411038 · proforma for financial details - section - ‘a’ annexure i name of the company...

REGIONAL AYURVEDA INSTITUTE FOR FUNDAMENTAL RESEARCH - 411038 NEHRU GARDEN, KOTHRUD, PUNE -411038 (CCRAS, Ministry of AYUSH, Govt, of India) /Telephone - 020-25383138, Tele fax - 020-25386715 Email: [email protected] ; [email protected], Website: ww^MrianjcJn cnf^r 5T 3T?rav f^rcr P it^ i -2017 Annual Rate Contract Tender Notice for the year 2017 Section-A ^ P i+ ' 3f5^srr?r >rtf-4ii038 # ^ iuhI/ wet ^ ijts JI/ wnt /y^T^npTr % sit: 3<Wufi 3TPTf^ f^tT 'cflfer 57 3^311" ^Hl Tender for: 'Annual Rate Contract' for supply of chemicals/Glassware's/Plastic wares/consumables & minor lab. Eqpts. Section-B STsffa SlT^tfhT ifiPW #RTR, ^ - 411038 t TJ^TR' % f^TTT sP?T wffas jft^T IK , ^4T+Hlfd,+lN’lW gK', =M+HI?ft\ 'PliHI?^ fritw r^. w k /W W Trf^T ^ t, ^ r n r sfhsnr m rn ft-/# srpjfW % f^rrr ^ ar^ta" |<j i Tender for: 'Annual Rate Contract' for supply of Red/Black/River soil,Murum, Crush Sand, Paver Block, Bricks cow dung manure, poultry manure, vermicompost, Compost manure, plastic papers/ films, shed nets, fungicides, pesticides, weedicides, bobcat/tractor/JCB machine hiring services, garden tools/equipments...etc. W5JTT :2-47/2016-2017/^3nrfr3m/^5r/ 10.01.2017 Tender No. F.2-47/2016-17/RAIFR/Pune/Tender/ Date: 10.01.2017 f?lf9<il yfclH f^POcT cTTfhGT/ Due date of submission of Tenders 03.02.2017 cTlMe-< 0 2 .0 0 3oT TUTsr cuffs’/ Time and Date of opening tenders 03.02.2017 02:15 STftJ^r 3 n ? m fr fotc £ # / For more details pis. refer our website :www.rria.nic.in / www.ccras.nic.in , www.eprocure.gov.in, Indian Trade Journal snr /Purchase Committee

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Post on 04-Sep-2018




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- 411038


(CCRAS, Ministry of AYUSH, Govt, of India)/Telephone - 020-25383138, Tele fax - 020-25386715

E m ail: [email protected] ; [email protected] , Website: w w ^M rianjcJn

c n f ^ r 5 T 3T?rav f^rcr P i t ^ i -2 0 17

Annual Rate Contract Tender Notice for the year 2017 Section-A

^ P i+ ' 3f5^srr?r >rtf-4ii038 # ^ iuhI/wet ^ ijtsJI/ w n t /y^T^npTr %

s it: 3<W ufi 3TPTf f^tT 'c flfer 57 3^311" ^Hl

Tender for: 'Annual Rate Contract' for supply of chemicals/Glassware's/Plastic wares/consumables & minor lab. Eqpts.


STsffa SlT^tfhT ifiPW #RTR, ^ - 411038 t TJ TR' % f TTT sP?T

wffas jft^T I K , ^ 4T+ H lfd ,+ lN ’lW g K ', =M+HI?ft\ 'P liH I? ^

f r i t w r ^ . w k / W W Trf^T ^ t, ^ r n r sfhsnr m rn ft - /# srpjfW % f^rrr ^ ar^ta" |< j i

Tender for: 'Annual Rate Contract' for supply of Red/Black/River soil,Murum, Crush Sand, Paver Block, Bricks cow dung manure,

poultry manure, vermicompost, Compost manure, plastic papers/ films, shed nets, fungicides, pesticides, weedicides, bobcat/tractor/JCB machine hiring services, garden tools/equipments...etc.

W5JTT :2-47/2016-2017/^3nrfr3m/^5r/ 10.01.2017

Tender No. F.2-47/2016-17/RAIFR/Pune/Tender/ Date: 10.01.2017

f?lf9<il yfclH f POcT cTTfhGT/ Due date of submission of Tenders 03.02.2017 cTlMe-< 02.00 3oT

TUTsr cuffs’/ Time and Date of opening tenders 03.02.2017 02:15

STftJ r 3n?m fr fotc £ # / For more details pis. refer our website :www.rria.nic.in / www.ccras.nic.in ,

www.eprocure.gov.in, Indian Trade Journal

snr /Purchase Committee



NEHRU GARDEN, KOTHRUD, PUNE - 411038(CCRAS, Ministry of AYUSH’, Govt, of India)

Telephone - 020-25383138,25380326, Tele fax - 020-25386715

E m a i l : [email protected] [email protected]. Website: w w w .rr ia .n ic .in

F.No. 2-47/2016-2017/RAIFR/Pune/ Dated:09.01.2017



Section ‘A ’ Annual Rate Contract (2017) for Supply o f Garden soil (Red &

Black), River soil, Cowdung manure, poultry manure, Vermicompost, compost

Manure, Plastic papers/ films, shed nets, fungicides, pesticides, weedicides,

bobcat/tractor/JCB machine hiring services, garden tools/equipments........etc

Section ‘B ’ “Tender For Annual Rate Contract (2017) for supply o f Chemicals/

Glasswares & Plasticswares/ Consumables/ Non - Consumable & Lab. M inor Eqpts.

This Institute is a part and parcel o f Central Council for Research in Ayurvedic Sciences,

New Delhi, which is an autonomous organization functioning under the aegis o f Ministry o f

A Y U SH , Govt, o f India.

1. The interested Companies/Firms/Agencies may obtain tender forms & documents,

from the office o f this Institute on payment o f Non refundable tender fee o f Rs.200/-

(Rs. Two Hundred only) by Demand Draft in favour o f R A IFR , Pune, payable at

Pune, on any working day between 10.00 a.m. to 05.15 p.m. The tender documents

can also be downloaded from the website- www.rria.nic.in. In case the tender form is

downloaded from the website, the DD o f Rs.200/- (Rs. Two Hundred only) by

Demand Draft in favour o f RA IFR , Pune, payable at Pune, should be sent along with

tender form, falling which form will be rejected.

2. The tendering Companies/Firms/Agencies are required to enclose self

attested/certified photocopies o f the follow ing documents along with the Technical

Bid & Financial bid separately, failing which their bids shall be summarily/out-rightly

rejected and will not be considered any further:-

a) Copy o f income tax PAN card and or TIN.

b) Copy o f the IT return filed for the last two financial years.

c) Copies o f the Service tax registration certificate.

d) LBT N O .

e) Shop Act License

f) Valid labour Licence copy as per legal laws for providing manpower services.

g) EPF and ESI Registration Copy

3. Technical bid will be opened first, if qualified, then financial bid will be opened/


4. The supplier must be Manufacturer/ Authorized distributor o f the company.(Please

enclose the authorization certificate)

5. A ll taxes leviable thereon such as Excise, Sales Tax, LBT etc. may be mentioned


6. The terms o f delivery and payment o f the bill may be specified.

7 F.xistinp nrodnr.t nric.e in catalogue and soft oonv o f nuotation should be enclosed


a rm trr? 3* \ - ■

A.1.FJU Kothi-ad.

8. The supplier shall be responsible for any loss damage or shortage o f material in


9. The Annual Rate Contract will be awarded subject to condition that awarded will

have to offer maximum discount and supply the material as per the price list/ latest

catalogue submitted to this Office. Any difference if prices are lowered in your new

price list has to be refunded by you during the contract period.

10. The suppler is bounded to supply material within the stipulated period mentioned in

supply order otherwise order will be cancelled.

11. The Supply should be in single and complete consignment. However, in exceptional

circumstances not more than two such bills will be entertained against single supply


12. The Assistant Director Incharge. RA IFR . Kothrud, Pune has the right to place order

for any amount/quantity on need basis and can cancel any order without assigning any


13. At least two copies o f Latest Catalogue should be enclosed, along with

quotation/Tender Bids.

14. The Annual Rate Contract’s offer, awarded to your firm would be effective from the

day, a written company’s letter head duly signed by an authorized signatory with

name and designation, date and seal o f company should received within ten days from

the date o f issue o f this letter, failing which it will be presumed that your firm is not

interested in the said rate contract.

15. The sealed tenders duly filled in all respects superscripted as:-

Section ‘A ’ Annual Rate Contract (2017) for Supply o f Garden soil (Red &

Black), River soil, Cowdung manure, poultry manure, Vermicompost, compost

Manure, Plastic papers/ films, shed nets, fungicides, pesticides, weedicides,

bobcat/tractor/JCB machine hiring services, garden tools/equipments........etc

Section ‘B ’ “Tender For Annual Rate Contract (2017) for supply o f Chemicals/

Glasswares & Plasticswares/ Consumables/ Non - Consumable & Lab. M inor Eqpts.

Should reach the office o f this Institute on or before 03.02.2017 upto 02.00 pm.

Tender w ill be opened at on 03.02.2017 02.15 pm in the presence of

representatives o f the Agency, who would like to be partic ipating .

(Dr. u a jcuu iii i\<iu;

Research O fficer (S-3) Incharge

Research OfHcer (Botany) ___ & ** w . • 41 tC

Sr. No.- Price-Rs.200/-


Affix latest1 Name of Tendering Company/Firm /Agency passport sized, self

(Attach certificate of registration)attested, colour phototograph

2. Name of Proprietor /D irector of Company/Firm /Agency

3 Full address of Reaistered Office

Telephone Number:


E-Mail Address

4 Full address of ODeratina Branch

Telephone Number:


E-Mail Address

5.Type of Establishment (Govt /Semi Govt./Private/Co-OD)-:

6 Banker of ComDanv/Firm/Aaencv (Full Address)

7. PAN (Attach attested copy) _____________________________

8.TAN No. (Attach attested copy) _____________________________

9. Service Tax Registration No. __________________________

(Attach attested copy)

™ R^earch Of^csr (Botany)w is n e * . ^ - 41

P..AXfM „ Kothmd. Pun# - 41103-e

10. LBT Registration No.

11. Details of Tender Fee :

Signature of authorized person


Place : Seal


(1) l/We/M/s. Son/Daughter/W ife of Shrisignatory of the agency/firm mentioned above is competent to sign this declaration and execute this tender document:

(2) I A/Ve, have carefully read and understood all the terms and conditions of the tender and undertake to abide by them:

(3) The information/documents furnished along with the above application are true and authentic to the best of my knowledge and belief. IA/Ve am/are well aware of the fact that furnishing of any false information/fabricated document would lead to rejection o f my tender at any stage besides liabilities towards prosecution under appropriate law and the concern will be black listed.

(4) lAA/e, further certify that lAA/e, possess all the statutory /non-statutory registrations, permissions, approvals, etc., from the Competent Authority for providing the requisite services,

(Signature of authorized signatory with date)

Name :

Address :

Signature of authorized person

Date: Full Name:

Place: Seal:

R j a F J U K *

Proforma for Financial Details - Section - ‘A ’

Annexure I

Name of the Company Particulars of Chemicals/Glasswares /

Plasticwares/ Consumables / Garden Tools

/Tracter hiring services /JCB Machines &

M inor Eqpts.




Terms & Conditions

3B Black Biotech Pvt.



Agilent Technology Pvt.


Alfa Aesar


Bio Technics India




Cayman chemicals

Contech Instruments Ltd.

Donwhitley Scientific

GE Healthcare

Genaxy Scientific Pvt.


Himedia Laboratories

1 inset

Invitrogen & Applied

Biosystems Pvt. Ltd.

JT Baker

Labex Corporation

Life Technologies

Loba Cheinie


Merck Millipore




MP Biomedicals

Olympus Medical

Systems India Pvt. Ltd.



Roche Applied Sciences

SD Fine Chemicals Ltd.

Sigma / Sigma-

Aldrich/ Fluka

Spinco Biotech Pvt. Ltd.

SRL Pvt. Ltd.


Thermo Fisher

Thomas Baker

Waters India Pvt. Ltd.


Biovision Biorad

Corning Costar


s e a r c h ° r

# ; p* .o*- V *




(Signature of authorized signatory with date) Name :Address :DatePlace:Seal:

R<**arch Orncor (Botany)

« J U ,F iU Koliwwd. P « n e ' ' v

Proforma for Financial Details - Section — ‘B ’

Annexure II

Name o f the C om pany Particu lars o f Chem icals/

Glasswares/ Plasticwares/

Consum ables / G arden Tools

/Tracter h ir ing services /JC B

M achines & M in o r Eqpts.

D iscount

O ffered


Terms &


Falcon Equipments

Jain Irrigation Ltd.

Bayer Pesticides

Sheti Udyog Pune

Naik seeds Pune

Damani , Pune

Tata Agri tolls

Soil Suppliers

Cowdung manure Supplier

Poultry manure Suppliers

Vermicompost Suppliers

Pestisides Suppliers

Weedicides Suppliers

Bobcat/ Tractor/ JCB

Machine hiring services

Garden Tools/ Equipments


Compost Manure Supplier

River Sand Suppliers

Sea Sand Suppliers

Plastic Pots Suppliers

Earthen Pots Suppliers

Golden Sand Suppliers

Agriculture Tools Suppliers

Murum Suppliers

Crush Sand Suppliers

Paver blocks Suppliers

Bricks Suppliers

(Signature of authorized signatory with date) Name :A d d re s s :DatePlace:Seal:


H M D ( W W

o ^ M r c h O t i te w ( B r f * * )

J » ST* KotHrwd. P un# -'