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I -- ' THE SUN, "WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 6," 1899, . . 9 t ffl TERESA PATTON'S RAZOR. 1 yjrir mase of rnx unnruxT-ain- t, avesTWX is movst mnxoif. I lti. Chester I.. Katrham'i Housemaid's I Mldnlslit Mrnndtirtnct In the Family ' I ili.,li".iin fnllnnrd by Two Attempt at I suit lile anil Trip to 1'oiiBhkreptle. I M nt Vr.nsox. 8opt. G.-- lliat Toresa l'n'ton has lieen formsllr declared Insnno and o .minitfJ to an aslum. tho family of Uhoster I. ht 'ham of thin cltr li In an easier frame of in nd 'hiti It lias been since Sunday. This la , f.iiiee the Kftchams havon't known at what in m.'ni Terf a mlcht return to her plaoe aa h ii. roahl and repeat eome of the perform-ii- i mm wlili-- filled them with surprise on Bat-urd- muht The arlrl'a eommltment to the l'riiKhkoeple Htate Hospital for the Insane Is d io to Hie fact that she twice attempted ii 'ido l7 jumplne Into the river at Yonkors on S'indar. Mr Ki'tchum, who Is In the dairy business. l,i fi at IL'0 West Lincoln avenue with his (mi. r Irosa has been a servant therefor f m. months and has been regarded by Mrs. I;,. iiu ir. as a eood enough girl, though s.i. s"t to fits of moodiness, during whloh ,hr- - was absent-minde- d and frequently n. a ttranco repllos to remarks ad-d- r ". to hor. Her eccsntrloltles were n t sufllclontlr marked, however, to eug-j- (t to her mlRtre,s that there was anything ft vv re with her mentally. On Haturdav even- - liic -- li" snt up lute, nnd Mrs. Ketcham thinks wa-- i up after the family had gone to bed. Al nut midnight Mrs Ketoham was awakened tirhiMrlng somebody moving around In her r mi At Hist she was alarmed and was about rr fir help when she saw that the lato visi- tor va tho ervnnt girl. hat dn you want, Teresa?" she asked. hissed the girl In warning of silence. She nalked over to the window and began to p .iirnh something which she held In her hand end which Hashed in tho ray of light thnt entered the window. She seemed like a person w.i'Knie In a dream and. conjecturing that It tmnht be a case of somnambulism, Mrs. Iv ehnm iigaln called to the girl, but got the same roply as was given to her first question. This tlmo Teresa advanced toward t'.o bed, but stumbled against a chair In which rested the family eat. Thus disturbed. Pussy remonstrated mildly by mowing. Instantly tho clrl caught her by the nape of the neck and Hung her over upon the bed. then stalked ma- jestically from the room while the Indignant exclamations of Mrs. Ketcham and ths cat were mingled. The noise awakened Mrs. Ketoham's son. who deeps In the next room, and as he was about tr. rise to find out what was the matter his door opened nnd Tsresa walked In. Much amazed at this visit, tho young man lay quiet with hi head upheld on his elbow to see what was I going to happen. It wasn't long In happening. I The visitor walked over to him nnd stretched out her hand to his face. Then H he felt tho rounded surface of cold metal against his skin. It passed down over tho side Wj of his face and was withdrawn. Between 1 amnrernent and alarm he kept perfectly quiet. which was. In all probability a very good thing for him. After a moment the girl left h'4 bedside and wandered over to the window where he could see hor dimly brandishing her arm. This lasted for only a few seconds when Mio went out of the room as quietly as she had entered and returned to her own room. The young man called to his mother and they eomparod experiences, coming to the conclu- sion that Toresa had probably been dreaming nnd had wandered lnhersleop. In tho morn- ing qulto early she cama to Mrs. Ketcham, and said: "I'd like to go away for the day. If you please, ma'am. I want to go on a trolley ride." Mrs. Ketcham told her she might go and tskod her If sho had been looking for anything the night beforo. Tho girl looked blank and eaiJ that she had not. After she had left they fiund on tho kitchen tablo a razor be- longing to Mr. Ketcham. which he had l.ot uxud for some time nnd which had been kept In n drawer npstnlrs. When they Baw this weapon Mrs Ketcham and lir son felt qualmish. She recollected the midnight calisthenics and the Hashing of tin- - liiado in the light, nnd be remembered the e 'Id pressure on hU Incennd was glad that the girl bud elected to ue tho curved back of tho rior rather than the keen edgo probably a matter of entlro indllTereiico to her nnd a. mere ehiincn The consensus ' opinion In tho Ketchnm household was that if Toresa whs a somnambulist ho was a particularly unpleas- ant variety of that nocturnal species, and that it wouldn't conduce, to the health of tho house- hold to hau her around. It was something of a relief when Teresa failed to return on Hunday night. It was also a matter of some apprehension, as there was no telbng when sho might come back and In i hat frame, of mind she might be when shs did arrive. Mr Ketcham, senior, who had been told of her oxplotts, sat up lute waiting for her nnd mude arrange- ments to be ready for her In case she a. did come after ho had gone to bed In the mnrnim'lin snw In n local paper that a girl nnnied I'atton had tried to drown hersolt In the Hudson lllver nt Yonkers Tho first tlmo she jumped In hIid was rescued bvv young , man, whom she thanked, saying that she hail fallen in while looking for something she hnd dropped As sho was again found struggling In the w iter near the same plneo heroin hor clothes had tlmo todry.howover.tbls story was received with scepticism nnd the girl was turned over to the police Medical examina- tion established the fact thnt she was Insane. Mr. Ketcham wont to Yonkers nnd identified tho girl. When be learned that she had been Pronounced Insnno ho returned in haste to Ills homo to tell his family what n narrow escape they had had. The physicians who examined her cannot say certainly whether her mania was of a homicidal kind, but one of them snld yesterday that Insanity of that sort la llkoly to take a homicidal trend at nny time. LETTER CARRIERS' MEETISQ. The Convention Organises and Then Takes the Afternoon Of for an Outing. Bcbanton. Ta.. Sept. 5. At the opening ses- sion of the Nations! Letter Carriers' Association y 500 delegates were In attendance. Superintendent of Free Delivery Maohen was first Introduced for an address. He was fol- lowed by William O. Edens of Chloago, his assistant. Fostmaster Dlckerson of Detroit was then Introduced. He read a telegram from Gov. PIncroe of Mtohlgan. Inviting the asso- ciation to meat In Detroit, Mr. Dlckerson said that with a delegation of thirty-si- x men he hnd oomo to Bcranton to invite the association there. He added: "Ho said you can have more fun In fifteen minutes in Detroit than you can In any other town In an hour." k The Committee on Credentials reported: r Number of dolegatos entitled to sit In conven- - number of proxy votes, lllii; votes of 1H: votes of Ktato 411: Itirm.filK-1- : nnmbor of tirnnohes represented by 'Jl'J: number ot brunches by proxy, 4(50. 107; totslnumborof branches Following this the convention adjourned and left on nn excursion train for I.sko Ariel, where tho afternoon was spent. Kansas City Is con- testing with Detroit for the convention next year. TITO MORE DEATHS AT KEY irjT.1T. About Forty Cases of Tellow Fever Mow Existing nn the Island. JioxBOH tills, Fla., Sept. 5. Lata thli after- noon Secretary Matthews of the State Hoard of Health hern received a short message from Dr. Porter. Stnto Health Oillcer In charge at Key West, announcing two more deaths of yellow fever there. This makes Ave deaths to date. Thero ore a number of new cases, making a totul of about forty that were known of Tho house-to-hous- e canvass may ndd to this number aoms. Tho fever Is gain- ing ground A detention camp at Dry Tortugas and ono on the east and west coasts will most llkolv bo provided, as Dr. Porter Is anxious to romoro tno strangers, who. being unaccllmated f nil ready victims to the fever. The Island patrol Is very strict, and there Is little chance for tuoso who wish to get off to got away wltlnul permission of the health officers Mayor Van Wjrk Uranium III, Orlleliil lliitlra. Tho Hoard of Estimate and Apportionment will begin tlio prcpir.itlon of the budget fur 1IHKI this weok. M.iyor Vnr. ek lesumed Ills duties yesterday nflor a vacation of a month. It Is expueted that be will call a meet- ing or the Hoard for Comptroller Cuter Is preparing his arguments against a V continuation or city support to private eharl-KD1.- B Institutions which cannot demonstrate their usefulness . . . ... SSSSVJL. r .,.,'j.. t.. - Dxrxazos or statu taxes. Board ot Eqnnlltatlon Adds 8108,000,000 to New York Cuuatj's Assessment. aliunt. Bopt. B.-- The Stato Board of Equal- ization met y and adopted the oquallia-tlo- n table for 1800. undor which the Bute tax rate of 2.,0 mills, ns flxod by the last Leglsla-tur- e wlllbolovlcd. The assessed valuo of real OBtate shown by the table Is $4.413.848.41)0. an increase of t04.040.070. The assessed value of personal property is $758,581,830. of this $00,548.384 Is subjoctto looal taxation, which Is an Inoroaseof $11:1.738,835. The assessed value of personal proporty not taxable locally ror Stato purposes Is $00,033,511. a deorease of $4,521,000. The total equalized value of real and porsonnl estate Is $5,070,300,824. The board, in equalizing values throughout the State, deduetod $20J,04 7,500 from fifty-tw- o oountles and added tfrls sum to nine other counties, as Bhown by tho appended table. It will be noticed that $105,301,050 was added to the equalled value of realty In New York county and $14,241,127 In Kings, while $37.. 040.800 was deduetod from the assessed value of realty In Westchoster county. The following table shows the assessed value of real ostate In each county and tho amount added or deducted by the board In equalizing values: Amount Couniiji Ai'mrd vafiu deducted from of real Mate, tutti$d xalut 1B3S. of rial tilatt. 'kaJ BI. 112,8(17 $9,600,Hr.n Aiisgiisny ln.r.oiwu sio.usu ?.ro;"" S!,t03.ft78 1.H.17.0U UllUUmius 116. 18.0111 7,V;i,22U MumuilK 2.1,lMK.A,7 PK.llll Jbeusugo 14,770,1111 H(I7,70 fl.nul,tW3 l.BlS.BIB Columbia 22.!ls5,HMfl 2,3s.i,4a Cortland 12,40a.0SS 1.SUH.17S l)elwore 12,U4d,ri2u U15.2H7 lnitcbcts 4U,H2r.,3S.-- . 74H.J00 'Mu 271,1177.1112 2,7r.S,7r.I K",, B.H38.23S 1.M44.7BB n,unl,:i:ui fiiil.MU u"nn 12,311(1,(811 6.111,272 f'W'M lll,7Hrt,4HI B(I2.(I72 li""'? 1I.M2...70 37K.212 jlstntltnn H.ort.l.wW 11111,117 uorkimer 3 i.hI.'i.hhi B,5;,741 Jenerson :i2.2ihi,..iiu r,,i70,iT'3 JIUB 670.107,742 14,241, 127 I'rW" 8,8:14,2114 1,04(1,131 uvlngston 2.inw,nno 9W.4B7 Jjad'Mn 8.401,274 4(11. 2f,7 Moiiroo 130.4111.485 17,r.4.044 Montgomery 2.'.,64R,itsr, H1H.4H0 S""JJ lM.H20.IWIi l,4H2.7fl4 JJ lork l,R'.n,4(i7,i'23 " ii fi mi,sr,it,8(4 t.r.tio.iir.o J'"l(l .".8,4 8,,ilH4 (lfltf Unondsjs , 101.24tl.Usll 18.40tl.0ll8 Ontario 1,H8,U13 '"ago 3A.487.ll74 l,42W,B8l Orleans 14,ni,427 1,38M,2114 """go 24.577,()'i2 1,111,484 "'"f0 Ht.88,'1,8118 8lt(l,07 I'lltnam 0,1(78.1(17 001.601 JJuesni 82,6110,643 10,(1.'!4,U&7 Heiiaielaer 7I.34M.70S 7,68,4M7 Illchmond 24,s;i..Dl S.CMl.stll ItocUand 17,204.081) 2,400.464 St. Lawrence 34.632,(11)1 tl.214,621 23 261.(187 loo.lott B. heucstady 16,810,084 (16.W1B Schoharie 11,08,21 1,427,642 PchujUr r,ii.F i,72tl lo,481 fons-- a l:i,704.1il2 1,141,227 pteul'tn ai.36(l,t"4 4,0.17,716 Ollffolk 44,01111.334 0,701,162 hullivan 6,1.08.11)8 843.425 llona 12,2il2.s(17 88.1,804 Tompkins 15,723.040 1,40.U(I5 H1,t9r 27.804, 2l0 1,1)30,008 viarrtn 7.737.8D1 Pno.387 Washington 10.701.s6() 1,184,318 Wayne 2J.;ir,li.42J J20187 WeatehMter 106.80H.O55 37,(140,800 Wyoming 13,2113,3115 424,005 YWes 11,087.11.13 1.427,7n2 Total 14, 418,848.498 11)0,087,035 Amount added to aiiMasil valii of real eotate. In their report to tho State Board of 'Equali- zation, the Stato Tax Commissioners say: "The total assessed valuo or real and personal Sroparty taxable locally for all purposes In the New York this yonr shows a net gain over the last nsssssment of $177,785,805 The Increase lor the two jesrs prior thereto was $"20,81)8.110. making an aggregate net In- crease for the three oars ot $(07,083,021. This o( course does not includo tho large in- crease in the county of New York under the present assessment, which will not be officially renortod until December ot this year, and will be considered in the Stat eqtinll70tlon or 1000 " While in New York county the assessed value or personal property ror all purposes has been Increased by $132,812,732. the net Increase in the State Is only $113,738,835. This assess- ment remains the same in Kings and Rich- mond counties, and was decreased bv $4, 212,-23- 1 In Westchester county, and by t2.328.M43 In (Jueens county. The assessed value of per- sonal property for all purposes In Nassau coun- ty is $1, 580.880. more roon ton porto iucass. The Ilurnnldf, Will Sail To-da- y With 1,000 Tons of Provisions. The Oovornment transport Burnside, which sails y for Porto Hlco. will carry 1.000 tons of provisions nnd supplies sent by the (lovernmont for distribution among the storm sulTerer", About $2,000 worth or drugs, pur- chased by the Central Porto Wean I'.ellef Com- mittee, of which Cornelius N. Bliss is Chair- man, will also lie sent nn the Burnside In response to tho cabled request of Oen. Davis. The Merchants' Association Belief Committee will send eighteen cases or clothing on the Caracas y to Mrs. Hoff. of the Woman's Belief Committee In Porto Blco. rive hundred dollars In cash will also bo forwarded to her. Saratoga's Flnrnt Cnrnlvnl. Sahatooa. Sept. 5. The floral carnival opened ht with tho coronation of Queen Flora, who was Miss Augusta Gage. She wss escorted through tho streets by a pageant of fanoy dancers. John B Yates of New York was Prince Carnival, Broadway and Circular street were ablaze with 21.000 Jnpaneso lan- terns. After dancing In the streets, tho mas- querade went to tho (Irand Union, the United States and Congress Hall, where, simultaneously, balls took place. Faatengers From Hnvann Under Observa- tion. Tho Ward Lino steamer Moxico. which ar- rived yesterday from Havana, brought twenty-si- x passsngers. Forty-thre- e of the passengers wero sent to Hoffman Island for observation until they shall have completed the full five days from tho tlmo ot leaving a yellow fover country The Mexico left Hnvnnn Sept. 2. nnd unless yellow fever shows itself among the detained passengers thoy will be released to- morrow. Sheriffs Sale nt the Fort George Cnslnn. The She riff sold out yesterday the right, title and Intorest ot Schulthels's Fort George Casino at Amsterdam avenuo nnd 104th street in the license, bar fixtures, cooking utensils, nnd fittings under an execution of $080 In favor of Hartman Goldsmith A; Co.. for $32, the plain- tiffs being the purchnsnrs. The right, title and Interest only were sold, ns the effects aro cov- ered by chattel mortgages of $25,000 held by George Ehrot, the brower. Travellers Iletiirn from Knrope. Among the passengers who arrived from Europe yesterday on the steamship Kaiser Wilhelm der Grosse wero Mr. snd Mrs. Henry C. Friek, the Princess Hatzfeld, tepdnughter ofCollIsP Huntington: Senator .fames Stout, who was recently with Admiral Dewey, ond Mr. nnd Mrs. Frodniicl: W Ynuderbilt. The WrnthiT. Fair weather prevailed throtiitliont the country yeetenbiy, except foi ohowi-r- s hi northern Illlnoli. nor hern Indiana, Mtchignii, WtAconMn and along the flt Ijiwrenco valley. The high prcoaure and cooler blather were jmrrIui o(T the Mid lie Atlantic and New Kindaml roitt,anil an arraof lnwpnMure was moving eaatward over the great lake, bringing ahnueraand wanner weatlior. The prciMirn wan also lo over Colorado and NV bratka, canning a general rlae In temperature throughout tho central .ind Htatea, where the maximum were again hetwien 1)4 and loo df gives. In the Sorlhwcut It waa cooler, the minimum temperature being 10 degrees In Montana. In this city the das was fair and cool, jveruga huinl'llt, 04 per cent., wind eouthratterly, aienwo velocity, 14 mil. s an nour; I ammeter corrected to read to bj level at 8 A. M , so.14, 3 P. M,, 30.07, The temperature a remidd by the omclal ther niometiraud alan by Tur Hun's thermometer at lbs atuet level la shown In the annexed tabte. eUt. ia .Sun'l. , Otfirial . Aim'l 1S)1. MS. JJI'J.. HH l!9t. lit. DA. U.ils' 711 08' OP. St 70" 84- - 73" 12 M ...70' 8.1- - 7J VI'. li 70 80' 70 J V. M 71 84' 74JI2 Mid. 7n' 70 av' WABiilvirm Kiiisiasr roa wfunikhav For New Knuland, pr ibably showeri WsdneNday; 'Ihursday fair, fresh to brhk south wunlii. Fur .' v i'nrk, prnKttbty thowrt H ftintt' day, ioiHtwhat waraitr iu ou(A irtwn; Tiurtdau Jar,frt to bntl, touth ina.i. For Ralern I'eninylvaula. Klmlct of rolnmbla, Delaware and Mirylsnd, ueuorslli fair U c.ln'i..iv and Thursday, aoineahit wnrnier, ntsh houtli wind. Fur New Jeise), keiniill) lair Wi n.ioda) mid Thurda . somiwhat warmer Vedudar, ucept on the coast. fr xh to brisa nutU uids. For Wnslnrii New Vnrl, geneially fair U'tdniday sud Thuudai ; lunli west to north siuda. abkb ron ELEVATED franchises. Itanld Transit Slorrell's Modest Ileqnest Solemnly Referred to n Committee, The Municipal Assembly resolved a type- written dooumont yesterdny from William IT. Morrell, better known as ltapld Transit Mor-r- e II. asking for a franchise on behalf ot the Municipal Uulok Transit Company for a rail- road that would cover most of Manhattan l Island. Mr. Morrell wants to build an "artis- tic steel four-trao- k elevated rullwoy" from tho oltr line on the oast and the west along the water front to Battery Park, IIo also wants to run a spur over tho new East lllver Bridge, and another down Centre street and Park row to the Post OfQce. Besides these franchises, ho wants tho right to connect the East nnd West side lines by orosstown roads. The Assomblymen reoslved tho petition with due solemnity and referred It to the Joint Ball-roa- d Committee. One of a Catboat's Crew Drowned, The catboat Elslnore capsized In Jamaica Bay on Tuesday afternoon. The orow, Edward M. Ivesen, John Kratis and W, Miller, wern thrown Into the venter. Iveson was drowned. He was 31 yosrsold. Miller and Kratis were rescued. Ivesen was employed on the Peter- son Marin Hallway. nitAI. ESTATE NEWS. There was very little business done In realty yesterday. The dealing has bson handicapped so far this week by tho legal holiday on Mon- day and the religious holiday yesterday. It belnc the Jewish New Year, There were no offerings schedulod in the auction room on either day. The sales nt private oontrnct wero unimportant, excepting the sale of factory buildings in Brooklyn. Tho four-stor- y house. 243 West 100th strest. the sale of which to n West side Domocratlo club is reported below, was tenanted for soma time by tho Bed Cross Association asa hospital and training school for nurses. The new ten- ants will nltor the building extensively for their purposes. Charles A. Gould has leased the building. No. 00 Cedar street, near Nassau, for a term of years. The Inoomlng tenant will alter the premises beforo occupanoy. Lemuel E. Quleg took title yesterday to the dwelling-hous- e on tho west side of West End avenue, fifty feet south ot Eighty-firs- t streot. The consideration was stated as nominal. A lease Wns recorded by William Waldorf Astor to Theodore Keller, of the premises, 70 Avenuo A. for twenty years at $1050 a year. Private Males, W. B. Taylor k Sons have sold for Mrs. Julia W Simmons the four-stor- y brownstone dwell- ing, on lot 20x100.5, No. 20 West Flfty-socon- d stroet. The Williams estate has sold the four-stor- y house, on lot 25x100.11. No. 243 West 100th street, to a West sido Democratic club. Phelps & Campbell are reported to have bought Ave lots at Beach avenue and 140th street. The Continental Tobacco Company has bought from Buchanan ft I.ynll for $130,000. the large factory buildings. No. 340 Carroll street, Brooklyn. Auction Sales To-da- DT PETRB F. MKTXn a CO. West Third street. Nos.50nnd 52. north side. 71 3 feet west o Wooster stroet, 43x75x Irreg- ular x 72.1, seven-stor- y brick store: foreclos- ure sale: Edward Oppenhelmer vs Francis A. Spauldlng et al: John H. V.Arnold, attorney; Francis B. Delehanty. referee: due on judg- ment. $7,370 4U and Interest: costs ann allow- ances. .'Mr) 85 and interest: taxes and water rates. $3,135; prior mortgage and Interest, $84,000 West 30th street. No. 400.11 w 10th avenue. 25.0SxO8.0x25x08.0; tlve-stor- y brick tenement, foreclosure sale : action No 1, Mutual Reserve Fund Life Association vs David Christie etal: George Burnbaum, Jr. attorney: Francis B. Delahanty, rorereo: due on judgment. $13,-200.- and Interest: cost and allowances. $300 18 and Interest: taxos. assessments, Ac. $540.04 and Interest West 30th street. No. 538. 524.11H w 10th avenue, 25.1 SxOS 0v2."ix08 0: five-stor- y brick tenementjsnmo parties; action No. 2: due on judgment, $13,200 00 and Intorest; cost nnd allowances, HOI. (!," and Interest: taxes, assess- ments. ,ve . $54)1.04 and Interest. West 133d streot. Nos. 237 nnd 230. n s. 425 west Seventh avenue, 50x00.11; two y brick flats; foreclosure sale: Globe Realty Co. vs Stanley M. Holden et nl: Dudley 8. Harde, attorney: Moses .1. Bneudatra. ref- eree: due on judgment. $7,182 and Interest; oosts and allow. $201.37 and Interest; taxes, etc. ; prior mortgage. $12,000 and Interest. BY ClIAHLKS A. BEnnlAN. Willis avenue. Nos. 301 and 303 and Nos 037 nnd 030 o 143d street, norihwest corner. 50x100. two and one story frame buildings on avenue, two two-stor- y frame dwellings on street: partition salo: Winifred Belly vs. Cath- erine Keelon et al:. Stephen H. Marshall, costs and allow, $500; taxes, assoss-mnt- s. $100 Webster nvenue. w s, 225 n 105th streot 25x100.7. vacant: nlso Decatur nvenue No. 2720. e s. 225 n 105th street. 25x100. two-stor- y frame building; partition snlo: Maria A. Valentine vs Dan- iel H. Valentine et nl; Abel Croek. attorney; John 8. Smith, referoo. By" D. Phirnlx Ingrham: East 170th street. No. 070. s s. 110.8 w Clinton avenue. lO.Kx 05, two-sto- frame dwelling, foreclosure sale; Samuel W. Weiss, trust. Ac. vs Henry Schopner etal: Jonas F Mann, attorney; Wil- liam .1. A. McKIn. referee: due on judgment, $1,057.07 and Interest : costs nnd allowances, $170 87 and Interest; taxes, assessments. $110.05 and interest. bt ninnERT a. aninMAV. West End ave.. Nos. 412 and 414. ft 8 cor 80th street. 0x12, threo olght-stor- y brick flats: foreclosure sale; The Metropolitan Improvement Co vs John Westervelt. nt al; samo vs. West End Apartment Hnuso Com- pany et al: Clarence L Westeott.atty: Thos, Allison, ref : duo on judgments. $511,150 0(1 and Int; oosts and allow. $055,00 and Int, taxes, assessments Ac. $2,350 and Int: prior mort gi"?. $73.X0 and Int. Ileal Ratatn Transfers. 2d .vre. s w cr lODtli st. 30.3x 100; Francis 1'. Lowrey. rsf, to Jamea McOee and Mor rla lewton $30,760 E2d St. u a, 176.8 e of 1st av, 18.111112. 0 x il)0.2i Oeorge Woltlen, to Lena Bergln 12,000 Bib av,2105, 18 "II 10, James IU Smyth, to Mary A. and Katie D. Hmrlh . ... joo lat av. n w cor 4vth at, 40 0x88: IUebard E. Carpenter, Jr., to Jonathan IT. Carpenter 1,000 Lot 1 (8 Hlock-C- , amended map, Mapes ea. tste, Niels Toelber to Peter A. Hatting. . 1 Chatham Mq, 22, 17 3xOO.10xKl.2xfl 1.8, Henry J Norrls to Fiank M Scott ... l 1 COUnt. 614 W, 25iiiu. IliOeo E Roman to Co 134th st. n . 2o o L' mix ar, r.OxUD.ij. Mary F and Peter J Connor to Mnlhern Steam Heating Co j Prospect ave, w 301,10 n 152d t, li,2x U5, Elite O'Hulllvan to Mary u'Bulllvan . i Samuel at, aw, part of lot 234, map vil- lage of Kaat Treraont, 12.0XIBU llarta Vitals to Fllomena De Lorento, uC, ,.. i Bamo property; Fllomens lie Lorenzo to Alfonso Scoppa 2,600 JTranklyu sv, e i. 84 s 108t. 28x100; Jamea T Harr7 to Frad'k Westpfal i 42d st. 858 W, Hi.BilO0.6i Margaret P Dyest to Catberln Miller 22,250 West End av, w s. 60.2 s 81st st, 18x80; Metropolitan Improvement Co to Lemuel BQuigtr ... loo Terrace Point, 200 w King av, 26x148 to Long Island Bound and 26x167, Donald Matkav exrand tiustee to Fred'k Boss . , 476 10th av. n e, it lot US2. map Wakefield 50x114 Jana McLaughlin to Johann 11 lljriratrd . . . 1,000 Wist sv, a w cor (lsth st. inn 6x100, Ermst Welti rer to, Emily W Wetterer, 2 'l part .. 100 rroiprct av, w s old line, 233 11 105th st, 25x175; Jolimn Ii llurgatede to Jauo McLuuithlin . ... .7,100 Haine property, Krrklel Fixman to Johnun li Ilorgateds (1,050 lH7tli t. a , 242 w 7th av.lOlHIi.lli Jamea ( ivken to Uarry Lilly . . 100 12elh M, ns, 130 e ithav.4iniii),iij F.mll Fun' la. aim to Henry Anderson 1 JHUi st a . 280 w uth av, 2uts.u; Itobert Ferguson to . I ihn 1 llreonan. 1 Creitcli av. w s, 21V h h Welleder it, 26x 1011.4. Joseph Mallun to Kllaworib Hnrnor 1 Bt Ijioreiiie av, a 1:10.1 a v.eet Farms ltoad. 20x100; tho Kl auf to Thoa I' I.yuih . . .. 2,000 187th t ns 268.4 E 11th av, 10 8x84 10; Florence W Ks'ioe to Illctiard B Curtis and ano ea 140th t, s s, 20S.:t K Hallrnad sv, 26xi)5, Win U Kitchen to Marr h Hanoi 3,000 120d at, No 331 East 18xioo.Hi Win L M.'tt nnd suo to Florence W Kehoe .... 1 Iteeordrd I.enaes. Kepi, Anuust N, to Patrick llallagher 1st av, 83ii, '.jrs ... $1,100 Vogt, Arn Id. to I lederlck A Tost, 3d st, tun vi . 4 k 12 yr 1,8110 Astor. Wni W, to Theodore Keller, Av A, 70. 2yrs. . . .... 1,050 Uncorded Mortgages. Abrains. Carrie H, to Win It II A Frank II Mart.n. trutte'S. l672dav. aim $12,500 Elmer, Harry, ti I'dmiind F. Seibt,82d at, H h, o2 e 2dv. J Jli. 260 Ilabn, MlllK' Eaml Martha U Touaiaint, to Nellie I' Church, tiubtirbau at, a e cor llriggsav. 3yra 0,(00 Xlci.ei', Jiinies and Morris I awton, to Oeo M Miller, trns, Ac, 2d av, aw cor llnnlint. ;i vrs 20,000 McKenzle, Julia E to Ina Mutlhlus, loo ht .Inn'sav, 2 jrs ... 1,500 Aleiandir. Uiclnid L, P l.eim tv, 1 '.stti st, or Cedar pi, a a, 75 11 v Culdw Ji av, I yr . 750 llauck, John C, to Cliaa I' Jlallock, Ilistun post rd, a, loo of I Ti'th st, demand 100 Ural), John lollai bel 1'nrdj, 125th .1. 11 a, lllo w 8th av, ,111 t.'lyrs 3,000 Mdnmi-U- , haniutl and Amelia, 10 Charlss an lAiU'istFuni k, lots ilianil 20,map2ll, loiaOowniugcaiatu, alsoOoliuubusav, a a. 22s f Hum it, J ) rs 400 Oore, Thomas Jr snd Emma, to Ohsrlea snd AuguatFunck) Mapes av, n w, cordreon v, :iyrs BOO Bcopps, Alfonso, toFredcticoandFllomcn& D Lorenzo, part of lot 2.U map village of Ias-- Trcmoiit, 3 yr .... 000 Bcott, Frank M, to James L llreose, trustie, 22 E llmadsny, 5 jrs 12,000 Ijxd. III lind 10 llcrnhelmer A- - Brhnild, .164 Drook cor 1 12.1 st, aaloon leas.', demand . 4,000 O'BUIIIvau, Mary, to Frank U, Vihalen and James A Dunn, Prospect av, w a, 801. 10 n 162d at, 1 month ... 200 Bams to le.ilj- lb. H Wall, guardian, c, anno property. 3j is 6,600 Luke, Elizabeth and Joseph 0, to Mary C Behliir, 277 114th st, a vrs 2,000 Btahl, Otto, to John Townshend, 120th st. n s, no e Park av leiaehold. secured note. a.ono Harry, Jatncs T to Herman Havings Hank, Fraiilllnnv, s.8l a instil si. 1 yr 13,000 Dyett, Msrgsnt 1'. to (Irccnwlch 8avlnga Hank. 36 vv 42nilst, 6 vrs 12,' CO Biii'scns, Chrrles, to lleoig" Khre', "Vv A, 1.418, do'ii.illd 860 Itaker, Win (', to the Mutiiid Life Insu ance Co, NY, instil al, aw ior Audobonav, yr 76,000 Doyle, John E to City Mortgage Co Mutt sv, as, old line 200aJamesMonney's lot, 1)0x141.7. t'irro inorlgaita, 1 yr 40,600 Curtis, ntehard rl and an', to Florence W Kchoi. 187th at. It a, 368.4 e 11th av. Installs ... ... 1,760 TJurgcr, Ellsworth, to Joseph Malton, Cres ton av, w s, 2ID.8 n Wellisley st, 7 months . . . .... POO Drennan, John J, to Helen C Ferguson. 34th at, e. 2m) w nib av, 1 vr 2, too Doyle, John E, to Ileury r.IIowland, trustee, Southern Ho il va.M, 11 s, 126.8 n Bt Ann BV.aiw 14,600 Ciirt s, II chard B anilsno, to Itobert I Mur- ray, ot 111. trusteev I2lst, 311 e, 2 yrs ... 6,600 Hntnthtmi, Frank II It Till" (luaianlae snd Trust (J 1, lloslnn Koad, 11 o cor lOlihat, 1 yr 23,000 Asaignments of 3lortgages. Lawyers' Mortgage Ins Co to Wm It II Mar- tin ano, Inute ... . $10,600 Same to same .. 8.1 00 Midler, Henry to Fred'k M I'lrtch .. 4,600 Owtnne, Et.'ubetli W, to (io.i DiWitta Clocke. Tiusle . . ... 3,028 Purser, (loo II, Jr. A ano, excra, to Maltha MWells 4,000 Satisfied T.lens. Church K (Hies A Co vs Auzustn Eicbler, moth st, x. 60 v Washinictou av, 1ni8. $164.00 Murray, Mary, v 4 1'iauk J (IratTe. 163d at, s, 200 w CuiirlliiiiUt ht. I8n . .. 671.11 Mill-- r Comb vs 1'iueat Wettercr. olh at, a wcor West End av, lpo.t 228.00 rorerloaures. Knbblus av. a w cor 147th st. 60x100, Anna Lukas va John Iiale f ireclosi lien, iitty HJ Kelly. 113th st, a a, .'34 e Oth av, 10x100.11, Margt F Ewrlt vs Aitliur (lorsch, atty. .1 F Malcolm UMtli st. 11 s, 1.I6 e. 3d av, 26 iixioo.U, Lambert Buy dam et nl. trti- -, vh Flsth(r A Wheatonet al; uttya, sluncketil ub W Washington av.a ror 10.1th st. nSilou.p. Carrie Engs et al. eir.1, vs Jas J Ward; atty, L Hurst. Convent av e s, 47U.U 11 141st st. 20x100, Jas L vs Kmciie Slolvln ct ah atty. It M CJlhney. Hamilton Tcrrne. a wor 144th st, 80x20. 144th st, n a, ITr.u C'liivtit av. 75lDVl.ll. Oermants Life Iua Co vs Harry W Powell et al, attyt, Shlpnmn, L 10. I. Is 1'rndens. 2d av, e s, 07.86 75th et, 166x100; Oeo Kahn va Iditle hrumor, action to enjoin, &c; atty, 11 L Drauduer. nirrhnnlca Liens. Rnhhina st, se cor 147lh at, 60x100; Anna Lilkaa va John Dale $389.00 lloth st, 11 , 200 o 7th av, 75x70, Fredk Hchnnewtg vs James on and alio . , 400,60 144th st, 736 and 737 E. Uockert A Jahu va Morris U. O dun 225.00 12utll at, OU and 02 K. Joseph V. Fulton vs Cathirtne Van Valeii el al 637 57 Union av, 11 cor .1 th t 75x100, Tony I'aaavtl va Jas C Wo.,d et A 80 00 Bthav, nw cor 148th st, nil. 11 1 100 Lags llroa A Co vs (P ortre Ilrmn et al .. .. 520.00 Franklin av. e a, from .Mferaou o 170th sts, 188 Oxlrrag l'i u r Hauditiode Jr va laaao Doshmctal 2,400.00 rinna Filed for New llnlldlngs. 61st st, 68 W improvement to dwelling; Edith M Proiot, owner. A O Hoddlck, architect, cost ., . $1,500 76th at, u a, 471 e v A; improvement to factiry. Fanners Kiel Co of N J, owner; lluckman A Helsler. architc ts. coet ., 2,000 Union av , 0ij, improvetu' lit to dwelling; A 11 Lyon, own r. B Kltcham, anhitet; cost 200 8th av. w s. 34th to Had ala, improvement to warehouse. I! T Livingston owner: A EWestovir, architect cost, . 2,000 8th av, 1144 041'. improvement to theatre; Elliott liooviski. owner; 0 0 Halght, ar liitect, cost 350 82d stand Oth av, h w cor. improvement to restaurant: 1. T fleiry. owner, cntt 126 64th st, 05 K, imi'ioveiiit ut o dwelling. E Y Romevn, owner; C NS llomeyn. archl tect, coat ... .... 200 tn (tstutc. AN OPPORTUNITY OF A LIFE TIME is open for some enterprisimj mnn who can weigh up n situation nnd net without having to love the time necessary to consult with his wife and nil her relations. ARLINGTON TERRACE is a fine pieco of property situated at the corner of Kingb Highway and Ocean avenue in tho Horougli of Ilrooklyn. It contains THIRTY:TWO ACRES, all laid out with macadamized streets, trees, water, etc., and it adjoins and is almost a part of a property now licing advertised nnd Hold hy the largest subur- ban roal estate company in the world. Every lot on the property can he retailed at too per cent, profit inside of ninety days. The property is all ready to put on the market, and vvc can show you how a small amount of money and a largo amount of onerqy can make you rich be- fore tho snow flies. J. G. QUINN & CO., TU I L'BtVi: VOIM-D- 140 NASSAU ST.. NEW YORK CITY. poll BALE Long list Saloona, Hotels. Itoad A Houses, Feed Btores. Cluar Stores. Markets, Groceries, Ile.taiirilits, Furnished Houses, Flats, &c. F. W. MACAl'LAY. 150 Naasau st. rflatiS anil AjinvtmrntJi to :ttxv-monct- i or Hlnfurntoiuil. "1 QTH ST.. 28 WKhT Large second floor rooms; X O modern improvements; bath adjoining; refur-ence- So get for gu.oiurjis gurpo.0r;. N wkst sinr. nusiNKss orncEs. Large front Itooms. with every convenleuco, will b ready for occupancy Beptsmber 1. An opportunity to establish branch offloes. WM. C. LKMTKH. Van Uyok lluildlng, lulghtb av. and CWth St. urnlVi oom.o v piirtmrntiS to tl Kail slide. UNION SQUAIIF. 32 (faciiu parki.-EIeg- ant rooms, and amnll. in private family; every con- venience, uiodi-i'itc- . 1 IVlNdBTdN l'l.vor. 13 hTl'iVKrlANrPAiTK; Xi nppo-it- e St. (ii i.i;. t h.irdi, near 17th st. -- Very deatrablu turnish.-.- l rooms. M4.D180N AV.. ii sillies and single with or vitlio it private baths, broakfuat optional, refrreuiv. "1I'iilUY Ult.l.. lotn i.l., 117 liist. "FrnnT ro inZ ill priv.vte luiuili iriiuxl utirt.1 , u uoutleuinii. IfkTII HT. 40 KvSr PuvsuUti'sniTliti. f lirnlahi d, 2 pnrlois. alio t.thei dotdrable rooms for gt ntlcuu'ti, lfTII ST.. 121) l'.sr HoHir.1.1" slnitle room All wl'h excel). oil im ard, 9C1T1I BT,. 12 1AS1' It .urns on sti'ta or ulngls i "J ini.nte bnths; r irt dial. i, pleasant altuatlnu, lefiidlues . O, Kit VI I'. est siiiii, HANDSOMELY fiiruishod rooms with privato nn n. ri rein eea. iii.i Meat 44th st, 1ENO A V., W Itn l)iir or ererally i .tnne.t' Unto, s piarn out-iil- iv . lieut luiattun, couviuli'ums fiinii lici: iiufiirnia nt. 1 ',)TH M, 41) WKsr (i)iiitortsldii furnlshel X hrgo .ind small looms siiitalilu luriultLUicu; leferclices txf ,tig. d 1 KTil hT J.. VW.sT uieir 5th live.) Desirable liJ irueand siuad roon .. la e and tiiteuoanro unexielleil. nTII BT.. 52 WF.Sl'. - llandsoinel. furnished for p.ut . g ntlimeu ur fauiily, also single rooms, board OnTHST.. 4h WEST -- Furnlshcdrooma.ii'titleinen "- -' on!) , fine largo rooms. )1 BT ST.," 11) KsT -- Ph asint, large aud inisTl X rooma; perniatieut ir tiuiisient, Southerners and Canadians accommodate I. 1HT ST.. 38 VKr -- Elegantl) furnished, Taigi 1 accund, third storj hunt and Uick rooms; adjoining bathroom, tefereni i 21 hT BT., 132 VI ,t I . Furnished room for gen. I tlemeuonlj, references rcquir. d. ODbT. 257 F.Sr-Lu- rge a ,d small homo J thoroughly reuovated and iienl furnished. HrooUlrn, IJINEAPI'LF. BT., 03, Heights , near bridge, sanitary plumbing; every conven- ience; isferencaa. rWrt 3nrfl. Kust Hide. MADISON AY., B7. Hoarder wsntedl large snd room; steam heated open plumbing centrally located; Uamlsnta. MsDISOK AV., 163.156. lUndvnms parlor suite romni other-room- en suite or separate; fashionable neighborhood. A 11(1K.'J6TII BT. LarceandsinallrooniSi nicol- - li ut board, apodal term for season; cctitial. West Hide. 1l TH BT 207 WEST Ijvrgo and email roomai nicely furnished; excellent board, moderate; trsnslenta si dsyj U'111, 33 and 40, WEST.-Ne- wly furnished suites, slnglu rooms; board, tlpeilal rates for families. 1 7TII, 54, 65, 60 WEST. Haiidsomn ronmr. In floors suites, or aliigleigood tabic, trauslonls, reasonable OfkTII, 40 West.-Ne- nly fnrnlsnid hnusoi threo ' veryjarge double rooms with excellent board, . Wanted Jjcmalcj:. BOOK BKWER want. d. lllOIIAIll) EVANS. 112 William st. BOOKFULDF.ltB-Kxpertom- ed hantiroldorswautid. WATKII3. 101 Fulton at. lANCY FEA HKItS-li- lrd mounters and hands oil ' rancyreathi'is wautad. ' F. BIANCH1 i CO., 2240 Msrcarst. L MIIHELLAS-Ca- ao maker nnd irlrl to make tie' A M. 4 H. DAVIFJi, IB Walker at. UMllltELLAS-Uan- ds wanted to finish ntr on learntn taken. AI.LIb.ON A LAW-BO- li5 Uroad nay. VANTED-- A competent lady's maid."" "Call, with 1" referentes, VVednesday andThuradaj from 10 to 12 o'clock. 174 Slaaisoj ave. Domrjitlr rrnintis Wnntctl. ? 'OOK AND LAUNDIlEBi to go to Bunimit. N. J., s- - wags$20; raforeuces required MH8. L. 8F.ELY, 3r.2 Itth av. "DOMESTIC BEItVANTS WANTED FHUAI.E. -- J-' Chambermaids, 20 cooks, .'U to $uo, waitresses. lOkitchon-- vide, houst wotkirtf, 30 couiis who wasli and iron, UuudreBHe who do ihamberwork, French, Herman and Kngllsli ladies' ta lids, nurses, butlere, second and third man. Mra. L. BURLY, 08 W. 22d at. Bsrvauti.' untraiue, 352 Oth av. telephone call 1811 18th st. willing to do chamberwork, to go to J Irviugton; wagea 20. refer :, is. MIIS. L. SKIXlf. 352 oth av. PROTESTANT CIUMI1F.I1MAID -- Wages $20. .dso ut. r.otfHtaut kltctii.n.uiald. wage $14, tu go to Mnrristowii. N. J.i referencts leouued. MltS. L. MEKLY, 352 oth av. I inoTF-STAN- T WAITltESB to go to Great Neck, L. a- 1 , vvaea $20, must hevs references. MIIS. L. BEELY. 352 Oth av. SWEDISH Ls.UNDHI5HS-Ws.- rca requirod. $20; city family! MRS L. BEELY, 352 Oth av. WANTED A Bwide or German girl aa and waltrcsa. good reference required. Reply to 312 Wait Eud av. IVANTKD-- A Swede or Gorman girl aa 000k, ' washer and lrouer. good reference routursd. Reply to 812 Wet End sv. Wantfil 5,aUj6. WANTED. Mnst writo well, and enmo well recommended. NICOLL, 145-14- Bowery. 1 BINDER Y Strong boy vv anted; also. boy to run per-- I forator. OEO. HARDEN DEIUIII. 1 iu Nassau st E(X)KU1NDER8 - rusomakera wanted on cloth TAPLEY CO . U Bond at. wanted on cane and umbrella handles. Addresaor apply W J. BRAI1SCH h CO., Melrose St., Providence, R. L SOUTHERN BALESUAN.-- An American. 38 years Alumnus, familiar with South from top to bottom, posstsslug uualificaUons without egotism, but conscious ot his ability of a high or- der, desires engagement. for ono week, L, 301 Continental Hotal, city. VANTED A hoy for general office work, Ac; 1 v must be a good penman and quick t Ilgtirea, vvagee, $3 per weok. H T. P., box 181, Sun oirlce. 7 ANTED Experienced stock bo) for millinery v house. Apply with references, 070 B'w ay. WANTED. Fireman horseshoer. ' 200 West 18th st. 7 ANTED 15 active, Intelligent bovs to weld ' wire hoopa by electricity. Work for the pres- ent to be iiic-h- t work, waies, $4 per week. Apply to BROOKLYN 1.001'KRAUE CO.. North Oth at. aud Kentav.. Brooklyn. (Situations Wanted tmt. A CCl'RATE TYPEWRITING OFFICE: out; moder-- - .ite rat., avpedltioua service, work giiarunteeii. B1XNO RAPHElt, 21)0 Broadway, N. Y It 10m 401. AS CIIAMllEKMAIDi can come recommended; waicee. $26 to $ho per month; no rarda call at 12. C. II.. Box 167, 1206 B'war. ( lIUMHEHMAID AND BEAMSTRESH-Compete- nt; good references. It. McC , box 623, Mm up- town olhce, WOit llroadway. ('OOKWllllnirti assist with laundry work, wases K.B . bux .'.18 Hun uptown olUce. 1205 Broadway. 'OOK NDLAl'NDRrSS-Conipete- nt. best refer- - V es K G , box 6.18, Htm uptown otlli e, 1205 Broadwav 'OMI'ETENT her work thor- - V ouglilj ood icforence. R. N , box r.iii, Bun uptown olUce, 1205 Broadway. I7NOI.IS11 ntOTFBTANT LADIES' MAID-1'nd- er-t etnio.a tiairdressinir., good siani-trcs- a, i., bi'st rctereiices. B. N , box 522, Hun uptown omce, 1205 Brovdway, IIRST CLAsS COO- K- Wages $40 ec llcnt re'er- - I ci cea K. McQ., box 621, uu uptown office, 1205 Broadway IIRSl-CLAB- LACNDRESS-C- an do shirt', collars, A curls, Ac. good r .ferences. N J. , box 6.15 bun uptoivu ollice, 1206 Broadwxy. IIUhT-CLAB- WAITIir.SS-rudersta- nda caning. i- serving v. lues, uiaklng svla droHning, Ac; bi st refer no M. O., box 5a.i, sun utuown oflice, 12C". Broadway. IADirK' wages $20. thor- - eompettiit. Jv. I... box olo Bun uptown ofliie. 1205 Hioadway. T Al'NDltEsS AND 0!IAUBF.RMAID-- Wa $21, Xj l.e-- t A. C box 530, bun upttu ot'icc, 1205 llro.idwa.-- . VEA1' YOl NO GIRL as wa'tress and wining to do 1 chaiiibervvolk; be.t lelereuies R, MiG, box 683 Hun uptown olUca, 1J05 Bloadway. "'D USE -- For grown or mall t hildreu: understands s plain sowing; good references. M. 0., box 51D Buu uptown ollice, 1206 Broadway. pHLOH MAID OR WAITRESS; good references; I. country prefsrred. J. J,, box 634 bun uptown office, 1206 Broadway, THOROUGHLY COMPETENT COOK Wages $30, I best n fernucea. B MoO., box 617 Bun uptown otllce. l2(J5Uroalway. V AITIIESK Thoroughly f'rst claka In si' lor II work: wage $20, i,ojd relerences, I). M.,box 632 Bun uptown ofnes, Uroadway. WAITRESS ANDCHAMBKRMAID-Ci- ty or court" i try; best referi-nc- i . A, N., box 537. Sun up town ollice, 1306 Broadway, ituat.ontf WanUt.iilalfjji BINDERY Practical man (ruler) to take oharge, blank book buatneae experience; wlahea situation In or out ot town. Address, B., Box 104, Bun oftlce CiAIlDF.Nr.Il Wanted position as head gardener on estate by Scotchman, competent In all hranchea, lawns, ahrubberles. hothousos. Stc.i 15 ytara' experience on s places; refar-ence- married, two children, Addnsi J C, II16 W. 02(1 st. Jittfi'inrijJ Chances. wiOf I ( HlfJ HOTEL, elegantly eii lpped, located giWUUU ,n N' w York city now doing goud loislnss, long I as; low runt, Kond reasons of sell lug, iiivcstlustu this hotel Full particulars apply ut MCDONALD & VVUIOINH. i4o .Nuaau. f(( LOAN wantol. This will apply as Hist n M;vflM niuitrfageon mantifacttiring pfaut, val ii. d at t 1,600, lib.'ral itilerust allowed. McDONALD A UIUiUNB. 140Nasaau. aJ-,M- (l i -- REAL ESTATE A .KNTS Altcl7 f,0jV'v-t- i tloli, Au llnr.valled Hlti 101 a llit las. li tel .il'Cltl house. Willi cotlagi, la uflereil us f 1. jlu 40 . cres 01 watct frioit on great South Bay, Pine wodiV,, sin utinir, sailing, flm- - harnor 11a aui:, nun i 'c touting 111 wmti r make it hciltl y. enfi resort fo foinil e the inciter part of tin ycai. (;oinml'-sioii- d vido i. McDONALD a vK1GINH. 140 Nassau. SI I jVJUW tAOllshed stiud. Locaied about loo jw mill", out, 3 Jon business yi arlj j ovi ens i Jin). M.1)UNLII A VVIOOi.Ns, HONassiil To Kfi H7R.lS!ir.iJ ROHM lIOFHi:, locaird ,! I jUlIU nn VVest 31th st liways full rlnan-i'H- l 11 iti.-s- . This is a birgnin Vi.' ly o M. DOSM.D A- - W11..1INS. 10 N' CiCnfUlll I'VUlMJRvtstiltdlo Ivr.i proipi r" O' )'.V1V7 .rs uuuu'u lur.iig b ns. li l.Jlb, ihn pi ml luity e iiilpppil an I doing a liusiiiesa 01 to $ .611 ' 1011 nii:n..t II . tin i ju.t us represented, hlnhest comiiieirial itfrrci.'c given, va im fpV.ntO 'Oiui ail. c. dam uf McDONALD .V uIGOINS MOSaisau. riOAl. AHD tor. nt. 5yiar leasn. 1st.1l ihed2S v- yiari. investigate McDONALD b WIGGINS, " GREAT UAItOAIN Fine IhhiL and jiaiioaery V '( re, Baltiinon.Md ( viellentl.H'alron. owner going ut oi bitstnrsa, will sell at .. nllc- - ml dr. s. A (.BOYD 14.'(l t uestlilit st , I'iill i lulpMa, l'a. MANlKl IA HOl'SECLE... .IN . andui.nuva;. 14JI Weal L'llllist Wills, nd III du all Linda .d li'.u. leaning at sho. unit st liy re ft re mi, n nd furuliviilsra. fel. 4sll sin t fforau. BESKsj, second-han- pattltlons railings, counters, olUcas ntted: natures bought, PaUU, 03 Ccutrs street, near Worth, gtmumtmrnw. r M P I R crn. K A'ntnTilnoTnvfiTTTotTsT' UKirint. Evening, Hi20. Matinee Saturday. CHARLES rilOHMAV. . MASAiutn. LAST 4 NttlHfs LAST HATURDAY MATINEF, I'll VRLES FROHMAN PRESENTS omRo"" Empiro Thoatro Company In It Marshall's Farcical Itmnainc, HIS EXCELLENCY I'HE GUYERHOR. Sept. 11 til Jolin D ev In "Tim !rantiyoi Tears." HI.AIB i.EADY I rro'ri'in'an'.CRITERION THEATRE.FtA'V,, 1st BIG SEASON'S HIT. Chailea Ir hmati Presents III Neneat Farce. THE GIRL FROM MAXIM'S KvKSMao. M line. Saturday, 2)16 Madison Square ThoatroneB'way K.enlina, 8:10. Miitinre Saturday, Jil-i- . Broadhurst's Gleaful Plenitude, " FAST AND I I'ltlOl'S FtNV rimti. "lllHIUOLI.SLi IDNS'Y." -- Sim WHY SMITH LEFT HOME "l'ltOMDE-- l . MF.HIIY EVI.MNG "IRRKBIS'UBLF. Fl'N." - It'and. " WANHATTA BEACH HOTEL 23d REGT. BAND T- - Ki'r!,V'ONl Free Concerts 6 & 9 P. M. PA II CVB G Spectncln unit S D IS T Fireworks, I. .11. Surf llutliliig l.itnblislnnrnt Open Until Oct. 3 RPP'f TRT Tr F0R L0"G BRANCH B:1A. SI.. 10:10 . .. COLUMBIA 2!iiu p' "-- 4 ;:,u THI'.ATRIOALS AND LunCb' M"1'' Vc' IS DA1L1. Tare. 7Se. rouad tri,,. TTF Russell. MjlljUIl'vv-aT- . Phone 211 fa A I Mitt t'ndirtiio irnioi:eiiiiinTol U.LS'S .DANIKI. UtOllMAN Werliieadsj eit. 1.1. First m p. uiaticn at this thoatre of E. H. SOTHlERN ,1"'1 V1IH1IMA IIAKNK1) in THE KINC'SIVIUSKETEER. lln Olllco oiil I) A. M. until il Ji. M. I VPCBBftf! LI UlClifTilJ ...."celling Night.... t nln msrant Hi.10. Ul'srltarrvliiuanprnsnta ANNIE RUSSELL in leronie K. Jci nine's New fmreily MISS HOSBS First Matineo next Saturday. VrU, uU'.V'i ""Jr! .Bt" 0n" AdtoTio-!- !. NEW YORK! 'rcatOoldenSpeuaclnl vuTvpi,i'SKV,!!L Ia- - hau-- - nard. P..M. &d Aeriai Magnolia Grove! tfs?n Mil atail,letlle K. rrY I.OFTU-- MAGC.IK CLInV ir.0 Art sts I MMHE DHEBSLER, Hiiwaliaiia. WfllliiPK'Q ;""aiiwav & aoth St: l!hl.LHUl O'ua 8i30. Sllt.Jluts.2lt5. A .'."T ' animated Fares has not been aieu 111 New oik -- .Sen. A Little Ray oi Sunshine JiVL'L" .AMELIA BI MMKUVILLK. CH3MGr ling FOO & CO. !A,.K- - 4 0'LEARY's!'nE "b'aVlLT; ,A.iADirs JAS. It. GLI.NHOYi 30 PALACE kb, "" Mn' AND UBS- - BIDMAN FIBIIKR A CVRIIOLL JO others. Contln Perf. ir. 2n. f.Oc. Ladies Aft,10o. IV,?"'r,,1"l''J"'."Iri2''r.t- IToadwaj and 7Ui"aT Rossow Mldgeta.ltawsonand UinTHRIfi iJune. Johns .n Ilroa.. O.K. S"' "allcltl'" Monkeys. 8 ROOF ,nn """ othcra Incaaeof UBnur.H,in.n .InMualc Hall. ST. NICHOLAS (iAUI)KN, rnow.HTL'rSiiAKS. KALTENBORN'S osa." I SSt Thiirattns.MKAXIMVAGNUKlJwmUAMJIK BIJOU TIIi:ATUK. "b wayanddoihlt: Kveningaat nils. Mats ,V Bat.2. Aulntantaneo'isand IU DflPAniQr " Orerwheluiing siucrs. A cj. lone of merriment TRI K PARISIAN FLAVOR. HARLEM Commencing Monday, Sent, llth operaiKELCEY-SHANNO- N CO. Hit II C is " 1 ba Moth t The Flsme." u fcl Seats on Balp ACADEMY or MUSIC, Utb st. k lrrlnn PL ANDREW IIISGHEArEST srcoiCbi LVLC3ES.TT,,1VrA,iS MTh .T.i-da- f Kv., IC.J-rlces- . 2R.ii0.7l).l PASTOR'S i'iio-.V(7D- 5 E.TN 30 i .; CKNTS. IIAY nnd I(iIIT. fi.y Clnrk, O'llrlt-- A Itneklev. Ntewurt llers. Fields Hnrd. THE'TRV: Cn. nthav Mat.. w,l OintCI a sat. Re-- . r h em I or lul. r.oe, ENORMoV'saM'c'r Ss''t'l,0d Th,,,l'',, ''Ua " '"'ol Fulluf Imuian lutcreat: A YOUNG WIFEi T" AlATINEE TO.DAY. DEWEYi City Sports Burlesquers. Eaat I lih St. Mile Pilar-Morl- A Co In the "Tlsa " II.?h0,.l,S", Casino's "JjT'The RoHnderl "nT.rl;!eN'1!,, Rice's Summer Nights! Mat' To 'lay Hil.. 2.1c, Orth., r.OjT .".:" KING ,,'. OPIUM RING. IIIM'-v- Orlnln'il Aialemy of Musle Proluition. RylflJMATTflM THEATRE Kvcs.sur. Matr IYIMi-- . 'HI IHIi33&Bay Wed. and Hat. WILLIE COLLIER in MR. SMOOTH. Morning nnd Atternoon Concerts 1idieh,-fB!8.- mfti HiidKtin, rtee Diy J.uut U I fih THE CITY OF NEW YORK. "?(i.. 2o. TMinn AV TIIKATRK. Bholdnn A Co., LeiMM. 1 lllnUU ir r.iict' Cim-f.l- Tmn Tuitlct. CoUcnc.c; and chootsf. For tllrls Jt Voiiiik Wummt City ACuuntrj. lFANINOTOX (. J.) HKMINAUY, on UoanU I Brook It, n.t roiivtrilcnt, to .Sew York, I'hiUrtci. hfa, Ji iltiruot ami WjUinton. Hot) siexei (tli-- t jrr. lino healthful location. "N'obilit of rhuacter our coda. .int aim." Hpaoial rnrc nnd linmo ronifortx. binitary arrani(f n.nt, 1'Hto )riiii water, n lihti. lteutiM iu IMou'inciit' anil new liiitminiri tontliiK $5'..0O0. Tw vo'.iplet r) nma-jim- $ 2 iltl a jreir, orror a iutt of imnnn $.tOu. Lahiv dlctanr toUphono la buulnsiry, Wittt fur out mw UlustratMl rataloieua, THOMAS O'HAM.O.N 1i?Lldllt- - MISS UAIHU'H INHTITL'TU FOR (UIlLS, Nor walk. a 2 Nth jrar primary, araiioiuir and roi Uvo lirfpiratory chumm. Musi art, atidthclan trua.'os. Caref ut attention to morali and manntM. Sew building, itiani heat, urmimmm. KINDERGARTEN zTVI(JtSin,LB2St. Fall FatclnK Uondar, 8apt. II, lHtt. Fro BcholarshlpvlltnUed. Met. Temple, 7th ht.. 14th it. For VnunK Mrn & Winii City nnd Country l.REGENTSAMINATIONS t)ldet, larxt'rt, ncliool prijarlnc tii(luU for reueutn' riatnluatt'inn hor urr US tl ntudent preparetl thli school has uci'Mmfnllr prepared VIVK. Huinmur term now open Fall tni npu O, t lid NKW TOKK WIKPA11ATOHY ttlMlDOL, 15 V. 4M at. For You he Men & Women City K Country. REGENT'S EXAMINATIONS llir Re lift nor School has already aurcfnlully pro-- , ptr d tliouannda of I,nw, .Meillrnl. Dentul and ittter atudenta for the Ilegpnt' examlua tloim. Tall term opens Ort. 1. 1'ot outnloKiie, roittaiiilnc Informntlon of Ml.Cll, hiiportmire to StiulenlK, nddrean herretuty, Senftner isehool, 13 Antor lMnre, For Hoya Jt otinc Men City A Country Dwight School, IS UVM i:iil Mm et, Nn Vork City, J0lh Venr Sent, lllch cliihi. pnt i h ml In lx3 from 7 to J3 yearn of jvcr. i.iUldual utteulioii ulrn Ihiji sho-- - - lurutitiH . t ii ). lirt. niar larice faculty, Uyuniab.iiDi 11' i .tnrifh . jtlnii Vllllniu, 1'rlnelpnl, ST. FRANCIS' COLLEGE, BROOKLYN, N. Y. Uoir -i au da, rholaiH, t tiiuluctetl hy Fiaii' i uii llr tli" r. mit1' p e. to i nr r J rrc . Hm.i li iCil, He n Uli and flr.rau ir I'nl talt-n- li'' t'"''-"1'- ' 'Itiiim, i ino:i4iic Jt' I Hi pietiJi'T 1, Bend for ratal'tkcne and pirn, ulara t ' GEORGETOWN UNIVERSITY, i iiolnn'loii, II. ARTS i. SCIENCES. LAW. MEDICINE. College And Crcp. iltp't.lllth YfarOpjiwSep'.. 12. "" "" . BETTS ACADEMY. si ami oi.i), n.v.- - (iir i;t. I'r.'i'arts uir . ollvge or liiisiuesa. Special ailMin.jj.s lur saviuic tuns In preparation, Jill iNlU.'.Ui;,-.!- , T11EBW;-.- . HM. J.11EUB, il, i, tValelirloclval. V Jf J HI CoUttffl nnd rltoul?. s ii ' W Tor Hays Jt Voiinjr. Mi'iiCltj t'olintrys 1 ij' ; DE LA SALlT INSTITUTE I ' CEMTIIAL l'AIIK RUl'Tll, NF.W YllllK C1TT. ? J VaH 'iiiiliitril liy lliv ( hrlsllnu llrutlinrs. ij , H Select sclioi I Tor ljuys. Niimlnrof lioarilsrslliuitsd. ,' .1 'asH Ki'Mlirnn V. I'lIlK sdiiv. Nl'll. 111. .9 'sH Military llr II. Well r..iuliiril For . '3 ssH rruipeutus uddrrsa (.'UAH1.KS. Urrcliir. vfl .M SACRED HEART ACADLA1Y. M fl Roltct Cathollo il.iarillne Hcliool. Ihorougli act i ij ,' 'H usuilc ami roinnifrclal conrsojoprn .all rear, vacas 1 iH claa llniltc.l. full trrni brums HI '.IT. 7. Aildroa I Uro.Al'al'Hl'. WcatClisatcr N. V. jj 'H NEW YORK iiiny hriiiiui.n:. Naisturit. ' ' H I cnunni ! I3- anliis Hrlnsiil. li West IHthSi. ; n jaH LAW ) DvvlKlit .11 t hull11 f In. i !H atrui'lloli. L.I..II lutvrujiars 1.1. AI.lll tlilPKVrarS. I v BijuU for rataUisue. UEOUUi: CHASE. jW'aH CERLACH ACADEMYT I ' I HunrtlltiK Si'Ikh.1 Itir llns, (ti? 'siiiH nuii:i.i.i:, iMo.v.init in Co., n. j., 'f: 'tM Prrimreifor l iiiri'ialllesur iMisluesa mllltar)- - train. H IH lltif ntrrl'nnU'al Hlid arctiltsctiiral dlawliiit; ludi- - M asH vidtialattanlinn. 1'rlncli'al ran ho an-- (mm 12 ts y ,M 4 1'. II rvrrv Tliursila), at llolino llros., II Barclay , 'sH at., Now Torlt. ,H Hudson Rivor Military Acadomy '' 'H A safa. thorough, aplondldly eitnlppsd rr.'paratorf Itj H Bchooi and HoiiH) for llirs J", inllra from NVw York. ft tM Finest location on thu Uuilson. llullillnu maktnl.1 .) tH cent In lta sptvolnlmsnts, r.xperlnrid an.l alii, flj .LH teaclhra. l.aia" allilnlo grounds. Horses and !'H B ponies for rldme, drill and artillery practice, .B jH Illustrated oataloicur uu re innit. Im 'afafafafj Uapt. J. II. SUN, A M.. Hnpt.. Nyack. X. I M fM SYMS SCHOOL. 1 Hobart Howard Hym, lit admaxtor; Win. 0. SInv '1 !,H mons, AaFOAlatii ihoth formerly of tat J s H Btrkolpy School). Th nw dv.hool upt nt AlonJay, f7 lilH Oct. 2, Irtltw, Pt No. LU V tr.tli tt. For all part.uif 'i 'lH .Tf ft'Mre Itobert Howard Hirm. So.r.ii W. 47th ti, ' j 3 H Ctoliiintita liiatlttite rroprtin, ror. W. 71'dt. and w n , pdn"day, Hcpt. 2.. Cul1eKiat i tH pronnratioti. tntpruit dlntnan'l primary depaitmrntt,, il optional milltarv urlll, lif-- t luncheon. Cntalout e oa ti llH application. 1 (Uvlii Fouler, A. II, .1, !., Prlo v S JlH Tf omptfdiI,nnKl-Und)lti-litut- -- T.lttloboT(x iiiH 1 1 rlualvrly, utn ndiinr.conn. lciitlnurtnupervislon 'JIH pxrti tlonnl hfidthrulncpfl; moderate etpcudltural j .4 acatlonn nunocepwury. t H " """ 'iH Hualneaa CoUrgea. , H The Packard Commercial School I Comerof Fourth Av rnne and 2.1.1 Street. i M A PREPARATORY SCHOOL FOR BUSINESS. ) YliAB. 'J H Commercial and Stenographic Departments. ,; H lteopena Tiusda, hpt. 5th. 'r H Uflire Hours: m;3ii to r '; JH For Catalomie address Tho I'ailmnl School, .. Bl 101 F.AHT 28 STltEET, NKW YOHK. j1! Hl Srlimila of I'lpnlral Culture. "saBj DR. SAVAGE, GYMNASIUM. 'j H 308 Wrat Snth Strict. 3 H TKNTI1 SKAMON OIr.NM MUT. 15. K H Normal Claaa aud l'rlrate Instruction. Circular y, H Trnctmrw Acnriea. H Schennfrliorna Tefirhnra Ajcenrv, ,j H :t Vt Uth it. lHr..--ln- r H gub"iic aioticfj- s.- I fl pOST OFFICE NOrlOlT, J H (Should be read DAILY br all lnter-iited- M ', H chauurn may occur at any timn,) lj H J'orelun uialU for tho ueek emit 111; Hfpt. 0. l!3tK, 4 ..iH will clnfte (PltOMlTL In ..lUax x) at th Oenerat J lB Post Office aafollowH: 1AUCCLS l'OST MAILS cluae V fH one hour earlier than chitlnic time shown below. s4t llH TUAN'rtATLNiiO .MAII.H. V, M WKDXraTMY.-- At 7 A. M. (aupploiiifitary A. M.) Uh H for EUROPE. p?r btcainaMp Ht. 1'aul. via Mouth- - K H fttnpton (letters for Ireland rnriBt hn directed m H per hteautabip Ht. I'aul "1 at it A. M (xupplo ta M nxntar iu. 1) A. M.)forniTR(JPK. pertteti'ithlp fa iH Tla gunuiiHtowii. at Hi .10 A M. tor f' i.H 11KLUIUM dlruct. per rteamihlp Sutithv ark (let , IH teri miiat be directed "pt-- atfarushlp South- - ft jl wnrk '). H TZiritHUAY. At 7 A.M. for KUHOPfS, pcrntAroahlp i! ..H AUkiustte VicUrla", ia Southatmtou M and UamburK. Ir SATl'HDAV. At5 30A. U. forlUTUOPi:, per eteam- - M H fhlp CainpauU. via Quoenfttown (lettcri for . X, ,H Krauci', Srltzerlaud. Itilv, Spain, Port n gal, ,. M Turkey, Kj pt and UritiPh I mi in 1m til- - fi H rectea "per nteamnhl)' t'ampauia '): at tl10 A. H M for KKANCK, HW Ili:LVNI. ITALY, HIH1N". I'OllTtTt.AL. 1UUKFA, F.UYPT and fM IlKiriSIi INDIA, ner meamKhlti la Chain- - v JH paunt, la liaro 'letters fur other parts of ! liH Kurpe mutt be dtreitod " pir Htritninhlp La I.iH ChampaKtie"); at h A. M. for NKIIU'.H- - IIH LANDS direct, per Hteatunhip Ptat-n'Uni- , vii if.H lunterdaui .letter mint directed per Hiram UsH (AhlpMaatendam"). A. M. tn ITAL, pT H teaniAhip Kim. ia Nap leu (letter must he IH directed ' pir ileamliip Ems"): at 10 A. M. jH tor HCOTLVMD dir t, per Meamnulp City "f I. .H Home (letters miiflt bo directed "per steamthtp if M i'ity or Home"). ,t VM PHINTED MA1TRR A.C. Oonn in atoamnra aalUnft ft fll iu Ttifodavt tak-- 1'nittod M itter Ac, for tier- - '( I M utiny. and HptrUUr Ad Jrewd Printed Matter, h) il A ., for other part of Kurope. American aud j IH li Star ateaiiieM on W.diiedaa, (ierman IH Btann i" 011 lhuradayx, and (Mi u ard. French and IH German Meanura on aturd ij n take lrin ted Mat- - IH tor Kf.. for all coii.itrtei for which they are ad ertlKd tn r,trrv mail. After the clooini: of the Supplementary Trans at- - MH lantlc MaiN namit above, additional cupplo- - IH mentary mall are opened on the piers if the American, Lmxlinh, Frimchaiid G rmauntenrner. liiH anl romaiii opnn until within Tn Uiuutea gt H,iil the hour of laillnicof nt earner, H MAILS TO; SOUTH AND CKNTRL AMF.IUOA. H W L.ST iNDir.-s- c M TTKJJNlvSnAY. M imiiA.M.i oplementary 10 80 tH A. M ) lor CKMHU, AMKltlL K eui pt Cot. PH HUu and HHJTU PCll It POltIS, per Meani- - M Htiip Adauce. lv Colon pi (ttiatemala H must b 'mm wte unship Adxaiue '1, ut fliH 10 30 A. M for 1'OIilO 1CICO. per V r4. rrin-.- - WM port, via nan Juan, at 11 A. M. (Mippl mentary 1 KH 11 :u) A M for rollTU RICi), u Hdii Jimn. I KsB VKF..tTFLA. critAUAO, ami 8 AN'ILLA and bH CAUlilAttKVA, via Curacao, pi fiteimshlji Car- - t WM ra us, at 1 P. M. for ( t via ILimiuu, aUu f mB CKMVt.VllV.. YCCATAN, TAMXCd and C11I- - IftH Al'AS, per t amstup VikiiUnna letp-ii- tor oth-- r j H l ,rtH of Mexleo itnint bt dirt.' tL 1' per tftnunih.n a H Niirilnntiu ' , at J P M for LA PlAl'A JO(N- - I M 1UtK.S,i)er ticamslup HnnnriUr.. at P. M fur H MEMLO, per Itnaka, la I lH letters inut be iiir ted " per MemiiHliip Iilu- - HBsfl ka") at 2 P M. NORTH RRA.IL, per steam- - :' H nhiv Polyi arp, via Put a L JH THCRSIU -- AtHA.M I.tRAIIIA RIOde.T AVr.IltO I H und LA PLATA CoLiuiiier.. per st uiuhip Mw.irt ''JM (U'ltt'i t r o.hor patt" t Uia-l- i liuiNt be directed t mB -- pfr lli'imt"r at I P. M. for lNAHI'A and - ,J MH HAITI, per sb'SiiiHlup DavL'n , at 1 P M. for WR HNlIni) and MNAMLI O. uer Mttanmhlp ' WM biintiaL'" di ubs ti P M. tSupphMu-Mttitry- q lH l.tnp M. for NsMT, N p., por Httamshlii ( WM Antllta, at 2 P. M Tor PKKNAMHClO and HAN j ES TtW, ptr Mtcnmi-hi- Aniatic Prime (letters for H other ptrt of JJraril inut be direct d "per H Httamiiip A mt 1 Innte'i, at It P. M. for ' IjH JAMAICA, per steamer from Itotou ; H FRIDW.-At'J.a- oP M.. forNKWF(llTNDLAND. per H Mteimshtp Coreau, from Phllidelphia at 12:80 H P M. supolenientaiy 1 P. M.) forVT lUOMA'L hT (MtUlX. LI'F.WARD aud WINDWARD H IHLAND, per rutita belli, tluttura tor M tlrimdi aid Iitmdad must bit dho t d ier Xl stiamslup FoiitabtUr"! at P M. for JAMAICA, SHH 1 r Fieanihtii)) orik'rn ditttert uiUHt bo directed SH 'per Mf p Or n" ftssl BVT1RDAV -- At to A M. fT NKWFOI'NDLND H ilinn , iur ah ji.m p Silvia; At 10 A M, (huppI fassl ,.1 mm Hi M for FOtll I NL INLAND, lil JMAICA H AN1LLV ind CARTHAdKNA, per Ifl hteaiiirthlii d rnudai k (titers for Cents Rica muitt bedirt. t d p r stcam-ihl- tdirundack"); IH at to A M u(ple:u ntary lo.'to A. M. fr M HAITI aud SAMA MKIUii, per steamship M Andea. at 11 A 51, I t t I'UA. per steamnhiu .H M xico, via Ilavn.a lrit r- must be directed yH "Ier steuuiHlup Mexico , at P. M. M mentary l:Hu P. M for INAGCA and SAIt lH DOMINOO. per Mf auishlpCanb VjH Malls ror Nuwfouudlaud, by rail to North Bydner, llH and thuice In ti,mer, cloie at this oflice dally M1H at rt an p M tfonuMctliiK ('lone here e err Won- - InH day, Wtdtiesdav jml Saturday), Mails for Mbiue- - ifl lun, by rail to It ntou. and then e by steamer. t Sssl close at thin otth o dally at X o P. M. Malls for i1 lH Cuba, by rail to port Tampa, Fla , and Hi en we by fiH Hteamer, lote thin imYo dally (xrept Mun- - M da at bT M the ruimoi tin .aln are on ' SVl Hundiy.- - WediifsilH) anil Fr.iiay) Mails for mM Cuba, by rail to Miami, Flu , and ttienre J, lfl b, steamer, cloti nt this othen eviry 1H Monday, 'iu' liy and Stturday at 12 .U . Kfl A M. (tho couiiertiiisF cjimi n .ire on Tuev j H daj and ritturday MatU for Mi uea CRv, over- - Ian 1. uulend xpTislly addn sfd for deipatf h br j JH fteamer, rluite ut this .fUVo daily at 2 .40 A. M. i ; and '2 HO P M. Mails for C mt Ri' a, lielie, I M Puerto Crto7 Hiid Uuateiiula. rail to N'ew Or-- M leans, aud tnen u b) Mteamer, elice at thin offli dafU at t p M iiimin ctfnc elofa hi re Bun- - i r rtrti and lues(U-.- torCo-U- Ku a. and Monaayt I (1 'or Ruliie. Pneit C Ttfan 1 .untemala 9 Reg J ji ihterd mail rl a ut d P. M lirevimis day. 1 ; ;it wintered mail at d P. M. (second day b- - fore. I TNMCiriC MAII-- Mails lor China and Japm Via Vauiouver, flosa I l hrre dally at . HO P M. up to October l.ld I ror despatch per s. s. Fmpr-fs- uf India, j B( Mill fur China. Japan and Hawaii, via W Han o t loe lieif ilsil) at 0 30 P M. Up to optembor 7th tor den pat. h ptr . u. Nippon n Mam, an ii) tu s, pti nib-- HHtti for teh pim.s City of Kin ilt Juto iro Mallatur Hawaii, Iimi Fraucia.n bu Iitu daily at 0 .lop. M. up to September IMli f"i tb pat' h per V h. h Auntralu Mails lur AUHlralaslan C"loit.i ifinpt eit Australia hleh ', iit a ia F ir pe, and New Zealand, whit--- , ,, urn h ln han i- tnm isei' , Hawaii, nnd FIJI Ulan K la r loii ht r dsilj atU-li- t (. p M after epteiubi-- r aKtand up t Siptum- - i alfitb for desp-v- h per .t"am-lu- 'atrimoo, U Mad l 0 Sud. ti IciiniN. ta .n Friniinoa lii- - Inn dolt tt ' s P.M. up to Supfm- - I ft b'i S'- -' ih fur b pati h b) "tup Tr pl IMrd. U m MatN tor Aufttralu iixoptVet Viutialia . New Vi flM Zealand, Fiji and Sun mil Islands, via W hm rraiiiiHco, 1mu lino dailt at f 0 P M. M after hphmbrll at.d u to Neptnmber . M or day of airitatof stt am-hi- p t ainpaitta, due at I Ni'W rk s,piiiubi)i Ji, for dospab h psr fl S 6teamshtp ManpHHi J Trails Ptt itle maiN are forwarded to port of nailing daily, aud tli" n'hiinle 01 ilolngia arranxel on tun irefiunipti 11 of Cieir uiiiiitt rrupt d over laud transit l!titert d matl clo-u- s at tj P. M. prexl ma dar. iH I'OKNKI II r VAN COIT, Pontmaiter, Post Ojlice, Ntw N. , S pt. 1. IHvi. H "" uru 1;. J H ThefiLOlli; NATION I li VSK. loeate I at Frrl. 1H In th Bute of ilh du island, h . bninupit M all a: All note holders and ollurs. cridltors of ,. ' H aatd Ats(it..itiviu, are therefore hensbr uotitlud tJ ' H pref qc tbji notes and other claims against tho A J 11 Lihliouforparmeut. M1CUALLF. DU0LV,Ca4lait jyUUViDKNCKMhodtaUnd, Julyia.Hwa t nrrr-s-i- r mm - 1. s.s.m.'sSSLtLs

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Page 1: · I -- ' THE SUN, "WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 6," 1899, . . 9 t ffl 1 TERESA PATTON'S RAZOR


1yjrir mase of rnx unnruxT-ain- t,

avesTWX is movst mnxoif.I lti. Chester I.. Katrham'i Housemaid'sI Mldnlslit Mrnndtirtnct In the Family' I ili.,li".iin fnllnnrd by Two Attempt atI suit lile anil Trip to 1'oiiBhkreptle.I M nt Vr.nsox. 8opt. G.-- lliat Toresa

l'n'ton has lieen formsllr declared Insnno ando .minitfJ to an aslum. tho family of UhosterI. ht 'ham of thin cltr li In an easier frame ofin nd 'hiti It lias been since Sunday. This la, f.iiiee the Kftchams havon't known at what

in m.'ni Terf a mlcht return to her plaoe aah ii. roahl and repeat eome of the perform-ii- i

mm wlili-- filled them with surprise on Bat-urd-

muht The arlrl'a eommltment to thel'riiKhkoeple Htate Hospital for the Insane Isd io to Hie fact that she twice attempted

ii 'ido l7 jumplne Into the river at Yonkorson S'indar.

Mr Ki'tchum, who Is In the dairy business.l,i fi at IL'0 West Lincoln avenue with his(mi. r Irosa has been a servant thereforf m. months and has been regarded by Mrs.I;,. iiu ir. as a eood enough girl, thoughs.i. s"t to fits of moodiness, during whloh,hr- - was absent-minde- d and frequentlyn. a ttranco repllos to remarks ad-d- r

". to hor. Her eccsntrloltles weren t sufllclontlr marked, however, to eug-j- (t

to her mlRtre,s that there was anything

ft vv re with her mentally. On Haturdav even- -liic -- li" snt up lute, nnd Mrs. Ketcham thinkswa-- i up after the family had gone to bed.Al nut midnight Mrs Ketoham was awakenedtirhiMrlng somebody moving around In herr mi At Hist she was alarmed and was about

rr fir help when she saw that the lato visi-tor va tho ervnnt girl.

hat dn you want, Teresa?" she asked.hissed the girl In

warning of silence.She nalked over to the window and began to

p .iirnh something which she held In her handend which Hashed in tho ray of light thntentered the window. She seemed like a personw.i'Knie In a dream and. conjecturing thatIt tmnht be a case of somnambulism, Mrs.Iv ehnm iigaln called to the girl,but got the same roply as was given to her firstquestion. This tlmo Teresa advanced towardt'.o bed, but stumbled against a chair In whichrested the family eat. Thus disturbed. Pussyremonstrated mildly by mowing. Instantlytho clrl caught her by the nape of the neck andHung her over upon the bed. then stalked ma-jestically from the room while the Indignantexclamations of Mrs. Ketcham and ths cat weremingled.

The noise awakened Mrs. Ketoham's son. whodeeps In the next room, and as he was abouttr. rise to find out what was the matter his dooropened nnd Tsresa walked In. Much amazedat this visit, tho young man lay quiet withhi head upheld on his elbow to see what wasI going to happen. It wasn't long In happening.

I The visitor walked over to him nndstretched out her hand to his face. Then

H he felt tho rounded surface of cold metalagainst his skin. It passed down over tho side

Wj of his face and was withdrawn. Between1 amnrernent and alarm he kept perfectly quiet.

which was. In all probability a very goodthing for him. After a moment the girl lefth'4 bedside and wandered over to the windowwhere he could see hor dimly brandishing herarm. This lasted for only a few seconds whenMio went out of the room as quietly as shehad entered and returned to her own room.

The young man called to his mother and theyeomparod experiences, coming to the conclu-sion that Toresa had probably been dreamingnnd had wandered lnhersleop. In tho morn-ing qulto early she cama to Mrs. Ketcham, andsaid:

"I'd like to go away for the day. If you please,ma'am. I want to go on a trolley ride."

Mrs. Ketcham told her she might go andtskod her If sho had been looking for anythingthe night beforo. Tho girl looked blank andeaiJ that she had not. After she had left theyfiund on tho kitchen tablo a razor be-

longing to Mr. Ketcham. which he hadl.ot uxud for some time nnd which hadbeen kept In n drawer npstnlrs. Whenthey Baw this weapon Mrs Ketcham andlir son felt qualmish. She recollectedthe midnight calisthenics and the Hashing oftin- - liiado in the light, nnd be remembered thee 'Id pressure on hU Incennd was glad that thegirl bud elected to ue tho curved back of thorior rather than the keen edgo probably amatter of entlro indllTereiico to her nnd a. mereehiincn The consensus ' opinion In thoKetchnm household was that if Toresa whs asomnambulist ho was a particularly unpleas-ant variety of that nocturnal species, and thatit wouldn't conduce, to the health of tho house-hold to hau her around.

It was something of a relief when Teresafailed to return on Hunday night. It was alsoa matter of some apprehension, as there wasno telbng when sho might come back and Ini hat frame, of mind she might be when shsdid arrive. Mr Ketcham, senior, whohad been told of her oxplotts, sat uplute waiting for her nnd mude arrange-ments to be ready for her In case she

a. did come after ho had gone to bed In themnrnim'lin snw In n local paper that a girlnnnied I'atton had tried to drown hersolt Inthe Hudson lllver nt Yonkers Tho first tlmoshe jumped In hIid was rescued bvv young

, man, whom she thanked, saying that she hailfallen in while looking for something she hnddropped As sho was again found strugglingIn the w iter near the same plneo heroin horclothes had tlmo todry.howover.tbls story wasreceived with scepticism nnd the girl wasturned over to the police Medical examina-tion established the fact thnt she was Insane.Mr. Ketcham wont to Yonkers nnd identifiedtho girl. When be learned that she had beenPronounced Insnno ho returned in haste toIlls homo to tell his family what n narrowescape they had had. The physicians whoexamined her cannot say certainly whetherher mania was of a homicidal kind, but one ofthem snld yesterday that Insanity of that sortla llkoly to take a homicidal trend at nny time.


The Convention Organises and Then Takesthe Afternoon Of for an Outing.

Bcbanton. Ta.. Sept. 5. At the opening ses-

sion of the Nations! Letter Carriers' Associationy 500 delegates were In attendance.

Superintendent of Free Delivery Maohen wasfirst Introduced for an address. He was fol-

lowed by William O. Edens of Chloago, hisassistant. Fostmaster Dlckerson of Detroitwas then Introduced. He read a telegram fromGov. PIncroe of Mtohlgan. Inviting the asso-

ciation to meat In Detroit, Mr. Dlckerson saidthat with a delegation of thirty-si- x men he hndoomo to Bcranton to invite the associationthere. He added:

"Ho said you can have more fun In fifteenminutes in Detroit than you can In any othertown In an hour."

k The Committee on Credentials reported:r Number of dolegatos entitled to sit In conven- -number of proxy votes, lllii; votes of

1H: votes of Ktato 411:



nnmbor of tirnnohes represented by'Jl'J: number ot brunches

by proxy,4(50.

107; totslnumborof branchesFollowing this the convention adjourned and

left on nn excursion train for I.sko Ariel, wheretho afternoon was spent. Kansas City Is con-testing with Detroit for the convention nextyear.


About Forty Cases of Tellow Fever MowExisting nn the Island.

JioxBOH tills, Fla., Sept. 5. Lata thli after-noon Secretary Matthews of the State Hoard ofHealth hern received a short message fromDr. Porter. Stnto Health Oillcer In charge atKey West, announcing two more deaths ofyellow fever there. This makes Ave deaths todate. Thero ore a number of new cases,making a totul of about forty that were knownof Tho house-to-hous- e canvass mayndd to this number aoms. Tho fever Is gain-ing ground

A detention camp at Dry Tortugas and onoon the east and west coasts will most llkolv boprovided, as Dr. Porter Is anxious to romorotno strangers, who. being unaccllmated f nilready victims to the fever. The Island patrolIs very strict, and there Is little chance for tuosowho wish to get off to got away wltlnulpermission of the health officers

Mayor Van Wjrk Uranium III, Orlleliillliitlra.

Tho Hoard of Estimate and Apportionmentwill begin tlio prcpir.itlon of the budget fur1IHKI this weok. M.iyor Vnr. ek lesumedIlls duties yesterday nflor a vacation of amonth. It Is expueted that be will call a meet-ing or the Hoard for ComptrollerCuter Is preparing his arguments against aV continuation or city support to private eharl-KD1.- B

Institutions which cannot demonstratetheir usefulness

. . . ...SSSSVJL. r .,.,'j.. t.. -

Dxrxazos or statu taxes.Board ot Eqnnlltatlon Adds 8108,000,000to New York Cuuatj's Assessment.

aliunt. Bopt. B.-- The Stato Board of Equal-ization met y and adopted the oquallia-tlo- n

table for 1800. undor which the Bute taxrate of 2.,0 mills, ns flxod by the last Leglsla-tur- e

wlllbolovlcd. The assessed valuo of realOBtate shown by the table Is $4.413.848.41)0. anincrease of t04.040.070. The assessed valueof personal property is $758,581,830. of this$00,548.384 Is subjoctto looal taxation, whichIs an Inoroaseof $11:1.738,835. The assessedvalue of personal proporty not taxable locallyror Stato purposes Is $00,033,511. a deoreaseof $4,521,000. The total equalized value ofreal and porsonnl estate Is $5,070,300,824.

The board, in equalizing values throughoutthe State, deduetod $20J,04 7,500 from fifty-tw- o

oountles and added tfrls sum to nine othercounties, as Bhown by tho appended table. Itwill be noticed that $105,301,050 was added tothe equalled value of realty In New Yorkcounty and $14,241,127 In Kings, while $37..040.800 was deduetod from the assessed valueof realty In Westchoster county.

The following table shows the assessed valueof real ostate In each county and tho amountadded or deducted by the board In equalizingvalues:

AmountCouniiji Ai'mrd vafiu deducted from

of real Mate, tutti$d xalut1B3S. of rial tilatt.

'kaJ BI. 112,8(17 $9,600,Hr.nAiisgiisny ln.r.oiwu sio.usu?.ro;"" S!,t03.ft78 1.H.17.0U

UllUUmius 116. 18.0111 7,V;i,22UMumuilK 2.1,lMK.A,7 PK.llllJbeusugo 14,770,1111 H(I7,70fl.nul,tW3 l.BlS.BIBColumbia 22.!ls5,HMfl 2,3s.i,4aCortland 12,40a.0SS 1.SUH.17Sl)elwore 12,U4d,ri2u U15.2H7lnitcbcts 4U,H2r.,3S.-- .

74H.J00'Mu 271,1177.1112 2,7r.S,7r.IK",, B.H38.23S 1.M44.7BBn,unl,:i:ui fiiil.MUu"nn 12,311(1,(811 6.111,272

f'W'M lll,7Hrt,4HI B(I2.(I72li""'? 1I.M2...70 37K.212jlstntltnn H.ort.l.wW 11111,117uorkimer 3 i.hI.'i.hhi B,5;,741Jenerson :i2.2ihi,..iiu r,,i70,iT'3JIUB 670.107,742 14,241, 127I'rW" 8,8:14,2114 1,04(1,131uvlngston 2.inw,nno 9W.4B7Jjad'Mn 8.401,274 4(11. 2f,7Moiiroo 130.4111.485 17,r.4.044Montgomery 2.'.,64R,itsr, H1H.4H0S""JJ lM.H20.IWIi l,4H2.7fl4JJ lork l,R'.n,4(i7,i'23 " fi mi,sr,it,8(4 t.r.tio.iir.oJ'"l(l .".8,4 8,,ilH4 (lfltfUnondsjs , 101.24tl.Usll 18.40tl.0ll8Ontario 1,H8,U13'"ago 3A.487.ll74 l,42W,B8lOrleans 14,ni,427 1,38M,2114"""go 24.577,()'i2 1,111,484"'"f0 Ht.88,'1,8118 8lt(l,07I'lltnam 0,1(78.1(17 001.601JJuesni 82,6110,643 10,(1.'!4,U&7Heiiaielaer 7I.34M.70S 7,68,4M7Illchmond 24,s;i..Dl S.CMl.stllItocUand 17,204.081) 2,400.464St. Lawrence 34.632,(11)1 tl.214,621

23 261.(187 loo.lottB. heucstady 16,810,084 (16.W1BSchoharie 11,08,21 1,427,642PchujUr r,ii.F i,72tl lo,481fons-- a l:i,704.1il2 1,141,227pteul'tn ai.36(l,t"4 4,0.17,716Ollffolk 44,01111.334 0,701,162hullivan 6,1.08.11)8 843.425llona 12,2il2.s(17 88.1,804Tompkins 15,723.040 1,40.U(I5H1,t9r 27.804, 2l0 1,1)30,008viarrtn 7.737.8D1 Pno.387Washington 10.701.s6() 1,184,318Wayne 2J.;ir,li.42J J20187WeatehMter 106.80H.O55 37,(140,800Wyoming 13,2113,3115 424,005YWes 11,087.11.13 1.427,7n2

Total 14, 418,848.498 11)0,087,035Amount added to

aiiMasil valii ofreal eotate.

In their report to tho State Board of 'Equali-zation, the Stato Tax Commissioners say:"The total assessed valuo or real and personalSroparty taxable locally for all purposes In the

New York this yonr shows a net gainover the last nsssssment of $177,785,805 TheIncrease lor the two jesrs prior thereto was$"20,81)8.110. making an aggregate net In-

crease for the three oars ot $(07,083,021.This o( course does not includo tho large in-crease in the county of New York under thepresent assessment, which will not be officiallyrenortod until December ot this year, and willbe considered in the Stat eqtinll70tlon or 1000 "

While in New York county the assessed valueor personal property ror all purposes has beenIncreased by $132,812,732. the net Increase inthe State Is only $113,738,835. This assess-ment remains the same in Kings and Rich-mond counties, and was decreased bv $4, 212,-23- 1

In Westchester county, and by t2.328.M43In (Jueens county. The assessed value of per-sonal property for all purposes In Nassau coun-ty is $1, 580.880.

more roon ton porto iucass.The Ilurnnldf, Will Sail To-da- y With 1,000

Tons of Provisions.The Oovornment transport Burnside, which

sails y for Porto Hlco. will carry 1.000tons of provisions nnd supplies sent by the(lovernmont for distribution among the stormsulTerer", About $2,000 worth or drugs, pur-chased by the Central Porto Wean I'.ellef Com-mittee, of which Cornelius N. Bliss is Chair-man, will also lie sent nn the Burnside Inresponse to tho cabled request of Oen. Davis.

The Merchants' Association Belief Committeewill send eighteen cases or clothing on theCaracas y to Mrs. Hoff. of the Woman'sBelief Committee In Porto Blco. rive hundreddollars In cash will also bo forwarded to her.

Saratoga's Flnrnt Cnrnlvnl.Sahatooa. Sept. 5. The floral carnival

opened ht with tho coronation of QueenFlora, who was Miss Augusta Gage. She wssescorted through tho streets by a pageant offanoy dancers. John B Yates of New Yorkwas Prince Carnival, Broadway and Circularstreet were ablaze with 21.000 Jnpaneso lan-terns. After dancing In the streets, tho mas-querade went to tho (Irand Union, theUnited States and Congress Hall, where,simultaneously, balls took place.

Faatengers From Hnvann Under Observa-tion.

Tho Ward Lino steamer Moxico. which ar-rived yesterday from Havana, brought twenty-si- x

passsngers. Forty-thre- e of the passengerswero sent to Hoffman Island for observationuntil they shall have completed the full fivedays from tho tlmo ot leaving a yellow fovercountry The Mexico left Hnvnnn Sept. 2. nndunless yellow fever shows itself among thedetained passengers thoy will be released to-morrow.

Sheriffs Sale nt the Fort George Cnslnn.The She riff sold out yesterday the right, title

and Intorest ot Schulthels's Fort George Casinoat Amsterdam avenuo nnd 104th street in thelicense, bar fixtures, cooking utensils, nndfittings under an execution of $080 In favor ofHartman Goldsmith A; Co.. for $32, the plain-tiffs being the purchnsnrs. The right, title andInterest only were sold, ns the effects aro cov-ered by chattel mortgages of $25,000 held byGeorge Ehrot, the brower.

Travellers Iletiirn from Knrope.Among the passengers who arrived from

Europe yesterday on the steamship KaiserWilhelm der Grosse wero Mr. snd Mrs. HenryC. Friek, the Princess Hatzfeld, tepdnughterofCollIsP Huntington: Senator .fames Stout,who was recently with Admiral Dewey, ondMr. nnd Mrs. Frodniicl: W Ynuderbilt.

The WrnthiT.Fair weather prevailed throtiitliont the country

yeetenbiy, except foi ohowi-r- s hi northern Illlnoli.nor hern Indiana, Mtchignii, WtAconMn and alongthe flt Ijiwrenco valley. The high prcoaure andcooler blather were jmrrIui o(T the Mid lie Atlanticand New Kindaml roitt,anil an arraof lnwpnMurewas moving eaatward over the great lake, bringingahnueraand wanner weatlior.

The prciMirn wan also lo over Colorado and NVbratka, canning a general rlae In temperaturethroughout tho central .ind Htatea,where the maximum were again hetwien 1)4 andloo df gives. In the Sorlhwcut It waa cooler, theminimum temperature being 10 degrees In Montana.

In this city the das was fair and cool, jverugahuinl'llt, 04 per cent., wind eouthratterly, aienwovelocity, 14 mil. s an nour; I ammeter corrected toread to bj level at 8 A. M , so.14, 3 P. M,, 30.07,

The temperature a remidd by the omclal therniometiraud alan by Tur Hun's thermometer at lbsatuet level la shown In the annexed tabte.

eUt. ia .Sun'l. , Otfirial . Aim'l1S)1. MS. JJI'J.. HH l!9t. lit.DA. U.ils' 711 08' OP. St 70" 84- - 73"

12 M ...70' 8.1- - 7J VI'. li 70 80' 70J V. M 71 84' 74JI2 Mid. 7n' 70 av'

WABiilvirm Kiiisiasr roa wfunikhavFor New Knuland, pr ibably showeri WsdneNday;

'Ihursday fair, fresh to brhk south wunlii.Fur .' v i'nrk, prnKttbty thowrt H ftintt'

day, ioiHtwhat waraitr iu ou(A irtwn; TiurtdauJar,frt to bntl, touth ina.i.

For Ralern I'eninylvaula. Klmlct of rolnmbla,Delaware and Mirylsnd, ueuorslli fair U c.ln'i..ivand Thursday, aoineahit wnrnier, ntshhoutli wind.

Fur New Jeise), keiniill) lair Wi n.ioda) midThurda . somiwhat warmer Vedudar, ucepton the coast. fr xh to brisa nutU uids.

For Wnslnrii New Vnrl, geneially fair U'tdnidaysud Thuudai ; lunli west to north siuda.

abkb ron ELEVATED franchises.Itanld Transit Slorrell's Modest Ileqnest

Solemnly Referred to n Committee,The Municipal Assembly resolved a type-

written dooumont yesterdny from William IT.

Morrell, better known as ltapld Transit Mor-r- e

II. asking for a franchise on behalf ot theMunicipal Uulok Transit Company for a rail-road that would cover most of Manhattan

l Island. Mr. Morrell wants to build an "artis-tic steel four-trao- k elevated rullwoy" from thooltr line on the oast and the west along thewater front to Battery Park, IIo also wants torun a spur over tho new East lllver Bridge,and another down Centre street and Park rowto the Post OfQce. Besides these franchises,ho wants tho right to connect the East nndWest side lines by orosstown roads. TheAssomblymen reoslved tho petition with duesolemnity and referred It to the Joint Ball-roa- d


One of a Catboat's Crew Drowned,The catboat Elslnore capsized In Jamaica

Bay on Tuesday afternoon. The orow, EdwardM. Ivesen, John Kratis and W, Miller, wernthrown Into the venter. Iveson was drowned.He was 31 yosrsold. Miller and Kratis wererescued. Ivesen was employed on the Peter-son Marin Hallway.


There was very little business done In realtyyesterday. The dealing has bson handicappedso far this week by tho legal holiday on Mon-day and the religious holiday yesterday. Itbelnc the Jewish New Year, There were noofferings schedulod in the auction room oneither day. The sales nt private oontrnct werounimportant, excepting the sale of factorybuildings in Brooklyn.

Tho four-stor- y house. 243 West 100th strest.the sale of which to n West side Domocratloclub is reported below, was tenanted for somatime by tho Bed Cross Association asa hospitaland training school for nurses. The new ten-

ants will nltor the building extensively fortheir purposes.

Charles A. Gould has leased thebuilding. No. 00 Cedar street, near Nassau, fora term of years. The Inoomlng tenant willalter the premises beforo occupanoy.

Lemuel E. Quleg took title yesterday to thedwelling-hous- e on tho west side of West Endavenue, fifty feet south ot Eighty-firs- t streot.The consideration was stated as nominal.

A lease Wns recorded by William WaldorfAstor to Theodore Keller, of the premises, 70Avenuo A. for twenty years at $1050 a year.

Private Males,

W. B. Taylor k Sons have sold for Mrs. JuliaW Simmons the four-stor- y brownstone dwell-ing, on lot 20x100.5, No. 20 West Flfty-socon- d

stroet.The Williams estate has sold the four-stor- y

house, on lot 25x100.11. No. 243 West 100thstreet, to a West sido Democratic club.

Phelps & Campbell are reported to havebought Ave lots at Beach avenue and 140thstreet.

The Continental Tobacco Company hasbought from Buchanan ft I.ynll for $130,000.the large factory buildings. No. 340 Carrollstreet, Brooklyn.

Auction Sales To-da-


West Third street. Nos.50nnd 52. north side.71 3 feet west o Wooster stroet, 43x75x Irreg-ular x 72.1, seven-stor- y brick store: foreclos-ure sale: Edward Oppenhelmer vs Francis A.Spauldlng et al: John H. V.Arnold, attorney;Francis B. Delehanty. referee: due on judg-ment. $7,370 4U and Interest: costs ann allow-ances. .'Mr) 85 and interest: taxes and waterrates. $3,135; prior mortgage and Interest,$84,000

West 30th street. No. 400.11 w 10thavenue. 25.0SxO8.0x25x08.0; tlve-stor- y bricktenement, foreclosure sale : action No 1, MutualReserve Fund Life Association vs David Christieetal: George Burnbaum, Jr. attorney: FrancisB. Delahanty, rorereo: due on judgment. $13,-200.-

and Interest: cost and allowances.$300 18 and Interest: taxos. assessments, Ac.$540.04 and Interest

West 30th street. No. 538. 524.11H w 10thavenue, 25.1 SxOS 0v2."ix08 0: five-stor- y bricktenementjsnmo parties; action No. 2: due onjudgment, $13,200 00 and Intorest; cost nndallowances, HOI. (!," and Interest: taxes, assess-ments. ,ve . $54)1.04 and Interest.

West 133d streot. Nos. 237 nnd 230. n s.425 west Seventh avenue, 50x00.11; two

y brick flats; foreclosure sale: GlobeRealty Co. vs Stanley M. Holden et nl: Dudley8. Harde, attorney: Moses .1. Bneudatra. ref-eree: due on judgment. $7,182 and Interest;oosts and allow. $201.37 and Interest; taxes,etc. ; prior mortgage. $12,000 and Interest.

BY ClIAHLKS A. BEnnlAN.Willis avenue. Nos. 301 and 303 and Nos 037

nnd 030 o 143d street, norihwest corner.50x100. two and one story frame buildings onavenue, two two-stor- y frame dwellings onstreet: partition salo: Winifred Belly vs. Cath-erine Keelon et al:.Stephen H. Marshall,

costs and allow, $500; taxes, assoss-mnt- s.

$100Webster nvenue. w s, 225 n 105th streot

25x100.7. vacant: nlsoDecatur nvenue No. 2720. e s. 225 n 105th

street. 25x100. two-stor- y frame building;partition snlo: Maria A. Valentine vs Dan-iel H. Valentine et nl; Abel Croek. attorney;John 8. Smith, referoo.

By" D. Phirnlx Ingrham: East 170th street.No. 070. s s. 110.8 w Clinton avenue. lO.Kx05, two-sto- frame dwelling, foreclosuresale; Samuel W. Weiss, trust. Ac. vs HenrySchopner etal: Jonas F Mann, attorney; Wil-liam .1. A. McKIn. referee: due on judgment,$1,057.07 and Interest : costs nnd allowances,$170 87 and Interest; taxes, assessments.$110.05 and interest.

bt ninnERT a. aninMAV.West End ave.. Nos. 412 and 414. ft 8 cor

80th street. 0x12, threo olght-stor- y brickflats: foreclosure sale; The MetropolitanImprovement Co vs John Westervelt. nt al;samo vs. West End Apartment Hnuso Com-pany et al: Clarence L Westeott.atty: Thos,Allison, ref : duo on judgments. $511,150 0(1 andInt; oosts and allow. $055,00 and Int, taxes,assessments Ac. $2,350 and Int: prior mortgi"?. $73.X0 and Int.

Ileal Ratatn Transfers.2d .vre. s w cr lODtli st. 30.3x 100; Francis

1'. Lowrey. rsf, to Jamea McOee and Morrla lewton $30,760

E2d St. u a, 176.8 e of 1st av, 18.111112. 0x il)0.2i Oeorge Woltlen, to Lena Bergln 12,000

Bib av,2105, 18 "II 10, James IU Smyth, toMary A. and Katie D. Hmrlh . ... joo

lat av. n w cor 4vth at, 40 0x88: IUebard E.Carpenter, Jr., to Jonathan IT. Carpenter 1,000

Lot 1 (8 Hlock-C- , amended map, Mapes ea.tste, Niels Toelber to Peter A. Hatting. . 1

Chatham Mq, 22, 17 3xOO.10xKl.2xfl 1.8,Henry J Norrls to Fiank M Scott ... l

1 COUnt. 614 W, 25iiiu. IliOeo E Roman toCo

134th st. n . 2o o L' mix ar, r.OxUD.ij.Mary F and Peter J Connor to MnlhernSteam Heating Co j

Prospect ave, w 301,10 n 152d t, li,2xU5, Elite O'Hulllvan to Mary u'Bulllvan . iSamuel at, aw, part of lot 234, map vil-lage of Kaat Treraont, 12.0XIBU llartaVitals to Fllomena De Lorento, uC, ,.. i

Bamo property; Fllomens lie Lorenzo toAlfonso Scoppa 2,600

JTranklyu sv, e i. 84 s 108t. 28x100; JameaT Harr7 to Frad'k Westpfal i42d st. 858 W, Hi.BilO0.6i Margaret PDyest to Catberln Miller 22,250

West End av, w s. 60.2 s 81st st, 18x80;Metropolitan Improvement Co to LemuelBQuigtr ... loo

Terrace Point, 200 w King av, 26x148 toLong Island Bound and 26x167, DonaldMatkav exrand tiustee to Fred'k Boss . , 476

10th av. n e, it lot US2. map Wakefield50x114 Jana McLaughlin to Johann 11lljriratrd . . . 1,000

Wist sv, a w cor (lsth st. inn 6x100,Ermst Welti rer to, Emily W Wetterer,2 'l part .. 100

rroiprct av, w s old line, 233 11 105th st,25x175; Jolimn Ii llurgatede to JauoMcLuuithlin . ... .7,100

Haine property, Krrklel Fixman to Johnunli Ilorgateds (1,050

lH7tli t. a , 242 w 7th av.lOlHIi.lli Jamea( ivken to Uarry Lilly . . 100

12elh M, ns, 130 e ithav.4iniii),iij F.mllFun' la. aim to Henry Anderson 1

JHUi st a . 280 w uth av, 2uts.u; ItobertFerguson to . I ihn 1 llreonan. 1

Creitcli av. w s, 21V h h Welleder it, 26x1011.4. Joseph Mallun to Kllaworib Hnrnor 1

Bt Ijioreiiie av, a 1:10.1 a v.eet Farmsltoad. 20x100; tho Kl auf to Thoa I'I.yuih . . .. 2,000

187th t ns 268.4 E 11th av, 10 8x84 10;Florence W Ks'ioe to Illctiard B Curtisand ano ea

140th t, s s, 20S.:t K Hallrnad sv, 26xi)5,Win U Kitchen to Marr h Hanoi 3,000

120d at, No 331 East 18xioo.Hi Win LM.'tt nnd suo to Florence W Kehoe .... 1

Iteeordrd I.enaes.Kepi, Anuust N, to Patrick llallagher 1st av,

83ii, '.jrs ... $1,100Vogt, Arn Id. to I lederlck A Tost, 3d st,

tun vi . 4 k 12 yr 1,8110Astor. Wni W, to Theodore Keller, Av A, 70.

2yrs. . . .... 1,050Uncorded Mortgages.

Abrains. Carrie H, to Win It II A Frank IIMart.n. trutte'S. l672dav. aim $12,500

Elmer, Harry, ti I'dmiind F. Seibt,82d at,H h, o2 e 2dv. J Jli. 260

Ilabn, MlllK' Eaml Martha U Touaiaint, toNellie I' Church, tiubtirbau at, a e corllriggsav. 3yra 0,(00

Xlci.ei', Jiinies and Morris I awton, to Oeo MMiller, trns, Ac, 2d av, a w cor llnnlint. ;ivrs 20,000

McKenzle, Julia E to Ina Mutlhlus, looht .Inn'sav, 2 jrs ... 1,500

Aleiandir. Uiclnid L, P l.eim tv,1 '.stti st, or Cedar pi, a a, 75 11 v Culdw Jiav, I yr . 750

llauck, John C, to Cliaa I' Jlallock, Ilistunpost rd, a, loo of I Ti'th st, demand 100

Ural), John lollai bel 1'nrdj, 125th .1. 11 a,lllo w 8th av, ,111 t.'lyrs 3,000

Mdnmi-U- , haniutl and Amelia, 10 Charlssan lAiU'istFuni k, lots ilianil 20,map2ll,loiaOowniugcaiatu, alsoOoliuubusav, a a.22s f Hum it, J ) rs 400

Oore, Thomas Jr snd Emma, to Ohsrlea sndAuguatFunck) Mapes av, n w, cordreon

v, :iyrs BOOBcopps, Alfonso, toFredcticoandFllomcn&

D Lorenzo, part of lot 2.U map villageof Ias-- Trcmoiit, 3 yr .... 000

Bcott, Frank M, to James L llreose, trustie,22 E llmadsny, 5 jrs 12,000

Ijxd. III lind 10 llcrnhelmer A-- Brhnild,.164 Drook cor 1 12.1 st, aaloon leas.',demand . 4,000

O'BUIIIvau, Mary, to Frank U, Vihalen andJames A Dunn, Prospect av, w a, 801. 10 n162d at, 1 month ... 200

Bams to le.ilj- lb. H Wall, guardian, c, annoproperty. 3j is 6,600

Luke, Elizabeth and Joseph 0, to Mary CBehliir, 277 114th st, a vrs 2,000

Btahl, Otto, to John Townshend, 120th st.n s, no e Park av leiaehold. secured note. a.ono

Harry, Jatncs T to Herman Havings Hank,Fraiilllnnv, s.8l a instil si. 1 yr 13,000

Dyett, Msrgsnt 1'. to (Irccnwlch 8avlngaHank. 36 vv 42nilst, 6 vrs 12,' CO

Biii'scns, Chrrles, to lleoig" Khre', "Vv A,1.418, do'ii.illd 860

Itaker, Win (', to the Mutiiid Life Insu anceCo, NY, instil al, aw ior Audobonav, yr 76,000

Doyle, John E to City Mortgage Co Muttsv, as, old line 200aJamesMonney's lot,1)0x141.7. t'irro inorlgaita, 1 yr 40,600

Curtis, ntehard rl and an', to Florence WKchoi. 187th at. It a, 368.4 e 11th av.Installs ... ... 1,760

TJurgcr, Ellsworth, to Joseph Malton, Creston av, w s, 2ID.8 n Wellisley st, 7months . . . .... POO

Drennan, John J, to Helen C Ferguson. 34that, e. 2m) w nib av, 1 vr 2, too

Doyle, John E, to Ileury r.IIowland, trustee,Southern Ho il va.M, 11 s, 126.8 n Bt AnnBV.aiw 14,600

Ciirt s, II chard B anilsno, to Itobert I Mur-ray, ot 111. trusteev I2lst, 311 e, 2 yrs ... 6,600

Hntnthtmi, Frank II It Till" (luaianlae sndTrust (J 1, lloslnn Koad, 11 o cor lOlihat, 1yr 23,000

Asaignments of 3lortgages.Lawyers' Mortgage Ins Co to Wm It II Mar-

tin ano, Inute ... . $10,600Same to same .. 8.1 00Midler, Henry to Fred'k M I'lrtch .. 4,600Owtnne, Et.'ubetli W, to (io.i DiWitta

Clocke. Tiusle . . ... 3,028Purser, (loo II, Jr. A ano, excra, to Maltha

MWells 4,000

Satisfied T.lens.Church K (Hies A Co vs Auzustn Eicbler,

moth st, x. 60 v Washinictou av, 1ni8. $164.00Murray, Mary, v 4 1'iauk J (IratTe. 163d at,s, 200 w CuiirlliiiiUt ht. I8n . .. 671.11Mill-- r Comb vs 1'iueat Wettercr. olh at,

a wcor West End av, lpo.t 228.00

rorerloaures.Knbblus av. a w cor 147th st. 60x100, Anna Lukas

va John Iiale f ireclosi lien, iitty HJ Kelly.113th st, a a, .'34 e Oth av, 10x100.11, Margt F

Ewrlt vs Aitliur (lorsch, atty. .1 F MalcolmUMtli st. 11 s, 1.I6 e. 3d av, 26 iixioo.U, Lambert

Buy dam et nl. trti- -, vh Flsth(r A Wheatonet al; uttya,sluncketil ub W

Washington av.a ror 10.1th st. nSilou.p. CarrieEngs et al. eir.1, vs Jas J Ward; atty, L Hurst.

Convent av e s, 47U.U 11 141st st. 20x100, Jas vs Kmciie Slolvln ct ah atty. It M CJlhney.

Hamilton Tcrrne. a wor 144th st, 80x20. 144thst, n a, ITr.u C'liivtit av. 75lDVl.ll. Oermants LifeIua Co vs Harry W Powell et al, attyt, Shlpnmn, L10.

I. Is 1'rndens.2d av, e s, 07.86 75th et, 166x100; Oeo Kahn

va Iditle hrumor, action to enjoin, &c; atty, 11 LDrauduer.

nirrhnnlca Liens.Rnhhina st, se cor 147lh at, 60x100; Anna

Lilkaa va John Dale $389.00lloth st, 11 , 200 o 7th av, 75x70, Fredk

Hchnnewtg vs James on and alio . , 400,60144th st, 736 and 737 E. Uockert A Jahu va

Morris U. O dun 225.0012utll at, OU and 02 K. Joseph V. Fulton vs

Cathirtne Van Valeii el al 637 57Union av, 11 cor .1 th t 75x100, Tony

I'aaavtl va Jas C Wo.,d et A 80 00Bthav, nw cor 148th st, nil. 11 1 100 Lags

llroa A Co vs (P ortre Ilrmn et al .. .. 520.00Franklin av. e a, from .Mferaou o 170th sts,

188 Oxlrrag l'i u r Hauditiode Jr va laaaoDoshmctal 2,400.00

rinna Filed for New llnlldlngs.61st st, 68 W improvement to dwelling;

Edith M Proiot, owner. A O Hoddlck,architect, cost ., . $1,500

76th at, u a, 471 e v A; improvement tofactiry. Fanners Kiel Co of N J, owner;lluckman A Helsler. architc ts. coet ., 2,000

Union av , 0ij, improvetu' lit to dwelling; A11 Lyon, own r. B Kltcham, anhitet;cost 200

8th av. w s. 34th to Had ala, improvementto warehouse. I! T Livingston owner: AEWestovir, architect cost, . 2,000

8th av, 1144 041'. improvement to theatre;Elliott liooviski. owner; 0 0 Halght,ar liitect, cost 350

82d stand Oth av, h w cor. improvement torestaurant: 1. T fleiry. owner, cntt 126

64th st, 05 K, imi'ioveiiit ut o dwelling. EY Romevn, owner; C NS llomeyn. archltect, coat ... .... 200

tn (tstutc.


is open for some enterprisimj mnn whocan weigh up n situation nnd net withouthaving to love the time necessary toconsult with his wife and nil her relations.

ARLINGTON TERRACEis a fine pieco of property situated at thecorner of Kingb Highway and Ocean avenuein tho Horougli of Ilrooklyn. It contains

THIRTY:TWO ACRES,all laid out with macadamized streets,trees, water, etc., and it adjoins and isalmost a part of a property now licingadvertised nnd Hold hy the largest subur-ban roal estate company in the world.Every lot on the property can he retailedat too per cent, profit inside of ninetydays. The property is all ready to put onthe market, and vvc can show you how asmall amount of money and a largoamount of onerqy can make you rich be-

fore tho snow flies.



poll BALE Long list Saloona, Hotels. ItoadA Houses, Feed Btores. Cluar Stores. Markets,Groceries, Ile.taiirilits, Furnished Houses, Flats,&c. F. W. MACAl'LAY. 150 Naasau st.

rflatiS anil AjinvtmrntJi to :ttxv-monct- ior Hlnfurntoiuil.

"1 QTH ST.. 28 WKhT Large second floor rooms;X O modern improvements; bath adjoining; refur-ence-

So get for gu.oiurjis gurpo.0r;.


wkst sinr. nusiNKss orncEs.Large front Itooms. with every convenleuco, willb ready for occupancy Beptsmber 1.

An opportunity to establish branch offloes.WM. C. LKMTKH.

Van Uyok lluildlng, lulghtb av. and CWth St.

urnlVi oom.o v piirtmrntiS to tlKail slide.

UNION SQUAIIF. 32 (faciiu parki.-EIeg- ant rooms,and amnll. in private family; every con-

venience, uiodi-i'itc- .

1 IVlNdBTdN l'l.vor. 13 hTl'iVKrlANrPAiTK;Xi nppo-it- e St. (ii i.i;. t h.irdi, near 17th st. -- Verydeatrablu turnish.-.- l rooms.

M4.D180N AV.. ii sillies and singlewith or vitlio it private baths, broakfuat

optional, refrreuiv."1I'iilUY Ult.l.. lotn i.l., 117 liist. "FrnnT ro inZill priv.vte luiuili iriiuxl utirt.1 , u uoutleuinii.

IfkTII HT. 40 KvSr PuvsuUti'sniTliti. f lirnlahi d,2 pnrlois. alio t.thei dotdrable

rooms for gt ntlcuu'ti,

lfTII ST.. 121) l'.sr HoHir.1.1" slnitle roomAll wl'h excel).oil im ard,9C1T1I BT,. 12 1AS1' It .urns on sti'ta or ulngls i

"J ini.nte bnths; r irt dial. i,pleasant altuatlnu, lefiidlues . O, Kit VI I'.

est siiiii,

HANDSOMELY fiiruishod rooms with privatonn n. ri rein eea. iii.i Meat 44th st,

1ENO A V., W Itn l)iir or ererally i .tnne.t'Unto, s piarn out-iil- iv . lieut luiattun,

couviuli'ums fiinii lici: iiufiirnia nt.1 ',)TH M, 41) WKsr (i)iiitortsldii furnlshelX hrgo .ind small looms siiitalilu luriultLUicu;leferclices txf ,tig. d1 KTil hT J.. VW.sT uieir 5th live.) DesirableliJ irueand siuad roon .. la e and tiiteuoanro


nTII BT.. 52 WF.Sl'. - llandsoinel. furnishedfor p.ut . g ntlimeu ur fauiily, also

single rooms, boardOnTHST.. 4h WEST -- Furnlshcdrooma.ii'titleinen

"- -' on!) , fine largo rooms.)1 BT ST.," 11) KsT -- Ph asint, large aud inisTl

X rooma; perniatieut ir tiuiisient, Southernersand Canadians accommodate I.

1HT ST.. 38 VKr -- Elegantl) furnished, Taigi1 accund, third storj hunt and Uick rooms;

adjoining bathroom, tefereni i

21 hT BT., 132 V I ,t I . Furnished room for gen.I tlemeuonlj, references rcquir. d.

ODbT. 257 F.Sr-Lu- rge a ,d small homoJ thoroughly reuovated and iienl furnished.


IJINEAPI'LF. BT., 03, Heights , near bridge,sanitary plumbing; every conven-

ience; isferencaa.

rWrt 3nrfl.Kust Hide.

MADISON AY., B7. Hoarder wsntedl large sndroom; steam heated open plumbingcentrally located; Uamlsnta.

MsDISOK AV., 163.156. lUndvnms parlor suiteromni other-room- en suite or separate;

fashionable neighborhood.

A 11(1K.'J6TII BT. LarceandsinallrooniSi nicol- -

li ut board, apodal term for season; cctitial.

West Hide.

1l TH BT 207 WEST Ijvrgo and email roomainicely furnished; excellent board, moderate;trsnslenta si dsyj

U'111, 33 and 40, WEST.-Ne- wly furnishedsuites, slnglu rooms; board, tlpeilal

rates for families.1 7TII, 54, 65, 60 WEST. Haiidsomn ronmr. In

floors suites, or aliigleigood tabic, trauslonls,reasonable

OfkTII, 40 West.-Ne- nly fnrnlsnid hnusoi threo' veryjarge double rooms with excellent board,

. Wanted Jjcmalcj:.BOOK BKWER want. d. lllOIIAIll) EVANS.

112 William st.BOOKFULDF.ltB-Kxpertom- ed hantiroldorswautid.

WATKII3. 101 Fulton at.lANCY FEA HKItS-li- lrd mounters and hands oil' rancyreathi'is wautad.' F. BIANCH1 i CO., 2240 Msrcarst.

L MIIHELLAS-Ca- ao maker nnd irlrl to make tie'A M. 4 H. DAVIFJi, IB Walker at.

UMllltELLAS-Uan- ds wanted to finish ntr onlearntn taken. AI.LIb.ON A LAW-BO-

li5 Uroad nay.VANTED-- A competent lady's maid."" "Call, with

1" referentes, VVednesday andThuradaj from 10to 12 o'clock. 174 Slaaisoj ave.

Domrjitlr rrnintis Wnntctl.? 'OOK AND LAUNDIlEBi to go to Bunimit. N. J.,s-- wags$20; raforeuces required


J-' Chambermaids, 20 cooks, .'U to $uo,waitresses. lOkitchon-- vide, houst wotkirtf,

30 couiis who wasli and iron, UuudreBHe who doihamberwork, French, Herman and Kngllsli ladies'ta lids, nurses, butlere, second and third man.Mra. L. BURLY, 08 W. 22d at. Bsrvauti.' untraiue,352 Oth av. telephone call 1811 18th st.

willing to do chamberwork, to go toJ Irviugton; wagea 20. refer :, is.

MIIS. L. SKIXlf. 352 oth av.PROTESTANT CIUMI1F.I1MAID -- Wages $20. .dso

ut. r.otfHtaut kltctii.n.uiald. wage$14, tu go to Mnrristowii. N. J.i referencts leouued.

MltS. L. MEKLY, 352 oth av.I inoTF-STAN- T WAITltESB to go to Great Neck, L.a- 1 , vvaea $20, must hevs references.

MIIS. L. BEELY. 352 Oth av.


requirod.$20; city family!

MRS L. BEELY, 352 Oth av.

WANTED A Bwide or German girl aaand waltrcsa. good reference required.

Reply to 312 Wait Eud av.IVANTKD-- A Swede or Gorman girl aa 000k,

' washer and lrouer. good reference routursd.Reply to 812 Wet End sv.

Wantfil 5,aUj6.

WANTED. Mnst writo well, and enmo wellrecommended. NICOLL, 145-14- Bowery.

1 BINDER Y Strong boy vv anted; also. boy to run per-- I

forator. OEO. HARDEN DEIUIII. 1 iu Nassau stE(X)KU1NDER8 - rusomakera wanted on cloth

TAPLEY CO . U Bond at.wanted on cane and umbrella handles.

Addresaor apply W J. BRAI1SCH h CO.,Melrose St., Providence, R. L

SOUTHERN BALESUAN.-- An American. 38 yearsAlumnus, familiar with South from

top to bottom, posstsslug uualificaUons withoutegotism, but conscious ot his ability of a high or-der, desires engagement. for ono week, L,301 Continental Hotal, city.

VANTED A hoy for general office work, Ac;1 v must be a good penman and quick t Ilgtirea,

vvagee, $3 per weok. H T. P., box 181, Sun oirlce.7 ANTED Experienced stock bo) for millinery

v house. Apply with references, 070 B'w ay.WANTED. Fireman horseshoer.' 200 West 18th st.

7 ANTED 15 active, Intelligent bovs to weld' wire hoopa by electricity. Work for the pres-

ent to be iiic-h- t work, waies, $4 per week. Apply toBROOKLYN 1.001'KRAUE CO.. North Oth at. audKentav.. Brooklyn.

(Situations Wanted tmt.A CCl'RATE TYPEWRITING OFFICE: out; moder-- -

.ite rat., avpedltioua service, work giiarunteeii.B1XNO RAPHElt, 21)0 Broadway, N. Y It 10m 401.

AS CIIAMllEKMAIDi can come recommended;waicee. $26 to $ho per month; no rarda

call at 12. C. II.. Box 167, 1206 B'war.( lIUMHEHMAID AND BEAMSTRESH-Compete- nt;

good references. It. McC , box 623, Mm up-town olhce, WOit llroadway.

('OOKWllllnirti assist with laundry work, wasesK.B . bux .'.18 Hun uptown

olUce. 1205 Broadway.

'OOK NDLAl'NDRrSS-Conipete- nt. best refer- -V es K G , box 6.18, Htm uptown otlli e, 1205Broadwav

'OMI'ETENT her work thor- -V ouglilj ood icforence.

R. N , box r.iii, Bun uptown olUce, 1205 Broadway.


etnio.a tiairdressinir., good siani-trcs- a,

i., bi'st rctereiices.B. N , box 522, Hun uptown omce, 1205 Brovdway,IIRST CLAsS COO- K- Wages $40 ec llcnt re'er- -I ci cea K. McQ., box 621, uu uptown office,

1205 BroadwayIIRSl-CLAB- LACNDRESS-C- an do shirt', collars,A curls, Ac. good r .ferences. N J. , box 6.15 bunuptoivu ollice, 1206 Broadwxy.

IIUhT-CLAB- WAITIir.SS-rudersta- nda caning.i- serving v. lues, uiaklng svla droHning, Ac; bi strefer no M. O., box 5a.i, sun utuown oflice, 12C".Broadway.

IADirK' wages $20. thor- -

eompettiit. Jv. I... box olo Bun uptownofliie. 1205 Hioadway.T Al'NDltEsS AND 0!IAUBF.RMAID-- Wa $21,Xj l.e-- t A. C box 530, bun upttuot'icc, 1205 llro.idwa.-- .

VEA1' YOl NO GIRL as wa'tress and wining to do1 chaiiibervvolk; be.t lelereuies R, MiG, box683 Hun uptown olUca, 1J05 Bloadway.

"'D USE -- For grown or mall t hildreu: understandss plain sowing; good references. M. 0., box 51D

Buu uptown ollice, 1206 Broadway.

pHLOH MAID OR WAITRESS; good references;I. country prefsrred. J. J,, box 634 bun uptownoffice, 1206 Broadway,

THOROUGHLY COMPETENT COOK Wages $30,I best n fernucea. B MoO., box 617 Bun uptown

otllce. l2(J5Uroalway.

V AITIIESK Thoroughly f'rst claka In si' lorII work: wage $20, i,ojd relerences, I). M.,box

632 Bun uptown ofnes, Uroadway.

WAITRESS ANDCHAMBKRMAID-Ci- ty or court"i try; best referi-nc- i . A, N., box 537. Sun up

town ollice, 1306 Broadway,

ituat.ontf WanUt.iilalfjji

BINDERY Practical man (ruler) to take oharge,blank book buatneae experience; wlahea

situation In or out ot town. Address, B., Box 104,Bun oftlce

CiAIlDF.Nr.Il Wanted position as head gardener onestate by Scotchman, competent

In all hranchea, lawns, ahrubberles. hothousos. Stc.i15 ytara' experience on s places; refar-ence-

married, two children, Addnsi J C, II16W. 02(1 st.

Jittfi'inrijJ Chances.

wiOf I ( HlfJ HOTEL, elegantly eii lpped, locatedgiWUUU ,n N' w York city now doing goudloislnss, long I as; low runt, Kond reasons of selllug, iiivcstlustu this hotel Full particulars apply ut


f(( LOAN wantol. This will apply as Histn M;vflM niuitrfageon mantifacttiring pfaut, valii. d at t 1,600, lib.'ral itilerust allowed.

McDONALD A UIUiUNB. 140Nasaau.aJ-,M- (l i -- REAL ESTATE A .KNTS Altcl7f,0jV'v-t- i tloli, Au llnr.valled Hlti 101 a llit

las. li tel .il'Cltl house. Willi cotlagi, la uflereil usf 1. jlu 40 . cres 01 watct frioit on great South Bay,Pine wodiV,, sin utinir, sailing, flm- - harnor11a aui:, nun i 'c touting 111 wmti r make ithciltl y. enfi resort fo foinil e the inciter part oftin ycai. (;oinml'-sioii- d vido i.

McDONALD a vK1GINH. 140 Nassau.

SII jVJUW tAOllshed stiud. Locaied about loojwmill", out, 3 Jon business yi arlj j ovi ens i Jin).

M.1)UNLII A VVIOOi.Ns, HONassiilTo Kfi H7R.lS!ir.iJ ROHM lIOFHi:, locaird,! I jUlIU nn VVest 31th st liways full rlnan-i'H- l

11 iti.-s- . This is a birgnin Vi.' ly oM. DOSM.D A-- W11..1INS. 10 N'

CiCnfUlll I'VUlMJRvtstiltdlo Ivr.i proipi r"

O' )'.V1V7 .rs uuuu'u lur.iig b l.Jlb, ihn pi ml luity e iiilpppil an I

doing a liusiiiesa 01 to $ .611 ' 1011 nii:n..t II .

tin i ju.t us represented, hlnhest comiiieirialitfrrci.'c given, va im fpV.ntO 'Oiui ail. c. damuf McDONALD .V uIGOINS MOSaisau.riOAl. AHD tor. nt. 5yiar leasn. 1st.1l ihed2Sv- yiari. investigate

McDONALD b WIGGINS," GREAT UAItOAIN Fine IhhiL and jiaiioaery

V '( re, Baltiinon.Md ( viellentl.H'alron. ownergoing ut oi bitstnrsa, will sell at .. nllc- - mldr. s. A (.BOYD 14.'(l t uestlilit st , I'iill i lulpMa,l'a.

MANlKl IA HOl'SECLE... .IN . andui.nuva;.14JI Weal L'llllist Wills, nd III du

all Linda .d li'.u. leaning at sho. unit st liyre ft re mi, n nd furuliviilsra. fel. 4sll sin t

fforau.BESKsj, second-han- pattltlons railings, counters,

olUcas ntted: natures bought,PaUU, 03 Ccutrs street, near Worth,


rM P I R crn.KA'ntnTilnoTnvfiTTTotTsT'UKirint. Evening, Hi20. Matinee Saturday.CHARLES rilOHMAV. . MASAiutn.


omRo"" Empiro Thoatro CompanyIn It Marshall's Farcical Itmnainc,

HIS EXCELLENCY I'HE GUYERHOR.Sept. 11 til Jolin D ev In "Tim !rantiyoi Tears."


1st BIG SEASON'S HIT.Chailea Ir hmati Presents III Neneat Farce.

THE GIRL FROM MAXIM'SKvKSMao. M line. Saturday, 2)16

Madison Square ThoatroneB'wayK.enlina, 8:10. Miitinre Saturday, Jil-i- .

Broadhurst's Gleaful Plenitude," FAST AND I I'ltlOl'S FtNV rimti."lllHIUOLI.SLi IDNS'Y." --Sim


23d REGT. BAND T- - Ki'r!,V'ONlFree Concerts 6 & 9 P. M.

PA II CVB G Spectncln unit SD IS T Fireworks, I. .11.

Surf llutliliig l.itnblislnnrnt Open Until Oct. 3


B:1A. SI.. 10:10 . ..COLUMBIA 2!iiu p' "-- 4 ;:,u

THI'.ATRIOALS AND LunCb' M"1'' Vc' IS DA1L1. Tare. 7Se. rouad tri,,.TTF Russell. MjlljUIl'vv-aT- . Phone 211 A I Mitt t'ndirtiio irnioi:eiiiiinTolU.LS'S .DANIKI. UtOllMAN

Werliieadsj eit. 1.1.First m p. uiaticn at this thoatre of


in THE KINC'SIVIUSKETEER.lln Olllco oiil I) A. M. until il Ji. M.

I VPCBBftf!LI UlClifTilJ ...."celling Night....t nln msrant Hi.10.

Ul'srltarrvliiuanprnsntaANNIE RUSSELL

in leronie K. Jci nine's New fmreilyMISS HOSBS

First Matineo next Saturday.VrU, uU'.V'i ""Jr! .Bt" 0n" AdtoTio-!- !.NEW YORK! 'rcatOoldenSpeuaclnlvuTvpi,i'SKV,!!L Ia- - hau-- - nard.


&d Aeriai Magnolia Grove! tfs?n Milatail,letlle K. rrY I.OFTU-- MAGC.IK CLInVir.0 Art sts I MMHE DHEBSLER, Hiiwaliaiia.

WfllliiPK'Q ;""aiiwav & aoth St:l!hl.LHUl O'ua 8i30. Sllt.Jluts.2lt5.A .'."T ' animated Fares has not been aieu 111New oik -- .Sen.

A Little Ray oi Sunshine


4 0'LEARY's!'nE "b'aVlLT;

,A.iADirsJAS. It. GLI.NHOYi 30

PALACE kb, "" Mn' AND UBS- - BIDMANFIBIIKR A CVRIIOLLJO others. Contln Perf. ir. 2n. f.Oc. Ladies Aft,10o.

IV,?"'r,,1"l''J"'."Iri2''r.t- IToadwaj and 7Ui"aTRossow Mldgeta.ltawsonand

UinTHRIfi iJune. Johns .n Ilroa.. O.K.S"' "allcltl'" Monkeys. 8

ROOF ,nn """ othcra IncaaeofUBnur.H,in.n .InMualc Hall.ST. NICHOLAS (iAUI)KN,

rnow.HTL'rSiiAKS.KALTENBORN'S osa." I SStThiirattns.MKAXIMVAGNUKlJwmUAMJIKBIJOU TIIi:ATUK. "b wayanddoihlt:

Kveningaat nils. Mats ,V Bat.2.Aulntantaneo'isand IU DflPAniQr"Orerwheluiing siucrs.

A cj. lone of merriment TRI K PARISIAN FLAVOR.

HARLEM Commencing Monday, Sent, llthoperaiKELCEY-SHANNO- N CO.

Hit II C is " 1 ba Moth t The Flsme."u fcl Seats on BalpACADEMY or MUSIC, Utb st. k lrrlnn PL


MTh .T.i-da- f Kv., IC.J-rlces-. 2R.ii0.7l).l

PASTOR'S i'iio-.V(7D-5

E.TN 30 i .; CKNTS. IIAY nnd I( Clnrk, O'llrlt-- A Itneklev.Ntewurt llers. Fields Hnrd.THE'TRV: Cn. nthav Mat.. w,lOintCI a sat. Re-- . r h em I or lul. r.oe,

ENORMoV'saM'c'r Ss''t'l,0d Th,,,l'',, ''Ua " '"'olFulluf Imuian lutcreat: A YOUNG WIFEi


DEWEYi City Sports Burlesquers.Eaat I lih St. Mile Pilar-Morl- A Co In the "Tlsa "II.?h0,.l,S", Casino's "JjT'The RoHnderl"nT.rl;!eN'1!,, Rice's Summer Nights!

Mat' To 'lay Hil.. 2.1c, Orth., r.OjT

.".:" KING ,,'. OPIUM RING.IIIM'-v- Orlnln'il Aialemy of Musle Proluition.RylflJMATTflM THEATRE Kvcs.sur. MatrIYIMi-- . 'HI IHIi33&Bay Wed. and Hat.WILLIE COLLIER in MR. SMOOTH.

Morning nnd Atternoon Concerts 1idieh,-fB!8.-

mfti HiidKtin, rtee Diy J.uut

U I fih THE CITY OF NEW YORK. "?(i.. 2o.TMinn AV TIIKATRK. Bholdnn A Co., LeiMM.

1 lllnUU ir r.iict' Cim-f.l- Tmn Tuitlct.

CoUcnc.c; and chootsf.

For tllrls Jt Voiiiik Wummt City ACuuntrj.lFANINOTOX (. J.) HKMINAUY, on UoanUI Brook It, n.t roiivtrilcnt, to .Sew York, I'hiUrtci.hfa, Ji iltiruot ami WjUinton.Hot) siexei (tli-- t jrr. lino healthful location.

"N'obilit of rhuacter our coda. .int aim." Hpaoialrnrc nnd linmo ronifortx. binitary arrani(f n.nt,1'Hto )riiii water, n lihti. lteutiM iuIMou'inciit' anil new liiitminiri tontliiK $5'..0O0.Tw vo'.iplet r) nma-jim- $ 2 iltl a jreir, orror aiutt of imnnn $.tOu. Lahiv dlctanr toUphono labuulnsiry, Wittt fur out mw UlustratMl rataloieua,

THOMAS O'HAM.O.N 1i?Lldllt- -

MISS UAIHU'H INHTITL'TU FOR (UIlLS, Nor walk.a 2 Nth jrar primary, araiioiuir and roi

Uvo lirfpiratory chumm. Musi art, atidthclantrua.'os. Caref ut attention to morali and manntM.Sew building, itiani heat, urmimmm.KINDERGARTEN zTVI(JtSin,LB2St.Fall FatclnK Uondar, 8apt. II, lHtt. FroBcholarshlpvlltnUed. Met. Temple, 7th ht.. 14th it.For VnunK Mrn & Winii City nnd Country

l.REGENTSAMINATIONSt)ldet, larxt'rt, ncliool prijarlnc

tii(luU for reueutn' riatnluatt'inn hor urrUS tl ntudent preparetl thli school hasuci'Mmfnllr prepared VIVK. Huinmur term now

open Fall tni npu O, t lidNKW TOKK WIKPA11ATOHY ttlMlDOL, 15 V. 4M at.

For You he Men & Women City K Country.

REGENT'S EXAMINATIONSllir Re lift nor School has already aurcfnlully pro-- ,

ptr d tliouannda of I,nw, .Meillrnl. Dentuland ittter atudenta for the Ilegpnt' examluatloim. Tall term opens Ort. 1.

1'ot outnloKiie, roittaiiilnc Informntlon ofMl.Cll, hiiportmire to StiulenlK, nddreanherretuty, Senftner isehool, 13 Antor lMnre,For Hoya Jt otinc Men City A Country

Dwight School,IS UVM i:iil Mm et, Nn Vork City,

J0lh Venr Sent,lllch cliihi. pnt i h ml In lx3 from 7 to J3

yearn of jvcr. i.iUldual utteulioii ulrn Ihijisho-- - - lurutitiH . t ii ). lirt. niar larice faculty,

Uyuniab.iiDi 11' i .tnrifh. jtlnii Vllllniu, 1'rlnelpnl,


Uoir -i au da, rholaiH, t tiiuluctetl hyFiaii' i uii llr tli" r. mit1' p e. to i nr r J rrc .

Hm.i li iCil, He n Uli and ir I'nl talt-n- li'' t'"''-"1'- '

'Itiiim, i ino:i4iic Jt' I Hi pietiJi'T 1, Bendfor ratal'tkcne and pirn, ulara t



ARTS i. SCIENCES. LAW. MEDICINE.College And Crcp. iltp't.lllth YfarOpjiwSep'.. 12.

"" "". BETTS ami oi.i), n.v.- - (iir i;t.

I'r.'i'arts uir . ollvge or liiisiuesa.Special ailMin.jj.s lur saviuic tuns In preparation,

Jill iNlU.'.Ui;,-.!-, T11EBW;-.- .

HM. J.11EUB, il, i, tValelirloclval.


Jf J HICoUttffl nnd rltoul?. s ii ' W

Tor Hays Jt Voiinjr. Mi'iiCltj t'olintrys 1 ij' ;


CEMTIIAL l'AIIK RUl'Tll, NF.W YllllK C1TT. ? J VaH'iiiiliitril liy lliv ( hrlsllnu llrutlinrs. ij , HSelect sclioi I Tor ljuys. Niimlnrof lioarilsrslliuitsd. ,' .1 'asHKi'Mlirnn V. I'lIlK sdiiv. Nl'll. 111. .9 'sHMilitary llr II. Well r..iuliiril For . '3 ssHrruipeutus uddrrsa (.'UAH1.KS. Urrcliir. vfl .M

SACRED HEART ACADLA1Y. M flRoltct Cathollo il.iarillne Hcliool. Ihorougli act i ij ,' 'Husuilc ami roinnifrclal conrsojoprn .all rear, vacas 1 iHclaa llniltc.l. full trrni brums HI '.IT. 7. Aildroa IUro.Al'al'Hl'. WcatClisatcr N. V. jj 'HNEW YORK iiiny hriiiiui.n:. Naisturit. ' ' HI cnunni ! I3- anliis Hrlnsiil. li West IHthSi. ; n jaHLAW ) DvvlKlit .11 t hull11 f In. i !Hatrui'lloli. L.I..II lutvrujiars 1.1. AI.lll tlilPKVrarS. I v

BijuU for rataUisue. UEOUUi: CHASE. jW'aHCERLACH ACADEMYT I ' IHunrtlltiK Si'Ikh.1 Itir llns, (ti? 'siiiHnuii:i.i.i:, iMo.v.init in Co., n. j., 'f: 'tMPrrimreifor l iiiri'ialllesur iMisluesa mllltar)- - train. H IHlltif ntrrl'nnU'al Hlid arctiltsctiiral dlawliiit; ludi- - M asHvidtialattanlinn. 1'rlncli'al ran ho an-- (mm 12 ts y ,M4 1'. II rvrrv Tliursila), at llolino llros., II Barclay , 'sHat., Now Torlt. ,HHudson Rivor Military Acadomy '' 'HA safa. thorough, aplondldly eitnlppsd rr.'paratorf Itj HBchooi and HoiiH) for llirs J", inllra from NVw York. ft tMFinest location on thu Uuilson. llullillnu maktnl.1 .) tHcent In lta sptvolnlmsnts, r.xperlnrid an.l alii, flj .LHteaclhra. l.aia" allilnlo grounds. Horses and !'H Bponies for rldme, drill and artillery practice, .B jHIllustrated oataloicur uu re innit. Im 'afafafafj

Uapt. J. II. SUN, A M.. Hnpt.. Nyack. X. I M fMSYMS SCHOOL. 1

Hobart Howard Hym, lit admaxtor; Win. 0. SInv '1 !,Hmons, AaFOAlatii ihoth formerly of tat J s HBtrkolpy School). Th nw dv.hool upt nt AlonJay, f 7 lilHOct. 2, Irtltw, Pt No. LU V tr.tli tt. For all part.uif 'i 'lH.Tf ft'Mre Itobert Howard Hirm. So.r.ii W. 47th ti, ' j 3 HCtoliiintita liiatlttite rroprtin, ror. W. 71'dt. and w

n , pdn"day, Hcpt. 2.. Cul1eKiat i tHpronnratioti. tntpruit dlntnan'l primary depaitmrntt,, iloptional milltarv urlll, lif-- t luncheon. Cntalout e oa ti llHapplication. 1 (Uvlii Fouler, A. II, .1, !., Prlo v S JlHTf omptfdiI,nnKl-Und)lti-litut- -- T.lttloboT(x iiiH1 1 rlualvrly, utn ndiinr.conn. lciitlnurtnupervislon 'JIHpxrti tlonnl hfidthrulncpfl; moderate etpcudltural j .4acatlonn nunocepwury. t H" """ 'iHHualneaa CoUrgea. , H

The Packard Commercial School IComerof Fourth Av rnne and 2.1.1 Street. i MA PREPARATORY SCHOOL FOR BUSINESS.

) YliAB. 'J HCommercial and Stenographic Departments. ,; H

lteopena Tiusda, hpt. 5th. 'r HUflire Hours: m;3ii to r '; JH

For Catalomie address Tho I'ailmnl School, .. Bl101 F.AHT 28 STltEET, NKW YOHK. j1! HlSrlimila of I'lpnlral Culture. "saBj

DR. SAVAGE, GYMNASIUM. 'j H308 Wrat Snth Strict. 3 HTKNTI1 SKAMON OIr.NM MUT. 15. K H

Normal Claaa aud l'rlrate Instruction. Circular y, HTrnctmrw Acnriea. H

Schennfrliorna Tefirhnra Ajcenrv, ,j H:t Vt Uth it. lHr..--ln- r H

gub"iic aioticfj-s.-


(Should be read DAILY br all lnter-iited- M ', Hchauurn may occur at any timn,) lj H

J'orelun uialU for tho ueek emit 111; Hfpt. 0. l!3tK, 4 ..iHwill clnfte (PltOMlTL In ..lUax x) at th Oenerat J lBPost Office aafollowH: 1AUCCLS l'OST MAILS cluae V fHone hour earlier than chitlnic time shown below. s4t llHTUAN'rtATLNiiO .MAII.H. V, MWKDXraTMY.-- At 7 A. M. (aupploiiifitary A. M.) Uh Hfor EUROPE. p?r btcainaMp Ht. 1'aul. via Mouth- - K Hfttnpton (letters for Ireland rnriBt hn directed m H

per hteautabip Ht. I'aul "1 at it A. M (xupplo ta Mnxntar iu. 1) A. M.)forniTR(JPK. pertteti'ithlp fa iHTla gunuiiHtowii. at Hi .10 A M. tor f' i.H11KLUIUM dlruct. per rteamihlp Sutithv ark (let , IHteri miiat be directed "pt-- atfarushlp South- - ft jlwnrk '). H

TZiritHUAY. At 7 A.M. for KUHOPfS, pcrntAroahlp i! ..HAUkiustte VicUrla", ia Southatmtou Mand UamburK. Ir

SATl'HDAV. At5 30A. U. forlUTUOPi:, per eteam- - M Hfhlp CainpauU. via Quoenfttown (lettcri for . X, ,HKrauci', Srltzerlaud. Itilv, Spain, Port n gal, ,. MTurkey, Kj pt and UritiPh I mi in 1m til- - fi Hrectea "per nteamnhl)' t'ampauia '): at tl10 A. HM for KKANCK, HW Ili:LVNI. ITALY,HIH1N". I'OllTtTt.AL. 1UUKFA, F.UYPT and fMIlKiriSIi INDIA, ner meamKhlti la Chain- - v JHpaunt, la liaro 'letters fur other parts of ! liHKurpe mutt be dtreitod " pir Htritninhlp La I.iHChampaKtie"); at h A. M. for NKIIU'.H- - IIHLANDS direct, per Hteatunhip Ptat-n'Uni- , vii if.Hlunterdaui .letter mint directed per Hiram UsH(AhlpMaatendam"). A. M. tn ITAL, pT H

teaniAhip Kim. ia Nap leu (letter must he IHdirected ' pir ileamliip Ems"): at 10 A. M. jHtor HCOTLVMD dir t, per Meamnulp City "f I. .HHome (letters miiflt bo directed "per steamthtp if Mi'ity or Home"). ,t VM

PHINTED MA1TRR A.C. Oonn in atoamnra aalUnft ft flliu Ttifodavt tak-- 1'nittod M itter Ac, for tier- - '( I Mutiny. and HptrUUr Ad Jrewd Printed Matter, h) ilA ., for other part of Kurope. American aud j IH

li Star ateaiiieM on W.diiedaa, (ierman IHBtann i" 011 lhuradayx, and (Mi u ard. French and IHGerman Meanura on aturd ij n take lrin ted Mat- - IHtor Kf.. for all coii.itrtei for which they are ad

ertlKd tn r,trrv mail.After the clooini: of the Supplementary Trans at- - MHlantlc MaiN namit above, additional cupplo- - IHmentary mall are opened on the piers if the

American, Lmxlinh, Frimchaiid G rmauntenrner. liiHanl romaiii opnn until within Tn Uiuutea gt H,iilthe hour of laillnicof ntearner, H


TTKJJNlvSnAY. M imiiA.M.i oplementary 10 80 tHA. M ) lor CKMHU, AMKltlL K eui pt Cot. PHHUu and HHJTU PCll It POltIS, per Meani- - MHtiip Adauce. lv Colon pi (ttiatemala Hmust b 'mm wte unship Adxaiue '1, ut fliH10 30 A. M for 1'OIilO 1CICO. per V r4. rrin-.- - WMport, via nan Juan, at 11 A. M. (Mippl mentary 1 KH11 :u) A M for rollTU RICi), u Hdii Jimn. I KsBVKF..tTFLA. critAUAO, ami 8 AN'ILLA and bHCAUlilAttKVA, via Curacao, pi fiteimshlji Car- - t WMra us, at 1 P. M. for ( t via ILimiuu, aUu f mBCKMVt.VllV.. YCCATAN, TAMXCd and C11I- - IftHAl'AS, per t amstup VikiiUnna letp-ii- tor oth-- r

j Hl ,rtH of Mexleo itnint bt dirt.' tL 1' per tftnunih.n a HNiirilnntiu ' , at J P M for LA PlAl'A JO(N- - I M1UtK.S,i)er ticamslup HnnnriUr.. at P. M fur HMEMLO, per Itnaka, la I lHletters inut be iiir ted " per MemiiHliip Iilu- - HBsflka") at 2 P M. NORTH RRA.IL, per steam- - :' Hnhiv Polyi arp, via Put a L JHTHCRSIU -- AtHA.M I.tRAIIIA RIOde.T AVr.IltO I Hund LA PLATA CoLiuiiier.. per st uiuhip Mw.irt ''JM(U'ltt'i t r o.hor patt" t Uia-l- i liuiNt be directed t mB-- pfr lli'imt"r at I P. M. for lNAHI'A and - ,J MHHAITI, per sb'SiiiHlup DavL'n , at 1 P M. for WRHNlIni) and MNAMLI O. uer Mttanmhlp ' WMbiintiaL'" di ubs ti P M. tSupphMu-Mttitry- q lHl.tnp M. for NsMT, N p., por Httamshlii ( WMAntllta, at 2 P. M Tor PKKNAMHClO and HAN j ESTtW, ptr Mtcnmi-hi- Aniatic Prime (letters for Hother ptrt of JJraril inut be direct d "per HHttamiiip A mt 1 Innte'i, at It P. M. for ' IjHJAMAICA, per steamer from Itotou ; H

FRIDW.-At'J.a- oP M.. forNKWF(llTNDLAND. per HMteimshtp Coreau, from Phllidelphia at 12:80 HP M. supolenientaiy 1 P. M.) forVT lUOMA'LhT (MtUlX. LI'F.WARD aud WINDWARD HIHLAND, per rutita belli, tluttura tor Mtlrimdi aid Iitmdad must bit dho t d ier Xlstiamslup FoiitabtUr"! at P M. for JAMAICA, SHH1 r Fieanihtii)) orik'rn ditttert uiUHt bo directed SH'per Mf p Or n" ftssl

BVT1RDAV -- At to A M. fT NKWFOI'NDLND Hilinn , iur ah ji.m p Silvia; At 10 A M, (huppI fassl,.1 mm Hi M for FOtll I NL INLAND, lilJMAICA H AN1LLV ind CARTHAdKNA, per Iflhteaiiirthlii d rnudai k (titers for Cents Ricamuitt bedirt. t d p r stcam-ihl- tdirundack"); IHat to A M u(ple:u ntary lo.'to A. M. fr MHAITI aud SAMA MKIUii, per steamship MAndea. at 11 A 51, I t t I'UA. per steamnhiu .HM xico, via Ilavn.a lrit r- must be directed yH"Ier steuuiHlup Mexico , at P. M. Mmentary l:Hu P. M for INAGCA and SAIt lHDOMINOO. per Mf auishlpCanb VjH

Malls ror Nuwfouudlaud, by rail to North Bydner, llHand thuice In ti,mer, cloie at this oflice dally M1Hat rt an p M tfonuMctliiK ('lone here e err Won- - InHday, Wtdtiesdav jml Saturday), Mails for Mbiue-- ifllun, by rail to It ntou. and then e by steamer. t Ssslclose at thin otth o dally at X o P. M. Malls for i1 lHCuba, by rail to port Tampa, Fla , and Hi en we by fiHHteamer, lote thin imYo dally (xrept Mun- - Mda at bT M the ruimoi tin .aln are on ' SVlHundiy.- - WediifsilH) anil Fr.iiay) Mails for mMCuba, by rail to Miami, Flu , and ttienre J, lflb, steamer, cloti nt this othen eviry 1HMonday, 'iu' liy and Stturday at 12 .U . KflA M. (tho couiiertiiisF cjimi n .ire on Tuev j Hdaj and ritturday MatU for Mi uea CRv, over- -Ian 1. uulend xpTislly addn sfd for deipatf h br j JHfteamer, rluite ut this .fUVo daily at 2 .40 A. M. i ;

and '2 HO P M. Mails for C mt Ri' a, lielie, I MPuerto Crto7 Hiid Uuateiiula. rail to N'ew Or-- Mleans, aud tnen u b) Mteamer, elice at thin offlidafU at t p M iiimin ctfnc elofa hi re Bun- - i r

rtrti and lues(U-.- torCo-U- Ku a. and Monaayt I (1

'or Ruliie. Pneit C Ttfan 1 .untemala 9 Reg J ji

ihterd mail rl a ut d P. M lirevimis day. 1 ;;it wintered mail at d P. M. (second day b- -fore. I


Mails lor China and Japm Via Vauiouver, flosa I lhrre dally at . HO P M. up to October l.ld Iror despatch per s. s. Fmpr-fs- uf India, j B(Mill fur China. Japan and Hawaii, via WHan o t loe lieif ilsil) at 0 30 P M. Upto optembor 7th tor den pat. h ptr . u. Nippon nMam, an ii) tu s, pti nib-- HHtti for teh

pim.s City of Kin ilt Juto iro Mallatur Hawaii,Iimi Fraucia.n bu Iitu daily at 0 .lop. M.

up to September IMli f"i tb pat' h per Vh. h Auntralu Mails lur AUHlralaslanC"loit.i ifinpt eit Australia hleh ',

iit a ia F ir pe, and New Zealand, whit--- , ,,urn h ln han i- tnm isei' , Hawaii, nnd FIJIUlan K la r loii ht r dsilj atU-li- t (.p M after epteiubi-- r aKtand up t Siptum- - i

alfitb for desp-v- h per .t"am-lu- 'atrimoo, U

Mad l 0 Sud. ti IciiniN. ta .n Friniinoalii- - Inn dolt tt ' s P.M. up to Supfm- - I ft

b'i S'--' ih fur b pati h b) "tup Tr pl IMrd. U mMatN tor Aufttralu iixoptVet Viutialia . New Vi flMZealand, Fiji and Sun mil Islands, via Whm rraiiiiHco, 1mu lino dailt at f 0 P M. Mafter hphmbrll at.d u to Neptnmber . Mor day of airitatof stt am-hi- p t ainpaitta, due at INi'W rk s,piiiubi)i Ji, for dospab h psr fl S6teamshtp ManpHHi J

Trails Ptt itle maiN are forwarded to port of nailingdaily, aud tli" n'hiinle 01 ilolngia arranxelon tun irefiunipti 11 of Cieir uiiiiitt rrupt d overlaud transit l!titert d matl clo-u- s at tj P. M.prexl ma dar. iH

I'OKNKI II r VAN COIT, Pontmaiter,Post Ojlice, Ntw N. , S pt. 1. IHvi. H

"" uru 1;. J HThefiLOlli; NATION I li VSK. loeate I at Frrl. 1H

In th Bute of ilh du island, h . bninupit Mall a: All note holders and ollurs. cridltors of ,.

' Haatd Ats(it..itiviu, are therefore hensbr uotitlud tJ ' Hpref qc tbji notes and other claims against tho A J 11Lihliouforparmeut. M1CUALLF. DU0LV,Ca4lait

jyUUViDKNCKMhodtaUnd, Julyia.Hwa

t nrrr-s-i- r mm - 1. s.s.m.'sSSLtLs