
SPECIAL NOTICES. MATRIMONI L ! LAMM AHO ÜBST LI HB If mm k to marry. addraM tka eatoiatoad a m tli saM yM wttAwwt Mty sad wwtou MM . ratoaksa taaiMMa AM will aabta ! ta Bbarrv ap, aaMedUy. IIISBBt.rtlaa f 4 , weeM er MV- - VMi iBlirmakM arfl ma yM MMa-a- . If TM wirk to Marry. I wtlt baa rfait? ! am. All iMt-- r .irtiv caat toat .1 T Im 1 mi by rora mmtl. 4M UvM AK dB B. LA.M BtT. B!aT Oa . Ttk MiX'i km Cm bareüsd M Svf tail to m( Im Um Oht kaadnl BBStorlaM tori aed tb a M totr MIM MM- - II MMt weH -- f ktor efu i's Innef rrtxa er to HlMHl MM SWil BMBkBB K. Tfa--vf ra Mae t MM al Im. lfMt4,MllMMl raitaAderam-M- y to .BVlMg P'IMMM Mrd ap'"l " ! ltflMfll"ltM,rM3W eaabMMf-er- Ul 11 tu trat ef evtto. awk m Orators! m YagtMi , arbra, 'I aa. w " s ' l4f wim toiml sa. tMitl itotoMy md I. lMtowy. WU'.M M Ix- -. t. ity, kr af MUU Um fetal Ii 'k. a Ml MM MNMM, M B IBBVlfa Ift. HlBM ad trb-taea- a. e4 In iUwim ay tb- - rWadder mM Ki4. toatMJ MM IM Mill f '4, MiMMMla'to. 11 rMMpt -- f to MMJ, y TIC4.f rwi Tut, r wi ii( pttytoctoB Im to irMtoet f mmii , UrM ry. a Marvaa Khiim. wU 4, MM) toMtt M toMMlMj iaM.U Mk. to iMhrTunTwuMn Ml 1. I TKI.iTI! MMlf Al4M,Pftolf ?, MlMi Ml Ijj, jf r. to"" iMfMM, MtoM Wk. 4, 9i(kU? KMtoji i.itMlul UMVy, A , M.. Um aWtoi I. cM MbWIi M M b. raa4 h? kaaa af c la toa avav! utt. Ti r r. I. E.Cc -I- M aar?i riviu fttaa aa aaaa la fi ,.h( 4 tirul'U iMatoai baratl ur muaigi ai tar, 'r rMWta. lk y ribct baaltk pBM irrs. ffM tolaal frotopa. . . I'a ih. bIMa, M Mba ol Iba Utariaa Or ratto oa lb rua- - ...iniia. r4May to Uu MJ 4atlrMa Mto wiibaa aaainfi MMl ttto UM taf 1 Itoa oara by lbbjara4la aa1 MafaMjM Iba yMMtoV a b t..filil .i.. aa-- I y .,101M l 4lf c rlo.1 nar l tat IV y bbuvJa HOT ' du flr. iiifMj m mm IH . al any ibar :.a, aa MtoMM iM ba tb ffbalt tU I'M-- iL Ua HAHVKT'l TBI IM 4M iMaaaaMr rat..alaa. erarMary. Ml of Bftlur, aa-- l mpbati ml 1 toa I. '' aiadMar , . ykiataf 4 paa. t r?M ta aar iJr. , . Mtaata. Tba H na Hl ba MM by aMI abaaa. Mftly .ai!, aa4 MM by M U.Uanarai anl. 7tCa4ar M , Hm Tori 14 by ' Iba laal .Im'.' J. M MI.IMI ' ?Hf mw ' Htrra k VOICS nn V( Ks Hl M. kt w . t i lr J bu Huh Ur, ! i pt taia lo aa ibM I aar flati c'Mton BitMra 'l'. l- -ll I yaalt in -- ara dabtlüy aad ,. ;ri:..ri ..I my n.,pr.kiu.a4 hf .ba u .b.itUy m Ml aaMatta I w ara af tka kftMIMtpp'. r'ar 1 I fr kabaf. ma baan wltb aa, orMt! tat li.r hont b kato Mtbara aataaia 1 I ..i4Janili rautii IfOM ta all paraia. Ur tawaaafl ä nnb BtMkto. H ?? rtbiL . ü R kaaltar y C'ManawlM. tiu a. By.. Aap', II. 1CI Ob M M.I t M 1 kaaa aabaaitir , tkrwaak an aaaal '' la iHbttobl Mrartor f tba u.aartaaaat oi t ba yaf CaMbarlaad. a .aaal mv llrti Hl r Isayarttoa, ui raqnaat If .nr aaalyat, b aaa WäMwra tu Mr aolAtara. tka faltowlay; U Kai inrwtoaMrap y. I' U.n kuaacr il lab lo abtp W I bVa II lt:ara IffaffaW äJU I aaa aaAiaSaJ iwu Hi i' ata will Ao o kam u. aay aa If takati aa m objat Uoa to ,11. bait-- . -- I M fuaa f II ta atlar HITtHT rii'RT Bar wrM k Badlral ptrtaAM B-- - . ' t r r . ritna' t or na. Taaa Jalvll. lau. tb . iakn all' btol r. . .alp ta Haabrttla. Iba C a, ar 4 n-i- Chiron PMiaa ata la Ml Mr. in Iba Wy ar.ta af Hm. Ba WH H II I. Hj rag Mr - toa füi kalaitl '' IM Ha-T.- rr. . . . .1 1 IIMIV l-- H Ma't faM M raaA tba aMali aaa aal i a Ukta ta I 4 I IMHrlJklll l I III Hl I PH OMAatoaUAN. Tk Twrk, baa 4aM.t ik ImH Vblrtf tltlof MipVitUci..a. kv asaia (VaaJataw P1IU at b rtiarra Ta y atfAKabla awA aab faMHwly i .rat 1 Imalik I 1 irajiiM akl'a raatllMi kB Bak Amwm m a nbta raty. Itaca i ami a aaf and alui i - y for Iba rara af latokl WmImu, . ly fftaaf. 1 im of Iba Ortoary aad Baaala! Orpnar) w wkak irM af aaawraar ktwaab aa ky baaakJ a k ata 1I1 i aWMkm k iliMjjto'jr-irrlrylk- aobU raaaady F nr I kayr MI Mat tba rfaC Ml aufaitaaaa, I w'lwtol tb rarlya tor pr patiaaj J an ih . atMtoMi a aaalrrj at- - - i.lir, 4lH.kJaf r?aM Mr I aaa a t at pal I tk toyaarwaW Mr.. 4rytT.i M v Ht4a.M D hat IM NM t M - UlllT 1 CmifH aUinotiw Um U. yrabMiy. aa wm aaara aaraawawatT tra m a awl I ag Caatyla ut rttar. Ma rw1-t- atlr a tM bwJbca tka Mb IV A.' ba twato'AaWaMa. ar itotow la rarMtoraa ar Mvar. wba aa, . tky peaatwra a aaa.. caaa UM b M TW. hu4. M allaa m Ilia Mi" aatafO raatlrto to leap aaaaa baa AM a 1.. it yl ' , . !' , ti r- - kJHMMto)b)(t .aU Mto'.a' tka MMaaaatoa ad waM Mag r rMBnWaWa m OtWiMMtll UU parkM l.aatW.wr raary . Ma,MfkU. bJ M kt M-- d toM aaaftaa a. a Urbttog a M wW aakkl tka ayaatoa rkarkad. m aatot wwwy . t aaatobto trrlt ai I aa aa ' aMa tba aMrWaaa CaeM af aaaat tot at wt Tkrwat, vtak k tka ? taMOto ar Hfankart aa . by adi,4 aiai wm ml tba a Bar b A far . H t Hi oB ÜB. nntuu hayt a.yr aia kw a lialMi- - AaMky O W fmr B re. Tarra lata. M aa -- raty aaadwlw - 1 lkMVaaA MB Ml bk Bail ak a . at SPECIAL NOTICES. Uubr. tUt Un week U. II am tk. eto mm H to tke NtoMtiti. it t liiimi Bf hak tog H fl I IWmK TiBBlBJty i brateij seesaw i r toa tea If tk. b p rosined iruM,libickl4 will tor. i ri ii im ,H Mb IM ra. t A MM vakls iMwdr w be feead to AjawaV Ltof MM to im u4 ckack Atom. fay to Dealer in ratlv Mrdlc o. (ever. süf l(.M Holl Tb?!. KS. I r. taa TM, M . oyA to MM. 0 MM Bry IMlUHl. HViJI CO, n- -t t, I t ( Happed lUmU X l arr . . "inilHibft, kr. HBaiMAH CO'i CAMrtWtt. WITB M4.BU rKI5M c.r .Ckati- -l Hmüi c. tM-ealt- tal, MaHalkaay tka Mia ft mm e tba aaT7-aa- i albar Sell by PmmMiI . ItM W rat.. H BUM AN k 1 0. toiklliilM 1 , aawatoaaM Dritowi, W f. A larilcktlii rüiiti arto) Valskklr Tour. Mlill C COBDtAL ILUtB OV yMia.aaMM lb' ac.aa mi all kacan ayaaarik. a' ba I .rf. Mrk m raaM 'aabla torai Ii will ft V laabU Taa k 1 l cmjm, bu' partlarj aa latiT M rar aa4 Äfft.. I Ua yAaaaaal Ml alataAl 'wdial. aJ tMmak anaar u tk eoaaM wkU ky aaM mm tttar ao MMTk I w. BaMbaUrua- - iib.M ... a . 0 JuWlato b-- a. a ar4 Dr'ifgUta, !. Y, I lttkr I Ml IM IM all ar aar rMilar a rQaar-- i l ar - IfkBy aar ik ratomfi a4artlMMMIt af MM MaAkrtoaa to alk 1 aari f ibu pmr. ad IwaiaitlMaty Mi er tba S3 ii aac 1 MakU-- . 1' labrartti ai rataala laiar Mto 1.. btk Maa raal ar faatai. Ii 1 aai Im a aai- - toya, Haa m? muh. AA4ra If " I MKbvl CO. AtrkliWrjMkBI MUk. '?'t HVib i. n HUlMi 1. . KaAaairaa I fraM Iba traa aor4 'KMi," ar "Bat. ira 1 'f?toA iktii . r4taau a raatora Tbl rlAtU U a hat lt Dl atfn'ftoa 9'-- r praaarvla. ra"rt; M bl. ' rln tba ba-M- kair It la Iba Maat raraarbaMa i"ayMtolaa 1 lb aorl ! II UBpfafBBBVBl tal a( "P I ? tba aatajtoal ajraytlalOT, jM la tat at aim tba .am rra. ,1 .'tantcM wk-- b fr. u ata aar ff Mllltot. botllaa par aaauai It la a Maat Aat.'btfai Hair Uaaala It t It b.ak tba bbir Hrb. oft al laaay H p'aaaat Iba balr from fall! m -- 4 aa4 larn ajj .ray Ii imi balr cpnct bald kaa 1. ' i.lau ab ralaaa t.aann'u b41 f balr ak,.i.l aa Lyon'a Katbalrivi It . kaaara aal aal taraa;btMt lb .lflllaa.1 aorM kVll by all raaparlabla 4Mbtof l t l . II t It 1 I A M ,N MBOiAfa" N . ai.ia HAI. 01. TT: Ui m'iat .i..habif an:ait-- , r lirarr.r b-- b 4la..rr Ii rbAnaaa Iba Ob baml f ttt i .'i i t , ,y .'In taatara af ra.t.b I ' ' , . ' ' M ' I f I. IMlf I.Ol . ad tkaatatiaf. r-- ar tb. Mplaplao, fr, ktr. ',.,! r it ttmiiiii bi.l rnnbnaM fraM Ik bin. laaving Iba rwaplat- - Im Haak, traMparaat aad MMMb Ii oatalaa au Batarial lnJHMto ta Mm IStronlMd by Ar- - t'aa an 1 lir 1 r.Ä. , i. w it rry r ObaaM ba. laMn 'i.liM. rra,rrr-- l kf, a a 1 1 1 1 H. T y. T H 4tmam II ar4r U. ti . Ii.' ma llwraut b ia.. . III l'IKIHI I I - INIMITABLE HAIR RESTORATIVE, IV01 a DYM, Bat raMr a Cray balr :n it. rigmii raaf' t.r atotaatha rapUl.f y tali . wttb nati. I at.'.'. , ly. ... oMpoaal Un.r m ill t , 4aat royin fba fkaltty nJ baaotyof Iba M k t-- HWtl af tk-- m Miraaaodraaaln Halb. labia Cal,, Abi "t only raabna .a.r .aairatorby n aay pruc.aa. ba? (iM I niiirlanl U tlty. prtaaotra It. gr t. prrn It Bmm ofl. Hm ai t mpar' haaitb aad plaaMBt aaa ta tka kaa i Ii baa m-- 4 toa tawt of Um, ba. tu tba ft(in; Hair 1 i.ra. and tMaaatry In ajaaata In laanr. U1 by b4b anlro.n aed la-It- w I ' I. . .I I Ij I, raavaaMbla laalar.. r ran ba yraenr-- ". by ibaai f toa f at wan ll aaota. D. I fiAAHBAA 00 Ml Imaiatf. La Tarb Ttoa aiM, BOoaaU at. 1 ) " Bw T. loeto. 1. . f r l.nt.rr h' MkJavjBtA ttb laaatlala. oaiMtati. of tha haart. Iab t apyMt'W. dtatraaa aitT ag, Mrpid llMr, enatl pall aa. Be Amfy t ..ikbr If tba allt net try tka Mbrtad J'ffiMffif.oM milrra. bi. b araaaw raoaakaa '.ed by tba b Beat Mad I tra atbodUaa, abd war. . ar-vla- an rt.r llato baa. art a I a AW I Tba ara airaa4lngty aT .;.. par tort 1? para, and aaaat ia pert aed all bar a a ... Iby. rnt .a attainiant la 1 a fakaHaV tVaf pattor. fttrArajtlSV. ,1 IftHeato Tb.y rri. aaa4by .pyai'ta Tbef era an anttowto ta akaaga of a a tar aa.t Jiav boar Tky .trengibaa Iba rat am an4 auhaaa tb. aial. fb.y paw a it aitettU' aad utK.iibat lev ara Tkay partfy ike braatk anJ ar'd'ty of iba Noaart TV y Wgag llyaaip.. 4 Piaillpalli Tk'? . ra lanhoM aad t b ir Horb. Tbrycaie 1 1 ear OuaPptAVat aA atdm ai Baata b Tk.-Ma- b tk WMk aar n, tb Uaet act III a ibaaata. aam f great reatorar TVy aaaMMJtaffAvlM-a- . ata-- ' i'n.. . air. torp an, aeaaafraa, reaaa Md kerba, all piaaaaia 1. ur eweaa i'rM ma PVr paatiealMa. lare aad toeHMMlal afMn 1 ae k bottto. ICeara af iMp.'atora. Aftaaataa avary battla Im . at It oar privat t'. taap aastllt4 M a aaa ataai p ' l V r lata aat redlk. atb iMtitaw aad t ? ,i " " rli toe galiaa ae ta Ball, .a M I ' 1 r t '..' .n aVaar iatn tkaraia, wb tr Uad rtaatal H4f ad. tgafraj tk r L wad erft to m iMa wk A ky a -- aa) b Mr aye m aat eaal parti., r Hb ar b Wka wiU aacxaad la gaMtog geartar Tk Maat far I .ra rtam.awa. . lar ywa-n- . A. . .. rlie Tba traal' '- -t tka a' kWato weyraMt af tkatr r-- anf eapar . TV ay ra -- . r pbr''i aa. aboata ad ar? tHrW. t . nit m 1 1 re Nri.aaT. w 1 'vilr ii .IUT IKLfil KBIT. CFLLBRATEO FEEALE PILLS kg rial, aa fruaa .tor J tMwee m r rieetrv A tie tSaaa TV i aiaaada a laa 1 a I tba . fall AfM paaadat !aa- - M Wbwb ba aai. aaavtkaaaaa aaa agree tad ftoaiM ail eb ara aa ba raAtod aat TO HAkJUBt t.a kaa.aiartf M4J h fa toa d Oaaat Brtfato I rkaM - a Bar JiMtf A ' M Aay .try aaa Bfl r My MAja Ay-- M . . aaaaf -ta- -r-ai. r k "ax?M Atox- -, . iaMn-- aM l a I - aj a - to I I aaaaawed d. taato aa beaaA Ak ara, aaB kaltor . Hbt aa. dB agt pyb toratok m atowto . to k-a- ad riaaill r - BBt - a Imt mmmm, dkf l ki I , i! feS HlaVktl fmM 1 - ' - - I aMafJMto. a Bmm - - DAILY EXPRF- - WHHTALI4 Im M SllSBN LOCAL AND NEWS illKS. Vlil the loot coil aad aAAwve tbe ork fOM brevlv Tba qaotoof ihm Seat Modar tba MX toll, M qMcmUj Mdrad aad aiajbtr-tw- o. r lolormad tka Oaraaan Tor imt ftoctot? mm rkkMtlf kajB ryof gkoiAkd, Mill Im . full .part.o. M I .i.g nor to ba tMbu.J d km. baa iU AmMtir Tbaaptao Aaarxts- - lion, which oatoatoio tba baaiit of tb poor ott a aak ba änllirao Daraocr' ofck't that our A raatoun tiait that p4ac aod grrt aa wotwrtaiomaot for th boawftt of tba poor.aad girca th bMuraor that a libaral patraaaa ill ba Birbtr barr of ml per Jay. th Naw Altai.? I.xl(cr at loforcood. m oaw Bowing froM aaa of th pauolaaai wIU iaiaitr i tioard io i'raw'ard Oouott 01 baa hr "trcb"iri on a or two othei wolU o t!.' o.r.'.? WMajaa tST Tb Di 't Vfaatina t tho Court Houm lat ntA-h- t wm not largal? aitcmltHl. Tha r for county ajiof, on Saturday to MCartkin tba Mb ol th Wopl iu rrrard to Oi üoaiMiMoora makin? M ppaapifco- - tAwk bM CAUC-- i AO kpAth? a0 th pail of tkaao baoat u tba auriarnl. W ara ptaoaad U aaa tka call for tho mooting of Haturday, m tha vaaad .jaMtiott will than ba rMUlad, aithr oi.o w? or the olhar Should t ba found iMpoMible to obtain tha appro-f.nt.Ofi-tn- d aach w ar coofidoot will ba tha rMnlt -t- hf-n tba paoplo will know that Iba only rourco loft to pa? out tb draft b? prirat ukacription, and wa opiaa it will Im dooo paadiiy. It rauat ba doa joickly, if at II I 'ho lr!t Aawociatioii will tnri Kin on Afoii'lay availing. aa4 M ur mention of th fi rat t .if tha Aanatcun. a ia our t..u; rualora with Ii I. - r- ar f j.rata. a.- - " " j it ilrtad Hhar iraiaa or cnur of iaiifMfi know kif lull wail that M mntin w. raa.ia of on, t Maaa qnaniil? ami tha aame .ualit? muat ba raAaiurad out to aach of tha fifteen or twantr paraon alior iitu appear.) on the Programm and woa be to u if th lowaat aarrant wa not recognized, or w ventured auggeetion he: an mprovmnt might ba made Hut c ur contributor, "Coo Amor,'' gentleman nl much laato, wm not ko dU-cre- at in hie rritiaim. nd the ame bariog prorokkJ o roe foaling, we fit pic to the l! lowing AaioBK will confer a favor by wilbbolda ing any crlt.o-- m m lurura aa they are aotira-I- ? uti"Alled for. a: .1 .nit of rbkractor ond oaee no rood effort The mem her of th Aaaociaiun devote good part of their dm In rehaaraaU and atuil? for charitable pur-po- ao without Matter?, .tor do wa Btob any ona ronnected with tha Society to 0 abueed or comr. limenled Wo do not prnfa. he Actor $ or Actr$f and our Irr- - BtBBBjndgoof our merita or ilemerito, ant haemg it blaaonad all over thocoun- - trv in tha aa In mas of a nwppar I will tat thai tba Society 'a Wieb are atated in the above article. Owe or rat CoktyLiMtNTKn. a mm Kraaa HHAr. A few da?a ago a large tjUAOtit? of the lande mortgaged to tba orbool fund b? riiiieo of tbi eouoty, wm Mid Bf the Auditor al the Court Houm door. Tha adverting of ibM aaia Appoarad only io Iba I rr riaute Journal, aod hence a liga oumher of paraoo? whoaa lands war mort- gaged were not apprieed of the (art, aod did not therefore tiar.d and buy io the r rnort-gag- d preMiaM Tho OoaMqueuca w that a lea i: !:r bduaU of th a city, (loma of them we auderetand baviog an ml mala rooQOcliou with Mimlf cltcM' comhine.1 ijge'her and purcbaaad a rrry larga portion of tt.p real eaUta IhiM Mid In cutay oMa valuable tracta acre Mid for onlnih. and one twen- - lialh their irtual value Of ohm th Und ha.1 t. ir ; 1. aii.l it wm tba duty cf th peraona havit g landa thai Mortgaged, to ab tand the ale, and buy in thir land Put in greet mir.i? M rae iba owt rr. k ew nothing whatever of the aej Now. when the owner go to iheaejpareonA who made be parcaaeea to redeem their larbta. aad par Back to them ibe moniM they have Iran, ad I bay are not par Milted to do 0. uulofH hy P.ymg a larga W bve two raeaa. A farM wm ld b. - ionging 10 Mr K or$S6)-t- he land worth law 1. mm ibai aataai, Mr. K. to the and offer to redeem hu knd. but tbaaa -- harper a a b.M tba flWI, and Mr AJreaf deiravi kreM'i A a- - a !a- - 1 w .rth $1 .'! a aoll to Ml- - .f? a to ru:da 01 $h). She goea to tba parchaaar aad ak 10 redaara t bat w charg-O- d tba Ni. ad elaadrd AeMafri m tba ieet af the em9 ara o keeping atth Tkw. kaato kousiy uapag bv bow triog'a 8 tag. aad aa ikie mom ty at mmc-kHa- d ta tbw matter we hall take occmmw; ftar ka a littto futtbar into um cbm lo give Iba ntrada kf VBf ikd.f blut who HI a advantage af tbatr naagkbora Wa ik nk it dae to 1! part tea t.gaga,Hhi Mare heb akeaad be thro an aj tk a aabjart. Hea who profoM aach eovMb-- e DkBBf ml Abil ity, ak 1 all be haawa ba all. toa on e? r ie A k AUWbATioa px a Tbe r Ml. there m aaa wBerB mkgh Jerd S Sal I wM tjafy l rer.r.. a rr BjaJ al jatoafatoMB m MbtkMoair Haw Mat itaej dawa rate owl tar pay the ibree er root Wt mv Kcr'MMM Bade a the grave, tka bei Where t aaatl ba laied aa aware Take .t where 4 aaawg a oak ia the ft na Mto t rM M tbrea per ceat Fat h tke re- - mnmm 1' mi of cvr-a- av ftotoher mare of . " vasaa Ha barm aaaaye tk Mibedy h? tba. aar m aa - araaaged, aa M tka Hal tor waa'ik . caaabar ar aaatoi M a were M a aaa aaaa. late a apt u ike j italtoj bu S lL hvu)S Oavltod. tk mi ibarar a bUaw- - t:t-- e a f ei . vu., Ut OL p'fL. Dollar ia off. kad toritM tkaoourtM? a. of Uacla ftoto lumiimt lo (toid. WtMU It coa 01 41 hm. to which tu ti;-to- l raeQtotir toritM at lee t km A od tka rata of Uxattoa vriM a coord io to tk qootad r!ce ol ike praoau aeuis H . whati. M to old tiaaaa. tobarwo u tka atad'ua o uad in tb Old DoaiOiOb, U rt or fkll'wHb tkkqukoüty of tka crop Baal a aa Mach mos now a tobacco wm ihoii, Abd DOf A Wfiil toor Ao UfialaUoo rl 1 gawd to loMrfarc with or raa;;ata itoaalu U n Ifal. W ItorMtoM. and it nn harailoM. urr Bd top? Il the title al a new book, tor which Mr. Wuxjaai Baatlatt of thtt c-t- a bow eubacrihera The book embracM record of e venia that iraneptred under tba cbarrvatMn and in the aapanooce ot the author. Mm Km ma I Vimaarki, a youog adventurer, who from the moat i raiM worthy patrioUam laid aetde ber own coetume And aayumed thai of the oppoaile eei okdureci bArdahipA aod pnvAtiooa, hazarding her life far her couoiry in im trying hoot. Aaa "spy" one ef the act haaardoui and difficult undertakings which ever Ulla Ik thy lot of any eoidier ahe na(l9trated the eoaaav 's ltuM, in various diaguteM m roo-trabao- pedlar. A- - vtaitiog tba rebel 'eoeraia at their own qaerte, and return- ing with valuable information. Though once compelled to work on rebel earrh-work- e. with the contrabands, and again impreMcd as A rebel soldier, aha succeeded iu Making her escape, unharmed, to the Union litiM. Tba book ia Illustrated with i.umerous ogs repreaentiog Mae of her moot et-cltin- br a i neriloua lituatioi - lt M iMued hi aucb a lorm and at euch a m deraid price to bring it within the reach of the mmm who will ho eattcr lor ita peru sal, aod we BfBaM Bf large mIs in thil city. -- a .a a lalellaclual f h L Wilt-- .r commence a aeriee of lecture on I'rogreM and Reform, on Sunday m.rni:.g i.rgt at half peat IU o crock, al tbe Univeraalbtt Church Wiliaieo lecture in the evening at tha usual hour Mr Wiltaie la an able and interesting apeaker. and will enter! am all who ma? attend Seat free laoVT J2t Makaa I aamer walal my Bki i0 ato- - k Bf M' anoa kicept one fine T Dctava H'arw..od Ins rn-me- nt, which I will veil at ennidrabl Jedur-tio- n, to order to make room lor a lar.v m-b- er of Instrumenta now daily r 1 (taWlad Mj ire Call early at I. K ISSN KK'S. oppoite the Court House dH 'r Beai- -i small 8tore Room, apply at Kiaaner'a oppoaitethe Court Houm. dSH lnMMrrale Mad. J or an a 1'ki imikb baa on hand a new awaortment of Fancy, National aud Charac- ter llreeaee (or Ladies and tUntUmeo, cor- ner of 7th and Main, opposite tbe Terre Haute House jan2,dlm a .a M drBm aPeat in ans. and Morted fruits, eitra jualitv. at 1 ' I 1 Ian. 14, dtl Apple- - i tie laeaf qatoNty, can m found at S ! KipUv 'a ( janl4.tif f a o a Tflmrr tlrmi Of eireilent quality can be fount), at all time, at W. Wii-liam- a'. ander Odd Fellowa' Hall ( Cnncd T'.maine-- , f'eaches, 1' i.eap- - plM, Plum. Stra whernen. Cmi and Cher- ries, for sale at Ceo. K Weaver's, (Tuttle's old atan.1 ) dec9dtf .a IVrrw liMMir dk Ricbmnad Hull It on I. CHANGE OF TIMK. M and after Monday Dec, IVih the time of ihta Road will be changed aa follows: 1 astaa I taraa. Mail 7lJt a Kip 4:45, p H Kip. Vrao a. bf iirrwai' aaaivia. Mail 11J25 a M Kx 3 ,'. r u Ei 14 a. Tarre Hauie. lr I, Miiw Hb! Hatt Hm! Ha!!-- A L?agbtr Rook for Little, Comical Paeea for Lltate Folks, aod I., lis Folks' fcbj 1'vpa ttooakt Bar t let I - J ellkVa to tum1 er, nice and cheap, at C. I. Riplel'l. rU dtf a M la. I W. Path. 1 i afing sold his lrug Store aantioy- - I e hi looks immedi ately. All concrn l will rdaaae rail for the prsaert at the - t and Mttla up without dely. 1 W FATRfCK. jaalSdtf axatbaa Rrmarah. kay'a Slaaribt: laaa at . ery TueMlav evt at the Armory .Mia. n School Hall. I i Street ftflrk . a- fW" ' hotoera kg aod ambrotypM bm) l k od of pictfe 1 a 1e cheap al tb Cr r r. ner of Mam and Ueets. fBBlMlf a e dar f Ihrmi. tl from Ihr Ibri 1 I tteoileman in the Tth CocgreMtonal I t ad who wish to get clear of the IHaft cae do ao C ' AM mWm .iAj,.'.'r .anas SM'th. ovr vk H Isaac a flba Store. Vt baeh Street, Tarre Heute, ladtaaa. and get- ting k nhei.tute. ahere the? re raromyrtl? Mppiied and no aaooev required aotil the ft-empt- on m procured Don 1 WAit to be draf . ted, bat rail soon aod avoid tke snnraaoasj prtcM that will ba demanded in the great nrek that will be made after the draft All order? will be attended to promptly aad withoi.t delay jmIMÜ aa. 4P SM S -- tW For hoe frax al tb preeM t paato prtcM. call 1 WiIImbwj' N US Maua street tW ' Ma n .treat aad try tba rwori Ibert bf the iSousand, one hot, or . I.I i tlovta and aa arr fi. terra Alk-A-M a aa -- a lhair aarta . v a aa A lr't HtJr art lMB4tf RiatklSI wetghel.LaYJ lb Aft aibikaiana to tAa. al I bta asvi tr tfiei at all kaara a tke dav Admaaaoa I V JsdA4 J05BPH PK5T0N Tka two Man trtri k MB) wk 34 ia It bv I Takmak aa tbe ibnwt rnaaakbh asema Pratw i JaaJMtf HOSFORD A BR' lUrieig. 4 Irani mat rd Rrpkiring I a. . -iT wr:.u aawo. a r nam MM-a- t mmm. i aasAwg. mm kaa. .toaaaaw m rayasetaa cfatatM am aaawaad jatMia. I TELKGR. j fatortar, ! a nl 1 iLataf A t JäaaTa IkT NEWS. .MBTT Uli ' 1 aaBBBaa mbwj mmmmr VERY LATEST Uli Nights Ihspntoties. (myiUK" TC THt k3AS r?a Vor Niw Yokl. Jo C-- Th Herald s foet r in aBjmii 11 11 1 I ol the Oth Mia. Brig. Oeti PayWB want oot agam vraterday, to force, to rSMoanwitre be poaition ol tlte aSMV my. He fouod ihe enemy. befere. ka force about two aito from cur eatr ma li;,e, aad after a Miere kirmtoh, in which wf u, oesdsd a capturing V) prtoonera ami (ran. Pavua retired Vesterda? afternoon as the di-pat- ch hoa Eliia Hancock, wm prooae.ling up the nvar to a rniot further than an? we had yet reach ed. ahe wm opened upon bv the gm a of Fort 8t. Phillip, on the eonih o. the river Sev- eral about were fired. orae which 00k ffecc Tbe remains of Col J F Smith. jT'dib N. Y , go North bv the etMmcr California. 10-d- a? Nkw Yoaa. Jan. Tba Herald s Sa- vannah coraeapnodMt at the I Sth , Mys Sbcr kti.'i army 1 -- till there. rtonr na ita well earned laurels, .erv tmy rruiting for another march. The Herald's Washington aav-th- at city is filled witb peace rumors. Tna crrMp':i'ieot mala that mrmber ol Jff. Itovta tMiinef had made a dire t roprMWasj to, or enquiry ol, Mr. Blair while he wm in Rittiumr.l to the effect that if tha Krh.i i.t were willing to give unthscoo teat, would the Calle! Staue (ovemtueiil forego amanriptroii, con fiscal or, Ac . And permit them to diaose of their cotton and leave the oTtnu tor Meiico. with ibe lt. t ao hatarlr ahmil t he placed in the wa? of the way of the pTifkidl ildiara of the Southern army, at IomI all who may deatre to follow the leader- - into that country; if that Would be coneeuied to, tliev would hind themMlree to drive the French, under Maiimillian. out of Mexico, klid insure the fall control ol the Govern-men- t, and if irceaaart, t leuge n ultimate kjiueistion to the I anted Suim Mr Hla r atated u. reply, thai the North would not, in any contingency , abandon the oraaiMipati m. hut that unr ilmtm-me- nt aa willing I. ha merciful a fir a Cunfw ttioii wa roii'-rrne- Niw 1 oka, .lau. 'AI A private lei avaatlia propoeitions ot tbe rebel to make tU Mark, Florida, a blockade runtime port Will not Buooeed. aa Lieut ftftckwell haa three vesaels there able to pul a stop to such Operation Richmond Kuquirer says it ia thought the ousting cabinet has pretty nrailt e haunted its intellectusl resources will i t krhiering vr? illuminated mdir i luitl fame, and thai new Mt with frMh ideaa and wide- awake charactenatica is eepeciall dMiratl at tke 1 reacnt time. The Anglo blockade runners have alrea- dy been informed of the lall ol Fori Fiaher, the Owl ha?ing tun in and het es- cape out agaio, the nigh before the evacu- ation of Fort Caswel! Naw VokB, Jaii üfi Tbe Wilmington North t'arolinlan aava a the operation la iu vicinity, the fierce pari vet ttt me u,e Yankees elated w.tli auccesa, will attampt to beat nack our troops with ratofor r niest which are continual I? arriving, and Mr 1. lion that our lutea have aMitmed, we iruat bis neit effort will b 'utile one. Itoih arraiea are torttlyiug .0 (hen reapn t ley positions, aad bot work may he loobtxl for at any tune The Raleigh I'rogreM of tbe Jihh na?, jtereo:. rm left Wilmington tbe lth -- av, tbe rebel forcM fell bark to within eight mÜM of the city, and ttenrral 1'errv had de- manded the urretider ol the place, giving Rragg to the 19tr. 'o answrt The removal Of all public properti wn g" ng on ft aa pueible, and we doubt not every preparation waa making to fallback Priaonem Irom ther m? all Is ooetusion nt Wilmint The general impreaeton is that the p would go and ao- -' of the people a ii.l ma H rw Voaa, Jau. 36 The I imea Vk h ington pacta Mys Rirhmoi.d paper, ol M av coaleaa i he evacnauoti of Wdmli.f ai I Geo. Ten i heyovwi a douht. now in . a tot 1 of ii city. I he 1 iiom' C r 1'oiot eorrMpoiideni lel-a-- tr raphe that II. at llMdquarler on-ce- r ring the rabei hoc clad demonstration en 'ae Ja tao, wm to rreaie eiriieeieut t i.cov-- r tue evacualion ol Richmond hvideoc ia accumnlatu.g daily that the retel lea ler wo d like to get out ol Rich- mond Tha Herald'a Oity I'otut avkasmtwb vs tr.rre were four rrlirl iroo cld m.r M.lirelv ilea.rotr I ai 1 iiaablcd Tka other tea were agtouod ana wrre bemg fired into direct by our baiter ie ea Iroai kart l araon - r n it.etn taut? The A ifueu CoosutuliooalMt that cay m filled with fugu.vM iroea Samt. fcVW-li-na It would appear that a nanil Bad u ed 11 tod aha peopte of that totale aa tna ap- proach of the L nun army a'jd they ara reed? to leave everyth.og u. aav- - their lit aa - m a a I reM Washlagiua W.aiaTv. Jan Tba atam nation of t " : ay .1! pr.aoeara .ho a that ofh-c- ar are aad hav beaa raahseO there for ai'bent knoaiBg what ekargM ar A new dilmaary bill to be rarMatgdj ,n tke Houee raeuiaioc " par ceat claiaed WakBiaiTOH, Jaw. Vice Admiral Por'-- r mi ao meek pleemed a ob tom Terr part of tba aparttiMi before Foil Ftober aa d worthy af a soecal dpacb. Ha av. a t attack be works hy mau it a be aiekt fca bot taa lern net. Im aa I leal j Magmen-- . 1 am quHe reeiy to hairawe ha wa his mo mms m to ssksd waa pewper . lo be daasi a the okttar aod wm peri- - t ? to J adage wirkaot ke advarw ed aay has oedu": w. bv fal. aak for tka aake o Mas hat for tba laaTJB Ml kbnii we are eat alakr t orl m Font Movajoa, Jea. 2S. The Advwara a mead from Fort Fadkav tkh) Bag witk a port aw. ad ike creaa of I m mwaafaa wma a skwgw aa rtaWsw. cf I Fat Ftokspr wy oar force. TBteagkd Ml heaitaied aod thosAgh tbe tapture of t 1 tba blockade Owl. came verv near but etMpactiog eoawatbu wioaag. R iasup- - waawd Ik tba rngtml Bgbta of our foeoea and astir tbtir eecapc and succeeded in eluding tbe vigilance of vur cruraers on tba alert for blockade runner Another blockade run- ner wm. however, ctptsrad Im Su"dT meruit g off Fort Ftober b:t her 1 me was not aaCrrtainr-- i AdMiral torlrr' CMalrllll Nt lori Waat!reTO. Jan. fh Tty fake Dt-- partakakt. to d.y. received tke follow in re- port from Admire! Porter N'.KTW ATt-awyi- c Sqt'Aiaos.i V Tta Snip MAtvaav. I Ofg SktiTAViLLt N C.Jaii In my Im I ;iworrBed m that Fort i'o wed had aaati ltoaa up Bad asaeaated in SMyaequence of ihe fall of Fort Fiaher I Mot Liet:t rotutd in the Monticello to tbe western bar BI ascertain what had ta kn place, i.nd to ot.tam aid l mm the c rhcers in 00 remand of tbe New York and N icks-bu- rg Lieut. Ooehinf did pBl obtain the aid be retjuirwd, far wbkt .reason 1 have not yet Bkaawed, bat wltb Lis uiual oorg? be pushed on aad foBBd that Fort CaawoII dad beeo blown up Bald Had Fort destroyed. Fort Shaw aod also Fort Blank, n the westward of Caswell, abandoned 1 here fort mount- ed ch gm and Armstrong et. Lteut Cushmp then pual.ed lo Smithville alte' hoi-no- g the Mag .1 the I'uioo o?er CmwoII Nett I aa w the fiag wavmg over Ma.ibvitie, ak.. a f oar huais ap. proachior, led everything ia the nana frt uuimpaireL and two guns only spiked in the fort lu (iiamrsvotiiae 1 bad luccead-e- d in getiuig u.e guubnat, the Teronv, over the river interior bar and ent hrr up to Reeves loit to diaabie the gun at that place. abcMi i -- e r.ilaa on t laaa went aula of the nrer atuvr Fort Fisher Tho. m v4 boars after the fa.M of Fort Fisher and iti oulbworks, all tnr lormidaSie c'iaiti forts in this river at u entrance, hui It t kMp aut anything, have fa I en hite our I. de. They are garrisoned tor r e preMnt with aaliora. 1 can scarcely give a description of ibeae works, the? arc . ertainl? the aost formida- ble and the bet hudt ea.tnwotka 1 ever mi, and do crrdit to the rngin.t r planed thiu Port t'aswell t the aame ehape it wis bfk e fore it fell into rebel band esrept that the rebel have covered us walls with earth Oti the outside, and made th-- almoat im- pregnable. 1 1 .a iti man? respects stronger than Koti Kiahet and harddt n take bv as- sault, at, it could Im taken, and the teliels knew I or 4 .-.- :, loatd outside would soon startet them. I Ktvp bad .'real difficulty in gettmg gnnboau over the bar and only one-cred- ed thia morning in gelling the last one through The ivbeia left r leuty ol good loiM and prn?iions, and our men are now subeisUog on them I Mitd you a list of forts that have fallen into our hands -- mce Fort Fiaher fell, with number o calibre of their guns We have found here in each fort an Au-'ron- g gun with the broad arrow to ita mane Sir Wm Armstrong, marked in lull, r th kiriti-- h Government claim ihe exclusive right lo use these gtms, ii would be interesting to know how they c iuir nto forla held by the south- ern rebels I find imrneur quantities of !' " - . ! '( .1. tri -- oine ih.uugh thin pott I am almost afraid to mer.tton the amount, but it is enough to sup- ply over 9,000 men. ! i all Rnglish and they have received the last ckffo s r tucked up a telegram lenaa Uamawkl le 'i tu ut) ird iiiatea here, Mying tbat if i rts Ktsber and t'aswell wera not held he won'.! aar lo evacuate Richmond He M? moat tiuiv and I should not he al all aurprwed lie left at an? moment We have nlentv of force to hold this place sgi net the wnole Sou then, i 'ou'.derary 1 hsve U'J b "s bearing on narrow atrip of land where ol r trooos are heavily d There re veaaeh In the nver and nnt side snd we M Ij hope they will attesfht to retake it Ion n.otiMml men In Fort Ftih ei reiaa the gun of tke squadron would hold this plsce rang lime. We find lbu a baiter place I i catch blockade runner than out. ffAj I had ckade runnera' ligh'a l.t laat - iiiigiur enough lo ai -- war the - .nal-- , hasfiap right wro. . we .i"t i k'ow Two of them tSe Sfif nd Oharlotte. IroM Hrrnn.U. Ioade.1 a .tt, arm, bUnkedi, ahei Ac came W aad tkfdHA.y ti '. .tr I r o , r Vf alvrr. i i .en 'In :' Basen r. "i The Stag t a- - c. mmatidt I hy IL.'.atd H. 0afe, Liewtanant m ibe rebel ut at.d belongs to tha rehei Ooternmc' t A r more arc etpact.! ai.d ae will, I tlrkkk catch a pirtion al them I eaAraated tkia dilti la Lktfl Catol i g who porformed it witi. ht ti.ubl rot"! i i ' a 1 intelligetrce. Theaa are eery la; vesael. and uahle prirM Th-- y tbrea a twto "'. their ppai nVeibaai I lamediatel n tandir they were irappr I J ha Oha riot l bring flv Eaglisb pasMoeers. one f 'hem ar I ng I mm kui ofh er They all eaae over, a the? i pree- - j ia, on a lark and w ere lliem-- M equit teilf toe caba over aartr ctiaa.p i e io ,- -r ' .attar rbemae'TM op thair ala arr.val The Stap received tkled in bar m i.e ran by mir vaesyip Vert rMoeartfaJrv your oodt servt h. I POKTF.R. Rat Adatl 1 n Orfkrs W rtira, Sp- - . .f Maty I rovn 4 aliromia. Haa Faasjovaoo. Jan. 35 Tba itoanacrat-pr- r '' hy aBfeb , hke v t- -. well w tA the tewa ol lr .revgrew and bat If tet .da hi tka rwj, wbo rasnBs- - roaa bwra.paibltat- - tha following -- taMsbmta. We hate ref'a.Qed Irom taavaAfiog aXakawk la Iiom . or at praevia aay eptoa to regard to rfapoets kd 'ktaari rdkt!BT tt tna koe, lKn a: 1 d. r ' ' Or l""rt r. kfeti- - ro, obi ' we "Okid grtr t ha ai act facts and indaaprjtablv vowch lor tkawa Ttm we ar BMW prMBII 1 BB do Bs MfwkMi MW waerVed froa Bar1ay Henry. Fmj rt! ted Agent of Dr. frraruB wrxke tka ;ro4eciM of tna E aimer wf M rv tee MxukYiti(. am r .nreyed uy m-- t eaed ta tr r Frrprmr IouM K Of-olg- -- vMjMga 0k4 other r tatee n Mi r boaBknai ar wkarb have wot yet keen dnenn r i uq tr. be bail smJ fwgrksd) hf tka? ieWex -- 4 at BkakBami pfMaaiw. aamnty for taa pay- - a ma "lf aw eg a .aat Met Ma tksj aal4Ma.i(wi iaa.ea.: ' rata wc ; rd .tmVt tkw French aAaj pt' 'toffraen P- - iraytaUM Oove fsawaia. vi Ykra latrif of r awJVMaw m the Freavrtt. aad a mvesned 2 a a ........ ' -- ;atr . . - .rt. c c .ends ad aae . f a aj r.f tba French of Um brilliant k'nduar an teeing civil end g tor pro amptAoo put Ivioid and rwgulaiing taraa f . tue of the mi oea. Tbe French Emperor guarar.tea amdj ry force under the direction of Gov. Geneva to maintain the public peace a: . the people of ibo Slatea gfajM nt. nal aod external force or pelkj. Or. 0 rerun bai tba approTtl of both al paeon i to encourage emigration bv offer-- mg more liberal terse to letUer, is order to bring industry and enterptoe to the derl-opeae- nt of well known roAko arret tbkt re gtoW en highly favored by nature. HkAOtgt. ABTBB1 AkMT POTOH Jaaaary 94 vjuiet MSI prevails along tba lioaa of tba ray. The bad weather . prevailing for tha kwAMatfl A k n a a aw tew ay making it impracticably lo carv out aay aUitarr movmaol even If one was contemplated Many persona aava pre- dicted an racoatbon of Pet era horg would take place before now. bet aa yet there are no signs of auch an event. Verieva Oom' ug with an our lmea are very naaerenia, the n emwar ntugrag from to 6' a day, alt of whom tell the moat doleful etories of hardships they hid lo endure , tha carcity of provMon Ac . od predict that the end ot the rebellion is bm- - Vw lorht "loan 'i, Niw Yokk, Jen 'JU The gold aaiket m v but for the demand for cash the gold pnee would probat, v degltne. a)uolA t on have floctaaled hat ran fMJ 04 and IW07 tni n'?4TI klBMIAI I tomctmuft, Jn. vie. Flour and gtain unchanged tnd not much done Wnest, Red, $1 HO. ailed Corn fl I Oeta OS. Whehy x. lriBtooadulL Meas Pork s offered at Head and Out Lard al 3'' GoceriM unchanged Oawd fJtOt, Silver $1 90QI 93. Tbe weal her ia ettrekwety -old Tber-aomel- er rt dega above tern a k OK la at B Mia I 1 Nw V0B4, .'AD.aC Oollon leaa active and lower at 9a!B1 F.'our dull t i 35fji9 4.V V tnaky dull and lower at i 1 Wheat dull at $9 10 Corn dull at $1 kCidjl H Coffe firm, ugar firm at 93. M dui: aod heavy Petroleum steady at il f.u . a I ' for refined. fork $37 'ab(d)3!i N I'reeMd lfog In uiodauae demand at IS I t rather firmer at lBi3 r- - ' t . ii DRf GOODS BOSTON STORE Ft rlUJbit K ' 'I 'I -- M 1 A I IHI 1101 1 o k I 411(1 A KINJ. LOT OF L I II I Fa S WINTER CLOAKS AND fff&f 1 ifRflKIr i Clii lldiwlmu l. A I.AItoK I I P. ' Ktaple and Fane) Dr . A oods ! DRErS ttüür Amm at I M r i' ! BLACK, A H & CO, PrOprlotor-B- . No 111 Main Mrre: t i Mr afeadi- - n r(. ref gp 4 Natntear of th J nu , Maaaa4 COODb. NIPPER t & DU I I.I Li CKf'T KULL liN- - y I aMBttB . .arge k r-- N Aajysr DRY GOODS, Oa Bead, ar t m they Making Ohango Tbe .ami ag , t' r Sforr Tkry are ( Losing O0T! The.r praaant ateM. a. May wtU prokahly k a ta ctoM fer a tiajr, erhen they will at n Ihatt Neu iV hlegant Ülorc Room wtrit an ADDITIONAL NEW STOCK ltubr I r tka libaral .i,.,taa baratufdVa. arJ aaaaM "J "H v aitanuM to tMtnaM to Unna ta Merit tbe aana B00KKECPINC. I I K It I HUT V. Commercial Colleges a-r'- a Hall, raraar VtBk BOA WmM atreeta to nr, s M,nn St., BU K KKKPIN. i DOUBLE vtry m afMttod Mi taaartaMBt el utr, ekaUaia, ktototl Iadrl4aa, PBrtMrakayv ' h. eiu7Maav Arl7kMli'wttl TaoMsaaM lIlMl Bttr 1 cp im tke eat nnatii.n r I44N Ok r om B to 1 A. ML. Bwm t ka A I I T totP. H. Kor rt rail I IL. i IU.. r aumpi Iba prtrjotpaT B. UABVIN. On iiiqair of tka f..Uartac beat aMM af tba atov H II rklOTT. RBgJt w rf i f"KIH' . H A Mi H HULMAS' j j.taiB- - I t ' R W THt)ktIk'Sj PHBI A Wk aTtiatH' rfi h. xril ouj t ! N . I K K W S it. Ira M -- b ' f Boots and Shoes ! B ' I 1KT. whar- - he . . tb' " HI wilt gl Ta i Holl ak Cheap as any House i N THE WKHT M m. k. I.ALLKW WILL Bfc. 1 a , , i tl.raa ' t v . . t. :t lh Jiliica' Koh. Terre-BBQt- , IartiBna j.n3dlu H4HOOIi. N' niB VHHJH OK YOIJTB Bkl IB HRBKN, by dk I SBP r Of UKB Be. Bicbord, . . -- r y.r. t arr.aat a. i.tlbattot. BSJg ai Masrtr. arcadad Utk BTglM r i f Amertoaa pkklU aad aesjatoaAed si. Aar t 't. W-- m ark. Bay f" r aaMa. ardin M f M TbU . y .bo..i" kaaaesa. m avert raa. ,l rtalr. ard B.aa a of I aaAd kB a, sayyatrtoM for m. si a s t Unr ejaaa-- a far fB, ltd alll ba Mi My pan. jajrba4. oa r aaa of raWM a t fa!. rrMtt1a-.- .t r,r rear aa,ps , l. ...ii UARp.MT brewMS kavaM, ar? 4 : r Om Mar waat .l Broa4wy f? T REMOVAL L. r. WILLI A ti a. Ba-ia- aj rsmave VraM Ms aid eaaad aa HOLMES' rOUIDIT, rpOXall INKORM lilfs JÜB--' . ' l - r' i sät bsBM I 1 aa BM' l a a

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Post on 09-Jul-2019




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Page 1: · SPECIAL NOTICES. MATRIMONI L ! LAMM AHO ÜBST LIHB If mm k to marry. addraM tka eatoiatoad




If mm k to marry. addraM tka eatoiatoad a m

tli saM yM wttAwwt Mty sad wwtou MM .ratoaksa taaiMMa AM will aabta ! ta Bbarrv

ap, aaMedUy. IIISBBt.rtlaa f 4 , weeM er

MV- - VMi iBlirmakM arfl ma yM MMa-a- .

If TM wirk to Marry. I wtlt baa rfait? !

am. All iMt-- r .irtiv caat toat .1 T Im 1

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AK dB B. LA.M BtT.B!aT Oa .


km Cm bareüsd M Svf tail to m( Im

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- II MMt weH --f ktor efu

i's Innef rrtxa er to HlMHl MM SWil

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t. ity, kr af MUU


fetal Ii 'k.a Ml MM MNMM, M B IBBVlfa Ift. HlBM ad

trb-taea-a. e4 In iUwim ay tb-- rWadder mM Ki4.

toatMJ MM

IM Mill f '4,MiMMMla'to. 11 rMMpt -- f to MMJ, y

TIC4.f rwi Tut,r wi ii( pttytoctoB Im to irMtoet f mmii ,

UrM ry. a Marvaa Khiim. wU4, MM) toMtt M toMMlMj iaM.U Mk. to

iMhrTunTwuMn Ml 1. I TKI.iTI!MMlf Al4M,Pftolf ?, MlMi Ml

Ijj, jf r. to"" iMfMM, MtoM Wk.4, 9i(kU? KMtoji i.itMlul UMVy, A , M..

Um aWtoi I. cM MbWIi M M b. raa4 h?kaaa af c la toa avav!utt. Ti r r.

I. E.Cc

-I- M aar?i riviufttaa aa aaaa la fi ,.h( 4 tirul'UiMatoai baratl ur muaigi ai tar, 'r

rMWta. lk y ribct baaltk pBMirrs. ffM tolaal frotopa. . . I'aih. bIMa, M Mba ol Iba Utariaa Or

ratto oa lb rua--

...iniia. r4May to Uu MJ 4atlrMaMto wiibaa aaainfi MMl ttto UM taf

1 Itoa oara by lbbjara4la aa1MafaMjM Iba yMMtoV a b t..filil .i.. aa-- I y

.,101M l 4lf crlo.1nar l tat

IV y bbuvJa HOT ' du flr. iiifMj mmm IH . al any ibar:.a, aa MtoMM iM ba tb ffbalt

tU I'M-- iLUa HAHVKT'l TBI IM 4M iMaaaaMr rat..alaa.erarMary. Ml

of Bftlur, aa-- l mpbatiml 1 toa I. '' aiadMar , .

ykiataf 4 paa. t r?M ta aar iJr. , .

Mtaata.Tba H na Hl ba MM by aMI abaaa.

Mftly .ai!, aa4 MM byM U.Uanarai anl.7tCa4ar M , Hm Tori

14 by ' Iba laal .Im'.'J. M MI.IMI

' ?Hf mw ' Htrra

k VOICS nn V( Ks Hl M.kt w . t i

lr J bu Huh Ur, ! i pt taia loaa ibM I aar flati c'Mton BitMra'l'. l- -ll I yaalt in -- ara dabtlüy aad

,. ;ri:..ri ..I my n.,pr.kiu.a4 hf .ba u .b.itUym Ml aaMatta I w ara af tka kftMIMtpp'. r'ar

1 I fr kabaf. ma baan wltb aa, orMt!tat li.r hont b kato Mtbara aataaia 1 I

..i4Janili rautii IfOM ta all paraia. Urtawaaafl ä nnb BtMkto.

H ?? rtbiL .ü R kaaltar y C'ManawlM.tiu a. By.. Aap', II. 1CI

Ob M M.I t M 1 kaaa aabaaitir , tkrwaakan aaaal '' la iHbttobl Mrartor f tbau.aartaaaat oi t ba yaf CaMbarlaad. a .aaal

mv llrti Hl r Isayarttoa, ui raqnaat aaalyat, baaa WäMwra tu Mr aolAtara.

tka faltowlay; U Kai inrwtoaMrap y.

I' U.n kuaacr il lab lo abtp W I

bVa II lt:ara IffaffaW äJUI aaa aaAiaSaJ iwu Hi i' ata will Ao o kam

u. aay aa If takatiaa m objat Uoa to ,11. bait-- . --


fuaa f II ta atlar HITtHT rii'RTBar wrM k Badlral ptrtaAM B--

- . ' t r r . ritna' t or na.Taaa Jalvll. lau.

tb . iakn all' btol r.. .alp ta Haabrttla. Iba C a, ar4 n-i- Chiron PMiaa ata la Ml Mr. in Iba

Wy ar.ta af Hm. BaWH H II I.Hj rag Mr - toa

füi kalaitl '' IM Ha-T.- rr.. . . .1

1 IIMIV l--H

Ma't faM M raaA tba aMali aaa aal i aUkta ta I

4 I IMHrlJklll l I III Hl I

PH OMAatoaUAN. Tk Twrk, baa 4aM.tik ImH Vblrtf tltlof MipVitUci..a.

kv asaia (VaaJataw P1IU atb rtiarra Ta y atfAKabla awA aab


i .rat 1 Imalik I 1 irajiiMakl'a raatllMi kB Bak Amwm m a nbta raty.Itaca i ami a aaf and alui i - y for Iba rara aflatokl WmImu, . ly fftaaf. 1 im of IbaOrtoary aad Baaala! Orpnar) w wkak irMaf aaawraar ktwaab aa ky baaakJ a k

ata 1I1 i aWMkm k iliMjjto'jr-irrlrylk-

aobU raaaady F nr I kayr M I Mat tbarfaC Ml aufaitaaaa, I w'lwtol tb rarlya tor

pr patiaaj J an ih . atMtoMi a aaalrrj at- -

- i.lir, 4lH.kJafr?aM Mr I aaa a t at pal I tk

toyaarwaW Mr.. 4rytT.i M v

Ht4a.M D hat

IM NM t M -

UlllT 1 CmifH aUinotiw

Um U. yrabMiy. aawm aaara aaraawawatT tra m a awl

I ag Caatyla utrttar. M a rw1-t- atlr a

tM bwJbca tka Mb IV A.' ba twato'AaWaMa.

ar itotow la rarMtoraa ar Mvar. wba

aa, . tky peaatwra a aaa.. caaa UM b M

TW. hu4. M allaa m Ilia Mi"aatafO raatlrto to leap

aaaaa baa AMa 1.. it yl '

, . !' , ti r- -

kJHMMto)b)(t .aU Mto'.a'tka MMaaaatoa ad waM Mag r rMBnWaWa m

OtWiMMtll UU

parkM l.aatW.wr raary . Ma,MfkU. bJM kt M-- d toM aaaftaa a. a Urbttog a

M wW aakkl tka ayaatoa rkarkad. m aatot wwwy

. t aaatobto trrlt ai I aa aa ' aMa tba aMrWaaaCaeM af aaaat tot at wt Tkrwat, vtak k tka

? taMOto ar Hfankart aa .by adi,4 aiai wm ml tbaa Bar b A far . H t Hi

oB ÜB. nntuu hayta.yr aia kw a lialMi- - AaMky O W fmr

B re. Tarra lata.M aa -- raty aaadwlw

- 1

lkMVaaA MB Ml bk Bail ak a . at


Uubr. tUt Un week

U. II am tk. eto mm H to tkeNtoMtiti. it t liiimi Bf hak tog

H fl I IWmK TiBBlBJty i brateijseesaw i r toa tea If tk. b p rosined

iruM,libickl4 will tor. i ri ii im ,HMb IM ra. t A MM vakls iMwdr w

be feead to AjawaV Ltof MM to im u4 ckack

Atom. fay to Dealer in ratlv Mrdlc o. (ever.süf l(.M

HollTb?!. KS. I r.

taa TM, M . oyA to MM.0 MM Bry IMlUHl.HViJI CO,

n- -t t, I t

( Happed lUmU X l arr. ."inilHibft, kr.

HBaiMAH CO'i CAMrtWtt. WITB M4.BUrKI5M c.r .Ckati- -l Hmüi c. tM-ealt- tal,

MaHalkaay tka Mia ft mü mm e tba aaT7-aa-ialbar Sell by PmmMiI . ItM W rat..

H BUM AN k 1 0.toiklliilM 1 , aawatoaaM Dritowi, W f.A larilcktlii rüiiti arto) Valskklr


yMia.aaMM lb' ac.aa mi allkacan ayaaarik. a' ba I .rf. Mrk m raaM

'aabla torai Ii will ft V laabU Taak 1 l cmjm, bu' partlarj aa latiTM rar aa4 Äfft.. I Ua yAaaaaal Ml alataAl'wdial. aJ tMmak anaar u tk eoaaM wkUky aaM mm tttar ao MMTk I w. BaMbaUrua- -

iib.M ... a . 0JuWlato b-- a. a ar4 Dr'ifgUta, !. Y,

I lttkr I Ml IM IMall ar aar rMilar a rQaar-- i l ar -

IfkBy aar ik ratomfi a4artlMMMIt afMM MaAkrtoaa to alk 1 aari f ibupmr. ad IwaiaitlMaty Mi er tba S3ii aac 1 MakU-- . 1' labrartti ai

rataala laiar Mto 1.. btk Maa raalar faatai. Ii 1 aai Im a aai- -

toya, Haa m? muh. AA4raIf " I MKbvl CO.

AtrkliWrjMkBI MUk. '?'t HVibi. n HUlMi 1. .

KaAaairaa I fraM Iba traa aor4 'KMi," ar"Bat. ira 1 'f?toA iktii . r4taau a

raatora Tbl rlAtU U a hat lt Dl atfn'ftoa9'-- r praaarvla. ra"rt; M bl. ' rln tba ba-M-

kair It la Iba Maat raraarbaMa i"ayMtolaa 1

lb aorl ! II UBpfafBBBVBl tal a( "P I ? tbaaatajtoal ajraytlalOT, jM la tat at aim tba .amrra. ,1 .'tantcM wk-- b fr. u ata aarff Mllltot. botllaa par aaauaiIt la a Maat Aat.'btfai Hair Uaaala

It tIt b.ak tba bbir Hrb. oft al laaayH p'aaaat Iba balr from fall! m -- 4 aa4 larn ajj

.rayIi imi balr cpnct bald kaa 1.

' i.lau ab ralaaa t.aann'ub41 f balr ak,.i.l aa Lyon'a Katbalrivi It .kaaara aal aal taraa;btMt lb .lflllaa.1 aorMkVll by all raaparlabla 4Mbtof

l t l . II t It 1 I A M , N

MBOiAfa" N . ai.ia HAI. 01.TT: Ui m'iat .i..habif an:ait-- , r lirarr.r

b--b 4la..rr Ii rbAnaaa Iba Ob bamlf ttt i .'i i t , ,y .'In taatara af ra.t.bI ' ' , . ' ' M ' I f I. IMlf I.Ol .

ad tkaatatiaf. r-- ar tb.Mplaplao, fr, ktr. ',.,! r it ttmiiiiibi.l rnnbnaM fraM Ik bin. laaving Iba rwaplat- -

Im Haak, traMparaat aad MMMb Ii oatalaa auBatarial lnJHMto ta Mm IStronlMd by Ar- -

t'aa an 1 lir 1 r.Ä. , i. w it rry r

ObaaM ba. laMn 'i.liM.rra,rrr-- l kf, a a 1 1 1 1 H. T y. T

H 4tmam II ar4r U.

ti . Ii.' ma llwraut b ia.. .


IV01 a DYM,Bat raMr a Cray balr :n it. rigmii raaf' t.ratotaatha rapUl.f y tali . wttb nati. I at.'.'. ,

ly. ... oMpoaal Un.r m ill t , 4aat royin fbafkaltty nJ baaotyof Iba M k t-- HWtl af tk-- m

Miraaaodraaaln Halb. labia Cal,,Abi "t only raabna .a.r .aairatorby naay pruc.aa. ba? (iM

I niiirlanl U tlty.prtaaotra It. gr t. prrn It Bmm ofl. Hmai t mpar' haaitb aad plaaMBtaaa ta tka kaa i Ii baa m-- 4 toa tawt of Um, ba.

tu tba ft(in; Hair 1 i.ra. and tMaaatry Inajaaata In laanr. U1 by b4b anlro.n aed la-It- w

I ' I. . .I I Ij I, raavaaMbla laalar.. r ran bayraenr-- ". by ibaai f toa f atwan ll aaota. D. IfiAAHBAA 00 Ml Imaiatf. La Tarb Ttoa

aiM, BOoaaU at. 1 )"

Bw T. loeto. 1.. f r l.nt.rr h' MkJavjBtA ttb

laaatlala. oaiMtati. of tha haart. Iab tapyMt'W. dtatraaa aitT ag, Mrpid llMr, enatlpall aa. Be Amfy t ..ikbr If tba allt net try tkaMbrtad

J'ffiMffif.oM b araaaw raoaakaa '.ed by tba b Beat Mad I

tra atbodUaa, abd war. . ar-vla- an rt.rllato a I aAW I Tba ara airaa4lngtyaT .;.. par tort 1? para, and aaaat iapertaed all

bar a a ... Iby. rnt .a attainiant la 1 afakaHaV

tVaf pattor. fttrArajtlSV. ,1 IftHeatoTb.y rri. aaa4by .pyai'taTbef era an anttowto ta akaaga of a a tar aa.t Jiav

boarTky .trengibaa Iba ratam an4 auhaaa tb. aial.fb.y paw a it aitettU' aad utK.iibat lev araTkay partfy ike braatk anJ ar'd'ty of iba NoaartTV y Wgag llyaaip.. 4 PiaillpalliTk'? . ra lanhoM aad t b ir Horb.Tbrycaie 1 1 ear OuaPptAVat aA atdm ai Baata bTk.-Ma- b tk WMk aar n, tb Uaet act III a

ibaaata. aam f great reatorar TVyaaaMMJtaffAvlM-a- . ata-- ' i'n.. . air.

torp an, aeaaafraa, reaaa Md kerba, all piaaaaia1. ur eweaa i'rM ma PVr paatiealMa.

lare aad toeHMMlal afMn 1 ae k bottto.ICeara af iMp.'atora. Aftaaataa avary battla

Im . at It oar privat t'. taap aastllt4M

a aaa ataai p ' l V rlata aat redlk. atb iMtitaw aad

t ? ,i " " rlitoe galiaa ae ta Ball, .a M I

' 1 r t '..' .naVaar iatn tkaraia, wb tr Uad rtaatalH4f ad. tgafraj tk r Lwad erft to m iMa wk A ky a -- aa) bMr aye m aat eaal parti., r Hb ar bWka wiU aacxaad la gaMtoggeartar Tk Maat far I

.ra rtam.awa. . lar ywa-n-. A. . ..

rlie Tba traal' '- -t tka a'kWato weyraMt af tkatr r-- anf eapar .

TV ay ra --. rpbr''i aa. aboata ad

ar? tHrW. t . nit m 1 1re Nri.aaT. w1 'vilr

ii .IUT IKLfil KBIT.

CFLLBRATEO FEEALE PILLSkg rial, aa fruaa .tor J tMwee

m r rieetrv A tie tSaaa

TV i aiaaada a laa 1 a I tba .

fall AfM paaadat !aa- - M Wbwbba aai. aaavtkaaaaa aaaagree tad ftoaiM ail ebara aa ba raAtod aat

TO HAkJUBt t.akaa.aiartf M4J h

fa toa

d Oaaat Brtfato I

rkaM -a Bar JiMtf A '

M Aay .try aaa Bfl r

My MAja Ay-- M . .

aaaaf -ta--r-ai. r k "ax?M Atox- -, .

iaMn-- aM l

a I- aj a -

to I


aaaaawed d. taato aa beaaA Ak ara, aaB kaltor . Hbt aa. dB agtpyb toratok m atowto . to k-a- ad riaaill r

-BBt - a

Imt mmmm, dkf l ki I ,i! feS HlaVktl fmM 1

- ' - - IaMafJMto. a Bmm - -





the loot coil aad

aAAwve tbe ork fOM brevlv

Tba qaotoof ihm Seat Modar tbaMX toll, M qMcmUj

Mdrad aad aiajbtr-tw- o.

r lolormad tka Oaraaan Torimt ftoctot? mm rkkMtlf kajB ryof gkoiAkd, Mill Im . full .part.o. M I .i.g

nor to ba tMbu.Jd km. baa iU AmMtir Tbaaptao Aaarxts- -

lion, which oatoatoiotba baaiit of tb poor ott a aak

ba änllirao Daraocr' ofck't thatour A raatoun tiait that p4ac aod grrt aawotwrtaiomaot for th boawftt of tba poor.aadgirca th bMuraor that a libaral patraaaa

ill ba

Birbtr barr of ml per Jay. thNaw Altai.? I.xl(cr at loforcood. m oawBowing froM aaa of th pauolaaai wIUiaiaitr i tioard io i'raw'ard Oouott 01 baa

hr "trcb"iri on a or two othei wolU o

t!.' o.r.'.?WMajaa

tST Tb Di 't Vfaatina t tho CourtHoum lat ntA-h-

t wm not largal? aitcmltHl.Tha r for county ajiof, on Saturdayto MCartkin tba Mb ol th Wopl iu rrrardto Oi üoaiMiMoora makin? M ppaapifco- -tAwk bM CAUC--i AO kpAth? a0 th pail oftkaao baoat u tba auriarnl. W

ara ptaoaad U aaa tka call for tho mooting ofHaturday, m tha vaaad .jaMtiott will than barMUlad, aithr oi.o w? or the olhar Should

t ba found iMpoMible to obtain tha appro-f.nt.Ofi-tn- d

aach w ar coofidoot will batha rMnlt -t- hf-n tba paoplo will know thatIba only rourco loft to pa? out tb draftb? prirat ukacription, and wa opiaa it willIm dooo paadiiy. It rauat ba doa joickly,if at II

I 'ho lr!t Aawociatioii will tnri Kin onAfoii'lay availing.

aa4M ur mention of th fi rat t .if

tha Aanatcun. a ia our t..u; rualora withIi I. - r- ar f j.rata. a.- - " " j it ilrtadHhar iraiaa or cnur of iaiifMfi know

kif lull wail that M mntin w. raa.ia of on,t Maaa qnaniil? ami tha aame .ualit? muatba raAaiurad out to aach of tha fifteen ortwantr paraon alior iitu appear.) on theProgramm and woa be to u if th lowaataarrant wa not recognized, or w ventured

auggeetion he: an mprovmnt might bamade Hut c ur contributor, "Coo Amor,''

gentleman nl much laato, wm not ko dU-cre- at

in hie rritiaim. nd the ame bariogprorokkJ o roe foaling, we fit pic tothe l! lowing

AaioBK will confer a favor by wilbboldaing any crlt.o-- m m lurura aa they are aotira-I-?

uti"Alled for. a: .1 .nit of rbkractor ondoaee no rood effort The mem her of thAaaociaiun devote good part of their dmIn rehaaraaU and atuil? for charitable pur-po- ao

without Matter?, .tor do waBtob any ona ronnected with tha Society to0 abueed or comr. limenled Wo do notprnfa. he Actor $ or Actr$f and ourIrr- - BtBBBjndgoof our merita or ilemerito,ant haemg it blaaonad all over thocoun- -

trv in tha aaIn mas of a nwppar I willtat thai tba Society 'a Wieb are atated in

the above article.Owe or rat CoktyLiMtNTKn.

a mmKraaa HHAr. A few da?a ago a large

tjUAOtit? of the lande mortgaged to tbaorbool fund b? riiiieo of tbi eouoty, wmMid Bf the Auditor al the Court Houm door.Tha adverting of ibM aaia Appoarad only ioIba I rr riaute Journal, aod hence a ligaoumher of paraoo? whoaa lands war mort-

gaged were not apprieed of the (art, aod didnot therefore tiar.d and buy io the r rnort-gag- d

preMiaM Tho OoaMqueuca w thata lea i: !:r bduaU of th a city, (loma of themwe auderetand baviog an ml mala rooQOcliouwith Mimlf cltcM' comhine.1 ijge'her andpurcbaaad a rrry larga portion of tt.p real

eaUta IhiM Mid In cutay oMa valuabletracta acre Mid for onlnih. and one twen- -

lialh their irtual value Of ohm th Undha.1 t. ir ; 1. aii.l it wm tba duty cf thperaona havit g landa thai Mortgaged, to abtand the ale, and buy in thir land Put in

greet mir.i? M rae iba owt rr. k ew

nothing whatever of the aejNow. when the owner go to iheaejpareonA

who made be parcaaeea to redeem theirlarbta. aad par Back to them ibe moniM theyhave Iran, ad I bay are not parMilted to do

0. uulofH hy P.ymg a larga b.maW bve two raeaa. A farM wm ld b. -

ionging 10 Mr K or$S6)-t- he landworth law 1. mm ibai aataai, Mr. K.

to the and offer to redeem hu knd. buttbaaa -- harper a a b.M tba flWI, and MrAJreaf deiravi kreM'i

A a- - a !a- - 1 w .rth $1 .'! a aoll to Ml- -

.f? a to ru:da 01 $h). She goea to tbaparchaaar aad ak 10 redaara t bat w charg-O- d

tba Ni. ad elaadrd AeMafri m

tba ieet af the em9 ara o keeping atth

Tkw. kaato kousiy uapag bv bowtriog'a 8 tag. aad aa ikie mom ty at mmc-kHa- d

ta tbw matter we hall take occmmw;ftar ka a littto futtbar into um cbm

lo give Iba ntrada kf VBf ikd.f blut who HIa advantage af tbatr naagkbora Wa

ik nk it dae to 1! part tea t.gaga,HhiMare heb akeaad be thro an aj tk a aabjart.Hea who profoM aach eovMb-- e DkBBf ml Ability, ak 1 all be haawa ba all. toa

on e? r ie

A k AUWbATioa px a

Tber Ml.there m aaa wBerB mkgh Jerd S Sal I wM tjafyl rer.r.. a rr BjaJ aljatoafatoMB m MbtkMoair Haw Mat itaejdawa rate owl tar pay the ibree er root Wt

mv Kcr'MMM Bade a the grave, tkabei Where t aaatl ba laied aa aware

Take .t where 4 aaawg a oak ia the ft na Mtot

rM M tbrea per ceat Fat h tke re--

mnmm 1' mi of cvr-a- av

ftotoher mare of ." vasaa

Ha barm aaaaye tk Mibedy h? tba. aarm aa - araaaged, aa M tka Hal tor

waa'ik . caaabar ar aaatoi M a were M a

aaa aaaa. late a apt u ike

j italtoj bu S

lL hvu)S Oavltod. tk mi ibarar a bUaw- -t:t-- e a f ei . vu.,Ut OL p'fL.

Dollar ia off. kad toritM tkaoourtM?a.

of Uacla ftoto lumiimt lo(toid. WtMU It coa 01


hm. to which tu ti;-to- lraeQtotir toritM a t lee tkm A od

tka rata of Uxattoa vriM acoord io to tk

qootad r!ce ol ike praoau aeuis H .

whati. M to old tiaaaa. tobarwo utka atad'ua o uad in tb Old DoaiOiOb,U rt or fkll'wHb tkkqukoüty of tka cropBaal a aa Mach mos now a tobacco wmihoii, Abd DOf A Wfiil toor Ao UfialaUoorl 1 gawd to loMrfarc with or raa;;ata itoaaluU n Ifal. W ItorMtoM. and it nn harailoM.

urr Bd top?Il the title al a new book, tor which Mr.

Wuxjaai Baatlatt of thtt c-t- a bow

eubacrihera The book embracMrecord of evenia that iraneptred under tbacbarrvatMn and in the aapanooce ot theauthor. Mm Km ma I Vimaarki, a youog

adventurer, who from the moat i raiM worthypatrioUam laid aetde ber own coetume Andaayumed thai of the oppoaile eei okdurecibArdahipA aod pnvAtiooa, hazarding her lifefar her couoiry in im trying hoot.

Aaa "spy" one ef the act haaardouiand difficult undertakings which ever Ulla Ikthy lot of any eoidier ahe na(l9trated theeoaaav 's ltuM, in various diaguteM m roo-trabao-

pedlar. A- - vtaitiog tba rebel'eoeraia at their own qaerte, and return-ing with valuable information. Though oncecompelled to work on rebel earrh-work- e.

with the contrabands, and again impreMcdas A rebel soldier, aha succeeded iu Makingher escape, unharmed, to the Union litiM.

Tba book ia Illustrated with i.umerous ogs

repreaentiog Mae of her moot et-cltin- br

a i neriloua lituatioi -

lt M iMued hi aucb a lorm and at euch am deraid price to bring it within the reachof the mmm who will ho eattcr lor ita perusal, aod we BfBaM Bf large mIs in thilcity.

--a .a a

lalellaclual f h L Wilt-- .r

commence a aeriee of lecture on I'rogreMand Reform, on Sunday m.rni:.g i.rgt athalf peat IU o crock, al tbe UniveraalbttChurch Wiliaieo lecture in the evening attha usual hour Mr Wiltaie la an able andinteresting apeaker. and will enter! am allwho ma? attend Seat free laoVT J2t

MakaaI aamer walal my Bki i0 ato- - k Bf M' anoa

kicept one fine T Dctava H'arw..od Ins rn-me- nt,

which I will veil at ennidrabl Jedur-tio- n,

to order to make room lor a lar.v m-b- er

of Instrumenta now daily r 1 (taWlad Mj ire

Call early at I. K ISSN KK'S. oppoite theCourt House dH

'r Beai- -i small 8tore Room, applyat Kiaaner'a oppoaitethe Court Houm. dSH

lnMMrraleMad. J or an a 1'ki imikb baa on hand a new

awaortment of Fancy, National aud Charac-ter llreeaee (or Ladies and tUntUmeo, cor-

ner of 7th and Main, opposite tbe TerreHaute House jan2,dlm

a .a M

drBm aPeat in ans. and Mortedfruits, eitra jualitv. at 1

' I 1

Ian. 14, dtl

Apple-- i tie laeaf qatoNty, can m

found at S ! KipUv 'a ( janl4.tif f

a o aTflmrr tlrmi Of eireilent quality

can be fount), at all time, at W. Wii-liam- a'.

ander Odd Fellowa' Hall (

Cnncd T'.maine-- , f'eaches, 1' i.eap- -

plM, Plum. Stra whernen. Cmi and Cher-

ries, for sale at Ceo. K Weaver's, (Tuttle'sold atan.1 ) dec9dtf

.aIVrrw liMMir dk Ricbmnad Hull


M and after Monday Dec, IVih the timeof ihta Road will be changed aa follows:

1 astaa I taraa.Mail 7lJt a Kip 4:45, p H Kip. Vrao a. bf

iirrwai' aaaivia.Mail 11J25 a M Kx 3 ,'. r u Ei 14 a.

Tarre Hauie. lr I, Miiw

Hb! Hatt Hm! Ha!!-- A L?agbtrRook for Little, Comical Paeea forLltate Folks, aod I., lis Folks' fcbj 1'vpattooakt Bar t let I -

JellkVa to tum1 er, nice and cheap, atC. I. Riplel'l. rU dtf

a M

la. I W. Path. 1 i afing sold his lrugStore aantioy- - I e hi looks immediately. All concrn l will rdaaae rail for theprsaert at the - t and Mttla up withoutdely. 1 W FATRfCK.


Rrmarah. kay'a Slaaribt: laaa at .

ery TueMlav evt at the Armory .Mia. n

School Hall. I i Street ftflrk. a-

fW" ' hotoera kg aod ambrotypM bm) l

k od of pictfe 1 a 1e cheap al tb Cr r r.ner of Mam and Ueets. fBBlMlf

a e

dar f Ihrmi. tl from Ihr Ibri 1 I

tteoileman in the Tth CocgreMtonal I t ad

who wish to get clear of the IHaft cae do aoC ' AM mWm .iAj,.'.'r .anas

SM'th. ovr vk H Isaac a flba Store. Vt

baeh Street, Tarre Heute, ladtaaa. and get-ting k nhei.tute. ahere the? re raromyrtl?Mppiied and no aaooev required aotil the ft-empt- on

m procured Don 1 WAit to be draf .

ted, bat rail soon aod avoid tke snnraaoasjprtcM that will ba demanded in thegreat nrek that will be made after the draftAll order? will be attended to promptly aadwithoi.t delay jmIMÜ

aa. 4P SM S --

tW For hoe frax al tb preeM t paatoprtcM. call 1 WiIImbwj' N US Maua street

tW ' Ma n .treat aad try tba

rwori Ibert bf the iSousand, one hot, or

. I.I i tlovta and aa arr fi. terra

Alk-A-M a aa --a lhair aarta. v a aa A

lr't HtJr artlMB4tf

RiatklSIwetghel.LaYJ lb Aft aibikaiana to tAa.

al I

bta asvi tr tfieiat all kaara a tke dav Admaaaoa I V


Tka two Man trtri k MB) wk 34ia It bv I Takmak

aa tbe ibnwt rnaaakbh asema Pratw i


lUrieig. 4 Irani mat rdRrpkiringI a. . -iT wr:.u aawo. a r

nam MM-a- t mmm. i aasAwg. mmkaa. .toaaaaw m rayasetaa cfatatM am aaawaad




j fatortar,


a nl 1 iLatafA t JäaaTa IkT


1 aaBBBaa mbwj mmmmr


Uli Nights Ihspntoties.

(myiUK" TC THt k3AS

r?a VorNiw Yokl. Jo C-- Th Herald s foet

r in aBjmii 11 11 1 I ol the Oth Mia. Brig.

Oeti PayWB want oot agam vraterday, to

force, to rSMoanwitre be poaition ol tlte aSMV

my. He fouod ihe enemy. befere. ka

force about two aito from cur eatr ma li;,e,

aad after a Miere kirmtoh, in which wf u,

oesdsd a capturing V) prtoonera ami (ran.

Pavua retiredVesterda? afternoon as the di-pat- ch hoa

Eliia Hancock, wm prooae.ling up the nvarto a rniot further than an? we had yet reached. ahe wm opened upon bv the gm a of Fort8t. Phillip, on the eonih o. the river Sev-

eral about were fired. orae which 00kffecc

Tbe remains of Col J F Smith. jT'dib N.Y , go North bv the etMmcr California. 10-d- a?

Nkw Yoaa. Jan. Tba Herald s Sa-

vannah coraeapnodMt at the I Sth , Mys Sbcr

kti.'i army 1 -- till there. rtonr na ita wellearned laurels, .erv tmy rruiting foranother march.

The Herald's Washington aav-th- at

city is filled witb peace rumors. TnacrrMp':i'ieot mala that mrmber ol Jff.Itovta tMiinef had made a dire t roprMWasj

to, or enquiry ol, Mr. Blair while he wm in

Rittiumr.l to the effect that if tha i.t were willing to give unthscooteat, would the Calle! Staue (ovemtueiilforego amanriptroii, con fiscal or, Ac . And

permit them to diaose of their cotton andleave the oTtnu tor Meiico. with ibe

lt. t ao hatarlr ahmil t heplaced in the wa? of the way of the pTifkidl

ildiara of the Southern army, at IomI allwho may deatre to follow the leader- - intothat country; if that Would be coneeuied to,tliev would hind themMlree to drive theFrench, under Maiimillian. out of Mexico,klid insure the fall control ol the Govern-men- t,

and if irceaaart, t leuge n ultimatekjiueistion to the I anted Suim

Mr Hla r atated u. reply, thai the Northwould not, in any contingency , abandon oraaiMipati m. hut that unr ilmtm-me- nt

aa willing I. ha merciful a fir a

Cunfw ttioii wa roii'-rrne-

Niw 1 oka, .lau. 'AI A private lei

avaatlia propoeitions ot tbe rebel to maketU Mark, Florida, a blockade runtime port

Will not Buooeed. aa Lieut ftftckwell haathree vesaels there able to pul a stop to such Richmond Kuquirer says it ia thought

the ousting cabinet has pretty nrailt ehaunted its intellectusl resources will i t

krhiering vr? illuminated mdir i luitl fame,

and thai new Mt with frMh ideaa and wide-

awake charactenatica is eepeciall dMiratlat tke 1 reacnt time.

The Anglo blockade runners have alrea-

dy been informed of the lall ol Fori Fiaher,the Owl ha?ing tun in and het es-

cape out agaio, the nigh before the evacu-

ation of Fort Caswel!Naw VokB, Jaii üfi Tbe Wilmington

North t'arolinlan aava a the operation la

iu vicinity, the fierce pari vet ttt me u,eYankees elated w.tli auccesa, will attampt tobeat nack our troops with ratofor r niestwhich are continual I? arriving, and Mr 1.lion that our lutea have aMitmed, we iruatbis neit effort will b 'utile one.

Itoih arraiea are torttlyiug .0 (hen reapn t

ley positions, aad bot work may he loobtxlfor at any tune

The Raleigh I'rogreM of tbe Jihh na?,jtereo:. rm left Wilmington tbe lth -- av,tbe rebel forcM fell bark to within eightmÜM of the city, and ttenrral 1'errv had de-

manded the urretider ol the place, givingRragg to the 19tr. 'o answrt The removalOf all public properti wn g" ng on ft aa

pueible, and we doubt not every preparationwaa making to fallback Priaonem Iromther m? all Is ooetusion nt Wilmint

The general impreaeton is that the p

would go and ao- -' of the people a ii.l

maH rw Voaa, Jau. 36 The I imea Vk h

ington pacta Mys Rirhmoi.d paper, ol M av

coaleaa i he evacnauoti of Wdmli.fai I Geo. Ten i heyovwi a douht. now in

. a tot 1 of ii city.I he 1 iiom' C r 1'oiot eorrMpoiideni lel-a-- tr

raphe that II. at llMdquarler on-ce- r

ring the rabei hoc clad demonstration en

'ae Ja tao, wm to rreaie eiriieeieut t i.cov-- r

tue evacualion ol Richmond

hvideoc ia accumnlatu.g daily that theretel lea ler wo d like to get out ol Rich-


Tha Herald'a Oity I'otut avkasmtwb vs

tr.rre were four rrlirl iroo cld m.rM.lirelv ilea.rotr I ai 1 iiaablcd

Tka other tea were agtouod ana wrre bemgfired into direct by our baiter ie ea

Iroai kart l araon - r n it.etn taut?The A ifueu CoosutuliooalMt that

cay m filled with fugu.vM iroea Samt. fcVW-li-na

It would appear that a nanil Bad ued 11 tod aha peopte of that totale aa tna ap-

proach of the L nun army a'jd they ara reed?to leave everyth.og u. aav- - their lit aa

- m a aI reM Washlagiua

W.aiaTv. Jan Tba atam nationof t " : ay .1! pr.aoeara .hoa that ofh-c- ar

are aad hav beaa raahseO there for

ai'bent knoaiBg what ekargM ar

A new dilmaary bill to be rarMatgdj ,n

tke Houee raeuiaioc " par ceat claiaedWakBiaiTOH, Jaw. Vice Admiral

Por'-- r mi ao meek pleemed a ob tom Terr

part of tba aparttiMi before Foil Ftober aa

d worthy af a soecal dpacb. Haav. a t

attack be works hy mau ita be aiekt fca

bot taa lern net. Im aaI leal

j Magmen-- . 1 am quHe reeiy to hairawe hawa his mo mms m to ssksd waa pewper

. lo be daasi a the okttar aod wm peri-- t ?

to J adage wirkaot ke advarw ed aayhas oedu": w.


fal. aak for tka aake o

Mas hat for tba laaTJB Ml kbnii we are eat


t orl m

Font Movajoa, Jea. 2S. TheAdvwara amead from Fort Fadkav tkh)

Bag witk a port aw. ad ike creaa of

I m mwaafaa wma a skwgw aa rtaWsw.

cfI Fat Ftokspr wy oar force. TBteagkd

Ml heaitaied aod thosAgh

tbe tapture of t 1 tba blockade

Owl.came verv nearbut etMpactiog eoawatbu wioaag. R iasup- -

waawd Ik tba rngtml Bgbta of our foeoea andastir tbtir eecapc and succeeded in eludingtbe vigilance of vur cruraers on tba alert forblockade runner Another blockade run-

ner wm. however, ctptsrad Im Su"dTmeruit g off Fort Ftober b:t her 1 me wasnot aaCrrtainr-- i

AdMiral torlrr' CMalrllll Ntlori

Waat!reTO. Jan. fh Tty fake Dt--partakakt. to d.y. received tke follow in re-

port from Admire! PorterN'.KTW ATt-awyi-

c Sqt'Aiaos.iV Tta Snip MAtvaav. I

Ofg SktiTAViLLt N C.JaiiIn my Im I ;iworrBed m that Fort i'o

wed had aaati ltoaa up Bad asaeaated in

SMyaequence of ihe fall of Fort Fiaher IMot Liet:t rotutd in the Monticelloto tbe western bar BI ascertain what had takn place, i.nd to ot.tam aid l mm the c rhcersin 00 remand of tbe New York and N icks-bu- rg

Lieut. Ooehinf did pBl obtain the aidbe retjuirwd, far wbkt .reason 1 have not yetBkaawed, bat wltb Lis uiual oorg? be pushedon aad foBBd that Fort CaawoII dad beeoblown up Bald Had Fort destroyed. FortShaw aod also Fort Blank, n the westwardof Caswell, abandoned 1 here fort mount-ed ch gm and Armstrong et.

Lteut Cushmp then pual.ed lo Smithvillealte' hoi-no- g the Mag .1 the I'uioo o?erCmwoII Nett I aa w the fiag wavmgover Ma.ibvitie, ak.. a f oar huais ap.proachior, led everything ia the nana frtuuimpaireL and two guns only spikedin the fort lu (iiamrsvotiiae 1 bad luccead-e- d

in getiuig u.e guubnat, the Teronv, overthe river interior bar and ent hrr up toReeves loit to diaabie the gun at thatplace. abcMi i -- e r.ilaa on t laaa went aula ofthe nrer atuvr Fort Fisher Tho. m v4boars after the fa.M of Fort Fisher and itioulbworks, all tnr lormidaSie c'iaiti fortsin this river at u entrance, hui It t kMp autanything, have fa I en hite our I. de. Theyare garrisoned tor r e preMnt with aaliora.

1 can scarcely give a description of ibeaeworks, the? arc . ertainl? the aost formida-

ble and the bet hudt ea.tnwotka 1 ever mi,and do crrdit to the rngin.t r planed

thiuPort t'aswell t the aame ehape it wis bfke

fore it fell into rebel band esrept thatthe rebel have covered us walls with earthOti the outside, and made th-- almoat im-

pregnable. 1 1 .a iti man? respects strongerthan Koti Kiahet and harddt n take bv as-

sault, at, it could Im taken, and the telielsknew I or 4 .-.-

:, loatd outside would soonstartet them. I Ktvp bad .'real difficulty ingettmg gnnboau over the bar and only one-cred- ed

thia morning in gelling the last onethrough

The ivbeia left r leuty ol good loiM andprn?iions, and our men are now subeisUogon them

I Mitd you a list of forts that have falleninto our hands -- mce Fort Fiaher fell, withnumber o calibre of their guns We havefound here in each fort an Au-'ron- g gunwith the broad arrow to ita mane Sir WmArmstrong, marked in lull, r th kiriti-- h

Government claim ihe exclusive right lo usethese gtms, ii would be interesting to knowhow they c iuir nto forla held by the south-ern rebels I find imrneur quantities of

!' " - . ! '( .1. tri -- oineih.uugh thin pott I am almost afraid tomer.tton the amount, but it is enough to sup-

ply over 9,000 men. ! i all Rnglish andthey have received the last ckffo

s r tucked up a telegram lenaa Uamawkl

le 'i tu ut) ird iiiatea here, Mying tbat ifi rts Ktsber and t'aswell wera not held hewon'.! aar lo evacuate Richmond He

M? moat tiuiv and I should not he al allaurprwed lie left at an? moment We

have nlentv of force to hold this placesgi net the wnole Sou then, i 'ou'.derary 1

hsve U'J b "s bearing on narrow atrip of

land where ol r trooos are heavily d

There re veaaeh In the nver and nntside snd we M Ij hope they will attesfht to

retake it Ion n.otiMml men In Fort Ftihei reiaa the gun of tke squadron would holdthis plsce rang lime. We find lbu a baiterplace I i catch blockade runner than out.ffAj I had ckade runnera' ligh'a l.t laat

- iiiigiur enough lo ai -- warthe - .nal-- , hasfiap right wro. . we.i"t i k'ow Two of them tSe Sfif nd

Oharlotte. IroM Hrrnn.U. Ioade.1 a .tt, arm,bUnkedi, ahei Ac came W aad tkfdHA.y

ti '. .tr I r o , r Vf alvrr. i i .en 'In :'Basen r. "i

The Stag t a- - c. mmatidt I hy IL.'.atd H.

0afe, Liewtanant m ibe rebel ut at.dbelongs to tha rehei Ooternmc' t A r

more arc etpact.! ai.d ae will, I tlrkkk

catch a pirtion al them I eaAraated tkiadilti la Lktfl Catol i g who porformed it

witi. ht ti.ubl rot"! i i ' a 1 intelligetrce.Theaa are eery la; vesael. and uahleprirM Th-- y tbrea a twto "'. their ppainVeibaai I lamediatel n tandir they were

irappr I J ha Ohariot l bring flv EaglisbpasMoeers. one f 'hem ar I ng I mm kuiofh er They all eaae over, a the? ipree- - j ia, on a lark and w ere lliem--M

equit teilf toe caba over aartrctiaa.p i e io ,-

-r ' .attar rbemae'TM op

thair ala arr.val The Stap received tkledin bar m i.e ran by mir vaesyip

Vert rMoeartfaJrv your oodt servth. I POKTF.R. Rat Adatl

1 n Orfkrs W rtira, Sp- - . .f Maty

I rovn 4 aliromia.Haa Faasjovaoo. Jan. 35 Tba itoanacrat-pr- r

'' hy aBfeb , hke v t- -. wellw tA the tewa ol lr .revgrew

and bat If tet .da hi tka rwj, wbo rasnBs- -roaa bwra.paibltat- - tha following --taMsbmta.We hate ref'a.Qed Irom taavaAfiog aXakawk

la Iiom . or at praevia aay eptoa to regardto rfapoets kd 'ktaari rdkt!BT tt tna koe,

lKn a: 1 d. r ' ' Or l""rt r. kfeti- -

ro, obi ' we "Okid grtr t ha ai act facts andindaaprjtablv vowch lor tkawa Ttm we arBMW prMBII 1 BB do Bs MfwkMi MW waerVed

froa Bar1ay Henry. Fmj rt! ted Agentof Dr. frraruB wrxke tka ;ro4eciM of tnaE aimer wf M rv tee

MxukYiti(. am r .nreyed uy m-- t eaed tatr r Frrprmr IouM K Of-olg- --vMjMga 0k4

other r tatee n Mi r boaBknaiar wkarb have wot yet keen dnenn r i uqtr. be bail smJ fwgrksd) hf tka? ieWex --4atBkakBami pfMaaiw. aamnty for taa pay- -

a ma "lf aw eg a .aat Met Ma tksj


' rata wc ; rd .tmVt tkw French aAaj

pt' 'toffraen P- - iraytaUM Oovefsawaia. vi Ykra latrif of r awJVMaw m

the Freavrtt. aad a mvesned2 a a ........ ' -- ;atr

. .- .rt. c

c .ends ad aae. f

a aj

r.f tba French of Um brilliant k'nduaran teeing civil end

g tor pro amptAoo putIvioid and rwgulaiing taraa f .

tue of the mi oea.Tbe French Emperor guarar.tea amdj

ry force under the direction of Gov. Genevato maintain the public peace a: .

the people of ibo Slatea gfajM nt.nal aod external force or pelkj.

Or. 0rerun bai tba approTtl of both alpaeon i to encourage emigration bv offer--mg more liberal terse to letUer, is order tobring industry and enterptoe to the derl-opeae- nt

of well known roAko arret tbkt regtoW en highly favored by nature.


Jaaaary 94vjuiet MSI prevails along tba lioaa of tba

ray. The bad weather.

prevailing for thakwAMatfl A k n a aaw tew ay making it impracticably locarv out aay aUitarr movmaol even If onewas contemplated Many persona aava pre-dicted an racoatbon of Pet era horg wouldtake place before now. bet aa yet there areno signs of auch an event.

Verieva Oom' ug with an our lmea are verynaaerenia, the n emwar ntugrag from to6' a day, alt of whom tell the moat dolefuletories of hardships they hid lo endure , thacarcity of provMon Ac . od predict that

the end ot the rebellion is bm- -

Vw lorht "loan 'i,Niw Yokk, Jen 'JU The gold aaiket m

v but for the demand for cash thegold pnee would probat, v degltne. a)uolAt on have floctaaled hat ran fMJ 04 andIW07

tni n'?4TI klBMIAI Itomctmuft, Jn. vie.

Flour and gtain unchanged tnd not muchdone

Wnest, Red, $1 HO.

ailed Corn fl I

Oeta OS.Whehy x.

lriBtooadulL Meas Pork s offered at

Head and Out Lard al 3''GoceriM unchangedOawd fJtOt, Silver $1 90QI 93.Tbe weal her ia ettrekwety -old Tber-aomel- er

rt dega above terna

k OK la at B Mia I 1

Nw V0B4, .'AD.aCOollon leaa active and lower at 9a!B1F.'our dull t i 35fji9 4.VV tnaky dull and lower at i 1

Wheat dull at $9 10Corn dull at $1 kCidjl HCoffe firm,

ugar firm at 93.M dui: aod heavyPetroleum steady at il f.u . a I '

for refined.fork $37 'ab(d)3!i NI'reeMd lfog In uiodauae demand at IS

I t rather firmer at lBi3r-- ' t . ii



FtrlUJbit K ' 'I 'I --

M 1


IHI 1101 1 o k I 411(1




fff&f 1 ifRflKIr

i Clii lldiwlmu l.

A I.AItoK I I P. '

Ktaple and Fane)

Dr . A oods !

DRErS ttüür

Amm at I M r i' !


PrOprlotor-B- .

No 111 Main Mrre:

t i Mr afeadi- -


r(. ref gp4 Natntear of th

J nu

, Maaaa4



I I.I Li CKf'T KULL liN- -y I aMBttB . .arge


r--N Aajysr

DRY GOODS,Oa Bead, ar t m they

Making Ohango

Tbe .ami ag

, t' r Sforr

Tkry are

( Losing O0T!The.r praaant ateM. a. May wtU prokahly k a ta

ctoM fer a tiajr, erhen they will at nIhatt

Neu iV hlegant Ülorc Room

wtrit an


ltubr I r tka libaral .i,.,taa baratufdVa.arJ aaaaM "J "H v aitanuM to tMtnaM to

Unna ta Merit tbe aana



Commercial Collegesa-r'- a Hall, raraar VtBk BOA WmM

atreeta to

nr, s M,nn St.,

BU K KKKPIN. i DOUBLEvtry m afMttod Mi taaartaMBt elutr, ekaUaia, ktototl Iadrl4aa, PBrtMrakayv

'h. eiu7Maav

Arl7kMli'wttl TaoMsaaMlIlMl Bttr 1 cp im tke eat

nnatii.n r I44NOk

r om B to 1 A. ML. Bwm t ka A I IT totP. H.

Kor rt rail I IL. i IU..r aumpi Iba prtrjotpaT

B. UABVIN.On iiiqair of tka f..Uartac beat

aMM af tba atovH II rklOTT. RBgJt w rf i f"KIH' . H A MiH HULMAS' j j.taiB- - I t 'R W THt)ktIk'Sj PHBI A Wk aTtiatH'

rfi h. xril ouj t !

N . I K K W S

it. Ira M -- b ' f

Boots and Shoes !

B ' I 1KT. whar-- he . . tb' "

HI wilt gl Ta i Holl ak

Cheap as any Housei N THE WKHT

M m. k. I.ALLKW WILL Bfc.1 a

, , i tl.raa ' t v . .

t. :t lh Jiliica' Koh.Terre-BBQt- , IartiBna



I SBP r Of UKB Be. Bicbord,. . -- r y.r. t arr.aat a. i.tlbattot. BSJg ai

Masrtr. arcadad Utk BTglM r i f AmertoaapkklU aad aesjatoaAed si. Aar t 't. W-- m ark. Bay

f" r aaMa.ardin M f

M TbU . y .bo..i"

kaaaesa. m avert raa. , l rtalr.ard B.aa a of I aaAd kB a,sayyatrtoM for m. si a s t Unr ejaaa-- a

far fB, ltd alll ba Mi My pan.jajrba4. oa r aaa of raWM a t fa!.

rrMtt1a-.- .t r,rrear aa,ps

, l. ...ii UARp.MT brewMS kavaM,ar? 4 : r Om Mar waat .l Broa4wy f? T

REMOVALL. r. WILLIAtia.Ba-ia- aj rsmave VraM Ms aid eaaad aa


. ' l - r' i sät bsBMI



l aa