! return)and)risk)exposure)in)pairs)trading)

Copenhagen Business School MSc Advanced Economics and Finance (Cand. Oecon) Return and Risk Exposure in Pairs Trading C Evidence from the German Equity Market Abstract: We construct monetary neutral daily rebalanced pairs trading portfolios and test their profitability in the period 200392012. Our strategy yields abnormal risk9adjusted returns exceeding the market index. We also find further opportunities to improve the strategy by adopting risk management tools. Furthermore, we find evidence that pairs trading is a liquidity providing strategy and performs well in a volatile market environment. Keywords: Statistical arbitrage, pairs trading, market efficiency, market neutral, volatility, liquidity Author: Fabian Berg Author: Jørgen Bråten Nordby Handed in: August 2013 Number of pages (characters): 96 (217 575) Advisor: Lasse H. Pedersen, Professor at the Department of Finance, Centre of Financial Frictions (FRIC), Copenhagen Business School The John A. Paulson Professor of Finance and Alternative Investments at NYU Stern School of Business

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Author:)Fabian)Berg) ) ) Author:)Jørgen)Bråten)Nordby)









































) 2)


1.) INTRODUCTION!.................................................................................................................................................!4)2.) MARKET!NEUTRAL!STRATEGIES!AND!STATISTICAL!ARBITRAGE!....................................................!6)2.1.) WHAT)IS)MARKET)NEUTRALITY?).....................................................................................................................................)6)2.1.1.) Monetary#neutral#........................................................................................................................................................#7)2.1.2.) Beta#neutral#...................................................................................................................................................................#8)2.1.3.) Sector#neutral#...............................................................................................................................................................#9)

2.2.) MARKET)EFFICIENCY)AND)PROFITCMAKING)FOR)A)MARKET)NEUTRAL)STRATEGY).................................................)9)2.3.) LEVERAGE)IN)MARKET)NEUTRAL)STRATEGIES)..........................................................................................................)13)2.4.) THE)EQUITY)MARKET)NEUTRAL)STRATEGY)AS)A)HEDGE)IN)THE)INVESTMENT)PORTFOLIO)..............................)14)2.5.) PORTFOLIO)REBALANCING).............................................................................................................................................)14)2.6.) STATISTICAL)ARBITRAGE)...............................................................................................................................................)15)

3.) AN!INTRODUCTION!TO!PAIRS!TRADING!................................................................................................!17)3.1.) WHAT)IS)PAIRS)TRADING?)..............................................................................................................................................)18)3.2.) THE)ORIGIN)OF)PAIRS)TRADING)...................................................................................................................................)19)3.3.) PREVIOUS)LITERATURE)...................................................................................................................................................)19)3.3.1.) Most#Influential#academic#papers#....................................................................................................................#20)3.3.2.) Empirical#Findings#..................................................................................................................................................#21)

4.) SOURCES!OF!RISK!AND!RETURN!IN!PAIRS!TRADING!.........................................................................!23)4.1.) SOURCES)OF)RISK).............................................................................................................................................................)24)4.1.1.) Arbitrage#Risk#............................................................................................................................................................#24)4.1.2.) Liquidity#risk#..............................................................................................................................................................#26)4.1.3.) Short#squeeze#.............................................................................................................................................................#28)4.1.4.) Model#risk#....................................................................................................................................................................#29)

4.2.) SOURCES)OF)RETURN).......................................................................................................................................................)30)5.) CONSTRUCTING!A!PAIRS!TRADING!PORTFOLIO!.................................................................................!31)5.1.) SCREENING)OUR)DATA/STOCKS)....................................................................................................................................)32)5.1.1.) Market#capitalization#............................................................................................................................................#32)5.1.2.) Liquidity#in#prices#....................................................................................................................................................#33)5.1.3.) Short#sale#restrictions#and#short#sale#constraints#.....................................................................................#34)5.1.4.) Corporate#actions#....................................................................................................................................................#35)

5.2.) PAIR)FORMATION)............................................................................................................................................................)35)5.2.1.) Normalization#of#prices#.........................................................................................................................................#35)5.2.2.) The#formation#period#.............................................................................................................................................#38)5.2.3.) Identification#and#ranking#of#pairs#..................................................................................................................#39)

6.) TRADING!...........................................................................................................................................................!43)6.1.) INCSAMPLE)VERSUS)OUTCOFCSAMPLE)TRADING)..........................................................................................................)44)6.2.) TRADING)PERIODS)...........................................................................................................................................................)45)6.3.) POSITION)SIZING)..............................................................................................................................................................)46)6.4.) TRADING)RULES)...............................................................................................................................................................)47)6.5.) RETURN)CALCULATION)...................................................................................................................................................)49)

7.) EMPIRICAL!RESULTS!.....................................................................................................................................!50)7.1.) DATA)..................................................................................................................................................................................)51)7.2.) PRECTRANSACTION)COSTS)RETURNS)............................................................................................................................)52)7.3.) POSTCTRANSACTION)COSTS)RETURNS)..........................................................................................................................)58)

) 3)

7.4.) PAIRS)RANKED)81C100)..................................................................................................................................................)61)7.5.) INTRACINDUSTRY)PAIRS).................................................................................................................................................)63)7.6.) PAIRS)TRADING)IN)DIFFERENT)MARKET)ENVIRONMENTS)........................................................................................)65)7.7.) MANAGING)RISK)...............................................................................................................................................................)67)7.7.1.) Stop#loss#........................................................................................................................................................................#67)7.7.2.) Drawdown#control#..................................................................................................................................................#70)7.7.3.) Our#pairs#trading#portfolio#as#a#hedging#component#..............................................................................#72)

7.8.) REGRESSION)ANALYSIS)...................................................................................................................................................)74)7.8.1.) Explanatory#Variables#and#Hypotheses#.........................................................................................................#74)7.8.2.) Regression#results#....................................................................................................................................................#82)

8.) DISCUSSION!......................................................................................................................................................!94)9.) CONCLUSION!....................................................................................................................................................!98)REFERENCES!..........................................................................................................................................................!100)APPENDIX!...............................................................................................................................................................!103))) )

) 4)

1. Introduction,Pairs)trading)is)a)wellCknown)trading)strategy)popularly)used)by)hedge)funds)and)proprietary)trading)desks,)and)it)has)proven)to)be)both)profitable)and)have)a)low)market)exposure.!Few)investment)strategies)are)able)to)beat)the)market)on)average,)but)pairs)trading)seems)to)be)one.)With)the)intense)competition)between)sophisticated)investors,)it)is)difficult)to)understand)how)such)a)simple)strategy)can)beat)the)market)over)longer)periods)of)time.)The)inability)of)rational)investors)to)arbitrage)away)the)abnormal)profit)from)this)strategy)seems)odd,)and)makes)pairs)trading)an)interesting)strategy)to)study)further.!Our)main)focus)is)to)investigate)if)pairs)trading)generates)abnormal)returns)in)the)period)from)2003)to)2012,)and)we)construct)a)pairs)trading)portfolio)with)stocks)listed)on)the)Frankfurt)Stock)Exchange.)Our)data)sample)includes)data)from)the)Euro)crisis,)which)has)(to)our)knowledge))not)yet)been)analyzed)in)academic)literature,)and)this)is)of)particular)interest,)since)past)research)finds)that)pairs)trading)has)performed)especially)well)during)financial)decline.)Furthermore,)we)examine)how)the)profitability)of)pairs)trading)changes)with)the)market)environment,)and)try)to)identify)the)main)drivers)of)the)returns.)The)questions)concerning)the)performance)of)pairs)trading)are)our)main)motivation)to)dig)even)further)into)the)subject)and)the)focus)of)our)thesis)is)summarized)by)the)following)research)question:)))”Does#pairs#trading#yield#abnormal#returns#and#what#are#the#main#drivers#of#profitability#within#




) 5)


) 6)


2. Market,Neutral,Strategies,and,Statistical,Arbitrage,




2.1. What,is,market,neutrality?,


) 7)


2.1.1. Monetary,neutral,


) 8)

)€!"#$ = €!!!"#)


2.1.2. Beta,neutral,


!!"#$ = !!!!"#!)The)idea)behind)the)weighting)scheme)is)to)have)the)same)market)risk)on)the)long)and)short)components)of)the)portfolio.)If)you)invest)long)in)a)stock)with)a)beta)of)1)and)short)a)stock)with)a)beta)of)1.5,)you)end)up)taking)a)€)1.5)position)in)the)long)stock)and)€)C1)position)in)the)shorted)stock,)because)the)short)position)is)more)risky)than)the)long)position.)This)makes)the)pair)beta)neutral,)but)it)should)be)quite)obvious)that)a)beta)neutral)portfolio)is)not)necessarily)monetary)neutral.)Beta)weighting)of)the)long)and)short)positions)creates)a)strictly)market)independent)portfolio,)but)requires)frequent)adjustments)to)be)kept)market)neutral.)Even)though)monetary)neutral)is)the)most)commonly)used)method,)beta)neutrality)is)the)theoretically)correct)method)to)create)a)portfolio)that)is)independent)of)the)market)(Ehrman)2006,)29C32).))!


) 9)

2.1.3. Sector,neutral,


2.2. Market,efficiency,and,profitBmaking,for,a,market,neutral,strategy,


) 10)


) 11)


) 12)


) 13)


2.3. Leverage,in,Market,Neutral,strategies,


) 14)


2.4. The,Equity,Market,Neutral,strategy,as,a,hedge,in,the,investment,portfolio,


2.5. Portfolio,rebalancing,


) 15)


2.6. Statistical,Arbitrage,


) 16)


!"#$% ≤ 0!!"#!!"#$%% > 0!!"!

!"#$% < 0!!"#!!"#$%% ≥ 0))Two)of)the)best)examples)of)these)kind)of)arbitrage)opportunities)are)Shell/Royal)Dutch)and)3com/Palm,)but)such)opportunities)are)very)rare,)and)too)few)to)offer)frequent)profits)for)investors.)Royal)Dutch)and)Shell)had)a)dual)listed)company)structure)until)2005,)so)theoretically)the)stock)prices)of)the)two)companies)should)have)moved)in)lock)step,)as)they)were)entitled)to)the)same)cash)flows.)Contrary)to)expectations)the)prices)experienced)spreads)significantly)different)from)zero)in)the)period)between)1976)and)1986)(Rosenthal)and)Young)1990))and)offered)opportunities)to)profit)from)the)price)difference)in)the)two)companies.)3com)and)Palm)is)another)example.)3com)owned)95%)of)Palm,)but)had)negative)stub)value)for)a)longer)period)in)2000.)A)negative)stub)value)implied)that)the)assets)owned)by)3com)had)a)negative)value)after)3Com’s)stake)in)Palm)was)subtracted.)This)is)also)a)clear)arbitrage)opportunity,)according)to)financial)theory,)since)the)actual)value)of)Palm’s)remaining)assets)without)a)doubt)was)nonCnegative.)In)both)the)aboveCmentioned)cases)investors)can)invest)long)in)the)underpriced)security)and)short)the)overpriced)security)to)earn)an)arbitrage)profit.)Profiting)from)an)arbitrage)opportunity)is)though)not)as)easy)as)it)seems.)To)extract)the)profit)from)the)mispricing)the)investor)must)be)able)to)hold)his)positions)through)further)mispricing)until)prices)eventually)diverge.)Several)of)the)investors)in)Shell/Royal)Dutch)had)leveraged)positions)and)as)prices)continued)to)diverge)they)where)unable)to)cover)the)margin)calls.)Even)though)they)where)right)to)identify)the)arbitrage)opportunity)they)were)unable)to)structure)the)trade)right,)and)ended)up)with)substantial)losses.)It)should)also)be)mentioned)that)in)the)case)of)3com/Palm)the)arbitrage)opportunity)could)not)be)exploited,)as)the)Palm)stock)was)impossible)to)short)(Lamont)and)Thaler)2003).)))In)contrast)to)the)common)perception)of)arbitrage,)statistical)arbitrage)is)related)to)mispricing)based)on)deviations)from)the)expected)and)not)the)actual)value.)In)this)case,)there)is)no)guarantee)that)a)price)will)ever)equal)its)expected)value,)but)the)mispricing)is)true)in)

) 17)


3. An,introduction,to,pairs,trading,Now)that)we)have)introduced)some)of)the)more)fundamental)concepts)pairs)trading)is)based)on,)we)are)ready)to)proceed)to)the)main)part)of)the)thesis.)We)consider)pairs)trading)an)interesting)case)for)further)investigation,)as)it)is)a)simple)investment)strategy)that)has)yielded)

) 18)


3.1. What,is,pairs,trading?,


) 19)


3.2. The,Origin,of,Pairs,Trading,


3.3. Previous,literature,


) 20)


3.3.1. Most,Influential,academic,papers,


) 21)


3.3.2. Empirical,Findings,


) 22)


) 23)


4. Sources,of,risk,and,return,in,pairs,trading,A)substantial)part)of)the)pairs)trading)analysis)is)related)to)the)different)risks)the)strategy)faces.)Even)if)a)strategy)seems)to)yield)promising)returns,)the)manager)must)be)aware)of)the)sensitivity)the)portfolio)has)to)unexpected)events)or)unforeseen)changes)in)the)macro)environment.)This)is)even)more)important)for)a)leveraged)strategy,)and)the)proportion)of)leverage)in)the)portfolio)financing)should)be)a)factor)of)the)portfolio’s)sensitivity)to)different)

) 24)


4.1. Sources,of,risk,


4.1.1. Arbitrage,Risk,


) 25)










IKB) Krones)

) 26)


4.1.2. Liquidity,risk,


) 27)


) 28)

4.1.3. Short,squeeze,











1/1/08) 2/1/08) 3/1/08) 4/1/08) 5/1/08) 6/1/08) 7/1/08) 8/1/08) 9/1/08) 10/1/08) 11/1/08) 12/1/08)



) 29)

4.1.4. Model,risk,





Deutsche)Post) TUI)

) 30)

4.2. Sources,of,return,


) 31)


5. Constructing,a,pairs,trading,portfolio,The)implementation)of)a)pairs)trading)portfolio)requires)the)arbitrageur)to)carefully)construct)a)portfolio)with)“wellCmatched”)pairs.)In)the)pair)selection)process,)several)factors)must)be)taken)into)account,)to)make)the)trading)scheme)as)efficient)and)realistic)as)possible.)The)investor)must)screen)the)available)data)to)avoid)excessive)transaction)costs)or)a)situation)where)he)is)unable)to)trade)a)stock.)The)screening)tools)used)to)exclude)stocks)and)the)measures)to)identify)pairs)are)important)ingredients)in)the)recipe)for)a)successful)pairs)trading)strategy.)We)will)give)a)brief)overview)of)how)the)screening)and)pair)matching)

) 32)






5.1. Screening,our,data/stocks,



5.1.1. Market,capitalization,


) 33)


5.1.2. Liquidity,in,prices,





1/1/02' 634.81' 225.9'

1/2/02' 638.45' 227.25'

1/3/02' 634.81' 226.98'

1/4/02' 634.81' 225.9'

1/7/02' 634.81' 222.51'


) 34)


5.1.3. Short,sale,restrictions,and,short,sale,constraints,


) 35)


5.1.4. Corporate,actions,,


5.2. Pair,Formation,


5.2.1. Normalization,of,prices,


) 36)


!"#$!"#$%&!!"#$%! =!! − !!(!!)


)In)this)case)the)normalized)price)time)series)is)the)difference)between)the)current)price! !! )and)the)average)price)of)the)whole)formation)period) ! ,)divided)by)the)standard)deviation)of)the)price)in)the)formation)period) !(!!) .)The)expected)normalized)price)is)equal)to)zero)and)when)the)price)is)far)from)zero,)it)is)interpreted)as)being)different)from)the)normal)price)level.)If)the)price)is)negative,)the)spread)is)expected)to)increase)and)if)it)is)positive,)it)is)expected)to)decrease.)The)normalized)prices)are)used)in)the)same)way)as)before)and)stocks)are)matched)into)pairs)based)on)the)coCmovement)of)the)normalized)price.)If)both)prices)are)either)positive)or)negative,)then)the)spread)between)them)is)quite)small.)On)the)other)hand,)if)the)spread)between)two)stocks)in)a)pair)differs)significantly)from)zero,)they)are)probably)not)the)best)fit)as)a)pair.)The)intuition)is)the)same)as)before.)The)manager)expects)the)price)relationship)to)mean)revert)to)“normal”)for)the)pairs)we)identify)as)good)pairs)and)earn)a)profit.)The)approach)adjusts)for)standard)deviation,)which)means)that)a)relatively)high)price)level)for)a)volatile)stock)will)be)adjusted)downwards)compared)to)a)less)volatile)stock.))

) 37)


!"#$%&!"#$!!"#$%!! = !!! = 1 ∗ 1+ !!!!


!!! = 0!!!!!!!!!!!! = 1))Below)you)see)two)charts,)where)the)first)shows)the)nominal)Total)Return)Series)for)the)two)stocks,)Metro)and)Siemens,)and)the)second)shows)the)total)return)development)after)the)time)series)are)normalized.)The)convenience)of)normalizing)the)prices)before)comparing)the)two)return)series)can)be)easily)observed)from)the)two)graphs.) )!









1/1/02) 2/1/02) 3/1/02) 4/1/02) 5/1/02) 6/1/02) 7/1/02) 8/1/02) 9/1/02) 10/1/02) 11/1/02) 12/1/02)



) 38)


!"#$%&!!,! = !!! − !!! ))The)stocks)that)move)closely)together)are)hypothesized)to)be)good)pairs)in)the)trading)portfolio,)so)if)the)normalized)prices)suddenly)diverge,)we)expect)them)to)converge)back)to)the)expected)value.)The)upcoming)section)will)explain)how)we)identify)pairs)that)are)expected)to)move)together.))

5.2.2. The,formation,period,




1/1/02) 2/1/02) 3/1/02) 4/1/02) 5/1/02) 6/1/02) 7/1/02) 8/1/02) 9/1/02) 10/1/02) 11/1/02) 12/1/02)



) 39)


5.2.3. Identification,and,ranking,of,pairs,

After)we)normalize)prices)and)decide)on)the)appropriate)length)of)the)formation)period,)we)use)different)criteria)to)try)to)identify)the)best)pairs)in)our)sample)of)stocks.)The)process)of)pair)identification)is)widely)discussed)in)previous)literature,)and)next)we)will)present)some)of)the)most)successful)and)wellCknown)criteria.)These)pair)identification)tools)are)also)the)ones)we)use)to)identify)pairs)in)our)traded)paper)portfolio.)) Squared-minimum-distance-(MD)-


) 40)

!"!,! = !!! − !!!!



!)and)!)are)the)two)different)stocks)in)the)same)pair)and)!!!!!"!! )is)the)normalized)price)of)a)stock)at)time)t.)We)take)the)sum)of)the)squared)differences)during)the)whole)formation)period,)where)T)is)the)length)of)the)period.)We)sort)the)pairs)from)the)smallest)to)largest)MD,)where)the)pair)with)the)lowest)score)is)considered)the)best)pair)in)terms)of)how)close)they)move)together.)))Figure!7!









1/1/02) 2/1/02) 3/1/02) 4/1/02) 5/1/02) 6/1/02) 7/1/02) 8/1/02) 9/1/02) 10/1/02) 11/1/02) 12/1/02)





1/1/02) 2/1/02) 3/1/02) 4/1/02) 5/1/02) 6/1/02) 7/1/02) 8/1/02) 9/1/02) 10/1/02) 11/1/02) 12/1/02)



) 41)

) Frequency-of-crossings-(ZC)-










1/1/02) 2/1/02) 3/1/02) 4/1/02) 5/1/02) 6/1/02) 7/1/02) 8/1/02) 9/1/02) 10/1/02) 11/1/02) 12/1/02)



) 42)

)We)expect)to)find)higher)volatility)in)returns)when)we)sort)pairs)by)ZC,)since)the)strategy)is)focused)on)the)variation)in)normalized)prices,)and)not)the)coCmovement)between)two)stocks.)A)high)frequency)of)zero)crossings)does,)however,)imply)a)certain)degree)of)coCmovement,)since)prices)must)move)closely)together)to)cross)frequently,)even)if)it)is)not)the)main)focus)of)the)metric.)) Homogeneity-of-firms-




1/1/02) 2/1/02) 3/1/02) 4/1/02) 5/1/02) 6/1/02) 7/1/02) 8/1/02) 9/1/02) 10/1/02) 11/1/02) 12/1/02)



) 43)


6. Trading,Before)a)strategy)is)implemented)the)investment)manager)usually)backtests)the)strategy)on)historical)data.)The)intention)is)to)see)if)the)strategy)was)able)to)earn)satisfactory)returns)in)the)past)as)well)as)evaluate)the)risk)profile)of)the)strategy.)Past)success)does)not)guarantee)that)it)will)be)profitable)in)the)future,)but)it)is)a)necessary)condition)to)even)consider)implementation.)It)is)furthermore)one)of)the)deciding)factors)when)a)portfolio)manager)makes)the)decision)to)invest)or)not.)This)thesis)trades)an)outCofCsample)paper)portfolio)in)the)period)2003C2012,)to)get)an)impression)of)the)profit)potential)of)our)proposed)strategy.)The)outCofCsample)results)will)also)help)us)evaluate)the)length)of)our)trading)period)(six)versus)twelve)months))and)the)quality)of)our)pair)identification)metrics.)When)we)compare)different)trading)periods)there)is)a)data)snooping)risk,)as)we)might)end)up)choosing)a)strategy)that)only)performs)well)for)our)limited)stock)sample)and)time)frame.)Therefore)one)should)always)be)careful)to)generalize)results)in)situations)like)this.)Thus)to)conclude)that)a)method)is)good)at)identifying)pairs)or)that)a)threshold)optimizes)entry)or)exit,)results)must)be)consistent)over)longer)periods)of)time,)and)preferably)be)accompanied)by)a)theoretical.)Our)time)frame)is)not)long)enough)to)make)conclusions)about)the)best)general)strategy)and)methods,)but)we)can)give)an)indication)of)what)might)work,)which)can)hopefully)work)as)inspiration)for)future)research.))

) 44)

6.1. InBsample,versus,outBofBsample,trading,


) 45)


6.2. Trading,periods,




) 46)


6.3. Position,sizing,


) 47)


6.4. Trading,rules,


!" !"#$%&!!,! = 1! − 1 !"#$%&!!,! − !"#$%&!,!




) 48)












1/1/03% 2/1/03% 3/1/03% 4/1/03% 5/1/03% 6/1/03% 7/1/03% 8/1/03% 9/1/03% 10/1/03% 11/1/03% 12/1/03%


Spread% Close% Open%


Close% Exit%


) 49)


6.5. Return,calculation,


) 50)


7. Empirical,results,


) 51)


7.1. Data,



) 52)

7.2. PreBtransaction,costs,returns,




periods'preItransaction'costs' '' '' '' '' ''

Minumum,Distance, Top,30, Top,5, Top,10, Top,20, Top,11B20, Top,21B30, Average,

Excess'return' 5.60%' 3.59%' 6.74%' 6.39%' 6.15%' 4.02%' 5.42%'

SR' 0.79' 0.27' 0.71' 0.80' 0.61' 0.40' 0.60'

Skewness' 0.52' 0.36' 0.62' 0.70' 0.35' 0.23' 0.46'

Kurtosis' 2.95' 6.18' 4.46' 4.48' 3.17' 3.20' 4.07'

T'value'(NW)' 2.65' 0.99' 2.53' 2.75' 2.11' 1.46' 2.08'

beta' 0.05' 0.06' 0.04' 0.05' 0.07' 0.06' 0.06'

'' '' '' '' '' '' '' ''

Zero,Crossing, '' '' '' '' '' ''

Excess'return' 4.41%' 7.05%' 8.34%' 4.26%' 1.02%' 4.61%' 4.95%'

SR' 0.51' 0.45' 0.71' 0.43' 0.08' 0.38' 0.43'

Skewness' 0.21' 0.25' 0.25' 0.24' 0.33' 0.07' 0.23'

Kurtosis' 4.67' 4.17' 4.52' 4.59' 5.08' 5.88' 4.82'

T'value'(NW)' 1.64' 1.64' 2.65' 1.49' 0.26' 1.27' 1.49'

Beta' 0.09' 0.08' 0.08' 0.08' 0.09' 0.11' 0.09'

'' '' '' '' '' '' '' ''

Total,, '' '' '' '' '' '' ''

Excess'return' 6.10%' 9.05%' 7.10%' 6.00%' 4.89%' 6.42%' 6.59%'

SR' 0.77' 0.57' 0.61' 0.67' 0.44' 0.58' 0.61'

Skewness' 0.39' 0.02' 0.05' 0.43' 0.45' 0.41' 0.29'

Kurtosis' 4.40' 3.94' 3.91' 4.63' 6.73' 3.40' 4.50'

T'value'(NW)' 2.71' 2.24' 2.5' 2.53' 1.56' 2.01' 2.26'

Beta' 0.05' 0.02' 0.05' 0.05' 0.04' 0.06' 0.05'



) 53)


) 54)





' ' ' ' ' ' 'Minumum,Distance' Top,30' Top,5' Top,10' Top,20' Top,11B20' Top,21B30' Average'

Excess'return, 6.70%, 11.30%, 7.66%, 7.32%, 6.97%, 5.48%, 7.57%,

SR' 0.82' 0.81' 0.71' 0.78' 0.60' 0.53' 0.71'

Skewness' 0.48' 0.36' 0.70' 0.68' 0.56' I0.11' 0.45'

Kurtosis' 7.21' 14.32' 17.13' 9.87' 6.71' 4.75' 10.00'

T'value'(NW)' 2.88' 3.22' 2.61' 2.94' 2.22' 1.84' 2.62'

beta' 0.07' 0.07' 0.06' 0.08' 0.09' 0.06' 0.07'

' ' ' ' ' ' ' 'Zero,Crossing'

' ' ' ' ' ' 'Excess'return, 6.40%' 11.10%' 8.97%' 8.42%' 8.69%' 2.26%' 7.64%'

SR' 0.74' 0.71' 0.76' 0.85' 0.70' 0.18' 0.66'

Skewness' 0.35' 0.53' 0.33' 0.46' 0.68' 0.26' 0.44'

Kurtosis' 3.80' 5.00' 3.80' 4.60' 6.59' 6.67' 5.08'

T'value'(NW)' 2.39' 2.57' 2.59' 2.91' 2.48' 0.59' 2.26'

Beta' 0.07' 0.05' 0.04' 0.05' 0.07' 0.12' 0.07'

' ' ' ' ' ' ' 'Total'

' ' ' ' ' ' 'Excess'return, 7.35%' 14.45%' 11.32%' 7.29%' 3.25%' 7.47%' 8.52%'

SR' 0.87' 0.87' 0.94' 0.78' 0.27' 0.61' 0.72'

Skewness' 0.55' 0.71' 0.45' 0.29' I0.10' 0.54' 0.41'

Kurtosis' 8.24' 9.11' 5.41' 4.72' 5.32' 6.29' 6.51'

T'value'(NW)' 3.07' 3.07' 3.45' 2.78' 0.95' 2.21' 2.59'

Beta' 0.06' 0.01' 0.04' 0.06' 0.08' 0.07' 0.05'



) 55)


) 56)


6'month'trading'period' '' '' '' '' '' ''


'' '' '' '' '' ''

Minumum,Distance, Top,30, Top,5, Top,10, Top,20, Top,11B20, Top,21B30, Average,

Excess'return' 27.81%' 31.65%' 29.64%' 29.19%' 28.37%' 25.06%' 28.62%'

SR' 6.39' 3.86' 4.91' 5.80' 4.23' 4.08' 4.88'

Skewness' 2.53' 1.50' 2.36' 3.50' 2.15' 1.37' 2.24'

Kurtosis' 22.76' 8.40' 19.03' 43.18' 22.36' 8.22' 20.66'

T'value'(NW)' 13.79' 10.96' 11.43' 12.94' 12.54' 12.35' 12.34'

Beta' 0.02' I0.01' 0.01' 0.02' 0.03' 0.01' 0.01'

'' '' '' '' '' '' '' ''

Zero,Crossing, ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, ,,

Excess'return' 26.46%' 29.10%' 29.03%' 28.74%' 28.36%' 22.00%' 27.28%'

SR' 5.46' 3.08' 4.30' 4.83' 3.35' 3.56' 4.10'

Skewness' 2.07' 2.13' 1.87' 2.18' 2.61' 1.91' 2.13'

Kurtosis' 11.11' 17.05' 11.32' 13.97' 26.96' 13.50' 15.65'

T'value'(NW)' 12.08' 8.48' 11.25' 11.90' 9.50' 9.35' 10.43'

Beta' 0.02' I0.01' 0.01' 0.02' 0.04' 0.00' 0.01'

'' '' '' '' '' '' '' ''

Total,, ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, ,,

Excess'return' 29.50%' 32.63%' 31.66%' 28.83%' 26.00%' 30.85%' 29.91%'

SR' 6.44' 3.60' 4.44' 5.69' 4.32' 4.47' 4.83'

Skewness' 2.65' 2.21' 3.28' 2.56' 1.49' 2.12' 2.38'

Kurtosis' 19.61' 16.21' 39.54' 21.48' 8.30' 14.92' 20.01'

T'value'(NW)' 12.60' 10.11' 12.59' 12.86' 11.08' 9.99' 11.54'

Beta' 0.02' 0.01' 0.01' 0.02' 0.02' 0.04' 0.02')


residuals.)The)beta)value)is)the)market)exposure)calculated)by)using)daily)observations.)) )

) 57)


12'month'trading'period' '' '' '' '' '' ''


'' '' '' '' '' ''

Minumum,Distance, Top,30, Top,5, Top,10, Top,20, Top,11B20, Top,21B30, Average,

Excess'return' 26.54%' 27.72%' 26.28%' 26.65%' 27.01%' 26.32%' 26.75%'

SR' 6.19' 3.49' 4.70' 5.46' 3.84' 4.24' 4.65'

Skewness' 2.02' 1.12' 1.83' 2.63' 2.10' 1.24' 1.82'

Kurtosis' 16.72' 7.73' 16.87' 31.40' 21.25' 6.30' 16.71'

T'value'(NW)' 16.01' 10.30' 12.49' 14.50' 12.26' 13.09' 13.11'

Beta' 0.02' 0.00' 0.01' 0.02' 0.02' 0.02' 0.01'

'' '' '' '' '' '' '' ''

Zero,Crossing, ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, ,,

Excess'return' 26.65%' 25.71%' 28.04%' 27.38%' 26.73%' 25.37%' 26.65%'

SR' 4.95' 2.70' 3.80' 4.34' 3.11' 3.39' 3.72'

Skewness' 1.37' 0.72' 1.03' 1.28' 2.30' 1.21' 1.32'

Kurtosis' 7.24' 7.06' 6.16' 8.22' 23.77' 7.58' 10.00'

T'value'(NW)' 12.97' 9.57' 11.85' 12.47' 9.69' 9.88' 11.07'

Beta' 0.02' I0.01' 0.03' 0.04' 0.06' I0.02' 0.02'

'' '' '' '' '' '' '' ''

Total,, ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, ,,

Excess'return' 29.56%' 30.17%' 30.05%' 29.25%' 28.44%' 30.18%' 29.61%'

SR' 6.65' 3.51' 4.28' 5.68' 4.25' 4.72' 4.85'

Skewness' 1.32' 0.94' 2.81' 1.62' 0.88' 1.14' 1.45'

Kurtosis' 7.34' 7.15' 38.21' 14.09' 7.56' 6.13' 13.41'

T'value' 16.08' 11.26' 13.34' 15.16' 12.74' 12.58' 13.53'

Beta' 0.01' 0.01' 0.02' 0.01' 0.00' 0.02' 0.01')



) 58)

7.3. PostBtransaction,costs,returns,






'' '' ''

Minumum,Distance, Top,30, Top,5, Top,10, Top,20, Top,11B20, Top,21B30, Average,

Excess'return' 2.89%' 0.89%' 3.95%' 3.68%' 3.44%' 1.40%' 2.71%'

SRIratio' 0.41' 0.07' 0.41' 0.46' 0.34' 0.14' 0.31'

Skewness' 0.52' 0.36' 0.62' 0.69' 0.35' 0.23' 0.46'

Kurtosis' 2.94' 6.18' 4.45' 4.46' 3.17' 3.20' 4.07'

T'value'(NW)' 1.37' 0.24' 1.48' 1.59' 1.18' 0.51' 1.06'

beta' 0.05' 0.06' 0.04' 0.05' 0.07' 0.06' 0.06'

'' '' '' '' '' '' '' ''

Zero,Crossing, '' '' '' '' '' '' ''

Excess'return' 1.69%' 4.15%' 5.52%' 1.54%' I1.69%' 2.01%' 2.20%'

SRIratio' 0.20' 0.27' 0.47' 0.16' I0.14' 0.17' 0.19'

Skewness' 0.20' 0.25' 0.24' 0.24' 0.33' 0.07' 0.22'

Kurtosis' 4.67' 4.17' 4.52' 4.59' 5.08' 5.88' 4.82'

T'value'(NW)' 0.63' 0.97' 1.76' 0.54' I0.43' 0.55' 0.67'

beta' 0.09' 0.08' 0.08' 0.08' 0.09' 0.11' 0.09'

'' '' '' '' '' '' '' ''

Total,, '' '' '' '' '' '' ''

Excess'return' 3.37%' 6.14%' 4.25%' 3.28%' 2.21%' 3.76%' 3.83%'

SR' 0.43' 0.39' 0.36' 0.37' 0.20' 0.34' 0.35'

Skewness' 0.39' 0.01' 0.05' 0.43' 0.45' 0.40' 0.29'

Kurtosis' 4.39' 3.94' 3.91' 4.62' 6.72' 3.40' 4.50'

T'value'(NW)' 1.50' 1.53' 1.5' 1.38' 0.70' 1.18' 1.30'

Beta' 0.05' 0.02' 0.05' 0.05' 0.04' 0.06' 0.05'



) 59)


) 60)


''' '' '' '' '' ''

Minumum,Distance, Top,30, Top,5, Top,10, Top,20, Top,11B20, Top,21B30, Average,

Excess'return' 3.82%' 8.34%' 4.80%' 4.39%' 3.90%' 2.75%' 4.67%'

SR' 0.47' 0.59' 0.44' 0.47' 0.34' 0.27' 0.43'

Skewness' 0.48' 0.35' 0.69' 0.67' 0.56' I0.11' 0.44'

Kurtosis' 7.20' 14.32' 17.12' 9.87' 6.71' 4.75' 9.99'

T'value'(NW)' 1.65' 2.38' 1.63' 1.77' 1.25' 0.92' 1.60'

Beta' 0.07' 0.07' 0.06' 0.08' 0.09' 0.06' 0.07'

'' '' '' '' '' '' '' ''

Zero,Crossing, '' '' '' '' '' '' ''

Excess'return' 3.60%' 8.24%' 6.09%' 5.65%' 5.91%' I0.45%' 4.84%'

SR' 0.42' 0.53' 0.52' 0.57' 0.48' I0.04' 0.41'

Skewness' 0.35' 0.53' 0.33' 0.46' 0.68' 0.26' 0.43'

Kurtosis' 3.80' 5.00' 3.80' 4.59' 6.59' 6.67' 5.08'

T'value'(NW)' 1.35' 1.91' 1.76' 1.96' 1.69' I0.12' 1.43'

Beta' 0.07' 0.05' 0.04' 0.05' 0.07' 0.12' 0.07'

'' '' '' '' '' '' '' ''

Total,, '' '' '' '' '' '' ''

Excess'return' 4.49%' 11.53%' 8.37%' 4.47%' 0.46%' 4.66%' 5.66%'

SR' 0.53' 0.69' 0.70' 0.48' 0.04' 0.38' 0.47'

Skewness' 0.54' 0.70' 0.45' 0.29' I0.10' 0.54' 0.40'

Kurtosis' 8.23' 9.10' 5.41' 4.72' 5.32' 6.29' 6.51'

T'value'(NW)' 1.88' 2.46' 2.56' 1.70' 0.13' 1.38' 1.69'

Beta' 0.06' 0.01' 0.04' 0.06' 0.08' 0.07' 0.05')Excess)returns)are)calculated)by)taking)the)daily)average)return)over)the)sample)period)and)multiplying)by)260)trading)days.)The)standard)deviations)used)to)compute)the)Sharpe)Ratios)(SR))are)the)average)daily)standard)deviations)over)the)period)multiplied)by)the)square)root)of)260)trading)days.)Since)we)are)equally)long)and)short,)our)excess)returns)are)equal)to)our)nominal)returns)without)deducting)the)risk)free)rate.)The)T)values)are)calculated)by)using)the)Newey)West)(NW))standard)errors)where)we)use)30)lags)to)control)for)serial)correlation)in)the)


) 61)


7.4. Pairs,ranked,81B100,




postItransaction'costs' '' '' '' ''

Pairs,ranked,81B100' Top,81B100, Top,96B100, Top,91B100, Top,81B90, Average,

Excess'return' I2.29%' I4.52%' I7.15%' 2.55%' I2.85%'

SR' I0.26' I0.31' I0.60' 0.25' I0.23'

Skewness' I0.13' 0.06' 0.08' I0.07' I0.01'

Kurtosis' 6.45' 8.85' 6.98' 9.09' 7.84'

T'value'(NW)' I0.77' I1.02' I1.92' 0.75' I0.74'

Beta' 0.10' 0.13' 0.12' 0.08' 0.10'


Pairs,ranked,1B20' Top,20, Top,5, Top,10, Top,11B20, Average,

Excess'return' 4.47%' 11.53%' 8.37%' 0.46%' 6.21%'

SR' 0.48' 0.69' 0.70' 0.04' 0.48'

Skewness' 0.29' 0.70' 0.45' I0.10' 0.34'

Kurtosis' 4.72' 9.10' 5.41' 5.32' 6.13'

T'value'(NW)' 1.70' 2.46' 2.56' 0.13' 1.71'

Beta' 0.06' 0.01' 0.04' 0.08' 0.05'



) 62)


Table,9, '' '' '' '' ,, '' '' '' '' ''Same,day,Return,




Top,,81B90, Average, Top,20, Top,5, Top,10,

Top,,11B20, Average,

2003' 13.93%' I1.45%' I3.84%' 31.70%' 10.09%' 9.80%' 25.57%' 12.28%' 7.19%' 13.71%'

2004' I2.36%' 3.96%' 4.16%' I8.88%' I0.78%' 6.00%' 18.16%' 9.02%' 2.92%' 9.03%'

2005' I9.14%' I15.53%' I9.69%' I8.59%' I10.74%' I0.50%' 6.88%' I2.11%' 1.05%' 1.33%'

2006' 1.90%' I5.35%' I5.14%' 8.95%' 0.09%' I1.01%' I11.23%' I11.04%' 8.94%' I3.58%'

2007' I5.81%' 12.73%' I11.21%' I0.41%' I1.18%' I18.68%' 3.01%' 3.14%' I40.61%' I13.28%'

2008' I12.55%' I8.31%' I15.26%' I9.84%' I11.49%' 12.30%' 31.61%' 22.08%' 2.35%' 17.09%'

2009' 3.92%' 0.46%' I0.74%' 8.58%' 3.05%' 21.01%' 30.08%' 23.61%' 18.29%' 23.25%'

2010' I2.18%' 0.92%' I1.82%' I2.54%' I1.41%' 2.92%' I3.38%' 5.20%' 0.55%' 1.32%'

2011' I2.75%' I14.58%' I18.42%' 12.91%' I5.71%' 3.23%' 6.64%' 7.34%' I0.98%' 4.06%'

2012' I5.70%' I16.67%' I5.00%' I6.40%' I8.44%' 9.85%' 8.47%' 14.57%' 5.03%' 9.48%'





81B90, Average, Top,20, Top,5, Top,10,Top,,

11B20, Average,

2003' 1.63' I0.09' I0.31' 3.07' 1.07' 0.92' 1.47' 1.11' 0.47' 0.99'

2004' I0.46' 0.63' 0.71' I1.15' I0.07' 1.08' 1.48' 1.11' 0.42' 1.02'

2005' I1.80' I1.60' I1.35' I1.51' I1.56' I0.07' 0.72' I0.28' 0.11' 0.12'

2006' 0.38' I0.53' I0.74' 1.19' 0.08' I0.13' I0.70' I0.84' 1.28' I0.10'

2007' I0.64' 1.01' I1.02' I0.04' I0.17' I1.71' 0.15' 0.21' I2.85' I1.05'

2008' I0.77' I0.29' I0.68' I0.56' I0.57' 0.91' 1.15' 1.27' 0.15' 0.87'

2009' 0.33' 0.02' I0.05' 0.69' 0.25' 1.90' 1.60' 1.54' 1.21' 1.56'

2010' I0.39' 0.10' I0.25' I0.32' I0.22' 0.56' I0.34' 0.72' 0.07' 0.25'

2011' I0.37' I1.12' I1.62' 1.26' I0.46' 0.36' 0.43' 0.63' I0.09' 0.33'

2012' I0.85' I1.91' I0.68' I0.75' I1.05' 1.13' 0.77' 1.65' 0.40' 0.99')



) 63)

7.5. IntraBIndustry,Pairs,





IntraBIndustry,pairs, Top,5, Top,10, Average,

Excess'return' 4.29%' 1.69%' 2.99%'

SR' 0.31' 0.15' 0.23'

Skewness' I0.02' 0.75' 0.36'

Kurtosis' 7.47' 12.63' 10.05'

T'value'(NW)' 1.27' 0.53' 0.9'

Beta' 0.11' 0.12' 0.12'


Different,industry,pairs' Top,5' Top,10' Average'

Excess'return, 11.53%, 8.37%, 9.95%,

SR' 0.69' 0.70' 0.70'

Skewness' 0.70' 0.45' 0.58'

Kurtosis' 9.10' 5.41' 7.25'

T'value'(NW)' 2.46' 2.56' 2.51'

Beta' 0.01' 0.04' 0.02'



) 64)




postItransaction'costs' '' ''


postItransaction'costs' '' ''


Excess,return, Top,5, Top,10, Average,


Excess,return, Top,5, Top,10, Average,

2003' 14.06%' 12.33%' 13.19%' 2003' 25.57%' 12.28%' 18.93%'

2004' 20.14%' 8.59%' 14.37%' 2004' 18.16%' 9.02%' 13.59%'

2005' 2.88%' I1.52%' 0.68%' 2005' 6.88%' I2.11%' 2.39%'

2006' 4.23%' 3.47%' 3.85%' 2006' I11.23%' I11.04%' I11.13%'

2007' 9.38%' 15.09%' 12.23%' 2007' 3.01%' 3.14%' 3.08%'

2008' 8.63%' I1.22%' 3.70%' 2008' 31.61%' 22.08%' 26.85%'

2009' 18.64%' 7.05%' 12.84%' 2009' 30.08%' 23.61%' 26.84%'

2010' I8.86%' I10.49%' I9.67%' 2010' I3.38%' 5.20%' 0.91%'

2011' I18.39%' I20.16%' I19.27%' 2011' 6.64%' 7.34%' 6.99%'

2012' 1.10%' 1.75%' 1.43%' 2012' 8.47%' 14.57%' 11.52%'

Sharpe,ratio, Top,5, Top,10, Average, Sharpe,ratio, Top,5, Top,10, Average,

2003' 1.00' 1.29' 1.14' 2003' 1.47' 1.11' 1.29'

2004' 1.80' 1.23' 1.51' 2004' 1.48' 1.11' 1.30'

2005' 0.26' I0.19' 0.04' 2005' 0.72' I0.28' 0.22'

2006' 0.38' 0.46' 0.42' 2006' I0.70' I0.84' I0.77'

2007' 0.78' 1.69' 1.24' 2007' 0.15' 0.21' 0.18'

2008' 0.35' I0.05' 0.15' 2008' 1.15' 1.27' 1.21'

2009' 1.26' 0.65' 0.95' 2009' 1.60' 1.54' 1.57'

2010' I0.65' I1.07' I0.86' 2010' I0.34' 0.72' 0.19'

2011' I1.29' I1.87' I1.58' 2011' 0.43' 0.63' 0.53'

2012' 0.10' 0.24' 0.17' 2012' 0.77' 1.65' 1.21'



) 65)


7.6. Pairs,trading,in,different,market,environments,



) 66)





Crisis, Top,30, Top,5, Top,10, Top,20, Top,11B20, Top,21B30, Average,

Excess'return' 6.04%' 19.03%' 14.64%' 7.72%' 0.67%' 2.85%' 8.49%'

SR' 0.51' 0.86' 1.00' 0.68' 0.05' 0.15' 0.54'

Skewness' 0.74' 0.95' 0.84' 0.32' I0.03' 0.53' 0.56'

Kurtosis' 8.45' 10.99' 8.35' 6.93' 3.04' 3.42' 6.86'

T'value'(NW)' 0.97' 1.55' 1.81' 1.21' 0.09' 0.30' 0.99'

Beta' 0.08' 0.02' 0.05' 0.06' 0.08' 0.12' 0.07'

VaR'5%' I1.03%' I1.84%' I1.24%' I0.98%' I1.27%' I1.69%' I1.34%'

Var'5%'yrl' I16.63%' I29.68%' I20.04%' I15.80%' I20.42%' I27.29%' I21.64%'

VaR'1%' I1.69%' I3.34%' I2.04%' I1.90%' I2.34%' I2.59%' I2.32%'

Var'1%'yrl' I27.19%' I53.85%' I32.87%' I30.66%' I37.76%' I41.82%' I37.36%'


NonBcrisis, Top,30, Top,5, Top,10, Top,20, Top,11B20, Top,21B30, Average,

Excess'return' 3.97%' 12.52%' 7.72%' 3.96%' 0.09%' 4.10%' 5.39%'

SR' 0.47' 0.72' 0.62' 0.42' 0.01' 0.34' 0.43'

Skewness' 0.59' 0.75' 0.49' 0.31' I0.13' 0.54' 0.43'

Kurtosis' 9.79' 9.35' 5.75' 5.35' 6.01' 7.26' 7.25'

T'value'(NW)' 1.43' 2.27' 2.01' 1.27' 0.02' 1.08' 1.35'

Beta' 0.02' I0.03' I0.02' 0.03' 0.07' 0.00' 0.01'

VaR'5%' I0.77%' I1.61%' I1.19%' I0.85%' I1.16%' I1.07%' I1.11%'

Var'5%'yrl' I12.36%' I25.92%' I19.13%' I13.63%' I18.70%' I17.27%' I17.84%'

VaR'1%' I1.19%' I2.56%' I1.93%' I1.52%' I2.15%' I1.95%' I1.88%'

Var'1%'yrl' I19.14%' I41.26%' I31.14%' I24.51%' I34.67%' I31.52%' I30.37%'



) 67)


7.7. Managing,risk,


7.7.1. Stop,loss,


) 68)




Pair'standard'deviation' '' ''

Average- IS' OOS' OOS/IS'

Average' 6.09%' 11.74%' '2.20''

Max' 8.17%' 26.97%' '3.72''

Min' 3.69%' 4.97%' '1.60''


) 69)





Total,stop,loss, OS,30, OS,5, OS,10, OS,20, OS,11B20, OS,21B30, Average,

Excess'return' 5.02%' 10.97%' 8.11%' 5.31%' 2.40%' 4.55%' 6.06%'

SR' 0.60' 0.65' 0.68' 0.58' 0.21' 0.37' 0.51'

Skewness' 0.57' 0.69' 0.44' 0.33' 0.09' 0.53' 0.44'

Kurtosis' 8.42' 8.64' 5.38' 4.79' 4.30' 6.30' 6.30'

T'value'(NW)' 2.11' 2.32' 2.50' 2.07' 0.77' 1.36' 1.86'

Beta' 0.06' 0.02' 0.04' 0.06' 0.08' 0.07' 0.06'

VaR'5%' I0.75%' I1.58%' I1.15%' I0.85%' I1.09%' I1.10%' I1.09%'

VaR'5%'yrl' I12.12%' I25.46%' I18.55%' I13.65%' I17.63%' I17.80%' I17.54%'

VaR'1%' I1.21%' I2.43%' I1.81%' I1.44%' I2.07%' I1.94%' I1.82%'

Var'1%'yrl' I19.45%' I39.19%' I29.18%' I23.29%' I33.33%' I31.24%' I29.28%',,,Total,without,,stopBloss, OS,30, OS,5, OS,10, OS,20, OS,11B20, OS,21B30, Average,

Excess'return' 4.49%' 11.53%' 8.37%' 4.47%' 0.46%' 4.66%' 5.66%'

SR' 0.53' 0.69' 0.70' 0.48' 0.04' 0.38' 0.47'

Skewness' 0.54' 0.70' 0.45' 0.29' I0.10' 0.54' 0.40'

Kurtosis' 8.23' 9.10' 5.41' 4.72' 5.32' 6.29' 6.51'

T'value'(NW)' 1.88' 2.46' 2.56' 1.70' 0.13' 1.38' 1.69'

Beta' 0.06' 0.01' 0.04' 0.06' 0.08' 0.07' 0.05'

VaR'5%' I0.77%' I1.55%' I1.15%' I0.85%' I1.16%' I1.10%' I1.10%'

VaR'5%'yrl' I12.35%' I24.96%' I18.55%' I13.65%' I18.70%' I17.80%' I17.67%'

VaR'1%' I1.22%' I2.47%' I1.82%' I1.51%' I2.14%' I1.94%' I1.85%'

Var'1%'yrl' I19.73%' I39.80%' I29.28%' I24.28%' I34.56%' I31.24%' I29.82%')Excess)returns)are)calculated)by)taking)the)daily)average)return)over)the)sample)period)and)multiplying)by)260)trading)days.)The)standard)deviations)used)to)compute)the)Sharpe)Ratios)(SR))are)the)average)daily)standard)deviations)over)the)period)multiplied)by)the)square)root)of)260)trading)days.)Since)we)are)equally)long)and)short,)our)excess)returns)are)equal)to)our)nominal)returns)without)deducting)the)risk)free)rate.)The)T)value)is)calculated)by)using)the)Newey)West)(NW))standard)errors)where)we)use)30)lags)to)control)for)serial)correlation)in)the)residuals.)The)beta)value)is)the)market)exposure)calculated)by)using)daily)observations.)The)Value)at)Risk)(VaR))is)calculated)by)using)the)



) 70)


7.7.2. Drawdown,control,


) 71)


) 72)




Total,Drawdown, Top'30' Top'5' Top'10' Top'20' Top'11I20' Top'21I30' Average'

Excess'return' 4.21%' 11.24%' 8.45%' 4.08%' 1.50%' 4.51%' 5.66%'

SR' 0.52' 0.71' 0.72' 0.47' 0.12' 0.37' 0.49'

Skewness' 0.64' 0.79' 0.51' 0.38' 0.38' 0.52' 0.53'

Kurtosis' 9.57' 10.76' 5.90' 5.92' 7.23' 6.17' 7.59'

T'value'(NW)' 1.78' 2.51' 2.65' 1.64' 0.48' 1.34' 1.73'

Beta' 0.06' 0.01' 0.03' 0.05' 0.08' 0.07' 0.05'

VaR'5%' I0.73%' I1.42%' I1.11%' I0.80%' I1.16%' I1.11%' I1.05%'

Var'5%'yrl' I11.79%' I22.90%' I17.89%' I12.82%' I18.71%' I17.83%' I16.99%'

VaR'1%' I1.18%' I2.37%' I1.68%' I1.31%' I2.13%' I1.94%' I1.77%'

Var'1%'yrl' I19.08%' I38.22%' I27.04%' I21.06%' I34.28%' I31.23%' I28.49%',,Total, OS,30, OS,5, OS,10, OS,20, OS,11B20, OS,21B30, Average,

Excess'return' 4.49%' 11.53%' 8.37%' 4.47%' 0.46%' 4.66%' 5.66%'

SR' 0.53' 0.69' 0.70' 0.48' 0.04' 0.38' 0.47'

Skewness' 0.54' 0.70' 0.45' 0.29' I0.10' 0.54' 0.40'

Kurtosis' 8.23' 9.10' 5.41' 4.72' 5.32' 6.29' 6.51'

T'value'(NW)' 1.88' 2.46' 2.56' 1.70' 0.13' 1.38' 1.69'

Beta' 0.06' 0.01' 0.04' 0.06' 0.08' 0.07' 0.05'

VaR'5%' I0.77%' I1.55%' I1.15%' I0.85%' I1.16%' I1.10%' I1.16%'

VaR'5%'yrl' I12.35%' I24.96%' I18.55%' I13.65%' I18.70%' I17.80%' I17.67%'

VaR'1%' I1.22%' I2.47%' I1.82%' I1.51%' I2.14%' I1.94%' I1.85%'

Var'1%'yrl' I19.73%' I39.80%' I29.28%' I24.28%' I34.56%' I31.24%' I29.82%')Excess)returns)are)calculated)by)taking)the)daily)average)return)over)the)sample)period)and)multiplying)by)260)trading)days.)The)standard)deviations)used)to)compute)the)Sharpe)Ratios)(SR))are)the)average)daily)standard)deviations)over)the)period)multiplied)by)the)square)root)of)260)trading)days.)Since)we)are)equally)long)and)short,)our)excess)returns)are)equal)to)our)nominal)returns)without)deducting)the)risk)free)rate.)The)T)value)is)calculated)by)using)the)Newey)West)(NW))standard)errors)where)we)use)30)lags)to)control)for)serial)correlation)in)the)residuals.)The)beta)value)is)the)market)exposure)calculated)by)using)daily)observations.)The)Value)at)Risk)(VaR))is)calculated)by)using)the)



7.7.3. Our,pairs,trading,portfolio,as,a,hedging,component,


) 73)




postItransaction'costs' '' '' '' '' '' '' ''

Excess,returns, Top,30,, Top,5,, Top,10,, Top,20,, Top,11B20,, Top,21B30,, Average,

Total' 4.49%' 11.53%' 8.37%' 4.47%' 0.46%' 4.66%' 5.66%'

Market' 9.10%' 9.10%' 9.10%' 9.10%' 9.10%' 9.10%' 9.10%'

Combination) 7.28%' 10.80%' 9.22%' 7.27%' 5.26%' 7.36%' 7.87%'

'' '' '' '' '' '' '' ''

Sharpe,ratio, '' '' '' '' '' '' ''

Total' 0.53' 0.69' 0.70' 0.48' 0.04' 0.38' 0.47'

Market' 0.38' 0.38' 0.38' 0.38' 0.38' 0.38' 0.42'

Combination) 0.51' 0.71' 0.64' 0.51' 0.34' 0.49' 0.53'

Improvement' I0.02' 0.01' I0.06' 0.03' I0.05' 0.11' 0.06'

Improvement'in'%' I3.59%' 1.74%' I8.53%' 5.41%' I11.84%' 27.58%' 12.92%'

'' '' '' '' '' '' '' ''

VaR, '' '' '' '' '' '' ''

VaR'5%' I1.23%' I1.35%' I1.25%' I1.24%' I1.37%' I1.27%' I1.28%'

VaR'5%'yrl' I19.76%' I21.85%' I20.11%' I19.94%' I22.15%' I20.49%' I20.72%'

VaR'1%' I2.47%' I2.40%' I2.39%' I2.49%' I2.58%' I2.57%' I2.48%'

Var'1%'yrl' I39.84%' I38.69%' I38.55%' I40.18%' I41.57%' I41.51%' I40.06%')




) 74)


7.8. Regression,analysis,


7.8.1. Explanatory,Variables,and,Hypotheses,


) 75)

portfolios)in)the)regression)analysis)to)test)the)consistency)of)our)regression)results.)We)use)monthly)data)in)the)regressions,)since)we)do)not)expect)daily)changes)in)risk)factors)to)give)a)clear)relationship)to)our)portfolio)returns,)since)the)variation)in)some)of)our)risk)factors)are)very)small)on)a)daily)basis.)Weekly)returns)could)be)tried)out,)but)we)are)under)the)impression)that)a)longer)time)period)is)necessary)to)capture)the)relationship,)as)some)of)the)factors,)i.e.)liquidity,)are)more)persistent)over)time)(Acharya)and)Pedersen)2005).)Regressing)on)yearly)data)would)obviously)not)work)as)the)data)sample)would)be)way)to)small,)and)yearly)observations)is)not)able)capture)short)and)medium)term)relationships)between)risk)factors)and)our)returns.)In)conclusion,)we)think)monthly)data)will)provide)the)best)foundation)to)test)our)proposed)relationships.))# Market-exposure-


) 76) Fama-&-French-Factors-

As)previously)mentioned)in)the)thesis,)the)HML)and)SMB)factors)presented)by)Fama)and)French)(1992))are)considered)statistical)anomalies)that)have)been)able)to)explain)returns)in)the)past,)thus)we)want)to)include)them)to)see)if)our)returns)are)explained)by)these)factors,)and)if)we)are)able)to)obtain)a)positive)alpha)after)taking)them)into)account.)The)FamaCFrench)factors)(F&F)factors))are)based)on)European)data,)as)they)are)not)available)specifically)for)Germany.)These)time)series)are)also)reported)as)monthly)returns)in)decimals.))The)expected)sign)for)the)HML)factor)is)uncertain.)Our)trading)strategy)does)not)take)book)values)into)account)whatsoever,)but)the)strategy)invests)long)in)stocks)that)lag)behind)their)partner)stocks)in)terms)of)stock)returns.)In)other)words,)the)strategy)buys)the)relatively)cheap)stock)and)short)the)relatively)expensive)stock,)so)the)HML)factor)might)appear)with)a)positive)sign.)If)the)relationship)is)statistically)significant)is,)however,)difficult)to)say.)We)do)not)expect)our)returns)to)be)significantly)related)to)the)SMB)factor,)as)it)is)no)intuitive)explanation)for)why)this)might)be)the)case.)Even)though)we)exclude)all)stocks)below)€1)billion)our)sample)does)not)have)a)clear)overC)or)underweight)in)small)or)large)cap)stocks,)so)a)significant)relation)to)the)SMB)factor)is)unexpected.)) Momentum-Momentum)is)a)factor)that)has)proven)to)yield)abnormal)returns)in)the)past)(Carhart)1997;)Asness,)Moskowitz,)and)Pedersen)2013),)and)the)essence)of)a)momentum)strategy)is)to)buy)stocks)that)have)recently)outperformed)and)sell)stocks)that)have)recently)underperformed.))Our)pairs)trading)strategy)short)the)stock)that)performs)the)best)and)invest)long)in)the)stock)that)underperforms)within)a)pair,)thus)it)almost)performs)the)opposite)action)of)the)momentum)trader.)Therefore)we)expect)our)return)series)to)be)negatively)correlated)to)the)momentum)factor.)Along)with)the)F&FCfactors)momentum)is)included)as)a)control)variable)to)see)if)we)still)are)able)to)earn)a)positive)alpha)after)it)is)taken)into)account.)The)monthly)returns)from)the)momentum)time)series)are)reported)in)decimals.))

) 77) Volatility-






Total)Return)DAX) VOLATILITY_30D)

) 78)


) 79) Liquidity-


) 80)


) 81)











































) 82)


7.8.2. Regression,results,



) 83)

are)subject)to)less)idiosyncratic)risk.)If)we)comment)on)other)subCportfolios)this)will)be)explicitly)mentioned.)) Market-Exposure-


!!,! = !! + !! !!,! − !!,! + !!)CAPM, Top,30, Top,5, Top,10, Top,20,

DAXIrf' 0.1210' (0.0578)**' 0.0300' (0.0905)' 0.0741' (0.0577)' 0.1457' (0.0617)**'

'' 0.0383' '' 0.7413' '' 0.2015' '' 0.0198' ''

Alpha' 0.0056' (0.0019)***' 0.0119' (0.0043)***' 0.0091' (0.0030)***' 0.0053' (0.0024)**'

'' 0.0041' '' 0.0064' '' 0.0027' '' 0.0260' ''

R2' 0.0918' '' 0.0013' '' 0.0176' '' 0.1053' ''












































Same)day)(30)pairs)) Excess)DAX)Total)Return)

) 84)

The)yearly)returns)of)our)portfolio)during)crises)are)positive)and)substantially)higher)than)the)market.)In)other)words,)it)does)not)seem)to)be)notably)affected)by)a)market)decline.)Figure)13)illustrates)the)difference)between)the)monthly)return)series)for)our)30)pairs)portfolio)and)the)excess)market)return)(DAX).)Our)portfolio)avoids)the)big)hits)the)market)experiences)in)2008,)2009)and)2011,)and)yields)a)better)return)than)the)market)in)all)these)years.))The)CAPM)regression)is)only)able)to)explain)0.0918)of)our)returns,)so)we)expect)to)find)additional)explanatory)power)by)including)other)factors)in)our)regressions.)Gatev,)Goetzmann)and)Rouwenhorst)(2006))find)a)negative)beta,)which)is)larger)than)our)beta)in)absolute)terms.)The)two)strategies)are)slightly)different,)since)we)rebalance)daily,)and)that)is)most)likely)one)of)the)reasons)for)the)different)results.)It)is,)however,)hard)to)perfectly)understand)the)difference,)because)the)traded)portfolios)are)in)different)time)periods)and)market)environments.)) FamaNFrench-Factors-


!!,! = !! + !! !!,! − !!,! + !!!"#! + !!!"#! + !!))

F&F, Top,30, Top,5, Top,10, Top,20,

DAXIrf' 0.0874' (0.0649)' 0.0401' (0.0906)' 0.0583' (0.0683)' 0.1256' (0.0732)*'

'' 0.1807' '' 0.6588' '' 0.3953' '' 0.0888' ''

SMB' I0.0153' (0.0903)' I0.1276' (0.2264)' I0.0438' (0.1418)' 0.0064' (0.1127)'

'' 0.8659' '' 0.5740' '' 0.7578' '' 0.9547' ''

HML' 0.1906' (0.1532)' I0.0968' (0.2819)' 0.0784' (0.2142)' 0.1144' (0.1505)'

'' 0.2159' '' 0.7320' '' 0.7150' '' 0.4486' ''

Alpha' 0.0055' (0.0019)***' 0.0122' (0.0044)***' 0.0092' (0.0030)***' 0.0053' (0.0024)**'

'' 0.0051' '' 0.0061' '' 0.0030' '' 0.0273' ''

R2' 0.1137' '' 0.0051' '' 0.0201' '' 0.1115' ''





) 85)

After)we)take)the)F&FCfactors)into)account)we)still)generate)a)significant)positive)alpha)of)0.55%)and)the)DAX)becomes)insignificant)for)all)subCportfolios)except)top)20.)Both)the)HML)and)SMB)factors)are)insignificant,)hence)consistent)with)our)hypothesis,)it)does)not)seem)like)the)two)F&FCfactors)are)the)source)of)our)returns.)Compared)to)the)CAPM)regression,)the)explanatory)power)increases)slightly)to)an)r2)of)0.1137,)but)this)is)probably)due)to)the)increased)number)of)regressors.))) Momentum-


!!,! = !! + !! !!,! − !!,! + !!!"#! + !!!"#! + !!!"#! + !!))


Mom, Top,30, Top,5, Top,10, Top,20,

DAXIrf' 0.0357' (0.0477)' I0.0094' (0.0996)' 0.0192' (0.0648)' 0.0767' (0.0553)'

'' 0.4558' '' 0.9250' '' 0.7673' '' 0.1678' ''

SMB' I0.0508' (0.1024)' I0.1616' (0.2327)' I0.0706' (0.1440)' I0.0400' (0.1178)'

'' 0.6211' '' 0.4887' '' 0.6245' '' 0.7350' ''

HML' 0.0249' (0.1363)' I0.2555' (0.2837)' I0.0469' (0.2054)' I0.0424' (0.1420)'

'' 0.8556' '' 0.3697' '' 0.8199' '' 0.7661' ''

WML' I0.2473' (0.0497)***' I0.2369' (0.0973)**' I0.1869' (0.0661)***' I0.2339' (0.0604)***'

'' 0.0000' '' 0.0165' '' 0.0055' '' 0.0002' ''

Alpha' 0.0076' (0.0017)***' 0.0141' (0.0046)***' 0.0107' (0.0031)***' 0.0072' (0.0022)***'

'' 0.0000' '' 0.0026' '' 0.0007' '' 0.0014' ''

R2' 0.2661' '' 0.0366' '' 0.0646' '' 0.2193' ''





) 86)

when)the)momentum)factor)is)taken)into)account,)our)monthly)alpha)actually)increases)to)0.77%.)Moreover,)the)explanatory)power)almost)triples)to)0.2661,)so)our)returns)seems)to)be)strongly)related)to)momentum.)Moving)on,)we)take)the)focus)away)from)statistical)anomalies)and)look)at)other)risk)factors)that)might)explain)our)returns.)) Volatility--


!!,! = !! + !! !!,! − !!,! + !!!"#30!"#$! + !!))

Volatility, Top,30, Top,5, Top,10, Top,20,

DAX' 0.1457' (0.0588)**' 0.0853' (0.0760)' 0.1005' (0.0567)*' 0.1721' (0.0629)***'









'DAXvol30' 0.0004' (0.0002)*' 0.0009' (0.0004)**' 0.0004' (0.0002)*' 0.0004' (0.0002)**'









'Alpha' I0.0030' (0.0048)' I0.0074' (0.0094)' I0.0001' (0.0058)' I0.0039' (0.0053)'









'R2' 0.1256'










) 87)


!!,! = !! + !! !!,! − !!,! + !!!"#30!"#$! + !!!"#30!"#$!! + !!))

Volatility, Top,30, Top,5, Top,10, Top,20,

DAX' 0.1446' (0.0574)**' 0.0883' (0.0806)' 0.0999' (0.0563)*' 0.1708' (0.0611)***'

'' 0.0132' '' 0.2755' '' 0.0788' '' 0.0061' ''

DAXvol30' 0.0012' (0.0007)' I0.0013' (0.0012)' 0.0008' (0.0008)' 0.0014' (0.0007)**'

'' 0.1122' '' 0.2872' '' 0.3147' '' 0.0376' ''

DAXvol30^2' I0.00001' (0.0000)' 0.00003' (0.0000)*' I0.00001' (0.0000)' I0.00001' (0.0000)'

'' 0.2949' '' 0.0571' '' 0.6212' '' 0.1349' ''

Alpha' I0.0123' (0.0087)' 0.0189' (0.0156)' I0.0051' (0.0098)' I0.0153' (0.0081)*'

'' 0.1605' '' 0.2278' '' 0.5990' '' 0.0617' ''

R2' 0.1372' '' 0.0608' '' 0.0392' '' 0.1498' ''




) 88) Liquidity-



!!,! = !! + !! !!,! − !!,! + !!!"#$%! + !!)Liquidity,

(volume), Top,30, Top,5, Top,10, Top,20,

DAX' 0.1365' (0.0591)**' 0.0348' (0.0905)' 0.0819' (0.0586)' 0.1522' (0.0655)**'

'' 0.0227' '' 0.7014' '' 0.1651' '' 0.0218' ''

log(DAXvm)' 0.0085' (0.0092)' 0.0026' (0.0173)' 0.0043' (0.0111)' 0.0035' (0.0099)'

'' 0.3597' '' 0.8794' '' 0.7031' '' 0.7202' ''

Alpha' I0.0222' (0.0293)' 0.0033' (0.0559)' I0.0048' (0.0361)' I0.0063' (0.0312)'

'' 0.4505' '' 0.9535' '' 0.8940' '' 0.8406' ''

R2' 0.0999' '' 0.0014' '' 0.0187' '' 0.1064' ''




) 89)


!!,! = !! + !! !!,! − !!,! + !!!"#!!" + !!))

Liquidity, Top,30, Top,5, Top,10, Top,20,

DAX' 0.1453' (0.0625)**' 0.0516' (0.0880)' 0.0994' (0.0613)' 0.1664' (0.0661)**'

'' 0.0218' '' 0.5584' '' 0.1074' '' 0.0131' ''

EUTED' 0.9142' (0.3875)**' 0.8143' (0.8284)' 0.9529' (0.4517)**' 0.7792' (0.4070)*'

'' 0.0200' '' 0.3277' '' 0.0370' '' 0.0580' ''

Intercept' 0.0007' (0.0028)' 0.0075' (0.0061)' 0.0040' (0.0039)' 0.0011' (0.0033)'

'' 0.8085' '' 0.2165' '' 0.3003' '' 0.7307' ''

R2' 0.1303' '' 0.0082' '' 0.0390' '' 0.1274' ''




) 90)


!!,! = !! + !! !!,! − !!,! + !!!"#!!" + !!!"#!!"! + !!))

Liquidity, Top,30, Top,5, Top,10, Top,20,

DAX' 0.1419' (0.0628)**' 0.0519' (0.0896)' 0.0927' (0.0623)' 0.1643' (0.0672)**'

'' 0.0257' '' 0.5639' '' 0.1392' '' 0.0160' ''

EUTED' 1.5669' (0.8819)*' 0.7701' (2.1131)' 2.2380' (1.2948)*' 1.1900' (0.9626)'

'' 0.0782' '' 0.7162' '' 0.0866' '' 0.2189' ''

EUTED2' I30.3800' (39.9280)' 2.0580' (89.2744)' I59.8100' (48.4598)' I19.1000' (38.6230)'

'' 0.4483' '' 0.9816' '' 0.2196' '' 0.6219' ''

Intercept' I0.0011' (0.0034)' 0.0076' (0.0077)' 0.0006' (0.0047)' 0.0000' (0.0040)'

'' 0.7548' '' 0.3238' '' 0.8997' '' 0.9941' ''

R2' 0.1342' '' 0.0082' '' 0.0467' '' 0.1286' ''




) 91)

portfolios)and)the)sign)of)the)coefficient)for)both)the)EU)and)US)TED)offers)no)significant)results.))) Predicting-pairs-trading-returns-

In)this)subsection)we)look)at)how)lagged)variables)of)volatility)and)liquidity)are)related)to)our)returns)and)see)if)there)are)any)relationships)that)can)help)us)forecast)future)profitability)of)pairs)trading.)) Volatility'


!!,! = !! + !! !!,! − !!,! + !!!"#$%&30! + !!!"#$%&30!!! + !!))

Volatility, Top,30, Top,5, Top,10, Top,20,

DAX' 0.0729' (0.0513)' 0.0289' (0.0837)' 0.0367' (0.0579)' 0.0848' (0.0465)*'

'' 0.1584' '' 0.7308' '' 0.5274' '' 0.0712' ''

DAXvol30' 0.0001' (0.0002)' 0.0007' (0.0005)' 0.0002' (0.0002)' 0.0001' (0.0002)'

'' 0.4994' '' 0.2047' '' 0.4663' '' 0.4534' ''

DAXvol30(I5)' 0.0006' (0.0002)***' 0.0005' (0.0003)*' 0.0006' (0.0002)***' 0.0006' (0.0001)***'

'' 0.0001' '' 0.0847' '' 0.0018' '' 0.0001' ''

Intercept' I0.0105' (0.0044)**' I0.0124' (0.0107)' I0.0064' (0.0060)' I0.0099' (0.0049)**'

'' 0.0177' '' 0.2478' '' 0.2915' '' 0.0458' ''

R2' 0.1747' '' 0.0436' '' 0.0611' '' 0.1425' ''




) 92)


!!,! = !! + !! !!,! − !!,! + !!!"#$!!! + !!))


volatility, Top,30, Top,5, Top,10, Top,20,

DAX' 0.1217' (0.0576)**' 0.0315' (0.0793)' 0.0748' (0.0560)' 0.1464' (0.0602)**'

'' 0.0368' '' 0.6920' '' 0.1841' '' 0.0165' ''

VDAX' 0.0005' (0.0002)**' 0.0013' (0.0005)**' 0.0006' (0.0003)**' 0.0006' (0.0002)**'

'' 0.0240' '' 0.0186' '' 0.0403' '' 0.0202' ''

Intercept' I0.0059' (0.0055)' I0.0164' (0.0124)' I0.0050' (0.0077)' I0.0075' (0.0061)'

'' 0.2776' '' 0.1908' '' 0.5197' '' 0.2248' ''

R2' 0.1283' '' 0.0506' '' 0.0456' '' 0.1406' ''





) 93)

Just)as)with)the)5Cmonth)lagged)volatility)measure)the)coefficient)is)positive)and)significant)for)the)three)largest)subCportfolios.)The)actual)volatility)with)five)lags)yields)slightly)better)result,)but)both)regressions)are)highly)supportive)of)a)lagged)relationship)between)market)volatility)and)our)returns.)A)1Cpoint)increase)in)the)VDAX)will)increase)the)return)in)the)upcoming)month)by)0.05%,)significant)at)a)5%)level.)Since)the)VDAX)has)a)standard)deviation)of)8.6)in)our)sample)and)a)maximum)(minimum))of)57.43)(11.24),)the)effect)on)returns)is)nonCnegligible.)All)subCportfolios)are)significant)for)at)least)the)5%)significance)level,)so)the)results)appear)impressively)consistent.)) Liquidity'


!!,! = !! + !! !!,! − !!,! + !!TED!!" + !!TED!!!!" + !!))

Liquidity, Top,30, Top,5, Top,10, Top,20,

DAX' 0.1004' (0.0560)*' 0.0100' (0.0898)' 0.0587' (0.0586)' 0.1026' (0.0474)**'

'' 0.0754' '' 0.9111' '' 0.3184' '' 0.0327' ''

EUTED' 0.1392' (0.3857)' 0.0439' (1.0146)' 0.1775' (0.5218)' I0.1528' (0.3773)'

'' 0.7188' '' 0.9656' '' 0.7344' '' 0.6862' ''

EUTED(I5)' 1.3063' (0.2823)***' 1.3444' (0.7130)*' 1.2814' (0.4805)***' 1.5097' (0.2858)***'

'' 0.0000' '' 0.0620' '' 0.0088' '' 0.0000' ''

Intercept' I0.0019' (0.0030)' 0.0046' (0.0069)' 0.0017' (0.0042)' I0.0017' (0.0036)'

'' 0.5181' '' 0.5089' '' 0.6874' '' 0.6429' ''

R2' 0.1601' '' 0.0233' '' 0.0617' '' 0.1523' ''




) 94)


8. Discussion,This)part)of)the)thesis)will)discuss)our)findings)in)light)of)previous)literature)and)elaborate)on)the)limitations)and)potential)improvements)in)our)research.))We)place)our)trading)strategy)under)the)broad)category)of)statistical)arbitrage,)since)we)use)statistical)methods)and)historical)data)to)form)our)portfolios)of)pairs.)Our)trading)strategy)and)constructed)model)are)inspired)by)Gatev,)Goetzmann)and)Rouwenworst)(2006))and)Do)and)Faff)(2010),)but)we)are)unable)to)find)evidence)of)abnormal)returns)when)we)use)a)6)months)trading)period.)However,)by)extending)the)trading)period)by)six)additional)months)we)are)able)to)generate)abnormal)returns.)The)Total)portfolio)obtains)a)Sharpe)ratio)of)0.47,)compared)to)0.38)for)the)DAX)index,)which)is)clear)evidence)of)a)nonCnegligible)outperformance)of)the)market)portfolio.)Do)and)Faff)(2010))points)out)that)pairs)in)recent)years)are)open)for)longer)periods)of)time)because)they)converge)more)slowly)and)our)results)imply)the)same.)Their)findings)were)based)on)US)data)for)approximately)the)same)time)period)as)we)operate)in,)and)it)seems)like)the)same)effect)is)present)in)the)European)market)we)trade)in.)Our)findings)are)consistent)with)a)worsening)of)arbitrage)risk)mentioned)by)Do)and)Faff,)and)this)can)be)a)result)of)either)fundamental)risk,)noise)trader)risk)or)synchronization)risk)discussed)earlier)in)the)thesis.)A)potential)explanation)can)be)that)easier)access)to)capital)

) 95)


) 96)


€!! = ± 1!!!)


) 97)


) 98)


9. Conclusion,We)construct)a)pairs)trading)portfolio)with)daily)rebalancing,)which)yields)positive)abnormal)returns)in)the)period)2003C2012.)Our)best)portfolio)earns)an)excess)return)of)5.66%)and)has)a)Sharpe)ratio)0.47.)This)thesis)adds)new)evidence)to)the)pairs)trading)literature,)as)it)investigates)the)performance)of)the)pairs)trading)in)the)most)recent)years,)which)includes)the)outbreak)of)the)Euro)crisis.)Do)and)Faff)(2010))find)that)pairs)after)1988)takes)longer)to)converge)and)explain)this)by)a)worsening)of)arbitrage)risk.)When)we)take)into)account)the)worsening)arbitrage)risk,)and)double)the)length)of)the)trading)period)the)performance)of)the)portfolio)is)substantially)better,)and)it)is)only)after)we)extend)the)length)of)the)trading)period)that)we)are)able)to)earn)a)higher)riskCadjusted)return)than)the)market.)The)ability)of)pairs)trading)to)perform)well)in)a)volatile)market)environment)seems)to)persist)in)more)recent)periods.)Further)investigation)implies)that)the)relationship)between)pairs)trading)returns)and)volatility)is)lagged,)which)can)be)explained)by)an)opening)of)pairs)due)to)a)shock)in)volatility)followed)by)subsequent)convergence)in)later)periods.)Our)research)also)identifies)a)shortCterm)relationship)between)the)implied)volatility)and)our)returns,)in)accordance)with))Nagel)(2012).)Furthermore,)our)analysis)implies)that)pairs)trading)is)a)liquidity)providing)strategy,)but)the)relationship)between)our)returns)and)liquidity)seems)to)be)lagged)rather)than)dependent)on)values)in)the)current)market)environment.)The)predictive)power)for)both)volatility)and)liquidity)is)however)limited)as)it)is)only)able)to)explain)a)small)part)of)our)returns.)Our)overall)findings)are)consistent)with)the)idea)that)pairs)trading)performs)well)in)a)volatile)market)environment)and)that)the)pairs)trader)is)compensated)for)the)provision)of)liquidity.)This)thesis)should)work)as)an)addition)to)the)existing)literature)on)pairs)trading,)and)is)supportive)evidence)that)pairs)trading)have)the)potential)to)earn)abnormal)returns.)Our)

) 99)

research)also)suggests)a)potential)improvement)to)the)strategy)by)implementing)risk)management)tools.)An)adoption)of)stop)loss)increases)our)Sharpe)ratio)to)0.51)and)decreases)the)VaR)slightly,)but)since)our)implementation)is)slightly)unrealistic,)it)should)not)be)directly)interpreted)as)an)obtainable)riskCadjusted)profit.)Further)research)on)pairs)trading)should)create)a)more)realistic)inclusion)of)risk)management,)as)it)is)informative)for)the)true)profitability)of)the)strategy.)Finally,)the)profitability)of)pairs)trading)should)be)investigated)with)a)more)comprehensive)data)sample)on)European)data,)to)create)even)stronger)statistical)support.))) )

) 100)


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! !

! I!

Appendix(!!A.1.! INDUSTRY!CLASSIFICATION!.............................................................................................................................................!IV!A.2.! BASIC!TRADING!RESULTS!ONE6DAY!DELAY!....................................................................................................................!V!A.2.1.! Pre(transaction0costs0returns0................................................................................................................................0V!

A.2.1.1.! 6!months!trading!...................................................................................................................................................................................!V!A.2.1.2.! 12!months!trading!................................................................................................................................................................................!VI!

A.2.2.! Post(transaction0costs0returns0..........................................................................................................................0VII!A.2.2.1.! 6!months!trading!................................................................................................................................................................................!VII!A.2.2.2.! 12!months!trading!.............................................................................................................................................................................!VIII!

A.3.! INDIVIDUAL!YEARS!PERFORMANCE!...............................................................................................................................!IX!A.3.1.! Pre(transaction0costs0return0................................................................................................................................0IX!

A.3.1.1.! 6!months!trading!..................................................................................................................................................................................!IX!A.! Minimum(distance((Returns)!..........................................................................................................................................!IX!A.! Minimum(distance((Sharpe(ratio)!..................................................................................................................................!X!A.! Zero(Crossing((Returns)!.....................................................................................................................................................!XI!A.! Zero(Crossing((Sharpe(ratios)!.......................................................................................................................................!XII!A.! Total((Returns)!.....................................................................................................................................................................!XIII!A.! Total((Sharpe(ratio)!...........................................................................................................................................................!XIV!

A.3.1.2.! 12!months!trading!...............................................................................................................................................................................!XV!A.! Minimum(distance((Returns)!.........................................................................................................................................!XV!A.! Minimum(distance((Sharpe(ratios)!...........................................................................................................................!XVI!A.! Zero(Crossing((Returns)!................................................................................................................................................!XVII!A.! Zero(Crossing((Sharpe(ratios)!...................................................................................................................................!XVIII!A.! Total((Returns)!.....................................................................................................................................................................!XIX!A.! Total((Sharpe(ratios)!...........................................................................................................................................................!XX!

A.3.2.! Post(transaction0costs0returns0.........................................................................................................................0XXI!A.3.2.1.! 6!months!................................................................................................................................................................................................!XXI!

A.! Minimum(distance((Returns)!.......................................................................................................................................!XXI!A.! Minimum(distance(6(months(trading((Sharpe(ratio)!....................................................................................!XXII!A.! Zero(crossing((Returns)!...............................................................................................................................................!XXIII!A.! Zero(crossing((Sharpe(ratio)!.....................................................................................................................................!XXIV!A.! Total((Return)!......................................................................................................................................................................!XXV!A.! Total((Sharpe(ratio)!........................................................................................................................................................!XXVI!

A.3.2.2.! 12!months!.........................................................................................................................................................................................!XXVII!A.! Minimum(distance((Returns)!...................................................................................................................................!XXVII!A.! Minimum(distance((Sharpe(ratio)!.......................................................................................................................!XXVIII!A.! Zero(crossing((Returns)!...............................................................................................................................................!XXIX!A.! Zero(crossing((Sharpe(ratio)!.......................................................................................................................................!XXX!A.! Total((Returns)!..................................................................................................................................................................!XXXI!A.! Total((Sharpe(ratio)!.......................................................................................................................................................!XXXII!

A.4.! ADDITIONAL!TRADING!RESULTS!ONE6DAY!DELAY!.............................................................................................!XXXIII!A.4.1.! Pairs0ranked081(1000.......................................................................................................................................0XXXIII!

A.4.1.1.! 12!months!.......................................................................................................................................................................................!XXXIII!A.4.1.2.! Individual!years!performance!................................................................................................................................................!XXXIV!

A.4.2.! Intra(Industry0Pairs0..........................................................................................................................................0XXXV!A.4.2.1.! 12!months!.........................................................................................................................................................................................!XXXV!A.4.2.2.! Individual!years!performance!................................................................................................................................................!XXXVI!

A.4.3.! Crises0versus0non(crises0................................................................................................................................0XXXVII!A.4.4.! Stop0loss0trading0results0............................................................................................................................0XXXVIII!A.4.5.! Drawdown0control0...........................................................................................................................................0XXXIX!

A.5.! REGRESSION!RESULTS!.....................................................................................................................................................!XL!A.5.1.! DAX0results0.................................................................................................................................................................0XL!

A.5.1.1.! CAPM!.........................................................................................................................................................................................................!XL!A.5.1.2.! Fama6French!Factors!.........................................................................................................................................................................!XL!A.5.1.3.! Fama6French!Factors!+!Momentum!..........................................................................................................................................!XLI!A.5.1.4.! Volatility!................................................................................................................................................................................................!XLI!

! II!

A.! Linear!.........................................................................................................................................................................................!XLI!A.! Quadratic!.................................................................................................................................................................................!XLI!A.! Lagged(1(month!...................................................................................................................................................................!XLII!A.! Lagged(2(months!.................................................................................................................................................................!XLII!A.! Lagged(3(months!.................................................................................................................................................................!XLII!A.! Lagged(4(months!...............................................................................................................................................................!XLIII!A.! Lagged(5(months!...............................................................................................................................................................!XLIII!A.! Lagged(6(months!...............................................................................................................................................................!XLIII!A.! Lagged(12(months!............................................................................................................................................................!XLIV!A.! Lagged(12(months!.........................................................................................................................................................!XLIV!

A.5.1.5.! Liquidity!.............................................................................................................................................................................................!XLIV!A.! EU(TED!....................................................................................................................................................................................!XLIV!A.! US(TED!......................................................................................................................................................................................!XLV!A.! EU(TED(+(Momentum!.......................................................................................................................................................!XLV!A.! US(TED(+(Momentum!.......................................................................................................................................................!XLV!A.! Volume!...................................................................................................................................................................................!XLVI!A.! EU(TED(Quadratic!............................................................................................................................................................!XLVI!A.! US(TED(Quadratic!.............................................................................................................................................................!XLVI!A.! EU(TED(lagged(1(month!...............................................................................................................................................!XLVII!A.! US(TED(lagged(1(month!................................................................................................................................................!XLVII!A.! EU(TED(lagged(2(months!..........................................................................................................................................!XLVII!A.! US(TED(lagged(2(months!.........................................................................................................................................!XLVIII!A.! EU(TED(lagged(3(months!........................................................................................................................................!XLVIII!A.! US(TED(lagged(3(months!.........................................................................................................................................!XLVIII!A.! EU(TED(lagged(4(months!............................................................................................................................................!XLIX!A.! US(TED(lagged(4(months!.............................................................................................................................................!XLIX!A.! EU(TED(lagged(5(months!............................................................................................................................................!XLIX!A.! US(TED(lagged(5(months!....................................................................................................................................................!L!A.! EU(TED(lagged(6(months!...................................................................................................................................................!L!A.! US(TED(lagged(6(months!....................................................................................................................................................!L!A.! EU(TED(lagged(12(months!..............................................................................................................................................!LI!A.! US(TED(lagged(12(months!...............................................................................................................................................!LI!

A.5.2.! SXXP0results0................................................................................................................................................................0LII!A.5.2.1.! CAPM!.........................................................................................................................................................................................................!LII!A.5.2.2.! Fama6French!Factors!.........................................................................................................................................................................!LII!A.5.2.3.! Fama6French!Factors!+!Momentum!............................................................................................................................................!LII!A.5.2.4.! Volatility!................................................................................................................................................................................................!LIII!

A.! Linear!.........................................................................................................................................................................................!LIII!A.! Quadratic!.................................................................................................................................................................................!LIII!A.! 1(month(lagged!.....................................................................................................................................................................!LIII!A.! 2(months(lagged!...................................................................................................................................................................!LIV!A.! 3(months(lagged!...................................................................................................................................................................!LIV!A.! 4(months(lagged!...................................................................................................................................................................!LIV!A.! 5(months(lagged!.....................................................................................................................................................................!LV!A.! 6(months(lagged!.....................................................................................................................................................................!LV!A.! 12(months(lagged!..................................................................................................................................................................!LV!A.! Implied(volatility((VIX)!.................................................................................................................................................!LVI!

A.5.2.5.! Liquidity!................................................................................................................................................................................................!LVI!A.! EU(TED!.......................................................................................................................................................................................!LVI!A.! US(TED!.......................................................................................................................................................................................!LVI!A.! EU(TED(+(Momentum!.......................................................................................................................................................!LVII!A.! US(TED(+(Momentum!.......................................................................................................................................................!LVII!A.! Volume!.....................................................................................................................................................................................!LVII!A.! EU(TED(Quadratic!............................................................................................................................................................!LVIII!A.! US(TED(Quadratic!.............................................................................................................................................................!LVIII!A.! EU(TED(1(month(lagged!................................................................................................................................................!LVIII!A.! US(TED(1(month(lagged!....................................................................................................................................................!LIX!A.! EU(TED(2(months(lagged!..............................................................................................................................................!LIX!A.! US(TED(2(months(lagged!...............................................................................................................................................!LIX!A.! EU(TED(3(months(lagged!................................................................................................................................................!LX!A.! US(TED(3(months(lagged!.................................................................................................................................................!LX!A.! EU(TED(4(months(lagged!................................................................................................................................................!LX!A.! US(TED(4(months(lagged!...............................................................................................................................................!LXI!

! III!

A.! EU(TED(5(months(lagged!..............................................................................................................................................!LXI!A.! US(TED(5(months(lagged!...............................................................................................................................................!LXI!A.! EU(TED(6(months(lagged!.............................................................................................................................................!LXII!A.! US(TED(6(months(lagged!..............................................................................................................................................!LXII!A.! EU(TED(lagged(12(months!..........................................................................................................................................!LXII!A.! US(TED(lagged(12(month!...........................................................................................................................................!LXIII!

(( (

! IV!


A.1. Industry!classification!!Health!care!and!pharmaceuticals! Industrial!Transportation! Travel!and!Leisure!Pharmaceuticals-and-Biotechnology- Industrial-Transportation- Travel-and-Leisure-Health-Care-Equipment-and-Services-

- -- - -Automobiles!and!parts! Chemicals! Consumer!goods!Automobiles-and-parts--



! !Food-and-drug-retailers-

! !Food-Producers-

! !General-Retailers-

! !


! ! !Energy! Financials! Industrials!Alternative-energy- Banks- Construction-and-materials-Electricity- Financial-Services- General-Industrials-Gas-water-and-Utilities- Life-Insurance- Industrial-Engineering-

!Nonlife-Insurance- Industrial-Metals-and-Mining-

! ! !Media! Mobile! Real!Investment!and!Services!Media- Mobile- Real-Investment-and-Services-

! ! !Software!and!support!services!! !Software-and-Computer-Services- !! !!

Support-Services-! !Technology-Hardware-and-Equipment-! !!

! !

! V!

A.2. Basic!trading!results!oneFday!delay!!

A.2.1. PreFtransaction!costs!returns!

A.2.1.1. 6&months&trading&!


pre/transaction!costs! !! !! !! !! !! !!


!! !! !! !! !! !!

Minumum!Distance! Top!30! Top!5! Top!10! Top!20! Top!11F20! Top!21F30! Average!

Excess!return! 5.03%! 2.80%! 5.46%! 5.63%! 5.89%! 3.83%! 4.78%!

SR! 0.72! 0.21! 0.58! 0.72! 0.60! 0.39! 0.53!

Skewness! 0.44! 0.08! 0.38! 0.55! 0.36! 0.24! 0.34!

Kurtosis! 2.89! 6.53! 3.52! 3.82! 3.61! 3.25! 3.94!

T!value!(NW)! 2.45! 0.77! 2.09! 2.52! 2.07! 1.42! 1.89!

Beta! 0.05! 0.05! 0.03! 0.05! 0.06! 0.06! 0.05!

!! !! !! !! !! !! !! !!

Zero!Crossing! !! !! !! !! !! !! !!

Excess!return! 3.16%! 6.12%! 7.06%! 2.96%! /0.33%! 3.83%! 3.80%!

SR! 0.37! 0.39! 0.60! 0.30! /0.03! 0.32! 0.33!

Skewness! 0.19! 0.17! 0.19! 0.20! 0.28! 0.07! 0.18!

Kurtosis! 4.75! 4.53! 4.71! 4.77! 4.96! 5.88! 4.94!

T!value!(NW)! 1.17! 1.46! 2.32! 1.04! /0.08! 1.05! 1.16!

Beta! 0.09! 0.08! 0.08! 0.08! 0.08! 0.11! 0.09!

!! !! !! !! !! !! !! !!

Total!! !! !! !! !! !! !! !!

Excess!return! 4.99%! 7.70%! 5.22%! 4.61%! 3.99%! 5.87%! 5.40%!

SR! 0.63! 0.49! 0.45! 0.52! 0.36! 0.52! 0.50!

Skewness! 0.38! 0.02! /0.01! 0.44! 0.50! 0.40! 0.29!

Kurtosis! 4.41! 3.54! 3.93! 4.63! 6.72! 3.43! 4.44!

T!value!(NW)! 2.23! 1.89! 1.87! 1.91! 1.24! 1.86! 1.83!

Beta! 0.05! 0.03! 0.05! 0.05! 0.04! 0.06! 0.05!!


residuals.!The!beta!value!is!the!market!exposure!calculated!by!using!daily!observations.!! !

! VI!

A.2.1.2. 12&months&trading&!


pre/transaction!costs! !! !! !! !! !! !!


!! !! !! !! !! !!

Minumum!Distance! Top!30! Top!5! Top!10! Top!20! Top!11F20! Top!21F30! Average!

Excess!return! 6.04%! 11.29%! 7.14%! 6.62%! 6.53%! 4.88%! 7.08%!

SR! 0.75! 0.80! 0.66! 0.71! 0.57! 0.48! 0.66!

Skewness! 0.51! 0.26! 0.76! 0.67! 0.57! 0.01! 0.47!

Kurtosis! 7.18! 15.02! 17.25! 10.25! 7.46! 3.91! 10.18!

T!value!(NW)! 2.65! 3.15! 2.47! 2.72! 2.16! 1.65! 2.47!

Beta! 0.07! 0.06! 0.05! 0.07! 0.09! 0.06! 0.07!

!! !! !! !! !! !! !! !!

Zero!Crossing! !! !! !! !! !! !! !!

Excess!return! 4.97%! 9.47%! 7.44%! 7.01%! 7.18%! 1.17%! 6.21%!

SR! 0.57! 0.61! 0.63! 0.71! 0.58! 0.09! 0.53!

Skewness! 0.36! 0.48! 0.27! 0.47! 0.69! 0.28! 0.43!

Kurtosis! 3.76! 5.01! 3.99! 4.61! 6.61! 6.83! 5.14!

T!value!(NW)! 1.85! 2.27! 2.22! 2.46! 2.05! 0.30! 1.86!

Beta! 0.07! 0.05! 0.03! 0.05! 0.06! 0.12! 0.06!

!! !! !! !! !! !! !! !!

Total!! !! !! !! !! !! !! !!

Excess!return! 5.94%! 13.16%! 9.38%! 5.59%! 1.79%! 6.65%! 7.08%!

SR! 0.70! 0.79! 0.78! 0.60! 0.15! 0.54! 0.59!

Skewness! 0.56! 0.63! 0.38! 0.32! /0.05! 0.48! 0.39!

Kurtosis! 9.19! 9.13! 5.68! 5.50! 5.48! 6.11! 6.85!

T!value!(NW)! 2.51! 2.75! 2.89! 2.11! 0.52! 2.02! 2.13!

Beta! 0.06! 0.01! 0.03! 0.06! 0.08! 0.06! 0.05!


residuals.!The!beta!value!is!the!market!exposure!calculated!by!using!daily!observations.!! !

! VII!

A.2.2. PostFtransaction!costs!returns!

A.2.2.1. 6&months&trading&!


post/transaction!costs! !! !! !! !! !! !!


!! !! !! !! !! !!

Minumum!Distance! Top!30! Top!5! Top!10! Top!20! Top!11F20! Top!21F30! Average!

Excess!return! 2.33%! 0.07%! 2.67%! 2.93%! 3.17%! 1.21%! 2.06%!

SR! 0.33! 0.01! 0.28! 0.37! 0.32! 0.12! 0.24!

Skewness! 0.43! 0.07! 0.38! 0.54! 0.36! 0.24! 0.34!

Kurtosis! 2.89! 6.53! 3.52! 3.82! 3.60! 3.25! 3.93!

T!value!(NW)! 1.13! 0.02! 1.02! 1.31! 1.12! 0.45! 0.84!

Beta! 0.05! 0.05! 0.03! 0.05! 0.06! 0.06! 0.05!

!! !! !! !! !! !! !! !!

Zero!Crossing! !! !! !! !! !! !! !!

Excess!return! 0.52%! 3.28%! 4.31%! 0.31%! /2.97%! 1.30%! 1.12%!

SR! 0.06! 0.21! 0.36! 0.03! /0.24! 0.11! 0.09!

Skewness! 0.18! 0.17! 0.18! 0.20! 0.28! 0.06! 0.18!

Kurtosis! 4.75! 4.54! 4.71! 4.78! 4.96! 5.88! 4.94!

T!value!(NW)! 0.19! 0.78! 1.41! 0.11! /0.75! 0.36! 0.35!

Beta! 0.09! 0.08! 0.08! 0.08! 0.08! 0.11! 0.09!

!! !! !! !! !! !! !! !!

Total!! !! !! !! !! !! !! !!

Excess!return! 2.40%! 4.94%! 2.51%! 2.03%! 1.45%! 3.35%! 2.78%!

SR! 0.30! 0.32! 0.22! 0.23! 0.13! 0.30! 0.25!

Skewness! 0.37! 0.01! /0.01! 0.44! 0.49! 0.39! 0.28!

Kurtosis! 4.41! 3.55! 3.93! 4.62! 6.71! 3.43! 4.44!

T!value!(NW)! 1.07! 1.22! 0.90! 0.84! 0.45! 1.06! 0.92!

Beta! 0.05! 0.03! 0.05! 0.05! 0.04! 0.06! 0.05!

! !Excess!returns!are!calculated!by!taking!the!daily!average!return!over!the!sample!period!and!multiplying!by!260!trading!days.!The!standard!deviations!used!to!compute!the!Sharpe!Ratios!(SR)!are!the!average!daily!standard!deviations!over!the!period!multiplied!by!the!square!root!of!260!trading!days.!Since!we!are!equally!long!and!short,!our!excess!returns!are!equal!to!our!nominal!returns!without!deducting!the!risk!free!rate.!The!T!value!is!calculated!by!using!the!Newey!West!(NW)!standard!errors!where!we!use!30!lags!to!control!for!serial!correlation!in!the!



!! !


A.2.2.2. 12&months&trading&!


post/transaction!costs! !! !! !! !! !! !!


!! !! !! !! !! !!

Minumum!Distance! Top!30! Top!5! Top!10! Top!20! Top!11F20! Top!21F30! Average!

Excess!return! 3.24%! 8.39%! 4.32%! 3.85%! 3.71%! 2.10%! 4.27%!

SR! 0.40! 0.60! 0.40! 0.41! 0.33! 0.21! 0.39!

Skewness! 0.50! 0.26! 0.75! 0.66! 0.57! 0.01! 0.46!

Kurtosis! 7.18! 15.02! 17.24! 10.24! 7.46! 3.91! 10.17!

T!value!(NW)! 1.42! 2.35! 1.5! 1.59! 1.23! 0.71! 1.47!

Beta! 0.07! 0.06! 0.05! 0.07! 0.09! 0.06! 0.07!

!! !! !! !! !! !! !! !!

Zero!Crossing! !! !! !! !! !! !! !!

Excess!return! 1.19%! 4.71%! 4.17%! 4.42%! 5.17%! /4.87%! 2.47%!

SR! 0.14! 0.30! 0.35! 0.45! 0.42! /0.39! 0.21!

Skewness! 0.37! 0.50! 0.27! 0.47! 0.68! 0.31! 0.43!

Kurtosis! 3.77! 5.01! 3.98! 4.61! 6.60! 6.82! 5.13!

T!value!(NW)! 0.44! 1.11! 1.24! 1.56! 1.48! /1.23! 0.77!

Beta! 0.07! 0.05! 0.03! 0.05! 0.06! 0.12! 0.06!

!! !! !! !! !! !! !! !!

Total!! !! !! !! !! !! !! !!

Excess!return! 3.09%! 10.23%! 6.42%! 2.76%! /1.00%! 3.84%! 4.22%!

SR! 0.36! 0.61! 0.54! 0.30! /0.08! 0.31! 0.34!

Skewness! 0.56! 0.63! 0.38! 0.31! /0.05! 0.48! 0.38!

Kurtosis! 9.18! 9.13! 5.67! 5.50! 5.48! 6.11! 6.84!

T!value!(NW)! 1.31! 2.14! 1.98! 1.05! /0.29! 1.17! 1.23!

Beta! 0.06! 0.01! 0.03! 0.06! 0.08! 0.06! 0.05!


residuals.!The!beta!value!is!the!market!exposure!calculated!by!using!daily!observations.!! !

! IX!

A.3. Individual!years!performance!


A.3.1. PreFtransaction!costs!return!

A.3.1.1. 6&months&trading&

A. Minimum!distance!(Returns)!!


Same!day! !! !! !! !! !! !! !!

Excess!returns!(MD)! Top!30! Top!5! Top!10! Top!20! Top!11F20! Top!21F30! Average!

2003! 1.79%! 3.56%! 5.33%! /1.54%! /8.41%! 8.43%! 1.53%!

2004! /1.88%! /6.11%! /3.54%! 0.67%! 4.87%! /6.96%! /2.16%!

2005! 2.96%! 3.89%! 10.07%! 6.12%! 2.17%! /3.37%! 3.64%!

2006! 0.33%! 13.42%! 5.67%! 4.38%! 3.09%! /7.60%! 3.22%!

2007! 7.87%! 2.97%! 10.52%! 10.07%! 9.61%! 3.46%! 7.42%!

2008! 6.11%! 16.50%! 8.67%! 13.51%! 18.34%! /8.69%! 9.07%!

2009! 16.65%! 11.94%! 14.52%! 13.86%! 13.20%! 22.23%! 15.40%!

2010! 1.09%! /12.27%! /6.18%! /2.93%! 0.32%! 9.14%! /1.80%!

2011! 14.28%! /3.56%! 11.23%! 10.86%! 10.48%! 21.13%! 10.74%!

2012! 7.96%! 9.06%! 13.03%! 10.30%! 7.88%! 2.82%! 8.51%!!1!day!delay! !! !! !! !! !! !! !!

Excess!returns!(MD)! Top!30! Top!5! Top!10! Top!20! Top!11F20! Top!21F30! Average!

2003! 3.13%! 4.96%! 6.84%! 0.11%! /6.63%! 9.17%! 2.93%!

2004! /2.16%! /5.33%! /3.37%! 0.52%! 4.41%! /7.52%! /2.24%!

2005! 2.70%! 3.13%! 9.48%! 4.85%! 0.22%! /1.61%! 3.13%!

2006! /0.68%! 14.35%! 5.62%! 3.47%! 1.32%! /8.87%! 2.53%!

2007! 8.78%! 3.14%! 10.03%! 10.63%! 11.23%! 5.08%! 8.15%!

2008! 5.15%! 13.62%! 4.11%! 11.21%! 18.31%! /6.98%! 7.57%!

2009! 14.58%! 9.73%! 11.36%! 11.31%! 11.26%! 21.13%! 13.23%!

2010! 0.92%! /14.54%! /6.24%! /3.27%! /0.30%! 9.31%! /2.35%!

2011! 11.52%! /7.06%! 7.21%! 8.82%! 10.42%! 16.92%! 7.97%!

2012! 6.61%! 7.44%! 10.04%! 8.73%! 7.35%! 1.95%! 7.02%!

!! !

! X!

A. Minimum!distance!(Sharpe!ratio)!!6!months!

Same!day! !! !! !! !! !! !! !!

Annual!SR!(MD)! Top!30! Top!5! Top!10! Top!20! Top!11F20! Top!21F30! Average!

2003! 0.20! 0.30! 0.52! /0.16! /0.71! 0.86! 0.17!

2004! /0.40! /0.52! /0.53! 0.12! 0.73! /1.16! /0.30!

2005! 0.52! 0.50! 1.54! 1.00! 0.27! /0.42! 0.57!

2006! 0.07! 1.50! 0.61! 0.71! 0.36! /0.93! 0.38!

2007! 1.14! 0.27! 1.21! 1.42! 1.01! 0.33! 0.90!

2008! 0.57! 0.72! 0.56! 1.08! 1.29! /0.69! 0.59!

2009! 1.98! 0.69! 1.28! 1.38! 0.99! 1.97! 1.38!

2010! 0.23! /1.21! /0.84! /0.58! 0.06! 1.23! /0.19!

2011! 2.10! /0.34! 1.36! 1.57! 1.14! 1.87! 1.28!

2012! 1.36! 0.90! 1.96! 1.81! 0.90! 0.25! 1.20!!1!day!delay! !! !! !! !! !! !! !!

Annual!SR!(MD)! Top!30! Top!5! Top!10! Top!20! Top!11F20! Top!21F30! Average!

2003! 0.20! 0.30! 0.52! /0.16! /0.71! 0.86! 0.17!

2004! /0.40! /0.52! /0.53! 0.12! 0.73! /1.16! /0.30!

2005! 0.52! 0.50! 1.54! 1.00! 0.27! /0.42! 0.57!

2006! 0.07! 1.50! 0.61! 0.71! 0.36! /0.93! 0.38!

2007! 1.14! 0.27! 1.21! 1.42! 1.01! 0.33! 0.90!

2008! 0.57! 0.72! 0.56! 1.08! 1.29! /0.69! 0.59!

2009! 1.98! 0.69! 1.28! 1.38! 0.99! 1.97! 1.38!

2010! 0.23! /1.21! /0.84! /0.58! 0.06! 1.23! /0.19!

2011! 2.10! /0.34! 1.36! 1.57! 1.14! 1.87! 1.28!

2012! 1.36! 0.90! 1.96! 1.81! 0.90! 0.25! 1.20!!

!! !

! XI!

A. Zero!Crossing!(Returns)!!6!months!

Same!day! !! !! !! !! !! !! !!

Excess!returns!(ZC)! Top!30! Top!5! Top!10! Top!20! Top!11F20! Top!21F30! Average!

2003! 7.66%! /9.47%! 7.91%! 6.63%! 5.36%! 9.79%! 4.65%!

2004! 5.01%! 9.04%! 17.82%! 4.60%! /8.62%! 5.84%! 5.61%!

2005! 0.91%! 5.49%! 2.82%! 0.95%! /0.92%! 0.84%! 1.68%!

2006! 2.02%! /2.24%! /1.21%! /2.84%! /4.47%! 11.75%! 0.50%!

2007! /23.83%! 3.14%! /0.16%! /24.22%! /48.46%! /23.28%! /19.47%!

2008! 16.29%! 15.79%! 15.09%! 14.21%! 13.34%! 20.44%! 15.86%!

2009! 9.02%! 23.70%! 7.01%! 11.38%! 15.75%! 4.30%! 11.86%!

2010! 2.01%! /1.74%! /1.20%! 3.96%! 9.13%! /1.88%! 1.71%!

2011! 7.30%! 23.79%! 15.91%! 5.03%! /5.86%! 11.86%! 9.67%!

2012! 6.73%! /4.45%! 7.00%! 11.05%! 15.11%! /1.90%! 5.59%!!1!day!delay! !! !! !! !! !! !! !!

Excess!returns!(ZC)! Top!30! Top!5! Top!10! Top!20! Top!11F20! Top!21F30! Average!

2003! 7.66%! /9.47%! 7.91%! 6.63%! 5.36%! 9.79%! 4.65%!

2004! 5.01%! 9.04%! 17.82%! 4.60%! /8.62%! 5.84%! 5.61%!

2005! 0.91%! 5.49%! 2.82%! 0.95%! /0.92%! 0.84%! 1.68%!

2006! 2.02%! /2.24%! /1.21%! /2.84%! /4.47%! 11.75%! 0.50%!

2007! /23.83%! 3.14%! /0.16%! /24.22%! /48.46%! /23.28%! /19.47%!

2008! 16.29%! 15.79%! 15.09%! 14.21%! 13.34%! 20.44%! 15.86%!

2009! 9.02%! 23.70%! 7.01%! 11.38%! 15.75%! 4.30%! 11.86%!

2010! 2.01%! /1.74%! /1.20%! 3.96%! 9.13%! /1.88%! 1.71%!

2011! 7.30%! 23.79%! 15.91%! 5.03%! /5.86%! 11.86%! 9.67%!

2012! 6.73%! /4.45%! 7.00%! 11.05%! 15.11%! /1.90%! 5.59%!

!! !

! XII!

A. Zero!Crossing!(Sharpe!ratios)!!6!months!

Same!day! !! !! !! !! !! !! !!

Annual!SR!(ZC)! Top!30! Top!5! Top!10! Top!20! Top!11F20! Top!21F30! Average!

2003! 0.21! /0.15! 0.03! 0.05! 0.04! 0.34! 0.09!

2004! 1.32! 1.17! 1.97! 1.22! /0.60! 0.81! 0.98!

2005! 0.05! 0.52! /0.12! /0.10! /0.03! 0.30! 0.10!

2006! 0.44! 0.78! 0.38! /0.25! /1.06! 2.11! 0.40!

2007! /1.71! /1.77! /1.52! /1.01! /0.30! /1.98! /1.38!

2008! 1.31! 0.04! 0.69! 0.96! 0.86! 1.30! 0.86!

2009! 1.14! 1.42! 0.73! 0.79! 0.65! 0.95! 0.95!

2010! 1.52! 0.43! 0.83! 1.37! 1.39! 1.01! 1.09!

2011! 1.83! 0.88! 1.28! 1.32! 0.51! 1.90! 1.29!

2012! 0.77! 0.10! 0.83! 1.18! 1.02! /0.15! 0.63!!1!day!delay! !! !! !! !! !! !! !!

Annual!SR!(ZC)! Top!30! Top!5! Top!10! Top!20! Top!11F20! Top!21F30! Average!

2003! 0.27! /0.16! 0.00! 0.11! 0.19! 0.38! 0.13!

2004! 1.30! 1.03! 1.87! 1.12! /0.66! 0.90! 0.93!

2005! /0.13! 0.42! /0.27! /0.40! /0.31! 0.42! /0.05!

2006! 0.28! 0.73! 0.31! /0.33! /1.16! 1.81! 0.27!

2007! /1.92! /1.71! /1.54! /1.35! /0.72! /2.06! /1.55!

2008! 1.07! /0.24! 0.34! 0.71! 0.81! 1.18! 0.64!

2009! 1.03! 1.27! 0.60! 0.69! 0.60! 0.91! 0.85!

2010! 1.41! 0.46! 0.68! 1.22! 1.31! 1.00! 1.01!

2011! 1.65! 0.83! 1.17! 1.26! 0.56! 1.62! 1.18!

2012! 0.54! 0.11! 0.90! 1.10! 0.86! /0.53! 0.50!

!! !


A. Total!(Returns)!!6!months!

Same!day! !! !! !! !! !! !! !!

Excess!returns!(Total)! Top!30! Top!5! Top!10! Top!20! Top!11F20! Top!21F30! Average!

2003! 8.45%! /10.29%! 1.03%! 8.17%! 15.31%! 9.02%! 5.28%!

2004! 2.69%! 22.42%! 10.99%! 8.57%! 6.15%! /9.08%! 6.96%!

2005! 3.50%! 10.80%! 7.85%! 5.66%! 3.46%! /0.82%! 5.08%!

2006! 13.13%! 11.19%! 10.68%! 10.45%! 10.22%! 18.48%! 12.36%!

2007! 0.74%! 3.84%! /3.49%! /4.19%! /4.88%! 10.59%! 0.43%!

2008! 15.16%! 22.95%! 12.92%! 14.65%! 16.38%! 16.18%! 16.37%!

2009! 7.84%! 23.25%! 13.67%! 7.38%! 1.10%! 8.74%! 10.33%!

2010! /4.68%! /3.39%! 0.15%! /1.65%! /3.44%! /10.75%! /3.96%!

2011! 10.41%! 18.23%! 10.85%! 10.20%! 9.55%! 10.84%! 11.68%!

2012! 4.82%! /1.47%! 13.67%! 4.39%! /4.90%! 5.68%! 3.70%!!1!day!delay! !! !! !! !! !! !! !!

Excess!returns!(Total)! Top!30! Top!5! Top!10! Top!20! Top!11F20! Top!21F30! Average!

2003! 8.45%! /10.29%! 1.03%! 8.17%! 15.31%! 9.02%! 5.28%!

2004! 2.69%! 22.42%! 10.99%! 8.57%! 6.15%! /9.08%! 6.96%!

2005! 3.50%! 10.80%! 7.85%! 5.66%! 3.46%! /0.82%! 5.08%!

2006! 13.13%! 11.19%! 10.68%! 10.45%! 10.22%! 18.48%! 12.36%!

2007! 0.74%! 3.84%! /3.49%! /4.19%! /4.88%! 10.59%! 0.43%!

2008! 15.16%! 22.95%! 12.92%! 14.65%! 16.38%! 16.18%! 16.37%!

2009! 7.84%! 23.25%! 13.67%! 7.38%! 1.10%! 8.74%! 10.33%!

2010! /4.68%! /3.39%! 0.15%! /1.65%! /3.44%! /10.75%! /3.96%!

2011! 10.41%! 18.23%! 10.85%! 10.20%! 9.55%! 10.84%! 11.68%!

2012! 4.82%! /1.47%! 13.67%! 4.39%! /4.90%! 5.68%! 3.70%!

!! !

! XIV!

A. Total!(Sharpe!ratio)!!6!months!

Same!day! !! !! !! !! !! !! !!

Annual!SR!(Total)! Top!30! Top!5! Top!10! Top!20! Top!11F20! Top!21F30! Average!

2003! 0.42! /0.16! /0.21! 0.17! 0.37! 0.73! 0.22!

2004! 1.89! 2.85! 2.08! 2.52! 1.64! /0.23! 1.79!

2005! 0.48! 1.29! 0.25! 0.22! 0.12! 0.62! 0.50!

2006! 0.86! /0.30! /0.18! 0.16! 0.69! 1.59! 0.47!

2007! /1.02! /0.61! /0.27! /1.10! /1.81! /0.07! /0.81!

2008! 0.96! 1.05! 0.84! 0.73! 0.29! 0.91! 0.80!

2009! 1.13! 1.45! 0.94! 1.08! 0.65! 0.68! 0.99!

2010! 0.25! 0.00! 1.00! 0.80! 0.12! /0.48! 0.28!

2011! /0.04! 0.95! 0.95! 0.53! /0.12! /0.67! 0.27!

2012! 1.31! 0.10! 1.84! 0.68! /0.47! 1.96! 0.90!!1!day!delay! !! !! !! !! !! !! !!

Annual!SR!(Total)! Top!30! Top!5! Top!10! Top!20! Top!11F20! Top!21F30! Average!

2003! 0.54! /0.25! /0.23! 0.28! 0.53! 0.80! 0.28!

2004! 1.70! 2.80! 2.02! 2.36! 1.44! /0.33! 1.66!

2005! 0.30! 1.07! 0.05! 0.01! /0.02! 0.57! 0.33!

2006! 0.77! /0.28! /0.21! 0.01! 0.43! 1.68! 0.40!

2007! /1.42! /0.88! /0.70! /1.49! /2.05! /0.18! /1.12!

2008! 0.72! 0.87! 0.35! 0.30! 0.12! 0.98! 0.56!

2009! 0.95! 1.31! 0.79! 0.95! 0.61! 0.52! 0.86!

2010! 0.10! 0.17! 1.19! 0.75! /0.10! /0.69! 0.24!

2011! /0.22! 0.89! 0.83! 0.34! /0.33! /0.73! 0.13!

2012! 0.94! 0.11! 1.59! 0.28! /0.91! 1.84! 0.64!

! !

! XV!

A.3.1.2. 12&months&trading&&

A. Minimum!distance!(Returns)!!12!months!

Same!day! !! !! !! !! !! !! !!

Excess!returns!(MD)! Top!30! Top!5! Top!10! Top!20! Top!11F20! Top!21F30! Average!

2003! 13.60%! 22.16%! 14.46%! 12.91%! 11.37%! 14.96%! 14.91%!

2004! 3.46%! 3.96%! 2.00%! 2.51%! 3.02%! 5.35%! 3.38%!

2005! 3.16%! 4.00%! 2.90%! 6.09%! 9.28%! /2.71%! 3.79%!

2006! /0.28%! 7.41%! 0.56%! 0.42%! 0.27%! /1.67%! 1.12%!

2007! 4.35%! 17.84%! 14.59%! 4.62%! /5.35%! 3.81%! 6.64%!

2008! 3.33%! 22.90%! 0.02%! 5.53%! 11.04%! /1.06%! 6.96%!

2009! 21.01%! 18.28%! 20.52%! 22.94%! 25.36%! 17.14%! 20.88%!

2010! 0.54%! /0.73%! /3.12%! /1.36%! 0.40%! 4.33%! 0.01%!

2011! 11.67%! /5.39%! 7.01%! 8.91%! 10.81%! 17.21%! 8.37%!

2012! 7.28%! 23.42%! 18.41%! 12.34%! 6.27%! 2.10%! 11.64%!

2012! 7.28%! 23.42%! 18.41%! 12.34%! 6.27%! 2.10%! 11.64%!!1!day!delay! !! !! !! !! !! !! !!

Excess!returns!(MD)! Top!30! Top!5! Top!10! Top!20! Top!11F20! Top!21F30! Average!

2003! 13.24%! 23.34%! 15.57%! 12.41%! 9.25%! 14.90%! 14.79%!

2004! 3.14%! 2.05%! 0.73%! 1.67%! 2.61%! 6.08%! 2.71%!

2005! 2.46%! 3.33%! 2.12%! 4.21%! 6.30%! /1.03%! 2.90%!

2006! /1.17%! 9.28%! 0.98%! /0.03%! /1.03%! /3.45%! 0.76%!

2007! 3.81%! 18.00%! 15.21%! 4.81%! /5.59%! 1.83%! 6.34%!

2008! 3.68%! 29.85%! 3.67%! 5.96%! 8.26%! /0.88%! 8.42%!

2009! 19.37%! 15.26%! 17.77%! 20.36%! 22.95%! 17.38%! 18.85%!

2010! /0.14%! /2.42%! /3.67%! /1.45%! 0.76%! 2.48%! /0.74%!

2011! 9.75%! /7.53%! 3.41%! 6.92%! 10.44%! 15.41%! 6.40%!

2012! 6.47%! 22.16%! 15.88%! 11.58%! 7.29%! 0.52%! 10.65%!

! !

! XVI!

A. Minimum!distance!(Sharpe!ratios)!!12!months!

Same!day! !! !! !! !! !! !! !!

Annual!SR!(MD)! Top!30! Top!5! Top!10! Top!20! Top!11F20! Top!21F30! Average!

2003! 1.59! 1.53! 1.32! 1.39! 0.92! 1.54! 1.38!

2004! 0.68! 0.41! 0.31! 0.49! 0.47! 0.77! 0.52!

2005! 0.49! 0.50! 0.37! 0.80! 0.97! /0.36! 0.46!

2006! /0.06! 0.86! 0.07! 0.07! 0.03! /0.20! 0.13!

2007! 0.60! 1.66! 2.03! 0.60! /0.44! 0.38! 0.80!

2008! 0.22! 0.81! 0.00! 0.30! 0.61! /0.07! 0.31!

2009! 2.26! 1.12! 1.95! 1.96! 1.45! 1.63! 1.73!

2010! 0.10! /0.07! /0.39! /0.23! 0.06! 0.64! 0.02!

2011! 1.45! /0.50! 0.84! 1.17! 1.04! 1.21! 0.87!

2012! 1.22! 2.30! 2.74! 2.06! 0.70! 0.19! 1.54!!1!day!delay! !! !! !! !! !! !! !!

Annual!SR!(MD)! Top!30! Top!5! Top!10! Top!20! Top!11F20! Top!21F30! Average!

2003! 1.56! 1.61! 1.43! 1.34! 0.75! 1.54! 1.37!

2004! 0.63! 0.21! 0.12! 0.33! 0.41! 0.88! 0.43!

2005! 0.39! 0.42! 0.27! 0.56! 0.66! /0.14! 0.36!

2006! /0.24! 1.07! 0.13! 0.00! /0.13! /0.42! 0.07!

2007! 0.53! 1.67! 2.10! 0.63! /0.47! 0.18! 0.77!

2008! 0.24! 1.06! 0.16! 0.32! 0.46! /0.06! 0.36!

2009! 2.07! 0.90! 1.66! 1.73! 1.32! 1.66! 1.55!

2010! /0.03! /0.22! /0.46! /0.25! 0.11! 0.37! /0.08!

2011! 1.25! /0.70! 0.41! 0.92! 1.02! 1.13! 0.67!

2012! 1.10! 2.17! 2.43! 1.95! 1.23! 0.05! 1.49!

!! !


A. Zero!Crossing!(Returns)!!12!months!

Same!day! !! !! !! !! !! !! !!

Excess!returns!(ZC)! Top!30! Top!5! Top!10! Top!20! Top!11F20! Top!21F30! Average!

2003! 8.71%! 21.45%! 15.52%! 12.32%! 9.11%! 1.49%! 11.43%!

2004! 9.01%! 26.96%! 24.20%! 12.74%! 1.28%! 1.56%! 12.62%!

2005! 2.69%! 4.22%! 0.97%! 3.61%! 6.25%! 0.84%! 3.09%!

2006! 1.05%! 3.77%! 0.46%! /3.16%! /6.78%! 9.48%! 0.80%!

2007! /8.96%! /18.04%! /6.31%! /0.07%! 6.18%! /26.75%! /8.99%!

2008! 19.98%! 19.85%! 28.17%! 23.37%! 18.57%! 13.21%! 20.52%!

2009! 12.57%! 29.49%! 13.35%! 13.58%! 13.80%! 10.56%! 15.56%!

2010! /0.88%! 6.95%! /3.04%! 1.49%! 6.02%! /5.61%! 0.82%!

2011! 11.30%! 5.56%! 3.01%! 8.93%! 14.85%! 14.91%! 9.76%!

2012! 8.82%! 11.18%! 13.64%! 11.75%! 9.85%! 2.97%! 9.70%!!1!day!delay! !! !! !! !! !! !! !!

Excess!returns!(ZC)! Top!30! Top!5! Top!10! Top!20! Top!11F20! Top!21F30! Average!

2003! 8.62%! 22.64%! 14.56%! 12.05%! 9.53%! 1.76%! 11.53%!

2004! 8.87%! 23.37%! 22.47%! 11.75%! 1.02%! 3.11%! 11.76%!

2005! 1.80%! 4.02%! 0.67%! 2.08%! 3.49%! 1.23%! 2.22%!

2006! /0.03%! 2.59%! /1.55%! /3.48%! /5.40%! 6.86%! /0.17%!

2007! /10.83%! /17.29%! /6.41%! /2.39%! 1.63%! /27.72%! /10.50%!

2008! 16.47%! 9.53%! 20.64%! 18.75%! 16.85%! 11.90%! 15.69%!

2009! 11.91%! 28.63%! 12.96%! 12.48%! 12.01%! 10.78%! 14.80%!

2010! /2.09%! 7.31%! /3.64%! 0.83%! 5.31%! /7.93%! /0.03%!

2011! 8.81%! 2.76%! 0.68%! 7.13%! 13.59%! 11.30%! 7.38%!

2012! 7.57%! 11.45%! 14.29%! 11.11%! 7.93%! 0.49%! 8.80%!

! !


A. Zero!Crossing!(Sharpe!ratios)!!12!months!

Same!day! !! !! !! !! !! !! !!

Annual!SR!(ZC)! Top!30! Top!5! Top!10! Top!20! Top!11F20! Top!21F30! Average!

2003! 0.88! 1.40! 1.33! 1.31! 0.83! 0.10! 0.97!

2004! 1.36! 1.80! 2.10! 1.82! 0.21! 0.15! 1.24!

2005! 0.50! 0.40! 0.13! 0.57! 0.65! 0.12! 0.40!

2006! 0.13! 0.41! 0.05! /0.34! /0.82! 1.17! 0.10!

2007! /1.04! /1.11! /0.52! /0.01! 0.41! /2.16! /0.74!

2008! 1.63! 0.85! 1.74! 1.82! 1.14! 0.69! 1.31!

2009! 1.17! 1.45! 0.96! 0.97! 0.75! 0.72! 1.00!

2010! /0.14! 0.70! /0.36! 0.21! 0.67! /0.64! 0.07!

2011! 1.25! 0.31! 0.21! 0.80! 1.03! 1.44! 0.84!

2012! 1.17! 1.02! 1.46! 1.44! 0.92! 0.25! 1.04!!1!day!delay! !! !! !! !! !! !! !!

Annual!SR!(ZC)! Top!30! Top!5! Top!10! Top!20! Top!11F20! Top!21F30! Average!

2003! 0.87! 1.49! 1.26! 1.28! 0.88! 0.11! 0.98!

2004! 1.34! 1.54! 1.93! 1.67! 0.17! 0.29! 1.15!

2005! 0.32! 0.38! 0.09! 0.32! 0.36! 0.18! 0.28!

2006! 0.00! 0.28! /0.16! /0.38! /0.67! 0.85! /0.01!

2007! /1.21! /1.06! /0.53! /0.23! 0.11! /2.24! /0.86!

2008! 1.35! 0.40! 1.26! 1.46! 1.04! 0.62! 1.02!

2009! 1.12! 1.40! 0.93! 0.90! 0.66! 0.74! 0.96!

2010! /0.32! 0.74! /0.43! 0.12! 0.60! /0.90! /0.03!

2011! 0.98! 0.15! 0.05! 0.64! 0.94! 1.09! 0.64!

2012! 1.00! 1.06! 1.52! 1.36! 0.74! 0.04! 0.96!

!! !

! XIX!

A. Total!(Returns)!!12!months!

Same!day! ! ! ! ! ! ! !

Excess!returns!(Total)! Top!30! Top!5! Top!10! Top!20! Top!11F20! Top!21F30! Average!

2003! 10.32%! 28.58%! 15.30%! 12.61%! 9.92%! 5.74%! 13.74%!

2004! 5.66%! 20.86%! 11.51%! 8.35%! 5.19%! 0.30%! 8.65%!

2005! 1.35%! 9.08%! 0.11%! 1.84%! 3.58%! 0.35%! 2.72%!

2006! 4.50%! /8.44%! /8.26%! 1.71%! 11.68%! 10.07%! 1.88%!

2007! /7.80%! 5.80%! 6.06%! /15.87%! /37.80%! 12.43%! /6.20%!

2008! 12.86%! 35.50%! 26.03%! 15.97%! 5.90%! 6.64%! 17.15%!

2009! 21.37%! 33.01%! 26.48%! 23.88%! 21.28%! 16.35%! 23.73%!

2010! 4.93%! /0.46%! 8.15%! 5.63%! 3.11%! 3.53%! 4.15%!

2011! 6.28%! 9.93%! 10.67%! 6.31%! 1.94%! 5.61%! 6.79%!

2012! 13.12%! 11.18%! 17.57%! 12.71%! 7.84%! 13.95%! 12.73%!!1!day!delay! !! !! !! !! !! !! !!

Excess!returns!(Total)! Top!30! Top!5! Top!10! Top!20! Top!11F20! Top!21F30! Average!

2003! 10.46%! 26.91%! 14.40%! 12.55%! 10.71%! 6.27%! 13.55%!

2004! 5.02%! 19.57%! 10.77%! 7.75%! 4.74%! /0.44%! 7.90%!

2005! 0.60%! 8.70%! /0.18%! 0.60%! 1.37%! 0.61%! 1.95%!

2006! 3.45%! /9.18%! /9.06%! 0.48%! 10.02%! 9.39%! 0.85%!

2007! /9.77%! 2.52%! 1.90%! /19.12%! /40.15%! 10.94%! /8.95%!

2008! 10.36%! 31.90%! 18.81%! 11.40%! 3.98%! 8.29%! 14.12%!

2009! 19.98%! 32.64%! 25.13%! 22.78%! 20.43%! 14.39%! 22.56%!

2010! 4.13%! 1.02%! 9.08%! 4.96%! 0.84%! 2.47%! 3.75%!

2011! 4.00%! 6.53%! 7.55%! 4.42%! 1.30%! 2.76%! 4.43%!

2012! 10.83%! 11.45%! 15.76%! 10.22%! 4.68%! 12.04%! 10.83%!

!! !

! XX!

A. Total!(Sharpe!ratios)!!12!months!

Same!day! !! !! !! !! !! !! !!

Annual!SR!(Tot)! Top!30! Top!5! Top!10! Top!20! Top!11F20! Top!21F30! Average!

2003! 1.16! 1.64! 1.38! 1.18! 0.65! 0.48! 1.08!

2004! 1.14! 1.70! 1.42! 1.51! 0.74! 0.04! 1.09!

2005! 0.22! 0.96! 0.01! 0.27! 0.38! 0.04! 0.31!

2006! 0.74! /0.52! /0.63! 0.22! 1.67! 1.29! 0.46!

2007! /0.90! 0.29! 0.40! /1.45! /2.65! 1.27! /0.51!

2008! 0.91! 1.29! 1.50! 1.18! 0.37! 0.31! 0.93!

2009! 2.13! 1.76! 1.73! 2.16! 1.41! 1.10! 1.71!

2010! 0.91! /0.05! 1.13! 1.09! 0.41! 0.38! 0.64!

2011! 0.68! 0.65! 0.92! 0.71! 0.18! 0.37! 0.58!

2012! 1.82! 1.02! 1.99! 1.46! 0.62! 1.68! 1.43!!1!day!delay! !! !! !! !! !! !! !!

Annual!SR!(Tot)! Top!30! Top!5! Top!10! Top!20! Top!11F20! Top!21F30! Average!

2003! 1.18! 1.56! 1.31! 1.18! 0.71! 0.52! 1.08!

2004! 1.00! 1.57! 1.32! 1.39! 0.67! /0.06! 0.98!

2005! 0.10! 0.91! /0.02! 0.09! 0.15! 0.07! 0.21!

2006! 0.56! /0.57! /0.68! 0.06! 1.44! 1.19! 0.33!

2007! /1.13! 0.12! 0.13! /1.74! /2.82! 1.12! /0.72!

2008! 0.73! 1.15! 1.08! 0.83! 0.25! 0.38! 0.74!

2009! 1.98! 1.73! 1.66! 2.08! 1.35! 0.95! 1.62!

2010! 0.76! 0.10! 1.28! 0.97! 0.11! 0.26! 0.58!

2011! 0.44! 0.43! 0.65! 0.51! 0.13! 0.19! 0.39!

2012! 1.51! 1.06! 1.79! 1.19! 0.37! 1.44! 1.23!

!! !

! XXI!

A.3.2. PostFtransaction!costs!returns!

A.3.2.1. 6&months&

A. Minimum!distance!(Returns)!!6!months!

Same!day! !! !! !! !! !! !! !!Excess!returns!post!TC!(MD)! Top!30! Top!5! Top!10! Top!20! Top!11F20! Top!21F30! Average!

2003! /0.61%! 0.87%! 2.70%! /3.96%! /10.71%! 6.20%! /0.92%!

2004! /4.10%! /8.45%! /5.82%! /1.58%! 2.58%! /9.05%! /4.40%!

2005! 0.39%! 1.26%! 7.28%! 3.50%! /0.34%! /5.76%! 1.06%!

2006! /2.34%! 10.66%! 3.01%! 1.74%! 0.39%! /10.29%! 0.53%!

2007! 4.91%! 0.35%! 7.59%! 7.16%! 6.62%! 0.52%! 4.53%!

2008! 2.47%! 12.76%! 4.96%! 9.82%! 14.54%! /12.08%! 5.41%!

2009! 13.84%! 8.78%! 11.55%! 11.00%! 10.34%! 19.63%! 12.52%!

2010! /1.28%! /14.52%! /8.50%! /5.21%! /1.98%! 6.65%! /4.14%!

2011! 11.37%! /6.13%! 8.12%! 7.95%! 7.68%! 18.31%! 7.88%!

2012! 5.42%! 6.72%! 10.52%! 7.81%! 5.34%! 0.25%! 6.01%!!Same!day! !! !! !! !! !! !! !!Excess!returns!post!TC!(MD)! Top!30! Top!5! Top!10! Top!20! Top!11F20! Top!21F30! Average!

2003! /0.61%! 0.87%! 2.70%! /3.96%! /10.71%! 6.20%! /0.92%!

2004! /4.10%! /8.45%! /5.82%! /1.58%! 2.58%! /9.05%! /4.40%!

2005! 0.39%! 1.26%! 7.28%! 3.50%! /0.34%! /5.76%! 1.06%!

2006! /2.34%! 10.66%! 3.01%! 1.74%! 0.39%! /10.29%! 0.53%!

2007! 4.91%! 0.35%! 7.59%! 7.16%! 6.62%! 0.52%! 4.53%!

2008! 2.47%! 12.76%! 4.96%! 9.82%! 14.54%! /12.08%! 5.41%!

2009! 13.84%! 8.78%! 11.55%! 11.00%! 10.34%! 19.63%! 12.52%!

2010! /1.28%! /14.52%! /8.50%! /5.21%! /1.98%! 6.65%! /4.14%!

2011! 11.37%! /6.13%! 8.12%! 7.95%! 7.68%! 18.31%! 7.88%!

2012! 5.42%! 6.72%! 10.52%! 7.81%! 5.34%! 0.25%! 6.01%!

!! !


A. Minimum!distance!6!months!trading!(Sharpe!ratio)!!6!months!

Same!day! !! !! !! !! !! !! !!Annual!SR!post!TC!(MD)! Top!30! Top!5! Top!10! Top!20! Top!11F20! Top!21F30! Average!

2003! /0.07! 0.07! 0.26! /0.41! /0.90! 0.63! /0.07!

2004! /0.88! /0.72! /0.87! /0.27! 0.38! /1.51! /0.65!

2005! 0.07! 0.16! 1.11! 0.57! /0.04! /0.71! 0.19!

2006! /0.47! 1.19! 0.32! 0.28! 0.04! /1.26! 0.02!

2007! 0.71! 0.03! 0.87! 1.01! 0.69! 0.05! 0.56!

2008! 0.23! 0.55! 0.32! 0.78! 1.02! /0.96! 0.33!

2009! 1.65! 0.51! 1.01! 1.10! 0.78! 1.74! 1.13!

2010! /0.27! /1.43! /1.16! /1.03! /0.34! 0.90! /0.56!

2011! 1.67! /0.59! 0.98! 1.15! 0.84! 1.62! 0.94!

2012! 0.92! 0.66! 1.58! 1.38! 0.61! 0.02! 0.86!!Same!day! !! !! !! !! !! !! !!Annual!SR!post!TC!(MD)! Top!30! Top!5! Top!10! Top!20! Top!11/20! Top!21/30! Average!

2003! /0.07! 0.07! 0.26! /0.41! /0.90! 0.63! /0.07!

2004! /0.88! /0.72! /0.87! /0.27! 0.38! /1.51! /0.65!

2005! 0.07! 0.16! 1.11! 0.57! /0.04! /0.71! 0.19!

2006! /0.47! 1.19! 0.32! 0.28! 0.04! /1.26! 0.02!

2007! 0.71! 0.03! 0.87! 1.01! 0.69! 0.05! 0.56!

2008! 0.23! 0.55! 0.32! 0.78! 1.02! /0.96! 0.33!

2009! 1.65! 0.51! 1.01! 1.10! 0.78! 1.74! 1.13!

2010! /0.27! /1.43! /1.16! /1.03! /0.34! 0.90! /0.56!

2011! 1.67! /0.59! 0.98! 1.15! 0.84! 1.62! 0.94!

2012! 0.92! 0.66! 1.58! 1.38! 0.61! 0.02! 0.86!

!! !


A. Zero!crossing!(Returns)!!6!months!

Same!day! !! !! !! !! !! !! !!Excess!returns!post!TC!(ZC)! Top!30! Top!5! Top!10! Top!20! Top!11F20! Top!21F30! Average!

2003! 4.89%! /12.19%! 4.80%! 3.70%! 2.50%! 7.40%! 1.85%!

2004! 2.63%! 7.81%! 16.35%! 2.43%! /11.55%! 3.10%! 3.46%!

2005! /1.05%! 3.36%! 1.02%! /0.64%! /2.38%! /1.80%! /0.25%!

2006! 0.53%! /5.16%! /2.37%! /4.40%! /6.53%! 10.48%! /1.24%!

2007! /25.02%! /0.84%! /2.64%! /23.56%! /44.98%! /28.11%! /20.86%!

2008! 14.09%! 13.82%! 13.51%! 12.62%! 11.56%! 17.19%! 13.80%!

2009! 7.89%! 23.61%! 6.43%! 10.55%! 14.57%! 2.66%! 10.95%!

2010! 0.59%! /4.49%! /2.75%! 2.21%! 7.09%! /2.57%! 0.01%!

2011! 9.43%! 25.30%! 17.76%! 6.63%! /4.64%! 15.17%! 11.61%!

2012! 5.38%! /4.68%! 4.98%! 8.84%! 12.63%! /1.46%! 4.28%!!1!day!delay! !! !! !! !! !! !! !!Excess!returns!post!TC!(ZC)! Top!30! Top!5! Top!10! Top!20! Top!11F20! Top!21F30! Average!

2003! 5.20%! /11.98%! 5.38%! 4.20%! 2.91%! 7.38%! 2.18%!

2004! 2.83%! 6.59%! 15.42%! 2.36%! /10.77%! 3.85%! 3.38%!

2005! /1.56%! 3.12%! 0.33%! /1.54%! /3.49%! /1.53%! /0.78%!

2006! /0.66%! /5.31%! /4.08%! /5.51%! /7.03%! 9.14%! /2.24%!

2007! /26.80%! /0.25%! /3.28%! /27.14%! /51.30%! /26.23%! /22.50%!

2008! 12.75%! 11.95%! 11.25%! 10.61%! 9.80%! 17.21%! 12.26%!

2009! 6.43%! 20.68%! 4.42%! 8.88%! 13.24%! 1.63%! 9.21%!

2010! /0.65%! /4.30%! /3.84%! 1.27%! 6.28%! /4.38%! /0.94%!

2011! 4.89%! 21.10%! 13.39%! 2.56%! /8.41%! 9.68%! 7.20%!

2012! 4.24%! /6.91%! 4.42%! 8.57%! 12.65%! /4.35%! 3.10%!

!! !


A. Zero!crossing!(Sharpe!ratio)!!6!months!

Same!day! !! !! !! !! !! !! !!Annual!SR!post!TC!(ZC)! Top!30! Top!5! Top!10! Top!20! Top!11F20! Top!21F30! Average!

2003! 0.52! /0.79! 0.43! 0.40! 0.22! 0.49! 0.21!

2004! 0.45! 0.63! 1.78! 0.37! /1.52! 0.39! 0.35!

2005! /0.19! 0.32! 0.12! /0.10! /0.29! /0.27! /0.07!

2006! 0.08! /0.43! /0.24! /0.53! /0.86! 1.33! /0.11!

2007! /2.66! /0.06! /0.25! /2.13! /2.64! /2.36! /1.68!

2008! 1.07! 0.52! 0.70! 0.84! 0.70! 1.05! 0.81!

2009! 0.78! 1.30! 0.52! 0.91! 1.01! 0.16! 0.78!

2010! 0.10! /0.42! /0.31! 0.34! 0.91! /0.30! 0.05!

2011! 1.11! 1.73! 1.44! 0.69! /0.37! 1.27! 0.98!

2012! 0.84! /0.38! 0.54! 1.24! 1.27! /0.16! 0.56!!Same!day! !! !! !! !! !! !! !!Annual!SR!post!TC!(ZC)! Top!30! Top!5! Top!10! Top!20! Top!11F20! Top!21F30! Average!

2003! 0.52! /0.79! 0.43! 0.40! 0.22! 0.49! 0.21!

2004! 0.45! 0.63! 1.78! 0.37! /1.52! 0.39! 0.35!

2005! /0.19! 0.32! 0.12! /0.10! /0.29! /0.27! /0.07!

2006! 0.08! /0.43! /0.24! /0.53! /0.86! 1.33! /0.11!

2007! /2.66! /0.06! /0.25! /2.13! /2.64! /2.36! /1.68!

2008! 1.07! 0.52! 0.70! 0.84! 0.70! 1.05! 0.81!

2009! 0.78! 1.30! 0.52! 0.91! 1.01! 0.16! 0.78!

2010! 0.10! /0.42! /0.31! 0.34! 0.91! /0.30! 0.05!

2011! 1.11! 1.73! 1.44! 0.69! /0.37! 1.27! 0.98!

2012! 0.84! /0.38! 0.54! 1.24! 1.27! /0.16! 0.56!

! !

! XXV!

A. Total!(Return)!!6!months!

Same!day! !! !! !! !! !! !! !!Excess!returns!post!TC!(Total)! Top!30! Top!5! Top!10! Top!20! Top!11F20! Top!21F30! Average!

2003! 5.94%! /12.98%! /1.68%! 5.65%! 12.87%! 6.64%! 2.74%!

2004! 0.40%! 19.71%! 8.57%! 6.28%! 3.93%! /11.30%! 4.60%!

2005! 0.89%! 8.48%! 5.37%! 3.07%! 0.69%! /3.37%! 2.52%!

2006! 10.57%! 8.30%! 7.95%! 7.90%! 7.77%! 15.98%! 9.75%!

2007! /2.36%! 0.50%! /6.62%! /7.28%! /8.06%! 7.59%! /2.71%!

2008! 11.41%! 18.80%! 8.92%! 10.92%! 12.75%! 12.57%! 12.56%!

2009! 5.09%! 20.26%! 10.88%! 4.68%! /1.63%! 6.02%! 7.55%!

2010! /7.17%! /6.05%! /2.53%! /4.12%! /5.79%! /13.18%! /6.47%!

2011! 7.57%! 15.19%! 7.86%! 7.40%! 6.84%! 8.01%! 8.81%!

2012! 2.40%! /3.81%! 11.08%! 1.93%! /7.28%! 3.40%! 1.29%!!1!day!delay! !! !! !! !! !! !! !!Excess!returns!post!TC!(Total)! Top!30! Top!5! Top!10! Top!20! Top!11F20! Top!21F30! Average!

2003! 6.84%! /12.13%! /0.67%! 7.11%! 14.78%! 6.39%! 3.72%!

2004! /0.18%! 19.89%! 8.18%! 5.39%! 2.52%! /11.25%! 4.09%!

2005! 0.22%! 7.63%! 4.42%! 2.47%! 0.44%! /4.21%! 1.83%!

2006! 8.83%! 4.53%! 5.97%! 5.94%! 5.84%! 14.70%! 7.63%!

2007! /4.36%! /3.28%! /11.19%! /10.05%! /9.03%! 7.15%! /5.13%!

2008! 10.13%! 16.23%! 4.36%! 9.08%! 13.62%! 12.40%! 10.97%!

2009! 2.94%! 17.80%! 7.51%! 2.71%! /2.21%! 3.52%! 5.38%!

2010! /8.15%! /4.94%! /3.07%! /5.19%! /7.40%! /13.98%! /7.12%!

2011! 7.68%! 15.53%! 8.07%! 7.44%! 6.70%! 8.26%! 8.95%!

2012! 0.21%! /6.08%! 8.60%! /1.21%! /11.09%! 3.12%! /1.07%!

!! !


A. Total!(Sharpe!ratio)!!6!months!

Same!day! !! !! !! !! !! !! !!Annual!SR!post!TC!(Total)! Top!30! Top!5! Top!10! Top!20! Top!11F20! Top!21F30! Average!

2003! 0.71! /0.79! /0.15! 0.57! 0.94! 0.62! 0.32!

2004! 0.07! 1.64! 0.99! 1.04! 0.60! /1.16! 0.53!

2005! 0.16! 0.85! 0.67! 0.41! 0.07! /0.40! 0.29!

2006! 1.53! 0.56! 0.70! 1.00! 0.90! 1.90! 1.10!

2007! /0.30! 0.03! /0.52! /0.81! /0.84! 0.71! /0.29!

2008! 0.94! 0.81! 0.52! 0.86! 0.87! 0.76! 0.79!

2009! 0.54! 1.00! 0.73! 0.44! /0.11! 0.45! 0.51!

2010! /1.14! /0.57! /0.33! /0.65! /0.69! /1.45! /0.81!

2011! 1.08! 1.12! 0.79! 0.97! 0.77! 0.71! 0.91!

2012! 0.39! /0.32! 1.20! 0.27! /0.84! 0.43! 0.19!!1!day!delay! !! !! !! !! !! !! !!Annual!SR!post!TC!(Total)! Top!30! Top!5! Top!10! Top!20! Top!11F20! Top!21F30! Average!

2003! 0.83! /0.75! /0.06! 0.72! 1.08! 0.60! 0.40!

2004! /0.03! 1.64! 0.94! 0.89! 0.39! /1.15! 0.45!

2005! 0.04! 0.76! 0.54! 0.33! 0.05! /0.50! 0.20!

2006! 1.27! 0.31! 0.52! 0.75! 0.67! 1.71! 0.87!

2007! /0.56! /0.18! /0.87! /1.13! /0.96! 0.67! /0.51!

2008! 0.84! 0.72! 0.26! 0.72! 0.92! 0.75! 0.70!

2009! 0.31! 0.88! 0.52! 0.26! /0.15! 0.26! 0.35!

2010! /1.30! /0.47! /0.41! /0.82! /0.88! /1.53! /0.90!

2011! 1.11! 1.15! 0.82! 0.98! 0.76! 0.73! 0.93!

2012! 0.03! /0.51! 0.93! /0.17! /1.30! 0.39! /0.11!

!! !


A.3.2.2. 12&months&

A. Minimum!distance!(Returns)!!12!months!

Same!day! !! !! !! !! !! !! !!Excess!returns!post!TC!(MD)! Top!30! Top!5! Top!10! Top!20! Top!11F20! Top!21F30! Average!

2003! 10.81%! 19.27%! 11.54%! 10.20%! 8.73%! 12.15%! 12.11%!

2004! 1.18%! 1.57%! /0.52%! 0.23%! 0.90%! 3.16%! 1.09%!

2005! 0.88%! 1.78%! 0.69%! 3.77%! 6.78%! /4.85%! 1.51%!

2006! /3.13%! 4.42%! /2.40%! /2.38%! /2.45%! /4.54%! /1.75%!

2007! 1.57%! 15.09%! 11.80%! 1.88%! /8.16%! 1.06%! 3.88%!

2008! /0.20%! 19.68%! /3.71%! 1.94%! 7.43%! /4.31%! 3.47%!

2009! 18.19%! 15.09%! 17.77%! 20.20%! 22.51%! 14.29%! 18.01%!

2010! /2.24%! /3.53%! /5.96%! /4.17%! /2.47%! 1.70%! /2.78%!

2011! 8.66%! /8.82%! 3.91%! 5.89%! 7.75%! 14.40%! 5.30%!

2012! 4.48%! 20.71%! 15.45%! 9.56%! 3.59%! /0.66%! 8.85%!!1!day!delay! !! !! !! !! !! !! !!Excess!returns!post!TC!(MD)! Top!30! Top!5! Top!10! Top!20! Top!11F20! Top!21F30! Average!

2003! 10.60%! 20.36%! 12.61%! 9.71%! 6.69%! 12.49%! 12.08%!

2004! 0.94%! /0.36%! /1.53%! /0.54%! 0.39%! 3.95%! 0.47%!

2005! 0.05%! 0.86%! /0.32%! 1.77%! 3.78%! /3.32%! 0.47%!

2006! /3.90%! 6.62%! /1.49%! /2.60%! /3.79%! /6.43%! /1.93%!

2007! 0.80%! 15.05%! 12.38%! 1.97%! /8.54%! /1.44%! 3.37%!

2008! 0.07%! 25.79%! /0.11%! 2.35%! 4.63%! /4.31%! 4.74%!

2009! 16.43%! 12.01%! 14.81%! 17.38%! 19.82%! 14.65%! 15.85%!

2010! /2.62%! /5.00%! /6.23%! /3.87%! /1.57%! /0.06%! /3.22%!

2011! 6.56%! /10.37%! 0.21%! 3.77%! 7.22%! 12.25%! 3.27%!

2012! 3.66%! 19.32%! 13.11%! 8.81%! 4.44%! /2.34%! 7.83%!

!! !


A. Minimum!distance!(Sharpe!ratio)!!12!months!

Same!day! !! !! !! !! !! !! !!Annual!SR!post!TC!(MD)! Top!30! Top!5! Top!10! Top!20! Top!11F20! Top!21F30! Average!

2003! 1.26! 1.33! 1.05! 1.09! 0.71! 1.25! 1.12!

2004! 0.23! 0.16! /0.08! 0.04! 0.14! 0.46! 0.16!

2005! 0.14! 0.22! 0.09! 0.50! 0.71! /0.64! 0.17!

2006! /0.64! 0.51! /0.31! /0.40! /0.31! /0.55! /0.28!

2007! 0.22! 1.41! 1.64! 0.24! /0.68! 0.10! 0.49!

2008! /0.01! 0.69! /0.16! 0.10! 0.41! /0.30! 0.12!

2009! 1.96! 0.92! 1.69! 1.73! 1.29! 1.36! 1.49!

2010! /0.44! /0.32! /0.74! /0.72! /0.37! 0.25! /0.39!

2011! 1.08! /0.82! 0.47! 0.77! 0.74! 1.01! 0.54!

2012! 0.75! 2.03! 2.30! 1.59! 0.40! /0.06! 1.17!!1!day!delay! !! !! !! !! !! !! !!Annual!SR!post!TC!(MD)! Top!30! Top!5! Top!10! Top!20! Top!11F20! Top!21F30! Average!

2003! 1.25! 1.41! 1.16! 1.05! 0.54! 1.29! 1.12!

2004! 0.19! /0.04! /0.24! /0.11! 0.06! 0.57! 0.07!

2005! 0.01! 0.11! /0.04! 0.24! 0.40! /0.44! 0.04!

2006! /0.80! 0.76! /0.20! /0.44! /0.49! /0.78! /0.32!

2007! 0.11! 1.40! 1.71! 0.26! /0.72! /0.14! 0.43!

2008! 0.00! 0.92! 0.00! 0.13! 0.26! /0.30! 0.17!

2009! 1.76! 0.70! 1.38! 1.48! 1.14! 1.40! 1.31!

2010! /0.51! /0.46! /0.78! /0.66! /0.23! /0.01! /0.44!

2011! 0.84! /0.97! 0.02! 0.50! 0.70! 0.90! 0.33!

2012! 0.62! 1.89! 2.00! 1.48! 0.75! /0.22! 1.09!

!! !


A. Zero!crossing!(Returns)!!12!months!

Same!day! !! !! !! !! !! !! !!Excess!returns!post!TC!(ZC)! Top!30! Top!5! Top!10! Top!20! Top!11F20! Top!21F30! Average!

2003! 5.92%! 18.56%! 12.61%! 9.60%! 6.47%! /1.32%! 8.64%!

2004! 6.74%! 24.57%! 21.68%! 10.46%! /0.84%! /0.63%! 10.33%!

2005! 0.40%! 2.00%! /1.23%! 1.29%! 3.75%! /1.30%! 0.82%!

2006! /1.80%! 0.78%! /2.51%! /5.96%! /9.51%! 6.61%! /2.06%!

2007! /11.75%! /20.79%! /9.10%! /2.81%! 3.38%! /29.51%! /11.76%!

2008! 16.45%! 16.64%! 24.44%! 19.77%! 14.95%! 9.97%! 17.04%!

2009! 9.75%! 26.30%! 10.61%! 10.83%! 10.94%! 7.71%! 12.69%!

2010! /3.66%! 4.15%! /5.88%! /1.32%! 3.15%! /8.25%! /1.97%!

2011! 8.29%! 2.12%! /0.09%! 5.91%! 11.79%! 12.10%! 6.69%!

2012! 6.02%! 8.47%! 10.67%! 8.96%! 7.17%! 0.22%! 6.92%!!1!day!delay! !! !! !! !! !! !! !!Excess!returns!post!TC!(ZC)! Top!30! Top!5! Top!10! Top!20! Top!11F20! Top!21F30! Average!

2003! 5.83%! 19.75%! 11.65%! 9.33%! 6.89%! /1.05%! 8.73%!

2004! 6.59%! 20.96%! 19.95%! 9.47%! /1.09%! 0.92%! 9.47%!

2005! /0.48%! 1.80%! /1.53%! /0.23%! 1.01%! /0.91%! /0.05%!

2006! /13.34%! /19.89%! /9.05%! /4.98%! /1.01%! /29.95%! /13.04%!

2007! /13.08%! /19.59%! /8.64%! /4.55%! /0.57%! /30.02%! /12.74%!

2008! 12.94%! 6.33%! 16.93%! 15.16%! 13.24%! 8.66%! 12.21%!

2009! 9.10%! 25.45%! 10.22%! 9.75%! 9.16%! 7.93%! 11.93%!

2010! /4.87%! 4.51%! /6.48%! /1.97%! 2.45%! /10.56%! /2.82%!

2011! 5.79%! /0.67%! /2.42%! 4.12%! 10.53%! 8.47%! 4.30%!

2012! 4.75%! 8.74%! 11.32%! 8.31%! 5.20%! /2.26%! 6.01%!

!! !

! XXX!

A. Zero!crossing!(Sharpe!ratio)!!12!months!

Same!day! !! !! !! !! !! !! !!Annual!SR!post!TC!(ZC)! Top!30! Top!5! Top!10! Top!20! Top!11F20! Top!21F30! Average!

2003! 0.60! 1.21! 1.08! 1.02! 0.59! /0.08! 0.74!

2004! 1.02! 1.64! 1.88! 1.50! /0.14! /0.06! 0.97!

2005! 0.07! 0.19! /0.17! 0.20! 0.39! /0.19! 0.08!

2006! /0.23! 0.08! /0.25! /0.64! /1.15! 0.82! /0.23!

2007! /1.36! /1.27! /0.75! /0.26! 0.22! /2.38! /0.97!

2008! 1.34! 0.71! 1.51! 1.54! 0.92! 0.52! 1.09!

2009! 0.91! 1.29! 0.76! 0.78! 0.60! 0.53! 0.81!

2010! /0.57! 0.42! /0.71! /0.19! 0.35! /0.94! /0.27!

2011! 0.92! 0.12! /0.01! 0.53! 0.82! 1.17! 0.59!

2012! 0.80! 0.77! 1.14! 1.10! 0.67! 0.02! 0.75!!1!day!delay! !! !! !! !! !! !! !!Annual!SR!post!TC!(ZC)! Top!30! Top!5! Top!10! Top!20! Top!11F20! Top!21F30! Average!

2003! 0.59! 1.30! 1.00! 1.00! 0.64! /0.07! 0.74!

2004! 0.99! 1.38! 1.71! 1.34! /0.18! 0.09! 0.89!

2005! /0.08! 0.17! /0.21! /0.04! 0.10! /0.14! /0.03!

2006! /1.73! /2.12! /0.91! /0.54! /0.13! /3.73! /1.52!

2007! /1.46! /1.20! /0.71! /0.43! /0.04! /2.43! /1.05!

2008! 1.06! 0.27! 1.03! 1.18! 0.82! 0.45! 0.80!

2009! 0.85! 1.24! 0.74! 0.70! 0.50! 0.54! 0.76!

2010! /0.76! 0.46! /0.77! /0.28! 0.27! /1.20! /0.38!

2011! 0.64! /0.04! /0.17! 0.37! 0.73! 0.81! 0.39!

2012! 0.63! 0.81! 1.21! 1.02! 0.49! /0.19! 0.66!

! !


A. Total!(Returns)!!12!months!

Same!day! !! !! !! !! !! !! !!Excess!returns!post!TC!(Total)! Top!30! Top!5! Top!10! Top!20! Top!11F20! Top!21F30! Average!

2003! 7.55%! 25.57%! 12.28%! 9.80%! 7.19%! 3.19%! 10.93%!

2004! 3.30%! 18.16%! 9.02%! 6.00%! 2.92%! /2.03%! 6.23%!

2005! /1.07%! 6.88%! /2.11%! /0.50%! 1.05%! /2.15%! 0.35%!

2006! 1.72%! /11.23%! /11.04%! /1.01%! 8.94%! 7.26%! /0.89%!

2007! /10.69%! 3.01%! 3.14%! /18.68%! /40.61%! 9.47%! /9.06%!

2008! 9.25%! 31.61%! 22.08%! 12.30%! 2.35%! 3.31%! 13.48%!

2009! 18.42%! 30.08%! 23.61%! 21.01%! 18.29%! 13.36%! 20.79%!

2010! 2.17%! /3.38%! 5.20%! 2.92%! 0.55%! 0.76%! 1.37%!

2011! 3.11%! 6.64%! 7.34%! 3.23%! /0.98%! 2.44%! 3.63%!

2012! 10.26%! 8.47%! 14.57%! 9.85%! 5.03%! 11.19%! 9.90%!!1!day!delay! !! !! !! !! !! !! !!Excess!returns!post!TC!(Total)! Top!30! Top!5! Top!10! Top!20! Top!11F20! Top!21F30! Average!

2003! 7.70%! 23.90%! 11.39%! 9.75%! 7.98%! 3.72%! 10.74%!

2004! 2.67%! 16.87%! 8.28%! 5.41%! 2.47%! /2.76%! 5.49%!

2005! /1.81%! 6.50%! /2.40%! /1.74%! /1.15%! /1.88%! /0.41%!

2006! 0.67%! /12.00%! /11.86%! /2.22%! 7.33%! 6.55%! /1.92%!

2007! /12.66%! /0.27%! /1.02%! /21.93%! /42.95%! 7.98%! /11.81%!

2008! 6.76%! 28.01%! 14.87%! 7.74%! 0.44%! 4.97%! 10.47%!

2009! 17.04%! 29.71%! 22.26%! 19.91%! 17.45%! 11.41%! 19.63%!

2010! 1.38%! /1.90%! 6.14%! 2.26%! /1.72%! /0.28%! 0.98%!

2011! 0.81%! 3.24%! 4.19%! 1.33%! /1.64%! /0.41%! 1.25%!

2012! 7.96%! 8.74%! 12.72%! 7.34%! 1.88%! 9.29%! 7.99%!

! !


A. Total!(Sharpe!ratio)!!12!months!

Same!day! !! !! !! !! !! !! !!Annual!SR!post!TC!(Total)! Top!30! Top!5! Top!10! Top!20! Top!11F20! Top!21F30! Average!

2003! 0.85! 1.47! 1.11! 0.92! 0.47! 0.27! 0.85!

2004! 0.67! 1.48! 1.11! 1.08! 0.42! /0.29! 0.75!

2005! /0.17! 0.72! /0.28! /0.07! 0.11! /0.25! 0.01!

2006! 0.28! /0.70! /0.84! /0.13! 1.28! 0.93! 0.14!

2007! /1.23! 0.15! 0.21! /1.71! /2.85! 0.97! /0.74!

2008! 0.66! 1.15! 1.27! 0.91! 0.15! 0.15! 0.72!

2009! 1.84! 1.60! 1.54! 1.90! 1.21! 0.90! 1.50!

2010! 0.40! /0.34! 0.72! 0.56! 0.07! 0.08! 0.25!

2011! 0.33! 0.43! 0.63! 0.36! /0.09! 0.16! 0.31!

2012! 1.42! 0.77! 1.65! 1.13! 0.40! 1.34! 1.12!!Same!day! !! !! !! !! !! !! !!Annual!SR!post!TC!(Total)! Top!30! Top!5! Top!10! Top!20! Top!11F20! Top!21F30! Average!

2003! 0.85! 1.47! 1.11! 0.92! 0.47! 0.27! 0.85!

2004! 0.67! 1.48! 1.11! 1.08! 0.42! /0.29! 0.75!

2005! /0.17! 0.72! /0.28! /0.07! 0.11! /0.25! 0.01!

2006! 0.28! /0.70! /0.84! /0.13! 1.28! 0.93! 0.14!

2007! /1.23! 0.15! 0.21! /1.71! /2.85! 0.97! /0.74!

2008! 0.66! 1.15! 1.27! 0.91! 0.15! 0.15! 0.72!

2009! 1.84! 1.60! 1.54! 1.90! 1.21! 0.90! 1.50!

2010! 0.40! /0.34! 0.72! 0.56! 0.07! 0.08! 0.25!

2011! 0.33! 0.43! 0.63! 0.36! /0.09! 0.16! 0.31!

2012! 1.42! 0.77! 1.65! 1.13! 0.40! 1.34! 1.12!

!! !


A.4. Additional!trading!results!oneFday!delay!!

A.4.1. Pairs!ranked!81F100!

A.4.1.1. 12&months&!




Pairs!ranked!81F100! Top!81F100! Top!96F100! Top!91F100! Top!81F90! Average!

Excess!return! /2.58%! /5.08%! /7.55%! 2.39%! /3.21%!

SR! /0.29! /0.35! /0.64! 0.23! /0.26!

Skewness! /0.17! 0.07! 0.04! /0.07! /0.03!

Kurtosis! 6.70! 8.86! 7.00! 9.20! 7.94!

T!value!(NW)! /0.87! /1.16! /2.04! 0.70! /0.84!

Beta! 0.10! 0.12! 0.11! 0.07! 0.10!

!! !! !! !! !!!

Total! Top!20! Top!5! Top!10! Top!11F20! Average!

Excess!return! 2.76%! 10.23%! 6.42%! /1.00%! 4.61%!

SR! 0.30! 0.61! 0.54! /0.08! 0.34!

Skewness! 0.31! 0.63! 0.38! /0.05! 0.32!

Kurtosis! 5.50! 9.13! 5.67! 5.48! 6.44!

T!value!(NW)! 1.05! 2.14! 1.98! /0.29! 1.22!

Beta! 0.06! 0.01! 0.03! 0.08! 0.05!


residuals.!The!beta!value!is!the!market!exposure!calculated!by!using!daily!observations.!! !


A.4.1.2. Individual&years&performance&!








81F90! Average! Top!20! Top!5! Top!10!Top!!

11F20! Average!

2003! 13.59%! /1.95%! /4.90%! 32.08%! 9.71%! 9.75%! 23.90%! 11.39%! 7.98%! 13.25%!

2004! /1.87%! 3.86%! 4.67%! /8.41%! /0.44%! 5.41%! 16.87%! 8.28%! 2.47%! 8.26%!

2005! /9.48%! /15.63%! /9.77%! /9.20%! /11.02%! /1.74%! 6.50%! /2.40%! /1.15%! 0.31%!

2006! 0.81%! /7.40%! /4.99%! 6.61%! /1.24%! /2.22%! /12.00%! /11.86%! 7.33%! /4.69%!

2007! /5.70%! 10.44%! /12.98%! 1.58%! /1.67%! /21.93%! /0.27%! /1.02%! /42.95%! /16.54%!

2008! /11.97%! /9.23%! /14.36%! /9.57%! /11.28%! 7.74%! 28.01%! 14.87%! 0.44%! 12.77%!

2009! 4.21%! 1.00%! /0.68%! 9.10%! 3.41%! 19.91%! 29.71%! 22.26%! 17.45%! 22.33%!

2010! /1.92%! 1.53%! /1.48%! /2.35%! /1.06%! 2.26%! /1.90%! 6.14%! /1.72%! 1.19%!

2011! /5.50%! /15.49%! /21.96%! 10.96%! /8.00%! 1.33%! 3.24%! 4.19%! /1.64%! 1.78%!

2012! /5.87%! /16.72%! /4.81%! /6.94%! /8.59%! 7.34%! 8.74%! 12.72%! 1.88%! 7.67%!





81F90! Average! Top!20! Top!5! Top!10!Top!!

11F20! Average!

2003! 1.90! 0.03! /0.20! 3.39! 1.28! 0.92! 1.38! 1.04! 0.53! 0.97!

2004! 0.03! 0.90! 1.15! /0.82! 0.31! 0.97! 1.36! 1.02! 0.35! 0.92!

2005! /1.47! /1.40! /1.08! /1.26! /1.30! /0.25! 0.68! /0.32! /0.12! 0.00!

2006! 0.67! /0.47! /0.37! 1.24! 0.27! /0.28! /0.74! /0.90! 1.05! /0.22!

2007! /0.32! 1.07! /0.94! 0.42! 0.06! /2.00! /0.01! /0.07! /3.02! /1.27!

2008! /0.53! /0.22! /0.50! /0.34! /0.40! 0.56! 1.01! 0.85! 0.03! 0.61!

2009! 0.58! 0.22! 0.15! 0.94! 0.47! 1.81! 1.58! 1.47! 1.15! 1.50!

2010! 0.07! 0.39! 0.11! 0.00! 0.14! 0.44! /0.19! 0.86! /0.23! 0.22!

2011! /0.33! /0.98! /1.66! 1.38! /0.40! 0.15! 0.21! 0.36! /0.16! 0.14!

2012! /0.51! /1.67! /0.32! /0.52! /0.75! 0.85! 0.81! 1.44! 0.15! 0.81!



!! !


A.4.2. IntraFIndustry!Pairs!

A.4.2.1. 12&months&!




IntraFIndustry!pairs! Top!10! Top!5!

Excess!return! 0.54%! 3.82%!

SR! 0.05! 0.27!

Skewness! 0.63! 0.06!

Kurtosis! 13.76! 6.68!

T!value!(NW)! 0.19! 0.94!

Beta! 0.12! 0.09!

!! !! !!

Same!Industry!pairs! Top!10! Top!5!

Excess!return! 6.42%! 10.23%!

SR! 0.54! 0.61!

Skewness! 0.38! 0.63!

Kurtosis! 5.67! 9.13!

T!value!(NW)! 1.98! 2.14!

Beta! 0.03! 0.01!


residuals.!The!beta!value!is!the!market!exposure!calculated!by!using!daily!observations.!! !


A.4.2.2. Individual&years&performance&!




IntraFIndustry!Pairs! !! !! NonFrestricted!pairs! !! !!Excess!return! Top!5! Top!10! Average!

Excess!return! Top!5! Top!10! Average!

2003! 11.32%! 12.54%! 11.93%! 2003! 23.90%! 11.39%! 17.64%!

2004! 8.03%! 19.05%! 13.54%! 2004! 16.87%! 8.28%! 12.58%!

2005! /1.20%! 2.65%! 0.72%! 2005! 6.50%! /2.40%! 2.05%!

2006! 1.23%! 3.81%! 2.52%! 2006! /12.00%! /11.86%! /11.93%!

2007! 9.89%! 0.80%! 5.35%! 2007! /0.27%! /1.02%! /0.65%!

2008! /2.45%! 6.09%! 1.82%! 2008! 28.01%! 14.87%! 21.44%!

2009! 6.35%! 17.50%! 11.92%! 2009! 29.71%! 22.26%! 25.98%!

2010! /10.16%! /9.09%! /9.63%! 2010! /1.90%! 6.14%! 2.12%!

2011! /19.56%! /15.56%! /17.56%! 2011! 3.24%! 4.19%! 3.72%!

2012! 1.93%! 0.34%! 1.13%! 2012! 8.74%! 12.72%! 10.73%!

SR! Top!5! Top!10! Average! SR! Top!5! Top!10! Average!

2003! 1.16! 0.89! 1.02! 2003! 1.56! 1.31! 1.43!

2004! 1.13! 1.66! 1.40! 2004! 1.57! 1.32! 1.45!

2005! /0.19! 0.23! 0.02! 2005! 0.91! /0.02! 0.44!

2006! 0.22! 0.31! 0.27! 2006! /0.57! /0.68! /0.62!

2007! 1.10! 0.10! 0.60! 2007! 0.12! 0.13! 0.12!

2008! /0.11! 0.25! 0.07! 2008! 1.15! 1.08! 1.12!

2009! 0.59! 1.18! 0.88! 2009! 1.73! 1.66! 1.70!

2010! /1.03! /0.66! /0.85! 2010! 0.10! 1.28! 0.69!

2011! /1.82! /1.11! /1.47! 2011! 0.43! 0.65! 0.54!

2012! 0.23! 0.03! 0.13! 2012! 1.06! 1.79! 1.42!


daily!standard!deviations!over!the!particular!year!multiplied!by!the!square!root!of!260!trading!days.!!! !


A.4.3. Crises!versus!nonFcrises!!




Crises! OS!30!! OS!5!! OS!10!! OS!20!! OS!11F20!! OS!21F30!! Average!

Excess!Returns! 3.69%! 15.55%! 9.48%! 4.50%! /0.61%! 2.26%! 5.81%!

Sharpe!ratio! 0.31! 0.70! 0.64! 0.39! /0.05! 0.12! !0.35!!

Skewness! 0.79! 0.90! 0.74! 0.40! 0.05! 0.48! !0.56!!

Kurtosis! 9.58! 10.92! 8.75! 8.37! 3.32! 3.30! !7.37!!

T!value!(NW)! 0.60! 1.27! 1.22! 0.70! /0.08! 0.24! !0.66!!

Beta! 0.08! 0.02! 0.05! 0.06! 0.08! 0.10! !0.06!!

VaR!5%! /1.03%! /1.86%! /1.24%! /1.02%! /1.27%! /1.73%! /1.36%!

VaR!5%!yrl! /16.63%! /29.97%! /20.04%! /16.46%! /20.42%! /27.85%! /21.89%!

VaR!1%! /1.70%! /3.54%! /2.04%! /1.85%! /2.21%! /2.59%! /2.32%!

Var!1%!yrl! /27.35%! /57.05%! /32.92%! /29.87%! /35.61%! /41.82%! /37.44%!

!! !! !! !! !! !! !! !!

NonFcrises! OS!30!! OS!5!! OS!10!! OS!20!! OS!11F20!! OS!21F30!! Average!

Excess!return! 2.78%! 11.29%! 5.92%! 2.38%! /1.26%! 3.67%! 4.13%!

Sharpe!ratio! 0.32! 0.65! 0.48! 0.25! /0.10! 0.30! !0.32!!

Skewness! 0.60! 0.66! 0.41! 0.34! /0.08! 0.50! !0.41!!

Kurtosis! 10.81! 9.29! 6.02! 6.19! 6.14! 7.03! !7.58!!

T!value!(NW)! 1.01! 2.00! 1.55! 0.76! /0.31! 0.99! !1.00!!

Beta! 0.02! /0.03! /0.02! 0.03! 0.07! 0.00! !0.01!!

VaR!5%! /0.78%! /1.63%! /1.19%! /0.86%! /1.16%! /1.08%! /1.12%!

VaR!5%!yrl! /12.60%! /26.33%! /19.17%! /13.88%! /18.71%! /17.39%! /18.01%!

VaR!1%! /1.19%! /2.58%! /1.89%! /1.59%! /2.11%! /2.01%! /1.90%!

Var!1%!yrl! /19.14%! /41.64%! /30.54%! /25.65%! /34.00%! /32.45%! /30.57%!


VaR!(yrl)!we!multiply!with!the!square!root!of!260!trading!days.!! !


A.4.4. Stop!loss!trading!results!!12!months!!



Stop!loss!Total! OS!30!! OS!5!! OS!10!! OS!20!! OS!11F20!! OS!21F30!! Average!

Excess!return! 3.50%! 9.75%! 6.04%! 3.48%! 0.80%! 3.66%! 4.54%!

Sharpe!ratio! 0.42! 0.58! 0.50! 0.38! 0.07! 0.30! !0.37!!

Skewness! 0.58! 0.62! 0.38! 0.36! 0.15! 0.48! !0.43!!

Kurtosis! 9.43! 8.69! 5.65! 5.61! 4.47! 6.12! !6.66!!

T!value!(NW)! 1.49! 2.03! 1.89! 1.35! 0.26! 1.11! !1.36!!

Beta! 0.06! 0.02! 0.04! 0.06! 0.08! 0.06! !0.05!!

VaR!5%! /0.77%! /1.58%! /1.15%! /0.86%! /1.11%! /1.11%! /1.10%!

VaR!5%!yrl! /12.37%! /25.52%! /18.57%! /13.87%! /17.83%! /17.89%! /17.68%!

VaR!1%! /1.19%! /2.57%! /1.82%! /1.44%! /2.00%! /1.95%! /1.83%!

Var!1%!yrl! /19.14%! /41.37%! /29.28%! /23.29%! /32.23%! /31.47%! /29.46%!

!! !! !! !! !! !! !! !!

Total! OS!30!! OS!5!! OS!10!! OS!20!! OS!11F20!! OS!21F30!! Average!

Excess!return! 3.09%! 10.23%! 6.42%! 2.76%! /1.00%! 3.84%! 4.22%!

Sharpe!ratio! 0.36! 0.61! 0.54! 0.30! /0.08! 0.31! !0.34!!

Skewness! 0.56! 0.63! 0.38! 0.31! /0.05! 0.48! !0.38!!

Kurtosis! 9.18! 9.13! 5.67! 5.50! 5.48! 6.11! !6.84!!

T!value!(NW)! 1.31! 2.14! 1.98! 1.05! /0.29! 1.17! !1.23!!

Beta! 0.06! 0.01! 0.03! 0.06! 0.08! 0.06! !0.05!!

VaR!5%! /0.78%! /1.57%! /1.15%! /0.86%! /1.15%! /1.11%! /1.10%!

VaR!5%!yrl! /12.52%! /25.28%! /18.61%! /13.87%! /18.58%! /17.89%! /17.79%!

VaR!1%! /1.21%! /2.57%! /1.83%! /1.51%! /2.08%! /1.95%! /1.86%!

Var!1%!yrl! /19.47%! /41.37%! /29.45%! /24.28%! /33.56%! /31.47%! /29.93%!


VaR!(yrl)!we!multiply!with!the!square!root!of!260!trading!days.!! !


A.4.5. Drawdown!control!!




Total!Drawdown! OS!30!! OS!5!! OS!10!! OS!20!! OS!11F20!! OS!21F30!! Average!

Excess!return! 2.67%! 9.82%! 6.36%! 2.61%! /0.75%! 3.50%! 4.03%!

Sharpe!ratio! 0.33! 0.61! 0.54! 0.30! /0.07! 0.29! !0.33!!

Skewness! 0.62! 0.72! 0.40! 0.39! 0.13! 0.49! !0.46!!

Kurtosis! 10.88! 10.78! 6.21! 7.19! 5.03! 6.11! !7.70!!

T!value!(NW)! 1.16! 2.15! 2.02! 1.08! /0.24! 1.07! !1.21!!

Beta! 0.06! 0.01! 0.03! 0.05! 0.08! 0.06! !0.05!!

VaR!5%! /0.73%! /1.44%! /1.12%! /0.82%! /1.08%! /1.11%! /1.05%!

VaR!5%!yrl! /11.82%! /23.30%! /18.01%! /13.25%! /17.45%! /17.90%! /16.96%!

VaR!1%! /1.18%! /2.39%! /1.80%! /1.31%! /1.94%! /1.94%! /1.76%!

Var!1%!yrl! /19.02%! /38.56%! /29.06%! /21.06%! /31.31%! /31.29%! /28.38%!

!! !! !! !! !! !! !! !!

Total! OS!30!! OS!5!! OS!10!! OS!20!! OS!11F20!! OS!21F30!! Average!

Excess!return! 2.78%! 11.29%! 5.92%! 2.38%! /1.26%! 3.67%! 4.13%!

Sharpe!ratio! 0.32! 0.65! 0.48! 0.25! /0.10! 0.30! !0.32!!

Skewness! 0.60! 0.66! 0.41! 0.34! /0.08! 0.50! !0.41!!

Kurtosis! 10.81! 9.29! 6.02! 6.19! 6.14! 7.03! !7.58!!

T!value!(NW)! 1.31! 2.14! 1.98! 1.05! /0.29! 1.17! !1.23!!

Beta! 0.02! /0.03! /0.02! 0.03! 0.07! 0.00! !0.01!!

VaR!5%! /0.78%! /1.63%! /1.19%! /0.86%! /1.16%! /1.08%! /1.12%!

VaR!5%!yrl! /12.60%! /26.33%! /19.17%! /13.88%! /18.71%! /17.39%! /18.01%!

VaR!1%! /1.19%! /2.58%! /1.89%! /1.59%! /2.11%! /2.01%! /1.90%!

Var!1%!yrl! /19.14%! /41.64%! /30.54%! /25.65%! /34.00%! /32.45%! /30.57%!


VaR!(yrl)!we!multiply!with!the!square!root!of!260!trading!days.!! !

! XL!

A.5. Regression!results!


A.5.1. DAX!results!!

A.5.1.1. CAPM&CAPM! Top!30! Top!5! Top!10! Top!20!

DAX/rf! 0.1210! (0.0578)! 0.0300! (0.0905)! 0.0741! (0.0577)! 0.1457! (0.0617)!

!! 0.0383! !! 0.7413! !! 0.2015! !! 0.0198! !!

Alpha! 0.0056! (0.0019)! 0.0119! (0.0043)! 0.0091! (0.0030)! 0.0053! (0.0024)!

!! 0.0041! !! 0.0064! !! 0.0027! !! 0.0260! !!

R2! 0.0918! !! 0.0013! !! 0.0176! !! 0.1053! !!


A.5.1.2. FamaBFrench&Factors&!

F&F! Top!30! Top!5! Top!10! Top!20!

DAX/rf! 0.0874! (0.0649)! 0.0401! (0.0906)! 0.0583! (0.0683)! 0.1256! (0.0732)!

!! 0.1807! !! 0.6588! !! 0.3953! !! 0.0888! !!

SMB! /0.0153! (0.0903)! /0.1276! (0.2264)! /0.0438! (0.1418)! 0.0064! (0.1127)!

!! 0.8659! !! 0.5740! !! 0.7578! !! 0.9547! !!

HML! 0.1906! (0.1532)! /0.0968! (0.2819)! 0.0784! (0.2142)! 0.1144! (0.1505)!

!! 0.2159! !! 0.7320! !! 0.7150! !! 0.4486! !!

Intercept! 0.0055! (0.0019)! 0.0122! (0.0044)! 0.0092! (0.0030)! 0.0053! (0.0024)!

!! 0.0051! !! 0.0061! !! 0.0030! !! 0.0273! !!

R2! 0.1137! !! 0.0051! !! 0.0201! !! 0.1115! !!

!!! &

! XLI!

A.5.1.3. FamaBFrench&Factors&+&Momentum&!

F&F!+!Mom! Top!30! Top!5! Top!10! Top!20!

DAX/rf! 0.0357! (0.0477)! /0.0094! (0.0996)! 0.0192! (0.0648)! 0.0767! (0.0553)!

!! 0.4558! !! 0.9250! !! 0.7673! !! 0.1678! !!

SMB! /0.0508! (0.1024)! /0.1616! (0.2327)! /0.0706! (0.1440)! /0.0400! (0.1178)!

!! 0.6211! !! 0.4887! !! 0.6245! !! 0.7350! !!

HML! 0.0249! (0.1363)! /0.2555! (0.2837)! /0.0469! (0.2054)! /0.0424! (0.1420)!

!! 0.8556! !! 0.3697! !! 0.8199! !! 0.7661! !!

WML! /0.2473! (0.0497)! /0.2369! (0.0973)! /0.1869! (0.0661)! /0.2339! (0.0604)!

!! 0.0000! !! 0.0165! !! 0.0055! !! 0.0002! !!

Intercept! 0.0076! (0.0017)! 0.0141! (0.0046)! 0.0107! (0.0031)! 0.0072! (0.0022)!

!! 0.0000! !! 0.0026! !! 0.0007! !! 0.0014! !!

R2! 0.2661! !! 0.0366! !! 0.0646! !! 0.2193! !!


A.5.1.4. Volatility&!

A. Linear!!

Volatility! Top!30! Top!5! Top!10! Top!20!

DAX/rf! 0.1457! (0.0588)! 0.0853! (0.0760)! 0.1005! (0.0567)! 0.1721! (0.0629)!

!! 0.0147! !! 0.2644! !! 0.0792! !! 0.0072! !!

DAXvol30! 0.0004! (0.0002)! 0.0009! (0.0004)! 0.0004! (0.0002)! 0.0004! (0.0002)!

!! 0.0649! !! 0.0269! !! 0.0584! !! 0.0486! !!

Intercept! /0.0030! (0.0048)! /0.0074! (0.0094)! /0.0001! (0.0058)! /0.0039! (0.0053)!

!! 0.5312! !! 0.4287! !! 0.9846! !! 0.4633! !!

R2! 0.1256! !! 0.0396! !! 0.0375! !! 0.1359! !!


A. Quadratic!!

Volatility!squared! Top!30! Top!5! Top!10! Top!20!

DAX/rf! 0.1446! (0.0574)! 0.0883! (0.0806)! 0.0999! (0.0563)! 0.1708! (0.0611)!

!! 0.0132! !! 0.2755! !! 0.0788! !! 0.0061! !!

DAXvol30! 0.0012! (0.0007)! /0.0013! (0.0012)! 0.0008! (0.0008)! 0.0014! (0.0007)!

!! 0.1122! !! 0.2872! !! 0.3147! !! 0.0376! !!

DAXvol30^2! 0.0000! (0.0000)! 0.0000! (0.0000)! 0.0000! (0.0000)! 0.0000! (0.0000)!

!! 0.2949! !! 0.0571! !! 0.6212! !! 0.1349! !!

Intercept! /0.0123! (0.0087)! 0.0189! (0.0156)! /0.0051! (0.0098)! /0.0153! (0.0081)!

!! 0.1605! !! 0.2278! !! 0.5990! !! 0.0617! !!

R2! 0.1372! !! 0.0608! !! 0.0392! !! 0.1498! !!



!A. Lagged!1!month!

!Volatility!F1! Top!30! Top!5! Top!10! Top!20!

DAX/rf! 0.1342! (0.0707)! 0.0937! (0.0888)! 0.0810! (0.0699)! 0.1618! (0.0749)!

!! 0.0603! !! 0.2935! !! 0.2494! !! 0.0328! !!

DAXvol30! 0.0003! (0.0006)! 0.0010! (0.0008)! 0.0002! (0.0007)! 0.0003! (0.0006)!

!! 0.6736! !! 0.2222! !! 0.8086! !! 0.6018! !!

DAXvol30(/1)! 0.0002! (0.0005)! /0.0001! (0.0009)! 0.0003! (0.0007)! 0.0002! (0.0005)!

!! 0.7303! !! 0.8763! !! 0.6290! !! 0.7235! !!

Intercept! /0.0037! (0.0044)! /0.0071! (0.0101)! /0.0011! (0.0056)! /0.0044! (0.0051)!

!! 0.4026! !! 0.4847! !! 0.8423! !! 0.3875! !!

R2! 0.1282! !! 0.0390! !! 0.0419! !! 0.1372! !!


A. Lagged!2!months!!

Volatility!F2! Top!30! Top!5! Top!10! Top!20!

DAX/rf! 0.1352! (0.0604)! 0.0928! (0.0707)! 0.0874! (0.0530)! 0.1612! (0.0649)!

!! 0.0271! !! 0.1919! !! 0.1020! !! 0.0145! !!

DAXvol30! 0.0004! (0.0003)! 0.0013! (0.0007)! 0.0005! (0.0004)! 0.0004! (0.0003)!

!! 0.2089! !! 0.0530! !! 0.1857! !! 0.1894! !!

DAXvol30(/2)! 0.0001! (0.0002)! /0.0005! (0.0007)! 0.0000! (0.0003)! 0.0001! (0.0003)!

!! 0.8348! !! 0.4753! !! 0.9928! !! 0.7379! !!

Alpha! /0.0042! (0.0047)! /0.0045! (0.0099)! /0.0013! (0.0063)! /0.0052! (0.0055)!

!! 0.3681! !! 0.6500! !! 0.8394! !! 0.3395! !!

R2! 0.1251! !! 0.0544! !! 0.0412! !! 0.1337! !!


A. Lagged!3!months! !!

Volatility!F3! Top!30! Top!5! Top!10! Top!20!

DAX/rf! 0.1341! (0.0571)! 0.0747! (0.0743)! 0.0881! (0.0543)! 0.1591! (0.0593)!

!! 0.0207! !! 0.3167! !! 0.1072! !! 0.0083! !!

DAXvol30! 0.0004! (0.0002)! 0.0008! (0.0005)! 0.0004! (0.0003)! 0.0004! (0.0003)!

!! 0.1128! !! 0.1102! !! 0.1287! !! 0.0923! !!

DAXvol30(/3)! 0.0001! (0.0001)! 0.0000! (0.0004)! 0.0000! (0.0002)! 0.0002! (0.0002)!

!! 0.4182! !! 0.9560! !! 0.8674! !! 0.3773! !!

Alpha! /0.0050! (0.0054)! /0.0057! (0.0100)! 0.0000! (0.0067)! /0.0071! (0.0065)!

!! 0.3574! !! 0.5701! !! 0.9992! !! 0.2772! !!

R2! 0.1260! !! 0.0337! !! 0.0634! !! 0.1388! !!



A. Lagged!4!months!!

Volatility!F4! Top!30! Top!5! Top!10! Top!20!

DAX/rf! 0.0904! (0.0591)! 0.0255! (0.0831)! 0.0481! (0.0601)! 0.0977! (0.0513)!

!! 0.1291! !! 0.7590! !! 0.4246! !! 0.0595! !!

DAXvol30! 0.0002! (0.0002)! 0.0005! (0.0006)! 0.0002! (0.0003)! 0.0001! (0.0002)!

!! 0.4529! !! 0.3568! !! 0.5408! !! 0.4894! !!

DAXvol30(/4)! 0.0004! (0.0002)! 0.0005! (0.0004)! 0.0004! (0.0002)! 0.0004! (0.0002)!

!! 0.0071! !! 0.1535! !! 0.0629! !! 0.0129! !!

Alpha! /0.0069! (0.0055)! /0.0113! (0.0118)! /0.0030! (0.0069)! /0.0070! (0.0060)!

!! 0.2119! !! 0.3416! !! 0.6606! !! 0.2407! !!

R2! 0.1121! !! 0.0371! !! 0.0355! !! 0.1024! !!


A. Lagged!5!months!!

Volatility!F5! Top!30! Top!5! Top!10! Top!20!

DAX/rf! 0.0729! (0.0513)! 0.0289! (0.0837)! 0.0367! (0.0579)! 0.0848! (0.0465)!

!! 0.1584! !! 0.7308! !! 0.5274! !! 0.0712! !!

DAXvol30! 0.0001! (0.0002)! 0.0007! (0.0005)! 0.0002! (0.0002)! 0.0001! (0.0002)!

!! 0.4994! !! 0.2047! !! 0.4663! !! 0.4534! !!

DAXvol30(/5)! 0.0006! (0.0002)! 0.0005! (0.0003)! 0.0006! (0.0002)! 0.0006! (0.0001)!

!! 0.0001! !! 0.0847! !! 0.0018! !! 0.0001! !!

Alpha! /0.0105! (0.0044)! /0.0124! (0.0107)! /0.0064! (0.0060)! /0.0099! (0.0049)!

!! 0.0177! !! 0.2478! !! 0.2915! !! 0.0458! !!

R2! 0.1747! !! 0.0436! !! 0.0611! !! 0.1425! !!


A. Lagged!6!months!!

Volatility!F6! Top!30! Top!5! Top!10! Top!20!

DAX/rf! 0.0946! (0.0573)! 0.0571! (0.0827)! 0.0505! (0.0571)! 0.0967! (0.0481)!

!! 0.1015! !! 0.4911! !! 0.3787! !! 0.0466! !!

DAXvol30! 0.0002! (0.0002)! 0.0008! (0.0005)! 0.0002! (0.0003)! 0.0002! (0.0002)!

!! 0.3046! !! 0.1482! !! 0.4121! !! 0.3537! !!

DAXvol30(/6)! 0.0004! (0.0001)! 0.0005! (0.0003)! 0.0007! (0.0002)! 0.0006! (0.0002)!

!! 0.0060! !! 0.1076! !! 0.0022! !! 0.0004! !!

Alpha! /0.0079! (0.0051)! /0.0140! (0.0107)! /0.0088! (0.0061)! /0.0105! (0.0052)!

!! 0.1245! !! 0.1907! !! 0.1550! !! 0.0452! !!

R2! 0.1193! !! 0.0526! !! 0.0834! !! 0.1456! !!



A. Lagged!12!months!!

Volatility!F12! Top!30! Top!5! Top!10! Top!20!

DAX/rf! 0.1128! (0.0706)! 0.0630! (0.0945)! 0.0767! (0.0697)! 0.1161! (0.0635)!

!! 0.1133! !! 0.5063! !! 0.2735! !! 0.0706! !!

DAXvol30! 0.0004! (0.0003)! 0.0009! (0.0005)! 0.0004! (0.0003)! 0.0003! (0.0003)!

!! 0.2033! !! 0.0715! !! 0.1232! !! 0.1769! !!

DAXvol30(/12)! 0.0001! (0.0002)! 0.0001! (0.0004)! 0.0001! (0.0002)! 0.0002! (0.0002)!

!! 0.7374! !! 0.7849! !! 0.6242! !! 0.2010! !!

Intercept! /0.0030! (0.0069)! /0.0095! (0.0127)! /0.0021! (0.0085)! /0.0064! (0.0067)!

!! 0.6611! !! 0.4556! !! 0.8093! !! 0.3412! !!

R2! 0.0914! !! 0.0376! !! 0.0250! !! 0.0699! !!


A. Lagged!12!months!!

Implied!volatility! Top!30! Top!5! Top!10! Top!20!

DAX/rf! 0.1217! (0.0576)! 0.0315! (0.0793)! 0.0748! (0.0560)! 0.1464! (0.0602)!

!! 0.0368! !! 0.6920! !! 0.1841! !! 0.0165! !!

VIX! 0.0005! (0.0002)! 0.0013! (0.0005)! 0.0006! (0.0003)! 0.0006! (0.0002)!

!! 0.0240! !! 0.0186! !! 0.0403! !! 0.0202! !!

Alpha! /0.0059! (0.0055)! /0.0164! (0.0124)! /0.0050! (0.0077)! /0.0075! (0.0061)!

!! 0.2776! !! 0.1908! !! 0.5197! !! 0.2248! !!

r2! 0.1283! !! 0.0506! !! 0.0456! !! 0.1406! !!


A.5.1.5. Liquidity&


Liquidity! Top!30! Top!5! Top!10! Top!20!

DAX/rf! 0.1453! (0.0625)! 0.0516! (0.0880)! 0.0994! (0.0613)! 0.1664! (0.0661)!

!! 0.0218! !! 0.5584! !! 0.1074! !! 0.0131! !!

EUTED! 0.9142! (0.3875)! 0.8143! (0.8284)! 0.9529! (0.4517)! 0.7792! (0.4070)!

!! 0.0200! !! 0.3277! !! 0.0370! !! 0.0580! !!

Intercept! 0.0007! (0.0028)! 0.0075! (0.0061)! 0.0040! (0.0039)! 0.0011! (0.0033)!

!! 0.8085! !! 0.2165! !! 0.3003! !! 0.7307! !!

R2! 0.1303! !! 0.0082! !! 0.0390! !! 0.1274! !!

!!( !

! XLV!


Liquidity!US!TED! Top!30! Top!5! Top!10! Top!20!

DAX/rf! 0.1444! (0.0628)! 0.0822! (0.0738)! 0.1049! (0.0555)! 0.1645! (0.0654)!

!! 0.0232! !! 0.2678! !! 0.0613! !! 0.0133! !!

USTED! 0.9042! (0.3946)! 2.0258! (0.9264)! 1.1934! (0.5434)! 0.7292! (0.4738)!

!! 0.0237! !! 0.0308! !! 0.0300! !! 0.1265! !!

Intercept! 0.0010! (0.0025)! 0.0016! (0.0058)! 0.0030! (0.0033)! 0.0016! (0.0028)!

!! 0.7034! !! 0.7880! !! 0.3645! !! 0.5782! !!

R2! 0.1266! !! 0.0406! !! 0.0486! !! 0.1231! !!


A. EU!TED!+!Momentum!!

Liquidity+WML! Top!30! Top!5! Top!10! Top!20!

DAX/rf! 0.0661! (0.0451)! /0.0097! (0.0956)! 0.0432! (0.0578)! 0.0944! (0.0505)!

!! 0.1458! !! 0.9196! !! 0.4565! !! 0.0641! !!

EUTED! 0.8832! (0.3104)! 0.7904! (0.8305)! 0.9310! (0.4213)! 0.7510! (0.3612)!

!! 0.0052! !! 0.3432! !! 0.0291! !! 0.0398! !!

WML! /0.2471! (0.0433)! /0.1912! (0.0866)! /0.1753! (0.0596)! /0.2245! (0.0506)!

!! 0.0000! !! 0.0293! !! 0.0040! !! 0.0000! !!

Alpha! 0.0027! (0.0026)! 0.0091! (0.0061)! 0.0055! (0.0038)! 0.0030! (0.0030)!

!! 0.2913! !! 0.1385! !! 0.1497! !! 0.3228! !!

r2! 0.3000! !! 0.0310! !! 0.0827! !! 0.2382! !!


A. US!TED!+!Momentum!!

Liquidity!US+WML! Top!30! Top!5! Top!10! Top!20!

DAX/rf! 0.0648! (0.0431)! 0.0223! (0.0822)! 0.0489! (0.0501)! 0.0921! (0.0477)!

!! 0.1353! !! 0.7864! !! 0.3310! !! 0.0559! !!

USTED! 0.8398! (0.2874)! 1.9774! (0.9305)! 1.1482! (0.5242)! 0.6706! (0.4096)!

!! 0.0042! !! 0.0357! !! 0.0305! !! 0.1043! !!

WML! /0.2456! (0.0441)! /0.1849! (0.0775)! /0.1726! (0.0588)! /0.2234! (0.0504)!

!! 0.0000! !! 0.0187! !! 0.0040! !! 0.0000! !!

Alpha! 0.0032! (0.0022)! 0.0032! (0.0059)! 0.0046! (0.0033)! 0.0036! (0.0025)!

!! 0.1464! !! 0.5889! !! 0.1634! !! 0.1535! !!

r2! 0.2941! !! 0.0620! !! 0.0910! !! 0.2327! !!

!!( !


A. Volume!!

Liquidity!volume! Top!30! Top!5! Top!10! Top!20!

DAX/rf! 0.1365! (0.0591)! 0.0348! (0.0905)! 0.0819! (0.0586)! 0.1522! (0.0655)!

!! 0.0227! !! 0.7014! !! 0.1651! !! 0.0218! !!

log(!DAXvm)! 0.0085! (0.0092)! 0.0026! (0.0173)! 0.0043! (0.0111)! 0.0035! (0.0099)!

!! 0.3597! !! 0.8794! !! 0.7031! !! 0.7202! !!

Intercept! /0.0222! (0.0293)! 0.0033! (0.0559)! /0.0048! (0.0361)! /0.0063! (0.0312)!

!! 0.4505! !! 0.9535! !! 0.8940! !! 0.8406! !!

R2! 0.0999! !! 0.0014! !! 0.0187! !! 0.1064! !!


A. EU!TED!Quadratic!!

Liquidity!squared! Top!30! Top!5! Top!10! Top!20!

DAX/rf! 0.1419! (0.0628)! 0.0519! (0.0896)! 0.0927! (0.0623)! 0.1643! (0.0672)!

!! 0.0257! !! 0.5639! !! 0.1392! !! 0.0160! !!

EUTED! 1.5669! (0.8819)! 0.7701! (2.1131)! 2.2380! (1.2948)! 1.1900! (0.9626)!

!! 0.0782! !! 0.7162! !! 0.0866! !! 0.2189! !!

EUTED^2! /30.3800! (39.9280)! 2.0580! (89.2744)! /59.8100! (48.4598)! /19.1000! (38.6230)!

!! 0.4483! !! 0.9816! !! 0.2196! !! 0.6219! !!

Intercept! /0.0011! (0.0034)! 0.0076! (0.0077)! 0.0006! (0.0047)! 0.0000! (0.0040)!

!! 0.7548! !! 0.3238! !! 0.8997! !! 0.9941! !!

R2! 0.1342! !! 0.0082! !! 0.0467! !! 0.1286! !!


A. US!TED!Quadratic!!

Liquidity!US!squared! Top!30! Top!5! Top!10! Top!20!

DAX/rf! 0.1419! (0.0645)! 0.0519! (0.0752)! 0.0927! (0.0566)! 0.1643! (0.0675)!

!! 0.0298! !! 0.4917! !! 0.1040! !! 0.0164! !!

USTED! 1.5669! (1.1257)! 0.7701! (2.9682)! 2.2380! (1.8513)! 1.1900! (1.2765)!

!! 0.1666! !! 0.7957! !! 0.2292! !! 0.3532! !!

USTED^2! /30.3800! (42.3860)! 2.0580!(125.3765)! /59.8100! (62.9481)! /19.1000! (44.4735)!

!! 0.4750! !! 0.9869! !! 0.3440! !! 0.6684! !!

Intercept! /0.0011! (0.0035)! 0.0076! (0.0095)! 0.0006! (0.0057)! 0.0000! (0.0039)!

!! 0.7623! !! 0.4219! !! 0.9178! !! 0.9939! !!

R2! 0.1310! !! 0.0420! !! 0.0486! !! 0.1282! !!

!!( !


A. EU!TED!lagged!1!month!!

Liquidity!F1! Top!30! Top!5! Top!10! Top!20!

DAX/rf! 0.1441! (0.0640)! 0.0551! (0.0844)! 0.0974! (0.0608)! 0.1669! (0.0677)!

!! 0.0264! !! 0.5152! !! 0.1120! !! 0.0153! !!

EUTED! 1.2103! (0.9490)! /1.8812! (1.0080)! 0.0788! (1.0433)! 0.9674! (1.0338)!

!! 0.2047! !! 0.0645! !! 0.9399! !! 0.3514! !!

EUTED(/1)! /0.3565! (0.9668)! 3.1545! (1.4986)! 0.9882! (1.0244)! /0.2126! (1.0220)!

!! 0.7130! !! 0.0375! !! 0.3367! !! 0.8356! !!

Alpha! 0.0011! (0.0029)! 0.0049! (0.0064)! 0.0035! (0.0039)! 0.0012! (0.0034)!

!! 0.7107! !! 0.4422! !! 0.3674! !! 0.7205! !!

R2! 0.1275! !! 0.0373! !! 0.0434! !! 0.1264! !!


A. US!TED!lagged!1!month!!

Liquidity!US!F1! Top!30! Top!5! Top!10! Top!20!

DAX/rf! 0.1424! (0.0635)! 0.0891! (0.0733)! 0.1041! (0.0553)! 0.1646! (0.0665)!

!! 0.0267! !! 0.2266! !! 0.0626! !! 0.0148! !!

USTED! 1.3525! (0.8626)! 0.3683! (2.0025)! 0.2851! (0.9567)! 0.7405! (1.1770)!

!! 0.1196! !! 0.8544! !! 0.7663! !! 0.5305! !!

USTED(/1)! /0.5518! (0.8807)! 2.0384! (2.0034)! 1.0687! (0.9914)! /0.0120! (1.0261)!

!! 0.5322! !! 0.3111! !! 0.2833! !! 0.9907! !!

Alpha! 0.0016! (0.0026)! /0.0006! (0.0057)! 0.0023! (0.0036)! 0.0016! (0.0029)!

!! 0.5512! !! 0.9152! !! 0.5207! !! 0.5850! !!

R2! 0.1266! !! 0.0555! !! 0.0548! !! 0.1217! !!


A. !EU!TED!lagged!2!months!!

Liquidity!F2! Top!30! Top!5! Top!10! Top!20!

DAX/rf! 0.1346! (0.0640)! 0.0333! (0.0844)! 0.0784! (0.0608)! 0.1576! (0.0677)!

!! 0.0378! !! 0.6935! !! 0.2000! !! 0.0218! !!

EUTED! 0.4945! (0.9490)! /0.4043! (1.0080)! /0.2357! (1.0433)! 0.1153! (1.0338)!

!! 0.6033! !! 0.6891! !! 0.8217! !! 0.9114! !!

EUTED(/2)! 0.4664! (0.9668)! 1.5178! (1.4986)! 1.4297! (1.0244)! 0.8338! (1.0220)!

!! 0.6304! !! 0.3133! !! 0.1655! !! 0.4163! !!

Alpha! 0.0008! (0.0029)! 0.0065! (0.0064)! 0.0035! (0.0039)! 0.0005! (0.0034)!

!! 0.7725! !! 0.3094! !! 0.3697! !! 0.8800! !!

R2! 0.1167! !! 0.0183! !! 0.0529! !! 0.1273! !!



A. US!TED!lagged!2!months!!

Liquidity!US!F2! Top!30! Top!5! Top!10! Top!20!

DAX/rf! 0.1389! (0.0616)! 0.0822! (0.0743)! 0.0975! (0.0507)! 0.1632! (0.0635)!

!! 0.0262! !! 0.2705! !! 0.0570! !! 0.0115! !!

USTED! 0.3015! (0.6123)! 0.4743! (1.2526)! /0.1581! (0.6565)! /0.0531! (0.7732)!

!! 0.6234! !! 0.7057! !! 0.8101! !! 0.9454! !!

USTED(/2)! 0.7370! (0.5894)! 2.0572! (1.7088)! 1.7065! (0.7185)! 1.0196! (0.6406)!

!! 0.2137! !! 0.2311! !! 0.0192! !! 0.1143! !!

Alpha! 0.0007! (0.0029)! /0.0006! (0.0067)! 0.0019! (0.0039)! 0.0007! (0.0032)!

!! 0.8151! !! 0.9263! !! 0.6287! !! 0.8374! !!

R2! 0.1203! !! 0.0573! !! 0.0691! !! 0.1280! !!


A. EU!TED!lagged!3!months!!

Liquidity!F3! Top!30! Top!5! Top!10! Top!20!

DAX/rf! 0.1410! (0.0659)! 0.0567! (0.0951)! 0.0957! (0.0641)! 0.1598! (0.0677)!

!! 0.0344! !! 0.5521! !! 0.1381! !! 0.0200! !!

EUTED! 0.8002! (0.4669)! 1.1788! (1.3855)! 0.5382! (0.6206)! 0.5013! (0.4915)!

!! 0.0893! !! 0.3967! !! 0.3876! !! 0.3099! !!

EUTED(/3)! 0.1415! (0.4402)! /0.4618! (1.5371)! 0.6650! (0.6027)! 0.3724! (0.4798)!

!! 0.7485! !! 0.7644! !! 0.2722! !! 0.4393! !!

Alpha! 0.0007! (0.0032)! 0.0076! (0.0071)! 0.0027! (0.0042)! 0.0009! (0.0038)!

!! 0.8379! !! 0.2907! !! 0.5205! !! 0.8191! !!

R2! 0.1201! !! 0.0115! !! 0.0449! !! 0.1165! !!


A. US!TED!lagged!3!months!!

Liquidity!US!F3! Top!30! Top!5! Top!10! Top!20!

DAX/rf! 0.1393! (0.0659)! 0.0808! (0.0811)! 0.1031! (0.0579)! 0.1582! (0.0669)!

!! 0.0368! !! 0.3209! !! 0.0775! !! 0.0198! !!

USTED! 0.9086! (0.4910)! 1.1850! (1.5918)! 0.7904! (0.6618)! 0.4830! (0.6564)!

!! 0.0668! !! 0.4582! !! 0.2349! !! 0.4633! !!

USTED(/3)! /0.0583! (0.4251)! 1.1532! (1.6475)! 0.6078! (0.6333)! 0.2953! (0.5102)!

!! 0.8911! !! 0.4854! !! 0.3393! !! 0.5639! !!

Alpha! 0.0014! (0.0029)! 0.0069! (0.0066)! 0.0020! (0.0038)! 0.0016! (0.0032)!

!! 0.6348! !! 0.3007! !! 0.6021! !! 0.6182! !!

R2! 0.1158! !! 0.0498! !! 0.0526! !! 0.1109! !!



A. EU!TED!lagged!4!months!!

Liquidity!F4! Top!30! Top!5! Top!10! Top!20!

DAX/rf! 0.1126! (0.0618)! 0.0241! (0.0922)! 0.0710! (0.0610)! 0.1167! (0.0536)!

!! 0.0712! !! 0.7939! !! 0.2466! !! 0.0316! !!

EUTED! 0.3449! (0.4220)! 0.3198! (1.0635)! 0.1746! (0.5838)! 0.0448! (0.4680)!

!! 0.4155! !! 0.7642! !! 0.7654! !! 0.9239! !!

EUTED(/4)! 1.0054! (0.4634)! 1.0683! (0.8923)! 1.4567! (0.6383)! 1.2559! (0.5658)!

!! 0.0321! !! 0.2337! !! 0.0244! !! 0.0284! !!

Alpha! /0.0018! (0.0032)! 0.0037! (0.0070)! 0.0002! (0.0043)! /0.0018! (0.0038)!

!! 0.5738! !! 0.5994! !! 0.9644! !! 0.6284! !!

R2! 0.1289! !! 0.0184! !! 0.0726! !! 0.1242! !!


A. US!TED!lagged!4!months!!

Liquidity!US!F4! Top!30! Top!5! Top!10! Top!20!

DAX/rf! 0.1155! (0.0650)! 0.0635! (0.0816)! 0.0835! (0.0579)! 0.1195! (0.0553)!

!! 0.0786! !! 0.4383! !! 0.1518! !! 0.0330! !!

USTED! 0.4614! (0.4594)! 1.7512! (1.2367)! 0.6142! (0.6112)! 0.1293! (0.5885)!

!! 0.3174! !! 0.1595! !! 0.3171! !! 0.8265! !!

USTED(/4)! 0.6721! (0.5069)! 0.5992! (1.0567)! 0.9779! (0.6604)! 0.8743! (0.5898)!

!! 0.1875! !! 0.5718! !! 0.1415! !! 0.1411! !!

Alpha! /0.0004! (0.0031)! /0.0010! (0.0064)! 0.0007! (0.0041)! 0.0000! (0.0033)!

!! 0.9102! !! 0.8727! !! 0.8547! !! 0.9992! !!

R2! 0.0968! !! 0.0458! !! 0.0541! !! 0.0860! !!


A. EU!TED!lagged!5!months!!

Liquidity!F5! Top!30! Top!5! Top!10! Top!20!

DAX/rf! 0.1004! (0.0560)! 0.0100! (0.0898)! 0.0587! (0.0586)! 0.1026! (0.0474)!

!! 0.0754! !! 0.9111! !! 0.3184! !! 0.0327! !!

EUTED! 0.1392! (0.3857)! 0.0439! (1.0146)! 0.1775! (0.5218)! /0.1528! (0.3773)!

!! 0.7188! !! 0.9656! !! 0.7344! !! 0.6862! !!

EUTED(/5)! 1.3063! (0.2823)! 1.3444! (0.7130)! 1.2814! (0.4805)! 1.5097! (0.2858)!

!! 0.0000! !! 0.0620! !! 0.0088! !! 0.0000! !!

Alpha! /0.0019! (0.0030)! 0.0046! (0.0069)! 0.0017! (0.0042)! /0.0017! (0.0036)!

!! 0.5181! !! 0.5089! !! 0.6874! !! 0.6429! !!

R2! 0.1601! !! 0.0233! !! 0.0617! !! 0.1523! !!


! L!

A. US!TED!lagged!5!months!!

Liquidity!US!F5! Top!30! Top!5! Top!10! Top!20!

DAX/rf! 0.1056! (0.0571)! 0.0541! (0.0755)! 0.0722! (0.0524)! 0.1072! (0.0459)!

!! 0.0669! !! 0.4749! !! 0.1710! !! 0.0212! !!

USTED! /0.0446! (0.4342)! 1.3177! (1.1178)! 0.3542! (0.6800)! /0.4522! (0.5027)!

!! 0.9185! !! 0.2410! !! 0.6035! !! 0.3703! !!

USTED(/5)! 1.4822! (0.4179)! 1.1667! (0.7961)! 1.2865! (0.6039)! 1.7896! (0.4300)!

!! 0.0006! !! 0.1456! !! 0.0354! !! 0.0001! !!

Alpha! /0.0015! (0.0031)! /0.0009! (0.0066)! 0.0011! (0.0038)! /0.0012! (0.0034)!

!! 0.6160! !! 0.8941! !! 0.7807! !! 0.7153! !!

R2! 0.1631! !! 0.0512! !! 0.0663! !! 0.1645! !!


A. !EU!TED!lagged!6!months!!

Liquidity!F6! Top!30! Top!5! Top!10! Top!20!

DAX/rf! 0.0965! (0.0568)! 0.0253! (0.0953)! 0.0648! (0.0625)! 0.1004! (0.0511)!

!! 0.0918! !! 0.7913! !! 0.3027! !! 0.0518! !!

EUTED! 0.3242! (0.3812)! 0.3280! (0.9215)! 0.4402! (0.4858)! 0.0899! (0.3652)!

!! 0.3970! !! 0.7226! !! 0.3669! !! 0.8059! !!

EUTED(/6)! 0.9360! (0.3992)! 0.6783! (0.7501)! 0.7162! (0.4278)! 1.0171! (0.2846)!

!! 0.0208! !! 0.3678! !! 0.0969! !! 0.0005! !!

Alpha! /0.0009! (0.0033)! 0.0073! (0.0075)! 0.0036! (0.0046)! /0.0003! (0.0037)!

!! 0.7770! !! 0.3374! !! 0.4367! !! 0.9456! !!

R2! 0.1229! !! 0.0102! !! 0.0381! !! 0.1072! !!


A. US!TED!lagged!6!months!!

Liquidity!US!F6! Top!30! Top!5! Top!10! Top!20!

DAX/rf! 0.1020! (0.0585)! 0.0737! (0.0796)! 0.0816! (0.0579)! 0.1049! (0.0512)!

!! 0.0841! !! 0.3566! !! 0.1612! !! 0.0429! !!

USTED! 0.4044! (0.3999)! 1.9322! (1.1294)! 0.9629! (0.6737)! 0.1218! (0.5048)!

!! 0.3141! !! 0.0899! !! 0.1557! !! 0.8098! !!

USTED(/6)! 0.6889! (0.5416)! 0.0492! (0.9590)! 0.1930! (0.5509)! 0.7722! (0.4566)!

!! 0.2061! !! 0.9592! !! 0.7268! !! 0.0936! !!

Alpha! 0.0002! (0.0031)! 0.0023! (0.0067)! 0.0038! (0.0038)! 0.0011! (0.0031)!

!! 0.9427! !! 0.7349! !! 0.3171! !! 0.7293! !!

R2! 0.0982! !! 0.0411! !! 0.0378! !! 0.0840! !!


! LI!

A. EU!TED!lagged!12!months!!

Liquidity!F12! Top!30! Top!5! Top!10! Top!20!

DAX/rf! 0.1042! (0.0685)! 0.0219! (0.1061)! 0.0692! (0.0731)! 0.1007! (0.0608)!

!! 0.1310! !! 0.8366! !! 0.3463! !! 0.1008! !!

EUTED! 0.7458! (0.4201)! 0.9765! (0.8414)! 0.8879! (0.5040)! 0.5082! (0.4069)!

!! 0.0788! !! 0.2485! !! 0.0811! !! 0.2145! !!

EUTED(/12)! 0.4463! (0.4325)! 0.0848! (0.6873)! 0.3209! (0.6034)! 0.6114! (0.4299)!

!! 0.3045! !! 0.9020! !! 0.5960! !! 0.1580! !!

Alpha! /0.0009! (0.0036)! 0.0046! (0.0074)! 0.0022! (0.0048)! /0.0007! (0.0041)!

!! 0.7991! !! 0.5317! !! 0.6482! !! 0.8574! !!

R2! 0.0922! !! 0.0124! !! 0.0339! !! 0.0768! !!


A. US!TED!lagged!12!months!!

Liquidity!US!F12! Top!30! Top!5! Top!10! Top!20!

DAX/rf! 0.1054! (0.0687)! 0.0568! (0.0863)! 0.0763! (0.0641)! 0.1014! (0.0591)!

!! 0.1282! !! 0.5116! !! 0.2363! !! 0.0891! !!

USTED! 0.6274! (0.3851)! 2.0435! (1.0189)! 0.9839! (0.6507)! 0.3231! (0.4177)!

!! 0.1063! !! 0.0475! !! 0.1335! !! 0.4410! !!

USTED(/12)! 0.6547! (0.4705)! 0.5547! (0.8224)! 0.6871! (0.7205)! 0.8679! (0.5109)!

!! 0.1670! !! 0.5015! !! 0.3425! !! 0.0924! !!

Alpha! /0.0011! (0.0035)! /0.0032! (0.0069)! 0.0001! (0.0041)! /0.0009! (0.0036)!

!! 0.7588! !! 0.6471! !! 0.9720! !! 0.8081! !!

R2! 0.0973! !! 0.0602! !! 0.0533! !! 0.0861! !!

!!! !

! LII!

A.5.2. SXXP!results!!

A.5.2.1. CAPM&CAPM! Top!30! Top!5! Top!10! Top!20!

SXXP/rf! 0.1457! (0.0728)! 0.0234! (0.1206)! 0.0781! (0.0857)! 0.1677! (0.0779)!

!! 0.0477! !! 0.8465! !! 0.3644! !! 0.0333! !!

Alpha! 0.0058! (0.0019)! 0.0120! (0.0042)! 0.0093! (0.0029)! 0.0056! (0.0023)!

!! 0.0027! !! 0.0055! !! 0.0020! !! 0.0176! !!

R2! 0.0759! !! 0.0004! !! 0.0111! !! 0.0794! !!

! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !

!A.5.2.2. FamaBFrench&Factors&

!F&F! Top!30! Top!5! Top!10! Top!20!

SXXP/rf! 0.0970! (0.0785)! 0.0408! (0.1169)! 0.0536! (0.0932)! 0.1332! (0.0884)!





!SMB! /0.0477! (0.0972)! /0.1427! (0.2171)! /0.0659! (0.1384)! /0.0533! (0.1198)!





!HML! 0.2078! (0.1485)! /0.0849! (0.2842)! 0.1015! (0.2018)! 0.1456! (0.1405)!





!Alpha! 0.0057! (0.0019)! 0.0123! (0.0043)! 0.0093! (0.0030)! 0.0056! (0.0023)!





!R2! 0.1036!





A.5.2.3. FamaBFrench&Factors&+&Momentum&!

F&F!+!Mom! Top!30! Top!5! Top!10! Top!20!

SXXP/rf! 0.0210! (0.0639)! /0.0320! (0.1250)! /0.0049! (0.0884)! 0.0603! (0.0720)!

!! 0.7431! !! 0.7983! !! 0.9562! !! 0.4042! !!

SMB! /0.0651! (0.1020)! /0.1593! (0.2175)! /0.0793! (0.1373)! /0.0700! (0.1188)!

!! 0.5248! !! 0.4654! !! 0.5650! !! 0.5572! !!

HML! 0.0450! (0.1347)! /0.2408! (0.2890)! /0.0238! (0.1977)! /0.0105! (0.1375)!

!! 0.7392! !! 0.4064! !! 0.9043! !! 0.9391! !!

WML! /0.2540! (0.0536)! /0.2431! (0.1000)! /0.1954! (0.0704)! /0.2436! (0.0687)!

!! 0.0000! !! 0.0166! !! 0.0064! !! 0.0006! !!

Intercept! 0.0077! (0.0016)! 0.0142! (0.0044)! 0.0108! (0.0030)! 0.0075! (0.0022)!

!! 0.0000! !! 0.0018! !! 0.0004! !! 0.0007! !!

R2! 0.2617! !! 0.0371! !! 0.0638! !! 0.2062! !!



A.5.2.4. Volatility&!

A. Linear!!

Volatility! Top!30! Top!5! Top!10! Top!20!

SXXP/rf! 0.2119! (0.0799)! 0.1338! (0.1120)! 0.1457! (0.0907)! 0.2293! (0.0864)!

!! 0.0091! !! 0.2348! !! 0.1111! !! 0.0090! !!

SXXPvol30! 0.0006! (0.0003)! 0.0010! (0.0005)! 0.0006! (0.0003)! 0.0006! (0.0003)!

!! 0.0301! !! 0.0286! !! 0.0313! !! 0.0332! !!

Intercept! /0.0054! (0.0052)! /0.0067! (0.0093)! /0.0022! (0.0060)! /0.0049! (0.0052)!

!! 0.2974! !! 0.4699! !! 0.7171! !! 0.3505! !!

R2! 0.1316! !! 0.0354! !! 0.0410! !! 0.1177! !!


A. Quadratic!!

Volatility!squared! Top!30! Top!5! Top!10! Top!20!

SXXP/rf! 0.2016! (0.0786)! 0.1456! (0.1217)! 0.1355! (0.0900)! 0.2193! (0.0844)!

!! 0.0116! !! 0.2338! !! 0.1346! !! 0.0105! !!

SXXPvol30! 0.0017! (0.0007)! /0.0002! (0.0010)! 0.0017! (0.0008)! 0.0016! (0.0007)!

!! 0.0182! !! 0.8784! !! 0.0442! !! 0.0225! !!

SXXPvol30^2! 0.0000! (0.0000)! 0.0000! (0.0000)! 0.0000! (0.0000)! 0.0000! (0.0000)!

!! 0.1071! !! 0.2049! !! 0.1624! !! 0.0824! !!

Intercept! /0.0161! (0.0076)! 0.0055! (0.0123)! /0.0127! (0.0086)! /0.0152! (0.0077)!

!! 0.0362! !! 0.6532! !! 0.1452! !! 0.0514! !!

R2! 0.1571! !! 0.0429! !! 0.0535! !! 0.1366! !!

!A. 1!month!lagged!

!Volatility!F1! Top!30! Top!5! Top!10! Top!20!

SXXP/rf! 0.1888! (0.0969)! 0.0618! (0.1299)! 0.0886! (0.1084)! 0.1987! (0.0974)!

!! 0.0537! !! 0.6353! !! 0.4152! !! 0.0435! !!

SXXPvol30! 0.0004! (0.0006)! 0.0000! (0.0008)! /0.0001! (0.0007)! 0.0002! (0.0005)!

!! 0.5750! !! 0.9988! !! 0.9145! !! 0.7317! !!

SXXPvol30(/1)! 0.0003! (0.0004)! 0.0011! (0.0009)! 0.0008! (0.0005)! 0.0004! (0.0004)!

!! 0.5079! !! 0.2149! !! 0.1437! !! 0.2478! !!

Intercept! /0.0056! (0.0050)! /0.0082! (0.0096)! /0.0029! (0.0058)! /0.0054! (0.0052)!

!! 0.2661! !! 0.3960! !! 0.6189! !! 0.3084! !!

R2! 0.1323! !! 0.0516! !! 0.0561! !! 0.1248! !!


! LIV!

A. 2!months!lagged!!

Volatility!F2! Top!30! Top!5! Top!10! Top!20!

SXXP/rf! 0.1995! (0.0869)! 0.1411! (0.1178)! 0.1247! (0.0944)! 0.2136! (0.0927)!

!! 0.0236! !! 0.2336! !! 0.1894! !! 0.0230! !!

SXXPvol30! 0.0006! (0.0004)! 0.0013! (0.0007)! 0.0006! (0.0005)! 0.0005! (0.0004)!

!! 0.1838! !! 0.0843! !! 0.2353! !! 0.2333! !!

SXXPvol30(/2)! 0.0001! (0.0003)! /0.0003! (0.0007)! 0.0001! (0.0004)! 0.0002! (0.0003)!

!! 0.8084! !! 0.7196! !! 0.7141! !! 0.4715! !!

Alpha! /0.0057! (0.0045)! /0.0054! (0.0095)! /0.0029! (0.0057)! /0.0061! (0.0051)!

!! 0.2084! !! 0.5729! !! 0.6141! !! 0.2327! !!

R2! 0.1281! !! 0.0409! !! 0.0427! !! 0.1185! !!


A. 3!months!lagged!!

Volatility!F3! Top!30! Top!5! Top!10! Top!20!

SXXP/rf! 0.2032! (0.0796)! 0.1298! (0.1161)! 0.1293! (0.0916)! 0.2227! (0.0861)!

!! 0.0120! !! 0.2657! !! 0.1607! !! 0.0109! !!

SXXPvol30! 0.0006! (0.0003)! 0.0010! (0.0006)! 0.0006! (0.0003)! 0.0006! (0.0003)!

!! 0.0443! !! 0.0866! !! 0.0809! !! 0.0604! !!

SXXPvol30(/3)! 0.0000! (0.0002)! /0.0001! (0.0005)! 0.0000! (0.0003)! 0.0001! (0.0002)!

!! 0.9208! !! 0.7699! !! 0.9916! !! 0.8103! !!

Alpha! /0.0049! (0.0058)! /0.0038! (0.0093)! /0.0008! (0.0062)! /0.0057! (0.0062)!

!! 0.3935! !! 0.6851! !! 0.8943! !! 0.3624! !!

R2! 0.1257! !! 0.0312! !! 0.0349! !! 0.1163! !!


A. 4!months!lagged!!

Volatility!F4! Top!30! Top!5! Top!10! Top!20!

SXXP/rf! 0.1441! (0.0807)! 0.0562! (0.1140)! 0.0712! (0.0945)! 0.1399! (0.0717)!

!! 0.0769! !! 0.6232! !! 0.4528! !! 0.0535! !!

SXXPvol30! 0.0003! (0.0003)! 0.0005! (0.0006)! 0.0002! (0.0003)! 0.0002! (0.0002)!

!! 0.2622! !! 0.3730! !! 0.4587! !! 0.3782! !!

SXXPvol30(/4)! 0.0005! (0.0002)! 0.0008! (0.0004)! 0.0006! (0.0003)! 0.0005! (0.0002)!

!! 0.0068! !! 0.0412! !! 0.0171! !! 0.0035! !!

Alpha! /0.0081! (0.0051)! /0.0113! (0.0107)! /0.0056! (0.0060)! /0.0077! (0.0052)!

!! 0.1109! !! 0.2912! !! 0.3469! !! 0.1445! !!

R2! 0.1235! !! 0.0438! !! 0.0543! !! 0.1089! !!


! LV!


A. 5!months!lagged!!

Volatility!F5! Top!30! Top!5! Top!10! Top!20!

SXXP/rf! 0.1195! (0.0706)! 0.0626! (0.1173)! 0.0591! (0.0905)! 0.1215! (0.0654)!

!! 0.0932! !! 0.5943! !! 0.5149! !! 0.0658! !!

SXXPvol30! 0.0002! (0.0002)! 0.0006! (0.0006)! 0.0002! (0.0003)! 0.0001! (0.0002)!

!! 0.4410! !! 0.2960! !! 0.5130! !! 0.5780! !!

SXXPvol30(/5)! 0.0008! (0.0002)! 0.0006! (0.0004)! 0.0007! (0.0003)! 0.0007! (0.0002)!

!! 0.0000! !! 0.1175! !! 0.0096! !! 0.0001! !!

Alpha! /0.0108! (0.0037)! /0.0093! (0.0096)! /0.0064! (0.0058)! /0.0094! (0.0044)!

!! 0.0044! !! 0.3347! !! 0.2715! !! 0.0341! !!

R2! 0.1930! !! 0.0383! !! 0.0693! !! 0.1508! !!


A. 6!months!lagged!!

Volatility!F6! Top!30! Top!5! Top!10! Top!20!

SXXP/rf! 0.1380! (0.0752)! 0.0943! (0.1189)! 0.0707! (0.0921)! 0.1287! (0.0674)!

!! 0.0692! !! 0.4294! !! 0.4444! !! 0.0587! !!

SXXPvol30! 0.0003! (0.0003)! 0.0008! (0.0006)! 0.0003! (0.0003)! 0.0002! (0.0002)!

!! 0.2448! !! 0.1772! !! 0.3973! !! 0.4197! !!

SXXPvol30(/6)! 0.0004! (0.0002)! 0.0003! (0.0004)! 0.0006! (0.0003)! 0.0006! (0.0002)!

!! 0.0244! !! 0.3953! !! 0.0219! !! 0.0028! !!

Alpha! /0.0076! (0.0048)! /0.0068! (0.0093)! /0.0051! (0.0055)! /0.0078! (0.0045)!

!! 0.1158! !! 0.4649! !! 0.3479! !! 0.0864! !!

R2! 0.1236! !! 0.0333! !! 0.0586! !! 0.1227! !!


A. 12!months!lagged!!

Volatility!F12! Top!30! Top!5! Top!10! Top!20!

SXXP/rf! 0.1633! (0.0904)! 0.1035! (0.1305)! 0.1026! (0.1051)! 0.1531! (0.0873)!

!! 0.0739! !! 0.4297! !! 0.3315! !! 0.0824! !!

SXXPvol30! 0.0005! (0.0003)! 0.0009! (0.0005)! 0.0005! (0.0003)! 0.0004! (0.0003)!

!! 0.1384! !! 0.0718! !! 0.1142! !! 0.1910! !!

SXXPvol30(/12)! 0.0001! (0.0002)! 0.0001! (0.0004)! 0.0002! (0.0003)! 0.0003! (0.0002)!

!! 0.6584! !! 0.8244! !! 0.5634! !! 0.2192! !!

Intercept! /0.0048! (0.0065)! /0.0075! (0.0110)! /0.0034! (0.0079)! /0.0065! (0.0062)!

!! 0.4619! !! 0.4956! !! 0.6652! !! 0.2980! !!

R2! 0.0840! !! 0.0338! !! 0.0302! !! 0.0757! !!

! LVI!

!A. Implied!volatility!(VIX)!

!Implied!volatility! Top!30! Top!5! Top!10! Top!20!

SXXP/rf! 0.1521! (0.0722)! 0.0381! (0.1056)! 0.0856! (0.0835)! 0.1748! (0.0751)!

!! 0.0373! !! 0.7189! !! 0.3072! !! 0.0217! !!

VIX! 0.0006! (0.0002)! 0.0013! (0.0005)! 0.0007! (0.0003)! 0.0006! (0.0003)!

!! 0.0191! !! 0.0180! !! 0.0382! !! 0.0166! !!

Alpha! /0.0066! (0.0056)! /0.0165! (0.0126)! /0.0053! (0.0079)! /0.0082! (0.0063)!

!! 0.2401! !! 0.1911! !! 0.5038! !! 0.1944! !!

r2! 0.1179! !! 0.0504! !! 0.0410! !! 0.1204! !!


A.5.2.5. Liquidity&!


Liquidity! Top!30! Top!5! Top!10! Top!20!

SXXP/rf! 0.1995! (0.0826)! 0.0652! (0.1230)! 0.1295! (0.0966)! 0.2140! (0.0863)!

!! 0.0173! !! 0.5970! !! 0.1826! !! 0.0146! !!

EUTED! 1.1156! (0.4506)! 0.8665! (0.8886)! 1.0670! (0.5276)! 0.9604! (0.4810)!

!! 0.0147! !! 0.3315! !! 0.0454! !! 0.0482! !!

Intercept! /0.0002! (0.0030)! 0.0073! (0.0063)! 0.0036! (0.0041)! 0.0004! (0.0034)!

!! 0.9492! !! 0.2464! !! 0.3903! !! 0.8999! !!

R2! 0.1283! !! 0.0076! !! 0.0357! !! 0.1102! !!



Liquidity!US!TED! Top!30! Top!5! Top!10! Top!20!

SXXP/rf! 0.2073! (0.0808)! 0.1396! (0.1006)! 0.1500! (0.0854)! 0.2192! (0.0841)!

!! 0.0116! !! 0.1678! !! 0.0816! !! 0.0103! !!

USTED! 1.2115! (0.4571)! 2.2847! (0.9544)! 1.4143! (0.5869)! 1.0128! (0.5330)!

!! 0.0091! !! 0.0183! !! 0.0175! !! 0.0598! !!

Intercept! /0.0004! (0.0027)! 0.0003! (0.0058)! 0.0020! (0.0034)! 0.0004! (0.0029)!

!! 0.8804! !! 0.9597! !! 0.5508! !! 0.8905! !!

R2! 0.1309! !! 0.0445! !! 0.0495! !! 0.1098! !!

!! !! !! !! !! !! !! !! !!

!!( !


A. EU!TED!+!Momentum!!

Liquidity+WML! Top!30! Top!5! Top!10! Top!20!

SXXP/rf! 0.0799! (0.0657)! /0.0303! (0.1307)! 0.0428! (0.0925)! 0.1024! (0.0700)!

!! 0.2268! !! 0.8172! !! 0.6447! !! 0.1462! !!

EUTED! 0.9395! (0.3446)! 0.7260! (0.8642)! 0.9393! (0.4673)! 0.7961! (0.3921)!

!! 0.0074! !! 0.4026! !! 0.0468! !! 0.0446! !!

WML! /0.2491! (0.0474)! /0.1988! (0.0924)! /0.1806! (0.0627)! /0.2323! (0.0591)!

!! 0.0000! !! 0.0336! !! 0.0048! !! 0.0001! !!

Alpha! 0.0026! (0.0027)! 0.0095! (0.0064)! 0.0055! (0.0041)! 0.0030! (0.0032)!

!! 0.3544! !! 0.1417! !! 0.1777! !! 0.3455! !!

r2! 0.2945! !! 0.0314! !! 0.0804! !! 0.2245! !!

!! !! !! !! !! !! !! !! !!


A. US!TED!+!Momentum!!

Liquidity!US+WML! Top!30! Top!5! Top!10! Top!20!

SXXP/rf! 0.0843! (0.0600)! 0.1148! (0.4500)! 0.0789! (0.8000)! 0.1040! (0.0634)!

!! 0.1624! !! 0.7991! !! 0.9216! !! 0.1038! !!

USTED! 0.9434! (0.3111)! 2.0932! (0.9651)! 1.2258! (0.5428)! 0.7617! (0.4194)!

!! 0.0030! !! 0.0321! !! 0.0258! !! 0.0719! !!

WML! /0.2451! (0.0471)! /0.1750! (0.0850)! /0.1723! (0.0604)! /0.2296! (0.0577)!

!! 0.0000! !! 0.0418! !! 0.0051! !! 0.0001! !!

Alpha! 0.0027! (0.0022)! 0.0025! (0.0062)! 0.0043! (0.0034)! 0.0033! (0.0025)!

!! 0.2224! !! 0.6817! !! 0.2089! !! 0.1854! !!

r2! 0.2904! !! 0.0629! !! 0.0899! !! 0.2205! !!


A. Volume!!

Liquidity!volume! Top!30! Top!5! Top!10! Top!20!

SXXP/rf! 0.1388! (0.0793)! 0.0261! (0.1234)! 0.0574! (0.0922)! 0.1497! (0.0849)!

!! 0.0825! !! 0.8328! !! 0.5347! !! 0.0804! !!

log(!SXXPvm)! /0.0049! (0.0129)! 0.0019! (0.0245)! /0.0145! (0.0155)! /0.0126! (0.0156)!

!! 0.7078! !! 0.9383! !! 0.3522! !! 0.4200! !!

Intercept! 0.0379! (0.0844)! /0.0006! (0.1605)! 0.1050! (0.1020)! 0.0888! (0.1017)!

!! 0.6546! !! 0.9972! !! 0.3056! !! 0.3843! !!

R2! 0.0772! !! 0.0005! !! 0.0174! !! 0.0867! !!



A. EU!TED!Quadratic!!

Liquidity!squared! Top!30! Top!5! Top!10! Top!20!

SXXP/rf! 0.1953! (0.0859)! 0.0669! (0.1304)! 0.1158! (0.1017)! 0.2127! (0.0907)!

!! 0.0249! !! 0.6090! !! 0.2573! !! 0.0207! !!

EUTED! 1.4547! (0.8725)! 0.7316! (2.1380)! 2.1711! (1.3263)! 1.0670! (0.9545)!

!! 0.0982! !! 0.7328! !! 0.1043! !! 0.2659! !!

EUTED^2! /16.1700! (41.5936)! 93.5859! (94.0060)! /52.6670! (53.7929)! /5.0880! (40.2444)!

!! 0.6982! !! 0.3216! !! 0.3296! !! 0.8996! !!

Intercept! /0.0011! (0.0034)! 0.0006! (0.0077)! 0.0007! (0.0047)! 0.0001! (0.0040)!

!! 0.7524! !! 0.9333! !! 0.8813! !! 0.9703! !!

R2! 0.1294! !! 0.0076! !! 0.0415! !! 0.1103! !!


A. US!TED!Quadratic!!

Liquidity!US!squared! Top!30! Top!5! Top!10! Top!20!

SXXP/rf! 0.2161! (0.0853)! 0.1334! (0.1032)! 0.1514! (0.0885)! 0.2291! (0.0889)!

!! 0.0126! !! 0.1985! !! 0.0897! !! 0.0113! !!

USTED! 0.1754! (1.0884)! 3.0214! (2.9743)! 1.2515! (1.8594)! /0.1613! (1.2519)!

!! 0.8723! !! 0.3118! !! 0.5022! !! 0.8977! !!

USTED^2! 45.3000! (42.3287)! /32.2200!(127.1905)! 7.1210! (64.4434)! 51.3400! (44.8720)!

!! 0.2868! !! 0.8005! !! 0.9122! !! 0.2549! !!

Intercept! 0.0025! (0.0034)! /0.0017! (0.0095)! 0.0025! (0.0057)! 0.0036! (0.0038)!

!! 0.4662! !! 0.8550! !! 0.6615! !! 0.3394! !!

R2! 0.1382! !! 0.0454! !! 0.0467! !! 0.1173! !!


A. EU!TED!1!month!lagged!!

Liquidity!F1! Top!30! Top!5! Top!10! Top!20!

SXXP/rf! 0.2028! (0.0910)! 0.0582! (0.1213)! 0.1226! (0.1017)! 0.2204! (0.0939)!

!! 0.0278! !! 0.6321! !! 0.2307! !! 0.0206! !!

EUTED! 1.6547! (1.1237)! /1.8026! (1.1429)! 0.3106! (1.2193)! 1.4134! (1.1609)!

!! 0.1436! !! 0.1175! !! 0.7994! !! 0.2259! !!

EUTED(/1)! /0.6090! (1.0028)! 3.0847! (1.5245)! 0.8376! (1.0717)! /0.4849! (1.0342)!

!! 0.5448! !! 0.0453! !! 0.4361! !! 0.6400! !!

Alpha! 0.0002! (0.0030)! 0.0050! (0.0066)! 0.0032! (0.0041)! 0.0005! (0.0036)!

!! 0.9563! !! 0.4475! !! 0.4417! !! 0.8884! !!

R2! 0.1278! !! 0.0356! !! 0.0129! !! 0.1118! !!


! LIX!

A. US!TED!1!month!lagged!!

Liquidity!US!F1! Top!30! Top!5! Top!10! Top!20!

SXXP/rf! 0.2075! (0.0852)! 0.1538! (0.1003)! 0.1479! (0.0877)! 0.2226! (0.0885)!

!! 0.0164! !! 0.1280! !! 0.0946! !! 0.0132! !!

USTED! 1.7397! (0.9654)! 0.7097! (1.9818)! 0.5525! (1.0594)! 1.1168! (1.2490)!

!! 0.0742! !! 0.7209! !! 0.6030! !! 0.3731! !!

USTED(/1)! /0.6295! (0.8699)! 1.9851! (1.9781)! 1.0127! (0.9877)! /0.0984! (1.0124)!

!! 0.4707! !! 0.3177! !! 0.3074! !! 0.9227! !!

Alpha! 0.0001! (0.0027)! /0.0021! (0.0059)! 0.0013! (0.0037)! 0.0003! (0.0029)!

!! 0.9678! !! 0.7251! !! 0.7161! !! 0.9192! !!

R2! 0.1312! !! 0.0601! !! 0.0545! !! 0.1092! !!


A. EU!TED!2!months!lagged!!

Liquidity!F2! Top!30! Top!5! Top!10! Top!20!

SXXP/rf! 0.1869! (0.0852)! 0.0469! (0.1252)! 0.1017! (0.0969)! 0.2041! (0.0869)!

!! 0.0303! !! 0.7084! !! 0.2958! !! 0.0206! !!

EUTED! 0.7214! (0.7228)! /0.3455! (1.0244)! /0.1314! (0.7531)! 0.3232! (0.6638)!

!! 0.3204! !! 0.7365! !! 0.8618! !! 0.6272! !!

EUTED(/2)! 0.4264! (0.5327)! 1.5076! (1.2091)! 1.4097! (0.6371)! 0.7938! (0.5120)!

!! 0.4252! !! 0.2150! !! 0.0289! !! 0.1238! !!

Alpha! 0.0000! (0.0031)! 0.0063! (0.0071)! 0.0031! (0.0043)! /0.0001! (0.0036)!

!! 0.9961! !! 0.3736! !! 0.4661! !! 0.9693! !!

R2! 0.1157! !! 0.0183! !! 0.0505! !! 0.1120! !!

!! !! !! !! !! !! !! !! !!


A. US!TED!2!months!lagged!!

Liquidity!US!F2! Top!30! Top!5! Top!10! Top!20!

SXXP/rf! 0.1991! (0.0805)! 0.1437! (0.0968)! 0.1366! (0.0806)! 0.2165! (0.0822)!

!! 0.0148! !! 0.1406! !! 0.0928! !! 0.0096! !!

USTED! 0.6716! (0.7015)! 0.7859! (1.2839)! 0.0902! (0.7369)! 0.3189! (0.8183)!

!! 0.3404! !! 0.5417! !! 0.9028! !! 0.6975! !!

USTED(/2)! 0.6394! (0.5771)! 2.0155! (1.6595)! 1.6360! (0.6994)! 0.8940! (0.5971)!

!! 0.2702! !! 0.2271! !! 0.0211! !! 0.1371! !!

Alpha! /0.0006! (0.0029)! /0.0020! (0.0067)! 0.0011! (0.0040)! /0.0004! (0.0032)!

!! 0.8454! !! 0.7666! !! 0.7856! !! 0.9073! !!

R2! 0.1227! !! 0.0617! !! 0.0684! !! 0.1133! !!


! LX!

A. EU!TED!3!months!lagged!!

Liquidity!F3! Top!30! Top!5! Top!10! Top!20!

SXXP/rf! 0.1949! (0.0882)! 0.0796! (0.1348)! 0.1242! (0.1023)! 0.2071! (0.0894)!

!! 0.0292! !! 0.5562! !! 0.2271! !! 0.0223! !!

EUTED! 1.0252! (0.5691)! 1.2737! (1.4684)! 0.6608! (0.7387)! 0.7046! (0.5900)!

!! 0.0743! !! 0.3875! !! 0.3730! !! 0.2349! !!

EUTED(/3)! 0.1053! (0.4352)! /0.4765! (1.5325)! 0.6418! (0.6103)! 0.3336! (0.4842)!

!! 0.8093! !! 0.7564! !! 0.2952! !! 0.4923! !!

Alpha! /0.0002! (0.0033)! 0.0072! (0.0073)! 0.0023! (0.0045)! 0.0002! (0.0039)!

!! 0.9570! !! 0.3252! !! 0.6039! !! 0.9504! !!

R2! 0.1186! !! 0.0115! !! 0.0414! !! 0.1016! !!


A. US!TED!3!months!lagged!!

Liquidity!US!F3! Top!30! Top!5! Top!10! Top!20!

SXXP/rf! 0.2023! (0.0865)! 0.1585! (0.1113)! 0.1493! (0.0902)! 0.2134! (0.0871)!

!! 0.0211! !! 0.1573! !! 0.1006! !! 0.0158! !!

USTED! 1.2239! (0.5516)! 2.9467! (1.6010)! 1.0220! (0.7088)! 0.7784! (0.6911)!

!! 0.0285! !! 0.0683! !! 0.1521! !! 0.2624! !!

USTED(/3)! /0.0677! (0.3717)! /0.7779! (1.5990)! 0.6007! (0.5983)! 0.2781! (0.4633)!

!! 0.8558! !! 0.6276! !! 0.3175! !! 0.5494! !!

Alpha! 0.0000! (0.0030)! 0.0002! (0.0066)! 0.0009! (0.0040)! 0.0004! (0.0033)!

!! 0.9914! !! 0.9791! !! 0.8131! !! 0.9029! !!

R2! 0.1207! !! 0.0557! !! 0.0538! !! 0.1000! !!


A. EU!TED!4!months!lagged!!

Liquidity!F4! Top!30! Top!5! Top!10! Top!20!

SXXP/rf! 0.1558! (0.0816)! 0.0358! (0.1254)! 0.0848! (0.0968)! 0.1511! (0.0733)!

!! 0.0588! !! 0.7757! !! 0.3829! !! 0.0416! !!

EUTED! 0.5768! (0.5326)! 0.3792! (1.1214)! 0.2673! (0.6867)! 0.2440! (0.5565)!

!! 0.2811! !! 0.7359! !! 0.6978! !! 0.6619! !!

EUTED(/4)! 0.8847! (0.4881)! 1.0403! (0.8682)! 1.3921! (0.6649)! 1.1396! (0.5907)!

!! 0.0726! !! 0.2334! !! 0.0385! !! 0.0562! !!

Alpha! /0.0023! (0.0033)! 0.0035! (0.0073)! 0.0001! (0.0045)! /0.0021! (0.0038)!

!! 0.4838! !! 0.6264! !! 0.9748! !! 0.5774! !!

R2! 0.1307! !! 0.0185! !! 0.0692! !! 0.1177! !!

!! !! !! !! !! !! !! !! !!


! LXI!

A. US!TED!4!months!lagged!!

Liquidity!US!F4! Top!30! Top!5! Top!10! Top!20!

SXXP/rf! 0.1709! (0.0830)! 0.1298! (0.1057)! 0.1199! (0.0880)! 0.1647! (0.0749)!

!! 0.0418! !! 0.2220! !! 0.1760! !! 0.0300! !!

USTED! 0.8112! (0.5485)! 2.0911! (1.2464)! 0.8518! (0.6587)! 0.4409! (0.6530)!

!! 0.1420! !! 0.0962! !! 0.1986! !! 0.5010! !!

USTED(/4)! 0.5385! (0.5014)! 0.5184! (0.9978)! 0.8821! (0.6468)! 0.7385! (0.5978)!

!! 0.2851! !! 0.6044! !! 0.1754! !! 0.2193! !!

Alpha! /0.0014! (0.0032)! /0.0024! (0.0066)! 0.0001! (0.0042)! /0.0008! (0.0034)!

!! 0.6627! !! 0.7121! !! 0.9852! !! 0.8170! !!

R2! 0.1073! !! 0.0515! !! 0.0555! !! 0.0852! !!


A. EU!TED!5!months!lagged!!

Liquidity!F5! Top!30! Top!5! Top!10! Top!20!

SXXP/rf! 0.1378! (0.0762)! 0.0147! (0.1216)! 0.0712! (0.0954)! 0.1309! (0.0672)!

!! 0.0731! !! 0.9039! !! 0.4570! !! 0.0538! !!

EUTED! 0.3341! (0.4779)! 0.0674! (1.0683)! 0.2509! (0.6143)! 0.0038! (0.4551)!

!! 0.4859! !! 0.9498! !! 0.6838! !! 0.9934! !!

EUTED(/5)! 1.2098! (0.2995)! 1.3333! (0.6983)! 1.2397! (0.4824)! 1.4266! (0.2771)!

!! 0.0001! !! 0.0588! !! 0.0115! !! 0.0000! !!

Alpha! /0.0024! (0.0031)! 0.0045! (0.0072)! 0.0016! (0.0044)! /0.0019! (0.0037)!

!! 0.4487! !! 0.5292! !! 0.7185! !! 0.5973! !!

R2! 0.1597! !! 0.0233! !! 0.0595! !! 0.1453! !!


A. !US!TED!5!months!lagged!!

Liquidity!US!F5! Top!30! Top!5! Top!10! Top!20!

SXXP/rf! 0.1534! (0.0744)! 0.1145! (0.0998)! 0.1046! (0.0829)! 0.1431! (0.0623)!

!! 0.0417! !! 0.2541! !! 0.2099! !! 0.0235! !!

USTED! 0.2482! (0.5106)! 1.6317! (1.1462)! 0.5532! (0.7270)! /0.2122! (0.5576)!

!! 0.6278! !! 0.1574! !! 0.4484! !! 0.7042! !!

USTED(/5)! 1.3851! (0.4027)! 1.0803! (0.7791)! 1.2203! (0.5869)! 1.7037! (0.4106)!

!! 0.0008! !! 0.1684! !! 0.0399! !! 0.0001! !!

Alpha! /0.0025! (0.0032)! /0.0021! (0.0068)! 0.0004! (0.0040)! /0.0019! (0.0034)!

!! 0.4367! !! 0.7532! !! 0.9129! !! 0.5801! !!

R2! 0.1683! !! 0.0559! !! 0.0674! !! 0.1597! !!



A. EU!TED!6!months!lagged!!

Liquidity!F6! Top!30! Top!5! Top!10! Top!20!

SXXP/rf! 0.1376! (0.0788)! 0.0304! (0.1256)! 0.0802! (0.1000)! 0.1330! (0.0730)!

!! 0.0836! !! 0.8092! !! 0.4244! !! 0.0710! !!

EUTED! 0.5327! (0.4802)! 0.3568! (0.9733)! 0.5249! (0.5831)! 0.2606! (0.4596)!

!! 0.2696! !! 0.7146! !! 0.3700! !! 0.5719! !!

EUTED(/6)! 0.8418! (0.4320)! 0.6661! (0.7226)! 0.6796! (0.4268)! 0.9415! (0.2920)!

!! 0.0539! !! 0.3586! !! 0.1142! !! 0.0017! !!

Alpha! /0.0015! (0.0034)! 0.0072! (0.0078)! 0.0034! (0.0048)! /0.0007! (0.0038)!

!! 0.6587! !! 0.3578! !! 0.4846! !! 0.8554! !!

R2! 0.1265! !! 0.0100! !! 0.0358! !! 0.1037! !!


A. !US!TED!6!months!lagged!!

Liquidity!US!F6! Top!30! Top!5! Top!10! Top!20!

SXXP/rf! 0.1557! (0.0772)! 0.1404! (0.1040)! 0.1217! (0.0908)! 0.1476! (0.0707)!

!! 0.0463! !! 0.1795! !! 0.1830! !! 0.0391! !!

USTED! 0.7226! (0.4803)! 2.3017! (1.1673)! 1.2029! (0.7278)! 0.3866! (0.5707)!

!! 0.1353! !! 0.0511! !! 0.1013! !! 0.4996! !!

USTED(/6)! 0.5822! (0.5426)! /0.0829! (0.9190)! 0.1134! (0.5293)! 0.6872! (0.4378)!

!! 0.2856! !! 0.9283! !! 0.8307! !! 0.1193! !!

Alpha! /0.0008! (0.0032)! 0.0010! (0.0068)! 0.0030! (0.0039)! 0.0002! (0.0032)!

!! 0.7926! !! 0.8849! !! 0.4479! !! 0.9467! !!

R2! 0.1090! !! 0.0468! !! 0.0403! !! 0.0844! !!


A. EU!TED!lagged!12!months!!

Liquidity!F12! Top!30! Top!5! Top!10! Top!20!

SXXP/rf! 0.1538! (0.0900)! 0.0498! (0.1413)! 0.0945! (0.1118)! 0.1424! (0.0849)!

!! 0.0904! !! 0.7254! !! 0.3996! !! 0.0965! !!

EUTED! 0.9630! (0.4951)! 1.0881! (0.9280)! 1.0035! (0.6050)! 0.6947! (0.4929)!

!! 0.0545! !! 0.2437! !! 0.1002! !! 0.1617! !!

EUTED(/12)! 0.3999! (0.4209)! 0.0548! (0.6755)! 0.2988! (0.6035)! 0.5737! (0.4200)!

!! 0.3443! !! 0.9355! !! 0.6215! !! 0.1749! !!

Alpha! /0.0019! (0.0038)! 0.0041! (0.0077)! 0.0017! (0.0051)! /0.0016! (0.0042)!

!! 0.6166! !! 0.5943! !! 0.7397! !! 0.7103! !!

R2! 0.1051! !! 0.0136! !! 0.0345! !! 0.0824! !!



A. US!TED!lagged!12!month!!

Liquidity!US!F12! Top!30! Top!5! Top!10! Top!20!

SXXP/rf! 0.1624! (0.0860)! 0.1313! (0.1106)! 0.1159! (0.0946)! 0.1483! (0.0786)!

!! 0.0619! !! 0.2380! !! 0.2232! !! 0.0619! !!

USTED! 0.9208! (0.4437)! 2.3818! (1.0246)! 1.1896! (0.6849)! 0.5726! (0.4807)!

!! 0.0404! !! 0.0220! !! 0.0854! !! 0.2363! !!

USTED(/12)! 0.6272! (0.4412)! 0.5172! (0.7942)! 0.6680! (0.7057)! 0.8456! (0.4885)!

!! 0.1581! !! 0.5164! !! 0.3460! !! 0.0864! !!

Alpha! /0.0025! (0.0037)! /0.0049! (0.0070)! /0.0008! (0.0042)! /0.0021! (0.0037)!

!! 0.5011! !! 0.4906! !! 0.8426! !! 0.5824! !!

R2! 0.1145! !! 0.0681! !! 0.0574! !! 0.0935! !!
