00., mmmm took, · tuesday.november1. enteredatthepost oßceat sumter, s. (?., as secondclass...

TUESDAY. NOVEMBER 1. Entered at the Post Oßce at Sumter, S. (?., as Second Class Matter. ' POSTAL. DIRECTORY. Tue Money Order Delivery is Open every day during the week, from 8 A. M. to 4 P. M. Southern and Northern Mails close 7.30 P. M. Both Mails Open 8 A. M. Sundays-Both Mails close at 6 P. M. Gene \ ral Delivery Open from S to -9 A. M. Arrivals and Departures of County Mails. TOishopville Mails leave on Monday's Wednes- 1 days and Fridays, 6 A. M., and arrive at 7 P- M. same days. f Smithville and Providence Mails arrive on Mondays, Wednesday's and Fridays, at 12 M., a id leave 2 P. M. the same davs. JNO. A. WHITTEMORE, P. M. Leonard W. Corbett, Assistai)! P. M. OUR OFFICE. The Office of the Watchman and Southron has beeD permanently estab- lished at the old Stand of the True Southron, opposite the Court House, where we shall be pleased to see our patrons and the public generally. Town Taxes are due and payable Novem- ber 1st, instant. Rer. Robt. M. Hnggios of Spring Hill, aged Ï9 years, died on October 27, after a sickness or three weeks. Mr. Robert McCutcheu of Bisbopville had two finger9 cut off by a gin, on Tuesday last. Bis head was also badly hurt. Joe Smith, colored, had his hand badly mangled by a gin, on Monday last, at Wedge- field. Mr. Ashur Furstenburg removed to Man- ning on Thursday last, to establish a branch boose of Furstenburg*3 Emporium. He has oar best wishes for success. Don't forget to pay your Town taies. Mr. R W. Durant has been recommended by the Legislative delegation to fill the vacan- cy occasioned by the death of Sheriff Wilder, A better recommendation could not bave been made. Henry Polk, colored, attempted to steal the watch of Mr. Jerry Jackson, of Providence, on Tuesday night last, by snatching it from bis band. He was captured, however, cammitted to jail and the watch returned. We acknowledge the receipt of a plate of beautiful butter from the Jersey Cow which took the premium at our fair last week, also ä bottle of delicious wine, and frnit cake of a j richness which would satisfy the desire of the j roost fastidious gastronomist. They were sent by Mrs. Capt. Delgar to whom we return .many thanks. Miss Marie Seabrook, of Charleston, who graced our social circle and made the Sum- cier delightfully pleasant for us, returned home last Friday night. Her many friends and admirers here will await her return with feverish impatience. Mr. Thos. Richardson has laid upon our table the portion of a stalk of cotton about tea inches long arouod which are clustered twenty well developed bolls. This is from tbe field which produced the premium bale at our recent Fair. The hop given to L*rof. Agostici on Tues- day evening last was quite a success. Tbe L Professor departed on Friday, leaving behind number of frieuds. During his stay in Sumter, by his gentlemanly bearing and pleasing manners, ce «roc his way into the friendship of many of our citizens who. if it ïvere in their power, would heartily co airhead him to any eoxamuaitv he may chance to visit in the future. Sam Hampton, under tbe influence of what KunkePs man calls "bad stagger juice," im- agined himself, last Friday night, a Massa- chusetts soldier in Richmond. His illusion was rapidly dissipated, however, oy a blow of a well directed brick-bat from tbe hand -a sable damsel to whom his démonstrations of affection were strikingly pointed. Mr. C. H. Kershaw. the traveling agent of Wm. M. Bird <fc Co., wholesale dealers in «ils, pamts, leads, etc., of Cbarieetou, is in Sumter, and he will be pleased to Eli all orders pertaining to iis Iiae. Mr. £er.£haw willalso visit the different points su this and adjoining counties in a few days and -call on his customers. His house bas the reputation of always keepiag ti;e purest, and -cheapest oils and paints, leads, etc, and our readers-desir- ing anything in their line, had better call on Mr. Kecshaw while he is on bis lour, and &ave their orders .filled. We are pleased to aaiHsen-cethat our fellow- townsmaa, and the former Editor of tbe True Southron, W. <i. Kenoedy, Esq., «as in press a volume of Poems, which will soon be issued fcy tbe old house of E. Claxton k Co., of Phil- adelphia. We trast rfc*t tie peopte of the home Counties of Sumter and Clarendon will j! give bim a good send off, in the sale of his j Book, and make the enterprise a paying one. j Many poems in this collection have never been published, while some of them have appeared in the columns of different papers. Mr. Ken- nedy is willing for his book to stand or fall upon its merits. Heal Estate Transfers Filed in Register's office from lfth Septem- *>er, to 8th October, 1881 : Jesse Woodard to Winney JS. Stnckey and children.Deed of Gift to 1£4£ acres, "being .part of the land formerly known as the Hardy Stnckey land. Jesse Woodard to Stephen D. Woodard. Deed of Gift to 154\ acres, being a part of the land formerly known as the Hardy Stuckey land. Robt. L. Cooper to Willie Washington- Deed to 10 acres land, adjoining lands of Mrs. V. Bradford, Dr. Pitts and others. $100. A. 3. Boyle and S. A. Boyle to K. Pen- pington.Deed to 6 acres more or less of land, situated on the road leading from Lynchburg to Magaolia. $50. J. M. Wilder, Sheriff, to Mrs. Catherine W. , Sum ter.Titles to 402 acres more or less of Jand, known as the ftM«rden" tract. $2100.00. j Thomas R. Harney to the Town of Sumter j :.Deed to lot of land i'i the Eastern part of; i tbe Town of Scmter, containing 79-100 of an acres, being part Gf the "Old Tan Yard tract. $118.50. 11 Timothy Reardon, Trustee, to the Town of Sumter.Deed to lot in the Eastern part of the.Town, containing I of an acre more or ! less beinjj part of «.be "'Old Sanders tract." $52.00. Thomas R. Harney to Town of Sumter. 1 Deed to lot in tbe Eastern part of the Town, ! containing § of an acre more or less being a ! part of the "Tan Yard tract." $104.00 j: Andrew P. Timon and Elizabeth B. Vin» son to L. W. Dick, Carson Burgess and i others, Trustees.Deed to Church lot, situa- ; led on the tract of land known by the name Of tbe Parker place. $21.00. Henry Stuckey to John Brown.Deed to 22 j acres more or less on Scape O'er Swamp, $100.00. Solomon Muldrow to Addella P. Zimmer- man.Deed to 152 acres more or less in Sum- ! ter County. $684. Josiah M. Wilder, Sheriff, to Jno. T. Mol- j drow.Titles to 80 acres more or less in Bish- op vine Township. $100. : B. F. McLeod and F. Joye, Trustees for the M. E. Church at Lynchburg to W. J. McLeod, i J. A. Rbameand others, Trustees for M. E. j Qhurch.Deed to 1 acre of land, more or less ! fa tbe village of Lynchborg, S. C- $200. Jas. W. Budd to Elias Davis.Deed to 100 acres of land on Scape O'er Swamp. $400 j Bridgett F. Tuomey to the Town of Sumter .Deed to 2 pieces or strips of land in the Eastern part of the Town, being part of the Morgan lot. $46. ; Sosan E. Tindall to Katie Green.Deed to }vt v»f land, containing £ acre more or less, on the road from Sumter to Blandiog's Mill. : $200. . i "Wonderful Discovery. Gibson's Brain Tranquilizer..This med:-J cine seems to hare quite a sale on account of its remarkable action upon the whole system. [n every case thus far, Epileptic Fits, and j Nervousness, have been entirely overcome, und almost magic relief been given to old j chronic cases of years' standing. Many home i certificates can be seen of the good results it lias produced. To those afflicted, do not let j this opportunity pass wttScst trying it. See advertisement. Holloway's Pills.Never Despair, j( Something that never fails.Fever and ! r Ague.To the sick it is of little consequence ' how they are cured, whether from a rational view of the disease or by the rules defined for | the guidance of the profession, so Ioog as the j cure is certain and expeditious. To a suffer- ( ing man the question on the relative merits of t quinine or calomel is uninteresting. The {"acuity may wrangle and discu3S their vari- - ous theories, but Dr. Hollo way's treatment i dispels doubt ere the disciples of Esculapius j have finished the first stage. Holloway's Pills j are the only remedies which effect a speedy j and radical cure without danger of a relapse, i Important Caution..None are genuine un- j less the signature of J. HAYDOCK, surrounds . each box of Pills and Ointment. Boxes at 25 « cents, 62 cents and $1 each. ß8?~ There is considerable saving by taking iht larger sizes. j 1 HOLLOW AY & CO., New York. < Oct 25 ' THE COUNTY FAIS. -o- In some classes of exhibits the Sumter Fai of 1S81 surpassed that of 1880. The display of household productions, Breads, Cakes, Preserves, Pickles, &c, and of the Needle an Î Fancy Work was much larger and better than I in 1880. The exhibition of Cotton, Hay, and j vegetables was also larger, but the Cattle and j Poultry were not equal to last year. We would state that although the total number ! of entries was twenty per cent, larger than in 1880, the exhibitors were still confined to a limited number. If the people of the County generally, would take anything like the interest which is now taken by a few persons, our Fair would rival any County Fair in the State. We understand that the Directors are not at all discouraged, but have determined to make the next Fair a brilliant success. There were many articles exhibited which we would be glad to notice specially, but hare not the space. The list of Premiums awarded will be found in this issue. m- - «- Pay Your Taxes. The following circular has been issued by comptroller-General Bratton, epproved by Gov. Hagood : ' Simple taxes paid when due meet all the demands vhe State upon the people. It is not only the duty of the people, but their interest, especially in this disastrous year, to pay promptly and avoid penalties. "From reports received at this office, it seems neccessary, in order to afford all ample opportunity to escape additional burdens, to exercise the limitad discretion allowed by law in the premises. "You are authorized to postpone the en- forcement of penalties, and collect simple taxes until the tenth day of November next. After that date penalties attach and must be collected." Edgefleld in Flames. Edgsfielo, October 30..Edgefield is in ashes. The business part of the town has been totally destroyed. Only three small stores be- ing left. There are not provisions enough in the town to feed it forty-eight hours. The new paper, the Chronicle, was burned out. The Advertiser's building and property are safe. The fire broke out just before dawn in the large livery stable of the Tillman Hotel. The merchants and business men are terrible losers. The fire desolated everything from the Tillman Hotel to the Saluda House. The loss of property is immense. The stocks of goods generally were not insured. The fire is supposed to be incendiary. Peo- ple from the country are thronging in, and the scene is one of wild confusion and awful sad- ness. The loss is estimated at more than $100.000. Insurance about $34,000. The Land League Said To Be Weakening. Cork, October 2*1..The process of the dis- solution of the Land League in the south of Ireland proceeds steadily and peacefully. The branches quietly submit to the prohibi- tion of the meetings. The Government, to justify their course in re-arrresting Mr. John HefFeruan, one of the most violent cf the Leaguers in Cork, have published an appeal which he made for clemency after his first ar- rest. The appeal concludes : "I will guar»- aatee to take no further part in public mat- ters relative to land reform, knowing, as I do, that the Land bill is perfect." Mr. Hcf- fernan, since his release, denied that he sign- ed any conditions, and resumed agitation. UM I I . - The TLornwell Oiphanags From the sixth annual report of the Thorn- well Orphanage, located in Clinton, S. C, it will appear that there have been thirty or- phans under it care, three having been dis- missed and six received, during the year. These have been educated, clothed, boarded, trained in rarious arts, domestic and other- wise, and every possible expense met at an aTerage cost of S6S.75 each. For this sum, they have received a first rate English educa- tion, and have been physically and personal- ly cured for, for the entire year of twelve months. During the year, Faith Cottage forthe boys has been erected at a total cost of $1500. As soon as the Orphans' Seminary, a building for School and Chapel purposes, is erected, the number of inmates can be materially in- creased. Remember that this institution is supported by voluntary gifts. What yon give goes di- rectly to the support of the orphans, and not to pay any officers. Thirteen counties of this state, fire States, and five different denomina- tion (of parents) are represented among our children. Boxes-of clothing, provisions of any kind and of course, eaoney, would be very accepta- ble, jnst now. Send to, Rei-. WM. P. JACOBS, Clinton,S. Ç. A CARD. .- - The 'undersigned begs leave to inform his friends and acquaintances that he is now con- nected with Messrs. Cohea & Triest, proprie- tors of the -"Palace Dry Goods Emporium," King Street, Charleston, S. C, and would be p'teased to serve them while in the -City, or will give his personal attention to all orders entrusted to his care. WALTER E. M I.MS. November 1 3t Peterson^s Magazine, For December, more than maintains its un- rivalled character. There -are two beautiful steel -eagravings; ooe of them a lovely title- page, representing so*ae children, singing a Christian hymn ; besîdes a superb steel fash- j , ion-plate, the latter exquisitely colored. In' addition, there is a magnificent Stripe for a Chair, in cross-stitch embroidery, printed in colors, which, at retail, would cost fifty cents': this is presented to the subsreribers of "Peter- son" as a Christmas gift. A charming story, "My Cousin Maud," is as charmingly illus- i trated. The number contains a Supplement,1 with a full-size dress-pattern, alone worth more than the price of the number. Then there are some fifty other engravings : of fashions, work-taMe patterns, etc., etc. The price of the Magazine is but Two Dollars a year. To clubs, it is astonishingly low, viz : six copies for nine dollars, with an extra copy to the person getting up the club ; or seven copies for ten dollars and a-half, with both an extra copy and a large-size premium en- graving, "Hush, Don't Wake Them," or a) Phojogcapb Album, gilt, to the person get- ting up the club. Subscribe to no magazine till you have seen a copy of this. Specimens ire seot, gratis, to persons wishing to get up clubs. Address, Chas. J. Peterson, 306 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, Pa. If you Feel Despondent \nàtweary of life, do not give up ; it is not trouble that causes euch feelings, but disor- dered kidneys or liver which Warner's Safe Kidney and liver Cure will invigorate, restore j und thus bring you happiness once more. How can a single dose of Ayer's Pills cure j headache? By removing obstructions from the system .relieving the stomach, and giring healthy iction to the digestive apparatus. NEW ADVERÏIS EM Et TS, imtndorsed nndreeom\ immnded by therncdi-\ Meal profession, form m Dyspepsia, General m Debility, Female Din- B 1 eases, Want of Vital- S tty, Serratia JProstra- m \tton, and Convales-W \ceHcefromFcver8,4;c.f GsMTLXSiiX: 1 was suffering from general debility to such an extent that my labor was exceedingly bur. de&sometome. A vacation of a month did not giro me much relief, bnt on the contrary, ttos followed bj Increased prostration and sinking chill*. At this time I began the use of yoar Inox Tonic, from which I re- alized almost immediate and wonderful results. The old encrer returned and I fcind that my natural force was not permanentlr abated. I have ased three bottles of the Tonic. 8ince using it I have done twice the la- bor that I ever did in the same time during my illness, and with doable tbe ease. With the tranquil serve and vigor of body, has come also a clearness of thought never before enjoyed. Ifthe Tonlo has not done the work, Iknow not what. I give it the credit. J. P. WatsOX. Pastor Christian Chnrch, Troy, O. mmmm ("The Iron Tonic is a\ preparation of Pro» toxide of Iron. Peru- vian Barle, and Fftos* pH atem, associated with the Vegetable Arotnaties, It serve» every purpose where a Tome im neeemsarp.f «AROFACTIIEI IT THE DR. HARTER MEDICINE CO., NO. SIS NORTH MAIN STREET, ST. lOUISr D. J. WINN & CO., DEALERS IN READY-MADE CLOTHING, OF ALL GRADES, Piece Goods, Cloths. Cassimeres, Cottonades, Jeans, Ac, IN GREAT VARIETY, HATS, TIES AND SCARFS, SHIRTS, COLLARS. HOSIERY, GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS AND UNDERWEAR. AN ENTIRELY NEW STOCK JUST RECEIVED. WE SELL AT LOWEST PRICES. THE IMPROVED WHEELER AND WILSON, IMPROVED WEED, IMPROVED VICTOR, HOWE "B," AND NEW AVERY Sewing Machines, -also- The Celebrated Preston's Fertilizers. PERSONS CONTEMPLATING BUYING M JEJ C3r I KT *E3 £3. Will save money by calling on us. WE SELL A FIRST CLASS ENGINE AND BOILER, Made by the New York Safety Steam Power Company. Sa.isfaction Guaranteed ia Erery Purchase. Send for Circular? and Prices. April 15 The Largest and Kost Complete Zstaolishment^Soutli. CEO. S. HACKER & SON, Established 1842. CHARLESTON, S. C. OJlce and Warerooms, Kingt 0]>j>osi/e Cannon Street. Tarât Wolfe Street and Railroad Avenue. MANUFACTURERS OF BOOKS, SASH, BLINDS, AND BUILDING- MATERIAL. Sep 20 1.V . "Earliest Flowers of Spring/'1 WRIGHT'S HOTEL BLOCK, ? Columbians. G. In Store : Beautiful Lawns at 6 1-4 cts. Beautiful Cambrics at Si c. Beautiful Prints at 6ic. Large Towels at 10 c. Large Linen Towels at 15 c. Gents' Silk Handkerchiefs, (Beauties) 50 c. Ladies' Linen Handkerchiefs (Marvels) at 25 c. Ladies' do do (Bargain) at 10 c. Misses' Sun Hats at 25 c. A beautiful line of Ladies', Gents' and Children's Hand-sewed Shoes ; also the cheaper qualities. Gents', Youths' aad Boys' Hats, Shirts, Hosiery, Neck-Wear, Gloves, Trunks, Valisw, Steel Scissors and Needles. -o- DÎIESS GOODS tn all the novelties of the season.a drive in Black Silks, Trimming Silks and Cretotne Cloths and Lace Curtains for UpholsteriDg. GENT'S CASISMERES, Cloths, Jeans. Ducks, Drills, from all the Celebrated factories of \merica. -o- We are prepared to sell Good Goods as cheaply as any house in the State. Satisfaction Guaranteed. Desportes & Edmunds, Wright's Hotel Block, March 15, 1881. COLUMBIA, S. O. FALL .AND. WINTER MILLINERY. The Misses McElhose Invite the attention of the Ladies and the public generally to their ill Stock of fiery Ms, Which they have now hand and are con- stantly receiving, consisting of TRIMMED AND U>*TRIMMED Hats and Bonnets, Also a fuil lice of R-uchings, Ties, Corsets, and Hair Goods. They are also prepared to furnish Ladles' Underwear, Hoop-Skirts, and Bustles. Country orders promptly attended to. SCHOOL NOTICE. THE TRUSTEES OF THE VARIOUS School Districts will open their schools >n the ist Monday in November, or as soon hereafter as may be practicable. They will ilso require teachers to include a calendar conth in each report, before checks are issued. Those persons who have not had an oppor- unity of being examined can meet the Board >f Examiners on Friday the 28th of October. By order of the Board of Examiners. W. F. RIIA ME, Oct 25 School Com'r. i NOTICE THIS NOTICE. CLERK AND TREASURER'S OFFrCE, SU.MTER, S. C, Oct 17, i881. ALL PERSONS indebted to the Town of Sumter for Licenses, arc hereby remiud- id of the same, and payment requested, Merchants are also remiuded that their 'Return Sales" for 3d quarter, ending Sep- tember 30th, ult., is due and payable at this îflîce. C. M. HURST, Oct 25 Clerk and Treas. Till DROUTH M BID .AND. PROVISIONS ARE SCARCE; NEVERTHELESS, DlIdËR t I! .SELL nnorrnic AT THEIR ACCUSTOMED liow Prices. WE HAVE A FULL STOCK, AND EXTEND TO ALL A Cordial Invitation .TO. im t\l) Si 1 Buyers are Requested to Examine our' Goods and Inquire Prices. Oft 4 suited for Life of Prcs- coinpleie, faithful history from cr-rdlc to grave; by the eminent biographer, Col. Conwell. Introduc- tion by his Excellency. John b. Long, Govern or of Massaehit se t ts. Books all ready fur de- livery. An elegantly illustrated volume. En- dorsed edition. Liberal term.-!. Agents lake orders for trot» 20 to 50 colics daily. Outsells any other book ten to f>nc. Agents never made money so fust. The book sells itself. Experience not necessary. Failure unknown. All unke im- tuen'?« profits; i'rivat-j terms free. («EO-KtilS STlNtfON Jc Co., Portland Maine. oct 18 1 mm BATES & 00., DRY GOODS .AND. CLOTHING, .AT. WHOLESALE. 122, 124, 126 MEETING STREET, CHARLESTON, S. C. Auer. ir> 3 3ub w ç Wholesale Grocers, LIQUOR DEALERS AND General Commission Merchants, No. 197 EAST BAY, CHARLESTON, S. C. Aug. 16 3 RSSE! RICE ! ! RICE!!! CANTERS AND MERCHANTS WILL take notice that we are prepared always to pa}* the best market price for rice, or will sell on commission any shipments they may eotrust to as. HENRY BISCHOFF & CO., Charleston, S. C. September 20 6m iDÄMSj^ DÄN"&T0.5 No. 18 BROAD STREET, CHARLESTON, S. C, DEALERS IX STOVES, RANGES, GR A TES, \ MARBLE AND SLATE MANTELS, Pur.ips, Lead and Lron Pipe, Sheet Lead, I Fire Bricks, Tiles, Terra Cotta Drain Pines, and Chimney Tops, Sep 20_ly_ ! BRIDAL PRESENTS, ;'§TEBI/ä.W SILVER j .AND. Rich Jewelry. ; ORDERS PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO j JAMES ALLAN'S, j 307 KING-STREET, CHARLESTON, S. C. Sep 20 ly HATTSK. September 20 _ 3m "jôsêp~h"f7 1mm, Grand Furniture Warerooms, Parlor, Chamber and Dining Room Suits, from the most costly to the cheapest. Exten- sion and Marble Top Tables, Spring Mattress- es, Chairs, What-Nots, &c, &c Call in person or send your orders for fur- niture in all of its branches. Nos. 217 (0 219 King Street, CHARLESTON j S. C. September 20 tj ESTABLISHED IS54. CHARLES HICKEY DEALER IN Looking Glasses, Every Variety of Mouldings, j Window Cornices, Photographic Frames, I CORD AND TASSEL LOOPS, Etc., ! Engravings and Oil Paintings Reuovatcd. 345 King Street, olove Liberty, CHARLESTON, S. C. September 20 3m HENRY BAYER, IMi'ORTEU OF yuyuuuUUl UHU Uli _ And Wholesale Dealer in Apples, PotatoeSj Onions, &c, Country orders solicited and satisfaction guaranteed. 215 EAST BAY, CHARLESTON, S. C. September 20 Sin F. W. Wacf.xer. Gno. A. Wage.ner. F W. WASENER & CO., WHOLESALE Grocers and Liquor Dealers, COTTON FACTORS, Turpentine, Rosin and Sice Dealers, CHARLESTON, S. C. We keep one of the largest STOCKS that has ever been otfered in the South, and is complete in every respect, and we propose to compete for the trade with any market in the United States. We have our new building completed, which is conceded to be the largest Grocery- House in the country, and we have our Stock under one roof, which enables us to handle goods to the very best advantage. Our imported WINES and LIQUORS are brought out by us direct in bond, and we warrant our goods absolutely pure. Our OLD CROW RYE and OLD NIC CORN WHISKEY is so well kouwn that they re- quire no comment. We would, however, call attention to our stock of verv old FRENCH BRANDY. SCOTCH and IRISH WHISKEY, JAMAICA and St. CROIX RUMS, MADEIRA, SHERRY and PORT WINES. We are prepared to fill Sample Orders for LIQUORS, or will sund samples of any Goods we have in stock. SUMMER BEVERAGES. GINGER ALE. CIDER, LEMON SUGAR, LEMON SYRUPS, LIGHT WINKS. .0-. CHAMPAGNES. We are Agents for the best imported CHAMPAGNES, and sell at same prices as the New York Agculs. 1 .o- Covinoton.Kv., May 1, ISSl. Office of Fd. Burkholder, Chemist, &c. I have carefully analyzed a sample of "OLD CROW WHISKEY," distilled for and controlled by Messrs. F. W. Wagoner à Co., Charleston S. C, and find it free from all impurities, and recommend it for family and medicinal use. I'd. Burkholdcr, Analytical Chemist. AGENTS FOR BEEF AND PORK PACKERS, FLOUR MILLS, FAIRBANKS' SCALES, STUCTZ'S CELEBRATE!) TOBACCO, GULLET'S IMPROVED COTTON GIN, KNICKERBOCKER HOLLAND (UN, JULES MUMM CHAMPAGNES, TO LU ROCK AND RYE, URIENTAL GUNPOWDER. Sept. 20, Jy. FALL -AND- WIN ' TOOK, My Stock is now complete -IN- I Every Department, -AND- j Has been carefully selected in person, with the view of pleasing all i j In Quality and Prices. Large Assortment -IN- Good Quality Wool Cassimeres AT 12; A KD 15 CTS. ! Ladies' Cloaks, in great variety. I Ladies' Shawls, all kinds and J prices. Largest Stock of Gents' and Boys' CLOTHING ever offered, and at Low Down Prices. Best assortment of S8.P"" at various prices. ! Full assortment of HARDWARE, ! SADDLERY, j HARNESS, Carpetings, &c* GROCERIES -AND- Canned Goods. IX G H EAT VARIETY, ! And at lowest prices for Srst quality goods. CALL AND EXAMINE. 'A. A. Solomons. Sept 20 jogg.1.. ..i.... BULTMANN & BRO. SUMTER, S. C. I Invite the attention of their friends and the public generally to the j LARGEST STOCK THE Y HAVE EVER HAD, Which has been purchased with great care, with the view of suiting all classes of buyer?, both in quality and price. Those who want j THE BEST GOODS FOR THE LEAST MONEY, j arc invited to call and be convinced that the tac place to get them is at the store of BULT MANX & BROTHER. £3f- Those who have not settled their old j accounts will please iio so at once. April S UÂA, CONGAREE Iron Works, COLU3IBIA, S. C A G EXT FOR CHAPMAN'S PERPETUAL EVAPORATOR. -0- These works were established mi 1347 by Messrs. Geo. Sinclair and James Anderson and purchased by me in the year LSofi. and from that time till no»v carried on successfully by myself. My friends and customers will bear witness of the largo and stupendous jobs exc cuted by me. It was at my wurks where the largest and almost only job of its class ever ex cc'ited in this city was done, viz:: ihc making of the pipes for the City Water Works in the venr iS5S. In the branch of BELL FOUNDING, I can say that I have made the largest bell« ever cast in th«* State, such as the boll for the City Hall in Culumbia. My stock of patterns for ARCHITECTURAL WORK, COLUMNS FOR STORE FRONTS, is large and various, and in RAILINGS FOR BALCON-ES. GARDENS AND CEMETE- RIES I have the largest variety and most mod- ern patterns; m:>ny of these are patented and I have purchased the right for this State. In the machine line I can furnish my pat- rons with Steam Engines and Boilers of any size and description. Mv CIRCULAR SAW MILLS have carried off the pMze at every State Fair held in this city, and in their construction I have taken pains to combine Simplicity with the most useful modern improvements, and mav flaltcr myself that my CIRCULAR SAW MILLS find favor with every sawyer who un- derstands his business. The many onlers I am steadily receiving for Sugar Cane Mills, provo that me public appreciate the mills vi my make, and so it is with my Gr E3A.3Ft ING- f..r HORSE POWERS, GIN WHEELS, URIST MILLS and other MACHINERY. I have the n.anufacturiug right of many PATENTS, such as castings for Rock Cotton and Hay Press and three or lour FELD CUTTERS and other IMPLEM ENTS I wili be pleased to send my CIRCULARS to any applicant, together with price list <-r esti- mate My PRICES are moderate, and I assure the public that they nro lower even than thos<) of Northern manufacturers, and that my work will compare favorably with that < f any other maker. Address JOHN ALEXANDER, Co>rtAHKB IttON WoKKS, C'.'H'MU'.V, S- C. Jao. 20. Iv. B SALE AND FEED STABLES. STOCK. Just received this 27th October, Une Car Load well broke nice driving Horses, among tbem several matched pairs. BUGGIES. Emerson, Fisher & Co.'s open and Top Bug gies. Also other desinblc brands. WAGONS. A full line of Milburn Wagons, nnd Wilson, Childs & Co.'s Wagons. HARNESS. Double and Single Duggy and Wagon Harness, GRAIN. Prime White Corn. Prime Mixed Corn. Prime Feed Oats at "Sc. Prime Timothy Hay at $1.60. Wheat Bran $2.75 per 10011)5. Always on hand a full line of feed stuff of all kinds. _Give us a call. Removal P. & A. J. «ES Have Removed into their New Stables on Liberty Street. ON HAND. One Car-load Well-broke Driving and Draft Horses, and One Car-load Well- broke Mules, Large and Small. OUR LIVERY. Our Business in this Line Will be Con- tinued with Increased Facilities. Special Bargains on Hauling Contracts. PURCHASERS Will find it to their interest to call and examine Stock before buying elsewhere. Sept, 27__ THE SUMTEH SÎ0YE MAN. T. CSC AFFE STOVES, PUMPS, TINWARE, STOVE CASTINGS, WIL- LOW WARE, DRIV- EN PUMPS, GAS PIPES AND ELBOWS. ALSO LAMP FIXINGS AND CROCKERY. Gas Pipe Cut and Threaded. Water Works Put Up. Pumps Put Down. Stoves Rebuilt. Tin Ware Repaired. Guns Putin Order. Houses Roofed. May 1*2 lyr RED RUST-PROOF OATS ÄND LIME. 1~ AABUSHELS GENUINE RED RUST ouu PROOF OATS, 7 90c. per bushel. 1,500 Bbls. FRESH STONE LIME, $1.50 per barrel. For s le bv WORTH & WORTH, WILMINGTON, N. C. Sep 27 _ D. L. GORE, Wholesale Grocer .AND. Commission Merchant, No. *2 and 3 South Water Street, WILMINGTON, N. C. Seep 6 3m 2,000 Sacks Liverpool Salt. O AAABUSHELS PRIME WHITE and ^ uuu MIXED CORN. 500 Bushels Water Ground MEAL, 50 Boxes D. S. SIDES, and A full line of GROCERIES, always on hand and for sale bv 1 " D. L. GORE. Nos. 2 and 3 South Water Street, j Sep 20 Wilmington, N. C. j ~ NATH'L JÀCOÎBÏ7 ' WHOLESALE AND «ETAIT* Hardware and Iron MERCHANT. Manufacturers Agency for COOKING AND HEATING STOVES, Sash, Doors and Blinds, White Lead, Colors and Oils, A full Stock always on hand. -o- A complete assortment of French and American WiaôowGlass ! OF ALL SIZES. ! Correspondence and orders by mail promptly attended to. NO. 10 SOUTH FRONT ST., WILMINGTON, N. C Sep 6 3m parser & TÄYJLÖrT DEALERS IN First Class (Ming ni STOVES, House Furnishing Goods of all Kinds. \ DRIVE WELL PUMPS, | AT VERY LOW FIGURES, Tin-ware at Wholesalo and Retail, AT BOTTOM THICKS. Call and see us, or send for pnees, before buying elsewhere, and save money. 19 SOUTH FRONT STREET, V/ILMINGTON, N. C | Sep 6 _6m | H. BRUNHILD & BRO., I Distillers, lïectîjiers and ]Yholcsale Dealers in J Rye Whiskies, Imported Liquors AND CIGARS. N. C. Brandy and Whisky a Specialty. J No. "2 Granite Koic, So. Front Street, WILMINGTON, N. C. -ALSO- CAPE FEAR TOBACCO WORKS, ! MANUFACTURER OF AU Grades of Plu?, Twist, and j Smo&ixig Tobacco. Sept. 6 3m ; TARTLJRIC DISCOVERY! i LOST MANHOOD RESTORED. | A victim of youthful imprudence causing Prem* taie Decay, Nervous Debility, Lost Manhood, etc., h&ving tried in vain every known remedy, has dis- covered a simple selfcure, which be will send FREE to his fellow-sufferers, address J. H. REEVES 43 Chatham St., N. Y. - 1 S New Advertisements. TO THE PEOPLE OF THE SOUTH.. KINGS MOUNTAIN AND ITS HEROES. A History of the Battle, Oct. 7, J7S0, ami the events which led to it, nfrcr two years spent in preparation, is now published and ready f«r delivery. The ambor, Lym»n C. Draper, EL D. las spent years ingathering materials fr this work, which abounds in stirring recitals of adventures and hair breadth escapes, alike inte- restiog to oM and young. The descendants of such men as Campbell, Shelby.Scvier, Cleveland Lact-y. Williams, llambrighr, McDowell, Win- sion, Hammond and their officer.-, now living by the thousands ihtougbout the South, will wel- come this permanent record of that glnriou* event which turned the tidj of ihe Révolution. The w»rk contains 612 pages, on fine paper beautifully bound, with seven steel portraits of the Ilfroes, and numerous wood cuts, with index of 5,000 references. PRICE, $4; Sent post paid on receipt of price, or may be had of Agents in every county. FJBTJSB G. THOMSON, Publisher. No. 179 Vine Street Cincinnati 0. *ç* Agents wanted for unas.-igned territory. Si»i.d f»«r terms, ëîfenbir and samp te copy «>,OOU AUK.V1S WAN'liSD TO SKIX"XH K LIFE OF GARFIELD! Hearly lite and career as soldier and states- man; his election and «dministration: his assas- sination; bis heroic struggle for life: wonderful medical tre-itment, blood poisoning, removal to Elbcron, death, etc. Profusely illustrated. Splendid portrait of Garficld, his wife and mother Scene of the shooting; the sick chamber, Gui- feau in his cell, the surgeons and the Cabinet. The only complete and authentic work. There is a fortune for agents first in the field with this book. Outfit 50'5. Speak quick. Address llUHHAi'.n V.ROS. 723 Chestnut St. Philada. ANOTHER BOOM THE FOR AGENTS. BJj RINCE MARK TWA!NrS wT AND THE NEW BOOK * AUPER Will outsell ail his previous work*, and offer* you the best chance of your life tc make money rapidly; Old agents will act promptly, and secure choice territory, and wo advise you to do the same. Outfits now ready. Send at once for circulars and terms to DOUGLASS BROS. Publishers. Philadelphia, Pa. PLAYS. PLAYS,' PLAYS, PLAYS^ For Reading Clubs, for Amateur Theatricals, Temperance Plays, Drawing Room Plays, Fairy Plays, Ethiopian Plays. Guide Books, Speakers» Pantomimes. Tableaux. Lights, Magnesium Lights. Colored Fire. IJiirnt Cork, Theatrical Face Preparations, Jarley's Wax Works. Wigs, Hoards, Moustaches, Co?tumes, Charades, and Paper Scenery. New Catalogues sent free, con- taining full description aud prices. SAMUEL FKENCH tfc SON. 3S E. Uth St. New York. DlVuuCES cheaply, without publicity.d%* sert ion, non support, intemperance.fof parties in any State. Advice and circulars for stamp. Address Counsellor Baldwin, 287 Broadway, ï-ew York. A YEAR and expenses to agents. mi 14 Outfit free. Address P. 0. VICK- ERY, Augusta, Maine. oct-4 0 ADVERTISERS..Lowest Rates for ad- verfising in 1.050 good newspapers sent free. 'AddMM GEO. P. RUYi'ELL & CO.. Nov 1 10 Spruce Street. N Y. m x c9 03 The Latest. The Best THE BEST IS THE CHEAPEST. The handsomest and most complete LARGE km MACHINE Yet produced. ILLUSTRATED CIRCULARS SENT OX APPLICATION. V ictor Sewing Machine Co., 1 Iiliddletcwn, Conn. jSouthern Orflcc, Ko. C N. Charles St., Baltimore, Md. Oct 4 FREIGHT PAID, Richards' Dry Goods Syndicate* A COMBINATION OP CAPITAL UNPARALLELED IN THE HISTORY" OP DRY GOODS. Holding the Largest Monied and Manufacturing Interests >f Europe and America. ONE QUARTER OF A .MILLION HANDLED IX FIVE MONTHS. Acknowledging no criterion save the weight of its own mighty success. Ignoring Competition and Leveling the Prices of Dry Goods To a seile commensurate with the wants of the country.rendering happy the hearth- stones of our people, but sweeping to ruin, with chilling blasts, the unlucky merchant who dares defy its irre- sistible sway. Parties at a distance de iring samples and price lists can secure them when desired. Express Freights will be prepaid on orders of $20 or over, at retail, to any depot. Wholesale rates for South levelled to East- ern quotations. 7. & SRO., Managers, AUGUSTA, G A. Sep 27 2 AGENTS WANTED lor the STANDARD EDITION Revised New Testament -fO STYLES, ELEGANT EDITION, J[0 Large Tvpe. about 600 pages. COM- From $1.00 to*$7 PARATIYE EDITION . over 1100 pages. Old and New Versions on opposite pages. HIS- TORY OF THE BIBLE AND OF THE NEW REVISION given to subscribers. The secret of successful canvassing given every agent. Send for our liberal terms. (Mention this pa- per.) THE HENRY BILL PUBEISH'G CO., Established, 1S47. y NORWICH, COXX. J. A.. MOOD, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, OFFICE SOUTn SIDE DUG AX ST., SUM TER, S. C- Ang 2 tf BABBIT METAL. (1 IX MAKERS AXD REI AIRERS CAX X find at the office of the Watchman and Southron a supply of OLD TYPE .METAL which is equal, if not superior to babbit met- al for their uses. It can be bad at reasonable rates. ANTHONY WHITE, Apt M Coins Merchant, S UM TER, S. C. IS PREPARED TO TAKE RISKS AGAINST FIRE, in a Dumber of first-class Northern, Southern and English Fire Insurance Companies, among which arc North British and Mercantile of England. Scottish Commercial of Glasgow, Home of New-York, Georgia Home of Georgia, and Others, aggregating §50,000,000 of Assets. AGENT ALSO FOX Wilson & Childs' Philadelphia Wagons. McLcar & Kendal's Carriage & Bug- gies. Wando Fertilizer aud Acid Phosphate. JuJv 20

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Page 1: 00., mmmm TOOK, · TUESDAY.NOVEMBER1. EnteredatthePost Oßceat Sumter, S. (?., as SecondClass Matter. ' POSTAL.DIRECTORY. TueMoneyOrderDelivery is Openevery day duringtheweek, from


Entered at the Post Oßce at Sumter, S.(?., as Second Class Matter.



Tue Money Order Delivery is Open every dayduring the week, from 8 A. M. to 4 P. M.Southern and Northern Mails close 7.30 P.M. Both Mails Open 8 A. M.Sundays-Both Mails close at 6 P. M. Gene

\ ral Delivery Open from S to -9 A. M.Arrivals and Departures of County Mails.

TOishopville Mails leave on Monday's Wednes-1 days and Fridays, 6 A. M., and arrive at 7

P- M. same days.f Smithville and Providence Mails arrive

on Mondays, Wednesday's and Fridays, at 12M., a id leave 2 P. M. the same davs.

JNO. A. WHITTEMORE, P. M.Leonard W. Corbett, Assistai)! P. M.

OUR OFFICE.The Office of the Watchman and

Southron has beeD permanently estab-lished at the old Stand of the TrueSouthron, opposite the Court House,where we shall be pleased to see our

patrons and the public generally.Town Taxes are due and payable Novem-

ber 1st, instant.Rer. Robt. M. Hnggios ofSpring Hill, aged

Ï9 years, died on October 27, after a sicknessor three weeks.Mr. Robert McCutcheu of Bisbopville had

two finger9 cut off by a gin, on Tuesday last.Bis head was also badly hurt.

Joe Smith, colored, had his hand badlymangled by a gin, on Monday last, at Wedge-field.Mr. Ashur Furstenburg removed to Man-

ning on Thursday last, to establish a branchboose of Furstenburg*3 Emporium. He hasoar best wishes for success.

Don't forget to pay your Town taies.

Mr. R W. Durant has been recommendedby the Legislative delegation to fill the vacan-

cy occasioned by the death of Sheriff Wilder,A better recommendation could not bave beenmade.

Henry Polk, colored, attempted to steal thewatch of Mr. Jerry Jackson, of Providence,on Tuesday night last, by snatching it frombis band. He was captured, however,cammitted to jail and the watch returned.We acknowledge the receipt of a plate of

beautiful butter from the Jersey Cow whichtook the premium at our fair last week, alsoä bottle of delicious wine, and frnit cake of a jrichness which would satisfy the desire of the jroost fastidious gastronomist. They were

sent by Mrs. Capt. Delgar to whom we return.many thanks.

Miss Marie Seabrook, of Charleston, whograced our social circle and made the Sum-cier delightfully pleasant for us, returnedhome last Friday night. Her many friendsand admirers here will await her return withfeverish impatience.

Mr. Thos. Richardson has laid upon our

table the portion of a stalk of cotton abouttea inches long arouod which are clusteredtwenty well developed bolls. This is fromtbe field which produced the premium baleat our recent Fair.The hop given to L*rof. Agostici on Tues-

day evening last was quite a success. TbeL Professor departed on Friday, leaving behind

number of frieuds. During his stay inSumter, by his gentlemanly bearing andpleasing manners, ce «roc his way into thefriendship of many of our citizens who. if itïvere in their power, would heartily coairheadhim to any eoxamuaitv he may chance to

visit in the future.Sam Hampton, under tbe influence of what

KunkePs man calls "bad stagger juice," im-agined himself, last Friday night, a Massa-chusetts soldier in Richmond. His illusionwas rapidly dissipated, however, oy a blowofa well directed brick-bat from tbe hand oî-a sable damsel to whom his démonstrations ofaffection were strikingly pointed.

Mr. C. H. Kershaw. the traveling agent ofWm. M. Bird <fc Co., wholesale dealers in«ils, pamts, leads, etc., of Cbarieetou, is inSumter, and he will be pleased to Eli allorders pertaining to iis Iiae. Mr. £er.£hawwillalso visit the different points su this andadjoining counties in a few days and -call on

his customers. His house bas the reputation ofalways keepiag ti;e purest, and -cheapest oilsand paints, leads, etc, and our readers-desir-ing anything in their line, had better call onMr. Kecshaw while he is on bis lour, and &avetheir orders .filled.We are pleased to aaiHsen-cethat our fellow-

townsmaa, and the former Editor of tbe TrueSouthron, W. <i. Kenoedy, Esq., «as in pressa volume ofPoems, which will soon be issuedfcy tbe old house of E. Claxton k Co., of Phil-adelphia. We trast rfc*t tie peopte of thehome Counties of Sumter and Clarendon will j!give bim a good send off, in the sale of his jBook, and make the enterprise a paying one. jMany poems in this collection have never beenpublished, while some of them have appearedin the columns of different papers. Mr. Ken-nedy is willing for his book to stand or fallupon its merits.

Heal Estate TransfersFiled in Register's office from lfth Septem-

*>er, to 8th October, 1881 :

Jesse Woodard to Winney JS. Stnckey andchildren.Deed of Gift to 1£4£ acres, "being.part of the land formerly known as the HardyStnckey land.

Jesse Woodard to Stephen D. Woodard.Deed of Gift to 154\ acres, being a part of theland formerly known as the Hardy Stuckeyland.

Robt. L. Cooper to Willie Washington-Deed to 10 acres land, adjoining lands ofMrs.V. Bradford, Dr. Pitts and others. $100.A. 3. Boyle and S. A. Boyle to K. Pen-

pington.Deed to 6 acres more or less ofland,situated on the road leading from Lynchburgto Magaolia. $50.

J. M. Wilder, Sheriff, to Mrs. Catherine W. ,Sum ter.Titles to 402 acres more or less ofJand, known as the ftM«rden" tract. $2100.00. jThomas R. Harney to the Town of Sumter j

:.Deed to lot of land i'i the Eastern part of; i

tbe Town of Scmter, containing 79-100 of an

acres, being part Gf the "Old Tan Yard tract.$118.50. 11Timothy Reardon, Trustee, to the Town of

Sumter.Deed to lot in the Eastern part ofthe.Town, containing I of an acre more or !

less beinjj part of «.be "'Old Sanders tract."$52.00.Thomas R. Harney to Town of Sumter. 1

Deed to lot in tbe Eastern part of the Town, !containing § of an acre more or less being a !part of the "Tan Yard tract." $104.00 j:Andrew P. Timon and Elizabeth B. Vin»

son to L. W. Dick, Carson Burgess and i

others, Trustees.Deed to Church lot, situa- ;led on the tract of land known by the nameOf tbe Parker place. $21.00.Henry Stuckey to John Brown.Deed to 22 j

acres more or less on Scape O'er Swamp,$100.00.Solomon Muldrow to Addella P. Zimmer-

man.Deed to 152 acres more or less in Sum- !ter County. $684.

Josiah M. Wilder, Sheriff, to Jno. T. Mol- jdrow.Titles to 80 acres more or less in Bish-opvine Township. $100. :

B. F. McLeod and F. Joye, Trustees for theM. E. Church at Lynchburg to W. J. McLeod, iJ. A. Rbameand others, Trustees for M. E. jQhurch.Deed to 1 acre of land, more or less !fa tbe village of Lynchborg, S. C- $200.

Jas. W. Budd to Elias Davis.Deed to 100acres of land on Scape O'er Swamp. $400 j

Bridgett F. Tuomey to the Town of Sumter.Deed to 2 pieces or strips of land in theEastern part of the Town, being part of theMorgan lot. $46. ;Sosan E. Tindall to Katie Green.Deed to

}vt v»f land, containing £ acre more or less, onthe road from Sumter to Blandiog's Mill. :

$200. .i

"Wonderful Discovery.Gibson's Brain Tranquilizer..This med:-J

cine seems to hare quite a sale on account ofits remarkable action upon the whole system.[n every case thus far, Epileptic Fits, and jNervousness, have been entirely overcome,und almost magic relief been given to old jchronic cases ofyears' standing. Many home icertificates can be seen of the good results itlias produced. To those afflicted, do not let jthis opportunity pass wttScst trying it.See advertisement.

Holloway's Pills.Never Despair, j(Something that never fails.Fever and !


Ague.To the sick it is of little consequence'

how they are cured, whether from a rationalview of the disease or by the rules defined for |the guidance of the profession, so Ioog as the jcure is certain and expeditious. To a suffer- (

ing man the question on the relative merits of t

quinine or calomel is uninteresting. The{"acuity may wrangle and discu3S their vari- -

ous theories, but Dr. Holloway's treatment i

dispels doubt ere the disciples of Esculapius jhave finished the first stage. Holloway's Pills jare the only remedies which effect a speedy jand radical cure without danger of a relapse, i

Important Caution..None are genuine un- jless the signature of J. HAYDOCK, surrounds .

each box of Pills and Ointment. Boxes at 25 «

cents, 62 cents and $1 each.ß8?~ There is considerable saving by taking

iht larger sizes. j 1

HOLLOWAY & CO., New York. <

Oct 25 '


In some classes of exhibits the Sumter Faiof 1S81 surpassed that of 1880. The displayof household productions, Breads, Cakes,Preserves, Pickles, &c, and of the Needle an

Î Fancy Work was much larger and better than

I in 1880. The exhibition of Cotton, Hay, and

j vegetables was also larger, but the Cattle and

j Poultry were not equal to last year. Wewould state that although the total number

! of entries was twenty per cent, larger than in

1880, the exhibitors were still confined to a

limited number.If the people of the County generally, would

take anything like the interest which is nowtaken by a few persons, our Fair would rivalany County Fair in the State.We understand that the Directors are not

at all discouraged, but have determined to

make the next Fair a brilliant success.

There were many articles exhibited whichwe would be glad to notice specially, buthare not the space.The list of Premiums awarded will be found

in this issue.m- - «-

Pay Your Taxes.The following circular has been issued by

comptroller-General Bratton, epproved byGov. Hagood :

' Simple taxes paid when due meet all thedemands o» vhe State upon the people. It isnot only the duty of the people, but theirinterest, especially in this disastrous year, to

pay promptly and avoid penalties."From reports received at this office, it

seems neccessary, in order to afford all ampleopportunity to escape additional burdens, toexercise the limitad discretion allowed by lawin the premises."You are authorized to postpone the en-

forcement of penalties, and collect simpletaxes until the tenth day of November next.After that date penalties attach and mustbe collected."

Edgefleld in Flames.Edgsfielo, October 30..Edgefield is in

ashes. The business part ofthe town has beentotally destroyed. Only three small stores be-ing left. There are not provisions enough inthe town to feed it forty-eight hours. The new

paper, the Chronicle, was burned out. TheAdvertiser's building and property are safe.The fire broke out just before dawn in the

large livery stable of the Tillman Hotel. Themerchants and business men are terriblelosers. The fire desolated everything fromthe Tillman Hotel to the Saluda House. Theloss of property is immense. The stocks ofgoods generally were not insured.The fire is supposed to be incendiary. Peo-

ple from the country are thronging in, and thescene is one of wild confusion and awful sad-ness. The loss is estimated at more than$100.000. Insurance about $34,000.The Land League Said To Be

Weakening.Cork, October 2*1..The process of the dis-

solution of the Land League in the south ofIreland proceeds steadily and peacefully.The branches quietly submit to the prohibi-tion of the meetings. The Government, tojustify their course in re-arrresting Mr. JohnHefFeruan, one of the most violent cf theLeaguers in Cork, have published an appealwhich he made for clemency after his first ar-rest. The appeal concludes : "I will guar»-aatee to take no further part in public mat-ters relative to land reform, knowing, as Ido, that the Land bill is perfect." Mr. Hcf-fernan, since his release, denied that he sign-ed any conditions, and resumed agitation.

UM I I . -

The TLornwell OiphanagsFrom the sixth annual report of the Thorn-

well Orphanage, located in Clinton, S. C,it will appear that there have been thirty or-

phans under it care, three having been dis-missed and six received, during the year.These have been educated, clothed, boarded,trained in rarious arts, domestic and other-wise, and every possible expense met at an

aTerage cost of S6S.75 each. For this sum,they have received a first rate English educa-tion, and have been physically and personal-ly cured for, for the entire year of twelvemonths.During the year, Faith Cottage forthe boys

has been erected at a total cost of $1500. Assoon as the Orphans' Seminary, a buildingfor School and Chapel purposes, is erected,the number of inmates can be materially in-creased.Remember that this institution is supported

by voluntary gifts. What yon give goes di-rectly to the support of the orphans, and notto pay any officers. Thirteen counties of thisstate, fire States, and five different denomina-tion (of parents) are represented among ourchildren.Boxes-of clothing, provisions of any kind

and of course, eaoney, would be very accepta-ble, jnst now. Send to,

Rei-. WM. P. JACOBS, Clinton,S. Ç.

A CARD. .--

The 'undersigned begs leave to inform hisfriends and acquaintances that he is now con-nected with Messrs. Cohea & Triest, proprie-tors ofthe -"Palace Dry Goods Emporium,"King Street, Charleston, S. C, and would bep'teased to serve them while in the -City, or

will give his personal attention to all ordersentrusted to his care.

WALTER E. M I.MS.November 1 3t

Peterson^s Magazine,For December, more than maintains its un-

rivalled character. There -are two beautifulsteel -eagravings; ooe of them a lovely title-page, representing so*ae children, singing aChristian hymn ; besîdes a superb steel fash- j ,

ion-plate, the latter exquisitely colored. In'addition, there is a magnificent Stripe for a

Chair, in cross-stitch embroidery, printed incolors, which, at retail, would cost fifty cents':this is presented to the subsreribers of "Peter-son" as a Christmas gift. A charming story,"My Cousin Maud," is as charmingly illus- itrated. The number contains a Supplement,1with a full-size dress-pattern, alone worthmore than the price of the number. Thenthere are some fifty other engravings : offashions, work-taMe patterns, etc., etc. Theprice of the Magazine is but Two Dollars a

year. To clubs, it is astonishingly low, viz :

six copies for nine dollars, with an extra copyto the person getting up the club ; or seven

copies for ten dollars and a-half, with both anextra copy and a large-size premium en-

graving, "Hush, Don't Wake Them," or a)Phojogcapb Album, gilt, to the person get-ting up the club. Subscribe to no magazinetill you have seen a copy of this. Specimensire seot, gratis, to persons wishing to get upclubs. Address, Chas. J. Peterson, 306Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, Pa.

Ifyou Feel Despondent\nàtweary of life, do not give up ; it is nottrouble that causes euch feelings, but disor-dered kidneys or liver which Warner's SafeKidney and liver Cure will invigorate, restore jund thus bring you happiness once more.

How can a single dose of Ayer's Pills cure jheadache?By removing obstructions from the system

.relieving the stomach, and giring healthyiction to the digestive apparatus.

NEW ADVERÏIS EM Et TS,imtndorsed nndreeom\immnded by therncdi-\Meal profession, formm Dyspepsia, General mDebility, FemaleDin- B

1 eases, Want of Vital-S tty, Serratia JProstra- m\tton, and Convales-W\ceHcefromFcver8,4;c.f

GsMTLXSiiX: 1 was suffering from general debility to such an extent that my labor was exceedingly bur.de&sometome. A vacation of a month did not giro me much relief, bnt on the contrary, ttos followed bjIncreased prostration and sinking chill*. At this time I began the use of yoar Inox Tonic, from which I re-alized almost immediate and wonderful results. Theold encrer returned and I fcind that my natural forcewas not permanentlr abated. I have ased three bottles of the Tonic. 8ince using it I have done twice the la-bor that I ever did in the same time during my illness, and with doable tbe ease. With the tranquil serve

and vigor of body, has come also a clearness of thought never before enjoyed. Ifthe Tonlo has not done thework, Iknow not what. I give it the credit. J. P. WatsOX. Pastor Christian Chnrch, Troy, O.

mmmm("The Iron Tonic is a\preparation of Pro»toxide ofIron. Peru-vian Barle, and Fftos*pHatem, associatedwith the VegetableArotnaties, It serve»every purpose wherea Tome im neeemsarp.f




Piece Goods, Cloths. Cassimeres, Cottonades, Jeans, Ac,IN GREAT VARIETY,





Sewing Machines,-also-

The Celebrated Preston's Fertilizers.PERSONS CONTEMPLATING BUYING

M JEJ C3r I KT *E3 £3.Will save money by calling on us.

WE SELL A FIRST CLASS ENGINE AND BOILER,Made by the New York Safety Steam Power Company.

Sa.isfaction Guaranteed ia Erery Purchase. Send for Circular? and Prices.April 15

The Largest and Kost CompleteZstaolishment^Soutli.

CEO. S. HACKER & SON,Established 1842.


OJlce and Warerooms, Kingt 0]>j>osi/eCannon Street.

Tarât Wolfe Street and Railroad Avenue.




"Earliest Flowers of Spring/'1


Columbians. G.In Store : Beautiful Lawns at 6 1-4 cts.

Beautiful Cambrics at Si c.

Beautiful Prints at 6ic.Large Towels at 10 c.

Large Linen Towels at 15 c.Gents' Silk Handkerchiefs, (Beauties) 50 c.

Ladies' Linen Handkerchiefs (Marvels) at 25 c.

Ladies' do do (Bargain) at 10 c.

Misses' Sun Hats at 25 c.

A beautiful line of Ladies', Gents' and Children's Hand-sewedShoes ; also the cheaper qualities.

Gents', Youths' aad Boys' Hats, Shirts, Hosiery, Neck-Wear, Gloves, Trunks, Valisw,Steel Scissors and Needles.-o-

DÎIESS GOODS tn all the novelties of the season.a drive in Black Silks, Trimming Silksand Cretotne Cloths and Lace Curtains for UpholsteriDg.

GENT'S CASISMERES, Cloths, Jeans. Ducks, Drills, from all the Celebrated factories of\merica.


We are prepared to sell Good Goods as cheaply as any house inthe State. Satisfaction Guaranteed.

Desportes & Edmunds,Wright's Hotel Block,

March 15, 1881. COLUMBIA, S. O.


WINTERMILLINERY.The Misses McElhoseInvite the attention of the Ladies and the

public generally to their

ill Stock of fiery Ms,Which they have now hand and are con-

stantly receiving, consisting of


Hats and Bonnets,Also a fuil lice of

R-uchings, Ties, Corsets, andHair Goods.

They are also prepared to furnish

Ladles' Underwear, Hoop-Skirts,and Bustles.

Country orders promptly attended to.


School Districts will open their schools>n the ist Monday in November, or as soonhereafter as may be practicable. They willilso require teachers to include a calendarconth in each report, before checks are issued.Those persons who have not had an oppor-

unity of being examined can meet the Board>f Examiners on Friday the 28th of October.By order of the Board of Examiners.

W. F. RIIAME,Oct25 School Com'r. i


SU.MTER, S. C, Oct 17, i881.

ALL PERSONS indebted to the Town ofSumter for Licenses, arc hereby remiud-

id of the same, and payment requested,Merchants are also remiuded that their

'Return Sales" for 3d quarter, ending Sep-tember 30th, ult., is due and payable at thisîflîce. C. M. HURST,Oct25 Clerk and Treas.






liow Prices.WE HAVE


A Cordial Invitation.TO.

im t\l) Si 1

Buyers are Requested to Examineour' Goods and Inquire Prices.

Oft 4

suited for Life of Prcs-coinpleie,

faithful history from cr-rdlc to grave; by theeminent biographer, Col. Conwell. Introduc-tion by his Excellency. John b. Long, Governor of Massaehit se t ts. Books all ready fur de-livery. An elegantly illustrated volume. En-dorsed edition. Liberal term.-!. Agents lakeorders for trot» 20 to 50 colics daily. Outsellsany other book ten to f>nc. Agents never mademoney so fust. The book sells itself. Experiencenot necessary. Failure unknown. All unke im-tuen'?« profits; i'rivat-j terms free. («EO-KtilSSTlNtfON Jc Co., Portland Maine. oct 18 1





CHARLESTON, S. C.Auer. ir> 3

3ubw ç

Wholesale Grocers,LIQUOR DEALERS AND

General Commission Merchants,No. 197 EAST BAY,

CHARLESTON, S. C.Aug. 16 3

RSSE! RICE ! ! RICE!!!CANTERS AND MERCHANTS WILLtake notice that we are prepared always

to pa}* the best market price for rice, or willsell on commission any shipments they mayeotrust to as.

HENRY BISCHOFF & CO.,Charleston, S. C.

September 20 6m




\ MARBLE AND SLATE MANTELS,Pur.ips, Lead and Lron Pipe, Sheet Lead,

I Fire Bricks, Tiles, Terra Cotta Drain Pines,and Chimney Tops,


j.AND.Rich Jewelry.



Sep 20 ly

HATTSK.September 20



"jôsêp~h"f71mm,Grand Furniture Warerooms,

Parlor, Chamber and Dining Room Suits,from the most costly to the cheapest. Exten-sion and Marble Top Tables, Spring Mattress-es, Chairs, What-Nots, &c, &c

Call in person or send your orders for fur-niture in all of its branches.

Nos. 217 (0 219 King Street,CHARLESTON j S. C.

September 20 tjESTABLISHED IS54.


Looking Glasses,Every Variety of Mouldings,

j Window Cornices, Photographic Frames,I CORD AND TASSEL LOOPS, Etc.,! Engravings and Oil Paintings Reuovatcd.

345 King Street, olove Liberty,CHARLESTON, S. C.

September 20 3m


yuyuuuUUl UHU Uli_

And Wholesale Dealer in

Apples, PotatoeSj Onions, &c,Country orders solicited and satisfaction

guaranteed.215 EAST BAY,

CHARLESTON, S. C.September 20 Sin

F. W. Wacf.xer. Gno. A. Wage.ner.


Grocers and Liquor Dealers,COTTON FACTORS,

Turpentine, Rosin and Sice Dealers,CHARLESTON, S. C.

We keep one of the largest STOCKS thathas ever been otfered in the South, and iscomplete in every respect, and we propose to

compete for the trade with any market in theUnited States.We have our new building completed,

which is conceded to be the largest Grocery-House in the country, and we have our Stockunder one roof, which enables us to handlegoods to the very best advantage.Our imported WINES and LIQUORS are

brought out by us direct in bond, and we

warrant our goods absolutely pure. OurOLD CROW RYE and OLD NIC CORNWHISKEY is so well kouwn that they re-

quire no comment. We would, however,call attention to our stock of verv oldFRENCH BRANDY. SCOTCH and IRISHWHISKEY, JAMAICA and St. CROIXRUMS, MADEIRA, SHERRY and PORTWINES.We are prepared to fill Sample Orders for

LIQUORS, or will sund samples of any Goodswe have in stock.




CHAMPAGNES.We are Agents for the best imported

CHAMPAGNES, and sell at same prices as

the New York Agculs. 1.o-

Covinoton.Kv., May 1, ISSl.Office of Fd. Burkholder, Chemist, &c.

I have carefully analyzed a sample of

"OLD CROW WHISKEY,"distilled for and controlled by Messrs. F. W.Wagoner à Co., Charleston S. C, and find itfree from all impurities, and recommend it forfamily and medicinal use. I'd. Burkholdcr,

Analytical Chemist.



Sept. 20, Jy.



TOOK,My Stock is now complete


I Every Department,-AND-

j Has been carefully selected in

person, with the view ofpleasing all


j In Quality and Prices.

Large Assortment-IN-

Good Quality Wool CassimeresAT 12; A KD 15 CTS.

! Ladies' Cloaks, in great variety.I Ladies' Shawls, all kinds andJ prices.Largest Stock of

Gents' and Boys'

CLOTHINGever offered, and at

Low Down Prices.Best assortment of

S8.P""at various prices.

! Full assortment of


Carpetings, &c*


Canned Goods.IX G H EAT VARIETY,

! And at lowest prices for Srst qualitygoods.


'A.A.Solomons.Sept 20jogg.1.. ..i....


SUMTER, S. C.I Invite the attention of their friends and the

public generally to the


Which has been purchased with great care,with the view of suiting all classes of

buyer?, both in quality and price.Those who want

j THE BEST GOODS FOR THE LEAST MONEY,j arc invited to call and be convinced that the

tac place to get them is at the store ofBULTMANX & BROTHER.

£3f- Those who have not settled their oldj accounts will please iio so at once.

April S


Iron Works,COLU3IBIA, S. C



These works were established mi 1347 byMessrs. Geo. Sinclair and James Anderson andpurchased by me in the year LSofi. and fromthat time till no»v carried on successfully bymyself. My friends and customers will bearwitness of the largo and stupendous jobs exc

cuted by me. It was at my wurks where thelargest and almost only job of its class ever ex

cc'ited in this city was done, viz:: ihc makingof the pipes for the City Water Works in thevenr iS5S. In the branch of

BELL FOUNDING,I can say that I have made the largest bell«ever cast in th«* State, such as the boll for theCity Hall in Culumbia.My stock of patterns for


is large and various, and in RAILINGS FORBALCON-ES. GARDENS AND CEMETE-RIES I have the largest variety and most mod-ern patterns; m:>ny of these are patented andI have purchased the right for this State.In the machine line I can furnish my pat-

rons with

Steam Engines and Boilersof any size and description. Mv

CIRCULAR SAW MILLShave carried off the pMze at every State Fairheld in this city, and in their construction Ihave taken pains to combine Simplicity withthe most useful modern improvements, and mavflaltcr myself that my CIRCULAR SAWMILLS find favor with every sawyer who un-

derstands his business.The many onlers I am steadily receiving for

Sugar Cane Mills,provo that me public appreciate the mills vi mymake, and so it is with my


I have the n.anufacturiug right of manyPATENTS, such as castings for

Rock Cotton and Hay Pressand three or lour FELD CUTTERS and otherIMPLEM ENTS

I wili be pleased to send my CIRCULARS to

any applicant, together with price list <-r esti-mate My PRICES are moderate, and I assurethe public that they nro lower even than thos<)of Northern manufacturers, and that my workwill compare favorably with that < f any othermaker. Address


Jao. 20. Iv.


STOCK.Just received this 27th October, Une Car Load

well broke nice driving Horses, amongtbem several matched pairs.

BUGGIES.Emerson, Fisher & Co.'s open and Top Bug

gies. Also other desinblc brands.WAGONS.

A full line of Milburn Wagons, nnd Wilson,Childs & Co.'s Wagons.

HARNESS.Double and Single Duggy and Wagon Harness,

GRAIN.Prime White Corn. Prime Mixed Corn.

Prime Feed Oats at "Sc.Prime Timothy Hay at $1.60.Wheat Bran $2.75 per 10011)5.

Always on hand a full line of feed stuff of allkinds.

_Give us a call.

RemovalP. & A. J. «ES

Have Removed into their NewStables on Liberty Street.

ON HAND.One Car-load Well-broke Driving andDraft Horses, and One Car-load Well-

broke Mules, Large and Small.OUR LIVERY.

Our Business in this Line Will be Con-tinued with Increased Facilities.

Special Bargains on Hauling Contracts.PURCHASERS

Will find it to their interest to call andexamine Stock before buying elsewhere.





Gas Pipe Cut and Threaded.Water Works Put Up.Pumps Put Down.Stoves Rebuilt.Tin Ware Repaired.Guns Putin Order.Houses Roofed.

May 1*2 lyr



7 90c. per bushel.

1,500 Bbls. FRESH STONE LIME,$1.50 per barrel.

For s le bvWORTH & WORTH,



D. L. GORE,Wholesale Grocer


Commission Merchant,No. *2 and 3 South Water Street,

WILMINGTON, N. C.Seep 6 3m

2,000 Sacks LiverpoolSalt.


500 Bushels Water Ground MEAL,50 Boxes D. S. SIDES, and

A full line of GROCERIES, always on

hand and for sale bv 1"

D. L. GORE.Nos. 2 and 3 South Water Street, j

Sep20 Wilmington, N. C. j~



Hardware and IronMERCHANT.Manufacturers Agency for


White Lead, Colors and Oils,A full Stock always on hand.-o-

A complete assortment of

French and American WiaôowGlass !OF ALL SIZES. !

Correspondence and orders by mail promptlyattended to.


Sep 6 3m


First Class (Ming niSTOVES,

House Furnishing Goods of all Kinds. \DRIVE WELL PUMPS, |

AT VERY LOW FIGURES,Tin-ware at Wholesalo and Retail,

AT BOTTOM THICKS.Call and see us, or send for pnees, before

buying elsewhere, and save money.19 SOUTH FRONT STREET,V/ILMINGTON, N. C |

Sep 6 _6m |

H. BRUNHILD & BRO., IDistillers, lïectîjiers and ]Yholcsale Dealers in JRye Whiskies, Imported Liquors

AND CIGARS.N. C. Brandy and Whisky a Specialty. J

No. "2 Granite Koic, So. Front Street,WILMINGTON, N. C.



AU Grades of Plu?, Twist, and jSmo&ixig Tobacco.

Sept. 6 3m ;


LOST MANHOOD RESTORED. |A victim of youthful imprudence causing Prem*

taie Decay, Nervous Debility, Lost Manhood, etc.,h&ving tried in vain every known remedy, has dis-covered a simple selfcure, which be will send FREEto his fellow-sufferers, address J. H. REEVES43 Chatham St., N. Y. - 1


New Advertisements.TO THE PEOPLEOFTHE SOUTH..KINGS MOUNTAIN AND ITS HEROES.A History of the Battle, Oct. 7, J7S0, ami the

events which led to it, nfrcr two years spent inpreparation, is now published and ready f«r

delivery. The ambor, Lym»n C. Draper, EL D.las spent 4« years ingathering materials frthis work, which abounds in stirring recitals ofadventures and hair breadth escapes, alike inte-restiog to oM and young. The descendants ofsuch men as Campbell, Shelby.Scvier, ClevelandLact-y. Williams, llambrighr, McDowell, Win-sion, Hammond and their officer.-, now living bythe thousands ihtougbout the South, will wel-come this permanent record of that glnriou*event which turned the tidj of ihe Révolution.The w»rk contains 612 pages, on fine paperbeautifully bound, with seven steel portraits ofthe Ilfroes, and numerous wood cuts, with indexof5,000 references. PRICE, $4; Sent post paidon receipt of price, or may be had of Agents inevery county. FJBTJSB G. THOMSON,

Publisher.No. 179 Vine Street Cincinnati 0.

*ç* Agents wanted for unas.-igned territory.Si»i.d f»«r terms, ëîfenbir and sampte copy«>,OOU AUK.V1S WAN'liSD TO SKIX"XHK

LIFE OF GARFIELD!Hearly lite and career as soldier and states-man; his election and «dministration: his assas-sination; bis heroic struggle for life: wonderfulmedical tre-itment, blood poisoning, removal toElbcron, death, etc. Profusely illustrated.Splendid portrait of Garficld, his wife and motherScene of the shooting; the sick chamber, Gui-feau in his cell, the surgeons and the Cabinet.The only complete and authentic work. Thereis a fortune for agents first in the field with thisbook. Outfit 50'5. Speak quick. AddressllUHHAi'.n V.ROS. 723 Chestnut St. Philada.ANOTHER BOOM THEFOR AGENTS. BJj RINCE


NEW BOOK * AUPERWill outsell ail his previous work*, and offer*you the best chance of your life tc make moneyrapidly; Old agents will act promptly, andsecure choice territory, and wo advise you to dothe same. Outfits now ready. Send at once forcirculars and terms to DOUGLASS BROS.

Publishers. Philadelphia, Pa.PLAYS. PLAYS,' PLAYS, PLAYS^For Reading Clubs, for Amateur Theatricals,Temperance Plays, Drawing Room Plays, FairyPlays, Ethiopian Plays. Guide Books, Speakers»Pantomimes. Tableaux. Lights, MagnesiumLights. Colored Fire. IJiirnt Cork, TheatricalFace Preparations, Jarley's Wax Works. Wigs,Hoards, Moustaches, Co?tumes, Charades, andPaper Scenery. New Catalogues sent free, con-taining full description aud prices. SAMUELFKENCH tfc SON. 3S E. Uth St. New York.

DlVuuCES cheaply, without publicity.d%*sert ion, non support, intemperance.fof

parties in any State. Advice and circulars forstamp. Address Counsellor Baldwin, 287Broadway, ï-ew York.

A YEAR and expenses to agents.mi 14 Outfit free. Address P. 0. VICK-ERY, Augusta, Maine. oct-4

0 ADVERTISERS..Lowest Rates for ad-verfising in 1.050 good newspapers sent free.

'AddMM GEO. P. RUYi'ELL & CO..Nov 1 10 Spruce Street. N Y.





Thehandsomest and most completeLARGE km MACHINE



V ictorSewing Machine Co.,1 Iiliddletcwn, Conn.

jSouthern Orflcc, Ko. C N. Charles St., Baltimore, Md.

Oct 4


Holding the Largest Monied and ManufacturingInterests >f Europe and America.


Acknowledging no criterion save the weightof its own mighty success.

Ignoring Competition and Leveling thePrices of Dry Goods

To a seile commensurate with the wants ofthe country.rendering happy the hearth-

stones of our people, but sweepingto ruin, with chilling blasts, the

unlucky merchant whodares defy its irre-

sistible sway.Parties at a distance de iring samples and

price lists can secure them when desired.Express Freights will be prepaid on orders

of $20 or over, at retail, to any depot.Wholesale rates for South levelled to East-

ern quotations.7. & SRO., Managers,

AUGUSTA, GA.Sep 27 2


Revised New Testament-fO STYLES, ELEGANT EDITION,J[0 Large Tvpe. about 600 pages. COM-

From $1.00 to*$7 PARATIYE EDITION. over 1100 pages. Old

and New Versions on opposite pages. HIS-TORY OF THE BIBLE AND OF THE NEWREVISION given to subscribers. The secretof successful canvassing given every agent.Send for our liberal terms. (Mention this pa-per.) THE HENRY BILL PUBEISH'G CO.,Established, 1S47. y NORWICH, COXX.


SUM TER, S. C-Ang 2 tf

BABBIT METAL.(1 IX MAKERS AXD REI AIRERS CAXX find at the office of the Watchman and

Southron a supply of OLD TYPE .METALwhich is equal, if not superior to babbit met-al for their uses. It can be bad at reasonablerates.

ANTHONY WHITE,Apt M Coins Merchant,



in a Dumber of first-class Northern,Southern and English Fire Insurance

Companies, among which arc

North British and Mercantile ofEngland.Scottish Commercial of Glasgow,Home of New-York,Georgia Home of Georgia, and Others,aggregating §50,000,000 of Assets.

AGENT ALSO FOXWilson & Childs' Philadelphia Wagons.McLcar & Kendal's Carriage & Bug-gies.Wando Fertilizer aud Acid Phosphate.JuJv 20