• What has the author accomplished?

• Does the project, book, research, make a significant contribution to the field?

• Is it recognized by others in the field?


Does the scholar achieve the stated goals?

Does the scholar’s work add consequently to the field?

Does the scholar’s work open additional areas for further exploration?

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5. Effective Communication


• Sharing innovative instructional materials and methods through formal publications, conferences, and seminars, as well as through informal means

• Service: evaluated on the quality and impact of the written documents produced


Does the scholar use a suitable style and effective organization to present his or her work?

Does the scholar use appropriate forums for communicating work to its intended audiences?

Does the scholar present his or her message with clarity and integrity?

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6. Reflective Critique

Issues to consider:

• In discovery, integration, application, or teaching, the scholar thinks about his or her work, seeks the opinion of others, and develops his or her own learning over time

• All research must include an appropriate plan for evaluation


Does the scholar critically evaluate his or her own work?

Does the scholar bring an appropriate breadth of evidence to his or her critique?

Does the scholar use evaluation to improve the quality of future work?

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“Within these common criteria are endless variations as the standards are applied in different ways to various disciplines and various types of scholarship. Still it is hard to imagine any scholarly work worthy of the name that did not meet these standards which define, I believe, the core of excellence for academic work.”

Glassick et al., 1997, (p. 5)

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New Measures to Assess Impact and Value in Librarianship

Measuring academic library engagement: (Gibson and Dixon, 2011):

“The Boyer taxonomy of the scholarships of discovery (research) teaching, application, and integration are extended into the “scholarship of engagement” … In this sense “engagement” transcends traditional “outreach” or “public service” because it creates a field of mutual energies and a collaboratively developed vision around common purposes.” (p. 341)

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Definition of Academic Library Engagement

(based on the Boyer framework for engagement and supplemented by review of strategic planning documents of selected academic libraries):

“Sustained, strategic positioning of the academic library to create collaborative, reciprocal relationships with identified partners in order to advance institutional, community, and societal goals; to solve institutional-level and community-level problems; to create new knowledge, new products and services; and to effect qualitatively different roles for academic libraries themselves through impact, integration, and outreach to their varied constituencies.”

(Gibson and Dixon, 2011: p. 342)

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Research Agendas

See Handout: Bibliography, Section: “Professional Organizations”.

American Association of Law Libraries Association of College Research Libraries

Special Libraries Association

See also USC’s latest research policy:Creativity and Collaboration in the Academy:http://research.usc.edu/for-investigators/creativity-and-


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“Research in Librarianship: Issues to Consider.”

• How well-developed is our research base in librarianship?

• Is there sufficient research upon which library professionals can rely for decision-making?

• What areas of librarianship are most in need of research?• What obstacles keep librarians from doing research and

what can be done to overcome these obstacles?• Are there possible solutions for nurturing a professional

environment in which conducting and using research becomes an accepted and expected part of our practice?

(Kufogiannakis & Crumley, 2006)

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Articulating your own

Research Statement

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Why prepare a research/scholarship statement?

Variably called a Statement of Research Goals or Interests, Research Agenda, or Research Statement, many academic job searches give you the opportunity to present your scholarly accomplishments in a summary document.

A research statement is often a critical part of your job application packet, but it doesn't end there. Throughout a career in academia you are likely to be asked to prepare similar documents for annual reviews, reappointment and tenure packages, and for promotion. Shorter summaries may be submitted for awards or publicity, or may appear on your departmental web pages.

For this reason, the time you commit to crafting a thoughtful and provocative statement of your research interests is an investment in your academic career.

(Britt and Beane, 2009)

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Your Research/Scholarship Statement says:

• What you have been doing recently and currently,• In what direction you hope to go,• How your scholarship contributes to your field.

This helps committees assess your:• areas of specialty,• academic ability,• compatibility with the department or school.• potential to get grants.

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The Statement …

Gives a context for your research interests

Why does it matter? Why is it important?

Communicates a sense that your scholarship follows logically from what you have done and that it will continue be different, important, and innovative.

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Contents of an Effective Statement

Combines a summary of significant achievements and of current work, as well as plans for upcoming scholarship (this part includes current aims and findings, and future goals):• What excites you about your scholarship? • Where appropriate, acknowledge the work of others,

yet be clear about your own independent scholarly contributions to that area of specialty .

• If you have already secured funding, note the scope of that funding.

• If you've identified funding organizations likely to support your future scholarship plans, indicate those as well.

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Contents of an Effective Statement (Cont’d)

Include, as well, future goals or a scholarship plan for the future:

• Major issues/needs/problem(s) on which you wish to focus .

• Their relevance to the field.• Your specific goals for a 3-5 year period, including

potential outcomes.• At the same time, you should have scholarship goals

that are broad enough so that, if one topic doesn't get funded, there are other areas on which you can work.

See, as an example,

Barreau, Deborah, “Professional Statement” [no date]


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Funding Resources

“Web resources helpful for librarians doing research”http://www.researchinglibrarian.com/funding.htm

From USC Research website: http://www.usc.edu/academe/faculty/research/funding/index.html#advice Access from the USC Research website:

• Community of Sciencehttp://fundingopps.cos.com/ Keyword search:  “librarianship”• Proposal and Grantwriting Guideshttp://research.usc.edu/for-investigators/funding/• Art of Grantsmanship


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Case Study

Peter, Katharin (2011). USC Libraries’ Residence Hall Ambassadors Program.

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Where do we go from here?

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See Handout: Bibliography