ptackoey, lirxpfi&n local interest | service men> tlieh....

VOLUME NO. SO ' Ptackoey, lirxpfi&n County, Michigan Local Interest | Service Men> Wa* Netnf Gifts Sent > fmw* »nd Items Cone—lag ffci Wbo Ar« in the Service of TWr Country Local Boye-Serrutff Oversea* Prctent: > Are Mailed. Others to Be Sent Soon j Nine men were accepted at the Detroit induction center last week for army service. They were: Vincent Dark, Richard Nims, Job a Vo'gt, Ever- ett Gqtes, Gteorge Brigham, John Burke, Darwin Shirley, Rkhard Walt en, Richard Brayton & John Kezmas Those called to the induction cen- At a meeting held at the Pinckney school Thurs. night a "Gifts for Ser- vice Men" organization was formed. Miu. Wm. Loll was elected chairman, Mrs. Clare McMacken, secretary and Mrs, Lulu Lamb, treasurer. $87 in donations was collected. This organ- isation will try to send every boy f ley are on the toilet article line and also contain a pack of playing cards and a box of cigarettes. The gifts for the boys in the U.S. Navy will be sent about Nov 1. and to the boys in t! :<* camps in the U.S. later. The women j are having trouble finding correct: addresses of the boys on account of I ter on Oct. 19 are Robert Richardson, | f rom here now in the service a Xmas Pinckney, James Langley^ Pinckney,^ g jf t . Those serving overseas w"H bt>, Paul Kelly, Hamburg, James Krasney, (.'mailed at once. i Caliio>ma, Leo Gamty, Whitr.ijreV The members of the "Gifts For? Lake. Merlin -Skeman. Dick Drost, j Soldiers" met at the school last Mon. Alton Wright, Don Little of Bright night to ^ p the giftg for the on Iivirffc Wilcox, Spencer Tomicm & so idiers from here serving overseas Lynn Zimmerman of Fowlervile.,Bar- J^J, box c<mt ains 11 articles. The* tley Monroe of Northville. Friday Hainoi has gone^s presumable in the Pacific and now get* his mail via San Francisco. Calif, i Bob Singer is now at the naval base at Fort Lauderdale, Florida. Irving Reynolds is now on board ship in the Pacific. Russell Gardner is now on board j their being ^fted about fequent!- j ship in the Atlantic. j Most of the addresses they have are j Former Prosecutor Joe Gates now i' thoge of the boys who rece ive the ' in the nuvy^ is in Alaska and took Pinckney'Dispatch, If you want your | boy3 to get a Xmas gift or he ha? j ^hanged his adfl^fess recently you ; should phone or send the correct add-} ress to Mrs. Lulu Lamb. The boys from here serving over seas are as follows: Private Richard Amo Alaska.' Corp Ambrose Kennedy .... Aleutians Serfft. Frank Smith Australia I'^t Victor Szymauski .... Engiand Corporal Friday Haines .... S. Pacific part in the battle of Kiska in the Aleutians. Merlin Darrow who has been home from the U. S« Navy on a furlough returned to Port Arthur, Texas, Fri. PFC Cyrus AtLee and wife (Megan Myer) returned to Tampa Florida, after spending 10 days there. Pvt. Max Reynolds is- now some- where in the Pacific and gets his maiil via postmaster San Francisco. Earl Berquist has a similar address. Charlies Forner, son ocf Mrs. Joie Devereaux Forner has left for duty across and gets his mail via San Fran- cisco, Cal. Gordon Hester of the U.S. navy who has been at the Andrew Nesbitt home left for Bainbridge, Maryland Sat. to take a course in physical instruction. No. 42. tlieh. Mirror a t*, t**c SvVfS c OK F v O M "A R M By Ye Edit* T tor In Which State Politics Are Di«cu>sed and War If ue* Touched on The hig surprise of week w the ln\' overwhelming victory the JM in P- 1U44 CAMPAIGN. l,unsii: U cal gossip is that Gov. Kelly, Republican nominee for re-election I Detroit for th.. ( nut primaries ot l-r.,iiK. K.u ^erulii over Mayor Jeffrie. 'flu J*;. fne; family has been i win be opposed l>y either former Gov Murray I>. Van Wagoner of form tat.' Treasurer J'hil Fry as the I> ;.. nonviiee. Dr. Hu^'Mie i\eyes is expect ed io he Kelly's rimn'u.u mate, utiles., . o m e unforeseen upset occurs in th< .irnnary. The governor's advisors a; cm rued about |!»44, feelinu that n.blican.- must be strongly unite*. Uiy prosdenial election "s\\ itching aorses >iu (' OVCCOIIM utie a;4' I.I i-stream' THROUGH HARDSHIP AND DISCOURAGEMENT, CHRISTOPHER COLUN,SUS HELO TO THE. STAR OP HI* BELIEF. BY INITIATIVE, SELF-RELIANCE A* ^ COURAGE, HE WON HIS BATTLC WITH MEN AND WITH THE ELEMENTS- DISCOVERED THE, *NEW WORLD*. .. BY TH£3£ SAMS SAS/C Q': 1 •'. - .; /MR/AT/V£, SELF-#£L/ANC£ ANP CCL\ :. .7/:, - W£ AM£*,'CAMS WILL W/N THGGL'Z:/ ,J t//cro/ev— OZFEND AN0 PJP£StKi/£ OUR CZMCCW" \ Con Ivt. Roy Clinton Ellis tales 1M. Max Rey .olds Alaska rvt. Doni Spears Iceland Pvt. Eugene Sopc Italy Sergt. Lej Bettes Italy Vcijrt. Bennie VanFlaircum - England ' PFC. Howard Read Australia J j PFC. Norman Miller Austra'i To Bi H# j d at Howell on Glovers Africa, October 21 veil Lion at Howell i Thuri placed on the induction list for Oct. 19 nearly «1J have appealed the local board decisions to the appeal board at Ann Arbor. ^ Roy Clinton with the U.S. Marines ;s now somewhere in the Ellis Isles His brother Edgar, is in the air •corp at Miami, Florida. James Bell of the Seabees is home from Williamsburg,Va.,on a furlough. Word received from P.F.C. Dick Howlett is that he has been with the Invasion forces in Italy for four weeks He was previously in Africa and Sicily. Miss Marian Shirley and Mrs. Ard ith Wright Hollotway left Monday for PFCC Joseph Lesiak Ireland I King , fi Daughters of thp Stale wiil , Pvt. Samuel Lafata Africa asserrb|e on Thursday Oct, 21 at the j CATHOLIC CHURCH Rev fr^ncis "tfurphj Sun. Oct. 17-4H is the iMh Sur. after Pentecost an-1 ihe r'eu.-i of Margaret Mary. Maser- -.!• ... and 122:00 (neon) Catechism ClasNC> for all .school Hindi'"!. Sat. ai I- :I.J.I and Sunday a.irr ti.<• '* o r i m .; tna,,- Nevena de.-otion- in honor of ihe PFC Bert Wylie- South Pacific \ Methodist church in HowP for theil . 1 1 V M , Fri. at 12:2n for >chool ,-!,; i forty fifth annual convention. A com dren und 7. to p.oi. for adults, follow- munin service will be conduce ,°' 1 h > confcs.-ion.^. Cunfc-sioiis Sv at 8:00 a.m. at the Presbyterian chur-. ~ : '- !) to 0:0 " h- 11 '- ;ul,i "'"' h,,n ' ' ch by Rev H.M. Noble The Pvt. Clarence Culver S Pacific Pvt. Gordon Lamb .-„... England! Pvt. Gayle Hendee .... -• Africa | Pvt. Levi Ludtke England j Pvt. Merlin Lavey ••.... Sicily ( luncheon> for Nvhich vese rvation must Pvt. Harold Farley Afnca L}>e made by Oct 18, will also be ser- This does not include the Gregor ( v ed at the Presbvterian chur , h> boys who were sent gifts from there- j The Gregory boys are Dick Ho-wlctt ] The program at the Methodist chu- Italy: Capt. Tom Young, Africa; P. i'rch, opening at 0:30^ is as follows; Young, England. 1 Hyn»n - Faith of our Fathers, Pledge , I to tho Flag, led by Mrs. 9. Berriman 12:31) ^ ore ^^* eui ''y "lass <. ,-iunoa . In addition to the ptaye.s r-. , t •.• rfay after mass, you are uracil !o .-av one Our Father, 0:,o {[ail .M;>iy,( uc ^ Gloria Be to the Father etc. 'or ih<- Safety of Our Holy Father .-<»• .a.' Duration. \<> SI'K IAL SKSSldN. .\udit<. <i»'it. Vertiou Frown hy >ome judici- ous t h i n k i n '., c a m e to the rescue o. the .-.tale aiiniinistraFou and «-xtrica- te<i i'i from the dilemma of ,-uminnii in^ the state le^ishit uiv now into . ; • cial se.v.ln '. Several state depts \vr liuurriiiL; deficits duo to wage iini-(ase.> j.'.-)-ante«i l>y the state civil Mvvice i'oi)mii>sion. Attorney <i(-n. ei-al Kuslttoti had ruled that the t e J.c'i iature" lacked statutor.v I!.- 'ii iiiaki' appropriations from amis for deficit purposes.Ilrowns '..oiutioti: 'Ihe law required him to i ;.o :f\ dejit. })< ; ; d s w h e n d''i'i<ils weir i :;.i "din,". 1 n t u r n 1 he d -pi. head i.> i a reiiuire.- <-i\i! service to abolish | eo,,\-iin positions or reduce wage>. "M rest,- v. ith the d n-ad the governor. It is belief thjl ad,heience to these mandates will reduce the def- iciency to around $1M>,<HM) b y J a n . 1. ECONOMIES. Gov. Kelly is deter 1 mi""(' to balance the state's budget AcCerdingly, he appointed a special committee consisting of Sen. Don VanderWerp, chairman of the >*i>al>' finance committon-: Kep. John I'- lv ;/,i' chairman, house wavs and mean> < oiim:ittee: RolM»rt S. I'Vyd of the gove;nor's office. I'ud^et J)irector Fred S'nTfler and Thoma> Vvilo,., t( civil service director. The conimll e J a,- t w o duties: 'To find out for nm i what actiion is going to be taken b\ j the various appointing authorities .1 o i live within their appropriations" and "to make whatever reeonim«'ndat\ons .», think .inigiit be helpful in the •'.nation." I''irsi sessions wer<' Imlu iast. Thurs. a..d Friday. ill poh'ic ! years ami Hi I pn-s.-m mayor made .t his < areer. (;:. J the olhvy hand Fif/.gerald hcog, n : tue class of nam,' can mia:e , 1,.,. i "«'"» luinor poilitical positions mostly all of It.s h f e and has never been t tile little light t o a n y great extent ox cept w|. ( . n he U()M t h(, Democrat sen- atoiial iiotninatiou in 1!>42. Taki;., all things into the i-<uisiderat»io:i the J-esul, i., in t) u . nature of a ;„,,. . t I'll" ptoplo did not V< , 1( . (-,,;. j.'j, gerald tiiey voted against .h^'1'i-eys. Many of tiietn were eotivjju-e that hi.- iiandlai- of the negro race riot sumn.ei- was dilatory ami ine.Frtu; and priinpt action by Jcl'fj'ey.. an Gov. Kelly would have saved nx of the lives that were lost. Thi- reflected by the vote in the ward.- when the mayor u n d e -. IS' ne, was sno\, «^ I li'-rr lias I., m a ^ many tilings during the remember in our \\ e.. t t i l a i . g . ' ill passing y;-ai-s youth that a a p:e wo \v> \ I art i.» at ilrown'.- certain church used to d<Miumd dfe of it.s niembrrs that they abstain from dancing and playi cards. Cigarette smokini; wn- :1s > r • of the unpardonable sins ami anti- cigan !!.• so.aetic.v were ill e\istaticc in man> piace>. ,\ow we hear .itii- ( any nuweiuent to curb these so call.o evils, Cigarettes are probably the most nuiiu runs of u'lt,- sent to the boys in the service and the D, c Fre>> \'r<'ns has just put my a , e.-sfal drive to send 10.000 pad. piayuig cards to the service men. D;u cing j,- also ;i common form of e,,te t ai.mi .'.'it a* i b.' a, )<\ .,e> \ n y ,• '•.'-. As tone pa •• lie p. -i i ( . I seem to' more ami more Idteial on llieil onllnok mi life .1 il\ ell lie del impielicy use<[ like | lie weal her K'i e; \ bod.v to la M i, ahout aboul H e) n 11111 y 111 e 111 o) ie such m anylring with the war fact increased tF.s <leliiupiencs' to in CM cut that some kind of ae- Kii one oone il.or -hortage of parents in RATION CALANukLR SHOE RATIONING I Opening of Convention, Mrs Amo: XT , ... m . . .. „ „ „ „ « . , There are a few facts aDout shoe ! Clark, Perry; Welcome to Livingston NadiviUe, Tenn, to vtait PPC Holhs j ^ cleared up/1. Only 2 County. Mr. Wheeler Russell; Re Hollcway who is m the hospital there., ^ v J y ^ per persan are possible ponsQ to Welcome, Mrs. Wm. Robe, t.- as of the 480 000,000 pair made a Presentation of Program, Mrs. X year, the army gets 180,000,000 of Miller^ Detroit; Communications, them On account of this only the (Reports of officers, .... ; Hymn, T best shoes obtainable should be bought} Need Thee Even' Hour; Reports of 2. Shoes for infants below sifle 4 are .County President .... Report of Norn. unrationed. 3. Stores must not honor j inating Comm ; Reports from un- shoe stamps detached from books. 4. j orgnized Counties .... Luncheon 12:3e F,V, W tfyod l rough Oct. X V", Z good through \<> Meats, Cbeese_ . hitter, Fa' Fish and Milk. Crown ( pi, ' . < Pvt. Arthur Kreech of San Diego^ Cal. is home om furlough. Tommie Percowski who transfered from the navy to the seabees and was sent to Williamsburg, Va.^ is now at Davisvlle R. L, is now home on fur- lough. James Lamb of Pinckney is now a - . , p M 1 .. P M ~ i. • *u * „•• A**J «* f*,« TT i Stamps are interchangable among me P.M. 1:45 P.M, Captain in the tactics dept. of the U. \^ v c —«,•«» =+0^,^0 0 . I mbers of the family. 5. Special stamps »-*«„- ^ S M y Sin g e r has passed th. ^ \ «* b. denied habitual purchasers of ' ^ £ * £ examination and will go in the army » nfleIl0r snoes Oct. 27. He will be the 4th Singer In your charity you are u« s eo i pray for two persons whose Miitm deaths cn-ured recently l Iltoks on the Devotions of the Iloiyi good now. J-.'. (> , Rosary, explaining and offering thej expire Oct. 30. Meditation for each Mystery may be 1 Sugar: Stamp 11 good had next Sunday. Call for yours. \ through Nov.l ;Stamps 1 •"> j Among the intention in tine Holy' 1 Mass this week are Sun. for the late Frank Bowers, Mon. tor the late Merlin James MeCleer, re<|iiest<d b\ Pvt. James Anderson and wife, Tues. for the late Ed. Singer, i.-.|.e-.-ted b- a nl for ai; FRANK MURRAY j Mrs. Mary Singer, Wed. for the l ; ,i. This Hour - De» '' anies Thornton Thurs. for the lat< otional Service, Rev. W.H. Young | Frank Bowers, requested by Mr. T,e., Heport of State Bible Chairman Mr.O Davis » ^ ^ ' ' y , rViday for Mrs. la,.-. "Howard Clifford, Flint; Memorial ser j Madden, requested by a daucrhter.Sat vice, Fo^'lerville Circle; Report of gOO'* apply for 5 lb. at board Shoes: Stamp until further n - in JJook : ' goed ther 'J'ire. .,1, 1 notice -..-Inspectior J44.1J by n canning i m is !:(•!•. '•.'(•'-. A (•'. :; 0 : (-• UOO No. 1 .. boo 1, '•' - < - 3 1 1 < N* ;•. lie •o- 1 :'. h> ';.-. e.. ' , | 'llOii. | : . j ^ ' t !:! I! .r- • Mar. 1 :-,0,(-0- mmeJCJa) vehicles every oO'tit v. every b moii'hs \vh"iiever Frank Murray, son qtf t h e latej^State President, .... ; Hymn, What ; Friend We have in J«sus; Report- brother to join the armed forces, his brothers, Sam, Paul and Robert . al- ready being in. Ijjhomas Murray of Dexter township, An official letter from the gover- dtaj a t Greensburg, Penn., Sat. The 1 of State Chairman; Report of Cred nment at Washington D.C. has recent- f unera l and burial will be there. Sur- jential Comm. Mrs J. Marr; Report of ly come to Mrs. Teresa MeCleer, R. viving are his wife 4 sons and 2 \ Electorial Ballot. Mrs. J. Marr: Ad F.D., Gregory, M'ich. and a member daughters. Two of his sons are now] mission tevice, Mm. H Conover, Jac of this parish, mother of the late 8erv \ n g \ n the armed forces. He was kson; Report of Courtesy Comm Pvt._Merlin James McC.eer, news of j a Dro ther of Mrs. Irving J. Kennedy iMUa Mary Crank; Unfinished Pu^ with commemoration for the bow- ^ men in .>*ervice and member of the » Purgatorial Society. Sunday is communion Sue. fo, U.< youn? ladies sodality under 'In- pa'. ronage of the P.V.M. We wish to thank all who have ;>.-- (ia.s; Stamp A-^ food gal. Through Nov. 'A 1. I. a n d which bear "Milage ration" 2 g a b until used, Kliel Oil: I'erind 1 good IV t o J a n . :i, 1944. Sto-.''.- : < ell i fir-ate- t . , luu-i be olila.t.ed from ioca in; •t-Hi in whose death in the Pac ific, was rec-) of HcAvell and also the late Mrs, Ed- eived recently. Details and facts of his demise are now revealed.His death was caused by "Cliroic Maleria Fever'' contract following engagements^ battles, at or near New Georgia H and, which ocoured August. 28,-43. The letter states tliat proper Chris- tian burial services were conducted at the Post where he departed and in due time disposition of rerjgwns may be arranged with the government for transfer. * ward Spears. Mrs.Kennedy and Miss Gertrude Spears left for Pennsylvania Sunday. DANCE AT MASONIC HALL There will be a dance at the Mas onic hall, Pinckney on Sat. n'glu, Oc 23. Music by Finlan ore ra. Ref- ines*, New Business; Charge to off- ers elect- Mrs. H.G. Helmuth: \e Presidents Message; Reading of M utea. Closing Hymn, Lead Now :. Forth We Go. Signed- Publicity Com COMMUNITY CONG'L. Re*. J. M. McLncas, Minister Mr. Herman Widmayer, 3.S. Supt. j si.sted in the bond, Diocesan, Drive &' ——_ doners of U.S. War Stamps to date! MARRIAGE LICENSES for the worthy causes for which the' government urges, and the honefits, J b> your' donat'ons, to the dio«-e ..•,,• causes. If vou have not contacted a .''licitor to date wiTI vou call .Mil offer your donations. Pvt. Phillip MeCleer, brother -. Merlyn, has returned to his hd<p a it-amp in Virginia, where he is a mm * The following marriage license:- wn-r issue<l at tbe county clerk's of- fice last week: Harold Hartstiff. i!». (Iret-erv, Carol Heid, (Iregory, !'.» o7, llrigbto'- Mar I'.richtoe. \ ion uus impel at I'.c. Many conimunit- i» s ii a u g r a t e d curfr'w laws.Ann Arbor has ji,st adopted one in which parents ,\IKW chvldn-n arc found on the str- eet nl'u-r II p.m. on Friday and Sat. :i. i\ in p.m. on other nights are lia- I h- to a fine of $ I'd) or !MI d a y s in j ; il. 'I In,- is a- it should be, .Juv- enile delinquency wa- always a rrfrs- ici.e:. The correct name is adult -'(•Ii (pieiicv . 'I'here are a number of children in I 'inckney w ho can be r .'•'- n 1;11!\ -een on the streets eacji nig r ht •J't-r <1 p.m. How would their par- ' ht like it t o have this village adopt an < rdinanre .-imilar to the Ann -V'- Tlx press last w«ek carried the story of the beheading of a captured American avaitor by the Japs. The Istoiy may he true or it may not. it's ( source is a letter taken front the I Imrlv oi a dead Jap sold/Vr. I'.oheaV ii,: by the sw••.. t has been the favor- ite form of execution in both Japan i;.iid China for centuries where niinoi I'line, arc punishable hy execution. Such a execution could be possible. I However we should bear in mi rut ' v.orld War 1 in which many similar i.itrage. by the Huns (flerman^i jv.i'i-r- proved to he mere proprojra-ri .\ e should have more rretails on th' j - ibjiM-t, such as the avaitors name tr. la-'ore 'vo accept it a? truth. news letter ro< William Schlott 17 proposal ' iraref Krasnv eshments. The public is invited.jJance*! Mr. Alfred Lane A«»Ut. S.S. Supt Among the names of those who don bled blood to the Red Cross blood bank last week should have appeared the r.ame orf Mrs. Mildred Ackley,who has donated twice. Cars driven by Miss Catherine Swarthout of White Lodge and Chas. Crowe of Brighton sideswiped each part old and part new. Erdley Van- j Sickle and Clare Swarthout, callers. NO HUNTING SIGN* No hunting signs for sale at th<^ Dispatch Office. 10c each. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Wilson of Ann Arbo* have moved into the apart- ments, north of Roy Clark's store other late Fv;day_afternoon near the j | „ . Wilton is a teacher in the PinrU much ' Melvln farm. Both cars got body da&Ag* i ney schooi Mr* Florence ^*ofhn- Organist Aad Choir Director iber of the Engineers service and i now traveling on Government order Phillip recently* was a visitor to hb nc*hers home and attended the Sol ,-.-. unn 'Requiem Services and Ma-- Momlllg Worship J? : ™ !>'•.. Mary's church, Pinckney for Sunday School 11:00* Y. P Meeting Sun. Nite 7:«M Choit Rehearsel Wed. Eve S:0'i SPECIAL NOTICE J U S T A FAD It was houn(i .o ciiini', World Wa 1 1 had Us silk shirt fad. The on]y way to break into society being to wear a silk shirt. Now it is hand p n i ^ e ' In ' 'ott-. IMackney's 1'iitlv- lie mentions t lowei- ihe draft ago to 17'-- years and wonders what the people think about it. We can see little merit in it. Poy 17 y<ars old can already enlist in^the .navy and air reserve with their ent- consent. This is only anot ohstical thrown in path of drafting ,, ...t'.iers and would accomplish li 1 IIK' ->th«- neckties, selling for as much as $ 1 On• tU> a n ( i m j ffnt wo u b* the.means of brother. .each. So at th«> present time th* chief 1 ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ the military branch of the aim of the prosperous warworkcr > s 'L OVC!rnmon f I GOSPEL MISSION Mennonite " ! Eira B*echU, pattor NOTICE! [Superintendent Wnrv-. The L.A.S. will serve a cafeteria t ^-¾ ^ 1100 . 1 to own a hand painted necktie. Like silk .shirts it,s existance will he most hri ' lunch at the Com. Conjr'l church on Saturday, Oct 28. Earl Gallup and family have moved from the George Stgler hcaifie to the •i:cv . Miss Dorothy Meabon • and Mrs. >dam Brown farm. Robert Ackley :{ » :0 ",Fris:nger of Ann Arbor left Tuesday and family who are living In the Worship Service 11.00 t0 virlit th | a tter*s son in the armv|Tessmer partments will move in the '< ing Peoples Meeting 7:30. tam p at Augusta, Georgia Sijrlei house abaut Nov. 1« ^tt'tly Prayer Service Wc' . 7:30 •a - •»«

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VOLUME NO. SO ' Ptackoey, lirxpfi&n County, Michigan

Local Interest | Service Men> Wa* Netnf Gifts Sent >

fmw* »nd Items C o n e — l a g ffci Wbo Ar« in the Service of T W r

Country Local Boye-Serrutff Oversea* Prctent: > Are Mailed. Others to Be Sent Soon j

Nine men were accepted at the Detroit induction center last week for army service. They were: Vincent Dark, Richard Nims, Job a Vo'gt, Ever­ett Gqtes, Gteorge Brigham, John Burke, Darwin Shirley, Rkhard Walt e n , Richard Brayton & John Kezmas

Those called to the induction cen-

At a meeting held at the Pinckney school Thurs. night a "Gifts for Ser­vice Men" organization was formed. Miu. Wm. Loll was elected chairman, Mrs. Clare McMacken, secretary and Mrs, Lulu Lamb, treasurer. $87 in donations was collected. This organ­isation will try to send every boy


l e y

are on the toilet article line and also contain a pack of playing cards and a box of cigarettes. The gifts for the boys in the U.S. Navy will be sent about Nov 1. and to the boys in t!:<* camps in the U.S. later. The women j are having trouble finding correct: addresses of the boys on account of I

ter on Oct. 19 are Robert Richardson, | from here now in the service a Xmas Pinckney, James Langley^ Pinckney,^ gjf t. Those serving overseas w"H bt>, Paul Kelly, Hamburg, James Krasney, (.'mailed at once. i Caliio>ma, Leo Gamty, Whitr.ijreV The members of the "Gifts For? Lake. Merlin -Skeman. Dick Drost, j Soldiers" met at the school last Mon. Alton Wright, Don Little of Bright n i g h t to ^ p t h e g i f t g f o r the on Iivirffc Wilcox, Spencer Tomicm & s o idiers from here serving overseas Lynn Zimmerman of Fowlervile.,Bar- J ^ J , b o x c < m tains 11 articles. The* tley Monroe of Northville.

Friday Hainoi has gone^s presumable in the Pacific and now get* his mail via San Francisco. Calif, i

Bob Singer is now at the naval base at Fort Lauderdale, Florida.

Irving Reynolds is now on board ship in the Pacific.

Russell Gardner is now on board j t h e i r b e i n g ^ f t e d about fequent!- j ship in the Atlantic. j M o s t o f t h e addresses they have are j

Former Prosecutor Joe Gates now i ' t h o g e o f t h e b o y s w h o r e c e i v e the ' in the nuvy^ is in Alaska and took Pinckney'Dispatch, If you want your |

boy3 to get a Xmas gift or he ha? j ^hanged his adfl^fess recently you ; should phone or send the correct add-} ress to Mrs. Lulu Lamb.

The boys from here serving over seas are as follows: Private Richard Amo Alaska.' Corp Ambrose Kennedy ....Aleutians Serfft. Frank Smith Australia I'^t Victor Szymauski .... Engiand Corporal Friday Haines.... S. Pacific

part in the battle of Kiska in the Aleutians.

Merlin Darrow who has been home from the U. S« Navy on a furlough returned to Port Arthur, Texas, Fri.

PFC Cyrus AtLee and wife (Megan Myer) returned to Tampa Florida, after spending 10 days there.

Pvt. Max Reynolds is- now some­where in the Pacific and gets his maiil via postmaster San Francisco. Earl Berquist has a similar address.

Charlies Forner, son ocf Mrs. Joie Devereaux Forner has left for duty across and gets his mail via San Fran­cisco, Cal.

Gordon Hester of the U.S. navy who has been at the Andrew Nesbitt home left for Bainbridge, Maryland Sat. to take a course in physical instruction.

No. 42.

tlieh. Mirror a t*,

t**c SvVfS c O K F v

O M "A R M By Ye Edit*

T tor

I n W h i c h S t a t e P o l i t i c s A r e D i«cu>sed

a n d W a r I f u e * T o u c h e d o n The hig surprise of week w

the ln\' overwhelming victory the JM


P-1U44 C A M P A I G N . l , u n s i i : U

cal g o s s i p is t h a t G o v . K e l l y ,

R e p u b l i c a n n o m i n e e f o r r e - e l e c t i o n I D e t r o i t f o r th . . (

n u t p r i m a r i e s ot l-r.,iiK. K . u

^ e r u l i i o v e r M a y o r J e f f r i e . ' f lu J * ; .

f n e ; f a m i l y h a s b e e n i

win be opposed l>y either former Gov Murray I>. Van Wagoner of form tat.' Treasurer J'hil Fry as the I> ;..

n o n v i i e e . D r . Hu^'Mie i \ e y e s is e x p e c t

ed io h e K e l l y ' s r i m n ' u . u m a t e , ut i les. ,

. o m e u n f o r e s e e n u p s e t o c c u r s in th<

. i r n n a r y . T h e g o v e r n o r ' s a d v i s o r s a;

cm r u e d a b o u t | !»44 , f e e l i n u t h a t

n .bl ican.- m u s t b e s t r o n g l y un i te* .

Uiy p r o s d e n i a l e l e c t i o n

" s \ \ i t c h i n g a o r s e s >iu (' O V C C O I I M

u t i e a;4'

I.I i - s t r e a m '



Con Ivt . Roy Clinton Ellis tales 1M. Max Rey .olds Alaska rvt. Doni Spears Iceland Pvt. Eugene S o p c Italy Sergt. Lej Bettes Italy Vcijrt. Bennie VanFlaircum - England ' PFC. Howard Read Australia J j

PFC. Norman Miller Austra'i • T o B i H # j d a t Howell on G l o v e r s Africa, October 21

veil Lion at Howell


T h u r i

placed on the induction list for Oct. 19 nearly «1J have appealed the local board decisions to the appeal board at Ann Arbor. ^

Roy Clinton with the U.S. Marines ;s now somewhere in the Ellis Isles His brother Edgar, is in the air •corp at Miami, Florida.

James Bell of the Seabees is home from Williamsburg,Va.,on a furlough.

Word received from P.F.C. Dick Howlett is that he has been with the Invasion forces in Italy for four weeks He was previously in Africa and Sicily.

Miss Marian Shirley and Mrs. Ard ith Wright Hollotway left Monday for

PFCC Joseph Lesiak Ireland I K i n g , f i D a u g h t e r s o f t h p S t a l e w i i l , Pvt. Samuel Lafata Africa a s s e r r b | e o n Thursday Oct, 21 at the j

CATHOLIC CHURCH R e v f r ^ n c i s " t fu rph j

S u n . O c t . 17-4H is t h e i M h Sur.

a f t e r P e n t e c o s t an-1 i h e r'eu.-i of

M a r g a r e t M a r y . M a s e r - -.!• ...

a n d 1 2 2 : 0 0 ( n e o n ) C a t e c h i s m ClasNC>

f o r a l l .school H ind i ' " ! . S a t . ai I- :I.J.I

a n d S u n d a y a . i r r ti.<• '* o r i m .; tna,,-

N e v e n a de . -o t ion - in h o n o r of i h e

PFC Bert Wylie- South Pacific \ M e t h o d i s t c h u r c h i n H o w P „ f o r t h e i l . 1 1 V M , Fri. at 12:2n for >chool ,-!,;

i forty fifth annual convention. A com dren und 7. to p.oi. for adults, follow-munin service will be conduce ,° '1 h> confcs.-ion.^. Cunfc-sioiis S v at 8:00 a.m. at the Presbyterian chur-. ~:'-!) t o 0 : 0 " h-11'- ; u l , i "'"' h , , n ' ' ch by Rev H.M. Noble The

Pvt. Clarence Culver S Pacific Pvt. Gordon Lamb .-„... England! Pvt. Gayle Hendee ....-• Africa | Pvt. Levi Ludtke England j Pvt. Merlin Lavey ••.... Sicily ( l u n c h e o n > f o r N v h i c h v e s ervation must Pvt. Harold Farley A f n c a L}>e made by Oct 18, will also be ser-

This does not include the Gregor ( v e d a t t h e P r e s b v t e r i a n c h u r , h >

boys who were sent gifts from there- j The Gregory boys are Dick Ho-wlctt ] The program at the Methodist chu-Italy: Capt. Tom Young, Africa; P. i'rch, opening at 0:30^ is as follows; Young, England. 1 Hyn»n - Faith of our Fathers, Pledge

, I to tho Flag, led by Mrs. 9. Berriman

12:31) ^ o r e ^^* e u i ' ' y " l a s s <. ,-iunoa .

In addition to the ptaye.s r-. ,t •.• rfay after mass, you are uracil !o .-av one Our Father, 0:,o {[ail .M;>iy,( uc

^ Gloria Be to the Father etc. 'or ih<-Safety of Our Holy Father .-<»• .a.' Duration.

\<> SI'K IAL SKSSldN. .\udit<. <i»'it. V e r t i o u F r o w n h y >ome j u d i c i ­

o u s t h i n k i n '., c a m e t o t h e r e s c u e o.

t h e .-.tale a i i n i i n i s t r a F o u a n d «-xt r ica-

te<i i'i f r o m t h e d i l e m m a of , -uminni i

i n ^ t h e s t a t e l e^ i sh i t u i v n o w i n t o

. ; • cial se.v.ln '. S e v e r a l s t a t e d e p t s

\ v r l iuur r i i iL ; d e f i c i t s d u o t o w a g e

i ini-(ase.> j.'.-)-ante«i l>y t h e s t a t e civi l

M v v i c e i 'oi)mii>sion. A t t o r n e y <i(-n.

ei-al Kus l t to t i h a d r u l e d t h a t t h e

t e J . c ' i i a t u r e " l a c k e d s t a t u t o r . v

I!.- 'ii i i iaki ' a p p r o p r i a t i o n s f r o m

a m i s for d e f i c i t p u r p o s e s . I l r o w n s

' . . o i u t i o t i : ' I h e l aw r e q u i r e d h i m t o

i ;.o :f\ de j i t . })< ;;ds w h e n d ' ' i ' i< i l s w e i r

i :;.i "d in , " . 1 n t u r n 1 he d -pi. h e a d

i.> ia re i iu i re . - <-i\i! s e r v i c e t o a b o l i s h

| eo,,\-iin p o s i t i o n s o r r e d u c e w a g e > .

"M -. io. i ty rest ,- v. i th t h e d •

n-ad t h e g o v e r n o r . It is

be l i e f t h j l a d , h e i e n c e to

t h e s e m a n d a t e s will r e d u c e t h e def­

i c i e n c y t o a r o u n d $1M>,<HM) by J a n . 1.

E C O N O M I E S . G o v . K e l l y is d e t e r

1 m i " " ( ' t o b a l a n c e t h e s t a t e ' s b u d g e t

A c C e r d i n g l y , h e a p p o i n t e d a s p e c i a l

c o m m i t t e e c o n s i s t i n g of S e n . Don

V a n d e r W e r p , c h a i r m a n of t h e >*i>al>'

f i n a n c e c o m m i t t o n - : K e p . J o h n I'- lv

;/,i ' c h a i r m a n , h o u s e w a v s a n d m e a n >

< o i i m : i t t e e : RolM»rt S. I'Vyd of t h e

g o v e ; n o r ' s o f f i c e . I ' u d ^ e t J ) i r e c t o r

F r e d S 'nTf ler a n d T h o m a > V v i l o , . , t(

c ivi l s e r v i c e d i r e c t o r . T h e c o n i m l l e

J a,- t w o d u t i e s : ' T o f ind o u t for nm

i w h a t actiion is g o i n g to be t a k e n b \

j t h e v a r i o u s a p p o i n t i n g a u t h o r i t i e s .1 o

i l ive w i t h i n t h e i r a p p r o p r i a t i o n s " a n d

" t o m a k e w h a t e v e r r e e o n i m « ' n d a t \ o n s

. » , t h i n k .inigiit be h e l p f u l in t h e

• ' . n a t i o n . " I''irsi s e s s i o n s wer< ' Imlu

iast. T h u r s . a . .d F r i d a y .

ill p o h ' i c !

y e a r s ami Hi

I p n - s . - m m a y o r m a d e .t his < a r e e r . (;:.

J t h e olhvy h a n d F i f / . g e r a l d h c o g , n

: t u e c lass o f n a m , ' c a n m i a : e , 1,.,. i

"«'"» lu ino r poil i t ical p o s i t i o n s mos t ly

all of It.s h f e a n d h a s n e v e r been t

t i le little l i gh t t o a n y g r e a t e x t e n t ox

c e p t w | . ( . n he U ( ) M t h ( , D e m o c r a t sen-

a t o i i a l i i o t n i n a t i o u in 1!>42. Tak i ; . ,

a l l t h i n g s i n t o t h e i-<uisiderat»io:i the

J-esul, i., in t ) u . n a t u r e of a ; „ , , . . t

I'll" p t o p l o d id not V < ,1 ( . (-,,;. j . ' j ,

g e r a l d t i iey v o t e d a g a i n s t .h^'1'i-eys.

M a n y of t i ie tn w e r e eot ivj ju-e t h a t hi.-

i i a n d l a i - of t h e n e g r o r a c e r io t

sumn.e i - w a s d i l a t o r y a m i i n e . F r t u ;

a n d p r i i n p t a c t i o n by Jcl ' f j 'ey. . an

G o v . Kel ly w o u l d h a v e s aved nx

of t h e l ives t h a t w e r e los t . T h i -

r e f l e c t e d by t h e v o t e in t h e

ward.- w h e n t h e m a y o r

u n d e -.

• I S '

ne, was sno\,

« ^

I li'-rr lias I., m a ^

m a n y t i l ings d u r i n g t h e

r e m e m b e r in o u r \ \

e . . t t i l a i . g . ' ill

p a s s i n g y;-ai-s

y o u t h t h a t a

a p:e

w o

\v> \ •

I a r t i.» at

i l rown' . -

c e r t a i n c h u r c h u s e d t o d<Miumd

d f e of it.s n i e m b r r s t h a t t h e y

a b s t a i n f r o m d a n c i n g a n d p lay i

c a r d s . C i g a r e t t e s m o k i n i ; wn- :1s > r •

of t h e u n p a r d o n a b l e s i n s ami a n t i -

c i g a n !!.• so.aetic.v w e r e ill e \ i s t a t i c c in

man> piace>. , \ o w we h e a r . i t i i - (

a n y n u w e i u e n t to c u r b t h e s e so c a l l . o

ev i l s , C i g a r e t t e s a r e p r o b a b l y t h e

m o s t n u i i u r u n s of u ' l t , - s e n t t o t h e

b o y s in t h e s e r v i c e a n d t h e D, c

Fre>> \'r<'ns h a s j u s t pu t m y a ,

e.-sfal d r i v e to s e n d 1 0 . 0 0 0 p a d .

p i a y u i g c a r d s t o t h e s e r v i c e m e n . D;u

c i n g j ,- a l s o ;i c o m m o n fo rm of e , , te

t ai.mi .'.'it a* i b . ' a, )<\ .,e> \ n y ,• ' • . ' - .

A s t o n e pa •• l i e p. -i i(. I s e e m to

e . ro / ' m o r e a m i m o r e Id t e i a l on llieil

o n l l n o k mi l i fe

.1 i l \ e l l l i e de l i m p i e l i c y use<[

l i k e | lie w e a l he r K'i e; \ bod.v

t o


M i, a h o u t

a b o u l H

e) n 11111 y 111 e 111

o) ie


m a n y l r i n g

wi th t h e

w a r f ac t

i n c r e a s e d tF . s < le l i i up iencs ' t o

in C M cut t h a t s o m e k i n d o f ae-

Kii o n e o o n e

i l .or - h o r t a g e

of p a r e n t s in


SHOE RATIONING I Opening of Convention, Mrs Amo:

XT , ... m . . . . „ „ „ „ «. , There are a few facts aDout shoe ! Clark, Perry; Welcome to Livingston NadiviUe, Tenn, to vtait PPC Holhs j ^ cleared u p / 1 . Only 2 County. M r . Wheeler Russell; Re Hollcway who is m the hospital there., ^ v J y ^ p e r p e r s a n a r e p o s s i b l e p o n s Q to Welcome, Mrs. Wm. Robe, t.-

as of the 480 000,000 pair made a Presentation of Program, Mrs. X year, the army gets 180,000,000 of Miller^ Detroit; Communications, them On account of this only the (Reports of officers, ....; Hymn, T

best shoes obtainable should be bought} Need Thee Even' Hour; Reports of 2. Shoes for infants below sifle 4 are .County President....Report of Norn. unrationed. 3. Stores must not honor j inating Comm ; Reports from un­shoe stamps detached from books. 4. j orgnized Counties.... Luncheon 12:3e

F,V, W tfyod l rough Oct. X V", Z good through \<> Meats, Cbeese_ . hitter, Fa'

F i s h a n d Mi lk . C r o w n (

p i , ' . <

Pvt. Arthur Kreech of San Diego^ Cal. is home om furlough.

Tommie Percowski who transfered from the navy to the seabees and was sent to Williamsburg, Va.^ is now at Davisvlle R. L, is now home on fur­lough.

James Lamb of Pinckney is now a - . , p M 1 . . P M

~ i. • • *u * „•• A**J «* f*,« TT i Stamps are interchangable among me P.M. 1:45 P.M, Captain in the tactics dept. of the U. \^ v

c—«,•«» =+0 , 0 0 . I mbers of the family. 5. Special stamps »-*«„- ^ S M y S i n g e r has passed t h . ^ \ «* b . denied habitual purchasers of ' ^ ™ £ * £

examination and will go in the army » n f l e I l 0 r s n o e s

Oct. 27. He will be the 4th Singer

In your charity you are u«seo i pray for two persons whose Miitm deaths cn-ured recently

l Iltoks on the Devotions of the Iloiyi good now. J-.'. (> , Rosary, explaining and offering thej expire Oct. 30. Meditation for each Mystery may be 1 Sugar: Stamp 11 good

• had next Sunday. Call for yours. \ through Nov.l ;Stamps 1 •"> j Among the intention in tine Holy' 1 Mass this week are Sun. for the late Frank Bowers, Mon. tor the late Merlin James MeCleer, re<|iiest<d b\ Pvt. James Anderson and wife, Tues. for the late Ed. Singer, i.-.|.e-.-ted b-

a nl

for a i ;


j Mrs. Mary Singer, Wed. for the l;,i. This Hour- De» ' ' a n i e s Thornton Thurs. for the lat<

otional Service, Rev. W.H. Young | Frank Bowers, requested by Mr. T,e., Heport of State Bible Chairman Mr.O D a v i s » ^ ^ ' ' y , rViday for Mrs. la,.-. "Howard Clifford, Flint; Memorial ser j Madden, requested by a daucrhter.Sat vice, Fo^'lerville Circle; Report of


apply for 5 lb. at board

Shoes: Stamp until further n -in JJook : ' g o e d

ther 'J'ire.

. ,1 , 1

notice -..-Inspectior J44.1J by n

canning i m

is ! : ( • ! • .

' • . ' ( • ' - .

A ( • ' . :;

0 : (-•


No. 1 ..


1, '•'

- <

- 3





; • .

l i e


1: ' .

h> ';.-.

e . . • ' , |

' l l O i i . |

: . j ^ ' t !:! I! .r- •

Mar. 1 : - , 0 , ( - 0 -

mmeJCJa) v e h i c l e s e v e r y oO'tit

v . e v e r y b m o i i ' h s \ v h " i i e v e r

Frank Murray, son qtf the latej^State President,....; Hymn, What ; Friend We have in J«sus; Report-

brother to join the armed forces, his brothers, Sam, Paul and Robert . al­ready being in. Ijjhomas Murray of Dexter township,

An official letter from the gover- dtaj a t Greensburg, Penn., Sat. The 1 of State Chairman; Report of Cred nment at Washington D.C. has recent- f u n e r a l and burial will be there. Sur- jential Comm. Mrs J. Marr; Report of ly come to Mrs. Teresa MeCleer, R. viving are his wife 4 sons and 2 \ Electorial Ballot. Mrs. J. Marr: Ad F.D., Gregory, M'ich. and a member daughters. Two of his sons are now] mission tevice, Mm. H Conover, Jac of this parish, mother of the late 8erv\ng \n the armed forces. He was kson; Report of Courtesy Comm Pvt._Merlin James McC.eer, news ofj

a D r other of Mrs. Irving J. Kennedy iMUa Mary Crank; Unfinished Pu^

with commemoration for the bow- ^ men in .>*ervice and member of the


Purgatorial Society. Sunday is communion Sue. fo, U.<

youn? ladies sodality under 'In- pa'. ronage of the P.V.M.

We wish to thank all who have ;>.--

( ia .s ; S t a m p A-^ f o o d

g a l . T h r o u g h N o v . 'A 1. I. a n d

w h i c h b e a r " M i l a g e r a t i o n "

2 g a b u n t i l u s e d ,

Kliel O i l : I ' e r i nd 1 g o o d IV

t o J a n . :i , 1 9 4 4 .

Sto-. ' ' .- : < e l l i f i r -ate- t . ,

l u u - i be o l i l a . t . ed f rom ioca

i n ;

• t - H i

i n

whose death in the Pac ific, was rec-) o f HcAvell and also the late Mrs, Ed-eived recently. Details and facts of his demise are now revealed.His death was caused by "Cliroic Maleria Fever'' c o n t r a c t following engagements^ battles, at or near New Georgia H and, which ocoured August. 28,-43. The letter states tliat proper Chris­tian burial services were conducted at the Post where he departed and in due time disposition of rerjgwns may be arranged with the government for transfer. *

ward Spears. Mrs.Kennedy and Miss Gertrude Spears left for Pennsylvania Sunday.


There will be a dance at the Mas onic hall, Pinckney on Sat. n'glu, Oc 23. Music by Finlan ore ra. Ref­

ines*, New Business; Charge to off­ers elect- Mrs. H.G. Helmuth: \ e Presidents Message; Reading of M utea. Closing Hymn, Lead Now :. Forth We Go. Signed- Publicity Com

COMMUNITY CONG'L. Re*. J. M. McLncas, Minister

Mr. Herman Widmayer, 3.S. Supt.

j si.sted in the bond, Diocesan, Drive &' — — _ doners of U.S. War Stamps to date! MARRIAGE LICENSES for the worthy causes for which the' government urges, and the honefits,

J b> your' donat'ons, to the dio«-e ..•,,• causes. If vou have not contacted a .''licitor to date wiTI vou call .Mil offer your donations.

Pvt. Phillip MeCleer, brother -. Merlyn, has returned to his hd<p a

it-amp in Virginia, where he is a mm *

T h e f o l l o w i n g m a r r i a g e l icense:-

wn-r issue<l a t t b e c o u n t y c l e r k ' s of­

f i c e las t w e e k : H a r o l d H a r t s t i f f . i!».

( I r e t - e r v , C a r o l H e i d , ( I r e g o r y , !'.»

o 7 , l l r i g b t o ' - M a r

I ' . r i ch toe .

\ ion u u s impel at I'.c. M a n y c o n i m u n i t -

i» s ii a u g r a t e d c u r f r ' w l a w s . A n n A r b o r

h a s ji,st a d o p t e d o n e in wh ich p a r e n t s

, \ I K W chvldn-n a r c f o u n d on t h e s t r ­

eet nl 'u-r I I p . m . on F r i d a y a n d S a t .

:i. i\ i n p .m. on o t h e r n i g h t s a r e l ia-

I h- to a f ine of $ I 'd) o r !MI d a y s

in j ; il. 'I In,- is a- it s h o u l d be, . Juv­

enile d e l i n q u e n c y w a - a l w a y s a rrfrs-

i c i . e : . T h e c o r r e c t n a m e is a d u l t

-'(•Ii (pieiicv . ' I ' h e r e a r e a n u m b e r of

c h i l d r e n in I ' i n c k n e y w ho can be r .'•'-

n 1;11!\ -een on t h e s t r e e t s eacji nig rht

• J ' t - r <1 p .m. H o w w o u l d t h e i r p a r -

' ht l i ke it t o h a v e t h i s v i l l a g e a d o p t

an < r d i n a n r e . - imi lar t o t h e Ann -V'-

Tlx p r e s s l a s t w « e k c a r r i e d t h e

s t o r y o f t h e b e h e a d i n g of a c a p t u r e d

A m e r i c a n a v a i t o r by t h e J a p s . T h e

I s t o i y m a y h e t r u e o r it m a y not . i t ' s

( s o u r c e is a l e t t e r t a k e n front the

I Imrlv oi a d e a d J a p sold/Vr. I ' . oheaV

i i , : by t h e sw••.. t h a s b e e n t h e f a v o r ­

i te f o r m of e x e c u t i o n in b o t h J a p a n

i;.iid C h i n a f o r c e n t u r i e s w h e r e n i i n o i

I ' l i n e , a r c p u n i s h a b l e h y e x e c u t i o n .

Such a e x e c u t i o n c o u l d b e p o s s i b l e .

I H o w e v e r w e s h o u l d b e a r in mi rut

' v .o r ld W a r 1 in w h i c h m a n y s i m i l a r

i . i t r a g e . by t h e H u n s ( f l e r m a n ^ i

jv.i'i-r- p r o v e d to he m e r e p r o p r o j r a - r i

. \ e s h o u l d h a v e m o r e r re ta i ls on t h '

j - ibjiM-t, s u c h a s t h e a v a i t o r s n a m e

tr . l a - ' o r e ' v o a c c e p t it a? t r u t h .

n e w s l e t t e r ro<

W i l l i a m S c h l o t t


p r o p o s a l

' i raref K r a s n v

eshments. The public is invited.jJance*! Mr. Alfred Lane A«»Ut. S.S. Supt

Among the names of those who don bled blood to the Red Cross blood bank last week should have appeared the r.ame orf Mrs. Mildred Ackley,who has donated twice.

Cars driven by Miss Catherine Swarthout of White Lodge and Chas. Crowe of Brighton sideswiped each

part old and part new. Erdley Van- j Sickle and Clare Swarthout, callers.


No hunting signs for sale at th< Dispatch Office. 10c each.

Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Wilson of Ann Arbo* have moved into the apart­ments, north of Roy Clark's store

other late Fv;day_afternoon near the j | „ . Wilton is a teacher in the PinrU much ' Melvln farm. Both cars got

body da&Ag* i ney schooi

Mr* Florence ^ * o f h n - Organist Aad Choir Director

iber of the Engineers service and i now traveling on Government order Phillip recently* was a visitor to hb nc*hers home and attended the Sol

, - . - . unn 'Requiem Services and Ma--Momlllg Worship J? : ™ !>'•.. Mary's church, Pinckney for Sunday School 11:00* Y. P Meeting Sun. Nite 7:«M Choit Rehearsel Wed. Eve S:0'i SPECIAL NOTICE


I t w a s houn ( i .o ci i ini ' , W o r l d W a 1

1 h a d Us silk s h i r t f ad . T h e o n ] y w a y

t o b r e a k i n t o s o c i e t y b e i n g t o w e a r

a silk s h i r t . N o w it is h a n d p n i ^ e '

In ' 'ott-. IMackney's 1'iitlv- lie mentions t h« lowei- ihe draft ago to 17'-- years and wonders what the people think about it. We can see little merit in it. Poy 17 y<ars old can already enlist in^the .navy and air reserve with their ent- consent. This is only anot ohstical thrown in path of drafting ,, ...t'.iers and would accomplish li

1 I I K '


neckties, selling for as much as $ 1 On• tU> a n ( i m j f f n t w o u b* the.means of

brother. .each. So at th«> present time th* chief 1 ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ the military branch of the aim of the prosperous warworkcr >s'LOVC!rnmonf


" ! Eira B*echU, pattor NOTICE! [Superintendent Wnrv-.

The L.A.S. will serve a cafeteria t ^ - ¾ ^1 1 0 0 .1

to own a hand painted necktie. Like silk .shirts it,s existance will he most hri '

lunch at the Com. Conjr'l church on Saturday, Oct 28.

Earl Gallup and family have moved from the George Stgler hcaifie to the

•i:cv . Miss Dorothy Meabon • and Mrs. >dam Brown farm. Robert Ackley : {» :0",Fris:nger of Ann Arbor left Tuesday and family who are living In the

Worship Service 11.00 t 0 v i r l i t t h |atter*s son in the armv|Tessmer partments will move in the '< ing Peoples Meeting 7:30. t a m p at Augusta, Georgia Sijrlei house abaut Nov. 1« ^ t t ' t l y Prayer Service W c ' . 7:30


- •»« •

"9-. 'r?m

1 I

• i - * . . I

i •4

» »


Fri., S a t , Oct. 15 , 16


A Dram* Starring


Cartoon L«U»t Newt


Sun.,Mon.,Tue»., Oct. 17, 18, 19


A Dr»ni« Starring

R1CHARU g U t N E , N O A i . BERRY and ANN G W Y N N E

Sun. Mat. 3 : 0 0 C o o t


Wednesday.October 13.194?

nrup AVON fHEATul r - i U i y u i c e *****" HenryH. Wines former county S m k r r r H j t , fikh i r o 6 e l r o n i l - : n L l rK h i v e L* • ' treasurer.Horwell.died Wednesday fol

' '" mmm * ;,c<abees whJ ;i*u-n<.fcU the i3ru • •?. i o w i n g a stroke. The funeral was held

F r i , Sat.; O c t 15, 16 ~ ~ ' uh r meet ing oi L:.."ngBton Cou-i-, | F r : i d a v .

Extraordinary Double Faatura Associat ion Lady Maccabees at l ev , \ ^ r a n ( j Mrs. Joe Brady (Ma: ;a;'

N I G H T P L A N E F R O M - e r v i l l e T n u r - w e r e M r s - L o - s i i o i l o * 1 R o b b ) announce the birth of a dau

r u i l M r ^ i ^ l N i r ^ M r s * M a y S t e P i l a l l o n » M » Emily 'ghtei on Oct. 4th. L J i U I N U M I N U K u c l a r Mrs. M. Buckalew, Mrs. , , | Mr. and Mrs. Meivin West are spen-

1W ^011, Mrs. H. Wmkelhaus, Mi f d i n g a week with her father, Jack \ - . 1 _ T . . . . «... _i -._!_/ u:^..

A Spy Drama in the Far East

S t a r r i n i j - u i i i e Shannon, Mrs. Gladys Lee .Mu. • Cadwell , of Pinckney, helping him ROBERT HRESTON, ELLE.J D. tEW , . K n „ n „ M r s . E. Houehton. Mis. >™,t brick veneer on his home.

f i t



A Comedy Where Justice Goes Hunting


Ida Knapp, Mrs. E. Houghton, Mrs. J^ut 'I .Chiialensen Mrs. Ella Featherly, |

Mr*. Lucile Tomlin, Mrs. Ro*e Smith, flQ'jfES O F b U Y E A R S A G O

Mrs. M. Cooper, Mrs. G. LaLson am. M i g s L Q H a z e ^ a t the World'.-.

ivlr.i. M. Jones , j F ; i i r } n Chicago this week. OUui ;. Hamburg Hive won the attendum L ] ) i j r o k a w , Miss Helen KuU' ; uu

d c a m n g ; banner, Mrs. BorUm was elected s e c , . | e v F r ConaidillO. FRANK MORGAN, JEAN ROGERS' and Mrs. Stephannon,past c o m m a n d s j ^ rt M c I n t y r e ^ j , helping bi..

Hamburg contributed two number. ^ t e , h o n # ^ ^ ^ Ajin A r to the program. , . v ^ 0 f i r g ^

Wm Keedle had a birthday Wed. ^ ^ ^ o n ™ • " • • ° T TOn

and a most happy one. Tue.s. a l t e r ' Kichard Haddock and ivlw* ( ^ r h t noon his son and wUe and four eh. - ^ - - - - ^ w e r e ™ " ' " a a t l r , V p » » ' - 1 U

Sun., i u e f » Oct. 17, 19 A Comedy'Novelty in Sepia


ROCHESTER* E T H E L W A T T E R S Wus New* and r*ete Smith i'lrfct Aid"

hirer* Howard, Marjory, Annette ami " n C c t - 5 -Tniy came to visit him. ! John Clark is working for M.

! Howard, who has been in the sor- I'.v-v of Plaint"e i

Comins:-"Apache Trail", ' H u m a n vice l o r over a year, graduated w u - ±,±IL* ..ijiLCJic acajou is a n t i,5

.Comedy" *'Air Raid Warden* (Laur- the class of 4D-1. The air force* au e! & Hardy) j vunoed Fly ing school at Ellington l-'ie

Texas Oct. 2. He has to report J M M M . U M i M H M k

Wed., Thur., Oct. 20 f 21

PILOT NO. 5 Starring



MUG TOWN A Comedy Starring


Coming-"Hit the ice 'VMy King dom for a Cook" "Sahara"

AI A ill i i U R U Hit Lauies Guild of St. Stephen*.,

cuuivli jnet at ihe home oi iMi;>. Koy i .u.viiuui i ' l iday aftei'Jiooji with : < u oi.'.hci .s piL'^enl. In the afiseui'i' oi ..1(.. IN.J Stephaiiiion, Hie pre.sidoru i\.. >. i'ijiui J. Kuchar, vice pri'sidcm, >\.i> iii i:iarge of the meeting wine; opened with singing, "Onward (.'hri.-.-Uau Suidiers" and prayer l>y the VKV , i esideut.

A report of the bake sale was gi \ en, the proceeds of whifh aniounte.l

to $jy.4o Tort Showerman made the tiuil

' at Salt Lake city, Monday, Oct. 11 Mrs. Howard Jones of Adrian i

! ' spending a few weeks with her pas ! ents Mr. & Mrs. (Jlen Borton. i

NEIGHBORING NOTES Robert Dickinson, who formerly

! worked for Keason & Sotns has enlist­ed in the navy and is at Great Lakes

' according to the Stockbridye Brief . Sun. \ S iockbridge will return to Slow

"Time Oct. 24th. ! Bert Barks of Stockbridge is a pa-

• tient at University hospital, Ann Ar­


c J U l l l C o * i U o toOiH.' U L'Uj ^ > ; ^ lt> .-lUl * >.

un uu. gtu^iu jury.

r'lanK. i luimner oi x'uuiuiu aim Mkoz iiiiiu .>ii:v..uiuii.ii or i \ u u u x^tKe \»L'ic Uiiitea in iaarriagu u «JUMIC«.

Juan uui i i .c al iiib ikomc in i umaiu Oil O c t . 1 ^ . '

The Howell Theatre Air Conditioned

1 0 % tax on all ticket*

Thur. Fri., Oct. 14, 15

The Old Wci t Reform*-



uinoi ' visuors at uie cnicago i'air tiirs vs^eK oi'e: Gliaa. l e ep ie , Geiie Uiunpbeii, George i cep lu w u e aua daugntei's, .ur. and ivlrs. Utn Mont­ague, i i enry l iarton and wue , I1 rank.

I uau s o l d i e r s - and prayer t.y tlie V K V . Sum j i t e u a u l i and Uaugiitcr, Ella and A. I , i esideut. ' Sio(!kbridffe will return to Slow • (j iover. , '

A m e of tne l .S .P . Johnson farm, east of town last Wednesday destroy* (,i Vc ton of hay.

1 . .. ,..- , w . , , • . ' . * L • i o J i ' B e i l Webb who lias been working a pi-e-.ent ol - o.OC1- to iselp in b u y i n g ! The Stockbridge 3rd war loan was i ^

. . . ,, • , ,„, , , , , . , , ., i i a.,,, r/,i! r-ri ^- on tne Ann Arbor- Jackson lelephone i coal lor the church. Ihe Christmas D^-I .subscribed by $10,504^. Tlueu- ^ - - ^ **

» v, . . .. . . . . r ^ •". ^ r i l l lL . g 0 e i S l o Saginaw to work on an-I i i)a/.aai and sale oi baked goods wi : quota was $ijl,U0U. t .

Four boys who ran away from the , u I l ( i m e ' , I „* . . T , ; Arthur i'opham who has been wor-

sUrte refor>natory at Lansing lasi \ •*--•'" f , . , i L u i \i\ kinrr for John Harris has retur..e, ,

week stole the ear belonging to M n , ( " ' U j

Cecelia Corser which they abandon* .1 l u ^ o l o r a d a . , ut Joslyn Lake. There they stole t h , : ^ ^ cuts or meat l or 1 U alb. car of Mrs. Charlotte H a d k y w h k . h ! l iood Meat lor o ^ John Mcbuiness.

, , i i • v ,,•,• ^ I Manned Oct. lb, firzaii l w a i n l t j was found abandoned in Chicago. .' 1 / M , ' . M .. , . , .,, it- u (j u^ i i t, \,^- i to i red G enn, both of Worth Lake. Kowlerville High School de.ieate > •

., .... . r- i ,* .,„ i i i>„; .i A number from here attendee the Howel . 20 to 7 last week and iJngh- i

. . n a v . f l „ , A f „ t. I Chelsea fair last week. ton beat Dexter 14 to b.

Miss Virginia Hall of Fowlerviih has enlisted in the W A V E S and gone to Hunter College, N.Y., for training.

241 persons w e n t to Brighton and

l)u held Sat. Dec. 4. | The nevi meeting will be the an j nual Thanksgiving meeting to be lu-,: JThurs., Nov.4 at IQOF hall with pot

iuc*i dinner at l'J.:'H) p.m. The Bri­ghton Ladies Guild will be invite.: as guests. Gifts for the Williams hou se in Detroit win be bought.

Ai'iout (Ut attended a s^iecial nici'.-ing of District No . 1 Monday nighL for the purpose "St—uiseus>ing the (j'U-.-tions of educa..>- and transj)Oi tat It ii of high school age- chi ldren; as only the grades are taught here

No action was taken; another meetin;!, donated blood at the lust visit there

Comedy Cartoon N e w i

Sat., Oct. 13

Mat. Sat. 2 :00 p. m. t i c , lit Horror and Hilarity!.





Thrill*. Act ion! Song*-ROY ROGERS in

"IDAHO' with



wi'l be held. Mrs. Edward Christenson entertain

ed at the home Sat. night in hor-rr of her husband's 05 birthday. Cues'.-, were his daughter, Mr.-. Lila McLean aiiJ son of Detroit ; Ids son, ('alt., wife and daughter of Whilmore L >.»- , Air. and Mrs. Clarence l iodlolf ol U'.'b White Beach; Mr and Mrs. !. Moelhman and Mr. and Mrs. Glen. l'.t ton of Silver lake, Mrs. Hovvi-'d

of the Hed Cross Blood Rank. Miss Al ice Spencer of Howell h'i

enlisted as an army nurse ami win go to Camp McCoy, Wis..

M'iss Janet Calder has resigned as supt. of the McPherson hospital a*. Howell . |

Mr. and Mrs. Bert Rubbins anmm

| A H Epwoirth League has been or^ anized at the Marion M.E. church with the fo l lowing off icers: 1'res., Mrs. Drewry; Vice . Pres. , A.J. Van- i

I'atton 2nd. Bert Drewry, 3rd, Mrs. < K. Backus 4th, Let t ie and Ella Wan- j hies; Sec , Archie Gorton, Treas. Jen­nie Moss.

Born to L.D.Kuhn ann wife of (ire-gory o n e day last week a son.

T. I'. McCleer i.> bu. dint;- a Ivij-e ! souM* of Gregory.

Gregory visitors at the world's fair

Junes of A r d i v i and Miss Barbara ' Noble of f ic iat ing . The bride was f> i

nee the marriage of their (Laughter' are S a m Blaceway and w.fe . A.C. Col-Elizabeth to Harry Lawrenz of Chi ' lins and wife , George W.igiit ainl cago on Oct. 2, a t Howell. Kev. 1); wi fe and John Marshall.

Ke^pler of Ann A r b u merly s tenographer for Prosceuto- j Hubert Ledwidge and family

Sun. , Mon. Tue*. Oct. 17,18,19 M a t San. , 2 P. M. Cont,



- Novalty Cartoon Now*

Mrs. Christenson f.-rved a nice Itfn-{ Joe Gates and has been working in | Detroi t spent the week end with h 'cl.c n and Mr. Christenson rerei\ e i j De t io i t the past year. J 'mother , Mrs. Eleanor Ledwidge.

A Neighborhood Sale of Stock will be held at the Echo Dell Farm, located 1½ miles south of Pinckney on Toma Road or 3 miles north of North Territorial Road on V


Monday, October 18 Starting at 1:00 P. M. Fast Time

Wod. f Oct. 20 All Adultt 17c


i wm





C o m i « f . . W a l t D».n.7 '«'Saluctor

A m i f o * "

HORSES 4 Year Old Gelding Pair of Matched Bays. 3 and 4 Years Old

•! 1 Pair oi SorreM Yrs. Old Tiirse are all good rugged work horus

CATTLE 10 Holstein Cows. 4 to 7 Yrs. Old. 1 Cow with Calf by Side and the rest

I consist of Close Springers' to Cows ving milk

{ 3 Holstein Bulls, 7 to 10 Months, Old

f 8 Holstein Heifers, 6 to 2½ Years Old [ 2 Holstein Heifers 2¼ 1 Years Old, Calves by S^dc

Jersey Heifer 9 Months Old 16 White Face Steers, Wt 600 to 650 lbs.

"Eai* on Wear it out, Make it do, Do without"


W The worths* fMoaopEg t l "making things do" kesf •••n taken the wave oal of me checkered flags on Detroit Edieoa repair tracks! These <m the flags yoea see posted in the middle of a street *• warn traffic* where men are engaged la construction or repair work, they were made of bunting* bat is a war casualty. Now the flags canvas — but sail doing a job.

Do yon know that — 550,000 pounds of scrap 190,000 pounds of lead 53,000 pounds of scrap

were recovered In 12 months (so August 1943) and put back into use by Ihe Sal­vage Division of The Detroit Edison Com­pany? In addition, 98,000 feet oi cable and 560,000 pounds of weatherproof wire were reclaimed by splicing, and over 10,000 pounds of scrap rubber were re­covered from old ae> and water-hose. More than 96,000 appttanoe cords were reconditioned "as good as new/' and nearly 5,000 old wood poles were re­claimed by shaving off the decayed ex­terior and treating the pole with a fungus-destroying chemicceV

CONSERVE ELECTRICITY Even a 3 per cent saving m ihe monthly use o/ electricity by Detroit Edison oustomen will save

i 7 , 0 0 0 TOMS O f COAL PER MONTH ( 1 1 7 CARLOADS)

WTAL RTATI ~-J£ 8 , 8 0 0



* * *


40 Half Blood Ewe.

30 Fine Wool Ewes

»0 Half Blood Lamb.



S ALVAGESPELLS VICTORY Our* is A Vital ly Etsanta! Salvage Organizat ion.



according to t iza and condition*





HOGS 12 Hampshire Shoats

1 Chester White Sow with 5 Pigs

This is a Neighborhood Sale. More Stock

Will Be Bought In.

use 6 6 6 mfummm



j CONSERVATION NOTES i If you want to hunt in Washtenaw • & Tuscola on Sunday you can do .so ! omy on your >.vn property If i'vj

, land is publicly ow.vvl you i».:iy hrnt {any day on it. This is an option of j the attorney general . The state owns j land in both count ies . I Another sale of s tate owned lands

wi' week of Oct. 2 5 , w i th sales at Cad­illac, Kalkaska, Petoskey , Traverse City, Cheoboygan and Rogers City.

Small game and deer may be stored in frozen lockers for 6 months after the season. Duc^k for only 45 days.

With 55 fores t f ires raging in the vicinity of Marquette*and Gwen, the


" B E A T " T H E H O R S E


Mickey MacDougall , noted card d e ­tective, writ ing in the American W e ­ekly with tliis Sunday's (Oct . 1 7 ) '.*«-

« « « « • « « H M - . - V * O - « " - "WJ*yu I a n " s | sue of The Detroit Sunday Tiroes ex-11 be held in Northern Michigan the n | Q 1 „ t f v A . . . , „ JLi\Lt*u-* . -1. ~* #-v-i. oc ...:^ __•-- _1 n A Plains the victims of "sure th ing" bet ­

tors whose ingenius methods of sw­indling make some a m a i i n g and ent ­ertaining reading. Get Sunday ' s Det ­roit T i n m

Kenneth Darrow and w w i f e an Mr. and Mrs. Fores t Darrow o f T h r e e

state is exper ienc ing o n e of its worst Kivers called a t t h e W m . Darrow I fire periods in history with thousands' horn* last Wednesday night ,

of acres of f ine t imber be ing destroy- j M r . a n d M n , J o t e n S c h o M € r a n d

ed. A c c o r d s t o conservat .on officers I a o n > J a c k > o f A n n A i o r w e M ^ r * -

HAROLD GATES. Auc t ion^ I there are s t rong ev idences of incendL»QW ni«i>+ AI~-~ —.—*.- ^ «**. • « , •


PINCKNEY DISPATCH Wednc*day.October 13.1943 • « ^ p —r

• • « > ^>e

Our fighting men will do their job—it's up to you, personally, to keep their victories safe by buying War Bonds NOW with every dollar you can—not with what you'd ordinarily save or in­vest, but more-every bit more you can manage.

PINCKNEY DISPATCH Entered at po*torftu«?

Pinckney, Mich jfccond class ...attci


~ f

SPECIAL While They Last

pERi PicKJi-u .a

World's Safest Investments


United States War Savings Bonds —Series E: gives you back $4 for ever> S3 when the bond matures. Interest: 2.9% a year, compounded semiannually, if held to maturity. Denominations: $25, $50, $100, $500. $1,000. Redemption: any time 60 days after issue date. Price: 75% of maturity value.

2 '/2 % Treasury Bonds of 1964-1 9 6 9 : readily marketable, accept­able as bank collateral, redeem­able at par and accrued interest

for the purpose of satisfying Fed­eral estate taxes. Dated September 15, 1943; due December 15, 1969. D e n o m i n a t i o n s : $500, $1,000, $5,(100. $10,000. $100,000 and $1,000,1)00. Price: par-and accrued interest.

C* he? Sicisritlcs: Scries "'C Saving.** Notes; %*;« Certificates of Indebtedness: 2',< Treasury Bonds of 1951-1953: Tniied States'Savings Bonds Series *T": VtuuA States Sav ing Bonds Series bl,G."



4 "

0 ;'(.•


T! " h'r'' W , , r Losui .-.- •< v.'.r loan. Ti Jc-uri ies on s-.le Hi voar ours?. Check the i. -• which is :;pp!:ta.<:c lo you and bay

of DL- jnal teiiiporarv sacriiice. Always keep in minJ your sacrifice is on y temporary bi ; c a u , . > *u . . . 1 P , vouV inlncy uwav when you "buy" War bonus; you lend your monry at mte.n,t . lour ii-.<wey U n o e n ^ " In t e ev*nt of an e m e r g e a e y - u n u the record sLov.s that Amer.oans ar e not iede3,n InaM* r r B-liVs e«!-pt in the event of true e m e r g e n c i e s - y o u r Bonds are redeemable.

T l - United S ia tc . Government has never in its history repiuVated a Government Boa d As further i i ^ uaiibu fv . . c o . - n t r y < 0 guarantee repayment of your money. United St ;Ues pcnential

^ . e t f c l » o ^ / t l ^ ^ P ^ « " l ^ B ^ i T w l t h t t a hS/v* current war „ P ™ c * . « » na «„„*, d t M ;a

only & per .. . . w make m c h a deal with its citizens: repay you with interest for a loan * , £ • * » « « " 1 i ^ K t ^ S S ^ f f i ^ ' . f . l - t e n e m a s which wouid murder. ,«*. . . - ens lave you. o tyuu . rooiej i » jamiUar Ser.e-; E War Bond. Twenty-sever, mill ion American

Ti.. n..u.~. > »— "u> lor_you 1» ™ $1!>o,0i)0,000 a month. Your Third War L-,an duty is to 2 ^ ' " A : ¾ ¾ Se°r°eSs *E £ 5 ¾ ^ . , Jur lesular buying. Buy more if you can. _

K.. jp the •= iacts in mind about the Series E B.mds:

S T * ::'••'rVu.Ta . n ^ M ^ r t i n ^ d a y s 'aSe ' !'.:.... Without notice at stated redemption • „ , „ , . . K « „ Bond i i.' iLis redemption table.

Kci.neity's Gee Store iiiuuiHUiiiililP itimiiijmiHiiiHiUiiiniiiiitufiMimmtHHit Hiinuinnimiii i i


GENERAL TRUCKING Week y Trips Made to Detroit

Frank Plasko g PHONE 45P4


News of

Born to Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Has enchal on Oct. 4,a son. k

Mrs. Clare McMackcn was in T>< troit part of last week.

Miss Jessie Green and Mrs, Welth;; Veil spent the first of the week here,

Miss Betty Baughn spent the week end with Miss Eleanor Latimer.

Alex. Chanyi sr. is making exten­sive repairs on the George Hassen-cahl farm he recently purchased.

Russell Read with the Westinghouse Electric in Pittsburg, Penn. is spend ing some time in Detroit on business for the company.


H.iim, A letter appeared in this issue from

Leigho Lavey who was in England I

I jfkntk { lSc*fl.O 11Ing he can ^6 enough time off from

I with the army. The speech class will put on a playj R e v < goutherland of Potrt Sanilac

the new M.E. pastor, has arrived here j s , H'is family consists of his wife and a

/next month; Bob Carr seems to be i universal choice for the lead provid

| Mrs. Phillip Sprout w;is J, H v.< •' Saturday.

Mr. and uMrs. Onu. t.'ainpoi'.i ... in Detroit Monday.

Mib. Louis coyiu v.a.s in Ann .-v. boo: iu^t Weuiicsuay.

i>'red Campuen u.iu vwu* i-antM • Mr. and Mr;a. una ^ampuen bunu..,,

Mi', and Mi'6. Vvm. Loll and uaug< ter, Phyllid/apeiiL the week eim Detroit.

) Mum Esther KeaU of Dexter \v\.> •Sunday gueot at Uie uouige

jr. home. Mrs. Lucile Rheinhart of iKi.n.

spent the week end with Mrs, i,t. i vanSickie.

Misb Eva ^Ivi/ucat; >pent the week­end with her lister Mrs. Paul ^ .\IDO at Ann Arbor .

iViv. and Mrs. Mark Nu-.:, were Sui.. yiiiitors at the Vvirt Ku;.\j.r l;;.:.c- u. nan; burg.

Catherine Wiltse oi West Putnam speni the week end with Joan Snook, at Pettysville.

Mr. and Mrs. Loren Mca!-o.i Grand liapids sptnt Sunday a. . home of his parents.

Mis. Chus. fcoule ami ehiluren ol Howell were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Phillip Sprout.

Mr. and Mrs. Henry Winsluw > .Detroit spent the week end at t Shrank Aberdeen home. I Mrs. Clayton Parmuloe and daupii ber of Hillsdale spent the week enu at th Andrew Campbell home.

Rev. J. M. McLucas is on the pro­gram at the (Jrand Chapter O.E.S. at Grand Rapids this week.

Fiiends helped Viuceiu i^u,. ,. up 14 acres of beans Sunday, i. goes into the navy soon.

Mrs. Marie Pauer and children ,-. Brighton were Sunday guests of Mr.

Mrs. Albert Shiriuy was given a surprise party Sunday by her family in honor of her birthday.

Mr. and Mrs. W.J. Nash and dau -ghter, Isabel were Sunday guest* <>i ' Mr. and Mrs. W.C. Heu'iee. I

James Burns is attending Clark-j ston High School this year and play-'ing an the football team. He attended at Pinckney two years.

Miss Marion Carson of ,)r,uh<-spent the week end at the Merwi Campbell and James Hall homes.

Mr. and Mrs. John Martin and Mr. | and Mrs. Milton Mitchell were inj Fenton Thurs. to attend a funeral.

Mr.and Mrs. George Hornshaw and son of Howell spent Saturday an Sunday with his mother, Mrs. Franci Hornshaw.

• Mi. and Mrs. Roy Clark and la: lily called on Mrs. George Clark ai,



& m*Un. Holt* fcf « J M It) fcnry. 59*


v )

i "CHIC *«MANtNT WAVI MOMI KIT roqglrtn no twot, no etcctridty, m mocMntl or dry«n. No «xp«ri«nc« ntwdtd. icty, Mte

We liavet Added to Our All Ready Complete Drug Dru<<





t I &enne<^ Drug &cq>rg J

Head or Alive H O R S E S $ 5 . 0 0 C O W 6 $ 4 0 0

F a r m A n i m a l s C o l l e c t e d P r o m p t l y

y i o d e r n E q u i p m e n t C a p a b l e M e n

. . I . 1 A R K E R . A g e n t P h o n e 8 8 , P i n e :

I i- •• F A S T F S T D e a d S t o c k S e r v i c e i n M i c h i g a n

central Dead ScocK ^c

The Handy Store Open Every Eveni ig






]>ueius Wilson sr. ;s spending srun tini in Sanduskey, Ohio.

a husini-.

.1 -mi; MnunnnnmiiiiiMiiniiuiiiiui'iu r


A freshman girl had cause to won­der about which "Tom" she was go-l l i f^ t i th at the sophamore hay ride

Friday evening.

his recently added sanitary engineer I ctfurse. A screen test may be nee j essary to select the leading lady.


Pinckney took a bad Dansville last Friday bowing to that

. ^ , . , . . , ^„x [team 27 to 0. Pinckney put up a poor Tfct sophamore president had a car • „ . » . . , . , ... 4 . , , . * . y , y^ ... . . , . igame, their line failing to hold and

dammed none too politely m his 1 . ' , . f ^ , , , *1 , , . their blocking and tackling being very mt he attempted to escort his» •; * 6 . '

. . *". ^ . , 1 T . „ij^:«„iP«io r ' F r e d Singer only played about fe* tor to her door. Is he slipping f g ^ ^ o n a c c o u n t Q{ &n d

•as a women charmer? i M e y € r w h o , w a 8 i n j u r e d p l a y e d

H^J.D. has received a new set o f f D U t d i d l i t t l e g a i n i n g a n d j o n e s j ^ initals D.T. (dynamic tension). left school. Without these three Pin-

daughter, Bernice% 13. Pinckney High School defeated

Howell at football Friday 19 to 0. Rochr Shehan starred for Pinckney.

Norman Reason will make his deb-ut as auctioneer for Mrs. Clara Merr-

| itt next week on the Enos Burdon beating a t ' f a n ^

James Enunett Culy, son of Mr. & Mxs. George Culy died at his home here Oct. 11, aged 30 years old.

Mrs. F.E. Moran has returned home from the Mich. State San." much im­proved.

Carl Sykes . and Carl Coddington of Detroit were here hunting last week

J&mes Bell and family have moved into the Clark and Mallion houso south of town*

Cbarlee Shipley of Northvill- who purchased the Sanford Reason house

Mr. and Mrs. Leo Clark in Ann Arh


G.K. off the sophamore class wasl c k nT

e y o n l / h a , d o n ^ offensive player i ente ly shoved off the hay rack w h e n i i n L-wandawski and he put up a good • ; . . A^iA^A tK.t i. lg:j»ue but got little support. P.nckney e a e of hi3 superiors decided that h> * \ , ,. , . , . , ' ^ * » * * * » I got to the 30 yard line twice but lost

more room. " u n v i.u • * J the ball when their forward passes

Lamb opened a taxi service were intercepted by Dansville. Dans- has moved into it. Jajgrgtaday with his horse and buggy 'ville has a fine well balanced team,' Ldye Hendee has been accepted ana tractor when he chauffered oiu probably the best in their high school charming minister's daughter and hu league except Fowlerville. blonde giirl friend over the hills of The Pinckney lineup was: L e ^ the Lamb estate. A previous phone End, Jack Reid; Left Tackle, Bobon; rail to hfs lady love proved that; Left Guard, Clark; Center, Griffith; he was not wolfing. I Right Guard, Aschenbrenner, Rig);

R: : * i Tackle Meyer; Right End, Ledwidge. W hayrides were in style l a s t ] Q u a r t e « r B a c k > j^b. R l g h t Half, Ji...

w e e * *a» senior class was not to be ^ . ^ ^ ^ I ^ ^ W M . F U 1

Th«- next morn-nr

Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs White were Norman White and .. oif Howell and Dan Driver and lat iy of Dextet.

,Mr. and Mrs W. C. AtLeo an Mr. and Mrs. Robert Tasch and lam ily Look PFC. Cyrus AtLte and wife to Ann Arbor Sunday night to «et a train to Florida.

Wesley Reader, scout master too the following scouts to the Miehig;. -Notre Dame football game Sal u; day Jack Haines, James Dooliu; Jack Haines Gus Ledwidge, !>' Griffith, Jimmie Meyer, Tommie Clark'. j

The following people from herri expect to attend the Eastern JStavj Grard Chapter at Grand Rapid.* <• . Tuesday and Wednesday: Mrs. L.»'tti< Nesbitt, Mrs.Bonnie Henry, Miss Dr)i j othy Ellis.Mrs. Campbell, Rev.' and Mrs. J.M.McLucas and prohabh Mr. and Mrs. Albert Dinkel.

Mr. and Mrs. Louis Clinton j>l the army and goes to Fort Curtice. C a t h e r i 0 n t a r i o a n d d a u j r h t , „ . Va.

James Uocking niado trip to Howell Saturday.

Mrs. Mary Hoff left last Wednes­day to visit friends in Flint.

Mrs. Ross Read, Helen and Jane. Keidler, spent Saturday in Ar..> .M boa-.

Mrs. Nettie Vaughn is visiti; daughter, .Mrs. Kdith Teeple o[ .lark son.

Jack Hamel of Jackson >pent Hi week end at the Mark Hanna i'arni( west of town.

Mr. and Mrs. (Jerry Kirhina;:','.! Spea;s) spent-the week end in troit.

Mr. and Mrs. Fred Carpenter oi Pontiac were Friday guests of Mr. •Edna Reason.

The Mioses Helen and Janet l\ • left for Miami rloiida Tiifsd.iv \<> spend the winter.

Mr. and Mrs. Einmett Clark ai, family of Howell called at the Wahi Ctak home Sunday.

j^irsl National |

Bank | IN HOWELL s




:f.rr Federal Deposit Ins-Corporation. All depos­

its Insured up to Depositor.

n.ono por each —

• *



"Am Paying Bil

Soon (I Hope)

1«. Be Back

J :

Mrs. Nora Reason nas gone U< She , ]><T

Chester H'inchey has an auction ad vertised for Oct. 21.

a i


tbeir t . .. Qy^j^ sent out for a box of soda S u b s _ N i c h ' o l S j T , C i a r k | D i c k young

Unlets and a roil oi turns. She D ( > n B u r n g > J a c k j ^ ^ B o b L a tners. • •hihadlndisresvon, ' :ut is that; T M g w e e k p^y P i n c k n e y phv

1 her only scheduled home game whe Carr is said to be tne i s h e meets the Ypsi high school

aiodel pupil this year. It . . it he takes his English tea-

dtoft a big redf apple every day. • * _ _ , . , 1 Ctef Ledwidge la one of our most displayed at Dansville last wwek ladaatrious practioners of the light win. faittaatic. A certain freshman girl • *

to be the answer. t M r 8^ Marvin Shirey and daughte Earl of Howell started her« n d M i - g Dorothy Vixel are visitin,

e t a m at the achool thii week, y o i ^ y o , ^ Ohio.

Jean and Janet Mr. and Mrs. H Thoimalen of Detroit and Mr. Mrs. Ralph Clinton of Howell v>-

Paul Kuhn has arrived safely over- S u n d a y ^ , , ^ R t t h e c j f ; | i n t ( h

seas with the A.E.F. homo. Saturday guests at the Char". Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs

Clark home were Dan Driver * L e e Lavey were Mr. and Mrs. ... family of Dexter^Dr. and Mrs.Cl M e t z o f H o w e l ] ( M r > a n d M r s > H a r n

ing Blatchford and family & Mr.ann L a v p y o f D e t r o j t M r ftnd M f 8 M o r

Mrs. Frank Bielman of Battle Cre i Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Lillywhitr


ei-ves here. Pinckney won from them 1 in the optening game 88 to o but \\«s t hav«» to show better form than sh

<Tropery, F. E. Hollis and famCly Hamburg were Sunday callers of and Mrs. Henry Johnson.


• • • • • *

r~.. ( . t ' t l : ; i l ^| • ;• '•;• •

r* ii i y o u r MVin,"-i;i[ti war l)Oiu»>cvrrv


1 '•"!

» 1 ^ - : - •«


vin N«ile of Jarkson and Mr. and Mr?-Vincent Shields and daughter of Jac­kson.

A large number from here ton!; in the football game-Mich, vs Noin Dame, Saturday. Among them v ' Mrs. Eleanor Ledwidge and son,Ke';'. C. H. Kennedy, daughters Helen and Rita, Mr. and Mrs. John Burg, Mrs. Fred Read and Rosemary and Muriel

tro.t to visit relatives to go Florida soon.

Mr. and Mrs. Win.Smith of called on her mother, Mrs. .) ;» ,i. Devereaux Saturday.

Ms. Raymonda Morris called Mrs. Miller at \ or th Lake and at the John Ledwidge home Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Rogers < Detroit were Sunday guests of Miv-Myrtle Craft and family.

Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Lane enter jtained 2(5 people at dinner SSunday

in homor of Mr. Lane's birthday.Th<> Mr. wl •%» I'a'rn s j j'resent were Mr. an

i jialach and son, Mr. and Mrs. Do. i i.utton and two daughters Mr. and

Mrs. Avery Thomas and daughtei Howard Lane, all of Detroit, IT' John Lane of St. Petersburg, Florid;-

I i ' * » mm

Whether it i.~ war work or home u<,rk, '',t is impoi1ant--ani there's no rveed to leave it to p.,y bills. N'ot when you can do the job by mail with check.-. .Start a cheeking aeeount at this bank now.

\'V v:x* ample fund. a>ailable S

for sound loans 5 2





Harry and Lorenzo Murphy, Stanlevt^'-*- J ^ h i e Deyereaux, Mr. and Mr. Dinkel Leo Lavey, Wm. Jeffreys,lM. E Darrotw, Rev. and Mrs. J. M Mrs. Aina Reason and daughter.!McLucas and Mrs. Lulu Lamb and Loota. 1 *on*t Rots and Ford.

% ' ' •


Call 118P4, Pinckney

77 ' • * - • , :&L

I Classified

^^ss^^^^^^z^wBsmms^^ :'.>'

W ^ ^ ^ ^

. ' • * > > . ;

PINCKNEY DISPATCH WednexkT.OotobeV 13.1943

Warn Ads FOK SALE:-16 guage shot gun, 1

1 r | I'an j s Lak

11 .'llul> »:••• n d the top turret pin- ol' his grounded plane to return the- tire of lli<- J p air attack on Clark 1 u Id in ihe Philippine*. F.\poM ,i to *irLII• • iJJ; planes, the New Mexico captain ran aero*.- tin: field for IIMM.- ;r • n'tinn when it was ••xhausU'd. lit- wu» ready to sacrifice his life t••>' p Ins suns blazing. I low inutli can you in­vest in Payroll SuwnRs to hri,) Iniuic fighter* like llollub to keep firing?

Continued from Fire* Peg*


LIQUOR WOES. Gov. Kelly's quest for a *16, 000-a-year business exec­utive to fill the $7,500 post of chair­man of the state liquor control com­mission has been consuming his attent ion almost daily. The appointment is due soon, and perhaps has alreauy

deer rifle, 1 22 rifle, all with boxes been announced by now. Illustrating of shells. Also a Coleman sport lamp, the governor's dilemma, a Detrou

Lucius Boyle ' labor newspaper charged recently thaw — — t ^ average tavern had hardly "more

than one third'' ox the legal liquoi ^ suppl> necessary to conduct its bus

tOK SALE: 1934 Ford tudor, c h e a p . > * » . X h e e d i t o * « * * • * b * m e l l t u

Pintkney,6yF6, Mr. Hughes,Rush lak gymnastic «t the conclusion that i. — ily was either an cahoots with boot­

leggers or was catering to the Anti-Suloon League 1

Confusion. . Schuyler L. Marshall

FOU SALE. Fryers and pigs, J.C* Murt hy Quinn farm, Pinckney, ci.K. 2.

MOFESSIQK.V. UORNER The Pinckney Sanitarium

Ray M. Duffy, M. D. Pinckney, Miebigmn

Offiee Hearst 2:00 to 4.00 P. M. 7*00 to 9)00 P. M.

WANTED: A woman to act as com ion for invalid. Ed. Kenny, Kusl

5 FOR SALE Good wood range, $20.00, n e w 8 p a p e r editor at St. Johns reports 5 , dining table, $5.00. R.K. Elliot

Cows, Guernsey


112¼ N. Michigan Telephones

Off ice, 220 Residence, 123J Eveningr^by Appointment

Howeft, Mfchigea



that farmers in Clinton county a n confused by federal regulatory action coming out of Washington. AAA sub-

FOR SALE- 2 Durham, 4 and 5 years old.

F. Manley, W M-30, Placeway farm ..sidies, offered first fox growing less food and offered now for gr .win*; moIV food, have been followed by

\ drastic government controls o n bi ii 160 acres of excellent j a m l pepperment oil. ''For quite a sue!.

! aii owner of a farm was to'u thai ihe could not eat meat on his farn,



FOR SALE- Thoroughbred Cocker Spaniel Pups. Lucile Beck FOR RENT: hunting ground 2 miles north oi Pinckney. Lucien McCluskey


i LAVfiir xtAAu wAnii«


lU l lMui i l l t

FOK SALE: 13 ewes, 4 months old bull calf, used parts for a 1937 Dodge

Orville Smith

LOST: 1 perfectly good pig. Edward Parker

FOR SALE-Dry Shened Corn! Clarence Marshall, GK'ROVY

P h o n e 19T12 Puicknay, Mich.

unless he actually lived and wake . on it. Just as the people are con­fuse! by Washington's economic reg-emer.tation, so they are confused ab-J out the various schemes to wiu World War II through "wi >i:ii.;_> Lh peact". "In short, we do not ki^w what to think-we just hope....and praj '. He is the father of two son > in the


PHONE 71F11 Pinckney, Miokigaa

i i t k i M . . . t t t i i t L i t n t k i i t l l l i t t i t i k i l t u « . - iiaiiiUkititiiiiuikiih'iua

FOG SALE: Working and saddle horja my. ses. Erdley VanSickle, SOLDIER'S MORALE. Cheery

FOR SALE^Black muck dirton Ru"sh[ters f r o m h o m « plus a copy of lake road. Eli Aron

t$Ni}s swsti Av.enecA FOR SALE: 16 steers, white t'a v — i J


t i n

hometown newspapers make an ef­fective combination, so the 0.»i states for good morale of soldiers &


Phone 59-F3 s'inckney, Michigan

HERBSNEED Phone 183 207 Jt aV Gsmsrf eftee

Howell Mlsajsen Real Estate, I nan rente, eVikoref

City, Lake and Feral Property A Speciality

LUt Your Property Witk Me

Bond Horn* Imp. Co. ROOFING SIDING, and ASBESTOi

SHINGLES "All Workmanship Gaasaate^

W1LUAM DAVIS 12S North Court Street

Howell, Michigan


Phone 13 Brighton, Mi rh i**

VanWinkle & VanWinkic Don W. V a n Winkle

Char l e* K. V . n W i n W Attornay i at Law

Fira t State and Sav ings Ba, U Howel l , Miekiger

P. H. Swarthout & Son FUNERAL HOME Modern Equipment Ambulance Service

Phon* 39 Pinckney, Michigt

"If they mean to have war, let it be^in here," Capt. John Parker cau­tioned his 60 Minutc-m e n o n L e x i n g t o n Green, lust before they fired "the shot heard round the world."

Lexington Green

Back the an Extra $ 1 0 0 tsoiu

Czechs, D u t c h m e n . Danes , F r e n c h m e n . Norsemen, now living under the Nazi heel, remember their free­dom and cherish their lost memorials now re­placed by the black swastika.

weigh about 700, average. South of ^ sailors. As recognition of the value Pinckney * mile Nick KataivM0f Sfcnding hometown newspapers a

_ _ [boys overseas the post office dept FOK SALE: Eggs, drop me a card | r e c o n t l y r u l e s ' t h a t X m a s g i f t g u b s . We deliver on Fridays. f cr iptions may be made without a spc-

i O. H. Bean, Gregory

FOR SALE :Atwater.Kcnt iudio, elcc-I trie, cabinet style,$25, also 2 iron I beds complete^ 1 single,l double.

Phone 58F6, Hi-land Lake.

STATE OF MICHIGAN | STATE OF MICHIGAN The Probate Court for the County The Probate Court for fike Coonnty

of Livingston. ! of Livingston. At a session of said Court, held at t At a session of said Court, held at

the Probate Office in the City of'the Probate office in the City ol Howell in said County, on the 27th Howell in said County, on the 30U*

cil'L' request being obtained from the soldier. The deadline is this Friday (Oct. 15).

day of September, A.D. 1943. j Present, Horn. Willis L. Lyons,

Judge of Probate. In the matter of the Estate of

Francis E. Bowers, Deceased. Eloise J. Schlee, having filed he: I

day of September A. D., 1943. Present, Honorable Willis L. Lyons.

Judpo of Probate. In the Matter of the Estate of

Augustus Vanvoris Mowell, Deceased. Inez Bowdish having fliled in

FOR SALE-A number ol ho-.d r Hereford beef cattle. Mrs.Lulu Laml

A U C T I O N *U*BMl

FOP, SALE __ 1 hot point elect J-. • ranere, also Sparton radio. J.C. Dy\W*\ , Having sold my farm I will sell at

Leghorn ) Auction on the premises located 7 mil>H north of Gregory 10 Coou Lake Road then '* mile east to 7500 Coon Lako Road on

FOR SALE-Laying White Hem: and Pullets.Also 5 acres of com. j

Alex Michasen,Pete Kelly farm', FOR S A L E : T w o oo~w» bo th ~7 y 7 a r « '

i FOR RENT: Patrick Kmg cottajro ai I j Portage Lake. Oil heated and elect ]

petition, praying that an instrument' s a j j Court her petition, praying for filed in said Court be admitted to license to sell the interest of saiid es-Probate as the-last will and testa. ' tate "in certain real estate thr.;:'••> ment of said deceased and that ad.. described, ministration of said estate be granted | it is ordered, That the 25th day c to Eloise J. Schlee or some other suit- October, A. D., 1943 at ten o'clock able person. ! jn the forenoon, at said Probate off-

It is ordered, That the 18ih day oi i j c 0 , be and is hereby appointed for October, A.D. -943, at ten A.M., at hearting said petition, and that :•.'» satid Probate Office is hereby a pointed for hearing said petition. !

Frank Aberdf Tiles- Oct. 19 V> COMMENCING at 1:30 P.M. SHAKr

•»#» tm V t '

Housewives!!! SAVE YOUfi a

WASTE FATS Tha United. States Government

Needs them

EXPLOSIVES Leave Them at this Store


Grey Gelding. 9 yrs. old, wt. 1200 Black Geldlngv 7 yrs. old wt. 1400

It is furthur Ordered, That Public' notice thereof be given by publicat_ j ion of a copy hereof for three sue | cessive weeks prepious to said da;. of hearing in the Pinckney Dispatch, a newspaper printed and circulate in said County.

Willis L. Lyons,Judge of Probat Celestia Parshall,Reg. of Probate


Holstein Cow, 4 yrs. old, due in April Holstein Cow, 3 yrs. old, due in April Guernsey Heifer, 2 yrs. old.due Mar

12 Holstein Heifers, 6 months old {Jersey Bull, G months old

13 HOGS > i

2 Sows, wt. about 200 each Chester White Boar, 3 months old


t ,45 Barred Rock Pullets, ready to lay 15 Barred Rock Roosters


'About 14 Ton of Mixed Hay

evO 1 *

* » . •



McCormick Mowing Machine, Dump Rake, 3 Section Spring Tooth Drag, 2 Single Cultivators, Walking Plow, 298 Oliver Riding Plow^ Double Tree and Neckyoke, new, Axes, Cross Cut Saw, Hammers, Drills, Bits,Wrenches%

Braces, 20 Ft. Extension Ladder,Cal-l i dron Kettle, New Hand Cream Separ-lator; Two 10 Gal. Milk Pails, Tool I Box* and Tools, 30 Cords of Buzz

11Wood, Files, Saws, Milk Pails and Strainer etc. "*


T h e P r o b a t e C o u r t Fo r t>.e Coun t?

of L iv ings ton .

At a session of said Court., hold at the Probate Office in tho Ci.; of Howell un said County^ on the 11th day of October, A.D. 1943.

Present Hou.Willis L. '.yonsjud-ge of Probate.

In the matter of the estate ol John Henry Craft, Deceased.

Myrtle Francis Craft having filed in said Court her petition praying that the administration of said estate be granted to Myrtle Francis Craft or to some other suitable person.

It is ordered That the 1st day of November, AD'. 1943 at ten o'clock in the forenoon, at said Pro­bate Office be and (is hereby ap­pointed far hearing said petition;

it is Further OvcV red that |vub.ii notice be given by publication of a cony of this order, for three suces-aive weeks previous to said .bearinf in the Punckney Dispatch, a news­paper printed and circulated in said County

Willis L. Lyons, Judge of Probate A tr^e copy. Celestia Pflfuhall Rep. of Prohntfi

persons interested in said estate ap­pear before said estate appear before said Court, at said rjlnvj in I n'. •<•<*. to show cause why a license to se.i the interest of said estate in s:> : real estate should not be granted;

It is Further Ordered. That Public »v,tice thereof be &,iven by publication oi a copy of this order, once each week for three successive weeks pre­vious to said day of hearing, in thr

[Pinckney Dispatch,a newspaper print­ed and circulated in said County.

Willis L. Lyons, Judge of Prob: 'o A true copy. Celesta Parshall, Register of Probate

NOTICE! Village taxes aft now doe and pay

able at my shop. Rof*r Carr,trea«.



'.Vfc wt* . . ' / •



Heating Stove, 2 Beds, 2 Dressers 2 Burner Oil Stove, Chairs, Tables, DishB, Sewing Machine etc.


;l G. C- Allsteadt HAROLD GATES, Auctioneer


PHILATHEA NOTES This is the week for our Philathea

business and social meeting, held Wed afternoon, Oct. 13 at the home of "Mrs. Rose Hendee. On Sunday morn" ing about a score of members and friends gathered In our class room for the study of the Sunday Schoou lesson^ under the leadership of Mrs. Kellenberger. We had a very helpful discussion of the topic, "Reverence For God". Exodus 20:8-7; Matt. 4:10; 6:9 John 4:23, 24.

Continuing the study of the Ten Commandments and the Teachings of j Jesus, the lesson for Oct. 17. will be "Jesus and the Sabbath". )

Again we remind you of the Baraca Philathea Michigan State Convention Oct. 23 at the First Baptist Church* • Woodward and Ftefree, DetrciUfceh.

Established 1963 Incorporated 1916

McPhersoii State Bank

Over Seventy-seven Years

ef 5a(> Banking


Livingston County Quota is $1,068,-OOu

Si. you can see that everyone ha:> to do a lot to come up with our share.Livingston County has never failed yet to do her part and more. Let us make this no exception.

Do not be afraid to take money from your bank account to loan to you; government Just remember that it jj the best investment in the world tcday.

There are seven different types of loan to suit different needs. V , **V be glad to help y o u ^ ^ wWA one fits your needs best

MoPherww Statf Ban* Money to loan at reasonable rater

merest paid on Savings Rook, «*„ Time Certificates of Deposit

McPhersoti state B««; All depodu np f leVOOO.OO . . .

• ^ by our membaraW, la tfc. Fed. seal rt—••!! *- «•



:.,' *

