· web viewdesign please find attached the selection form, a...

§ AMFI International Fashion & Design January 2016 Dear applicant, Application 2016-2017 – International Fashion & Design Please find attached the selection form, a questionnaire and assignment for the Amsterdam fashion Institute International Fashion & Design course. As you have read on our website, we have a selection procedure (a fixed number of places are offered and students are selected decentrally by DUO). The selection procedure consists of an assignment and motivation interview with AMFI. You will then hear within 4 weeks of the Selection Day if you have been selected by us. The final selection, however, is done by DUO ( ). Please refer to DUO website for more information. We request you to send the completed form, motivation letter, questionnaire and photos etc., within three weeks in duplicate (create two sets) to the address below. Only fully completed and signed forms will be handled . When writing your motivation letter please write about yourself, your ambitions and why you have chosen AMFI. You can also include other information that you consider important for your application to AMFI. The following rules apply when using the selection forms: - Use a computer to write your motivation letter - Stick a passport photo to the Selection form - Do not use staples, paper clips, folders or ring binders etc - Only use our standard form in maximal A4 size - Do not use coloured paper - Do not provide more than is requested - Provide the email address which you use for studielink - Do not forget to number the enclosed photos/attachments. We also send yo, in a separate mail, the assignment that you will need to prepare for your Selection Day. However, do not send this to us. You should bring it with you on your Selection Day. You will be advised of the date and time of your Selection Day only when we have your completed application form and required documentation. Yours faithfully, International Student Administration AMFI

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AMFI International Fashion & Design

January 2016

Dear applicant,

Application 2016-2017 – International Fashion & Design

Please find attached the selection form, a questionnaire and assignment for the Amsterdam fashion Institute International Fashion & Design course.

As you have read on our website, we have a selection procedure (a fixed number of places are offered and students are selected decentrally by DUO). The selection procedure consists of an assignment and motivation interview with AMFI. You will then hear within 4 weeks of the Selection Day if you have been selected by us. The final selection, however, is done by DUO ( Please refer to DUO website for more information.

We request you to send the completed form, motivation letter, questionnaire and photos etc., within three weeks in duplicate (create two sets) to the address below. Only fully completed and signed forms will be handled.

When writing your motivation letter please write about yourself, your ambitions and why you have chosen AMFI. You can also include other information that you consider important for your application to AMFI.

The following rules apply when using the selection forms:

- Use a computer to write your motivation letter- Stick a passport photo to the Selection form - Do not use staples, paper clips, folders or ring binders etc- Only use our standard form in maximal A4 size- Do not use coloured paper- Do not provide more than is requested- Provide the email address which you use for studielink- Do not forget to number the enclosed photos/attachments.

We also send yo, in a separate mail, the assignment that you will need to prepare for your Selection Day. However, do not send this to us. You should bring it with you on your Selection Day. You will be advised of the date and time of your Selection Day only when we have your completed application form and required documentation.

Yours faithfully,

International Student Administration AMFI

International Fashion & Design2016-2017

Personal details:

Family name (as per passport): Hefferon

First names (as per passport): Casey Jane

Preferred name (s): Casey

Date of birth: 31/12/96 Sex: female

Place/Country of birth: Hexham, UK Nationality : British

Correspondence address: Garden House Farm, Garden House Bank, Acomb, Hexham, Northumberland

Postcode/City: NE46 4RF

Home telephone: 00 44 1434 601150 (Mobile): 00 44 7706871875

E-mail address (personal): [email protected]

Previous Education HAVO N&T N&G E&M C&M* with wi A or BBE AWARE: * If you have HAVO profile C&M without wiskunde click here:

Only one deficiency is allowed by DUO (eg Mathematics, proof of language level or final diploma).Failure to meet this requirement could mean you are withdrawn from the Lottery. Please go to this link for more information on the documents that you need to send to DUO:

VWO diploma gained/to be gained: MBO level 4 specialisation: diploma gained/to be gained: Non-Dutch Diploma gained/ to be gained Other LDT Nagold Via University College

Selection Days My preferred Selection Date for interview is (give more than one option)

□ Saturday 19 March 2016□ Saturday 9 April 2016□ Saturday 23 April 2016

I live in a non-EU country and would like be considered for an interview via Skype. Skypes will also be offered on the above dates.

□ Yes


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Signature Chefferon Date 6/5/2016



Two copies required of:

Application form, including passport photoMotivation LetterAssignmentPhotos

Return to:

Student Administration AMFIMauritskade 111091 GC Amsterdam The Netherlands

Incomplete applications will not be processed.


It is not necessary to send the assignment for the Selection Day. You bring this with you on the day.

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Suitability questionnaire: AMFI International Fashion & Design 2016 – 2017Fill this questionnaire in on the computer, print it out and send it in together with the five photos of your own work (2 copies of form and photos)

Name: Casey Hefferon

1. Professional role /dreams and passions (orientation)What does fashion mean to you and how do you visualize your future fashion career.

Fashion means an awful lot to me. It allows personal interpretation of a certain mood, personality, expression or feeling. It also allows an individual, to be just that. An individual. Alternatively, it can be camouflage for someone who simply wants to melt into the crowd.

I love how fashion and how it can help express how a person feels, whether they are confident, shy, outgoing, professional, flamboyant, or someone who wants to be absolutely contemporary, the very height of fashion.

I think that everyone should be confident in what they wear. One day I hope to make my living by applying my creativity and skills in fashion and design to help facilitate that confidence for people.

My dream job would be to work for a high end label, and perhaps one day design my own collection for a major brand.

I’ve always been creative, and feel I’ve found a home in art and design at school and college.

2. Talents /creativity (realisation)Are you a creative and innovative person? How do you show it? Give examples.

I think I’m very imaginative and creative. I’m self motivated and continuously try to better myself and document new ideas. I really enjoy fashion sketches and designing. I’m also constantly sketching and drawing from life.

For the past year I’ve kept a daily fashion and art blog as part of my course. Looking back at it has been a great learning experience as it shows how far my work has developed, on a professional level. I feel as though I’ve improved and adopted many useful techniques during the course and hope to continue to develop and improve.

I have completed moodboards, sketches, created designs and sketchbooks and never feel as happy as when I’m immersed in art and design.

I love the challenge of a new brief, I particularly enjoy the research aspect. I also love using different media, creating quick sketchbooks, more studied drawings and then taking all these sources to create an end product.

3. Inspiration (orientation)What inspires you and why?

Fashion is such a broad subject area, and I get my inspiration from almost anywhere and anything. Part of my vision comes from the website WGSN, with its’ fashion trend predictions of the most famous designers in the world.

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I’m also inspired by the history of fashion. I love the different eras such as the 1940’s or the 1980’s, so very different decades of fashion which I can look at and inter to my own designs.

I subscribe to ‘Dazed’ magazine which contains some fantastic articles from fashion students around the world, and how they see fashion progressing and changing.

Travel also inspires me too. I was lucky enough to be part of a voluntary group who went to Mexico to build a house for a family in need. This was an amazing, unforgettable personal development experience as well as an insight into how a different culture interprets style.

Their fashion was mainly dictated by their poverty and practical necessity. Yet it was still varied, often mismatched, but always colourful. The whole place was extraordinary colourful, even the simplest corner shop or shanty town.

4. Activities (orientation/decisions)What kind of activities have you recently taken part in – for example, visits to exhibitions, trade fairs, films, festivals, events, shows…? What impressions stay with you – give examples.

As part of my current college course we regularly visit local galleries and museums including the Baltic Centre for Contemporary Art, Hatton Gallery, Discovery Museum, Biscuit Factory and many more.

One of the visits to the Discovery Museum we were given an exclusive tour on the ground floor where the Museum stored hundreds of vintage and Victorian clothing spanning from 1830 to the present day. This was really stimulating to view and sketch from. I was researching contour design at the time, so I got to investigate all the corsets and Victorian Trousseau available at the museum, which felt like a real privilege.

I also attended the 'Fashion Features' interview with Henry Holland and Alexandra Shulman at the Baltic for Newcastle fashion week, which was really inspirational to be part of. They spoke about how they got into the fashion industry, who they were inspired by when they were starting out, and gave us a lots of practical advice.

5. Experience (skills)Describe how much experience you have with:1. designing clothing or other fashion-related items2. technique (making clothing, pattern drawing)3. sketching, drawing, painting4. other design skills such as: photography, using computer design programs, etc.

Having already completed an art and design course for the last three years, I’ve had many opportunities to experiment in different parts of design. Including the design clothing, footwear and accessories. I presented these on layout sheets to trace back over my ideas, developing them, experimenting with them to generate lots of designs.

As part of my last course I had access to the sewing room and here I learnt some new skills. From the challenge of pattern drawing, pattern cutting, to using industrial machines to create fabric manipulation samples. I learnt how to pattern cut, using one of my own designs for a simple plain pencil skirt.

I found pattern drawing more of a challenge, evolving my original design into elements


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Assignment: Send 5 inspiring photos of your own work, which are representative of your creative skills. Underneath you should explain, per photo, your reasons for choosing the photo. Make sure to number each photo.


These Illustration’s are from my final major project, I have chosen them I as I think these are a perfect example of my strong fashion sketches. I used a mixed media of, Copic markers, water colours, colour pencils and fine liners. Faustine Steinmetz, a graduate from Central Saint Martins, was the inspiration behind these. She is a current designer who’s first collection was all about manipulating and distressing denim. I thought it would be interesting to communicate her style through my own designs and way or drawing.


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This fashion Illustration was the result of working in a digital workshop, using Photoshop. It is inspired by Richard Killroy, an illustrator who focuses on tonal drawings, with minimalistic bodies. I feel as though this drawing is one of my strongest

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fashion portraits, which is the reason why I’ve chosen it. I really love producing illustrations as well as creating rough sketch ideas on layout paper. I feel like this style of illustration closely represents my final garment.


This moodboard was from a project called Angular. We were given an opportunity to use any kind of media to create it. Firstly I chose to use a Harper Bazaar magazine to cut out the black and white images and then arrange them on the page in various ways and angles. I love to work with collage throughout my work so I really enjoyed this task. For the second part of my moodboard, I wanted to focus more on building and architecture. So I selected images from websites like Pinterest and Designspiration for ideas. I also added some of my own primary research from a visit to Paris (Image angled up the Eifel Tower). Once I assembled the images I used acetate and tracing paper to work back into the board.

Photo 44. SAMPLE

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This is one of my favourite sample boards. It was from a project called Active Fusion, where we chose a culture and a sport to infuse together. I chose African culture to mix with Martial arts sport. I researched different African prints, weaves and

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knitting. I started to collect fabric swatches and samples to add in my sketchbook. The two khaki wool pieces were produced on hand knit machines, one being a tight tension, normal weave. The second I altered the catches, missing out sections to create a loose, yet fine knit weave. This I worked with throughout this project. I wanted to present this piece in an abstract way so used layers of the fabrics sandwiched between continuous line drawings.

Photo 55. GARMENT

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This Halter neck Garment was inspired by the ‘Web’ project. I investigated more into as I choose to select the project as

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part of my Final Major Project at college. I really liked the idea of focusing on connections between different materials, fabrics, paper, wool, recyled materials and many more. Rather than recreating a typical spiders web, thinking about how I could construct different textures together in numerous ways.

For my Primary research I visited and photographed abandoned and distressed areas of Newcastle. There was a fisherman’s boat at the quayside which had a huge bundle of fishermens net tangled together in a web. Turquoise, blue, and yellow stood out for me in the net, so I selected these as my final colour pallet for the garment.

Throughout the Project I used many fabric samples including hand knit, machine knit, weave, distressing denim and paper. I thought that the weave was a really interesting texture and visually pleasing so I decided to create a bigger scale using rope. The Materials used included recycled mesh shower sponge, recycled denim, recycled fruit bags, recycled bracelets, recycled shower bag, recycled fabrics, ribbon, sequins, embroidery thread, wool, sewing thread, beads, knitted wool material and many more.

I think this garment shows have versatile I can be, as I didn’t use a pattern, just my design. I wasn’t sure completely how I would secure the weave together but I hand stitched the bottom and the top, gathering it in at the neck and the waist.

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