what was being overthrown? what was known? how was it known? for what purposes? who were those...

What was being overthrown? What was known? How was it known? For what purposes? Who were those guys? Legacies, remnants, and relevance of the past?

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Page 1: What was being overthrown?  What was known?  How was it known?  For what purposes?  Who were those guys?  Legacies, remnants, and relevance of the

What was being overthrown?

What was known?

How was it known?

For what purposes?

Who were those guys?

Legacies, remnants, and relevance of the past?

Page 2: What was being overthrown?  What was known?  How was it known?  For what purposes?  Who were those guys?  Legacies, remnants, and relevance of the

Scientific Revolution(s)The Scientific Revolution is a term commonly referring to the

transformation of thought about nature through which the Aristotelian tradition was replaced by so-called "modern" science.

Most see it as a series of events focused in the period 16th and 17th century or, more precisely, from 1543 (De Revolutionibus of Copernicus) to 1687 (Principia of Newton). Others grant it some status from 1300 to 1800.

Still others, see revolutions all around, Glorious, American, French, Industrial, Chemical, Darwininan, Freudian, Russian, Quantum, and Plate Tectonics.

Revolution, revolutions, or evolution of ideas, it depends on who you read.

Page 3: What was being overthrown?  What was known?  How was it known?  For what purposes?  Who were those guys?  Legacies, remnants, and relevance of the

History of Science…

Studies the change of natural knowledge claims over time and also the causes of these changes.

A vast field (Plato-NATO) embracing many different scientific traditions, from Algebra to Zoology.

“Today’s science is tomorrow’s history of science.”

“Science dynamics.”

Page 4: What was being overthrown?  What was known?  How was it known?  For what purposes?  Who were those guys?  Legacies, remnants, and relevance of the
Page 5: What was being overthrown?  What was known?  How was it known?  For what purposes?  Who were those guys?  Legacies, remnants, and relevance of the

Aristotelian natural philosophy

Page 6: What was being overthrown?  What was known?  How was it known?  For what purposes?  Who were those guys?  Legacies, remnants, and relevance of the

Aristotelian CosmologySublunar realm:

Natural place and natural motion

Generation and corruption

Four elements: earth, water, air, and fire

Cold, hot, most, dry, affinity and opposition


Uniform circular motion

Perfect and incorruptable

Quintessence or aether

Page 7: What was being overthrown?  What was known?  How was it known?  For what purposes?  Who were those guys?  Legacies, remnants, and relevance of the
Page 8: What was being overthrown?  What was known?  How was it known?  For what purposes?  Who were those guys?  Legacies, remnants, and relevance of the

The sub-lunar realm

Page 9: What was being overthrown?  What was known?  How was it known?  For what purposes?  Who were those guys?  Legacies, remnants, and relevance of the

Hippocrates, Airs, Waters, Places

Emphasized the effects of climate and other geographical factors on human health.

Climate is a primary influence, but human institutions could have a moderating effect.

Overall, however, the relationship between health and lifestyle is under the direct influence, if not the control, of airs, waters, and places.

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Hippocratic medicine

Page 11: What was being overthrown?  What was known?  How was it known?  For what purposes?  Who were those guys?  Legacies, remnants, and relevance of the

Scientific Revolutions

Page 12: What was being overthrown?  What was known?  How was it known?  For what purposes?  Who were those guys?  Legacies, remnants, and relevance of the

Nicholas Copernicus(1473 – 1543)

Page 13: What was being overthrown?  What was known?  How was it known?  For what purposes?  Who were those guys?  Legacies, remnants, and relevance of the

Andreas Vesalius (1514-1564)

De humani corporis fabrica…, 1543 On the fabric of the human body

Page 14: What was being overthrown?  What was known?  How was it known?  For what purposes?  Who were those guys?  Legacies, remnants, and relevance of the

William Harvey (1578 –1657)and the circulation of the blood

De Motu Cordis1628

Page 15: What was being overthrown?  What was known?  How was it known?  For what purposes?  Who were those guys?  Legacies, remnants, and relevance of the

Francis Bacon (1561-1626)

Natural Philosopher

Government Official

Lord Chancellor

Novum Organon

Great Instauration

New Atlantis

Compass, Gunpowder, Printing

The ant, the spider, the bee

Page 16: What was being overthrown?  What was known?  How was it known?  For what purposes?  Who were those guys?  Legacies, remnants, and relevance of the

William Gilbert

De Magnete (1600)

Page 17: What was being overthrown?  What was known?  How was it known?  For what purposes?  Who were those guys?  Legacies, remnants, and relevance of the

Galileo Galilei (1564-1642)Kinematics and Astronomy


Sunspots, Phases of Venus, Lunar craters, Moons of Jupiter, Milky way made of stars

Support of Heliocentrism

Experiments with falling bodies

Mathematics of motion

Page 18: What was being overthrown?  What was known?  How was it known?  For what purposes?  Who were those guys?  Legacies, remnants, and relevance of the

Galileo explains his discovery to the Pope

Page 19: What was being overthrown?  What was known?  How was it known?  For what purposes?  Who were those guys?  Legacies, remnants, and relevance of the

René Descartes (1596-1650)

Mathematics and Natural Philosophy

Analytic geometry

Le monde (1633)

L’Homme (1637)

Discours de la Méthode (1637)

Principia philosophia (1644)

Les Passions de l’âme (1649)


Page 20: What was being overthrown?  What was known?  How was it known?  For what purposes?  Who were those guys?  Legacies, remnants, and relevance of the

Evangelista Torricelli’s Experiment (1644)

Nature does not “abhor a vacuum” and the air has weight.

Page 21: What was being overthrown?  What was known?  How was it known?  For what purposes?  Who were those guys?  Legacies, remnants, and relevance of the

Blaise Pascal and Florin Périer

On September 19, 1648, Florin Périer and some friends perform the Torricelli experiment on top of Puy de Dôme in central France. The height of the mercury column is 85 mm less than in Clermont-Ferrand at the base of the mountain, about 1000 meters below.

Page 22: What was being overthrown?  What was known?  How was it known?  For what purposes?  Who were those guys?  Legacies, remnants, and relevance of the

Robert Boyle (1627-1691)

Experimental Method, Natural Philosophy

Air Pump

Skeptical Chymist (1661)

Boyle’s Law

Royal Society of London

Public Verification of Science

Page 23: What was being overthrown?  What was known?  How was it known?  For what purposes?  Who were those guys?  Legacies, remnants, and relevance of the

An experiment on a bird in the air pump, by Joseph Wright

Page 24: What was being overthrown?  What was known?  How was it known?  For what purposes?  Who were those guys?  Legacies, remnants, and relevance of the

Isaac Newton (1642-1727)

Theory of Light

Theory of Motion

Theory of Gravity

Philosophiae Naturalis Principia Mathematica (1667)




Master of the Mint

Newtonian World System

Page 25: What was being overthrown?  What was known?  How was it known?  For what purposes?  Who were those guys?  Legacies, remnants, and relevance of the

Mechanical Philosophy

Natural lawReductionisticMathematicalMaterialisticAnti-teleologicalInductiveObservationExperimental methodClockwork universe

Page 26: What was being overthrown?  What was known?  How was it known?  For what purposes?  Who were those guys?  Legacies, remnants, and relevance of the

Herbert Butterfield (1949)

Since the Scientific Revolution overturned the authority in science not only of the middle ages but of the ancient world

Since it ended not only in the eclipse of scholastic philosophy but in the destruction of Aristotelian physics

It outshines everything since the rise of Christianity and reduces the Renaissance and Reformation to the realm of mere episodes, mere internal displacements, within the system of medieval Christendom.

Historian Alexandre Koyre had first used the term Scientific Revolution in 1943 when he called it, “the most profound revolution achieved or suffered by the human mind.”

Page 27: What was being overthrown?  What was known?  How was it known?  For what purposes?  Who were those guys?  Legacies, remnants, and relevance of the

Carolyn Merchant, The Death of Nature.

The removal of animistic, organic assumptions about the cosmos constituted the death of nature—the most far-reaching effect of the Scientific Revolution.

Because nature was now viewed as a system of dead, inert particles moved by external, rather than inherent forces, the mechanical framework itself could legitimate the manipulation of nature.

Moreover, as a conceptual framework, the mechanical order had associated with it a framework of values based on (masculine) power, fully compatible with the directions taken by commercial capitalism.

Page 28: What was being overthrown?  What was known?  How was it known?  For what purposes?  Who were those guys?  Legacies, remnants, and relevance of the

Thomas Kuhn, The Structure of Scientific Revolutions

What are scientific revolutions all about?

1. The community's rejection of a time-honored scientific theory in favor of another incompatible (or incommensurable) with it.

2. A shift in the problems available for scientific scrutiny and the standards of legitimate problem solving.

3. Each involved a transformation of the scientific imagination and worldview.

4. Each involved heated controversy.

5. Each was followed by a period of “normal science”

6. Examples: Copernicus, Newton, Lavosier, Einstein.

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Is there a “Post-normal” science?'Post-Normal Science', a mode of scientific problem-solving

appropriate to policy issues where facts are uncertain, values are in dispute, stakes are high and decisions are urgent. 

 Today’s blogs are becoming the equivalent of printing which empowered the Protestant revolution against the Church.

Scientific elites vs. the extended “peer-to-peer” community with its new technological base,” the internet.

Wikipedia, post-normal science

Opens more of science to the democratic process.

Problems: Critics are not usually researchers.

Junk science.

Conspiracy theorists.

Needed: ethics in science, open data, and reform of peer review.