xxxlii (two dojubs...

VOLUME Xxxlii (TWo DOJUBS PD · Pn.) ?. C(l!.RRENT IN THE OITY. (Special to \'&e ST. Jon's, TBU AJTnlfooM n l• credibly ramoredlbete.l'hat the Qoy. · emment bne reeoh•ed to acoept tbe modtu tJi!Jdnd• with Ouada-wbiob maUen exaoLiy u tboy weff in 1889. The O•nad. ianl will tbaa han "ud the .embarrualng •nd injariona prohibitive datlea wiU be temoved from good1, The Oppoation will Resolution• in the A.uembly tbil eyeniog, which wUl foroe the Q13vernment to ahow exacUy what hu been done. \ . · • SnlPPING ifann & Co'a T tllpltone, , (!apt Bemlater, arrind tblt moroiDJr fr om Briatot; with a geDeral oargo She made a fl .oe rao&acrou. beior 19 daJ• :rom port to port Mem• John Mann \ Co'a barquentine ClutlwJ, Capt ,Joyce, ailed thl1 forenoon lor Brasil ... a load of fl1b (in Tbe ·· acbooner River Qwttn. arr l nd at Car- booear, froaa 8' John 1 1, OD ijuday aaorofrg Sbe bu a oarao of procklce for Mr Bo7le O•loa to the excealva da\y the rrioll raop blab and t bere h not aauch pr01pec' or dlepo•lnr or the lot at tbe ratel wed 'J;be aoboooer l• expect ed to come here tbia enololf or to ·aaorrow Tbe pdcee p tarnlpe t2 25 oate 70 ceotl per buabel By_T_e_Ie-_gr_a-::Ph. -o- \. l{.t.LIUr, May 14-Tbe Miaai.uippl and lfiaoari llaft o•erftowed whole ooanti-. Lord Saliebary n'!e\•ed a depat.a\lon f'rom \be London Tradea Council, urging an elabt · hour labor law. He advised them to depend on the acdon of public opinion, u tbe law would ( aft'ect manufao· turen. - Tbo Emperor William bu oauled lnten.e, {eeliog throughout Germany, by bon- on to Lueck, a sentinel, wbo 1hot two di'Uilk· en working me11. The Emperor Lueok and preMnted him with hl• portndt, The preu H\'erely tbe incident· Cholera il epidemic at Cabal. Mu · I6 · -A paaed tbe Britlab Common• byl:'7 to 67 repe&ling the clau11 ln the Ballot Act allowing illltentea t.o •ote. Cbolen ia nging in A1latio Rallia and Arabia. EoropKn Government. are taki111 1pecial precaution•. • - The BriUab Election• are txpel&l4 the end of J uneo. T he 1 ndependent ubor Party baa one hundred and oandi· dates and more are expected. Ten thousanJ Odesaa J ewa bue been ord11r· ed to leave Rusaia at once. Lowther, lTnder Secretary, qua11tion said the Govern men\ declined to 111 · sen t to th e Bonrl Blaine convention. Nego· tiations between the U nited States and New- foundland must proc eed pari passu •it h thosE' b11tween the U nited and Ctt.oada )Lw \7.- "Frr> ncb ar rnv m·moeu \ 'res b ril· lit '1tlv SUCCI , Pre mier Loubet spoke Very 's {uneral, denouncing A narchiatP. Filberies rcrorts Maritimfl pro vinCPII good, especially he rr ing. · Granit" work ora throughout New England struck yesterdny i ovet• t.wenty thousand idle. BmTH At Uu.rl'1 Cooten t, oo tho Htb lo1t'., tbt wUo of T. Oatet, of lwlo 1001. DSATIIB. " At Uoo' Leal• 'lh !day, Hary Elloo 1 elde1t daoabter of tho ktroapt . \Vm. Kehoe, of HarbOr Urac., agecl At 0 lalna, Topaall, oo the 9th foet•, ngretlecl by frlea a.od relatl•os, Ollril., relict of tho late litll• janllo Sq lr9 1 agod 69 years.-• Ho giveth bla beloved alee". ' Oa Salurday Jut, of coDnhrlooa,..Mitv Magdatftt, ooly child of T la.otby and Bridge t Coooora, aged 18 , mootht -Bi»Core ptJptn pl«JH copy. Port of Harbor Grace JrnD.ZD May 17-Telepboae, Bemlater.Briltol 19 dAyll08 to111 11oam CO&l 111d general cargo-John Haou • Oo CLU.11.D llny 10- Trull). Apeef, IJriltol, 124 IMI on,"" qtl1 L\brador llab,jaot. Ao -J oho Joloon & Co 19- Linlo, Parmlter, Pagwub, b•llaat -O \VRnl!l.t6o l i-nt, Joyce. PeroAmbllco. 2626 dram• 111d 26i6 hal!-druau cod!Jb-Joh11 Joluoa It Oo LO. U>r.JO Oo le rldge, Shapl111d, Bamburg, seal oii.: .... Jobo lt uo o Co Paue ngora - Per B 8 PM'lio for Netr York -Yr 0 E' LN, li re l' hulwo, r Huael, 8 ID NCIOIId cablA Uld 4 Ia 1\terage. Pur HaUfax-BeY P W Browca, Be• J F Ryau, F IOI'IOOI O!Ht, lleeal'l 0 1\T OUlt, W .I KarUo, 17 Ia MOOD4 tabla nd 86 Ia •=· !!! CAlJT'ION ' .. I " f. --- v, ' , .! .c t f J. .. ti>TTCE 1 The t.o IDfonD the trade that jnllt. put QP a ... "-ero .... Maobinery f _?i'tbe of :' .:dUNN'S LIQ'C'Ir' Fislt_ GL 'UE, they ao e to 611 orden for any qaan· tit.y,- -in casks trom J> to 40 gallonaj in iron 1 Q!&ll on t pint.; alao, in 1 and 2 or. bottles by the ' lroa. of t.his Article against all Compet.itort . \Ve a. re Rl'r open for Spring orders f,Qr MUNN'S ·· FISH FERTILIZER. . The re bting a limited aupply of thl1, orders first ftOI!ived 6nl. filled For fu :-tber information and prices, a'l well aa order s for J.ame, aend to tbe Office of' , JOHN MUNN & CO., l B.t.noa Guoa. Mannfaoturtd "Y F. W. OoLDU, at t.he Beach PremiMf llarbor Graot, f26t! . f• Stewf'rt Munri & Co., g and Commission '' I -Keroha.nta, · ' 22 BT. JOHN MONTRIAL. 8ptefal atteDtion gl•en to tbft tale of :Fiah aDd Tllh 0 Alto, to buying and abtpplna of pro'lialoiu and Genet'll Prodaw. . a:-o.bte KontreaJ, I CARD I W .. HOGAN, M.D., · otloe an.d 1 . St. ;pat ! lok's. St., Oarbonear oeo. BoaN-o w1o-;;'. , a w a pm. i ' . w lpa. ... [ mrGLII COPDI -'l'WO oam] . ,. New . S eed .s I \. · Just received · at . . THOMPSON'S HALL; > • I · direct from England, · Agricultural·and•Garden Seeds -ALSO,- · Lo1i or at 2 cents per packet. W. H. THOIIPSON & Co. · • W·HOLESALE AND R.E·TAIL. The balance of our stock of New and Fashionable Spring and Summer GOODS 'haa just been received frnm the English and Scotch market& 1'h.eae Goods have been carefully selected by our . Buyer, bought at the very best t er ms, and will be offered to and Retail Pur- chasers at prices 'that cannot fail to satisfy. · · · · · We would oall atuotlon to the Millinery Depw.rtment, wbioh ia uoder 6rt&.olau maa• agement and woll atocked with All the matt falttionable No•eltiet of Ule Seuoo. · ' The followlnl Ulreap Line• will-be ofFered thi• week, wbioh cbaooe all caw 0\lltOII*I abou1d t.ak:t advantage of- · ' · Ladies' Black and Cctlored Mantles (Samples)- half·price Ladies' Ct>lored Waterproofs (Princess worth· $3. Children'9 Sailor Hats, in white and nlixed straw, 30 to 50 c-worth double Striped Flannelettes-only 7 6ents per yard. fDiagonal Suits. Boys' Tweed and Serge Sailor SUits, - Men'• and Youtna' Tweed arad In our Boot and 1'hoe Department will be found an immense stock all kinds of Ladies' an<l GentleD1e'n!e' Boots and Shoes. · 1a 'bales R<>Om Paper--:15 cel}ts per piece up. . · . A lot of Cheap Floor . Oanva.s-all Widths. .-special p:-icea to Wholesale' O'!stomers at The Red and White Sign. Water8tre.t. BR.O&. LateJlllard&Brot. - .... TJaM- an 'd. {' ... · . 7, ,.. Harbor Grace. . ,. CHBce 10 am to 1 pm 1 t.rom g • .lltl' -Or 5 pm cr BatisfacUon parante.d · Bambiatloa tree A 29 . JOHN SKINNER, = MONUMENTAL DESIGNER & IIJtFT1tB. KAlroUc:mJUB .urD lllPOUD 01' . GEMETERYDECORAJ"IONS -m- Ma.rble, Scotch and Quinc)f Gra.riitea. ALL uoder peraooal •llloo. · . OUTPOR'l ORDERS gina proaap' ahentloa DESIGNS fantebed bJletter or Odlenlae. · CEMENT 'OOOLS aDd 1'..._ Parte for ••1 89& & 897 St. J' ohn'& P. 0. ,Box 422. ST. JOHN HOUSE, 40 Uppw Watw 8rM, HAiiDPAX, - NOVA 800TIA. .. AooommodaUOil tor ud 'l'rana1ent Bouden :VewfouD4laD4 .. t.broqb KaU- taz will Alwap 1M ai u.. a lob BoaM .TORN HARTRY, PaoP&J.nOL GENERAL ·. AIIUUCI FlRB AND LIPE -- &STABLISB'BJ) A. D. 1887 - DAD O.I'YJCB: ISO OA.NNON WlRBBT, .ll)NDON, B. 0 cwcu Capital Stg. --.. el'eotecl OD abDon all &a. 01 uroptrlf. m !(ewfoaD411Dd Uloftn 1'0111ibll n•, ' . WE INV!l'E the Fishermen, tliey leave the centres· bUStU.,. · tor thetr homoa after eeuon'• .work .11 hand t.helr orden to theu .ouUIW...C. .. Mercbaot, who· write tbe Underaigned to make np for them good waree properly IDOUJUI&l ' for the lleM01l ot · 1892, ca'tt-reoeive them in to take paiDI and· make we ou. Beinee for Portcne Bl.y can. be 1e0t low, direct: from Fa.otory, by tbe OJoa-... . winter. . . Sopt.lS I I •• WII,LIA..M ... For Net and Twine Co,. , ... Great Strength-giver. •• One pound of JOHNSTON'S FLUID BEEF contains as much real nutrition aa f9urteen and a quarter pounds of PriiDe . A · Valuable Food for Athletes when training. I·S H ER - IES l . ' AMERICAN - NET & TWINE. - CO., : . . . 84 Street, BOSTON, Kw. MANUFACTURERS OF COD, HERKING & CAPLIN SEINES. . 1. AlTOt18TlJ'I :oLift\ SHEPARD GOLD MEDAL TWINES · ._. ffr .... , .._ 'of wlalola we aN .ate aoloalYe DUDilftotart!'l.

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Page 1: Xxxlii (TWo DOJUBS PD ·Pn.)C(l!.RRENT IN THE OITY. (Special to \'&e Btu~ard) ST. Jon's, TBU AJTnlfooM

VOLUME Xxxlii (TWo DOJUBS PD ·Pn.) ?.

C(l!.RRENT IN THE OITY. (Special to \'&e Btu~ard)

ST. Jon's, TBU AJTnlfooM n l• credibly ramoredlbete.l'hat the Qoy.

· emment bne reeoh•ed to acoept tbe modtu tJi!Jdnd• with Ouada-wbiob place~~ maUen exaoLiy u tboy weff in 1889. The O•nad. ianl will tbaa han a~oJtoar1:bait(; "ud the exiltin~r .embarrualng •nd injariona prohibitive datlea wiU be temoved from good1,

The Oppoation will m~ve Resolution• in the A.uembly tbil eyeniog, which wUl foroe the Q13vernment to ahow exacUy what hu been done. \ . ·

• SnlPPING NOTIS-~...-;;Jobn ifann & Co'a ~eboooer Ttllpltone,, (!apt Bemlater, arrind tblt moroiDJr from Briatot; with a geDeral oargo She made a fl.oe rao&acrou. beior 19 daJ• :rom port to port

Mem• John Mann \ Co'a barquentine ClutlwJ, Capt ,Joyce, ailed thl1 forenoon lor Brasil ... a load of fl1b (in ~roms)

Tbe ·· acbooner River Qwttn. arrlnd at Car­booear, froaa 8' John11 , OD ijuday aaorofrg Sbe bu a oarao of procklce for Mr Bo7le O•loa to the excealva da\y the rrioll raop blab and tbere h not aauch pr01pec' or dlepo•lnr or the lot at tbe ratel wed 'J;be aoboooer l• expect ed to come here tbia enololf or to ·aaorrow Tbe pdcee ar~t-po\atoll p tarnlpe t2 25 oate 70 ceotl per buabel

By_T_e_Ie-_gr_a-::Ph. -o-

\.l{.t.LIUr, May 14-Tbe Miaai.uippl and lfiaoari llaft o•erftowed whole ooanti-.

Lord Saliebary n'!e\•ed a depat.a\lon f'rom \be London Tradea Council, urging an elabt· hour labor law. He advised them to depend on the ~wer acdon of public opinion, u tbe eigh~·hoar law would ( aft'ect manufao· turen. -

Tbo Emperor William bu oauled lnten.e, {eeliog throughout Germany, by ·~tal bon­on to Lueck, a sentinel, wbo 1hot two di'Uilk· en working me11. The Emperor prom~ Lueok and preMnted him with hl• portndt, The preu H\'erely ~ndemn tbe incident·

Cholera il epidemic at Cabal. Mu· I6 · -A re~olntion paaed tbe Britlab

Common• byl:'7 to 67 repe&ling the clau11 ln the Ballot Act allowing illltentea t.o •ote.

Cbolen ia nging in A1latio Rallia and Arabia. EoropKn Government. are taki111 1pecial precaution•. • - The BriUab Election• are txpel&l4 ~ the end of J uneo. T he 1 ndependent ubor Party baa one hundred and sixty~five oandi· dates au~, and more are expected.

Ten thousanJ Odesaa J ewa bue been ord11r· ed to leave Rusaia at once.

Lowther, lTnder Secretary, answering~ qua11t ion said the Govern men \ declined to 111 · sent to the Bonrl Blaine convention. Nego· tiations between the U nited States and New­foundland must proceed pari passu •it h thosE' b11tween the U nited ~tatea and Ctt.oada

)Lw \7.- "Frr>ncb ar rnv m·moeu \'res bril· lit '1tlv SUCCI s~ft• , •

Premier Loubet spoke a~ Very 's {uneral, denouncing A narchiatP.

Filberies rcrorts Maritimfl provinCPII good, especially herring. ·

Granit" work ora throughout N e w England struck yesterdny i ovet• t.wenty thousand idle.

BmTH At Uu.rl'1 Cootent, oo tho Htb lo1t'., tbt wUo of

T. Oatet, of lwlo 1001.

DSATIIB. " At Uoo' Leal• 'lh !day, Hary Elloo1 elde1t daoabter

of tho ktroapt. \Vm. Kehoe, of HarbOr Urac., agecl

!Syoa~ • At 0 lalna, Topaall, oo the 9th foet•, ngretlecl by frlea a.od relatl•os, Ollril., relict of tho late litll• janllo Sq lr91 agod 69 years.-• Ho giveth bla beloved alee". '

Oa Salurday Jut, of coDnhrlooa,..Mitv Magdatftt, ooly child of T la.otby and Bridget Coooora, aged 18

, mootht -Bi»Core ptJptn pl«JH copy.

Port of Harbor Grace

JrnD.ZD May 17-Telepboae, Bemlater. Briltol 19 dAyll08 to111

11oam CO&l 111d general cargo-John H aou • Oo CLU.11.D

llny 10- Trull). Apeef, IJriltol, 124 tm;~• IMI on,"" qtl1 L\brador llab,jaot. Ao-Joho Joloon & Co

19-Linlo, Parmlter, Pagwub, b•llaat-O\VRnl!l.t6o l, Joyce. PeroAmbllco. 2626 dram• 111d 26i6

hal!-druau cod!Jb-Joh11 Joluoa It Oo LO.U>r.JO

Oolerldge, Shapl111d, Bamburg, seal oii.:....Jobo ltuoo ~ Co

Pauengora - Per B 8 PM'lio for Netr York -Yr 0 E' LN, lire

l'hulwo, r Huael, 8 ID NCIOIId cablA Uld 4 Ia 1\terage. Pur HaUfax-BeY P W Browca, Be• J F Ryau, FIOI'IOOI O!Ht, lleeal'l 0 1\T OUlt, W .I KarUo, 17 Ia MOOD4 tabla nd 86 Ia •=· !!!


~ "· I .. I " f. ---v, '


.! . c ~



J. ..

ti>TTCE 1 The bnderai~ ~ t.o IDfonD the trade

that h~ng jnllt. put QP a n.)~ ... "-ero .... Maobinery f_?i'tbe Ma.nufao~nre of


LIQ'C'Ir' Fislt_ GL 'UE, they ao e prt'p&~td to 611 orden for any qaan· tit.y,- -in casks trom J> to 40 gallonaj in ~DI iron 1 Q!&llon (~ t pint.; alao, in 1 and 2 or. bottles by the 'lroa.

~echallengethes~ng~ of t.his Article against all Compet.itort.

\Ve Rl'r open for Spring orders f,Qr

MUNN'S ··FISH FERTILIZER. .There bting o~ly a limited aupply of thl1, orders first ftOI!ived 6nl. filled

For fu:-tber information and prices, a'l well aa orders for J.ame, aend to tbe Office of'

, JOHN MUNN & CO., l B.t.noa Guoa.

Mannfaoturtd "Y F. W. OoLDU, at t.he Beach PremiMf llarbor Graot,

f26t! . f•

Stewf'rt Munri & Co., Shipp~ g and Commission

'' I -Keroha.nta, · ' 22 BT. JOHN ~TR_EET, MONTRIAL.

8ptefal atteDtion gl•en to tbft tale of :Fiah aDd Tllh 0

Alto, to buying and abtpplna of 'Yl~ an~ pro'lialoiu and Genet'll Prodaw. .

a:-o.bte AJ~-Munn, KontreaJ,


W .. HOGAN, M.D., · otloe an.d Bellde~~oe 1 .

St. ;pat!lok's. St., Oarbonear oeo. BoaN-o w1o-;;'. , a w a pm. i ' . w lpa.



[ mrGLII COPDI -'l'WO oam]. ,.

New. S eed.s I \.

· Just received · at . .


· direct from England, ·

Agricultural · and•Garden Seeds -ALSO,- ·

Ol:l.~:l.oe Lo1i or at 2 cents per packet.

W. H. THOIIPSON & Co. · •

W·HOLESALE AND R.E·TAIL. The balance of our stock of

New and Fashionable Spring and Summer GOODS 'haa just been received frnm the English and Scotch market&

1'h.eae Goods have been carefully selected by our. Buyer, ~tid bought at the very best terms, and will be offered to \Vholes:U~ and Retail Pur-chasers at prices 'that cannot fail to satisfy. · · · · ·

We would oall atuotlon to the Millinery Depw.rtment, wbioh ia uoder 6rt&.olau maa• agement and woll atocked with All the matt falttionable No•eltiet of Ule Seuoo. · '

The followlnl Ulreap Line• will-be ofFered thi• week, wbioh cbaooe all caw 0\lltOII*I abou1d t.ak:t advantage of- · ' · Ladies' Black and Cctlored Mantles (Samples)- half·price Ladies' Ct>lored Waterproofs (Princess shape)~l.50, worth· $3. Children'9 Sailor Hats, in white and nlixed straw, 30 to 50 c-worth double Striped Flannelettes-only 7 6ents per yard. fDiagonal Suits. Boys' Tweed and Serge Sailor SUits, - Men'• and Youtna' Tweed arad

In our Boot and 1'hoe Department will be found an immense stock o£ all kinds of Ladies' an<l GentleD1e'n!e' Boots and Shoes. · 1a 'bales R<>Om Paper--:15 cel}ts per piece up. . · . A lot of Cheap Floor . Oanva.s-all Widths. .-special p:-icea to Wholesale' O'!stomers at The Red and White Sign.

Water8tre.t. ~ BR.O&. LateJlllard&Brot.

-. ~~~~ - ·F~h---Nets-,J?o;i;Js .... TJaM-an'd. {' ... ;~0" . · .--~ -- -Oitbe-'Ciozodon~'................ . 7 , ,.. .\J.Q~. Harbor Grace. . ~ ,. ~,...

CHBce Bour~-trom 10 am to 1 pm 1 t.rom g • .lltl' -Or ~g. • 5 pm cr BatisfacUon parante.d ·Bambiatloa

tree A29 . •


KAlroUc:mJUB .urD lllPOUD 01'


Ma.rble, Scotch and Quinc)f Gra.riitea.

ALL WORK.execo~ uoder peraooal •a~r-•llloo. · .

OUTPOR'l ORDERS gina proaap' ahentloa DESIGNS fantebed bJletter or Odlenlae. · CEMENT 'OOOLS aDd 1'..._ Parte for ••1

89& & 897 Duokwonh·St.~ St. J' ohn'&

P. 0 . ,Box 422.

ST. JOHN HOUSE, 40 Uppw Watw 8rM,


.. AooommodaUOil tor ~n-.1 ud 'l'rana1ent Bouden

:VewfouD4laD4 .. ~ t.broqb KaU­taz will Alwap 1M ~ ai u.. a lob BoaM





Capital :-~1,000,000 Stg. --.. Iunraoe~ el'eotecl OD abDon all &a. 01 uroptrlf. m !(ewfoaD411Dd Uloftn 1'0111ibll n•, ' -· .

WE INV!l'E the Fishermen, befo~ tliey leave the centres· o~ bUStU.,. ~ · tor thetr homoa after eeuon'• .work .11 pver~to hand t.helr orden to theu.ouUIW...C. .. Mercbaot, who· write tbe Underaigned to make np for them good waree properly IDOUJUI&l' for the lleM01l ot ·1892, ~we ca'tt-reoeive them in eetU~Gn to take paiDI and·make the~' we ou. Beinee for Portcne Bl.y can. be 1e0t low, go~ direct: from Fa.otory, by tbe OJoa-.... winter. !eri.~ . .



• ••

WII,LIA..M STO~ ... For Glouc~ster Net and Twine Co,.

, ...

T~e Great Strength-giver. • • • •• One pound of JOHNSTON'S FLUID

BEEF contains as much real nutrition aa

f9urteen and a quarter pounds of PriiDe . Be~fsteak.

A ·Valuable Food for Athletes when training.

}~ I ·S H ER-IES l . '

AMERICAN- NET & TWINE. -CO.,: . . . 84 ~~ Street, BOSTON, Kw.



1. AlTOt18TlJ'I :oLift\ t-:.t;:~ SHEPARD GOLD MEDAL TWINES · ._. ffr ...., .._ ' of wlalola we aN .ate aoloalYe DUDilftotart!'l.

Page 2: Xxxlii (TWo DOJUBS PD ·Pn.)C(l!.RRENT IN THE OITY. (Special to \'&e Btu~ard) ST. Jon's, TBU AJTnlfooM





House. ofAssemblv.. •1e~~!·~~a:at!~ • ... \ ,1 ~ •

Highest of all in Leav~ng P.ower,..:_'Latest U.S. Gov't Report.

.._. s-6 M. ·~ ef.Seaeee,• Mo., aa past two years ha ban ·~·l~o{~tbe H!ad, an"t! omb, attd writes: .. My feod did not seem to streng~hen rue :t all nnd my appe· tite ,,.as very "\·'l.rlab: .!. M., fa was ~I \' r • : ah ddl;'Ul~ !.had snell In• in my left sW.e. In tha mornmg when I got up !~would ha,·e n flow of mucus in the moutff, ani\_ 1:{ ~ad~er'lnste: Sometimes mt1>r.ea¢ ' me sqor;t, aud I J:!.ad such queer, ~tumbling, palpitating sensations around the heart. I ached all day tinder the shoulder blades, in tbe left side, and down the back ondy lim11s: _. It seemed to· be worse in the wet, cold weather of Wiyter and §pring; and whenever the spells came on, ~ feet and J;!tlnds would turn cold~ and l could get no sleep at all. I tried everywhere, and got no relief before using Augu4Flow~..r , Then the chnnge Qame. It has done 4 me-a wonderful deal of good durinL the time I hnve taken it and is work· ing a complete cure." @ G . ole.Man'Cr, Woodbury,NJ.

~,'"l'l.l T - 11 t -.1 . 1

.2'11u celebrated p~r'CIHo,. of lJ'Ud Cherrv lliu' ~ o /oow•elto«:t /OI'QJ'!{to j'or 1>fP• u.a,..U of o half o e<mturu,~

1c)Ji4 l• 'to-dau tllo ~gh • ~,for cal.l i

. HR&Alf AND· (UNG~· . DfSfASES: .

_ ._ , .taaa ud None Bap u &be DOr\bero oatport4. I i'liOPSIB CD PBOOBDllfGI. Be bad kDowa Mr. BUYeJfor foart .. D or flf&eeo

1 .Jean, ud &boaeh' lte wu well qaalUied ~ fill ~ ;~ -: (COlltilt~) · Uaf ..,.bill, .,....... of IOIId i~ for the

• ' . , "'; Touo.n, April?. r 1 aO,JtJaula a9t~ ·~bad, Uaer.for• •. maob • l Tbeltoa._ o.Jen\d u 4 o'oJook. • . .,......,.. ID.,~ peUtio~ Ho\vf .. t1c11na GIHIBAL pr .... oted a - l tldea Mr. ' 'l'HOMPSOH bad much pleuare ~a eap-

- ~ ' ~ "- :.s 1 PI rtl portt~g"11fe-n.tttlcnr;-aad woald a ... apoD the from ~ DuDpoJaDu olhan, o aotD a, OD 0 ''1b drieabili&J of ...... DtJop lte &be lOb 1 t of \be N·ellabUaluaeo• of trade re - QYirDmeD , a a . a·- •

. ·na n..IWii. br"ooD II wllh • paJir. • ' 1001, w~ ---,-;;- uc Oil. e Mt. WmTn•r pHMated a petition fro,m

M:~o~o~~~D nreeented a pelitioo rrom Jobo ~\'il l am 1>ono alld other~ ~f UarbOr·~race. uk· j "' "' · · f s IDfl' fpr a email ehm of urooey to reptJr a wharf'

nttlo l 'fl~ ot.,er-. mbBblt~nu o tbo onth at Ri'~Mhead. He beliend tbe wharf wae nry Side "~ H?lyrood~ ob \he a~bJecb of n road from niucl~ needed for aBTicaltttral porposa1, aod tbe ~an ~too road ~ tbe.)"'Uhmy.~ wonld aak that t~o petition bo allowed toll,. on

• Oat>IR ov TU£ D.AT. tbo tAble. • lion "i.roEtV£1l G~tt."UAL~To mon that a CAPT DAW£ bad yery much plouare in anp·

euppiJ bt~ grantjd to. ~er MaJeely. 1,... tb •. ,1

0 00 tb q .t ... ·n t b R. Honor tbe por wfC 1 P8~1 0 • e. ne ton uel g · P0 Y 11 • , • htr. WoooFoRR pruented a petition from tbe

it:~~:~i~~: w~~~dot~~~:~T:I~~~~~~~[~m!!~ Reb':· ~lrf. ColdleJand otbere, of Topsail ou tho · b d 1 anoJcc .. o roa a. ·

• meot. whtob e trnate won. d be accep.ted t.y Tbe lion. COLONIAL S&OftrART Jalcl upon tbe ~on. m• ·~ra on tb.e other 11de. ;He mtght aay table copy of Telegram Of April 6. lli92, Colooi· 10 t>:rpl~at1on that 1t bad been the c.ustom bare. a1 Secret to £Jon. J•mtl G. Blaioe, aod copy ro.r a gteal maoy yeara oot to TOte 10 ~e com- of $.tlegra'!i of April 7,.1892, boo, Ja111e1 G m~ttee .on aupply, tbe .ooet of colleohng tbe HlaiDe to the dci\onlal t:JeoreLary. · renoue, bo' wbe.n It waa collected t'&ch year, Tbe Hou.e &ben went into CnmmiUee of \he &be babi4 h~d been for t~e collector or ~ostoma whole on waya &Dd meant : Mr. Whitelt) In the to de,Juot tlie amount o. Coatoma IHJiartea from obalr. Arter Mr. Morioe bad apoken at aome tho t~tal , and tbeo forward the ba.l~ooe to the leo tb 00 tbe Badget i tbe .committee roee, N· Recetnr Geoe~l so that tbe Re~e1ver Gen .. ral ~ d

11 aod uked loue to aU apio on

•aa not, reepon11ble for tbe .. tart ea. Tbt Poat J\Or e progre • . Office deplulmeot waa in the ume poeition aa Monda1 next. regarde .J."e matter of ulariea. for the Po11tmeater None& oF MonoN.

,Qfoeral 11 rupooeibJe to the Eucutin Cooncril lfr. YoBINI-'.fo aak tbe boo Colonial Sec-only, 1111 Du& to the Leltlelatore, for tbt !attn relary to lay oa the table copJ of all corral·

.ooly •o~d the 1om total for that department. posdeoee in coonecilo.n wHb tbe retirement of and ~be only check they bad w11 tbe atatemeot. Jobo Bemlater, Eeq·, from the Sbrlnalty of r~rn11bed each year bJ tb,e Poetmuter Gect~nd be ~ortberD Olatric& ; aod bie retiring allow·. btmeetr. _:Wore. tbeyg?iog to coo tiona tpendio~r aoce. and a leo in 0011oectioo - wllb I be appoint· tbe public money io tb11 way. wbeo tbo1e •ct.rlee went or a eocoe11or to that office. •ere oner ,Toted by tho Booee io tupply. and floo CoLONIAL SlOUTUT --The paper• were oenr t"me lfefore them exoept lo tbe Renooe io tho couree of preparation ADd would be laid Bill, -.;cb Wll cootrary to all Parllamtntar1 on t6e table &Laoon ~ ooa~pleted. practice~ tbe •orld onr. On a prniooe oceuioo Mlt Monx:qr--l,T.o uk boo Colonial Secretary tbe lloo. R•oeinr Gtoeral had ~lked'tbe mat- to laJ.OD tbe table '1} a copy of tbe oootraot tar ..oYer with him, and peroelnd the lrreaolarlty for , atumer to ply from Halifax to Placentia. or the IJitem. at opce. Be feood, 0 io looklojZ with the correePcndence OODDIOted tber~nrith ; tbroogh • May's Parliamentary Praotlce.' tbat (:l) report of tb~ Reglatrat of f\lrtbe, ftiarrlaaee tbi1 mat ~r came np before tbe Urltleb Parlla- aod bealbe . (5j a oopy of the report of the ment lo iSM, which wu. he thoo~rb~. aboot the MaQlatrate ;ppoioted to ionatl,ate tbe chargee time -tbal tbl1 colony recri•ed her, prteen' form aaaiq•t Dr. Somenille, late Magletrate at Boooo or Cooatitotiooal GnYemment. m. propoai•ion . Har ~ aod an eorrupoodiDC8 io connection wu·merety to brior ·.our practice on the nme' ·witb .tho dlemlual of tbi late eab-C ollector of l iQ.e u the "EQalllb.. aod han tbe .Toting of One tome at rlonoe Bay aod the appointment of a aalarfee uoder the oootrol of the, Bonee. He · aao~qor. . . . woald tber~tfort moYe thnonowlng u aD amtDd· Mr. Moarn-He bad '"D the report of tbe meu~ ~ the PJbtloD tbat<' {. do IIOW lena ttl@ M•gJelratea ap~oted to IDYMtlple u~ charaea ob~r.' r •d I( b&, ~otJtDj "~ allop(ld &he on.maJ ~tai~et Dr. Somi9nlllt • · 008 O!Ul d tileD be ,., to delay._ l'be hon JDAID• H D COLOIU.l.. SECUT.l~T-Wltb naard to -tier oobtlo~. • Tbl• B6b~t'CaDDot beif'ffe~t~ly the tber matter:lreferre!l. tO lo tbt lion Ultm •

llDJtdlacr aanue.aad ~etdllure . of t"t berl~uutloo, b~ miabt Inform bica that no re· colooJ.uole• tbe whole amount-of tbe renooe a rom tbe Ritfatrarof Birtba. Marriaeeeaod ftom 'cuitoD'ol IDd ofber lourcu' be ·P•Ic1 Into 6r ·r>t'i I bad yet come to baud. lo tbe other accqan{( \ for direoUy to tbe treae~ry. and tb~e ,mattpr,-e'"PJIP( the ooot(;:\ol ~or a ai.e~er ~ host ofec .fierinkth 'e rel.n\u11d earrytu~r oo thP' ply ~0111 Hali(ax to Placeotia would tie latd •bolo phblic aenlce, except eo far u pro•ided opo'\ the table. 1T)le~ boa. rumber -conld eee by atatute, be mane aobject to tho supenieioo of rbe OP.rreepondeilee lo ~co'nnectioo with the di,. thi~ Houu. • miu,l of tbe late ~ob.colleo~or at Boone Hay.

Mr Morine'• •mendmeo~ waa po' and was Mr Muenu-For bill rKpeOtiog oarriors by ,J.Pt. T'·e ori~lotl quutiQo wu put and oanitd. water · Tbe I )D!e reaoJyed iteelf into ,. Committee 'fhi'• biWwu rild a' ' ftnt time ' of t~e ' .'hole on Supply; Mr. Wbitele7 in tbe &r. ~u;uur-For bill to probibU loLteriee, obala. ., . &o. • 1 • : t

by lbe late Gonrmneot; (2) a atat.mebt of tbe amooot aioce expended on uid aenloe; (8) a ~ta&em.eot ebtwiag the total amono• p~d for ralle. ap1ke1 aod all other plant and Implement• on aooount ..oi tbe Ht..ll"e nay raihlay. cooetroo­tioo; (4) a detailed alateaieot of the auni of ·l19ti­&6, reeoiYed from Measra. Ried & Aliddletoo ebe winJC what ~be aaid amouot .. i• ror.

Hoo Mr. MoRRts-1'he informatiln bad all bee a aopplitd e::rcopt tbe laat atatemeo&, wbiob be wu ... ared would be also farnil bed. . - Mr. MoJu:qe woold ult tba& &berepor' of the magletrate appoiotod to luealigate the caee, again•• Dr. Somenillt be' laid oo the table benaoae be felt; rrom· bniog peruaed ft. thai there could be no objeotfoo to ·layio' it befo,. the Houu. ani! beliered tha'· boo. membera would be it?tereeted io rtfocliog i~ _

Hoo. the PRfiiBR....;At preaeot be .. ,. no ob· jectloo.lo i ta beio.laid oo 1be table.

Mr. lllomtrl wonld "lak fbeo the corrtapoD­deoce in reference -to Canada woald bo laid o" tbe table of ttie lionae Some of It mnet be printed by tbluime. and OMbt to be broogbt forward for tho iaepeclioo ofnoo. member~, and Uti"'rtmaioder ooold follow when printed,

lfoo tbe Pnutiu:..Tbe printer would lane it, up on to-morrow · . r •

Tbe Hooae adjourned aDtil to-morrow ('faee. daJ) a\ foor o'olo~k . '

· . TqrsDAT, Apru, 12Lb .. ~a Hooeo. opeoed a\ J.p'clock, !t> m

: Mr Fox .. preaented a pet1tioo from J oaeph Shea aod otb&rl, or Poacb Co•e. on tile IUbj&et or a laa~bway; alao, from J•blllip Hrao. aod otbera, of ·Pooch Con, on tbe ume 1abj~ altO', a pe~itio~ f~om l>ayid Wbela~, 11od o~b£ra;., of Ponob pov~. oo tbe eubjeot of a bridge;_ aleo1 tbe. followiog petit.looa on tbe aobject of roaele , •Ia ! From P Doyle aod other~, o~Tor! ba7 ; frop1 M. CoOJ!9re and V Batler. of oacil Con; from .P.Doeley .and otien . of Flat oek i from:.J Jeakits.OD-a!M otbere, of O&en 1Pooa R<Md; l ion\ Jobo' Ooady and otbera, of Outer C..~ve; from SNeary aod oth.ere, lof ' Poiturat CoT&; from W Bennett aod O!bere, of . Halle lllo Ueacb; from P Doyle and otbere of Tor­bay ; from R Malone and otbera, of Torba7; franr R- Ftbld ·aod-otbers. <Sf ay ; frl1lD Af Moguiro and others, of Torbay t fro l\l Byroe and oLbora. of Torbay ; from H. C enta and othtra, of T orbay ; from .:U ~hrrio aod others, or Tocbay; from •J11mea i\t e~uiro ADd otbera, of TCJrb2y,, Crow D ille~uice and otbera. of Torbny ; from E Lan~:don aotl other;, or Tor­bay i from W Codoer 11011 otbcre, of T orbay '

To bP continued.

-BuTIT·s Toua or TB• Wo'lu.o.-EK·Yayor Daniel F. BMtty, of Beatt1'• C.lebra~ Orpa and Pianos, Wa•hina:roo, New Jeney, llu re­&aroed home from ao extended tour or the world Read, hie adYertiaemeo& ia &hie paper &Dd.'leod for calalogae.

MILLIONS :rx Ca~OIBY-LiJtl of thOH wbo bavo !eft money io Chancery, frH for Sd.. Bend ao4 '" lf there ia.any monoy for JOU,-Add,_ Cban99ry Claim ·Agency, 69, Newman Bt.reet, Loodpo. W • . -- ...

Tbt lon of the boaalifol aod true, like &be dewdrop lo the lieart of tbe oryetal, remalol for uer 'olear aod)iquid· io the iollloe' ebrlne "ofl\ha ao~l •

0 0 --lMPOBT.I.NT TO LJ.Dus-Mn 'KJu. 65 OowleJ

Road; Hrixtoo, Loodoo, wlJI teud full pariioa­lara. t?f a new cheap. and infallible remedy for all obltractioo' and irregularitiu. ea reoeJpt of ao addrB!"ed 'eont.ope l'bie ie aheolat.IJ aaaalne -Nor lS,ly,l,tw ·

J. : A. WHIT·MAN, ; Custom Tailoring. .

WU~cuarimteeFt~ Workma~·ADd 1 • Style. Give 11.1 a calL

~utpon Order1 receive prompt attention. -Corner YICTORJA and W.4TER S7RBB'1'8, U&RBOR .GR.ACE, N . F.


I • •

Vl'nrwr BLiioslmide,:retlttedfan~ reno· va~ . ·

~o w1ahea to intimate :'th&t heJiaJ uow prep&f8d to <fo l'rNCo paintio.J at re&eonable

~·!email quautity of Oefll.ns PaperaCancl Bordera for eale.

Sabiafaction ~llranteed. e

Fire After a 11bort tltn. tbe commiUte role, repor~ Tbia b\11 wu rd.d a 6rat time.

,.if r roetus, aod aeked len& to tit again oo Mr· '1\toRRAT-To aek tbe Cbaira~ao of tbe

PA<ENIX A'ssurance Company --------· ~ -Strong thoughts aro iron nailt drino In tbe LO~DON.

Taetday next. Board of Worlte t~ Jay QD tbo table a etat~meot A meuaae waa recefyed from tbe Le~rialali.a abowjng : (a) number of peraone Mnfioed io tbe

Couooll inrormiog tbie Bon1o th~t they b\d pa•· ~t. Jobo'e l»eoiteD"atJ on Slat l\larcb, 50th ed tbe bijl sent up, ntitled, • Ao AcL to dEclare Jnoo SOib September and 5 tat December. 1891 aod 11m~od the law of partoerahip.' with an reap~liYely ; (b) oUiz:ber of iomalea of!tbe S t. ameodmeot, •herein tt:ey reqneat~d tbo coocnr- .fohn'el,loor llouce 00 Sht Mtrch, SO:u Jaoo, r enee of ~he Houao of Ateembly SOtb September &od Slit December, 1891. re·

mind &bat noLI!iog c11o drs1J _oat. LOMB&RD SlR~l!:T & CHARING 'CROS8

. spending your money for worth· less medicines and buy a bott le of



O rder d that 'be hr.o notices of qoeeUoo eino 'P' CtiYely; (o) number of iomatu of Lunatic yutordat. by Mr. Mortoe be daCerrad. Aayloa~ on :Jf•t March. 80th Jnno. SOth S'ptem·

On motion of Mr. Greene, purSl);\nt to notice, bar. Slat Dt>cember. 1891. rupeoti•ely. it was ordered that a rulect committee be ep- CllAIIlMAS BoARD oF WoaltS- Uo begrted to pointed to cooeider tho petition of R. 'G Randell inform tho boo. ae~tleman 'bat the atatemeot.e for compt~nutloo. • • > will be laid upon tbe table.

' Tbe R)uae adjoaroed no til tomorrow (Friday) Tbe Bonae tbeo adj•arned until Monday at fo~r o'clock. ou• at fonr o'clock, p.LC.

FRID4T, APBIL.8. ..., ) In,:. -Tbe !loz:tee ope~ed ,at roor o'~lock 1 :. ~ " llosoJ.N, April 11, ~· r. }{!' (1.5 P!Menied II petition rroe Be.moel, . lrhl. l!dllee 'ANMed al foar· o'clock.

Dr T A ~ocum's OX'fGENIZIW g~lUI. ·1vN of PURE COD LlVJ-!'R OIL 1f yo1 bn e any Turoat Trouble -Uee it For aale by all druggiats 85 ceota per boUle

Tho truoat bappioeu cooaiata priwarilyln a 1100d appcli to for breakfaat, and aecondarily, io peaoe or miod

Wild. Oberry Balsam -Tbe memort or Dr. \\'iatar Is emba1med Ia 'be bearta of lbou.aoda whom hie Uu.uw ov WILD Caeaay b .. , dorlog l!le put 6hyyeare, oared of ooa~ba, oolda, ooo­IOIIIptl~o. or eome ot)ler form of palmooarr di•euo.

as it t£ ai111ost certain to curo J&. lf'l ~ J.~ t- f l • • . ;.

Baud Eccr. maata"trate,. and oUlera, of £9go. pra7-. yr, Rotts -~otltd a pelltioa from WlllialD 1n1t Cor a " rant of money to erect a co11r~ b() .. , g toltl ~~~ 1~8eldom~e-Br 00 tbt If I wtre aeked to Dame tbe moat algoi8oaot of aod' goa" in. tbat looalttr. Re trnated that ~e\ , Q iJot 1l ..... . •• 1 tbe • elemeata that oompo .. Dearly perfect fbat· mattK • )ald ncflftltlae f&9Jinble co~elderatr~ 11~1' of roade. : . .. .... u p41rfeotioo ia ondaraLood '" Olll te.D?~•l o'f tile HOule, IDd woold ••k to bue ~ .... petttloa . • '·'a ob~ lOfTiii&•DU ~ ... • • 'l •rel~tfosta. I. aboold be dllpoaed ro .. teet r•••rence . rud fBere the petitioD wanud.] 'Ata later· '.. C mlttee ol tbt. \YJible an~~:aJ:Bud Moane; for trntb date be would moYe (Dr ao' edchn• to Hie Ex- MJ WbiteltJID tbe Cflalr. 'Sd.r. Marra, here- , _ _ __

e.t onct. that s evere aMI(f{iplne ,

eellency , ~e Gonroor oo tbe t~etllloe, npool addreued the Route at ~oa~e leaglb' o6 Sincerity I• ani'oog . Lbe )are yJrtou, bo' "* Mr. H )'Lt.ARIH preeeoted Feveral rethlooa from tbe·ftbaocl&l ooodltloa of pobltc lllfairl ; lifter dilloerneJ It il the one wblcb .biodl frleude ro bolj

the foil~• leg part lea. on tbe anbject of roade wblol •he oommltJe; roae, reported that tlaoy Clea andtmakea cbaracterabiae forth with beano·

St. John'11.

Lance Con.i f\oom Michael Roaob, aod otbere, of aa • tomorro•; , '\~(. , }•~·. ~~.''H~' •• 1 ' • ~~~~~~~~~!!!!!!~~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~'!!!!! nacelr : Prom Htnry Dickford, aod otb~ra, oj b~alle eo'mt progtt~at, aDt~lted' lea•• to aft Jy il&Cet

Bellook ~n ; from .Jobo-Cooaoq. &Dd otbere M W~IL&l C'"'\(Dm ,pf S.leoL~Com· of Poueb Cou, aoa from ume place. from Pierce caltr,_ apoo rulee '~cfrqolatioAJ~ re&.,mmend­Hatler "\Dd otb'"'•im Henr1. Kirby. from ed bt '~' FiJbiriM Qo~i.ufop; preatnted re-

4~ IAN Jamea. 1 'ogmead, a tom-Edward Haldwln, : por' 10 r 111d colD·~l\\ee . , ie=;aa fllllowa :-

/4r. \ f ooDYORD' e11eoted a petition frorv ' I . • ~' . ·" · Joeep , ~iller &Dd otber inhabitant• of Topaail ' 1lb•18•tect ~ ~. appoloted .to conal-


-4-ssuranc-p ~ Company ·olf CONDON

._ t I { : •

ES,~~s~~ f~·P·! ~l8~2 80'810al8.D 0.UJUL ......... £2,000,000 1tg To!.u. DttDf&D J".~ Vi' •

W4BD OP . ... . .. ...... . ........ 2,760,000 '' AmfvAL


~llooila OPWUDB or 3lS0-000 "

oo tbe Ubjent of a road. Petitlooera aaked tba~ ~er and repon opo•? i'Ql~• ~od-r•aro.Jatlone tbe eom or 150 be granted . to repair tbe road reotmmeoded by tbe ·lt1,berier om milliOn ror known ·u • Miller'• Road • le..daeg from the adoption bJ tbia ·~?!.0! bee, t9J f\,llte • that main lit-o to tbe railway etatioo. b would •eem ttiJILbau cailfulJr enmJ~od the a~ld rolea, that tba ~o:ld wia largeiJ need by the farm en of aiicl han ameoded~. tbem .u PB! d!'"- beroto tbBt nor-bo. •bo complatoea thd owing to the aDoexed, wbioh th preteD' aa tbe\{ report all amall lot ~1 grant tbey ,.,. enable to. lreep It io of wblob Ia re.tpr6t tillt IDbmUted, w'a repair a'dd he tberefort hopJd tbe matter woold · ~ W. H. '6h 'ruu, rtoeif'e &be fnorahle ooolidtratloo•f tbe Hoa11 ,. • a rman. and :::~ tbe pra7er of tbe ptthionet' '!O~Id be .. ~1JiJ•;u!~o~: ~ f R f ;.r~!u <S .BAn • • Mr. H LLAUlf prHe(lttda•~\1011 rom n. . ··, · • • , Walter vmhb and other lobabilanltt or L\DCe • ~ .... u RoLLI CoYe· lali'ogJor ln)tlcreaulo tbnalary of the f ~ v! .. ... ~[.J. J . wh~,~\crfi?DI I fer r1;.,eo . pl1lnr to that place 'fbe patltloo i · .urrs 0 R Tv

. The ' I riU.AJU>UN'! beia~ • firM.,clul etated lbat. tbtre ~,;If-!' deal of trafftc be· R~BI~T 8. tdutrN. " <;,_ Uloi twee St Johh'• and jM~hle, aod petl\loaera · } whb Jete"atlooa, ~'Wal~1 fl•• all ' ; ~ .Ju the,lerry uo to .. U'roac\ CllYO. C9m=.lttN·I\odnl, April 11th 11:192, •

adna~,._moa' deein&ble to -iuarere viz T be fur• Jntn wert tw 1 wortil7 mta, wbo &lr 'f&OMPIOM from tbe eeleo' committee, to udomb~ atabilitr; favorable Tetml aull ana e•v.· 1 utler.,noei' lJ\ ~be people, aod bt oonelder. e11d re"pO'rt apoo tba aaHtodmeote aeot. P"'IDP' Mtt1erneot to olaiml for l9J11~ thcuib't t would be oolr rip~ to lncreaee tbelr dowD b7 'the LealalaltYe CoaacU io and apon

Tbe meniped uri~ heeD ,pJ"!io&eci lalulel ~' a .... amoa.. u., bill, ...atled, •• b ~ol to amellcl tbe la•• .A~til·for Newfoaadland are preparecflo Ia- Mr. C m aated ehaa the report of Sir 6obera ref•tl• ... ty ,..UlJbtrJ,',pr ... oted.&be repor&

• IM Pt.W. "'-l~ .. b Yfre. J . ~ l'iD"D' ~aid 01a &la .. ble ol l~ hoc• be pthJ& ot t~e eali oomll'ltlee. tbat tbeJ had;oooaldertd ~ '1"! ... \f 8 WINTJ:R ed. · • • tbeeaid~tn,aacl Mel madatomeameod.'


· • ' ' Boa. COLOIW. B&euun prllllwed Uaa ~oD. ••o),atl\iriOo~w~lob tb17 apP.Dita to the aald . · (; t . ~ · . St. J Oh1l'l .,.~ did ItO~ ~''" 141 tbe ··mdtai tfpt;ff:" • r., . · " · . 1 ..:~ JO.SBPH' fi&.JD.I)., - prlntec!, I& woald be a lara• D~lrtaltlo • Comaafil..-ot.a. whole oo Coaaotl't aaaeDd·

hDh-AtrOa t- Uarbor Graoe. ba& 11-• -.Mtd lkJe,POrt o~t!-~ lllto~....,t•-Bill. Mr. \\'bltal•rln tba obalr

• .L'

·-··'''•'t•-:5. l!~ boo o7'':":. "1::, :, .-..., boo =""il.•lllellorttcWiHi_.M tldtra&loe ol aa.e ..u.r, &Ja. • ~ . , . .., ~:r· P.ttl&ltD ~~- 8aaa'ta ; '• -- ·= ffl .tr~UWI of 8q )l.oblrtl, H tM IQb•

1'!':;1;_ .=.~.-== ·= .. \ lttl1lt1&"1::,., . ...... a ••••• Mr. 8 ,......,&Kitoa .... O...J81 ~ -- of,.._.._ .... ..... ... ., . ' ···-V,W4 0 • • -·~· - ....,. •


Joseph Wm . Haxeodalo, Eeq • Bristow BoYill, Es<J· 'rho Hon. James Raog. John Cluttoo, Esq. . Oc1£vins ~. Coope, Eeq., M.l', <4eorge Arthur Fuller, li:sq. Charles .E. Goodhart, Esq. M. Rhode Hawkine, Eeq. Sir Jobo I.ubbook, Ban,L AlP., F.!* Charles Tbom• Luoau, ,;aq, Charloa Magnay, !Ceq: l'he lion. Edwin B. Portmao. Dadle7 Robert Smith, FAq Wm. JamM Thompeon .Eeq. --

0 BON. DlBEOTOB ... l Jon J. :IJLOOIIJ'JILD, Eeq. '

WIU.IAU o. M40DORALD,1 ~a.uorfB. ~40DON4~D, f 'Joiitt &<Jrt,.,.., . , The bngagemente of tbie Office are,,,..,... eted by a nu~ero111 and wealthy Pro)!riela9 addition to a large invested Capital; Wlil ule promptitude and libertltity with whioh ol&lma have always b'eeo met, &re . well-kJlOwu ud ao1t~owledged. .. · •

Tht~Nixo~i~EoFri~of th• Dt&Jl:ie. eitimated from tbe fact that ai.Dce lk

t il!t.ablfaimieu~nowoyer ON& HtiNDUD Yuu­' tbe ,.paymeota in t atieraotioo of OJ alma foi lAueis bavo' exceeded FOtl'Jl'r8Elf Mtu.ton &To,

loauraooee ngaill'llt Loee by Fire and LlglatD. log are eflect•d by the CompanJ upon uer, dacrlptloo of PropertJ, oo the moU fawrabte tel'ml •

W. 6 G BEND&LL, .Bt.Jou•r •

Page 3: Xxxlii (TWo DOJUBS PD ·Pn.)C(l!.RRENT IN THE OITY. (Special to \'&e Btu~ard) ST. Jon's, TBU AJTnlfooM

. -


' . ... ,;~ .

la 'l: t0-1 both ltlt.erntlll,. e::>4 ~·r:>lal17 • .,. I \ &Ot o quloka,ll!ron:ln; almo.t

r:llo! !':om t 01o oo'toreat


}ftST.ililTll.f\EOUS 11{ ITS B.CTIOit .1 - .----




THE .PAIN·KILLER. tn Cnnadlan Cholera and Bowel

Comploln' Its effect to ml\glcaJ. lt curoo h ... a vary ahort tJme.





, -I

Purebuera should look to ~ho J.nhol en Lil~ I'o1.o 11nd Do:o:o I! t b& oddro•.' u uot t.3:>; OX t' O:tD _., .41\t:.T;· LONllv ., • ~..;.;y ara llpu.riOU.,


- ~f.A.CHINE



It Leads them all It is the Lightest Runniog It ml\kes the L~ast Noise lt is tho Mo&t Durable lt is Warra ,ted !or CS yoB.r4

See the Union before buying J>•AI.BM W ANT.BD .


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-.1 .. o ~s '9· ~0 cd ... ., R p..O . . . .. , g ... 1

o · ~ . C\1 a~ 124 . ~ ~. ~ 0 pi4

~=~os -~ ~ 0 - ~ ·a fZI 1"/.t · • p




MISS NOBODY OF ·NOWHERE. Legislative. 6auncil JIOOX m -Jiiu ;;;:- of Somewbvo. \YIDlSDA1, Marob 80

_.___ BoaoraU. &u A,.Moa. (Co•,l) · CHAPTER XVIII. -'l"bla YI'J ~q. e1o lar"o~ nu~b~r of ualera

. 'Pebaw I'· ebe anewen impulsively. found 'becael•• ID tbl;l poei&toa 'rbe mode I've no conscience ina ball-room-at least of reuoolog.oo tho qaeelioD II 5:fDerllll1 tbla :' not to-nigHt.' , . if we do oot take tbem oo Snda1, tberA.r oot

1M tbere for- ue to t.kl OD Moocla\f ; bo& be dld ' What?' orlea.-Pbtl, I can come ag•in 1' aot ~lok sba' &bia reuoo btld fOod lD tbe oue ' Y 887, tbe second from this; l~- ita of ate~ en. for if \be wiad eboald eoaner \be

aup~r t' She rem'atk8 tm.P,ulaively and ice h \llo tho power of tbe ·•~•r• to follo• lllogioalln•then muttera: Wbt a minx t,h.~tm. aad &be tact of the loe.belo, lOOMDed by you• mus~ think m~l .Au ~. Mr. tbe wiDd made i' all the f.Ore eur for tbo Everet~d takes the'" arm of some- eteu~era to. keep up with ~tbolr~ pre7 lie waa bod Phil d 't h 1 b • oo' aware •bother U w~ 'wltbfo tbe proyinoe

y, oesn care W o, 1or e lS of lbo Lt>gi•latore to probit-iatho taking of Male dazed at the ~1'8 actions. oo Huo(hJ. bu\ bo beliet'ed that if eocb a law

Then vamty coming upon this man, •ere pa11ed it would meet with goner&! appront who batt received what many have aaked E•eo those wbo did not believe it wrong to •ork for and not obtained,.he thinka: 'If Miss noder aucb ciroawatancee oa would coo- ' Flossie is a minx, she's the moet charm- cur with tbo weuare oa' of drfiaoee to tbo ing, fascinating, ~nd lovable miux in ex· oonaoientioua ecraplea of otbera 'rbcu, tol', ietenc ... ' and g"'"'"'s to t hi h •euela wo,uld be on tbo nme footing ; as h

"'•· vv wa c ng er move- was now. 1f on6 ve>uel took aeal• oo the Sab-ments with some rather ·curious discov· erie&. - · ba\h another muet do tbe aamo Oar 6aber7 bu

beea deollnio't· aad in coauqaeo~ we ban First, he notes tbat two or three times, been puaiog lawa for the P"'' c•eot1·6fl yura

a1 her eyes catch lua, th'ere seen:ia to come with o •iew to putt.iog a atop to i~ Uoder the into them a perplexed look', ana onca she iutrodaclioo of ateamera to proucate tho fiebery passes her band over her forehead as if h became all tbe more nec~esary to Tegialate struggling with some mental . problem for ite protectioo, u these ateamera bad aacb tbat :worries her young brain. ~power u would enable them to· ptar ud bnoo

S d h · h b a!DODIIIt the old aeala Another wlaw which econ , e peroetv~s t at W enever appareotlr bad Dot \Men cooaidered wu that •e

Avonmere is near her slater, which is •ore too apt to loo~ apoo the fhberr u our quite onen. ·Misa Floesie'L. eyes flame own: to uy, in fao,, 'bat it belong• to ua aod and blaze with some . potent emotion- we caD do u we like with it ; aod In tbia perhaps anger,~ertainly not love; though manner reoogoialor no hiRher power, Do law of curiously enough, abe seems to like the Proyldenoe ao.eroiog all tbloge Tbla po•or nobleman's company, throwiDg herself abould be.boroe in mind, for h Ia pouible tbat in hie way as much ·as postible, as if auoh •lolationa of the Dl•ine law aa be bad·re· striving to draw his attention• from Miaa ferret! to mar· aoooan' Ia ao amall degree for

tho ,HTeraea we hue me' in the proeecatioa of Til He to herself. · · ~fa indaatrr He believed tbat tucb a m'!uare

This peoulie.rity is app~ntly per· u be IUiftllted, probibllio~r t'be taklog of uala ceived by Miae Tillie al.lo, who once or on tbo Sabba\h dsy, • outd meet 'wltb eeoeral t,-ice, catching hie sister at Ulia work, approul Ue did oot koow whether h waa gtves her most unsisterly ~lancee. po11ible to onaot each a lftw~' tbue •ere

Tbeilaneiers 'Particularly em'flhUUH hlp eentimeati upon tbe anbjeot ' fact that Miss F ouie's peculiar feelings to A -yon~ U would be ao generaiJr· appro._d of . wu· a mere. .

• at,roo~r rouoo for oar eodenor~R to p ... aocb aD act It woald be remembered tbd a fe•

She is at the side of the set, be at the ynu ago aome Americana on our cou\ hauled bead. While be is goiDg through the fig· benior on a Sauder aod our people '"" ao ure vith the couple oppoeite, abe gaua oa~naed tba' tbey took aud dutroyed tbelr at him' with intenSity, perhaps even with aelou He bellewed we hsd to pay lor •be hate. When be turns to danoe with her, Mh•u ao deatroyed, but had our people oon­aa she looks into hia face, her evee cnonw teated tbemeelftl wiUI prneatior 'bem from

A wi i J " D·- •• batallnr the berrior. he •u aure 'beJ •oold IOn, nn ng; even earea nr. haw beta aoti~ quite propulr aQd would ban

'Perhaps its the ~ft'eo\ offal2lU,iblood,' t>.eo borne ~a' ID their ooadoo& br· tbe oouDtrr Ulinka Pbil. • " · aeoerall7 Tbe Sabbath •u rooogalHd upon

An ide& that ATonmere. himaell baa;. 'be land r wh7 oot tbeo upoo tbe ... u far u for this wily gen,lenaan,having been giv-. w .. poulble? Tbe rut · of tl.1o eealiog orna en a hint by his view of {be canon of tbe would be oooduolu of good, too Tbe ·Sabba\h B b •u made for m•n. ope aau for the Sabbath

a 1 mine, bas soon pumped 0\1~ of the· If tbea •uo'h a meuare woald · o,odooe to tbo FoUts family the story of the girl's, dis· general improvement in tbe mo~,R health covery and adoption, and knows very of ear fialullmeo, be thought •o abo~ iotro· well that the pretty white hands he dt~eo a clauaa io tbie bill with that ohJ~c& holds in hie as he tuTna Miss Flossie in Hon, tbe P RESID ENT- If tbe queetion waa the lanciers are those of his niece, who toerely M between tbo exietiof! tot and tho bill should, by every chance of nature, have uow beforo tbo House, bo ebould have nry been devoured by wild beute or starved' httle beeltation io dociding io fnor or tbe t d h 1 • h 1 former. That aot had beoo well matared, and o eat ong years ago 1D t e 1ar-away wu farmfd after tbo moat careful deliberation,

Rocky Mountains. and cartaloly tho reeolte bad been moat uti•· As Phil looks on tbia, a very nasty et:- faotory. No complaiote wbntnor bad been

pression comes into his face, as he thinks beard agninat it. H may bo uid tbat •hat ia of a letter he has just received this day now prop06ed ie a better tbi~ aod if tho lao& from 'Brick' Garvey. 'bet tho nheroative Ia an 111provement couhl bo

Brief: characteristic, and pointed, it eet.tbliaiJod, bo •oold bo roliond of all dlflicaltJ stat th t th 1 t 1 · ed · io enpportiog tho mouure. We oagb' to de-

es a e on 1 e egram reeetv In Iiberato lung before oooaeotiag •o diaturb a ooo· LordBburgh the day Everett had driven diliou of effeire tuted by a number of 1eara' Mrs. Willoughby to her death had given experience aud found to hue geoerr.l eatiafactioo the true direction of the Indian raid. lo paaaiog tho bill oow proposed, we eboald bo 'That cuss was 'cuter .than an Apache P voting all former acta aa mietakca; nna 1~ waa concluded Mr. Garvey; 'he tied the Brit- queatioonble if, by aoch a course. •e rio uot orld iaher to destruction by his love for liis •u1otber miatako to tbo liet, which ws or eome wife and baby. You lure your young otbera mao, ere loog, find it oeceuarr to eo-1 dl' itli h • G ~ h douor to remedr by further Legielatioa. U or lDg, " 18 reaser .suO, ere. wu another qneetloo. howonr. wbotber it woatd

.Then the boys willlynoh him aure, and be wiae· for 1bia lJooee to oppoao \he •lebo• of the sberift''ll be beb"ind time, as usual!' the other bnach of tbe Leafalatore In regard to

Rememberln1 wbat Ulla man bas done. \be bill Thor had referred It to a Select Com­which makee it dlftloult to

1 .keep his mlttee, ud, oo doubt, bad le" aolbior oodoae

hande off him muoh 1811 treat him with. to o~lo all poaelble iaformatloo on tbe aubjeo• the courteey common to the ohanee ac- tM!fore deciding apon the coono they bad taJteD quaintanceahlp of a ball~room, Phil ·tug· The A.utmblr bad Hal up a aomewba' aim liar

,_ b 1 d t ai 1 i bUI ~e~tion, wbiob waa reepeokd by the gee1o0 t at, Ill lea o rem n. ng" tb Mrs. CoaODll Tber oow egalo pot forward tt.(a bill, Marvin and Miaa Tillie and A von mere, · modHltd io deference to the oplniooa npre~aed they occupy a seat with Mrs. Willis, bla here on tho dob:ate on lu' JOar'a bill Would aiater, and Grousemoor. . It be •iae then. nolcu we •ere conyioced that

To thia Miss Flossie atJsents ; and find- the bill • .,. a miatako, to nppoao ita puuae ? ing Everett's "pal'ty, they all go ctown to- Ho tboag!a i~ would bo wiaer to fall ia with lhe g~tber to the "big restaurant upon the •iewa of the otbor Houae. partloalarly wbeo ground floor, that is noyr 'Closed to gen- tber were framed in accorifaooa •ith tboae u :-

-eral custom, and in which is plenty preaaed here on the aabject In~ aeuion T he l' tehtb of March ma7 be quite 11 good a date for

otroom for every one at the small tables. erJhog u the twelfth, bat •e bad oo\bio« to Here the yo~ Mias Follh1 makes JlOide ua to 1\ deoialon aa between tbe t•o datu

herself so agreeable. liright. and "Charm- ~eelog the tooth bad proved 10 aatilfaotoTr, be ing that both ladita and):fTouaemoor woald be disposed to 111low the Ia" to remalu u fa)l in love with her-conquests which It ia,ratbertb&n roo arter aometblog wblch pouibly please Phil greaUy, though h is watchful mar fruetrate iaatead of attalaiog tbe objeo~ we e1es can't help noticing that at~times the buo In ]:lew ; in other •orde be tboagbt it well g ll'l'& gaiety seems strained, no aelf ·'-· eeoagb alone Of ooa11e •e were ao' prepa.rod to

D.UO ear tbat the l2tb ot March woa't •ork well, aod were unhappy, but as if anxious d per- 11 tho Lower flou!o appeared ro be atroo~r io plexed. tbelr ct•lre to adopb thia date, he bellned · P.-rplexed when hie voice ~omea to her the CoaooU would be dolor rlrb' la aoqaie~loa

ear, for at auoh times her bJ1 etea aeum It wa• tmportu&. that barmru~toGJ relatlaDa t h ht th fi "" '- .~.. ... aboald em' betWHD Ule two Boa.... ud DO 0 a-ye oaug e ar-awa.T 00-U&A• more o011jeotaral or .neoalatlwe oplaiOUI would waa in bia when fint they met; anxious -r when shfl e}ances at the near-by table a' wamoa oa lo a coarae or aotloo wblob mlah&

"' diatarb &boae Nl-Uooa In tba' mw bt aap· which A von mere and her alater are leat- ~rted the btU He did not. howenr approu of ed inle&rDeet cOnversation, Mn. ~ •b• olaaM prohlbltla~ k11Uu1 till tbe 16tb, u be who e1ta with them, apparently devotint did not tbink we aboald tf~p•· men to bttak all her time to tbe IUpper. tbe Ia•, which 1'8 wotl14 do by allowing ateam-

To.ward the olol'e oftbe meal Mia JJes• lfra to aail oo \he 12th, •tllet tboy mi~bt poe4bly ' i•b· ~b • .. z f r1-- b" meet tbe aeale br the 12Jth or lo&tb,' aad Je& be

ste, w ' ~ a. IUr 0 prop u""ra 1~ pecu· proMbhed br the law fr-om ta\lug &hem till the liar to a.Pproaching brldee: wbisper1J: l6t~. He woald therefore prefer to Me tbat 'Grouiemoor,'take up Mf• Florence wlfb date pua ~»ck Mn. Willla; I want. w aay • ward \o·PhU.1 (To be oontbatd.) · 'Deltpted I' remuokt ibat nobltm&D, ancl ~o~ld do u be It .bid ~t' J\MeDce • t~N~e tobaoooi-apar• a_p la U.e pipe while IUddfnlJ I&JI : 'Ilt011 4~ ·~ct. 1'11 ..aiD,, whb liLlie oraotUot dploelou: 'llali 10 oy•io MnfltaJ"t''Q•I ~I 'i'atll dley •ued br Jbe addltloa or forelp matter to oome-up. I · I ••' to iW 'lta&Ucle a ........ ~&10tbe . OOCDbGatloD. \VIeD t~• patl'fol u.. -........d., . · u '' DOl tam~cl wllll aad It bM bMII ~.. llllll,,.,,. aahD ear• of,Lille oomboatlble forei•D

'Shall I waU fotJO.ur dh PbU. .,~aou,. PorIa~· ... Ill a Jo tbaa almo"

. ~.~ ~·-tbe.t'"*'.•oe;'....,. . .... klad ....... ID .... --r .... -- 1''.. fa ~ whtr .r· (liD ..,.., '.

• • I • 4 •

noth the method 'nnd rcsu\ts whm Syrup of F'igs is taken; it is pleaian' and ief'reshfng to the aofs gently yet JlrompUy on the • eys; Liver ru1d Dowels~ clean~ the ~· / ~m effectunlly, dispels ooids, head· aches and fevers and cures habitual constipation. Syrup of Figs is the only remedy of Ha kind ever pro­duCed, plcaslDg·to the taste and ao­eeptablo t o thq stomach, prompt in ita action ru1d truly beneficial in ita effects, prcp~tcJ. ocly from them~ . healthyana~reenblcsuootances, 1ta many_exccllcutqunliti~commendit to all and have m~dl) it the me>A popular remedy k nown.

Syrup of Figs is for sale in '1~ bottles by all leading druggist.. Any reliable druggist who may no\ have it on band will procure i~ promptly for nny one who wishet &o try it. Man~tured _only by the




HJPOphosphJtes or Lime od SodL

No other Emulsion Is so easy to take.

It docs not s.eparatc .nor spoil ·

It is always sweet as ~ream. The most sensitive stomach

can retain it:.


Scrofulous and Wasting Disenses.

Chronic Cough. Loss of Appetite.

Menta\ ar.d Nervous Prostrat ion.

General Debility, Btc.

Beware of~ i:~:itations. Ask tor I "the D. & L ." E:nals!on, and refuse . d t.!!lcr:.

I PRICE 50C. AND C1 P£1'1 IIOTT~r:.

NORTHERN A.ssura.nCe•

ESTABLISHED 18.84. LONDON: t,' M Oo"RGA!'B sn'llft; .. A:B.&RDEEN; 1, UNION TERRACE, -

I NOOWS AND l'mrDI (1887) ; n.r. Promiumt •••..••••.•• •••••••••••••• ~iON Ue Premium1 ..•••.••.•••••••••.••••••• Jet'..ooc» ln~reat ... ....• ••.••......••. ·"··· ' ····· ••• 1a,ocao I,OOQJDutat.ed Fuoda. ........... .. ... .a,ut,ooe


.l'he undertiAo~ il e&.~wered to e&ot ~ ' nranoee o~ all kin~• ot PMpert,' I.D Nnw touildland at current Rates of Premium.. 1\.

The above Compan1 i.e well known tor ltl l)­iberality and promptnea in eettlinal-.

Proepeotuees, Forma of A.ppUoadOD f• Fire and Life In1aranoe, and aU other 1 .. formation can be obtained at th~ oftloe ol

' . · -'.. 0. HAY:W ABD, h. loa'a,

~,_, ftJif NN~G••l•lw . W. H. TBOIIPSON, . r.

~A~ ftW H.nor .........

CARD l .

WILCIAM R¥ AN~· -. Custom Tailor. · · ·

8au.taot.loa uad a CJoocl J'U Guuuteecl • • l!aop neD door w etnW•'• ~ ........

- tabUtbmeat


Page 4: Xxxlii (TWo DOJUBS PD ·Pn.)C(l!.RRENT IN THE OITY. (Special to \'&e Btu~ard) ST. Jon's, TBU AJTnlfooM



. r I\• · l•b•. iraw . lt-b•~ . --.di)-

CONCBP'l'lON BAY ADV/lR'l'IBBR. .................................................................... ~ .................. ~""--·.y~·-·-TUESDAY, MAY 19. lBn.

~~, .................... -........... ,...,.... ... ,~.....,.,.,., .... ~ ...... -........... .,.,.,..,.,.,.. ... n. ooaota .Aot-Dijeott4.1

TnT thoee penou. h~re and elaewbete, apoke trnly when ~he1 ad~ tba" 10 far u &be permanent ImpOrial -oo.rolcin Act waa ooooerned, there waa nothing to be gained by haaty legialadon ; . that ~here ~ere many weigbty reuou, tberefo~ why1t would be well for our LegitlaLure to post!>One 'be con· pj,!oration~.the _Bill Cor 11.t leut· ~noth\'r sea· cion 1-thu, we aay, hu lately noe1ved einpba­tio col't'Oboration. The Bonre of Auembly, early on Saturday morning, declared-in· a manner that left no' the alighteet room for uoubt.=-ita unqaalified disapproval or the obnoxioua measure, then up for second read­ing. The reault which &be vote on t-hat oc· cuion revealed waa one more than enough to otUJe a good deal of aurpriae i for, though eome p~ple ~ay have anticipated tho defeat of the Bill • there were very few who ·were prepared f~r auoh an QVerwhelming majority as waa then seen. This wu aufficient to ahow, beyond all queeLion, that lht' Bill. WJS uot one which bad ~~Uy commended 1tllft' to publlc mind. The very reverse, rather I

The Ja~ vote on per~nent Coet· · cion Bill wu ·tbe crucial vote of the adlllion -in thia ~tsnae that, namely, as a self-govern· ing Colony, Newfou~dland bsd preserved a rigb~-if to ~olbing elae, at. Jeaa.t to. express her grievanCe, and m~k~ con~tltattonal ap· peal. llo~d 01.1~ LegiehLto~ on Sa turda7 morning oeued aoch/. Btll aa ~he above, this most-;ao;ed~yiVould have lllsnced for all time to·come our impottanitiea a~ Down­ing Street ban left the Ftenob uodilltarbed in the p~~ceal)le poeeueion of their preaent prepoeteroul claims, and bava allowed New·· foundland to continue to be, u ah,e hu been in the past., .· ·ibe apo~c. or hiato~c miafort.ane.' Happily, the late sensible aohon o£. our A~­aembly baa aueJ the Cvlony from thtl'~alamt· tooa event. Tlfat in so doing it aoW!d wlaely­in a manner that. will commend it.aelf to the common aenae of by far grilltett n~mber ; -thill cannot be queetionttd (or one lDit.ant.

We publlth. elaew.bere a fall reP?t t or. the proceec.lings ~11 toe A~emiJly_. on Fr1day ntght and Satur~.ay morntogr wh~oh tr~pired !n oonnection with ~be secona rea•hng of an.d the final vote up(>n the O<Jercion Bill. Tbl8 il posae1111ed of a peculiar intereab at the present time. · ------IT 1a uro to heurd the remark that there baa not tor mt.ny years put been a .neon when the local 6ahermen bu been earl! enough out on fishing grounds io t.bus n oighborboo:l. That ia to aay;in other word&, when he w&B found ~here ' waiLing for the fieh' (ae vernacular baa it.), but when, on tbu


contrary, the fi11h was there wniting fer him-ready almost to be caught, eo open• mouthed and l"OraciOUI had it become, aft~r the cold, long, hungry wintor and late epring month&. All this, we make bold tony, ad· mite of little, if any, doubt. ·

We are aware t.bat the common cornplai~~ oft raised here b11s heen-and unfortunately yet. ia-' want of bait,' rooro I ban s~.ucity of fi~h. But tbia,in "large number or lnAt.ano~s • . might have been obviated, bad thG proper 1teps been adopted, ant! a little mo.ra push and foreaigbt shown, No determined a~­t elnpt, 10 far ae we know, wu ever made to meot the <lra" back. Fiabermen on the Weatern Shore, it must be admitted, ·are more cazwr. 'iP tho a bovo rt'f'JJeot t han arc ours here. 'Rareiy if ever are they ca~ght napp~n,, to far a'l tbe indispcnmble arttclo of batt 11 eoncerned, durtdg the winwr and ~pring

itha. Tbey alwaya tl'ke Lbe precauttoD to

rd ag ainst the oonti~gency by providln,R maolvo• with & eut.stt~uto that aeldoru, 1£ , to1ilt them. That i11 either clnms or

. Ktela, or-what ia equally 1\S good i~ not · better-a capital bait maie of the. entra1h1 of

anim&la cut into £lur "Ttqaired etze for the needed•! 'PDrpoBe. By t bis aimple, easily • ,at akble,' very excellent a11betitute, good quanti~ .. or liab ate . often eec.ured-at .a aeuon oftlle ytar, teo, when bemng or equtd or caplin is not to be bau. Could n.ob our h ardy ~ilera here learn a let110n tn t he a bove aireclion from their enterprilling, for­eeeing W eat.ern Sbo~e confrerbl 1

.- -w• ~ }D,e oar nawb to UJ OD WI ra&ber ~rtan' mat~, lD the 6ra' · plaoeltbu dlt prlaolpal promo&er of &be big undtnakiDI-M•Jor Olarke-li of the opinion Lb~ the Orof* Baataruloo ProJeo& aAd the eatabllabment oC die Commercial Compaoy, under &he 0011ditl0D1 relerted to on Friday, are pan of the one sr-t IOheme­tba" D&iDely, (1) or the -~emlll' of Lh' Ooloniate on &be eeaooaito£Vanoounr lalaod :Sritiab O.)lumbia;(2) the aupplying them ,ttb euitable employment; and (S) tbe proYidlng the 6ah :.'llen with adequate faciUtlee for marlr:eti11.... ,their fiab.

Well. iflen in order to lbe attainmect of the l~L: m~ntipned object, Lbe ayodicate. propoaea to build and eqaip in the above Provinoe a fleet ol ateamera wUh cold ator­age comp\itmenta Cor the pnrpoae of taking tho freeh_,!ali away. from the liabermon, and conyeyins.h by a aya\em of cold ato~ were. bouaee to the poin' where navigatlOI' enda and rail van~portatien begin• ; and t~en, brinsh!g heir project into fall oper~hon, w~ll aend ~e ftab to the· marketl of the co~· tinent d-elivering it to. the oonaamera tn practi~lly the aame condition w~en caught.

Major• ''~rke, we obae"e alao, l8 nty pro nounced -.a:· bia viewa in the above regard i he is of the firm conviction-wl\ repeat it-­that the Crofter Emigration projecb and the eatl'bliahment of ' the Commercial Oompany, with the neeeaaty capital (live mUiion dol­lars) a re ut~auettionably parta of the one great aoheme • th~t · moreover, in point of fact, neither' would be of any uae without &be· other; that )otb are indiaPf'naa~le if IUC08fl is t.o crown 1 be ·undertaking. The Major, In a word, ia p ,rauacJed ~bat the Qroftor ae~~lera, without tb.;p:>dlpany, woul~ probably either etaruc or a~ beq Iaffer many ~d arteYOUI hat'debipa ~ .bre they. became proaperoua and independent. Therefore, it Ia maintained that it woul« be abaard to think: even of ea .. tablishlng "·· great ftab oompany. like the a\:oYe is hoped to b~me, until llt;ll~ble pro­.vieion were made to bribg into Brtt~h Ool­ambia a hartly and a ~kilful populahon, that could be depended on. -

So abow b·ow ready, Ind. eager, the Gov ' ernment of f..he nelabborlDJ Dominion ia to (oeter and ~arage enteryriaet taob aa the one in ~ueat .on, it ia but neceuary CO olte the aigni~.:sant r ct that, vis., aomo of. &.be meu· urea lately )JUI8d br ~ho Canad .. n Legiela· ture made uitable proYUioD, ~among other neqeeaarJ rettaiaitel, lor the altcoellfu.l pro­seoation of the deep-aea 6sh&rlet-"thua aeL· ting an eu,-,ple which pOal4 with advantage be followed . >1 the law-make.-. of tbe oldeet colony, the ~pendence or whoae people, it may. be said, rea\1 almoat wholly upon the un-. oor tain, preaariona aea. ·

· The lmpt lal .autboritiea, it is worthy ot, remulc, ba\IJ expreeaed their -..illingneas to < Dct>urage tl e emiptioo pt<'jeot afore .. id in a moat aabs~ntial mt.nner-tbey hue agreed to advance ~e mCiney (about $150,000 ater• ling) neoea ·y to bring oat. the croftera and 11ettle them · omfortably, and long before th& time comes ~or ~~t\lrning i~, . it ia . ~:~xpeote4 the provincr (Bnttlh OolumblA) wtll be re. oouped, bott · directlJ and indirectly hr what it .may have· done to aotlle the immigrants and develop•tbe deep sea fieheries. The' set, tletnent ach, me ia to be epread six y~~ara 50 families"·being brought oat the first year; Rnd the auv~nC61 from the Imperial Govern­ment are to"be matte in three aeparate inatal menta of $2~0,000, at 8 per cent, in\ereet.

The tboagltt mu here oconr-_Ooald N~w· foundl•ntl,,. ·.th any hope of hav10g her w1.1b grati!led, 1\ 1c to t'tie Imperial authoritiet Cor aaaiatance to,Aards the iultlaLioo of any pto· ject aucb u Lhe above 1 Ab I Could abe' now, we ,,...,der 1 -------, BOW TODRIVB.

But at thil aeaaon of the year a anb1titute •uoh :, the one referred to is not even oeoeuary. ll'or plump fre1~ herring. wh.ich t uu ootl deady !ova, ia uow, aud •hdtloJ •l•tS

b n for ~owe time p111t, to be bad uec& 1n goodlf'~fianmy. S lrange .u it may . aeem, e ten tU• bu not. prom euf!lolen• to tnduco ouf 10011 ftahHJr.e:n to ven,ure out. on Lbe Rtoandl, and aeek to Clpture the flab at preMnt to tM, (oand thete In f&.ir abundauoe. We reare' that h ahould bo neoeuary. t:> ad• drell ~lnclly •ord of adYict w our hardy llften6c in regat:~to a maLter wbiob . 10 oloeely ooooerna l au~ tbe_ir families. We •eulare, howe e lo put tb11 one qau· ~~ totbem, yfz: H o often bu ib happened, la tWNsperieDoe that time Joe~ at the beainniDg of the &tbry ooold neYer ,_. "'repi!!ttld. ror wlw»le ...aon ; that .u DO ·diM aubleqnentl7 were the 6th 10 pleollfl 10 euily oaaaht. .. they were end coal4 • . ._ la tbi MODtbt of Al.ay and

J ... t Wlaat U.. 11nfort.W11te ,..Jt wu, .... ._ t.o tell &bem-tbeJ bad t.o

... ,,.."".._ wldl Lbt belt 1'10!., ooald ~=:.~J:!!t tltoolcl ~ •Sott ..... -•"'~~at•,_. •. reftrJill to OOD .. t.o dW ADF ,.. .......... aia/f/1~ ltG

4 tab fl oftla IDI41I wlda tile ..,_...,, .How JDUJ .... JOn will .. a drlnr lrJIDI to ... a ll&tlelplljl oa• ol btl b0111 tbat II obllltcJ ~ 10 bl~ Ucl laoblallq ...... IIIDpiJ btoaut lae II dell gp eo'tla'b~tb&& Ill OUDOt ~~If. Wb• 1tandlaa ud tilt an.. are llaiPtentd. ttaue ~ be about IOOID eDOQta for a naall boy ~ ora•l Ul~b bttw.D -'• bont aad breeobloa anp. :a, trill &bn oan)' you fuUaer

fukr,· ud do " wUb ·- •fort. tUn .,., notbiDf to rr.•rtla ·

lo' takloa you .. , ln &be waa1011 do uo• try to llt down, Uke a lady' lo a Vlcrtorla. bot aU erect. allowlq &lae ICDall of ,oar baok to red qaloa' the cublaa, ••d belad • trifle forward Place th , .. , out aplaet the .... ., ud do oot orawl-tio~er til• ..... oeuelo1 'be kn .. lo oome ia coat&c• wl'b f.b• cbha. Wnp •b• lap ~obe ueatly abou• fOil, aad aee that no pari Ia bang­log out of &be. wagoo. Wbea the linea are tan& ban tbe baada ou• to ~"1 tbe elbow about tbreelocbea from tbt body, no• up to/our cbla wbert you oould DOt lbO'rttD JOUr bol laatanUy. oehber ba'ft dlem ex~ a& arme' leo,ua, ••· eboold your borae tab a H"l• bold, you oanaot poilu bard or uloag. RiJgtd Ia thi• maauer, yoor borae Ia comfodable, you are ready for aoy emergeDCJ aod comfortable youraelf, beeldel' mekiag a aood eppearaooe, wbl.ob . about i be takea ioto oolialdera\loa lo tbl.l u well u lo otber tblop. '

'1 bere Ia oae tu\e wblcb; I& followed, will al wa1.,1 be aaocee~ul aod \boo~b •It Ia old wlll . do to repea\ bar,. I• Ia oallid • Tbe Bone··· Prayer';

• Up bill bortJ 011 no•, Dnwa hill worry roe ao,, Oo tbe lhel .apare me oo~. A ad Ia the barD forge' 111' aot.'

• t

J)eparture of the Bev ;r &. ll:vana for the United St&tea -'!'be 'Rn J ArtbQl' Evaoa of Spaniard'• Bayleh

by,\J)Ia moroloa'• tralu for BL John'e, where he tet'M PIIUiitlo the 8 S Ccuplan lo·mOrl'O• for Heltimote Tbeooe ba 10" aouth to a Pariah lu &be Olooe .. of 'darflaod Dariua bl1 be year'• retldeooe amODp\ Ul, lbt reYertod llltDUtmao bad made mao)' frl11d1, oo\ ooly let Boanlud'• Bsy bot In tblalowo u well The well-wlabee of all will follqw blm to tbe DIW fteld of labor oa which be le about to eoter • - .

Prnloua .to bla deP,rlnre from Spsolard'e Bay be ••• preteDted with tbe fo\lowiaa

ADDR~: · • Spartiarttl Bay, 16t1a May 1892,

To TBC It&T. J . A. EV4d. . Rcv&aDD uo Dua Sra.-

W e, tbe reatdanta or~tatd'• Day berl••1• r•peotiQIIJ to approat\ yoo, pqpa~tory to your leaflo'e Spaalerd'IBay'for aoo&ber Oeld of la~oor, &q optDlfj-tlpreu oar profound re~ret tlaa• .tbe frleadly aod aplrltaal rilattooa th' bavt for oeal'ly roar yaan ad"td ba,weeu 111, are oow to be aevered. , ......

TbOGfll WI aaUoiP'4s your daparture from our ~~~' lor 10111' t111ft .put, Y•' we earn .. tly hoped •be palafu) ·IIYfnDQe would Qot come to P¥1 ; bqt wbfD JOG ro..,.~\f aaaoaueed (rom the palpl' tba_- JOaf c!epartare from amnnA'It 111 wu deoNed oa1 &he oa1ett of bo~ wblcb we 10 vainly olo~ to,..l'trt ~...,.._ bJ the alow of eonow whleh eUIIlapecl "- ooogreaalloa.

Since yoar adwtD' •qtoop~ 111, you hue dle· pi•J~d aDLitlq en~ruln elfaoUoa lmprovemeote Ia thte mlteioa ·-r ·

T be Parhb Ctiorob wblcb, wbea you U.otned tbe lnoumbeDCJ, wu In a mo•• dllapldaced ooo · ditioo. b.u under your eoer_geho aupervl•iou, glvea plaoe to a 'Jooet magolftoeat aad com modi· oualy buill edlftpe . ·

'fbi• It It oee~l .. 1 to uy, will ,taad aa a last­log monumea• of yo·ar ual and piety for maDJ yeara after tbe p~pl•of to·day ban nnqaitbed from the aoeae

Your untiring auldulty Ia tbe dlaobarge of your aacred fuootiooe, aod the lively loureat vou have evor evinced io promoting our •pi ritual and temporal welfare, bave elicited (rom all eucb •n appreciatloa of yoar aenleee &I we cannot flad word• ftdeqoateiJ to cs:pre111

We regte• tha~ the time i.e Inopportune to prouD~ you w1~4 a t.~lblt memento of our elacere regard ror yoa, - but . we bea you will take the will forlt~~ deed. auCI we fctl ouovlocad tba~ yoo •ould lro"ler take wltb yoa the remem­bru oe o[ 1looe~ aad bearlftlt alfectiO'l. t han all tbe floe tlil;aa• lba' 'be des:teritt of 'be Artiflosr cao ~u\1 ,

Tba' •• aball alwan be able to look back wltb pleased anCl toad NIDIIIIbrauce of Ult JUri rou bue 10 · fAHbfallJ laboured amoo&wt a1, 1011 wltbout llJ1Di. and tba' yoa may hue a eafe puuae to JOOr dutloatlon, aod lll' loog 1pared to labour lo ·the Muter·• Vineyud for wbieb you are . 10 well oboua1 11 the elncere prayer of yo'lr ctevoted parl.lblonerr Jame• Yooog, Abram Barret,, (l D 8Qoiru,

Ellaba Barret,, Jamu Bll\obloae, \'lil llarn Go11e (of Sol), Geora• Oolliu) William Jewer, E•• Goett, Na\b Cblplllt.D, Jobo Nell, Jobo SbepparCI a)· George Got1e (of Jobo). Reory Shepptr lltrber~ <lo••e Jo­sl'h ~,.e, J, ~ Shepp d , Abraham Oollloge .. Timothy ~ OQJUuga \VUhalll Borter, William flatobin1Jt, -'.amee Go••· 8Qiomon Gone, &rtbolomaw. Goue, A1Dbr01e Hotoblop Joba Sheppard, Jobu CJlipma~SI)!omoo Cblpman, Riobard B-.rlfl· SteJlli n Gone, • Jeue Holte, Natbaolel Gosae, Jae b Goeae, George lintObl~Jq•, Richard Golll& (of Nath) Wm C:io .. l) (.of Nath), I:Jllu Gosae. Levi Shep· pnd. ' Heorr J o"fer, Gilbert Oo11e, J ames

· ~oae:hme•'liluobluea,Jobu Colllo•'(or 1'im) Q10r111 NoMworlhy, JoDAtbaD Sbeppard, Wm Noat1fo¥bJ, Richard Ooeee, 6eo No~t­•ortby, Rloblrd Nell, Pblllp Vokly, Gtorae Hu&o~IQJI (o! cteo), aod 67 o&ben

.,.J s a I •• I ... !$5

-04 Dlt-'tlrba~ on fewer 'ban 6Ye Nor wectan ateamera and oue .En1U.h ooe Intend ned aeuoo · toillnaaae to the NewfouDclland S.l l'ltbery.·•IW:l'bil .Jhoalcl make our ·Leg• latatora heli&Me aacl ponder well befon QD­

doly ' lwaperiqa Ule tadaatry wlth Jepl re· *'.o"OI!Ir ··,. :.

n. Defeat of tiM Ooeroloa Bill · ln the Houe Ot .&.~ae~Uly --

wheD tbe lloUM opntcl lut en•lotr. ud &lae order to admit atnuaen wu rt•••· &bere ,.. tile..,....., naala fot .. la ItA &Ilia ...too. Tbe afallablt pllll'J apaoe wu lakeD np lo be lllloulee, aDd below ata•n aaodla1 room oould Do• be obtalatd. . Iallde Ute bar all Ute cbaln ware taken aod •••o &OIDI of tlae •••btra' ..... were atilfsed by cltl&tDI. aDd.,.. aot obl.-cl io Amoaa P,e l)romloaot ol&JitDI ·p, Dlld• lba bar. were Rev. Dr. Ryao~Be•. Dr. Pilot. BeY. C. H. O'Neil, BeY, Anbur Wood, Rn. W. P. Dootoey, Be•. W. C. 8beara., Bou. A. W . Harvey. Capl Claary"-~· D . Sb..:· J . Harril. M. Dee Jelee. l'bomu 'ldltcbeU. Jamea Baird, J. J . O'Rielly. Rev. P . W. Browo, P. J. Boo&l J. BrowoluR, W . P . Wal1b,. J. R. McCowan. Mr. McD->tJR&ll, P . D. Wblta. J. J. Wlokbam, W. L . Doooelly, JobD tlarvey, aad maoy otbera Wben the Hou11 opeoed Mr. Greeae look tbe floor ~d apoke for an boor. Be weal over tbe whole f(fouod aod pointed out tb•• there wu· no ueeeaaity for \be bill at preseo._ aad even If we •ere forced to pau It or accept the altern•· tiYI of tbe tbreateued coercion of Great Britain, it would be fit better for oa to acoept tbat coo· dillon of alfalra tbau to forcre oar own abecklea. He wu followetl bv Mr Mori1oD who alao da· uoouced tbe bill. Mr. Morlaou quoted exteoeln­ly from the Freocb Sbore cortoepoodeoce aod made eome telllolf polute In favor or votiDR down tbe bill. Mr Webber followed; and tboogh be favored tbe bill he matt be admired for the plack which mtde bir.1 a dare-detll advocate of tbe vlew·e whlob be could not bot have howo were oupepular Mr. Sbea fo.llowed lo a •hort eud closely reaaooedapeeoh, In wblch bf111bowed tbat the bill ebould not b&-llooeptt~d. Mi Mnr­ray aes:t 1poh . Huald the Go .. ramea•-woald not, thoogb they eb·oald. make a party meuare of lt. He wonlti dl•aat from Mr. Bood'e ameod· meg.L u be dido' ' waot the bill es:teoded but ~il1ed. and would therefore move hl1 owu ameud­·meot for the aix montbe' hofet Tben came Mr. Morpby, Ia a epeecb wblcb bad ao earne•• rio~ abont I' He ~aid, Ia elfeot, that thla coaotry bad too loolf been made a pawn of to eoll Im­perial polltlca\ es:leeoou, aod If Great BrtteiD did not maolfeat more iotned lD our welfare tbau eb\l doea at preaeot It wonld be mach better for ber to Jet ue work oat oar owodellllny,la wblcb eYeot we O')n\d be protected by the alan end •trlpee, Ria apeecb wu eotboelutloally re­cel~e~. wblob ehowa ths etate of public feelioe at preeent Then Mr. Tbompeoe-epoke. al•lasr a very a~o1lble rnlew of the po1ltloa. and epeak­iog IWO~IJ aaaloet tbe bill. Mr. Woodford came oext l'l't-- brief apeeob. paltlae bl1 oplolon1 plainly on tbe matter,. 'l'bete wu no oeceulty

.'for pauing tbe bill at prtllnt. aod be woald. vote atralebt ago&lust &be Mooad l'eadlor llr, T.U csme· nut, ftnd ebowed that be bad beld a coo­eilteot poeitlon from the bealoolae. baring apoken asraioct even aeudlng a delegation Ia tbt ftret day• of coerolco. 'The Sn"eyor .General allo made a IJOOd epeecb Ia wblcb. while be re­~retted to vote apiad the l're et be wu lefl no alternative if be wonld be true bl1 COD· YloUona eod j 11at to bia eeoaa of boo , boaeaty and patriollt'D. Mr. Whiteley took bigb round, and uld tbie country ebould never aooept aoy Coercion Bill, es:cept under the atroosre•t proteat aud nner ceaaa to agitate till the foot of the , foreigner wu lifted from the 10 oalleti Freoob ~hore T his finhhed the r.-gular epeakera; t he Premier ro1e to cloae tpe cue aud made It look macb better tban it w., before. Bat all the aophistry Ia th9 W'>rld oooldo' t malte tl.Jo Dill 11caepbble. Mr Morino ha'd...auotber forclbl1 11peech, lo which he ~otieav>red to remove mach of tho lmpre11ion prodoced. by the Premier. 'l'ben tbe Premier epolte agalo, and amid the deepeat eileuce Ia t he Hon11e, withdrew bie ameodmeut. Mr. M'>rioo obj~oted to thtt 1fith­drawal wu.bou~ thA c?n!ant of the l!cuae, bat, a fte r a time, wltbdre'l' his objection to the with­drawal. On ~ir. Morohy roae and objected to the withdrawn\ o£ tho Premier's bill, on the @round tba& men ehoold etand in tbe open on this queetlon, and elolc or fall by &beir recorded vote.Mr. Webbor and Mr.Dalf j!)ioed Mr Murphy in tbie; the motloa tberofore 11ood [Bare . tr Murray movetl en ameudmeut oa hlr Bood'1 ameodmeat, to tbe tl!~ct tbat tbe bill get a eis: montbe' holet ; thla Wl\t loet on. d lvl•loa] Boo Uolooial Seoretuy propoaed &be followiog amendment \~uus.-l<~e Legielature of tbla Colony

did oa tbe 2itb d•y of March, 1891, appoio& flva of lta.q~eq~bera aa a delesatlQa to proceed to Eaglaad' (o Jay before &be Brltlab Parllamea' aud people the reatoua of tbil Oolooy for OP· poelng tbe ..-lealelatloD beoa11b' forward by tbe Imperial Goveromanl lo refereoce to the Freoob Treetlu qaeetloa :

ANo, Wueaus,-It w11 retolved by thl.l Lfg. lalature tbat wboo " majority of tbt a lid dele · aatea eboald d'~tree to any basis of arraneemeat aod aettlemeot, tbe nid delegation aboald re· oommeod ll . to tbe LeRl•lature, aud tbat eaob member of the deJeptiOD ebouh\ be bOUDd bJ tbe dcolalon of a m•jMity: · • AND, \VR&IIEAS.-A dttfereuoe of opinion bu tnl1ea betweeo tbe uid delegstea ~d the Leala· latur!l h111 b •d a maj >lity and minority repor' pJIIe~ted for. He qoo-ideratio:> ;

Aso W!!o:nua,-Th& bi!l no" before tbe HolUe ..tot~ not prn•ltle for tbo payment by­Great Hrltaln or OOIDpPDtatiCIIO doe to peraODI "bo rnl'yeoffer by the euforo!meoc of tbe T reat lee . tbo modu4 uu:e ,(;, and tb:1 At bt~ralion Award. provillon loJr which olmpanMtlc.o ~~ ioaleted upoo by l l.!e Merqub S li•hnrr wl.!oo opeal:iog In the Hoo•e of L,rdi co th! 2!lth dRy of May, 1891, to fleA oonditlou pre~dent to •h• eaao&· meo' of ooy permaoent Aot by tble Leelalalllfe;

ANo Wncuu,-1'11• bill aow beloN &be Ho..- '- DQHoofptabla to tbt .. Ho:110 1

A.No; Wacaua.- Tbe Leaielatore d id. oo tbo 80th day of May lu': ·put a tam,pONl'J blll to eoable Her llhjeety:. <;overamoat to carry luto effect ol)(leaemeuta whb France reap.aUua fJ•beri11 Ia Newfoundland dorlojt the per1od of a ogouaLloua foL· the eettlomaut of ditftcottiea con• oaroloa &be Treaty Sbora , •

AJD Wauus.-lt l• provlded 'bat &be aald aohbalf cooUoilt lo foroe qalfllq\ll Uae tacl of

-lfoUalat~_r; dane lD Lbe ..,., of Np&IJIQ -~hclNhOOMr'Jl"' JV. Brrtillt~ w)lToU. 8Mb lyl~ on the Slip here •lnoe Wtdalitd•r r.u. I• II DO' lnson wbe'~ tile aclerwtltiM'I wUl npa1r ber, or

1893, aqd DQ l011pr j • A•o, Wa&RIU,~ Tbe eald aerotlatlona tD&J

OOOGPl a l.oopr period thaD a• ftnt aDtlolpUtd I & u Raolwd,-Tb•• &bla .. iball QDdtttUII

to e:ntad cbe optnt.ton of &be Ao• tD"&led, '' Arn Ao~ for tbe pttrpoee of Olft'Jin~r ID&o tleo& ..•tt whh Fraaoe nep10dA1 Jillalllll Ia Ne-wfoaDdlaadl' for a fanlltr ptrlo4 of two J•n ftoiD tbe nplntloa &btr.or, 10 11 to llord llat tell btr. . • for flllltr :-t'l•ll~· •

Bill calif ~t.ia• -~ lartb• ·oould• ....... or tbt 11 ~,_.., -. tt• fa. to I ,...t ...... . . MM _. 111611

• Rota~~~, wlUla Ylew to aldJDt Ber llajlltfl Gcwen•nt Ia PMOUiq a latllfaotorJ eohatloa of .aa eXfetiDJ diSoah ... .

'1'1111 &ellldiDtDt ... ourltd ., • rite of tWtDtJ·tWO to tlcbt ID other WOftll. ....,_ two nltd aolaat .,..._caP-t Bin, u4 .tabt yo-.d for lt The Prealar'a BIU.,.. ,....,._ fon loe& a .... are the -·of tb~ who YOltcl aDd how t~ Yoled ~-

For-8lr William Wbiteway. Jlr, WeD• ber, Mr. D~, Mr Studdy, Mr. Fox. Capt. Dawe. Mr. Bothwell, aud Mr. Daft'. •

AqaiM-Hon Mr Bond, Mr Greene, l(r •. , Morine. Mr. C~y. ·Mr. Morison, Mr. Shea. Mr Bolla, Mr Murray, Mr Tbomp­•on. Mr Murphy, Mr Peyton. Mr Wood­ford, hon Mr Woods, Dr Tait, Mr White-ley ,hon.'Mr Morria,Mr Gearin. Mr Burgea, Mr White, bon M~:. O'Dwyer, Mr Hallaren, Capt\ Blandford, and...Mi Clift. ~beo oamfl wue called:aod the renltJan­

nouootd. •be Hou'MI aad audleooe cheered .... tfnulutlcally So tbe posUioo now Ia that there­will be oo dlacuuiolf oo tbe aubj@Ol of a per_,. maaeot biJLoatlltbe year 1898-Colooiat,MaJ 1'

Local and other Items. ' -Gooo 5--;;~sa,-There wu a aood alp of fl•b •' Flatroob and oeigbborbObd &lila mona• lull'. Some of &he boat. early oo &be • ~rrouod ' aeoored balf a qulatat to a qalatal each. Old tollere of the tea tbere predict a good ebore flebery tbl1 IIUOn.-Tdtgram of Saturday.

-PAn-Ko On THE ".EeQunu.ux·s" ouw­Mr .. Jemee Balrd'e offioiala were to-day ·eD~tSftd paytug olf aome of the crew of tbe S S Eeqalmaax Tbe amoaat made In the two trip• u figured by tbem ye•terday, i1 oue hundred' aod eleveo dollara aad tb irty.flve ceuta (111 86). 1'belr abare would bne been macb roore were I& not tba• aa immeoae deduotloa had to be made for dama$(ed 11llloa. yjz_ : •ix thouaand ei~ baadre~ dollara (16 600) . Oae tboaaand 11ala of the ftra' trip were brooabt O:lt on tbe ~eoood trrp bat afterwud ooaoted aod 6aortcl with the Sre• trip.-TeZ.gram, Mag 1-l.

-A correapoodent of tbe Btrald from St. Jacqaea uya, tb•~ • Herrta~ a.e plentiful bat n h OleleM to talte tberu .. tbe Caoadlao ~Dd s•. Plnre market• ere oloaed ·~•ltllt 01, and ibey cauoot be •old loS' Jobo'a. Sa. Pierre le onr. etoolted, bwrrlor ara goln'~r from all dlreotlooa, tile Freacli are eappiJia~ tbem1elv11 from td&jldalen lel .. d• by American 1cbn wblcb bavt rlgb& of fteblofr lbere. Lota of bel'riDIJ are be­lue emuagled In from Newfoaodlaad. We oould l.Jave all tbla trade, •• our berriDf . are mucb 'better aod frtaher thaD that bronrb• Ia. from Non Scolla or France.' ---EtrnllT.ltNKDT.-Tbe poplla' of Staotay Street Scbool are to glve an eotertalamen& ou Toeaday eveolog DeJ:t, 24tb lut·, Ia sa Paol'• Hall. Tbe proar&a~me, Ia tbt praparatloD of wblcb coollderable paloe b..,e been taken, wUl coo•l•• of tbe 0111al dlelojlnll, aoa1i•, aorJ otber iotereatlni' pleoea· Mlea Martlo bu cbuge of tbe pupil•. aud we bavt DO doob& her paioa will be amply repaid. Tho price• aro-cbaira, 80 cent•; frou& aeate, 20 oeata; back aeat.e 10 .ceota.

--GooD Wou,-Tbere anind at PlacenU&. op Frid'y tbe Baohr 1 rinitg from the vicinity of Slble lall\nd Sbe eecured, in t"o daye 6ablog, 1 i O quiotalt She loet two aocl.Jors aod part ot o11ble Captain Buron reportt flab uoprecedeui· etily plentiful on the Cape 8& Mary'e Shore Fieblo~ prospect• at Plscbptla tbe put wtek hue beeu cbe~riog, but beniuga were eomewba' eoaroe. owlo~r ro euterly wioda .

-STILL Tnu Go.-Yeeterday morning'• train took out fifty fine, active youag men and women, the roaj o~ity ot whom are bound fl)r the <Treat Republic. The party belonged to C"rbonearjRiverhead, H. G.,tbe balance to tht. place. Hal'bor Grace at pl'ellent ia 1~­ing the draln-~he exodaa of previous yeant having more affected other Jocalitiea than this. Most certainly it ia a aigni6oant oom· roentary on the proaperity ' of the country to l&e so many young men leaving i~. Where they find lucrative employment there they will likely aetUe down.

-TJUJIOIS AISOLUTU.T ~URa>.-A OtDtlt-· man wbo cared bi!DieU of Deafat11 111d Note. Ia &be Read of a , •• ,.. ltADdlna by • DtW matbod, will be pleaaed to Mod fpU partfoulan ''"· Addre• HEIUIEnT CLtrroN S. Sbepbert\' .. Place, Kennlo~ton .. Park, Loodoa, 8. E.~E•g· ZW. Prblt•r.-llw, -HOKI Coal fOR Durn&s-A book by a DOted Aural Sur,.oo, deecriblug a IJitllll of cnrioa DeafDttl · a~d NoiMI lo tbw Head, by wblcob a 11Jf•care Ia elfected a& boote. The Rn D.'W. R Harlock, of the Paraoo•, Milton-onder· '\\•ycb. ~ wood. wrltea-" Try the l)'ltem by all- mea111 l' Ia 6ret-rate-, ud baa beea of the tthrl9fl ,.,u, i) to me" Po1l free (d.-De Vere & Oo., Pub~ lllbere, ~2 Warwick lADe, Loolloo1 &.C.-Ql"

Ttl& PlOPLs's FtaUtos JOUBlfAL, the creat Story and Family Paper, 82 parea, lArgM~ l'eaay Paper In Eoglaod. Splaodld Stonet, Cocula Cuuloll•· Childro1u'e • ad Bouaebold C\llatlloa, Sma:ot llluetntloot, El\cbaoao Cotomn. 6raJ?b• olo~ry. Grand Premium•. Gt'1!1\t. Advert111o~ Medium, ld., of all New-.uutt aDd Smltbli 8'-ll•; pos' free, td. froiD 69, Newmaa Street, Loodon, W.-JulJil, lr,ti~

COKI17KPTIOif OU&ID.- 4p :)J. i'b,.WU H. &Ired from praotlot. bad plae.d la btl bl.. bt an ~ lnl\lu ~lato~a'1 &be foraaqla of a lim• pie ••table remedy lor the ~ ud per­maaeot CUt'& of Couumptlon, Brooobltfa, O.torrta A.albma, aod all Tbf()lt aod LllOJ Ateotl~ alao a poaitt'"e IJJd radical ouro for N"rvoua D~ btlf')' aud all Ntrrooe CotQplablta. UaTU11 Mete4 h• WODdtrlal Ollradn P"OII ID ~Jb or =r..~ddf:..~~.:;:!':' .. ,-: ~~ = ·~ O...·J'itliob tr ............ fait --forpt~~ .......... .,,_

!~r.~~~~~ )~~':. r.:: ...... Wbt ... er 01 ...... Mll ir b .. D ........

tlkt OD Hlfl ~ t Meilt~ elllp, .. ..... ~ ...... ..,........ -~

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