! ioannes i zapolya

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  • 8/17/2019 ! Ioannes i Zapolya



    The Mohacs battle was followed by anarchy in Transylvania, which ended only in1541, after a decade and a half on internal fights. At November 10, 152, !oannes

    "a#olya was crowned $ing of %&ngary at Alba 'egala, b&t a month later, the #arty of

    magnates elects (erdinand of %absb&rg as $ing.

    The two $ings start a long fight which will bring only grief to Transylvania, who)s

    nat&ral riches bro&ght the attention of (erdinand ! in a moment when the finances of

    *iena was in a #oor sha#e. (erdinand &nderstood that he cannot bring %&ngary &nder 

    his r&le &ntil he bra$es "a#olya)s centre of resistance, which was Transylvania.

    +y con&ering Transylvania, he wo&ld have win an e-cellent base to carry the war

    against the t&r$s. (or this, and for economical and #olitical reasons, from 152

    Transylvania became the ob/ect of the %absb&rg e-#ansionist #olitics.

    !n these conditions, a long war started in 152 between (erdinand and those loyal to"a#olya. As the strength of both #arties was ins&fficient to gain the decisive victory

    on the battle fields, and both (erdinand and "a#olya was also engaged in other war

    theatres ##er %&ngary, 3lovenia and roatia, they see$ hel# at the r&ler of

    Moldavia, 6etr& 'ares.

    (rom this moment will have an im#ortant role in the events from Transylvania. As he

    see this as a good o##ort&nity to enlarge his Transylvanian #ossessions, he decided to

    s#ort "a#olya. The moldavian armies recorded im#ortant victory)s over the forces

    loyal to (erdinand, and "a#olya)s army occied l&/ Na#oca 7olo8svar, T&rda,

    Torda, Alba !&lia 9y&lafehervar, 3ebes 38as8:s8ebes, +rasov +rasso,

    3ighisoara 3egesvar and Medias Medgyes.

    !n the meantime (erdinand was holding tal$s with "a#olya, and in 4 a#ril 15;5 he

    signs a treaty even with 6etr& 'ares, who after 15;4 begins to s#ort the %absb&rg

    em#eror. !n the end, (erdinand didn)t needed 'ares) hel#, as the %absb&rg signed the

     #eace with "a#olya at

  • 8/17/2019 ! Ioannes i Zapolya


    moment cand situatia finantelor urtii de la -iena era destul de $rea.

     )erdinand a inteles ca nu+si poate asi$ura dominatia asupra intre$ii %n$arii decat

     supunand centrul de re(istenta al lui !oan "apol#a, care era Transilvania. rin

    cucerirea acestui principat, )erdinand ! ar fi dobandit si o ba(a mai buna pnentru

     purtarea luptelor impotriva turcilor. Din aceste motive economice si politice, inca din

    152/ Transilvania a intrat in obiectivul politicii epansioniste habsbur$ice. !n aceste conditii a inceput in Transilvania, inca din 152 un lun$ ra(boi intre

     parti(anii lui )erdinand si cei al lui "apol#a.

    um atat fortele parti(anilor lui )erdinand, cat si cele ale lui "apol#a erau

    insuficiente pentru a putea obtine sin$ure deci(ia pe teatrul de lupta transilvanean,

    iar )erdinand si "apol#a, an$ajati pe alte fronturi %n$aria superioara, roatia si

    3lovenia, nu puteau interveni ei insisi, fiecare din cei doi adversari a cautat sa+si

    asi$ure dominatia asupra Transilvaniei solicitand ajutorul domnului Moldovei, etru


     Din acest moment domnul Moldovei joaca rolul hotaritor in desfasurarea

    evenimentelor din Transilvania, etru 'ares va(and asta totodata un bun prilej

     pentru a+si spori posesiunile din Transilvania, si de a+si spori influenta asupra provinciei.

     Domnul Moldovei a decis sa intervina de partea lui "apol#a, iar armatele

    moldpvenesti au obtinut victorii importante, nimicind fortele principale ale

     parti(anilor lui )erdinand. arti(anii lui "apol#a, incurajati de victoriile lui etru

     'ares, au trecut la actiuni ener$ice ocupand lujul, Turda, &lba !ulia, 3ebesul,

     rasovul, 3i$hisoara si Mediasul.

     !ntre timp )erdinand ! continua sa duca tratative cu "apol#a, iar in 4 aprilie 1565

     semnea(a un act chiar cu etru 'ares, care dupa 1564 a inceput sa se apropie de

     )erdinand, dar pana la urma nu l+a mai putut ajuta si ca urmare cei doi combatanti

     semnea(a pacea de la 7radea in 156.

     acea a fost ratificata de "apol#a la 24 februarie 156 si ceva mai tar(iu si de

     )erdinand ! si arol 8uintul. otrivit pacii de la 7radea problema Transilvaniei se

    re(olva in favoarea lui "apol#a, care urmea(a s+o stapaneasca cat va trai.
