-j the evening star nkwb rem1*.roomstj^oll … · $1.00 pkr yard. black silk novelties: 21 in....

THE EVENING STAR WASHINGTON: r«IBAT . IHwrch «,JW. « HOSMY R. S4»YBM Fdilor. I"be Irralas «*lnr ban it rr*nlar, porwniirnt b«aa Me dally rircnlniion morf thnn treble that mf «v other dnil> pnper published iu \\ ifliniroii, unil equal to Mm: of ail the Miter dn.il> paper* here added toaetber. The change* in the offices which i>egan at Boon on the fourth of March, by the transfer of executive power from Arthur to Cleveland, go forward from point to point. Yesterday the new cabinet was announced, and but fur a hitch In the .Senate inu-t or all of the nunies would hare been Immediately ratified. On the next lower level It is announced that Mr. Charles 8. Fairchild will succeed Judge French a* flr*t as i-;ant secretary of the tresisurv. Mr. Fairchild b<-l«m^s to the Tilden-Manning wintr of the New York democracy and wll be in thorough accord with the new rTfitiw. lie was intimately associated with Mr. Whitney in reform politic* In hi* own state, and may be dejiended upon tondBilnister his new functions in a similar spirit. President Cleveland shows his g*x>d Judgment and conservation in retaining Mr. I*ruden at the Wh ite House. In a hlt-or-miw» style Congress gave heed to omeoC the needs ol the I»i.-trict and n<-,'leeted other*. Thus, the «'api'.oi building comes In font liberal appropriation to continue work on the approaches. The Washington monument gats /XX), and the Interior department building 9160,IX>0. The Medical Museum is to have a new building. On the other hnnrl the needs of the library and the city post otTi.-e were ignored, and those who wished a lar^e appropriation fo the Garlleld hospital were disappointed. President Cleveland's first day in the White Hour? was a busy od»\ He t<*>k his turn at tn»pump-handle penance of nil presidents aud ndured the ordeal In good form. He listened to much advice in the matter of offices, and promised to give the question at is»ue his most erious consideration. He rose early, worked Jncessantly, and went to bed late, realizing afresh, no doubt, that station has its labor* proportionate to its honors. But iu his first day's aervice he found time to slip away to enjoy one of the regulation drives of the capitirl,.the circuit of the grounds of the s<oldiers" Home. Paradoxical as it may sound, ice is the best friend of fire. Thus the cold February Just ended was notable for an unusual number of destructive fires, the losses throughout the country aggregating ten million dollars. The Fire-Fiend is a near cousin of Jack Fio-t. Now that the icy reign of the,one is Hosing n,r a season, we may hope for comparative relief trom the other. Inaugurations. thanks to the ball that winds Bp the day, are apt to be self-supporting. Afier the Garfield inauguration Mr. John \V. Thompson wu able to send ba< k to each contributor the amount of bis subscription, and the managers of the Cleveland ball are apt, not only to do that, but to declare a dividt nd for charitable purposes. After his fishing excursion ex-President Arthur resumes the practice of law in New "York city. But it is annntuno-d that he will not have a partner. Gen. Grant's experience in that line may have suggested to him the risk of the hyphen in business where pci-sonal reputation forms part of the capital. . .... Congress retuv d to give $100,000 lor the Bartholili statue pedestal, hut it voted SoO.OOO fcra statue to Lafayette and his compatriots to be added to the monuments of this city, so that the aid of the French in (because of libarty is to be recognized. If the execution of the work be artistic the statue will be a welcome Addition to those we already possess. It Is possible, but scarcely probable, that a snore absurd person than Senator Riddleberger was ever created. No one would feel very sad if Gen. Grant fhould now brace up and get well. If \ ou Have G ut enough of the inaugural and will Take time to look over our line of spring overcoats. we know it will be j TIME WELL spent. to give vou AN idea OF HOW extensive our line of spring TOP-coats is we would say our prices COMMENCE at $s and £40. so if you want EITHER a plain. serviceable garment, OR A handsome, satin lined one, we HAVE THEM in either long, medium or THE EXTREME cover coat. ADVANCE styes of spring suits ARRIVING DAILY. A. saks <fc co, ONE PRICE CLOTHIERS, 316 and 31s seventft street. mrt iveystonk m alt wiiiskey. SPECIALLY distilled FOR medicinal use strictly pure. the BEST TONIC. perfects digestion. UMqualled for Consumption. Wanting l)HW8W, and General iJvbility. PRICE, Pur Buttle, fl.oo; 6 Bottles for $5.00: Sewrarw of Imitations. None genuine without the Signature of EISNER A MENDELSON, Sole Agents tor tne U. S. Phil* , Pa. fob sale by Matt. Cromwell A Co., "k TschifTV-iy A Kvan-t, -Waabinyton, D, C. Barbour <fc Hamilton, ) OSm.w&f A Tunnel U sderThe Atlantic would not SURPRISE you MORE than the CLOSING out prices on fink cloth1nu do at th e london liverpool clothing co., cor 7th and o sts overcoats so cents on the dollar. overcoats so cents on the dollar. overcoats so cents on tue dollar. suits so gents on the dollar. vcitb so cents on the dollar. SUITS JO certs on TUE dollar. fASn pants!' PANT8r PROM $1.23 cpwards. GIVE US A CALL. AND RE CONVINCED. london and liverpool clothing co., *14 CORNER 7T* AND G KTKKET& First Spring Oflnino. mrs. m. j. hunt, 1300 p street northwest, Will exhibit h>-r first Importation of FRENCH bonnets and HATS on monday and tcegday, MARCH -ll> AND Jo. Vo Cu*. f28 CELLCLOID TRrx8, X That iMfver br»«k», ii«v««r wran out, alw«j* Mwn, and can xt * urn w hilt bathing. 1* fur taieat ( has. fisher'S, 62» Tilt rwrt uorlliwaat. Mrs. PISH kb davotes h*r aiw-uUuu iv iu» want* Of L*djr Pftirvu* ml 0*axd Silk Sale. SILKS! SILKS! SILKS! SILKS! SILKS! SILKS! SILKS! SILKS! SILKS! at Tni BOSTON DRY GOODS HOUSE. HEADQUARTERS fob AMERICAS SILKS! We make a specialty of the "REGATTA BRAND" BLACK AMERICAN GROW GRAIN SILKS, which is the product of a Lyons Silk Weaver who set up a factory in ».v Jersey some years ago. It haa the iustre, so ft ne«« and finish of the beat Lyons Silks, and cannot he distinguished from it. even by experts. We ki-ep tikis brand in eij<bt qualities, each quality being the best Intrinsic value ever offered. REGATTA BRAND AMERICAN SILK. Quality No. 1 $1 (X) Qnality No. 5 $1.50 Q lality No. 'Z 1.1'A) QualiV No. 0 1.6ft Quality No. 3 l.'^i Qitalitv Na 7 . 1.85 Quality No. 4 1.30 Quality No. S 2.00 The steadily increasing demand and extreme popularity of these g iods is entirely due to their purity of raw material used, their superior finish and general excellence, and durability. We take pleasure in recommending them to our customers. For four years we have made a specialty ofthe "PERFECTION" BRAND AMERICAN COLORED GROS GRATN SII.K, ONLY $1.00 PER YARD. ALL THE STANDARD AND NEW SPRING SHADES. We have sold this silk for four seasons, and bare yet the tii'»t complaint to hear. LADIES SPEAK OF THEM IN THE HIGHEST TERMS. We (Jimrati tee every yard as before^ not to crack or n^b within any reasonable time, always retains its beautiful lintsli and lustrous effect. To combine with the above Silks we offer a very ham'.soiiie line of TWO TONED BROCADE SILK. IN r\fDDATTvt^»V *-« r«*-' mx*x\\jl u^.l\ 1 tf i JLV, r»These Brocades will take the place of embroidered Surahs, which are too li^bt and flimsy for trimming n!:«l combining with heavier silk fabrics. Particularly <iritb!e for Combinations, Dress Fronts, Panels and Spring Wrapt ONLY 82.00 PF.Tl YARD. 40 SHAMS AND t-OLOHS or YARN DYED SATINS. Which we shall ofT»-r at ilie marvellously low price of PKR YARD. 7 sh»<1»"< < f nine, 3 shades of link. 15 shades of Olive, '1 shud< s of Bronze,:} shades of Brown. 4 shades of t .arnct. Black. White. Cream, iiavan, Copper, I.iglit «;rei-ii. Myrtle, Purple, Nile. lilac. Orange, Old (iold, <iray. < lierrv. Cardinal, Salmon, Straw and Scarlet. These are particularly desirable for Spring Wrap Linings, combination trimmings, <£c. We have reduced the price of the $1.50 PERSIAN SILK BROCADES TO 81.00 PKR YARD, TO CLOSE. 27 IN. CHINA CREPES For Evening Wear. Ivory. Cream. Pink, Fawn, Mode, chocolate, Scarlet. and Cardinal, $1.25 PER YARD. 5<) IN. SILK MULL, Ivory, Cream. Pink, Blue, and Black, $1.00 PKR YARD. B LACK SILK NOVELTIES: 21 IN. JERSEY SILK. 22 IN. JERSEY TRICOT SILK, 24 IN. ARMURE TRICOT SILK, 25 IN. TRICOTINE SILK, 25 IN. TRIO>T SIl.K. 25 IN. ARMURE JERSEY SILK, $1.50 PER YARD. WOODWARD A LOTHROP, BOSTON DRY GOODS noUSK, ONE PRICE ONLY, 021 Pa. Ave. fmhfll 912 D St Spring O vercoats MADE TO ORDER for 312. WE ARE NOW SHOWING A FEW STYLES OF GOOI« FROM WHICH WE MAKE SPRING OVERCOATS TO ORDER AT 312. finer grades. MADE UP WITH silk FACing and silk SLEEVE lining, at $21. STREET SUITS. HEAVY DARK GRAY CHEVIOT AND LIGHT COLOR CASSIMER, FOR STREET WEAR, MADE TO ORDER AT $15 PER SUIT. E. B. BARNUM * CO., mbO 031 PENNSYLVANIA AVENUE. I^kXTorrow May Be , BUT TO-DAY IS. AND I WOULD INTEREST YOU IN DRESS SIIIRTS That are perfectly fitting. Everything bin >«-en cheapened until the lowest notch lias reached. My Item >hirt-* a:e Uiilaundered, and have mypatent r,*j6t.-r-« attached to prevent the stud button rubbing the stein at the base of neck. lean tit you perfectly. and >i.\ of thopen-back shirts will cost you $«; and last you two years. The nevt in order is a pleated bov>m open-front Shirt, finished all but holes and buttons, name shape or cut, and price as the above. The third is au oi» n-iiaulc Shirt, also perftwtly flttine. nicely laundered. good quality, six for $ ). Then 1 have a quality of shirts got up to see how food an article c>>'ilil be produced lor a given price, 'iiey have real linen bos. >nis. uood cotton, aine shape a> the b«»t, well made, at.d sell for the low price of SIX for THItEE dollars. bb The dry goods houses don't handle these shirts. Fhis "statement would be incomplete without mentioning a nice assortment of CHEVIOT SHIRTS Of my own manufacture, with collars and ruffli attach* d. suitable for working men. tourists, travelers aixl others. '1 hese cannot be hail elsewhere, but t am *uti-.fi< <! with a moderate remuneration, to I Mil them for ONE DOLLAR EACH. i skeleton shirts, or shirts without tails or bucks, dosing out. 8eventyEve onto each, laui:dcr«-<i. Look out for a Night Shirt announcement eoon. HEN NINO, THE CLOTHIER, 410 SEVENTH STREET mh8 Our Show Window Was ! SMASHED LAST NIGHT BY THIEVES, A5D the GOODS WERE CARRI ED OFF. WE HAD COATS AND VESTS TAKEN OF SOME SUITS AND THE PANTS OF OTHERS, SO WE HAVE SOME ODD COATS AND VESTS AND PANTS. I IF YOU WISH A WAT AND VEST OR I*ANTB, I COME AND SEE WHAT WE CAN DO FOR YOU. UEOROE 8PRANSY. | 607 Seventh Street n.w., mh« Opposite U. & Peat OfBo* I C-IX ELEGANT CABINET PHOTOGRAPHS FOR | O 81, atxl other My lea at proportionately- reduced I rates. Low pricea, but not cht ap work. n. WALZL'8 I Imperial Ktmliu-'.hiy Market space, 477 Pennsylvania I ave.; alao at UOo W. Baltimore kl, Baltimore. It* Mme T. 13. Harrison, j 1387 F ST. N.W. SPECIAL SPRING OPENING OF IMPORTED BONNETS AND HATS FOR EARLY SPRING WEAR, MONDAY AND TUESDAY. March 2 and 3. R84t* (No Carda) f lunninoham. hatter, v lUi luM received the Spring Style Block. kILK. HATS made to order and eld atylee Pwtt1 eied. Mil M «t- u.w. A -J m KS6 SB GTOOD Nkwb TO Atf> The late patrona of F. H. WILSON, and my frltoM, will be pleased to lwm that genuine babgainb Cam be Obta inkd at 409 7t« Brum Oar Gent's $3.50 Shoe will outwear any otter alio* equal price. % I shall continue to make to measure the celebrated $5 Ladies' Shoe, and Gent's $5 Waukenphaat Shoe, which have given entire satisfaction. GEO. W. RIGS, mh6 Successor to F. H. Wilson, 400 7th >t. n.w. f5* rpP c°°8 fi A J: sss| ?PP 8 C II Iaa fc SSSb P ECS CCC II AA LUX I58* A f I SSR A A L FE 8S88 A*! bjx KKJE L n TTTT FEE K L It T 2 |> L II T KE EEE LLLL fi ¥ SEE K K II POO K K IT D D KK IIOO K K II D D K K II ODD r.GO L OO V V EES RSS, OGL OOVVE 8"^ O L O O V V KE b38o G OO L OOVV K ... GGG LLLL OO V EKE Bft8B ~ THE "ELITE" KID GLOVES WEBB INTRODUCED BY THE PALAIS BOYAL SIX YEABS AGO. THE SUPERIOR FIT, FINISH AND QUALITY HAS MADE THE "ELITE" GLOVE NOTED ALL OVER THE COUNTRY. HAVING JUST RECEIVED THE NEW SHADES FOB SPRING WEAR, WE HAVE DECIDED ON a SPECIAL SALE OF THESE GLOVES, and SHALL QUOTE ssss PPP eke coo hal 5 6 P P E coiiaa L S8e PPP F.R C jl a a L H ft P F c C II aaa L . 88 P ees cco II a a LLLL ppp RRR ii CCC ere 8ssa ppr nnocE 2 8 PPP RRR II C EE BSSs P RRIIOCK K 5 P R R II CCO eke 88 FOR THE RSSo PPP eke CCC IIAL v PP E oofi aa L "88,, PPP EE C II A a L *88* P EEF. OCC II LLLL rsso a l keb °ss* aaaa fc se s s aaa L E ... a a LLLL eee... the l'a la IS roya'l PATRONS know the FOLLOWING to be THE REGULAR PRICES: 3-BUTTOXS, $1.00. 4-BUTT0N8, $1.10. O-BUTTONS, 81.26. 8-BUTTONS, $1.60. MOUSQUETAIRES, 8 BUTTONS, $1.08. GENTS 2 BUTTONS, $1.60. PRICES BELOW AP.E FOB THE SPECIAL SALE ONLY; THAT IS. FROM MARCH 6 TO MARCH 14. 3-BUTTON9, 93c. 4-BUTTONS, 69c. 6 BUTTONS, $1.19. 8-BUTTONS, $1.29. MOUSQU eta I res, 8 BUTTONS, $1.7$. GENTS,<i BUTTONS. $1.25. EEE L II TTTT eee E L II T E EE L II T ee EL II T E EEE LLLL II T ees K K II DDD K K. HDD KK 1IDD K K HDD K K II DDD ncn l oo v V ees .S8a OGL O O V V 8 G L O O V V EE "SSo ti no L O O VV E H 2 GGG LLLL OO V EEE BSSs ... THESE GLOVES WE NOW SHOW IN NEW SHADES OF TANS, BROWNS. GRAYS. ETC. THE SPECIAL SALE PRICES ARE THE LOWEST QUOTED IN SIX YEARS FOR "ELITE" KID GLOVES. PPP A L A p RSS, P P AA L AA II 5 8 PPP A A L AA II 8Sk P AAA L AAA II K 5 P A A LLLL A A II BSS8 RRR OO T T A L RROOTY AA L RRR O O YY AA L R R O O Y AAA L R R OO Y A A LLLL mh& 1117-1118 PENNSYLVANIA AVENUE. BBB A U U MM mm ~ rSS, B B AA UU MMMM » g* KBB A A U U MMMM BSSo B B AAA U U M MM « 2 BBB A A UU M M M "88* FOURTH ANNUAL SALE OF LADIES' COTTON UNDERWEAR. It is needless to speak about the Material and Workmanship of these Goods, our patrons and the general public being well aware that we are sell lug a first-class article only. WE QUOTE A FEW PRICES AND INVITE INSPECTION. BRIDAL SETS, consisting of Chemise, Gown and Drawers, of good muslin, pompadour shape,trimmed with rows of fine Torchon Lace and Hamburg Inserting, at $4.99, well worth A large assortment of sets up to $50. LADIES' CORSET COVERS, square shape, perfect fit, trimmed with Hamburg Inserting ana edge front and back, at 73c. THEY WERE CONSIDERED CHEAP AT 98c. 50 Do*. LADIES' CHEMISES, orer 10 different styles, square and ponted shapes, reduced from f 1.26 to 75 cents. Ladies' NIGHTGOWNS, good muslin. Mother Hubbard style, 10 Tucks and Embroidered Ruffle,at 87c. Ladles' SKIRTS, with eight wide Tucks and 8 inches deep irlmbroidered Flounce, at 92 cents. Received a second lot of the celebrated La Bell* Corset, of fine French Coutllle, lace Tops, and shall offer them again at 81.20. sbb» a s g B%jra " £» BBB A A U U M MM M *88* B B AAA U U MUM m . 5 ._ bbb A A UU U M S F! *88® mh& Spring And Summer 1885* NEW STOCK o* PAHTB iwtts&a finnrxi Brr.tr WOOL AND COTTON FABRICS, PLAIN, CHECKED. PLAID, STRIPES, AND FIGURED STUFFS IN ALL COLORS. NEWEST STYLES AND LATEST DESIGNS. FIOURKU JERSEY SILKS, EMBROIDERED PON(IKK COLORED SURAHS, COLORED SATlN DUC» hJSS. COLORED VKL\rETS.ia,OUO YARDS OF FRENCH SATTEENS ANb THE VERY LATUbT STYLES. FINEST QUALITY SCOTCH GINGHAMS, BROCHE AND CHECK DRESS LINENS. NEW DESIGNS IN TABLE LINEN AND NAPKINS. OUR WHOLE STOCK OF CLOAKS AND WRAPVlHi.fi ARK OFFERED WITHOUT REGARD Tocos'r WE OFFER A SPECIAL BARGAIN IN BLACK PKKIN STRIPED KII.IT* AT SI. VERY SUPERIOR GOODS. one price. JW. M. SHUBTER A SON, PENNSYLVANIA AVENTTL\ N. B. THE BEST 18 THE CHEAPEST. OS Sahx K.Kn$ ELEUANrMLVSR WAMi PLACED -wlilE. BAM'L KIRK * SON, 173 west baltimore street, b*itxmou,h» Eaubltehtd 1817. WAm Inaugural iw just OPENED, FULL LINE PEARL EMB'D BLACK »£<1 WHITE KID GLOVES, WHITE SILK SATIN and LAWN BOWS ftBATIEA n»r Spring Styles, silk oatb, OPERA RATS, DERBY NATO. JAJGBt P&YW MM ns-aw «ttiHftw«im - WANTED.HELP. WANTED.A COMPETENT DRUU CLERK TO take charee of a new stock. Young, single mun preferred. Address BKONNO. Star office. It* W- anted.a white boy about 16 YXARS of age; 121? Peuna. ave. n.w. It* "TT|7" anted.a' uood^wajtb woman ooofif , VY that understands her buslnea,to stay at night. Call at once at northeast corner of 10th and Virginia are. s.e. j It* WANTED.A NEAT AND POLITE YOU NO colored Man for a hotel. Must be well recommended. Apply ut 1S20 F BL n.w. It* WANTED^-AN EXPERIENCED MIDDL2V aged woman, as nurse for an la font six months old. Apply, with reference, at 1413 K st. n.w. ninG-st* WANT ED-A RELIABLE MAN (GERMAN preferred) to act as agent for the De«ring M'f f Co. or Cleveland, O., for the sale of their combined beer faucet, pump aud bung. Apply between 1 and 2 or 0 and 7 o'clock to m/X. DEER1NG, St. James hotel. ni6-vtt* WANTED.AN EXPERIENCEP COMPETENT Girl (German preferred), for general housework: good wages. Apply at 223 3d st. n.w. m6-3t* "IT TANTED.A BOY THAT CAN MAKE HIM>\ self generally usefol. Address Box 83, Star office. tt>h0-3t WANTED-A WHITE OIRL FOR NURSE; must be well recommended. Apply at 40G lltb st. n.w. mh6-2t» WANTED.A GOOD RESTAURANT COOK. APply immediately, witb references, at SIR 13th st. n.w. mb6-2t* WANTED-A COOK. APPLY AT 027 MARY land ave. s.w. mh6-'it» Wanted - German nurse for two children. 604 U st. n.w. mC-3t* Wanted.soo newsboys to sell b. n. Warner's Guide; the finest dime book ever published. Big money. Unsbld copies taken back. H. U. WARNER. 9161* at. m6-8t WANTED - AN EXPERIENCED BOOKkeeper in a large mercantile bouse: must come well recommended. Address, In own handwriting, Post Qftice Box bb4. mh0-3t» WANTKD-A YOUNG LADY WITH GOOD figure; required to try on Jackets and dresses. Apply by letter to RKDFERN, Arlington Hotel.Wash ington, D. C. mhU-'it WANTED-A GENTEEL WOMAN TO~COOK, wasb and iron; also a neat Girl to nurse and do cbamberwork: both must stay *t night aud bring firstclass references. Apply at 523 3d st. n.w. m6-2t WANTED.WHITE AND COLORED WOMEN cooks, (10 to 02O: chambermaids, nurses, general workers, scrub and kitchen girls, men cooks. PRICE <fc COOMBS, Employment aud Room Renting Agents, 926 F st. n.w. XtTANTED-AN ACTIVE AND RELIABLE TV Life Insurance Man for the general agency of the Single Men's Endowment Association, of Minneapolis, Minn. Endowments are payable after two vears at marriage; very popular ana easy to work; splendid opening 10 me rigm man. call or address A. U. SH ATTUCK. Ebbltt House. mh6 WANTED.A GOOD COOK FOR A PRIVATE family. Apply at 1410 S st. n. w. mh5-3t* WANTED-A RESPECTABLE AND COMP Extent Girl for plain cooking and general bouse work. Apply with references at 608 0th st. n.w. mh6-2t* WANTED.A YOUNG MAN WHO HAS SOME knowledge of the wholesale fancy goods business, as salesman. Apply to C. W. THORN & CO., 813 9th St. n.w. m&-2t ANTED.THOSE IN WANT OF RELIABLE help and situations, male and female, cooks, laborers. clerks, housemaids, and all positions of trust, apply to or address National Employment and Room Renting Agency, licensed office, 000 Louisiana are. n.w. Ja31 WANTED.SITUATIONS. WANTED-BY A RESPECTABLE COLORED woman, situation as cook lb a private family Good references cau be given. Call at 1606 L st. 1MV. It* ~\X7"ANTED.BY AN EXPERIENCED BEAM* ) 1 stress, employment by the week. Un operate several sewing machines. Address Box 146, Star office. m h 0-31* WANTED-A HIGHLY EDUCATED MIDDLE~agixi Jady, experienced teacher of music, French, German and the English branches, wants an engagement; would prefer a permanent home and Kind treatment to hiifh salary. Address "F," care Milbourne's Advertising Agency, Baltimore, Md. mh6-3t WANTED.PLACES FOR HO USE KEEPERS, seamstresses. Indies' maids, cocks, nurses, chambermai(i9,mencooks,\v.\tters,waitrt*s3'.*s,and other help, witii references. PRICE «fe OJOMRS, Eiuplovment and Boom Renting Agents, 026 Fst. n. w. mh6-2t* ANTED^BY A_ COMPETENT ^COLORED man a Situation as cook iu private laniily: best city references furnished. Address C. K., Star office. mh5-3t* WANTED.SITUATIONS.NURSES FOR THE sick can be obtained at all hours of thp day or night.through the WASHINGTON DIRECTORY FOR N URSES. southwest cor. of 12th and F sts.n.w. f3^5w* WANTED.ROOMS. ANTED-BY A PHYSICIAN, ROOM SUITable for office, furnished or uniXirnUhed, in northwest part of city, after March 4th. Address Box 99, Star office. mh6-3t* ANTED-BY A LADY,TWO UNFURNISHED, T\ communicating rooms, on second Uoor, in northwestern part of the city: references exchanged. AdIress "Unfurnished Rooms." Star office. mh0-3t* \\J"ANTED.OFFICE ON~FIR5T_FLOOR,ON OR * Vt near Pennsylvania ave. Address PHYSICIAN, Star office. mh.r>-3t* WANTED.HOUSES. ANTED.ANY DEPARTMENT CLERK, OR other person having a house for sale cheply, will flud cash purchaser by addressing TOI.O, Starofli'-e Northwest preferred. It* WANTED . IMMEDIATELY . AN UNFURni-thed House, niue to eleven rooms, for a family of adults; In northwestern portion of city. Rent moderate. Address, stating terms. Box 70. star office. m(J-'it« WANTED.HOUSES FOR GOOD TENANTS. We make a specialty of property of non-residents. B. U. WARNER. 91C F st. «S-6t "11TANTED-HOUSES TO RENT. WE HAVE T V constant application. HUFTY A DYER, flft-lm Real Estate and Insurance. 13tli and F sts. WAITED.MISCELLANEOUS. ANTED.ANY ONITHAVTNG IN AUGUR Atlon Lumber to sell cheap, address, with name, kind, quantity and price, LUMBER, Star office. lt» W- ANTED^FOOT UTHK STATE~ PRICE and where it may be seen. Addrets LATHE, Star office. It* WAN TED-LADIES TO KNOW THAT MY Electric Method is positively the only process which totally Destroys Superfluous Hair Sena stamp for circular. Terms reasonable. MADAME GABRIEL. 711 Sth wt. n.w. iV5-'iw» WANTED . LADIES' BEARDS AND MUStaohes.Superfluous hair on I he female face, on the upper lip. chin, cheeks and throat Is one of the most unsightly, noticeably masculine and obnoxious complexion blemishes that auy lady can be afflicted with. Indies with this hlrsiitlcal growth on their faces will be pleased to know that Dr. J. VAN DYCK, Dermatologist, permanently and forevor remove* this obnoxious growth of hair by the scientific operation of electrolysis (the electric needle process),and In order to place his treatment within the reach of ail, he and his assistant will treat all who call at once for S'i a nitting. Any lady with the least regard for her looks have now no excuse for having hair on their faces. Mate your engagements at onct\ Dr. VAN DYCK has removed his office to bOU llth street, where the Doctor can be consulted dally until next Tuesday, March loth. mhO-f,s,mlm» WANTED.FIFTY HEAD OF HORSES. FOR city and conntrv use. Parties having Turnouts to sell will call at W. F.GEYER & CO.'S, C st., between 4Vj and Uth st. n.w. Also, the cheapest place to hire Horses and Carriages. Horses and Carriages for sola. fJ8 WANTED-TO ASK WHETHER YOU HAVE seen the "Little Oiant," at l'iO'2 F st n. w..weighing less than three pounds, and with 1 cent's worth of kindling wood coolt two meals. Crowds see it daily ana buy It at §1.50. r>8-«t« N. O. BOND A 00. W*ESfc Repairs promptly attended T. V. NOONAN, Plumber, ff24-lm 61 b^ llth st. aw \T7*ANTED.EVERY LADY TO BE HER OWN YV dressmaker by learning cutting and fitting by MOODY'S new tailor system of actual measurement. It hi taught at 1237 Pennsylvania ave. n.w. fe23. WANTED-THAT SI BOX t>F 60 CIGARS. That box of U5 cigars for 400. AH former 16c. brands of cigarettes now 10c. UO cigarettes 6c.. at SICKLE BROS.', 1011 Pennsylvania ave. fl7-lm WANTED - ENVELOPES, DEPARTMENT, rare United States and Foreign Stamps. Send on approval and always state lowest cash price. L. H. ADLER. JR., Wholesale Stamp Dealer. Box 37, Philadelphia, Pa. f!3-Im ^7-^TF.D-8ECOND-HAND. CLOTHING, WAT- t » ciivsjfuns.iimiuihj»;w«firy; aiso, turiiiture. stove#, <tc.,<6c..txjugLit. Bestcash price paid. S. (iungeubelnier, 701 7th s.w. Note by mall promptly attended to.J 111-'2m Wanted. I have reliable Felt Derbys at 92 and f 2.80. A. T. LKWis. 430 7th at. General stock of liats and Furnishings cheap. f5-3m WANTED-INSECTS AND THEIR OERM Exterminated from Bed Lounge* aitd other ffirni* tare, Furs. «tc. A. H. CHACE & BRO., au'21 610 Louisiana ave. WANTED-TO ANNOUNCE THAT JOHN E. BEALL, Bateman «!fc Co.'s Bank, 1411 F SL n. w., Is a Commissioner of Deeds for every State and Territory, V. s. Commissioner, Examiner aud Notary. Always in office from » a. in. to 6 p. m. mii BUSINESS CHANCES. FOR SALE-WHOLESALE AND RETAILCORner Liquor and Cigar Store, with first-claw residence connected, at low rent. Inquire at Armstrong's Law office, 404 Louisiana ave., from ten to three o'clock. mh5-3t* PARTIES FROM OTHER CITIES AND STATES, or who contemplate leaving this city, by calling at Johnson llrothetV Wood ana Coal office, lStUU F at. n.w« oan learn of a grand opportunity by which from two to live thousand per cent can be made during the next six months on moderate investments. A startling announcement, but a tact. Cull and see. fil-lSt* BOND » CO. A GOOD INVESTMENT.THE LATEST PATENT A Novelty Window Screen, to suit any window. The right of the District and state of Maryland fbr sale cheap. Recommended by all to be the best in the market. Selling Ibr want of time to attend to It, Apply to J. K. YKRKE8, office Independent Ice Company, l'ith st. and Peuna. ave. AtiKKSw* "TOHN T. MITCHELL, O . Dealer In Real Estate, Notary Public, 1100 Pennsylvania av« Improved andqutlmnroved property in all parts of PERSONAL fCyotte Square, city. If t t-', FOR REM1*.ROOMSTJ^Oll RENT.ROOS18.FURNISH ED OR UNFURJO nisbed. and also a lot antique fbrniture for sale, at 9010 H street, or 1723 Pennsylvania avenue n.w. mM4w* -rrtOR RENT-TWO PLEASANT ROOMS, NEAR JD Iowa Circle, in private family, to gentlemen onlv. 164113ttst.ja.w. mh6-3t« T7»Om RENT -TWO NICELY-FURNISH ED X Room* on second-floor; house new; baa all Improvements: convenient to two lines of can board If fclred. Apply at ia03 S si. n.w. f3ft-2w* TT»OB &ENT-810 IN ADVANCE FOR THIRD r floor, 992 N mL n.w., eonslatlng of two large unfurnished rooms, convenient to three lines of street cars. Referopces. mtaG-3t* JIOR RENT.ELEGANT FURNISHED ROOMS en Suite or single; with or without board, at 032 st. n.W. Table board a specialty. mh6-6t* T^OR RENT - FURNISHED PARLOR AND XI Chamber, 7800thst, corner H aw., over Bishop s Drue Store, central location, convenient to all street car lines. mh6 et TT«OR feENT- FURNISHED ROOMS. WITH X Board, at reasonable terms. West End Hotel, 1 <17 K st. Windows for rent for the inauguration okRfcNT.AT Ilia 17TH ST. X. W. VERY DEsirable suite of rooms to parties without dtiildren: references required. ft8-Gt* I^QR RENT.1314 K 8T. N. W. LARGE, NEWLY J. furnished Parlors and Bedrooms, first and second floors, with grflte tires- also single room; desirable location. d27-0w* OR RENT-WE HAVE A BIG LI8T0F ROOMS of all kinds, with or without Board. In all part* of the city; lists tarnished free of charge at W.iRFIEL1V8 Room-renting Agency, 40011th st.. opposite Star office. n2W-l5w» FOR RENT.STORES. FOR RENTFINE STORE, Suitable for either drug or grocery business, cor. 15th and I sts. n.w. JOHN SHERMAN, QS-lW 027 F st. n.w. TT'OK RENT-FINE LARGE STORE. WITH CELX lar and connecting rooms if wanted; central part oi the city, half square north of Pensylvania ave. W ill be vacant by March 15th. Inquire 423 11th st n.w. (private entrance.) f7-lm FOR RENT.OFFICES^ OR RENT~ GLOVER BUILDING. F st., betw een 14th and 15th sts. n.w., S ear U. S. Treasury. Handsome Office Rooms, either single or en suite, with steam, heat, elevator and Janitor service. TUGS. J. FISMTJl * on f20-2w 1324 F st'n.w. money to loan. Money to loan in sums of fitooo and over. j OS. C. G. KENNEDY, mh6-3t 73015th «t. O0Q 000 TO LOAN 15 000 5,000 on real estate. 8,600 ~ 500 fmh6] THOS. E. WAGGAMAN. Money to loan on real estate security ofthe District.at 6 percent interest: facilities lor repayment unequalled; charge* very mod e. o. HARTIG. Treas. \\ ashington Six Per Cent l'ei ..iHtient Building Ass'n, lOOl, cor. 7th and K sts. n.w. Money to loan on real estate~in sums to suit HUFTY * DYER. f20-Sm Real Estate and Insurance, 13th and F st*. y>~| \ AA7\ TO loan ON REAL ESTATE] © X vUiUUU lu sums to suit. DANENHOWER * SON, fel7-lm 122G F st. Money to loan on real estate. promptl attention to all applications. swormstedt <fc bradley. 111-Im 02b F st. n.w. Money to loan on real estate or other security, in sums to suit, at lowest rates ot Interest; least expense and without delay. R A. PHILLIPS, 1428 New York ave. n.w. f7-VJm oney to loan, On Real Estate Security, At Lowest Rates of Interest R. O. HOLTZMAN, fB Corner 10th and F streets northwest Money to loan In sums to suit, on approved Real Estate security, at lowest rates ot interest. Charges moderate. No unnecessary delay. J. V. N. HCYCK, nlo » 15U5 Pennsylvania ave. I HAVE MONEY to LOAN ON GOOD RKALEState or collateral security at lowest rate* of interest. No delay wlieu security is good. O. C. GREEN, Room 1, Firemen's building, cor. , th st. and Im. ave. ja2S Money to ian In sums to suit, at lowest rates, on approved real estate security. FITCH, FOX BR«)WN, o20 1437 Pennsylvaniaave. MONEY to loan at lowest hates of interest, on real estate security. THOS. J. FISHER <fc CO.. se5 1324 F st. n.w. for" sale.lots. IjiOR SALK.I.OTS.COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, 14TH street extended. We can now sell desirable Lots 15 to 20 cents in this beautiful location, one-fifth ca-h: balance in one, two and three years; 5 per ceut interest Street cars, water and gas. Apply to A L BARBOUR CO., m6-2w _ Le Droit Building, Washington, D. C. t"U)R SALE-CHOICE LOTS. ltifh St., corner M n.w.f 75x106. very choice; |>l *vv J/tl IUUVi Corner Tst n.w., 61x100: price SI per foot. N St.. north sUle,between 1 "fth ana 16th,49x130: $2. Massachusetts are., between 17th and lfeth n.w., north side; 92. 10th, corner Madison st: S2. O St., north side, between 2<ith and 21st; $1.50. Southwest corner 'JOth and O sts. n.w.; $2.50. Jefferson St., near 10th; onlv lot loft on the street; $1.50. B. H. WARNER, mh3-5t 910 F st. n.w. Ij^OR SALE.LOTS.WE CAN OFFER GREAT inducements to parties who desire to build homes, or for Investment in lots, at Le Droit l'ark; 7th and 9th street cars; water, sewers and asphalt streets running to the park. Cash or time. Apply to mh3-2w A. I- BARBER & CO., Xe Droit Building. For sale.bcildTnu lots in ajTlTparts of the city, at low prices and on easy terms. Call and see our list. WA-LKER <fc WILSON, lOOOF st. n.w. f28-lm TJARTIES IN SEARCH OF DESIRABLE BUILDX tnx Lots or Residences In the northwestern portion of the city will lind it to their advantage to rail and see our decided bargains before purchasing elsewhere. CONARD &McEUEN, Room 4, Kellogg Building, fe28-6t* 141U F st. JpOR SALECHOICE BUILDING IX)TS In the Northwestern Section, and Handsome New Dwellings, at *7,000, ffl.000. $H,.r>0<», $10,500,$12.000, #13,500. SI4,000, si 5,000,S22,000, S24.000, *20.000,$30,000, 135,000 and $40,000. Call for description. WM. P. YOUNG, f27-10t 1303 F st n.w. For sale. choice building lots in the north west division of the city. We offer for sale a large number of chijlce building Rites, situated on favorite avenues and streets, in the northwest section of the ctty, comprising in location "Dupohi Circle".Massachusetts, Connecticut, New Hampshire and Rhode Island avea. and adjacent streets. To investors we can offer, singly or In blocks, lots situated In the at>ove desirable localities, at prices that cannot fail to uu- liaudsomelv. For plait aila full information, apply to THOS. J. FISHER CO.. Real Estate Brokers, fe!4-lm 1324 F st. n.w. LOST AND FOUND. T OST.EVENING OF MARCH 4TH, AFTER 1j fireworks display, a buncb of keys, 1 cheap old silver watch, glass face, broken, valued for associations, and 1 pocket-book, containing 10 cents, near Albuaugh's Opera House, or between there and the Treasury building. Finders will have full value paid for all, either separate or all combined, by sending or writing to Miss M. R., 1424 Tstn.w., Washington, D. C. It* Lost-gold medal, shape of oval, with scolloped edge. Inscription on face, "Mathematics, June, 1884?" ou back, St John's, Coll. Inst, Wm. A. O'Brien, 2d class. Liberal reward to tinder if returned to 1801 S st. n.w It* Found-march 5th, on fstreet,near 13th, a dark Leather Purse,containing a small amount of change, railroad ticket, Ac. The owner can have it by calling on Dr. PEARSON, 61112th St., describing the property still further, and paying for this notice. It* FOUND-AT THE INAUGURAL BALL A Lady's Shawl, which owner can have by proving property and paying tar this advertisement. At 1325 5th st. n.w. It* T QST-ON MARCH 3D, 1885. ONEj HACK XJBad^e, No. 41; _ Any one finding ft will please re- i»«" »w *. Oil AW a jbJLVtK* STABLE, Capitol H1U. ft# T OST-MARCH OTH. ON 14TH ST., BETWEEN A-J t sod N sts., an Aiigutor Purse containing cards aud small sum of money. Reward If returned to 1424 N st n.w. it* MT-ON MARCH 5, A GOLD CHASED BRACEJ-i JUaT. A suitable ri-ward will be paid if returned to 110 N lrginla ave. s.w. It* © Bf REWARD..STRAYED, A PUG DOG, WITH «jp U black points; answers to name of Dandy. Above reward for bis return to 210 East Capitol st. mhd-3t» X OST OR STOLEN-ON MARCH 4TH, A LARGE, J.J black Newfoundland Dog, white breast and feet; license tag 4020. Liberal reward if returned to W. C. SCOTT, 138 7th st. n. e. mh0-2t« X OST.$6 REWARD-ON MARCH 4TH, ONE A j brown leather traveling satchel, containing wearing apparel and several letters addressed to T. P. Winchester. Return to Howard Hotel. mh0-2t* LOST.ON OTH ST., BETWEEN M AND NEW York ave., the front elevation of three houses, on brown paper. Liberal reward If returned to 823 1st st. n. e. mhS-2t* X Q8T-A GOLD-HEADED CANE, MARKED J. XJ8. Finder rewarded if cane left at 1023 Maaaachueetts ave. mh0-3t« X OST.YELLOW DOG, FEET. END OP TAIL Ju and nose tipped with white; tag 4282. Reward If left at 11 K st. u.e. mh0-3t* XJ^OITND.AT THE INAUGURAL BALL, A LAJ; dies' Pin, which the owner can have by proving aroperty and paying for advertisement. 1210 32dst., Georgetown. m5-3t X OST.BLACK VELVET PANNIER, LAVENJ_j der satin lining, going from Oth and H sts. n.w. to FTand up V to Oth. Return to 804 Oth at. n.w. Suitable reward. mhO-2t* X 0®T.ON THE CAPITOL GROUNDS. AFTKRXj noon of March 4th, a Leather Pocketbook containing about fOO in currency.and a nmuWr of papers of no value to any bur the owner. If the boo'.: auditaaBrflBa X OCT.MARCH 4TH, A GOLD MEDAL "OF I ./National Sportsman's Club, Sept. 3,1873, with the engraving aud name. Finder will please return to TrtMuyuepartment. Same name is on medaL mh5-2t* "f ixt-TWO OSTRICH PLUME FANS, EMJL/broldared Handkerchief, with owner's name, IMIfk, ooraar 1st and Indiana ave. n.w. nhG4t for rent.houses. Ifor rent.17 ASP 19 e STREKT & W., COMfortable brick Dwellings. $1U each. DUVAIX * MABIL m«-3t mm For rent-some of Tir* most attract Uve Minuses in the city; furniabed or gthtrihit. Apply at K£HBRDY*fc mhO-tit790 15U» St. For rent-l st.. near 14th st. h.w., A hardy me new reiMenn, coaWllo| eleven rooms: hwued bv farnare; ha.*open liraplareata every room: pneumatic bell*, speaking tubes and cabiuat mantels. Plumbing exceptionally flue and the property tretclass in every particular. Will rent only to a strictly private femlly With no small children. thos. j. fisher * co., mhftflt 1824 F st a.w. FOR RENT.517 EAST CAPITOL st.: ELEVEN rooms: In flrst-«huw condition; modern Improvements: large yard; cellar and stable. Inquire next door, 610. mbO-St* For hfxt ar.RA<S>n.av.l6r.$125 1034 »0th St,ftor»,*r. f26 IohJJ Corooran, f. lOr.lOO 1751 S st n.w.,7r 22.50 & 8t-' fur-l l' 100 470 E St. S.w.,^r. 20 l.tl9Corcoran.far..llr.S5 40 M St. n.w,'4r.... 15 1900 N st. n.w., store 5o 2018 10th St. n,w., Or....15 D « e.- Or -30.53 80-86 Myrtle at, 7r .15 HI ?.9ih «-*-.10r. 30 1807 6th St., 6r, 12.50 2136 H n.w., 7r 80 1123 B St. «.e., §*- 12 mh6 THOS. E. WAGOAMAJf. FOR RENT.416 SPRUCE ST., DE DROIT PARK, seven rooms: all modern improvement*! 927.50. A. L. BARBER A CO., DeDrolt Building. m6~3t FOR RKNT-942R~ HTTNTW.. TWO-STORY AND basement brick. 7 rooms all mod. Imps.: $35 per month. SWORMSTEDT A BRADLEY. mn6-3t 828 F at. n.w. For rent-fcrxtshed hocser i have the very elegant new 8 story aud t»»sement pressed brick dwelling. 5 Iowa Vircle, rlchlv furnished, for rent under a lease of two veurs at $i50 per month. This residence is especially suited for occupancy by a cabinet minister, Congressman, or other gentleman wanting a complete home. The owner built for personal use, and spared no means to make his home complete in every respect. Tlie many rooms it contains are large, and the location Ls very commanding. Apply to JNO.A. PRESCOTT. 1416 F st.n.w. mhVSt FOR RENT.102 F ST. N. E.; 3-STORY BRICK, 9 rooms: all mod. imps.: $20 per mouth. 040 It st. n.w., 2-story and basement Brick; 7 rooms; all mod. imps.; 835 per month. SWORMSTEDT * BRADLEY, m3-6t 928 F » n.w._ For rent-a two-story and basement frame house, seven rooms and bath, modern improvements; 1624 Cthst. n.w.: rent $22.50 in advance. Apply 020 Xew York ave. n.w. fe24-2w* For rent . in-west Washington-a nrs-class House: modern Improvements: nine rooms; rent *40. Apply to JOHN TRIMBLE, S009 0 street and 514 F street. mh3-6t XTOR RENT-BY R. O. HOLTZMAN. 1 F«t li IK 1 fir CQ^iSWkA CeoniDl ma Aid SWk AA a «». m. *w. vnam a a tc, lut .tO( VV'.VV Gst.. near 19thSt., fSOO.00 Rst.. n. 15th. llrs.,flOO.OO Lafayette Sq.. 17r. .3(Xl.(«J B st.. n. Capitol. f 100.00 L&fuyette sq., 17r.,f25o.00 1809 H St. n.w 83.33 M St.. Thomas cir., fj.50.00 1759 PSt. n.w., llr~.83.33 Conn.av., u.N.13r,f.208-33 Cor. st.,n. 14th, t 80.00 Iowa Circle, fUr 106.06 1617l3thitn.w.,9r60.00 Xst. n.Conn.av,13r200.00 1619 13t h at. n.w.,9r 60.00 M st. n. 9thst,10r.fl6<).00 162113th st. n.w.,9r6<>.00 15thst. u.R.I.av.9r 150.00 162313thst.n.w.,9r60.00 19th st. Dupontrlr.fi50.00 21<> 6th st., Sr*. 60.00 Mass av. u. 15th, f.150.00 720 17ih St., flat 60.00 F, n. 4th n. w., Sr., 1125 00 17»iu P ft., store _40.0<> 1802 Vt. av., 14r 125 00 4*20 9th st. n.w 35.00 23 I own circle, 12r..l»K).00 935 25th»t n.w..9rs.20.00 1380 19th St., 13r lOO.UO Stable,rear 1406 H--20.00 Mda.n'r 1st n.eftar.lOO.OO 025 La. av. n.w.,5rs,.15.00 For list of property for aale call or send at office for Real Estate Guide. f-'S P. O. HQLTZMAN. 10th and F sta. n.w. v^or rent. r 2112 Mass. av. $110.00 608 Cst n.e., 6 rs.f22.50 1010 19th n.w., 13r. 100.00 612 Cst. n.e., 6 rs...22.50 2023 I st. n.w., 15r.100.00i 133 F st. n.e.. 8 20.00 1827 H st. n.w., 13r. 86 00; 1834 E st. n.W.O rs_.18.00 1761 Pst. n.w., llr...83.34 511 E st. n.e. 6 rs.,.,.10.00 51210th st.n.w lOr.75.00 1248 11th at. re Ki.OO 1755 Pst n.w.,l3r...75.00 1715 6th n.w.,6 rs ..16.00 453 C st.n.w., 14 rs 65.00 814 9th st. n.w..._ 10.00 8 A R.I. av.str.<fcdw'g45.O0 1«> 5th st. n.e., 6r» 15.00 239 Mass ave. n.w....40.00 31H 13i» n.w., 6 ra...14.00 1434 Pierce PI., 7rs.27.50 417 Warner at, 5 rs. 12.80 1734 7th st. n.w 25.00 464 K n.w., rear. 5rs..9.00 1223 T st. n.w., 7r 25.00 2121 P st. n.w., 4rs 8.00 200613th n.w.. 7r....25.00 1537 -K st. s e., 5 rs 7.00 033 I. n.w., 6rs 25.00: 1126 16ltist. u.w._ 5.00 604 C st. n.e., 6 rs 22 5<> Also, a number of well-located Furnished Houses. Call at office for Weekly Bulletin, issued every Saturday afternoon. landlords can have their house* advertised free by placing them in our feartda. f28B. H. WA RNER. 916 F at n.w. I7»or rf.nt.27 IOWA circle, 13 ROOMS,MOD. imp., §100_j)er mouth; 1329 15th St., 13 rooms, mod. imp., S7o; 1209 L st. n.w., O rooms, furnished, mod. Imp., $05; also, 30 and 32 8th st. n.e.. 6 rooms; 707 and 71 A s t.n.e., 0 rooms,$10 per month. These are new houses, well located, one square fron car line. chas. E. BANES, l28-6t 800 F. at. n.w. If OR RENT.A TEN-ROOM DWELLING HOUSE ou North Capitol St., overlooking Capitol Park; this house has been recently built: is handsomely furnished and very desirable as a residence. Inquire at 222 North Capitol st. f28-6t 17«Ol{ RENT.HOUSES.1813 M ST. N.W.. 3: stoiy pressed Brick. beautifully finished, with 9 rooms and all modem improvements; plumbing first class; for rent immediately at sp75 per month. Apply to JNU. A. PRESCOTT, f28-7t 1416 F at. n.w. For rest-very desirable dwellings in ditlerent parts of the city. Call for bulletin. John sherman, f28-lw 927 Fat n.w. or rent616 18thst., 12rS66.66 20158 St. Sfre. 5r..fl8.00 2132 L St., 10 r. m.L50.67 2431 N st, 6 r. 16.50 2213 F st., yr.,m.i....30.50 2433 N St., 6 r 16.60 2'21H G st., Or., m i 35.00 722 4th St.,6 r. & st rlS.SO 1313 22 St.,Sr., m. i...25.50 513 23d st. 6 r. 11.50 1315 22 st, 8 r. m.i.25.50 515>« 23d St. 6 r -11.60 1012 N.H. ave.. 5 r...20.00 524 26th St.. 4 r 6.00 fe27 wescott <fc wilcdx, 1907 Penn. >vi For rent.604 b st. n. e. $25. 944 boundary ru n. w $l& hoo 10th sl n. a, $20. JOHN T. ARMS, 810 F Ht n. w. fJO-lmo Fob rent. 1614 21at. st-14r..$125 1514 30th st.n.w.,17r....80 1913 N»t. lOr.m.t TO 1336 10th st.,14r..m.i.l25 l620R.I.av.llr.,m.i.83.33 1763 Pst., 12r.. m. i.88.33 517 4th st.,8r.,m.i OO 1502 Vt. av.,l3r.,m. 1.125 1431 Lst. n.w., 8r 25 2133 K stj>w.,8r, m.i .60 1625 Mass.av.,12r. in. i.lOo 1520 26th st.n.w.tjr.m.i.25 1742 F»t.n.w.,10r.m.;..f80.1 thomas j. fisher a co, f20 1324 F street northwest. "'OR RENT-BY S. H. WALKER, 030 LOC1SI1 ana we. n.w., 220 C St. n.e., 7 rooms, $'20.fi7-3m FOR RENT-1829 JEFFERSON PLACE; THREE stories, 9 rooms, bath, modern improvements. In thorough order; possession March 25; rent $05. Apply 1827 Jefferson Place. fl8-2m jpok rent.unfurnished. N. n. av. and S st.$150.00 1802 M st. 83.83 1324 lflthst 150.00' 1757 P st .78.00 1323 M st lOO.OO 1820Jeffer«oL Place 66.00 2023 1 st 100.00 173814th St., su rs 60.00 27 Iowa Circle 100.00 70115 St.. 2 offlcc rs.25.00 1906 Sundrland PI...91.66 703 15 st.,2office rs.25.00 Also a large number of Furnished Houses, fll FITCH, FOX & BROWN. 1437 Psnn. ave. I^or rent-houses. ' The second and third floors of 951 Q st. n.w.! 7 rooms sll modern improvements: price 830 p*r month. SWORMSTEDT «£ BRADLEY, , fll-lm 928 F st. n.w. For rent-house 619 new jersey aveL n.w., 10 rooms: modern improvements; in rood repair; $:i5 per month. Inquire of W. C. JOHNSON, <18 13th st. n.w. f7-lm OR RENT.1812 N ST.. OPPOSITE BBITI8H Legation, new und desirable Dwelling; all improvements, and new stable iu the rear. Apply to ARTHUR T. BRICE, 714 15th st. fb-lm I.iOK RENT.SEVERAL SMALL HOUSES, SOME entirely new, at $15, §4H, £20 per mouth. JOHN SHERMAN, Teal Estate, 927 F St. ja29 COUNTRY REAL ESTATEr For sale-a sixty-acre dairy farm, near the city: thoroughly stocked; fruits all kinds; well improved; running streams: three-fourths of a mile from railroad station. HtTFTY <fc DYER, mli6-3t 13th and F streets. For rent-at hyattsville, cottages in excellent order in every respect cosey, comfort able, convenient. Inquire of Mr. FRANK AMAN, Hyattsville, or W. T. PRIME, Baltimore, Md. m5-3m OTOCK FARM OF 215 ACRE8 FOR SALE." CAN ^ be divided to make two fkrms WALKER dfc WILSON, 1OO0 F Bt. n.w. mh5-3t*~ For rent. Dairy Farm, 92 acres, 9-room house. servants' house, and barn for twenty head stock; will Increase facilities to suit. Apply to J. J. wilmarth, 227 4»* st. n. w. or at 802 bth st. n. w. mh2-l w* For sale.the earliest vegetable Garden in this section; 35 acres, called Federal Hill, near Alexandria; splendid view of the Potomac and two cities. Price $2,500. For particulars see WM. P. YOUNG, mh2-6t 1303 F st aw. Fob sale-a desirable suburban residence, eleven rooms, hi first-ela*s condition: two acres in lawn and shade; varietv of fruit; excellent spring water; convenient to street ears. Address or apply to A. H. FLOECKHER & CO., fe'iS-Of t 02 H st. n.fc A FINE COUNTRY SEAT FOR SALE..EIGHTY acres, about Ave miles from Washington In Virginiat imprdVed by large mansion with beautiful lawn ana snuae; also, tarm house, 7 rooms, large liarn aim! carriage bouse. AS; kinds of fruit. Watered by running brook and springs; supports line dairy. This plait is within l^n mileSi of railroad station and near village. Will sell on easy terms or exchange fbr desirable city property. HtTFTY ft DiEH, Real Estate and Insurance, f28-10t 13th arid F Ste. n.w. VIRGINIA HOMES.OUR FREE DESCRIPTIVE list contains two hundred <jrazing Farms and other properties in this noted I'ledmoiit region. We are only two and a half hours by rail from washington. Run up to sue us or send for Journal at once. w'm. p. hilleary & son, Warrenton, B7-1m Fauq uier County, Va. I^AKM LAND FOR RENT, WITHIN 10 MILES of Washington: one mil* of R. R. station; well waterid; suitable for market gardening and small ft-uits; healthy location. WILLIAM A. MELOY. Law oflice, 4 <2 Ixmislana ave., Washington, fll-eod Dairy and fruit farm for sale at a bargain, near Washington. d. ico acres; good dwelling, barn and other buildings. Call on k. a, phillips, 1428 New York ave. I21-2w F)R RKNT-'SIBLEY FARM," near riggsMill, about eight miles northeast from the city, containing 106 acres, with dwelling and fine barn; can be had at a reasonable rent. Apply to SWORMHTEDT * BRADLEY, fll-lc KM F St. U.W. OR RENT.A FIN* DAIRY FARM, TWO and a-half miles from this city. 100 acres, nine room dwelling. Tenant house and ample out-buildings. R. A. IQilLLlPS, 1428 N. Y. are. flMm T^OR SALE-OR EXCHANGE-FOB UITENCUMJL bered property, Farm 190 acres, 10 miles from Washington, near R. R. station; excellent water, orchards and vineyards; good house; barn. Inquire at 20001st jarf-'im* (treat Bargains In Pumoi Which; have been used: 7-Octave CHICKERING, 7-Octave HALLET £ DAVIS, 7-Octave HAINES BBO., 7-Octave G ABLER; 6VOctave emerson, C*4-Octave GERMAN. Prices and terms to suit the times, EDW. P. DROOP, Partner of the late W. G. MZTZKROTTAOO. 26 PENNSYLVANIA AVXNUX, *%£K££1E&UI ^psa-^sgjt FOR SALE.HOUSES. For pale516 1 Ithn. w..$l;t..VNi Ml lsjn w m 1 lir$i!.SOO 1U13 lOtti ti 417 K n.w .,iii i.,lorii..>Ki 910 X. Y. tr«., ivr P.<«iO 11 r. » .n.i 1 ">r « » ni nfil I st.n.w.m.l.lor.Jv.'**' Cor.U.N,Oip..ni.t i«r <.<» «» Ill A lm 1.240* 1N» aw. m l *r ;.«*«» 5W18tbi).w..lur 1147.1140.1 l.M 21 ;.<> *> 611 F n.w..m.L llr._7.tH«» lil E m i.. l««r fi.tMN) 1747 F u.» ..m.Llur.»j,.Vm 1»W*7 r.flv..m.l.7r ni« THQ8. E. Wai^ANIaX. FOll RALE - ATTRA* "TTV E Til ItKF STORY Houwvnuruiriiui' *7.."»<»"» Also. H at., IMtt ttth St. I) w 1321 11th at. n.w mxki b ii ^ irneh. i mn3-6t 91t> 1st. n.w. ]«K>H SALB-1211 N N W Til HI'.K- POKY thirteen rooms: oUar; nuxlern (13.50U. UHWAIIMK. mh;i-6t k n.v. FOB RALE.VESMOXT ~AVE^~ NEAR K sr n.w . elegant three-story and liucmcn! ( thirteen rooms; cellar: fine river view; el»k trio bc'l* pm-umatie tubes; every couveni>noe: beautif'llv f. r Dished; So7,^X1. B. H. WAI N Eft, mh3-5t 016 F at. n.w. IJ FOR BiLE-SEVKIUL FINE HKblDEN* 1 Connecticut av«.. near X »t. n.w i fclaamchusetts ave., near 21st st iy.Ois> 17o5X»t. n.w 1 -.500 j Thia Utter property uow under rental at >700 i>er m»oth. B. H. WARNF.R. mh3-6t 91# F st. u w. X*ORSALE-134U M ASHAOirSim^A VK N W~ "m. fronting 1 hornw Circle: sixteen room*; cellar. verv large y*rd; location very choice; »IW.<XH) B. H. WARNER. mh3-fit 910 F at. n.ir. FOR 8ALE-13U3 T ST. N W.. TWO<jTuRY ' presets! brick hay window, hall. 7 r niv. frame stable: lot lsxloo to good allev-: catj be '""l^b: at ib» low price of yg.aoo. jS*o. a. pr> x>tt. mh3-2w MMFflC.tt.tr. F)r~8ale-stofe an D DW KlllnO. 1 si 614 th St. D.W.; lance More room. 24 ju'x). on first f. : elegant cellar; four mc« room* on second il«»or: lot ' 24.6x120 to good alley: this prop<-ry is si: jat«M <>ti 1 the w«»st. the ouslndess sM». of 14tli »t . and if tai<e:i ' at once mn be had at the low pri'-e ct" ' can remaiu on the property. jno. a. l'kl >< n . mh3-2w 14 m i at. n m F»OR SAI.E-thkkk HoV^l'V Hmhi and l«W 4^at. and3t>4 K st. a.w. Iuyulreat LF.OMlAKL) sttlaffkrt. 1002 44 rt aw. fe2K liu» FOR SALE-ARLINfiTONTERRA' ! tKi| K ST l.Vrwmi bouse; modern lmprov.-m»-nt«: <v"-n»r lot 1 1 26x05. Terms easy. TRlisBKEV d: . it i KX, f_'K-2w 62W 7th st. |] OR SALE.I HAVE SEVERAL FINELY I rv cuted houses, Just compl«te<. two-«tory and h*<e- ment, handsome pres.««*d brick front-. <5 lf-m* for aale; piloe, "»0U. JNO. A. FittXorr, 14 l«; V st. | n.w. 7t TT9.K SALE. AN ELEVEN ROOM* BRICK jk. nonoe; uii modern improvement*: k>t 25x 1 <H to a 30 foot alley. This properly is offered at u The location is verv desirable, iu the northwest, and is constantly increasing in value. ( HVPTY A 1'YKR, Real Estau and Insurance. fiR-iot IMkMif m. n.w. FOR*SALE-TWO F!.rr,ALT\F\VHOlM:s; twelve rootos each; containing all latent Improve- merits, corner 1.1th st. and Massachusetts a\e. n w.: houses open lor icsi>ectloo. 'lluee uw three-atory Hou««: eight rooms each, all modern ImuioNeinenU; 419 and 421 H tit. n.w., and 40t> Mwarn1.setts ave. n.w. live building Lots, corner 15th and X sts. n.w For further Information apply to the owner, R. <;<>Ll>- SC1IMID. bl2 7th bt. n.w. t\< Jin FOR SALE.MISCELLAXEOI S I 17>OK SALE.BESTAUBASt. POOL ROOM AND | (.Vterlng Establishment combined. on one of the best streets of the city Address L.. Siar office. F" OR SALE.A RAKE BARGAIN F.I.EOANT nearly new Cabinet Upright < «ra-nd Piano: hai.ds.jme K of ewood case, very nchlv fluislied: ftill rich tone, with fine siiu;.ng quullti'~>. for only C1H0 cash; used but nix months; owner uady clerk leaving the ciur. Apply at once at 11EINEKAMP WARl'UOOMS, mh6 422 0th lit. If OR SALE-ONE PAIR OK BTMJWN HOBOES, 1 10 bands high; Ihey are a aim IHvIm team. One very fine Saddle Horse. Kentucky bred, and goes all the gaits: suitable f«>r a la<*.v or gentleman. Alio, one fine larire Bay Mare, io hands, suitable for coupe or fttmily use. bt JAMES O. BOWEXS STABLE. mh6-3t* K4A New Vorlc ave. I^OK SA.LE-TYPE WRITEItS? ALL MAKKsj | second-hand. Also. Sun Type Writer. Price. $12. at ''CAUGRA.PH OFHCK." ii U K st. n.w. iuli4-:>t 17U>RSALE. Kirst-c!ai-« sa.ldle ai.d harness h»rse, $250: J. K. Brewster buiyrv cost $45o. ai le^j than hair price, at Arlington Stables, 1724 <1 st. mh3-lw* I~pORSALl-: T\V«2"J Yt OlTRKi'M i: llo.tTs, lour 2U tt. O nrix^rr Boat*. two 1<; ft. «.mining . Skiffs, two 17 ft. Battoea. JOlIN CUMBERLAND, foot of F st. n.w. bU-Ib* OR SALE.A PERFECTLY MATCHED TEAM of bay mares: 15.2 high; each weigh l.OUO lbs ; I tine style and action: drive well; six ana seven vears old; you (an oonu* rrotn Washington, examine "these mares, and return same evening. I>owest jirii-e, $>4(Mt. \ Address H.W. HILLEARY, Warrenton.Va n.li2-14t* I^ORSALECARRfARES! CARRIAGES! I 2 second-hand Coupeiettes. 3 Coupe Hock away*. 2 Hansoms, 8 new and second-hand Phaetons", ; 4 Extension Family Carriages. « Varnish Wugons, 10 Village Carts, Side Bar Buggies, Hudhb, Whips, Lap Robes **. All kin da. Repairing and Palming done in best manner. The above are for sale at right figures and terms to ult. Call and be convinced at I fl&-lm a J. MEEKS'. 621 O at. n.w. For sale-at ben coolkvs btli.iard and P<k»1 rooms, northwest corner C and «>th uta ' ii.w.. The Brunswick. Balke. Collender Co. celebrated Billiard and Pool Tables, with the world renow n«d i Monarch cushions. Also several Second Hand Pool and Billiard Tables. Billiards and Pool Sunniies of »i l i kinds for tale. Special ait«-ntion given to'all repair work. Covering Tables a specialty. fl7-lm FOR SALE.AN EXOHMOrs BARGAIN.A RICH AND ELEGANTLY FINISHED SOLID WALNUT CASE ESTY ORG AX. WITH ALL THE NECESSARY STOPS ANI) IMPROVEMENTS, FUR ONLY $45. A GREAT SACRIFICE. APPLY AT SIDNEY T. NIMMO'8. Jal2 433 Tth street northwont < I-?0H SALE.REOA RDLESS OF ORIGINAL COST ' I WILL SELL FOR CASH. OK ON EASY MONTHLY INSTALLMENTS, SEVERAL VER\ ELEGANT PIANOS. AT ABOUT ONE- THLRD THEIR COST. EVERY INSTRUMENT WARRANTED AS GOOD AS NEW. SIDNEY T. NIMMO, Jal2 438 7th street northwest 1r*0R SALE.FEARFULLYLOW, FOR CASH. AN 1 ELEGANT SOLID WAXNCT CASE ORGAN WITH EIGHT STOPS AND ALL THE IMPROVEMENTS, FOR ONLY f3U. ML ST BE CALLED FOR AT ONCE APPLY AT SIDNEY T. NIMMO'8, J*12 433 Tth street northwest TU)R SALE" #5 PER MONTH WILL BUY A HANDSOME : ORGAN OF ALMOST AN Y RELIA BLE MAKE AT SIDNEY T. NIMMO S. Jal2 433 7th street northwest \ ISoR SALE-ONE FINE 7% OCTAVEUPRIGH*I\ ' and cue Beautiful SQUARE PIANO, both same as J new. Must positively be sold at a grent sacrifice for cash before March 1. Can be seen at Toy Tth st n.w. r-lm \ FOR SALE.SEVERAL SBOOND-IIAND LAN- < dauletles, Couneletts, Coupe Rockaw avs. Coupes, i Broughams and Victorias, new and w-ond-liand Ph:etons, Exreiision-tops and Buggies, and also other new and second-hand carriages. This work will be sold : cheap to close cut. Repairing promptly attended to. ROLT. H. GRA HAM. Repository and Factory, 410- , 416 8 th street northwest d2W J 1" TIORSA LE.ALL k IND8 OF BIRDS, HARTZ < Mountain. St. Audreasburg, Trained ringing Cai.a- I rles. AH kinds of Fancy Birds. Aviary Cages. FRED. ZELLER, 231 Pennsylvania ave. n.w. dll-3m* BOARDING. ~ __ \ VEW" YORK BOARD..FAMILIES VISITING J New York will find superior accommodations and 1 excellent board at 110 east 23d t-treet. It J F~ URNISHFTIT ROOMS WITH BOARD: A'JgO I \ifif;iri>i-hed rooius in single or en suite; pric reasonable. 340 Indiana ave. It* ^ TjTlfT 11 ST.-HANDSOMELY FURNISHED > iTVt) sunny Rooms, with unexceptionable ! Board for transient or permanent. rit»-lni" ; 1 AN DSOMELY-FU RNISH ED ROOMSTNEAR i all lines of cars. Also Table Board. References given and required. 514 13th si. n.w. flT-lm" T URNISH ED ROOMS, WITH FIRST CLASS " table Board. 1012 14th St. n.w. fl2-lm > n i fr kstTn^TTone parlor floor and i (/"TO one seoond-storv floor rooms en suite or s single. Hia.ted by open grates and furnaces. Table 1 Board * specialty. Mrs. I>. B. STOCKHAM. Tran- 1 stent Boarders accommodated. ia6-2ni* I ARGE. AIRY ROOMS FOR RENT AT~314 AND J. 310 Indiana ave. Also, Boarding for three j months, at 810 per month. Advance juvment u Strictly required. ju;>-3iu HFTLiX'HTEL HOUSE 512 OTH ST. NT\vZ 1 and the La Pierre, southwest corner of K'th «md E -i Kts. n.w., are the l**t conducted Boarding hour's in the city. Table lirst-daee; pleasauv rooms. Terms j moderate. <k-27 j 4-rpHF. TREMONT."-THI8 HOUSE HAS BEEN I rouainted and renanwM. and in oropp u n,- ,v,,» .f.( > --- r «v* j'ui i In flist-ciHJK ofder. It is the oool«-« and most rtes-.ra- l»le place to bour-t in the city. Terms, $26, $o<J, >4U "l and S45 per month. jeT j J ATTORNEYS. ~|' JOHN. W. MORRTS, 1 J1 (Late Principal Kx&miner U. 8. Pension Off re), . Attorney at i*w, 924 Massachusetts ave., makes v the Prosecution of Pension (.'laimh a specialty .mh3-5t» ! " ClHARLES J. GpoCH. SOLICITOR OF PATENTS, f - Countse'lor-at-Law and Expert.St. CUu.l building, < tftli and I' stv liood work, good references, rnodt-r- 1 ate charges. Tweuty-one yeure cx]K-ri«t»v. d:U 1 Nil miller, attorney-at-law, Rwils 2 and 4, Gunton Law Building, ' 472 Louisiana avenue. > Residence. 240 North Capitol at. mhit» j ' ^AMI-EL H. WALKER," " IO U.S. Commissioner, Notary Public and Attorney for Rents, Jy2 630 Louisiana ave. next to City P. O. DENTISTRY. "i> OAUUEL L SCOTT, D.D.6., I C3 fifteen rears experience In Dentistry. 0ffloe,1207 F sLn.w. Preservation of the Natural Teeth a n>e- . cUlty. oca* i DR. RANDALL PARSONS, 438 7TH 8T. N. W., 1 over Raliantvne's. Oj> ratlve and mechanical 1 I>euu«uy skillfully performed. Uai aduilnLsu-red; J moderate fees. Ten years exj>erience. liourt from t 9 a.m. to t> p.m. sew s DR. STARR PARSONS. COR 9TH AND E HTH. n.w. Filling a specialty; also, the cure of tooth- 1 che without extracting. A local ansestbetic, used on lbs gums, alleviates paiu of extracting. Gaa given, i Charges moderate. u'~ i RTTT11.~TAI. BUTT, DENTIST, 487 7TH ST.. i three doors from corner K. Dentistry in all Us bran dies. Teeth Inserted $7 per set. All work . warranted. .anl THE TRADES. ' JJTOPAJEJ. I LARUE FACILITIES.>NLW MATERIAL. 1 OUUCRtt FOR PRINTING OF ALL KINDS HOL1C1TMD. KCFU8 H. DARBY. Practical Printer, i «a28 432 Oth street northwest. AJ»DJOBPRIirrXRS. ^ I m 4 EDUCATIONAL. fl* VXHINOTOX ACAPtMv6rTKl*J*4LMnri \> onl\ K-lMOl of the k>nU brre. A IMCW la*. latum to all t<- aee the u.t-ibud bv a bw li v## ran kwa leiarn profeoioa. -14 -M s. d£>-4»a* ^ J~t \IV>~»*»RRIT«I»N. rrtVATK TVTOK nrif1! 1 111an*" y*«r oflW 4*7 7th »l r w OkMnnieratai I LKhorthaiid Special I advanced MiKteotoln abort hand _ W 1 CHuKIHAM' AM> 1 V >k WRITING PRAcfll ^ Mllv taught Mnoeaw t .laranu-ed ff Inetnii-Oowj ure followed. Private pupil* |-aftr red nulutier na> it Hi. R I tTtOMELTN. oir.oe ot John* A l<a<Moa, iWnographer*, 47*2 LoiiWtat.a ave. Hilijj am* 1-«HKOIVII *FKVir» JN^TITfTF, 4M3 jyninyivnpw »v» nw. Kele«t Civil NervW Piactt^al Civil * rvlf studtea nrvd Thorough Civil W l«rlll: ___ n*Es»i>AY. ntn>i»X\ am> svn *pat ev^ MNWh Maun fv»u. 7 to V p m Term* re»aouab'.e'rnrHow* Brst'inw » HOOU M: TTH m. 1 ii. w iii.-r? <v»»,it»n»d iMurn tn practical H*uk- {MriK Rapid IVtinianaliip and i jikiIMi M-auch«g »i inooerate rat«a at tint.<>n Morning, afternoon and nielit «»^le rtrht to Ho«-e"* oit«i) of Rookli-.j-itig laiicht without teat-bcoka. C'l-^l eel \ hi' prep»ra;ion a specialty. J. H. BUY AXT, PrttK'tpa 1. ________ »* » » rpui: BERLITZ SCHOOL - .r L.OiUL AUUk J. IV Raltlroore. Bo«ton, Rrook'vn, Prurtd***, And at 723 14th rt. a. w. W AsHnCOTOW. New Term IWln« now. Superior Native IWhRI »nly. ciasseaaud Private Laaaon*. Pm P *' *~mtlr Lot*. Unexcelled »drant«ir«Mi tor learning roararaattg* We Invite a)'. p»-r» n^ rialt our rlaaiea fan CHl'HTHOli REi.lI.AR .tA«K! KMlioKi r* .-v ery r\« * lug Private lewotm a tpaclaltv. AU inorthat.il books and uubltcatlon* coiiatantlv 6b HauA, uid exceptional opporVinltle* tor learning the art are f-r, Jat WAsHiSgTON PHoXOUKAPH 1C HF.Afr SI AH1T.H.S. l«. b W. fl» <' Hi'" I "rH.iK V Tios am- IK AM ATK ART, i ~H'Ji; N «t na Privat* le«, us In logitah iih-Ih-s, voice cuitun- and rvadtug ciaa*< » l>av and v. .ung» Mi« auei.i.ve hi \ aL M v K f: la ^PfcNcKRI A X II isINrjss «X>I f » .. K.. ii I.M.R » t*tli an-: 1 ;i w \ ..nnjc ami mld<llr-arpd raw siiil w om^u ti lit nisi fW bnsi ! « > Kapkl writing book imm. bu«lue«< prat'tlce. rH|ili| -atou!atton«. Knglluk language. >trno).rH|>hy. tvj-« vtrltiiiK, «-u\, Ujon>ii|chle lanicht Aitniiasi' ii at anv tune l iteral tarma Mtupttsl t > t»iH tiin«K ^ ear. fr >m date of entrance '.«% r tiisht. %:*> iliree niontba. .lav, fA* night, #14. L>!i«* iiK.i.ttyi.iisbt ».%, Rapid a i itfng/12 Imum, m. 4 I'lkii .»r i.-r ,-iiw.ilaa. h'knky'o. 8PFXCKR, Principal. -\t:v \ M'> \< i K. Vic* principal. d:W) /n raii. -in piano. acVtavoht a* \ * r< -nsouable rau* by I*rof. Lot'Ib UHTfc^'hTtrX, *.%»; < m ii w, Tlie professoi tuak«« the i-itara -.(iltx . and he ha* aiuwasfuiij tau*tit it fur twentgrt:inse yvurs 4VMB r|" HI Bl ST AKPC1IKAPVrrLACfTOLEiU0 1 drawiri< and iwntiiiK In at the National Academe i>f I !»<> An>, IHtn st. and New York av*. Vear* of etudy saved. Receptions five \\ edncsday evanturs at Bo'( lock. tlMB i Mli* AMY ii ivtfT, OF BO«TONr UKAIK A uate and certified examiner of the New Kngland M i oiiservatcrx. Piano technique. harmoiiv and volo* fl culture. 1012 l«Mii M n.w. <M» | \\" ASU LXUTUS W H< m »L OF Et/K UTlON AJfI> M M kJisJmh >«« *. H t«>4 M Sir.-^t, MRR.K. CTFVF.N>- HART, \nnrtpal. V The culture and Uevelopu.aut of the \ol<> and DaA- ural expression of ent.ment car«; full} taught H .ni attention »i'. en u> the > are of atamnieri ng and other v oca! defect*. Hoya' aud Girls' lrr* sotof duv, 11 am. dMj«l A\r ITparson«T nTsTi.vrrorSPKNCKKI AN Business t'tilleKei. private Inssxuctor In Bo«>kkeeping, IVutuattxhip. I.egliah mid all uiathcinau a. Day w-c-iona, w a.nt. to 1*2 m 97 pet month Puplla taught tit hotae If denimd 318 P at. n.w. d2 ]>ARTIIX WIM I'F>1RK TO IMTROV* THFM selves in the heautiAil arta of Kl "-uHoa, K.n«rlkak (irainr.ar. Arithmetic r>«il>h Literature. Hiatory, Algebra and Oonu>oatUou oan racelve private I.-*aona bv the hour at 60S F *1. n.w..or at the botne* of ibuaa w h.> may ho daalro. For retereufl** call or addrewa Mn t A. « HAMRKRK, ,'afl-2m «<»* I' at n.w., Oty C> arfIei.T) ktnpfboartfn*. J PRIMARY ANP TRAI NING SCHOOL, 923 19th at. n.w. au27^m MRf- ANNA B (Mil)EN. Prtnrti*!. 1>RIVATE tSB80XB IN AIJ. U1UL1- <>§ Bfidv; to adult* confidential: prej.arai for college Animpolis, \\ est IV.Int. all examinations. 1 \> I X-riTITK « w comer nth and K its n.w. Mathematical, t laiftioal. RuMuons. K U' FLY**. A Fvenlnir flaw. $3 Mid <& a month. <ip29 8U\CMER RESORTS. r|-<HK KMKBiSON HOtsK, ATLANTIC A . . L. 1 City, N. J., South raruliu* avenue, UNry|fmV tlif oci .iii. Klcctric hells. «caa, etc. H««ted^j^|LX lhr<'Uic!ioiit, sun gallery All Oiodcm oonwnleiicea. ui»-n nil the }f»r. Hl'llOIS A vOl'NO, Proprtetora I'itHm f 'rm KKNNTS vtlamT("',FT'\ VJ'.I . . A JL SO yards from the Reach, open all UieV^^V i'car; hot sea waiei bathk In the hotiee. TV;tm B«"»RTUN A M ARHHA1.I. r|MlK \V F.LLlNUTON ATLAXTIC CITY. N. J.1 Kciituckyave, near the tw-acli; hot bath) A lk t'ari i-arlor; new bouae aud newly furnlal.ad. te.Mim A. R. llVNTKlL iiuKL rFHK VICTORIA. ATT.ANTIC CITS*. N J.-THOR M. ouphly licated. givx. etc.; hot and cold nea A . . A aat>-r l>:ttli-, nun |>ailor and akatlng rl"kY/TkT ilr ctlv on beach, free to gueota. MJ-Sm M WII.ITamTv rpHE W AYFRLY.ATI A NTI< < ITY'N J 419 I all the year. Hot nud culd nea water A . . A - iji the house All the comfort* of i. y tir-s-i-lass hotel. < oach iueet» all tralim JOHN K. M1FFI.IN, Manager. f.O-nm uim 1 I «»- -». u. un i m., t ru^jr ieinM> HOTELS. HOLLY TREE HOTEL ANIi DINING 1WOMI SIS V»th at. n.w inn furnish Room ud Board (or 160 iaora,«tM.M per day. fflMt 1 IIE A.RNOa Private Hotel, the Fine* of tbe klad at UM National Capital. Situated on 16th St., between I aud K Ms., Max fkvette Hquare. Thin new establishment ia now ready for the hqm Hon of quests; newly ftirnlshed throughout; electric Ik'Hi and open tirapUivt in *vtrj- room. >ln»»t suites, with large parlor aud private bath; alec aiufle ro< ri»-* for gentlemen. BOTH AMERICAN AND EUROPEAN PLAN. oeat ion Central aial I'nsurpaaaed. PROFESSIONAL. J HO. CANDEE, VITA PATH PHYSICIAN^! 1 employ the bent health resources of Datura, identifies! ly applied through Vital Nervaura, Elee- riclty, Vegetable Itemed ies, Foo<l. Water. Air. Heat. l.ijiht. Osone, Electric Vup<jr Hatlia, A- I dlecard all V Minerals, Opiates, Mercury, Quinine, Alooboll< stiiu- 1 laau. I prepare Ml my ow n vegetable r< mediea M '<>n<i>ltntion nee ( all or send for testimonial* ot * -lelerful cures. I treat all dix aaes. acute or rlirouic. »flUe and reception parlors, V2 J F si., between 1Mb ilid Kith. Washington, 1>. C. fi'Vi4-Lm* I VRTSENARD'S MAGNETIC 80LNH ANI> FOOT 1 J liatteries are indispensable for pereons suffering Yoit^-old feet, weak circulation or the ectreiniUaa. to < >ur eleciro-iuagnelic garment* are desigtwd ea ecially for rheumatic, neiunlgx and nerve affect one. Vimpeteiitphvsician consultation free. PstWit* called »i. at their homes. THE MAGNETIC APPLIANCE ».. F wt. n w. ft211m^ \\TUNDERFT'L CFRE8 OF NERVK'DISEASHI. >> Ali sufferers fVom Klifumi'Hm, Neuralgia, or »ther Nervous lusorders. should call at 523 13th st i.»'. city, for relief, and for testimonial* of men and louieii right here in \V'ashingtoii. < iflloe DR. III 1.1. h H M a<. N iTr H' a PPLI A.NCK <_> < M PA NY." fl J.-1 m*_ 1,"«< » 1 SIRuKUY.Ar.-tX IRXS. HlNlrtNg CLtl I and Inverted Nails. Clnlhlalus. Frosted Kmat k'i-.s.mlar Excrescences and aildi^ea-ex of the feet sue essfully treated at Dr. WHITE'S establishment, 1414 Vniisylvama ave., op|a>site Wtiiard s Hotel. I»r. A'liite s twenty-fifth coiisecutUe year uf practice in rVaaliliiKUm. 1>. C. Patronised by the most eminent tiivsicuais and turgeons. 'jrtlc>- iee,$i a sitting Bal imore establishment, n North Eutaw at. i til MRS. 1»R J. 8FMMR?, RESIDENT HCRiiBOX CHIROPODIST. M AN 1CUKE AND DERMA- r«)JXK.il!sT..Corus, liunlons and Intri wing Nails ab- olutely und |HTUkMiiently cured In a ft-w treat man ta. ilter "JO years >d snferiiiK 1 »«.« cured by Dr. Nemruea. vault- to oe seen at Dice, 1'iJ'i F Mreet. 4 door* fr>m .3th. Hundreds of the best j-eople in this city will 1 ubstatitiate thia statement. Corns, 25 cents. Mrs. fl )r. Scnimea has purchased the V oudalVd Hoot ara I lerbTotilc, will at/sohitely make hair grow on HaM 1 leads. Man\ Wi.l think this ih sutne worth leas stun, I tut any gentleman or lady who lis bald Is invited M 1 nil lor tree treatments at Vi'i'Z F st., 4 doors from | ;tt h. This preparation has never lieen In the market mder any name, and has brought out a nut of liali ,l*er "2f> years of bai lness. For sale bjr Proprietor, il'l F st.. 4 doors from 13th, up one flii&t. f7 i f M ii KOtsei ^ k:ELIABI,E CLAIRVOYANT AND ASTnOLOOim ca>. isiiisulted on business and all atlatra of ilia All in trouble call. hailsfkctloL given or uo im. Fco.ei. 4 Residence, 1H10 Utb street northwest. Jt0 11.1%-iHt. MLHI.KMA~SCT.I^it PILKRBY lit r. ct treatment. without the use of knifr. caoatic0| .< Urature. Cure guuranu-ed. can be consulted at 7'ii * lih street northwest, lroni 4 to « p. m. dally. dl-3m M11 BHfKiKE TtLUi^AXL THE EVKTnOf I.IFE. All busineeeconfidential. Ladiesandg»n> it-mi n .SO cents each. 4Ub L street, between 4th and ah streets north weat. jel4-wOw« \ J All AM K PAY N 1 ff H ANICVRE .'I una Surgeon Cbtropodiat..Finger-nails beautiie«i: Haiue Nails and Bttuift of Nails positively cured; , orns. Humous, Ingrowing Nails andali diiii'see>ofn>» 1 eet siuvcssftjily treated. Mm;It- treatment, either * lands or feet, f 1. Rooms ft and «. IV aw.B*-Wi \ f R> M. A. ntKKCn.ilAOKEnC healer, .U U"d Bum n«M Medium, Is again at bom*. 1734 7lfc t. n.w., where she will be pleased to reoelve hsr riends and petrona. iilO-4m* SPECIALTIES. . A I VKWT. PAKKER. OF BOH TON MAM. Mar M I /ni-tk- Healer: Wonderfbl Cures by laying oe of .anas: Nervous liiseeses a specialty and Cbxowc. Will isit patience. Office beurs 1 to 8 j m. #17 eC l. w. n:h%-7t» MR*. BROWN (OOIvORED) TAKE® LADIES before and during Illness, at ber nice bonis, 806 ulsaourl ava. n.w., where tbey wlli have the beet «f ur«. MM»' Prof. cLay, renowned and celebrated clairvoyant and aetroiogtat, can be consulted ua iv.linens, lote and matrimony. AU In tronMejoali. satisfaction guaranteed. iee»L RMdenot 80# 4% t. s.w. | ^ R ^QBERTHON^ rar im" Jj' St ill Baltimore city, caii be (vnsuhed u V ashlngton I wery Wednesday and aatuiday toy all la iMaiariZaff W *1 advice or treatment, at bia private roomaAAS C ». n.w.. near 4i«.. l>o« at»8pJ». Maiaahos.88 <. Liberty m. Baltimore. Md. tiH Bishop-s Camphorix*. I An ex^ulaiteTotM article tw flwnaai andRoMlV «kin: allays irritation and Ww kMt>fb+ ooaudMnS I mouth, tuft and ^gar^Prioe Mc. I *

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Post on 19-Apr-2019




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r«IBAT . IHwrch «,JW.« HOSMY R. S4»YBM Fdilor.

I"be Irralas «*lnr ban it rr*nlar, porwniirntb«aa Me dally rircnlniion morf thnn treblethat mf «v other dnil> pnper published iu\\ ifliniroii, unil equal to Mm: of ail theMiter dn.il> paper* here added toaetber.

The change* in the offices which i>egan atBoon on the fourth of March, by the transfer ofexecutive power from Arthur to Cleveland, goforward from point to point. Yesterday thenew cabinet was announced, and but fur a hitchIn the .Senate inu-t or all of the nunies wouldhare been Immediately ratified. On the nextlower level It is announced that Mr. Charles 8.Fairchild will succeed Judge French a* flr*t as

i-;antsecretary of the tresisurv. Mr. Fairchildb<-l«m^s to the Tilden-Manning wintr of the NewYork democracy and wll be in thorough accordwith the new rTfitiw. lie was intimately associatedwith Mr. Whitney in reform politic* Inhi* own state, and may be dejiended upon tondBilnisterhis new functions in a similar spirit.President Cleveland shows his g*x>d Judgmentand conservation in retaining Mr. I*ruden at theWh ite House.

In a hlt-or-miw» style Congress gave heed toomeoC the needs ol the I»i.-trict and n<-,'leeted

other*. Thus, the «'api'.oi building comes In fontliberal appropriation to continue work on theapproaches. The Washington monument gats

/XX), and the Interior department building9160,IX>0. The Medical Museum is to have anew building. On the other hnnrl the needs ofthe library and the city post otTi.-e were ignored,and those who wished a lar^e appropriation fothe Garlleld hospital were disappointed.

President Cleveland's first day in the WhiteHour? was a busy od»\ He t<*>k his turn at tn»pump-handlepenance of nil presidents audndured the ordeal In good form. He listened

to much advice in the matter of offices, andpromised to give the question at is»ue his mosterious consideration. He rose early, workedJncessantly, and went to bed late, realizingafresh, no doubt, that station has its labor* proportionateto its honors. But iu his first day'saervice he found time to slip away to enjoy oneof the regulation drives of the capitirl,.the circuitof the grounds of the s<oldiers" Home.

Paradoxical as it may sound, ice is the bestfriend of fire. Thus the cold February Justended was notable for an unusual number ofdestructive fires, the losses throughout thecountry aggregating ten million dollars. TheFire-Fiend is a near cousin of Jack Fio-t. Nowthat the icy reign of the,one is Hosing n,r a season,we may hope for comparative relief tromthe other.

Inaugurations. thanks to the ball that windsBp the day, are apt to be self-supporting. Afierthe Garfield inauguration Mr. John \V. Thompsonwu able to send ba< k to each contributorthe amount of bis subscription, and the managersof the Cleveland ball are apt, not only todo that, but to declare a dividt nd for charitablepurposes.After his fishing excursion ex-President

Arthur resumes the practice of law in New"York city. But it is annntuno-d that he will nothave a partner. Gen. Grant's experience inthat line may have suggested to him the risk ofthe hyphen in business where pci-sonal reputationforms part of the capital.

. ....

Congress retuv d to give $100,000 lor theBartholili statue pedestal, hut it voted SoO.OOOfcra statue to Lafayette and his compatriotsto be added to the monuments of this city, sothat the aid of the French in (because of libartyis to be recognized. If the execution of thework be artistic the statue will be a welcomeAddition to those we already possess.

It Is possible, but scarcely probable, that asnore absurd person than Senator Riddlebergerwas ever created.

No one would feel very sad if Gen. Grantfhould now brace up and get well.

If \ ou Have G ut

enough of the inaugural and will

Take time to look over our line of

spring overcoats. we know it will be jTIME WELL spent. to give vou AN idea

OF HOW extensive our line of spring

TOP-coats is we would say our prices

COMMENCE at $s and £40. so if you want

EITHER a plain. serviceable garment,

OR A handsome, satin lined one, we

HAVE THEM in either long, medium or

THE EXTREME cover coat.

ADVANCE styes of spring suits ARRIVING


A. saks <fc co,

ONE PRICE CLOTHIERS,316 and 31s seventft street.


iveystonk malt wiiiskey.SPECIALLY distilled FOR medicinal use

strictly pure.the BEST TONIC.perfects digestion.

UMqualled for Consumption. Wanting l)HW8W, andGeneral iJvbility.

PRICE, Pur Buttle, fl.oo; 6 Bottles for $5.00:

Sewrarw of Imitations. None genuine without theSignature of EISNER A MENDELSON,

Sole Agents tor tne U. S. Phil* , Pa.fob sale by

Matt.Cromwell A Co., "kTschifTV-iy A Kvan-t, -Waabinyton, D, C.Barbour <fc Hamilton, )OSm.w&f

A Tunnel U sderThe Atlanticwould not SURPRISE you MORE

than the CLOSING outprices on fink cloth1nudoatthelondon

liverpool clothingco., cor 7th

and o sts

overcoats so cents on the dollar.overcoats so centson the dollar.overcoats so cents on tue dollar.

suits so gents on the dollar.vcitbsocentson the dollar.SUITS JO certson TUE dollar.

fASn pants!' PANT8rPROM $1.23 cpwards.


london and liverpool clothing co.,*14 CORNER 7T* AND G KTKKET&

First Spring Oflnino.mrs. m. j. hunt,

1300 p street northwest,Will exhibit h>-r first Importation ofFRENCH bonnets and HATSon monday and tcegday,

MARCH -ll> AND Jo.Vo Cu*. f28CELLCLOID TRrx8,X That iMfver br»«k», ii«v««r wran out, alw«j*Mwn, and can xt * urn w hilt bathing.1* fur taieat ( has. fisher'S,62» Tilt rwrt uorlliwaat.Mrs. PISH kb davotes h*r aiw-uUuu iv iu» want* OfL*djr Pftirvu* ml


at Tni




We make a specialty of the "REGATTA BRAND"BLACK AMERICAN GROW GRAIN SILKS, whichis the product of a Lyons Silk Weaver who set up afactory in ».v Jersey some years ago. It haa theiustre, so ftne«« and finish ofthe beat Lyons Silks, andcannot he distinguished from it. even by experts. Weki-ep tikis brand in eij<bt qualities, each quality beingthe best Intrinsic value ever offered.

REGATTA BRAND AMERICAN SILK.Quality No. 1 $1 (X) Qnality No. 5 $1.50Q lality No. 'Z 1.1'A) QualiV No. 0 1.6ftQuality No. 3 l.'^i Qitalitv Na 7 . 1.85Quality No. 4 1.30 Quality No. S 2.00The steadily increasing demand and extreme popularityof these g iods is entirely due to their purity of

raw material used, their superior finish and generalexcellence, and durability. We take pleasure in recommendingthem to our customers.For four years we have made a specialty of the



SHADES.We have sold this silk for four seasons, and bare yetthe tii'»t complaint to hear.


We (Jimrati tee every yard as before^ not to crack orn^b within any reasonable time, always retains itsbeautiful lintsli and lustrous effect.To combine with the above Silks we offer a veryham'.soiiie line of


r\fDDATTvt^»V *-« r«*-'mx*x\\jl u^.l\ 1 tfi JLV, r»These

Brocades will take the place of embroideredSurahs, which are too li^bt and flimsy for trimmingn!:«l combining with heavier silk fabrics. Particularlyd« <iritb!e for Combinations, Dress Fronts, Panels andSpring Wrapt



YARN DYED SATINS.Which we shall ofT»-r at ilie marvellously low price of

PKR YARD.7 sh»<1»"< < f nine, 3 shades of link. 15 shades of Olive,

'1 shud< s of Bronze,:} shades of Brown. 4 shadesof t .arnct. Black. White. Cream, iiavan,Copper, I.iglit «;rei-ii. Myrtle, Purple,

Nile. lilac. Orange, Old (iold,<iray. < lierrv. Cardinal, Salmon,Straw and Scarlet.

These are particularly desirable for Spring WrapLinings, combination trimmings, <£c.We have reduced the price of the


27 IN. CHINA CREPESFor Evening Wear. Ivory. Cream. Pink, Fawn, Mode,

chocolate, Scarlet. and Cardinal,$1.25 PER YARD.

5<) IN. SILK MULL,Ivory, Cream. Pink, Blue, and Black,



$1.50 PER YARD.


ONE PRICE ONLY,021 Pa. Ave. fmhfll 912 D St

Spring Overcoats

MADE TO ORDER for 312.






I^kXTorrow May Be ,

BUT TO-DAY IS. AND I WOULD INTEREST YOUIN DRESS SIIIRTSThat are perfectly fitting.Everything bin >«-en cheapened until the lowestnotch lias reached.

My Item >hirt-* a:e Uiilaundered, and have mypatentr,*j6t.-r-« attached to prevent the stud button rubbingthe stein at the base of neck. lean tit you perfectly.and >i.\ of thopen-back shirts will cost you$«; and last you two years.The nevt in order is a pleated bov>m open-frontShirt, finished all but holes and buttons, name shapeor cut, and price as the above.The third is au oi» n-iiaulc Shirt, also perftwtly flttine.nicely laundered. good quality, six for $ ).Then 1 have a quality of shirts got up to see howfood an article c>>'ilil be produced lor a given price,'iiey have real linen bos. >nis. uood cotton, aine shapea> the b«»t, well made, at.d sell for the low price of

SIX for THItEE dollars. bbThe dry goods houses don't handle these shirts.Fhis "statement would be incomplete without mentioninga nice assortment of

CHEVIOT SHIRTSOf my own manufacture, with collars and ruffli attach*d. suitable for working men. tourists, travelersaixl others. '1 hese cannot be hail elsewhere, but t am*uti-.fi< <! with a moderate remuneration, to I Mil themfor ONE DOLLAR EACH. i

skeleton shirts,or shirts without tails or bucks, dosing out. 8eventyEveonto each, laui:dcr«-<i.Look out for a Night Shirt announcement eoon.



Our Show Window Was! SMASHED





UEOROE 8PRANSY.| 607 Seventh Street n.w.,mh« Opposite U. & Peat OfBo*

I C-IX ELEGANT CABINET PHOTOGRAPHS FOR| O 81, atxl other My lea at proportionately- reducedI rates. Low pricea, but not cht ap work. n. WALZL'8I Imperial Ktmliu-'.hiy Market space, 477 PennsylvaniaI ave.; alao at UOo W. Baltimore kl, Baltimore. It*

Mme T. 13. Harrison,j 1387 F ST. N.W.




March 2 and 3.R84t* (No Carda)flunninoham. hatter,v lUi luM received the Spring Style Block.kILK. HATS made to order and eld atylee Pwtt1eied. Mil M «t- u.w. A

-J m KS6 SB

GTOOD Nkwb TO Atf>

The late patrona of F. H. WILSON, and my frltoM,will be pleased to lwm that

genuine babgainb

Cam be Obtainkd at 409 7t«Brum

Oar Gent's $3.50 Shoe will outwear any otter alio*equal price.


I shall continue to make to measure the celebrated$5 Ladies' Shoe, and Gent's $5 Waukenphaat Shoe,which have given entire satisfaction.

GEO. W. RIGS,mh6 Successor to F. H. Wilson, 400 7th >t. n.w.

f5* rpP P» c°°8 fi A J:sss| ?PP 8 C II Iaa fcSSSb P ECS CCC II A A LUX

I58* A f ISSR A A L FE

8S88 A*! bjx *«





ssss PPP eke coo hal5 6 P P E coiiaa LS8e PPP F.R C jl a a LH ft P F c C II aaa L

.88 P ees cco II a a LLLLppp RRR ii CCC ere 8ssappr nnocE 2 8PPP RRR II C EE BSSsP RRIIOCK K 5P R R II CCO eke 88


RSSo PPP eke CCC IIALv P P E oofi aa L"88,, PPP EE C II A a L*88* P EEF. OCC II LLLL

rsso a l keb°ss* aaaa fc ses s aaa L E ...

a a LLLL eee...

the l'ala IS roya'l PATRONS know theFOLLOWING to be THE REGULAR PRICES:

3-BUTTOXS, $1.00.4-BUTT0N8, $1.10.O-BUTTONS, 81.26.8-BUTTONS, $1.60.



3-BUTTON9, 93c.4-BUTTONS, 69c.6 BUTTONS, $1.19.8-BUTTONS, $1.29.

MOUSQUeta Ires, 8 BUTTONS, $1.7$.GENTS,<i BUTTONS. $1.25.



ncn l oo v V ees .S8aOGL O O V V 8G L O O V V EE "SSoti no L O O VV E H 2GGGLLLL OO V EEE BSSs ...







UNDERWEAR.It is needless to speak about the Material and Workmanshipof these Goods, our patrons and the general

public being well aware that we are selllug a first-classarticle only.WE QUOTE A FEW PRICES AND INVITE INSPECTION.BRIDAL SETS, consisting of Chemise, Gown andDrawers, ofgood muslin, pompadour shape,trimmedwith rows of fine Torchon Lace and Hamburg Inserting,at $4.99, well worth

A large assortment of sets up to $50.LADIES' CORSET COVERS, square shape, perfectfit, trimmed with Hamburg Inserting ana edge frontand back, at 73c.


styles, square and ponted shapes, reduced from f1.26to 75 cents.

Ladies' NIGHTGOWNS, good muslin. Mother Hubbardstyle, 10 Tucks and Embroidered Ruffle,at 87c.Ladles' SKIRTS, with eight wide Tucks and 8 inchesdeep irlmbroidered Flounce, at 92 cents.

Received a second lot of the celebrated La Bell* Corset,of fine French Coutllle, lace Tops, and shall offerthem again at 81.20.

sbb» a s g B%jra " £»BBB A A U U M MM M *88*B B AAA U U MUM m . 5 ._bbb A A UU U M S F! *88®mh&




one price.JW. M. SHUBTER A SON,




173 west baltimore street,b*itxmou,h»Eaubltehtd 1817. WAm

Inaugural iwjust OPENED, FULL LINE


n»rSpring Styles,

silk oatb,OPERA RATS,


JAJGBt P&YWMMns-aw «ttiHftw«im


take charee of a new stock. Young, single munpreferred. Address BKONNO. Star office. It*

W-anted.a white boy about 16 YXARSof age; 121? Peuna. ave. n.w. It*

"TT|7"anted.a' uood^wajtb woman ooofif ,VY that understands her buslnea,to stay at night.Call at once at northeast corner of10th and Virginiaare. s.e. jIt*

WANTED.A NEAT AND POLITE YOUNOcolored Man for a hotel. Must be well recommended.Apply ut 1S20 F BL n.w. It*

WANTED^-AN EXPERIENCED MIDDL2Vaged woman, as nurse for an lafont six months

old. Apply, with reference, at 1413 K st. n.w. ninG-st*

WANTED-A RELIABLE MAN (GERMANpreferred) to act as agent for the De«ring M'ffCo. or Cleveland, O., for the sale of their combinedbeer faucet, pump aud bung. Apply between 1 and 2or 0 and 7 o'clock to m/X. DEER1NG, St. Jameshotel. ni6-vtt*

WANTED.AN EXPERIENCEP COMPETENTGirl (German preferred), for general housework:

good wages. Apply at 223 3d st. n.w. m6-3t*"ITTANTED.A BOY THAT CAN MAKE HIM>\self generally usefol. Address Box 83, Staroffice. tt>h0-3t

WANTED-A WHITE OIRL FOR NURSE;must be well recommended. Apply at 40G lltb

st.n.w. mh6-2t»

WANTED.A GOOD RESTAURANT COOK. APplyimmediately, witb references, at SIR 13thst.n.w. mb6-2t*

WANTED-A COOK. APPLY AT 027 MARYland ave. s.w. mh6-'it»

Wanted - German nurse for twochildren. 604 U st. n.w. mC-3t*

Wanted.soo newsboys to sell b. n.Warner's Guide; the finest dime book ever published.Big money. Unsbld copies taken back. H. U.

WARNER. 9161* at. m6-8t

WANTED - AN EXPERIENCED BOOKkeeperin a large mercantile bouse: must comewell recommended. Address, In own handwriting,Post Qftice Box bb4. mh0-3t»

WANTKD-A YOUNG LADY WITH GOODfigure; required to try on Jackets and dresses.

Apply by letter to RKDFERN, Arlington Hotel.Washington, D. C. mhU-'it

WANTED-A GENTEEL WOMAN TO~COOK,wasb and iron; also a neat Girl to nurse and docbamberwork: both must stay *t night aud bring firstclassreferences. Apply at 523 3d st. n.w. m6-2t

WANTED.WHITE AND COLORED WOMENcooks, (10 to 02O: chambermaids, nurses, generalworkers, scrub and kitchen girls, men cooks.PRICE <fc COOMBS, Employment aud Room RentingAgents, 926 F st. n.w.

XtTANTED-AN ACTIVE AND RELIABLETV Life Insurance Man for the general agency of the

Single Men's Endowment Association, of Minneapolis,Minn. Endowments are payable after two vearsat marriage; very popular ana easy to work; splendidopening 10 me rigm man. call or address A. U.SHATTUCK. Ebbltt House. mh6

WANTED.A GOOD COOK FOR A PRIVATEfamily. Apply at 1410 S st. n. w. mh5-3t*

WANTED-A RESPECTABLE AND COMPExtentGirl for plain cooking and general bousework. Apply with references at 608 0th st. n.w.mh6-2t*

WANTED.A YOUNG MAN WHO HAS SOMEknowledge of the wholesale fancy goods business,as salesman. Apply to C. W. THORN & CO., 813 9thSt. n.w. m&-2t

ANTED.THOSE IN WANT OF RELIABLEhelp and situations, male and female, cooks, laborers.clerks, housemaids, and all positions of trust,apply to or address National Employment and RoomRenting Agency, licensed office, 000 Louisiana are.n.w. Ja31


woman, situation as cook lb a private familyGood references cau be given. Call at 1606 L st.1MV. It*~\X7"ANTED.BY AN EXPERIENCED BEAM*) 1 stress, employment by the week. Un operateseveral sewing machines. Address Box 146, Star office.mh0-31*

WANTED-A HIGHLY EDUCATED MIDDLE~agixiJady, experienced teacher of music, French,German and the English branches, wants an engagement;would prefer a permanent home and Kindtreatment to hiifh salary. Address "F," care Milbourne'sAdvertising Agency, Baltimore, Md. mh6-3t

WANTED.PLACES FOR HOUSEKEEPERS,seamstresses. Indies'maids,cocks,nurses,chambermai(i9,mencooks,\v.\tters,waitrt*s3'.*s,and other help,witii references. PRICE «fe OJOMRS, Eiuplovmentand Boom Renting Agents, 026 Fst. n. w. mh6-2t*ANTED^BY A_ COMPETENT ^COLOREDman a Situation as cook iu private laniily: best

city references furnished. Address C. K., Star office.mh5-3t*

WANTED.SITUATIONS.NURSES FOR THEsick can be obtained at all hours of thp day or

night.through theWASHINGTON DIRECTORY FORN URSES. southwest cor. of 12th and F sts.n.w. f3^5w*

WANTED.ROOMS.ANTED-BY A PHYSICIAN, ROOM SUITablefor office, furnished or uniXirnUhed, in

northwest part of city, after March 4th. Address Box99, Star office. mh6-3t*ANTED-BY A LADY,TWO UNFURNISHED,T\ communicating rooms, on second Uoor, in northwesternpart of the city: references exchanged. AdIress"Unfurnished Rooms." Star office. mh0-3t*

\\J"ANTED.OFFICE ON~FIR5T_FLOOR,ON OR* Vt near Pennsylvania ave. Address PHYSICIAN,Staroffice. mh.r>-3t*

WANTED.HOUSES.ANTED.ANY DEPARTMENT CLERK, ORother person having a house for sale cheply, willflud cash purchaser by addressing TOI.O, Starofli'-eNorthwest preferred. It*

WANTED . IMMEDIATELY . AN UNFURni-thedHouse, niue to eleven rooms, for a familyof adults; In northwestern portion of city. Rent moderate.Address, stating terms. Box 70. staroffice. m(J-'it«

WANTED.HOUSES FOR GOOD TENANTS.We make a specialty of property of non-residents.B. U. WARNER. 91C F st. «S-6t

"11TANTED-HOUSES TO RENT. WE HAVET V constant application.

HUFTY A DYER,flft-lm Real Estate and Insurance. 13tli and F sts.

WAITED.MISCELLANEOUS.ANTED.ANY ONITHAVTNG INAUGURAtlonLumber to sell cheap, address, with name,kind, quantity and price, LUMBER, Star office. lt»

W-ANTED^FOOT UTHK STATE~PRICEand where it may be seen. Addrets LATHE,Star office. It*

WANTED-LADIES TO KNOW THAT MYElectric Method is positively the only processwhich totally Destroys Superfluous Hair Sena stampfor circular. Terms reasonable. MADAMEGABRIEL.711 Sth wt. n.w. iV5-'iw»

WANTED . LADIES' BEARDS ANDMUStaohes.Superfluoushair on I he female face, onthe upper lip. chin, cheeks and throat Is one of themost unsightly, noticeably masculine and obnoxiouscomplexion blemishes that auy lady can be afflictedwith. Indies with this hlrsiitlcal growth on theirfaces will be pleased to know that Dr. J. VAN DYCK,Dermatologist, permanently and forevor remove* thisobnoxious growth of hair by the scientific operationof electrolysis (the electric needle process),and Inorder to place his treatment within the reach of ail, heand his assistant will treat all who call at once for S'ia nitting. Any lady with the least regard for her lookshave now no excuse for having hair on their faces.Mate your engagements at onct\ Dr. VAN DYCKhas removed his office to bOU llth street, where theDoctor can be consulted dally until next Tuesday,March loth. mhO-f,s,mlm»

WANTED.FIFTY HEAD OF HORSES. FORcity and conntrv use. Parties having Turnoutsto sell will call at W. F.GEYER & CO.'S, C st., between4Vj and Uth st. n.w. Also, the cheapest place to hireHorses and Carriages. Horses and Carriages forsola. fJ8

WANTED-TO ASK WHETHER YOU HAVEseen the "Little Oiant," at l'iO'2 F st n. w..weighingless than three pounds, and with 1 cent's worth ofkindling wood coolt two meals. Crowds see it dailyana buy It at §1.50.

r>8-«t« N. O. BOND A 00.

W*ESfc Repairs promptly attendedT. V. NOONAN, Plumber,ff24-lm 61b^ llth st. aw

\T7*ANTED.EVERY LADY TO BE HER OWNYV dressmaker by learning cutting and fitting byMOODY'S new tailor system ofactual measurement.It hi taught at 1237 Pennsylvania ave. n.w. fe23.

WANTED-THAT SI BOX t>F 60 CIGARS.That box of U5 cigars for 400. AH former 16c.brands of cigarettes now 10c. UO cigarettes 6c.. atSICKLE BROS.', 1011 Pennsylvania ave. fl7-lm

WANTED - ENVELOPES, DEPARTMENT,rare United States and Foreign Stamps. Send onapproval and always state lowest cash price. L. H.ADLER. JR., Wholesale Stamp Dealer. Box 37,Philadelphia, Pa. f!3-Im^7-^TF.D-8ECOND-HAND.CLOTHING, WAT-t » ciivsjfuns.iimiuihj»;w«firy; aiso, turiiiture. stove#,<tc.,<6c..txjugLit. Best cash price paid. S. (iungeubelnier,701 7th s.w. Note by mall promptly attended to.J 111-'2m

Wanted.I have reliable Felt Derbys at 92 and f2.80. A.T. LKWis. 430 7th at. General stock of liats andFurnishings cheap. f5-3m

WANTED-INSECTS AND THEIR OERM Exterminatedfrom Bed Lounge* aitd other ffirni*tare, Furs. «tc. A. H. CHACE & BRO.,au'21 610 Louisiana ave.

WANTED-TO ANNOUNCE THAT JOHN E.BEALL, Bateman «!fc Co.'s Bank, 1411 F SL n.w., Is a Commissioner of Deeds for every State andTerritory, V. s. Commissioner, Examiner aud Notary.Always in office from » a. in. to 6 p. m. mii

BUSINESS CHANCES.FOR SALE-WHOLESALE AND RETAILCORnerLiquor and Cigar Store, with first-claw residenceconnected, at low rent. Inquire at Armstrong'sLaw office, 404 Louisiana ave., from ten to threeo'clock. mh5-3t*

PARTIES FROM OTHER CITIES AND STATES,or who contemplate leaving this city, by callingat Johnson llrothetV Wood ana Coal office, lStUU Fat. n.w« oan learn of a grand opportunity by whichfrom two to live thousand per cent can be madeduring the next six months on moderate investments.A startling announcement, but a tact. Cull and see.fil-lSt* BOND» CO.A GOODINVESTMENT.THELATESTPATENTA Novelty Window Screen, to suit any window. Theright of the District and state of Maryland fbr salecheap. Recommended by all to be the best in themarket. Selling Ibr want of time to attend to It, Applyto J. K. YKRKE8, office Independent Ice Company,l'ith st. and Peuna. ave. AtiKKSw*"TOHN T. MITCHELL,O. Dealer In Real Estate,Notary Public, 1100 Pennsylvaniaav«Improved andqutlmnroved property in all parts of

PERSONALfCyotte Square, city. If



FOR REM1*.ROOMSTJ^OllRENT.ROOS18.FURNISHEDOR UNFURJOnisbed. and also a lot antique fbrniture for sale, at9010 H street, or 1723 Pennsylvania avenue n.w.mM4w*-rrtOR RENT-TWO PLEASANT ROOMS, NEARJD Iowa Circle, in private family, to gentlemen onlv.164113ttst.ja.w. mh6-3t«T7»Om RENT -TWO NICELY-FURNISHEDX Room* on second-floor; house new; baa all Improvements:convenient to two lines of can board Iffclred. Apply at ia03 S si. n.w. f3ft-2w*TT»OB &ENT-810 IN ADVANCE FOR THIRDr floor, 992 N mL n.w., eonslatlng of two large unfurnishedrooms, convenient to three lines of street cars.Referopces. mtaG-3t*

JIOR RENT.ELEGANT FURNISHED ROOMSen Suite or single; with or without board, at 032

st. n.W. Table board a specialty. mh6-6t*T^OR RENT - FURNISHED PARLOR ANDXI Chamber, 7800thst, cornerH aw., over Bishop sDrue Store, central location, convenient to all streetcar lines. mh6 etTT«OR feENT- FURNISHED ROOMS. WITHX Board, at reasonable terms. West End Hotel,1 <17 K st. Windows for rent for the inauguration

okRfcNT.AT Ilia 17TH ST. X. W. VERY DEsirablesuite ofrooms to parties without dtiildren:references required. ft8-Gt*I^QR RENT.1314 K 8T. N. W. LARGE, NEWLYJ. furnished Parlors and Bedrooms, first and secondfloors, with grflte tires- also single room; desirable location.d27-0w*

OR RENT-WE HAVE A BIG LI8T0F ROOMSof all kinds, with or without Board. In all part* ofthe city; lists tarnished free of charge at W.iRFIEL1V8Room-renting Agency, 40011th st.. oppositeStar office. n2W-l5w»

FOR RENT.STORES.FOR RENTFINE STORE,Suitable for either drug or grocery business, cor. 15thand I sts. n.w. JOHN SHERMAN,QS-lW 027 F st. n.w.TT'OK RENT-FINE LARGE STORE. WITH CELXlar and connecting rooms if wanted; central part oithe city, half square north of Pensylvania ave. W illbe vacant by March 15th. Inquire 423 11th st n.w.(private entrance.) f7-lm


GLOVER BUILDING.F st., betw een 14th and 15th sts. n.w.,Sear U. S. Treasury.Handsome Office Rooms, either single or en suite,with steam, heat, elevator and Janitor service.TUGS. J. FISMTJl * on

f20-2w 1324 F st'n.w.

money to loan.Money to loan in sums of fitooo andover. jOS. C. G. KENNEDY,mh6-3t 73015th «t.O0Q 000 TO LOANt®15 000

5,000 on real estate.8,600~ 500 fmh6] THOS. E. WAGGAMAN.

Money to loan on real estate securityofthe District.at 6 percent interest: facilitieslor repayment unequalled; charge* very mod e. o.HARTIG. Treas. \\ ashington Six Per Cent l'ei ..iHtientBuilding Ass'n, lOOl, cor. 7th and K sts. n.w.

Money to loan on real estate~insums to suit

HUFTY * DYER.f20-Sm Real Estate and Insurance, 13th and F st*.y>~| \ AA7\ TO loan ON REAL ESTATE]© XvUiUUU lu sums to suit.

DANENHOWER * SON,fel7-lm 122G F st.

Money to loan on real estate.promptl attention to all applications.

swormstedt <fc bradley.111-Im 02b F st. n.w.

Money to loan on real estate orother security, in sums to suit, at lowest rates otInterest; least expense and without delay. R A.PHILLIPS, 1428 New York ave. n.w. f7-VJmoney to loan,

On Real Estate Security,At Lowest Rates of Interest

R. O. HOLTZMAN,fB Corner 10th and F streets northwest

Money to loanIn sums to suit, on approved Real Estate security,at lowest rates ot interest. Charges moderate. No

unnecessary delay. J. V. N. HCYCK,nlo» 15U5 Pennsylvania ave.

I HAVE MONEY to LOAN ON GOOD RKALEStateor collateral security at lowest rate* of interest.No delay wlieu security is good. O. C. GREEN, Room1, Firemen's building, cor. , th st. and Im. ave. ja2S

Money to ianIn sums to suit, at lowest rates, on approved real

estate security. FITCH, FOX <£ BR«)WN,o20 1437 Pennsylvaniaave.

MONEY to loanat lowest hates of interest,on real estate security.

THOS. J. FISHER <fc CO..se5 1324 F st. n.w.

for" sale.lots.IjiOR SALK.I.OTS.COLUMBIAHEIGHTS, 14THstreet extended. We can now sell desirable Lots15 to 20 cents in this beautiful location, one-fifth ca-h:balance in one, two and three years; 5 per ceut interestStreet cars, water and gas. Apply to

A L BARBOUR CO.,m6-2w_

Le Droit Building, Washington, D. C.

t"U)R SALE-CHOICE LOTS.ltifh St., corner M n.w.f 75x106. very choice;

|>l *vv J/tl IUUVi

Corner Tst n.w., 61x100: price SI per foot.N St.. north sUle,between 1"fth ana 16th,49x130: $2.Massachusetts are., between 17th and lfeth n.w.,north side; 92.10th, corner Madison st: S2.O St., north side, between 2<ith and 21st; $1.50.Southwest corner 'JOth and O sts. n.w.; $2.50.Jefferson St., near 10th; onlv lot loft on the street;$1.50. B. H. WARNER,mh3-5t 910 F st. n.w.

Ij^OR SALE.LOTS.WE CAN OFFER GREATinducements to parties who desire to build homes,or for Investment in lots, at Le Droit l'ark; 7th and9th street cars; water, sewers and asphalt streets runningto the park. Cash or time. Apply tomh3-2w A. I- BARBER & CO., Xe Droit Building.For sale.bcildTnu lots in ajTlTpartsof the city, at low prices and on easy terms. Calland see our list. WA-LKER <fc WILSON, lOOOF st.

n.w. f28-lmTJARTIES IN SEARCH OF DESIRABLE BUILDXtnx Lots or Residences In the northwestern portionof the city will lind it to their advantage to rail and seeour decided bargains before purchasing elsewhere.

CONARD &McEUEN,Room 4, Kellogg Building,fe28-6t* 141U Fst.

JpOR SALECHOICE BUILDING IX)TSIn the Northwestern Section, and Handsome New

Dwellings,at *7,000, ffl.000. $H,.r>0<», $10,500,$12.000, #13,500.SI4,000, si5,000,S22,000, S24.000, *20.000,$30,000,135,000 and $40,000.Call for description.

WM. P. YOUNG,f27-10t 1303 F st n.w.

Forsale.choice building lots in the northwest division of the city.We offer for sale a large number of chijlce buildingRites, situated on favorite avenues and streets, in thenorthwest section of the ctty, comprising in location"Dupohi Circle".Massachusetts, Connecticut, NewHampshire and Rhode Island avea. and adjacentstreets.To investors we can offer, singly or In blocks, lotssituated In the at>ove desirable localities, at prices thatcannot fail to uu- liaudsomelv.For plait aila full information, apply to

THOS. J. FISHER CO..Real Estate Brokers,fe!4-lm 1324 F st. n.w.

LOST AND FOUND.T OST.EVENING OF MARCH 4TH, AFTER1j fireworks display, a buncb of keys, 1 cheap oldsilver watch, glass face, broken, valued for associations,and 1 pocket-book, containing 10 cents, nearAlbuaugh's Opera House, or between there and theTreasury building. Finders will have full value paidfor all, either separate or all combined, by sending orwriting to Miss M. R., 1424 Tstn.w., Washington,D.C. It*

Lost-gold medal, shape of oval, withscolloped edge. Inscription on face, "Mathematics,June, 1884?" ou back, St John's, Coll. Inst,Wm. A. O'Brien, 2d class. Liberal reward to tinderif returned to 1801 S st. n.w It*

Found-march 5th, on fstreet,near13th, a dark Leather Purse,containing a smallamount of change, railroad ticket, Ac. The ownercan have it by calling on Dr. PEARSON, 61112th St.,describing the property still further, and paying forthis notice. It*

FOUND-AT THE INAUGURAL BALL ALady's Shawl, which owner can have by provingproperty and paying tar this advertisement. At 13255th st. n.w. It*T QST-ON MARCH 3D, 1885. ONEj HACKXJBad^e, No. 41; _ Any onefinding ft will please re-i»«" »w *. OilAW a jbJLVtK* STABLE, CapitolH1U. ft#T OST-MARCH OTH. ON 14TH ST., BETWEENA-J t sod N sts., an Aiigutor Purse containing cardsaud small sum ofmoney. Reward If returned to 1424N st n.w. it*

MT-ON MARCH 5, A GOLD CHASEDBRACEJ-iJUaT. A suitable ri-ward will be paid if returnedto 110 N lrginla ave. s.w. It*© Bf REWARD..STRAYED, A PUG DOG, WITH«jpU black points; answers to name of Dandy.Above reward for bis return to 210 East Capitol st.mhd-3t»X OST OR STOLEN-ON MARCH 4TH, A LARGE,J.J black Newfoundland Dog, white breast and feet;license tag 4020. Liberal reward if returned to W. C.SCOTT, 138 7th st. n. e. mh0-2t«X OST.$6 REWARD-ON MARCH 4TH, ONEA j brown leather traveling satchel, containing wearingapparel and several letters addressed to T. P. Winchester.Return to Howard Hotel. mh0-2t*

LOST.ON OTH ST., BETWEEN M AND NEWYork ave., the front elevation of three houses, onbrown paper. Liberal reward If returned to 823

1st st. n. e. mhS-2t*X Q8T-A GOLD-HEADED CANE, MARKED J.XJ8. Finder rewarded ifcane left at 1023 Maaaachueettsave. mh0-3t«X OST.YELLOW DOG, FEET. END OP TAILJu and nose tipped with white; tag 4282. Reward Ifleft at 11 K st. u.e. mh0-3t*XJ^OITND.AT THE INAUGURAL BALL, A LAJ;dies' Pin, which the owner can have by provingaroperty and paying for advertisement. 1210 32dst.,Georgetown. m5-3tX OST.BLACK VELVET PANNIER, LAVENJ_jder satin lining, going from Oth and H sts. n.w. toFTand up V to Oth. Return to 804 Oth at. n.w. Suitablereward. mhO-2t*X 0®T.ON THE CAPITOL GROUNDS. AFTKRXjnoon of March 4th, a Leather Pocketbook containingabout fOO in currency.and a nmuWr of papersofno value to any bur the owner. If the boo'.: auditaaBrflBaX OCT.MARCH 4TH, A GOLD MEDAL "OFI ./National Sportsman's Club, Sept. 3,1873, with theengraving aud name. Finder will please return toTrtMuyuepartment. Same name is on medaL

mh5-2t*"f ixt-TWO OSTRICH PLUME FANS, EMJL/broldaredHandkerchief, with owner's name,

IMIfk, ooraar 1st and Indiana ave. n.w. nhG4t

for rent.houses.Ifor rent.17 ASP 19 e STREKT & W., COMfortablebrick Dwellings. $1U each.

DUVAIX * MABILm«-3t mm

For rent-some of Tir* most attractUve Minuses in the city; furniabed or gthtrihit.Apply at K£HBRDY*fc

mhO-tit790 15U» St.

For rent-l st.. near 14th st. h.w.,A hardyme new reiMenn, coaWllo| eleven

rooms: hwued bv farnare; ha.*open liraplareata everyroom: pneumatic bell*, speaking tubes and cabiuatmantels.Plumbing exceptionally flue and the property tretclassin every particular.Will rent only to a strictly private femlly With no

small children.thos. j. fisher * co.,

mhftflt 1824 F st a.w.

FOR RENT.517 EAST CAPITOL st.: ELEVENrooms: In flrst-«huw condition; modern Improvements:large yard; cellar and stable. Inquire next

door, 610. mbO-St*

For hfxtar.RA<S>n.av.l6r.$125 1034 »0th St,ftor»,*r. f26IohJJ Corooran, f. lOr.lOO 1751 S st n.w.,7r 22.50& 8t-' fur-l l' 100 470 E St. S.w.,^r. 20

l.tl9Corcoran.far..llr.S5 40 M St. n.w,'4r.... 151900 N st. n.w., store 5o 2018 10th St. n,w., Or....15

D « e.- Or -30.53 80-86 Myrtle at, 7r .15HI ?.9ih «-*-.10r. 30 1807 6th St., 6r, 12.502136 H n.w., 7r 80 1123 B St. «.e., §*- 12mh6 THOS. E. WAGOAMAJf.

FOR RENT.416 SPRUCE ST., DE DROIT PARK,seven rooms: all modern improvement*! 927.50.

A. L. BARBER A CO., DeDrolt Building. m6~3t

FOR RKNT-942R~ HTTNTW.. TWO-STORY ANDbasement brick. 7 rooms all mod. Imps.: $35 permonth. SWORMSTEDT A BRADLEY.

mn6-3t 828 F at. n.w.

For rent-fcrxtshed hocser i havethe very elegant new 8 story aud t»»sement pressed

brick dwelling. 5 Iowa Vircle, rlchlv furnished, forrent under a lease of two veurs at $i50 per month.This residence is especially suited for occupancy by acabinet minister, Congressman, or other gentlemanwanting a complete home. The owner built for personaluse, and spared no means to make his homecomplete in every respect. Tlie many rooms it containsare large, and the location Ls very commanding.Apply to JNO.A. PRESCOTT. 1416 F st.n.w. mhVSt

FOR RENT.102 F ST. N. E.; 3-STORY BRICK, 9rooms: all mod. imps.: $20 per mouth.040 It st. n.w., 2-story and basement Brick; 7 rooms;all mod. imps.; 835 per month.

SWORMSTEDT * BRADLEY,m3-6t 928 F » n.w._For rent-a two-story and basement

frame house, seven rooms and bath, modern improvements;1624 Cthst. n.w.: rent $22.50 in advance.Apply 020 Xew York ave. n.w. fe24-2w*

For rent . in-west Washington-anrs-class House: modern Improvements: nine

rooms; rent *40. Apply to JOHN TRIMBLE, S0090 street and 514 F street. mh3-6tXTOR RENT-BY R. O. HOLTZMAN.1 F«t li IK 1 fir CQ^iSWkA CeoniDl ma Aid SWk AAa«».m. *w. vnam a a tc, lut .tO( VV'.VV

Gst.. near 19thSt., fSOO.00 Rst.. n. 15th. llrs.,flOO.OOLafayette Sq.. 17r. .3(Xl.(«J B st.. n. Capitol. f 100.00L&fuyette sq., 17r.,f25o.00 1809 H St. n.w 83.33M St.. Thomas cir., fj.50.00 1759 PSt. n.w., llr~.83.33Conn.av., u.N.13r,f.208-33 Cor. st.,n. 14th, t 80.00Iowa Circle, fUr 106.06 1617l3thitn.w.,9r60.00Xst. n.Conn.av,13r200.00 1619 13th at. n.w.,9r 60.00M st. n. 9thst,10r.fl6<).00 162113th st. n.w.,9r6<>.0015thst. u.R.I.av.9r150.00 162313thst.n.w.,9r60.0019th st. Dupontrlr.fi50.00 21<> 6th st., Sr*. 60.00Mass av. u. 15th, f.150.00 720 17ih St., flat 60.00F, n. 4th n. w., Sr., 1125 00 17»iu P ft., store _40.0<>1802 Vt. av., 14r 125 00 4*20 9th st. n.w 35.0023 Iown circle, 12r..l»K).00 935 25th»t n.w..9rs.20.001380 19th St., 13r lOO.UO Stable,rear 1406 H--20.00Mda.n'r 1st n.eftar.lOO.OO 025 La. av. n.w.,5rs,.15.00For list of property for aale call or send at office for

Real Estate Guide.f-'S P. O. HQLTZMAN. 10th and F sta. n.w.

v^or rent.r 2112 Mass. av. $110.00 608 Cst n.e., 6 rs.f22.501010 19th n.w., 13r. 100.00 612 Cst. n.e., 6 rs...22.502023 I st. n.w., 15r.100.00i 133 F st. n.e.. 8 r« 20.001827 H st. n.w., 13r. 86 00; 1834 E st. n.W.O rs_.18.001761 Pst. n.w., llr...83.34 511 E st. n.e. 6 rs.,.,.10.0051210th st.n.w lOr.75.00 1248 11th at. re Ki.OO1755 Pst n.w.,l3r...75.00 1715 6th n.w.,6 rs ..16.00453 C st.n.w., 14 rs 65.00 814 9th st. n.w..._ 10.008 A R.I. av.str.<fcdw'g45.O0 1«> 5th st. n.e., 6r» 15.00239 Mass ave. n.w....40.00 31H 13i» n.w., 6 ra...14.001434 Pierce PI., 7rs.27.50 417 Warner at, 5 rs. 12.801734 7th st. n.w 25.00 464 K n.w., rear. 5rs..9.001223 T st. n.w., 7r 25.00 2121 P st. n.w., 4rs 8.00200613th n.w.. 7r....25.00 1537 -K st. s e., 5 rs 7.00033 I. n.w., 6rs 25.00: 1126 16ltist. u.w._ 5.00604 C st. n.e., 6 rs 22 5<>Also, a number of well-located Furnished Houses.Call at office for Weekly Bulletin, issued every Saturdayafternoon. landlords can have their house* advertisedfree by placing them in our feartda.

f28B. H. WARNER. 916 F at n.w.

I7»or rf.nt.27 IOWA circle, 13 ROOMS,MOD.imp., §100_j)er mouth; 1329 15th St., 13 rooms,mod. imp., S7o; 1209 L st. n.w., O rooms, furnished,mod. Imp., $05; also, 30 and 32 8th st. n.e.. 6 rooms;707 and 71 A s t.n.e., 0 rooms,$10 per month. These

are new houses, well located, one square fron carline. chas. E. BANES,l28-6t 800 F. at. n.w.

IfOR RENT.A TEN-ROOM DWELLING HOUSEou North Capitol St., overlooking Capitol Park;this house has been recently built: is handsomely furnishedand very desirable as a residence. Inquire at

222 North Capitol st. f28-6t

17«Ol{ RENT.HOUSES.1813 M ST. N.W.. 3:stoiy pressed Brick. beautifully finished, with 9rooms and all modem improvements; plumbing first

class;for rent immediately at sp75 per month. Applyto JNU. A. PRESCOTT,f28-7t 1416 F at. n.w.

For rest-very desirable dwellingsin ditlerent parts of the city. Call for bulletin.

John sherman,f28-lw 927 Fat n.w.orrent61618thst., 12rS66.66 20158 St. Sfre. 5r..fl8.002132 L St., 10 r. m.L50.67 2431 N st, 6 r. 16.50

2213 F st., yr.,m.i....30.50 2433 N St., 6 r 16.602'21H G st., Or.,m i 35.00 722 4th St.,6 r. & st rlS.SO1313 22 St.,Sr., m. i...25.50 513 23d st. 6 r. 11.501315 22 st, 8 r. m.i.25.50 515>« 23d St. 6 r -11.601012 N.H. ave.. 5 r...20.00 524 26th St.. 4 r 6.00fe27 wescott <fc wilcdx, 1907 Penn. >vi

For rent.604 b st. n. e. $25. 944 boundaryru n. w $l& hoo 10th sl n. a, $20. JOHNT. ARMS, 810 F Ht n. w. fJO-lmo

Fob rent.1614 21at. st-14r..$125 1514 30th st.n.w.,17r....801913 N»t. lOr.m.t TO 1336 10th st.,14r..m.i.l25l620R.I.av.llr.,m.i.83.33 1763 Pst., 12r.. m. i.88.33

517 4th st.,8r.,m.i OO 1502 Vt. av.,l3r.,m. 1.1251431 Lst. n.w., 8r 25 2133 K stj>w.,8r, m.i .601625 Mass.av.,12r. in. i.lOo 1520 26th st.n.w.tjr.m.i.251742 F»t.n.w.,10r.m.;..f80.1

thomas j. fisher a co,f20 1324 F street northwest.

"'OR RENT-BY S. H. WALKER, 030 LOC1SI1ana we. n.w., 220 C St. n.e., 7 rooms, $'20.fi7-3m

FOR RENT-1829 JEFFERSON PLACE; THREEstories, 9 rooms, bath, modern improvements. In

thorough order; possession March 25; rent $05. Apply1827 Jefferson Place. fl8-2m

jpok rent.unfurnished.N. n. av. and S st.$150.00 1802 M st. 83.831324 lflthst 150.00' 1757 P st .78.001323 M st lOO.OO 1820Jeffer«oL Place 66.002023 1 st 100.00 173814th St., su <£ rs 60.0027 Iowa Circle 100.00 70115 St.. 2 offlcc rs.25.001906 Sundrland PI...91.66 703 15 st.,2office rs.25.00Also a large number of Furnished Houses,fll FITCH, FOX & BROWN. 1437 Psnn. ave.

I^or rent-houses.' The second and third floors of 951 Q st. n.w.! 7rooms sll modern improvements: price 830 p*rmonth. SWORMSTEDT «£ BRADLEY, ,fll-lm 928 F st. n.w.

For rent-house 619 new jersey aveLn.w., 10 rooms: modern improvements; in rood repair;$:i5 per month. Inquire of W. C. JOHNSON,<18 13th st. n.w. f7-lmOR RENT.1812 N ST.. OPPOSITE BBITI8HLegation, new und desirable Dwelling; all improvements,and new stable iu the rear. Apply toARTHUR

T. BRICE, 714 15th st. fb-lm

I.iOK RENT.SEVERAL SMALL HOUSES, SOMEentirely new, at $15, §4H, £20 per mouth. JOHN

SHERMAN, Teal Estate, 927 F St. ja29

COUNTRY REAL ESTATErFor sale-a sixty-acre dairy farm,

near the city: thoroughly stocked; fruits all kinds;well improved; running streams: three-fourths of amile from railroad station. HtTFTY <fc DYER,mli6-3t 13th and F streets.

For rent-at hyattsville, cottagesin excellent order in every respect cosey, comfort

able, convenient. Inquire of Mr. FRANK AMAN,Hyattsville, or W. T. PRIME, Baltimore, Md. m5-3mOTOCK FARM OF 215 ACRE8 FOR SALE." CAN^ be divided to make two fkrms WALKER dfcWILSON, 1OO0 F Bt. n.w. mh5-3t*~

For rent.Dairy Farm, 92 acres, 9-room house. servants'

house, and barn for twenty head stock; will Increasefacilities to suit. Apply to J. J. wilmarth, 2274»* st. n. w. or at 802 bth st. n. w. mh2-lw*

For sale.the earliest vegetableGarden in this section; 35 acres, called FederalHill, near Alexandria; splendid view of the Potomacand two cities. Price $2,500. For particulars see

WM. P. YOUNG,mh2-6t 1303 F st aw.

Fob sale-a desirable suburban residence,eleven rooms, hi first-ela*s condition: twoacres in lawn and shade; varietv of fruit; excellentspring water; convenient to street ears. Address orapply to A. H. FLOECKHER & CO.,fe'iS-Of t 02 H st. n.fc

A FINE COUNTRY SEAT FOR SALE..EIGHTYacres, about Ave miles from Washington In VirginiatimprdVed by large mansion with beautiful lawn

ana snuae; also, tarm house, 7 rooms, large liarn aim!carriage bouse. AS; kinds of fruit. Watered by runningbrook and springs; supports line dairy. Thisplait is within l^n mileSi of railroad station and nearvillage. Will sell on easy terms or exchange fbr desirablecity property. HtTFTY ft DiEH,

Real Estate and Insurance,f28-10t 13th arid F Ste. n.w.

VIRGINIA HOMES.OUR FREE DESCRIPTIVElist contains two hundred <jrazing Farms and

other properties in this noted I'ledmoiit region. Weare only two and a half hours by rail from washington.Run up to sue us or send for Journal at once.

w'm. p. hilleary & son,Warrenton,B7-1m Fauquier County, Va.

I^AKM LAND FOR RENT, WITHIN 10 MILESof Washington: one mil* of R. R. station; well

waterid; suitable for market gardening and smallft-uits; healthy location. WILLIAM A. MELOY.Law oflice, 4 <2 Ixmislana ave., Washington, fll-eod

Dairy and fruit farm for sale at abargain, near Washington. d. ico acres; gooddwelling, barn and other buildings. Call on k. a,

phillips, 1428 New York ave. I21-2w

F)R RKNT-'SIBLEY FARM," near riggsMill,about eight miles northeast from the city,containing 106 acres, with dwelling and fine barn;can be had at a reasonable rent.

Apply to SWORMHTEDT * BRADLEY,fll-lc KM F St. U.W.

OR RENT.A FIN* DAIRY FARM, TWOand a-half miles from this city. 100 acres, nine

room dwelling. Tenant house and ample out-buildings.R. A. IQilLLlPS, 1428 N. Y. are. flMmT^OR SALE-OR EXCHANGE-FOB UITENCUMJLbered property, Farm 190 acres, 10 miles fromWashington, near R. R. station; excellent water,orchards and vineyards; good house; barn. Inquire at20001st jarf-'im*

(treat Bargains In PumoiWhich;have been used:

7-Octave CHICKERING,7-Octave HALLET £ DAVIS,7-Octave HAINES BBO.,7-Octave GABLER;6VOctave emerson,C*4-Octave GERMAN.

Prices and terms to suit the times,EDW. P. DROOP,


*%£K££1E&UI ^psa-^sgjt

FOR SALE.HOUSES.Forpale5161 Ithn. w..$l;t..VNi Ml lsjn w m 1 lir$i!.SOO1U13 lOttiti 417 K n.w .,iii i.,lorii..>Ki910 X. Y. tr«., ivr P.<«iO 11 r. » .n.i 1 ">r « » ninfil I st.n.w.m.l.lor.Jv.'**' Cor.U.N,Oip..ni.t i«r <.<» «»Ill Alm1.240* 1N» aw. m l *r ;.«*«»5W18tbi).w..lur 1147.1140.1 l.M 21 ;.<> *>611 F n.w..m.L llr._7.tH«» lil E m i.. l««r fi.tMN)1747 F u.» ..m.Llur.»j,.Vm 1»W*7 V« r.flv..m.l.7rni« THQ8. E. Wai^ANIaX.

FOll RALE - ATTRA* "TTV E Til ItKF STORYHouwvnuruiriiui' *7.."»<»"»Also. H at., IMtt ttth St. I) w1321 11th at. n.w mxki

b ii ^ irneh. imn3-6t 91t> 1st. n.w.

]«K>H SALB-1211 N N W Til HI'.K- POKYthirteen rooms: oUar; nuxlern(13.50U. UHWAIIMK.mh;i-6t k n.v.

FOB RALE.VESMOXT ~AVE^~NEAR K srn.w . elegant three-story and liucmcn! (thirteen rooms; cellar: fine river view; el»k trio bc'l*

pm-umatie tubes; every couveni>noe: beautif'llv f. rDished; So7,^X1. B. H. WAI N Eft,mh3-5t 016 F at. n.w. IJFOR BiLE-SEVKIUL FINE HKblDEN* 1

Connecticut av«.. near X »t. n.w ifclaamchusetts ave., near 21st st iy.Ois>17o5X»t. n.w 1 -.500 jThia Utter property uow under rental at >700 i>erm»oth. B. H. WARNF.R.mh3-6t 91# F st. u w.

X*ORSALE-134U MASHAOirSim^AVK N W~"m. fronting 1 hornw Circle: sixteen room*; cellar. vervlarge y*rd; location very choice; »IW.<XH)B. H. WARNER.mh3-fit 910 F at. n.ir.

FOR 8ALE-13U3 T ST. N W.. TWO<jTuRY'

presets! brick hay window, hall. 7 r niv. framestable: lot lsxloo to good allev-: catj be '""l^b: at ib»low price of yg.aoo. jS*o. a. pr> x>tt.mh3-2wMMFflC.tt.tr.

F)r~8ale-stofe anD DWKlllnO. 1 si 614 thSt. D.W.; lance More room. 24 ju'x). on first f. :elegant cellar; four mc« room* on second il«»or: lot ,« '

24.6x120 to good alley: this prop<-ry is si: jat«M <>ti 1the w«»st. the ouslndess sM». of 14tli »t . and if tai<e:i '

at once mn be had at the low pri'-e ct" 'can remaiu on the property. jno. a. l'kl >< n .mh3-2w 14m i at. n m

F»OR SAI.E-thkkk HoV^l'V Hmhi and l«W4^at. and3t>4 K st. a.w. Iuyulreat LF.OMlAKL)sttlaffkrt. 1002 44 rt aw. fe2K liu»

FOR SALE-ARLINfiTONTERRA' ! tKi| K STl.Vrwmi bouse; modern lmprov.-m»-nt«: <v"-n»r lot 1 126x05. Terms easy. TRlisBKEV d: . it i KX,f_'K-2w 62W 7th st. |]OR SALE.I HAVE SEVERAL FINELY I rvcuted houses, Just compl«te<. two-«tory and h*<e-

ment, handsome pres.««*d brick front-. <5 lf-m* foraale; piloe, "»0U. JNO. A. FittXorr, 14 l«; V st. |n.w. 7tTT9.K SALE. AN ELEVEN ROOM* BRICKjk. nonoe; uii modern improvement*: k>t 25x 1 <H toa 30 foot alley. This properly is offered at uThe location is verv desirable, iu the northwest, and isconstantly increasing in value. (

HVPTY A 1'YKR,Real Estau and Insurance.fiR-iot IMkMifm. n.w.

FOR*SALE-TWO F!.rr,ALT\F\VHOlM:s;twelve rootos each; containing all latent Improve-merits, corner 1.1th st. and Massachusetts a\e. n w.:

houses open lor icsi>ectloo.'lluee uw three-atory Hou««: eight rooms each, all

modern ImuioNeinenU; 419 and 421 H tit. n.w., and40t> Mwarn1.setts ave. n.w.live building Lots, corner 15th and X sts. n.w For

further Information apply to the owner, R. <;<>Ll>-SC1IMID. bl2 7th bt. n.w. t\< Jin

FOR SALE.MISCELLAXEOI S I17>OK SALE.BESTAUBASt. POOL ROOM AND |(.Vterlng Establishment combined. on one of thebest streets of the city Address L.. Siar office.

F"OR SALE.A RAKE BARGAIN F.I.EOANTnearly new Cabinet Upright < «ra-nd Piano: hai.ds.jmeKofewood case, very nchlv fluislied: ftill rich

tone, with fine siiu;.ng quullti'~>. for only C1H0 cash;used but nix months; owner uady clerk leaving theciur. Apply at once at

11EINEKAMP WARl'UOOMS,mh6 422 0th lit.

IfOR SALE-ONE PAIR OK BTMJWN HOBOES,1 10 bands high; Ihey are a aim IHvIm team.One very fine Saddle Horse. Kentucky bred, and

goes all the gaits: suitable f«>r a la<*.v or gentleman.Alio, one fine larire Bay Mare, io hands, suitable for

coupe or fttmily use. btJAMES O. BOWEXS STABLE.mh6-3t* K4A New Vorlc ave.

I^OK SA.LE-TYPE WRITEItS? ALL MAKKsj |second-hand. Also. Sun Type Writer. Price. $12.at ''CAUGRA.PH OFHCK." ii U K st. n.w. iuli4-:>t

17U>RSALE. Kirst-c!ai-« sa.ldle ai.d harness h»rse,$250: J. K. Brewster buiyrv cost $45o. ai le^j thanhair price, at Arlington Stables, 1724 <1 st. mh3-lw*

I~pORSALl-: T\V«2"J Yt OlTRKi'M i: llo.tTs,lour 2U tt. O nrix^rr Boat*. two 1<; ft. «.mining .

Skiffs, two 17 ft. Battoea. JOlIN CUMBERLAND,foot of F st. n.w. bU-Ib*OR SALE.A PERFECTLY MATCHED TEAMof bay mares: 15.2 high; each weigh l.OUO lbs ; I

tine style and action: drive well; six ana seven vearsold; you (an oonu* rrotn Washington, examine "thesemares, and return same evening. I>owest jirii-e, $>4(Mt. \Address H.W. HILLEARY, Warrenton.Va n.li2-14t*

I^ORSALECARRfARES! CARRIAGES! I2 second-hand Coupeiettes. 3 Coupe Hockaway*.2 Hansoms, 8 new and second-hand Phaetons", ;4 Extension Family Carriages. « Varnish Wugons,10 Village Carts, Side Bar Buggies,Hudhb, Whips, Lap Robes **.All kinda. Repairing and Palming done in best manner.The above are for sale at right figures and terms toult. Call and be convinced at Ifl&-lm a J. MEEKS'. 621 O at. n.w.

For sale-at ben coolkvs btli.iardand P<k»1 rooms, northwest corner C and «>th uta '

ii.w.. The Brunswick. Balke. Collender Co. celebratedBilliard and Pool Tables, with the world renow n«d iMonarch cushions. Also several Second Hand Pooland Billiard Tables. Billiards and Pool Sunniies of »i l ikinds for tale. Special ait«-ntion given to'all repairwork. Covering Tables a specialty. fl7-lm






ISoR SALE-ONE FINE 7% OCTAVEUPRIGH*I\ 'and cue Beautiful SQUARE PIANO, both same as J

new. Must positively be sold at a grent sacrifice forcash before March 1. Can be seen at Toy Tth st n.w.r-lm \FOR SALE.SEVERAL SBOOND-IIAND LAN- <

dauletles, Couneletts, Coupe Rockaw avs. Coupes, iBroughams and Victorias, new and w-ond-liand Ph:etons,Exreiision-tops and Buggies, and also other newand second-hand carriages. This work will be sold :cheap to close cut. Repairing promptly attended to.ROLT. H. GRAHAM. Repository and Factory, 410-

,416 8 th street northwest d2W J1"TIORSALE.ALL kIND8 OF BIRDS, HARTZ <Mountain. St. Audreasburg, Trained ringing Cai.a- I

rles. AH kinds of Fancy Birds. Aviary Cages. FRED.ZELLER,231 Pennsylvania ave. n.w. dll-3m*



\VEW" YORK BOARD..FAMILIES VISITING JNew York will find superior accommodations and 1excellent board at 110 east 23d t-treet. ItJ

F~URNISHFTIT ROOMS WITH BOARD: A'JgO I\ifif;iri>i-hed rooius in single or en suite; pric reasonable.340 Indiana ave. It* ^TjTlfT 11 ST.-HANDSOMELY FURNISHED >iTVt) sunny Rooms, with unexceptionable !Board for transient or permanent. rit»-lni" ; 1

ANDSOMELY-FURNISHED ROOMSTNEAR iall lines of cars. Also Table Board. References

given and required. 514 13th si. n.w. flT-lm" TURNISHED ROOMS, WITH FIRSTCLASS "table Board. 1012 14th St. n.w. fl2-lm >

n i fr kstTn^TTone parlor floor and i(/"TO one seoond-storv floor rooms en suite or ssingle. Hia.ted by open grates and furnaces. Table 1Board * specialty. Mrs. I>. B. STOCKHAM. Tran- 1stent Boarders accommodated. ia6-2ni* I

ARGE. AIRY ROOMS FOR RENT AT~314 AND J.310 Indiana ave. Also, Boarding for three jmonths, at 810 per month. Advance juvment uStrictly required. ju;>-3iuHFTLiX'HTEL HOUSE 512 OTH ST. NT\vZ 1and the La Pierre, southwest corner of K'th «md E -iKts. n.w., are the l**t conducted Boarding hour's in

the city. Table lirst-daee; pleasauv rooms. Terms jmoderate. <k-27 j4-rpHF. TREMONT."-THI8 HOUSE HAS BEENI rouainted and renanwM. and in oropp u n,- ,v,,»

.f.( > --- r «v* j'ui i

In flist-ciHJK ofder. It is the oool«-« and most rtes-.ra-l»leplace to bour-t in the city. Terms, $26, $o<J, >4U "l

and S45 per month. jeT j J

ATTORNEYS. ~|'JOHN. W. MORRTS, 1 J1(Late Principal Kx&miner U. 8. Pension Off re), .Attorney at i*w, 924 Massachusetts ave., makes v

the Prosecution of Pension (.'laimh a specialty .mh3-5t» ! "

ClHARLES J. GpoCH. SOLICITOR OF PATENTS, f- Countse'lor-at-Law and Expert.St. CUu.l building, <tftli and I' stv liood work, good references, rnodt-r- 1ate charges. Tweuty-one yeure cx]K-ri«t»v. d:U 1

Nil miller, attorney-at-law,Rwils 2 and 4, Gunton Law Building, '

472 Louisiana avenue. >

Residence. 240 North Capitol at. mhit» j '^AMI-EL H. WALKER," "

IO U.S. Commissioner, Notary Public and Attorneyfor Rents,Jy2 630 Louisiana ave. next to City P. O.

DENTISTRY. "i>OAUUEL L SCOTT, D.D.6., IC3 fifteen rears experience In Dentistry. 0ffloe,1207F sLn.w. Preservation of the Natural Teeth a n>e- .cUlty. oca* i

DR. RANDALL PARSONS, 438 7TH 8T. N. W., 1over Raliantvne's. Oj> ratlve and mechanical 1I>euu«uy skillfully performed. Uai aduilnLsu-red; Jmoderate fees. Ten years exj>erience. liourt from t9 a.m. to t> p.m. sew s

DR. STARR PARSONS. COR 9TH AND E HTH.n.w.Filling a specialty; also, the cure of tooth- 1che without extracting. A local ansestbetic, used onlbs gums, alleviates paiu of extracting. Gaa given, iCharges moderate. u'~ i

RTTT11.~TAI.BUTT, DENTIST, 487 7TH ST.. ithree doors from corner K. Dentistry in all

Us bran dies. Teeth Inserted $7 per set. All work .warranted. .anl




KCFU8 H. DARBY.Practical Printer, i

«a28 432 Oth street northwest.




EDUCATIONAL.fl* VXHINOTOX ACAPtMv6rTKl*J*4LMnri\> onl\ K-lMOl of the k>nU brre. A IMCW la*.latum to all t<- aee the u.t-ibud bv a bw li v## rankwa leiarn profeoioa. -14 -M s. d£>-4»a*̂

J~t \IV>~»*»RRIT«I»N. rrtVATK TVTOK nrif1! 1111an*" y*«r oflW 4*7 7th »l r w OkMnnieratai I

LKhorthaiid Special Iadvanced MiKteotoln aborthand


W1CHuKIHAM' AM> 1 V >k WRITING PRAcfll^ Mllv taught Mnoeaw t .laranu-ed ff Inetnii-Oowjure followed. Private pupil* |-aftr red nulutier na>it Hi. R I tTtOMELTN. oir.oe ot John* A l<a<Moa,iWnographer*, 47*2 LoiiWtat.a ave. Hilijj am*

1-«HKOIVII *FKVir» JN^TITfTF,4M3 jyninyivnpw »v» nw.

Kele«t Civil NervWPiactt^al Civil * rvlf studtea nrvdThorough Civil W l«rlll:

___n*Es»i>AY. ntn>i»X\ am> svn *pat ev^MNWh Maun fv»u. 7 to V p mTerm*re»aouab'.e'rnrHow*Brst'inw » HOOU M: TTH m.1 ii. w iii.-r? <v»»,it»n»d iMurn tn practical H*uk- {MriKRapid IVtinianaliip and i jikiIMi M-auch«g

»i inooerate rat«a at tint.<>n Morning, afternoon andnielit «»^le rtrht to Ho«-e"* oit«i) of Rookli-.j-itiglaiicht without teat-bcoka. C'l-^l eel \ hi' prep»ra;iona specialty. J. H. BUYAXT, PrttK'tpa 1.

________»* » »

rpui: BERLITZ SCHOOL - .r L.OiUL AUUkJ. IVRaltlroore. Bo«ton, Rrook'vn, Prurtd***,And at 723 14th rt. a. w. WAsHnCOTOW.

New Term IWln« now. Superior Native IWhRI»nly. ciasseaaud Private Laaaon*. Pm P *' *~mtlrLot*.Unexcelled »drant«ir«Mi tor learning roararaattg*We Invite a)'. p»-r» n^ rialt our rlaaiea fanCHl'HTHOli REi.lI.AR .tA«K! KMlioKir* .-v ery r\« * lug Private lewotm a tpaclaltv. AUinorthat.il books and uubltcatlon* coiiatantlv 6b HauA,uid exceptional opporVinltle* tor learning the art aref-r, Jat WAsHiSgTON PHoXOUKAPH 1C HF.AfrSI AH1T.H.S. l«. b W. fl»<' Hi'" I "rH.iK V Tios am- IK AM ATK ART, i~H'Ji; N «t na Privat* le«, us In logitahiih-Ih-s, voice cuitun- and rvadtug ciaa*< » l>av andv. .ung» Mi« auei.i.ve hi \ aL M v K f: la^PfcNcKRIA X II isINrjss «X>I f » .. K.. ii I.M.R» t*tli an-: 1 ;i w \ ..nnjc ami mld<llr-arpd rawsiiil w om^u ti lit nisi fW bnsi ! .« « > Kapkl writing book

imm. bu«lue«< prat'tlce. rH|ili| -atou!atton«. Knglluklanguage. >trno).rH|>hy. tvj-« vtrltiiiK, «-u\, Ujon>ii|chlelanicht Aitniiasi' ii at anv tune l iteral tarmaMtupttsl t > t»iH tiin«K ^ ear. fr >m date of entrance'.«% r tiisht. %:*> iliree niontba. .lav, fA* night, #14.L>!i«* iiK.i.ttyi.iisbt ».%, Rapid a i itfng/12 Imum, m.4I'lkii .»r i.-r ,-iiw.ilaa.

h'knky'o. 8PFXCKR, Principal.-\t:v \ M'> \< i K. Vic* principal. d:W)/n raii. -in piano. acVtavoht a*\ * r<-nsouable rau* by I*rof. Lot'Ib UHTfc^'hTtrX,*.%»; < m ii w, Tlie professoi tuak«« the i-itara-.(iltx . and he ha* aiuwasfuiij tau*tit it fur twentgrt:inseyvurs 4VMBr|" HI Bl ST AKPC1IKAPVrrLACfTOLEiU01 drawiri< and iwntiiiK In at the National Academei>f I !»<> An>, IHtn st. and New York av*. Vear* ofetudy saved. Receptions five \\ edncsday evanturs atBo'( lock. tlMB i

Mli* AMY ii ivtfT, OF BO«TONr UKAIK Auate and certified examiner of the New Kngland Mi oiiservatcrx. Piano technique. harmoiiv and volo* flculture. 1012 l«Mii M n.w. <M» |\\" ASU LXUTUSW H< m »L OF Et/K UTlON AJfI> MM kJisJmh >«« *. Ht«>4 M Sir.-^t,MRR.K. CTFVF.N>- HART, \nnrtpal. VThe culture and Uevelopu.aut of the \ol<> and DaA-ural expression of ent.ment car«;full} taught H.ni attention »i'. en u> the > are of atamnieri ngand other voca! defect*. Hoya' aud Girls' lrr* sotofduv, 11 am. dMj«l

A\r ITparson«T nTsTi.vrrorSPKNCKKI ANBusiness t'tilleKei. private Inssxuctor In Bo«>kkeeping,IVutuattxhip. I.egliah mid all uiathcinau a.Day w-c-iona, w a.nt. to 1*2 m 97 pet month Pupllataught tit hotae If denimd 318 P at. n.w. d2

]>ARTIIX WIM I'F>1RK TO IMTROV* THFMselves in the heautiAil arta of Kl "-uHoa, K.n«rlkak(irainr.ar. Arithmetic r>«il>h Literature. Hiatory,Algebra and Oonu>oatUou oan racelve private I.-*aonabv the hour at 60S F *1. n.w..or at the botne* of ibuaaw h.> may ho daalro. For retereufl** call or addrewaMn t A. « HAMRKRK,,'afl-2m «<»* I' at n.w., Oty

C> arfIei.T) ktnpfboartfn*.J PRIMARY ANP TRAI NING SCHOOL,923 19th at. n.w.au27^m MRf- ANNA B (Mil)EN. Prtnrti*!.

1>RIVATE tSB80XB IN AIJ. U1UL1- <>§Bfidv; to adult* confidential: prej.arai for collegeAnimpolis, \\ est IV.Int. all examinations.1 \ > I X-riTITK « w comer nth and K its n.w.Mathematical, t laiftioal. RuMuons.

K U' FLY**. AFvenlnir flaw. $3 Mid <& a month. <ip29

8U\CMER RESORTS.r|-<HK KMKBiSON HOtsK, ATLANTICA . . L.1 City, N. J., South raruliu* avenue, UNry|fmVtlif oci .iii. Klcctric hells. «caa, etc. H««ted^j^|LXlhr<'Uic!ioiit, sun gallery All Oiodcm oonwnleiicea.ui»-n nil the }f»r. Hl'llOIS A vOl'NO, ProprtetoraI'itHmf'rm KKNNTS vtlamT("',FT'\ VJ'.I . . AJL SO yards from the Reach, open all UieV^^Vi'car; hot sea waiei bathk In the hotiee.TV;tm B«"»RTUN A M ARHHA1.I.r|MlK \V F.LLlNUTON ATLAXTIC CITY. N. J.1Kciituckyave, near the tw-acli; hot bath) Alk t'ari i-arlor; new bouae aud newly furnlal.ad.te.Mim A. R. llVNTKlL iiuKLrFHK VICTORIA. ATT.ANTIC CITS*. N J.-THORM. ouphly licated. givx. etc.; hot and cold neaA . . Aaat>-r l>:ttli-, nun |>ailor and akatlng rl"kY/TkTilr ctlv on beach, free to gueota.MJ-SmM WII.ITamTvrpHE W AYFRLY.ATI A NTI< < ITY'N J 419I all the year. Hot nud culd nea waterA . . A

- iji the house All the comfort* of i. ytir-s-i-lass hotel. < oach iueet» all tralimJOHN K. M1FFI.IN, Manager.f.O-nm uim 1 I «»-

-». u. un i m., t ru^jr ieinM>


SIS V»th at. n.winn furnish Room ud Board (or 160 iaora,«tM.Mper day. fflMt

1 IIE A.RNOaPrivate Hotel, the Fine* of tbe klad at UMNational Capital.Situated on 16th St., between I aud K Ms., Max L»fkvette Hquare.Thin new establishment ia now ready for the hqmHon of quests; newly ftirnlshed throughout; electricIk'Hi and open tirapUivt in *vtrj- room. >ln»»tsuites, with large parlor aud private bath; alec aiuflero< ri»-* for gentlemen.

BOTH AMERICAN AND EUROPEAN PLAN.oeat ion Central aial I'nsurpaaaed.

PROFESSIONAL. JHO. CANDEE, VITAPATH PHYSICIAN^! 1employ the bent health resources of Datura,identifies! ly applied through Vital Nervaura, Elee-riclty, Vegetable Itemed ies, Foo<l. Water. Air. Heat.l.ijiht. Osone, Electric Vup<jr Hatlia, A- I dlecard all VMinerals, Opiates, Mercury, Quinine, Alooboll< stiiu- 1laau. I prepare Ml my ow n vegetable r< mediea M'<>n<i>ltntion nee ( all or send for testimonial* ot* -lelerful cures. I treat all dix aaes. acute or rlirouic.»flUe and reception parlors, V2J F si., between 1Mbilid Kith. Washington, 1>. C. fi'Vi4-Lm*I VRTSENARD'S MAGNETIC 80LNH ANI> FOOT1 J liatteries are indispensable for pereons sufferingYoit^-old feet, weak circulation or the ectreiniUaa.to < >ur eleciro-iuagnelic garment* are desigtwd eaecially for rheumatic, neiunlgx and nerve affect one.Vimpeteiitphvsician consultation free. PstWit* called»i. at their homes. THE MAGNETIC APPLIANCE».. F wt. n w. ft211m^\\TUNDERFT'L CFRE8 OF NERVK'DISEASHI.>> Ali sufferers fVom Klifumi'Hm, Neuralgia, or»ther Nervous lusorders. should call at 523 13th sti.»'. city, for relief, and for testimonial* of men andlouieii right here in \V'ashingtoii. < iflloe DR. III 1.1. h HM a<. N iTrH' a PPLI A.NCK <_> <M PA NY." fl J.-1 m*_1,"«< » 1 SIRuKUY.Ar.-tX IRXS. HlNlrtNg CLtl Iand Inverted Nails. Clnlhlalus. Frosted Kmatk'i-.s.mlar Excrescences and aildi^ea-ex of the feet sue essfullytreated at Dr. WHITE'S establishment, 1414Vniisylvama ave., op|a>site Wtiiard s Hotel. I»r.A'liite s twenty-fifth coiisecutUe year uf practice inrVaaliliiKUm. 1>. C. Patronised by the most eminenttiivsicuais and turgeons. 'jrtlc>- iee,$i a sitting Balimore establishment, n North Eutaw at. i til

MRS. 1»R J. 8FMMR?, RESIDENT HCRiiBOXCHIROPODIST. MAN1CUKE AND DERMA-r«)JXK.il!sT..Corus, liunlons and Intri wing Nails ab-olutely und |HTUkMiiently cured In a ft-w treatman ta.ilter "JO years >d snferiiiK 1 »«.« cured by Dr. Nemruea.vault- to oe seen at Dice, 1'iJ'i F Mreet. 4 door* fr>m.3th. Hundreds of the best j-eople in this city will 1ubstatitiate thia statement. Corns, 25 cents. Mrs.fl)r. Scnimea has purchased the V oudalVd Hoot ara IlerbTotilc, will at/sohitely make hair grow on HaM 1leads. Man\ Wi.l think this ih sutne worth leas stun, Itut any gentleman or lady who lis bald Is invited M1nil lor tree treatments at Vi'i'Z F st., 4 doors from|;tt h. This preparation has never lieen In the marketmder any name, and has brought out a nut of liali,l*er "2f> years of bai lness. For sale bjr Proprietor,il'l F st.. 4 doors from 13th, up one flii&t. f7i f M ii KOtsei


k:ELIABI,E CLAIRVOYANT AND ASTnOLOOimca>. t« isiiisulted on business and all atlatra of iliaAll in trouble call. hailsfkctloL given or uo im.Fco.ei. 4Residence, 1H10 Utb street northwest. Jt011.1%-iHt. MLHI.KMA~SCT.I^it PILKRBY litr. ct treatment. without the use of knifr. caoatic0| .<Urature. Cure guuranu-ed. can be consulted at 7'ii *

lih street northwest, lroni 4 to « p. m. dally. dl-3mM11 BHfKiKE TtLUi^AXL THE EVKTnOfI.IFE. All busineeeconfidential. Ladiesandg»n>it-mi n .SO cents each. 4Ub L street, between 4th andah streets northweat. jel4-wOw«

\ J AllAMK PAYN 1 ff HANICVRE.'I una Surgeon Cbtropodiat..Finger-nails beautiie«i:Haiue Nails and Bttuift of Nails positively cured; ,

orns. Humous, Ingrowing Nails andali diiii'see>ofn>» 1eet siuvcssftjily treated. Mm;It- treatment, either *lands or feet, f1. Rooms ft and «. IV aw.B*-Wi\ f R> M. A. ntKKCn.ilAOKEnC healer,.U U"d Bumn«M Medium, Is again at bom*. 1734 7lfct. n.w., where she will be pleased to reoelve hsrriends and petrona. iilO-4m*


I VKWT. PAKKER. OF BOHTON MAM. Mar MI /ni-tk- Healer: Wonderfbl Cures by laying oe of.anas: Nervous liiseeses a specialty and Cbxowc. Willisit patience. Office beurs 1 to 8 j m. #17 eC l. w.n:h%-7t»

MR*. BROWN (OOIvORED) TAKE® LADIESbefore and during Illness, at ber nice bonis, 806

ulsaourl ava. n.w., where tbey wlli have the beet «fur«. MM»'

Prof. cLay, renownedand celebratedclairvoyant and aetroiogtat, can be consulted ua

iv.linens, lote and matrimony. AU In tronMejoali.satisfaction guaranteed. iee»L RMdenot 80# 4%t. s.w.

| ^R^QBERTHON^ rar im" Jj'St ill Baltimore city, caii be (vnsuhed u V ashlngtonIwery Wednesday and aatuiday toy all la iMaiariZaff W*1 advice or treatment, at bia private roomaAAS C». n.w.. near 4i«.. l>o« at»8pJ». Maiaahos.88<. Liberty m. Baltimore. Md. tiH 8»

Bishop-s Camphorix*. IAn ex^ulaiteTotM article tw flwnaai andRoMlV«kin: allays irritation and Ww kMt>fb+ ooaudMnSImouth, tuft and^gar^Prioe Mc. I
