* w^uä. r.^^u.'yioÄa carolina, wbÖnesda^j, 187%lwrinja...vi »mt-tm m|...¦...tu-;:>.y^-i...

Vi »mt-tm m| ...¦...tu-; :>.y^-i Uerl ^ttünnlq ' i?h<w -;-> ^uiiviMn -itln^M fjjvfl ulY ,'.] \i J :l< id Iii v i 'r V' /H -Iv! !' ) I |/A'> ,.t. -4.;, If .oD -OUMT!--.. .V'j Mi ._ .(..< hfl« frifatjrrta *ir* ."«....; -v..;..- n\\ m iTTrfl ...: pfm, '.nullit., .'. U lli ,i»->l.ol .. Ii.' vr* I.;n. J li'iji-i vi.!'> o.v UiJ« , -. ii '1" iill_- " '_ü_ .^dl¦_Ii_L_LI_ .< .¦.!'.;' G.v TJSMyvi.ii! i ¦; idt Jn ./ishol brutr.l -ri'H J-m.M il . JL'!i::'ff'^LB lr» J>)4jv <>. Ol - ' ' .i=ii \ .i.«iM-o rn;] tu'J fi^IuioJni eihij-in !!/ .jo /Hwiriu-i tfdt maflH!«--'itrii.','.onOi.i(..IV».b ! . '": . ' Uv '' .:$2,^R ANNUM, J-¦."-.>.».-vr . no . yioilwonH .Jl tuj-waid-. v.mmuT. i " " *" '*."..! i^rrri:n^ii.y ¦¦¦i;r7 l-n^i -'.'i'Mf ;. iTT ' "Ott wb move ikdissoluuly bly fxrk; ''Öod ÄnI) 'NATijriK bid tue SAJ«.^ ^,'"t '"^ IN ADVANCE W^uä. »rd« r.^^u.'yioÄA SOUTH CAROLINA, WBÖNESDA^j, 0;FtEJB»UARY 28, 187%lwrinjA _I» published every ('1 ¦>.. 'AV'fffN'E'S b' A Y , AT i"" OX.vN^Ebukyi, C. H^SOt^TlI CAROLINA ) HEYWARD & BEARD. J BrMcnirTio^'iiATra:^' n year, in atlvincö-^-St' for!'i^x/.rnonf,hp. I JOU VKTNTIN(1 'in all Stja1 departmentP, ueatly executed. Oiv'e 1 .j.,-l^iJ - 4-{^., T .j - r ., ;..,.?9Jim^wrL 1 Waitiiig iri'Wn" ^, . .'l./ dztd'A' JUL.T .rtoiUmitil ./ . An! acre I, stand beneath the vinos, j 1 l4iM KkirnuthiiigTempts m\?kbw to «iy .VI wi th.lt J wasdead.1'. '! 1' For I have Watelibtfflic twilight stars t Shine ih"\l|e c^udlcis blue. . \ r i J Night after hlghtjÜlCV ncAjer fail. Thev conic-.whv wilLnot you,? " >r i ''i .. I stand and wait in trembling shade, Hut wait, ahn iu vain. The perfumed flowers look down and, hoc The tears that fall likclfaiiu Knmethhe they'shed thbir dew-drop tears, As if in sympathy >I.-H.I . M I've trlcdn/i tAieii my'Iieart. to ijdii| They're weeping then \vltilVje. Weep on, «*wect Uftm-'F"?/! Ui-fjJ -nfitr tears. And stars.your bright eyes cth»s<, A gJoouj has. cr^tjni^mj \m&.~ it. Thar.e:u:h.day da* km-.growr. SAT Ai\'BLM $ 11 ,! ' ,./ >dt 'tWl»' «iliKTl^ In one fehlte^t^ ßtiL-o^gii^y^i^Äii'^Kdu unrv hi>rjt; ing, a window stood open tin the draw* 'iiig-rdulh tlbov.»so' wide bjion that the railing* below, t^pjfXtid^jthei.pertutnij oi ltyaeiu).hs bursting their bulbs, ami hehl time, with tloury s.hoc.-i -..to»thc>nnfes pi"a wild and plaibtjve melody, -wniring from the pianoKute within -- bn:! ^ " Though a delicate little hrvikihsiV sr-rl'lbft hsM not'})et'been remodel tfoiwi its spjiler-leg^edjtnVde, the, perform'1' J«f the iiistrijnmiitalready hatted a nil habited lor a, ride. Hor whole hehit, nevertheless- .seemed.to bo in tkutiftti ot her lingers whiles she*--played, drawing from the keys stich sighs of piteous"plaint, such sobs of sweet seductive' s'ojTOjiy,. ns ravished the soul of the baker jjftlow, creating a strong; desire to,scale the win¬ dow sill, and peep into thomoin. i Ton hi ho have executed such a feat,') this is what he would havt* seer.. A woman of twenty-live, tall/'slin'i waisted, with a wealth of blue-blnejy hair, nil made fast and coiled nwav lumoath her riding-hat in shining..folds, massive as a tluee-iiudi rOable/., ,A cWoman <»f gnitajful gesturti?, undulating/dike, a ser¬ pent; of u shapoly figure,' denoting rather the graces of action than the beauty of r6j)o?(!4, lithe, self-reliant, full of latent » nergy, betraying in every movement an inborn pride, taimdcss though kept down, and incurable as Lucifer's beioro Iuh fall. Thou white liaVidä'proving so dottly over thft keys we re" strong RftW nervous, With' large1,bitte Veins and taper lingers; such ^^WWiS^ strilve with- ,otit pity, und hold with tomieious grtisp. Mioh Imnds ab mnrty^a-iotty head 1ms hnwMiti'ptftle to- klsii,' add thrtttght no hhame. Lower'and lower, shc Wmt over ilic.rn while she played.softer and softer sank and swelled, anu\., died n\\xxy, the sad suggestive.notes, bursting at last into a peal and crash of harmony, through which there enmc a short iiiuck gasp for brbath like a sob. Then she shut the pianoforte yvith'u bang, and .walked to the glass .over the fire-place. It reflected a strangely-fascinating face, so irregular of features that women sotnotimes called it "positively plain ;" but on which the other box felt neither better nor'wiser men when they looked. The cheek¬ bones, chin, and jaws were prominent; the eye-brows, though arched, too thick for feminine beauty, the mouth too firm, in spite of its broad white teeth, and dark shade pencilled on the upper lip, in spite even of its saucy curl and bright bowildpring smile. But when she lifted her flashing eyes, fringed in their long black lashes, there was no more to be said. They seemed to blaze and soften .dune and swim, all in one glance that went straight to a man's heart, and made him wince with a thrill akin to pain. Palo women protested she had too much color, and vowed she painted ; but no cosmetics ever yet concocted could have imitated her deep rich tints, glow¬ ing like those of the black-browed beau¬ ties one sees in »Southern Europe, as if the bloorl ran crimson beneath her skin .r-as if sho had caught warmth and vitality from their generous climate, and their sunny, smiling skies. When she blushed, it was like the glory of neon- day; and she blushed now, while there came a trampling of hoofs in the street, a ring at the door-bell. Tito color faded from her brow, never- Ijudcw-Uiiit'ove i\ man'i'A.-!cr.:dweK-hcavily. on the staircase; and her visitor was ush¬ ered iuto the room as "General St. Jos- ri "You are early, General," said she. giving him her hand with royal cbiide- 'iicelision1; "¦early, but''welcome,' and. and.the.horses will, be round in (iye, minutes. Have you hud any breakfast ? I am afraid inv coffee is quite cold." Gen- orul StP Josephs know ' what it' was to starve in the Crimea and broil in tjio .Mutiny; had been shot at very often by guns of various calibres;' had brought into discipline one of the worst .Ir'.iled regiments in t he service; and was a dis¬ tinguished officer; past forty years of age. What, made his heart beat, and his .hands turn cold? Why did the blood rush to his temples, while she gave him greeting? .'Don't hurry, pray !" said he; "I can wait as long as you like. I'd wait the whole day to* you-,-if that was all!" He spoke in it husky voice, as if his lips were. dry. Perhaps that wtis the reason she seemed not to near. Throwing the window wide open, she lookc.d down the street. Taking ntorc of that thoroughfare than was convenient by advancing lengthways, with many plungbTund lashings out, and wViskings of her long square tail, a black marc with a side-saddle was gradually ap¬ proaching the door. The groom who led her seemed not a little relieved when ho got her to stand by the curb-stone, patting her noso and whispering many expletives suggestive of composure and docility. This attendant, though gloved, booted, and bolted for a ride, felt obviously that one such charge as lie h:ul taken in hand was enough, lie meant to fetch his own horse from the stable, as soon us his mis* trc.s was in the saddle. A staid person, out of livery, came to the door, looking up and down the street, with tho weary air of a man who resides, chiefly in Iiis pantry. Ho condescended to remark, however, that "Miss, Douglas v*£g a-comin- down, and tho mare's coat had a polish on her, same as if she'd been [varnished !:> While tho groom^wdnked iu reply, Miss Douglas appeai^m^lie pavement; nnd, the baker, delivering loaves three döors oft, turned rouudjtp wonder and ap¬ prove. . "May I put you "Pjf" «*id the General, meekly,almost timid!.-. How different-tho tone, and yet it was the same voice that Jyid heretofore rung out so firm and clear in stress of 'mortal danger, with its stirrjAg order. "The light Brigudo will advance!" "Xo, thank you," said Miss Douglas coldly; "Tiger Tim does the heavy busi¬ ness. Now, Tim.oilo.two.three !" "Three" Janded heä'lightl) in the sad¬ dle, and tho black a mure stood like a sheep. Ono turn of*lier foot, one kick ofher habit.Miss Douglas was establish¬ ed where she lookcdfdier best, felt her best, and liked best to be in the world. So she patted the black mare's neck, a caress in r favorite '.acknowledged with such a bound as might have unseated Bellerophon; nnd followed by Tim, on a good-looking ehesnut, rode off with her admiring General to tbo Park. Who is Miss DoüglaS ? This was tho question everybody^lted, and answered too, for !hatmutter,:j>nt not satisfactorily. Blanche Douglas, stich was the misnomer of this hb.ck-browodfelady, hud been in London for two yeara, yet given no ac¬ count of ho'r antecedents, shown no vouch¬ ers for her identity.' To cross-question her, was not a ploiwnt' undertaking, as certain v,-;ur2t^A^4.i£agMl to their oo^'lVv^a^ "The Black Douglas," indeed, out of spite, till a fem¬ inine wit aild genius of the brightest lustre gave her the nickname of "Satan- el la," iii\W its Satanella she was hence¬ forth known in till societies. Alter that, people seemed ' niöre re¬ assured, and discovered, or possibly in¬ vented for her, such histories us they con¬ sidered satisfactory to themselves. She wns the orphan, some said, of a specula¬ tive naval Officer; who had "married the cousin of a peer. Her father was drown¬ ed off Te'neriHe; Her mother died of a broken heart. The ni l was brought up in it west-country school till .-he came of hjjje; she had tt thousand a year, and lived near South Aidley-street with her mint, a person of'icak intellect, like many'old women dffioth' sexes. 'She was oddish'herself, arid rnlier bad style; but there was no harm h her. This was" tho gbid-naturcd version. Tub ill-natured one fas the above trav¬ estied. The father ad cut his throat; the mother ran away Vom him, and went mad; and Mio wost-cuintry school was a ho aunt aild tho French convent. ' fltdusnntl a year wer She Wit's loiid, bold, (jlibcVj and where tin that kept the little A\tdley-street and eiabled her to carry On, goodness only kn<4 men fell in love with equally moulqus. horsy,' more than money came from house near South LV Si ill sh<- held her own, and till the old her. "My admir¬ er-," she told Mrs. füllender, who told me, "are romantic. nlso, a faire pleurer my dettr, i.; touchit inconvenient." Mrs. Cullender old Ibtxton would .pry, und rheumatic The combination, g, but exceedingly fiber affirms that inve married ami m'ade her ii peeress, (id she but held up Itcr linger, and dechu s sho saw Counsel¬ lor or (Vamp go duVn on his knees to her, falling forward on his hands, how¬ ever, before ho coul get up again, and thus finishing his dot aralion, as it were, on nil fours. But sho would h<vo none of these, inclining rather to ntu of firmer mould, and captivating cspccjilly tbo gallant de- feudera oi'their couup'by sen and land. Ad mi raid uro all'öU8c\ept^).f3i uiero or'less, and,, fickK us thp wiu'dft.they; recor&ih' their. iogTwOöka. - So shescarceTy allowed thorn tu count iU her score; butat'binS time she' had1 Heven' geneVaboftic^r^'tfti' the list; with "colonels and majors in'pro-' portion. Her lrt.H conquest was St, Jbsephs-^a handsome lhan, aiid a proud, cold, reserv¬ ed decp-noarted, veiling under air icy' <lemcanour a temper sensitive as agffi'ls. How many women would have delighted to lead such a captive up and tlown thfe Hide, and show him oft* as the keeper shows oil' his hear in ilsehriin! IKoW nmny.'-would have paraded their sov¬ ereignty over this stern and quiet, vefertm, till their own hearts were gone, and Uvey longed to change places with their vic¬ tim, to serve where they had,thought on¬ ly to command! <<', 1 ''' In February London begins to awake out of its winter sleep..,' .Some of the great houses have already got their blinds up and their door-steps cleaned. AVell- known faces are hurrying about the streets, and a few equestrians, spot the Itide, likef early Hies crawling over tt window-pane.' The black jnare lashed'' out at one of these with a yiolonce thht brought his heart into, the soldier's mouth, executing thereafter eomo half- dozen long and dangerous plunges. Miss Douglas sat perfectly still, giving the animal plenty of rein; thou administered one severe cut with a^stiff riding-whip, that left its mark on the smooth shining skin; and iniving thus a9sertedTherselt, made much of her favourite, as if she loved it all the better for its wilfulness, "I wish you wouldn't ride that brute jfj, said "tho General, tenderly. "She'll get, out of your hand'sonic ofthese days,'and. then there'll be a swash !" "' M "!Not ride her!" answered ^t?ü I)ouglas, openin.üfHrer black'eyes wide. "Xotfirjc, my own beautiful pet! General, I should, deserve never to get iuto,a side-sudqTo again 1' , « 1 it "For the sake of your innds,^ urged the other, drawing very close wjth_(A] pressure of'the leg to his own horses side; "for the sake of those who care for you; for.for.my.sake.Miss Douglas!" His bund was almost on the iuarc!a< heck; his head bent towards its rider. If a man of his age can look "spoony," the General was at Unit moment a lit subject lor ridicule every Cornet in the Service. Laughing rather scornfully, with a turn /if her 'wrist she nut a couple of ,1, .i .*'«'i'»d iw.'fl» yards between them. "Not eVeii for your sake, General, wilj. I give up lay datliug. Do yon Iriihjvi^i haveno hea^nnü'i oT 1-ui His brow clouded. He looked very stfern., andj s>u|, but gulpedidbwii what-J eyer,)Aie;,w'43;igo*ug to say;, and asked uistead; "why are you so fond of that mare? She's handsome enough, nu doubt, and can go fast; but still, she is not thq.lea.it what i call a lady's horse." '.That's my secret;'' answered Miss Douglas playfully ; "wouldn't you give the world to know ':" She had a very winuing way, when she chose, all the omro taking from its contrast to Jierj ordinary manner. Hgi ii-li it.s influence now. <n - "1 believe I would give you tho world if 1 had it, and not; even ask for your secret, in exchange," was hU reply. "One more turn, 3diss Douglas, 1 entreat, you (for bbc was edging away as if for home. ) It is not near luncheon-time, and 1 was going to say Miss Douglas.I was going to say." "Don't say it now!" she exclaimed, with a shake of her bridle that brought the mare in two bounds close to the footway. "I must go and speak to him! 1 declare ;il to knows him again. Ik's got anew /umbrella*;! There heJsT/k; tr&iri uy'/VOion u vcn.' .-. \\\ \ iht'f ) h iHVfhy i'Daisy !V< p^«nt»! > fit! 1 ^.["IW-miDaiayri'^saidil^o.General, and röüo moodily out of the -Park*:, < f .i r. Gaiilcn^^fajfazinc. i / ¦:rji [i: ... ' il ii- . i d Thb jGueat; , Missjok ^Y^n.. Groat indeediisf t)te task assiguedjto wo¬ man !' Who can elevate it^digujty,? Not to make laws, not to lead armies, not to govor^'empire^'j4 'bui to form .tjjoso by whoui^ Jjaws aro fyode, armies, Jed, and empires' governed ; to guard against tho slightest taint jO^jbojljly infiu^jly the up less tJian^^^al bemg|mu.^|bo de¬ rived from Jier; to,^itispir.0. ttltp^o prin¬ ciples, to inculcate, /[tnp^l.dp.ctjr|nesf to animate thoae spntjraeu'a wjiip^genera- tions. yet unborn, nud nations yet un¬ civilized, will jearn, to.: bless; tp-soften firmness into mercy, and chasten, honor into refinement; to eiaJ^enejcas^ty into a virtue with a.soothing care; to allay tho anguish of the mind; by her tender¬ ness to disarrn pa^pn.; by^er purity to triumph over gujlt.jito,chfjer/ the scholar sinking under hjs toil. is;her vo¬ cation. Tho couch die .^o^tured sufferer, the prison of tho deserte^^iend, the cross of the rejected ßaviourr-rtheao are theatres on which her greatest triumph^ havo, been achie.VQH^;: Such is her destiny : to visit the,£prsa}ce, tp tend the neglected^ jvJwiäjrnQUflurchs aband¬ on, whn^^nn^4Jofji^ntrap, when justice persecutes, when brethren and disciples Hce, to remain unshokeu. and unchanged, afld' tb exfrililt to thislpwer wor|d a? typo Öf *that' ^^e/^ontstnytj^^^an^ ineffable, ¦which ih' anothe^'Nye .are taucht!to be- H'c^ the t&t'of'mtk'1.*1 * Don PiAtfsayl'!1'»^Va^oAf with a fat latt says 1 was, once in loyo girl; she was very fleshy; she VapeWormdii^l'hüt tho'^ou^reo of* my true \öve caViie to grfof.^wa^^ in the dim twilight öno eyeiiing. I wasscn- ThrfcntaljI&Ua many tfof\things^ Iembrac- ell paWto1S^ She Tretiue'ritiy turned her lovely head from me. AtlastTfhi ofYomes'mV walked'nroiifi fellow'cAuVting her on tfie .jefl side. I vrHs**"- vit»itt*iiji ft. i-fi. .f<fo, smffi'1 , thought I heard the murmur the Otner side. ( X arose and htf "anu theni Ifoü.nd another t'r'fcacl bt\m as if she were not big enough to havo two lovers at once. , di mv Tt»>ut tnw "; - A rftotV trf 'iflW'' oF'a rustic youth and a buxcmtx*mntry girl whVsat facing each other»nt -tf-Wuskiflg '. ptfriy. Tim youth isnutteii tt'ltli thWchAffiiS fcf the1 bcautful anafden^on!y^-(intn'reVfafSiyi6ok, and now uhAthentbVltfhWg t*arfy^sTooi'wider tho table. The girl determined tb!make the youth o^tiresswhtithcarip^rcd^lywdrmly' to feid^mrö-'with thft*ö' advances a little while in' silence- wlfeh ^-mo erfed out: ."Look'here, if yoü loVo iHc/say'io, but don't dirty nry stocking^." [n It is not enuugh lluit you arc praised by thc.good; you hav.eif*iled«omtAvhero in your duty if yoil are not dureediby thg.lny].r. nidiiqVwj iwuu .tOttto »On/w <l I^aro^fö'Hetttuteriß/ue soul, wjucU keens' the heart and mind di"the Christian Ihfbugh Christ Jesus. , , , man* . - > *¦'' 1 ||,:- We suffer moro from anger and. grief than from tho very thinga for which wo anger and grieve. -it ¦ w-~ How a man hates to bo seen sitting down on a slippery Bulewalk. A Windsor, Canada, man raffled off his family Bible at ten conti a shake.

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Page 1: * W^uä. r.^^u.'yioÄA CAROLINA, WBÖNESDA^j, 187%lwrinjA...Vi »mt-tm m|...¦...tu-;:>.y^-i Uerl ^ttünnlq ' i?h ^uiiviMn-itln^M fjjvfl ulY,'.] \i J :l< id Iii vi

Vi »mt-tm m| ...¦...tu-; :>.y^-i Uerl ^ttünnlq '

i?h<w -;-> ^uiiviMn -itln^M fjjvfl ulY ,'.] \i J :l<

id Iii v i 'r V'

/H -Iv! !' ) I |/A'> ,.t. -4.;,

If .oD -OUMT!--.. .V'j Mi ._.(..< hfl« frifatjrrta *ir* ."«....; -v..;..- n\\ m iTTrfl ...:

pfm,'.nullit., .'. U lli,i»->l.ol ..Ii.' vr* I.;n. J li'iji-i vi.!'> o.v UiJ« , -. ii '1"iill_- " '_ü_ .^dl¦_Ii_L_LI_

.< .¦.!'.;'G.v TJSMyvi.ii! i ¦;

idt Jn ./isholbrutr.l -ri'H J-m.M il.JL'!i::'ff'^LB

lr» J>)4jv <>. Ol - ' '

.i=ii \ .i.«iM-o I« rn;] tu'J fi^IuioJni eihij-in !!/.jo /Hwiriu-i tfdt maflH!«--'itrii.','.onOi.i(..IV».b ! . "Ü '": . ' Uv ''

.:$2,^R ANNUM, J-¦."-.>.».-vr .

no . yioilwonH .Jl tuj-waid-. v.mmuT. i " " *"

'*."..! i^rrri:n^ii.y ¦¦¦i;r7 l-n^i -'.'i'Mf ;. iTT' "Ott wb move ikdissoluulybly fxrk; ''Öod ÄnI) 'NATijriK bid tue SAJ«.^ ^,'"t '"^ IN ADVANCE

W^uä. »rd« r.^^u.'yioÄA SOUTH CAROLINA, WBÖNESDA^j, 0;FtEJB»UARY 28, 187%lwrinjA

_I» published every ('1 ¦>..

'AV'fffN'E'S b' A Y ,


J BrMcnirTio^'iiATra:^'n year, in atlvincö-^-St' for!'i^x/.rnonf,hp.

I JOU VKTNTIN(1 'in all Stja1 departmentP,ueatly executed. Oiv'e1 .j.,-l^iJ - 4-{^., T .j -r., ;..,.?9Jim^wrL

1 Waitiiig iri'Wn" ^, .

.'l./ dztd'A' JUL.T .rtoiUmitil ./ .

An! acre I, stand beneath the vinos, j

1 l4iM KkirnuthiiigTempts m\?kbw to «iy.VI wi th.lt J wasdead.1'. '! 1'

For I have Watelibtfflic twilight stars

t Shine ih"\l|e c^udlcis blue. . \ r iJNight after hlghtjÜlCV ncAjer fail.Thev conic-.whv wilLnot you,?"

>r i ''i ..

I stand and wait in trembling shade,Hut wait, ahn iu vain.

The perfumed flowers look down and, hocThe tears that fall likclfaiiu

Knmethhe they'shed thbir dew-drop tears,As if in sympathy >I.-H.I . M

I've trlcdn/i tAieii my'Iieart. to ijdii|They're weeping then \vltilVje.Weep on, «*wect Uftm-'F"?/! Ui-fjJ -nfitr tears.And stars.your bright eyes cth»s<,

A gJoouj has. cr^tjni^mj \m&.~ it.Thar.e:u:h.day da*km-.growr.

SATAi\'BLM $11 ,!' ,./ >dt 'tWl»' «iliKTl^

In one fehlte^t^ßtiL-o^gii^y^i^Äii'^Kdu unrv hi>rjt;ing, a window stood open tin the draw*'iiig-rdulh tlbov.»so' wide bjion that the

railing* below, t^pjfXtid^jthei.pertutnij oiltyaeiu).hs bursting their bulbs, ami hehltime, with tloury s.hoc.-i -..to»thc>nnfes pi"awild and plaibtjve melody, -wniring fromthe pianoKute within -- bn:! ^ "

Though a delicate little hrvikihsiVsr-rl'lbft hsM not'})et'been remodel tfoiwiits spjiler-leg^edjtnVde, the, perform'1' J«fthe iiistrijnmiitalready hatted a nilhabited lor a, ride. Hor whole hehit,nevertheless- .seemed.to bo in tkutiftti other lingers whiles she*--played, drawingfrom the keys stich sighs of piteous"plaint,such sobs of sweet seductive' s'ojTOjiy,. ns

ravished the soul of the baker jjftlow,creating a strong; desire to,scale the win¬dow sill, and peep into thomoin. i Ton hiho have executed such a feat,') this iswhat he would havt* seer..A woman of twenty-live, tall/'slin'i

waisted, with a wealth of blue-blnejy hair,nil made fast and coiled nwav lumoathher riding-hat in shining..folds, massiveas a tluee-iiudi rOable/., ,A cWoman <»fgnitajful gesturti?, undulating/dike, a ser¬

pent; of u shapoly figure,' denoting ratherthe graces of action than the beauty ofr6j)o?(!4, lithe, self-reliant, full of latent» nergy, betraying in every movement an

inborn pride, taimdcss though kept down,and incurable as Lucifer's beioro Iuh fall.Thouwhite liaVidä'proving so dottly overthft keyswere" strong RftW nervous, With'large1,bitte Veins and taper lingers; such

^^WWiS^ strilve with-,otit pity, und hold with tomieious grtisp.Mioh Imnds ab mnrty^a-iotty head 1mshnwMiti'ptftle to- klsii,' add thrtttght no

hhame. Lower'and lower, shc Wmt overilic.rn while she played.softer and softersank and swelled, anu\., died n\\xxy, thesad suggestive.notes, bursting at last intoa peal and crash of harmony, throughwhich there enmc a short iiiuck gasp for

brbath like a sob. Then she shut thepianoforte yvith'u bang, and .walked tothe glass .over the fire-place. It reflecteda strangely-fascinating face, so irregularoffeatures that women sotnotimes calledit "positively plain ;" but on which theother box felt neither better nor'wisermen when they looked. The cheek¬bones, chin, and jaws were prominent;the eye-brows, though arched, too thickfor feminine beauty, the mouth too firm,in spite of its broad white teeth, anddark shade pencilled on the upper lip,in spite even of its saucy curl and brightbowildpring smile. But when she liftedher flashing eyes, fringed in their longblack lashes, there was no more to besaid. They seemed to blaze and soften.dune and swim, all in one glance thatwent straight to a man's heart, and madehim wince with a thrill akin to pain.

Palo women protested she had toomuch color, and vowed she painted ; butno cosmetics ever yet concocted couldhave imitated her deep rich tints, glow¬ing like those of the black-browed beau¬ties one sees in »Southern Europe, as ifthe bloorl ran crimson beneath her skin.r-as if sho had caught warmth andvitality from their generous climate, andtheir sunny, smiling skies. When sheblushed, it was like the glory of neon-

day; and she blushed now, while therecame a trampling of hoofs in the street,a ring at the door-bell.

Tito color faded from her brow, never-

Ijudcw-Uiiit'ove i\ man'i'A.-!cr.:dweK-hcavily.on the staircase; and her visitor was ush¬ered iuto the room as "General St. Jos-

ri "You are early, General," said she.giving him her hand with royal cbiide-'iicelision1; "¦early, but''welcome,' and.and.the.horses will, be round in (iye,minutes. Have you hud any breakfast ?I am afraid inv coffee is quite cold." Gen-orul StP Josephs know '

what it' was tostarve in the Crimea and broil in tjio.Mutiny; had been shot at very often byguns of various calibres;' had broughtinto discipline one of the worst .Ir'.iledregiments in t he service; and was a dis¬tinguished officer; past forty years of age.What, made his heart beat, and his.hands turn cold? Why did the bloodrush to his temples, while she gave himgreeting?

.'Don't hurry, pray !" said he; "I canwait as long as you like. I'd wait thewhole day to* you-,-if that was all!"He spoke in it husky voice, as if his

lips were. dry. Perhaps that wtis thereason she seemed not to near.

Throwing the window wide open, shelookc.d down the street. Taking ntorc ofthat thoroughfare than was convenientby advancing lengthways, with manyplungbTund lashings out, and wViskingsof her long square tail, a black marc

with a side-saddle was gradually ap¬proaching the door. The groom wholed her seemed not a little relieved whenho got her to stand by the curb-stone,patting her noso and whispering manyexpletives suggestive of composure anddocility.

This attendant, though gloved, booted,and bolted for a ride, felt obviously thatone such charge as lie h:ul taken in handwas enough, lie meant to fetch his ownhorse from the stable, as soon us his mis*trc.s was in the saddle.A staid person, out of livery, came to

the door, looking up and down the street,with tho weary air ofa man who resides,chiefly in Iiis pantry. Ho condescendedto remark, however, that "Miss, Douglasv*£g a-comin- down, and tho mare's coathad a polish on her, same as ifshe'd been[varnished !:>

While tho groom^wdnked iu reply,Miss Douglas appeai^m^lie pavement;nnd, the baker, delivering loaves threedöors oft, turned rouudjtp wonder and ap¬prove.

. "May I put you "Pjf" «*id the General,meekly,almost timid!.-.How different-tho tone, and yet it was

the same voice that Jyid heretofore rungout so firm and clear in stress of 'mortaldanger, with its stirrjAg order."The light Brigudo will advance!""Xo, thank you," said Miss Douglas

coldly; "Tiger Tim does the heavy busi¬ness. Now, Tim.oilo.two.three !"

"Three" Janded heä'lightl) in the sad¬dle, and tho black a mure stood like a

sheep. Ono turn of*lier foot, one kickofher habit.Miss Douglas was establish¬ed where she lookcdfdier best, felt herbest, and liked best to be in the world.So she patted the black mare's neck, a

caress in r favorite '.acknowledged withsuch a bound as might have unseatedBellerophon; nnd followed by Tim, on a

good-looking ehesnut, rode off with heradmiring General to tbo Park.Who is Miss DoüglaS ? This was tho

question everybody^lted, and answeredtoo, for !hatmutter,:j>nt not satisfactorily.Blanche Douglas, stich was the misnomerof this hb.ck-browodfelady, hud been inLondon for two yeara, yet given no ac¬

count of ho'r antecedents, shown no vouch¬ers for her identity.' To cross-questionher, was not a ploiwnt' undertaking, as

certain v,-;ur2t^A^4.i£agMl to theiroo^'lVv^a^ "The BlackDouglas," indeed, out of spite, till a fem¬inine wit aild genius of the brightestlustre gave her the nickname of "Satan-el la," iii\W its Satanella she was hence¬forth known in till societies.

Alter that, people seemed ' niöre re¬

assured, and discovered, or possibly in¬vented for her, such histories us they con¬sidered satisfactory to themselves. Shewns the orphan, some said, of a specula¬tive naval Officer; who had "married thecousin of a peer. Her father was drown¬ed off Te'neriHe; Her mother died of a

broken heart. The ni l was brought upin it west-country school till .-he came ofhjjje; she had tt thousand a year, andlived near South Aidley-street with hermint, a person of'icak intellect, likemany'old women dffioth' sexes. 'She was

oddish'herself, arid rnlier bad style; butthere was no harm h her.

This was" tho gbid-naturcd version.Tub ill-natured one fas the above trav¬estied. The father ad cut his throat;the mother ran away Vom him, and wentmad; and Mio wost-cuintry school was a

ho aunt aild thoFrench convent. '

fltdusnntl a year wer

She Wit's loiid, bold,(jlibcVj and where tinthat kept the littleA\tdley-street and eiabled her to carryOn, goodness only kn<4

men fell in love with

equally moulqus.horsy,' more thanmoney came fromhouse near South

LVSi ill sh<- held her own, and till the old

her. "My admir¬er-," she told Mrs. füllender, who toldme, "are romantic.nlso, a faire pleurermy dettr, i.; touchitinconvenient."Mrs. Cullender

old Ibtxton would

.pry, und rheumaticThe combination,

g, but exceedinglyfiber affirms thatinve married ami

m'ade her ii peeress, (id she but held upItcr linger, and dechu s sho saw Counsel¬lor or (Vamp go duVn on his knees to

her, falling forward on his hands, how¬ever, before ho coul get up again, andthus finishing his dot aralion, as it were,on nil fours.But sho would h<vo none of these,

inclining rather to ntu of firmer mould,and captivating cspccjilly tbo gallant de-feudera oi'their couup'by sen and land.

Admi raid uro all'öU8c\ept^).f3i uiero or'less,and,, fickK us thp wiu'dft.they; recor&ih'their. iogTwOöka. - So shescarceTy allowedthorn tu count iU her score; butat'binStime she' had1 Heven' geneVaboftic^r^'tfti'the list; with "colonels and majors in'pro-'portion.

Her lrt.H conquest was St, Jbsephs-^ahandsome lhan, aiid a proud, cold, reserv¬ed decp-noarted, veiling under air icy'<lemcanour a temper sensitive as agffi'ls.How many women would have delightedto lead such a captive up and tlown thfeHide, and show him oft* as the keepershows oil' his hear in ilsehriin! IKoWnmny.'-would have paraded their sov¬ereignty over this stern and quiet, vefertm,till their own hearts were gone, and Uveylonged to change places with their vic¬tim, to serve where they had,thought on¬

ly to command! <<', 1 '''

In February London begins to awakeout of its winter sleep..,' .Some of the greathouses have already got their blinds upand their door-steps cleaned. AVell-known faces are hurrying about thestreets, and a few equestrians, spot theItide, likef early Hies crawling over ttwindow-pane.' The black jnare lashed''out at one of these with a yiolonce thhtbrought his heart into, the soldier'smouth, executing thereafter eomo half-dozen long and dangerous plunges. MissDouglas sat perfectly still, giving theanimal plenty of rein; thou administeredone severe cut with a^stiff riding-whip,that left its mark on the smooth shiningskin; and iniving thus a9sertedTherselt,made much of her favourite, as if sheloved it all the better for its wilfulness,

"I wish you wouldn't ride that brute jfj,said "tho General, tenderly. "She'll get,out ofyour hand'sonic ofthese days,'and.then there'll be a swash !" "' M

"!Not ride her!" answered ^t?ü I)ouglas,openin.üfHrer black'eyes wide. "Xotfirjc,my own beautiful pet! General, I should,deserve never to get iuto,a side-sudqToagain 1'

,« 1 it"For the sake of your innds,^ urged

the other, drawing very close wjth_(A]pressure of'the leg to his own horses side;"for the sake of those who care for you;for.for.my.sake.Miss Douglas!"

His bund was almost on the iuarc!a<heck; his head bent towards its rider. Ifa man of his age can look "spoony," theGeneral was at Unit moment a lit subjectlor ridicule tö every Cornet in the Service.Laughing rather scornfully, with a

turn /if her 'wrist she nut a couple of,1, .i .*'«'i'»d iw.'fl»yards between them.

"Not eVeii for your sake, General, wilj.I give up lay datliug. Do yon Iriihjvi^ihaveno hea^nnü'i oT 1-ui

His brow clouded. He looked verystfern., andj s>u|, but gulpedidbwii what-Jeyer,)Aie;,w'43;igo*ug to say;, and askeduistead; "why are you so fond of thatmare? She's handsome enough, nu

doubt, and can go fast; but still, she isnot thq.lea.it what i call a lady's horse."

'.That's my secret;'' answered MissDouglas playfully ; "wouldn't you givethe world to know ':"She had a very winuing way, when

she chose, all the omro taking from itscontrast to Jierj ordinary manner. Hgiii-li it.s influence now. <n -

"1 believe I would give you tho worldif 1 had it, and not; even ask for yoursecret, in exchange," was hU reply. "Onemore turn, 3diss Douglas, 1 entreat, you(for bbc was edging away as if for home. )It is not near luncheon-time, and 1 was

going to say Miss Douglas.I was goingto say."

"Don't say it now!" she exclaimed, witha shake of her bridle that brought themare in two bounds close to the footway."I must go and speak to him! 1 declare

;ilto knows him again. Ik's got anew

/umbrella*;! There heJsT/k; tr&iriuy'/VOion u vcn.' .-. \\\ \ iht'f) h iHVfhy i'Daisy !V< p^«nt»! > fit! 1^.["IW-miDaiayri'^saidil^o.General, andröüo moodily out of the -Park*:, < f

.i r. Gaiilcn^^fajfazinc.i / ¦:rji [i: ... ' il ii- . i i¦ dThb jGueat; , Missjok ^Y^n..Groat indeediisf t)te task assiguedjto wo¬

man !' Who can elevate it^digujty,? Notto make laws, not to lead armies, not to

govor^'empire^'j4 'bui to form .tjjoso bywhoui^ Jjaws aro fyode, armies, Jed, andempires' governed ; to guard against thoslightest taint jO^jbojljly infiu^jly the

up less tJian^^^al bemg|mu.^|bo de¬rived from Jier; to,^itispir.0. ttltp^o prin¬ciples, to inculcate, /[tnp^l.dp.ctjr|nesf toanimate thoae spntjraeu'a wjiip^genera-tions. yet unborn, nud nations yet un¬

civilized, will jearn, to.: bless; tp-softenfirmness into mercy, and chasten, honorinto refinement; to eiaJ^enejcas^ty intoa virtue with a.soothing care; to allaytho anguish of the mind; by her tender¬ness to disarrn pa^pn.; by^er purity totriumph over gujlt.jito,chfjer/ the scholarsinking under hjs toil. is;her vo¬cation. Tho couch die .^o^turedsufferer, the prison oftho deserte^^iend,the cross of the rejected ßaviourr-rtheaoare theatres on which her greatesttriumph^ havo, been achie.VQH^;: Such isher destiny : to visit the,£prsa}ce, tp tendthe neglected^ jvJwiäjrnQUflurchs aband¬on, whn^^nn^4Jofji^ntrap, when justicepersecutes, when brethren and disciplesHce, to remain unshokeu. and unchanged,afld' tb exfrililt to thislpwer wor|d a? typoÖf *that'^^e/^ontstnytj^^^an^ ineffable,¦which ih' anothe^'Nye .are taucht!to be-H'c^ the t&t'of'mtk'1.*1*Don PiAtfsayl'!1'»^Va^oAfwith a fat

latt says 1 was, once in loyogirl; she was very fleshy; sheVapeWormdii^l'hüt tho'^ou^reo of*my true

\öve caViie to grfof.^wa^^in the dim twilight öno eyeiiing. I wasscn-ThrfcntaljI&Ua many tfof\things^ Iembrac-ell paWto1SSheTretiue'ritiy turned her lovely head fromme. AtlastTfhiofYomes'mVwalked'nroiififellow'cAuVting her on tfie .jefl side. IvrHs**"- vit»itt*iiji ft. i-fi. .f<fo, smffi'1 ,

thought I heard the murmurthe Otner side.

(X arose and

htf"anu theni Ifoü.nd another

t'r'fcaclbt\mas if she were not big enough to havotwo lovers at once. ,di mv Tt»>ut tnw ";

-A rftotV trf 'iflW'' oF'a rustic youth anda buxcmtx*mntry girl whVsat facing eachother»nt -tf-Wuskiflg '. ptfriy. Tim youthisnutteii tt'ltli thWchAffiiS fcf the1 bcautfulanafden^on!y^-(intn'reVfafSiyi6ok, and nowuhAthentbVltfhWg t*arfy^sTooi'wider thotable. The girl determined tb!make theyouth o^tiresswhtithcarip^rcd^lywdrmly'to feid^mrö-'with thft*ö' advances a littlewhile in' silence- wlfeh ^-mo erfed out:."Look'here, if yoü loVo iHc/say'io, butdon't dirty nry stocking^." [n

It is not enuugh lluit you arc praisedby thc.good; you hav.eif*iled«omtAvheroin your duty if yoil are not dureedibythg.lny].r. nidiiqVwj iwuu .tOttto »On/w<l I^aro^fö'Hetttuteriß/ue soul, wjucUkeens' the heart and mind di"the ChristianIhfbugh Christ Jesus. , , ,man* . - > *¦'' 1 ||,:-We suffer moro from anger and. grief

than from tho very thinga for which woanger and grieve.

-it ¦ w-~

How a man hates to bo seen sittingdown on a slippery Bulewalk.

A Windsor, Canada, man raffled offhis family Bible at ten conti a shake.