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POETRIES OF THE GRAND SLAM FINALIST 2019 CONTENTS 1. CONTENTS……………………………………………………………………………………………..…. 1 2. ZETA………………………………………………………………………………………………………..… 2 a. Dago Pojok, Terakhir Kali………………………………………………………………………….…. 2 b. Perempuan Pilihan - The Chosen Woman…………………….……………………. 2 3. CLEO……………………………………………………………………………………………………….... 3 a. Where’s the Justice……………………………………………………………………………………......3 b. Good (and) Bye…………………………….…………………………………………………………………..4 4. GEK NING…………………………………………………………………………………………………..5 a. Pasal Fakir Miskin dan Anak Terlantar…………………………………………………....5 b. Morning……………………………………………………………………………………………………………….6 5. JONG………………………………………………………………………………………………………….7 a. Di Jalan Menuju Singaraja…………………………………………………………………………..7 b. Tok-Tok-Tok………………………………………………………………………………………………………..8 6. IMAM………………………………………………………………………………………………………….9 a. Masih Disinilah Aku………………………………………………………………………………………..9 b. Part 2…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………...10 7. KAIZAR………………………………………………………………………………………………………11 a. Humans (REDACTED).................................................................................................11 b. God Where the Hell are You………………………………………………………………………12 1

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1. CONTENTS……………………………………………………………………………………………..…. 1

2. ZETA………………………………………………………………………………………………………..… 2

a. Dago Pojok, Terakhir Kali………………………………………………………………………….…. 2

b. Perempuan Pilihan - The Chosen Woman…………………….……………………. 2

3. CLEO……………………………………………………………………………………………………….... 3

a. Where’s the Justice……………………………………………………………………………………......3

b. Good (and) Bye…………………………….…………………………………………………………………..4

4. GEK NING…………………………………………………………………………………………………..5

a. Pasal Fakir Miskin dan Anak Terlantar…………………………………………………....5

b. Morning……………………………………………………………………………………………………………….6

5. JONG………………………………………………………………………………………………………….7

a. Di Jalan Menuju Singaraja…………………………………………………………………………..7

b. Tok-Tok-Tok………………………………………………………………………………………………………..8

6. IMAM………………………………………………………………………………………………………….9

a. Masih Disinilah Aku………………………………………………………………………………………..9

b. Part 2…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………...10

7. KAIZAR………………………………………………………………………………………………………11

a. Humans (REDACTED).................................................................................................11

b. God Where the Hell are You………………………………………………………………………12


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DAGO POJOK, TERAKHIR KALI @zenitsia 40135-1502,

faith hope love.

Di cangkir kopi pahit pagi ini, sambil menatap embun daun sisa hujan semalamankita belajar menelan ampas dari harap yang kandas, doa yang terdaras, ikatan yang lepas.

Masihkah kita tahu harus meminta apa kepada Tuhanjika semua yang kita inginkan belum juga jadi nyata?

Bagaimanakah cara terbaik kita untuk melumpuhkan kesakitan dan menumpulkan ingatan?Bagaimanakah cara terbaik kitauntuk mengawetkan cinta dan mengenakannya kembali dengan bangga, ketika nanti mungkin tiba waktunya?


PEREMPUAN PILIHAN – THE CHOSEN WOMAN @zenitsia 45363-0507/80226-1911,

love life is so good, if you know how to enjoy it.

Enak bercinta dengan perempuan.Sesudahnya selalu ada yang tahu tanpa dimintamerapikan ranjang berantakan, membersihkan helai rambut bertebaran, bahkan menyulutkan api serta menyuguhkan kopi.Hingga kemudian lelaki bebas pergi tanpa perasaan,meninggalkan dinding-dinding bergetar tiada pesan.

It’s so good to make love to a lady.She always knows what to do, what to sayhow to make the bed on slightest cue, to clean after the falling hair (and falling dignity),to even light the fire and to serve hot black coffee (on her bleeding pride).Until the time comes for the guy to leave joyfully, guilt-free,while quietly the walls quiver and her heart dries up,alone. in vain. waiting.

Siapa yang semestinya buncah dan siapa yang semestinya mengalah?Siapa yang semestinya memaki dan siapa yang semestinya mengerti?Lagipula kita semua sama manusia. Perlukah saling berlomba memamerkan luka terbuka menganga,let alone snobbishly claiming siapa paling terluka karena siapa?

Who should be the flood and who should be the flowing log?Who should cast the spell and who should be petrified?Aren’t we all the same soulful flesh and blood,without having to show off whose wound is bigger, worse, and more stink?Or, even sadder: snobbishly claiming who got the worst pain by whom?


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Where’s the Justice?

She liked drawing rather than mathShe had her own pathShe dreamed to be something somedayThen, you saidShe’s not a good girl

She dug a hole, very deep and dimBuried the pieces of a broken dreamStarted new life with your dreamBut you never saidShe’s a good girl

The time had been aroseShe was a roseBloomed in the beginning of spring A first honeybee settled for her petalFor you, it wasn’t normalYou saidShe’s not a good girl

She dealt not with her dreamFought on what she did not lovePlanted new dreamPlanted new loveWhen she won the fightStill, you saidShe’s not a good girl

Her grave of dreamsShe built it for youBut you saidThat is a good girl

She was broken in pieceLost with the pieces of dreamsThen, buried herself on the grave of dreams

She thinksShe can never be a good girl


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Good (and) Bye

Going along the edge of the roadCity lights stand stillMocking the lonely girl

An empty bottle of wine Wishing for a chanceLeft in the cornerWaiting for a second glance

“Good Bye ”He saidI did good He said byeHow is it possible that the words “good” and “bye” become a couple?Our stories are just mortalBlink, it turns into memoriesOur memories might be immortal The moment you kissed meThe moment when we inhaled each other’s breath One breath for twoLike the bottle of wine We drank together one starry night

“Good Bye”He saidI did good He said byeHow is it possible to say bye for something good?

Well, when you are no longer something he miss Then, it’ll be good to release Let him go, pleaseLet your heart rest in peace

“Good Bye”I saidHope he feels good with bye from these trembling lips


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Pasal Fakir Miskin dan Anak Terlantar

Close your eyes, you do not want to see themNeither to them who saw many starvationsCorpses of ants and bugs are their friendsIt is dark alreadyHer child is crying while holding a doll with only one hand leftThe mother is slicing breadHalf for her child and half for a stray dog that has been waiting“The bread is very hard to chew, it hurts my teeth”Her eyes start to gloom

If only…Under a bright bloody colored umbrellaWith only a small lamp above their headSmall plateA few fork and spoonA cheap knifeAnd a simple fan

If only….Close your eyes you do not want to see themThey also do not want to see what is left on the trash binThere is no food thereThey knowBut with tears on their eyes, they keep searching

If only….They promise them bread and meatBut they only got bruises and thin matUnder the bright moonThey can't returnBut they have to go home soonOr the night patrol will catch themAnd treat them like not humans If only.....Close your eyes, you do not want to see themBut you do not have toThey will not here tomorrowOnly the doll with both of it hands have been sewnOf course, it is on the trash bin If only....


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I know you know itFlowing from upstream without downstream At the edge of the evening and the foothold of time We drift the story to the valley Through gusts of wind and sighs of breathThen with your eyes closed You sing by moving Allow the sound of my steps accompany youThe first verse tell your life 'What do you want me to tell you today?''anything, I will here to hear'Then there you start singing About sleepingAbout healingAbout smilingYour second verse tells about everything How dark can a sun be?Until we call it as night and moonHow long can a day hold us?There is just not enough hour for us'Now tell me about dreams'You smileDawn arrived You start it by saying goodbye'Good night Dreams'


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Di Jalan Menuju Singaraja

November 2019

Aku menuju Singaraja jalan-jalan melihat hutan cemara jalan-jalan menghirup udara jalan-jalan sambil bercerita dengan kekasih dari jakarta

The shine at nightmakes me want to lighta city that sparksonto my heart

Katanya di Jakarta tidak ada udara it is a place for a run adanya orang-orang penuh dugait is a place full of dustadanya orang-orang berprasangka it is a place to disguisesebab di sana adalah kerja di sini kita sedang bercinta

Sebelum sampai ke kotakita singgah di tepi kata ada yang hendak kita rangkai bersama menjadi apa-apa menjadi ada-adatapi semua bingung tentang arah karena cemas dan pasrah kita tanam saja kata-kata dalam tanah semoga berbuah dan penuh berkah.

We stand between the linesmove forward we’ll meet the rightmove behind we’ll both fall we see eye to eyetry to decide which way to runbut still there’s no signlike this life we both enticed

Oh yah kami menaiki motor To-tor-tor-tooooooooor-toooormuka kami penuh debu jadi kotor di jalan orang tergesesa-gesa ngeloyorasyu, damn, oh my god, oh lord, shut up


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umpatan-umpatan keluar dari mulutcuacana buruk , dingin dan penuh kabut kami paksa kan saja untuk ngebutkarena di jalan semua tampak kalang kabut.

Finally we arrivedand we knowwhat will stayand what will away



Tok-tok-tok Any body home?

Aku mengetuk sebuah rumah pintunya dari emas nan mewah temboknya bata-bata merah megah

Didalamnya keluarga sedang berpesta anak yang paling kecil bertambah usia ada 17 lilin terang menyala ada kue tart 17 tangga

Aku ditawari minum daun teh dari gunung yang sedang ranum

Tok-tok-tok Any body home?

Aku mengetuk pintu sebuah rumah dinding terbuat dari coklat tanah gentingnya masih basah sisa hujan tak bersudah

Di dalamnya keluarga sedang duduk melingkar makan malam di meja kayu bundarada telur rebus dan telur dadar ada tumis kangkung segar ada cahaya lampu 50 watt berpendar

aku dipersilahkan duduk bergabunglalu di suguhi kopi dan rokok jagung diajak makan megibung sambil mereka bertanya dari mana asal suka-dukajika kita tidak membaginya bersama.



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masih disinilah aku membujur bersama sehampar kain sajak terbaring di atas divan tua di samping kaca jendela kamar yang membuatku terlalu lama bersandar

masih disinilah aku terbaring menikmati sisa sisa waktu menyambut hari hari baru menyambut musim musim baru berharap tentang hari esok mengasuh mimpi mimpi mengunyah pahit manis mengenyam pedih perih ,, dalam diriku

masih disinilah aku terdiam melewati batas batas waktu pada geli , pada rintih , pada riuh , pada gerah , pada kelam ,pada pucat , pada sesak , pada derap ,pada ruang dalam tubuhku

masih disinilah aku ingin berbicara denganmu setelah banyak hal terjadi pada pagi , pada malam , pada gelap , pada terang , pada jauh , pada dekat ,pada dingin pada panas , pada bayang bayang , pada mesra , pada kantuk , pada suntuk , pada nasib , pada do'a do'a , pada mimpi mimpi ,pada tangis dan tawa , sisa sisa warna dalam tubuhku pada mata yang tak dapat melihat pada telinga yang tak dapat mendengar pada mulut yang tak mampu mengucap pada tangan yang enggan menggenggam pada kaki yang tak ingin berjalan pada kulit yang mengkerut pada hati yang berdetak pada nafas nafas yang mulai tersengal pada keruh embun , pada layu layu daun pada ranting ranting pohon yang rapuh menjadi segala semesta dalam tubuhku yang mengalir seperti sungai , mengambang seperti apung , mengombak seperti laut , tawar seperti danau , melembab seperti tanah ,


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dan samar seperti angin menjadi gemuruh menjadi badai menjadi gerimis kata kata dalam sukmaku dibawah langit biru

still here , i'm laying down still here i amEnjoy the end of the time smile alone Celebrate the quiet , in eternity!



nyatanya masih disinilah aku pada kulit yang berdebu sedikit kotor dan bau

nyatanya aku tak lagi mengenali aku pada tubuh yang lusuh pada kulit yang kering

aku sudah mulai lelah tak dapat tersenyum lupa segala waktu dan mulai mengurung nasib tentang hari ini ,, yang masih seperti kemarin tak ada lembar baru di torehkan hari ini seperti kemarin tak ada lembar lembar baru di sematkan hari ini masih seperti kemarin tak ada kisah kasih tersampaikan hari ini masih seperti kemarin bunga bunga tak lagi mekar di wajahku daun daun tak lagi hijau di tubuhku hari ini masih seperti kemarin airmataku jatuh , mengalir dan menggenang dalam kesunyian

hari ini masih seperti kemarin mimpi mimpiku karam di atas dinding dinding kasar hari ini masih seperti kemarin telah kusimpan pedih telah kusimpan perihtelah kusimpan luka dan bisa di kedalaman jiwa hari ini masih seperti kemarin adalah potret sebuah kenangan panjang hari ini masih seperti kemarin jiwaku mengering , bersama angin kemarau


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bersama suara suara parau

Come, Come closer! one time I want my soul get burn I want my soul grow rooted I want my soul floated in the air I want my soul rise up and fight I want my soul always here and be loyal on the ancestral land that i always love and remember Before the dusk get me Home!



There’s a letter from the indefinite futureA spaceship land on earthAn alien species emergeShocked and scarred Seeing the state of affair

They’re on the verge, of tearsThey look around to see cans of beersCigarette butts and the damage man done in years

Shit winds and fires,Ruled by shit kings, its direA fiery shitty empire

You can smell it in the atmosphereThe aftermath of the massacre From the resident of earth that was full of fears

Man, greedy to the core Gloating in their selfishness and moreCorpses to their bones in their life of war That bore both blood and gore

They can’t see their demiseno resistance to their corporate gods turn politicians Blinded themselvesDespite the evidence, we refuse to reuse, refuse to listen, refuse to act never to glisten.

Our race is divided, and segregated, misguided, but never debatedAgainst those who wanted more, greed, with a constant need for instant gratificationWe rattled cages and never stop battle through the agesWe don’t quench our rages

And, nowWe stand staring into coming desolation,In the aftermath of humanity abdicationNature’s long deserved vacation


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God where the Hell are you?

Lord I love you, and Right now I need you,My faith is weak, Allah, Allah hembuskan rahmat muAll my weakness and doubt so I can be near youKarena tidak ada badai diluar kuasa mu.

Al Aliim, I don’t know why tragedies come And why you didn’t intervene Al Samii’, Lord I know that you hear their screams,

Why is that you’re absent?Why is that you’re distant?Al Hakim, You could’ve save my family in an instant

Did you miss it?Did you listen?

I know that you’re there, But I need this to be trueI need your word to be more Than just letters in the Quran

I trust you lord, you know that I doBut I can’t help but ask lord, Where the hell were you?

Because this wasn’t supposed to happenI can’t believe that it have

In times like these I see you more like an arbitratorSevering my father from my mother and my sister from my brother

Al Waddud, The Lord that Cares,Did I truly deserve this shame and debauchery? Al Qadir, The Lord that Declare,In what manner have I wronged thee in authority?

Because if you were my GodThen you would have been there


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But Lord you aren’t thereOr simply, did you not care?

And now, in the name of all things UnholyOf all things malevolent and goryI declare that, God I’m not sorryBut from this day on, I will write my own story.