0 1- 0h xf- iufdcimages.uflib.ufl.edu/uf/00/04/87/34/00342/00463.pdf · d-ct r i a b > 0 j 1-0h...

d- ct i a r b > 0 J 1- 0H < I THE OCALA ftANNCR < < < 1 N e CORNFIELDS 1 ARE GOLD FIELDS- to the farmer who under- stands r how to teed his crops Fertilizers for Corn must contain at least 7 per cent actual r I Potash Seed for our books they o tell why Potash is as necessary r I to plant life as sun and rain sent free if you ask Write today i GERMAN KAU WORKS New Y rk93 Masts Strmet se r tires Gst X S atk Bread S- t0N r I AUTUMN BALL > TIM Magiilfleeat Name ml Miss Jssi Owens Last Friday night Sept 8th the wjdely known home of Miss Jessie Owens near Sparr was the scene of a most charming and enjoyable social occasion in the manner of an autumn ball Old Peter Stanley happened to be s in this community and accepted a kind invitation to attendin the t capacity of a newspaper man The evening was especinlly design- ed ¬ ed by the kind old weather man A golden September moon shone out c brilliantly without a passing cloud to- t darken the way for one moment I tad this truly grand and interest t lag old home this beautiful mark of old colonial prosperity and southern aristocracy What a thing of nnsnr- aaawd beauty What a monument to tits chivalrous the grand and brav- elert1te earlier days No pen can Kateeribe itno branh can paint its f ae graadear and tints of everlasting atty History can only record the- N Or Vftaad facta of its remarkable past ot- siixty yean The real life the spice iTof its true existance must pass with lteafafjaeoryF- riday F night it was at its best The I soft bright splashes of the golden t moonlight fell here and there with- ae1ssless wings shooting through full grown foliage of the majestic- oaks here and there on a drive y or promenade- There are many of these oaks and their arrangemnt is the very best f They were planted by Col Owens the founder and first master of thi > renowned mansion the father of y r Miss Jessie who is now the only y surviving membr of the immediate r family a lovable and much loved = lady indeed The spacious halls with their high walls large window marble mantles i aal the old colonial piazzas vveie brightly lighted up and artistica k A decorated with pot plants etc The ti interesting and richly furnished re on room has in addition to er things a hundred dollar graph- ne a splendid instrument in l Jpfcich wise Owens finds much delight I Bi her own as well as the entertain i meat of her guest It was possibly half past seven or- elakt f oclock when the guests began t to arrive and by nine oclock the bat was beginning to open The sweet strains of the violin floated away on each passing breeze and tied with the echo of ten thousand crickets as they sa g in the clover sat corn Fifty delighted guests tipped the fantastic toe to the musics happy chime 3 How softly does the happiness of rich a scene steal into ones soul and awaken the vibrating cords of a eaerwhed past Yea And it actu- ally ¬ t stole into Old Peter Stanleys soak and awoke the sleeping inno- cent ¬ desires of boyhoods happy past aad for a few hours he was young again Lived the old days over again Pelt tile electrified current of youths was rich blood flow from hand to as the large circle of human r fers swayed to aad fro join rlgitt baads and all promenade Unfortunately there were man- ywieatass we caa not remember ate PMte clans our special X r ilMeniioa UUle Ida and Edith- tae two pretty little daughters Mr aad Mrs Jao B Floyd of St- antis relatives of the hostess tar + royally entertained the crowd with r some splendid skirt dancing Of the young ladies who danced Miss Lizzie Quarterman of Jackson ¬ ville was unanimously voted the most graceful figure in the hall Miss Quarterman is visiting the fami- ly ¬ of Miss Alice Owens She is a charming younglady rare beauty The different places represented- were Jacksonville St Augustine Ocala Reddick Anthony Fort Mc ¬ Coy and Pine- Charley Bayles of Sparr was evi- dently ¬ one among the favorites with the ladies both married and single But that beautiful neck tie of his that loud article that looked so dainty They tell me it is run and faded now and the beautiful crim ¬ son streaks are imprinted in the white bosom of a special pattern shirt- front as a remmiscense of the oc- casion Miss Jessie Owens is a splendid hostess When the beautiful moon was sinking low in the west and cast- ing ¬ its long black shadows across the shaded driveways the guests bega- nt take their leave every one expres ¬ sing to Miss Owens their apprecia ¬ tions for the delightful affair And many were the soft white taffetta folds that melted away with the dampness of the penetrating mid ¬ I night dew as the beautiful young ladles were driven to their respective homes under s cloudless starlight 1 September sky by the chivalrous young gentlemen to whose perfect I behavior we take this occasion to pay a high tribute Still dizzy with the glitter of the excellent ball room and their souls inspired with the sweet aroma of old summer roses they catch a short morning nap illustrated with a sweet short dream of the dying echoes of- T > r the illustrious occasion Then they awake with an undying memory and a fond hope that Miss Jessie Owens may live to give many repetitions of this her recent autumn ball PETER STANLEY Like Finding Menev Finding health is like finding money- so think those who are sick When you have a cough cold sore throat- or chest irritation better act promp- ly like W B Barber of Sandy Level Va He says I had a terrible chest trouble caused by make and cold dust on my lungs but after finding- no relief in other remedies I was cured by Dr Kings New Discovery for Consumption Cough and Colds Greatest sale of any cough or lung medicine In the world At Tydings- Co 50c and 100 guaranteed- Trial bottle free m The citizens of Lakeland are an enterprising people The coming season will bring its large quota of tourists and Lakeland will get its I share simply because the aforesaid I citizens will have ready for occupan- cy ¬ one of the best winter hotels in southern Florida St Augustine Record We dons know so much about this It is a hard matter to di ¬ vert the travel over into this section- of the state Ocala for instance is a most charming section It has beautiful drives shaded avenues r high hills beautiful Silver Springs- one of the most wonderful beauties- of nasure nearby beautiful Lake Weir not far distant and one of the largest and best kept hotels in the state Yet she finds it vary difficult to attract the travel from the east ° coast section We however hope Lakeland will be more successful Get Off CheaP He may well think he has got off cheap who after having contracted constipation or indigestion is still able to perfectly restore his health Nothing will do this but Dr Kings New Life Pills A quick pleasant- and certain cure for headache con- stipation ¬ etc 25c at Tydings Co Guaranteed m a Stevens and Estritfge Mr J E Stevens and Mr H M Estridge formerly of McIntosh are now at Crystal River where they are doing a general merchandising busi- ness and are doing well Mr Stevens formerly lived in Oca- la and while here was in the office of Tax Assessor Ayer The Ocala Banner wishes these gentlemen abundant success in their new home We bid for your business on the merits of our merchandise and the lowness of our prices The Fair x 3- t r- S < t i3b Y c I Te th Women Of Marion Cot We the women of the Womans Christian Temperance Union appeal to you wives mothers and sisters of Marian county to help usin the work of overcoming the common enemy of our homes and families the legalized liquor traffic It is hardly necessary that we should point out to you the terrible ravages of this traffic in our community the lives it has cursed and blighted the homes it has darkened- and ruined and the manifold evils of every name and nature that it has brought upon us as well as upon the land You know as well as we do that every grog shop is a school of vice and crime a threat at the peace and happiness of our homes and a deadly snare snJ pitfall in the way of the weak and unwary You must realize as well as we do that good and good only would result- if everyone of these rum shops these drunkard manufactories these strong ¬ holds of Satan was banished from our midst If such a happy deliver ¬ ance could be accomplished we are confident that you would rejoice with- us in the happy consummation Many of you nodoubt are in heart and sympathy with us and need no urging in temperance work We do not ask you to join our organization We only ask that you will unite with- us at this time in whatever way may seem best to you in an earnest effort- to rid our country of the grog shops- In November an election will beheld- to decide this allimportant question- We cannot vote but there are many right and womanly ways open to us whereby we may influence the votes- or others and bring about a result at the ballot box that shall give joy to the hearts of those who love peace and righteousness- And h flint and last of all we can pray to our Heavenly Father that he will put forth his own strong arm and sweep Is accursed drink traffic from the earth We would add in conclusion that- it is our confident belief that if every woman to whom these words are ad ¬ dressed will do what she can at this time to further the cause of temper ¬ ance in this community the enemy will not be able to withstand us and we shall be freed we trust forever from the accursed traffic In the name of those you love best in the tore of those in our midst who are suffering today from the curse of drink in the name of par beloved homes and households in the name of the cnurch of Christ in the name of God we ask you to join withus in an effort to destroy this monstrous and unholy traffic Yours earnestly TIlE W C T U OF OCALA Another onsolidation in the Ocala Ice Company It was with considerable conterna tion that we people of Ocala received- the information on the 4th of last April that there had been brought about the day before a consolida- tion ¬ of the two ice companies here While we have not been imposed up ¬ on as many predicted still the smile that lights ourfaces at the mention- of the new ice company doesnt ex ¬ tend any farther around than the back of our neck We now notice that there is to be- a second consolidation in the Ocala ice people but one from which we have nothing to fear it being the consolidation in matrimony of Mr Herman Benjamin and Miss Ruby Steinheimer of Atlanta On the con ¬ trary may the brides stay with us be as pleasant as the grooms has al ¬ ways been Are Ye w Engaged Engaged people should remember that after marriage many quarrels can be avoided by keeping their di ¬ gestions in good conditions with Electric Bitters S A Brown of Bennettsvills S C says For years my wife suffered intensley from- dyspepsia complicated with a torpid liver until he lost her strength and vigor and became a mere wreck of her former self Then she tried Electric Bitters which helped her at once and finally made her en ¬ tirely well She is now strong and I healthy Tydings Co sells and guarantees themat 50c a bottle m Mrs David d Burnett came home Friday from Miami where she had been visiting her son Mr Oscar Bur ¬ nett and his family fur a couple of months > d I f 4t t ij t 3 < > p > The Daughters Entertained f The regular monthly meeting of tl e I Daughters of the Confederacy was held Friday afternoon Mrs N I Gottlieb being the pleasant hostess The l1umber present was small but the meeting was an interesting and harmonious one After the business- was transacted ice cream and cake was served by Misses Nellie Gottlieb Hope Robinson and Gertrude Leman Next month the Daughters willmeet with Mrs E L Carney The beautiful drawn work table cloth that was worked by Mrs W D Whetstone is now exhibition at Mr Rheinauers store This cloth will be raffled by the Daughters the proceeds to be given towards the Confederate monument fund The chances will be twentyfive cents and can be obtained from the store or from any member of the U D C The table cloth is a particularly pretty one and the winner of it will be fortunate indeed Wireless Telephone The assertion has often been made that the discovery ot wireless tele- graphy ¬ would soon be followed by the application of the same principle to the telephone If reports are true the discovery a method of wireless telephoning has been discovered by a seventeenyearold genius Francis J M McCarty of San Francisco Recent experiments with rather crude instru- ments ¬ proved amazingly successful Young McCarty sang a song the words and tune of which were heard distinctly at the receiving station a mile away Later a conversation- was carried on with the same satis ¬ factory results as if the medium of the ordinary telephone wire had been used This present decade promises some startling discoveries in the scientific worldSt Augustine Re- cord ¬ Death ef Mrs Peas After an illness of eightyfive days Mrs Charles F Pons died at St Lukes Hospital in Jacksonville Thursday night The funeral was held Friday morning from the church- of the Immaculate Conception of which the deceased was a member Mrs Pons resided in Ocala for some time She is survived by her husband an 1 five children Mrs W B Bridges Mrs William A Hugh y Miss Theo Pons Frank and John Pons who have the sympathy their friends in their bereavement A Credit Association- The retail merchants of Tampa have formed what is called a credit association Each member of the association is required to report to the association the standing of his customers The reports are aggre ¬ gated from which the rating of each person in the city is made up and is used for reference by members of the association when any person applies- for credit Associations of this sort it is thought are destined to become gen- eral ¬ Refused a Throne I Capt John Miller and E P Talia ferro have returned from their second annual tour of Norway Both were offered the Norwegian throne but both refused as the promises of royal wealth and power were as nothing compared to the attractions- of Tampa Both gentlemen show the benefits of their trip and are be ¬ ing greeted by many friendsTam- pa ¬ Tribune Peace River Prosphate Peace River phosphate rock shipp- ed ¬ through the port of Punta Gorda thus far this year aggregated 98875 tons Shipments during August were 2690 tons on steamship Wae August I 2 or Weymouth Mass 1990 tons on steamship Evelyn August 5 for Cartaret N J 3075 tons on steam- ship ¬ Carolyn and August 31 for I Cartaret N J I Fer Sale 50 cts en Dellar Six acres land cottage furnished and packing house at East Lake t Lake Weir Desirable for both sum- mer ¬ j and winter residence Land suitable for house lots also 3 bearing orange groves at Tangerine WM H EARLE 825 5t Tangerine Fla Mr TH Johnson and daughter i Miss Clara Johnson have returned home from a few weeks visit to- t White Springs G 2YF tY XF- ti + r THE 1- PALMETTOPIANOOLUD By joining our Piano Club you will be able to get a SitrO grade Piano for S 2 f7 payments of Sip down and membership of Sri per month without intrest Piano delivered free to nearest depot as soon as the fist Ten Dollars is paid- ADVINUGE OF OUR CLUB PLAN y t To introduce and get this piano before the public we f will form a club of one hundred members and each member will get a piano at the wholesale price The club is limited to one hundred members and all in ¬ struments will soon be taken TIE PALMETTO PIANO Is an instrument thrst has been manufactured in our own factories with some special features that will make it stand the climate conditions of this state better than any piano made I I The Gable Company Frank E Chase Mgr Jacksonville Fla r 1 i r- J PRICE LIST OF I EUREKA WINE LIQUOR CO I The Great Southern Mall Or4tr Heuse r EXPRESS PREPAID Full Quart Measure a Per Four Six Per Gotten Quarts Quarts Cue Hatchetts Private Stock 400 S oo 600 ft2 00- UTS Hatchett Thats Whiskey 4 SO 460 690 Hatchetts Old rtyc u 320 320 480 960 Eureka N CAppleftandy 475 700 1400 f N C Apple Brandy = sW 335 485 970- BwekaMalt u 4 ao 400 600 1200 Rureka file Co Peach Brandy 415 475 700 I401t N C Peaah Brandy 325 325 485 970 Ellr kaNCCm 325 325 485 970 Eureka N C Corn XX 3 30 300 460 900 Eureka N G Co W XXX a 75 a 75 415 83 rj Eureka NC Corn XXXX aso- o = 5o 375 7 sa Old Crow Bourbon 450 4 SO 675 I3S6 Sunny Brook Rye 75 375 s6s 1130- xi Sunny Brook Sour Mash 3 75 3 75 i 6s Echo Springu u 4 SO 4 65 90 37S Silk Velvet 500 5 25 7 8S 15 70 Oak aad u 375 400 600 1200 f 8in Fr m 250 t JSSG per allee slisrs4 Sue twelv labels of Hatchetfs Pnvate StoJcand secure a bottle free Save twelve labels of Hatchetts Old Rye and secure a bottle free Save twelve lables of Hatchetts Thats Whiskey aad secure a bottle freesve twelve labels of Eureka N C C rn and secure a bottle free Save twelve tables of NC Apple Brandy aad secure one bottle free Save twelve labels of Eureka Malt and secure one bottle free Price of all goods bought at companys store are TOC per gallon less than when delivered No charge for juts boxes or drayAge All of my bottles are full measure All standard brands ot whiskies sold over my bar at toe per daink lofromt 5 leaves 5 loT you All wines quoted on application We also carry cheaper liquors than those quoted Special p ices on large quantities packed any sizes desired Money reinded goods not satisfactory E JU WINE Ul LIOIN GOMNNY I 135 W Bay St Jacksonville Fla S- Jr = y o 7 nrt- J I fe9- y b- F hat I 4S a 1 a I TRIWEEKLY SAILINGS H 0 BETWE- ENJACKSONVILLE AND NEW YORK Calling at Charleston S C both ways THE FINEST STEAMSHIPS m TEE COASTWISE SERVICE THE CLYDE NEW ENGLAND AND SOUTHERN LINES DIRECT SERVICE BETWEEN Jacksonville Boston and Providence- and all Eastern Points F Calling at Charleston Both Ways SEMI EEKLY SAI LINGS Southbound w From Lewis Warf Bostic r Northbound Prom foot of Catherine Street Jacksonv- fflrCLYDE ST JOHHS RIVER LiRE I Between Jacksonville and Sanford Stapaia at Palatia Astor St Francis Beresfard leLani sad Intermediate Landings on St Jehns liTer Steamer CITY OF JACKSONVILLE I Is appointed to Sail as follows Leave Jacksonville Sundays Tue cars and Thursdays 330 po et m I Returning leave Sanford Monday Wednendavs slid Fridays 30a m I Sent Boaad SCHEDULE NobE e > 1- wa Read Do ReaN I Leave 3 50 p n Jacksoavllle Arrive 2 oo a s I S 45 P 17 Pal oka Leave 8ao pi i- 330P1 v tw 3 oo x m Astor I 4 30 am St Francis 2 00 p I I Beresford Detaed lOOP s a At rive 8 30 L m Saaferd 9 30 a tit to oo a n w 10 oo a OSNSaAli PA5SES3EA AND TXjggf Offlg 123 W 3T BAY STV J I F M IRONMONGER JR Asst Geal Pass Agent 122 Wast Bay St Jacksonville Fla I W G COOPER JR Freight Agent PWOVEU SU riftttDQetlt I Foot ot Hojran Street Jacksonville Fta z A C HAGERTY Geal Easfa Pass Agt New Yurk CLYDE MILNE Oeal Frt Apt N Y J Ex THEO G EGER WM P C YDE A f O neral ia tfer Generallgeuta ChesebJQughBai1dia 19 State Street New York ss

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Page 1: 0 1- 0H XF- Iufdcimages.uflib.ufl.edu/UF/00/04/87/34/00342/00463.pdf · d-ct r i a b > 0 J 1-0H < I THE OCALA ftANNCR < < 1 N e CORNFIELDS 1 ARE GOLD FIELDS- to the farmer



i ar b


0 J1-


< < < 1N e



to the farmer who under-standsr how to teed hiscrops Fertilizers for Cornmust contain at least 7per cent actualr I

PotashSeed for our books they

o tell why Potash is as necessaryr I to plant life as sun and rain

sent free if you ask Writetoday

i GERMAN KAU WORKSNew Y rk93 Masts Strmet se

r tires GstX S atk Bread S-



> TIM Magiilfleeat Name ml Miss JssiOwens

Last Friday night Sept 8th thewjdely known home of Miss JessieOwens near Sparr was the scene ofa most charming and enjoyablesocial occasion in the manner of anautumn ball

Old Peter Stanley happened to bes in this community and accepted a

kind invitation to attendin the

t capacity of a newspaper manThe evening was especinlly design-


ed by the kind old weather man Agolden September moon shone out

c brilliantly without a passing cloud to-

t darken the way for one moment

Itad this truly grand and interest

t lag old home this beautiful mark ofold colonial prosperity and southern

aristocracy What a thing of nnsnr-aaawd beauty What a monumentto tits chivalrous the grand and brav-

elert1te earlier days No pen canKateeribe itno branh can paint itsf ae graadear and tintsof everlasting

atty History can only record the-NOrVftaad facta of its remarkable past ot-

siixty yean The real life the spiceiTof its true existance must pass withlteafafjaeoryF-

ridayF night it was at its best The

I soft bright splashes of the goldent moonlight fell here and there with-

ae1ssless wings shooting throughfull grown foliage of the majestic-oaks here and there on a drive

y or promenade-There are many of these oaks and

their arrangemnt is the very bestf They were planted by Col Owens

the founder and first master of thi>

renowned mansion the father ofy r

Miss Jessie who is now the onlyy

surviving membr of the immediater

family a lovable and much loved= lady indeed

The spacious halls with their highwalls large window marble mantles

i aal the old colonial piazzas vveiebrightly lighted up and artistica

k Adecorated with pot plants etc The

ti interesting and richly furnished reon room has in addition to

er things a hundred dollar graph-ne a splendid instrument in

lJpfcich wise Owens finds much delight

I Bi her own as well as the entertaini meat of her guest

It was possibly half past seven or-

elaktf oclock when the guests begant to arrive and by nine oclock the

bat was beginning to open Thesweet strains of the violin floatedaway on each passing breeze andtied with the echo of ten thousandcrickets as they sa g in the cloversat corn Fifty delighted gueststipped the fantastic toe to the musicshappy chime

3 How softly does the happiness ofrich a scene steal into ones soul andawaken the vibrating cords of aeaerwhed past Yea And it actu-ally


t stole into Old Peter Stanleyssoak and awoke the sleeping inno-cent


desires of boyhoods happy pastaad for a few hours he was youngagain Lived the old days over againPelt tile electrified current of youthswas rich blood flow from hand to

as the large circle of humanr

fers swayed to aad fro joinrlgitt baads and all promenade

Unfortunately there were man-ywieatass we caa not remember

ate PMte clans our specialX r

ilMeniioa UUle Ida and Edith-tae two pretty little daughters

Mr aad Mrs Jao B Floyd of St-

antis relatives of the hostess

tar +

royally entertained the crowd withr

some splendid skirt dancingOf the young ladies who danced

Miss Lizzie Quarterman of Jackson ¬

ville was unanimously voted themost graceful figure in the hallMiss Quarterman is visiting the fami-ly


of Miss Alice Owens She is acharming younglady rare beauty

The different places represented-were Jacksonville St AugustineOcala Reddick Anthony Fort Mc ¬

Coy and Pine-Charley Bayles of Sparr was evi-


one among the favorites withthe ladies both married and singleBut that beautiful neck tie of histhat loud article that looked sodainty They tell me it is run andfaded now and the beautiful crim ¬

son streaks are imprinted in thewhite bosom of a special pattern shirt-front as a remmiscense of the oc-

casionMiss Jessie Owens is a splendid

hostess When the beautiful moonwas sinking low in the west and cast-ing


its long black shadows across theshaded driveways the guests bega-nt take their leave every one expres ¬

sing to Miss Owens their apprecia ¬

tions for the delightful affair Andmany were the soft white taffettafolds that melted away with thedampness of the penetrating mid ¬

Inight dew as the beautiful youngladles were driven to their respectivehomes under s cloudless starlight 1

September sky by the chivalrousyoung gentlemen to whose perfect


behavior we take this occasion topay a high tribute

Still dizzy with the glitter of theexcellent ball room and their soulsinspired with the sweet aroma of oldsummer roses they catch a shortmorning nap illustrated with a sweetshort dream of the dying echoes of-

T> rthe illustrious occasion

Then they awake with an undyingmemory and a fond hope that MissJessie Owens may live to give manyrepetitions of this her recent autumnball PETER STANLEY

Like Finding MenevFinding health is like finding money-so think those who are sick When

you have a cough cold sore throat-or chest irritation better act promp-ly like W B Barber of Sandy LevelVa He says I had a terrible chesttrouble caused by make and colddust on my lungs but after finding-no relief in other remedies I wascured by Dr Kings New Discoveryfor Consumption Cough and ColdsGreatest sale of any cough or lungmedicine In the world At Tydings-

Co 50c and 100 guaranteed-Trial bottle free m

The citizens of Lakeland are anenterprising people The comingseason will bring its large quota oftourists and Lakeland will get its


share simply because the aforesaidI

citizens will have ready for occupan-cy


one of the best winter hotels insouthern Florida St AugustineRecord We dons know so muchabout this It is a hard matter to di¬

vert the travel over into this section-of the state Ocala for instance isa most charming section It hasbeautiful drives shaded avenues


high hills beautiful Silver Springs-one of the most wonderful beauties-

of nasure nearby beautiful LakeWeir not far distant and one of thelargest and best kept hotels in thestate Yet she finds it vary difficultto attract the travel from the east

°coast section We however hopeLakeland will be more successful

Get Off CheaPHe may well think he has got off

cheap who after having contractedconstipation or indigestion is stillable to perfectly restore his healthNothing will do this but Dr KingsNew Life Pills A quick pleasant-and certain cure for headache con-


etc 25c at Tydings CoGuaranteed m


Stevens and EstritfgeMr J E Stevens and Mr H M

Estridge formerly of McIntosh arenow at Crystal River where they aredoing a general merchandising busi-

ness and are doing wellMr Stevens formerly lived in Oca-

la and while here was in the office ofTax Assessor Ayer

The Ocala Banner wishes thesegentlemen abundant success in theirnew home

We bid for your business on themerits of our merchandise and thelowness of our prices The Fair x


t r-S

< t i3bY



Te th Women Of Marion CotWe the women of the Womans

Christian Temperance Union appealto you wives mothers and sisters ofMarian county to help usin the workof overcoming the common enemy ofour homes and families the legalizedliquor traffic It is hardly necessarythat we should point out to you theterrible ravages of this traffic in ourcommunity the lives it has cursed andblighted the homes it has darkened-and ruined and the manifold evils ofevery name and nature that it hasbrought upon us as well as upon theland

You know as well as we do thatevery grog shop is a school of viceand crime a threat at the peace andhappiness of our homes and a deadlysnare snJ pitfall in the way of theweak and unwary

You must realize as well as we dothat good and good only would result-if everyone of these rum shops thesedrunkard manufactories these strong¬

holds of Satan was banished fromour midst If such a happy deliver ¬

ance could be accomplished we areconfident that you would rejoice with-

us in the happy consummationMany of you nodoubt are in heart

and sympathy with us and need nourging in temperance work We donot ask you to join our organizationWe only ask that you will unite with-

us at this time in whatever way mayseem best to you in an earnest effort-

to rid our country of the grog shops-

In November an election will beheld-to decide this allimportant question-We cannot vote but there are manyright and womanly ways open to uswhereby we may influence the votes-

or others and bring about a result atthe ballot box that shall give joy tothe hearts of those who love peaceand righteousness-

Andh flint and last of all we canpray to our Heavenly Father that hewill put forth his own strong arm andsweep Is accursed drink traffic fromthe earth

We would add in conclusion that-

it is our confident belief that if everywoman to whom these words are ad¬

dressed will do what she can at thistime to further the cause of temper¬

ance in this community the enemywill not be able to withstand us andwe shall be freed we trust foreverfrom the accursed traffic

In the name of those you love bestin the tore of those in our midst whoare suffering today from the curse ofdrink in the name of par belovedhomes and households in the name of

the cnurch of Christ in the name ofGod we ask you to join withus in aneffort to destroy this monstrous andunholy traffic Yours earnestly


Another onsolidation in the Ocala IceCompany

It was with considerable conternation that we people of Ocala received-the information on the 4th of lastApril that there had been broughtabout the day before a consolida-tion


of the two ice companies hereWhile we have not been imposed up ¬

on as many predicted still the smilethat lights ourfaces at the mention-of the new ice company doesnt ex¬

tend any farther around than theback of our neck

We now notice that there is to be-

a second consolidation in the Ocalaice people but one from which we

have nothing to fear it being theconsolidation in matrimony of MrHerman Benjamin and Miss RubySteinheimer of Atlanta On the con¬

trary may the brides stay with usbe as pleasant as the grooms has al¬

ways been

Are Ye w EngagedEngaged people should remember

that after marriage many quarrelscan be avoided by keeping their di ¬

gestions in good conditions withElectric Bitters S A Brown ofBennettsvills S C says Foryears my wife suffered intensley from-dyspepsia complicated with a torpidliver until he lost her strength andvigor and became a mere wreck ofher former self Then she triedElectric Bitters which helped her atonce and finally made her en ¬

tirely well She is now strong andI healthy Tydings Co sells andguarantees themat 50c a bottle m

Mrs David d Burnett came homeFriday from Miami where she hadbeen visiting her son Mr Oscar Bur¬

nett and his family fur a couple ofmonths

> d I f4t t ij t3 < >p>

The Daughters Entertained f

The regular monthly meeting of tl eI

Daughters of the Confederacy washeld Friday afternoon Mrs N IGottlieb being the pleasant hostessThe l1umber present was small butthe meeting was an interesting andharmonious one After the business-was transacted ice cream and cakewas served by Misses Nellie GottliebHope Robinson and Gertrude LemanNext month the Daughters willmeetwith Mrs E L Carney

The beautiful drawn work tablecloth that was worked by Mrs WD Whetstone is now exhibition atMr Rheinauers store This clothwill be raffled by the Daughters theproceeds to be given towards theConfederate monument fund Thechances will be twentyfive cents andcan be obtained from the store orfrom any member of the U D C

The table cloth is a particularlypretty one and the winner of it will

be fortunate indeed

Wireless Telephone

The assertion has often been made

that the discovery ot wireless tele-



would soon be followed by theapplication of the same principle tothe telephone If reports are truethe discovery a method of wirelesstelephoning has been discovered by a

seventeenyearold genius Francis JM McCarty of San Francisco Recentexperiments with rather crude instru-ments


proved amazingly successfulYoung McCarty sang a song thewords and tune of which were hearddistinctly at the receiving station a

mile away Later a conversation-was carried on with the same satis ¬

factory results as if the medium of

the ordinary telephone wire had beenused This present decade promisessome startling discoveries in thescientific worldSt Augustine Re-



Death ef Mrs PeasAfter an illness of eightyfive days

Mrs Charles F Pons died at StLukes Hospital in JacksonvilleThursday night The funeral was

held Friday morning from the church-

of the Immaculate Conception of

which the deceased was a memberMrs Pons resided in Ocala for

some time She is survived by herhusband an 1 five children Mrs W

B Bridges Mrs William A Hugh y

Miss Theo Pons Frank and JohnPons who have the sympathy theirfriends in their bereavement

A Credit Association-

The retail merchants of Tampahave formed what is called a creditassociation Each member of theassociation is required to report tothe association the standing of his

customers The reports are aggre ¬

gated from which the rating of eachperson in the city is made up and is

used for reference by members of theassociation when any person applies-

for creditAssociations of this sort it is

thought are destined to become gen-


Refused a ThroneI Capt John Miller and E P Taliaferro have returned from their secondannual tour of Norway Both wereoffered the Norwegian throne butboth refused as the promises ofroyal wealth and power were asnothing compared to the attractions-of Tampa Both gentlemen showthe benefits of their trip and are be¬

ing greeted by many friendsTam-pa



Peace River ProsphatePeace River phosphate rock shipp-



through the port of Punta Gordathus far this year aggregated 98875tons Shipments during August were2690 tons on steamship Wae August


2 or Weymouth Mass 1990 tonson steamship Evelyn August 5 forCartaret N J 3075 tons on steam-ship


Carolyn and August 31 forI Cartaret N JI

Fer Sale 50 cts en Dellar

Six acres land cottage furnishedand packing house at East Lake

t Lake Weir Desirable for both sum-mer


j and winter residence Landsuitable for house lots also 3 bearingorange groves at Tangerine

WM H EARLE825 5t Tangerine Fla

Mr TH Johnson and daughteri

Miss Clara Johnson have returnedhome from a few weeks visit to-

tWhite Springs

G 2YF tY


ti +rTHE 1-

PALMETTOPIANOOLUDBy joining our Piano Club you will be able to get aSitrO grade Piano for S2 f7 payments of Sip downand membership of Sri per month without intrestPiano delivered free to nearest depot as soon as thefist Ten Dollars is paid-


tTo introduce and get this piano before the public we fwill form a club of one hundred members and eachmember will get a piano at the wholesale price Theclub is limited to one hundred members and all in¬

struments will soon be taken


Is an instrument thrst has been manufactured in ourown factories with some special features that willmake it stand the climate conditions of this state betterthan any piano madeI

I The Gable CompanyFrank E Chase Mgr Jacksonville Flar

1 i r-


EUREKA WINE LIQUOR CO IThe Great Southern Mall Or4tr Heuse

rEXPRESS PREPAID Full Quart Measure a

Per Four Six PerGotten Quarts Quarts Cue

Hatchetts Private Stock 400 S oo 600 ft2 00-

UTSHatchett Thats Whiskey 4 SO 460 690Hatchetts Old rtyc u 320 320 480 960Eureka N CAppleftandy 475 700 1400 fN C Apple Brandy = sW 335 485 970-BwekaMalt u 4 ao 400 600 1200Rureka file Co Peach Brandy 415 475 700 I401tN C Peaah Brandy 325 325 485 970Ellr kaNCCm 325 325 485 970Eureka N C Corn XX 3 30 300 460 900Eureka N G CoW XXX a 75 a 75 415 83 rjEureka N C Corn XXXX aso-


= 5o 375 7 saOld Crow Bourbon 450 4 SO 675 I3S6Sunny Brook Rye 75 375 s6s 1130-

xiSunny Brook Sour Mash 3 75 3 75 i 6sEcho Springu u 4 SO 4 65 90 37S

Silk Velvet 500 5 25 7 8S 15 70Oak aad u 375 400 600 1200

f8in Fr m 250 t JSSG per allee slisrs4

Sue twelv labels of Hatchetfs Pnvate StoJcand secure a bottle free Save twelvelabels of Hatchetts Old Rye and secure a bottle free Save twelve lables of HatchettsThats Whiskey aad secure a bottle freesve twelve labels of Eureka N CC rn and secure a bottle free Save twelve tables of NC Apple Brandy aad secureone bottle free Save twelve labels ofEureka Malt and secure one bottle free Price ofall goods bought at companys store are TOC per gallon less than when delivered Nocharge for juts boxes or drayAge All of my bottles are full measure All standardbrands ot whiskies sold over my bar at toe per daink lofromt 5 leaves 5 loT you Allwines quoted on application We also carry cheaper liquors than those quotedSpecial p ices on large quantities packed any sizes desired Money reinded goodsnot satisfactory


135 W Bay St Jacksonville Fla


Jr= y o 7

nrt-J Ife9-

y b-

F hatI

4S a





Jacksonville Boston and Providence-and all Eastern Points FCalling at Charleston Both Ways

SEMI EEKLY SAI LINGSSouthbound w From Lewis Warf Bostic rNorthbound Prom foot of Catherine Street Jacksonv-


Between Jacksonville and SanfordStapaia at Palatia Astor St Francis Beresfard leLani sad Intermediate

Landings on St Jehns liTerSteamer CITY OF JACKSONVILLE

I Is appointed to Sail as follows Leave Jacksonville Sundays Tue cars and Thursdays 330 po et mI

Returning leave Sanford Monday Wednendavs slid Fridays 30a m

I Sent Boaad SCHEDULE NobE e> 1-

waRead Do ReaNI

Leave 3 50 p n Jacksoavllle Arrive 2 oo a sI S 45 P 17 Pal oka Leave 8ao pi i-

330P1v tw

3 oo x m AstorI 4 30 am St Francis 2 00 p I

I Beresford Detaed lOOP s aAtrive 8 30 L m Saaferd 9 30 a tit

to oo a n w 10 oo aOSNSaAli PA5SES3EA AND TXjggf Offlg 123 W 3T BAY STV J

I F M IRONMONGER JR Asst Geal Pass Agent 122 Wast Bay St Jacksonville FlaI W G COOPER JR Freight Agent PWOVEU SU riftttDQetltI Foot ot Hojran Street Jacksonville Fta zA C HAGERTY Geal Easfa Pass Agt New Yurk CLYDE MILNE Oeal Frt Apt N Y J ExTHEO G EGER WM P C YDE A f Oneral ia tfer GenerallgeutaChesebJQughBai1dia 19 State Street New York
