© west educational publishing mental disorders c hapter 17 m ost people with mental disorders have...

© West Education al Publishing Mental Disorde rs CHAPTER 17 Most people with mental disorders have been overwhelmed by stress and can no longer cope. Another group suffer from disturbances created by chemical malfunctions. EXIT

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Mental Disorders

CHAPTER 17Most people with mental disorders have been overwhelmed by stress and can no longer cope. Another group suffer from disturbances created by chemical malfunctions.


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Causes of Mental Disorders

Combination of these reasons


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Definitions of Abnormal Behaviors1. The person may have extreme anxiety, endless

worry, and depression.

2. The person acts in bizarre ways. He or she cannot react normally or is constantly depressed.

3. The person cannot act out his or her role efficiently.

4. The person has self-defeating behaviors.

5. The person sees the world as threatening, dangerous, and rejecting.


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It’s All a Matter of Degree


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Disorders of Childhood

Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)


Child may be unable to focus on a taskeasily distracted or frustratedimpulsiveconstantly moving and restless

Causes are still unknownTreatment varies

Ritalin (stimulant)Structuring the child’s environment1/3 of cases continue into adulthood


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fails to develop communication patterns, social interactions, and emotional responses.

is difficult to feed, and does not respond with smiles. may rock or stare off into space. may not attach to adults but will to objects. may not have recognition or a visible response to the

spoken word.


The child

Causes are unknown; may be brain malfunction; heredity may play a part.Treatment varies and is inconsistent. Degree of autism is biggest factor in deciding how to treat.


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Anxiety Disorders

Anxiety is a feeling of apprehension that includes sweating palms, erratic breathing,

and a pounding heart.

Click on the disorders for more information.


Compulsive Behaviors



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Panic Disorders

Occur when the person

is under stress

Caused by physical

and chemicalproblems

Medicine canreduce


Overwhelmingattacks of


Psychotherapy can be useful Click for more information.


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Agoraphobia is fear of leaving a

familiar place.

Most phobics are women.

Certain objects or events can

“disable” a person.


Can include very specific

categories such as snakes.

Click for more information.


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Obsessions are recurring thoughts.

Some drugs can reduce symptoms.

Compulsions are ritualized


Result from guilt, anxiety,

and insecurity.

Obsessive-Compulsive Behaviors

Click for more information.


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Somatoform Disorders

Conversion DisordersHypochondriasis

Psychological problem is converted into a physiological dysfunction.

People overly concerned about their health.

An illness occurs for every physical complaint.


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Memories related to a

trauma disappear.

Memories related to a

trauma disappear and

the person starts life all over.

A person will have several personalities

that are unique.


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Mood Disorders




Dysthymic Disorder

Moderate depression that will go

away without therapy

Lasting from a couple

of weeks to months

Restlessness, inability to

concentrate, and

rapid speech

Swings of mania

and depression


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Difficult to trace cause, as the problem can come and go without treatment.

Females are twice as likely to be moderately depressed and to suffer from dysthymic disorder as males; four times as likely to suffer from major depression. Males and females suffer from bipolar disorder at about the same rate, however.

Depression lies on a continuum from mild to severe; moderate depression can turn into major depression.

Causes of Mood Disorders


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Learned helplessness is a factor associated with depression. In this situation, people believe they are unable to help themselves get better.

People with poor self-images are more prone to depression.

Levels of the chemical serotonin in the brain also play a role in mania and depression.

Causes of Mood Disorders (continued)


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Characteristics of Psychotic Disorders

1. Thought Disorders . . . a distortion of thinking

4. Inappropriate emotional responses

3. Delusions . . . false or inaccurate beliefs

2. Hallucinations . . . to see or hear things that are not present


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Schizophrenic Disorders


Disorganized Thoughts



Garbled Speech

Word Salad



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Types of Schizophrenia

Catatonic Paranoid Undifferentiated

Sufferers can hold an unusual

posture for hours

Feelings of persecution

and suspiciousness

Difficult to distinguishsymptoms


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Hereditary and Environmental Factors in Schizophrenia

1. Heredity plays a role but is not the only or major cause ( a person may have a predisposition).

2. Environment may play a role in the development of schizophrenia but is not the major factor.

3. A strange and bizarre family life may trigger appearance in someone who is predisposed.


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Chemical Factors in Schizophrenia

1. Dopamine is a neurotransmitter found in the brain.

2. Schizophrenics have very high levels of dopamine.

3. They report that they feel agitated, talk rapidly, and their thoughts are racing.

4. Some schizophrenics report that lower levels of dopamine make them feel better.


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Personality Disorders

Antisocial Personality Disorder

These people consistently come into conflict with the law and show little or no concern, guilt, or anxiety.

Borderline Personality Disorder

These people have unstable and intense relationships with others. They are dependent on others and yet, sabotage those relationships. They have problems controlling their impulses; their perceptions and thoughts are distorted.


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Summary of Main Topics Covered

Abnormal BehaviorsChildhood Disorders

Anxiety Disorders

Somatoform Disorders

Dissociative Disorders

Mood Disorders


{ Amnesia, Fugue, D. I. D.

{ Dysthymic, Depression, Mania, Bipolar

Causes of Mental Disorders


Panic Disorder, Phobias, Obsessive-Compulsive{

Psychotic DisordersSchizophrenic Disorders EXIT