of melbourne, for street cleaning services delivered by spotless to the city of melbourne....


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Post on 26-Jun-2020




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Page 1: of Melbourne, for street cleaning services delivered by Spotless to the City of Melbourne. Reg_eneration of native forest Pro[ect {Australial Australian Carbon Credit Units (ACCU)
Page 2: of Melbourne, for street cleaning services delivered by Spotless to the City of Melbourne. Reg_eneration of native forest Pro[ect {Australial Australian Carbon Credit Units (ACCU)
Page 3: of Melbourne, for street cleaning services delivered by Spotless to the City of Melbourne. Reg_eneration of native forest Pro[ect {Australial Australian Carbon Credit Units (ACCU)
Page 4: of Melbourne, for street cleaning services delivered by Spotless to the City of Melbourne. Reg_eneration of native forest Pro[ect {Australial Australian Carbon Credit Units (ACCU)
Page 5: of Melbourne, for street cleaning services delivered by Spotless to the City of Melbourne. Reg_eneration of native forest Pro[ect {Australial Australian Carbon Credit Units (ACCU)
Page 6: of Melbourne, for street cleaning services delivered by Spotless to the City of Melbourne. Reg_eneration of native forest Pro[ect {Australial Australian Carbon Credit Units (ACCU)
Page 7: of Melbourne, for street cleaning services delivered by Spotless to the City of Melbourne. Reg_eneration of native forest Pro[ect {Australial Australian Carbon Credit Units (ACCU)
Page 8: of Melbourne, for street cleaning services delivered by Spotless to the City of Melbourne. Reg_eneration of native forest Pro[ect {Australial Australian Carbon Credit Units (ACCU)
Page 9: of Melbourne, for street cleaning services delivered by Spotless to the City of Melbourne. Reg_eneration of native forest Pro[ect {Australial Australian Carbon Credit Units (ACCU)
Page 10: of Melbourne, for street cleaning services delivered by Spotless to the City of Melbourne. Reg_eneration of native forest Pro[ect {Australial Australian Carbon Credit Units (ACCU)
Page 11: of Melbourne, for street cleaning services delivered by Spotless to the City of Melbourne. Reg_eneration of native forest Pro[ect {Australial Australian Carbon Credit Units (ACCU)
Page 12: of Melbourne, for street cleaning services delivered by Spotless to the City of Melbourne. Reg_eneration of native forest Pro[ect {Australial Australian Carbon Credit Units (ACCU)
Page 13: of Melbourne, for street cleaning services delivered by Spotless to the City of Melbourne. Reg_eneration of native forest Pro[ect {Australial Australian Carbon Credit Units (ACCU)
Page 14: of Melbourne, for street cleaning services delivered by Spotless to the City of Melbourne. Reg_eneration of native forest Pro[ect {Australial Australian Carbon Credit Units (ACCU)

Part A. Offsets summary

Table 3. Offsets Summary

Offset type and registry

Wind Energ� Project {China} Verified Carbon Units (VCU) credits, APX VCS registry


REDD Pro[ect - Reduced Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Deg_radation (Perul Verified Carbon Standard (VCS) credits, Markit registry

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Cook Stoves Pro[ect (Malil Gold Standard Voluntary Emissions Reductions (VER) credits, Gold Standard registry

Savanna Burning_ Pro[ect (West Australial Australian Carbon Credit Units (ACCU) credits, Australian National Registry


Wind Energ_'l. Pro[ect ljndial Verified Carbon Standard (VCS) credits, APX VCS Registry

Year retired




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Wind Energ_'l_ Project (lndial Verified Carbon Standard (VCS) credits, APX VCS Registry

2018 Offsets retired by Spotless on behalf of the City of Melbourne, for street cleaning services delivered by Spotless to the City of Melbourne.

Reg_eneration of native forest Pro[ect {Australial Australian Carbon Credit Units (ACCU) credits, Australian National Registry











Total offsets retired (Note: City of Melbourne retires an additional 5% buffer. Total emissions offset for 2017-18 come to 35,914 + 5% = 37,710)

Net emissions

Total offsets banked for use in future years

Public Disclosure Summary

Serial numbers ,,,,.,,_,�,,-.,,,._,,,_


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GS1-1-ML-GS414-18-2013-3586- 176953 to 181952

3,744,258,548 - 3,744,258,556 3,758,622,190 - 3,758,622,293 3,758,601,967 - 3,758,602,528 3,744,899,202 - 3,744,899,401 3,744,314,405 - 3,744,314,656 3,756,676,089 - 3,756,676,155

5744-257518568-257521378-VCU- 034-MER-IN-1-1447-01012015-31122015-05854-264288361-264294975-VCU-034-MER-IN-1-1447-01012015-31122015-0

5854-264287787-264288360-VCU- 034-MER-IN-1-1447-01012015-31122015-0

3,765,443,520 - 3,765,446,519




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Page 15: of Melbourne, for street cleaning services delivered by Spotless to the City of Melbourne. Reg_eneration of native forest Pro[ect {Australial Australian Carbon Credit Units (ACCU)
Page 16: of Melbourne, for street cleaning services delivered by Spotless to the City of Melbourne. Reg_eneration of native forest Pro[ect {Australial Australian Carbon Credit Units (ACCU)
Page 17: of Melbourne, for street cleaning services delivered by Spotless to the City of Melbourne. Reg_eneration of native forest Pro[ect {Australial Australian Carbon Credit Units (ACCU)
Page 18: of Melbourne, for street cleaning services delivered by Spotless to the City of Melbourne. Reg_eneration of native forest Pro[ect {Australial Australian Carbon Credit Units (ACCU)