mii slate.=aitaw'smsowhijmmsale of land! 5,000 acres.vjfwli..- >0f^mog^desirablelandin south...

mm SALE OF LAND! 5,000 ACRES .vjfWLi..- >0f ^ mog^ desirable Land in South Carolina for Sale. ¦ r r-\ -0 T n . , i.ffeßO lOl V/O: 7 Situated in Pictens County. Locality Unsm> passed as to Soil and Climate. BY virtue of a Decretal Order of the Court of Connnon Pleas of-«Anderson County, to me directed, I will, as Special Referee, oner for sale, at PICKENS O. H., S. C, On Sal&day in December next, The foUowing Tracts of Land, as the Real Es¬ tate^" Samuel Maverick, deceased, to wit: 7>Sükxh?Ti(&& fork "' of Toxaway River, containing 1,000 acres, as per plat filed. TRACT No. 47, described in the writ as sit- uate on Jocafesee Pork of Keowee?River, öön- ^jmrit; I 000 acres, but by re-euivey 4191, as pefTS&i filed, i* r TRACT; No. 48, described in the writ as situ- 1 ate on the East side of Toxaway River, con- taining 668 acres, but by a re-survey 670, as per ^TRACTNo. 50, described5 in toe NvSrft'as on West aide of North Fork of Toxaway River, containing 562 acres, but by a re-survey 670, as '' berplatfiled. 5ERACT No. 52," described in the "writ, as ad- Joining lands of Abner Head, and others, con¬ taining 925 acres, but by a re-survey 1,000, as - per plat filed. VMEKA-CT No. 61, situate on a branch of Jo- cassWFork and Middle Fork of Toxaway River, containing 960 acres, as per plat filed. T&ACT No. 63, described in the writ as situ- uteon branches of Laurel .Creek and Estatoe,; containing 987, but by a re-survey 1,010 acres, as&er plat filed. TRACT No. 55, described in the writ as on the West side of Thompson's creek, containing 704 acres, as per plat filed.. ^^HntACT No. 49, described in the writ as situ- .a&a on the East side of Jocassee River, and con "tabling 830, but by a re-survey 1,217 acres, as '"«er-plat filed. ^TRACT No. 21, situate on the Wesfcsiaeof | "Twelve Mile'River, con taining 808 acres, as per plat filed. TRACT No. 14, on both sides of Todd'a ' creek, containing 678 acres, as per plat fi 1 ed. * TRACT No. 16, on the Northwest side of i Tirerve Mile River, containing 857 acres, united with and adjoining TRACT No. 18, containing 121, making 8691, as Pgr plat filed. TJfcACT No. 19, on Shoal creek,, containing 160 «res, as per plat filed. TRACT No. 15, on both sides of Todd's ' Tjneek, containing 90 acres, as per plat filed. ! 'TRACT No. 44, on waters, of Big and Little "^fiäatoe creek, containing 353 acres, as per plat -AML TRACT No. 33, on the North Fork of Mile ' creek, containing 32 acres, as per plat filed. TRACT No. 45, on Big and-Little Estatoe Rivers'confining 452 acres, as per plat filed. TRACT No. 38, described in the writ as con «taining' 332 acres, on Crow and Cedar creeks, but by a re-survey 340 acres, as per plat filed. _TRACT No. 31, described in the writ as con¬ taining 171 acres, on Mill and Crow creeks, but .yTs/re-survey 137, as per plat filed, sub-divi- °dM into <rA," containing 231, and "B," con¬ taining 1131 acres. 2 TRACT No. 40, described in the writ as on * Crow" and Little Cedar creeks, and as containing WS acres, .but by a re-survey 457 acres, as per -TRACT No. 42, on the East side of Toxaway, and both sides of Estatoe Rivers, containing 573 acres, as per plat filed. ¦"¦ .* TRACT No. 41, on branches of Poor and Ce¬ dar 'esseka, containing 262 acres, as per plat filed. XRACT No. 39, described in the writ as on A&North side of Crow creek, and as containing " 245^but by a re-survey 251 acres, as per plat TRACT No. 88, on branches of Gregory's, r's and Crow creeks, containing 219 acres r plat filed. lRACT No. 24, on Prater's creek, containing ores, united with 25 and 26 into one tract, rtrtat filed. ACT No. 25, 160 acres, and united with . above tract. TRACT No. 26, 52 acres, united with above two tracts, and containing in the aggregate 642 . rt-TRACT No. 13, on branches of Todd's and Six Mile creeks, containing 555 acres, as Tier «Ufr filed. .TRACT No. 17, on Camp creek, containing - hBI- acres, as per plat filed. TRACT No. 23, on branches of Prater's creek, containing 106 acres, as per plat filed TRACT No. 35, on both sides of Mill creek, ettoteining 115 acres, as per plat filed. tHIACT No. 12, on both sides of Six Mile creek, containing by recent survey 827 acres, as -per plat filed. /TRACT No. 22, on Shoal, Rogers and Grassy Fork creeks, containing 921 acres, sub-divided Jti "A" and "B." "A" containing 4251 lcT**B" containingl96, as per plat filed ~* No. 28, on East sido of Koowoe RlV- afcig 208 acres, as per plat filed. - ¦' lCT No. 27, on branches of One Mile and; Six Mile creeks, containing 524 acres, as perj plat filed. | TRACT No. 32, on branches of Crow and fljtts creeks, containing 178 acres, as per,plat LOT No. 34, adjoining lands of Robert in, William Newton and others, contain- acres, as per plat filed. iCT No. 37, described hi the writ as on a ong of Gregory's creek and Twelve Mile raver, containing 424, but by a re-survey 443 .fires, as per plat filed TRACT No. 11, on east branches of Six Mile creek, containing 521 acres, as per plat filed. ri^~? Terms of Sale. rkfee-third of the purchase money to bo paid in cash, the remaining two-thirds to be divided into two equal annual instalments, to be paid in one and two years, with interest on the whole . l.otint from the day of sale, to be paid annual¬ ly, any purchaser being permitted to pay tho whole amount, or any pan thereof exceeding one-third in cash on day of sale, if desirable; purchasers to enter into bond with two or more good and sufficient sureties for the purchase Money, the titles to be executed, but not de- nvered until the whole amount of the purchase money is paid. v" W. W. HUMPHREYS, Special Referee. K©V»;1871 19 4 SHERIFFS SALE. THE STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA,) ,v Akderson Couwty. j In the Court of Probate. Susan Rodgers vs. James Rodgers. Petition for V-.v Partition. BY virtue of an Order from the Court of Pro- * 'bate, to me directed, in tho above stated case, I will expose to sale on the First Mon¬ day in December next, at Anderson Court House, ONE TRACT OF LAND, Containing 150 acres, more or less, situate in Andereon county, on waters of Rock creek, bffbnding lands of Greenlee Ellison, and oth¬ ers. Sold as the Real Estate of Lark in Rod¬ gers, deceased. Terms op Sale.One-third of tho purchase money and the costs of these proceedings cash; tho balance on a credit of one and two years, with interest from the day of sale, the purcha¬ ser to give bond and good security, with a mortgage of tho premises to secure tho pur¬ chase money. Purchaser to pay for papers and stamps. WM. MeGUKIN, Sheriff. Nov 7, 1871 19 4 ~ TEACHER WANTED. ACOMPETENT Teacher to take charge of the Pendleton Male Academy can obtain the place on application to B. I rank Sloan, Meeretary and Treasurer, at IVndleton, S. C. House furnished free of rent. Nov 9, 1871 19 1 r \r.r r> SASHES, BLINDS, DOORS, WINDOW FRAMES, MOULDINGS, MANTEL PIECES, And Building Material Generally. W. P. Russell & Co., CIIA-RLESTOISr, S. C v :.. T7<". ¦': jur East End Hasoll Street, opposite.the Wanda^rfcaiteer Works, i iv-1- 1 ' : ' : And in the Immediate vicinity of the Charleston and Pavilion Hotels. ^ESTABLISHED 1 851. >. .This Firm are the only Practical Mechanics, Sash, Blind and Door Makers, by Trade, carry¬ ing on the above business in the City of .Charleston. '"' " Mr. S. H. LANGSTON, Builder; of Anderson, is our authorized agont, to: whom we refer by permission. i-.tu: Nov9,1871 ¦ Iff!{; ': j ^^^^ THE SOUTH CAROLINA For the Promotion *TIinmj|g?a#(m tp the South, <''° } m$m^ \ A SERIES : OF, GONOERfS 1 Will be giyeri, underthe auspices of _t t '.. ~ j ft.. M Mii Slate.=AitaW'SmSowHIJ At THE ACADEMY OF MUSK, CHARLESTON, S. C^, Commencing January 8th, 1872, at which Drawings will take place and distributions made to Ticket Holders of the entire ACADEMY OF MUSIC . BUILDING, AT CHARLESTON, S. C. AND CASH IN VA RIO IS AMOUNTS, MAILING IN ALL j 2,405 GiftS, E8TIMATED ÄT $500,000. 150,000 SEASON TICKETS OF ADMISSION, AT FIVE LOLLARS EACH. e - AH-Orders Strictly Confidential* ~> For references and full particulars send for Circulars. The Drawing of this Great Southern Enterprise, will be conducted under the supervision of the following well known Gentlemen: GEN. A. R. WRIGHT, of Georgia, S X j . :CÖL.'B. H. RUTLEDGE, of South Carolina. GEN. BRADLEY T. JOHNSON, of Virginia. f HON. ROGER a. PRYOR, of New York.-j Remittances can be made to ue| and the Tickets will-be sent by Return Mail by BUTLER, CHADWICK, GARY & CO., jj Charleston, S. Ct .Gen. M. C. Butlkb. Jojjn.Uhadwick. Gbn. M. W- Gary. j "Nov 9, 1872_'_ 19_ ;: 2m f. t SHERIFF'S SALE. THE STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA/) Anderson County. J 22V THE PROBATE COURT. Benjamin P. Hutchison, by his Guardian, ad lit em, R. B. Hutchison, vs. Robert B. Hutch- ison..Petition for Partition. BY virtue of an Order from the Court of Pro-; bate to me directed in the above stated case, I will expose to sale on the First Mon¬ day in December next, at Anderson Court House, ONE TRACT OF LAND, Containing 294 acres, more or less, situate in Anderson County, bounding lands of B. .Frank Morrow, John M. Craft, John M. Morgan and others. Sold as the Real Estate of Robert. Hutchison, deceased. Terms of Sale.One-third cash; the re¬ mainder on a credit of one and two years, with mterest-fronr day of sale, the purchaser giving bond with good security, and mortgage of the premises to secure the payment of the purchase money, with the privilege of anticipating pay¬ ment at any time. Purchaser to pay for papers and stamps. .:...». WM. McGUKTN, Sheriff Nor'9( 1871 19 If SHERIFF'S SALE. THE STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA, \ Andekson- County. j IN THE PROBATE COURT. Thomas S. Humphreys and David W. Hum¬ phreys vs. Mary M. Humphreys, Elizabeth Lee and others..Petitionfor Partition. BY virtue of an Order from the Court of Pro¬ bate, In the above Stated case, to mo'direc¬ ted, I will expose to sale on the First Mon¬ day 1 in. December next, at Anderson 'Court House, , ONE TRACT OF LAND, Containing 720 acres, more or less, situate in' Anderson county, on waters of Generös tee creek, bounding lands of 8. W. Williford, An¬ drew Shearer, Jesse W. Norrls and" others. Sold as the Real Estate of Rev. David Hum-1 phreys, deceased. j Terms of Sals.One-third of the purchase- money and costs of these proceedings cash ; the balance on a credit of twelve months, with in-; torest from day of sale, purchaser to give bond) with good security, and a mortgage of the! premises, to secure the payment of the pur¬ chase money, with leave to pay the whole or. any part thereof cash. Purchaser to bay for4 papers and stamps. WM. McGUKXN, Sheriff. ! Nov 9>1Ä71 19 4 ! JFFS SALE. THE STATE OP SOUTH CAROLINA, \ Anderson Coünty." J IN THE PROBATE COURT. Larkin Newton and wife vs. James M Welborn, Susan A Guyton, Mary Pickle and others.. Petition for Partition. BY virtue of an Order from the Court ofPro¬ bate in the above stated case, to me direc¬ ted, I will expose to sale on the First Monday in November next, at Anderson Court House, ONE TRACT OF LAND, Situate in Anderson County, on branches wa¬ ters of Beaver Dam creek, containing 223 acres, more or less, bounding lands of James M Wel¬ born, Mary D Andorson, and others; sold as the Real Estate of Sarah Welborn, deceased. Terms of SaIjE.The costs of-these proceed¬ ings Cash, the remain dor on a credit of ono and two years, with interest from day of sale; pur¬ chaser to give bond with good security and a mortgage of the promises to secure tile purchase money. Purchaser to pay for papers and stamps. WM. McGUKIN, Sheriff. Nov 9,1871 19 4 SHERIFF'S SALE. THE STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA,) Anderson County. j IN THE COURT OF COMMON PLEAS. JJ Gilmer. Administrator of tho Estate of James Gilmer, deceased, Plaintiff, vs. W H Cater and others, Defendants..Judgment for Foreclosure. BY virtue of a Decretal Order from tho Court of Common Pleas, in tho above Btatcd case, to mo directed, I will oxposo to sale on tho First Monday in December next, at Andorson Court House*, ONE HOUSE AND LOT, Situate in the town of Anderson, containing 2i acres, more or less, on Calhoun strent, bounding lote of W J Ligon, Estate of Elias Earlo, deceased, and othors. Terms of sale Cash.purchaser to pay extra for titles and stamps. WM. McGUKIN, Sheriff. Nov 9,1871_19_4 NOTICE. APPLICATION will be made at the noxt session of the Legislature to renew and amend the charter of town of Williamston. Mov 0, 1871 10 3ru IFFS SALE. THE STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA,) Anderson County. J 'IN THE COURT OF COMMON PLEAs\ El'aS John Earle, Administrator, vs. Jas. W. Earle, Julius R. Earle and others..Complaint for sale of Lands for payment of Debts, Re¬ lief. <tc BY virtue of a Decretal Order from the Court' of Common Pleasf in the above stated case, to me, directed, I will expose to sale on the First Monday in December neiui at Anderson Court House, the following Lots of Land, situate in the to wn of Anderson, to wit: LOT NO. 1, Containing two acres, more or less, bounded on the west by Main street, on the north by lot of J. P. Reed, on the ease by McDuffle street and on the south by lot of L. T. Arnold. / LOT NO. 2, V ) Containing two acres, more or leas, bounded by lots of Mrs. Dorrell, Daniel Brown and others. LOTNO.8, Containing throe and one-half acres, more or less, adjoining lots of N. K. Sullivan, E. W. Brown and others. .,." LOT NO, 4, Containing one and a half acres, more or less, adjoining lots of John R Cochran, Julius Poppe and others. ,r LOT NO. 6, J Containing two acres, more or less, adjoining lots of Mrs Morris, J P Read and others. LOT NO. 6, Containing one-fourth of an acre, more or less, known as tho brickyard lot, on the west side of Main street, bounding lots of S McCuUy and I 'Ot ho rs.j * * * ^ Terms of Sale.One-third of the purchase money and the costs of these proceedings cash, the balance on a credit of six months, with interest-from day of Sale; purchasers to give bond with approved surety, and a mortgage of the premises to secure the purchase money, with leave to pay the whole in cash if preferred Purchasers to pay extra for papers and stamps. WM. McQUKIN, BherifuT '-Nov»,187r M " 4 SHERIFF'S SALE. THE STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA, )< Anderson Couimr. j IN THE PROBA TS COURT:1 Elizabeth Acker, Administratrix, vs. Newtonji KJAcker, and others.Petition for Partition..] BY virtuo of an Order from the Court 6f Pro¬ bate, in the above stated case, to me direct- cd, T will expose to sale on the First Mon¬ day in December next, at Anderson Court House, the following Tract of Land as the Real Estate of IIalbert Acker, deceased, to Witt LOT NO. 1, Containing 185 acres, mpre or less, situate in Anderson County, bounding lands of Allen Cothran, F. Brock, Lot No. 2 and others, LOT NO. 2, Containing 105 acres, more or less, bounding lands of Thomas Towns*, -< Lots Nos. 1 and 3, and others. r.f m LOT NO. 8, ' Containing 50 acres, more or less, bounding Lot No. 2, Thomas Townes, Robert Chamblee, and others. LOT NO. 4, Containing 5RJ acres, moro or less, bounding lands of Newton Acker, John Ragsdale, and others. Terms op Sale.One-half Cash, tho balance on a credit of twelvo months, with interest from'day of salo, tho purchaser giving bond and good security, with a mortgage of the premises to seeuro the purchaso monoy, with leave to anticipate payment of tho whole amount at any time. Purchaser to pay oxtra for papers and stamps. WM. McGUKIN, Sheriff. NovO, 1871 19 4 THE STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA, COUNTY OF ANDERSON.] By A. 0. Norris, Esq., Probate Judge : WHEREAS, William Iiigraham made suit to mo to grant him Lotters of Admin¬ istration of the Estate and effects of Joel Ellison, deceased. Tboso are therefore to eito and admonish all and singular the kindred and creditors of the said Joel Ellison deceased, thnt they be and appear beforo mo in tho Court of Probate, to bo held nt Anderson C. H., on Monday, 27th dav of November inst., after publication hereof, at 11 o'clock in tho forenoon, to show cause, if any they have, why tbosaid Adminis¬ tration should not bo granted. tiivon under my hand, this 8th day of No¬ vember, Anno Domini 1K71. A. O. NORRIS, Judge of Probate. Nov 9, 1871_ 19_ 2 NOTICE IS hereby given that an application will be ..lade at the next session of tho Legislature to amend the Charter of the Town of Pendlcton. Ott 19, 1871 M i NOTICE TO TAX PAYERS. NOTICE la hereby given to the Tax Payers of Anderson County, South Carolina, that the Treasurer will be ready to receive the State and County Taxes for the year 1871, on the Twentieth day of November, 1871, and con¬ tinue until the Fifteenth day of January, 1872, after Which date the penalties for non-payment will attach. RATES Of TAXATION. For State, Seven Mills on the Dollar. For County, Three Mills on the Dollar. Poll Tax, One Dollar. DANIEL BROWN, Treasurer of Anderson County. N. B«.The office for the collection of Taxes will be opened at the Store of W, H. Nsrdin <fc Co., No. 9 Waverly House, Anderson, 8. C. Oct 26, 1871 17 4 I Taken Vp* A BOUT the middle of June last, a large red A and white CO W, and a yearling HEIFER. The owner is requested to come forward, prove his property, pay the expenses, and take the Cattle away. They can be found at my resi¬ dence three miles from Anderson C. H., on the Shallow Ford road. R, J. BTRUM. Nov 2, 1871 18 8 Notice of Final Settlement. NOTICE la hereby given that the undersign¬ ed, as Administrator of the Estates of James Armstrong, deceased! and of N. H. Armstrong, deceased, will, on the 28th day of November next, apply to A. O. Norris, Judge of Probate for Anderson county, for final set¬ tlement of said Estates, and for final discharge from his administratorship. JOHN B, ARMSTRONG, Adra'r. Oct 26,1871 17 5 Notice of Final Settlement. THE undersigned hereby dives notice that he will apply to Ai O. Norris, Judge of Probate of Anderson county, on Friday, the first day of December next, for a settlement of the Estate of Sarah Brown, deceased, and for letters of dismission from the same, at Ander* son Court House. C. H. BROWN, Adm'r. Oct 26, 1871 17 Will be Closed. On and after the 14th until the 22nd day of November next, the Office of the Probate Judge of Anderson County will be closed. All persons having business in said Office will gov¬ ern themselves accordingly, as I shall be absent on business connected with the Church. A. O. NORRIS, Probate Judge. Nov 2,1871 18 2 100 BUSHELS ALABAMA BSD SPRING "WHEAT. For Sale by W. F. BARR & CO. Nov 2,1871 18 3 Administrator's Sale. WILL be sold, to the highest bidder, at An¬ derson Court House, on saleday in De¬ cember next, one Judgment belonging to tho Estate of S. W, Major, deceased. Terms Cash. H. B, MAJOR, Adm'r. Nor 2,1871 18 f NOTICE IS hereby given that an application will be made at the next session of the Legislature to amend the Charter of the Town of Honea Path. Oct 12, 1S71 15 Sheriff's Sale. THE STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA, Anderson County. IN THE PROBATE COURT* Thomas W. Russell, Guardian ad litem, vs. Mrs. Ella E. McCann..Petition to Partition Real Etstatc. BY virtue of an order from the Court Of Pro¬ bate for Anderson countv, I will expose to sale on WEDNESDAY, the 2üth day of November next, at the lato residence of R J W McCann, deceased, as tho Real Estate of said deceased. ONE TRACT OF LAND, Situated in Anderson county, near Slabtown, on waters of Twenty-Three Mile creek; contain* bag TWO HUNDRED ftttd NINETY ACRES, More or less, one-half of which is woodland, and thirty acres of good bottom land, bound¬ ing lands of George D Barr, James Richey, DK Hamilton and others. On the premises are a new two-story dwelling-house, contain¬ ing ten rooms and six fire-places, together with I all necessary out-buildings.. Persons desirous of examining the. land.be¬ fore purchasing, will call upon MaT T U Mc¬ Cann or Thomas W Russell, Esq; wfio.will take pleasure iti shewing tHem the sum e,'. . -: " ,. .TERMS OF SALE, On a credit of one and two years with inter¬ est from the day of sale, except the costs, which will be required cash ; purchaser to give .bond with good security and ä mortgage of the prem¬ ises to secure the payment of the purchase money, With leave to anticipate payment at any time. Purchaser to pay extra for papers and stamps. . WM. McGUKIN, Sheriff. OctlQ, 1871 16 C $3- Laurensville Herald copy four times and forward bill to Sheriff's othce, Anderson C. JEL, S> ESTATE SALE. BY order of the Probate Judge there will be sold to the highest bidder at the late residence of R. J. W. McCann, deceased, on Wednesday. November 29th, the personal estate of the said deceased, consisting of , Four Fino Mules. Several Milch Cows and Calves of Improved blood. A Lot of Chester White Hogs. A fine lot of Pork and Stock Hogs. One Covered Buggy and Harness. One Two-Horse Wagon and Harness. From 500 to 800 bushels of Corn- Crop of Wheat and Fodder. From 5 to 8 Bales of Cotton. One Cooking Stove. Household and Kitchen Furniture, Planta¬ tion Tools, <fcc., &e. If the property Is not all sold on Wednesday the sale will be continued on Thursday. Terms Cash. THOS. H. McCANN, T. W. RUSSELL, Administrators, N. B..All demands against the Estate will be presented legally attested. Those indebted to the Estate, or firm of T. H. McCann & Son, will make immediate pavment to T. H. McCANN, Survivor. Nov2, 1871 18 3 GEORGE SYIMERS, wholesale and retail Grocer and Liquor Dealer, MAIÜ STREET, COLUMBIA, S. C, IN submitting the following list, we merely beg to remark that each article named is warranted strictly choice, and of the best quality, our motto being. "The Best is the Cheapest" MEATS, &c,.Orange Brand Hams, Davis Jr's. Diamond Hams, Ferris' s. c. Strips, Ferris' Fulton Market Pickled Beef, Dry Salt l. c. Sides, Dry Salt Strips, Pickled Beef Rounds, Pickled Pig Pork, Mess and No 1 Mackerel in kits. Smoked Tongues and Beef, Prime Leaf Lard and selected Goshcn Butter. FLOUR..A full supply of best St, Louis. CRACKERS..Lemon, Soda, A5rated, Butter, Jumbles, Tea Cakes, McKenzie's genuine Edin¬ burgh Albert Biscuits, &c. CANNED GOODS..Truffles, Mushrooms, Tomatoes, Peaches, Pine Apples, Cherries. Li¬ ma Beans, Green Corn, Peas, Oysters, Sardines, Salmon, Condensed Milk, Prunes, Lobster. SAUCES, CONDIMENTS, <fcc.Crosse and Blackwcll's Pickles, Lea and Perrin's Worces¬ tershire Sauce, Cnrrie Powder, Cayenne Pep¬ per, Spices in full variety, Brandenburg.Freres, Olive Oil, Colinan's Double Superfine Mustard. Prepared French Mustard, Potted and Deviled Ham and Tongue. Stock of Teas selected by an expert, cannot be surpassed; while in standard Groceries, such as Coffees, Sugars, etc., we offer a large stock at lowest ruling prices. Wines and Llquofs. Agent for Moot and Chandon's Champagnes; Brandenburg Freres, Clarets and Saute rues ; Hehkol <fc Co's. Hocks and Rhine Wines. Importer of my owh Brandies, Sherries, Scotch Whiskey, Jamaica Rum and Clarets. pDomestic liquors all grades, from common to finest in market. All the above guaranteed in their native pu¬ rity, (and.the Stock, for extent and variety, the largest in the State. Oct26,l871 " 17 JULIUS POPPE is RECEIVING AT his VARIETY STORE, Fresh tea cakes, soda crackers, ginger snaps, fresh candies, raisins, nuts, CIGARS, of the best brands, fancy ARTICLES, in variety. Also, a fine assortment of. GLASS "WA.RE9 At vory low prices. LIQUORS and WINES, A pure article for medicinal purposes. OLD RYE WHISKEY, KENTUCKY BOURBON, FRENCH BRANDY, RUM, GIN, OLD CORN WHISKEY, CHERRY, MADEIRA, MALAGA and PORT WINES, ALE, PORTER, Ac. Thankful for past patronage, he solicits A continuance of the same. Next Door to the Post Office Anderson, Oct 19,1871 16 Notice of Final Settlement. THE undersigned hereby gives notice that ho will apply to A. 0. Norris, Judgo of Probate for Anderson county, for a final settle¬ ment of tho Estates of Amos Morris, deceased, W. F. Garrison, docoascd, James Si N. Morris, deceased, and Aaron M. Morris, deceased, and a final disehargo therefrom, on Thursday, tho 30th clay of November next, at Anderson* G. 11. JESSE C. MORRIS, Adm'r. of all those Estates, Oct 26; 1871 17 9 Notice of Final Settlement. The undersigned hereby gives notice that ho Will apply to a. O. Norris, Judgo of Probate of Anderson county, on Wednesday, the 2Mb day of November next, for a final set¬ tlement of the Estate of George r. Mattlson, deceased, and for letters of dismission from tho same. JAMES A. KING, Adm'r. with Will annexed. Oct 26, 1871 17 f>« REMEMBER M. LESSER, WHEN YOU COME To A.ndersoii t IHAVE just returned from New York City, and have brought the largest and moat complete stock of Goods ever opened izt this market. It Is unnecessary to attempt enumeration of my stock, as every department is full and com« plete. GENTS' CLOTHING- AND Genta' Furnishing* Goods Made a speciality* DRY GOODS, hats, BOOTS, SHOES, TRUNKS, ' UMBRELLAS, J : ,"' '^- > YANKEE NOTIONS, fxi f. ..» pJf!A i- ' . ., ..Hardware, ; , ^groceries, ( .. . .gtj^s;.bistols^ '. And any and everytiling generally kept in a retail Store, either in City..Towrt or Country. I liave a full and attentive corps of Clerks, who, With' myself; are always ready to wait on customer*, and sell them Goods as cheap A4 any one.. All kinds of Country Produce taken in ex* change, at highest-market value. I buy Cotton, and would be glad for you to give me a trial before selling. Only try me and foe Convinced That I mean to sell Goods REASONABLY! M. lesser, No. 3 Granite Row, Anderson, S. C. Oct5,1871 14 Do You Yalue Your Sight? IF SO, USE THE CELEBRATED PARABOLA SPEGTA.LE & EYE-GLASS, There is nothing so mnch desired as per* feet sight, and perfect sight can only be obtained by using perfect Spectacles, the aim- cult v of procuringwhich is well known. The PARABOLA SPECTACLES improves, pre¬ serves and strengthens the sight, made in Gold, Silver, Steel and Shell, from §2.50 to 812.00. Also, an excellent article in Steel and German Silver, from 50c. to gl .00. Spectacle Casts from 20c to 25c, by F. C. v. BORSTEL. STRIKING & ALARM CLOCKS, Of latest patterns. Come and see. From live to twelve dollars. Engagement and Wedding Rings, 18 and 20 carats fine.Gold.Warranted. Gold and Rolled Plate Jewelry. In the various styles and patterns for Indies and Gents, including Breast-Pins, Ear-Rings and Drops, Chains, Bracelets, Kej's, Silver Thimbles, Studs, Collar and Sleeve Buttons, Pocket Knives, <fec Watches, Clocks, Jewelry and Musical Works Carefully repaired at reasonable prices. All thorough repairs warranted for twelve months. Watch Glasses fitted for 25 cents, by F. C. v. BORSTEL, No. 4 Brick Range. 80 Barrels Choice Family Flour ance on cost, F. C, v. B( For sale, at small advance on cost, by 30RSTKL. INSURE IN THE LIVERPOOL AND LONDON AND GLOBE INSURANCE CO. C. T. LOWNDES, Gen. Agent, No. 10 Broad Street, - - - Charleston, 8. & CAPITAL, $18,000,000, GOLD. F. C. v. BORSTEL, Agent for Anderson Co. Oct 12, 1871 15 WHO EVER thought that A. P. HUBBARD could sell CONFECTIONERIES of all kind* at such low prices as ho now does 7 The reason is simple enough. He LOVES To be accommodating, and by this means it cn> ables hhn to secure a good patronage. He always willing to take any kind of barter in exchange for Goods. So bring on your TÄTERS Chickens, Eggs, Butter, Lard. Old Hants and Bacon, Corn, and lit fact, anything to barter, and HUBBARD Will trade with you ON Reasonable terms; so that both the PEOPLE and HUBBARD will make it to THEIR Mutual interest to trade with each other. 8h all that are in favor of going into this arrange* mcfit. and feel satisfied which side of the Bis« cult the GRAVY Is oh, Will come forward at once arid sop at A. P. HTJBBARD'S. P. S..nÜBBARD Js always ill the Cotton Market, and can supply his customers with Groceries, Hardwaro, Drv Goods, Notions, <fcc Ort 19, 1871 16 PÜRE GYPStfM! CONTAINING Nhietv-nino aitd Two--thirda per Cent. (99.66 per cent.) SOLUBLE MATTER. Warranted free from all impuri ties. Prepared in this city, and for sale at the low price of Fifteen Dollars per Ton, Cash, by john H. HOLMES, Commission Merchant, Charleston, s, C. Sept 27, 1871 13 3m Private Sale. Ihnve some HORSES, MULES, BUGGIES, CARRIAGE. SULKEY, HARNESS and SADDLES for sale. Also, some Stock Hogs and Hogs ready for the pen. All of which I will sell on reasonable terms. JOHN W. DANIELS. «eittÜ8,1S71 13 Notice of Final Settlement. THE undersigned hereby gives notice that he will apply to A. O. Norris, Esö., Jndgo of Probate for Anderson County, on Thnrsday, the 23rd day of November next, for a Final Settlement of the Estate of .Tnmes Chamblee, deceased, and for letters of dismissal frorfftho same. ELI.TATT WEBB, Atim'r. Oct 19. 1ST I W ' 5

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Page 1: Mii Slate.=AitaW'SmSowHIJmmSALE OF LAND! 5,000 ACRES.vjfWLi..- >0f^mog^desirableLandin South Carolina for Sale. ¦ r r-\-0 T n i.ffeßO lOl V/O:, 7 SituatedinPictens County. LocalityUnsm>


5,000 ACRES.vjfWLi..- >0f^ mog^ desirable Land in

South Carolina for Sale.¦ r r-\ -0 T n

. ,

i.ffeßO lOl V/O:7 Situated in Pictens County. Locality Unsm>

passed as to Soil and Climate.

BY virtue of a Decretal Order of the Courtof Connnon Pleas of-«Anderson County,

to me directed, I will, as Special Referee, oner

for sale, at

PICKENS O. H., S. C,On Sal&day in December next,

The foUowing Tracts of Land, as the Real Es¬tate^"Samuel Maverick, deceased, to wit:


of Toxaway River, containing 1,000 acres, as

per plat filed.TRACT No. 47, described in the writ as sit-

uate on Jocafesee Pork of Keowee?River, öön-^jmrit; I 000 acres, but by re-euivey 4191, as

pefTS&i filed,i* r TRACT; No. 48, described in the writas situ-1 ate on the East side of Toxaway River, con-

taining 668 acres, but by a re-survey 670, as per

^TRACTNo. 50, described5 in toe NvSrft'as onWest aide of North Fork of Toxaway River,containing 562 acres, but by a re-survey 670, as

'' berplatfiled.5ERACT No. 52," described in the "writ,as ad-

Joininglands of Abner Head, and others, con¬

taining 925 acres, but by a re-survey 1,000, as- per plat filed.VMEKA-CT No. 61, situate on a branch of Jo-cassWFork and Middle Fork of ToxawayRiver, containing 960 acres, as per plat filed.T&ACT No. 63, described in the writ as situ-

uteon branches of Laurel .Creek and Estatoe,;containing 987, but by a re-survey 1,010 acres,as&er plat filed.TRACT No. 55, described in the writ as on

the West side of Thompson's creek, containing704 acres, as per plat filed..^^HntACT No. 49, described in the writ as situ-.a&a on the East side of Jocassee River, and con

"tabling 830, but by a re-survey 1,217 acres, as

'"«er-plat filed.^TRACT No. 21, situate on the Wesfcsiaeof |"Twelve Mile'River, containing 808 acres, as perplat filed.TRACT No. 14, on both sides of Todd'a

' creek, containing 678 acres, as per plat fi 1ed.* TRACT No. 16, on the Northwest side ofi Tirerve Mile River, containing 857 acres, unitedwith and adjoiningTRACT No. 18, containing 121, making 8691,

as Pgr plat filed.TJfcACT No. 19, on Shoal creek,, containing

160 «res, as per plat filed.TRACT No. 15, on both sides of Todd's

' Tjneek, containing 90 acres, as per plat filed.! 'TRACT No. 44, on waters, of Big and Little"^fiäatoe creek, containing 353 acres, as per plat-AMLTRACT No. 33, on the North Fork of Mile

' creek, containing 32 acres, as per plat filed.TRACT No. 45, on Big and-Little Estatoe

Rivers'confining 452 acres, as per plat filed.TRACT No. 38, described in the writ as con

«taining' 332 acres, on Crow and Cedar creeks,but by a re-survey 340 acres, as per plat filed._TRACT No. 31, described in the writ as con¬

taining 171 acres, on Mill and Crow creeks, but.yTs/re-survey 137, as per plat filed, sub-divi-°dM into <rA," containing 231, and "B," con¬

taining 1131 acres.

2TRACT No. 40, described in the writ as on*Crow" and Little Cedar creeks, and as containingWS acres,.but by a re-survey 457 acres, as per

-TRACT No. 42, on the East side of Toxaway,and both sides of Estatoe Rivers, containing573 acres, as per plat filed.

¦"¦ .* TRACT No. 41, on branches of Poor and Ce¬dar 'esseka, containing 262 acres, as per platfiled.XRACT No. 39, described in the writ as on

A&North side ofCrow creek, and as containing"

245^but by a re-survey 251 acres, as per platTRACT No. 88, on branches of Gregory's,

r's and Crow creeks, containing 219 acresr plat filed.

lRACT No. 24, on Prater's creek, containingores, united with 25 and 26 into one tract,rtrtat filed.ACT No. 25, 160 acres, and united with

. above tract.TRACT No. 26, 52 acres, united with above

two tracts, and containing in the aggregate 642

. rt-TRACT No. 13, on branches of Todd's andSix Mile creeks, containing 555 acres, as Tier

«Ufr filed..TRACT No. 17, on Camp creek, containing

- hBI-acres, as per plat filed.TRACT No. 23, on branchesofPrater's creek,

containing 106 acres, as per plat filedTRACT No. 35, on both sides of Mill creek,

ettoteining 115 acres, as per plat filed.tHIACT No. 12, on both sides of Six Mile

creek, containing by recent survey 827 acres, as-per plat filed..«/TRACT No. 22, on Shoal, Rogers and GrassyFork creeks, containing 921 acres, sub-divided

Jti "A" and "B." "A" containing 4251lcT**B" containingl96, as per plat filed~* No. 28, on East sido of Koowoe RlV-afcig 208 acres, as per plat filed. - ¦'

lCT No. 27, on branches of One Mile and;Six Mile creeks, containing 524 acres, as perjplat filed. |TRACT No. 32, on branches of Crow and

fljtts creeks, containing 178 acres, as per,platLOT No. 34, adjoining lands of Robertin, William Newton and others, contain-acres, as per plat filed.iCT No. 37, described hi the writ as on a

ong of Gregory's creek and Twelve Mileraver, containing 424, but by a re-survey 443.fires, as per plat filedTRACT No. 11, on east branches of Six Mile

creek, containing 521 acres, as per plat filed.

ri^~? Terms of Sale.rkfee-third of the purchase money to bo paidin cash, the remaining two-thirds to be dividedinto two equal annual instalments, to be paidin one and two years, with interest on the whole

. l.otint from the day ofsale, to bepaidannual¬ly, any purchaser being permitted to pay thowhole amount, or any pan thereof exceedingone-third in cash on day of sale, if desirable;purchasers to enter into bond with two or more

good and sufficient sureties for the purchaseMoney, the titles to be executed, but not de-nvered until the whole amount of the purchasemoney is paid.v" W. W. HUMPHREYS,

Special Referee.K©V»;1871 194


In the Court of Probate.

Susan Rodgers vs. James Rodgers.Petition forV-.v Partition.

BY virtue of an Order from the Court of Pro-* 'bate, to me directed, in tho above stated

case, I will expose to sale on the First Mon¬day in December next, at Anderson CourtHouse,

ONE TRACT OF LAND,Containing 150 acres, more or less, situate inAndereon county, on waters of Rock creek,bffbnding lands of Greenlee Ellison, and oth¬ers. Sold as the Real Estate of Lark in Rod¬gers, deceased.Terms op Sale.One-third of tho purchase

money and the costs of these proceedings cash;tho balance on a credit of one and two years,with interest from the day of sale, the purcha¬ser to give bond and good security, with a

mortgage of tho premises to secure tho pur¬chase money. Purchaser to pay for papers andstamps. WM. MeGUKIN, Sheriff.Nov 7, 1871 194~

TEACHER WANTED.ACOMPETENT Teacher to take charge of

the Pendleton Male Academy can obtainthe place on application to B. I rank Sloan,Meeretary and Treasurer, at IVndleton, S. C.House furnished free of rent.Nov 9, 1871 191

r \r.r r>


And Building Material Generally.W. P. Russell & Co.,

CIIA-RLESTOISr, S. Cv :.. T7<". ¦': jur

East End Hasoll Street, opposite.the Wanda^rfcaiteer Works, i iv-1- 1 ' : ':

And in the Immediate vicinity of the Charleston and Pavilion Hotels.

^ESTABLISHED 1 851.>. .This Firm are the only Practical Mechanics, Sash, Blind and Door Makers, by Trade, carry¬ing on the above business in the City of .Charleston. '"' "

Mr. S. H. LANGSTON, Builder; of Anderson, is our authorized agont, to: whom we refer bypermission. i-.tu: ;«

Nov9,1871 ¦ Iff!{; ':j ^^^^


For the Promotion *TIinmj|g?a#(m tp the South, <''° }


Will be giyeri,underthe auspices of_t t




Commencing January 8th, 1872, at which Drawings will take place and distributionsmade to Ticket Holders of the entire



e - AH-Orders Strictly Confidential* ~> For references and full particulars send for Circulars.

The Drawing of this Great Southern Enterprise, will be conducted under the supervision ofthe following well known Gentlemen:

GEN. A. R. WRIGHT, of Georgia, S X j . :CÖL.'B. H. RUTLEDGE, of South Carolina.GEN. BRADLEY T. JOHNSON, of Virginia. f HON. ROGER a. PRYOR, of New York.-j

Remittances can be made to ue| andthe Tickets will-be sent by Return Mail byBUTLER, CHADWICK, GARY & CO., jjCharleston, S. Ct

.Gen. M. C. Butlkb. Jojjn.Uhadwick. Gbn. M. W- Gary. j"Nov 9,1872_'_ 19_;:2m

f. t


Anderson County. J22V THE PROBATE COURT.

Benjamin P. Hutchison, by his Guardian, adlitem, R. B. Hutchison, vs. Robert B. Hutch-ison..Petitionfor Partition.

BY virtue of an Orderfrom the Court ofPro-;bate to me directed in the above stated

case, I will expose to sale on the First Mon¬day in December next, at Anderson CourtHouse,

ONE TRACT OF LAND,Containing 294 acres, more or less, situate inAnderson County, bounding lands of B. .FrankMorrow, John M. Craft, John M. Morgan andothers. Sold as the Real Estate of Robert.Hutchison, deceased.Terms of Sale.One-third cash; the re¬

mainder on a credit of one and two years, withmterest-fronr day of sale, the purchaser givingbond with good security, and mortgage of thepremises to secure the payment of the purchasemoney, with the privilege of anticipating pay¬ment at any time. Purchaser to pay for papersand stamps. .:...».

WM. McGUKTN, SheriffNor'9( 1871 19If


Andekson- County. j


Thomas S. Humphreys and David W. Hum¬phreys vs. Mary M. Humphreys, ElizabethLee and others..Petitionfor Partition.

BY virtue ofan Order from the Court of Pro¬bate, In the above Stated case, to mo'direc¬

ted, I will expose to sale on the First Mon¬day 1 in. December next, at Anderson 'CourtHouse, ,

ONE TRACT OF LAND,Containing 720 acres, more or less, situate in'Anderson county, on waters of Generösteecreek, bounding lands of 8. W. Williford, An¬drew Shearer, Jesse W. Norrls and" others.Sold as the Real Estate of Rev. David Hum-1phreys, deceased. jTerms of Sals.One-third of the purchase-

money and costs of these proceedings cash ; thebalance on a credit of twelve months, with in-;torest from day of sale, purchaser to give bond)with good security, and a mortgage of the!premises, to secure the payment of the pur¬chase money, with leave to pay the whole or.any part thereof cash. Purchaser to bay for4papers and stamps.WM. McGUKXN, Sheriff. !Nov 9>1Ä71 194 !


Anderson Coünty." JIN THE PROBATE COURT.

Larkin Newton and wife vs. JamesM Welborn,Susan A Guyton, Mary Pickle and others..Petitionfor Partition.

BY virtue of an Order from the Court of Pro¬bate in the above stated case, to me direc¬

ted, I will expose to sale on the First Mondayin November next, at Anderson Court House,

ONE TRACT OF LAND,Situate in Anderson County, on branches wa¬ters of Beaver Dam creek, containing 223 acres,more or less, bounding lands of James M Wel¬born, Mary D Andorson, and others; sold as

the Real Estate of Sarah Welborn, deceased.Terms of SaIjE.The costs of-these proceed¬

ings Cash, the remaindor on a credit of ono andtwo years, with interest from day of sale; pur¬chaser to give bond with good security and a

mortgage of the promises to secure tile purchasemoney. Purchaser to pay for papers andstamps. WM. McGUKIN, Sheriff.Nov 9,1871 194


Anderson County. j


J J Gilmer. Administrator of tho Estate ofJames Gilmer, deceased, Plaintiff, vs. W HCater and others, Defendants..Judgment forForeclosure.

BY virtue of a Decretal Order from tho Courtof Common Pleas, in tho above Btatcd

case, to mo directed, I will oxposo to sale on thoFirst Monday in December next, at AndorsonCourt House*,

ONE HOUSE AND LOT,Situate in the town of Anderson, containing2i acres, more or less, on Calhoun strent,bounding lote ofW J Ligon, Estate of EliasEarlo, deceased, and othors.Terms of sale Cash.purchaser to pay extra

for titles and stamps.WM. McGUKIN, Sheriff.

Nov 9,1871_19_4NOTICE.

APPLICATION will be made at the noxtsession of the Legislature to renew and

amend the charter of town of Williamston.Mov 0, 1871 103ru


Anderson County. J'IN THE COURT OF COMMON PLEAs\El'aS John Earle, Administrator, vs. Jas. W.Earle, Julius R. Earle and others..Complaintfor sale of Lands for payment of Debts, Re¬lief. <tcBY virtue of a Decretal Order from the Court'

of Common Pleasf in the above stated case, tome, directed, I will expose to sale on the FirstMonday in December neiui at Anderson CourtHouse, the following Lots of Land, situate inthe town of Anderson, to wit:

LOT NO. 1,Containing two acres, more or less, boundedon the west by Main street, on the north by lotof J. P. Reed, on the ease by McDuffle streetand on the south by lot of L. T. Arnold. /

LOT NO. 2, V )Containing two acres, more or leas, bounded bylots of Mrs. Dorrell, Daniel Brown and others.

LOTNO.8,Containing throe and one-half acres, more or

less, adjoining lots of N. K. Sullivan, E. W.Brown and others.

.,." LOT NO, 4,Containing one and a half acres, more or less,adjoining lots ofJohn R Cochran, Julius Poppeand others.

,r LOT NO. 6, JContaining two acres, more or less, adjoininglots of Mrs Morris, J P Read and others.

LOT NO. 6,Containing one-fourth of an acre, more or less,known as tho brickyard lot, on the westside ofMain street, bounding lots of S McCuUy and

I 'Ot ho rs.j * * * ^

Terms of Sale.One-third of the purchasemoney and the costs of these proceedings cash,the balance on a credit of six months, withinterest-from day of Sale; purchasers to givebond with approved surety, and a mortgage ofthe premises to secure the purchase money,with leave to pay the whole in cash if preferredPurchasers to pay extra for papers and stamps.

WM. McQUKIN, BherifuT'-Nov»,187r M




Anderson Couimr. jIN THE PROBATS COURT:1

Elizabeth Acker, Administratrix, vs. NewtonjiKJAcker, and others.Petition for Partition..]

BY virtuo of an Order from the Court 6f Pro¬bate, in the above stated case, tome direct-

cd, T will expose to sale on the First Mon¬day in December next, at Anderson CourtHouse, the following Tract of Land as the RealEstate of IIalbert Acker, deceased, to Witt

LOT NO. 1,Containing 185 acres, mpre or less, situate inAnderson County, bounding lands of AllenCothran, F. Brock, Lot No. 2 and others,

LOT NO. 2,Containing 105 acres, more or less, boundinglands of Thomas Towns*, -< Lots Nos. 1 and 3,and others.

r.f m LOT NO. 8,'

Containing 50 acres, more or less, boundingLot No. 2, Thomas Townes, Robert Chamblee,and others.

LOT NO. 4,Containing 5RJ acres, moro or less, boundinglands of Newton Acker, John Ragsdale, andothers.Terms op Sale.One-half Cash, tho balance

on a credit of twelvo months, with interestfrom'day of salo, tho purchaser giving bond andgood security, with a mortgage of the premisesto seeuro the purchaso monoy, with leave toanticipate payment of tho whole amount at anytime. Purchaser to pay oxtra for papers andstamps. WM. McGUKIN, Sheriff.NovO, 1871 19 4


By A. 0. Norris, Esq., Probate Judge :

WHEREAS, William Iiigraham made suitto mo to grant him Lotters of Admin¬

istration of the Estate and effects of JoelEllison, deceased.Tboso are therefore to eito and admonish all

and singular the kindred and creditors of thesaid Joel Ellison deceased, thnt they beand appear beforo mo in tho Court of Probate,to bo held nt Anderson C. H., on Monday,27th dav of November inst., after publicationhereof, at 11 o'clock in tho forenoon, to showcause, if any they have, why tbosaid Adminis¬tration should not bo granted.tiivon under my hand, this 8th day of No¬

vember, Anno Domini 1K71.A. O. NORRIS,

Judge of Probate.Nov 9, 1871_ 19_2

NOTICEIS hereby given that an application will be

..lade at the next session of tho Legislature toamend the Charter of the Town of Pendlcton.Ott 19, 1871 M i


TAX PAYERS.NOTICE la hereby given to the Tax Payers

of Anderson County, South Carolina,that the Treasurer will be ready to receive theState and County Taxes for the year 1871, onthe Twentieth day of November, 1871, and con¬tinue until the Fifteenth day of January, 1872,after Which date the penalties for non-paymentwill attach.

RATES Of TAXATION.For State, Seven Mills on the Dollar.For County, Three Mills on the Dollar.Poll Tax, One Dollar.

DANIEL BROWN,Treasurer of Anderson County.

N. B«.The office for the collection of Taxeswill be opened at the Store of W, H. Nsrdin <fcCo., No. 9 Waverly House, Anderson, 8. C.Oct 26, 1871 174I

Taken Vp*A BOUT the middle of June last, a large redA and white COW, and ayearlingHEIFER.The owner is requested to come forward, provehis property, pay the expenses, and take theCattle away. They can be found at my resi¬dence three miles from Anderson C. H., on theShallow Ford road.

R, J. BTRUM.Nov 2, 1871 188

Notice of Final Settlement.

NOTICE la hereby given that the undersign¬ed, as Administrator of the Estates of

James Armstrong, deceased! and of N. H.Armstrong, deceased, will, on the 28th day ofNovember next, apply to A. O. Norris, Judgeof Probate for Anderson county, for final set¬tlement of said Estates, and for final dischargefrom his administratorship.

JOHN B, ARMSTRONG, Adra'r.Oct 26,1871 175

Notice of Final Settlement.

THE undersigned hereby dives notice thathe will apply to Ai O. Norris, Judge of

Probate of Anderson county, on Friday, thefirst day of December next, for a settlement ofthe Estate of Sarah Brown, deceased, and forletters of dismission from the same, at Ander*son Court House.

C. H. BROWN, Adm'r.Oct 26, 1871 176»

Will be Closed.On and after the 14th until the 22nd day of

November next, the Office of the ProbateJudge of Anderson County will be closed. Allpersons having business in said Office will gov¬ern themselves accordingly, as I shall be absenton business connected with the Church.

A. O. NORRIS, Probate Judge.Nov 2,1871 182


For Sale byW. F. BARR & CO.

Nov 2,1871 183

Administrator's Sale.WILL be sold, to the highest bidder, at An¬

derson Court House, on saleday in De¬cember next, one Judgment belonging to thoEstate of S. W, Major, deceased. Terms Cash.

H. B, MAJOR, Adm'r.Nor 2,1871 18f

NOTICEIS hereby given that an application will be

made at the next session of the Legislature toamend the Charter of the Town of Honea Path.Oct 12, 1S71 15


Anderson County.

IN THE PROBATE COURT*Thomas W. Russell, Guardian ad litem, vs.Mrs. Ella E. McCann..Petition to PartitionReal Etstatc.BY virtue of an order from the Court Of Pro¬

bate for Anderson countv, I will expose to saleon WEDNESDAY, the 2üth day of Novembernext, at the lato residence of R J W McCann,deceased, as tho Real Estate of said deceased.

ONE TRACT OF LAND,Situated in Anderson county, near Slabtown,on waters of Twenty-Three Mile creek; contain*bagTWO HUNDRED ftttd NINETY ACRES,

More or less, one-half of which is woodland,and thirty acres of good bottom land, bound¬ing lands of George D Barr, James Richey,DK Hamilton and others. On the premisesare a new two-story dwelling-house, contain¬ing ten rooms and six fire-places, togetherwith

I all necessary out-buildings..Persons desirous of examining the. land.be¬

fore purchasing, will call upon MaT T U Mc¬Cann or ThomasW Russell, Esq; wfio.will takepleasure iti shewing tHem the sum e,'. . -: "

,. .TERMS OF SALE,On a credit of one and two years with inter¬

est from the day of sale, exceptthe costs, whichwill be required cash ; purchaser to give .bondwith good security and ä mortgage of theprem¬ises to secure the payment of the purchasemoney, With leave to anticipate payment atany time. Purchaser to pay extra for papersand stamps. .

WM. McGUKIN, Sheriff.OctlQ, 1871 16C$3- Laurensville Herald copy four times

and forward bill to Sheriff's othce, AndersonC. JEL, S> C»

ESTATE SALE.BY order of the Probate Judge there will be

sold to the highest bidder at the late residenceof R. J. W. McCann, deceased, on Wednesday.November 29th, the personal estate of the saiddeceased, consisting of ,

Four Fino Mules.Several Milch Cows and Calves of Improved

blood.A Lot of Chester White Hogs.A fine lot of Pork and Stock Hogs.One Covered Buggy and Harness.One Two-Horse Wagon and Harness.From 500 to 800 bushels of Corn-Crop of Wheat and Fodder.From 5 to 8 Bales of Cotton.One Cooking Stove.Household and Kitchen Furniture, Planta¬

tion Tools, <fcc., &e.

If the property Is not all sold on Wednesdaythe sale will be continued on Thursday.Terms Cash.


Administrators,N. B..All demands against the Estate will

be presented legally attested. Those indebtedto the Estate, or firm of T. H. McCann & Son,will make immediate pavment to

T. H. McCANN,Survivor.

Nov2, 1871 183

GEORGE SYIMERS,wholesale and retail

Grocer and Liquor Dealer,MAIÜ STREET, COLUMBIA, S. C,

IN submitting the following list, we merelybeg to remark that each article named is

warranted strictly choice, and of the best quality,our motto being.

"The Best is the Cheapest"MEATS, &c,.Orange Brand Hams, Davis

Jr's. Diamond Hams, Ferris' s. c. Strips, Ferris'Fulton Market Pickled Beef, Dry Salt l. c.Sides, Dry Salt Strips, Pickled Beef Rounds,Pickled Pig Pork, Mess and No 1 Mackerel inkits. Smoked Tongues and Beef, Prime LeafLard and selected Goshcn Butter.FLOUR..A full supply of best St, Louis.CRACKERS..Lemon, Soda, A5rated, Butter,

Jumbles, Tea Cakes, McKenzie's genuine Edin¬burgh Albert Biscuits, &c.CANNED GOODS..Truffles, Mushrooms,

Tomatoes, Peaches, Pine Apples, Cherries. Li¬ma Beans, Green Corn, Peas, Oysters, Sardines,Salmon, Condensed Milk, Prunes, Lobster.SAUCES, CONDIMENTS, <fcc.Crosse and

Blackwcll's Pickles, Lea and Perrin's Worces¬tershire Sauce, Cnrrie Powder, Cayenne Pep¬per, Spices in full variety, Brandenburg.Freres,Olive Oil, Colinan's Double Superfine Mustard.Prepared French Mustard, Potted and DeviledHam and Tongue.Stock of Teas selected by an expert, cannot

be surpassed; while in standard Groceries,such as Coffees, Sugars, etc., we offer a largestock at lowest ruling prices.

Wines and Llquofs.Agent for Moot and Chandon's Champagnes;

Brandenburg Freres, Clarets and Saute rues ;Hehkol <fc Co's. Hocks and Rhine Wines.Importer of my owh Brandies, Sherries,

Scotch Whiskey, Jamaica Rum and Clarets.pDomestic liquors all grades, from common tofinest in market.All the above guaranteed in their native pu¬

rity,(and.the Stock, for extent and variety, thelargest in the State.Oct26,l871

" 17


VARIETY STORE,Fresh tea cakes,soda crackers,ginger snaps,fresh candies,raisins, nuts,CIGARS, of the best brands,fancy ARTICLES, in variety.

Also, a fine assortment of.

GLASS "WA.RE9At vory low prices.

LIQUORS and WINES,A pure article for medicinal purposes.


Thankful for past patronage, he solicits Acontinuance of the same.

Next Door to the Post OfficeAnderson, Oct 19,1871 16

Notice of Final Settlement.THE undersigned hereby gives notice that

ho will apply to A. 0. Norris, Judgo ofProbate for Anderson county, for a final settle¬ment of tho Estates of Amos Morris, deceased,W. F. Garrison, docoascd, James Si N. Morris,deceased, and Aaron M. Morris, deceased, anda final disehargo therefrom, on Thursday, tho30th clay of November next, at Anderson* G. 11.

JESSE C. MORRIS,Adm'r. of all those Estates,

Oct 26; 1871 179

Notice of Final Settlement.The undersigned hereby gives notice that

ho Will apply to a. O. Norris, Judgo ofProbate of Anderson county, on Wednesday,the 2Mb day of November next, for a final set¬tlement of the Estate of George r. Mattlson,deceased, and for letters of dismission from thosame. JAMES A. KING,

Adm'r. with Will annexed.Oct 26, 1871 17f>«



To A.ndersoii t

IHAVE just returned from New York City,and have brought the largest and moat

complete stock of Goods ever opened izt thismarket.

It Is unnecessary to attempt enumeration ofmy stock, as every department is full and com«plete.GENTS' CLOTHING-


Genta' Furnishing* GoodsMade a speciality*



fxi f. ..» pJf!A i- ' .

., ..Hardware, ;,

^groceries, (..


.gtj^s;.bistols^ '.And any and everytiling generally kept in aretail Store, either in City..Towrt or Country.I liave a full and attentive corps of Clerks,

who, With' myself; are always ready to wait oncustomer*, and sell them Goods as cheap A4any one..All kinds of Country Produce taken in ex*

change, at highest-market value.I buy Cotton, and would be glad for you to

give me a trial before selling.

Only try me and foe ConvincedThat I mean to sell Goods


No. 3 Granite Row, Anderson, S. C.Oct5,1871 14


PARABOLASPEGTA.LE & EYE-GLASS,There is nothing so mnch desired as per*

feet sight, and perfect sight can only beobtained by using perfect Spectacles, the aim-cultv of procuringwhich is well known. ThePARABOLA SPECTACLES improves, pre¬serves and strengthens the sight, made in Gold,Silver, Steel and Shell, from §2.50 to 812.00.Also, an excellent article in Steel and GermanSilver, from 50c. to gl .00. Spectacle Casts from20c to 25c, by F. C. v. BORSTEL.

STRIKING & ALARM CLOCKS,Of latest patterns. Come and see. From

live to twelve dollars.

Engagement and Wedding Rings,18 and 20 carats fine.Gold.Warranted.

Gold and Rolled Plate Jewelry.In the various styles and patterns for Indies

and Gents, including Breast-Pins, Ear-Ringsand Drops, Chains, Bracelets, Kej's, SilverThimbles, Studs, Collar and Sleeve Buttons,Pocket Knives, <fec

Watches, Clocks, Jewelry andMusical Works

Carefully repaired at reasonable prices. Allthorough repairs warranted for twelve months.Watch Glasses fitted for 25 cents, by

F. C. v. BORSTEL,No. 4 Brick Range.

80 Barrels Choice Family Flourance on cost,F. C, v. B(

For sale, at small advance on cost, by30RSTKL.




No. 10 Broad Street, - - - Charleston, 8. &CAPITAL, $18,000,000, GOLD.

F. C. v. BORSTEL, Agent for Anderson Co.Oct 12, 1871 15

WHOEVER thought that A. P. HUBBARD could

sell CONFECTIONERIES of all kind*at such low prices as ho now does 7 The reasonis simple enough. He

LOVESTo be accommodating, and by this means it cn>ables hhn to secure a good patronage. He 1»always willing to take any kind of barter inexchange for Goods. So bring on your

TÄTERSChickens, Eggs, Butter, Lard. Old Hants andBacon, Corn, and lit fact, anything to barter,and HUBBARD Will trade with you

ONReasonable terms; so that both the PEOPLEand HUBBARD will make it to

THEIRMutual interest to trade with each other. 8hall that are in favor of going into this arrange*mcfit. and feel satisfied which side of the Bis«cult the

GRAVYIs oh, Will come forward at once arid sop at

A. P. HTJBBARD'S.P. S..nÜBBARD Js always ill the Cotton

Market, and can supply his customers withGroceries, Hardwaro, Drv Goods, Notions, <fccOrt 19, 1871 16

PÜRE GYPStfM!CONTAINING Nhietv-nino aitd Two--thirda

per Cent. (99.66 per cent.) SOLUBLEMATTER. Warranted free from all impurities. Prepared in this city, and for sale at thelow price of Fifteen Dollars per Ton, Cash, by

john H. HOLMES,Commission Merchant, Charleston, s, C.

Sept 27, 1871 133m

Private Sale.Ihnve some HORSES, MULES, BUGGIES,


Also, some Stock Hogs and Hogs ready forthe pen.All of which I will sell on reasonable terms.

JOHN W. DANIELS.«eittÜ8,1S71 13

Notice of Final Settlement.THE undersigned hereby gives notice that

he will apply to A. O. Norris, Esö., Jndgoof Probate for Anderson County, on Thnrsday,the 23rd day of November next, for a FinalSettlement of the Estate of .Tnmes Chamblee,deceased, and for letters of dismissal frorffthosame. ELI.TATT WEBB, Atim'r.Oct 19. 1ST I W '5