social media generates more business exposure, market insight, and increases sales improving...


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Post on 22-Jan-2016




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Social media generates more business exposure, market insight, and increases sales

Improving traffic is another benefit followed by building new partnerships

More than half of marketers indicated that a rise in search engine rankings was a benefit of social media marketing

As search engine rankings improve, so will business exposure, lead generation efforts, and a reduction in overall marketing expenses

Facebook Twitter Pinterest Instagram Yellow Pages Direct Mail YouTube LinkedIn

Most of your customers and potential customers are on Facebook  3 million users around the world spend approximately 55 minutes on

Facebook every single day Almost an hour every day? That's a lot of time and opportunity to grab

consumer attention FREE opportunity to reach out to your audience in their preferred

environment, improve your SEO rankings and visibility, and show off your business in a way that people can relate to

Facebook itself offers a “how to use Facebook for business marketing” with a 4-step process to get you started Build your page Connect with people Engage your audience Influence friends and fans

More people are viewing Facebook from their smart phones and tablets everyday over their computers

Making sure that you can be found through mobile searches should be a priority since 91% of people who perform local searches say that they use Facebook to find local businesses online

Facebook Pages (a specific type of profile that is different than a profile or a group) allow your business to categorize itself properly, auto-accept friends (fans), and create an interactive space where people can engage with your business

Your Facebook Page should be linked to your website and/or blog; it should be printed on your business cards; and it should be mentioned in every piece of promotional material you distribute

Facebook Post Example: Choose a color any color. Try Pirouette® window shadings expanded offering now with seven distinct fabrics in 65 vibrant colors. More:

6 million people are Twitter users 51% of people on Twitter talk to businesses Twitter is the top used social media tool used by marketers People go to Twitter to share what they know and learn in

return Twitter users are hungry for new ideas, opportunities,

information, services, and products If your business is not part of this exchange, you're leaving two

huge opportunities untouched: growing your business and improving it

Twitter also gives you another channel for listening to, and finding out about, your customers: what they like or dislike about your company how they feel about your brand what suggestions they have for improvement what their favorite products are and why

Using Twitter is evidence that your business is participating in this whole social media thing and obviously a "with-it" kind of outfit that people might be interested in doing business with

Twitter lets you hear what other people are saying. Using Twitter Search you can find out what people are saying about a particular topic, enabling you to keep your ear to the ground about your company and the competition.

Twitter will give you opportunities to meet and talk to people, some of whom you would never get the chance to talk to otherwise. And some of those people might be the very business contacts you've been seeking, people you want to start projects with, source product from, or even hire.

Assuming your potential and existing customers are on Twitter, you can instantly let them know your news, whether it's an announcement or a new product, a special deal, or an upcoming event they may be interested in.

Twitter Tweet Example: Choose a color any color. Try Pirouette® window shadings expanded offering now w/ 65 vibrant colors. (114 characters)

With more than 100 million visits for the month of May, Pinterest has become a good resource for marketers

Today, the site is visited daily by more than 1 million visitors who pin their favorite photos/images that depict style, recipes, crafts, etc.

Every pin is a link to the source of the image, usually an external site – in this case, a link to your site

Every “repin” of the image can lead readers in a straight road back to your site

Users who are searching for data may click on an image, arrive at your website, and be converted from a passerby to the future customer

Pinterest launched business pages. This update lets you use Pinterest commercially.

Great way to drive traffic back to your website and get even more exposure for your business.

Be Selective: Don't pin every single product in your store, every image from your blog, etc... Pin the best ones.

Use Teasers: Don't give all the goodies away in one image or one image description. Create pins that relate to your products or services and give just a little info to guide them to your site for more.

Visual marketing is a main trend for 2014 In the last few years, the use of Instagram by companies has skyrocketed Sharing photos to develop a brand name and reputation is just the start of a

successful visual marketing strategy on Instagram With millions of users, Instagram has become the perfect opportunity for

brands to get quick messages and photos to their target audiences Instagrammers are already using hashtags to share photos about their

favorite brands and to hopefully get noticed by them By creating their own hashtags and running photo campaigns, these brands

can create a context for their fans to share photos

Instagram is the perfect tool to showcase a more private side to your product

It can be used to display how the products are made Another great way to take advantage of that personal feel is to

introduce your followers to your team – post photos around the office, or even of the office itself

Have a healthy balance of fun images and business pictures Create authentic content: Rather than posting perfectly-

Photoshopped images of your product, keep your content authentic. Backstage and candid photography reveals the real people behind your brand.

Maximize your hashtags: When posting images that do not contain a product or service, but rather are intended to communicate around your brand, utilize hashtags to connect the dots

Yellow Pages offerings like websites, video, social, mobile and search engine marketing will be their primary growth drivers in the coming years

And by 2015, an estimated 53% of global Yellow Pages revenues will be digital, compared with 29% in 2011

Many people would be surprised to learn that the same companies that deliver their phonebooks also provide them with the local business information they find online or access via apps on their mobile device, or the daily deals they purchase through links shared on social networks like Facebook and Twitter is a channel-agnostic form of advertising that allows businesses to communicate straight to the customer, with advertising techniques helps you outperform your competition by communicating directly to your buyers, donors, voters, and members in a language that resonates with them in their preferred communication form, whether that is direct mail, email, Web, social media, or another method

According to Business2Community, boasts a 65 percent conversion rate

When you send out a mass email, there’s a good chance it will be filtered out of the intended recipient’s inbox. According to CRW Graphics, junk mail filters will only get more advanced and more sensitive as time passes. However, with you are almost guaranteed delivery to the intended recipient

With a campaign, you have the ability to leverage customer information and target the prospects most likely to respond to your message

Because direct mail is delivered directly to your prospects’ hands, they are virtually guaranteed to see your message.

Keep customers up to date – news, products, promotions, etc

YouTube is the largest video platform by far: 154 million monthly viewers in the U.S.

It’s the world's second largest search engine 36% of U.S. businesses over 100 employees already use YouTube

for marketing purposes. YouTube adoption is growing at 24% per year.

Internet video viewing was up 35% and mobile video viewing went up 20%

Watching video content on computers has become just as popular as watching video content on television among online consumers

There are many YouTube users who have hundreds of thousands of subscribers - research to find YouTube users whose audiences may be interested in your product or service and partner with them, then have them talk about you in their videos

Show products being used and made and how to use the product videos

One of the best ways to turn YouTube views into traffic and sales is to invite people back to your website at the end of your videos - make it really easy for them by including a clickable link right in the video description box.

YouTube is owned by Google, so each video you publish on YouTube has the potential for high search visibility. Make sure to fill out every available empty box when you publish your video: title, tags, description, category. 

LinkedIn is a business networking social media platform that allows businesses and employees to interact for professional development

Has over 100 million members, making it an indispensable resource for businesses looking to expand its web presence

2 people join LinkedIn every second It is the world's largest professional networking social site Of all the social media networks out there, LinkedIn is unique

in that it’s focused on business, business professionals, and business connections

Company Reach - Your employees who are on LinkedIn are already listing your company in their profile. If you have a Company Page, now your employees are linking to it. So anytime someone views their information, that is an opportunity for them to also view you.

 Product Awareness - You can list multiple products/services on different pages and see which pages are getting the most visitation and interaction.

Search Engine Optimization - Did you know that LinkedIn Jobs appear in search results and on Twitter?  LinkedIn is its own job search engine as well. If you're not listing jobs there, you could be missing valuable employees.

Lead Generation - You can link back to your website for your products and content that you are sharing on your LinkedIn Company Page.

Free  Collect Feedback Build Awareness Communicate With Customers Connect/Network Announce Events