· web viewif most indians understood it, we'd be leading healthier,...

The Impending Crisis you need to know about today... SEND FOR THIS HARDCOVER BOOK IMMEDIATELY If you aren't worried about India's future... you should be. With eerie accuracy and well in advance, the network of New York Times best-selling author Bill Bonner predicted: The fall of the Soviet Union The collapse of the Japanese stock market The dot-com bust in 2000 The financial meltdown of 2008 Now Bill's working directly with Mumbai's foremost macroeconomic thinker to warn you of a fifth event...set to happen next, right here in India. Act NOW and Get This Book FREE. (Only pay Shipping and Handling!)

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Post on 18-Feb-2019




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The Impending Crisis you need to know about today...


IMMEDIATELY If you aren't worried about India's future... you should be.

With eerie accuracy and well in advance, the network of New York Times best-selling author Bill

Bonner predicted:

The fall of the Soviet Union

The collapse of the Japanese stock market

The dot-com bust in 2000

The financial meltdown of 2008

Now Bill's working directly with Mumbai's foremost macroeconomic thinker to warn you of a fifth

event...set to happen next, right here in India.

Act NOW and Get This Book FREE. (Only pay Shipping and Handling!)

Dear Reader,

Hi. My name is Vivek Kaul, and this letter contains a direct warning about what’s going on...and how you can protect yourself. Please read on...

Yes, there are many warnings these days. I know.

But this one is different.

This warning I have developed directly with Bill Bonner himself...New York Times best-selling author, and one of the most successful men in the world...

Around 35 years ago, he began assembling a network of analysts to research, predict, and even expose major world events.

Since then, this group that I’ve recently joined has been making a series of predictions that have changed the fates of peoples worldwide.

In 1987, our group predicted that the Soviet Union would collapse. A few years later, that’s exactly what happened.

At the same time, Bill wrote something was wrong with the Japanese markets. In 1989, they blew up...

In 2000, Bill sent out a note warning that a ‘day of reckoning’ was at hand for the dot-com boom. That very day, the NASDAQ began a two-year, 77% decline.

And our group predicted the financial crash of 2008.

But Bill’s past warnings - which centered mostly around the American markets and economy - are not why I so urgently want to share a hard-copy of his latest book with you today.

I mention them only because I need you to take our next warning extremely seriously...

Because now he’s working with me to look at the Indian economy.

The book is called Hormegeddon.

And neither Bill nor I are interested in making money from this book.

We are interested only in making sure that as many Indians as possible receive the same warning I got from Bill some months back...and have time to prepare.

Therefore, I would like to ship a hard-copy of this book to you free (other than the postage and handling charges that I mentioned).

No catch.

Just provide me with an Indian mailing address and I’ll make sure it gets to you as soon as the printer runs off the first edition. All I ask is for is the small amount of Rs 199 to partly cover our postage and handling costs.

And, if you care about your wealth...India’s future...and the future of your sons and daughters, then you’ll want to listen...

Because this is not simply about our export sector stalling. Or plunging job opportunities and wages. Or a stock market crash. Or even a severe Indian recession after nearly two decades of straight growth. (Although it may entail all these things...)

This is about a coming financial crisis, a typhoon that will spare no part of this country...from Kolkata to Bangalore to Delhi and even the financial districts of Mumbai.

Taken to its necessary conclusion, we could see mass protests and an unrecognisable financial climate.

Vivek Kaul has worked at senior positions with the Daily News and Analysis (DNA) and The Economic Times. Between

2010 and 2015, he wrote a trilogy on the history of

money, its evolution, and how that caused the global

financial crisis. The trilogy is titled Easy Money. His writing

has also appeared in The Times of India, India Today, BBC, Firstpost, and Rediff.

In fact, we could see what happened in Egypt in 2012 – riots, protests– in New Delhi on the grounds of Jantar Mantar.

Tahrir Square, Eqypt (Source: Johnathan Rashad)In a moment, I’ll show you how to arrange for your free (other than the postage and handling charges that I mentioned) mailed copy of Hormegeddon.

But first, what’s the big idea?

It’s Called HormegeddonYou see, in early 2001, a research paper was published by the world’s most powerful investment bank, Goldman Sachs.

In it, Goldman named India one of four emerging countries that would eventually overtake the economies of the developed world: the United States, Europe and Japan.

In fact, at the time, the four economies in Brazil, Russia, India, and China were beginning that process.

Furthermore, it noted that “in view of their size, population and potential, the possible inclusion of India [in the G7 group of the world’s most powerful economies] would be attractive.”

However, Goldman forgot to take into consideration one of the biggest flaws in economic history: Hormegeddon, or the concept that too much of a good thing leads to disaster.

You see, we had too much population, too much size, too much government, and contrary to what Goldman Sachs said, too much of a good thing is leading India into disaster.

As just one example, the excess population of working age Indians... which is supposedly such a positive factor that it has been called our demographic “dividend”, which means it automatically pays out benefits in terms of economic growth... has in fact been bad, very bad to date...

And now it’s at red alert levels!

How has this happened?

Well, 33,000 people are entering the workforce everyday...that’s 231,000 a week...1,000,000 a month....and 12 MILLION A YEAR.

And how many so-called jobs are created?

According to official government records, only 4.4 million from 2009-2015.

An even greater concern is that this year’s number (as recorded by the Labour Bureau) has been the absolute lowest at a meager 0.15 million. 

In short, according to Bill Bonner’s Hormegeddon research, our demographics isn’t a dividend, it’s a disaster.

Yes, I know it’s shocking.

But Hormegeddon goes beyond that...

Hormegeddon takes into account the shocking similarities of what we see in India today to other large-scale disasters we have observed other places in history.

It's astounding because everything you know happens, from scandals to wars, to making money and getting rich, to success in business, or how you interact and get along with other people, to almost any task we undertake, even your own projects and life's ambitions, are deeply affected by the Hormegeddon theory.

The authors of the Upanishads knew this, so did the philosophers of the West. Had the Gandhis understood this, they might still be in power. If that seems incredible, it's precisely why I find this one thing so fascinating. It's everywhere. It's behind more than one specific form of cancer and many preventable diseases.

It's behind mental health problems too. If most Indians understood it, we'd be leading healthier, longer lives, and that with much less negative government meddling.

It's so exceptional that Bill himself stated that Hormegeddon is his final word on everything he has spent the last forty years researching. 

Imagine the culmination of forty years of reading and writing economic and financial research, founding a worldwide business empire, and amassing a multi-million-dollar fortune all in one book.

Here's what bestselling author and distinguished professor of risk engineering at New York University, Nassim Nicholas Taleb, had to say about Hormegeddon:

‘This is a must-must-must-read... It is deep, illustrative, witty, pleasant to read.’

And Swiss contrarian economist Marc Faber, aka Dr Doom, said, ‘I am seldom jealous of anybody, but I truly envy Bill Bonner‘s writing and intellectual skills... It is funny, cynical, sarcastic, highly informative, beautifully written, entertaining, and most importantly, written by a man who is not afraid to tell the truth, and stand up for it. I do not say this often, but when I read his Hormegeddon, I was truly in awe.’

You see, Bill is neither a saint nor a do-gooder.

He is simply someone who wants to spread his foresight, learning and proven wisdom...someone who in the process created an international network with over 2.7 million paid research subscribers.

Bill Bonner, Founder, Bonner and PartnersThat’s why when Bill asked me to join his research network and write a chapter for Hormegeddon on what was really happening in India...

I said yes. I had to.

Because like me, he was a truth seeker, and could not stand the government’s lies or what the talking heads were saying on Wall Street or any of the other bourses in Paris, London, Shanghai, Sydney, Buenos Aires, or Mumbai.

And now you can know exactly what’s happening too.

Just let me know your Indian mailing address, and I’ll ship it to you ASAP.

I’ll cover everything - production, printing, and editing costs.

All I ask is that you cover the small cost of postage, just Rs 199.

(Know how to get a FREE copy here.)

Plus, as well as the book, you’ll get the special chapter I wrote on India called India’s Hormegeddon and How It’s Affecting You .

AND you’ll also get a 30-day no-obligation trial of my new monthly letter, The Vivek Kaul Letter.

Why I Teamed Up with Bill 

Vivek Kaul, Editor, The DiaryYou see, back in 2004-05, when I first started writing for the Daily News and Analysis (DNA) and didn’t yet understand what Hormegeddon was...what it meant for the rest of the world...or what it means for India today.

It wasn’t until 2008 when I met Bill for the first time while writing a piece for Daily News and Analysis (DNA) that I got a glimpse of what was to come.

To remind you what happened in 2008, the smallest of the big investment banks on Wall Street, Lehman Brothers, went bust and filed for bankruptcy.

In turn, the journalists in India became jargon-spewing pundits and I was tasked to figure it out.

Within five weeks of being charged to figure out why the G7 economies had failed, I met Bill Bonner for the first time.

Since then, I’ve written countless articles on the crisis and three books on money...

And now I write to you urging you to read on...

Of course, when I first met Bill Bonner, he had been watching Hormegeddon crises unfold for 30 years.

Today, that same story is still going on.

But our Hormegeddon is just unfolding...

That number again (of people entering the workforce) is 33,000 a day.

Send for Hormegeddon Today andGet My Secret Chapter for FREE

You see, Bill has collected more analysts, economists, and financial thinkers than I’d ever imagine to meet in a lifetime...

He has employed thousands, made investments in six continents, travelled well over 100,000 air miles every year, and acquired more than two dozen businesses...

And think...out of all those ideas and the millions his readers have made from the newsletters he produces, he is most interested in getting his idea of Hormegeddon out into the world...

In fact, he calls it ‘the best book I’ve ever written’.

And when you send for your Rs 199 copy today, I also want to give you my secret chapter of Hormegeddon outlining the facts behind the dividend disaster I’ve been explaining to you today.

It’s called India’s Hormegeddon and How It’s Affecting You .

You can’t find it anywhere else. And in it, you will not only find all the information I’ve given you above, but also:

-Where India’s Money Really Should Be Going: How India could correct the jobs situation and where the money should be allocated.

-The Black Hole Money Takeover: How the Life Insurance Corporation’s increased ownership in IDBI Bank is hurting your wallet.

-The Oil Windfall: How the government’s response to oil prices is setting the GDP back another 1%.

But that’s not all.

(Know how to get a FREE copy here.)

Because on top of you learning about India’s dividend disaster, I also want you to stay one step ahead of the curve...

That's why Bill wrote Hormegeddon, and that’s why I want to give it to you for free (other than the postage and handling charges that I mentioned) you can protect your family, interests, and friends

The honest truth is the Rs 199 will actually only pay for a portion of the costs to send you Hormegeddon.

But I’m absolutely willing to lose money on this effort.

Because the future direction of the Indian economy is something no one has experienced before. And it’s going to hurt every Indian who doesn’t see it coming and fails to prepare.

Giving Hormegeddon away is simply the most effective way to get this life-changing battle plan into your hands.

A 30-Day Trial-Run of Our New India Newsletter

Now that I’ve told you about India’s Hormegeddon: The Dividend Disaster, you’re probably wondering when all of this will unfold.

I’m not going to lie to you. Major events like this rarely have big triggers or obvious flashpoints.

For example, the Arab Spring, a revolution that toppled four governments, sparked civil wars, and led to mass protests and riots in at least twelve other countries, began when a fruit vendor set himself on fire.

When the right set of conditions are all aligned, as they are right now in India, it doesn’t take a big event to set off a historic implosion. It’s almost always small things that are either chipping money away from you or toward you.

That’s why I want to give you something to stay one step ahead: The Vivek Kaul Letter, which you will get to test drive for 30 days with no obligation.

Now, it’s not an investing service, a wealth-building service, or anything of that kind.

Instead, it’s a passport into my and Bill’s world, one that’s not governed by political correctness

or the official line of the paid networks.

So far, the select group who have received my articles via my diary have discovered...

What’s happening with bad loans and public sector banks How India’s babus and key politicians like Narendra Modi are affecting the

economy What the current state of India’s real estate bubble really looks like

But also, where India is heading in the future and how she got there.

You see, I know it’s confusing...The jargon that economists and bankers use is not made for the aam aadmi to understand.

That’s why in this letter I promise to write on economics and finance in a way that is completely jargon free, something that is very difficult to find otherwise.

Promise: If I introduce a new term while writing, I will make sure to define it.

Plus, if you fail to understand something, then you can ask.

This is typically the problem with the edit pages of most newspapers (business and financial newspapers) where writers write in a language that is extremely difficult to understand. But I understand that. And Bill does too. That’s why he created his network!

You see, no one believed me when I said that the bad loans owned by the government would go through the roof. 

And that’s precisely what happened. As of March 31, 2016, the bad loans of public sector banks reached 9.32% of their total loans. A year back, they were at 5.43% of their total loans. That is a huge jump in just one year. 

In addition, no one believed me when I first started writing about India's GDP numbers not being believable. I got a lot of flak for saying it. Now others are catching up, like Ruchir Sharma, the head of Global Macro at Morgan Stanley, who says:

‘This measure [India's GDP growth rate] is incompetent and the hype of India’s growth story worrisome.’

...And no one believed me when, in 2014, I started calling India's real estate bubble.

Now, in parts of Delhi NCR, prices have fallen by as much as 30%.

But all this happened....and so is India’s Hormegeddon.

That’s why we’ve created The Vivek Kaul Letter. And by sending you a free copy of Hormegeddon (you only have to cover the shipping and handling fee of Rs 199), you are not only going to finally learn what’s going on without the technical jargon, but you are going to become a founding member of India’s first serious newsletters committed to truth-telling.

I will write to subscribers of the The Vivek Kaul Letter at least once a week. Additionally, once a month, I will send out a detailed data-driven report on an important economic issue that I believe should be of interest to you...

(Know how to get a FREE copy here.)

Yes, that’s what my goal with The Vivek Kaul Letter will be.

To dive into issues and developments that I believe impact you.

To help you understand these well enough so you can prepare for any eventualities.

And finally to rid you of the influences of the mainstream media, which more often than not, I believe, dishes out views and opinions that are meant to serve the interests of their masters. Not yours.

In short, as a reader of The Vivek Kaul Letter, you will have an edge that no other person is likely to have...

So what have readers of my diary been saying about my articles?

‘Referring to Vivek Kaul's article[s], I would like to say only one thing...India is a sleeping nation.'

- Mahesh R.

PV Samuel writes:

‘I regularly read his piercing analyses carefully.

Please keep up such excellent works.'

Others had this to say:

‘This is the reason I like reading your posts. Good, unbiased analysis as opposed to views or opinions. Sends across the right message!'

- SJ

‘I am glad that people like you are talking aloud with data and in a fair manner. Congrats and good luck to all of us.'

-TV Ramaswamy

But that’s not all.

Because I also want you to have access to...

The Team Bill Handpicked in MumbaiYou see, as I told you Bill has teamed up with analysts, economists, and financial thinkers all over the world...and India is no exception.

That’s why I want to give you our Research Digest: a roundup of the most important findings published by Equitymaster, the team of independent research analysts here in Mumbai who’re helping our network see how to profit from Hormegeddon.

However, the Research Digest isn't just about compiling everything in one place...

That's why we also use the Research Digest as a medium to educate you on what's happening in the broader markets and other assets like gold and commodities.

Things that appreciate in times of economic and social instability like the situation I’ve told you about today.

Moreover, in the Research Digest, we also regularly discuss the letters we've received from our readers or subscribers in the past one week.

And no matter whether those praise or criticise us, we never shy away from talking about them and explaining our side of the story.

Here's what some subscribers had to say about the Research Digest...

‘The weekly Digest started by you is very appreciating as it helps investors like me to understand things easily (thanks a lot to the simple & lucid language being used). I hope you come out with more such stuff.'

- Hemen Shah, a Research Digest Subscriber

‘I honestly appreciate The Equitymaster Research Digest and I feel that people who are watching this weekly digest will surely have immense benefit out of it.'

- S Sridharan, a Research Digest Subscriber

So, again, how can you get all these tools today for free (other than the postage and handling charges that I mentioned)?

(Know how to get a FREE copy here.)

Read on....

With all these tools, I know that you will not only be able to succeed financially in the wake of Hormegeddon, but also help in the success of our country...

Because the fact is no matter how stable the Indian growth rate looks on the surface, in truth it is anything but.

By becoming a part of The Vivek Kaul Letter and sending for Hormegeddon,you will not only join an elite group protecting the interests of your family and friends, but be part of an elite group that is effectively working towards protecting the solvency of India itself.

I cannot stress this enough.

The whole thing I have been telling you will come as a TOTAL SHOCK to most people, but you are not most people.

Just imagine...

33,000 new job seekers per day231,000 per week1,000,000 per month12,000,000 per year!

And the pace at which we are creating jobs?

Only 4.4 million from 2009-2015...and this year’s number (as recorded by the Labour Bureau) is at 0.15 million...among the lowest.

And this is just one issue ordinary Indians are unaware of that is plaguing India today.

Isn’t it shocking? 

That’s why I strongly recommend you to get in on this right now...

Relatively few people will get this information, relatively few will act, and relatively few will have the courage to listen to the truth.

So, please read on and collect your free copy of Hormegeddon (only postage and handling charges to be covered) with all the tools I’ve mentioned.

What You’re Getting for Free(Only Postage & Handling Charges Apply)

A hard-copy of Bill’s Hormegeddon, a value of Rs 1,810. The PDF of my secret chapter India’s Hormegeddon and How It’s Affecting You, a

bonus for your good faith 30-Day trial access to The Vivek Kaul Letter, a value of Rs 5,000 per annum Free access to Equitymaster’s Research Digest, a value of Rs 1,950 per month Free access to my Diary, which I write thrice a week

It’s amazing, isn’t it?!

What happens after the 30-day trial of The Vivek Kaul Letter ends?

Well, if you like everything you see, which I know you will, you need to do nothing!

After the 30-day trial period for The Vivek Kaul Letter, we will only charge you Rs 1,950 (that’s a saving of 60% on the usual price) per year to renew your subscription. And as an added benefit, you will continue to receive the Equitymaster’s Research Digest for no charge at all.

Yes, as long as you remain a reader of The Vivek Kaul Letter, you will continue to receive a complimentary subscription to the Research Digest!

Once again, you are only paying Rs 199 to cover the shipping and handling charges for the book today.

And here’s an additional benefit...We will lock in this rate of Rs 1,950 per year for as long as you stay on as a reader of The Vivek Kaul Letter.

Remember, the controls for this subscription are always in your hands...

If at any point you do not want to continue...

Just write to us or give us a call and we’ll cancel your standing instructions right away!

In fact, we’ll also send you a reminder email before we charge even a rupee on your credit card...just in case you wish to change the card or even cancel.

So, like I said, rest assured...the controls of your membership are always in your hands!

Remember, we are publishing this book, giving you The Vivek Kaul Letter, giving you Equitymaster’s Research Digest, and the PDF of my secret a means to make you AWARE of the story unfolding in our economy and government...

And Hormegeddon and The Vivek Kaul Letter are just part of that story.

Remember, Hormegeddon is a long tale of things that went wrong – debacles, disasters, and catastrophes.

Bill realised that each disaster carries with it a lesson. For instance...if the architect of a great liner tells you that ‘not even God himself could sink this ship' should probably take the next boat.

Similarly, when more people enter the workforce in a day than the amount of jobs created in a should probably expect something to happen. That is the core theme of Bill’s Hormegeddon.

Once again, this is information you won’t find ANYWHERE ELSE.

Whether you look to any of the Indian dailies or watch the talking heads on TV.

Because their advertisers don’t want to hear that story! And their customers, the people who buy the papers, don’t want to hear that story either.

And the government? No way...

It’s only we, an independent financial network, who want to get the story out. So people like you can prepare for what’s about to come.

We are not economists who are paid to look the other way. And we’re not big government.

So I am determined to get this story out there while there is still time. That’s why I created this presentation.

The honest truth is the Rs 199 you will pay today for the shipping and handling of only a portion of the costs to send it to you. But I’m absolutely willing to lose money on this effort.

Giving this book away is simply the most effective way to get this life-changing battle plan in your hands. But precisely because Bill and I want you to be prepared, I'd like to offer you everything recapped below for that Rs 199 shipping and handling price:

A hard-copy of Bill’s Hormegeddon, a value of Rs 1,810. The PDF of my secret chapter - India’s Hormegeddon and How It’s Affecting You- a

bonus for your good faith 30-day trial access to The Vivek KaulLetter, a value of Rs 5,000 per annum Free access to Equitymaster’s Research Digest, a value of Rs 1,950 per month Free access to my Diary, which I write thrice a week

Trust me, this will be...

The Best Financial Decision You’ve Ever Made

Imagine getting all the resources I’ve just mentioned for free...

Other than the small postage and handling charges, which by the way, is the same price I paid for an umbrella at Churchgate station in Mumbai on a rainy day.

And let me tell you...this ‘umbrella’ that you’re buying today through Hormegeddon will not only protect you through India’s job crisis, but also help you set up the understanding you need to build your future financial success.

I can’t stress enough...this is not a money-making exercise for Bill and me.

We want to see truth, honesty, and the solvency of India and the world economy at large. Because neither of us in good conscience can stay silent about what’s happening anymore.

Government, institutional economists, real estate agents, share brokers, and financial planners are not going to tell you anything other than ‘everything is all right’.

First off, because they have absolutely no idea how we have arrived at this point...

And second, because they don’t have the tenacity to learn from the mistakes of the past.

In short, this is why we are so adamant about getting you Hormegeddon right away.

Because if India continues on its trajectory, as I believe it will, I would never forgive myself for not warning you.

Bill, of course, feels the same. That’s why we are making such a generous offer and placing these resources in your hands for the same price as a Mumbai umbrella.

As I’ve said, we want to raise your awareness, so you can not only protect yourself, but be part of the bigger picture...the story of our world, the economy, and India at large.

So please send for your free copy of Hormegeddon, and get everything I’ve mentioned above.

Remember, I am just asking you to pay for shipping and handling.

Don’t let what’s about to happen to India catch you by surprise. Minimise what’s going to happen to you and your family today. Get started by clicking the ‘Order Now’ link below.

This will take you to a secure order form on the next page, where you’ll have the chance to review everything once more, before ordering your free copy of Hormegeddon.

Send For Hormegeddon Now Yours truly, Vivek Kaul


Here's Everything You Get By Claiming Your Copy of Hormegeddon Now...

By placing an order for Bill Bonner’s Hormegeddon right now, you can give yourself a chance to learn all about the financial crisis headed towards India and not only protect yourself, but be part of the bigger picture...the story of our world, the economy, and India at large.

In a nutshell, here's everything you get for just Rs 199 when you claim your copy now…

A hardcopy and PDF of Bill Bonner’s Hormegeddon that originally costs Rs 1,810.

The PDF of Vivek Kaul’s secret chapter India’s Hormegeddon and How It’s Effecting You.

Access to the The Vivek Kaul Letter for a 30-day trial period.

Complimentary access to our thrice-a-week Research Digest to help you keep track of all our latest research and updates..

Free access to my Diary, which I write thrice a week

If you take advantage of the current offer, your subscription to the Vivek Kaul Letter gets locked at Rs 1,950 for life! And of course, you will continue to receive the Research Digest with our compliments for as long as you are a subscriber to the Vivek Kaul Letter.  

Yes, your subscription will be covered under our No-Interruption-Auto-Renew (or Standing Instructions) Plan that allows you to stay subscribed to the Vivek Kaul Letter at this price for as long as you want.

At the end of every year, acting on your standing instructions, we will charge your card the discounted price of Rs 1,950 and automatically renew your subscription for another year.

But you will still be in complete control of your subscription.

We will send you a reminder email before renewing your subscription every year. So if you don't wish to continue, you can just reply to it and let us know and we'll cancel your subscription right away.

Or you can also reach out to our Customer Service guys at any time via email or phone and ask them to cancel.

Sounds good?

So don't hesitate, give it a try now.

Complete the form below to obtain your copy of Hormegeddon and much more...

This offer closes shortly.

Just Fill The Secure Order Form Below And Get Your Rs 199 Copy Of Hormegeddon Now

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