, Ç ] v o } p r ] p ] o u d ] v ] v p ( } u ut À ^ Ç u Á ] z > } Á rz } o µ...

Master in Multimedia and Communications Academic Course 2015-2016 Master of Science Thesis Hybrid Analog-Digital Beam Training for mmWave Systems with Low-Resolution RF Phase Shifters Joan Palacios Director/s Joerg Widmer Antonio Artés-Rodríguez Leganés, July 18 th 2016 Keywords: hybrid precoding; 60 GHz networks; low resolution phase shifters; beamforming; orthogonal matching pursuit; dynamic dictionary learning. Summary: In this thesis, we explain the hybrid analog-digital precoding structure for the mmWave frequency band as an alternative to the too expensive/power-consuming digital precoding structure that improves the accuracy of an analog precoding structure when the phase-shifters resolution is low. The main contribution of this paper is the design of an algorithm to decide the configuration of the hybrid analog-digital structure to approach a desired beam-pattern. This method is based on a Dynamic Dictionary Learning Orthogonal Matching Pursuit algorithm applied to a subset of the possible RF-chain configuration of the Hybrid Structure. For the evaluation of this algorithm we first compare it against other methods results on the synthesis of ideal beam-patterns and also on the simulation of and Adaptive beam-training algorithm that requires the synthesis of ideal beam-patterns by Hybrid precoding structure.

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Master in Multimedia and Communications Academic Course 2015-2016

Master of Science Thesis

Hybrid Analog-Digital Beam Training for mmWave Systems with Low-Resolution RF Phase Shifters

Joan Palacios

Director/s Joerg Widmer

Antonio Artés-Rodríguez Leganés, July 18th 2016

Keywords: hybrid precoding; 60 GHz networks; low resolution phase shifters; beamforming; orthogonal matching pursuit; dynamic dictionary learning. Summary: In this thesis, we explain the hybrid analog-digital precoding structure for the mmWave frequency band as an alternative to the too expensive/power-consuming digital precoding structure that improves the accuracy of an analog precoding structure when the phase-shifters resolution is low. The main contribution of this paper is the design of an algorithm to decide the configuration of the hybrid analog-digital structure to approach a desired beam-pattern. This method is based on a Dynamic Dictionary Learning Orthogonal Matching Pursuit algorithm applied to a subset of the possible RF-chain configuration of the Hybrid Structure. For the evaluation of this algorithm we first compare it against other methods results on the synthesis of ideal beam-patterns and also on the simulation of and Adaptive beam-training algorithm that requires the synthesis of ideal beam-patterns by Hybrid precoding structure.

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Hybrid Analog-Digital Beam Training for mmWaveSystems with Low-Resolution RF Phase Shifters

Danilo De Donno, Joan Palacios Beltran, Domenico Giustiniano, and Joerg WidmerIMDEA Networks Institute

Madrid, SpainEmails: [email protected]

Abstract—Millimeter wave (mmWave) wireless technologiesare expected to exploit large-scale multiple-input multiple-outputand adaptive antenna arrays at both the transmitter and receiverto deal with unfavorable radio propagation and realize sufficientlink margin. However, the high cost and power consumptionof mmWave radio components prohibit the use of fully-digitalprecoding/combining architectures, which incurs one dedicatedRF chain per antenna element. This paper proposes a practicaldesign of multi-beamwidth codebook exploiting hybrid analog-digital architectures with a number of RF chains much lowerthan the number of antenna elements and 2-bit RF phaseshifters. The proposed solution relies on the orthogonal matchingpursuit algorithm enhanced by a dynamic dictionary learningmechanism. Simulation results show that the designed hybridcodebooks are able to shape beam patterns very close to thoseattained by a fully-digital beamforming architecture. Further-more, when leveraged in the framework of an adaptive, multi-resolution beam training protocol, our hybrid codebooks are ableto estimate the most promising angle-of-departure and angle-of-arrival directions with extreme accuracy, yet requiring lowercomplexity hardware compared to the state of art.


The exponential growth of mobile data traffic and the needto support higher user data rates has caused a bandwidthshortage at frequencies below 6 GHz, known as the spec-trum crunch problem. As part of the future fifth-generation(5G) networks, millimeter-wave (mmWave) technology is animportant candidate to provide the much needed bandwidthto solve the wireless spectrum crunch and support Gb/s datarates [1], [2].

Communication systems based on mmWave frequencies areexpected to largely differ from those operating at frequenciesbelow 6 GHz. First, due to the higher propagation loss andunfavorable atmospheric absorption, data transmission overrelatively long distances represents a serious challenge atmmWaves. Second, the short wavelength allows more antennaelements to be integrated into devices and base stations oper-ating in this band, thus enabling the implementation of large-scale multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) and adaptiveantenna arrays to improve the link budget.

The high cost, power consumption, and complexity ofmmWave mixed signal components prohibit the use of fully-digital beamforming architectures (i.e., with one dedicated Ra-dio Frequency (RF) chain per antenna element) conventionallyadopted in sub-6 GHz MIMO systems [3]. On the other hand,analog beamforming solutions found in current mmWave RF

integrated circuit (RFIC) designs are sub-optimal due to theconstant magnitude and low-resolution of RF phase shifters.

Designing efficient, low-overhead beamforming trainingprotocols is another crucial aspect at mmWaves [4]. In fact,the beam training phase requires that mmWave device pairsexchange several training packets at a set of predefined direc-tions in order to determine the optimal antenna patterns forsubsequent data transmissions. As a viable option to providea trade-off between performance and cost, hybrid architectureswith analog-digital beamforming have gained considerableattention, thanks to the fewer RF chains needed comparedto pure digital beamforming architectures. The design spaceof algorithms presented in the literature for hybrid architec-tures has until very recently made the unrealistic assump-tion of considering RF phase shifters with large number ofquantization bits or even unconstrained RF phase shifters.In [5], a codebook design algorithm is developed under theassumption that hybrid analog-digital beamforming is usedonly at the base station while the mobile station is equippedwith a single antenna. The hybrid codebook is designed byminimizing the mean square error (MSE) between the codevector’s beam pattern and its corresponding ideal beam pattern.The approximation of MSE minimization is accomplishedby the orthogonal matching pursuit (OMP) algorithm withunconstrained digitally-controlled RF phase shifters (i.e., withinfinite number of quantization bits). A similar OMP-basedapproach with unconstrained RF phase shifters is discussedalso in [6]. A hybrid analog-digital multi-resolution codebookrelying on beamforming vectors with different beamwidths andgains is presented, for the first time, in [7]. The ability to gen-erate beams with various beamwidths makes such codebookparticularly attractive for the design of adaptive, low-overheadbeam training protocols. The approach in [7] assumes thatRF phase shifters with large number of quantization bitsare available at mmWaves. However, the current state ofsilicon technologies makes challenging and even impracticalthe design of RF phase shifters with high phase shift resolution[8]. Very recently, in [9] and [10], RF phase shifters with fewerquantization bits have been exploited for the design of hybridanalog-digital codebooks consisting, however, only of narrowbeams with fixed beamwidth.

In this paper, we propose a codebook design for mmWavesystems with a hybrid analog-digital transceiver architectureand practical constraints in the realization of the transceiver.

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Our contributions are listed as follows:

● we resort to a classical antenna array design and a fully-digital beamforming architecture (i.e. with one RF chainper antenna element) to define the baseline codebook con-sisting of almost ideal beam patterns, easily configurablein terms of both beamwidth and steering direction;

● we formulate an optimization problem to approximatethe baseline fully-digital codebook by means of a hybridarchitecture requiring a number of RF chains much lowerthan the number of antenna elements and only 2-bit RFphase shifters;

● we implement a variant of the classical OMP algorithm toefficiently solve the optimization problem. The proposedalgorithm relies on a dynamic dictionary learning (DDL)mechanism which allows to synthesize beam patternsdisplaying reduced sidelobe level, excellent flatness overthe covered sector, and limited overlap with adjacentbeams;

● we adopt a realistic channel model capturing the scat-tering nature of mmWave wireless communications andleverage the designed hybrid codebooks in the frameworkof an adaptive, multi-resolution beam training protocol.

Compared to state-of-art algorithms which are very sensitive tothe number of RF chains and require unconstrained RF phaseshifters [5], [6], or RF phase shifters with 6-7 bits resolution[7], our solution provides significantly better performance withlower complexity hardware.


We consider the mmWave system shown in Fig. 1. A basestation (BS) equipped with a uniform linear array (ULA) ofMBS isotropic radiators and NRF-BS RF transceiver chains isassumed to communicate with a single mobile station (MS)equipped with a ULA of MMS isotropic radiators and NRF-MSRF transceiver chains. In this paper, we focus on the beamtraining phase during which BS and MS communicate via asingle stream of data.

In the hybrid analog-digital approach, the BS applies anNRF-BS × 1 digital baseband precoder pBB followed by anMBS ×NRF-BS RF precoder, PRF, to the discrete-time transmit-ted symbol s(t). In the same way, at the MS, an MMS×NRF-MSRF combiner CRF followed by a NRF-MS × 1 digital basebandcombiner cBB is used to process the discrete-time receivedsignal:

y(t) = √ρcHHps(t) + cHn(t) (1)

where c = CRFcBB (dimensions MMS × 1), p = PRFpBB(dimensions MBS×1), ρ is the average received power, H is theMMS ×MBS mmWave channel matrix, and n(t) ∼ CN(0, σ 2)is the complex white Gaussian noise.

Similar to [6]–[9], we consider a geometric channel modelwith L paths expressed as:

H =√




∑l=1α laMS(ϕMS, l)aHBS(ϕBS, l) (2)

Fig. 1. Overview of the BS/MS mmWave transceiver architecture for hybridanalog-digital beamforming.

where α l ∼ CN(0, 1) is the complex gain of the l th path andaMS (BS)(ϕMS (BS), l) is the ULA steering vector at the MS (BS)which can be written as:

aMS (BS)(ϕMS (BS), l) =1√

MMS (BS)(1, e j 2πλ d sin(ϕMS (BS), l ) , ...

..., e j(MMS (BS)−1) 2πλd sin(ϕMS (BS), l ))



where ϕMS (BS), l ∈ [0, 2π] is the l th path’s azimuth angles ofdeparture/arrival (AoDs/AoAs) of the BS (MS), λ is the signalwavelength, and d is the antenna element spacing.

Our objective is to design a multi-beamwidth codebookbased on the mmWave hybrid architecture in Fig. 1 andassuming RF phase shifters with few quantization bits. Such acodebook can be leveraged in the framework of low-overheadbeam training with the goal of estimating the best AoD/AoAas discussed in [7].


In this section, we first revisit the beam training algorithmproposed in [7] where the beamforming vectors are adaptivelyconfigured at both the BS and MS sides based on the bisectionconcept. Although the algorithm assumes the availability of afeedback channel between the BS and MS, such requirementcan be easily relaxed by using the ping-pong approach de-scribed in [11].

The algorithm starts by dividing the [0, 2π] azimuthaldomain into two partitions and by designing the best hybridanalog-digital precoders and combiners to sense those parti-tions. Formally, at the first stage of the algorithm, the BSemploys two beamforming vectors, namely p1,1 and p1,2, totransmit the beacon signal at two successive time slots. Atthe same time, the MS employs two measurement vectors,namely c1,1 and c1,2, at two successive instants to detectthe beacon signal transmitted by the BS over each of thebeamforming vectors. The MS compares the signal-to-noiseratio (SNR) of the received beacon signals to determine theone with the maximum SNR. This translates into selecting thepartitions which are highly likely to contain the most dominantAoD/AoA combination of the mmWave channel. The MS thencommunicates the search results to the BS to prepare for thelater stages where the selected partitions are further dividedinto smaller subsets as shown in Fig. 2 until the AoD/AoA pair

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Fig. 2. Structure of the multi-beamwidth beamforming vectors at the BS andrelative azimuthal partitions covered by the beams in the first three stages ofthe beam training protocol.

is estimated with the desired resolution. In case of a reciprocalchannel, the number of adaptive stages needed to estimatethe most dominant AoD/AoA with angular resolution 2π/N isS = log2 N . In case of a non-reciprocal channel, instead, thebeam training algorithm is repeated with H replaced by theuplink channel and the roles of the BS and MS reversed.

The problem of designing the best beamforming (measure-ment) vectors at the BS (MS) side can be translated intothe one of designing, at each stage of the adaptive trainingalgorithm, beam patterns able to optimally cover the currentangular sectors shown in Fig. 2 and to minimize the AoD/AoAestimation errors. The main characteristics of the desired beampatterns are:

● limited overlap of adjacent beam patterns;● flat-top shape over the covered angular region;● limited number and intensity of side lobes.

In the next subsection, we discuss the baseline beam patternsthat the hybrid analog-digital codebook design presented in§III-B will attempt to accurately represent.

A. Baseline beam patterns

Baseline beam patters can be synthesized by exploiting afully-digital beamforming architecture where the availabilityof a dedicated RF chain for each antenna element enablesprecise control of both phase and amplitude of the mmWavesignals. We choose the sector beam array design based onthe Fourier Series Method with Kaiser windowing (FSM-KW) to synthesize angular patterns confined to a desiredangular region [12, Chapter 21, pp. 946-949]. Compared toother windows such as Hamming, Blackman, etc., the Kaiserwindow has more design flexibility since the trade-off betweenthe main lobe width and the sidelobe ripple amplitude can beaccurately set by adjusting some window parameters.

In this subsection, we focus on the codebook design at theBS, but similar considerations hold also for the MS. Given adesired beam pattern according to the specification mask inFig. 3, the FSM-KW calculates the baseline array weights fora ULA with MBS half-wavelength spaced elements as:

pbsl(m) = w(m)e− jβψ0sin(ψbβ)

πβ, m = 0, 1, ...,MBS − 1 (4)

Fig. 3. Magnitude of the array factor used as beam pattern specification maskfor designing the FSM-KW array weights.

where w(m) are the samples of the Kaiser window, β = m −MBS/2, and ψ0 and ψb are defined as follows:

ψ0 =π

2(cos ϕ1 + cos ϕ2) (5)

ψb = π sin(ϕc) sin(ϕb2

) + πD

MBS − 1(6)

From the sidelobe attenuation A (in dB), the D-factor andshape parameter γ of the Kaiser window can be calculated as:

D =⎧⎪⎪⎨⎪⎪⎩

A−7.9514.36 , if A > 210.922, if A ≤ 21

γ =⎧⎪⎪⎪⎪⎨⎪⎪⎪⎪⎩

0.11(A− 8.7), if A ≥ 500.58(A− 21)0.4 + 0.079(A− 21), if 21 < A < 500, if A ≤ 21

Finally, the samples of the Kaiser window are given by:

w(m) =I0 (γ

√1 − 4β2



where I0(⋅) is the modified Bessel function of first kind andzero-th order. More details about the FSM-KW formulationcan be found in [12, Chapter 21, pp. 946-949].

B. Hybrid analog-digital beam patterns

The codebook design defined in the previous subsectionassumes the availability of a fully-digital beamforming archi-tecture with a dedicated RF chain for each antenna element.However, such an architecture is not practical at mmWavefrequencies due to the high cost, complexity, and powerconsumption of the RF chains. In this subsection, we present apractical codebook design that approximates the baseline fully-digital design with a hybrid analog-digital architecture. Ourcodebook design requires a number of RF chains much lowerthan the number of antenna elements, and RF phase shifterswith just four phase values (0, ±π/2, π) without amplitudeadjustment.

As in the previous subsection, we focus on the codebookdesign at the BS, but similar considerations hold also for theMS. At each stage of the adaptive beam training protocol,i.e., for each combination of steering direction and beamwidth,the hybrid analog-digital codebook design problem consists of

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finding the optimal RF (baseband) precoder PoptRF (popt

BB) suchthat:

(PoptRF , p

optBB) = argmin


∥pbsl − PRFpBB∥2

s.t. [PRF]∶, i ∈ {[Acan]∶,ℓ ∣ 1 ≤ ℓ ≤ Ncan}i = 1, 2, ...,NRF-BS

∥PRFpBB∥22 = 1


where pbsl is the baseline beam pattern to approximatecalculated as in Eq. (4). The finite set of possible analogbeamforming vectors is encompassed by the MBS×Ncan matrixAcan which is also referred to as dictionary in the sequel.

In this paper, we rely on the analog beamforming codebookdesign in [13] to define our dictionary. Specifically, whenNcan = MBS, the matrix Acan can be defined as:

[Acan]m ,ℓ = jfloor[ (m−1)×mod[(ℓ−1)+(MBS/2),MBS]


m = 1, 2, ...,MBS; ℓ = 1, 2, ...,MBS


where the function floor[⋅] returns the biggest integersmaller than or equal to its argument and mod[⋅, ⋅] is themodulo operation. Using Eq. (9) ensures that the elementsof PRF have unitary modulus and only four possible phasevalues, namely (0, ±π/2, π), which allows for the use of RFphase shifters with just two quantization bits.

If we remove the constraint ∥PRFpBB∥22 = 1 from Eq. (8), theoptimization problem is equivalent to approximate pbsl as:

pbsl ≈NBS-RF


[PRF]∶, i pBB(i) (10)

where [PRF]∶, i is restricted to be a column of Acan. Sucha problem can be easily solved using OMP algorithms withNBS-RF iterations as in [5]-[7]. At each iteration, the basic OMPalgorithm selects the dictionary column (i.e., a column fromAcan) along which the current beamforming vector (residual)has the maximum projection. Once the column is selected, itscontribution is removed from the dictionary by orthogonallyprojecting it out — concretely, this means setting all theelements of the selected column to zero. The process continuesuntil all the NBS-RF beamforming vectors making up PRF havebeen selected.

It is clear that nullifying some dictionary columns makesthe basic OMP algorithm dealing with a less informativedictionary at each iteration. This translates into the selectionof sub-optimal dictionary columns as the algorithm movesforward. In order to overcome such a limitation, we pro-pose an OMP algorithm with a dynamic dictionary learningmechanism (DDL-OMP) which, at each iteration, replaces thecolumn projected out from Acan with another vector that isclose to the residual. In this way, the original dictionary isprogressively updated with columns which are highly likelycandidates to approximate the baseline beam pattern.

The pseudo-code of the proposed DDL-OMP is outlinedin the Algorithm 1. It takes as input parameter the baselineprecoder to approximate pbsl. Then, it defines an extendedmatrix Acan obtained by adding a column vector S(pbsl) to the

matrix in Eq. (9). We denote S(v) an operator that maps thevector v into one close vector attainable with 2-bit RF phaseshifters. In other words, S(v) maps each component v(ℓ) tothe nearest value e jϕℓ , being ϕℓ ∈ {− π

2 , 0,π2 , π}. The algorithm

proceeds by finding the vector Φ along which the baselineprecoder pbsl has the maximum projection. It then appendsthe selected column vector [Acan]∶,k to the RF precoder PRF.The least squares solution to pBB is then calculated in step 9and the contribution of the selected vector is removed in step10. At this point, instead of loosing information by projecting[Acan]∶,k out as in the basic OMP approach, we implement, insteps 11-17, the previously described DDL mechanism whichreplaces the dictionary column [Acan]∶,k with a 2-bit quantizedvector close to the residual. The process continues until allNBS-RF beamforming vectors have been selected.

At the end of the NBS-RF iterations, the algorithm normalizesthe digital baseband precoding vector pBB to satisfy the con-straint ∥PRFpBB∥22 = 1 and outputs the constructed MBS×NRF-BSRF precoding matrix PRF.

Algorithm 1 Hybrid analog-digital beam pattern generationvia OMP with dynamic dictionary learning (DDL-OMP)Require: pbsl

1: PRF = Empty matrix2: Acan = [Acan , S(pbsl)]3: Bcan = Acan4: pres = pbsl5: for i ≤ NRF-BS do6: Φ = BH

canpres7: k = argmax

ℓ=1, . . . ,MBS+1∣Φ(ℓ)∣

8: PRF = [PRF , [Acan]∶,k]9: pBB = (PH



10: pres = pbsl − PRFpBB11: [Acan]∶,k = S(pres)12: Bcan = Acan − (PH



13: for j ≤ MBS + 1 do14: if ∥ [Bcan]∶, j ∥2 ≠ 0 then

15: [Bcan]∶, j =[Bcan]∶, j

∥[Bcan]∶, j∥216: end if17: end for18: end for19: pBB = pBB

∥PRFpBB∥220: return PRF, pBB

In the next section, we show how not only our DDL-OMPalgorithm allows to synthesize beam patterns very close tothe desired baseline ones, but it also significantly outperformsstate-of-art approaches requiring higher complexity hardware.


In this section, we first present simulation results to evaluatethe ability of the DDL-OMP algorithm described in §III-Bto approximate the baseline fully-digital codebook design in§III-A via a hybrid analog-digital beamforming architecture.

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(a) Codebooks for stage 1

(b) Codebooks for stage 2

(c) Codebooks for stage 3

Fig. 4. Beam patterns for the first three stages of the beam training protocol:comparisons among the proposed algorithm, the solution presented in [7], andthe ideal beamforming scheme based on FSM-KW with sidelobe attenuationA = 25dB.

Second, the performance achieved by leveraging the designedhybrid codebooks for adaptive beam training are shown andcompared with the literature.

A. Beam patterns

Examples of beam patterns resulting from applying thealgorithm proposed in §III-B, the design presented in [7],and the baseline fully-digital beamforming scheme outlined in§III-A are plotted in Fig. 4. These patterns are generated by aBS having MBS = 64, λ/2-spaced isotropic antenna elements.The proposed hybrid analog-digital design exploits 2-bit RFphase shifters and NRF-BS = 8 RF chains while the hybridcodebooks in [7] are generated with NRF-BS = 32 RF chainsand 7-bit RF phase shifters.

As evident from Fig. 4, the proposed algorithm providesalmost optimal beam patterns with limited overlap betweenadjacent beams and excellent flatness over the covered sectors.Such qualitative evidence is quantitatively evaluated in Fig. 5where the percentage of area common to two adjacent beamsand the normalized peak-valley (P-V) value are plotted. TheP-V is a metric commonly adopted in optics to characterize thesurface flatness of laser beams. It is calculated as the differencebetween the “highest” and “lowest” values on the sectornormalized to the mean value and expressed in percentageterms. As shown, the proposed hybrid analog-digital beampatterns exhibit overlap and P-V values close to those attained

(a) Overlap between adjacent beams

(b) Normalized peak-valley value (P-V)

Fig. 5. Evaluation of beam patterns in terms of (a) percentage of area that iscommon to two adjacent beams and (b) normalized peak-valley (P-V) value.

by the baseline fully-digital design. Compared to the solutionproposed in [7], our approach displays roughly a fourfoldperformance improvement with reduced number of RF chainsand 2-bit RF phase shifters.

B. Beam training performance

In a second set of simulations, we consider one BS withMBS = 64 antennas and one MS with MMS = 32, both featuringthe hybrid analog-digital architecture in Fig. 1 and runningthe beam training algorithm described in §III. The distancebetween the BS and MS is set to 50 meters and the path lossexponent of the propagation scenario is fixed to nple = 3. Theantenna arrays are ULAs with λ/2-spaced isotropic radiators.We consider the geometric channel model described in Eq. 2with a number of paths L = 3. The AoDs/AoAs are assumedto take continuous values uniformly distributed in [0, 2π]. Thetransmit power at the BS is set to 30dBm and the system isassumed to operate at 28-GHz carrier frequency with 100-MHz bandwidth.

The average absolute error on the estimation of the mostpowerful AoD and AoA for different BS/MS configurations isplotted in Fig. 6. Note that the BS is assumed to be equippedwith a number of RF chains NRF-BS always greater than orequal to the number of RF chains NRF-MS at the MS. Thenumerical results are obtained from Monte Carlo simulationswith 2000 independent channel realizations for each BS/MSconfiguration.

As evident from the graphs, the proposed hybrid analog-digital codebook design with 2-bit RF phase shifters providesAoD/AoA estimation errors always below 10○, independentlyfrom the number of RF chains at the BS and MS sides. More-over, the overall performance is quite close to the baselineperformance (dashed black line) of 6.5○ and 5.8○ respectivelyfor the average AoD and AoA estimation errors achieved with

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(a) AoD estimation

(b) AoA estimation

Fig. 6. Average absolute error in the estimation of the most powerful AoD (a)and AoA (b) using the beam training algorithm described in §III. Comparisonamong different transceiver architectures when varying the number of RFchains at the BS and MS sides.

BS and MS exploiting a fully-digital beamforming architecturebased on FSM-KW codebooks.

As for the hybrid design proposed in [7] with 7-bit RF phaseshifters, the minimum AoD/AoA estimation error is 17○ whichis achieved with NRF-BS = 26 and NRF-MS = 16 RF chains atthe BS and MS respectively. The average AoD/AoA estimationerror is always above 22○ when the MS is equipped with lessthan NRF-MS = 8 RF chains.

Taken collectively, the presented results demonstrate thatour algorithm is able to closely approximate a fully-digitalbeamformer by means of a very low complexity hybridarchitecture. Besides, our algorithm outperforms one of themost relevant works in the literature [7], yet relying on lowercomplexity hardware. There are two fundamental reasons forthis outcome. The first one, described in §III-A, is the adoptionof the FSM-KW design as a reliable baseline codebook toshape almost ideal sector beam patterns with configurablebeamwidth and steering direction. The second one, explainedin §III-B, is that the classical OMP algorithm adopted in [7]depletes its dictionary by nullifying some columns at eachiteration. This translates into the use of a less informativedictionary as the algorithm progressively advances. On thecontrary, the solution proposed in this paper provides superior

performance thanks to the ability of the dictionary learningmechanism to dynamically and optimally update the OMPdictionary at each iteration.


In this paper, we proposed a practical codebook design formmWave systems featuring hybrid analog-digital architecturewith a number of RF chains much lower than the numberof antenna elements and with 2-bit RF phase shifters. Theresults showed that our hybrid beamformer is able to shapebeam patterns very close to those attained by a fully-digitalarchitecture and to estimate the most promising AoA/AoDdirections with performance close to the baseline accuracy.


The research leading to these results received funding fromthe European Commission H2020 programme under grantagreement n○ 671650 (5G PPP mmMAGIC project). Thisarticle is also partially supported by the Madrid RegionalGovernment through the TIGRE5-CM program (S2013/ICE-2919), the Ramon y Cajal grant from the Spanish Ministryof Economy and Competitiveness RYC-2012-10788, and theEuropean Research Council grant ERC CoG 617721.


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