
VOLTIME IV.NO. 428. CHARLESTON, S. C., TUESDAY MORNING-, JANUARY 1, 1867. PRICE Tmm rnSfrTS " ' TELEGRAPHIC. Our Cabio fitina telles. PAULS, Docciiibor SI.--T.etsers dated from Mcs- sorah, ii; Abyssinia, slate (hat tuc English Consul; Cameron, Jlr. Bossau an-.l their friends, known for some years as the Abyssinian capt ives, who had just been released from p. protracted imprisonment, have been again ironed by ord >f the Emperor Theodore. TRIESTE, December SO.-A íiüni.sterial crisis is reported at Athens ou tito 24th. Goveimnont af¬ fairs aro in a troubled and excited condition in Greece. Money very scarce, and pay of all State officers four mouths overdue. Comm, December 2G.-Four British war ves¬ sels provisioned herc and sailed for thc coast cf Candia. Tho insurrection ia Thessaly. fomented by Greece, is gaining headway. The Greek Colonel Vclias leads tho insurgen'?. LONDON. December ai.-It is stated that Adrri- ntl Goldsborough has ashed permission of his Government to transport Cretan refugees in war vessels.- PARIS, January 2-Noo-.i.-Napoleon's speech, delivered yesterday to tho diplomatic corps, is of a very pacific tone* BELFAST. IKELAXD, January 2-Noon.-Nino Fe¬ nian arrests have been made hero tins morning; also a quantity of arms seined. VIENNA, January 2-Noon.-Tt is said that Aus¬ tria is about convening a hew He'- -lisrath, for the purpose of effecting a compromiso with Hungary. LONDON, January 2.-United States Five-twen¬ ties, 73¿; Illinois Central, HI; Consols, 90?. LIVERPOOL, January 2-Noon.-Cotton brisk; de¬ mand unchanged; sales estimated at 15,000 bales Uplands, at 15d. Fro Europe per Steamer. NEWY'OBE, January 1.-The Barnsley coal mine explosions are attributed to carelessness. A black¬ smith who descended for the purpose of shooing horses, left thc top of his safety lamp off, and Iiis head was blown oil'. In the insolvent case of Ovoiend, Gurney <fc Co., involving a million sterling, the Chancellor di¬ rected-that a dividend of four shillings to tho pound shall be paid., The-reporrcd Ios3 of the staimer Golden Fleece proves a wicked hoax. The bill for tho Confederation of the British American Provinces is bcingpreparod for the next Parliament. Napoleon's health was good. The Duke of Oldenburg has renounced his claim to the Holstein succession, in lieu of a small terri¬ torial grant and a million tinders. The riait of the King of Saxony to tho King of Prussia is regarded significant of a sincero alli¬ ance. Prussia supports the new line of steamers be¬ tween Germany and America tía Southampton. The line will oompriso seven steamers, with a ca¬ pacity of carrying ICO first, 100 second, and COO third-class passeugors, and 1000 tons of freight. .The chief points of tho proposition of Italy to the Pope are n s follows: Florence to bc thc capital of Italv; Cardinals to be Princes of thc Kingdom, with their, present incomes guaranteed; tho in¬ habitants of Homo to vote whether they will ho subjects of thc Kingdom or of tito Pope; Borne to remain a' freo city, under bite absolute control of the Pope; the Popó to crown Victor Emanuel King of Italy at Florence. Th>s arrangement is to bo binding only during thc life of tho proscnt Pope. It is asserted thal thc leading European powers, except Russia, have resolved to protect thc Holy Sfe ; the Russian and American Representatives are among its most determined supporters. The French Embassador lias declared that Franco will hold Italy responsible for any violation of the Pope's temporal power. HALIFAX, January 1.-Thc royal mail steamship China, from Liverpool December 22d, via Queens¬ town 23d, arrived herc at y o'clock this morning, with 41 passengers for Boston and ll for this port. No further Fenian arrests of importance had oc- , curred np to the China's dep 'rturo. Tho news by this steamer has generally been an¬ ticipated by the cable. TUP .total subscription in England to thc funds for tito relief of the sufforcrs by the great fire at Quebec had reached £30.000, aud it had boen re¬ solved to close the subscription fists. The Paris correspondent of the London Times of the 22d, says : Tho opposition of the poss to tho army reorganization schemo was growing so de¬ cided and public opinion was generally so adverso, that it was rumored yesterday that it would bo withdrawn. General News. NEWARK, N. J., January 1.-Tho house of Aaron Ward, Jr., at Clintou, was fired last night by bur¬ glars. I«Tré¿ Ward, in alarming tho family, was shot jum jolow the breast, it is thought not dan¬ gerously. The burglars escaped with somo watches and other plunder. RICHMOND, VA., January 1.-Snow and ¡co pre¬ vent thc running of thc street cars. The negroes celebrated thc emancipation. Rov. Hunnicutt spoke, denouncing Peirnoint and tho State Legislature, and said that Congress alono was the freedman's hope. The celebrat ion passed off unmolested. RALEIGH,: January 1.-Tho celebration of the emancipation anniversary, to-day, was very order¬ ly. An address was delivered by Governor Worth and others. INDIANAPOLIS, January 1.-A fire occurred at Richmond, Ind., involving a loss of $1;;0,000. Thc railroad depots, the telegraph office, a number of fine 'stores, and a largo?quantity of wheat and lard were destroyed. NEW Y'ORK, January 2.-A Havana letter of De¬ cember 20 states thai thc financial crisis had near¬ ly abated. The Banco Espagnol paid *600,000in gold the. first day of thc run; afterwards $25,000 per day. All tho banks have resumed payment, except'that of Bossier & Co., who arc supposed to be hopelessly insolvent. J. A. Jessie, a Boston broker, is reported to have failed. Liabilities, half a million. All the liquor in thc hotels at Brighton has been seized. Thirty-four of thirty-nine blooded horsos shipped per Helvetia'died in b-ansitu. HAT.IUSBUIU;, PENN., January 2.-Governor Cur- tin's message says tho present revenue will pay the State debt in fifteen years. Ho recommends a loan; also recommends tho adoption of tho Consti¬ tutional Amendment. COLUMBUS, OHIO, January 2.-Tho Legislature is assembled in extra session. Tho Governor's mes¬ sage is confined to State affairs. Over a million in the Treasury. The finances of tho State arc in a prosperous condition, and no additional taxation is necessary to meet occurring liabilities. NEW YOHK, January 2.-Sailed stei ntsbip Gran¬ ada for Charleston, with tho cargo of tho Andalu¬ sia, which put hack in distress, ano. could not leave again yesterday. FORTRESS "MONROE, January 1.-A large fleet is woatherbound hero. WASHINGTON, January 2.-Tito tariff report of Commissioner Wölls is to bo presented to thc Sen¬ ate on Thursday next. It may bo said, on the best authority, that the statements heretofore publish¬ ed, purporting to give thc substance of this report, are wholly fallacious and very wido of thc truth. The report cannoi bo styled a"Free Trado report, as it recommends an iucrcasc of tho tariff wherever it can be borne. It ia simply a plain, lucid, com¬ mon eenso statement of results of patient and in- telligent investigation into tho condition of our industrial affairs, and tho reason for the imposition of the tariff, ana the effect of cortain rates upon certain classes of commodities. WASHINGTON,' January 1-Owing to thc immense number of fraudulent claims, presented at tho Qnartermaster-Generars oflice, Gen. Meigs will recommend to Congress an act, providing three commissioners for each State, to hold sessions with¬ in the State, and require claim-.nts to appear in person and establish then claims by oial testimony. But one negro, a bright mulatto, unknown hero, §resented himself at tho President's levee to-day. [e was quietly received and hurried himself away. Tho Arkansas Committee, consisting -of P. 8. Garritt, John L.' Fellour, John R. Eaken; Andrew Hunter, H. F. Thomason. R. C. Kewson, T. C. Ganse, W. AV. Watkins and S. P. Hughes arrived late this afternoon, too late for action. Thc gen¬ tlemen composing the committee aro well. MEMPHIS, TENN., January 1.-Tho colored pa¬ rade to-day passed off very quietly. COLUMBUS, OHIO, January 2.-Tho Governor, speaking of tho Amendment", says that it contains Îrovisions which, in the wisdom of thc National egislaturo, ara thought necessary to scciuggiW- manent peace throughout thc country and (Jfrrcet the palpable evil existing ht the States lately in rebellion, and ho is not without hope thatthe Southern States will yet reconsider their rejection of tho Amendment. ANNAPOLIS, MD.. January 2.-The Legislature has assembled, and the mcssago will be read to¬ morrow. The steamer Gettysburg has got off. but is una¬ ble to go to sea. NEW IORI:, January 2.-Thc Washington special of the Commercial says t ba* the Campbell-Sher¬ man mission has been' abandono i. Campbell re¬ ceives leave to visit lúa home in Ohio, ami Sher¬ man is expected in Washington next week. WASHINGTON. January 2.-Th" United Slates steamer Don leatves Annapolis on it secret mission, having on board Admiral Porter and i h m. Frede¬ rick. Seward, Assistant Secretary of State. Her destination is behoved to bc thc establishing the United States authority on somo islands rcvontly discovered, aa it is understood the vessel will not be heard from uutil she roturo» home, lt is not true that General Grant accompanies the mission. BOSTON, January 2.-After organization to-day the Legislature heard a sermon by thc Rev. Dr. Warren, of Cambridge. The bodies brought in tho Saxon from Phihidcl- {>hia wero for dissection, and had been legitimate* y obtained. " RICHMON. , January 2.- It has been snowing all day. The James River is blockaded by ico to thc mouth of Warwick Creek. WASHINGTON. January 2.-Tho Arkansas Delega¬ tion visits the Prcaidt ut, to-morrow. William Atlee has been appointed Revenue In- j spector for Louisiana. NEW YORK. January 1.-Thc steamer Delaware, for Charleston and Georgetown, S.C.. has sailed from thiaport. ALBANY," January 2.-Gov. Fenton recommends tho adoption of tho Coiistllntkmat Amendment;. NEW YORK, January ".-Tho Paper Mills of Cole. Hall & Donnison were burnt last night. Loss $20,000. Partly insured. Arrived from Charleston on the- IS' li. tho Therese, at Marseilles. WASHINGTON. January !L-Tho statement of tho {mblic debt will not he ready for publication until ho 5th or Cth of January, li is understood that j over 51,020,000 were paid Insi m nth lo Southern ! claimants for cottoti captured and confiscated l\ M ring the war. and ctaimi d as having boen illegally taken. Gold in thc Trcámu'y $3U3,(*U0¿ NEW OULEANS. Januarv 2.-Collector Kellock nnd j governor Wells were before thc Conuuiltcc to-day, which closes its labors and leaves for Washington today. GALVESTON. January 2.-There has been the ac revest snow storm here to-day since '5?. Impeachment of thc President. WASHINGTON, Janunrv 2.-There is pood an tlioritv for saying that tho Bill impoachiug thc President will be introduced into the House on Monday next, by Ashlev, of Ohio, with évèrr pros¬ pect of success. The President was notified to-day ol' thc fact, and expresses himself ready for trial. Mexican News. KEW ORLEANS, January 2.-Thc steamer Morn¬ ing Star, bound to New York, has been aground al tho Southwest Poss since Saturday. Gen. Prien and his three daughters arrived from Cordova. Ho reports an important Mexican decree, published December IS, ordering a new enrollment of real and personal estate for thc purpose of n new taxation, thc tax payable between the 1st and lülh of every month. 'Maximilian has fully es¬ tablished himself at Puebla. Thc City Council issued an address of welcome. Thc Cabinet U still engaged in preparing flic scheme for a Na¬ tional Congress, but no details have transpired. Tho French Minister and Castclnau are also at Puebla. There was a sanguinary conflict aL Bridgo Oxtla. Thc Imperialists suffered severely ; their Colonel was taken prisoner and a whole company missing. Tho Imperialists had capturod and shot ene Cot Brccros and thrco Liberal chiefs. NEW YORK. January 2.-A letter received by steamer Eagle hom 'Havana, on the 29th, says there is moro decided news from Mexico than wo have had for some time. Thc stoamcr Florida left Vera Cruz ou thc 18th with 1100 Frcuch and a full cargo of arms and ammunition. A French war vessel arrived at Vera Cruz on tho 19th, from Now Orlear46, with a cabio dispatch from Napoleon stating that transports would arrive in January, and that ho oxpected tho Loops to be on lward within thrco weeks after the arrival of the trans¬ ports. New Tear's Reception at tlic White House. WASIU-ÍGTON, January 1.-Tho day is delightful aud devoted to receptions and festivities. Tho ceremonies at tho White House are said by old citizens to be of an unprecedented brilliancy. The reception at tho President's to-day was at¬ tended by all tho membors of tho Diplomatic Corps, members of the Cabinet, thc Judges of the Supremo Court, Senators and Representatives, and other officials present in the city. Manv of tho ladies were most ciegan tl v attired. Conspicuous among them was thc wifc'of the Chilian -jh+ràc dc Artair,s, who wore a splendid blue velvet, willi long trait borne by a small page hi livery. Tho laciies of tho household, Mrs. Stover and Mrs. Pat¬ terson, were plainly dressed, but in exquisite tasto. The s cen o in the blue room, when thc olli- cial reception was at its hoight, was peculiarly striking-tho mingling of epaulettes, decorations, foreign orders and gay dresses, forming a most beautiful coup (PCM/. Fire at Mobile. MORILE, Januarv 2.-A fire occurred this morning and burned four "brick houses, originating ou (Ito southeast corner of Jackson street; it extended to the three adjoining houses on Danphiu street, oc¬ cupied by Madame Mallicants, Mrs. Byrnes, anil the dry goods store of Cohen & Fronklc. Thc building was insured for $12,000. Tho insurance on thc stock and houses was in tho following offices : Thc ngcucv of Vorhees & MverB, SIOOO; agency of L. D. Hill, $10,000; of C. NV". Dorancc, $9500; Jtobile, $500:-. $1500; agency of J. il. Muldron, $750; agency of Hubbard Tardy, $5000. Ono man was killed'by a falling wall. Thc Fenian Stephen». NEW YORK, January L-The Tribune announces that James Stephens, thc H. C. F. B., was board¬ ing in Thirteenth street under tho assumed name of Wi Scott, until some four da s ugo, when he suddenly disappeared. Business entirely suspended. LATER. NEW YOEE, January ¿.-lt is stated that Cant. Askow was mistakoufor Stephens, and that the latter has not been here for some weeks. Thc European and North American Rail- rond. BASÓOS, MAINE, Docember 31.-Ground will i c broken on the European and North American Bail- way in this city on Tuesday, January 1st. The .Mayor. City Council, and other prominent citizens, will bc present. Bridges Lave boen built, and thc work of grading will bc commenced early in spring. From: Baltimore. BAETEWORE, January 1.-Tho year's tobacco in¬ spection for 186C was 4857. against 4392 last Year comprising £2,300 Man-land, 15,570 Ohio. 1S5 Vir¬ ginia. 319 Kentucky, and C2 Missouri. Shipments Fo foreign ports 4772. against -1260 last Judge Magruuor T»*a3 released on g ving $2(1(10 bail to appear before tho United Stalos Court, for violation of tho Chi Bights Act, in authorizing tho. salo of felon negroes, as provided for by the State Law3 of Maryland, no is also under bail for a similar amount for rejecting negro evidence, for¬ bidden by Stato Laws. Domestic Markets. NOON DISPATCH. NEW YORK, January 2.-Gold 132J. Money un¬ changed. Stocks better. Cotton firm but quiet; Uplands 341; Orleans 35*. Flour-Southern firmer; $11 20al7. "Wheat very firm and quiet. Corn lc. better; $1 ll afloat. Pork lower; new mess SlOallM. Lard dull. BALTEUORE, January 2.-Flour quiet; finn. Grain vcrv scarce. Bay anet harbor closed. Prices nomi¬ nal! Seeds dull:"Clover $8a8 20. Cofi'ec firm; Kio if good demand. Sugars quiet. Provisions active. Cut Meats neaw; Cotton firm. Uplands 32hi33.¡. Buckwheat Meal $3aS.}. AUGUSTA. January L-Cotton in good demand nt 321a;53. The steamer Eclipse exploded near Pnrys- burg, killing tho captain and scalding several. Boat and cargo lost. EVENING DISPATCH. Tho Commercial says that stocks, though not active, havo decidedly a stronger tc JO; somo lead¬ ing stocks being largely oversold, and tho Bull side is presumed strong enough to control thc prices. Now York Central advanced 2$} c. Governments quiet and irregular, prices depressed. (J old weak¬ er at 32$. Money mocloratcly active and unchanged. Foreign exchange a shado lower at 9@91c EATER. Gold 32*. Coupon Sixes of 'Cl, 1051; registered do of 'G5,~10GJ Dry Goods market steady aud un¬ changed. Trade quiet but healthy; few look for a very noavy tirade during thc .year, hut a steady tone is expected to pervade tho market. Cottoii firmer; sales 2000 bales; Uplands 35c, Orleans 3(J.'.c Flour firmer; Southern $11 25@17. Wheat l@2c higher. Corn Ic. bettor; mixod *1 121 @1 UL Pork unsettled: new Moss $20 G2@21 5b. Lard firmer at ll j@13c. Groceries nominally unchanged. Freights, commissions Sid. by sail and 41d. by steam to Liverpool. Government securities"firm¬ er. Money freely offered at 7 $ c.. and in somo cases at G. Gold closed at 33$@33$. Exchange didi and heavy. LOUISVILLE, January 2.-SaIosC2 hhds. Tobacco: market firm for common lugs, $2 75a3 90; medium leaf, $12 25. Flour firm at $9 50. Grain unchanged. Moss Pork active at $20. Hogs, SC 50aC 75. Shelled Corn, receipts 9000 bushels. 73.000 of Oats. Lard, 12c. Raw Whiskey, in bond, $2 30. Bulk Meats active. Shoulders," 8c; clear Sides, ll j. Cotton, 80c. MOBILE, January 2.-Sales to-day 1500 bales; Middling. 32c, firm. The receipts of cotton from all parts during tho last tour months are 750,000 bales. Tho crop is believed to be about hah Lu. ST. Lours,. January 2.-Flour aud Wheat firm and nothing doing. Thc holders of cboicc Wheat ask $3. Corn dull at 70a74. Oats lower at 5Sa(¡2. Whiskoy duh-$2 23. Pork firm at $20 50, delivered at Cairo", and $11) 50 dolivered at the opening of thc navagation. Plain Hams 17lal8. Clear Sides 13.|a 14. Shoulders 12. Lard nominal at 131 for Ken¬ tucky. Hogs active and bettor at $0 30«C 75. Cot- tou Letter at 31. NEW ORLEANS, January 2.-Cotton unchanged ; Low Middlings 31 j a 32ic ; Middlings 32L Receipts 5200 bsdos. Sugar advanced 10c for Louisiana. New York Exchange i a $ discount. Freights'o Liverpool 9-1C a ll-lOd."" CINCINNATI, January 2.-Flour is firm and un¬ changed. Whiskey linn at. $2 20 in bond. Hogs' rather dull at $7 40a7 05, net, closing firm. Re¬ ceipts for two days 13,000 head. Tho price current gives thc total receipts of thc week at 10.000 head. For tho season 281.000. against 228,000 List year. Mess Pork in good demand nt $1 20. Lard 12. Thorcia a speculative demand for both the arti¬ cles from outside parties. Bulk meats arc in limi¬ er demand. Green Meats finn; holders ask ¡c. ad¬ vance. Gold 132. Money scarce and in demand. [Wc received our last dispatch at 3 A. M. on thc 3d; and tho telegrams stopped coming only then, because the lines were all "'down."] State Items. Kev. Johr A. Porter has been transferred by tho late Conference at this phieo to George¬ town. His place as Presiding Elder will be supplied by our worthy pastor. Rev. Dr. Boyd whose valued and distinguished services " in the station wc regret to lose ; but wo arc con¬ soled in believing that his place will be lilied by Rev. S. H. Brown, whose reputation gives us rca- . son to hope that wo shall have in the Doctor's room the services of a p.tre, upright, and eloquent man. [Marion Crescent. COLD WEATHER.-Sure enough, cold, rigorous winter is upon us. Ou Saturday evening last, about 7 o'clock, snow commenced falling, and by Sundav morning the ground was covered to the depth of about four inches. Throughout thc day both sleet and snow fell, aud at the time of writing this (.Monday evening) old mother earth is shroud¬ ed in a white mantle of snow and ice, and from ap¬ pearances something in addition is not improbable The severest weather wo have experienced in this section for manv years. Bv reference to -un- telegraphic news, in another column, it will be perceived that tho weather al the North is more severe thau has been experienced for twenty years.-Ibid. MELANCHOLY ACCIDENT.-An only son ol' Mr. James B. LcGetto wcut cut squirrel hunting on Wednesday, 20th December, aud after hunting awhile he laid down with bin shot gun pointing at his body, which accidentally went off and killed him instantly.-Ibid. WON'T LEAVE.-WC lcu'ru from Mr. Taylor, who is now in this city as agent for several cotton planters in Texas, that he lins been altogether un¬ successful in his endeavors to secure farm hands to go with him to his State. Ho has been actively eec >:idcd by Lieut. McKilless. but tho darkies ure unwilling to po where they will have no opportu¬ nity to rely o:i Government rations when they chance to loaf a while,-Journal of Vonyiiurxv. Tho Confederate Dcatl at Avcrysuoro'. Mr. Editor: Pursuant to thc call made by Gene ral QCATTLEBAUM, of Leesville, S. C., and Mrs. J.. C. SMITH, of Fayetteville, N. C., through tho col¬ umns of 'Inn CHARLESTON DAILY NEWS, of tho 21st ult., for assistance in thc patriotic endeavor to fur¬ nish our horoic dead at Averysboro', N. C., with "ono common cemetery," the surviving officers of thc South Carolina Regular Brigade, residing in thia city, have held a mooting, at which Major T. A. HCOUEKIX presided, and appointed a committee composed of thc following gentlemen-J. M. RHETT, F. W. OCIEU, Jona C. Ihsqri, E. S. FICKLIXO, JOHN A. KEITH and F. K. HUGER-whoso duty it skill bu lo correspond with their late brother offi- cors throughout thc State, and suggest such steps as may be necessary in raising fuuds for tho pur¬ pose bf enclosing thc ground, so generously con¬ tributed by Mrs. SMITH, with an iron railing; and erecting a suitable monument in memory of the gallant officers and men who now He biuied there. In order to create suflicient public interest to guar¬ antee success in this undertaking, tho committed would simply invite tho attontion of our fcllow- citizons throughout thc Stale, and especially those residing in Charleston, to the following communi¬ cations, and sincerely trust it may novcr bc justly said that South Carolina was found wanting in sympathy with those who would gladly join in hon¬ oring her own distinguished dead. For (he convenience of those of onr city who may wish to contribute even thc smallest amounts, sub¬ scription lists will be left at thc offices of TUE DAILY NEWS, Mercury, and Courier respectively. JULIUS M. RHETT, CÍiairmau. Thc following is thc call of General QUATTLE- DAUM and the letter cf Mrs. SMITH, referred to : THE CONFEDERATE DEAD NiiAIi AVZH'-SIIORO', NORTH CAROLINA. Mr. Editor: Several months ago I made known to you and thc numerous readers of tho NEWS a proposition of Mrs. Smith, and other ladies of North Carolina, to have all thc Confederates who foll in battle near Averysbo-o' md still lay buried where they fell, taken up ¡md rcinterred in one common Cemetery; tb bc properly enclosed, and tien havoa suitable monument erected to their memory. This generous, patriotic .lady offered to donate not only the ground, but to render all thc assistance in her power tc carry cut this Iaudablo obiect, and asked tho aid and cooperation of tho ladies of South Carolina, as well as thc relativos and friends of the deceased genera Hy. As theso troops wore mostly from Charleston," where (hoy had, for full four years, stood moro invincible" than walls of stone among the bravest of its bravo defenders, never for a moment faltering, even under tho terrible shower of iron hail to which they were exposed from Inc opening lire on Fort Sumter to the pain¬ ful evacuation of thc city, presenting themselves at all times as barriers* between thc innocent inmates within and their inveterate enemies without, uulil thc order came from a quarter which they, as soldiers, were bound to obey, und thus, for lite first time, turning thoir bâcles upon their homos and tho many loved ones left behind, to still do battle for them in distant fields-1 repeat it, as these were tho troops who scaled with their life's blood their unswerving devotion to a causo in which Charleston fully sympathized, from thc rising of ¡tsmorning star to" thc going down there¬ of-i did hope that the reasonable request of thc fair daughters of thc .Old North State-to do just, deserving and becoming homage to these noble martyrs-would receive a ready and willing re¬ sponso from their more Southern sisters. Nor can I believe otherwise than that, when tho lvdios and citizens of Charleston learn, from too subjoined letter of Mrs. Smith, that tho good peoplo of North Carolina have performed tho first and most disagreeable part ol t his very commendable work -that of collecting together tho dead bodies-and now only want a few hundred dollars to complete the cnclosuro and monument, they, too, will readi¬ ly contribute thoir part. It only roquircB somo organized plan, with generous, patriotic ladies of Charleston at its hotel, to make this matter suc¬ ceed. You may do much to aid tho schomc through thc instrumentality of your paper, and by a little privato advice. For Hie credit of thc State; for what is duo to thc people of a sister State, who have so kindly initiated thc matter; for what is due lo tho honor of tho honored doad, let mc in¬ voke you, Mr. Editor, to urge on this work, so well begun, until the last romans of these lalo, long defenders of your city shall be properly en¬ closed with an iron fence, and an appropriate monument shall bc erected to mark thou* last r.'sting-plnrc, and thus hand down their deeds to thc remotest posterity. Because they fell in a fidlen cause, their memory ts nono thc less worthy of thc homage of their country. In furtherance of theso views, please publish tho following letter from Mrs. Smith, at. whose house, a few milos from Avorysboro', tho battle in which the'so men fell, was fought, on thc 10th March, 1803. Thc most of tho slain wore of thc (wo Soul h Carolina Regiments of Regulars and Lucas' Battalion of Charleston-tlirce only fr m Georgia: I MBS. SMITH'S LETTER. | OAK GROVE, November 23d. 18C>ti. General Qnattlcbaum, leesville P. 0., & C.: You will, I hope, pardon tho liberty I have taken in writing to you again on tho subject of tho ceme¬ tery for our brave soldiers. Wo, thc ladies or thc vicinitv of thc battle-field (near Avorysboro'). have had all thc bodies rumored and placed together in a vory suitable spot, and aro now ready for tho donations for (¡>.o "cnclosuro and monument." I wish an iron railing; it is so much better; any ctlier lasts so short a time. I have had several letters on thc subject, and they all concur with mn in this idea. It will coat more, of course, but it will be complete. Wc havo an Association formed now. Mayor McLean, of Fayetteville is our Treasurer. Chan¬ cellor Loscsno. of Charleston, has mado ns a dona¬ tion of S50. and he will receive for ns auy sum that may bc donn ted. There arc tinco Georgians, all thc rest aroSonth Carolinians : and, as wc have moved them, wc have no doubt but South Carolina will complete it if she know of it, and Georgia, I havo no doubt, would do her part. Wc have placed fifty-eight bodies in tho cemetery. I will bo vory glad if you would aid us with your influence, and in any way you may feel disposed. I nm very desirous that this matter should bo generally taken hold of. and I think it is obliged to succeed. Our neighborhood have dono what they folb able to tb, andliavo done it cheerfully. I eau assure you it is a very great relief lo my mind to know that tho graves of our noblo martyrs aro no longer scattered over tho land, unknown and uncaredfor ; and I boliovo thorc is still genuine patriotism enough loft to secure to ns thc completion of this work. Wo havo had them removed for ton miles around. Please havo this published in your papers, and do what yon can for na. Let mo hear from you soon on tito subject. Yours, Mrs. J. C. SMITH, Fayetteville, N. C. WHISKEY FRAUDS.-Thc frauds discovered by tho Investigating Committee, in New York and Brook¬ lyn, aru said to bo as wide-spread as startling. There has been a nnivorsal swindle going on, from the start,* in which Government agents arc dosply implicated. Tho excuse is, tho "difficulty of find¬ ing honest men" as Inspectors ! There ÍB nothing singular in this fact. Fraud and coemption were born of tho war,-in which cotton-stealing was le¬ galized bv men high in office, and tho contagion has spread to i ts present magnitude by force of ex¬ ample. "Mr. John Devlin-one of the parties con¬ nected with Messrs. Tilton and Levan, now on ex¬ amination before United States Commissioner New¬ ton, at Brooklyn, N. Y., on the chargé of defrauding tho Government by branding whiskey where no li¬ cense hud been paid-was on Thursday arrested on a civil process, at thc instance of thc United States District Attorney, to recover tho sum of SlOU.lino. as tines »nil penalties incurred by violat¬ ing tho Internal Revenue laws. Devlin was brought before thc Court, and held to answer in default of $200,000ktii.* -ATete Haem Register. A $10,000 libel suit is thrust disagreeably into the. Chicago Tribuno's face. Thc paper itself is a daily libel lipon good sense. niARRIBO. At Orace Church, rh.n-leston, on 20lh December, bv R.v. C. C. PtSCKNEV; li. II. WILLIAMS, Ju., to SUSAN J., eldest daughter or tim late SAMUEL ROBINSON. * ft/HSCEUAHEGüS. Seasonable SiiiXijccstioiis. Winier, in this climate, is a trying seimon. Ks lin. steady température urea:ly aggravates dyspepsia, and ads very unfavorably upon that sensitive organ, Ibo liver. Thc ullcrualiouof (Vost amt thaw keeps lue pores of thc body continually opening ami contracting, und the nundi ia a condiUbu of thc system favorable to thc action .a llic atmospheric Virilit which producen Ititermilteul ic- vrs. Hence a cnoTECXivK MKDICINB likr. UOSTRTTER'S STOMACH RITTERS ls especially needed in the winier months. Thc effect of this great CONSTITUTIONAL Isvio- OUAST, in rendering even thc feeblest Iranio Impervious to ¡ill malarious inflneucc*, In a graml fact demonstrated by he uniform experience of a quarter of a century. As it nioner.-!.i\ an anti-bilious medicine, and a preventive and carecí Fiver and Ague, it ia tlic- OSE miso .S'UKI>- FI'L, which none who valu:? the preservation of health can afford lo do without. THE SICK. wiiEs AT DEATH'S DOOR. regret that I hey did not '..ike the right uM'uMe at the right 'imf. Thousands who ar-; now buffering from thc carly twinges of liver complaint and dyspep*in,. will bo prostrate on *Jck beds a month hence, if they do not ar¬ rest thc mischief at once. Nothing is more easy. A course of Hie purest and best vegetable tonic and alte¬ rative known iu modern pharmacy--UOSTETTER'S STOMACH RITTFUS-will restore the digestive organs lo llfrfr full vigor, rod bril!;; the disordered liver into a condition of perfcel health, ns certainly aa sunshine dis¬ sipates the morning -vapors. Fcwr and Ague, too, is at once broken up by this powerful autidolc to all miasma¬ tic afosases. Strengthen the system with the Ritters, and you may defy all the complaints which prevail at this in clcniont surdon. G December :il í £ IA LK?Tt>N OK Pl IAN IIHUSE. iftÖNTRACrS WANTED TO SUPPLY THE AUOVE Institution with REEK, PORii, YEAL, LR!EAD ¡iud M ILK for tlie iïh-r.iiiig year. s-al.-d prut» wats must he tell willi the Steward prior ti, liie M January nest* u December i!3 SPECIAL NOTICES, Q3f NOTICE.-CONSIGNEES BY THE .-MER¬ CHANTS' LINE" Schooner ELLA FISH, from Baltimore, arc noUQod that ehe ls discharging cargo at L'rown k Co.'e South Wharf. Goods remaining on tlic Wharf ut sunset wUl bc stored at owners' rink and expense. STBEET BROTHERS & CO., Jauuary 1 1 Consignees. «S- ALL PERSONS ARE WARNED AGAINST landing on my Plantation, au thoy will bc dealt with as trespassers. W. 0. HIXSON, January 3 tbmw3* James Island. /«TA CAUD;-THE OFFICERS AND MEM¬ BERS OF THE .ETNA FIRE ENGINE COMFANV beg leave to tendor their sincere acknowledgments io Vf. Y. LEITCH, Esq., and Hon. WM. D. PORTER, for refresh¬ ments to Irindly furnished at the Gre in Smith street, on thc morning of tho 1st inst. JOHN McLEISII, JanuaryO 1 Secretary iEtna Fire Company. /ST ESTATE SALE.-ALL PERSONS HAVING demands against tho estate of tho late FREDERICK FREEZE, will present them, properly attested ; and all porsons indebted thereto will make payment to ELLEN C. FREEZE, Ex'ix. January 3 thal Mount Holly, S. C. «3- NOTICE-BY AN ACT OF THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY, the undersigned, for themselves and as Trustees for their associates who are lawful holders of thc Second Lien Fürst Mortgage Boinia of the Charleston and Savannah Railroad Company, and euch others of thc lawful* holders of thc said Bond* an may hereafter come in and join them, and tho successors of them, wcro lo- coiporatcd by thc name of tho SAVANNAH AND CHARLESTON RAILROAD COMPANY, with u capital of one million of dollars, to bo subscribed, made up and paid in said Bonds, and to bo divided into ten thousand shares of one hundred dollars each-the said Company to be considered as formed, and tho Act or Incorporation to at¬ tach, as soon as six thousand shores shall bc subscribed iud paid in. Notice Ls therefore hereby given that tl undersigned are ready lo receive subscriptions and issue Certificates of 8tock thereon, at the office of .INO. S, RYAN, No. 28 Broad street, between tho hours 3 A. M, md 1 P. M. from day to day, until the necessary auiouut ihall be subscribed. GEO. W. WILLIAMS, 1 ,7. It. BOYLSTON. WM. S. HASTIE, r Trustees. JOHN S. RYAN. I H. J. WILLIS, J January 1 USî*CHARLESTON ALMS HOUSE.-THE ( M MISSIONERS OF THE POOR vrill elect, on Wcdttes.iay. Rh January, 1807, a MASTER, MATRON and BOOK KEEPER, to servo for the ensuing year. Also, contract- jrg tor BREAD and BEEF, lo bo delivered at Alms House >n Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays. Applications to Deleft at tlic /Urns House prior to thc day of election. December 31 HST OFFICE CHARLESTON CITY RAILWAY rOMTANY.-CHARLESTON. Decomber 20, lSGfi.-Pack- igeeof ONE HUNDRED TICKETS will bo sold at thc Company's office, corner of Broad and East Boy streets, "or ¿ti. By order. S. W. RAMSAY. December 29 Secretary and Treasurer. «5-AUDITOR'S OFFICE, SOUTH CAROLINA RAILROAD COMPANY, CHARLESTON, DECEMBER », 18fiC-All interest on thc Funded Dobt of thu Com¬ pany payable by Coupons on thc 1st of Jauuary, 18C7, ?viii bo paid on presentation at thc Auditor's Office, in Tohn-Btrect, on or after the 3d proximo. Decomber 20_J. R. EMERY. Auditor. E S T A T R NO T I C E .-ALL PERSONS laving claims against tho Estate of the late JOSEPH L- HOWARD will present them, duly attested, uud. all per. ions indebted thereto will make payment to S. L. HOWARD. November 26_Qualified Executor. 03- ESTATE NOTICE-ALL PERSONS HAV~ INO claims against Lho Estate or the lato J. Du BOSE PORCHER, of St John's, Berkley, aro requested to baud them in, and those indebted to make payment to S. L. SOWARD, Charleston, or to Mrs. MARION PORCHER, ?pi ni lied Executrix, St, John's, Berkley. Doccniber2-t m th Imo Ä3-WE ABE AUTHORIZED TO ANNOUNCE E. M. WHJTT.Wl. Km;., as a csn.Udiiln lor SlioriiT ol rjharleston (Judicial) District at thc next election. September Bl «3-KALMIA MILLS MANUFACTURING COM¬ PANY-The BOOKS OF SUBSCRIPTION to the Capital Stock of thia Company will bc upeued al W. C. COURT¬ NEY .V CO.'S OFFICE. No. 0 Boyce's Wharf, on January 1st, ISC", and continue open for one month. Informa¬ tion respecting thc condition of tho Company will bo furnished all parlies desiring to forward this impor¬ tant work. E. JJ. KERRISON, Secretary and Treasurer Kalmia Mills. December 27 thstnlmo Aö" HALL'S VEGETABLE SICILIAN HAIR RENEWER has proved itseir to be the most perfect pre¬ paration for thc hair ever offered to the public. Il is a vegetable Compound, and contains no injurious properties whatever. IT WILL RESTORE Oil AV HAIR TO ITS ORIGINAL COLOR. It will keep Hie hair from falling out. It cleanses thc scalp uud makes the hair soft, lustrniw ind silkcu. It is a splendid hair dressing. No person, old or young, should fail lo use it IT IS RECOMMENDED AND USED BY THE FIRST MEDICAL AUTHORITY. irä' Ask for Hall's Vegetable Sicilian Hair Renewer, and toko no olher. It. P. HALL k CO., Nashua, N. H., Proprietors. For sale by all Druggists. Wholesalo by BOWIE & MOISE, SUCCESSORS TO KING AND CASSIDEY, March 1 th ly* Charleston, S. C. ÄJT MAGIC INK (PATENTED).-WILL write in all colors'and shades out of one bottle, mid with one ink ; is unsurpassed for fancy and ornamental writings. Prico, SI a box, free by niall. Tho trade sup¬ plied. Address G. M. CORDOVA, No. fi2 William street, New York. December 27 thstu2mo ¡SS!- BAT CHELO R'S HAIR DYE.-THIS SPLENDID HAIR DYE is tho best in the world. Tho only tyne and jxrfccl Dye-harmless, reliable, instan¬ taneous. No disappointment. No ridiculous lints. Natural Black or Brown. Remedies the ill elici ts of Had Dyes. Invigorates tho hair, leaviug il »ult and beautiful. Tho genuine is signed William A. Batchelor. All others are mere imitations, and should be avoided. Sold hy all Druggists nud Perfumers. Factory, Ho. 81 Hardey sU-cet, New York. HOI- BEWARE OF A COUNTERFEIT. Dooaiuwr lu lvr AMUSEMENTS. TO BE GIVEN AT Tl Iii HIBERNIAN HALL, Thursday. Friday ami Saínnby Evenings, BY A WEDEIUÎE SOLDIER WHO LOST HIS SIGHT AT THE SEVEN DAYS' FIGHT BEFORE RICHMOND. HE IS A SUPERIOR PERFORMER UN TUE PIANO to Blind Tom, who is well known through¬ out thc United States. Doors opau at 7 o'clock. Performance quarter after S o'clock. Admittance ?1 HU. Children half price. Reserved Seats S'J. Tickets, tu bc had at the Hall. January 3 _ :i AÎJTI Fm7 Ê XHIB Il; I í ) Ñ .vVn n TOE MUCH ADMIRED DISSOLVING VIEWS UF TUE BiNOPTRf UWM, FRIDAY EVENING, AT 'JUAi.TEtt FAST SEVEN o'clock; a «eries of INSTRUCTIVE AND ENTER- TAINING VIEWS, with dissolving scenes, will he uxhib- ted by mean:) ofthe BIXÏHTRIU LANTERNS, ill Trill- itv Church. Hasel Htroot in aid of irs .Sunday üehool. Thc entertainment will incliiie. Vi;-..-- io i'.il.-siin.. r.nd j Hie East. Prominent Cathedrals and Minsters of Europe, Scenes iu Hie Arctic Regions, with moveable vUivra nt the .'Aurora R.-rcaiis" or "Noriherii Daybreak." Eruption of Mount Vesuvius; smoko and Mame in mo- lion, by mechanical ugeucy. Copies of Statuary; Incidents <.! Hie Lato War, including the most remarkable events in Charleston Harbor; .Mareil of General Sherman lulu Columbia; Hui Buming ul thc City. United Slates Troops Entering Richmond. Siukiug of Hie Stone fleet off I'harVsniii Harlaw; Rattles of Fort Sumter; Attack of Um 'r ironsides''sind Monitor». Fort sumter as lt n«>w appears. THE WONDERFUL LAMP, WITH DISSOLVING SCENES. TO CONCI-CTE wrrii "THE LAST OE TUM CHURCH MOI SE." ,.r the Sexton's christians Supper. j Ti.-keis to be had at iiOLMXS' COO." liOVSOî. comer Kin;.'and Wentworth street-;: a! the Poo', i.r of tie: un¬ dersigned. Wunle Tickets *>U cen.'.-. Children tinder 12 ; ir- ci nts harli. LEONARD CHAPÍN. ( ... " ,,.,,," S. A. NELSON, ) .?!" " .?' 'i'1' '"-- Dêviuibor -il l CITY_ÄDVERT!SEMEWT CITY TAJCES-MONTHIiY RETUR OFFICE OF THE CITY ASSESS1 CITY HALL, December 1,180 "VTOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN TO ALL CONC. JLl that the Monthly Returns for tho month of ber pant, in couipliauco with thc Tax Ordinance, on Ute lGth day of January, 1806, must bc mac before the 15th iust. D. C. GIBSI January 3 City Asa PUBLIC NOTICE. OFFICE OF CITY TREASDR1 January 3, lt 1PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT 1 . tho following Ordinance liconses liave been p: for delivery from this Office. S. THOM. City Treas SEC. 1. lie it Ordained by the Mayor and Alda City Council assembled, That from ¡and after thc Ê of January, licenses shall be taken ont for all carts aud wagons, used for private und domestic purpi tho mme manner, and according to tho saine pro now of force in relation to carts, drayB and wagom driven for lure, except giving bonds, And cac cart, dray or wagon, shall bc provided with « bad taining (he number thereof, nnrl marked Frivalt placed on the outside of the «haft. Sac. 2. No person shall be taken bv the Treas surety to any bond under tho Ordinanco conccn censes for carts, drays, wagons and other carriag less he or sh« bc H freeholder. SEC. U. The lollow'ng símil hereafter bo thc ni licenses for public and private carts, drays, wagon including the horses or mules used thereof, whicl IK? fret; from other taxation : l'CDMC CARTS, DRATS, ETC., OB THOSE ESIT-LOTED iiusorES* wuATEvnn, FOR wnuDntECTon INDIE For every cart, dray or wngon, drawn by ono he mulei *2u- For every cart, dray or wagon, drawn by two ho mules, £3D. For every hack and carriage with two wheels, $2 For every hack and carriago with four wheels, £4 For every stage or omnibus (except linc omi with two Lorsea, £50. For every stage cr omnibus (except line omi drawn by four horses, ¿GO. For every truck drawn' ny two or moro horses or i SCO. For cvory expresa wagon drawn by two Or moro or mules, SC>0. URI'AD CABTS AND PRIVATE CASTS, DRAYS, ETC For every bread cart or wngon, £5. For every cart, dray or wagon, used for private mcstic purposes, and not to bc employed in tho porting of goods, wares, merchandise,"lumber, o other commodity, for compensation, cither dirce indirectly for the same, shall pay for a licenso the e SS, exclusive of thc horse or mule. Ratified hi City Council, tlds 1 h day of Jai ft,, e.] in tito year of our Lord ono thousand eight dred aud sixty-six. P. C. GAILLARD, Ma By the Mayor. Juuuary 3_XV. H. SMITH, Clerk of Com CITY TAXES. OFFICE OF THE CITY ASSESSOR, CITY HALL, January 1,180' ÍTOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THIS OFFI i| now open, uud wiR remain open overy day thc honrs of'J A. .M. lo 2 P. M. (Sundays excepted), tho Drat day of February next, for tho receipt of Ta turns on Real Estate. AU Males. White and Colored, over thc agc of tw ono years, aro required to return tacmsclvcs for Ci don Tux. Ali defaulters will bc dealt with as thc Ordinanc reels. D. C. GIBSON, City Asses! Jauuary 3 AN ORDINANCE TO RAISE SUPPLIES I THE YEAR 18C7. THE FOLLOWING ORDINANCE TO RAISE LIES for the year 1HG7, was rat!tied at a meet! Uonncil; hold Friday evening, 2rith inst, und takes i from lat Jauuary, 18G7: AN ORDINANCE ni nAisE SUPPLIES von TUE YEAH ONE THOUSAND E HUNDHED AND SIXTY-SEVEN. AND FOB OTUEB TUBPO SECTION L He il ordained by the Mayor and Aide in City Council assendded, That a tax for tho sums, ai thc manner hereinafter mentioned, shall bc raised paid into thc Treasury of tho city Tor tho use and se: thereof, that in to say: Two dollars on every hun dollars of tho value of every house, building, lot w! Dr other landed estate, including overy building uni [iroveincnt on lauds under a lease for a term of iii more years, from a religious, charitable or literary cly, or under any building lease, payeblo on or bi tho 29th day of June next, provided that all persons shall pay the amounts of taxes duo by them on or bi theist day of February uhall bo allowed five pen discount on the same; and that all persons who sha! thc amount of taxes due hy them after the 1st of Fe nry. nud on or before thc 30th day of March, shall b lowed two and a half per cent, discount on sumo. Seventy-five cents on every huudrcd dollars of all t of goods, wares and merchandise on personal accoui on account ol'others, payante monthly. Two dollars on every huudrcd dollars of thc gross eclpls of all street, railroads, payable monthly. l ive dollars on overy hundred dollars of thc gros: ccipts ol'nil Expresa Companies, payable ni on Lilly. Seventy-fivi! couts on every hundred dollars of all e at auction, payable monthly. Three dollars por month on every coach or four wi carriage drawn by two bones or mules (exclusive of horses or mules), payable monthly. Two dollars per mouth on every coach or four w carriage drawn hy one horse or mule (exclusive of borro nr mule), jcynblc monthly. One dollar and fifty cents per month on every wheel carriage, chair, siilUoy, .Vc. (exclusive of the hi or'mule), payable monthly. Three dollars on every hundred dollars of gross come, and all cross proiits duri ved from Ihe purstt any (acuity, profession, occupation or employment from the exercise of any office, whether ill the prc rhm ol' thc law, the profits derived from the cost suits, counsol fees, or other sources of professional come, income from the practice nf dentistry, etc., pi We monlhly. Filly couta on every huudrcd dollars of the valu any bond, mortgage, judgment, decree, or other soc ly, whether said bond, kc, be located, aud whether interest bo paid here or elsewhere, payable, at tho ta limes, and under the same conditions as the taxei landed estate. Thivo doll'irs on c\ery hun,lied dollar» of all divide received from stocks not exempted from taxation, j able monthly. Three dollars on every hundred dollars of all annul and other income or incóales; received from what sou soever, which arc not exempted from taxation by la« otherwise hereiu taxed, payable monthly. Two dollars on every dog kept within thc eily, payo nu or before the 2'Jth day of June next. Three dollars on every hundred dollars of gross ci ipts of all commercial agencies, payable monthly. Three dollars on every hundred dollars of all emmi siana received by factors, commission merchant', ba cr«, brokers, dealers in foreign and domestic exchau vendue masters, or other persons vouding or buy goods., wares, merchandise, produce, and real and j Bunal property on commission, payable monthly. Two dollars on every hundred dollars of all gross f iniiuns received for or by any Insurance Company c> ed in this city, whether incorporated or ink, or agencies for individuals or companies, whether iiioor tied or uot, payable monthly. Three dollars on every hundred dollars of gross ceipls of all tías Companies and other ni ann fae: un companies located in this city, payable monthly. One dohar per mouth on every horse and mule ut or kept within thc city, excepting horses or mules us in any licensed carriage, cart, dray, or other veldt payable monthly. Two dollars and fifty cents per month on all ret dealers in all articles whatsoever, whose monthly rotui of sales do not yield ii tax above thc said amount of t dollars and illly cents. Two dollars capitation lax on all males over twen ono years of age, payable on or before thc 29th day June next Two dollars and fifty conto per month on all Hui stern. Two dollars and fifty cents per mouth on aU Bari Shops. One dollar on every hundred dollars of Ihe gross i ceipls of Hotels and public Eating and Boarding Housi payable monthly. One dollar on every hundred dollars of all receipts Livery Stable Keepers, payable monthly. Two dollars on every hundred dollars of thc gross cciptfl of cotton presses, payable monthly. Seventy-five cents bli every hundred dollars of I gross roccipts of all printing offices, newspaper and pn lishing houses, payable monthly. Three dollar.-) on every hundred dollars of all goo- sold Iii thu eily by persons not residents, by sample Otherwise. One dollar on ever} hundred dollars of pales of horses mid tonics brought lo the eily, payable mouth! Ono dollar on every hundred dollars of tho ¡gross t ceipls of Maguetic Telegraph Companies, payai) monthly. SEC. 2. Any person or persona or corporations failli to pay the laxes in the manner and at the times here! before prescribed; may bc double taxed at the option Council. And it shall be (he duty of the City Treusur lo forthwith issn-: executions against the goods, chatte and other property of said larsons or corporations, at lodge the said executions with the City Sheriff, who sim immediately proceed for thc collection nf the samo, thé manner provided by Ordinance for tue enforcemei of the execution*. SEC. That all Ordinances and parts of Ordinance repugnant hereto 1)« and the carno are hereby repealei Uatincd In City Council this tv.-enty-ctehth day Deeen [ij, s.¡ her. A. li. unothousand eight hundred aud nixt; sli. P. C. GAILLARD, Mayor. W. n. Kurru. Clerk of Council: December 31 UBI. IC NOTICE. MAYOR'S OFFICE. liECT.Miisr. 21,18CC. THE F'nUNlf OF PISTOLS, GUNS, SQUIBS. CRAC I Elis or ol her Eire Works on the streets, are strictly pr< llibilcd; The followii:;,' piners are designated for such put po,:, s. vis :-Tlie Burnt District«; west end of Braal stn el; llajt'-Moon Bullery, and west end ut'Queen stree Thc Ordinance relative thereto «'ill bu strictly ci forced. By order : P. C. GAILLARD. Mayor. W. "li. S'SUl if. Cl-rk of Council. December 2fi NOTICE. TO DEALERS IN SPIRITUOUS LIQUORS. Nos. ¡ AND i LICENSES. OFFICE CLERK Of COUNCIL, \ DECEMDEI: 15, IHCí!. J i LL PERSON* RETAILING SPIRITUOUS LIQUOR! j\ arc hereby nniiiic.l Huit applications lor Licences t daie fruin lat January, I Mi", úiiisl be made at this ollie Ihe abovWiKmtioned time. No application will be received after that lim.', unless where a new »ton or barroom is opened. No. 1 License allows Ibo ualo pf not ICFS than on. tpiart. No. 2 ur Tavern License allows thc Kalo of Liquor b; quantity. Thc price of No. 1 License C mouths. t.'t The nriee of "A». 2 or Tavern Licous* 0 months.ills W. IL SMITH, LVCi-luber 17 ¡1! Clerk of Council. «.:» -.ELV-tVOS ORPHAN UOUSÎC. i N Tí;:'- V. : LL TA HE PLACE ON THURSDAY J\ :; : J ir.-.iaVj .. .f. for thc tollnwing Officers, to servi I...- Ü CUHUlttS y. ".": s : ! WA 1.11 AND M A'i'RON. ASSISTANT MATRI >Xs. i.f.V.TNG MISTRESS?. HOSPITAL NURSE. LAUNDRESS. ENC INSKIP POUTER AN» GA UB EN ER. SCHOOL PRINCIPAL. A!.,.!ie.-li"ii.< he I f! r.t Ute h.nwe with tho sir-ward priori" ih.-day of election. l.«eccmbcr:áS ïfïiiiî LO IA. MAYORALTY OE 1.71ARLESTON.~J 'ITV fl.-.i !.. Novenih- r ti, )-v.i'.. { t I .L PERSONS U : 'S la »I 'S OF RUBI "t LDLSi.î IS T-JK :\ BurntDlpVHêt» and VVÍIÍ^O-Places of tho city, un¬ der" "An Act i»i thc Assembly; giving authority to thc City i om ci! i»f Chsvlei ton to proveed lu too mat¬ ter m n . Lc v it'iview to aid tn building up She Citviir.««-." are hereby notified ilia! thu form of ajipii- e .ii. -.- I'-c loins csu be obtainc ! at Um office << <i:e Cleric nj tr, .-. ¡I. lu iv.-- ii 'a« 'tours of '.> A. M. au:! 2 P. M. Ad sppHcalioni; mus'. iw> filed in ¡lie above mentioned li'.ic.'. ss [lie Cntuiniilcc »ill meet every Monday to con- s'ili r ii:.- -ailie. Bv ..r.;. r ..r the Ma;, jr. If. SMITH. Ne tl mVsr io C lerk of council, DRUGS, CHEMICALS, ETC. Market and King Streets. ALFRED RAOUL, H. D.A. KL LYNAH, iL D. ARE CONSTANTLY RECEIVING FRESH AND wen selected stocka of DRUGS ANL MEDICINES SnROICAL TN'sTRuaiENTS PATENT MEDICINES TOrLlrv AND FANCY ARTICLES PEI:? OMERY, SOAPS _y. " _ Ç^.MRS, BRUSHES, ic, &C, Which they oiTer to the Public »nd tho TRAT/F In nen. eral nt the LOWEST CASH PRIG«. cH CXBX our stock*. PRESCRIPTIONS! Put up at all hours, day and night, with tho groats care J8S* Country orders solicited. thstu November ¡¡ A Treacherous and Deadly Foe! » ? PAIN AND NOISE'S IN THE HRAD. Dr. Norton's New Bemedy FOR CATARRH, AND MODE OF TREATMENT IS THE ACME OF PE1UT3CTI0N. IT BREAKS UP THIS TERRIBLE DISEASE AT IT-t Fountain Head, and removes at once oil thc wretched symptoms of this loathsomo malady, such as Pain in thc Temples, Offensive Discharges, Obstruction ofthe Breath¬ ing Tubes, Repulsivo Breath, Snapping Sounds in the Ears, Absent-mindedness, Mental Depression, Dimness 01 Vision, Soro Throat, Hacking Cough ; restores the sense of Taste and Smell, aud permanently cures the discaso m all its types, forms and stages, with absolute certainty. This remedy and mode of treatment, like tho disease, is peculiar. Lr consists of thc inhalation of harmless li¬ quids from the palm of tho hand. Tho immediate rebel it affords is alone worth ten times thc cost of tho reme¬ dies. Norton's New Pamphlet on Catarrh is out. Informa¬ tion never before published. Call at our nearest Agency or send a stamp for it Prepared by GERRIT NORTON, No. ll Ann-street New York. " Drs. RAOUL & LYNAH, CITY APOTHECARIES, November 1 thstuGffiO Agent for Charleston. "DRUGS Al MEDICINES. JUST RECEIVED, A large and carefully selected Stock OF OK L OS, MEDICINES, AND Fancy Articles WHICH IS OFFERED TO THE PUBLIC AT REDUCED PRICES. OUR MEDICINES AND CHEMICALS ABE IMPORT¬ ED directly from Manufactories, under the super¬ vision of experienced Chemists, which enables ua to re. commend them as puro and reliable in strength. Wc heep on hand all articles to be found hi a first-class Drug 8toro. Fresh additions are received by every steamer. «ST PRESCRIPTIONS carefully put up. E. H. KEILERS & CO., No. 131 MEETING STREET, North of Market. E. H. KELLERS, M. D.H. BABB, M. D. December 3 No. 153 MEETING- STREET, (t/OKtUERLY JOHN ASHHURST AND CO.) GEORGE 0. GOODRICH,) PHILIP WINGMAN, V BOOTH CAROLINA. JOHN ABHHUBST, ) DRUQS,' MEDICINES AND CHEMICALS, ALL OF WHICH HAS BEEN SELECTED WITB CAKE, AND WILL BE SOLD TO FIRST-CLASS BUY¬ ERS AT LOWEST PRICES. »-'einher 27 lAwrost II Cmos A FEW WORDS OF COMMON SENSE. How few there arc who aro not subject to some affection ol thc lungs or respiratory organs, who, by ncglcctiue premonitory symptoms, aggravate tho complaint, until disease strikes ils shafts, causing inexpressible torture of Ute patient, and anxiety and distress to friends. "Only a cold I" "A 6light som throat I" ia Ute bfialañ remar of many when so affected. Yes ; "Only c cold," was the thoughtless expression of thousands whom Death has marked for Ids prey. Forewarned-Forearmed ! should be the motto forever in thc minds of all'subject to Coughs, Colds, Catarrh, ot Influenza. Words of advice should be heeded by all sui- fering from Asüiraa, Bronchitis, Consumption. Relief it within their reach; and, fa* neglected, fatal consequence? ensue-a life of misery-a daily, hourly struggle for ex¬ istence. A contest in which there can be but one victor- -Death I Does it not appal tho strongest mind, to thin* ' ? lui- result caused by neglect? Then why delay? .> bat ex¬ cuso can bo offered, when timely warning U Jimded m your ears? When tho danger is pointed > it, whynot avoid it? MAIISDES'S PKCTOIIAL BALM n been used with success iu nearly a million of case «, nd ls endorsed by tho Medical Faculty as the most i rompt and effica¬ cious remedy that scleutitic rcsoarcn has discovered, tc relieve and euro all cases of Co t?bs, Colds, fuduenzn, and Consumption, if the casa is not beyond all hope. Even when thc sufferer is i i the last stages, ho will find relief by usiug this prep n-ation. One bottle will con¬ vince Ric most incrédulo .ts, that tba morits of tlds prepa¬ ration are bv no means exaggerated; in fact, fall far short of the eulogies bestowed upon it by thousands who have been cured by ¡ti. iiucly usc. A guarantee ncconipanict- each bottle and dealers aro instructed iu every instance to refund t!ie money when this preparation ftdls to re¬ lieve. prepared bv T. W. MARSDEN. No. 487 Broadway, New York. Price, 50 cenls small bottle; SI large size. , KINO .v UASSUDEY, Wholesale Agents, Charleston, GOODRICH, WISEMAN & CO., , Wholesale Agents, Charleston. And nil Retail Druggists. 3:no December 4 WATCHES, JEWELRY, ETC GIFTS FOR CHRISTOS Al SEW FEARS. -o- GREAT WATCH SALE ON THE POPULAR ONE PRICE PLA' , HIVING EVERY PATRON A HANDSOME AND RELIARLE WATCH FOR THE LOW PRICE OF TEN DOLLAR?*, WITHOUT REGARD TO VALUE, AND NOT TO RE PAID FOR UNLESS PERFECTLÏ SATIS¬ FACTORY. Uni Solid Gold Hunting Watches.$250 to 5750 RSI Magic Cased Gold Waldies. 200 to BOO luii Ladies' Watches, Enamelled.WO to 300 300 Gold Hunting (.'iironometer Watches- 250 to 300 .jmj Gold Hunting English Levers. 200 to 25;i :W Gold Huntiu¡; Duplex Watches.150 to 200 ;>ÍH) Gobi Hunting American Watches. 100 to 25u ¡"?00 Silver Hunting Lever?. 50 to 150 ROO silver Hunting Duplexes. 75 to 250 jut) Gold Ladies- Watches. 53 to 250 T.»iM) Gold Hunting Lepiues. 50 to 70 I-'KSJ Aiisrciliinenus Silver Watches. 50 to 100 2500 Hunting SliverWatches. 25 to 50 5-300 Assorted Watches, all kind«. 10 to 75 iT3* Ever.- ictron ot-tabia a Watch by this arrange¬ ment; costin? but SH), while it may bc worth $750. No pd: tiahty shown.-TTii M cssiis. [. HICKUXO .t Co.-s GREAT UNIOS WATCH Co., New Vork City, wish to immediately dispose of the above magnificent stock. Certificates, naming articles, are placel in scaled envelopes. Holders arc entitled to the articles named ou their certificate, upon payment of Ten Dollars, whether it tie a Watch worth 5750 or one worth less. Thc return of any of our certificates entitles you to thc article mimed thereon, upon payment, irrespective of its worth, and as no article valued less than ¿10 is named on any certificate il .»ill at once bc secu that this is no Lottery; hula straieiit-forwar.i legitimate trans¬ action, which may bc participated ia even by thc most fastidious. A single Certificate will bc sent by mail, post paid, upon receipt of 25 cents, live for 51, eleven for 52, thirty- three and elegant premian) for 55. sixty-sis and more valuable premium forslO, one hundred and most superb Wat¿! for 515. To Agents or those wishing employment this ls a rare opportunity. Il is a legitimately conducted business, duly authorized by the Government, snd open to the moat careful scrutiny. Tru ut! A.Jdrcss .7 , li 1 C K LI .V U .c- CV»., HU Ur-;.-vr.'.y. .'«. -, -.c::it:b-.ritf bj.,; MISCELLANEOUS "18 years established in N. Y. City.'.', "Only infallible remedies known." r "Free from Poisons." "Kot dangerous to tho Human Family.' "Rats come out of their boles to die." "COSTAR'S" RAT, MICH, ETC., EXTERMINATORS, Is 8 paato-l-B^a for Sat», Mic*, Boothes, Black and Bea Aqtt, kc, kc. "Costar's" Bed-Bus Extenoiuator, j Is a liquid or waah-^used to dent-or and :.' ' also as a preventive for Bed-Bugs, ¿J. Costar's Electric Powder for ln&el£: Is for ¡Mks, Mosquito?*, Flea»,'Bek-Bugt,.''-' '2Jt* Insect» on Plants, Fowls, Animal», kc : ;t>. ; ..}£ £3~ ! 1 I BEWAB¿ III of all worthless imitations. 49- See that "COSTAB'B" name ls on each Box, Bottle, and Flask, before you buy. 43* Address, HENRY R. COSTAR, . ^ KO. 484 BROADWAY, Hl'îj. 43* Sold in Charleston, S.C. ' ! ^.By- _ ; f¿¡ And all Druggists and Dealers everywhere. ....... BARNES. WARD k CO.,... ¿¿ New Orleans, La., Wholesale Agents for the Southern States. .' ..:.T.l; "COSTAR'S" CELEBRATED t^-ltuílftá i;i BUCKTHORN ËÉt^Ep FOB CUTS. BURNS, BRUGES, iWOÛNlJÏBOriiR; OAK- ! CERS, Broken Breasts, Sons Nipples, Bleeding, Bund.,- and Painful Piles; Scrofulous, Putrid and TB-conditioned' Sores; Ulcers, Glandular Swellings, Eruptions, Cutane- 0 CUB Affectiona, Ringworm, Itch, Corns,.Bunions, Chll- blains, kc. Chapped Hands, Lips,' kc. ; Bites of Spiders. ' Insects, Animals, &c, &c. - ... , nco* SST Boxes, 25 ctn., 60 cts. and tl sizes. ' c 43* Sold by aU Druggists everywhere. . y.. L' Sss- And by HENRY R. COSTAR, Depot No. m Brood-: way.N. Y. ' ..... 4®- And by- Charleston's!'<i ~ , BARNES, WARD ft CO., "' New Orleans, La.,'- Wholesale Agents for the Southern States.; ot ..i- "... iii.iîij«»g .:...¡.á^tí-csl oílr? Vi ' ..?;<:*. .'' '.'.'?:v.r e ttf-rçshwti "cosTÁRria't'S^ UNIVERSAL. :'>7.7K£. CORN SOlV^NT^ FOB CORNS, BUNIONS. WARTS, 4t fiar Boxes 25"Cts;,T!0_ot6'."aaa S1"8I203;-. ~~~ ~J~ 43* Sold by. all Druggists everywhere. ' ".'».' 4®- And by HENRY R. COSTAR, Depot'Ko:'484 Braid^'- way, K. Y. : -ti: air And by Charleston, S. C .. . BARNES, WARD k CO., -' Kew Orleans, La., Wholesale Agents for the Southern States. "COSTAR'S" ;/V; PREPARATION OF :¡c i í»*I BITTER-SWEET AND OMfiE BLOSSOMS, FOR BEAUTIFYING THE COMPLEXION. '. '[ Used to Soften and Beautify the Skin, remove Freckles, Pimples, Eruptions, kc. Ladies are now using it in preference to all others. .' 43" BotUcs, SI. 43" Sold by all Druggists everywhere. s 43" And by HENRY R. COSTAR, Depot Na 484 Braal-.. way, N.T. 43* And by- Charleston, S. C." BARRES, WAR» k CO., Kew Orleans, La., *y ' Wholesale Agents for the Southern States. "COSUR'S" ' PECTORAL COUGH REMEDY, FOR COUGHS, COLDS, HOARSENESS, SORE THROAT, Croup, Whooping Cough, Iufluenza, Asthma, Consumption, Bronchial Affections, and all Disea. cs of the Throat and Lungs. 43* Bottles, 25 cts., 50 cts. and il sutes. 43* Sold by all Druggists everywhere, 43- And by HENRY R. COSTAR, Depot No. 484 Broad- - way, N. T. 43* And by- Oharieston, S.e. BARNES, WARD k CO., ' ' New Orleans, Ls-, Wholesale Agents for the Southam States. CELEBRATED SHOP PILLS. A UNIVERSAL DINNER PILL, For Nervous and Slea Headache, Costiveness, Indiges¬ tion, Dyspepsia, Biliousness, Constipation, Diarrhcoa, Colics, Chills, Fevers, Uid general derangement of the Digestive Organs. 43* Boxes, 25 cts., 50 cte. end SI sbze3. £2* Sold by ah Druggists ever} where. 43" And by HENEY R. COSTAR, Depot Na 434 Broad¬ way, N. Y. 43* And by- Charleston, S. C. BARNES, WARD k CO., New Orleans, La., Wao'esale Aaetts lor tee óontn¿m St-tes. December 21 *- Smos "FURNITURE, ETC. ELEGANT FURNITURL REO. J. HENKELS, LACY 4 CO., Thirteenth and Chesnut Street«. PHILADELPHIA. We have a Eiiit of ELEGANTLY CARPETED, And Furnished Complete as PARLORS MD CHAMBERS. Purchasers can see how a suit of Furniture wiRiippeax io their house, and can from theso rooms make a better seleeiien -than they can from furniture promiscuously.,.- » ¿¿el tu luge wmrooms. a toa Ncycmbçt 2$'^*r'

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TELEGRAPHIC.Our Cabio fitina telles.

PAULS, Docciiibor SI.--T.etsers dated from Mcs-sorah, ii; Abyssinia, slate (hat tuc English Consul;Cameron, Jlr. Bossau an-.l their friends, known forsome years as the Abyssinian capt ives, who hadjustbeen released from p. protracted imprisonment,have been again ironed by ord >f the EmperorTheodore.TRIESTE, December SO.-A íiüni.sterial crisis is

reported at Athens ou tito 24th. Goveimnont af¬fairs aro in a troubled and excited condition inGreece. Money very scarce, and pay of all Stateofficers four mouths overdue.Comm, December 2G.-Four British war ves¬

sels provisioned herc and sailed for thc coast cfCandia.Tho insurrection ia Thessaly. fomented by

Greece, is gainingheadway. The Greek ColonelVclias leads tho insurgen'?.LONDON. December ai.-It is stated that Adrri-

ntl Goldsborough has ashed permission of hisGovernment to transport Cretan refugees in war

vessels.-PARIS, January 2-Noo-.i.-Napoleon's speech,

delivered yesterday to tho diplomatic corps, is ofa very pacific tone*BELFAST. IKELAXD, January 2-Noon.-Nino Fe¬

nian arrests have been made hero tins morning;also a quantity of arms seined.VIENNA, January 2-Noon.-Tt is said that Aus¬

tria is about convening a hew He'- -lisrath, for the

purpose of effecting a compromiso with Hungary.LONDON, January 2.-United States Five-twen¬

ties, 73¿; Illinois Central, HI; Consols, 90?.LIVERPOOL, January 2-Noon.-Cotton brisk; de¬

mand unchanged; sales estimated at 15,000 balesUplands, at 15d.

Fro n» Europe per Steamer.NEWY'OBE, January 1.-The Barnsley coal mine

explosions are attributed to carelessness. A black¬smith who descended for the purpose of shooinghorses, left thc top of his safety lamp off, and Iiishead was blown oil'.In the insolvent case of Ovoiend, Gurney <fc Co.,

involving a million sterling, the Chancellor di¬rected-that a dividend of four shillings to tho poundshall be paid.,The-reporrcd Ios3 of the staimer Golden Fleece

proves a wicked hoax.The bill for tho Confederation of the British

American Provinces is bcingpreparod for the nextParliament.Napoleon's health was good.The Duke of Oldenburg has renounced his claim

to the Holstein succession, in lieu of a small terri¬torial grant and a million tinders.The riait of the King of Saxony to tho King of

Prussia is regarded significant of a sincero alli¬ance.Prussia supports the new line of steamers be¬

tween Germany and America tía Southampton.Theline will oompriso seven steamers, with a ca¬

pacity of carrying ICO first, 100 second, and COOthird-class passeugors, and 1000 tons of freight..The chief points of tho proposition of Italy to

the Pope are n s follows: Florence to bc thc capitalof Italv; Cardinals to be Princes of thc Kingdom,with their, present incomes guaranteed; tho in¬habitants of Homo to vote whether they will hosubjects of thc Kingdom or of tito Pope; Borne toremain a' freo city, under bite absolute control ofthe Pope; the Popó to crown Victor Emanuel Kingof Italy at Florence. Th>s arrangement is to bobinding only during thc life of tho proscnt Pope.

It is asserted thal thc leading European powers,except Russia, have resolved to protect thc HolySfe ; the Russian and American Representativesare among its most determined supporters. TheFrench Embassador lias declared that Franco willhold Italy responsible for any violation of thePope's temporal power.HALIFAX, January 1.-Thc royal mail steamship

China, from Liverpool December 22d, via Queens¬town 23d, arrived herc at y o'clock this morning,with 41 passengers for Boston and ll for this port.No further Fenian arrests of importance had oc-

, curred np to the China's dep 'rturo.Tho news by this steamer has generally been an¬

ticipated by the cable.TUP .total subscription in England to thc funds

for tito relief of the sufforcrs by the great fire atQuebec had reached £30.000, aud it had boen re¬solved to close the subscription fists.The Paris correspondent of the London Times of

the 22d, says : Tho opposition of the poss to thoarmy reorganization schemo was growing so de¬cided and public opinion was generally so adverso,that it was rumored yesterday that it would bowithdrawn.

General News.

NEWARK, N. J., January 1.-Tho house of AaronWard, Jr., at Clintou, was fired last night by bur¬glars. I«Tré¿ Ward, in alarming tho family, was

shot jum jolow the breast, it is thought not dan¬gerously. The burglars escaped with somo watchesand other plunder.RICHMOND, VA., January 1.-Snow and ¡co pre¬

vent thc running of thc street cars.

The negroes celebrated thc emancipation. Rov.Hunnicutt spoke, denouncing Peirnoint and thoState Legislature, and said that Congress alonowas the freedman's hope. The celebrat ion passedoff unmolested.RALEIGH,: January 1.-Tho celebration of the

emancipation anniversary, to-day, was very order¬ly. An address was delivered by Governor Worthand others.INDIANAPOLIS, January 1.-A fire occurred at

Richmond, Ind., involving a loss of $1;;0,000. Thcrailroad depots, the telegraph office, a number offine 'stores, and a largo?quantity of wheat and lardwere destroyed.NEW Y'ORK, January 2.-A Havana letter of De¬

cember 20 states thai thc financial crisis had near¬

ly abated. The Banco Espagnol paid *600,000ingold the. first day of thc run; afterwards $25,000per day. All tho banks have resumed payment,except'that of Bossier & Co., who arc supposed tobe hopelessly insolvent.

J. A. Jessie, a Boston broker, is reported to havefailed. Liabilities, half a million.

All the liquor in thc hotels at Brighton has beenseized.

Thirty-four of thirty-nine blooded horsos shippedper Helvetia'died in b-ansitu.

HAT.IUSBUIU;, PENN., January 2.-Governor Cur-tin's message says tho present revenue will paythe State debt in fifteen years. Ho recommends a

loan; also recommends tho adoption of tho Consti¬tutional Amendment.COLUMBUS, OHIO, January 2.-Tho Legislature is

assembled in extra session. Tho Governor's mes¬

sage is confined to State affairs. Over a million inthe Treasury. The finances of tho State arc in a

prosperous condition, and no additional taxation isnecessary to meet occurring liabilities.NEW YOHK, January 2.-Sailed stei ntsbip Gran¬

ada for Charleston, with tho cargo of tho Andalu¬sia, which put hack in distress, ano. could notleave again yesterday.FORTRESS "MONROE, January 1.-A large fleet is

woatherbound hero.WASHINGTON, January 2.-Tito tariff report of

Commissioner Wölls is to bo presented to thc Sen¬ate on Thursday next. It may bo said, on the bestauthority, that the statements heretofore publish¬ed, purporting to give thc substance of this report,are wholly fallacious and very wido of thc truth.The report cannoi bo styled a"Free Trado report, as

itrecommends an iucrcasc of tho tariff whereverit can be borne. It ia simply a plain, lucid, com¬mon eenso statement of results of patient and in-telligent investigation into tho condition of our

industrial affairs, and tho reason for the impositionof the tariff, ana the effect of cortain rates uponcertain classes of commodities.WASHINGTON,' January 1-Owing to thc immense

number of fraudulent claims, presented at thoQnartermaster-Generars oflice, Gen. Meigs willrecommend to Congress an act, providing threecommissioners for each State, to hold sessions with¬in the State, and require claim-.nts to appear inperson and establish then claims by oial testimony.But one negro, a bright mulatto, unknown hero,

§resented himself at tho President's levee to-day.[e was quietly received and hurried himself away.Tho Arkansas Committee, consisting -of P. 8.

Garritt, John L.' Fellour, John R. Eaken; AndrewHunter, H. F. Thomason. R. C. Kewson, T. C.Ganse, W. AV. Watkins and S. P. Hughes arrivedlate this afternoon, too late for action. Thc gen¬tlemen composing the committee aro well.MEMPHIS, TENN., January 1.-Tho colored pa¬

rade to-day passed off very quietly.COLUMBUS, OHIO, January 2.-Tho Governor,

speaking of tho Amendment", says that it contains

Îrovisions which, in the wisdom of thc Nationalegislaturo, ara thought necessary to scciuggiW-

manent peace throughout thc country and (Jfrrcetthe palpable evil existing ht the States lately inrebellion, and ho is not without hope thattheSouthern States will yet reconsider their rejectionof tho Amendment.ANNAPOLIS, MD.. January 2.-The Legislature

has assembled, and the mcssago will be read to¬morrow.The steamer Gettysburg has got off. but is una¬

ble to go to sea.NEW IORI:, January 2.-Thc Washington special

of the Commercial says t ba* the Campbell-Sher¬man mission has been' abandono i. Campbell re¬

ceives leave to visit lúa home in Ohio, ami Sher¬man is expected in Washington next week.WASHINGTON. January 2.-Th" United Slates

steamer Don leatves Annapolis on it secret mission,having on board Admiral Porter and i h m. Frede¬rick. Seward, Assistant Secretary of State. Herdestination is behoved to bc thc establishing theUnited States authority on somo islands rcvontlydiscovered, aa it is understood the vessel will notbe heard from uutil she roturo» home, lt is nottrue that General Grant accompanies the mission.BOSTON, January 2.-After organization to-day

the Legislature heard a sermon by thc Rev. Dr.Warren, of Cambridge.The bodies brought in tho Saxon from Phihidcl-

{>hia wero for dissection, and had been legitimate*y obtained."

RICHMON. , January 2.- It has been snowing all

day. The James River is blockaded by ico to thcmouth of Warwick Creek.WASHINGTON. January 2.-Tho Arkansas Delega¬

tion visits the Prcaidt ut, to-morrow.William Atlee has been appointed Revenue In- j

spector for Louisiana.NEW YORK. January 1.-Thc steamer Delaware,for Charleston and Georgetown, S.C.. has sailedfrom thiaport.ALBANY," January 2.-Gov. Fenton recommendstho adoption of tho Coiistllntkmat Amendment;.NEW YORK, January ".-Tho Paper Mills of Cole.

Hall & Donnison were burnt last night. Loss$20,000. Partly insured.Arrived from Charleston on the- IS' li. tho Therese,

at Marseilles.WASHINGTON. January !L-Tho statement of tho

{mblic debt will not he ready for publication untilho 5th or Cth of January, li is understood that jover 51,020,000 were paid Insi m nth lo Southern !claimants for cottoti captured and confiscated l\ Mring the war. and ctaimi d as having boen illegallytaken. Gold in thcTrcámu'y $3U3,(*U0¿NEW OULEANS. Januarv 2.-Collector Kellock nnd j

governor Wells were before thc Conuuiltcc to-day,

which closes its labors and leaves for Washingtontoday.GALVESTON. January 2.-There has been the ac

revest snow storm here to-day since '5?.

Impeachment of thc President.WASHINGTON, Janunrv 2.-There is pood an

tlioritv for saying that tho Bill impoachiug thcPresident will be introduced into the House on

Monday next, by Ashlev, of Ohio, with évèrr pros¬pect of success. The President was notified to-dayol' thc fact, and expresses himself ready for trial.

Mexican News.KEW ORLEANS, January 2.-Thc steamer Morn¬

ing Star, bound to New York, has been aground altho Southwest Poss since Saturday.Gen. Prien and his three daughters arrived from

Cordova. Ho reports an important Mexican decree,published December IS, ordering a new enrollmentof real and personal estate for thc purpose of n

new taxation, thc tax payable between the 1st andlülh of every month. 'Maximilian has fully es¬

tablished himself at Puebla. Thc City Councilissued an address of welcome. Thc Cabinet Ustill engaged in preparing flic scheme for a Na¬tional Congress, but no details have transpired.Tho French Minister and Castclnau are also atPuebla.There was a sanguinary conflict aL Bridgo Oxtla.

Thc Imperialists suffered severely ; their Colonelwas taken prisoner and a whole company missing.Tho Imperialists had capturod and shot ene CotBrccros and thrco Liberal chiefs.NEW YORK. January 2.-A letter received by

steamer Eagle hom 'Havana, on the 29th, saysthere is moro decided news from Mexico than wohave had for some time. Thc stoamcr Florida leftVera Cruz ou thc 18th with 1100 Frcuch and a fullcargo of arms and ammunition. A French warvessel arrived at Vera Cruz on tho 19th, from NowOrlear46, with a cabio dispatch from Napoleonstating that transports would arrive in January,and that ho oxpected tho Loops to be on lwardwithin thrco weeks after the arrival of the trans¬ports.New Tear's Reception at tlic White House.

WASIU-ÍGTON, January 1.-Tho day is delightfulaud devoted to receptions and festivities.Tho ceremonies at tho White House are said by

old citizens to be of an unprecedented brilliancy.The reception at tho President's to-day was at¬

tended by all tho membors of tho DiplomaticCorps, members of the Cabinet, thc Judges of theSupremo Court, Senators and Representatives, andother officials present in the city. Manv of tholadies were most ciegan tlv attired. Conspicuousamong them was thc wifc'of the Chilian -jh+ràcdc Artair,s, who wore a splendid blue velvet, willilong trait borne by a small page hi livery. Tholaciies of tho household, Mrs. Stover and Mrs. Pat¬terson, were plainly dressed, but in exquisitetasto. The s cen o in the blue room, when thc olli-cial reception was at its hoight, was peculiarlystriking-tho mingling of epaulettes, decorations,foreign orders and gay dresses, forming a mostbeautiful coup (PCM/.

Fire at Mobile.MORILE, Januarv 2.-A fire occurred this morning

and burned four "brick houses, originating ou (Itosoutheast corner of Jackson street; it extended tothe three adjoining houses on Danphiu street, oc¬

cupied by Madame Mallicants, Mrs. Byrnes, anilthe dry goods store of Cohen & Fronklc. Thcbuilding was insured for $12,000. Tho insuranceon thc stock and houses was in tho followingoffices : Thc ngcucv of Vorhees & MverB, SIOOO;agency of L. D. Hill, $10,000; of C. NV". Dorancc,$9500; Jtobile,$500:-. $1500; agency ofJ. il. Muldron, $750; agency of Hubbard <£ Tardy,$5000. Ono man was killed'by a falling wall.

Thc Fenian Stephen».NEW YORK, January L-The Tribune announces

that James Stephens, thc H. C. F. B., was board¬ing in Thirteenth street under tho assumed name

of Scott, until some four da s ugo, whenhe suddenly disappeared.Business entirely suspended.

LATER.NEW YOEE, January ¿.-lt is stated that Cant.

Askow was mistakoufor Stephens, and that thelatter has not been here for some weeks.

Thc European and North American Rail-rond.

BASÓOS, MAINE, Docember 31.-Ground will i c

broken on the European and North American Bail-way in this city on Tuesday, January 1st. The.Mayor. City Council, and other prominent citizens,will bc present. Bridges Lave boen built, and thcwork ofgrading will bc commenced early in spring.

From: Baltimore.BAETEWORE, January 1.-Tho year's tobacco in¬

spection for 186C was 4857. against 4392 last Yearcomprising £2,300 Man-land, 15,570 Ohio. 1S5 Vir¬ginia. 319 Kentucky, and C2 Missouri. ShipmentsFo foreign ports 4772. against -1260 last Magruuor T»*a3 released on g ving $2(1(10

bail to appear before tho United Stalos Court, forviolation of tho Chi Bights Act, in authorizingtho. salo of felon negroes, as provided for by theState Law3 of Maryland, no is also under bail fora similar amount for rejecting negro evidence, for¬bidden by Stato Laws.

Domestic Markets.NOON DISPATCH.

NEW YORK, January 2.-Gold 132J. Money un¬

changed. Stocks better. Cotton firm but quiet;Uplands 341; Orleans 35*. Flour-Southern firmer;$11 20al7. "Wheat very firm and quiet. Corn lc.better; $1 ll afloat. Pork lower; new mess SlOallM.Lard dull.BALTEUORE, January 2.-Flour quiet; finn. Grain

vcrv scarce. Bay anet harbor closed. Prices nomi¬nal! Seeds dull:"Clover $8a8 20. Cofi'ec firm; Kioif good demand. Sugars quiet. Provisions active.Cut Meats neaw; Cotton firm. Uplands 32hi33.¡.Buckwheat Meal $3aS.}.AUGUSTA. January L-Cotton in good demand nt

321a;53. The steamer Eclipse exploded near Pnrys-burg, killing tho captain and scalding several.Boat and cargo lost.


Tho Commercial says that stocks, though notactive, havo decidedly a stronger tc JO; somo lead¬ing stocks being largely oversold, and tho Bull sideis presumed strong enough to control thc prices.Now York Central advanced 2$} c. Governmentsquiet and irregular, prices depressed. (J old weak¬er at 32$. Money mocloratcly active and unchanged.Foreign exchange a shado lower at 9@91c


Gold 32*. Coupon Sixes of 'Cl, 1051; registereddo of 'G5,~10GJ Dry Goods market steady aud un¬

changed. Trade quiet but healthy; few look for a

very noavy tirade during thc .year, hut a steadytone is expected to pervade tho market. Cottoiifirmer; sales 2000 bales; Uplands 35c, Orleans 3(J.'.cFlour firmer; Southern $11 25@17. Wheat l@2chigher. Corn Ic. bettor; mixod *1 121@1 ULPork unsettled: new Moss $20 G2@21 5b. Lardfirmer at llj@13c. Groceries nominally unchanged.Freights, commissions Sid. by sail and 41d. bysteam to Liverpool. Government securities"firm¬er. Money freely offered at 7 $ c.. and in somocases at G. Gold closed at 33$@33$. Exchangedidi and heavy.LOUISVILLE, January 2.-SaIosC2 hhds. Tobacco:

market firm for common lugs, $2 75a3 90; mediumleaf, $12 25. Flour firm at $9 50. Grain unchanged.Moss Pork active at $20. Hogs, SC 50aC 75. ShelledCorn, receipts 9000 bushels. 73.000 of Oats. Lard,12c. Raw Whiskey, in bond, $2 30. Bulk Meatsactive. Shoulders," 8c; clear Sides, ll j. Cotton,80c.MOBILE, January 2.-Sales to-day 1500 bales;

Middling. 32c, firm. The receipts of cotton fromall parts during tho last tour months are 750,000bales. Tho crop is believed to be about hah Lu.

ST. Lours,. January 2.-Flour aud Wheat firmand nothing doing. Thc holders of cboicc Wheatask $3. Corn dull at 70a74. Oats lower at 5Sa(¡2.Whiskoy duh-$2 23. Pork firm at $20 50, deliveredat Cairo", and $11) 50 dolivered at the opening of thcnavagation. Plain Hams 17lal8. Clear Sides 13.|a14. Shoulders 12. Lard nominal at 131 for Ken¬tucky. Hogs active and bettor at $0 30«C 75. Cot-tou Letter at 31.NEW ORLEANS, January 2.-Cotton unchanged ;

Low Middlings 31 j a 32ic ; Middlings 32L Receipts5200 bsdos. Sugar advanced 10c for Louisiana.New York Exchange i a $ discount. Freights'oLiverpool 9-1C a ll-lOd.""CINCINNATI, January 2.-Flour is firm and un¬

changed. Whiskey linn at. $2 20 in bond. Hogs'rather dull at $7 40a7 05, net, closing firm. Re¬ceipts for two days 13,000 head. Tho price currentgives thc total receipts of thc week at 10.000 head.For tho season 281.000. against 228,000 List year.Mess Pork in good demand nt $1 20. Lard 12.Thorcia a speculative demand for both the arti¬cles from outside parties. Bulk meats arc in limi¬er demand. Green Meats finn; holders ask ¡c. ad¬vance. Gold 132. Money scarce and in demand.[Wc received our last dispatch at 3 A. M. on thc

3d; and tho telegrams stopped coming only then,because the lines were all "'down."]

State Items.Kev. Johr A. Porter has been transferred

by tho late Conference at this phieo to George¬town. His place as Presiding Elder will besupplied by our worthy pastor. Rev. Dr. Boydwhose valued and distinguished services


inthe station wc regret to lose ; but wo arc con¬

soled in believing that his place will be lilied byRev. S. H. Brown, whose reputation gives us rca- .

son to hope that wo shall have in the Doctor's roomthe services of a p.tre, upright, and eloquent man.

[Marion Crescent.COLD WEATHER.-Sure enough, cold, rigorous

winter is upon us. Ou Saturday evening last,about 7 o'clock, snow commenced falling, and bySundav morning the ground was covered to the

depth of about four inches. Throughout thc dayboth sleet and snow fell, aud at the time of writingthis (.Monday evening) old mother earth is shroud¬ed in a white mantle of snow and ice, and from ap¬pearances something in addition is not improbableThe severest weather wo have experienced in thissection for manv years.Bv reference to -un- telegraphic news, in another

column, it will be perceived that tho weather al theNorth is more severe thau has been experiencedfor twenty years.-Ibid.MELANCHOLY ACCIDENT.-An only son ol' Mr.

James B. LcGetto wcut cut squirrel hunting on

Wednesday, 20th December, aud after huntingawhile he laid down with bin shot gun pointing at

his body, which accidentally went off and killedhim instantly.-Ibid.WON'T LEAVE.-WC lcu'ru from Mr. Taylor, who

is now in this city as agent for several cotton

planters in Texas, that he lins been altogether un¬

successful in his endeavors to secure farm handsto go with him to his State. Ho has been activelyeec >:idcd by Lieut. McKilless. but tho darkies ure

unwilling to po where they will have no opportu¬nity to rely o:i Government rations when theychance to loaf a while,-Journal of Vonyiiurxv.

Tho Confederate Dcatl at Avcrysuoro'.Mr. Editor: Pursuant to thc call made by Gene

ral QCATTLEBAUM, of Leesville, S. C., and Mrs. J..C. SMITH, of Fayetteville, N. C., through tho col¬umns of 'Inn CHARLESTON DAILY NEWS, of tho 21stult., for assistance in thc patriotic endeavor to fur¬nish our horoic dead at Averysboro', N. C., with"ono common cemetery," the surviving officers ofthc South Carolina Regular Brigade, residing inthia city, have held a mooting, at which Major T.A. HCOUEKIX presided, and appointed a committeecomposed of thc following gentlemen-J. M. RHETT,F. W. OCIEU, Jona C. Ihsqri, E. S. FICKLIXO,JOHN A. KEITH and F. K. HUGER-whoso duty itskill bu lo correspond with their late brother offi-cors throughout thc State, and suggest such stepsas may be necessary in raising fuuds for tho pur¬pose bf enclosing thc ground, so generously con¬

tributed by Mrs. SMITH, with an iron railing; anderecting a suitable monument in memory of thegallant officers and men who now He biuied there.In order to create suflicient public interest to guar¬antee success in this undertaking, tho committedwould simply invite tho attontion of our fcllow-citizons throughout thc Stale, and especially thoseresiding in Charleston, to the following communi¬cations, and sincerely trust it may novcr bc justlysaid that South Carolina was found wanting in

sympathy with those who would gladlyjoin in hon¬oring her own distinguished dead.For (he convenience of those of onr city who may

wish to contribute even thc smallest amounts, sub¬scription lists will be left at thc offices ofTUE DAILYNEWS, Mercury, and Courier respectively.

JULIUS M. RHETT, CÍiairmau.Thc following is thc call of General QUATTLE-

DAUM and the letter cf Mrs. SMITH, referred to :


Mr. Editor: Several months ago I made knownto you and thc numerous readers of tho NEWS a

proposition of Mrs. Smith, and other ladies ofNorth Carolina, to have all thc Confederates who follin battle near Averysbo-o' md still lay buried wherethey fell, taken up ¡md rcinterred in one commonCemetery; tb bc properly enclosed, and tien havoasuitable monument erected to their memory. Thisgenerous, patriotic .lady offered to donate not onlythe ground, but to render all thc assistance in herpower tc carry cut this Iaudablo obiect, and askedtho aid and cooperation of tho ladies of SouthCarolina, as well as thc relativos and friends of thedeceased generaHy. As theso troops wore mostlyfrom Charleston," where (hoy had, for full fouryears, stood moro invincible" than walls of stoneamong the bravest of its bravo defenders, neverfor a moment faltering, even under tho terribleshower of iron hail to which they were exposedfrom Inc opening lire on Fort Sumter to the pain¬ful evacuation of thc city, presenting themselvesat all times as barriers* between thc innocentinmates within and their inveterate enemieswithout, uulil thc order came from a quarter whichthey, as soldiers, were bound to obey, und thus,for lite first time, turning thoir bâcles upon theirhomos and tho many loved ones left behind, to stilldo battle for them in distant fields-1 repeat it, asthese were tho troops who scaled with their life'sblood their unswerving devotion to a causo inwhich Charleston fully sympathized, from thcrising of ¡tsmorning star to" thc going down there¬of-i did hope that the reasonable request of thcfair daughters of thc .Old North State-to do just,deserving and becoming homage to these noblemartyrs-would receive a ready and willing re¬

sponso from their more Southern sisters. Nor canI believe otherwise than that, when tho lvdios andcitizens of Charleston learn, from too subjoinedletter of Mrs. Smith, that tho good peoplo ofNorth Carolina have performed tho first and mostdisagreeable part ol t his very commendable work-that of collecting together tho dead bodies-andnow only want a few hundred dollars to completethe cnclosuro and monument, they, too, will readi¬ly contribute thoir part. It only roquircB somo

organized plan, with generous, patriotic ladies ofCharleston at its hotel, to make this matter suc¬ceed.You may do much to aid tho schomc through

thc instrumentality of your paper, and by a littleprivato advice. For Hie credit of thc State; forwhat is duo to thc people of a sister State, whohave so kindly initiated thc matter; for what isdue lo tho honor of tho honored doad, let mc in¬voke you, Mr. Editor, to urge on this work, sowell begun, until the last romans of these lalo,long defenders of your city shall be properly en¬closed with an iron fence, and an appropriatemonument shall bc erected to mark thou* lastr.'sting-plnrc, and thus hand down their deeds tothc remotest posterity. Because they fell in a

fidlen cause, their memory ts nono thc less worthyof thc homage of their country.In furtherance of theso views, please publish tho

following letter from Mrs. Smith, at. whose house,a few milos from Avorysboro', tho battle inwhich the'so men fell, was fought, on thc 10thMarch, 1803. Thc most of tho slain wore of thc(wo Soul h Carolina Regiments of Regulars andLucas' Battalion of Charleston-tlirce only fr mGeorgia: I

MBS. SMITH'S LETTER. |OAK GROVE, November 23d. 18C>ti.

General Qnattlcbaum, leesville P. 0., & C.:You will, I hope, pardon tho liberty I have taken

in writing to you again on tho subject of tho ceme¬tery for our brave soldiers. Wo, thc ladies or thcvicinitv of thc battle-field (near Avorysboro'). havehad all thc bodies rumored and placed together ina vory suitable spot, and aro now ready for thodonations for (¡>.o "cnclosuro and monument." Iwish an iron railing; it is so much better; anyctlier lasts so short a time. I have had severalletters on thc subject, and they all concur with mnin this idea. It will coat more, of course, but itwill be complete.Wc havo an Association formed now. Mayor

McLean, of Fayetteville is our Treasurer. Chan¬cellor Loscsno. of Charleston, has mado ns a dona¬tion of S50. and he will receive for ns auy sum thatmay bc donnted.There arc tinco Georgians, all thc rest aroSonth

Carolinians : and, as wc have moved them, wc

have no doubt but South Carolina will complete itif she know of it, and Georgia, I havo no doubt,would do her part. Wc have placed fifty-eight bodiesin tho cemetery. I will bo vory glad if you wouldaid us with your influence, and in any way youmay feel disposed. I nm very desirous that thismatter should bo generally taken hold of. and Ithink it is obliged to succeed. Our neighborhoodhave dono what they folb able to tb, andliavo doneit cheerfully. I eau assure you it is a very greatrelief lo my mind to know that tho graves of ournoblo martyrs aro no longer scattered over tholand, unknown and uncaredfor ; and I boliovo thorcis still genuine patriotism enough loft to secure tons thc completion of this work. Wo havo hadthem removed for ton miles around.Please havo this published in your papers, and

do what yon can for na. Let mo hear from yousoon on tito subject. Yours,

Mrs. J. C. SMITH,Fayetteville, N. C.

WHISKEY FRAUDS.-Thc frauds discovered by thoInvestigating Committee, in New York and Brook¬lyn, aru said to bo as wide-spread as startling.There has been a nnivorsal swindle going on, fromthe start,* in which Government agents arc dosplyimplicated. Tho excuse is, tho "difficulty of find¬ing honest men" as Inspectors ! There ÍB nothingsingular in this fact. Fraud and coemption wereborn of tho war,-in which cotton-stealing was le¬galized bv men high in office, and tho contagionhas spread to i ts present magnitude by force of ex¬

ample. "Mr. John Devlin-one of the parties con¬

nected with Messrs. Tilton and Levan, now on ex¬amination before United States Commissioner New¬ton, at Brooklyn, N. Y., on the chargé of defraudingtho Government by branding whiskey where no li¬cense hud been paid-was on Thursday arrestedon a civil process, at thc instance of thc UnitedStates District Attorney, to recover tho sum ofSlOU.lino. as tines »nil penalties incurred by violat¬ing tho Internal Revenue laws. Devlin was broughtbefore thc Court, and held to answer in default of$200,000ktii.* -ATete Haem Register.A $10,000 libel suit is thrust disagreeably into

the. Chicago Tribuno's face. Thc paper itself is a

daily libel lipon good sense.

niARRIBO.At Orace Church, rh.n-leston, on 20lh December, bv

R.v. C. C. PtSCKNEV; li. II. WILLIAMS, Ju., to SUSANJ., eldest daughter or tim late SAMUEL ROBINSON. *

ft/HSCEUAHEGüS.Seasonable SiiiXijccstioiis.

Winier, in this climate, is a trying seimon. Ks lin.steady température urea:ly aggravates dyspepsia, andads very unfavorably upon that sensitive organ, Iboliver. Thc ullcrualiouof (Vost amt thaw keeps lue poresofthc body continually opening ami contracting, und the

nundi ia a condiUbu of thc system favorable to thc action.a llic atmospheric Virilit which producen Ititermilteul ic-

vrs. Hence a cnoTECXivK MKDICINB likr. UOSTRTTER'SSTOMACH RITTERS ls especially needed in the winiermonths. Thc effect of this great CONSTITUTIONAL Isvio-OUAST, in rendering even thc feeblest Iranio Imperviousto ¡ill malarious inflneucc*, In a graml fact demonstratedby he uniform experience of a quarter of a century. Asit nioner.-!.i\ an anti-bilious medicine, and a preventiveand carecí Fiver and Ague, it ia tlic- OSE miso .S'UKI>-

FI'L, which none who valu:? the preservation of healthcan afford lo do without.

THE SICK. wiiEs AT DEATH'S DOOR.regret that I hey did not '..ike the right uM'uMe at theright 'imf. Thousands who ar-; now buffering from thccarly twinges of liver complaint and dyspep*in,. will boprostrate on *Jck beds a month hence, if they do not ar¬

rest thc mischief at once. Nothing is more easy. Acourse of Hie purest and best vegetable tonic and alte¬rative known iu modern pharmacy--UOSTETTER'SSTOMACH RITTFUS-will restore the digestive organslo llfrfr full vigor, rod bril!;; the disordered liver into a

condition of perfcel health, ns certainly aa sunshine dis¬sipates the morning-vapors. Fcwr and Ague, too, is atonce broken up by this powerful autidolc to all miasma¬tic afosases. Strengthen the system with the Ritters, andyou may defy all the complaints which prevail at this inclcniont surdon. G December :il


Institution with REEK, PORii, YEAL, LR!EAD ¡iudM ILK for tlie iïh-r.iiiig year.

s-al.-d prut»wats must he tell willi the Steward prior ti,liie M January nest* u December i!3


CHANTS' LINE" Schooner ELLA FISH, from Baltimore,arc noUQod that ehe ls discharging cargo at L'rown

k Co.'e South Wharf. Goods remaining on tlic Wharf utsunset wUl bc stored at owners' rink and expense.

STBEET BROTHERS & CO.,Jauuary 1 1 Consignees.

«S- ALL PERSONS ARE WARNED AGAINSTlanding on my Plantation, au thoy will bc dealt with as

trespassers. W. 0. HIXSON,January 3 tbmw3* James Island.

/«TA CAUD;-THE OFFICERS AND MEM¬BERS OF THE .ETNA FIRE ENGINE COMFANV begleave to tendor their sincere acknowledgments io Vf. Y.

LEITCH, Esq., and Hon. WM. D. PORTER, for refresh¬ments to Irindly furnished at the Gre in Smith street, on

thc morning of tho 1st inst. JOHN McLEISII,JanuaryO 1 Secretary iEtna Fire Company.

/ST ESTATE SALE.-ALL PERSONS HAVINGdemands against tho estate of tho late FREDERICKFREEZE, will present them, properly attested ; and all

porsons indebted thereto will make payment toELLEN C. FREEZE, Ex'ix.

January 3 thal Mount Holly, S. C.

«3- NOTICE-BY AN ACT OF THE GENERALASSEMBLY, the undersigned, for themselves and as

Trustees for their associates who are lawful holders of

thc Second Lien Fürst Mortgage Boinia of the Charlestonand Savannah Railroad Company, and euch others of thc

lawful* holders of thc said Bond* an may hereafter comein and join them, and tho successors of them, wcro lo-

coiporatcd by thc name of tho SAVANNAH ANDCHARLESTON RAILROAD COMPANY, with u capital of

one million ofdollars, to bo subscribed, made up and paidin said Bonds, and to bo divided into ten thousand shares

of one hundred dollars each-the said Company to beconsidered as formed, and tho Act or Incorporation to at¬

tach, as soon as six thousand shores shall bc subscribediud paid in. Notice Ls therefore hereby given that tl

undersigned are ready lo receive subscriptions and issue

Certificates of 8tock thereon, at the office of .INO. S,

RYAN, No. 28 Broad street, between tho hours oí 3 A. M,md 1 P. M. from day to day, until the necessary auiouut

ihall be subscribed.GEO. W. WILLIAMS, 1,7. It. BOYLSTON.WM. S. HASTIE, r Trustees.JOHN S. RYAN. IH. J. WILLIS, J

January 1

USî*CHARLESTON ALMS HOUSE.-THE ( MMISSIONERS OF THE POOR vrill elect, on Wcdttes.iay.Rh January, 1807, a MASTER, MATRON and BOOKKEEPER, to servo for the ensuing year. Also, contract-jrg tor BREAD and BEEF, lo bo delivered at Alms House>n Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays. Applications toDeleft at tlic /Urns House prior to thc day of election.December 31

HST OFFICE CHARLESTON CITY RAILWAYrOMTANY.-CHARLESTON. Decomber 20, lSGfi.-Pack-igeeof ONE HUNDRED TICKETS will bo sold at thcCompany's office, corner of Broad and East Boy streets,"or ¿ti.By order. S. W. RAMSAY.December 29 Secretary and Treasurer.

«5-AUDITOR'S OFFICE, SOUTH CAROLINARAILROAD COMPANY, CHARLESTON, DECEMBER», 18fiC-All interest on thc Funded Dobt of thu Com¬pany payable by Coupons on thc 1st of Jauuary, 18C7,?viii bo paid on presentation at thc Auditor's Office, inTohn-Btrect, on or after the 3d proximo.Decomber20_J. R. EMERY. Auditor.

E S T A T R NO T I C E .-ALL PERSONSlaving claims against tho Estate of the late JOSEPH L-HOWARD will present them, duly attested, uud. all per.ions indebted thereto will make payment to

S. L. HOWARD.November26_Qualified Executor.

03- ESTATE NOTICE-ALL PERSONS HAV~INO claims against Lho Estate or the lato J. DuBOSEPORCHER, of St John's, Berkley, aro requested to baudthem in, and those indebted to make payment to S. L.SOWARD, Charleston, or to Mrs. MARION PORCHER,?pi ni lied Executrix, St, John's, Berkley.Doccniber2-t m th Imo

Ä3-WE ABE AUTHORIZED TO ANNOUNCEE. M. WHJTT.Wl. Km;., as a csn.Udiiln lor SlioriiT ol

rjharleston (Judicial) District at thc next election.September Bl

«3-KALMIA MILLS MANUFACTURING COM¬PANY-The BOOKS OF SUBSCRIPTION to the CapitalStock of thia Company will bc upeued al W. C. COURT¬NEY .V CO.'S OFFICE. No. 0 Boyce's Wharf, on January1st, ISC", and continue open for one month. Informa¬tion respecting thc condition of tho Company will bofurnished all parlies desiring to forward this impor¬tant work. E. JJ. KERRISON,

Secretary and Treasurer Kalmia Mills.December 27 thstnlmo

Aö" HALL'S VEGETABLE SICILIAN HAIRRENEWER has proved itseir to be the most perfect pre¬paration for thc hair ever offered to the public.

Il is a vegetable Compound, and contains no injuriousproperties whatever.IT WILL RESTORE OilAV HAIR TO ITS ORIGINAL

COLOR.It will keep Hie hair from falling out.It cleanses thc scalp uud makes the hair soft, lustrniw

ind silkcu.It is a splendid hair dressing.No person, old or young, should fail lo use it

IT IS RECOMMENDED AND USED BY THE FIRSTMEDICAL AUTHORITY.irä' Ask for Hall's Vegetable Sicilian Hair Renewer,

and toko no olher. It. P. HALL k CO.,Nashua, N. H., Proprietors.

For sale by all Druggists. Wholesalo byBOWIE & MOISE,

SUCCESSORS TO KING AND CASSIDEY,March 1 th ly* Charleston, S. C.

ÄJT MAGIC INK (PATENTED).-WILLwrite in all colors'and shades out of one bottle, mid withone ink ; is unsurpassed for fancy and ornamentalwritings. Prico, SI a box, free by niall. Tho trade sup¬plied. Address G. M. CORDOVA,

No. fi2 William street, New York.December 27 thstu2mo

¡SS!- BAT CHELO R'S HAIR DYE.-THISSPLENDID HAIR DYE is tho best in the world. Tho

only tyne and jxrfccl Dye-harmless, reliable, instan¬

taneous. No disappointment. No ridiculous lints.

Natural Black or Brown. Remedies the ill elici ts of Had

Dyes. Invigorates tho hair, leaviug il »ult and beautiful.Tho genuine is signed William A. Batchelor. All othersare mere imitations, and should be avoided. Sold hy all

Druggists nud Perfumers. Factory, Ho. 81 HardeysU-cet, New York.




HIBERNIAN HALL,Thursday. Friday ami Saínnby



HE IS A SUPERIOR PERFORMER UN TUEPIANO to Blind Tom, who is well known through¬

out thc United States.Doors opau at 7 o'clock. Performance quarter after S

o'clock.Admittance ?1 HU. Children half price. Reserved

Seats S'J. Tickets, tu bc had at the Hall.January 3






o'clock; a «eries of INSTRUCTIVE AND ENTER-TAINING VIEWS, with dissolving scenes, will he uxhib-ted by mean:) ofthe BIXÏHTRIU LANTERNS, ill Trill-itv Church. Hasel Htroot in aid of irs .Sunday üehool.Thc entertainment will incliiie. Vi;-..-- io i'.il.-siin.. r.nd j

Hie East. Prominent Cathedrals and Minsters of Europe,Scenes iu Hie Arctic Regions, with moveable vUivra nt the.'Aurora R.-rcaiis" or "Noriherii Daybreak."

Eruption of Mount Vesuvius; smoko and Mame in mo-

lion, by mechanical ugeucy.Copies of Statuary; Incidents <.! Hie

Lato War, including the most remarkable events inCharleston Harbor; .Mareil of General Sherman luluColumbia; Hui Buming ul thc City.United Slates Troops Entering Richmond.Siukiug of Hie Stone fleet off I'harVsniii Harlaw;

Rattles of Fort Sumter; Attack of Um 'r ironsides''sindMonitor».Fort sumter as lt n«>w appears.



Sexton's christians Supper. jTi.-keis to be had at iiOLMXS' COO." liOVSOî. comer

Kin;.'and Wentworth street-;: a! the Poo', i.r of tie: un¬

dersigned.Wunle Tickets *>U cen.'.-. Children tinder 12 ; ir-

ci nts harli.LEONARD CHAPÍN. ( ... " ,,.,,,"S. A. NELSON, ) .?!" " .?' 'i'1' '"--

Dêviuibor -il l



"VTOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN TO ALL CONC.JLl that the Monthly Returns for tho month ofber pant, in couipliauco with thc Tax Ordinance,on Ute lGth day of January, 1806, must bc macbefore the 15th iust. D. C. GIBSIJanuary 3 City Asa


January 3, lt

1PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT 1. tho following Ordinance liconses liave been p:

for delivery from this Office. S. THOM.City Treas

SEC. 1. lie it Ordained by the Mayor and AldaCity Council assembled, That from ¡and after thc Êof January, licenses shall be taken ont for all cartsaud wagons, used for private und domestic purpitho mme manner, and according to tho saine pronow of force in relation to carts, drayB and wagomdriven for lure, except giving bonds, And cac

cart, dray or wagon, shall bc provided with « badtaining (he number thereof, nnrl marked Frivaltplaced on the outside of the «haft.Sac. 2. No person shall be taken bv the Treas

surety to any bond under tho Ordinanco conccncenses for carts, drays, wagons and other carriagless he or sh« bc H freeholder.SEC. U. The lollow'ng símil hereafter bo thc ni

licenses for public and private carts, drays, wagonincluding the horses or mules used thereof, whiclIK? fret; from other taxation :l'CDMC CARTS, DRATS, ETC., OB THOSE ESIT-LOTED

iiusorES* wuATEvnn, FOR wnuDntECTon INDIEFor every cart, dray or wngon, drawn by ono he

mulei *2u-For every cart, dray or wagon, drawn by two ho

mules, £3D.For every hack and carriage with two wheels, $2For every hack and carriago with four wheels, £4For every stage or omnibus (except linc omi

with two Lorsea, £50.For every stage cr omnibus (except line omi

drawn by four horses, ¿GO.For every truck drawn' ny two or moro horses or i

SCO.For cvory expresa wagon drawn by two Or moro


For every bread cartor wngon, £5.For every cart, dray or wagon, used for private

mcstic purposes, and not to bc employed in thoporting of goods, wares, merchandise,"lumber, o

other commodity, for compensation, cither dirceindirectly for the same, shall pay for a licenso the e

SS, exclusive of thc horse or mule.Ratified hi City Council, tlds 1 h day of Jai

ft,, e.] in tito year of our Lord ono thousand eightdred aud sixty-six.

P. C. GAILLARD, MaBy the Mayor.

Juuuary3_XV. H. SMITH, Clerk of Com


CITY HALL, January 1,180'

ÍTOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THIS OFFIi| now open, uud wiR remain open overy day

thc honrs of'J A. .M. lo 2 P. M. (Sundays excepted),tho Drat day of February next, for tho receipt of Taturns on Real Estate.AU Males. White and Colored, over thc agc of tw

ono years, aro required to return tacmsclvcs for Cidon Tux.Ali defaulters will bc dealt with as thc Ordinanc

reels.D. C. GIBSON, City Asses!Jauuary 3


THE FOLLOWING ORDINANCE TO RAISELIES for the year 1HG7, was rat!tied at a meet!

Uonncil; hold Friday evening, 2rith inst, und takes i

from lat Jauuary, 18G7:AN ORDINANCE



in City Council assendded, That a tax for tho sums, ai

thc manner hereinafter mentioned, shall bc raisedpaid into thc Treasury of tho city Tor tho use and se:

thereof, that in to say: Two dollars on every hundollars of tho value of every house, building, lot w!Dr other landed estate, including overy building uni

[iroveincnt on lauds under a lease for a term of iiimore years, from a religious, charitable or literarycly, or under any building lease, payeblo on or bitho 29th day of June next, provided that all personsshall pay the amounts of taxes duo by them on or bitheist day of February uhall bo allowed five pendiscount on the same; and that all persons who sha!thc amount of taxes due hy them after the 1st of Fenry. nud on or before thc 30th day of March, shall blowed two and a half per cent, discount on sumo.

Seventy-five cents on every huudrcd dollars of all tofgoods, wares and merchandise on personal accouion account ol'others, payante monthly.Two dollars on every huudrcd dollars of thc gross

eclpls of all street, railroads, payable monthly.l ive dollars on overy hundred dollars of thc gros:

ccipts ol'nil Expresa Companies, payable ni on Lilly.Seventy-fivi! couts on every hundred dollars of all e

at auction, payable monthly.Three dollars por month on every coach or four wi

carriage drawn by two bones or mules (exclusive ofhorses or mules), payable monthly.Two dollars per mouth on every coach or four w

carriage drawn hy one horse or mule (exclusive ofborro nr mule), jcynblc monthly.One dollar and fifty cents per month on every

wheel carriage, chair, siilUoy, .Vc. (exclusive of the hior'mule), payable monthly.Three dollars on every hundred dollars of gross

come, and all cross proiits durived from Ihe pursttany (acuity, profession, occupation or employmentfrom the exercise of any office, whether ill the prcrhm ol' thc law, the profits derived from the costsuits, counsol fees, or other sources of professionalcome, income from the practice nf dentistry, etc., piWe monlhly.Filly couta on every huudrcd dollars of the valu

any bond, mortgage, judgment, decree, or other soc

ly, whether said bond, kc, be located, aud whetherinterest bo paid here or elsewhere, payable, at tho ta

limes, and under the same conditions as the taxeilanded estate.Thivo doll'irs on c\ery hun,lied dollar» of all divide

received from stocks not exempted from taxation, jable monthly.Three dollars on every hundred dollars of all annul

and other income or incóales; received from what sou

soever, which arc not exempted from taxation by la«otherwise hereiu taxed, payable monthly.Two dollars on every dog kept within thc eily, payo

nu or before the 2'Jth day of June next.Three dollars on every hundred dollars of gross

ci ipts of all commercial agencies, payable monthly.Three dollars on every hundred dollars of all emmi

siana received by factors, commission merchant', bacr«, brokers, dealers in foreign and domestic exchauvendue masters, or other persons vouding or buygoods., wares, merchandise, produce, and real and jBunal property on commission, payable monthly.Two dollars on every hundred dollars of all gross f

iniiuns received for or by any Insurance Companyc> ed in this city, whether incorporated or ink, oragencies for individuals or companies, whether iiioortied or uot, payable monthly.Three dollars on every hundred dollars of gross

ceipls of all tías Companies and other niann fae:un

companies located in this city, payable monthly.One dohar per mouth on every horse and mule ut

or kept within thc city, excepting horses or mules us

in any licensed carriage, cart, dray, or other veldtpayable monthly.Two dollars and fifty cents per month on all ret

dealers in all articles whatsoever, whose monthly rotuiof sales do not yield ii tax above thc said amount of tdollars and illly cents.Two dollars capitation lax on all males over twen

ono years of age, payable on or before thc 29th dayJune nextTwo dollars and fifty conto per month on all Hui

stern.Two dollars and fifty cents per mouth on aU Bari

Shops.One dollar on every hundred dollars of Ihe gross i

ceipls of Hotels and public Eating and Boarding Housipayable monthly.One dollar on every hundred dollars of all receipts

Livery Stable Keepers, payable monthly.Two dollars on every hundred dollars of thc gross

cciptfl of cotton presses, payable monthly.Seventy-five cents bli every hundred dollars of I

gross roccipts of all printing offices, newspaper and pnlishing houses, payable monthly.Three dollar.-) on every hundred dollars of all goo-

sold Iii thu eily by persons not residents, by sampleOtherwise.One dollar on ever} hundred dollars of pales of

horses mid tonics brought lo the eily, payable mouth!Ono dollar on every hundred dollars of tho ¡gross t

ceipls of Maguetic Telegraph Companies, payai)monthly.SEC. 2. Any person or persona or corporations failli

to pay the laxes in the manner and at the times here!before prescribed; may bc double taxed at the optionCouncil. And it shall be (he duty of the City Treusurlo forthwith issn-: executions against the goods, chatteand other property of said larsons or corporations, at

lodge the said executions with the City Sheriff, who simimmediately proceed for thc collection nf the samo,thé manner provided by Ordinance for tue enforcemeiof the execution*.SEC. That all Ordinances and parts of Ordinance

repugnant hereto 1)« and the carno are hereby repealeiUatincd In City Council this tv.-enty-ctehth day Deeen

[ij, s.¡ her. A. li. unothousand eight hundred aud nixt;sli. P. C. GAILLARD, Mayor.

W. n. Kurru. Clerk of Council: December 31


THE F'nUNlf OF PISTOLS, GUNS, SQUIBS. CRACIElis or ol her Eire Works on the streets, are strictly pr<llibilcd;The followii:;,' piners are designated for such put

po,:, s. vis :-Tlie Burnt District«; west end of Braalstn el; llajt'-Moon Bullery, and west end ut'Queen streeThc Ordinance relative thereto «'ill bu strictly ci

forced.By order : P. C. GAILLARD. Mayor.

W. "li. S'SUl if. Cl-rk of Council. December 2fi



DECEMDEI: 15, IHCí!. Ji LL PERSON* RETAILING SPIRITUOUS LIQUOR!j\ arc hereby nniiiic.l Huit applications lor Licences t

daie fruin lat January, I Mi", úiiisl be made at this ollie Ihe abovWiKmtioned time. No applicationwill be received after that lim.', unless where a new »tonor barroom is opened.No. 1 License allows Ibo ualo pf not ICFS than on.

tpiart.No. 2 ur Tavern License allows thc Kalo of Liquor b;

quantity.Thc price of No. 1 License C mouths. t.'tThe nriee of "A». 2 or Tavern Licous* 0 months.ills

W. IL SMITH,LVCi-luber 17 ¡1! Clerk of Council.

«.:» -.ELV-tVOS ORPHAN UOUSÎC.i N Tí;:'- V. : LL TA HE PLACE ON THURSDAYJ\ :; : J ir.-.iaVj .. .f. for thc tollnwing Officers, to serviI...- Ü CUHUlttS y. ".":


A!.,.!ie.-li"ii.< he I f! r.t Ute h.nwe with tho sir-ward

priori" ih.-day of election. l.«eccmbcr:áSïfïiiiî LO IA.

MAYORALTY OE 1.71ARLESTON.~J'ITV fl.-.i !.. Novenih- r ti, )-v.i'.. {

t I .L PERSONS U : 'S la »I 'S OF RUBI "tLDLSi.î IS T-JK:\ BurntDlpVHêt» andVVÍIÍ^O-Places of tho city, un¬

der" "An Act i»i thc Assembly; giving authorityto thc City i om ci! i»f Chsvlei ton to proveed lu too mat¬

ter m n . Lc v it'iview to aid tn building up SheCitviir.««-." are hereby notified ilia! thu form of ajipii-e .ii. -.- I'-c loins csu be obtainc ! at Um office << <i:e Clericnj tr, .-. ¡I. lu iv.-- ii 'a« 'tours of '.> A. M. au:! 2 P. M.Ad sppHcalioni; mus'. iw> filed in ¡lie above mentioned

li'.ic.'. ss [lie Cntuiniilcc »ill meet every Monday to con-

s'ili r ii:.- -ailie.Bv ..r.;. r ..r the Ma;, jr. If. SMITH.Ne tl mVsr io C lerk of council,


Market and King Streets.ALFRED RAOUL, H.D.A. KL LYNAH, iL D.





Which they oiTer to the Public »nd tho TRAT/F In nen.eral nt the LOWEST CASH PRIG«. cH CXBXour stock*.

PRESCRIPTIONS!Put up at all hours, day and night, with tho groats careJ8S* Country orders solicited. thstu November ¡¡

A Treacherous and Deadly Foe!»?


Dr. Norton's New BemedyFOR CATARRH,


IT BREAKS UP THIS TERRIBLE DISEASE AT IT-tFountain Head, and removes at once oil thc wretched

symptoms of this loathsomo malady, such as Pain in thcTemples, Offensive Discharges, Obstruction ofthe Breath¬ing Tubes, Repulsivo Breath, Snapping Sounds in theEars, Absent-mindedness, Mental Depression, Dimness 01Vision, Soro Throat, Hacking Cough ; restores the senseof Taste and Smell, aud permanently cures the discasomall its types, forms and stages, with absolute certainty.This remedy and mode of treatment, like tho disease,

is peculiar. Lr consists of thc inhalation of harmless li¬quids from the palm of tho hand. Tho immediate rebelit affords is alone worth ten times thc cost of tho reme¬dies.Norton's New Pamphlet on Catarrh is out. Informa¬

tion never before published. Call at our nearest Agencyor send a stamp for itPrepared by GERRIT NORTON, No. ll Ann-street

New York." Drs. RAOUL & LYNAH,

CITY APOTHECARIES,November 1 thstuGffiO Agent for Charleston.


A large and carefully selected StockOF




OUR MEDICINES AND CHEMICALS ABE IMPORT¬ED directly from Manufactories, under the super¬

vision of experienced Chemists, which enables ua to re.commend them as puro and reliable in strength.Wc heep on hand all articles to be found hi a first-class

Drug 8toro. Fresh additions are received by everysteamer.«ST PRESCRIPTIONS carefully put up.


North of Market.E. H. KELLERS, M.D.H. BABB, M. D.December 3





»-'einher 27 lAwrost IICmos


How few there arc who aro not subject to some affectionol thc lungs or respiratory organs, who, by ncglcctiuepremonitory symptoms, aggravate tho complaint, untildisease strikes ils shafts, causing inexpressible tortureof Ute patient, and anxiety and distress to friends. "Onlya cold I" "A 6light som throat I" ia Ute bfialañ remar

of many when so affected. Yes ; "Only c cold," was thethoughtless expression of thousands whom Death hasmarked for Ids prey.Forewarned-Forearmed ! should be the motto forever

in thc minds of all'subject to Coughs, Colds, Catarrh, ot

Influenza. Words of advice should be heeded by all sui-

fering from Asüiraa, Bronchitis, Consumption. Relief it

within their reach; and, fa* neglected, fatal consequence?ensue-a life of misery-a daily, hourly struggle for ex¬

istence. A contest in which there can be but one victor--Death IDoes it not appal tho strongest mind, to thin* ' ? lui-

result caused by neglect? Then why delay? .> bat ex¬

cuso can bo offered, when timely warning U Jimded myour ears? When tho danger is pointed > it, whynotavoid it? MAIISDES'S PKCTOIIAL BALM n been usedwith success iu nearly a million of case «, nd ls endorsedby tho Medical Faculty as the most i rompt and effica¬cious remedy that scleutitic rcsoarcn has discovered, tc

relieve and euro all cases of Co t?bs, Colds, fuduenzn,and Consumption, if the casa is not beyond all hope.Even when thc sufferer is i i the last stages, ho will findrelief by usiug this prep n-ation. One bottle will con¬

vince Ric most incrédulo .ts, that tba morits of tlds prepa¬ration are bv no means exaggerated; in fact, fall far shortof the eulogies bestowed upon it by thousands who havebeen cured by ¡ti. iiucly usc. A guarantee ncconipanict-each bottle and dealers aro instructed iu every instanceto refund t!ie money when this preparation ftdls to re¬

lieve.prepared bv T. W. MARSDEN. No. 487 Broadway, New

York.Price, 50 cenls small bottle; SI large size.

, KINO .v UASSUDEY,Wholesale Agents, Charleston,

GOODRICH, WISEMAN & CO.,, Wholesale Agents, Charleston.

And nil Retail Druggists. 3:no December 4



Uni Solid Gold Hunting Watches.$250 to 5750RSI Magic Cased Gold Waldies. 200 to BOOluii Ladies' Watches, Enamelled.WO to 300300 Gold Hunting (.'iironometer Watches- 250 to 300.jmj Gold Hunting English Levers. 200 to 25;i

:W Gold Huntiu¡; Duplex Watches.150 to 200;>ÍH) Gobi Hunting American Watches. 100 to 25u¡"?00 Silver Hunting Lever?. 50 to 150ROO silver HuntingDuplexes. 75 to 250jut) Gold Ladies- Watches. 53 to 250

T.»iM) Gold Hunting Lepiues. 50 to70I-'KSJ Aiisrciliinenus Silver Watches. 50 to 1002500 Hunting SliverWatches. 25 to505-300 Assorted Watches, all kind«. 10 to 75

iT3* Ever.- ictron ot-tabia a Watch by this arrange¬ment; costin? but SH), while it may bc worth $750. Nopd: tiahty shown.-TTiiM cssiis. [. HICKUXO .t Co.-s GREAT UNIOS WATCH Co.,

New Vork City, wish to immediately dispose of the abovemagnificent stock. Certificates, naming articles, are

placel in scaled envelopes. Holders arc entitled to thearticles named ou their certificate, upon payment of TenDollars, whether it tie a Watch worth 5750 or one worthless. Thc return of any of our certificates entitles you tothc article mimed thereon, upon payment, irrespectiveof its worth, and as no article valued less than ¿10 isnamed on any certificate il .»ill at once bc secu that thisis no Lottery; hula straieiit-forwar.i legitimate trans¬action, which may bc participated ia even by thc mostfastidious.A single Certificate will bc sent by mail, post paid,

upon receipt of 25 cents, live for 51, eleven for 52, thirty-three and elegant premian) for 55. sixty-sis and morevaluable premium forslO, one hundred and most superbWat¿! for 515. To Agents or those wishing employmentthis ls a rare opportunity. Il is a legitimately conductedbusiness, duly authorized by the Government, snd opento the moat careful scrutiny. Tru ut!

A.Jdrcss .7 , li 1 CK LI .V U .c- CV».,HU Ur-;.-vr.'.y. .'«. -,

-.c::it:b-.ritf bj.,;


"18 years established in N. Y. City.'.',"Only infallible remedies known." r"Free from Poisons.""Kot dangerous to tho Human Family.'"Rats come out of their boles to die."


Is 8 paato-l-B^a for Sat», Mic*, Boothes,Black and Bea Aqtt, kc, kc.

"Costar's" Bed-Bus Extenoiuator, jIs a liquid or waah-^used to dent-or and :.'


also as a preventive for Bed-Bugs, ¿J.Costar's Electric Powder for ln&el£:

Is for ¡Mks, Mosquito?*, Flea»,'Bek-Bugt,.''-' '2Jt*Insect» on Plants, Fowls, Animal», kc : ;t>. ; ..}£

£3~ ! 1 I BEWAB¿ III of all worthless imitations.49- See that "COSTAB'B" name ls on each Box, Bottle,

and Flask, before you buy.43* Address,


43* Sold in Charleston, S.C.' !

^.By- _ ; f¿¡And all Druggists and Dealers everywhere. .......

BARNES. WARD k CO.,... ¿¿New Orleans, La.,

Wholesale Agents for the Southern States.

.' ..:.T.l;

"COSTAR'S"CELEBRATED t^-ltuílftá i;i


CERS, Broken Breasts, Sons Nipples, Bleeding, Bund.,-and Painful Piles; Scrofulous, Putrid and TB-conditioned'Sores; Ulcers, Glandular Swellings, Eruptions, Cutane- 0CUB Affectiona, Ringworm, Itch, Corns,.Bunions, Chll-blains, kc. Chapped Hands, Lips,' kc. ; Bites of Spiders. '

Insects, Animals, &c, &c. - ... , nco*

SST Boxes, 25 ctn., 60 cts. and tl sizes. ' c

43* Sold by aU Druggists everywhere. . y.. L'Sss- And by HENRY R. COSTAR, Depot No. m Brood-:

way.N. Y. '.....

4®- And by- Charleston's!'<i ~


BARNES, WARD ft CO., "'New Orleans, La.,'-

Wholesale Agents for the Southern States.; ot

..i- "... iii.iîij«»g.:...¡.á^tí-csl oílr?

Vi ' ..?;<:*. .'' '.'.'?:v.r e ttf-rçshwti

"cosTÁRria't'S^UNIVERSAL. :'>7.7K£.


fiar Boxes 25"Cts;,T!0_ot6'."aaa S1"8I203;-. ~~~~J~43* Sold by. all Druggists everywhere.

' ".'».'4®- And by HENRY R. COSTAR, Depot'Ko:'484 Braid^'-

way, K. Y. : -ti:air And by Charleston, S. C .. .


Kew Orleans, La.,Wholesale Agents for the Southern States.



Used to Soften and Beautify the Skin, remove Freckles,Pimples, Eruptions, kc.Ladies are now using it in preference to all others. .'

43" BotUcs, SI.

43" Sold by all Druggists everywhere. s

43" And by HENRY R. COSTAR, Depot Na 484 Braal-..way, N.T.43* And by- Charleston, S. C."

BARRES, WAR» k CO.,Kew Orleans, La., *y '

Wholesale Agents for the Southern States.




THROAT, Croup, Whooping Cough, Iufluenza, Asthma,Consumption, Bronchial Affections, and all Disea. cs ofthe Throat and Lungs.43* Bottles, 25 cts., 50 cts. and il sutes.

43* Sold by all Druggists everywhere,43- And by HENRY R. COSTAR, Depot No. 484 Broad- -

way, N. T.

43* Andby- Oharieston, S.e.


New Orleans, Ls-,Wholesale Agents for the Southam States.



For Nervous and Slea Headache, Costiveness, Indiges¬tion, Dyspepsia, Biliousness, Constipation, Diarrhcoa,Colics, Chills, Fevers, Uid general derangement of theDigestive Organs.43* Boxes, 25 cts., 50 cte. end SI sbze3.£2* Sold by ah Druggists ever} where.43" And by HENEY R. COSTAR, Depot Na 434 Broad¬

way, N. Y.

43* Andby- Charleston, S. C.

BARNES, WARD k CO.,New Orleans, La.,

Wao'esale Aaetts lor tee óontn¿m St-tes.December 21 *- Smos



Thirteenth and Chesnut Street«.PHILADELPHIA.

We have a Eiiit of

ELEGANTLY CARPETED,And Furnished Complete as

PARLORS MD CHAMBERS.Purchasers can see how a suit of Furniture wiRiippeax

io their house, and can from theso rooms make a betterseleeiien -than they can from furniture promiscuously.,.- »

¿¿el tu luge wmrooms. a toa Ncycmbçt 2$'^*r'