
. _ y n ii. x i . . Nr.MitKu 71. ■'. ' ' I i'iaS iS' e^ TO ® -'.. »>:*'■• '* js PoSfSt ^m m m SEARCHED m iDEPUWAFT Bloodhounds Brought in (< • Hunting the Area Whe Be''in Goncealment;' D< Flefeins in AutOv I ’ - . b7 ^ - '• EUREKA, Cal., July. 14—' liorthern^CuHfohiia, posses fr< . tlie trail of three bandit mun . Bloodbouflda-^vurcJjcouHliU - iM iE s r - i M M l Nellie Tayioe Ross Outiin< Her Position A s ' Vic Committee; Does N' Consider Koqybr a Dry. _ • EtlKor'S' nolo:-—Tlio.followlui;: --------- Btory-nltouf 5Im. Wclllc Tn>loo cratlc nailonnl. coirmliuo. Is iho riritt uf a iterleii dvitlinR wllli tlio women lortQcra . who nro li(il>)g lirduslit Into JIOW nctivf(y .by Ilm ^renldontlal cnmimlRn. Momlnjr'ti dlnimtch will <l<>i>I wllh MrH..Mon- kuwltic, ’Oovornor SiiiliirH nocrl’* nm! )>o)ltlcBl liitor. . ^ DV MAX mrcKJNOiiAii Unlti-il Prpdli Sliitf ~6irf.-Kiinn<tciil; rrr:t=XBft^TOH>C .-JI»y-M-t— •' Taylon Uohh. u pvrHUiinl' tin<l ilry. lioB wnderiiihcn in K'nd tlip wf niun voters 6f iho’country intt» th (limit of Alfred K.-Smltli. who hi lli;VuH (hnt tho prohibition IuwhhIioiiI 1,0 inodlfl.!(h. A» .director or the-wonion'H dlviiilo of tln! I>onineriillc ni»lii)nni cutmnll V ti'U., Mrn. Hoim I'xujulm'd, ‘iii un irt \ t o r v i r w 'R'lth tho DniHiQ Prt'WM fliji 'idnlio paw n5 ri'iiViin wIiyniTrrfrointio: ~~nmr(ir)-*houlil Inlertorr-wjilrhvr-i'i ricncy ra 'tlii* oiiin(andii»: wuniii: worK«r'for Oovernor Sir.lili. Her poRlllnn In tlilH: Thut Smith Ih hnncHt M d ' thn <8mllll I .n . nl'H^lLy---- Uotltll t)■' f<><||U»V lilm (A.ontorcc .nil lawn liicIiKtin. prohlliltinn. ' . •;i hollove." Mrs. IlonHMild. •‘tlin llio wojjjon o.r Ihln,'counlry w.mili raihor truat the unrurcomcni-of i>ro hlliKlon 10 a mnn Kko Governor SinlCl lhan-to HtTbori ifoovcr. 1 ftni » .ir hill I do not ri'COKnlz.. Mr.- Iloovc .ns a dry.:. Neither he nor^he llcpiili llpfin Jiarty hiis cvpr como out oiienl; . In iiivor. 0/ tho VoIMi-a.l net." . Thun tho coiintrj in lo'lio Irc.ilci to* Illl* r|ii'ptiM'lv .ifT li f'-rni'T '‘‘iMitiiT KOVornDr.vwho mnd-* n noiahlf n-rort ^if untorcJns i>rnnH»Klntt a»«lnK tiv; ----- IT U n*nhr inivr.'iilH or ilcfi'nllnis ihi t>arty which Ih hcln^ clnxHKl<il tiili y«tar o* tho ’Mry" party. In th«' pr.'iipnt cnmpnlcn Mie hoidi that woiiiun nro moro Inli-rcKii-d li boncitty or sovcrnni«nt nnd in farq rd k f than any other IsmieR. In the rolo or. “preald^t-makcci; thp work or Ilniikoli (ehairmar nr tho national.comnittiee). and hii aide*.- ■*t do not hellovr." uho nai.l. "thai we i>hoilM_a«»eri ouri«clvi-H„a« _wo; ' mori. Oo> poUtlca\ >ntcrr»t« aTe ihi will worlr toKOlher." • Tbe formor Wyonrlne eorernor'i friondt durlDK tho Democratic con* ference* her* tht«~'wcclc wllh Un __Smith "ho hnf! n .wtnninc amllo. Sh* ja noted for her common' icqm )r polltica u d .la Jovial aind talka ai ih« writca.. In atort almpto aenleecea Coolidie Expresses £ * , ' itf FnM' SITEBIOR, >Vliu Jnly 14—Phni. IlM l Coa|M|c» loday arnt foi- lowlnte «r aTmpatliy Ctllra «r Xfx I m oa Ihr _L^U i^ C v > t.‘£Blllo C hm nntl- -wni yose wepll«icy W bJIt afr .. «fpi tlBftrTL.fXPrmiron. ' ithlek Xpxira ha« ratrrrrd In Ut' ♦. V* ♦ 54S TIQ e / W IA «N «S TRACE OF SLAYER! ER STORpOBBER’ 0 Aid Force of More Than 2C re the Outlaws Are T hought t lisperhdoes Seek lo Escape B aitcd J*rc3s.~ riirough.'tiic mountainous region i im four CQUiitiea lodny prciwed o lercrs. ■ ' ' iii-to ftid-tlie forco-of nion3'thnn'2C —1'dcploycd Ihrougli llic areii i which thc'_bandIta_wcre_belicYt " Hidinff. Officors here questioned tu 1 negro' raon tind a negro wonia j- the. outlaws, who killed Oharli 'W. Carpenter, 40, a.deputy she H iff, and seriously wounded-Oscr [If sheriff, early yesterday: Ono Of tho basdd gang, bi lioved to bo Rolling Maringer, 2* waa Wiled in tho. gxinfight wit s- officera- who attempted t they, had robbed tho poatoffic and gea'eral ' sto^o at 'Willo' Crack. iv^TKwo bnn.llts_flM .in .im-iiiUo. Iroi llio Boene-of (hi> flKlii, tlirowlnr'tli - imiiy 'flf lllCIl' .Iia.I ■c.tnil.uiiloii cmi li tint roiidiildv. __ A'Hhori lliiiff'liitor ono or lho ihrr l.iHipcd from the rjir iind run awnyj ihf woodn, while,the vtiiur two drov oil. Njnr Ik'lonn Ihry loHHvtl n klL < .. hurxhifH’ loolK nnd ihJi lironup phit from tlieir hir. ' . I.iiHt nlKlit’ liio otV will, trailed ( , tho mamh ot Canyon ^'rcok canyoi - T>ylKrertin yeLliy-ai3tuJaaK.|mi:ctBHtTfn j, only 11 fow mlloH. ' Offln.TH <tlr<ctlnK'th.i i.oiirch v « r 0 i:onvlnco.l the ImmlltM ul»iind<>n.?.t th' car iimii'r covrr of rtnrkni'tm nn.l w'or d ulleiupliiii: t(J niaU« liioir ,wny on foo ihrniiKh lhe heavy llmlior to ii point o n recurlly.v ' _ •I'he iici-nm- plnlo nf^ln*' M r„niun ’• h o r WI.M olijylii-d wllh Hliit. liml liniuil il) I.o.'ii' i.iird lo Mr». .Ni-lilc Ili-llmnn. a n.;j; slio wiis UitTvfi Inin pUHtody nnd fur ninhoil lntor.;iiiitlon whtch led'lo th. ^ iirreot ol lm I'etilUErew, n ni-j:ro, lii'n g Wenvt‘r#lllo. Orricxni l»'il.'vr-.l Ihe Chre.< nldpil thi 1 four InindilH who-iictiratty roiiiiiiilte. I Ihe roliliery in prepiir.Ttlnn-for tii< crime. '■ Th.rfoiir men Vho mldod tht< Kon >■ eral niore .and poatofn'co nl \Vtllo\« *■ Creek enrrii-d nff iliit nate. couini.n iiiK a p p m x lm n to ly JC.OOO. Ht Oalt*d PniB '• WlOJin.VGTO.V. July H —Tlin Anti- SaloonXlenKiie'H nnllonwldo campalcr ^ aftaJlftrOovernor Smith nnd otjicr wei , itcrintendent K Scott .Mchrido IffL tc , open the rirya campaign -in lhe 'nild- diewoRt. ^ ' league ofrictnla explained that ^ach . ior the 48 ainlea' leasura will orennizc ,)aBa~8trcct'ttB own~cam^tcnr*ttU'ttig > a fow ■pMkera while the national I headquartem at Weaiervllle, 0., fur- - nlaheV caaifiaica jfropasanda.' ffMI<fWH~IToovdr~hivrTi*tih7cnaAr*(-d , hr~lh7*iQi)nia.-u.aa uoqualificd dry. r jn a iiatBtmat today. mcUrld».falU>.l k altentloR tnXUeyrrW rntlflentlqo oi i lho plahkC ttSljKnieTjlme time aeonxt I Umlih'k'modlflcaUon ataim rnt.lo thi ; iVeuatoD convontlon. to CSies in I «a< Al\aarr ’of n^tias ' Kmnio Ownnaa •« kla ^cM t U (o WjiafiniriaB on Otrt cvnclia* Io« of hla valiant and aoccr««ra1. niffbt fron Meslen rtty w m ita> . .bj; Jt]a. -dai1iiK._siBdot7«.. . sqd eoaaos.arB««..HIa.eoBrair— \ BvUtlOB Int to tkat of thp ralU>4 ] ^ hop« U ut Cki»l«lB C u n n a ’a . a ^ “♦ ^ ♦' ie Tra “tEfflWETS MCOIMI fO FPfliilll ® Convention Will’ Close T ^ night;* Morning Seasii Included Election of Ofi ' , c’eM, Selection of Con«e jr tion City and Resolutior in ■—:— . ni-l<r);aii-n.lii thu onvenlloii or |m LA .tia_dujiU#_rurul_cuxriiirji;_ciiy_xii I riurn und Iho womuu of tin; nuxilia >“ orKanlriilUm olected nftieeni..ntUliil. id reaaluilmii). und.:iu]ui:li:iLJL<iwr:dua-r Iho i-onvonllon (;IIy <>( 19!i!i. iieltii Juiy 0 and ll IIH llli> diltrH. ' *\>y lllM in| Hurai 1.1 'tli'r Currlem'iiHWM-inilim. ll .;niivuiition, oxtrnded lo Addliuiii _ Smltli ahuiijn- iipprecliitUin tl anl.uiuliii n.ldreiiH kIvoii ln-for.i ll ir coiivojitioners, and. for the favorah ^ rnnt.l,Tr-n,Hnn rWr„ In. .:oni:r.-.-'H l.l ll liPinlH of tlin' UHHoolnlloii. 'TliuiifiH whn «jteadtr.l (o Ihy Uii; B- (iriihle Jlajof' it.'K . liohl.-r tl J, hearty wol.ioniu; in I h f llonuriih JiuIko 0. Dliwili for hlH wine toul £ _ T h e rei.olMM.'» ,-n.-r.l».1o.lT- '•Iti-.tol' ir oil, That .we extend lo Ihe oily i ;o Twih l-'alin onr hei'irty thiuikH fur tl a, friendly linii.l extended to- un duiir ^ our Miiy in-lho cliy. W.i iiIro ihar till) Twin h'ulln (;iian>I>er of ('oimneri III ond_any nn.l nil 'otherH _who hiiVi!.! aiiy wny curiirlhuted to the Mucc-ei •y Similar renolutlonK werp paKHod 1 Ihu Idnhu City Carrlem iihhocIuHo who wont on rocord na' ravorioic, tl: 't>itlc'rctiiuji<iii[«ivi iiNWldliiii Jar oi !i lioiiul-rcllrement nrier 80 year*' *c; •> vlco nnd’ cnmpulaory retirement i >r lho affo or fir. Wlih 11201) annnlly ft « riillred omploye.n. KuIIou-Iiik ndjniirnmont of (hu hUK n nuRR i^HlnnH' of the varliiuH nervlc t.,hrniicauH.. lliu vlRliiira wtire mkcn « ' or liKi^reHi hi Thin dl»lrlci. Conclu.lInR. thu convention will li - lho hnnqiiel-at 7:90 nl.lhu Koceriio ; hotul. arranKcmentii helni: mii.le fn ' 160. ConRruHNiuan, AddlAon T. Smll ‘ »lll .hu lho* prlncliml Hpeaknr of ih ‘ evening. Frnnk' DouKhlon. will pr* Ride na louRtniaHlur and the muRl • for lhe occARlon will he fiil’niahod h '■ Chiudu-Urpwn.________ . ~ rmi:i‘odiiiR» nl KrIdny nfiernoon’ • »e.ihioiiH include^ un nddren.a lo ; i!nrioriH "'lno'eiriur o'f tho .eoriveniloi . ilcleKiiloH mid viRliori. hy C. C. Wen -v ^ h . reprejenttflive-of thi» i»o»lnm» . ter-nfneral'n o«lw. nnd’lloy TtlcVti ; nnlltiiinl-iiiTrelnrv of the nnrHl f^ar riern’ naHociatlon. • .Mr. Wenrich aiiok' an. Kpeclnlixvii'rural delivery nervlci: .Mr. MItchun'i.'vlco prenldenl .or lh< ' I’oainl Giorka" i-Vdoratioa. apokc be • foro the iWRlal clerka' aMiaion. I* A Wheolcr. BtnmoU. prealdfnt. und olh • of offlcp.m. nddroHBod tho rural'car : rlera. Tlio women'ii- n,nxlllnrj^\i’fK“'*'£2: (Con\inu'e'il"oi'i I'lSo Kour)’" Thr aclectlon of John J. liaako') : who favora repeal of the KlKhleentl I amendR\ont. la nDdomtood to hun 1 been (hf fnctor In brinclnic the Itacii. {nlo.actlon. ----------- ,__ toT gmF-nur r oy^elK-al of th f Kigli I toeoth nmendmont. thftfeby creaUnt ' whai the dry Icadera call a real “wet anrt-dry" laauo In place of what thej rtigml oa a “nulllficntloa'' laaue. ' 1^0 atate loaKtiaa ' wilt eondud : HKliU.' ln^probiib>y-3C0~^<»r~<P0~^r ' 4li(> coiiarnaaKnuil dlatrl^a on wet can I didatea for ronRreaa: ’in addition K ' tbe aenatorial richla and the anti Smith campaln. Tbe loaguera noa : etalm rooro QiairTO per ecnt of'eac) hotue ot coflm aa la drr».aa(LU»er, «■ .prablbiuo&lata^ the prlsclpat bulvarii ^aay* li>.Ui^'«Ialfi^aii> I oToa tf iber« wero a '^wct" lea'dir it I tho m ite Houao. i^pt C & aiiza^tb t&at'kia (MBiatf to the United SUtca woBtd a^rrf Iff Wad oBr two utloaa f>T*a noni^ckMiHr fainil^ I katf> ofrrrfd-to Toor «<xrpIlNic^a' nTPmmrBt ihnsirk Aahaii«»Jor Te]Ua fMkt Ik^'-r. H. - 8f-TloTld*-»h»o>d-arir-'tfirW ' ■alaa «r Captain Canaaca to, ■irk.or tunn^n. ■pat’a rr«ocBltloa o£- kia TalEaat aowtto* io'tlw tw ftr'w f' tBtf ra t^ UMul rri«ad^»T _ i ^ ___ » « 4 4 « « // of B IL^_.lQfea„VeMeL:_ As Conveyance For E Aviator’s jRemair W.\.SnVx«T<I.S\ ''jn;V ’jl.- f h e 't'nitrd SI(aeH:Kllle^lluen^ huH of* N fered lo cnn»ey-lfie body of Tnpi. Cmfllo rCnrmiizn lo. hl« nnllte ....... . niionrd Uho i;. S. S. Idn. .Serrelnry Kollnctc nnnnuiii-od fnifny. , Tbe offer «iis.d.-II*orpd by ,\ni. -hukoudor .Momnv to tlie .Meileaii fon-lcn office todiiy. >n KliIl mlliniO' '•erilce^ for Car. C\. mnxn will be bi-I'd In .\etv Vnrk fily under thi- au»ple.'H of Ibe n-i Miir df>|Jar(nirnl. Tbo Horvke' 18. ' " ill be nttend.'d -Ii; j-otirc<ienln. tlu-H ,.f Ihl. Sim.-. IVariind^Vm, di'imnnientK.. iB B D iiJi =lEi!ill j H m p n n- Resident of Mount • Hollj j' -New Jersey, Finds Re mains of Capt. Carranz ig Berry Patch t Aviatn >f Was Enroute to Mexico. IU . , J _____ ar rraii yi:w YOIIIC; July H _A dull drij *lo Hiibducd.Broudwny lotlny nn Cap '''• Mmllin-Ciirmnzn'n-hnity^wairhrourli Imok to.thB city,from whk-h hn atnrti- hiB miithor nnd*lilH aweeihenrt, * jag^“ ^ wbcro rAtTnnxaWHBht'end^fiPllS imtrouiily 36 hoiirs. before. A fci ,ri Mexican offlclulH anr‘ n cnrteRO fron (Ihn milliary poHt ni Ciunp Dix.nccnin huinled-tho Imi^'^u'p tbo lonoly Not ■(.|Ji!r«oy tiirn|ilki-H.' III Thn hcarxo oiitomd nt the lowo jllroiidwny m (.(op at Cnmplvll’B fun ,ft!ornl parlor, tho.Mnnio jmrlor when n IKudoiph Vuluntlnii'ii biidy lay in Hlali r'fo r Hcvi!ral dnys. . hi How lonK (iiirrantn’a body.wiil bi e in Now York Ib prnhlemiitlcnl. Cou i-^'kiiI Gener.nt Arturo Kllan lodny hnbl c however, ihe M'exlciin Kovornnieni bn. y iirKeir’iliai-iho' hoily bo hrouKiil boiin b ; i^arranM died oliBcuro nut oi B.-lhe. way. New Joriiev.woodlHrnlH.',--. 1 j Hu hnd nilcmiilcil id fly from Mox- * i1co lo WaHhlnslon Huveral w.'oUb n^n, ■\returnlnir iho vlnll of Coi, ChnrloR A. ' .1 “ I, The younK. BmliinB Moxlonn caij- Inln came on to .Vew York. . Ho wnn Blven tiie ciiBiomnry honota. Army then, (llcra. ond civic teodcrii ' met thia youni; Mexican, iilied >)imroiid dined with him. hut Cnrrnnza Rr.’rti- I'd unhappy. Onoo he wild: "I nm. lontflonie." - Ti\nn il Lo^nni Ijnown that ho had a awepthenrt in .Mexico City lo .wlinm - lio deRlreii lo rotiirn. JURl na ho d.-Rlr- ed to return lo Bred • hla olderlx _ mnther. ,HI- niadi!_blBnB lo fiv hnck . to Mexico. , out a\aloim y akloa and aUddeniy de- cided ho had to rclurn to his Bwoot- hcarL Hc ordered hli) flyan mono- ' plane from Iho hatiRar. ' * In hla pocket be had n . ’ from the weather bureau aaylnK thal flylHR eondlllnna were bad. - At-?:lS-p.-m.~thBt-.nUht-fixrranm ; terrific electric, rain and wlnd.'atorw • Jiroke over tho oaat. ; • Tlienrnimthoiira of alienee. ThKouKh tho enllro aouthtand walebea were kiTpt for tho callani Mexican flier. , J t o r c rtoaa-no-word..--------------------------: ------John-Heney-fiarr. al.meehanie— i» : Mount Hotly, yeaterdky ofternoon chanced Io rd to'a berrkpatch.on the ; edge of tho city. He waTkatartled to , afe-o-erumpW-«irpIano-onltt«*-ar<»>iaJ and a youhs aviator lyloe uco down- ~ ward ne>irl.v.H Wti CarfftAa^ I _ To every oppcoranco* t ^ a n t a 'a , nini! bolL. Hla leathar Hylnv'Jacket wa^ charred and lUo'wloca «f iHe trltn' moiiioplane mv« Indlci^lona of t Iwlac chartod.. - ——------------- I '' . X rtiM In Xoaraiaic. m:XICO CITT.- Julr H—Throa«h« • ow Mexico, there waa *tt*ctod today a .atato of ToluDtary. »ponUn«oua ' mqurnlnj: for Captain Bi^Ua CarnB* xa. boylat ktar ot-Uo'slcan aTlalora, who waa killed Tbai^ay nichijit the OQtMt or a. taonatop fU ^ t ,tn .Uextcn . aijL-tana_New-Ynrk^- . - ‘ - . . ^rnhtSC'f^tertaiomaBla alt orer'tao coubItt worA eanealod..- ..'Mlnlaftr of War Joaquin'AAiara o^ dorod U fht daya mouralaic t>f Uie ' anay.'^w M H B ww ott-affTnr-a! . Oarrtasa’a bod7> .. ^ ^ andits i«tMr " 'fllRA fflCKS ONiW i Bourbon Nominee Calls R. Miller An 18 Karat Pt fesstonal Fakir and AI ; ’ Talce Slap at^ William A len White for Statement I ' By Uulua' Pr«ii> ^ Ijr.'d i:. Kiiillli. fJi-iiiui-ralk- pri i;i.l< I Ilni onndldalo,_roi>]ledjo_ih.'Vrlii.'H lihi'prolilbfilon'r.'.'onl lo.lay. Snillli dlKplayi'd Ibo firHi real In- th>- cniiiimiKn whon hu saw w nowui' |HT Hlory of Williiiin Allen Wlilii- E it. Mlllor. 'luirpoMlui: ui I’how ’ iii SiTflth Illlll vou-<l nKiiIUHi <>v.'ry fg'i or i.TKli'Inlloii'loii.lluK to oynlrol ^ loonB iihd the i^hJo of lijilrIuou1rtTT|u Ju_?Li;)t_yu.rl(.Kl!iii’. •' ‘'.Mlllor i» an IH kilrni |)rur>->i»lori u. fakir, an ailiiilll.'d •;m<l kii.iwii fi.kl ’ ’ Ibo Kovornor miiil. "Wliiio in ttiippo^i '**HU imvo brnlnn. nnd nbouid biivo know :Q|lioiior." » - • . "Miller in a iiroreiiBliiiinl )iar3Hllo itln'-pooplo of the Siiiio iif Saw Yoi Jliy liUm'iiiinuiliVK JiiUc Snfommthin. I ••IIIb recent purformnni-u buforo ll Z'lBoiiaie InvcBtlKnlinK cn;nnilttuu ourJ ii^iio.loi tb.' i>poplc_know_jin-.calibre i <>{0.~U. Miiior. He cuHh himnnlf rovi- ‘dl.inrl. but be Ik rovn'red for'noihini;, "In liiL- firiit Jilace. It is Btaliil Ilii four. tlna-R I vnio.l niininHl n hill i '■ Btop lianililinH'lind proBlltullon. ,. . "WaH there ever nny itiw-which t>e w m ilted' RnnihitnK nnd 'pFdiiTirutlon i Hint It wnn nccoaiiory to Inlrodiio bill 10 HtDii It - Smith roared, w "Then be iinyR I voted aKfllnHt a-bl lo clrtBo, wnloons nn Sunday, I dim j.jled tboui III opon on .Sundny." L ‘| • ", ' — ’ Will Broadcast Big . Bout Directly From Ij - New YbrkjStadiun Sy Dattad Fni'i Ymturjuiy i4-.iiui ni'in) iWolslii chnniphinBTirp hout. .bclw.-'-i -|(!iUo Tunney and Tom Heenoy wlllji i.'jbroadcaHt OlrccI from Yunkeu uladiiiti .jju ly ::C, tlio .Vnllonal HroadcaBlini ii^im pnny nnnouncMl todny. y r ;r:iii.iiir ,Mt'.\aiiii'n nnii'i'lilltiw u ir >flln will ho At tiio rlnKRldv niicru "[phoni-: cii inK a blow-by-blow denorlp I llou or llif mnln houl'and th'o prollm "iiuuri.-a. A nctwo'rk of l‘J xtHilnnt wil Irpul ihf chnmplonBhIp .battio oh ili< * nitr* llroailc-jihllni; will he Rpanaorod b; I Iho SrrippH'Hownrd nPwBpnperii. I Two Charged )^ith N Bartering Public ; _ Offices ift O te * ' . Bf tialud rr*ta . JACKSON. MiBB.. July H —Two mori ft necro nnd n white man. .woro nr reated here loday on Indlctmentu re [ turned hy Ihe f.-deral Brand Jury n I mioxi. chareotl wUh barterlnj; puhli. officci. In MiaalRRlppi. - " . ^ deputy ifiarBliai.’ SWf?f*anirV:. U I'flt tec. neRr.r. Itepuhllcan bader, aald I' , be tho rlBht hand mon of Parry W . Howard, llepubllcan nallonal coromti' teeman. wcro arreated by Karl Scbneb ' der, deputy United Staten .niarabal I ; Small Dealeri Are j [ ■ ------- E xpoi^g-S tocla vv-Mtr-i -— ; dauni^'b>' the luJdTllguor;'a«liurei . iTBde by' tho itvvtoclal xo^rttinenl r from expoh dpcka hare. amalUr dral-'r. U>C-n}oat_aMLUKUy-af®-*tJll -exportlnc” tbeir atocka. a la m pan ot. which ttio'irovamBW&t claima fladi , 11^ way back to tho'dotnlttiMLtojU . bootleeced. , -Detroit la. not autferlnc frdts.' Ib< , a«ltur«a. I'rlcca aeroaa thb rlvei tkaro not b«ea Inertaaed by Uia boot- : locKlnt trado'and the-aovplr aoeai ; to be.aa larki -aa orer. Th« larval eaportera. however, aro rapoHod U , N apeedlar dtfpoaat^f thWf.'itaeJa AUorseya. for th * ‘Caril&t-Bapeil eompaay --and, -ib<-NaU»aaee-«oaB. ; »aar/ whoto.lince M ^:«M ‘aalsM E caa* to conrta. j C apt. iS c im tis T o G ojj ^ bi^e of Rtscued Moh Dcclfl V Alive-Wheii He and C Bi tails of Horrible Existi |V„0^sid<i World; D.' V ^ By tJ o- MOSCOW, July 14-:'Ciil JO brciiker Knissin iiftcr his rent ]. interview today Ibiit licMuid J M.aVi!uio. left Finn Mulnigr'e^ * 1 lo die uloiic oti tliu ico, ■ ^ i' ■•AJter twti weeks," Zii; jr; -longor-to'Mlnnil tbe -severe »ti a-l left u» the ice.” • ' . '>f; -Zappi-gaid-tbfkt-Wulmuvoi left him. . . Hi ________ Ar.'lli- nil.'- f[i ,l|oii, (C.>|.lrli;lll IM'H li> IVill.'il I’n'^ KI.SHiS HAV..S|>II.'.Im -ik.'Ii. Jiib il ‘'•jrhi- IruTvn Ar.'llo liKlay-l.itaii j'Irl '“ IIIIK Up Ihl' men biOli'Vnl l.>n| with "'1 h< r jiitorliir tor wi'okH arid 'iii.iiiil il .'frgrii Iho 'ico iiifi’iito.) aro'a ivlilh- ll •.•ibl(! 'I c ruitc-r Kji.!.siii l.idi.y piistK dlfoi'wanl aluiiiiiilni: lo IrK'nio iiiukn||)i<- mon of iho iliriKlMo Kalju. I« iiilnco .May 1!5, or llu'lr fil.'tnlH. “I ■‘I'lii- lii'ht two Iiinil.'roiicui'd wit.' ('a: kilnio .VoriiionntTiajid iii.Bcar.'h .if di •jot tlio'ltalla Krouh«, end Si-Jf, 'V 'l ,. DiiUKvn. hill dOK.Bted drivor. ,[| Tlii-Bj- iwji won- roBcuoil late yi' if U^-day hy the Su'<-di»h niriitnno irp •.paiid. .............. ; ■ ! __;Ol<‘r e ‘Will! no iiiillenllon from thf: t,in»t ri'iKirm of ihn fnii* o r ', I, VnrmlnK. noiod norlhorn oxplorcr wl I hud linon wllh tho gorji pnrty.« T] ThiiH far the mou rcRcuud Ineludi Ol Adaiberlo .Mariano. Kilipjio Xa|i| II Aifri.-do \’ifiliuri..J>t.IA>hoiinok.-.S‘nint .[Cp.-cionl. OlUKoppu JtlnKi. Kellco Tr. I'hini. Caplaln Sora nnd Sojf Van l>.u I’l 'i'hu UiiHBian loo. riiii.-r. bad (>r< •iii.-n. Aviator CliukhnovKk'}'. In a V. *1 .'oiinoliorlnic Tllclit. Haw two mi'ii ,<i un loo floi-’arr Koyn Inland, . I (’hukhnqvnky circb’d-ovorlioarl. tho flow back 'to lho KraNNlii. T*lci- nKni ho nllemplod 10 reach Ihe liion and •> . t i i e Bocond alleniTit b.’ wan forcml t ‘ Inn.I on n dnnKcrouH lce hi-d. wlior.' b iind IiIh four uoinimniouii' now wait fo r.-!.ciip. ____________ ' ^ Mi;anwblli- ihi- Krani'ln.wim tirni-.-'l >{lru: hIow1>' i.iwnnl lu i;oal, mnkUi ‘ifroiii niil.-» upnar.I a dny.' 11 KlrBl llie .prow'of i Ik- I>Ik I....... . forced n way lo th'c'itixil wb.To Mar lann nnd ZappI nwullod. llolli wor boutd. - . Whcu tho.KraiKln whipp.'d ti^ a r In the ViBlieri oncainpniont. ^hU'l (iunernl Nobiie hnd ontalJlifh. d VifM' (he ttniln c'raRhe.l Muy The KmBxIn orow hopno.l over tlii Bidu nnd wenl,to Ihe nid of thi- flV' men then-.. Cvcclont'hlid iM-en liijiir i'li. ' Ooihorwlno tho.niKllcri Kroup w.i i n KOO‘1 c o n d itio n . I'n ruillo 10 lho Vlulloro ohoamp in.-nt the kmBHln had BiKhtoil two uiti Kramin did'not xlop bui mowiauo Tho .Uppl'and r^oelVod”\orrd of tli' Iwo men and located tboni. Nhnrti; there.Tflor. A landlni: wnn mmli- i.^jn Captnin Sorn nnd Vnn Donr.on wor' laken alionrd after lieliiK Iohi f<i: wooka. . Sora and Van I)oni;en had oufforn ed. ' . Ono hy one they klllM the doKB oi their alelsii tcum uniii five nf the nin< dopf had been kllle<^and thoir. meni uaed for fooil. ' Both men were well K iH x n n ijr today:--------------^ ^Iptress Esbanget^Hldtpfi -' By ouU« rma ~ S a-V DIEOO. CaU Julj. 14—Ml* Martem- Noel WrlrtKr-EneTlIh' itcin^ ireaa, roday vaa chareed with mall- eHwa wlachlef after .^^rrcYtajc th< fumUjltIra In-the J.a Jolln hon?e ol her eatraased huaband. . Prank Uojil Wrlfht. laieraatlonallr known 'Orchl' lect'. , . . . . . She waa releaaed under ball after ahe had bf«B. arreated and tak- en- |o Ujo, city )all. . . _ -••OiarrlBjrihar her •.tuitanU: hai lira. WrlKht- y«atentar'd«mBtfed n warraM fnr ^K»lr t t —t /?%■ w a n u t waa n f ^ asd aba want U tht A r^ltM -a OuhtOMChto . a w a W ppi-.S^yS.. tJIiiahleLL: M niieLTrip ires Swedish jyicleoroloBlst Was aptt^in Mariaho Left Him; De- -•nce in Arctic Begin to Reach nitcd Prc!;s, ' . ' ' * '• >t. Filippo Zappi,. nbonrd the ico :ue from tho Arctic icu; said in an .lUs. compuniou, Cuptiiin-.Adulberlo ^wedisli nictcorologiKirof tbe Italia ppj .said, ' ’ivritliii^ren *was 'iinablo . ruiiTTjf-ttc'niarch-.'-He-bad-to'^bo' I wiii.-iilivti-wlicn-ho-nnd-Mariano- i l p j PRlMII n„ L |ll> ~l |||ul I l/lO o 111 I yi^' 85i£f e n - Hi I illllQ M - , , . ■ Republican Nominees Tntin I* Will LeaveJ>yashington — Today-ancl"ATT4ve'at-.Ghi- •0 cag0 Sunday A'ftei^ioon at m • 2:30. . •, J \ _ ----------------------------------------------------------- ;i' ' ^VASHI^^GTo^v jj Moovor'wuiind up hla-affalra ft" aee- rotary of tommcrce Kidny and lOf niKhi will mart hln rirac lour of the counlry iin' ib.-' llepuhKcan proaldcn- ' lla! ftciinlii.^o. .■ .no .biiK Kl'veri uni»vlfle.t 'nttentton 10'.- iipp.irtmc-maf.Tnfralm“ Tor“ Beronil' riiiyHlln un.»>(fort io oleor hla deak Ior llirt wiicpoBsnr rroBidciil CoolMto Ih oxpVcied to upixilnt when^ vIhIik him next wecK ol tlio autnmvr While IIou'hc Hi Wiaconkln. .Mi-a|)while. Hoovur’a aubordinatoa havu ittioii(I.!d lo rampaiRn bualnoaa P aild oDinpioifd nrrftunementa'for .tho w.'Blerii- trip, T —TiTir-n?mvrr-mitirmripnTir:A\*Behv Iiii;l.iii 1^1 ' 7;(>r> |i. m. nnd 'tfrrlvo lu Cbi.-aro lom.irr.iw-Rt 2:0B p.' m. . ,. ^oproKciitniiv.> nnd .Ntra. John Q. ,• '-fltiHin of I'uniiectjrut wlTTho tho’'bnl/ piTKtirtal Kiii.'r>lB of H oover and hla U-,-«' IV— u^'<--rla1 ti-nln. rHh»r panNeiiKirH will Includo Hoover'a.aec- I reiurlnl uil.l doricul alaff and nowa- I,- iinpiT corrcnpuiidentn. ................... .1 Hoovor wlii iKpcud-four -houra .in IChicaiso ut tim nuburbau home' oC , vioo Pronldont nnd Wra. Charlea O. i)a\>.'n,.,«,^lo .ilRo will confeV wlih . JumcB W. Gootl. hi*, woaiern Mmpalsn inuiinK.r, and Itoprcaeulallve Walter iNowion of MinnoaoiA, director.of the . jil'-puhimn caniiialcn npt-akernj bu- ‘! Tim np.-clarwUl leavo Chicajjo at I I* '’''' „ frjim Supcrhir'to Hrule, ,Wia-. for a . vlBlt w iil^ ,- l*r.Aldeat will bo mado , tiy nioiur. ' Hoovor^-ill remain nt Urule until Monday ariiTno<ii» and then motor to Uuluth. Minn., wboro the apecial , will be waitinit. Tlien ho will pro- r..-.l t.> S-.t. t--r»r.rl..-n .-I. Cl arrive. In San Pmnclico nt 11:46 ,a. ‘ nt.’Vriday. Then iila homu Stato of Calirornla vni.haTo Ita first oppor- ‘ lunliy to welcome him. HoovrV will motor from San Praa. _lfj»<*<^I1ft.Jjl'!-:iiQme a t Stanfard nnU ' vcraily Friday nIjhL ifwelitni: In.jiearch ot h'er hiibaiS;; , aM Jha daaper> *n>»r w r f bM ImnVdiaiely ahe I nn7 ^ra. ,Wrt«ht waa . , rif 1 had had'a tlda .bkm Um , .1 -wonM h a r t i m J a d ' t h a - the jtrouod,:: ahe «*eJardd, j - - n i n S P ' w t^d not batp m a.«r^.ii»:tlU a’1»a* • - xal eompaaUiBShlp,.M.ttook'th*'-Mw.:' . In iV.ewn_baBdi— > twn-jeara. all uan <*!■ winnltjr iijV I d u e a r ' I t

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Page 1: · . _ ynii. xi.. Nr.MitKu 71. '. ' ' I i'iaS TO ® iS'e-'.. » >

. _ y n ii. x i . . Nr.MitKu 71. ■'. ' ' I i ' i a S iS ' e^

TO ®-'.. » > : * ' ■ • '* — j s

P o S f S t

^ m m mSEARCHED m iD E P U W A F T

Bloodhounds Brought in (< • H un tin g th e A rea W he Be''in Goncealm ent;' D< Flefeins in AutOv

• I ’ - ■ . b7 ^- '• E U R E K A , Cal., Ju ly . 14—'

l io rthern^C uH foh iia , posses fr< . tlie t r a i l o f th re e b an d it m u n

. Bloodbouflda-^vurcJjcouHliU

- i M i E s r- i M M l

• N ellie T ayioe Ross Outiin<H e r Position A s ' Vic

C om m ittee ; Does N' C onsider K oqybr a Dry.

_ • EtlKor'S' n o lo :- —T lio .fo llow lu i;: --------- B to ry -n lto u f 5 Im . W clllc Tn>loo

• c ra tlc na ilonnl. c o irm liu o . Is iho riritt u f a iterleii dvitlinR w llli tlio

• wom en lortQcra . w ho n ro li(il>)glird u s li t Into JIOW nctivf(y .by Ilm ^renldontla l cnmimlRn. Momlnjr'ti d lnim tch will <l<>i>I w llh MrH..Mon- kuwltic, ’O ovornor SiiiliirH nocrl’*

nm! )>o)ltlcBl liitor.

. DV MAX m rcK JN O iiA ii Unlti-il Prpdli S liitf ~6irf.-Kiinn<tciil;

rrr:t=XBft^TOH>C.-JI»y-M-t—• ' T aylon Uohh. u pvrHUiinl' tin<l

ilry. lioB w nderiiihcn in K'nd tlip wf niun v o te rs 6f ih o ’ coun try intt» th (lim it o f A lfred K .-S m ltli. who hi lli;VuH (h n t tho prohibition IuwhhIioiiI 1,0 inodlfl.!(h.

• A» .d irec to r o r the-wonion'H dlviiilo of tln! I>onineriillc ni»lii)nni cutmnll

V ti'U., Mrn. Hoim I'xujulm'd, ‘iii un irt \ t o r v i r w 'R'lth tho DniHiQ P rt'WM fliji

'idnlio paw n5 ri'iiViin wIiyniTrrfrointio: ~ ~ n m r( i r ) -* h o u l i l In le r to rr -w jil rh v r- i'i

ricncy ra 'tlii* oiiin(andii»: wuniii: w o rK « r 'fo r O overnor Sir.lili.

H er poRlllnn In tlilH:T hu t Sm ith Ih hnncHt M d ' thn

<8mllll I .n . nl'H lLy---- Uotltll t)■' f<><||U»Vlilm (A .o n to rc c .n il lawn liicIiKtin. p rohlliltinn . ' .

•;i hollove." Mrs. IlonHM ild. •‘tlin llio wojjjon o.r Ih ln ,'c o u n lry w.mili ra ih o r t r u a t th e unrurcom cni-of i>ro hlliKlon 10 a mnn Kko G overnor SinlCl lh a n -to H tT bori ifoovcr. 1 ftni » . i r h ill I do not ri'COKnlz.. Mr.- Iloovc

.n s a d ry .:. N either he n o r^ h e llcpiili llpfin Jia rty hiis cvpr como out oiienl;

. In iiivor. 0/ tho VoIMi-a.l net." . Thun th o c o iin tr j in lo 'l io Irc.ilci

to* Illl* r|ii'ptiM'lv .ifT li f'-rni'T ' ‘‘iMitiiTKOVornDr.vwho mnd-* n no iah lf n-rort

^ if un to rcJns i>rnnH»Klntt a»«lnK tiv;

----- I T U n * n h r inivr.'iilH or ilcfi'nllnis ihit>arty w hich Ih hc ln^ clnxHKl<il tiili

— y«tar o* tho ’M ry" party .In th«' pr.'iipnt cnm pnlcn Mie hoidi

th a t woiiiun nro moro Inli-rcKii-d li boncitty o r sovcrnn i«n t nnd in farq r d k f th a n any o th e r IsmieR.

In th e rolo o r . “p reald ^ t-m a k c c i;

th p w ork or Ilniikoli (ehairm ar nr tho n a tio n a l .co m n ittie e ) . and hii a ide*.-

■*t do no t hellovr." uho nai.l. "thai we i>hoilM_a«»eri ouri«clvi-H„a« _wo;

' mori. Oo> poU tlca\ >n tcrr» t« aTe ihi

w ill w orlr toKOlher." •T be form or W yonrlne eo re rn o r 'i

friond t durlDK tho D em ocratic con* ference* her* tht«~'w cclc w llh Un

__Sm ith "ho hnf! n .w tnn inc amllo. Sh*ja no ted fo r h e r com m on ' ic q m )r polltica u d .la Jovial aind ta lka ai

• ih « w ritca .. In a to r t alm pto aen leecea

Coolidie Expresses £* , ' i t f F n M '

• S IT E B IO R , >Vliu Jn ly 14— Phni. I lM l Coa|M |c» lo d a y a rn t foi- lowlnte «r aTmpatliy

Ctllra «r XfxIm oa Ihr _ L ^ U i ^ C v > t . ‘£ B l l lo C h m n n t l -

-wni yose wepll«icy WbJIt afr . . « fp i tlBftrTL.fXPrmiron.

' ith lek X p x ira ha« r a t r r r r d In U t'

♦. V * ♦ ♦

5 4 S T I Q e/W I A « N « S TRACE OF SLAYER! ER STORpOBBER’0 A id Force of M ore Than 2C re th e O utlaw s A re T hought t lisperhdoes Seek lo Escape B

aitcd J*rc3s .~r i i r o u g h . 't i i c m o u n ta in o u s re g io n i im f o u r CQUiitiea lo d n y p rciw ed o le rc r s . ■ ' ' i i i - t o f tid - t l ie fo rc o -o f n io n 3 'th n n '2 C —1 'd c p lo y c d I h r o u g l i l l i c a re i i i

• w h ic h th c '_ b a n d Ita _ w c re _ b e lic Y t " H idinff.

O fficors here questioned tu1 negro ' raon tind a neg ro wonia

j- th e . outlaw s, who k illed Oharli ’ 'W . C arpenter, 40, a .d e p u ty she H iff , and seriously w ounded-O scr

[If sheriff, ea rly yesterday:Ono Of tho b a s d d gang , bi

lioved to bo R olling M aringer, 2* w aa W iled in tho. gxinfight w it

s - officera- w ho a ttem p ted t

th e y , h a d robbed tho poatoffic a n d gea'eral ' sto^o a t 'W illo ' Crack. •

iv^TKwo bnn.llts_flM .in .im-iiiUo. Iroi llio Boene-of (hi> flKlii, tli ro w ln r 't li

- imiiy ' flf lllCIl' .Iia .I ■c.tnil.uiiloii cmi li tint roiidiildv.

__ A 'H hori lliiiff'liitor ono or lho ih rr l.iHipcd from the r jir iind run a w n y j ih f woodn, w h ile ,the vtiiu r two drov oil. N jn r Ik 'lonn Ihry loHHvtl n klL <

.. hurxhifH’ loolK nnd ihJi lironup phit from tlieir h ir . '. I.iiHt nlKlit’ liio otV will, tra iled (

, tho m am h o t Canyon ^ 'rco k canyoi- T>ylKre r t in yeLliy-ai3tuJaaK.|m i:ctBHtTfn j, on ly 11 fow mlloH. '

Offln.TH <tlr<ctlnK 'th.i i.oiirch v « r0 i:onvlnco.l the ImmlltM ul»iind<>n.?.t th'

c a r iim ii'r c o v rr of rtnrkni'tm nn.l w'ord u lle iupliiii: t(J niaU« liioir ,wny on foo

ihrniiKh lhe heavy llm lior to ii point o n recurlly .v ' _

•I'he iici-nm- plnlo nf^ln*' M r„ n iu n’• hor WI.M olijylii-d w llh Hliit.

liml liniuil il) I.o.'ii'i.iird lo Mr». .Ni-lilc Ili-llmnn. a n.;j;

s lio wiis UitTvfi Inin pUHtody nnd fur ninhoil lntor.;iiiitlon whtch le d 'lo th.

iirreot ol lm I'etilUErew, n ni-j:ro, lii'n

g Wenvt‘r#lllo.■ O rricxni l»'il.'vr-.l Ihe Chre.< nldpil thi

1 four InindilH w ho-iictiratty roiiiiiiilte. I Ihe roliliery in p repiir.T tlnn-for tii< • crim e.'■ T h .r fo iir men V ho m ldod tht< Kon>■ e ra l niore .a n d poatofn'co n l \Vtllo\«*■ Creek enrrii-d nff iliit nate. couini.n■ iiiK appm xlm ntoly JC.OOO.

Ht Oalt*d P n iB'• WlOJin.VGTO.V. Ju ly H —Tlin Anti-

SaloonXlenKiie'H nnllonw ldo cam palcr ^ a fta JlftrO overnor Sm ith nnd o tjicr wei

, itc rin tendent K Scott .Mchrido IffL tc , open the rirya cam paign -in lhe 'nild-

diewoRt. ' le a g u e ofrictnla explained th a t ^ach

. io r the 48 ain lea ' le asu ra w ill orennizc ,)aBa~8trcct'ttB own~cam^tcnr*ttU'ttig> a fow ■pM kera w hile th e national I headquartem a t W eaiervllle, 0 ., fur-- nlaheV caaifia ica jfropasanda.' ffMI<fW H~IToovdr~hivrTi*tih7cnaAr*(-d , h r~ lh 7 * iQ i)n ia .-u .a a uoqualificd dry. r j n a iia tB tm a t today. mcUrld».falU>.l k a ltentloR tn X U ey rrW rntlflen tlqo oi i lh o plahkC ttS ljK n ie T jlm e tim e aeonxt I U m lih 'k 'm odlflcaU on a t a im r n t . l o th i ; iVeuatoD convontlon.

to CSies in I«a< A l\a a rr ’of n ^ t i a s

' Kmnio O w nnaa •« kla ^ c M t U (o WjiafiniriaB on Otrt cvnclia* Io« of hla valiant and aoccr««ra1. niffbt fron Meslen rtty w m ita>

. .b j; Jt]a. -dai1iiK._siBdot7«... s q d e o a a o s .a rB « « ..H Ia .e o B ra ir—

\ BvUtlOB In t to tkat of thp ralU>4

] ^ hop« U u t Cki»l«lB C u n n a ’a . a ^

“♦ ♦'

ie Tra“tEfflWETSMCOIMIf O F P f l i i l l l® Convention W ill’ Close T ^ night;* M orning Seasii

Included E lection o f Ofi ' , c’eM, Selection o f Con«e

jr tion City and Resolutior in ■— :— .

ni-l<r);aii-n.lii thu o n v e n llo ii o r |m LA .tia_dujiU #_ruru l_cuxriiirji;_ciiy_xii I riurn und Iho womuu of tin; nuxilia >“ orKanlriilUm olected nftieeni..ntUliil. id reaaluilmii). und.:iu]ui:li:iLJL<iwr:dua-r

Iho i-onvonllon (;IIy <>( 19!i!i. iieltii Ju iy 0 and ll IIH llli> diltrH. '

*\>y lllMin | Hurai 1.1't li 'r Currlem'iiHWM-inilim. ll

.;niivuiition, oxtrnded lo Addliuiii _ Smltli ahuiijn- iipprecliitUin tl

anl.uiuliii n.ldreiiH kIvoii ln-for.i ll i r coiivojitioners, and. for the favorah ^ rnnt.l,Tr-n,Hnn rWr„ In. .:oni:r.-.-'H l.l ll

liPinlH of tlin' UHHoolnlloii.'TliuiifiH whn «jteadtr.l (o Ihy Uii;

B- (iriihle J la jo f ' i t . 'K . liohl.-r tl J, hearty wol.ioniu; in I h f llonuriih

JiuIko 0 . Dliwili fo r hlH wine toul

£ _ T h e rei.olMM.'» ,-n.-r.l».1o.lT- '•Iti-.tol'ir oil, T h a t .w e extend lo Ihe oily i ;o Tw ih l-'alin o n r hei'irty thiuikH fur tl a, friend ly linii.l extended to- un duiir ^ ou r Miiy in -lh o cliy. W.i iiIro ihar

till) Tw in h'ulln (;iian>I>er o f ('oimneri III ond_any nn.l n il 'otherH _who hiiVi!.!

aiiy wny curiirlhuted to the Mucc-ei

•y S im ila r renolutlonK werp paKHod 1 Ihu Idnhu City C arrlem iihhocIuHo

„ who wont on rocord na' ravorioic, tl: 't> itlc 'rctiiuji< iii[«ivi iiNWldliiii Jar oi

! i lio iiu l-rc llrem en t n rier 80 year* ' *c; •> vlco n n d ’ cnm pulaory re tirem en t i >r lho affo o r fir. Wlih 11201) annnlly ft « riillred omploye.n.

KuIIou-Iiik ndjniirnm ont o f (hu hUK n nuRR i^HlnnH' of the varliiuH nervlc t.,hrniicauH .. lliu vlRliiira wtire mkcn «

' o r liKi^reHi hi Thin dl»lrlci.Conclu.lInR. thu convention will li

- lho hnnqiie l-at 7:90 n l . lh u Koceriio ; hotul. arranK cm entii helni: mii.le fn ' 160. ConRruHNiuan, AddlAon T . Smll ‘ » l l l .hu lho* prlnclim l Hpeaknr of ih ‘ evening. F rn n k ' DouKhlon. will pr*

Ride na louRtniaHlur and th e muRl• for lhe occARlon will he fiil’niahod h '■ Chiudu-Urpwn.________ .~ rm i:i‘odiiiR» n l KrIdny nfiernoon’• »e.ihioiiH in c lu d e ^ un nddren.a l o ;

i!nrioriH "'lno'eiriur o 'f tho .eoriveniloi. ilcleKiiloH mid viRliori. hy C. C. Wen - v ^ h . rep re jen ttf liv e -o f thi» i»o»lnm» . te r-n fn e ra l 'n o « lw . n n d ’llo y T tlcV ti ; nnlltiiinl-iiiT relnrv of the nnrH l f^ar

r iern ’ naHociatlon. • .Mr. W enrich aiiok' an . K peclnlixvii'rural de livery nervlci:

.Mr. M Itchun'i.'vlco prenldenl .o r lh< ' I’oainl Giorka" i-Vdoratioa. apokc be• foro the iWRlal c lerka ' aMiaion. I* A

W heolcr. BtnmoU. prea ld fn t. und olh• o f offlcp.m. nddroHBod tho r u ra l 'c a r : rlera.■ Tlio w omen'ii- n ,nxlllnrj^\i’fK“'*'£2:

(Con\inu'e'il"oi'i I'lSo K our)’ "

T h r aclectlon of John J . liaako') : who favora repeal of the KlKhleentl I amendR\ont. la nDdomtood to hun 1 been (hf fnctor In brinclnic the Itacii.■ {nlo .ac tlon . —----------- ,__

to T gm F-nur r oy^elK -al of t h f Kigli I toeo th nm endm ont. thftfeby creaUnt ' w hai the d ry Icadera c a ll a rea l “wet

anrt-dry" laauo In place of w hat thej r tig m l oa a “nu lllficn tloa '' laaue.

' 1 ^ 0 a ta te loaKtiaa ' wilt eondud : HKliU.' ln^probiib>y-3C0~^<»r~<P0~^r ' 4li(> coiiarnaaKnuil d la tr l^ a on w et can I didatea fo r ronRreaa: ’ in addition K ' tbe aenatorial r ich la and th e a n ti

Sm ith c a m p a ln . Tbe loaguera noa : etalm rooro QiairTO p e r ecn t o f 'eac )

ho tu e o t c o f lm aa la drr».aa(LU»er, «■

.prablbiuo&lata^ th e p rlsc lp a t bulvarii ^ a a y * li> .U i^ '« Ia lf i^ a i i>

I oToa tf iber« wero a '^wct" lea 'd ir it I tho m i t e Houao.

i ^ p t C & a i i z a ^ t bt& a t'k ia (MBiatf to th e United SU tca woBtd a ^ r r f Iff W ad oB r two u t lo a a f>T*a noni^ckM iHr n n t .b o / fainil^ I katf> ofrrrfd-to Toor «<xrpIlNic^a' n T P m m rB t i h n s i r k A ahaii«»Jor Te]U a fMkt Ik ^ '-r . H.

- 8 f - T lo T ld * - » h » o > d - a r i r - 't f i r W ' ■ a la a « r Capta in C a n a a c a to,

■ i r k .o r t u n n ^ n . ■ p a t’a rr«ocB ltloa o£- k ia TalEaat aow t to* io ' t l w t w f t r 'w f ' tBtf ra t ^ UMul r r i « a d ^ » T _ i ^ ___

» « 4 4 « «

// of BIL ^ _ .lQ fea„V eM eL :_

As Conveyance For

E A v ia to r’s jRemairW.\.SnVx«T<I.S\ ''jn ;V ’ j l . - f h e

't 'n it rd SI(aeH:Kllle^lluen^ huH of*

N fered lo cnn»ey-lfie body of Tnpi. Cmfllo rCnrm iizn lo. hl« nn llte

....... . niionrd Uho i;. S. S. .Serrelnry Kollnctc nnnnuiii-od fnifny. ,

Tbe o ffer «iis.d.-II*orpd by ,\n i. -hukoudo r .Momnv to tlie .Meileaii

fon-lcn office todiiy.>n KliIl m lliniO ' '•erilce^ fo r C ar. C\. m nxn w ill be bi-I'd In .\etv Vnrk

f i ly under thi- au»ple.'H of Ibe n-i Miir df>|Jar(nirnl. Tbo H orvke' 18. ' " i l l be n ttend.'d -Ii; j-otirc<ienln.

tlu-H ,.f Ihl. Sim.-. IV ariind^ V m , d i'im nnientK ..

i B B D i i J i=lEi!illj H m p nn- R esident of M ount • Hollj j' -New Jersey , F inds Re

m ains o f Capt. C arranz ig Berry Patch t Aviatn

>f W as E nroute to Mexico.IU . , J _____'« a r r r a i i

y i :w YOIIIC; Ju ly H _ A dull drij *lo Hiibducd.Broudwny lotlny nn Cap

'''• M m llin-C iirm nzn'n-hnity^w airhrourli Imok to.thB c ity ,from w hk-h hn atnrti-

hiB m iithor nnd*lilH aweeihenrt, *

ja g ^ “^ w bcro rA tT n n x a W H B h t'e n d ^ f iP llS

imtrouiily 36 h o iir s . before. A fci , r i Mexican offlclulH anr‘ n cnrteRO fron

(Ihn m illia ry poHt n i Ciunp Dix.nccnin h u in le d -th o Imi^'^u'p tbo lonoly Not

■(.|Ji!r«oy tiirn|ilki-H.'III Thn hcarxo oiitomd n t the lowo

jllroiidw ny m (.(op a t Cnm plvll’B fun ,ft!ornl pa rlo r, tho.Mnnio jm rlor when n IKudoiph Vuluntlnii'ii biidy lay in Hlali r 'f o r Hcvi!ral dnys. . ‘ h i How lonK (iiirran tn ’a body .w iil bi e in Now York Ib prnhlem iitlcnl. Cou i-^'kiiI Gener.nt A rturo Kllan lodny hnbl c how ever, ihe M'exlciin Kovornnieni bn. y iirKeir’iliai-iho ' hoily bo hrouKiil boiin

b ; i^arranM died ih .a n oliBcuro nut oi B.-lhe. way. New Joriiev.woodlHrnlH.',--.1 j Hu hnd nilcmiilcil id fly from Mox-* i1co lo W aHhlnslon Huveral w.'oUb n^n, ■ \re tu rn ln ir iho vlnll of Coi, ChnrloR A. ' .1“ I , The younK. BmliinB Moxlonn caij-

Inln came on to .Vew York. . Ho wnn Blven tiie ciiBiomnry honota.

A rm y then, (llcra. ond civic teodcrii ' m et thia youni; Mexican, iilied >)imroiid

dined w ith him . hu t C nrrnnza Rr.’rti- I'd unhappy. Onoo he wild:

" I nm . lontflonie."- Ti\nn il L o^nn i Ijnown th a t ho had

a aw epthenrt in .Mexico City lo .wlinm- lio deRlreii lo ro tiirn . JURl na ho d.-Rlr-

ed to re tu rn lo B red • hla olderlx_ mnther. ,HI- niadi!_blBnB lo fiv hnck . to Mexico. , • •

ou t a \a lo im y akloa and aUddeniy de­cided ho had to rc lu rn to h is Bwoot- hcarL Hc ordered hli) flyan mono-

' plane from Iho hatiRar. '* In hla pocket b e had n . ’ from the w ea the r bureau aaylnK thal

flylHR eondlllnna w ere bad.- A t-? :lS -p .-m .~ th B t-.n U h t-fix rra n m

; te rr if ic e lec tric , ra in and w lnd.'atorw• Jiroke over tho oaat.; • T lie n rn im th o iira o f alienee. ThKouKh

tho enllro aouth tand w alebea were kiTpt fo r tho c a lla n i M exican flier.

, J t o r c rtoaa-no-w ord..--------------------------:------Jo h n -H en e y -f ia rr . a l .meehanie— i»: M ount Hotly, yeaterdky ofternoon

chanced Io rd to 'a b e rrk p a tc h .o n the ; edge of tho city. H e waTkatartled to , afe-o-erumpW -«irpIano-onltt«*-ar<»>iaJ

and a youhs av ia to r ly loe u c o down- ~ w ard ne>irl.v.H W ti C arfftA a^I _ To every oppcoranco* t ^ a n t a ' a

, nini! bolL. Hla le a th a r H y lnv 'Jacket w a^ charred and lU o 'w loca « f iHe trltn' moiiioplane m v« Indlci^lona of

t Iw lac char t od .. - — —-------------

I ' ' . X r t iM In X oaraiaic.‘ m :X IC O CITT.- J u l r H —T hroa«h«• o w Mexico, th e re w aa *tt*c tod today

a .a tato of ToluDtary. »ponUn«oua' m qurnlnj: fo r C apta in B i^U a C arnB*

xa. boylat k ta r o t-U o 's lcan aTlalora, w ho w aa killed T b a i ^ a y n ic h i j i t the OQtMt or a . taonatop f U ^ t ,tn .Uextcn

. a ijL -ta n a _ N e w -Y n rk ^ - . - ‘ - . . ^ rn h tS C 'f^ te rta io m a B la a lt o r e r 't a o c o u b I t t worA eanealod..- . . 'M ln la ftr of W ar Joaqu in 'A A ia ra o ^ dorod U fh t daya mouralaic t>f Uie

' a n a y .'^w M H B ww o t t - a f f T n r - a ! . O a r r ta sa ’a bod7> . .



Bourbon Nom inee Calls R. M iller A n 18 K arat Pt fesstonal Fak ir and AI

; ’ Talce Slap at^ W illiam A len W hite fo r Statem ent

I ' By U ulua ' Pr«ii> •

Ijr.'d i:. Kiiillli. fJi-iiiui-ralk- pri i;i.l<I Ilni onndldalo,_roi>]ledjo_ih.'Vrlii.'H lih i 'p ro lilb filon 'r .'.'on l lo.lay.

Snillli dlKplayi'd Ibo firHi real In- th>- cniiiimiKn whon hu saw w nowui' |HT Hlory of Williiiin Allen Wlilii-

Eit. Mlllor. 'luirpoMlui: ui I’how ’ iii SiTflth Illlll vou-<l nKiiIUHi <>v.'ry fg'i or i.TKli'Inlloii'loii.lluK to oynlrol loonB iihd the i^hJo of lijilrIuou1rtTT|u

Ju_?Li;)t_yu.rl(.Kl!ii i’. • '‘'.Mlllor i» an IH kilrni |)rur>->i»lori

u. fakir, an ailiiilll.'d •;m<l kii.iwii fi.kl ’ ’ Ibo Kovornor miiil. "Wliiio in ttiippo^i '**HU imvo brnlnn. nnd nbouid biivo know :Q |lioiior." » - • . •

"M iller in a iiroreiiBliiiinl )iar3Hllo

itln '-pooplo of the Siiiio iif Saw Yoi Jliy liUm'iiiinuiliVK JiiUc Snfommthin.I ••IIIb recent purformnni-u buforo ll

Z'lBoiiaie InvcBtlKnlinK cn;nnilttuu ourJ ii^ iio .lo i tb .' i>poplc_know_jin-.calibre i <>{0.~U. Miiior. He cuHh himnnlf rovi- ‘dl.inrl. but be Ik rovn'red for'noihini;,

" In liiL- firiit Jilace. It is Btaliil Ilii four. tlna-R I vnio.l niininHl n hill i

'■ Btop lianililinH 'lind proBlltullon., . . "WaH th e re ever nny itiw-which t>e w m ilted ' RnnihitnK nnd 'pFdiiTirutlon i

Hint It wnn nccoaiiory to In lro d iio bill 10 HtDii It - Sm ith roared,

w "Then be iinyR I voted aKfllnHt a-bl lo clrtBo, wnloons nn Sunday, I dim

j.jle d tboui III opon on .Sundny."L‘| • • " , ' —’ W ill B ro ad cast Big

. Bout D irectly From Ij - New Y b rk jS tad iu n

S y D attad F n i 'iYmturjuiy i4-.iiui ni'in)

iW olslii chnniphinBTirp hout. .bclw.-'-i - |(! iU o Tunney and Tom Heenoy w lllj i i.'jbroadcaHt OlrccI from Yunkeu uladiiiti . j j u l y ::C, tlio .Vnllonal HroadcaBlini i i^ im p n n y nnnouncMl todny.

y r ; r:iii.iiir ,Mt'.\aiiii'n nni i ' i 'l illtiw u i r> flln will ho At tiio rlnKRldv niicru "[phoni-: c ii inK a blow-by-blow denorlp

I llou or llif mnln hou l'and th'o prollm "iiuuri.-a. A nctwo'rk of l ‘J xtH ilnnt wil I rp u l ih f chnmplonBhIp .battio oh ili<* nitr*

llroailc-jihllni; will he Rpanaorod b; I Iho SrrippH 'H ow nrd nPwBpnperii.

I Tw o C harged )^ ith N B arte rin g Public ■; _ Offices ift O t e

* ' . B f t ia lu d r r* ta .• JACKSON. MiBB.. Ju ly H —Tw o mori ■ ft necro nnd n w hite man. .woro nr

reated here loday on Indlctmentu re [ turned hy Ihe f.-deral Brand Jury n I m ioxi. chareotl wUh barterln j; puhli.

officci. In MiaalRRlppi. - " .

deputy ifiarBliai.’ SWf?f*anirV:. U I'flt tec. neRr.r. Itepuhllcan b a d e r , aald I '

, be tho rlBht hand mon of P a rry W . H oward, llepubllcan nallonal coromti'

teem an. wcro arrea ted by K arl Scbneb ' der, deputy United Staten .niarabal

I ■; Sm all D e a le ri A re j[ ■ ------- E x p o i ^ g - S t o c l a

— v v - M t r - i — -—; d a u n i^ 'b > ' the lu Jd T llg u o r; 'a« l iu re i . iTBde b y ' tho itv v to c la l x o ^ rttin en l r from expoh dpcka hare . am alU r dral-

e n . to 'r . U>C-n}oat_aMLUKUy-af®-*tJll -expo rtlnc” tb e ir atocka. a l a m p a n ot. which ttio'irovamBW&t claim a fladi

, 11 w ay ba ck to th o 'd o tn lttiM L to jU . bootleeced., -D etroit la . no t au tfe rlnc frdts.' Ib< , a«ltur«a. I 'r lcca aeroaa thb rlvei

tkaro not b«ea Inertaaed by Uia boot- : locK lnt t r a d o 'a n d th e -a o v p lr a o ea i ; to b e .a a la rk i -aa o rer. T h« la rva l

eaportera . how ever, a ro rapoH od U , N a p e e d la r d t f p o a a t^ f th W f.'i ta e Ja

A U orseya. fo r t h * ‘C aril& t-B apeil eom paay --and , -ib< -N aU »aaee-«oaB .

; » a a r / w ho to .lince M ^ : « M ‘aalsM

Ecaa* to conrta.

j C a p t . i S c i m t i s

T o G o j j b i ^ e o f R t s c u e d M o h D c c l f l

V A l i v e - W h e i i H e a n d C B i t a i l s o f H o r r i b l e E x i s t i

| V „ 0 ^ s i d < i W o r l d ;

D.' V ^ By tJo- ■ MOSCOW, Ju ly 14-:'Ciil JO brciiker K nissin iif tc r his rent ] . in terv iew today Ib iit licMuid

J M.aVi!uio. le f t F inn M u ln ig r 'e^* 1 lo die uloiic oti tliu ico, ■ ^• i ' ■•AJter tw ti w eeks," Zii; jr; -longor-to 'M lnnil tbe -severe »ti a-l le ft u» the ice .” • ' .'>f; -Zappi-gaid-tbfk t-W ulm uvoi

le f t him. . .

H i ________ Ar.'lli- n i l . ' - f [ i ,l|oii,(C.>|.lrli;lll IM'H li> IVill.'il I’n'^ KI.SHiS HAV..S|>II.'.Im-ik .'Ii. J iib i l

‘'• j rh i - IruTvn A r.'llo liK lay-l.ita ii j'Irl ■'“ IIIIK Up Ihl' men biOli'Vnl l.>n| with "'1 h< r jiitorliir to r wi'okH arid 'iii.iiiil

il .'frgrii Iho 'ico iiifi’iito.) aro'a ivlilh- ll •.•ibl(! ' I c ruitc-r Kji.!.siii l.idi.y piistK dlfo i'w an l a lu iiii iiln i: lo IrK'nio iiiuk’ n||)i<- mon of iho iliriKlMo Kalju. I«

iiilnco .May 1!5, o r llu 'lr fil.'tnlH.“ I ■‘I'lii- lii'ht two Iiinil.'roiicui'd w it .' ('a:

k i ln io .VoriiionntTiajid iii.Bcar.'h .if di • jo t t l io 'l t a l la Krouh«, end Si-Jf, 'V'l

,. DiiUKvn. hill dOK.Bted drivor.,[ | Tlii-Bj- iwji won- roBcuoil late yi' if U^-day hy the Su'<-di»h niriitnno irp• .p a i i d . .............. ; ■

!__;Ol<‘r e ‘Will! no iiiillenllon from thf:t , in » t ri'iKirm of ihn fnii* o r ', I, VnrmlnK. noiod no rlho rn oxplorcr wl

I hud linon w llh tho gorji pnrty.«T] ThiiH fa r the mou rcRcuud Ineludi Ol A daiberlo .Mariano. Kilipjio Xa|i| II Aifri.-do \’ifiliuri..J>t.IA>hoiinok.-.S‘nint .[Cp.-cionl. OlUKoppu JtlnKi. Kellco Tr. I 'h in i . C aplaln Sora nnd Sojf Van l>.u

I’l 'i'hu UiiHBian loo. riiii.-r. bad (>r<

•iii.-n. A viator CliukhnovKk'}'. In a V. *1 .'oiinoliorlnic Tllclit. Haw tw o mi'ii ,<i ■ un loo flo i-’a rr Koyn Inland,. I (’hukhnqvnky c irc b ’d-ovorlioarl. tho

flow back 'to lho KraNNlii. T * lc i- nKni ho nllem plod 10 reach Ihe liion and •>

. t i i e Bocond alleniTit b.’ wan forcml t ‘ Inn.I on n dnnKcrouH lce hi-d. wlior.' b

iind IiIh fou r uoinimniouii' now w ait for.-!.ciip. ____________ '

^ Mi;anwblli- ihi- Krani'ln.w im tirni-.-'l >{lru: hIow1>' i.iw nnl l u i;oal, mnkUi ‘ ifro iii f.m r niil.-» u pnar.I a dny .'11 KlrBl llie .p ro w 'o f iIk- I>Ik I....... .

forced n way lo th'c'itixil wb.To Mar lann nnd ZappI nwullod. llolli wor

boutd. ■ - .W hcu tho .K raiK ln w hipp.'d t i ^ a r

In th e ViBlieri oncainpniont. ^ h U 'l (iunernl Nobiie hnd ontalJlifh. d VifM' (he ttn iln c'raRhe.l Muy

T he KmBxIn orow hopno.l over tlii Bidu nnd w en l ,to Ihe nid of thi- flV' m en then-.. Cvcclont'h lid iM-en liijiir i'li. ' Ooihorwlno tho.niK llcri Kroup w.i in KOO‘1 condition.

I 'n ruillo 10 lho V lulloro ohoamp in.-nt the kmBHln had BiKhtoil two uiti

K ram in d id 'n o t xlop bui mowiauo

T ho .Uppl'and r^oelVod”\o rrd of tli' Iwo men and lo c a te d tb o n i. Nhnrti; there.Tflor. A landlni: wnn mmli- i. jn Captnin Sorn nnd Vnn Donr.on wor' laken alionrd a fte r lieliiK Iohi f<i: wooka. .

So ra and Van I)oni;en had oufforn

ed. ' .Ono hy one they klllM th e doKB oi

th e ir a lels ii tcum u n iii five nf the nin< dop f had been k llle<^and thoir. meni uaed for fooil. ' Both men were well

K iH x n n ijr today:--------------^

^ I p t r e s sEsbanget^H ldtpfi

- ' By o u U « r m a ~ •S a-V DIEOO. C aU Ju lj . 14—M l*

Martem- Noel W rlrtK r-EneTlIh'itc in^ ireaa, roday v a a ch areed w ith mall- eHwa w lach lef a fte r .^^rrcYtajc th< fu m U jltI r a In -th e J .a Jo lln hon?e ol h e r ea traa se d huaband. . P ra n k U o jil W rlfh t. la ie ra a tlo n a ll r know n 'Orchl' l e c t ' . , . . . .. She waa releaaed under ball a f te r ahe had bf«B. a rrea ted and ta k ­en- |o Ujo, c ity )a ll . . . _ - • • O ia r r lB j r ih a r h e r • .tu ita n U : hai

l i r a . W rlK ht- y « a te n ta r 'd « m B tfe d n warra M fn r ^K»lr t t —t /?%■w a n u t w aa n f ^ a s d aba w an t U th t A r^ l tM -a OuhtOMChto . a w a W

p p i - . S ^ y S . .t J I i i a h l e L L :M n i i e L T r i pires Swedish jyicleoroloBlst Was aptt^in M ariaho Left Him ; D e - -•nce in Arctic Begin to Reach

nitcd Prc!;s, ' . ' ' * '• >t. F ilippo Z ap p i,. nbonrd the ico :ue from tho A rctic icu; sa id in an .lUs. compuniou, C uptiiin-.A dulberlo ^ w ed isli nictcorologiKirof tbe I ta lia

ppj .said, ' ’ivritliii^ren * w as 'iinablo . ru iiT T jf-ttc 'n ia rch -.'-H e -b ad -to '^b o '

I w iii.-iiliv ti-w licn-ho-nnd-M ariano-

i l p j P R lM IIn„ L | l l > ~ l |||u l I l / l O o111 I y i ^ ' 8 5 i £ f e

n- Hi I illllQM- , , . ■

R epublican Nom inees T n tin I* W ill Leave J> y ash in g to n

— Today-ancl"ATT4ve'at-.Ghi- •0 cag0 Sunday A'ftei^ioon a t m • 2:30. . •, J \_ -----------------------------------------------------------;i' ' ^VASHI ^GTo v j j M oovor'w uiind up h la -a ffa lra ft" aee-

ro tary of tom m crce Kidny and lOf niKhi will m art hln rirac lour of the counlry iin' ib.-' llepuhK can proaldcn-

' lla! ftciinlii.^o. .■.n o .biiK Kl'veri uni»vlfle.t 'n ttentton

’ 10'.- iipp.irtmc-maf.Tnfralm“ Tor“ Beronil' ■ riiiyHlln un.»>(fort io o leor h la deak

Ior llirt wiicpoBsnr rroB idciil CoolM to Ih oxpVcied to upixilnt when^ vIhIik him next wecK o l tlio autnm vr W hile IIou'hc Hi Wiaconkln.

.Mi-a|)while. Hoovur’a aubordinatoa havu ittioii(I.!d lo ram paiRn bualnoaa

P aild oDinpioifd n rrftu n e m en ta 'fo r .tho w.'Blerii- trip ,

T —TiTir-n?mvrr-mitirmripnTir:A\*Behv Iiii;l.iii 11' 7;(>r> |i. m. nnd 'tfrrlvo lu Cbi.-aro lom .irr.iw -R t 2 :0B p.' m. • .

,. ^oproK ciitn iiv .> nnd .Ntra. John Q.,• '-fltiHin of I 'un iiec tjru t wlTTho th o ’'b n l /

piTKtirtal Kiii.'r>lB of H oover and hlaU-,-«'IV— u '<--rla1 ti-nln. rHh»r

panNeiiKirH will Includo Hoover'a .aec- I reiurln l uil.l d o r icu l a la ff and nowa-I,- iinpiT corrcnpuiidentn. ....................1 Hoovor wlii iK pcud-four -houra .in

IChicaiso u t tim nuburbau hom e' oC , vioo Pronldont nnd Wra. C harlea O.

i)a\>.'n,.,«,^lo .ilRo will confeV w lih . JumcB W. Gootl. hi*, w oaiern M m palsn

inuiinK.r, and Itoprcaeula llve W alter iN ow ion of MinnoaoiA, d ire c to r .o f th e

. ji l '-p u h im n caniiialcn npt-akernj bu-

‘ ! Tim np .-cla rw U l leavo Chicajjo a tI I*'’'''

„ frjim S u p c rh ir 'to H rule, ,Wia-. fo r a . vlBlt w i i l ^ , - l*r.A ldeat w ill bo mado , tiy nioiur.' H o o v o r^ -ill rem ain n t U rule u n til

Monday ariiTno<ii» and then m otor to Uuluth. Minn., w boro th e apecial

, will be w aitinit. Tlien ho will p ro -r ..-.l t.> S-.t. t--r»r.rl..-n .-I. Cl

a rr iv e . In S an P m n c lico n t 11:46 ,a .‘ n t.’ Vriday. T hen iila homu S tato of

Calirornla v n i .h a T o Ita f i r s t oppor- ‘ lu n liy to welcome him.• HoovrV w ill m otor from San P r a a . _lfj»<*<^I1ft.Jjl'!-:iiQ me a t S tan fard n n U '

vcra ily F rid ay n Ijh L

ifw elitni: In .jie a rc h ot h'er h i ib a iS ; ;, a M J h a daaper> *n>»r w r f bM

Im nV diaiely ahe

I n n 7 ^ r a . ,W rt«h t waa . , r i f 1 had h a d 'a t l d a .b k m U m ,

.1 -wonM h a r t i m J a d ' t h a - th e jtrouod,:: ahe «*eJardd, j - - n i n S P

' w t^ d no t ba tp m a .« r ^ . i i» : t lU a ’1»a* • - xa l eom paaU iB S hlp ,.M .ttook 'th* '-M w .:' . In iV .e w n _ b a B d i—> tw n -je a ra . a l l uan <*!■ w innltjr iijV

I d u e a r ' I t

Page 2: · . _ ynii. xi.. Nr.MitKu 71. '. ' ' I i'iaS TO ® iS'e-'.. » >

' - B A Q E T ^ o

s o c u

F w in F a lls G il

Vliss Dorothy Harir(--r. Pn-i • ni'ona Co/lcuo SuidOnt.

■ - i s BrklL'.-nenii'lii. n r .ll ic - Ml',',

llutiii'i-. il;.jl:-.tif.T nr .Mr, In..I M— n<»r*«r—uU,tJ.l-—

k'lltli ■(^iirlnciti.. Mitr iiT .Mr. iitnl ,Mrs., C. .C.'iirlHou <ir ll“;u'li-s(-;il„.■(:fl\|><l ti.T.. l .y ’f il .’li.lti ..f lh-1 l.i\ilc . ,111 be or lni'T '-»l tr. T u jii KiilV t/ <>- <

X , ITill! M’i'il.llllK tools III / l.lin.l I

liftlKnllin, I 'liu rrh of l.iiiiK Illy 4 .' iIio Siiilili r('ii<il:u: ll>i<QUl)]o rlliK coroii.oiiv. ,r iiln i:'. T rins i 11(1 'iMlik.'.l lln- |tiliri'/i (JimilKJiiiill MiiK rliiMK't] fo r IIk*

y S l I 'liu l-l l. T ; Cll Tw in Kallii. Isior Jir .ifu ' Ijiiili-. w as .iiiu lrm i _*.f o n o r nnil i Iip Kr<)ciiirji‘ 'f i i i t i i r !'«( iiwiii. . . - . ITill- liriilc wori; Mil m ix ' '

o r , tirlKr .-.rri'jK;' hhHh irm r ■iirrli-il ll «lU)WiT ljntll|IICL of oIi'liKIl,ml UlIcK o r Ih r viill.'y.T liu .c i’roiiioiiy wiiii wIuIimmccI <mly

>MhC )imini!illiiif fiimOlt-K mul 'liiKilnl<Mt]-^<-)>(i<-rr<>i'-iiii<l-lii.ili-Ji»w>'i>.. irm o r T w in Kallx -iiiuJ '-I"’''- 'r lm il t pf till) itirlili-. KnlIowiiiK l l i i 'i ' 'fHHIin*!-n-liP«-iikfn»l—wutt-wii-.vtia-^ln., 'lo.Klizikl.i-yiiin lit till' VlrcliiHi ol<!l. Mr. ami .Mm.' < ';trhnti |i-ri ;u i n cc nil ll ti 'U ilay

u U lf wua. Iiclco «4iii t;i)lliir iiml I iirni of l.AilKnr. il iiMiall r lo ,.- |lllDK l.iul Iill'l ifli oUn-i') inatcli, - “ ■ I..Mi', u m t Mm. Cj u Iroii will ,

arlHDn In iu>Hi>i'iiiii‘U will) itio Haul; -t . I l n ly . nn tll llli-. !>rlck' luM *tln> ,rocfii cxiu-cl li« iiitvnd | ’<iiiii*iiii rci!- ,■KO JlilH conilUK y i'ar. .Mr, •.('arl.ion ,nlnj; II iill'il .Mri:. Carlnoii a ^inlor. ■ . . ,'Afrji.' Carl^rm In ii >;i'aiUla1.- us T w in a lls iiiKii >rlMiriT.'^*vrnnn'*-}iiir- -wnt*roii>:n<‘iil III a ll n ''liool iifrlvlilcn. ‘ ir tJcu larly irrumnllcn,. .Slu- 'Vtui. a icmtmr nf tin- T rI-C 'c liili mul 'HU' "fU« IIUtKl Ml<-mll'T>i ’<.f llio .jumrcrJLuLtJiiiri:_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ , I

^ u p l e R e c q n t i y • ; . ' i'

A r e H o n o r e e s

— A i r P r e t t y - R e c e p t i o J i -

.\rr.'nii<l M rrt..j; .M. I 'li’rce :il ilK-lr [ tn ic livu c o u n lrj’ iihici- a t Ilfriu'T itortiilno<l w lih ;i rrci-iilioii rrl.inT" 1‘nIiiK In luiivii" of iIk’Ii' ''Oil. 'V. H. ,, (•fCr nni| -M r?;^l'iprrr.- ji<roi.liy K niuvnrilir iiiiirriii;:!’ ,

TIu-'fid Kiu'sla l.l.lili'ti 1.) Ih<-i c-haroi- ' i: iiffair witi- ri'i-i’lvt'd Iiy th<- Iuihii. n lumori'i-n mul Mr, aiul .Mr;>. M. I*. ' 'iiw iirlliy .. A', m iuilii'i' rif iirllntiiftil mlcnl Hi-lcr<-iloni w on ' ulvrii iliirltu: ' I' I'Vi-iitiiK. mul . l iu t ru u 'iiijil jn 'lrc- lilK l>y .MImh MUilri-i! I Inii.-lim "»lli- .Miiri;,in w m " |> ;iilln ilarlyH'll. , riuDUKlioui Mill' f'K-nriii; ri'lri- 'li-1 ,nt« W.T.- K.'rvcil III .;uiall la l . l . '■ .ir - l^ . n p 'i r in-rivM tlntnir ro -tti, lluti J-

Dorolliy . i’rrUln.i . .h iiIiUt iml.lni'il wH li'. KMi'-uiihlti n.-ii1<Ti ll ; i> llv'jlcH a ii'l ......................... llu ' o1i.iih- ,-

^ll.^^.•r^ -III li;i-,ki'l aiTaii;;. iiu HIM ; ,.v |,i.k,-,i in Ini' m i,,i... l u iiii. T il'. I m,. ik-col-.ilUr M-lu-.ll.' « i. . .nil l>«tlK<' tlm iia tU iiis. •

ee Hive Girjs » iHome From Triil

\ firniip nf Her Illv r'rlrlT i', rlinp.'’' ' ’ 'I'.t l.y Mim- Jtyril* ' l l l t i . r . Mr-, a rl ' SwciiHcm und .Mi-i. Vlr);liil.» rkniilli liuvo n liiriH cI frrun Sho* '• )»<• Ifiiiihii wImti- ili-y .'iin'iii fn u r l -

lit llu- a iira il lv * ' t;uiiii> K liti-1

111-!', iiiaili' tlu- fiiiir-day niilinK .1 , iiKaiit .'XiHTli'iu-c- lo r ;ill. 'I h r 'I ti-. ':

c lrln wlio iiiiiili- llli' irl[> w r i ' l r . 'l Kw.'iiHiii. I.I.UI.CI' IJaliilii. V i.i 1

Muiiki'Imoii. l.vdiu f .in id . I r i 'i i r ' •...................... Z.'lpli;. 111. Iim n. A ria Iid. CriL'Vlrv., lli.ll.'V. Il.,n llj~ '!T.^ -r .~ Alla ' S .T . 'nH.„i. L.i. ll .', i ; : rk".T~

.......V . . 'm e r i c a i V H o m o .

I s R i ' t ^ r a m T o p i c

H r/t^ -n il.a .T C T ^ li i r n T .- r T F u lT v•riio»ii III llli- liiiMii- O! Ml:. J iia u ll i JcUkr. Tu'.» c u r;l :i . W- A. Ca jjd - a n J J J r i . . - -led In :uldm on to llu- iiiri:,l,vp,. r c a l l •r.->ooiiM:, W.T.- llOll .•ll<.M ' Is. .nul Iht- to r llu- a 'll.'i- Ii="lt-~VI|«> Ap-^Tirnn H-u-k- '- wt- - -•luK ti' nf Mr.v. .M'iri, . i .-y rA i^ » .r --------iiW a r-.n.'ilv pl. n ir i,. I,.' .1.- M . r 1".» Mcri- iii;'i!i" rliirm^: Mir bi: I- _ «"f;r?3tiniir ■ ‘n r m - 'T in "f)on MfK. I ' ^ n i . ' r . ;.. -,lsi.-l l.y Mr:. lhrTncj;y^,M r«.-|>nii--iiii. -..rrt '^T frr- hnirriT Fr'

• • ♦ » If

jdpre Supper I.s ' . Gharming Evc;nt.p«. .n » a rlr« C.Ts-'y- rnlrrf.iiTivi! :.lIdee so w w f .- v ra in t nt ]

Sf% falli atTOur ra - l . I t i i ^ jI rfO tC ffit-the lald«-K. aiiil ;ill nlliV , .rcAratlvo-tl«tallir'favur< iln'.i_(i:-.iII moUf. A t-b tJ .Isc .Mr.-. Rur.r.if. •

rr-T i'n tsT T rr-- — >Jr*. I to b o rt UfR-on. u .in i:i.- •

t fo r h l«h foo rf, l>‘« “ •-Jii «i> - R r y - D r n f r —

X 'C IL -ad r . / - f . '

it,ed by Jean DinkeJacke

"1. M arri-es •. {

— :— , ...... , IW h a t tlie N ew Y o rk ' '

W orlci H a s to S a y ' ! A b o u t ‘'T h e P a t s y ” I

M .M'if..'; i ) , \ v i i ; s

" I 'H i: I'A 'IV V

f i l m , - l l i r . - I . l l |,V K ii i i; V lH . i r , <ia;.- .1 o n ll.<' Mu;:.' i.I.iVt.y I l i n y i ' im-iyr |

> ■ 'Mil-'; r.V.-^T 1r a l t i - 1 ,1 H a l i1 iij;(o i» M ai l o l l - 1 l a l |i,:i j T u n y - \ iu l . iM iit D r v i t i . ' r ; i i , |i i - i ii.Ahi ll:iiillii;li>ii - -^larlr-‘l>li'S>,l"ii’-i H.>i rilu:inii . I), t llr'iu l' U"iiiiijj I

A iK'^li,' lii::in lo tu . iinii-'.iial •llhii' comi'ilv ha« .......... lo llic- M,.!iii,’ 'I"itlf 'riu 'ria l lirm liui of Kllii; \ ’l<li». IMIK -Marlon n,.vt.-u iu -« in r. •■'ni.' I 'uI'A " I-

ril.Mi:: i.rrha|i.; oiin- i.r l« l i i - i i >.Mr i..' xilil.-li-ll jiia>"l..' f..ilil » l l l i j i l l ;,liu;i'lll.v llial iii'M' l-.>:n>nii^liluy luhill,' In il'l- nta lrlv lliuiioirm,, alul wlinllv i|i,vr>ji|I l f Iinvllihi;: ai-h<ivial-il KlIli Uu- roin-

lif iT in a l.'il Mil' ul ;. -.iiijill, ja r ; - .iiK>' lam lly - ii la llu-r w l.u favr.n: In.->uuiirciLtlailKllL-.'.r.._l^’<, 'a n .l_i._moilii-Xwllli i>iill<\iii, liil<-iiM<'ly luii1:>. out :or lUT . Icier-la lli^.tcr. Crac'C. .Mln i llavl ;i Ih I'a l, llu> aUii;inl oiii-, wliu i-v.'iil iially

a' i.iii}i:.i iii i.t i • ■ ^(inalliy i iiliiiri' a m i’-In liiiU- <-a|>iur< ’

'J u Hll' <-nim,i- of th ........ .ry- a llchl,•ar.'fr.'.'. iiii'!iu IiikI.''m:! i-i-l of i-yi'r>day "l>l.'ini|i-» VFiIcIl lok" t>la(-i- In Ilii' nm -

Mhi;i Davh'ii K.'tii a ll »U|>orllllllty l<i ■iiiMKi',111 ih riT of llu ' liu|nT;wii),’illun.i iVlJi.h l '« M : lyivr lu-li.i'i| lo ri'n- |c-f h«'r lo w.‘l('i.m.' 111.a l l ih .' lu'ili r IritwhlK roomr. of. Ilullywuoil, l-~.>r' aiiiinlu'r o f y.-arii il hav.- I.... .. lirarih:-.v lia t 'j l rcalh- r .m a ilia l.l . ' iiilm ir il l - I ■iVl ■ i K - | i r i . ' a r i t r . - - h o i v i r i ‘-ii i i." > w M ii •am-‘lo r li.-r lu' nllll a^.'O ' from » Kaili- 'rhiK for iliH '.' uiliiiiti':*, lo rc ii iin in ■ h<- mal<<-ii|> nn.l Ix'iirltm t l i » ' fiu lal : lk.'m-.;a o f iiiiy fron. .Miu' .Miirra.v M , •nlii NrKrl.— ’rn n .-ih ry -tc iy .-j-h t—flui-^' -- III I'M i'iiorillniiry I’liaiillii, In .■■’rln- i ’llt^y" »lu' iiii|ii'ar» iih .MIrs .^Ul |•lly. licn nil M llb ii (llnli mul lal<-r'uh-MIk^. <i!Krl. TM.'H.* Im lla ’. ii,ri' iiuiai'- in«Iy-^j»uulo---- la i^O ha i iiluttT r. m ii-i.^ivlf-ii- l l ('xrjiilHlii' ihn im ilio iil lh«- I Ilm; an Im aiiliiailv... l..'m iiiruL - r.-.dihii; iinil iiiidi'nitmiilliii: i.lay rr. nsi hi a .'uni.'dy o f lirllllau l N ”, iMr.'cii'd » lih 'K r .- a i ........ •'ml \>mi>Mi'iU'>' i.iiil "riKlnalllV . " 'r ii.' '

om’ii:. a day im i ;k Di,, Ji|a- ^

. ■ , -----■ " ■ . "■ “ T ^ i 'Cllllihllnu's (••■hil< I'll 'riii'Ni<'\y U'Ult--

:y hiilMliii: al Ihc loiijiiy .iaTy,':iiiiiii'I.-! j’ m .arlv lliili,|ic-d. aiul lU.. I-iiII.IIik ' ■ ’

• lal tu r .a M.rial r i 'i il. 'r will h r iiio\i-.I !. lls ii.'ir hwalioii c itirin ;.: iIm- . '.itiliin ' j'. 'ik , ’I’lu- ;ii>uiml'. li.u c h.- ii ln'in in ' , , v.-.'lh iii to iuh lli.u h .r llu- f - * I . \i,o- ; [Ilmi. I

PARK f/r.c . S I T N D A V -]

' y ^ l v .ill sa y il i s ' l h . i j-.rsl ,.i,

-D o n ’t Ml-w O nr !

. |.V.i,ii IL

■■ Phciic-is-l : ‘ P A R K H

A — E e w - -

■ 'A Y. - .• • • a - , u l i i . - . . - u r

- — ^*rr-TnTTn-iTTT.I:ir7u'T^i'i„- I--, ol '.lay .hrKjiC- l-iiMii-ss . h o

^ ^ w [ M l E S L i

r . . O J } i c e P / i o / ? e f j . B . '

■ ' : ■ - > -

O rp h e u m Tohioj-;

U aek iM u /h iill , S o r o ih y .......................... ■ V 'L s d y

Btill Elk Spends 1 Ifear Carap|

vi';i-,i,()\v.-<’r<)xi': i’a u k . ^vyo.; J ui yl11- A lllioiuh llu: »:iiisa KIOWX la ll ] 7 i ^ i(ii^"onm i” i~iJiire.’ iT i~ tti '^ n -~ ii'i lila. i' . . o f . V-Ih.wKioii.' Naifomil iiiirl; ,h .'. lion-> lo nilii'iH ’of lllll Itln.l, ihc-r.;|

ihnhlli, iiimiiliii; i^roiiiul a l .\orrln , < ; . j s i r liahln.

III i.'oiir.-.' lit" ;;riih:> la frin li and CM'i'ii a t .ViirrlJ,. I.iii In tin- wiirni Hra- Ki.ii . if lh i- .v./ar II Ik the liahll ot .'Ik

..r III-' jiitrk.’ Thl'i'iiuvi)t:iilar miliiial h: tiiayliiK .'1om> to l1u- .ci.miiuroi'inil Iir<',iu;.i' Ii» lius il.'vi'loOi'd ilurtiiK lli<-'W yrar.H .r i lk ln j ; for rli'lllzi'il lonil and .'vorv iiiiiiin i t for Ihc 'tuiHi

ijim rir'rs. •• . > .Al till' m:<'^"ni tlim; l lh niiil.-rx u rr ,

"In ihi- \<'h’i<i,'’ ail'd un lu- l.i'iirM ii roy,il l.i'a.l itf xlx iir.lnth lici I--* a nohl.' hIk>ii I:. I.iok liixiii iir.iiiml tin- loiirlhl i-Mii;-...— H.-.I...-H iioi-h.-K-lil.»-f.*o.l'..llkc. III.- m.i.ilrliiK'h. n ..r do<'^ h.- nn.' tlii! loijcli iiianm^rH u t llu-. lioh lii|i. .I.i-ar. H r’ rdamlii In illcnlflp.l «lli-iiei- n<-ar he tm irlnt until offi-rvd food, Tlivn

dc 111 a cryckcr .»r u pifct- u f'hrom i.

. ( ’. \ r T T r i i i H v r i r ( K n .( ’h a rira ’I'lii.iiia.-i l.ouKht u c ar rrom

I ;:Ar.iia>.lii llllh.ii. ,Mi>nl.. i.c'<’ord lli> o 'I 'onl r.-t-i'lv.'d lii-r.'. ami 'tlio cnr ilil(;> lull. l.t'ciiUoMlnK iiuiclly In llu; lai-' l i.-.irai'i-’ sim-'i- Jiim.- i a ' l s tH,1t.

'. \ -m ..ii hrmiuhl ihi- c .ir lo life In<*.il ji.r iu i' Ju ii.' I'j,- r<ayliiK' tha t lu- had I c'i'ti Im n In an am -. a<'i-ld:-iit. H r r irk hh; ihrci- MillcaniN an.l l.'fl th e * a ra ;:r . I'‘a lliirt' nf thc man lo ri'lu rti. _ ;:l lm]iilrl.’ii which ii'Milli-il- In 'I- aiiMv.T fmm Dillon.

•I lmi s \V-iit.A d'i hrliic rcHllllr:,

i O T E L ID I N N E R 75c _ ;

i - k . 'n ‘ .liiiiii 'i- y o u (-ivV at.-,

iOc L im dtcon ,

! h . -2 jV .M -, , . -

0 T E L Anno S. ttisH nc

• S E R V IC E ..

O o U a F S : -------------- [

e a r -

.Jtir.l-I, n n .l a i: | . a | . . ' i r •. ; ;

-M i'; .li '.^ lJ l l_ _ ___ s.|-,I i o r > o i i r '.u s ,„ .c l i , j i i ■ . i

i s S m i- Vf ] | r u ' / A f r a t i x ____^ \ 2 H ^ t P A H O ’ I

— -------:--------- ’ •

T W D f ' f A I I g D A IL Y T P g g - ~

v m mx J r S . ; H om e Phoj;ie 2

rtrw. a n d M o n d a y , / ' . |

..... ■' \ ' , '. ••• • ' I'

’jts .'riiill iffjC c/afttt ^ i / J s h

-Scci-.-liiri l l l - - r ia i ik K.;.';mii.*«cm'.:- iliry . 't llic m iintT 'f'fli'.—lr*-'-.iiilln«‘.l- lu l .ls 'hu iiir In I'lli r |iv nn alta.'k,nC.tnii*


- - W iBuy. Stori

I f ‘ ls '11 l«-tli-r liiw-«liiu-nt ,1.1- liny iiii.iu-t'111 '..n .-.\ lii-i-mi^i- jo ii m i l ' rea l, a l ii In-mi-Mdiiiis s u » h iK . ._ ^

II ill.11*1 sc'i.ii| lih .- li .c tirI<’( " o f i-.iiil “ Iniim m : n llh liKu". I n 'j . ' i i i r j i l n , III.

. I h m 't ‘h-l llic ili-uli-r.* tpl^ >1111-flrnl.......... .. I]. Mi im .lh rr *«:l|l Ilmi‘iliiy Wcallti-r nnd rn lih iip - I 'la iils Ir

_V \llJj_biu l._ t!k litj_ lcfL _o 'iT .-< r< iTj-J M.mlil liii> ji.iir.C lir ls tim i'i Tani

^ P e t w e i l e rI’. s . - r i J«"ir iln ilcr ra ii 'l dHliv.*' 3 on Its.' M .-'Im w flT(- triK-ks and iltc

. nc lK lih iy /'ii) '- Hc (-an n->c hi«.

- ' — i v K - .s i : t . i r f T f F ^'V - TIM S Mli*K OK T

f t R P H E Mu t h e a t r M i i '

^ M I L T O r s------------- - ‘ ------- t i i HI.-1 i.h-Jiii-si

“ T H E H A V y„ ^ ' M llh Hm

D O R I S : ! ^

Snoo lcun i C o m e d y . “ N i

H E R E jjO M O R R O y JVIUSIC— M X G li



< j

■ \ \ w n . 1.1« n-« Is .) j Innl, h n t '> he

' , ( lutiffhl Ulw n .• \ ffw lr lrj(« In -

. .. \ lni<“ Ih a t he \ , -rontd '4» » ;» c r V Im to (r>*m n

From thcv m c r 0LKV , j)-_ hy ' G w Doll

K rM •ThompAun a -------------- — -----------Urp tKS ,<»;r» tiir ig .—■

A b o C o lo re d A r t F c a t o r e a i • > c . ^ ^ O B P ^ T O 0 B <

------- ....................... - L .-: ;- . ’—

. - r - - . . . . . . . . , - L _ _ _ _

' E N ^ \. . . .


:;~ " L~AT>Y1BE^GQQD’’ :All v.THiiill.. a trluij..- nf rnniPillanfl

•IIS .'Vcr W'lif. i*nih.'rV'd.|OKi'ir.'.'r In oh« . .t.riHliictlnn Ik III ll.' fonii.l in ih c cani ..f "l^iily lie (J.iyil,", i |).-l'iri.l'. .N’allnn- a l iilciiii'r • wlih'h ,<-<nai'.i 111 th « -O r. fihi-nm ihi-iii.T h.'r.> I'omorruw.

M.-uilInK Ilu- cynt D iirnthy Mack* iilll an.l' Jmdt Miithull. Klrnl. Nsitlonal f.Xiliircd ]iiay..rK. and l.iith «-xc<'lJi-nl

J a a :.m i’.i~» MLiJiiUl—uuu>£-L‘i-ix .m jn > u :. iluiiM hit wlMj hh-.charuciiM 'lHitloii of "T hu J’fior .N’lil." .Vfarci- c .n ic ily »iic- I’.'Ns. nnd .Ml.1-1 M ackalir lm>i bj-cn fi;n-_ . niri-il-/ni ••.‘iiihwiiy .’ ailli-” 'nii.l ^ •vc•rl1l o ilicrT iircrk , ’ ,% '•111 iln'*htiii|)orl1aK ra m .'D o t l-'arl(-y

lind Jiiiii.-s nn liiy» .ln hian.l .o n t iln «';ily iiluycr'* of Krcat <'X|i.«'k-nr<-, l-'inhiy.'OSi. a s a coiLi'ily v illain . Iiaii a|i|ieui'..'il h i H ii'rallv hiindr.alx uf <nu- ali.l lii(<>T.-i.| .•o»iici))r;<. .Ml.m K'.rh.y iililii-arocl for -s.-vcral y.'jii'H In Mack Sr-niicii .'iiini'illc.*. • • .

John ,MIIJan lu n t.voiy lyi.o of r.ih- c;n th .i , oirripn from roiiianilc l.'a.lM to .l".-i)i-Ki dyed v llb in s . and In. '‘l-' II.' tJoniV .iitnililn'-s.’ ciniicily w ith Ihc la tte r ty iic .o f criii'i'ncicrlzn*. Hnn. I'^l.lh- 1‘lavli.n . Ntia -Marliiii. JiiV l'iil.m ;'A lI^l?n 'leiT lninim l"m h7-r;s“ i ^In th.- caxl. - .

age Gdal Iii'-Tlnki-r. y .iii <-.111 •.Inii ’-a iim : { 'liiin i Hinnll iin l liisti-a.I nf liliap ' [

«nn li|- li .. h l«h .-r.' Tli7-“ -m it'.li.n*l~l.l--Hl2_Mi<-J.

I , J.MI_I'HI|'I K cl-N inl al l l i r l im r Sovcry }*-ui; l l i r r r iiU-iily nf S

i-fl Till- SUI1K- Juis hi-cn tn iu 2y n i r . .^Vliy l.o In ji Im r o t V"» 2d> ^1 lll l l fliiK- Ilf (III* }riir. S

^ a l K e o fj i .n r rmiM»1ii-n j'.'ii iin-d It, rn ll I- t<‘iiin>> nnd If u « nciulNnon-. nnr

i n n g f T O T ; --------------------------'HK .HOIITII J*fH.‘f:.

10c.25c.30cT o d ay L ast Show ing j

{ S I L L Sf e N E S t ’.’nnllfn l : ‘ ^ _

E N Y O N ‘ 'i .c w ly w c d * .’ S u c c c s s ” * ' '

irAND~lVl6N D A Y ~ IC = i[ lR T O V -" = = = ^ I

. A i a d—

pO O DX iH A C K A Ill ficMUJLHA U I

n d L a t« * t P a th p N ew s C H E g T R A -

___ f*

R osary B eads • • T u rn ed In to P e ta ls-

. A fte r-D e a th of M an, ly.\i-SI'\)H I). Vll.. Ju ly r l l —T raffic

o f/lc -ra %vcr.'"|irciinod ,lnti> nM vIrr to- ( |ay to c.)|.u w ith thir i-riiwilx 'w hich liavo h.'^n a l i rariL-d . to the 'lioim- 'uf .Mleluii’l KiiidrtTT .'7, .'vliono . ro-iary ,l|..a.lM uro »ahl (o Imv.- Iiirncd lnli>. ‘Illy ji.rlnlK" a fli-r h is ilvalli,

Aoi-OrdliiK • to K iiiho. fam ily Ihi- l).,'3dM wi-r.' l.h-«Kod hy llu- popo ami Klvcn III KnKko wli'i-n ‘•it iiiiiiearpdnftfr~Tns'^ * : ir TTnn'>rnr7Tnii'fti; p jr i ..u-k^^

In Ilm •liilrai'li?" ihnl an dcaih nii- (iriiai-h.-if till-' hcailii ho ta n hi.-.iklii!: n|i(.ii a l (lu: end. “llki' Ihi- hlniinilni: i)f lHlc«." . . . . ' , • '

A.Mini,v r i,A .ssTh.' Anioma clann will m.-.'t Mon-

.hiy cv.-nlnK, J u ly Ifi. 111 tho Juuiu- of

.Mfiui .\lu riau T u rn er, X.*.l .Main avenii.- n^irlli.


'T^hus€om ^ / n -

i>l».-it Jl l.ntilc m:i.(iiiiK iiid iiy . ill Ill'll.-r i.,i lii-i'iim.- ..sinli|i.-;hc.| j 'l i ia l lc r I......... n ils . Iiotli <'T\ci-l;iii

~ P e o p le ( J f* lh ip o r ta

W H Y N(

f~Fim~~NafiiI '■ o f T w i

\ ■ ' 'I— • ..............


JOE-K SAYS:—B e w a r e o f th e m a n w h o p ro

w h o k e e p s a l l - o f h is p ro m ise s a n y . E h ; w h a tV ’

X o in b r ro w . a h d 'M o h d a :yJU LY 15 ana 16


Q nnfiicm T\. /fi ■ ;

I ' '■ ■ a r e t r

L _ ;' " . ; v . , - . a- r , . g ran tJ i

-------------------o f jo v !

a -k-i n g , v IBv ' w»h MAR\ • • LAW\ - Iln-iril on fhi* i)l«T\ -------=------ r .V n » r ry t 'n n n n r i\ fV inllnnltr I ij Aff.\ n r « <‘hri;iii^«.

■ \ J.S inninn. D lrrr t- . \ r tj I )j K lne VId..r.

\ A M a rlo iu -lf* ilea _________________N* ’ pr»wnclloo-

A ’ ' v " ” * '*■ ' ■


P t c i y i 2 £ / ^ ^ Mf .

^ t i^ O i 'C r f t c n j t i s ( /

‘H A T S O F F 'a S tan

S 'A T O D A Y . ’


n y .r n iu a r m * » ' ' r,OR aNH I’JI.KS. .Inly 14—Pi'mornl

services will hn'lioi.l .Momlny for Don (),' .Viiel; fornji-r c lly e.liior Ihu Ihitl... ■ .Mont.. -Miner; w-Wd . ille.i of h.-aVi ills.-iih.- y.-»l'?nlay.'

Lfi,S.Gafmentsi---------------- — '1(1 ; / ■----- - ■ - r -Comln-d Se;i Iiilund CoHon..... SU OComhi'.l i’l-i-h-r'H CoIImi.:-........ f l.35•Jled. wclKlrt Ci.nibi'd l?i-4lnr'«

C'.iiton ....'....... .........SUM fiuriiien l (Rii.idJiyui|^il).-,.$t.U:;

LOGAN GARM ENT GO.. :i!) w . M . >...

“ Wli<*r« SiiilnifH A re 'O h -illo s r

o a o o a o o iT o o o o o o o o a o m o b a a a o o i

! e s S u c c e s s I L i f e i s 4y . i i i ^ i e i l m il Im v.-.IntM vof i-iihIi S •w itli lliix I .a n k . WV eiu'<iiit1i(}.-' 5 I ' n iiil -•JaviiiKs. • < - 5

ncc Use TJfls"Banic .

01 yon? ■ ■ „ , . I

n F alls ' I

---------- - l i

JPEDERAL n fiS E B T E " S r S T K i r f ■o o 0 o o o o o o o a a D o o tM K ‘ 'i o o o o o o f 5

mises to a m uch. T he on lv m an is th e m an who do esn ’t mako

. ‘ \

“ M'licro Hiff I 'lc ia r r s PJay"_


' - “

m u st m ee t P a jay , tho J) y e a r g if l. ’a d ' i cuto I* iw eaW ^bufcrglu gW.t a ^ a ^ S ^ = = = r n e r tip. she show s how j y the ' frame w hen h e a r ts . | limps. W '

^ n t ^ t o SCO w hy M arion •

Mt flm stcr, SCO th is rio t ‘ S, • ;(jind. lau g h te r . ■ ____ l_ _

Br"" pm U orthin /. IlEDRESSLER / RENCEGRAY /

— —

. ' U _

AI^i).M.G.M.NEWS~THo S c reen J iaW tp ap q -

Page 3: · . _ ynii. xi.. Nr.MitKu 71. '. ' ' I i'iaS TO ® iS'e-'.. » >

^ S A i m i D A T T - j u L T - ! 4 - i a a ^- I ■.~... ..= ^ = s ^ = a s = =

H i

G IA N IS S llP flliB r o o k l y n I n v a d e s S t . L o u i ;

f o r " I m p o r t a n t S e r i e s , W i n r l - e a g U e - f c e a d e n . —

----- ---- .TJr' «K01M!K K lilK H K V i-;--:.

NEW YORK. Ju ly H —

ra c o 'th o nrooklyn-nobliiB Invmlo S« LoulR <to.lny. to r nn •w ltb th o IcIiBiio Icftillns Cnnllnnls.

Tl»o Robin* «ro,<lov;ii fn • 8V4 ROtncB bcbln.l lUu Cftrdmaln, W

nrwilclyn ban }'■«to «l6p nny club. U n d o “

'Innen I bna D ill Clcirk,DM*y‘ V nnco;- B u n ‘I!"

, m il Doftk.,ftU rondy to fllnB l*»' blRli nylifK CnrUlnnlw. ,

■ u ic ”^ r^ " n n ln Uili* yoar/*'tbu Iloliln■ b lv o ^ - o n on ly tw o b u t tlioy Imv,

K lven-lho IcriKno Icndorfi "omo o i ui louBbcat, U tllc d o t Ibo rioniion. •

fh ? 'C M Jlr ia lH n fn .rn o :tro H b to _ Ain poRlnR o ic noBion nravcn. nnU th Kow Y ork G lnnm. betvllnK-both lenm

- tb rco . oul“ o t " four Kulbi-ii, stORCH,loilnB KrounU ln Uic punnnnt r ft«

—thB-'0<<Miig>-»>nrn fntlnTl In MlQtf P», nlRns InTmy'bC ntnyl.ilK up-nmonK tlL

Uajo'ylnK il llily Icmi- o f gnnio ovor Ibo • iicconU jilnt^o CInclnnot ncd«. Um Cnrdlfinln uro RoinK to U Imrd to aintoili;c. -lff« ^

printed. 'b u t S t. U uIb fnnir^tvlrcad: havo B la r lc l ordorlnK tliclr tlckcla t tbo fall c laah ,«HU Ibo NC'v ^orl YonkocB. •• (*'* '

T ho stronK nn<l V oak polntn of lb

HtroDS in rp a o rri a trcn itlb a n d play InR condlBluntly. ' ' ' '

W ill tako a slronK 'roV craal ln.foni ' to kcofi 'tlic tn - ou t o t f ira t o r r^ c c

— n'o d i-'K e ttirn -o f-H ed -IiuenH -to tlnn

but liltllnB- BlrcnRlh lirem ain a coniil*lQnt-Bicnaoo. •-

___JlLoiH u-FM lLllg ?tC > «fow iia iD M -an a .^n lo H - lUoj^-sliovf- b racn noon, beaded tQr accpnd dl vlitlo’n.

Cuba—H avo pow er ond pllcbln b u t-c a n 't eicem to lilt n aleady pact I.ack a ntroijB left-handed h itle r , bn ba?e tlirco 'rlR lit-linndcd nluRRcra 1: W ll«on. StepbcnBon and Cuylor.

IchKuo. bu t n o t onoilfih 'baao b lia t RO w llh It. L lablo to w orry -ponnan rontondcrj) conajderablc, b u t;n o ln n llonauRh oftenaivo t o . rla« to ' top ......

P lm tti i—O h iy .a acnnatlonal comr . baric can RCf tb ? N ational cham pion

back In Ibo riinnlnR.

J j L O P A Y ’S^G A M E S ;^• AMKWCArf l.KA<Jl'K

; At DoKlon—F ira i fptmn: n . i r . i : C hicago ......_____________ •....- I I ' J B ;

^ "B at"crlc s:' rifiomnB nnrt H rrj;: UU" Mcll, n rad ley . SImnionn nnd D rr ry . '

Secon Rame: ' . R. H . I'ch icftR o.................. ...........11 ■-

uo ilo n ..............^ ..... ........u . . . Z- 7 :Dnltcrl<<a: W alub andA:roiiRo: Mor

rid nnd l!ev ln r. /

A l W aiih lncio77~ S R. H. KSU IxmU ................... .................. i 7 :

WaBhlnRtoQ ............ ............2 s ;. n a ile r ie s : C ray hnd . Scbxins Brown. OBston"tinil tlu e ir '. •________

A f^ tli ib u rK U : ' R. H. 1-:ItOKton............. ----------------------- 0 6 •n ttsb u rR h ............................ 10 15

na lte rlc * : Rranrll. ItotllnRKwortl and S p o h re r: GrtrAeflland KarRrcAvon

At C l>lcac»;-F lriit Ranio! i t i t . ».T hlladclpW a ..... .............■ " ' i n '(

BaH «rlea: ' FerR nion. Wnlah. non aod ScUuUe': Malono nnd H art ne tt. ’ ■ J;

_8fco<t f l a m ® ^ K n d J lh ._ j , . \ j ^ ^ _ ^

-Chtca}ro-- - . i - i.. ------ 'D atterloa: P ru e tl nnd I ^ r la n ; Nen

•-juid Contales*'. . : .

•, A t C lnclnnatJ:New -------- ■<.9 'C IndB oatl -,-r- 3 4 f •:

- S S r i i p * ' t I < ♦ B • ^ 'Mar^la'l(e^. Me«iu«a w er« .isaued ^

B em a JiiU a Goun* o t H aa

D e ^ - W m < J I . '« i « r a lo .{ Jo r* r Pealra . Jont* A ddltloiTw Ia r s a l la . '- . > > * - '

QCD— P e rry i q i ^ r ' t o D. U DwUh:s m a a i ^ : a . 9 K i . i 7. iot i -ig.- i r -*»; ]5. 8*c. K»»-16.

PORTCO A St L E / j S U i ” "

■I; .. R E S t t L T - S - : ^- X l-l'o rtlnnd ::-"^ ' , R, ll, K.

• .MlHslona .. 10 'I!>' I’o rllnnd — ' . 11 ».1 JI lliilterlcH: Novu'rh. MiirOii. Dnvfii-* port anil, llnlilw in: C m icb .,. llJirrhi,

1 'oinlin nnd Ui'RO. , ' ^

s A t S en iilc: ' • K. H. V..Hollywood .................... lo lii r :Scntilc ...--......... ............yij............ 'I ^ I

_ —patlurloit- ShollrnHiirk nnrl Pnifn’" ' ' ; S iilllrun. Tuiichniii uml l(itrro:inl.\

-AflRPlea: • • - ~ H .ll . 'i :Oiiklnnd ....................., ........ .......--I' l" I

> Lon AnKcloB'..................- .....•• ••• f. 12, :I- — Bntterlenh--(?niK b('m l.-W otaol— ani]• Read: B arfool nnd llunniib.* I

A t 'S a n . rrnhclBCo: u . II. K ■, S a c ra m e n lo ......................... .15 - I •I San .P rancInco ........... ........... Kl 17 :ii • U atlutlcB: Could; F lynn. K no’:. .vin- . cl and K odilflr; JaetihH, 'l-hiir«tmi anil . VurgaB irtid Rued.

! F IG H T R E SU L T S I4 I.A S T N IG H T !;i ^ • ' ' - ^ f ' • Jly TTBlMll PMIB •

• CHICAGO, jli ly M.—Leii Mftrrl ■hor. lllliioln unlvorslty. knocked mi

' i r i^ m 'H r tiis c n rT iirk lsU bcnvywclRlii ° Two rounds.

r — s - A > * ~ rR A ^ * c isc o r- J ii Jy -n = J n c i '• F ields. LoA AnRclcH. ilefi-nled , l*ot' i. T f rr i . UniitP. In.l Tmi rniin.l:0 ■ • -

W S T E R bA Y 'S GAMES. 1 ___;---------------------------------------- - • ■

■ XATIONAT. l.KA(il'K y ,

y .New Y ork .-.............. ...................” s t T V ' i " ..................- ................ 1'^ B a u crlc s: ’AblrlilKO. llt-n ry . I'liiilK

rier. c V l 'll '* O 'Fajiri-ll; .Sticrdolc FrnnkbouHo 'nnd Wilson.

r All m ilWJ Kumus iMi.His.nH .- r ntiw-

- ■. . jn. o ■,II To Idaho Frills nnd-4lotiirti

J2.I.5■To B lackfooi (fiid R e turn *

1 ------------- :_______Ju ly_50U i___________l.l,K m m .T w in rnllH vln ,On-K^n sh n r t) JJn« Rrillroud. TIokctH K«i»d only li

c o n ch cn 'o r ch a ir c a rs nnd lim it fm I rc lurosto homo destlnnllon hcforo tuldo in lR l i l - b tJ u ly im d .—fidV— ------

O ur new c q u l ^ e n t ennhles us t< K do n il klnda of m ill'w o rk and tbo b'es >. o f-n z lu ro -w o rk , bulIdlDR con tractln i I nnd body 1^'ork. M odern'PlanlnR .M Ill n j m T h ird nvc. sou lb . Phono 003.-

J'-'*’'- . \

I . _ ■;

an d aho____;_______I t r U n H ,to ,b l g j i r o p

" " ■ ~ A I ! > A u ie i) u i i i / 'I i i nl 1 . ; ' . . . a b o r e a l l e ls e .i ..— -- ------------•___:___:-----------* — * .1 B c n r a l h t h e h o o d

b r u t o o f a n e n g in e . I n 'c h M p la lo n d la p l f l

I :_______ J ! y i « * t n £ j j r i r i n g > d\ a n d • U e n t a t CVCJ7V — ------------------ ^

-------- T h c i j t i i e r a ’ii i t a x l

/ .' I n b h e i r . T b e l o u t ' A m e r i c a n 's r i d i n g •

f.Dbor 5 ^ . i/MIr , , . Chgfc 0«

' . •, P h o n e 7 2 9 -W. , . . .

Wm ' • J

Ogden Sends Bees '

bcni'j.V , Ju ly M—To-Tivcni;'' U|i-l'i sbiii out Uic OkiI'-u niiiTiit‘i'r< ,i<'vci-.'<nl Ibe doHwliin iiliil wnn from llu- Siill l^ilip Hvci' <• l <»S' ' ' ) ! viilli'ctri;

•iiovrjj lilm bill. \viiH ininblc In cimvcri nny Hi Uii'iii lull) tiillb's.

; Tnonioy led Llif (liinnVrH w llb mim.• s tc llu r iwlrlliiK. ' Oomc/.. Dnvlii aii>

W'ulti-hi w< rc cii11i:cl iipnti Iij; Sul:- •hnkc-fivTliprk~ihr-imnTtriY frtfn-<ltitr

iHt s but w ith JlUlo I'ftiTl. KciliH'ity rljjlil fielder for- Ojnl-ii, •;:iiniiTi;il ;

■ llirce-lial;!' blL ■. ,, • T he’ rcoro ; . r R. 1I.1-. ; s u i t l.nke .................. - ................ 0 " ;

. . HiittorU's: .Ooiin'z, Davis. W ultcri■ and .Hand: ■p>oiiif>y'an<l I^ivaum;,

' Coleman's Long Hit Helps Senators-Win

I I’OCATKH.O. Ju ly M — I'll COlcMian 1 fo r t in 'r l / of th e; liriilns,' [lalrcd wltl ► 'lliim tfcy‘ill collcc t in ii tiiiinO ni,ns iVn

Hol.n' lllld .hcl|i llu- S rnaiiini win froii d ll' I’iH;ali:tl» Iliinnocliii 11) (ii.C lici'i

[ yi'Klerilay. ColoJniin minjc Ills Iniu ilrl\-c.Ju_lhcj!LVciiih. Innlnj;. ..........• .

■ ‘Mahiiicy o n mie liii mid i,«t) runs li tbri,»j Hull'll iii> liml x'oli'innu lyillccl''! JJirciU ilL L -and-U m -tiiuaJii five Onti:

‘ lu t tho iilnt'c. /«' T'":"''"- ■ • Jf'1 Pouatuiiu. ..'............. .................. <>...1'. '

niitt.'iloK: Diitf, ilirttrriKin an. I KIiib ;: Snyder uud Norlou^ . •.

n A u 7 ’«a.>iK7Ti).H(Hta()>v

I nud lTiT''VIncirp*4i;r •.tiirc Imsfrtnll I ti-iiiii«.ulll play n uuini* li>morr»n ’

aflm i'i'M i n l :i oVIurk i:l (hi- ritykball pa rk , U-uu'* m l rati-th is m lpruoiin . Tin- h to t«'ams ha>p |ihi)<‘d bi'fori' and nrc p rrlty

. Only Ik. iiilnrmiiui ndiulssi.jii to iii.>rr ;ibc Px|ienM'!> uf.,biisi'linlls « l l l Ilf I'KnrRcd. *■

\vi.N« C().M>IISSU).V SVIT

« nnmiinJIni; tn J2H7.r.(i waa aw iinled li !• C. W.**Ui»rks of T w ln .t 'a iis from W• A Malnaril, Uurloy by I’rnbato J iuIr " T J ir m r ^ - s ia U fiy ■SnLTiuion.rM^Wu:'

denied liavlnR siKned anv iR rerh icn t t >• pay u' cointutsslnn ou thn snln and ' dn t- nleii th a t tbo stipu lated nid bait Iti'Ci ; Rlvion. Nolico- o f- BpiwaL to - tb o -dls . t r lc i court wns plven.

T im es W nnt A as'u rlnR Resij'iia.

ve a ll elseo r t lo n i i . , . t h i s I to J o D g a p r in g i[a i . ; . . h r q « u Ht3------------------------ 1-. . J n Tolue. ' And.-itit ho n d i

-----*:-----------------------D rrp^flM led. . . n b ig , d e a n • fo r tab lc . Unit

W ith 212 c iib lc >^nd h ca d -ro o nicem en t. P o w er- sw ank a n d atYH t f . 'B n t a m o o t h , I ■___A —jp e e d . .. L a r g e r - i h r o i

: '■ : ^ h e r a ix V e ll:le e lb ase . . « U 7 11045. A n d witc e o f t h e A l l - q u a il^ '< ^ in ch ic u e ; ; T l ia t a n d v a lu e olTered id fx iri i f l f e

'# s d a y-T w in-Falli, Idaho _

“ O ja R o t a t i o n 7 ’o u .Q o A ^ iM

P L , |1 L . 3 ^ M j E J L

i AE M l i K i t i HO B.-0 C T QW « 2 . * « A 1. H O j

;-DAn.Y-;^a— -Vvl:-

t fG L U B s t a n d i n g s ]

I 'n i i . j R A i i o - i . i :,u ; n :. • • W.'-. I,. Pol,

0 1 . .7.'T0111 . 2 -'.r.iioI^ . :• _ .r,0(i

^ r i : ,

.Vcw.Yorli*........ ......... TiK ..T it;r :n '.f.Rfis IICicv.'bind ........... .......... :'x ' l i .C h ln il^ ^ .......................... n - • Jji • .t_!;_l

____ ,Z.,r3-i , IK . JOT

•| • XATKlNAI, I.i:A (ii‘i;I •• • • • ' w .- ’ ... Pi'l;|s :nr.' I ( nn .r.7:‘ j V x \ M (ii 'IIT. •.r.od

i f l 3fi , M t'•I Ut .'IKI

......... . m

! | ’ P .v t^ rric c o a s i- i ,K A i;r i:’ -. 4*.ilywootl ............ !l 'It .7G(

. C , fi .r.on D .COO

■ ' ■' 3 ■ -Wl

I Idaho Power Will'; ; Remodej Building

The Id lbo I 'o w rr C<mii.a>iy ntijUli'il ‘ .ib l« nm rnlnc lo Ibc ciiy fnr ii perm it ' i l o u ^ i i ‘_. reiioviitloni* bl ibi-lr iifflrii

| U i <-0Kt iif isn n o .' ' ' .' i , ‘rh irrcum ik 'lin j: will lm dono nn iin4rstt-M slv*M iM .l-ol«lmriiicjuailc_.\_uLiirc. ( w a y . will be tiuilt In ,i1ip ,re!ir of lh<t ", liullilim.' lo' allow lho nnujiany lo usp— Oic' ' i<|»d»Vlr»- |t'IU- liiru j i ' UHiina m dn-.’ • ill i 'lr-o w n ortlce wnrk. This In lu rn

I’*’!""'■ >li«l.lay and saleii room work.

. Tlio on tlrc fn>nl of (lie bu ild ing wll! bo i:liiuiKcd. II iDoileru uji lo da le’ tron l

■ I iM-iuL- lo

tbe . u iln u le ’lii th e Stiil<\ ai'.cohlinK to jiri'sen i p la n s . '

.TIiiic.H W aul Ads brlnK rcsu lls. ^


'* “ Tlu? H nilli*O T tlli: n*> rizo ii.” e ' • li'y S v iv ia Tn 'om iiM m * ‘^ “! . " lil i n d ,

ST.UDIO RENTAL LEBaARY• ----- 125 Mum Avepae-Bost—

j ' for r.e lie r day

*1045 p Mrfcrrbh.'.

J i g Y i i l i i e

i . ^ y i l ta o T c r B U e tir e a . '. __________

w>rhe f l a h e r-■hixurioua'^v4,<«nw:------— r ------] u e i n t h e le g * r 6 a m Z\ i h r y - c o m b i n e W itlx . 'l e . , . ■ . ' ‘‘.•

. ,V ________:--------------- -— -i g h o u t t h a n ' a n f I h g ~ r o r ^ » 4 i t t ] e a k ~ . l ^ I t a a l r e c o m e a ' t h e " ' ' m a & e a i t t h e b l g g e a t t t i U f ie ld . "

i '4 e O i ^ - S * ^ . i n 4 S trfT4S to $ trs. AnpHe^, — • *-« tu ito ,to w w tj .« K » jta < _______________ :I t n U n tm u m ra(« .

2Uld Co.^ Second.Ave. E.

W^rkmeinCalighTte^^ ; Sewer by FIf)od of j

- Water in Chicago, ' a y Unltfld I

' c m c A C o . .I'l.iy i_*-- S 'lva iu .>f p"- j

day to ciiill vlilTuiiri- 1(1 a ~c.\vi-i'. liil wbli'b u Kroup of •w orknicii. w .Tc ;irapiu-d by a. fli-«'l "p w ater iniiii a^ c ity m ain. •■ Melil»H-r.i (-f llio nJpa ir i-vr.v am i/ tlm cki'i'iiors u iiuouncx l aflcr. ii .'Im'cIi

llir<'.‘ of~ihi« niKni <-rcw wuicti .'iiii-i-" Cll tbi; tun ia-l wen- m, Iw o of •llic ilire«- inlimlnK m i'ii in'ni'^n't-. .w orkm en suld. Niiniy:«_.wcrc iiol-avi.n-

• Carl Clierio. nuc of f1?c- repa ir ci«'w.resn icd seven- I...... from . Ih r Me«'.Ttunne l, bu t failed lo r . 'iu r ii w licn h - deiiceiided <ui u sccund rejicue nl- tonipL ‘ • , , ,

D lrcc lors .of Ibo rcHcue -tviirk lichl liLU'ujLliuim _ d m< .,ib<; .Ttfin’j- 'L ";;-N| ri>uld'*.havi. rcrijirlned iilh i ' 'Hi llT floAJcd tiinnel.- Flvo • m em bers. Ill llic n ipa lr c rew .

?,Bcapud. by, clImbInK .m an-'llOlcs lllld till* sl.reet. !

—ln fonnv ‘1--bv '--w (,i..r;com pany auilKirltieH Vbai a w ork­man. o rdered tn lu rn w i c r liiio .me o f ’ I h re o . uew ers. hail ftooilcl the wrnnR se w e r.. • . ,

' T iii^ FOOT .s i 'K c r .M .is r il l s ' h i:.

^ m o ]

— . t h ^

' ‘ ■ • -V

____________C e

T h e w i d e s O T C

a strqngCT “ has nevfer been.

• th e H upm obilc m odem high. COI

' utilized to the fui -

la^t traceof engir case’

..... o f th e m o tp r^ llib eau tiffilx o ach

,_____ceatury!s.greates' C e n tu ry H u p n -tfrst test :of its r«

~ 2 4 ^ o d y d n d t " - ■■ O T c a c h 'J m e ,


,* K«w&mm

— Kim*ii.v,-,i.,i(vl^ir’ n r;-p ,-m -^ iil,j.’f?; K:il;ili, lll^■ I H in ln ,.. 11 iM ni v .ti|.r' h r - tiny. JNiiMnileil.

'I'llei.cUiv. Jol-. 17. M r . i>. III. SiihjM l, Cie.itloii ol 01,1 Wr>r|.| - ;iu.l Man. W ljcn'V U'!i> AVer.' A Il'll i l i l i t- i ' cf tlic T llU ri." " ;vc .fi

lUMnil.'il 'i;i;ili^.'ll-1: Mai- tl .III.: I'.i-

vllliiii n il'. :ih l «. :.i .lail 'Iih :-t.

V in r» lll ml-.' miiui-IIiiii:: ii' s<m li’i. ,iii-’ar. Ih.-:-.' I n tm - '. . .,il'..

i m i i v 'i 'liM v A ...... ....■ ‘‘TU /'ilnlr.v ileiiiiilMi-itiiTiii Ir.-ilii

u rri« rd in ^ '» lii l':ilt> mi •.i-lied- '

lil :l. Tlie' eM ii-rls,»iT c |.r^ |,e .il, •I h e ln n 'li :C ami I uud .lhe |mllMe I ‘<ia>.llii ll l<i lie u i'i'i i 1111‘jllicr ii|i- '■ piirlnilll.i 111 cMiniiiii' tlie ■niiuii)

■e\bN.I|s. The Crain « ;:• lo leu^e • I'lir llHrie.i ul |i. m. «


--CanvAS, Slats, Web and-

F R E D FOiDpos'itc Fjre Station '.

miim^L - e c l i U L f a c

i j i f c r p e c f i

t i tx ry ^ g jg h LSctlorU- iaL-paiscnRcrr tU>m‘cqUTl>!>ed,$Z02S,f.o.b. factory

sad public belief that Hi ^e ll as a.inore finely bala more strikingly demon

: C en tu ry Sixes and Ei capression. engines whost U w ithout wear o r strain.

[gtx)dsrtanc/iSYeF^a mpe le vibration. Advanced o idde m uch longerlife to t iroughout from chassis Jc .work, th e C en tu ry mo( t-advance in car design. ; Lobile a s so o n as .yoU c emarkable riding and di;quipment combinations, standard < Six of the Ccntury;$l34S to $162

o^lOS. AUimccj/.o.b.DetroiuN

_ H q p M O p i i . E )

jS IX rS c E I G H l

i l p B I l i piSTTRffi•- S2 3a-:

^ Twiu .F a H » ^ jaK o -

. ' ' • ■ • >.\GE titoee : ; . . .

! j DeatKs“’ d Funcrala |-t* l.c-mi C^_l:i)...... . lu 'id 2l . ilauKluer.jol.M erfl.lf i;i;;(ior of Uliiiliel'ly. dlird a t ’ li.-r iintiie ill J n'cliick I'hls nioriilnci.■ 1-I||t.-1-;1| ;.I1-Vlre.i will |i.- h rld III 2:3.1-'■.i i-loi-i. Momi.iv^ii rh.' K lm herly a ir(n -

11,111 . l.llK-h, i Im' Ui'V. j . in ilo ti 'S1I;U|1 WiMir-lailiti:.. liii.-riiiVni will h e a l Jlock i I 'l r t ; . e. lu.-r.-i J- Tlii'_ hiidy Ik'S a l Ih'i

; - ' CA Itn til- 'VIIA-MiSi W. ul-.h lo .'vi.r.';.). ou r sinecrc .iji- ! t in . liiiioii tin- kliiilncsH and syni- I li.iiiry riKiwii m'i .lii ilie loss o t-o u r

-vi.gtrilinl ImiiliVr, :M:i\iianl Davies. nn«l

1 • .\|r. anii ,\|r.'iV.Mii)naril ItavI.rK,.' j sia n le y ;iii.t l.loyil Iliivles.

,! Iliiiiulflcr A rr iv e s-M r: und Mrii,’ ’ ,;ifi>"l I.. WiiM'lifui; ar<- III.! parenin j .1 .laiiUii.'i- h.n'n, I'rlday . Ju li ' LI. .11 a_ i.iU:U.: M inltarliml.,' .

TO ORDER; OLD- ONES MREp , , •Staples. Bring ’em in early

O S S C O .. Phone 75-W,

i ^ 'U k U '' ' '

m o a i i r : ^ ^

jr. ‘ 3ilW |W ' ^

jpmobile builds nced.motor car, strated than in . ghts. H ere are 5 power may be . — *A t highspeeds, . '

QUEX2in££hrQushi^^^^^^=^ irs^ lim x n a te tn F ^^ ^ il,air and crank' ■ le wearing parts > the sturdy and ; dels reveal th e You will ow n a . o m p le te yo u r iving qualities._________und ciur m :5. CenturyoWor^ni' / . _ :

TORS ■ \ - -'7M i t a S a r t i - ' . i ' . . : i

• ; r * ^ 1’

Page 4: · . _ ynii. xi.. Nr.MitKu 71. '. ' ' I i'iaS TO ® iS'e-'.. » >


•; * • rH c m S 8 7 :'T n > » c d ^ c « « g lw o c lftllOD~ --------- L

' \ , .. PHONiaT a x*38 ' . • .

Bnlered u ■econd fcUH mottar April 11, 1918, at Twlo 7>lla’postoUlcfr >m itv act ot March 1, 1878. • ■ _ _________. ■ -

PablUhed avorr OTaolaff ezoepUSuadar .at 2C6 Matn Atooq* S u t; Tjrlo 'kUi . Idalu). br ■ '■

.Turas PDBLISBIHG XOMPANT. llfC. i. a Colllu, BrMld«nt . IL Crou, SsCsretarr'Traaanrer (___ T^-n CrtiHna, viea PrMldcnL _ Hnrry DrowTi. Edilor .

LdTjrtffin* .MttBogBr.......................■-■.—■----- ", T:, ~ „,,-.--.M-Joo-P.-nrowB -l in t aoporihtendODf______________ ___________ a- Oeorgq 0. CarUoa

NATIONAL n'EPIlESENTATIVE, P. C. Tholii Co., 420 Lcxln«toa Aronue, Itn ^ o rk CItjr, 80 .North MleblKan Avenue, Chicac .


.—■ _:_______ ^ ^ ---- ri.,——» <>BIBLE VERSES AND PRAYER H I

. ___ -------------- 1__k u —:_________ :___O O D 'C'AHKJv— l{f)l) >101 till’ p n o n iK’c-iiiisc- In- is j io r if ; in'itlii;r o p - »

rcKH Iho Jiiflictfd in tli/> Kiitc: lor tin- lionl will iilriul llii'ir .-ariso. •’ Hd Ki>oil .lli(> soul <»f tlios)! tliiil si>oil<-tl rligii.— I’ruv. 21!:2:2. 2:J. j.,

I’HAYHH—MjiUc iis tli'IiverorN liiid uol tlcsiioilfrs,' Ivonl. m' • _____ - _______ \v

iCRIClll JHJRAI^CQMMISSIQNER-SAYS ' ■;CULLS IS CU LIS.” . ; - ■ , ■ ■ f■ I n the m a riy ,w o rd y })aUlt*s w in c h r a g e d . l a k w in te r o v e r

le .-v a rio u s-p h a sc s b f ‘ i-low 'poU ito m a rk e t, n o n e w a s 'm o r e >v o tly c o n te s te d th a n i h a t w h ic h s u rg e d a r o u n d th e cjues- o n .o f ,])o ta to g ra d e s . W e r e t i ie y a h e lp o r a d e tr im e n t w I m a r k e t in g ? S h o p id t l ie v b e re s to r e d o r fo ro v d r aboJ- h e d ? , . ' ’ ^ ‘ • • ’ 9"'■ T h ^ r e %yere .p ro p o n e n ts- n o is y :a n d e lb q u e n t fo r ea c li d e . P o ta to e s w e re sh ii)p e d g i 'a d e d a n d ,u n g ra d e d a n d iir le p r ic e f o r t h e m o i l p a H .w a s u n ifo rn iry M o w ; due; to a n ;." /g r -s u p p ly o f th e h u m b le tp b e r s , .it se e iiis to b e g e n e ra l ly |>ii )n c e d e d . p lu s t l ie a b se n c e o f g r a d in g n d e s . f ., H o w ever,,, a d e s i r ^ to “ p la y s a t e o ri 'lh 'is po ln trtlri?/ suu? Tin: >h, le d th e r e c e n t ly ‘o rg a n iz e d P o t a ^ G row ei-s’ A ssp c ia - on o f I d a h o to e n a c t a v f - e s o lu t io n 'i j r o v id in g f o r a g r a d e im 4m b ‘ei* 'l“ a h ‘d ‘ a ” gra-dp‘ n u m b e r •2 ; -a n d - 'a l lo w in g - in -a d d i-Dn, a so -c a lle d “ no g r a d e ” p o ta to to b e sh ijjp e d . T h is to 'Io~gi«'d6r'"itrAva&*spccifi.ed-at-thc-timcr vas-to-be-the4-c'fi j j -p n ta fn ,: . Kiif-, ?i c o r ta in o d iu m a t - ic h e s to th e w o r d “ c u l l ,” , th e s o m e w h a t a m b ig u o u s te rm f." a s to b e i i^ n n i t te d . L a s t y e a r th e re w a s s h ip p e d in mo l a n t i ty a so -c a lle d M C om aierc iar^ g rad(? w h ich w a s a jy tu ro -hf-n n p s nnd . tw o s ,—T Jiisi m d p r th o 1 9 2 S ag rc fu n o jit —as~to~be~aboHshcdr*-'^—------— ------------ -----^ 1—

N o)v i t s e e jn s t h a t m a n y g ro w e rs a n d dea lers] a r e “ lo o s in g to - in te r p r e t th e ‘Ino g ra d e ! ’ a s e tftb rfic in g th c m e s iz e s a s th e c o m m e rc ia l g ra d e . . 'T h e re fo re th e co m - ~ k nin n n r n f Tp-ririiUnr/>- mnWpg d p fin itn s ta te m e n t t h a t _ uith t h e '“ n o . g r a d e ” a n d c o m m e rc ia l a r e o u t o f th e -'pic^ » re a n d t h a t a n y o n e w h o w is h e s lo s h ip c u ll lio ta io e s m u s t ^ B el'th en iscu lls .

In ta k in g th is a c t io n th e S ta te .a u tH o r it ie s w ill K ave th e nd ,ck in g -o f^ ev ery -th o n g h tfu l-H ;iti 7 n-\v lju -ca res:^a :snapL Q £; s f in g e r a b o u f ld a h o . O n e w o u ld ’ th in k t h a t c o m m o n nLp o n p n fp s h n iild ho s h f f i r ip r if frn Jininh th p \yay-^_\VP-hflLViie e x a m p le o f C a lifo rn ia a n ’d o th e r S ta te s a s to w h a t ,un i- i*”' n p i ty o f p a c k a n d p r p p e r b r a n d in g m e a n ; ’ w e k n o w a t C a l i fo rn ia p ro d u c ts .w o u ld h a v e mD m a rk e t 'a ^ a l l w e re b i n o t l o r s e n s ib le h a n d l in g o f h e r o u t)w t fr p m d a iry , g ra v e id f a n n . J a i l s e n te n c e s o.iight to b ^ p r o v ld e d f o r th o s e j ip p e rs o f I d a h o p o ta to e s w h o hurt^^the S ta te b y p a s s in g

ewistqn Gets Defense Presents. | Next Conclave — Case About Ditch H

— Of-Post{j-Men - liPKiin nrpKPiiilnj:- rln^TI'*’'’r . • ___ • '•■■‘*‘1'III'''mortilnK In llir .llsirici coiirl u,,

1 wan .yi'lcpinpil tiy Mrs. Fr;ink uKiiltiHi .Savjici-.ninl llroWn nml Alliortislitoh, iiflcr-thclr'nifi'tlni; lii ll»- Ilrown lUnl W. JI. 1’iirnrr. Tin- canniP. ,W. dull roftliiH li!ul Ih-i-H raljp«l roiiiiniiiv imkn $11.10 an nllt-Ri'il liI tip 01 ill' ..-”1 . u r r j I I "nfdent of tlir »i»coli<l rtlHlrlrl. Mr»., Hm comp.lny ri’nuti of Ihp Jiiillil-mer Clark cif hinlio Kiilln iciivo rlie jnc ^.f « mrnil rcllar^y. S.iviicr and Incponno nntl Mrs, Liilii M. Drown. • unmplt. prrMiIcO nL Ilm l)U>iln<‘fiii'/'ei>- In •t.ulldlnj: llir cnltnr llio lairrilt ‘‘nlf*- , , ‘ • waM.chnniicd nmf In nnid to hn\V cro- nK«■onvbDtlon niu-np.liil)i w<-r<. i-ntPr- niilKi.nrr i,« n roMilt of inlinil- uHijr<l wIili a roorpllnn nnil .Int.cInK xviuigr (rnin Ux- rlii-'i.f l*rty nl Dni.cflnml KrMay. .cvpnliu. , ,,„,i „n,cr«|r.n wotil.l hn\.- rncni.cMnli

o cniprlninerR, I S p r a y o f ' t h e F a l l s ■ | Sclanctni; ami tilngHig' net; Ml>«, 4 _______ • ' — ^ ,yj,|

“I*!''," , _ TTT-Vrll(m«t»ft»^rl- irr —n.T.aTrjtiDuti^ltw-lwvc-Kona-lo-l'cUuw- TlJcj

Mns. W. w.: ^VanU. 41 t; p„k <m n trn^lny'tFlp: —I, J. H, DnrnM kbvc n liarmonlra ‘ ‘ „I. and IhP Floy SroiiM of thr •!.. I'>rllitjul inulli . llrri' — M.turlre S Irniip KBVC a-clcxcr .'hit. " n u - tln'.'<'lj/nf rortlatiit Imv nrrlvrrt In C raUon-V. Har«ia C. ilow.-ii. l i i i.r*' TwfiM'aJlji ir> spctuUiin-Kiitnni.-r vu- J[ ; and Wllllum McDonald nrruntMl r;.ilou wlili bin niini.n. Sir*. H. W. -prosrsm.—i>..iM^ft*uiu-uu.r«_Uu Damilirk. iiniLaiTa, t.'. W, .Cf’lncr. . rcc Ilf Herinnn Kcxrnut. ’ Asni-« Trairlrni VI>»—Mr. nnd Mm, W. pl ink. Henry Urnccnmi.n jin.i f..rl j l Vnuns of &1I1 Cll). .-n rntiip 11loraon. to Vancoiivrr. 11. C.. nrr cncntn' ofIty earrlrm rr-Plrrli-d (iijnn U. >5r„, m. <-. l'ndpr»’o'<xl and Mr.i. C. i th of Twin FalU. i>«*lilrnl: .Har- jmM-n. Mr. nnd .Mr>-. Yminc rxprrt *' K. HowcU of Twin l-'allK. rloctrd |„ travr! Uic roi»t riiiilp tn Moxlco* © t a r y * t r o 4 M i u r ^ i r < i * - Ji^forc"rrtiirtiftrc'f^i Tlirir t,*tntt lioiiJi'.“burp third }<ar iprni nirnilirr of In.lltulr—Thr Ilev. Jl. ”:uU«n. ThP vlc.% prrMdrnl w I i,<, „,.mphrey of iKc McthndM i:pl.'>. ointed al I.pwl«nn. J. ll. ^^urch. .iceonrjwnled by Mn.. . i .e rlcc prc»ltlpnt, iictcl^an Inntall- Miimphrpr. >>»« rrtnrnpd /rom thndfflctr. Wooil IIIV.T Inmltutc anil WU h«. In" ___

fflcera 10 rrprrjirnt. thr rur? car- t*ulpll lomorrow mornlnic. Tlic r =n for h next yrar wprr etrctp<l rnrollmrnl at Ihp Inntltuip Ihln ypiir

*"» urumcUlf-laree. «S b«lns ID al- ..;o. iirc»j(lcai.:,<harleii I- UrufKRP.- trnda^cp,. nfty'dcl«ati<. IriircKcnt-I. rlcc proKldeof. Twin >'»ll»: U A. p<i Twln'ralls. ' '>eler. Kmmetl./ccreiary'trcaaurer. f Honnri.l-n. K. A*pcr. t t/tiected.dclpaatc nt J« ‘J»- rcprr.rntatlvi,'*oeal coar*'"^"; Rftconc drlfpttr. m.t.ranfp^mpany wilh'»er C. Clark. Idaho |-alh. (.. II. hpacJnuartfr* at . Sprlnsflold.' M*m ... • tnann of Parma pre»ldp<J «* InMal- ownllon In ihe. Mayotnecr. _ V l^mip of thp con-pany'n publication,

irnnv ' u-riDTC « v Iladlator. pomnvndlh* Ma hijsh-iL » n > A ^ WORK STARTS |y ,„fc.r«.r,il.«nlpfc work In.and about iH^AT TO JEROMK BRIIM.K fommrat rpa.I: "One , jnreyla* irorlt BUrt«l loaay on arwrr rrprparntall^i-*. n.' K. eonatructloa "of lour rallp* ot s .j,. La,,^ CJiy. acrney.':

wuuLn 'frtini Jcroai** to*- Thar Jii* hJH'iilrr3rt^''ac-a FaII»*J«roine 6 rld*<-. Tra t»aro». q „ |f^ „ jroorf working knoWI«frc-Ofhlaary and -«OB»lrncllaa c a « P - V>,tr copiracta. Amon* hi* „rpopt»l _ ,l l»*ji> bepn placsed on lh«Kroiin^,alr.i wp find OrdlnaVy IJfp. Twpnty Fpreparation for actual work 1‘aympnt-tJfr.* RniIowm«nt. ■ Dcfprred |.elk-arlli aUrt at ,<m<y. Annuity. anti.Slnelp Prpmlum caup*.li« work 1« bi-lait *upprvl»pd by J>U*prpd ■tf> proplc of ijrfbu» a*V». Vjivr Randy of Monipr'-lir undrr frijru 14 to 67. ,ln and-'.-jUint Twin

iprroTl.—J.-CnTfnaneh Fsii.«. irt.mir. Wr «*tprrr io brarworw t'v ia Palla. _ .' . froin Ihl* presrr» jl»» -JW rvpr." < j i


C o m m u n i l j r t o J o i n i n H o n *___ o r i n g - V e t e r a n .A s - C e n ^ — _

• t u r y M a r k A r r i v e s .

i r . 'l ln r t of Twin l-:nll»A''<-H kuown .•Plrrnii o f tlio Civil w nr. will Iio Jix- :ic:tly lOU ycnra o lir .iu jx .t Krldny.

U ..'U ir A m .T iaill 1-B- ;lon . lliu Spunl'Mli W nr W frrnnn . lli«-1 lOlhx nnd m any ollii-r piitrlullo or*i ;nnl*nl10nH of .Twin Fnllii will hold« IiIk o p rn .crl»‘ljrn llri|i_al-^ lhe ' c 'lty ' ifttk n<rxi K rldn)\ ■' . ^ .

TIiIn lictlun WUH th 'cidrd upon u f-u •onirnlllro mPClliii: n l - l lir lumm of ilrR. JoHopli Jllnkc. A(tdl»oi\ iivcntiu yi'Hl, Innl uvcnIuK. ViirUiun commit* ri'H lo w ork ou l dclnlTH o t Ihp cclu- rrnlliin w oro njiiiohtr^d nnd nro t o

n il plnnitiriiniy ’ bit coiniilcu-d curly icxl Wfick. • . . ■ • I

Ml', ; in r t foiiKlit dn'rlnR ' llie C iv jr >’n r will] lllll N ortliiirii.nrm y. lie ^vnH, urn In 'l^SS.'T li'#- Ih' nlilu to , iicl round In u lively m nnnor nud IiIh irnwiry In n llll i-xcollciil. He cnn I'ciiij InKtanurH of 61) ycnm nconuiuh ion* v(v/illy tlm n lie can |>i;ciicnlx| iiy (K'cnrrcncpn. , »■ . \G nu' o f Ihe R olnr' pnpcr rcccn lly '

trr lu d u n iii ry 'o f Air. l i n n and liln

-lUldUou—T .-^U li.-C u n K ru u an ia n .-U c[U!cied lo lie-ti^ 'iipcnkcr n t llio lilR n lidny p iir ly 'h e re Friday . ConRreiw- uii Sm ith wnii not. corl'uin todny IioDicI' llu woiild :bc h e rn on Umt ty~mif 't i i ' l iliiii iiiiiK lu '-iju ' iircai'n f i r inHiblc, A Imukct d in n e r avIiI bo rvod III if tf pa rk (liirlni; tiio noon ■ur. llio on ly ii)lilu hgi liotnK 4lint r iliiv iipenkerii n n i l . th c Kiioat ' o fi imir. A'li ori:h‘e«lrn w l in jo cnBUBodl

f»rnl«h mtiHlc nnd llic proKram^111 Inludp- miuiy Jionsn of tliu old I vli w nr Jlnyii. , vPcopln n re 'fx p c c lc d to ’ lm prcB cnt' im u ll ove r T w in K nlb county, th o ' irili Sldo nnil. fro m -o ilio r poinlH Inl n Slnto, nn Mr. H url linH’tnnny nc- itilntnnceH npil frlonil# llirouB lioiit'H Siuto. •

Idpliii n v n li i r r : F iilr tonfch t- und Snndnv. Xn rh„HL.P I., pi rn lu rr o r bumldUy. .Miideralit itlndK, -moNtly ir i 's l r r l r .


i-ln FnllB ........ ............r,7 tin'Ibo ...........?,.............. ...r...... G3 lOI

......................:...........<10-— t;i t- -? ir^ rr...... . — B n-^— un------

... ....... s - j ; r ricnteiio .......... GC !>:I'rllnnd ..........................•..... K ' Tfin FrunclRco ..... ........CL* BI

r e o o i T m a n i s o h a r o e dW I T H B E 0 K L E 8 S D R IV IN G .

1. vr. W u llhcr of O roson linn bpcn Inrcrpicil Jind held nl BoIm- nn rr> K'st n f thn Twin-J^'nUn-offlriiCK. »<•- FTIhtf- Ul- WAh^^7H:'r tV^..|-rnfiirTTFFnr - Mr. \V nttlir£ .J« w anted iieri».. on ' ursoH pn^H T t'd by I). 1>. JIarhli, fol- , winK n 'n v ro c k on n jsradr ni'jir lonwind .Siirlnc* thin w rrk . „ ,M r. r. .I lu rch nlloKPii tha t .^Wnlllirr w»:i , ivluK a r u rocklonH hnd Imiirinlrnt10 of Npopd. T h r iwo cnm t(Jlli!r-l .11 iliv liiirhh cur wuh nearly Urniul^ ■“

Tw o JIiirKli 1uly^ In 'li rp lin'rhh la r ' <r*> badly cu t. und linilHoii In Ih** -o<'k and Mr! W alllu'rn fu tfi'rcil ;t ’I i7n hlK 'urtn. • . . . _

C h a r g e B l o c k B o o k i n g

s’l:\V YORK’. Ju ly I I — U hH k.boi.k: ~ ; wan i;iiuri;i'd In nn nii'iillciitUin f>ir

In lun rlinn >Hi!d by Ih r .Indrprnd .I Molloli I’ic tn rc .lixhlbllori*. Inr,. ;Un»l M riro-G oldw yn-M n>vr DlMrlli- nK co rporn ilon to ren tru ln th e lut-- • ooncprn from alwrnjitlnK tii nl>- n m pinbrr thcnlerit fi'oni llic,f«ir- *

rho ijliilnilff cImrKl'cl M-CjAi tiil«p<l to liuvc t rn nolKh»Hirhoi)il iVIr hon'sP" li'roak thV lr ronyac '.s • ;h Ihn indPix-ndrnt concorn jin d f (IvR .{ ^ M u r * k :^ l imnBh MirfWai , A ri:ii- , -r

• __u l

i* D u ltry P r o d u c e r sV c w i l l p n y d e l iv e r e d to o u r _ I n ri t a T T w r n F a l l a : : ^ l e a v y l i e n s , c o lo re d ,ii‘r Ml................................ ..............^ islit I lc n s . c o lo re d , l l i ....... 1 5 < t 1ioh 'ho rii H ft is . in T ib . .......l * f \t l e n H i a ^ P r o d u c e ' C d T "— IJO T JL T R Y A N D 'K G G S — s 5 9 m i l S t.'_________r h o n a 175

P A I R f l A N K S I V T D R S E ; ---------

(all B e a r i n g P u m p i n g

U n i t * f o r I r r i g a t i o n

P * irv M oloni. AnJiyn»H«- 7 »tpm« .( o r dppp n p lla and cli*

tr ra* .

^ V I E H W E G B R O S , .-------- A uth.-.ttiW T V alV r» . '

F a i r b a n k s M o r s e P r o d u c t s'K »erj_ M ac a I.pador •

hoap ISSS. 132 ThirU A ^ . Norlli. Q jifA llP Magei AHIotnol'Ilp Co..‘ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - , ,

I g l W > ' ^ L B D A ^ T O

I^oosehparCtegLOJL^ ; = 4 ^ ] ^ ^ I | < ^ H e r e = j ^ n i g h t j

.MooRi^hrnrr ItORlon nf tlio World! (V ntrni Idului lv<^Klnn. Nn. IH. Ik coh* veiiinK In 'T w In KitUa for Itu flm t nn- niiul ‘ tlilH ovohlnt'. .- A paruite, lllroiiKlt th r buHlncHH Hirctlon of lown,' pnVilolpuird lu 'l iy Ibo (iootllnxi'n drill ;oiim>' nnil iliu Jc iom u . womon'K I

uumnipVi on^u irucl?!’ Ii'nd filh tr fou-' > liirrn , will bu Iho Initial event o f llio I •crW im tton:— ^A.-tintrnncr-nn '-M ooSur - henrl mrn>liflrn. Mooxc nml women' nf | |li<> nux lllu ry will 'b c 'h r ld iit ilii> Odd I rniow K hnll follow lns t1i» parade. I

•rh<- pnrn<rn will form a l the. pnrk 5 nml will procroKH aouili on Shn»hone hifpi'l to Srcnnd nvoniii' north , w rn i I

niii-'w..«t, fiiMi 10 l-'onrtli «t;rO:-l“ i>iilIiT ] aud re lu rn in Mnln avoniie nud Sho- ; Kluinr Nirec't. norlli lo the Odd F r l- < tn w s 'h a ll . _. ■ i.

A. .1. S n rio ri: ■Rpnk|iiie," unrlhw*(T!tt- J MipiTvlsnr,. uccompnnlcil Iiy MrH, Sur- tnrl, will bu ''jironrni. • ‘ t

j . ’1 .> iax i;k i, • j . r i ’HKiiAX c m rR C H i ® r.U3 Third Went-■M. H . :^IK«1, PnHtor. - , . s

N ulilinr MervlccH j io r H tinday 'ncIiooI t

1927 S ta r Six L andau1926 Esiiex C oach 1924 F o rd Sedian

T lis2 6 -F o rd -T o u rin g ------ 1 9 2 g - O ver lg n ^ - Cgs elr

1927 R eo F ly ing Cloud ----Lef t w ith u t ti} »e ll a

IDAHO AUBUR223 S econd A ve. E. ■

I M o f

can bill) afJov

^ 7 1. ' .‘C e ^ . . . . fSTO: T t m

Roackccr . . . 6 7 0 D e Lt lill)lilt) > (

2-D ooy S e d a n - ^ 6 9 0 - -4 J> o < :

AU ^ Drtr^ia a>rjUtTte eur«<f ilM e / f n

BOBI■ . j^333 ,M ain

' r ' , . - •

n’ill-lii'i .he ld ul Ihn rliiire li ISundny.' 1 'PlioM-iinKr<'KuU>iu-iaJnvll<!d-tu.^lUuid! .1

t}nK im ct^tr-ttio -buM i« i 'U U -< ilin r«h .^ -n d c irn t-lo i .iu , Jlcv-. ZiiKol w in-|ireueli ; Uiu iiurm oii'u^ Kdcn. i


'UvuiiKelli'tii ■ Murnti . nnd Slinrpe, j lioIdlnK nurvj.reii n l tho p iivlilon.'eor*

in‘Coml--*Ha«Mw—aiul— L'oiirJ.!' H treri_w e8t, n u n o u n v c Ihe followliiK proKrum for lliu w eek:-r^ tinnn jT T Jttly—iV -n rrv lK o- 'a t—iO S ,p.. in. S u lijrc i: “ aaljin . T h r orlitin. lilHlory und ilm llny of. lU6 iH lie? From wla-iK'tt did ho coinc iind wlijit w ill, h r IllH end?"

Momlny, Ju ly lO, •«:ir. p. lu. No leetnrc . . . .. ,

ji>ct. '"i:rfaViiin ilf ~^ iir iuirlft “ ami Mnn. W iiru? Why w ere 'nil tlit! n il- oru of tiie iiiilx-orn<- prrKVnl? Suven itlUKeH. of the r r i 'u tlo n 'b eu iillfn lly U- InHlruted.”

‘.Wrtiuoiulny. .luly IS. S;1.V .p. in. S uhject: '.‘Tlio tem pln llon nnd fnll ol mnn. Han Adnin'n miHtnkc proved a liiesHiiiK o r n'curMC?" ■■

ThurKduy, Ju ly 1!). S;ir> p. in..l S iib je d ; "Tiie n ifiJ ili' rodcnu’tlou 1 ilfnt KUvOd .llllli w orld, froiil permu*

% ‘‘ ‘ " j f

S - f

1 S e d a n

i B r o u g h a m " ;

t l a D i g S d c i ' i f i u a ------- [

W.SALES' CO.'P h o n e . 2 0 4 - 1

V | | O U

^ p r i c e s ^

H R ^

M --- - T N THB new C" . 1 O U T H y o u j

_ a im n ly w on’ t bcli« ' au ch 'p R cc^ 'U fitil^

H '* • th e m fo r y o u n e lf .

I N e v e r b e fo re ,H you cxpccted, miH . £ p e ^ , - s u c h p o m

neat—obt a ve»tigi ^.s otJt its en tire spec

i n s • - • J*®5 r u l l - ^® , u p h « r tf len n g a n du x e C o u p e p e c t o n ly in a t * J

qr^Scdin ' 725 - N ererbefore * b r^ n g jw w e r .- I

Urt^re . d f ^ c 4*)rbeel' b n k e lining—tw «

E R M iI ' A v e n u ^ & u t ; * P h o n e '

- ■ L •

lent liiriln'lhm. Wliy did tli in .n e t re* :iuIm-'-.UuU_Uiu__lu c ia io ji.i.o t_ iypd 'u

:-Ki4dayr-ju'u(> 2U,-il:IC-p.'mf-Snhjui'l4- "l>vo nii'ji ihn i w en t lo liin iven 'nnd Niinn hnclc.” '' .

Sulu tdnyi ■ Jtily , 21.- ,8:ir>. ji.' m.

‘G o MMor m ake a mistak<

C h r i s t )-TRAINED-W IED



f ^ a r a\ ^ T W IN


. PfymouiA 4 'b o o r Sedan, ^725 , '


h tj- a U f -b u a t P L Y M . u /> d d o lla r s : ; e t re su lca t h a t y o u to a n in su o c r^'e poM ible in a c a r o f . „ ■ u ,r

i u c h low p r ic o ^ J ia v c p ro fileic h le*» iw d ia d , au ch - •t r , a n d i t l c h im o o th - ***««' ^ e o fv ib r a d o n ch rauch*d ran g e . ^ ^ “ 7 _ . T ” -

VC y o u e n jo y e d *uch' S t a n d u t t i r e dlu lt- t tx e b ^ . .F ta e - s u ^ » tow -t

a p p o in tm e n r^ -o u ex* .q ia a li ty a n d u t e t . . g f . r n » t . . :

E y o u e ^> c rica cc d a u c h } « u rd isp o « a ln tc to a l .0 ^ n d i n g h y - k n o w y o u , tob r a k e s .w ith tn o w d M ic C h ty a le r’i> thc r c a r itn d e r a ' ih e l o w a t - ^

3TOR3 0 ' . T w i n F a l l s ; ]

'.Nil letinre,—. 1_,SuLidH>.j_-UlJy 2-. 8 :lP t i. m . 8 u>>- ,

itrrltcm.^.aail—CTlcuUitcd-'br Bovcm! uHtninomurb. rev(uiIi«:,4iomo dalound-. li'iB fuctn cqnccrt everybody.'’- .

the date

' Bros.r - A N l M A - L - - - ^ r


d eF AT l «%

’ _ I’ . . ,

' '

,. S'. I

t i ’io e^ o jpp td -.b ring you •top with leaat prcaiure.

:racy!e. S tnartnew ilecder> o r . Sleek, txiza lUhoucttfl

tw .bcTore haa thetv’ been '

ariced a r t em bbdfiag tbeb e v a Iif to f tb e €D « i; ' 'X to p U tt ■ K j w o t h a t ■ L R id e in i t .d r i ;e ! t« a d » « T w, w U .be ready.ta accUtm 'CrowTung aduevetoenc tn *

^ u .

M zfdahfl ■ :

Page 5: · . _ ynii. xi.. Nr.MitKu 71. '. ' ' I i'iaS TO ® iS'e-'.. » >

v 'i c r ' ......... -

• : !^ATTTnT>AT...JnL-y .1-l. 1033!

mmm"BfisSiess Directory

raSOELLANEODS• tlY P E nvn iT E R S " 'T

JVo Bell 'om ; n f)N T 'cm : F IX 'cm. A irteakoB . D ealers In


:J > a c a L jm c m .J1 8 ..W u ln ..A jp . N’n,

U O bER N WOODMEN O F AMERICA m e et a t t.'-O . O. V. li;tll every 2Dd a o d 4th. Monday.*. -

TW IN F A IX S JU N K H O OSE-iM ET- alB. rubb er,'b idc fl, pc jja-nnd turn.


N ew location , 13S T lilrd Ave. E. P honu 2W.'; • ■ ~


P hono 348; •S to ra so 'a n d crhtlng.

M cN ICH O M TRA N SFER & STOR- ago C o .. O arbaea hau led dolly. Phono 800 .' ,__________• ' , ,•

PTAnUERO TRA N SEEH tc STORAGE Co. Slorago and specliil carload ih tp m e n tn 'to C alifornia. Phono 142.

g g P F ^ y - P A m m q '

[tdYAL SHOB R E P A im N O . F. UEY< ora, Proi^- 130 2nd St. E . .’ ' •

IDAHO ' SH O B R E P A m iN O , iO F. , -W a jr tie r rP ro p .— 218'M tt!n:N -PhrO O : -

rW IN -F A L L S . SH O E REPAIRING— •133 ShoahDDO w ent.. Plion? 338. , Servlco a n d q u a lity Ruarantecd.

. ■ ■ • ' tEMODELLl.»<G. ALTEItlS-G. CLEAN- ]

InK, J 'rra s in ir . *3nno by c^|nirfS n l • ronAonnlitn BrlccH. I/niIic9 nnd mrn'K : Su iu i (0 o rJ ttr . Vou c m U«v« ■* by If you «co BnMml T li« .T n llo r. O re r Idalio D opiirtiarnL ntorc. Phono 634W.- • -• . ]

-----------A<rToaiwys. •— ^) .. C. I U L L . . OVER CLOS BOOK " :T3tqn>.- ^ P ^ o -» 7 r« w : - i ^ 8 -- ■ ' ">. P . DUVALL. LAW O F F lC a ROOM

7, Panic & T ru s t pidB . Phono 747:

amcfl R.-'Oothwoll—•^V^rOrr Chapman i

___________ W ooda B ld g .. __________ “

1WEEL?!Y '& SW EELEY. ATTOR- . ney f. Id ah o Pow er building.* • ;

i and 4. Sm tth-IU ca buUdlng. .

o p n o iA u s '•;YB SPECIA LIST—d r . W M .D .nB Y - . nolda. 209 M ala. N ex t door to j. J . C. Penney Co. •

...... - PUKO TUNINOf - : - _lANO TUNER—S. 0 . HULL. IB Y ltS . ^ In T w in PalW k ith Claudo. Brown U nalo com pany. Phone 008 o r 834W.

M O ^ Y TO "lo a n • • AT H IN K I IlX VB T im DEST" LOAN o ffe re d In T w in F o ils on c ity rest- ^ d«ncoa and bualnesa blocks. A lso a p dandy farm. Joan.* 3. E . ' Wbltd;Phono 547.________ ____________ -

lONEY TO LOAN ON F A ^ t AND ^ c ity p roperty . Compnny ai^d private .

■JHDWJTJ----Cr"E.“ r6lH,T, 'T l^'"C«t*t0f ~T w in fttllB .

OANS—FARM'. AND7-CITT ‘LOANS; T w in .F a lla T itle m d A bstrac t Co. _

r a n l T * AMD V IO K T A B M *O R SALE—CU ERlHK S. SW ECT &.«M>mUw>»U P bopa ■086J ,. -m an . ■ ' ' . ■ -

. FO B B B irf-. 'o n R E N f— n v R n o o M m o d e r n j;bouse. 520 itth east. Phone 460.

OR RE.ST—6 ROOMS PClU<lSllED. _Phone 406W. CaU 621 .M>tBjr.;gt. -

0 R 'n E N T ~ 3 ftOOM ' F U W lS H E D ^ nnnrtm 'pnt: N'o . c l^ ilrP ti; .830 Cth F

^vonuB no rth . ' ^ > > - _

poteh.T73ttdted-HtMriMo.=aw=r^=:=:==» =

OR REN T—T H R fiff ROOM FUIUf- w U hcd -apa rtm enL _ .‘0unB»la.w .-.ApW _ 2nd avc. e a s t ._ . _

U ^ t b&OMkeeplas. T v o 'a n d th fM TOomM. cloM ln ^ « q d_lqw by rM fc o r m on th . Tb» O ste rd . *28 - >Ute W. M^ n _ T}EWT—F nnWTSHRD - A PA RT; m ont. C all « • torenoon*. m oro iBB. • ••

U180ELLAN20UB ....._: g x v r p A s r u R r 5 o r 5 5 T K E A S sheep . 3 m ile* n o r th o f M u M u sh p on highw ay, p h o n e . 'l r r i g a t jd 'p a s - tu rc . O scsr Cox. - g

rOB flALE-J tK ftt^ '^E S T f^ ; ^ w ^ T t j S ly H N B ' ^ A P O iF ' HOME . S a f l i ^ t b T f o r m r . J W D ^ ™ ^ o l 'tW * d t j . M odera. -O o w r t to o t lo t ”Ir tonlOod. Ttia»boB«: t n torp w tlcnlm . ■ . . .. _____ 'ji, _O a l b - o o o dbooM alx room s and m tO .M J ^ ^ o u U ? u U d l B « . .c l o r t t o J v t a .S n « . ow n o r, BOX T. PM lT Tim es.

p . M ePrtde. R o « o r W J |g W L r> f f r - O N B K A C H I N E > a ^ m O 'O NO m o B T rail •p ^ ^ . FTBdof n o tlly Tlm M oW c*. p„

tST — A U T 6 M 0 9 !L E . AWT^NO . r ItiR c l t r «»««». na<»*r i t T tm « o iw !^ '

IT ADS mi. , R O O M S T O B E R T ]

KOU - R E .\T -K U » N J S M IE T rT j(U rr J •bouKij'kecpliiK roonifl' n n d -’ ;(inK lo'| ;i<l«'i‘I)ljiC roomit. a t D.irrnw Ittwum, 328 ShoHhopo S t. Phoao IflCOW. /•.

I’o i i m :N T ~ T w o ■ rN M T n N is iiK n riinni« iinil Hlvi'plni: iKireli. rm iulro 2fl!> Hurrli-oii a fic r jii.

IX)i{ iti:N T —TWO i.A RH i: n n o M ^ i " l i i l cooklnB iiccoinMiotlnllonM, in

- ^ n i r r r r i . . » n » » » i>jvi. i » i ,o „ r 6 :m r

u i:i )i io o M I’o a ht ;n t . c i - o s i i *, lnitli'« only. Cnll 13!)G\V. * . 1

UODERM ROOM FO R RENT. PHONE | 417. 421 2nd avct}U0 wes t. ,

FQU KENT—NtCU COOlTTtOOMR JN ! Iirlvuto IioiiKi w llli l)o:ir>I o r onu or , two iiiciiIk a day, w llb Mii> uhc of fron t porch or fro m room. Call ni ,

-~2Sn-iinn-7«rcrf;p. '_________________ i

HOARD JN D ROOM OR SI.ICEJ’INO room. 222 filh iivi',.'N'hI-

S IT U A T I O N S ,'W A N T E D .iiooK .K K i:i-i;i{ , s r i ; . ' iO ( ; u A i ^ 'i { ! *

t'XjH-rli'iici'il. wW h's 'j»onJUon, .‘ /iiall sa la ry lo ' Hiurt,. wilt, ko aiiywli'irc. I’liono.70iW o r w rllo C. J . ’ I)., 2IS , N, :trJ a w n u f . L^ty. • ' ' • j

j IR I-.'O K • s i :v i :n t i :k n w a n t s !,■^nnnn"iiijifie.'jj'X };FrU :irvi-d." I'lujn'TT. m i . _____________ ■ '

W A N T E D . M I S O B L E A N E O tr ^ I^VA.vri:i». TO H M ^ .T T r n r f v t ^ ^ ) i

HlicL-p. I*hhnc 208.,Tw in WillM, Slim- | lU 'Piilrlng. ■ '

iVANTICI) -sT R A N S l'O llT A T lO S -T a f_I0ahO.J.*uUa. ur_l*nfnH 'lln___ I'liUim _

12H1!W o r ciiU- Kt2ll 7 tll iiv.‘, caitl. 1

iVAN’TKD — nilA CTICA Ij NUIISI.VO. \ -P liH rn n C C JT '--------------------------------------

•R oomih, 418 .Soutli '

FO B K A LE — M lS O E L L A N E O b sT3n -^ £ \L l^ A -I \ -ltx r{ G A lN ^ ’KTCKS. "

nrcond banil_VeBtitfiL npnn H iiilcra q rccoudliloned In o u r nhop. All w ork , c

prlccii nrid te rm s bnforo buylnc. R. c W. s tc c lo & Son. 121 3rd nve.: w en t u

_PJionn; l_0.1G.;;. _______ ' .................... ri

TSE EVERGREEN .'F O R ALL iS - - j ic c iJu n jjIn n tK , i r « licm. D nrrow n

BroH. Sped & .Suj>in}- Co., Tw in n I 'aJIs, Idnlio.

IP R IC O T S IO N E MILE NORTH. % 5 w cm of C urry. ' l=1,vn ccnm oni^n-or ^

T C ^ = i iT 5 m T i E ^ N D ; ^ i i . s w E ^ y jlic rrtca -lo c -a ftlp , Mrn, f irn rtT U n - ooln. I'hyno C02R1. ' •, “

X)Jl .SALE—BIG 'MONT.MORK.NCV • cliorrlcK. K enyon O rccn. Mionu S23J3. . .........................

O R S A I .E -G A S KNCINUS IN 1. 1>^, nnd 2»;4 hnrncpnwor. T w in Fniln Jjirik llOiiHc. ICI 4ih «vc. S. VbDiio 705. . •i* m rr iT g w i f t. ni.* n m r t h i * 'n T i l o f jfc x rw r 'B F a l emo mSlFiriinUiT ^

nillu wcfit Soulli Pa rk . Call 1027.

O R .S A l.i;-M A JE S T IC R.VNG1: IN w good condition. 7C2 2nd w est. .

lANO BAROAl.NS: RA RE TRA D E IN _ b a rg a in s In up rlgb ts . g ran d s nnd p layora ; s tandard m akes..S om e llko .

W'rlto todny. B aldw in Plnno Co.,- JC36 C a IU o rn la .s trec t..D ca v cr..C o l­orado. ■ — __

L A yE R PIANO IN EX C E L U JN T A condition, beau tifu l w a ln u t case. w ith rolla ond bench. W arberg

■Vf*uat*r. . 1 ^ , X

OLD SBAL RUO.S SOLD ON W EB v- a ly paym ents . S w eet's I 'u rn ltu o .

■______________ ■ - - 1 . Ao f t .S A L E — WALNUT DLVI.VG A room .fu m U u rc . period .Cnll \888. ’ A------------ ------------------------------------------ ^

. F O B HAT.B O B T B A S E . - A

Bfdcr HoUBtf and 'lD t. ThOOd 10<8W. ,

’ANTED—A LL AROUND .BLACk '^ » ' •nUth—W .-M . C a n llo n ,.F ile r, Idaho , J;‘ B ox 325. g

XNTED A T ONCE. A GOOD M J^’ Ci to -co > a r. local .lO D -a ia rc -ro u tc i-a a Cc nclllng : Just dU tribu to nnd c o lle c t C* Write- P c r ls Mfg. Co.. F lo rin . Penno . Cl

AN W A N T t:0 PO R W ATKINS c i rou te. A verage e arn ings $3S w^ek-

mrike pe rm anent. lu y in g connection, c i W rite tb o J . R. W atk in s Compan}*! Cl 4606 Hoftlff S t , O akland. CallL Cl

F O B S A L E — A T J T O M O S n J f l . c^C O A C ll ' A Cc

b a r? fttn . Call 646 2nd a re . so . a f te r g

5R * SA LE—CH EV RO LET ROAD- Dc a ter. . 1926 model. Good condlUoh. D t Call a t 621 'U a ln w e s t ' Br

I.. . J ■ — KlJR SA-LB CHEAP. 2 H TON TRUCK, q ', B uda m otor, com pound so a r. In - q , q u ire 602 2nd s t r ic t w e s t ' * - c e

M a i l ’s U s e < l . ( ^ s o |

1926 Dodge' eonpe, good tire s . R uns Gli d looks good. IS76--. . ' . Go 192B Oodffi sedan . 6 good tire s . T h is G r r h u h a d n rce lle n t car* . $575. - O r 1924 D odxo. lou ring . S good U fe t. ' 00. ■ ' Of102< PQ H coupe. 1300. . - ' He lft26 Dodgo to n rln s . ru n s good .'itSS . H i 1 9 » Oldsmoblle coach. I42S.- IU1936- FOrrtson t r s c to r equipped w ith In! JU y y d lO T era o d C U r y ptow a. l u

Magisi 'Automobile }j. . * Joi

rHEsimFire Consume? Huge tra c t of Woodland

' ‘ By Uoltfd F rc ii VK.NTimA. (’III., Firo

tw«!i-|iin;r llic K ruicr-m ijiiTitnln'iii llu*' Sauia H arl)n ra ’.nK M on»r'7or('yt tmd

? ^ r iri!].'^^liU r '^ -iu 'h^l~ v .H l-o n tro l'o f Hit! jr.o im-ii Initlllni;.

T hc-lil!»zo Htiirtcd' liitc 'ycKKirday ly IlH' ox|)losltiii of n caiyiiiir'n khhu- llic Rlovo. ondanarrc 'd llviw iiml MiiiiPN' wlicii It WIIH fiiiincd'. liy ii itrnrii; w ind ' laKt nliilit. Sco rc i of •iiiiiiH-r^ wcru forced (<»• fico from limrlerK nen r I,cUcc nnti four calilnii .«uVo reiior.ied ilo»iroyec(.’

E arly ■ loday, liowuvur, tlic ilircfix lied out und firo riKliter.s -xiartcil

A ustr6 <-Italiftn > F ron tie r C losed

** 'By A uthoritiesLONDON. Ju ly in—Tlic en tlr i' Auh-

ro-jiiillDii frun llcr has been 'c loncd »y Ilalliiii nutlinrltlcH iiRiilnnl cn- rnnrcf of Atisirl:mH.-wlili. .‘ven local i:;uuiluw .tm t|w rU -luvalld :M d.^;u ..V I. nna dlHpulcIi tr> th e 1/ally Exprcsn al.I loday. • •.Tile runson . kIvoii fo r llie aotlml

H th a t lh e Tyroluni! hail tnkun olijue,* InnH lo Itnly'H iinvi-llli);; a victory mminiicill ycnlcnlay oii file sTTT v-heru Ihe 'T y rn li'n e hnd-lnten<I>‘(l to invi'll It iiToifiitncnt U> (IcceaHed Auh- rlm i Impurlnl nbariiMliooltri*.

p e o e o r SS T 0 € ™ A N G E'. B r UBliad F rtiis , . .SiKW V ullK .. J u l y 1 4 -K x lre n iriy -

uJut— tra<lllu;__faaturud i.S lu rk__ Ex- .jImiiKC.ilciillnKH today. ■ •"'CTfiFinir”™ItTtcmi^^wHrT*^^Ti'Dnnt^^TTv »liaiiKoil from lho prevlnua cloiiInK i!vi'1k. W llli.cxeoptlon of It m odenilc ;illy hi ullH .'tlivrc WHII, ll t tle jf i'a lu re . .New IiIkIih '(>11 till) muvemcnV xvcru :

corcd tiy. A tlnnllc-R cflnlnK . Iiidlniiii;tf ln lm ;.an d iiovcrnl o f thu SianOurd ' IIM..Spctnilullvo lenilcrM like U nited - ta lu s Stcul, Gonvrui M olors. nudlidli) nold o f t to (hulr prcvioiiH c los- |llS.-lnvrla.LMni>Ignmrry,. W an t. ..lin iv 4 vcr. HOld off ninrc U m u' 2 polntxH~uii~n«liiniir<;i-m»riil— ol "K uritl-n lir 1 iw cr IcvcIb of prIccH t<i lio m ade In« no.u' full-'CntulOKUu. 1Till) m nrkcl cloxcd IrroRular. '

.S.VX FKANCISI'O l-IVKSTOC’K ISAN. rR A N C IS C 0 j_ Ju ly ..l4 —Cnttle. .1

la rk e t n lcndy; sic'cr», i;ood $lu.!iii([' .'I l ; co«vn. Rood »K«S.CO.'Calvcn. m arke t Htendy; medium .to Ilolcc S3.250^n,25: vealcr'K. j»tfffliini. inoil and cholcc $l].2SfM3.:!5. . ; IIokk. m arke t 10c hli(tier< IIkIiI

'Shiiuii nnd Inmliii. m nrhct xlritdy: mtm »12.1G(2>n.SO; cwch JIC 'S ; i ■ethers I 8» 10. . ,

Tlmcn .W nnt Ads b ring rcnulln. *

- • ............. . i.'_^r(C l(n>ng.<iu

tiled Clicm. iinil Dye .................. ICO 1m n.C lialm er* MfK. Co...... ........127“:-i «m er. A grl. C licm .'.....................-•.-v 18^«m cr. lie c t 'S g g n r Co. .. ................ 1,m e r.'C a n Co. ................................ .83% tm cr. Cai" and Fbundry ........03H 1;m cr. nnd Fore ign Pow er ------- 32VS jm cr. Locom otive ....................... ... 97 . jm cr. S m elt ond Rof. ..................XSfili Am cr. S ugar R e f .,.......... *............. "0 Nm ef. Tcl. nnd Tel........ ..................175. ^m cr. T obacco B . ............IMVi Vm cr. •• W oolen Co. ------- -18 Nmer.- 7Jnc ........... ........................... .N

tchlRon, T opcko & S a n lo Fa_,...l«6>4 N

in U m d rb 't Ohio"............._...,:..T.':100 • Ntlh lehcm S teel ......------- :.............04U Nillfo rn ia P ack ing .... ........... ........G9V4 .Vilun te t-and -A rix o n a______ :— 95- Nm ado D ry ...... .................. *......... 74*4 Pinadlan Pacific ...... ...................202»i Pla c J ) ic c ! h ._ ( J .n . .... ...........-..-ii..32() , P'r ro de P asco Cfippcr ....................4% *icsapeako & Ohio .......... ..............1 7 8 ^ Pilcago G re at W cB lcrn ________ 1 3 il PJ.. Mil.. S t P . A. Pac. ............- 33U P

do-- ■ pfd ....... .......... 45 _ P

iL. R. L & Pac. .. ............. ;!Z^..112 Rlilo C opper ______ ___________44T4 Riry sle r M otors _______________ 71% Rtic s S e rrlco (curb) ....................66H Rdorado F ne l and I ro n ___ ____E9!i S'iDSolIdated G as .... ......1_‘_____ 147»i;S1m tln en u l C a n ..... .....;_____ .il-O S H lS lrn P roduc ts ■ _ _______ , ______“OH 8*uclble S tee l ___ -?0H- ^K lB 4.A ..._ .------ _______________J3 H S<iP onl do N em ours A C o. „:...._37S SIlo R a i l r o a d __________ l . i _ __ 6 IH 8«ectric P o w e r,a n d U g h t _____S4Hnera l A m erican T ank ...____ 70 SItjc r a f A sp h a lt ____________7 2 . Stnera l C ig a r '---------------------------tZMn j r a l E le c tric __________ :__ i_147>4n era l U o ^ r a _______________ ise % “ne ra l O atdoor A dfTcU s. ? 5 3?Bble B ro th e rs ___________ 64%"• o d r l c h __ :__ _____ 1__________ 73»iaham ••PalRO M o to rs_________ 31H U'e a t’ N o rth e rn pfd. _ i i . ___ 9SV

.do - . - e t t s ............ ao% Ul•e n e C anaaea. - ....... ..................99H Qiwe S o n n d l___■_* - ___ 57% •u U o n .H o tb m ___________ :___81 UiInote C e n tra l ______ViIw d .S tae l - • •____ 65 IVi j^ r a ^ . Copper _______^

c e m a tlo a ^ N lekel ___ _ H % ^

^ jig 'v


FALLS sl ig h t l y :____ 1 . il

.CIIICA<;6 . Jn ly i i .—Ilenvy re-cciiuH hM ii> Il

Corn ilropped iiimnily iviirti ili" eiiHli m iilk(t«^fcaki'iK 'il. lo’' ' n ''frnctlnii. . . ' ! .

Wliea^ eloH.'il UWVic tiff: ro n i wa:i '■ dowir I '.»!}, r-Vc. .ami oiitu wjih- uu- » cliartK/>il lo off. l’rovi..liiii.< wi-ie. ' uneliaiiKtMl.V w Uvia wiiH uuHcUU'd mo^l of lUi-. ilify. llearlHti Intlnences w ev '.ijje . ! 7 .‘r iniirkel a t L lveriiool uml x o ia t i - 'j w enterii,w i'iitli('r.. w lileh wan f liv o r-l j nbltr-^for liiirv.'KilnK nnd h1iIi>i>Iii>t. g imi iiiJu< -(i;;ll.! .Simlttsvciit. ou ,Moudil>‘>lteL-eliil;t „ u e rP - 2r airH •wiili tliv cash m arkrt. „ unrliauiicd to Vje lower.. ' ;i— OfferluKii In eorii wrr(l"Inrr<’r tli.nti ]| 1‘XPei'teil .anil tlie iiiiirld't wioi iiiidernr ooiinlileniliie iireiiHun- for ii time. T lieli', can1i n in rk f i was Iiii':i<.- lowi'v •wltl 1,

:t< J f l v:irn. . /f,Oatii Uud iiSujtlu'r dull rfJ:iy. fieloK ,.|

Influeneuij chiefly Iiy tlie nlluTKriiliiH. T h f bell liuil cood weiUh.-i'. Jteci'iiUK a »vj,‘rft 2.S .carit wllli th e cuhIi niurla-i «.|iinchniiKed. ' , -----— '. 1::. Kutiire^ rnnued nu follow,.: s\vni-;A‘r - i oiicii i i i u t r i.ow -(Moh- i;J u l y ......... ;.I2!IH i l ’s ' ; r i 2U '; ,,.=?ent; ....... KiL’l i i;|-.’Tt i : i j ‘iDi'c...............v.vv.'-.r!O Tr^=— ------------------------l u l y ............loy '-i - m s ] i i i \ n>r.>'..Sept....... .... !is'.i iiS'1,

OA’i t t ^ - ........ _________ I' _____urur>'l old.. . i7->; ■' ■I.s . -i7 's ' ’IS v Ju ly .'n o w ,. ,4H’ i .1! ! . •I7':-,- -ill

iTT-ir. . . , " “ !"4_l‘' i 'MTfc T:r:i •Illl;

--------- ________________________________z. (iH IC Anir. Ju ly M ,-C o rn ; S o . ' 2 f rellow $ l,li7ifrl.07U : - .N'l. yellow n.04!>iJiil,0r.Vi; No. -4 yollow ?i'1,ii:iv:^-._Nl>._ fi vellow ■.I'.i'trtl.iiai.:.’: _ Vo,. S, m ixed ' Jl.Ulil^-; Ko. II lillxeill

i.i.iH H :. .N’o- 'i w hile Jl'.O l: trade •!i:}T»7i4<-.

Oatn; No. 2 ,«vJillu 0Si.iffi71c:> .Nu. .1 wlille C4tfifihe. . ' ,

Tliuolliy;_Cluv.cZL.£2:iti2U 5— ------------------ ---------

i ’iiu ',v f»o p u o n r c i :CIlICAfiU. * ^ 1 4 — B utter receiptH

:4,709 packuKcH; no m nrkei on Sal-*wh*«,— _____;_________________ _

Kkkh. rcccir l tt~ 'n2.1S g - c a a e g : ^ t t ^ inturduy. nuirkol.

C|i« ift^iiri'C c. ;Poultry rccelplit 2 l-jxr*: fowlii, heavy

!4c: Lesliornfl SOc: (lucks.-Iii'avy I7 c : imull JCc: >Iprlnecrii 20c;^ i;oc5o . I4c iirljeyH 2i)cj ' rooitlera 17c; brollcru 12c. • --■rotiil6eH..urrlvnlH 7B cnrn; o n lrn rk 07 ciirii; in irnimli 714 Ciir«:-Mli*Hou-. - I 'n n d Knminii •ivicltcd 'Irf'ih Colihlern' :MO«Pt,lG.

PORTLAND. Ju ly 114—Livestock eci'ipiH In Portlond for tho week 'iidlnK today w ere; c attle 1875; hogs ;S8a; Nhccp CS08. TIic only receip ts oilny w ere 17C hogii. T lie hog m arke t

Ki O x ^ Iv O 'o UU o_nfl;__ ___

Celth Alboo.oVplieum ........ - ....... 19?»':clly S p r ln j tf le u r ..... ............. ......... .20Cennccoii ............., ..........*.......— •02U |

jUMbort ___ ..............T.'.;.r.....l07»4.ohigh V alley___________ ____;___97 1.oulsvlllo and 'N ash v lllo ............. 144lack T ru ck s ..................................... 90Inrlond Oil .......... .................. :____3W illam l C opper ...... ............................2014UsBourl. KansoH and TexftH ......30Iftso u rl Pacific ..................- .......... COHlon iano Pow or -----------------— 168%lonlgom ory W Urd.............- ......— .lES •rash Motdra ».......... ......... ............. 82%;ntlonfll* B lscnlt Co. .......... ............162 --

'aTlonal E m ^ n c lln g ........____u.'.... 29H[otlonor I^ j t _ —evada^CwiB.- c oppor^ .z rr - 'ir iJ ,- . 'ow Y ork C entral ________ 109 t. Y ...N . IL * H a r t f o r d -----------66H 1o rth c m Pacific ______________ 05%a ck ard Motorv .................. ...........73a clflc Gaa o n d 'E lfc e trlc -^ _____4 7 _ . .an-A mc'rlcan B. .............. ............4 2 SE ra if t} n in rT tt iao f lB T a iB k y -" :n 2 8 — -onnsy R a ilroad _______ _______ C37iore M arquette - ...... ^ ............. 17«eoplea G a a _______ ______ ___ i_J30 .h llllps Pe tro leum ___________ '3 6 « ;u r ^ l l _ _ ^ _adlo C « p . o f A m erica —•;-_ :._166Heading ------------------------_______9Scpubllc Iro n and S tee l -U -i.__63cmfllllS-.Tolwcco t t ------- ;----- 154itara .R oebuck _____ ______ 114%le l l Union O i l _______________ : g%immons C4. _________________S8%inclair Consolida ted 24H

lu th e m Rallwfcy .....- ,Z l4 4 f € ■M d a rd Caa lind .E le c tric ’___ t.- 67%a h d a r t - o n o f C a l l t __________ 67%a n d ard Oil o r N. J __________ . « sA ndard Oil o f N.i v .udebaker C o rp ." ___: ___ _ ujx as Corp. ^ ----- •exaa and Pac. . • Xm kea R o ller B earing U _ _ _ _ ; i s n i ■'^ c c o P r o d n c U ____ ;__ _______ itJ l — .1alon Car. i n d C ar. - m hUn ion ,O il o f QallL __gjalon P ac ino _________" .___u l l t% .a lted <a**r S to re s •___ ~ - " I R 4 "i tted S U t u R a h b e r ____ - jo %n l te ^ S ta te s S tee l,

.• f lo : p f d . ^ - ... .-..■■-■■ Jim .o lw a a l P ip e ----- ................. , i l%

------- --- - ^ ^

m ri-O T e rlaa d . .■oi^w ottk^ _ - . .yggy lu g

I H a r k ^ a t i'I'liiie* o( tli.< tu:irl:-'r ii<i eniiil’ari’il '

v ttli a wi'ek. ( •a lll.--m a lu re il .-liircie:! nl.eady, lo ,;.^c- b iiM tc T . . ..... I l l I l ll l l - l l , . . ^1I l i l r l ^ . i i p I t s l u iK 'h a » ri>ie‘ e ii lv . 'K r .i ie l l« l i . 'i - . ' • . 1>

H r . , : « ~ l i n l . h . ‘r r l l iH iu 's r .O d iT fle a iilKhc'i'. .......I.T iiluH .'■lO.!. lip ; ' hullii^-iu i)ut<'ii.'is iori.?i:i.:>ti: ^;!...1u',i.T7i. ■/ ^ 7:;

SIi.'<'i>~-S)t('<'p anil laniliM iiiiolably la il.'iuiv: vlioi.'.' M ount'A daiim lainle.imiKlil. I') I'irrlvi. m Si;i; lie.ii va ll-y .>lT.'lla.;n .<nr„ IL-.

(l.M,tllA I .IV K S n tl K , ' '•.luly U-Hi>K«, •

:nMO; un.'Vfiily t.i.j,-iric to w rr; lop ", : n : 1m lk‘ l!0ii l o p o i i n d biilcher»• m.fiS'i/111..S.'.,, . • -

( ’aiili- r.«'i'lpiH L'fio. ,fonipiiri'd wlitri a i . r y n iKr. -

in.'feiii >:ra»H f.-il cowi. an<l lielferK ' >ii'om; lo up: llullii iiml vealn .l.-a.1y;-Moel<..rK and fe.-J.T il. ir.-n 2ue ' ' ilK lic r 'ttu lir prIeonTnc lhe w .’i'k; t<'d !lrer:i au .l y.'arlluKH SH'iiJS.?.^; hull. H'ef .'OWH $,s-.r,(i r lll,2r.:' hulk a ll ru t- ,,. ITH }i:.L’:.'!i7.r,M; m .'dlum huIlH $S.J.‘ U.\.:r.: top veaJHloekcTH nn.l f -i il .j^ ^ Jjl.jr.-Ti Ji;.?:., " •

Shi'cp nvi'liitH |«T.friJk(.'onipan'il wllli ,.I wri'k IIK.C. fat l i ^ i r l f.d-fi JI low- r : Kli.";p Hl.-;«l^-n7<di.'rH-.'i0c blKtirr; ,,, iloHlnk' liull; prli'i'ii fa l rauKi' lanilM <.

iimivi->. :$ i-t?«: fe.,i eiinpi'.i amb.i Ji:i,7.'’i; fal <:w.-n. jr.,rii)«i aiiire feeillMK lamlw $l2.SiKi l 3 . T 5 , ] , |

_______ H ii.sT ux n o in ..___________linSTON. J u ly • 1 1:—Si-lllm: liTvTry^'|7i

tow ON i.i-rli.i,iy llMi'H iitilioiiKli lu- I-’i lulii.H fo r f lu .'r r.rft.l.'S ure a JItili- In iu>r.r fn-<|ueiit. Oeeio.loiuil Hal>'ii -nf el ;n»di-d -Hii-l.-lly-eomH uK hn lf-liln o il - ■S.1 .and lillH a ro heluK <;lo»e(l a t th e fii <iiv i.lde Ilf l l i e ' raiiK-. $ I .I2<fi l . i n ^ J l

i porieil on t'l..-’ .riiirlherii Callforn ln i:

Twin Fa Professi

T he Dculy T im es is pie -g u y n e s se s an d P rpfessi

you w ill f in d th e n T ^ < nesses^an.d th a t th ey wi en tire satisfac tion . — '

_ Businesses—.; AUTO DOOR fn .A S S |

- — ma~suigiae— —, H H V t n d o T a i a . a


------- B O ISE -T W IN -PA L L S^^---------T B U O S .LINE

' Insured." T ru ck and P re lc b t Serv lce-iW o’tl Bid on Y o u r ’Job.823 Shusliono S . - P r io n u '0 3 ^

C baipber o f Com merce d irec to rs : F ira t,M onday of m onth , 7:30 p. m . a t Offlco.' • . ■

A m erican Legion; ‘TueBdays. lunch- edn, P e rd n e ho le l; accnnd T u es­d a y . 8 p. m ., c luh ,room s.

E lk s :. T hursday , 8 - p . m., club rooms.

Odd F e llow s: T hursday ,' 8 p . m.,

Colfax E ncam pm ent No. 20. I. 0 .- - ^ ^ : i ;^ c a ^ c n n U ^ n d f te n r t l£ =- —;'niB«aay.--------------z -------------------------

Colfax, T w in F a lls No. 13: E very r fourth F rid ay .'

P rim rose R ebekah Xx>deo No. 76 : .F i rs t nnd th ird T uenday, 8 p. m .

M asonic Oodles a t M asonic tomt>le:— B lue Lodge No. 45. f i r s t W cdnes- >

. ------day-7:J0-p.-m ^---------------------------- 1Royal A rch chap ter, th ird T ues .

day evening. ' ' I• • -C «am aM <‘r y . '- n f i t r T r M 4 y ‘- 6 v 6 ^

nlng , 8:00 p. m .

T w in F alli-W ells, N ev” '- S t a g e

U . D aRy M o ep t 8 iu u ;< 3 6 a .u . ' ~ ' ConnecUBf *at W ells W ltb r ie k -

.w iek Stogea a a d 8 . r . ' - T n l a s '' 8 t ig B ~ D g p u t r ^ g r l n g - ^ q ^ " • •

■STAGE LITCTB ttP . STAOES— ----------- :

' F t w P e r r tm H o te l—_ • J c ro n * . ' . •- - L eave . A rr lr a .•

» :3 0 » .jb. • . l l : J O a .o i . J-■ . « : 3 0 ^ a . , • t

B h # X iw t o .B o to . — * ■ t :0 0 a .n . 3 :0 0 p . n . -i:0 0 p .m . \ S :SO p.m .

L e a n : M o a , •W ed--F rl, 7 :J0 a .iB . .A rr lra : T uaa ,'X liD ra.. SaL. iS a o e a .

_ ‘.WeU* t .

id Financi<11)1;.. T |ii' T- xa.. wi>(ilr. . ’:iiiil •ih-'ill^i

K.ra,!,. i ..n ll..i y^Mi.iI.i ai .- -lul.'t... I

- • - l)EV Vi:it l.lV rM 'IH 'li . : ! r DKNVKIt. .laly H . .I'.iHI--. r . . . Ipi-* 11

III; luarhVi u o iu ina liv , >t.Milv: l ir r f iu iir.ii-iri,.'.ii; . « „ i I.

^ro\V^:r. <'alv..,i J ll ';;1 i ;; sloc I l t . - i, ml f.'.-di'v^< •S 'ti i :! ; I.11II" JT' Ii lloKM. r.T..ii.l-< :uii; iuail:,..| umil-

lally M.'uily; iio '^a l.'-, , h

i i ’lami'i;* J l Ur* n m ': rwi ‘ i'.i:"-> .' |i

' \ i : \V VOKh •I’lMMll'l 1:NKU--Y(mK'. .InI.v. Il.-1 .-Ii,u .' -lulit

ml .ili'ailv. I’l.vl: lin n ; nn :•■. S I M j a r.l firm ; ml^lw. Mi. <i:Mi'<„ IJ .' 0 . • j

v .-m l dm v p;ilrl .ir 'ilin-.l .lu ll ! 'ran.ilaii'.l fi.-i" Itio .N'o. 7 r.ll iipi.l |l'.i„'!i,

SiiiiioK No' 1,

MaU; S '', lif l.: :.';: .Vo. :i 7.V'i I r 'e lo v e r 7u';.(\’i|,iri. f t

t i i i r .v i iti i ,iv i ;s T ii i KC l in w il i i . . I i i l y i i . - l l i i u s . iTil'lpi.*;II'II'; .......lly W illi-1" !"■• low. i ; lu .i,11, 1.1; . i:.'f ll.' i7i» iiiiiiiiii wi'iKiiiH. rf'..'-,iK,< n.;;:.. • . ii.'iiltl.- r.Ti'liiiii ::i»ti. Coiupare.l wlilii

I'V.l ''llKhl yi.ittliue t tili.ailv. in -J.-.i-L liilier; hhori l.vl ;.l.'.'r.H .mi.'veoly iTi 7.’;.' Io w it ; c riis i .'ows »h-aily; liuH'n itfir.i»« hfi:tu 'v:-v.sil.;r;i love-.

r.ioei<en> ami f m l e n firm lo :.'i.'I Klier; lieiil yeurllnETT ilC .jr.;. y ear-: nu ll.'ltfrs Sl!3.‘.lo; luMVj-.Klecrs

iilibi o f ....... latnlin 'ni'id vrarlliiu-'! 'iir Ih r w i^ 'k .'in :; ilouble-i from ......r-''ii;’itliilIiiiiH: is,>:iiii .lii i '. 'i: ia | lambs imlnK t l o r ni'/ri- ImviT, 'W eek’u ra ii rp r rerdlnir-inm bri-jin,nnri It nadv.'H $ir.,:'f.<rt|ii: throw.oiitH ' fl'?7 i:;; yenrH'iiiiH. $ll.T:.Oi:;.riO; ta ll rrii-m s ff r tT -rv rn iiT ir^ .i iiim r-T n T T i i,fiu. p

ills Busiri i c m a l ^ i riased to r e c o m m ^ d to ons ad v er tis ed in this c oficient' a n d capable~in 11 s e rv ^ y o u in a m anne

Clubs—Lodges—Trai' W indow &nd D oor Scrccna _L ~ -------- P i^ o ~ to ~ O r{ lcr . — ~ ■

I lu re Y our Old S*crcens R cco r. crcd lleforo Ely Timo

W , M ONTOOTH & SONS;340 .HhuHhono SL W. Plum e S&SJ

-------% U !E 0-E E PA m iN (3------^ - | -V’alve G rinding, Pfston Pins,’ R ings. B earings' a n d 'B rak o

-------- • • L ining.W.-X. SKIXNEU R E P A IR SHOP

nsi) .Se<% Avei 8 . ■- Phone .4^5

aUBS-^LODGES -, , • r

O rder E as te rn S i a r . »econ\S' a a i j j J fourth T iie iday . S p. m . .

Pwln ^ l l s G rong6:. Sccond and . fou rth F riday , 8 p . m.. Business k 1' a n d Profeaslonal W omen’s club

. roorns. ' . . <]

^Tuesday, I p . n u R o j ^ m o n ho- ‘ i

5. A . R.:. Sccond Monday, 1 p . m , .1 w llh m ew bers. s

irMBc:^^Tue»day. 8 p . m .. L 0 . O.

ilodem W'oodmen o f A m erica: See-■ ond ntid Tnnrtli MODilar 8 ----- 1" L 0 . 0 .* r . ha ll.Cnights Of C olum bus: Second and t

rdurt& W eafics'aay, 8 pi a i : ; '! . 0 . '— I O. P . ha ll. ^ \

-WTTSmid afad~baSK'=)i wmmrota jo b a t th e low est possible p ricea

B - f i A o m li ; • c * « ^ r J t a n . No.

t e a r a A rrive .3 :U p .m . 1 6 :S 0 a .m . '

________ B w t b o b . ^ 0 .« a r« J lo B ^ W ed :r-rr4 -_ tL :S 0a .n s. •eava ’ra e s -T b n ra ,8 a L 1 3 :4 6 p .tA . Ko. LetiiTB^Dtlly..— V - ____ 6;00 ji:in . •

.(. T m . o r T B A I ^ ' ' l u

. O w « o . \ 8 i « i . ^ JS' — E e r i le te i • ' X " - lU


___ _________PA'«E -FICT__U-

i a l : N e w sH .lN 'l 'lI l) 1 \ II.U l'lIV -------

II-II \V..orl» 01 'r-v.ln Ri'llii vv.nfi nr- O ln l .laH lil^lil I'V ;• M'i|Ui'M of the la ll.'v .h -'iU l. u iio Mali'.I tlial Woiuln .ai. ■»',iali ii ,-Iiar:;.':. Ih n e . S licrllf Illl.: w in U- tn 'J'vvin i'‘a lls i.ome lliil.' i"la> Kl r.i;... W.xiils l.l |(;ill..y wllb:llK.

A.-.oiiHni; tu liii.iin iallon r.'C lvvilT .- II. n ........ Is .Mill aiioihi r youuv

.1'." .i i i "i.i" i s n j tn.TgmiL£ii Im.ii , , taili v J vMi.aiili' "1” ''’' '„ i / i . l liy_lh. <nu>r/ 111,.I..,

.V (JeimhicP ^ S T - O - L T T E B A T T E R Y

.fur ^^S.7.'. Ilx.

E . 0 , H A V E N S B A T T E R V C O .;i2l .M .jIu'N otili I’liuiii-

■ T Y R W E L D E R

"NTr.H '.ir T in t. Inrluilhii; 8-lnch ~ hi-avy duly. ‘ ---------I’o o i / .s 'I 'l in ; X ii.\T T i;iiv s h o p

i:iii .si,.,.lii.)ie .s/. w.• ' I’ll..... . 71.-..W

R egu lar D a ^ e

TONITEKinibei-ly Open Air

■ V a n H O W E

ess and " « t i d r y : _you, ou r re a d e rs , the lirectory . 'W e ' be lieve ' th e ir re sp ec tive busi* _ r th a t w ill be to your


T H E HLTOXT SHOP 4 2 0 '.Mnln Ave. H ^ u » t Behind

'Farmem* Auln Supply (’<1.

— P I V E r P O I N T - G A B A o i r — “ ^

IS i'd T n ir it o l lia rcn in pric*N n i l .............T)-<yin<Iilll>ned - »u il flrx t c lass Miap^s

130 AddI«<<ii'M',' Piione

)Odmcn bf iho W orld : F i r s t aod a s t l-tldny , 7:30 p. m.. B usiness ind ProfcsBlQ^ial W om ea’s club -ooms..ta ry c lub : F i r s t W ednesday, ro m ’s Cafe, 6:30 p. m . O ther ~ ' ^Vcdncsdayi. T om ’a Cafe, nooo. w anls ,c lu b ;. ’T hird T hursday , [togomon, 6 :30- p . ; in. .O ther . rh u rsdays. R ogerson . noon. •

n c n ’s ' c lub : .T u e id ay , ' c lnb

=1rsc M onday ..7 :30 p . m . , , Ua> lonie temple.Klon A ux ilia ry : H r s t T huraday , - I p. in .. w ith m em bera. dies o f tbe 0 . A. IL : Second V ednesday, 2:00 p . tlQ .I . O. O.- - -i^halL :------~ ' - -.I—~1 .......... ' “ I IIbbors o f W o o d c ra f t,.f irs t a a d 'h J rd £ ^T uesday i_al_» jB iIO C k_ la______ho B usiness and Profeaalonal Vomen'B dob - ro o m a .. - . ’

>>i8 hiSu . :1000 Sp lane ra . eac b

Ctop c^p^^^i_kiad»- •'’‘‘"'iSS I f i ^ .ATeOTft »—to ^.-V ■' I ■

IMES . I k' U a t - L _ _ _ _ _ : _ S ; e e p L m . '

« «t. ~~ •'■ - r 'Itt ........^ V.


s ^ i

Page 6: · . _ ynii. xi.. Nr.MitKu 71. '. ' ' I i'iaS TO ® iS'e-'.. » >

" S P E f e B E W"PilONiCGRANGEDiscusses O peration of-Bank - • G u aran ty L aw s; P ro­

nounced I^ailures.

••lioiionitoM in I.Uilio iMHi iH'twreii riKiil’ te« ">

•Ihl'OUKli lum lt.fnllurrH Mlm'f ll'UH. Imt aluuu 192:i. OM- iimitfil loiiii" liii>'<' I"-'''’'

w e ik Bpotn In ibir ImuUliit; »y»i«'iii ut Ihc Sluliv" Minted K. W. I’o iti-r. n .m - mlHKloiiur of'flimm :*'. H |icalilnn-on tin- mlvJiialillliy i.f « .bank KuarmHy .Inw Ixiforu an a>iH<-niMat:u n t llu- ir in ii li ' tni'btliiK Ilf lIx ' INiiiionn CranKc- ul i lw county la ir ..Kromil" a t KH'.-i' KrWay u ftfrn«o ii. Tho <'i.niiiiliihl..n«T, cnniii 111 ri'ni»uiti« l<i cm liivllniloii from th w Krijt)K«. In iiiirmmm:*! (.f ii policy ,o r obtulnlnK /flrH i-liunil Infer- nia tlon on toi>lcH pcriliii-nl to |in .- ,jJoribininnw inion;------------------ --------^

••DcglrinlnK' w llli ■ O hlulioina, many of tlio iiUcHlIv wtH lurn a iaie ii t'iiiu;(<-<l, Iinotc K imronty lnw’»," tliu sp ta k ir noW. ^ b iJ fn rtn tr » f-f lie m -n rr-n o « "n |> ' tra t lv o III tliii m illiner rim l cinVi lvnJ. F or..ilio inoMl pa rt, ihi-y .Imil Hiy el- foCt of mnklnK th e mifi;. lunl Mine liuDk niiKumo tJiothi» Irrcaponnlblo unil wHilciil ven- iiirtd—o f mnkliiKNolvoncy Hiipimrt In- AolVPiicy, tlirouKli Ull tnKunlniiN llnl(- liiK loRolh'cr (if llie. bank»."

Tiio Hfi:«nc| itliiii rn r cuuniuliMlim WB«-to piKfulfo liaiikri Jmll-| erenl.: fc reHi rvi' nm ler tlie Jir<ctlo;i ^iiil iiipvrv lslon of tb e s ia i r DanklfiK •lic tiiirim rm —ii I’bm whlrli- :ttU Bpcnkcr~~o’tttl>nf«l—Ihii— iiltl~ii«ii- rL-coinnivnd. exureanlm:. tin- lir-llef tl|ui iiiffJcleiit BOli-ly woiitil be «.-<;iireil ror'ilOpuHltorn D iroucli fiilloivliiK ii rlKlil policy of cxninlnnilon uml iiu- iiorvUloH~l»y'nriTSrntr;-*M trrnnlnK-tbf jrJm nr/. ruiwiioii, .i>t hmiUiiiK i«> l»-JIftfviy o t ................... Ibe ronimlHuluu-‘)F:ilu^oruTI"IllirieTinini(Tj—n f-w rn tr rn i-)onkor» lo m ako enHy loan ......... ln - |lu fllc len l Bccurliy—a lemluiiejk'wliU-li

hv unfo riunu lo crliilH from whlcii ' ho 'bu»lnenH batt JiihI enierKeiK .

BccaUHo, tho nelltc rn In tlil» new

pJaiTiJ jiu te iy , iieionil. ijiom i t a i io baiikH (if t he N ortb u-C-»i fullednniR8rTlT5^Hrl5rTitfff7Tmil*1trwn»~*nbr -leijuoiil to tb u t H lmrp.exiierli-liei' llml ho publli: inlnil uiukmI to the Niib- i!Oi o f nmklnis u ll buiiTtH. nufe.." DiiririK i lm ' ilcflu llim -porlo il, I'tQlin [ (ist tthoul CO bankii. n o t n il (h ro iixb l. nJliire. iiliifc miiny on tereil coiimoU-* lalloiiH otiil o lhcrx , inuklnK no t>rof'! ts n i u in '^ r T i n r a e p n i i i to r * irmi“\ ^ - r inturlly 'cluM uil. DurlnB tho puni :io 'CBni V orm ont hnn lind no t oni»-luuik ' nlliiro, nnd niuiiy enitturn Stiilen re- )orl on ly flccnHloiml fullu rf* . n [onduiou iiio -fiiitftver ■ [iiinnm <‘« - i o ,ho »y itcm pr siipervlHlon prucllte<l, , iln«i«-noiia-]iml-KuiiriiuL>‘- law B ^\V lill( i. {ubronku utlll funcHoni* nn n b'nnk ;unrnnty S ta le . depoXlIorK n re (inlil inly nu rh lunoimlH uh urv uvnllable rom .thu rcHoiircen of ’ilt'fitncl In itl- utlnnffr ’T bat!'S t(ite -|n-tirm 'nK l»nH n« - I H tn le ’hond lo Kiiurai)(eu dvpoHllfi, ii iroponlllon th a t Imn been liirneil lou-n In OkluliDinu uiid N orth Dukntu. iun)ll D akolu-bilH ' U lially piiHHed a aw rcQulrliiK n i:radiiul lu^niimulii- 10n -Bf3 CTU«cr.ti!:by-u jH r=banfc:i8hlch:*: bP. S tn tc In to hi>Iil lilt u Mei'iiiKy 'or'depoHltorM.

J''oIIou'fnc..^liu nifilrcHH (ho Hprak- .aViry dlncnimeil nueHlliinH linked

rom tlio uiidlence by M. J. Sivi-i'ley. ]niilav Ki’in te , I.eon ' A yoK e.. Frnnli \ lk ln n . 'OeorKe l l . 'H u r t uml oibern.

"W by libnnld ibe . Iiaiikti he reijiilred

inlU . h ii-- lh « '- iie en rlty -f 'f . - th e ir de->onl(it, nnd no t do ih n ’ ioime for in- ilvlilnai depdHllom?" Mr. Swe.-I.'y ;«ki'iL' . • , .‘•OllJy hern iise .tlm l ■ I* llie Sliile

»w. 1 nee uo loRle In the . HlliinlUm." •

nC Q W ^U M M^ ' T ForYm

V a c a t• X.axB;l<ia«i m itn l lra«'rt: <]<

yea rni«]’.*tiprrf1nc^tl('r

i s O x e j c n i g l i t ^ : g i p s J

— K

E a s t .'and W est R<IhiHy l« .8«-pe, S a -L lb ^ n i l Stop* Lon AnKclM. d if r r l . flSJH* I Li w 'An c rlrx . r i 'tu rn via i

S«n t 'ra n c ls fo - - .Lo* A nselm . r«-lurn v ia-S un '■ F rancU co nnd .J’orilam l. n r !■ T ko T rm a . : . - Fro/torilonclrlflM tt Fa

UNION Pm-------- —■'" T— «»u»—

III- cMiniiilHiihiner itunwered. . . ..>^iti tiivor ej)ni>'iiu!ii|1<in of

1irttik:t?"-Mrr-liilTl- ntiKeiL* -—-n r^ n n o \'n r ir r rt-W itn ir - i^ - - ri i-c o r ii.-'iiiHiitll"t>—l<>-ii-<lu>SI^>i‘<>rbuiid—und—uu

m tiii bt lulniliilitlralluii, I Hbfiiild thinkll u ..u l< rd ij 1.0 lierc'.".waK llii<foidy,'

I jii'irlnic lh<' linxliiifHit in<'e|liii; whleb (i.llowrcl 111., f . I», 1'i'cb-

I lei'p riiiiiifi-il Ihe iirranceineiit by .theiriiiii;:*' I'l uii .--ililhlilun trn ln J o 'l . . '

:<-rlil IhniiiKb llii' Bdilvil o f lbe-K ;inI.iirilim' ib i- liilr c.xliMiIlH fo r iidveriln-

' Inn’ pin-i>cii<vH, iiHMcriliiK flm t hi- wui> lii i'xeniln;: l l i r ' n ia iie r -In ]ihu'i> • ofSre i r(iii;v i'l lin k '. Ki-eniill u t tb e f,.lr hciai'il who wiix iiiiiihle Io hv proHinl.

'.'^.•nllineul wiiri tl.-fliillely fn fiivor of llh '- iiriipiiHllhin If xIImt fiii'toiii einild .le t ciinlroUc-d.[• Hi’HoLnilon . [ire')»'tii...l blndlni; ’ the

;.-xVillilT7f'.ini,v Miiiiln Itieir tiwiThiir- i<lei'.i o r iiifjaci-ni ilu-rein. wan iiatiHed afl.-r a' w arm •;iM’i|t.Hhni e .ivrrllij; I'l

-wide- lunKi-. i t wa^i ik 'chled lo buld n ph-lile. UllH'i..-UH<In'<ill ii da le l-i be

I I.el hy Ihe e tininilller. 'I Tlie nex t mi'ollnk' will lii> >ir-l'i jn .Vovenihe;.

Weekly Summary of ~Crop Conditions - T. F o n h e wn-k endlnc. Tiie:idiiy. Ju ly 111. i:c’-'i. ' , - _ .

IlOl.Sh:—.S'orih idaliii:'T |i> - w uaihi-r' iIiIh week wnn xiK-h uh to Krvntly. lu-n- •••flr u ll -KHiln^, iiuntiiriiii. tn u 'k eiopH und rn ilt. The letllpcruttireK 'were h v lott* .norm al: ihero w ere no diimacInK hiorrn« no r hoi wlndi* uml coploint. j-aliiH fe ll-o v e r th e dlHtrlci nn Tned- duy. Wediii-«(hiy and T liuri'day. W htat harn'Ml III roniiileleiL-lihoiit I.'iwlflton .(Jiff Ik K''l'.iUK Iinijur w.ay <ii llu- Ifexl. lilclier bi'iiehe.K. 'i ra y in t: i s In pro- Ki'cuH In. till- p riilrle Hi-ctionH. Tlibi ■wirk waa l>i-l<| up Hornewiiat. by ibe

Ibe e i^p , f 'f ie rry tuirvi'iH ' liiiji been eom pleied, exi'i>|j| fo r KOinu BCallerliiK la te val•|.ptle^, T he w eulher wiui.uitl- fi>rn.‘ly fnvoraljU- tliroii»:hoiit Ibu hur*. T cjit'pprtod.-J'nsitiren-iiiiil-ninneii havi'- Impiovi'd coiixliIeniWy. d u e ii> ihe I'liliiu nnd: eool, cloudy w ea the r, aniltii i-H w m n rlr -n re -d o ln r-w e li ;--------------

.Soiitliweiir IdiiJio: . T h e ivealiiiT wuHM|iille coM fo r the .leuitoii diirini; liioHl o f Ibl-' Wei-k. KboW'TH fell In a [<-w m-allereil iigealitK'h. n iit-o v e r (ho ;:realer. portion of the ilb l r ie t the week iiiiMKod wlilioiK - ralii. ('ondl- tlnnw wer».-diiili; fnvorahli- for mirlni; iiown cra linv w hieb nre, w ell h<-aited and now flliliiK.. nnd for KoiiHonntjle, f a r iii:,tfo rk .,..-wjil<:l i^ a d 4 -X W K k ri> f i^ j Kn;«ii.' HarveKiliiK of w liiler «1ieal Ix heeiimlni: neniTiit and iho firm I'lii- llnK of iilfulfa Ih iiioHlly In (lie nlaek. Huciirud In.fliKi-cliicH. vonditloit. Thu rnnKeii and ciry farm pOHtiirpx are badly In nued of rnin. Howuviir,- ranKe feed Ih a lill ud<‘i|n a (c In monl loenlUlen—nniH-llv**i.|«ck—c o n lln n u .io 7(rh<'. T(ic fftiipmcnc af lanttiK of* ko* le rlu r cxcullcncu coutlniiCa.

Soiilltciint, Idalio t .Modcrule (em- iienitiireii prevnllcd cxcupl on Siilu r- iiiv. wht-n ll w ill ■ .r.Tiiictiiv. L=oQtiT l.lch t. Mcuitcrcd ihow ern v u ro . rc* ;>nrtca.'"'AUalfn c n ttln g In obi>ut com-

^ Pricet o r o v e r 3 S y e a r s -

2 5 uhccs iorUSE LESS

t h a n o £ h i{ { h •. p r i c i e d b r a n d s '


F A J R .E S ” ” ' ^ 'i r F in est W

io n / I> Tla.Union rsclllf Biid ' S mcvrnr«»ll* ol tb« «r»y. _ '

l i j : o m S a l t J L a k t y ^ - - ^ ^ 3 ^ ^

' Z IO N MN a t io n a l i ' a r k g g

~-rro>da; aU*«xpenM U>ui E S Ia fu r tcttvtns C«dar a iy — {fBW »33.*S. CompltK nTt-tUy ^ • eipcnM tour ■ Artmnaraatlu ln n a ,C t< l« r_ _ _ iH f l _c i tr — se»so. n«ii u id 4eQ1

-PuUAuut U na addiUfuuL f B KAik for particular!. £ ^ 9

Y e l l o w s l o n e ^N a'tifln n l P a r k __ _ @ 8 ,

C«mplrl« four and a half .te y all-rxprme U)ui3 (rom ' b SBW fit Y ellw lone: Jtolrt B aray . IM.OO: eampt var.- BUm .

.115.00, n.MI imd ,ruUm«n _ P M I(arr* addiUonaL ’ B S '

3und Trip If&res ^9■ ir r « - ;K r lu n i I.Inlll. O rl. 31 im aha ..............- .............*7 (U ii'b lea K o ............•Crw York'lo^tan . M is;.-w IlHran^v . |,r^§lof)therrninH C gM

riiiMiK, 7irk-i ,lrrn« , J H T n ln ValU Z H |

I ideti'd In' llii‘ hiinili, ciillInK 'I '* Jn-jl |'i»-i:hinlnv in ih e .m r n b iiml In lb> [lilK h e t^n liify » .— Succmd-.oioi’-Hlfuifii |irt do in ii'M 'o ll;'-G rfon 'po i’irt ui.- itr iiu l.murkiJtuil—lii—Qitnuoclc—cciiiiit^-—ivJilli

' W llller-w heiil' Ih h ead ln t n lce ly 'su it julirllii: Krulmi urd dolnR well, jiti an lal->o-.]ifiiiitoe;i. Uneln a rc niiiklni; »;oiii |; : ro u ih . ' LIvi'hiocK a re -do inu well,I ■ .Votes From flie Ffi'ld

, WfiiK-r. 'WaKiiinition ro iin iy : -Mod- erai*-l.P eiiol; fArii.-<TH lrrii:iitln»:*-;iiii: H|iniyliiK: hiirv i-ift' of dry land ,;:i'iiln> heKiin: e ro p .v o ry ilEbl.. - ,,. Kniii'rt.-.MlnhloUn I'oiiiiiy; Kxirenn'.

ly .eooi fiir tbo lim e of. yea^: w lxai cioiM doinu very, well, hay not ir well-UK iiHilai; o lh e r iTop.H averaV-<i,

Midvale. U’uHhlnKion eoniiiy: '.r^il ir|ji<ii ftvlJ fHlcil, itii<l ctiitlni:_ hi'ntiii:lii^iifbrrj;i,innl. .p,ardeiiH diilnii »'i,-ll: imstnr">i •and ranges dry, h'lil .liTi-l;

Mill City, <^inia» couniy; W eailirr (Irv and w indy; w in ter ,ivhea( dolni: w(>ll;’, .HOini' Hprlif^ wiM'al beadlni:: firm, 'el(>i> a lfa lfu helnR I'UI,- la ih i'i

UrlL'KM, T ulon connly : (Mol wc-aih- e r wllli llj:lit •aboworKi.-ii.’lu te r wlieai head ing ; niirliiB w heat iiuiklnK Knod .jirewUi: alfa lfa doliiB w’ldl; potalix-s ■it’Hlo liood KlandH! raiiKe Bood.

(ii'hvvu. Hear I-ake com ity: Moiter- e ra le teinpcTatiireH w ith llcbl rainc; -wlol<-i>—w buiit^livudlllK—fulri.u—wulU M|irlUK. w'h'eiil fa ir ; ulfiilfa eiitllni: beiinn: •pimliiri.M und runwOH p io d ..

Ilol.'ie. Adu eoun ty : Ail cropM dn- Ini: .w tJl' w here thonin j:lily •Irrlcaied. bill uneven In R row lb; . nlKhln-'Vei y locil for Jn ly , bn t flin: fo r vi-iniiu!>b'n and applen; la te ' p lan ted wb'-nt un-

Aiiliion. Frem onl coiinfy; Wt-elt'K^n- en illy cool wltli a fow ll|;b t idiow<'rs: w arm er iveatber .would be heneflci;il: Venn hlooininiT: early \':irlelle>i nf fiprinK wlient. headlnK l\hay ln ;t 'beKhi- n ltis : iill.cropH and ranee luolt wi'ii.

.Wh- Ailalii!< county: l>»-fcaxoiiable . cold w'llb im irh iin iih wind alul two fro^tH whleb dum acnl [loliitoeji: hay b.irvi;"! iilnnliii: w |||i -iw‘iir«)et>—a —liiiir r ru p ;—u ra ln — v»i y Ijiior: piunnreii and', raniti' d ried mil n.iicli m ore ilitiii normiil to r tim e of year.

llnhi. Tw in '^'Illln rounty ; • Cool w,ulb«i--luiH lM-en-».eoeflelal-f..r-j.!in,ll

J .."Timke. . .■■and

Y o u

and S u

L i n i—O ffice an d ShoIIM E N Bh

: . i ^ r a y u L ^ - D A iw

1 (:f:7rTr".ui.l~aira-ir.- r i . r iiidiiK’ " r i i i n r■ w ell: . hi'aiiH iinil ei^ru uie. i*li>w: I rr l- I- ^tullmi—waUif-^UmnUiAl—iu*d».^l!liuj'iU- :im til(.r.l."fi.i- oiV lM id 'and field eropn.

I - p i n t a i l on ilili'il XI llh Komv diimuue ' by hail 1 'Ki'Ound u e ll snaki'd ; wheiii ' haivc-j!i tiiidcT Ma'v; ro rn und iriick

crojrc ilc illlf t.~ trr lh --rb e riv ba(-\'e ,t, e 'liiiidrr'-'l: h.i.Oii.: ’ .h ilv rn i|i |e i| by • f;i!ii: iM-liireir ;.inl ImprovliiB I; aa.I 'H v-iiM -lt llir^.liiu . ____•■ Il(>nlier» K<'liy, IlciiindJiry couniy;

,\ ;<ri :>l deal i<i ' ti.t.v 'dowll and -daiii-■ aiii'il and hl,';iilii'il"i> fri'<|il>'iil riilnii: •|ii,o :tt Ki.iln' erii‘|.;i Iium- >.iifr-'ri'il for ' I .m l 'i[ .-lIn^blIll : 'a n* , niiiliini;, -v<-iv r;tplil (Mo'psih: I'i'iialoi'K didni:' I 'h i:-; all i;:Mih'ii ei<>|i.- niiildni: i^iphl

't ; i . .« ih , and k.i j .v wr*-il^.J - I'ocat. llii. ila iia ii l, e i.iliily; Ti-ln'-

.... .."inn'inrj'TiVjrnii-irT.liirnirrtftsitlit-tm nliTrr , fll•^l . r i i l t l i u - i ^ . j r a riViirtn;:'; i l im ; s.-n-'nil-et’oii ilnlnv . «V-11;' iirel'U . prar.- h .ta j: n ;n |,e iv d ; iioiiii.,.-^ lUdiirs . w.-ll; h^ei'i locI.Tn:: r . t w c '. ii'»w lb';'' l a l l . ''Iii''-rllli:; , r u l l i l l n lv io e i :' d 'dii;; w ril. , ' /> ': r ’;;M we(|, (•.•rjiyoii CMinly; f tiilhcr ;r-n<d aail wlli'l.v Icii' .luly In Maho. 4)iU |i|ii!ii ' f.ivnrahh- for n ia iu rln i; w lii'ai; 'r o r i i liHiilly np in averas.- lor,, iIom- |<if y.-nr; ::ru«s i roi>:i'i-xi'e llm i w bero (>\iiii-i- ,b! iden iiriil: Kard<'n eroiw

'n ia i- lly :daiiaiVrd; toiiMlO liir;;lil wIiJil ::c'ncnil: .‘.inall. f r i llf . ••xevll"iM ; o ielliird •fritltn promihe litini[i'-r enjiK,

H IU M i.flV K U TII iM .v m irT ^ .( '(M 'H T 'd .v '.'<i't;.vi.i>«; ( '» A n (; i '

'A rno K erpa, II*. who w;>? liioiinhi b:irU from .Sail l.ak f' im ebavceH «if lilcallni: Ihe txthiTl of 1.. .1. .loliuiion of

; iliihl from tlie .M iller-Kaiai;e. thc iv [Siinil:jy pleaiP'tl ciiiiry hefore .liidce C.

Idbi'lhb-s al Ilnhl yi->li.-i.lay nnd ,w!iN .l.ouhd‘ oV'-r to Ih.'- illiilil.'l eoiirt ;.|>||.I.-I ;>::iMi hnn>l xihleh h>', bar. nol y»i I Ji l li' eii abb- Hi nil llbh.I K.-i jij ronn. I ly w:r. . .>iilM,.'lrd with U!ii^-JUlli;i.-.;aii',;s;-.lUnii:e-ljii.l_had_Jii^il.r-.n v .c il.ln i’. to.- ......... tlm.-, l ie Hi nl-I l.'Ki'.l Jii. hav<‘ Un. 'I hii-'liaiii. Il.-y lo

! I l 'iIlV ^ 'U i'• '/'ii'l v>;e'"'ll.i'!ted a t ' S a lt------^

n, New Departi ' Hyatt JjearmgSi

Get A i p e r t w i s

B i l S I w IIII

Low "Prices-

d A u t oThe Finest an

ip Phone 299.yONGS

I SHAMROCK NEWS*BHAMlW Cif. Ju ly u . —Tlio IjtdlOB'

: A i7i~:77T7irt-r~7?rufvrWMrm untt\»-plnirptr iiioi'W edpcH dny a fton ioon wilh Mr«. Fitte r FeliirHon, un lioit.tciiR.. KlKht m om bert w ere. pn'Hoiit. TUiv liocloly entertlilned rhe. fuUvulliB BueHlH;,Mrii. ff..... ... ."'llfo. SfrH. (lOpdmBii, Mr«.ClmrioH UnHHoll und the MIhhch Mnr- Jory O lundon, A llco - J e a n , ninm lon, RoHuniond .AKHendrup. nnd ' C hurloltu n icdem aii. • l)ellclo«H refreBliniontiij w ore ncrve.i ,hy tbe hoH(eiiH-:^if(or wbleh th e nio.etlUK'udjoiirned'toiuncSoi Ju iy jil the eliurcli (iiirloi'rt‘Iwlib Mi'H. U-. W-'KlodC-nmn'UB hoKtcsH.

Sir. u'uil..MrH. J . \V.« Nfcnire en ter- (allied ■>);•.rrtahrfH 'iil' u .civfe-lte rfa Htyl.''>lUnrbe'on Sin iii«y 'ln honor

MI..U A tlll lu ^ t I-Mmi- •becTV---«t1W Htn^:;:rflit^7^T»r«llyif<^^ l.inlu) uC WoHeow -tbe -.iWKk.- yvutrj ThoHi. iire jie k w e ro .a .,.a i- l^ Jii« ;: .a tK |. 'flild MrH,‘ \V. U- Cw inti.-M r«.'Jni'/ioft l'”leld, .Ml'., and Mr». J. W, Mobre, .Mr». Cllfloii L o w n u n d thu Ml«ncii i-'lorence Field; f l /m l i uml IIohii-- momi Ai«(!ncfnifJ, .VflJ/ccj'it nnd Clirro-- beii Klim-; I’enrl uiid :'Steilu MunU giowiT an .l iliitli.und ChAfiotta Kiede-

•Jobiv Meyiir >>f V lrB lnlu 'vlnlted hlH i;uuiilii_ij».C,KUuu-uPlli£lUlUliL.M .oilt day. , . -. Mrn.' 1tO)?ert' AlpniiKh. n 'daiinhter of i>. W. f lun ie r. m idcrweiil u mujur. op- «riitlim-:.iH—ib u -T ii- ln .■Ii-!iHk ro n u t^ Ken,<-ral hoHplfiil Moiiduy niorlijnB.

B AR G AIN S i k '■ U S |E D C A r | '■ I

I0:!7'OldKmoblli- CoiTni: ' " I *7f«B Tlmfee •< »fiior",S»'((iiri • j • lllilj' F.ird ToiirtnK ‘~v _ , .Siiiilehniier “ Cliiimiii}’' Itundiiler

T I E P P E E R ^ S i n f f O T O T l K J p - a ia .Mftlii A vr.'K *"'!. ' ' ' i ’-

................- - . r i i o . v f i o i j

L ir e • ■ B<

J l - W c a


- " th e C p in t/ii

Goodyeai'.Tir<K,'a _ the .famous All-W

of Supertwist. £ yield, and stretch .They.'rnake Good

considering tire i wear-resistinff All

We liayj^v.your siz

“ j “ L o w e r 1

m o b i l eid Best Equipped barage


3bo' l« ''r*porlV ‘d to 'ho-*lQiprovlhi; i ileo ly ht .(IllH Ilm.'. , ' *o.

fr^ini iiur 'lllncKU oC liiiil week.__Lloyd__Uavi8:_Qt_I.rt;.i> A nKelew. lu

Mr. and MrH.’ T. GoorKe IllHlnp. u l T w in Fullii irclBbtif orchnnlH. ,

M lkev-Denn nnd Mmiii, L ouIh und 'H oberi, u ro rPtiirnliiK hoino from WuHhlnKton. low u. wlierii 'tb ey hnvo been viHlLlnR hnTpuxt m onlh. - • ,

A liiim ltor of. frl'eiidH Butliered n l (he homo. ot-M rn. D on-S tufford Mon­day cve'iiliiK flB a’ m irprltio 'to .cell'-' b ru lo h e r b irthday ., ThoHC prenent w ere tbo CcmtcH, ii cli^ii^jcpiupoaul of Uie fam lllcV of b riihum , lil te r . Mc­Coy. T adiknij, Cordos-.iiiid Stiifrord, thu club uum e lioliiK'/dbrlvod from tho. In itia l '. W terB -of ,th V niombcrH.

ii?r^li.rauiilv'Iowa nnd othi!r K(alctt.-C. ‘;;’rjw .aii*tD w ii..',t:^b ' huiU ' n n '‘eiijoy:' ahlaljMCUiC In (ho 1>lncH In.'Shonhono bunln-Silitiruy afternoon.• Tbu . S ham rock and M ountain Vlow CJiil>» hold H -Joi»t plcnlo n l A rloulah. nn tiilorlum Thnrtiduy. Tho crow d an- iiumble.l u t the uukut fuclory (rum w hich -they .procooded in u body lo ArtCHlttu City. A bout Gli people cn- Joyud , tho bountvouH dliiiiur n ftvr

hntlon w e'ru . (he dlverfllonfi of (he nftorn'oon.- ' ' '

TImeM W arjt Ads h rlnc rcniillK. i

; F P R. B e r ry , C h e r ry a n d

P ic k in g . L a d d e rs ,, -S c ... : S u p i


Dsch Magnetos iosch Rep. {jr:_I

i n G o d a

r r e a te s t^ i

W W d r t ^ ,

n d o n ly G bodyeai's ;. givi

'e 'a th e j^ T re a d a n d . a ca

S u p e rtw is t j .G o rd s . f le x

f a r b ey .p n d , o i'd ir ia ry c

ly e a r T ire C l 'id g . ' .'easier

ra lu e — n o r the_.,^super.-t(

l-W eath e r •

:e in a G o o d y e a r , a t

'han. Ever J

G o m p j; in th e W M f

Parts PhomGOODYI

s.^TnnpAY. .TU'f Vi-i, iiian.

' . " ' ' t / n c / a ' E h a h ''“l. iioea'te'ciruriili'." au’lil Uniiln Itliwi,;

“iiij llnds. o;mi(orl in bocId' loim* o' my .iicltihhorB dat ti mil ,«L«nl»ebJ®f '/7nr---iTtBinirTu;yDiiTHK-nf-wi~iiTP»-nti-«nn7-duy.ilnoriilii’,"—•WnshlBBton Star..!:;'":

. . ’ ' . s i 'K r u i , ’ ■ •. Siiaiiay, J u h ' 1C. s .- ic p.Satan. }flH Orlcln, .HlBtory nmi Don- tiny, niiislnileil.* ' '

TueHday. Jnly 17, tJ:lG n. m,,SubJcc|, Crcatiou nf Onr -.World • nnd. Mnn. WIicnT Why Wcro All tliu Riflor« of the tJtilvcrHU I’roHcnt? Thc iieveii BtiiBen of The crcotinn bcniiHfiilly II-

I' vanKoliHlH .Mnruh und .SJinrpe.v I'a- vlVon vor. Snii rfvf, we'«t jmd '-JlJi'vld.' went, Twin T*iilln, Idnho. '.You will ml«K-MnmoUililK If you f5nl“

w a t c hREPAIRING, ,

>Fnncy Hlinpetl orystnlH fit '' ')vJiiJ(r'you M-ait, ?1.00.,• A ll W o rk G u a ran teed '

--^N JW .JH E S S E _' ; & SON:-

' m A veniia SoBt

A pri.eo t C ra te s ; a lso r e e n ..D oor, a n d B ee )lies. . -

I r s W

and- .^aits.. V , .■ ;


f r e — -

2 you

rc a s a

an d ,:o rd s ,: ;

■»nd . - . : •

M f e n _____ -


m yB 298 ~

JARHRES: ' ' I III ; l i - i f a -

Page 7: · . _ ynii. xi.. Nr.MitKu 71. '. ' ' I i'iaS TO ® iS'e-'.. » >

' , ' v e i l , x : : : n u m Iie u 71. ; , , ' . * « ~ » |/ ' J} . : t w i \ ’ y A U .s ! T i i A i i t i s 'a t u k p a y . ,i u l y i 4. i m . , . i>, ■ « > « . ~ , , p n i n B 'p r r a n w r n

I * ^ I i i i i S D C M l i r f ¥ 1 W A M i T t i l

~ i f i p B | | A F T IB l o o d h o u n d j ^ ^ r o u g h t i i i to

.! riunUngTthe.'^ r e a W h er• • ~~ C oncealm ent; De:

->Fl^eiris iii,A uto . -

...... , B j r 'U n^ , EU EBK A , .doJ., Ju ly 1 4 - T

■ Jiorth^rQ:-OaIiiorsiA , possos frbi .' . th e tm il o f throo b an d it murd< — ^-^B lb b d K q B n d s -w crffljro u B h ri

s i i r e o i s i ^THiSBIE®'. N ellie Tayloe Ross Outline

H e r Position A s Vice C hairm an o i D em ocratu

■ C om m ittee; ‘ Does •: No ' C onsider H oover 'a Dry.

:E«lltoi^—flotfr?— h e —fatlowlng-r s to ry "«l>ou^,M w,i»Ncl(lB“T nylo6 f(ngK, ,v{c(* ctiafrinnn o f (ho Ocmb- cratl^C:naOoQ(il cocnpIU ce. la iha

o f 0 ■urlos.dvftllne wlUi^tho wotnon loaders who • nrc hclnK . brGURt)t‘ln (o .naw n c ttv ltr l>y (>)« p ro iltlan lla l cnmpftlin>- Mnnilny's

, diBpalctt will (lunl w lih Mr*. Mon- ' kow lU , Qovorno.r S n illh 's necrc- tn ry nnd polltlcnl lu to r. .


Tnyldo Hors, n porHonnl* ttnil political (Irr. Iiai tintlerlakon to 1c:ut ihu wo- mun v u to rf o t the c o un try Into tlii

— c n m p -o f -A lfre d -B , «mlth.'M vtio Im- , Hovcn th n l th e p rohlU tion lawn tihotild

bo modified.A n ltlr c c lo r o f thu w om en's divl'slctii

of tile Democrnftc nutlonni commit- tco, Mr». lloKB ezpla lneil. ,ln nn In-

___m rvlpw w lih Hns tTnltMl P reaa Ihfttnhe naw no reniion w h^ h e r iiotltloii

•— n rH Ory-Bhottld In terfere w ith her «t- flcucy _ ns the ' 'ontBtnndlnK , womnn w orker for C overnor S irl th .'- i— •

• ' H er poRltloti Is t il in g ' Tllr^l Smith-” honent nnJ thn t

him tti .o iifo rc c ftll lawn IneludlnR tirohlbllliin. - • -

'* "" '1 l)e1 liax i" .'llr» .'I lo M -jia ld . " lh “ t ' Ih^ iB b liM n-'f lr Ihln coiin try Wonld ■'rn thn 'r trA U 'th e cnTOrcemcnt o f pro- ' hihJUon td 'K 'm nn' U ke'G oT crnoren ilU i

; f : i l i a n i to M erbcri J lo o w r .r l .n m a dry• l l l l t ’1 do ■ n m .’fcco im lro -M r- Hoover

nsC a-rtry; K elthor ho w >r the Repiib- it(»ti ]w rt)r lr a \ e ro r cooia ou t openly In .fh v o r of tho •

■71, Thim th o couB iry 'lB ito bo trea ted • 't o the,.llpcctncl^>of>a< fortnor womnn

« o»ohiori’‘»jlip W d fr^n'-no tnb lf

^ 7 o w * o f-o < lle g Ttl w y in n lno.Ins Iq th e lA^cresU. of-<laroalJoe~ttio

. tm rty whlcb fn belnit classUleil thin yen r a s tho “d ry" p a rty . •

In thc prcKcm cam paign nhe lioldii th a t women ar» m ore Inlereoted in (uinosty of covernm ont nna In ta rm Tcllef tlion a n y 6 th e r U s u e n . . ....

Tn t|ni mli» nf ^*'n^»^l^^^nl-Innk^«r. '___Mm. Rowff ■ in tg ndu thn t hnr w j rlt

i> lial(o^ " iho iilder lo - n h ou lde r'w ith tho worit o t Mr. R a ikob (chnlrmnn. of th e nntlonal com m ittee ), and his aide*."

wn ahouid a m n ouraelves a« wo>

*amo. a s thpso of th e m en nnd wc w ill w ork lOBCthor."

■ —Thft', fo rm er. W y o irln t* BO»f^aofn • . w a i - c o m ra rtf f -> J7 fcet

rrlonds du rlnx th e B cw ocratic con-

. Is a o t ^ ' fo r ba r.'oo tm non »enM 'in “ l ^ l n r - m h d I* J o v ls J .a n d talk's aa ' sho w rK es. in a b p rt (Im plo aentetfeea.

iCooIi^ExpressesS. ^ r t i u t ' .

• S l T B k I O B , V l s , J B l r H ~ P ^ - Id n it CooUdire'today a« at I b f fol- laitlHK ■ * « « » " ! J ”

.P m U m t .C k l l ^ » r X exlco on U e ' C ^ '- B a i U a (V rran a a t

.. 9^ * > a p ]ilk / M ih f « r r« t l » « »Jii«k K n l r a h M > a n m 4 U tk e

.; V. ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦

^ TakO R M eU N T A lN S - rRACE-OF SLAYERS iliSCRE ROBBHRlt A id Foree o f M ore Thsui.20( c the_Q utlaw .s^te Thdught-to sp'cradoes Seek to Escape By

«■ ■itod-P ross- ......... 7 ------------ r~I r b u g h .th c mountninouB region ol ca: foiir; counties totliiy preased or w' ra.y' ; - ;

-♦deployed trough, the area it - .wbicb-tho-banditB-wore-boIievcc

hiding.Officers liere questioned twi

_ nogro mon a a i a neg ro woamr n e ia as .poBsible accom plices ol th e outlay.^, w ho .k illed Charlei W .' Oarpente'r, 40, a deputy ah c r

I Itff . ahd BorioVi8lv_ w otm dcd OaeaT

L .sberi£f._oarly.,-yesterday.. ........One of tho .bandit gang, be.

lievcd'to bo Rolling Maringer, 27, 5 ‘\VBs_kJllcd_ in_the g^nfight witi > i tio. officers who aUempted to

' they had robbed the postoffice t and general store' at Willow

Creclc. . , • ,_ .Throo hunilltii flini In nn iiiiio.Croui

//o d y o f jlioir ilcnd enniprinlon ou t ly,uio romlildo.. ................

A siiprt time Inter ono ot tho tlireo loiiped from the car und mn away la the .wootlM. w hlie'tlic other two itrovu on. Nciir. Heionn Uiey toaxed- n ,kit ot hiirRlnrn'' tonia nnd the-Hccniio-pinte from tholr cnr. ‘ .

. I^Ht nlEht (lie v^r wnn trilled to Ihn nioiiih of Canyon Creek canyon,

'WhcrcilriLTcl iiy-mstQ-ffujr. |)oas(hlu.'foc I jiinlV f» tew' mile*.. ^. I 0 (Mu<irn ilircCtlnR Ihc , imnrch wore [.convlnuod Iho handit* iilxindonrd tho

juttemiitinic tn make llii?^ way on toot ihro)iEh:(he honvy tim*>cr t o j poln?=?fr

, Bccurlty. . ■ . • •The llcenno plnlo,of the car, nimi-

hor mO-230. wbh'chpcked with stuii) . o U lc la to^ asd^fo im dnn^ hav tg ticcnng ;:

niie'd to. Mra- Nelilo Ilollman, noK-,rcsil.--- ;-- -- ......................

8 iie wnn tiikon Into cii*t«dy nnd fur* mlnhcd 'Intormnllon which lod to tho JVycnl (it IrU I’ettlnKrew, a necro. hrrtj

. ^ r l l!ilwnr,t Tllimnl. tinnHifr ■nryrn nL 1 ffravrrvllle .

. Offleerii.hcllorcd tho lljrof>_nldod the four■ hnndlin V ho actually coniinlUrd Iho robber>'Jn prcparntlo^ tor -'Uio crime. ,; '• ■

Tho, h)iir •mpn..w)io. rnldedMhoicen* rrffl-ntore aad pOBlofflco a l.. WJItOM/ Creek cjirrltil o tf.'tha. tin'e.* coninlp* InK Bpproilmately;4 C.0p0.._

Mr cbU«ii m t s, WASMINOTON. July r<—The Anti* Saloon lenRiie'* nntlonwldd caiiipalsn* a^ n aL G overnor flmlih and othrr wet tandjdntfi y^ D t ftito_^hlgh npi^d^ t< iJa/.'''T»6TleniiiiLtaioiT'1eai5ei *‘ Vtule*perinlendeol P. Scott McOrlde left to- opon tho drys eampatini la the mld- dlewent.

Ljcaruo offlclala explained that each •61 Uif w ntiran CTisug}i"trnt-crgTintn»,' and direct U l own cnmpalK{i. with the

•^atiimgr or g an iu tion tu ra iiu iiiB t;uiy a few speakers while .(h e national head<)unr(ttn> n l WeiterirJlle. ,-Q., fur- ol*l)M ca'rapalRta prooisanda: . ' • - H rrb eii'itM rrr fias bcets'Mdoraed by-the league aa an unqualified dry. fttyii*taiTO«f«-tn#«yr.M cDrid«- c*Il«t alUSUan to Hobrcr's ratification ot the plaalr/and'at tbe aanie lim e rcore<i iim llh'a'm odincatlan stateinent lo Ull Hottston ;coo»«Jtlon.- ' .

mpathytoCaIIesin(■ id 'ile*attr«>'o( nrH in ie OMrtaln C n n io C « ro i> a < m lUaTf«rat r lt . .

- It to ITakklsgtAB on lhf> co a e la v Jo o « l kU T aU n t u d ^ s c M sfq l

,. n ix lit rniM X rt lr o -C ftr w m . pr»»W fcy Ms .darCas. ■ •d ra ty , and M aaiO B a n s « . IIU M s r a t f

- -CUBA «ekleT eB «ta:idn • oaly aa •■■iBsplnUM fa J l n t e m

♦ • ♦ ♦ ’ 4 '

:e Tra,- iTlBlPTAM niPTPL t r a t l l v l j mp I B W N C U i, w m p; C 5 n v e i a i ^ W i l l X I o s e - T o

n i g h t ; M o ^ i i i g ^ . S e ^ s io i I n c l u d e d E l e c t i o n o f O f f i

- — c e r s , - S e l ^ t i o n - o f J Q o n y . e i nl i o i i C i t y and R . e s o l u t i o h t

DcleKntea lo the eonvcnilon ot.poB- 1- -fal—c lc rk sr-n im l—enrrlorttf-eH y—efl^

rler*. nml tlie ivninen o t tho nuxlliarj* orpnnlziiiloiri-icctcd o ttlcern. ndoptei!

file convention city o f 1929.' Heiiinf ) Jiily C nnd G nn Ihe I'inlcfi.I . Iti'Koluttonii jiaoHPiI hy tho Idnhr

' inrccBt rDiirexpmntivo Kroup « t thr> ronventlon, rxlended lo ' Addlnon T.• Sm llh Klncore npiirecintiim io r thr ' addroiiH given .be fo re .the

■coJislflmitln^ pircn"lii"coii;;rL 'iiK 'imhi. uccilh .o f. Ihc. Hi'i'orlnjloii,__ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

Thrinkn'ivaa extended to llin,-!|on- I orahio ^flOn^ R. ICi Hohler for thc I hearty welcome; to ibo Honorable , JudRO 0 . Pr-Duvall to r hV« wise' cnun-

The rosolotioii concluded: "ncROlv. ' od. T h a t >vc extend to tho c lly nl ’ Twin KaltB,our h e arty Ihnnkx for tho

frtondly band extended to us durfnc oiir .ntay In tho cUy. Wo a lao thunh

L tlio-Twin .l^ llii f 'h a n ’•jf.r..ot. rnm iunrcf

' any waj- contributed io tlut nucaes> ,and onJo}7ncilt o f this, meethlif.'" "' ' /

Sl'nillar reAitutlonB w oro paaBftd by ' Ih e 'Id a h o ,O ily C arriera amroclfttlon,

who w ent on record a s 'fav o r lc R . tho Dalo retirotrjcnt ne t p rov ld ln s fo r op^ tlonal retirem ent a fte r SO yuaui'~^u<- vlijc and* com pulsory rc t l re n ic n l . a l ihe.ORo of 6C with flSOO h n n u lty fbr retired .cmnloyoi.

.rolluw ltiR.ndioiirnm onl « t the huKl- ■ JioiSi ■mmlans- o t—Uitt-.vai'loUJu-iiocvica

,briinchoi, "ibo*^*nora wore ialte ;i on a sl;;hl-neeliiR. tr ip to scenic points o t In terest tn th l.i d lstrlcL

Coiieiudinp tho convention w ill be Ih-iTbiihijuc' a f 7:50 a t . Iho'TloBorsim -Ixfllcl^arranBeinenta.'bcinR mndo for ISO'. Comn-OABmBn Addison T . Sm ith will .be tho principal speake r of tho evonluK. T rank lioush ton w lll_pre- side a s . toaHlinnstor and *th’e Iniioic JoiTii-Susecanniizwlltiljir-fHrBlsbcdrhy- CInudc D row n.,■■ Prflcoedlngti a i 'P r ld ay a ftem oon'n *o:islonii Included nn addrcBi) t o ‘ a sm r r n l meeilnjr n t Iho convention dHeKBtcK and v isito rs by C. C. We'n- rlet;.- renrfBi.ntnllvii o f tho noMmnn. tor'C enorara office, and l io y T rickor. national h c creu ry of tb o .R u ra l C ar­riers* ansoclatlon. Mr. W enrlch spoke on Bpeclniltod' ru ra l deliver)- aervico.’ Mr. MUcham. v iio prosldont of tbc

<P0Btai'C l«rki' -ysdernnoh; epoko bc> fo rn 'ibo potta i clerks* snnslon: U A. TVbeeler, Emmcti. p fia lden t.iiind olh- p r ■officers 'addresJid-'W ti ru ra l c a r­riers.- .........................-. t l - ■ ■■■■.

t h e nrtcetlon of John J . Rnnko*!. wbo favor* repeal o t ihe r^isbleenlb' amendmtQI.' t* imdnrslood to have been i'hc fac lor'lri brlnelDS th e leajiue Into action. • .•-W eDrtat*«-tU icm c!ircn llc ir < n r tm nh- Iu cuuiu UUI for repcat'o f'th o ^ 'E lch * " -tceVlh nmendmenL tbareby crcatlQC w hai th e dry leaders c a ll a rea l -mfU and -d ry" la«u« In plaea o t w b at they r e ta rd a a a '"B iilllticaUon" Ia»uc. ~"TIT6~iQ ilc iB ifU u Will— ’"Ctraonrt

didatea for coDxraa^ ,lo a dd ltloa to Iba a^naloMal ffchtk M d - t l ik anU- Sm llh campalKs. T b e- ie asu e ra^ ao w cU lm -tnore th a n TO p e r c e n t o f ^ c h booM QJiwBfr*aa la d r r ; ancM bey ex- poet « ’B e l» -« lec tT i :*arft m arx ln . of pmhibitlont«Vk> t t* :pr(nelpal-1m]w»rl(- a n ila a t a el}aa^& fts th e V ota tc«d|U w •v m ' If tt>an ,«era .& '*«ct* '.leader )n 5 * .TMiiia H ataa.;. . ' . , . . .n ; r r r “

Ca L CarranzaWa f im h tk to

8 to tM w » tild a « rT e t« rU B d * ar tw a '. M l ^ a r f t t a o n c ita e ir . w tO 'S* '

rnlffnr<l I k a r f g r rn v d ’ ta j * »

J lM W i^ r n S. '8> R o r i i i akwild c a rry tfce. t» - ■ « ■ « * •» C lp t iU 'T C S J T M H ^ r f ^ J I t d e a M ,a n d i t M t t l a t* T c n >

• ■ 4 ♦ • i

IJTonBiJ • I __

- A s C onveyance Foi:I. -. A v ia to r’s 'Rem aini' , : .>V,A.'*mNfiT<»V. JuIr J^^ T h o r - t'nitiril MaieH iriivp.rnment hqh ui-

( fered to ronvey Ihn hody of Capl. K m lllo/C orm nsa to hlN_.iin(lin rnuntry Aboard Uie I'. S. .S. Flor. ' Ilia. Secrc(ai7 ■ KcUnRi; announced today. .• Tbe offer wu<i delhered by .Vm.

^bhNKBilor M orrow lo Ihe .Ucxirnti •* foreten offlcp- ladny;1 FnU'-mlllinry orrxleeii furiCur- .

. ranxft .will Iw held lu New York ■| <'Ity aador thc auxplrt-s of the-«i:_itnr^deparluiuiU^.JlUiG__lenJcoK—, ' will Tl»e attended by "reprrKenla.’• . theK -of the Slate, IVar and Xuvy



rfflMEAlj A c a i d e n t - o f ^ M o u n t —JtJo Ily ,

N e w J e r s e y , F j n d s T^e- m a i n s o f C a p t . C a t r a n z B

M^in'Ber^'PatcK;'“'Avlalw r : ,W g s -E iiru u t6 i b M fex ico .’

, • •• . . » y VolMd P r*u. NRW VdRK. July H —A dull driz-

; zlo siil)dued'Broadway todnj-anrCapf;

r 'hjiilion^ iop’ f llfh l lo hia .fathorrnnd, ’ h h mother iLnd^b^awo0tbenrt.‘

Tho bodyrwoe brouabt up this morn* IDR from MoiiQi llo lly . N .'J ...ihe spot where,.Cntranza’a filichi onded so dis-

. nilroijsly 3G houra before', A few Mexican otriclalii. and-a cortoRe froin the m ilitary post at Camp DIx accom­panied the body, up -the lonely New Jer*cy tiirnplken.

Ttiii heufsQ entered nt ihe Iiiwcr [purt.of-tho nlly nnd thfn turoed .nnlo

-Brondwar^tr-ntop-nPcvmpSSirK-rBn-. ,rrnl parlor, thr-inamn parlor wbero j Rudolph Valentino's body lay in nlnlo

tor Keveral linyn,I lIow-ionR'CirmnCT's' bortyw lll- hr

In New ,York Ir prol)tematlcal. Con­sul General Ariuro Kiias todny saiil,

.bovM-er, tiie .MexlOtn Kovernmcnl jiad iirsed that tbc body b« broushl iiomo

'a s poBslhle.—rO m tnza-dfcd -inran-obm ire-otil^of

thd way N ew.Jersoy woodlandx.He.bnd-nttOmpled lo fly from'.Mex-

Ico to Waahln(;ton anrernl .weeks'aco, rclu m lbr the visit o t Col. Charles IJodi>ersh. Ho wns forced down In h '^rlh CnfQi'p"-- ,

Ih e. yoiinR. itmlllnR Mexican cap- tnlii canio on to New York.. , Ilo wn* plven il\e customary honors. • / '-

Army mon, filer*, and clvlo leader* m el tbla youns'Mcxlcan; liked him and diDed w ith him. but C qrranu'seem * ed unhappy. Onco he. aald:. . r '■

*T ara lonesome."‘ Tb«h It.becam e known Ibat he hnd B sweetheart la Mexico City to whom be desired lo'roCumi Ju&i as.ho.dcalr- ed to return to p - c e t h l a «lderly moiher. He mndo, plaps to fly back 10 Merlco. ; - ' ,

out at siorm y akiem and. suddenly de­cided ho' ba'd lo relurn lo hla sweet­h eart Ho ordered hla R yan-m ono­plane from the bansar.

In hla pocket he had a teleer.ntn from tbe weather bureau aaylns that flyinK'condtUoiui.were bad.

« i ? ! i« n. m. ^hat ftlitht-CarrwnPi J e fi^ W itb 1n_an.hour lerrltlc eloctric. ra ln an tt.w ip a aiom i broke o v e r 'th^*«*at'-' .' ■

Thra came^houra of the ■ enilwi'-aouthlaail'':' •TU cbcaw ecs^ J(c;A:4or,^lhO!tM*ot .M exUdiCr^ter. Tbere w aa no-sron). - ,

M o 'w l-H o l ly .: :^ r t e j ^ .P a t t e r n chanced to r o to -a -b em .p a tcb on tae edge o t .Ih e e lly . IU w aa.aurtled to g e t a f»-om,»jlcil.alrpnuiB on U » *round »nd.a*you»18 arlaiar ly ln s.facd ^ ow n .

Diane Ijad b w ahdt down by a.ltsht* nlU B 'toJ i.' B U leather f ly ing Jatket w t-ehsT T ed-H ad" lS 5~SlK I* ^ f - t b eIflin m oaoplaaa care iBdlcatlona ot betac charfett. • - -•

. . j i n l c o .U MoBEBlair. . , ' ' ' ^MEXrCO C ITY ,-July !♦—Tbroush.

^ M azlco U>er« v a a «ffect»d today a * u w of tbhiBUrT. ■ apoauBeotfa laottralac for C aru la Emnio Carraa- M , bortat.a tfrreT MaxlcaB tTialora, who i^ 'U U e d .T b a r v d a y n l ^ t a t lb* o b U r t ^ a « m « to p ;fu A t to.M aHen o u r m « B , K «r T ortu ^

PuW ifi'aBtartalOBaaa kn brer the« a < tla d . • ; ------

v lU A M «r e r W ar iesQ ula 4«M.-dl«^t 4 a ^ Bwuratof -bT. Ui*

4 4 4 , ' 4 4 4 - 4 4

Wriditst W iiS -

m m mBpurbpn.N bm inee C alls . C

R . , I ) ^ i p r ^ . l 8 K ^ t .P r c - fessipnal F ak ir and , Als

- -^T ^korS iap-at-W illiam -A I len W hite fo r Statem ent.

Mr VBtt«d vxw'ss---- AiniA-NT. .N. y ., j t i i j n i= c n r r - :n n

tred Iv. Snilih: D em ocrntic prenidri ' Ilni uandldutc. replied <0 Iho r rltlc i’ r

"J iiH -p rn h m u io ir rfo o rd ’ todn>';~"“r-T 7 •S m ith diapiayed ibo firs t real Ire t

thn caiiipuian w hen he naw n nnwnpr jMir B iory-of Wjlijflm -AJJpn W hiir I

“ t r nienT if.i h iiic r~.T.iritcd- nfi'un-— r rI R .M i l le r , . piiriH irtlnc tn shoV ihii

S m ith hiul voted aRalnht, ovory fori : o f ieelslntinu londinc lo coniro l »a i lonna and thc *nlo of wpirtuou-i ilgliu

".Miller Ih nn Id k a rn t protesjilnn'a » tnRirrnn*Ti7H«niffi“ /niirkhii'U ‘i[~rnkii' . Ihe Eovem or snid, ••Whlte^ln nuppo.sei

to hnvo hrnlns, and ahouid hnve knowiy heller.'.;_________;__ ________________r ■'Miller Ih n protcnnlaniil poranlH’.

, tho ptop io o f tho S tale o t tJew Yorl by d lssem inatlnc fnlNo.infanfintlon.

"H is recan t portorm nnce before Ih nennto Investlpatlnt; com m ittee ough

, 0 io t-the peopln know th e callbro 0 [jO- H. Miller.- H e ^-aiis niniaeir foi?cf

ond. i)Ut 110 U rev e ro d 'fo r DOthlns.- ' " In Uic"Hm\ p f f tO t 'lk '-^ a l iU i 'l f in

• four tim e* 1 voted a fa l i i i t a b ill t< I atop Rambling nnd ^rontllUtion.

"W n* the re over ony law w hich per ' m illed xainb iln^ and p ro stitu tion *< ' th a t 11 wns .necessary to Introduce 1

bill to slop ll " 'S m ith rbarod l,, 'T h e n ho naya I voted afffllnit a bll

to close anloons on Sunday .' ,!• don' rem em ber, th a t Ihero. over waw n bll In tw ducttljw iJch-^w ould^bavftiparjiili ted ihoiii to open on Sunday,'*

W ill .BrSoadcast: Big Bout D irecd y F rom , ’

New Y o rk jS tad iu rra r VBiua !? •* • ' *•

" n < l - r* " ^ 'o n K rr ju iy - i t= T in n ie iv » ': w eight chatftplon«hlp_ Im lit between Gene T unney and Tom R eeb 'e t 'iH lI b ' b roadcast direc t trnm V^mkeo sudlun- J u ly .: f i; the NaUonal B roadcartln f Compnny announced today,

lin wilt >10 n t th e rinRsIdo mIcrO' phone. KlvlnR n htow-by-blo‘# .descrfp- tion of-Fne muln Iwlit and the prcllm- Innrlrs. A netw ork o t.l!) staUonx wtll p ill tha .cbamptonBblp ba U lo .o n (b< a i r . - . . ■

DrrtadejihtlnR w || | hn.sponnored b) the.,Scripp%Uow«rd..newBpil|M5rB.

T w o C h a r g ^ W ith ' ■ 'T.Btfrlering,^PublicJ,

; :r -S r XJaiMd riM B

JACKSON*. Mis*., J.uly H —T w o m en tl n e s ro and n w hite m an. , w oro a r rc s lrd here today on Indietm enla re- U im cd by th e -fe d e ra l s r a t d Ju ry ai n iloz i, ch a rsed wUh barterlBR public offices In M lssUslppl, • ■

d f-p u i^ m a tsb a lr^ b ltQ . and E.- L .,Pai- te r . n e W . ' R epublican leader,- sa id tc

the, r le b t 'b a n d nfan o t P e rry W Uo'wanL' R epublican ia t tD a a l’cem fill-

,;w l»> ^ tan .« ]^ x r tn i/O .lK b t: ; .

Sm ilil3fe«Jer>-A rb,£ j c |^ i ^ i r Stbcki

wj.vnsoR. oiit.;d auatod . by th e I t r M tl4nor*M U urat i r a d a - h r

.era lo t . lB e n jo s t .p a f t io d « y .a w _ a ^ l

IU v a r <>aek to tb a A n i a t ^ to 1>«

Ui<M ixurw . \ i y i e e a w r t u '. - i l t o e lra i

S S s a . '^ ’s a s a g ^iiiju t i r i 5W * W ‘i < r i |W B w t t i 'O i t i

« ____ _

: Capt. Za Scientisi To Com

O ne of R escued M en DecUi I A live .When H e and Ct f tails o f Horrible Existei

• O uU ide W orld . ‘ '

I. ■ , - By Un• M O S O O W -.Ju ly 14-7Capl q' breykqr K rassin a f te r his resci

in te rv iew today th a t he and. 1 M ariano, le ft F inn M nlnigren, 5 die a lone.on th e ’ice.:.■ " A fte r tw o weeksi” Zap

7 - lo n g e r-to 's tan d -tb o - 'sev o ro -s tr . ,. le f t on th c Ice.”i i _____;Z ap p k 5aid_thRt_W nlmgTcnJ . l e f t him.,

) .- A rr ll r ( ilir> I 'ji .Mi’ii,(C oplricbt n92H hy ClllTrd I'rcMil

Kl.NGS llAY. .SiiliJibprten. Ju ly I I - ' Tbo troxbn A rcllc today bcKi«\ ylolt!• ItiK up th e njen believed IobL wlibi ^ he r IflinrlOr Ior wecka und luonthi

I from tho Ico Intcsled a re a w h ile /th ' l i ie Ice ciiU'or ~Krns;iln (ciflriy •jnislie I forw ard n tlc m p lln c tn locale m ore t I (hr> men o t .Ibo d lrlc lb te Italia , |or . Hlnce yiny 2Ii. « r .th o lr frlcnd'a.' [n io ln a t IWO mon

[ Intot .S*orthpnBt'l..and in search o t nn n f th e I ta l ia s ro u p i, nnd Sojf Va

» DonRon, h la dOR aled drlyer. ,1 T hese tw o woro rescued Inte you r ter^day by th e 8 »redlah a lrp laa o Upr

TKere w ns no I n d itn tio n 'f ro in T h ^ 1 la s t te p o rta n t th e fa te of I.udvl 1 VnrnilnR, noK!d n o rth e rn exp lo re r w h

had been w ith th e Sorn paHy.T lins fa r Ihc m en rescued Include

, A dnlberto Aniriufio. Ktllppo Znpp! I A lfredo ViKllcrl, *P. Reiiounek, ..Vnlnli .C ecotonl. G luseppo Rlacl, Peiloc.TxC tan t, C ap ln ia S o rn .nnd S e jt Van Don

'riio rtuaslan Ico cutt«-r bad pm icecded lo ibo rescu e of th e firs t suvei

= men.—Anntor-ChnKhnoTBkyr-tn*.Ti-rff coi^nollorlns fllRhl. a n w .tw o m en ui nn Ice tlo? o ft FO jii Island,• Chukhnovsky circ led overhead, thei

• tlew back to the K m ssln . Tw ico nRnii ,h e n ltem ptod lo i=each,lhe m en.nnd 01

th c sccoQd a iiem p t bo wn* forced ti land on n dangerops Icc bed, w hero In nnd h is fou r com panions now w nit to rescue. »_^aaawfi(t<>-lhe:Krnssln-wna'-pm cer<I InR slow ly townrri Ita Ronl^ thoklni from -'.four. m tlaa .upw ard n dny, -

F i rs t Ihc prow o t iho Uir ice cutte'j forced n-w ay to Ihe spo t whcfro M nr inno and Znppl nwaticif. Both w en IremendouBly weak when Jnkcn or.IKIBIU. 4

W hen, th e K rassin whipped torw nrf In Ihd VHRllnrl encam pm cni. wttftff G onetnl Nobllo had entabllrhed aftoi th e Italln crashed Mny.SS..■ T bo K raaa ln . orow. hopped^.oTcr^lhi aide nnd w ent to Ihn uld nf. rhb tlr< m e a Uiero. C ecclohl.luid l>een In ju r cd. O othefw lsc th c QlKUerl c roup w.ii (n ROod condition.

En rou lo t o th e V ic llero .enonm p iMcriLllic K faasla bad aifiblcd.t*TO-tnCi 6n tHe t«6llo!e. V a r in * excltcdty. Tli< K rasfln -'d ia* itoX M op.bU t 'messnKei

« /f r r_ ih n V ta»eti

T lie Uppland recclve<l w ord of Ihi tw o men a'nd located them shortl] th e r ta f te r . A InndltiR’.wna- made CapU In So ra and Van D onaca w en taken aboard o tte r b e ta s lo st foi weeka.

Sora nnd Van DonRen had sufferei thb c rc a le i t^ t-h f tfd a h liv v T h ttr <001! Rave ou t ^ a ya .aco. T hey w ero ta m ia ^ ed. • -

One by ono they -k ilied the doR» 01 tb e ir sIsiRb team u n til flbe o t 'ib e nln< doca had .'beea kfllM and the ir u sed '.to r fo o d .' Rblh n e t i w fere.w ell


-SA.V 'blB O O , CaL; 3 a l r '. l« — ;iJa tlaa . N aal W ric b l..X b sU ab ..w iU ^ tr ta a . . t 6 « * 7 ^ c h a r t e d wlUi auU< cJoa• -«llMBI«t-<«M i r n t e k ^ .^ d l4 funU aJnift« .l& tlM U .^ a l U £ m , A l her-Mtno<M.lMuWad;-FVuk Ue»d W rtc b V t i M n u ^ A U y ^ B 0 « 6 aM bt.

V 'khtr;«]H M 'M«a ttk<

ppi Says I: Unable^ dnueTripres Sw edish M eteorologist W*f« ip ta in M ariand L eft H im ; >’De- rice ili A rctic Begin to k e a c b

ited P ress •,Tilipfjo.'Za^pi. '; aboard tbj)' ico

le from the Arctic ice, said' in an. lie componidn. Captain ^ ^ Ib e rto Swedish meteorologist' of ^ e ItaliaT

pi said , “ M alm gren wsis utiabl* aln_o f_ the-m arch , -iHe h a d .^ o .b e .-


iOOVEE fRIMEDIt. rif AOijP H t i l AfllCfe . ' • ' . /” R ep u b lican ' N o m in eu T n iiii

W ill Leave W ^th in g lP n !i ■ * ^ d » y n d A a i w M C hl‘ 7 “ '•cag o 'S w id a y 'A fte m o o tr^

•2’:3 d ." : - ‘^ - - ' r ...........V.'0 \ . ■ I—

.- WASHINOTOK. • Ju ly • H .—H orbart ' H oover wound up hla affa ira ab aec- ° re ta ry o t com m erce today a n d to- - TilRht-wttt-^slart h la f l r s l lo u r o f th a ‘ c o u n to ' n> (be R epublican prea ldea-

tld! nom inee.,;'He •hns filven undlTlded a l ten tloq

n daVa In nn- e ffo rt to c lea r h la deSki lo r th e aOeecasor P re sid e n t Coolldg*

, In" cxpcctcd -to appo in t w hen H o e w , visits h im .n o x t we'ok a t tb e ajtm m or , W hile H ouse In W laconaln.. M eanvhile, H oovet'a aubordlnatka . havo a ttended to c a t ^ i c n bua lnesi r. und com pleted a rn m s c fM n u fo r th e

w eaiarn trip .. . T Jio .Jltw ver Im O i.w iii le a ro W aab- . inRton' a t - 7 :0 6 -p. m. a n d - a r r l r e In- ' cblcaRo tom orroiv a t 3:06 p. m .. — R epreaonU ttTo - a n d -M ra .- Jehn-'.'Q ;. TilBo-n of C onnecticu t w ill be th e only

pe rsona l Rueats o f H oover a n d tU |, w ife on Ih e lr rpocia l tra in . O tlier'

. Ifoover w ill , spend fo u r .houra In ' ChlCBBo a t th e a n b u rlw a bom e e(

; Vice -P residen t a a d .M r a . ' 'C b t r lM ,0 .. ; D nw es. IIoV aU oM w ill ebafer; wlU»’ James-'W . G ood.,bla>we«t«ni c an p a lg a . , manaRoi-t and R a p ra a ta ia lir a 'W a lW r

Nflwtnn o f MlnneaoUi. d irec to r o f Uia . R epubU cia c a m p a lc a 'B p e a iu r s | btir

' T he specia l .w ill leoxo, C blcaco . a t , G p. m .' tom orrow fo r Snportor; WUU ' w here a labo ra ta i h u a l c l ^ l . w«*-

1 v is i t w ith tb e P reatdan t .wllL b« p iftd r j by m otor. . f .

I leover w ill rem ain a t f tra la uaUI M onday -a f ta rn o o a ..a n d . tb e a a o t o r to . O nlo ih . .U ln iu ,.w h e re , tb a apa^U I

, will be w aitlaR . T h an l^a a d ll SVfr I ceed to San F t in c la c o T la ,B L r a n i .L ^ t i m . . ^ a b i ^ a l w ^ a y a B B 'a. ■

, j»rrive in -b a a - r r m n e la o o - a t ' l h 4 l a .‘ m . F riday . T b aa h la K ona 8 u t 4 - e t

Page 8: · . _ ynii. xi.. Nr.MitKu 71. '. ' ' I i'iaS TO ® iS'e-'.. » >

W S B■ ■ E c

T ^ i n , F a l l s G i

Long BeMiss Dorolliy l^iugor, - I'o-

inona Colletre Suulcni-,■ Js -Bride. ,

l)et.ill» o f ihi* wrrllllnu <if MImi D.iriitliy »nrKiT, iliUiKlii<T orM i-. aiul Jlric. II, P. J Ja rK o r »r ill'll. ••!(>• J?clcli Min of Mr. uii.l Mix.J. C. CSinwyii o t. U<11U ll'-a.’h,- rp»tg<TTi lirJili:,will l i t o r iMtiTCKl io Tiylii I'lc-s'

look Iho KfrnlMifttKmlHt cliiircli n f • l^iiiK jiviu-li, .Inly Siiillti r.-u.llnv <lu-iloubic rlQK ci.Tcni4)ny. I’iriiii;'. T cnis iilK l^l^w iT *'blinked Uu- lllUtr ;iii(l Ih r c liiir tV liimiiBlirtiil .wiirf m tl.iilc-ully lrlirifi>t«l!^nr III!' oiTiixiDii. - ...

Xfrn. I'niil II. T iiIiut o f 'T w In NlHtcr or tlie .l.rlilo . wan- iiiairoii i.t lionor nm l llic urociin'ii rmlii'r-. wan llinl iii.iu.'.T lu - ivMi- AV(.M'- ail ll!, ‘ jy!" Ilf tii'llio (-ri'iic Illlll:iifr^^V. 1 i''i''W i!r lidiHiiirl < t iiirlilils :iml w>iiVi( III- ilic vnlluy.' ;

'iriio cureiiim iy- waK - w.Unwiitil. on ly liy; llic liiJiiimllaiu taml1li.'fl uiiii MlhM'ii \IaK«lalfini-Sc(ur«ffBr iuiil Iii'tli rorm iir ’r w i i t ' F ii"« Klrls. nml t Iiim- frli'nrt*. «r llio ibrlilis Follow Ihk llif«rnl»ltrtK-^n-l>f**nkf<«^t— tliu Ell*ivltcllinn rmmt o f 'l lu ' VIrKliila lioidl. ' Mr. nnd .Mm.- (Nirlnun U'fr*at n„PP-<,,„_„..(,.|iHlii>-.-uuJiU<»:’- ir l |i lu S;in rraiu-UtTf, Tlio 1irl<U-':> ( i'aV‘-lli>.>J milfU wart liulso w ltli c o llar and irilffa or IjiiilKiT, w llli a j'n ia ll

10 ina tcli. ■ 'Mr. an<l Mri>. ra r lo o n will n uko

llii-lr lioiito l i r l / i n i i llra rli , »vlic-r<‘ Mr.i:arlKon 'iit>w>i-laii'il w lili ilu ' Itimk nf I t n l ^

li-ai! tlilH coinliiK yiuir. .Mr. CurlMiii KcIfilT'u (•riiIui‘"n n it-M rr-< - iir tr r j; i - r jiin lu r.' ■ ' ' ■

Mih . CHrlfiiili l» > «riMliiiiIi; o t Tw inKallM llU:ll Vcliiiiil. wlM-lv 'i-lH’ Wii;kl.roii-;nvni '111 nil. .■•■•lu-oT i.cilv-ltipsrpanlthilnrlj-H liiiiiuiU cK -----Shc..-h;ua..;a.nirmlM*r o> llu- T^r-O i luli ............. .. of[lii<. iiiDKt. |io |iiila r mi'inlKTH iif llH' yniiiiKi^r^'jl li' i-'- ^ ^

Couple Reeehtl.\^'.■ W e d A r e - H o n o r c t ' S , A t . P r e t t y R e c e p t i o n

Mr. nnir,.Mrn. .1, .M. l’i-Tr» a> ''lii-lr iillrai'llvc i-oiinlry plai-- al Ilrli;<'r i-n lrrtn lnril 'v lili :i‘ rr<'i-|iH<m rrl tln y i-vrniii;.' In liomn’-of i! if lr-?on . W. H. I'k-rn- Iiml .Mre. I'lorrc'. win. V an Mln.'i Dorothy K m w orlliy , wIiom. m a rr la s i; ,xn% no lon .n lrn l iw n »vo-ki> ai:'».

W iia ^ K a riu-

ICoilworltiy. A nfiiiilM'r o f ' ll.!^ll:lltl^lt iiiinlrnl ;i<'li'i;lloiiH \>c-ri' >:Im'1i diirlnClie I'vonltli:. ami lliMrilii^'nl.'itlon». l>y MImi Mllilrcd •ltoii«ion ,and

..Morcaii W.TO Iw iilrn la rly I'n-oyi'd.

T liro iis liim t kli-' • fvi-tiInK n-Ircxli- I iicniji won- M Tkiil a t sm all a r--iiiiRpil In. th e d lnlnn rn.'iii. Ilinl vao<'« | if—Dul(Hjl>-_t*rrklnt' ra intdor ro-rV ) •nmtilnl'il . w llli (;y|>tio|iiifia . t r n l r n 'i l IlV In'ilt'^ and uiii.tllllli-R of Ilir clicin- •11 f lo w r r ^ 'ln lia.'ikrt ivrnitK<'iiii-ui» •vo.ri'.iiliiiv il 111 Mu', dining roiiin. Tin- law - ilfn ira t lv r M'ln-im- u a . i ' n:l:iliiril j11 .ill tiiniM- do-i>raUoiii.

Bee' Gtrls j■ H o m e F r o m T r i p ;

A 'K roup of Her Hlvo i:tr1». ihiiiK -r-' .IK'II t>y .Mif. ,Myrll.- IIIIIIT. .Mr^. ’c a r l S » rn so ‘n nnd .Mrs. .V trk liila , <lrkniiiii Imvc rM iirncd riliin SUo-j tmnn lianln .wIu t .- lUi-y s ix -iil. fou r i :ay» iit, ilni adriii-llvi'' fn m ii l il rk - , ' nnil ntiovc iln-t><'i>nt <-nl>tii. Tliu i|-*iial { iiitip ro iittn r . tncl\ii!ltii; tilkliiK. a 'ln l: umcti. n iiid P 'th .' to iir-dny <.utlni;. a

— Mi l . Tti.- I.....;tri^ j:; 'lfii<7> »m t^ftflF -tin ' n i i i w n . ' Inzcl Kh i-iik.'II. I.diiIh.* lIuU liI. Vin- i» MnliK.nMiiii. I.ydlu Caind. I r . 'n r

'hrlH tiijdirrniin. Z.dplfa llU ti.iii'. A ria .InO. (i.-iirv l..\.' Hnli.'.v. lU-rdlni- 'iKttni-v, A lta Snrcnniin, lli- KlrU- inn . .N>Ilh- An.I.TMiii ami Mlldrc.l ila rk liu rii. ^ ^ ' -

V r n p r i r n n - H o m c ------- ---------I s P r o g r a m T o p i c

Till* U nd-a -H am ! iln l i im l I 'rld .iy IirrnTxin a i iln-:iiimi..’ .i’’ M i■ ill.i

<Hi>t nnd Mr?i. .Mi-liiljr.-. " r.- r " ~ ' ;.nl.-it In a.l.miKn Io th .' iti.-mlirv..oil f a l l rrM K inun hou--'li'iMini-*. and th<- jiro triu n for tin a ri ' i- rK )n 'lin -*T nie,'A m crlian H onn'" »a«

..'nlx fo r a' r.iintly tiiuiilr l«' t .r liv U . lly-S ti w rrc in a .l. '-d iir lr ;; th.- Ini-i- rsn tw-nlon. -'At 111- c lo -r ..f Ih.- afl- •Of?ijn-.Mr<. Kitnrhn-r. n•.^1'l.■d .'li f, a lltirw p ian il Mia. l).-pM-n, : . rv d r* tiin rn ts .-~ - '

t r i d g e S u p p e r I s ''. C h a r m i n g E v e n t

Mr». O in r ir* 4n->.'V . l i l . i l.uii. .1 a t j- hrlilKO i«U|>tv<-r. Krldo.' cvi.nliiv -il h. i. [Uii« on .'s rv rn th .■>>Tnur. ra.»l. Uo*'-.

ir.i' xriWo*. n m i-n r n tn-«lre<irall«: Ilrl;|ll» Mvrtrrd llu--i‘.ini<‘

u a l tuoUf. At brW cc .Mrai. •n. Kue»i « i ih«* trTTTT'' o r h - r rtanch- r . M m. nn tx T t llrn 'si.n , w nn’ ih-- I l f fo r htgh W 'r r , - « .T lt r i. U . llri?.-*' "


by Jean Dinkelacke

H:. Marries a h July FourthWha-t the N ew -Y ork

.W orld H a s-lp S ay . A bout “ Th* P a tsy ”


. , ■ - T in : fA-i'.>^v ■ .M.'tr/.-i;oM»vyir-.Ma.vcr iirix-mV. ’ a

Tit II J, dt 11 i'.ii''il* Vv Ivtitt^ t'.n? T'H' iiti*Ul.' l la r iy l.Vii.not:'.

, ! A -I'Mi': CAST . ■.I’liirli hi llaV tlncion , '.Marliin Davh”', T.iny Alidi'r^'ili O n lll . ' Caldw.UMa ll'arl llir.loh .MniUc Dli'icdi rI'a llarrliiu lK n .. .. I)i-I ll.'iidi u-ini itm . -..l.awr.-n.'V r .iavtlrac i- i l a n iiiKHin .............l.itn-. W lnmi'

A I'l.'nll'. Inii.-lllol^i^ iiiiiiMial Him i'oi\ii-ity him <'(>ni.-,.io Ih r Idalni. ' iti.' .lln-i'litrlal inndnci of Kliii: Vldnr. ivjni ..Marlon Davl..V ai* « Iar.."T h .. I’a i s j " I;, mil! ol tliiiM' jilclnri' iday;. ihfii ha[r|>'.ii hloilK iii-iliar'.H om-p or t 'H t i r a year ol which 11 mny !»• i.altl w llji irti idiH'crttv' tliiii iM-rc In imiiiclliint: n<tilli. I.'kUI- iniitfly liiiniornii- and »;><tly di*idd uL a'iiv iliin i:’ iii-'M..-niTi^iJ>«nUi~flic-i-oiiF nion nitl o f liiovh- Mt/ff. Mr. Vldnr ha« tri'illfrt lti<- cam- iiT a .Miiall, ii\.'i'- UK.' ra m l ly .- j falln-r w ho. fn4or» lil;i viMLli^i-r .tati^litiT. I 'tl l, n inl. a ijKitliCl- who oniK' dn fiiti'iihcly look'i. oiii h ir hi-r cld.-r daiiKhUT,'rTiaCr, ■.MI H llav l, ;. I. .I.’ill-llll:.ll*.•Ul<..''Lonl•,l.'iJ|o_cJJ'nIllallyIak‘c:i il|i on Ihc <iul.-l a MinrM- In |u-i. i.oiialliy c iilti iic and In llin .' ira|ilui;cH ticr* tu in . ' ' * •— Ill llii'.co iin ..' 01 tin- s io ry - a linlii. c iircfr.'.'. in.'anlnul.'S.-* md of cycrydriT I'ldMid";' wlflrli lak." idni'*- lli tin ' nm -. Unc- of t h « lltllii tainlly'i. cNlMi nci' .Mti.s U av|i':i.,-;ri:!^n-*tini'ufM iiiHy ii> I'liuiiKi' In ihr.'i- o f Iln- lniji-'r :.m allon:i

iiniiihiii' of yi-at;i I liiivi' h 'ci'ii.,li.'a:in;'' wliiit rea lly r.'iuiirKald" tiiliiilc 111". i:lil-l!;.lii.ri;al.ll(L‘ h u w ji. .•o|n<-N.\Vilh .-aiic lo r h*-r li*idi|> a w n y lro tn ii.c a th . vrtm : m r • itim —liiltiiii.m. i». luUitn. ni Ihl-' innlfc-ni> and l>;'arli)u-Ml - facial llkrni-;;^i‘ lit ii'iy fron'i Miic. M urray , m )’ola .N'l-Kri. Too. Ihcy imy. i.ln- diiv- an cxiraonM iiary (Tli;i|dln. In "Tho I'a lsy" filii' a iijicara :ii> Ml-iu M iintiy.

NvKrI. Tli.'.-^c linltallim ii m e aiiia;;- Iniily. iiuJihi. I'or Unit n ia lt.'i. M i‘S havli-n •• t« -•'muiIhUc .throiiulvoul. lln ' (IJiii. an linaKliialKi', h raiillliil. .iV- Iri-'i-liinK liml* iimlc;stamljn>; play, r. l casi in a cimi(-.|y <d t^ in ta iil sc-iiM-. .I lr .’.-I>'d' w llli 'K t. 'a l nr.'i l:-li«n -iinl <'<iiniii'U'nii' ami .irtjilm illiy- •"I'lici I 'a lhy" oii>-n>> a li.'iy rnn a t the hla-1 ho' llii.a1)i* finn irrow .allcrn iiiin . i

■‘ •r^nilViru»,'l'i.iliii' l | i - T l i . ' new 1.0111.• trv '-lniittiin£m t:iiic:tuttntyTln!tt«r‘-'!i(i'l“‘: l!> n...ii'ly fiiiii.hi il. and ih.- tnJl.ilni: ’ iiM 'iI.Ior a Kol'hil n n l. r will hr inorrd 1 lo nil m w loralioli il.irtn;: lln- .-oiidK:;: w.'.-li. T ti.' ;:ionnd.-< hav.' tic .n l.itd hi cAt'.-II.l.I ii.nd ltlon Ir.r-tlic: la ll c\r>'>-j« l l ( , . . ■ I

E A K K J75c' S U N D A Y

• . D o ii 'l Mias Oiir

■ S.TV .',! |-Vn,i, :

■phcnc 454 ‘ B A R K J

■ ■ r f / ' i r H Y E A D S C^----- T O ^ W l^

A Few= = z z = 3 t= l

U lll .'-^.ifJ.::;><Tin-'rfT:-l).i{i3rt»T -I.'- " fIt.^-ini’iin lr:miri_iiu'VTinit,. iv •

a n y i! . .v il i i tu i i : , I.iim uc- s li

- jS jr]R iL r§ T -i> ( ----------- '

m y A Mi'r. O ^ /c e P hone.E , B.

O roheun^T om or

'■i jM J tM u /h a / /7 S o r o th y ^

■■ ■. - ■

Bull Elk Spends Season Near. €amp

YK'M.DWSTDN].;. 1‘AHK. W ji',. Jiily 11--AtltnniKli . Ihc ura^ii - khiwi' liill

'an.l tliV- ^!ln1llTnr i'iiir:;i'.' In thi—htrrt]i>lafc-> of. .. .................. .\a tlo iial parklicidiolIM lo ' Ihcl'ii o f hhf-Kind, Jlli'lll:.'’oiii'liiiir.-IK -w im ^'^r''nd)?-ttic-rntfrrlin .rlsi I'cahoii In -ami m a r the inUo- in'otilh- cMiiijdiii: uniiind a t ; 'Noi;rih

<)l einil>i; Ul.' araHH l» /r rn li ami K tT nriii N or^h . hill ill till-- wtirni hi-:i- l>n of III'- y .',i r . l t Ik IIk- lialdt nf d l '

i» ranu .' In tliu h iuhc r niiiunlain iiart- .ir iti" i).irk. / J 'h i i i ia iti ru ia r aijiinal U xt.'Vlii:; cloi.i''' ff> ' lilr. cainiiiirinigd

.iiaLi. luiv,:jutrii^a.JlU 'iLB for. cIvlMi'.cd

.luiiai-infH-'''''!'.'' Minii) i-r T o r lln- ]iaid Ih ti'i' y>.iii- liai. iiiiCiiV-.lhi- nutoinotdh; cai'inlnj.- crnninh; al Nurrl.t hli. Iicatl- u n a ric t! ) .. . . . t

.M tin- jiri-.M iii liiiic lii.H an ilcrn nrc (•’in lho -v i'lv c l," an.l In- hnar.s a rii.val licinl of hK iiolnia tn - 'ls’li inihlc ululil to hioli ii|iiiii a round iho IoiitIhI luin.'i. Hi' dnVs not h'.'i: Iiiii food, likeUlll .................. li, nor .ioc« 'tn- in>c llirron;:li inanilcrx oV llic lio1ilii|> ilii-ar.

-II— u n d u —lu—illtiuIULil—kllia ia t—iiuat :ilic tonriM iinill I'.llor.i.l toii,t. Tli.m l i e wil.;,h-.-ml hhi lo iliiy h.'a il and llili- llic u l a ti i i i- l .u r 'w i»fidi-i'c' Ilf |ncad,

C.VK-'IS ll>H X T itlK I> .r i ia rh h 'riii{mai< IioiikIiI a .^ u r fnoni

■J ii'tara);^ in ,llllton. .Mont.. ‘aerordliiK10 w onl rcc.'ivcd licrt-. ninl lhc m r w hii ;t Illlll lici-n rcntini.^ iinlclly In lho ,Mi'ii;<-l i;arar.<'. nini-c Jnne in ii.'th a 't car. ivltli a naymi'Ul |uM <!nc.

A man >niniKhl.lhc c ar lo iti.' Incat iMra~-i' Jiiil.' saylii;: tlial hi' had

iln'u hhi Itn .'.. :.iilt<'a;.cs''’a'm'l I' fi lh» :.irau.'. I'lilliin- nf tin- man lo n 'l iirn

11 rl Iininlrli.i,''H tiiidi, I-•^nlIcd In Ih.i am .w .'r li',Mi D iljon.

TiiiirH W atil'A ihi liVlllK ic m iIIh, '

a O T E i r 'D I N N p 'r ' / ^ ^ ^ . ,-7 5 c .

50c LitJichcon ..

i : : ' t i . - j ' l ’. .M. • ' • • .

H O T E L A nne S. K islinff ' •

» F S E i i v i c EJ F A L l ^ . I ' ■

boUars -ear Z—

i>).i-u T v r . ' iii ir irt>;vi’:‘li<>ii — .

r y r \ r w t N f A i i s r,

:T vm rjiL in .T }tJ j.Y jrm zB .L :

XJ'38 .; H om e P.Hohe 1

•row an d M onday

I Scfretiir.i III —frank Ki'ciian. iieci'c- iMv ol Ihl' iiSiiulv lair.' i." i-onflm-d lo hl:i'hoinc In i'il< r tiy nn allai-lt i)l loll-

LiimiTt.. , ' . - , r . ■ . ■ " . . .

Buy Stor]| In n'licller iine'liiic(J.L. (•>'li.ii} Ill 11 tr.... sftiliitf.

• II di.irt vciiin lli,e (In' |.rlei- of. i-i.ii ‘'Iiniirioe t'llii iiue* In hin. II •'l.l'i t llic il'-iiler- lell-j«u‘Ilm tiiii need II'. .M> nintljrr siilil (hn

' iliiy U'enllii-r iiml'Viildiiiue lUoJiU 1 Hllh .•■dll. rlei|l) .loi'l OUT eierj , nviiiild md linj'jonr ('lirl>linii>'Cm

. I, >•' - • ■ .

DetweilerI’, .s*- If jiHir di-iiler i-iin'l i1eti»er on jis U'e ha>e I'ho (nielis jiinl fh iii'iKlihiir Mi«->. Ill- <-1111 ii'c IlK

■, tu: si;i.i, TiiK THIS SII*K <IK '

III nu uii'ttu-

• ; m il l Ul

iD p R IS K• ~ B n o o k u m '^ C o m e iy ,-‘*l

H E R E TO M O R R O '

- - - - - - - - - - ----—(; --taij;-lil*filr.i-n-ft l r l . r k i . lnY I.. r lhat hr

. , y r...tildY Icani-'fmm a-

.vly'" t.y fiiiy 'Bi_ ___. i'rMi Ttintrip».>nI.core* .tJcrabFtn..Aljo Colorcd Art Peii^re

---------=-------- ^Direction Pcof. G

w-j.V E R S A T IL E C A ST

A S S E M B L E D 'tb R “L A D Y BE G O O D "

a:i .'vcr waii.Kulliurcd.tottclticr .in-pin!- nn.diieilnn is to he fmin.l In llii- i-a»t of " Ho Comi," lhi- Kind .Vatlon- ill ,|ilcinri‘ whicti 'coincis lo the Or* liti'.-nin ihi'aii-r In're lolnorrow. ’llendin;: iliu <-ai>i lire lini'othy Mnek- allt and Jack. .Mnlhall. l-'lmt .S'ailnnul fciilni'cil I'llavi-rii, nml hotli cxcellcnl rnrei>nrs. Mnlh.ill inadi' a Irimicn- itoiii* hit wltli lilri I'haj-nc-lerlzatiiin of '•Thi! IV.or.Nnl." a farre cnmedy snc-

i'i-kh; lind Mini. Marleiilll hnH ln.-en Tea-.other fariYR. '•..In, lhe ii>H)liiirtlni;.(-iiHl. Dor Parley and Jihin'x,' I'lnlny.Hftn. .iit iiid i)ui. as i-onicily |>laycr» of Krea\ «'Xi>L‘rionce. Kliilaj-Miin. ml 'coii.-edy vltlain, hiis a|>|ii>«ri-il III lilerally hnintn'd.i of nne and m.i-rc<‘! -i-onicillci;. Mh.i. Karlcy i((lpilr<'d for Huioral yciirn in Mad: Spnneli i-oin'cdli-s,'• John .Mlljnii liiiH i.laycd c\ciy lyfn: or,rolo I.n'the iicrct-n frow roniaiillc li-ad.H to ih-i'|.cHl dyed vllhilnx. and Jn ’.'l.inly lie - Cloo.l" <'inn1.liii':i I'lnm-dy wiiii till- lalU'V tyiiu' of charai-lerlr.'i- lloll. K.IdI(! lTavioil.,>'llii Marliili. Jav' i':aion,,A;:(!lc 3j.;rrl(i.;;innd,*oilH-i‘.'C .iru In ,lhi! <;asl—..... -.v. ,

age Coalir -toker. - Y«irx et.n --turl_,>,J»Jm.' -

II iiiniid l.c .hiu-lier, Tlie eniil don't Ike «lll-l.e}. ■III \i.ii, ean’l u.-l nl tli«'/llni«H eu-rj"'jenr llicre ««*• jdciilj . of icfl.uiLr Xliii.Miiiie Inis l.cVii Into .jciif. WIij'Tiirin )i liiirrjl' >'oii iiilj .nl liiU II«m‘ <if llie >enr.

Goal CST)oiir emil nlieii }ini iii-rd It. rnll

u- li-iinis nnii If ne iiei-il iiiiin-, onr

IIKST,TiiKMiirrii I'oi.i:,

l O c 2 5 c 3 0 c IT o d a y ' L a s t Sti'owrng

i S s E t S -•>t Aeth'U

t-ntillt'iil.: e n y o n


J O O D^ N i A c i a i i L -^KWULHMr

and- L a te s t P u tb e N ew iBO H BSTB*-------------- ------------- «i. E . M atteson . . ’ “

-Ciaini-Ro&ar-y - B ^ d s — 'I’u rhed Itito P e ta l 5 •

, A fter~ D eaiH rof M an’■ NA.VSI-'Oltl). K . . • Ju ly H -;T r;iff1 .' (iffii-i'iK. w.Tii i.ri-Hi-('iMnlo K .Tvlcf'tn-

.day fo <-o]>c w lili ilji- <To\vd;r wlili-ti liiivc hi-rn a lfra rK 'd ti.' Ihi- 'home of .MIdiiii'l ‘^Kii.ik.V - 7. whoiic • 1-iinary hcailH nro iia'hl,.|o-li.TVii :iiirnuil--imu

•’Illy iK'tah." a fiiT lii» di-ath. -Ari-onlliii: to Klinlio. fnniily lln-

lii'nds w.Ti- htoHM-d tiy t l i r . imlu' and Klvcn 10 Kimko when ' ii atiiil'a r.'d Ihal hc wa.-< il)1iii; of a t.rokon hncli.

It iM ctiiliiK'd t.y thiiiirf w ho'h.dlovv In iliv ■.•nilradit” tha l nw di'n tlr iifi-

of m ica," , : .

•>IA <T,AS.S The" Ainonia eliniH will nn-.'t .Mun-

liny I’vonlnc. Jn ly IR. a r 'ih c of .MIk.h Mnriuii T iiriic r. 7r.l Main nVL'mic north . ' ■ •

o o o a a o a t a o o o a o o a o o a i /o o o o a o e± 1 ^ ____ ■ : '

j T h u s C o i r ^

r ■ 'Q D jii'ii il lia iik aiii’o tiiil tii ilny .5 ill i.'nli'i-. to Ih'comic I'.s'htlili.slii'il S .siiiiillfi- .-ii’c iijitilk , lii iih I'licc liii

5 . . ■ People of'-fiirFtttc

g ■ 1 ' ________ ^W H Y ’ J f



§ HKAIilK'U O F ItK flI(L \A L T a o o c t » o o o o a o o o q a t» o o o a ta o o 6 i

JOE-KSAYS:—> B ew are o f Uie m nn wlio pn

w ho icccps n il o f h is promificj any . Eh , whtilV

T o m o rro w~5nH"MoiSH5^JULY 15 and 16

' t

■ . / M - •

i i > •

••• ■■ a'}

• / m J O k . L V 01lie; an d ,

_ ______________ :________ ’,_ ~ tiS -p l


I f yoi D avit

- ' • ‘ gninc- . , o f loi

- -T— yTONGTvn; \ i n n i h MAI

\ LAV_ \ . »*M'J .in Jh r play

\ , « liy l i j i r f j Connnm--------\ ti*-^ <hrJ*tJiic

----- .v V - ---------- jntin« ..ft.-ijirw j.-\ r J I.) KIni; VMor.

\ .V > lnring I ia t lm N . |.r<Nlurtlon


P I O T U k E /^ MA J v |c t r c ^ o ^ / ^ / 7

• M a y e r n cru«K ■ \ / ,

^ IH A T S -O E E U ^ ta n J L&Urel*6 liTer*Hard7 . 0 « m ed ]r. | .

. ’P A T l'n 'm V ..-T I 'IA ' M- 102S-V

i()ii.iiK it n r v Km'ri)|{. jn ~

jiy UnltB(l-Pr«M ___t'.O.S ANCKi-UkS, .I'nlj—M - rnii.'ral

j*..r»l«'ii Wilt tl.' held Mon.lay'for Don O, NiL-l. f.irin.'r i-lly • fJ lto r of tim Iliiiii-. .M'oiit.. Miner. ,-Wtio dh-il nf hrari .lhu-a-ii yci.terdiiy. ■

L D.S.Gari^ehts i, N E W AN D OLD STYLES*!.'

-. In :ronihcl .Mliin.i Co( I'eWor'H' ColiiDi'........j.icii; weikftk' . i^ .in M 'J iru ic r r \ j .7

SNR (ianiK'iiX "(Klroil W IkM j.-.5l,ll5LOGAN 6 A R M % f .< b o ‘ '

“ 'V)i>i-(i (rjt'iiicar

laao o o o ao o o o o o o o o o o o o o o a o o a o i

res S u ccess |

Vdii iji'cii ii.'it liiivo. loltf o f I'lisli, S u ilii tliih- ljiiiil<. , Wi-Hini-'ifitivil-'i’- • S

ly Illlll saviliir.--. I . •••*. . g

knce-Uac T liiyB iiiiit'- • ’. §

0T ::Y 0 u ? , I

miar^Wtk~~ii r T F a l l ^ i

i fEIIKKAI, HKSKIIVB SYSTE* aoooonoooooo&ootygp'^'^tKi&OBoo.'

omiscs too iJiiich. The only mim 1 -is the m an who docsn ’t nmko

“ U'iiern lllB l ’lt'Uir.'K I'Joj*'


W L ' ' 3 '

" % • ________________

U m u st in c tt P a tsy , ttio V '; a p - 'y e a r g i r l 'S h e ’s cutO ' , , -V sw eet, b u t wEen C up id V I

rau .O is '.---------- ------ I - .

u w ftnt to so» w hy M nrion •: »:s is h a iled as th e S creen 's le s t funstcr.*.8co this- r io t '.?I'e a n d laughwJr. ,-,— 1--.- ■ - ,

) p R I'f-xlurlliin


IS iw 'S creen

Page 9: · . _ ynii. xi.. Nr.MitKu 71. '. ' ' I i'iaS TO ® iS'e-'.. » >

-^A T tT R D A Y—f l i r n ~ - T r - m ^

RiSiNSBATni;lA m sa iF P IN G

-B»jobkIyiijii»a(Ti»V St.-I.Qiya t fb r Im p o rtan t S eriet

- - W ilh League Leadere.f ;- 'W r « k I)RGK‘ KIIIKSKY .

irhU fd IVtsns- BtaK C orm iiom leiJt NKW V O n k .' Ju ly H ,—F a r trom

o u t 6r tlio, N aiioim t Ichkuii ponnunl rnco Uio H rooklyn ItobliiH Invnilo St. houin.'.tociny for nn Im portaiii wortcH wlU> llio louRUo Icitilliii; Cnrdiiml*. •

Tlib:iU )bln» aro rtown In fltUi plivco, t l ^ K iiittn Iioliind tlia ■CarillimI.K, bul lirooKlya Tins Uio pltcliliiR alrctiRtlt

■ to Rtdp any du ll. IJiiclo W ilbert Roll- liiobn' lmH Bill C ld rk .i.,Jew Petty, U as ty V ancc. • H u « • McWccny nml m il Ijouk; n il rt'uU r to film;, a t tlie

-lilk li~ «y liiK ’ CunllnulB;.................. .........ou t;: o f HCVCII Komcii played, wllli

(llli ■Ciirdlnbte .tlilH yenr. the llojilna lia*o i.V>’ou only tw o bu t tlioy liavc

. wlvieii.'tlin lonauo Icailerw immn o ic tuUKbcni b a t t le i o t:t l io scoHon..• T lm CunllnnlB lioil no troulilo ill*-

_DO(jl«ils o f th e noHton nrftVOH. nnd tlie New Y ork QfnniK, hcntlnK ltoJlTlcmna th ree- nut- o t-Jo u i- canicH. Slouillly

lUn Olanln Imvo to Hhow anymIrAh, la te ly of ntayluR up nmonR tho contondorn. - ,

KnJoyliiK n tlily lo n d 'o f Uhi rqoicn Dvor llio -iTncoiiil placo Clnclnnnti

i , ltcilH.;_llii; CnrdlnnlK. aro RoluR to bo

“ to Knvc tK T w o T ra xorlcn* ticKcm 'l iiT n to< nn iu i .StrX SuTii rdtih lilrfcoaj

liAvo flCnrtod ortlcrluR tliu ir ticlcoiti (« iliQ fnll clanh w ltlj tho Now York YnnVte*. r .. - <

— Tira m fm m imd ^ .faK- imlnlB-t.M h t rontonderH n p p fA r 'a s followii:

CardlnalH — W oll bolancod club, n lro rif In ro«ervo*'iiironRth nnd plny* InK oouilR tcnlly.

W l» tuko & fllroBR rovorial In form to . ktfep thorn sou t o ( t i n t o r tiec<

RMn—n r tu f n of h f d L»cnH lo lln e- np Khould ,koop c lub up n e a r top, •but. no t' cnouRb-'hU tlfift Btrenictb to remafii a eoanlatent a ea n ce. *

a ia iltii> ^a1 ltnR o ff bad ly In lant ■to.w samoH nnd 'u n tv * they ithow n hrncQ noon, headed fo r . second dl> Tliilon: •'

Cubfi—H avo pow er n tid pUcblnR bu t c an 't nocm to h it a titeady paco. l,^ ck a ntroiiR left>tianded h U ^ r ,,b u t h a v o 'th ro o iIQ bt.banded B lu n o rs In 'WJlKon. StAptieDBOtt b n d . C arter ,

= ^ T G B n 5 ^ lc iy ? p H 9 n n r iB n C S firS f ip leoRuc, bu t-n 'D t-enousb toRO wlih-.IC. Llablo to w orry pennoot cdn tenders conAlderablo. biit 'no tiju lto onouKh offcnalvo to rl>o to top. .P l ra le a —O nly a.-iienB{itlonaI com e­

back c an ROt Iho R ational cbamplbuH back In tb o runnlnR.. •

CoIenum%Helps; SemitorsWifl

■ ’ 1 *•, ;

form erly o f tlio-O njloK, .pa ired w ith Itum ssy to coH ee,nw o homo, run* (p( Hoino nnd he lp tb e 8«Bator« win from tijo PocatollD B annocks 10 to 'C h m O'Ofltorday. Cow m an mode b is '- long d r lro In th e a m n t h Innlne..

M aldnoy 'R qn)ne b it n sd tw o runs In' th roo UmoB u p .a n d Cojemnn (^ llec ted Ih ree b ll* and tw o rutw la flvo tim es o t tbe-p lat'o . . .

Tbo Bcoro: T tH .n . UolBo i ; ............__________ 10 .3

j^OCUtellO — : ____ - n " ' « ^

- K ln j ; {'S n y d e r and~?joft5g. ' :

Ogden ScniJsBees Down Dejfeated 6*0

OODEN. Ju ly U ^ io avenV i' th e irahin niit thi« n>riffW x x iniMiibft ,iJec lft* ic^ nd -»gn :-frw m th e i f la l i I jtk e 8p«s 0*16 0. S a lt I^ke.obllectc*! Boren bJtJi bu t^w ss unable to cooT trt n n y -o rU ie n r liilo U ltle*._ j0 Q iM ja e d a h « - 0 i l l i a tf f _ ^ t lU S « m ^ -*l(-})ar tw lrllns^ . O o n es , D avis and W « l l e r * - i» ^ c a llo d . u p O B -b r— S a lt L ake to check tb e tn trc b of th* Oun- ao r* b u t w IiJw llttle 'effocL KeBOCdy, T lftbt f ie ld e r fo r O rfe n . w m c n s l a ib r o c - b a s o h t t - -J.V* *■

-T bor U-

and JIaI]d;■.Tddm(a<Aaa;LnT*4U^'-. . .

: * " t o X o n lo f ih*'- W afer

•. No .o tlw rc '* m m « « 3 w w » -tfiro d in'7

JOME s m : ^lU r9 « r . ------ - : ]

- . . - t a i K ' T b U l B . ' ' ^ N*Uonol J r r r —

te r iS B E A JT E R f• ■ ■ BT. F IU N K OETTY

Vnlted U n its dpocfit K dllur

' DV FICANK G l-rr rv Untied PresB Ki)0rt;i‘ IM ttdr

l( Ih Htlll (00 curly U> flmirv mil wlio will bo tliu oulKtanillnR Iicroi-M iif tbo m28 ^mnphnll mhhsihi.• IM bu.K irro iilH 6ir(lln iil» nro^iwiiiii oil to a iieiiniinl l>y iIik riiiine of n 'ruJiKcnaiL'il "U nbbli” MIlr^,nvlll<^ Konieoau like lie mny wTn ilu- wu' ic'k hlyhoHl hoiiorx. Thc A tnurlcun Ioiikuc nio>;_dlacovur In >;ounc J iiy Kopcx its. iriniil vvlunbtu iiliiyor.

Ono t^iInK, n ynd ihInK for nnnio of the older fiinK, iiecmit .c cv tu ln .' hr>»'> over. Tbo ciirrcnf fn-uHo/i Ik IIk- him w hich will Bce T y Cobb nn.l TrJ.i S lienker in uniform . ' '' T ri« nnl^ Ty. for nil ih c lr occniilon- u l (iblllly » l bu t. ,wero throiiijli. an.

. reully :u8uful ninjor leaKUu (iliiycrs u couple nf Hcnxonii ni:o. Iiui thL>

' broofb of Bcnndal blew I b d r Wny., nnd blow tboiu rlRht Into Jobn. mor«-

lucru tlvc tlian-lha8c.lbcy-iiiu t-unw ilU Ingly rolluqulAlicd. *Now even Jli(! ncsndal Ih fori^ollon. and Trl>i nnd

[ Ty, forced to nlnnd upon tlic lr o « n , leRs. flnil IboKo old Iokh iinc<|ii»l lo

tbit-iaslubL-kooplnK-youDKui-uutfiuld.. jTH o n ' lJio boncb.

W orth W bllo Sciindnl y L - ."T b o .« can d a l.o (.tw a.> ’carM-aRa-wiiK.

w orlh non rly Ito .o jon iipioco lo tbn old Rray-lioiidn, I t cnmo n l n llnjo

w e l l ' .ean io il roilromoni n flo r toMK. honorable baacbnll cnrccrn itncquiiloil thun 'fn r In tbo hlstor}; of. th«' -j(nmc. W ilb tho scam lnl. tho fnUH rooo in dofonan of tb e ir borocK. .Tbo fiipH' w ouldn 't bo llov^ It wnH .truu . An .It

■^{iT h"crc liicd V ^ ' i l r of ln lo r c » r i i r Cobb sn'd- S p c iik E rw b ltli ' irad o -tlio lv pfdscnco as.abow m on Tulunbic to nny bnll cjub.. n u t now tlio re ‘'l s liiirdly 0 fnn w ho-cou ld , toll you th e uunica Bf t faOHB wlw >itnrn 1liipphiiMni> llf>v», m e t-undor th e Rcnnd ulnnd w lib TriH nnd Ty. T b o . old^bnj'ii h n v o .lo plny

■ bnll now to keep tbu lr JobK, nn<l tlieir ball 'DloylnR dayn aro Junt ribout over.

T here w ax .a tim e, enrly th is HprInK,• w ho^ TrlB bnd 'Ty coijnbornlcd ^ lr>

I M iller. tUo form er Orow nlc. . A l. fJJoujrb 'not ta d ly In jured. T rl« took to the.<jencb and rem ained tbore.

.. I’o b b S ' KJeldluir W cnk ‘ T y CoUb'il fiildinR ban been plti-

fuUy weak ifils year.' I t ' in tbo occa<. alon for rea l sorrow lo- w atch the old ipsn^BlruRRlo acroHH Uio outfield in pun iu it 'O f a fly bnll ^ w ould bavb B«u>ped*under tn h ls .p rk n e . On tliQ bnltc PQtba. w hcro ho ic.idp bin rc|iu«

darln*.D ow . but ao.niow (h a t only tbo

to big l ropo

. , .-ididTo a i ;d .< |- . ';

r ftll utmsflriving wib " *ncl«ilent at «re^ $

HiCT iu vhi. - - --f..... Aiiierteia*«Tfdiog«

•' : ;V__________

- H i o m . W W

ino»t' unuHUul ommhunllleM afford

Woll, Cobb I» vvoalUiy. anil onjoyn hu 'niliiR 'ilow n lu (Soorclij. • n«- .will niil nilKH thu uxcitiMUCUt o'f iliu i:iinie. no r ll« moro mi^minntiiil rew nidn. A* fur SitenUiTv bo H nni iih well fixed IIH Cobb, bul l i e ban inadr plonty uf monoy dtirInK ibu pno.t tw o nwiHonn. und nn mnn in' ilii' uiinic h;i8 more jidiiilrinK fricmlH tbiin lb<‘ old Oniy CiiRle. • ■ ' ■ •' J

mnu'n'clnb!'blu*bii.iul>a^ Iwil-fclIowK nri> ii0turiiiu[<ly . Miriiii«<'rn on ocritx iiionK. Ty. Tolib brnlii> In wlib Ih r Ik triif t TlRorit and iicvit |il:iy<-d luii- Jor-.luiiKuu-.busL'liiill .iiiy.jyJi<'r.'!_'.‘l'‘'t iinill he WUH cnl Idoik' by I'nmldirui .V.ivIn mill picUoil iij> -tiy Cnunl.- Mack In Ibc w in te r o f liCtl. S|iiml(cr made b b hiK nuDK- wlib Ihc Ilmiloji J(i-d S « , w orld'« 'tbiimplolm-. Iii 'liH 2 . Im- fnro KoluK l« Cli!vclnnd io tal<c' ovoi tUuJob.iiH .i.KimiKOr of tbo Indinnii.


At •J’orllani'i: ll. Il.K .MiHHionii...................................... II) l!iI'o'rilnnil ........................ l l lf>

niiilcTlcii; N’cvcrii. '.MiirUn. Dnvi'n- port nnd • Hiilclwin: ("mini; llarc:iir, Tomlin anil Ucko.

~ At" Sn ltlK -P i n r K Hollywnmi .........1........................ , I" I'l -

niitii'ric-ii: Sli.-ili'nliii<-k and lliinnli-r: Sullivan, 'I'cucriKiii atni Hi>rn-;iui. ..

Al XoH A iiki'I i’h: It. U.K..Ouklnnil .................... - > ......... •' 'L»’!.,AnKr f e - - • : r ,v Jlfad:,-JlJirfD ni.nm i U niiniib..___i ___.J.

, A t Snn FrnnclHCo; U. Il.l*.an»;rHUii!iin> .... ........................... 21 -S n n .F ra n i- lH c ............................ ta ) '- I im n-lli'.t. t iuiilii, Plynn. i;» tH>TTV4<t- r i n ild 'K oisliler: JncobH. TbnrHt'iii nud ynrKiis und lU-od.

[ F IG H T R ESU L TS 1 I-----L -A S T N IG H T ----- j

. ..D y ;rn itit f pp»»*' \- CUICAflO, Ju ly H .—Loh 'M urrt-

nor. tlliniiiH nnivcrHity. knocked imt liaKnii IlnHHcn, TurklHb rieavywclKhl. .T^'o roundH.

RAN , FIIANCISCO, Ju ly H -J a ( :k KIe|dH. I^K AUKoli-H, ■ |lpf«'atcd I’Qtu C ooprf, Terri! l la u lc . Ind, Ton roundH


ve all elseirdODt. . . . this .italongnpYlng* » .-iT 4 n -€ (u iiU ty ^ ,—- '-------r i t t i ' v a a e . " 'A n c f i u hand>

t . J . De«pHieate<l , b ig , c J e u f o r U b l« . U n iq

setnea . I.s tranky »

pe«d*. • .L,«rger tbinu■* L . other aix ■nili

. . . 117 11045. Aod wiU ^qamlltjrwWdr*

u e .': ;4 ^ tu d ^o«offen>d-ia 'tmsi r sm t^ jm si

i^s*'Oar tosr.

. • \

I C L U B S T A N D I N G S ] 1

^ '• |A ll.l l> ,\H (> l.i ; .\ i ; i K :■ \V. J',. i’ul.

tfn d .'i i ''.............................. D' r .7.W .lioiM.' ............ ....... ....... . J ::Poval'cIIo .-..r i .jnua a lu U k u — ---------------II . “->> r

.t.M K m c.\.\ i .K . iu n ;W. I.. I 'd . 1

Now Yoi-k ...................... .'.S y:t .TliI .i‘iiiiiidi'iiiiti;i ........ ....... -IS ::i .risr. •,« i. I.....hi ......;.........-tr! ' . i i .r.i-j ,

WnslllUKlOtl ..........Ifi 'IC ’ '.-in!! ,itr jjiio n .......... ...........1.1 ' -tr>.- • ,D riroii .............. . n:i I S . . .■l»7 |

N ,vT j6yA i.* i:i;A crK ■ 1. • . ■ . \V.' U I’ct.

S '. i .ouIh .................... .'):i '(Vm-iniiiitl .... ............... • IT 3.’’. • .57:1 ,NVw York ........i:j :!:i .r.fii;cillraK-. \1 ' :17 -f.-l'llliiiojil'jft.’.:___..I’miilnii'Kb .... ...V...... .17 '10 .'ISI I'luii.lim ......... ......... /."Jl -'Ul!T’llibuli'liiliin ... ...;....... ' : i r.l . .JIlJ.

:----- _U .V C ltli:_U )A f;JL I.K .4 til^ ;___ ^\viiO(i ........ II S -V'l.................. .................. ;i •' •■5'’ ,S..;.tUc .. . .....r ,,. • r. fi - . nuSun i-'ruucli'co ............. « - '0 ' [,MlHMUinii ..... .......... " I’•l..m AnKcliru .................. r. • '7 ., .11.OaRliind ...............V - • ‘ ^I’orllanil ............. ■•••"



^A( .«5I. I.ou)h: , _

iM iih ........ .. II li- 'ilu ltcrlfin Aldriiii;.-. ........ .. I'aiilU-

aii:in iIii-im ii_oa :un i-ii: sb..i<ii'i, 'I'ninUlidUHv ili»l Wll'.'in,'.

_-Atl_...l,..r_L.nrn,.i r.oMnnii.Ml,..lalU.l

j:i..ioTo Idabo Fiilbi ainl ll>'Mir«

Si.I.D 'To H laclifoot and Itiiliirn

• , "‘"*1

U n i i - ^ a l l r i A i i r r w(■[i.-ii-bcM or cb iilr cnr" and Hiilli t<>r re lu rn to hiinii' d i'iilinulhm licfon- mid- n i tb l of Ju ly linrd.—iidv.

r o r Couiruorcl^j PrintlnR . ca ll 3B.

' READ ~I ' “ O c tn v in .” li.v 'S furK ol

•‘T lu " M n lt i i ‘ '.o f .ll io U nrizm i,." liv S4ylviii T lio inp^ion ■

I ' lit J h o ;


126 M nln A venue E ast ^ ■ fur .i’ve |»i!r day

— T — ^

! i g \ ^ l u ew . i t s o V c rs iz a t i r e s .

o ^ d l h l i i e r b M i ^ ' - -, l l i^ C iH o u s . . . . c o m - .. u e t o t b o ie g > ro o tnjb o : I f iS iB ib ix io .v i t l i _ i . i ;____________

- - • ■ ■ g ^ M m . t b a n a n j •• /D g f o r a a l i t t l e a s - ' a i t a s i t e c o m e « t h e .

■ ■ ■emlnlmuofrac*. ■ . '

emd Go.

i i ' l l

«• .

. . ' CS- ’ . ,

Workmen Caught in ! . - Sewer by Flood oi

Water, in Chicago nin y tJnU«rt rr«ii»

CiliCA liO. Ju ly 11. - .Sc|iiailK III'H.i- ' ■ lici'i Hiid .•iiKlui'iTH Iii1icir*:<l b"Tc! Ml- •' .hiy li> Kiilii I 'l i ln in n - 'tn a Huwor. In whicb ll Killin' '» t 'v<.rkiii"U 'wcvi: (iMli|H-<l Iiy . ft flood (if w ater inm i a

• .M,uuWi'H (it llu. ■■■imir cv-» .iH.i lT lliuoiicciier.H aiiui.uiir.'il iillcr ;t i-b-. l<,lilUt HH- U« I'llUlll Im' I'-.Vfll.illliri’i' of 111.- niKhl nc.w. whicli ■•iii.-t.. r.l Ihc luiinol were inifNliiK. Tw<. ,.t IIk- ibi'cc iuIhhIiik men wen- iieurm-.., 'vurkm cu nalil. .S’limcK wi-ru no l uvull.nItlC., (;nrl.Clii.Tl(i. one nf the reim lr . i .-w. „ re-ieneil devcri nii-ii friuu ihi--*-'*4.,' , luiiuel, bul Ciiflcd lo re tu rn wii.-n h.' i«.■li^^Tiiitiul m i_ i i. ■.wi>li;l r''»i'Ue ‘“ • jil

'" n i r e . ’ioiv. or Ihc ....... w>rli I i . 'l i l l llll ll.' biJin- -tiiilt Ui.i lra|ip.:ii ......e.n'ild biivc rcmiiined iillv.- Hi lU.'iR fliHfilfid .liiiini-l.. '■ ■'' { i l— l- 'iv r-m om lm rH -nf-lh i'rrcnnit—»-r-v{-Rcii(-a|ied by rllm bhu; ihrouRh n iiiu ^ |! boli-ti Into llic Hirrci. • . • ,• Pulln- w en-- InfiJrmi'd by w iii.t ,

eompiiny ■jnitiioriUeH Uint u w orli- ' miiii. nrd.rn'il i<> tu rn wnti-r liil'i run-of tUrcc H.-w.-rH, 'had riiv’dcii. ih e /

TIuich W anfA d.'i brin;; lirnillln, jg

7 ^ ^



T h e w idcspre: {I stronger as w ' n ever, b e en ;:

th e H u p m o b ile m o d e rn h igh con

I f o r e x a m p l e d a i s

d r i l l e d c o n n e c t i n f

i l a s t t r a c e o f e n g i n .

_____ I W s e c l e a n e r s p r o v

O T i h e m o t o r , ’f f i

■ -------- - b e a u t i f u l c o a c h ^

c e n t u r y ’s g r e a t e s t

C e n t u r y H u p m i. . . . . „ (5i^“

24 body and ei on eort line. .

, . .£i£htff282Sio

PaiM >, . :. ■ '■ - B ' -^5!-

■ l.i'u. ■ill'. .M r.iii, I .......... ........................l.v. niu^ii'tiii'ii. ■ i i .



T u i; n iO T M 'l . r i A i . i s r ii.»s' ui:.',-: T K V nP r n’tr.— ■ —

Tlnu;!! W aiil'.: I!; - ! , . . . . ,

V//ien Soil f-'r^fzv.i , •S..II ......- iivt , ll'.-.'.:.- .11 :i'.' Il.-;;n-r?i |

..Ii.’l"'-' V”' !r<-(.r.lir. , [••'hll <•( j'

C M M B I l l l l M i l IIIIII IIII I l i l i i l lB I

^ i n d e r “ ^.n e w ' c a n v a s m a d e t -

— REPAI• Canvas, SlaU. W eb, and S

FREDOpposilu F ire Stalion

i i i n a : r•e ch s^ c L e v e r ^ bile perfc

tury Eight Sedan, fivc'Jtasscnecr, . om yquipficd, $Z02S,'f.o.h. fa c to ry

id pu b lic Belief th a t H u i cll as a t ^ r c finely balat m ore 's tp k in g ly dem ons C e n tu iT S ixes a n d Eip

rwitKUut weaypT stra in , . fo rc i^ a t p ressi^e to piste ;ro'ds. hanchesterdam pa e v ib ra tion . A dvanced oi] id e m u c h longer life to th roughoitt fro m qhassis to vork-,'the G c n tu ry -m o d advance in c a r design.

o b ile as so o n a s y o u c< m arkab le n d ln g a m T 3 r7u{|>meTU combinotidnf. standnrda Six o f th e Century , S134S to Sl6Zi

• ' / H n P A i O B l t E .

NTUlS I X &. E l G H l

Aufa Cq]io B u i: p i s l ^l Ut p iWt i y- - - . r — BOB M M

i-.-V---- rTl-yi n'-RER----------^ «\|N.S ('(hiiii.ssiON sni-pi IHH I ty

n.Mi w..1.- .InilK'; .X." I.'I.I,|.. aiii'MiiK.ri,. .Mafniii'd urnii-ni Kf.1,' ,1 .'iiijiiii’. inii Dl- III,. i.a(<- and ilo* ho.l ii.-.-n,

IV. I,. |„ .

I'UEii or I'lnsiisw i>i:i, I.. ,A[,.lai- ..lni.-re ;ili-I .......... III. iiiii'iii. .:. on.I '•yiu-i.;U,.v .i:..'.Mi u'. I'll Iirr- |.i>s ni mir .•ii..,iifl l.;otli.i. M-.jiiai.i'Ditvi.-v an.'l ■Ml . aii.t' ,Mik 'M.ijiiiird lla\h‘!i,

Oiir.iKw .iiijiium nt enables un'l'o I.l all lilii.l'. (II ailll \toik :.nil Ibu b>Mtl )i fiMiir.-' udil;, biilldin;.' eoutrncilnr md li<»->V;rl!. • Wi.reiTrT-lanin.; .Mill.II Tliii.l av.'. r.iiuih. I'hono C03.— -. Iv,' ^

O ORDER/ OLD ONES [RED------.-...........jlaples. Brin's ’ early ^

DSS CO..Phone 75-W

----- --



pm obilebuU dS iccdm oto i; d lf, tra te d th a n in ;Hfs.- H e re a rc

^^ t r i gh spjijeds; '—;----m pirrs'tR fbuiG ^~“ “ ~‘ ^ rs e lim inate th e [,air a n d crank- ;e w earing parts_______ ‘th e stu rdy a n d i ^le ls-rcv< ia l-the— __fo u w ill/3w n a"a m p le te "y o u r , - _____ivm g qualities.tnd-cjufam.1__.>. C enm ry - - -----

Page 10: · . _ ynii. xi.. Nr.MitKu 71. '. ' ' I i'iaS TO ® iS'e-'.. » >

/ \ __ ■ • *• ' ■ __"J.

; P ^ O E ^ F X J U R . ■ ~ ■' ■■ ■■' ■

T W I N . m L L S . D A I L Y T I M E S_______ . . M fm b<r; UnUfiil P rc i* AKHOclutloQ. • ' ■ ___

"'• 7 , ! ^ . PHONES J 'B . X . ,J» -----‘ ------

Entortfd sb iccodiI cIodb m attn r A pril 11, 1018, at Tw in F a l l i poiloK lco tandor Dct o t'M arcb 1, 1S79. ' , '

, Pabllnbod oTery o tod Idb e x eo p t.S u n d ar a l iCC U hlo A re n a s But,,T w in

r » l l t , MaJio^ by p tJB tig n iX a n o » P A 5 T , I5C. ’ *•0 " R . ComBi .- Rrcatilem - ' < . - '(no!-U r’Gramt , ^B tenU m -Tt*M M St4^

I - 0 , CoUIn*. V ice P residen t. H a r ry U row n. I 'J l t o rAdTorUalnJf Mann'ner--------------------------------- — 1..--------- -------------- Joo P. J lrow aP la n t S u perln tonJcn f __________ _____0 e o r« o '0 . CarUoil

NATIO.NAT, RCTKKSENTvVTIVp, P, C .,T l,(.ls Ctf, 420 LosloR toB A venue, New Y ork City. 30 N orth Michigan A vcnuo,' CtilpiiKC.

- • ' . • ■ ■ s u b ‘»c r i p t ; o n r a t e s • 'O n«.xnooth ..S ..eO : th ro o m.ontbB, l.l.CS; alz- m onths, |3 ,2S ; one y e a r . Ifi-OO.


• . f i O n C A ijK S ^ K c t l i . i in l 'i h , - |>.>Ar. li.> i>- im o i:: n . 'i l ln - r up .|i r ( ‘s s tlic i i r r iiH i'i l ill I . im l- w il l p li 'i i 'l Oi.i-ir rai,i^<o'._lllld K in>il'lin- «>r llifK i' K p iiih u r il ii 'i i i .— I’ro v . 'J:i.

Wf-ff7niniTi;;-s »/)i (ii'.s/ioili'TS, 1 /nrd. •


Tho-m ari w h o .h as tho ropiitJilion o f bein'jr jv m ix er is iduaIly;-a-liail-feIIo\v->wlI-metrAvho.has-a4ul-u£-lLiunilti.un<l s a success in business. . : '

T h e m en witli a grou.cli wlio sUt!<s to fiis- .desk nnil >w<>r--HBB-n4 )lflnRant..ivnrfl nr'tlinilprl<t f-Qrim,vbody. is not I m ixer an d is tho sort' of fellow who never sCtcceccls. M ix- , n g b rings a m an in to c o n ta ^ w i th ,a i r so its o f m en a n d >j3 e n s-t 6 Jiim .the-.oi)portunitY 'to_gGfc in to .i 2 iisiness o r a t ! east ,.undei'stand 'th e an g le o7 view- o f Die* o ilie r fe]Jo\v. ' lGraliiJigs:Qno_Qf!the g rea t secrets o f succest» of. such or- j :an izations a s R o tary an d K iwanis, ^

A tten d an y of the meetintj^ of tlu ‘;se untl sh iiilu r orgaii- ‘ zations a n d no te the effec t th a t co n tac t has had. N o t one • i^ould fo rfe it his-meipboi-shlp if a t aH possilil'e to b e 'k e p t . d th in 'th e rank??. .F u rth e rm o re the m ixer fihds o th er ven t , o r h is ppi’ftonTi lI^y "licsid cs in ro u d h m e avenuo.^Qt icss / ■ S 6 c igril>*-the-mixer4 B- »n-ti.*<8 o t ^ 7 ii4 3 iatUiOcia(jL i.s::aL 4 ts best n f w hicji every m einl)er holds .uirhisrvrw l-and a l- ■' ows everyone h is ia c u lt ie s to shine on all tlie o tlie r m em - '

^ ^ —- ■ -----i - _ _ 4NotVjisliere'is a pile of crushed s to i^ , som e san d , ce-

len t an d w ater. W hen th e .p ieces 'o f s tone a re tho rough- |j r c o a te d w ith th e sand , cem ent an d w ater, th e y - g e t- to - t e th e r an d stiqk. B ut they w i l fn o t s tic k unless th e y a re }; lo roughly m i.\ed so th a t the com ponent p arts com e in to »; irec t co n tac t watn the o th er elem entd.-.*- • rr- r rr rr - 7 7 r - ^

Ai^ybody w h o 'h a s w atched concrete m ixere a t w o rk n 'ill have-observ’ed th a t alw ays, a fte r 'fn ix in g a. h a tc h o f „ ancrete, th ere a re lel*t a few pieCes of stone lying, to om* n de th a t d id not g e t in td the mix.^ They w ere o v e rlo o lt^ , ence they p lay no p a ri in the make-U|j of the concrete..s a sp e ak e r a t one of the locjil sein’ico d u b s rem ark ed not -) long ago. theve 'a rc in c v ^ r y com m unity m en and wom - [| n wjro rin not »H y-w ii)riho rest o i ' tli'o p»»n)ation. refiis- ig to recognize civic, religious,"oirfrat.eiV iii'lJfili^ " ikc no p a rt in 'th e upbu ild in g of th e ir honie town o r city . li h ese 'm ay b e likened to those overlooked piecos o f stone. hey a re out o f tim e witlvovoi^-thing antr.tlierefol-e oul tjf in 1 C swiin. to use a comm on exp.ros.sion. • • .

^ch o f the pieces o f stono h^is itSs|nis?ion lo porfnrm . All de.«i r>f‘eacn pjece ai ‘9 coated w ith sand , cem ent and w a- m !r,and each*perform s it,s functi(ins In lielping'liVh«>l(l ihO '*hole’m ass together, __ ' • ' i-

A m an tlinong m en, -the m ixciv who is-c tm led jill-o v o r •ij:h uood lUimiv. Who uiiiiriiU-uvHii liiiii!|.i.df.- ivho lia- ^ •m pathy a n d A th o u g h t for olhei-s, who .^eeiis the. sunny |.. ith e r th an th? .sliady sidi* o f lhe strool and play.^ his pflrt i' I t-l>e^vorId-eaciuJay.ta.tho l>est of liis ab ility , m ay.not rise )ove m ediocrity but he is a success because he doc.- Wa Illy to the u tm ost in acoordanci* w ith lhe ligh t he has— u id he did n o t p ick oul Ih a t light. . . • . "!

E ach piece of s tone in tiie coricroi(‘*does its w ork w here i 1 its. i()b. ' Sonn^ p iec e s .a re 'la i'g e r ^

irm~oth»»r ;; sn o f ' Cnnmt* fl if '';art-^a4tivMut-<)t'-\vnrk-H.’kHi-Hs- — ‘opmtronately-'^largei*— th a ? 5 -a 1 1; -

T he o ld er the concrete hecnmcs, lhe sirone;&i' ii is an d ni ,e mqre-^ible to ineet all tests.. A nd tjia t isJ^ie com m on J,', :pcrience o f Jmm an^)s; ilie wt>rld is growin.g UXcr-hccauscioX-niuLuaLconiacts-ijjiiit. is these contacts. — hich inspire a . ';^ r it o f trust and of lielpfulness.::'-¥otJiQre i.s~another .tJioiight;_]^S<)inetiines_ j)io ccs--o r - asses o f 'co n c re te c rack an d fii-eak hut iM s a lw ay s th a t ‘ art w hich is the w eakest. lhe,w:eaki\ess. nine tim es out o f 1 ■nrbeing-caused-byThe-introrincrinn-D fimiinrfm 'iyipi’nTrrt i r t fu l m atter, som e so rt o f dirt. . \n d llia t is e.xactly hat'^happens to hum an a'ssocialions wlien' unw orthy lings crec]) in to d isin teg ra te and d isnipt. •* .T liey-say.U iererare.s^nnons in stene.<i-there ce ila in ly •e sern ions in those, stones tiia t en te r inUv concrete bu.t [is i§ n o t a Suftday sennon but s(ime sim^ile th o u g h t ap- ropriate tb S a tu rd ay n ight when, a t the end" o f a l)usy cek» we nwy.'have tim e to sit.dow n and> hi;ik tlijngs over, |_ there is an y lesson fo r us, it is this, (hat if we have bceq _

little care less ab o u t m ixipg am ong nien. if we have been ^ voiding th e su nny side o f the s tree t ICt t we m eet too | a n y 'o f ou r fellows, it is no t too late to iu rn ^ iv e r a new ] a f b y ''^e tting o u t an d Jiecoming a cq u ain ted - ' T he o th er ! I l iJw is n o t h a lf sn bad a?-w c ■■nmeliiiRy-t}rink~him Ttr bu. r

M a t t ? r s ' o f ^

rv.n rn>.^»{nn‘n f r n r t:jn<i r"Pfrir<)i ' 'I t hU coujy- tr llldc it- ^>UIi nuiiliiLr | _ iU l i C un ilflH n irr . .•lO fiifnr o f ttc T “ r" ye»t<‘ril.iy. thi- co llijlon ifTjins | o f J o ! « JsrliM T ij.-iinilnnr,} .Y’

th a t m i l c J o J t ; c lH l < icU on.atJln .it C . I . t o i : '

« ^ ' j « n i ^ n , o ( fW in Fall* oTi>«vi«l i arproxlroAt” " y \ P;tt»e artlon^K “ --------'---------------------------------------T 'M tnan th a t. V ie a ltfffr*. «-ni?red I .'?U e c m p la lr ti f o r ' i i s u l o s Ch<^lc3 • botae w K boat h f r p trro lM lon a r t I w ithou t’ funJ* ao<J one cocunU lat for*“ •“ ' " W ' l - - ' ' • - li

———r--- --\.... * ■ _ •


OFSNAKERIVEHJu « t-S cU]crs-Knew-of-FJou

Gold in Snake River . ‘ Years.Ago. .•

AiMnUK'A.V l-'AI.t-S, .Inly H - I 'l T hm (\ iiwnit!! r il:i rl“ ;< !■', (iii'-s. Am"il m il Kiill,, itiliiliii: tiiiiii. mill 11 'j iiir ij of ills If il lli'W |)irK-i'*i ••■■riiiilKiiliiMlioii '^iOi ' l l iu y a n'.’xjtcTlliH'Illltl;; lnoTi-M siliTis:*ruI Tli<jy iiri" nf llir- ciiilnloti thiil .ilicj Iiiiv.. d lncfuen 'tl n iiH'ilioil. ri'ciivci

Jiiinlii. rl\r'i-. nml iirniicisi- lo « iIk'Ii Iiroco:!!; u tluiroiii;li frliil. K«r jiiiirt (Iliill C" yiMis iiiinliii; ii.vii l»:iv« HOUulll SDtlll' -ITir'illlK'<lf ('XtriK'tltll: t ti 'ii ltli 'fn n n lii<' rlviT lii-d. Tin- ki>1J l» .tlif.p’, .mill .Mr. CJoMr, jtinJ- fiis anint- rliiics' tH-lii’vc-ilii-y.. Clin iic rrccl niii- cliln i'fy iiliJrJi v'HJ i.iJfp iru iiJ Jn »iut*li (liiiiiiirtli;tt llli will jiriiVL- |irofll;ililo.

Kill' iioiiiii Illlll' pnMl Mr, CciKH liatiIn-'ii .ItiU'i i'Htinl 111 11 TiiliiliiK iinipiTi;!;Ill dll' Mojiiv." (li'iiiTic; 111 Si.iiilirrn ejiltforiU". Tli(;r.' Ilic\ |>rcclcni;i^t»'liil■ u’-i,; lUl—111_uin-ill piri r llf-li*'* >lll‘h\v 'ii . i'ii>)j>'iliii'il ill :< uroiiiiy in |c , A»> Htiyx i)f Illl' h|)i'cIiih'I1v>.Ho»vi‘<I a lii'iivyf:i‘M L’DiiKriil. b ill (in llim ry inotlioils nf M‘|>iknitlnK' till) i:"ltl froiiu .llii<' tali:

iiiilloii D r ICwi'll cif Ixjs AliilPlnillivciili'il T mill'lilnr: ulilcll InoU tli '‘ j;<>lil ou t of llie MiasK <if iiMrlcSf* male- rJiil. nnd throiiK lr Itn iin- tlio iiropcr- ly lini lirem-pHf oii-ii |iiiyli'»:-’ '»'‘l".

Tills- "jiroHiii.ttffit;’’ iiiacJiliu' lutii Ill'l'll )ii.i n |i ill llii‘ vlclnliy nf tlio.nid ? 1rir>~t'‘nTnl:Hn—mini*;— ii‘X'^1-

l<ll of the-

yiircls'<if jiaiiil m u r i;riiv<'l ijnlly. Ac- liiiil o|ii.iarlon;i WITC lii'Kim lim t. I'r l- 'ir»KllMll it 111 iinillTHlCKlll tlm l. lllllrt far. llie ri.'.HiiliH .olilsiliicil Have Ih'MI ; v rry Miilnfai-tiirv. ' . j


flviT, (k ‘<ll«KlMtR nay tlia l tlii.' IliiiiTI r.<iUI fonnd hIiihk Uic rlviT iirlBiniilly j wu« (Iciioiilli'il In tlie Inva ili;seri uh lc h lilri'tt'liOH iiway l'r> lliu ' tiiirili

I'riunlniin of tliai in-iloil ruiliu-i'd llin cotil (n ii 'n « i/(o n Rfiitc, nncl IC. cone Into tlic .air.!iw viipnr. Aji It wan cool- n lll..'iiTI‘" ll“ iim<*<l iia r in n -c a r i l i In fitip .parilclcK . w hich wi-pi fpni- t-rctl lhc I’lillre rpslon, .\lWtliiK.inown iiiiil-ru itm rMrrv tlii- fini- l-oIiI

'KuH'nka‘l7oni-^indv^ rhu•Ivor, lodKlPK In llio imml)'.

IStiiidri'ijs o f jiroR|ici'loi-K. liavc tried f> cx iracl tlld flour ijoIil friiin tlie srnvel, iiiiil have w o rk e i l .a l iiiiiiiy M)lni« alnu»: Uie river:' One of lln ' r,ost Hiicri'iintnl o t Iliene " n n I.oiil-i -ra llk llll.' 'vlin localn l th e Mary •YiiiilMin mini'. A iiiatler of yenrs ■KO Iik *eoiit>inicii'i|-a Kravliy ditch roin Anierli-iin J'^illn l<i the »lii- «>f li'.‘ iji lnr,.'rivc mile:: iHHalit.

Tli-r<‘ till' u-.iitT i in /i'iiiivl for. {>l»c- •i—inininHi;''nlMl—fi'l'—■ "rniftKTnfnliJo' .-ii;:Ill nr lim e ll .lim iiiilil K»nd re* iiriix. II i;< rela te il n f l-'riinlUIn Iliiil II' Iliill II rasblriii of liiellllU ' hlx Kolil r r r ru in c ^ III li riU irl iiiia-ilioiM*u“ r- iir Illl. iiiolli.'ii iiirliil Into an on llnn ry t-iiriiii. It wiiK I.Ih urc'iil d i-lkh t tn xlillill lli-sc ' lliuol^ In Ills liosii^n

l^ llV ”trniliTr=;'»ni'inat~I^ali^Jili“T'MK- ll>«aril» o f j:,i),iMMi Olll Ilf ihi! .Mnry lilm-. ’nil li\ Him- I’lie h rjivler i>;irt of tie ilrpn..!lt' plti«lirr1 nut.-nnrt -\Vlltl l l i r

"i.i-'ilil.. l> iilvl: up llie I lnur ;;nl.l, rill' ol.t mill.- Wiis al>.inilnii.-.l iiianv nari,-imii. a iiil 'lii iln y li. ' liulMIni;-' . ii ''

y ,tr 'y .- ;,r .-- 'iin A iii.'llrolf |-•,iIK llrnV iijii-raiid ii dri'di;.- aloni: ll.' rlvn- li'"lnw Iti.- fair». 'I l iri-nv.T- il .'liiiiu li e'liM tn i>iiy ••xp'-liM'^. ami

m l llir' fiii'T p iit 'llrl.-' wiTc i'«- a|iliii: ili.'in. .Moil' r rcn lly a dn-itKi- • l.l.. pill la np.Tiill.Mr In lill' ^ liliilly . if Itoi.K.' It.IaiiiK lliis i-(r.>il tii'lui:iliaililiiiu'il » lirti Ok'' ilaiil WIIK rnii- liu .l .-.l .iiid 111.' w;il.-rs nt th .' r .i.'.r- rili- iM-raliir u)_lih;li lliiil lhe eirvv-

n.K tnil a li.-v_prm -i'si .if .Mii^iltaii a- l.^h 'u -r.r.-ri"l;a.--T jrV i-r'lirt'fi-h-fit*vn = he rIviT. If th r lr rM>-rlni.'ni» pm vr U.ei-.r.fill. thiTO l:i lliflnlli' |Kis»llilll- li':i fnr d"v ln |> m rn t <if Mir proees-..

P o u l t i y ^ P t o d u c e i s . .W e w il l p . t r d c K v c rc tl to o n r |p l n t i f n t T w in F a lls : j I Ic ji '-V -H c n s ,-c o lo re d , • -p e r If..........................................1 8 c IL if jlii iT eiw . e n ln ri 'it, l l i ,« , I S C jl.c k 'lio rn H en 's , p e r ll i....... M 2 ^ ;

N f e r i d i a n P r o d u c e Co.—I ? O f n ;T liV A SD K G C S - !

I.IO W all S t.^ • Phone 175 •' ■ i I


Bali . Bearing . FiiTOpirfg Units for Irrigation j

K ralr*. Mn'|nr», .^n lnm illp Prrx-nire ; ■:*pTrin’. 'T e r d .v |i wptf’f ^ n t f - cl>-| ;.

•Irrri*, ' ' j I

VIEHWEG BROS. 11 Antborlfrd l^ l r iN ' I '

‘Fairbank's’Morse ProHucuj P— - -E tccy ■ Lia<> - a _ X r a ^ r _ i

Ptione ISeS. 132 Third Are. .North I AMAaKa U a n l AntmnnMla rv.' I


Wool Growers to , ,-— v-G tliejLatJEilet> •riM- lilaho Wool O ii'.V .Ts' aioiocla- I Mnn will Mnhl Ihelr- .^•'v<•nlll

^late i-nni Hiili- a l n im '. on (Ii- fair Krniimlii lieKlitiiliiK n< |ii n 'e |ni'li In ili.'‘ m a rn liii o f A uk, k. Ovi r liiUr lhe en .

jfiiie HfliTtloii nf mud raiiij. y enrlliis rn iid - raniK iilid 'riin i laiiiliji for. 'iiili>.

,‘n i.. iirlnelpiil nfforliiiii' u | | | he Uaiiip-* [vililreii and Siifrolli'Ila^iip.'ihlreii, 'I'hi'i.;

'K i l l alno hi' UoniJiinilIli'lH. l.ln<'oln«. ■, i’ananliiH, Cnrrleclale!- anil , Imniif Olher well Known lireeiV'- ‘ I . Sevi-n yeara a^n Ihe I'dilhn Wonl 'iO ro w o rn ’ aimnelntlon utiiiled ImliHii.r ; I IlilM I'aji' lo alil the jiiir '-liri'il h ri'edcrs .[ lllld lhe riiiiKe .1‘lioepinen oT M alin,-I!. |li:yi u-ell nerveil-lln |nir|iri.‘i<. hy riffnid-nTT7'~mirnpiin,ninntyTnr~i w nftvitnTBTn‘

]>n.t ih i l r rania up for. niihllc <^uellon and iiupplylnK a placi- w here xhr-c|i-

, men may nre ran iii.from -n il over U>e, I «lati. iin‘1 eon ipare tlieiiiliirfo ro htly-; . iJii;; lljiiiljudUre Mmx iiiiihr m> 'h»'i . hft-KiT'iiiirl nf (he of£i'rlni;«. ahoiil T.'t)'

hi’iid coni‘lHtln(; iif Hli|d ranirfi yearlln;;

1927 S ta r Six I^atida '1926 Essex C oach 1924 F o rd S edan •

-1 9 2 6 F o rd -Touring-:— ' 19i:d O veriand 'C oacK

1927 keo Flying Clou Left with us to'sell

" mAHOlUMfir7225:Second-Ave*--Er—

- - c a i f b u l fa t r j o i

’ f ^ f

- I

■ -Cocpe . . ♦ >670 T ott

Roadster . . . 670 D T I

2-Door Sedan- . 690 - 4>D<

— 1 " f V n 1 r ^

m W M W’B J -■

333 Mail

J-L-.L"ranue VaniK nnd riini lainlni will )■.' iKild. 'I 'lir iOiei't>nii'ii,'linow Ihat nil' r a lly liialV I'InK '.w rll iliivein|n-il hiuih Initi liei'li'the money JuaUer. iiiiiii|i«lilre r a i i i / luivi'-iiired a la rce pi-i-evni of

hroUKhl 'tii'c ninsl. lilnni'y .'

I Rita'Carewe BrideOf Ren^wnied Actor

L TTnI.ajI _ __: l lO L L V W O O l) . C , t v . I n l y l i - I l i t a - ( H r e w t - . - i : f i ' e e n . ; i c i r - » s T mill " I . e r o y ‘ M iiK iin . a c t o r , u -e i-e r n a r i ' J r d « c f T i - l ly ;■ W edli'i '.H dii.M In - V i in ia . Aviz,. , l l w«,<• lean ied Iktc loilay, 'I Caii'Wi. Ill Ihi'.daiD ililer of M -

w(n Carewc-. lun ilucer. who ilUnrceil 1 .Marv AlUi'ii. Tilii' phiycr, In Mi'xleci:< h l« .w e i-k . ...........................

.Miimiii Is l.'ndlni:. tnan fnr, ITilnn-n I)!!l Illn. wlin. rllvorced Jaliin. Del Klo In Mexlen a few wi'OUii acn.

rt—r?n!iTrr.i r r we' wWHini-hotii-ynwn«-«>U (he, iH":>.,'ni Ilnie.,. .

ivii.i, KitKCi' in;,i«'<ws iny D n iua i

y o ii l v :in Kiii-i) yi'xK-nUiy J o t upprox l. | 'ooil.iinil nyMi'i|i o f-ne rh il ilicaconK.wlll be eiiri'teil a lon j: th e Taclflc 'cif.iM.l

:u Sedan ' • *

id B rougham ’ ' __ ^ :a Big .Sacrifice • i

i S A L E S T O l ^ i------------—Phone-204— I' ■ - • _

v p f i c e ! ^

H I V ^

# T N T H B new• _______X O U T H you

• them fo r youne

- ' ’ N ever before, a

■ttesi— n ot a Vwi o u t ita en tire sp

- N e v e r b d b „ l

Luxe C ouM VZO pect only la car

o o r Sedan ; -725 N everbefcreha - b rak ing cower.

tffV M apoatitm 'd « u l i c ^ 4*wheel r»M f«7w iu> . .— • — T " fa * » fc e li» ^ -^

n Avenue E«*t Phone

■ ... Jrrnni lliv M exican to (.'anailiaii hor ( le n r w llhln four iiianlh». accordllil tji 1(11 aiiiioiinccinenl ,lm re toilay ;l.; llie ISictilleU Oil com pany...

'I'hu'iiliDi^^ c u l l . fnr, beacnn» iii fiU i m i.i h ' i .o in i‘,M»uib.n

t!a ii'li le« o . p Jllalni-. \Vii».h„.near ili<

€ b n i

Do Not Be Gonf or m ake a mista)


m t t

THE LARGEST SHOW IN ^ A MILE LONG........... ■" , ' -■

P a r i

■ . “ TWIP T T O rn E JN T IE ^

r s E

Chryaler-buUt P L Y M . <at>d doUar I g e t rc s ii lu th a t y o u to4uitnsta( Ueve p otslb le-inn c aeo f I you Ktually experience

Mgn- £ w ^It * u ^ lo w p r ice s , hi^ve p c o f le r a a n u c h Icsa re a lise d , *Uch . - • w er, a t id au eh s m o o th - •i g .c f v i b . ,6 < .„ U .r < « g h . . ^ ^ 2

“ *"58^' .ia\-e you enjoyed nsch Sfandardiradu!t-(lze b ^ e a . B o e sb & a lot>d appointm ent you cx- quality.fiwla o m i i i g T S t n o r i r . x T e w 'f aive you experienced aueh t o u t dispoIn ternal expanding fay- know v m ,

: brakes w ith .m oulded I t O uyale 6 o th e r ear o ad c r a tboa-~^tbe-/oMfr*^


30 T w i n P u l U ,

• fiATTT^P.\Y. .TT;LT'1-I.

Th.. «lin'ri» 'wUl ho 12n feel high K lind uneful- In iiiolorlalB-nil well ai y fl/ei'i<; It hnnouncrd . , , . •- I 'a iiadlun liurder, . i . .

!• Tliiu-.s W ant A lls hrlnit rcsiJlH.

| u s e ^ ^

k e i n t n S d a t e '

^ r d s i0 ANIMAL


l e a l l s l L


= = * ^ ' ___

i f e■t U IOIt ftop w ith least pressure.

rreT iaaacaf o fth isp tice .po j." i.d is tinctiveneaao fbody de- ••• se ra iy Je . S m a r tn w s le n d e r i . tator. S leek, tzim atUwurtte.

l e v e r . 'b r fo r rh n there been - ' - - O tdy tb e endneerintt'gcnius

Emuring tkHTof th e C bty tler iBj th ro u t^ i o p titid p le ox . . - cd Q ualtty , co u ld . p ^ u c e ' ir-priCed fMt, etnbodyine.the1 t t e value of thejSneatl .im r .to place a Piym ouih a t a ^ Ride in it, d rtee i t a a d we too,.wiIl be rriuly to accLum

r*a crowning acfaievcm<bf in ' ' priad field.------- ^

1 ^ 0 . ' .7

Page 11: · . _ ynii. xi.. Nr.MitKu 71. '. ' ' I i'iaS TO ® iS'e-'.. » >

. -SAT.UnDAY. J:). Ji)3

U w

Easiness Directorys ; i™OEl3St»t!0D3':-^

■ T Y m n iiT E iis" —^ W o ooll 'em : lUCNT > m : K lx *cn

A lt m nlu is.-.D ualors In . nO Y AL ■ ■ ■ COnONA

lU A IlC y^TY P E W llTK il HX. laocnt oIUco; 21.8 Muin Avu. No.

—i,iODBR>;-woonM ii'.w-f>ii*-.AM anif:, -’> “-T ncct-n tr-Ir-0 .-0 .'-F i-bn ll-e¥(jry -3B

• and . 4tli M onday. •

’ •rW IN PA LLS JU N K ilO U S B -M lina la, rubber, hldea, pcitn nnd fuiN.

FL'UMBIWO A O T 3 ~ ~ ^ A ^ ^

HOMB PLUMBING & HEATINQ CC N ow loeatJ0D,~136"TUIrd A vc/ I Phon«.283. - ' •—

• ~ r TB A N 8 P E R • ^

. 'r h o n o .348. S to rn so ftod cra ting.

.McNlCHOLS TllANSVEIv X STOH• ■ a B o 'C o . ' GorbOBO' 'l iau lcil dall;

Phono 200.__________, •

u ’A R B E n d T iiA .v s r a n & s t o u a o .Co. ■ atoroKD--iind Bpoclnl ciirlon Bhlpmouui to CuHfuriila,'..Plioaii n :

• " ~ S H O E -R E P A n O N a •

nO Y A L SHOE) I lE P A in iN a , P.'M EV

IDAHO SHOK -nKPA HlIN Q . JOl ' ’• W ni;nor.'P rop . ".!18 Main N. I’h . tK

• .TW IN- P’A'LLS SaO K RF.I’A im S O - iy r ~b‘l.oKhonn v . '» [ , .

• Sorvlco a.nil qoallty ininratitccJ.. '

t a i l o r i n g

nnM O D K I.l.l.W ; A IirH in N G rn ,M ,\N• fiiK. rrc n n ln j;.'d n n n liy 'cxp 'T tn

roaroniiblo iirlceii. l.iiillfii aiul nk'ii"------S iH tn-to-ontnn—Yoit-cnn-t.iiv.r-iii..ii

' ry ir yoi|.N<n> Il:il>bi-I Tlm 'I'ulint

• ■ snuv.' ~_______ • ,- . > T T O R K E Y B ■■

Sloco. Phono 37: Itcw: 13G8.

-A-P■-1M^VAh^■-^JAW-OFK^CH.-ItOO^ 7. H ank & TniH t iUilK. 1‘U u u o T n

JauioH I t ro lh w o ll—W. O rr Cbn'pinniu o r m v K U . & c j i a i w a n

BW EELBY & SW i :B LI3Y.. ATTOR ' noyii. Iilabo Pow er buildlin;.

■ W. L. DUNN—LAW O P/IC K S. 'll.MS 3 a n d ,4 . Sm ltli-n ico building.

o p T m iA n a " .

J . C. Ponnoy C o . _______

PIA N O T0N 1N & ' .

p i A ^ o 'r u N J j a - s . o . h u l l , ic y r sIn T w in Knlln kllU- Claudo Hrowi

, M usic company. I’honi' DCSMr S34W

M o i r e y ~ T < ^ o A y .l - r iH N K - I -HAVri-THK-lllCST LOAf

----- f.tft.rwl-4n-TwIa-irallH--DU-dU'_rc»A;donocB ntid liiifllnpiifl tilock*. Alno t

. d andy ' f.nnn loan. J . l i ' W hlto• Phono .547.___________ ■ - , ■______

"^!ONt : v ~t o ~t .o a n - o n -T A itM -A srrfilty property . Cotnpaiiy niid nrl'fan '^ to n e y . C. l i I ’oltor. ..rtTal eaU to-T w in -Falla ..___________ ___________

LO AN S-,rA U M - AND- CITY LOAN^ .T w fn nxUa TlHo aad A t t r a c t Cc

“ F s u r r a A y p _ v z d g T A s c R y1-OU ,SA L i:-C H E K ltH ;S . .SW Uin’ I

' nJinl-ruvect. I’lionc USCJ, J . I>; WUo

‘ ~ . •1-()K K ICS-T-FIVR « 0 0 M ‘ MODEIti

lit)n»c. r>IU 4lh

1-ok K K N T-G KCH3Mrfi5;aii’iS fli2nPhono .|06\V. Call C t l 'l t n ln ^ M t . ;

l - o n . llK N T -3 KOOM ^VTtmNlSKm• iipa rtm cn t. No A iW rtn..;S36 v 6H ..;avcn^ie north . . i

^ ‘o i? .n i^ :sT -g L i; i;:p iN n r o o m o i■~7 - t in r? T r -n r? P r t-tir<v^Ng-- ‘ ■ —

_ FO R RKNT—I l i n i i U IIOO.M I*URN— l«IinI~itpartmeixtr'B unRntff»=i=Apt»

2ud avc. cant^^_______. ■' •f o r w k n t — HOUSEKEEWNC . 'Ip a r tm e n U . com pleto ly . ftim C liw

fo r ' lU b t bODsekoopliic. T w o. one

b y w o U o r m onlETTni'TW orer-**! . Mala N • ■: :!__________-F O R -R E N T —F O a .N IS m m ..^ A R T ;

S3oat. C*H 456 forenoca*. Ju a t*, mftm.Tnn-

M ISO EIIiiCyE O U S _:? ' 'h AV1: PA ST lIR FT T xiR -SoV H K A l

nhw jr. 3 mllM no rth of MurUiiKi on hlKhway. rh o n c .. .I r r ts a t« l i»» tu r r . 0 « c ar Oo«. . .

• r a AT.r— S E A L E STA TE.? O R a M : £ = 5 i i ^ ' ' > ^

eloa« in . b o llf tiy { a r m e JBfflj>erBi*i •o t thU C ltj. M oilem; ^ n lw o o i

' n o o ra . fS foot l o t y n h ' c i r « ^ P » r t ly . fu m u a * d . , ?:«U pboa« I t t to i

. p*»^cpUr«, •' • - • - ......... "B o T iA L E - C O O p , , i

h o liic ,.* l* rooma . b a m And outhulldlnirf. c lq ie w

Falln . Owner. D<»T 7 ; .P »»y Tlm ea

W 8 T JO T )

m aU . m onlh*r . R a g erw tt iW M . - ■

i i o S T r ^ K B - M A C H l ^ C ^ S O ^ OreVoft T r f t l l .W e B W # .^ e 1 g » t^ »

. p o ondv FJnder noU ty T lr tfT o m e *-... . ReiTfcrd. • • - - .......- .................. - -

in<IT _ iOTOM OmU! k Al->-IN(“ Suo d,r. a t Time* office. I iew ara .

il- _


h()iiiii-Uia-|)lnK. .rootnii iincl i>lnk^ I'lt'f'lilni:, rimtuH, m Piirrow . Uouiiih,>hlu>il.i'i?\. I'lioii<> lOCOW. •

~ «M i— itiLs:T ■['n’o iiN^‘H i{N isiii:ii ■, I'lioinii mill ii|rf.]ilu{r j>i>ri'Ii. ,In<iiilr>' , ..I ’O lla rrlnou nfn-r 7 ’ p.; ni. ------- -

KOlt IIK N T -T W O I.A Iin i: UOO.M.S .w ilh i:im1iiiiK iiot;»runi«<liill(>n», lr

■ i/h'd. l' im ir o:iTj :i.

*' liulini mily. cTill laij'ilW.’ ^

r MODisiHTTtooM’ ro iT jiE N T . p u o N t;<17. <21 2nd avcnun-wcflt.-; “ . •

' POU IlKNT—Nt(-1-: COOl/ llOUM a I.N pitfv.-iif tioini. U'llil !>ri;ir(l o r one ot

J - ' tw o im.iilM a ilay. ,\vllli thr- v«e ol - .fK m i |li»rcli o ._C iill_nl

' Jnil IIVI-. .S'd,

n o A iiit AND UOOM OU ^M -;}:i’iNn- roam . I*:i2 ..'lib iiyf. t'iU't. Tcli'jiboin;

S I T U A T l^ S -W A T T I^ . ’f. no6iKi<Ki51^:H, 'V^n?N()<ri’iAi*iii;T{

rxr^Tli'nci'il. wlxb'.ii ]>o.'<iit(in, Siiiiill■ .‘■iilitry to 'M iirt, will .i;o-nnywbc-n-. V J'liou.^ 7JCW IM- •wr((r C. J . IL.• • »v -«ii<.-, City. • ^ .■ G i i i i , . oi.’ si:vi:N T i-;i:.\' w a n t .-j

K-ork In bomo. Uxii.iilont'.r.i; I’huiitr . i ;ic i. .___________ ■ ■ ■ ,.

r " ^ W A N f E b r r in S O B ^ A ir e ^ ^? \VANTi:i1 TO iii iv —X i . i / ‘lTi};r)'s” ()r :■ tihvvi,. n io ii ,. n-iK. T«1ll raU » Slioc . n«7i;ilrH)«, .

'• |\V A .V n;i) — TIlA.N.'il'OlCrATION' V o ItlulKi l-'iiilx or Po7*iiiello. I ’lioni;

■ 12S2W o r call n i'ii 7ih'n'v.-, .'i.mi. ,

1: rO- .PIIA CTIC .\L .N tUti51.\G.t , Plimw ICCJ. , .

II jT v fu 7 :^ m T t ;^ : ; .u A T r ; i-M UAKTntU i[»ni».- IIH .swiiib MnliV __

‘ f o r B A i j ^ R i a O E U . A i m u u aix)it'~SAM>-v\T ifAuriMN puTci':.'?, . Iicconil liaiiii V cntiirii n<-an H ullori'

; — rfi.nmimnni-.t. In n o r All wnrl,-.• hiK piirlu i-no.l Hii new. ( i r l lirtf

Iirlcos an<i l«niiii lirrori! Iiiiyinif.'ll.t —W.-.Sim.|*i-&^Son__ lil_anLjivc_w i:aL: I’b ono .tm;;:---------------:— ---------- —

J; i :v i :iiG u i; i-;s |. 'o it Xi.'i, in -on iilniitx Jl'ii ■ J>;irniiv

Ilrort. Sn-il A. Supply fo .. -Twlii• riTTOrTnnritr—--------- -----------------------

Al’ltlCO Ty—ONM MIlli: .SOUTH.‘ 5i : WI-KI'of, Ctirry< . l'Nv<-«'..nlH. on lri-f>, '• tir pli:ki!cl._l’linnc 72J(;.l-'tl<'r Mnliml.

• p iK .f-m -ju L M N AN-p s i o i i - s w r i r rj(.lirTr|<',H toi- nalo, MrH. <icor«i'.Iiln-

» m i l !U f^ --rii;(7 . ,MO.vnroui;.v<M-rliiTrli'H. Kenyon (Jr<'<-n. r iion .'

■ ^ ________________

• |.*Olt'SAM-:-'OAS i:NGI.tK.S IN 1. IVjan<J 2'A 'lioriK ipow rr; Tv«ln l-'atlii

.■ J iink lloiiHe. in i n il avi'. S. I'lmiio• -7‘js . ^ ;____ _ ^ '• APRICOTS w ii.L 'iii: u i r i : Tin-: i / I r n lo f ni-xi wn-li hI oiu- iiillr' srjiitli.; 'T 'Vi (-all i " .! '

‘ I 'O If K A - M A J IvSTIC- UANG Iv _JN• condllldn. 702 2ml wcj-i.

• PIANO IlA nnA lN S : RA U n T U A pi: IN> — Irn r jiin in rm -t tp rtc ti li 'rT n jrd B —Tind> phiycr.i: Jilanilard-m akeii. Spin? like f nnw. Sold anywhore. !?axy tcrm a.

.1 W rlto lodny. Baldwin Plnno Co.. I — lC T O 'C ntlfom l.t-atrcet; D rn v c rr Col- ; °n.d0..-: P i^vvi::R-E iA N O - l.v___ i- ;x c K m ?N T. ca'ndltlon. boautlfiil wixlnut. cuho; t Avlth rolla and Mxrnch. . . Wacbcre- ■ T rnnntor. • • . .

' <^QL» SKAL l \ y a s .SOI.TJ ON W j-j; ^

' • Slorn.. ■ ’ . r o i t .SALl; — WA1.NUT DININl!

. .ro o m furn liu re . i>crlo<1 dCRl|;n. Cnl!I. -8H8:' - •________. • .


• J u s t outoldc cltoi llm ltit W oyld con-• iiWcr honito oQil lot. P lm ne lOlSW . '

^ ' • -TVTA I.E H E L P W A N lE p . ^• W A ^ c r K S ^ ^ i F ^ i o S v n uijC cIc-

. D °»325.» WANTlvD A T ONCi:. A o 6 o n T lA N5 to coycr local loo Morp ro u te : no• ■ i>clllne: Jnut dln trib iilr and collcct. ; WrlU- P c rls .MfB. Co.. F lorin . Pcnna,

[ m a n WANTTO IX)R , WATKINS roiilo. Av<>rnRC oarnlnRH t35 w<-:k-

I — }y,_C Jnu>ci».tor-rcllablc-huiillt:r..lnm ake p rrn jan e n t payinK connection. WH(.« Thi' J, li t Wvitkln* Company. < ^ H o lT iT a t.. O ay a m l.T a llf - " .

> F O B S A U b -A O T O M O B lIX S ^’ K b f t '^ A L i - ; - h » s iV x ' ' 'c 6 A a i . a■ b a rc a ln . Cull G4C 2nil n re . no. a fte r

6 o -c l3 ^ ._________ ^ ^rO R -* e A O ;-G H B V H O L t3 T -^ Q A D -

; » tcr. model, ^ lo o d condlUon. I • C a ll .a t 621 Main w eal.-

1 TOR S A L ^ H E A P . 2H TON T R U fK ., H uda m otor. comt>ouad Rear. I n ­

q u ire 502 ;n d i t r e r i we*L

i M a g e l . > y » e d C a r s

' 1326 D odse coiipe. i;i)Oir.llreii. RunK■ and lobka rx x l. »57,6.

m e Dodjte <ed«n. 5 cood tirw u Ttila . e a r ha» bad «xccUen( o ir* . ISTi.• - i 52< t)o d ce tourlnjf.' 5 Rood t l r e a . 1300-’ -------------- -- ■--------■

• 10 ;s Pr»rH coupe. f3«W. — •: J928.Dodso tburJnK.'run»-600<J. J l J i■ 1926 OldimoM Ie coach. t*2S.> 1926 rtordaon tra c to r e jiu lppH »-lib• pulley and w V eraor a iid OIItcp plow*.

; - M a g e l A u t o m o b i l e , •

C o m p ^ u j ^ . i s

i S mf ■— — — ^

Fire Cpnsijines Hu^e Tract of Woodland

VKNTL'UA, Cnl- -’' ‘ly H =J-'lri HWoi.iiln« ilii' Fi'ii'/.iT'^'iountalii In tin

; Knillu llarlKiia naliniial ri)ri'!>l , liuriii..r (ivi-r iito'i- Iban 2.0<'t( m-ro.

oarly inih.v bnt wii» lii-llcvcd limk'i (.■onttoi f.r -Hic m.-n butilliu-.

■ l.v' r L .•xp'l..>liiii tir i f c i t iniin -i.-T .ii.”" 'lllll- stov.-, I'mlaiJxiTPd llvi-« an<

1 honii'!^ wiK-ii' It • wnK • <ann<’il l>y', n Hirotii! wlnil la-'t iik lil,, Sn-r.-i. .n;

w.i'f.' foVi-.-d lo lloi- (ron .iiiari-'iJ'. iK'ar ■i..-l.c'<- nnil four i-ablii:

: u-.Ti- ili-mroyi-il.Early tnrlny. .llo\v.^vcr. ib r :liri;.-i

• .l|<-il -«» ii-and .-n ii:.- flKlm-ri! .'I'lnvivi bai-l; *Ilr<-!>. whU-li iironilscU ft>th e sjirrail oM li.',tla inM .

- A u s t r o - I t a i i a n i ; ■.

. . F r o n t i e r C l o s e d

B y A u t K o r i t i e iI ■- • — .- - - - - T• ' l.O.S'llON. Jlily i:!--Tlin r'nllcf! Ans ' I ro .l i. ilb n ri'imiliT hit.' fx-cn

bv •‘Kalian iintliorltl.-i. a:;ajniit fli- ^ranri' of Aii'-trhnn<i w ith ,o v en local Tvi'i>!<-M<> iiaitpovtn luvallilnted. a Vl-

' .ynuii lilhinii-h lo tb;- nnily .KxprvSf

: . . a ‘iiL_.rui'aoii. Kivi'n f*ir tht- Ik Ihiit Ull- Tyioli'iii* hail Uikiin;«ilijuo-

; lion - ' 10 Italy-M .nnvi'llin}; a .vlctorj . luoiittincni- y.'P ii-r.lny. on tho -hIU

V biT c thi- Tyrolctvi' had Inieiidnl li . imvi'Jt n in.itiiimorif tf» deciyiswl AlHl-■ tr ian .linp iiria t Kiim 'ji^ m nig rr '

Q IM A T U R E S :-STOCK-EXCHpI~ a y ualM ii.rr#**,

NKW Y<»ltK. .inly . l l -K x ln - tn r i) I Miih't triiilliij; O 'a tnr/il Klni;k l.x-

S j rn Iil.-iMuiniti'il from the i)Vi-vhiu'», I' I......I., \v-|||> cxroiillnll »r II niuili'I'ilti

- »'[ T r itr .oin-i iiu'ir =ETF^Hffi==^-^-i-IfNi'W lilKli.1 im tiK' w m

lu-nrrd l>y A tlaiilli; i{i-(lnlilK.‘ hliliitni .R.-««lfiK ««<) w-vt-nil lir Ih.- .StaiMlar. OUil. I ___ . •

Sliitc;s- Stciil. .CJi-iii'riil .Mrironi um llntllo wtlil off t'« Ih rlr |>ri-vhiiiH .:lo». InK li-vOlH. MonlRoninry W nrd. how <>vor. Hold off nii>r>- llian 2 . |iolnl> on an nnn.iiinrc-m pnt. o r Kvnernllj h-.w rr - ipvum *if. |lllnl,^ m hu ini iik ^ t iilf iM-w full irnlahiRUi'.

! r^Cliuiiu'!trki.-l .•ti.iU-ii ■ im -tm tn r— --

S.W KU.\N( I S n i l,,IYKSTl» K ' k an FltA N C l.^C O .'Jnly. l l~ ( .a t l l r

lu'nrkitl Hli-aily:. Hii-ori<. Kf'i'il Jl'|.r.iKli l l ; .-oxvH. KOI..I J.SiifK.nn.

(?nlvm. iiilirlii‘1 nteady: m rililini ti Chr.ln. J!i.2r ,u .ll .2r.: V..a4.'n i.'in i-.llnm Koiiil and c b o lrr «M.2ri<!ri:i.:r..

HoKK. inark.H ’ in .:' h iK hrr; Hull. % I 1 in«.<iium $ i i.7o‘ii-1

-.Slii-ri> nml tiiinhx. ntiivkirt' nii'aily: Jninfiii on<-fiw ctlierf.-S S 'trl').-’ - ' •

-Thnoa W an t Ada h rin^ ti'MiiltM. .

' Allh-d Chi-;H;..‘.''»‘l ............■ AlllH-ciiariui.'DsMfiirCoV— _12.-ri

■ Ami-f, AKrl. H iem ............................A m rr. Hoi-* SnK«r Co........ ........._•• •

• Am^r. Can Co. ................. ...............‘rATnCir T ir r -an d riMiN lry •----- Iffib

AincrTiHjd Forc lB u ',Pow er ........ 32«,f1 A mer. LocpnW lUe ....1 AmciV'SmjilC ftnd Ref.

Amcr.- Sncai:, R o f.............. ....... =^ 'rii2.’-Amor. T el. aw l T o U .......Am er. TobacciV ll ....... ........

: A m rr; W oolcu Co.’ A m en.Z lne. ........r->-■ Atiaconda Copper, ......-

AtchUon. T o p ek u .* aatiltt t o ...il8By D alJw ln . tocomotlTfi ------------250

' Deilil.-hcm St^ecl .......... ......;...... C allfnrJilii-iru<^klnc_:...^^ ..^-•••-•• '■3^■ Ciniimct jin i l -Arll.-ina’=::.-:=;==^T5^-;

Canada Dry ............ .................... ‘*h<Caiutdlan Pacific ..........................

. Can« T hrcnb. ( J H ...............- ....... 3 ;0 ,C crro dc PaKcii Cflppor ...................C hi'nap i-ak 'o 'i'O lilo .......................^1*»H

. rih lcag o -r.rcat..W r« t f r n ^ - .......... 13^.' Clll.. Mil.. Sl- P- & P"> - ..... - ......

,I„ . . pfd. «u ,C k k a « x .^ > i r U L W C M r r _ n _ ^ 7 9 y

C bL R. I. * Pac..................... ..— .112Chllo Copper .....................................

ClUca SorO ce (curb) .............- ..... 66»iColomdQ Fuel and In m ....... ........ BR^Consolhlalcd Oa« ,......................, -H 7 «C o n tln en U l-C a n ....... ..................- .9 6 “Corn P roducts ...................... .......... 70?iCrucible Sieel^*.-.............. ..........70HA odcei A ':..- ... '. o .^ ~ --------- :— .....13»iiD aPoflt de .Scm ourt * Co.............3.BJ.;rl« R ailroad . »-•:........... ............ .. 6HiK lcctrlc Pow er and .LiKht ..........3 (JiG en e ra l' A m erlcaa T ank ....TOG ener« r 'A aphall ......................... ... 72G eneral C lpar '.... ....... .......... .........« MO eneraf B leeirlo -------------- -------H7«JOeiiTTal Motom ....... ;....................1S««G eneral O utdoor A dr. ett*. ------- 35O lmble D rolhera .......... .......5<TiGoodrWh _— ..... ;......7JMG raham P a lite 'M o lo ri --------------31«iG re at K o rth em pfd,' . ...-------------9fiM

do - c t f a _________ 20MG raana. C aaanen — -----:---------- S9yHowe Sound ----------- ----------------- C7yH ndaoa V o la ra . . . . — 91 .HJlnola C e n i r a l___ ------------------ n 9 yIn land S t e e l -----:______ -c---------.*85^.ta ap lra tlo n C oppar ________ _— ZlTim ie rn a lh in a l I la r r a d e r _______ :» « !In ie ra a ilo n a l Ntck^iT __________»6«Int^raiUlo&ai P » p « r ____ 69JBTai u i MW uu -----------KiiBtU;Clty..-SantJbera _ 4SU

^ - vy . ' . v ;

f v r w f^ jT J s d a t t jT - t i t

pI c e o f w h e a t "‘ FALLS M TLY' ClllCA tlO. .lilly li-—ili-'avy n - ; ei-liit:« It'i till' .Son1hwc--l an.l w.-aki.i-tit.' ui.l,lv..fpcm l ..-nl u li-a t »ll;:hllv Vow- : , . , . „ n ilu -.lh .a ril ..t T ta.l.. luilay.

. C .riv ■ ilfo j.V 'l xl'arp ly wlii-u^ Um- i-a«h niarl(i-i w.'!il;.'«<;ii; Oairi lu:a »[

'’a i i;l..M'il U «T .trrrn rii;\T !i.i i l .u v n , t ‘(,6C!-''-'', an.l .lat:- nn-

1o > ^ v off. .................... w ..n'ii ....h '.n«o .rr • . . • .. \\'h>-ai w a..'jin t'i'n l<’.l m n.i. .'f lU'-;

‘ .1a» ll« !nrl!ih Itiflnciiei-u w. i r Ih.. In ir:' . u r loarlcM al yn.1 M.nih- ; «-..«i.'ril .v.-atli.-r. ‘wlil.'h wa-. fav ..r-'

Jililf fi>r -hnrvrxllni;, ■ ami xlilpi.ln*:.' l.:noriiUMiK tri-.'liilK 'nrc .•,\i....'tvil in:

ihi- Si.mbu-..M ...I Momlay.--n,vi-eiiit>.!iv rr.' 21 ra t« w ltli 111.- t ij;.h murl;.'t |

- uy.l.ii. .’ '.i iJ u mT;. . • ^ .? iO tfi'iln"-' In i-nru w w .-'l;n 'j;..r .m an i

■•NiiiirTfil aiul 111.' im irkri wa..;un(h'V; . ..,!.'Val.h. pr.'ii»ni|e fo r ll lini.-,

i'.‘i-.-li>i« al li: i <'ni'~. - . , OalH hml itmitli.T. dull . ilay. Iii.iii);I iiu-liii-ni.'i-ij th l.-fly Iiy Hn- o ili '.| i;i-alu». ; Til.- I»'lt liad itoOil wi-atll.-i-. ffvr.-lii'-i ; t trr i- 2S raV« with Ibe .-a.-li' nmrlt.-l 1 . '»ih<-biini:.^il. . • . ' . ji : l.‘iil,iirivi ninkP.I aii ToII.iwh:

W H E A T - Op.'ii HiKh I.ii'v ..........!j Ju ly ••..........1‘211‘i I2ii’ i i::s''); n n ' . i; s ..o t, . . . i : i 2 '3 . ix i'.i,. i r : \ \• Dl” ......... . ..Klli'),- Kirrii- i;;i; i::t'.';»• CORN— . '. Ju lv ........... I»7 ' 'k I'IS 1"1-, I'lri'^-■ U nil............. iisVi 'lll'.^ ■ I'TVi,

O A T.S^ , . ' . • !.Inly. o ld ... •I7''}i . I.S -lT 'i •1!' ; Ju ly , new, -IS’ i .ll' .|T--i 4'i.-Ri p l............. - in ;. .12 I I P s . ' l i ’i :

■ .11'/,- - iiv „ - - ' HjitT

I ^ «’II1l'.\(iO CASII (jitA lS /

i-i-liiiw ‘‘si.n^Ai 1.07',i ; ’‘No. y .-nW -■ i,^ iiM g ,.in '...,^ -V .., i v.iUiiw;<i

TM,ti:i»A: No. tl .v.-il-Vw i);K»ii..iiii-j;■ No, 2 inlK.'il : . No. :: iiilx"d , ' ll.i il '.i(! i l.(.il',i: Nij. r nilx.'il $l.ii:!',.i

'il i.iin--';; Nn. r. nilxi-d $l.iin'.v: .s’.i. 2• w h ite :;i.iM !.,...,K ...< .; ■%... .1 >slill l'i : J l .n i '- i : .'^o. li vvlitiu S l .o i: iTTTmiilc..■ »:ni(li- . ‘.>2(!i:t7Vji;. . . | p i ) .j - " V.lilt’iCrTT*i*. J1 ~• :i «'iiiiM-jiiiiii;s... . • ' ' ' '■ I I 'rin io illy : Jt.i"'/I.^Ti. . 'I L’lovcr; J 225?::ii.2r.., i

I f ; i l l C A ( I O . , 'ju ly \ l - i i . i l t i i r r.arclplii• |.|.7o:i.’p«cUaKi-Hi’ no ninrla-l on Sat-• .iirdio'. ' .' 1-:kk«. rei-nlptH 12,IK2 jtaai-H: . no '■ )f>nlnrdny ninrk.-t,- . .>- • ( ll»;i'.ii, t i . i lit- 1 ar.U f t - jo ilttff-^tnrr-^

f iJ c ; Li-^honm 2Ui:; Unidju. heavy 17i-.;i iiniall Tf.i-: Npi'ltiKvrrt 20i-: ki-<.i40 lli! |

. tiirki'yn 2Uc: roojitcra 17c; hrollurnl ■' 32i-, • . • . I

I'oliiioi'K. nrrlviiln 7^<-an<: onirm rk > 1!j7 n irx : In lran 711 carii; Mltn.iui^. rl nnd Kaniinii Hui'Uod Irlnli CohlilerH

? i.n if i .I — 5 - . r s

' PD ltT l.A M l l,IVi:ST<M I<; . I'O ilTLANl), ‘ Jn ly 1 |. |- ..» ln .-k

r‘‘r):li>in' Jii P»riJniid fi>T'^li*»^w<'l'k |•nllln^^t(>.bly-wl•rl•t <'(iiiI«-Di7C: ho^'a. Iir.sni i.lte.'P' r.Ciifl. T lir only r.;c<.|pl«

lloday w c r . ', j e ; li<.i:i' Tli« hgj; m arket

O T B T D T K S ”.Q uptntlona;_____ v___________________

iK c U h 'A lh o e O m hcnm ...:.............r-UOdULSltrlniifU 'ld’ ....... - ......... -t>..■ K cniiocoll .............................................>

M ljim hort" ...... ...............................•...... 1 LiihiKh Vallet; ...................... ..,......... ' .; i Lonlnvllle anik:«aM ivlllo ..............IH!^n rc V " T ru i:U ''. .- : . .... ........................ su’ Ntarland Oil ........ ........... 3B

Miami C d p w r ................ ........... 20',4i M laaourli Kanana and Toxaa ..... 3G

iM lstourl Pacfffc .............................. «<>4; Wcjntfttia P o ^ e r I6fi%!( ;Xlf.»tenm pry .Ward------ ----------------1555 tian li M otor" ... 521,4f « a t l o t i a l IllacuU .Co.................. -K....1C3 :i N ational Doptl S t o r e s .................... 25Vit N a t io n a l- K n a r e c l lw - ......... .......... 39H' -Notional L oad . UC ,

Neviidn;Cflna: Copper ..... 23Ur y o W T u rk’ C rn w v _ ' .v .......... .— .m a ■ ', N. V.. N. H. * • H artford w ..... - 5C!i |- .V nrthnrn- f 'a c f tte . --..i-.i..:______( P ack ard Molora 73', P a rlflc Gas and Elcctrle ...... L.. <7

Pan-A m crlcnn H.............................. <2SI P a ram oun t |.*amouK Laaky ..........128• Ponilay R ailroad ...... ..................... 63!iI Pore M arqueUe .........................— 176riT PgllU'a Gw ..................... ----------------------

ph llllpa P o lro lcu m .......; ..-> ~ .~ .. 3&K', P u re Oil —i-... 23H I■ •lPcnff~c<?trgrA Tngrlca'-.v-.7 ::,-Tr l W H '‘ . Reading .................................

ilR ey n o ld a ’T obacco n .....................134..S e a rii Itoebnck . l i m,1 Shell U nion Oil 2SH,ISIm m onn C6....... BSH. S in c la ir Conanlldalcd , r 2 r5 T, S outliern Paeilli 119%, Sou thern Ra,Hway ................... — l44Ti

5 i» f ia a > a x u -^ n d -W e c t« c - : .- i : r r c 7 %i a q u ta i r d p i t o f Calif. . . . . . . . i -------c7m. StM pdar^ O il. o f .V.- J ____ <3?i.

S t^d d a n l OII s ^ _______ U H

, T e j^ . .> n d l^ c . . I 6<», Tlm fiffl R o ller :Bc*rInK —____- 121?;

T obacco P roducta 102' Union Car. and C a r .______ „ „ 1 4 5 U, Union Oil o f Calif. ____________ Bl, U nloa PaclHc .................................. laCH, U nited C lea r ^ to re a .....................25TiI U nited S M ie* -R n b & er._ ______ 3 0 \r U nited SU taa S I m I ----- - , , „V,136, - -do pfd.

f n l r e r a s l Plp« -_._1-----x----------- 11%: V«nadlaii____ ____________ TO ■

^ b a a h ____ __________________ TOHf W rtR^ncbouaa - - - - - - - - - - - - . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . S lH; U Tj|l}>Koton» ................................. S8! i, W in y a - o r e r la n d ___L..'_____ 51*4

W b o lM ftlr" .:______________ 1?0HL !W!rlKt>l aA . -------- . ■ ■■ l a iH• VcUfW Tnck't,tt4 Co»ckj—. 33%

iOW • ■ ■ ’ • •

«\u . mMidy Whllr ih . . |i ' V '' '' ' : m>>'a'-

■ '<\>llr"or ll„ -'inu rU .l a .n l \Ul.h I. ,vv.'..|( as,..; • ■ I, u

lihtlin-, Mini.-' ,s ir /.ia ilh..- t- io i'k n|i 11:1 ninrh a s riiic: .i:alvi-;> '.n.

.! H oi:,i-.^ul.:lu‘.r .-ias.i.-ii , .Mi'i! T:,.-. htKbi.i-, |.-.'.-.l..r l'h::i r.i»f 1111; . hnll; iiiii.ii.'ri. JIJ-1/.12.;;.'': loii suvriO; Ii.i’i|i.|' h / »tr.iiii: d.-mami at$:'.riO'ii Ilf. -

Sll....Il--.S-||.r(. JUKI l.lWi/s ,,K».tJll)Iy U i..»iH-.. ilH.t,-.- A.l\i ,i, | lamh.i

nltrrlViiis .'- ll'/iH ;. ;

o .M .\ii\.i i . iv i :s r o ( - Ki ‘ tl.MAIIA Jlily l l . ' l l . l i ; ' ' . rcrrll'lr- ■:On-i; ani'vi ulv Mi'ii :Tn' Iow.t ; (oIiM l: hiilit ........ .. ii.>uti(i hiin-lirn>


■' u .T r ! l , : o ; ' r r - i ' . ' . ' . r i .* ai.'d‘‘y.‘arlliii-.-.( l...... j;i ';i..s' i-owj- ntiil In-ir.-viiliMiKiiiT to llli: ’Ijnljii im.l v.-alti

I 'h l i ; l i . -1. I l . i l ! . i i r l . i . . . l . i r t h o w .'. .- l t: T o ! i i i l v .T H a 'n i l y . . a r l l i 'i u » ‘ 1.1'i< i r . .7 ri ; t . i t i u | .Wi....f »s.r.iK,i'lu.:^^ Im iu .a ll i-nl-i

l r f ,< J i ; , lT ,< ,7„7ii: m n l h m i h i l l h . Ss.^f.l ■5( . s .7r .; - l u a . t l i a l to i> V r a l» i l l : I .. . . . . . . . i . iu l I . ' . ..... .. J l l . ; ; r . ' i < ! 2. 7.^, .■ siiT-..|i ......... i.yrn, Com iiiiriil-wiiii

wcvl.- a?:ii: A .f'Jantlw r.ii.UfiIl l-: .Kli.-rp Ml.-aily: I.-.'-li-ni r.Ui- hljdli;!': l<:liii.lni;-littHi )>rl.'.'ii I'at K ince lam b . S i r , m i t i v . > SI l.T.-i; f. il" .-Ui.ii.-.l

llnm i.n *i;:.:ri; fa r ...w ..n ?,',.:i(i(ii‘4:.r.ii: Hum-,., f c .ll in : lamliM f l 2,^ i , i : ; . : r . ,

, iio ,‘;t <i .\ w (» h ,• IlDyS'ON. :ialv l.I .‘--Si'llliii; 111 v rry l t;lo»- I.l, i..rr lio ry IhirH i.lihonuh .In -]

;>l»jrhvi l» r niiiT hH a,-., u JIIIJ.-,

U; ..itri.-tly .-..111111111; ha lf J>loi»l....... ......... ir r I.Hni:’ i:lim tin-> 1,1.. ,ir til.: ranii.'i J l , 12ii I.l.',,

■ i.(-.iitt.>.il IiiikIii, A - llltlr. hiiiiIm.Hi. l..<1 1-. ixil t. i! on Uiu ■ iKn tlirn i:- CalirFTiT.lir

r I F w i n F i

j“ Pri^fe5

i T hc D aily T im es is p Businesses and.. P ro f es you ’will f in d them p

—nesses a n d .that th ey i I e n tire satisfactions • '

' Businesses-a i ;t « i h »o i m ;t;a s s

'W lm rsiilo lda

‘ WJ/tflow Granat ■ S e lling Fn-oI •• M »»yS FAINT SfORK

I " I BO ISE-TW IN PA J.LS ' i f , 'TRUCK L IN E _I l i w n ^ “ ’i'FrrcU‘” a'Trd ■ 'Fi-iTrinrr1 s-rvU -f—Wo’ll lllll on .Yonr Jnh i 3S.‘> .Shiiiibono S.. Phunc -

Cbam her o^S^cm m erco .llrerlorB

m. a t offlco.;------------- — .Atnorlenn I.^irion: Tm>sdiiyHi lunch

pon. Perrlno ho te l; nccond Tucs day. 8 p. ni.. cfuIi'rootiiK.

Elkj*: T hursday , 8 p, in.. blul

Odd Fcllbw m T hursday . 8 .p . m. ' ■ d u l l rooma.

Colfiix E ncam pm eot N o.. 20. I. 0 , • ' 0 . F .: ,E v 'e ry second and fourll

Tueaday.4 _ t^ llB .V n - in- F .r r r, ■ fou rth Friday ,

.J j im ro a e ,R chcknh..I.odgo_N o. 78 ' R f a r a n d ' tb [f J-TiKrM iayr-S'^ .-m

Maaonic Rodlci a t M avinic tnr.iito iJluo Lodso No, 4G. f i r j l Wednea

-. day. 7:30 p .m .Royal A rch chap te r. tW rd Tuci.

I day evenlnc.I C om m andery. f irs t F riday ovo T -----------HTpgrTmo p. th . ------------------

-j— -:i^n-raUa.WalU, .. S tage

I .T .j> a l lr e see p t S n n ,J s 3 0 ii .m . ConneetlnK a t U elN ^Vllh I’lek-

------w kk KUb m mad « . P .. T nO na. ,S ta g t D o p o t-^ P e n in o. H otel

/SIAGE^JTIM E OF s t a c c t : : : -----

^ From T e rr lM H o te l.' • " ■ .Je ro m e

Leava • • Arrlrp7 :^ 0 a .m . • 11^3^a.n^1: 0 0 p .m . . - .6 :3 0 p .m

B lae L iao (a noL«e' . « : 0 0 a .m . 2 :0 0 p . a•J:00 ,p .m . 8 ;3 p p .m

u’ ___ . -ie a reT T ito tL . W ed , PrL.. 7 ;5 0 a .n i A rr lT t: Tne*.. T b a r t . , Sat.. 13 noot

U»T« Dallr » £ ----- :------- T :M fr iM _ p a l l r * l« -------L - ^ : 3 0 _Pljb

' -■ - I’ -• > . ,i> .

w.ii.ln! Th,. Ti-xa:. a .i.l iim .'iImu i;racl.', i .^ i l l .n y «ii).M‘:.i'.-, i|iil'-i

i h ; \ v i:k i , iv i :M 'f n i i .riKNVKlt, Ju ly , 1 I, t';iUl.., 1,1 I'll.!!!

JSSill.lir,; . . al.v-^ J IK ; 10: > in. U.-rtami f....i1..r" r> 'ii l:l. Inill . 'IT^,

Il.ic;i, ?:-irl|i|r. lllii.L|.t III,III-Inallv I.toaily; 110 ...... .

•Sliriii._rri._..l|if. ....... . m.ii-k.t i.ii

. jn r ja ijjh .'/ jI 'i '.in .- .iV ^ w r-. f P .i .r ." . ' ’

NKW VnUK, ,lill.' 11 -.KI.JIII .|III.-'.......... l-.irl.. Iinii: .... . .J-Jl .-.r.■ l.illil f irm : ilililv.r.., .|L- 1"-.I U'.'.o.

Sili:a1-. IM> . iniU-t. -.|"'t V'; .1.- 1 lvrr,.|| .h ilv |i:i|.l n.L-l. l- lll rn l ,Iu ||; 'i ;ianiiliii..<|-rj.

I'l.ll.-i.- itu . No. 7 .nill i i - ; r : s.iiii.,.. .\.I. I. ^-iJir.

— T .i l lo U - .n iu r r.ju.ri:il lo .-Mra

' i la y .lull:'- .'; .,. 1 • I.-:.’ : , No. :;.V > ; J l ; ' . l . i \ i t - ;» ..< ;i.i:, i

’ ■ , I ilM 'A t.ii i . i H : s i n r K-'V riii(- ,\i:n , j.iiv n * 11.ij:-., ri.-..iiit,,| . |m..-.; II1"-(!?-w.-ii1,.1.. 1'ic- li.,x>..,;.i.ii. I J II .l 'i '; L'l.i ii, !Tii’-I'.'iim l '\|.ii-.lil:<s n y a i i i i V r . , ; _ - '

|.'..|| i l i’li’i vi.:irUii;;-. -.L a Jv j,.**ifi:i- hi>;h..r: .'.‘Imrl fn l . .ir r r i i;.-. ,'1.7.',I- low rr^ r.ian,; in.w.. "I..aity;.|iiilivi;.;tii r.iii- hiitiuT: vi.Him. j : i ‘ri7.‘<. imv-.•r: iiiiirKi.i:. .;iiul i..i iiri-r. fn in t.i hh.,li.,.r; lnv.1 y i.jrllm ;« SH;.:.'.: v.-^n- llnK'Iiilf.TM Si:.:*"-, h.-avy >.|i.,.,-: Sl':.

H hr.j., r.-. i'l|il;. -JO'"*, - I om ..m n'lIil liiailn of iia'ilvr lanili:', ami yi.,u.nni:>i.

Jn;; i.latlow V 'js.iliiii \ | l r . . r t ; lat h'linl,;, .-ani;.-;-...... ,<i;;.f...;faf. iii illv ../ '■ilfi.LTi-ii Hi: . thri.n-oiii'i J I IC .I2 : y..arlll.Ki! JU.7,-.-^; TJ r,ii;s lat rw ..« } i,7 r.;i7 ; fi-c.lltki; la m ln '? i: ify

“r~,N— ' ---- -

alls Busir drtral^Dil e a s e d t o r e c o n u n e n d t<

s i o n s . a d x e r t i s ^ . i n _ t h i s .

T o l i c i e n t a n d c a p a b l e i:

v i l l s e r v e ~ y o u i n a . m a m

-Clubs—Lodges—TrW indow nnd D oor Scrccns

. M aJo to O rder Have Y our O ld' ScrL-enn Upcov.

cri-d . lU-forn FIJ- Tlmo . •w . M ONTOOTH •& SONS

■llti .Sh.i>bijnp S t. W. Plione iiCSJ

AUTO B E PA IR IN Gs Vnlvc G rlndlnt;. Pinion P in s.

ItlpBH. UlcnrlnKii ntid Urako

X . SK I>N K R ltK P .U Jt !<HOP ' S20 .Sp( . A te . Phono 425 ,

' ... ' r ”

CLUBsjoDGES"- ‘ O rder Eaatcrn* S tar, ^eeotid ntid-

• fourth Tuo>.iiily. 8 p. ni.Tw in l-'iiHa G ranco: ’ H eco nd 'and

> fo iih h Friday . S p. m .. llitslntua and Proft'SHlonal •W omen'# club

. . rocuna, . , . ' .T w en tie th , C entury C lub: F l n t

'. T uesday. .1 i>. ni., R oireraon ho- 1 " te l ; th lril Tneailoy; 2:30 p. in.,*

.JurilotQMA Inn.

w lth, momliora. - - •• rM iiute; ..r-T.ucatIay.-8Tp.-Ja.;^-.-0.70..-

F. h in i> ‘ *................................ ... '■1 M odern W oodmen of A m erica: Sec*

ond and fourth .Monday. 8 p. m.. l _ 0 ^ 0 /s ,F . h a ll.

K nlcb ta o f'O olurtibus: Second atid fourth WcilRevIity; 6 p . m., J. 0 .

______ SwoftTiB— Rrr*K-n n n o ra _. • •> . 3Udn to O rder Wo bu lld -and hanir—a com pleta Job « t tbi> low est posslblo Prices

- - M O D B R N - ^ I iA N a f O - ^ I I M i : 7141 Thlrd.A Trb 8 . • I ’boae'BOS

LINES-RAmROAD. . ' G oodU ? itAt!

- Lea.T« A rrlre.— J:lSp .T B .------- — lO rSO -w i.

. . K ocrenaa L earo MOtt.. W ed.. F r l _ l l :30 a .m . Leave T ue i..T b n r* ..S a t.lS :.4 S p .in . Jl£tvn. D ally ----------- i__5:O O p.B i.

TIME. OF r a i n r g .J - / ’d w n i s i i . n t t o #

J E u t b o u 4 _1. • 7 •* U aT M l^ k / . W a r . ....... - 7 :M *.m:

---------------------------------=!«.________ ____

_______. • — PAOE F 1T B ..1. .•.

=iv .v v n : i i i> i i , \ i m ;v

Urn W .io.h .ir 'IV ii i l\ill':,vva.-. a.r. ii.Mi.|] l.tM nl>'.lli-I,v a ii'i|n..'M <ii ili<-•lfali..y>l.. n i l . will, Mali il .....I Wooil..

h u r , ».im*.'l on .•h;ii;-.s i,li"!‘-. Slu-rlU ti.iii.- »HI h.- In -I'wlii r.ilJ.; mhh.- Ilm.; tv<l«v III -iiiK.. \\-,>.,il:; lo I la llry wtlli

I lilm: • • ' ' . .' .ii .ciiiiliiit I '. 'ln li .n u a ii .,11 .M-.-*..|\ • ’ l i r i r Ih u W.Kiiis :iml am in irc yomir:

III.III a ll all..; to liav.. la k .n lion, Unlll V a v.illlahK- l ilo::, imiclj

h".... ...........,\\;)-iiu liii*

i - PR E ST -p .L ITE .B A T T E R Y ; #S7:, Kn. ‘ .• E.- 0 , H a v e n s b a t t e r y Co .

:I2I lU lii North ' riioiu- UI5.fV

Ill TY RW ELD ER - ll

1 i " r " ■rilv:v‘‘7m Imllii"' s-TII.-l, ;j

‘P I 'l i o i . 's v i n i i : .V » .v't t i :u v .sm ii-iI ■ I’lio ............... . SI. )V.. I

jil . j'iM.ii- ri:..W - 11

^ sb S b s b b b s ^ b i^ b b b l

R egular Dance

TONITEi ' , ■'5 ■

O p e n A . i i '

■, AN H O W E

less and r ^ o i y —p you, our, readers^ the _4^rectory^W e-believe— n th e ir respective busi- \fer th a t v i l l be to your

a n s p o r t a t i o n " ^

.s p k i i A i , i r n


_ ^ IH :- l» l! l!O N X rS U O P ^ -----------120 Main Ai<>. S .- Ju M llehlnd

Farm i-n* Auto Supply To.

■ F IV E PO IN T OABAOE ”r>i-d T fiiek a l-linriniln p rio r, ull

■X L-cM iiint-g. , Hllll Hr - t c t o _ Hlmpf.

in o AddlMiii W , '^Plione lOIO-W "

Woodtnnn of Hie AV^irhl: F lra t a n d '

(iml ProfcaalouaP W rureti’l 'c l u b -• rooms.U olnry c lnh : F l ta l W edoesday.

Tom'a C^tfo, C:30 p . m . O lher M'fdne.-«day*; Ton-.'H Cafo. hootu

KIwanla. clul>: T hlnJ T h u rad a y • UoRcrron., o^ao p. m . Q tber T liursdaya. Uoceraon noon.

Hniilntuis am) PmfaaHlonal., Wo- m c n 'a . , < la b : • T uesday, -club rooma. nootl.

U nited . S{(aiMitb' W ar V oie ran i:. ■-. n n i t. Mnndi y,_ ; ;3 0_ p ..' a>...’ Mar- -■■ aonlc tem pi*-,--------------------- - 1 . . - ’I^>R!.o!LAj>x.lVar7iW riitjrhUM ,a»rc^S-.p;Tii;7trfUl-jn«tfib4r<,“ - " n v ? - -- Ladles o f tho 0 . A. R .: Socond

W cdncaday. 2:00 p. m .. I. O. O.F. hall.

.Nelblwra of W oodcraft, f lra t and. th ird Tttendaya a l 8 o 'clock tn (lie Btialneas ami P rofctslonal

, .S tee l R ods, each ' - - T elescope Steel Rods _ S 1 . 7 B Snell Hooks ----- .6 to r 2 S i

sag K ala ATfnpt. RwUi -

HMES . -y.lN«- 84 a t------» « K -iwip.;. . ^

‘ .3TMU»Ba4 • •No. M a t - ;_____________ ItO S o jiL ■No. jp s .L .L .------ -=:No. f3 9 7 -ro r ^lojteraoB aad .

W alla. NflT. _____LA:Up.m:.(M onday, W edoeaday. F rU c r ) „

No. - . ■ , ’A n l T M r« « —F rom Btjbl - - - T t t a . - , , / - .64— rro m B ttiv u .- • , ^

(TBWday,- TUbi^ . |

Page 12: · . _ ynii. xi.. Nr.MitKu 71. '. ' ' I i'iaS TO ® iS'e-'.. » >

:SffiisSdNESPEAKSBEFORE'KiOTOAKGID U cusscs.O pcralion ot Bani

■;— ^ G S a rS ily L aw s; Prov^ nounccd Failures.

"DoiioHlloni In loiH lii'IwiH'i . ■fiKlit mill toil lit .Inlliir= thr niig tc tmtt~:f.TLin r c c 3 ia n = ;tf* ‘!T7*.**‘-

hIii<;o JD2;I. lliu-Hoimil- ....... .. Imvp i 'WliicrruMliiK liml llu-nr an- wcnW I'lioiii lit III.? lirttiklHi; <i'llin 8 laU',".KU>lt;il t;. W. I’orii'r. «;ciii> nilHsluiivr of Miiiiiii'c. »|i<'»krnK. on tli< ndvlmililUti’ » t ii tinnk puurm iiy lu " lioforo (III nHHumliliiKu nl tliv rcKiiIiu jtiL'flliiK of " lie 1‘oiiionii (irniiKc ai th o ctnml)* - fn lr '- »;roiirl<lH - lit- -KIti'i KrltJny »ricrtJ)oii.. TUp coiimil»t't><n<'( n m io Iil. rcnpotmo lo 'i i i i - Invliallon Xrom ilU' RrnnRo, In piirHimiic-o n f n

tnn tlon on lo p k o ' iiortlnm ii lu I 'n c poRcd toKlatntlon."; '•■•neKltiiiiiitt-^wlih OkifiUoino, ni'niiy <>t tho inlddlo Wi^x'trni' Stnlvn ciiiicd-il liHMk liiwH." (hi- mic’ukiT«al(l. ■■lint nonU'dC them iir<- now op- criUlvo In llio innniivr firm mncclvcO. Koi' tliu tpOHt'puri^ iliuy itii'l tl» ' feel, o f innkInK tim mifo iiiu l, i'nll'' liank'. nNHUmu ,(lii>. ri'KpoiiHlblUiy (or llio I rr c a p o n n ib lu /u u l .wildcat v in - tu r«8—o f T nnklnK lolvcncy Hiipporl In- I'blyoncy. tliroiiRli lui InRi'nloiia link* IDK luKOllior o f tlie lv>nkii."

•To o eccnni|'..j;)loi). fo r r.uiirnnlooInK: dbpunltn n 'lu to rci|iilrv Inink;' ind i'. v|<l](iaUy ro>'roi«ics

linnklnK ' ilcp arlm i:n t- ,n plnn w lilcli' tijo .iip.ii»kol- ‘ mitllnw l , Imt UUI nnt] rocummi>iHl. cxpruHuliiR itiu IxdJcr tliict H tifnclcni Biifoly w ould lie Kccnri'cJJ

rlRld nollcy of cxnnilnatfoii im ii.o ii- j p erv lllo ii .by tliu Sinlo. StroHHliiK lln-t p rtnm rj—fn n ttln ri—o frh n n k l i i r—1»—IW nn^cty of opo rn lln n .'tlio comml«Hloii* c r (Ivplorcd lln-.(uiidi!ncy of w c k h tiiI

,iu ic iirlty—4k loinlt-ncy wliUdi lio held to be w holly r<«i|)oiiMll>lf fnr (Iio \in ro rliiiiiUu criHiH from whlcii

SiccitiiiHi tliu M'KlorH‘ III. ihiH niMV

)f lllv liaukr* 'of lilt' NorlUwciil fulled liirlntt tho I'urly S'i». ‘"I'.l It w.i« mih- icqnt'iit lo thu t ^hl>rp vxpcrk-nco'tlK it lib piihlli!* mind liirni-d lo llio nnli- oct nf nmkint:- iill liiin'kii Hiirc.- OuHnK ilio-«IfrflHiIon-pcrlo(f.-,(rtahrf ont abou t SO biinkH, no t u ll tliroiiKhI a lliirr i Hlncr m any cnii'rcd* conHolU' iatlonn und »ilii!rt<. m nklni: iicy proM tn , (inld, o ff llio dvpaxltorn nnd voM

' P iirfiu* Mill pn**!Dftm V erm ont, linw■ hnd no t nno hiink '

>ort o n ly ' ocrn>iloi}nI fnlliirrN . ondlllun till' Hpiniki'r nU rlliiilPd. to ho nyiilum nf Hiiporvllirnn ■ pn irllccd . Inco nonn hnd Kiiariinry lawn. Wlilli- IcbruH kn/hdll fiincllonii an i> liank; iin ran iy S tate . «lepoal(or« nrc pnld niy niicli n'mniin(n . nn "aro iivnllnbtc rom th e rcMoiirrrn o f . do lunci Ini'll- illltjntf. T h a t S ln to 1» n<iw uKllnlltii:. StAtc-bnnd to Kimrnnt<r'-dcpo»ltH. n rropoiiUlofi .{friit, Im n. hcen tiirncil own In O klnbomii nnd NiirlU Dakoln. juutli—L>(ikolii-liii< i-(l(inlly-ix»^o<l-a - Rw rci|t ilr lne Krudiiiil lu'cnmiilii- Itin o f n rfilrrvn 'li'yV nrli linnk whlHi bn. Hlnlt< In l» hold an ii Hi'ciirilyoiLdimonllorif—,------ ----------------------- :-----

Kfillnwlni: UiP nddrei'K ■ till'-'« |H 'nk. r nbly dlHciiNHod , iiiK'ntlonn 'niiki'd rora tho uiidii-nri' hy M. J . Swri-lc-y. lURtnr K uiizr. I.iuni A ynltr. i'riink ^IfTnir.-npiirKO'H .—> ln rt7nnil~n thuri'l 't ■‘W hy ftbonid llio linnkn bo Ti-<ililrod

p ln d c o 'c n lln io rn l lo .,lh>-- tnxfiiu n lU i-Ju r- Um--flLi:iirltv _of lliv lr d r . oKltH. mill not dn Mio Niinio for. In- Ivldiiol d 'l 'o n lto rn :" M r.' Swrrli-y nkoi!, • ■ IS'OiiIy lM'i-;iiJ)n'. Dini I" lb>- Kin(i‘ l

S:, Vacat--------T—rrtrn irt4inrM >truiir» .ft? n«

• . .joiTenJoy iuperllne im l re i

S O y e r i i i g l i t T r i p s I

E a s t a n d ’ W est RbI ta l lj (A K«pl. 3A—l.ii>#nl sio|M>

“ ■ne*-A nc'elM .^dlp 'ct. . n.Lo* A neclf* . r«mr»i via . c

S4n“ K rancl"r.i . ’S.W .d ^Lon AnKfles. r r t u h i .v U San

PraiiN »co am i rn rl la m l. o r *•.: . vlco v e rsa ..... ........... ♦TO.IO - N

■- fn /io ttlo n a lr ty I ^ t F a i

J- lb<^-comlf^ !^»ll>mlr.! n^uW w ld.-------------• "Dll ' M“ i - tav 'iir' (HiMoHihUiiiil 'n

-iTinTiTxr—>T7r-nrorniMiri'ii: :

'• niiinllSi'ii Id r<'di|( 'i ', Dvrrjiirad imil »' i'|itii|iitili; lii.wi'r 'riUi-K lliroilub- ct'diio lin lc ti ti) iidniliilixrathiii. I idioiild (liliil K ti'oiiicl do r<o b'Ti-," waH Uii' n-|d)

I ] /^ ir ltij ; (hi- bii>d,rii'H» ........ w liidj-.fidlim-i'd tin . dliii.iiM"lon, I). IVi'b

) lo r |ii'i>|iiiKc'd llir a rraiirv ’nii'ni ,hy Hi ,i:ci>ii;:ii nf'iiii> cxlilbltbin ’ ti;a)ii 'lo In

Ki-ni ibruiiiib Ibo Smro» o f i i i i ' K.ihi k-'i"dili*. till- fa ir i-xliiliKn InV ridvorlln '■ Iiii; |iHrp(iKi-».'iiKiMTilnK tlm l'b r- wm

prrHi'iitlni: llic- rnaKcr In plnoo o Hi'-Tcdiry Frank- Koonan of (lu? fall lionnl ttbii wart iinahlo to hi- pri'Hoiit

Ij H i'tiilmont w'lm ili'tlnlii-ly In f;ivor o J. d ll' pro|)(i!ilibin ir (iilirr. factorri I’onli...-I'B i-»n(rolb'il. _________________1 f•••7Trwj»fmH ~ri,i■ 'vo ln inu iltn i'ir • to - olidiln-i'i.iMilA!—fall t ‘ PXhlbllH H.niy .witblii Ihclf, i.wii iHjr ..ilc-ra iir adJaiVni lh<’ro(o, wa:i iiaitHo'd , a fiiT , u w/irm diNcn-jiiliin onvri'lni; n . widi. raiiKi'. 'U was'.doi'liloil lo bold■ <'■ picnic- (lifH .iK'aHdii cui ll ilalo (o hi /N (;l by (ho cunimitU'i'. .■ ; .T lic .iie .x fn ii;c lln is will I c .b c ld In • ! N'lyvinhv.*.

;Weekly5ummaryt)f- Crop Conditions

i-'nr lUi' U7.'cj{ fiiilliiK Tiuh<l!>y, Jti]y I", l ie s .

J.l;il}f»; TU,- uo .«bo r Ibis w rck WIIH surli an lo urofiily bon^

Lufll a ll );raln!<. panliiri.-N, in ic k irropii nnil frii^t. Thu (ciiipcratiirtn w ore bo*

I low. im nnu l; ihuro w«ro no dninnclnB [a ion iiii. n o r bo l w inds and coploiw

ralnn foil. ov i'r''l!ic dliitrlci on Tno*- ;l iy. WrdnoHday and Tb«»3iliiy. Wlionl

|hnrv.;,ni Im • comiilolcil about|»ion land 111 Ki^ilnj; under w;iy In ihu noxl ililK ber lii'nirlii'ii. Unylni; lii fn prO;

[Work w an-hold up snuicwhiit by tbo ' rnlnn. Inii tlioro wua-no'^niiinniio i lo ' tho crop, C burry hnr\-cRt *ha.i -boon

'tnm p lrto il, rxcfp i fo r nnrne jiciitlorlnK -loti—vnH *rticfi::-ThP-« '-cnttim raS“lin t” f.irn.Cy favorablo rliro iitliou t ihe har* vent iiorlod. Va-di.n-i'iini^iinK t-i- havo

ralnn a iid .ooo l. cininly woft(ber, nnd a ll llM'ntii/.-k' a ro doint; «voll..~ H'litMnvf-r__ iii.'.iio’ Th.'. iirrwn-i iiulto 'oool for ihi''Koanon d iir ln j mont (If Ibo woek. Sb<iwcr:i fell In a' ic‘w > c a lto n ’ir IcicalKlrii, bm ovit. tbo c ro a t..r t.nrUnn . i f , t 1<i. ■■Utrlr. .1.^ vVei-k pasM'il. w liliobt ra in ., Condl.

f;ivi,iy;ililu,.f>ir .niirlni:

iipd nnw flllliiK. and for VoaTioniitdij I falTtr-W ork. ivliloU U'iiil!' .cnod pro* i Krnnit. lliirvi’H(liii:‘ o f •w inter wlioiit In beeomliiK «enoral ujid (ho. f lrs l cul* ilnK of iilfiilfa inflnlly In lho ntnck. k(vi>r(ul-Jj>-;)rNt <>;««.» coi»»{Jon.. The ranKon mul d ry fnrm panuireii aro. Imdly In need of rnln,- Howovor. rnnKO fued Ik nllll adequiito In mont locnllile« •itnd llvemoclc conllniio lo ilirlvo. T ho Bhiiiincnt nf Intrlbn of nu-I iiurlor oxcollonco coutlniies. ~

porntiircn iirovollcd o x c n p t'o n a? tur* ' diiy. whun ll wan decldodly conlor. l.lKht. .■iontiored abi^worn weru rc* iKirtM, A lfalfa-cul^InK In ahoiit com-

-,-Prtcer''ibr dvefl 3S y ean

J t S s m i e ^ r a g e

LESS._tfianY>f hiigh___ _

pricco^brands m j l L i o n # V t p o u n d s

• o a g D DY o u n coVinNMCW T

ER / aresi r F j l n c s t W pj- '

io n /;.. Ir»L» r iiR n riJifCTH 'i’ * ': ■ Seter7 mtU'of thc w ay.-- S:.j |t:>mir do llna»on!„.. 1 ------‘ J g -

' r o m S a l l L a k e

ZION . ■ ||• N q tio n n I P n r k S m

«11.>ifv.f'«.o Ifiltf K ijf l• ttr r lra iln sC n Ja rC K r— ^ J

a lN rxp tn ie tour Utah* 'Arlmna pa rts from Cfdar

A ik f ^ p a r t S iU r v * ^ '^ .■♦ .

—¥ ello w slo b e-----N a l in n a lT d r k . I

CotopI«l« half

Vcllo».iooe; I lol T " ~ way. |5< 00: ramp.'' iray. . ^ 3 Jti.Otr. IlaU as<l TxUlnuu E S I ’ •{a m adtllllonal. B l

lupd T rip F a res ^ 9i» .p ^ K p } u m . I.Iiull, I lr l , .SvJ b S •m nb^ ..... .......... fT(U3 I BliUan.1 •. #>MUi5 ^ 9-w York ' B B '

(IrlfaiiH , faO.'jO■ft laOlhrr faiata S 9h

4t ttierw u* CsHsn; .cj^B |

T lrL rf .(c r fi l " S B

. ' ' ■ - a I * ~ • '• ‘— ~

|)lr io< K ln -tJ ir '> o titb7 -rn ltln> :-b --jti £ jlM -y lm i^ In' Hir n o illi aiul I n - t l

iliTKTii-i' va]l'.'>>'. SiTtnul orop .IHfall

i> j mai koti'd Nn HannoM; ron n iv wlili -'N.i-cd poaii a re Irloonilnc fi t tbo iiortl k W inter wboai 111 bi'adhiK iilcoly nn •:?i,|irinU..Kiiilnii aio-d<TinK. woll, aK :u

1)1 \ii iiotatoi's* lii'i'lH itre-liiakl;i>: Kon '^rowlh. l,lvl'^toI•k a r r d:ilnK wol],

. N.ili-. Krom Iho .rii-ld i.' W'l'lHor. WnidilnKion conuiy? Moi , I'l-.iiL-ly .oool; fiirii'orK .Irrijjatlni; an -• liiiraj-lii;:: h arvor.i'o f dry ,hind «ralD ,1 lu'Kun; o rop very llubi.

■ lliipi-rt. Mlnldokii-r-oiint.v: Kxirrnii f ly oool for, th e 'tlm o of yofir; win-;

(Tiii’H d o ln t very well, lia'y not .a r w rll ail nHiial; o lho r eroP!''nvrnit:o .J .Mblviilr. \V.ii.|iln(;inn ooiinty: Ka'

jvbe;H woll flllol .find ciKtlni; bo;;iin = «ilx|—N i< I-iM im— — u oll

la i l i i r i 's ami r iinkn '' dry, hnt hliii-. ■-ilolnir w-rU..; Mill Cliy. (’unum rn iin iv :- \Voallir ' 'I ry lin d ' windy; w ln .io r w heal iloln. ■ »Vi;lll i-oini' i.|iTrnj; 'w lirm hendin;;

r ir r i crop a lfalfa holnir eni. radio

llrltyjn. Trt'on ooiinly; Cool woaih • r r-w ltlr 'H e h t nliowcrn: w ltjlor w bra

beadliiK; nprlDi: w h n il niiiklni: com frr.'w tbi .ftlfalfii ilolnK w oll; |i(ilatoc:

I itjula.^jood ntnndn; riinciSKooil.

orrtt^'lom puraliiroR .w ith IIkIiI rainii w lntor w heat hoiidlni^ fa ir ly woll hprhiff whe.1t fo lr : . rtlfalfa riili ln i liucnn; panliirc!i und rnnKoit’ ;:ooil.

Ilofne. Ada eouiily; .A ll cropH do III); ivclJ wliero lrrJ;.';iii‘dhnt iinevnn In c r o w t l i r nlKlilJi vrr> roal /o r JijJ>’. but / I n r /o r vofolaiWei' and applck; In to ' p la n ted 'w b e ii t iin-

Aniiton. I 'rcinoiit ro n n ty : Wock Kon* o rally cnol with ii fow IIkIii hIkiw itk; w ard icr woalbor w onld ho boiioflcliil; pcan ' hl'nomInK: on rly .varlcllen of hprlna wlienl liuadlnc; hayliin -hrsln* 'n lni:: a ll oropn nnd niiiK<^lnolt wplli

.Vcw M ctidow jj'A diiii;;i,cnnnly: Uif- fcaiiniiahlo or^l w U h . niiii-li nor(b •'VinTt->tfH-+w</-fm5tir-whlflt--ilnmnRTil' im tatooii; bay ,harvr;it brKliinlni.' w llb rea rro ly a 'h a lf ’ cYop; Kmln v rr> ' poor; pn'Atnrox and rnnui.' d rb 'd out o.flcb m ore ibnn norm al for time of

^ flii 'b l, .T w in ('■aid' c n i in ty / Toot w ra lhc r'linn been benefleial for Kniall

? * • '

j ■ ■■ T'irnk'e ', a n d

<a.nd Su— : ----------

~ : : 'T S le w ' •

IiniO ffice a n d Sho

TIMKEN BEiI - . ^ . " ;■

.DAlLrTlMMI^st irnt'in~:’n it“ jitf-‘iln t—H '“ d n tn ( t^ rn lrhII' w ell; U 'an., and <■ Yn a m idoiv; | it |.rit iirfi—cmirnvru •m 'lr .r . i r ii.i .iiU ii- ii .r- ’tinr fji'Hi' lu'fut,ll.'J I'rm iilslni;. ■ ■ , ■ • * '[>-; l.apwiil. Nl-;:’ I'l-rro coiin ty ; ll i‘nv> o lra ln ra ll on ib lid . wltb !:onie ilaniai;ii

brilt; Ki'onnil w i'ir Miaki'il; wiioai ''I liaiv>v:J tin d i 'r- '. '.a } : eurn and trnek

o io |is 'iloln;;. I 'l 'l l ; o h o rry . liarvcM I'liiupb 'iid ; ,liajl.ii-.; liiti-rniiiti'd b>

I- I'.iln;' ;nViI j;.'\lii:i-ii lniprovJn(i 'I and Ihiv.I'ick llirf.iitf;. ■

■ llciitiu'ii't; l'Vn >. lliiiinllary oiinniy: , Lrcat ii 'i i t ij Hay iinwn and dani-

a","d and hlvarln d .l.y (roi|Ui'nl ralni*! n*'>M Ki'iiln t'li'iis liavo iiiifforeil for

'.w ;i ; i ( o; >-nin;>liini': pi'ao aro luaklni! II .vi ry ropId j',n i" lb : im la io r i ' dcililK . fill?; a il ::ardi’u oi'oji:' ninlilni: ragild

V jljn ly ; • Tom- ‘ p'-iaiiitc.-. iii 'a r.n iirm al oN rrpt on g>t«

urdaj'^ i .li i 'n • l l ’" a s deoJO,i;dly j*»»fr-r; ,. f ir . 'l/r iltH a ;: lll^l^f.1 JiearliiK ■vojiiiJo-

lloii: ■rt'iDiid i'Mi|), iloln;: wMI; n)a'cn■ iii'ai'.'i hi'lni: iK lrkoi"il:'pntatui!i'.,diJnK . w ill’; lii'ota iiiaklii.'; fine nr'owth:

ran e e liilr. iiri'illim ra in : livoidnck■ I ilolnc w -ll. . ____. _

! Caiilwi-ll. Cati.von I ' l . ^ y : H aiher I i-ciii)l and w indy fur .Inly IK Idnlio.'bui

ji|i ilte faviirahli' foM^iialiirlnK whont;^C ilC U -luialb '—m‘i J h .,avuM;;i).,fiSt:-tiuw , of j i a r : KNiHii crop;* lixcollonl' wliojo ; *v;tiiT Ih |ili-niirnl: ‘ sa i'd rn cropn '. Iiardly.iiiandavd 1 tom ato IdlKlit’ Monn-j '.I wIj;>i .t;i‘t(oralTV-inp.ll /r til ln rx fo ll'- iit: .■jiiri'liard fru llh lui'iiilsi- biiiupr:- ohipiir

• i i o i M i f iv i :» r o i i i s f m c i 'I r < i f /('!'• <».v .s ( ’r ; .u i . \ ( ; Cfi.U ff/r;

, A rno Ivw pa, I;*, wfio wnn bro«Blit I Imek fn n n .S a lt. I.nito on ch«r!;i'it nf* r<lonthiK'llfo Kodiln n f 1.. J . J.ohnnnii of IJiibl' from (b'l M lllor jtaraijc thoro S iinday plc.nd'''l Kii'lltv berorostinlKP

jfi. A, DlbelbbiK ijt •llnh l y-'».ti;rd;.y nnd wan bound, (ivor to ih r d in trlc i oouri ii’ndor S3i* bond w hich Iio him nol yet

. -yuuUuiOlMiUIo-lo-fiirlilxli;— -..i-: - r -Ifcrpa lorm rviy wai- Vonnroled wli^i

I t h r .MJIlrir Kiirftcp tboTr tint lii id 'no l boon ^viirklnK for nonn- tlnin. Ilo In nl* li'O'iI .lii liavi< iiM'd hbi oa ra key lo

• -ttifri—tfir—Kamno—am}—iJilc?~ilTiT7 rT r w fdi fiii k ;i.t ;rjra(p<f a t

1 Ij i Uo. \ .

IJ , i . \ c \ y Ll1 HyaErBeariti'gs•___ ^ ___


J iSmllll H ^ H ^ E

Low ' Eric'es

d AjitO:. T h e F in est ani

p P h o n e 299.

iFINGS 7 . :

I r l l - S H A M R O C K M E - a f S ,

'■ SllAMHOOK. July. II.—Tlld Ijlllloll I- Allt' HoOlety; of thu Community,.churcl

mol Wodnoadny liftornoori with Mrn ( I’oior.'retoPHon nn howviin. ElKh' ;i niomhorn wore! priJnont.'. Thu, noclot) r eiiiortiilncd lhe - foUowlnK Kuenlii: V .Mrn. Uonry WIho, Mrn. Ooodmnn.Mni

Cburlwi.UuHHoll ,nn?l the Mlnnpii.Mnr- . Jory qinndnii, Allco Jonn Olitndon

. Hosnmoiid AnHcndnip iind Clmrlottii ' ItleiTomiin. Dulleiotiii refrcHbmeutr ' wero W'rvcil by ' llio’ hontcnn iiflot ‘ which tho meetlnc ndjoiirnwl'to meet . July l’n nl llio church purlorn wllli : Mpji. H. itleUoifiiin niv hosiemt.I ^M r. nnd Mrit. J. W,. Mhor? outer- _ talnoil n Krono ofvttMondH nl li cafe. . lerln-nfylo Inncltooil <Sunilny in iionor . nf MiHii Milllront !Cllne. . wbo hnn ; boon • nltondlnc llui Itnlvornlly. ot - Idnh'o III MoHcow , tbo. pnNt yoUr. I Thono prCHont wur6 S. ,C. Kllnir. Mr. : nnd Mm. W. IL Gwlnn. Wr*. Jnmcn ; Flold. Mr. and Mrn. J. \V. Moore, ; Mrn. Clifton l.owo nml lho MIuhcb

F l.orojico' Flnld, Uomn_ntid Tloim- • ipbhd,' AHariidrnp. Mllllconl uiid'ClarTr-

brll Kllnc. I’onrl nnd Stolln Mnm- pov/or nnd'UiiUrnnd Cbarlolln^ledo*

' John' Moyo,r of VlrKlnla Tlnliud hln- ' oouifln. S..C. Klliio'nnd Fnmlly Monr

. Mrii. KoRO.rl AlpauKh. n dniiKlilcr*of D..W. jlnnt'cr„uiidorwont a innjo('-no-

. III th v T w in r : i I lH ~ ^ ir ty ,K‘!nornl bnupltnl Monday 'mornlnK.

, . . B A R C I A I N S I N

i'l u s e p c a r s ;

OlilHmolillo roiipe . nm JlodfP.-l l»nor Sodnn . •

. Jftifl. Jilurd-iouriHR_____!___ ^ :__Stndphnkrr “('Inimmy’' Itnndslrr k B P P L B R -N A S H MOTOIf CO.

_ 310 Mnln At c . U c » t .________rjIO.NK IGl


"The C in th

; G o o d y e a r T i r e s , .9

' t h e f a m o u s - 4 1 1 - W

• '■ ' o f . S u p e ' r f w i s t . . V £

■ y i s l d a n d - s t r e t c h

J a s t l o n g e r . D o n

c o n s i d e r i n g t i r e '

----- -----------^ v v c , i v - - i : e s i s t i n s - ^ I l

W e . h a v e y o u r s i 2

- Lowelr ^

mobiled ^ B e i r E q u i p p e H G a r a g e


K 'S l i^ f iT -roporlod K'l hu 'iclproH i j tjlcoly u t *hlB'.ilm«- ' •

. trom 'l/vr lUiioft. ai_Jflat_n;cck.-.M oyd . Dnvln -.U)!! Ant;oleii,

. boro vlnltlnR bin ' u n d o nml ,'nur ; ,Wr. and' Mrn. T. '(JoorKO llln lo p .'i ) TTwfn' riiltn HolRhlii orchnrUs.

MIko 'D oan , nnd 'n o n n .' LouIk nr ', H obrrt, u ro ' rftnm hiK bbm o ' fro ; \Vnnhlni;ton. lo w (i,. w lic ru -th o y ha>

l«jcit vlBttloB the p asi m onth . •

[ A jinm bor .o f Irlcndn Kntliorod i - lho humo of Mrn. l)oii S tafford Moi I dny ovcnlnK qh u iinrprltio lo col. I brn tu h e r hirtlid.ny. Thouu prcnoi

wcro iho'CiomtcH, n club compaH( o f tbo fnnilllcH of Q rulm m .'K U cr. Mi

■ Coy. T ndlknn. Cordon nml S ^ T o r

tJio JjiHJai . Iiv tern . of '{’fio mom bor ; AU m cm hern' f^mlllcd'W oro roprononi ‘ 'ud except th e Cordon, who n rc toui

InK. th rough nnd o th o r Staton.Tbo OvmicH Club hold n n ' onjo)

nble p icnic In tbo PlncH In Shonlion 'biialn Sundiiy uftornoon.

TI19 Sham rock nnd f o u n ta in Vlo> C lnbirhc lil-T i-Jo lnn ilcn lc-n t-A rtijn lir n iilutorlnm T hursday . Tho crow d a i aumblcd a t Ib.o uuRur factory fro t

ArtoHlan City.* A bout • GO pcorlo on Joyed lho M)ouutcoun d in n er • •a * which awlmmliiK. KiimL's unU couvcr nntlon w cru tlio dlvcrulotiH or tin ufternoott. .

• .Tlmoii W an t Ada b r in e rcauUii.

■■'■'. F O R ' .

B o i i i 'y , C h e r r y a n d

- P i c k i n g , - 'I i a d d e i - s , - ‘ S t


U M uh


in Gooc'----- .

T r e a t e s f ^ i

eW orld^

n d ' o n l j ' G o o d y e a r s , gi.V(

' e a t h e r T r e a d a - n d ' a c a

S u p e r t w i s t j G o r d S f l e x '

' f a r . b e y o n d , p r d i n a r y ~ c

l i ^ S r T H F a ' ^ r i a e ^ a s i e r

:’ f n e g - l e c t S u p e r t w i s t '

r a l u e : — n o r ' t h e s u p e r - S

l A V e a t h e i ' - ^ ’e M s - -----------*—■=------ :----------- —r

: e if ) a G o o d y e a r , a t .

GQmDjr i n - t h e W e » t . _

• P a r t o , P h o i ? '


— 5ATI-'TinAT..!TrTiT-1'l.'':i!lg)il

, t/ncfe.B len- .

] ; 'm rn o l th b o ra d a t Is o w .o ' mlichic ll, foji 01 lennt n 'c oupio of iumnt on Sun lit <J)>y inornlnV'-;-Wn*hlnctori S lar.

Ill ' . 'sCKmi.S iindar. Jn lj -IB , 8 : l \ n ; m . Subje'c

S a lah . Illn priKln.-IIlHTorjr nnd De^ tiny. Ilhi!i(nit«>tr.' ' - '

•Tupmluy, Ju ly 17.'8:16 p. m . Subjoc Creation- o f i O ur W orld nnd Mnt

“• W hen?^ Why W oro All thn .R uIcni r the Unlvoi^BO Prcnenl? Tho novo mnRc.i or lho -crea tion beautifu lly 11 lum rnlcd. "*. Kvflnpolliitn M nrsli'nnd Shnrpo. Pa

“ • -Vl»oiL.cor..2ntl..iLvc.-' »i-e«t:':aild-<tU-.iH

f- You w ill ihlsK Homctlilnfi: i t y o u :^ i tq>Honr thcnp locturcy.—gdv*

. W A T C H

R E R A I R I N G - -

'• I F flncy Blmpcd cryatal^ f i t " ■ _ j K l u l ( L ^ u - w a i t v 4 L 0 0 . _ . w

. ‘ All W o rk O liarantbod

r i i C 0 N ; W . H E S S E

° l l & S O N - -n m Uain Avenae Baft

" S : . A : L E . ; - \

A p r i f i ' o t G r a t e s ; . a l s o

c i - e e n v i D o o r T a n d , : B e e -

p l i e s . _■

• ■■■ »

a n d ~ ~~ Parts'" — —



e-yoU|,i. r c a f e ’, ,- 'J - •’

a n t i j T • .

! o r d s . _

a n d , -

w h e n

b u g h , ■

before•.-■.■.iv-;- .,


e'.2d8 ';AR_TffiES - _■^ 1 . ' : ,ji'