· tieunderstonedoffer* for .*> on rea-aotjame t-rm*a-vara! plots *f...

Tie UNDERSTONED offer* for .*> on rea- aotjaMe t-rm* a-vara! PLOTS *f OROt-s > .vtaatad at Elkttbethtowr, end Eltxibothport. eatbe C*mml Rtg-Bld of Nrw Jcreey. Th« »bot» pin-. ar* »dm-rnhlr aJta- ?.tea foe lm*nedl_e Unproreni-nt Slid property will be euld .o lota 01 by the tar*. Pur term*, raepe. be. tpp'y to BAKER k WEEKS, Anctioneeri. Wo. « Pinet. ÖNEEW»..For SALE, a aple ndid co RESIDENCE, 6v» ri:!nctee from Olanwo >d D'pot. Honte new with the modern improveaorot*; rro-ind* orna¬ mented with l*Tr* ehed^trr,.; H vl-w of the Ha W Plot in* by «00 fnqmre of JAMPV YOL'MANS, W trburtnn-t*., oe Y_*»err*Prwt-Ofhr*>. Pre' Jnstrnction. B0OK-KEEPIN0. PENMANSHIP, Ac ara taught la . superior ac1 exp'-il'iou* manner v.t PIASTER, DIXON A Co., No. 346 Broadway, where (><-nt>men and Youthe are quail &ed to discharge die dürfet of the Counting- house with promptness, ft RR) tad dispatch, g_ Fort PLAIN seminary Bad famale COLLF.'.IATF. INSTII l"1E.Building* of Brie*-.Ae- oonvnoKUtiota* ter :>V> BoaM-r» ; ball* aud room* naatiy papered ; Chapel fof to* Fatall* eon*_t* of exp*r|enredI In- etrociot*. Tetgil eipertte of board, waehfng, win furnish-d, laeLatid Toition in ron.rr.oo F.nglUb for neat term of 12 weete *tO"*s!rO. Pot eirm ar« or bo«rd adWreat REV. jame .-KAM. Port Plain. N Y. Pall Term begin* Augutt 7; Winter Term b*gtoi Woe, n- HOME schoolforboyb,^OB^pC^Cwmx, -The Samnaer Ten. begin, oa M?*dazj^%£"' sae?m ^o^jR5x&* JkJOtrril GIfAN VIELE I ^MALE ShMlNAKY f% ¦ ._, a-_.n of 14 wreki begrnt 8f»t J HI KAM 0R- fTitVf' B^Ä n'iAM itRC-i-rr. P^actpalt wub . f.« Board of eipenar-eed Trarber. in the tav*r* I).pertinent*. new aad e>gant, and ooet 015 OOC. will a-torutn .date .eta* boardmg *_ol_-i. Expente for Board, including Fuel, Light Waffling and Tuition In primary branch** 0170 per .ho'ett T,y fort r ira. i ntaiaiaf fal ,tf ¦ (*rttb eugrtting.l or for admit* on. apply to HIRAM ORtl'TT, Tbatford \ t. until Aujriat 1; aft or that um«. North Ortavilie, KY A- WILLETT Secretary. PHILOSOPHICAL INSTRUMENTS..E. s. RITCHIE of the late firm of ChamV"aln *. Ki'rh.r, trill eomturoe Oe mtnofartn-* ot INSTRUMENTS and SCHOOL A I I'« h a .''S at the R rat lateiy ottrnj/-' t firm. The fs/iHt:e* of the ettiblvbment harebeen largely ltirr«_ted by the addition of tbamnet perfect machinery, anl all artielet are made on my own premiaea under my own Inspection. " AHde*eriptlo3t of apparatus L tretorore made but with Im- prored e/nrtrcction and fimab. and alt* nrw and va'aible ln- ttnin.errU wll. be made; tboae of the higher onier iltuatn'lng modem rtwearthe* in Pbyaical Science, and alto a *laa< of good yet low-priced apparatus f .r Common School*. Every Instrument wlli be personally examined tnd warranted par'eet K. 8. R. ha* lately viino.l Kurop.- and availed himself of 1st* iinpr .ve»j>ents. arid has iimr arrangement* to fuenUb the e ' «alaable 0|airtJ, A*tron..nn< a tnd otbor int-rino-nl*. A («Itlotpia with Mi dear-,-ptioni and finely illmrrated with new engraving* will b*> sent per mai1 on appiiration. E. 8. RITCH1I No. 31J Washington-!' Boef-n. PfvflE bptnoler institute UaloB-Park, 1 will re oje-n W EDM I BOAT. Sept. IB.Yotra| Ladle* with aatltftctory u atimouiaaa fiom their nattor anJ a pre n.ui t'-a fi¬ ef may be admitted to any .last lor which they tre prepared. The distinctive stodiet of the TinaD Cls**.Are Aigebrs. Rhetoric and Natural Pbilotophy. Jt/kioa (tLstt.Oeometry. Met tsl Pbio^ophg an Chemlauy. Staioa Cta*».Astroooiny. M»r*t Pbfo.opby. P.iilrnceeof Chn*tisnity, Louie and Hut er a A' a. The Bib'e Mu»ic, Comp' '.. n. the Er gliah Prtrach and Latin Languages, aod Literature. Hi*tory, Ac, entst Into the whole raauws A limited Lunib-r a-e received as mnmbera of the family of the Institution. OORHAM D. ABBOTT, Principal. WLNANT* If 1ARDING-SCHOOL for BOTS, tt Little Perry, nine milet from Hohikeo. N. .'.Tbit School H under th» 'direction of a B. WIN A NT aud Lady. Those unacquainted with the School can vitit it and return tame dty by Mkla* morning ttage tt lloboken. Term* fir Hoard, Tuitiuu, Waahing and Menüliit, 0120 per year. Crrn'artctn be obtained of Al.PRP.I) MEERS, F.*<i., No. 14 Voery at .near Broadway, or by addrrtalng the Prmeipal. |)iano-fortes anb fflnoir. A A. ttention piano PURCHASERS The RT. NICHOLAS PIANO ESTABLISHMENT have now ¦B hand a very large aworttiierit of eb»sp PIANO-KORTBS, S.von.l band PIANOS f.omahf to 0:M fi.r essh New Itntru- «nor>t« trotn Olft" to 01 All i' .truiuent* axe fully warran'ed n every respect. A W Lad.I A a o.'» Premium IBo*ton PIANOS, with or without 'he 4-oliai. Ca'hart, Need ham A 00>*i world r-nownrd mP.I.ODK.ONS. Al«>, 'he much ad mired Celeattel or Double octave PIAitO-KORTE of our o rn mariufsrmre PIANOS and MEL0DE0N8 to LET. Pri-et lower than any o'her esttab.ishment. ELY A afli.NilP.K. I Rrotdwey, St. Nicholas Hotel. A~NEW PLAN" PORTE. 7 wtBTOS, with iroa frame can t>e bad imi 1. w t..r caah if applied for imiueJI ale.y, at bio. II.' Ma' [kaaflal < ..rear. rOLlANS, PIANOS, boudoirs nd mel- fi|)e".ONS, new and o d. m carved tnd plain caaet, for PENT a', law tatet, with rent applied rt pnrrhaaed. S. T. OORDOV. No. 2sr7 Broalwty. At V e b Y LoW prices to SLIT the TIMES -No mi Broadway..BENNETT A Co.. Manu lsi-toier*«f Ihn ist est atyhs of PIANOS: »;.., th* macb-ad- u.iieal BatTl " CELESTI AI." PIANO-FORTF., aeknow.edged by tmali nr» to aupetior to fl other* in aweeineaa h^tnry, and hr.liiamy of lone OROAN MELODEON8, MI SIC, and MT'BICAI. INSTRI MF.NTS. CHEAP! CHEAPt"A rcry sui^rTor ttined. 7- oetave, 03*0 Roaewo. PIANO, it offered for ±220. inrlud- Ing stool, by crlrbrttrd mak, ra. Rdfa warranted. So d g*a so- count of fk kness Bern uaed but ten week*. Fiuithed ell .n, out 11. svy r..*<-wt,..d moldings Pel fret every way. To ixi eeen at No. 6 College pace HAM until 7 P. M. COLBtJrN & NASH..PIANOS ANDMELO DF.ONS No Roadway PIANOS tol.f [' 1^ir"st~premu m piani>-fortes. Maioutactnred by STK1N WAY A SONS, No *8 Walker- et., near Broadway, New-York. Tln ae Plan... rara hrad the hat pteroiume in romiM-tition with Plaues made by the moat re brtttd manufacturer* of Boston. New-York, Ph ladelpldt and Baltimore. Every Piano warranted. Prices moderate. j reat SAt'RIEK'E of a PIAN'O EOltTE^. ¦ For SALE t tplet.did PJ octave Roeewood PIANO F< >RTP It new and In good order, bat iron fiame sod la In ltd will, pearl made and wtrrtnted by one of the be*' rit\ makers Will be told for 0*0 le,a thtn co*t price, if applird f.r immedi¬ ately *t Ne lua W tver.ey pltce, Itte Factory at. Or' E A T DAPRt -\ 1 Ml NTs ,,. p] \n- b ? ,.,rtT>'8.-Mra.,a LIORTE, RBWTOR A BBADBO- BY8 rranertiw.'tv bivtta attention to their PIANO f »BTKS eovietr, cte 1 * uhihe patent arrh-wrael Plank whirl, It nndnuh'- .elly tin taeet a..»-,tai.ii*l impr >vemeut ever introduced Into tlut faipuiar man . HARP for SALE .At h-aa tlian httlt" r,.st~in r. t.e.p,ei..'e ol a ,!. all. A aplei.di-l.tout, e *-Hon II Oil', inane order Ersrd't lttcat patnut Loweat price, with On** and Muekr Staad. 0900. Apply to JAMES SI CH. No. oO Etat l.Vb-at.. beat I nioi. aquarr. M HAZLLioN bros piano-forte man- l'FAt TCREHS, No .IN Centrr .t -Where may he found a fine saao'tment of thei- rrlrbra'ed PIANOS n Plain and Or nan eotai Cases, warranted to bs uunirpatted in »trengib and purity ot lone Second haui Piano* taken in exchange. JA v' PIsd'HEK, l'iano-Porte Matiufuctory a tnd'Wateroom, No*. 243, %\S, 717 and «4» at hat., near Oth-av. PIANOS wuli BMlLftt and all m,».lern ituproveinen's ensde of l*.t msletlsl* under thrit *iipervi*iou. wr.tren gnar «solee will, eaeiy Pisno J. A C. F be'ng practical men, aud ring laifaty f be.! Piano* Wwer thtn any¬ where.decidedly the heat place to buy tot cash. Those dealrlnt tp.M I'nu,. lull »« > ki mi and went w, a better cad tan J h C FlaCKER Plan to let. tuned, repaired tnd ex- cAaugwd TP i R 8 S O N & 8 O N ' ¦ . PTANO-PORTB WABEBOOMS, No TAN Broadway, one dean f.. in A»-,o pit., An e>r*i.t assortment of nrw and atx->.iid| PI AN OS constantly on ban.L MUSICAL-.A Lady. WBOO0 OireBBBBBtBOM h»i bacome reduced and Hwitbiaitanyf iend» or ftmftv, B Ciwnnrdlrvl in hrrprejei.f want of money lo'ael. her PIAN'O- P(>RTE, wbirh she la w '.l'ngto tell tt t atcr-h » on'y f r ra«h. If a larjre *ita»d fine ro*ewi».d Piano of «pleudid and musical tone, ot one of tie bot msk r* of this city, msde for orW A .Jitas PIANO P S B.-oadw'a« Poa: Omce. "uesr Cans).«t clK)NALO a\ BRI)s. would iuform thi'ir t'ttrout Ihev will bere.d. in t few week* to «np; v der* for their rewly loveutet DlAPIIOMC PI \>H>. and baa ing at present ä large assortment pf the nriUnary PIANOS . '.old *wl tiiem it teat, A.*.' I few etc on! hind PIANOS. lYeteranBt. N.>*. 4-vt and IAV Hroadwt), comer Howard *t. I>1ano-FORTES-K 0LENN & Co. have rs moved their Piano-Forte Manufa» |.>rv and W »rer aon fr .:a No W Eul'.oti Jt to B* K3 Sprtt-g-at two lUaor* east of Broad ar*y»_ PIANOS!. PIANOS .'.Oroot barcain* may be had at the «plrn.tid win honte of N. P. B. Cl'RTIS it hia cid st in.;, No. 4*77 Broadway where h* ha* r*-opened with* rich aad vtriad tssortrarnt' ot PIANOS, from th* ce.ebrate Menntactory of lreo. Hrwa, Botiou; tlso, a large taturtment of New York matnu tact uro. Prr» n* wii. had it to their advantage to rail before puribatdng eise» here. diano&.The lBlfOOi aaat.rttut>t.t of PIANOS M in the liniied State*; prices less than can be !.ad elsewhere. S.. « A*, n-v f.o T O'ttw-t v < :< 'a ftano* with ... > it I ..k»:an( Heilert k CAuntton't, Woodward A Brown * and Jacob taickerini'i Boston Pimo*. and the only honte wh re may be bad the IHlRACE WATERS ee'ebmt'rd modern Im Ked PIANOS, with cveratring* tnd Improeed action. Etch io (utttntred to give entire tatlafactlon or purrbtse-money rrfonJeA Punot to rent tnd rrn' al'owed on purchase. P a Dosfcrta eor m nUuv payments. Second band Piano* taken in exchange for new I ne*. Second hand Piano* for aale at great bargain*. Sole Agency for 1». V H. W. Smith * Meledeou* baa*d the aqatl tomrerament. _ HORACE WATERS, Ra SI3 Broadway. REMOVAL .BACON A R4VEN kovo bi OOB- eequ« nee ol c>e ex'ea*ion ofCtnali'.. removed tbtair P'ANO POR.E Warerovm to No. 1S5 Orand at ne block eitat of Broadway They offer their ' and the n-iblic tt Sfir'.""' I"** ot an rxtentivr sstortmrnt »f PIANO r »RT*> wairanted'.oeverv re.pect. ?>(| P1AN0-F0RTE8 TO LET.At $ >, $A$\ ttß\ß a month ot FOR sAl.l at g-is $M ».l'aj frl2S hu lo 0V* Prow-tar DI'MSDAY. T»*eher and Tuner of the Piano, Singing, Onltar, Aeoordeoe, tad Ylolia. tt t22> Onnd at. tTntirrj, ^arbtuare anb Jron. QOOPEK.. TRUS6 HOOPS -SOU net* tuaortod OOOFER'S BOOK TOOLS Albertaoa, Catatrar, I Batten and other mak*-* UeOi'KR'S RIVETS A large tato-tm . . OOOPFU'S HAMMER^. DRIVERS. BE'JK IRONS, Ac For tale by CÜAJ Ü LITTLE N*t B tai M Paltot ft. Apirondac pig IRON, frr Or WbeviU and roaUebt*penpoaae. far wie by Ag-ot of 'be Adlrondee Iron Company. JOHN W. gUlNCY. No. W W Ulatn. cor. P*tt-*t. CASTINGS..Pine Soft Iron Captin**, and Cut In» Braeaar.'. <eimrx_ltlon. to oMar. by M VC K RELL 1 Hit HAE-USON, M*___"ur*-and Founder*. Ne. WUu» tonet._ HUDSON PIG-IRON..No. 1 Extra, Noa. 1. d. The No Extra trill mil morwacrap. «od umper rfce a* purpoj. ,,%Mrl, P (. JOHN VV. Qf^rN. Y, Na E W_U__- it. cor Plett, Agent Hndeoo Iron ( ompeny_ , TJ ardware..Tb« hvtfft and moat com- _ed.ce_b.fo_.det CHA^0^_t"^,Wa_ I"PREMIUM UK KS-TO* Pirat Pretninm waa .w."id M k R bytka Raw Tori c-*wdPatera F.tbi- b ,xm fa 1K)1 >F. and STORE DOOR LOCKS. A way; on Locxi of all verteile.. E-pegriloiett* Wind w '"tei^ga, {-..trdwid Proreek-a Lock Furnitur- P.v*d Bat**, It* Par- tlrul_r alt-r.tioa rem to brft work turtabi- tor txr*t -data Zni\\ M At KRELL A RICHARDSON, Mt-oufacturert. Ne. JV. lie.rton-tt-________________________ SCOT, H FIG IRON.Hundred tt_i No. 1 Gart»hrrrie, and 21** _M -i-ied number* beet Pig Iroo, hi More and !___¦_. for tale b* SJ'OVFORI», T1I.V.ST0N A Co., No. 29 P.roedway. De."ks. DESKS, DESKS -Doubl- and sinvle Standing Deaki from 3 to 9 fo-t; doab'e aid «in« - "*irinr D-aka of every variety from 2 to fi fe-t; Office Tab!«» from 3 to 9 feet; Office Chair* and Iiesk-Siool* of every .leecriirlon. at KNOXS Deak-Store. No. W Beekrnan at. HP. FARRINGTON*..ENAMELED COT- e TAGE and ( HAMBER FURNITURE it the Mann- factory and Wareroomt, No*. 4e! and W'ooat-r tt, SPLENDID BUTTES of ENAMELED COT- TAGE i LR.NITl RE »t factory price*. WARREN WARD. No. IH Grand rt- TO TEACHERS. . SCHOOL DESKS and SEATS f.r aale tb<ap; mahogany, very ha .do.m«. neirly n,w Paton'* manufacture hi. 'ateat improvement. AI* On¬ line Map* for teaching Orography. Apply f.. M. BARKER, No. -0 EM Ifffh tt third liouee from Cnion-aquare. önilöing iTlaterialö. BOGARDPS'8 CAST IRON BLMLDJNOS . The miede of pat Una the building together 1* the moet aiinple and perfect of any known,* th-^greatett ad¬ vantage* of economy and of atrsLgUa. Th- moat eiaborato and beautiful atvlea of Arrhiierture c,n he produred in Ir in at ainail eitmnae. Tlie .iiharriber i* prepared to carry ont Dcaign* for public or joivate lo.i ilio««. atid a ~> to tj.. r.ght to on term* » h;t ji ,eave no o...o. en.ent to aoopt any id the infringe¬ ment* wbieri alwaya follow »ucre*»ful Invention*. Per« <ne are d'itio'.ed egainat _tftlB|fillilllll *. thev trill bt Rib act to proaa- cuuvn. JAMES ROOARDUS, Inn Building. corner ot C-ntre and Duane-rta. fENCAUSTIC TILES.Foe Vestibule*, Hall«. J Hearth*. Dining room*, Connerva'onc*. Jtc. OAHNK1RK I HIMNEY TOPS. DRAIN PIPK9. fcc. Kor *ale by Mll.LER tDATES A YOI'LE. No. 2N Pearl-tt. IR O N ROOFING. CORRI'O ATED IH'iN. COMMON OR GALVANIZED SHEETS, Contract* entered into for any part of the I'nired State*, or Roof* [ijepared for «bipment, and ready for j utting up. Curved Canugated Sheet* of any r»julrea radio*. Pamphlet* and information funn*hed on applica'ion to MARSHALL LEPPERTSV BROTHER. No*. 70 and 72 HroatL/'.. New-York. ROOFS RO* »PS Ri m IFS I!! . Th« ch.'ap- c«t and beat article for covering roof* ia TAR HOOF AMI PAPER, whiih we keep oonatantly on bond and will ami in large or email qnantitie* to anit puriTiaeer«. JAS. T. DERRICKSON A Co., No. 30 Beekman-rt. painta, ©ils, ©lass, aC'c. AMERICAN PLATE GLASS COMPANY. FACTORv WILXJAMBBTJROH, L. I. .Are now pre- pared to < irente order* fur Ktlt Oil PL \TK GLASS, *ui able for PI.OORS, SKi Ul. HTS. vai I.T and DECK UÖHTAi PNtaari attention will ler given to ordeaa left at their olb.e, No. 4_t Broadway, or their Agent. J. R. PLATT, No. Tti Mnrray tt. COPPEN » EXTRA OIL ia warmnted of rcrj- aupeiior nnality for Machinery or Rnrmtig Being nnmiied and p_lBwt|j free ftom gntu. it work* finely and perfectly aati*- factory on machinery, and will burn equal M the ti,-«t Sperm ia Mechanical. Night, and other Lamp*. It hn* been in u*e largely tor the paei eight year*, and i* a f»v r,t« Oil with out largeat «teamahi]W, raornada, marhine-ahopa, f. rrlea, Ac. Bar¬ rel* l^i to to gallon* each W arranted unno.-inly g ,..1, ur may be returned at the expenae of (< oburn'. only Agent) JOHN W. QITNCY, No. M W illiam *t., cor. Platt FRENCH and AMERICAN ZINC8, WHITE I LEAD, PA1 ENI DRYERS an 1 COLORS, manufactured by MA8UB1 A WEEKS, No. 141 Maideu-iane. New York. Ill RE ZINC PAINTS..THE PA88AIC MIN- I INO A.M> MANI PA( TI RING COMPANY having re¬ cently er' eted eitenaive Work* in ,ler*ey City for the manu¬ facture o( Dry White Zinc and W'hre aad Col iraal /.iuc Painta, are prepare,1 toeierute order*. Their White / uc i* aup 'iiorto any other ai American matitifactnr -, and comnareafav irab:y with the beat quality ot French. For aale on favorable term* by the Compaiiv'a Agent*, M a NNINO A SQt'IFR. No. M Courtlandt at. Af A 1 T II E W V A NDE R II 0 0 F , J I No* 28 and 30 Frankfort-*!., Mai tifartnrer ol IPERM, l.AHH. WHALE and TALLOW OILS, wbielihe warranUeqnal if not aoperior to any In th . city. C o. ,.:nera of Oil. either in laige or email quaj'luee, will fitid it tlo ii nit, n at to give him a call. HATN0LD8, DEVOE &, Co., WHITE LEAD, PAINTS, OILS, Ac., II AN l'FACTI 'It P. RS OK WHITING AND /INC PAINTS, No*, m and It* Fultun-at., N. Y. SAMUEL i D E \ N A. C o.. »Cr MANÜPACTURERS of BOPEBIOI OILS, For Locon.ottv a. Railroad Car., Sc amahlpt Steaoibjat*, Ac. No. OS I'lmttl isilt it, , 2 door* below Oreejwich at., New-York. Donntn .anb IDarrant-s. LAND WARRANTS. Wea'e pieparrd to execute all or.t> _ tur the purch.a* anaealeof LAND W ARRANTS in laign and email quantUia*. Ot'R FAtTLITIES for Pt'RCH asino WARRANTS at ftrat band* are not excelled. All eider* fo; the Puoj.aae of Warrant* wul beexeeataalat me «mall comniiaaiou of OHE DOLLAR A PIKCE. *_.:*! mrt«l» W.ll be II.oat N. R. 0OBB A Co., BBaB and Bond Bioa-ra, No. 22 W illiam-at.. N. I. ______a. . ) '''- ' I ,tlr Comm. nweel'h. _eferetH4-e.},,K|i, -, ,.., ..T I ANIVWARRANT OFFICE, Ho, «3 WalUt MJ New-Yoik..Tlie higlirat market price pa,d fr LAND W ARRANTS, end eil Warrant, eoad by me are guaranteed tad forwaraieu by mail or otherwi.e upon -ecript of reinitialise*. Land W arrant, procured for SoiJier. and other. .ntlUed I* «1*101 y Landt. upoe application to T. J. COLEB \N N 0 A t at 1 AND W A R R A N T S WANTED by d TAYLOR BROTHER"* Hanker*. Ne tt, Wa v New Y tk Protfoeionol Nolicfo. DR S B L A I N i L A M 0 U R. * OaaBaM and Auriatt, No. 7d2 Hroa i\»a./. 0R& ROBERTS, Sorcooa Dentisu. No. Sf> Bon '.-- invite per« nt wi.bmg ARTIFICI AL TEETH tc ca.l and examine their new m.^le ot inserting Perth of Platin* Plate, turp*.* the old *tyle in ttrrng h and beauty. NEW PATENT sPECTACLES-Por itnprov- it a \ taion and Seeing near and dia'ant ob;e<tt tfira*kffl only oae pair. I'rofeeeot PRA »'KS, wie Patenlee aad Maker, .' Paik-row, New Yotk. Otlire hour* trom .< A. M. to 6 P. M. 1 [NITED STATES PASSPORTS br bQ BBrti \J cf the world, Inditpentahle to traveler., lamed by J. B. \"N«.S Notary Public No. 1) Werreu-et. N. B..NataraUaed titixei_ mutt prvdute tbei. c<rlirjcatea (f opartnership Notiere. OISSOLUTP >N..Thf Onpartntraliip htretofore evia-tng be'w i'ii the »nNacr.D*., nnirr the uam- and t.rm.t .-W AN A WF.TMORK. .* th.t dav diaaolve 1 by mu¬ tual content, KKE l>f KI. K O SWAN b- ing aione a r.homed and tmpoweted to >< Ci theadai'-.f the iat-co'i,-rn. f IEDERJI K O. SWAN, New-York. June 00. IMA. EDWARD A WETMORE. LIMITED PARTNERSHIP..ThrÄt fo certify that the na Jeraigned hav« formed a !..::«>! Partner.hlp. pnranani to the prov_lon* of lie Revted Saa*J0M of the State ol Not-York, lo be ooadacteo under tb* name oi firm M PR] DERICE ü swan. That tk* general nature of lb* butane** lo be träntert«t la th* Oroeral Dry GtH>.a Commiwiun Huaiueea in ihr City of New- Th*t FREDERICK G. SW \N < f the Citv cf New-York i. the CeoeraJ Partner and C4.LKH SWAN benjamin L. RW'AN, Junior, and GEORuE A. Bot. m, allot Mad City, an the f-prriaj farmer*. That ibe aaol Special Partner, hare OMBlMM and pali ia rath at ca >ital to the ponimon rock the .am ot One Hunlrcd and Five Th'-*ard Dollar*, at follow*: CALEB SWAN EirvTb awnd Dorlar«. Bl N J AM IN L. SW AN, Junmr. Tblrrt Tboaeand Dollar*. Jjt.tiKOE A R. )CK. Twenty Piv« Tbonatad DoUar*. That the taid Partnrrahlp la to comm-nce on the *e<onlday of July m the year On, TVneand Eight Hundred and Fifty- t,ve and to terminal* on the thirtieth d»y of Jane, One Thou- .and Eight Hundred and Sixty BENJAMIN L SWAM. Junior, r- Rl DERICK 0 BVi AN CALEB SW AN. n , i ¦ . OEOROE A. BOCK. DateJ, hew T*rk, June ltM. B E *-n« . A.pdct of the Manio ' all« ^atting Compei-y. NESM1TH k v, 71 Broadway. ijLNiXJCTfl.. 2<J* e*ae« ribbon-bound family hiu»' U fruan crib-eli* ta 14-4 and of differem .inbBBOJ will be ~ld low. NESMITH A Co.. Wo. 71 Broadway. VEE Y B O D Y KNOWS THAT .JEFFERS. No «67 Broadway Aod Saratoga Spring», .aftrr I«IT IJ B*ar «ha world wtah Ma LADIES' GAITERS *:.« <!»ol'i' the Wm /e Fair in London, end ba now ehalleagee th . "real of mankind " to prodoi . an ar-w.e that will roccaaaln.iy com pete wrh th* gf.od* he la now aelling, JEr FERS tbrow* down the jaun'let to »very eo-ipeni - and - williag that the Laiiea of New-York fh^-iid ba hi* ¦>« : .:.-.« rant* .< e,rn»m< -. " l;c rn.« "T every ;»y ta-r-/ '. Vernal Equinoi'' at No. «67 Broadway._ FASHIONABLE PARAfOL8.-JAMES K SPRATT wuu'd infor-n bja fnecd* an I tl pu', ie that bit opened * ernvrnirnt plare at No. 3AJ RroadwaT ,. th* <i e ofal the NEW.»TYLES. PARASOLS, an 1 w.nid ba pleaisd to .el! by the «ox*n or . one at a low figure. No. JO Dr. 'olwa*. oppoeile the ] . .-. GENERAL TRIMMING ESTABLISHMENT Vi p H a w. WILLIAMS, It.a#a«avan a KRI S IEi GIMPS 1 ASSELS. ( OI'DS.Ae f «r I'pb ,Uter-T. *a a maker.' uae. for StaaaaBaata, Reil und-car*, fcu, K«. I M array at.. one door Rl to Ii r a \\ ACH IN E TWI>T Fur SewiBg MlflhtBBS 1 31m aoadaai ¦. r il ARNOLD, Agrnr*. of the " ChinereJ Sewing rii it" True Woolen ComparyV' Saf .-.».». and . Bronx Tape Company, .-.ay Binding*, No. 3d Beaver-rt. L>RINTS..Stearn« and Madders, new «tylea, re A eeived frem the works duly, ten- aale r y NKSMITH at Co.. Noa. o9 and 71 Broadway PRINTS. Light ami dark »:>lf«, BaBBBM and era. .r, great »a.- ty | i Print*. «-4 French tor at n'k smith at Co.. No*. 69 and Tl Broadway. RI 0 H A R D 8 O N ' 8 IRISH LINl'NS DAMASKS, A T he pnblir will pi aae bear in mitul that the »euu n- good* are alwaya *e*led with tbe ful. «igneture of the firm, rial RICHARD-*"',' M.i\S k O A*DEN " J. BULLOCEE 4 J, B LOCKE. \g'nu. N id Pin-a: New-York. SELLING OFF at LESS than COST.My lane Stork of DRESS TRIMMING RIBBON' and MIL- Li.M.KY GOODS. M. II. LICIIT INSTEIN, Ribbon Store. No. IM Bowery. CUMMER FRENCH-WOVE CORSETS..Mn. ?3 OAYNOIt haa uat i.reivrd au> Iii r ioiportation of hrr relebratrd PRENfll-WOVP. CoRSETS, inenuficUir-d at Lyon* e.nreeely for ber, of a very Habt Con till* and beautifully edtiptrd for Sommer wear only weighing from 'our to 6»e unee* earh Corwt Her prirr« ere aalj half n«n»li* rh*rg«.|, while for eaae and ele»aur» in titrintf her FitENCfl-WOW' ( ORETS are ronfr«*ediy ui.*urpa*»ru. OAYNOR. Importer, No. 4-5 3d-«»., new lOthat. riMCKS, DENIMS ond LHECKX-A Kood u A eortir.ent jti-' w:r»il fmt «a.e hr REBMJTB A CO V ...<*. 7- at way Clotijing. Jl -T FINISHED.The most elegant HAT BTOT oflere<lfor Co. uanai.y BlM for *4; neat tlATS +.' ^i and ?i o. P. H brown. No. ntraealat Jnsnranrc Companica. C< rNTINENTAL INSURANCE COMPANTv. l L8B A PITAL, r YIMI out*. Omer, No. II WaJJ-st. In»nrr* againat loan or .;*n. u-- byflRE. Or.oar.rT. Hon. S cy. WM. v. BBJkDT, PreeldenL INTERNATIONAL IN8URANCE COMPANY, No. 28 Merchant*'Exrhanfr .Tbl* Company i* n iwp.r- par'-O to uuue Poiici"* on Marine, Inland Navi|atioo, Trana- ix.rtaiH Ii. and Eire Itiek* at the currrnt rat.-a of premium. Joint Sr k Capital, #1>'.("" Sub .1 Capital. .«.?- Total, «..'112 iia5 P. J. AVERT. K-i nt Wat. K. Rollo, Sec'y. ALANSOB MARSH. Viee-Preat. MaacTaaa P. J. A»ery, »v. H. Rirrr-mitb. Wei. M. I)«!«*, J. A. Requa, Wnt A. IIuated, RL A. CtWtBb O. W. Stea/ena. \\ m. E. Rollo, S. A. R im, Um. II. Lyon, (»eotge ( iiajiman, J.*. II. Weatcot, M Powell, L. D. Tonaley, J. V an Riper, P. J. Bone*tee|, AI«naon Mara),, ^. Li"pinc-itt. OFFICE of the REPUBLIC PIKE INSUR AM y. t l >MP \NY. No. 74 Wali-.t. c A.-H i AP1TAX * I M 00(1 \v I'll LARGE St RPLUS. I Ill s I n - CHARLES II. RUSSELL, JOSIAH OAKES, DANIEL B, PEAR I NO, JOSEPH OAILLARD Jr., U ILL! AM II. RUSSELL, JAMES M IVATEBBIXBT, AUGUSTUS C. DOWNING, OEOBOE CURTIS. OA/AWAY B. LAM All. GEORGE T ADEE. W M. BUI LI It Dl NCAlt, JtillN J. ASToll. Jr.. N. II. WÖLPE, PBEIPR A. DELANO. ISAAC TOWN8END, JAMES C. BELL JiMla WAR It UN, DANIEL DEARS SMITH, ARTHUR LEART, FREDERICK 0 POSTER. MORTIMER W.HAMILTON.PELEQ BALL, DENNING DUER, ROBERT 8. HONE. JOHN STEWARD, Jr.. SAMI P.L V HupKMAN ROBERT B MINTUBM, OEOBOE W RIGOS RE I It P S UlTHER.s. J P OiHAI D EOSIKR, EDWARD C CENTER, JOHN A. C. GRAY. Nrw Yo«K Jan. II, !*.«. TN* Tniatee* of thia Compeny have ttna lav vr-.t, in ron- frrniit» witn their Charter, a .l:v. !-n.l Fol It AND THREE- QUARTERS PER CENT on their Capita! Stock, payable on de» and to the Stockholder*, in eaah and (crip. And alao, « further dividend of TWENTY PER CENT.pey- . be in *cnp to tbe aa»ured, on Paliriea iaauej by thi* Com- Kiny, a hieb have terminated within the tiacal year ending dial er ember laat. The ( harter of tbi* Company provide*, that after paving in- tereaitotheal.areholdert. «t the rale gf SEVEN PER CENT I'fdl ANNI M. 'he retraining protit* aro lo be annually di- Vi le,I l^tween the Po.u y hnoler* in arrip In-arii g intereat. whi, h arrip i* not to be paol ort unto the lo t urutiu. together with the Capital Stock, iball exceed ONE MILLION* OF DOLLARS. Tina ( oinpany eitahiiihe* no agenciea. but iti*ure* again,! fire all over the 1 nited Sutea. through re«t»-i tab * ho i*** in thu City. ROBERT S. HoNE, Prerient. Dl ai »X F. Ci aav, Serretary. New York, March I. iav>. Nrw Toaa. M«reh 1.1«». The Scrip, aa per «hcve notice, ta now ready. P»rtie* en¬ titled to tie tame will picatc call tor it at the office of the.Com- paiiv. 1MIE IRVING EIRE INSURANCE Co..OtV cea, No*, y Wall-*!. «ii 2 ö (¦.-. '.waih-aL ( «ab Cap'tal, BSBIJBBj wl'h » aurp'iA Inatiret liuiiduig*. Merr ,an ll*e. Pur- nitt re, \ e*aela In port and thrlr Cargo**, and other Prrparty, agkti-t Lataaor lia-iia.. hv Eire. MA-ON THOMPSON, Pree'u Maatik L. CanwtLL, lecietary. TONTINE FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY uf THE I ITi OF NEW-YORK.OIG,-No. Ill Wall at, P.ranrb ( HI . e No. 1 Avenue D.. T...« Co.i.pany. or^a i-d na¬ iler tbe Oeio rai luturanre Law if iaV1, with a Caan Capital id ? .«*'..< o. utter* IIWE I.LI NO-HOI SP.- MriR- ( H AND'S! HOI SEHOLD FIRNITI'RE an I OTHEI PKi'PF.RT> cwm or damage by hre. on term* a* tavora ble aa thoae ol any in* itu ion A.1 loaeea promptly ad- ;uated and paiA DIRECTORS. Jamei Pirmin, Samuel Jeaeup, Jer*miah G. Luga:, C' T White, F.. H. Kimbtrk, George Ra»J, V\ m. B, Imryea, John S. ReynoUa, George C. Lugag, 'an e* R. ti'.ick, Amlrew J.'Caae. TboTia* Havilaoj, Daniel B. Taylor, Dim S. HoW a, J V\ ade Wilaou, F. W. Oeiam i.baiuer, Jr. J. WiL*oa Fxi.iaoaa, Sec'y. JAMES I'.'RSSON, Pr-**t 1M1E OCEAN INSTANCE CrOMPANT BBI bees organiaed. with a capital of Four Hundred T*h >ur«jC o>» (Ott* «*.) A. BOW ABBS Pr" JAMBS TAB Sr.I REN Secretary with a Hoard of Dir«w^,,r* amiiraeia* many of our couimerri*. buaineaa men. 1 lie Cou.pany ha,a taken the rooma recently vacated by Tb* Conrieir and Enquirer No , < JUisfrlluncons. E Bug*, flea* an in*eci* of each kind Are creeping, tunning, flying Tlinr iivfi ann *°iuga we ne«d nut mind, For lo we aee them dying! Lvov's Mar.arTic Powora kUU A.1 tbe»e tlie world «!t-o Bv pnre and patent, wine lot PlLLJ Kill ra'a and *uch vile peat*. LYON * autotrrnph SBBBBBBBB article. Dt-pot . No. «2t Broadway. HARRISON** PUMICE SOAP..M»AoBj the Otiiiral Inventor of Pun ice Soap, in Paria, dj* Pore- ii in it 'I - S..; D, panfi-I.I ol M arna .-/a Via nfarmrv for re¬ moving pimp e*. rougbtrae and unhra thy aeer-to-n*. re'ton.ig o«tur»: i.lor to the akin, and reodertng it punt and gloaay, wbi'ening and the bauda. an '. t >r curing chanp d band*, it L** no equal. It i* aol.i at who'-iale by WHKPl.Ed A HABT No. 2 i;.-rkaian*t., a-.d re'ai rd by HEG**MAN ( I.ARK A C, Na. 273 Broaiway. So HARRISON'S EA- IR.M Tot ALiSMA. luperLuae. tbe charmlug nck odo.-of ihe Watrt Lliy. LADIES. ATTENTION'-If jm v«JBM BBTf pure, bright wtfr for drinking, ru'lnarv an! waabmg pur P-*ee, eb ain one ot the trw POROl'S (»LA*S PILTEtiS J at N,». t -i i an», -t No la a ak--p* hoaaa w >uid I > w ibout one it the omy knew how adtnuabiy they i eanae tbe .VtOgf, I.adie* ca aüd *ee tbeiu. CURYEYOR*» COMPASSES alwar« on hanl k-' we era led aa good a* the be»t, and reaiied at whoieeale price* by the oak er, W. C D\MS. No 222 Wat-r ». Alao. one SI RVFTOR'S TRANSIT ft aa.-. op *t*.r«, Orrici eg tub Boaaa or EnvcArtoa. 7~ Ngw Voaa. laaeJO, iiv, ( SEALED PROIX»8AL« will be retired at thi« other anil the Itthdav af Julv. at 4 ori^iP H mm >1 PPLYING the PL'«LIC SCHOOLS anierihe iari*d«gMai of tb* BOARD OF EDUCATION with BOOKS STaTlOS. ERY aid . thi r anicl-e t.qairvd fur lb* »*e of aaid Srh ada Ba*> i g toe year endii g An goat I, IkV*. A 'lat of la* ¦ tele* wOJ e furvj'ahed rt application to La- Ci«,k of the Board of Eda- i allon at bat Office, corn ag of Or»-d and F. m aa JO IN D.tVF.N*ORT, I ROKF.RT A. AD\MS. Committee GEOBGB P NELSON. V c, LEONA*D L JOHNSON. Suppje*. ANDREW J. CASE. J iüalfr-Ctnrf. DR. E E. DENNIS-TON* WATER-CURE Ka'nbluhme- inj«, Mmx. Nim b- limited ft'. LnxbUebld l«f7.' Balee bp Atution. j. Boc.««t. Auctioneer.R* S Ro.abt. A ITTP >N N< >TI< IB.THIS!>AV at I0j oYln-k. jtV .i tii« Aul.uu U«.m*. No. I North W, liam u.. irnor Llrruikl. r**t M. miikxili .. tan? »»««rt u«al f II utluid Farton..-: ratafia Bair-n. Pa- - :.. .ad » ger.eral .aavftinent of B»dr««.m u>d Kit' hen Faroiture, 1 f.. I, .... I M Double-Barrel Gun and 0 a<*. k".. W ril :.j I ind T*' » H-na*» -.* »' I .i-i Carpal*. ANTHONY.! BLEEt KER «V Co., REAL 18- T A .E AI TIi \T.FKs. No. 7 Mr...'. .!., «r. a ..* .>,. *r BBaäck a to the Parr ha** aad Sal- by privat-t e at re*t of «.».'» de*, r-p-i a I ** E«B«*w, to tb*> R.arrowing an I L'»-nina of Hone* n ftenO and Mm-'i,|". and 'o tha Lr»e«:ng of HouxaM «od Country Sra'a R»a K-tate epprawe.l aa favorable tertn«. a. M Maawia. Auctioneer. BY BANGS, BRCTHER a Co..Ttbob Sale R. nj N M Park -. » On TI E-PAY "er,!. «.laSA RFOULAR FALL TRADE ALE of BOOKS. STF.REO- TTn PLATES sT \TIONERY Ic.BANGS, BR IT tER A Co. announce the neat R-'tmar Trade Sa'e to be r ru at tbe ehr** da * under tha ili-ee Ion of the Commüte*» aa h'M- u,fore. Contribute i.» are r«; ntfi. * «r> Pu ici.i'i for tb» Ce-e |n» pfooild be torni-he*. imiiediat-W. D. C. Da*n. Auc'lenerr.By STgxvr.*». Darts fc Co. ITfllg DAI (Wbjrbbbsbj »t 10 o'ctoek, at the Sa.r«r. ci. V 1* Spruee-'t.. Urc» «al» of ELEGANT RosEWfjoD and MAHOGANY El'RNI TUBE: Suit-e in brcc.te! e, S> >fu. Trte e-Tefe, Chain. Rocker*. Corner Stand*. Bo<k<.a*e<, Uardrobr*. Workman.!*, Center Table«, Mirrore and fait.tiLia of greet tarlet a are! braut v. Larfe ronai.'iiie.n of Click* of the beat ui-im f'cturera, Al»<> one roawwood Piaio- Fotte, and 40.01C Cigei«. C*'«lo|ue« on the m rning of atle. W. S. Mfli.o*. A ort «eueer. R* CoikHtosA Mxi.LO*. rpO-jMOKROW lhuri.lav at L0J o'clock, ti 1 No. IP Naaeaa-er.. elegant HOUSEHOLD FURNIT Rl nea» and aeroU'i-l.and R"*ew,«»l and Mahogany P.atio E re«. worth* the attention of tka ftad». Furn't'ir« wttl et>n»i*r ia pert teu *oo,i R,»ew -<i pe» r ¦'.lit** of F'ormlnre. r r-re I ., r ch Frercb -«tln broritelle. p a»1: and hatr c'o'h of the* l«t«*t and moat taehtoeibt» attie»; Tur«i»h and Voltaire Ea*y Cbatr*; rereed Roeearoid Mirnr Hoor Armoir. ei«boratety c*t-t £ tigere«, rich tefer Tahlee. Library ant S-cre ary B >okc**e« in rarietT. Library Tal 1-a; Sp»ur «eat. Pa !..r and R-ceptton i.air- .operior Eil-rnioa Blnm« Tab e* Ii Iget Ion«; c«rved Oak and " «Inut Puffe'a with marble trpi; -ev Rai Sui'e* En¬ ameled Chan.her Pumrnre, T'te-a- "Ve* plain S fi^ w. han . r.dle»* Taritty of drairab.e article* in the Uojae F"uru:> line. _ tUtiirhce, Jcroclrn, Ä'c. REDUCED PRICES..WATCHES, JKW- ELRY. DIAMONDS an.! SIL". ER-WARE. The uc lerairted. for the la«t eu'iteen *e»r« . are!! knoam Deaier at.J Importer, offen for aale «I! Good* in hia line, at lower* for the tame quality, tbau any other houae in New-York. Philadelphia, or any other city, and w<U aend by a.aii of gal rrx. WATCHES JEWELRY Ac. to «II par't of tbe Unite«. free of chart". AH Oonda warrante,! a* repreeented. Order« by mail, po»tpud faithfaiiy attended to. WATCHES. WAT< HKS wit I. p-.c-t r Dafi-r.-e .»..**.tl^toiHV JUROENSFN WATCHES, genuine warranteT.. lV>to i«» COOFEI »All HES genuine warranted. 12>to 378 INDEPF NI'FNT WATCHES < r ti :.u H r-e*. lJSto 2V' POCKET CHRONOMETERS. Ii» to BB EIGHT-DAY W.\Tt HES. Unto IM LADIES ENAMEL WATCHES,. A'»to l'JO LA PI F B DIAMOND WATCHES. V to 300 MAGIC W ATI HES. 100 to 7i GOLD HUNTING LE> EES. full jeweled WcaraL «> GOLD OPEN FACED LE> ERS. full jewe.ed II cant..*. 2S SILVER OPEN-PACED LEVERS, full leweled. It S1L\ ER LEPINES. JEW RLBT. F.AR RINOS.«I V)£o gl« pins. l BJto a oo BRAl eli TS. .r> to >i<i nc GOLD SLEEVE BLTTON8 atd.',. 2 »o to 20 ao GOLD LOCKETS. 1 2*nd4fliaae«. 3 00to JS 00 GOLD GUARD ( H AINS.lo 00 to *< no GOLD CHATELAINE r BELT lllAINS.. B) nute II" or Gol.d \ HhT ( HAINS. 8 no to 8* on i.i i) d fob ( HAINS. (junto gold PEN* u s. l 2ito io oe Gol d Pi NS ard PENCILS. 3 00 to 25 00 GOLD ( ROSSES. 2 00to 12 00 CHASED OOLB RINOS. IMta 5 oo PLAIN GOLD RINOS. 75to 8 BJ rVRE GOLD WEDDING IUN(,~. I öd to 10 00 Jewoiry of even .letcription. DIAMONDS. DIAMOND SINOI.E-STONE PINS.BIS oo to«i,vio no DIAMOND CLUSTER PINS. sooot., ton no DIAMOND LINOS. 7 0*7to BB M DIAMOND EAR-RINGS. HWOOto Snn on DIAMOND ( ROSSES. iiaOto 8i*l 00 DIAMOND BRACELETS. no to BM uo Ar.. Ac. ac SIL* ER-WARE. SILVER TEASPOONS.» p*- a*r BS M I tSB . SIL\ER DESSERTSPOONS.per «et I: i*i ti |S Or BILt I K TABLE »»t 15 nti to 2A «0 SIL\ } R TABLE FORKS.per art IS 00 to 2* 00 SILVER DESSERT FORKS.per «et 13 onto 23 00 Si.ver We t.!.ng Cake Kntve«. Pie Kt.ive*. Fiah Knn-ei. Pickle f.rk*. Icecream Kune*. Fruit Kmvea Butter Knive« ( Im grea'l Seta.Tig! Knife, Fork and Sp->on. Sliver Cup«. Napkin' R g* Ac. W attl.e*. Ciorka. and Jewelry. repatr«d «t l««e than the uauel pnevaa. Watcbr* and Jewelry taken in exrhan«*. OBO l ALLEN, In.poitcr ef W alche* and Jewelry. Wli.>.ea»le and Retail, No. 11 W'nll-at.. (aecou.l fl..,.r ) aear Broad way. New York. Coal. / 1( |AL. I am now (JiscliarL-iiJi; tlic BBai Srhml- kill W'l. lea-h Rai *e aiol Euroa. Coal direct from the b«*ai at a>o .* .-r tun. J. I.. WORTH. No 202 Hun,and No Wrat 32d *t. fhR OS .COAL from 60 ct'iitd to $1 tjp *9 eai»» i-lieafie-.'ban r«n be ha i at nr>*t va-d< i'i ta-- niy. Mv pre.*.,! prire for verv he>t It ED-ASH STOVE or Krt. sieb < oAL, *rr-ened and delive'e.1 from yird. ia BS 50 per tun; BIgMM lea* fo gr cera and famiuea avlng io atock. Cry a tun before layir.e in vour Winter -upply from ei*ewhere. RICHARD <TlNTON No. 2»C let nv. cor. I.Stb-er. %?>rorcnfS. DOUBLE REFINED BALI!RATI S-Mannfac- tared by the anderrgnrd, 1* wana: ted free from a I impu- n'p^e. SA r having a i"tr in a pr re«« peculiar to ouraelvee, au- pefittended by i di-ting -bed t'hemiit. are enabled to eyract all deleierion« n atter from the raw material, and can conti tent Iv rrrommrt.d our manufacture aa auperior to any otDer. Hider- ent a Iic- put up in every varietv o' package, for aal« very l»t th< tfide ty J of IN DW'IOI IT A Co., 112 P»*r!-*t. TH 1 rt o P B M i L L 8, DRUG MILL and SAND PAPER DEPOT, N... 71 H-almin et., N. Y. (.OFF FE and SPICE DEBAR ME NT, No. 71 Fniton-«t., N. T. Office No I'S Fron» it., N. Y. Sole Manufacturer* of PHARMACEUTICAL YEAST PO WDEER C-ountev mercbiiiU *npp i d on the moat .ibera: term*. Factory, No*. 38, 37, and 08 H :. at.. Jer*ey City. N. J. Paper lTJarfr)on«3fS. PAP! R WAR] HOU8E .J T DERRICK- BOB A Co No.30 Beekmau-rt., offer for mm on the row a*r trnria: W ri'ing Paper*, Frgltrti French aad American. New* Paper, all *i«e» weight* and qnaiitiea B"«k paper a «1/ a w ,!,t* »:.>. <j !¦«*.., Paper lauca color* *r«l white nl the be«t iiaa"ty. Hanging Papet, white and eo.ored, different wultha, ha'ter*' Paper, this and of the beat quality. Cloth Piper 3Hi«i' and Ida 18. BJajMeh [UrOware Paper, * iar«e aaaortmant, ]u*t arrived. BJkaatl Paprr. cf the beat qua nv V. ral i i * Paler. Straw Rag and Manilla Tea P.per of lifferent aiiea Tar P.i. .1 i.f Pap. r a. Ian.- for rnofa It. rot'.*. fllcbical. R DP «TO N 0 II LIOHT BRoWN COD-LIVER OIU Pn pared I r m«d» ma! uae in tbe ..oi.eien Ul-a. Norway, and put to tli- lot i.i ana.yaiaby DR. DE JONOfl wb« by Lia iiteia.-y woik* Wal travel* ha* glined lor Ma**ea«k avlaall Pnrope the. w-11-.le«. rve7i repotation a* the bighral auth -rit\ in all teat r-fani-'ti.a n.oat eff^ctiial re-n-dy f,.r ( (INS! MPTION Hlto.Ni {ITIs ASTHMA GOUT bii rets S( ROFI LOI S AFFECTIONS DISEASESof the SKIN. INFANTINE WASTING, and GENERAL Dii- BlLli Y. Arpr. aed of «m'rerommenled bv BFRZELI' S. LIEBIO W BtHLER, ion ÄTHAN PEREfRA. POUQUI1 R, and nu- meroc* offer diaftEgnlah- J Phvairian* and aci n'Lic Chemi-ta Sptdallv rewarded with medal* bv the Oo-. era-nent* of BF'L- Oll M and the NETHERLANDS, and euppliod to the .. «ding it oaf itai* of Earupe. Ila* a moat em.iely eaprrardrd all other kind* on tbe Con¬ tinent in Coneeqm nce ot it* prove.1 *iiprrior now. r and etficacy, .e w-II a* for it* brii « perfect.y fr-e from all unpleaaaoi odor| ai. .!:. ...¦eai le b; trr and acriiiioiomn ta«te, noi irritating the throat nor impairin« <iige*tion, neither producing uaoaea and v. ii it r t, nor oi'iri Bvlt.r* labeled wih DR. DE JONG-PS St imp* and Slgnt- ure*. 7.,cen . per lartt.e. A liberal diacouot to Aputhecariea and Ding«--ta. V.igbr bottl-* f rwarded, rajTiagr dree.tothe coaintry < n ree»ip« of «V> W'boieaale and retail by LKoPoLD WETZLAR. No. 15 De vat.. New York. S e Avrt f r th- 1 m ed Stitnuf Or.'de Jongh'a Light Bn wn tod-Liver 08. a| V ONGUENT, for iBieiBf tmt BbbH to «row a'l MaBt ¦«¦¦ i* 4M > bot:.e: ar«e bottle*. c-»nt4iuir.g eight of the tmall. *5.aent to any part ot tbe ronntrv. R. O GR V HAM No. BM Broadway; Mr* HA\ES Full n at.. Brooklyn; SPALDINÜ. No, r It-Motu torn. Boaton; BRIGGS No J7 Stale r.. Albany. W'IIKIN * AMIK.PKT .Tbia moat valuable » f preparauon for REST' iRINf} and PRESERVI VG the HAIR in the mot |erf-rt'uxnnanr. r wa* orrinally foo |.oi.r'ed by tha relebri'ed Oculia«. Dr. Samuel E.liot of N'-w York and ha* for-he laat ten Tear* b-en «ranitoady di»- by him f hi* tnenda Dr. Eioot urg-d by many to *1- w i. . rt, vai".*b - r>i-e for laa'dn-a* to be bronaht' before the jn lie. be* n >w kind y and graiuitoualy preeented the and-r- altBed with ' be rec-pe fat that parprae. aa will be *eaa by Dr. P llofa reetlnrate below. The Amieiet B «1*0 hl«h!y rreom :ri»nOc for f ae'a1 cae. a* ¦ my; rdeaaent and exhiliralirag w»di tor Ibe bead ira-prr« it er.tirejy liee f rnu dardruff. Pnc«, 5ft crt« p<r bott.e For aa> by* generally. Order« with remittance* aei.t to the enderaiatned will be prouiptly executed. M. WILKIN.N^tlMawiei anrfaew koT" llt-TeU, June«, i«v Tbi« i* to ceit^ that I have gtren M SVi.Juu th« pr** nption f rra'orir.a and !mpm\in« the hair, and known ava lie Amie ». »I .1. iiiv-aie i, ani t> r whirb I m ,ke no charge butaive .i»:-.:-.a.. - SAMUEL F'.. ELLIoT, vi DA No I C Hjton pJare, and Ehico tvu e, S'aten 1 aland. M EIGS A GREENLEAF, Oflee No 23 Wl liam at.STOCKS and BUNDS bo:.-^'ael tUl atr'cMj financial. An«.*« H Ml'llkb. Aarti-nc-r. STOCKS and BONDS at AUCTION .ADRIAN h Ml Li.ERwlaeii mmmti » this i>*.y w la ¦>< July U,a| UtJ «»"l o< k, at ItW Men I ant*' E tehanr«, for «ccmn: of tri >n H rntt luBeatn: ciJXC New York Cita Pir*> Indemtit* Stork p»v»b.* May .Jttj.iU* Stata of Kentucky ft nor cot RonJj, interest payable Jl'.oi'* »»id m't- il Ml each. 7SA tfiar* . American tfoal Co. of Alley!*''7 Canty Maryland, (.crip ck. »tharee American C«nl Co. of A! rjany Conatr. Mtrvlan-1. (full atock.1 .,1-70, Orricr or th* Ohio Lin I\*u»»»c« »»o T»i it Co. I Ntw Yoa«. .Inly 5. ItYji I ABKMI-ANNUAL DIVIDEND of FOUR l PER CEWT hae been tie-1»red br thh Company p»» able ».n end after Ite I2th inst. to the StncihoMer* reeu er. .1 apoj the B.., N*w V rk. EDWIN J.I'liLOW, Ceihier. i in li t thi IPMeUAIUMauHl'iTvFtnr. I\*te»\i r, C >. ) JoIt 6. mm ) DIVIDEND..The BwdtrfDiTMtori lure thai tag der .red « SEMI ANNUAL DP [DEITD af PI» I i| PER 1 EN I i »*»' ie <u and att.-r the Hah m.t Tb* Trauet-r lliok* will be doerd unal *ft*r that date .JINX I). SUm TNETT, Se-ret.rr Cliato* Fur iRjnABCa Covraav, | Nrw-Voaa. July 5. lUAS. I DIVII'END .The R.aril of Director* >f thi*. Company bar» THIS I)AY declared a SEMI-ANNI" AL DIVIDEND of F.tOHT M) PER CENT, payable on and after the 9th it-'. Tbe Trai.ttrr Book will he aloaed unt;! that date. J B. AMES. Ja . Secretary. Mi «ca.atile Ftai: I xara a acr.Co., NoASWall-**.,I N> w-Yobk, 'aneJu.iaü. J THE R<\\RI> of DIRECTORS of thin Cin- pany h»*e declaatM . DIVIDEND of (?) FIVE. PER CENT for the «ta mot.tb* tarmlnatina th* SOtb ioatant. Pay. ¦Ma »t the office of the Cotrp*n* on and af e- the .'d diy ot July ext. 'jllliN BARER, Secretary Omca or thc Haaaioar Piaa !»>r«t«c« Co.. 1 No. a Baoan.*y. Rat? Yoaa. lane 27. 13'»\ ' THE BOARD Of DIRECTORS hire This 1 Dar cc are.l a r*gn:»r SEMI-ANSVAT. DIVIDEND FIM PER CENT p«y«b'e on and af er Moni»* n-xt, the 33 day of July, until which" date the Tranefer Hooka will be. claaed. R. Ü. ÜLOA ER. Secretary. Cuter or ni Mr*rn.»\t<- lau« iv. r. Co. or rut t Ctrvoi New Yoaa. Jaiy j. l»i\ . J DIVIDEND .AI a mit-tin« of Board of Direct- rrarftbia Cnmp«nv beid thia . ay. a dividend ot RH (|i PER CENT wa» dr. »ere,| Beg of lie aorplu* prod * of tlw pa»t aix month*, peyible on the 7'h iast. Ihr aVar.-ter Bto'ka will be rloe-d tir.til that day. or URGE IT. lAVAOI Secretary. lavisn. StriM.a Inrutti a. No. r/ \V. ~-u DITIDEND.-r-Thll In«tituti.m haa,>,i a aeu DlV IDEM) at tall rat« of SIX PFK, CENT per annum »n »11 ani nn'i euti'el iher»'o for the !a*t aix month*, payable on and af*er the !*th ii:»t«nt AH intereet not called for «i:ll draw iaterrtt a* principal. All deposit* m»d" on or before I^th iD»tant. will draw ir 'emt from the l»t. Open Dally trom l" A. M. to 1 P ,4Wt I M * P. M WALTER W. CoNRLIN, Pre*, lent, R^i.v'ir^^iVice.W.,. ViaPEBBiLT L. BtlXltM, Secr*'«.-v. Phmix il*\K Nrw-Yeax, June SO 1SAV THE BOARD of DIRECT0R8 ort« thia .Uy decleied a Semi-aunnal Div.ieu.l el POUR III PER t VAT taaable to the Siockho .'.era on and af er MONDaY. July 2, \aS6. Bt order of the Bo«rd. P. M. BRYSON. Ci«hl-r. Tat tail > am' R«M.»?o But «innConriit. DIVIDEND.A Dlriilei.d of THREE pereeal en the atock of th" aSove>n»m*d e'ot"[ »i:v. ha* boeu ie- Caared *nd i* piyahle on the Id'h ln»».. at th" otllee of . KETCHiM. ROGERS A IIEMENI', No «¦ William Niiw Toaa Eaiiraata 7»*t«xvc« CoNraar,) .N . w-\ o*«. July 6. 1A«S. S DIVIDEND. . The Hoard of Dlrfwtora Rare 1 HIS DAI declared .. SEMI-ANNCAL DIVI DK.ND of FIFTEEN PER CENT on the capital atock, payab.e on aud after the II-h inat. JOII.« MILLER. S-creiery. Colvmbia Fiat IkMtBAKca Co., No. B«rel*y ac. corner j t oi *je-p ace..Ni.w York. July S. 18'd. I DIVIDEND..^Tbe Boord of Direeton of this C. miaxy have tin* day declared . SEMI-ANNIfaVla I.IVIDEND oi Fl\E Pf R CENT, parable oo and af 'ttlie 12th mat. The tr»n*fer book* wil be rloae I until tha: da'e. JOHN C. BKROH. Secretary. G.M.I N .\ ÄND CHICAGO UNIOM BAIL- BOAD to -Tbc THANSFER BOOd of the Gat-aia and t bi. ag<. Cii'on Itailrt ad Co., at the American Flc-hanxe Ha. k. wil. b- rl..<ed the -t lb Julv »t 1 reopened the l*» A mint, 1>V. Byo-der DAV ID O'DO.VNELL. 1WE INTEREST D lUPONS .>»" tke'JOLIET AN li NORTHERN INDIANA RAILROAD BONDS, nuaiet teed by the M:c i«an Central R.ilroad i on pan > In Juli in. will be pa:.I at the AMERICAN EACH ANOE tlAN'tt on tb«t day..July 9. KU N. D. ELWi). ID, Preaideut. BROADWAY SAVINGS INSTITUTION. No. .0" Broadway, entrance on Park piare.. Open daily from 10 A. M. to P. M. and MtBJBajB, AVedueaday* «rd Saitir- .G\. fn in to 7 P. M DF POSITS ma le in th la In,tun ion on or before the 11th of Jaiy will draw Into real thereon frooi the 1*1 ot July, at the rat» of 6 per cent per annum on *u Bat not ex¬ ceeding »V£*»i, and S per cent on all *nin« over It. it amount. WADE B. WOitR.ALL, Secretary Pa.Tr« fi mmih;, Accountant IRVING SAVINGS INSTITUTION', \.». M Warren at., one door from Greenwich..Open dai'y from 10 A M. to 1 P.M. ami tn in 4 to 7 I'M Interest at the rate of 0 per cent on auma from «M to + vyi AA'ALI'Elt W CONCKLIN, Pre.idenL md. VATftS;}^ *. VaxnrKaiLT L Bexto.n. Secretary. bJi'l ill BRIM)KLYN >\\IN(iS INSTnF- F7 TION, No 173 ATLANTIC-sr. Athenenm Building- Depo»it,.r« «re notified that 1NTERES P at the rate of «TVK PER ( ENT PER ANNI M on a,I »um* of tiie dollar* and up- wai.l, which hare been dep«»i(ed in thi* lu.<tituti.,n at b aat three month* priviou* to the lat inat., be paid ou aud after the 16th in*t. It ',-r>*t not cai ed for will remain principal, ni l draw in¬ terest I ton. the lat in*'. Dept-itor* are renunded that de pod t* made "by the l°th day of Jo y. wi.l draw lurrra' from the ut of July. Open daiiy from 10 io 2, and Saturday evening* from I, to 9. Gio. AV. Uimi. Se.retary. IRA SM I'll, Preaideut. Rxooklvk. July 3. 1--V. Cm WATI.K-l.oAN BONDS. Dated Ju y I. 18-V*. payable M year* after date, with In- tr', at at ti i ei ..ut per a.num. payable, «emiannually Um tlao City of New York, for aaie by 'IHM II iH \ SCOTT, No. M AA1i;iam-*U Ol I let ol THE NoaTH ClRol.lSa Comi CoMPtVYf/ *No. OJ B-aver-et.. New York. I rpiIE NORTH CAROLINA COPPER COM A PANV. »:e a l.rar h .>: the North Carolina Mining Caff» pany. having bv w new barter obtained from the State ol N fii Carolina. Ie»a Ty act* p'ed by it* «'ockholdera, heroine, a aepa- rate ai ,1 iii-'im t I on pany with fn I corporate power« within i'«e ha»"i ¦* .. ai. aaaeMiaeut .-I one on n il abate of the Mock of aaid cmpatiy payable on or before, ino hr-t day ol Au«u*t next. AU receipt« 'i r money advanced by «t >c boidr* for the benefit of the Company will be r.-ieivedat their par valae a* ceah i.i pat meet of »¦**.«<meat*. Suck ou which the a**ea«ment remain* unpaid after the Beta! firat day ol Anguat will be advertiaed an- aold at public auction to the higbeat bideVr. for account ol whom it may concern. By order of the Board. E. W. HICKS Secretary. Aw W IM.- ANK..Inatitutiou for the.String/t ot k ' Mer nta'Co rk* »nd o her», No. Ml Broadway, oppoaite St. Nu hole* Hotel. Interrat on depiarita m»d« on or before the 1 Ith July will bear ladtall at if made before the lat in*t. Bant open PJAJitl from lo to 2 oc oek. and on Tt'F:SI>AY, Till RSDAY and SATI RDAY EVENINGS, from 5 to 7 o'clock. Bv or.b r of the Traa'ee*. MOSES H OHINNELL. Prr»ide**t, Asntrw ATixsi a Secretary. mi ESS RS. DI NC VN, SM HUMAN * Co., Irl Banker*. No. WiUiara-at.. New-York, iawue FOE EIGM CIRCULAR LETTXRJ of CREDIT on the loilowin« Citiee: Alexandria, C*r'*mhe,, Rom», Antwerp, Ceieatta, Madrid, Rottardam, Athen». Canton, Malta, RU> da Janeiro, Atiuce. lam, Dreaden, Ma.-ar.LVag, Bt, Petauburg, Berlin. Duaarldorf, Milan. Strasbourg, Baden-Badan, E.ilnburxh, M.ncu», Sienna, Bern«, Florence, Munich, Smyrna, Bonn, F'ranki'jrt, Meaatna, Sevdle, Bordeanx, Grnoa, Mulhouaa, Ktattia, Boo'.ogna, Geneva, Madras, Shanghai, Bremen, Gibraltar, Malta, Singapore, Bruaaei*. Hatrbor|, Mani la. Svdiery, NdW, Baxm d, Lucca. Ha«ue. Madeira, Turin, B«*le, Havre, Meilaouine,AB«.,Tieaioa, Bombay. Heidelberg, Naplee, Trieste, Batavi Hong-Kong. Nico, A eoice, Beyrcut, Kandy ,(>y!on,<>portia)1 Vevay, Cairo, Liverpool, Oleroa, Vieuna, Coblentx, Lomion, P»ru, Wieaeadaa, <¦,<:.» Leghorn, Pan. AVaraaw, Cadis, I.eipaic, Palermo, Zuriaab. Coiambo.Ceyloa, Lyon«, Pu* ALSO CREDITS PGR INDIA AND CHINA ON THI ORIENTAL BANK CORPORATION OP LONDON. Branche« and Agenc.ei it Cacoo Shanghai, Caleatta. H Kong, Rembay, Madia*, ¦lugapote. CREDITS FOR AUSTRALIA ON THE RANK OF NEW- ¦Ol TH WALES OF LONDON. Branch** »od Agenda* at M»itl»ud and Newcastle..Hunter River. Brisbane and Ipewieb.Moreton Bay. Atetoria Brancbar Methoerne. Gneionf, Kynetoa. Ceast.emaice.Moant Alexander. Ballerat. Sandhurst Agency.Baa dig* Ovens Agency. J.ÖElN~MÜNROE A Co., AFRICAN RANTK- ERS, No. 5 Roe de Pan Pans grant LETTERS ->F CREDIT for mercantile purpose*. Abas. ClRCLLAR LET rKBB oF CREDIT on the folio wing ciuee: Alexandria Cobi.-nts Laandoa, Faiermo, A.g-.erv Ccloatne. Lwghorn, Pia». Amsterdam. Oanst»nrtnople, Lucerne, Prigpio. Artwrrp, Drrsden, Lucca. Riga. Athena, Pearence. Lvi.n*. Rome, Alx-Ia-Cbaeetle, Prankfort-on- Ma.iiid, K-otter.iaia, Baden-Badea, the-Mam«. Madeira, Seville, Baale, GVaia, Malag«, Sienna, Berlin, Oeneva, Malta, bmvma, Beme, (libra tar, Manhiem, St. Petersburg, Bey mot, Hamburg, Maraedleai, Scrasbors, Boingna, H»vt" Mayenea, Stockbofm, Bordeaux, Heidelberg, Maaeina, Triaete, Bremen, Jernsalem, Milan. Turin, Breaiso, La Hajre, Moarow, Venice, Bmxelleai, Laueanne, Munich, Vaena«, Ca.1'1 U »psic, Ntpiea, wteebaias, Carlsrah«, Lis^n. Nie«, «Wiek. Cair" Liege, P»u. Offi-a Ic New York ,No. a AA'ail-sx. B IIa na Pam at at. T*. * m) Jayt* Bight fjr aa.a i na t( tj. - B». WnjJAM»BÜBG«v "ATTJfOa BANI cor °*» v? *¦¦' th 3.1 and 4'b »X ' -¦'Vpn'ttae, ar» W«,.L, I-J'b». . SKMI-aNNtTAl, |>l.vMJF.NO at tfc, «SÄ PER« PNI P«| 'ss' > .nn, » ' M«Z3 .TÄfi tere-t ,..» *!Vd f., U p^MHl f0 ,s, ^-«m rf(Ui«|^_ r"r:J» I ¦ *rbsi. rrth*10fblV»MTjT\r3 draw liii'ir»! A Tk fj.,,1. nf thi* lo*«o^t*»i ntZ *er,,rr * . s *:.«.-.-.. ' ¦.. y w»i2 d.ubi- he am. -nf oa;-.if «nd In 4 f * v. r .-iBtT K.r-eda. TSm frcJjjr*to7*yes»ta P. M. tVILLl'.M WALL ft-tmmm i"»»i.r Ki. kW, 1 ,. Narnivri B«t,;.». , * ^ Frattdeate, s»wen w. TvMU*j Ii Man MARINEE«* BAI IN08 [NOTITÜTION, 3j. «*.. rort-er of 9»b-*t for ÜM b-nen; of" all r'a*»«* .r«. ? :...-). I l'n.MTS male :n tl.j H.dx on or feror* tk« Rkh CT »il! beer tot. ta*tftot*) th* IX JnTy n » .,.r <..,. mterest V *<«ju 01 BU<1,r' u-i "** ^' « ¦« 00 ««ia»» «r«r Haik oprr DA LY ironi JA. M. to P. M.,»ndoB WF.D«* 1 AI *>f-- --Al r.DAi EVKNIv.Sfr u. r t .V <t _»AAC T. SMITH. oVaertrtary. CHARTIERN COAL COMPANY-TBI.HT SAI.P. or COAL, t >»L WoRR, LAMM ¦.WILDINGS, RAILROAD. KQl lPMLNTS,JU Im^SJJ «na in exerco* «ad ;.»:?.. u'U ..I tb« uu« er* vested In aid cotihJed to in* fc .. »<¦,...,j, <£, j '*'. '".'¦ . V. AK r.P.nS 1) vi »11 PA NY. hearing date f ha ;o, .1 «od i~,.,^i c,,raii,g deeds In 1, v , ih*( <.!. tn.iiwevth .-. r«i, , M .,,. t # " page 431. Ar. I will .ip,« m tala, t>* Puhl* Ae.>on Mtk» M»r(¦^¦rll.¦ r irharge. on 4t!i-st in the 1 I i Ol PIPTBa BERUH. Penn, on ti:-SECOND DAY ..f AI Ol ST ItUul j\K<-k P M «1: and the ESTATE. PROPERTY**** PRFMi.>FS in and intended «ad hound br «J I Kti . . ... .. j -«i.n-cdv.u |.-~ k* a- I All tb* StOW« ot Mtaatal Coal whwh lala «ad Ii«* ander <-niv 1 t im, rite t.-a< . 01"land »liu^ir in K -hinaoa rnwwüp ta <h« ,-a«a>- ««nr**a'd. to wit: Th- R-.n.- .-. rtata,bwtajdwdkwmmm Ol Mc>*r uii i bjira. John and Ja*X* Nick'.- M. (l,ir..«)B ut WdlDm McCormlck, r>>otkiatn« D2 acrca ta l tu perrh¦¦« »od .artir* *ih d«»cnU l in a .».'r :.-vn / VV. IUtn.a«t.>a to aald Ct»»l>«i.»4«'c. i-d hr :*>» atorMi: 1, in l»«ed K.yjk toL .I. pax* luv TbeWcCorm^k Tr^ct bonndcd of' Ma- Pulanafi bctr«. Meto»« kein, tb* Lunuidt« tract anj unat Mcl'ntilj. ronUin t fp' a/re» and St-1 penhe« .lw bed In a ited from V\ m. Mctoimkk to said Comnanj, roc.ord*d In «ntaa »oltin.e. p«a» 187- The Mirks Tract, ad in n* the land* af Kdii.und.-oo, PLCiipa. Samuel Kiddle, Jan.. j Rob.nsoa. aad others, c. Ltainu.» i" . aefi**----deacri**d in » d«»J fi.xn ta/ltaaaa Ms to said IVtiipan«. r». r '.. .! n « a -1 im-. page ICH The rdmandetn lract » «..!. \\ m Vs and the Pi'Utuuh and St. \. idaul c«. . 14 s.i -s4tt riT he*.de-cilvl in . .leed Ii out Jiawph Ed saadtofj to sa.4 ompan« recorded in aaui* volume. pe«*\'\ The Irwin Tract, bounded bv lam'.s et Samuel Mc ur lf, A L. n'a a I.» wie Tbombert's hei's an.l J. Ii. Dana « lielra. eeataialns] U acresHt perche».des. nbed 11 a deed from J. hn Irw.u an I wife to Z. VV. Remitrstcn. recotd. 1 in sai.i office in «olnme 9t. re«Ma> Also, all that certain piece of land tailed the Mc Km Traei. ta id 'ov. oefip. n< «r the mouth t 'har «na Creek, bo-iud-d bp lands of Alexander McEee ar.d the Ohio River, and «onnara» in* ei»l.; -en s it ¦ nbt >l in a deeo L. W Keiuioxtnei and wtfe to raid t omp ny. Mtsnlni m said «uluiue VI pafa 17a. cn which «r* errctedlire frtmedwel iru-amseeend aar- bor improrements Aiso. all that tab 1 cetta n pit | .1 nad In aai.i II «'p conts::urf MB «crea. U oa I '.'Ohio River, above X: Kr.'a Rick" IS «. .! 'r*. t anil also, . piece of fnn::.d f the wollh of .'.'1 e c iioiein 14 oa the f^utli-western en f «aid fen arreaand ex'.-n.l therafninB toxwl. te iwk on McKee's np|»-r line, near Chartiers Creak, will, the ¦ ivüete of maintaii.ins ilirn ,01 a Raiii's l, Ac. the la¬ ter. »t of aald Company beint a lraee'iol.1 f.,r 20 rears trom 1st Apiil 1818. aubi. ct to . st. und reu f «V 1 v. 1 ri'll April I, ID.« auJ thenceforth <>8W a year, on which tnocanf ixnd era ere. ixl a coal tipple, ra.i l Wl .rf, 'tli. e ei.gnia-ah 'd. w.o«h- bviaee an«l scale, an.I imi'.air ",d o: '.-'r tnfti a etnenr-s.sai.l pretn- ises and privi>Ke* b>-ans deactioed an.I detined in . lease tr"ia Alex. MttKesj to / W Reiniiig-nn.rero.ilaHl in said office In vol¬ ume 62. | age Mi, and the s*»lirnii'eiit t' -r 01 :o said Company la aaid volume «J, paae 177. ANo. alt thoee 23 Lots of Oroand eoiniwrs th. \-xe ot Ren.maton, laid out upon 'he and Mr! rn ., k I rae- !.eiti| esch AO fee: in fr. 01 an I iu rear, au 1 IM Ike* in depth, and on each of which ia erected a two-essxry frame dwelling h<mse. Also, all that Railroad and constructniaj known is the Chamer* Coal Co upany's Railroad, exte-idoan baaathatOht* RHa*ta »ui. v..iits»oi itoxmuxtor.being ibout «even ti i'ea In lenx'b. with all the materials, e,|nlpments sod appurtenances thereof, and of the saM Comp my'* Depo'*, Pita, Mm,* an C**aJ \A .ika including two I..h ,11 .live S eam Ko- stues.ot) Burden Cars. IS' Pit Car* Tmck*. T ol» Implement*, r xti.i.*. M itrtials and Machiuery, and also, all (he Franchisee, Itish'a and Trivdrgra of the aai-1 Company and Corymrsfioa. _J. F. D. L AN I FIR Trnatew. Or. i. f \ -k u II111 J.('¦ m/isv or ','<* imr » No. 'S Wal' *t..Nrw Yokk, June M, 11SV. f BY Hrthjt oT a Rosnlutinn of the Hoard of !l. 1. ra lb,< .!»* p.,-.e.l. the K u»l Coionliilee off t t*» the Stxkhol.leis oi lie ( entral it ail toat Compaiiy of New Jar- .ev, »1 f per cei t one mil ion bun'red 111 ..«11,1 il i,'ar* ot' -FA FS Pf R " F NT Oil PON li > MM r-deeo ahl- May I. D75, convertifie into the stuck of the otnpeay nntli May I, lWiO, and en'itled to thn security of any mortgage 'hat may br herrafi. laid on the Han mad from r..u.b»tuputt to Phiilipe- burg. on the Delaware River. The Beads will be issued in turns of $ I Ona an I 0100 ea. li, and will b" r, g atend .01 'ho ho»*s of the ( ompany in the name of the bolder or a* a Hund, piyab o to he*rrr, as the c to tgtjkfat« of bold, rrtr ui time to time m iy raajMpt, It uav be unm ceae.iry 11 cal the at'et.ti. t. f .o.vkho! ler* to the pro*ueci* of thi* Road, or to repeat that It ia th- inalu trn cutlet of three lines, all in ispid Coarse of il. v ,0 .iiiaott one leailii.x to lie l...c« loa. 11,111.1 ai.,1 Oawego, utt Lake Ontario; one to t;,r I., high tield*. and nlllinauny ts> Krle l ie velar and II» 11 real Woat; and ,ne re.pilring 1 We eoa- ¦triii tloti of only Ai lilies of r,*d In pleno the enter of inn Scboalkill Con, Beam, and make a ilneci, uubr ikon line ls> Pit-.bii th snd V\ lice Ingj nor need fb.-y be 'einiu.led tbs"hee* line* »r« al free f-om br. ak of gang» or 'rariahipoieut; uor ot the* remarkable rrinci.lenr-r that by ibk* rosil the ttirv - \..I'iraeita* Ci*l regions ate earh bt. nghl wi'bin \if> m. «s nl New-York, tf. e no' being 5 mile* didere-nce iu distance between any let ot th. ni. The partial opening in tnne, and an'lc patd c onn e'tou in July,of'be l.ebigh ia ley ReRroe I. srith the prol ability at tow Mtatkai f the Warte» and l.arkawauna Itoad* iu the Pall, reu- der it iirp.-afvel* eaarv 'ha' fU I '-ip .¦. < ui I p- - e.»l tip r. 11 « f h the onstnictiein of the teoo'id tra. k. \V uh tba work aliesdy aicempilahed. it can aw *,¦>...» ni, *'!y r iiuplataal in two season! wi'boat inlerf-ring with the hnsii.os, ..I th-' Itoal, and at a great saving 111 expense over what It would cost II" lalt till the Road is overwhelmed with basin, a*. r-t < klio'.d. ti wo. U en'1 tied to »,il «erit-- for l'.ou I* to the ex tent of tliree-loorth* of ihe atork held by (li-in iu the hooks of tin Cut .pai y. Siiheciiptieaa for great, r or !..«* aoioiinta can baa made, *i,bj>," in the for mar case tor .Incdoii or r rot urn the C. n.n it.. e. il the ai.bseriptiama »hall be rn race** ,»f tbe wiael* amount of H nda.Rered a BvaWtahjaJntas will l»- iMtdfaaJ a* the- aaate of Rat t >mpeav, No. VV all at till the 14th July, indejaive, afe-r which th* a.ioi 11 , eg will lie made.*.Ten [wr cent of the par value oftSe bond* wtl hat psyab » on notice of ac< eptance'ot hida In fier e> on the. llKh Aiiguti. and the banne, in ins'siimenta .0 in perceur am .ftaaer than once in tinny ray*, a* reiptire.i by the l ouapeiiy the ninth ca'l will be A percent, when the Hiaad« f»t the discount will be i.--urd. A* msb* ssthn aaine ran b- pre|ur>-d Bond* wiR be leaned in exchange for ihr ii,*tal!m. ut receipts. habwiibrr* can ha\e the option of paving in full at any lima ap. n gi00« n tire at the office ot rhe ( ompany. Non paimrnt of u.atalnnent* will sive th. ( .tupanv the, eaW to fort. 11 the unpaid poitno ot the «ntu« iln' on au.illai dk«.easa a.lnwedon Ilia lOIIN T. JOHNSTON. JOHN ( Olli N, I Kiliane« WI..I.IAM I DO DOE, ADAM NORRMS, SEALED PROI'ii-AI.s will bn recoiat tba o> in li ra t t> Hoard ot K.l'icaii ai, aomev of Orisd snd F.lm sts.. land no where else.) uutil the Wihdiyof July iaatant, at l2o'i oeit M tor the COAL ami VViMF ) re¬ quired * r the Public School ol tin* City fog :h- er.aaing Win¬ ter; (say « IjaMtasM ot Coal. I^Oe rda of OaA Wit end RtMgaJaM 1'iue WotM, more or kwal Th" ( OAL most be ef the best quality ot Lehtgh. White Aab, of 2,210 IU. to the tan. weighed by a person ael, ctrd by the CotniuilU-e, and deiiveree! in the bins st the van 11» .-, I>.,i,l II, 111. a. The proposals mast s>ate the locaU ii ot the mlae Aom win, b it 1* piopo* »1 ia*up- pi* the Cool, and the prii e tor luruace eis> and atove aisei. The »\ OOD to le <>f Co beat quality, and aVeRvetwd, pinpesfj) sawed 11 thesihiHil 1..1I1, a* may be ,b-*ign«ied by the prwfeer aollioiity. Ti.e Pine W.h,.| k, be not Leeg thast i faat 6 ie be a in length, and th'- oak not lees than three lonf. aiei Iba eti< ks not Irs* tl. .0 three inrlira in iliamoter. The ym\»*H'.» must «täte tiie pro .- per od of IVI cubk feet, (..old BtatsXafaJ tor nine and tor oaa and alao the prire per Ott (or aswaig . a. h load. The wood will b- Inspected and tnaieeated by a BtJBBSBJ »; pi nt.-,! by the I unmitte". At least two think* ot the wood and coal must be delivered at the school* where or ere.! .;i ring the moi th* of Augn*' and September, and tba balance when required ti,r c nsumj.ti iu. Security 'or the faith- lul performance ti the 1 ..n'rart will Im, r- qulr-l, and nach pr> r<i*al aiart b<- accompanl. d with thai uume* and signature* of the proposed sureties. JOHN DAVP.NPORT. I I h '. N \ It 11 L lOMN^ON, f Cemndtte*. fir OHOF. T NELSON, > <*n ROBERT A. ADAMS, Sspplie*. ANDREW J. CASE. ) New-York, Jane 27, IA». L'MTTD - I M l - RAILROAD-CAB BSAJtJ. < o.. No. Wd UF.AV ER St., N. Y. Vtrtvient. Secretary - I Trttuurtr GOL'V EB.NF.t R MORRIS. NORMAN S. WAMiBURN. (.mcral djeaf-W ILL! kM O t ItEAMKR. flirrcfora OOIA-PRNF.I'R MORRIS, HENRY SIIKLDKN, JOHN M. HOPKINS, WILLI t M soKKIS, WILLIAM O. CREAM Eli, We 1 ow offer ». M 1. r. ui ' r - 1 .. V»pe"t. sieaplswa and most efficient method of ei.a/ t.w- ena-nee« of a 'oroeao- tive to apply he enure brake* of a train (he* has ever been ¦ad*. »V m have iu our otfire a fai -auae model alsewing tba opera'iien of thi* invention pert'ectly. u> which we ask the atrea- ti. 1: 1 all persons intere-trd in Rsiirnad* it s needles* te der srrifie the ad. anlages ot giving tbe engineer the pne t to spp-y the hra.e. ~. r' e i- mttt «s iiai.ll^i a railroad «cetd*st ocrurt ' tit t!:- «<i. p 100 an I pi ip-r nteir a'ai.d ug ot cms in¬ vention would totally prevent or greatly mitigate. I's ytnmedlata ItkM ti n is |i man.'.. .1 as we! by the interes t of thai Company a< the »afety of psnjMtai and property convey-d by Rail/oada We oder every teeiufy to ( moai..e* dV-airoaa of 'citing fc* .lone. .. . the imtage* of tl.ja method. For rlrcinara tgsl other iLtortuat.on a: at the bRbM of the >xnnanr. VV.O (RKA.MKIl,lWdAg»«t_ W. VAUGHAN *V Cffiv, PlOvlaWOaV K U . RANKERS snd BROKERS, are prepared to nagcaist* I n|ji:.m .1 l'".[ er, .. n »e * nt "is in - p*r'« of >ha t-tWY try, to b.iy *nd a»U SKS KS ON t DM Vll>-.ON. and aef bb AOENTB for parties abr>isd a the traasaotion of any »***¦ nee*. Ri r*Ki acr«.Mr B*:.k. Pr. vid.nce, Bankirg York; I)1 ¦Mr. T. D. Bowen, Preandent Bl«ek*ton* t-eaM k. L| Mr. D, C. Baket. Prudent Ifowatd kit « ..mpsny. Bo*ton, Messes. O. S. Biebbin* A Basy New- (; Meaart. Joiaa Farnam A Co.. Piwladelphta. _ kREXEL, BATHBB a CHURCH, BAjrX- ' ERR. SAN FRaNi I SCO tJ oraw Bill« of Kars*«»*» on DREXEL k ( o PHILADELPHIA, payable at th« r*»" dpal ri'iearf the Dnited Sia'e*. Coller'ions made at Sa* F rartciseo, aad in 'h* Interior «t **. State and pr.w<-e<l» prusnprlv rewwtred. (^illecrimsi ei*T .en: dlr-et to D.,1 fc C of thr ,us> OREXEL k Co. Pkw» delrhla. or P S A I HEK No. 1*4 Nssaau-at.. New-Yerk. Fnhanje on San Franclaco tor mmh In tumj to tuB. "7 DREXEL A Co. Philadelphia, aad P. SATHEM s-w k^rfc^ fit W i M U I WANTED for 3 or :> ye«ra ot if**; tBO,l>lF\/ da», uimromber^d REAL E'TkTBR Coteeinotti O. sr 1'. per rent interrmt that being lawful "*.**". to Ohie The prop-ny coisasi* of a large bhek of WarsAjnaw fan the letuaine** pa/t of'he rity Interest any ah'.* seov *°^mm\ kg Nsw York Apply-o FOSTER A TMO«*SON * wa«*x CP EAP PARE for ALliANT.PRwBBiBÄ^jJJ E . X rents Sta-e rcaste* *> r»nU The net «**."", HERO, i tBt. Haa ox le»**. no-th ai.i* of RoWa*oa-*t^ Ceata^aXtioa With Ne* i C«f.t-al*n^ s-'rt^'7.ririaT^i»t Sarai.«« and M ntr-a -Ter, PSDAI TH' RS.)AT a-a Bl NDAY.CP. M.

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Post on 02-May-2019




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Tie UNDERSTONED offer* for .*> on rea-

aotjaMe t-rm* a-vara! PLOTS *f OROt-s >

.vtaatad at Elkttbethtowr, end Eltxibothport. eatbe C*mmlRtg-Bld of Nrw Jcreey. Th« »bot» pin-. ar* »dm-rnhlr aJta-

?.tea foe lm*nedl_e Unproreni-nt Slid property will be euld

.o lota 01 by the tar*. Pur term*, raepe. be. tpp'y to

BAKER k WEEKS, Anctioneeri. Wo. « Pinet.

ÖNEEW»..For SALE, a aplendid coRESIDENCE, 6v» ri:!nctee from Olanwo >d D'pot.

Honte new with the modern improveaorot*; rro-ind* orna¬

mented with l*Tr* ehed^trr,.;H vl-w of the HaW Plotin* by «00 fnqmre of JAMPV YOL'MANS, W trburtnn-t*.,oe Y_*»err*Prwt-Ofhr*>. Pre'



taught la . superior ac1 exp'-il'iou* manner v.t PIASTER,DIXON A Co., No. 346 Broadway, where (><-nt>men andYouthe are quail&ed to discharge die dürfet of the Counting-house with promptness, ft RR) tad dispatch, g_

Fort PLAIN seminary Bad famaleCOLLF.'.IATF. INSTII l"1E.Building* of Brie*-.Ae-

oonvnoKUtiota* ter :>V> BoaM-r» ; ball* aud room* naatiy papered ;

Chapel fof to* Fatall* eon*_t* of 1« exp*r|enredI In-

etrociot*. Tetgil eipertte of board, waehfng, win furnish-d,laeLatid Toition in ron.rr.oo F.nglUb for neat term of 12 weete

*tO"*s!rO. Pot eirm ar« or bo«rd adWreatREV. jame .-KAM. Port Plain. N Y.

Pall Term begin* Augutt 7; Winter Term b*gtoi Woe, n-

HOME schoolforboyb,^OB^pC^Cwmx,-The Samnaer Ten. begin, oa M?*dazj^%£"'

sae?m ^o^jR5x&*JkJOtrril GIfAN VIELE I ^MALE ShMlNAKYf% ¦ ._, a-_.n of 14 wreki begrnt 8f»t J HI KAM 0R-fTitVf' B^Ä n'iAM itRC-i-rr. P^actpalt wub .

f.« Board of eipenar-eed Trarber. in the tav*r* I).pertinent* new aad e>gant, and ooet 015 OOC.will a-torutn .date

.eta* 1» boardmg *_ol_-i. Expente for Board, including Fuel,Light Waffling and Tuition In primary branch** 0170 per.ho'ett T,y fort r ira. i ntaiaiaf fal ,tf ¦

(*rttb eugrtting.l or for admit* on. apply to HIRAM ORtl'TT,Tbatford \ t. until Aujriat 1; aft or that um«. North Ortavilie,

KY A- WILLETT Secretary.

PHILOSOPHICAL INSTRUMENTS..E. s.RITCHIE of the late firm of ChamV"aln *. Ki'rh.r, trill

eomturoe Oe mtnofartn-* ot INSTRUMENTS and SCHOOLA I I'« h a .''S at the R rat lateiy ottrnj/-' t b» firm.

The fs/iHt:e* of the ettiblvbment harebeen largely ltirr«_tedby the addition of tbamnet perfect machinery, anl all artieletare made on my own premiaea under my own Inspection." AHde*eriptlo3t of apparatus L tretorore made but with Im-

prored e/nrtrcction and fimab. and alt* nrw and va'aible ln-ttnin.errU wll. be made; tboae of the higher onier iltuatn'lngmodem rtwearthe* in Pbyaical Science, and alto a *laa< of goodyet low-priced apparatus f .r Common School*.Every Instrument wlli be personally examined tnd warranted

par'eetK. 8. R. ha* lately viino.l Kurop.- and availed himself of 1st*

iinpr .ve»j>ents. arid has iimr arrangement* to fuenUb the e'

«alaable 0|airtJ, A*tron..nn< a tnd otbor int-rino-nl*.A («Itlotpia with Mi dear-,-ptioni and finely illmrrated with

new engraving* will b*> sent per mai1 on appiiration.E. 8. RITCH1I No. 31J Washington-!' Boef-n.

PfvflE bptnoler institute UaloB-Park,1 will re oje-n W EDM I BOAT. Sept. IB.Yotra| Ladle* withaatltftctory u atimouiaaa fiom their nattor anJ a pre n.ui t'-a fi¬ef may be admitted to any .last lor which they tre prepared.The distinctive stodiet of theTinaD Cls**.Are Aigebrs. Rhetoric and Natural Pbilotophy.Jt/kioa (tLstt.Oeometry. Met tsl Pbio^ophg an Chemlauy.Staioa Cta*».Astroooiny. M»r*t Pbfo.opby. P.iilrnceeof

Chn*tisnity, Louie and Hut er a A' a. .»

The Bib'e Mu»ic, Comp' '.. >¦ n. the Er gliah Prtrach and LatinLanguages, aod Literature. Hi*tory, Ac, entst Into the wholeraauws A limited Lunib-r a-e received as mnmbera of the familyof the Institution. OORHAM D. ABBOTT, Principal.

WLNANT* If 1ARDING-SCHOOL for BOTS,tt Little Perry, nine milet from Hohikeo. N. .'.Tbit

School H under th» 'direction of a B. WIN A NT aud Lady.Those unacquainted with the School can vitit it and return tame

dty by Mkla* morning ttage tt lloboken. Term* fir Hoard,Tuitiuu, Waahing and Menüliit, 0120 per year. Crrn'artctnbe obtained of Al.PRP.I) MEERS, F.*<i., No. 14 Voery at .nearBroadway, or by addrrtalng the Prmeipal.

|)iano-fortes anb fflnoir.




¦B hand a very large aworttiierit of eb»sp PIANO-KORTBS,S.von.l band PIANOS f.omahf to 0:M fi.r essh New Itntru-«nor>t« trotn Olft" to 01 All i' .truiuent* axe fully warran'edn every respect. A W Lad.I A a o.'» Premium IBo*tonPIANOS, with or without 'he 4-oliai. Ca'hart, Needham A00>*i world r-nownrd mP.I.ODK.ONS. Al«>, 'he much admired Celeattel or Double octave PIAitO-KORTE of our o rn

mariufsrmrePIANOS and MEL0DE0N8 to LET. Pri-et lower than any

o'her esttab.ishment. ELY A afli.NilP.K.I Rrotdwey, St. Nicholas Hotel.

A~NEW PLAN" PORTE. 7 wtBTOS, with iroaframe can t>e bad imi 1. w t..r caah if applied for imiueJI

ale.y, at bio. II.' Ma' [kaaflal < ..rear.

rOLlANS, PIANOS, boudoirs nd mel-fi|)e".ONS, new and o d. m carved tnd plain caaet, for

PENT a', law tatet, with rent applied rt pnrrhaaed.S. T. OORDOV. No. 2sr7 Broalwty.

At V e b Y LoW prices to SLIT theTIMES -No mi Broadway..BENNETT A Co.. Manu

lsi-toier*«f Ihn ist est atyhs of PIANOS: »;.., th* macb-ad-u.iieal BatTl " CELESTI AI." PIANO-FORTF., aeknow.edgedby tmali nr» to I« aupetior to fl other* in aweeineaa h^tnry,and hr.liiamy of lone OROAN MELODEON8, MI SIC, andMT'BICAI. INSTRI MF.NTS.

CHEAP! CHEAPt"A rcry sui^rTor ttined. 7-oetave, 03*0 Roaewo. PIANO, it offered for ±220. inrlud-

Ing stool, by crlrbrttrd mak, ra. Rdfa warranted. So d g*a so-

count of fk kness Bern uaed but ten week*. Fiuithed ell.n, out 11. svy r..*<-wt,..d moldings Pel fret every way. Toixi eeen at No. 6 College pace HAM until 7 P. M.


1^ir"st~premu m piani>-fortes.Maioutactnred by STK1N WAY A SONS, No *8 Walker-

et., near Broadway, New-York. Tln ae Plan... rara hrad the hatpteroiume in romiM-tition with Plaues made by the moat rebrtttd manufacturer* of Boston. New-York, Ph ladelpldt andBaltimore. Every Piano warranted. Prices moderate.

jreat SAt'RIEK'E of a PIAN'O EOltTE^.¦ For SALE t tplet.did PJ octave Roeewood PIANO

F< >RTP It new and In good order, bat iron fiame sod la In ltdwill, pearl made and wtrrtnted by one of the be*' rit\ makersWill be told for 0*0 le,a thtn co*t price, if applird f.r immedi¬ately *t Ne lua W tver.ey pltce, Itte Factory at.

Or' E A T DAPRt -\ 1 Ml NTs ,,. p] \n- b? ,.,rtT>'8.-Mra.,a LIORTE, RBWTOR A BBADBO-

BY8 rranertiw.'tv bivtta attention to their PIANO f »BTKSeovietr, cte 1 * uhihe patent arrh-wrael Plank whirl, It nndnuh'-.elly tin taeet a..»-,tai.ii*l impr >vemeut ever introduced Into tlutfaipuiar man .

HARP for SALE.At h-aa tlian httlt" r,.st~inr. t.e.p,ei..'e ol a ,!. all. A aplei.di-l.tout, e *-Hon II Oil',

inane order Ersrd't lttcat patnut Loweat price, with On**and Muekr Staad. 0900. Apply to JAMES SI CH. No. oO Etatl.Vb-at.. beat I nioi. aquarr.


HAZLLioN bros piano-forte man-l'FAt TCREHS, No .IN Centrr .t -Where may he found

a fine saao'tment of thei- rrlrbra'ed PIANOS n Plain and Ornan eotai Cases, warranted to bs uunirpatted in »trengib andpurity ot lone Second haui Piano* taken in exchange.

JA v' PIsd'HEK, l'iano-Porte Matiufuctorya tnd'Wateroom, No*. 243, %\S, 717 and «4» at hat., near

Oth-av. PIANOS wuli BMlLftt and all m,».lern ituproveinen'sensde of l*.t msletlsl* under thrit *iipervi*iou. wr.tren gnar«solee will, eaeiy Pisno J. A C. F be'ng practical men, ring laifaty f be.! Piano* Wwer thtn any¬where.decidedly the heat place to buy tot cash. Those dealrlnttp.M I'nu,. lull »« > ki mi and went w, a better cadtan J h C FlaCKER Plan to let. tuned, repaired tnd ex-


TP i R 8 S O N & 8 O N ' ¦

. PTANO-PORTB WABEBOOMS,No TAN Broadway, one dean f.. in A»-,o pit., An e>r*i.tassortment of nrw and atx->.iid| PI AN OS constantly on ban.L

MUSICAL-.A Lady. WBOO0 OireBBBBBtBOMh»i bacome reduced and Hwitbiaitanyf iend» or ftmftv,

B Ciwnnrdlrvl in hrrprejei.f want of money lo'ael. her PIAN'O-P(>RTE, wbirh she la w '.l'ngto tell tt t atcr-h » on'y f r ra«h.If 1» a larjre *ita»d fine ro*ewi».d Piano of «pleudid and musicaltone, ot one of tie bot msk r* of this city, msde fororW A .Jitas PIANO P S B.-oadw'a« Poa: Omce. "uesrCans).«t

clK)NALO a\ BRI)s. would iuform thi'irt'ttrout Ihev will bere.d. in t few week* to «np; v

der* for their rewly loveutet DlAPIIOMC PI \>H>. andbaa ing at present ä large assortment pf the nriUnary PIANOS. '.old *wl tiiem it teat, A.*.' I few etc on! hind PIANOS.lYeteranBt. N.>*. 4-vt and IAV Hroadwt), comer Howard *t.

I>1ano-FORTES-K 0LENN & Co. have rsmoved their Piano-Forte Manufa» |.>rv and W »rer aon fr .:a

No W Eul'.oti Jt to B* K3 Sprtt-g-at two lUaor* east of Broad

ar*y»_PIANOS!. PIANOS .'.Oroot barcain* may be

had at the «plrn.tid win honte of N. P. B. Cl'RTIS it hiacid st in.;, No. 4*77 Broadway where h* ha* r*-opened with*rich aad vtriad tssortrarnt' ot PIANOS, from th* ce.ebrateMenntactory of lreo. Hrwa, Botiou; tlso, a large taturtment ofNew York matnu tact uro. Prr» n* wii. had it to their advantageto rail before puribatdng eise» here.

diano&.The lBlfOOi aaat.rttut>t.t of PIANOSM in the liniied State*; prices less than can be !.ad elsewhere.S.. « A*, n-v f.o T O'ttw-t v < :< 'a ftano* with ... > it I

..k»:an( Heilert k CAuntton't, Woodward A Brown * andJacob taickerini'i Boston Pimo*. and the only honte wh re

may be bad the IHlRACE WATERS ee'ebmt'rd modern Im

Ked PIANOS, with cveratring* tnd Improeed action. Etchio (utttntred to give entire tatlafactlon or purrbtse-money

rrfonJeA Punot to rent tnd rrn' al'owed on purchase. P a

Dosfcrta eor m nUuv payments. Second band Piano* takenin exchange for new I ne*. Second hand Piano* for aale at greatbargain*. Sole Agency for 1». V H. W. Smith * Meledeou*baa*d the aqatl tomrerament.



REMOVAL .BACON A R4VEN kovo bi OOB-eequ« nee ol c>e ex'ea*ion ofCtnali'.. removed tbtair

P'ANO POR.E Warerovm to No. 1S5 Orand at ne blockeitat of Broadway They offer their ' and the n-iblic tt

Sfir'.""' I"** ot an rxtentivr sstortmrnt »f PIANOr »RT*> wairanted'.oeverv re.pect.

?>(| P1AN0-F0RTE8 TO LET.At $ >, $A$\ttß\ß a month ot FOR sAl.l at g-is $M ».l'aj frl2Shu lo 0V* Prow-tar DI'MSDAY. T»*eher and Tuner of thePiano, Singing, Onltar, Aeoordeoe, tad Ylolia. tt t22> Onnd at.

tTntirrj, ^arbtuare anb Jron.

QOOPEK.. TRUS6 HOOPS -SOU net* tuaortodOOOFER'S BOOK TOOLS Albertaoa, Catatrar, I

Batten and other mak*-*UeOi'KR'S RIVETS A large tato-tm . .


Apirondac pig IRON, frr Or WbeviU androaUebt*penpoaae. far wie by Ag-ot of 'be Adlrondee Iron

Company. JOHN W. gUlNCY. No. W W Ulatn. cor. P*tt-*t.

CASTINGS..Pine Soft Iron Captin**, and CutIn» I» Braeaar.'. <eimrx_ltlon. to oMar. by M VC K RELL

1 Hit HAE-USON, M*___"ur*-and Founder*. Ne. WUu»


HUDSON PIG-IRON..No. 1 Extra, Noa. 1. d.

The No Extra trill mil morwacrap. «od umper rfce a*

purpoj. ,,%Mrl, P (. JOHN VV. Qf^rN. Y, Na E W_U__-

it. cor Plett, Agent Hndeoo Iron ( ompeny_,TJ ardware..Tb« hvtfft and moat com-

_ed.ce_b.fo_.det CHA^0^_t"^,Wa_I"PREMIUM UK KS-TO* Pirat Pretninm waa

.w."id M k R bytka Raw Tori c-*wdPatera F.tbi-

b ,xm fa 1K)1 >F. and STORE DOOR LOCKS. A way; on

Locxi of all verteile.. E-pegriloiett* Wind w '"tei^ga,{-..trdwid Proreek-a Lock Furnitur- P.v*d Bat**, It* Par-tlrul_r alt-r.tioa rem to brft work turtabi- tor txr*t -data

Zni\\ M At KRELL A RICHARDSON, Mt-oufacturert. Ne.JV. lie.rton-tt-________________________

SCOT, H FIG IRON.Hundred tt_i No. 1Gart»hrrrie, and 21** _M -i-ied number* beet Pig Iroo, hi

More and !___¦_. for tale b*SJ'OVFORI», T1I.V.ST0N A Co., No. 29 P.roedway.

De."ks. DESKS, DESKS -Doubl- and sinvleStanding Deaki from 3 to 9 fo-t; doab'e aid «in« - "*irinr

D-aka of every variety from 2 to fi fe-t; Office Tab!«» from 3 to

9 feet; Office Chair* and Iiesk-Siool* of every .leecriirlon. atKNOXS Deak-Store. No. W Beekrnan at.


factory and Wareroomt, No*. 4e! and 4« W'ooat-r tt,


WARREN WARD. No. IH Grand rt-

TO TEACHERS. . SCHOOL DESKS andSEATS f.r aale tb<ap; mahogany, very ha .do.m«. neirly

n,w Paton'* manufacture hi. 'ateat improvement. AI* On¬line Map* for teaching Orography. Apply f.. M. BARKER,No. -0 EM Ifffh tt third liouee from Cnion-aquare.

önilöing iTlaterialö.

BOGARDPS'8 CAST IRON BLMLDJNOS .The miede of patUna the building together 1* the moet

aiinple and perfect of any known,* th-^greatett ad¬

vantage* of economy and of atrsLgUa. Th- moat eiaborato andbeautiful atvlea of Arrhiierture c,n he produred in Ir in at ainaileitmnae. Tlie .iiharriber i* prepared to carry ont Dcaign* forpublic or joivate lo.i ilio««. atid a ~> to tj.. r.ght to on

term* » h;t ji ,eave no o...o. en.ent to aoopt any id the infringe¬ment* wbieri alwaya follow »ucre*»ful Invention*. Per« <ne are

d'itio'.ed egainat _tftlB|fillilllll *. thev trill bt Rib act to proaa-cuuvn. JAMES ROOARDUS, Inn Building.

corner ot C-ntre and Duane-rta.

fENCAUSTIC TILES.Foe Vestibule*, Hall«.J Hearth*. Dining room*, Connerva'onc*. Jtc. OAHNK1RK

I HIMNEY TOPS. DRAIN PIPK9. fcc. Kor *ale byMll.LER tDATES A YOI'LE. No. 2N Pearl-tt.


COMMON OR GALVANIZED SHEETS,Contract* entered into for any part of the I'nired State*, or

Roof* [ijepared for «bipment, and ready for j utting up.Curved Canugated Sheet* of any r»julrea radio*.Pamphlet* and information funn*hed on applica'ion to

MARSHALL LEPPERTSV BROTHER.No*. 70 and 72 HroatL/'.. New-York.

ROOFS RO* »PS Ri m IFS I!! .Th« ch.'ap-c«t and beat article for covering roof* ia TAR HOOF AMI

PAPER, whiih we keep oonatantly on bond and will ami inlarge or email qnantitie* to anit puriTiaeer«.

JAS. T. DERRICKSON A Co., No. 30 Beekman-rt.

painta, ©ils, ©lass, aC'c.


pared to < irente order* fur Ktlt Oil PL \TK GLASS, *ui ablefor PI.OORS, SKi Ul. HTS. vai I.T and DECK UÖHTAi

PNtaari attention will ler given to ordeaa left at their olb.e,No. 4_t Broadway, or their Agent.

J. R. PLATT, No. Tti Mnrray tt.

COPPEN » EXTRA OIL ia warmnted of rcrj-aupeiior nnality for Machinery or Rnrmtig Being nnmiied

and p_lBwt|j free ftom gntu. it work* finely and perfectly aati*-factory on machinery, and will burn equal M the ti,-«t Sperm iaMechanical. Night, and other Lamp*. It hn* been in u*e

largely tor the paei eight year*, and i* a f»v r,t« Oil with out

largeat «teamahi]W, raornada, marhine-ahopa, f. rrlea, Ac. Bar¬rel* l^i to to gallon* each W arranted unno.-inly g ,..1, ur maybe returned at the expenae of (< oburn'. only Agent)

JOHN W. QITNCY, No. M W illiam *t., cor. Platt

FRENCH and AMERICAN ZINC8, WHITEI LEAD, PA1 ENI DRYERS an 1 COLORS, manufacturedby MA8UB1 A WEEKS, No. 141 Maideu-iane. New York.


cently er' eted eitenaive Work* in ,ler*ey City for the manu¬

facture o( Dry White Zinc and W'hre aad Col iraal /.iuc Painta,are prepare,1 toeierute order*. Their White / uc i* aup 'iiortoany other ai American matitifactnr -, and comnareafav irab:ywith the beat quality ot French. For aale on favorable term*

by the Compaiiv'a Agent*,M a NNINO A SQt'IFR. No. M Courtlandt at.

Af A 1 T II E W V A NDE R II 0 0 F ,

J INo* 28 and 30 Frankfort-*!.,Mai tifartnrer ol IPERM, l.AHH. WHALE and TALLOWOILS, wbielihe warranUeqnal if not aoperior to any In th . city.C o. ,.:nera of Oil. either in laige or email quaj'luee, will fitidit tlo ii nit, n at to give him a call.


II AN l'FACTI 'It P. RS OK WHITING AND /INC PAINTS,No*, m and It* Fultun-at., N. Y.

SAMUEL i D E \ N A. C o..»Cr MANÜPACTURERS of BOPEBIOI OILS,For Locon.ottv a. Railroad Car., Sc amahlpt Steaoibjat*, Ac.

No. OS I'lmttl isilt it, ,2 door* below Oreejwich at., New-York.

Donntn .anb IDarrant-s.

LAND WARRANTS.Wea'e pieparrd to execute all or.t> _ tur the purch.a*

anaealeof LAND W ARRANTSin laign and email quantUia*.

Ot'R FAtTLITIESfor Pt'RCH asino WARRANTS at ftrat band* are not excelled.

All eider* fo; the Puoj.aae of Warrant* wul beexeeataalatme «mall comniiaaiou of OHE DOLLAR A PIKCE.*_.:*! mrt«l» W.ll be II.oat n»

N. R. 0OBB A Co.,BBaB and Bond Bioa-ra, No. 22 W illiam-at.. N. I.

______a. . ) '''- ' I ,tlr Comm. nweel'h._eferetH4-e.},,K|i, -, ,.., ..T

I ANIVWARRANT OFFICE, Ho, «3 WalUtMJ New-Yoik..Tlie higlirat market price pa,d fr LANDW ARRANTS, end eil Warrant, eoad by me are guaranteedtad forwaraieu by mail or otherwi.e upon -ecript of reinitialise*.Land W arrant, procured for SoiJier. and other. .ntlUed I*

«1*101 y Landt. upoe application toT. J. COLEB \N N 0 A t at


Ne tt, Wa v New Y tk

Protfoeionol Nolicfo.

DR S B L A I N i L A M 0 U R.* OaaBaM and Auriatt,

No. 7d2 Hroa i\»a./.

0R& ROBERTS, Sorcooa Dentisu. No. Sf>Bon '.-- invite per« nt wi.bmg ARTIFICI AL TEETH

tc ca.l and examine their new m.^le ot inserting Perth of Platin*Plate, turp*.* the old *tyle in ttrrng h and beauty.

NEW PATENT sPECTACLES-Por itnprov-it a \ taion and Seeing near and dia'ant ob;e<tt tfira*kffl

only oae pair. I'rofeeeot PRA »'KS, wie Patenlee aad Maker,.' Paik-row, New Yotk. Otlire hour* trom .< A. M. to 6 P. M.

1 [NITED STATES PASSPORTS br bQ BBrti\J cf the world, Inditpentahle to traveler., lamed by J. B.\"N«.S Notary Public No. 1) Werreu-et. N. B..NataraUaedtitixei_ mutt prvdute tbei. c<rlirjcatea

(f opartnership Notiere.

OISSOLUTP >N..Thf Onpartntraliip htretoforeevia-tng be'w i'ii the »nNacr.D*., nnirr the uam- and

t.rm.t .-W AN A WF.TMORK. .* th.t dav diaaolve 1 by mu¬tual content, KKE l>f KI. K O SWAN b- ing aione a r.homedand tmpoweted to >< Ci theadai'-.f the iat-co'i,-rn.


LIMITED PARTNERSHIP..ThrÄt fo certify that the na

Jeraigned hav« formed a !..::«>! Partner.hlp. pnranani to theprov_lon* of lie Revted Saa*J0M of the State ol Not-York,lo be ooadacteo under tb* name oi firm M

PR] DERICE ü swan.That tk* general nature of lb* butane** lo be träntert«t la th*

Oroeral Dry GtH>.a Commiwiun Huaiueea in ihr City of New-

Th*t FREDERICK G. SW \N < f the Citv cf New-York i.the CeoeraJ Partner and C4.LKH SWAN benjamin L.RW'AN, Junior, and GEORuE A. Bot. m, allot Mad City, anthe f-prriaj farmer*.That ibe aaol Special Partner, hare OMBlMM and pali ia

rath at ca >ital to the ponimon rock the .am ot One Hunlrcdand Five Th'-*ard Dollar*, at follow*:CALEB SWAN EirvTb awnd Dorlar«.Bl N J AM IN L. SW AN, Junmr. Tblrrt Tboaeand Dollar*.Jjt.tiKOE A R. )CK. Twenty Piv« Tbonatad DoUar*.That the taid Partnrrahlp la to comm-nce on the *e<onlday

of July m the year On, TVneand Eight Hundred and Fifty-t,ve and to terminal* on the thirtieth d»y of Jane, One Thou-.and Eight Hundred and Sixty


n , i ¦ . OEOROE A. BOCK.DateJ, hew T*rk, June J» ltM.



*-n« .A.pdct of the Manio ' all« ^attingCompei-y. NESM1TH k v, 71 Broadway.

ijLNiXJCTfl..2<J* e*ae« ribbon-bound familyhiu»' U fruan crib-eli* ta 14-4 and of differem .inbBBOJ

will be ~ld low. NESMITH A Co.. Wo. 71 Broadway.


Aod Saratoga Spring», .aftrr I«IT IJB*ar «ha world wtah Ma LADIES' GAITERS *:.« <!»ol'i'the Wm /e Fair in London, end ba now ehalleagee th . "real

of mankind " to prodoi . an ar-w.e that will roccaaaln.iy compete wrh th* gf.od* he la now aelling,JEr FERS tbrow* down the jaun'let to »very eo-ipeni -

and - williag that the Laiiea of New-York fh^-iid ba hi* ¦>«

: .:.-.« rant* .< e,rn»m< -. " l;c rn.« "T every ;»y ta-r-/'. Vernal Equinoi'' at No. «67 Broadway._

FASHIONABLE PARAfOL8.-JAMES KSPRATT wuu'd infor-n bja fnecd* an I tl pu', ie that h»

bit opened * ernvrnirnt plare at No. 3AJ RroadwaT ,. th* <i e

ofal the NEW.»TYLES. PARASOLS, an 1 w.nid ba pleaisdto .el! by the «ox*n or . one at a low figure. No. JODr. 'olwa*. oppoeile the ] . .-.


maker.' uae. for StaaaaBaata, Reil und-car*, fcu, K«. I M arrayat.. one door Rl to Ii r a *¦

\\ ACH IN E TWI>T Fur SewiBg MlflhtBBS 131m aoadaai ¦. r ilARNOLD, Agrnr*. of the " ChinereJ Sewing rii it" TrueWoolen ComparyV' Saf .-.».». and . Bronx Tape Company,.-.ay Binding*, No. 3d Beaver-rt.

L>RINTS..Stearn« and Madders, new «tylea, reA eeived frem the works duly, ten- aale r y

NKSMITH at Co.. Noa. o9 and 71 Broadway

PRINTS.Light ami dark »:>lf«, BaBBBM andera. .r, great »a.- ty | i Print*. «-4

French tor atn'k smith at Co.. No*. 69 and Tl Broadway.

RI 0 H A R D 8 O N ' 8

IRISH LINl'NS DAMASKS, AT he pnblir will pi aae bear in mitul that the »euu n- good*

are alwaya *e*led with tbe ful. «igneture of the firm, rialRICHARD-*"',' M.i\S k O A*DEN "

J. BULLOCEE 4 J, B LOCKE. \g'nu.N id Pin-a: New-York.


Li.M.KY GOODS. M. II. LICIIT INSTEIN,Ribbon Store. No. IM Bowery.

CUMMER FRENCH-WOVE CORSETS..Mn.?3 OAYNOIt haa uat i.reivrd au> Iii r ioiportation of hrrrelebratrd PRENfll-WOVP. CoRSETS, inenuficUir-d at

Lyon* e.nreeely for ber, of a very Habt Con till* and beautifullyedtiptrd for Sommer wear only weighing from 'our to 6»eunee* earh Corwt Her prirr« ere aalj half n«n»li* rh*rg«.|,while for eaae and ele»aur» in titrintf her FitENCfl-WOW'( ORETS are ronfr«*ediy ui.*urpa*»ru.

OAYNOR. Importer, No. 4-5 3d-«»., new lOthat.

riMCKS, DENIMS ond LHECKX-A Kood uA eortir.ent jti-' w:r»il fmt «a.e hr

REBMJTB A CO V ...<*. 7- at way

Clotijing.Jl -T FINISHED.The most elegant HAT BTOT

oflere<lfor Co. uanai.y BlM for *4; neat tlATS +.' ^i and?i o. P. H brown. No. ntraealat

Jnsnranrc Companica.


Omer, No. II WaJJ-st.In»nrr* againat loan or .;*n. u-- byflRE.

Or.oar.rT. Hon. S cy. WM. v. BBJkDT, PreeldenL

INTERNATIONAL IN8URANCE COMPANY,No. 28 Merchant*'Exrhanfr .Tbl* Company i* n iwp.r-

par'-O to uuue Poiici"* on Marine, Inland Navi|atioo, Trana-ix.rtaiH Ii. and Eire Itiek* at the currrnt rat.-a of premium.Joint Sr k Capital, #1>'.("" Sub .1 Capital. .«.?-

Total, «..'112iia5 P. J. AVERT. K-i nt

Wat. K. Rollo, Sec'y. ALANSOB MARSH. Viee-Preat.MaacTaaa

P. J. A»ery, »v. H. Rirrr-mitb. Wei. M. I)«!«*,J. A. Requa, Wnt A. IIuated, RL A. CtWtBbO. W. Stea/ena. \\ m. E. Rollo, S. A. R im,Um. II. Lyon, (»eotge ( iiajiman, J.*. II. Weatcot,M Powell, L. D. Tonaley, J. V an Riper,P. J. Bone*tee|, AI«naon Mara),, ^. Li"pinc-itt.

OFFICE of the REPUBLIC PIKE INSURAM y. t l >MP \NY. No. 74 Wali-.t.

c A.-H i AP1TAX * IM 00(1 \v I'll LARGE St RPLUS.I Ill s I n -


Nrw Yo«K Jan. II, !*.«.TN* Tniatee* of thia Compeny have ttna lav vr-.t, in ron-

frrniit» witn their Charter, a .l:v. !-n.l Fol It AND THREE-QUARTERS PER CENT on their Capita! Stock, payable on

de» and to the Stockholder*, in eaah and (crip.And alao, « further dividend of TWENTY PER CENT.pey-

.be in *cnp to tbe aa»ured, on Paliriea iaauej by thi* Com-

Kiny, a hieb have terminated within the tiacal year ending dialer ember laat.The ( harter of tbi* Company provide*, that after paving in-

tereaitotheal.areholdert. «t the rale gf SEVEN PER CENTI'fdl ANNI M. 'he retraining protit* aro lo be annually di-Vi le,I l^tween the Po.u y hnoler* in arrip In-arii g intereat.whi, h arrip i* not to be paol ort unto the lo t urutiu. togetherwith the Capital Stock, iball exceed ONE MILLION* OFDOLLARS.Tina ( oinpany eitahiiihe* no agenciea. but iti*ure* again,! fire

all over the 1 nited Sutea. through re«t»-i tab * ho i*** in thuCity.ROBERT S. HoNE, Prerient.

Dl ai »X F. Ci aav, Serretary.New York, March I. iav>.

Nrw Toaa. M«reh 1.1«».The Scrip, aa per «hcve notice, ta now ready. P»rtie* en¬

titled to tie tame will picatc call tor it at the office of the.Com-paiiv.

1MIE IRVING EIRE INSURANCE Co..OtVcea, No*, y Wall-*!. «ii 2 ö (¦.-. '.waih-aL ( «ab Cap'tal,

BSBIJBBj wl'h » aurp'iA Inatiret liuiiduig*. Merr ,an ll*e. Pur-nitt re, \ e*aela In port and thrlr Cargo**, and other Prrparty,agkti-t Lataaor lia-iia.. hv Eire. MA-ON THOMPSON, Pree'uMaatik L. CanwtLL, lecietary.


P.ranrb ( HI . e No. 1 Avenue D.. T...« Co.i.pany. or^a i-d na¬

iler tbe Oeio rai luturanre Law if iaV1, with a Caan Capital id? .«*'..< o. utter* '« IIWE I.LI NO-HOI SP.- MriR-( H AND'S! HOI SEHOLD FIRNITI'RE an I OTHEIPKi'PF.RT> cwm or damage by hre. on term* a* tavorable aa thoae ol any in* itu ion A.1 loaeea promptly ad-;uated and paiA DIRECTORS.Jamei Pirmin, Samuel Jeaeup, Jer*miah G. Luga:,C' T White, F.. H. Kimbtrk, George Ra»J,V\ m. B, Imryea, John S. ReynoUa, George C. Lugag,'an e* R. ti'.ick, Amlrew J.'Caae. TboTia* Havilaoj,Daniel B. Taylor, Dim S. HoW a, J V\ ade Wilaou,

F. W. Oeiam i.baiuer, Jr.J. WiL*oa Fxi.iaoaa, Sec'y. JAMES I'.'RSSON, Pr-**t

1M1E OCEAN INSTANCE CrOMPANT BBIbees organiaed. with a capital of Four Hundred T*h >ur«jC

o>» (Ott* «*.) A. BOWABBS Pr" JAMBS TABSr.I REN Secretary with a Hoard of Dir«w^,,r* amiiraeia*many of our couimerri*. buaineaa men.1 lie Cou.pany ha,a taken the rooma recently vacated by Tb*

Conrieir and Enquirer No 7« , <



Bug*, flea* an in*eci* of each kindAre creeping, tunning, flying

Tlinr iivfi ann *°iuga we ne«d nut mind,For lo we aee them dying!

Lvov's Mar.arTic Powora kUUA.1 tbe»e tlie world «!t-o

Bv pnre and patent, wine lot PlLLJKill ra'a and *uch vile peat*.

LYON * autotrrnph SBBBBBBBB article. Dt-pot. No. «2t Broadway.

HARRISON** PUMICE SOAP..M»AoBj theOtiiiral Inventor of Pun ice Soap, in Paria, dj* Pore-

ii in it 'I - S..; D, panfi-I.I ol M arna .-/a Via nfarmrv for re¬

moving pimp e*. rougbtrae and unhra thy aeer-to-n*. re'ton.igo«tur»: i.lor to the akin, and reodertng it punt and gloaay,wbi'ening and the bauda. an '. t >r curing chanp dband*, it L** no equal. It i* aol.i at who'-iale by WHKPl.EdA HABT No. 2 i;.-rkaian*t., a-.d re'ai rd by HEG**MAN( I.ARK A C, Na. 273 Broaiway. So i« HARRISON'S EA-IR.M Tot ALiSMA. luperLuae. tbe charmlug nck odo.-ofihe Watrt Lliy.

LADIES. ATTENTION'-If jm v«JBM BBTfpure, bright wtfr for drinking, ru'lnarv an! waabmg pur

P-*ee, eb ain one ot the trw POROl'S (»LA*S PILTEtiSJ at N,». t -i i an», -t No la a ak--p* hoaaa w >uid I >

w ibout one it the omy knew how adtnuabiy they i eanae tbe.VtOgf, I.adie* ca aüd *ee tbeiu.

CURYEYOR*» COMPASSES alwar« on hanlk-' weera led aa good a* the be»t, and reaiied at whoieealeprice* by the oak er, W. C D\MS. No 222 Wat-r ».

Alao. one SI RVFTOR'S TRANSIT ft aa.-. op *t*.r«,

Orrici eg tub Boaaa or EnvcArtoa. 7~Ngw Voaa. laaeJO, iiv, (

SEALED PROIX»8AL« will be retired at thi«other anil the Itthdav af Julv. at 4 ori^iP H mm

>1 PPLYING the PL'«LIC SCHOOLS anierihe iari*d«gMaiof tb* BOARD OF EDUCATION with BOOKS STaTlOS.ERY aid . thi r anicl-e t.qairvd fur lb* »*e of aaid Srh ada Ba*>i g toe year endii g An goat I, IkV*. A 'lat of la* ¦ tele* wOJe furvj'ahed rt application to La- Ci«,k of the Board of Eda-

i allon at bat Office, corn ag of Or»-d and F. m aaJO IN D.tVF.N*ORT, IROKF.RT A. AD\MS. CommitteeGEOBGB P NELSON. V c,LEONA*D L JOHNSON. Suppje*.ANDREW J. CASE. J


DR. E E. DENNIS-TON* WATER-CUREKa'nbluhme- inj«, Mmx. Nim

b- limited t« ft'. LnxbUebld l«f7.'

Balee bp Atution.j. Boc.««t. Auctioneer.R* S Ro.abt.

A ITTP >N N< >TI< IB.THIS!>AV at I0j oYln-k.jtV .i tii« Aul.uu U«.m*. No. I North W, liam u.. irnor

Llrruikl. r**t M. miikxili .. tan? »»««rt u«al

f II utluid Farton..-: B« ratafia Bair-n. Pa- - :..

.ad » ger.eral .aavftinent of B»dr««.m u>d Kit' hen Faroiture, 1f.. I, .».... I M Double-Barrel Gun and 0 a<*. k".. W ril :.j

I ind T*' » H-na*» -.* »' I .i-i Carpal*.

ANTHONY.! BLEEt KER «V Co., REAL 18-T A .E AI TIi \T.FKs. No. 7 Mr...'. .!., «r. a ..* .>,. *r

BBaäck a to the Parrha** aad Sal- by privat-t e at re*t of «.».'»

de*, r-p-i a I ** E«B«*w, to tb*> R.arrowing an I L'»-nina ofHone* n ftenO and Mm-'i,|". and 'o tha Lr»e«:ng of HouxaM«od Country Sra'a R»a K-tate epprawe.l aa favorable tertn«.

a. M Maawia. Auctioneer.

BY BANGS, BRCTHER a Co..Ttbob SaleR. nj N M Park -. »


TTn PLATES sT \TIONERY Ic.BANGS, BR IT tERA Co. announce the neat R-'tmar Trade Sa'e to be r ru

at tbe ehr** da * under tha ili-ee Ion of the Commüte*» aa h'M-u,fore. Contribute i.» are r«; ntfi. * «r> Pu ici.i'i

for tb» Ce-e |n» pfooild be torni-he*. imiiediat-W.

D. C. Da*n. Auc'lenerr.By STgxvr.*». Darts fc Co.

ITfllg DAI (Wbjrbbbsbj »t 10 o'ctoek, atthe Sa.r«r. ci. V 1* Spruee-'t.. Urc» «al» of ELEGANT

RosEWfjoD and MAHOGANY El'RNI TUBE: Suit-e inbrcc.te! e, S> >fu. Trte e-Tefe, Chain. Rocker*. Corner Stand*.Bo<k<.a*e<, Uardrobr*. Workman.!*, Center Table«, Mirroreand fait.tiLia of greet tarlet a are! braut v. Larfe ronai.'iiie.n

of Click* of the beat ui-im f'cturera, Al»<> one roawwood Piaio-Fotte, and 40.01C Cigei«. C*'«lo|ue« on the m rning of atle.

W. S. Mfli.o*. A ort «eueer.R* CoikHtosA Mxi.LO*.

rpO-jMOKROW lhuri.lav at L0J o'clock, ti1 No. IP Naaeaa-er.. elegant HOUSEHOLD FURNIT Rl

nea» and aeroU'i-l.and R"*ew,«»l and Mahogany P.atio E re«.

worth* the attention of tka ftad». Furn't'ir« wttl et>n»i*r ia pertteu *oo,i R,»ew -<i pe» r ¦'.lit** of F'ormlnre. r r-re I .,

r ch Frercb -«tln broritelle. p a»1: and hatr c'o'h of the* l«t«*tand moat taehtoeibt» attie»; Tur«i»h and Voltaire Ea*y Cbatr*;rereed Roeearoid Mirnr Hoor Armoir. ei«boratety c*t-t

£ tigere«, rich tefer Tahlee. Library ant S-cre ary B >okc**e«in rarietT. Library Tal 1-a; Sp»ur «eat. Pa !..r and R-ceptton

i.air- .operior Eil-rnioa Blnm« Tab e* Ii Iget Ion«; c«rvedOak and " «Inut Puffe'a with marble trpi; -ev Rai Sui'e* En¬ameled Chan.her Pumrnre, T'te-a- "Ve* plain S fi^ w. han. r.dle»* Taritty of drairab.e article* in the Uojae F"uru:>h.niline.


tUtiirhce, Jcroclrn, Ä'c.


The uc lerairted. for the la«t eu'iteen *e»r« . are!! knoamDeaier at.J Importer, offen for aale «I! Good* in hia line, atlower* for the tame quality, tbau any other houae inNew-York. Philadelphia, or any other city, and w<U aend bya.aii of gal rrx.

WATCHES JEWELRY «II par't of tbe Unite«. free of chart". AH Oondawarrante,! a* repreeented. Order« by mail, po»tpud faithfaiiyattended to.

WATCHES.WAT< HKS wit I. p-.c-t r Dafi-r.-e .»..**.tl^toiHVJUROENSFN WATCHES, genuine warranteT.. lV>to i«»COOFEI »All HES genuine warranted. 12>to 378INDEPF NI'FNT WATCHES < r ti :.u H r-e*. lJSto 2V'POCKET CHRONOMETERS. Ii» to BBEIGHT-DAY W.\Tt HES. Unto IMLADIES ENAMEL WATCHES,. A'»to l'JOLA PI F B DIAMOND WATCHES. V to 300MAGIC W ATI HES. 100 to 7iGOLD HUNTING LE> EES. full jeweled WcaraL «>GOLD OPEN FACED LE> ERS. full jewe.ed II

cant..*. 2SSILVER OPEN-PACED LEVERS, full leweled. ItS1L\ ER LEPINES.

JEW RLBT.F.AR RINOS.«I V)£o gl« r»

pins. l BJto a ooBRAl eli TS. .r> i» to >i<i ncGOLD SLEEVE BLTTON8 atd.',. 2 »o to 20 aoGOLD LOCKETS. 1 2*nd4fliaae«. 3 00to JS 00GOLD GUARD ( HAINS.lo 00 to *< no


Gol.d \ HhT ( HAINS. 8 no to 8* oni.i i) d fob ( HAINS. (junto 1»gold PEN* us. l 2ito io oeGol d Pi NS ard PENCILS. 3 00 to 25 00GOLD ( ROSSES. 2 00to 12 00


Jewoiry of even .letcription.DIAMONDS.


DIAMOND CLUSTER PINS. sooot., ton no


DIAMOND ( ROSSES. iiaOto 8i*l 00DIAMOND BRACELETS. p» no to BM uo

Ar.. Ac. ac


BILt I K TABLE »»t 15 nti to 2A «0SIL\ } R TABLE FORKS.per art IS 00 to 2* 00SILVER DESSERT FORKS.per «et 13 onto 23 00

Si.ver We t.!.ng Cake Kntve«. Pie Kt.ive*. Fiah Knn-ei. Picklef.rk*. Icecream Kune*. Fruit Kmvea Butter Knive« ( Imgrea'l Seta.Tig! Knife, Fork and Sp->on. Sliver Cup«. Napkin'R g* Ac.W attl.e*. Ciorka. and Jewelry. repatr«d «t l««e than the uauel

pnevaa. Watcbr* and Jewelry taken in exrhan«*.OBO l ALLEN,

In.poitcr ef W alche* and Jewelry. Wli.>.ea»le and Retail,No. 11 W'nll-at.. (aecou.l fl..,.r )

aear Broad way. New York.

Coal./ 1( |AL. I am now (JiscliarL-iiJi; tlic BBai Srhml-

kill W'l. lea-h Rai *e aiol Euroa. .¦ Coal direct from theb«*ai at a>o .* .-r tun. J. I.. WORTH. No 202 Hun,andNo 7« Wrat 32d *t.

fhR OS .COAL from 60 ct'iitd to $1tjp *9 eai»» F« i-lieafie-.'ban r«n be ha i at nr>*t va-d< i'i ta--

niy. Mv pre.*.,! prire for verv he>t It ED-ASH STOVE orKrt. sieb < oAL, *rr-ened and delive'e.1 from yird. ia BS 50per tun; BIgMM lea* fo gr cera and famiuea avlng io atock.Cry a tun before layir.e in vour Winter -upply from ei*ewhere.

RICHARD <TlNTON No. 2»C let nv. cor. I.Stb-er.


DOUBLE REFINED BALI!RATI S-Mannfac-tared by the anderrgnrd, 1* wana: ted free from a I impu-

n'p^e. SA r having a i"tr in a pr re«« peculiar to ouraelvee, au-

pefittended by i di-ting -bed t'hemiit. are enabled to eyractall deleierion« n atter from the raw material, and can conti tentIv rrrommrt.d our manufacture aa auperior to any otDer. Hider-ent a Iic- put up in every varietv o' package, for aal« veryl»t th< tfide ty J ofIN DW'IOI IT A Co., 112 P»*r!-*t.


N... 71 H-almin et., N. Y.(.OFF FE and SPICE DEBAR ME NT,

No. 71 Fniton-«t., N. T.Office No I'S Fron» it., N. Y. Sole Manufacturer* of

PHARMACEUTICAL YEAST POWDEERC-ountev mercbiiiU *npp i d on the moat .ibera: term*.

Factory, No*. 38, 37, and 08 H :. at.. Jer*ey City. N. J.

Paper lTJarfr)on«3fS.

PAP! R WAR] HOU8E .J T DERRICK-BOB A Co No.30 Beekmau-rt., offer for mm on the row

a*r trnria:W ri'ing Paper*, Frgltrti French aad American.New* Paper, all *i«e» weight* and qnaiitieaB"«k paper a «1/ a w ,!,t* »:.>. <j!¦«*.., Paper lauca color* *r«l white nl the be«t iiaa"ty.Hanging Papet, white and eo.ored, different wultha,ha'ter*' Paper, this and of the beat quality.Cloth Piper 3Hi«i' and Ida 18.BJajMeh [UrOware Paper, * iar«e aaaortmant, ]u*t arrived.BJkaatl n» Paprr. cf the beat qua nvV. ral i i * Paler. Straw Rag and ManillaTea P.per of lifferent aiiea

Tar P.i. .1 i.f Pap. r a. Ian.- for rnofa It. rot'.*.

fllcbical.R DP «TO N 0 II

LIOHT BRoWN COD-LIVER OIUPn pared I r m«d» ma! uae in tbe ..oi.eien Ul-a. Norway,

and put to tli- lot i.i ana.yaiaby DR. DE JONOflwb« by Lia iiteia.-y woik* Wal travel* ha* glined lorMa**ea«k avlaall Pnrope the. w-11-.le«. rve7i repotation a* thebighral auth -rit\ in all teat r-fani-'ti.a n.oat eff^ctiial re-n-dyf,.r ( (INS! MPTION Hlto.Ni {ITIs ASTHMA GOUTbii rets S( ROFI LOI S AFFECTIONS DISEASESof theSKIN. INFANTINE WASTING, and GENERAL Dii-BlLli Y.Arpr. aed of «m'rerommenled bv BFRZELI' S. LIEBIO

W BtHLER, ion ÄTHAN PEREfRA. POUQUI1 R, and nu-meroc* offer diaftEgnlah- J Phvairian* and aci n'Lic Chemi-taSptdallv rewarded with medal* bv the Oo-. era-nent* of BF'L-

Oll M and the NETHERLANDS, and euppliod to the .. «dingit oaf itai* of Earupe.

Ila* a moat em.iely eaprrardrd all other kind* on tbe Con¬tinent in Coneeqm nce ot it* prove.1 *iiprrior now. r and etficacy,.e w-II a* for it* brii « perfect.y fr-e from all unpleaaaoi odor|ai. .!:. ...¦eai le b; trr and acriiiioiomn ta«te, noi irritating thethroat nor impairin« <iige*tion, neither producing uaoaea andv. ii it r t, nor oi'iri

Bvlt.r* labeled wih DR. DE JONG-PS St imp* and Slgnt-ure*. 7.,cen . per lartt.e. A liberal diacouot to Aputhecarieaand Ding«--ta. V.igbr bottl-* f rwarded, rajTiagr dree.tothecoaintry < n ree»ip« of «V> W'boieaale and retail by

LKoPoLD WETZLAR. No. 15 Devat.. New York.S e Avrt f r th- 1 m ed Stitnuf Or.'de Jongh'a Light

Bn wn tod-Liver 08.

a| V ONGUENT, for iBieiBf tmt BbbH to «rowa'l MaBt ¦«¦¦ i* 4M > bot:.e: ar«e bottle*. c-»nt4iuir.g eightof the tmall. *5.aent to any part ot tbe ronntrv. R. O GR VHAM No. BM Broadway; Mr* HA\ES Full n at.. Brooklyn;SPALDINÜ. No, r It-Motu torn. Boaton; BRIGGS No J7Stale r.. Albany.

W'IIKIN * AMIK.PKT .Tbia moat valuable» f preparauon for REST' iRINf} and PRESERVI VG theHAIR in the mot |erf-rt'uxnnanr. r wa* orrinallyfoo |.oi.r'ed by tha relebri'ed Oculia«. Dr. Samuel E.liot ofN'-w York and ha* for-he laat ten Tear* b-en «ranitoady di»-

by him f hi* tnenda Dr. Eioot urg-d by many to *1-w i. . rt, vai".*b - r>i-e for laa'dn-a* to be bronaht' before

the jn lie. be* n >w kind y and graiuitoualy preeented the and-r-altBed with ' be rec-pe fat that parprae. aa will be *eaa by Dr.P llofa reetlnrate below. The Amieiet B «1*0 hl«h!y rreom:ri»nOc for f ae'a1 cae. a* ¦ my; rdeaaent and exhiliralirag w»ditor Ibe bead ira-prr« it er.tirejy liee f rnu dardruff. Pnc«, 5ftcrt« p<r bott.e For aa> by* generally. Order« withremittance* aei.t to the enderaiatned will be prouiptly executed.

M. WILKIN.N^tlMawiei anrfaew koT"llt-TeU, June«, i«v

Tbi« i* to ceit^ that I have gtren M SVi.Juu th« pr** nptionf rra'orir.a and !mpm\in« the hair, and known ava lie Amie ».»I .1. iiiv-aie i, ani t> r whirb I m ,ke no charge butaive.i»:-.:-.a.. - SAMUEL F'.. ELLIoT, vi DA

No I C Hjton pJare, and Ehico tvu e, S'aten 1 aland.

M EIGS A GREENLEAF, Oflee No 23 Wlliam at.STOCKS and BUNDS bo:.-^'ael tUl atr'cMj

financial.An«.*« H Ml'llkb. Aarti-nc-r.

STOCKS and BONDS at AUCTION .ADRIANh Ml Li.ERwlaeii mmmti » this i>*.y w la ¦><

July U,a| UtJ «»"l o< k, at ItW Men I ant*' E tehanr«, for «ccmn:of tri >n H rntt luBeatn:ciJXC New York Cita Pir*> Indemtit* Stork p»v»b.* May.Jttj.iU* Stata of Kentucky ft nor cot RonJj, interest payable

Jl'.oi'* »»id m't- il Ml each.7SA tfiar* . American tfoal Co. of Alley!*''7 Canty Maryland,

(.crip ck.»tharee American C«nl Co. of A! rjany Conatr. Mtrvlan-1.

(full atock.1 .,1-70,

Orricr or th* Ohio Lin I\*u»»»c« »»o T»i it Co. INtw Yoa«. .Inly 5. ItYji I

ABKMI-ANNUAL DIVIDEND of FOUR lPER CEWT hae been tie-1»red br thh Company p»» able

».n end after Ite I2th inst. to the StncihoMer* reeu er. .1 apojthe B.., N*w V rk. EDWIN J.I'liLOW, Ceihier.

i in li t o» thi IPMeUAIUMauHl'iTvFtnr. I\*te»\i r, C >. )JoIt 6. mm )

DIVIDEND..The BwdtrfDiTMtori lure thaitag der .red « SEMI ANNUAL DP [DEITD af PI» I i|

PER 1 EN I i »*»' ie <u and att.-r the Hah m.t Tb* Trauet-rlliok* will be doerd unal *ft*r that date

.JINX I). SUm TNETT, Se-ret.rr

Cliato* Fur iRjnABCa Covraav, |Nrw-Voaa. July 5. lUAS. I

DIVII'END .The R.aril of Director* >f thi*.Company bar» THIS I)AY declared a SEMI-ANNI" AL

DIVIDEND of F.tOHT M) PER CENT, payable on and afterthe 9th it-'. Tbe Trai.ttrr Book will he aloaed unt;! that date.

J B. AMES. Ja . Secretary.Mi «ca.atile Ftai: I xara a acr.Co., NoASWall-**.,I

N> w-Yobk, 'aneJu.iaü. J

THE R<\\RI> of DIRECTORS of thin Cin-pany h»*e declaatM . DIVIDEND of (?) FIVE. PER

CENT for the «ta mot.tb* tarmlnatina th* SOtb ioatant. Pay.¦Ma »t the office of the Cotrp*n* on and af e- the .'d diy ot

July ext. 'jllliN BARER, SecretaryOmca or thc Haaaioar Piaa !»>r«t«c« Co.. 1

No. a Baoan.*y. Rat? Yoaa. lane 27. 13'»\ '

THE BOARD Of DIRECTORS hire This1 Dar cc are.l a r*gn:»r SEMI-ANSVAT. DIVIDENDFIM PER CENT p«y«b'e on and af er Moni»* n-xt, the 33day of July, until which" date the Tranefer Hooka will be. claaed.

R. Ü. ÜLOA ER. Secretary.

Cuter or ni Mr*rn.»\t<- lau« iv. r. Co. or rut tCtrvoi New Yoaa. Jaiy j. l»i\ . J

DIVIDEND.AI a mit-tin« of Board of Direct-rrarftbia Cnmp«nv beid thia . ay. a dividend ot RH

(|i PER CENT wa» dr. »ere,| Beg of lie aorplu* prod * of tlwpa»t aix month*, peyible on the 7'h iast.Ihr aVar.-ter Bto'ka will be rloe-d tir.til that day.

or URGE IT. lAVAOI Secretary.lavisn. StriM.a Inrutti a. No. r/ \V. ~-u

DITIDEND.-r-Thll In«tituti.m haa,>,i aaeu DlV IDEM) at tall rat« of SIX PFK, CENT

per annum »n »11 ani nn'i euti'el iher»'o for the !a*t aix

month*, payable on and af*er the !*th ii:»t«nt AH intereet notcalled for «i:ll draw iaterrtt a* principal. All deposit* m»d" on

or before I^th iD»tant. will draw ir 'emt from the l»t. OpenDally trom l" A. M. to 1 P ,4Wt I M * P. M

WALTER W. CoNRLIN, Pre*, lent,

R^i.v'ir^^iVice.W.,.ViaPEBBiLT L. BtlXltM, Secr*'«.-v.

Phmix il*\K Nrw-Yeax, June SO 1SAV

THE BOARD of DIRECT0R8 ort« thia .Uydecleied a Semi-aunnal Div.ieu.l el POUR III PER t VAT

taaable to the Siockho .'.era on and af er MONDaY. July 2,\aS6. Bt order of the Bo«rd. P. M. BRYSON. Ci«hl-r.

Tat tail > am' R«M.»?o But «innConriit.

DIVIDEND.A Dlriilei.d of THREE pereealen the atock of th" aSove>n»m*d e'ot"[ »i:v. ha* boeu ie-

Caared *nd i* piyahle on the Id'h ln»».. at th" otllee of .


Niiw Toaa Eaiiraata 7»*t«xvc« CoNraar,).N . w-\ o*«. July 6. 1A«S. S

DIVIDEND. . The Hoard of Dlrfwtora Rare1 HIS DAI declared .. SEMI-ANNCAL DIVI DK.ND of

FIFTEEN PER CENT on the capital atock, payab.e on audafter the II-h inat. JOII.« MILLER. S-creiery.Colvmbia Fiat IkMtBAKca Co., No. 5» B«rel*y ac. corner j

t oi *je-p ace..Ni.w York. July S. 18'd. I

DIVIDEND..^Tbe Boord of Direeton of thisC. miaxy have tin* day declared . SEMI-ANNIfaVla

I.IVIDEND oi Fl\E Pf R CENT, parable oo and af 'ttlie12th mat. The tr»n*fer book* wil be rloae I until tha: da'e.

JOHN C. BKROH. Secretary.


and t bi. ag<. Cii'on Itailrt ad Co., at the American Flc-hanxeHa. k. wil. b- rl..<ed the -t lb Julv »t 1 reopened the l*» Amint,1>V. Byo-der DAV ID O'DO.VNELL.


nuaiet teed by the M:c i«an Central R.ilroad i on pan > InJuli in. will be pa:.I at the AMERICAN EACH ANOE tlAN'tton tb«t day..July 9. KU N. D. ELWi). ID, Preaideut.

BROADWAY SAVINGS INSTITUTION.No. .0" Broadway, entrance on Park piare..Open daily

from 10 A. M. to P. M. and MtBJBajB, AVedueaday* «rd Saitir-.G\. fn in '¦ to 7 P. M DF POSITS ma le in th la In,tun ion on

or before the 11th of Jaiy will draw Into real thereon frooi the1*1 ot July, at the rat» of 6 per cent per annum on *u Bat not ex¬

ceeding »V£*»i, and S per cent on all *nin« over It. it amount.WADE B. WOitR.ALL, Secretary

Pa.Tr« fi mmih;, Accountant

IRVING SAVINGS INSTITUTION', \.». MWarren at., one door from Greenwich..Open dai'y from 10

A M. to 1 P.M. ami tn in 4 to 7 I'M Interest at the rate of 0

per cent on auma from «M to + vyiAA'ALI'Elt W CONCKLIN, Pre.idenL

md. VATftS;}^ *.VaxnrKaiLT L Bexto.n. Secretary.

bJi'l ill BRIM)KLYN >\\IN(iS INSTnF-F7 TION, No 173 ATLANTIC-sr. Athenenm Building-Depo»it,.r« «re notified that 1NTERES P at the rate of «TVKPER ( ENT PER ANNI M on a,I »um* of tiie dollar* and up-

wai.l, which hare been dep«»i(ed in thi* lu.<tituti.,n at b aat

three month* priviou* to the lat inat., be paid ou aud afterthe 16th in*t.

It ',-r>*t not cai ed for will remain a« principal, ni l draw in¬terest I ton. the lat in*'.

Dept-itor* are renunded that de pod t* made"by the l°th day ofJo y. wi.l draw lurrra' from the ut of July.Open daiiy from 10 io 2, and Saturday evening* from I, to 9.Gio. AV. Uimi. Se.retary. IRA SM I'll, Preaideut.Rxooklvk. July 3. 1--V. Cm WATI.K-l.oAN BONDS.Dated Ju y I. 18-V*. payable M year* after date, with In-

tr', at at ti i ei ..ut per a.num. payable, «emiannually Um tlaoCity of New York, for aaie by

'IHM II iH \ SCOTT, No. M AA1i;iam-*U

Ol I let ol THE NoaTH ClRol.lSa Comi CoMPtVYf/*No. OJ B-aver-et.. New York. I

rpiIE NORTH CAROLINA COPPER COMA PANV. »:e a l.rar h .>: the North Carolina Mining Caff»pany. having bv w new barter obtained from the State ol N fiiCarolina. Ie»a Ty act* p'ed by it* «'ockholdera, heroine, a aepa-rate ai ,1 iii-'im t I on pany with fn I corporate power« withini'«e ha»"i ¦* .. ai. aaaeMiaeut .-I one on n ilabate of the Mock of aaid cmpatiy payable on or before, ino hr-t

day ol Au«u*t next.AU receipt« 'i r money advanced by «t >c boidr* for the benefit

of the Company will be r.-ieivedat their par valae a* ceah i.ipat meet of »¦**.«<meat*.Suck ou which the a**ea«ment remain* unpaid after the Beta!

firat day ol Anguat will be advertiaed an- aold at public auctionto the higbeat bideVr. for account ol whom it may concern.

By order of the Board. E. W. HICKS Secretary.

Aw W IM.- ANK..Inatitutiou for the.String/t otk ' Mer nta'Co rk* »nd o her», No. Ml Broadway, oppoaiteSt. Nu hole* Hotel.

Interrat on depiarita m»d« on or before the 1 Ith July will bearladtall at if made before the lat in*t.Bant open PJAJitl from lo to 2 oc oek. and on Tt'F:SI>AY,

Till RSDAY and SATI RDAY EVENINGS, from 5 to 7o'clock. Bv or.b r of the Traa'ee*.

MOSES H OHINNELL. Prr»ide**t,Asntrw ATixsi a Secretary.mi ESS RS. DI NC VN, SM HUMAN * Co.,Irl Banker*. No. 4« WiUiara-at.. New-York, iawue FOEEIGM CIRCULAR LETTXRJ of CREDIT on the loilowin«Citiee:Alexandria, C*r'*mhe,, Rom»,Antwerp, Ceieatta, Madrid, Rottardam,Athen». Canton, Malta, RU> da Janeiro,Atiuce. lam, Dreaden, Ma.-ar.LVag, Bt, Petauburg,Berlin. Duaarldorf, Milan. Strasbourg,Baden-Badan, E.ilnburxh, M.ncu», Sienna,Bern«, Florence, Munich, Smyrna,Bonn, F'ranki'jrt, Meaatna, Sevdle,Bordeanx, Grnoa, Mulhouaa, Ktattia,Boo'.ogna, Geneva, Madras, Shanghai,Bremen, Gibraltar, Malta, Singapore,Bruaaei*. Hatrbor|, Mani la. Svdiery, NdW,Baxm d, Lucca. Ha«ue. Madeira, Turin,B«*le, Havre, Meilaouine,AB«.,Tieaioa,Bombay. Heidelberg, Naplee, Trieste,Batavi Hong-Kong. Nico, A eoice,Beyrcut, Kandy ,(>y!on,<>portia)1 Vevay,Cairo, Liverpool, Oleroa, Vieuna,Coblentx, Lomion, P»ru, Wieaeadaa,<¦,<:.» Leghorn, Pan. AVaraaw,Cadis, I.eipaic, Palermo, Zuriaab.Coiambo.Ceyloa, Lyon«, Pu*


Branche« and Agenc.ei itCacooShanghai, Caleatta.

H m« Kong, Rembay, Madia*,¦lugapote.


Branch** »od Agenda* atM»itl»ud and Newcastle..Hunter River.Brisbane and Ipewieb.Moreton Bay.

Atetoria BrancbarMethoerne. Gneionf, Kynetoa.Ceast.emaice.Moant Alexander.Ballerat.Sandhurst Agency.Baa dig*Ovens Agency.

J.ÖElN~MÜNROE A Co., AFRICAN RANTK-ERS, No. 5 Roe de I« Pan Pans grant LETTERS ->F

CREDIT for mercantile purpose*. Abas. ClRCLLAR LETrKBB oF CREDIT on the foliowing ciuee:Alexandria Cobi.-nts Laandoa, Faiermo,A.g-.erv Ccloatne. Lwghorn, Pia».Amsterdam. Oanst»nrtnople, Lucerne, Prigpio.Artwrrp, Drrsden, Lucca. Riga.Athena, Pearence. Lvi.n*. Rome,Alx-Ia-Cbaeetle, Prankfort-on- Ma.iiid, K-otter.iaia,Baden-Badea, the-Mam«. Madeira, Seville,Baale, GVaia, Malag«, Sienna,Berlin, Oeneva, Malta, bmvma,Beme, (libra tar, Manhiem, St. Petersburg,Bey mot, Hamburg, Maraedleai, Scrasbors,Boingna, H»vt" Mayenea, Stockbofm,Bordeaux, Heidelberg, Maaeina, Triaete,Bremen, Jernsalem, Milan. Turin,Breaiso, La Hajre, Moarow, Venice,Bmxelleai, Laueanne, Munich, Vaena«,Ca.1'1 U »psic, Ntpiea, wteebaias,Carlsrah«, Lis^n. Nie«, «Wiek.Cair" Liege, P»u.

Offi-a Ic New York ,No. a AA'ail-sx. B IIa na Pam at at. T*. *m) Jayt* Bight fjr aa.a i na t( tj.


B».WnjJAM»BÜBG«v "ATTJfOa BANI cor°*» v? *¦¦' th 3.1 and 4'b »X ' -¦'Vpn'ttae, ar» W«,.L,

I-J'b». . SKMI-aNNtTAl, |>l.vMJF.NO at tfc, «SÄPER« PNI P«| 'ss' > .nn, » ' M«Z3 .TÄfitere-t ,..» *!Vd f., U p^MHl f0 ,s, ^-«m rf(Ui«|^_r"r:J» I ¦ *rbsi. rrth*10fblV»MTjT\r3draw liii'ir»! A Tk fj.,,1. nf thi* lo*«o^t*»i ntZ

*er,,rr *. s *:.«.-.-..'

¦.. y w»i2d.ubi- he am. -nf oa;-.if «nd In 4 f * v. r .-iBtT K.r-eda. TSm

frcJjjr*to7*yes»ta P. M. tVILLl'.M WALL ft-tmmmi"»»i.r Ki. kW, 1 ,.

Narnivri B«t,;.». ,*^ Frattdeate,

s»wen w.TvMU*j Ii Man

MARINEE«* BAI IN08 [NOTITÜTION, 3j.«*.. rort-er of 9»b-*t for ÜM b-nen; of" all r'a*»«* .r«.

? :...-). I l'n.MTS male :n tl.j H.dx on or feror* tk« RkhCT»il! beer tot. ta*tftot*) th* IX JnTy n » .,.r <..,. mterest V

*<«ju C° 01 BU<1,r' u-i "** ^' « ¦« 00 ««ia»» «r«r

Haik oprr DA LY ironi JA. M. to P. M.,»ndoB WF.D«*1 AI *>f-- --Al r.DAi EVKNIv.Sfr u. r t .V <t

_»AAC T. SMITH. oVaertrtary.


¦.WILDINGS, RAILROAD. KQl lPMLNTS,JU Im^SJJ«na in exerco* «ad ;.»:?.. u'U ..I tb« uu«er* vested In aid cotihJed to in* fc .. »<¦,...,j, <£, j

'*'. '".'¦ . V. AK r.P.nS 1) vi »11PA NY. hearing date f ha ;o, .1 «od i~,.,^i c,,raii,g deeds In 1, v ,

ih*( <.!. tn.iiwevth .-. r«i, , M .,,. t #"

page 431. Ar. I will .ip,« m tala, t>* Puhl* Ae.>on Mtk»M»r(¦^¦rll.¦ r irharge. on 4t!i-st in the 1 I i Ol PIPTBaBERUH. Penn, on ti:-SECOND DAY ..f AI Ol ST ItUulj\K<-k P M «1: and the ESTATE. PROPERTY****PRFMi.>FS in and intended «ad hound br «J I Kti. . ... .. j -«i.n-cdv.u |.-~ k* a- I All tb* StOW«ot Mtaatal Coal whwh lala «ad Ii«* ander h» <-niv 1 t im,rite t.-a< . 01"land »liu^ir in K -hinaoa rnwwüp ta <h« ,-a«a>-t» ««nr**a'd. to wit: Th- R-.n.- .-. rtata,bwtajdwdkwmmmOl Mc>*r uii i bjira. John and Ja*X* Nick'.- M. (l,ir..«)B utWdlDm McCormlck, r>>otkiatn« D2 acrca ta l tu perrh¦¦« »od.artir* *ih d«»cnU l in a .».'r :.-vn / VV. IUtn.a«t.>a to aaldCt»»l>«i.»4«'c. i-d hr :*>» atorMi: 1, in l»«ed K.yjk toL.I. pax* luv TbeWcCorm^k Tr^ct bonndcd b» of' Ma-Pulanafi bctr«. Meto»« kein, tb* Lunuidt« tract anj S» unatMcl'ntilj. ronUin t fp' a/re» and St-1 penhe«.lw bed In aited from V\ m. Mctoimkk to said Comnanj, roc.ord*d In «ntaa»oltin.e. p«a» 187- The Mirks Tract, ad in n* the land* afKdii.und.-oo, PLCiipa. Samuel Kiddle, Jan.. j Rob.nsoa. aadothers, c. Ltainu.» i" . aefi**----deacri**d in » d«»J fi.xn ta/ltaaaaMs k» to said IVtiipan«. r». r '.. .! n « a -1 im-. page ICHThe rdmandetn lract » «..!. \\ m Vs andthe Pi'Utuuh and St. \. idaul c«. :« . 14 s.i -s4tt

riT he*.de-cilvl in . .leed Ii out Jiawph Ed saadtofj to sa.4ompan« recorded in aaui* volume. pe«*\'\ The Irwin Tract,

bounded bv lam'.s et Samuel Mc ur lf, A L. n'a a I.» wieTbombert's hei's an.l J. Ii. Dana « lielra. eeataialns] U acresHtperche».des. nbed 11 a deed from J. hn Irw.u an I wife to Z.VV. Remitrstcn. recotd. 1 in sai.i office in «olnme 9t. re«Ma>Also, all that certain piece of land tailed the Mc Km Traei. ta

id 'ov. oefip. n< «r the mouth t 'har «na Creek, bo-iud-d bplands of Alexander McEee ar.d the Ohio River, and «onnara»in* ei»l.; -en s it ¦ nbt >l in a deeo L. W Keiuioxtneiand wtfe to raid t omp ny. Mtsnlni m said «uluiue VI pafa17a. cn which «r* errctedlire frtmedwel iru-amseeend aar-

bor improrements Aiso. all that tab 1 cetta n pit | .1 nadIn aai.i II «'p conts::urf MB «crea. U m« oa I '.'Ohio River,above X: Kr.'a Rick" IS «. .! 'r*. t anilalso, . piece of fnn::.d f the wollh of .'.'1 e c iioiein 14 oa

the f^utli-western en f «aid fen arreaand ex'.-n.l n« therafninBtoxwl. te iwk on McKee's np|»-r line, near Chartiers Creak,will, the ¦ ivüete of maintaii.ins ilirn ,01 a Raiii's l, Ac. the la¬ter. »t of aald Company beint a lraee'iol.1 f.,r 20 rears trom 1stApiil 1818. aubi. ct to . st. und reu f «V 1 v. 1 ri'll AprilI, ID.« auJ thenceforth <>8W a year, on which tnocanf ixnd eraere. ixl a coal tipple, ra.i l Wl .rf, 'tli. e ei.gnia-ah 'd. w.o«h-bviaee an«l scale, an.I imi'.air ",d o: '.-'r tnfti a etnenr-s.sai.l pretn-ises and privi>Ke* b>-ans deactioed an.I detined in . lease tr"iaAlex. MttKesj to / W Reiniiig-nn.rero.ilaHl in said office In vol¬ume 62. | age Mi, and the s*»lirnii'eiit t' -r 01 :o said Company laaaid volume «J, paae 177. ANo. alt thoee 23 Lots of Oroandeoiniwrs th. \-xe ot Ren.maton, laid out upon 'he andMr! rn ., k I rae- !.eiti| esch AO fee: in fr. 01 an I iu rear, au 1IM Ike* in depth, and on each of which ia erected a two-essxryframe dwelling h<mse. Also, all that Railroad and constructniajknown is the Chamer* Coal Co upany's Railroad, exte-idoanbaaathatOht* RHa*ta »ui. v..iits»oi itoxmuxtor.being ibout«even ti i'ea In lenx'b. with all the materials, e,|nlpments sod

appurtenances thereof, and of the saM Comp my'* Depo'*, Pita,Mm,* an C**aJ \A .ika including two I..h ,11 .live S eam Ko-stues.ot) Burden Cars. IS' Pit Car* Tmck*. T ol» Implement*,r xti.i.*. M itrtials and Machiuery, and also, all (he Franchisee,Itish'a and Trivdrgra of the aai-1 Company and Corymrsfioa.

_J. F. D. LAN I FIR Trnatew.

Or. i. f C» \ -k u II111 J.('¦ m/isv or ','<* I» imr »

No. 'S Wal' *t..Nrw Yokk, June M, 11SV. f

BY Hrthjt oT a Rosnlutinn of the Hoard of!l. 1. ra lb,< .!»* p.,-.e.l. the K u»l Coionliilee off t t*»

the Stxkhol.leis oi lie ( entral it ailtoat Compaiiy of New Jar-.ev, »1 f per cei t one mil ion bun'red 111 ..«11,1 il i,'ar*ot' -FA FS Pf R " F NT Oil PON li > MM r-deeo ahl- MayI. D75, convertifie into the stuck of the otnpeay nntli May I,lWiO, and en'itled to thn security of any mortgage 'hat maybr herrafi. laid on the Han mad from r..u.b»tuputt to Phiilipe-burg. on the Delaware River.The Beads will be issued in turns of $ I Ona an I 0100 ea. li,

and will b" r, g atend .01 'ho ho»*s of the ( ompany in thename of the bolder or a* a Hund, piyab o to he*rrr, as the c to

tgtjkfat« of bold, rrtr ui time to time m iy raajMpt,It uav be unm ceae.iry 11 cal the at'et.ti. t. f .o.vkho! ler* to

the pro*ueci* of thi* Road, or to repeat that It ia th- inalu

trn cutlet of three lines, all in ispid Coarse of il. v ,0 .iiiaott

one leailii.x to lie l...c« loa. 11,111.1 ai.,1 Oawego, utt

Lake Ontario; one to t;,r I., high tield*. and nlllinauny ts>

Krle l ie velar and II» 11 real Woat; and ,ne re.pilring 1 We eoa-

¦triii tloti of only Ai lilies of r,*d In pleno the enter of inn

Scboalkill Con, Beam, and make a ilneci, uubr ikon line ls>

Pit-.bii th snd V\ lice Ingj nor need fb.-y be 'einiu.led tbs"hee*line* »r« al free f-om br. ak of gang» or 'rariahipoieut; uor ot the*remarkable rrinci.lenr-r that by ibk* rosil the ttirv - \..I'iraeita*Ci*l regions ate earh bt. nghl wi'bin \if> m. «s nl New-York,tf. e no' being 5 mile* didere-nce iu distance between any let

ot th. ni.

The partial opening in tnne, and an'lc patd c onn e'tou in

July,of'be l.ebigh ia ley ReRroe I. srith the prol ability at tow

Mtatkai f the Warte» and l.arkawauna Itoad* iu the Pall, reu-

der it iirp.-afvel* eaarv 'ha' fU I '-ip .¦. < ui I p- - e.»l

tip r. 11 « f h the onstnictiein of the teoo'id tra. k. \V uh tbawork aliesdy aicempilahed. it can aw *,¦>...» ni, *'!y r iiuplataalin two season! wi'boat inlerf-ring with the hnsii.os, ..I th-' Itoal,and at a great saving 111 expense over what It would cost II" lalttill the Road is overwhelmed with basin, a*.

r-t < klio'.d. ti wo. U en'1 tied to »,il «erit-- for l'.ou I* to the ex

tent of tliree-loorth* of ihe atork held by (li-in iu the hooks oftin Cut .pai y. Siiheciiptieaa for great, r or !..«* aoioiinta can baamade, *i,bj>," in the formar case tor .Incdoii or r rot urn theC. n.n it.. e. il the ai.bseriptiama »hall be rn race** ,»f tbe wiael*amount of H nda.Rered a

BvaWtahjaJntas will l»- iMtdfaaJ a* the- aaate of Rat t >mpeav,No. 8» VV all at till the 14th July, indejaive, afe-r which th*a.ioi 11 , eg will lie*.Ten [wr cent of the par value oftSe bond* wtl hat

psyab » on notice of ac< eptance'ot hida In fier e> 0» on the. llKhAiiguti. and the banne, in ins'siimenta .0 in perceur am .ftaaerthan once in tinny ray*, a* reiptire.i by the l ouapeiiy theninth ca'l will be A percent, when the Hiaad« f»t the discountwill be i.--urd. A* msb* ssthn aaine ran b- pre|ur>-d Bond* wiRbe leaned in exchange for ihr ii,*tal!m. ut receipts.habwiibrr* can ha\e the option of paving in full at any lima

ap. n gi00« n tire at the office ot rhe ( ompany.Non paimrnt of u.atalnnent* will sive th. ( .tupanv the, eaW

to fort. 11 the unpaid poitno ot the «ntu« iln' on au.illai dk«.easaa.lnwedon Ilia lOIIN T. JOHNSTON.


SEALED PROI'ii-AI.s will bn recoiat o> in li ra t t> Hoard ot K.l'icaii ai, aomev of

Orisd snd F.lm sts.. land no where else.) uutil the WihdiyofJuly iaatant, at l2o'i oeit M tor the COAL ami VViMF ) re¬

quired * r the Public School ol tin* City fog :h- er.aaing Win¬ter; (say « IjaMtasM ot Coal. I^Oe rda of OaA Wit endRtMgaJaM 1'iue WotM, more or kwal Th" ( OAL most be efthe best quality ot Lehtgh. White Aab, of 2,210 IU. to the tan.weighed by a person ael, ctrd by the CotniuilU-e, and deiiveree!in the bins st the van 11» .-, I>.,i,l II, 111. a. The proposals masts>ate the locaU ii ot the mlae Aom win, b it 1* piopo* »1 ia*up-pi* the Cool, and the prii e tor luruace eis> and atove aisei.The »\ OOD to le <>f Co beat quality, and aVeRvetwd, pinpesfj)

sawed 11 thesihiHil 1..1I1, a* may be ,b-*ign«ied bythe prwfeer aollioiity. Ti.e Pine W.h,.| k, be not Leeg thast i faat6 ie be a in length, and th'- oak not lees than three lonf. aiei Ibaeti< ks not Irs* tl. .0 three inrlira in iliamoter.The ym\»*H'.» must «täte tiie pro .- per od of IVI cubk feet,

(..old BtatsXafaJ tor nine and tor oaa and alao the prire per Ott(or aswaig . a. h load. The wood will b- Inspected and tnaieeatedby a BtJBBSBJ »; pi nt.-,! by the I unmitte". At least two think*ot the wood and coal must be delivered at the school* whereor ere.! .;i ring the moi th* of Augn*' and September, and tbabalance when required ti,r c nsumj.ti iu. Security 'or the faith-lul performance ti the 1 ..n'rart will Im, r- qulr-l, and nach pr>r<i*al aiart b<- accompanl. d with thai uume* and signature* ofthe proposed sureties.

JOHN DAVP.NPORT. II h '. N \ It 11 L lOMN^ON, f Cemndtte*.fir OHOF. T NELSON, > <*n


New-York, Jane 27, IA».

L'MTTD - I M l - RAILROAD-CAB BSAJtJ.< o.. No. Wd UF.AV ER St., N. Y.

Vtrtvient. Secretary - I TrttuurtrGOL'V EB.NF.t R MORRIS. NORMAN S. WAMiBURN.

(.mcral djeaf-W ILL! kM O t ItEAMKR.flirrcfora


WILLIAM O. CREAM Eli,We 1 ow offer ». M 1. r. ui ' r - 1 .. V»pe"t. sieaplswa

and most efficient method of ei.a/ t.w- ena-nee« of a 'oroeao-tive to apply he enure brake* of a train (he* has ever been¦ad*. »V m have iu our otfire a fai -auae model alsewing tba

opera'iien of thi* invention pert'ectly. u> which we ask the atrea-

ti. 1: 1 all persons intere-trd in Rsiirnad* it s needles* te dersrrifie the ad. anlages ot giving tbe engineer the pne t to spp-ythe hra.e. ~. r' e i- mttt «s iiai.ll^i a railroad «cetd*stocrurt ' tit t!:- «<i. p 100 an I pi ip-r nteir a'ai.d ug ot cms in¬

vention would totally prevent or greatly mitigate. I's ytnmedlataItkM ti n is |i man.'.. .1 as we! by the interes t of thai Companya< the »afety of psnjMtai and property convey-d by Rail/oadaWe oder every teeiufy to ( moai..e* dV-airoaa of 'citing fc*.lone. .. . the imtage* of tl.ja method. For rlrcinara tgslother iLtortuat.on a: at the bRbM of the >xnnanr.

VV.O (RKA.MKIl,lWdAg»«t_W. VAUGHAN *V Cffiv, PlOvlaWOaV K U

. RANKERS snd BROKERS, are prepared to nagcaist*I n|ji:.m .1 l'".[ er, .. n »e * nt "is in - p*r'« of >ha t-tWY

try, to b.iy *nd a»U SKS KS ON t DM Vll>-.ON. and t»

aef bb AOENTB for parties abr>isd a the traasaotion of any »***¦nee*.Ri r*Ki acr«.Mr

B*:.k. Pr. vid.nce,BankirgYork;


¦Mr. T. D. Bowen, Preandent Bl«ek*ton* t-eaMk. L| Mr. D, C. Baket. Prudent Ifowatd

kit « ..mpsny. Bo*ton, Messes. O. S. Biebbin* A Basy New-(; Meaart. Joiaa Farnam A Co.. Piwladelphta. _kREXEL, BATHBB a CHURCH, BAjrX-' ERR. SAN FRaNi ISCO tJ oraw Bill« of Kars*«»*»

on DREXEL k ( o PHILADELPHIA, payable at th« r*»"dpal ri'iearf the Dnited Sia'e*.Coller'ions made at Sa* F rartciseo, aad in 'h* Interior «t **.

State and pr.w<-e<l» prusnprlv rewwtred. (^illecrimsi ei*T.en: dlr-et to D.,1 fc C of thr ,us> OREXEL k Co. Pkw»delrhla. or P S A I HEK No. 1*4 Nssaau-at.. New-Yerk.Fnhanje on San Franclaco tor mmh In tumj to tuB. "7

DREXEL A Co. Philadelphia, aad P. SATHEM s-w k^rfc^fit W i M U I WANTED for 3 or :> ye«ra ot if**;tBO,l>lF\/ da», uimromber^d REAL E'TkTBRCoteeinotti O. sr 1'. per rent interrmt that being lawful "*.**".to Ohie The prop-ny coisasi* of a large bhek of WarsAjnawfan the letuaine** pa/t of'he rity Interest any ah'.* seov *°^mm\kg Nsw York Apply-o FOSTER A TMO«*SON * wa«*x

CPEAP PARE for ALliANT.PRwBBiBÄ^jJJE . X rents Sta-e rcaste* *> r»nU The net «**."",

HERO, i tBt. Haa ox le»**. no-th ai.i* of RoWa*oa-*t^Ceata^aXtioa With Ne* i C«f.t-al*n^ s-'rt^'7.ririaT^i»tSarai.«« and M ntr-a -Ter, PSDAI TH' RS.)AT a-a