i choose appropriate units of measurement for mass goal ausvels levels 5&6: measurement- length,...

I choose appropriate units of measurement for mass GOAL AUSVELS LEVELS 5&6: MEASUREMENT- LENGTH, AREA, VOLUME, CAPACITY AND MASS

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Page 1: I choose appropriate units of measurement for mass GOAL AUSVELS LEVELS 5&6: MEASUREMENT- LENGTH, AREA, VOLUME, CAPACITY AND MASS

I choose appropriate units of measurement for mass

GOALA U S V E L S L E V E L S 5 & 6 : M E A S U R E M E N T- L E N GT H , A R E A , VO LU M E , C A PAC I T Y A N D M A S S

Page 2: I choose appropriate units of measurement for mass GOAL AUSVELS LEVELS 5&6: MEASUREMENT- LENGTH, AREA, VOLUME, CAPACITY AND MASS


The mass of a wombat is about 26 kilograms.What equipment would you use to measure the mass of a koala?

What might the mass of these be?• a kangaroo• a possum• a whale

Page 3: I choose appropriate units of measurement for mass GOAL AUSVELS LEVELS 5&6: MEASUREMENT- LENGTH, AREA, VOLUME, CAPACITY AND MASS


We usually measure mass in grams or kilograms

Grams can be written as gKilograms can be written as kg1000 grams = 1 kilogram 1000 kilogram = 1 tonneExample 4 kg is the same as 4000 g 6500 g is the same as 6 1/2 kg 3500 kg is the same as 3 1/2 tonnes

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Page 4: I choose appropriate units of measurement for mass GOAL AUSVELS LEVELS 5&6: MEASUREMENT- LENGTH, AREA, VOLUME, CAPACITY AND MASS


We usually measure mass in grams or kilograms

Grams can be written as gKilograms can be written as kg1000 grams = 1 kilogram 1000 kilogram = 1 tonneExample 4 kg is the same as 4000 g 6500 g is the same as 6 1/2 kg 3500 kg is the same as 3 1/2 tonnes

Page 5: I choose appropriate units of measurement for mass GOAL AUSVELS LEVELS 5&6: MEASUREMENT- LENGTH, AREA, VOLUME, CAPACITY AND MASS

In Interactive NotebookYear 5s and Year 6s:Frameworks 5 (pg 263) – Activity 10 (parts 1, and 2)


Page 6: I choose appropriate units of measurement for mass GOAL AUSVELS LEVELS 5&6: MEASUREMENT- LENGTH, AREA, VOLUME, CAPACITY AND MASS


People often use "weight" to mean "mass", and vice versa.

An object has mass (say 100 kg).This makes it heavy enough to weigh 100 kg

Page 7: I choose appropriate units of measurement for mass GOAL AUSVELS LEVELS 5&6: MEASUREMENT- LENGTH, AREA, VOLUME, CAPACITY AND MASS

NEW INFORMATIONGravity causes Weight

An objects weight is how hard gravity is pulling on it.We think the weight is the same everywhere ... because we all live on the surface of the planet Earth!

But in space it would not push on the scales at all.The scales would show 0 kg ... but the mass is still 100 kg!

An object's mass doesn't change (unless you remove some!), but its weight can change.

Page 8: I choose appropriate units of measurement for mass GOAL AUSVELS LEVELS 5&6: MEASUREMENT- LENGTH, AREA, VOLUME, CAPACITY AND MASS

In Grid bookRefer to practical in Frameworks 5 (pg 264)


Page 9: I choose appropriate units of measurement for mass GOAL AUSVELS LEVELS 5&6: MEASUREMENT- LENGTH, AREA, VOLUME, CAPACITY AND MASS

What did you learn in today’s lesson?

What did you find challenging/difficult?

GOALA U S V E L S L E V E L S 5 & 6 : M E A S U R E M E N T- L E N GT H , A R E A , VO LU M E , C A PAC I T Y A N D M A S S