· - thil h part of (lie wreckace of a...

- Thil h part of (lie wreckace of a Nallonal airline* New York-Ki-Mlaml pUiie IhAt cratHed near \VHmlnrton. N. C.; Mrly j-ejlertlay. killing all 34 penion* atward. Newitnen at the Kene tald the ble plane appeared , lo lia»e eiploded Jn (he air and debrli and hodic* were »eattered over an area nf SO -»crc«.--Hela>lre* were arrH-Inc In »nllvla. N. to elaitn tlieir dead. (AV »lrcpUoloi . ____________ ^^nsoirSays®^CTSx^^S Can Only Recommend Insurance Plane C ra^ fatal to 34 Persons Eisenhower Says Budget to Provide 1 Billions ;SurpIu§; Tax Cuts Hinted for J^'Uture \\’A.SIilX(;TO!C, Jan. 7 (UIM)— PreHidenl -Ki.senlniwcr tolil nii ainiliiu.litiK coiiKre«:<1o(t:iy that hi.-< liudtret riir'lho ncxl riscal ycnr will proviilc fo r 11 .?.>.2(Kt.OQO,OOa siupU in of rttvcjuics over S75>.sm>.00,0.0w> in spL'iiilin;,'. WliUc the cliicf cxticulivo did mil projKiso Any tax reductionsJii his . •stnlu of .iho imiori mussiiRe. he siiid tax cut^ could follow in fnliire yivirs if HiirpluHCs become "n rcKnlar ijrocodurc." 'I'lie I’rcHident’s budfjet sur- phi.s announcem ent wjutji surprise lust-miiuilL' Adih’tion to u ‘l9-tuinuU*. ;uklvc!»H iu which he urxctl house anti senate mcml)urs to end “wranKUnji" • aiKj Work with him in hi.-* hist year in office for pfaee in the world and iiiii”'ceedenlefl i)r»si)L*rity at homo. Ki.«enhower’.4 sjicech. cnrrieci-over na. ....................... tioinyjfic radio and televi- •, i- ■ * * * ¥ lo je c ts a i( , Project’s Reorganization Asked r 'O . . culled II *uri)Iu«'tvlillf ................ J^UC to r »nl'!,n»i'r nil' B05SE, Jnh: on f ■Jpr.Tr ^VASinNT/rON.-.TR». 7 flj iJjjjdw>'<^ »3iWi(a-mnrVi;iig^^ pm cffntffyrinpML^'.spnce spencfiiiK in fmcal lOGl. In jiis HtJitu o f the union messngc. the 1 ' -------- I’rosidi'iii _»l:<u culleil- for- ruorguHimUoH"«f-thc-UrSr-RpncC 7pvos:i‘fifH, naw IngRsn^bc-' ?' hind iiii.>isiji, through ‘‘improvements" in Ihe youii}! Hpace law. He promised details in . 1 n later ine.'ssaue., P o r XLscal-l!)GO .endijiK -.rune .'») cnn^'ress K«v:e the natiomi! aeronautics Administration ii-qiif.Mcil by'ttie Ycllow.itoiie BOISE, Jan. 7 (UPI)—Attorney ^»enei:al.Fnink. nensnn.,held-loijay_Lhe-aU‘t<i-board I —flf'exnminers-cannot-cntcr-into-contj'jfcf'for'iiiHurahco for department but can onljuutivdcu Jiv iw prcMdcnt, w«yv\« recommcnd. The jillorncy general rulejl the boar(J of oxainincrs only has. the power ' under the state coivstitution to-examine claims ajwinst the state. In aii opinion written for Secretary of SUite Arnold WiUiiims, Bcnwon'xuiil "ihc bonrd would, thus, be con- , _ _______ ____ _____________ _____..... ......tjincc, MtRttu'iiy' ilcroV * mouninlnoiiA "Oncc wc linvu tMiibllMinl wicU nDnhcrn_(Jorlloiu—«•—komiicrn) paymrnw-wnomidrijriictice," tlic ecnirnl Iilnlio was ouiKncd ypMcr-1 Pri-stdcnL contlnui-d, "wc can nrof- tln.v. , - ll'nbly make Jmprovemftiis In our The Miiitr JilKliway board .Mild;*'”' fltrticturc mid hereby truly thi:rt- uiil be mart* on two iiroj- ....... .. ....................................... ^npw ro tTSnS^ ^Moistureto^VallBy — Hcnv3nrxvQt-sno\r-fc}l"ThurR(ldy=’jiru7nmg^lfroiig]i"uuT .. '^iiow belt" described'by the. hiKhwuy district office In Shoshone (IS running' from 18 'milCs north' to ‘20 mile.s south of Shoshone and extending; from Rupert to Kiii}f ||i|]. Smith-of the bolt, In .ITwin FnH srit-snow ed briefly, thi^n •tumcd-tii-nriii:'T’nrmc)‘s IhrouRhout Majric-Vnilcy were _!wpin«-for_coi\Unuttnc6-of-lhtf-bntHy-nt«rfctl-7nt5istMre. Fou7 inches of new snow were reported nt Richfield wlierl; the storm was termed the ••first really heavy’' snow. While ■weti"the”Jino\v“was“reporiCM piling up-ut-Richfield, but there--wnn -noAvind-fiiuJ'tlie Btiogj wtui too \\twy to drill. About Ihrcc Inchci were measured at Klns.Iim.wJicro.jWBiBrtcd-snowlnE TJiurtdtiy njcmlng.-Only * Ughi alcirr i)a4 been on llie (fround pre- viouidy.-Heftvy wet snow (ell all moTOinB In the Rupert urea. ApB^oxJmntely two and one-hnir Inches of new snow .fell since WedDesdajf_aJ8J»t-o^GoodlnirTina at Jerome it started jinowlnR dur- iHB -[he nigiu and eot\tlnued tlirouRh the mornlnj. Street» were snoK'COver^d and stick.-. ------ Highway department, ottliefi aI Slioslione reported nt 8 a. m, the - - f_‘>g*t-Cxtcaded-A-slioff-<lLt~ .Sugai^Jjiota^ HikeDoesn?f- _Affect_£uba •- BOISE, Jan: 7 W-:sen. Henry C. Dworshok, A.. Ida:. (uM today that • recent 6.000>acra (ticreiue In iugtr beet acrease niJotments for Id^o h u no conncctlon with nay change In the sUuatlon In Cub&, « r«'Mld-the-fl,000-ACre-boosC iporory knd'results from defl- cleneJea \n producllon Vwt year In Puerto nice, Hnwoll .and . the ^Phllipptriw.-^%^------------------V Dworahik, )n a m^iuRc Ironi WnxhlnRton. said he will altempi -to-twitch-orortiigtlnn-ouaLn-^nm- SiibaTio ih#- United, Slate*%-hcn the - SURar' act' comes before Uie »rnale. and would {live both esutbllxhed :.ftrowers adde<l—acreas«-«n(t-new srowent n jtn rt In be«t production without fear of future cutbncks In Idaho ncredse when the Cuban -tliuailofl-chanirennilinr' -------- -.Rep. Homer H, Budse. R.. Ida., '■■moiinced yesterday ho has intro> .duci^ ICRlilatlon to sh ift'350,000 of Cuba's quoU to domeaUc producers, . Bu.ilnuf continued steady at llio Twin Fans county nascMor's ofdee Thursday but the antlcl- Kon reported. Thompaon pointed out that, only Rven business day* remain In jvhleh- to buy IBCO au to &nd IrueX Ueenu Pl«lM. BuAlncss at the office was aald (0 be steady, with clerks selllnR car license No. ‘7.1G5 and truck lleenne No. 'S.^SS a t 1:30 p jn. licenses In Ja n . li 8 men reported bare between Tuln Falls nnd_«i« NevatSti tint. 7"Snrw bcRnn 'forilnii about ............ - Burley and main streets there re'reported ••rouahy" with side "treet* snoif p.ocked aWd iillelc. □y'lO A. m. llRhl'sndw. mixed «rlU) rain began, at Fnlrlleld whue approximately.six Inches of h/w fallen previously, Only a trace of light snow wax rcporwd In the Hnlley area and Sun Valley reported n Inches on top or Oald mountain, elshUnchcA nrTWUndiro«8eri3"lnciiea on Dol- l&r and U Inthts on the valley «oor.' England Foggy . LONDON,-J«in.-T (UPI> — Tlie »Ml peft.soilp foa of IWJO blanket- ™ centra: Bnglond:today,.-rc<luc- In* vlslbUtly to lero m w m t ' -The-fi ________ m: « ■- rail, sea and'oir >i(lc. while Icy roads slowed Ihwny movement to a crawl, nie blinding fog forced London clMB dotin. asliibgton Aj,-ea Shaken TACOMA,.WMh..'jBn, 7 (UPD— A sharp eorlh tremblor shook a throe county area of. Washington state early todny. damage was reported. Law enforcement* offlclols In Pierce, Thurston and uw ls coun- . - tie*, located .ln_thB-we8tem part "or the sute. »nld they received ............ ............ ....... they ........ ... niTmerous cnUs reporting 'the ohoclc which occurred. at *ppn 1:15- am ........................... night switchboard operator said the temtilor nearly shoolc her “out of her chair." She sold the quake caused her switchboard to sway violently lor a tew seconds. Experts Agri^ Union Made Biggest Gain in Settlement ^ WAaniNOTON, Jan. 7-Wl-Ex- w\» anniyiing the steel Mttlemcnt fniM Kcnerally agreed yesterday both sides scored Important merely agreed to study any '•feathT erbeddlng" problems. 3. Got the Industry to _____ und tnte over the full cost of h « . _uut the'union came oitC the “’Mor winner. — ^^*‘J-Unieed-8t«twtirlcCfB'iiniQn; lDsurance,s cost* previously ahircc by me « r « e i^ ____ ____ ; __ 4, rmprofrt-pCTUtSiSIauhstah- )*'*'» « cento per mon hour,'‘cr »ell over one billion' dollors, ThU i* about —....................................... , — n ^ iits I'lnal oKer. T^wvted the Itultutrj de- 2 « a for a free hand In changing itpprnvinK any claim for pre- miums made by an insur- ance rompany contructinjr 'i£h-nn>^stntc-depnrtmeiit:” Tlie examiner* recently opprov- 1 R bid for insui'wwc covtctvRC ut L lle As-Mlmnce Aoclety. I t wn.1 np> proved by Bewwn Rud .WlUlftms, the two Democratic '^member.i of the board over the- objection of Oov. Robirt E. Smyllt, the lone Clurk, llftllcyv Mild ll seuk.i ...... plL-tlon of Inu ruiid from MouiiUiln Horae lo U, S. Wuhwtiy 03, Sl'aii- Hidmm-__ EwO j nppruvfd ii WM,000'project In Hit- aectlun bt;tA'c-eii Mountain Home and l^ilrfleld-nnd n forc.-if hlKh- .'va^’—wcUua-costing—(uo,ooo-b(i> tween Dixie »l)d IIIIl City Anoihrr S45D.OOO forest hlRliwiiy lob on-Trolt rr,.,.|f ivin wuy bL-fure the end of tho year the Ketchum end of the road, hn .wld.. and n -wctlon of road ?rom Athlon ncn^i will be paved, aince ImjTOVtmenv of the ney» depnrtmenLi accept the bid that ot..« _ more irnl. fie,Into Idaho, A dclcKallon from American rails wax told.. the department .WoulcLiicp-up-plw>nlnR:Jn?on'etT Tori to rccoiisiruei highway 30 a» a bufilne&i ruule-througit -the-clt] Into the contract for the employes In such department,'*. __ .iInsurior-“Not-Maodatory'‘------ He said the deparUqcnt. heads Rhouljr'be' Inlo'rmed that U — not mandatary to Insure. "Further," -he added. ;:a* *ha* been mentioned numerous~tlmes. many of the departments do -|tlclenl.Iuftds.^proprii which to pay the prem- iums.” Governor Bmylle said he asklng_Ben8on':fDr_a.copy-ofrU)'e opinion and also had osked-Budget Director R. M, D, CWltJs to con- fer with the auditor In Uie Insur- to-inter «IU year.------ —• Mndl.ion coupty delegRtlon met with the board only 15 mln- iit£s.aftcr-belng advised-the-hlgh- wny. deportmetu would conttnct this year for a requested bridge over the Snoke river between Rex- buTR and Sago Junction. _ The board adjourned Its Jan- uary meeting and decided to co tene-aRata-aii.rUnr'Febrn; ------ il8 Cases Due gPouslrarEa^- silll slick, but the hlBhway_was Asked to Cur b _.Anti-Seinilism BONN. OeiinAny. Jon. 1'(/P— Chancellor Konrad Adeoduer and his top aides last night ordered swift court action against nil Oer- mans accused of imU-Semltie Hvlty, A communique Issued after ..... extraordinary cabinet meellng’iUso. ealled-for-speedr-cnnctment-oni- bill to stiffen penalties agillhst per- sons “stirring -up' hatred ogainst groups because of their natural origin. iltiulbe-pei Ity to three months In Jnll. Today the •'World Jewish con- gress demanded a spcdal. police force to deal with antl-Semltism and resurgent Nn*Lim In West Germany. Tlie congress also called for the banning of nil' orgonlzatlons even suspected of Natl tendencies and the rooting out of ex-Nails from all sections of Qenman public'life. UJcJlflltec-c I ways of dealing with the y Christmas eve and has spread oround the 'ft-orld. The conference wo* called short- ly after government the tjuake «nd''at -yt \>vi\% an saULltidZ-lroiitlgallon-io-IaN-bM nrmy-instiil]»Uap.«ouilt^f-here.-o loued-torproduee-any-cvldence'of ................. ' • tt concerted neo«Narl campaign kfl&lnst the Jews In Germany. Most authorities, Oerman and foreign; took the position the dese- etftilon of synagogues, the. paint- ing -of swasUlcas and antl-SemlUc ologans on waSs and the Uireoten-'; Ing Dt Jews. WM chiefly, the work f hoodlums and crackpot^. New outbreaks were reported yesterday In West oermony, West Berlin, Belgium, Italy, Greece, Norway, Me;;lco. .Argentina, the 'Dnited B(«lea and elsewhere. WASHINGTON, Jan, 7 llfi — Here are the mo.ln points cover- ed In President Elsenhower's sthte of Uie union message today: The cases' ore Mountain States Implement company versus Edwin V. Mochncek, Jan. ID; Magic Val- ley Credit bureou versos R. U. Spaulding,- commlMloner of fi- nance. state of. Idaho, respondent, Jan. 20; John McOlllrvdoIng busl- ness oa McOlil Sand and Gravel company,.versus'Robert E. Davis ond Colonial ’Concrete, inc.; Jan. 25: .V .V Sha^i versus Hohener Meat compony, Feb. 23. —Jerry— Horejf—wrJuT Smith, Morch l: Morton U. Brant, versus Bertha E. Maxwell, March S3; General Building Movem versus Donold m»y. Morton. Feb. 2: Rich- Archie Pvlsli. Feb. 3t KTelth sugar versus John Coats. Feb. S. Leonnrd Norris versus Edward PMtoor, Feb. 10;VKenneth Webb doing business oa Webb Pump and Equipment company versus Union Pacific Rollroad company, Feb. 10: Lyle O; Ebber4,’ver»ti» Charlene D. Wallace, Feb. 18. Steve Johnoon versus Sharron J. Miller, March 8: Kowud 8«ara and Darwin F. Perkins versus'Un- — Paclflc7‘*Kallroad compatty. March 15-, ^ Ip h 0\mWty,. doing ‘-- -‘ness as Dunkley Olstrtbuting miflCA-CargimaSr s Yellow Cab com- Ing^buslness os pony versus S. M. Spetzer, ApHI 11, and Vletorla Josperson versus George -p. Scott, doing business as Scotfs Froien Lockers. .April rcducc the heavy burdeiwt ntion. ■ •Jn any' cveni. ihu one rciluc- lUm will Mivc litxpHyM.v cnch year, iipproxlmalely. JOO mlllioci dollRrjC lij Intcre.-it cans." Uiwrnaker.' nnd ^pccuuors the Joint ftCMlon of coiwcja wp- pliiuded nt lcniiih_wti£u_Eijcaiioai.. T rsinjrihat one u'liy «’rnm cnt'to eounu-r intlMlon nnd rLiIng prlce.1 "U to liwure that. It* cxpenrilturc.1 aYe below Its cnucs." “ue-snld-llul-^ 'arijiluruieinw i- tUng Influence of Uie ircent *\{pJ . a favorable biilnnce ot^ap. proxlnxalcly 200' nillllo;^ dollars." .Elsenhower, who fired up Demo- cratic wmih with hl!i lOSii-Sg contrili«i.,congrcaiJijia-jjccn.over. ]a_^-ih_with." i.ils.apcndlng.p dbEdMimaolK rfin Into tarV reapon.ic with his admonition on "wrangling," B ut U>e lawmaker.-!, Republlcnn.t t-'ipeclnlly, welcomed EUcnhower'a Drudictioo-thut-thla-clfirtlon-vMir "pio'mi^i-.i to be the most pro.sper- ous yci»r -ln our hlxtoTT" ~ ~— ..BufTie Aoleiimly rcmln3ea'con- grcM in his .ntat« of Unt union od- dress tlm t Uie naUon Is etlll faced by_"nnBglhg.(llsordera'ljueli as-tn- flaUon, farm, problems, .vlolaUow of civil rlRhW and •^jro- teel the public Interest In labor- management strlle,. His references to peace nnd to the fight against InflaUon drew .-parttcamny cnihuslBStlo applause wilartlng the Bepi“ '- ------------ -------- tgulfl of th e nisle but engulfing the Demoerftt*.— • ^utrthetDemocTBtsTpere-cleorly Irked by Elsenhower's antl-wrang- Ung remivTk. Senate Leader Lyn> don B. Johnson, Texas, coihmenfed For Session iteen civil eosea hnyi* hfm _____ jjcd (or hearing In Twin Fntls district court' to' suirt Uie civil court calendar for the 1000 tcm\. Demotrats chtilleng- cd the President on this polntondL, Main_Points— Covered in Ike’s Speech but wo must not "be misted by plea-iftnt promises unUl they are tested by performance." Economic outlook—“1800 prom- ir-Ulslory. Spncfr—I/. S. expenditures will be jiriieUcally doubled In 1901; mlll- Uiry program not " lack 'or blg rocket engines needed for deep exploroUon of space; de- velopment of large rocket engines Is being pressed forward. Preo ■ wprld — Other prosperous countries should Join - the Uiilied BlftUa- in giving urgtnUy needed help to developing nations. Defeaie — Long-range bombers are being supplement^ by AUos missiles, missive sUbiiutrlries; but Ujs17nited States wlir never turn loose this destructive power ex- cept In -self-defense. Columbia Basin’s^ Snow Cover Low B01Sl!;._Jim—J-fiE^-^Siiow- c<ivcr on waterahOiliroPlTic’ Columbia rivt-r. basin-is-nt fi rocoi'il low in ;/jrt«ally all HCctiiinSx, Morlan W. Nelson,'snow survey supervi.sor for. the soil conservation .serviec, reported yesterday. Only in , , -. ................ ern Idaho and western Montann—is the .-inow cover any- - - where near normal,’Nel.son .'<aid. There it vuijie.s from 75 to jQfi-[)tfiC4.e»(.r-R tiH ir-thcr*'rcmTriTntci''~<>f~the w iiterslicn Beet Growers I, western AVy- ominjf, WnshinKton and Ore- Bon it.rnnKCH from' an ex- tremely -low-17~pcr" cc»\n,o fi£-per-cont-of-normal,-Nel»^ Select Three ROpe RT. Jnn, 7-Three dlrcc iors—u'«r<v-eluoted—for-ihrcr>rcBr tcrmrnrt2ip-j!nn.«finncctioCDCiflB Mini***—County.-Bett OrowOT ’nssoelotlon-nt-me coaraiB'aSe'Fere Wednesday night. Clyde Orcenwell and Arlo Mo'nt- gonjery #te new.dlrcctors and Wil- llaip' Bchenk was reelected. ReUr- Ing directors ore Harper Hunsnker and Jake Kerbs. Holdover board members Include- Alex--Roemer. president: Richard Westendorf, secreUiry and Roger Dcnn, Max Fife and Ooe Mortsch, directors: Priies wero awarded to FFA and 4-H student winners of the beet growing contest sponsored Jointly by .the-ft^latlon.gndLthe .Amsl- gnpiated Sugar company. James Martsch, Heyburn, won first place: Greg Hollinger, Poul, second.* and Ljnn Bchodde, Hcy- burh.-'thlrdr-AH Me'FPA metnbert; Louise Phillips, Rupert, member son-.iftlil: ■The comblhaUon of- light snow pack and dry soil on Uie water- iihcds ot the n\Rjor Irrigated areas auoagly-4ndlc«i«i=—Nelnorr-Hiaidr -that lOCO supply >sai;.' ' ' HftsUns. was fourth place winner. Prize money of «200 was divided between Uie four youths. Ernest. Blauer._manae< LovinTATea^ Wa(ef content of snow on the jjpper-Snake-rlver-wotershed averagts below &D per cent ol normal, according to reports Is- sued Uie soil conser- space (NASA) $501,000,009' for iK)t^ air_nnjl_fipncc..reacncch^ ind development. Defense depiirtmcnt.. apace-activlticfl- account for another 300 mil-' lion dolIars.^_____________ rmr-presTflSm gave no i ...... but his metunge Indicated total 10<34 .«pnce spending might ap- proach |l,500.000m Elsenhower did not mention Rus- ......................... scor- successlon of notable flnts, ihU country has Just been laying jclenUflc ‘'foundaUon-sionea.'' - The President hiade It clear.that— he-feela-thctTrSnpoco organist. tlon needs beefing i ~~ ■■ - ‘ "We have Just completed a seat’s experience with our new-space' Inw,'* he sold. "I believe It deficient In certain parUculars and > .St. r-theroTa-ura'ffiuch dlvUloa" the President will ask congnss to correc^thls by centnUUlag.eontrol: o f'‘space, acllvltleo- ln.^tbe.’XT " House itself. " - The house-spoee eeountttM'___ ............................... late*U8»Uoni. st«rtlng -Jia. 21, and the «enat«',' Aitialgamated Sugar company plant nt Burley, spoke .on sugar process- ing during the .'post season and films were shown on beet topping wlndrowers ond on the Marlow harrow. matlon and forest service. Only two stations are above W -per-eent of normol,-Grover Park, vylth 57-per cent and Uie OCC camp with 98 per cent;. In the Snake r|vcr drainage, waUsr.content varies from 22 to ^8,-pei^cent-ornoTmatrTercemr- nges in the Orays, Teton. Ho- -back-aanLflcarys Pork drainage o'reas. also vary~from 2U to 3 r per cent ot normal. a ColuroblarWwfdwplat. carryover for fiOO Irrlga- Potvin Plans To Run for U. S. Senate D- Pow^ ....................... - - - ..jftcy for the U. S. senate last night saying •'the -people o r Itloho wanV more vigorous,, forward looking rcpre- - ......... 1” thnn'they are receiving ANOTHER SUCCESS CAPE CANAVERAL, Fls„ Jon; 7 An Atlas range missile streaked SJ25 mll^s U> an AtlanUe Utrget last night, marking the iSth sUiUght success for this naUon's ftiost powerful military rocket. I' CiiDtured wiiiri».hi.n>fif ft-,t.i5nB-n.nrir«r-«m-tyni- U-aroaklng.UP-Under a-rcsearch-ststton In the ArcUc ocean and itjita by the .InduiUv a t more c*Uy get o&oul «00 a motith, in rescue q p e ^ o R t ui\vaiu way for 2ft mtUtwy men oniJ civilians. addlUon to about *182J0,ln social security payment. Also, workers suffering ‘proionged-lUness may now get>ll reUrment at age - U Uiey have V> y » n tervlce. __________ _"J3-niontH ..wage tc«u«»* ■» PM* ». « ^^EwiTBtHn:rErrms“ Z3Kiai^OTONrjinr7-(W )-TSM lM orwHwVd--todBrthttt Uie. Ice ■CEDAR RAPIDS. la, J»B. 7 (U PD -Ftn destroyed the barn.and --------- -----------.... .. tnconraitts-gOKr^i -e ted^ aad tbe owners wife chaired Uie blase'was arson. i'.si JthitS£~rBdSrmS£.rtf.'B e South’s worst vlatcr tlorm ta » dKOde. eourage'dlscusslons't>{tweefl‘~man agement and labor to consldei public InWreu and uold ulp pling strikes such as the stee sU-lke.* AsrleuUure—The'PreMdetit us congress to 'eiuict leglslsUon . r^uce surpluses and increase larm Income. « Civil rights^He hopes congress will consider his-civil rights rec* omeaetidatlons in loet\ye>r’s mes- sage os^^well 9* additional rec- iatlons t)y the civil rights : says right-to «ol«. it I bnlaaced Ihe-congrws’for Ifioi budget." Education—The odmtolttraUon has prpposed » progrw to sUm- Ulotfl_clas5room cons^cUon-by forts. O»agreu>-Although ftTced VlUi ■.t, oMx^Uon- party In power tlve sMOdsUon.- tiom RtpnbHcon Sen. Henry c. Du-orshnk. Oworshnk has not announced his candldocy for rcelecUon yet but Is expected to. Potvin Is the second Democrat to nnnounce. Th^ first was stoto Re'p. Joseph Garry, D„ Benewah. . Potvln said' he expecUsl one oi two oUier Democrats to enter the primnry race.' _ ' ' , The primary elecUoh Is the tint Tuetday In June this year. The lttst-8tote-leglslature'''changed "it from »■< AiigiMt -potvlnT-a'fiatlve of Lewlsi storage carryover Uon and power. The Owyhee io Oregon, however. Is low lor this time of the year. *:The smaller rivers In Irrigated oreos wlUi llmfled or no storage faclllUes. face Uie possibility of a low wa^r .supply. In general, «arry-over storage In smoll Irrli gaUon reservoirs In the southern half<>of Uie Columbia' buln -U ttm i-h W»l/re> w Nelson said that normally __ third o( th; .season's snow cover Is on .the ground by Jan. I. He would Uke untisuaUy heavy Short Campaigns Askedby Senator WASHINOTON, Jan. 7 (DPI) - Rep. John S. Monagon.-“D., Conn., proposed today to save wear, and tear on presldenUa) candidates by passing m law. to shorten their ....... wan sold he.would puC _ bill in- the hopp^tp requlre'Uut ^he' poIiUcal 'nonsnaung 'conyen-j tions bo held'not more Uisn 60 days-bcfore'Uifl-general’clecUoh. It'wusuai Uonsgan Magic r^alley— Drivers Fined ~For Speedipgi^ tlce of thQ Petice _____ _____ Thursday for going 70 miles hv.- hobr .in - fc- 60-mMe. tone. - S hfiill- given 20 demerits. Dean M yen,. Twin Falli^ was , fined 120 and costs by Judge Crans^. tor going 72 miles per hour In a 60-mi!e wne. Botlj were cited by; State Pauolman Macvin Snyder- dartng % radar check Tiitoday night, , • ' - Allen a: Fairchild, 23, BurJay was fined 118 by Burley Police “ “R Judge Henry Tucket Thurvlay for **ialdng'lui^iupcT tUm. Judy D. cole, 17, was flsed (S and gWen 30 demertta Hiuraday. by, Jerome police Judge Fred Sber- twrdt for golnraa-mller-pefB ' lie lone: H eriie^ wasT $87,712.84 Nettisd as Resjdt Of Efforts by State PoKce ActlvUlu of state police In the Magic Valley-area during »3B re- sulted In thb colleotlon of for fines, license fees and recorei? ,gUW len-praperty> of which «10.- ioiis. ed «ia accMrnts. wrote l,B77 Yarn- ing.Uckets. located l i stolen ears. ............ Valley sUte ^ice.xfflee,.,.Tw ln nuis. He reported that police tnr- lid nearly one-haU ------- ... .. ________ _ trucks. - 10,821 obsenraUon reports on the movement of trucks and wrote 86s —■— - l8,M4.1t.for drunk driving; tS;- 154,40. for roda^'rteck cltaOoas: 838131 -In Incre& d license iees aoniaid,-»nd:tT,4W.~ rt w^vtriror tolen property: ^ , •nilrtng iv^ti y^ r i>ftiM ra-UMia,* Godtt Dismissies gAwW fatcinjra tm ttar3l8.-«ieh drili^iM vtng. sa.-per r e ^ m drtvl HIGHLIGHTS in Todo/s Times-News P»g« -1 — Elsenhower' say* budgets to provide four blUlons ' In surplus and hlnls of future tax cut In speech, snow belt brings moisture to Magic V*l* lcy, Coiumbla'basfn snow cover • Is low, u . s. space spending to double. Benson claims, eaunln- ers can only • recommend in- aunioce.. sute police efforts ning ln')S7,713M in fines. - -Pare-3--.-FeoUjerbe«JdlSg -•— ' r a g e '4 — Editorial; “SetUea by PollUcs.- Page 7—Work for Tltad sys- tem starts. • . . ,• ........ Page'M - Boise-women to present music program., . . Page 13 — Local women n^' tclve honors. ■Fage.Ii-Bollday toumejr at- U^cts record fleld. Page -Ift-'Olrlnhoma. Tulsa oo- NOAA probaUon;' ' ' BOISE. Jan. 7:,i B‘>red : _ _ lUon of woges and houn laws. 'In ;beth->. casea Uie defendanU were chM«ed; with proYldtng false lafonn»lua;

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Page 1: · - Thil h part of (lie wreckace of a Nallonal airline* New York-Ki-Mlaml pUiie IhAt cratHed near \VHmlnrton. N. C.; Mrly

- T hil h part o f (lie wreckace of a N allonal airline* New York-Ki-Mlaml pUiie IhAt cratHed near \VHmlnrton. N. C.; Mrly j-ejlertlay. killing a ll 34 penion* atward. Newitnen a t the Kene tald the ble plane appeared , lo lia»e eiploded Jn (he a ir and debrli and hodic* were »eattered over an area nf SO

-»crc«.--Hela>lre* were a rr H-Inc In »nllvla. N. to elaitn tlieir dead. (AV » lr c pUoloi .____________

^ nsoirSays® CTSx S Can Only Recommend Insurance

Plane C ra ^ fata l to 34 Persons Eisenhower Says Budget to Provide 1 Billions ;SurpIu§;

Tax Cuts Hinted for J 'Uture\ \ ’A .S IilX (;T O !C , J a n . 7 (U IM )— P re H id e n l -K i.sen ln iw cr to li l n ii a in iliiu .litiK co iiK re« :<1o(t:iy t h a t hi.-< liu d tre t r i i r 'l h o n c x l r is c a l y c n r w ill p ro v iilc

f o r 11 .?.>.2(Kt.OQO,OOa s iu p U in o f r t tv c ju ic s o v e r S75>.sm>.00,0.0w> in spL 'iiilin;,'. WliUc t h e c l i ic f c x tic u l iv o d id m il p rojK iso A ny t a x r e d u c t io n s J i i h i s . • s tn lu o f .ih o im iori m ussiiR e . h e s i i id ta x c u t^ co u ld fo llow in f n l i i r e y iv i r s i f HiirpluHCs b e c o m e " n rc K n la r i jro c o d u rc ." 'I 'l ie I’rc H id e n t’s b u d f je t s u r - p h i.s a n n o u n c e m e n t w ju tji s u r p r i s e lu s t-m iiu ilL ' Adih’t io n to u ‘l9-tuinuU *. ;uklvc!»H iu w h ic h h e u r x c t l h o u se a n ti s e n a te m c m l)u rs t o e n d “ w ranK U nji" • a iK j W ork w ith h im in hi.-* h is t y e a r in o f f i c e f o r p fa e e in t h e w o rld a n d iii i i” 'c e e d e n le f l i)r»si)L*rity a t h o m o . K i.«enhow er’.4 s jic e c h . c n rr ie c i-o v e r n a .

....................... t io in y jf ic r a d io a n d te le v i- •, i- ■ * * * ¥

l o j e c t s a i ( , Project’s Reorganization Askedr ' O . . culled II *uri)Iu«'tvlillf ................J UC tor »nl'!,n»i'r nil'

B05SE, Jnh: on f ■Jpr.Tr ^VASinNT/rON.-.TR». 7flj iJjjjdw>'< »3iWi(a-mnrVi;iig^^ pm cffntffyrinpML^'.spnce spencfiiiK in fmcal lOGl. In jiis HtJitu o f the union messngc. the 1

' -------- ■ • I’ro s id i 'i i i _»l:<u cu lleil- f o r - ru o rg u H im U o H " « f- th c -U rS r -R p n c C 7pvos:i‘fifH, n a w I n g R s n ^ b c - ' ? 'hind iiii.>isiji, through ‘‘improvements" in Ihe youii}! Hpace law. He promised details in . 1 n later ine.'ssaue., P o r XLscal-l!)GO .endijiK -.rune .'») cnn^'ress K«v:e the natiomi! aeronautics


ii-qiif.Mcil by 'ttie Ycllow.itoiie

BOISE, Jan. 7 (U PI)—Attorney ^»enei:al.Fnink. nensnn.,held-loijay_Lhe-aU‘t<i-board I —flf'exnminers-cannot-cntcr-into-contj'jfcf'for'iiiHurahco for departm ent but can onljuutivdcu Jiv iw prcMdcnt, w«yv\«

recommcnd. The jillorncy general rulejl the boar(J of oxainincrs only has. the power 'under the state coivstitution to-examine claims ajwinst the state . In aii opinion written for Secretary of SUite Arnold WiUiiims, Bcnwon'xuiil "ihc bonrd would, thus, be con- ,

_ ___________ _____________ _____.. . . . ......tjincc,MtRttu'iiy' ilc ro V * mouninlnoiiA "Oncc wc linvu tMiibllMinl wicUnD nhcrn_ (Jo rllo iu—« •—kom iicrn) pay m rn w -w n o m id rijr iic tic e ," tlicecnirnl Iilnlio was ouiKncd ypMcr-1 Pri-stdcnL contlnui-d, "wc can nrof- tln.v. , - ll 'n b ly m ake Jmprovemftiis In our

T h e Miiitr JilKliway board .Mild;*'” ' fltrticturc mid hereby truly thi:rt- uiil be mart* on two iiroj- ....... .. .......................................

^ n p w r o t T S n S ^ ^ M o i s t u r e t o ^ V a l l B y

— H cnv3nrxvQ t-sno \r-fc} l"T hu rR (ldy= ’jiru 7 n m g ^ lf ro i ig ] i " u u T .. '^ i io w b e l t" d e s c r ib e d 'b y th e . h iK h w u y d i s t r i c t o f f ic e In S h o sh o n e (IS r u n n in g ' f ro m 18 'm ilC s n o r th ' t o ‘20 m ile.s s o u th o f S h o s h o n e a n d e x te n d in g ; f r o m R u p e r t t o Kiii}f | | i | ] . S m ith -o f t h e b o l t , In .ITw in F n H s r i t - s n o w e d b r ie f ly , thi^n

• tu m c d - t i i - n r i i i : 'T ’n rm c ) ‘s I h r o u R h o u t M a jr ic -V n ilc y w e r e _ !w p in« -fo r_co i\U nu ttnc6 -o f-lh tf-bn tH y-n t« rfc tl-7n t5 is tM re . F o u 7

in c h e s o f n e w s n o w w e r e r e p o r te d n t R ic h f ie ld w lie rl; th e s to r m w a s t e r m e d th e • • f i r s t r e a l ly h e a v y ’' sn o w . W h ile ■ w e ti" th e ” Jino \v“ w a s “ reporiCM p i l i n g u p - u t - R i c h f i e l d , b u t th e re - -w n n - n o A v in d - f i iu J 't l i e Btiogj wtui too \\tw y to drill. About Ih rcc Inchci were measured a t Klns.Iim.wJicro.jWBiBrtcd-snowlnE TJiurtdtiy n jcm lng .-O nly * Ughi alcirr i)a4 been on llie (fround pre- viouidy.-Heftvy wet snow (ell all moTOinB In th e R upert urea.

ApB^oxJmntely two and one-hnir Inches o f new snow .fell since W edDesdajf_aJ8J»t-o^GoodlnirTina a t Jerom e i t s ta r ted jinowlnR dur- iHB -[he n ig iu and eot\tlnued tlirouRh th e m orn ln j. Street» weresnoK'COver^d a n d stick.-. ------

Highway department, o ttl ie f i aI Slioslione reported n t 8 a. m, the

- - f_ ‘>g*t-Cxtcaded-A-slioff-<lLt~


_ A ffe c t_ £ u b a•- BOISE, Jan : 7 W -:sen . H enry C.

Dworshok, A.. Ida:. (uM today that • recent 6.000>acra (ticreiue In iug tr beet acrease niJotments for Id ^ o h u no conncctlon w ith nay change In the sUuatlon In Cub&,

«r«'Mld-the-fl,000-ACre-boosC iporory k n d 're su lts from defl- cleneJea \n producllon Vwt year In

Puerto nice, Hnwoll .a n d . the^Phllipptriw.-^%^------------------V

Dworahik, )n a m ^iuRc Ironi WnxhlnRton. said he will a ltem pi

-to-twitch-orortiigtlnn-ouaLn-^nm- SiibaT io ih#- United, Slate*%-hcn the - SURar' a c t ' comes before Uie »rnale.

and would {live both esutbllxhed :.ftrowers adde<l—acreas«-«n(t-new

srowent n j t n r t In be«t production without fear of future cutbncks In Idaho ncredse when the Cuban

-tliua ilo fl-chan irennilin r'-------- -—.Rep. H omer H, Budse. R.. Ida.,

'■■moiinced yesterday ho has intro> .duci^ ICRlilatlon to sh if t '350,000

of Cuba's quoU to domeaUc producers, .

Bu.ilnuf continued steady a t llio Twin Fans county nascMor's ofdee Thursday but the an tlcl-

Kon reported. Thompaon pointed out that, only R ven business day* rem ain In jvhleh- to buy IBCO auto &nd IrueX U eenuPl«lM.

BuAlncss a t the office was aald (0 be steady, w ith clerks selllnR car license No. ‘7.1G5 and truck lleenne No. 'S.^SS a t 1:30 p jn .

licenses In Jan . li8 m e n

reported bare between T u ln Falls nnd_«i« NevatSti tin t.7"Snrw bcRnn 'forilnii a b o u t ............

- Burley and m ain streets there re 're p o rted ••rouahy" with side

"treet* sno if p.ocked aWd iillelc.□ y 'lO A. m. llR hl'sndw . mixed

«rlU) rain began, a t Fnlrlleld w h u e approxim ate ly .six Inches of h/w fallen previously,

Only a trace o f light snow wax rcporw d In the Hnlley area and S u n Valley reported n Inches on top or Oald m ountain, elshUnchcA nrTW Undiro«8eri3"lnciiea on Dol- l&r and U In th ts on th e valley « o o r . '

England Foggy. LONDON,-J«in.-T (UPI> — Tlie »Ml peft.soilp foa of IWJO blanket- ™ centra: Bnglond:today,.-rc<luc- In* vlslbUtly to le ro m w m t '

-The-fi ________ m:«■- rail, sea a n d 'o ir

>i(lc. while Icy roads slowed Ihwny movement to a crawl, nie blinding fog forced London

clMB dotin.

asliibgton Aj,-ea Shaken

TACOMA,.WMh..'jBn, 7 (UPD—A sharp eorlh trem blor shook a th roe county a re a o f. W ashington s ta te early todny. damage was reported.

Law enforcem ent* offlclols In Pierce, Thurston and u w ls coun- . - tie*, located .ln_thB -w e8tem p a r t

"or the su te . »nld they received............ ............ ....... they ........ ...niTmerous cnUs reporting 'the ohoclc w hich occurred . a t *ppn 1:15- a m ...........................

n igh t switchboard operator said th e temtilor nearly shoolc h e r “out of h e r chair." She sold th e quake caused h e r switchboard to sway violently lo r a tew seconds.

Experts Agri^ Union Made Biggest Gain in Settlement

^ WAaniNOTON, Jan. 7-W l-Ex- w \ » anniyiing th e steel M ttlem cnt fniM Kcnerally agreed yesterday

both sides scored Im portant

m erely agreed to study any '•feathT erbeddlng" problems.

3. G o t th e Industry to _____und tn te over th e full cost o f h « .

_ u u t th e 'u n io n came oitC the “’Mor winner.

— ^ *‘J-Unieed-8t«twtirlcCfB'iiniQn;

lDsurance,s cost* previously ahirccby me « r « e i ^ ____ ____ ;__

4, rm profrt-pC T U tSiSIauhstah-

)*'*'» « cento per mon hour,'‘c r »ell over one billion' dollors, ThU i* about —.......................................

, — n ^ i i t s I'lnal oKer. T ^w v ted th e I tu ltu trj de-

2 « a for a free hand In changing

itp p rn v in K a n y c la im f o r p r e ­m iu m s m a d e b y a n in s u r ­a n c e r o m p a n y c o n t r u c t in j r

'i£ h -n n > ^ s tn t c - d e p n r tm e i i t :” T lie examiner* recently opprov- 1 R bid for insui'wwc covtctvRC ut

L lle As-Mlmnce Aoclety. I t wn.1 np> proved by Bewwn Rud .WlUlftms, th e two Democratic '^member.i of th e board over the- objection of Oov. R o b irt E. Sm yllt, the lone

Clurk, llftllcyv Mild ll seuk.i ......plL-tlon of Inu ruiid from MouiiUiln Horae lo U, S. Wuhwtiy 03,

Sl'aii- H idmm-__ Ew Oj

nppruvfd ii WM,000'project In Hit- aectlun bt;tA'c-eii Mountain Home and l^ilrfleld-nnd n forc.-if hlKh- .'va^’—w cU ua-costing—(uo,ooo-b(i> tw een Dixie »l)d IIIIl City

A noihrr S45D.OOO forest hlRliwiiylob on -T ro lt rr,.,.|f ivinwuy bL-fure the end of th o year th e Ketchum end of the road, hn .wld.. and n -wctlon of road ?rom A th lon ncn^i will be paved,

a ince ImjTOVtmenv of th e ney»

depnrtm enLi accept the bid th a t

o t . .«

_ more i r n l .f ie ,In to Idaho,

A dclcKallon from American r a i l s wax to ld .. the departm ent .WoulcLiicp-up-plw>nlnR:Jn?on'etT Tori to rccoiisiruei highway 30 a» a bufilne&i ruu le-th roug it - the-c lt]

Into th e contract for the employes In such department,'*.__ .iIn su rio r-“Not-M aodatory'‘------

H e said the deparUqcnt. heads R houljr'be' Inlo'rmed th a t U — no t m andatary to Insure.

"Further," -he added. ;:a* *ha* been m entioned numerous~tlmes. m any of th e departm ents do

- |tlc len l.Iu f td s .^ p ro p r ii which to pay the prem ­

iums.”G overnor Bmylle said he

asklng_Ben8on':fDr_a.copy-ofrU)'e opinion and also had osked-Budget D irector R. M, D, CWltJs to con­fer with the auditor In Uie Insur-

to - in te r «IU year.------ — •Mndl.ion coupty delegRtlon

m e t with th e board only 15 m ln- iit£ s .aftc r-belng advised-the-hlgh- w n y . deportm etu would con ttnct th is year fo r a requested bridge over th e Snoke river between Rex- buTR a n d Sago Junction. _

T he board adjourned Its Ja n ­uary m eeting and decided to co ten e-aR ata -a ii .rU n r 'F eb rn ;------

il8 Cases Due

gPouslrarEa^-silll slick, bu t the hlBhway_was

Asked to Cur b _.Anti-Seinilism

BONN. OeiinAny. Jon. 1 '(/P— Chancellor K onrad Adeoduer and h is top aides last n igh t ordered sw ift court action against nil O er- m ans accused of imU-Semltie Hvlty,

A communique Issued a fte r ..... extraord inary cabinet m eellng’iUso. e a lle d -fo r-speed r-cnnc tm en t-on i- bill to stiffen penalties agillhst per­sons “stirring -up' ha tred ogainst groups because of the ir na tura l origin.

iltiulbe-peiIty to three months In Jnll.T o d ay th e •'World Jewish con­

gress demanded a spcdal. police force to deal with antl-Semltism and resurgent Nn*Lim In W est G ermany.

Tlie congress also called for the banning of nil' orgonlzatlons even suspected of N atl tendencies and the rooting out of ex-N ails from all sections o f Qenman public 'life.

UJcJlflltec-cI ways of dealing w ith the

y Christmas eve and hasspread oround the 'ft-orld.

T h e conference wo* called sho rt­ly a fte r government

th e tjuake «n d ''a t -yt \>vi\% an saU L ltidZ -lroiitlgallon-io-IaN -bM nrm y-instiil]»U ap.«ouilt^f-here.-o loued-torproduee-any-cv ldence 'o f

................. ' • tt concerted neo«Narl campaignkfl&lnst th e Jews In Germany.

M ost authorities, Oerman a n d foreign; took th e position the dese- etftilon of synagogues, the . pa in t­ing -of swasUlcas and antl-SemlUc ologans on waSs and the Uireoten-'; Ing Dt Jews. WM chiefly, the work

f hoodlum s and crackpot^.New outbreaks were reported

yesterday In W est oerm ony, West B erlin , Belgium, Italy, Greece, Norway, Me;;lco. .A rgentina, the 'Dnited B(«lea and elsewhere.

WASHINGTON, Jan , 7 llfi — Here a re the mo.ln points cover­ed In P resident Elsenhower's sthte of Uie union message today:

T h e cases' ore Mountain S tates Im plem ent company versus Edwin V. M ochncek, Jan . ID; Magic Val­ley C red it bureou versos R. U. S p a u ld in g ,- commlMloner of f i­nance. s ta te of. Idaho, respondent, J a n . 20; Jo h n McOlllrvdoIng busl- ness oa McOlil Sand and Gravel com pany ,.ve rsu s 'R obert E. Davis ond Colonial ’Concrete, inc.; Jan . 25: . V . V S h a ^ i versus Hohener M eat compony, Feb. 23.—Jerry— H orejf— w rJuT Sm ith , M orch l : Morton U. B ran t, versus B e r th a E. Maxwell, M arch S3; G enera l Building Movem versus D onold m»y. Morton. Feb. 2: Rich-

A rchie P v lsli. Feb. 3t KTelth su g a r versus John Coats. Feb. S.

L eonnrd Norris versus Edward PM toor, Feb. 10;VKenneth Webb doing business oa Webb Pum p and Equipm ent company versus Union Pacific R ollroad company, Feb. 10: Lyle O ; Ebber4,’ver»ti» Charlene D. W allace, Feb. 18.

Steve Johnoon versus Sharron J . M iller, M arch 8: K ow ud 8«ara and D arw in F . Perkins versus'U n-

— Paclflc7‘*Kallroad compatty.M arch 15-, ^ I p h 0\mW ty,. doing ‘-- -‘ness as Dunkley Olstrtbuting

m iflC A -C arg im aSr s Yellow Cab com-Ing^buslness os

pony versus S . M. Spetzer, ApHI 11, and V letorla Josperson versus George -p. Scott, doing business as S c o tfs F ro ien Lockers. .April

rcducc the heavy burdeiwt ntion. ■

•Jn any ' cveni. ih u one rciluc- lUm will Mivc litxpHyM.v cnch year, iipproxlm alely. JOO mlllioci dollRrjC lij Intcre.-it c ans." •

U iw rnaker.' nnd ^pccuuors th e Jo in t ftCMlon of co iw c ja wp- pliiuded n t lcniiih_wti£u_Eijcaiioai..

T r s i n j r i h a t one u'liy . lo ru ic .g o v - «’rn m c n t 'to eounu-r intlM lon nnd rLiIng prlce.1 "U to liwure that. It* cxpenrilturc.1 aYe below Its cnucs."“ue-snld-llul- 'arijiluruieinwi-tUng Influence of Uie ircen t *\{pJ

. a favorable biilnnce o t^ ap . proxlnxalcly 200' nillllo;^ dollars."

.Elsenhower, who fired up Demo­cra tic w m ih w ith hl!i lOSii-Sg

contrili«i.,congrcaiJijia-jjccn.over. ]a_^-ih_with."i.ils .apcnd lng .p

dbEdMimaolKrfin In to tarV reapon.ic with his adm onition on "wrangling,"

B u t U>e lawmaker.-!, Republlcnn.t t-'ipeclnlly, welcomed EUcnhower'a Drudic tio o - th u t-thla-clfirtlon-vM ir "pio'mi^i-.i to be the most pro.sper- ous yci»r -ln our hlxtoTT" ~ ~— ..B u fT ie Aoleiimly rcm ln3ea'con-

grcM in h is .ntat« of Unt union od- dress tlm t Uie naUon Is etlll faced by_"nnBglhg.(llsordera'ljueli as-tn- flaUon, farm , problems, .vlolaUow of civil rlRhW and • nesd .to^jro- tee l th e public Interest In labor- m anagem ent strlle ,.

H is references to peace nnd to the f ig h t against InflaUon drew

.-parttcam ny cnihuslBStlo applause w ila r t ln g the Bepi“ '-

------------ -------- tgulflof th e nisle bu t engulfing th e Demoerftt*.— • ^u trthe tD em ocT B tsT pere-c leo rly Irked by Elsenhower's antl-w rang- Ung remivTk. Senate Leader Lyn> don B. Johnson, Texas, coihmenfed

For Session

iteen civil eosea hnyi* h fm_____ jjc d (or hearing In TwinFntls d is tric t c o u rt ' to ' su ir t Uie civil court calendar for the 1000 tc m \.

D em otra ts chtilleng- cd th e Presiden t on this p o ln to n d L ,

Main_Points— Covered in

Ike’s Speech

b u t wo m ust no t "be misted by plea-iftnt promises unUl they a re tested by perform ance."

Economic outlook—“ 1800 prom-

ir-Ulslory.Spncfr—I/. S. expenditures will be

jiriieUcally doubled In 1901; mlll- Uiry program not "lack 'o r blg rocket engines needed for deep exploroUon of space; de­velopment o f large rocket engines Is being pressed forward.

Preo ■ wprld — O ther prosperous countries should Jo in - th e Uiilied BlftUa- in giving urg tnU y needed help to developing nations.

D efeaie — Long-range bombers are being s u p p le m e n t^ by AUos missiles, missive sUbiiutrlries; but U js17nited S tates w lir never tu rn loose this destructive power ex­cep t In -self-defense.

Columbia Basin’s^ Snow Cover Low

B01Sl!;._Jim—J-fiE^-^Siiow- c<ivcr on waterahOiliroPlTic’Columbia rivt-r. basin-is-nt fi rocoi'il low in ;/jrt«ally all HCctiiinSx, Morlan W. Nelson,'snow survey supervi.sor for.the soil conservation .serviec, reported yesterday. Only in , , - . ................

ern Idaho and western Montann— is t h e .-inow cover any- - -where near normal,’Nel.son .'<aid. There it vuijie.s from 75 to jQ fi-[)tfiC4.e»(.r -R tiH ir - th c r* 'r cmTriTntci''~<>f~the w ii te r s lic n

Beet GrowersI, western AVy-

ominjf, WnshinKton and Ore-Bon it.rnnKCH from' an ex­tremely -low-17~pcr" cc»\n,o fi£-per-cont-of-normal,-Nel»^

Select ThreeROp e RT. Jnn , 7 -T h re e dlrcc

io r s—u'«r<v-eluoted—for-ih rcr> rcB r tcrmrnrt2ip-j!nn.«finncctioCDCiflB M in i* * * —C oun ty .-B ett OrowOT

’nssoelotlon-nt-m e coaraiB 'aSe'Fere W ednesday n ight.

Clyde Orcenwell and Arlo Mo'nt- gonjery # te new .dlrcctors and W il- llaip' Bchenk was reelected. ReUr- Ing directors ore H arper Hunsnker and Jak e K erbs. Holdover board members Include- Alex--Roemer. president: R ichard W estendorf, secreUiry and Roger Dcnn, Max Fife and Ooe M ortsch, directors:

Priies wero awarded to FFA and 4-H student w inners of the beet growing contest sponsored Jointly by .th e -f t^ la t lo n .g n d L th e .Amsl- gnpiated Sugar company.

Jam es M artsch, H eyburn, won first place: G reg Hollinger, Poul, second.* and L jn n Bchodde, Hcy- burh.-'thlrdr-AH M e'FPA metnbert;

Louise Phillips, R upert, member

son-.iftlil:■The comblhaUon of- ligh t snow

pack and dry soil on Uie water- iihcds o t th e n\Rjor Irrigated areas auoagly-4ndlc«i«i=— Nelnorr-Hiaidr - th a t lOCO .w llU .ba-a-low -w aic j: supply >sai;.' ' '

HftsUns. w as fou rth place winner. Prize money of «200 was divided between Uie four youths.

Ernest. Blauer._manae<

LovinTATea^W a(ef content o f snow on the

jjp p e r-S n a k e -r lv e r-w o te rsh e d averag ts below &D per cen t ol norm al, according to reports Is­sued jo n .J .b y Uie soil conser-

space(NASA) $501,000,009' for iK)t^ air_nnjl_fipncc..reacncch^ ind development. Defense depiirtmcnt.. apace-activlticfl- account for another 300 mil-'lion dolIars.^_____________rm r-p resT flS m gave no i . . . . . .but h is metunge Indicated total 10<34 .«pnce spending might ap­proach |l,5 0 0 .0 0 0 m

Elsenhower did not mention Rus-

......................... scor-successlon of notable f ln ts,

ihU country has Just been laying jclenUflc ‘'foundaUon-sionea.'' -

T he President hiade It a t— h e -fee la -th c tT rS n p o c o organist. tlon needs beefing i ~~ ■ ■■ - ‘

"We have Just completed a se a t’s experience w ith our new -space ' Inw,'* h e sold. " I believe It deficient In certain parUculars and >.St.

r- th e ro T a-u ra 'f f iu ch dlvU loa"

the President will ask congnss to co rrec^th ls by centnUUlag.eontrol: o f ' ‘space, acllvltleo- ln.^tbe.’XT " House itself. "- T h e house-spoee eeountttM '___

............................... late*U8»Uoni.s t« rtlng -Jia. 21, and the «enat«','

Aitialgamated Sugar company plant n t Burley, spoke .on sugar process­ing during th e .'pos t season and films were shown on beet topping wlndrowers ond on the Marlow harrow.

matlon and forest service.Only two sta tions are above

W -per-een t of normol,-Grover Park, vylth 57-per cent and Uie OCC camp with 98 per cent;.

I n the Snake r|vcr drainage, waUsr.content varies from 22 to ^8,-pei^cent-ornoTm atrTercem r- nges in the Orays, Teton. Ho-

-back-aanLflcarys Pork drainage o'reas. also vary~from 2U to 3 r per cent o t normal.

a ColuroblarW w fdw plat. carryover for fiOO Irrlga-

Potvin Plans To Run forU. S. Senate

D- Pow^....................... - - - ..jftcy forthe U. S. senate la s t n igh t saying •'the -people o r I tloho wanV more vigorous,, forw ard looking rcpre- - ......... 1” th n n 'th ey are receiving


A n Atlasrange missile streaked SJ25 mll^s U> a n AtlanUe Utrget last night, m ark ing th e iS th sUiUght success for th is naUon's ftiost powerful m ilita ry rocket.

I' CiiDtured wiiiri».hi.n>fif ft-,t.i5nB -n .nrir«r-«m -tyn i- U -aroaklng.U P -U nder a -rc se a rc h -s ts tto n In the ArcUc ocean anditjita by the .InduiUv a t m ore c*Uy g e t o&oul « 0 0 a m otith , in rescue q p e ^ o R t u i \ v a i u way for 2ft m tU tw y m en oniJ civilians.

addlUon to about *182J0,ln social security paym ent. Also, workers

suffering ‘proionged-lU ness may now g e t > l l r e U rm e n t a t age - U Uiey have V> y » n tervlce.

__________ _"J3-niontH ..wagetc « u « » * ■» PM* ». «

^ EwiTBtHn:rErrms“Z 3 K ia i^ O T O N rjin r7 - (W )-T S M lM o rw H w V d -- to d B rth t tt Uie. Ice

■CEDAR RAPIDS. l a , J»B. 7 ( U P D - F tn destroyed the b a r n .a n d --------- -----------. .. . . .tn c o n ra itts -g O K r^ i

-e t e d ^ a ad tb e ow ners wife chaired Uieblase'w as arson.

i'.si JthitS£~rBdSrmS£.rtf.'Be South’s w orst v la tc r tlo rm ta » dKOde.

eourage'dlscusslons't>{tweefl‘~man agement and labor to consldei public InW reu a n d u o ld u lp pling strikes such as the stee sU-lke.*

AsrleuUure—The'PreM detit us congress to 'eiuict leglslsUon . r ^ u c e surpluses a n d increase la rm Income. «

Civil r ig h ts^ H e hopes congress will consider his-c ivil righ ts rec* omeaetidatlons in loet\ye>r’s mes­sage os^^well 9* additional rec-

ia tlo n s t)y th e civil rights: says r ig h t- to «ol«. i t

I bnlaacedIh e -c o n g rw s ’ for Ifioi budget."

Education—T h e odmtolttraUon has prpposed » p r o g rw to sUm- Ulotfl_clas5room c o n s^ c U o n -b y

forts.O »agreu>-A lthough ftTced VlU i ■.t, oM x^Uon- p a rty In power

tlve sM O dsU on.-

tiom RtpnbHcon Sen. H enry c. Du-orshnk.

Oworshnk has no t announced his candldocy for rcelecUon yet bu t Is expected to.

Potvin Is th e second Democrat to nnnounce. T h ^ f irs t was stoto Re'p. Joseph G arry, D„ Benewah.. Potvln said' h e expecUsl one oi

two oUier Dem ocrats to en ter the primnry rac e .' _ ' ', The prim ary elecUoh Is the t i n t

Tuetday In Ju n e th is year. The lttst-8tote-leglslature'''changed " it from »■< AiigiMt- p o tv ln T -a 'f ia tlv e of Lewlsi

storage carryover Uon and power. T h e Owyhee io O regon, however. Is low lo r this tim e of the year.

*:The smaller rivers In Irrigated oreos wlUi llmfled or no storage faclllUes. face Uie possibility of a low w a ^ r .supply. In general, «arry-over storage In smoll I rr li gaUon reservoirs In the southern half<>of Uie Colum bia' b u ln - Uttmi-h W»l/re> w

Nelson said th a t normally __th ird o( t h ; .season's snow cover Is on .th e ground by Jan . I. He would U ke untisuaUy heavy

Short Campaigns Askedby SenatorWASHINOTON, Ja n . 7 (DPI) -

Rep. John S. Monagon.-“D., Conn., proposed today to save wear, and te a r on presldenUa) candidates by passing m law. to shorten the ir

....... w an sold he.w ould puC _bill in- the h o p p ^ tp req u lre 'U u t ^he' poIiUcal 'n o n s n a u n g 'conyen-j tions bo h e ld 'n o t more Uisn 60days-bcfore'U ifl-general’clecUoh.

I t 'w u s u a i U onsgan

Magic r^alley— Drivers Fined ~For Speedipgitlce of thQ Petice _____ _____T hursday for going 70 miles h v .- h o b r .in - fc- 60-mMe. tone . - S h f i i l l - given 20 demerits.

D ean M y e n ,. Twin Falli^ was , f ined 120 and costs by Judge Crans^. to r going 72 miles per hour In a 60-mi!e w ne. Botlj were cited by; S ta te Pauo lm an Macvin Snyder- da rtng % rad a r check Tiitoday n igh t, , • ' -

Allen a : Fairchild, 23, BurJay was fined 118 by Burley Police “ “R Judge H enry Tucke t T hurvlay for * * ia ld n g 'lu i^ iu p c T tUm.

Judy D. cole, 17, was flsed (S a n d gWen 30 demertta H iuraday. by, Jerom e police Judge Fred Sber- tw rdt fo r go ln raa -m lle r-p e fB '

lie lo n e: H e r i i e ^ wasT

$87 ,712 .84 Nettisd as R esjd t O f E ffo r ts by S tate PoKce

ActlvUlu of s ta te police In the Magic Valley-area during »3B re­sulted In th b colleotlon of for fines, license fees and recorei?

,g U W len-praperty> of which «10.-


ed « ia accMrnts. wrote l,B77 Y arn­ing.U ckets. located l i stolen ears.............

Valley sU te ^ ic e .x f f le e , . , .T w ln nuis. He reported th a t police t n r - lid nearly one-haU -------

. . . . . ________ _ trucks. -10,821 obsenraUon reports on the movement o f trucks and wrote 86s— ■— -

l8,M 4.1t.for d runk driving; tS;- 154,40. fo r ro d a ^ 'r te c k cltaOoas: 838131 -In In c re & d license ie e saoniaid,-»nd:tT,4W.~ rtwvtrirortolen property: ,•nilrtng iv ti y ^ r • i>f tiM ra-UMia,*

Godtt Dismissies

g A w W f a tc injra t m t t a r 3 l8 .-« ie hd rili^ iM v tn g . sa.-per r e ^ m drtv l

HIGHLIGHTS inTodo/s Times-News P»g« -1 — Elsenhower' say*

budgets to provide four blUlons ' In surplus and h ln ls o f future tax c u t In speech, snow belt brings m oisture to M agic V*l* lcy, Coium bla'basfn snow cover

• Is low, u . s . space spending to double. Benson claim s, eaun ln - e rs can only • recommend in- a u n io ce .. s u t e police efforts n in g ln')S7,713M in fines.

- -P a re -3 -- .-F eo U je rb e« Jd lS g -• .— '

r a g e '4 — Editorial; “SetUea by PollUcs.-

Page 7—W ork for T lta d sys­tem sta rts . • . . ,• . . . . . . . .

P a g e 'M - Boise-women to present music program ., . .

Page 13 — Local women n ^ ' tclve honors.

■ F age.Ii-B ollday toumejr a t- U ^cts record fleld.

Page -Ift-'O lrlnhoma. Tulsa oo- NOAA probaUon;' ' '

BO ISE. J a n . 7:,i B‘> re d :

_ _ lUon o f woges and h o u n laws. 'I n ;beth->. casea Uie defendanU were chM «ed; with proYldtng false la f o n n » lu a ;

Page 2: · - Thil h part of (lie wreckace of a Nallonal airline* New York-Ki-Mlaml pUiie IhAt cratHed near \VHmlnrton. N. C.; Mrly

| | p A g e t w o ' ■ TIMES-ifEWS, TW IN JPAI,LS, IDAHO' ^ ^ B S D A Y , J A N U A 'r v 1, JSS)

pie^ipjts High ; As Result of fPolice Effort]

I MAGIC V A LL E ir-H M U r c lh id tw lU i o ^ o & k l I t f h l UOw'toBlght |«nd ^oiriorrow. LUUe Ump * ............................. • "

(FteiB P u t Ont) . _ TiolAUont. 376..91B; Improper ing, 65, 811; rallure to 'y ie ld

Tl«hUor-w«y. M. 68: m iu ro to #!({• U l . 18. 11: failure to dim Ughts. 0, a i ; following, too cloiely,' 0, IS; drtTlng on'w rong aide of rood, 0,25.

D runk In » u to .« . <5; no driver's UeenM, 278. 307;-expired driver's Ueenae, a ie , 4}3; rcTokcd driver's

'Ucenae, 46, 46; rM trlct«d driver's ’ U eoue. eo, 38; reglj(raU on not in T thlele, M, 63; Im p ro u r license d lsplkj. 307, 398; no U cU m plates, M S, 3M: failu re to reregister, 26,63.

PletlUous lIcenM display, 30. 40; o m w e lg h t, 30,41; defective equip* inent, 37,140 <chanite In procedure tecounts fo r wide d isparity of fig­ures) r« l«fecU ve‘ J i8 h U ,1 4 2 r i3 0 ;

_ ____ t violations, 43. 27.. n o r o use vloIkUons. 13. 11: over vldU i, 16. 30; over leng th u )d no fU g. n , 20; Improper camvans, 14, S; no accident report,12 , U ; leav*

. ta g scene of accident, 8. 4; failure to appear In court, 16, 36; littering hlghwoy w ith trash, 4 ,10. and mU- ceilOQecus vlolaUons, 174, 1S6.

NORTHERN IDAHO—Cloudy tonight w ith fog ln,som e valleys-and a few-snow flurries near the mountaU^. Cloudy tomorrow wlUi'oc* coslonttl light anow probably mixed w ith ra in in places. U ttle tem per­ature change. Low tonight 23 tg 33; high, tomorcpw SO In the n o r th and 36 to 40 liT the south. '

I'GOP Is Cool lT o:Pla»s:6K u^J^

tiv il Rights

W ither, Temperaturestenpera tn re change. Ix fw -to n lib t Z5 to 30;

28,t« >2. Low U st n igh t 80.8 2 * t » k a . and U .a i neon,. A (race.-

s , . s r ; ' rS S tf" ;- : ;

U llx u k tt .. ___

t e ' ; ;

MagiOalley Funerals

Jg w iuj ctjs/aror' _»uropo6»L -to_usB_feder»l-voU ng

n g u t r a r s as a m eans of overcom- tng discrim ination again st Negroes.

Sources w ithin the executive de­pa rtm en t sa id key adm lnU tratlon

. offlelab hod decided against back- • Ing th is highly controversial rec-

• •• I of th e civil righ ts

will be held a t 3 p. m. Friday a t Elmwood cemetery w ith Sider H ar­ley ,J. Bennett offlclaUng. The

febrtBgB-wu i - m v a - m c mig s i r T tF .ncraLchapcUW_l:60. p_m _F ilday .

F1L£R>-Servlccs for Jo h n , Ev- ertl Wolfo will be held a t 2 p A .

In W hile m ortuary chapeljby the Rev. Prank Schwelsslng., p a stor,o f the Filer P in t Baptist I chureh. F inal rites wlU be held a t Twin PalU

, a t 1 p jn . Friday a t the LDff taber- lo a c le 'w lth BUhop M errill W arrj lofflclatlng. Concluding' rites will' 'be .held In' Oakley cemetery. F riends m av call a t the McCulIoch ianeral-:-hom e.— llUWiy— FWflfcy m orning .and: -at- ti)e 'tA bem ac lfe one hour prior to the tcrvlce.

RUPERT—F uneral services for M rs. Emma S hade will' be held a t 3 p jn . Friday' a t the W alk m ortu­ary chapel w ith the Rev. ^ I n - hol'd O pp•• OfflclaUng. COncludln'g r l i e i - w i ) l - l> m e n n in h e “ R upcri

'subm it any additional cIvU rights , B easures.’ . t U ka W aving Red Flag ‘ D lrtsen , th e senate 's Republl<

la g ft red flag In th e face of so u th - e ra fofes w ho^have denounced It;

E ju jU L jm c o n s tU il tlo n a U n i•t4 te s ' righ ts. - .......

.• T here were advance rumbllngsl .o f a ba ttle ever civil r lg b tt.leg ls- '

f c UOon evw b ^ o « th e legto* ‘ ’

E Speaker c l th e House Sam Rov- P -lm P n .-D c T ex :rM l« -r iie w T e « ire r- ! T w > w -«*W U 'M m -M -T }U M d 'b rthe | tJ touse.w lth lQ .tw o.w eeks U enough ■ 'aiem bers w an t It.

- - A m easure .embodying m ost bu t M a ll Of M senhow tfs-clvU ' '

W ay to G et m il Noted It«>bum sold th e eao r-w ay tui

■hake th is bUl loose a n d get u to “ T ^ f l 'b e - f w - V m a J o d ty

of th e437houM members to sign a I •petltlon to - ta k e I t aw «y'from -the{

ft <U*chax8e>UUon U be- S' ib ra th e house b u t lacks th e re* J r g u li td 318 H fuftture,. jv v I ^ D u m .i f tU I h e was n o t adv»-

e o u n e and h a d neverhim*HTidr. B e M id h a was Just pointing

• ou t how ft bUl could be, brought j Bp If .enough ja em b e n w an t it,. •> : He predicted th a t th e house will* J ftM .a clvU rlgh t* -bU l-o f-aom e f fc ln d If the Issue reaches th e floor.

Senate M r lty Leader. l<]^doA B. Johnson,I P - n»w»ni«a. " I th ink It r t o ^ y l o u t - t h a t-g ongiesa m u I righ ts l-ftt-thli.-eeasJon.-------------- - -

Magic ValleylEospitals”St. Benedict s, Jerome

I Vlnitlng. hniiw a t Bt Bi»n»rilef« hoepltal'are from .3 to 4 and from 7 to 8 p jn .

ADMITTED rland— Vftlcftrce,—Tw in

and ConeenlSIdewell, both Jerome.

DIBMI68ED________n e tt ■Rllliand-son,-Basel-ton. and Orvllly e ia tte r. Jerome.

T a x ^ r p u ^ I s lionized' -in

^ p jo tod in g ;S ^u OOODINO, Jftn: 7 - A gr r im e rs . represenUng the . farm organlsaUons In Ooodlngl county, m et In th e distric t so u r t i

Memory lingers NBW D ELHI. Ja n . 7 (C PI)—

.Oce Is g n u b u t h is memory lln- g e n on. -

Police bad J o disperse on an ­gry crowd o f 3,000 who could no t « t Into ft smftll auditorium to ',

: | *eo th e f irs t cotec ’movies of•l-P»»ldenr'a*aiH 8W 4r’8 'v I i i r t 5 ' i

— Visit onXIoastiSHOSHONB. J a n . 7 -M rs . SanU

Oarmendlft a n d c arm en O arm en., Ola re tu io M hom e ‘T unday eve-'

^ ^ • f r o m ft tr ip to CaUfomla. T hey visited 8anU O arm endla a t B Oentro, C a lif , and .In th e Los , ^ c l e « area. M arie O arm endla. Loa-A ngeles, Joined them a t El O m teo fo r-^ve rftl days duH ng the holidays.

M r. and M rs. H arley M . H andy, «nd daughter retu rned thU week irom visiting th e ir son and da ugh-' te r-ln ;law . A l / c and M rs. Harley K . H andy, and daughter, a t Novo- -to, Calif., w here h e u a ra d a r te c h - , a ld a n , and w ith other relatives ftt S a a J w . '

= ^ V . — ............FILER, J a n . 7 — W a l t e r t .

Ohompeon. T w in Falls; was fined |6 f tod-costs T uesday iw Ju stice of th e Peace V. A. AllUon for failure to -transfer reg is tra tion ot-.ft- ve- hlc le. '

room of the rturthouso'Tueactayi , evening to form an organlxatlon known,,fts - the-O ood lng County Taxpayir's league. '

I l l s purpose of the o rgan lu tlon l Is to find the reason for the]

I “enormous Increase" In the a s ­sessed valuaUon of the county, o f-f lc « i_ s ta ^ ._ l t^ ’ a t inore than $l___ ___ ______crease w as' placed on the farm lands o t the county, which In some

, doubled the t^ses; I t also was pointed ou t th a t th e re was nc

|»^ed-for-any*Tnore-thw rthBT\pr* 'tn a l Jncrease in th e assessments,! fts the finances o f th e county arel in good ahape. '

*n i» nrg«mT«Hnn n f nimM , j J -lows . one voting «representatlve| from each of. th e e igh t O ranges

I of the county and four each from th e Farm er's U nion u i d Farm , Bureau.

While th e organization Is baslo- a l l j agrlQultuTftl. aU ;0 ther g n u p s ftre Invited id -attend meetings and participate on th e basis o f one vote for each organization. T h e m eet­ing will be pubUc. .

Ray H arding. Gooding, acted ns . temporary chairm an' ond Melvin |G Ibeon.-W endalrwa»-e!eetedT3er* Im anent chairm an w ith Ray H ard-, Ing secretftry.' , • ' - ■ 1

An open'm eetliig will be held ftt| l:30»paj. Tucsday-at-the-Goodlnffj n r a r g f hnll with W»rolH Johniion.'

Magic Valley Memorialwards are from 3 to 4 and 7 to 8 1 p jn .; In a ll o thers , from 11 a jn , to 8 p jn .


Union Cainis Said Biggest ^In Settlement

( rm i Ptn'O M ) frecM. This- Includes t w months worked under the 'Taft-Hartley In-

Admlt(«ft to no tp lta l• O tis Bland, ’ ' “ adm itted

I Junction Issued in early Novem- I bcr. 'Two equol pay raises X)! se;’en to 13 cents an hour don’t fall ‘dueunUl Dec. 1. 1960*and Oct. l. IMI.

3. Avoided any retroactive pay­m ents d e m a n d ^ by the union by reason of the mld-1069 expiration of o ld ’ateel contm cts. Union dfc- m ands for shorter working hours and Increased vacations also lost out.

3. Succeeded In winning a 2>i- year. con tract Instead of the 30- m onth agreem ent the union w ant­ed, ' . —4.-Imposed '^ - d ra s t ic ' llm lC 'on

Ilvlng'.cost escalator clauses. Now they will ge t a maximum of sU

Icents during the nex t 3 ^ years—I and may no t even get th a t If their con tract costa Increase beyond ex-| pcctatlons. '

Barking Man pescribed in -^liOndon-GaseLONDON, Jan . 7 W»-The singu-

Twin Falb in BriejE ,a a d ,T w lQ ftIls .;h a* J je5 i to 6U A pfunsus hospital.

• observation a ^ surgery.

I Two A ttend Conrsa*K enneth Ballantyne and W . L.

Hove. Tw in Palls Insurance agents, ,a re attend ing a special trahiing course In commercial U ab illty 'a t

'P o rtla n d th is week.

I ^ ^ io - Pom ona G range.w ill m eet a t 8:30 p . m. Saturday a t the Filer O ran ge hnll. Members are asked to b ring cake, cookies or -oond- wlches.

H it a n d B un Reported L aF on ' Brown, I30

js tree t north, reported to {Wednesday th a t .V h it or I driver caused about (26 dojnage I to Brown's 1M3 Ford while I t wa; pa rked ]n fron t of his residence.

KIs bfirk was so loud .lt could be heard a t a range of several'hun- dred yards. I t frightened h it more tlm kt. commuters, when he^w as w aiting Tor a bus.' I t was e speil^ ly raucous when h e -w »s-ln -th » -h a n d s-« t-h ls-d en - tlst.- ----- t)sychiatrlst~ gr............. reported th e c______Jn ni-nal nf Menta l Relfnei»

Until he was S3, h e barked only occasionally. B u t then the urge'be- came uncontrolloble and he took to barking six tim es a n hour.' Things finally reached the point

V... ------------------ ^-TrO m TilsJob, and h e tu rned to Bocknef for help.


M rs. R obert L. Oood, W ayne ,Hawlftns; E dra MclCInley^.Helen I Johnson. Id a Besslre, M. O. John* i —- sonrA lrs.-B m -M ntneyrN cot-O an1=4B ® eto^ son and Mr$.. M . M. Mullen, a ll 'Tw in F ans; M orllyn-Clayton and Cecil E. D udley. t>oth B urley;X buIs D. M onnln. M rs. Howard Reed and Caroline M eyer, -all B uhli Mrs.Alvft Nebeker a n d Ju a n ita Plercey. bbth H ansen; '.Mrs. E m m ett Con-

Pn l^Filer, and Mrs. H erschel>^ B o m e ~ ' _

.......... DISMISSEDMrik- K enne th -Kirby and son,

Mrs. 'Ihom as H . CurUs and son ,Mrs, W., R. N utting, Ronftld Lolll- tln;-L<eslIe~Jone«,-Andrew-Nelson,Jam es VanDyke. Mrs. Oriel S im ­mons, Mrs. R obert Edson. Mrs. MU- to n 'S M fr ie d . L au rft'T hom pson .Charles Alles ftnd RosematV' R ob- e ru . ftU T w in FalU : Mrs. Carl H .,Baker., Je^ome^-. Mrs. S t a n l e y Sm ith. Gooding, »nd John C han­dler, Pller. ■


InK-drug.'-Tha-bariclng-btcftme-^o- gresslvely leas- frequent..

“And now. a fte r six weeks' or th e drug, h e Is almost cured.'

, W ednesday b i r t h s Include a daughter to M r. and Mrs. Roy

I Haoby, T w in FftUs, and » son to I Mr. a n d M rs. C linton Stevens, Hajs- elton. Sons were bom Thursday toM rr ftnd M rsTRobtfrroood-ond I l f ; : ftnd Mrs. BUl M a tn ey .'aU 'T w ln i Folis. ■ '


Keep the White Flag of Safety Plying

— -C ottage, Burley - -v isiting hours a t Cottage’ :.ospI-|

t a r ftre from 3:30 t« ,4 and from '7 to 8 p jn .

' AOnnTTED I . . 8 . A nderson, Car?! Casper, IMrs, .f a ro ly n Ahderson. George iH artm ani a ll Burley, and Mrs.: Irene Cote. Declo. '

Official Diesdied a t 8:16 a ,m . today a t the B ^ ^ a - nftvfti' meldlcoi.-center. 'Te was 60. • .

Simpson, ft m em ber o t congress fo r 22 years, h a d been swlously ill alnce undergoing a bra in operation D M r i4 r H e * T o o n r tu n i for t&e worse Ja n . .6 and w as placed ontae.crltlcal list.......______.. H e.w as chairm an o f the Natlon- ftl Republican Congressional com­m ittee.. which provides campaign am m unition, and .financial and o ther assistance to OOP house candidates, and rank ing mlnorlt: m eniber-orTtte~HousiB' woys am m eans committee. ' ^ .' I n th e 'ln t te r capacity , he was l

I top Republican expert on leglsla- lUon dealing w ith tAxes and for-


T our i ln ) . .FoiU'tctn. Cub Scouts from

berly. dens 1 and 2, pack 42. and d e n 'm o th e rs , toured, the Tlmes- News p lan t Wednesday afternoon.

,D en m others are Mrs. Russell C. iLdrAen, Mrs. Delbert Clampltt, I Mrs. H . Rountree and M ary E llu - 'b e th Larsen.

C raah I}*porUd B ruce R. parro tt, 26, 450 Fifth

avenue was driver of a 1931 H udson Involved In a collision with ft-106a-N a«h-R am blir-d rlvcn -by D am aclo J . MarUnez, 20,". 840 F o u r th avenue wesL T he collision occurred a t Fifth s tree t and Fifth avenue west. Damage (o the Hud-

wfts estlmsted a t )35 and dam - to the Nash estimated

Valley Hospital Organizes Bpard

SHOSHONE, Ja n . 7—'The Wood R iver Convftlescenf C e n te r‘board was reo n an lied Monday evening # i" « s u in ) r ih 6 'l* h n r b r tw T boirtf

...... - p robate eourt-to coUecfgiMfrom Lewis Thomas. T h e company also a sks' for >60 a ttorney fees and costs of the suit. .

Square D ance CUss Set Beginners class iti square danc­

ing will be held a t 8:30 p jn . T h u n - ' day a t th e form er "N " club with W alter W ill as caller. Those a t­tending are asked to bring dessert

I o r sftndwlches.

Cars ColUde ■ A 1068 FonUac driven by-Larry

D. Mallory, 23, Burley, and a 1866 Dodge d riv en , by Rudolph W. H ochholter, 68, 378 Van Buren street,' collided Wednesday in the 300 block of Fourth avenue south. S l ig h t . damage resulted to both vehicles. No'cltftUons were'lssued.

C o u h ^ commissioners appointed W illiam KemeV to succeed Fred

■ .be ta.

■ ^ |€o im cil" ^ E y^ New Projects For ShoshoneiSHOSHONE. Jan . 7—D lscii^on

a t th e city councU meeting \Tues- day n igh t noted improvements .needed w ithin the city this year. A lis t of the needs were presented by:M ayor M yrtle C.-Burdf**— '-------- 'd u c ted - th e -m c c tlag -f . .

k lm e since he r leave of absence I g ran ted for h e r to make a trip 'a round the world four m onths’ago,

R . 3 . Kelley, K eith Jackson and le a l Batem an, members o f the [W ood Rlvcr~flre dliitr|yt,I h e council to conuder w o rk iiig s^ th e distric t; . '

A greem ent was reached to allow the d is tric t to ren t th e city build­ing fo r housing the fire truck, with ren ta l c h a r g ^ on the. Dodge sup­p le m e n ta l f ...........................hourly niscds. ,

T h e city's firemen also will bel ^b}#el-toM »«-by-the-dlstrtct-iT itti |th e d is tric t paying th e ir wnsea for

LDS Funerd Honors W.L.Eames,^Almo

'ALMO, Ja n . 7— fo r W illiam L. Eam es were held Tuesday a t th e LD6 w ai^ chapel with B U hiv E lbert . D urfee offU elating. ' ' .' Rerchei Loosll gave the family

prayer.'M edlatlon muslc w a s - i ' ed by Mrs. H . E. K ing and W l. . . W ard gave th e Invocation. A rhlxed

te t composed of LIndft Durfee,....... -James Sberldan.'Louls Eamesftnd Lee D arrlngton.'s^ng. Mr. ftnd

D arrlngton also sang a duet, rn u s . Olenslager read the

obituary. Speakers were Gus Erick^ son. Orvllie W ard and E lbert D ur­fee. A rthur Taylor gave th e bene­diction... . -

Pallbearer# were Glen Tracy, B ert Trftcy. W illiam H . Tracy, Howard fn w k e n b u ry , Crandle Eames and Darw ard Eames.

appointed to replace Mrs. Clifton Ddyley. Richfield, whose Urm' aUo expires.

, Jo h n Thom as was reelected U diftlrm ai>-«r-thcSm ith. Richfield, vice chairman., a n d W alter . Bowman. Dietrich. I secretary.

T he reslgnatlon-of-M rs. Myrtle c."B urdetrB T tiosp ltai-adm lnutra- toe was. accepted and Mrs. Clyde R app was. hired to fill the posl* Uon.

-H enry -E dd lng ton -aas also

Jo h n Clark. Oakley; Mrs. M ary L uerlng and Mrs. L ob Henderson, both Burfey; KeUy Harmon, and

secretary o t th e state ta x .......mission, and P hil Long and M r. Gossett, members o f Ihe commls-| alon, to explain th e purpose o f the: revaluation survejr.' which resulted In the increase in farm valuation, a s well as o ther property In the county. T he county commlwlonBrs and county assessor also will ^ e Invited to th e meeting. ..

Committee for arrangem enu in ­cludes Robert Burke, Wendell: WeUlngton Leabo. Gooding, and

I T e d Bell, H agerm an.During Tuesday's meeting It

noted th a t when the survey s ta r t- :.-a letter was published In local

papers by the commissioners a u u r - , }n ff;;^w *y.en t:o t3he:«ounu .;th ]ii|

^-not th e IntentlOii vi*Increase the over ..

. . th e propert]^ in t h e ____ ,ty ,.but to equalize it. I t lU te d th a t some valuaUon would be lowered aDd..iom e,ralsed._but_the_overall would no t be Increased over the norm al addition of new property,

Representfttlves o f 'fa rm orc&nl-; IzaUons a t th e m eeting included Jo h n Sanborn. Hagerm an; Ra> Hardlngi Gooding; Nelson K ing and Robert 'Burke, of th e Wendell F a n a Bureau; .. ...........................

y r ^ i H w : i 3 r i i e v s - w i t h o u t - (r

'■ V (M ev .. '

Weldon Esterbroofcand j . w . Bo- denhofer, Gooding Farm er's On­ion; Owen Bolan, Wendell W est Pohit_grwijM HciL£elLKageranim orftnge; Harvey Shirk, Bllsa Orange; Melvin Gibson. Wendell, Gooding, cbunty Pomona O noge;

-B.—H i-^i^ 'B terrT uttle-orangcrT ra ^ t l e r and William Pyle..Ooodlng Grange »nd Stanley Hoskovic « jd

Wlcholson. Ha'germait.

I.AWD nr>/>wf« MEET ' BOISE. Jan . 7_JU “ '

-Unrm onthly-ineetlL.^ . b o a r d ' l s se t fo ; nex t Monday

Minidoka Countyv isiting hours a t M i n l d o k

, County -hoeplt* j-«re .fnan 1 0 n a LifiiDJa.-----------:— _________

ADMITTED , Mrs. E dw ard S tefan , Mrs. George W right, Mrs. P a rk er A rrltt. a ll R u -

'p e rt. - -DISMISSED

Myron Pergtuon', Ronald T hayer, l^ le Haw kins and Blaine Coons, a ll Rupert.

BIR T H S .A son was bom to Mr. and Mr*.

I Parker A rrltt. R upert, • _

Gooding: MemorialV lsiung hoars a t Gooding M e­

m orial hospital a re from 8:30 a. m ' to 8:30 p. m.

• ADMITTED J____!- M r»;:K enne ^ D f ty > y .j3fao^

• Mrs. Dave C hlttock and daugh­ter, Goodlngi ' •

Space,_Delense_Plan Due Check

W ASHINGTON, Ja n . 2 (Xn>D— A blue-rtbborj senate Inquiry head-

•• — ocratlc Leoder.Lyndon.----------- - Texas, will InvesUgate

,the ^ n h o w e r a4m lnU tratlon'a space and defense porgram st* rt-’. ^ m .tv * weeks. “' ' J o h ^ n - .u n n o u n e e d . yesterday

I Dullcs-.wlU be followed by key n i l l l t« ry -a n d ' c lv lllan-offlc lals-ln Open sessions.

' T he 'a t ^ country 's missile lag be-i } » n ^ i ta s s ig r - w i i t - w ' cflnam tO T Joiatl)M )y-th*-M nate-B paee-eom «' m lttee and th e preparedness sub- c o t^ U te e . Jo hnson , is chalrm on

I o f both grouns._________ __________

entered th e Bethesda......... jv. 10, And h a d 'been In

and ou t of U»e hoeplU l slnce_ then.j

iPinancier Given Settlement CreditIWASHINOTON, J a n . 7 (U P I> -,

Steehvorkers. P residen t David J .' McDonald said today th e fa the r of Sen. Jo h n F . Kennedy, D., Mass., deserved as m uch cred it as Vice President R ichard M. Nixon for settling the long steel d l s p u te ^ -

Mlxon and Labor Secretary JaR es

University Said Costing More as ’ Pupils DecreaseBO ISE, jfuT.' 7 -Sen-.

' R . B urt. Ada couhlyjtepublh sa id yesterday that; althougl

Carl............ d yesterda, .approprlatloxu for the University o fJd ah o Jiav e .ln creas{ d .2 !i.t lm es In tho p u t lO.j'e&rs student ro llm e n t has declined.- H o-m&de.the comment.ln.speak- Ing to the Every Woman's club here... H e oald h e has noted suith a t ft $1,800,000 a d d itio n _______to th e 's tudept union building a t

“U nlvenlty. ' ' ’ " j Lirt said th a t enrollment a t tbel

series of backsUge meeUngs. Many political observers said Nixon's ef­fo rts boosted h is 1S60 presidential chances;— ~

B ut McDonald said In a i y in - rview th a t F inancier Joseph P7

Kennedy, fa th e r of th e Democratlo presidential aspirant, d ld .a s much as anyone to bring abou t theisteel settlem ent " through ta lks w ith 'h is W all street banker friends.-

Kennedy Scores JReligiousJssuelNEW YORK, Ja n . 7 Sen.,

John F . Kennedy, D.. Mass., said today th a t injecting a religious is­sue in to th e presIdenUot-compnlgn, would obscure the rea l IsAies fae- Ing -th e.n a tlo n . •

presidential nom ltiatlon. appeared — NBC-TV -Today" show.---------- . .a rd M. Nixon. K ennedy n id . "He

D em corat will win and I think I -;ould m ake ou t reasonably weU tgftlnst f i t . NUoa." ■

SprlngaaliSFews6.PRINGDALE. Ja n . 7 -M r- and'

M rs; WillU Yost and son. Idaho Palls, visited h is parent^, Mr. and Mrs. A rthur Yost, and h e r mother.

R ug a n d F u rn itu re C le a n in g

T R O Y N A T IO N A LL oundr^' & D ry C Iconcrs

an d <8,583.367 for th e current two- year period.> I B u r t w id -b e believed Gov. R ob­e r t E . Spiylle should appoint building .p riority committee study public building needs ai r e p o r t 't o th a 'n e x t scsslon of the le g is la tu re . '

iJames iP. Shown Honored at Rites

.JERO M E, Ja n . 7—Funeral serv­ices fo r Jam es F ranklin Shown were h e ld a t 3 p jn . W e d n ^ a y a t th e .W iley funeral chapel w ith the Rev. C layton Nelson officiating.

M rs. R u u e ll King was soloist. Mrs. Clftyton Nelson and Marge N elson_sang...duets.- M rs^ Nelson 'a s p ian ist.

Pallbearers were .Gerald Blake, m rnm im rt'ersTEetenBraTC cnrii-:

. j n . G erald Scarrow. Marshall! S to h e r 'f tn d LeRoy M ilU .-Pinal rite s w ere, held In the.. Je rom e I cem etery.

■Bartender’s licenses were granted to H arold Perron and Mrs. Dora

T he bid o f Ed Mathlson, In am oun t of *238.76. fo r w lrlng 'the new addition to the city garage, WM-UCCepted- -Thg-Only-nU' ‘ ■ was from Shaw's a t $370.18.

Police Chief Bill Anderson........ -'d ho issued 16 traffic tickets

during the p ast m onth. _ O L th ejs o .w era4 o rsp ee d In g , two fo r running a stop light, two for park ing In the pedesirlon lane, o n e .fo r failure to register a ve­hicle, three fo r'overtim e parking

-------------------— ------------r-purk lng ;w ith o ije .fo r_nark ing_ ln4 roa t-o fl th e theater. '—A -lotal-of-*78“w £r'tuS iMto th e c lty /by City Police Judge W. L. Austin from -fines of viola­tors w ith in h is court the past

Two , a p p e a re S ^ o r running a traffic light, two for overparklna, th ree for im proper'pork lng ,"iine for pa rk ing in the police space, two speeding and one for being, d runk In public. '

|Cub Scout eet "SetatShoshoneSHOSHONE, Jan '- 7—A Cub

B cout_jnck_m eetlng wlU bo held a t 7:30 p. m. Jan . aTaT -m rT ilB h

th6 direction of great-granc d itn , assisted by the Almo ward I Relief society. Carrying flotoersl were Pau l T rac y ., K evin Tracy, Teresa T n c y , D lu n e I ta c y , M ar- clle Tracy, G lenda Tracy. Joetta Zollinger, D ebra Zollinger. JoAnn Tracy, Laurel Trftcyi Philip Tracy ftnd Tracy Zollinger.

Also helping w ith flowers were Mrs. J . Spencer Black, M n . Oscar Jones and Mrs. George W righ t.'.. F inal. rltes.-w ers.4 ield ..ftt...the Sunny Cedar Rest cemetery where the-grave'w as-dedlte tea-by-R T E . King.

Change Reported

Seen Today—W o m an -ca rry ln g -u m b Y e llii^ -^ l

It rounds corner a t pifn „ ■

5 ? . n K S U “S S . ; ' - ‘ ' S

b o M - o l W t o r r . " S . ? " ' S

w alking to meeting in llclii r i ?. . . S tree t departm ent creKx m m .Ing 1 ^ su « t* ^ . . . Small

. . .Woman wrltlnir lctL?,‘l table in postofllce , And om h e a rd : ‘T h is monotoiicnis'wcii ' e r is driving m e bnu." ‘“‘1

President Max L, Brown an ­nounced a t th e Thursday meet- Iqg of th e 7 > ln Falls Klwonls club th a t the Jan . 14 meeting will be devoted mainly to committee meet­ings and' t h a r th e J a n . 21 meeUng h 'u " b 'een '^& ng«d '* t^ a ' Ladres nigh t s ^ on a t 7:30 p, m, a t the

-rspo rU d-by-S srt-L fttsso club took top honors

Program for the day was a y Fred Vest, reglo '

.th e Dale Carnegie _____________rsprtreon -*Thff-hand-of-lead«rshIp~ 'T h e speaker was Introduced by program chairm an B ert Latsen.

Invocation was by Clyde Brown, ond Charles Allen led th e singing. accO m panle 'aT iy^srO T T '.T Juvall

I a t the piano.

E ^ fc in g -E in ^" P o s t in g I I 'ovcrUme—parJnntf bo i]d i'w lth 'rw in 'F alU 'M llee:w ed- nesday were Merlin S ^ c ld s. O al- l a t l i^ ^ l le y Seed company. Viola

T hem e of the m onth Is "Cub Scout Scientists.'* A film on the sub ject win be shown by Howard! Know les and Cecil Cope will show|

" t-W '-/oow i-iyi^ui5nw»-ao-D !ennium it4nd a“ Wood R iver'Scdut commit-

tcem an 's • m eeting a t Richfield T uesday.

Evangelist Plans Germany CrusadeHAMBURG. Germany. Jan . 7

(U PI)=A m B rlcsn-fE vah(tell*nm y lO raham -w lIl visit G ermany th is I fan for th e f irs t time In four years, j i t was announced todoy.

C hurch offlclalsihere sold G ra ­ham will open'ft G erm an "crusacje" in Esjen~8«pt. 10.‘ '

o d r ^ t ^ e ^ ' ^ ^ j i a c h .ln ' B O j l f I f C S l t t t c dth e crusade O ct. 2.

De veloping Idaho Is Confab TopicT h e industria l contact tr ip to

the w est coast by-Idah'a buslness- ;nen and Chamber o t Commerce officials win %e dlscuBs«d - a t a m eeting of the .Idaho-E astem O re­gon I>evelopment council a t 8 p.m. Ja n . 14 a t the Rogerton hotel R oundup room.

T rum an Bradley, area vice presi­d e n t of the c o u n c ll. 'w n r preside a t the meeUng. Interested persons in M agic Valley .are urged to con- U c t W illiam Grange, 'Twin PalU C ham ber-o f dbm m erce-secretory- m anager, for —10 a 1. ' Thursday.

LessohsGiven ,OARfiY. J a n . 7 -S u n d a y evening'

LO S services fea tured flanne l-‘ board lesson dem onstrations given by two Blaine stoke missionaries, M rs. Roslnft Sparks and Koel P ra tt; *

T he m eeting, was conducted . . . d e r the dlrecUon of President Mel- r in -j'-T o o n e .-A n -o rg an -so lo -w as ' played by |M n . V ernon ' Wood­bury. Singing was directed by Mrs. Lyn Adamson. T h e prayers wen given by M organ Sparks and R us­sell W eaver. '

V I S n I N PORTLAND EDEN, Jan . 7— Mr. and Mr*.

EvM ard - G tr« e n _ « tu m c d —home a fte r visiting he r parents. Mr. and Mrs. Jam es Morvec. and ' other relaUves a t Portland.

, ___________________ _ office.,lh t-C h m a b e r^ L -C o m n \e B tJ T i llJ provide marshmallows tor the event * a n d youngsters are en­couraged to take wieners to roast.

A N r<O U N Ci:N GTHE REMOVAL O F -M Y -O F F iee , TO

-------- XAcrott-from 1st FedflrQ>-SQv{nQs-&~C5Qn)

F red K lin k e A g e n c y" " M p r tg o g e L eeng ..

“ IS J^ a rd Ave. No. office Fbone M 3-US^ R o . RE 3-8734 ( P l ^ make record of new a u m b a )

Carole Trappcn. Oeorgc "-* a Sonnor, Tom H al-

____ . j h n M arshal], CarlGavin,- Mrs. T . Rangen, Lynn Thomas, -r D ick— Leaser;— T rm jk Musgrtve, Ed Howa, M rs. P rank Carpenter,- M artha Rode, W ade H am pton .'.S . S tuart, J . Barton,' B ill M ontteth, S. H um an. Bob O a m e r ,- 'M n b e l . 'T h o m ;^ OwW an d Cart Nipper, '

Qregon’s Strike Termed Labor’s

“Battlegbund”PORTLAND, Jah ; 7

leaders nationally and locally ? unions whose membcrft'nre oul u work because of a strike'a'Mitui thl* city 's two dolly ncwjpanm m et here yesterday. • - - 'm ey .lab e led 'th e strike iriRi bfV'gan-h£Tc-NQv.LlO-u-hca-im'iiibtr»-S ............................ “of th e t ------ -off, th e Job ‘ns "a. natlonnl bniile- ground" for labor.

Since the dl.-ipute the newip.inen h a v f; published continuously

p lant. ITje Oregon , Journnf h u ' sa id i t expects to resume Kep»nie publication In Its p lant In the ni few months.

Among those, 4t the thrcc-hou: meeting were Artliur Roacnstort' American Newspaper Kulld preu- den t: W alter'T urner, Inlernntlor|.

Stizen-Thwai^ts-J Burglar Attempt "

T he courageous., qulck-thlnklns .Z t lo in f- ir -T w ln - F B lts - c I f t e n - broke up a burglary WcdncKlij n igh t and led to the njTCBt of.iiw suspect a few minutes Inter.—A rrw t«d-by-« lty -po lIce-flt-.... Sapphire lounge and charged wltb burglary was CInrenct B auer. 33. Pocatello.

Police Chief Howard 01Ilett« reported-B auer-ond-a-com patiion-

'ere seen breaking a wlnjiow I n li ^ .o 5 0 ia r m a r J c e { ; r 5 0 1 - M il? : ravenue east. The cItlKn. whoa

Faces TrialBURLEY, J a n . 7-W U llam Peter

................... trle t-court-w henhe appeared before Probate Judge C arter today on a charge of writ- ' ig a no-account check.

He Is belnb held in the custody of the Cassia cqjmty she riff In lieu offll.800 bond.-The com plaint-was signed by William L. Sm ith.'m a: oger of A lbertson's Food center.


C ST T E H E ix-

. . .. telling ft person b e baa a n open a in d when w hat yon mean Is be has ft hole In his

G illette decjined to name. . . . , Bauer enter a c a r parked -behlad tlie m arket and ordered .him to L get. o u t JJauer* fled -dow n-thejd ltr_ l and was followed to th e lounge r where h e was arrested a few mln> u tes'later.'.~ : .... '

B auer's companion escaped la'- the da rk and Is still eluding police. T he seccnd -suspect -was wcnrtnj A jockct_w llh .ft-,fu r. collar anil i • black cowboy hal, and was driv-. ing a dark-colored Hudson «IUi California license plates. The cu Is about a 1040-model.

A bout $3 was taken from the m arket before the burglars, v tr a frightened away from the scer.t.i — Bauer-Is an-ex-convlct-wllhcon-r .vlctlons.oLiiuto.theft.Bnd_ese*i>*_ on his.records,

lOOFMeet_ _8HOSH< ,

P e ^ w s meeting held. 'Tuesdii * n igh t In preparation for the pn- sen ta tlon to be made on Jan . 19 it

Joop meeUng here.AU lodges of the dtatrict .wni be .

I n v ite d .to .th e :io o p m fetlng,..'nu_ I public Is Invited to attend tlx open InstollaUon o f officers for OpaJ Rebekah lodge officers 'Tues­day, I t was reported.


C uito tn M ado Dropertet ] ching a n d 'ADRIAN'S

Magie Valley Fnm lture 144 2nd Ave. N. . RE 3-» t> |,

titatement of the Condition of


T W FALLS, IDAHO -At Close of Business December 31,1959

RESOURCES_C oah and Due from Ba!ika-n;.;.;.-;;...~.$'4,479,09r.B2“ |

C.G.CT. Cert. of-IntercBt 114,417,30' ' U J S .U jo ~ ~ - -------------->ova'rnmflnt-BondB-r _ 5 ,1 0 3 4 )8 e jl5 .

"Corporato’" Bonds”'....;.... D6,187.60; . State and lHunicipal S ecurities ............ 1,927,900.88

Federal ReL>...», ..................... . —, Loans' and Diacounts Less Rcaetve .... 9,132,163.43.'Bank Buildlngflr-FIxtures.......Z . ......... 471,6fiSi4.;Other A ssets ........................................ . 19,728.64

'' ■ 'L I A B T J . T r P T P ! g

r,2 3 4 ^ 9 ;

CapitaJ' and SuitjIub .................................-^Undivided P rofits 'and R eserve, for ---------- T C te s “ --------------------------------------------------

i ,ioo;qoo.oo*

•6 ther. L lab illtlw .. Deposits .

M em ber F edcra 'l-D eposit In su ra n c e CorpoMt!o®.|^:' ’ M em b er F e d e ra l R eseW e S y s te a ,

Page 3: · - Thil h part of (lie wreckace of a Nallonal airline* New York-Ki-Mlaml pUiie IhAt cratHed near \VHmlnrton. N. C.; Mrly

T H U R S D A Y , J A N U A R Y 7 , 196 0T I M E S - N E W S , " T W I 'N " F A - L L S , I D A H O P A G E iT H B

9 5 0 B i e E a r h ‘ ; . !F ea fli^ ^ C (ld iiig _ C h lU 'ircsE lv: JEvents.Soted^bv l | r h i c k " I'Shoshorie filafei

Fii-es in U. S.BOSTON. J«li. 7 't .UM '—f t r r t

'k illed jjcoplc iit tlie r.itp of nearly ~ » monllj 111 the Otiltcd

**'evcii AO. iliP loll o f IIJOO llVP.1 wns About 200 below. IDSS. iiecnrtl- Im \o Uw N'.USot\;vV FltP l»TO\rc- tlo a ns-'ocltrtiotj, A iwnrproflt flro M fely cr^.ims.Ulou.

Tlj'c rcpnrl al.»n hlnmrrl:—About 30 P ff '‘out o l 't l i f inj;>

vic tim ''v .crP i'iillilrrn.■ “ M ere - O .-n lint! nJ ;ill th r deaths octiirrt'd m Uonn- I;■ —DUWi'R Hie f.>M Id vr;in l l r K

;b-''ve.'iakea apofoxini.ttclv itii.iiDO..^ lv c . i Iti M»r nntioii.

I • :‘T5.0(JO,OW-\U.i SH.fiW.OW) l - ^ h n n - ^ "

- n i McldrJrjil' c - T h e r^cal-.

SlIOSHONE. J u n .-7 '— IliiitT oti'd fft (tie new oU palutl« elii.'s l;ciii5 offcrctl Ijy the Unlvd Mty (it liinho ln^rp lire u rK «l^ nu'(;i 111 7;3{l .i) ,f f l . 'r i lc ln y in Sliii.lumo lUivU - .

Till' Mlll.iiicL'l from 7 4 111 vvcTkly lo r U wcrk* n two i jn;iy bi'ic.imrtf; n< liii; r.Viry. U NVlicMlo

wlio u ill l)c ihi- Itw lruclor- A nr.xliiiiti- (if ihi- UniviTsliy E

l(l.i)ii> iiml II inililic i .c h o o l.l ||

V.'llKilt:• y r'!ir-t..-,._

In c tu ti\ MB

p i t f c l tnJck rttJd 13 prr: klllccJ iinil iiK’i'*' I'lni) 10 niJllloii

' (SoHnrs tlw un/c vtr.iiUi-it,

Rotary Qu!) HasJEilni-bn

Dimes Driveu n U iY . Jmi. Untilits" <vih' tlio iifflcli'l MiiitIi

sitoivii iliu Hcii. . iiicinljcia tlil« w ci'knt lh(!lr rci:ul;ir incctlni; hy Hurcilil Holini-s, Ctik.Mii Coiinly ciiinpiiliin • dliccKir.

He iolti tllP KfOiiIJ tlia l l('C:iIt-i' of lUilluW Rlv<ji» i«itU> tirivc.-t tl^U iln'iid dUti' wns .";iI:iinM." Mhlp- 'pc<l, He stilted tlm t Dr. .loniu.

.. Sfilk’.i r w i i r d i niid "viicrtiir hm |.

Dlmo dollnr.i- He- li;.........

l)tm im-iiril-linix-jj|iiiii-fl.-

Nasser to Lay Foundation of M;u'l; lil'uwn iiii,-. Iiiji ;.i:i

P c t D ream ^H i^^lillsw an Dam:,;* .”,1............................................................................... poiii,(ls .17M m il l i< iiv _ ^ „ i |,„ , , j„ « u e

liU re.ienrah, nolniM »dtloi|. (daw 'Htc inslru in t'iu fur Itii- coiitiiii-Nt i -n ic Unll.M' Ariil) n . puiilic pri

^'U'.vc HOI Uikcii ot VimfhoLi. TDe'fouiKiiiLloii Is iKi.n- (IimI>I....... ’.'itiilv with I'chiiljllltntlon And

_^llcrrinv nnd hi^'i_tun ia l_ lu .

"h'> 'MnhaiiiL'd V, MoruiYi). u Hd will lit'

drcMin—ih(- hii:h ' j-i-:ir.T U tlitn li «lnin,'KKypll.iii o llic li ils 'sh iiiiIV. will lic! tlir lilKlK'M d;im (,ii -


i:d by the city j

■ i„-r .u m :,.. Ml -ii--..Ilie Held ol iirtlirltl;:.

Ulrih defcct.i nnd ccrlaiii vlrii.s dl. Cll3P.• , Holme.-i Kald. — ^

MotliLT tim'rclUTx • will__tiiakc“ }iou.'P ion iou ic vEIEToii Ttmr.sciiiy,

.Inn. 3a. nnd pinii* arc lieln^.mfiUt: thl'ril.__It l . ^ a i s c i ' j ii;.i;ii_ar.'ivvfor l<.'Cii-HKe find o ih rr lieiii-flt to licyptVv cvcnls. 'I 'lie Utlve wiu InM 1 llif clionth of Jnnim rv. Unlirip;!’ T l]r ^vhll’" eoMCliidcil Idiiitt und iho liydro-i’hrm c.Laivc- . . . —------ .1. iif.. Mji.i *•.....................................

....................... ,le r baeklip « lil iir tlio V'orld'.i.•IsltlMK E sypt (in till' tir. i .-.Kip «I:l.-ir/:tM niaii-iimdo lake — a.nod I MUIdlf ICa.M imir.— ;.'.quar(! klUinu'icr.s. 'Ilil.s ri'-M’rviiii-

A fter laylMir the-~jiiiiii(|;iiiini|w lll fttrfU-li-to tlir .^ollIh for Id) “ • ' •• il. ttiul IS(T

u;i!--1»crrn?.e E«ypi'*i cultlviitcd land by

- -A r .M lltn trtn d d rT n a m K cro rn fP ^rn rn m r H — O r^ o n ‘'millTnrprTO.^IiT(IlWlf(l 11*

IV Rotnry member. C ucm;!* u «'A. D. Armstronir. U iiprrt. nnd Ve Hulbcri. T w lu-l^a i«,

V pre.nldciil' P.ilnier Sater- —*tro» rprt'ic irtea-ir" i!rn iru^H M y"

prfsenl to ^'^crcla^y Jock Snou'.- BA tcrstrom -l^-tliP newly mtm ‘—<URrlel-fhi«lnnan-for-ilHi—O n-

Ml.iml” trek for the Rotnry In tcr- nailoiinl conycnlloii ucheduli'rt for

_ • Mny 2!) to June 2, lie u rA d cUib B ~ 'in tinbera~ to~ rry~ iT )7Trtrcnd this

m tc iin i; Wnlly Sm ith ,% nf the union piicKSa riiU rf'-..............

Idaiti und iho_liydr«.<’l)rmi:_LQivci fp^frnrrlour «m cum iii,u(w,t)ui)_ii;yp. ii;rtiAmifiUtfd» ••fif’-'nitttinr doiim-iU. ro It. w llL takc a t kiW i itvcu ye.irs W

|*Co'llege Students — Return to School

’ HA2ELTON. Ja n . 7 — KelUj liueitlir. Dnnn Andrew.^. Rnbi-n Scveraiicc nnd G ary Phillip.^ have rctiirned to', th e University of.......... 'vWtinr '

• jinrem.i here.Tlic R w . nnd M rs, Wfftley'Jolsn*

»nn returned to the ir home a t Sliclley. a fte r vlslllni; h e r parciiLs.Mr. nnd Mra. R alph Dnlrd, a n a ............. .......

------- -------Kvnifrr-stewftn.” ':.’

eoiiipL-t , T he Income of the .ve;ir will.oiii.slrlp tho, ■tliP'Tirnji’Ct. T licnJanT 3^ nilllloii pounds ■'

...n-. ...Ill,, ^jj,. iim iiiiy iiiiiv c.Mifi icncc n Cjiuii jKiialy/.iiu: iiaiKiiiuuiL'-rail i.irlkc.

41X1:^ 0)11,1.i.Uillnt; uruiiiid April I.•riic uiitcm:; lliiil th e opcnlnc

r.hoL 111 wiiiii- ol.Miiw last-.J,UircU by calllnil .fo r un aviranc- of 3Q

_ relilH nil hour in pav liike.i, Thi;-------------------- ir itlu :itn '. .cuuiiii::i-l—bi^dom itnd .-

..rN T Ji .i.u .jn u , 1 — -Unvt- u vs-eoin hmivv.- wnnc cm.. Uu.-va'lly. lll.r •c!;l^h dvcr ffm h .

d Mrr~[rrbcddliii: In lln‘ r.iilroad.s t.s only

Wendell Citizens Report Activities

n r-n111 i h f . . .T he daiii will he bulll of c ra n llr ^ ...... ..

rock and c u j n i » v ^ r < U = i a a _ ^ u i i t r J . f ...................u r n l5c-5nTT5 poetK^ JIii,-1i1.h on his 'vcek.A nitT lcaii, p! dri'jini, .^ald tlKildiiiii \v|lll'!l,‘‘'-'‘ ‘'V ;’V,.‘' ' ' • " ‘"•■'er, Mrn,-I is, in crfccl. a iwo-wny battle':fake-17 nr, tht'l^^V*-''’. ---------------- - • iD y lalKjr.. a fliiht . in .s;ivi‘ Job;G re at I’ynim ld of Clicop:i at'^ Uil--. Uuiiuuni rctiiri\« l ui Ots- 'W i'l'VM tU« n ’cr-witSL'ttlni; ■ ■•Oulzuh.

UVtimr’rrt^rc;»paeil,v ol m e c x w - , .............................. .•nfr^Asmui dam, .four mii,-« »■. ni,.-uunt;iiin .-------------------lonh- T he 'v .tu t v.’TlI Irrlnalo no iiilllliin neres of liind. Ei:ypt ■----- cultlvatlnj! ::iK mlllon

ii:on n i ' ........................ .......... ..............................'"lJ4J.''-!i:^ll‘iJjl.-llic4uiiioc-liiHliiawJU*i;«ment; Hii nitcm pl to olfset ■ hoiil. tilir ,'ippiii iii» viicamin->viih!.^Plr-ilinn-u'i>m:-ctfalt;-ihr(mitli-Jn»-

and Mis, S. K . troc^uciloii of lab'ur-iavuiK/Icvlee;;.— , ------------- j— (JIoKulv watcliert'by labor, nu to-'

-. . d Mr.';. M. 7.. ScMoel nnd '•*' ''p rod iin : itiin more nnd!fnniilv n-UicKcd tn WenflvU In^'tstrjcs »s uwUtrtx tccU-^

Tuttle Residents : Repbrt JojifneysT ttT T L E —Jnu . 7—^fr. ntul.M w.

WlllUini' U ltlean hiivr ‘tc iurned from a tr ip which took them to Indt'pendeijce. M6.: "Cleveland nnd Chlca..

Don Conhlln has rcliinied lo Bchool a t . t h e DcViy Inulture inChleii«o. -------------------- r '— M r:-anrf-M r!t:-P rrd-U irlch '-nnd family., vL'Uted llio Fred Miller ram lly..

Mr. im a Mr.s. William llnrlow,-.. K uuu. vlsUcct M r. u i'd Mrs. lt»Ut« .C(inkl_ln_nn(LiiQna.

,111 brini; ‘^ T lK .n iydro 'i'ltctric , pov\;cr to be riiiUlon «lnl- icnei'iiled fron i.tlie hlc.h dam will

■nwHiit. \\> ift lilHiun HiSnwail hour,'; inmtnlly. T hal'.i nbnui, 10 lime.'

” T^lJ-."and MfK. l l i i n y Loaer and children. Dlniibit. Caur., vlMied Mr. and M rs: Raym ond U iw or.- .

M r: and M n . Davc"nniliii!.i and diuiphter.s. Portland , have returned home a fte r vlslthiK and Mri;,

liirypf.^ prc.M'iit. flectrlo power, Thu neiv-iiiiiply ivlll boa'-.t L'cypf.'i in- dii.sirlnllzrttion pro[;rn:n by provld- lUff aiciorlco w lih low-price c h c i ^


BloriiRir wafer.-( w lll.ftver up townsnnd vlllacc.s la the north. Eiiypi ^ • - — i s oayiiiK th e sudnn lb niltlion CASTLEFORD. Jnn :7 — visitor.'. pound-<~U2jiiimQU.d0llam-a»-ctm i. i '^/ ^1'' - a »Vl - M i '^ E r -------- - durliiB th e holldnys................. .

dn iiB h te rrw iIlifT lnu B o in t ''? m dRlehnj-d Tlbbott.^ both Covlna, Calif., a n d Brj-nnf/i' .-sLiter. Mrs; C atlicrlno Snter. Oakland, Calif.

‘T lie liiniiGltauts ulU co tc.vlhcr .JiK h. bu t .some w ant tu move lo hiRher nround tlo ie lo tliclr old honic.<.

'VUi- hlRh dam prti)cct wilt

Mr. nnd^Mhi. A rthur W rlnlit nnd,^on. Mr. nnd Mr.v K eith W rlchti*-*. XT 4. J Innd dauKhter. a ll of Nampn. were E V C l l t S N o t C Q O V ' KUcsU of their srnndmothcr,- Mrs. — - _ . . Dlnnclie Pine.

Mr, and Mr«. F rank Oates,Boise.'u’csc K\it.s-b o l- lie r Mr.ler.Mr.v‘ Ed Carlton, Other« ■vlsltlnc

c Mr. and Mr-T H arold flynn _ . o recently returned from Jewell, ■ - Kans.. nceompanled by Delorrj

Cnrlton. .dftuahter of tho Ed Cnrl- .toiw.

■ — BUBLEYr Jan:-7*— A pre-sen* ■ tcnce inveiiilBatlon was tinlered by

• D W ritl JuOfiO Edw ard H eap Wcd- «ind;y Into the ciise of Joseph F. Tiimchnk. w . Plymouth. Pn.. churged w ith griind Inrccny fori ‘luio ihcfi:

Hazelton PeopleU A ZE tTO N . Ja ii, 7‘ — 'M r. arut

Mr.'. 0.near CijwUn have purchased' the fnnn of Mr. and Mr.i. tynford M drrl a t Eaflt. Hm'it,

Mr, and M rs. F rnnli Pm-cy .port the b ir th of a daughtvr to thc ir ■ .w ii-hi-law nnd dnuKhter, Mr. nod MM. R obert Andursnn, Bern H nvcn, O ennany , Dcc. 23.

ind ■ M m , -R obert McClnln

Vic K elley retu rned home a fte r vljutins- H i-T ulelakc,..-C alif— n t the Calvin Crumrlni! home ahd In EuBcrie. O rc„ w ith Jil.i phrenta, Mr. nnd Mrs. M. A. Kelley nlid hl.n diiUKhter. M rs. B ert Worley, nnd family. l ie reports hl.i nlotlfer U 111 a t a rrn t hom e' in EuKcne fol-

Tdiiichiik’fi 'a ttom cV ' Wllllamho"'liHT"f'i”1te a r t a ttac k and would , iP.irMin, jiKkcd for Hie Investliiatlon bej:lad>oTnrar; from h e r friends In

••Her Util .iU cnt plendsd BUlltj jo ’ tliC charKC; Tam chnk- l.i In the ------------------------ ----

' Tri'.'iVn',,."’' Boys HonoredTiimchnlc waived prcllmlnnry • SHOSHONE. Ja n . 7-PHc.imood

iiiMrin;; before probate JudKc.Vorn ndviineemenfcr -w ere, made Tnr h CirUi- !aM O ct.-2(1 nnd wi»-i boundfcharlc.i W ernicke, Stephen Bnlll®

"'■Ji' to dl.urlet court. •, i*)Pd l- m y Biilcmtm a t tho-L D S' m c ra m e n t and tMtlnionlnl j ueet-

'111 bn the .construction of the. dam |l:ieir.'nnd the seoiid the i e tructloh of ihc power 'station.

Tin- llR.t r,lane bcKlns now nnd will lake four years, poislbly tlirce. Thu _ .\ccoiK l_slac(i..w ill.-takft-tlx yrnf.'. possibly four, Nawcr now wani.-uto bcKin the second Ma'ce In 10C2 liviiead of walthm until the llraL a iasj ' Is cnniplcteil.

Ru.s.ila ha.s taken on the Tlr»t AlaRo. She han given Ecypi n loan of 100 million ruble.i (100 million dollar.') lo r Ihc tnsk,

■Jilt* K cond ataBc.1-1 Mill open for tilddhiK. Germnhy. E.i.ii O erniuny. Italy , Jap an a n d Bfltalw have iilrcndy cxpre.ised the desire to bid. ■ W est Q ermnny' hiui for- m.illy offered a loan of 200 nillUon twi\rl» tS17,Cl9,050>;

W hen the dam Li completed ... the_cnd..of-tlm --flrR t-B ini{c,—the

indiinn oiTn [n 'ti* rfrlnltnrfh wltl be rendy (o Inko wiitcc and [;» under culHvaHon.,

iro)ccl will be M d Mrs, Brynni. lliclr p|ir<;i,!'.i )'pt-«_n<.ii ................ ...llra l a o m g a : Sho-|C rockett, ■MiiilTn CrockcU. 'Henry,i.« jihonc, 8pcnt_M0iiduy-Bt Bolsc vlsv C rockctt.'D avid Crockett and D«-

Itlnff Mr. and Mrs. Emory B rj'an t^artj Crocltelt, nnd tamlUcs, Idaho

Oakley News

d;ijntiiTji_Callf,-wlicrc-they-spcnfi*’”'“‘*>'''"'‘'-‘"‘'’''' ' "i'....... .the Ni'w Year’ll hoimiiv nnd at-M®“''* once . pcrfoiinfll by liumun iL-iidod the. Rose bow l.M m c,; jhnnda,-

Mr.. aiid-MiK.-Gny-.Johns UiiiK'd. from Mcrccd. Cftllf,, ^hcrc they vliilted .Mr. nnd M in. Ralph S « l l ( ^ i l ^ t t i i d Jainlly. .^ t l S l t o J j a l l . BonnlnKlon; i.i ,.(Tiie;,t,of)Mr. nnd Mr.i. j , fo rrw t Weaver.

lKiri& Hill Couple _RetunisJo:Honie

Mrs; ................................................. _returned Irom Kllrore. Tex., where they vM ted her piirent.i. Mr, nnd Mrs. Van Robcrt.son. nnd oiher, ri-Ontlve.i.

■Krlicl__J4or<iiH>i— Tmcy

\Vat:,on. hi- Mrs. ‘ Emma Crockett and her;

m. r m l Crockett, -nnd 'lam lly, havo rciuriicd , from .Pocatello,

Falls Brand UrSr^Srade Good

Front Quarter BEEFV . • * '♦> C u t a n d wi^app'ed 5* fo r lo cker-o r

hom e freezer.

OAKLEY. Ja n . 7 — M n nnd Mrs;Ray Beriicncr. Suit Lnke City, vis­ited hl» pnrcnt-i. Mr, (ind i^lrti. Jilll- ford'BcrRencr.

Mrs. A lbert M elntaih I s -v ls itln i t 'V he.r Ron-lH-law and dawcUter, Mr. ♦ > nnd Mrs. Ilnlvln Jonc.<i, Tucson, Arlz.

"Mr. and Mrs, Hyrum Craner nnd children have ruturned..rro2n .S a n ' DIcKO. w hcrc lhey visited Mr. a n d ' Mm. Bud NciU and Mr. and Mrs.Dei Catlln: - . ■

PORK CHOPS . . JPork ' A ' iffcj: SAUSAGE. . 1 . 3 lbs. 8 9

Yjcm, wilt .find iH n - ^ r GOURMET BATT


I q b u y M




stiiill hnn been cotiJfcfcrcd aa a srciil dpllchcy. by nil Inter- *.

—nailannU ffM ifm cU ^Undor-ihe-- 's r c a t Rom an Em'porors. they,, were, serv'ed n l iill 5tift« and

■'other Im portan t functions. -

^laffie Valleif’6 Most Interesting Store’*

K R W G f e # s - H a r d w a g e

Best Bqrgain Buys

NEW and USED—Gomeros-andAH * Types of Phofo '

EquipmentTlir Best Selection in . I .Southern

it - J tc m i too nurhcroui •.. to ____•

i c A .C om er6 fo r every--, one

jjlf No 'm oney down

:C e n fir = ^

F altr-B rand sticod a . A A C

MINGEEM4AM . 2 [bs. 8 9

8 9Falls- B rand tiiccd ' a

BACON . rvvT . 2 r ib s7Rosodole -C ream ‘Styli

4 6 ounce

Hl-C Orangeade 3 for 8 9 X

2 f o r l 9t . C ello pack— 1 lf>.-pkgc.I CARROTS . .t New . '^ONIONS-.-.

W e. olso^dp^CUSTOM PROCESSING - and ■PORK?


^ '^ 9 1 V K im ^ y .ro o ( l ; ; . Twin loU siJ

25 lbs 69

Page 4: · - Thil h part of (lie wreckace of a Nallonal airline* New York-Ki-Mlaml pUiie IhAt cratHed near \VHmlnrton. N. C.; Mrly


A eenwlUatlon o( Fab. ^ IOC ot th« Mihn Rxnlns 1 _ MUlIlihtj In ItOl.ind lh> TVIb K>Ur KiWi ««uUli>hH In . .. I '^ ru W ih ^ il>ll7 and.BurKlar at laotlMunil SUmI Wr«t. Twii

liy Uw or hr gnl*r of rc MUbnl wtckir .will M l)>;wr ifuriu«nU».Src.(

, . ..In liltii. and Ktt« Cotinlr.ilr

SETTI.ED BY POMTfCS ■ ThCTe hnA hnf»n n •Int-nf-pnlltleal-dnnb

' t a l k s in c e t h e s l c c l d J s p u le w a; - 'g o v e r n m e n t tq r m s ." " • ' - • .

Significan tly , b o th P re s id en t E lsenhow er and W hite H oukc P re ss S ccre la ry J a m e s C, Hagerfy, h av e h a d l i t t le to say a b o u t the tc n n s -o t th e s c ttle ih c n t.

D espite the ' cn rc lcss use of such w ords as 'accord" a n d " h a rm o n y " in dc'scriblnB how

• th e steel in d u s try h a d ■•voluntarily” ac c c p t- .c d th e te rm s of s e tt le m e n t recom m cncicd

_by^6 eccctariL oLLaborJam csJ?__M ltchclLand. V ice P r esiden t R ic h a rd M. Nl^ n . no o n e i. foolFd 'by a n y s u c h p o litica l liokum.

T he R epub lican ad m liils tra tlo n , whlli try in g to -irtv ir-m dstr-o f • th’c ' c r c d l t - t o n ln p a r ty ’s p re s id en tia l c a n d id a te ' fp r th e s e t

_ - w 6 - m u c n ;E— AU-througU-thc—negotlj I to - th e settlem ent, Pres:to - th e settlem ent. President Elsenhower

;trcsscd--thc lmportancc.of.holding_thc-Uhc against Inflation; but in' the flnjil political maneuver wasn’t consistent with any such policy. . . , '. Wo have been hearlu t-R lot about “col­lective bargaining" during the laat severa

but actually-tti mean less and less--.

gaining. Tho steelworkers' union > sot f< their demands an d as much os 'said they, would settle on such a basis and «iothfi else.

The only way tho steel companies could '.'negotiate" In "good .fa ith ," according ti th e steelworkers’' way of thinking was ti

I —Burrender-completeiy—tOT-Ofe-unlon'a—dC' mands. — • ' ‘ '

When settlem ent of tho steel dispute was’^tchcll Vico President Nixon, and newspapers


W H I R L I G I Ge Rrpubllcnn tIcKet. AUhouRh he Aii ncl the ticket, th e field or vice prexldentlu!

ddy trnclc. . . ^ .In /n e t, pntternln<: hlVprocectun :ter rrex ld en t ElAviihower'i) lOS: ncllcs; he mny tow the question I

• ’.he floor of th e convcnllon vould tend to hiiswcr DemO'

W ASH ING TO N- B y - P - E T - E 'R - B D S O N -

ihcld:a=conT cnU oa:tu.w nth: k ln u 'th e week before New Yetir's. If |l0’ou (h ink thlnKH were confuted be'

lo re, jfou jh o u ld have #een Uicn

live - of

EAINFULLV APPARENT• Alon?- a b o u t . th is lime eVcryj year, iv’ co u p le 'o f ihlnB* b«Omcl ptilnfully ftppw eiit to the uvcrnge exncUy

'Oppo.ilt£ directions

nnd thni■ Ouaii been ................i Governor Rotkcfellfcr nppcar* to i liftVB removed hlnwclf from the

vtct: p rw lden i pOMlbllltle. force of lilJi Revernl rtlJi-

. . - . I . Hin Httltude. toKcther Rar Tiirinf wlih Jil» fiillure to mention Nlxcn; s lop CO P-crnTlnce they feel Uint u-cumbli

■ fornlan nnd Uiu NewAwec]) t

--------------------— J iic n - J iT A M fI......— 'wtfit and Me” policy permltA urentcr M|blllty . (Ill tlie quuitlon of thu No. 2 mnn. Scvot)

iiUis iH'nce, clrcumstance.n m ay dem and fi differ lypu of m an from one who would be chosen im

...... Kidiiy'A coi)dlllon», A lui will depend upon whu|l.-Liue.i a re nppcrmuM in the public iiUiid nvx lumm rr.. Nixon, for Instance, wiyi picked becaunc of tih lu.iinlned Alniintle radlcnbi nnd communlsiK ind pnrtlculnrly for the m njor rolo he played it lunillnit A!t;ur S llu in prUun.

•NlxDn'ji almaM ccrm in-nom lnatlon. however, doc.*; iarr»w the vicc pcmldentlnl IMt I n ‘ m any ways—;eO(;ruphlcaUy-Bnd-ldeoloRlcu<ly,.---------------- 1------

From the standpoin t nf Kcoscrnphy, it appears illm inniroovrnTnTTTO rnntnew rO reK tiiraird’Tfc iry Sccrctary Rolmrl D. Anilcraon. Texas. I t in lertiilnly- rules ou t Chief- Jii.itlce Earl W arren. lumlnK thn t Iio xtllt linrbors political ambitions, uiauinptlon which miioy make.

;i f<ico(<)K/cnl-biisf!i. I

publican -leaderi-WWl

throughout th n country hntirn»r-1lnpH ih i - .s to n ': "Steel B attle Ends on aovernm ent ~ Tflrms” i t ap'elled'the to tal coliapse of col , lective b a rg a in ln g r. ' . - .

Actually._tho*adminiaratlQn_betraygd^t3- . . r T x i l i c y - o n n r i n t t o n ” n n a “ jo ih 'cd “ fiO T a i

■ — w l t h la b o r I n ^ lm p o s l r ig u p o n th e s t e e l i h - | _ i l U 5 t r y a s e t t l e m e n t w h ic h w a s m o r e p o l i t i ­

c a l t h a n a n y t h i n g e ls e . •That's why adm inistration spokesmen

,_aro inclined to avoid a n y .commcnt on w ha t r-effeck-the-setrtlcmoht will have ohTnfiation.

Furthermore they are being careful not .to • aay anything th a t m ight raise any doubts -6bput Vice FresidDnt Nixon’s "triumph."; It: was no triumph- for collective bargali Ing, th a t’s ^ o r sure. And the effect It may,

a_Jm ve-on-the o ther labor disputes coming 'up , the railroads particularly, may send th e country o ff ,on another mriatlon ory spiral more serious than any experiencct to date.

...... ......... ..................................................x- n m y U F■^orced-to Intervene in labor disputes-When,

-negotia tions .become hopelessly deadlocked,.- ,but .any. such, settlem ent should be onH he .Im ifl'o f what'W ould a t least appear to be a' falrcbm prom ise-cnot a one-sided political

.-e*pedir--‘ “

•house. TJic Hooflli

•* Jo se ^ w ! ^ r t f n . '* J ^ reactionary and an.

*p tonRue anti aRRreulve- i-arncd him too m any enemies 'on.capitol 'Ithln tho ftcpubllcan organization...... “ ■ m ust.come from

« r ta t Indiiatrlnl nnd electoraliy Im portant 'litatc.i 'ikc New York. Pennsylvania and New Jersey. Tliree iamcrpm> up im mcdlntely,

itd Niiliorti'AiiiBnjBnOor u E n ry c iib o t . . . ...I ...- ------ Jnme.H P,'


I. M(

LodRc. Ma.iMiclJUM!tu. L abor iMtorntsy G eneral Will

has to tMU^e a c litck .fo i ChrUitma.i p iirc h u e . In the b cane, u clerk m ay ’ nmlle,. Kcntlyj rem ind the chcck w riter th a t I t’ lOOO now and the chcck tn datei

T))ls bUAlncikH of bccomlnt; uxed

A* a mnUor of who. doesn't writi

inlKht so elcai 'u ly '4 ffllll U.1-

the old year

d a te muchiRh to

li fliiure.i fro now about throuKh. thi n o t polntln

hoUdnys, and I ,a ., particular:

c persons who on ludulKvnce In iiollda;

Take- Ujiwiftht-

I She pointed ou t a few extra i p o iin d .n ic rc ” a'na~lherc'.' nllowcfl

j r a FOR »- _8pt _t«

IDS DEPT. _j>up.n_Lo_BLve, t collie, fcmnlcj

u t .3 montlis old. The IS n ROod sheepdoR and.

Hko tiic outdoors; ; Phone EAat 4-40M;


A co llar nnd leiixh lift 0-m onth*old, male, black cros; itweeh a Scotch terrlor and pek-


le committee pu t out a rt .’InR, In effect, th a t Utc fed

:ral reserve board should drajitical SLSl3ftnKCJl5JISCBLP0llClCS;j»yPl£iJ nR tlg iit money supply and

, I IA L .-B O Y L E .^n ~ WEW YORTCrjnir t - t f ^ N o th t . . . ,

w ofR M ^chelora--inpfc*thBn-Iei»p

K business ifteoclatlons, lia r , insylvanla . Chicago and

........ .....versltien Rave the ir experlI testimony. T hey a ll aitreed that ithc recession, w hich becan la te Ir 1057; wouldffct-inuch-w orde-before t Rot be tter. I t w m iv Rioomy pro. lletion.

So Fred eam ejback to th e orflci ind u ro te a plecc luiylnR tiia t (hi recession wa.n nil ov«r; He had ih i .iroof. W hen Id economic experts nRreed th a t thlnRs were bound t(

inc . IHey w ould unqueatlona- |bly Kct better.

tiic e h a r tj and the lilatlktlcal ltnblc.1 now show; P tcd wlla'rlRh^|

1 the economlAtx were wronirk ' .U tiil i In In accord with w hat

mthi 1 in preparatii S, economic

ificed in an el

Bachelors Advised H oav to

Uy IIAL.'-BOYLE_.£r~‘ tfu r l'n t^ a clvllljKrt.,,^....

"Many girl* l4vke it quite ncriouji. one compJ(»lned.-"6om ^B ct un-

jbellevnbiy aRRrcMlve. I wish I knev mirk way to fend

A c tu a llr f rl r tr r t , n iuitnber..Af I methods by w hleh

it]y bachelor can remain care* free nnd slnRla

fn the face of the moat d e ter­mined Rlrl's m a rl .

campalRn In Uio-raontha /thead.

It does''UicQ

.0 other

h a d beeiprevent Inflation. T lio t h a t thU hadn’t been e ither., B u t downtown where

c an SlMtl.stical and Ecoi clnllonA.wcre meetlnR w CRRhusd Rroup.t. between 83 and Oi p e r cen t of the 300 experts nttond

!iDBJi.lDao.buiitncuroutlook.scutoi I raised ii hand to indicate they be ■ icvcd—th e “ fcdcm l—rcscrvB” 6onra' hould continue Us present, policy n- IntcreAt. rule* and mo

rcRUlatlon to controi Inflatic • 80 the re you have both T ake you r choice,__________

ilarly tippllenblelien forecftstA of w hat't

. happen In lOCO-boih inamlcally poiltlcally—are_ ij

i61iily . . . . ............[wrong wit/) the country and w-ha niRhc-to-bc-donc-about-le-ls-tmdl' :ionaI. Economics b still by ni fienns-an-oxoct-KoloncA.-Il'A a-po- Itlcal science, w ith acccnt heavlei m th e political than on the sclen- :l(lc.

D em ocratic . p o l i c y BUitemenUi now bear down ha rd on charRea............. ~is<nhower admlnlsi

ptrllffy ii to d on 't d ifferen tiate between former ' S ecre tary of Treasury GeorQe M. H um phrey rtnd hla aucccaaor, Rob- I

•Here'are a few tested tlpi rMOurcefnl slnple m an cun ward

off-the-m o«t-pcmlatent“w ooert- '—1. If you have iv Rlrl frlenc

lamed Veronica, send her a b W o nndy on V alentine 's dny nnd cn lose a card aayinK. "To Mabel, foj*- ver yoursl” Veronica will p u t yol mmedlately on Ice.

2. T he nex t tim e you ko to youi [Irl'a house, l^rinR alone your laun-

|dr>-.-3. Always RO o u t on double date*

If a Kin c an 't ge t you fllone. shi [can't very well luik you to m arr)

f-«he nsks-you-ovcrfoni-KOOd Inld.ffixlilnrx^fl iT nut I , Isllow UP carrj-lUK a stom ach p -" ’' ' ^

S. Q uit your Job -and becoj rm it for the re s t of Uic irmltJi RCt few er marrlab'e pro­

posals than anybody.

King Hill Ghurch-j -Gfficers-ElectedKING HILL. Jn ti. — Prank

jones was elected-elder for a three, year term a t th e annual conRre- gatlonol fflceUnB~6r " t l ie United I’rexyterla'n ch u rd ) M onday n ight with thn Rev. - - -

to JOII.

her proapec)liw —ft's lt~ It W ere'a bIF(

Joke-w ha t an odd and fickle fain ' Uy you spring from.

0. No m atte r how rate sl)e show, up for a date, you ulwnya show u | lit least 15 m inutes la ter. No woni

atnnd being kep t walUnR b;

r-m aW -pow |,^” ^ - t . -

'f woiiifn. ■ Uj '"re of bwroulrit

Almo Residents

daughters Imvo 1Roy.' UUh, aft»-r.vl,',irit

ils. Mr. nnd Mr.n. Cli Mr. and Mrs. Keith J|

family, Bountiful, mit Mrs; Jean Elhs imcl Mr. and Mrs, Vc-riimi fi family. BriBhain .c u y

Hi (ilu->.'*

r!nrn;4^■ 01,. 1

Teacher Returns■,icatlon In Phoenix. Ai

Mr.-and Mrs. Lester St.i'bbj lui. I

Bruiih and Edsnr Sluic j m e on a bualncM trin 1.



Lodge ha.1 said th a t he does n o t seek or wan honor, presum ably keeping hinuielf nvallabli jead of the ticket In some other year. B utirrntmjFconrirn'TnBjonoinrwsuenHrmiiIdeal choice.

A* a Catholic. Secretary MItcheU mlRlifirdcd unlCM the Dem ocrats ............

mntin(r~5cnr~J0Ttii~ K ~ K a tTie However, th e New Jersey probably-bc as-popular-wlUi Inbor’n-lcadci anybody the R epublicans coulil name.

Attorney General RogerB is ftblc and likable.10 suffers from the liabilities w hich’ go w ith iffice. M ajor, piirtlea rarely aelect such a contro-

■ In view of this nnalyi


Arizona n u th o r ltiu b lam e th e I icar Tucson on tho driver of truck which Uiey sa id was ss nn hour on the w rong side of

jien Jt struck the bus. , •Exactly whAt happened lUse both -the- truck'a- drl' ero killed, alouR with the

bus and six of tho 41 paa.icm jncclnt-bQ und-for-N ew -Q rlrju _P atro l Superintendent H athaw ay blai a n ^ t h e uao of benzedrine by Uic tnick rtrivm

T his dramaucaliy_.cniphftsiM3 . on< 'rlou.H liighwhy safety problenw—thi

driver who succumbs to fatigue. 01 iRhi fnilguo w ith drugs w hich m ay

UPH ILL FIGHT ■When supporters of Sen. Hubert' Hum

- phrey of Minnesota se t up formal campaign headqiiarters to r h im last'summe?, thls-w as,

—considered tan tam ount-to an aTihoQhccmontH- of his candidacy fp r the IflCO Democratic i-prcsldentlal nom ination. Sb'hls-formal dcc=

.laration the o th er'd ay simply gilds the lily:. . As the senator him self now points out, he

faces an uphill struggle. He knows he h as no wide support a t th is tlm e.-that he m ust caririt~Uiu h ara way 11 he can. ^

Llke'orie oX his- blggcst rivals. Sen. Johi P. Kennedy of M assachusetts. Humphrey has chosen the preferential,prim acies as th e ■way to.earh bacfcing.' He Intends goIn"g in to Wisconsin,.Oregon. SputH Dakota and thi

• D istrict of Columbia. Money, he says, stops fiirthcr ventures.

w hether,that limited an array of prim ariesfor Hum ' ____

. them ail. And he’ll be facing some, tough competition in a t least th ree


M EC H A N ICA L.BK A IN S-“Man ys- the 'l^ach lne" has long bcei

i iy u r i t t i - ^ u b J tu iL -o ^ s c i c u iW ith human beings generally getting th i bad end of the deal. Sim ilar direful predic­tions by nonflctltlous scientists arc a little more recent.. One of them; Dr. N orbert Weiner, warned a t the 120th m eeting of the American As­sociation fo r-the Advancement of Science In Chicago th a t electroi’llc brains may he

. sm arte r than we believe, and th a t o u f^o w - j i t to unplug them m ay be''no be­cause of the sluggishness of our thinking

.processes compared to-theirs.B ut ail is not yet gloom. Another scloiVtlst.

" .................................. i n ^h a s t h e a b i l i ty t o t a l k a b o u t t h e w e a th e r ,•Judging from th'o reported dialogue betv«ocn,I t a n d a m a n . , th e ,u a ic - w a R - a b o u t - a a - u n lm w 4 ? * ^ * f P ? > “ '!> - a g i n a t w r a a a l l s u c h c b u v e r s a t lo n s h a v e '

, e v e r b e e n . . ' .. Machines -may ta lk about the weather,

but. they never do any th ing aboiit it. Yet. -

j i n l c k l y .

caiuea some of o u r w orst accii U som eth ing very difficu lt to com bat. Tlio sleeDyl d river m ay nppcnr a le r t If h e Is halted by nn offi­cer. The driver w ho Is nrtlflcljUly stim ulated to th e ' p o in t pcrhap.^ of nervous confusion may not show it. ' And Utere nrc. no teats w hich can reveal these,eon<mions, as tests- m ay -revcn l 'nlcoholLMli:----------

IjducaU on,.ra ther thn ii e_iUu.T_pnforccment o r #n- S nee ring . Is' the niaiti riiiswer to th U hishw ay safe, ty -p ro b lem . D rivers m iw t .wmehow be impressed

8r«y,?_clnnB.er_of. ovcr^drlvlng. the necd_to atop Irequenily to relax tired m u«le .i nnd senses to sleep w hen th e .point o f drowalncAi 1.1 reached.

T housands of pcopio die nccdltsMly each year on our-«U ccta and highways because far (otf many

j.* I warning* ngiS a lt Lake Trlbui

low est-paid workers. [Jo in t Board, nn afM te ra Union. T lic'incn RO‘dem and.vror a gc

Improvement of emi

Page 5: · - Thil h part of (lie wreckace of a Nallonal airline* New York-Ki-Mlaml pUiie IhAt cratHed near \VHmlnrton. N. C.; Mrly

; V'/Vlpdern FasHiohed in O u r Friefidliness" B U R L E Y S *

Page 6: · - Thil h part of (lie wreckace of a Nallonal airline* New York-Ki-Mlaml pUiie IhAt cratHed near \VHmlnrton. N. C.; Mrly


Border Soon'7 —

h w ioapiia o f p e n n w l diplomacy in ro U ie r parU of tlie world, will pay -YtotU -ln Iftt«-Februiu>.And enrly

I M arch to B nu ll, A rsraU na, Chile . Mid U r a n V : ! :•ItJO President, nceompnnled b /

. Mr*.’ EUenhower and hla brother r MU ton. afflooe otAen, will qK pd

10 da j* o n j t i e fiyinc Journey.. •* T u rpcwt i for Trip

■rnie Pm ldenl.* ' an otflclal nertiDcemenl said y tf te rta y . -hopes th f tfh l* .v is i t will serve two pur- , P««:

----- “publlcljrT ctlecrh ls-deep-ln ter*' In all th e countries of the

___ia.”icn irln icon rfB 8T tB tnon i6= ''Tclopment of the inter-American aystem, n o t only aa » means ot m eetlns th e u p lra tto n a Qt the peoples of the Americas bu t nuo u • fu rth e r example of Uia wny *11. peoples may live in . peaceful cooperation."

* I t ir a i apparen t du rln s SlMn- Jiower'5,December tour of 11 na-

_■ tlons la Europe, Asia oad Africa I - —Wben th e rcecpttoos ttven him

V O * nnptw cdented — th a t ' the P m id tn t was detply Impressed

. . With th * p o te n u a liu u of personal

r o f GUit« C h i l i a n A.

r j e a M U » FrM Jdent'in lo s s o n

1 to thU Ume, In h is capacity |_ * f l.* .m e m b « .o f_ th o .n a U o n R l ad*

y-iaory commttlfc on WWr-AJn«U . can aXfalr*. \

Jam es 0 . H asefty . W hite House . press secretary, supplied this bu e*

Sonat K hedule:' B m a r t b . a - M , A rnentlna , ]>«b. t e - » . Chile FMi...40-Marcta ' a , t a i U ru toary M areh 2-3.

^ u l e .OverTV Attacked

■ ~ A n ln te m a U o n a l Cham ber of con^- 1 . ■ inerce official u r tc d ' today th a t

s give Um f td tr a l conunu-______IS com m W oa (FCC) powero-b» r "r t w t l i«r»-froin - m ^ n g

p Oortney, Hew Yorlc. ehalri____ j t th e X ntM naUoaal.Cttam-

b « r^ Cnlt«d S U tu councU and * ••o a -f ln n r« o -

... ....... - .........- .J T a c t bew - t o -n n * w it " U iw « " » n a

_ t y U w - lo r adTertlscra.e fflet&tt p ro c r a a poUey.

-..ggrtiM T -“« ^x _ P w n a» i._ K ; '-t : o L J h ^ a w .o w im e m 1 } «a redeniUra o t MttslclMS,

r Of tm 6 » o tw p c w tn

'E stim S ^ Said Low on Projects

Winds Ai'en’t IReforming so

. ....... ..................J n f television and radio p r o f r a a i Is presentedu » tervtee to readers o f th e Ttn)e*>Ne««. LUtlncs are (um lilied by (he sU tlon.'A Dy errdra-or chances aboold be reported to l^ e aUUaa

W in terT o u g liWA8HINOTON, Ja n . 7 ( U P l) -

P o r a while i t looked tis though the high westerlies had ’reformed and would let us have a m o d m te ly decent January .

B u t they backslid—with results already bitterly 'A pparent o v e r m uch of the country. Instead of balm y and benljn . January prom-

..................... .. -uUnls.crable.

W n U Co»lw.\ •Waatber_______ - j e bigbiwwiHntlBt a re Uie lofty

w aSH lN O T O N . Ja n . 7 (O P U -. rivers of f i r which appear, by theway they flow, to d ic tM e 'th e w eather pa ttern of the northern ' smperate tone. * <

These a ir currenU normaUy t a o v n a Bcntif^im lulaU ns couraes from w«st to cast.

• il-sa « aytlem which carries them lat-t©-thenorVft-«id-<leei>-lnto>he

w th - as th e y , m ake . th e ir ..« a y tfoss Uie contlnent.- ■ ■ •'V Irir6M "W U it^ lU «» l(r

. W hen th is happens, w arm tn cal a ir ctaihes w ith cold pt^ar

• - jJ r .J « ro m e lta m t i

;. C im pben told cong reu yesterday

jalng fo r new w ater resources proj- 'Tccia. — — -

uet a a d oaneterlM ., C am pbaH L t^d h b - * t« a y -d ls.

^ ^ o a a d t h a t neither, agency has a l- ;• 'WkjB itd o M d th e tovem m ent‘8 U*

ahUny Tor tT3ocatlo( uUUUes by a ■ deprw iation cred it fo r ezp lrtd

- aertio# Uf«." H e added:--------! !O u r-m tew ~ a b o w ad -aU a a t

th e . eocps does n o t use th e flood

Mighf Get H o ^PORT WORTH. Tex., Ja n . 7 (fl

—Butch, a hltch-hlklng fox terrier w ith a ready paw. n o t only go t a r id e but may have a new home.. Mr. and Mrs. E. H . Lance, n r t W orth,' 'notleod. ihp ...dos waving

— eies have been slgnlflcantly-hlgh-

_ j C l u 3 s t m a S : R u s h , —

Kills 5 PersonsOUATEMALA. Ja n . 7 UR — A

crowd of m others and children . rushed the doors of a school where

C hriitm aa toya w et« being dis­tr ibu ted yeatertlay and ttve per* aoBs v e t* killed In the crush.

boys.Thfr C h fld ren l Christm as com­

m it te e , 'a charitab le o rrin lza tlon . had arranged th e dlMrlbuUon .of

. free toys to poor children. L atin __Amerlcan»_ genem lly_ give _ the ir . Christm as gifts on J a n . e.

Water Lo w1 waa Just 41AOO acre feet, ae* eominff to repo rt a t th e Big Wood

- C anal o tnea hare . .L as t year there was 113.000 acre

. fee t a t th is Uroe. Capacity o t th e ___ MeaTToteJiUSlJOO acre. feet.

M e « iis .> Ttgorwis wlntcr.'LAc^ cording to .N im las, chief o t th^

ith e r-b u rea u 's -« r ten d td -fo re - ts seCtlonr the h igh w «

w ent wrong early la s t fall. • -W a in la s -s a ld r -bare him out, U____ ____ _______straighten up the.aaU In for some storm y w eather. S ta ­tistical records going back IB years Indicated th a t the best chance for reform would come In late October o r early Tiovember. a period when

-patterns qult«-oft<en change.

T h e Iniquitous high westerlies passed up th is chance, nnd re ­mained , Ml In the ir disordered ways.

Television LogKLIX-TV

(Channel 11) TiiujUDAV

IiOS n<{l)' llutlon ruo WhlrtrUnli llUO llMl U«c<i/I .1130 Tomlxtoni T«rrl(arj iiM riub t!MS:S;JS!K—---------

m3» Tu II* Announenl »:00 I Vo'r* Luer • i » DMirntxr IIMil*10:00 Lot* ut.I.I(*'JO:IO 0**feh /or *7bmorrowtO i» RuMlat U fht ItiOOJiHtiM Gun 11 m Vorld -Tuf«»—

SM Hrithwr Dwsi3> M n ‘e f N?)it SiM An«rlMa U*ndaU»4«ao RirTU*TlB*Siw MuIumb

IlawhUI*iiM U iX Vtow. -WeiU T-OII » 0» l D* r>r*«TW JIl'Fl Club 1:00 CiMlc|dt of SporU '-

gporu Roundup-- -• - ties T a i l Id* Sltnt 6«r>t<«

Noisy Rioting “B^Prisoners

week. .They stopped.and B u tch hopped

In the ir car. H is nam e was on his collar; which Uiled h is borne as M idwest .c ity , Okla.

T h e veterlnnrlan a t,M id w es t sa id ' h e . belonged to nn airm an th e re who h a d n t b ro ^sh t him in since 1058," Mrs, t a n c e said. '••I may keep him If we can’t locale th e own er.**--------------------------- —

*Ho kept standing on ' h is back paw s and waving his fro n t ones." tfra. Lance said in explaining how le attrac ted th e ir a tten tion on the


T hey took no hostages.A bout ha lf o t th e prison 's In-

m atea look no p a r t In th e o u t­break-.—

Petition Is Filed To Probate Will

A petition fo r 'p ro b n te .o f th e wUl of M rs. B lanche E. T easley. who died Ja n . l . wna filed W ednes­day In .Twin Palls probate c o u rt by V en r-ftrT caalcyr-husband- deceased woman.

T h e petition sla tes Mrs. Teasley I d t a n e state of rea l and personal


Car DemolishedRUPERT, Ja n . 7 - A i W Vhcvto-

le t sedan driven by Clarence s! U nderhill. &3. was demolished when i t h it . th e rear o f .a IDSfi'lnM rna- tlona l tmck parked on O .n re e t n e a r the telephone office Tuesday B ltem oon.

T h e truck, owned by Project Mu­tua l T panyand driv­e n by W aller M. Charles/ was not damaged..No c lU tlons.w ere 'issued by E rnest Williams, R upert pollce-

wha in v u tig au d .

lE T B TD M H TTCIZBO K E. Jan . 7 (D P D -A w ard ot

a u s j e s contract to Detwellers, I hCm Tw in Falls , fo r modification a t the M ountain Rom e a ir force

B elter Q ualify—Bigger Savings


,A llW ool-:.Hylon : V itc o s ^ A c rila h

TA TIs J ^ * t t r i i i t o r e ~

TG^roken up-'tyBTTTgnawrwi.n, t

( iR -L ->_M ore-thaa-40a-shoutiiig . Ing and laughing Inm ates • laa t~ n igh t.' for" nearly ■■

ura • a t th e Connecticut sla te prison.

luaeds w ith tear g u and sholc im s forced-the prisoners slowly to -re ­t r e a t to upper tiers.

T han S ta te Pollco Com mlsslonu t* o j . Mulcahy emerged from th e p rison-and said the riot h a d been broken up. Ju s t a tew stra g g len r«m ttined"ln“ th e 1 iu lls and corri­dors o f th e prison, h e said. .

" I t looks like It's a ll over now,' e sa id At 11;2S p jn .T he rlo t . was quelled as a n a ­

tional guard rltle company headed foT -the prison-in-answ er to -a «a>>

ifris'the^prlaoiN- - ___ relum ing to the ir celUfrom the evening recreation period.

T h e m en -were In the ha lls a o d corridors o t the cell block w hen they (uddeoly bucked the ir guards a n d began thauU ng .and

property of o hearing is sei

IhjdexSameBO ISE. Ja n . 7 ( U P ! ) ----- ^The

e tJtvcd-hy-ldaho-farm Ers-on-D ec.- 19, 1B&9. was about the te m e as a year , earlier.

H ow erer,-the USDA said th e 733 per cen t of the lOlo-M average was one point below th e November; 1959, index. . '


Overdraft Listed —InGeneral-Punt

_ T C lS K ._Jjflj_« t= fila lc_ lE ea= i ire r RulOa Sweosen reportedsurer Ruloa Sweosen reported

ytalerday ■ an ovetilratt of >9;- 304,SS0 In th e Idaho general Ju n da fjU it.ea d .o f_ lh e .y ta r. __—«lhis-is-ve»y-eneourag in* -a»*it ■- ------------ J_m6r'o than -lo st j e v . ' 'fie' "B ut considering .^e transferred

to public schoqls m ore th a n two m llU on-dollars'-ffiorr^han-las^yw th is Is good," said. Sw ensen;— ' t - • n j e ov trdraft represen ts th e lag Id tim ing o f ta x revenues behind s ta te expenditures..T ax anticipa­tion notes on o the r a U te funds u t Issued to cover e x p eo d ltu ra im til .the,re , cJnto-tha.treas- uiy . -

Springdale Sets _Ward_Conference

held- Sunday. Ja n . 17, It ported a t th e socram ent meeting Sunday by Bishop Oeorge. Johnson, who presided.

Prayers were given by 0 « Randall and Jam es Bronson. 1 .._ Bruee T urner and Louise Johnson were la charge of music.

In fan ts blessed .a n d nam ed In­clude the s o n .o t Mr. a n d M n . p ran k Edftar, nam ed Itobert Dean by Ray Zollengeri daugh ter o t M r .-a n d - Mrs.—W aynariR andall; nam ed Linda Elaine by h e r g iu td - fa th e r , Ocorgo. lU nda ll; daughter o t Mr. and Mrs. Roas Jones, nam* ed Carla J ^ h n by G ary Jones; and daughter o t Mr. a n tf l j r a . Del- l» rv Ra&mvMeo, n a n h e r father.

ThU was tli« f irst service held ------ aS a^lB IT pcrr

s attended.

Students LeaveHEYBURNi Jan . 7—College stu>

den ts of the Emerson a re a have returned to th e ir schools.

T hey include K aren Sho rt, LDS Bujlneaa college: K aren H anson. Ricks coUege: Carolee M oncur and Luane_BlAeker_ and_R lchard Lc* Baron.-O anadarhouse-«ue«t o t-the Alma Slackers,' sH g h am Young univeislty; Ja y AnderaoD, UiU- ve n lty o t U tah : .K eith Stocking, Idaho S tate college: Carolyn Orott3,-Los--Angcles-cllDlC!‘-Ken* ne th NeaOt, U ntrerslty o f Idaho , and Sylvia •.Schroclt, 'B o ise Jun* lo:* college.


SATDRDfirv1cmr9(Basem ent Dining Room) Serving from *6:30 to 9:30

J u l y L , . A y a u s t ^ a p l t o u —^--S ™ th H * ,-b rtn e -y e u r-w lfe — h i .1- n n r i in ,^ i,n ^ rD i> » u nnd.children. R e w la r ad-

—doys-wiH-be-out-guestsr------- aer-u,-half;prieeT;-----r r

Improving of _ (jem iNni'sing-Homes Noted

BOISE. Ja n . 7 u n -s te a d y Im­provem ent was reported W ednes­day in vthe condition of nursing homes in Idaho.

*The departm ent o f public s lstaD ce.'!--sald-O ov.—Robert—] Smylle. * ^ g a n la s t spring to rc Imburse nursing homes to r th e care o t reclpteoU o t public assistance.

l4Kennecoti)4<^€ui Utah Work Force

made .to 11 nursing homes for the c n re 'o t z » public, assistance p a ­tients.. "T his cMc.ia.purchMccLonly_for those recipients ■ who are under care o t doctors a n d who are eared to r in ndrslng Homes whose per- sonne l-aad-taciU tlw -raeet-oerU in

Smylle. in h is weekly column w ritten tor-new *-raeflta ,-sald th a t laym ents th is m onth will go to 13 lomes w hich employ a to ta l aC 10

H 8lalifi¥rTuiSc8'Trna~32-Ilcenied practical nurses. I n January ot last yearj- lh e-g o v em o r -sald ,-the-101 nursing hom es operating In Idaho employed a total of only IS regis­tered nurses and 30 lleotsed prac-

im provem ents In order th a t the de­partm en t of public assistance may purchase c v « lo r them . B oth the d e p a r ^ d n t o t iienllh a n d .th e 'd e ' p a n m e n t o f publle'oltilslaDea~ot- f e r consultation to nursing homes about the rtguU Uons and require­m ents u nder which the homes are expected to operate.''

Area Guardsmen Given Promotions

- B 0 I B B .- J a n ,- 7 — S Ix -M ig lc Valley m ch were among 31 Idaho arm y-natlonal-guard-o tflcers-w ho

T hey a re R obert' p . Bcnolt. Twin Falls, advanced to cap ta in ; Sam ­uel K . M agaw, Tw in Polls, to m ajor: Roltert L. a o ttm aste r, Twin PU ls. to chief w arran t officer; Al­la n H . MUIard. Jerome, and Theo­dore R . Pence. B u h l to lieutenant colonel,' a n d Kay R. Larson, Kim­berly ,;to ,m a jo r.

Speech Oubs Set Burley LuncheonBURLEY’, Ja n . 7—1\»Bstrrilstre8S

a luKcheonBURLEY. - .................

Council No. 0 will hold meeting a t 13:30 p. m . Saturday, J a n . 10. a t the Burley Elks hall. ' ■ Speech contest p lans will be d ls- oissed’. 'T h e . winners of local con-

Pftbrujtor_KllLiircDiifc f< the council *'— - '..........................— O ff end the re­gional con test will be held In S a lt U k e In May, according, to the local president, Mrs. Newel Nel-

Clubs belonging to council No- 0 of w hich Mra. LaVem strong. Twin Piills, Is president, a re Filer, Buhl. Jerom e, Burley and two from Twin Palls. .


------ -TH U RSD A Y ,'JA N U A RY 7. i960


e r a f b v S g e U ^ e d dcd'dedly better: today w ith an ex tra « f l mUHon dollars o t federal reveoue from

iin^Trp^ctofl noliyce. IT h e money came from the feder­

a l reserve board, w hich decided th a t th e 13 federa l reserve bMiks should pu t a i r o f the ir earnings bacli in to th e treasury . Nearly aU federa l reaerre bank Income comes from inw rest on treasu iy sccurittes

inics own. 'LOM May Be Offset

Uke toe 3 -ytar-oid T o n T t tg a n -owbB*. Tow-headed T od m ode five app fir rr '* !* •*- during ISSS, each tim e a s ' a n emergency case. T he loc reads:

—Instruisflni ttm pval of k e r- . oe l o t com lodged deep In r i t h t ear. ~

—FtQr lUtcbea to cloae pencil wound in roof of m outh.

—Instnunent r e m o T a l o t ground beef Jammed -up le ft noctrll.

—Stom ach pumped to rem ove one p in t of cleanlhg flu i^ taken

^’^ iR abies shot fo r b ite oa hand . ‘ '

-/ O y e r F o rces-S B p U L , J w . 7 (UP^Dcmdewn.

sa id today he^w ?lW eSnd*dunS ‘ th e legislaUve seulon b tclnm ^ M coday th a t South Kor “ r ? S '

G reat-B rita in In' O ctober In can . repaym ent o t a .d eb t, would offset steel strike Inroads Into federal tax collections. .

A 05 million dollar budget sur­plus forecast la s t September as­sumed a quick end to the steel •trike . B ut th e w alkout dragged on until Nov. 7. Steel, au tos and other industries lost producU oa,. sales, profits and waces.

O ovem m ent sta tisticians feared . j r ft Ume th e ta x losses 'would throw th e budget Into th e red by as m uch aa 600 m lU on dollars and cause th e th ird Blaenhower budgetd e n e ifu r th re ey e aT * .'- .-------t

Now prospects are thatfrcveniiea H I nearly m atch th e forecast 79

billion dollars. They could go high­er, I t business, especially employ- m ent.-is very brisk th is - - - - - rT H B W inL aw . ■ ^ ■

Pair-Reinstated— In Area Grange

H a'OZRMAN; Jan . 7 - M t . and M rs. Georgo were re in ­sta ted to membership In th e B ag - crm an Valley Oimnge a t th e m eet­ing held Monday evening at._the O range haU. T ed Bell, m aster, reports.

Percy Pollard, com m ittee c h a lr - lan, reported on the prices of tiding chairs to be purchased for

..le hall. He a lio read aeveral aec- tlons trom :the Omnge-Dlgest'. .

Mrs. Stanley Hoskovec. lecturer,

from a reserve board dccl* S io n -th a t- th c -1 3 -T e td rv e -b a n k a should discontinue ploughing ID per c e n t o f th s l r eartiiDgs in to 're - serves every year. Ziutead. each bank 's toU I n e t eaniings, after paym ent of dividends to stockhold­ers. will go in to th e treasury.

K ennecott Copper corporation says i t will have to c u t down th e work force a t Its U td h 'sm elter because stockpiles _ot_ore-CGncentratea.arc dwindling' and a s trike o f email unions Is holding up resumptii m ining activities.—T lie ooiqpaQy advlsed-the-Unlted Steelworkers o t A merica th a t the cutback probably would begin Sat­urday. T h e steelworker* have ast- tled a C ontract dispute w ith Ken- Txecott to r a 233 cen t pe r hourw nge^acltage.

About • thousand steelworkers are-em ploved-a t-the-M agna'sm cN

T he sm elter w ent back into op­eration* a l te r th e USW agreed to a

contract.-M lnlng-ofore..hO K .-.----------

m ust s ig n ' contracts before full- scale operations con b e resum ed to U ta h .-th e company said..

ingTo Meet Jan. 12

BURLEY. Ja n . 7 ------ Advisoryboard-ot-Idalio-gratlnB-dlstrict-No'r 2 will m eet iJan. 13 a n d .13 a t the bureau o t land m aoagem ent oftlee here, i tp o r ta Jack P . Wilson,; dls-trlQ t-m anagce.- ---------------------

T h e group will consider applica­tions fo e 1980 grazing seasons, ranjff~lmproveiwent .and "transfer

.~or~ theboan l include Wesley B .'W a rd . Elba; Jo h n A. Pierce. M aha; Ray Lincoln. Tw in Falls; Edwin D. Crockett, H ansen, and G arnet Kidd, Burley.

Mishap NotedPILER^ Ja n . No in juries w er.

reportied when a 'c a r driven by R ichard A. M cM eehin. Missoula, Mont., w ent o u t o t 'conU ol-on a curve south o t H ollister'early Tues­day morning.

T h e 1037 Chevn>^et le ft th e hlgh- Pijiy atod slid sideways down the borrow pit. tearing o u t several sec­tions of fence and retu rn ing ta tlie highw ay before stopping. Owner of the car, Jam es P. R athm an. San G abriel. Calif., was a passenner. No

IS were Issued. invcsugaillTK

Chung said he would base hii cmand oo th e recent InttlctintnT ’

th e shaving o t the two proatUui,, caugh t aoUclltaR In ^ ^ ,s , a m t ' barracks "had their henda ihaiM T he shavings have cnuawi Ridt.

Pw te it Filed'•The first formal protest nesinsi

tne,8hovlns.oLthB .tw»tiu,i«—was tiled today by Natloiml PflU,

L e c K a r - -•---------.;n ministry for

talcing no action,Oeri: Emerson L;_McCum.-_

mlnga, acting UA.-comrnnnder In K orea, refused to comment whUt th e arm y Investigation ot the Intl.- den t is in progress.

The_ communist radio repotltd th a t th e shavings had been • iren-

‘ " need" by newspapen capital of red Norih

...-•a rlan d . Mt*. Earle Pish , Mr, and Mrs. George Lemmon. M n . Vay Cook, Mrs. Dick Pope, Mrs.

H oatoTeB-iH tfTTO rFaw M ctnarrfr Hoskovac-aMD-Twd-


Boy’s Death Due, To Clot in Blood

reported I T h e stu

........................................-Biooa-In the hmg caused th e d ea th o t .. studen t who was strtcken during

ium exercise a t Boise J u n - lege, Coroner s ^ 'D . P aris

. . . i today...le student was k e p t .a l l r r lo r hour by doctors who m assaged

his-heart^— :-----------------------------Police IdenUflcd the you th u

,Claude Reinhart, 18, n u t e 1, Me- Mdlan.— H B T nu 'taksn-to-R -x ioctor'a-^f- flee and then to a hospital a fte r b e fell while ezercUlng Tuesday m orning. T he illness a t -flrat' beUeyel a heart a ttack.

... ■ -v^ - q n n g .w H .th - T O : i i iw ta n try d l^ Io n on Jan . l . I t s # M ^ the-g tri was stripped naked, betUn' on th e lo w e rV rtlo n of licr bodv m nd-her-.buttocks- painted je U w " before she was released. .

Bonnielhomas bd| Heads 4.HCliih^W GLENNS PERRY,.Jnn. 7 -D on.

w h i^ had tailed to healTT

Jurisdiction Plan “ O rC h m rK egt

■WASHlNCrrtN. Ja n . 7 (U P D — A special 70-member commUslon

• • t o d a y th a t th eMethodist ch w th reta in its p reaen t ‘■JurtsdlcUonal’’ - a tru c tu r r ,-w h ic h

im e M ethodlsu have c n u c tK d as symbol ofT h e c o m m ................................

w hite and Negro M ethodist leaders from ail pa rts of the country, co n - tlo a e d-nf t t f n our-year i t u d y t h a l i t would do more harm th a n good to abolish the 40-called cen tra l Ju r- Isdlctlon to which m eet o f th e church 's S00;000' Negro n tc o b e ra

s E ^ e n ^ a E g e d =. B U R l.SY ;^an. 7 — Tw o persons

appeared .be fo re-B urley - Police Judge Henry Tucker to r 'ln tox ic lt- Uon. .

T h e y a re P a t Patton. 45. Burley, who is sarrlng 13 days In th e c ity Jail, aod Joee P m i . 33, PaUT. fin - ea ' j28. T h ey were c ited 'by Burley Police officers.

JEROME MAN NAMED IN SU IT BOISE. Jan . 7 ( U P D - 'Ih e D . 8 . )vem m ent has tiled s u lt a sn ln st rank Matthews, Jerom e, to r S<49

allpdgtdly owed on a p robate c o u rt Judgm ent ta loss.

Korea., Second iBeldenl Cited

A i th e same time a Seoul newj. paper carried a story on the aliecM m istreatm ent ot another Rorean - p ro stltu te-by rA m ertcA n io id l^ la— th e same battalion where'Uie ili&r. tog Incident tm k place Jan, 2.

-The newipaper alleged tha t Ju year-old Kim W ha J a wn* cti'unhi •in compony E. second medium Unt

. RRY ,.Jnn. 7-Don. n le T h o n u s was elected pmi- d e n t o t the 4-H group th a t met a t- th e home o t-tho lr-ieadeivM n^ R alph C lark, Tuesday. O ther of.^ lic e n elected were Lorraine Caro.

ro rc r;— Pm nces~C lark. rcporttrp" Jo a n MonUgue. program chair­m an , and Shawn Uhl. sergeant-it. arm s, v -—A -aam «-for-the-«uij'w lin)T d“elded upon S t the nex t meetln«.- Ja n . 13. Serving committees /or the year were appointed, «ili O leim a Atwood and Bobble Orou

iHngrMni-C lark served lunch a fte r the meet*

Infants BlessedOAfCLEY, Jan . 7—Three Inflctl

rfe re -b lc sM d -a n d -^ a jh ea 'a rT ia , LDSJl.riL»iu:<l.Mcn»mcnt meeUnt. Sunday.------. T hey include the ion o t Mr. aod

M r^ - A rthur Bergener, who wu nam ed Todd and blessed by W i'l grandfather, O tto Bergener; son.of'1 Mr. and_^&». T T w ard: Mclntoih. I blessed by h la fa th e r 'a n d nsaed { Howard Lance, and th e son of Ur. i a o d Mrs.. Ernest Hale, blessed b;

•Albert Hale,.

READ T iyE S -lfE W S V

Q 39B S 9B S B S I- T H U R S .-F R i,,S A T l

"TH E BIG CIRCUS','C o ler-


T H U M p A Y r - r t I . p A y .C lint W alker • B ddB ym es '

John R um U . ''T f E L L O W ST O N E -K tU L Y ?'

i»olor Short Subject, Color CaritH I


Club to Meet■WENDELL, Ja n . 7 — Gooding

CounV Regional H oneless Car­riage cluQ 'w lIl m eet a t 1:30 p. m. Saturday a t th e Tw in Ptolls YWCA. A potluck d inne r will be served p recedlntM hc-m eeU pir


Jackpot, N«yddg

SPEQAL - s e a f o o d a r a m a

:__JW dayJNight-Only!--R E L ISH E S: „ A l l F o r O n l yCelery, ra d U h es,' carrot 's tic k s , green ontons, assoH ed - pickles,V}hotc. sp iced K ie ffe r peaches, p ea r 's‘a n d .c ra b apples. *

S A U D S :

iTosse^greenrsnrim prcrab, cot- tage cheese and pineapple.

the broasted chicken vott want.—H ash-BTPW H -cr-rreBch-Prl e d - r e t a t o ^ - -

M tU r , T oa;^ arui.C atfM _ .

--0 , S “ te'femmentl.. Bubblinffoi eriv/fli tjun...Laug|fe,;

A L S O -“Gideon of Scotland Yard”

Friday f l T o :HURRY! ENDS SOON!

h im w h o w ifitau t

„ .. . lB « E R -M O E Ii1 IO O R E -W m S

l l ^ i , F l i » l l ! l J U T l B i a i , l > ! W ^ j L = g

Q R P H g U MPO O BB O FEtl l l »


Page 7: · - Thil h part of (lie wreckace of a Nallonal airline* New York-Ki-Mlaml pUiie IhAt cratHed near \VHmlnrton. N. C.; Mrly


A M ^lresses Layout Bef^iin for TitaiiJLaiuidtrHff-Svsh‘mmn0wuvlwu Ji:«MijnS:=Dpspi-F = =^=Seb0oEN «jds


RUPERT. Jan .' 7 - ”Doub!e sc.i- ]>lons will be neecs-snr}' for the hleli ^1)001 thU fnl] II U'e do no t bullil

-mote cltt«rouu'.s" Can\<lc'u Meyer, .counly superiiKvndeiU cif ;sc]iool.-i< told ihc Minlco PT S A 'n i it mectliiit

— TuedsjrTiiKhi. r'—-------------In otilUolUR Utc needs of «\c.

dinlrlcl. M c je r’sald th iii th e new cl.isit’oOHia were iiccMsiiry to mi:e cure of the JncmulMK eiirolltncni Every wcel;. a l lean. .Mx or new students c m cr the cuimiy ichoolA. Double sehcclutrs will be ilc:e.«'nry tlie^ foliowlni; /iill. he

'r.oted. (or ih c 'lu iilo r UIkU cUsscs iir.d powlbly lo r llie eleiiieiilnry

- i i iS ■^ c ic rm ltie If i

„ S ts K a —CfliiuU— ^oppiflvc ft bond Issue lor SOOO.OOO for nddltloimt clam room (ncltlttes a t the vatWUA schw'l site* In the . coiinij'7iiiciuillhYn new elcinentnry Achuol In Rupert nnd Renernl

' v.itlnst. j ’ellchtlnc iiiid iii plants, new heailnt; (aellttkR.

Mrs.- LnMon.i Hymn*. prMldent roiiilucted Die 'niecUnK nnd the niieitliit:' pm yer wii4 rIvcii by the

• Rhlnhold Opp.. .N(uilC(vl num bers were Klven by

Mr. nnd Mrs. Robert MHrnhali ' Mr5. Mftrshnll plnycd a flule m Io

and. Ihsn jo lnca her hus\«m<l- U\ s '■ Ilutc nnd clarine t duet. ,

'-M rs.-ldcllft Wllcos. in iniroduc' InR A piuicl discussion, culled tin ‘■{BO'l'y" AO w here llit>woiDd be served food for ttiouRht Tlie fa ther Was Del Tliomj with Mrs. Dorothy .Llnsey

UrS-RediBpi"^c iii — imt Siivu-I — red- lu p c ‘n

oirylnx ;i i.uher' irvliii; ici i;ci Ills chiUln'ii ouV o aiivifi-i'i 'iiliclln l Liihiiiin!;!.

l*i;lrt\i-. I.niiias \v;ivl(ilil Si>v|c rrr in n ir NjKit.i Kiinislichcv la I.ill Jti IJr.s MoUii's, I;

1 bi'hliiil till'ClllltllVflIi;;n .CuiK.iii .

Nll'A. IV i'al.l Ue.llWlvvMoMl, till' rii lin 'd uiily U.a. VII-


llioshDinv-Boiti-d- To Meet Jan. -2() “

KsfHonofTaiar „ =-To Herbert Caski

UURLf-Y, -Jan, 7 -P u n e n il ncrv-fs irfs for Hc'ibert (Hern CasK w crcy held In<-?(liiy nlicriicxin n l - t h c i McCulloch (uncral 'ho m e chftpel.l ttilh Ui.'|io|) AJIeii Cnrtcr. offl-J clatliT;-. ^

liivotaiiDu «n.s i:lven by A H rcd .ij KhikIii, cijltuarv uii.s . :cnd ' b y t j l llnr;liicc- O. .'PiMker.i . w e rn lf 'H;izi-ti H ajui Vern C arter a m l l J^nif<lii.iiflii ikji.t _ iun ;n 'Ijy DUhc

■IIl'c pirliitlr iilid po.itlildi-JI " rrc tilajid by Maiirliie Sfi)cks|| who ftl-o n.'MiMii.iiiltd i« o vociilQ •ola< hv M:>, i-;<|iiji jjunn . M rs.ff

V.illi!. r plav«'<l 11 virtllii ^oll^. fiI-i>m)ca:,i;, u c ie Lc-.s iVYjoiis.B

ir.iniUd .Icrry Hall, lli ir- H.'Id lJ;iylc-y; Hi-r,-(.-|icI Calc.s - iiiid i|

Hri(irr,»- n o m i itrranrcm cijln |9 ix'fi- iiiidri th r .d ir rr tio n of llclpn IL

‘iy5CV*^ll llhd Jcfttt'fi

u i iv hclil » l , th c *.. Ci'iiii'Ury w ah . Verii ^

H._McCiilloi li dedii',iiiiiK the u rave .,l,',orv Inurd Inr ... .............ii:. (ti-sirici .N.I. ■will lir hkid i ;Ji) u.m. .1,111. ui) ill till' biiu'a I I'.vivtJ im ii.n 'in u m h>'H'.I’ll!piiM-(>1 till-ii'ii'elim; Is 10 , 01, ............... . ... ................

sUli'r iiiKl rcioiiiMu-iiiI ai'iliiii iiiiuiil IHW have aiinounced th e y ......... . .^|1rlll;^ i:V;r,'iiii; a|i|)lli'atiuiih. M.'i'/lotr«rKaiii:'.liiiT n Lvmlim li. John.'ion

raiv.Ui:. anil Mi'iuni lour '">' p i‘'-i»li'nt club In tlil.i Mate, iipiilii.'ation?i. uci-onliin lo

Dali- ]], K uiiiaiiian. dl^irlct iu,i:i«

j o u x s o x _LOS'ANCil-'LEii. Ja n . 7 L D -fo u r _ n il will) .'[ii'arhi'iuiotl a drive lit r t f f ,ihlo;ulii tor E.itc.'; K efiiuvcr In i‘' |N

SurreyorPare laying ou t access mads JhrouRh Ihe Owyhee county desert an (h r first riia»e uf iirellmliiary epnntructlon («r »ouH«trn ia ah « ’s TStan Uuncl.lni; sv»ipin. UurklMg iin a »lfeteh iif ruad nortliweit of Grsitdvlew .......................'. from Jeft, Chuck lleiiry, cncrav lne)

N nm pa: I*. I,. C.arrisnn. Slerlillan. and V ird l Ady. Nampa. KneUircctuc f«e th is n rv ts t ro ad U Itrlnj; done by Jol(ru.ou and lindrrko'fJer. Namp.i. I'unMillInc ruklueerH. (Staff '

- < ’(>.S<UtK:iSMn>-ro'IlETinVJ— ' D liS MOINl'US; Iii„ Jun. 7 U1-- I

U. s.* Sen. Th(ini;is .Martin. I Ja.. a vclrrnn of. ip In con- 1 Rre.v.. lay s th a t he w lll'ri'tlre ii t I Ihe end of hl.n prcM-nl tenh.

^ D E L I C T f l 'l i S ~ i

Opp u-ero guesu, and Oar^’-Cor., less. Juan ita ^hor% :n»n and Lllsa KonUntn Xhe eWWrcn.

A discussion on the fast pacc life nnd th e rc.iu ltan t problenu was held. The panel stressed the Importnntc c l Inm lly solldnrliy. suRRCStlniT th n i titc family should Join togellicr in aoclal nnd private

lO T'lm lly p rn y m .They felt th a t Uie fntherx should

' 'le head of the household. S(u-

.. ,fl the leellnir of youiH tha t . ....e nnd consistent discipline was needed-both a t hojuc_imd H ^ I ib tehools.

inKersoll w ild 'lh a t m nnv n rtb - ieina wliich'»rc~?!enooi nam n im rtr; tlon hod Jo cope w ith were really

^WoFfelStarts for Titan Missile.Urges Second Plan in Owyhee County AreaAirport Vote

DUHLEV. Ja n . 7 tlT o m Cror.on, vice prealdeni. In cJwu'KC. of public -elaUun.1 for We«l Co».^t

NAMPA. Ja n ,' 7 — P rc llm lnary iw llh blis btilldozera constnictlon work on .noutherpj cess rmul throuKh. Owyhee count> WftUo's T lia n missile Iswjnchins :v.nivbr\5:.ii aboui 10 nilJe-i north- system was under wpy th is week we;.i. »i orandvle» '.

" ' ‘ T lif ,j.7.iiini. road to con n ed -------- -7CTIT

problems th itl should be settled _lii.the4iome.--MUt'.Sc)>»eftei--rcnd

from a pntnphlei In w hich » plea was made to porcnl-i to be firm nnd con.ilstcnt with th e ir yoiini; peoplC'-^to sliutd by t'lielr-ehlldren and n6t ,|u«t ex^rdiif pnrpntnt j l c h t

• to iniiict pu iiShm entrpolntlnR out• ilml If parents tell n child often — enough-th#t-Jie;or5hPT«re-lnllurcs

they really will become one,. Mrs. Rlehnrd W e.ijendorf

nounced th a t thi? nex t' -montlL . meetlnu wna • belns canceled ' be

Snlmoir. nnd tlie board of dlreciom of the Burley Chamber, of 'Com-

■ n l a coffee hou r at,N elson'

er nlrpor^».nfficlnln r;cmcn_ JJon cooper,. d istric t i.ale;i

niinnder, nnd T hera l PnrI.Mi. local mannficr.

tame.. Tlie nex t m eeting will b

Walter French IsHoiiore'd at Rites

. nUPERT, Ja n . 7—PuncTjji. —.- ■ Icei for Waltac Pretich were held _»L 2JJJn_W cdnc3day a t the F irs

Christian church w ith Wnlte A ra m , former pa.Mor. offlclntlnc ,B'Mt3.-Uo5tl--Knodel—plRyctt~thc

prelude.nnd postlude mixslc nnd - accompaolcd.Mrs. T fd Schor^man

nnd Mrs. WaJ-ne Newcomb, who MinR solos,. . ..

Carlne for the flowers were Mr. J. B. Snvdfr Mrii.AValtpr-Schorz-

i/.M rs.-Arthur SchontmnnrM r;: Iva SchupSsftch. Mrs, M am ie

nnd Mrs, W. N. Poindexter.Pnllbearers were T hale Seal

Lelarid Culley, Wllllnm Jolley, Ted ecUonmAn. A rthur SeJ)W*nivn am Wnlter S chorM nB t-"^, -Concluding rttca. w crc-ijc ld m Ihe Itupert eemctery.- • . . .

Hazelton Family —Visits-in—Boise

HAZELTON. Ja n . 7-^Mr. and Mr.i.-Barton Bmdlfcy nnd family "lutnetJ lo ihe lr hom e n l Boise

Icr vLsltlng her fnother. Mr.i Mnbcl Budd, nnd o the r relatives here.

Mrs. Walker W ayment received

f l-«aUKliter-ln*law. M r.-nnd M «; rr>- Wtiyment,Pvt, Donald Reed retu rned to

Cnmp Roberu. Calif,, jif tc r vlsllInK jia ren u , Mr. and _ Mr.i. B_eri

Mr. nnd Mrs. Leroy Rlclimon reiurned to their- home n t Corn- I'll; Uiah. a fte r vlsUUiR Uxelr w ti. Boyd Rlchmon. and family.

— itrx_4i_uoopoe-xclum ed_licim t afitr.ftttend lnB .the .funera l of a 'icplil-u-, MerrUl BlnnMl, ir .. IQ, « Salt Lake City. Ha wna sho t nccl-

“ tteiiaijy wmie eieanm s rtla • cun nflcr a huntlna tr ip .______

^Elba Residents

-TKniiK Kcsleil (lint “reple.senta^ lives from th e Burley and Rupert eliambcr.t, county commteloner-s niiil pcriflHs of the ' city cowncll from both eountle-i. have n "meet* n (r-o f-th e - iriin as "~ ^ ti~ v o ? ir6 u t

plans. ■ • .Ue.cquipUmoitciUliC-comsnlViN

n cIuirKc of th e la st bond drlvi /o r the "near-succe.-is" o f it. e.ipec' ally whi-n comp.ired to nwiu- o ther

coiumuiililes, he «ddttl.=-aVoui

9.rwhlctit.rt'-«ojKJ -rt\0«r.j» tv,n{ ® t^ 'O ur tc rtU lcn ic .-

When the nex t henclnc c-oniea up, he urscd ofllcltils- to for' a j c rm ancn t.,. certifica te , a tatlnn , 'TOtvc.ST'ji.jiocKi ehuhcc'-you will gel one.",. ••

He complimented M ayor Salmon and the city council on tho reno- vnllon Job n t Tlic n lriw rt. Croson wna asked why there were no clinlrs In the walllnB-^rootn a t the

Croson replied. "Y our a irp o rt Is Rellinp to be more a n d inore* a satcwny lo your c ity thero lore city pride warrnnis haviuf; nn a ttr a c ­tive wnltlnK room, i t Is eiwtpm of West

jpm e .civic ftroup front th t ... , chnlr.i nnd furn ish ' thla room," '

Mnyoe Salmon sta ted there had ;en a ml.sunderstandlnK und this os the first time th e c ity wn;i

awnre of the re.npoii.slblllty In tliLs situation nna proiiji.ied action the niatler,.. A tiucaUon was.nskcd coneernlnR :he. removal of one of the S a lt E.nke City filRhtx about a m onth n«o. nnd Croion RaUt Vlvat JliL i c u t back in the schedule f llK h l.h •winter policy" and is th e «a»i with all nirllnes,

Jo h n cui&lwlm rccom rnendtii th a t West Const should have a dlrcct ftlRht from 'B urley to S a lt Lnke C)ly wlUiout the a sual slops' a t Uitt«n,an'd ORdc» w hich lakes' up to <5 jnlnuic.1 f lig h t- tim e .'H e

GOP LeadsOSWEGO, Kan.1.. J a n . 7 (-T>—

Liibette couiJly comiwlRMOJi vciv- tcrdiiy reclpcted the lontv Re­publican mem ber ax chnlrmiin.

T lie two' Dcniocri»t.i couldn't aRtec u-tilclx one of ll»cn\ Mwulil JinveJlie-Chulrnianshlp. So iliev scliled the m a tte r by rctOectl Dale Weiilervi'.nt.

riiiiient and .m en of tho Buri;. Krnf.CoiiMrnciton com pany. Idaho l-'all.'i, followed clo,^u beliind the survcyoi-.s to build th e roadbed be­tween Ihe .surveyors' Make.-;.

Robert U nderkofler, enjjlne........»ar«ft,..4.nld-llic-work-of-lnylnff-«-

iil.t-lnch-tinck rock su rfa ce for the roildwav l<


)emos StilL Tii Majority-

111 Congress IiSUINGT0N.-Tjnt»H?-MUPll’= 4

. . . the end of February . He

.viid till- I cad would b e paved dur- IMK a laier phnse of the missile

• system eoii.siniction.

Daughter Visits ParMtsafEffen

Tliere have been seven deaths, o •rwKlHnailon-,

A. J . Udy.Mr*. Oka 'W arren and family

n»ve relum ed to S a lt L ake City vw untf h e r parenta. M r. ond

EBtnfii.M f..«nri-M r8 ^ 'n r y Eomei. S a il JMce C ity, also

^ l e d hU parents >• M r . and Mr*. Wallace Wlckell ^ l i l e , vUlted h b p a re n U ,.M r

Mrs. Lewiff Wlckel., Mr. nnd Mr*. Rex Beecher. S a lt

visited bU paren ta, Mr •?dMr».EUhu B etcher,ftnd broUi'

jM i. 1 — -M ichael 2 ” Warner, in fan l son of M rrftPd

Ned W amer. v u Messed by " I h H r ' . " BnoJdfttiher, Charles

N rt^W om or? J o h S ^ !

___ planned at^Uic ptcacnL.ilmc.le..reminded w-ho plan to ward a plane n l Tw in Falls’ of the mportanee of buyinu tlckcLi in Burley, lor a percentaee of thlii sail Roes lnlo the c ity funds nndbuttd.v-n-record-for^the*local“nlr- port an'd community. . ■ . 'T Jie maj-or aald Uuit a Je t plane

»n»lnB -/rom -T w in--Pam ” I ir 'ju s l »lrbome by tlje tim e le rcacher. Burley, nnd since It Is so 'ca Jtly to and these, plnnes tie a sked th a t f and when Durley 's e ts Yin ade­quate airport here , would Uie lown be Ignored?. ■ _£ rA san jiQ tcdJurJcy-has-«ertaln definlle protection In view of tlie ncrease of business he re . Two

dally flfshts are certain , a n d 'm a - Jor business repends oil sm a ll com* munltles • In the •, no rthw csiem su te s . They will conlinuo to be a feeder-line to m alor e lites. h c eaW.-

Mayor Salmon sta ted th a t , the city had asked W uC C otui. a fte r the failuri. of the a irp o rt bond elecHon. about rc-lay tn j a, runway a t the present airport In o rd e r to

■ s a 6.000 foot ru n w a y .-T h is — for the purpose of cnablliiff

the D R-J's to land Itt th e Gununer osw enaaU iB wlnier.

Orogon- referred th e m ayor •»AA=Tepfe#entaf----------- ---

«lnce the ectli conRvcxs beaan year n«o. bu t th e top-heavy m.. Jorltlw! o f ‘the Domocratr. remainnboul the .lame................... -Hero iR th e poUtlcfiJ »nenp for the bccond cession which convened yoklcrday; '

Lineup, Given «ou»e-2iS0 DemocrnW. 153 Ro-

publicans, four vacancies. Demo­cratic majority. 127. _ K n a lp -6 5 _ D c m o c r a ta . . 3 3 . Re. publlc.-ow, no 'i'acaneles. D em ocrat­ic,-fnajorliy. 30. ._ “n ie Demo'crnts ninlnrliv in the U down th ree jrom u .y e a r

r.rirfiMnrtVi-" 'uddttloni, relatives.•Mrs. Clara O rn n l re tu rn e d hoifte

a f te r ' vlsltlnK her daugh ter. Mr.v VirKlni.'t M arlin , and fam ily. Pori' land. - - - j .~M i7"and Mrs; ^Wllllnm .V aughn. Jr., and family re tu rned to Poc.i* tello a fte r^ .iJU n c tlvelr • parents, Mr, and'X irs. Wlilliim VnyRhn. iir, Greenwood, and Mr. a n d Mrs.-Har- old Bauer and family, Eden.

Mr. and Mrs., E v ere tt Schutte re tum cdT io iue a fte r v isa ing iicr parent.s. Mr, and Mr.i. E u r r W il­liams, Salmon.—M r.-n n d -M ni.—H firry—PelerBen

rc lu m cd 'lio m c n rtc r vis-'

LaKt January , before Hnw-nll fcn t s two •senators and one repre­

sentative to the capltol. there wer.e 263 D em ocrats and 1S3 Re- publlcaiui In the hou-ie and Dcmocr.11.1 nnd 34 R e |iubliauii tile senate. - . '

DraUm Caiise Vaeaneies Tlte lour libusti vueuttelcs u

caused by—lh o '-d o n lh » -o f- ' Rcps. Jam es O. Polk, D.. O.; C harles A. Boyle. V.. 111., nnd Alvin lt; 'B u sh . U»,^Ptt..- and - Ih e - reslgnaU on « t Rep. l.wdore DolIinBcr, D.. N, Y. Dolllnger lins been electect Bronx, N. V., district n tto rne j\

Tl\e {Q«T o ther deallw -were Sen, William Lnnger, R .. N. D., and Re|M, Sleven V. C arter, D.. Inr: Daniel A,, Reed. R-. N- Y „ .w id G eorse H. Chrislophec. D., Mo.

Tliey were succeeded. re.snocMvr- " N orm an.llruiiSanle.

. N. Y : and Reps. John K yi, R., la..“ Ch-nrleJ:ErGdo-deli;Ti:7'N.-Y;.- and Willinm Rnndnll, D., Mo.

__ Buy M oteL _BURLEY, Jnn . 7 - 'M r. nnd Mr.v

Vincent Johnson, form erly of■ the powers m otel a t ^03'

East Main from Mr. nnd M rs. SirlePoweraJDJtsilnL___________

JohiMon wns a pa rtne r wiu> liE broU-ier In, the stocery business iii-B olM -boforo-com lni^to-B urlcy. Tt)e Johnsons have two girls. K atie Johnaon. -C.-and-Molly, Johnson , 2,

T he Powtra »vlU' own U\c E ast Pa rk motel.

her planes could.

Church at Paul Elects Officers

. PAUL, Ja n . 7—Jacob K nopp and Conrad Rehn were d ue led deacon.-- a t lUc Rimuivt business m ceU ns ol th e -iCongrcga^lonal" c hu rch “ week?. •

Oiher/r elected arc Jaco b B raun. W lW am -Scntnlt- and O cn e Price, trtwtees: E lm er F e u e r, secretary; Victor Knopp'. treasu rer: Henry- Nelwert, Sunday school superln-' tcndeni. am i Joe M an cli. Sunday school trensurer. ,

Ushers arc Dave Scftneffcr, Le­roy Lebsack, Alvin W a lte rs -a n d Ruben K eiterllng.

Construction up To Record Tota

W ASHINGTON, Ja n . 7 tn - C o n - Rirucllon Ittcrewwd 11 p e r cen t In lOSO lo -n record lotal o f SIH,300.- 000,000. • the governm ent has re­ported.

T lje advance from th e 1956 it'-’d of $ « ,006,000.000 largely -repre­sented ft^spun, in hom e bUlldIng, T l i T '^ I u e o f “ p7lval“ ri3rdennKl constTUCllon Incrcnscd by M,400.- 000,000 to $22,<00,000,000, iho cen-

is buVeau said.


Mrs. Jack Reevrj, Po rtland , are visiting ihelr son-in-law ^- and

IshtavijU i^blflBW c^ftn ^ laugtirtr. . M r. and —M rs.j --- - ........... - G andlaga, nnd family. ....

— —- ■ - , have tlie FAA rep resenu tlye como

— B a b y , B l M 8 e d - 4 ^U we bu«4 tk jie-w sd ip o r t'jm ’a.

commodate jets and In a fdt^ years there are planes th a t can. ta k e ' oU v e ^^ lly .- then -w hat.-P T iem em btt:asked.~"C nuon lU ted th a t o f ver­

tical take>olf-pIanes^«-ara-not-laImmwlliite t iitu rf l-a n i l- lh g y

could M l itafl'frelffht tb s t

WEEKEND SPECIALS!Fntsh 'Shbulddr _____ m m

P O R K R O A S T ,lb .3 5 c

BOILING BEEF, lb. J 9 cL ean, T ender

P 0 R K S T E A K ^ b . i 3 S K


__^_^__U -JO P «S-8-2W .8j> »ib’-101oii!d-8tin6ank L_-------- — ^4W ft-O SV S-410U >-»T aiK B-6T A l

Page 8: · - Thil h part of (lie wreckace of a Nallonal airline* New York-Ki-Mlaml pUiie IhAt cratHed near \VHmlnrton. N. C.; Mrly

TIMES-NEWS,' t w in f a l l s , IDAHO

York brond-

Specially priced

Winners of T^am-Drawing-OKSrTOODnCENTER


' M. r. CUSTER MBS. NADINE COXsm s . BILL G n im N

------- ^JrBrMEATZ------FAYE DltiUlY


OKAY FOOD CENTERFiler o t Fillnioro

r i S n S r i a T E r a r w n E i n c E i r


■ M RS. LYLC. HOWELLS - .......... :— VATRIOK H. KLINN ■ - -


...........MRS. LEE Z O in r .. ....................M BS. JO nN D. McNABD


— — ;— 'rrn n c irc A M K R O .v—M BS.-AttTDlVIN E— '


O R A W g E S ^

cabI ^ eFirm Crisp Solid .Reads

lb.— B ag-

Sun Pockt M andarin

-pKozen -P o o ^g P e an u t B u t te r . .3 ib». lT49 ORANGES.. . . . . . ,4 <:oi'* $ tS ’ Tong, quart jar ' , . Clcoprvofcr V i cons

■ I SALAD DRESSING . . . 49c BONITA FLAKES. . 7..,$1

B O ¥ S E 1 4 B E R R ^

J UiCE 511.00— k —

' Pocific a 03. • , t-omily pack-------------


p 0 A corn’

I M ARGARINE...Folger's regular o r drip

3 C O F F E E .., . ; .2 ib-cc^:i;43


Nrc PAK , 10]/2 OZ. PKGS. .

^ B o rty .jQ tc H ,-2 8 -o z -------------------------------------a — ----------------------- ------------------* Strow beriV r& ackberry, rospberry P u rity Solfino------------ ~ •5 ° "I 00 ® ■ ■ - • • ■ ^ a c k e r s . . ! : . .2 lb .. 55i:

^ ■ ■ ■' I------- ■ • ■ — ~ l



jmWOPESL— Fof,ADpeinlments.... - _

Dial RE 3 -5 8 7 0


Fountain Special!PIE

AbidBAodewith 10c Drink .

1 9 c

f i £ «fca

. 0^

Page 9: · - Thil h part of (lie wreckace of a Nallonal airline* New York-Ki-Mlaml pUiie IhAt cratHed near \VHmlnrton. N. C.; Mrly
Page 10: · - Thil h part of (lie wreckace of a Nallonal airline* New York-Ki-Mlaml pUiie IhAt cratHed near \VHmlnrton. N. C.; Mrly

' TiMEs-NBws,:rwiirFJ5i:5^A;B0:; THT)R5DAY. JAKUARY 7. -tilim-

W«ek%Meal^ Cive Music Club Prosram^ u y W i U B e

Beef, Lamb iT he Ai»otl«tcil rr«»i

Beef nnd liimb. a lter . UklnK Uic buck M ai to hdllday r»vorllM. lu r.

nnd hivm; KrnU lUc spotllKi't ' week, oil l>he naUon's meal

:ounters.WJdely rffllurrd ns wpek-cntl

ipeclats are rouna rib ronsts, «lr]nlil ■hd porlerhouic Ktcnka, )es •»mb ond Inmb cliops.

Beef, Inmb ond poU 'n re In ftood luppl? and i»rc cxpceted to remain to lhl» ycnr. Pricca vi»ry widely w ith locality. .

*• • r i i h In on S p ftlaif _ m .h ppp>nr. prnmlnMitlv nmong specials Mens the 'A tliin llc coiiii w ith Ire»h cod *icnks Icutiircd In New York, swordllMi In Uo.Moii. nnd K n ftcnllop^ linllbui mcmIsbJ Boeton . mnckcral uiid iltrim p In pbllcdelplilji.

T hU 1« n ROOd lime to be ^crviiii; eire«. Price# nrc down nlmosc every­where. Ekss lead Uie depArtmrnl o( M ricuUure:s lUt ot pletitUul luods to r January . ,

T he seBAon IncrcuM Iti prodiic- •tlon U tm der way. Indleitilon-' i»re. however, th n t proOVctlon w lll'nu l

• ■ :ord volume ot ti yeiir'- ______ - f num ber o l potrn-il-lSTerBls-below-HJic-aGa'-inillloii

on han d a t the M ari.ot injo.. . ' .O th e r'D tv i lU te d . .

T h e departm eai myti oilier plen­tifu l foods now Incrude apples, nr- uiRes. pftnbM *ics*jw cct_poiptocs

broccoli, m be, Texas c

Haiik Doesn’t Like Idea of_______ ita-w ny when i> familyof senRUlls would drop In to- get ou t of a sto rm . And the ‘moment

W im al and Insect Cousius’Serviceman Visits

' HAOERMAN. Jan . 7—Army ss

HY UKNKY McLnMORE...................... . . . ............ covcy visiting hla father. Rollln PhlIJin^

^ fy U, WiiiU'd a inoiuh or t'.io ig mtike ll'.i't itOdrcM Lclijre ilic iiiiiiiial miclliiK of - <!>« Auicric.tti tlcn' for llie*Ad- vanci'iiu III ol Sel- cn ;c?—Ypu-kiKiw,

iinU the lll:e. Even i{ a m an Rcni profto^or Slmp«on's theory iind for the hm' poMilble Rift, he 'd go ii,g pi-ofessor to. 'ilic word broUc.'And-I iim not sure I t would Is pure heresy.

n crlzzly’! ^ r - not. let them »o lo the prafcs* .......... T .• l.l.r, ....tlTln II the

be! to ,'cnd _b'eiir n iifckllc lie dW n't wniic. L et.him enlertalii tfie

Oitc d.ty he m lcht iiliow ui> the ^llrul}s, the U m ds nnil Mmw you, in his ow ninsh lon . JiiM j,nld eagles.wh!\i iK- tliouphi ot your t.-isti.i — -------------------------Uiilllic Iwiuan rclatlvus, he ml|{ht ^aecepi ^ . Oakley NewsM ih j Jorocd smile nnd n hollow 1

OAKLEV. Jiin, 7 - Sonja Bell

MKS .S I \n iK GOKTON .Mtl.S. JOANSK ANDKItSON ' . SHIS. STIJ.I.A llO I 'f in t. . .'whn* will ap iw ar on ih r iirncrnm for (fie Twin KaH* .'tfusic flul< tiifelliig a l IJjc J.jfl.i<i/ul

church. A ir are members .if Uie Il«l»c N jllonal t>derateU Mu>le cliih, .MfN. (.orli.ii h a «!.,l.^ pl;:ii<. U aclirr who will uccom iuny her di*u«liWr. .Mr«. Hopper, vlollnhl. .Mf. li »ul«il.l f< r"" ■’T"':,!''""'T... '• ■ » » » , .

ilFQur Members of BoiseJMusic Club to ^TfespTPfogramb^^^^^^Pour members, of th e Uobe Nii*

Uonal Fcderiv\e(l ^Iu^lc club will nrc.ienl lhe'p'r<iKram for llie Twin « ...........

tjil4.T-eoinpiii.lllorw use- lonC' ihil lU-loiiP icelinliiui’.'. T hi; p ii'tr;i a sullc ol I'llihl Amerlcuil lUltlle

iU>q'c(impany Mr.<, Ander 'On the piano durlin: the luciil pro-Rriiiii.

onions, rttdUhes. spinach, aweet po­ta toes anil eastern potatoes.. y o u ll have lo dig deep lo pay for

cue_Umbers,_ green onions, peppem, i6 m a t« s , western flO icr-poiatoe? and egff plant.

B est fn ill buys, a re Florida or< •nges and RmpefrulU ond eastern strawberries.

church. ApiwarlnR will be Mrd. Stellft MnrKurctlo Hopper, vlolln- l«t; Mrs, Marie Cnln Oorton. pl- nnlst; Mi*. Joaiino Culler Ander- ^on. . vocalj'w lolst. and Mrs, O rlftllh D ralt. planUt.-M rs . Hopper fttwtled .with K ath- ryn Eckljarill M Uchrll in DoIm', nnd la a J1()1m! Jun io r collpiii- j:ratU

She studied music n l Jull-

Wendell College Students Return

. WENDELL. 'Jan . 7 — studen ts 'h a v e retu rned lo colleges and uni-.

vertlUes lollovlng th& holiday va- d U o n here.

T hey Include DouRlas Bradshaw. (Senior on*rIhcelorr~M nlver8 lty r

-ton. N J ,: Ben Bmdshaw, . sr n i l t ta r y school. BoonWHc,

; L inda Lamb. SU n lon Lnmb. -J« lea-floh lffto r.-W arlon-C lark^o

.A nn Plngerson. L arry Hansen, 6t«vo Dixon. Ron Brlcksan. M. L.

j .a a tc « J U m .a i8 le r^ o a a rc L K u rtr .David Stephenson and Mr. and

-M r« .-B aw ard :o tttra rU n lverslty of IdahOk Moscow... .. ,

I W otts,^ B ernard W heeler.

jO a te a , O o ftac a university, 8po- th a n e ; Jo h n W eaver'and Mary'Anrt .U cB rlde. U nlverslij o c u tn h . Salt

-X>ako-clt7; Oai7~Adams, ChArlos ^Kaufm an, and M r; and Mrs.

;LftureocQ F rith . Boise Jun ior co)<

............ Teacher’s cdIIckc.York Clly. She earned a ilciirce n t Uio University .of Redlhmh. nedlandh. CiiUf-. nnd Ijnn h e r iiin-s- ler'fl degree from the SUilo Uni­versity o f lowil.

Mrs. Hopper, form er prP.'-iilenl of- Iho BoM Tueviday Miislciile and president o f Iho Boinc piiiit prcsldenls' a.«embly, U teiichlnft violin In BoLie. She is a mumber or~H rt~T M W c-C nm inunity-8ym - phony nnd of tho Jun io r CoUcrc string nunrtct. She will piny " liu -rallft HuHBariea" by ■ von ------ ------ — ......D ohniniylH >-H uH R iulnu^nerlcail £fliiiiiii‘!iilaILJ>y_H,'»n«eiicomposer, m piece wa« e o m p .w d ^ - ---------— ”originally for orchestra nn d , later trftiiscribed_lflc_pUino_nnrt_vlnlLn:I t embodlM Ihe nungarlnn-i:yp,iy

___________ Doliic. . . will rtewiiipaney ,Mr,v Hopper, In Uie prottm m . .Mr.i. Qortoii 1.1 a ' mem ber of tlid Na- tldcuil Oullil ot Plano, Teacher.'. Uoke elinpler. and him -Kirrved in prcsldm t.ot the Tuesday-Mw>lcale for two terms. She Is active In prii- inolU ii;":Jnni6r-M u35cal-nctiTlilrs IncUiillMK thu plitno em -inb le con­certs Mind Federated Mu.ilc club Junliir (c.'.llviils. ■

Mrs. Anderson, who received Rcr bachelor of arla 'dcH ree from the University of U tah nnd Is n BoUe Ju n lw colletic graduiiw . will be vocal- wloist. She h as preAcnted many nicltnls arid nppcnrcd “ snloist wlih the Boise Sym phony , Novciiiber. She played lead In the rcccni production of -'Olclahoma" prc.ienli'd In Dolse d\irlng Niitlonal Music week. She i-i n pupil of Lu- cllln-l<lpplne0tt,-.v0lcc-ic iichcr_ lu Bolxe-und Twin PiUls. '

M a. Aiiclrr.wi>'n proariw i will In elude "Ciire • Selve" lo id . "Amor ^ iiiin im iln " by H andel: "Mplno LlMjclst-OHHI” 5 in d -’'VcrReblieilP* Slandchen" by B ruhnis; "Avc Mftrla from Ram untcho" by Deen Tiiylor: "N octurne- - "

flie-ioca/,fimafe cfuli. urgfii a!! ftiti- ■ sic club mombcrs'to a itend, A dcS'

luncheon will be served ;ll 1 Monday

llMis may, be nbt.ilued by phi>nlnK

______________ ^ _ ouH Ku'

a" ' .li;;i lu -III upon liLi graduutlon jnm j*. Fairchild.liiiiKs’ — th e am otb.i. the ryo,,, i,u muiher's pouch? Or. a . j,jr. nnd Mrs. Leo 0 ’.tley fl«d m, C'.c I1c;l. « ;;cmvecd, nil irniiictl s?al n«phtw When he c e le -' children, Quincy. Wiuih., visited

o;- . iri'c. Iho IIi« . ilie g lia lfe . liie bra’ed hla-25’. h j ’enr wUh the c lr- jM r. Mrs, Almy-Vehlnian.liliicl;biriy IniilViiiicl the squash, ciis? ' ! • ----------------- '

1 We jui-t lin:Mied douiK llie illsh- Another Ihlnc 1 won’t allow niy- 'c» a d r r li.iviiii: re.iitlvc.s for >c'f lo lii lnk 'nbou t 1-i th e »'os£Chri;itni:i.'i dinner, nnd ih .ii con- uumoer of relatives th J t would ba

‘vinccd u.'i i;i;ii 'S'i Ulntolli is moro .nio|ipin(; by lo spend the n ls lit or 't !i;in cniiuKli lo handle. ■ llonser; Tliere'd b e 'so m e cousin■ you iiu1i!;lne w h a t n lilam- comlnc up tlie driveway a ll the pi-clu 11 v.ill be lie;a Chrt-sinii's If iVin a hiiiulrcdili of our iicw-i luillld icliillvM decide to hha ie 'tile fio:ic:.i}t Wji.’i vr.7 Eve.i II only

le-dnlnnl-etHihiii-vluplwnt-fclMnmd-up he'd crowd our table.

Can you lm;ii!ine passlns ihe t\irkey to ii,-tt8er. even thouish he

Out. f.vlce removed? O r hav- lOS-pound liupk of seiiweed

RAYMOND G. O 'DQNNELL^ Public A ccountant A n n o u n c e s R em ovol - o f h is O ff ic e to •

_ > } . ] 5 .V i t ^ A M E J U a j \ N _

2 0 j 3 rd A v e n u e .E a s t

A tamlly' ot eabbases would t

—Radiators—■ NKW.AND USED

. Service & Repairs-

Phone RE 3-6080

And Iimoebftl I f they still nre n»yiiumr, ilkp , n»> nmoetiit ’ I used - to looir iW throuRh

In .school, they’d be pests,


_.»l.JVAj-S(HrOnjrroeli lU dlatofi Are Onr OuslBejSrr



"N o tlc t I,. L .reby C«™nOHtV 1.1 I ...... — - — - _Rtvcr-CRnnl-Oeinpany-»Jll-beJicltU>JL=_

M O N D A Y , JA N U A R Y 1 1 , <it 1 :0 0 p .m .S t t h e C O M P A N Y O FFIC E IN H O ii lS T E R , ID A H O

numose ot clccUnil (Ivo dirc‘clor'3 ond trnnwictlni; nnyl ; v a a s a . . a r ; . , ! ? ,

" rc-yeet c tlem a. -

“ ^ K S S ' f l v o d;7»“^ H o r ^ NO proxywill bo filed a fte r January B.1B60.- • .

S A tM O N RIVER C A N A L C O M P A N Y ______ __________ — ^ H o f r v .N o h , P r o i id c n t


.. ’ e n y PMtft and Mr. nnd Mrs . t a r r y Petersen, ColleRe of Idaho

Presbyterians at ' ' ' fleet

-B D H L ,-Ja n . 7--A consM K noItal f tho KraC Preabylerlon

la tonn.■ ■'Plddle-Doodle-Ad" by Ro.w Lne

P lnney 'W lH b tl Jn=tbrjj>rpfi??!»^ adnilrcr-ot-A m i h is early works u

Airman’s Family Visits in Oakley

OAKLEY, Jan . 7 — A2/cl, and Mrs. Floyd W. Adams nnd children are vlslllpR hLi parents. Mr. and Mrs. RlSfiworlh Adams.. He has

OKiaiion>n v u y , .ona wdj repoi*. Jan . U to New Jersey to leiive for Mlldcn.Uall. a ir force, biwe, Eng. land.

M arie PAsleelt s ^ n t the hollilnys w ith -h e r parents, Mr, nnd Mm .

J > n ^ f t t .- ahe wns aeeatft- froin

Barber. nndJ-M yJJclovcd". "Dliick. birds SlnKliiK" and -N octurne" by Mlcliacl Head.r rrM ra i;rlJ riv tl.= P l« n U l,_ ca jn '4 ^biirlielor,-. Of n i« s lc_ d c £ T ^ -

ni’6ro,.M d.-Sl\c.U -aJiariwlchprd|s'tand owns a Sperhakke liu trum ent w'hlch.wM built fo r h e r In Ger­many.

Mrs. B ra lt Is direc tor of the JJolxr "Choristers" Rroup. member of the National Federntlan of Musle club.v Tlic pfoup nppca^ 'l a t the national convention last

fo f th o church, t h i financial sta le- B ient fo r IDSO will be presented

la n d the budget fo r IDOO will }>c •ppraved .- Church offleeia. elders a n d deacons also will be elected.

, T ho Rev. John N. Mo«lntosh. ~ ^ { a r , wllf-'coniluct the cceJeaia.^- -.-tlea U m ettlD g -n n d ^ n d rew -S tiill-

Inga of tho 'board of trustees, will -toM n'charBft o r th a buslneH m eeu In t.'A .po iluek dinner, which Is be-

In s arranged by the session of the V church, will be served a t 7:15 p. m ■ T h# confregntlonal me?Ung wll

t e he ld a t 6:15 p. m . M eetlnsu o , t h e board of deacons and the neu ' board of tnisteea will be held after

-,<bp WDgreggtlonal meeting.

■Insiir^ce Claims _ Reported Highev

U nem ployment Insurance claims - .f i le d for the week ending S a tu r­

day increased In Idaho w ith 1.313 In itia l claims received, as com-

.p a re d w ith the previous week's "189 InlUal claims, according to

e weekly report received by the

, TtoUl claims for the week ___• 8,716 claims, compared with 74)00; .a W n u 'T Iled 'thc -p rev lou ir^v fefc ;• Average weekly benefit In thc slate

h a s decreased from la st week

Burley reported 17 claims for the• week ended Snturdjiy for n total ;«9f 140; Ooodlng 8. to ta l 117; Je-

- : t b ihb~ t s.— ta tn i-iO T r--R u p eft-g i. r to ta l 63, and Twin Falls 47, total i‘283. Claims In Twin FnlU have 1 dropped from la s t week.

t- sccurltj’ oRency

lllcno Paskett. student a t RlcUs collcsc. Rexbun:. vlslird h e r pa r­ents. Mr, and Mrs, Melvin Paskett.

Mr. nnd Mrs. Ted Davle.t, Sait Lnke.c lly . nnd Mr. and Mrs, Carl Nelson nnd children. I'ayson, U tah, nre vlslllng Ihc .nom cn’s pitrents, Mr, and W n. R «is Adams. _

Mr. nnd Mrs. D. C. Cnrson, t cam pnnled'by—Roj— w llso n .- l Rone 10- Sacramento, Calif., t;»-ia»lt Mr; nnd Mrs. Jay Youiir.

<i|uesls Reported Fo'r Val ey Area

Page 11: · - Thil h part of (lie wreckace of a Nallonal airline* New York-Ki-Mlaml pUiie IhAt cratHed near \VHmlnrton. N. C.; Mrly

-l^W B S D A Y i JA N U A R Y 7 ,1 9 6 0- I I M E S . l I E W S ; J L W J N . r E A L L S , - I D A H O - -P A G E -E U B V E N -J

M A R K E l ’S A N D F I N A N G E

S to cfcs-^ j-M y esto ck .MAWCIT a t a C L A N C t

’T f t i i ’ ••Ulw u .> « w


H J — !<■■■< M m w anri

• n* -»i» ^ ‘*22L™'t S

S!rt*Tr « i * r t- . T.WCtatral Tim* {mtund tht com«tMi<k wi!k • rU* •< Mr* Uxn *U jwlau («• A>BmM«mnt of ■ pntpMtd firar-

Mxk n llt . . n u iru tb< t«con>l llm t In tht

Yuiaa. Motorola m 4 tUC'

W k .M nock t4«rf*lk sad >V<

' {raellMw.

M In i w co. u y u M iw ^ » » a tW o n '] two ■ tn

catmieaOi uM Kodak about one. vh llt MOiad on*. « « u ii

? ? 5 ; S H “ S.^~§?SSJiSfSTa pl!5?of“£S *- -MUnw. lU th Iron Warki anc

IDAOO r*LL8IDAHO TALL.^ J » . .t-C*(llt • • • ^ I.UO bMd'

I <•“ “ «'»'» »«1 «**-*«; »t..a

2ita. i7wi.iii.*0:‘-,«r^t*II: k m :*. I .

„ P . t k»b .. t n ^ l l ; fMdrr I

>.*iJuVMVi>^''^Vnd^eed totiiic «««•, |t«.(0. MM. t lM l tJ t : ttO-ttt. I lt.]^



OCDINOODM. 3r t . 7 M>-(US0A1-C .

J^. H«li*r ind tndtr krlC«» c tirn tMl of

" n o nnoin<R>llr->in>tr-|o-wnlr,1U :m lu. ij-i,^

u utlUlr bi lU


du«K rtJ;

Chk«(o bnard . . . . . . .Tbt t‘mUMil‘1 mnu«* lo cm

irmllT k*d yilU *(l«ct e> tr*‘ InUt4(inn to (««r r*m pn»

<IomU lo irnrkru »d Is ................. b*ll. un«haB(

NMrbr wiMt rrfc«* «*f« Mikr. Tr*porurm w*r« o«

-Kawrt'VuW^c* C m g r» M on I MO SuhVU <•( cotn. }O.OM.bu>b>l w MU . . d i i O R s ^ k .1. .1 (7f.

wtr* (UiiV-la firm In » llilitm r« tnU : Tt>« Wlanlt

^ ub5»o b«»>.#ii%r

------ ((D im and tu tu n . II.M<m.uv■«»>'•» « ! f«« mnd.rd 4i>d (mxl ««>ltn

mlitd Nh, I. t ina

HIW TOIUE. *Al'icb«nleal

-Fffi“ aSsV^“4' = { t a - ----------------------------------f i S M l

An T di T SI i O MatblcMQ *' AuT«b i n ( i ^ a * s ABUsada-----€t t-» .A -A ln n n -U U

. s ?M t « , s k g a t ^ j u


Sl.OO-tt.M: e>Hilet " o n SM; ftw '

. . . w -n o lu.

alinti 3iiffi»kH <inl«ud

ocnykk; Jin. t,(U n)-C .IU »-lM t

r f t s , S r . ' . i j ! s w r j s S i f i s ' . i . r T i W . 's i ’ a u - v .r . r .K :

n WO; U m w t (IHI Illu frptnid. s r . i - r : , .................84»-I0.7S.

i'tU ufhur l<8h«to 1.000: nedc/Mtl; lUiidr. --- .-..-L.-. ,...,. 5j

I hnd tiHncjyoo7rt‘i»7ikt^V*ib. i»5S:

OMAHA. J .i^7 '*{ !? I)-H o„ 10.0001 ■nradtnltir aetlir«.'ttMk u> to lowtr: US- C 4 l l l .^ . iw r t i l .~ U i3H ".W C .ndb«l(tn (trenf to U kUhtr; (nod and 'ebole* >lMn 2i.t»-:UD; (ood to kl|h <hol« h.lf.t»- tl.Oe.M.M: .:o l,;.aUUt/.*na.«MinmUlu.oo-K.eo.

r*d Koelrf UmU lO-llfl'lSTlT.TS-It.tO: •boni..IanU Mm* ftadx wllh !w». I «ad fall thoni p«lu H.»0. |ii.a .'

S i S ;

It.OOi •; ll.00.ll.Wiham vi and allu,

tralnftd bam m

,.J*i n'.-

% * ;s? s ;..rkrAflii (jnAtN

CinCAGO. Jan. 7 lUl'h—W :han««d. Mu. 2 ml 3.D]i'j nur

CoTti! Unchan»fd tn I «rnl In I l^lkiw l.l*-n.)<: No.

njj»i^ No. I plump UJ54 •• • 1 y«.j *0.1,01

: .o j i ; _ 2.cau.

!? i5 i i a

INBAS CTTT.S A r ’f a w :D. i I.OOU-2.tSN. No. S


. j n ; down-li‘UP H ._____ ...s ' . m s t i . ’r a s i ® .C«ra St <an; unehaaivd u u( ' whl|f-MM;19,—N nrj“i;0».in»lj t l W and mtilrd -1.1I.-Nd. .........

Oau i car, namlnallr unckanccd. No. 2: wklta No. 1 I- K t e t i S

^2 Common Stocks JNet (jairi' , EveiyoneTLineni|rfoiHhifla'lioirPiatt'Of $20 or More Dui’ing ’59

, NEW Y O R K ,'j»n;- 7 W —AVhnil iBloclu brouRhl the ir holders th e '

------- JtaUi*......................................There were u o f-the 1.093..........

non stocks Usteil on th e N ev Y(>r)c! Stock Exchnnge. th a t ended tliel yt* r $30 or more higher thnn n t| ,the sU rt. a lthough onljr one eniJeU' 1*1 the year s h ljh .

In addiuon ttocre w e r e 'n tha t, h ad risen (30 o r more in prlce be-;

: h ich priced slocks, so Uint e they now pay tlielr owners

jmucli more th iW '13 moiiilis airo II IhS'^wnnls (o sell, tlielr iVerceutuso ream 1 ^ 't as Imiireulve.

Some low priced stocks, to add. as much n s $30 to the ir <lolI;ir price, ncverthele.u had larc*

n u t tKlns replaced on the list by ier sMn»ntaRe gains Uian did the ir----- kttues a tt« r stock splits. ' {Ritded cousln^

~ Lets’ look, _ some ot U>e blK-[cest enlners, iies measured In doh 'lars.

•rt)p 'perto rtner wna-Rolim nnd T h e ' ehemltHl- com[Hiny

18toct~ io ia~ n t-rno~ D ecr 3n~ icsor[This -K'AS $3i3 more (Imn lU clos* Inc price Ihe previous ycur. T lir, pereentaR o'm ln was i s j . - I

'Second wns Motoroln. U clottcdl IB53 a t . t n j lor

Heifers, Cows J^otedHBglier-

At_T.lF. MartCowa were In dem and and h e i f - | ,» „

o n a ll classes o t csitUe a t U 'J,T exM instn im enis. \ip better xban, weekly iwle, . ' t

Cows sold s tn n K to SO cents| blither nnfl cViolcc Rtiiln led-nieers and heirtrs were SO cents higher with good erodes steady. Holstelnisteers were 50 cents higher on la t cent. Mitjnesouv MininR nnd Mnn*types, with fair kinds selling ufucturlpg.galned.neJU'ly.M a-duting,--------—

'.za^r.--------- ---------- T! : !’th e year. Cessna A lrcralfs p rice 'Calve.1 sold 50 cent* to J i h lgh -.v fen t up »MiO. I

----------------- ------up better Umn,m ior the year to r a percentage, gn ln -o t 132.8, •.

Polaroid was up M lio . . . per cent. General TUne added S7I to the priee o t a share, or 33£ per

nnd M nn'

Single dairy type cattle o( all kind.'»-sold-*l-to-Jt-«-higher than th e previous week.

Relnkc. Tw in Falls , sold fed

J2»30:-E .“w :-Siiglle. Hazelton. i.- 003. J23.40. ' •

Ira Poster. Jerom e, sold fed helf- eni averoKlnR MO nounds lor U3.30 and 0C3. «23.;0:'llarold Pel-.crsofl_Ealcr_l.oo«L-43DJO_____

A. Walker, K im berly, sold feeder is^ r s averaging Boa pdlinds for

Xr* i.oiH-i.oiN. ilarltr Ot-I.OSN.}R>7bw>u 1.t>H.10tJ n n a St.TM7.S0. Bhom H.7(-S7.H. -

117.407593. ir r J O a n d M5. isia 'o ; ,B lll Sm ith. M ountain Home. S31.MBJO nnd 7fw M arvin x ia i .ih lesen. Twin PaUs, 6M. »30AD; J, H . M arlin. Jerom e. W , I35J5; J. H . U ncasle r. F iler, sea. >311.25. and

Uekley, Jerom e. M6. »3«.78. " iy i * y a l kw a o ^ ^ '^ f ^ e r helfcra

' and~M 5, 135.00: *M. M atlhlescn. 833, $35.10: J . ‘ K. A ndenon, Jc-: rome, C70. tsa.80.

E. L. Rayborn, T w in Pallsrso ld i s teer calves nverag lns 334 pounds .for_»30.5(J_3Da_l3#-5Q_4ntl_4SB. »38.76: Ethel Phelps. ChnlUs, 3S9. <20.00; Harold H oshaw. pUer, 334. $20.00 and 446. S38M: Ray Lav*,e rty z cn f tii is := a iic :» 2BJQr_'o—ATSchnltker. 1>-ln Falls, 376, *38.00 nnd 440. $28i)0; A. W alker. 44S,' S3B.OO; o . S. F am lum , Ketehum. 357.-I27;----------------------------------------

~ i *o t a t o e 8 -

ALL^ Jan. 7 M^-IUSOAJ-------------- rin»» modMmW; fair »lr« In-qulnri US 1 (air. about llaady; US ‘tntritrat^^llrm: niMcia U8 I it^ tn ll r

IM» «So.i .*T:Simo*4.:w75Vi U8*»V t.SS-l.40; (wn. nln. t.<»-2.t0: pi•raabad baab Uo (aw

...................<»-2.t0: prkaa“ -------qtiau.

I'Moa aUadrt aaUad U8*Mo. I. l ' __ _. . . . . . . . c . . it.Mj.ii.7t , UO.IOC200<22e lb. kotekara UO-IOOl

l'c?rS-x. (Mdara (ullr iuadr ;'(aw .

utllllr and aam M U I «e>i utlllor ” H|j||wla| cow.

, >aa)ar«. lO.W dairn:: (W (Md 4IO.MO

“sS ;cltolca natiM woolcd lamta un<l<r I0}|

l«»|-do«bU dKk m hS /all'

g sg jfS g v fg gButter and f e i

__ __________UatWr l.Nt.tOO Iba.i ilM Jr: >1 and

ira liU ; » Kora H li : H aattaUi tO ac«ri ( lU ; li

U ^ tt aaaaa: atndr: «hll< i*rta u traa tIH i nvtdlumb . ... p_MS_<lr««_fl54j_<h?cli»_:iL


M l'tr r l ra li 4S:'track I II; aupplln -------- —-* warkw

_______ jUUd)< Idtba r\»MU S.tSikaktrt M t: SilnBaHU.Nartb Dakota Rad rivar » I ltr TonUaci 1.00.

Slraat. aalaai Ida^ .niMWa t.IM.OOt ..______

8tr««t aaltt IM Iba. US I olh»f»lia lUiadli Florida n

vallrr Tound rtdt«.tt.S.t«. Arrlrala and track aoBV


Vfeot up »54i0.W hile 'D u Pont went up |

. , •«ndiny-at-ja3A0, ro r-n n - in -i crease of 144 o r 88.6 per c ih l. -

ComlDH Glass added »43. A mer-' lean- Home Products <4350 nnd F o rd Motoni « 0 J0 .. W estlnghouse Electric a t *109.50w a»-up.*5«J4,-BTOh-A'lrcraft-*d.-vanoed . *35.50, a a r k Eqiupment I M ja W f r a lJ I r e a blt.bB lltr’lh ttn *33. John Morrell nettrlj* »J3, Ad- ams-Mlliis and American Steel J»uad ry -atouad-*3l30eachrJ

AdvanclnB by *30 to *29 were; W cinr. Addre.wogrnph. Aldens. Al- »#d a iem lca l. American News, TlrtBg i and-StriiUan,-Checker-Mo* tors. ClevJte. ConUnentol Steel, Dow Chemical. Electric Storage B attery , Emerson Electric. Ferro, a e n e ra l Electric. General Poods. O eneral Telephone and Electron* — In ternational >il(^el. Jones

■Midland snS rl irMtaniicopfte^, M lnneapolu Honeyw«U,p w e n s - O B ^ j- O U s s ,- R C A riM ? llB nce-n6C trtc“ «nd “

Why Shonldir t Black Bear Bg-Blowing ~^i Horn on Auto?—It Was New Y ^ r’s Eve ^

YMtetday to serious 1900 busl-' ness, like w hat’s happcnlnR to liiej B r»tw urst m arket-and who's-

Simons Saw and Steel, • S pe iK u C h ^ c a l . Tlmkins Roller B e ar tn t, '

Ito pUy second base for lhe-Bmvts.1

W alker.. 80 ld_he lf er-.ea lvej averaging 433 pounds for *36J0; T ra n k Oomez, G anne tt, 414, *3809;

. <fi^, iM hft' - -RoblaWB, T w in Falla, 444. *2fiilO,-^d - u . 'h m M im u u ,

Good to h l |h ^ choice steers.!<niFB53Tr” nw

sood. 320.90-I33.00; U tility s t e m >16.0O-*2OjOO; fed H olstein steers, »17450.|3i)iO: good to choice heif­e rs. *31.B0-)34.0Q: commercial- to low good heifers, 318.00>*31.00; uUUty heifers, |14.00*317X>0: com* m erclal cows, t l 6.00- t l 8.00; utilitjr cows. tlSJO-<i4.0O; canners and cuttcrs, »IO.OO*I12JO; commercial' ’• ....................... ......... ,bu lU .

. - . IIS.OO-J16.00. . , _ ________

H eavy-' f e ^ r , a te m , $30.00* «33J»: U sht X eeder.steers, «2L00-

i«3Si)0; common quality .steers,■ ■J.UU'i ilUiS'----------------------

, I5.00»»t0,00: peorei ♦U.OO-114.00; h e a ry fe e d « ‘ heif­ers. *ie.00-*314>0; l ls b t feeder

<35.00**30.50: common quality st«er calves, mTO -»a4.00; he ifer calte*.

,»s.00-t}7.oo: vealers. s25.oo*s3a.o0, a n d feeder cows, *11.00-116X10.

Ilfht{ -dtiaand mwiarala: market a

• • Iar«#S.tS: Cotorada fclloK Stutn. IS: UUwfft nilo» BloU a 1.40; UlnnMala I.St-1.4^ » . |.» : rx] i m i Ukkiian

FUTURES • •__ (ollgoinc (atui«a Quotatlona

provldad bjr M W. UcKaWrU and paa». Twin Kalli.

Idaha PalalanHUb I.OW Clw«

(0--- S.M— 340

-Beans-OKNVSR. Ja a . 1 <UP1)—

.Bean marked: __Oeneral bids to growers 1>50

crop Pintos. V £ . N0. 1.7O 5-7J0 - per.cwt... |.oJ). Denver-xate .ba*.

3 P ta to f 28 cents

Bids to aniwerB I960 tTA No. 1 great Northerns. gentr»2 «.7B N tb rukA .ra ta basis; V A NO.'3, 30 cenU .per cwt. lesi.

Budge Asks for —Hearings on Bill

W ASHINOTON. Jan . 7 (DPI)— Rep. K am er H. Budge «Ud today hB T nuroaited 'C K m nniirw nB nrT C MlUa, o f the . house ways and m eans committee, to schedule hearings soon on a bill he Intro^ ducsd la s t year. ' - ~.T tae-Idaho_lt£pubU can .taid-lili bill would provide tha t

' ' «tlts.4-

Wall Street .Chatter —

NEW YORK,; J w . 7--(DPD—We o re w llnesslns th e s ta r t of » new price Index tren d of p e a t Impor*! tance In th e stock m arket— the ln*| trtiduotion of a new se t o f market] leaders, says I te n d e x . -

(tw o to a r e m on ths), th e Invest­m en t advisory firm believes th e n ^ l ^ e t s wlU be th e laggards of

-~-dtt)iip#--euch-M :ollsrm achlnK yi a liw » ft and non -ferrous metala o ffer good ta in poten tia l a t reU* Uvely Jo w risfc- T rcndex polnW

tem ber, bu t l a the case 1 r tak fa i» t/y 1a

T h e r*cent s tr e n j th In the ra il­road group has enabled New T o r t Central to move ib to 's n area of w avy (xsU tance .uhJoh- lies- be- w een 30» and S a u , according-to

, 3ache -and -oom pany .-* ‘O noe-the , [stock has.passsd th rough "

Iworkers through private Insuranoo ; jplans. fo r .which they themselves

FIL ^R MAN n N E l ^ .H L S R , Jon . 7.:-^arUW .'5eV allJ

n i t r , was fined *5 and costs- byj Ju iU ot o t th e Peace V. A. Allison' U ooday for 'h av in g an expired d r im ’s license. He was cited by

I Patrolman Jam es Oerke..

an d ' labor secrcuries a n d ': th e raU roadj« tlrem ent b o a rd : — been received.

«:M Mr S p i tk e r i 'M r . 8 a jn .r e house, to o k .h is 78th ,

' Twjn Falls Market^tlViorro.cai'r'vCr'

^ ay i h . ; p r « n . W J h a l . - s u b j« t to I n ^ o t ^ any indlnaU on to th to lt about the

B u d g e ts l e t ^ t o ^ i iU s ^ m , j , e le . b u t •:tiy_to,th e «>Ul from th» treasury ^ tadlvldnaJl

Issues.’’ •Purcell a n d com pany notes th a t

B r lc f t a n d 8 tr» tto D .p p e h tt« in■rae O n lW BEaVa h as m ors a . (light

lod ta l p toduou) a n d h u w n *______dJ«pld4nereaM S-in4)0th-BalesM and earnings. I t reprM sats sxcel-

le n t 'purchase for loooise and grow th, the firm btileves.

stnO atT ln m iutinc n e ir^ ir d ia a e s . j

Ike’s Budget

T h e shaggy blnck bear which L. V. iB am es said he saw blowing an, ■ a u to -h o rn -a t-a -e o c k ta l l - lounge I New-Year's eve has been found,

I t aU su r te d when Barnes U ... h is parly to go to his car. On his re tu rn he fWcd In n blank spsce In -th e-cB --------------------- --

obier j u J S j ^ f ^ h l i elecUon- year message. , ■ |

T h e .P ^ d e n t ’s address, charting! th e .goals fo r h is la st la m onths in office, was largely a ^ n e w ' r e p o r t B u t i t was laoed with c au ­tion._E l8cnbow ec-sa ld .A utsla 's-recen t behavior pointed to “the possible

of a somewhat less s tra in - « l^ P ^ o d of m r ld itlaU onshlps." B u t he emphasized th a t th e re- TOlta.' would depend on MoaowV

............... r b t g - t . .ihnlry bear when 1 see one. and i

He did. too. Mr. and Mrs. Theo- I dore W elsslngcr, o t suburban Me-

. - - - , “ D bservtnirijoonr^«nff~ 'forw fcT d"'’yeiWhu;y l r asital\A |l b |^ J}c'd 'seen a black T heir p e t SD-)]OundJii«c)U«<MUt^. jb e a rT ia ^ l ly J jW 'ta g - f t horn o u t ----- ----------------------------In .the narking lot

'r W rtm ork r.................. received w h a t iiB am es considered to be an Inordl-i :nflt« am ount ol'attenuon.-p.u-ueu.: ,larly .from Mrs. Barnes. Barnes m ade the husbandly error of In­sisting he knew w hat h e was talk­ing about, wttich only added to hU troubles. V

Tuesday, a desperate "personal" nd appeared In th e Milwaukee Jpum al's-c)a8siried-»eetlonr~

"W ill'o the r persons who si... biaclc.. bea r bJowlng_a horn In a — • - - parking lot on~Sast~Ca|^

_ — i,i_h is —preparedt « t . the President revealed th a t th e IDSl budget he will propose t« .congTM_Uter th is m onth wlU call t o . a spendUSjflotal-or *70.800,000, 000.

a J j i t h igher than thU year.^He_prefllcted_the .current- f ltrn l

J.W .W U I, h a v e -a .su rp lu s of 300 million dollars, and said th e 'budget*wlH be balanced.------ -

Johnson and o the r DemocraU Joined in prolonged laughter w hen

by -th B -o p p o aitto n -p af^ -= e x ee p t th a t no other President ever did i t fo r q u ite so long." 1

, Blsentiower promised to dedicate I himself to, "* close and coastruc* Uve Msoclation w ith the congreu."

- th a t - “l rrelevan t Inter-branch .wrangling** o a n ^ j t - s t s o l Urne from pe rfor-

, mance of the job ahead.-.-T he 'P ; ....................................

la ll.Q ut-bat»> IL ^ - g a l l f a T m

a Hon.

Uon on h is requost. for school legis­la tio n ^'designed to stim ulate class- room construcUon, n o t by sulMtl* tu tlon of federal dollars for su tc and local-fundt,-buL Incentives'to extpnd and encourage state and local efforts."

- S a id th e n U an ' ’Immediate: need" for a ll industrial counlriu o f-th e free w orld-to'coopem te in help lng_to- lif t .•'the scourge-_of pover y from less fortunate na-

Pleladlng th a t ' "wr»ngllng" be pu t,aside and plegdlng “close and: ....... ........ .......................i -w l th th e

Year's eve please contact L, V. Barnes a t Broadway 0-4837."

Bam es, vice president of a

he had full'conhdence in his bv^ vUual acuity, even under the clr- cumstnnces. He sold, to be exact, "C onfound"lt7T ‘

He was convinced no nation would risk g e n en l war against th is coun­try unless America became so fool­ish as. to neglect her defense forces. Any na tion th a t a ttem pted to a t- U ck th e United States, h e added, woultj, “promptly lu ffer ft lerrtble

|destfuctlon.7 - in thU arsenal of which .the

Atlas lOBM which he said was now |ln “operaO raal Inventoiy." He sal th a t- ln -1 4 m e n t-test-fau n eb ln g the A U as'at ranges over 8,000 mMc had been 'striking on an average

congress." the President said: •'M y.dosp; concern, in jth e^ n ex t

12 m onths, before -my succcssor tekes office. Is w ith our Joint congresslonal-execuuve duty our own a n d other notions . . . shall devote my full energies to the I

a t hand, whether these ln -|

A fter-he finished,- there was , tended , spplause a s he smiled ijMoadly. shook hands w ith Vice President Rlehard M. Nixon and house Speaker Sam Rayburn, on

eorted frgm -the cham ber by con> grasslonaf leaders. .— lirh lr7 3 0 0 iw w a -m -o M 5 e r iB e | President: • '

— Declared th a t “MM promises, to be the most prosperous year In ' ou r history." wlth th e govenuneot winding tUp thU_flsca| year_nej<t •Juns'wlth a 200 million dollar —


JI-th e-o p n iln g -5 r„.„^ or ths $6Ui l* It

^ « u l u t e d the s S S k S ^ f X J

' i t prefers to aw ait rtacU ons fori

{[TaiuaU on 'in 'tirm rB rT aQ iU e'eanr*' ■» a n d .................................

____ ^iTOcturris^JX R O U S. J t a . . '} — M n . Luctnsl

e S later, Jerom e, escaped Injury e jw hen ttM lOM P o rd she .«m drlv-

9« -» to M r;:u id w ho U n ’ H

k ihl: " o*nyoo,'M rfc ” former O etxy H tg ler.

I'WS'Sm r u u i i t

(Doaiais M .

south.of Jeroae and --------oa lU slds in ltat>bdr*overtujwd

{ v esU g a j^ th e m ishap a t «:80 pura.

cause ot the-steel strike.^Prom ised 1 balanced b u d i^

fo r fiscal IM l bu t said no th inc about lowering taxes.- —DIi|close4 fo r- th e . f ln t tim e

V ia t-th is countty** Atlas-balUsUe m ls ^ e has b e e n -b lttln l. w ith in n ro miles o f .ta rg e t on test sifter

,t« s t over dlstsnces o t more th a n ,8,000 miles: -------

—Saia the wOrld stands In th e I vestlbulp o f 'a vast new techologi* cal age—“oco tha t, d a ^ t e Its ca- ----- - *' h u m fc ira u U -^ ff iT ^ a s j

cord, o r 'constant discussions and »m m unlcatlons wlth-the-oongress

.and th e American people on Issues I both danesU o and forvlgn.’'' Re told eongreas th a t:, "Every m inute spent In Irrele* van t In ter-branch wrmngUng ' p redoos-U m e-tak tn 'from -tho -L . (elUgent Initiation • and adoption

I t ie re w ere .no doubu by thft President on the ability of hU n a ­tion to survive and progitss, bu t he said th e process vrouTd not " easy Jlln a divided, w orld o t u.. easy eduUlbrium’* where mankind vpprooshM 'i-B U teor p os tua l annihilation.

Eisenhower was hopeful bu t

, ------ leiS-lhnrUfnengUTofaJe fru n w ay -^w e llw lth ln th e c ire le ' T toU l destrucUon,’’ he sold. ' 1 , H e also' called a tten tion to thel Igrowlng B um ber.o f .ouerur-pow -' lered subm arines, some eq^pped' w ith th e P o la ru missile. Tbe.Pres.1 Ident sa id **thess rem a rk a^ e ships and weapons, ranging th e oceans,! will he capable bf acn ira te flrs-onj ta rgeU v irtually .-anywhere on Earth'* M d lmm une to destruction by surprise bttack. - ' ■

Eisenhower sold i t was a mUtake to regard space exploration as an ln te g ^ _ p ar t-O t-d e fe n se , research ■..............................and th a t quite

............................................ le rta lo n oIn their car 'to r a tim e a t th eooek* - ' tall lounge In question. And i t w as ' quite possible h e h a d been Mowing "

ffeuangw dhlng ;inusdal about t h a t rBooboo lo r n to blow horns,’*

[Howell Featured ^^At-Bridj '-Me

, Magic V a ilv ■ D uplicate B r t_ - .

t e f e a a f t f g i . t e -Ling the Howell movement. iV y-iW lnnen a t th e alx U b lu ln .pU y . i W were Mra. W . H . B arnard and U n , H k L. ZJngnaw, f irs t; M n . OharUs Peck and M rs. L . H . Van R iper, [U t second: K rs . Beymer a n d -M rs . f;(7 John FBldhussn. third, and M rs. ‘ J . .0 . MeW UUa'and M rs. R ichard ’ #m nv f/HMK ____


.aside from successes, the-Tnllttary-mlssUe-prDgTani Vioes no t su ffer from the lack of very large-ioeket engines.'

*T am assured by experts th a t the th ru s t of our present missiles Is fully adequate for defenss require* — I ts ," h e : - ' " .................. -

Elsenhower’S 7,a00-word message w as sweeping .In scope, although m any of h is detailed leglslaUve--------------- i8.wers.lef&iOE-lau,

— to tbeeong tts3 ,j

paclty-for h_.......... ................' 0^ capacity, to- make poverty an d J iu m a n misery obsolete,-

—propoeed-no ne<r labor li '— It: U ia U - U tends

tnce of the long steel d .. pu te "to M u r a g e regular .dls*.

I eussians-betwetelmanagemenLond 'la h te o utside the bargaining U ble’’ t o ^ t e c t ’th s pub llq -ln te its t—

, —U rg e d '’’every possible effort- by « t«el'onions and taiapAitcnent to avoid « Steel pries Increase.

H e added, however. " If these pronouncements be genuine, there U -brigh ter hope of diminishing the intensity.,of past rivaltV and| .eventually of s u b s t i tu te

cen t n-natlO Q tour and b t prom*! Ised to keep traveling to p ran o teIgreatsr-w orld-undantendlngH -

m the fleld of foreign aid. I

vast economic aid o f t m p a i g . . agalnst^poverty and the I’sllppeiy

‘ He w«8 particularly n rg w t in recommending help fo r th e newer I andTunderderelopea-aslllons.-'H e— d J h * . - - .................. '

:H tth n * * « n d -e a n d r« rW o o d -^ te d - thelr soQ and daughter-in-law , U r. and Mrs. R onald Butane, Ban LM n- dro, Calif., n i q r a lso -T istU d-la .TTVIah Q ijlf,

f t r . and M rt. ^ack Bardsliy a ^Is son and daughtsr*tn-law ,-lA ’, ^

and Mrs. Jack Bardsliy. J r , Vis'- ited he r son and daugbw«ln*Iaw, M r.-afid M it: M elvia H a f t ^ and family, h is aoa. m n k B a td s< - ley, both N orth E lghlaad, Oallf.


out-ofwUta, ineheoU ve.and pensive." in d urged congress to, a nac t .leclsliUon th a t would w b '

— ^ h te JtglBUtlofa.

I the satloa to an

m u ^ w h ^ S f S t ^ I ^ l k 'w h wh e oalled *tha 'oalamltous cycle of fo u tra tlo n s an d 'c rise s 'w h ic h . U unchMkkd. could spiral In to nu - c fta r disaster, the ultim ate la^

IstraU on’s defense pcUclas, p ro tt- J 8 e d .th a t,n o ..m a lte_ h o « _ e a tn es l th e quest for peace. America would ran f tln rallllah ly <trooi e t t a while

io a t-t»^D « toU U i-W MducUon. ,

He sftld th i present dafenie pew.

as ’’one of th e m ajor focal points of 'u r eongem.’' •

T here was no.referenc* to the ,fsc t thst'1960 U a presidential elec* tion year, b u t m a n y o s lB U jm d ^ l

I s « ^ : by_Blsenhowet.wera.-attiaiiJ 'to figure prottinentJy in the publican p la tfonn .: U e called fo r congressldoal ac-, tlOQ to give the farm er greater freedom from ifedera l control u d “ hiake costly agricultural sur-

, ;H 6 - a lU c k e a T 5 r is t lo n ^ o n s of. ttae.naUon* worst enemies, and 'promised tha his nsw bodgeti would “help ^ presrorer la the

, E i s S S « ? £ 5 5 ^ e * g w n B ^womd-end jhe currenfCaeal year]

despite the "uasettUng'lanueDees* of tb s e l^ m o n th steel d ^ t e .

He also promised that h tf^ ^ d i •ubott A balanced budget the

° - J D s S i , ig y - ’^Widgeta a s ft ..... .............effort t . curb lafUUon . and hold down prtoes:. Re 'said the sftUonmtttt-JightjanaUeAiSwve-im'' ,* S ? .“ * ‘ ^pP«‘l»o«rhome.'“ ,

by ^ dotefc- he sa id . «^eag

l« l« l e s . sftvteM . penslODs ana l « i w ftod

FARMZNQTpK, U tah, JaB. 1 Ul : - D a v is county .ftuthorttisa yester* - . . day -a rree ted -ano tbe r-perw o-w ho-r: - u indicted by th e grand Jw y U s t '

eek.Deputy sherifr-R obert A. T m p

a rretted Zvan A. Mielsen. r ' K aynine. Nielsen was freed.

■ t t e ^ t a t e t m ^ agaJnsT listed a charge o t pectnry.

tb a .v e ry Jro o ts .o t- f t.itM . hciUthy.m nocay <sad tb e aaUoo’fe seeor*.

H e sa id s te m eelf*dleo«plio« by sveiy clUsen I s Aeeded to p n v e n t steadily rising costs a ad pcloes.-- - l n - a d d l t l o n - to - i t e - e f » e o * i -* t—

.............................................dhovesj«p_ l____ _______________ _Amerloa sells abroad and threat* ens to price V. 8 . -produots e a t o t world markets.

T be President sa id be would give -High-priority laT hls Ust of k g ' laUve prcpoeals to « m eesare to 1 JBOVO' “arcbsje - te^nollatk i’' -.t

gress turned ftdeftC;tt posat-—, ■- i b e P r & d e n t asked setioai.eon* .^ sideraUon of hU .eivU righ ts pro* . pouUs to; th e la st SMsiaa o t «on^ '.' Lgitts. ssytng h s hoped th e Jtoose . U d senate .would .’n h n s signal to ,U u w ortd-that e a r x o ra n m e n t ia j s t r lv w fw )iq^|Ulty tihdtr^law to r

' .Re sa i?£rw ay to better leboolS;. . w . "not |hwBgtL tt>e itrttt'jd*

--------- _ b u t . tlaogfai.ftmr>l '.iflaii j :MUvee .to.eBOOttttte^MH^^^,^

_____-Ptoae^ be nld.',-reJe!6U V» t6-^: .tioa ottederttiVttlniUoa 0— - -

Page 12: · - Thil h part of (lie wreckace of a Nallonal airline* New York-Ki-Mlaml pUiie IhAt cratHed near \VHmlnrton. N. C.; Mrly


T m m S D A Y i J A t r a A B 1 L 'U P C 0 , _

President Leads loitia I Parley of Lutheran. Group

. Im m anuel U theri»n Women's M lalonnry leas'ie he ld l u Ilrai m erlin s o t th e new year T u ^ o y

. tvciilnil n t the Memorial L ulhcr- r n tcliool under direction of .Mr>^ H erm an Btamm erjohn. rew ly- d fe fcd prrsJldent.,' -

O ther offlecra cleeted fo r ihc •year are Mrs. E m eat JellUon; vice president; Mrs. Paul K nlb- f lelth , McreUry, and Mrs. Dennis Llndemn'nn. trcnnirer.

DevoUohs, precedlnB Hi*} ness meeting, were eonduoted by thfl R«v. C ,;a . na lW en. H e —jh««twlHhe-ml»»lon-obUBfttuoe considered lor the new year. H e menUoned th e 'th re e lypea o l

■ 'ipo'tnlssionar-

United in Logon LDS Tempie

— le»;"~thM e 'wlio ro Into olher ■ ■ lands to preach the Rospel: the

"co-mUslonarles,” those who as- ' t M threujjh p nyers and Bitts. and th e "o-mlsslonarles,'' those Who o r ilt world 'mlwlonB frotii Xhelr

T h e eonsUlutlon w as read by M » . schlans'e. The president, re - wiTtlnK on the executive board meeUng, said th a t th e new vlce- ore*W ent wJM be'JIBipJtflJJty chair-

to membeni someUme during the m onth . TtiB work of the ealllnit committee each ,m ontii wa# given

' r enewed emphoM and members iTTrt. KtiM uraaed to participate. ■

;es|Wo w a in a ^ rc fd . to■»onsO i^a“ forolgn-torw >dca*t-of th e L.titheran H our in Kalgoorle, W . Australia. A ustralia; fo r the

m ' year IMO. I t a lto was decided to ■ I continue .sponsoring one Sun|lay ■ r — per m onth of the local broodcost

• “ Immanuel’s Hour w ith Qod" over sta tion K T F l.

— 7 m « n h “d rB a iH esnH ce tln rM rar W erner led the group In a topic

-dlK U aslon, “ The-Mlracle-of-saylng yes,".tttken from th e LWML quar­terly.

« V ¥

Appointm ent of i: Officers M ade gt !; ^ecutlV'e'^Parley

.>Snrfor'U )T M tnli5g"year-w ere outUned with % potluck dinner to be served a t tho -Jan . 15 m eeting.

^ ■ ^ T J r ira r te e 'B a m if lw w w T ia m e a {iB lstaot Dwishal; M rs. E lm er LlBlohllter. nagbeorer; M rs. O uy •Walker, s ta ff cap ta in ; M rs. 'Wil­liam O ..A nnea, reporter; Mrs.

= t-E v » n i? ‘falU i;= l» iF O U ieT low -

modesty; MnT

once.O h tlnnen Include M rs. W . D .

- 6 t e a n u , retreshm snt; M rs. M abel Y oun?, entertainm ent; M rs. Velma

) Trecdwell. ways and m eans; M rs. J . L . S team s, fa ir ; M rs. Samples,

. g if ts and 'conages; Mrs. O . P. Bua- well, a ttendance; M rs. M ata v a n

, B uren, b U to rlu i; M yrtle A nder- . san. dM oratlons; Mrs. U U lan H a r ­

m on, telephone; Mrs. W alker, Juvn . ealle r Mrs. F rank -Kelm, cards

^ » n d flow en. and M rs, W . A. E h r- - lia rd .

Miss hitchcock,^.! Hardy Marry in T em ple Service

b u h l ; J n « :‘7 - ln ~ i;D 8 -te m p le riles Dee. 28. Knrlccn Hitchcock, d augh ttr of Mr. nnd Mrs. -R/cnrdo Q. H ltc liw ck T B u h irb cc n m o -th c bride of Herbert llnrdy, son of Mr. and 'M rs. G ran t Iinrdy, Las Vctftis; Nov.

T ho double rlnt? ritua l wiw «ol- em nlted by President' A. QeorRc Raym ond a t the LoHan, t;tfth-, tcm - pte. T he coupic «’na c/icorteci to the temple by her pijrenls nnd Mr. and Mrs. Vlrnll ClUford. nil B uhl; Mrs. B . P. Blnyloek, W endell; Mr. and M rs. Itiilpti Hitchcock; SprliiR- vllle, Utnh: Mr. nnd Mrs.' Q ordon t iK y l^ T ’OrcmrDUBTTT^t'aT-LlI- llan Stewnrt, Idaho Knlls; Mr* G ran t H<ir<ly and PJill H ardy, Iwtlj Lns VCROS. nnd Or. Boberk A niott, Balt LnkO-BUv. - —A-weddlng-reeepllon-ln-hftjjor. the couple .was held a t U)e locnl LDS recreation hnll Dec. 20. _ R o r_ U ie _ T e cc p tlo n _ llic _ b rld cgreeted guesU-ln a w hite ................eyelet orguidy gown i .........w ith ft fitted bodice. P e te r Fun collar nnd accen(ed w ith ocll.cov- ercd.-m tnlfttutc-buttons_dow n tho waist line- In front, tradltlonnl U M 4*iU W aiIunnulL f1oor.Icn8th s k lru - 'w

By Burley GfoupB U R l£ ^ , Jan . 7—M en's -n igh t

w as obserred a t th« regular m eet­in g of the Svergrcen c hapte r No. 40, O rder o f Eastern S tar. Monc'

. . cTonlng it..ttae.M Bson[e...tem i K . A. McPUrJsnd was s t a r o l i

-«m »lng.------:.• ---------------------M rs. a irle F o v e n , w orthy m a ­

tron , aiuwuaced th a t th*. Jan . IS meaUnc' will begin w ith a potluck d inne r a t 6:S0 p jn . w ith a c a rd p a rty a fte r the regular business m e«U t«-.E»eh officer is a s k ^ ^ b r lo r a whiC4 e lephan rg lft.- -AnnoimcetBent .-was m ade th a t

u . . tb*',Ada-Soelal ■ e lub.w iU -m eet-< t a p jn . M o n d ^ a t th e hom e of M n .

~ W alton. Romney apartm ents.

ftelA B o b m MiUer. U ayd .D rtB -T w O w n tr X n a e S S lC "

. , '

1 i I Parley Directed ' * ! > Iew Ladder

Ja n . 7 ' ^[•* 'eondue(ed--her-l.------

len t o f th e B a p -

M ll. AND M ItS. HERBERT IIARDV - (SU ff engray ln il .

enhanced w ith eyelet embroidery was held In place b y n seed pcnr coronet. She carried a bouquet oi white chrysanthemums, red roses fern and llly.of-U>e«vall6y • Ucd w ith silver and sntlii bows and streamers.

Brenda Hltcheock. sister o f thi mnld of honor

choso a bclito sirect^lcngth bro- ende gown (dsliloned wlUi ti fitted bodice, boat neckline and tlirci quortcr-longth sleeves. A nw tohtni cum m erbund-enhanccd-the-w ftlst:

mentttLCliftotmas corsage. ^ _ N elda Hitchcock. sUter o f the

bride, and Treva Clifford served bridesmaids with M argare t Anne Hitchcock, sister of th e b ride, one ,I.eanlne.Hardy, sister of U>a bride groom,' serving ns Junior brides maids. Each were a pastel brocnd gown fashioned o lte r-th e m old o honor's ond CMrted B -w hlte-m uf trimm ed with an om am enta Christmas corsage.

Dr. Robert Amott ‘ attended estT h e \irlde's m other chose ti pink

fam o-dlnncr-dreis-u ith -m at« liJa£ accessories and w ore'n p ink carniv- tlon ornamental corsage, T h D rldegroap 's 'm othcr'choson-nnV blue suit wlUi m ntchlng Accessor les and also wore a p ink carnation ornam ental corsage.

T h e .hall was decorated

Christm as ornaments th e lace covered recepUoh table. A w hite three-tiered w edding 'cak< trlm m ed_w lth ycilQW n n d whlti

Fete in Oakley' - .Honors. Couple.

Wed in TempleOAICLEY. J.iti. 1 - - O n retu rn l

•om tt trip to sun Valley and ' WaiihlnRton. Mr. aiid Mr*. Terry Dennis W ard were hoijorcd ftt o, wcddlnR reception here nt ihc LDS: itakehopse, Tl»«u<Sui)l«-uas-inarr, rled Dcc. 2 'in the Lo;un Li.«o lemple.

The. bride Is the former' Mary Ann Cftllnhiin. daushter ot Mr. niiU Mrs. ‘Henry Callahan, and Ward is the son ol Mr. nnd Mrs. Osmer W ard.

Aceolnp.mylnR the eouple^o tho temple were Mp- osmer Word and Mr.. «n!} Mrs, DoJinld Chnndler,

■»i \iY t Mi-iimrn Harker nnd Otiley, ull Elbs. and a num-

o t friends from .MulU.Tho wedding trip Included a vis*

. . w ith the brliieRioom'8 brother, aeo rnc W ard, a t Connell, W .un.

For th e recciillon. the bride wore BOH'a ffl.ihlonril u'Jlb n white lace

bodice over talfeln with oval ncckr imo and lace ulteves. Ituflle.n of ne t trimm ed the full »klrt feun* over h 0op.i. Her lonu veil w;ts held by a m aichln« crown nnd she car"- rled a bouquet ol pink rusi's und carnations.

necclvinff Bursts with tl)e weds were parents of the couple iind'tlfe'ljrlCiwroom'* Bnindmother.-Mrs. M argaret.W ard. ___

T lio bride's mother chose n dark Jersey dress wltii eorsacc of pink

itions, and the bridcKroom’s selected a dark striped Jer-

hc'vnlley, centered the table. Ev- :rgrcens surrounded the ba&e of J io cake. ._8Ii1rlpy Hulme nnd Sandl CaMcli >resldcd over tho puncit Ijowi'hud served tlio cake, Elaino Phllllps ■inrt -iipnw -Phillips rccolvcd-the Blits. Loft Lee nnd M ariclln CIlf= ord dlitplnyed the gifts. The n llt Able was decorated wlUi n marsh, mallow cnstle eentcrcd with « n lniature bride nnd bridei;roam

nnd trimm ed w ith bluo nnitel hnlr Lois M olfett had charKe of tiic (uest book. Background music played tliroughnut Ujo n-cep jy Mrs. n . A. Carlson.

A proRram whs pre.ncnted with Melvin W. C arter serving ns mas- ler-of-cer«monle«/-Aocordlot»-«olofl

U j T o m r.-200-perMnr-ott«nded-tf>o

reception and dance. Marilyn H an­sen was in charge of tiie R uut book. Refreshments were served by M ac s iiark . Corn RawmuMcn, Wl- nono-Q eo-nnd-M rs.-B la lnc .B lrd .

A tw o'tiered wedding cake cen­tered th e Isee-covercd table. -.IW ilf rrd :JS a ac rs~ » ^r hiaStW~Of ceremonies for the reeeptlou pro* gram . U n d a Craner sanR. Mrs. K arl M artin and Mrs. lllUon M at­thews ployed violin duets and Sagers gave a readmit. Dance m uv Ic was provided by 'C arl. Black's orcliestra.

Included Mr.

carJaonrnnd'D rr-

nnd Mrs. Gale R. Ward, and r.aRcrman; Mr. and Mr*. Lester ■Ward. Mr. and. Mrs, Calderwood nnd^Mrs. Eljlon u n e r . nil Burley; Mr. a n d ' Mrs. Ralph- T . Coifles and son. S a lt Lake City. Glen Ol- Kcn and Florence OJsrn. both Bridge; Mr. ond Mrs. a . J . Udy. M r.^nnd- Mrs. Arden WIckel nnd linn. Tnm Hnlp, B flrlow and Ja y W ard, nil M alta..

T h e bride Is n graduate of Oak-

o u te r officers are M rs. .H arley SiM morc.’vlcc p resid en t,'ah d 'M « . B iU -Itm ’L secretary-treosurer.

Committees appointed by the new officers include Mrs. Roy J a c ­obs. chairm an, Mrs. Jam es Stand- ley and Mrs, Roger Thiem e, prO' gram; Mrs. Robert Carey nnd Mrs S tanley Englert, calling; M rs. Ro-

. ,b e rt Holuska nnd Mrs. M ark Cos- i' il'i.'KWlJIliilll

betier. monitor: I t was decided Mrs. Jam es Crawford-w lll-conU nuc as scrapbook chairm an..

............. ................higli school.Bothattended Magic VaUey chrZsUan college, Albion, last year. Tliey will m ake the ir home In M alta where tli i^ rld e g ro o m Is employed In h b

pociu. A m arim ba seleetlan presented by Ricardo and Nelda Hltclieoek, uccompimled by Brcndft Hltolicock.=O uti0fit0wn-BUCst*:lncludei:jlt.- (ind Mrs. G ra n t Hardy, and dauch- te r and Sir.' and Mrs, Oordan H ur- • ;

Event&Listed-by- * ■■ ........ " Richfi,eld People

RXCHPIELD: job . 7 w Wr. ond M rs. L . T . Sanders entertained Saturday evening 'a t o pinochle pa rty for 33 guests o t the ir home,

M rs. Harold Williams and ' Clif­fo rd Conner' received high prizes; Mrs. MeU:ln Pope and Jack' Tewes, consotntlon, and Mrs. Everett W ard a n d Tewes, traveling awards. A buffet supper conciudcd the party.

A Goicoechea family get-'t«gcth-

from n\cnjbcr3._ __- N o w nrcmbeni wilcomcd ftrc'tMfs; EnRlert ond Mm. SU ndley.

Hostesses were Mrs. MIko F rle- :n nnd Mrs. Rnyl;,

Orem, Utni):.'Mrs. Lllllnn stc;vart, Idaho Fnlls; 'Lois M offett nnd Dr. Robert Amolt. . both S a if Lake City; Sandl Cassnll, Provo. UWh; Mr. ajid- Mrs. Jnck Fmncls. W en- d c :i; 'M r. nnd Mrs. Rnlph Hulme, Dlalno Hulme and Snndrn Roberts, all HnRennan; Mra. Emma W ink­ler, Wnitn Wnlla. Wnsh.; Mrs; Do- rc ttn Hoskins nnd son, Piier, nnd the bride’s Rrnndinother, Mrs. B. T. Blnyloek, Wendell. - a '

Rraduated fromT he brldo ....... ..........WRh’ se h M n in o S ira ird 'tt ttc n d ed

~ 'ounm ■

school In 10S5 and nttei for two yeara.

The couple Is a t home In Chi-' caRo, 111., where the bridegroom Is n Junior n t \h o Northwestern den­ta l scliool nnd the bride Is em- pJeyrd by th e -o ie n Mathleson Cl»mlenl corpomtlon.

Banquet Slated By Local Gfdijp

^^Vomen■a nuxllinrj-.No. Tnlertintlonnl T^’poRcaphlcal imloh m et Monday eveninR n t th e home .Of Mnf.-.Tj. B." Swisher to discuss a banqUct for February.

Mrs. Ell Pardee. Mrs. W. . . Peterson and Mrs. James Alex­a n d er-a re the cotnmltleo range the dinner.

n oyd-W hlterW -A sh-fltreet.--------¥ ¥ »Alpha Delta Kappa teachers’ sO'

TOrlty will m eet a t l p in . S a tu r­day a t tho T urf club w ith Mrs.John_A ndcrson_ond_M r»...CurtjlsE aton as hostesses.

4C ^ ;

NgW“Le'— LAPM Seated at . Twin Falls M eet

M rs. William 'Jewell, Jerome. Installed as president o t Colfax 13, BRUlu Auxiliary Pntrlarciis


HAaERMAN. Ja iu 7—T ch boxes : u.ied clothing'contribiffcd by.tiie.

aged--at -the-work-day-4aectlnR..of Uie W oman's Society of C hristian S e rv ice -a t-thp :M ethodbt_church .

T he clothing will bo. sen t to the CommUfiny center malntAined by the Methodist church a t Eloy, ArU.

T hanks were extended to the community for the clothing do­nated and to the MeUiodist In te r ­mediate Fellowship group fo r the collection made Sunday afternoon.

Tliose packing the clothing were M n. E rnest Billiard, chnlrm nn. Mrs. -Ralpli CaiaweU,. M rs. F red

qcoechcni and j family. Rlcitflcld, o n d ''P h llllp ‘ GlocoecMea;- Gooding; attended from Magic Valley.

M r. and Mra. Theo Olllcu en ter­ta in e d 'A t n dinner p a rty New Y ear's eve for .13 guests. Mr. nnd Mra. Ted Burgess, Jerome, a ttend ­ed from out of town. .

Mrs. Edward Appell was given a surprise birthday anniversary p a r­ty Sunday evening a t her home. Plrioclile w m ployed and a group Rift presented Mrs. Appell. Mrs. T hco Olllcu ond Mra: Sterling King served refreshments.

^ -------------.

.. P.resent _Report

seated-from left, Mrfc Dill Rayl. secrtta ry-treasurer; Mrs. E rnest m gravtng)---------------------- --------------------------------------■------------------ =

Mrs. Wiilidms is-.New Lfeader for

• MVs. w iillnm J . ■Willlama was Installtd as president or th e Manic Valley Young Wives club In a cere­mony Tuesday evening ^ the YWCA;— --------------- -

■Social Calendar I V anous Reports^' Feature Confab

- O W M M o m e a

M ilitant, when the auxillnry m et Monday evening o t tlie Twin Falls lO O P hall, Mrs. A. G. Blswcll.

O ther elecUve U lcers InstnUed included Mrs, Robert Jackson. J e ­rome. vice president: Mrs. G arl Ridgeway. Kimberly, secretary', and M rs .- MyrUo - Bajr,—Tw in. - Falls , treasurer.

Ivi* offlcera Installec, . . . .• the

meeting of Disabled American Vet- em ns auxiliary Monday n t the DAV hall. .

Mrs. Horold Armstrong, seniorvIce~com m andcr,-conducted-tl>ebusiness session. Mrs. Carl Sutter- ricld..,wa» BCf» commander i>fQ-tem-:and-Mfa._gmmn B o ^ h . unlor vice commander pro tcm.

MI-S..T. M. Knight ted tho prayers a n d Mrs. Dewey Julian and Mrs, Butterfield retired the flag. ■

i n giving the hdspltal report. Mra. W. 0. Stone noted tl>at Christm as card.s and poUed p lw ta were given u rtB c- two

rome, officer of the day; Mrs. W ll' Horn Hopkins, Jerome, -righ t aid to th e president; Mrs. Ed Wftlte, Twin PalU, left aid to the presi­dent;—M rs.-W .-O .-W atts ,-T w in Falls, m uHcian; A, 0 . Blswcll,'nen^ .tn - Mn'. 'A'.'OrBmfcelli-Buhlv'doa^

Jerom e, banner beoTcr.____ _M rs.'.Ridgeway tt-as Instftlllng

officer and wos n ssltu d -b y Mra Easton as old. Ond Jklrs. Charles H art, chaplain.

Mra. Blswell was presented w ith an auxiliary past presldenfa Jewe by Mrs. Rldgewoy on behnlf o m em ben. Mrs. Jewell appointed h e r committees for the .coming year ond distributed year books.- .p la n s were made for serving tc- frc.shments a t Uie Joint- In su lla - i lo n o f Canton o H Iccrs '------------

iM T ahd 'a 'ux lIla ry -ro r'nccay fain-— Hies.' . * ' j . ■ ' ■

M rs. M urrel Blades told of ih c . C hristm as party for Uie c liap lcr' and ouxlllnry. T reats were dls-

■ ......................... L e--jr lb u tc d ; Mrs. KniRht nnd Mm .-l <; Bny Brhnif^f rflnKjiWrfht* two~tui keys afld 'M rs. Harold Armstrortir - nnd Mrs. D urc tta Atkinson baked the rolls fo r the dinner.

S ta r m others and Mrs. Ida Sweet. Gold S tar grandmother. Mrs. S tone ond Mr. ond Mrs. T . M. KnlRhUdcliven5d_Uic_lH0_Cl»r>sti m a^ boskets prepared by Uic ci>ap-

RcKw51tT'M r.'~ona -M rsr-K nlRhtr-~-= Mrs.' Butterfield, Mrs. Stone. Mrs.A rm stro n g .-ilT 3 .J la tlc5 jin d . Mr?.___Fronk -H o rcJi-------- ---------— — --------

M rs. H orejs gnve the leglxlatlQii a n d publicity report; Mrs. Julian, . child w elfare; Mra. ArmstroiiK. membership, nnd Mrs. 'K nlghi, ways and means.

P ians were m ade to hold n . ane r for departm ent o f l l c c r j t i ___ ■Fcbrunry or Morcii, depcndini; on r - tlie w eather. ^ • . . .

T he nex t soclol meeting ond po i. luck dinner will be held a ' "■__ ' ___

T h is meeting will be held Jan . 30 n t the Twin Falls lOOF hall. Ifotry^M.'^enklns.-pocatellQ.TW lll be inatalllng-'offlcel;-flnd will be assisted by a s ta ff, from Poca­tello. • .— M rsr'B lswell-thnnked-the-group fo r th e jewel presented Jicr nnd m em bers for tlielr asslstoncc dur­ing tlie past year. She presented M ra. Easion. retiring secretary, w ith 0 gifi.* i;ti«*Jiex tr«eetln8-^H l-tje-heid i W ) . . i i t the Buhl lO O F'hall nnd w lU -featu re .a .PQtluck=dlDncr-^in honor o f Mra. Esther Arbogast, Burley, 'p resident .of the depart­m en t asaociotlon LAPM,' who will pay her offlclol visit to the auxil­iary n t th a t time. Mrs. Blswcll will linve charge of arrangements.

In tlie Canton meeting which v a i presided over by Carl Rldge­woy. captain, the Patriarchs Mili­ta n t degree was conferred on Rob­e rt Rowe. Twin Falls.

Refreshments were .served -by TV ln-ra lls, ■ ■

■jnn. 2d n i U ielw m c orMfSTJUlinn; 437 T hird.nvenuc uouth.

H ostesses were Mrs. Annsti-oiig nnd Mrs. Em m a Balsch. February ihoatcsses-wlll bo-Mrs...Bladc£-und M rs. Horejs.

BuhiJYouth_Unit_l Picks ModeratorBOKL, Ja n , 7 —'R a y Peterson

group .m et Sunday evening a t t li^F irs t Presbytcfin ir church,- --------'•-O ther new onicers-lnclude-Kaltl- Shlelds. vice moderator;. Susan Skcem,_ .sccrctAry-trcnsurer. find K ay H ia tt, reporter.'tJshcn t»lcet* ed t« serve a t Sunday morning worship services for January In­clude JoA nn Olson. Rwcmary Barker, W arren Dowd ond -Jim Shields.

Plans also-were made for the an­nua l outing to Sun Valley tho date being se t for Jan . lOVlI members plonnln’g to -mnke’-sie t r ip aro,urged to make re»crvatloiu_, fo rtra n sp o rttU o n by-Sundoy.:— _

Hogerman-Club . Slates M eeting• HAGERMAN, Jam 7—Tl’ie re­

cently organised Golden Age club will hold Its first regular m eeting Monday evening a t the G range h a l l . . -Mrs. William McConkey. prealdent. will be In charge of the program and gomes, Everyone In th e community over C5 yenra of ' -_ . _ ;

RcfreshnVents will be served by Mrs. E rnest Bllllnrd, ^tr3. W. G. Tiippcr.’MW.'TJen TByjor’a n d Mrs.' Mlihe Barton. • •.....• ----------..........................................


■ I t meeting u Drealdent Of th e B a p -■ - ; ■ t i l t Youth Fellowship Sunday eve-■ • , n in e a t the Baptist c h u n h .

____ OtJigr itMiimlng duUe

D eena Oweo, te c re tu y ; Charlene I Kennedy, treasurer, a n d R e lth I S om es, T ed Hoslip. O onion WU- I

- Uoma. Mls« Owens ond Miss K e n - |l aedy, emphasis chnlnnen . I

J - - J ____ NewrsponsoTB ore M r.-nnd M rs. |

fo r Ja n -

i . piAnawere„; ' be held Jon , 31.

‘ < Lesson osslgnmeni I tu u y ore for. tatigh tim es" ,

by K alth 'B am es; “Why death nndl 1 d ls a a w rr , Judy O raybeol; "T he } ' w orth of a m an," Becky H ah y . and , -Y ou and th e oppoalte sex.” C hn r- t lene Kennedy.

; Costleford U nit ■.; ■ M eets for Cards

C A S to P O R D , Jo n . 7 - T h e . : Costleford Pinochle club held l u

w im Mr. and Mrs. .G len Myers, . , . . . M r. and Mra. Woyne Me^-ers, TK-ln I t i — ^ P ftM Fftnff=M K :^ftw a=«rc-cnc5ttc

' " - McClain I n v c h a ^ e . of ..a rrange ', ,, menta,■■'■f-'r-y E igh t tables were to play w ith I ~ ’ p r is u going to M rs. Jo h n . S l ick

I and Bill Klnyon, high; M rs..JT ed -J-^P jng trt-o tid 'E d -M cra roe rlow rttna .^ -X ia irel PM Ups, (raveUng.

. '*']' Gold and .Green bo lt will, be held. . . ■, Monday « t th e stokehouse' u nde r ^ “ *?sMlw«oa-flf-Mr;-mnd^Mr».- Chartea

«. l;,; Payton, aecood w ard dance d lrec- •• ‘ - .tonr, <fld K « th W « r ; f irs t ■ward


Page 13: · - Thil h part of (lie wreckace of a Nallonal airline* New York-Ki-Mlaml pUiie IhAt cratHed near \VHmlnrton. N. C.; Mrly

rHURSPAY, JANUa(^Y-7, 1960

Lareri:Ddvies Is — -NoRofed-Queen I stcr^ted^n:Rffe''


A s Bethel QueenHAILXY. Jiin , 7 - U r c f i Dnvli-n.

•Mt', nUfl M n. John D avlrs.'w n* liifiiftllcd ns Ijoimicd

uccn of •Jjcilirl No, 30, Job 's inuRhtcr.-n In n ccrptnOny lltU-d!

. 'K e y .to H npplne 'V Innf uot-k 'iii tlie Masonic temple;“ ■ ' .

Mnrcin Aiiclrvvvs. rotlRni; lu>iioi> cd queen, presldc<l._siu- wiis W b y Jniw Murriiy. Sliiflcy 'Ulvic\« niid Mrs.-J.tme.i iJudlih S cn iu 'fc r) ' BlKKOU.’ pnst honored (juceiw; .Mr.i. Tlif-odorc Dlvim'. Jmiicc Drenmiiiii. nfld V/llUiJ M cKticlirr iiiid W. a . Hclnicni. pnsi •

i:r o/Hcers In.iiallcd iir r 'A r-...... Slnplcton. 'Miller prliicmi;Carol, Jolinaon. junior prlnccjw;

E:n NicIiQlAL'n,•e tttl t r—J t t m t , muiilcliin: N|ckl -W cnu mid'

S lephtns. CHslortinnit;■l.«nn:nrC{icryl D uttrftin/K iirjifV y- ' mil. Jnnet Mornn'und Roberta I^c>Kcrelier; mcMcnscrA, n'ml M iirhnrct . . . .Drown find nulhniiii W n fi.H n iicr--------------nnd oiitffr -Ruiirdv Krl.i- Piirtlv. i i . ■ i i-Kiildc;-Fnyc H;iich,‘recotdrr. ■nn'ri M i s s H O U S e Q n C j Jiirty Drcncmftn. d lrcc lc i W ____ _— . ,muciiM >.i H liiirr intTnn.:. i. Vy lison A re Wed.

A.n.ioclnle ofnccM sentcd

. Shirley A tbms.............EDEN. 7 ~ MnrrlARe vou',V‘ enplftln; u5la Divine, hl.itorliji'i; i ..JIAZELTON. Ja n . 7—Lee ,Ann

le tn reelled ftl noon Sftturday.'N orinn Droyle*. Ulble pnac- S itllry H aiue.'«In'i::h!cr o f Mr, nml M rs.-DeOra8rin^-c«’cmony-at-UjBTu’liv 'fiM «Jc^cu*lodJan-o{-|l9h»«:-.Itnly-?“ncla-HQU.-a:_Ed.'u:o>-ColQ............... .. u.. nuilll. h rMwnt. ...------------- »v,.Polla district courtrooiiui by PhllllK; Olxon. cuModInn or rcjlxicr: B u * ‘ Kole Dade, daughter of M r a n d ;b a ra CUe.'ts. cusloilliin of llic « l l - .[

. . . Wllaon Schw nrr. non of Mr,I Mr.i, A lbert Sehwni-z. Hiizcl-

Ur».Dffl6T5nmh, Eden; iTnd Hpnry I ver__drlll._ni)(|_Cht:ryl_W im aiiia.iJpn._2L<i'LJ'n'Jcfl_ln_ui»rrlnt;c_«l.. 'o a ry Schwab, son of Mr.i, Connie Linda EnkrldKt. ‘Vlckl P .ittc rso n .'2:30 p.m. Sunday n t llic bilcii Sthwab, HAxelton. - -C arlft D arker.’S usan ‘Good. S ,iruh 'T f'» ’lty Lurhcrnn church with thi: ^ilrtoi> 5 riffin Mn«hpr riffrfnrm. .Tniii-t .Tnftnrt.. T1rn.....lri.i ... ,1 'f*7777'Hevr" RflVniOnd K m st OfUclntlng

-rf% ))>^ngi^tog^V »pw ny--w itj>*-oa-K nooht‘rnHnr-pB|rw;: . -‘ member* of Ihc famlllea n ttw idbc .j • MIm Davies’ father presented he r The bride wrn nt'.IrMil In n «ow{n

The bride was a ttired in n white with n gnvcl.-mIm Aiulrew.i iire^.pf pink lace oyer ta ffe ta fcutur- dacroniheath dress accented by nI Miitcd her w ith -th e Dewey nnd bodice . nnd a lu li wide white M tin bow tied in fran liR ny ' Rogers p in to be worn durluK »*“ *''• ®‘ ballerina lenRth, Her cor-

__ ..h i.... ./..•••■A.-u. u<.^U<fr tfpm n< )\>.< , sosc wns White c iim a tlo iu tied 111

' jktn a bluo shc^nUi kU — ■ artss . _ ,

v lth matehinB accessories. Her “ Jewelfyretjnslsted-of—blue-rrhlnc-

(tone necklace and carrlna set. ,• Alva D, Oarrlson, Twin, Pnllg,

_hrol|icr-W-ta'w of “ th e bride," and r^na ld -C R oT D elirH K M lton - inco of the brldesroom 's ulster, •"cre attendants.

The bride’s m o th e r’ selected

her term ns honored, queen.

cnts with flowers. Mr*. MoKcrehur. ’She wore n.J:olcrcroM necklacc.Mrs, Tliomaa_.Murray, an d ..M ra .!a e lft of U ic.brldearoom .TlicjvlLir ...... .............................. ............................Theodore Divine with corjiflRcs nnd 'w ns deeorntcd \v |th_jilnk. carnn- MoacmcH—waa-Hlectcd- prealdmL. Rclmcrii w ltin r iio u tto h lc re ,' TUons and hucLleberry R reenery '“ "------------------ --------------------

She nlso presented M ils Aitdrcwit'nnd lapers In larRe w ith a past honored queen’s p ln 'n b o a larne bouuqet of deep pink and savcj Ruard. n Rift of th e rones, which

Awo Fd-ReGe i-v«d—By .Twp Wbmen A t Counci I M eet

T w o,wom en u h o . have dcvoitd liiny ypab of »crvlee l<>'Cnmp

Flrtf-O lrts in ,Twin.t'nll,»,.r<T''lvnt Iho lilKhr.'t honor civcn by .ilip Ort:anl?j>tlon-at tiie annual dinm 'r of the Twin Falls Council of .C.imp.Fire Oirl» Wednesday evrnliiK •'Honored wlih tiie "O u 11. ..

Awiird.'i-.nami'd -{or-'th<*-foiind*‘r« o5 Cfimp F irr Glrl^. nn -e Mr.i.Berilia V»n Duren, rrtlriiiR* d rn i of iht! council, and Mm. CoriV .Aln-1'vonh. reelected li;ril.Mir('r of thp coinioll, ■ .

1 PcT.iniii who hnve donr ^stiindiiii; work in the oriianlrjitlcn. rrxirndert li, proRram ami been I BCtlvc- Kir lit' len.1t flv’f

“ irilc jua ' i iir’ inp iiwnrtl, i ................b rcn n-celved locally by only ih rre

,t5iiK'n, Itecuimiicnriirnonriiwiirdn nre .made by the

local couiH'll bu t niiu t be npprov* fd .H t imilonal Cninp Fli"r head- qu»rtM>: Previous local winners were Mr.'. Wallace Bond. Mrs. Mil- ici, Pi.wi-11 iind Mm. W. a . Van Ensclrn. . '

Mi». Viin Duren. In wlnninc Hie ccnlflcai'- and pin which »li;nlfy Ihr GulIck award, w’as cited for lirr s\x yenr.% in the Camp Fire


Dlue Dli d lender. Camp Fire G u ar­dian. captain In t^e finance drive for Cnrnp. Tawakanl. her phyjilcal work for tho-ciunp .-tw o-tar» ic-iu prcMdnni. nnd tl^e extcndlnR'of the locai riiuncii’.t prosrnm to other -MaKic-Vjiicy -

nntloiinl qrtianluitlcn. She nbio was active during th e cam paign (o build the .v)uth hliis caaip. and war. Ruardlaii a t the tUiw o t a Camp Fire group which rnlaed >100


M n . S n n n a n MclntiiMi Is prenenttnj; Sir*. Werllta VanlJuren of th e Twin Falls Cnunrll of Cam p Flrfc Girls Wednesday e»enlof a t

red }cr«ey sheath dress and the j b e th e l' atid. guardians, M lu A n- bridegroom's m otiier was dressed drewn also , was presented »

bluo shtfftUi RU ecl'lenirthlhonored queen’s doll made Mr h e r ............................................ RUMsllnrir

oliii ueriie. n rn l vicc* dent; Mrs. Marvin MeConncl'

sen t by the bri(it:'s ond vice pre.ildcnt;'> Mrs. Dale

Both * attended Vaiiey hlRh leliool. The bridegroom lias been serving In the navy sincc Novem- ber. He Is stationed m San DIcro.

A nother presentA tlon........................m iniature p laque‘ with the a n ­nouncement th a t 'she had been chosen as "Joble of the T en

New Year's Eve Z a tty J s N otedOAKLEY. Jan . 7 - F irs t and

Kcond ward M^A- officers m et a t Uve &t»,ke recrewUonaV’ hnlv for

-Yew-’i ’-evc-party -

F6r Uie prORrom. MIm Twombly played a piano soio. Karen P yrah Rave A readinR and PhyllLi Larsen' Bang,


tiarenta fo r the n lta r decor. Jeonette Perkins, brldtam ald.

I'AS nttlrcd In n pale bluo cotton street lenRth dre.-us. 5he wore n cor.vtRO of pink carnations tied in pink tulle. ’ ‘

O tto Schwarz, brother of the i:-Ushers

___ Mark Schw ar*. brother of th ebridegroom, nnd R ichard Hnge- •man, brideitroam'.t cou.Mii.',

Members of. tiie conRrcRation ............................................... and

for the social • and rcjrcshlnent

uid second ward officers In charge,Keith Wa'rr. f irst ward, and Mr.

ind Mrs. Charles Pay t« n , second - * »dir,C M d»nc ln , and . f c J a Z e l . t o r i - E v e n t : ^

eupt. Aimy Fehlmon. secontl ward. — B e iv in s '^ r 'th e suppcy-w ns” “ _Kcted.b7:M rC:iTnttTHalbrT-^

The meal was served on long tobies in th<j Scout room of tlie

- itsko-building.- Holiday yule-log init artlticlal snowmen centered Uie. long serving tnbles. Decorn-

' tlonf were made by Mni. Joe> Ras- muuen and Tliom as Clark,' At mldnlRht, baliooni which had been concealed in tho celling of th# hall vcrc released.

» CLAS? i i t s T A n r y VIEW, Jan . 7 — A New Year's — ( w fts-held-ak tlte-hom e

— o l^ ln . L«onarxl-Fattenoi>-/or-her ■2e-fiuflday.*4tthool—.genealogy—tiaxs.

u p ln y ■

blue snower ^ jis given I.. _____ot Mrs. Joe Olesler, Rupert. M on- doy n igh t -a t -thn ;hoftic of ‘> trs . Jack ' Kelley. ‘

Mra. D.. L. Louder and .M rs, rh illlp Cochran w The plnk -an d -b lu e -U )em e : carried .o u t in room' decoration! and In the refreshm ent a rrange - m ents as well n« the gift table..M rs, qharlea Cnimrlne.. M ra.

O lesler and BcUi McDonald re- celved prjMs oLBamp.V ___ _

•menu si

Marian Martin , Pattern 9471

= = i Q u i l l u n i g = S 6 S s i o F iBDHL, J a n . -7—A quilting ses­

sion was held by the local ch ap ­ter or American W ar MoUiers' when Uioy m c t thl/i w eek-a t ih c home of Mra. Edgar X^rsen. T h e quilt w |ll be used, as a fund raLs- Init project for the chapter.- Mrs: Amandft Rutherford, presi­

dent, conducted the meellnB. T h e next meeting Feb. 1 will be held in 'lh e Buhl civic rooms with Mra: ilutJierford a n d M n . ETiie B auer, Filer, serving as ho»te«c.5.

Fa ni i I y Honored^,KINO HILL, J a n . '? —Mr. and

Mrs. K arl C arnahan en tertained n l a dinner Inst week-end in honor of Mr. and Mrs. John C arnahan and family. Kosmos. Wash.

GUesta w ere'M r. and M ra.'D . E .

Lead Me" ns the bridal party made.1t* en trance to the altflr. T lie coHRreaa«o» sa n s "O h P t^Jecl -Love.— aeeoinptinlcd-on the-orffan by Mra. Elmer H agem nnn. ount of tUe bridegroom, who also played tlio weddinK.,piarchcs,

'The bridegroom 's m other .wm boClcrnut cotton

street icng th d r e u - ^ t h embroid­ered docor.-ehl:'w ore a whitfl g a r­denia corsage. T h e bridegroon^q

Boit-man; secretary, and Mr.i. Aina- wortli, treasurer. , :

New bonrd member* named Mr.t. G. O, Mathew*. Mrs. D crllc nnd Mr.v Gladys Coxen. Electcd

member* n t large are Mrs, Rob- . Corn. Mr.i. Eddie Hown nnd

M ra^R oy-L cclJdfn .. Lionel-AliUc% wa.H chcuicn n representative Irom Buhl. .

.In addition to Uie GulIck awards, r.evcrnl lenders and board mcmbem rc^dvud inynrri< for-G Qlrifn ,J ubi» .- q fo a n t. , R « |p i .

Reception Fetes ^ Couple Married


....... ..................given M onday n ig h tn t Hie H aielten LD8 c h o rc h -lo r Mr. nnd Mrs. Orville W aym ent

m ann. wore a black silk crepe dress and ft-whlt« gardcnln corsage.

FollowinR tl>e ceremony a ceptlon wns held In the newlyweds' iionor a t tho F ron tier O range hall, Hszelton.

The reception table was covered with & white linen cloth and cen>' t«red with a (our-tlered w hite wed* ding cake placed on a large round jnlrror. EacIi Uer was' decorated w ith ..p in t .x o ses_ a n d .p in k , rosea surrounded the enkc n t the bnse. Etch pillar ^g.-' BUbPOrte^ by-whlte

naorncd w ith, th ree p in s _______bells.liL .p ln lle .Jhe . cake was bsked a f\i dK ora ted by'M rs. Vern 6;Cliutte, cousin of the bridegroom. After i t was c u t by the bride a n d brldegroom lt w ns.served by M rs. Ren Yoat and M n . Jesse Perkins.• Serving on tlie refrcslunent com mltUe were Mrs, Ed ClarkKon, Mra. Jack Sm ith. Mrs, Elm er Hngemhnn, Mrs, Herman M artens nnd Mrs. Paul Scliwars.

K aren Luedcrs w w s if t table n t- Itndan i nnd Judy H agcmann, cousin of tho bridegroom, a ttend ­ed the g u u t book.. A t.'l)otii.endsof'thc recepUon ta. ble. were pink- carnations In bud .vaicfl.onil pinlt.cnndles In.Jeaf.and ro.ictte eandelnbm.

The bride attended schools n i Breckenrldge, Colo., and the bride­groom attended Hnzciton grade school and Valley hfRh school.

T he couple will retu rn to Dillon.

hla parents and o tlier ’ relotlves here. H e is employed by a construe- UoiTIirm in Dilion.

Care of Your Children,B yA N G E L O PATRI

.lecretarj', w?re Mrs. J’lcrce Roan, Mra. Leo Ctimpe;iu. 'M rs. RIehiiril F ilnn , M rs. Kenneth Vennblu. Mra, r n u l Carlson. .Mr.i. J. C . Dlulr. M rs. W . R. Rcppeto.-Mr*, Ronald M etcalf. Eden. Mr.-;, Jack U:Clulr. M ra. EdRiir Schmidt, .Mr.v Robert W ilson. Mrs. _Sam Oariulre, Mrs, Jo h n Pool; Mr,':. RobiTt Krb. Buhl, Mr.v Jo h n Ocrile, Mr.i. Jay Dock- Btoder. Mr.'i, Norm'an M un tash , Mr.i. B e rtha Van Bilrcn. Mrs, How'ard.Allen. Mrs. Paul Bull. Mr.i. E th e l M artin mid Mr.f, E. V. Hutz-Tcltl. . j :____

Approximately SO m en'and ^vom- en nttendeM the dinner. ... S tivers wns m nster bt ceremonies.

GulIck awards, nnd entertained w ith f»,clmlk talk. •

1'lie i)roi;r''i'iii;'" Mri.. MoKeiiscn, included the iii- slalliitluii of ofllei'ra by Curll.i X auai.-in tm ber ol th e bonrd, Mr;;. McInio;ih W1L1 chairman of the spccla i.-aw anh commlttcc. .

A Kroiip from' c;ich_ni!e level ot Oamp'Flrc-Glrl-'PuLVu puTliclpiiied In the pidKrain. n i e Singing Blue Bird.i, led by Mr.f. Richard Baun. sunK: II I.K11 WM Riven by the Kinia Tink Amo C pm nJ’:ira-Grfluii-\fitlL Mr(t.-'-Pnui-Onrl»cn—ns—eunrdtnn: nnd vocalV.electlons'were present­ed .by the E itreilita Fell?, jloxizon club, w itlj Shurou MlUcc as leader.

ie&lo§y-l=ess0n Given at Session >llAGERMAN. Jan , 7-M rn . W ll- ’

bert Cline Kftve the llieoloRy Ic.Mon , on '’Spiritual erentloiis"' n t the’ ‘ incetlnK of the Relief .lock'ty ’n ira - day nftcrnoon n t the LDS church,

M rs.-Jack Allen, prc.iiqrnt, ■ ducted llif* mi'rHnp Mr< Wa

''l''arn;w orth g.ive the openl

n .HAZELTON. Jan .


.T he’recep tlon iab le w as covered w ith a w hite lace cloth w ith an underlay o f 'b lu e . C entering Iho table w oa. a three-Uered w hite wedding cake, trim m ed w ith pink rosea ond. topped by a m in iature bride and bridegroom, ’

A fter th e brida and bridegroom U)o cake In the tradltioAul

niece of th e bride, received tho gifts asslstod by-Mrs. D uard P e r­kins, K oren W ayment. sis ter o f the bridegroom displayed tlie gifts on

blue co<|pred table.M usic for dancing was provided

by John ..8 tone .nnd his orchestra, pu rley .

T h e young couple -is a t hom,e In K azclton w here boUi are employed.

Church's Youth , GatherCh?thing

. HAOEIIMAN, Ja n . 7 — C lothing was gathered by members o f th e M ethodist Interm edlnte Fellow­sh ip Sunday. The cloUiing.wllI bo, sen t to the Community cen tcr, £1-' roy, Ar)8„ os a church project.

An o f f i c e ^ meeting waa held

. W IWP.TIE W ONDER tep In and wrap—prestol you're

for a bright nnd-buay spring J^Oeooped neckline In frorit'dlpa

In baek-for «unning. No fit* UBf - . .u ,--------- ^ d e ta i l s -

J^ n ied - pattern W l i imusea V 5 ^ 15. U, 10. 18, 20. aiKf 16 U kel 1 rtrd j 35-inch f a b r l c 7 _ ^ _

Priscilla's m other is worried bC' cause-••P rlscllJo-has-no*-friends; Nobody walks home from school with her: nobody colls on Uie te l­ephone. nobody invites h e r to go a lo n g . to the candy shop a fte r sehool.'She 4s-good-looklng, obovo averoge I would say, bu t no frlenda and .sh e 'd o e s cnyy the popularjriTc.'’ ------------ — ---------------

Priscilla to shy. She stays outside any group-thftt foHna anywhere U» the lunchfoom, .the gym .‘a t th e games. W hen one of thfi glrU soy. "Coming P r to ? “ she shakes h e r head and walks off. By and by nobody spcalM_f>eyond a cosual “U ." ■ Noturally. Who la golng~to take th e trouble to dig Into th is sllenee'to find a wtotful soul long- tn ( to be freed of Its burden of lonellneaa.

8hyric8S to o; burden to those a f­flicted by It. B u t I t con be.remove<l ir l u victim:will take hold of. the

determined to solve It. _ __ catvc tac 'h ltn -

be friendly. In iteod of w lthdm w - ' contacts he- m ust step

— t ooi ns) lo r 't n u • *or eoch' '*'■ » « t-c :aa» molUng.i k2? i? Mnrlan M artin , Times- ! Dept.-.,a3a.we«t 18thi . ^ ’J^ .V orkO l. a .Y . P r in t pUlnly

\ IMO "»prini‘;^ W q w e r pa ttern --c a ta lo f In

r - S ^ “>lrtOlor_Ov<|r 100 snK rt . a io c c M io n c

IfPrU cIlU "W i

E\ en in the face o f'such dread the forward step m ust be-tnken ; the Invitation nccepted If the . lonely one la to shake off this feeling of Inferiority for th a t to w hat shy­ness reolly Is.. Children have to learn w hat a ll adulta know veil, and th a t to tha t m ost people take

know - one thorollglily ................their own valuation. W hen a girl o r boy follows Prtocllla'a way, stay­ing aloof, people decide th n t th a t Is w hat they w an t to do, label them aa duds a'nd let them alone. To. have friends one m ust be ftfriend. ____ • ' .

Tho shy one w anla to~know~1iow. The ftn aw r U sim ple and the m y to easy. Do som ething for some­b o d y .~ anybody who’s handy. Smile, say HI. o ffer to hold tom e- one's Jacket w hile h e g^ia Into It, pick up What someone-let fall, say. "I'd like to go along. O ot room for me? I ’ll help you w ith th a t If I mav." gftv th ing to break th e sllcnee-wlll do..’ .'Teachers can help by aendlng the iihy child o n an errand , dellv-

h w id ? ^ e n is 'c a n ’der this" t« ^ d n ^ i

__________w o ttld -sa y .-^ rd 'lo v eto, thank you,"-tod swlnk Into step beside the friendly one ahe.w ould able to overom o h e r d l f ' flculty. •.‘“ 0 <'couiiT such“chUdren"liat<‘ to moke Uiemsolves look fonvord o r Ih tr ^ v e .’ N e ra e th e jr -want- to . bo ttU bbea-M they i t a they a i m I r t i S i r i7 be. T here to UtUe d a n g ero t m eet- i« n ti p .J t SBrtUm* siflriM,"

Into th e borBftln W n g o ther chil­d ren ' into ihff. house to ,gel oc- qualified with th e shy one. B ut he must bo willing to step forw«rd

■ a n em -oncnD -rw h iie ."" :— ;------Ani«lo Tatrl offin

irnlni «t•- bi>« __

tmd !0

weekly meetings for 'jn n u ary . P lans Include a play for th e nex t' 8unday.'*-meetlnff. "Why ahouldii’t ' we drlnk?“: a skating p a rty for the nex t week followed -by a p ro ­gram on safe driving nnd a movie for tho following week. “ irv .'JO T ieefaed 'to 'hoia th e m eei- Inga a t 3:30 p in . on 'S unday eachJfficKL-

president. _con-

atoo 7um tohed th e refreshm ents.' ¥ «

Lesson GivenSHOSHONE, Jan . 7 — A lesson 1 UOchlng children th e com-

m B ndm enta"of'~O od ' was 'glVcnT.TVt p r i .

mory « t .A planning m eeting held M onday evening a t the hom e of Mrs, W illiam Trammel.

M rs. F. R . M abbutt presented th e leuotv jto m th e te s t "D on 't Close T lie Door." Mrs.. 'IVammel con-1 ducted th e business meeting. T lie RtMdord was p r c m te d by Mrs. f t . .X. Dllle. Prayers 'w ere ■■0 . K . H enning and Mrs.Larson. '

Birthday Feted:


‘-PICtURE-TUBES8 gcM W omuH y—Easy T en a i

.CAIN'SX n o n e . TiiHn PaOt


Page 14: · - Thil h part of (lie wreckace of a Nallonal airline* New York-Ki-Mlaml pUiie IhAt cratHed near \VHmlnrton. N. C.; Mrly


LallUi pJckrJ up 13 polni« li

wllK B pii> tiiiil noBcr Mlchcncr nnd Lnrry Mniipin cnme up with a^ M o iui to IKi i the Bnitn .1

—R:-encw »(»-toole^ii^tn-(or Duhl o keep the ItKlliin hope* nllvi; Ub- or^ WI11I* \Tnpr** 't*nni iiond In H Mir|)rliilnit 53 m o n d t toc ciaen iiu' cura .— — r-----------------T he rM iilu; Twin PnlLi Ilnlccl

f ln l , Include OS pound—M. R< dccWoncd K, Runyon pound—DouK Harper plnni'd u . Freem an: 105 pounii—O. Clirln-

declsloned D. Pr(mclnI —. l-nwrrn rn Hnrpff fir

w ith D. Jloumoni.; 12S poundn— Bill Quffo)' pinned by E. Scliwnn:;

: i3 0 p o u n d -K . nobln/ioii pinned by LoIIIa; h i pound—Dave KhiR

p inned T . LcltcH; 144 pou ' -Mlehnfp-<leoUlonc<l-Rr . .

njnonr'182Tomrd-'T;ari7''MaUpli’f declsloned It. Malone 3-0; D, Royer

W hite; n o poi '

"onferen(3e Basketball to Break Into Full Swing in

[ aigicrValley on Wek- E ^Conference buHketbiill breaks into fiilf sh-intr itcn.KM MuKic Valley Uiis wc(‘k-iti<l

w ith local hiKh school teiims acheduliiiK 22 KJimcx Friday ami Suliinlay. Of IJie - KJime-N . only two w iil'not fiffiire in Home confercnce Htandinir. Ail five of llie confCTeni;e« r.-i>- . rCBcnled in the dislrfcl w iir Hee .actiim inchitlintj Uio oiioninK of two dercii(ltii|f loii-

ffirence cliampionH. The Poca.tell>r lndian><. l<hh«^ S,i[unhS' nil'lit

-y.F.-Matmenrollect- I victory Over Inflians

BUHL, J>fn. 7—Tiie TwIii-KhIIm IiIkIi sdiool w reM iw .Icum notched tlieir fir.Ht vicUjry.or. the year iieru WetitiHs day niBht. beatinK the Biihl Indian matineti :5»-2l). Dali WilliH, 182:i)miiid- Twin Falls--onlratit, ciiichoil thA- vie lory with a pin in lii» event and Jicavyweijfht.DiiaTH^.Ua.s muHMelrteed the cake.with.a; jiin in th e '‘evenin}:’8 finale.The Bruins dominatud in' tlio

.. JiRht and }ioay.(’ clasHCfl while 1 f Buhl racked iin their points

r f i » the middle liart of the M- w elsh t (liTiHion card.

:__ Qnentng wins bv M, Ront nmlDour H arper uDoved *rwin Piillr

Bowladrpme’s Holiday Tourney Attracts Largest

[44n-State^s-Histor^rtt I)e rfo i-h \i'i>ict!3r ' t 01 p0(l~>) v l l n : f i i'5 t - ?0(H >hiH -:< tT icr-rnH cil- h; i i g —

neiv'Bowiatironie, featured the ir,ih animal Holiday bowiin;: toiirnanient o w r t},,, j.fJI t)iR‘c ivei.'k.'!. Dr. J. C, (Jai-k) Rushton rolleil a 715 !<cries jlnrintr ^ sc-<j<it>u (ji but hi.>! effort had to shure.the .‘ potliKht with a 2S7 turneil ni \>.\- Anlen ^ mull. l\, ctte. The top individual .jrame durini; te:im competition was a 2(.7 by (.cor;;^ \ a,i>:h Payette. The event turned out to be the larKCSt in' the .state’.-; history — some 920

[■ts of doubles heintt rolFiuL BoLu- TV icnm cnmc Ihroucli

n (he Insl sqund un the liu l nli;hl of tin* inect IQ win the tciiin event wlDi n 3.IS3 loliil. The .suine lentn

■ -tak e n __ Ujc__ aJlh__Century,ijiioSixhlp. w ln n M iR both

cck-cnd m m

pinned ................. .H arold Lyonit pinned by R. ZaRiU . 183—poond-D B lo—WHIIt—pinned Tom R ldjm ond. nnd hravywelRht

D uanp_RaaniuM cn pinned Ma H ttUleld.

Exhibition renuUfl were B ..H ei- -ro n 'n ln n B d Pv~H^:;wmcri-'J.~Jft»iea - ^ I n t w ^rM .-M eliiiH Ip--J, LntlmnfO- p inned ,T. K cndrlck: Charles Bq- .,1. tom decUloned D. Donn and Son

.McDcweU VM pinned by R. Ru- therlord .

Texas Still lliEumes_Oier_^

Bacial riiargeAUSTIN. Tex.: Jnn., 7 W — A

I f , on - t h e . - opposlna Joo tbivll T - U M V l3-]U3t'anoli}er player m Jnr

th e u firpeaitjro rT e»iinrcD < i=

, Dfti'tnbiT.Tlic di)ul)K'.i crowh ‘aiiivcd in

Maulc .Valley and Is worn by Ralph Sliiimoii*. -whu>rnllo<l-iv-.'.RO,-Hml EIh.t.Shiiwvcr, (>H. bnth .Hnwlloti Tlic comtilniUlon tninled UCQ to I'dKi! .lixond plaec dun of OiWKe Kny nnd John Blircll, ’iv m Falls, by th ree plnii. , . . . . .

Dr. .'crlM iiicJudfdI—4ndlv

e t here pprlnp. stntc tournntncnt— o{flcliil.t e.<itniated

t pbcci pri/rU money miiy ro j l .ll.t, $500.I plncc of MnRld.r, Ihe lourmII comnilttce Included (Iv

MAGIC IIOU’I. r.eiicral Lensue

•ElectMe“ Tnimp—flcfcBird—cttcii Coin. 4-0: CulllKtin So ltttftltr (lo- Ica ted -p jc lllc . Co-.O n_3J;_kliUT berly Roud Slaclnlr derciitcil Bouthworlh Prcfduec. 3-1. CIi

,auotd.i‘b&:£Pnolflo 1-Vnlt-, dcJuui- cd Kinns nndTfliuw . J*l.

I llsn individual Rnmc. C. W ilk­ins. 222: hiRh'Indlvldual nerlc.-t. C WIDtlns. MO: hiRh ncnilch team

r ^ d le a p tenm (tnme^ hSuUiwo P roduce. Ota: hlKh hnndlciip serlea. Elcctrlc Pump. 3700: lilKh scrntcl) team series, Electric punip. 2457.

"■ 'IJiimo insktrnXeaicuB Hulls.'Turkeyg tied MorIc

ley Plumblnfc nnd llcntlnc.ley Plumblnfc nnd llcn tlnc , 2-3: x ------ n - - 'I i i J E H t o p e

I__j - r ___r 'I PI—l-l- II........ ii.iA ' . . . * ' :...„ - . fcatcd Elecrn i ....... . ..Coberly Rentty compunj' derentedW HU' M 6 h ) 'r . '3 n r Bm itir=nw rtn[rdcfciitcd Syrlnsn ln.;iurnticc, 4-K

n igii__iiituvlduul—iuiuc— MuacllNorn. 175: hlRh Indlvlduhl bcHc#. Vl-Krj-J(cndell. 452; hiRh scrntcl team Bame. Mniilc Vnlley Phim b In s and IlentlnR. S41; hiRh hnnd Icnp lehm (tame, WlI*on PhmlnR Min. OH: hiRh linndlcnp tcnni se­ries. WlUon PlnnlnR M ill.-2007: hiRh Bcrntcl) tenm Kerle.t, SmItI: RoonnB. 1580. ■

itlRhlieht3-M a.icll Nora boL ITS in: Shlrlify Hull co t 5*7-10 upllt:

__;an Fix ROt 5-8-10 split: C hnr- lotto Wllllnm* .uoi 7-0 sp lit; VI Krykcndell-Rot 7-0 split. ~-

Siilurdiiy nlRl'tv the Pornlcllo. Tw'ln Kills Rtime Introduces cftiii Ici'ciicf' pliiy to l!>c ilriiln.s. Tlu' “ ' ■ .u p -a_ i-l_ rK m d '

T.F.'to Host Filer, fiMians-oii Wjeefe Errd

, 7'lu- fo ir r-d

I 'lf .- .t tlUni5 fur

In UlR Seven piny. nurle\ .....;ravpl tn Coodlnim nd .K-rdine \v illiS ;iliii hoat Mount.iln noine In n n n n .l( j„ , |

M ai-tl^ idny-nV hi- t'homi

T iv iii l-Vdh I tm w s . f n i i r t l i ( Ife l r ic I i,'im r tT n u n t7 v 7 )i t" th riT rh m rV n ff f* n : 'e - iig iu n a t- th e -S lO i.s w h ri i tlii-y th e I ’. ic a to i lo 1 '

•-TTTTtiil. Howt.'Vci-. i iu ‘ I’ r u iu s c iu V t poinL’T T)w ar(r

— J()hn-R«H Prx,-Jr.,—TV-ln—Fiiila. .'lio-nLso twice plnced nninnK Hi np J(l In. (he doubles plnyofl;

Kollowlnc him were m il Ji Pocntdlo, nnd Dale Carter, BnHe. wlio (led n t l.OH: Yundt. who lind n 1.009. nnd Kcllli Jflhn.v)n. Bur-

-----------------------------n rsr

•1‘til vith the Filer Wil.l-

Vnlley leave a t Am back inin

pl;.y c h o o l , . niin.'^iiim. jirollnv- bfjrinniM^v :»t 7 , Golf Toiu'iiey

l a the only Snturdny. niRhi n:imeI tlio Norih:il(lf. Camnx CuuniyII be n t Oooiling Slntc.

01ympic“S k i~ Teamto Yic

iihVi tlifiliiiii.iiiuiLaliicc 11 1

;Ollp.-Tli.- Indlai

Otu \!iji •l-l!id!l

.‘" iBcgins 'I'odayl,On-ANCEI.CS, jn n .-7 I,TWTop

! .,;‘,inanii'.s lii lhc «i>lf tind enierlaln- ’—ijtnent-n-prltb'erm petc Thur?rin.v-ln

liln- pro-ci'lchrlty tournam ent of till' n iih.nnnim l Lon Aniieks Open,

II" pro*crlrbrlly •cvent-prcccdcs ..., Sl.1,500 npcn. which runs F r |.

ihruuuli Momlny n t Rn “r-tM iinlc!jinl-«olf cour.-e.

lurduy nlRlit of the ITiree

IryF roO C rju ira ion won Hi .\HTi'per of the mecU.

T hD'other elRht tcnm.iTmo join Dolje TV on ihe-T irr» 'lls iJl!£lii!' ■

. ilnRlc Bowl. 3.133;' Urnciley andrMcMurmy.-Burlcy. 3.10SrPlne Bow!-Na.-2.-Popfttello,-3.0fln; Holly- n-ood—Bowl.—ldnh'o-Pnll,ir^.05li: .Military Inn.* Twin Fnlls. 3,017: S tar c n fe js t . Anthony. 3.0^1. nnd...... a l^ R g lw , ................................._______gl£e 3.03a,.Mngie bownhpped Into third p liw . rd lln i: lis money wInnlns*acore on the flna' SQund o t tiic tournnmcnL . .

DouWes Kcorlnp nbove 1.300 In­clude Slnimoiu nnd Shnwvc'r, 1,.3iI(3rifii7nndnifrcll,“ rj!arJo1inWilllnms nnd RoRcrs, 1J53: Joyi and Sonuner.1, Rlsby.- U 'H , n Fred Mlzutft-'nnd^Ray Crttclifleltt; Oakley, nnd D .. Swallow nnd D, LlvlnRSton,. Pocatello, bo(h Ir1.l3,_

_w i»tnins nn<( Dr._nuahlQ». 1.-

Leaping luferceptioii

3ckfHohrkWil<H‘«-«(^MsoiUM\uatI^^lcrc£flUU.0'.>lu>.Rl___icorelCH nrj-t period of IIm I-W'c I same a t .Snn Frunclncu. T r y ,;lej» nrj>t period ... ............- - - ........................ - -

...M lo block Wllcnx arc Kast pl.iyers Itay Jaunch MO of lo v ....... .D c a n 'tn n k (211 of nilclilcan Slntc. I.ook tlirc»» a short pass which wa» deflecled by nnolher player {not slio«rnl before reaching Wllioj.'N orG B 'IsnV est-niwrrt-R .im nn-'A rm strotnrnf-Texas-Christlan.-W nr----w oo^Z l.U . (AP wlrephoto) '

pjlW idmgfSupj iesGdliege Education

PAULAS, Tex.,-Jan..7 (U Pl) Some.sludenU earn UieJr . way tnrouKli colleKe nupplng tabtiI57^ttllT3tJTOr.‘nvithHhQ~ knack for it attend on atliletic acholar.ships while playini; some .'tporf. Ed Lotounieau is a student, nil rlRht. -Anfl. ho ha.s a knack fo r sporLs. In fact, he played football, ran track” and wre.stlotl’ ii-'i '.n hitch school boy. Hut. a t I ’liS pounds-that’s a Utile, light for athletes a t the UnivtiN sily-of-Caiifotnia-wluirc-llie

PliUadelpliia;^ Teams-lfifce _Win Streaks"-I.-canX fo r the life of mo see

fflm f Uiey Tel ta lM nrflbouti“-Royfll lutjd T uesday when asked* abput

• ffhar*es th a t Texas players Uu ._.laflnstutjnr8yrBeuie~Ne8 In lh e 'C a tto n t» w l last Friday. ..

----- in arf lnl«rvJcw, ihb Texas conchoutlined tw o . reasons he thinks Byracuse Is o u t of line In rais in ;

• th e race Issu'cv; 1. T e x u . turned ltd Dallas hotel

•quarter# o v e r ' ^ Syracuse so NeifToes on Uio New York team

• could .be quartered w ith the — ‘ or -the squad.• 2. RenoRamlre*. ft,Texas player

‘ of LoUn American descent, was Uie ^ ta rg e t o f racial ba rto from 8yra»

cuse plaj’crs,' ‘‘I Bueu you could say Uukt. all ' r lsh t." R om lrts said when asked ■ abou t Royal's statem ent. H e de-

eJinea to fJabomte.i l—sakL—I lu t t l r d —Ixild—lilm

ASPEN. Colo,, Jnn . 7 tr .-T llc .9: Olyini)lc alplnc^_^i(l. l^,■.m_;o, fciecicii herir Frid.iy n iciu will

leiivo Denver by nlr Salnrtjiij- for

v.'ill taUo part-liv-Uiu-prollii

. compUmentary th lncs said ti durlDff the sttme."

Asked about Syracuie claims • 'th a t Texas encased In unfair tuc* i:-tlC4 -R o y a l «ald. "I don’t T tnor '■ « h a t they h a d In mind. I've seci < movies o f th e some nnd of coursi

V was a t th e Rome and I don'

touch off ft full-scale brawl be- • - li

, Uie f irs t - ---------- -ctise drew three penullles

} ftlay.’*!T hcy were Uie ones who. wei;i

_ p e n a llz cd - .o n olic. p ta j '. .n a t us.' ;S :T».-aaid.z-'..t:_-:.._„................ ,

mI ■■

■ ..s .:

S c o r e s ^C«II>n ntilitlbtll

f t t r r f t , Crttftburii »l Armr 91. Caliriita M UCNY "i. A>](li>hl 19 Cohi, SI. n»tM t i

“ Wiln# M. Uo*Jnlii.aSlloir Crou M«unch>u<-iu Vrrmnnl Si. Midillrliurr •: KuUm T9. Uuhirnbrni 6» .

M arsh. ;•t.ion's de fea ted ' M llllajy In i..” ROi'nl Louiisa I’p lu ■ArctJo'i»..t„i,

Circle; 2-2. 'HiRh mdlvldiinl -Rame. .6

Ochnner. 1D6: h liilf Indlvidu

.WcU«an_SP_nf n_Anii-Hf«r». . . .

minnl* Wnky«n Cl. MlltlkiaV"vii«li.r. T«h T,1, Ulohn-.n,l <5

Dartnn SI. X>vl»r it8>r»cUM S<, KnrithjmS^ CH__

■SNEAKS TO \V1N '.. EPHRAIM. U tnh, Jan . 7 _ t ^ A f l e l ^ 5oal_by_ aedrpe DowcnJ with DO seconds to p lay 'siive Sndw' cbl-

•JcRe a 58-6Tbcukctbiai victory over Collese o r Southern UU h '

Valley Leaeue I} Cnke defeated Jack am

Jeans. 4-0:. Wonder Brend defeat .cft-A.-'grflw.ProdilcUon^.ain: Tjnic?'-

there Inte ihLs month,Ania^R. LUIK;. Jr., of Helena.

MoiH.. alpine (enm maiijii;er. ^ald Tuesday (he trip wiw jclialuled to matclJ Uic Amerlcnn.s aiMlnst top- fllfiht Eiirop<-nn compellllon In nd- vnnco- of the Wlnler ‘ Olympic,s opening a t Squaw Valley, Oillf., Feb. I«.

“ •„ U llln Kiild the .i-lvhl. men six women cIiom-ii on (he learn coinpi'le llr,it a t Kltxbulicl,

Austria. Jn n ..15-17.T he European trip wiw sclied-

iled“ ftncr~the“ T:in'opWiir'iennis notified Aspen offielnli llu-y would

■ comn hero Jor iheMlocIi Cup 1 Feb, 5-7. U, S, :Olympic of.

iliin_l:i;!uilc.n-l.';:.-. . 3 di.Mrij;!',; k'.idlU!:. »cortr. lUidlBiirKe iifl;- .CuiriT . » t riiiir.-i.-:. i '.likrS

noli, .lull Llovd Mat

.'-■;indeM ;

iM incliidc Billy C; will—Palmer;—JnCKlF

Flasterwiiiil ichitU. j a y i j

lloorji, Ken riiiii, Uuir n<i:;ljuri:. Id Paul Ilnrnev. icllide R;iy KoIki .. c Benny, Oi'OrKC me. Tmiy Marili F rid M,ic.Murra;, l;iy Mlllanil. Phil {'xnic-.v. D.ilc Rob.

Fnll^, 1J13; Bill Bowi Len Bower. J,30B: R- Johnsc RoKcra. 1,305: wniltmt.i nn _ . Peckhw, Burley, UD3. nnd L. Ken­yon and D, LlvlnRsi nnd BUI Monielth, Twin Fulls, nnd M: Kiiwana and P. Onlsh. BU)Ued a t 1J 02,

3-1: Enst Flvc-Polnts dcfcntcd Ai (trow Rcscnrch. -t-0: Haney Seed company defeated Tlie F u r Shop.4-0.

HIrIi Individual gnme.. Bill Kln- y. 2(H; hlith Individual ^c^le.^

like Stnstny, 555: hlKh scratch team Rame, Hnney.Seed company.

hniidlcap team Kame,

, U ltle .-.aid the BO to Kurope canci p la n s.o f the alpine tei lU trolnlim n l S u n . T he selected members

scheduled (!• Im Valley ile.-ii week.

.’alley, it the team tc Rone

iiey" Seihandlcnh team series. Hnney Seed company. 27D3: hliih scralch lenm _ _aeries, Haney SceS com pany.'2574.i.............<ihtlnpnl.iV rea 's iie" "

H lnhllR lit-pow ler.o f th e -w .s ik .^ ^-urf Club defeated KKKP. 3-1

LDS ‘Won’t iKent Gvm forBoxin'i Card'

California Eyes Pioneer Loop Future

I'O iriTU V lLl.i;, C.illf, Jan , ' stl.s til Porter'Ih CallYVnla leiiRui

bii: itiiiiuT (li-vclop- ;> iii';.':iiii; of Pioneer

;.s S.ltlirday tn Salt

The llRhted by csce Ini: on the fin lop Uiree icam ccntnKC’.or' til Rained t(io pr mlnuJe effori.i.

rnt aim •H hl::lilally hich

il day. Two of (lie n ond-n larin: pc, e lendlni; doubli lio lt*t with iJ it-

rodeos. He's already-obt: in lm al huabnndry deyree n in d now Ls In his second y itiidy n.% a 'veierlnnrlnn.

T lia t's if slKn he hns been doliiR a ll rlRht n e payoff

I n fact, Letonrucau » ranklnK bull rider In .the Rodeo

rcsuclatlon iitnndlnt;:!wlie ■ tlic

Boxer TKO’s Redl iu Wild Seven Roimds

CHfCAOO. Jun . 7 Iju-There w..;I much action In (he Chica'ji

Stadium rlnR a fte r (he flKht Wed. |c.^dny n igh t lui there was durini;

Uonal THiiiB rffdeo ■■ left here *:.« Uic Nc

.......... inlly. havhii: pockelexl $1,055—sccond only If) worl/l'.i cliainploi nowboy Jim Shoulders' $2,435 win

In th e rodeo her

am ple ot hnrdwood dandles th li-ten io n In VHlanov* and L.iSnlle. Represcntlni: 50 per cent of the nntlon'a skim py list ot four m ajor unbeateus, bo th fat­tened their streak* W ednesday In a doubleheader a t the ralc.st4-a, Vlltanovn, hmybe the toii'glicr ol the two. made It clRlit In a roW ’wltli n H7-C5 rou t ot Duqucsne n tle r LaSalle had run lU unbeaten



n bijf red

dy twicehard he nearly b it hl.i

lonKue. In two, A trip to the hos- pltnl for a b it ol liuturlni;. how-

bad : th n t nlRht.

by top-ranked Clncln....................hrtvc RlVe iiood reasons why the PJ)IIndeJpl))a slo;)- of boskclbnll' ":*ky!it=sniuutilii=

Ed Diddle ROt .hLi 1701st conch- iiR victory a t W estern K cntiirfu' n«.i-r rii'Pniii ' ■ff:

‘T h is time . bull ■ lined-•■'All

Mike Stastny. 5S5.

— ....... BOWLAOKOMK---------L _JJnirlidtomp Tea LeaRiie StylLsl defeated •rBeauiy c o iin - !lor, 4-0; Nflllcr and Nellseti de-

RlnrmK Tj>iitigr .1.0.

;lc Valley Bean dclejled Bob Reese Mo(or,'‘ 4-0: Mllitarv Inn <lo- fentcd- Edfn -O Ile r,C 3 ;i; '‘M »lbr-‘ . Vu defeated .American L inen.,-1-0:;;. Snyder'j Ofllce Equipment < li'-.' fea ted P,icks. 3-1,

::^H crrr,-

■an. proKU'nt of ihi <>nit,i ln<ij>. ,111(1 SI; :l , ii; ;if la li..ji»it-.wiUi

1 Should Uii

iinbeat•delphla \C'a. i<

Shool: U p '' Kave him r.uch .......tim e thn t he lost live tcelh collld. Inc w ith the buU's horns durlnp

Back in the ho.ipltal. bul-----------------------------r o u r

formi■&/1: llve.i -

Stefan^ Redl, from H unsar.PaMalc. N, J .

ii> decision had chain roactfoi Rcdl's manaRcr. hu.tky Lou Duv: asdc—a —bull-llkc^ rush - tnto..ili Inc. furiously protetlliiK (o Chali nan Kmnk Gilmer of the llllnoi

h e jin d won. HQ did._______uilcnis lliliikint; iiboijt his fooustem. Lctour-

. ..-n n jr folIowlllK I

JU lir-s

Rickey Wants To P o o l^ - Ball^layei^s^

o lf .o f .a lb u ll . 'th a n

hik'h Individual r.»K. s<8: hiKh jc ra tc i) ■

Moior-Vit, B79J .liiKh •' lu n d lc ap ie,«m name, Manie Valley B eaii.m fi; hUli hnndlciip team s :- . . '

—r-.rle.-i, MaRlc Vnlley Hean. 2827; hl«h -team serle.s Mo(or-Vu, s

Kstde.- i t r

Walden Will Play

MINNEAPOLIS. Jan , 7 Branch Rlclcey Is gambling on a n ­o ther revolutlonary-baacban-m ovo - —n common player pool (timed n tequallzlni;. icum -ttren8U u>-lo.puL__the n e w Contlnontal league In ,

Redl hnd been knocked doi^n :

. . . Frnnccscrutch team Rame. Sty(it.. . . . . . ilgh handicap team jjanie. njjQ

1008: hlch h.indlcap teaM 'serle.v HlKhllcht.'v—Ralph l i r & ' e ^ ^ t T ^ ^ l scm (eh_tenm

HlRhIlRhI.i-Mnude IIon.<ttelii hnd triplicate scries o t 13:*: M ary

Lewis picked (he 0-7-10 .njijlt: Don. nn Shortliouse' picked the 5.10 sp llU .' .

inc. bowl-,1

Druir .deleated- Bni'i Rlcnfleld. 3-1; Denton DrillfnK de- fcatcd_l,«i_T nycm ..-4.o;-:r.P . Cl-

-------StOie Tlefc a trd -K rcngc lx HtO;& T el ei>ted ..MciGold. 4-0, • ......

HlRh Individual sam e. Bernle ;30hU n^214: hiRh individual {;e- rlM . Bernip .Bohllng. fiSB ;lhlsh scra tch team gnme, T-F, c ip a rs to re .- 04 l:-h iR n- handicap lc ; in r ___ ....Rame, Denton DriUhiR.joiO: hlR hlhandlcpn

'I series, T.F. Clg.-*''

Hum D ulililers.l.ratiie. l la w l and Al' L;ir;on dcfeafe:! jl.a nnd Cecil, Harrimrtnn; 4-o; ;an and Cliurle* C.-uinrinc di­a led Marje nnd-Broy Hnrd1lv^ 1; Thelm a nud Harold .Groves

r:: they JIO.OOO

r r n i n r '

six th round wlUi Il le ft nnd took a It count while oi

W hen he arose, he Hiibbiird w ith lefts ni

Hubbnrd belted him :tlo«;k^nd Redl bccami

iln Canada Leagueltd Hul)-| DENVEn, ......andalory jback Jim Wiililen oi w Is kneV.vlof (lie top d ra ft choice

I t. would mean the virtual rc- Jectlon of individual team inrm systems th a t Rickey him self pio­neered when he ra n the S t . Louis CarcIlnaK


7 — Qunrti if Wyomtnc.

I of Denver T he 70-year-old presidentII Footbnll propo:,ed third m ajor lcasu(^ de-

,sjiys he -will piny p ro tfi-. i.,|ic(}- n ,e pjan W ednesday os parttooiball with Vancouver of nf a personal campalRn to beef

- ........•— .......................... . ......... . »«“Rue. I up enthusiasm .for the league inP v -U to. lie ll. howirvcr>Jie_Ai:mmU.. PLqiL-ln_Dcnver.':..M[»»n.ipnii....ftt PbmI ivhleh haveto h.ivc snapped ou t of it, • ^^W den .vua. " b u i T ^ ' t feel iT c o tiU n e n tn l franchise ' T

illlce so much, T h e .7 n n - | ,


Jlnirny Drvileh, 3-1:- C'lrn vln Bodcasiab defriUe.l Fc Boh Hondcrlch. 3-1.— Hli;h indlvldiinl--Httnie...v

lul Tr- h as ■•rmmaert; .i re*I IM h- W..:.:a nue ami .Tti; .nia id irvlHL- lo ii:i »

Between r o u n d s , ' Hubb.ird',i handlers trea ted him for a bloody welt under his left eye wluie Dr. In 'lnR Slott of the copmaixlon

-J Jooklng-lnto the eyes of Rcdi. Tim-------------------------------


linue ." ,S lo tt said,____ ■,. R cd l'w a ji restrained from an- swerlng the ben and the fight end-

offer I

old .Groves. •.’02: hich Individual] Dr, Wilki •les. U'omen—Biirbara Johnn^trn.: "T lie tradlili

,7: m en-B nl) Hondcrlch, 4U3:] church • .-.rliool h ic h scratch teaiii'e. 'n ie lm a^ thu i its fncilKIi

i r T lu ^ l^ ^ lo r 'p r o f r ' ’- ••••■

handicap ( John

^ ^ • r i ! f ? - r...'0 !port:jiian.'h ;he

game. Bowler of the'w eek, A. El* I Harold Grovei, 053.

........ind Hur.old Grovc.s, 1132; h lR hlboih ft.................. ,....... - ........■jicnitch tenm oeriesi Thelma ^nd iifrlnc lpo l,T he Ocufun Albert Sm ithi Lylcs AlJev

Duviw then-vented hi* nme, o i l ­ie r 'a n d commissioner Loti R:ul- cnd-1 were so an^iered by his <iu(-

burst Oislde the ring, aiift before a.naU onw ide-tclevlsU ia-uudlenco.•tliat-t3l'Cr*0«'<I«e.a"TIeaiT17ur:^held up and told Duvn to appear »i£torc. thc-tr— .............. ■

Jfle ld-house will tlicicloii;

H ubbard.-'w ho was by '.nedI,-H 7 pounds to I4 8 'i: h as ill victories. 15 .by ka^oes. iwo dmwa. .•


It. wn-s'rep'oricd thn fW ulden will'

Qregon ApplaudsS A L E M ro ro „ '- jn n —r (tn»D--=

wov, Mark Ilntflcld sen t .th e fol. lowlna iclecram to WnshlnRtoi Dr>v. Albert Roiellinl, In welcomlni back the Wa.thlnEton^footban tenn ^ o m l u Ra-fe bowIvteio_5 ', - .

honi UiebrouRht the

Proud aLv> of the ro le 'o u r ( Roniim m em ber*' o f~ y o u r“ ti played In wour season's lucccascs. K indest personal regards.”

the Idea Is to prevent w u lth from le (tnmc. H e de- It bidding by .Iho

Umicr the conllnent*! pH *. Ui* - would nm lnialn a stoff otIcauuc would m aintain a stoif o«

T!£oUl,%-^rtt~d'uld^ro'vldc-ie«r“ * - 't,..nffnii....rnt.« wltK fVio tHUnQS 01hendquarterj w ith the namM prosbecU. These would bo In a pool, subject ib ’ U iriec -y ^w — drafts by a ll teams on,the

ra l» o 'r» o u ltl:g « ^ :g

He teants the ConUneota} a crock o t ploycrs^Bot r e U i ^ « - Uie American andon lllcfr lliU oX iO kU vo P“ ^ J

Page 15: · - Thil h part of (lie wreckace of a Nallonal airline* New York-Ki-Mlaml pUiie IhAt cratHed near \VHmlnrton. N. C.; Mrly



Siffiers Hknded One of Severest Penalties Ever

HEW YORK. Jan . 7 (fi*)~The University of OkUhomii Wednesday night was handed one of the scveroat penalties ever m'eted-oyt by th e NntionnI ColleBlute Athletic ussoci. ation— indefinite probation and a ban fron> a|»pearin«: in

• nost*sea8ori football games and on television—for faiiint;^ -------------------------------- ^[to-<liw jloH e-< le t(iil:P of-it-fuT ii'

fo r rocruiting . athlotos. A the same time, the NCAA council, the ‘ policy-making body, pul the University of |TuIa» .under oiic-ycar iirdballon for rccrulLlns IrrcKiiIarltlM. I

T lie penalty nRftltiH Oklahoma ,w,Tis ilm lled to footbnll only. The. Soontr* nrc cllRlblc to compete ini o the r NCAA cJmmplotishlps-Tlie (llaclpllnnry. action nKftlnst Tutsn, tlrs t ngulnnt the M luourl Vniley school, does not bnr U (rotu NCAA cham pionships or TV ptoBrams.

I n both discs. It appeared tha t the.-lnjitltutlons were belns held

T csponslblc-forTloti '

Canada Enters Bid War for U. S. GriddersN'BW. YORK.’ Ja n . 1 lU P l) — •Athletic: .association mccliiik ' in' 'UnB ro iiith r'ln "»<i;itl!ioir to the

Fiiccd ttlih (in a ll-ou t biU tlc ror|N ew Yoik, .ilir_X»nadlim-loiii!iio!c»tnblW icil’ .N (v tlo tin l .roo tljiill lo]) collcRlate (irtd .tn len t. th e Cii-.m oved r n m a ^ iuto. M niilutti.u>;icai:uc...tUo. propiui-d . Amcrlcnn

- - . ------- ... __acquaiut__ Aiit<‘r>ouii--ei’lli-ci-|lcai!ue'l!> mllklnK - the KriitUuvtlnRco.-ictu's u'lih tile .favorablr iikpi'ci rfiiiks In nn e((ort 10 bcKiin In ti ' It our k'liKiif n) tiicy can Mlly nil- jcompelltlvc bu.ilne.v. Anil tlie Cn-

't ic their players of o iic a itvan-Inndtaiis iviint It known thiiL they HKcs" # ■ lore not tiiielnB ii biirk.M-nt.

T iir .MTiinible for tiileiiL Is c e t- i "We have been ulfecieil iitrcHcly

Kun n no-holds-barred bid aealii.s ihi! National nnd 'A m erican Foot.

■ bull IcOKue* for Amerlcn'a ■•name' s tars.

W »h th e N ational Collecliit.


Take away the Judo chops, air- n jue spins, step-over-toi-holds and irhst have you or protcsatonal vrestllnR and you seem to lose ii lot of glamour. B u t th e n , take ivtty teverol surplus pounds ond t i i youth and • •

— T T O te-got-W B h- ' jchBol wrcstllnft.

u id 'ft barrel lull> o{ nctlon. T ,^

MtUn< Its first-ti«TJ--«IOM---- T'interscAolAsM wroaing t h i s winter and It is,»a enjoyable sporti to watch. Don't! com psre-lttopro-'

Some 300 persons got th e ir look St hidh school w restling in Bulil Wednesday’ n igh t and It ap-

■pared they liked wlwit they raiw. Tlie Interscholastlc sp o rt rev e ru

I R e a l ly to tiie battle of Uic qulek- ■ A t snd strongest. And w ith xn ly y «W ;*w(Bm«*~*»-provc the ir point I sad ’several ways to rack up a 1 ' icore. tlie high school boys p u t It

I— e n -th e - lln e -a ll- th e -U m e -th e y re ' wresUlim.

n ils season Tw in Falla. Buhl, Mlalco and OoodlnR S tn te nre compeUng In the sport.- Mlnlco., euritnlly In Its second year. l«|

1— -esny lrfr-w t-the-n lcst-sm blttou jrl ichedule, m cetlns several teams from the fifth and sIxUi dl.itrlcLi. •nie other three nre sUcklnu pretty

[:__BUSh_lo_ft s trftlB hi^ourth_dlstdctborne sod Aome schedule,' pa riicu - lirtjr Twin Falls and Buhl.

The bouts are «taged on m ats Vjt no ropes ring tHe-nrena, U the':

liitopped cuid resumod to th e c e n ' 'o f:tho-rlng,

mltic'il Jtni l-'hiks. a fornu-r l’m«- biniili Siceler, iiiuirti'ibiick non .Koiiui.»l- nuiiiiiKiT oJ tliu-Ct»l'\— I Sliimiieili-r-s, “Wo know we li;ive| a nanu- ivhli'h in niftiiy w; mon- attnictlvi' tluin Ann pro ' loolbnll. Miiiiy coiiclic; vlic (iH-ir pbvi'i.'., ho we niiiNt let,

|thix-i-iuclie.i linow how iittnicilvcl

Thii Wllll

int anil v i'n ltr ,.............(inm '.l-.i l-w hk-h jn^ o rtn tli. will lie tllni'd '

Excusc Me, Please

tlrely under , their control. , Oklahoma's dlfflcuUy a rw e from I

.X und-Odmlnlstcrcd-by-Arthur-L { Wood of Okhitioma City: in a


'im proper rinanclal aM 'to d e n t a tiU ete .... Wood. .deBplie urging from -uni­versity officials, has refused to

I open his records to NCAA Investl- gatflrsr

. , T lie 8fiV«ytlLoMhe.?pntcnce Ifltie larifclv Iq Uiff ffiri iiVnt

- ........................U somewhat]mplicated’and entirely>up to th e M jnent of the referee . A pin ndi llie bout and the w inning)rn—

■ dKWoiTls worth Uireo team points UK ■ . »nl.ftfh tfj>m U.*»araM -tft-aJofc{tli

TTie matches begin w ith both pspplMs ati tbe lf feet. A J 'tn k e

. tewn" followed by * hold o r posl- thst clearly shows one boy has

M sdrenta8e,,ls w orth tw o.polnts. 7 the boy on the defehslvo slips m jr he Is g fo r nn

. ’(K spe.'If .herevc rses Lhc Uihles -tnd-pats-the e3c»offemii


movo . ed n t j -p u t_



t f ^ e

lh» rnit. he Is penalised three ■peInU for a "hear pin." O ne point 1> chsried -If a boy s ta lls o r tises la lU(ftl hold. A nother. Is lost If Uie bo j'.«em lngIy. U rendered huoleu for a short period of tim e lo *6at’Es called a “predleam enu" la tsch COSO de/lnjte advantage aiut be shown.

The referee m ust look for «1I a ta things, .plus, a feW more,

I t the some lim e keep the wnf_tafonned by gestures.

the raa tch W ednesday * ^ T w ln Palls co'och P aul'O styn [ W td ‘T his Is worse th a n bos- ‘ 11 . I sa t on th e bench nnd W W and ...........................

.............wna under InvestigationIn 1DS4-55, no one mentioned the existence of this fund dIUiounh la ter Investigation revealed th»t some ' athleUc d(;(>arlment mcir bers m ust-have-know n about It.

in conimentlng on Wednesday nlR hfs action. Dr. OeorRc L. Cross president of the unlversltv, said , th e -fu n d Incident occurred 8cTO t~j yeiyn ngo, He ndclcd ."When the 1953 violation was brouRht to our

, Bttentlon-w e'took'Stif^Immedlave-ly to Inform Uie NCAA of iu Tlie

INCAA first learned of It throughl 'our ow n-initiative." '

W ard, rciiched n t hLi home, de­nied there had been an orgonUedl^ntm ntntaaw tintn ie-conslcleroa'■ a ctawd l-'jue.

T u lsa ’s trouble st^nimed from 1 o ffer oC a $ « 0 gift or loan— ,

lL->^'nsn'i.clearly.calablWica.u'hctJ»-e r th e money wns to have been repaid—offered to a footljj' e r who eventually went to school, " •-WBlter,iMcrBe>et*;-NCA7re3fteu-

sM n as they leom ed ab o u U t and th e donor, n o t a member of the

m oa'c . vonl^Oii jinil the biK-tlnic viihii- Df Ciiinillan football.'

(• nn- t«ci m ajor point; till- Caii;uli;ins nre tiylni; ti

drive tioinc. Tin- first Is th a t nt Ami'rlrnii colU'i;ian hns betti-r up. portimltli'.i playuii; In Cnnadn ant

.oiul lliat ;ictually thiTi- |. •i.'lr illili'U'noc between ilii

Football GoachesGomplete-Routme Of Annual Meet

NEW TOHK. Kl'J. 7 (/P)—Out of 11 licilol lobby bubbllnff wilh rumors and jiosaip there canie one new.s item .Wed- iio.'iday— T ush McI.atiKhry definiteiy has a job. While the top brass o f the NCAA; the AmcricnirFootbal'l Coachca.

mid Vlik'loiiH otiicr I'oiiej^c stiut’t.s groups cleared -ba-'...... •“ ...................

<1 tlip itlnr pro Cnnadlan 11' liniltrd io uMng 12 AnuT-1 .'wcm

In each i;nnn Ftnkii. mas

iiiitleu ■nieeliMKH, disciiHsions! of job itjiiKirliiiiilies and .Hwappin ' licciinie the main topii- for ijiofo than 2,00(1 i-ojiches. mhlpiic dlrrctors nnd o th e r, eolli-iii- officials i;«ihcri-il

rrc for—n wrck-toni; .i8rli‘,';“ of inU'r nie<'l1iit;,v.As umial. lhc men who inls lit In-

|)o.iltlon to.Rlve dcfliilui-jm ,-

'ordiiii:I clubs ra .

"LcHil: a t 1 ,'"fllo. Null,l.tnki's CO'or...................... ..................keeps only 3G. O i i t num bfi.

rookies nnd oiily ' make lhc-i:nidc, IS brhiBs'in iibout

r IB Yank.s, iJiiv wiiy;:.ania.iynl;3. lal Football IriiKue

n lo cnmp iinil

...............................18 ’of liiei...'I»crccni!it;p.\vi,se, that's ccclaln

ly » niii:h bpitrr break th a n la American fnotlinll."

.. Dcfj'lni: the_»Tiilli of-ihe llemi iiros, ho alw con tended 'lliat

■•IJJ succccil P.itil A m eiun.t head, conch a t Wake Forest college.

'Ameh resigned. Tuoj:diiy In surprise move to become « bank I executive. Illltlebrnnd. Ills nxslst.

for clinipiiriible i-,nlnrlfs in n aliort. Job n h u “iipproyal- i.i-coiifiitlercd-ii-selw ns-Jn-ci

Cliff Hseen of th e SI. Louts Hawks tones the baslceliiall. falls and hits the referee ..i. .»c ifc-^ ? " • “ ‘I™’ . '" '. ' ; . ' '" . . " ' - »■in rnlladelphlg . Hairku won 120 to i l l . (Nka lelephate)

cauke the teams prtiellcc Ui the' evenings nnd i:i-t nn oxchnnRe rnu-l break’-whni i-onvrrimg Canadian! dollnrs Into U .8, funds.

•.The playInK .lltferciices nrc no probtnii K) ihe boys." Pink a.vserl- ea. We u-.,. the platoon syMem nnu itii'M- IS no from the Canadian players becnaie they know the AmiTlcjins nre heltihii: to raise their salaries, too," -■T liu-baKk>-rilifferenctr-Tirc*tlint~ the Canadian field Is n o by 05

I'lUhlctlc d ep artm en t.. never ' had: lhanded over, T he uni.

because there was a qiies. •wiwUiM Ulo offer wns with-,

d raw n-befo re "or a fte r 'U ie ' boyl picked anoUier college. ' '

* * * ___

QlvlaLjomaHas Poor~Record, N<= AA I'roublei

Retimrt Eree Would Put-Power Back in Big 10J NEW YORK. .Jan. 7 (U P I)— Ben ScfJiwar?/.walder, coach of the year as he led Sy.nicuse^to. the>LQaLnatiQimLchamnion3hip>Ji3day..named-thp-nig--10 as-the-iead-: Ingr^jrcnjplh a new -unve-fo return the-two-phitoon.-flyatem_tp-coJlcKci:iootballr"^L' wouldnniHm-thnt the-Bii?-10-a}p»ifi“would’r i in th e ahdw nationally ju st like i t used to,'- 'aliid the'ou tspoken fo rm er paratroop m ajor w hose’-team closed out an undefeated

; ------- “ |8eaaon' by defeating Texas

SfeniojJBowil DeiiiesBlast At-Others

yard,i tn.sicad «t ItW by 53; th e end * ‘ 5 yi'fL ' deep-h«tcnd of ]0

andsihc b:ill be run ou t when punted Into the end r.onc; 12 piny-

fUx " u a .‘f Ml ,!!• !■'*!!'h m n lnn mightmotion: lo yards must be 'm ade I n '” three trlen for a Orst down, and tnc defensive line m a it play ono l'nra_olL lhe.ball_ ’

NEW YORK. Jan . 7 IB ■University of O klahom a,’already

'Im going to have to keep !>ukclball boys aw ay from

^ mstchcs. They 're going wild the sport. I m ight n o t have

out, for ptncllce .tomorrow Uiem all to th e wreotUng

■/■iough this was th e -first' card held a t B u h l, ml

............. Ttnnizl;.^ ^ - ^ t^ n s cau g h t _ f l n t a ^ ^ { y t t l l i i a or it, in ro c t,,th e y

sharp enough to give the ^ » few shouted po in ters ana ^ ^ o n s (commonly callod cot -?5'*,ln.Uie flmil-fow m atches.^ -

HM It turned ou t to be a, lo t . ^ “ f«-.« d:thtiJW ed.

Trail’s End.isi_

U>e*nntlon-B top rodeo rkJi announced hero W ed-

^ .■ w s e , described a s genUe i> M trlde .

•!«*,%, "}?Wied ogolnst Ca«ey «r« P*we, 8. D., .broDO rld-1

w.eatcm rodeo

****” ” naftietr the balloting be-

« ls i t s f lm in te rm o tih :

season In 13 seasons, now faces c period of Indefinite probation Im - , po.ied by th e executive council o f th e N ational Calleglate AthleUe iissoclatlon.

And tlio mighty Sooncrs,' th ree tim es nnUonal chomplons under tiie genius of Coach Bud Wilkin, son are practically powerltss to dc, Anything about ihe s tiff pehoitlesl imposed W ednesday. '

'T i lls will cost Che unfversily. perennial Big Bight football cham ­pion, a possible bertli In the. O range bowl and Its shore of the <200,000 which participating team s In a nationally televised regular-

I season gome now receive.

nltfl period unless Oklahoma convince A rthur U Wood, a boost­er of the university's athletic pro­gram . th a t h e should divulge fi­nancia l records o f . a- rccrultlnff fund.

Wood, who lives In Oklahoma .I ty , admlnUtered nn athietio iund which, the NCAA said, was used,

T h e fund cxbted In the period 1053-64. The NCAA invesUgated O klahoma in lOM-66 and on Oct. 20,-1055, the university wos ploced, on probation ip r o two-year period. NO ftdditiooal sancUons.:.wcrc-lm- posed.

, B u t the NCAA said It has .. . . . dlscovered-ilr-dld-not-hrre-tho-fnir information on the recruiting lund a t th a t time or the Olclahoma pel alty might hnve been d ifferen t..

, Now, the NCAA said in effect, iir w ood will disclose complete de> ‘ta ils, of the fund, th e association

m review Oklalioma’s case. Wood, U>e NCAA said, has con­

sisten tly refused requests to make know n the w cords of th e fund on 4he-^rounds - thal-he-w ould-jeop> a rd iie hU own posiUon. •

W ednesday n ight Wood sa id 'h e considers, the m atter « elOised Is­sue, th a t NCAA rules were n o t vio­la ted and th a t "os a certified

MOBILE. Ala,. Ja n . 7 </!>—Senior' bowl sponsora disclaimed W ednes­d a y crltlclsn* of oUier .n ll-s tn r bowLi by tlie founder of the game. —" W e -h a v e - a - h lg h - rcR ard -fo r,Tlmmi> . . . .|8 cn lo r.bow i gom e .-bu t deB lre-ltl lundOTtM d th a t comments y t r l l ^

'ojjivtury' uf u lh c r a U .s ta r -R 4 m c s-w « ro -n o t-o « io ln l nnd do n o t represent th e views of

I ' Affd oiflcei^-------------Mobile ArLi and-Sports association, owner o f the Senior, bowl game, s ta te m en t said.

, T h e *ia tem ent was by J . Finley M cRae,, president, of tlte assoel-

jaU oaP c a rre eartlcr charged th a t

in the Cotton bowl.—“Rn)— E llo tr- tiw U tn n t—Illlnolsl laU ^etlc-dtroctor)-l3-in-thcre p u s h ' 'ing It: for the Dig lo." Schw aru> walder dlsclo.ied. "And two-pin. loon football would allow the Bis. 10 to bring In those IDO to 125 m an squadt nRalif.” ■■

Schw aruw nldcr adm itted th a t

no t unlimited." A nd h e m ade It c lcn c _ tb o l._ tv e n .Jf_ U ic football coaches recommended tlie 'two-plru I

w ouid-notlbe accepted n t a subsequent session

..'It. ail sim mers down to n .ques­tion 'o f w hether th e adm inistra to rs

m t t h i r

n li-sU r bowb poy th e ir plnycro under .th e counter to keep from, distu rb ing their am ateu r stand ing . A Nashville, -Tenn.. contractor, Peone Is vice presiden t and gen- e m l mnnnger o f the ' Senior bowl association.

H o sn ld he. hbd affidav its from about 18 players in th e 1054 and 1055 Senior bowl games onylngl

Montgomery. East-W est a t San F^nneisco, ond N orth-S outh a t Miami. . .

Q uick denials came from offi­cials o f th e East-W est and B lue- O rny gomes. ., Sen io r bowl players tu rn p ro In th e 'so m e . Members of the '’ win­n ing squad-are paid tOOO each, the

Mlc.ftCCQimtflnLI-gflttl(Ltifl,iia-{o J to a lIO M o lln e for.disclos- pi

nAW <<UW lNS• HONOLtffiU. Hawaii. J a n . . (O P D -<rhe Unlver»lty_nt_flnwftll came fronv behind to defeat the v lsltlns Lewis and Clark basketban iHltiiifl from p«rtt«nri,. org.;' ‘ifl.s8, he re W ednesday n ig h t-In Kluml gym tSsfore'BOp fans. ' ' '

^ ^ ^ n t l t o o t b s l l seasoniTTIi

liOS.ANOELES. Ja n . 7 ( O P l ) - l Bill Woodhouse, AbUene C hristian college co-holder of the world 100- yarid dash' r * « ^ 61'B X ' today en ­tered th e 60»yard sp rin t fo r the

m eet a t- th e Sports A rena J a n . 23.W oodhouse will compete In n

field th a t Includes Roscoe Cook. University of Oregon s ta r , n im a co-holder of the century record.; M eet director Herschel S m ith Is Irylng to line up DaVo S lm e of D uke u n l ^ l t y and Armln H ary of O e n n o n y ..

Japanese Hockey Team Is Beaten

ho nnolyicd. know th a t, for one,. Syracuse is fo r cconomy_nnd you w ont have I t w ith th e larger squads demanded by unlim ited subsUtuUoo."

Fpntinato,—" HuITl ew ! Hockey Feud

By Ttie A uociatcd Press •A bloodless, stick-wielding drn<

between .Chicngo's scoring a c . Bobby Hull nnd Louie F on tlnato of the New York Rjmgcra <ilready

leiTRtie slnrrtlO O aiilece.

Senior Bowl


is up_to league tn t Clorenco' Campbell.

plfttooa football w i t h 3B-man squads. Schwartzwalder explained th a t for a college team to bo two deep a t each poslUon—lacking nll- around ators\ who could play botl» w;nys or be durable enough to s ta n d I the pressure—U jot th e collegintel ......^ s would have to carry 44 play.

In L. A. Meet

> W ednesday.............- . _ . a ^ i o - i r d e -I clslQ nJo .tb»-B; C. a m ateu r hockey ilengwB'oJI 8 tM J n . th e s e -------------- *'" fU ie lr -C a n sd la n tour.

SouDdly trounced e - l ' in V ictoria , Monday night, the spunky little I 'Jtp tm tte team fell behind a 7-1

................... in the. second period____ ... ....'dJ«JiuUcOE<LU«LaU-,s ta rs over the la st period and . A: haif.-


m uted, "but I like to see cach boy learn to play the w hole cycle of football—offense a n d .defense— too. Besides, the fa n s cojpdn’t keep up w ith w hat player* w ere on th e field, when we h o d tw o-platodnj football. The proa can g e t away I w ith It bcctuse they h av e estab­lished s u r s , bu t wo usually have '

batch of k ids every yean” whoM Syracuse

In g -a n y c la lin i '^ fo ti 'n e x t‘ season despite .outside pred ic tions th U , Syracuse ngain will be n top con ' tender for naUonai' honors,

"Wo were lucky th is season, , ho-lnslsted. •'We dfdn’n 'r a te th is well and weni have~to h iis tle . The •b o y ^ k H H h b rtlm e ;b r* sfae e r ' ;work;"

B u t. gettl'ne bock to h is opposi­tion to unlimited subsUtutJon, he annlyzed th a t “wo used It before and le ft it—so th e re m u s t hove been something wrong w ith ' it. W hy go ^ack?-

THe poaches In th e m a in , how- .ever. arc-expected to vo te fo r It.I B u t I t doesn't have m uch rhitjirn of be ing-accep ted 'by Jhe NCAA.

!As Uie fprthrlght Ben soys: “I t 's “ ■) exper - “ •

'day he would c o n sid e r’"w hether any fu rther acUon need-bo U ken" ■when-he receives-form al repo rts Saturday from th e game's, o ffi­cials. - •

Both Hull and Fon tlnato were, tossed out of the gnmo W ednes­day n ight by referee V em B uf- fey n t the end of th e f irs t period when-Uiey-bcRsn sln sh lng -h fench o ther with Uieir sticks. No - a s h u rl. ex'Jcpt f;nnnclnily.

T ills was iJiejnnln cxcltem cnt In tlie New York contest won by C h lcaso ,^-l. Tlj'o game had been, tied, l - l on Cnmlllo, H enry 's 3 0 -1 fw U r for the Rnngera nnd K en W harram 's equalizer la te r In- th e

30-fooier n t 10:31 of the fram e gave Chicago th e victory •

. In the only oUier ^ e W ednes- day-'nlRht Toronto whipped D e­tro it 3-1 on m n k M ahovllch’s tw o goals nnd assUt. O ordie Howe p u t D etroit ahead In the f irs t period. T licn big Frank went to work.

Champions Show

, ..MOBILE, Ala., J a n . 7 (iir—Players jln Saturday 's 11th annual Senior' ■bowl a ll-s ta r .footboU game mustl lenrn the ir '^Inys- In IcssniTnn « week bu t souUi coocli Wecb Ew- bank says h is team doesn't need th a t m uch time.

Tlie coach o f l h e world cliam. plon Baltimore Col£s said his

! ^ y

NCM Hopes I i To Strengthen TVPosifion 7 i

NEW YORK. Jn n . 7 t^l — .The j.- ............... .— i football television com m ittee Of the

.swcr.i 10 the nuincroii.i.,«i‘icflnit(' Nntlanal Collegiate A thletic a s s o -_ i, rr])Ort.i cll1ii.|' ri'ninlncil In hiillni: rliitlon. In n bid to strengthen ' th e ■ or Kave out non-com niltlal .rc -l u c A A V u i^ Uoft In th e TV. m iur- . ( ' • ] P i l" . _ |k«'l, Wednesday rijcom m enaed n— rutflblWied.- liowcvcr.;lw o-yen:-eontraet-be-BlBned-wlth-*'= '™ th a t McLauKbry, whq 1»»5 M'rvi'ti.llii' Icli'vlslon netw ork fo r lOBO-Bl,IIS executive secretary of th e eoaeli- 'Ililifcotild mean a s m uch as five I 's .E tw ip .M ntc l\Li Tcllremenv ns ■nUlHon doUnr* lo pnrUelpaUng | Diirtmouth coach, will inkc on tliej colleges during tl)o n e x t tWo sJob .1 L prnfcjLilonal. biuK . next

"iinfl I P rfvloinly.sons. . I'. nil c!*r itj&r^i I J

and the n e tw ia^ T hav tf j |B ^fhe NCAA nnd I been on n one -y ;a r basis w ith iblddlnR by the nctw orks-annually . Last year the N ational B rondcast- InR company paid $3,200,000 for

of (he A rcA , nnnoiincoit Wednes- dny th n t MsLniighryJiad been glv- cn n five-year contract ax 'execu­tive secretary.of the conches croup, lo Uke effect After Ills retirem ent

,ns profc.s.ior emeritus a t D art- .liiouth becomes official In June . It will bo the first time th e coaches

ive had a full-time executive. Footbnjl.coaching Jobs a t Call-

•fornla. FJorJ.............................Los Angeles Rnms still nrc open. A linlf do::en or m ore names ■were to:.sed Into the npeculaUvc hopper Wcrine.iday. A nother reportl wns th a t Art’ Pappy Lewis b under' fire n l W est VirRlnia ond another!

Eyes KO Mark

coach Charley W inner.trltttble how fa.-it-thEy|

daily w hen you consider th e foct _ '— have Riven .them more In three C

■•■■thim we w ouW lhT 'C dlls in O '

r A K E - c m r , Jn n . 7 'w r —Hcnvywclghf Lam ar C lark of Ccdnr City will be seeking n new consecutive knockout r e c o r d

•nei!t-M ondny-nlBhf,aimi.--gtT=- 'TOund-boufngRlrist K enny Hny-“ ■'dcn a t Las Vegas. Nev. ; '- C laik-has won 44 p ro fights. In c lu d in g '43 stra lg lil victories by knockouts.

He is j ie d with Blftckjnck-Bll. ly Fox . for the .consecutive knockout record.. The bout witii H ayden will be

n preliminary t o , t h e ' heavy­weight main event between,! Clmrlle Powell of M iami antM Howard King of R e n a -

Boston Men Bid for

dlvldln_ . w en t up —.

000 from 1058 when NBO paid even two m illio n . each of th e past two yenrs tits bid by th e rival Columbia Broadcasting system was $200,000 1CS.S. . II- The printed repo rt o f th e com - I! m litee was read to - th e general round-table Tltursdny a t th e M th ■>' annual convcnUon of tlie NCAA.

The__ recommcndntlona of thei

-- .............. (^-lMO-«ommlt—lee which would an nounce form u­lation of nex t season’s policy w lth- '•» a few months.

Tlie prcscnU com m lttce fully In ­dorsed th e controlled TV-polIcy whieh In 1050 called fo r national

• i-aa-io-d#1 three dates. I

Eood-Eaii- iNips Kimberly !

AI3 F ood-palr. B uh l.-jdn ipea -to ? a narrow lead and he ld it- m o s t ' of the tim e to n ip K im berly T nv- n :em 85-54.In city league play W ed*, incsday n igh t. • - . |

The victory evened,up. o n b w - - n time loss by AO T uesday n igh t. ;

, I n o th e r acUon, R ountree’s i FoodUner hod an easy tim e In ' knocking off the Telephone eom-

V ny-4B -2 9 -«nd 'K la iis -iind -aaaa» -- came up w ith ■ 42^-decislo io>T er~ ' Snapion Tboli. ■ ■ ■ -

FMd Calr'I i. - Foot r«lr f« flr l

.......r l i : s i- '.

is no t lacking In brainjwwM- d ther! Howell Introduced h is squad-to the last o f h is plays Wedoi 'Ing and by noon Uie te t___ _nlng them w itliout m lu lng nny as­signm ents. ~ ■

Senior bowl practice began M on. day.

The, 60 p f n y e r a - 4« . , UifrSOOO which eacl» member of the •vlnnlng team will receive. T he los- rs will ge t »500 each.

■ M C g r n ^ M ,, Ja n . 7 W -B o sto n 's r

!are back In shape and challenging ( again for the scoring, leadersh ip \ In the National Hockey league. ‘

Official staibU cs released t« : . day show the two B oston sh a rp - sliooiers made the la rg est gains during th e week. H orvath , who held the scoring lead m o st o f th e e aT ly - .if ln « n ^ p k k e d “ U p -M w n J points on four goals and th ree a s - f sists and moved to w ltiiln two q points of th e fton t-runner. Bobby i>

I. M S » « r TeUl. ~i l l i #

Wilt’s Points__ 9 . ‘ l S - 1 . S tasluk."m eantim e, went

^ n ln e -p o ln t-tp lu fT i- fln d — jfrom lOth to sixth wIUi 42

Paul Arizin

Sedgemaa Plans Semi'Retirement

MSLBOtmNE, Ja n . 7 . l « - m n k edernan, beUevM to •h&vc^- made

a qua rte r of a‘ m lU loh -ao llsrt- ln professional .tennis, U going Intn seml-retlrem ent.

T he form er W imbledon a n d U. S. cham pion said W ednesday h e had; tu rned down u i offer, from pro-1 w t e r- J a c k- ICn u ris r -to -o o m p e tein th e cthl* y e a r . - ............- ,. , “^ -»nL gettlilgJg_ft.» t«gfl-S hercl I m u s t 'U k e i t easy,” .th e Aus-I tr& llon.sald. --fill- e o n lln u e - te n n ls ' on a modified scale, bu t 111 devote: ----------------- my-lMBjnesa.-',-- '

, OMAHA. Jan. 7 l^^-D on CorUir of St. LouU and D onna Zlm fner- m an of Akron. O.. looked, like th e , fovoriies Wednesday as n field o f 338 of America^' best men .and women Tiowlcrs' p i t s e t fo r th e annual all-star bowling to u rru -

---------- T yaffem oon o n .th e slick n e w ,a lle y s especially built fo r the occasion In Omaha's elly auditorium ,' wetv th e

^ e 'e p e r i ln g of the'**tounmmentj T hursday. , '

Wes Germ^Is SK .himp Threat

BISCH0F8H0FEN, Austria, Ja n .7 (A—Frail Max Bolkar^ 37-year- old W est German ski Jum ptng.ace. W ednesday emerged OS the top

J9S0 Olympic Jumping eontest' a t Squaw-Valley. Collf., r 'T h e sm all.- blond .electrician f ro rn :thc jV to lne .v lU ffge j»£ .a«m i dorf. won the "four-jump toum a- m ent" trophy s ithough h e 'placed only fifth in the tln'al contest W ednesday. He had placed firs t In the three previous tournam ent Jumps.atJ»tmdori^QannUclUn W est .a erm sa y ._ an d ^ Jn iu b ru ck . AusWa;-—

4 n _ A M rli________ _____________'ednetday^ evept i^ th leaps .of:

.JO .and -305.feet fo r 396.0 poin ts .' PolnU are, a w a rd s onvboth dU- ,t«nc*.'*ad’ftj1« .........................

slioved veteran team m ate Paul A rian Into Uie shadows in N ational Basketball association play buti

'A rliin doesn 't m ind as long ' W nrrlort a re winning.

" It doesn 't bother me," the for-m t t _ ^ a n o « i _ A J l ^ c d c a _ i a l d , Wednosday n ig h t-a fte rh e dumped n 34 points to lead the W arriors

to 0, 121t101 victory over W estern division lender St, Louis In • the nightcap o f n doubleheader. I t wasth e lr f l f th straight-vlctory.-----------1, In the opener, Jock T b '

I connect^ for 30 potots t o '___ . . .

fer Uie New York K n ic k s .* * ^ ! a s the only action In the leogue.

, Last year i t was Arlrin who usu. nlly emerged the .h lgh scorer one grabbed off th e spo tligh t B u t this year It h a s been Chamberlain, the | 7-1 K ansas All-Ameriea. m ost of the time w ith A rltin second.

^ Wednesday n igh t was an exceep-' £ : Tton.M Ohamberlaln t tH th e ran

n e ^ w ith 37 points.

Athletic Director Predicts Victory

H uiI.ndded live 'po in ts .and '40 for th e season to 47 fo r H or-I mti».. ,

w en t on

.... - .......... ........... ........... .. points.M ohtrenl's Jacqucs P lan te

m ains the leading goalie, 'though ho yielded 15 goals In three, games and saw his goals-agalnstl average.slip to 2.40. D etro it's T cr-j ry sawchuek U second w ith 340.

SIGNS DRAFT PICKS DETROIT, Jan . 7 t f l - T h e D c

tro ll Lions, seeking to bo lster t porou i line, and pep up th e ir pass- ing a ttack. Wednejdoy announced W e-sIghlhB-jnw o-top-drnm aioices — qunrtcrbnck W arren i R a b b of Louisiana State and cen te r Bob Scholtt o f Notre Dame.

-C oach - '-E tfo re tt-C ase-ls-ln -h is | 14th season as N orth CaroUnal

Is.tatfl basketiiall

........ . j j J J "

Idaho Falls Drops Bonni^yille.

IDAHO PALLS, J sn . 7 U S-Idaho Falls took a n early I t t d a n d s to y d l in fron t to best-B onneville 41-38 Wednesday nU b t. BonnevUI« beat the T igers earlier In th e se u o n .

Idaho F a lls h as m n s e re s a n d .. js t one so fa r . Bonneville h a s lo st

lone, also, bu t has won e ig h t h -T tJ rT tg c ra -p l« r* tP o c a tc a o P t. 'day night In the ir f irs t S ou th ern , Idaho conference game.

Ken PlUmore and R o d 'S U lo tt-- each scored 1« points a n d ' sha red sco rlng~ bono ra .-JH Im ore -l» -» ltb . Idaho Falls . ElUott w ith B onne-

NEW YORK, J a a - 7 Ifl-W hen the nex t football season rolls around a W pst.Polnt.gradnatejrlU ba__th8-athlfltto-dlrector of the A ^

, Force academy. And the new np- polntee>' Col. Maurice. (M arty) M orU n-th lnks the .Falcons wlU

'b e a t the Army,, M artin, a member o f 't h e '43, class J tu W ea tP o lA t^ .s a id i-th e -» ^ !j)Olntmcnt..wlll b a 'in :e f f eet:'ng« t|

fo rthaJ iO A AI Just loie, t o _____

A rm y.and Navy and I th in k w ell bea t them both . T he A ir Force

ihks a p e a t fu tur« a t b l e t l ^ ^

m m m m tm m


Page 16: · - Thil h part of (lie wreckace of a Nallonal airline* New York-Ki-Mlaml pUiie IhAt cratHed near \VHmlnrton. N. C.; Mrly


prnwer GetsXop Office’of -Unioiiin-I.JE.Pnuntoln 0 . Brower'hfta been in-

. u ^ M presldenl of T * ln Poll* TvDO»rtphlcal union locnl No. 241. _ ^ ,* r - o m c e r s InaUllcd 1 were ^ P rlth ,v lce pre«ldent: 8U nlcy v C U ile w . isecrcu ry : Robert A. rtntflcld. Wesley C.‘ Peterson and Sufien-LnncMter. executive com- «u«e ; DInfifleld nnd Erne.-ii V, ^ e ) Erlcsotj. »tandihB commltlce;

O Biul). scale eommltl«e Oeorne Crouner. Idaho-

itiali Typographlcnl conrcrenec rf>i»nte: Erleton and . Joseph J, 2 ^ * Central Labor.Council dele-

and Jnclc 'C . Johnson, Liaries KrHeBdcrnon-and-Benjrv-


* i^ u u d e Townsend presided a t the mettlnp until Instaltatlon o r oftl-

45 Valley Yo^hs i ’- Attend Fireside

H A ZE L T O N ,.Jnn. l -F o r t j - t lv e p e rM n s 'Iro m the H aielton LDS w ard a ttended the Trl>scake (ire-'•s id r-S undny -n lB hr-n rnne-T Ju rlc rstnKc . house alonjf with youtlw rrom M inidoka, Ciissla and Ourle'y stakes.

T he them e of Uic Jlrealilc ......■True m ^ -tiic - m u n “~ 'g i i i~ n 7 r youth ta lk s given on (he subject.' T h e h ljth lleh i of th e eveninR w m : a ' recorded by Prcildeni David O. McKay on ,"T lic Yoiiih of the Noble QlttUrlshO — Cntry o n / ' I t a direc t cla'cd cireiili mcMBse from the S alt Lnke City tnbem acle nnd coneerncd clntliis; couriAhlp a n d m arrlase, and liie] Im portance ,ot havlnR clean mlnd.«! and 'bodle.i. • . • _ j- T here 'w ill be J2 consecutive fire- ‘

_lifltl rnf)> Rimrlai'. f vi-n'mpWith nn addre .u Riven by one nf the R cncral, nuthorlilc* of the church,. .

ttn . All officers stln 'es-N ew s. _ _

John B. Swisher was prc.wnted iiploma from the International --------»*5hlcnl union for comple-

eorTC.ipondcnce'cour«e' In Sn llnu and six year* on-the-job iftlnlng. Swisher's « rode' ftvcrnce en ihc le.tsona was S8.8. He wnn jniulled na a Journeyman member.

Inlormatlon was given by Curfew con'cemlnif the secretnry-treasur- ( r^ -repo rt-to -lhe -ne llona r-lnbo r teltlions board, as required by the itcen tM ndrum -C rlffin act.

Guests Noted in lazelton-¥icinity

HAZELTON. Jan . 7 — Mr. and Mri. Jol'R Stanger and family, Boise, are vlslUnR Mr. and Mrs, jlellls Murphy and fam'lly.

' In I h '^ E h o p r lc , conductcd, Pfay-’i ' e r : weic given by Olen Bywatcr

and Joseph P r e s to n . ................


turned home (ifUr-vUlUng-in.Oun. •nlsonrU W hraH '"" ^ — “ ■ home.

_ 0 £iuia_Nel»iuiielnrncd_lo_Bolic. vticre she Is a s tuden t n i Links Business college a fte r visiting her piftnU, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Nel- 'B.' ■ ■ •Mr, and Mrs, Max McCaslIn ira recent guests of his brother.-.

„ .\ in and alstcr. M r. anel Mrs. ]^ il F^lk, M ountain Home.

• Ut, and Mrs. O ran t Southworth uid Mrs, JItirSoU tnw orU rTetum - td home a fte r visiting relatives Jn 8*11. U k e City.

— Mrs. Emma Talley returned .to h(r home a t Boise after-vlsltlnR btr s'^n nnd daugh^r-ln-Iaw , ^ r .

' nnd Nfrs- Ocorge Talley. an A -iin i3yFsii^ llvK i w llh her duui{h> ,ltr. Mrs, W ayne Tlioma.i. BoUc.

~Tisit ChildrenHAOERMAN. Jan.' 7 — Mr. nnd

Wv Robert M oU vt&lwd-. U\elr 3 *eliuJaicW’d daughter;- Mr.-and

Un. B-l^-^ 'w >(e0. d iBolhere daughter. 'C aro l, whp Is lUtbdlng Emanua] Jiospltal school

•tfuofslng there. T h ............ ' ‘

Deacons Quorum Formed at Declo

DECLO. J a n . 7 — Two new dea- coiv» quortims were organised Sun-1

a t th e LDS testimony meet-I

u rst as secretary.T lie second quoninr president U

Tliomns L. D arrlng lon with Chris­topher O arra rd nnd Clyde Oster- hou t ns counselors and Larry Dnr-


For Period Ending - — Deeember-3Tj-1959 • Jack H enry, Twin Fnlls

'L o w e i n i J i c I f r 'T w i r r i - ’a l l ? '

M arjorie Easier...... .. MurlauRli

G; Erichiwn. Kimberly

10 in nnd Ifit niir coiir. la a ttcn ilan ta reRi.slcr for tiies'c'cash awards.

|iN oth iog-to-bu;

nUtlres In -Seaside, Dallas. Cor- wi]i«, Nftwburj i;id:Shere-ood, Ore. •-Jtr. Mid Mrs. F ttd BoberU'and!! Un. E. L. Caplin a tte n d e d ' the (i den wedding' bnnlversory cele- tnUon for-M rs. Roberta' parents. Kr. in d tjra . W. B. U n t , M erld-

^ tink er-S ta tio 'n1777 K im berly Rotid<~

■ Don’t forget y o u r. 1960 Scenic Calendar


Becpuso W e Sell Direct to ’ You . . . Drive Out and See!


- Volley Brand SLICED

BACONl b . 4 1

L ean M e o ty -


Pork Chops SmisiyeIS 3 69Cesler

— :

6R0CERIKAt Cost Plus id%



Groin Fed B eef Sirloin;


0 P E N _ F E I D A Y S - T 1 L J U M .-

[CusMitk-Pffiilt.K c x tti, G b it C o u ra f r^ W c s t o f C ity

Out "A’’ ti t t i* S a re -A Lot"


' I r i w c i k V C uf ™ _

a ... --:--^^f^^^'''''"ALL-CARPETS-LiSTED - IN STOCK!


INLAID LINOLEUMReg. 1.79 rn. ft. f 331

6 ft. ■ H e o v ^ l^ ty - [


All Colors


Reg. 1.49

i lNOLEUM TILE --9-x-9-iri.-SouoTe-—

Heavy Inloid

?*Sadsfacli6tiguaranlccj..i.. --------- O F ^ i t t ^ n e y Jialflc” '

GROUP 1 CARPETS 79.95‘® *o R c g .^ k e9 x 1 2 -l009o Wool, Browri Leof'Pattern ................................ 125.409x11 100% Wool, Ivory. Block & Groy Tweed..................... 132.S0

SAVE ¥5110!Your Choice

9x72 Wool blend, Beige tirown end (jrcen .......................... 113.40.9x12* 100% Wool, Brown Leof P ottcrii......................... ...... ;; 125.409x12 Wool Blend, Green with Brown Qhd Bioge..................... 1,13.409 '4"x22 '2 ' Chromespun; Block ond While Tweed ..:...‘........,: -167:24“

-12xT2-GoHon,-Brbwn ...................—----- - - 91.00-12x14 Chromespun, Pink, Beige ond Ivory .......................... 136.74

-9xl-3-4^^-AH-Wool—Grey,—G''ccn-ond-lvorY ...... ::..rr:lzT:7~123;35~9x16 Wool Blend, Browr) ............ ...........................................r. 135.209x16 Wool Blend, Brown i^eof P a tte rn ........... ................. 135.20’

Any Carpet In This Group-rOne Low Price

r 9 j ( 1 3 ! 5 i i iW 6 ( 5 tL 8 1 e r ^ d - B o i^ - l :® o f ~ ^ ^ ; — ----------.9xl6-_Wool-Blend,-Gref Leaf-Pottern . , 133.209x18'3" Wool Blend, Grey Leof Poftern '.......... ................... 151.10

-12x15-W6bl-Blend,-Multicotor ----- - - - 159.00'12x15^Wool Blend, Candy-Stripy ............................................ 159.00...

“ 12x18~WtoI Blend,-MtjlficoiorCemd/Srripe 190.80 '12x1,7 Wool Blend, Multicolor Condy Strip*...................... 180.2010x8'6" 100%-Wool Wilton, Green, .Brown bnd Ivory........ 105.75*15x7'6" 100% Wool Shog Loop Pile, Brown & Ivory Tweed .. 145.38


GROUP 2 CA RPET5n9.95-15x16-100%-Wool:5hQa-L'oop-Pilcrlvory-&-GVcon-TWir«ja- -12*18 JOO% -W dol,-Aquo-ond-Brown-.T.r: 1 5yW'~ChromByon7^clgerBr6wn*~ond~l»tfrV ....15x18] Chromespun, Beige,. Brown ond Ivory.......................12x18 100% Wool Brown and Aqua T ex tu re .....................9x14 '9" Wool Blend. Beige. Brown ond G reen .....................12x15 Wool'Blend, Beige. Brown'ond Green ......... .c..............12x17 Wool Blend, Beige, B rovo.dnd G reen .................. .12x15 V/ool Blend, Beige; Brown*and G reen ..........................9x15 Woot Blend, Grey, Ivory ond C horcool............. ............9x14'3**„Wool Blend, Grey, Ivory ond Chorcool ...............

"1Sxl4“ Chromespun, Beige, Brovvn and Ivory12x17 Chromespun, Beige, Brown and Ivory....................... .12x1S"Chromespah, pink,.-Beige ond 'lvo ry ,..........................12x15 Chromespun, Beige,-Brown-and Ivory.......... ...... '...... .12x15 Wool Blend, Grey.Leof Pattern12x17 Chromespun, Ivory, Beige ond Brown..........................T5xl3 100%'W ool, Shag Loop Pile, Block & White Tweed..

• i n _ i e lA rtrt/ f t - - - i.Qop pile^ G rc r n H. Ivnn^ T w ee d ..

Any C arpet In This G roup -^ne Low ■ Price

•1 2 « 1 5 . i n n % Wftf.1 <;hnrt12x15 100% Wool, Shog Loop Pile, Block & White Tweed .

-12r15-W ool-B(endrGr«_12x-17_Xhrome^un,-Brown-lv©ry-ond-Beigo- ,9x16 Wool Blend, Brown, Beige, and Aprfc 9x14 V/ool Blend, Brown, Beige ond Apricot',9x16 Wool Blend, Brown, Beige, and Aprfc 9x14 V/ool Blend, Brown, Beige ond Apricot 12:^14 100J6 Wool -Wilton. Green, Brown and Ivory12x15 100^6 Wool AquOtOnd Brown T ex tu re ...................12x15 100% Wool Sh^g Loop Pile, Block & While Tweed9x14*8'-' 100% Wool Brown Leof ........9x15 Wool Blend, Brown, Ivory ond Aquo ......................... ....9x l2 'irf ..W o o l Blend, Brown, Ivory ond A q u o .......:...........9x14 100% Wool, Brown Leaf ............. .................................. 219.00 134;30 140.25 122.35 Jldl.30

L c r


These Big Reductions

GROUP 3 CARPETS 164.9512x14 Wool Blend, Brown, Beige ond Ivory .12x16 Wool Blend) Brown, Beige ond Ivory .12x15 Wool Brend; Blue wTth'-1vo‘ry .....12x17*2" Wpol Blend, Blu e 'w ith , Ivory 12x14*9*' Wool Bleiia.'"BIue witli rvo'7 .“12xl3'6"_W ool Blend, Blue with J«jry .15x15' 100% Wool Wilton. Black ond Jvory .....;.....

Your ChoiceAny Corpet In This. -

saiiio. G roup-O ne Low Price262,50


.2 3 9 .4 0 276.75 .

. 256.00

. 293.25

-15x18 Chrorrtespun, Brown, Beige: ond Ivory 12x20 Chromespun,'Brown, Beige'bnd Ivory4 5 x - l» ^ r 'o iV > e s p U F y r^ < ^ iV y ro w n -o n O -a w o t^ .......... .........................................12x20‘iS" 100% Wool Shog Loop Pi|e,_Green & Ivory Tweed 299,30

2 8 6 J O . m o n t h l y P A Y M E K T S ^ N ^ R ^ ;

Page 17: · - Thil h part of (lie wreckace of a Nallonal airline* New York-Ki-Mlaml pUiie IhAt cratHed near \VHmlnrton. N. C.; Mrly


------- ------------------------------ -- -- --- -■------- - - - - - - - - - - - --

SrPEMCItSTTTrlMorBfffi r o n i n g BOARD, Q Q cPAD oSd COVER. . . ; . . . . . f O

CLOTHES PINS ., , 15cc o c o r w i A T S ^ - ^LUNCH PAIL . . , j . 2.~9B with-------1

■ V oeiTum b o t t l e . . . . '

If-PuaiNdjaRPS 1k— Ploslle-------------

Interlocking;....'...POkttEHIPSSHEARS * ^ l l purpose

SAFETY PINS pkg. of 24..


-0 ;«


Regular 1 .75


P tU S ^ d L D ^ m iK tCOFFEEMAKER

gAVTT A t P F .M N Y - W TSF.

n te tti«« .Ul*T

Jo hdjplot

t ion ( BflnllKUuUl


r e lil i 'rt«n

^ G u

hom e—Dta

• h e r eBUJinp u e n


tdha Stit-1

— Mh h e r h

.h e r s *

= 1 ^ •tcf. h

Page 18: · - Thil h part of (lie wreckace of a Nallonal airline* New York-Ki-Mlaml pUiie IhAt cratHed near \VHmlnrton. N. C.; Mrly

-B A G E B lG H T E E ll.

cons^ j m

ToindtozJUlCE,. . TastewelJ 46 o*.

"L - cans for . . • 1 * 0 0

GRAPEFRmT. n D I M K— D i i k i t A P D i - F - —-PlNEA PPtE

Premium 46 o*.

Ndlley's CHILI3 Hot; o rR eg u la r ;

T b M A T O E S■ ^ p o d s C r o s s

/ j ^ N o . 2 ’/ ? c a n s .


DETERGENT2 2 ™ ^ M r i l y " U q u r d

No. 303 cans . . 22 oz. s i z e .............


U nit, 12 o r. ...................

MUSHROOMS„__Royol T reo t-^ tem s end pieces

4 .ounce ............ ....... 33c

MEATBALLSSt Spoghctii, Chef Boy Ar Dee

IS M ................ : 4 for 1 . 0 0

CORN , ■

Dill M oll., 12-ox. 1 9C“TISSUE"

roll pack

‘ B E E F R A yipa’ ^\^Chcf Boy Ar b'ce

15 o . ....... ...................... ^ 3 3 c


Mnxleom, 12 o i. 2 for 3 9 C


2 rolj po?k '...... ............ . 2 9 c

■ BEEfARONlChef Boy Ar Dee

15 ox............1 . . . 4 for 1 . 0 0R e d S f i u d s ^

l b .

-b a g -b/ U


i b r -

J U L J ^

! ‘

T r

A RN OLD 'S SUPER M ARKETGold S tr ik e S ta m p s K tm bcriy

Merrill's Food BasketG old S trik e S ta m p s P ou

i L - -

Food FairG old S trik e S ta m p s B u h l, Id a h o

COURTESY MARKETGold S trike S ro m p s Ril

Eighth Avenue MarketG old S tr ik e S ta m p s T w in F a lls DRIVEWAY MARKET

S & H G re e n S ta m p s T w in F alls

P A U L S D 8IV S !NG old S tr ik e S t a m p s J e ro n FOOD MARKETS

Page 19: · - Thil h part of (lie wreckace of a Nallonal airline* New York-Ki-Mlaml pUiie IhAt cratHed near \VHmlnrton. N. C.; Mrly

Son-pupppn■ Count Heard

In Ai-ea Court- bOBLEV'^®**- j?tewwt. 18. Burley, uppcMed

- K u h - P H t r l ' - t . .ludcft.Rrttfar Heap Tuesdny^pcrUilnlDB to ft non- uppo« chartte 9I O ct 1 1039. •n»e,

jnnufvry term o t d U tr l« „ c o u r t ooened here Mondny.■ In October a bench warrant, had

' been Issued for Stew art bccausc heJnlled to pay *M ft m onth to h b

■ ■ liimlly. He was placed on teroba- tion The Judge ordered SteW art to rfport weekly lo th e court and pliy hair of h ft wcelcly wokcs m support

........ money. Stew ort s ta ted th n t he-hndbeen out of work and the Judge re-

__ niifsted him to'r<t)orc to the court. If he was worltftiK o r lib tn tT u J liiH.T

P 10 report, h e will be broURht Into ^ cburt-> fo iyentcnclng . the Judge

’ Vloyt ijT (JenyJ 8alter«'Ultc. Jr.. appeared before Judge Heap on the

•cnargo of being a persistent viola­tor of no necounl ehecka. Sn tter . vhlte had appeared before Probate juUsfl-Vcrn-Carlcr.lJov. C. waived .nrellmlnrtrj- hearing and was bound

. over to distric t court. A tl.OOO bond WAS furnished and he was released.

I____ _ju d sc -llcn p .re tu rn e d .th e ,ea se lo.,PfObnte Judge 'V crn C arter for

prellminnry hearing,

WashingfonPair Visits Muftaxtgh"

Otinnio. Wash., huve rctu rncT homo a fte r vLiUlng wlih her! ents. Mr, and Mrs. Earl Young and family.

M/Bgt. and Mra .

tor homo Tuesday aftcrTlsil'inR hii: pftrenta, Mr, and M rs, Earl YounR.I ffnd family and h e r parenks. Mr.' and M is. Roy KnlRinon, and family and other friends and reJa. Uves in the area.

•Mr. and Mrs. o. W. Johnson, jrn and family. T em ple City. Cnllf.. have been gucsta or his piircni.v Mr. and Mfa, O. W. Jolirwon, h r ..

A/2c Jam es E Howard hniTre- tum cd to N e llis -a ir .force b«4c. Liis.Vcgns. Nev,. a fie r spcndinR the boUdayi-«m*.ht»t-pftrent9.-Mirtind Mr*. Oeohje H oward.

3 Confii'med At Ai'ea Rites

K A aE/tM A N .'Jan. 7 — T h r< cTilldren who were bapUsed S a t' urdny evening a t the Ooodinf; LOS ward chapel were confirm ed 'a t thc^ (flxt day services a t the local church following Sunday school.

— >nity— a re — K ennelli— Hansen. Mlelieal W ard and Oeorge Rosen-

l lw : ' - ---- ------------ ■— ------ O oodlnff-by-D w ain-H i

Rites Honor R. V. Nielson

RUPERT. J a n . 7 — Funeral services for Rule V. NleUon wero| held a t 2 p.m. T liu rsd a y -a t the LDS U bcrnacle w ith Bishop- Wayne Sunderland offlelntlMB.

Tlio- family p raye r n r q ie mortu- «ry wft.< Riven by Lyman Penrod. Ocorse W ^ e a m o a t gave tlie open- lliK .prayer a t the chapci and Her­man John.ion gave tho biiicdlctlun.

Speakers were Bishop Sunder­land ,w lio,gavt-lhc.oliltuor>-.-W aI. luce Wilcox and D avid 1. Garner.

‘n ie prelude a n d posUudc tuu&lc was by Mrs, J lc m a n Johjison. Vb- eal selections were aung by Joyce W hittaker and ta M a r Olson, ac­companied by S h a ro n Tliompson.

Pallbearers were David Moller, ROM- H unsaker. D cM ar Madsen. Robert McNlel.. Loreji J . Rasmus-

:n and Ardetl Jensen ,CMcd tnr hy ,h ta .

Absorbine Jr . 'A qua-V clva Bayer A ^ r in Ben-Gay ' Bromo Selizer * Bufferin

Largo SIro 2.49 Lorgc S iz o .......... 98c Largo Stze .......... '69c Largo S i ic '......~ ■ Lorgo S Ix o ............................... 1.88 Largo S iz e ....... .. 1.23SAVE 1.23 SAVE 42c SAVE 56c SAVE 4Sc SAVE 47c SAVE 83c

confirmed by t>»'aln. HonKn-RBdn . nichard Darton, second counselor.

1 . . . »ho .conducted th£ services----------Workers o f the church sustained

« r e Mrs. Noy B rackett. Mr#. Ar-■ . den Laurltzen and Shirley Miller,B A teachers In th e P rim ary; Mrs. Chet■ • Uwe, secretary o t th e YWMIA;

Mrs. D. H. Cold, genealogy teach­er In the Sunday school: LaKora Bendorf. wislsltvnt secretary In the junior Sunday schoo l;. S tanley

—Penfold.-senlor-Aaronle-necretaryr W. L. Cott. finance clerk: Jess Huddle.\ Theodore G ardner and d ie t Lowe, ward teacher ndvlsors.

— Dou«k»-Wood:Bftvo-Uio-6penlng prayer. UTin W c ^ the. closing prayer. LoUIn Z d le r acted as plan- bt. and Mrs. Nels Anderson as

I ----- chor»»tor,-BI»hop'J#clf-Allen-pre-ilded.

7eHKlirWW.“ K Hvan?c.' Mrs." ftiT Jones and .M rs, W ayne Sunder land, o t th e fo u rth ward Relief society.

The grave a t th e Rupert ceme­tery was dedicated, by Bishop Le-.

Les Morgan Gets -Eencil-foiLjCalk

BURLEY, Ja n . 7—"A flve-mln- u tc speech" w as the title of Lea Morgan’s speech th a t won lilm '



W ue-penc ll-at 'thT T Ju rley T oast­m aster's club M ondny. cvcnlna a t tho National hotel.

Morgan explained h ow the l i t fo rm atlon-tn -ft~«pcevh couldTw prepared so as to enlighten or dis­trac t from the orig inal thought.

Ralph Holmes gave a «peech en- tltled. "SO- YOU- .w ant, to . n v

Brylcreem - C learasil' Creomulsion Coets ^ ric id in =Diaper=IiineiB=Largo Stze " — 8 - 5 0 - Lorgo Size-.......... - 9 8 c “ Largo S iz e ....... 1:23- Lai^o Sizo ... - 9 5 ^ Lorgo'SIxo .... Large Sixo ..„™

SAVE 25c SAVE 26c SAVE 35c SAVE 17c SAVE 1.60 SAVE 29c

C la ii^ B i^ n 's

Page 20: · - Thil h part of (lie wreckace of a Nallonal airline* New York-Ki-Mlaml pUiie IhAt cratHed near \VHmlnrton. N. C.; Mrly

1" :^S A E E W A Y H as The F in est Produce In T ow n! BREAD ICECREAMI Snow Star

Page 21: · - Thil h part of (lie wreckace of a Nallonal airline* New York-Ki-Mlaml pUiie IhAt cratHed near \VHmlnrton. N. C.; Mrly


Page 22: · - Thil h part of (lie wreckace of a Nallonal airline* New York-Ki-Mlaml pUiie IhAt cratHed near \VHmlnrton. N. C.; Mrly



ROOND^BdNE R d A S T ^ ^ Ib .^ 5 <


CUT-UP FRYERS . lb. 39c



ASSOBTED^EGBiiiBiaS^YOUR CHOICE . . . 8 cans for * r o o |

MARY ELLEN'S 18 oz. JAM or JELLY ; NOW '»J j o r s


largeJ J o t id a .

3 ja r s fo r 1*00

FACIAL T issu r 4 ^ 1 -Ofr 1


NYLONSr_ F a m u o i - Cannon

' hose .... pr.

ie*EEOEEDI^-S tan d ard —R fiv ited ,_now _axaJlak ll

A PPLE PIESon o u r eaiy-to-ow n Book-A-W eek PlanI

Weist 5-Points

^^Pottnoiiyg-^Sabp-. . Both






39cVel Beauty Bar


V i lb. ■p kg . ....... 87c 69c


Reg.— ■ V P k g ......... 49c

Peanut Butter'« ox;............-J a r _________ 39c

r V i o r. can ..........



^ ^ i r 5 9 c

T ? s a l................. 41cN I A G A R A .............


n , . .



Page 23: · - Thil h part of (lie wreckace of a Nallonal airline* New York-Ki-Mlaml pUiie IhAt cratHed near \VHmlnrton. N. C.; Mrly
Page 24: · - Thil h part of (lie wreckace of a Nallonal airline* New York-Ki-Mlaml pUiie IhAt cratHed near \VHmlnrton. N. C.; Mrly

Gily Council SetsBuiiajngr 0£ Sidelvalksl

b y the Buricy ciiy m etU ns Mondoy evcnlnit. Compie-

Dr. Con” A n n u l and Robert| Soulhcrn.lproperly owners on ine

• Klrcet. protM Ud ihe plan n l ihe h fM lnj.

Tho ocUon slein* from 'ft rcw lu- lion by the ftcljootboftrt IndlcM lM ' ihB l complete sldewMks nre needed

properly ................quired tq Uike cnro o t tite Improre- m enl Jor their o«n properly. .

NewtJ N elw n hiw completed hl» audit of ihe c i t ; boolu for th e tU -

' cm y e m lfl57>10S8 nndJ^S8>}0S(>.

'^'rafl'^Vcccnt.'y complet«J th ree) h f tn sa n bulll n t the BUrley nlrporil were accepted by the council. Eaclil U’|U hold two llsh l a lrcrttd , n o n

t W heeler ol pArmerti Service center,' Jlupert, wot th e eontraclor.

Doyd W ftmood dlscuued . refln - InR ntiraaivlBlon on Almo avenue MUth nnd 33rd tlree l. Seven prop'

I erty owners of this s tree t a re In te r ■ * I n tbe-deyr)opmBnl o l »jjcw .

resldentiflJ AddlUon. U> be c r tn tn i J ------- ' n f «hrl^1 property.-> Pint to r Uie new MeBrtde subdl'

vIsJcDi Jocntcd between th e Moun< tftln View (ind ihe Hlahtimd addl.

i- __ tlon..wn8.i>pprovea nnd the c ity a t-. I torney wns in ith ictcti to -p rep a re

nn ordinance nnnexlne the section I and th n t portion of th e H lsh lu id

i>ut>dlvUlon now retidy for locorporr I

JEHOME. Jan . 7 -O fflce r« were elected a t- th e resu lar.m ee ting o t tl ;e EM t E nd ------------------

K iy H ansen waa elected presl- den: 'L inda StlsUe, vice p resident: Colleen EtIU, secretory; Colleen

1 : Ellis, reporter: Dlano MeU Bime „ .1 ----------je«d«r!-CA rl»-N eUon^ion»-ieader.

Page 25: · - Thil h part of (lie wreckace of a Nallonal airline* New York-Ki-Mlaml pUiie IhAt cratHed near \VHmlnrton. N. C.; Mrly


. f a r m s TOR RENT

— T a UM i M p U M f c W i i - '

p -p . ” l i 5 - S■ ' mil* ,_ .niK Air«nuft. Nar1>i>. CaH

. G R A N D . - O P E N I N G

OFt w i n f a l l s .


— B I G i—■' u s e d '


r>Ptn tta lliblt. AIiA tx M«l»ln a. Jnn».. WTndtIt, KE *•?» ! . J

t'AlIU •U u b u rla i. CbMrat. eUinni. OuIckMU U. U. -Uuicb'* E«<kir and T Hon. Phai»« IIR

- E O T r' Monday, Jan . 11

A nd lo celebrate our '•grand »ad sftla opehlns. v e >re solnff-to have our

f a b u l o u s e n d O F Y E A R

S A L E !Check thcM trac tors ror .Ute

b i g g e s t SA V IN G S - ^ E V E R ! ----------------

■ s ------ ^ R l i a r a i f B E T l --------Mondk^, jKQUftry 11 for

- '■ B IG -S A V IN dS !-

T W I N F A L L Sa^-^-T:TB7lCIOBr& 3M E;:CQy-

m S ^ m b e r ly Road RE 3-8CeT

j_TO-Sfl rUllOUSONS. monJIllotiKl I_"J00'‘ .CA8B DlM«I.Olk» n«ir

MASSEY lIAnniS, vlilt

j-JOIIN'DKF.Ur. "M'" wlih culll-1 MA86KY IIAKRIS Trtelor,

j- liS TOUDS, orerh.uW ,4-tN -voAO'i'&oausoNS.. «>«t-

haulMl—J-TFUIHATlr M—triIIorir"e> f^

|_FAnMALL 8up«r "C" vJlh culli*

I^O IIN DEERE "40" wllh J.polnl i^ALLlS CIIALUEItS, WO


I-OLIVEII "JJ", v«r)T clean |_J01IN DKtrUE “U" .• •-►AnMALL'-ir

■ j - 0 UVi:U Wlih cultivator.

............ .............. ............ or i n . flirf^ rfc»n» KA

Fboat EA}mm». Pboat E/

r K S S - . i g . " . ' r ! SAiraana. PuhL

?»m.* CA I M

- ^fi rbcD t.lS A°

/.-DaVriw, DA *.«>!.


“ A Z A X E A S "' $3-50 UP delivered

-C IT Y -P tO R -A Ir_ « i ?ih,ai._5o.


[ETUlIKiiilKU I- - . . j i . tH lii.M

n a MAciitHEnrT:

■2 Uf.p h«»,ri” Sj

SJ*lj^ALJWBEMtHATloH. bmJ^ .» n >4artton aod trpfc. C a ^ In.;


••• UIB Hub

3 S - s s - ! ' " . ' S i ;


■ DUREDJHO • lb« A

R i S t i

N T ;

r o n PROMPTR eT m oval

^— " - o tM - ia iT in iS LlVESTOnK

-1£>AH0 -H ID E ^& t a l l o w CO.

M a r k e T T ’ l a c e - o f -

7 v \ a g i c Y a l l e y


I RE 3-0931

LIVESTOCK & POULTRYMKEU irrlnivf cuwi'atiir |-bun<


iH srmi, Wllton-llatf. ■ ■j Uiti i>kkuu.

fllULaAU: bMt (or •.!«. CutMa «uU (Inc. dMbU iirappnl. N«rih Uain

Ca«h» valttr l>/e«<lln» a

jin u a rr 'lo ' ijj.ol rhont EA 4>44D4. Jtrotnf.

irallor b.iuir, In ncrlli-iil r<in.|||lun. Mlrkfl~in. KIrIn'* TralUr <

naior ai’rllKi'St*-

'l!iM’k«*App?Ur«a'ani'i'urnitur ralli.


r. \ »»»l. l«i nonh. Waihlnf.

S U ^ R rm . aalt tnn andiulpbur*>“ Vin"Vw"*frtil’lji.' Siixwiil ll~ lth K<wl Slarw. »Jl Uala W«i. phoMlUiS^Jl.

ruY UUSTO: S«r*>u:

of Molur-Inii.

rC A T O J o T T T O TUurM ro(k«r: •wU. .............. - .......

- S <U1«0«............ r o s r . » ....................

___ .J.M. i pli«# mod«ftiMl. noUinC bur a t tl44,4S. » S<lKr molvrn llvlnff room ir t StS4.TS. ft ttlr^r <lln>U* art St.93. OXi: ru( tlH.4S, I’air o( Mroom Un<t» ta.tX. VUU miehlnt, bland* <a1>incl tl«S.II. Ar<>i mrnl alt* tfltigtftU ’f Ilk* nrw IU9.1 21" mahoffmnr, «rin»u1# T.V:''f174.i ai'Mlond* r»ii«iilr TV tlH3.ii;. : taUI. jno.lrl TV I37.1T. IT" i>.ir- ' T.V. nmrlr rtw lap.III. ae«»r»lntnl trrinitr waihcra aiicl nfrliifr___

*aeli, Cath or Urm*. Hlrvvrlt* 1 KInanc* Co. Thon. IlF. 3.«7;i.

_b*lb.- Cl«r«ii‘nij|r front vi'tb b«am*d doubi* iniulalluti,'d«lu>* (urnlluia!

inirodiictory Price Only « W 5 .

AUo BOL. :S.A{:ilO and ZENITD

MAGIC VALLEY , MOBILE.HOMES701 South Shoshone B trect

Ctoaed Sundnyt


I'hKINUfjdK" tiirll.ciiUin, rnnaf


SPO T CASH ror'fnmllur* — Arpllincrt — TJiItie*

“uANNKrt-t'OltNITUnK-r - r -M A K E -A N O F F E R ’

^ "“ ' J i O N T H ' ' - V-

I I 'rn tif* : Yn, IL ..................- • •. Twin f.Ilf or at n i l AlWgn.

■. Ttrnn._______________W A N T E D TO BUY

:• Ilox S%L c/o TImfi

Z f q r s a l e

I. Wrnilcll, Idaho.


llrf«. 471 AiMUon. :

WESTERN STOCK aaddlO. a* low a*

llring th*m Int Rwi'a Tftdlnt PmU

Kr««K»ra Hardirar*.la earMta'eI*«n*d wltb' Ulu* Luilr*.

1-AINT THlt4tjKK. «V, ,a lU . you. ......Ulna r. Cralg'a ratpt 8tor». I » Main

Inaullfd wbllb . . . Abbou't Aulo Supply. Thon* RE ^

Own Sunday, tlftitd Sattir«l«r.OAMliltAU;-v.uj BAUIi. tatP» l^ urtTn;

blnMuUra, pbMa prjnlioc atta, ll^bt m«l*ra. «T*rytblnc pksisfrapblc. Coma In and ahap areund. Camara’ C«nUf.

Erad* Doualaa fir. Prlen: All rou'cb SIS p*c l.DM (e*I. all planed I I ’

-T.tHia-f«c-T«rr,lsi«-ijni[tb.-ontr II’. -Tniek,l6*d .o»dm o ‘ •oi-n.aoa’.-Mo'-f




-Utlilty-(;rail».-«*ni*-aa'«b<r*t, III

-Im ub*; ISO pw ».-8nr(iCK9-t».-----8U W c it^ e jrb u rn R E S-0W8

Carbart blankat lln*d or*raIla...l».-»



CRU8HED.LAVA ROCKlib* br<t far coapacUuaj

CONST. CO.Phono R E 3-8570

— a l l n e w —

Collrtlal*l^mb akin

Orlrinc clo«r* ............iS.tO lo I1—Uoy* til* It m m lbtajadici I1-Uoya t in ja .s r ty ja ek d -----1

ii' 'AU'TOMATiO 1_t» ll«a« lljr .c l« li^

M7» a««T « p.tii.CLSXR oU aD<i a ^ u » »«>r »«wUi

‘'fgEK W ye ACPT10N _


_____ PO R TA B LE-• H'DJ)5 nnd Up

- CONSOLEluid Up

SINGER Sewing Center

0 Uain Korl'b Thon* UK M il l


Wv iiilll have one 4S-Foot,._ :o-Wl<lc Fleetwood for •

ONLY * 3 « 5 ___ ______I U.o[>rn Sundarii

TRAILER SALES- 383 AtlcIUon Wc»t RE 3H720

• Tltor.l.Ky T11AII.KU TAILOR


JKI’TIU |d"'*d ^*'’* 1 ^ 'HTATTrl"''Jm’.PiIw* A tnuV

........-..........EPTIO TANKS and a««*r lint* c.........and IntulIttL Work iuaranU«<I. Il*a< aonabl* ratM. JIaktn't Rol<i>RooUr 8t«*r Strrlc*. DA * 4710. FlUr. «r—«B ------------^----------

. Y E A R -E N D ^C L E A R A N C E

DRASTIC REDUCTIONS On 1959 Mobile Homes -

S9 Foot 10 »1<!*',Am*rl»B 4<l VnnI 10 Vtiil* 'Najhu*, NMhua ____


TRUCKS AN D TRAILERSUUUU utrd U- tralltr witb

........................... Idaho.

rOcKlfjKUAM. BUt^nian. H.*t,ood.MaJctUe, Arro«b*ad trallara. Tb* bnl bun and lawnt p rkn. Will irail* (or

dlUeB. Jl.OOO actual mil... Crt>od lo'flox

£i> roril la wld* Naihua -32-KotirSa'nca.F. Cub Cimp.r'


...IS.Kool AU» C»Bir»rr

M u s t M o E ? R o o m f o r i 9 6 0 M o d e ls

Trttdo .any th ing , or. value - Lone T erm a — Flnilnclns


413 Addlsoa W eat Tw in P a llj *'L«ok al what ro<i b**« 10 pa) b^

-~ fiir* y«u buy"---------—Inaurcd-Towipg--------- rR epaim ;

- “Y IS T A -L IN E R ” € 0 S e ] ^ S

Dealsned w ith tu a wbalBfamily tn Qllnd.

•—Picture Tfintfow-models-------—Cab Over models

—V and 10’ lU E U u


WE’RE f r i e n d l y

QUALITY" ^ 1 : - - U S E p _ C A R S : :

HIT c y ^ o Canrntlbta. FuU powari»M aarcuir-WattPB. C^ /rpnllM ^W aor. V.a..»umdanl

l » l Ford Ranch WagcB.-V>t. 0»tr.

m i D« Solo Qardtop. Full pawn.

PICKUPS- ---------------

itu OdJf* <); t«B ' n i l Dodra H (eo

Come In — Look Around


M cV EY ’S, IN C . .. SA L E ! .


IWl CIIBVROLBT ! i Ton ____| t t i "-IHI-OH BVIlObBT—f«T.h«I—BrHT-

. ................- ..... .................. HIM

I9M Cb«T. iHon. t-ip*«d. Sharp '.. m i Cb«T. 1.(00. S.apa«<t. Coed . -IMT INTERNATIONAf L.llOr*l*lB-

.-T -W IN -F A L L S — E Q U IP M E N T CO.

■ r e 3 ^ 4 2 0

Truck Lano W est"’

IHO L-IIO Ton. U n ( «bt«t b




II W|U.Ya SlttldD .W»coo_4- II B>il3 INTKIIMATIONAU I/in(• otMl b u . --------------- tlQli



m i CIlBVKOLET'.Truck. Tan<I*m ■ dr[*a .1......... ..................... IJ7»»

------------— ?> i4 0 ir

McKENZIE MOTORS• , 3S1 M ain Eaat

r Phone RE 3*6230


-B efore-Y ou-B uy-A N Y —


» H ClltWilOLSr j" ro n . J ai«il C - A - R ^ - g ^ O ^ N ’-S]»» F4 FORD, t ap*td__ ~l'oQllaa — (i«ll]|a*~

Omd Busdayi and E>aa

‘jMO i..k7a'~tra<Car. t ap»«nT**pj»^ "

m i FORD r-400. I•1959. VOLKS

u>rabi-suuon-w«r«1 Ton. Wllb'du

' _ -__TR_A IL^S::- “ • f i S K y '7*11 FtHtrllAITp, r i :

AtU U»*I» Slda*.1813rd Aveoue-W.—R8 3»Mia-

1,000 nil** and

i n s j _Ml Jdoln But

— 7~~ yphonf n a 3-8338------ ;'



Used Cur.s

19J7 DODCK V.« IIO..I l.,w rr. IZ-. d.Kir llanllojO. r.>ic|n~riltf. ra­dio. h^atrr, tinirtl kIn.., mKii^ oall llr» , Truly a vaig*.

19J7 cnK V iiourr v . i-.-m- 4-door8*dan. I'owarclliip, r»llo, h'at- ar. tood llr<*,»n« ownrr, V.r/,

19S7 VOIID V .| Snloor Cu.lrm ''.lOil" Fnrdumatlc. Thunilrr.|>tr>! cnelnr,

mlV.'HJ) CAblLUAC ’« • Ila.lio.

hral*r. tlnicd ilaai, >lual ran«a

128 3nd Ave. W eat RE 3-21)23

" n o



'JJ NASH 4.d.«r _ •IS rONTIAC 4.d»or '» UCRCURV 4-cIo«

'•!» DUICK 4-door . -•M >0IlD.2.<!o

_ i:: .3 s sio. ^t:i.0T Mo.

H A L O U S K A "S U T 'O ’ S A L E S ,


15M OIJISMOIIM.K Waiinn. row*r l.rakn, imwcr <Hr. 8pa*lh’a prrt>

O^OI.nSMODILF. •nil' lIo H ila~CUm>tr..l""'»nii«»r<.rnr-wl a»r. h»ai«r. h>iTnm»tie,—wbj walla, NctU. hub cr

19SS FORD Cutlam Ranch IVaton.

braUr, powar brakn.

iVts-ciiKVRor,in-^<.r. v-*.radio, h*at«r. motor o«irhaul*d.

l iS i QLDSUOQILE * - door fi«dan. Radio. b*aUr, hydramatlc. poir-

____ atatrln*. saw paint.


•Jerome, Idaho Phone EA 4-432<


O PEL Rejo’rd Sedan

euatom trim. Vary Joir (

• f a P :... Sptclal Hardtop Coup*. — —j, h*at*r, cuatom trim, 2-

' ton* paint, whilawali tirn . A . on* own*r---------

1112 nUICK RoadmaiUr 4-deor B*> ' ' 'd an , CTnadow, radio. haaUr.

1959 BUICK LaSabra 4-door B o rd top / sedan ’ U bera! D iscount ■■Ye»T.. 9y Mlleaaa.____

EASY TERMS Thon* RE S-1721



F I V EO f The


'iDris.ODbSMOBlLE.• • US" 4-tloor Sctlnii ■ h.'alrr. .Ir^tlxa am,riMCKll ’ l^“fiK'M"".\T


;I51 Mail) Eimt Plionc Rli 3-522(5



812 Mnlrt’Avcnue South

Y O U R E E J IO T O R -C O ..

^52 Mnln South — RE 3-0811



USED CARS or TRUCKS Wo fluy Your c a r —

Sell Your Car— TtasSe o t Caah

Somo.;,No Down Paymcnta —546-M ain-Eaat——:Phono-RB'3-8fl90 -

SA V E ‘SA V E WHEEEYOUBIW LLARS; - H S r a t o W c i S f s i

Low Prices con tinue n t

W Y L L IE ’S . .CAR

" O ir Truck LunoD O N T BU Y -

DEPORE y s o v SEE O ur Selection . - - .

O t U sed-Cars, Trucks - - .a n d Pick-ups

TilkSB CAra JIAVB'“cot TO''cb' AsVttrWiiMv

^ o r W indy MUlcr

:: : : . T R A r ) E ; i N s : ‘“LOCALLY OW NEp .


- ~ - r - N ^ O = W

-V.I Fairlana'Forior

■ 1955 FORDV-« Cuatotnlloa fonlor

_ y .i Falrlan* rordor

iz jsB fiJ iE R C U R Y i:^Uontolalr 2 door itard-top

.1957 CHEVROLETv.» Fordor

1956 FOBDV-t Ferdor Station Watoa

1955 DODGE

'67 BUICK 4-doorBup«r RItlara. Ju tt Ilka ntw. Towar al»«rlBi, pow»r brakn, . DyMflow..' dri.«. nylon whlt*wall tiraa. Locally...

1956 MERCURYFoHor SuUoB Wafos


'58 CHEVROLET Belair.4.door Snian. Oltaffllac crtro and wblu (InUh. LocalU ownad. Uuaras- 'OD«.ot tba claanoi

. 1953 LINCOLN

1958'f ORDV.l Victoria Tudof

1955 BUICK... . Tudor Ha'r4>Tep

1957 CHEVROLETV-S Fordor Suiles Watoa

'. 1958 FORD -

wItb Tactory alr.Mlit lltlla caruagulppfd

ataarlni. pow*r ‘ brakaa. L,-----


. -3957 FORDV*l CutocB IM Tudor

.. 1959 FO RD - •'BG OLUSHOb i l e 4-door

m. UaauUtuI S-loD* sraan andia.-li3r«e«E^£iHmtil£7x™I^

h*at«r and na»rly_ b*w U r^ •

UMd cara.

■ T H E ' I S E N ■ — -;M -0 T O -R S= :


AUTOS F o i r s > m r ~

. G O R E ’ S- I N

J E R ' O M E

Place To-Do . 'BU SIN ESS!

For a nc.-il Snvlncs See—



it VOtiVO SlaUMi AVcon- lt*<lli>.n.l k.alpr. < " ' '

IKC 01J).S 4-<laor llolldar. lUdIn, h.alar, aulomatt^ Iranamliilan, pow.r tlr»rln». power braktt.

l»M CIIBV 4.i!oor Ilar.llop. Iltilla.baaitr, auiamatla Iranimltilon.

19» IIUICK 4.- daar Bup*r. Railla,


.4 DUICK 4 .^ r^ 8 p ^ a l . Radio,

------- u ima.-.B»at«f, _________ 1HM FOUD 2-duar S*dan - f . Radio,

.-COMMERCIALS•1M7-CIIEVC\4 tBi,-4.fpt*4r

ItSI STUDK %' ton, l.ip«d . oral.

usE U '"(jA' i r L 'U'rO n South L incoln — Jerom e

^ „ ..O pch -tm 7 p jn .

rD O D G E -and

D O D G E D A R T-S a les aro 'golngi:Our selecUon of good late

model CMS is "at ife ------------ B E S T ll--------

J il l OUtSUODILS 2.door Uardtop.

lO.OH aatualBillaa. NEWT

I t l l DODGE t-iam CoroMt tUrdtop.........."I'-.-Yr* *“*'

lag ---------.------------- , - l i mIKt rLYMoum.^

miDODCE 2-loor CoronK Hard, top. Radio. fc«n»r, V-l and oi*r>

dcUa -I----- ---------------» l» l

1U7 FORD Moor Countrr M as.y . | and oiardrlia

U .rORD *■_ b « ttr , I


. COMMERCIALS 'I tu DODOE H*Tim Fltknp. V . t

‘■“ . S K W J i p S l i S N '/ L

—l i n rOltP 2 “roB >ob« wbarf

t i l l CIIKVROtXT Toa.


B O P RF^RSF! -_ ; m o t o r _c o ..vl. UQ Block ^ A veaue S ou th

r-D0 D0 5 = ^ TXMPSRIAX.

4 OLDSHOniLT; II Kollday hardtott. '

rT C " , V — viaTr»^r il"lp Jli? n " "J.4I44. Klmb*r(y;‘*

“ ItalianF I A T

Convertible3-poor 4-Door .. .

- S 3 MUcs Per^G allon — Comrlti* S'arlt and Strrlc*


SOO Block and Avenue South




' -1D58 CHEV BelAlr- .<•-«. I..|,-.r )lar<llap. Radio. b«al*r, ' I'.orralld* and bl( V-l fflolor. Jl*^

1DS8 NASH Statesm an 4-daor StOan. INaUr. and oxrdrir*. On* owner and-only ll.iOO actual mllM. Th. cl«an**t la tb* «all*|r.

10S5" TRIUMPH" \

1SS4 NASH A mbassadorr fi*dan. Radio, baatar.’ e

,10S3 PACKARD . 4-dvgr S*dan.' Radio, haaur.

------------- -------- f355-----

-rilA N Y -M O R B -------_ _ 1 0 , - C H 0 0 S » - r e 0 M —

1I111.CM0 K ton.^P|4 CIIEVnOLBT H tea IMI iEEPti l t fiOOQE I toa with daala

A V I L t S - r -

U SED C A R D E P T .a« (th-AvtpUB :

rbana RK S.7MI . TwU . •'Wb*ra Cualocaart Scad Tbalr Frlcad.-


' u s e d CARS7eT«-throwln»-the-flnt-

-B io -B A E sro r tsn Y ear N O W . . :

- -UOTELIEVABLB—PRICE COTS o n some o f ' lb s n n e s t Ifsed Cat* la Town. Hero a re J u s t a few

of the b e tter b u r s —

r b ^ a a aad aU tb« '

' tw uaiuloB. power ilaatiBV,

-------uwior.- r«*«.maU<f-UiitimI.-'—t aa, powaf atatrlag. A

JIM CirSVROLrr M ow '«0* a t^

' . ItHfORD 2-door Statioa Wavoa. '

n lu ^ ? n I r ^ l t o » M * B d l« i^ :

: a y . . ' ” -' „

: i i t CR cvB ourr t - 4Mr.'s*daL 8l«Bdard »««» • ~


. Tkb pIckV 'M ld » u a- hl?ai”12:!2L5i2L

JMIOMC « t»« « .» h .a l j r f» i .* — r

] l l l CHIVROL*TJ H

• - alaaa ----- —Paly -

C T T P T ^ r tT ii iy p V ^ -

Page 26: · - Thil h part of (lie wreckace of a Nallonal airline* New York-Ki-Mlaml pUiie IhAt cratHed near \VHmlnrton. N. C.; Mrly



A re’ you look ing -fo r vqlues fo r-y o u r m ea t dollor? Look no m ore, for if it's va lu es you wonr; ond who doesn 't, ' y» . . f f r i »ndly_IGA_5torc_LS tfie place to &pvc. Y ou'll find o com plete selec- tbin of choice cu ts o t th e w eight ond price you w ont. Sb'-shop your IGA food Store todovf -------- '

__ W e invite you to see the IGA StarStogo every Thursdoy n ight o t-9 :3 0 over.KLIX, channe^ 11. — This week! "G ungo D in" w ith ,C ory Gront, Doug Foirbonks, J r . , V ictor M cLoglen. •


Ideal way to start o ft the day. Falls Brand tasty links and pan cak es.-


B o iiii» = E la li0 sJ r [!tMARLENE-

M A R C ftR IM E am -HI-C

-4 & -0 z .C q n s


■ and packaged in sturdy, reuseablepoly'.bag , LIBBY’S J2-0Z. CAN


LI]pBY’S 12-OZ. CAN :

CflmWBEBEEECAMPBELL'S TOMATO SOUP . . . . . . 101/2 O *.can-5 fo r59c PURITY SALTINE CRACKERS . . . . . , T . ;:^2 pound box 55e


CREAMJCORN"^OYAL GARNET 10-oz. Pkgs. ' upsmAiE ai'cANS

FROZEN . P E A B S• — - m " ■ m