+ what is success? independent living. + success requires: setting goals utilizing talents and...

+ What is Success? Independent Living

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Post on 31-Dec-2015




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What is Success?Independent Living

+Success requires:

Setting goals

Utilizing talents and abilities

Putting forth effort in all you do

Having a positive/realistic attitude

Believing that you can succeed no matter what

Maintaining good relationships with other people in your life.

+Successful people include:

Ghandi- doesn’t need material things to define success (political and spiritual leader)

Mother Theresa-doesn’t need material things to define success

Oprah-came from a low socio-economic lifestyle to a high profile position.

Warren Buffett-local successful self-made businessman

Bill Gates-CEO of Microsoft Corporation-self-made businessman

+Successful people are the following:

1. Proactive! You can either be proactive or reactive when it comes

to how you respond to certain things.

When you are reactive, you blame other people and circumstances for obstacles or problems.

Being proactive means taking responsibility for every aspect of your life.

+2. Begin with the End In Mind!

Setting long-term goals

Formulate "Personal Mission Statement" to document your perception of your own vision in life.

Example: wanting to attend college and taking the necessary steps to get there.

+3. Put first things first.

Prioritize work that is aimed at short-term goals

Example: Study for this weeks test, turn homework in, earn the grades to go farther in life

+4. Think Win/Win

An attitude whereby mutually beneficial solutions are sought that satisfy the needs of oneself, or, in the case of a conflict, both parties involved.

Example: compromising

Another example?

+5. Synergize

A way of working in teams. Apply effective problem solving. Apply collaborative decision making. Value differences.

Build on divergent strengths. It is said that when synergy is pursued, the result of the teamwork will exceed the sum of what each of the members could have achieved on their own.

“The whole is greater than the sum of its parts.” “Teamwork is power.”

Examples of some successful pairs/teams of people?

+6. Sharpen the saw

Engage in activities that sharpen your mind

Example: Keep active in other activities like reading, exercising, etc.. Take a class to learn a new skill (SCC)

+Successful people come:

In all shapes and sizes, all backgrounds, all people.

Success comes to those who believe in themselves and take action to make their life happen.

Success means something different to us all, what are you going to be successful at?

+Writing assignment:

On the back of your paper please respond to the following question-at least 2-3 paragraphs.

Who in your immediate life do you see as successful and why? This person might be you, your mom, dad, siblings, friend etc..

How has that person used one of the things we just talked about. (setting goals, prioritize, think win/win etc.)