:->ove~ibeh i

1.Expnueut .. VOLUME VIfI. THE WEEKLY EXPONENT, 1'lll0AY. I<. l!lJG. Montana State Nosed Out 1 SOME ELECTION BETS MAKE G(lOD ROOTERS CHEMISTRY BUILDING TO BE ERECTED SOON Vocational Congress Will Attract High School Girls In Game With Gonzaga" U'' Leader of M. S C. Republic c.:i Club State Board of Examiners Agree to GO"<ZAGANS TAKE ADVANTAGE OF SLUMP IN BLUE AND GOLD ELEVEN AND WIN GAME BY T'NO POINTS MARGIN. SCORED TOUCHDOWN IN FOURTH QUARTER. BOBCATS OUTPLAY WEST- ERNERS IN ALL PERIODS ANO T OUCH DOWN COMES IN FOURTH PERIOD AFTER FOUR LONG FORWARD PASSES. Blisters His Nose as result of Release Money For the Purpose FOURTH VOCATIONAL CONGRESS OFFERS AN EXCEPTIONALLY Clection Bet of Replacing Old Chemistry Build. ATTRACTIVE PROGRAM FOR MONTANA HIGH SCHOOL GIRLS. Befort! an audient·e of :;uuh ... 111:- 1'1:.t Ing. CONGRESS BEGINS THURSDAY EVENING WITH FORMAL RECEP- TION FOR VISITING WOMEN. n.unmed ancl th.t.:? I printed 1n nuiouo;; stale ol :\lontana llall. lloe LH<'t..'. 11 a1.t•rs rndkatl· thar ;\lontana State 1"111i"hi11g totu:hi::>-.; are> lJl'iug JI It ' 1 K. "• Ja.rncson; Stato l}nivcrsity B> ndnrn · gt> or rum· llo< t lht:' spt-roiil :!!! tmu-s .ror J•eerlt.:ss leader of tht• s!W\\ bound rt'· I c·ollt:gt· soon han• ,\ new t llt>m· the plans for the 1ourth annual n.1- I The \\"oman ('hemisl :'lliis::o 1-:rma bl nrnl onwwhat of sinmp 111 the to!al of 12tl hi!" a,·erage being 1mbhc:au 11arty on the hill, paid one . 1 . . , 1·atiunal c·ongrl's::> for :\lontana Lessel. " ••\\ing or the Pob<'ll. <.;011 :q:;a 1111scd yanb. Time after 1inH' '.'l<'lsaacs of the unique ele<:tion hets of stry bui ding l:l the ot erec· sclH·ol g-11!:->. \•.hi1·h L1·gins nuxt Tl111rs Tho \\"oman Homt!Steadt·r \lis:i 0 t an ' tn to ,.ic'o1 > last 8at 1 1rday ( alletl for a pum on the first down and J lhe campaign just t·lo:.cd. A few Wl't'ks ion Tht> a1 1 pcai s to ha\·l'· orig- da) utternnon. lndtcalionl) art> Lhat .\lary \\ ylit!. at spol"tne Gonz.tt.:a :-.1cn:d a ,,\4t'l:\ .riky 'lilllOSt alwa\·s with n ago whe:i th republican douds ap· inated in thP f'han("el1or·8 cffltl· anrt many sc.:hools will SPIH.l dele- Vo<'ation!:i for lhe Art Studeut . .\lis:-. h t .l thirrt per 1 01l and bolh teams li h spirnl, whil·h ga\'e hh; lnrls plen-j pearc•d lo possess 111.thing but !-;ilve r ap1lears to he authentic" The follow· gatE:'i-. Some ha\·(· alrea<l)- sent in thE' Lana Baldwiu. m:ule iouchdown ... dl 111 rourth > of t1mP to gl!t down for a lining, the o( the to!- ing article appeared in a t'l'l'Pnl namc"s of the onf's who will r<•111·ese1H Assembly Singing. T 1e n.-b4 ts out·Piil) <l tht; \Yt>,..tPr-J Ii -.eco:HI llait aftC>r the kick· Iege republican thonghl hP sa" of tht> Anaconda 1 lwir The Ofli<:e of Public Sen iC'f• t-r hut (·ot: d not bi .:al>: t:\'l'll in luck. off lhC'rt.. were se,eral or a chance 10 make ;1 warm friend or Tht.' first meeting will be held on Hansen. V\ g-la1tt'•' at the dope'" i=.hov.s that Br) an of )lontanu bis. who by the way is a followc1 01 The board of examiner 8 <le· Th 1nnlay afternoon a111l at that lime 12 O'clock Luncheon, Jlonw Econ l-1-on an:.i Sta f' d 24S yards from P;rouncl by ability to drdc lhC' \\'il •(•Jl. amn:'ie hi::- rt·1111blkan friencb. C'ided today to o·i ;\[onday \liC' a1lrl1 t.•s;;Ps of welt·ome and the re- 1 omics Club Hoste8ses AI;ricultural scrimmagE'I <tgainst 110 for Gonza- before being forced 10 kil'k Brile_. IH t wa:; madt.. money for the erection ol a I "Pon::-t•,.., "ill he gl\ en. The delegates Hall i:z-a na Stnlt' mad€" first 1lown punted !row close to the Gonzaga goal \\"JJ1•11 lht grand old n•pulllit·un 1wrty L:mld11114 at the unnenut) at ;\f1ssoul:i \\tll LP ''ekomed to the congrf?'ss hJ 1 Fr iday 1 : 30 Hi lime" to 1"";-onza,!?.<l The \"ic'· line and Bry<J:1 fumbled, PiliC' sePnwd to ha\e from ol d and .tl8o money \\llh which lo rf' ;\f1ss Buth :\'ol;le ot the Senior class\ Alexander. )lens Glee Club. tor:- rel'nn•rP•I foPr lmnbles ing 101 Gonzaga. Gon:laJ?a was penal· which it hart !-:011e;l1t lour year:i build a structure destro,,cd by fire lwho president of the cong 1 ess Be- Repon of Attendance Comnultee whkh w::i.\ a'11l' at a mm;\t oppor· ized t:l for holding, .1nd Briley 3J!O, Its stalwart SllllJ•Crtl.'ls. among at thC' college at Boieman This cause of the great interest Two Pianos. :\Iiss June flarlman, tme rune ff,r tTonzaJ.:" In t'"le fin•a.1 1nnte<l It yards 10 '.\lotitana·s tu-yard 'Uoc.' Raw g-rent prospec·ts action will be taken tf the l'CIJOrlS\by some of the smaller towns and :'1 1 adeline PhilliJ>S. eriod Hohe-i..:. pm thP game in thf' lint:.• Pike broke through n.ncl hlo<:ked jof maki:ig litll.e iii the form or lhe_ state and the _state high schools in t.he Congress it has '.\Iusk as a \·ocation. :\Ir Clifford " 1 - and four <'Otnple!P. d forward pn,s!';es f lilt" attempted Mont;ua and .Jol- 1 of 111 tlu s in. stanl·e tht' shO\\ th al tnc money will bP been planned lhat the delegate from. :-O:asb. In a row gaint"d 1j11 thl.' lai:.t l1_1y or_ :'lloutnua. 101 thP was not a of nor \\ii,.; ii a\nilahlt>. one of the most enthuffiastic of these) Building Rural :\1ontana, ).liss Oess 1 .utting Bergman on lhe two )arcl line tlro'e It hack O\Pr bis own goal 111w I the co1nenuonal hat C'hanc·t>llor f1:lliott 101<1 hoa1fl sdwols, Choteau counLy, should re- Rowe. Bober!{ slid o\·er for the tourhdown for a sarety whi<h netted t\\O Doc proposed to Robert z Gia:- some that art ion on lloth \\r\:o; 1 for the high sehools of thf' \Vomen in l3iological \Vork, Prof. .\ e-nt I :v·t·ou:it of the game is ob· J'Olnts Tltn• ago that he \\011\d roll a lntle necesimry, otherwise llw work of l'3tate. :\ti::;!:> Hazel :'lliller a senior in D. B. Swiugle. ta.med from the SpokPsman-Re\l('\V Gonzaga short!) aftel\\a1d !<oCOted as 1 ttny peanut from the east end ot tbe would be greally hnmp- the <'hoteau Count)" Hh;h S<..'hool at \\romau·s \York in che Hospital, Dr. Coach .John )IcGone:h's Gonzaga uni- a result ot another fumbled 1mnt. It tana hall to the WE't->1 Pnd if i;ored }<'t,1 t nMHon is the delegaLe who has Herbert u. Kistler. )turra:-· Hospital, 'ersity footbaII wnrrions took ad\·an· \\;ls then that the :\fonta:rn team came Hughes :iol elected proviciPri that Aflt:'r aUlhorlzation is frl m ht'f i: dlPSC'tl to give thb response. Buuc tagt>- of the State furn- to t."' sensef;. Gray would do the same thin;.:, 11 \\'il 1he bo:1nl of ex:unint>r:-;. rnancellm Th" social end of the vis it in Boz· \\·omen in :\'ewspaper \\"ork, :\Ir. bhng- <ind nosed ouL a \"ictory rwer Montana Uses Aerial Attack son should be forced ''' remon• lrom will then ta!<" ti!<' m l! r 1 1 m:.tu uas Ileen omitted from the "··"\\'.Gail. Editor of Billings Gazette. the fast Bozeman eleven yesterd11.y al l 1 sing an aerial attack aR well exe- the White House on March lth with the Rtate board or c•d111";d'ri·1. 11 ,rog ram . A formal receptiun to de· Conferences. :\'a.unorium park. to G. It wae a cuted :is any that has eYer been SCl!n \Vilson Is going to occupy the chair which iu Dt>ternber an· I if it' legate will be held on Thurstlay marked bY brilliant forward on a Spokane gridiron gained at Washington (01 the next four years the 1>hui:;. arrangellll'IHS will eYening and will be in charge of the na sing by tbe visitors and fierce, ac- till yards on four snccessiYe the as a result of the wisheR of the Ameri· at once be made to get the bu1ldbgs J Alumn ae c lub . The AlJJha Phi girls r irate 1arklim: h) the Gonzae-an1" anC'ienr fa.de-away being wori.:ed for can \lPO)lle in the ele<''lion started as quickly as will !'en(' a fin? o'clock tea 011 F riday Evening 8: 15 P. M. Two Pianos. Miss Phillips, :Miss June Hartman, Miss G. Nash. ).liss Fn(" hundred "i1t.•r1a101s :-;h1\·ere1l \ )-ards Bergman sta)ed out Ith. Dl'l' up all It is vlanned to erct·t a day afternoon at the Lindfield home Lela thrOUf!h tlw gamP. a C'old east "rnd ll"al the side line!'. lJe planled the mght 011 th(" of lht• elet· tam and at Bozeman. The inSuranC'e on South Third. Report of Attendence Committee. making it nncomforrnblc for those l;all 011 the two-:rard lt:ie and Boberg gloried i:l the thnt Tlughf?'!' had amounting to $15,000 will be used, Another new feature 011 the program Genius or Hard "·ork. Miss Ellen laclting- sweaters all1f blankets At wok it O\•er on the first play_ Bryan carried New York and had an e\"en 1 and the legislatu re will he asked to 1 is to be assembly si nginz. copies of Chase. that it "ns nn ideal cla) for rootball an eas:r goal. ('hr1:.ttn:-;011. /b reak .in Th.e following night appropriate $35,000. The or the songs Lo be sung have been senc Solo, A. H. Currier. from tbe player's standpoint a:ld the Hansen . .Tolley. Boberg Duquette and 1 howe' er Docs hopes "ere s hatt e red $2n.cnn is requested for th e State out 10 the various schools and this The \\'oman Printer, Mrs . L. 0. fiel<t fast. Bergman played well. Jolly ::slipping and hh; pridl?' fifn per cent c·oll""ge lo be tised in ret>lac 1 · 11 g ina- h I Edmunds ..- shou ld form an added feature to t e · , 1 . Gonzaga Gets Breaks through boles m the line for of I ht· pit.:111red himsetr llerforming a tl'rial destroyed in the fire. program. Typical Vocations for \\'omen. The break came !or C'..-onazga j ;st I from tO to '"'u o:i seYera' mT<l monke y :HUD! in front or all !rien<ls Announceme:it was made bv Chem Arrangement s are being mac.le Helen Bennett. e»ftc_r the or the fourth .t->lons Rn au and Jolie) rirtle<l the I The 11.i' ol 1ecko11mg <'3mC' rester- lcellor Elliott that he has a that delegates who are interested in Saturday 9:00 A. M. .A flt.;r an ex<"hange oi' 1mnts Rnle.y ot encls fo1 three gams of more than 20 1 dar :rnd as a result or his unc•1,·i1 and I check ror $1.115 from the Montana departments of the college tan arrange I Assembly Singing. Gonzaga nunted from hil'> own '.J'.l.\ ard ] yards and Bergman and Boberg han-1 rude wager Doc Luce. republican lead· Bankers' association to be 11 ed as a for conferences with the heads or llie Report of Attendence Committee. line an yarns and Brya·, illaying safe , clled the forward 11ass laultlessly er on the hill. paid thC' pnce of his loan fund lo assist worthy bnl uet:tl\• various departments. Vocatious Arising from the Study ty tor Mont<ma. fumbled the ball on Gonz.1ga nlmcst 1110 pe: ePnt wager llke a man He rolled that pea- Dr Elhott tha.i The completed program folio\\ s. of Home F;conomics, Miss Har- l.um 0\\11 SJ )ard line. rom Berry r e- better 1han agarnst '.\lo:it<.1_na l .. thPjnut with his nose and \icl\ecl tlir l in 1 1 · ,lO.OOO 10pec to 111c·rease the fund 10 kins . .covering it on the 30-yard line. players tollowing the ball hke bounds Montana hall. inside of two years. SelectTloh11usr.sdCaoylle3ge:300t Pc. 11eMst.ra. The Business \\"omen. :\hss 8a1"'tlett. Quarterback .Jimmy :\fcf!-;aacs sur- folowini:;: a fox. A.lmost hn-ariably prised tbe Montana when be the:r re<..·oYered lhe ball wb en it was J --- --- As!::embly Singing, America. Assembly Singing. i -Bed fo:- a tackle round 11lay with ·um bled and it was this knack that r. MARJE FLOOD JS NEW 'SPEAKERS FOR CLASS Addres8 of \Yelcome. Pres. James I The School ).!i::;s Rusk. i ri:e)- carrybg the ball. and the 190- wo11 them the game. 1 i\I. Hamilton . Girl and \\'omen, Ileleo J•Ound Spokane tackle i1lu11ged round Br iley Punts Well I Greetings, Mrs . E. L. Houston, ).[. Dennett. 1ht' Montana left end. gathering mo- l>on Hrile), playing his first same Y. W. C. A. PRESIDENT DEBATE ARE PICKED ; President State Federation of \\'oru- B '\oman and \\·ork. ).lh;s :\largaret rnentum at elery step until hr "·as ror was a tower of .... lrt!'ll!?'.th an·s {'tub; Miss Muriel Pease. for I O) e. t.1rought to earth on the \lon .. ana on dl.'.'fen:-;e, he and '.\loran breaking Gallatin High School. Assembly Singing, Auld Land Syne . three-yard line. He made 27 yards through time alter Lirn1,; 10 thn:w the I Miss Georgia Knott Win Represe nt Stewart, Gray , and Hayes Will Rep. Response. Miss Hazel '.\l11ler. Chol· Confe1:ences on the topics r;nd o:i bis run shook off fh·e tacklers. Montanans for losses. Tom Berry al· Loc al College Organization at State resent Upper Class , While Price, eau County High Sshool of the Congress program "tll be held The Montana defense massed to most i1n-ariably beat his ends down on Convention in Missoula This Month . E t d a 11 o Th Greetings, College Clnl.J. Butte Col- on Friday afternoon and have been meet a center bock. but it would have the punts a:id intercepted a forward Inc u;n;he Claes: I lege Club. Helena di,·ided into groups. The first ct ta.ken two teams to stop Prince. who iwss. in addition to spoiling two oth· I The Great Vocauon, Miss llelen. M. these Home Economics group is 1>re- tore through like a 14-inch shell and us. Prince WdS Gonzaga's best ground Y \\" C. A. held a mee1111g --- Benneu '.\lanager Chicago Collegiate sided O\'er by '.\fiss Amy Rolfe and was not downed until he- two gainer. being good for gains of from Jlamilton hall on last Sa111rday e'en· Tl')·OUIS ror the inlerclHss cleballnf! Bureau of Occupations those having a. part in the confer rar<ls over the line. Berrr and Jack two co rh·e yards practically e,·err ing. The resignation o( :\llss ;\h-rtle were held '.\Londay afternoon Fl,·e O'clock. Alpha Phi hostes:;es. ence nre : Mi ss Madge Switzer. Mi!)S Carahan ope:ied 111> a beautiful hole lime he tarried the ball l\ubn!li ;H; wa" at·rep 1 .:od ;11 d and as a 11ros1 1 e<·ts are bright ';19 B. Third A\'e. Inez Smith. )liss Grace Kirk. and and .the wh ole backfield surged .Jimmy made pretty :\lis..c; Marie Flood wai, electe•I t11 flll tor lrn.\•ing one of the most keenly T hursday Evening 8:30 to 10:30 Mrs. D. S. F'ox. through it. returns. one time in the first half ru:1· the position for th e coming yen: <·0111ested forensic aHair!-l of re<..·t>nt Re<..·eption. College Drill rlall. Al- The second conference has Prof- No Score In First Half ning 57 yards through lhe entire Mon - Georgia Knott appointed dr-· 1 egate ) ears. The lH\\'e only a month umuat• t'lul> of Gallatin l'ou111r. essor R. A. Cooley at the head an.d There was no score in the first half. tana te<im. When il looked as though to the Y \\". C A. rou\·e:ttiou w ht? 1 in which w get their arguments per-1 Fr iday g:oo A. M. the others are Profccssorl:' Swingle, Montana making plenty of yardage, he was away for a touchdown, Bryan h eld In Missoula, Nov. The reeled buL the work which they have Wanderers Night Song, Trel>Ie Cobleigh, llam and Tallman In Lhe buf being unable to do so consistentl y. cut in from the side and dow:1ed him. regular weekly meetlng-s of the ttS8()· already done will aid greatly in over· 1 C'lef Club. new::>paper gTOlll> Professor Brewer .FJarl)· i:1 the game Gonzaga started !'ot once during the entire four pe· c:iation will be r e8umed aftt-r 1 hP <"Omi ng lhe handicap in the shcrtness B.ei•ort of Atten<len ce Committee. presides and is assisted L. 0. 'l..ickhg and before the co ntest was fin- riods did Gonzaga reson to the O\·er- Thankss;h·ing vacation. 0f time. Singing. and Messrs \\". Gail anti E .. isbed Don Briley, former North Cen- head depending Pnlirely on old. Tho!)e "ho were 111 As lh e Other Side St•es IT, Dean L. Col{'. tral captain, bad been c alled upon to (Cot.Unued O:l Four.) GI RL S ADJUS T MICROSCOPES ii·.routH Monday F'or the so!)h 1 AGGIE ff OBOES WERE MISSOULA VISITORS AN D POWDER THEIR NOSES mores, Ital Stewart, David Gray and tionally formidable looking team 1[ I Laurence Hnyes. wilh Chester \Yarr previous r e<'or cl s count for The h"irls in the biology cleoan-1 as a lt ernate. The freshmen will Ue J B 1 won prnctiratJ\· In 8Pile of lite " reather a large n1 1 ''l 111enL 01 tlw Pnh·ersity hav_e a Yc:y represented by Zales Ecton, .Jameg In the l ·er of stu dents came om last Sat11 !ay uuvm·tant d: .. ·oYery LO their credit. Burns and Lawrence Pric:e wiLli Mar· to tbe Lwo c lass games. In whtc· 1 lhP \\"hile- il is 111 t exactly scientific it is iin Ue\"ries as alternate. paratory department for the la:::.t two SHO RT COURSE BASKETBALL MUSIC MAKERS GIVE HOP THIS EVENING year team defeated lhe 111;rd decidl'Cll." 11!-'o<'fu l and will be much men spoke 011 the ... compul-lyears. . .. . TH IRTY PIECE BA N D WILL FUR- Meri W ho Start for Spokane Dec ide wilh a score of 17-7, and 3ec D' a11prcclated the co-eel:::. in the de· sory militnry sen·ice." question and Zale s Ecton captnmed the NISH MUS IC FOR DRILL to Stop at Missoula . They Rece i ve of tlie first )'ear class won their 1:.:.amc 1 t 1 high tC'Hm vear and one 011 par men. were r equi r ed to give a direct speech ·. · . . l ·t HALL DANCE Royal Welcorrie by Un iversity Stu· with sec. "A". They huv e found that by turning and a r ebuttal. The of the the s1 1 enker:-: !ll Lhe rmnls . 01 t a.e dents. \Vh ilc the right kind or spirll was lhe us< d to ref lect llghl mto contes t were Professor5 i\tartin an I de bat Ing \'on test held m .... --- . . The following is t.aken from the Uissoula Sentinel of ro\•ember the tenth: "Fou r students from the Agri· cultu ral college at Bozeman stopped Pff in Missoula to pay their respects to their friends at the State Univer- D ld d LI II L last J le was also "111ncr 01 Montana titnte college regunc:i.lal s hown in both games. th l' la cl\ of the lens or the microscope , Lo a <'er· u< Y an ewe vn uce. · J . . th e state RPNlki1U! band will give ils first dance of the practice waH Yery evident. 1mrllr·11 lnr· win 1 l1e result will he a per· .Judg111g from the experience that year ,·n the drill hall at s: 3 o ly HO with the first year men renly K'OOd mirror. This new dis- the members of both teams hnxe had. contes t last year. J . The suits for the first t(" nm ha\P ·tractio n will probab ly explain w the iL looks as if both classes will be Lawr nee Price has had evening. This will be one cf the Yer> been ordered by Coac:b De1uion i11ul in:-.trurtors v hy lhe section that is ably r epreHented. able experience in the spea kin g game I few dflnc e!:"' gi\'en b.y the ban.d this year are ex1> ecled to be h ere by the 1lme 1·omi alt .. ost ent ir ely of girls is Ha rold Stewart wa s a member of also. li e was a member of the BNw 3 and no one who enJOYS dtl:icttig to good they are needed. Suits in bO much slo' 1 r in laboratory work 1he Gnllulin high t eam one year and bed County high school debating team muslc ca n nffo l'd to miss it. sity. They were traveling on tickets and gold cou ld not be obtained with· thau th< t her division. Their noses also spoke in th e state• declamation for two years nnd was also thdr rep- ln pasl years the band do.nces h:\\"C> i;h·en out by the Monta:ia Hobo club out waiting for them lo be t ia de. ha,•e Lo I . 11owdered.- Montana Kamin contest at Missoula. resenlative ln the slate declamation proved very popular and there i::; no and are en route to Spokane, whe re wWch would take some time, sc ther Lau r eaoe Hayes captai n ed an ex· contest one year. doubt but that the same will be the Montana Aggies ID<let Gonzaga u ni - r h t r.a· enl tonight A pro- on the gridi r on tomorrow." col ors were ordered instead. The \\ - men ·s club of the state &p- ceptionalty strong debating team while - jo t e en er· mm · 1 atten ding the Butte high schoo l and Proressor Bogue or the Chemistry gram of twenty ;iumbers rendered hy The fellows who the article refers to Two class games will be played In point most of the delegates to tie bl t t I ·s od b d r l · t S d !'J" Vocationa l co:igress and thiH se::;sion was awa r ded second place in the ex· department was u11a e o mee ll j nn exceptionally go an o t nr y- a.re \Villard Toby , Cccllte Leonard, the coll ege gymnasium atur ay, • ov- c lasses on " 'cd:ies d ay because or a th·e pieces ought to be well worth at- Ben Bu rgess and " Wllll e " l;Vill iams. ember 18: first yeH r S. or S. vs. of the co ngre ss wil l h ave several state tem1loraneous speaking contest iu !-\evere cold. tending. The money talrnn In tonight However the cold weather dissuaded License Course, and third yr. S. or A. , off icers or the Federate<l clu\J "i pres- 1915 · goes towards defraying 0f them from their original i::itenti on of vs. Mecha:-Jic Art s. Fir st gtme w111 be e nL Mr s. E. L. Hou ston o f Bozemn 11 David Gray was a member of l nsl th e band's at1nual spri:1g tri11. Ad.· h s l id t l\f 1 years co ll ege debating squad and won The "M" club held n business meet- . Foeelng the game in Spokane and th ey c all ed at 1 :30 p. m . is t e ta e pr es en· rs. .... · h d. 1 . b 1 , 1 . 0 " at tl ie J'ai>i>a Nti house last. Wed· mission inl ce is one dollnr per couple. s d r Red Lodge who h aa ch·1rgt• t C? isl n ct 1on or e ng a m ern::>er c. .. Rpent the week-end in Mi ssou la an J ou ers o of the t eam which d efeat ed t!H• nesday evening. Report15 fr om th1 Director Lou Howard is already ma.k- P"'lled tor the Grizzlies in their br .ltle Mi ss Marga ret Boyle or Butte who or th e state work in and !='ltrong aggreation r ep r esenti ng the various committees, now at work in lng preparations for the concert to "r'hltman. The fe llows rel) ort was on the 1915 summer 8chool facully Social co nd itions will al so e Unive rs ity of Idaho. co n nection wi th the irophy room, wen· · be given befo re th e nsRemblv on royal treatment Crom ,.u at will be one or th e speakers at t l1 e Vo · and will be one of the guests at am -h t he u. cattonal congr-ese ne xt we ek. ilto:l ha.II. The f res hmen also h nve an ex e11· h ear d Dere ruber h)t .

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1.Expnueut .. ~ VOLUME VIfI.




Vocational Congress Will Attract High School Girls In Game With Gonzaga" U''

Leader of M. S C. Republicc.:i Club State Board of Examiners Agree to





Blisters His Nose as result of Release Money For the Purpose FOURTH VOCATIONAL CONGRESS OFFERS AN EXCEPTIONALLY

Clection Bet of Replacing Old Chemistry Build. ATTRACTIVE PROGRAM FOR MONTANA HIGH SCHOOL GIRLS.

Befort! an audient·e of :;uuh ... 111:- 1'1:.t



literal'~ n.unmed ancl j~mm~d th.t.:? I Artid~s printed 1n nuiouo;; stale hallw;1~ ol :\lontana llall. lloe LH<'t..'. 11 a1.t•rs rndkatl· thar ;\lontana State 1"111i"hi11g totu:hi::>-.; are> lJl'iug JI It ' 1 K. "• Ja.rncson; Stato l}nivcrsity

B> takm~ ndnrn · gt> or u~a:1y rum· llo< t lht:' spt-roiil t..·x~.ct) :!!! tmu-s .ror J•eerlt.:ss leader of tht• s!W\\ bound rt'· I c·ollt:gt· i11:i~- soon han• ,\ new t llt>m· the plans for the 1ourth annual n.1- I The \\"oman ('hemisl :'lliis::o 1-:rma

bl nrnl onwwhat of sinmp 111 the 1~ to!al of 12tl ward~. hi!" a,·erage being 1mbhc:au 11arty on the hill, paid one .1

. . , 1·atiunal c·ongrl's::> for :\lontana tu~h Lessel.

" ••\\ing or the Pob<'ll. <.;011 :q:;a 1111scd .~:! yanb. Time after 1inH' '.'l<'lsaacs of the mo~t unique ele<:tion hets of stry bui ding l:l the iwoc·e~s ot erec· sclH·ol g-11!:->. \•.hi1·h L1·gins nuxt Tl111rs Tho \\"oman Homt!Steadt·r \lis:i

0 t an ' tn to ,.ic'o1 > last 8at11rday ( alletl for a pum on the first down and J lhe campaign just t·lo:.cd. A few Wl't'ks ion Tht> new~ a11pcai s to ha\·l'· orig- da) utternnon. lndtcalionl) art> Lhat .\lary \\ ylit!.

at spol"tne Gonz.tt.:a :-.1cn:d a ,,\4t'l:\ .riky 'lilllOSt alwa\·s 1t~s110nded with n ago whe:i th republican douds ap· inated in thP f'han("el1or·8 cffltl· anrt many hi~h sc.:hools will SPIH.l dele- Vo<'ation!:i for lhe Art Studeut . .\lis:-.

h t .l thirrt per101l and bolh teams li h spirnl, whil·h ga\'e hh; lnrls plen-j pearc•d lo possess 111.thing but !-;ilver ap1lears to he authentic" The follow· gatE:'i-. Some ha\·(· alrea<l)- sent in thE' Lana Baldwiu.

m:ule iouchdown ... dl 111 rourth > of t1mP to gl!t down for a lining, the presicl~nt o( the to!- ing article appeared in a t'l'l'Pnl i~sue namc"s of the onf's who will r<•111·ese1H Assembly Singing.

T 1e n.-b4 ts out·Piil) <l tht; \Yt>,..tPr-J Ii thl~ -.eco:HI llait aftC>r the kick· Iege republican p~rty thonghl hP sa" of tht> Anaconda ~tancl:ncl. 1 lwir ~-whoo! The Ofli<:e of Public Sen iC'f• :'Iii:>~

t-r hut (·ot: d not bi .:al>: t:\'l'll in luck. off lhC'rt.. were se,eral cxdwn!!e~ or a chance 10 make ;1 warm friend or Tht.' first meeting will be held on Hansen.

V\ g-la1tt'•' at the dope'" i=.hov.s that um~ Br) an of )lontanu ~ainine- bis. who by the way is a followc1 01 The ~tale board of examiner8 <le· Th 1nnlay afternoon a111l at that lime 12 O'clock Luncheon, Jlonw Econ

l-1-on an:.i Sta f' ~a1111 d 24S yards from P;rouncl by hi~ ability to drdc lhC' end~ \\'il •(•Jl. amn:'ie hi::- rt·1111blkan friencb. C'ided today to relea~e o·i ;\[onday \liC' a1lrl1 t.•s;;Ps of welt·ome and the re- 1 omics Club Hoste8ses AI;ricultural

scrimmagE'I a~ <tgainst 110 for Gonza- before being forced 10 kil'k Brile_. -·~ IH t wa:; madt.. money for the erection ol a ~c1ence I "Pon::-t•,.., "ill he gl\ en. The delegates Hall

i:z-a ~lont na Stnlt' mad€" first 1lown punted !row close to the Gonzaga goal \\"JJ1•11 lht grand old n•pulllit·un 1wrty L:mld11114 at the unnenut) at ;\f1ssoul:i \\tll LP ''ekomed to the congrf?'ss hJ 1 Friday 1 :30

Hi lime" to 1"";-onza,!?.<l ~four. The \"ic'· line and Bry<J:1 fumbled, PiliC' J~l·oYer sePnwd to ha\e emer~l'd from il~ ol d and .tl8o money \\llh which lo rf' ;\f1ss Buth :\'ol;le ot the Senior class\ Alexander. )lens Glee Club.

tor:- rel'nn•rP•I foPr )lonta~rn lmnbles ing 101 Gonzaga. Gon:laJ?a was penal· :1bc~dP which it hart !-:011e;l1t lour year:i build a structure destro,,cd by fire lwho i ~ president of the cong1 ess Be- Repon of Attendance Comnultee

whkh w::i.\ a'11l' at a mm;\t oppor· ized t:l yard~ for holding, .1nd Briley 3J!O, Its stalwart SllllJ•Crtl.'ls. among at thC' St~le college at Boieman This cause of the great interest dlSl>ia~ed Two Pianos. :\Iiss June flarlman,

tme rune ff,r tTonzaJ.:" In t'"le fin•a.1 1nnte<l It yards 10 '.\lotitana·s tu-yard ~whom ''a~ 'Uoc.' Raw g-rent prospec·ts action will be taken tf the l'CIJOrlS\by some of the smaller towns and ~li~s :'11adeline PhilliJ>S.

eriod Hohe-i..:. pm thP game in thf' lint:.• Pike broke through n.ncl hlo<:ked jof maki:ig ·~ litll.e ~hange iii the form or lhe_ state audito~ and the _state high schools in t.he Congress it has '.\Iusk as a \·ocation. :\Ir Clifford

" 1- and four <'Otnple!P. d forward pn,s!';es f lilt" attempted Mont;ua p_u1~1 and .Jol-


of wager~. 111 tlus in. stanl·e tht' '~ager/ tre~~m1er shO\\ th al tnc money will bP been planned lhat the delegate from. :-O:asb.

In a row gaint"d 1j11 yard~. thl.' lai:.t l1_1y or_ :'lloutnua. diYi~1g 101 thP b~ll. was not a ~um of monC'~. nor \\ii,.; ii a\nilahlt>. one of the most enthuffiastic of these) Building Rural :\1ontana, ).liss Oess

1.utting Bergman on lhe two )arcl line tlro'e It hack O\Pr bis own goal 111w I the co1nenuonal hat C'hanc·t>llor f1:lliott 101<1 ~l~P hoa1fl sdwols, Choteau counLy, should re- Rowe.

Bober!{ slid o\·er for the tourhdown for a sarety whi<h netted Gonza~.1 t\\O Doc proposed to Robertz Gia:- some that art ion on lloth pro1ios1un:1~ \\r\:o; 1 ~pond for the high sehools of thf' \Vomen in l3iological \Vork, Prof.

.\ e-nt I :v·t·ou:it of the game is ob· J'Olnts Tltn• ago that he \\011\d roll a lntle necesimry, otherwise llw work of l'3tate. :\ti::;!:> Hazel :'lliller a senior in D. B. Swiugle.

ta.med from the SpokPsman-Re\l('\V Gonzaga short!) aftel\\a1d !<oCOted as 1ttny peanut from the east end ot ~Ion- tbe ~l'iiools would be greally hnmp- the <'hoteau Count)" Hh;h S<..'hool at \\romau·s \York in che Hospital, Dr.

Coach .John )IcGone:h's Gonzaga uni- a result ot another fumbled 1mnt. It tana hall to the extremt~ WE't->1 Pnd if i;ored }<'t,1 t nMHon is the delegaLe who has Herbert u. Kistler. )turra:-· Hospital,

'ersity footbaII wnrrions took ad\·an· \\;ls then that the :\fonta:rn team came Hughes wa~ :iol elected proviciPri that Aflt:'r aUlhorlzation is ~t.:llll'P•l frl m ht'f i: dlPSC'tl to give thb response. Buuc

tagt>- of the ~fontana State colle~e furn- to t."' sensef;. Gray would do the same thin;.:, 11 \\'il 1he bo:1nl of ex:unint>r:-;. rnancellm Th" social end of the vis it in Boz· \\·omen in :\'ewspaper \\"ork, :\Ir.

bhng- <ind nosed ouL a \"ictory rwer Montana Uses Aerial Attack son should be forced ''' remon• lrom J~lliott will then ta!<" ti!<' m l! r 11 ~ m:.tu uas Ileen omitted from the "··"\\'.Gail. Editor of Billings Gazette.

the fast Bozeman eleven yesterd11.y al l 1sing an aerial attack aR well exe- the White House on March lth with the Rtate board or c•d111";d'ri·1. 11,rogram . A formal receptiun to de· Conferences.

:\'a.unorium park. ~ to G. It wae a cuted :is any that has eYer been SCl!n \Vilson Is going to occupy the chair which mt·Pl~ iu Dt>ternber an·I if it' legate will be held on Thurstlay

eo:::i.t~st marked bY brilliant forward on a Spokane gridiron ~tonta:ia gained at Washington (01 the next four years lndorse~ the 1>hui:;. arrangellll'IHS will eYening and will be in charge of the

na sing by tbe visitors and fierce, ac- till yards on four snccessiYe pl11y~. the as a result of the wisheR of the Ameri· at once be made to get the bu1ldbgs J Alumn ae c lub. The AlJJha Phi girls

r irate 1arklim: h) the Gonzae-an1" anC'ienr fa.de-away being wori.:ed for can \lPO)lle expres~ecl in the ele<''lion started as quickly as pos~lble will !'en(' a fin? o'clock tea 011 Thur~-

F riday Evening 8: 15 P . M. Two Pianos. Miss Phillips, :Miss

June Hartman, Miss G. Nash. ).liss

Fn(" hundred "i1t.•r1a101s :-;h1\·ere1l \ l~ )-ards \~hen Bergman sta)ed out 1 h~ld ~o,·emher Ith. Dl'l' staye~ up all It is vlanned to erct·t a 5~,o.ouu day afternoon at the Lindfield home Lela ~la.xwell.

thrOUf!h tlw gamP. a C'old east "rnd ll"al the side line!'. lJe planled the mght 011 th(" da~ of lht• elet· tam and ~trut•tnre at Bozeman. The inSuranC'e on South Third. Report of Attendence Committee.

making it nncomforrnblc for those l;all 011 the two-:rard lt:ie and Boberg gloried i:l the fact~ thnt Tlughf?'!' had amounting to $15,000 will be used, Another new feature 011 the program Genius or Hard "·ork. Miss Ellen

laclting- sweaters all1f blankets At wok it O\•er on the first play_ Bryan carried New York and had an e\"en 1 and the legislatu re will he asked to 1 is to be assembly si nginz. copies of Chase.

that it "ns nn ideal cla) for rootball jm1i:-~ed an eas:r goal. ('hr1:.ttn:-;011. /b reak .in On·~on. Th.e following night appropriate $35,000. The relea~e or the songs Lo be sung have been senc Solo, ~lr. A. H. Currier.

from tbe player's standpoint a:ld the Hansen . .Tolley. Boberg Duquette and 1 howe' er Docs hopes "ere shatt e red $2n.cnn is requested for the State out 10 the various schools and this The \\'oman Printer, Mrs. L. 0.

fiel<t wa~ li~btning- fast. Bergman played well. Jolly ::slipping and hh; pridl?' ~lum1ted fifn per cent c·oll""ge lo be tised in ret>lac1· 11 g ina- h I Edmunds ..- shou ld form an added feature to t e · ,


Gonzaga Gets Breaks through boles m the line for ~~ins of I a~ ht· pit.:111red himsetr llerforming a tl'rial destroyed in the fire. program. Typical Vocations for \\'omen. "1~s

The break came !or C'..-onazga j ;st I from tO to '"'u yard~ o:i seYera' mT<l monkey :HUD! in front or all hi~ !rien<ls Announceme:it was made bv Chem Arrangements are being mac.le ~o Helen ~t. Bennett.

e»ftc_r the ~tan or the fourth q~arter .t->lons Rn au and Jolie) rirtle<l the I The 11.i' ol 1ecko11mg <'3mC' rester- lcellor Elliott that he has re~ei\ed a that delegates who are interested in Saturday 9:00 A. M .

.A flt.;r an ex<"hange oi' 1mnts Rnle.y ot encls fo1 three gams of more than 20 1dar :rnd as a result or his unc•1,·i1 and I check ror $1.115 from the Montana departments of the college tan arrange I Assembly Singing.

Gonzaga nunted from hil'> own '.J'.l.\ ard ] yards and Bergman and Boberg han-1 rude wager Doc Luce. republican lead· Bankers' association to be 11 ed as a for conferences with the heads or llie Report of Attendence Committee.

line an yarns and Brya·, illaying safe , clled the forward 11ass laultlessly er on the hill. paid thC' pnce of his loan fund lo assist worthy bnl uet:tl\• various departments. Vocatious Arising from the Study

ty tor Mont<ma. fumbled the ball on Gonz.1ga pla~ e~ nlmcst 1110 pe: ePnt wager llke a man He rolled that pea- ~tudents. Dr Elhott ~tattcl tha.i h~ The completed program folio\\ s. of Home F;conomics, Miss ~ilia Har-

l.um 0\\11 SJ )ard line. rom Berry r e- better 1han agarnst '.\lo:it<.1_na l .. thPjnut with his nose and \icl\ecl tlir l in 1 1 · ,lO.OOO 10pec to 111c·rease the fund 10 kins .

.covering it on the 30-yard line. players tollowing the ball hke bounds Montana hall. inside of two years. SelectTloh11usr.sdCaoylle3ge:300tPc.11eMst.ra. The Business \\"omen. :\hss 8a1"'tlett.

Quarterback .Jimmy :\fcf!-;aacs sur- folowini:;: a fox. A.lmost hn-ariably prised tbe Montana deten~e when be the:r re<..·oYered lhe ball wben it was J --- --- As!::embly Singing, America. Assembly Singing.

i -Bed fo:- a tackle round 11lay with ·um bled and it was this knack that r. MARJE FLOOD JS NEW 'SPEAKERS FOR CLASS Addres8 of \Yelcome. Pres. James I The School ~urse, ).!i::;s Rusk. i ri:e)- carrybg the ball. and the 190- wo11 them the game. 1 i\I. Hamilton . Th~ Girl and \\'omen, Mi~s Ileleo

J•Ound Spokane tackle i1lu11ged round Briley P un t s Well I Greetings, Mrs. E. L. Houston, ).[. Dennett.

1ht' Montana left end. gathering mo- l>on Hrile), playing his first same Y. W. C. A. PRESIDENT DEBATE ARE PICKED ; President State Federation of \\'oru- B '\oman and \\·ork. ).lh;s :\largaret

rnentum at elery step until hr "·as ror Go.1za~c1. was a tower of .... lrt!'ll!?'.th an·s {'tub; Miss Muriel Pease. for I O) e.

t.1rought to earth on the \lon .. ana on dl.'.'fen:-;e, he and '.\loran breaking Gallatin High School. Assembly Singing, Auld Land Syne.

three-yard line. He made 27 yards through time alter Lirn1,; 10 thn:w the I Miss Georgia Knott Win Represe nt Stewart, Gray, and Hayes Will Rep. Response. Miss Hazel '.\l11ler. Chol· Confe1:ences on the var~~us topics

r;nd o:i bis run shook off fh·e tacklers. Montanans for losses. Tom Berry al· Local College Organization a t State resent Upper Class, While Price, eau County High Sshool of the Congress program "tll be held

The Montana defense massed to most i1n-ariably beat his ends down on Convention in Missoula This Month . E t d a w ·11 o Th Greetings, College Clnl.J. Butte Col- on Friday afternoon and have been

meet a center bock. but it would have the punts a:id intercepted a forward Inc t~:· ~:me u;n;he ~res~::~ Claes: I lege Club. Helena di,·ided into groups. The first ct

ta.ken two teams to stop Prince. who iwss. in addition to spoiling two oth· I The Great Vocauon, Miss llelen. M. these Home Economics group is 1>re-

tore through like a 14-inch shell and us. Prince WdS Gonzaga's best ground Th~ Y \\" C. A. held a mee1111g ~t --- Benneu '.\lanager Chicago Collegiate sided O\'er by '.\fiss Amy Rolfe and

was not downed until he- wa~ two gainer. being good for gains of from Jlamilton hall on last Sa111rday e'en· Tl')·OUIS ror the inlerclHss cleballnf! Bureau of Occupations those having a. part in the confer

rar<ls over the line. Berrr and Jack two co rh·e yards practically e,·err ing. The resignation o( :\llss ;\h-rtle l~tms were held '.\Londay afternoon Fl,·e O'clock. Alpha Phi hostes:;es. ence nre :Mi ss Madge Switzer. Mi!)S

Carahan ope:ied 111> a beautiful hole lime he tarried the ball l\ubn!li ;H; p1·e~ldent wa " at·rep1.:od ;11 d and as a rC'~Ull 11ros11e<·ts are bright ';19 B. Third A\'e. Inez Smith. )liss Grace Kirk. and

and .the wh ole backfield surged .Jimmy ~[('Isaacs made :.t.~ '·ecal pretty :\lis..c; Marie Flood wai, electe•I t11 flll tor lrn.\•ing one of the most keenly T hursday Evening 8:30 to 10:30 Mrs. D. S. F'ox.

through it. returns. one time in the first half ru:1· the position for the coming yen: :,tis~ <·0111ested forensic aHair!-l of re<..·t>nt Re<..·eption. College Drill rlall. Al- The second conference has Prof-

No Score In First Half ning 57 yards through lhe entire Mon - Georgia Knott wa~ appointed dr-· 1egate ) ears. The LNlm~ lH\\'e only a month umuat• t'lul> of Gallatin l'ou111r. essor R. A. Cooley at the head an.d

There was no score in the first half. tana te<im. When il looked as though to the Y \\". C A. rou\·e:ttiou w ht? 1in which w get their arguments per-1 Friday g:oo A. M. the others are Profccssorl:' Swingle,

Montana making plenty of yardage, he was away for a touchdown, Bryan h eld In Missoula, Nov. 1i-18- 1 ~~ The reeled buL the work which they have Wanderers Night Song, Trel>Ie Cobleigh, llam and Tallman In Lhe

buf being unable to do so consistently. cut in from the side and dow:1ed him. regular weekly meetlng-s of the ttS8()· already done will aid greatly in over· 1 C'lef Club. new::>paper gTOlll> Professor Brewer

.FJarl)· i:1 the game Gonzaga started !'ot once during the entire four pe· c:iation will be re8umed aftt-r 1 hP <"Omi ng lhe handicap in the shcrtness B.ei•ort of Atten<lence Committee. presides and is assisted )lr~. L. 0.

'l..ickhg and before the contest was fin- riods did Gonzaga reson to the O\·er- Thankss;h·ing vacation. 0f time. As~embly Singing. EdmuHd~ and Messrs \\". Gail anti E ..

isbed Don Briley, former North Cen- head ~ttack. depending Pnlirely on old. Tho!)e "ho were ~ucces~t 11 1 111 th~ As lhe Other Side St•es IT, Dean L. Col{'.

tral captain, bad been called upon to (Cot.Unued O:l Pc-~g~ Four.) GI RLS ADJUST MICROSCOPES ii·.routH Monday are~ F'or the so!)hO· 1


AN D POWDER THEIR NOSES mores, Ital Stewart, David Gray and tionally formidable looking team 1[

I Laurence Hnyes. wilh Chester \Yarr previous r e<'orcl s count for ~u~ythi11g.

The h"irls in the biology cleoan-1 as a lternate. The freshmen will Ue J B 1 won prnctiratJ\·

In 8Pile of lite " reather a large n11''l 111enL 01 tlw Pnh·ersity hav_e a Yc:y represented by Zales Ecton, .Jameg eve~~-e:pea~~~; ;:~test In the l'r~·

l·er of students came om last Sat11 !ay uuvm·tant d: .. ·oYery LO their credit. Burns and Lawrence Pric:e wiLli Mar· to tbe Lwo class games. In whtc· 1 lhP \\"hile- il is 111 t exactly scientific it is iin Ue\"ries as alternate. paratory department for the la:::.t two


~econd year team defeated lhe 111;rd decidl'Cll." 11!-'o<'fu l and will be much The~e men spoke 011 the ... compul-lyears. . .. . TH IRT Y PIECE BA ND WILL FUR-

Meri W ho Start for Spokane Decide ~·ear wilh a score of 17-7, and 3ec D' a11prcclated h~· the co-eel:::. in the de· sory militnry sen·ice." question and Zales Ecton captnmed the {. . a llnlli ~ NISH MUS IC FOR DRILL

to Stop at Missoula. They Rece ive of tlie first )'ear class won their 1:.:.amc 1 t


high tC'Hm 1a~1 vear and wa~ one 011 par men. were requi red to give a direct speech ·. · . . l ·t • HALL DANCE

Royal W elcorrie by Un iversity Stu· with sec. " A". They huv e found that by turning and a rebuttal. The judge~ of the the s11enker:-: !ll Lhe rmnls .01 t 1 ~ ~ a.e

dents. \Vh ilc the right kind or spirll was lhe ghi:-~s us< d to reflect llghl mto contest were Professor5 i\tartin an I de bat Ing \'on test held m .~ris~ottln .... --- . .

The following is t.aken from the Uissoula Sentinel of ro\•ember the

tenth: "Four students from the Agri· cultural college at Bozeman stopped

Pff in Missoula to pay their respects

to their friends at the State Univer-

D ld d LI II L last H(lrill~- J le was also "111ncr 01 Montana titnte college regunc:i.lal

s hown in both games. th l' la cl\ of the lens or the microscope, Lo a <'er· u< Y an ewe vn uce. · J . . ~ th e state xtemporaneon~ RPNlki1U! band will give ils first dance of the

practice waH Yery evident. 1mrllr·11 lnr· win an~le. 1l1e result will he a per· .Judg111g from the experience that year ,·n the drill hall at s: 3o thi~

ly HO with the first year men renly K'OOd mirror. This new dis- the members of both teams hnxe had. contest last year. J .

The suits for the first t("nm ha\P ·traction will probably explain w the iL looks as if both c lasses will be Lawr nee Price has had ..::<•nsid·~r evening. This will be one cf the Yer>

been ordered by Coac:b De1uion i11ul in:-.trurtors v hy lhe section that is ably r epreHented. able experience in the speaking game I few dflnc e!:"' gi\'en b.y the ban.d this year

are ex1>ecled to be here by the 1lme 1·omi m•~~d alt .. ost entire ly of gi rl s is Ha r old Stewart was a member of al so. li e was a member of the BNw3r· and no one who enJOYS dtl:icttig to good

they are needed. Suits in m~roon bO much slo' 1 r in laboratory work 1he Gnllu l in high team one year and bed County high school debating team muslc can nffo l'd to miss it.

sity. They were traveling on tickets and gold could not be obtained with· thau th< t her division. Their noses also spoke in th e state• declamation for two years nnd was also thdr rep- ln pasl years the band do.nces h:\\"C>

i;h·en out by the Monta:ia Hobo club out waiting for them lo be t iade. ha,•e Lo I . 11owdered.- Montana Kamin contest at Missoula. resenlative ln the slate declamation proved very popular and there i::; no

and are en route to Spokane, wher e wWch would take some time, sc ther Lau reaoe Hayes captain ed an ex· contest one year. doubt but that the same will be ~~Id the Montana Aggies ID<let Gonzaga uni- r h t r.a· enl tonight A pro-r~rsity on the gridir on tomorrow." colors were ordered instead. The \\- men ·s c lub of the state &p- ceptiona lty stron g debating team while - jo t e en er· mm ·

1 atten ding the Butte high school and Proressor Bogue or the Chemistry gram of twenty ;iumbers rendered hy The fellows who the article re fe rs to Two class games will be played In point most of the delegates to tie bl t t I ·s od b d r l · t

S d !'J" Vocational co:igress and thiH se::;sion was awa rded second place in the ex· department was u11a e o mee ll j nn exceptionally go an o t nr y-

a.re \Villard Toby , Cccllte Leonard, the college gymnasium atur ay, • ov- c lasses on " 'cd:iesday because or a th·e pieces ought to be well worth at-

Ben Bu rgess and "Wlllle" l;Vill iams. ember 18: first yeH r S. or S. vs. of the congress wil l h ave several state tem1loraneous speaking contest iu !-\evere cold. tending. The money talrnn In tonight

However the cold weather dissuaded License Course, and third yr. S. or A. , off icers or the Federate<l clu\J "i pres-1915

· goes towards defraying expense~ 0f

them from their original i::itention of vs. Mecha:-Jic Arts. F ir st gtme w111 be enL Mrs. E . L. Hou ston o f Bozemn 11 David Gray was a member of lnsl the band's at1nual spri:1g tri11. Ad.· h s l id t l\f ~ 1 years coll ege debating squad and won The "M" club held n business meet- .

Foeelng the game in Spokane and they called at 1:30 p. m . is t e ta e pres en· rs. .... · h d . 1 . b 1 , 1.0" at tlie J'ai>i>a Nti house last. Wed· mission inlce is one dollnr per couple.

s d r Red Lodge who haa ch·1rgt• t C? isl nct1on or e ng a mern::>er c. .. •

Rpent the week-end in Mi ssou la anJ ou e r s o ~ of the team which d efeated t!H• nesday evening. Report15 f rom th1 Director Lou Howard is already ma.k-

P"'lled tor the Grizzlies in their br.ltle Miss Marga ret Boyle or Butte who or the state work in l nd1~trial a nd !='ltrong aggreation representin g the various committees, now at work in lng preparations for the concert to

~~alnst "r'hltman. The fe llows rel)ort was on the 1915 summer 8chool facully Social cond itions will a lso e pr~~.,ilf Unive rs ity of Idaho. connection wi th the irophy room, wen· ·be given befor e the nsRemblv on

h~ving royal treatment Crom ,.u at will be on e or th e speakers at t l1 e Vo· and will be one of the guests at am - h the u. cattonal congr-ese n ext week . ilto:l ha.II. T h e freshmen also h nve an ex e11· heard Dere rube r h)t .


THE WEEH.LY EXPONENT Subsc r ibers h a v ing copies of th e sec-1 o nd an d t hird issues of the Exponen t

for the curren t year wil l co n fer a CALENDAR

Dance Tonight ESTAB LI SHE D J A NU AR Y 1, 191 0

tOutgrowtb of '.\louthl: E.xponl'nt. Established Jan_uary l, l 95.)



favor upon the st:iff if they will t urn

these over to the Business ma n a ger, I Ttllli:...ht l':l:ld dant·~. drill b:.i;P

t hus making complete the office files. I Sat. Xm· 1,_ ~I g c· , "'· l Lah At:.

The regular price of 10c per copy will ~it'"• at Lo~an, l lah. be p;ud for t hese 1s ~ ues. Thur~ Fi i and ::;al.. :\n\ 2:!·2 i ·~~

1- \"oc· .111,nal 1·on~e~s.




1 lw \\"t•Phly J•;xpo1w1n i~ "trktl~ .1 ~tnd nt p;Jtt•rpri.r It e dlll l' purpol"t I 1~ lo JlfL' t·at to its rC'1dt·r~. eadl \\ t'l'~. :111 • \'( nr:llt.' .lnd n11n11lt•ll"> rt.Tori I ot

tho 11\llopmcms111 <olle~t~ atfu1r~ d111111g th 1 1l(·'·iod ·uhl to exert 1:-: in1lu

t·nn• lor lht• 1·hu1 di11~ of '.\lJ11Wna St.llt- •:olh ~1~. I th' p IJ•t·r is tlw rp:-.ult t'l

\nl11u1nr~ t•ffo1t put forlh h.' tlu :-t 1dt"llS \\ho 1·om1ms1;• lht• !"tall.

McCRACKEN'S 1 c·tt~ 1."'.:~,:·;11~1';Y1~:11 Hc••·irnl. Anin Tn,.

lfl T11P~<ln:,,.. '\" o,· :!" ('iYil- Ll'a~u('.

Thur~ l·~ ri ., and Sal. Xm :in. I 1 ·t

fioods Are Better Thnnkst:h ing rc>t·e~s Thurs XOY :.:1). ':\I. S_ C'

al Blltlt..'.

THE BUNGALOW For one of those del icious


I \'I\ hJ!lg· W<.'ar for 1111!11

lltt:n .rnd childtT11 1'1blishl'd t•\tn Friday t•f 1ht..• <·oJlt'cl ~l'<!r hy <' ~1.-ur 1'!1ost11 1rorn t111·1 1.

~1111 'Ill . ol tlh' :\lo11u.:11n ~late l'olk 0 e of \~nl·11ltL1rl' .1 11\ '.\ltTl111111t· Arh.

m lilt l niY<'rsily ol _;'1Inu1.'lll:l. Jlozvm ll ,\ l ont:1.1t1 ti :1t \' 11 plc-:1~.

Fridny l>t•t· 1

Friday. Dec s

more ch'bak.

Ftlt't1l1~ t Juh 1·~11'shman-~l'

Der 13- Ch-ic Lt;>agut..>.




Eu en·d as t~' und·< :1 11 r at 1:, n 11 :\ln111 rn

~nilt>r .\ C"l t\f Cong, L -; of \larl h :~. l',"



a~ lllPllt ot 11 • .i· Ill 1'1·1 !'c1p

ll\ I t


ElllTO!l-IX-CH I EE<'


~!AX \(11:\G El>IT<lll

AS~Oc'J .\Tl<: t:IllTOH

l"lll(TL.\T]()X \[ \:\ \ (;Jo;H


,.;oc1r;TY REl'OHTFI!

AS>'ISTA:\T un;1x1·:SS \IA:\ \l rm Ai'HIRTAXT Sl'OHTS \\"lll'ITll

>'l'ECIAL \\"R!TJ<:R

Sl'!Cl"l.-\L \\ ll!TEJ!

E. L CO Lt·:. l I

HARO!,!) llll""'50X, 'lo

<' G >'T IL\:\ \II\:\, i;

llO:\' L..\:\C:OllH, 17

II\\ Jll TJlU)L\.S, 'Ii

!·'HEil 11 1 •• '('K. 1,

J· IHTll l-'<l\\'l,El1. 11

l·'H1·.ll \\ \LL . .;C!:: .• ~

L.Hl":on \I\(" \!ILL.\:\. t:>

.\Lll Jo:HT .I llOH'I ll:\. I'

.JOHN\\ ;\lE\.-\H, ' 18

General Reportorial Staff

J. <:ordon ~l'Wt'll I\ Hu~"'!!ll Temvleton I !I Reporters being selected by competi t ion


Wl'C•k till• n1..·w~ of lih' t1i1 llllt'IY •il· tl c: \\'iJli;,1111 lln~mll 11 11 ~ft·<•L ;• ~r:ld

C vi IE 1... of l 1H 1. 'n "<!11J ~ 11 l lltO".!:!.htfUI s111cft·1.1 a t·i·n~eit·n·

tiou~ workl'l \\l:n .<l\'l' his wt10:~ 11111 d fll hb •• sk. 1r>:to •. n•l ithr111

1ri1.•111I. !lam ~·l 11t· \\:l t=ltu•, Gl' 1 I} l\un•.n 111 n ~ it.. •a t.tni·1.:~.

1-'lld<'an·tl ilnn t 10 .i I "ho kn1·1• him \·~tr ;\ !.'Pkrnl1rl ('Un t 1 :1t .-i·ll,,t::t>

lll' lllllTl·\l imnud1.:ltt'IY 1111t111 th .. • wor" ol hil" d~o1n• :lllll. in th•ll fil'lcl.

was makim.: ni111i-..:11a1lr r,q1i'1 arlYaTH'l' 1111111 whe 11 lhL1 h;r1d ti! tlt•Hlh rll• n .i<I·

l 11 a 1tl < tt hcr1 ; 11 1':1rthly art I'!" of gnat promise

T o wll k lt ,t hii l11 1

' (fl \\ tt of h :-.

\ h •\ il < h h1 tlo\ J \\ 111 son

tlH' 11<,.r!ll~il s1m 1 oJ Jlh• 1 i-. 1 tr.

\ rrt assol'ial<'(l wi1h him in his work

ll'J•OSP .ind lh1· \IJ1~1La .t'll Zt:J.I

rl;td lit> \11e11 \k'l"lllittt•d lo tl';l\'l'l'Sfl

11.:1 ii<' " ... 1110 ha\,. l1~ft h' 11111 J 111111 ,\ 1 ~l ng- rnou llht'I n h•s 1·1irl~ :J\nrs Hiii 1ht• lliv nH \laker. wl:c:-;p \\:t,V~• f;r1~

k tl\\11 tn Hiss na111s 1111 <'fl. tr t1 d a11111IH:r mi~;~ion tor l11m to 1 t{, 1

•.Id lh•· 1·;.dl t':lllW i.lllti W " :=!11""Wf' .. ( I

In the mrmh·r 111 lht"• !l 1·,~ t•d 1arnil~ till• E.>:ptllll·llr L:\lt'!Hls ils

,.,IJH.. t l"t pat Y ill :.:n·<I! ~->CJI n \\ \\ hid1 has ('OlllC 1111011 th~ 1

OR~MHIG G lU~ Will GIV t 1 rRES~MEN ElEGT G~PHIN V~UOtvl l l E prnroRM~NG[ rn~ INHNT B~SHTS~~~H~S

Tiu: next inotlu(·I on of the l'clle!!l' The frt·shman cias~ h('ld a llll'l'I i.1~ I ram.1tk duh wilJ IH.> stagt•d on Satur· in thl:' a::;i-:embly last \\'{ dnt <lay r.

Thi~ per· L 1101 n at whkh linw 11lan~ n t.-i'ot..· • 1 ch

f nnante \\ill l.H· held l"ither 111 the lo haq• u ~traw ridl• in 1lw IH'; r 11-

lo<"al p 1 · tiir It \\as ckl'icled ti. t !-' long i.l~ o era IOllSt'. o1 1ll the <lsst.:mhly TlH•I( was so much i!Oocl sn1;\" I\ lnit:.ld I

oom nf th<• Gallnt111 ('0111uy high \\t•ll hi:' 11111 to som<· use• .. \ nn~ni· I r-1 hool, a111l .l snrnll admitt;inee feP 1n1111:-- 'otc dcddt:·d lha1 the t·la~s I \, JJl IJp <"harl!.l'd I l is 1 lw plan or (lflltld l!a' l' a S! J'il \' rifh • s sOt•ll a~

l(• c!llC1'1Gr~ to h.t\"l• this ill th(' form 'fl~" bJ1 f l'llOllgh sl e-i~hs ('Ollicl lit- I

a high dass \. utlt•\ ille show The 1r1 t irl'ci, aHd the H't'l'l's d') it:nids-

1,~:;,":.:~:~:,~or th< pla) ha,·c· ;iot yet I h ''·1·11rc·~' at llJ<· 1>01111 lo ~" .\I tlil' Li•q Ill PL· I ;11g tJa• l'lu!J aci·epled 1 h di ill hall has iJt:"l"I ~ ·1 n '<I • r

• <·(Jn lllUt1on. a 1Hl in oth••r ways t·om· fl1 , 11 ht·r !"Ith al Wllldi t illlt th. rP

ll'ti d it's 1>rg:nilzatio11 Tia.· mem- \lll h ihrni·t..• .\s !hi" i· 111 ht· 1 "

r~hip 01 the so(·Jt·ly i~ llmit«l to 'l:-ot puldi1 afr:u hl'lcl 'i) 1 l ai-..:.-

111) l'la~s 1•·t to h1 ~i\111 l'\t•ry Tl tr 1111 'I, rP ,..., 111g lo i 11.l t\t>r I

n11th \\IH·n pc ... ~ihlP 1:,, n nwm mak 1 It real sii<-e -•.

r 0 1 ilw duh 1:-; rc1 111 1 •11. 11 lie t' Frank Harris was t1li·c"' ,. •t 1 ·1 : bni :.:r.1.Jp iu :1l ll·.1~ tw1 ht> 1-rt>clits. • I 11,1 k tklll ti•am In ••, r:':n. lb

nnd no o:ic i~ allowt•d 10 h•t tht~ dra , OIL'. _\Jl t-r c: IN·lion ('apt ant Harris

Michi&an 13lock lh:t· ltt ll1arna1it' f'luli liay

lll•c· I\ .\rmst ron~ \lt•t·h1111·11 n·I t·ont('s(.

Dt~<· ~I l"hristmas \";walio.1 lw:::.•11s.


Fnim th..: big ... Jiagg-·'· tm e:-. to the l>ab11:~ rut ur pnth.:d

l ~0mc and "l·t thl·m

lAN60HR5 The F lorist

Winter Colds Thi ... I" the t101t· 111 thl' '\,:;ir 1'

"liL·n t'• .Jd ... ;1n .. • 't..'r.' pH'\ a·k·nt. \ 1.:1dd L"1111traL"tl..'d 11\)\\, and

IH '..!·ltrll·d. i~ 'l'J"\ liable t.1

·1i;ng < n· and 1)\ "~·a\..:1..•11in~· th .. ·

:-..''lUll. ll'ad h• thi..· dl'\el11p llH'IH n ·a ... cri1 lb dl11c ........ .

Phone 95 W.

~G~IN ~T WORK1'------__ ------..:315- So. Tr_::_acy.

11 WE DON'T _______ l

All 1h•p ;u1mPnts ou 1he h ill ; ~ I whkh "<·re- 1t•nllt->rt>d homt>lf'ss J 1 ... ell Fl?ur and S ugar below cost to bai t people. We sell

REXALL COLD TABL ETS is tht· h(."""I treatntt:nt. tilt'.' arc g11ar;rntc•.:d t11 g-i\t' I,_'\ (.'I} \\ ill'!J I llll tJf;-, fail.

Satisfaction or your back.


Rose Drug Co. The REXALL Store.

Regal Caps are

Good Caps They have style, comfort and warmth. and sell at popular


. 1 00. $ 1 50. $ 2 0 0

Lined with Silk and have fur lined or plush lined bands to pull over your ears.

We also show a big varie ty of Hockey Caps.





Foerschler' s

h~ 1 hn fir ... ,·;hil'h cles1 rnyed 1 'u" 1" 0 1t· 1 · 1 i.:•. erything at a reasonable profi t , and our CAN D Y in boxes I ''"" 1>nihh11: 1h1e·" '''"k' a~o. ;":;I at !:15 (• 50(' . and 75c is full value and you will say so if 1

b1·P11 n··f•stah,islwd <LHl an• :.11 \\1'rk r1

you get a box.

111 tt·111pu1ar) quarters. MAXW I hl' '1l'partlll>'Ul or ph) ,II'., j,;,, tl1 "' I' ELL 's

roc~ms in th(• ba~e1t11 1h, ·in l hutlcll11l!.. S('('lll'f><l by n ding ~I IH~ I "------

of tlw t'llJdlle<'rin~ WOI ., h1 s' ·~I r· ------------------------------ll•Od .•nd watPr lahor:.no1 ~· i a11·; ady

at work Ill the '"erinury 1.,,11ucn". ... The Gallatin Lumber Co. p n• l'I k:illy all thE:ir eq11 ip1114.:' :ll wa~ I s;I\ 1'11 Sl•llll' 11( th'-• ad \"lllH'Nl c·t-:.1!1•,...o

d1t·ndqry l'l:.1.•H·~ will w ork 1:1 th~·

lahnr;11on t"o1· tht' \ll't:'st?nt. I Headquarters for the F amous Owl Creek and P eerless Bear

Creek CoaL-Your t rade will be appreciated.

Telephone '\u. 20. \ ,., ·ral .... 1ud,.n1 lahnnuor) 1~ 1

!Ill!, filll'I\ llJI , SOlllt• SJHtrl' h,1:;.,,11,;1l ------------------------------)

r•om~ i11 lhP hnildine: n( the Uc' u ·1 ---- ---- -------


I lc1..trIL~d_ .d ach111.c.: ry, he!'i~ < lak Ta1111\.'.d Leather anrl expert \\

11 rkma n sk1p due .... 1t. I .ad1e!'· hctl_ .... a :-.pecialty. Lo\\ price"


<. 01111 r ~ ligh school I 'rotcs~or l 'nO. l('!~h h:ls hi~ otfin• ant i his d<t ·:'

101°111 \\ nrk in Llu· agric·ulturaJ uui1d

ing ar till• toil ;;t• In lhL' al!ir of thi~

hutldini.:, a11• "'011'(1 thr lht>m11 11 and

1J1pn1.i111s-; ''d 11 n~ 1111• nld h• '11 I lTll: Ordt• t:-; 101 111:.ituhd lo i t pl''°' j i I ~lain tht~ lot 11.1tt•11n1 .11 11lrt'1.d~ , .. 1 11 t' -·-------

John Komar. Prop.

w.1~ ~11ifkiC'rH to <:omplHf' ;di u.>lll·i!t..'

\•.ork or l lii:-. sf'llll!..;lt'r 1·nd c11d1:r.:. illf'

11(1\\ twL1µ. 11n .. 1rnrt'd tn taktJ ntrP of

nex1 ('lllester·J work < ·1:-.sst s ha\ e

ml'! n·"11 larl y Rinr·(' the d uy of lhe ! firC'. 111111 \Yilhin a ,·er~- ..;hon timl' the

l;_hornw1' wo1 k will b1• rP..;\mH rl ~o

t hat h~· lht• Hlcl ol th(' s1,,.•mest('r a ll 1--


1 ~ :\1 nh Ht1zt·rn·111 '' 1, it·

\\ a~h111g- l -a lletl flir and l)d in.·re(l l 'rict's Rca..,nnahl.._•

-------------------- ---------111 I,._. 1·0111111Hed as H~lhll.

Tht• P:\r• rirncn t '-' l <' .un 1·ia·11, -.1n· d"partmr·nt Is lw11se1l it ~ ~p\· ral i11:.tct?~

Tlw w rk in nutrition iUU!iliE?:ntinJJs

! Coi ner's : Variety Store I t

is bri:tg dcil\l' in th(' t!;r:J\ll h~bor;uory. r 1'rh c 01:11·t· nt tiil· c!ep:irt m('nt, u-.; m a in I

11'honu 1y, ;\nd the :;oils i1HC'i::t1;.:: lion 11 work. Y.111 bt..• in 1!1r('P d i fi t· r1.ml room~ :

in tltt· u?;rkulturn l huilrli1 i ~c l\\o cif I

''· hkh .in· shared bet, .. Pcn thf" "11.:im. I i~l ry dt:•partnwnt, and 1he rnr .. 1 en· i' i.:-illt('rii1g a:uJ lht a.::ronnrny dt:'pan· I

I ments.


In the New Dawes Block.

Come in a nd look us over for your Xmas needs ..

E . W . COINER P roprietor .

I I j ' I Band Dance-,

I ti I ' nrntic ·s lntl'rtcre with his stu di es. '< a 111 •1 I'll 111 whklt lh• i\};IH•rl thnt

' ., ,~ al'e thrcc~ din·<"ton; or the dub, ,1 1. ll!t 1 n Iii 1

lH Ind Jig :\frs. I l t•rrkk and ~Iiss Quaw. fir<l<:tlcc.

''""' .. '< 11 month tht> mt·mhcr~ of the I ' I Cash Meat M~r ket I I

' . ' . "ill holrt :1n informal closed I i. a ... t.l~tll, clm·rn1 111 1 1 ll

11wt>t ·· a: whi"11 spl'lial JlloJ.!'r ams ,. 1 •:n longer Ji" itsfil at th<'

wil! hi· g!Ycn. \' 11 1\1 :--if~ ol :\Iontana.







College Press Club C FRANK HARJW3 or RALPH B U RGESS.

1-' H0 1 I: '103 M.

r ~' d eehvercd.

The Wise

Shopper W ill make early select ions for

Chris tmas Gifts thi s s<'ason.

By paying a deposit you may

have your selections la id away.

I now .

I Why not do th.i s and avoid I the Holiday rush?

Jewelers ~ nd Optometrists

I H. A. Pease &: Co. ! l I ------- -- ----- -- -

" c· · - ~ "!.:.:: rk'" Store. ·- --------- ___________ JI

' I



I I!


College Drill Hal

Probably the last dance until drill hall rs


Cars will run


Adtnission -~-----------------

at 8:00, 8:45


- - $1 ~00 --- ---- ----------

Have y ou Seen the

new cloth Hats


They, are quite the vogue now

and the price of $2 50 makes

them within the reach of all.

Come iook "em over.


THE WEEKLY EXPONENT , I RIDAY, :-:on:.illER Ii, 1911;.

Thanksgiving Day Will soon be here and you' ll want a NEW SUIT OR OVER­

COAT, or perhaps you will want your old suit cleaned

and repaired . In either case be sure of sa tisfaction.


Frida) 1•\'Plling :\fyron Carr and Bow./" en· husts a l an informal (.lanci ng I •· ·d ~t·•unan~ WHt· hosts at an ehibor- imrty F'l'iclay e\'f'ning. A most del ight· 1 ; tJ.> lli.1lll·r party at tlw home of the [nl t ime wa8 bad by all. and light re·

"Let Hank ~ Ed Do It'' I ttf>r :\lbs Ruth .'\oblc wa, the ~uest frElshmpntH were sen•ed nt lhe close ~-~====-;;;=-=--=============~====~":"';~~===-~~-;-::-=.======:.::== l'f h11nor of the ot·c·asion being hf't of the eH"·1ing 1:. -----

11, 111ra1c,l and C:O\"ers werc> plan·d iot Amon~ the· partic:-> given thi8 \\eek • Students Special birthday. The wl.lle was 1Jeanlitull) , . -- I DR DOLE OF BOSTON I ten. Those geated were Hllth .'\ohle, as the l"('Sllll of the cit'ction returns ADDRESSES STUDENTS I I· 1 nM l.l·ssel. G1\1c-e '.\1ch Pr. Etta wns a most {" harmin g din11er party :i.t 1 Hayn,•s. llary Curl, llo:en Lunt! . My· the nozenwn llotel Wednesday e,·en-1 TYPEWRITER PAPER. $100 PER REAM. 1r11 Car 1 , llowa1d s ... ·amani-:.. :\tr. ing:. Tllo~c honore<I were .\lis::;es Ji (Never wi11 be cheaper.)


Stearns, Lee Park, Ure!!'or ::-.1t·:"llillan Helen Lund. ll e-le;i Sw(•at. (;re~or ~lc·1- On. _1a~.t \\·c.inestla) .t "'Jwcwl ·is BE SURE TO STOCK UP TODAY. ! 3nd '.\f1 \\"in wood :\lillan and Ll ewellyn Luce. ~emh!) ''a. <·allPcl for lilt pu i JI" ' 01 l 6 EQ H 'UJ I £.

__ h1>.1nu~ llr. Charles F. tiole ol H0 1 w • n ll.a:7()N (;() l A r~" rne:ub s11ent a most inforn1<1l President llaruilton entertained H ton SJll ak \fler a few remarks h) '-------- " On the way _t_o the p_os_t of-fi-ce._" __ • ------'

PH·11111g- at the home or :\£arie \\~ater· members of the faculty at a dinuer iri I l'rt>sid1.·n1 llanlilton. Dr f)iJI wa!" ill· t mau, 1-'rirlay '.\Iu~le and n general tlle home sC'iea<'e department F'ri<lay trocl.11 ('~'.l •.1s ~ '. ll' ~ ho:::_e •l·tonl _\'r:~ 1'.'i'~) good 1i111t• washed by t hose pregent. eYe:-i ing. The table was cl ccorale<l e n 111 \\ho~ \\ho 111 A111P11 1 <1 •HI :-------------------------'-------

-- j with mixed flowers which were mo::; t las represPnting the l•~ar Ea l 1"1.11· Ph1 G.1111ma girb l'llU:rta.lned at attractive. President 11 a rnllt o n' s Ur. Dole ·wencd by (--xplaini11~ t:\t

11 n+·d $1111da~ for Ur .\l,1hel L'lrich. guests wer e Professor and Mr:l. H am. differcnl·e between the Ea.:.tl•rn :irrl A.G.McKEY Qua•ity Corner

\.....---------------' I~'~ ;~~i~ne~1;~i: 11 e~·l:c~:,::e;~. t~'.~ri'.-~,~ '::;r:~~o1~ 1;~1d c!~;:ig~~l:?:~;:~.~;o:~,~ ! :~·~~inn~ >:~~~~:·~ .. ~~ntl11~ ,~',~,::::: ·:: :: •i I :\rr~. HPITl('k, :\lrs. T n. ~tor~" and :\frs. R. A. Cooley. Profl'SHOr Brewer. point and that tl1e tillll' wo11'll rom"

l~( r f:.. \\. R. C .• tewart l:"lliss nrc·wer, :\li~s F'ord. Professo r when lhPn• wo11ld bP no <iLlilw1i 11

The Printe -- Tallman, Professor C11rriet'. and Pro· hetwPen thE>~t· l\\'o sections. llp ~·ai<l I

College Men's English Last


CarLl:i have been reC'dYt:.d in the fessor nncl Mrs. Holst. 1hat tlw dlft't.'rP:He tud:l) \\ ll'h 1·-------rir,· anno11n<·int:, thP hir1h of a i-on. Gor·1 -- •he 11Jstinctinn h<'IWH'll a cJ:io.;.:->ko.l~

Id n \Jill:-> nrimt..·.,.;, to :\f1. and \lr!-< . . 1 Thp ('offee dub of the c·ol\C-'~e wa~ edm·;ne<l Jif'O(li~ ant i th<> 11wn· p1 'r =============-___,= ,..----------------


}, f;rim<>s of nuttP \Ir.;.;_ r.rimes was,pl1.:n:-;antly t'lllertained on Thursd;l) ,l·ally P1ll···atcd p·cplf' of tl1 r> "l'-" THE STRENGTH for•nt 1ly ".\ti-.:.;.; GwPndolyn :\!ill~ of the e\"eni:1;..:, 1t the Ka1111a ~u fnH ernity I Hl· ll1l•11 ~aid that there. Wl'

1"l ~f-\ ('lnss of 'lti. I house on So. Grand by :\l P~!-!rs Liew· ernl_ t••:..t.,.; lha1 a per~on ~nigh·t·· ·>_ ~ pn' and "h1.Jdm:r(' qua lit; 1.i 11ttr

J Pl\yn Lun' and Lee Park - I to 111 orc11•r to t..'~t then- t.•l11r1»n1·,. l"L'J1lt·111 j..., ;-.11 wt~ll kll•I\\ 11 cl" t•i I :\lbs Dorothy ~rills t->pe:it .t couple I . thot->t.-' or Liberal :\lindednes~. l,r,)dly lH:ed IH• cii!l111ll'lll Ii; ti.., \t 1 ...

day:.. thl:' past Wt>('k in nu_tte ,-1s1tng I :\J 1 a111l :\fr~. Ste\"1:~11!-\0ll. OI Rnders-1 F'i,dPnil~.·. Tf~ m1 1e_ r and Broatlmi.Htil ., .

in tan and black, rubber sole

and leather sole

ht>r sl~tel'. :\Irs. J. A Gnmei:i.. Sbe Uurg ha\'f' returned 10 thell' home af· lit.>!::'~. I hesc th ng~ :ire l:':..st>nt1a l lr

I '"~turned Saturtla) afternoon. trt having ~pent the past week \·i:,;it- t he s11ne!"~f11 J man and \\cnoan A =ng. with their dauglllt>r :\!rs. R<1I11h nat1011 1·:tnnot l·:-.i5t witlwnt tlll·~E> in·

The lnl'mbe1..,., of tht' 0. n. fr;.ncrnity P11rJ?p::;~. grPilij·nts aml action tpndinc. tuwarrl =============================== j lcl eali~m. H uma:1ity. O~mo«rary and

IF ACULTY RECITAL IS M. S. C. BOBCATS PLA yi hr~,:~::·a~d::.~~:;0 ·:~ ..... given pertain-

R eed' s Bootery I GIVEN BY MUSIC UTAH AGGIES ~~~~::,~~;:~:n;l~~:::t.:l~~::~::'0

"~ DEPARTMENT TOMORROW ~~~:r :~ :~:. aan~o~c~~01:~~~~ ~l~O~\~I-

Just Received 1..dtt'-- :-t le:-- in \.mc.h F1ild­

' r- •I' I arYerl F rames

Schlechten Studio

12 S. Black Ave.

turn would lead IO a broRder and more liberal education

On Thursday the team left ror DI'. Dole then went on to 8ay lhat 11 I.a"! M"t•nin!:! in '.\lonrnn:i \!all ~tu·

I fl .. n, .... :ind 11e<:Jlle of Bozeman. wen' Logan. L't,•th Tlte.' ' lasl1 ltli tl1 ' w e \\'Ollll'll i:;houl d rer·ein· the sa me bra nd

1cll"'li.i:?;htfully PJllt>rtained il.' the F'arul:' t·iah .\J!.gh•s tomotTO\\ aflPrnoon. for of e1I11ration that the man <lo ~. l>e­lllUl-'ic· rc•t·ital gl\"t"ll b\· thf> musk de

I · their f1r~t l.pme ,, ith a conferant.·e C~llt~t.· ht• helle\·e<J thal the woman Jlan ment All membl·r~ of the dP· I .· · ~ . partnlt:' ll foc·uh y took part in 1hc Pll· team tbts l:ieason, atter the defeat at had H muc·h insieht in cerlain

bra:ichPs ag man. li e ~1a 1 ed 1ha1 th e 1errai11n11-nt. A \'er~ tnjoy:il>le t>\'en· 1ht> hancls of Gonzaga last \\eE'k ii woman 1.0111,1 cln ns mnc·h even in goY· ing ll'\ reportt>cl by· tht la1ge n umher t~ t•xpe('t("'d thnt :\f. S. ('. will return , rnmental adminif.;tr;\tion as man or nrnsil' 1°' 1trs who attendetl \, ith a , ic·tory Uu1 it is n(')<'Psgary In dmdng- Dr Dole m ade :i plea for

P rogram t1:r the •l'<.llll to get together nnd ::thO\\ be tlPr mPn and women, free of the ~ona1a !or Plano :111d \'inlin. op. '· wo1·Jdll ~ins a7!<l \"i('es that ha\Te o\·er·

l:riM~. Allc·gro ('Oil hrio. ..\llt;_>g:reun. ~Cllll:' signs of thP rorm that l ied

'---------------.: JA\lee:ro \'iYatt \h :'\:ish <\lld :"llr. 1.\!i::-::oula in order to do thb. 111 order .Jackson. lO g,1\ 1 \\'lit'ele r and l<\in~. who han•

TUil 1he nation in the la st generation. l le asked that the nation might be run on a higher le\"t>l and a more free· thin ki ng a;id broadminded bnsl ~. ----------------1 F'elilinsnml\.eit. Brahms . .t\ UI 1-'lueg- np,i n working raithf11ll.', an 0111ionu11·

<:I 1 des Gesanges. ~l endt-l~sohn : J:;n

I I ity to i--'l\ 1'11 their ";\ ! " Urn\' es and

I SounJinr. Hahn: Vons <] ;111sez \tar

S t qu ise. L~ ·ma ire--:\ J r. C'urrler. f:ryan. have hePn ommited from the periC'nre and tran!!t : he ~raduated wea ers .Jon \'e"'Vlf:~·s Spring- Dnnc·e. Ojl. line up !Jut W(' can e:qle<t lO see the m from !Iar\'aro in 18:)8 a1 the tim e

I l r Dol e is a man of wide ex-

;111 cement. made irom l'h.' ·i11

l·-.t rtml'llt ruck and 1-. u:--1.:d \I\

th11~1..· huilder-... wh•• ... l· "'JlL'\.'.lalt_\

i:-. iii"'.'-\ citb"' \\"11fk. Jt-. li"'l" I._

hnth an l'C1111<1111: and a g-uaran tee oi rxtra t·ff iril'n ry.


Bozeman Farmers' Creamery ) nde\ ine & Sons

AU Kinds of Frozen Products



Cor. Main and Tracy Stss.


' I-; :!, :'\o. 2

. (" ~g. t:-\orwegian P ea::;ant ho1h in ac1ion against the ~lines. \\hen ll e nry \V. Longfellow and James 1-----------------------J DaJK~l Jtg gaar i lllhend tanker, Oi>- {'11nd1 Hennion ancl .\tanager Strand R11 gs~ll .Lo~vell w~re professorg in !;-------------------------·------..

I \\ e"re reac.I) with the fin- t;1;. 1'u. '· Grieg ii wande1 "n\lll in haq• lh"l"Ol11Jllllli e1! the following squad that mst1tut1on. Smee that lime he Montana State College:of Agr1'(;ul-

thought) Shepherd's ff ey. Giaill!?."t--ir on tlu-• 1rip; B('rgman. Boberg, Borrnn. has hee;i a stude n t in all branches\ ._, e:--t line uf ~weatcr" wt'\c eYer .\Ii ~s l lal'tman. Al B11r1 u 11 C'hristen~en. l)ahl. Du· or stu dy <tnd h <1~ lectured in the great· 1 ---- -- d M--h---~-- - .-.. --

1 'h"'"' and a '"cater ,, ce1- I am TIP 11 111·11. Woodma I. I.el )tiss I (Jll!'llO. lla nst•ll. Kin~. ~la C"Spadden er part of the colleges of this country tu re an ec an1cL.Arts

Lin<lr Pass. Hr:~tl'S, The Pre ti'.' Ct·pa.1 l lh'c" l{oll(>rt !'. \\. IH:elt->r nnd .Jo li €') H e i~ now on his way to H awaii for -

1 tam I_, a \ ~iluablc ad<litiun to P~owtki in th..- snow ror 111 ..,, la 8t two a \"acnt1on and the s1uclents and faC'· Practi cal courses in Civil, Electrical and Mechanical

lllll"C» Old 1<:11gligh-:\lr C'11rri<:'r " E · · M ·

l an' """' warclr1Jhc ... ur c11!- Konzcrt•tu<·<k (C'o1H"11 l'i<-••·1 op nights had IJeen '""PPY ancl w•ll <"On- nit' ex tend th eir b•'t wishes to him ' ngmeertng, echanic Arts, A griculture, Dairy, Hor-

l!I. \\·eher+ :\lr .'\ash rlU<'tefl an d it" we dont lwal those on his long journey. ticu ltura1 . Home Economics, Industria1 ChemJst ry. lectwn 01 ~weatcr.., inr both . Ot<'h(stra Jl:lrt!-: un sHond pi:uw h~· l·tah I.mys n \\'Olli ht> bec·:rnst' 1he ----- Economic Biology. Music and Art.

Beautiful g rounds. commodious buildings, complete wood and iron shops, extensive laboratories, model kitchen and sewing rooms, musi c and art studio.

mL"n and women 1-.. t'xh·n .... ive-

Clllll ,tyle t hat is

p11pular---m1sse ... anrl womans

.... "eater.., S4._:;o ltJ S 12.50 mens

Sl\catcr< $2.50 to $11.00

Chambers=Fisher Co.





-ll) getting your boy o r girl

'fuoth Brushes and Powder

re111)\' han•nt hf'en trying.

Alumni and ~ Ex­Students J.M. Hamilton, President.

Bozeman, Montana .

tii111 as uni; a rew mino1 d1h1H;·>~ I ~fb:-; Olin• ('Ja1k, ·13 lPlt 1he urH j ha\t' hec11 madP for 1 !~16-1 7 A r u le

1 Th l:' deparlment ot e nginee ring lH\ S o( tht.• weC'k for Thom11son F'alls and ----·------

1r·t.;"~1nling tilt' c·unsu·u<·tio11 01 11w Jih1~·I·· r<'tnnl pnro llme:-it th is yea r. At Spokane wh erP fl. h~ will Yisit ror :rnmel in~ 1· 1;11rl. a11utiler in regard to 1hf' tile prp~eut Ume there are O\'er one tirnt.~ aftrr which !'ih e will continue l"tic" of 11mpin: and c:ap t aim; aud 011(' :n:ntlncl l'P;.!i~lc>rC'd in th l' different he r jon rnpy to C'nliforn la. wherC' 8he ilayi.1~ rult> l'un:s titute thE- C'llid courses offered by the (' ngin eerin g th:'· I will spend the winter wi1h her pnr·

t'rHlll!!.t'!" panmt-n t TJw ret11rn of tlw troop~ ents. :\ I r and :\lrs. J II Dnwes . I .\. hat·kboa rd lb 110 \\ t·o1111n1lso1 y rrorn l lH.- ~lt.·xic·an horcle1 a clcl ed i:;e\"-wl i!t' bF>lore the baske1 (·Qu id l..11• at era! Il l' \\' :-; tudents. among whcm :u·~·

tad11.•d to lhC wall. The backhoard Joh.1 Canin a nll l. .. loyd !\lorph y who mu s l \Je protected. to a distHnc...:e nr have registered in th e elect r ica l engi· t h re~ feet, to 11re\·em interre re1we IJ,· I neering cou rse. a nd \\' .ayne Rowlen I ~11e<·tato r:;. . who has ~nro ll ed as a Ju n ior in me

The t11npin• has bt•tn gi\ell more n·· c·hani(·a\ Pn~i11eer i ng.

referee i11 uut-of-boundM decision ->

Thanksgiving We have a large stock of


spcnsibility li e is now to n:-;sist t h "" - ----- - I merly h<' Imel noth iw '" "" ) T<•:>Hl Order them early. t·a1He1ill:i lllti' the c nl y onl~s 11t.•r111itted T lO diS('USS deds iOJIS With th f' o JCl cia\s. ! rac y

'l'tw on ly lhau~c> ill the 11layi11~ rUIPs



A Perfect Salad Dressing The Best. Tastiest and Most Satisfactory is FER_NDELL.

15e .. 35(' and 60¢ per bottle. Fnr c;aJe only a t


I .,

ur µa ·te at this drug !'.! to n :.

" hen "o reque,tcd hy th(' ret<1<·<'. l'o•- I I 11


lhat will IHl\"C effect c·oncerns jump-, I GREENHOUSES GEO. BARTZ, Proprietor.

:,:; ~'~'.·n l~~tt 1ha:~e ; ~~:~~:~ 1~1~,)~a~i~1,; :.....-----P-h_o_n_e_4_6 ______ l 1 :..I __ A_t_•t_o_D_e_1i_·v_e_r_y_. _______________ T_e_1e_p_h_o_n_e_8_8 _ _J

~pecial >izc~ and style~ uf

lln»he< fur different aged chil­

tlr tn,


Roecher's Drug Store

facf' a ny din:nio11 so long a!'I hi s feet ar'J in his half or the <'irl'l e. Tbe I ball mmsl lw finH t.a1i11ed hy on e of th<' ju1111wrs after whiC'l1 il is "ten play. crs" bull·· The jumver may tap th e I PRO!" WM. C'OIJLll':Gll

ball uncl then catch It This mny or I who has beC'n may nol be an ad\ :rntaitP I.ml wtll. at onrnnizrng h is le<.1s l, diminntc a great d al or hur.

busily e ngagN I in re· chemistry departm en t.

rl•d nnd wlld ""slap1i!:lg or the ball . 1 ================

Oscu lation at any price Patronize BeHl'i· \.Vhy rlidn ' t you .Jim

Bozeman, Mont, when h1• I rl Pd to ki ss vou?

I T e.ss- Jle('anse, dear,. 1 ru too proud

---------------' ..., !"ig. '.jt. ('haparra.J

the merchants who ad­vertise in thls paper Theywill treat :v-01 i r igh '

-============~==~===--------CUT DOWN YOUR

College Expenses BY SHAVING YOURSELF-­

WE HA VE SAFETY RAZORS AS L OW AS 25¢-(The price of a shave)-OTHERS FROM $1.00 AND UP.






--- - MONTANA U DEFEATS PROMINENT ALUMNUS '1 T --.--1 WHITMAN HUSKIES KILLED~ ERIE PA.1 he" ~.~~)~~~? .. ~:~,~.~~! ""~~~~"any

Barber Shop I acco1_mt of the success obtained since adopting Wa~hingt~n 1 eam Is Unable To Gain Hamilton Steel, 1915, Recently Ad- a stn~tly cash system. Make arrangements with

.Against T .c Bea cats Stonewall vanced With G. E. Co. Meets I your a ndlady to take care of your laundry when 1 same is delivered, otherwise it will be returned 1

Defense-Score 17 to I Death Ir Shops to laundry. We are here to serve you. !

·::~::::::.:":::::·::·:~:;;;;:;::~;:::::;\;:: ; ::::::·::~·;:::::;:;·: :.'..:~:y:::·:::;: j I he 6 all a tin Laun ~~~~J

Under Gallatin Trust and Savings Bank.

Clean and Sanita1y Bath Roams

---·------------------------------ ttr•r finally won, I 7 ltl II Tiu.' day •ral /·.lcl·tric t·ompan) at Erie. Penn

~ne :o~t_a_~_dn:_,_1e:1_0-~t~-r:.-:_T~U_T:a~ ·_· ty __ li The Bozeman Milling Company

'' ,t r·old, thl' rountl a" ll 1rd a::; pa\ mt nt f1 .. 1u lns1 niglit't; frH·zc :rnJ tilt· l ruwd

) j\ auia ael'onlin~ to word receh t.:t.1 ,. lib hl'Oth1.•r, Fred !:itPt'l o[ the r1 hlll<.lH da~~ :\"o tlt•tails of the

~tt>nt:.n.1 l:tH\t'd a lOnl1lh.l1. ll'\'t' "'JI Lrri I•• al'thl1·11t ha.Vt• ht·c1. n•l·ei\f?'t.1 fori.1 o\lr IJ ·r ~hO\\in of la,.;t Wt:>t'k Jill h; .t~::-ntt•d that he rnet lllti

at Bozeman ant.1 two \\l·E"ks agt1 ,,Jh.n dt··ilh whtl~ ,, 0rkin~ \\lth deltfi<'al \\'a~hingt<.m ~li.llt: plcl) ed in ~lbsonl..t. t\•11a1·lt11s in tht'" shoJ·"" of +he elec1rh:

uuq.a ' .lu:--t .l. fl;;v. t.luy::\ ago word J ih·r dl'ft n:-1 w:i~; almo:--t impr1. .. ~nahh Only twit'f' d11r'11~ thf' canH.' Wll:-- \\'hit·

The Bozeman liotel llma:1 abil'" to make linn 1.h)\\n. and

luring tlh' wholt..'" µ,amf' ~ht• atlvancPd ,inly ::u yards.

Whitman Holds on 1-Foot line

anu t

,hJlh'llt Olll!'<lll)


tlit• t·nllt·!a• trom thp estah of thl (len1.·ral electric at l·;rir• lhat :\Ir Slt·el was r.1pid <llh a1l('t:nw11l in his

Yt'rk ,111<1 that hL· wa:,; llll!;aged 111 :\l~ilht•r side w;1~ able lO score in l uu~ the larg~ 1•\Pcll'k locomoti\es

lilt.• fir~t pprio1l, nlthou~h :i.tont rna naUt· at 1 1c plant befort.· their ship-

MODERN MODERATE COMFORTABLE had the ball wi1hrn a root of \\'hit nt.·nt ln lhi> \arin11~ t.•lt•ctrically O\l--

I nu:ui':-. .i.:oal li1w. near lhl' PJlll of thC' t.:ratt.>d lint•-s of tht• l'nitul State:-.. q11;.u1er. \t this poht tht> \\'ash1n:.,- .\Ir ~let.•I \\as 1..·nrollccl 111 the

-----------------_-' ron t1..·am hra<"etl. lwld :\lon1a 1rn for ourse 111

l.'lectri al t'n~inet•ria~ whiie

1lown~ :1nU puttt('d out of Lianger. r '.\[· iltana ~tall' t'ollegl' He wa"


h.h illd\'Cd ln 'hL•

(;a11a1in Hlrn.·1~ hast•mcn1 u11

der 11~)1t1)\\Cl_Y· ... ~l irt, n\;u.:1,

and ~I am


Dental and Oral Surg-c<'"

Vienna Bakery \ Hnht~r. I'rup

Ask your grocer for Purity and Mother's Bread.

tn thp ~t·t·ond 'lllarter a ~cries of re:-:ii.l.ent of Great Fa.lb for twent)· lint> hul'k!', ~masht•s a111l rorward

tnbses took tllf' hall a~ain within one year::i and \\as n gr:uluate oi tht.• -striking- <li~ta.lC't' of tlw gcal after 1i~h sdwol ot that <'llY Af1er tin­HooYl•r had het•n fon'<"d to punt. Again :-;!1111.:, his \\ork. in elL•ttrkal engineer· '.\lontann tried an oiien ;ntn<·k to put ng- al the c·ollege he entered the

th,~ b;11l oH'r. hut 1wo nttPmpten for­,-ork:-; of the General Electrical <'mn-

ward passe:-; failed and Jone$ was pauy with which <'Oncern he has been Party Rolls and Home Made , downed for fl las:-; :\fcQuarrie tried en~ng-ed .sim·e that time.

Candy t'or a plU(.'C kit·k 011 th<" 20-yarcl lin t' While attending the college be won hut fnllE"d. he name of being a conscienli ous

Deliveries ro :30 a.m., 4 :oo p.m. T ouchdown in Third Period ludent in all his <'lab:>es. He ''tt~ Call 28 W. The third pt•riorl :-;aw the firs1 scor· ''ell liked by his fellO\\ student~ and

I ing- or the gaml1. Groom kiC'ked off and Yas acth·r in student actidtes. In Clark retnrnpd thP hnll for a\1110~1 20 liti :-;enior ) ear he was president of

Comrn.-r 1al !lank lluilLltng 1 I


)ants t"'rom this time· 011. )[OllUIIl<l's till' g:ie(' t'lnh anll through his col ege

Phone 386-W 11atta<·k w<ls ~a,ag(', bllt nwthodical. jcareer he wa:s a prominent member __ ...

11 £. W. Thompson I

11·1aying preuy fpotball, tht> unh·ersity I t)f {he (.·ollegE" regimental band. the boys began a steady marc·h down the electrit'al cluU. and the nomaer or-

1 BARBER SHOP I field l<eE"rnn and 'tc·Quarrie making .eanization He wa:s a memher of the OPEN · }ler5iste:1l .c;ains. f'l<trk ancl Bentz al~o Kappa :\"11 fraternity.

P. "'1~S111g a(COllnt with this 1idt·1 \at\1•nal !tank nf 11 a!la- mad(' ~nme srn~:-uionnl run~. until the ~ews 01 :\Ir. SLeel's dttaih will roml' ~ank and pay all you~ college \ hall wa:-i wi1hin two and a hnlf ~ ard::: 1 ~ a ~hock to his nH\ll:O' friends on expeu<e; hy check. Thi will tin ;iJley. of ""hitman's go;d. The lnller braced he hill who ha'e been watdiin" the enah1c yo~t to keep ac~urate College Students a Specialty. h~autifullr ag-aln in a \'<lin Attempt to rapid progre~~ \\ hich he has been n~cou11t l[ }tHtr t'Xpe11d1tu11.>-1 l'------------------- J ward off the impeding score . Bill naking in the field of his endea,·or. GALLATIN TRUST & ther<> "'"nu stopping the rush 01 the

SAVINGS BANK l ------------------- Untversit)· •~<I Sander•on was 1n1'hed

W . S. Davidson, Cashier I A h B I"' er the firnt lottc-lttl<.>wn Kwran j BUDGET" COMPLETED ------·------ - , t enic ronze kicked Bll l•!IS)" ~001 and llll' S<'Ol"P Was • ..,

"0""''" ~ ll'hitmnn n FOR NEXT TWO YEARS

Coal, Wood Lumber

Kenyoo=Noble Lumber Co. 320 West Main St.

The new Bronze Ware. in Sanderson Kicks F ield Goal

man sha es. Beautiful brown I ..\~ain Groom kirkt.•d oif and again Y P \fonta rn :.;tartPfl her drHP do,,n the ----

tones and comic sets See it in t1t~ld \n a1tt>mptl•d fo1\\.t1d i•ass ~ent The college budgets ha\'e heen made

our window. 11 oYer the goal line for a touchdo" n and out and forwarded to Chancellor El­\\"hnman plll th<> hall in pl.l) on her liott at I lele:ta where they will be

LESLIE E GAGE ::!11-~nrd l111c> 'lont.rn.1 held and ""Jut· brought up in the meeting oi we State Jeweler and Optician. m.rn had to kh k .\ga1 l \lontana I Boarcl of Bduration m Derember and

I st 11H·tl till' h,lll ha1 k On the 20-vard tht:" legi8larn1e in .Jannar)·. The~e Uta!· ____ 1 lnw. held for l\\O downs Sanderson i?,ets are an estimate ol th ex11euse

111Pcl for a pin cement and booted the. Of maintaining the college for the ~-------------- h.111 sq11flrch· h1..\t\H'en the- po~t~ Sro1e. j next twu )·ears. or until the next meet-

COmmerCI'al Nat1'onal I ~l<Jlll.tll.1 111 \\"ht1rn<111 n '"g of the le{<islature and arc senl

I ThP ln!-il tou<hclm\n l.lllH' 111 tlle rnal ltn by all the state inRtiunions. Each Bank 11 1e1i<.d, \\hen Dahlbe1g rntetleJHed ,1 d~}lartment ha::i a spN'ial form in

1 la pita! ~tock $1 ;o.ooo the line Keeran kwked ~oat <lc1mrtment for the two <·om in~ years.

I fon' a rd pass and r.tn 6t) yards; O\"Pr whi<'h tile' detail the e:\l)enses of that

Surplu.-., and Profits. 250.CXX> LinPup :.1ncl s<·o1e {Thti member~ of th e Larulty make a J. H. Baker, Cashier. , :'\hmt:ina ( 171 Pn'-'Hlt>n \\'1111111.rn 1111 l'C'pOrl of the appar:itus. furniture.

I c~Jark tt·apt 1 J. I•: Ha:isen and salaries th•H will he net"ded and 1 ;i )leman · ~fontana UahlUPrt:: L. T G.n>em send it to the rhanrellor who will




We Cater to College

~eli-;011 L. G .John:son brin~ it up for di~ru!-'.lsin~1 at 1he meet· Dayton (' Bain I in~ of the Board of f<~dn('ation and \\"oodwor1h H G Tia111 lat1•r at the t<He Le~ii'lature. This lkntz R T Busch nwthod of making out the rc•ports wns Orr H E <'omrado irs1 lnauguratetl al the time the ( hnu-.Jones Q. G{'nsel (•ellor was appointed-and ha~ 11ro,·en Keeran I .. II Bloomqui:::t to be a ,-ery su<'C'essful one. Earh. ~a ndersnn n If

\lc(J11,nni1..' l•~nl\

t5tor1..• by quarters .\lontana \\hit man

ll nrnpr (rapt) artirle is itemi :r.ed. as nre the estimates I lOJ)JlE') i'llHI ll\OIH.'Y ;u·tually CXlll'llded the two

1r1>no11:; years in this wny t•omparl· ,-1 i ~0:1s ran lw ma<le and tonrlusions O-- o drnwn nrcordingl:o A rep0n of the

n o lO n o

Yrtnlag-p :.:.ai:lect rrom RC'rimmage rnildln~ <·ommittee "·as sent Ill with fHE HARRIS SHOE STORE Trade. "ont:inu. l»·st hull. 1.;2 yards ,econd 1 program oi th~ buildings needed t..•r .... hnt·~ that an: good the hesl hnlf 227 yard!:> \\'bitmnn, t'irst half. \\ilhin the ne:\t ten YNtr~. including: V.t~tr foi lht: mull~). f.ive us 12 yards, sec·oncl hair. I\ yanl~ he ne\\ t.'hemistr) huilding. Thf'se




THE HUB Ed. and Lou Howard.


Just Received Some New Cedar Chests

Sizes for Any Purpose


Don't Worry over a failure in cake filling or icing. Order a can of


anct the problem is s0lved. A receipt book,let with each can per can ..... . 30c



JOIN OUR t ·and~- Salt' ~aturda) all prices rcducc<l Taffie~ an\' fla,·or

Peanut l'and\· anJ CnC'11a11 u t l"a~Hh L anneJ, an' \.Jnd ('ream 1'.i ... ~e ....

15c ! 1cantH Rall~

,\ 11 Home :-lade and Pure


20c 30~ 35e 20&

Cook By Wire Use an Electric Grill.


Will Press Your Clothes.


Montana Power Company

I tri1I VOCATIONAL CONGRESS NOTES Montana punted rour times for an Jrudglrets en<lhlt"' ;.\ IHyst~m:nit' ha:it.llin~ MONTANA NOSED OUT ~o. of 1irs1 down~ ~nPra~1..· c.f 2:i~ yards \\"hit man 12 o t 1e HJlJllOprint ons for the ,·arious Thrown for loss 011 line ru:is 6

J. H. HARRIS & CO. tlnws for ·111 a,·erat{e or 2!) yarfls. Mon· insti1111ions of the !·Hate nnd make it - - l'\umber or kiC'ti.-Offs 1 l'roprtl·lor... 1·taus for 1lw l1.mi11~ vocational l11na WHH penalized thrN· timC's fo r loss ossible nt anv timt' to determine the (Continued From Page One.) Average length of kickoffs . 2ii

J l 1 11 J F I i·ongress are rapidly taking form and ol IU yards, \\'hi1m1n 1; timrs for Josg amount of m~nev expended on nu·, 1 fashioned football to makle b)·llrlllilgel Kickoffs run bm•k

,1!1'1'."I -· ~ung j lloJH all indkatiun8 it ii; lo iirove a lol' :10 yards. epartment. . nncl Briley·s toe to keep l te n on r I · t · :-.:o. of punts --------------- t'"r~· intprP:-;ting and in~nrul'live :ses· S11hsli111tes :\lomana .:\Llams t'or o l nngerou~ tern or ). A\·erag:e distnn<'e of puutE<

I I ::;ion. !\frs. Kall' \\" .JameRun. tu:>w1 :-,:pJson: \\'hltnrnn, \\"ilt~" ror r!oppey. The IL1e11p nnd ~ummu ry ..


22 33

i26 11

ncorrect y or_ WOllh~n a_l lhl· State unhersit~.' at OeCrief for .J o hnson . . 1 II Gonzag·l un ;\lontann Ag~i('!" lti) Punts. total gains

• l\11~:-;oula, will be a guc~l ;it llam1lton Offit'ials-.Jol11rnton (lcla lt o\ r•[eree·. EXTENSION NOTES Crowe• L.KH. lh,is::; Bnll rolling aftt.•r 1n111ts

F eel Sh r I k l T I' nu< 11Ptlt' Pu:lt~ returned o·nrch•) tO~ Jtt 0es !:all durin~ the rongre~s Mrs. S. M. KennP<ly (('hic·ngo) umph·P. Higgins lj ·e ~- . ' I t'\ f d llrmptel I)

may he worn Jiy young men and ~;.~~·~; ~~d:~~~1!~d::~ ':~~iail> ~::~~: :,~!i:·h~,'.~'.;:"~wacl line,man. Spoke~ --- ~:~~;11 "'.' .••.•.••.••• ~. ~-~: .•• ~~~~;;:~~~~ ~~r/;';.:~·;~ •• ~~•:s;~n~pleted ' n

Youllg .. N,

111,. 11 wi'tlic>Ut cau•.


g tious for the stnle federntlon of Dr llartmnn. :\tiss Rowe. ~lr. Hill· l )lornn H. G. L. Roberts F'orwnrd pn~Re~ incomplet ll n rn '" d women's clubs will nlso be a visitor nan. and Mr. ('umpbell, nr€' holclin~ nriley H T L . C. Borton Yds. gainC'd h) forwnrcl pasR tl

pro11uu 11 t'l'd phy:--.ical discomfort · 0 d 1 JUNIOR C L ASS 1 ~ 1 EETING a short c·om·ge nt llarte . until ~ov. lft. Heic·hle R FL Bergman Number of i ntercepted pas!'es 2 I I . l n. ozeman ur ng that week and A junior cln:-;g meeting was held __ · · llc>li"t· ..... Yd!'i. gaiuecl h~ · intt>rre11ted -an< at l 1c same llltll' JC pro- \\ 111 bt• In attendance ;l! the a~scm· 1 TuC'~<lay artC'rnoon for the f M<•lsaal'~ Q "" ,...

clucing· malfonnat1ons o f the blie>l. '-'Slahli8hing the f\r:al rorlH:~~OE'1;9~S Jo., . S. Cooley Rlld :\fl' :\I. L . \\"ilsou 1Jlar ri s L. II . R Jolley fnrward 11asses

foot th..i.t w ill caus.e acute !\Uf- l:\fontanan I t was voted that nil the ha\e gone 10 \Va. .... h h~ton . D. C .. tout· Condo:1 R. ILL. ll nnl'i("n Xo. lmernl pa!-;...,t·s a1te11111tccJ feting- 1n later year.;;, ~l'veral organizations \\hO plan to money "hfrh the cl ass now hns In tend the F'armers' lnsutu te con,en-

1Prln ce .. · f Brya n l:\o later ll.ll-<~l\s <·omple ted

:-ie nrl de legates have written telling ot 'he bunk ~hou ld be tuntNi in to th e tlon at tlrnt place whl ·h is to be held ..Subs lltulions · Gonzaga -Borgot8 for Run.; from C'Ompleted lateral If )"'' ' cl11 t<<•l 1<111111 ti•" ,, ,.. · iu the nca.r future. 1

ror Condon. Tbon1pson for Harri s. Mee- J•a""~"" .... .... · '·"-· 1 t ii t~ir 111tentions~ Both t he college\ Ann uni fund nnd that in addi tio:i an ""'<;'"'"' last and w·1·'1I h .... hol.:' )'tHI should t'lub:-; of Butte nnd Helena w ill be I assessment or f h·c dol lars ro r each - I hnn for R ei chle. Montana- Ora' e~ l'o. pennltlC'Fi wca1 tu k<:cp your f,>tll in per- re11reAented The boys of the Cho- member ~hould b(' lrviecl. \\'Ith th e En co re for .Joll ey, Stoarns for Rt'i ~s. Rei si.; lnr Ground lost on 11enalties feet f<•ll ll, or tu correct malfur- . tcau C'ounty hi~h school or l•~ort Ben· funds thll8 made available a good year A re" da)s ago n young man took llrya::t No. fumbles ..

matit)Jl~ h ave (~ur fitters a~ist V<\ll,

1l\h c·1r "\"\..."fVitcs arc yourc;

hr tl1<· '"king

I ten are dls11lnying: tllc same splendid br.ok i!'J ass11red. his best girl a boquet of Clowers. Tbe 1

Sl'ore by qua rtcn~: l \ Fumbl es. opponents reco\ored -t Mllili l which was Hhown l a~t year. The mntt<'r of a sleigh ride. which ) oung woman was so pleased s he Gonzaga Fumbles own recovered 2

I They :1rf'\ interel!ted in thf' ,·ocational has bf:>come an annual C\'ent fo r the f threw h er anns about his neck nnd Montana Aggies fi- Kicks blocked by........ :J <Ongress and ha,·e planned to send "' ln!-;s was brought up. Mnch e nthue kissed him. He arose and started to I~. A. H amih ou . rerer <': Bam ~l o) er,

1 Block ed kicks recovered

Th W.11

C 'one or the senior girl s to It. Miss ::lsm was dibJ)inyed and a committee g-o, umpire ; A. C. \\ .. ood w ard . heacl lin e~· Yd s gained from blocked kicks 10 e I son o. I lfaZE" I Miller is to have this honor. was appoi nted to nrr<lnge for the jTm sorry 1 offended you '' she said. ma.n . Bob Haggard. timekeeper. Rll:lS from b lock ed kick s 0 In Bozeman Since ,

66., ~>< 1 C it; also to respond to the nddress ·Ide. 11 b; proposed to hold tbls .. Oh, 1 am not offended." be re plied,

1 Yardage F lgu rea Held fe r fifth down 1nr wE>komc given at the opening or l:i 1he near future provided the snow I was Just going back atter more G. M.S.l! Tou<'hrlowns

:...-------------...:. the ~esslon. stays on. .l owers."-A\\gwnn. Yarws ga ined by scri mm age 110 21~ Saltie~



43 10 14

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