,,, ., pg; i....the best inaiket for our grain and hay and (lalve-to-n and saw orleans are our...

r 1 A 'Jw J "s." - L- - ' -- ?fc. "&&? "&&; j: wJeSSsSa" jf wjswsskihSe. -sssa-r-'.r,-3t . 2-j rfts,' -- 3ffir" ".v-x- EapSssar. .?USrJKviiCVriOJw4. r- f- " y JJP" - - H77t:??T3gT"BJkT:ira ffiggWgUML.jg!!!'1 "I' mhhmsiH-- i "in r rJgssaiggaparsa.Agysrw:'"jj.v , . . r- - . .v imiaa'M"wT:M1WM"lllaiilg;i' -- lKi mnfflfi m in Miiwrr rivTwirT r Tim-fi- nr " rwTi r ami " innnrmirr iwrn t ' "-- " mmw ."fw'-T'-""- --' - - -. - - - .z " j: - i ae0aaaai jsaisa - ij-Sr"!-Ta- HHM mmmm WUMHi ti ' ' - r'--- - -" " " " : far:rjiDKjmaevTvsr! : " -- j rww . inn.'ijurw hbpm-l- . !!yjAMHu-- - wm wwimp . '" . - nXlZrZXZSZ 7. " a. , SZ?m'mxX ,CTgr,77yrlTrr.Tgi.a;fy?gaKSM.ll,it ,. .V. 4?fZSfr3iSw JMimi,v, rr m. , ...r-rMf- fP , V. ! m (kh--v. ,. . f . QU)C (LulttiJlul dylUnt Cj u M. M. MURDOCK, Editor. IU1IIA. lilt i:-l- .MA-- Ti!.. if.J. I j 111 t l VALLEY iu-ji- mius i.-.- i iiiiuuKikmii andprohabh totlieracilic norlheastein vt:it(. ht- -t week. !..nn. n,n ,.s.,i,i f i the In- - ,!-- , li.i (I ail li'lTllOI'l III!- - iril uic "n-;- , I,.,.),,, . ,nnn 11 .."... c?..-i- .. 1 i. I.,,. 'U,,il wp. ni-- jmiinrliiiff II irom 1IIC l ne Lawrence j nouir ai n aiimri lchuliulh ....i. ...... - jicsi". oiecie v t, im; i'u'"" - - :,, " Cla.'ke will be a prominent " candidate j "" k- i- Tu".' L""' (' ' ,c directors : i i land agenis here, aert that .heirsales whole word 11, best quail y w i.o for congress in tne ftl .lUlrlct. , Contra., i now making such ., KpI, ., 1)nglicrf WlII. arc exceeding ho of aijy prevwu. ; uote 1 S UL u a J Micnuou, cilo. I .0 c,.,m.. .11 l,o ..,,, w. . Sllli., j. C. Millis, S, "4 V.!S,"- - that 'of wheat anil oats. Itis a Mirer Urownlow and Alexander when completed, one oi the grainiest n i,lt) V.T..Iewett, I.. L. Ve-t,a- ciiUU, ,,, tc lelc already, and the 'crop than wheat aad requires the same j H.Stevenv have both gone home, prab- - and remunerative iailio.nl enter- - j yi m,oJi.. ' p'ro-pc- cl now ithat this season's trade ' culture. . I.- - . . ably never to return 10 v aMiingion. ,. . ...... .... I...- - .,.... ,. cd actual operation on Friday hi-- '. 11 i hoped i hey will be a grand mutc. Gov. bead on the cuireucy question, lie ha- - telegraphed to Senator Morion that "the n'publicau party of I In- - ue-- t i- - in mourning oor the veto." The Hon. Wa-libii- n,,al ; tilt. mineral uiouutaiii-ernoran- d j ,, ),). tlout- - ihiough five a- - a candidate for the I'nited -- l:iti s (j,.cl ,;.,., (f I.iikU niic. celled nr.Mii fiom Maine, to -- imeed Senator Hamlin. Our delegation in congies-- , obetiiiL' ihe voice of Kan-a- s. (1tcd fir-- t, hist and all the time for cxpati-io- n. as did nearly the enliie i.'pre-enlaiio- ii fioin the we-ter- n KaiiK.i- - is not the otilj place this spring where there - unpleasant wea- ther- Te.as pajier- - repori having had front' in that iate lately, heavy enough to kill corn and vegetable5. The South IJenil, Indiana. I.'eyUtcr, founded bj e!iu lei oilax. uuiik-in- e ,)c j;,, j,,.,,,.,,,, u thiough gave too much heed io the .lII( eal tralicof enormou- - opinion- - of eastern capitali-t- - to the ,, wiI 1)t. ., Hue of load that, when the neglect of the wants of the west. Indian Territoiy - opened, will have ' The l'.uilinganie Chronicle ays cat- tle continue to die in large numbers iu ,....,.. n.,,.iv l'rn'i'ililv not less than .... .'.I. ,.c c.,w.i-- ' l.ovn ..... l!n,l ii. . IUU,VVU 11 ll 111 "I ...s.. Ihe county during the pa-- l C week- -. j lu Ihe Fnilc-- State- - -- iipiemc rouit on the -- 4th ins., on motion of H011..M. II. Carpenter, Hon. .John .?. Ingall-- . of Ivaii-a- -. to practice a-- an altorne and cotiu-ell- or ol that court. The pre-ide- nt ha- - appointed Samuel S. lturdetl. of Missouri, as commis- sioner of the general land office, vice resigned. Mr. ltuidutt is now a member of congress from Mis- souri. The JiiintlXcw ) 'orkrr Kansa- - Iruit growers ihe following varieties of pcache-- : Hale- - Early, Ear- ly Tillolson. ( I corgi- - the Foui th. !ro e Miguouiie, Crawford Eaily, Craw- ford's Laic, Columbia, with a few seed- lings by way of trial. The from Kansa- - to the At- lantic ocean is 1,000 miles, while by the M., K. & T. K. K. it is only 800 miles to Calu-lo- li. on the gulf of Mexico, so the piobabilities aie that (jalve-to- n is to become the New Yoik for the great west, Ihe shipping point for the pro- ducts of the Mississippi valley. Crant used to say he had no policy in opposition to the will oT Ihe people and or Cougri . Yet, when congre representing a majority of the people, passed the currency bill, and Ihe New-Yor- bankers and capitalists "came to sec him" about it, he quickly found a policy iu to the will of Un- people and of congress. The latest advices from ihe Ai kans- a- muddle show matter-t- o be grow- ing serious. There having aro-- c n.at-Vc- rs of legal dilleieuce between (5ov-ern- or F.i ooks and the state treasurer, the supreme court was being convened to adjudge, when some of Uaxler's men stole two of the supreme judges and carried them far into the back country. This j, the latest up to the lime ol going to press. Ontlic'Jud in t. ihe -- cnate finance conimitlee Ju.liLa long session on the one, tion. 'There is no dilli- - v ainong the members on the gen- - ....frivtmes ,.f ihe free, bankiii-- ' clause. of which thev aie in favor, but there is no agreement on the other branches of .. '.i 1.11 .1 1 ,i:ir..,.. me liiiaiif 1:11 0111. 1111; 111c1u.fi.-1- , 11.111-.-- in" widelv iu their opinions-- . A ficc J bai.kin--.vi.te- m. the currcnev to issue t. 11... l.ni.ks on a ba,i- - of U. S. bonds seeni to lie the idea. : . l ........1. tlt.t.,t .,.l1 ............. Msll'isll l 111, t ,,- - 1....1...." Sc.1 S ft.r keep- - i,,K h hou.pte. of tlower.s on' his ,1,-- k. It strikes us that it is better to have the bloom theie t ban 01 tlir jucli, s nose. .Junction ClttJ Union. Noble, you lilrhed that tale lion, the 0.i..,.M.r,;i. Wc (osier no l- injrs tovva.d, .I.lj.,. Foster. ,v ho inav continue- - to l.tcr hi- - bloom, but l.i1 have tl... Union losier such uiitmimr. j isnot the way to foster our very -- Wc Post observe, friend iien.iss. On Tticscl-i- last not le than ' financial bills were introilnceu in the i house, most of Diem hy eastern men who offer frees banking measures. The tendenev of linancial now llicr- - ol !' by lial- - as ...it . ...... ....v. sideu of the I'liited is candi- - at 10 ueeuie wi.ciner .uc.v nave ...v services as is willing Mr. Johnson money man. Ho avows his sentiments with commendable free- dom. next fall the prevailing on currency question. I. appear- ed before the house committee pub lic lands, made an and arguincnt upon thc lull the protection rights settlers on thc public lands within railroad limits. He argued that no titm, homeMcad entry, or other lilin-r- , i pursuance United States law within limits any! grant railroad companies, . 1.V...I-- . Wiiicnwa,na..Buc.u.:mt.,.s -- -. void or on of hav- - ! t... ....in oiiv olloirnl Inr-n- . ins ULV" the .ailroad i.t-- v. -- ..!. ..o,il onnni'tniiipil "'' "1-- " ti- - it. ....l citll fnitlinr Hint nil snrii Wl loucu aw" '"' ' which have been notified and ' ' liil - , , THE ARKANSAS B. K. """niountaii:-- , W!v . . . IIIU 111 nils cu.iwm , . . . magnitude, Druinuioud, lecoinuiend-l- o opposition ' M0U.K1.I,.. - (Wichita's Interest in the Enterprise Tlic Arkansas Valley Kailruud u 1"' ; from tit- - Mi--;il- " ,.,t anoint iicarMi-miilu-- . iiiiM.iMjiIh-- lof the AikansHf. and to the Kocia ' .. - ' ... . 1. .1 i. . prists upon tlic .oniiueni. - Con.parativ.!y .picking the A.l.au- - jas valli-- n i'MimiI. iii airricu tiira laud-- , limber and mineral land-- , hceoiid to the valley- - ol Mi and Mi-lu- ri. lis water-drai- n i llie territories of ("olorada and ihe In- dian territory, and the -- late- of Kan- sas , and Aikan-a- s. It is a longer river than Ohio with four or liie lime-th- e amouiit of rich airable lands. It i .. 4 ..t. i.. ......i. :.... oi .nil i.iieaiui. iiiiuuiiiiici hundred mile, of valley unciualled the production of corn and cer- eal, and through tin cu hundred mik" of cotton glowing country. For these rca-o- n we a'-c- rt that Ihe proposed line w hen once completed will prove one of the grande-- t and nio-- t i einiiiirr-at- i ve i ailroad eutei prisee in the United State. The pioduct- - of either end of the line aie naturally interchangeable for thoc ol the other. Corn and wheat mut go southeast and (otton. tob.icco and sugar north west, with niineials for etcry part of a local oil-lue- s- in. a i.umiui u esinii-ale- d, eveti approximately one miles of t!ie Hue liug along and ithiougli the In oadi- -t and riclic-- t val- - ley in he we-- t. Wichita i- - on Aikau-a- - river, two hundred and twelve miles by rail- - load from Atchison 011 the Missouri, which is northeast and to which point and which direction thesurpluspro-duciioii- s ot this valley is at present be- ing shipped. A line of railroad ol equal length from Wichita down the Arkansas valley would reach within twenty-liv- e miles of the e.i-le- ni line of Ihe Indian territory, and to within fif- ty miles of connection with a rail- road that is already constructed Irom Memphis to Little Uock and iu this direction. The same of road that now unites Atchison and Wichita run down ihi, valley, would cio another railroad, w hich 1 cache- - gulf of Mexico and its entrepot, Galveston, and alo cross a railroad w hich runs to St. Louis, and with connections to Chicago. natural outlet of tl.i- - valley the valley. That is the route, the diiect and natural to the best inaiket for our grain and hay and (lalve-to- n and Saw Orleans are our natuial ports of entry. Look your maps. Resignation of tho State .lo-ia- h E. Hacs. the -- tale treasurer, who impeached by the last house of representative, for inisdeineauoi-i- u office, has and Fran-ci- -, of lola. county, ha, been ap- pointed by Governor m in his -- lead. A copy of was pie-enl- to boaid of uiamigei- - by hi, counsel, with a icqui-s- t that further proceeding- - againt him be stopped. Col. Haves gives as a reason for this unexpected action that his phj -- ical condition is -- uch that he i unable to undergo or endure a protracted im- peachment trial. Thi, action will probably end the impeachment trial, as all the high court do, if it found him guilty as charged, would be to disqualify him from holding olliee in the future. The resignation is. ot course, an admission of the crime charged, and is, no doubt, owing directly to the character of the evidence obtained New Y01 k. Yet, now that bulk of the- - exjien-- e has been inclined, '. r. the evidence all the court organized and ad- - joiirned to meet again, it may be that "H'c manager, think they have sure thing, the c.1-- 0 will be prosecuted for the Mike of the- - Xearly all of have been open William- lirociucil evidence in New olk ,lml jc "- - "o "" re- - . . -- ' . .. . f . ... the ,..;, have decided nppears'to in the of fiec- - has G0,000 (here banUiii-- r c '"'" 1" ""t '",;v- - The peonlc seem free j teres t has a Kansas bankiii-- : means nnre.slrirted ! City banker, so that if that be true cnoiijrli for all and each, bnt that I then admitting lits soldier record and nn impeachment trial and dU-wh- would ltieination soon ', it is known that Tinted Stales J from would bonds arc the basis all it. t beany too severe, is-- i Tl'o state senate a high to buy precedes sue ' court of impeachment next Tuesday. J at which time the of a trial or Andrew .lolni-o- u. once in I1() t,.jai w;ii determined. ....Itaw. Y'ttlmri .1,1(1 .1 Tl I ill.. mm e; ,.,..f,u a date election Tinted sen-- , cxccutnc c,)Ininittcc of Tennessee, lie will canvass aml bllshcr. 0f ,i,c thc slate during approaching poll- - j ()( :ivo lcc.lc, hoU, Deal eamiiaign, and sutler thc people Fort Scott " such to is a hard this The election how i Important Settlors. Lat week lion. Lowe on and of the of any this of account n fc tion of route to , fc bo to iprojecled in H'liiimi i" other I in a Ienght if The most most wa, .lohn Allen could iu taken, a state ri-- ht S Tho Kansas Association.) ...Cth y May, S in. They have to take an ccur- - sion St. Louis each editor pay his hotel bills while iu the rnlllPinllPI tl'll Of twelve vcars ao. that a dozen of us country ..i.l.lUl,,.,-- . tctliiM- - with two or tlnee I citv editors met in Topeka ize a society mutual benefit and The idea thc organ wa. somciu.i.g p.acucai. to. the years new men have directing association and it has de- - .rn.,nmt,..l into nn bitr cat a c J.i,.a.i jieaii exclusion somewhere. . ,... 0f ti,at st vie of pleasure I nondescrint sheets, toirethcr with a few, m.ofct5;0,iai ,lCad-bc- at correspondents, . .. . .. ., tne couiroiiiug voice, ouiers w f ., ke If. but , . . ... .... , ui suumn to a line iiit. . . . 'I oomos says tnat lie 1101 wish to go to congress again, even if oppbrtusiity given him. Tbo SedRwick Agricultural, Horticultural & Associafn. Wichita, Kuiiha, May", 1874. Thc of the Sotietv met mir-uui- it to adjciuijinient sicy the f ..;,,.,, Ti.e lncetiii-- ' was calloil ami .u..-g.......- .. d , .,,.,1,. ,.,.,. t 1 :,.,.on viri.niridL'i.t. i iu wnui in i'.k. in-- v a - (... 0 ,otj0 to proceed to the .. , .1... r..ii...:.... i ni : llljai 'Ii (1 UlLUtiuic. m ji. i. ...,, f)ll ...,;,. f u- - 11 William, the ,.,,.,. , ,,cl.,ai.Pll HliailJloiw. ... ,. . .s .. a fiiiifii'iifii Ki wn- - in ':iinr.:ii lull . Momniy. May 4,1, at o'clock p. m. , WICHITA. Kansas. May 4. 187.. A n.i-lin- hoard of directors elect l.i U. lor or- -, Mite gaui7.ation. Alter the meeting was called to older. I. M. Steele was chosen pic-ide- ut pro. leni mil We- -t ...!....""- - I"- - "l"- - "" " - lli lirvl- - III till- - World IS .1 ;i.. a i.....r. uiiiiih.n .i 1' "' s ...- - .... - bnil ., l tlZW great.y suceeding supply. The , , J, citizen- - ot ichitu are all nitereslcdiii '"J1""-- " " ' j .- - i.... ii.. i ..!.. oi or. uonuc. ijiuiv;ii. . -- ecietarw " motion to proceed to "'' :ll,1 l,kl! :M''; ,'1" ,aV, to . the ,...'.' at the next election, and elerl.ou ot oll.ee,-- . U .... i ,,,.,. ,. who kllow ,II5 j rM-- i i t0 op'au-th- e stein wa elected pie-ide- Jno. Kelly ly virtuous straight-forwar- d and ,L , . . . ,. . , , , . V'T ',,,:, ' '. . .. . .. aim .11. i. i.ui i. u.istii 1 1 jii iiiu" tion the eleclioii of the officers was maile uiiaiiiiuou ,...!;.... ,.i ivm. in. ' i struct,,! lono.ilyall s,ekhold.-r- , who failed pay their that j unit'-- - it within 30 daj- - from date of notice, their -- toek will be for- - fcitetl to the society. Motion was amended. so a, to allow the issueing of any amount stork iu even shares les, the subscribed amount. II. O.igurr made the following proposition to accept si.AHj wnn inter- - e- -t lioin October l.'ilh, 187:5, to be paid within ten dav, fiom thi- - dale: the reuiaiiting due giound-- , to be paid when due. Motion to W. Oreifienstein, J. M. Steele and Sol. II. K0I111 especial committee to sell the stock at reduced rates. Motion to adjoin 11 to meet 1th. at '- - o'clock p. 111. It. L. Wi:st, Secretary. I Tho Troubles. , ., There two fellow: ciowu 111 state Aikau-a- - churning to be govern- - nor, ile fuclo, IJrooks and IJaxter by I iiniii... HiiTier had liossession of the ' office, but was bv judgment of a couit . ousted. Brook took possession ot the state house and Ilaxter of a hotel, and I surrounded bv large bod v guai ds with j some IT. S. Hoop, between, U.ev spend j ... ,' the t.nie 111 uing proclaniatioiK and 111 telegraphing to i rant lor ueip. 1 lie reueial government don't appear to take much interest iu the unseemly muss farther than to warn them against open war. And so the case s'ood for three weeks. Ln,t week wiole an editorial for Eacjm:, which was crowded out, taking the grounds that the people down there should hang or imjiii-o- n both of ihe-- e panters after authority, who, by their unlawful atti- tude, are stopping the trade, nutting peaceful citizens' live- - iu jeopardy and lorcing the government into anarchy, and haven't changed our mind much -- iucc. ' Bender. Tlieubiijuitous.homelyold Johannes Ivoch, lalelv bv a sharp d Ictective from the Utah t o . 1 opeka. at a cost of scv era! hundred . dollar-- , iu cxpectanev of a reward.' turns out, like hundred other inoH'cn-iv- e Geiiuau gentlciuen. who have been ancsicd upon uii-tak- I itentity, not old ltcuder, but a hungry wild and hairy old ranger of the Wash- ita valley, with just enough sense to eat sausage and drink beer. The Commontccnllh has made him fa- mous by columns f ling descript- ion- ami soul ban owing The smart detective Iiuriedly hied him home, humiliated and hornet hot, hope-k-s-l- y humbugged. The Evangel. We are in receipt of the tiist number of the Kansas J.'cuugel. a new weekly paver published iu Leavcuwoilh, in the iuteicst of the ISahtisl church. Ti tc'l'.lt HIT' mill iiv .1. b. " ' .."1 k.lllocll. Killluvll 1 keep out of the newspaper business autl we aie jjladof lie possesses a jical Iiiy heal t and a "rent tirain, lioin 01 wnicn aie- - f...... ...;. :,hvavs l.rilillv mirrored iu his wi it- - 111 The Ilahtist irieuds of Wichita house, anil that whereas 01 Mr. win ue exiiecieu uiinaKC . , . ...,, all snpoenas for witnesses and to ask the senate when it shall have convened on the r.'th, to adjourn sine die. important IOJtraCtOrs. ' Veceptcd bidden lor contracts for ... ... ., , , scimlc 111 iv.uis.is nniiei ine ati- - vertise.ncnt of October 1, 1873, should , uiidci-stau- that if their contracts aie .. la .. a J. 1 I I.. I ' . . I 1 ... Mt,mV K. to in hi- - iniariy drawn lineresi noni miuc a innrnntrn 01 me uoos-filia- l, in of citv.1 and and applied it to his own but the inanajreis to iccall and currency, of Abililv "' meets alderuian ' ' Die Kaiigji - . at own past the and we ior iiiof! If. L. ii the 1 ii... of are 1111 we Ihe we llUluailltV. it. nave - . . . 1S74. thev will treated as failing " bidders the routes will be awarded to the ne.xt dillerencc being to their New Land Col. bill creating two new 1.11111 unuieii. in nei.eiiiuu I'"" Die house ou The bill is now in the One of these dis-tiic- ts on Arkansas river land iu noilh western Kansas, Xo" cha,,cc .fom" ,,cw ,VI" "" lo eJ , a a niimhpr of the name oi Horton -.- .,,, -- e ;J, i(latc statc ,avo of for stating that Mr. Horton will not be a date 1. :- - .....,....,,t ;,. tli.if on "..""..e-'--"--- - llllirt-'- oil nn- - luiitiic; ijuv-ii"- ii 1 - ... Com ttmistnn iu tfttfi. I " t... T,.!fo.i tntn; tl:p i V , is .,...... i uc-hu- mj "" B 0 men of ci f sms. .i.....m.i Kobcrt onucr rejcclcd of $100,000 CoW hi. ho , t'invsiuudeticc t (tie From Wichita. Wichita. April J9,"l74. citv still hs suiircin- - ., easu '"!"!" , MiHini" con- - traiispoited conjectures. a thu IlmiI'iiij; -" jiomt in s,outliwutTii pin lion of Kansa-- , from it natural location and ad- - we must for vcars be the - 0.' t trading point tor a large seciiou onue state. The number ot emigrants uoin- - is aiul ley ... - ... . will Mirpass inai 01 any 10. uei jem. , !."?.V .f".- - "V IV.i ... i . . . ' .. . .. - , ...... .. , ..- - . iiim the of circumstance-- ; this i on . case wiiu ine meinoeis .... i ainlpsi-tor- ol the l.apti-- t rimrcii ne.e, ; ..... , l,,.!!,.,.,. i 1,5, -- iiill. Hi, Iricnds concede that he wa. carelc's iu the choice ot his asSi,laut, iu the postoilice, and think that he has been well for hi, too conlid- - mir nature, claiming, ami appareum that being honest and tin s;(:i(,-llini- .c; ,,2 had no suspicion ,,,- - llin employe-- . If the statements of hi, here are true, and there see io good rca-o- n to (Ioiiiji men iruiu. u uoe seem nam 1l.1t ..... il... ...V ... life ... f m l.ilherto - . Ii. vouiiir man should be blighted for an indiscretion, and it is to be hoped the officers of the law may his case tem- per justice with mercy. The growth of this" citv in the last two (.;l is marvelous, far outstripping that of other city iu the Southwe-- t and more than the ot the mo-- t san- guine of the founder, of the place. ItAXcunt. Pat's The following anecdote is related by the late Mr. Greeley, who is well to have been throughout life a staunch W advocate of temperance. Through all W his electioneering campaign- - he -- at at dinners and suppers where wine land flowed fnely, but he never Inassedthe bottle or toii-'hc- the liquor himself Tin. ivnitei-- s who knew his - : , . , . ., . K temperance inmciiiie- - 111:11; m,7lL.(, wll!lt t() (l(, whcll thcyer.ine to ,ie rmv of glasses fronting his plate as thev fronted all others. Usually they 'tc directed a look or gesture of K tne inasicr 01 uiu iu 11. is- - J bvhlm 5l) siiCIK.e; but on one occasion T flu Irish waiter would not such II an apparent breach of hospialily. J ye better take something, sir, to get up an like, alter your bh.?., e )l()M,it!lble Hiber- - nau to the startled sage, .1 A liitle braudv and wild do ve I. good it would, upon me sir." J The heartiness of the touched the philosopher. lie recognized the ring of true hospitality in its A and his heart relented" at the idea of X depressing such sterling virtue by a continued refusal. "Urandv and wa- ter?" said he. "Well, Pat", I'll take half that Io oblige you. Give 111c Ihe water ami let some one else have the brandv." Our Crops. This season promi-c- n an abundant harvest to Kansas. The season is much later than but in many respects it will work to an to the state. It has been very favorable to wheat and ivcc which is "looking much lieltef limn usual for Kan-a- s, at this sea, on of the ear .More than the iis- - ual surface - sown to ; the crop I'" leen put in in good season. The mm face planted 111 corn will niiich ex- - any 1)n.vious y(;ar lc farl. ers manifest unusual encrgv in legard to all farm and for general crops Kansa, may he set down as giv ing good promise. crop of the state never was half so good. Apple, pears, peaches, lilumbs. -- rapes and fruits will be in abundance and the chances aie that the prices of fruit in consequence of the large crop will range low. At the 1 season a large will be tin-ow- on Ihe market, fruit to sell have to depend upon the market of con- sumption they will not be able to dis- pose of it. The fruit crop will be many thousands of dol- lars to the state provided it is secured, iiut iu our opinion it ran only pro- perly secured by canning it. f.mercnce Stmnlard. A Cheering When the gencial crv is that of hard i tilllCS and :i c:ircitV ot inoill-V- , It 1 j to lw.oi. chc.IsIOU.III a loll. Oil a itiueri'iu kui. i u uiu .,..wi,iu IVoill IllC Kllltirailo Co.) Time. 1 ii " 1 " t il.nt .,.... ... I 11 - a iniiaiiii; liiui in... iiioiie-- j 10 much 111 this rrimil v t linn . 11 . ' - - - - - has been for two vrars past, nuniijj J ,u l'.a.V . . . . ...'. "VI s US 1)1 uiu riini iaiiuiiiii iaiirv iiutt- - hi The Kansas Farmer believes that the successful party in Kansas this fall be that party which puts forwaul the best men. year, it ray, will be for personal anil ollicial qualification for the offices sought for. Ho;c arc our eciiiiinciii- - exacuy. 1 .. Iinl.rn . fwrlll.' ... Alllin tfilillmr . e j .e. ...j. .v....,.v. nie vcnubhran liaitv It Will lUt 111 ' loininauon mis i t lie sIronrCst aim best ticket C.er nonilliatcd 111 ,01l0 wi,ic, Wtll not onlvbe a gtiaran- - ,cc of succe- - but of aood, sound healthy and honest of Last week some medical . officers j were called upon to examine the con- - ,"Io,?0?lct 'rl9,,n i'lll""'"! nn!l"' 0nc of t,e me,i:cal lncn atfcc(j ti,e ,;. tress of one the Iiouc: Whv don't von keep it flic renlv made bv the woman was -- ., , ...ii.... that sue was a poor wuiow ami couiun 1 nfliiril it "How long have . von been a widow." I j asked the doctor. . iiCitis. ntimiirli vnne liminr far tliree o- - " "'-n-- " .,.- -- - .- - :,,. ,. Mmilt,;11. ,i;,i .,,. .. i1IIS. ,1 ii. v... - band die?" asked the man .. of physic. . . Och, never died at ; lie run awav with woman Chicago iiarsoti who is also a srlmnl handed a nroblem to a 'class mathematics, the other day. Thelii-tb- ov tooMt.looked at it awhile a,l said, -i- " boy took it and aul, "I turn it down." The third bov stared at it awhile ami drawled ,, t out. "I can't make ..- - V crv wen. 1 ! , i. ..n...-n- , ..,,-- , ....... n-i- urn. ... UeM u luc r.-ii- . ceect to eul lur ;i ne eiiiii , ami ; siou n.irtv. i here, arranging for a visit to th'N city of the members, of the i editorial contention, which is ,...,, ot pr, . JcgU JI 5 part v will two ciajs, it i not unlikely that the ciiizciisof St. Louis , will notice . their .May anions tiiem in onic ior ma. man- - ner. acany wcirewc. not duly 011 thede- - Washington bv .lunc lt, them senate. upper candi- - rnpnrrnirp Cuba tones, small those season worth wri,cr, for patent and editorial Two elcmciils real success in any un- dertaking arc a comprehensive view its nature and intent, and a faithful at- tention to its details. Thought and action are inseparable Pg; lmlHCHt most liin-niiii- r Press " .w.!,'1 people (.relllen- - tllliform- - JVlail treastuer.therefoie and couallv iudisnensiblc. If we would thoroughly perform onrtasK, must grasp it mentally doit patiently. t The in this bar- - , ior inaiiiug purposes " b"- - -- ,,, .,1P;tr in X'nn-Yo- rt to come to grief. The plan of The friend- - ot woman sulliage in Michigan will hold a -- tate convention the ot Maw The legislature ..., ., ..,..- - ,, ,, ,,f ii;i.aM'u .1. i i:?ui L- - iii.il iii iiiiliivii " t. ,wlll,,, ilf. f.11i,m;,..i Proceedings of the Board of County Com- missioners. Count! s.ii-r-'- uiuce, i Jiay lt, J 'Iliu ltoaril oftoimtr Cuiiiiais-ioiii- rj met pui- - mum lu , . ' I'lraCM 11 li. lloDUs, J. 11. jurK aim .u.in i. CjrtM-ntir- , ihnirnun. On mutiuii all billi of UicJuitirsaiiJcIrrksor Hit- - flection I11I1I 011 UicTtli iliyoi.ipin, i isn. On tniitltili It Was .mlrrrd that the of Ihe county coiiiniioMonir-i- , ; the rol betiieen sections ai unil-JU- , tomuhi. -- 7, range 1 writ, be reeeinilril until the conditions thereof aie null. 'the .olli.nins inrliis, viz: K It WaltiM, L. I I'.utlrJ and Zepli nere ii)iniiiteit ..r school l.m I sectiou tliirtj-i- ix (3b), toniislnp tmiit-iij(l- (, j.)Uth e (I) east, liy the loiinti nipitinleiidtnt and the lias lusentirt I11 the coui.ty On motion the jail plan No lofOJ Kin(,'iva, acerpttil. llic comity cleitv vrji onlend to procure (lie fcpecitlcationr. iniine.Iiall The lollowing atcoiuito iisaiiist the county were allowed: Cjeorge W Crane, book and blank to the couutv . . S 4 tl'i George VV Crane, booLi and bl inks to the county 'l W Sol II Kohn, et ill, i, car load cotton seed ll ID C Little, jirobate judge's lee, C3) j ulor Chase county, keeping in; 15 l.riHiiier I'll Iticjld, clerk ot el ction'in November lsTl 2 00 J.uol) l'ittenter, 2 day t nice coronet's Jurv 1 to Albert Kiuirxin, postage as county aup't to Jlav 1st lsTl 10 00 II Clart, judge of election 111 IsTJ l.agle uilii palil iioni Kagle town- - shii luml s w Jilin 'Incker. counivilerk's lees to May 1st. 1S74. 158 John 'lucker, ))aiil express and tiostage for county 1.1 S3 JI Mltnii, 7 dajs guarding )iiU.invrs . 14 00 W McCartnev coiiotable'a 31 30 V Isiminger", proi ihtons to paujiers 7 50 C l)v, i dais Juror iu l'robate court. 300 2 0a 2 it 1 IV 7 2) 1 31 1 30 3 70 U 00 15 00 2 Ii0 1 liumiuircy, one ua- - j iror iu 1 rou ue court Mike Meagher, burling lioilv at inqiieet Miilis & Mini, rep tiring desk for district tleik ken:g (uuiien C Van SI irter, vvitnen C T.u lor, do lollowing accounts laid our: W nitnes fees lee lolloning claims rejected. Albert I.im, service, Kockford toiviuliip SI Autd, load overseer II Kcttc.rm.ui. home for election t'etition ot abatement of KA Nrely 11 as not al- lowed. Applic.itiom for rout jcrapirs from Delano district No. :! not ullourd. 'Ihe follow ing ollictal I10111U were approved, J I. llooth, justice of the Illinois town- ship. .1 W SirCartney, coiitiblc Wichita City tonn-s- t i p .l.halouTvier.Jr trustee Ohm tonnhin. W II llaucliniiu, road out-see- r lor Ohio to-.- i 111- - .).i,cili I. Dewtes, constable I'ark township. Minter. treasurer Illinois town-hi- W iu Johnson, triusiucr tonn.hii. I. F .Moon, constable ltocklord township. It W constable Illinois township. Ursignations of V. II Clark and Kichird Jackson, justices, nere referred bjck to the urties the county not being the proper trib- - On motion the 111 tition to v acate .1 ccitain section line load brte:i sections 8 and !, towiihip-.r.- , range 2 east, was laid over, the Lommissionrrs b.u mg no Ii er to net as the pction reads an abatement be mule of leien mills on the dollar or county tix assessed against all of the ASaiita rerail-roa- d ompsny in .Sedgwick county, for the ear 1S73; also against the road bsd and oilier pi rsoml proiiertj of said railibud compiny in e.udcounty ordered that an aliatiiuent be made ol all the eiMlly orthe taxes of said conipsny, which iio'i remain uilpjid, prniided said taxes are iiaiil within ten dais Irom this date. Ami ordered Hi it the county treatuier 011 paj-me- nt of such taxes, on tbebaslsufuresaid, receipt in full for the taxes 01 company On motion the Hoard adjourned to meet Krid iy. Slay 15th, t 10 o'cloi k A M nt the otllce- - of County CI irk. Atlist JOHN ILCKEi:, County Clerk. Publication Notice. Iu Ihe District Com t ol Sedgwick county, Kan- sa". William John-e- of the Misin A. I deceased, plaintiff, vs. I William Xecley, defend mt. J above namid defendant William N'eeley will take notice th it he h nbeensu-db- v Ihe mined plaintiff, iu the alMiie named court, mid unle-- s be iiinwer the p ot'snid plaintiff against him filed in Ihe olliee- - of the cl rk of the di-- ti lit court of the .aid county of sedgwick, by tin- - 2tli it iv of SI iy, A I) liT4, the said petition will be taVen as Inn-- , and a Judgment nil be rend. red .igainM the s.ml deli ndanti.nd in favor nt snnl nl.iiiitin in s.utl netiou lor the sum of lour huudied and Ihiitv-eig- dollars, and interest on said sum Irom the cth day of Apiil, A I). 174, jt ,iera,e0r 7 r cent, per annum, and for the Bale 01 me noriiieasi ipiarier 111 me iioruniesL l'U.rter ol section in township 27, of range one easi, in me eouiii, o. .n. ,t.ite if Kausi, under and liv nr.iii ..... .ir.Ier of attachment issiieil m naiu action anil - - . I... iVlVi?ror;.l.ll!stll."n; April '.itli, ls7l. . Ll.3ili'iiiU 1 laiimu .iiiornes, iv -- uinyoi uie oueusu ii:iij;eii:iiiiiM,siioui(iiii:iKeiii. a cnin. j.cv. .vir. lost crcaS0(1 at the rate of ten thouanddo!- - ill t": ' "W"' :""1 "'l" ''; ' ha us that he will fret Ike lo ,ar per inou.h. MorSaC have bee. Coun, Treasurcr,s Salc of School-Land- s. resolutions pursuant to investigations come down to this Ht.nn.er to ' X . Notice is hereby given ,,. . unders.gned. warned them apanist a repetition ' sec us all and ".ve us a lecture. Hovv "1L IM l f'V treasurer of county, state of Kansas, . ?, thousand dollars. bOllie ol Olir will on saturdm-- , the lWh day of May, A I. 1s74, Ilie oimiu. still mii-1- i action and sUcl, l(. ,il ml up Ihe church. rlnnts lie now selliii" :) 000 to brtneen hours ofu o'clock a m and 4 o'clock iv.ll IlIllJJs MCin lo little I'lll-c-- t - - 1,U0U WOllll .if "OO'IS 1" mniitl. I'-- . so" tvielnta at public sale at my office, Kansas, within to the the Tho HiBh Court of Impeachment. buvi1 of hc.le nigVeit Udder; tMioww Co, ..,., is ., ,,, ,.,, .,,, .,,. are M hiv.lH( ,m . ,,,,, , u.,lilc v a ,..,.,., lotu.r aMrc,tcA to Ui hundred, thousand of fruit ZF ,nC "'"'" ,,., ,, ,., ,,,,, f as :u,lcniber of the !,ih court ol i.n- - ' J.'v""! s"!,!:,,? mui! .10 - r,riFT c c ' Section IU, Townsliip27, .south ll5s lnnv i,e that Ihe whole for the trial of b,.forc Manv Hibstaiitiaf improve- - : tiiI .. ,(J ihonwL lK.t!ar .los'.ah Have, received ,cslerdnv inc-nt- s are being made all over the ' J.".? ' '" at JJ .!- -, wu aie infoiined that Haves county. With a good season our farm- - j e nw-;.- - .1,. 300 do lmvill, 1CfcigI1Cilf lhenhy COIlfc;tillr 7 K 55 SS it j claimed that Attoinev-tJcncr- al innlt autl intr the action of the sir , ne do 300 do that diu-elioi-i that he had ! to think that been drawn be :l holding office of bond-- , the to currcnev. r matter be l.!f fll'll'll'l lis ....- - States, for Stales Thc from hc for he give. on of will what in the 1). able clabor ate for loca- - of state thc of lands I inoperative e e. thc of SeuUl continued, UtplteDtgtDayisshdtOEfcUltre. the the the the at the the our the be Jo on to tlic of p. to to W'n to for aid, of been We last . ... , - a noes is Agricultural I to I J. on has state stall in-- r tO mail examination banks accoimtsofthe deposits redemption. dispelled qualification tl.ecdit-ato- r aMociatioil Incctillg subject opinion Tennessee u, v.....:.i..i.,.i cancelled thoiis-dtn- d Treasurer. Editorial further city. organ protection. ization at11111.1I constitutes contempt Hobert County Stock .,.,' mg-'i,- Upon subscription, "ji'iOO, appoint May Arkansas uiouiitains.of -- everal ltologna benefit, and be and bidder, the charged and guarantors. Tho Districts. Pl.illippa' ed Monday. is the the other 1,C1C' fof ic.terai Not Candidate. AViMintirn our exchanges ii.rst Hoii.sLC. fop trcasllrcr. ,,)e hci.t authority that olliee. lllMVim.e..i.. ,r'i,,-fi.- i ci.-- n VVs er one he ,;relt Wahiii'ton. uiX WCek au offer in for 'Dcxtfcr. CviamgiirtallS. ThU mainiaiiiH manv astoiiihiug. victim - punished many blameless in something any anticipation- - known spirits by abide appetite whispered water sowi, appeal advantage oat, aml jiroducts, TliCffriiit ipeniug supply and if having immediate this he Note. Pleasant i;ni (IJlitlcr luciitic "5Vv will Ilal'lots this cast worth, inte- grity .......... Till lllCStatC administration iMtcrencsJour- - j of cleaner? he all another A iii pas.'1 Second it. -- . Kanfai MovV,tb altogether file in wiesiaiegoveiiimeui.-nartine- ut at . ' , ' ' for ndepcdeCc acquaintances Persuasiveness. ' -- "-; .Udn. of practical and demand country for about 6th ' " , - 5ri'allowt. order com- plied conniiia-sionc- n. lor tun , fees . MarcaietMcUouuell, lees 'live tm.tec's touiiship, peace . . sbiti. Nalhanicl liocklord saucer, unil. Ordered that Atchiion.'lopeka Also io percent ssiu Administrator"! Joh.ison, The above that tition 27, i.s, lirliieoriheleii - .. s W" p.-n- ised Wichita ."i,,1" I ol 1Il5ilions plants, . ,.,,,0,,,. 1!in "&" . vimlicitf as decided lew Iti-V- . executed iios.uo.if. W'.wbti.iTtnii ' public "Hadn't Sensible last LECALS. jiljouriiment. iiffctnUwlck. commissioners lands se 'i ne do 3 () do svv '. ofsvr ' d-- i .1 do se U svv t do .1 CO do nvv 4 sic i4 do 3 do ne V svv do 3 do se J4 of se J4 do 3 00 do ne '4 se ' do 3f do -- vv e '4 do 3 VI do n ' ee ,' do 3 CO do sc JOHSsOy, 'Ircmirer, 3 ed5Wick cminty, Kansas. c t Treasurer's Sale of School-Land- s. v0ic, is her. bv civen that the under-izne.- 1. treasurer of .sedirvvick county, state of Kansas "i" on -- aiuruay, me iwn uaj oi jiaj , . it .3,, am and 4 o'clock ., m . e at public sale at myolhce. within the citv of Wiciuu, Sedswici. county. Kana to the school- - XtSn$&$2& county I 0fted;wick, and state of Kansas, it section 1C, Township 23, south of Kanc 1 West. "!' ?'"''" ' appraised at M CO er acre do 30 do I1K l 111. l , ,w .jmeqr do 3 I") do do 3 () do nrlTf?t,re do ; 00 do nn;irfeqr do 3 00 do v)r Mqr do 3 (O do do 3 U) do 'nVAr0rlhr,mvnr do 3 10 do .nw.irnwnr o 3 C) .! do 3 00 do "r'irnw,ir ic'raw qr do 3 IO do Ee qr of the sw qr do 3 .lo nw or ew or do 3 il do do 3W do :,nqrr" qr do do a C JOHSSOV, Treasurer, S County, Kansas. County Treasurer's Sale of School-Lan- ..Ia ! a. aI. ira.n f h T IHa TITVsl n rtan Ir;r"oi Uct county. Vtar f k. I will on Saturday, Ihe iJrd day or Jlay, A.lr.IsTt, between the hours or 9 o'clock a m aodlo'clock j i rn.. sell at pnblic sale at bis office, within the city of Wichita, county, Kansas, to the highest bidder, the following described school- - ( land. In lesal subdivisions sunaled intbecounty J ot scljrwies, state of Kaasss. it sections.. Town-hi- p 57, ?oeith of Uanpe I Ut. .Ve of ne '. appraised at l 00 jr aei n nrnfnrnr do 3 73 do - " swqroiaeqr io 3T3 K .jr nmj for oue i)Cjy i0 i,e excused. 0on to be issued in behalf ot the friends t,is remark the leather strap danced qr'fiiiv-q- r T,1C conU)aniou&liii of editors and of inflation, to be signed by Messrf. I Hkc liphtnin over the 'boulder of'nwqrVJVqr llllWlsIlcrt o legitimate newspapers is Morton. Logan, Perry. Ingalls and Car-- . ,hosc depraved matl.ematiciaiis. , v 2w qr a .llcaMUt Mn?t but when the pro- - P0""1 - , ; TT,tT ,!iwSrf"rX reai cs,ate dodgers and thc The Texas IegMaturc have made the , M. Louis Mav 4. ,. . fcpooncr o M 0BWqT I,llLlolsoi .. ? , or, , ,.;i - l..,-- ,! ,n dav n com- - i the Garnett J'lniiidealer, the acant sliinpiastcrs iivnltlnrol n'lf,iri , nnf s:1 courieroi the Kansas exenr- - Crawturd, sedgwick- - seqr frcd;rvvtcL lo t Tl do ilo 3 ZS iU tlo 3 Ti ilo do 3 .VI .Io do 3 JO 6a do 3 1 Ho do do ilo 3 do da 13 do do J 50 do do 3 70 ds -- cqrofneqr ,. qr 0 he se qr s qrot seqr . C. Trrasarrr. j-- j Sedgwick eooaty. Kacus. Road Notice. v .., ,. ui., ,. .hs a twiiiion will be - . iiiird Commiss'ioners -- edr. presented to the. of ot swusfs't- - tnv tihtirmrtiox ca lt 4th 7' itV roiVwte?7au. at a a . . r - wwsl'a sasU AT in ssOQlsmX j- - ffJS Zrtf fr W. unvUp twe- - GROCERS. UTETW STORE! New Goods and New Prices! A,-D- . WHEELER," Wliulvulr anil Ketuil llraler iu GROCERIES I A'o. JJ3 Commercial Mock, 3ottg-Ij--- s JT'V"' Vim FM for Country 1'rtduc. We propose to keep a Ilrst class farmers' stole. Will deliver good to ani part of the city on short notice. 11 tf W. ti. ltODBI, J .0. Weit. HOBBS & WEST, Wholesale and retail dualeri in GROCERIES, PROVISIONS and QDEENSV.aRF. Wc are ccntanlly recclv ing LAKGK SUPPLIES -o- f- FRESH GOODS! Direct rn-- eastern markets, and our facilities enable us to offer superior inducements to those wishing to purchase an)- - thing In our line. Corner first and .Main slreet, opposite Ihe first National Hank. WINES AND LIQUORS. HOPE & RICHARDS, Wholesale Dealers In WINES, LIQUORS, Tobacco and Cigars ! AND ISAK Sin'I'UKS nCNIIItAI.LY! Main Street, Wichita, Kansas. (Firt door south of southern lintel.) ai-t- r WICHITA BEER A SO ale brewery: A. WfeGAND & CO., Proprietors. Having opened a Krewery lu Wichita we ate prepared to supply the city and country trle with the best Ale and ISeer, on short notice. Also ' Mottled tlccr and Ale for family . lSEEIi DEPOT, XO. CO MA IX ST., WICHITA, KLrVHST. j EJ-Al- a tine stocL ol Tobacco and Clirar constantly on hand. auslG-l- y NEW DRUG STORE! I CHAS. vr. HTZIili, DRUGGIST AND PH ARM ACEUTIS1 , I lit door XortJt 1st Xuiionul Hank, I I WICHITA, KANSAS. I Tit lory it vJ Ettt Stttl Pure Drugs and Medicines IX THE SOUTHWEST. , Met Arseta. Perfantrr.Pitit " IttidrH, E'x. s i .vrent ut at I AVEKIL CnXXSCAL PaIST. t I I j Ejrijtcissi Vsrrifiaa Jre.'y csisw.Vif. At keep oa hand ti. Ust "4 trtt TfT-- a imi Ifrs for raedicjnn issrpose. J2t-t- f Who Wants a Home ? .. . w s. Jid j JSJttS: HARDWARE, ETC. FRAK'ER & PEYTON Are now rrr eliinc the Urgt tock or HABDWAKD, IKON. NAILS, TUMI'S, HOPE, FENCE WIKE. y A full llae of COOK AND HEATING STOVES We have in the rear of our store a TIX II01. We manufacture our own tinware having in our employ in experienced tinner, we can purautre .tooting. All kinds of Job Work done with aeat-neui- dispatch. We buy our goods direct Irom the manufactur- er!, thereby saving the jober'scommis-iou- , which enables us to sell at bottom figures. We alio carry a full line of AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS ! ! Direct from lactories, bought at cash figures, and can offer a sp-- ci il figure to Farmer Club. We do not blow, but ill sal i: w ill be to the advantage of all who need good, in our line, to call before purchasing elsew here We have also made arrangements for the MITCHELIj I We have the exclusive sale of these wagons and will be able to sell them at v erj reasonable figures. Call and examine our stock and prices. FitAKEit Peyton, i Next door lo Woodman A Son's Hank. JS. ZIlvdlZIIEIxLXjY, SIJERD'W-AJEeE- l, STOVES, TINWARE, THE CKI.EISI.ATED GARDEN CITY PLOWS AND CULTIVATORS. RIION'S CORN 1'LANTERs. HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS, ETC. Roofing, Gutttriny, and all Unit vf Jvh Worl Vtn4 to OrJrr. NO. 25 MAIN STREET, WICHITA, KANSAS, ir 1874. 1874. SMITH & PITTENGER, Healers in Lime, Plaster, Plastering Hair, Cement, Stone & Coal. We now offer Io CONTUAOTOIH, IlKAI.KIM, UUII.DKIIS, rAltsrKIM and OltANCKK-- i I.Ime I'lvterin-- ; Hair, Cement, Stone and Coal at bottom prices, and vte will endeasoY to always Ktcp 1 Large Stock on Hand ! Sj,eCli Induceroentsoffered to partfn buyinjt In l!rj lots. Of'e 1CK oiv IIOUGI.AS A VK , ne r DKI'OT, t .Ignof UAItKKMJUKou SCAIX. o' OsTICK painted rifONT In HKK, arwl at Xo. It Mala sir tllve us k csll ftutt bnylsjr lwher -13 fiMITH A I'lTTKSOEK. HARRIS & CO., Soda Water Manufacturers! Wholesale and UxUXl Dealers la ICE! Havitir AooUil lfc Ir fscfHties fr sayiet fJw . city aad snrrotusiUEI coootry with the above art!- - j cles, will ran Ueir wajoos rejvOarlj to j KLDOIIADO, ' AUGUSTA, WIXFIELU, OXFORD, WELLIXOTOy, DELLE PL A IX, SEDGWICK acd NEWTOK. tAtl orders prtaiyiij site&ied to A&lress H.VKBIS Jt CO., O-t- T ta list il BTfeirSrn&i(aTXK.BclrEErr! : . .. av f. (..&- - aasa ss wvars n, AtvtiaraLt.. f twiiiSrf. TVTmi ST 7ZTt ' PMtJ ci.Kiatnw. DRY GOODS. M. KOHN& CO. of K. alt ow4-H' 1 f at 4l . ft "- .. , , HAVE OPENED TIIKIK - . NEW STORE ROOMS Jt THIS WEEK. ojlis: hlij HAYS & lHlOTIIER. TI1K I.ARQEST STOCK OF CLOTHIUO-- ! X2T 3C.2STS-A.- a I UOODS RETAILED AT "WHOLESALE PRICES! Cly HILLS &c ICRAIVrEiK. Wholesale and U'tail IseaJers U JDttlT GOODS! Cvpeta, CHI Cloths, Ztc., W MAIN STREET. COK-NE- tt OKfcECOM) -- ti MERCHANT TAILOR! 27s. 54 X&is CtrMl y full assortment of IbWst Ttttik a4 Enriisb C3''1. CMloeres au4 VesUa(s on hasui tad bukJs ia n latest styles BOOKS AND tTATIOHKRY. K. J- - BBIMEBS MAIX STKE?rr, .riCHITA, BOOKSELLER AND STATIONER, Ce's esUcIy fca4 a f U t of STATIOXEIiY, WALL PAI'EK, POCKET CUTLERY, ad XOTIOXS- - x ru tisx .f . . - xi&uajj i3iaiux cv Uy . kt- - 1 1 wwhi awmaiLft jtmrni - ,1 POII HWM-AM- T. EL FA.SO. The town or Kl P l loetd oa Uj ran Umk the jTat ArkawM KWer. la the southeaster part or Sedgwick eouotj-- , Koa. It has taaay adTaaUse. anjonf which are lu beautiful awl healthy location, situated oa a hbrh. BBtljr dop- ing prairie, urroundeU hy eoe of th largest fcod-l- es of the most fertile land la the state, whleh I taken up by actual settlers, who are energetic. Industrious aad practical fanner. They are at work in earnest, opening ap their farm and mak- ing themete good, comfortable and permaaeni homes. KOCK BOTTOM. There U a rock bottom la tao titer, eaUntliag about three qnartera of a mile op and down the stream. On the east bonk th rocks are aboat en fret above low water mark, and oa the west bank about twelve fret below the surface of Ihe ground. immoE FACILITIES. A good substantial bridge, two hundred and seventy-Be- e feet long, spans the Arkansas Kiver this place, thereby giving the rainier on the west side ot Ihe river access to th town at any tage ot water sad at all seasons of the year Th bridge rests on stone abutments on either bank, and ou two Iron piers, which stand firmly on th bed rock ia the river It is naturally the best plac on the river In Ibis state for a railroad bridge across ih great Arkansas liner. RAILROADS. Two railroads jave already been surveyed to this place; one from Ihe northeast, via Eureka and Augusta, crossing the river at this rock bottom, the other from the city of Wichita to Arkansas City, which proved to be almost an air tine, and a very favorable route. No doabt, both roads will soon le completed. WATKK miVII.KdK. There Is not the least doubt that here It the best water privilege in the state or Kansas. The great Arkansas liltrr, its source In the ttoeky Moun- tains, is supplied with water In snrnmer by the melting snoas in the mountains, by rain and Its many tributaries in winter The water Is always highest from spring until fall, yet It has never been known to overflow Its banks at this point There is an abundance of water during th whole year to run all Ihe machinery that can tw placed on the bank for several miles below. KKARIMMTY OK A HAM. The feasibility of a dam across the river Is not questioned, a solid rock lioltom all the way across to build upon, Ihe width only two hundred aad seveuty-Hv- e feet from shore to shore, a high bank of clay and reK-- on the east side, and on Ih west side a bed of tough ctay covered with sand, ex- tending for some ways up the river above the rock bottom. This water prlvllene must and will short- ly be improved. LI l'aso will be a manufacturing town. The experiments last season In raising cotton demonstrated thsl Ibis soil and climate ar adopted to cotton growing! then why not manu- facture It here where the corner stone and found- ation have been naturally laid TIIKTOWN. The town is uiir, the buildings ere substantial, erected for permanent business houses and homes It contains one dry goods store, a drug slore, two grocery stores, one Hotel, a wagon maker and blacksmith shop, one shoe store, a meat market, two feed stables, a good school house, and a num- ber of dwellings SCHOOL There la a good school from seven to nine month! each year A Sabbath-scho- ol has been urganlied and Is now In a nourishing condition ciiritcuus. Two church organisations hare been effected, viz. the Uelhodi.t and trailed I'resbyterian, each having regular services. JUNCTION OK hTAHKS. lly recent arrangements the Town Company baa succi-de- In obtaining at this place a Junction of the stages of the Southwestern Mage Company. A dally stage runs from here to Wichita, a from here lo Kort Sill, y to Welllag-to- n, a dally, via Wlnfle Id, to Arkansas City. TIMIIKIt. The timber In this vicinity consists of cotton-woo- d, oak, ash, hickory, walnut, mulberry and elm. Cord wood is delivered in town at four dol- lars per cord. lirsiNKSS OI'KNINCIS. There Is here a good opening for business men of all kinds, mechanics of all trades honest. In- dustrious, temperate and energetic men are invited The policy of the town company heretofore has been to donate lots to those whobntlt houses on them. Now, for the Iltst time, they adveitlse lots for sale HDJIH .HKKKKlt.S. l'ersons seeking homes or wishing to engage in business of any kind, or desiring to locate In a healthy, p!ear.t and prosperous new place, among a good class ut society, would do well to pay this plsce a visit before settling eliewhere For further particulars address JOHN Ht'KIIAtlK.lt, or 10-I- y J. IIOIT MIN.NICII Reduced Prices for Railroad Lands. Innnler to rafl.tly .Hoimoc. i.f lis Ijtlnl liraitt, sn.l fur 111 Settlement and rapid Dvelopment of its Couutry, the Atelilsnii, Toiel.a A. haula ft Kallruail Oim-e,n- y lietesillli makes Siectal offers for th sale ol Its l.amt at sjieelsl easli prices here given. lh amis will lie soli! umler siierlil terms In blocks as ftlien lielcsr, as no cullinie of lanl will tie sKiicvvicK ciiirrv Tswiialilji ", ra.iire I east all l w I, 12) all 15 all 17 lie, n) se IU; all il; lie ami slif so t all ii; all tl, all Sit all 31 ; ne au.l s hf e 31) n iialf ami se Vi iX "T acre Tuwn.il i raiiye I eaut uxr an! s hf I: se 3) se, shf.w see A; set) all Hi all U n 13) all 17i Whri'lj nelt 11 Ilf sl.'l swilj ti MHraere luiililirvrsne2es.t allttallji all S; nbf seslilswseeTi all '11 all II; all all 13, all 17, all ltfi all Sit slli all Ml all 17; 11 (if sh. se sec U all 3.1) all X,; J isi er acre 'Iownililii93rani'2east nlirlj all3 all Stall 7; altU) n hf U, all II; all 17; lis li e Jl i M iieracre Tnwnlil.lranfr I nesl all 1: all 3 all 5. all Tl a liflist, hf lie, stt srcUt all 111 all I.I all 19) ail 21; 11 r. se, hf sw eec i3 w lit nr, whf se w hi sei. JTl all rij 11 hslfaii.l lots 3, I. 3, S. a, t, 10, sec fl, alt 33; 111s ami s lif see '. l Hi r aert Towtishl. 'Jtt rnuye I west lots ft, T, Usr sseft; lots I, t. 3, IV sec lit ssr 17 1 all IK; Ilf. e hf l see SI 1 lota I sn.l J, n hf ne, nw, se, half sw see S3; l 91 per acre 'lowD'hij. XI rallies weal; all I; all3l all 3f all T; all tl; all II; all 13; all Ul be awl s h.lf 17. all IV, all ill all II; all il; allsTi all ; all 31; all 33; lots !, T, ', V, sv see 33l 50 "r acre Township 'iK ranae S west wluilf 3i all 3i all 7; .11 Hj nw aivlshf 13t all IV; all IT; all IV; all 71; w hf S3; tl ! per acre Tow nhlp 2.1 r.nr-- 3 we.t all 1, 3, 1 Tl Ul III 11; I5i IT; SI; 43; ii, T; T, II, SI; 3l M -- 1 r srif. Tnwn'lilpM range 3 nr. n hslf sol sw see l( 11 hf, n hf se, sw r 3; all ft; Ti i; II; 13; I3 IT; IV; SI; ! TJrcie 23IOX7SE. til'I'OwlTK WICHITA ItAII.IIOAfs IlKI'isT. Most ronvenleni In lie elly tl V Ir flay Ifou tn.jrMixnly rssvals. Hot ta, roffre, tuti.l. atwl Ideals at lilrfb tW'Ise. or at say otiier htrvr .tsy or alrhl H t sit ,lnl 'n the southwest call eiery ssv.rnlsf at f o'cl.Kk Maiamoth statlea eooct4 with lb house tl JACKXOV U'lLAVp. rrrrtftrr LECALS. Natlce. srtrKor kav-- a. (rt Neds-wlc- eMmtr The Male Bf Ksihi t nas.Iit If Mary, WrlaT of "veda-wle-l t'ftnlf. t.iestlea- - Hli,t.. a sf-- term of tb- - tiislrlct Cuwrt wlttila sn4 (vr i.l emnfy ! 4.tft eesry by tl ua.lerslarft'.t, ju,!f ; the liis Ju,le(.J tiislrlrt .f th (te f Kitt. H Is herbr ftr. et that a )- -f Ul lr ',falt eirt b h'U, m. iwnriat " Monday, tK elitiUenlb dar f May. A I' )T. atnt ).j ate rmumstwU.I t roake diss SJvt lJfsl ttS,1lf(ljTI ot Ike asor (.Ilea fender myhsiwt sywlff said rart(bis siet,tii dsy of rll, IT W I (AMIIIKU.. Jiblf 7t aU.se rler was Ut tw a Ikls Ttb .l.ytif All. A tl in attn Untvt iv'els'l la It. aflrnstt'n. aisd psitill svflr js kersVy rlvs tbal a stelai lr ef II. dlstrlrt srt will b bW wlitaa awl fr dwek mty, stats sf Kaosas. eMiib'ivctai; Masieisy, t l dy f Msy, A l tT. as dlret4 la saM .rdr I II MAoilCr. rrir, I Mf!'V eonty, Kaksws Aulfwee' Notice. TVe B.trlrl assies nt H C Mu. f- c- tlf rtsea rAlrm 9 rt4Hm of Oi aselrafFS tiisl in WnlsMdir IV-J- d.y .f M.r lT. 1 Itis oClKe, X Mais) eCfa-t- . ia tfl'KiU. la tb frttttif ul siv'jrwlck aast stats S)f Kaaa. tlr a. If use w tl f4ns Atrtlely if vUttst sset sllvw ctsiffcs ad a4 seslt th estate sf said H I Mas., t t tewarxf m'ttvk a J , ss- -t e- -. ll a sesloa srfll I'elk y l" f isMsy. aasl 'j tt vs e'tiaf days L1ww t Hs twwrs, aod all ytun kasiaf ((aim r"w4 H tlt are auCiaV.1 w yxrt said ctiAaks sf Tbte nsrs r is. rumj i iw--i ;rvn say I Ufrsttt sW sUte , i x MtTCiieix. Asiri ; WirblU, Ju.rj toil lsT sl-- tf PthOe S-- tc TV 34te4 "IU Srr tut asls at boir!4 ! tuttUrm, ml La MvrtsMs ruussi t lUu-sa-- a Co . la U esty of VSullis, Khs.ii. tL stay sf May. A U Kl. - rU tat Cartels Uli la to tb- - i rls T ivter Cwrl. Ann, sia4s( j la uut f I Vw. X ! rs ki csst. s.t ,f eartnvr kesls, I iri sal I wslcki traws i c s.le In Miaetw at It w"Wk X K, XIKKZlMUkKLY. .V4n4UtK Kls-J.U- AyrllB ! t Mwtkc. T llfslra U iuj(Wi - ) jwff u Kimi fi., .',. - s:a" "f - "Mtrr, at 44-ix- k ratf. : Kssnt, wilt aasis sJleli-- a U Ik HorU Itvs HUtTM rtu ml !- - Irk '? Ksaasass. fv a falidlciiffrmrtr.ja.M ! I uf S.H C sUit, at at sv jnal tanw Isarrs- -t t ts U fcl4 1 aM voa4y, u lavr tkirsl Msawaay at I U.r a. Is UTi. I " uoMmmrrrmcicat AklaMill tsfC.W ox. U). mt t i 1 1 1 , i

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Page 1: ,,, ., Pg; i....the best inaiket for our grain and hay and (lalve-to-n and Saw Orleans are our natuial ports of entry. Look your maps. Resignation of tho State.lo-ia-h E. Hacs. the--tale

r 1


'Jw J "s." - L- - '-- ?fc. "&&? "&&;j:

wJeSSsSa" jfwjswsskihSe. -sssa-r-'.r,-3t . 2-j rfts,'-- 3ffir" ".v-x- EapSssar.

.?USrJKviiCVriOJw4. r- f-"y JJP" - - H77t:??T3gT"BJkT:ira

ffiggWgUML.jg!!!'1 "I' mhhmsiH-- i "in r rJgssaiggaparsa.Agysrw:'"jj.v , . . r- - . .v imiaa'M"wT:M1WM"lllaiilg;i' --lKi mnfflfi m in Miiwrr rivTwirT r Tim-fi- nr " rwTi r ami " innnrmirr iwrn t ' "-- "mmw ."fw'-T'-""- --' - - -. - - - .z " j: - i ae0aaaai jsaisa -

ij-Sr"!-Ta- HHM mmmm WUMHi ti ' ' - r'--- - -" " " " : far:rjiDKjmaevTvsr! : " --j rww . inn.'ijurw hbpm-l- . !!yjAMHu-- - wmwwimp . '" . - nXlZrZXZSZ 7. " a. , SZ?m'mxX ,CTgr,77yrlTrr.Tgi.a;fy?gaKSM.ll,it ,. .V. 4?fZSfr3iSw JMimi,v, rr m. , ...r-rMf- fP



!m (kh--v. ,. . f .QU)C (LulttiJlul dylUnt

Cj u

M. M. MURDOCK, Editor.

IU1IIA. lilt i:-l- .MA-- Ti!.. if.J.

I j 111 t l


iu-ji- mius i.-.- i iiiiuuKikmii andprohabh totlieracilicnorlheastein vt:it(. ht- -t week. !..nn. n,n ,.s.,i,i f i the In- -

,!-- , li.i (I ail li'lTllOI'l III!- - iril uic "n-;- , I,.,.),,, . ,nnn 11 .."... c?..-i- .. 1 i. I.,,. 'U,,il wp. ni-- jmiinrliiiff II irom 1IICl ne Lawrence j nouir ai n aiimri lchuliulh ....i. ...... - jicsi". oiecie v t, im; i'u'"" - - :,, "

Cla.'ke will be a prominent"

candidate j "" k- i- Tu".' L""' (' ' ,c directors : i i land agenis here, aert that .heirsales whole word 11, best quail y w i.o

for congress in tne ftl .lUlrlct., Contra., i now making such ., KpI, ., 1)nglicrf WlII. arc exceeding ho of aijy prevwu. ; uote 1 S UL u a

J Micnuou, cilo. I .0 c,.,m.. .11 l,o ..,,, w. . Sllli., j. C. Millis, S, "4 V.!S,"- - that 'of wheat anil oats. Itis a MirerUrownlow and Alexander when completed, one oi the grainiest n i,lt) V.T..Iewett, I.. L. Ve-t,a- ciiUU, ,,, tc lelc already, and the 'crop than wheat aad requires the same j

H.Stevenv have both gone home, prab- - and remunerative iailio.nl enter- - j yi m,oJi.. ' p'ro-pc-cl now ithat this season's trade ' culture.

. I.- - . .ably never to return 10 v aMiingion.

,. . ...... ....I...- - .,.... ,.

cd actual operation on Friday hi-- '. 11

i hoped i hey will be a grand mutc.Gov. bead on the

cuireucy question, lie ha- - telegraphedto Senator Morion that "the n'publicauparty of I In- - ue-- t i- - in mourning oorthe veto."

The Hon. Wa-libii-

n,,al ; tilt. mineral uiouutaiii-ernoran- d

j ,, ),). tlout- - ihiough fivea- - a candidate for the I'nited -- l:iti s (j,.cl ,;.,., (f I.iikU niic. celled

nr.Mii fiom Maine, to -- imeedSenator Hamlin.

Our delegation in congies-- , obetiiiL'

ihe voice of Kan-a- s. (1tcd fir-- t, hist

and all the time for cxpati-io- n. as did

nearly the enliie i.'pre-enlaiio- ii fioin

the we-ter- n

KaiiK.i- - is not the otilj place thisspring where there - unpleasant wea-

ther- Te.as pajier- - repori having had

front' in that iate lately, heavy enough

to kill corn and vegetable5.

The South IJenil, Indiana. I.'eyUtcr,

founded bj e!iu lei oilax. uuiik-in- e ,)c j;,, j,,.,,,.,,,, u thioughgave too much heed io the .lII( eal tralicof enormou- -

opinion- - of eastern capitali-t- - to the ,, wiI 1)t. ., Hue of load that, when theneglect of the wants of the west. Indian Territoiy - opened, will have

' The l'.uilinganie Chronicle ays cat-

tle continue to die in large numbers iu,....,.. n.,,.iv l'rn'i'ililv not less than

.... .'.I. ,.c c.,w.i-- ' l.ovn..... l!n,l ii..IUU,VVU 11 ll 111 "I ...s..Ihe county during the pa-- l C week- -. j

lu Ihe Fnilc-- State- - -- iipiemc rouiton the -- 4th ins., on motion of H011..M.

II. Carpenter, Hon. .John .?. Ingall-- . ofIvaii-a- -. to practice a-- an

altorne and cotiu-ell- or ol that court.

The pre-ide- nt ha- - appointed Samuel

S. lturdetl. of Missouri, as commis-

sioner of the general land office, viceresigned. Mr. ltuidutt is

now a member of congress from Mis-


The JiiintlXcw ) 'orkrrKansa- - Iruit growers ihe following

varieties of pcache-- : Hale- - Early, Ear-

ly Tillolson. ( I corgi- - the Foui th. !ro e

Miguouiie, Crawford Eaily, Craw-

ford's Laic, Columbia, with a few seed-

lings by way of trial.

The from Kansa- - to the At-

lantic ocean is 1,000 miles, while by the

M., K. & T. K. K. it is only 800 miles toCalu-lo- li. on the gulf of Mexico, so

the piobabilities aie that (jalve-to- n is

to become the New Yoik for the greatwest, Ihe shipping point for the pro-

ducts of the Mississippi valley.

Crant used to say he had no policyin opposition to the will oT Ihe people

and or Cougri . Yet, when congrerepresenting a majority of the people,passed the currency bill, and Ihe New-Yor-

bankers and capitalists "came tosec him" about it, he quickly found a

policy iu to the will of Un-

people and of congress.

The latest advices from ihe Ai kans-

a- muddle show matter-t- o be grow-

ing serious. There having aro-- c n.at-Vc- rs

of legal dilleieuce between (5ov-ern- or

F.i ooks and the state treasurer,the supreme court was being convenedto adjudge, when some of Uaxler'smen stole two of the supreme judgesand carried them far into the backcountry. This j, the latest up to thelime ol going to press.

Ontlic'Jud in t. ihe -- cnate financeconimitlee Ju.liLa long session on the

one, tion. 'There is no dilli- -

v ainong the members on the gen- -

....frivtmes ,.f ihe free, bankiii-- ' clause.of which thev aie in favor, but there isno agreement on the other branches of.. '.i 1.11 .1 1 ,i:ir..,..me liiiaiif 1:11 0111. 1111; 111c1u.fi.-1-


in" widelv iu their opinions--. A ficc J

bai.kin--.vi.te- m. the currcnev to issuet. 11... l.ni.ks on a ba,i- - of U. S. bonds

seeni to lie the idea.:

.l ........1. tlt.t.,t .,.l1 .............Msll'isll l 111, t,,- - 1....1...."

Sc.1 S ft.r keep- -

i,,K h hou.pte. of tlower.s on' his ,1,-- k.

It strikes us that it is better to havethe bloom theie t ban 01 tlir jucli, s

nose. .Junction ClttJ Union.Noble, you lilrhed that tale lion, the

0.i..,.M.r,;i. Wc (osier no l-

injrs tovva.d, .I.lj.,. Foster. ,v ho inav

continue- - to l.tcr hi- - bloom, but l.i1

have tl... Union losier such uiitmimr. j

isnot the way to foster our very-- Wc Post observe, friend

iien.iss.On Tticscl-i- last not le than '

financial bills were introilnceu in the i

house, most of Diem hy eastern menwho offer frees banking measures. Thetendenev of linancial now

llicr- -



lial- -


...it . ...... ....v.sideu of the I'liited is candi- -

at10 ueeuie wi.ciner .uc.v nave ...v

services as is willingMr. Johnson money

man. Ho avows his sentimentswith commendable free-

dom. next fallthe prevailing

on currency question.

I. appear-ed before the house committee public lands, made an and

arguincnt upon thc lull theprotection rights settlers on

thc public lands within railroad limits.He argued that notitm, homeMcad entry, or other lilin-r- ,

i pursuance United States lawwithin limits any!

grant railroad companies,. 1.V...I-- .

Wiiicnwa,na..Buc.u.:mt.,.s -- -.

void or on of hav- -! t... ....in oiiv olloirnl Inr-n- .

ins ULV"the .ailroad

i.t-- v. -- ..!. ..o,il onnni'tniiipil"'' "1-- " ti--it. ....l citll fnitlinr Hint nil snriiWl loucu aw" '"' '

which have beennotified and



liil - , ,


"""niountaii:-- ,W!v

. . . IIIU 111 nils cu.iwm,





lecoinuiend-l- o





(Wichita's Interest in the Enterprise

Tlic Arkansas Valley Kailruud u 1"' ;

from tit-- Mi--;il- ",.,t anoint iicarMi-miilu-- . iiiiM.iMjiIh--

lof the AikansHf. and to the Kocia '..-' ... .1. .1

i. .prists upon tlic .oniiueni. -

Con.parativ.!y .picking the A.l.au- -

jas valli-- n i'MimiI. iii airricu tiiralaud-- , limber and mineral land-- ,

hceoiid to the valley- - ol Mi

and Mi-lu- ri. lis water-drai- ni

llie territories of ("olorada and ihe In-

dian territory, and the -- late- of Kan-



and Aikan-a- s. It is a longer riverthan Ohio with four or liie lime-th- e

amouiit of rich airable lands. It

i .. 4 ..t. i.. ......i. :....oi .nil i.iieaiui. iiiiuuiiiiicihundred mile, of valley unciualledthe production of corn and cer-

eal, and through tin cu hundred mik"of cotton glowing country. For theserca-o- n we a'-c- rt that Ihe proposedline w hen once completed will proveone of the grande-- t and nio-- t i einiiiirr-at- i

ve i ailroad eutei prisee in the UnitedState. The pioduct- - of either end ofthe line aie naturally interchangeablefor thoc ol the other.

Corn and wheat mut go southeastand (otton. tob.icco and sugar northwest, with niineials for etcry part of

a local oil-lue- s- in. a i.umiui u esinii-ale- d,

eveti approximately onemiles of t!ie Hue liug along and

ithiougli the In oadi- -t and riclic-- t val- -

ley in he we-- t.

Wichita i- - on Aikau-a- - river,two hundred and twelve miles by rail- -

load from Atchison 011 the Missouri,which is northeast and to which pointand which direction thesurpluspro-duciioii- s

ot this valley is at present be-

ing shipped. A line of railroad olequal length from Wichita down theArkansas valley would reach withintwenty-liv- e miles of the e.i-le- ni line ofIhe Indian territory, and to within fif-

ty miles of connection with a rail-

road that is already constructed IromMemphis to Little Uock and iu thisdirection. The same of roadthat now unites Atchison and Wichita

run down ihi, valley, would cioanother railroad, w hich 1 cache- - gulfof Mexico and its entrepot, Galveston,and alo cross a railroad w hich runsto St. Louis, and with connections toChicago.

natural outlet of tl.i- - valleythe valley. That is the route,

the diiect and natural tothe best inaiket for our grain and hay

and (lalve-to- n and Saw Orleans areour natuial ports of entry. Lookyour maps.

Resignation of tho State.lo-ia- h E. Hacs. the -- tale treasurer,

who impeached by the last houseof representative, for inisdeineauoi-i- u

office, has and Fran-ci- -,

of lola. county, ha, been ap-

pointed by Governor m in his-- lead. A copy of waspie-enl- to boaid of uiamigei- - byhi, counsel, with a icqui-s- t that furtherproceeding- - againt him be stopped.Col. Haves gives as a reason for thisunexpected action that his phj -- icalcondition is -- uch that he i unable toundergo or endure a protracted im-

peachment trial.Thi, action will probably end the

impeachment trial, as all the highcourt do, if it found him guiltyas charged, would be to disqualify himfrom holding olliee in the future. Theresignation is. ot course, an admissionof the crime charged, and is, no doubt,owing directly to the character of theevidence obtained New Y01 k. Yet,now that bulk of the- - exjien-- e hasbeen inclined, '. r. the evidence all

the court organized and ad- -

joiirned to meet again, it may be that"H'c manager, think they have sure

thing, the c.1-- 0 will be prosecuted forthe Mike of the- - Xearly allof have been open

William- lirociucil evidence in Newolk ,lml jc "- - "o "" re- -

. .--

'. .. . f . ...



have decidednppears'to in the of fiec- - has G0,000 (herebanUiii-- r c '"'" 1" ""t '",;v- - The

peonlc seem free j teres t has a Kansas

bankiii-- : means nnre.slrirted ! City banker, so that if that be truecnoiijrli for all and each, bnt that I then admitting lits soldier record and

nn impeachment trial and dU-wh-

wouldltieination soon ',

it is known that Tinted Stales J from would

bonds arc the basis all it. t beany too severe,is-- i Tl'o state senate a highto buy precedes

sue' court of impeachment next Tuesday.J at which time the of a trial or

Andrew .lolni-o- u. once in I1() t,.jai w;ii determined.....Itaw. Y'ttlmri .1,1(1 .1 Tl I ill.. mm

e; ,.,..f,ua

date election Tinted sen-- ,cxccutnc c,)Ininittcc of

Tennessee, lie will canvass aml bllshcr. 0f ,i,cthc slate during approaching poll- - j

()( :ivo lcc.lc, hoU,Deal eamiiaign, and sutler thc people Fort Scott

"such to

is a hard

thisThe election

how i

Important Settlors.

Lat week lion. Loweon


of the of



accountn fc

tion of route to ,


bo to











most most








ri-- ht


Tho Kansas Association.)

...Cth y May, S in. Theyhave to take an ccur--

sion St. Louis each editor payhis hotel bills while iu the

rnlllPinllPI tl'll Of twelvevcars ao. that a dozen of us country..i.l.lUl,,.,-- . tctliiM- - with two or tlnee

I citv editors met in Topekaize a society mutual benefitand The idea thc organ

wa. somciu.i.g p.acucai. to.the years new men havedirecting association and it has de- -

.rn.,nmt,..l into nn bitr cat ac

J.i,.a.i jieaii exclusion somewhere.. ,... 0f ti,at st vie of pleasure I

nondescrint sheets, toirethcr with a few,m.ofct5;0,iai ,lCad-bc- at correspondents, .

.. . .. .,tne couiroiiiug voice, ouiers

w f ., ke If. but, . . ... .... ,

ui suumn to a line iiit... .

'I oomos says tnat lie 1101

wish to go to congress again, even ifoppbrtusiity given him.

Tbo SedRwick Agricultural,Horticultural & Associafn.

Wichita, Kuiiha, May", 1874.

Thc of theSotietv met mir-uui- it to adjciuijinient sicy

thef ..;,,.,, Ti.e lncetiii-- ' was calloil ami.u..-g.......- .. d, .,,.,1,. ,.,.,. t 1 :,.,.on viri.niridL'i.t. i

iu wnui in i'.k. in--v a - (...0 ,otj0 to proceed to the

.. , .1... r..ii...:.... i

ni : llljai 'Ii (1 UlLUtiuic. m ji. i. ...,,

f)ll ...,;,. f u- - 11 William, the,.,,.,. , ,,cl.,ai.Pll HliailJloiw.... ,. . .s ..a fiiiifii'iifii Ki wn- - in ':iinr.:ii lull .

Momniy. May 4,1, at o'clock p. m. ,

WICHITA. Kansas. May 4. 187..A n.i-lin- hoard of directors elect l.iU. lor or- -, Mite

gaui7.ation. Alter the meeting wascalled to older. I. M. Steele was chosenpic-ide- ut pro. leni mil We- -t

...!....""- - I"- - "l"- - "" " - lli lirvl- - III till- - World IS.1 ;i.. a i.....r. uiiiiih.n .i 1' "' s ...- - .... -

bnil ., l tlZWgreat.y suceeding supply. The , , J,citizen- - ot ichitu are all nitereslcdiii '"J1""-- " " '

j.-- i.... ii.. i ..!..oi or. uonuc. ijiuiv;ii..

-- ecietarw" motion to proceed to "'':ll,1

l,kl! :M''; ,'1" ,aV, to.

the,...'.' at the next election, and

elerl.ou ot oll.ee,-- . U .... i ,,,.,. ,. who kllow ,II5 j rM--i i

t0 op'au-th- e

stein wa elected pie-ide- Jno. Kelly ly virtuous straight-forwar- d and ,L,. . . ,. . , , , .

V'T ',,,:, ' '. . .. . ..aim .11. i. i.ui i. u.istii 1 1 jii iiiu"tion the eleclioii of the officers wasmaile uiiaiiiiuou

,...!;.... ,.i ivm. in. '


struct,,! lono.ilyall s,ekhold.-r- , whofailed pay their that j

unit'-- - it within 30 daj- - fromdate of notice, their -- toek will be for- -

fcitetl to the society. Motion wasamended. so a, to allow the issueing ofany amount stork iu even sharesles, the subscribed amount.

II. O.igurr made the followingproposition to accept si.AHj wnn inter- -

e- -t lioin October l.'ilh, 187:5, to be paidwithin ten dav, fiom thi- - dale: thereuiaiiting due giound-- , to bepaid when due.

Motion to W. Oreifienstein,J. M. Steele and Sol. II. K0I111 especialcommittee to sell the stock at reducedrates.

Motion to adjoin 11 to meet 1th.

at '-- o'clock p. 111.

It. L. Wi:st, Secretary. I

Tho Troubles., .,

There two fellow: ciowu 111

state Aikau-a- - churning to be govern- -

nor, ile fuclo, IJrooks and IJaxter by I

iiniii... HiiTier had liossession of the '

office, but was bv judgment of a couit.

ousted. Brook took possession ot thestate house and Ilaxter of a hotel, and I

surrounded bv large bod v guai ds with j

some IT. S. Hoop, between, U.ev spend j... ,'the t.nie 111 uing proclaniatioiK and111 telegraphing to i rant lor ueip. 1 lie

reueial government don't appear totake much interest iu the unseemlymuss farther than to warn them againstopen war. And so the case s'oodfor three weeks. Ln,t week wiolean editorial for Eacjm:, which wascrowded out, taking the grounds thatthe people down there should hang orimjiii-o- n both of ihe-- e panters afterauthority, who, by their unlawful atti-

tude, are stopping the trade, nuttingpeaceful citizens' live- - iu jeopardy andlorcing the government intoanarchy, and haven't changed ourmind much -- iucc.



Tlieubiijuitous.homelyold JohannesIvoch, lalelv bv a sharpdIctective from the Utaht o

.1 opeka. at a cost of scv era! hundred .

dollar-- , iu cxpectanev of a reward.'turns out, like hundred otherinoH'cn-iv- e Geiiuau gentlciuen. whohave been ancsicd upon uii-tak- I

itentity, not old ltcuder, but a hungrywild and hairy old ranger of the Wash-

ita valley, with just enough sense toeat sausage and drink beer.The Commontccnllh has made him fa-

mous by columns f ling descript-

ion- ami soul ban owingThe smart detective Iiuriedly hied himhome, humiliated and hornet hot, hope-k-s-l- y


The Evangel.

We are in receipt of the tiist numberof the Kansas J.'cuugel. a new weeklypaver published iu Leavcuwoilh, inthe iuteicst of the ISahtisl church. Ti

tc'l'.lt HIT' mill iiv .1. b." '.."1k.lllocll. Killluvll 1 keep out of thenewspaper business autl we aie jjladof

lie possesses a jical Iiiy heal t anda "rent tirain, lioin 01 wnicn aie- -

f...... ...;.:,hvavs l.rilillv mirrored iu his wi it- -

111 The Ilahtist irieuds of Wichita

house, anil that whereas01 Mr. win ue exiiecieu uiinaKC

. , . ...,,all snpoenas for witnesses and to askthe senate when it shall have convenedon the r.'th, to adjourn sine die.

important IOJtraCtOrs.'

Veceptcd bidden lor contracts for... ... ., , ,

scimlc 111 iv.uis.is nniiei ine ati- -

vertise.ncnt of October 1, 1873, should ,

uiidci-stau- that if their contracts aie

.. la .. a J. 1 I I.. I ' . . I 1 ...





hi- -

iniariy drawn lineresi noni miuc a innrnntrn 01 me uoos-filia- l,

in of citv.1 andand applied it to his own but the inanajreis to iccall



of Abililv "'meets

alderuian '


Die Kaiigji









If. L.






are 1111






- .



1S74. thev will treated as failing"

bidders the routes will be awardedto the ne.xt dillerencc being

to their

New Land

Col. bill creating two new1.11111 unuieii. in nei.eiiiuu I'""

Die house ou The bill isnow in the One of these dis-tiic- ts

on Arkansas riverland iu noilh western Kansas,

Xo" cha,,cc .fom" ,,cw ,VI"

"" lo eJ ,

aa niimhpr of

the name oi Horton-.- .,,, --

e;J, i(latc statc,avo of for statingthat Mr. Horton will not be adate

1. :- - .....,....,,t ;,. tli.if on"..""..e-'--"--- -

llllirt-'- oil nn- - luiitiic; ijuv-ii"- ii 1 -

... Com ttmistnn iu tfttfi. I


t... T,.!fo.i tntn; tl:p i

V, is.,......i uc-hu- mj "" B 0men of

ci fsms. .i.....m.i

Kobcrt onucr rejcclcdof $100,000 CoW hi. ho ,

t'invsiuudeticc t (tie

From Wichita.Wichita. April J9,"l74.

citv still hs suiircin- -



'"!"!", MiHini"

con- -



a thu IlmiI'iiij; -" jiomt ins,outliwutTii pin lion of Kansa-- ,from it natural location and ad- - we

must for vcars be the- 0.' ttrading point tor a large seciiou onuestate. The number ot emigrants uoin- -

is aiul ley

... - ... .will Mirpass inai 01 any 10. uei jem. ,

!."?.V .f".- - "V IV.i ... i

. . . ' .. . .. - ,

...... .. , ..- - .iiim the of circumstance--; this i


case wiiu ine meinoeis.... iainlpsi-tor- ol the l.apti-- t rimrcii ne.e,

; ..... , l,,.!!,.,.,. i 1,5,-- iiill. Hi, Iricnds concede that he wa.carelc's iu the choice ot his asSi,laut,iu the postoilice, and think that he hasbeen well for hi, too conlid- -

mir nature, claiming, ami appareumthat being honest and tin

s;(:i(,-llini-.c; ,,2 had no suspicion

,,,--llin employe-- . If the statements of

hi, here are true,and there see io good rca-o- n to(Ioiiiji men iruiu. u uoe seem nam1l.1t..... il......V ...life ...f m l.ilherto - .


vouiiir man should be blighted for anindiscretion, and it is to be hoped theofficers of the law may his case tem-

per justice with mercy.The growth of this" citv in the last

two (.;l is marvelous, faroutstripping that of other city iuthe Southwe-- t and more than

the ot the mo-- t san-guine of the founder, of the place.


Pat'sThe following anecdote is related by

the late Mr. Greeley, who is wellto have been throughout life a staunch Wadvocate of temperance. Through all W

his electioneering campaign- - he -- at atdinners and suppers where wine

land flowed fnely, but he neverInassedthe bottle or toii-'hc- the liquorhimself Tin. ivnitei-- s who knew his- : , . , . ., . Ktemperance inmciiiie- - 111:11;m,7lL.(, wll!lt t() (l(, whcll thcyer.ine to,ie rmv of glasses fronting his plate asthev fronted all others. Usually they

'tc directed a look or gesture ofKtne inasicr 01 uiu iu 11. is- - Jbvhlm 5l) siiCIK.e; but on one occasion T

flu Irish waiter would not such II

an apparent breach of hospialily. Jye better take something, sir,

to get up an like, alter yourbh.?., e )l()M,it!lble Hiber- -

nau to the startled sage, .1

A liitle braudv and wild do ve I.

good it would, upon me sir." JThe heartiness of the touchedthe philosopher. lie recognized thering of true hospitality in its Aand his heart relented" at the idea of X

depressing such sterling virtue by acontinued refusal. "Urandv and wa-

ter?" said he. "Well, Pat", I'll takehalf that Io oblige you. Give 111c Ihewater ami let some one else have thebrandv."

Our Crops.

This season promi-c- n an abundantharvest to Kansas. The season is muchlater than but in many respectsit will work to an to thestate. It has been very favorable towheat and ivcc which is "looking muchlieltef limn usual for Kan-a- s, at thissea, on of the ear .More than the iis- -

ual surface - sown to ; the cropI'" leen put in in good season. Themm face planted 111 corn will niiich ex- -

any 1)n.vious y(;ar lc farl.ers manifest unusual encrgv in legardto all farm and for generalcrops Kansa, may he set down as giving good promise.

crop of the state never washalf so good. Apple, pears, peaches,lilumbs. -- rapes and fruits willbe in abundance and the chances aiethat the prices of fruit in consequenceof the large crop will range low. Atthe 1 season a large willbe tin-ow- on Ihe market,

fruit to sell have to dependupon the market of con-

sumption they will not be able to dis-

pose of it. The fruit cropwill be many thousands of dol-

lars to the state provided it is secured,iiut iu our opinion it ran only pro-

perly secured by canning it. f.mercnceStmnlard.

A Cheering

When the gencial crv is that of hard i

tilllCS and :i c:ircitV ot inoill-V- , It 1 j

to lw.oi. chc.IsIOU.III a loll. Oila itiueri'iu kui. i u uiu .,..wi,iuIVoill IllC Kllltirailo Co.) Time.

1 ii " 1 " t il.nt .,.... ... I11 - a iniiaiiii; liiui in... iiioiie-- j 10

much 111 this rrimil v t linn .11 .' - - - --

has been for two vrars past, nuniijjJ ,u l'.a.V . . . . ...'. "VI sUS 1)1 uiu riini iaiiuiiiii iaiirv iiutt- - hi

The Kansas Farmer believes that thesuccessful party in Kansas this fall

be that party which puts forwaulthe best men. year, it ray,will be for personal

anil ollicial qualification for theoffices sought for.

Ho;c arc our eciiiiinciii- - exacuy.1 .. Iinl.rn. fwrlll.' ...Alllin tfilillmr

. e j .e. ...j. .v....,.v.nie vcnubhran liaitv It Will lUt 111


loininauon mis it lie sIronrCst aimbest ticket C.er nonilliatcd 111

,01l0 wi,ic, Wtll not onlvbe a gtiaran- -,cc of succe- - but of aood, soundhealthy and honest of

Last week some medical .officers

j were called upon to examine the con- -

,"Io,?0?lct 'rl9,,n i'lll""'"! nn!l"'

0nc of t,e me,i:cal lncn atfcc(j ti,e ,;.tress of one the Iiouc:

Whv don't von keep itflic renlv made bv the woman was

-- ., , ...ii....that sue was a poor wuiow ami couiun 1

nfliiril it"How long have .von been a widow." I


asked the doctor. .

iiCitis. ntimiirli vnne liminr far tlireeo- - " "'-n-- " .,.- -- -.--

:,,.,. Mmilt,;11. ,i;,i .,,. ..i1IIS.,1 ii. v... -

band die?" asked the man ..of physic.. .

Och, never died at ; lie runawav with woman

Chicago iiarsoti who is also asrlmnl handed a nroblem to a

'class mathematics, the other day.Thelii-tb- ov tooMt.looked at it awhilea,l said, -i- " boy took itand aul, "I turn it down." The thirdbov stared at it awhile ami drawled,, t

out. "I can't make ..- -V crv wen.

1 ! , i. ..n...-n-, ..,,-- ,.......n-i- urn....UeM u luc r.-ii-.ceect to eul lur ;i ne eiiiii , ami ;

siou n.irtv. i here, arranging for avisit to th'N city of the members, of the i

editorial contention, which is,...,, ot pr,.JcgU JI 5part v will two ciajs,

it i not unlikely that theciiizciisof St. Louis, will notice. their.May anions tiiem in onic iorma. man- -

ner.acany wcirewc.

not duly 011 thede--

Washington bv .lunc lt,



candi- -






wri,cr, for patent and editorial

Two elcmciils real success in any un-

dertaking arc a comprehensive viewits nature and intent, and a faithful at-

tention to its details.Thought and action are inseparable



liin-niiii- r


" .w.!,'1 people(.relllen- - tllliform- -



and couallv iudisnensiblc. If wewould thoroughly perform onrtasK,

must grasp it mentally doitpatiently. t

The in this bar--,

ior inaiiiug purposes " b"- -

--,,, .,1P;tr in X'nn-Yo- rt

to come to grief. The plan of

The friend- - ot woman sulliage inMichigan will hold a -- tate convention

the ot Maw The legislature..., ., ..,..- - ,, ,, ,,fii;i.aM'u .1. i i:?ui L-- iii.il iii iiiiliivii "t. ,wlll,,, ilf. f.11i,m;,..i

Proceedings of the Board of County Com-


Count! s.ii-r-'- uiuce, iJiay lt, J

'Iliu ltoaril oftoimtr Cuiiiiais-ioiii- rj met pui- -mum lu , . '

I'lraCM 11 li. lloDUs, J. 11. jurK aim .u.in i.CjrtM-ntir-

, ihnirnun.On mutiuii all billi of UicJuitirsaiiJcIrrksor

Hit- - flection I11I1I 011 UicTtli iliyoi.ipin, i isn.On tniitltili It Was .mlrrrd that the of Ihe

county coiiiniioMonir-i- , ; the rol betiieensections ai unil-JU- , tomuhi. -- 7, range 1 writ, bereeeinilril until the conditions thereof aie

null.'the .olli.nins inrliis, viz: K It WaltiM, L. I

I'.utlrJ and Zepli nere ii)iniiiteit..r school l.m I sectiou tliirtj-i- ix (3b),

toniislnp tmiit-iij(l- (, j.)Uth e (I)east, liy the loiinti nipitinleiidtnt and the

lias lusentirt I11 the coui.ty

On motion the jail plan No lofOJ Kin(,'iva,acerpttil.

llic comity cleitv vrji onlend to procure (liefcpecitlcationr. iniine.Iiall

The lollowing atcoiuito iisaiiist the county wereallowed:Cjeorge W Crane, book and blank to the

couutv . . S 4 tl'iGeorge VV Crane, booLi and bl inks to the

county 'l WSol II Kohn, et ill, i, car load cotton seed ll ID

C Little, jirobate judge's lee, C3)j ulor Chase county, keeping

in; 15l.riHiiierI'll Iticjld, clerk ot el ction'in November

lsTl 2 00J.uol) l'ittenter, 2 day t nice coronet's

Jurv 1 toAlbert Kiuirxin, postage as county aup't

to Jlav 1st lsTl 10 00II Clart, judge of election 111 IsTJ

l.agle uilii palil iioni Kagle town- -shii luml s w

Jilin 'Incker. counivilerk's lees to May1st. 1S74. 158

John 'lucker, ))aiil express and tiostagefor county 1.1 S3

JI Mltnii, 7 dajs guarding )iiU.invrs . 14 00W McCartnev coiiotable'a 31 30

V Isiminger", proi ihtons to paujiers 7 50C l)v, i dais Juror iu l'robate court. 300

2 0a2 it

1 IV7 2)1 311 30

3 70

U 0015 002 Ii0

1 liumiuircy, one ua- - j iror iu 1 rou uecourt

Mike Meagher, burling lioilv at inqiieetMiilis & Mini, rep tiring desk for district

tleik ken:g (uuiienC Van SI irter, vvitnenC T.u lor, do

lollowing accounts laid our:W nitnes feeslee lolloning claims rejected.

Albert I.im, service, KockfordtoiviuliipSI Autd, load overseerII Kcttc.rm.ui. home for electiont'etition ot abatement of K A Nrely 11 as not al-

lowed.Applic.itiom for rout jcrapirs from Delano

district No. :! not ullourd.'Ihe follow ing ollictal I10111U were approved,

J I. llooth, justice of the Illinois town-ship.

.1 W SirCartney, coiitiblc Wichita City tonn-s- ti p.l.halouTvier.Jr trustee Ohm tonnhin.W II llaucliniiu, road out-see- r lor Ohio to-.- i 111- -

.).i,cili I. Dewtes, constable I'ark township.Minter. treasurer Illinois town-hi-

W iu Johnson, triusiucr tonn.hii.I. F .Moon, constable ltocklord township.It W constable Illinois township.Ursignations of V. II Clark and Kichird Jackson,

justices, nere referred bjck to the urties thecounty not being the proper trib- -

On motion the 111 tition to v acate .1 ccitain sectionline load brte:i sections 8 and !, towiihip-.r.- ,

range 2 east, was laid over, the Lommissionrrsb.u mg no Ii er to net as the pction reads

an abatement be mule of leienmills on the dollar or county tix assessed againstall of the ASaiita rerail-roa- d

ompsny in .Sedgwick county, for the ear1S73; also against the road bsd and oilier pi rsomlproiiertj of said railibud compiny in e.udcounty

ordered that an aliatiiuent be made ol all theeiMlly orthe taxes of said conipsny,

which iio'i remain uilpjid, prniided said taxesare iiaiil within ten dais Irom this date.

Ami ordered Hi it the county treatuier 011 paj-me- nt

of such taxes, on tbebaslsufuresaid, receiptin full for the taxes 01 company

On motion the Hoard adjourned to meet Krid iy.Slay 15th, t 10 o'cloi k A M nt the otllce-- of CountyCI irk.

Atlist JOHN ILCKEi:, County Clerk.

Publication Notice.Iu Ihe District Com t ol Sedgwick county, Kan-

sa".William John-e-of the Misin A. I

deceased, plaintiff,vs. I

William Xecley, defend mt. Jabove namid defendant William N'eeley

will take notice th it he h nbeensu-db- v Ihemined plaintiff, iu the alMiie named court, mid

unle-- s be iiinwer the p ot'snid plaintiffagainst him filed in Ihe olliee-- of the cl rk of thedi-- ti lit court of the .aid county of sedgwick, bytin-- 2tli it iv of SI iy, A I) liT4, the said petitionwill be taVen as Inn-- , and a Judgment nil berend. red .igainM the s.ml deli ndanti.nd in favornt snnl nl.iiiitin in s.utl netiou lor the sum of lourhuudied and Ihiitv-eig- dollars, and interest onsaid sum Irom the cth day of Apiil, A I). 174,jt ,iera,e0r 7 r cent, per annum, and for theBale 01 me noriiieasi ipiarier 111 me iioruniesL

l'U.rter ol section in township 27, ofrange one easi, in me eouiii, o. .n.,t.ite if Kausi, under and livnr.iii..... .ir.Ier of attachment issiieil m naiu action anil- - . I...

iVlVi?ror;.l.ll!stll."n;April '.itli, ls7l. .

Ll.3ili'iiiU 1 laiimu .iiiornes,iv -- uinyoi uie oueusu ii:iij;eii:iiiiiM,siioui(iiii:iKeiii. a cnin. j.cv. .vir. lost crcaS0(1 at the rate of ten thouanddo!- - ill t":

' "W"' :""1 "'l" ''; ' ha us that he will fret Ike lo ,ar per inou.h. MorSaC have bee. Coun, Treasurcr,s Salc of School-Land- s.

resolutions pursuant to investigations come down to this Ht.nn.er to ' X . Notice is hereby given ,,. . unders.gned.warned them apanist a repetition ' sec us all and ".ve us a lecture. Hovv "1L IM l f'V treasurer of county, state of Kansas,

. ?, thousand dollars. bOllie ol Olir will on saturdm--, the lWh day of May, A I. 1s74,Ilie oimiu. still mii-1- i action and sUcl, l(. ,il ml up Ihe church. rlnnts lie now selliii" :) 000 to brtneen hours ofu o'clock a m and 4 o'clockiv.ll IlIllJJs MCin lo little I'lll-c-- t - - 1,U0U WOllll .if "OO'IS 1" mniitl. I'-- . so"

tvielntaat public sale at my office,


tothetheTho HiBh Court of Impeachment. buvi1 of hc.le nigVeit Udder; tMiowwCo, ..,., is ., ,,, ,.,, .,,, .,,. are

M hiv.lH( ,m . ,,,,, , u.,lilc v a ,..,.,., lotu.r aMrc,tcA to Ui hundred, thousand of fruit ZF ,nC "'"'",,., ,, ,., ,,,,, f as :u,lcniber of the !,ih court ol i.n- -

' J.'v""! s"!,!:,,? mui! .10 - r,riFTc c ' Section IU, Townsliip27, .southll5s lnnv i,e that Ihe whole for the trial of b,.forc Manv Hibstaiitiaf improve- - :

tiiI .. ,(J ihonwL lK.t!ar .los'.ah Have, received ,cslerdnv inc-nt- s are being made all over the ' J.".? ' '" at JJ

.!- -, wu aie infoiined that Haves county. With a good season our farm- - j e nw-;.- - .1,. 300 do

lmvill, 1CfcigI1Cilf lhenhy COIlfc;tillr 7 K 55 SS

it j claimed that Attoinev-tJcncr- al innlt autl intr the action of the sir , ne do 300 do


diu-elioi-i that he had!

to think that been drawn

be :l

holding office

ofbond-- , the to

currcnev.r matter

bel.!f fll'll'll'llis ....- -

States,for Stales Thcfrom


for hegive.


of willwhat in



able clabor

ate for

loca- -

ofstate thc of

lands I

inoperativee e.

thc of

SeuUl continued,UtplteDtgtDayisshdtOEfcUltre.













tlic of p.

to to


tofor aid,

















in-- r



examinationbanks accoimtsofthe



tl.ecdit-ato- r








thoiis-dtn- d





















-- everal





bidder, thecharged and guarantors.

Tho Districts.Pl.illippa'

ed Monday.

is thethe other

1,C1C' fofic.terai

Not Candidate.AViMintirn our exchanges

ii.rst Hoii.sLC.fop trcasllrcr.

,,)e hci.t authority

that olliee.


,r'i,,-fi.- i

ci.-- nVVs erone he

,;relt Wahiii'ton.

uiX WCek auoffer in for



ThU mainiaiiiH










anticipation- -













ipeniug supplyand if









willIlal'lots this

cast worth, inte-grity



administrationiMtcrencsJour- -



he allanother



pas.'1 Second

it.-- .



file in wiesiaiegoveiiimeui.-nartine- ut

at . '








'-- "-;.Udn.




demand country for








conniiia-sionc- n.


, fees












Ordered that


Alsoio percent




that tition


lirliieoriheleii- ..


W" p.-n- ised

Wichita ."i,,1" I




,.,,,0,,,.1!in "&"




















se 'i ne do 3 () dosvv '. ofsvr ' d-- i .1 dose U svv t do .1 CO donvv 4 sic i4 do 3 done V svv do 3 dose J4 of se J4 do 3 00 done '4 se ' do 3 f do-- vv e '4 do 3 VI don ' ee ,' do 3 CO do

sc JOHSsOy, 'Ircmirer,3 ed5Wick cminty, Kansas.

c t Treasurer's Sale of School-Land- s.

v0ic, is her. bv civen that the under-izne.- 1.

treasurer of .sedirvvick county, state of Kansas"i" on -- aiuruay, me iwn uaj oi jiaj , . it .3,,

a m and 4 o'clock., m . e at public sale at myolhce. within thecitv of Wiciuu, Sedswici. county. Kana to the

school- -XtSn$&$2& county I

0fted;wick, and state of Kansas, it

section 1C, Township 23, south of Kanc 1 West.

"!'?'"''" ' appraised at M CO er acredo 3 0 doI1K l 111. l ,

,w .jmeqr do 3 I") dodo 3 () do

nrlTf?t,re do ; 00 donn;irfeqr do 3 00 dov)r Mqr do 3 (O do

do 3 U) do'nVAr0rlhr,mvnr do 3 10 do.nw.irnwnr o 3 C) .!

do 3 00 do"r'irnw,iric'raw qr do 3 IO doEe qr of the sw qr do 3 .lonw or ew or do 3 il do

do 3W do:,nqrr" qr do do

a C JOHSSOV, Treasurer,S County, Kansas.

County Treasurer's Sale of School-Lan-

..Ia ! a. aI. ira.n f h T IHa TITVsl n rtanIr;r"oi Uct county. Vtar f k. I

will on Saturday, Ihe iJrd day or Jlay, A.lr.IsTt,between the hours or 9 o'clock a m aodlo'clock j

i rn.. sell at pnblic sale at bis office, within thecity of Wichita, county, Kansas, to thehighest bidder, the following described school- -


land. In lesal subdivisions sunaled intbecounty J

ot scljrwies, state of Kaasss. it

sections.. Town-hi- p 57, ?oeith of Uanpe I Ut..Ve of ne '. appraised at l 00 jr aein nrnfnrnr do 3 73 do- "swqroiaeqr io 3T3 K

.jr nmj for oue i)Cjy i0 i,e excused. 0on to be issued in behalf ot the friends t,is remark the leather strap danced qr'fiiiv-q- r

T,1C conU)aniou&liii of editors and of inflation, to be signed by Messrf. I Hkc liphtnin over the 'boulder of'nwqrVJVqr

llllWlsIlcrt o legitimate newspapers is Morton. Logan, Perry. Ingalls and Car-- . ,hosc depraved matl.ematiciaiis. , v 2w qra .llcaMUt Mn?t but when the pro- - P0""1 - , ; TT,tT ,!iwSrf"rX

reai cs,ate dodgers and thc The Texas IegMaturc have made the , M. Louis Mav 4. ,. . fcpooncr oM 0BWqTI,llLlolsoi .. ? , or, , ,.;i - l..,-- ,! ,n dav n com- - i the Garnett J'lniiidealer, the acant

sliinpiastcrs iivnltlnrol n'lf,iri , nnf s:1 courieroi the Kansas exenr--





lo t Tl doilo 3 ZS iUtlo 3 Ti ilodo 3 .VI .Iodo 3 JO 6ado 3 1 Hodo doilo 3 doda 13 dodo J 50 dodo 3 70 ds

--cqrofneqr,. qr 0 he se qrs qrot seqr

. C. Trrasarrr.j--j Sedgwick eooaty. Kacus.

Road Notice.v .., ,. ui., ,. .hs a twiiiion will be- . iiiird Commiss'ioners --edr.presented to the. of ot

swusfs't- - tnv tihtirmrtiox ca lt 4th7'itV roiVwte?7au. at a

a . . r - wwsl'a sasU AT in ssOQlsmXj-

- ffJS Zrtf fr W. unvUp twe- -



New Goods and New Prices!


Wliulvulr anil Ketuil llraler iu


A'o. JJ3 Commercial Mock,

3ottg-Ij--- s

JT'V"' Vim FM for Country 1'rtduc.

We propose to keep a Ilrst class farmers' stole.

Will deliver good to ani part of the city on

short notice. 11 tf

W. ti. ltODBI, J .0. Weit.


Wholesale and retail dualeri in


Wc are ccntanlly recclv ing




Direct rn-- eastern markets, and our facilitiesenable us to offer superior inducements to

those wishing to purchase an)- -thing In our line.

Corner first and .Main slreet, opposite Ihe firstNational Hank.



Wholesale Dealers In


Tobacco and Cigars !


Main Street, Wichita, Kansas.

(Firt door south of southern lintel.)

ai-t- r


ale brewery:A. WfeGAND & CO., Proprietors.

Having opened a Krewery lu Wichita we ateprepared to supply the city and country trlewith the best Ale and ISeer, on short notice. Also '

Mottled tlccr and Ale for family .



EJ-Al- a tine stocL ol Tobacco and Clirarconstantly on hand. auslG-l- y



CHAS. vr. HTZIili,



lit door XortJt 1st Xuiionul Hank,I



Tit lory it vJ Ettt Stttl

Pure Drugs and Medicines


, Met Arseta. Perfantrr.Pitit"

IttidrH, E'x.s

i .vrent ut atI AVEKIL CnXXSCAL PaIST.t



j Ejrijtcissi Vsrrifiaa Jre.'y csisw.Vif.

At keep oa hand ti. Ust "4 trtt TfT-- a

imi Ifrs for raedicjnn issrpose. J2t-t- f

Who Wants a Home ?... w s. Jid j JSJttS:



Are now rrr eliinc the Urgt tock or





A full llae of


We have in the rear of our store a TIX II01.We manufacture our own tinware having in ouremploy in experienced tinner, we can purautre.tooting. All kinds of Job Work done with aeat-neui-


We buy our goods direct Irom the manufactur-er!, thereby saving the jober'scommis-iou- , whichenables us to sell at bottom figures.

We alio carry a full line of


Direct from lactories, bought at cash figures, andcan offer a sp-- ci il figure to Farmer Club. We donot blow, but ill sal i: w ill be to the advantage

of all who need good, in our line, to call beforepurchasing elsew here

We have also made arrangements for the


We have the exclusive sale of these wagons and

will be able to sell them at v erj reasonable figures.Call and examine our stock and prices.

FitAKEit Peyton,

i Next door lo Woodman A Son's Hank.







Roofing, Gutttriny, and all Unit vf Jvh WorlVtn4 to OrJrr.



1874. 1874.


Healers in

Lime, Plaster, Plastering Hair,

Cement, Stone & Coal.


UUII.DKIIS, rAltsrKIM and OltANCKK-- i I.Ime

I'lvterin-- ; Hair, Cement, Stone and Coal

at bottom prices, and vte will endeasoY to always

Ktcp 1 Large Stock on Hand !

Sj,eCli Induceroentsoffered to partfn buyinjt In

l!rj lots.

Of'e 1CK oiv IIOUGI.AS A VK , ne r DKI'OT, t


painted rifONT In HKK, arwl at Xo. It Mala sir

tllve us k csll ftutt bnylsjr lwher



Soda Water Manufacturers!

Wholesale and UxUXl Dealers la

ICE!Havitir AooUil lfc Ir fscfHties fr sayiet fJw .

city aad snrrotusiUEI coootry with the above art!- - j

cles, will ran Ueir wajoos rejvOarlj to j





tAtl orders prtaiyiij site&ied to A&lressH.VKBIS Jt CO.,

O-t- T ta list ilBTfeirSrn&i(aTXK.BclrEErr!

:. ..av f. (..&- - aasa ss wvars n, AtvtiaraLt..

f twiiiSrf. TVTmi ST 7ZTt 'PMtJ ci.Kiatnw.


M. KOHN& CO. of


ow4-H' 1 f


4l . ft "-

.. , ,


- .




ojlis: hlijHAYS & lHlOTIIER.



X2T 3C.2STS-A.- a I



HILLS &c ICRAIVrEiK.Wholesale and U'tail IseaJers U

JDttlT GOODS!Cvpeta, CHI Cloths, Ztc.,


-- ti

MERCHANT TAILOR!27s. 54 X&is CtrMl

y full assortment of IbWst Ttttik a4Enriisb C3''1. CMloeres au4 VesUa(s on hasuitad bukJs ia n latest styles




Ce's esUcIy fca4 a f U t of





x ru tisx .f. . -xi&uajj i3iaiux

cv Uy . kt- -

1 1

wwhiawmaiLft jtmrni - ,1


EL FA.SO.The town or Kl P l loetd oa Uj ran Umkthe jTat ArkawM KWer. la the southeaster

part or Sedgwick eouotj-- , Koa. It has taaay

adTaaUse. anjonf which are lu beautiful awlhealthy location, situated oa a hbrh. BBtljr dop-

ing prairie, urroundeU hy eoe of th largest fcod-l- es

of the most fertile land la the state, whleh I

taken up by actual settlers, who are energetic.Industrious aad practical fanner. They are atwork in earnest, opening ap their farm and mak-

ing themete good, comfortable and permaaenihomes.


There U a rock bottom la tao titer, eaUntliagabout three qnartera of a mile op and down thestream. On the east bonk th rocks are aboat en

fret above low water mark, and oa the west

bank about twelve fret below the surface of Ihe

ground.immoE FACILITIES.

A good substantial bridge, two hundred andseventy-Be- e feet long, spans the Arkansas Kiver

this place, thereby giving the rainier on thewest side ot Ihe river access to th town at anytage ot water sad at all seasons of the year Th

bridge rests on stone abutments on either bank,and ou two Iron piers, which stand firmly on th

bed rock ia the river It is naturally the bestplac on the river In Ibis state for a railroad bridgeacross ih great Arkansas liner.

RAILROADS.Two railroads jave already been surveyed to

this place; one from Ihe northeast, via Eureka andAugusta, crossing the river at this rock bottom,the other from the city of Wichita to ArkansasCity, which proved to be almost an air tine, and avery favorable route. No doabt, both roads willsoon le completed.

WATKK miVII.KdK.There Is not the least doubt that here It the best

water privilege in the state or Kansas. The greatArkansas liltrr, its source In the ttoeky Moun-

tains, is supplied with water In snrnmer by themelting snoas in the mountains, by rain and Itsmany tributaries in winter The water Is alwayshighest from spring until fall, yet It has neverbeen known to overflow Its banks at this pointThere is an abundance of water during th wholeyear to run all Ihe machinery that can tw placedon the bank for several miles below.

KKARIMMTY OK A HAM.The feasibility of a dam across the river Is not

questioned, a solid rock lioltom all the way acrossto build upon, Ihe width only two hundred aadseveuty-Hv- e feet from shore to shore, a high bank

of clay and reK-- on the east side, and on Ih westside a bed of tough ctay covered with sand, ex-

tending for some ways up the river above the rock

bottom. This water prlvllene must and will short-

ly be improved. LI l'aso will be a manufacturingtown. The experiments last season In raisingcotton demonstrated thsl Ibis soil and climate aradopted to cotton growing! then why not manu-

facture It here where the corner stone and found-

ation have been naturally laidTIIKTOWN.

The town is uiir, the buildings ere substantial,erected for permanent business houses and homesIt contains one dry goods store, a drug slore, twogrocery stores, one Hotel, a wagon maker andblacksmith shop, one shoe store, a meat market,two feed stables, a good school house, and a num-

ber of dwellings

SCHOOLThere la a good school from seven to nine month!

each year A Sabbath-scho- ol has been urganliedand Is now In a nourishing condition

ciiritcuus.Two church organisations hare been effected,

viz. the Uelhodi.t and trailed I'resbyterian, eachhaving regular services.

JUNCTION OK hTAHKS.lly recent arrangements the Town Company baa

succi-de- In obtaining at this place a Junction ofthe stages of the Southwestern Mage Company. A

dally stage runs from here to Wichita, a

from here lo Kort Sill, y to Welllag-to- n,

a dally, via Wlnfle Id, to Arkansas City.

TIMIIKIt.The timber In this vicinity consists of cotton-woo- d,

oak, ash, hickory, walnut, mulberry andelm. Cord wood is delivered in town at four dol-

lars per cord.lirsiNKSS OI'KNINCIS.

There Is here a good opening for business menof all kinds, mechanics of all trades honest. In-

dustrious, temperate and energetic men areinvited

The policy of the town company heretofore hasbeen to donate lots to those whobntlt houses onthem. Now, for the Iltst time, they adveitlse lotsfor sale

HDJIH .HKKKKlt.S.l'ersons seeking homes or wishing to engage in

business of any kind, or desiring to locate In ahealthy, p!ear.t and prosperous new place,among a good class ut society, would do well topay this plsce a visit before settling eliewhere

For further particulars addressJOHN Ht'KIIAtlK.lt, or


Reduced Prices for Railroad Lands.

Innnler to rafl.tly .Hoimoc. i.f lis Ijtlnl liraitt,sn.l fur 111

Settlement and rapid Dvelopment of its Couutry,

the Atelilsnii, Toiel.a A. haula ft Kallruail Oim-e,n- y

lietesillli makes Siectal offers for th sale olIts l.amt at sjieelsl easli prices here given. lhamis will lie soli! umler siierlil terms In blocks

as ftlien lielcsr, as no cullinie of lanl will tie

sKiicvvicK ciiirrvTswiialilji ", ra.iire I east all l w I, 12) all 15

all 17 lie, n ) se IU; all il; lie ami slif so t allii; all tl, all Sit all 31 ; ne au.l s hf e 31) n iialfami se Vi iX "T acre

Tuwn.il i raiiye I eaut uxr an! s hf I: se 3)se, shf.w see A; set) all Hi all U n 13) all 17iWhri'lj nelt 11 Ilf sl.'l swilj ti MHraereluiililirvrsne2es.t allttallji all S; nbf

seslilswseeTi all '11 all II; all all 13, all 17,all ltfi all Sit slli all Ml all 17; 11 (if sh. se secU all 3.1) all X,; J isi er acre

'Iownililii93rani'2east nlirlj all3 all Stall7; altU) n hf U, all II; all 17; lis li e Jl i Miieracre

Tnwnlil.lranfr I nesl all 1: all 3 all 5. allTl a liflist, hf lie, stt srcUt all 111 all I.I all 19)ail 21; 11 r. se, hf sw eec i3 w lit nr, whf se whi sei. JTl all rij 11 hslfaii.l lots 3, I. 3, S. a, t, 10,sec fl, alt 33; 111s ami s lif see '. l Hi r aert

Towtishl. 'Jtt rnuye I west lots ft, T, Usr sseft;lots I, t. 3, IV sec lit ssr 17 1 all IK; Ilf. e hf lsee SI 1 lota I sn.l J, n hf ne, nw, se, half sw seeS3; l 91 per acre

'lowD'hij. XI rallies weal; all I; all3l all 3f allT; all tl; all II; all 13; all Ul be awl s h.lf 17. allIV, all ill all II; all il; allsTi all ; all 31; all33; lots !, T, ', V, sv see 33l 50 "r acre

Township 'iK ranae S west wluilf 3i all 3i all 7;.11 Hj nw aivlshf 13t all IV; all IT; all IV; all 71;w hf S3; tl ! per acre

Tow nhlp 2.1 r.nr-- 3 we.t all 1, 3, 1 Tl Ul III11; I5i IT; SI; 43; ii, T; T, II, SI; 3l M -- 1

r srif.Tnwn'lilpM range 3 nr. n hslf sol sw see l(

11 hf, n hf se, sw r 3; all ft; Ti i; II; 13; I3 IT;IV; SI; ! TJrcie



Most ronvenleni In lie elly tl V Irflay Ifou tn.jrMixnly rssvals.

Hot ta, roffre, tuti.l. atwl Ideals at lilrfb tW'Ise.or at say otiier htrvr .tsy or alrhl H t sit

,lnl 'n the southwest call eiery ssv.rnlsf at fo'cl.Kk Maiamoth statlea eooct4 with lbhouse

tl JACKXOV U'lLAVp. rrrrtftrr


Natlce.srtrKor kav-- a. (rt

Neds-wlc- eMmtrThe Male Bf Ksihi t nas.Iit If Mary, WrlaTof "veda-wle-l t'ftnlf. t.iestlea- -

Hli,t.. a sf-- term of tb- - tiislrlct Cuwrtwlttila sn4 (vr i.l emnfy ! 4.tft eesryby tl ua.lerslarft'.t, ju,!f ; the liis Ju,le(.Jtiislrlrt .f th (te f Kitt. H Is herbr ftr.et that a )- -f Ul lr ',falt eirt b h'U, m.iwnriat " Monday, tK elitiUenlb dar f May.A I' )T. atnt ).j ate rmumstwU.I t roake dissSJvt lJfsl ttS,1lf(ljTI ot Ike asor

(.Ilea fender myhsiwt sywlff said rart(bissiet,tii dsy of rll, IT

W I (AMIIIKU.. Jiblf7t aU.se rler was Ut tw a Ikls Ttb

.l.ytif All. A tl in attn Untvt iv'els'l laIt. aflrnstt'n. aisd psitill svflr js kersVy rlvstbal a stelai lr ef II. dlstrlrt srt will bbW wlitaa awl fr dwek mty, stats sfKaosas. eMiib'ivctai; Masieisy, t l dy fMsy, A l tT. as dlret4 la saM .rdr

I II MAoilCr. rrir,I Mf!'V eonty, Kaksws

Aulfwee' Notice.TVe B.trlrl assies nt H C Mu. f- c-

tlf rtsea rAlrm 9 rt4Hm of Oi aselrafFStiisl in WnlsMdir IV-J- d.y .f M.r lT. 1Itis oClKe, X Mais) eCfa-t- . ia tfl'KiU. la tbfrttttif ul siv'jrwlck aast stats S)f Kaaa. tlr a.If use w tl f4ns Atrtlely if vUttst sset sllvw

ctsiffcs ad a4 seslt th estate sf said HI Mas., t t tewarxf m'ttvk a J , ss--t e- -.ll a sesloa srfll I'elk y l" f isMsy.aasl 'j tt vs e'tiaf days L1ww t Hstwwrs, aod all ytun kasiaf ((aim r"w4 H

tlt are auCiaV.1 w yxrt said ctiAaks sfTbte nsrs r is. rumj i iw--i ;rvn say

I Ufrsttt sW sUte, i x MtTCiieix. Asiri; WirblU, Ju.rj toil lsT sl-- tf

PthOe S-- tc

TV 34te4 "IU Srr tut asls at boir!4! tuttUrm, ml La MvrtsMs ruussi t lUu-sa-- a Co . la

U esty of VSullis, Khs.ii. tL stay sfMay. A U Kl. - rU tat Cartels Uli lato tb-- i rls T ivter Cwrl. Ann, sia4s(

j la uut f I Vw. X ! rs ki csst. s.t,f eartnvr kesls, I iri sal I wslcki traws

i c s.le In Miaetw at It w"Wk X K,XIKKZlMUkKLY. .V4n4UtK

Kls-J.U- AyrllB ! tMwtkc.

T llfslra U iuj(Wi -

) jwff u Kimi fi., .',. -

s:a" "f - "Mtrr, at 44-ix-k ratf.: Kssnt, wilt aasis sJleli--a U Ik HorU

Itvs HUtTM rtu ml !- - Irk '? Ksaasass.fv a falidlciiffrmrtr.ja.M !

I uf S.H C sUit, at at sv jnal tanw Isarrs- -t

t ts U fcl4 1 aM voa4y, u lavr tkirsl Msawaay atI U.r a. Is UTi.I " uoMmmrrrmcicat






