jeremiah 1:5 – genesis 1:26 – genesis 2:7 – ecclesiastes 4:3 find and explain

Jeremiah 1:5 – Genesis 1:26 – Genesis 2:7 – Ecclesiastes 4:3 Find and explain

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Page 1: Jeremiah 1:5 – Genesis 1:26 – Genesis 2:7 – Ecclesiastes 4:3  Find and explain

Jeremiah 1:5 – Genesis 1:26 – Genesis 2:7 – Ecclesiastes 4:3

Find and explain

Page 2: Jeremiah 1:5 – Genesis 1:26 – Genesis 2:7 – Ecclesiastes 4:3  Find and explain


Starter – Two quotes. Note these two quotes down and explain what they might mean for a Christian view about abortion. 1) “Love thy neighbour.” (Matthew) 2) “The Lord giveth, the Lord taketh away.” (Job)

Extension – Use info sheets to copy down other key quotes.

Homework – Explain Christian views on abortion. (4)

Learning Objectives:- To explore and

understand the different Christian responses to abortion and reasons for them.

To apply this understanding to a scripted interview situation.

Page 3: Jeremiah 1:5 – Genesis 1:26 – Genesis 2:7 – Ecclesiastes 4:3  Find and explain


Christians oppose abortion because... Man is made in the image of God. “Thou shalt not murder.” (Exodus) “You knit me together in my mother’s womb.” (Psalms) “Your body is God’s temple.” (Corinthians)

Ext – Explain these… Jeremiah 1:5 – Genesis 1:26 – Genesis 2:7 – Ecclesiastes 4:3

Draw a spectrum, and place the following key notes along the spectrum from strongly agree to strongly disagree.

Page 4: Jeremiah 1:5 – Genesis 1:26 – Genesis 2:7 – Ecclesiastes 4:3  Find and explain


Strongly objects to all forms of abortion regardless of the reason or time.

Believe that humans basic right is to exist.

Life begins at conception so all abortion is murder.

Page 5: Jeremiah 1:5 – Genesis 1:26 – Genesis 2:7 – Ecclesiastes 4:3  Find and explain


Strongly opposes abortion but recognises that there are some situations that it might be appropriate.

Abortion under UK law is not murder. Such times as when a pregnancy

threatens the life of the mother, where the mother has been raped, where the foetus is at risk of being seriously handicapped.

Page 6: Jeremiah 1:5 – Genesis 1:26 – Genesis 2:7 – Ecclesiastes 4:3  Find and explain


Opposes abortion because of the sanctity of human life.

They too recognise that taking life may be the lesser of two evils in cases of rape, incest, threat to well-being of the mother, the foetus and wider family.

Which do you most closely agree with?

Page 7: Jeremiah 1:5 – Genesis 1:26 – Genesis 2:7 – Ecclesiastes 4:3  Find and explain


In pairs, write the script of an interview with a Roman Catholic, a Baptist and a Church of England follower.

Ask them about what they think about the UK law and whether abortion is right or wrong is certain situations.

At least three Q and As for each (you can ask the same question to both).

Merits for performances at the end of the lesson.