·-;z...missouri cavalry, confederate army (see collage #2, p,16) were sons of' joseph cooper...

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Page 1: ·-;z...Missouri Cavalry, Confederate Army (see Collage #2, p,16) were sons of' Joseph Cooper and Betsy Hitt Lewis. The Lewis who scratched his name on a rock in the Rockies in 1852

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Page 2: ·-;z...Missouri Cavalry, Confederate Army (see Collage #2, p,16) were sons of' Joseph Cooper and Betsy Hitt Lewis. The Lewis who scratched his name on a rock in the Rockies in 1852

CAPE GIRARDEAU COUNTY GENEALOGICAL socmTY 204 Union Stree�, . Jackson, Missouri 63755

� VOLUME 1 Number 4 December, · 1981


Hope all. of you have had a wonderful Christmas, and are starting a very happy ,� New Year.



We have ha� two meetings since the last Collage was printed., the September �eeti.ng_ program was given by Willard ·Estes orf the Cherokee Indians and 'their forced move.;· we�t,· the November meeting was· attended by 30 members and 9 guests. · The program· was given by Mrs. Joseph Krueger, Mo. State Regista.r of the DAR. The programs were very good and enjoyed by everyone.

We have haa a notification from the National Archives thnt we will no longer be able to borrow micro-film on the interlibrary loan because of budget and staff reduetions, they are exp1oring ways that the ·service might be resumed on a fee basis by a private sector firm, in the meantime we can use the file in the National Archives Bldg arid in the 11 Federal Centers around the country, or purchase the film £or·$15�00 per roll from Publications Sal.es Branch (NESP) NARS, Washington, D •. c. 20408

On th!:3_brighter side, Riverside R�gional. Library has given us more space·fo�· the geneaJ.ogy ma.te�ial. We have several. work tables ·and are in a secluded area. that opens up to join our meeting room. This is·real.ly nice. Thank Y�.

We have had 10 . new acqu:f:,stions : The Robel't Green family, The H�s Herald, The J �s�n County, D.l. Quarterly, The Book r Old_ Bollinger1 , The Life & Tx-avels ot Walte� Young, ·his family and near relatives, The Marriage ReQor�s of Union County, lll.! 1818�.thru 1880, two book1ets on the First Baptist Church of_ st·. �nevieve, the 1870 Scott & Shannon Counties, Mo. (micro-film), 1880 Scotl.D:Ild (part) 1 Scott, Shannon, Shelby &·Stocidb.rd. (part) Counties, ·Mo. (micro-film) and finally. ·a up to­date li�ting and cross index o�_the�Society 1 s holdings prepared �y Marilyn Fr�eman.

We are asking.for material for our files - family histories, wills, bib1e �ecords. kly"material. with genealogical vaJ.ue is welcome. .

.. ' . ,: ... · · .. . . . � ..

This is your quarterly, .if' you have something you would like to sh�e in print er if' you have questions, please �end the material to Mrs. _.Alma Lee· LJ�inknr�·. · ·

Happy·Htmting, Ellen Jean Adams,·President

* *· * ➔I- ➔t- * * * * * * �.- ·U· * .Ji- * * * * Index

J osijph Lewis: Missouri Pioneer - - •- - .:.. ..; - - - - .. - ·- - · ..;· 1.,6 • . Church Records - - - -� - - - - � - - � - � - - - - - - - - - 47. Romance a_ t.-.!h. e Wibert C1cm -

_ - : - - -· - -- -.. -. - - -. - .. _ - -· $··

A True S�ocy � __ - � .- __ - - - - - - - - - .. - - - -. - - -- � - 49 11 :Easy Steps to Kill A Society - - - - '.'"" - - � - -: - _I··.:. - 49 Bible Reocrd - - - - - - - - - -•- ·- - - - - - - - :.. -· - - - ;o·

Index to Volume 1 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 51


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Page 3: ·-;z...Missouri Cavalry, Confederate Army (see Collage #2, p,16) were sons of' Joseph Cooper and Betsy Hitt Lewis. The Lewis who scratched his name on a rock in the Rockies in 1852

JOSEPH_ ;LEWIS: MISSOURI PIONFJER .,." .. - . by. . I ' • • • • •

Catharine Lewis· Bock . _· ••··•·· ·• -•··•.-·•----.. ·"'- ·:· •.•. ···•'-··••·· .. ,•--·-···•·· -- ...... .

We know he �ved: in New· -Maerid-·District-iii"l.ate ·1796· or"'early .. 179'7•.•be��u��,.,. the 1797. cen:sus, shows him as having produced 200 1 minotes' of corn that ye�. He did ·i �>with .. tlief ·help of' ·1 · mfe·, ·1 horse� 2 c·ows �- ·Endentiy· ·he

... s_;grie_c;1.·_:hfs �- �-· ... _ -: : ·· ..

name on the c�n:;ius . roll. - or showed the Spanish· ·�s·cribe liow •'to· spell it - for it · is•··down .. as joseph Lewis, not Josef Luis (most of the names listed have tlie Spanish spellinq;) • .· : .. . . . · , . . :

Lewis Lore always had it that Joseph was born in Virginia. The 1850 c�nsus · of'�:.�ec;,}t. C�UP:W. now conf�rms the t�th of. �e legend: �e was in�eed::born in Virgimll around 1766. In �ssq�i hi� :�P.anish Gra??-t was.· on I:,.ake St

... Isidqre thl;'ee

miles n�rthwef;lt of_ �e :to� of New Madrid (�ou.qk _ s.ays). The;re h.e l;i..ved with· hie: wi��, .. �rgar�t, unt� _�e area wa_s �evesta�ed b:y th� gre�t ea�thqu�e :_of •1811-1.2 __ •·. ·.j

. Aft�� ·-the third.- ma.jor �hock which occurrea· Feb� 7, 1812�- ,.-Joseph Le�s decided to s�nd �� w;fe. a;q.d .!children away fl_-om tnat God-fqrsaken p:;t.ace,; He •· remained beh�d because he : had a j o� to f'irp.sh. . : Ai; the time he .. w�s , she:ri.:ff'""! 2e,µ�c�9r of, .th� whole New �drid Pistri�'G,. the: s�cond �an,. �o f�� th:e offi�e.: ;. ·

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:: . ' •• • ,.

• .j ! . . - - ,. �! .i '

' . • .. �: . . : '+ • • • •• :·· •• ., - : •• • ... ' • - •

. . ��re is,. a rfamµ.y _.tradition th,�t:Marg��� -Lewis an<;. �e ,four ·Le1!is chil�en were ,'9.i;qu�t::� 9ap� :�rardeau. in a cover�9, :w��on by a trusted negrp seTT�t.: . His own wif'e and ·children came along� This .slave. - we will call him Tom -:- ·haq. . been, _taught- to r.ead and write by Joseph Lewis. Just before the wagon pulled out, so th.�_.st,()ry -�oes., . Sheri_f'f Lewis. t�o� ,Tom _ aside. and p�ao�d in ;ti�s. hands a bag .. of' Spanish eagl�� (gold coins).- "Guard this wen", he .. told T9m ., "and when you get t6 Lorimier·•s Landing take ii;, to �.-··toriinier ·and leav:e it,� 'his ·care un'f?il 1 •.

I can come f'or it"; · · .. · · · · · · .. · · ·

N.6 ;·do��t::°Lor��r ha:d p:r�viously be.�n -il¢orme_d_, ofJ.,:ewis 1: .. plans;- aeyway, ·14;.� .•.. •. : Le'4s:·�d CA�<ir��-�e�e .. _;tak�� in-�� ·1����d:.�� ·�he ·�we?-1#ig . of.fB�rth�eini_ C-01.ls� .· · not far. from .-LorJJDJ..er' s house, ( Co��in- !'1as :Lorl.IIll..er' s secreta.rY_ .and r_+ght-hand . . . man).� ·. /+he bl,.ack; ··•·��.his family: -c��d· -nearby in a . tent b_eside. a big spring, • -All 'w:�r�,rtlier.� f�. ·severf4 .months ;according t_o ·the wor.d-of-moujih,


,.• •, ,r: ,;,. • ·, : • .. ; . .--\ • • : • -•. • •• • . ' •• •• l ,_.•. • • •.. • .... '. • '

.. ··k·�ouis'Lorimier··'died -in June 1812,· so it 'was probably Cousin to whom Joseph Len,�. v.�n� .w·-retrieve his gqld�; Th� :exact_ date ,he arz:ived in Ca:pe Girardeau County is not known., but .i

.t/ fs known - that in 1813 he bought . twp. adj oinµig .farms.

on Rand� .Cre�k. . · · · -

. . -�Though he se:f;;;ed as ��unty c6ro�er ·•arid onc·e ran for,. the�-·.S�t, -.Legi�atur�

J osepJa �e�s was essentially, a ·£�er� a$ were ¥s three sons�. '·Joseph Cooper Lewis, the oldest• son and J"olm • C •. Lewis, the yollllgest, married sisters, Betsy and Delanie .. �itt •... The. xniddle :boy,· .'Thomas Henry Lewis., married Frances Bohannon, but he has fewer descendants. bec·ause·. he died at age . 29, succumbing to cholera in the 1832.33 epidemic. '

There were al.so three Lewis daughters• �ot much is lmown about the older two .. only that they were· born at New Madrid, and af'ter they married live� down. . tho::.ee. . Zelema Lewis, <thE: .• Y,_


. ge�_t· .. �.

. _u�ter:� �t:1 · yo�g�_st· c. }?.ild, wa�. bo�tin C�:pe · ·

County J.n 1817, She m�r-:i.ed· John Morrison lfl 1840J by 1850 she .was :a.n StilPtt· Courrt,y, a wtdew with four· �cµ-en; Her father· was living-with.. �er, -�garet having died a few months pri��.- ·Al.so in ·scott Cc,. by 1850 ·was the John,C� Lewis f'a.mily. ,- '.. .

. ; . - . �-- :.· . . ...







Page 4: ·-;z...Missouri Cavalry, Confederate Army (see Collage #2, p,16) were sons of' Joseph Cooper and Betsy Hitt Lewis. The Lewis who scratched his name on a rock in the Rockies in 1852

Joseph Lewis died in Scott County in his �th year, approximately. (We are assuming that he died before Zelema remarried-� in August of 1854). So far as lmown his grave has not been located, but at least descendants can understand

� why it· ·was. never found in Cape C�ty-.

Incidentally, Joseph G. Lewis and Eli C·. Lewis, of'fic·ers in Compaey A, 8th Missouri Cavalry, Confederate Army (see Collage #2, p,16) were sons of' Joseph Cooper and Betsy Hitt Lewis. The Lewis who scratched his name on a rock in the Rockies in 1852 (see Collage #3! p.36) was Josepb'Cooper Lewis (II)t a

.. neph�w

of the above Joseph Cooper. This younger Joseph Cooper - J. C. (IIJ,_that is -was the son of Thomas Henry and Frances Bohannon Lewis, and the grand uncle 0£ the writer .. of this article�

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * � * *. * .. � * * * * * -i� * * * * * * * * * *··* .* * Church.records from the D.AR:section at the Cape Girardeau. Public Library - c011lpiled · by the Thoe Sanford· Chapter

Cape G:irardeau·Presbyterian

Apple C1:eek PresbyteriM:

Baptisms and marriages

Baptisms 1839 · thru 1892

Christ Episcopal

Ce��nary Me�odist

Chrfst $vongelical:

Baptis�s, marriages, deaths

Baptisms, marriages 1909 thru 1934

Baptisms, marriages,. �eaths 18?1 thru 1914·

Baptisms 1.857 _t�.193� Hanover.Lutheran .,,·1 ,•. . " . ....

• .,• .. ·.: f'" , •

BaptisJnS 1 869 thru 1 900

St,. Ma.:7 1 s.

st. Vinc•en�' s ·

B�ptisms, :marriages, ·deaths ·1868 thru 19j . .

Baptisms., marriages, deaths 182f7 tliru 193� .. · •

* * � * * * * * * * * * * � * * * * * * 4�--* * * * * * * * * * * * * *·* * * * * Fron{ H;tdwest }Id+rdm1,e9l, apd 9fmwtgical, R'egl.ster., Wichita, Ka 11Soldie:rf •.. buried' l � ., ••

in Ohie t There is a grave registration file for soldiers buried in Ohio. ·Jt ie ·· indexed and they will check the index and send a otpy·oi' the reeero., if·it is found, a;t; no.charge. Be sure to send a SASE. Addresss D�vieien of Soldier'a Claims, Ohio Adjunta.nt: Genera:i.•.s. Of�iee, State H�se, Colunbus, :OM• 43215," . . .�; ******.*************i*t4**�****•*�******'**

The National Archives is making-two clulnges·in ·its pricing & payment polioies·ll'l mail re�est fer copies ot veterans record files, efteo.tive Sept. 1, 1,s1, · FIRST The eost t&r reprocluction et each record tile.will. be·increased !rom

$3.00 to $5.M . . SECOND Beg:i.Ming Sept.. 1, eustomlrs ore requested to send payment � th their

orders when the total. cost is lmown, In cases whe:re the eist is not . . known, a price quotaticn can be obtained by requesting the 07der f'o:m

.· for copies or veterans records. NATF fom 26, Write te Mi]J,ta:,' Senieo. � Records (NMCC), No.tienaJ. Archives, Washington., D.c. 20408 � Payment can _be made by check, meney order, Master Card or VISA· credit co.i-d..

. •. . .: .. .. ; ' \

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Page 5: ·-;z...Missouri Cavalry, Confederate Army (see Collage #2, p,16) were sons of' Joseph Cooper and Betsy Hitt Lewis. The Lewis who scratched his name on a rock in the Rockies in 1852


Information r���ived by _ Richnrd Wybert <;>n his first attempt of r�search


Romance of the Wibert f'run:i.ly as so far is ·known begins with a Thomas Wibert who wa� . . born in L_qndon on Lombard o� Lombardy St . His parents died when he was quite young . and left him under the guardianship of ri.n un�le , Much property was left to him, but his un�le, wishing to possess himself of it, sent 1'homas � .America by the Captain of a vessel . Thom.as said he saw . his i.mcle pay the Capto.in a sum of �onay, but on the arrival of the vessel at New York,· the Captain sold him for: .,his passage money to a man named Jacob Byce � or Bice, of Fiskill Duchess Co . Byce. took the boy Thomas, home with him and treated · biin as his own child; sent him to school wi:th .. his children and educated him until he was qualified to tea.ch school . He taught several. years in a piace. called "The Coon" . Thomas married a :. woman named Elisabeth Weaver by whom he had four. children : Fredric , John, Thomaa and Ca therl:ne .

. . . During the French and Indian . War, 1756-1 760, there came to his school .house,

three Englishmen, officers ,, who · had lost their way. He went � short . 9isto.nce with them to put them pn the right road and as they w�re leaving they asked his ntlIJle . . •'. . . On learning it, :they asked if he was on Englishman; · nn_q. on his saying that he came from England when he was thirteen years old they told him that a mo.n no.med Wibert •· had left a will (which was• on_ record) requesting that certain property should be · . given or restored to a nephew named Thomas Wibert who was somewhere in .America . The officers wished him to- go i�ediately . to �ngland with them, but ;J;� he was not willing to leave his family at once, they promised to write to him after reaching home, which they did and wrote 1:;hree times before he decided to go . He. went when his oldest son, Fredric was five yeD.Xs old, his second son, John, was . a.bout twenty months old; he was born in 1760 . So Thomas must have left home sometime in 1762 . .. or late 1761 .

After reaching Englnnd, he .wrote to his. wife and friends that the will ·was· as·

the off;�cers had represented, but -that other heirs opposed his claim nnd he mu;,t go to 1aw with them. After three years he wrote to his wife that he had gained his· suit and }¥ld received 1 6, 000 pounds sterling, 40, 000 dollars, half in goods and . . half in money and that he should start for home soon (naming a vessel in which he shoul.d . ��il) o.nd should reach there in J m1e . . . · .

• ' I . : · .·

. When . the· . ship he named o.rr�:ved, �: _New York . . . ��re hn.d .ibee� a rr>.lJ:,t� o�, �<'ftf<t < during the vo_yage and -the CaptD.in, · pas·sengers and· ·h:11.· the ·.cre"1; exbep;t tha )½i�:· . · . and two others, had bee� !llUTde�ed_ pnd oJ.l the papera des;tr.oyed.

. /• . ' . .. . . . �- . . . .. . Too threo so.yed we+�:., }c·ept in irons until they: promised, . unde·r oo.th, to ' take the velsel to Pirate ' s Isi.nno.. They ·were then released and. · _order0d ·to bring out the best liquors . This the �te did, - a,t .the same time r,nixing s<:>me lo.udnn� with it so thc.t o.fter drinking it'· the pirates been.me so thoroughly stupified, tho.t the sod.lors put them into the so.me irbns · that they ho.d be&n confined in, and then. brought the vE!ssel. into Now York � - The· sailors went . to · the. o.uthorities ,and inf_ormed . · them of · the oath they had tclcen . rind how 'they had· broken. · it . ·: They were to1d: an oo. th extorted o.t the peril of their liv:es wn.s not bin�g. The pirb.tes were.· ·tried nnd sentenced to·· death. The · one who took bi's own -:tife' wc .. s �buried .. -£\:t -n• crossroo.ds and ·· o. stake driven into his gro.vo � a(f'�the · law obliged a. · suicide to be buried.. Thomo.s Wi'bert 1 s wife -was sont for. b1'.t'.; al though, the goods and l'!loney he'· had c;lescribed was - .: there, yet o.s ru.J/ thc,,. p�erfS w�re destroyed• by the piro.tes sh� : could prov;e nothing-/ and as it wo.s a king1·s ship, the · authorities ·were · ob1igtd to , send · it back to

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Page 6: ·-;z...Missouri Cavalry, Confederate Army (see Collage #2, p,16) were sons of' Joseph Cooper and Betsy Hitt Lewis. The Lewis who scratched his name on a rock in the Rockies in 1852

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England with i.ts contents o Elisabeth _Wibert . saw the body of one of the pirates

dangling at Yo.rd Arms, .j:qnd th� gro..� of the one who c.omm.itted suicide . The letters from Thomas Wibert to his wife and other papers belonging to het :sons. we.re accidently destroyed by butning whe:re she _ had le.(t them. · · : : f ·_ · ·

. . . Thi s i s written from memory o f Ester Meads, formerly Wibert, · aaughter: of John .

Wibert, who distinctly remembers her grandmother and who had this history· ··r-rom her. Elisabeth Wibert and her three sons were all buried in a littJ.e fp.µily burying ground a short distance west of th� village of Saratoga Springs ,· ,·��"1 . Yt?�� - :: . . . . . . . . ,, . ..

* * * * * * -ll- * * * * i} -41- * * * -l} -ti- * * -�- - � -* : * *· *· �} -*� * * "* . -4�- * ' *- >� * -..-i�:·. � * * * * • I � • . , .� :.\ ,.• • • ! "" ' ...

. . ... . ' A TRUE STORY ··:� : . .. ' .

.. ... • , ,.c, t . , _. . . ! .. . • • :: · t .' ' • I •, ••♦ : ; , • - • • • • : , . •

Once upon a time , many years o.go s Edgar 1

Bock was a . boy ( on N .. _ ;F.'_q:u,n:t/4,;i.n Street in Cape Girardeau) ,, In the Bock home Sunday morning was -the time _f'pi-'J,e.ekly devotions . After the f'runily W0.8 seated around the brec.kfast. ta.bl� t�e fathiif· :wb-ql.d- o�gin -and go on and on forever, or so it seened to the : pungry ch�dren_� . L ._- �: -� . .

, .:. � -First came the regular grace .. sa�g, ��n s�ine � Scripti�o::·r-�#�g,. . tlleif the

lesson from a devo·tional book, finally ending with a. rather •lengthy·' pray�.r� AJ1 this wa.s in German. However, had the words been . widerstandable those · iittl'e boys ' stomachs would stiJJ. hn,,e been growl� f'o:i;: nqur:i:sbm�nt.

· . _ . . ·

: . .

11No enting JlO;:b:il: -I say, t �en t· _;'1 · · ·�n.s t�e f'atp.er 1 s rule . To e�or�e. it he kept a little switch· across hi s lap ., · Wh�never he saw a. snmll. .. hand sliding across the tablecloth town:-:·d t,1.1e . pof,feecake, he �d not · h� si tate to give that hand· a sharp tap o SoEetimes a ha-oa·· received ll. tap for only looking like it was a��t �o reo.ohl


1 ) S·t�y a·wuy fro� meetings � 2l' If YO'il do r:ome , find faul .:! o . ,, , •

43 Decline office or appointment to o. comtti. ttee·� .· Get sore if you aren' t nominated or o.ppointed,,: . . .

.· . .. r . . . -� .

si Afte� you are nruned, con t t attend board meet�s • . 6J Ii' you. get to a raeeting, despite your better ,judgm�nt, -clam up until it' s


1 0)

1 1 )

over . Then tell t eo how things should be done . . . Do no work i.f you con help it') When the Old Reliab1es pitch in:; accuse them of' being a cli.que a . • .• . • , : •• Oppose ru..l banquets 3.!ld activities as n. wns� of the r.1enber' s raoney. _ If' everything is stric tly business, conplo.in thnt �e meetin:gs nre dul.1 and the officers are o. bunch of old sticks. Don i t rush to pa�fyour dues o Let the directors sweat; · o.fter oll, they approved the budget . . . Read mail from the Society only now �� .then; don' t reply if you ·can help .j ,I. � .. :..; "

anon . . Mid,..Missouri GeneaJ.ogicol. SoQiety

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * � Genealogy is like some people and their relllgion "They' re either hot · or cold11 •

Page 7: ·-;z...Missouri Cavalry, Confederate Army (see Collage #2, p,16) were sons of' Joseph Cooper and Betsy Hitt Lewis. The Lewis who scratched his name on a rock in the Rockies in 1852

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Bible in possession of Mrs . Jerry S � Randol, Cape Girardeau, Mo . fl:tble pu9lished by Merriam, Moore alld Co_. 1·848


Robert' J . Campbell and Caroline· Prince . · 1 2 Dec . 1 844 J . S . Randol and S , E . Campbell , 25 April 1 872 T • . R . Kane and M. C . Campbell � 1 0 Nov. 1 879 Rev. D . J . Marquis and Atma Campbell 30 Oct . 1 884 J . H , Campbell and S . E . Marquis 1 7 �ov. 1 887


Caroline Prince b , 22 Sept. 1 S24, Sarah Emaline Campbell b . 9 Oct . 1 847 Eliza Ann Campbell b . • 22 Feb . 1 850 Mary Elizabeth Campbell b . 1 5 May 1 852 Martha Caroline Campbell b . · 28 June 1 854 Virginia_ F . Campbell b • . 27 Sept·. 1 857

·. Jacob Harrison Campbell b . 26 July 1 860 J obn Robert R�dol b . l May 1 873 Luther Jackson Randol· b . 22 June= · 1$5 . .Alma BY,rl Randol b . 25 s·ept,'· 1 878 Martha Elizabeth Randol b . · 8 Nov. 1 880

· . J ereiniah Smith Randol b . 1 2 Apr. 1 S84 Maple Masterson b. 23 _ Dec . 1 901. . Nelsofl V, Masterson b . Thur . 25 Aug. 1 904 Elmo Randol Masterson b . Sat, 27 Oct. 1 906

· (I . was· told by Mrs . Randoi tbat Alma Randol md,· Elam Masterson) Maj:-ine Elizabeth Masterson b . Tues . 23 Feb . 1 909

. .

Virginia Lucile Maste�son b . Mon . 30 Oct. 1 91 1 Joe Wilson Masterson was b . Fri . 20 Feb . 1 914 in Scott Co. Luther Randols child (as written .in bible) Thelma Lucile Randol b , Tues . 1 1 Aug. 1 903 Lizzie Irene Randol b , Sat. 20 Oct. 1 906 Wilson Randol Fenimore b . 30 Aug. 1 909


William Prince d. 1 1 Nov. 1 845 · Frances Prince d. 1 Oc·t . · 1 847 Mother Campbell d. 25. Feb , 1 865' Johri ·campbell ·d. 1 0 Feb , · 1 865 Do.rrel T . Prince d .• 21 Dec , 1 865 Mary Eliza:beth Campbell · d. 22 Aug. 1 864 Sallie Campbell d, _ Sept. 1 874 William Campbell d . 5 Apr . 1 879 William M � Prince d. 1 3 Apr � ·1 879 · Robert J . CampbeJ.l do 5 S -:::·h .. 1 880 Wife of J . H . Campbell d. 4 May 1 890 (no first name given) . . ·' . . . . ,

• v.:::...CU.L.J.1.1.(;;: 0 _.. • .c1 u1..,..L..1.. c.... 1 ..t1.,t?..1.· ., \ - , , - . 1 Nelson Vinya�a .. Masterson d. 29 Aug. 1 923 age 1 9 yr . 4 days Paul Uglair ( "t ) Fenimore d . _Sept . _age 7 y-.c:s (no day or yr given) Mrs ,, 'P. ( C? ) F��.:i.:r.no:t:"� a . ., 1 8 Se:[)+• - 1 936 age 55 yr ? 1 1 mo.. 1 0 days Al.ma Randol Masterson d. 23 Fe1? . 1 940 age 61 yr . 4 mo . 29 days Recorded by Wanda Fitzpatrick 20 -�?g• 1 981

51 -

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Page 8: ·-;z...Missouri Cavalry, Confederate Army (see Collage #2, p,16) were sons of' Joseph Cooper and Betsy Hitt Lewis. The Lewis who scratched his name on a rock in the Rockies in 1852



Abernathy - 2, 3,4, 9, 23 ,24 Ackenhausen - 4 Ackman - 9


Volut1e 1 for 1981

B�rnes - 26,27 Bartels - 18 Beal. ·- 1 8

Adams - 1, 3, 4, 9, 10 ., 14., 15, 20, 23 124,27, Bean - 17, 1 8, 12 Beck - 20 Bertling - 1 8 Bierbodt - 17 Billings - 2 Bird - 2, 17

28, 31 , 32 , 33 ,44,45 Adkins - 23 , 24 Ahrens - 4, 10, 24 .Ahufeld - 10 Aijin - 9 .AJ.bers - 4 Albert - 21, 31 Al.Gna - 4 Al.exa.nder - 3 Alford - 24 .AJ.1en - 2, 3, 161 23, 24 Allers - 4, 10, 23,24 Allford - 3 All.good - 10 All.ison - 9 Al.mstedt - 4 A1. tenthol. - 24 Ar!ielunke/Abal.urnke . 4, 10, 17, 2J Amnette - 23 Amos - 9 Ancell - 34 Anderson - 2, 24, 33 Angel - 9,23 Angst - 4 Arbuck1e • 3 Armstrong - 10 Ashley - 1 0 Astholz - 3, 10,24 Arnold - 9, 10 Atchison/Atchinson - fJ,24 Ates - 3,9 Atkins - 9 Auberds .. 3 Auberger .. 2, Au£denberg - ),9,24 Auge - 1t, August - 17 Aulsberry ., 1 0 Austin · - 24

Bailey - 1 8 Pai.�a. ••LI 5 Baker - 1, 16 Ba1dridge .... 1 7 Ball - 12 Ballen •�• 2 Bank - 18


· Birdwell - 17 Blackman - 19 Blanchet - 18 Blattner - 20 Block - 13 Bock - 11 , 18,32, 46,49 Bode - 17 Bohannon - 46 Boid - 18 Bollinger/Bullinger - 17, 19 Booth - 20 Borden - 1S Borgfeld - 1 8 Bowen - 8 Bowman - 17 Bradley - 1 8 Brandes - 24 Brahan - 27 Brassfield .. 17 Braun - 18 Brause - 10 Brennecke - 19 Brenneiaen - 18 Brian - 27 Brinkman - 1� Brodtman - 17 Brooks - 2, 9 Brown - 1 , 1a, 20,24 Browning - 1 Brune - 24 Bryant .. 8 Buckner - 10, J3 Buehrmann - 1?, 26,27 Bull - 2 Burns - 26,27 Burrough - 17, 1a B118�h/B11.sh ... 17, 18 Butler - 21 Byce/Bice - AS Byrne - 5, 6

Cambron - 34

� * A surname may appear more thari one� on any given page number , · · · ·: .. 51

Page 9: ·-;z...Missouri Cavalry, Confederate Army (see Collage #2, p,16) were sons of' Joseph Cooper and Betsy Hitt Lewis. The Lewis who scratched his name on a rock in the Rockies in 1852

Campbell - 7, 29, 34, 35, 50 Canby - 1 6 Canterberry/Canterburg - 2 Cape County Home For The Friendless - 37,

38, 39,40,41 ,42, 43 Cargill/Cargile - 1 6 Casebolt - 23 , 24 Chandler - 16 Chatman - 26, 27 Clayton - 31 , 32, 34 Clemmons - 7 Cobb - 1 6 Cole - 1 6 Cook - 1 2 Corman/Cornman/Korman � 32 Cotner - 1 9 · ·

· ·

C ourleux - 1 3 Cousin - 46 Cox - 2, , Craft - 19

Daniels - 1 6, 34 Daugherty - 2, 27 Davault/Dewald - 7 Davenport - 1 9 Davidson - 27 Davis - 27 Dawson - 21 Day - 23 DeMortiers - 20 Depro - 32 Desselmann - 21 Deveito - 30 Diamond - 8 Dixon - 30 Donohue - 27 Dowty - 2 Doyle - 20

Ebaugh - 25 Eaker - 14 Eddleman - 31 Elliot - 28 Engelmann - 1 0, 24 English - 2, 1 6 Estes - 45 Evans - 21

Fagan - 20 Far:.--cw - 9 Fenimore - 50 Fennigen - 28 Ferguson - 20 Finley - 21 Fitzpatrick - 5, 14, 28,44, 50 Flaniken - 1 6


Flany - 1 6 Flora (African) - 2 Foeste - 20 Forister - 33 Freeman - 31 ,45 Freeze - 20 Froemsdorf - 20 Fronabarger - 21 Fullbright - 9, 1 6, 23 , 24, 31

Gaines - 7 Garrett - 34 Gerlach - 1 9 Gipson - 2 Gr.1nger - 1 5 Givens - 27 Grant - 29. Graver - 7 · Gray - 27 Green/Greene - 2, 5 , 24,45 Griffin - 1 9

Hager - 26, 27 Hahn - 1 9 Hale - 21 Hall - 2 HnnJ.an - 27 Hanly - 2 Harding - 1 2 Hargraves - 1 9 Harris - 1 6 Hart - 2 1 Hartle - 1 5, 1 6 Hasslinger - 1 9 Hatchett - 20 Hatfield - 33 Hawkins - 8 Hayden - 1 6, 29 Hays - 5

Heisserer - 1 9 Helderbrand - 9, 23 Helderman - 9 Henrick - 23 Hensley - 7 Hereford - 22, 30 Hill - 2 Hilpert - 32 Hink - 21 Hitt - 2 1 1.+b Hooke - 20 Holden - 7 Holland - 21 Holly - 1 ,

Holman - 7 Hopkins - 7 Hosmer - 20



Page 10: ·-;z...Missouri Cavalry, Confederate Army (see Collage #2, p,16) were sons of' Joseph Cooper and Betsy Hitt Lewis. The Lewis who scratched his name on a rock in the Rockies in 1852

Howard - 1 9, 27 Hubble - 2 Huey - 36 Hughes - 1 0 Hunt - 21

Hunter - 23, .31 Hussey - 6, 1 ;

Inman - 1 Isbell - 2

Jahns - 21 James - 27 Jefferson - 1 4 Jenkins - 21

Jesseman - 7 Johnson - 2, 9, 201 27,33 Jones - 28 Jor&-m - 28

Kage - 1 9 Knne - 48 Kaiser - 1 9 Knrisny - 29 Kasinger - 1 5 Keen - 35 Keith - 7 Keller - 21 King - 20 Kingen - 24 Kloos - 7

� � Kneibert - 19 Kooh - 24

\.. Koechig - 1 0, 2) Kraft - 23 Krueger - 20, 26,27,4;

Lacy - 28 Laird - 31 Lajeunesse - 7 Lane - 34 Lange - 9, 24 Lape - 16 Lee - 8 Lewis - 1 1_, 1 21 1 ;, 16,3�,46,4'7' Limbaugh.- 1 6 · . -'. · Lincoln - 1 9 Lind - 26,27 Long - 8, 1 9 L0r1.!n:i.8"'.' ·-· /l, Love - 27 Lovell ... 27 Lowery - 27 :S . .1dw:!..g .... �O

c McConnell - 29 � McFarland - 2


NcGee - 21 McGruder - 34 McKnight - 29 McLain - 21 McMullin - 2

McNaJ.ly - 33

Mabry - 2 Magruder - 22 Mru.one - 1 9 Mantz - 27 Margltls - 48 Mason - 1 0,24 Masterson - 35, 50 Mathews - 2 Mecham - 32 Neggett - 8 Mathis - 2 Meyers - 20 Miller - 1 9, 26, 27 Moon - 1 9 Morris - 1 2 Morrison - 20,46 Murphy - 2

Neely - 2 Newburn - 8 Nichols - 1 3 Nothdurft - 21

Oe.lts - 21

Outs - 21

Oberndor£er - 21 O ' Brien - 20 Oldham - 1 0 1Rourte :.._1 5 Orrell - -• Osborn - 27 Owens - 20

Peironet - 1� Peoples - 27 Perkins .. 27 Perry - 7 Phelps - 26;27 Pierce - 16 Poindexter - 1 Price - 27 Prince - 1 9,50 Proffer - 14,i1,2J

Quinn - 7

Tic.bich - 26, 27 Rumsey - 7, 16 Randol - 2,46, 50 ' .

• • . ,J

. _ ...

Page 11: ·-;z...Missouri Cavalry, Confederate Army (see Collage #2, p,16) were sons of' Joseph Cooper and Betsy Hitt Lewis. The Lewis who scratched his name on a rock in the Rockies in 1852

Ra.thbuns - 1 6 Reck -20 Reeves - 27 Reynolds - 1 2 Rice - 26,28 Roberts - 2 Robertson - 33 Robins - 1 1 9 Robinson - 1 6 Rogers/Rodgers - 21 1 9 Ross - 1 9 Rudert - 20 Runnels - 21 Russell - 21 1 27

Sn.dler - 1 6 Snmple - 1 9 Sanders - 1 1 1 6 Sn.nford - 47 Schenn - 20 Scherer - 2$ Schlueter - 20 Schueler - 8 Schultz - 1 9 Schwab - 20 Schweer - 21 Scudder - 7 Seirer - 33 Sentner - 29 Shafer - 1 6 Sharp - 261 27 Shaw - 22,30 Sheppard - 2, 3 Siemers - 26,27 Slinkard � 2,1 5,31 ,32, 36,45 Smith - 2,7, 1 6,27,33 Snider � 1 6 1 24 Spartzell - 27 Spears - 2 Spencer - 29 Spillman - 1 4, 22 , 25,28,32,/44 S tunnn.rd - 29 Statler/Stotler - 33 Stein - 1 9 Stephens - 1 6 Steubrnecher - 2J Stevens - 1 6 Stevenson - 1 0 Stoffregen - 20 <;+,"'!''-J .• 1 5 Stout - 2, 29 S tov::lll ••4 2 3 i 2 ':· Stratman - 25 Stubo.lefield ... 20 Summers - 21

Taintor - 8 T.J.ngemann - 29

. '

., . .. �



Tn.nner - 5,6 Tatum - 2 Tn.ylor - 1 6, 1 9 Thomas - 261 27 Thompson - 2 ,6, 25, 27 Thornton - 9 Tucker - 29 Tulloch - 34 Turner - 30

Upchurch - 1 6

Vaughtn - 27 Violet (Black) - 2

Wade - 26, 27 1 28 Waggner - 1 9 Walker - 7 Wullace - 1 6 Wo.rd - 9, 23 Washington - 1 1 1 1 2 Watkins - 21 Webster - 14, 26, 27 Weis - 21 Welder - 1 6 Wells - 27 Wheeler - 251 261 27 Whitelaw - 34 Whitworth - 30 Whittaker - 19 Wicker - 2 Wibert/Wybert - /.+B,49 Wilferth - 21 Williams - 2,21 Wilkinson - 2 Wilson - 26,27 Wingate - 9 Wolters - 21 Wood - 22

Young - 2,10,45

Zweifel - 8 I • • . ,c

f . . ... . �is index was compiled by Wanda P .• . Fitzpatrick

_ : � � . ( --., .. . ...__,


Page 12: ·-;z...Missouri Cavalry, Confederate Army (see Collage #2, p,16) were sons of' Joseph Cooper and Betsy Hitt Lewis. The Lewis who scratched his name on a rock in the Rockies in 1852


l ' \


The Cape Girardeau County Genealogy Society organized in May 1970, a. non-profit organiza.tiono Its primary purpose 1s education 1n the field of Genealogy.

Membership 1s open to individuals upon pa.yment of the annual dues of $5 .00, per year starting in May, Additional members of an iinmed.ia.te family 1n the same household on one membership by payment of an additional $2.50 .

Publications include the Society's Quarterly magazine COLLAGE OF CAPE COUNTY published 1n March, June , September and January, sent free to members, am an annual Sunia,me Index, Members and gen-.�logists a.re encouraged. to submit articles for publication in the COLLAGE OF CAPE COUNTY .

The CGCGS Library is located in the Riverside Regional Library, 204 Union Street, . Jackson, Missouri, It is open during the same hours of the Library.

Meetings a.re held bi-monthly, January, March, May, July, September am November, on the fourth Tuesday at ?a.30 pama at the Ri'verside Regional Library.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

CGOOS research �r surname1 $5.00 . One (1 ) surname $l e 00 in the following counties . m :�ts for one (1) surname ,2 ,50 .



S001'1' COUNTY, MO


Address all Queries with SASE to 1

18JO- t40- 1 50- '60 Federal Census 18?6 Missouri State Census 1807-1829 Abstracts & Wills 1805-1873 Marriage Records 1883-1893 Births & Deaths Records

18,30- '40- '50- G 60 Federal Census 1866-1872 Abstracts & Wills 1866-1872 Marriage Reco:tds 1883-1893· B1rth & Death Records

l8J0- �40- r50- !-60 Federal Census 1840-1855 Marriage Reco:t'ds 1840-1855 Abstracts & Wills

1850 Federal Ce�us 182,5-1841 Marriage Records 182.5-1841 Abstracts & Wills

Mrs. Alice Spillman 1614 Madison Cape Gira.mea.u, Missouri 6,3701

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Page 13: ·-;z...Missouri Cavalry, Confederate Army (see Collage #2, p,16) were sons of' Joseph Cooper and Betsy Hitt Lewis. The Lewis who scratched his name on a rock in the Rockies in 1852

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