chroniclingamerica.loc.govi he pibpafce pycowardin&ellyson., vs)|-?w \ki\l

I H E PIBPAfCE py COWARDIN & ELLYSON. , VS)|-?W \KI\l<n IX AMVAXf-K. .p ji.MM IHMVvTi'H K delivered to *n?i- . . :.» .tt > irrKKv « >:vrv i«t wok. parable to ,. p- .u-i >«> Mailt*) at *<> p**r annum ; $S . \ p .ouhv; ?.V. )'«t moutli i"or a shortei >FMl t\ KKM.Y msrATC'Il at *3 per an. * 1 T.*> for m \ montltv. \\ > I M.N DliSIWTt '11 »t *2 por annum. WAST H. 11" \\TI-:n. (XVFF.WTS for two very \\ jv (>t fiiriiisJii il w'{fii ; I. '. I S-Ttl.S. j M3t* .ti* WTKR >l\ t\\ I* PKNTF.KS. Apply) i ^ ami ; «« im> rtnvts. Korkftts, Jo l.s-li* >i !x ,«\\\ V^KKS WAN rFD.-l wan I to .i l \\ » » KXKKGKTlr . v « hxniftt r. In every tmocctt* ; * i " .!t 1. 1 i: Mljwo) iplitMls lo \!\«.-ul \ » " ;tn«l tile .. 1 1 1 >- , X . I i:aV,! M.'V! MKMV'IWO .-(Mill' N»ok- 1 .1IHT.11 COtn- : w: 1 1! | "¦.mi . jit >% lit u j?iv»n \pp)» jn i>< r»t»n or l>\ letter to \ \ i:« f\ .i< >\ j> s. i- < i i m \cenox-. 1 1 2 .*» M.i i n Mreel. Kirbni.Mnl. \'a. n\ ' \ i i i'-i i. \>> vv w vn;. r V\ "MP I'M. VONT !!. \\ 4*'tx M-iitKlin street, Ktclimoml. \\T Kl». :i tlinmsHvom >K KVANT. \ . -.i «:SI n? :.» i vtn < I . V 1 0-8 1 * W u:i\ a I K NAN i" for a N EAT i \«. »¦ i,-.i:ini!-l!»'i «i!h nxe riMins. ; .x .1. I S\K \1>. CluMer, Ya. \N !Tl». l-.v ,i U 111 I F. (¦> 1 1\1,, who i> ? ? ...I'r.i ; xv, irk. n situation t<> wash inul i. ti» . .<r i- 1. ti> ilii any ktii«i -. \ * li t .in kivv st<h«.j refer- ., F . <.!*;¦ .7>'A Jc lti-St n < i »!.< » MK.v. coal t r,x o. al minus near ( . - l "i :k t i < 3 pr<iiu|>| pax r: ¦ ;->n ami full particulate p. «j r.xiis, N Ftfitvntl* slrtrf. Kit litnoinl. Vn. A\ V/ VN i;« mni>v ^ AN j's. \ \\ ; n ii \ >K Vou i<hi N \ V ... -i;r . >r» I»« r'i 1'K ACir-Ul.( ? »V x - t !i' -U K I.KMi'S-s. to hi,K*tn>t luddcr, on \ XX X % .-AMJIi'-r . .1. i; Mm\'KAI>AV. l.rx-J> Main «'ri't't. "i\" \ i l.i ;!> with .i t uuilv of M-Vt'P l\ in :i 1lt'ii:htn.>l'llOoU :i |X< to >r>.iuj: A ti.. I "x 1 < urx . . jr 1 Sii»tJ8t* '!». 15*. 'AliUKKS. . A low oxoi'l- : ..: ii . xx ;;ii u< . vlll>. Apply V* iv w MB*, t. M. l>l*VAl-. i i.- J : u :: ti- 1 CI:tv >trcct>. n:i>. i-« » aki>i:k< for sf.vf- : i"cni> : also tor :i suit of :! u»r. .it .\u:>. H. L. WIiJAXIVs. .".1^ ltroa«l strict. \. w AN n 1 Wf dcsiiv to l»uy all ¦A ..«'!. xw tii -. ami xx iil |>;t\ 1 1 iv hik'h- . j « \^l!. ._ V. 1 : r -:»lo. !«y >liippiiisr It to iii.ttaucc at higiicM luar- i! V. i : : i -< 'ak-Ta vnkm Lka- s . j facturets* prices, iv >v\ 1 1:-. lu, ah; «. «».. I tt a 1 ^ xx* N l'J IVari >tt oet. \\ \ ! KI >. K \ I ; I; \ c.VK TO KNOW \. »V J \>T< »rK. No. 17 Fourteenth \fis v<>\ t-.v :<> ;,rn amount. for any Mi.c. at i.ka^'S .vlsi.K rates. ->11 >Hvir«arv. ^u«hI jfwelry. 4c.. Jtc. * -1* Si.*' al«.i> « ..a ha:i-t .ni'l tor sate at j-.-17-lm \\ r K 1 *. :-t .Tenniui:sViUe, a GOOD! MITH ami « 11KKLW"KUiH r : \\ .1 :>ud sliUEMAK tU ut M)Wr iiliil 1. 1 I! MSG I.UTS for sa'e l«.w. At>- ,i.t. m; i ion. -itr.. or Mr. .J. I.. Ai'l'hHjl'N. \ \ \ > TKD. V VUVH A>Eli<ir.7c^5^ m ui w t x-. family * \ : n: . !!..-.% l'i»NY i'll AK'li'N: one ivlO ! *i i \VT"N; Several ><.Ci mi-hand n i' . U.v : :«!-... several new and .-(¦and WALiy.\>, with and without tops. : _. * v ami other purpose*, rortale : :-h. Am !> t-> W. i . SMITH. ;-iv. 41 J Itroad street. FOB ILKXT. :."r'V !'. STl'CCOEI)^ I ! l.f IV<i. with tcix iii.-iif 'mil &r-'« - . . i i.iit.ii':i>i^' alN.ut twelve room.- - a :: ii a lar^'f i nc'ostire lieauti- «;.:h !!. ,-. .-Iiruf»Nvry. jtc., wiiii i<! sin«'k'>hou.«e ou \lu- premises. >IUI{|1 au'luVVJ 1. 1 . ) N( ¦ a hove, No. ... street. bedevil Fifteenth ami-Sixteenth !-.rv HKlfK KWELI.INii with ai 'i ki-clien in the r*ar v. .in «:mt l»i«'-en Jl« niv aud Uel- a-t of j Ik* Park. . ! : i: H i\ >iol!K and lAYKLLlNO vh-id .Vain twee a t ir.-t ami Fou- y K i>\\ FLLING on '1 1 J 1 l tie- ij.'AMh 1>\V r- l.L'Nii on Twenty- * all ami I.' .-11 ee!<. i: i< iiAit!>s< »N ( - : ¦. 1113 M:>1 a street. j.-' »i; i:l.n i', - I'oRE So. sl2 J3road,63 -I - aid Third street.-, with JSiiL . .. :< li* :. in rear. MUtable for a lain- . *¦. a «.*'...! joc.iliuu f<>r ul>v kind of retail - .i* (HM'RItS .t WILLIAMS. i: !ii:.N'i. 1'ARLOK FLOOR .!,- and i a:jlrv. witii h»th. eio>i-t. JSiii : < r T\\ G ADJACENT FLOuKS .. s. a* .ina lam- phasant ilwellio)!,(ls . i :!>.... F.iinily -mail: no ehil- v:r<--- I ..<. ire of k tier-carrier So. 1. ; J«- 1S-1:» ,;KNT. < >NK < >F TIIOSK VERYjjJ®* ¦ |{ \|;LK I! KICK DWELLINGS. So.Biiil . i:,\ ; a < h Tenth an-1 H«*venth >'r«-ei>. i: px-ins im->ii;»**« einsot.-*. store-room, il.a >\i in |*trfeet uriirr. l'oss<.ssi*«ii a; j**> Im JOHN T. GUMilN. Keai F>tate Ajrent. --. .. i it r. ti.k ami Eleventh stt\ets. ; RKNT, ft si IT OF .MOST I>K-0Tr 1 - \ jjlk it()' 'Ms, on sicouU floor, lu jLi Applj at GiyMAIN- 3'1'KKF.T. 1 j:i; v r. Four dfsirarli:^ «v il. u»<- of kitchen, suituhle for^tiii !'¦; Ill 1 V. A lijilv at ' :ili: TWELFTH STREET. : ; N M i } I J > roTTAGJE AT A<lI-0 \ I < r « . Ji It ..A'T.. For rent. Ibr fourflL lit ii fetauf, ait eh-vant i.'O'J- I: s I |»l- M I at A-M.II1<1 COMi'LKTKLY n II Kl>. w Hli ili«* ii m; i.f a large and weli- \e/«-!al/|e / ir<J"ll. W 1 I.I.I \ Ms .4 <;il{SON. ! -{ .'. \ j> -n's. Aiifiioueers, au<J liroktrs. ¦i: J;KXJ\ a NK !.: F RA M K 1)^ - ;.t |V,(,j uf i'onrhouse Hill. if»n- vS l; . i f in .. ami a lot attaetH: I. :n K ll< »l" VE. oirner Twe«it\- fveuth J'o-v.-^iou caH Oe had ji once. I.. I>. KA< 'HO. No V^Tonrteeulh hircet. r ii k i: e will in: several^ I ., S tl'ti-;- 111' 'JO'ii jLi-t:i »»t .iiii. .! rllU 1 I'-Jtui''. - .it ttlf- IJuUi'Jtll Ik)ll-0. ¦ HEM', the LTl'EU J'AKT ot'&% -*¦ No. J414 Franklin Miii ird H-rtel, *i\ rooms, Jn j)tr- witli all uiwicru luj^romocutii. ;u»4 Apply t<t .) ii. TAiLOR & SUN', . i!»- \^'ciilr and Auctioneers. T" !'*.- Hit- WHOLE LTFEKff*! ; ' t : . ' I l, .!!? yl/; Jjrojd *lrwt. tUre'vjsii at f >iv, . <«r unJ'u/wMifl.ji* dc-' i. Ji.fjuln- <iii itj«» J'.' 1 'S-4 t * c ikj: a n i > has*; m e s t -fok » Kr \ I .TJmt iJeisioijlt htjLu<J on tiie Jiortlifilit .>' Or* »<: dri-ct ne.vt iloor t>> iIk* /w»rntr of for dry ek»ilility_ «w jaroee- 1!»< all rt.MMi'es coi'iiulft)', and «ii] .nt-iHed ." A I,ti V i J . c. <; H A rt'J'M A N, >. 1 * J J oy Malu wtN-ct.. L'"K WJ.N'T. t l>at /-pleudid, ¦* j' t-TuKK No. 0 GorcruorJsiiti . hi t oc'MjpH'd tiy K. 15. Ta>i'>r, K^.,»>a * » U-r.. lot- Ai'liiv l</ J. J.. At'i'KIisON. . I >>: I It'j I A^<iit. I/1 >Ii l: EST, a iilUCK STOKE ANDgJ " J>'<\ £/.l.i \G Wj the < asUrii Hue of h> .. '(i si/.-cj alaiji and Kraiikllu UtiXJCls, .">' »<.<'« i»i« <1 i if Mis. ><'uroJir a* a nMootu 1 . kooi! »taiid fif Miy n-tall Iwsi ihs*w iV/as»ct>- * - ±1 <,v, ¦+ .i, y x .O-OtJ J. F. KEh SEt'. JPOt SALE. L'OU HALE.THE GOOD WILL AND -* iX'I'tThCICS of' i Ij«- ol-Jt bl cata'»Il-hed Kw»- 1 "rim Ki«j liar-r'»»i»j In tiac city, liaviii# been in »..%- ;'u ; uMTdfio.j Ua- a*i fortv-ti vo yearn. One ; ! 'ij«-Ju>:t bUi n<i» iu tlic city f<»"rtsuclia tiualuess. J !i«- < 'it] _v r<-H on for evlii uit, tt»tf proprietor wishes . ifiuw lii another bu/liie.-is. Applv at Xo. 3 / * * fc^-NTIl htltEKT. jtf 17«3t* El) IX'ATIONAL. | -M VEH1TY OF VIRGINIA,. SUM- ' ' A! Kit J- A \V LECl'VUES (nine weeUy) txgriu iij..Ju]y. 1874 ; eud 12th September. iiavt proved "filial um* : Jut. to i>tudeiiti» prupotriu/f to pnreue . - ii Uiie or other law t»ehool ; SJd, to tJiose *]."' dejfyru to study pi Jv jUrh : 3 <1. youug nruP- wiio have* jjot had ihe advautagc ox #}¦«.. '"a tie Instruction. For circuiarappiy (pokt-offlce 'f '^versity of Yirjrtulaj to JOHN M. MINUK, Tro- *n>9ui Cvtumvu tmd fcUtuie Law, ujy 27"2t*wlm RICHMOND, VA., THURSDAY MORNING. JUNE 18, 1874 VOL. XLYI. NPKVIAI, yOTICKS. tir L 1 N K N . C A M UK I C HANDKEU- CHIFFS at 75c. per dozen; LADIES' COLORED-BORDER ami HEM¬ STITCH Kl> H ANDK ERCHIEFS; HEMSTITCHED HANDKERCHIEFS at *2 per do7.0 n worth $3 ; HEMSTITCHED HANDKERCHIEFS at $3 per dozvu worth $4 ; I. ACE HANDKERCHIEF'S in all qualities; EMBROIDERED HANDKERCHIEFS in great Viiricty ; A large assortment of HANDKERCHIEFS for children At LEVY BROTHERS'. Look at our ONE-DOLLAR KID GLOVES. Jel7 $JT MARSEILLES QUILTS at$3..i0 worth $5 ; MARSEILLES (jl'It.TS at $4 worth $(5 ; MARSEILLES (,'t ll.TS at $5 worth $8 ; HONEY-COMIl 0* 'ILTs at $1.25 worth $1.75 ; HONEY-COMB gCILTSat $1.75 woYth $2.00; HON EY -COM B Ql ll.TS at $2 worth $3 ; CKOv 11ET QUIL I'S at $2.50 worth *4 ; COLORED 01 ll.TS at $1 25, $1.50, $1.75, ami $2. AM 25 per cont. below regular prices. Those In w ant of quit's should not purchase until thev have examined the stock of LEVY BROTHERS'. COLGATE'S VIOLET WATER reduced to S5c. per bottle. ' lei 7 IS: . tiENTL EM EX 'S SI' M M ER M E RtN O SHIKTSat 75c., S5cM 00c.. and $1 worth $1 ami *1.25; Gentlemen's LISLE THEAKD SHlltTS at *1.25 ami $1.50 worth $1.50 ami $2, Gentlemen'.- SILK Silt UTS t'rom $1.75 to $3.50, Gentlemen's G Al'ZE SH1HTS nt Gentium n*> I. INKS CULL A.RS at 60c. per dozen worth $1 50, L1NKN Cl'FFSat $3 per dozen worth $4. LIKEN* HA S DK.LKC11 1 fc.FS. very cheap, at LEV V ilKOTHEKS'. A full assert ment of COLG ATE'S SOAl\ jy 1 7 * CUlI\'l(»'r SKIRTING at 20c. per yard \v..«rth 35c., SHIUTING 1' AM I? It ICS at 124jC., Excellent BLEACH KDaml UNBLEACHED COT- l oX at 10c. j>cr yard, Full-width I'N ULEACll El) SHEETING at 30c. per yard. Full-width BLEACHED SHEETING at 33c. per var-l. I'lLLOW-CASE COTTON*, 42 inches wide at 15c. per yard, Nov Vork Mills. Wamsutta, l'ridc of the West, A i.di"-e"CVii>. Da vol. Fruit of th * Loom. (Jem of the >pii.dio. HtchvHle. Avoniale. ami Hallou Ct 1 I T O.n retailed at wholesale prices, at LEW ttltOlHEUS'.r COLGATE'S I. AYKN DEK-W'ATEK at 70c. per bottle. Je 1 7 fl&r 1>AKAS(.)L< in srreat variety ; LACK SH.VW LSand SAC\»UES; Fan* «.f the latest Styles: FAN ami PAR A SOL CHAINS : V IN 1 At* A K KTTS in all ol' the latest styles: liALL ami KFLl. FAK-K1NOS ami SLttVE and COLLAR 1U I IONS; RUBBER ami .1 ET BRACELETS. NECKLACES. KaR-RINUx BKEASTPINS, Ml: DAL IONS, and SLEKVK BUTTONS; DRKsS TKLMMINOS in great variety ; MACHINE OIL, at 15c. pur bottle, tor tlu.- best oil manufactured: ?EW1 NO -MACHINE NEEDLES at 4 and 5c. apiece; LEa MI Kit and SILK BELTS, with buckles of the latest stvJcs; PEARL. >TEt£L. NICKLP. and JET SLIDES, BUCKLES, ind OKNA.ME.NTS: REAL and lMi CATION HAllt SWITCHES, very I'HlNTtl) CAjjj»RlC COLLARS and CUFFS at 15c. a set. w®ib 50c : 1. In FN c )L,iUcBS a' *1 per dozen worth *1.75; .?\Yl» Mi'Syaig I! 1 FFl r.S, wiiii Valenciennes «.!(:» , at lufc^ch, or*l per dozen, worth 25c. Tit K IN OS. jKf lXtiS, and PLEATED TKIM- MlNt.Sa* LEW BKOTHERS*. COLO aTFJjVIOLET WAJ'U.K reduced to 85c. per Im »tile. Jf. jc 17 nr A LjROE STOCK OF CLOTHS, CA>sIMi;KK>. .IEANS and TWEEDS; LINKS uRl&LiNOs and DUCKS: DLNlMs, <jOTTO N A D ES, DRAP D'ETA. UAKAThEa CuOTlL a ud other goods for bovV ami hrhV wear, ni \ LEW BROTHERS', CLARK'S inul COAT'S SPOOL COTTON, 70e. per dozen, c je 17 £jf* BLaIi'K LACE SCARFS in great va¬ riety: s I'.LACiv f'PAVlSil LACE and triuuniu^ lace : HI. AC K and tyillTK LACK VEILS oi the latest style-: \ BLUE liERNAXT, tor veils, at 5Ue. per yard won li jl : j 1)1. I K, iiKMvV.Vs, GREEN, and DRAB BEREUE at '2oc. per yard worth -10c.. at ) LftVY BROHIERb". Look at thej LINEN COLLARS at *1 per dozen. , .It- 17 OT TRAVELLING BASKETS in great variety: Travelling-Bag- and Satchels ; Trunks ol" al! kind.-. M'lti very cheap; thawl 5>iraps, Water¬ proof ( lo;tks, Shawls, aud Dusters for travellers. LEW BROTHERS, 1017 and 1019 Main street, Richmond, Va. INITIAL Nt»TK I'Al'ER at 10, 20, and 25c. per box worth double the money. je 17 22}" OUR OPENINGS for this week will be UN U>1' A L LY ATTBACTI YE. ~\\~o a-k attention lo I'X l'K EC KDK X TE D BAltGAlXS in LADIES' DRESS FABRICS as well as In many other goods. BREEDEN & FOX, j«*lG-.'t 401 Broad street. aSTSTAKS AND METEORS.. At cer¬ tain seasons meteors dart across the firmament I*.- twetn the earth and the fixed ^tars. But tliuy quick¬ ly vanish. whita the fixed stars remain. In the med¬ ical firmament I lie great \cgUahle Invigorant HOS- TfcTTEirs STOMACH BITTKKS Iihs long been a F1XE1* STAU OF THE I IKST MACMTl'DK. Litt'e meteors, iii theshape of imitations, bearing various nanus, now and then attempt a glim miring compe¬ tition with it. Uit thev soon disappear from the Held of vision, leaving the glory of the tkck iikm- ki*V unimpaired. 'J he number of these wllt-o'-the- w i.»]>s tiiat have umm to grief within the last twenty years Is beyond computation, and those now in ex¬ istence are in the last agonies of extinguishment. The standard tonic and alterative, that cures and prevents so man r distressing discai'o, and which in- debilitated invalid ever took without receiving a wonderful accession of strength and vitality, only derj»"C» increased popularity from the attempts of .chaxia talis to run their failures in the Jlostettcr xr<«K4'. }'¦ 18-e<»dJfcwlw X2T -MA f/niO'i»TONIQUE. We lsa.e just reeeUed another and full sdUJplvo' BUKTOVS ENtSl.ISH EXTRACT of MALT and llUi'S, which has b-e»i so favorably prescribed by our lKi>t physiciaus as a tonic in gciierai debility, wakefulness, ucrvousuecs, Ac. MEADE & BAKER, DCspeusing l'hicrmacists, ap n 910 Main street. FKRSONAL. <Qwkick ok Vary; in i a Steawshup.} a ni> I'auckt Company. > lilCIIMONIiu-J lltiu 18, 1874. 9 All piawoxs iu vjng claims, iurainst tliti VIlUilNlA gTKAMSlUP AND J'ACJxKT < OMF A NV are b«mUy notilicil to teut the- wime privr to tlie JiUlfir day of iiuxtifiily, a* the tttj-irs of Uic comity may be k>f«dli;y wound uji. i'. J. tfULCH. jrrj fekeodl in t'resliffciit THIS OA 'IE liEAYJEFORTli I X. <la unit huhI wyntdf res ponds t#e for nuy&rhte eoutrueUtd t>v KOUEliT MVKGAXHTEIiX lu il»e imiuc of iia ulity Ji MurjtttiJbteru. fSigiiwlJ .JOtfEI'fi BACIIKR. lacnAwyu. 1 7. J&7-*. Je 17-3t* C1AL . riic public are cautioned not / U> credit any of my cuen' as I w&itf uotbere- fponslble for any ciebw couuzctcd. JL». W. OTTMA-V, j«i 1 7-2t Master brig " Max." M OlliLVti, All kin us of yvoollen goods TJIOKOl/UHLy SCOUKKD without link¬ age or wear. Particular attention paid to SCOtJfi- 1SG GENTLEMEN'S CLO'iHINU. which »ve guarantee to b<; neatly done, without altering the s»-t or fit. #J,ANKhTS and FLANNELS beaull- fully wssboa with soft finish. . 1 Good lUONEKS wanted. Apply at 823 Main street. . Je l($-2w /GENTLEMEN'S WEARING APPAREL VI CLEANED iu the very best style; Ladies' Lreascs, &c., resturod to their original color, cieaued or dyed, with neatness and dispatch ; Kid Glovtse cleaned and Featln-rs dyed at McflvENtfE1MS STEAM DYE-WORKS, ap 3-8m JJiursbal] street near Fifth. lUritmond gispithJ VST THE CIRCULATION OF THE DIB- I'ATCH 18 LARGER THAN THE COMBINED CIRCULATION OF ALL THE OTHER DAILY NEWSPAPERS OF THE CITY. THURSDAY JUNE 18, 1874. LOCAL MATTERS. Qualification of City Officers.. In the" Hustings Court yesterday Mr. A. M. Kciley qualified as Mayor of the city of Richmond. Mr. Edward B. Cook qualified as City Serjeant., and gave bond in the sum of £10,- 000, with Messrs. Alfred Moses aud S. E. Dove as sureties. Messrs. Thomas U. Dud- ley, E. Ilolzinger, Edward Cummins, and Zachariah T. uriggs qualified as deputy ser- g cants. Mr. Robert B. Mnnford qualified as Com¬ missioner of the Revenue for the citj- of Richmond, and gave bonds in the sum of £12,000, with Messrs. F. T. Glasgow and William 1*. Munford as sureties. Ten thou¬ sand dollars is the boud required by the city aud two thousand dollars required by the State. Mr. A. B. Duesberry qualified as Nigh Constable of the city of Richmond before Mayor Keiley yesterday morning. His bond, with A. li. Babcock, Miles Turpiu,and John II. (ircunor as securities, was deposited with Khe clerk of the Council. No other bu>iuess of public interest was tran>acted by this court. City School Hoard.. Three vacancies ex¬ ist in the School Hoard of this city. The tonus ol cilice of John, Jr., of the First district ; Alfred Moses, of the Second district, and SVilliatn English, of the Third district, expired hist month. The election to till these vacancies will he for a terra of three years. It is provided by law that va¬ cancies u may be supplied at any time with¬ in sixty days after their occurrence by ap¬ pointment "made by the City Council." Retains to Ci'stom-Housk Building. . Mr. John Ciibson, Jr., architect, of Baltimore, formerly of this city, is here inspecting the custom-house, under orders from the Wash¬ ington authorities. It is expectcd that many needed repairs and improvements will be made to the building during this summer. A rearrangement of the court-room and clerks' olhees is talked about. Journalistic.. Messrs. Jeter & Dickinson, proprietors of the Religious Herald , of this city, have purchased the Baptist Record, of Parkersburg, West Virginia. The Baptist General Association of West Virginia, at its meeting last week, adopted resolutions en¬ dorsing the Herald and recommending it as the organ of the twenty thousand Baptists of that State. This addition to the subscrip¬ tion lists of the Herald makes it one of the most widely circulated religious journals of the country. Bankrupts Discuarged.. Discharges in bankruptcy have recently been granted the following parties: John F. Lay, Charles 3Iagruder, Mollie and Carrie L. Blakey, of Henrico; John S. Braxton and Henry A. Yeatman, of Richmond county ; .Silas B. Gouldin, of Westmoreland; Augustus P. Crenshaw, of Charles City county; Elger Fogg, of Essex; James llargrave, William E. Sheets, and B. H. Spiers, of Dinwiddic ; It. G.. Farley, of Gloucester: Felix IIotTinan and John II. Eggton, of Culpeper; l'lum- mer. Young & Co., S. A. Plummcr, W. T. Ptunimcr, 3J. N.J. Young, W.T.Luckadoe, and \V. R. Mallory, of Petersburg ; Simon Dealhum, of Alexandria; Daniel C. Dejar- nette, of Caroline, and J. N. Goddin,of JSew Kent. I'erponai,. . Rev. J. L. M. Curry, D. I)., will visit his friends in Alabama next rnontli. and will deliver the literary address at the commencement of the State Agricultural College at Auhurn. Judge R. \V. Hughes went to Norfolk yes¬ terday. J\lr. R. W. Rawles, of Nnnsemond, will deliver the valedictory address before tbe Philologian Society of Richmond Collcgo on Tuesday the 2od instant. The New Reservoir.. Work on the new reservoir is progressing satisfactorily. About oue huudred and fifty laborers, white and colored, are employed, and the embankments are uow being raised. Two corrugated iron rollers and two sprinkling carts are used in puddling the earth. The area of the reser¬ voir will be about twelve acres. as large as the Capitol Square. The embankments will be. twenty-four feet high, oue huudred aod four feet iu thickuess at the bottom and twenty feet at the top. It is not expected that the entire work will be finished under two years. Final Celebration.. The tinal celebration of the Mu Sigma Kho Literary Society of Richmond College will lake place on Wed¬ nesday evening the 24tli instant. Orators: li. R. Acree, King and Queen, Ya. ; J. lien- ry Miller, Lynchburg, Ya. Valedictorian: S. T. Taylor, President of Society. Mar¬ shals: I*. H. Eiger, Mississippi ; TV. W. Fuqua, Virginia; A. T. Holtzuvan, Virgi¬ nia ; L. II. Cocke, Ya. ; J. T. E. ThcrnLill, Ya.; T. II. Scott, Ya.; C. K. Darby, J!c\: W. 31. Gilliam, Ya. ; J. S. Jones, Ya.; W. C. Bitting, Ya.; J. S. Hardaway, Ya. Election ok Okfickks.. The semi-annual election of officers for Gcrmania Lodge, No. 1"), K. of P.. took place evening before last with the following result : Jacob Hechlcr, C. C. ; Charles Yuergens, V. C. : Edward Ketnpe, M. at A. Uarman Royal Arch Chapter, No. 56 have elected the following oflicers for the eusuing year: S. R. Gates, most eminenthigh priest; li. II. Due-? berry, king; W. J. Murray, scribe; Hiram Oliver, treasurer; William Wilson, secretary; John J. Iliggins, ca plain of host: W. II. Williams, principal sojourner: J. J. English, Jr., royal arch captain ; John G. Craig, master third veil ; It. H. Potter, mas¬ ter second veil; J. T. Wallace, master first veil ; Keys. II. C. Cheatham and IJ. F. Wood¬ ward, chaplains; Thomas Angel, steward and tiler; Charles E. Scberer, Charles li. Walker, and William Monroe, steward's com¬ mittee. Dove Lodge, No. 51, has elected the fol¬ lowing officers for the ensuing year: Alfred K. Courtney, W. M.; Ira W. Blunt, S. W. ; A. C. Houston, J. W. ; Augustus Arsell, Jr., Treasurer ; Benjamin T. August, Sec¬ retary ; E. C. Walthall, S. D. ; C. E. Tay¬ lor, J. D. ; Frauk Steger, T. A. Jacobs, Stew¬ ards; M.J. Michclbucher, Philip F. August, and Joseph Z. Tyler, Chaplains. Old Dominion Lodge No. 4, Knights of Pythias, at. its last meeting clected tho fol- ilowing officers for the eusuing term : W. E. JBiuford, C. C. ; E. M. Crump, Y. C.C.; Jtahn M. Garrard, Prelate. T/ie Weatuer.. The following was the .range of the thermometer In our counting- room yesterday : ;b aJ M. 3 P.M. 6 P. M. 7* 88 66 Police Coi'RT, Wednesday. Justice J. J. While presiding. .The following cases were disposed of: George A. Watts, elaarged with unlaw¬ fully aud feloniously obtaining by false pre¬ tences about #170 ill United Slates currency, tbe property of Judge Alfred Morton. Dit>- ! charged, Monroe Brooks, charged with etealiug a water-bucket and a martingale from the yard of iiobert Blackburn. Continued un¬ til Thursday and the accused bailed. Frank Leslie's Lady's Magazine and the other monthlies have beea received from J. T. JSUjwn, 1112 Maia street. Excursion to West Point and York-1 town.Tiie Fine New Steamer Louise.. At balf-past 0 o'clock yesterday morning a spe¬ cial train left the depot of the Richmond, York River and Chesapeake railroad with a large party of gentlemen, representing the Chamber of Commerce, Corn and Flour, Tobacco, and Real Estate Exchanges of this city, who were specially invited by the olH- cers of the road to join the excursionists from the North at West Point in a trip down the York river on the steamer Louise. The following were amonir those from Richmond: Albert Ora way, Z. W. Pickrell, W. E. Tanner, II. Ducsberry, F. R. Scott, F. W. Ilaunewiukle, Claiborne Walking, George 3. Palmer, II. D. Wbitcomb, A. 3. Lee, W. H. F. Leef,.Jphn K. Cbildrey, Andrew Berry, R. E. Blahkenship, B.C. Gray, W. H. Ad¬ dison, E. Hougb, S. H. Hnwes, L. C. Barks- dale, Dr. W. II. Gwathmey, C. Barksdale, W. E. Smith, treasurer York River railroad ; P, W. Grubbsand J. L. Appereon,Real Es¬ tate Exchange; W. J. Yarborougb, W. II. Parrish, Judge B. 11. Wellford, S. M. Bailey, George Barksdale, II. W. Broaddus, C. C. Bridges, T. II. Wallace, Samuel Mnccubbin, S. W. Yenable, W. F. C. Gregory, W. E. Smth, Dr. A. S. McKae, C. II. Dodamoad, Reuben Foster, E. F. Fol- ger, W. N. Bragg, W. P. Brett, Colo¬ nel II. T. Douglass, Sol. Haas, general agent Piedmont Air-Line railroad, and Al¬ exander Whalen, agent Piedmont Air-Line at Charlottesville, and members of the Rich¬ mond press. The air was pleasantly cool from the rain of the previous night, and the trip to West Point quick aud pleasant, but without inci¬ dent. Upon arriving there the party went on board the Louise, which at once cast t>fl' her lines and steamed down to Yorktown. Baltimore was represented on board by Messrs. William Callow, pier-builder; J. M. Bandel, coQ'ee trade; Richard Qipkins, tel¬ ler of Franklin Bank; James Lake, of Stone- b raker & Co.; I). W. Gray, deputy collector of the port of Baltimore; W. F. Whatelcy, secretary Corn and Flour Exchange; J. S. Saunders, of Saunders & Co.; A. ilazcl- hur>t and J. II. Hannah, of the Provision Exchange; and W. A. Mar bury, Jr., tobac¬ co trade. The press of Baltimore by Messrs. W. H. Cole, of the Gazette ; Edllngton Fulton and M. B. Fulton, American ; J. A. Murray, Sun ; J. A. Becker, Correspondent, and J. S. Pagaud, Sunday Telegram. That of Philadelphia by Messrs. Frederick Day, Amfrican Exchange; W. J. Clark, Evening Telegram; C. II. Clark ('"Max Adder "j. Evening Bulletin , and Richard Mucklo, of the Ledner. ANo, B. Snyder, of the Nautical Gazette, New York, and A. Wats ou Atwood, Boston Journal of Com¬ merce. The steamer Louise was built by a firm in Wilmington, Del., and for several years was engaged on the line between .Mobile anil New Orleaus, hut was lately purchased, and after being entirely refitted and furnished has been placed on the route from Wes't Point to Baltimore to run alternately with the Havana. She is an iron steamer, is 240 feet long, with 33 feet breadth of beam, and registers 1,001 tons. Her motive-power is a very fine beam engine of 365 horse power, aud she will make easily about 10 knots an hour. There are 50 state-rooms and 00 berths, aud having been constructed tor a Southern passen¬ ger steamer, the ventilation is admirable. She made her first trip yesterday under Cap¬ tain A. C. Nickel and Purser J. S. Biddle, most courteous and obliging officers. The trip to and from Yorktown was delightful. A tine breeze blew over the brood waters of the York, and the peculiar arrangement of the state-rooms allowed it free circulation through the cabin. A fine lunch and a bountiful dinner were discussed with appetites sharpened by the -alt air from the bay, and excellent wines flowed fiedy. Alter dinner speeches were made by Messrs. George II. Baer and ,1. S. Pagaud,of Baltimore; Colonel Richard M tickle, of Phil¬ adelphia ; Major W. F..C. Gregory, o( Pe¬ tersburg; Judge B. R. We 11 ford, and Messrs. John Lyon and J. P. Cowardin. At ;j o'clock the Richmond party bid adieu at West Point to their northern friends, and the Louise left on her return trip to Baltimore, where she will arrive to-morrow morning. The excursionists are indebted to the officers of the railroad as well as those of the steamer for the politest attentions. Grand Grove of Druids..The annual communication of the Grand Grove of Vir¬ ginia United Ancient Order of Druids was held in the Odd-Fellows' Hall last night. The session was very harmonious and lasted until uearly midnight. The various com¬ mittees were appointed, and the annual re¬ ports of the several otlieers were received. Since the last srssiou Lee Grove, No. 7, has been added to the Order. After the trans¬ action of routine business the Grove ad¬ journed until Tmir.-iiay (to-day) week. Richmond Law Scnoo:...T he closing ex- ercife-ol the Ricuniond College Law School wiil take place to-morrow. Jt is said that among the graduates will probably be Cap- hiin W. P. M. Kellin). Register of the Land Ofliee and cx'ojjioio Superintendent of Pub¬ lic Buildings, and Mr. D. C. Richardson, clerk of the Richmond Police Court. The Stoke- Work at thk Reservoir..In consojnenct- ot sou;<- trouble with the stone¬ cutters the Council Committee on Water yesterday evening altered the plan for the reservoir t-.» :m extent that will enable tbein to do with much h-ss dres-cd granite tlau was first calculated upon. Sale ok the Oj.d City Hall Building. . The Council Committee on Public Grounds aud Ruildiiu's have opened the bids for the old city ball building, and sold the material advertised to Mr. Henry Exall, lor $3,000. The stone steps, the cornerstone, it any, &c,, were reserved by the city. Sale cf a House and Lot. . Messrs. Goddin, Warren & Co., sold on yesterday the tbree- story brick house and lot, on Canal street between First and Second streets, for $3,500. Unbailable Letters Remaining in tiie Kicumond Post-Office J cne 17, 1S7-L. Mr. William Beveridge, 2*0. 103 east Cary street ; Miss Lilh Booker, care of Mrs. Brandom, Franklin street between First and Second, Richmond, Va. ; George Curry, bugler of battery C, 5th United States Artillery, Fort Monroe, Va. ; Miss Margaret Gardon, 140 Park avenue, Baltimore, Md. ; Branch Greenhil), care of Henderson Greenbill, Curtereville, Va. ; George B. Harrison, Bran¬ don post-otfiee, James river, Va. ; Mr.Heisky, Riverside Park ; Mead <fc Baker, druggists, Richmond, Va.; Miss Montrelle, Richmond, Va. ; F. B. Wenbser, 920 Main street, Rich¬ mond, Va. : Larken Pane, Georgia po»t- offlce ; Powhatan Iron Company, Richmond, Va. ; Tredegar Company, Richmond, Va. Convicts Sent Away.. Superintendent Strother sent sixty white men to Petersburg at noon yesterday, under authority of tbe Governor of Virginia, to work upon the Petersburg and "Weldou railroaa. CiRcnT Court..The Circuit Court of Richmond svus not iu sessiou yesterday. fFnr the Dispatch.] The East End..Permit me a small space in your valuable paper to say a word in be¬ half of those who five away out in the East End. Now that we have representatives from our midst in the incoming Council, we hope to have some attention paid to our streets and walkways. the latter particu- Jarly. which it is hoped will be put in order at once. At present many places of busi¬ ness are made to suffer by the impassable con¬ dition of the walkways. However, we feel confident that this state of things will be remedied by tbe gentlemen recently elected J who will, no doubt, take pride in discharg¬ ing the duties ca*tfkled to them. \Ye of thej East End consider our locality of some im¬ portance; for we have honest men, pretty girls, handsome ladies, tolerably good boys, and seven churches at which the gospel is regularly preached to large congregations. Then we have lodges of Masons, Odd Fel¬ lows, Pythians, Red 3Ien, Temperance Or- den»,-and last but not least, old Springfield Division, No. 107. the corner-stone of all the other temperance orders in the city. W. Richmond, June 16, 1874. Messrs. Editors,. There has been a great deal said in your valuable paper recently about dogs and cats. Now, for a word about the calves and sheep that are brought to the city on the freight trains of the Richmond. Fredericksburg and Potomac railroad, and are suffered to remain all night in the cars, and from whose bleatlogs those who reside in that neighborhood are sorely trisd. Be¬ sides the inhuman treatment, the meat of these animals are furnished the people of Richmond in a feverish condition. Can't wehaveaBergh here? In behalf of tho>e who reside near the Broad-Street depot and who would like to Sleep at Nigiit. MAXCUKSTEK XEWS. Trial of David IIazeltine.. Tbe case of David R. IIazeltine was resumed at 10 o'clock yesterday morning. From tbe addi¬ tional talcs of fifty summoned tbe remaining four jurymen for a lull panel were obtained. Tbe prisoners having on tbe lust arraign¬ ment elccted to be tried separately, tbe indict¬ ment vs. IIazeltine was read, and be was arraigned in usual form. Dr. L. R. Chiles, Captain Lipscombn, J. W. Craig, S. M. Perdue, George Mitchell, and F. W, Fitz¬ gerald were examined lor the Common¬ wealth, and N. A. Eubank?, A. C. and G. K. llardiug for tbe defence, but no testi¬ mony other than that heretofore published was adduced, and the argument commenced about 8 o'clock. Air. Attkisson opening for the Commonwealth, followed by Messrs. F. P. Turner, W. F. Worthington, and \V. W. Cos hi* for the defence, George D. Wise closing for tbe Commonwealth. The case was given to the jury about lOi o'clock. Alter an absence of about an hour the jury returned and reported that they were unable to agree, and were remanded. At lli o'clock they were still unable to agree and were placid in charge of the Sergeant. We are Kla<l to state that Messrs. \V. D. 15 lair & Co. are prepared t«j fill nil wholes die and retail orders lor liquors, notwithstanding the lire at their store Saturday nipht. In a few d lys they will have an entirely new stock of flue teas and groceries. Removal.A. Hakkis's Loan office (estabii-hed in 1S65; has been removed to 132*2 Main street. Summer SuIts.. For really choice light suits call on E. B. Sl'ENCE & SON, 1300 Main street. They have in their stock everything in Uie way of gentlemen's wear, at very reduced prices. Alpacca Coats In variety at E. B. Si-ence & SOX'S, 1300 Main street. White Vests.A choice lot at E. B. Si-ence & SOX'S, 1300 Main street, at low prices. Dress Goods. E. B. Spsxce & son keep in stock a great variety ot plecv gocds, which they are making up at short notice. They have good cutters anil excellent workmen, and make suits at the very lowest living prices. Give thein a call. Transfer Printing-Inks win copy clear anil distinct for an indefinite period of time. Send your orders for work to be done In these inks to the DiS' yutch 1'rlulltig-House. Transfer Printing-inks for copying letter headings, statements, way-bills, jfce. Can lie copied in the ordinary letter-press book. Send your orders for printing In these Inks, and for all other descrip¬ tions of printing, to the Dixuahh i'rinHng-llouse. ? ForND at Last.The l»ng soughl-for place where you can tret money loaned on your dlaiuouds, watches, Jewelry, silverware, Ac. Call at A. Har¬ ris's Loan Office, H22 Main street, and you will leurn all about It. All transactions strictly couti- dential. AUCTION fiiALEIi THIiS DAT. J. \\\ BltOXAUGH, tract ol'landon the Richmond and Danville railroad; alto, hordes, mules, fod¬ der, domestic animals, tobacco maclduery, to¬ bacco, Jtc. LYN'E & ltltOTHER, G I'. M.. brick dwelllug atid lot altaclicd on the northeast corner of Tweaty- fiflli and Fran Kiln streets. 1SBELL x SON, 5!$ I*. M., two-storv brick house, So. 1512 Franklin street, and two vacant lots on the west side of Seventeenth street between Cedar and Washington. GRCBBSA WILLIAMS. 5 P. M., brick store and dwelling No. 1909 Main street, between Nine¬ teenth and Twentieth. H. McCORMICK, 10,'s A. M.. jtawnbroker's sale of gold and silver watches, gold and tine plated Jewelry, Ac. W. GODDIN, G P. M., large residence and err nnds on the north side of Grace between Twenty- eighth nud Twenty-ninth streets. THOMAS W. KEKSEE, 10 A. M., household fur¬ niture, piano, Ac. WINES, LIQUORS, TOBACCO, Ac. 50 BAkRELS PUKE RYE WHISKEY, 50 barrels RECTIFIED WHISKEY, 10 l>arrels G1 N', 10 barrel.- Bit ANDY, Pure FltENCH BRANDY, 1'ure. PORT aud SHERRY WINES, GREEN' aud BL*CK TEAS, family ami txntA f^ucr. For sale by je 1 7-3 m JOHN' M. IIICGTNS. 1IGAR:?.. BEWARE OF INFECTED >_7 CIGARS is the beading of our (Circular issued lu May. Beside the increase of orders lor our ci- pjrs wo are eontluually ruiuested by our corres- pondentsto l'urnish them the names aud uumoerj of TENEMENT HOUSE ClCAtt FaCTOJUES. We respectfully decline to do so. Those engaged hi that business deny their practice to their custom¬ ers'. which plainly shows how much they feel the weight of our argument. We simply suite that our factory numb, r is 1)73 3t» CULL tCTlON DIS- TR1CT of NEW YukK, aud that our ilrm name Is primed ou every box. 1>. HlRSCIl it CO., je 17-2t* 174 Water street, New Votk. C A LE AND PORTER. . Receiving direct J\ from Messrs. James Mc'Jullau^h, Sua A Co., L<>udou,per steamer i'otomac, dugllsh Stout. In<iia i'ule Ale, Iui|M:rial Ale. Frjiu ile->i»r>. William Yuuiijft-r «fc Co., Edinburgh. per birk Tarpeiait, Sparkling Ale, India Pal* aIo. From Messrs. E. & J. Burke, Dublin. " Dublin " Stout. Knr sale bv DaVENPOaT & MOKKJS, je 13 Importers. Harvest whiskey, BLACLyBEKKY BKAN'DY, CAl.lFvJKMA BKANDY, FKtNCH II itAN L) V, ST. JULIEN CL VlttlT, M. 15. Buck's CATAWBA, IVES, ami COXCUKJL) WIN b>. je 13 J. B. KIDiJ, 717 Broadstreet. BARRELS CLEMMER'S PURE Mountain WHISKEY iu store and bond; pure FRENCH BRANDY, for medicinal purposes. JelO GEORGE A. HUNDLEY & CO. Hanger & co.'s puke augusta COUNTY", VA., KYE WHISKEY; ABNE-S Xo. 1 PURE AUGUSTA COUNTY, VA., KYIS WHISKE1. As agents for Richmond and Manchester weoffer Uie trade the at>ove brand!) of pure whiskeys in low to suit. We have also Buiugardner and other brands of Whiskey, Wines, Gl?., Brandy, Ac., un<J a full line of G ROCERIKS-Cofliees, Solars, Tea^, Bacon Lard, Soap, Flour, Mackerel, Herrings, Cheese, soda, Candles, Tobacco, Cigars, freah supplies of JaBORN'S JAVA and GLOBE MILLS RIO COF- j'EES (for which we are wholesale by my 22 ROGERS .& McCANCIe. JLJLHE, CEMEOT, PILASTER. DOCKLAND LIME AND CALCINED XV PLASTER. 1,700 barrels LIME landing from schooner W. Thorndlie, 400 barrels CALCINED Fl, ASTER from schooner Henrietta. For £ale low from the wharf by Je 4 A. S. LEF. J^IME J LIME 1 I LIME ! J ! 1,500 barrels freak INDIAN ROCK LI3IEJust received. We are now constantly receiving a supply of IN¬ DIAN ROCK LI AI tt fresh from our kilns. For eale Jow. DELLON, ELLETT & CO., my* Manufacturers, ,1503 Dock street. j LOST, STRAYED. Ac. Found-on Tuesday, a gold MEDAL or CHARM attached to gold chain, with clasp. The owner can jset it at tbis office by paying for this advertisement. je 16-lt LOST, on Tuesday oi<rht,n LADY'S- GOLD HUNTING WATCH.' eiyimelled and diamond, made by David -1.^^ Magu ire, Geneva : No. 03,987. A reward of will hi paid If It Id left at the olflee of tti«» Sr. .Tames Hotel. je!8-2t* REtVAIiD Strayed, on Tburs-r§£2 day evening, .June 1 1 th. a KEI) (,'OW.iLL with a KfcD BULL OALt' al»out four weeks old. The cow lias the tips of licr horns sawed off. JolIN LINDSfcY, Brook road. J-> 18-3i* or at the Old Market. flAME TO MY HOUSE, in Sidney, rg£S Vy on Carv street- near Mr. Dick Mornn's. .7 ¦ ¦ a small DAKK-KED HEJFEit with, short horns. Tt e owner will please come forward, prove pro- pertv. pay charges, and take her awav. Jel8-2t» M ILL Y JOHNSON . STRAYED from one of my fields- <>n Monday, June 15th, an extra tine..* lanse Hoicsb; color, mahogany biy; lichiiil, 17 limds : high head; high, stylish rump: tall whip¬ ped off by u«f of barnfss; Inclined to Komun face; seven years old : supposed to h ive wandered in the direction ot Kichmona, from where he was lately A liberal reward will l«e paid on the safe de¬ livery to K. BA.«vTON HAXALL. Sock lands, near GoruonsVUle, je 1 8-Gt u range county, "v'a. VTOTICE . Lost or mNaid, CERTIFL-j CATE No. 86.of forty shares of old stock of | the Virginia " ire and Marine lusuranci Company, In the name of Kichard C. Wortham Application will be made for the reissue of said scrip. MJWiN WO KT II AM, CHaBLEs T. WOltTHAM. j n 10- 2_iw2 m S urv i v 1 a<r Executors. <.I XV COXCEKm $5,000,000 ®NDoWiIEXT SCHEME! FIFTH AND LAST CONCERT IV AID OX'1 THE PUBLIC LIBRARY OF KENTUCKY. JULY 31, 1H74. In announcing the firth anil last of the scries of (iltt Concerts given for the bene it of the Public Library of Kentucky the Trustees :»nd Manager re- fi r with pride and pleasure to the four which liave I been aire idy given : The first, Decein'wr 16, 1871 ; i the .-econ I, December 2. 1672; the third, July 8, 1S73; and the fourth, March 31st, 1874. Cuder their charter, granted by a special act or the Kentucky Legislature, March 1G. 1871, the Trustees are authorized to give ONE MOKE, AND ONLY ONE .MORE GIFT CONCERT. "With the mojiey arisiug from this FIFTH AND LAST CONCERT the Library, Museum, and other departments are to lie enlarged and endowed with a fixed and certain annual income Such an endow¬ ment tund is d-'.slred .is will secure beyond pcra<i- venlure i:oton!y the maintenance of this magnlU- cent establishment, Inn its constant growth. THE FIFTH GIFT CONCERT for the purposes mentioned, and which is positively land uiteuulvoca'ly announced a> TH& LASl* WHICH WILL EVER Hit «i!VE>i UNDER THIS CH \nTER AM) BY I'lIE PKfc.SV N I M WACf- MENT, will coiuc off in the Public Library Hall, at Louisville, hy., on FRIDAY, JULY 31, 1874. At this final Concert everything will be upon a scale corresponding with its increased importance. The music will Ik; rendered l>y an orchestra consist¬ ing ol' one hundred performers, selected for their fame in dill'ereut lands ; and the uuprccedcuted sum of $2, 000, 000, divided into twentv thou amj gift-?, will l>e distri¬ buted among the tlcKet-aolders. LIST OF GIFTS. ONE GRAN'I) CASH GIFT * 250,000 O S t. GRAND CASH GIFT 100.000 ON F GrtAND CASH CilFT 75,000 OXE G It AND < AMI GIFJ 00,000 ONE GiiAMD CASH GIFT CASH GIF IS, ?'.*<>, 000 each . 10 CASH GIFTS, J 4,000 each.. 15 ( ASH GIFTS, 10,000 each.. 20 CASH GIFTS *5,000 each.. iio CASH GiF'l'i. 4,4)00 eiich. . 30 C A-:II GIFT-. H.IMM) ench.. 50 CASH UIFTS, 2,000 e.n h.. 100 ' ASH GIFT?, 1.000 OK-li.. '240 CASH GIFTS, 500 each . 500 < AMI GIHT-, 100 <aeh.. 19,000 C.VSli UlFfS, 50 each.. Grand total, 20,000 gifls, all eisli $2,500,000 IT. ICii OF TICKETS. Whole Tickets * 50 00 Halves 25 00 Tenth, or each Coupon 5 00 1 1 \\ hole Tickets for 500 00 22'-* Tickets tor 1.000 00 Tickets are now ready for sale, and orders accom¬ panied liy cash will he promptly tilled. Liberal commissions will be aliowe I to satisfae tory a penis. Circulars containing full particulars furnished un application. THOMAS E. RRAMLETTE, Auentaud Manajrer, Public Library Building, my 1 'J-dTu«fcTli,<: wt.J y!) 1 Louisville. ' y. BOOTH, NHOEN, Ac. UST R ECEIVED.. Opened tlnV ~ v morning, thirty dozen pairs of Ladies'. Mi-ses'. alio Chihiren'.srsHufcS, tmbracivgall (he novelties In BUTTONED and LAC El) Hou f i of serge, kid. and goat;, also. MOBILE TIES and SLlI'l'kRs. .My assortment includes aim>stev,ry style now woru, and ladies will lurdly fall to be pleased if they will give me a call at 00'J Maiu street, between Ninth and Tenth. ju 18 JOHN" C. I'AGF, .Mt. BOOTS AND SHOES.- Just re-A ceived Ladies' French Kid Newport Ties J.#8!* and Slipper?, Ladie-i' French Kid Button Mi ISoots. Ladies' Fox Button H jots and Balmorals; Misses' and Children's shoe.,, all styles and colors; C. F. Burt's Fine shoes.Button aud Lac d; Trunks, Satchels, and Sole Leather Valines, at low figures; Gentlemen's F»ne Shoe-, hand-sewed. Give me a call. W. I'. \V, TAYLOR'S, te IS corner Fourth and Broad streets. [LIST OPENED, ANOTHER LOT* t) of Banister A Tictunor's HAND-vE\V-»8fcw ED BOOTS, G \I m:>. TILS, and IV.INCERk. ALBKKTS, f<-r geu'iemeii, and E. Burt's But¬ ton Boots, for ladle? aud inlate'. Call at WINGO, KLl.fc.TT & CHUMPS, lei 7 1308 Main street. J L( OOK AT THIS A XL) ECONO-* .J Mi ZF, AM) BUY WOliK MAD-'. A'i B JV. HOME.. Ludles" Sst^c BuUon Coot- s<dd I he KJCIJMm.ND BOOT AND MiOE FV'J'OKY, 215 Broad street, liettveun second and Third rrre«-t.-, lor *2.75; Ladies' >en?e L«ce ti;ilr^r-> for ijS2 : :.a- d:«s' >er>re Luce. foxed. ?2 to $2.75 ( Ladles' .^er^t Foxed Button Boots. *3 lo *3.50 ; Misses' Senr* Lace (jailers from ? 1 75 to 42.25 ; Lach-s* Prwu'li fall' Lace Boots. +2.75; Misses' t aif, y good school shot*. :ti >2.50; La lies1 Kid Bu'ton foots, *3.50: Ladies1 Pebble Go*l Button Boots, £3.00; Ladies' 1'ebblc Gout l.aee Boots at $2.50 ; Ml.><«e»\ $'J; Gents' French Calf Boots, *7 ; Gents' French ( 'aif Gaiters from ?s-l t> . $5 ; B'-ys'irom t3*o *3.50 ; IV. j. V tirst-cljs«, Calf ."lines, *2.50. Children's Shoes sold ai low figures. All work manufactured by me warranted, and no other klisd sold. All kinds of ?hoes made !o order. IJEPAlHl.V(i neatlv done. Pa rties wl-hlnv to buy unod BOOTS and SHOES will litid it tu their advantage In srive me a call. Respectfully, HaSHV C. lio^CtJEV. ap 7 r AD1E6* AJS D MIOSES' SEKCJE IJ LACK and BUI TON GAITER*. Ladles' and Misses' Serge Foxed and Button GAI¬ TERS ; Ladies' at:d Mists' French, Black Kid, and Serge CROQUETS ; r Maria Antoinette BU>KIVS: junlattatf. Majni dlas. and other st\les of SLIP¬ PERS and WALKING SHOES; Gentlemen's, Bovs'. and Youths' * aif Prince AN hert OXEOKDS, TIES, Jtc, box, plain, an J ex¬ tension toes; Children's and Infante' Colored and Black SHOES and SLIPPLRs in eir!l«*a, variety, jutl re¬ ceived tor early spring trade. CUSTOM woitK Made to order and GUARANTEED TO fit. REPAIRING neatly and promptly done. Mjecial attention paid to order*. .peuai t,r.H v rt. KOriCHEN t SON, ln), 21 rt|l9 and 51 1 Broad stnet. ll'IIOLSTEHISittjre. f IX) TIIE PUBLIC. Havlnsr completed inv arrangements, 1 am now pre|,are,n.ffil».eEB(M. an? ,UNlSO iu all i In-'lr tranche* »t SO. JOo k ir.t street, a tween Broad aud Marshall. ^ ^ i"F N'DL ETON". Sljrn: " Furniture Repaired." jc ll-ht» "PHILLIPS & JENNINGS have just. re¬ ed * lartft- and varied stock ol spring M AT l'IN'G*. Ol L-ULUriiSi. v .XDS, COSN ICE, and L VCE C U K f Al V . uiiH A PA!*ER-HAN(j)N^^i JL celved CHINA HOLLANDS, COSN ICE, and L VCE CUM AIR.N French and American hAfBR-HANOlNQSi which we otfer al lowest prices. All prd»*s prompt¬ ly attended to at No. 2 i, corner of Governor and Franklin streets. xt> 23--in (1E0RGE W. ANDEKSON & SOX T would ask the atteutlon of thcfce lu waat to au unusually fln<; assortment .of J?A PE It- 'LA XG 1NG s, CHINA MATTINMJ3, carpets. oil-cloth*, clutain GOODS. SHADES, xc. my 2-3 » 1206 MAIN STREET. THE DISPATCH, TERMS OF ADVERTISING: C ASH. *rj?V A.H tABt/T n* ADTAXCX. ; One square, one insertion .......fO 78 One mjiwre, two Inwrtl^ns.... 1 ; ». One square, three lnfurtlou?.... l '/6 One wjnare. six Insertions. 9 rO On? M|iiare. twelve Insertions...... li 10 One square, one mouth.. 10 (0 One txjtiare. two months. 18 f O One square, three monthe.... .....25 < 0 TIhe reg u Tar semi-monthly meeting of the MERCHANTS AND M>- cranics building piind and loan as¬ sociation will be held III IH ( fhnrs Jayj EVE¬ NING ut the office or C. L. Radway, Asq., Ninth «u<l Franklin stretfs, a' 8 o'clock. je 18-lt* R D. MO<»RE, Gecretarr. Members op Marshall J ODOf. No. 12. K. of P . will Ml- aA tf>nd a at.'iip/l mo*>flnop Af tKJp L"'"® tend a stated meeting of their iodge THIS hVEJ INC, June 18, 1874. at| Cxstle Hall, Broart street near Sixth, at 8 o'clock. A full attendance Is tfe>lrwl, as nominations of officer* will take place. By order C. C. WILLIAM H. BAli.lV, je-18-ll* K.ofB. adS. CYRACUSK LODGE, No. 5. K. O OF P.. A rffnili»r convocation of' this lodge will b*> held THURSDAY JfcVfc- (?,' J&B NIMt at 8 o'clock. This being rhe occa- si<.n for the nomination of officers a large vgsS/ attendance e»rte»tly aeslrtd. Mint- bers of sister lodges are fraternally Invited to meet with us. By order of the C. C. WILLIAM E. W»*)DY. je 17-2t» ^ K. of fi.andS. UNIVERSITY ALUMNI CLUB.-A meeting of this Club will behehi at the N'ew Hustings court room, on Capitol street, isHweeo Ninth awl Tenth streets, on SATURDAY. 20th June. at 8 o'clock P. M.. for the election ot officers, tor the ensulmr year, appointment of o*legat»s to the annual k< meeting of Alumni ut the Uni¬ versity, ami for otlu r important business. Alumni are earnestly requested to attend. Bv order of the. K\e'u nve Corn in It lee. P111L1P HaaALL, je 17-3t.W,Th&'*a Secretary. "VfOTlCE.. An adjourned meeting of tbo 1> STOCKHOLDER^ of the Clover Hill Ball- road Company will be held at the office of Messrs. Lancaster ,t Co., .it Klchmond, on 1HURSDA.Y, lSih instant, at 12 o'clock M. L>. 8. WOOtDRIDOE. je 1 7-td Treasurer. military yonim OA COMPANY. . SPECIAL ORDER. « J Assemble at Old Market Hall at 8^ o'cIockh for i!rill aud business. It ia Important that every hf member should be pies* nr,a* business of Import- jfi ance will come before tlio nut ting. Bv order of Captain Kkllam. JOSEPdllEFFufcY, _je_l 8-llfr First Sergeant. EXC I" IIS IONS. U I RST GRAN D A X NUA L EXCURSION OF THE SEASON TO WEST POINT ON. MONDAY, JUKE 22, 1874.-CHICK A HOMINY TKIUE, No. 34. I. O. H. M., take pleasure Id t«n- nouuclng to the public ami brethren of the Cftltf tlmt ample provision has b«;e» made for the perfect enjoyment of all who may favor us wlUi th&lr pre¬ sence. Captain McCanu's Firs: Regiment Bund has bc*u seru.-ed. The train will consist of coachee newly flttei up for the occasion. Strict order will he enforced. All who wl>h to enjoy fishing, boating, bathing, and other amusements, sh uld not .Oi >hls opportu¬ nity pa.-". W e promise a happy rime for all. Thy train will leave the depot at 7J* o'clock. Tickets for gentlemen, $1 ; ladles, 75c.: to be had of memlK-'re of the Or<ler and at the train. Je 1 8-8t lnXCURSION TO OLD POINT, VUE DE L'EAU, AND NORFOLK, SATURDAY AFTERNOON, 7 P. M. The flcgwit steamer ELIZ V I1ANCOX wlJi.lcavo on an excursion for above poln'a on next SA rL'R- DaV a K I'Klt NOON, tfuiitt '20. at 7 1'. M. Tickets for the round trip, *2 50 ; good to return next Might, or M outlay afternoon. 1 . B. TAT i: 31, je!7-4t Gi'ii'-ral Agent. s Richmond. Youk River and Chesapeake) tAlLKOAD, SUPKIUN I UNDENT'S OFFICE. > Richmond, .June 13, 1674. ) UM31ER EXCURSIONS. This co-npany Is now prepared to CHARTER TRAINS for excursions to West Point. Mouday?, Tuesdays. I hursdavs, and Saturdays (except Satur¬ day. July 4th J. 'f en dollars on account, as a forfeit, must be paid to secure a train. For terms and other particulars, apply to W. N. Bicauu, Master of Transportation. or to JiDW". F. FULGER, je 15-Ut superintendent. NOTICE TO TAX-PAYERS. » ity Collector' Owen. i New City Mali., o.n 1<hoai> and Capitol UETWLKN NINTH ANJ E.VTII STUEETS. | Hichmiino, Va., May 30, lb74.J rriUS OFKICK w ill l,c open daily from f) J. oMock A. M. to 0 o'.-lock I'. M- from Hit* 15'h day of .June to rlic 30th Inclusive for thn purpose of "riceivimr from any person ckarpKl with Cii V TaXKS, UKA L AND I'r.KSON \l, for Hie year 1874. the whole or one-haifof the amount of tax ehanred, ami that ten pur cent. will 0e added to tlus amount of tax'charjred in every ease where the party ansonseo >li:i 11 fall io uiy the whole or out- half within Hie time ><> Unified. 'io iyiM crowd and pre-sttrr on the la-t few ilays ol the collection, tiie Collector ivspectfuliy requests all parlies toe tit mrly 1 i the tin e sp<eiri>-<l, .mil those hating Ili-ts niid'miinorandum. to leave will do so, that tbt-lr hills may be selected and receipts ma te out. .J OrlN F. ItEOSAl'LT, Je 1-1 in Collector. WUOD AM) COAL. TJC7IIEN ANTD WHE3E TO BUY.. * T T Now li the time and the sulwcriher's a PLACE to Liiiv KUKL. best ANTHRACITE COAL, all sizes, at lowest summer nrlecs. Heat SPLINT and other BITUMINOUS COALS at lowest summer prlrea. H' st C< >OK 1 N < 1 «J01. K at Ir.west prlc*. And the economical and popular COOKING and KINDLING \\'U01->,and LONG WOOD. J. II. W ATKINS, Je 1 7 two doors ijelotv po-dulBce. An i iiiiAcn^: coal, at lowest sumnur rales. 6. II. IIAWF.S, Je 1 5 Eighteenth and Cary streets. c 3AL.SAKD-COKE. buildehs' sand mav now fx- had in ttulliiiltcd quantity. P. It. CAUK1NGTUN. «l«-aler In Coal, an 8 1 TZ't Cii-y Mi>et. c ^OAJXUKO SPLINT coal. uo coal equal to h ; satisfaction ioiaranteed.. S. H. IIaWKJ, Sole Air^uU Je 15 Kitrhleeuili and C'ary stre* tg. riUMBEIiLAND AND QU INN I MONT \j COAL, for steam and smiths'' use. S. If. II A WES. Je 1 .* MtfhU-°Qth and Cary streets. £10AL AT SUMMER PRICES. Jlest AXTHKAC1TE, all siz s: l.'KO and WHITE ASH. CANM-.f/ION SPLINT COAL, the most satisfactory grate (;ot,I Jn u-e. . _ I'. LATHKOP, J*' J Auenttnr Richmond. Q 1 A LOAD FOR COKE ([fall), +.> a load for COKE (Lump), A NTH KAC1T& I OAL.alf M/es; clovEh hill Coal, all 4U0; fcl'LlNT (JOAL, all slzta; OAK and l'LSE WOOD. W. S. PILCIfEB. my 18 Kliflit h mid Main atr«cL>. A NTJJ RACL IE. C U 31 HER LAND, Si'LIXT. CLOVBU HlLL.and COKECOAL, and tin- cclebni'ed \\'< st Virginia (jti!N>.)(OX (JO.XL for engines. £upptfe* to d~aW» at miner-* prices, aim i » con»u>nera ut r>rias» dut caauot I*; surpassed. WOOD of nil klu<l». < >pj> >sitloa to monopoly and extortiju is my motto. ^ineteeatu and t'sry stue'.s. m.v 13 C. II. PA OS. pOAL. COKE, WOOD, SAND.. Tbe be.-t LOBBKBKT RED-ASH A NTHIt ACl'lfc, iPl.INT, ( UMBEKLAND, AND CLOVER HILa. COALS, Uioronjrniy wrtened. at tbe KfcDL'CU) MARKET PKICE3. PLNtandOAr. WOOD. I*. K. CARKINGTO.W my 8 1 7*25 < ary street. ANTHKACIfE COAL.. T bis day land- liitr. 300 tons beat duality HKt) ASH FGO and STOVE t'OALH, whJcJi wUI be #old as low as if can be bought during th»*»u inner months. TLo»e In want will pk-ase kend in tfRlr order-. Wi&T ROBERTS, mil 3 1 corner Seventeenth aad Dock ktm>t«. FEKTlLIMm, j^OR ALL fcPRLXG CROPS. * SOLUBLE PACiKlC GUANO. "STAB BliAN*i» " fe'LOUK OK RAW-BONE, .STAR BU AND" COMPLETE TOBACCO ifA NUKE. We recommen-' t»«e«e stwoaku FiLKTiLIZfcRS for touacco, cotton. coux. »ud vkoktabi,**, abo for plant-BUW. Circulars containing further Information malted to all applicant* free. ALLINOV Jk 4f>Dl>ON\ ffe 1 S No 1320 and J.Ksi2 Car* Vrvel* TyURE OLD UOVKRNMKNr P£RU- J VI AN GUANO. The expo't of Chinch* UUnJ Gaa o hwceawd, and *h» re ax* only 030 ton* lu »he United IhL wbjare in **ai of (his VALUABLE KfcU- TILIZKK can obtain It It »mm^e »PD l«^llOu in made to bEuDO ** K KtKw» my '20 Mryli'la street. P BUSTING.. All kin** rtooe neatly and ttsjMdlUoiuiy at UifcOUpitcb Priuiitu-Hoa**.

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Page 1: chroniclingamerica.loc.govI HE PIBPAfCE pyCOWARDIN&ELLYSON., VS)|-?W \KI\l


, VS)|-?W \KI\l<n IX AMVAXf-K.

.p ji.MM IHMVvTi'H K delivered to *n?i-

. . :.» .tt > irrKKv « >:vrv i«t wok. parable to

,. p- .u-i >«> Mailt*) at *<> p**r annum ; $S. \ p .ouhv; ?.V. )'«t moutli i"or a shortei

>FMl t\ KKM.Y msrATC'Il at *3 per an.

* 1 T.*> for m \ montltv.\\ > I M.N DliSIWTt '11 »t *2 por annum.


11" \\TI-:n. (XVFF.WTS for two very

\\ jv (>t fiiriiisJii il w'{fii

; I. '. I S-Ttl.S.j M3t*

.ti* WTKR >l\ t\\ I* PKNTF.KS. Apply)1» i ^ ami ; «« im> rtnvts. Korkftts,

Jo l.s-li*>i !x

,«\\\ V^KKS WAN rFD.-l wan I to.i l \\ » » KXKKGKTlr

. v« hxniftt r. In every tmocctt*

; * i" .!t 1. 1 i: Mljwo) iplitMls lo\!\«.-ul \»

" ;tn«l tile .. 1 1 1 >-

,X . I i:aV,! M.'V! MKMV'IWO

.-(Mill' N»ok- 1 .1IHT.11 COtn-: w: 1 1! | "¦.mi . jit >% lit u j?iv»n

\pp)» jn i>< r»t»n or l>\ letter to\ \ i:« f\ .i< >\ j> s.

i- < i i m \cenox-.1 1 2 .*» M.i i n Mreel.

Kirbni.Mnl. \'a.


\ i i i'-i i. \>> vv w vn;.

r V\ "MP I'M. VONT !!.

\\ 4*'tx M-iitKlin street,Ktclimoml.

\\T Kl». :i tlinmsHvom >KKVANT.\ . -.i «:SI n? :.» i vtn < I . V 1 0-8 1 *

W u:i\ a I K NAN i" for a NEATi \«. »¦ i,-.i:ini!-l!»'i «i!h nxe riMins.

; .x .1. I S\K \1>.CluMer, Ya.

\N !Tl». l-.v ,i U 111 I F. (¦> 1 1\1,, who i>? ? ...I'r.i ; xv, irk. n situation t<> wash inul

i. ti» . .<r i- 1. ti> ilii any ktii«i-. \ * li t .in kivv st<h«.j refer-

., F . <.!*;¦ .7>'A Jc lti-St

n < i »!.< » MK.v. coalt r,x o. al minus near

( . - l "i :k :» t i < 3 pr<iiu|>| paxr: ¦ ;->n ami full particulate

p. «j r.xiis,N Ftfitvntl* slrtrf.

Kit litnoinl. Vn.



i;« mni>v ^ AN j's.

\ \\ ; n ii \ >K Vou i<hiN \ V ... -i;r . >r» I»« r'i 1'K ACir-Ul.( ? »V

x - t !i' -U K I.KMi'S-s. tohi,K*tn>t luddcr, on

\ XX X % .-AMJIi'-r .

.1. i; Mm\'KAI>AV.l.rx-J> Main «'ri't't.

"i\" \ i ;» l.i ;!> with .i t uuilv of M-Vt'Pl\ in :i 1lt'ii:htn.>l'llOoU

:i |X< to >r>.iuj:A ti.. I "x 1 < urx

. . jr 1 Sii»tJ8t*

'!». 15*. 'AliUKKS.. A low oxoi'l-: ..: ii . xx ;;ii u< . vlll>. ApplyV*



MB*, t. M. l>l*VAl-.i i.- J : u :: ti- 1 CI:tv >trcct>.

n:i>. i-« » aki>i:k< for sf.vf-: i"cni> : also tor :i suit of

:! u»r. .it.\u:>. H. L. WIiJAXIVs.

.".1^ ltroa«l strict.

\. w AN n 1 Wf dcsiiv to l»uy all¦A ..«'!. xw tii -. ami xx iil |>;t\ 1 1 iv hik'h-

. j « \^l!.._ V. 1 : r -:»lo. !«y >liippiiisr It to

iii.ttaucc at higiicM luar-

i! V. i : : i -< 'ak-Ta vnkm Lka-s . j facturets* prices,

iv >v\ 1 1:-. lu,ah; «. «»..I tt a 1 ^ xx* N l'J IVari >tt oet.

\\ \ ! KI >. K \ I ; I ; \ c.VK TO KNOW\. »V J \>T< »rK. No. 17 Fourteenth

\fis v<>\ t-.v :<> ;,rn amount. for anyMi.c. at i.ka^'S .vlsi.K rates. ->11

>Hvir«arv. ^u«hI jfwelry. 4c.. Jtc.* -1* Si.*' al«.i> « ..a ha:i-t .ni'l tor sate at

j-.-17-lm\\ r K 1 *. :-t .Tenniui:sViUe, a GOOD!

MITH ami « 11KKLW"KUiH r :\\.1 :>ud sliUEMAK tU ut M)Wr iiliil

1. 1 I! MSG I.UTS for sa'e l«.w. At>-,i.t. m; i ion. -itr..

or Mr. .J. I.. Ai'l'hHjl'N.

\ \ \ > TKD. VVUVHA>Eli<ir.7c^5^m ui w t x-. family

* \ : n: . !!..-.% l'i»NY i'll AK'li'N: oneivlO ! *i i \VT"N; Several ><.Ci mi-hand

n i' . U.v : :«!-... several new and.-(¦and WALiy.\>, with and without tops.

: _. * v ami other purpose*, rortale: :-h. Am !> t-> W. i . SMITH.;-iv. 41 J Itroad street.

FOB ILKXT.:."r'V !'. STl'CCOEI)^I ! l.f IV<i. with tcix iii.-iif 'mil &r-'«

- .. i i.iit.ii':i>i^' alN.ut twelve room.-

- a :: ii a lar^'f i nc'ostire lieauti-«;.:h !!. ,-. .-Iiruf»Nvry. jtc., wiiii

i<! sin«'k'>hou.«e ou \lu- premises.>IUI{|1 au'luVVJ 1. 1 . ) N( ¦ a hove, No.

... street. bedevil Fifteenth ami-Sixteenth!-.rv HKlfK KWELI.INii with

ai 'i ki-clien in the r*arv. .in «:mt l»i«'-en Jl« niv aud Uel-a-t of j Ik* Park.

. ! : i: H i\ >iol!K and lAYKLLlNOvh-id .Vain b» tweea t ir.-t ami Fou-

y K i>\\ FLLING on '1 1 J 1 r« l tie-

ij.'AMh 1>\V r- l.L'Nii on Twenty-* all ami I.' .-11 ee!<.

i: i< iiAit!>s< »N ( '«- : ¦. 1113 M:>1 a street.

j.-' »i; i:l.n i', - I'oRE So. sl2 J3road,63-I - .» aid Third street.-, with JSiiL

. .. :< li* :. in rear. MUtable for a lain-.

*¦. a «.*'...! joc.iliuu f<>r ul>v kind of retail

- .i* (HM'RItS .t WILLIAMS.

i: !ii:.N'i. 1'ARLOK FLOOR.!,- and i a:jlrv. witii h»th. eio>i-t. JSiii

: < r T\\ GADJACENTFLOuKS.. s. a* .ina lam- phasant ilwellio)!,(ls

. i :!>.... F.iinily -mail: no ehil-v:r<--- I ..<. ire of k tier-carrier So. 1.

; J«- 1S-1:»

,;KNT. < >NK < >F TIIOSK VERYjjJ®*¦ |{ \|;LK I!KICK DWELLINGS. So.Biiil

. i:,\ ; a < h Tenth an-1 H«*venth >'r«-ei>.i: px-ins im->ii;»**« einsot.-*. store-room,il.a >\i in |*trfeet uriirr. l'oss<.ssi*«iia; j**> Im JOHN T. GUMilN.

Keai F>tate Ajrent.--. .. i it r. ti.k ami Eleventh stt\ets.

; RKNT, ft si IT OF .MOST I>K-0Tr1 - \ jjlk it()' 'Ms, on sicouU floor, lujLiApplj at

GiyMAIN- 3'1'KKF.T.

1 j:i; v r. Four dfsirarli:^«v il. u»<- of kitchen, suituhle for^tiii

!'¦; Ill 1 V. A lijilv at' :ili: TWELFTH STREET.

: ; NM i } I J > roTTAGJE AT A<lI-0\ I < r « . Ji It ..A'T.. For rent. Ibr fourflL

lit ii fetauf, ait eh-vant i.'O'J-I: s I |»l- M I at A-M.II1<1 COMi'LKTKLY

n II Kl>. w Hli ili«* ii m; i.f a large and weli-\e/«-!al/|e / ir<J"ll.

W 1 I.I.I \ Ms .4 <;il{SON.! -{ .'. \ j> -n's. Aiifiioueers, au<J liroktrs.

¦i: J;KXJ\ a NK !.: F RA M K 1)^- ;.t |V,(,j uf i'onrhouse Hill. if»n- vS l;

. i f in .. ami a lot attaetH: I.:n K ll< »l" VE. oirner Twe«it\-fveuth

J'o-v.-^iou caH Oe had ji once.I.. I>. KA< 'HO.

No V^Tonrteeulh hircet.

r ii k i: e will in: several^I ., S tl'ti-;- 111' 'JO'ii jLi-t:i »»t .iiii..! rllU 1 I'-Jtui''. - .it ttlf- IJuUi'Jtll Ik)ll-0.

¦ HEM', the LTl'EU J'AKT ot'&%-*¦ No. J414 Franklin Miii

ird H-rtel, *i\ rooms, Jn j)tr-witli all uiwicru luj^romocutii. ;u»4

Apply t<t.) ii. TAiLOR & SUN',

. i!»- \^'ciilr and Auctioneers.

T" !'*.- Hit- WHOLE LTFEKff*!; ' t : . ' I l, .!!? yl/; Jjrojd *lrwt.tUre'vjsii

at f >iv, . <«r unJ'u/wMifl.ji* dc-'i. Ji.fjuln- <iii itj«» J'.' 1 'S-4 t *

c ikj: a n i > has*; m e s t -fok» Kr \ I.TJmt iJeisioijlt htjLu<J on tiie Jiortlifilit

.>' Or* »<: dri-ct ne.vt iloor t>> iIk* /w»rntr offor dry ek»ilility_ «w jaroee-

1!»< all rt.MMi'es coi'iiulft)', and «ii] .nt-iHed." A I,ti V i J . c. <; H A rt'J'M A N,

>. 1 *

J J oy Malu wtN-ct..

L'"K WJ.N'T. t l>at /-pleudid,¦* j' t-TuKK No. 0 GorcruorJsiiti

. hi t oc'MjpH'd tiy K. 15. Ta>i'>r, K^.,»>a* » U-r.. lot- Ai'liiv l</

J. J.. At'i'KIisON.. I >>: I It'j I A^<iit.

I/1 >Ii l: EST, a iilUCK STOKE ANDgJ" J>'<\ £/.l.i \G Wj the < asUrii Hue of h>.. '(i si/.-cj alaiji and Kraiikllu UtiXJCls,

.">' »<.<'« i»i« <1 i if Mis. ><'uroJir a* a nMootu1 . kooi! »taiid fif Miy n-tall Iwsi ihs*w iV/as»ct>-

* - ±1 <,v, ¦+ .i, y x .O-OtJ J. F. KEh SEt'.

JPOt SALE.L'OU HALE.THE GOOD WILL AND-* iX'I'tThCICS of' i Ij«- ol-Jt bl cata'»Il-hed Kw»-1 "rim Ki«j liar-r'»»i»j In tiac city, liaviii# been in

i »..%- ;'u ; uMTdfio.j Ua- ]»a*i fortv-ti vo yearn. One; ! 'ij«-Ju>:t bUi n<i» iu tlic city f<»"rtsuclia tiualuess.J !i«- < 'it] _v r<-H on for evlii uit, tt»tf proprietor wishes

. ifiuw lii another bu/liie.-is. Applv at Xo. 3/ * * fc^-NTIl htltEKT. jtf 17«3t*


| -M VEH1TY OF VIRGINIA,. SUM-' ' A! Kit J-A \V LECl'VUES (nine weeUy) txgriu

J iij..Ju]y. 1874 ; eud 12th September. iiavt proved"filial um* : Jut. to i>tudeiiti» prupotriu/f to pnreue

. - ii Uiie or other law t»ehool ; SJd, to tJiose*]."' dejfyru to study pi Jv jUrh : 3 <1. U» youug nruP-

wiio have* jjot had ihe advautagc ox #}¦«..' '"a tie Instruction. For circuiarappiy (pokt-offlce

'f '^versity of Yirjrtulaj to JOHN M. MINUK, Tro-*n>9ui Cvtumvu tmd fcUtuie Law, ujy 27"2t*wlm


tir L 1 N K N . C A MUK I C HANDKEU-CHIFFS at 75c. per dozen;


HEMSTITCHED HANDKERCHIEFS at *2 perdo7.0n worth $3 ;

HEMSTITCHED HANDKERCHIEFS at $3 perdozvu worth $4 ;


Viiricty ;A large assortment of HANDKERCHIEFS for

children At LEVY BROTHERS'.Look at our ONE-DOLLAR KID GLOVES. Jel7

$JT MARSEILLES QUILTS at$3..i0 worth$5 ;

MARSEILLES (jl'It.TS at $4 worth $(5 ;MARSEILLES (,'t ll.TS at $5 worth $8 ;HONEY-COMIl 0*'ILTs at $1.25 worth $1.75 ;HONEY-COMB gCILTSat $1.75 woYth $2.00;HON EY-COM B Ql ll.TS at $2 worth $3 ;CKOv 11ET QUIL I'S at $2.50 worth *4 ;COLORED 01 ll.TS at $1 25, $1.50, $1.75, ami

$2.AM 25 per cont. below regular prices. Those In

w ant of quit's should not purchase until thev haveexamined the stock of LEVY BROTHERS'.COLGATE'S VIOLET WATER reduced to S5c.

per bottle.' lei 7

IS: . tiENTLEMEX 'S SI' MMER MERtNOSHIKTSat 75c., S5cM 00c.. and $1 worth $1ami *1.25;

Gentlemen's LISLE THEAKD SHlltTS at *1.25ami $1.50 worth $1.50 ami $2,

Gentlemen'.- SILK Silt UTS t'rom $1.75 to $3.50,Gentlemen's G Al'ZE SH1HTS ntGentium n*> I. INKS CULL A.RS at 60c. per dozen

worth $1 50,L1NKN Cl'FFSat $3 per dozen worth $4.LIKEN* HA S DK.LKC11 1 fc.FS. very cheap, at

LEV V ilKOTHEKS'.A full assert ment of COLG ATE'S SOAl\jy 1 7

* CUlI\'l(»'r SKIRTING at 20c. peryard \v..«rth 35c.,


l oX at 10c. j>cr yard,Full-width I'N ULEACll El) SHEETING at 30c.

per yard.Full-width BLEACHED SHEETING at 33c. per

var-l.I'lLLOW-CASE COTTON*, 42 inches wide at 15c.

per yard,Nov Vork Mills. Wamsutta, l'ridc of the West,

A i.di"-e"CVii>. Da vol. Fruit of th * Loom. (Jemof the >pii.dio. HtchvHle. Avoniale. ami HallouCt 1 I TO.n retailed at wholesale prices, at


bottle. Je 1 7

fl&r 1>AKAS(.)L< in srreat variety ;LACK SH.VW LSand SAC\»UES;Fan* «.f the latest Styles:FAN ami PAR A SOL CHAINS :V IN 1 At* A K KTTS in all ol' the latest styles:liALL ami KFLl. FAK-K1NOS ami SLttVE and



DRKsS TKLMMINOS in great variety ;MACHINE OIL, at 15c. pur bottle, tor tlu.- best oil

manufactured:?EW1 NO-MACHINE NEEDLES at 4 and 5c.

apiece;LEa MI Kit and SILK BELTS, with buckles of

the latest stvJcs;PEARL. >TEt£L. NICKLP. and JET SLIDES,


I'HlNTtl) CAjjj»RlC COLLARS and CUFFS at15c. a set. w®ib 50c :

1. In FN c )L,iUcBS a' *1 per dozen worth *1.75;.?\Yl» Mi'Syaig I! 1 FFl r.S, wiiii Valenciennes

«.!(:» , at lufc^ch, or*l per dozen, worth 25c.


COLO aTFJjVIOLET WAJ'U.K reduced to 85c.per Im »tile. Jf. jc 17



UAKAThEa CuOTlL aud other goods forbovV ami hrhV wear, ni


per dozen, c je 17

£jf* BLaIi'K LACE SCARFS in great va¬riety: s

I'.LACiv f'PAVlSil LACE and triuuniu^ lace :HI. AC K and tyillTK LACK VEILS oi the latest

style-: \BLUE liERNAXT, tor veils, at 5Ue. per yard

won li jl : j1)1. I K, iiKMvV.Vs, GREEN, and DRAB BEREUE

at '2oc. per yard worth -10c.. at) LftVY BROHIERb".

Look at thej LINEN COLLARS at *1 perdozen. , .It- 17

OT TRAVELLING BASKETS in greatvariety: Travelling-Bag- and Satchels ; Trunks ol"al! kind.-. M'lti very cheap; thawl 5>iraps, Water¬proof ( lo;tks, Shawls, aud Dusters for travellers.

LEW BROTHERS,1017 and 1019 Main street, Richmond, Va.

INITIAL Nt»TK I'Al'ER at 10, 20, and 25c.per box worth double the money. je 17

22}"OUR OPENINGS for this weekwill be


~\\~o a-k attention lo


LADIES' DRESS FABRICSas well as In many other goods.

BREEDEN & FOX,j«*lG-.'t 401 Broad street.

aSTSTAKS AND METEORS..At cer¬tain seasons meteors dart across the firmament I*.-twetn the earth and the fixed ^tars. But tliuyquick¬ly vanish. whita the fixed stars remain. In the med¬ical firmament I lie great \cgUahle Invigorant HOS-TfcTTEirs STOMACH BITTKKS Iihs long been a

F1XE1* STAU OF THE I IKST MACMTl'DK. Litt'emeteors, iii theshape of imitations, bearing variousnanus, now and then attempt a glim miring compe¬tition with it. Uit thev soon disappear from theHeld of vision, leaving the glory of the tkck iikm-

ki*V unimpaired. 'J he number of these wllt-o'-the-w i.»]>s tiiat have umm to grief within the last twenty

years Is beyond computation, and those now in ex¬

istence are in the last agonies of extinguishment.The standard tonic and alterative, that cures andprevents so man r distressing discai'o, and whichin- debilitated invalid ever took without receiving awonderful accession of strength and vitality, onlyderj»"C» increased popularity from the attempts of.chaxia talis to run their failures in the Jlostettcrxr<«K4'. }'¦ 18-e<»dJfcwlw

X2T -MA f/niO'i»TONIQUE.We lsa.e just reeeUed another and full sdUJplvo'


llUi'S, which has b-e»i so favorably prescribed byour lKi>t physiciaus as a tonic in gciierai debility,wakefulness, ucrvousuecs, Ac.

MEADE & BAKER,DCspeusing l'hicrmacists,

ap n 910 Main street.

FKRSONAL.<Qwkick ok Vary;in ia Steawshup.}

a ni> I'auckt Company. >lilCIIMONIiu-J lltiu 18, 1874. 9

All piawoxs iu vjng claims,iurainst tliti VIlUilNlA gTKAMSlUP AND

J'ACJxKT < OMFA N V are b«mUy notilicil toteut the-wime privr to tlie JiUlfir day of iiuxtifiily,a* the tttj-irs of Uic comity may be k>f«dli;ywound uji. i'. J. tfULCH.jrrj fekeodl in t'resliffciit

THIS OA'IE liEAYJEFORTli IX. <la unit huhI wyntdf respondst#e for nuy&rhteeoutrueUtd t>v KOUEliT MVKGAXHTEIiX lu il»eimiuc of iiaulity Ji MurjtttiJbteru.

fSigiiwlJ .JOtfEI'fi BACIIKR.lacnAwyu. 1 7. J&7-*. Je 17-3t*

C1AL . riic public are cautioned not/ U> credit any of my cuen' as I w&itf uotbere-

fponslble for any ciebw couuzctcd.JL». W. OTTMA-V,

j«i 1 7-2t Master brig " Max."

M OlliLVti,

All kinus of yvoollen goodsTJIOKOl/UHLy SCOUKKD without link¬

age or wear. Particular attention paid to SCOtJfi-1SG GENTLEMEN'S CLO'iHINU. which »ve

guarantee to b<; neatly done, without altering thes»-t or fit. #J,ANKhTS and FLANNELS beaull-fully wssboa with soft finish. .


Good lUONEKS wanted. Apply at 823 Mainstreet. . Je l($-2w

/GENTLEMEN'S WEARING APPARELVI CLEANED iu the very best style; Ladies'Lreascs, &c., resturod to their original color, cieauedor dyed, with neatness and dispatch ; Kid Glovtsecleaned and Featln-rs dyed at

McflvENtfE1MS STEAM DYE-WORKS,ap 3-8m JJiursbal] street near Fifth.




LOCAL MATTERS.Qualification of City Officers..In the"

Hustings Court yesterday Mr. A. M. Kcileyqualified as Mayor of the city of Richmond.Mr. Edward B. Cook qualified as City

Serjeant., and gave bond in the sum of £10,-000, with Messrs. Alfred Moses aud S. E.Dove as sureties. Messrs. Thomas U. Dud-ley, E. Ilolzinger, Edward Cummins, andZachariah T. uriggs qualified as deputy ser-gcants.Mr. Robert B. Mnnford qualified as Com¬

missioner of the Revenue for the citj- ofRichmond, and gave bonds in the sum of£12,000, with Messrs. F. T. Glasgow andWilliam 1*. Munford as sureties. Ten thou¬sand dollars is the boud required by the cityaud two thousand dollars required by theState.Mr. A. B. Duesberry qualified as Nigh

Constable of the city of Richmond beforeMayor Keiley yesterday morning. His bond,with A. li. Babcock, Miles Turpiu,and JohnII. (ircunor as securities, was deposited withKhe clerk of the Council.No other bu>iuess of public interest was

tran>acted by this court.

City School Hoard..Three vacancies ex¬ist in the School Hoard of this city. Thetonus ol cilice of John, Jr., of theFirst district ; Alfred Moses, of the Seconddistrict, and SVilliatn English, of the Thirddistrict, expired hist month. The electionto till these vacancies will he for a terra ofthree years. It is provided by law that va¬cancies u may be supplied at any time with¬in sixty days after their occurrence by ap¬pointment "made by the City Council."

Retains to Ci'stom-Housk Building..Mr.John Ciibson, Jr., architect, of Baltimore,formerly of this city, is here inspecting thecustom-house, under orders from the Wash¬ington authorities. It is expectcd that manyneeded repairs and improvements will bemade to the building during this summer.A rearrangement of the court-room andclerks' olhees is talked about.

Journalistic..Messrs. Jeter & Dickinson,proprietors of the Religious Herald, of thiscity, have purchased the Baptist Record, ofParkersburg, West Virginia. The BaptistGeneral Association of West Virginia, at itsmeeting last week, adopted resolutions en¬

dorsing the Herald and recommending it asthe organ of the twenty thousand Baptistsof that State. This addition to the subscrip¬tion lists of the Herald makes it one of themost widely circulated religious journals ofthe country.Bankrupts Discuarged..Discharges in

bankruptcy have recently been granted thefollowing parties: John F. Lay, Charles3Iagruder, Mollie and Carrie L. Blakey, ofHenrico; John S. Braxton and Henry A.Yeatman, of Richmond county ; .Silas B.Gouldin, of Westmoreland; Augustus P.Crenshaw, of Charles City county; ElgerFogg, of Essex; James llargrave, WilliamE. Sheets, and B. H. Spiers, of Dinwiddic ;It. G.. Farley, of Gloucester: Felix IIotTinanand John II. Eggton, of Culpeper; l'lum-mer. Young & Co., S. A. Plummcr, W. T.Ptunimcr, 3J. N.J. Young, W.T.Luckadoe,and \V. R. Mallory, of Petersburg ; SimonDealhum, of Alexandria; Daniel C. Dejar-nette, of Caroline, and J. N. Goddin,of JSewKent.

I'erponai,..Rev. J. L. M. Curry, D. I).,will visit his friends in Alabama next rnontli.and will deliver the literary address at thecommencement of the State AgriculturalCollege at Auhurn.Judge R. \V. Hughes went to Norfolk yes¬

terday.J\lr. R. W. Rawles, of Nnnsemond, will

deliver the valedictory address before tbePhilologian Society of Richmond Collcgo on

Tuesday the 2od instant.

The New Reservoir..Work on the newreservoir is progressing satisfactorily. Aboutoue huudred and fifty laborers, white andcolored, are employed, and the embankmentsare uow being raised. Two corrugated ironrollers and two sprinkling carts are used inpuddling the earth. The area of the reser¬voir will be about twelve large asthe Capitol Square. The embankments willbe. twenty-four feet high, oue huudred aodfour feet iu thickuess at the bottom andtwenty feet at the top. It is not expectedthat the entire work will be finished undertwo years.Final Celebration..The tinal celebration

of the Mu Sigma Kho Literary Society ofRichmond College will lake place on Wed¬nesday evening the 24tli instant. Orators:li. R. Acree, King and Queen, Ya. ; J. lien-ry Miller, Lynchburg, Ya. Valedictorian:S. T. Taylor, President of Society. Mar¬shals: I*. H. Eiger, Mississippi ; TV. W.Fuqua, Virginia; A. T. Holtzuvan, Virgi¬nia ; L. II. Cocke, Ya. ; J. T. E. ThcrnLill,Ya.; T. II. Scott, Ya.; C. K. Darby, J!c\:W. 31. Gilliam, Ya. ; J. S. Jones, Ya.; W.C. Bitting, Ya.; J. S. Hardaway, Ya.

Election ok Okfickks..The semi-annualelection of officers for Gcrmania Lodge, No.1"), K. of P.. took place evening before lastwith the following result : Jacob Hechlcr,C. C. ; Charles Yuergens, V. C. : EdwardKetnpe, M. at A.Uarman Royal Arch Chapter, No. 56 have

elected the following oflicers for the eusuingyear: S. R. Gates, most eminenthigh priest;li. II. Due-?berry, king; W. J. Murray, scribe;Hiram Oliver, treasurer; William Wilson,secretary; John J. Iliggins, ca plain of host:W. II. Williams, principal sojourner: J. J.English, Jr., royal arch captain ; John G.Craig, master third veil ; It. H. Potter, mas¬ter second veil; J. T. Wallace, master firstveil ; Keys. II. C. Cheatham and IJ. F. Wood¬ward, chaplains; Thomas Angel, stewardand tiler; Charles E. Scberer, Charles li.Walker, and William Monroe, steward's com¬

mittee.Dove Lodge, No. 51, has elected the fol¬

lowing officers for the ensuing year: AlfredK. Courtney, W. M.; Ira W. Blunt, S. W. ;A. C. Houston, J. W. ; Augustus Arsell,Jr., Treasurer ; Benjamin T. August, Sec¬retary ; E. C. Walthall, S. D. ; C. E. Tay¬lor, J. D. ; Frauk Steger, T. A. Jacobs, Stew¬ards; M.J. Michclbucher, Philip F. August,and Joseph Z. Tyler, Chaplains.Old Dominion Lodge No. 4, Knights of

Pythias, at. its last meeting clected tho fol-ilowing officers for the eusuing term : W. E.JBiuford, C. C. ; E. M. Crump, Y. C.C.;Jtahn M. Garrard, Prelate.

T/ie Weatuer..The following was the.range of the thermometer In our counting-room yesterday :

;b aJ M. 3 P.M. 6 P. M.7* 88 66

Police Coi'RT, Wednesday.Justice J. J.While presiding..The following cases were

disposed of:George A. Watts, elaarged with unlaw¬

fully aud feloniously obtaining by false pre¬tences about #170 ill United Slates currency,tbe property of Judge Alfred Morton. Dit>-

! charged,Monroe Brooks, charged with etealiug a

water-bucket and a martingale from theyard of iiobert Blackburn. Continued un¬

til Thursday and the accused bailed.

Frank Leslie's Lady's Magazine and theother monthlies have beea received fromJ. T. JSUjwn, 1112 Maia street.

Excursion to West Point and York-1town.Tiie Fine New Steamer Louise..Atbalf-past 0 o'clock yesterday morning a spe¬cial train left the depot of the Richmond,York River and Chesapeake railroad with

a large party of gentlemen, representing theChamber of Commerce, Corn and Flour,Tobacco, and Real Estate Exchanges of thiscity, who were specially invited by the olH-cers of the road to join the excursionistsfrom the North at West Point in a trip downthe York river on the steamer Louise. Thefollowing were amonir those from Richmond:Albert Oraway, Z. W. Pickrell, W. E.

Tanner, II. Ducsberry, F. R. Scott, F. W.Ilaunewiukle, Claiborne Walking, George 3.Palmer, II. D. Wbitcomb, A. 3. Lee, W. H.F. Leef,.Jphn K. Cbildrey, Andrew Berry,R. E. Blahkenship, B.C. Gray, W. H. Ad¬dison, E. Hougb, S. H. Hnwes, L. C. Barks-dale, Dr. W. II. Gwathmey, C. Barksdale,W. E. Smith, treasurer York River railroad ;P, W. Grubbsand J. L. Appereon,Real Es¬tate Exchange; W. J. Yarborougb, W. II.Parrish, Judge B. 11. Wellford, S. M. Bailey,George Barksdale, II. W. Broaddus, C. C.Bridges, T. II. Wallace, Samuel Mnccubbin,S. W. Yenable, W. F. C. Gregory, W.E. Smth, Dr. A. S. McKae, C. II.Dodamoad, Reuben Foster, E. F. Fol-ger, W. N. Bragg, W. P. Brett, Colo¬nel II. T. Douglass, Sol. Haas, generalagent Piedmont Air-Line railroad, and Al¬exander Whalen, agent Piedmont Air-Lineat Charlottesville, and members of the Rich¬mond press.The air was pleasantly cool from the rain

of the previous night, and the trip to WestPoint quick aud pleasant, but without inci¬dent.Upon arriving there the party went on

board the Louise, which at once cast t>fl' herlines and steamed down to Yorktown.Baltimore was represented on board by

Messrs. William Callow, pier-builder; J. M.Bandel, coQ'ee trade; Richard Qipkins, tel¬ler of Franklin Bank; James Lake, of Stone-braker & Co.; I). W. Gray, deputy collectorof the port of Baltimore; W. F. Whatelcy,secretary Corn and Flour Exchange; J. S.Saunders, of Saunders & Co.; A. ilazcl-hur>t and J. II. Hannah, of the ProvisionExchange; and W. A. Marbury, Jr., tobac¬co trade.The press of Baltimore by Messrs. W. H.

Cole, of the Gazette ; Edllngton Fulton andM. B. Fulton, American ; J. A. Murray,Sun ; J. A. Becker, Correspondent, and J.S. Pagaud, Sunday Telegram.That of Philadelphia by Messrs. Frederick

Day, Amfrican Exchange; W. J. Clark,Evening Telegram; C. II. Clark ('"MaxAdder "j. Evening Bulletin , and RichardMucklo, of the Ledner. ANo, B. Snyder, ofthe Nautical Gazette, New York, and A.Watsou Atwood, Boston Journal of Com¬merce.The steamer Louise was built by a firm in

Wilmington, Del., and for several years was

engaged on the line between .Mobile anilNew Orleaus, hut was lately purchased, andafter being entirely refitted and furnished hasbeen placed on the route from Wes't Point toBaltimore to run alternately with the Havana.She is an iron steamer, is 240 feet long, with33 feet breadth of beam, and registers 1,001tons. Her motive-power is a very fine beamengine of 365 horse power, aud she willmake easily about 10 knots an hour. Thereare 50 state-rooms and 00 berths, aud havingbeen constructed tor a Southern passen¬ger steamer, the ventilation is admirable.She made her first trip yesterday under Cap¬tain A. C. Nickel and Purser J. S. Biddle,most courteous and obliging officers. Thetrip to and from Yorktown was delightful.A tine breeze blew over the brood waters ofthe York, and the peculiar arrangement ofthe state-rooms allowed it free circulationthrough the cabin.A fine lunch and a bountiful dinner were

discussed with appetites sharpened by the-alt air from the bay, and excellent winesflowed fiedy.

Alter dinner speeches were made byMessrs. George II. Baer and ,1. S. Pagaud,ofBaltimore; Colonel Richard M tickle, of Phil¬adelphia ; Major W. F..C. Gregory, o( Pe¬tersburg; Judge B. R. We 11ford, and Messrs.John Lyon and J. P. Cowardin. At ;j o'clockthe Richmond party bid adieu at West Pointto their northern friends, and the Louise lefton her return trip to Baltimore, where shewill arrive to-morrow morning.The excursionists are indebted to the

officers of the railroad as well as those of thesteamer for the politest attentions.

Grand Grove of Druids..The annualcommunication of the Grand Grove of Vir¬ginia United Ancient Order of Druids was

held in the Odd-Fellows' Hall last night.The session was very harmonious and lasteduntil uearly midnight. The various com¬mittees were appointed, and the annual re¬

ports of the several otlieers were received.Since the last srssiou Lee Grove, No. 7, hasbeen added to the Order. After the trans¬action of routine business the Grove ad¬journed until Tmir.-iiay (to-day) week.

Richmond Law Scnoo:...T he closing ex-

ercife-ol the Ricuniond College Law Schoolwiil take place to-morrow. Jt is said thatamong the graduates will probably be Cap-hiin W. P. M. Kellin). Register of the LandOfliee and cx'ojjioio Superintendent of Pub¬lic Buildings, and Mr. D. C. Richardson,clerk of the Richmond Police Court.

The Stoke-Work at thk Reservoir..Inconsojnenct- ot sou;<- trouble with the stone¬cutters the Council Committee on Wateryesterday evening altered the plan for thereservoir t-.» :m extent that will enabletbein to do with much h-ss dres-cd granitetlau was first calculated upon.

Sale ok the Oj.d City Hall Building..The Council Committee on Public Groundsaud Ruildiiu's have opened the bids for theold city ball building, and sold the materialadvertised to Mr. Henry Exall, lor $3,000.The stone steps, the cornerstone, it any, &c,,were reserved by the city.Sale cf a House and Lot..Messrs. Goddin,

Warren & Co., sold on yesterday the tbree-story brick house and lot, on Canal street

between First and Second streets, for $3,500.

Unbailable Letters Remaining in tiie

Kicumond Post-Office J cne 17, 1S7-L.Mr.William Beveridge, 2*0. 103 east Cary street ;Miss Lilh Booker, care of Mrs. Brandom,Franklin street between First and Second,Richmond, Va. ; George Curry, bugler ofbattery C, 5th United States Artillery, FortMonroe, Va. ; Miss Margaret Gardon, 140Park avenue, Baltimore, Md. ; BranchGreenhil), care of Henderson Greenbill,Curtereville, Va. ; George B. Harrison, Bran¬don post-otfiee, James river, Va. ; Mr.Heisky,Riverside Park ; Mead <fc Baker, druggists,Richmond, Va.; Miss Montrelle, Richmond,Va. ; F. B. Wenbser, 920 Main street, Rich¬mond, Va. : Larken Pane, Georgia po»t-offlce ; Powhatan Iron Company, Richmond,Va. ; Tredegar Company, Richmond, Va.

Convicts Sent Away..SuperintendentStrother sent sixty white men to Petersburgat noon yesterday, under authority of tbeGovernor of Virginia, to work upon thePetersburg and "Weldou railroaa.

CiRcnT Court..The Circuit Court ofRichmond svus not iu sessiou yesterday.

fFnr the Dispatch.]The East End..Permit me a small space

in your valuable paper to say a word in be¬half of those who five away out in the EastEnd. Now that we have representativesfrom our midst in the incoming Council, wehope to have some attention paid to our

streets and walkways.the latter particu-Jarly.which it is hoped will be put in orderat once. At present many places of busi¬ness are made to suffer by the impassable con¬

dition of the walkways. However, we feelconfident that this state of things will beremedied by tbe gentlemen recently electedJwho will, no doubt, take pride in discharg¬ing the duties ca*tfkled to them. \Ye of thej

East End consider our locality of some im¬portance; for we have honest men, prettygirls, handsome ladies, tolerably good boys,and seven churches at which the gospel isregularly preached to large congregations.Then we have lodges of Masons, Odd Fel¬lows, Pythians, Red 3Ien, Temperance Or-den»,-and last but not least, old SpringfieldDivision, No. 107.the corner-stone of allthe other temperance orders in the city.


Richmond, June 16, 1874.Messrs. Editors,.There has been a greatdeal said in your valuable paper recentlyabout dogs and cats. Now, for a word about

the calves and sheep that are brought to thecity on the freight trains of the Richmond.Fredericksburg and Potomac railroad, andare suffered to remain all night in the cars,and from whose bleatlogs those who residein that neighborhood are sorely trisd. Be¬sides the inhuman treatment, the meat ofthese animals are furnished the people ofRichmond in a feverish condition. Can'twehaveaBergh here? In behalf of tho>ewho reside near the Broad-Street depot andwho would like to Sleep at Nigiit.


Trial of David IIazeltine..Tbe case ofDavid R. IIazeltine was resumed at 10o'clock yesterday morning. From tbe addi¬tional talcs of fifty summoned tbe remainingfour jurymen for a lull panel were obtained.Tbe prisoners having on tbe lust arraign¬ment elccted to be tried separately, tbe indict¬ment vs. IIazeltine was read, and be wasarraigned in usual form. Dr. L. R. Chiles,Captain Lipscombn, J. W. Craig, S. M.Perdue, George Mitchell, and F. W, Fitz¬gerald were examined lor the Common¬wealth, and N. A. Eubank?, A. C. and G.K. llardiug for tbe defence, but no testi¬mony other than that heretofore publishedwas adduced, and the argument commencedabout 8 o'clock. Air. Attkisson opening forthe Commonwealth, followed by Messrs. F.P. Turner, W. F. Worthington, and \V. W.Cos hi* for the defence, George D. Wiseclosing for tbe Commonwealth.The case was given to the jury about lOi

o'clock. Alter an absence of about an hourthe jury returned and reported that theywere unable to agree, and were remanded.At lli o'clock they were still unable to agreeand were placid in charge of the Sergeant.We are Kla<l to state that Messrs. \V. D. 15 lair &

Co. are prepared t«j fill nil wholesdie and retailorders lor liquors, notwithstanding the lire at theirstore Saturday nipht. In a few d lys they will havean entirely new stock of flue teas and groceries.Removal.A. Hakkis's Loan office (estabii-hed

in 1S65; has been removed to 132*2 Main street.

Summer SuIts..For really choice light suitscall on E. B. Sl'ENCE & SON, 1300 Main street.They have in their stock everything in Uie way ofgentlemen's wear, at very reduced prices.

Alpacca Coats In variety at E. B. Si-ence &SOX'S, 1300 Main street.

White Vests.A choice lot at E. B. Si-ence &SOX'S, 1300 Main street, at low prices.

Dress Goods.E. B. Spsxce & son keep instock a great variety ot plecv gocds, which they are

making up at short notice. They have good cuttersanil excellent workmen, and make suits at the verylowest living prices. Give thein a call.

Transfer Printing-Inks win copy clear anildistinct for an indefinite period of time. Send yourorders for work to be done In these inks to the DiS'yutch 1'rlulltig-House.Transfer Printing-inks for copying letter

headings, statements, way-bills, jfce. Can lie copiedin the ordinary letter-press book. Send your ordersfor printing In these Inks, and for all other descrip¬tions of printing, to the Dixuahh i'rinHng-llouse.

? ForND at Last.The l»ng soughl-for placewhere you can tret money loaned on your dlaiuouds,watches, Jewelry, silverware, Ac. Call at A. Har¬ris's Loan Office, H22 Main street, and you willleurn all about It. All transactions strictly couti-dential.


J. \\\ BltOXAUGH, tract ol'landon the Richmondand Danville railroad; alto, hordes, mules, fod¬der, domestic animals, tobacco maclduery, to¬

bacco, Jtc.LYN'E & ltltOTHER, G I'. M.. brick dwelllug atid

lot altaclicd on the northeast corner of Tweaty-fiflli and Fran Kiln streets.

1SBELL x SON, 5!$ I*. M., two-storv brick house,So. 1512 Franklin street, and two vacant lotson the west side of Seventeenth street betweenCedar and Washington.

GRCBBSA WILLIAMS. 5 P. M., brick store anddwelling No. 1909 Main street, between Nine¬teenth and Twentieth.

H. McCORMICK, 10,'s A. M.. jtawnbroker's sale ofgold and silver watches, gold and tine platedJewelry, Ac.

W. GODDIN, G P. M., large residence and err nndson the north side of Grace between Twenty-eighth nud Twenty-ninth streets.

THOMAS W. KEKSEE, 10 A. M., household fur¬niture, piano, Ac.



10 l>arrels G1 N',10 barrel.- BitANDY,

Pure FltENCH BRANDY,1'ure. PORT aud SHERRY WINES,GREEN' aud BL*CK TEAS,family ami txntA f^ucr.

For sale byje 1 7-3m JOHN' M. IIICGTNS.

1IGAR:?..BEWARE OF INFECTED>_7 CIGARS is the beading of our (Circular issuedlu May. Beside the increase of orders lor our ci-pjrs wo are eontluually ruiuested by our corres-pondentsto l'urnish them the names aud uumoerjof TENEMENT HOUSE ClCAtt FaCTOJUES. Werespectfully decline to do so. Those engaged hithat business deny their practice to their custom¬ers'. which plainly shows how much they feel theweight of our argument. We simply suite that ourfactory numb, r is 1)73 3t» CULL tCTlON DIS-TR1CT of NEW YukK, aud that our ilrm nameIs primed ou every box. 1>. HlRSCIl it CO.,je 17-2t* 174 Water street, New Votk.


A LE AND PORTER..Receiving directJ\ from Messrs. James Mc'Jullau^h, Sua A Co.,L<>udou,per steamer i'otomac, dugllsh Stout. In<iiai'ule Ale, Iui|M:rial Ale. Frjiu ile->i»r>. WilliamYuuiijft-r «fc Co., Edinburgh. per birk Tarpeiait,Sparkling Ale, India Pal* aIo. From Messrs. E. &J. Burke, Dublin. " Dublin " Stout. Knr sale bv

DaVENPOaT & MOKKJS,je 13 Importers.



je 13 J. B. KIDiJ, 717 Broadstreet.


Mountain WHISKEY iu store and bond; pure

FRENCH BRANDY, for medicinal purposes.


Hanger & co.'s puke augustaCOUNTY", VA., KYE WHISKEY;

ABNE-S Xo. 1 PURE AUGUSTA COUNTY,VA., KYIS WHISKE1.As agents for Richmond and Manchester weoffer

Uie trade the at>ove brand!) of pure whiskeys in lowto suit. We have also Buiugardner and other brandsof Whiskey, Wines, Gl?., Brandy, Ac., un<J a fullline of G ROCERIKS-Cofliees, Solars, Tea^, BaconLard, Soap, Flour, Mackerel, Herrings, Cheese,soda, Candles, Tobacco, Cigars, freah supplies ofJaBORN'S JAVA and GLOBE MILLS RIO COF-j'EES (for which we are wholesale bymy 22 ROGERS .& McCANCIe.



1,700 barrels LIME landing from schooner W.Thorndlie, 400 barrels CALCINED Fl,ASTERfrom schooner Henrietta. For £ale low from thewharf by

Je 4 A. S. LEF.


1,500 barrels freak INDIAN ROCK LI3IEJustreceived.We are now constantly receiving a supply of IN¬

DIAN ROCK LIAI tt fresh from our kilns. Foreale Jow. DELLON, ELLETT & CO.,my* Manufacturers, ,1503 Dock street. j


Found-on Tuesday, a goldMEDAL or CHARM attached to gold chain,with clasp. The owner can jset it at tbis office bypaying for this advertisement. je 16-lt

LOST, on Tuesday oi<rht,n LADY'S-GOLD HUNTING WATCH.'

eiyimelled and diamond, made by David -1.^^Magu ire, Geneva : No. 03,987. A reward ofwill hi paid If It Id left at the olflee of tti«» Sr. .TamesHotel. je!8-2t*

REtVAIiD Strayed, on Tburs-r§£2day evening, .June 1 1 th. a KEI) (,'OW.iLLwith a KfcD BULL OALt' al»out four weeks old.The cow lias the tips of licr horns sawed off.JolIN LINDSfcY, Brook road.J-> 18-3i* or at the Old Market.

flAME TO MY HOUSE, in Sidney, rg£SVy on Carv street- near Mr. Dick Mornn's. .7 ¦ ¦a small DAKK-KED HEJFEit with, short horns.Tt e owner will please come forward, prove pro-pertv. pay charges, and take her awav.Jel8-2t» M ILL Y JOHNSON .

STRAYED from one of my fields-<>n Monday, June 15th, an extra tine..*lanse Hoicsb; color, mahogany biy; lichiiil, 17

limds : high head; high, stylish rump: tall whip¬ped off by u«f of barnfss; Inclined to Komun face;seven years old : supposed to h ive wandered in thedirection ot Kichmona, from where he was A liberal reward will l«e paid on the safe de¬livery to K. BA.«vTON HAXALL.

Sock lands, near GoruonsVUle,je 1 8-Gt u range county, "v'a.

VTOTICE. Lost or mNaid, CERTIFL-jCATE No. 86.of forty shares of old stock of |the Virginia " ire and Marine lusuranci Company,In the name of Kichard C. WorthamApplication will be made for the reissue of saidscrip. MJWiN WOKT IIAM,

CHaBLEs T. WOltTHAM.jn 10-2_iw2m Surv iv 1 a<r Executors.


$5,000,000 ®NDoWiIEXT




JULY 31, 1H74.

In announcing the firth anil last of the scries of(iltt Concerts given for the bene it of the PublicLibrary of Kentucky the Trustees :»nd Manager re-fi r with pride and pleasure to the four which liave

I been aire idy given : The first, Decein'wr 16, 1871 ;i the .-econ I, December 2. 1672; the third, July 8,

1S73; and the fourth, March 31st, 1874.Cuder their charter, granted by a special act or

the Kentucky Legislature, March 1G. 1871, theTrustees are authorized to giveONE MOKE, AND ONLY ONE .MORE GIFT

CONCERT."With the mojiey arisiug from this FIFTH AND

LAST CONCERT the Library, Museum, and otherdepartments are to lie enlarged and endowed with afixed and certain annual income Such an endow¬ment tund is d-'.slred .is will secure beyond pcra<i-venlure i:oton!y the maintenance of this magnlU-cent establishment, Inn its constant growth.


for the purposes mentioned, and which is positivelyland uiteuulvoca'ly announced a> TH& LASl*WHICH WILL EVER Hit «i!VE>i UNDER THISCH \nTER AM) BY I'lIE PKfc.SV N I M WACf-MENT, will coiuc off in the Public Library Hall,at Louisville, hy., on

FRIDAY, JULY 31, 1874.

At this final Concert everything will be upon ascale corresponding with its increased importance.The music will Ik; rendered l>y an orchestra consist¬ing ol' one hundred performers, selected for theirfame in dill'ereut lands ; and the uuprccedcuted sumof

$2, 000, 000,divided into twentv thou amj gift-?, will l>e distri¬buted among the tlcKet-aolders.



CASH GIF IS, ?'.*<>,000 each .

10 CASH GIFTS, J 4,000 each..15 ( ASH GIFTS, 10,000 each..20 CASH GIFTS *5,000 each..iio CASH GiF'l'i. 4,4)00 eiich. .

30 CA-:II GIFT-. H.IMM) ench..50 CASH UIFTS, 2,000 e.n h..

100 ' ASH GIFT?, 1.000 OK-li..'240 CASH GIFTS, 500 each .

500 < AMI GIHT-, 100 <aeh..19,000 C.VSli UlFfS, 50 each..

Grand total, 20,000 gifls, all eisli $2,500,000IT.ICii OF TICKETS.

Whole Tickets * 50 00Halves 25 00Tenth, or each Coupon 5 001 1 \\ hole Tickets for 500 0022'-* Tickets tor 1.000 00Tickets are now ready for sale, and orders accom¬

panied liy cash will he promptly tilled.Liberal commissions will be aliowe I to satisfae

tory apenis.Circulars containing full particulars furnished

un application.THOMAS E. RRAMLETTE,

Auentaud Manajrer,Public Library Building,

my 1 'J-dTu«fcTli,<: wt.J y!) 1 Louisville. ' y.


UST R ECEIVED..Opened tlnV~

v morning, thirty dozen pairs of Ladies'.Mi-ses'. alio Chihiren'.srsHufcS, tmbracivgall(he novelties In BUTTONED and LACEl) Hou f iof serge, kid. and goat;, also. MOBILE TIES andSLlI'l'kRs. .My assortment includes aim>stev,rystyle now woru, and ladies will lurdly fall to be

pleased if they will give me a call at 00'J Maiustreet, between Ninth and Tenth.ju 18 JOHN" C. I'AGF, .Mt.

BOOTS AND SHOES.- Just re-Aceived Ladies' French Kid Newport Ties J.#8!*

and Slipper?, Ladie-i' French Kid Button MiISoots. Ladies' Fox Button H jots and Balmorals;Misses' and Children's shoe.,, all styles and colors;C. F. Burt's Fine shoes.Button aud Lac d;Trunks, Satchels, and Sole Leather Valines, at lowfigures; Gentlemen's F»ne Shoe-, hand-sewed.Give me a call. W. I'. \V, TAYLOR'S,te IS corner Fourth and Broad streets.

[LIST OPENED, ANOTHER LOT*t) of Banister A Tictunor's HAND-vE\V-»8fcwED BOOTS, G \I m:>. TILS, and IV.INCERk.ALBKKTS, f<-r geu'iemeii, and E. Burt's But¬ton Boots, for ladle? aud inlate'. Call at

WINGO, KLl.fc.TT & CHUMPS,lei 7 1308 Main street.


L(OOK AT THIS AXL) ECONO-*.J MiZF, AM) BUY WOliK MAD-'. A'i B JV.HOME..Ludles" Sst^c BuUon Coot- s<dd

I he KJCIJMm.ND BOOT AND MiOE FV'J'OKY,215 Broad street, liettveun second and Third rrre«-t.-,lor *2.75; Ladies' >en?e L«ce ti;ilr^r-> for ijS2 : :.a-d:«s' >er>re Luce. foxed. ?2 to $2.75 ( Ladles' .^er^tFoxed Button Boots. *3 lo *3.50 ; Misses' Senr*Lace (jailers from ? 1 75 to 42.25 ; Lach-s* Prwu'lifall' Lace Boots. +2.75; Misses' t aif, y goodschool shot*. :ti >2.50; La lies1 Kid Bu'ton foots,*3.50: Ladies1 Pebble Go*l Button Boots, £3.00;Ladies' 1'ebblc Gout l.aee Boots at $2.50 ; Ml.><«e»\$'J; Gents' French Calf Boots, *7 ; Gents' French

( 'aif Gaiters from ?s-l t> . $5 ; B'-ys'irom t3*o *3.50 ;IV. j.V tirst-cljs«, Calf ."lines, *2.50.Children's Shoes sold ai low figures.All work manufactured by me warranted, and no

other klisd sold.All kinds of ?hoes made !o order.IJEPAlHl.V(i neatlv done.Pa rties wl-hlnv to buy unod BOOTS and SHOES

will litid it tu their advantage In srive me a call.Respectfully, HaSHV C. lio^CtJEV.

ap 7

r AD1E6* AJS D MIOSES' SEKCJEIJ LACK and BUI TON GAITER*.Ladles' and Misses' Serge Foxed and Button GAI¬

TERS ;Ladies' at:d Mists' French, Black Kid, and Serge


Maria Antoinette BU>KIVS:junlattatf. Majni dlas. and other st\les of SLIP¬

PERS and WALKING SHOES;Gentlemen's, Bovs'. and Youths' * aif Prince AN

hert OXEOKDS, TIES, Jtc, box, plain, an J ex¬

tension toes;Children's and Infante' Colored and Black SHOES

and SLIPPLRs in eir!l«*a, variety, jutl re¬

ceived tor early spring trade.CUSTOM woitK Made to order and

GUARANTEED TO fit. REPAIRING neatlyand promptly done.Mjecial attention paid to order*..peuai t,r.H v rt. KOriCHEN t SON,ln), 21 rt|l9 and 51 1 Broad stnet.

ll'IIOLSTEHISittjre.fIX) TIIE PUBLIC.Havlnsr completed inv arrangements, 1 am now

pre|,are,n.ffil».eEB(M. an? ,UNlSOiu all i In-'lr tranche* »t SO. JOo k ir.t street, a

tween Broad aud Marshall.^ ^ i"F N'DL ETON".

Sljrn: " Furniture Repaired." jc ll-ht»

"PHILLIPS & JENNINGS have just. re¬ed * lartft- and varied stock ol springMAT l'IN'G*. Ol L-ULUriiSi. v


uiiH A PA!*ER-HAN(j)N^^i

JL celvedCHINAHOLLANDS, COSN ICE, and L VCE CUM AIR.NFrench and American hAfBR-HANOlNQSiwhich we otfer al lowest prices. All prd»*s prompt¬ly attended to at No. 2 i, corner of Governor andFranklin streets. xt> 23--in

(1E0RGE W. ANDEKSON & SOXT would ask the atteutlon of thcfce lu waat

to au unusually fln<; assortment.ofJ?APE It- 'LAXG1NG s, CHINA MATTINMJ3,

carpets. oil-cloth*, clutainGOODS. SHADES, xc.

my 2-3» 1206 MAIN STREET.


CASH.*rj?V A.H tABt/T n* ADTAXCX.; One square, one insertion .......fO 78One mjiwre, two Inwrtl^ns.... 1 ; ».One square, three lnfurtlou?.... l '/6One wjnare. six Insertions. 9 rOOn? M|iiare. twelve Insertions...... li 10One square, one mouth.. 10 (0One txjtiare. two months. 18 f OOne square, three monthe.... .....25 < 0

TIhe reg uTar semi-monthlymeeting of the MERCHANTS AND M>-cranics building piind and loan as¬sociation will be held III IH ( fhnrs Jayj EVE¬NING ut the office or C. L. Radway, Asq., Ninth

«u<l Franklin stretfs, a' 8 o' 18-lt* R D. MO<»RE, Gecretarr.

Members op MarshallJ ODOf. No. 12. K. of P . will Ml- aA

tf>nd a at.'iip/l mo*>flnop Af tKJp L"'"®tend a stated meeting of their iodgeTHIS hVEJ INC, June 18, 1874. at|Cxstle Hall, Broart street near Sixth, at 8o'clock. A full attendance Is tfe>lrwl, asnominations of officer* will take place. By orderC. C. WILLIAM H. BAli.lV,je-18-ll* K.ofB. adS.CYRACUSK LODGE, No. 5. K.O OF P..A rffnili»r convocation of' thislodge will b*> held THURSDAY JfcVfc- (?,'J&BNIMt at 8 o'clock. This being rhe occa-si<.n for the nomination of officers a large vgsS/attendance L» e»rte»tly aeslrtd. Mint-bers of sister lodges are fraternally Invited to meetwith us. By order of the C. C.

WILLIAM E. W»*) 17-2t» ^ K. of fi.andS.

UNIVERSITY ALUMNI CLUB.-Ameeting of this Club will behehi at the N'ewHustings court room, on Capitol street, isHweeoNinth awl Tenth streets, on SATURDAY. 20thJune. at 8 o'clock P. M.. for the election ot officers,tor the ensulmr year, appointment of o*legat»s tothe annual k< meeting of Alumni ut the Uni¬versity, ami for otlu r important business. Alumni

are earnestly requested to attend. Bv order of the.K\e'u nve Corn in It lee. P111L1P HaaALL,je 17-3t.W,Th&'*a Secretary."VfOTlCE..An adjourned meeting of tbo1> STOCKHOLDER^ of the Clover Hill Ball-road Company will be held at the office of Messrs.Lancaster ,t Co., .it Klchmond, on 1HURSDA.Y,lSih instant, at 12 o'clock M.

L>. 8. 1 7-td Treasurer.military yonim

OA COMPANY.. SPECIAL ORDER. «J Assemble at Old Market Hall at 8^ o'cIockhfor i!rill aud business. It ia Important that every hfmember should be pies* nr,a* business of Import- jfiance will come before tlio nut ting. Bv order ofCaptain Kkllam. JOSEPdllEFFufcY,_je_l 8-llfr First Sergeant.


OF THE SEASON TO WEST POINT ON.MONDAY, JUKE 22, 1874.-CHICKAHOMINYTKIUE, No. 34. I. O. H. M., take pleasure Id t«n-nouuclng to the public ami brethren of the Cftltftlmt ample provision has b«;e» made for the perfectenjoyment of all who may favor us wlUi th&lr pre¬sence.Captain McCanu's Firs: Regiment Bund has bc*u

seru.-ed.The train will consist of coachee newly flttei up

for the occasion.Strict order will he enforced.All who wl>h to enjoy fishing, boating, bathing,

and other amusements, sh uld not .Oi >hls opportu¬nity pa.-". W e promise a happy rime for all.Thy train will leave the depot at 7J* o'clock.Tickets for gentlemen, $1 ; ladles, 75c.: to be had

of memlK-'re of the Or<ler and at the train.Je 1 8-8t




The flcgwit steamer ELIZ V I1ANCOX wlJi.lcavoon an excursion for above poln'a on next SA rL'R-DaV a K I'Klt NOON, tfuiitt '20. at 7 1'. M.Tickets for the round trip, *2 50 ; good to return

next Might, or Moutlay afternoon.1 . B. TAT i: 31,

je!7-4t Gi'ii'-ral Agent.

sRichmond. Youk River and Chesapeake)tAlLKOAD, SUPKIUN I UNDENT'S OFFICE. >

Richmond, .June 13, 1674. )UM31ER EXCURSIONS.This co-npany Is now prepared to CHARTER

TRAINS for excursions to West Point.Mouday?,Tuesdays. I hursdavs, and Saturdays (except Satur¬day. July 4th J.

'f en dollars on account, as a forfeit, must be paidto secure a train.For terms and other particulars, apply to W. N.

Bicauu, Master of Transportation. or toJiDW". F. FULGER,

je 15-Ut superintendent.

NOTICE TO TAX-PAYERS.» ity Collector' Owen. i

New City Mali., o.n 1<hoai> and CapitolUETWLKN NINTH AN1» J E.VTII STUEETS. |

Hichmiino, Va., May 30, lb74.JrriUS OFKICK w ill l,c open daily from f)J. oMock A. M. to 0 o'.-lock I'. M- from Hit* 15'hday of .June to rlic 30th Inclusive for thn purposeof "riceivimr from any person ckarpKl with Cii VTaXKS, UKAL AND I'r.KSON \l, for Hie year1874. the whole or one-haifof the amount of taxehanred, ami that ten pur cent. will 0e added to tlusamount of tax'charjred in every ease where theparty ansonseo >li:i 1 1 fall io uiy the whole or out-half within Hie time ><> Unified. 'io iyiM crowdand pre-sttrr on the la-t few ilays ol the collection,tiie Collector ivspectfuliy requests all parlies toe titmrly 1 i the tin e sp<eiri>-<l, .mil those hating Ili-tsniid'miinorandum. to leave will do so, that tbt-lrhills may be selected and receipts ma te out.

.JOrlN F. ItEOSAl'LT,Je 1-1 in Collector.



T T Now li the time and the sulwcriher's aPLACE to Liiiv ANTHRACITE COAL, all sizes, at lowest

summer nrlecs.Heat SPLINT and other BITUMINOUS COALS

at lowest summer prlrea.H' st C< >OK 1 N < 1 «J01.K at Ir.west prlc*.And the economical and popular COOKING and


Je 1 7 two doors ijelotv po-dulBce.

An i iiiiAcn^: coal,at lowest sumnur rales.

6. II. IIAWF.S,Je 1 5 Eighteenth and Cary streets.


buildehs' sandmav now fx- had in ttulliiiltcd quantity.

P. It. CAUK1NGTUN. «l«-aler In Coal,an 8 1 TZ't Cii-y Mi>et.

c^OAJXUKO SPLINT coal.uo coal equal to h ; satisfaction ioiaranteed..

S. H. IIaWKJ, Sole Air^uUJe 15 Kitrhleeuili and C'ary stre* tg.

riUMBEIiLAND AND QUINN IMONT\j COAL, for steam and smiths'' use.

S. If. IIAWES.Je 1 .* MtfhU-°Qth and Cary streets.

£10AL AT SUMMER PRICES.Jlest AXTHKAC1TE, all siz s:l.'KO and WHITE ASH.CANM-.f/ION SPLINT COAL, the mostsatisfactory grate (;ot,I Jn u-e.

. _

I'. LATHKOP,J*' J Auenttnr Richmond.

Q 1 A LOAD FOR COKE ([fall),+.> a load for COKE (Lump),

A NTH KAC1T& I OAL.alf M/es;clovEh hill Coal, all 4U0;fcl'LlNT (JOAL, all slzta;OAK and l'LSE WOOD.

W. S. 18 Kliflit h mid Main atr«cL>.


and tin- cclebni'ed \\'< st Virginia (jti!N>.)(OX(JO.XL for engines. £upptfe* to d~aW» at miner-*prices, aim i » con»u>nera ut r>rias» dut caauot I*;surpassed. WOOD of nil klu<l». < >pj> >sitloa tomonopoly and extortiju is my motto. ^ineteeatuand t'sry stue'.s.m.v 13 C. II. PA OS.


iPl.INT, ( UMBEKLAND, AND CLOVER HILa.COALS, Uioronjrniy wrtened. at tbe


I*. K. CARKINGTO.Wmy 8 1 7*25 < ary street.

ANTHKACIfE COAL..Tbis day land-liitr. 300 tons beat duality HKt) ASH FGO

and STOVE t'OALH, whJcJi wUI be #old as low as

if can be bought during th»*»u inner months. TLo»eIn want will pk-ase kend in tfRlr order-.

Wi&T ROBERTS,mil 3 1 corner Seventeenth aad Dock ktm>t«.





We recommen-' t»«e«e stwoaku FiLKTiLIZfcRSfor touacco, cotton. coux. »ud vkoktabi,**,abo for plant-BUW.Circulars containing further Information malted

to all applicant* free.ALLINOV Jk 4f>Dl>ON\

ffe 1 S No 1320 and J.Ksi2 Car* Vrvel*

TyURE OLD UOVKRNMKNr P£RU-J VIAN GUANO.The expo't of Chinch* UUnJ Gaa o hwceawd,

and *h» re ax*only 030 ton* lu »he UnitedIhL wbjare in **ai of (his VALUABLE KfcU-TILIZKK can obtain It It »mm^e »PD l«^llOuin made to bEuDO** KKtKw»my '20 Mryli'la street.

PBUSTING..All kin** rtooe neatly andttsjMdlUoiuiy at UifcOUpitcb Priuiitu-Hoa**.