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650 Библиография на световната праистория Библиография на световната праиория Aldred, Cyril. 2004. The Egyptians, 4th ed., updated by Aidan Dodson. New York: Thames & Hudson. Algaze, Guillermo. 1993. The Uruk World System: The Dynam- ics of Expansion of Early Mesopotamian Civilization. Chi- cago: University of Chicago Press. Allan, William. 1965. The African Husbandman. Edinburgh: Oliver & Boyd. Allchin, Bridget, and Raymond Allchin. 1983. The Rise of Civi- lization in India and Pakistan. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Allchin, Raymond. 1995. The Archaeology of Early Historic South Asia. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Allen, J. 1994. “Radiocarbon Determinations, Luminescence Dating, and Australian Archaeology.” Antiquity 68: 339– 343. , C. Gosden, and J. P. White. 1989. “Pleistocene New Ire- land.” Antiquity 63 (240):548–561. Allen, J., and J. S. Holloway. 1995. “The Continuity of Pleistocene Radiocarbon Determinations in Australia.” Antiquity 69:101–112. Allen, J., and J. P. White. 1989. “The Lapita Homeland: Some New Data and an Interpretation.” Journal of the Polyne- sian Society 93:129–146. Allen, Melinda. 1995. “Style and Function in East Polynesian Fishhooks.” Antiquity 70:97–111. Alva, Walter, and Christopher Donnan. 1993. Royal Tombs of Sipán. Los Angeles: Fowler Museum of Cultural History, UCLA. Ambrose, Stanley H. 1984. “The Introduction of Pastoral Ad- aptations to the Highlands of East Africa.” In From Hunt- ers to Farmers. J. Desmond Clark and Steven A. Brandt, eds. Pp. 212–239. Berkeley: University of California Press. . 2001. “Paleolithic Technology and Human Evolution.” Science 291:1748–1753. Ames, K. M., and Herbert D. Maschner. 1999. Peoples of the Northwest Coast: Their Archaeology and Prehistory. Lon- don and New York: Thames & Hudson. Anawak, Jack. 1994. “Inuit Perceptions of the Past.” In Who Needs the Past? 2nd ed. R. Layton, ed. Pp. 45–50. London: Routledge. Anderson, Arthur O., and Charles Dibble, eds. 1978. The Florentine Codex. Salt Lake City: University of Utah Press. Anderson, Atholl. 1991. “The Chronology of Colonization in New Zealand.” Antiquity 65:767–795. Abdi, Kamyar. 2003. “Early development of pastoralism in the Central Zagros Mountains.” Journal of World Prehistory 17 (4):395–448. Adams, R. E. W., et al. 1981. “Radar Mapping, Archaeology, and Ancient Maya Land Use.” Science 213:1457–1463. Adams, Robert M. 1966. The Evolution of Urban Society. Chi- cago: Aldine. . 1981. Heartland of Cities. Chicago: University of Chi- cago Press. . 2001. “Complexity in Archaic States.” Journal of Anthropological Archaeology 20 (3):345–360. , and Hans J. Nissen. 1972. The Uruk Landscape. Chi- cago: University of Chicago Press. Adams, William Y. 1977. Nubia: Corridor to Africa. London: Allen Lane. Adler, Michael A., ed. 1996. The Prehistoric Pueblo World, a.d. 1150–1350. Tucson: University of Arizona Press. Adovasio, J. M. 2002. The First Americans. New York: Random House. , et al. 1981. Meadowcroft Rockshelter and the Archae- ology of the Cross Creek Drainage. Pittsburgh: University of Pittsburgh Press. Adovasio, J. M., et al. 1996. “Upper Palaeolithic Fibre Technol- ogy: Interlaced Woven Finds from Pavlov I, Czech Repub- lic, c. 26,000 Years Ago.” Antiquity 70:526–534. Adovasio, J. M., et al. 1998. “Two Decades of Debate on Mead- owcroft Rockshelter.” North American Archaeologist 19 (4):317–341. Aiello, L. C., and M. C. Dean. 1990. An Introduction to Human Evolutionary Anatomy. London: Academic Press. Aiello, L. C., and Robin Dunbar. 1993. “Neocortex Size, Group Size, and Cognition.” Current Anthropology 36: 199–221. Aiello, L.C., and P. Walker. 1995. “The Expensive-Tissue Hy- pothesis: The Brain and the Digestive System in Human and Primate Evolution.” Current Anthropology 36:199– 221. Aiello, L. C., and P. Wheeler. 1995. “The Expensive Tissue Hy- pothesis.” Current Anthropology 36:184–193. Aikens, C. Melvin. 1970. Hogup Cave. Salt Lake City: University of Utah Press. Aldenderfer, Mark. 1995. Montane Foragers: Asana and the South-Central Andean Archaic. Iowa City: University of Iowa Press.

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