
L-- Mary Honey Shows Slidea, Men's Sings Several Old Songs. ALL EYES FIXED ON FARM PRICES AND FARM FUTURE THE district convention of the Farmers Union in Wayne Tuesday reminded 118 that _all eyes are on the farmer's. job. All other jobs are indirectly de- pendent on it. The ta.'rmer'o production and mar¥eta influ· ence all other relation- ships and determine business volume and values. As the backbone of this country, as the fundamental industry of the nation, ,farming is ever a source of anxious interest. Manufact- uring' and employment in all lines watch farm prices hope· tully, because, as everybody "lOWS, when the .farmer pros· pers everybody 'prospers. All are gratified over present prol:l- peets for a favorable growing season, aud all hope for a stead- ily upward swing in farm prices. Whetheri farmers were members of the Farmers Un-, ion or not, they and their fam.. ilies were invited to join the meeting and listen to discuss· ions touching farm problems, and share in the exchange of ideas, many of which will prove the farmers in the hope that ex- pectations on the part of visi.. tors would be fully realized. KIWAN IANS HEAR IALK,ON BRAZIL A.ddresses and Music Feature Wayne Herald Broadcast. ' Each Weei Day. Junior Higl! and High School Couroes Of Study To Be Combined Fall. , About 20 Wayne I high school boys turned out fljlr prellminsly practice Monday eVljmlng, accord- ing to Coach Ray Holder. The trackmen win meet ington squad a from Friday, place not chosen. fWO meets are plaIljl1ed with HartingtOn during the season, one:at each town. Supt. H. R. Best complimented Kermit stewart, mJsic teacher, and his music studynts on their splE'n- did showing in the district music contest in high school assembly period Monday afternoon. Mr. Ste- wart distributed the diplomas earned and also the cup 'l'rackmen Start Sprillg Practice Hans Jorgensen, 49, of Winside, Mlrs. P. A. Davies, in addressing in county jail here pending' tricU Wayne Herald radio audience last for inqest, was found dead'in his Thursday gave the theme lot 'her cell at 8 a'dock Monday'momtnS. message in a quotation from Ru- He had hanged himself. Sheriff A. fl).s Choate, "Happy is he who has w: StephenS t who found the body, up in his youth and held 'fast in summoned H. D. Addison, county aU fortune a genuine and pas5ion- attorney, and Dr. C. T. Ingham. aCe love for reaqing." After Investigation, Co'}nty Attor.. "1: "A house }Vithout bopks is like a ney Addison 'geclared no· iilqucst house without' windows," Mrs. wbuld be necessary as death was DaVies quoted from Horace Mann. obviously ."No man has a right to bring up Complaint filed April 8 by At.. his children without surrounding bert Jorgensen, sOon of deceased, in them with books if he has the behalf of Minnie, Tillie' and LUlIe means to buy them. Cbildren learn , Jorgenen, daughters of Hans to read by: being in the presence genisen, assault. AnoUier of books. The love of knowledge charge, brought by Lillie, Emm.a comes with reading and grows and Albert Jorgensen, charge with it. "Lpve of good books is al- ceased with a felony, On the for· COM M [N C [M [NI most an insuranco against evil and mer charge 'Jorgensen Was placed vice. under bond of. $500 and on the lat- HBooks are guIdes tQ us in youth, ter under $5,dOO bond. As lie 8'P[AKER NA'MED entertainment in old age and could furnish neither, he was lodg. , friends in solitude, They keep, us ed in the county jail. from bemoaning our faults and Deceased was brought to,trial in failures and from remembering the I county court Saturday. Defendaut Dr. W. H. Morton Of Lincoln, wrongs of others. They recom- moved that the case be t:;ontinu,' pense us for the disappointments to April 12 The motion was s To Deliver Address For of life. They rest us while we are tailled, and Jorgensen was in j " "College Hili:h School. weary. They permit us to travel waiting his trial. in far countries. They teach us to During the night Sunday J _ Dr. W. H. Morton of the Teach- other nationalities, to gensen. removed straps which, ers' college at University of Ne¥ respect their good qualities. They his canvas cot to the cell bars braska, has IJeen secured as com- make us world minded. . fastened them together, I mencement ,speaker "by college ")Ve may have to live prosaic thell'l1 to end his life. Mr. Jorge training school. The exerci's:es wlll lives but in our books we can have who it is thought became be Monday, :May 22, in college romance and adventure, and they ent over the did n aud1torium. Baccalaureate' ser- take us into a neW' heaven aud a $unday night. It is thought he had vices for both college and college new earth and we returlr to the been two hours when training school graduates are plan- world fresh and happy." found. ' ned for Sunday evening, 14ay 21" Music For Thursday. Funeral services for Mr. Jorg<'n.. with Dr. Walter Aitken O:f Lincoln, FrederickIBeJ;'ry-sang 5Olos with sen will be held this Thursday af· pastor of St. Paul's Methodist Mrs, D. S. DeWolf at the piano. ternoon at 2 at the Winside fUlleral church, bringing the sermon. Mrs. R. W. Casper sang, accomp- :Klwanians listened to Dr. Mary parlors. Rev. W. F, Most will hav.e Dean H, H. Hal;m, who heads the anied by Mrs, Welch. Honey give an illustrated travel· charge add interment will be made placement bureau, anno\mcca thA.t DeWolf played a piano s.electioIj1. ague on Brazil at their regular in Winside cemetery. four more college students have An Appeal For meeting Monday. 'In describing a Hans Jorgensen was born at. been elected to teaching positions Prof. C. E. Wilson, in a.. radio little about the country and WahoO, Neb., and had reached, U.le for the canting year. Anne Mar- talk Friday, began by that people- Mrs. Honey saip., "Brazil is age of 49 years, 2 monthS and 9 lens of Oakdale, will teach the MC- "life for most of us is getting lUi" a very primitive country except in days. He came to Winside I more .ond grade there; Bea Anderson of ed to something we had not lex- the larger cities which are very th t t d I Burke, S. D., will teach seventh pected. And in these days of un-_ modem and very beautiful." The ;; and leighth grades at Ravinia, S'. we should IDOt country was founded in 1500 and returned to the J. W. Jane. forget a patriotism to our Wayne classes a half miles EMerson; LeODa Johnson of! of people, the very rich and the Pender, will teach district 19 in "I like the patriotism of Lowell. very poor, In some sections Sf!, acting pos t 1l!&s- i::k ter, talked to junior business train- h: s pIe," Dr. Honey said. "The labor- underlying greatness and was al- tal work. ways the poet and soldier of demo- little thatch roof cattages and the Last Thursday morning, Miss cracy. principal industry ,is gro')Ving cot- Pearl Rutherford accompanied Ted "I like the patriotism of Riley fee. Mildner, stUde5ft teacher, and for his state. He sees all the home- "The people are very. superstl- members of the s omore class in (Continued on Page Six) tious and resort to charms in an modern history on a tour of the effort to make Ufe easier. COUIICil Debates press a& they have been studying Taking Up Bdn(fs to per!orm 'the simplest tasks. the invention of printing in class. "Time means nothing to them,"I' In connection with their work on Dr, Honey added. feudal history, they are working Approves Of "Brazil is plagued with innum" out a newspaper written in the , Vacant Lota Near The I erable kind4 of insects," the speak- present tense, as it would have er said. pests are disease been written in tqosc early days. Campus. carriers and infest the cattle and The editorial staff follows: Editor, Wayne cIty council assembled in destroy fmit. While much is being Irene Bastian; editorial writers, the council room at city hall Tues done to combat the insect plague Fern Van Allen, Dagmer day evening to handle routine- and disease, it is a slow taak be- and 'Irene Bastian; fashion editors, f' d ca vass otes from the cause of the ignorance and super- Lola Doctor and Baier; 50- Proposal that stitions of the people. ciety editors, Emma Grone, Della the city take up $4,000 or less in Modes of transportation in Giese and R'uth Hanson; editors on city of Wayne 6 1-2 percent zil embrace everything from auto- manners, Minnie Denkinger, Ruhy trict paving bond,s met with favor mobiles and trolley cars to OX Lutt and Margaret Renz; literary from the members, and was refer. carts. Some paved highways have editor, Irene Bastian; cartoons, red to finance committee for con- been built but the people object to Ernest Beckman; sports, Paul 5ideration. Of the $4,000 available paying for them. Most of the ac- Doctor and Arthur Carlson; jokes, $3,000 comes due on ItJecember 15, cessible part of the country is tra- Dorothy Jordan and Lucille Bebk- 1936, and $1,000 on December 15, versed by clay roads that are al- ner; news reporters, Faye Daw- 1941. The bonds were offered at most impassable when it rains. {lon, Fern Van Allen, Margaret par and interest. Sentiment' fa- Waterpower is Unlimited in Bra- Wade, VirgInia Steele and Irene vored taking up at least half of the zil but very little developed, The Bastian. bonds at this time. I people object to power com»ai:fres' , Campus Comm:ttees at Wort,. : In the canvass of votes, : the spoiling the beauty or' the water- Constance Owen, Jeannette Ril- council found that L. W. and falls by linstalling hydro-electric ey and Barbara Strahan, chairmen B. W. Wright had been ?Uly' plants. I of the committee on elected members of Wayne school There is quite a colony of Am- and and shrubs in the fIfth board, and that Councilmen Walter ericans living in Brazil. Many left grade, made formal reports to Miller, J. S. Homey and E. D! Bi- the United States at the close of their ciassmates last week on mat- chel were duly Motion the Civil war. They have adopted I ters for which they are respou- that certificates of election be BraziUan ways of living. Their I't sible. Dean Hahn pronounces their issued to proper parties was ,car- chUdren speak Portugese and they reports most encouraging, and ned. , I are to some extent, intermarried proof that they appreciate the cf., A biJl for $11.20 cover;ing with ' fort bei'iig made to beautify shrubbery purchased to beautify "M'qst of the factories are oper- grounds ab.d surroundings. the vacant lots'owned by city and ated British capital," Dr. Honey Easter vacatfn begins this eve- college between Ninth and Tenth saicL-J rung for both tOllege and college on Nebraska street, was allowed. One qf the interesting side-lights This Ut.tIe park will serve as a of the talk was Dr. Honey's taking up as usual Tuesday for chilc;lren of the vi.. in second grade were t:;e see both Americans and English I sorry to lose, Jeanne Batchelor their'bills three months, be oft", the day," Dr. who was transferred to Norfolk was approved. The council II also schools at beginning of the week. recomrnended that gas mains in One of the new developments in EightA graders were in charge the city be eValuated by experts. Brazil is the immigratiWl that is of assembly program weqnesay All members wertS present, ,also coming Japan. Dr. c. A·1 c - mQrnlng/ and arranged the follo - Mayor Martin Ringer, City Clerk Master intrpducted Dr. Honey. ing numbers: Vi9lin solo by Hel Walter Bressler, City AttornflY Preceding Dr Honey anj-1J et Mabbott, accompanied by Della JameS E, Brittain and S. A, Hem· made up of J, G, Wt J;.ewls, Giese; reading by Jewell Robinsol1; pIe. Wm. Beckenhauer, T. S. Hook, C. reading ,&y Irma 'Jean Anders"o":i; L. Pickett, Fred Blair, Leslie Ellis, b,;y Slander Action . high pray, w... "Once in a, In Court Reed, saDg a. number of Lif¢time," will" be I p'resented on I' They were accompanied at I the Pi.., Thursda.y, A1?r11''20 in"'college audi- . In a petUion f11e<\ in district ano by MfS. Herbert Welch. torlum, ' ' ' 4prll 11 Flijld Weible C, M. Craven reported that KJ- . bl the dlasses,.. seeks $50,000 from !Louis' Thies for wanians and the Young 'lmghtil taken up alliged damail'e tg,his reputa,tlon. Men's Club woUld cooper..te in as- - stUd);: of their hope state and Both at Winside. The aG-tlon, Slsting Farmers Union conveni will continue tliis project .in gco- filed by Weible's F. S. tlon of last Tq.csday. grtl-phy and history for 'remainder I Berry and H. E. Siman. seeks Dr. C. 'r. Ingham gave a report of the, year. Speed drills on loca- settlemeIit on two countsi on eaCh on an invitation to aU KiwaniSI (Contin.ued on SeverO ,ot w¥ch plaintiff asks (Continued on Page, Four) I' ,," ,I ),lr., III 11 -,-,.- Commencement Exercises ,Are Set F'1r l'4ay 2p College Auditorium. Commencement exerCises I at Wayne State Teachers college have' been scheduled for

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Page 1: Herald (1888-Present)/1931-1940/


Mary Honey Shows Slidea,Men's Octe~Sings Several

Old Songs.


THE district convention of theFarmers Union in Wayne

Tuesday reminded 118 that _alleyes are on the farmer's. job.All other jobs are indirectly de­pendent on it. The ta.'rmer'oproduction and mar¥eta influ·ence all other trad~ relation­ships and determine businessvolume and values. As thebackbone of this country, asthe fundamental industry of thenation, ,farming is ever a sourceof anxious interest. Manufact­uring' and employment in alllines watch farm prices hope·tully, because, as everybody"lOWS, when the .farmer pros·

pers everybody 'prospers. Allare gratified over present prol:l­peets for a favorable growingseason, aud all hope for a stead­ily upward swing in farmprices. Whetheri farmers weremembers of the Farmers Un-,ion or not, they and their fam..ilies were invited to join themeeting and listen to discuss·ions touching farm problems,and share in the exchange ofideas, many of which will prove

~~~~~~:~~twa::~:a~s~v~~the farmers in the hope that ex­pectations on the part of vis i ..

tors would be fully realized.


A.ddresses and Music FeatureWayne Herald Broadcast. '

Each Weei Day.

Junior Higl! and High SchoolCouroes Of Study To Be

Combined N~xt Fall.,

About 20 Wayne I high schoolboys turned out fljlr prellminslypractice Monday eVljmlng, accord­ing to Coach Ray Holder. Thetrackmen win proba~ly meet Har:t~ington squad a we~k from Friday,place not chosen. fWO meets areplaIljl1ed with HartingtOn duringthe season, one:at each town.

Supt. H. R. Best complimentedKermit stewart, mJsic teacher, andhis music studynts on their splE'n­did showing in the district musiccontest in high school assemblyperiod Monday afternoon. Mr. Ste­wart distributed the diplomasearned and also pr~5ented the cup

'l'rackmen StartSprillg Practice

Hans Jorgensen, 49, of Winside, Mlrs. P. A. Davies, in addressingin county jail here pending' tricU Wayne Herald radio audience lastfor inqest, was found dead'in his Thursday gave the theme lot 'hercell at 8 a'dock Monday'momtnS. message in a quotation from Ru-He had hanged himself. Sheriff A. fl).s Choate, "Happy is he who hasw:StephenSt who found the body, l~d up in his youth and held 'fast insummoned H. D. Addison, county aU fortune a genuine and pas5ion-attorney, and Dr. C. T. Ingham. aCe love for reaqing."After Investigation, Co'}nty Attor.. "1: "A house }Vithout bopks is like aney Addison 'geclared no· iilqucst house without' windows," Mrs.wbuld be necessary as death was DaVies quoted from Horace Mann.obviously se~ainflicted. ."No man has a right to bring up

Complaint filed April 8 by At.. his children without surroundingbert Jorgensen, sOon of deceased, in them with books if he has thebehalf of Minnie, Tillie' and LUlIe means to buy them. Cbildren learn

, Jorgenen, daughters of Hans Jdr~ to read by: being in the presencegenisen, ~harged assault. AnoUier of books. The love of knowledgecharge, brought by Lillie, Emm.a comes with reading and growsand Albert Jorgensen, charge de~ with it. "Lpve of good books is al-

ceased with a felony, On the for· COMM[NC[M[NI most an insuranco against evil andmer charge 'Jorgensen Was placed vice.under bond of. $500 and on the lat- HBooks are guIdes tQ us in youth,

ter under $5,dOO bond. As lie 8'P[AKER NA'MED entertainment in old age andcould furnish neither, he was lodg. , friends in solitude, They keep, used in the county jail. from bemoaning our faults and

Deceased was brought to,trial in failures and from remembering the~-'--==::::;=====:,:-,"-:-dIcounty court Saturday. Defendaut Dr. W. H. Morton Of Lincoln, wrongs of others. They recom-

moved that the case be t:;ontinu,' pense us for the disappointmentsto April 12 The motion was s To Deliver Address For of life. They rest us while we aretailled, and Jorgensen was in j " "College Hili:h School. weary. They permit us to travelwaiting his trial. in far countries. They teach us to

During the night Sunday J _ Dr. W. H. Morton of the Teach- ~ppreC:iate other nationalities, togensen. removed straps which, ers' college at University of Ne¥ respect their good qualities. Theyhis canvas cot to the cell bars braska, has IJeen secured as com- make us world minded. .fastened them together, I mencement ,speaker "by college ")Ve may have to live prosaicthell'l1 to end his life. Mr. Jorge training school. The exerci's:es wlll lives but in our books we can havewho it is thought became be he~d Monday, :May 22, in college romance and adventure, and theyent over the char~es, did n aud1torium. Baccalaureate' ser- take us into a neW' heaven aud a$unday night. It is thought he had vices for both college and college new earth and we returlr to thebeen ~ead a~ut two hours when training school graduates are plan- world fresh and happy."found. ' ned for Sunday evening, 14ay 21" Music For Thursday.

Funeral services for Mr. Jorg<'n.. with Dr. Walter Aitken O:f Lincoln, FrederickIBeJ;'ry-sang 5Olos withsen will be held this Thursday af· pastor of St. Paul's Methodist Mrs, D. S. DeWolf at the piano.ternoon at 2 at the Winside fUlleral church, bringing the sermon. Mrs. R. W. Casper sang, accomp- :Klwanians listened to Dr. Maryparlors. Rev. W. F, Most will hav.e Dean H, H. Hal;m, who heads the anied by Mrs, Herb~rt Welch. ~rs. Honey give an illustrated travel·charge add interment will be made placement bureau, anno\mcca thA.t DeWolf played a piano s.electioIj1. ague on Brazil at their regularin Winside cemetery. four more college students have An Appeal For W~yne. meeting Monday. 'In describing a

Hans Jorgensen was born at. been elected to teaching positions Prof. C. E. Wilson, in a.. radio little about the country and i~sWahoO, Neb., and had reached, U.le for the canting year. Anne Mar- talk Friday, began by s~Ying that people- Mrs. Honey saip., "Brazil isage of 49 years, 2 monthS and 9 lens of Oakdale, will teach the MC- "life for most of us is getting lUi" a very primitive country except indays. He came to Winside I more .ond grade there; Bea Anderson of ed to something we had not lex- the larger cities which are veryth t t d I Burke, S. D., will teach seventh pected. And in these days of un-_ modem and very beautiful." Thete:x:n~~~a~oe~aC:~d~;:c~~~:: ;; andleighth grades at Ravinia, S'. set~led~ con~tlons we should IDOt country was founded in 1500 and

returned to the J. W. Jane. plac'~, t~c~~=ar~::~ ::r~~~~~l::~ forget a patriotism to our Wayne ~hdeer:el~::~::~?t~CiPalclasses~,o~~~:e~ a half miles 80Uthw~,st~, EMerson; ~ti.d LeODa Johnson of! college~ of people, the very rich and the

Pender, will teach district 19 in "I like the patriotism of Lowell. very poor, In some sections Sf!,

T~~~~sn ~~U;;~~ acting post1l!&s- i::kd~~ :;:r:~~'C~:di~~Sn:~do:t;; pe~:n;h~fc~u~f;;ii~ea~:I;~~~~:::ter, talked to junior business train- ~~rh:sc~~:1'~I:e:ea~:ws~::~ pIe," Dr. Honey said. "The labor-

~~gac::~II~Se~~r:~e~~i~~eO~~~~~ underlying greatness and was al- ~r:oe~~e~~s~~u:~~:;li:~n ::~tal work. ways the poet and soldier of demo- little thatch roof cattages and the

Last Thursday morning, Miss cracy. principal industry ,is gro')Ving cot-Pearl Rutherford accompanied Ted "I like the patriotism of Riley fee.Mildner, stUde5ftteacher, and for his state. He sees all the home- "The people are very. superstl-members of the s omore class in (Continued on Page Six) tious and resort to charms in anmodern history on a tour of the effort to make Ufe easier.

~:;~~~~~~;\nteres~~~:e~~ew~~; COUIICil Debates an~:ea~i;~~;~~~pJr~:i~lv:l::~(press a& they have been studying Taking Up Bdn(fs to per!orm 'the simplest tasks.the invention of printing in class. "Time means nothing to them,"I'In connection with their work on ~ Dr, Honey added.feudal history, they are working Approves B~autification Of "Brazil is plagued with innum"out a newspaper written in the , Vacant Lota Near The I erable kind4 of insects," the speak-present tense, as it would have er said. "Th~ pests are diseasebeen written in tqosc early days. C~II~ge Campus. carriers and infest the cattle andThe editorial staff follows: Editor, Wayne cIty council assembled in destroy fmit. While much is beingIrene Bastian; editorial writers, the council room at city hall Tues done to combat the insect plagueFern Van Allen, Dagmer ~elson day evening to handle routine- and disease, it is a slow taak be­and 'Irene Bastian; fashion editors, f' d ca vass otes from the cause of the ignorance and super­Lola Doctor and ~na Baier; 50- r:~~t~ity e~ction.v Proposal that stitions of the people.ciety editors, Emma Grone, Della the city take up $4,000 or less in Modes of transportation in :ara~

Giese and R'uth Hanson; editors on city of Wayne 6 1-2 percent dis~ zil embrace everything from auto­manners, Minnie Denkinger, Ruhy trict paving bond,s met with favor mobiles and trolley cars to OXLutt and Margaret Renz; literary from the members, and was refer. carts. Some paved highways haveeditor, Irene Bastian; cartoons, red to finance committee for con- been built but the people object toErnest Beckman; sports, Paul 5ideration. Of the $4,000 available paying for them. Most of the ac­Doctor and Arthur Carlson; jokes, $3,000 comes due on ItJecember 15, cessible part of the country is tra­Dorothy Jordan and Lucille Bebk- 1936, and $1,000 on December 15, versed by clay roads that are al­ner; news reporters, Faye Daw- 1941. The bonds were offered at most impassable when it rains.{lon, Fern Van Allen, Margaret par and interest. Sentiment' fa- Waterpower is Unlimited in Bra­Wade, VirgInia Steele and Irene vored taking up at least half of the zil but very little developed, TheBastian. bonds at this time. I people object to power com»ai:fres', Campus Comm:ttees at Wort,. : In the canvass of votes, : the spoiling the beauty or' the water-

Constance Owen, Jeannette Ril- council found that L. W. V~th and falls by linstalling hydro-electricey and Barbara Strahan, chairmen B. W. Wright had been ?Uly' rc~ plants. I

of the committee on ~ras~, hed~es, elected members of Wayne school There is quite a colony of Am­and tre~s and shrubs in the fIfth board, and that Councilmen Walter ericans living in Brazil. Many leftgrade, made formal reports to Miller, J. S. Homey and E. D! Bi- the United States at the close oftheir ciassmates last week on mat- chel were duly re~elected. Motion the Civil war. They have adopted I ;::~::::==::::::::~*=~::::=tters for which they are respou- that certificates of election be BraziUan ways of living. Their I'tsible. Dean Hahn pronounces their issued to proper parties was ,car- chUdren speak Portugese and theyreports most encouraging, and ned. , I are to some extent, intermarriedproof that they appreciate the cf., A biJl for $11.20 cover;ing with Brazil~s, 'fort bei'iig made to beautify shrubbery purchased to beautify "M'qst of the factories are oper­grounds ab.d surroundings. the vacant lots'owned by city and ated ~y British capital," Dr. Honey

Easter vacatfn begins this eve- college between Ninth and Tenth saicL-Jrung for both tOllege and college on Nebraska street, was allowed. One qf the interesting side-lights:~~~u;~~~~ ::x~e:rt~~d:~dcle:;: This Ut.tIe park will serve as a of the talk was Dr. Honey's parU~taking up as usual Tuesday ~::ft;~ound for chilc;lren of the vi.. ~~t~~~ i~If ::~~~t;:r J~~:l:~

m~~~~~n in second grade were us:~t~~ot:;e~:~~ri~~trnq~~~t~~ see both Americans and English I

sorry to lose, Jeanne Batchelor their'bills three months, be cu~ oft", .ir:a:~; ~::~~rating the day," Dr.who was transferred to Norfolk was approved. The council II alsoschools at beginning of the week. recomrnended that gas mains in One of the new developments in

EightA graders were in charge the city be eValuated by experts. Brazil is the immigratiWl that isof assembly program weqnesay All members wertS present, ,also coming f~~ Japan. Dr. c. A·1c-mQrnlng/ and arranged the follo - Mayor Martin Ringer, City Clerk Master intrpducted Dr. numbers: Vi9lin solo by Hel n~ Walter Bressler, City AttornflY Preceding Dr Honey anj-1J etMabbott, accompanied by Della JameS E, Brittain and S. A, Hem· made up of D~. J, G, Wt J;.ewls,Giese; reading by Jewell Robinsol1; pIe. Wm. Beckenhauer, T. S. Hook, C.reading ,&y Irma 'Jean Anders"o":i; L. Pickett, Fred Blair, Leslie Ellis,

i~':.n~e::gb,;y :'~';~::'~ot~~n~; Slander Action ~::';rls~~::ete':~y~~.GF,~:~ollege . high pray, w... "Once in a, Fl·I~d In Court Reed, saDg a. number of selectio~,

Lif¢time," will" be I p'resented on I' They were accompanied at I the Pi..,Thursda.y, A1?r11''20 in"'college audi- .In a petUion f11e<\ in district ano by MfS. Herbert Welch.torlum, ' ' ' cou~t 4prll 11 Flijld ~. Weible C, M. Craven reported that KJ-

• . NeW~ bl the dlasses,.. seeks $50,000 from !Louis' Thies for wanians and the Young Busine~'lmghtil S"~aders'have taken up alliged damail'e tg,his reputa,tlon. Men's Club woUld cooper..te in as-

-th~ stUd);: of their hope state and Both ~ive at Winside. The aG-tlon, Slsting ~he Farmers Union conveniwill continue tliis project .in gco- filed by Weible's attomeys~ F. S. tlon of last Tq.csday.grtl-phy and history for 'remainderIBerry and H. E. Siman. seeks Dr. C. 'r. Ingham gave a reportof the, year. Speed drills on loca- settlemeIit on two countsi on eaCh on an invitation to aU KiwaniSI

(Contin.ued on Pag~ SeverO ,ot w¥ch plaintiff asks $2~OOO., (Continued on Page, Four) I'

,," :'.~'II' ,I ~ ~q ),lr., III I~·,':r. 11

-,-,.-Commencement Exercises

,Are Set F'1r l'4ay 2p ~n

College Auditorium.Commencement exerCises I at

Wayne State Teachers collegehave' been scheduled for Thur'~day

Page 2: Herald (1888-Present)/1931-1940/





'in '

WAYNE CREAMERYEdw. 'Seymour, Proprietor'


1Just the thing to give that "special" holidilY airto your menu!. And ch,ealllll'l""'eally, than almost

. any other des.ert you could plan. i ~

OPEN ALL DAY SUNDAYSpecial Delivery if Needed

Thursday, April 13.

, , c ,11._,'

couldn't praise enough. Just such a picture is"Arrowsmith." Rated as qne of the be~t, t~~ipi~tur~,s.

last year...Friday.,Saturday, April 14;15

Easter mE)~sage, 11 ~. ,m.The !paster offering will be to,k~

cn. 'The young p'eople will give a

program,in the evening at 8 p. ~n. II!iiiiiiii...I~~Choir rehearsal Wednesday at 8p. m,. , ~

Good Fflday union service 10:30n, m, in the Lutheran church in tiieSwedh:;h language. At 8 p. m. asimilar servIce will be held in Eng-


Gust Kraemer~Entertain.

te;:~in~~da~~~n~~siu~~:;~~rh~~:or of their- son, Ervin, who wasconfinied that day.. Guests were'Mr. and Mrs. Henry Kraemer andfamily, Fred Koemper, Mr. anqMrs. William Stalling and children"Mr. and MfS. Herman ~raemerand sons, Harry Baker and Frank~

lin Flege. .

Mond'ay, afternoori, with Rev,.1 Har­old ,Essert of D,ix~n, officiatln?','Miss Gladys B~~sire sang at ItijeseJ;'vices. Mr., puern: leaves tomourn, his :wHe, two step-dau~h­

tel's, Ella and Mrs. C\has. Guern,.t,wa 'sol}s, Maryy ~~d ..¢ugene, twobr~thers, nnd m~~Qther relatives.Interment was <I,n$ade in the Con­cord cemctcry. 'I





j.:t"s,lnHH', 1'11'lro1l1>'-:1" )(' \~:':~~::Wi:, \li,~-r" .' CONCORD Ida,Y.- cv', nl.j,g ~i~itol"s i~ tl1(~' Ax.el W:.also"thd'0, ,;, ' Anderson home. !

I !M~~ niHl'Mr~.'Frnpk'l<r~ger'~nd TbeodorB,Carlson of the,Her_' Rev. C. T. Carlson was a Hart..:J,a.,u~htd· of :NewcaStle~ Mn:rClls aid staft\ is editor pf this de- ingtoIi visitor, Saturday afternoon.*ro&,er n~~ ~iss Maj0rhfOodsey' Miss'Linda 'Hank' spent lastof Herml1l1, were Sunday guests of partment;' Any news contn.. *,eek with Mrs. Paul Lessman

butions, to these cof''. and Mrs. Marcus Kroger here. from .toWD or count~y W1l1"be near W~yne., 'Mrs. Geol'gel'Sp'angler and dan· Mrs. C. T. Carlson planted a se-

ghte-r of Stanton, cam'~ Saturday gladly r~celved by her. lection of fruit trees on the par-and visited over Sunday with the I·-~-'-~-:------'-_.!I sonage grounds Saturday.forn~er's parents., Mr. an? Mrs. c. Fred Sa,tman ahd Allen were in Miss Norma Winquist at' Laurel,E. Sprague. Mr. Spangler,came 1.0 Laurel Tuesday, . Wp.S,~ vll:iitbr:, in the Rev, C, T. ,Cla~8"I8:Oonfirrn,c,d. ,spend ~,irn;day.i' 1 ,"" A son was 'born to MT. andl Mrs. Carlson home Saturday' afternoon, Palm Sunday was a red letter

Miss Louise"Rickabaugh 'and 12 Lawrence Tideman Monday, • Mr. anil' Mrs. Ernest 'Clay for the CbncordIa Luthernllgil;ls of tho Bnttle Crecl{ high Fr~d Salm.on and F'redcrlolt ltnmp, Fred Luth and Roy PosteJ- chUrch. A cla~s of young people

were in SJ9ux City Thursday. wait were Sunday dinner guests ih was coIiflrmed at the morning Con('A),rdia I..utheran Chureh.Mrs. Thomas Erwin, Irene 'ami ',the James H,ank 1;1ome. seryice~ and t,h'e chur9h was filled (Rev. C. T. Car~son, pastor)

'Anita were in Sioux City S~tu~day. Rev. and Mrs'. Arthur L..'Peter- to itcl capa~ity hy an ajttentive con- Easter day, April 16:Ward Peterson spent Sunday af~ son and Walter Fredr~cksoti ,of gregatipn. The members of' the Sunday school at 10 a. m.

ternoon in the' Bilger Pel;lrson Wakefield, were vi'sitors in' the class had prettily,decke(t the chan· Festive Easter services in the'home. 'Rev. C. T. Carlson home Thursday cel ()f the chur~h with flowers'and ,English language at 11 a.,m. The. .Mrs. AX~l, Linn ~~slted Tuesday evening lilst week. , plants,. The cla:ss ,and the choir choir,land inUivlduals will be pre-.~ftcrnoQn in t~c "Georg~ Anderson Rev. ~nd Mrs. C. T. Carlson dn~ entered in the processional ,singing pared to serve wi,lth special'sing'.home. .. daughters, Theodora and JUdith, "Beautiful SavIour." Each mem- ing. I ) ,

JMi~s Lillie. Swariso~ was a· vIs. attended a program in the Eman- ber of the class bore a red carna- A mission Easter ,program willitor in the Myrtle Creek school on' uel Lutheran church in Hartington tion. The choir rendered '''Enter be given in the evening at 8Monday., _ . the ,afternoon of Palm Sunday. Thy Temple 0 Glorious King" lilnd o'clock. -~

Mr. and MrS.jarl Orcutt visited Mr. and Mrs. J. v; Delaney and "In the Hour.of Tria!." The class This will be the annual missionIn, the Henry. M yer, jr., home all ILois Metz o1i. n,ear Allen, Mrs. Dave sang "0 .jeBus~ I Have, Promised." prog~am of the missionary socie­Sunday." , . PaUl, Marjorie and Hn2iel were "A ,good bel;in,ning is necessary," ties. JI ~ "

I, Mr. ~nd, Mrs. ,C. ,A. Forsberg guests of 'Mr. and Mrs, Harold said the Past9r, "but it will ,avail Refreshments WIll be served atwere in Ed. Fo sberg's home on Shackelford -Motiday evening. : little unless tliat good beginning is the close of th~ program and a'Monday. ' ' \ The Woman's Welfare club met continued." ~e urged the mem.. Mission offerin'g will be lifted.

Mil'lS Bertha el'gerson Who has with Mrs. !toy Rolfson TueSday. A ber~ of the class to abide in t~~_ ~ On Good Friday, there will' bebe~n quite ill in her home ~s im- phase of tlie University Extens.lon word of God, to watch and :pray, to union sevvices of the two Concordp~pving. ' work, home management, was the commune frej=luently and to walk churches, in our church at 10:30

Misses Mlldre Church and Mary subject of the a1ternoQn~sprogram. even as the Master walked., Each in the morning when the SwedishMbrchen were ~iOUX' City vis~tors Miss' Amanda Johns'on, Sister, of merp.ber of the class was presented wJIl be used and in the otherS~turday. ',t Mrs. C. A. Forsberg, who has been With a fine co,py 0:( the Bible and a cl1urch at 8 o'clock in the evening

IMrs. John ' erg'er~on -spent visiting here for the past three certificate of confirmation. The when the services will be in Eng-'S?nday afternoon with Mrs. Mar: weeks, was called to Stanton, public examination of t.he class iI.1 Ush. .tt~ Rodell. ' Iowa, to the bedside of a sick Runt. tpe Christianl teachl~gB and in Bi~ Comm1mlon services will be

IMrs. W. F. Davis of Omaha was Rev. and Mrs. G. T. Kern and ble ~istory lwas given on Friday celebrated on T~ursday ~veninga visitor in the W. S. Hart home family, Mr. and Mrs. Emil Ph'ies evemng before Palm Sunday. this week at 8 o'clock. It will belalst week. and son, Earl, Mr. and Mrs. J. the first communion for the con-

~:NIr. and Mrs. C. H. Doescher and Mattes, and daughtt'jr; ,Myrna Lou, Confirmatloti in Church. lfirmation class. Rehearsal of the

f mily spent Sunday evening in were guests of R~dolph Swansons Seven you~g people were COtl- Easter Mission program on Satur-t e Ralph ISom hor1e. Sunday.' firmed Sund~y morning at a beau- day afternoon at 2 o'clock and

W. S. Bart, who has been con- Mr. and.Mrs. Hilding Bergerson, tiful service 'in the St. Paul's Luth- choir rehearsal Saturday evening,f~~e1. to.~i~ home by a bad case of Mr. ~nd Mrs. Vernie Fredri.ckson cran church, northeast of ConcortI. at 8 o'clock.q~umsY, IS Improving. and family and Mr. and Mrs. Da- Rev. G. Ker~ is pastor. Menibe'rs Mrs. Albert Nygren, will enter'-

Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Nelson are vid Johnson a!1d son were supper of the class were Clarence Bose,t e parents of a nine~pound boy guests in the Ed. Fredrick.'3':lll Irwin Ras.tede, Martin Koch, Ervin ~:~~o~~~ ~~~;~~O~id Thursday af-b rn Monday, April 10.' home ,Sund~y night. Kraemer, GefthY Swanson, Gladys

-r Mr. ~d,M~s. Bilger. pea.rson and \ Ruth JUh.lin spent the week-end Stolle and Alice Rastede. The 1...~ale VIsited m the Leroy Johnson ili the D.' A. PaUl home. Elaine class colors '"were req, White and Now that Mitchell and .t1arri-

10me Sunday eve~ing. Borg ;was: a visitor, in the D. A. blue. T~e boys wore blue and the man ,have' been arrested" WallG t . "h Ed I 01 ., J ,Street is b."ginning to' feel the

ues s 1D l: e w n son Paul home Saturday :p.ight l:1'hd girls white, BO,th wore white car-I~~~~~~~~~~~~~!~~~~~~~~~~!~ome Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. Sunday.. Mrs.' Borg came from nations. The church was beauH- pinch,~WichitaEagle.Gust Carlson and family., Wakefield to' visit between trains fully decorated for the occasionr'''''~~'' ....I Misses :'Meta and Irene Blohm Monliay.~, .' .

".,yere callers in the Rudolph Swan- Marlen Arthur, the baby boy of For Edward Luth.sbn home Saturday evening. Mr. a~d Mrs. Arthur Johnson, wasI Edward Lilith celebrated his fif-I Mr. a~d Mr~. Roy E, J,Ohn~On baptized in t,he, Lll~h9ran parson- teenth birthqay last Sunday with

a:nd farruly spent Sunday evenmg age Sunday afternoon by Rev. C. the follOWing; guests: Mr. and Mrs ....if the George Anderson home. T. Carlson. 'Mr. and Mrs. Carl Frank Tucker and family and An-Mr.·~and Mrs. Nels Bjorkl\llld Magtl-uson, th~ grandparents of son Mau of Wayne, Mr. and Mr\>.

and fan~ily spent Tuesday evening Marlen Arthur, served as sponsors, Henry Erwin and children, Mr., andi~t the Reuben Goldber~ hJme. Ed. Fredrickson and Mildred Mrs. Mike McCoy of Hartington,I Mrs. John Erwi~ and children drove to Sioux City,Th,ursday to Fred Luth, Mr. and' ,Mrs, Guy!~pent Sunday evening visiting in see Mrs. Gust Peterson who is in Simpson and sons of Wakefield,ihe Harold Shackleford home. the St. Joseph hospital Miss Mild- Arthur and Arvid Malmberg, and

Mrs. Axel Linn and Mrs. Georg~ red stayed there until S,unday eve- Bob Anderson, also of Wakefield,~nd~~son spent we?~~esday after- ning, and Miss Gladys,Nelson stay.. and Kenneth Stapleton. Mrs.

,noon III the Paul HansoUi home. ed in the Ed. Fredrickson home Wayne Jewell served luncheon.I Miss Carol Smith'. a student at during her absence.ihe Wayne college, was,a week-end Special lenten services were con~

tuest in the O. Thompson home. ductea 1n the Concordia Luth,eran. I: Ellis of Allen made a business church Thursd·ay evening lastlSIt to Concord Tuesday. He was y.oeek. Rev'. Arthur L. Peterson of

~ guest in the Fred Salmon home'. Wakefield, the guest speaker of

~Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Echten- the evenIng, delivered a sermon on

amp and daughter spent Monday the "Passion of our Lord and Sa­evening in the Fred Meyer home. viour." Mrs. C. T. Carlson and

Mrs. Ge?rge K~ng and Glen King daughter, Theodora, sang "The OldIwen~ to Sl.oux CIty Sunday where Rugged Cross."


they visited in the Guy King home.

Mr. and Mrs. Orville Beith mov· News Of~ast Week'led Saturday into the house owned IUldinglBergerso-n Injured.

IbY Mrs. DeHa Thompson of Oma· In Co cord School Rilding I;lergerson received aha. painful inju,ry to his hand and firm 1~!=-====================5:s:g~I Miss Elsie Muller spent the Perfect s Iel-;; in P"e third Saturday m,orning when it wasweek-end with Miss Thelma Ma1'1Z p "in the John Manz home near Dix- grade were pifford Je\V,ell: Ilene caught in an oats seeder, Twelveon. , and Irene Salmon, Gerald Olson; stitches wete required to close tl}C

Mr. and Mrs. Emil Swanson and Marcia Jones, Leora Nygren, Ver~ wound. Ichildren were Sunday dinner ~~l Erv.:in't:. C. Ar~old a~d Bett~ April Fool's Party.

Iguests of Mr. and Mrs. S. L. GolrJ- RU~~ ~~hn:o~~co~arof~a ~~r::n, Sylvia ,F,earson entertained .a-~. D Cl

IMr. and Mrs. axel Fredrickson Clifford Erwin, ona ark and number of her friends at an Apnl

and family spent Sunday evening Ruth Strange, in the first grade. Fool party',April 1: Games werein the home of Mrs. Amanda Lind- In tl1e primary reading conteat p~ayed an~,' refreshmeI}ts of ?ke.berg. .' , the bu~mies have the most point's. and ice cream were served. '"

Sunday evening callers. in the ,The thIrd grade· is memoriztng --, .Gust Kraemer home were M,r. ~J.;ld "The Village Blacksmith." co~cor4iE~ng. Free Church.Mrs. Henry Stalling and R~gina 1 (B,ev. :Alf. Stone, pastor)and Emil. Charles Guern Dies Th,s is ~ster Sunday. The res-

Mrs. O. Th0Ir!-ps Ger- ,'surrectlOn of Jesus IS the proof'i!t<li{;a jli./ici, jli');ln,iJf,iqy~ S!lr#.ftrdqy· th~t.t~esbul.~ves : bey~nd tile~9r..~..,..J.Wml}.,:,p: rid{iy' . ',,'tl, I",~, ',~ "'I ':.::...!...- t:' j' .'" , grave. ' De~th (joe~ riot. end all.

Iafternoon ' 'Charles, pu~rn, ,d,led, in the Christ conq.uered deaFh for the' be-

Mr. and Mrs. John Goshorn and Wayne hospital Saturday mornin,g neve.r; beCjUSe ~e lives, we tooson of Wakefield wer'e qallers in ~fter a linge~ili1g illne,ss. Funeral' shaij,live. =.the Gust Kraemer home Sunday services were held in the h<;lme on Sunday school, 1~ a. m. =

, ai~~~o::d Mrs, Martin Olson en~ mum:immuUmUtmmtmmmu:umummmmmmgrittttmJ:lJJ~=tertained,Sunday for Mr. and Mrs. N'E'w" B'E',AU'TY Sp:h:,T'S FOR', •Alfred Olson and Mr. and Mrs. Lc~ V·,RO~r?:~'Mrs. Ed. EChtenkamp THE HOME I

::~~~:a ~~~;~~~~~T~d:~~ Ikamp home.

Miss Alma Vollers is 'doing thehousework in the Oscar Nelsonhome this week. Mrs. John Vollersis also there.

Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Echten~

kamp and daughter visited in theHerman lpchfenkamp home Wed~

nesday evening.Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Echten-

':~:fnr~n~~~g~~~ s~~~~e~~~~~home ,at Wayne.

:Mr. and Mrs. ]frank Tucker ardfamily and Anson Mau df Wayne,were Sunday afternoon visitors tnthe Henry. Erwin home.

Mr. and Mrs. Henry Rewinkleand family, Noel 150m, Norman:and Neil McCaw spent Sunday In~he C. H. Does~~:er home. , '

1Mr. and M;rBl John Taylor andfmaUy and M~. ~d ~rs.,Walter:a:art visited ~th Mr: ""d Mrs.John McIlrath Sunday eV,ening.':Mr. and Mrs. A:.~ G."Mettlen Vis";

~~~k~~~'~~;~ed~~~~~~dto lih:j )rutin OJsoD)lome where they are,

vl.II,lilg.' i' .

i L6ills 'swanllOIl And' Aif.redyo;ungdahl we~e guests m the Olof'Nelson home Sunday. III the eve..nlng they visited In the Eric Nel­son home. '.

Asparagus ".Fancy C.Uf,ornia 1~long b'Teen tender ePound .:... .1......


RHUBAllBCallfo;"'I.:' '1'3',strawberry , C2 Pounds ........ I

RADISHESf:!~~~~~~....... 02c


Pound ..


Best Food8 nllliQnnll~ '2'.'9:kn~wnfprbelltQlJlIlity 'CPint '

Strawb'ries~~~C;;.'.~~.0,uislana ,Pt. ~,01"es "'~.

SUGARPure gTunuJa.ted 46for all' table use . CIO-Lb. Bag .... .

FLOU,Coronet Brand 75' ,.for all ~mrpose C48-Lb. Bag ....



,iSat., April 22, inc. 'I


~;{,:~:';~~", , 0 22serv,e. Meaty pic;CtlB e1'9UNl:l .

Friday and Satllrday, April 14 and 15 in Wayne,Fixed Flavor ' '


Hams! "Each


No.1 Leghorn 13pou;o e

. Halibut

Chuck Roast

::':':;':":~:"'hlo:1'10der C(ll~ for oven.or epot rooM. I


(Any size piece 10 ~

l.,ke).Cho;,,,li,",12 ;to broil or fry, e2pounds 2geI>OUND ,.... '

Ptaches~~t·~e;~v:;..::;~ ~:~:Y' ..: 27c

Pineapp~e,t~.;pb~~~J;;~e.o~,'J~~~:'t.~/...i,~_·;.L;~~L~;.~.$I~.:'.. 'I,:PearS Libby'. pajiR:oo,fu ";~~,(iV;"/':'c' 'St':;:. . . heavy ~~r~p I ,a,Cans ' ..' ..r"';"':"r••.J I

Pineapple~~~~r:~rsg; "I0.}OTin ··..····..]9c

Fruit Salad';:~~J:if:o~i2~~~ , 29c

S 'i.' 'h Libb)!!SUlt~'resh I' , ,plnae tender green No. 2% Tin ......lSe

K""""ut Libby fandY , .ctN.~i~Yi 1"5'c'Ai-ca long shred '-:S. Tins .... ...~ .,I '

:Pea$ ~:~'t.7..f~J 2 ~~~ ~......... 29«:Cor'n Ubb·. fancy 3' No 2 "5

tiny k:ernel Tj~s . II c:Pe'a:s· Ubby·. Ro.edale brand, No.4 10'

seive, .large, green, tender No.2 Ti,n .. CBeans :::,~~y~J'~~:tow,;.:~eeI6-oz."tin Se

Olives ~~r· .tnffed. 4-oz. J~r lOc'i ,I

P~ckles ~:l~y·· home Pint Jar .1Sc

Aplt1e Butterr.~~:~·i"'"No. 2% 'Tin ISc

Sa'lmOD IJbby·. fancy red ' 15Alaslta'. finest No.1 Tall Can e

Page 3: Herald (1888-Present)/1931-1940/

Om Family.

Corn, rla~,s:"!1~:~:ge ..:....lOc

\Best FloW'.48-POQlld Bag


Cream. '1-2 Pint, 8c.Pint _..

. . ~ ~11&Ii STORES




O ,,"onder Flour,mar 48·Pound Bag " ... .

P Sw{'et and· tende~.eas No.2 Cans .,.'


Stock Salt 100 POWld Bag ..

S 1, t Fine' tahle "a 10 Pound Bag ..

Milk ~{'Q;~~~ .~~.. ~'~.~.l.~.~_~~~~ .

S ill Arm and Hammer.'. o.a round Pac1mge ..... -.-...

St h Argo Corn.are: Pound Pac~ge ;...i "


Tb:ais d Mrs. TerWilliger wer and Cole were at the Fred Ulcc:ht grade e,ramtrii1.tlons'in Wakefield dignn horne, e,verting, to el;" ~nd ,familY'" Mr.,' ~t); \ ~ r~; IF,l'-ii',~h~rs ay. eVeD~ng . callers' at Nels home Sunday afternoon. :rriday. ht>lp M;I'. :I3rlld~~O:-ll celebrate hls n~st Frevert aO.4 .f~.:f l~ld ,Mr"iPeters n',S. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Utecht Mr. and Mrs. Carl Swanson vls~ birthday. , ' and Mrs. A. W. J;)olJth.I'", : I!

·Mr. andj Mrs. Geo. Jensen; Wei:" a~d family! we~e Sunday a~ter~Qon ited In the Will Holm home 'Sun~ IJohn N. Johnson markete~ \logs ..Mr. ~d Mrs~ He~a~,~ ,~~,~d:1

~~~oa da~~r:~~p::;:~~~~~~~ ~:~! Mrs" F., W~, UlMht and d~ii~~ and ~rs. 'Eldor Ring' mid Fr~:~.CUo Test bas been on the ~=~~m~;'"w~~: Mrs):1arl,,~:::~i:,.Reube Johnson home. , " StmdaY"'~,:ening' visitor!;! .at' the Maril;m Ring were'din_ner gtlests sick list. . guests,at Will B,.,

Mrs ,Lawrence Brock, Mrs. Free Herman trtecht home were Ml' Stmqay. at Luther Bard's, it ,being Andl'e*-,· Lynn visited Monday at and Ve,rnon Me In1fguLubbe'stedt

land Ml'S, '. Emil ,Lund. nilq. Mrs.!A1lbert .Utecht and MI': Dale's birthday. ',. . John N ••Johnson·s. call~rsandsupper i~'.

entert ined the Dorcas society last' and,Mrs, Richat'cl'utecht and :Cam- Mr, and Mrs. Rudolph, Longe, Gus Jager and Dan Dolph spent CU~ford Ba¥er a~u ,G~adys, es.tThurs ay a:fier.noon:in the cllurOh ilv.:·· . ff Mr. and' Mrs. Bill Longe and 'son, Sunday owiling at Herman Bak. took, seventh gr,adf,l- e~~m;n~tionbase,rii n,t, ", ". .. ,....Mrs. Walter Haglund 'dld Mar- visited in'the Lewis Test home on er's, ilt W{lyne Fr;i.~~y, :L.o.~s F:ey~t;, ;r...1t~

Mr. ,and ,Mr~. ~d~ Carlson and ga,ret .and Cora Haglund attended Sunday everting. I Mr. and Mrs, Carl Frevert en- viDa Giese ~~d wa.llB.Ce 'G:ie.:s,r:. tbokiamU 'were Saturday supper a birthday party by the missionary 'Mr: and Mrs. AIIJert F, .tcl'tained Tue~day evening in hon- eighth grade w~rki on ,T~~Sd!iYguest ,: 'of Mr.,'. aItd ~r~· 'V€!lmel' society ~or Mrs. Alfred Haglund were Sunday dip-nero guests Of or of Alma's birthday, aoel Friday ~rom di~tr~c~ 33i. !'" ,:,Ander 'on in hOnor, ot, their eighth .Saturday afternoon. J, Frank Long,e's·.and supper' guests Mrs. A. W'. Dolph attend€!d M. E. Mr. ~n.qr M,l's. August!' Br¥~igan'wedcU g annive,rsary: - Joe Johnson spent 'last' week at of Elmer Nelson's. ' Lutli€!s' Aid at Wakef~elqlThursday anq .:f,~~ilYl Mr: ~q 1.;MpJH Carl

Mrs Velmer Anderson called on the Herman Utecht home paper- Mrs. Harry Wagemannr and son, in the Mrs. E. S. Johnsci~ home. BrUdlgan, Mary LO}t,an~ ~r~pmlMrs. ,d Bokempe:r and son in the ing. Ute;'chts. had their entire house Mrs. F. W. Utecht 'and Mrs, Rudr],Y Mr, and Mr.';' Dave Bender spent allq Mr., and Mrs.' G{is ,T~st o~Mrs. a\11 home,l'hursday evenm:g. refini>!hed Inside. Mr.' Johnson l1'.l~ Longe were afternoon Vi~itors of M~lllday ('yening in the Julius Wakefieltl were,."., ~un4.~Y I ~innel:,

Mrs Ed ,Carlson ,spent Monday so did some papering for Frank Mrs. F. S, Utecht, Mt~nke home. , guests in the ~uis Te~tlhPrIle., ..'at Y~l er Anderson's, ! Haglund Saturday. . Mr. and Mrs. John Kay were Mr,s. Harry'Hansen ang children Mr. ~nd ¥rs..Albertl~mi~lnand

Mr. nd Mrs. Monie Lundahl and Geraldine Lindsny and Helen Sunday dinner guests of John He"y- vi~ited her parents last week at Floren~e call.ed/in ~heparro/~'VanMarjo e were Sunday dinner and Utecht took eighth. grade examin- ne's at Pender in honor of Bernice Cushing, Iowa. ' Valin home at.Wak,efi~~d.l~s~,wee~suppe 'guests at Mrs. Betty Lun- nUons Thursday apd Friday. wh'Qwas confirmetl. Ml'. and Mrs. Will Brummond ane). ,yisited Thursday lev~n~~~, indahl's. Donald, Lundahl spent ·the Blan,che Lindsay went Friday for MI'. and ,Mrs. Elmer !iagh1nd called forenoon -in the the Mrs. qz,zi~ Ch~mbers ~oh; Oscar Lundahl's. ' seventh grai:.1e e-saminations. and Cole were afternoon visitors Ernest Frevert home, Mr. 'a:nd M'rs~ D~p. Eieit~o~~ ~nd

Mi'. and Mrs. Freeman Lubber- Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Walters \-V'Cre and luncheon guests of F. S. Ute- Mr. and Mrs. John N, John:;on,. Delmar were SUp.~y raiYo.r1' at,stadt' ntertaiI1ed Sunday evening Sunday diimer guests at t~e Ch'.l.r- ch~'s and MI'. and Mrs. Alfi~Utecht Et):lCl, Huth, ,Alvin and Robert Will Fehr's, . on ~Ond~Y ¥i~' andin ~o or at Mr.. Lubberstadt's les Walter home. They attended and fam.By were evening visi~ors: spent Monday evening at A. W. Mrs. Elmer P~t.,ers :1,\~c1 s0It'~n~ O~lbiJ;"thd Y anniversary wl}ich was s:ervices ~~ R~v. F, C. Doctor's Miss Kreuger, teacher of I Dis- Dolph's. Tuesday Mr. and:,Mr:~, Ob.~y~tlern..Mond ~. 'Mr, and Mrs. Bill GOing, ohurch ':"here Mr, Walt,er~' bro~h- trict 42, invited +2 patronsl and Mr. nnd Mrs. Alhert Killion and, berger of Wisner l:\lld rarrriHan-and fa ily of Pender, Mr. and Mrs. er was one ,of the conf1rrna~lOn friends to her schci,ol Friday O;fter- Albertr jr., and Frances Baker Ben I "Irvin ubberstad,t and Mr. and class. nGon, Mr. Richmond from Octa- "'here ~unday evening visitors dt A. Mt. and ~rs. D~V~ B~atT~, Mr.Mrs. rt Hollman were gu~sts. 'The Elmer and 'Valter Haglund via, Neb., a ventriloquist entcr- W. Dolph/s. . and Mr.s. Carl Bai~iff ~Ii~Jf~~ly,

Mr. 'ap-d Mrs. Albert Lundahl families, Cora. and Frank Hag-' tained. :Mr. and Mr,;. Will Baker, Irene, Mr...and Mrs."W.:M.I"'fy~iel andentert' ined Mr, and Mrs. Herbert lund, Mr. and Mrs. Ezra Boccken- ,Miss Al~a Hilke entertained th€' Cl-ifford and Il'vit1 were last week family, Mr and M.fS. 'Y. ~.I.13.arel­l..unda I, Rev, and Mrs. Petersen hauer and ~~mily, Russel Fornf'Y follOWing on Sunday afte.rnonn: Sl\nday evening supper guests at man. a:nd family and Mr'· ar~: Mrs.and, t '0 daughter,~ B:.nd, ¥iss Lil- and Elmer ;A-nderson brou&,ht lun: Louise,' Hl\lda and Esther Longe, George Giesc's, ' ~ernard Monnich,1=>f !f0P}:1er:!,y,rerelie Lu dahl at a: seven o'clock din- .cheon to the Alfred Haglund home Alice and Edna Baker, Mrs. Aug- Mr. ami' Mrs. Fred ifarnow en- Sunday dinner' gv.e~ts 'i~" th~!B.. H.ner"W dnesday. In tne evening'ov- Thur~day ev~ning to cel~brate th<., UBt Longe, Fr~:p.ces Utecht, Lavi~a tcrtaincd a number of guests Sun- VQnS'eggern hO~~,!. .,', I! I

e1' sev nty people came to the LU,n- weddmg anmversary of Mr. and and Elnora' Giese,! day ('vening in honor of Mrs. Tar~' Vi'Sitors in .t'b;,e.! Al ert' ~:ll1iondahl h'me and surprised Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Hagluntl" Q,.lso Mrs. Rev. a.nd Mrs. Poe of Wakefil'!'ld nov.·'s birthday. . .home the pa~t week; wFre ~r. an~iMrs. Herbert Lundahl. Elmer Haglund's birthday. were Tuesday supper guests of F. Mr. and M~~. Albert Killion, Al- Mrs. J{lme~ Jq.Uion· ~d I J~mmieFleet ood and, Mr. Lundin gave ------- S. Utecht's. ~ Mrs. F. 8. Utecht ac~ bert, jr., and Florence and Helen, De~n, Mr. ana Mrs. Hahre:y ~n(lhl

them a welcome and Mr. ,Fleet- Nortlt· Ueslie companied them to the churr.h were S~mlay dinner. guests a.t the and, family, Mr. ;a.ndt1'Mf~" ~HI~wood th f (f. services held at :Mrs. Charlie Kill- E. S. Klernan home III Wakefield, Heitho.ld and D... e.lIII"a.l", I i.rj."H,UlPY.ave em a purse a P1 J ~y. _ (By Mrs. RUddy Langelmhe "·sl·tors .el·ved ·Iunch The foJ..J. \. ian's that evening. MI·".'. Cal'l Bal·I,·ff ""d chl·ldren

lHansen and childrenJ d M.r. and

110Wi;' families were pre~ent: Geo~ m~~:~~e ~ong~ has ~ new aut¥.. Mr. and Mrs. Archie Cracket and spent" Wednesday aft~~o~n with, Mrs. C. W. :McG.ui~e. . I.,;Jen,se , l!:mil Ekb~rg, John Karl- Mr. Potthast.of Norfolk' was a son of David City, Mrs. PauI.Kre11- Mrs. Dave Bender. f Mrs. Bender Albert Killil?n, jr., d RU~h. andberg, Elmer Fleetwbod, Chas. business caller;.qt .John Kay's. gel' and Mr. Richmond were lun- spent Wednesday forendon in the Robert· Johnson a~d !AI#'~q. Fre~

i~:~~' ~o~~i"~~e:d,Gh~~ s~~:~ edM:~.~~~i~~~~~~~:tL~~~~;~Ul~;. ~;rp~:!~i~:::~~r~~~~~a;;I B~:~: =:i: Test. Mrs August ~~~ts ~h~;:~~~ta~~~~~yt~~:.;.Ernes AndersQn l Leonard Fred· Tuesday Brudigan~ ¥rs. John Brudigan at1d: Fl'~v~l't· a.t1d, ~lb~:rt if~i1~·~~.- jr.,.rickso t ·Fred Mueller, Melvin Lun'~ Mrs. F. $. UtechJ 'was a Mond~y ,.Mr. 'and Mrs. Louis Leuk of Nelda spent Thursday a!ter:noon at' eightll. gradera- ,~Jlq. Ruth ,~ll;~ Roll­din, eynold Anaerson, Monie afternoon visitor. of Mrs'. Carl Lmcoln and Mr. ~nd Mrs. Herb~rt Otto Test·s. Mr. and Mrs. Gus Test ,e,t:t .JQhn.s~t1 . _Lund hI and Nels Lundahl, also Samuelson.' Leuk of Pilger visited in t1)e ~. S. were Friday afternoon yisitors , ,~ert KillIon, JJ;".,Olive Johnson, Carl Holmberg, Luther Bard and .:family w,ere Ute.?ht ho~e Saturday, mght. Sunday afternoon visitors and Iq.ernan home 8.11~";'~'Miss sther LUndahl 'and Mr. LUt}· Friday evening visi.tOl~S at the EI- LOU.IS Le~k IS the a~thor o( many supper guests in the George Giese, c;hild,ren at GUrf1a,rd.din. dor Ring home. '~:adl<> artIcles pUb~~shed in the home wer.e Mf. and Mrs. Will-Mey.; ,Wakefield.

I--~--+I--- Mr and Mrs Rudy Longe vls~ted Short WaVe Craft. ----"-·-"-1

LaPorte \Vednesday evemng \Vlth Mt Dnu Mr and Mrs Ruddy Longe at- •

jMrs AlbeIt F Longe tended the confIrmatIon exerC18CS •

- (By Cora Haglu~d) M1 and M1 sHarry Vitagemann at the Lutheran church m iPellfJ~rEa I Leonard was a Monday ev- and son VISIted WIth MIS F W ISunday mormng where a ~rothcr I' I

ening caller at Ri~hard Utecht's. Utecht and Hel be! t, Sundav and SIster of Mrs Longe wereeh is Peterson spent Sunday Mallon Rmg, Huby and \Valtcl confIrmed They wete dinnor

eveni g, at the Frank Haglund Longa Wele VISltOlS at August guests of Ml. and Mrs Fled "., I I,

home. Biermann's Tuesday evennig Lampe and afternoon visitors ofIBARGAINS BLOOM i~ our EASTER SALE i~Alan Haglund and Russel For- Mr. and B. Chase, George Henry Kopmanns near Emerson. .,. . , "t "ed'l.'here'

ney spent Sunday afternoon !it Barto and Chmles, Mr and MIS. Many money savmg,ape,cl'!1ls ~t,"t" ,I,' "I ":1",Walter Haglund's. Frank Barto and son, FranCHI, of Plum Creek '. ,

Ml'f1. C. R.,Lindsay assi~ted< in Lmcoln were Sunday dmner (B Mrs. A. W. Dol b) FREE DELIVERY 4 Tl~ES DAILY:entertaining the Legion Auxiliary guests of F S Utecht s Y P b . bef re 11 a~Dd 5 p.' m.Monday afternoon. Seybert SWaUEj{lD and Melvlh Several faInlHes from thIS neIg~l. Orders mu~t e ~n Q) .'" ',,1', I.

Mr. ~nd Mrs. Elmer Haglund Samuelson took seventh and elghth I bOlhood went to th~ Herman BlU-! -'i'.'''': :tt~I'" l'Ii!:

Corn ~~~~ ~::'da'd·,···:·t~-=

D' eans' Cut StringlessNo~ 2 Cans ....



ltuilo;lU!'oj "rhOlHl~s~ln

~t, ..,-lll'!-s. ~ JIl ....

lUustnr(J, pr(',part',d. ~9t .. j~lr"l rl'g~l:lr ,~,)e:

('.orliflll~H·S, lllr~t:

fmuil,r !'oi".t·

Flour,~$ Lh. nn~

Ox;\dt,!, l'lAUI.lf :!i('and jlg-Sll\\ l'unll'

Page 4: Herald (1888-Present)/1931-1940/


home. Mr. Hlnnerichsbeen ill, ia. improving. .'

Dr. E. C. Carhart of Los An~

geles, Calif" arrived Monday to seefiis parents,' Mr. and Mrs. J .. S.Carhart. He came earliel' than he 'had planned oli account of illnessat Mrs. Carhart.

John Bingold, John Welble- andPete Ivotaon drove to LincolnI!EERSONALS

Pl'izes'Are AwardedIn Herald Contest

Organizes New Business.F, D. Salmon, who has been in

the plumbing, heatmg, Wlndmilland well drilhng field at Concordabout 20 years, has opened a newstoreroom in Wayne at 112 WestF'lI st street.. Her does well drIllmgland has fIVe drilling machmes.Two sons, Fred W. Salmon andAllen A. Salmon, are associatedWI th him in business, and the firstnamed will talte ovel' active man­agement, of the firm:

Dram.atics GlassPresent Trag:edy

An audience that almost filledthe mam floor sectIOn of the col~

lege audltodum saw the dramatIcsclas", of the Wayne college presetltMattIn Flavin's three actftragedy,"ChIldren of the Moon'''jTuesdaynight. The play was a ht Ie heavyIn spots but Dorothy. Pet rson andArthur McCauley together WithBC'tl Anderson mterpreted, difficultroles creditably. Probably the bestc1l1l(racter done durmg the eve­lllli'g was Dr. Wetherell, played byAllan Anderson. The play wascoacherl by MISS Florence M.Drake, drq:mahcs in::;tructor atthe normal.

1"r om a goo~umber of entnesIn the Herald's contest regardlllgbenefits of t e 'newspaper-radiohookup, jndges warded fust placeto Mrs. J. G. W. Lewis, second toMrs Edna DaVIS and third to Mrs.V. A. Scnler: Cash awards were$5, $3 and $2. Each cntrant wrotein 100 words an opimon of the ra­dlO and newspapel~combination.

Installs PJate Machine.Dr. W. A. Emery has bought one

of the newest inventions in 1}.entalpqUlpment to make flesh coloredplates. ThIS compact machinemouldS' flesh colored plates WIthexact precision. In addition it faCIl­itates the procf;Ss of makingplates in turning them out muchfaster and minimizes the discom­fort of poorly fitting plates. Themachme casts the plates to con­form to the actual outlines of thegums.

"A Mid(mmmer Night's Dream,"! Shakespearean comedy favoritl:l,

will be ~resentcd by the dramaticsclass of Wayne state Teachers cOlilege as the commenccmnt play thelust of May.

MISS Florence Drnl,t'1, director ofdramatics, Imfl chosen tho cast,und rehearsals arc started.

111 -the play cast arc the follow~

mg: H.a,lph Higbee, George Shct"ry,Atthur McCauley, Dehner Fitch,

'George Kramplen, WIlford Par~

riott, Allan Andersen, Ralph Jac­ques, !'4ax Hendl'ickl:ion, HussellDow, Darrell Owens, Kfl:thryn

18,llteson, Viola Homan, Charlene:J3rown, Joseph Barber, HelcnMane DaviS, Wilma Israelson,Rhea SchmlCdcskamp, MargaretKerr, Mary Morrison, Eva Witt,Francma Limes, Mildred Kehl,rolzabeth Wentworth, Edna Mey-er, Dorothy Petersen, LaVerneErxleben, Catherine Berry, BeaAnderson, Leila Shockley, HaroldLebens, Donley Fcddcrson, Gene~

VJCVC Wmlder, Loretta Cutler andCaLhellne McEwen.

=""-""'--C:_-C:I"::'i"::'~"::'~l---l:--;-=-'-----o----·j~1Car Is D;:~~~~nside

Walter E. Chapman, Wmsld1e,dozed at the wheel. He woke up~bortly after when' his car nose­dlved into a creek and landed onits top, badly smashed up. Exceptfor two slIght brUIses on his headl\1:r. Chapman \.vas unlnjuted.

The accident occurred about 1a m. Wectnes9ay as Chapman wasreturnmg alone [10m Norfolk, Hefell asleep Just as he came tothe turn three mIles east of Hos­1ul1s. His car swerved, sh~ared

olf a mall box, mlssed a brtdge andeatapaulted into the almost drycreek.

All glasses in the car wereIlmasllec1, the tOD wrecked and thecar ]arnmetl. linto the mud. HowChapman' 'escaped .serlOUS IllJuryor eVen meath' IS hard to reahze,takmg mto account Ole damagedone to the erar. One peculiar sIdefight on the car's damage was thAtneIther fender was d~maged.

THE Ul>TUIIN.The New York financial cen­

ter reported a much healthiertone Monday. Commodity mar­l(ets were generally st~g~rJ

and investors were f$aid to be-Illa buying frame of mind. Manysigns justify a feeling of optim­isml Ptogress ou~ of the de­pression I::; evident, ~ho\lgh slowThe world has been in Il terrlblv'involved economic t.j1ngle, andthe many readju~tthbnts rcquh'"l,1d have taken time mId patience."Remodehllg old laws or .makingnew ones to improvc C0!l(htH;mBproceeds slowly In congress aHuin state legJsla.tures, and whenlegislative tinkering is saf~ly

over, the pUblic WIll know tileestablished rules to follow, andrecovery may then be ·expeetcclto be accelerated. All lines ofindustry are dlSpoged to makeconcessions and to tcr.~Pt a halt ,loaf as better than none,~ Thus,

.'having hit bottom fUld haVingmade accurate apprmsal of con­ditionS and pos~llbllities, thecounlry would now seem on theway back to higher and mOl esatisfactory price level"s.

Chi('l<eus Are Stolen.Oscar Swanson, lIving near Car­

roll, reports a number of cluckensstolen from hiS place Saturdayev¥ning.

(Continued from Page Oncl

-'j-stances, and 1 didl [t try. Bllt I le-mained in a state of suspended ac­tivity until the roblJers wcre salc~

ly out of the way. One of the VIC­

tims reported that he counted 100--doubling the ntlmber In order toplay safe.1!

(Ques) "\Verc yop ever ll1 ar9bbery before?"

(Vaughn) "I have heen engagedin the banlung bUHmes most of myhfe, but ,this was my first expei1~

ence with bank robbers. AI'1d ifyou were never forced to lookdown into the threatenmg barrel ofa little, loaded cannon, you do notknow how terrorized one fellis, norhow trIVial ordmaI y troublesseem." '


College TrackmenCompete Wednesday

Coach W. R. HICkman r'epOlt~

about G6 men out for track atthe 'Wayne State Teachers collegeUli& season, and prunounced pros­pects as fUll'. Prehmmary tryoutswere held Wedne",day evelllng Wlthseveral men showing up extremelywell. '

In the 100 yard dash, SteberThe approach of Easter Sunday em- :lashcd over In 10 2; Graham came

phasiz'es thoughts of the l'esul'l'~ctim;. ~t I ~~(t~~~~(~.;:n~'o~)~:;·~rc;~~~n ~~~~mal"!<s the en? of ;Lent, the penod of s~lf- McKay was ~cennd an f llIll'ngerfurddenIal, ~nd SIgnalizes t~e return of sprmg came in third. In the half-nulC',and rebIrth of vegetatIon.' Easter sum~ Eaker was first With 2·12, \VC1­mons the forces of good, and antidotes ten- .dum next, and Hall, tlurd. Hunger­dencies to give earthly gratifica'tion prece- ford won the broad Jump event,dence over spiritual values. 'It is the day covenng 20'2", Kramplcn rankedto which all CI1ristenddm turns for in- second and Steher, thll'lJ. In thespiration. II 880 rclay!-\, Steber, Graham, Mc~

.1' Kay and Terry marle up 1he 'WIn-

A bill is. ad~ancing in th~ senate to en- ~~nrh~e~~·e:;~l~h~~:;:c~OZ:~I~;n~:~abl~ consolIdatIons of countIes by l(opular feet. Lamson and WeHJum We could suggest five or sir: coun- e(] 111m. In the shot put Hunger­ties in this part of the state that oUght to ford covcred 29'2", Gas<'and t/oc­be made into one in order to cut down over- kelt were next 111 rank.head and reduce taxes. I I' The coach plans to lake his

Isquad to the state meet at Kear-

A considerable 'lot of samples of to- 'ney oJ May's Herald will enable more faJl11ilies in -------~--

the reMotely outlying territory to examine Frederick'Moore Tothe newspaper and see if they ,voftld like Lecture Monday Eveto become regular subscribers. I Wayne Statc Teachers college

students will have the opportun­ity Ito hear FrederiCk Moore, au~

thority on Oriental problems, whenhe appears as part of the studentlecture course nex.t Monday eve­

l'TIing. M!I'. Moore rcclilntly return­ed from Janan, and has had WIdeexperien~e III AsiatiC diplomacy,and in the journalistic fi~ld.

Page 5: Herald (1888-Present)/1931-1940/
Page 6: Herald (1888-Present)/1931-1940/

EVERY FEATURE illusir~tedbelow wili cont~ibut~ directly to),our convenience and comfort,

, and to your enjoyment of electri~"refrige~tion.' Remember, several .of them - in addition to theiLEN-:,,-DOR (step-savi,~g." .~lf. ~.opening door)~are excluSive. _with Leonard. No other electricrefrigerat~r' has them all. thj- product of Leon.rII'.,

L ,Z years' experie~ce in householdrefrigeration.

. These are some of many extra,'I, convenience. pr<>vided"itl thebeautiful new Leonar::d,E'.ectr!~p.t

"I- Compare them, for beauty, con­,-.' venience, construction and price,5- with any on the market-and you

. will ,see why. we say ttMost foryour refrigeration dC:Uar.'~ ,


Just Imagine These Features: " 'I" 'I",

• Automatic Ov~n Heat Regulator.

: ~~;~ti~ufpoer~~~rn I.

• Porcelain Oven.Jinin:gs and Top-grate..• Insulate«J Oven Doors and TOp, . I I I'"• Full-size Broiler. 1'" 1 h ,"

• Automatic Lighter. +

• Large pot-and-pan Drawer. I

: ~h~fc~~fes~Oe~~itEol~O:com~i~atiOD&i" all for $49_50 and your '

~id·;tove_ Come in and see it! .. 'i


Page 7: Herald (1888-Present)/1931-1940/

Business meeting will be'"followedIooIl."fI=Plk+lI=!lIllt=lI=:"'I1lIE t by entertainment Three new mem~

bel'S, ~aldon 'Felber, William:Holmes and J. N: Einung, haveI---.,...,.................----................ Ilbeen added to the membershiproll.


I.iSomewhat Improved.r PrisDner: It is ~ardlY: r~~8pnablO:

James Rennick who has been to charge inc with b6iQg a, trorgcr~ .harness,." very il~ following a stroke,. was when r 'CaI\'t sign my own n'ame.a13t2 .",eJ:'loll M(·et~ WelhwHdllY. somewhat itJ;lproved the,middie af JUdge: yo.u're not accqaed of

1-;:;;:;:,-'::'7::-::-=--=---.,.,.----1,Po~~g~~l~r~~~~lO~e~{o~~~snB~::~: this week. . signing your own naI1le,~ 'I '

~i~~ D~~~~~\~ ~heed~~:~, Jokes =.•.............~ ~

, . . ',', ' :. I Knows His 'Women, ! PUBLIC, SA~E !, .' Rlllmn Ph.ureh. '. .,' . I~ day' in. ihont.q.., ,I '_ '. "an.d, the ri,sen Christ 'prove R bless a sacred' concert on the ev.enlng of Play Date Is set. "I suppose you, are campaigning - S" t A'. I~l 1,15 =

"" .. ,(B~\\;.,A. HoflJr~r.',~a.t;~~r) ~ ,! !The ','4~~es' Aid -egg~ to. ing to us: "1" i.' Sunday, April 30.. Other ~hurches A~~r~~llas·~~ia;:te~~~ih~i~~;l~e;among the plain people," remark~: a llf., ,prf. 'ff' .'Gllod FrHla...., English :s~~vicest,1 Tabifh8.>,home.", 1 :1' '" I :':, , -'-'_.-", at,the cIty. will join 'us' in' thIs "aright ana Early," which Miss ad the woman of the house when: 48 Head good young,h9rses, =. ..

3~ 7:aO p. I~.·' I '..," " ,:,' The 'p'~;blic is,)nvited, 0 'Qur aer~ '. First 'Baptist, Chur~h. beaut1:fuLservice;' FOR SALE-Good medium .seed Evelyn ~nderson directs. ' the candidate called. - broke, all weIghts. IMos! of •:" ... ,Jo:a~~"lr ~;~rlllay Enl{~i~l~' S.~:rviC,e.~lil "ices'. '.' I " , ' (Rev. Wm. JP, Braistellil,: ministc) It .was the privilege ,of :yo~r pllS- oats. 15c a, busheL I Arthur ~'No, I am after the beauty vote .; these horse$ will be II ~ere =

, .''f1th ,L6rt~ l'1,BUppC.r 10,:30, a; m. ' "--I 803 Nebr. St., Phon .184-J. . tor to ..preach for Rev. Davfd Simp~ . Weie)'sli6user~' Wa:k'efield. a13tlp' -and 'I would like yours," replied : FndaY. j L I =, 'Sunc!ll .... ~eho{j13t ~:30 a,'m. CbtltCh of, Ch t. ' . Easter SUtlday, ,April 16: son ,at Canon, Monday' evenl,ng.. Shows I't!lrovml1ent. the man of wisdom. He got ~ot • Some good westelJn Ftqck •

- J. _L- 0 ' We enJ'oye" go"ng~"e~ \fl.u'eh·.' FOP. SALm.:.-Grey dl1c,k eggi!, 3Ge Miss Jean Jones, who has had onl.y her vote but enough others ~o • \pigs, bl'ood sow~'; ,~i1ch p~~s, •_.~-; I ,(Gil,)', :B:'Dunnlug; W1sto~} 10: 0 a, m," T~~'~un ay,.scho~~~ ,.. U _T A'" operations and (' blood trans- farm machin~ry" cream+ep- •

.... '('~l't!'tin.n ~h'n(,f1 '(ih.nrt'h. ." ~ib.le 'SChO,?l a.t 10. o'clock, CIB/SSa' wi,tn' Easter '.le~so~s. ~(e~.c~.irte ,~o . Our Congregatj.ona,l :meeting was a dozen.' Mt's. John Geewc, phnne fusions for Infectton on her fbre~ that he's coming: to congrefls. arator~" 'seed c~rn, Il:!~e~ 1>0- :' \HN~k",nhaucr Clutpell ',! eSI for al~ ages. ,I "I all.,' : ~' held 'Wednesday' evening of tbis 402F12 Wayne,' Wakefield mail. head, is improving. L. tat?es.. ,~~d many, s~~~ll' ~ti~ •

L , '40.} Main St.)': ."', ,~" !,he Cbrit'.s supper, ~tll,1. I' ~~';OO a, rii: ':rhe Eas~ 'I', mOI:ni g week. We wish to thank the wivps . a13tlp "What caused' t)Je fire ~n , the cles. ': I' I. I • ", Slln(~~.y ~ChO(li ll~ 9 :lt1';i ,.n',~'m. I,:~ ~unior!~.~. :~t 6 ~':f" ::,,'orship hour. Thete 'w 1,1, be ~pe - of our boa~ Of tru~tees for taldng 'F'dR SAL:E----.-.J~rseY White' Gi- Artide In MaglliIne.f' m~~:\:c:~s7;~ there wa: some .nUING A;N \'1'H1NjG YOU :','

Sj'r\'lce» 'a,t 11 :OU a, m. I 's.enior C E: at 7 p. m,' ad music.> 'solos by qeo ge Kyl "~d charge of the supper t M . t hi . WAN.T. ,SOLD, I',." ••~ , ~. - an, arcy farm s rain, ood An article by Mrs. S. A. Lutgen 'friction among the heads of the -

~llbjli){:t: Om:trine \:f Atf;~emc.nt:". ~.,11, »oung '. pe.pole! c,ordlally M~ss Ina nuth Jb~~cin:'t.,~e 'pa~~,r , It Wil~ b: the task of our,Ch~rcll tested, ~e]ect hatching eggs, 3c appears in the current issue of different departments." ,,' I ' •Goldl~n Text: 1 Timothy'2:5. ,,·JDvlte.d WIll Speak n'specI,Bl aster me~~ ~o entertam Presbytery thIS c~m- each. Mrs. John Bush. Carroll, the Fedenited Women's club Allen I! r =

L 'n~:ond('a~t oy~>r KFA:'B ,Monday: Sunaa}'" .e:v~ning services arc sage, subject: "Easte J~;V' a~d 'tnOil'bTeUJtSd.s"oYm·eanodf W,.tsedsnerevsdic'eYs:.Plan =~N_e_b_,-,-__c_-,-__m_2_3tf1magaZi_n_e.~·~'_~___ The Dis6wery. Sales'Ptz.'vilidn." =

;' ,amITtlUr~~luyn,t12:3~p:m, ,,:,pl~nnedltor~pItU,1f!'at8o'Cl0~k;Hdpe." , ; ·I!' "'" Two small boys were hunting in 1 1 •,t:··\ A ('.nt(~ial' 'invitation ' to. attend 'wi~ll c0It:tpE!-ny ~D of t~e gospel. ~:30 p. m ..The ~ou~~ ,peopl 's We will' need homes", for enter.- FO~ SAUE-Hlgh yielding, qual~ Is Critlcall~y 111. the wood~, and one of, them. stop- I...ocl\;wood Hnd N~'soln, ,,~~t8•••:~ )1 our SN.·Yift\S it.".xtenJCJ.w all.. t.e!lmS fr6.m in cnarge.·.~rH .meeting Vi.i?,'th sp, ipteresti g tail1ment of delegates. Presbyt~ry ity seed corn Field seleqtej f '!~ ,~_~_ , " eryone i!'\ cordiany invited to dt- discussion~ yotuiger' people co .. i~ entertained on the Harvard plan. rack dried $1.00 per bushel. ~;ib Mrs. J. S. Carhart who suf ered ped and picked up a chestnu't burr, ••••• II•• II••••_ ••~.II\I_.•_.'\"1 , (~r~H'f\ .t.,. L,uth, (h1m·h. tend, and .the'se young people dia:llY,invite j always welcome. , selecte~, 50c. , Won' two s~ate I 1'1"j!L, 1\l1~slHlrl Syno~l. 'I'shbul'd have 16. fi-iessa'ge Iof bbnefit ' 7:30 p.' m, l~he '!£a:sterdglad ho~r Met~odist Episcopal Church. championships. Aug BiermfiPn : ••••••••••_.............. . ' '..'... ' I ':

I~,: IE:t"\', H. Hopmann. pa.stor) ,I to:all. _ 1(: I, service, General's1nging' of t e. (Rev. Harold C. Capsey, Minister) Wisner. ' . a13tf:l ' • ' ...-1 •

CO.OU. F'riUU:".. Aprtl 1.,1" s.en'ice at!1 No' servic'e~ COlni,ngrMondRY great, hym~s'~f~aith.'Solb by Shi ~ ':l'he services of ,Easter Sunday, : r'" ' • SIOUX Cl"ry IS THE BEST MARKET FOR'11, a. m., "'evening.' I' I ley Sprague, and 'Eester' messa e. "'~il1,begin with a sunrise service at FOR SALE~Apple, cherry, ,and : ./<~ ,.-.-.. " " . ,': I, 'I'. Sunday, Apl'll 1G, Easter., ~'~ "Jesus Follow Me;": There viill e church at 6:30 a" m. This servjce plum trees, IOc-35c each. Bridal !'!II ~~ "2, WAYNE COUNTY

liir;: ,SU~}l.h~~· .:;t!lool at 10 a, m,. : Theo hi~u!l Church, Cn~isti.a.n' baptism ofl those co~- will, bel in charge, 'of Kermi~' ~te- wreaths 10-25c. All other shrubs : .~,./ ,J: .: I, I,'

~~ atS,~~~"~in th~, German ~"nguag~,!,., Th;;;:~~:rl~:b~~;p~~~~~~d.y) fel~!sf~~;~:i~,~~+t~:;!~~~~we~ :~:';:~:r:~1l:U~~~~~~P;et;:I~Ii~~ :~;::~~~~~ble sf~:~es, l::;e:t~% 5 ". :. 1111111111111111111111111111111110111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111~, lit't\'ll~ III t!1€' En,ghs.h IUnglll\ge,,!'ts~r,)-:.ices, in hel',EngliSh language me shall not wal,k i,n, d~rknes~ others, Everybody is invited. The Wayne GreenhOuse and Nurs- JI ' ' " ", I, '" !.: 5

:':;,l at ll ..l~. Ii.l, '. •. _ '1;'at:7:30: p'.,m I but sha.ll have the ~ight bf life,"! church school ""ill be at the'usuaJ ery m30t3 •~ H~jl,v comt~;m~?n> \'\'111 be,celebra~" Good ''Frid, Y . services ,in the And, "I am the res.ufrecti?n and time. 10. The Easter service at 11 . ~:' ,fort".f.·ve Year.s of, Live S.,tolck! ,', ',' ~=i1'. ted III lJotll,.,e.nlCE.,'S, J . . I Gel,'me.m ,ania c'n.t.. which time the life, he ~hatl beheve~h, will have special music and will be :-- 1 , '

, ...ItnmllnUI'I ~th. C~(Irch. "i,the L~rd'S'SU p~r~ll b~solemnizM th~U.g,~ he, die, yct:Sh~li he live," conducted by the pastor. In the •~!~~ 4 miles ll\lrth and 3 t-'ast of Wayne ed, 10.30 ,a.. '.1.' " Antl. I a.m ~,he way, a,nd the truth evening at '8, the choir will give BARGAIN' SALE-500' 6-year Old:: •• Marke't· Bu.·ld.·ng' . :.' ~_-. I HI'v, 1-'. C, Doctm·. pas~ot)' .Eas,ter Su?d y E~;g1iS~ services and the hIe, J the cantata, "T,he King Eternal," clumps good blooming peoniesji~, S'''l'l:i,',.:» In tl~e English 1a1ll?u~e,l'\\'I~h l~o].y Cplp uni~ at,?,:OO p: rp. -.-~" writt~n by Ira B. Winson. This will all col~rs, 50 cents each, smalle~ .~_•••••••~,•••••••••_... '1 '_ ~_~! ~ on' Gnl,ll Frida \. with, celebra.~~an " ,Eastet: "SUIld , m~ Sel'VlCeS Presbl~,rhln. tnfh·, be direct'ed by K~rmit Stewart clumps 25c, all other perenrnals, == _j~~r I {)r"~lt,>lY l'omnlU~ion at 1q::I?~ 'ri.~. ,a,t ,3:~O,p<m~' , (Rev. P. A. Dav~es" ~~tor~ with ,Mrs. J. Tl Bressler, p.., at the 10c.25c. potted plants and cut == =~I! ." ii/;;';;~~~~~,;~:;;':~~;'i~~~ ~;l;;~~,t: , .S~day ~~~o~, .... . vi%e :t~~ :';~~c~urn~~te~\m~:; tho~as'~:~b'eCg'Ou~n':~wi"iol::btee~:st~neeVld·~t':.oodgtr.~~ g~::~:ou:e,;as:dec~~~~~,ry.~a~~ ~====_;;_ Th S· C·t' 'L· ~,: i :'

mUllioll \Yi)l Iw received \Yellnes- Our :&.'demnfr'.. Ejy~ LU~h~ Chp.rcb mor~ing. T~e"Choirt is pl~n,ning for a. n; I y IV'e =, d.n~~ aftt:rnOC1!l and l'vening. (Rev. H. fl... J:~~hausrpas,tor) speCial mu~lC and ,a SpeC1R1. E~ster ~eaFtrs"dinaytlolef Sitdhe"SrowoemeSk' we' shall WANT,ED. e' IOUX ' .

St.'l'Vic:es in the German langu~ , April 13.1, 1'ljlallncty Thu'rsd~, message WIll be gwen by ~he p~s- _ =',. age 0!l Easter Sunday at 10:00 a, l.ente~ serVices j}Vith holy com- tor. A number are tt'f uUl~e wl~h have our Good Friday candle light GARDEN plOWing. Lyle Gambl'e, _ ':" , " '" . :":'" "1,' ,~_. '' J!l' ,imunion iI) En.gJiSh, at, 7:~0 p. ro.', the, church a!1~ fn ,?p'p,~r~ullltyv..:111 communion 'at 8, This should be Phone 101J .. a6t2 == ; " ,

, sunday,,'.Ch.001. o::tter tne 'sen'~es. I, . AP'~,n '14, 1G~od.,h!' Ft,ida.'Y s~r~ice,' be ~ive~ for, ~arents'. I ~o!' ~resen.t qne of the most impressive ser,~ .. ==Services io·,the Englis~ langu~ge' I'With ~oly 'cqm ~ ion ,in qerman, the~r Chl1Q:en for, ¥pbs~. vices of the year and it 'is hoped WANTED ~Plowing" $1 an acre. =' SkI:' h 'I I == .

on Ea~t('I' Monda)- at 10 :-o~' a. m. .b~gin,?ing 'at: 1 :3:6, a. m., I . The servlces for ne:x:t Srn:td;ay are that our people and friends will Harry Dahlquist, Laurel, Neb. ::::5: t . .",I, ==, --'-". . Practice lfo IEaster e.ening as follows: SU~day SC!I001,. 1.0 a, attend. ' a13t~p . !§- OC XC ange ==

~t. P.lU} s Lut~ll:'ran Church. , I-serVice at ~ p. Pil m" Easter serVice, 11 a. ill., C. E. Thursday lof this week the Wo- ==\y C. H~>ldenrE'i('h, pastor) ~April 15iiL halii' practice at 8 services, 6:30 p. m. There will lJe man's Foreign Missionary .society GARDEN PLOWING:,Eeasonable. == ==

," Services fmC holy w('ek~, , p. m. ",,' I ~r,~, no evening service. This?lill allow meets with Mrs. Julia GiI'dersleeve Call Alfrcd Linke, phone 222LW, == I 1,,::I,,'~~~?.:.~.;"M,ik.,.,... ,'

C:'. HO.IY Thursday" 7:30 p; m., holy :Apr.'II. j6tJjf,~.a .el;" service (Ger~ ourll.peoPle, to attend, t~e and'next Wednesday ladie!t circle FREDERICK BERRyA13f1 ==_- i;r!rr;@;~'!'_"communion. - "" I,' 'man)',at 101'a. ; Easter cantata at the Methodist number I will meet with Mrs. W. =

I. Goo{l Friday, 7:30 p. m.• ,serv'ice· -, "Easter," set-Vi e Iwith holy com- church. AndreWS. I ='.,. ·th an !'l:ppl'()pl'irrte sl?,rmop by the-· munion in E~g is at 11 a, m. We 'would urge· our memb<}rs The Men's Brotherhood meeting I~ ,HONOR GROUP, ~ Organized,1 'in, 1'888 =='. pa:::-t"IL ' "~ Dq,ring' e, ~ll' speciaJ whC? can to bring special ~aster -\.\'ill be he~d next Tuesday. Ail Fredet:i,9k- Berry, who finishedl~. §i

tI. Easth Sunday: 10:00, Sunday' wi I be iUiken. flowers to the Church. ':Vi11 you 'men are invited to this supper at his university course at Lincoln =. :.sch,Oul and 1.1:00 holy cO,mmuruon., In ,the ~v:~nu;rg.Jtti~, ybu~g Ipeople not let either ,Mrs. F. ;L.' ~lai~ 0.r 6:30 and the enjbyable program in Ja,nuary, was one of th~ SlUM = ==!~~,?onfi~mation, and reception o~ oftn;e c.pur~~' Mrs. P. A., Davies know: if you will which follows. dents recognized forhigh'scb,olar- = C r "'=~,~ specMli qffcring for the tel' cantata,1 "Re?emption's song," brings yours for church use? The opportunity for the baptis'm ship at the honor convocation in =.' C tIM k t t ==<~~.'.;beIH'V(lIPnCeS of the church. 7:30 I'together wirlh 8 program of dram- V{e are gl'ad to announce that 01 children will be given next Sun- toe univ€tsity coliseum Monday. = en ra ar e 08 8 -=

,E~lRt·,,!, ::1'1 mono atization, A!t th~:s time the self- Prof. H. H.l;Ianscom of the coll'e,ge day morning and reception,into the Mr. and Mrs. F, S. Berry, parents, =1. ..... ?h.: nt~'(t nweting (Jf the Ladies' Idenial envel~pes 'r-'ill be received, has kindly consented to bring tile church membership will be the were invited to atten,d the pro- =, I' I II ~ :=. .':~llj wi!l 1.1(' beld the four~h Thurs- May the mlfssrge of the croSs a cappella choir to, o~r ChUrCh far Sunday' folloWing Easter. ~ram., ,I I I ~ I _. -=~

"'Ba{'('ulaureale: ·12 giri. frf"" f!r~t ana second FarnlerS M'eel er, and has been active in organ-' DISTRI'CT MEETIlliG - I -gradeswill r~se*tdiI' one·act oper- izing pape councils among .ocial, EL IN NORFOLK - COlnlll~'ssl'on and yardage costs avera~e ouI!\>- I ==

S k '"N·· I t "A B fgD 11 "Th . 1 F' C ',civic, etucational, business .and H D' = L.J j:!>. I) '>,a ·{>I·~.· 1 'allle( "a, ° ° s. e glf S 01' OllVeJltloll - I ' ='-,,~ 'no'll h d ~d t resent Jo an reliP'iou organizations in the mid- District meeting of the U. & 'I. = 1 I 11_

,... 1 e res , 'Irep "",p - O' 5 f' h h S' C't =

(Continued from Page One). ese dolls. am~ on the class hon- (Continued from Page qne} dIe wes,' stores was held at Norfolk Sunday == ]. cellts per C'~Tt. or 02;S at t e IOUX I y~, nl,ar,••I"

11 b J N' hi' I and Walter Priess of wayne, was = LJ '----,'"::the ~-~~th~~as princinal speaker. or ro are: d, a~.o 1 ean lC a alsen, the 'election of the president of the L b' ' M' t t d = C 1M k h f· I " ~

" M"rgi~Fith" aymond Murray, lid ermen ee one in attendance. He reurne = kets.Feedl'llgcoMlattlle eJltra _ar et en,e.,It"SI,'_,":',"Newman· club met at the Prof. \Varren sWinp.e'.J.,., Jean Germar, United States by popular vote; to M d ~~ . - . h_ ~ •

.E . .l, BllIlttO'ml'r home W\~dDesday D ald M Ph £1 B tt A complimtfnt the state legislature Here Wednesday on aJ ImornlDg. ~ ~"evening and ma'rched ir. a group'to zeopnl"n', BetCt" p,e~lelo,nD'emogeenYe Meny~ ,on ~ction complying closely·to tl1e - hI' f th f'n h ' C't WhCJl hog-~l'''' ==

J About 25 lum!Iermen attended Business C1ul> Adds lembf'rs. = t e s upper, or e I rn.l!!S a pro I . ',' .' ,..' ,",':',."""'.',' '.' """:fIply ,\'c('k SE'rvlces (1.t St. Mary's cr. Donald DeanlSteinmetz, Shirley last convention's wishes with re- B' 1 b = - L.J - ,- a "'";.. . d t . t f h' h the dis,rict meeting here last eve- Young, Men's' u mess c u =_, ' , ',1.[ _.\...Oatholic church. \\'ednesdl;ly, April Pawer.s and,Harl::,ld Racherhaumer. gaTrheocO,mnvPern°tiv.eOmnenClosoed ,gWl''::haY5a' t f d' er at e Palace 'I I 'f' "', [', I' ':=. ~ ~, ning. Alfter dinner at Strat~ mee s or mn = II' t th t t COI"1 e" ", -~~~g~;~~.CIUb will sponsor] chapel ~~e~~~e:~:~:,~~,e:nh~~t~e~Ot~ sig~t seeing tour of poi~ts of in- i~~~ ~.f,~~~ ~:a£~c~~~r,~~~b~~ cafesnAl,xtFweEdneSTdayyev.-ening. === are se lllg a, re~ cell s,per POll~l~)--J,.,le '.~ , : ,:'li':~'" '=,

)lochajBva club met Monday ev- ship which tepresent health terest in Wayne in cars furnished I $1 60 h h Ii' "==enin£' and heard book reviews by c'hores. Wlien a rule has been ob'; by a number of Wayne men, ,of the university extensio!J. depl'irt· to t leln retllrns • 0 per lIS e. 1 I __

~ ment, and Phil Runyan, field man . ' ','1Joe Lar;:.{)n of Homer, and John se'neef by all tlie ~hildren, the sail for the lumbermens' assoaiation. I ==~~~~'~t;~~~rh~~~t~~ron~: ~~~ai~~~~!;~i~;~:e~r~ ;~~~;i:~ TR(:::~r~i1!;~;:~CE Malta Fever }ase' ~'REE'.· ~=== Hogs 'pay the expense of getting to I~Iarkeil' ,I, i' !Tobey of Dakota City and :Mary study period, Carol Jean Nichol' . Shows Impr()vernent !''" I I'~~~ft~~~i~~t~~~~g:'~~r~~l~~:i~~ ~::~~;a~:'&~~:~Z~~;tP:h~~~ ~~:::~~gs~~I~"t~:J:rsc:I\r~~~:: L'. J, BressJer of LJslie 'prec~nc.t, MOl'us ,WILL never _= ltnder allY system of ~elling. Wllell all costs ar I "1 iii, I

officers for next year"a~d report House, ,telJing!,of the,egg;roll:on quired to hold ,a hti¢mum of a"B. who has been ill willi malta fever stak 'out a homestead I ==at April 24 meeting.' Charlene the green l~wn' .which President A. degree above the fifth grade, and who had a blooa transfuslon and ,Iraise large families allalyze(l tli,ere is littl difference, ill the markef., IBrown or 'Wayne, Aaron Brodlmg- a~d ¥rs. R,oo~evelt ",in ",rraD~ since each instructor will be teach- in Sioux City the las~ of the week '" f' I '~,:Ien of Pierce, and Ned ~p.ygg' of th~s, year. i~g at least half her time in the ' . I 'h on y~ur ur or woo gar- '~== atM t \V i ttl I't' 'k high school. Cou~se of study above returned home and seezns ,m~c ments or blanketst'dry- ing exnense of selling direct or 011 the Centr ==

agne, e~e :ppo n.e . 0 n: e Interest is centering around a, fifth grade will be completely re- better. Victor Johnson, furnished clea:ned and sealed .m " r, ' ': I' i '-." .~':! '~llq'> Iia,orangcmen s or a plCDlC on ay ne:w groce~;store pro;jec~ in sec~ organizi:!d to replace the stat.e" bBlLAOOdIfRo

rMthAe NtraNnsEf:,S"iob. I " W&hmic'0hthw:'~.OOr·eftu'mbagy'o'u'in

r': =_ I

8. Mary Krakowski, Chicago' so- O~ddgrare,. s'peinf a '~~rt of~~e course of study which is somewhat ,n L .Market, Yardage, feed ·and tran~poI~tatj.o.l a.. ,.r~ '1d 'I dal ' M S U Y a mmum Y e. e obsolete. This new plan offer$ c~t~ • l' e t ' 'I '

prano, an :l.~ ag ene assmaDn, tliUdren a enjoYing the' post of- STORE ttANAC~~ w~~f~r &'8rrm n"s. __ h dB. "I .1,'

~:~~~I~d:~~le~~i::~..~J;i~~ :se~:~~ !ice projec an'q,lare writing letters ~h~~r~~~~iZ~:~rU~~~~,l~ft~j h~~~ R. L. Shelton, w~o came to J lJ S T ANOTHER =_===_ r.e,quired.Ulllder eitller Inet 0 .' ~,Ylng.e.x.. p,e"!l:,~,e.~,,':"~ ii=

of the coliege lecture coufse, :to each ot~er''''I' grades., 'This'is in' keeping 'with Wayne from Blair, is' new groc~ry 0 N 'E, 0 F THOSE~F! IIm~~~~a~tic~r~a~~~::~~',::Iti~~~ er:~~~tpr.~~~J:~:'::~i~~;~:~::~~c~~~~pments and;thinking :e:~~g~~~. ~~tCh~~:~~ljos~~~ ~~·~isU¢~JiE~~~ n~crease lJl'l,

lbe countfY to offs,et ~:)n,',~msslo'"n.s""~':"·"'·""I,'. ·,I,·.··,:'~.. 'i!'•• ',.,,', I'five~le$a~es to .the con~entionat ing"paHy" or i,l,rday and,~aCh boy ~:=:s~~r~~~eQf~~rfb~: ~~:;eW:: E, P'E.CT FROM... THE ;;;-Ta.~l·equah., Okla., on April 21 and atid'girl'isj,'gOi:ri;- to brfug a hard- q',,-:;;;;;;~ boiledegg'todecoratel .ismanager,HRroldJ;reendfNor- -U. ""'-' P hI' h d h C 1M -22.. Pauline Hannan' of, Fremont. ",' ': '" • , I' -- 'ces are esta IS e at t e entra' ar -folk" took charge f the Biair WAY1\,1E .rJ, , " '".."I. '~',I' !i!5

Edith Prescott of \Vayne, Clarence I store_ I ! " I~ ~_. ' 1 ]~I =-'~~:~n~~n~~~~,:~, ii:::i:;~: FunetaIl Today IC~~\nO~~~::t~~~~d:"u:; Choir Give. 6oncert! C'Lti'ANfRS kets. Ship your hogs toone ofthese Markets ~il(f' ii .'".mour of ~'ayne, are ,planning to E R L the uJUversity .of Ne;braska School .J" ==make the It;rip. Or • • ove of Music in. Lincoln, wiij. present a Wayne college a 'cappell'!' choir, I' _=_

I ,~ . I ", 'I" , ' " ' l t 4' directed by Prof. H. H. HJ.nscomCOlllIIIellcement .' (Continned (rom ~age One) r::~ rec~~~~~a:~~~~~:m.. PT:~ san~ at Orcbard ~unday. T~; choir Olare~ce L. Wright == ", " S')')'eak'er N'a':Ill'ed August Nyberg, Dr: and Mrs, B.

_ M. Baton and Mr.,and Mrs. Harold(Contin.ued f:om Page One) Nyberg of Ya:r1kton, S. D., an~ Mr.

__~__-'- I and'Mrs. Fran,k Guptill of Oham-tion of larger towns and 'county berlaln, S. D., mother, sisters aOGseats have adcled interest to the brother of Mrs. Love; Mr. andfltudy. Mrs. Edwin Love and family of "Allegro eon brio;" "Allegretto == §Ii

""'_ Four pupils, Roberta Baker, Cro'fton, Mrs. G. L. Wright of modera,to," Beetboven. • = ' ' .' .! ',' ,'._~(f'~III:U~:ji lill, .~ 'I

~~;~~!~~E:$f~~~:~ .... Juggage .. I~ STotK~~~A~Gt"P;Hhave been ,comparing Egyptlllli i£n<!'J::i:l:'Brls¥nli:ii;W,ty,le,'Uii(Yd: :P·"'.e'a':'c"e··'.'.l/i.vo.....'...#.·:'.k;t.0.... .•• 'All ittgi'eatlyred~ced,ptices~Anticipate your needs ••• = , '. ','. . 1.. "; .. ,:.'•.,,.i',"I'::'I,.,·,:';.:,I,I,',:I,: .el~tlon With ours in ag~ and 1"est of O~mond, Il1\d )!t.~liJIee., or uu in' the.,harnessline and lIuy' n(lw':l\hd'l save ,money, , .

'pr"'~s~,,' , W~1lefjeld:' ''Spea'kHereToday; DQn't lillY a. tire'.wit,hout'. getting. prices on, Ollr • =, . : II"~II'..• : tltth" graders have taken up The Yoting Bnsiness Men's tlitb Fiarry E. Terrell, midwest sce' =.Kel1ey-SpringfieIa '!ine, These tires are priced be- E'::: 'The Best Live Stock Market· for :.. . .

,study of I the unit, "How one ma- Wil~, attend th~ funeral in ,8.. body. retary for the National Council for. low cost. Need luggage"! The~ come·and;, look at _ = •'Ich~~ c~ed for ·a;.nother until all ,MeIDl;lers are asked to meet at the Pi'eventioil of War. comeS to = 0\1,r fine ~ine .at bargain pric;es. Eve,~,Y,tli~pg mu~t gC1~ =='. N rth • Nb 'sk :z-r!oUMt4Ilethods of living were chang- Hiscox funeral home at'1:45 p. m. Wayne' today wider au:,pices of :' I: = ,0 eaSt e ra a • (

!;I~~1~~f;~:f:!~EI?i~!Y~ ~~i!~~~~~r:~r~j:Et~:f~ ~::~~~;}::t~!!~g,:~~ i' BUlLl)INGWIL~ BE AVAliA~LE~OR,RE~T'I ·i ~lilllllilllllllllflllllil~III1I11'lillllllllllllllllllllllll~1II1111111111111111111111111111 r-~moUhted aipbabet letters'and'are the octet are Dr. L. F,P~riy,W .. ll', ~ohoo1 studenthody on internation- II ABOUT MAY 1. '.. '. SIO·UX CITY IS' TU"E B'E'ST ARKET FOR ••,~~~~now ,ready to make pOlters, Holliles, Burr lba\'1s, Leslle Ellis, a1 relationsbips and peace negoti- : : 01,"· i ,... .: ' ,.. , '. M , .",MlssH.ze1Reeve and Kermit C.W.Brnwn,D.t>;Miller;Wlllard atlolDl. He Will conduct some polit- •. PIEPENSTOCK ESTATE, ' • WAYNE COUNTY. :-stewart ,m:e working on a grade Wiltse and D. 'H . Larson. i~~l ,S~ien~~_CI~aes,a~_,tiIe_':COlle~~.::" ,__ ,\ ',' '.' " ,8, . .$ ..', ",', " p.. ,,<', i.,..._~_ ,~ .. _ J • ,= i--!',.,,'U?~:'7-:;::;;;§~Ii~~"I'II.m'ih'1~t'i"."

1,:1 ,~~~~~c_:;~~mb;~:~~~ ~~~~ati~ ,~=~,~" ,.~+,~~~ il~I,O~F ; =t~~:":il;~~HfA'~ ~~t,~~], 'iiiil~••~~~~~~~:~~::=~_l:~~\·:1:~~~~:' ~:. , ' .Ii

, '~i;;:'~l~J . 'i1,,;;h!'lf:

Page 8: Herald (1888-Present)/1931-1940/

$1.00 Hose Now




Here is real style. New forth,e' alert, mod~rn, carefullystyled shoes' !Ike mothers,This new patent leather cutout dress strap In all sizes,

8% to 11 , $1.59AT " ,..,..,

11% to 2 $1.79AT",,,,,,,,,,,.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

Closes Saturd!lY;April 22


Our regular $1.00 hose, Chiffon01' Service, during this sale at

only 79c, 2 pail' for. $1.50, '

79c J,lose Now


Our Annual Easter:Sale of Allen A

Hose,This' is a national cv'ent fromcoast to coast of all Allen A deal­ers and the manufacturers coop­erate every spring to bring youthe lowest price hosiery of theyear. These are our regularnum­bel'S we sell every day,

'All 0~1i' Chiffon and Service, regu.,Iar 79c hose for this sale at only159c,Al pair for $1.50,


If you shop with aneye to economy besure you buy springdresses that will be smartand suitable for summeras well. Buy these dressesand be 'a, true economist.

Lots of New' OnesJust Unpacked thisWeek. Be surq tosee them.

It WiIlrPay You To come'Edrly!




This annual event is f01' iust' 9 days to 11Jake new friends for Allen A hose,

Here are some of the dew Spring Shades :-.:.' Deausan, Dawn ctrey, NaturalBeige, Sky Grey, Shadowtone. ',All sizes 8% to 10lk But we advise you tocome early; there is bound to be a crowd as most of onr customers take ad­vantage of thi annual event,


Sale Beginhhursday,,,' ,

April 13


They offer

and tashion at~

'~'ll':p,;arik Helene, IMr~ ~~~kt:M:rs. J~ W. Tuesday' and Mrs, J. M. BrIsbcn Miss Martha ·'Pictce,' -Mrs. Mn:e games were received by '~lbcr't and M~~ and Mrs. 24~rie Roe were :thc Ray P~rdJ~,: ,0" 'e.i:"I:iti;~'I¥~ll~rGroskurth and Wendel, Mr. and ~Dtertaincd a group ot llttle folks Merrick,.Mrs~Paul Siman, Mrs. E. Jahilson, Mrs: Bert Surbe~1 ¥rs. Sunday ~uests in the:ftay ~erd":le ,son fQl¥s1w,ere ~er.e ~O'~II~~,::~1,,,,;,»d Oscar Jonson. High scoreS' in for the occasion. The children en- E~ G~lley;' "Mrs'; H. R..Best and .f~,lia Lage, a~d .. ~s. S.,J., Hale. home., I I" I ",'I, '1',,1,1'1 '1:>',',

, ga~es were received by Mrs. jored games, al'1d Mrs. Brisben'la$~ Mrs. J.' A. Ray. The club meets Luncheon closed the soCial' time. Merry :M:akers have po~tponcd " What one nation oei "Is If~t e,v,.,r",Crawford and Mr. Jonson, and Mr. sisted by Miss Frances Cherry, ser~ next Monday with Mrs.-D. R. Bow- Guests were Mr. ,and' M-~s. J. c.! their meeting·planned for this Fri~ rcywher~, F'~r in~ta co, :a;,,~U~ryd

, ~Iie*son receiYE;14 a guest of honor ved luncheon. Guests invite5Nverc cn. Baker, Mr. "and .Mrs. OJ G. N'e,l- day. , ,.' ,pa.rade in. Germany, ,ma,keBIE;fa~c~:I ri"J'e. ,Hugh Drake, jt'., of Ltncoln~ son, Mr. 'and, Mrs. Ray Robinson 'T\II' Ch I tl G thj d '111 A lit C' f"'bll h• W htm P t i., ,r s ne [l e nn so~s: tC, mer en.n 0 mo~,.~ ':1:, a ~

'" " '" • queUne tg an, a rIcin and nome l\litofsiotr SO(~iI~ty. and oJ ewell, Mr. and Mra. Bert Sur~ spent Sunday. afternoon in the Er· "61'S s yndlcate., ...' I'. .., '~',I ILU3:' of ValleJo: TroOR. RQ(iney LOve, Bonnie Joe Fitch) Mrs. I. H. Britell and Mrs. E. S. ber) Mr. and Mrs. Albert Johnson, nest Koch hoine. " I ,.' ~ , I" i 'I :,:~.

'I i I Lily of the Valley girl scouts met Jean ADn Shearer, Jean Paul~cn. Blair entertl1ined the' Methodist ¥r..and Mrs. S. J. Hale, Mr. :aDd Mrs. George Grone and daughter : A scientist entertains an' Oslo"'~l~=*,~===*=:';==:::!:=;=;=:;:=;====*,=-::!I;P WedJ;lesday at the high SChooFI. fohr pPlalttYSalMlcCWaYC'lCAh~YIEtLheCwl iJS, JeSSie. H?me I Mi~si(innry soeiefy 18:sl M:r~l R. 0, Hahlbeck, Mr.,and Mrs. ,called Sunday, in the Earl Lewis gather,ing with h)~, thedry Ih,'at 1,Ife

, ,:-~",:, ,I~l 'FQ.l't'lCB8l: ,: . 'bd *itha'brldk(£'party'a.t~the hofue ,r,egylar work;, 'fhe: Gol~ lm~ We, d ~l' ' . . ean anti Thu'l"sd!ly in tl~e former's. home. George Bor~hoft. Miss Clara"and home and, had supper at B" on this planet,b,eg~n 'inl ho~ ;water.:,,,.~"'I':' "1"1':' Ii,·! ", ":b' "'~"L , . I' ': "J.'_ ;Pe'ra,troh'al'd,wia,thcoAs'''t.rulm~~e.Cpraerttcyr'~.Tu°ne'scdaay,M auna son., M1rs.H,;~.Cllpsey had~hargeof MiS?9TUlicWisehhof,Mrs.Ed."Mil- G • W uld 'd 11 aft td~~

: I;?eMQI3Y.; chapter' mc!Cts I"n~~ i,'~, ~~. '", er.Jjr Ka~\, 610 ,LOgF '" • ., • the lesson and devotionals which ler, Mrs. James'Miller, Mrs.1 Anna rone s. e wo seem. 1 ea y",~ u~ ,e Ul'r~-i)l da ''', ' ", " '. :s,~ree~., ne ,t T~esday ~~ening ,a.t 8, :~ve~~~g' ~~, *'C,:,~c~~o,l +Ath, t,he ~116S~ Duy Bridge Te:u. was on '''Len,t and its Lessons.". KaYI Mrs. Julia Lage, Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Keeney of a fresh start.-Detro,~t,~e:n~.' ~

....~ ::be~~h& :xrieet t~s F'~d~- '~ ::p·Cl,Ock'. l~rs.l: ~,!race' 'J1:ey~er lis ~ucky ScvcD.. patrol, ~~ ,tbe Oak Monday "Cl~b held a guest day Capsey had t11:e lesson!n form Lowell Nichols ,and Miss Atlene Norfolk, visited here,Sunday Q,t L. : 'i 1<, : I' • ,':',',~regul&r'lsession. , !,:" , ',~~~rm~,~! ~e ,conU~.it1t~e mak· ~roop ,~s gt~es,ts. T~e 'girlS: enjoyed brlgge .t,e~ this we_ek With M.~'5. of ~ Lente~ supper: which .was Peterson. P. Keeney·s. The Lloyd Wciblcs NO~9dy is bold ~no~~h ,~~ pr~~', ltlrs. Ray ,Phtlbin entertains the ,t~g ,arr~m~nts, and i~ assi~ted .gamd and 'luriclieon~ , ' W,in1fre~ MaJ,p,. Assisting ~ostesses served in thr~,e courses, ~he spir~ were Sat~rday guests. phesy"what ~i1l happen i~1 an Or~'Apron clUb.thiS ThUrsd8.Y. ' :~y Mrs. ~in~e,Kagy):M,rs. 'Kath~ " !", ~' ••".' were ,Mrs,.. :1.. J. Aher~, Mrs. R. E. itual, ipteitectu.fil and physical. The N' h' W ' Arlos,and Irma June Back spent a~geman wins a ~a:pital prize 'in"

, M,rs.,~a,e 'YO,ung ,e,ntorta.i,n,s th,e I,~r~n,e Curley:, I~ts~ Ma~bbtll Bow~ P. N~ G. l\Ie.~ts ~11~Y. i ,. ,:!c. Mcll~r ,a~d' ¥rs. ~. :KostomlatM .lioste~fes served., Mrs. Robert ,6rt west , ay.n~ Saturday 'morning' with Mrs. Ray' that Irish Swe~p~tai~bs g~me.:-,,41,tr,<~Sa."~~~,,p, ~xt 14<?n~,,: "',", ",' <manand:MlssCOl'a1Stoddard. The"P. N~ G: cl~bl m~t,'f!1eSday ,~y,-,.P.r~zes;!nbridgewenttaMl'S.S~am.~aug~.entertal'ns the society (By S~ Correspondent.) Perdu~.- Mrs. Ray Perdue caiied ,BostonTra~8cript., :,1':.,. ::,

PleaB8Jilt Valley clu~ mqets:4pril at ~he I. O. ~. ~. hall ~th·~rs..E.,D. 9Ordon and ~rs. T .. T. Jones. !.:lay 4. Mrs. Ray Pordue ca:llcd on Mrs. that da~ on Miss Jean Jones.' ' I " : :19, With ,~r~~, aannah,B~c~. '" , \1 W~. ,Brb5c~eit ~d. '~r~. P. '. C; ,T:he llostesses pre:.t~ded ail serving . tM?nta 130mer Tuesday.' M'rs..1Kate Carp~hter, Richard, r( is objecte'ci that i.Ro9~ev~lt'.~~,

Nr:?,. 'N:et~~, cal~, enter:~n~, ' tb~ ~rockett. hostesses, The time was 'tea. Guests were Mrs. Nettie Call Surprise for Webers. '~laine Gettman spent Sunday Carpenter, Mr. anq Mrs. Herbert, labOr army wou1d pay.i~s J1le,n onlyEZ club t~i~ :thursday ~:yen~g. ape~t Bocl,ally ~nd Ithe' hoste~ses )4rs...Gorqon, .,Mrs. J. W. Jones:' Members of the Five Hundred evening with Ailan :Perdue.' , Reuter and daught~s, Mr. and $1 a day·. Rodsev~lt simply: has

Mrs. Stel~,a Chiches~~fr :~,~,ter· served. ~rl;l. Ed., Mrs. J.~. Mrs. C. M. 'Craven, Mrs. PaUl clup planned a surprise Mond~y Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Phillips and:· Mrs. Willard Webb and son and the funny idea that $1 ,$\1 I~ay istairl;s the Harm~my club p~~t VtedM Groskurth'.and Mr~, I. E. ElUs will Mines, M:rs. C: A. Orr; MrS. J. M. evening last weelt for Mr. and Mrs. daugrters, Miss Lottia Bush, Miss ~rs. Kate Haymaker, the last four better th~n nothing a.lweck.~san

nesday. "'tJ~ D. CluJj oll'Mondny. ~m:o:;~~~e~s~~:~:~:::~th~~~~ ,~~8b:en, Mrs., Clarence Wright, William Weber. Prizes in the Marilyn Glenn,' Mls~ ,Ruby DaV}S of..Madison) were Sunday caller,S in Diego UJlio~~ i' 'Tu~~d~Y~~e~~i~thm:;:. 'J~~: "The U. 0. club met Monday with . *'* * * .Hufford. Mrs. H. C, Craven and e'ach took Nu-Den.l Club Meeting.

Degree of Honor meets this ps:rt, in ,n current event lesson. Members of the Nu-Dcal clubThursday evening in tbe L. E. ~ext Monday Mrs. C. M..Cravp.n were enMrta'ined Saturday eyeningPanabaker home. : 'Emtert~ins. in the(H. W. Winterstein home.

Light ,Bearers of the .Presbyter- Miss Nina. Carter and Miss Mar~Ian church meet next J\.tonday ,nth l\ C. E. Carhart. gar:et Phipps were guests. Prizeswith Mrs. F. L. Blair. I Acme club met Monday with in cards were received by Mrs.

Rural Home society meets April l4:'rs. C. E. Carhart and ;Mrs. ~. S. Bert Surber_ and Hdrold Quion.21 at the'home of Mrs. J. M. Soden Hook had the lesson on magazine Luncheon was served. The, cluofor 1 o'clock luncheon. articles:. Mrs.' W. R. Weber enter· meets next '--week Frlday with the

St..Paul Young Wome~s :Mis'- tains n~xt Mon*d~Y~ • Ben Meyer family.sionary society meets A·pril 24 with ."" " •Mrs. Lawrence Wamberg.' Circle Two Meets. Iil C. E. W11son Home.. The Vulnerables wille meet with Circle Two of the Methodist Aid The A. A. U. W. met WednesdayMiss Margaret Fanske for contract rrie~: Wed!1esday w~th Mrs..1. E. evening with Mrs. C. E. Wilson. As~briq.gc' next Thursday eV~~,ing., EllIS. Mrs: L. R. Wm.e~ar assisted. sisting hostesses were Mrs. Clara

Catneo club has no meetlng'etblS -:'The ti~e was spent in \'jslting and Heylmun. Miss ,Esther IDewit:Z,F:ridlj.Y. Mrs. Willard WHts"" ~~l ,'~~Yfing,~; a~d ~e ~oste:,;ses served. ~iss' ~ulah I;tundle a~q Miss, Cor~entertain at a sQcial, aftc~noon .' ,*'" .~ • al Stoddard. .t.. E. Brittain spokeApril 21. . Scouts "'uric On Test~. on present~day politics, and Miss

,I Me~ting Of, the Fortnlg~tly,\; I; S~~>Uts .~f ~ro~p 175 .at .~ayne Elizabeth Wentworth read ·one ,of· planned for next Monday, has been school met Tuesday evenmg for Berry's plays, uTeri·Pound Look."'postponed on account of the death ~outine work, .and troop 174, Col- The hostesses served.· of E. '~. I:.ove. lege 'Training school,_ carried on • * ••

Metbo"dist Foreign MissionaryJ regular work, at. the school )louse Grace Lutheran Aid.

~ocie~y 'mee~, this Thursday ·Yll,th 'f~dne~day ~~:~l~p; I Fr?:~;e~f~h~~: '~~~rg~~eA~~~'~~~~~~~s~=el~~:~~e. Mrs:' .L. In Re~r ,S~sI6n. . .sr~ Guests wer~ :Mrs. ~ilda An~

Mrs. C. E. Sprague entert.ains ,O~de~ of E~stern Star held, Its derson, :Miss Elsie Luers, Miss rFre­the ~ptlst Missionary society, re~ular, ~eeting M~:mday evening da Rowolt, ~rs, .Mahnke; ¥rs.and Union this Thursday at 1 at MasOOlC Jlall~ Program for the Julia Lage an,d Mrs. Raymond~clock covered dish:luncheon. Of- G:~~d l~dge,meeti~s:' to be held in Langemeier. '*-' socia) time closedfteers will be' elected. ' Lincol~ 10 May wa~ r~ad. Mrs. F. the regUlar business, and Mrs. Ber;'

Americ'an 'Legion~ 'Auxiliary J;..~ Bl~lr, worthy !!latron. and oth- res' .s~rved. Mrs. George, Berres,<'*eets Tuesday evening. :A;Pr,II' ~~; ers_plan to.att:~d~ '$ t.. jr., entertains iIi 'May.

:;~e~~:';;~LMrS~r~~¥~. ~~i~s~~ Mi~16,~ary SOC!f't:v. Bir'thday nm:e: ~l:eD.Mrs. Minnie' Strickland. ~resbyterian Missionary society Miss Brown .presided. Miss Marian Price 'and Miss met Wednesday; with Mrs. E. E. at a dinner at the Charles Brownl:laz~l Reeve wi,1l eptertailr' their 9~~I~y.-.¥rs. LQu Surber, Mrs. T. -home Monday evening in obser~bridge club at the Pa,ul Harrington T. _~ones an~ Mrs. Ralph, r:rockett vance of her birthday anniversary,home .next Thursday evening. Mrs. Howard James led Places were laid for six at oneThree tJlbles of players will be devot,lOnals am~ ,reports of Pres~ large table, 'wit~ decorations in-present. " ' by.terla} were given. ;rhe hostesses rose. Following the 'dinner, the

Meeting.{f. the Minerva club, served. group went to dress rehearsa~ forplanned for next Monday., has been "Children of the Moon" at Waynepostponed until April 24' on ac~ B,~'~:1"l~~~a~~~; State Teachers college. 1

· tount of.Ens,ter vacatio:p..' Mrs. J. l·•• " , I

~~~n:~8~~:S:~s. E. J;Hunteme~ ~~~:;:a:r~~a~ere:Oe:~~~Fr;~~ :~~ nl~heS~i~eCi~:~dt ci~Cle met~rs. Grace Keys~r will present Fred Korff. The guests were Mr. Tuesday with Mrs. ~. P. Gossard.

her piano students in recltal t11is and, Mrs. Frank Korff and child~ Miss Rose ,Assenheimer led theeveniDljr at her home. Tap dancing ~::;, ~~. a~~dM~:'\'~e~~~~r:::~ lesson. A letter' from Miss Laura

. numbers and readings 'Yil~ ~ oth~ Thompson of Omaha, stated thater features of the program.. Pupils Catherine' Lou. she plans to \return,soon to Africa.and their parents will be gUests. Mrs. :Charles Simpson of 'Good-

Circle One of the Methodist Aid Circle Meeting. Win, formerly of Wayne, also wroteAid meets April 19 ,with Mrs. W~ Circle Three of toe Methodist to the society. Mrs. Dora Bens~

C. Andrews. Assisthig hostesses ~~dc:~~~e:res~d~;.it~o~;s~:d boof entertains next Tuesday.

:i.~ M{SJ' ME c:erZtdMrs·dGMW. Mrs.ILyle Gamble at the Ca:.rhart For Mrs. ~J:S~P~eil..A1 er, rs. . " ran rs. home. Mrs. K. N. Parke had the Mrs. Charles Pfeil was' remem~~8.8ex:~:f~~~ra:~s.Earl Merchaft program,which was 'followed by a bered on her birthday last Satur~, Presbyterian Aid meets, at the social time an~ ;~f~eshments. day When seve~al called in the af-

church parlors April 19 at '3 ternoon and evening. In the groupo'Clock fot a<9book review and kenM were Mr~. ~e~,ry Wes~erhouse,

slngton. The ~ommlttee 'includes ~:d,iir;~~:'~~~R::"~:~*::Mrs. P. A. Davies, Mrs.' HOb;'t Bradford, Mrs. Henry Baker, Mrs.

t~:~~~~t~:~~:~r;:ih:-;;ile~ Henry Frevert, Miss' Clam JSh8n~') d,ruf• .Miss Sophie' Wieland and the

Wayne Business and Profession.,. otto Greenwald Women's club will be entertahi- \ • '" '$ •

_=:11I1111111111I11I11,11I11111111I",11I",\;11111I'11I,,1,1, 11,1 11,',',,', 1111I11I11I,11I,',1111I1111'11111111111111_=_1.: KountrY Itard ,KJnb,- I rhe K~untry'Kard,l<:Iubmet Cor


===- TH'E M'ODE ===_-_ Its last' gathering Of' this season'Saturday evening at the F. C.l:lamm~r! home. In ca.rds Mr. Ham·

_ ,_ m~r and Miss Joy Lutt held high

, .~ You OWe It To yriburse1lfTd See ~ ~~s~~it~vi:':l~f~n~~a:~~6::'7:~ The~e Dress Value's § :re~~:~:'h ~~~r~~~~~~~~I~~:s~:~~~


****CODsMvatton: Leag~e~, I

Child Conservation League metTuesda~ ''with Mrs. Clarence Sor­ensen. After covered dish dinner,the group heard a lesson on do­mestic science by Mrs. C. J. Shuck,Mrs. W. S. Miller and Mrs. GlennMcCay. Mrs. Merle Teitsort of

t I Laur~l, Mrs. Lyle Gamble and Mrs.


§,I=___ $10.00,: .'I! 11_--= :~::::~t~~~::::~:.~~Miss 'Kathryn Lou navis enter~

THAN EVER B E tained the Nu-Fu club last SaturM'

EFOR , §======_ day, afternoon, Invited gues's,were Mrs. :q. P. M;iller) MrS. Paul

JSiman, M:is~ Florence Peterson,

acketSheers Mrs. H. E. Hein of Lincoln, andMrs, D, H, Larson, Contract bridge

Are 'one of the many was diversion and high scores werefeatures in our Easter' ~ held by Mrs. Sirnan and Mrs. BurrCollection of Better :: Davis. The hostess, served two-

dresses. ~ ~~~~:~~~:~~~~n~IU~r~~:t ~es~:~~

;;;=__:_' :k:,~~s~:d ;8i::t

wear ,=====_ :~~rle Dillne: ~r:y.-, ,$3.95 th~:~~::~~st~~~~~~~~h~i~b ~~~

::: Als~ Sweaters. $1.00 :~a:h~i.~:i~~:r~~i~;n::~ven~~~= LoJ.-e)y new slips of committee included Mra. D. H._5 French Crepe. ECunnhigham. :Mrs: L. W. Mrs, W, c,· Shulthcis and Miss,5'!' .=:x.r8rgu~tile'~e'.BnilgewaIJdi.'= :: version for the evening and prizes:: :: were received .by Mr. and Mrs. ·F.'55 y ou~ Easter, gloves ,is S, Morgan and Mr, and Mrs, L.' A.5 here in kid I or fabric. § F~DSk~. ;MrS. J. F. Ahern enter~

:::';,: .:::-:l=i-:i;.;i~:13,~I;~i ~~~:'i~~~~,lll~!:r~ml·::>·!!t!r rl'H!;'","~~:" I:, :",~, ,i!i~ I" I'll :'! 'I: :r"§ ~~~:~~~~',~~itl;'~~!'~:J:!"'l,:;"f'" , .i "..' MINNIE H, KAGY , ' 'E For Sixth ,Birthday,=" I !"IIII"!IIIU~II"I""I!!IIIIII,I!IIJ'llllll'I'III,lImUI"!1! "iI ,~~~~ Br>sben was 6 year~jLI,I1: i,aJI!,!lIIMl.I.!I""!IMV~'~}i!~!I!!I,I,,!Ii:,~',,~1I'!i .II,,'!J,I, ,,:I,h,l' "I lllii'"i:!t:';J.!,]1!, ,~i 'U,'11\!~"ii!"MI':!',I::' ~,,!,:I·I,\,":i:";,1 Pll:1l'~~:!~!%1iill;:~~Bij~Jli!Wili~;'::'j:ii?r

Page 9: Herald (1888-Present)/1931-1940/

DOllble cord brea'ker (}v'hichmakers call two extra pliestread).Full standard dimensions.

Pri~m protected sidewalls.'B~st looking tire in its price class.








There al:e definite reasons why GOODYEAR Tires aresuperior in the two majn parts. 'I1he reasons can bedemonstrated and proven by us. . i



Goodyear Heavy Duty• Guaranteed 20,000 Miles •

FEATUIlESNew center traction tread, wider, fl~t­tel', for gteater, safer road contact.

Greater non-skid design depth. greatersafetJ-, increased tread ,thickness.Heavy duty Super-Twist cords 'bodY:'­Six full plies.

1~ The Tread

SIZE EACH~9x4.5O-20 .__ .. $6.4030x4.s0.--21 _... __ ........ __$6.502~x4.75--'-19 _.~ ._$7.1029x5.0lJ..-;-19 . .' ..$7_603!,,<5.0o-.l!0 ~ ....$7.85

I •. 26»5_;15--'-16 : $6.flO:~Ox5.2l1:_20, ., .... ;.$9.2.031xS.2>--21 _. .. :$9.35




il'rll'~f'lil'lil~'-lljllit, ;;~ y:.'::"I!II.lil:"I:1'1r • U ITED LI

CONTEST HELD IX.IN~~;~:D!D·RAI·'S····C,R.Oll1DDI:i :'~,',l,5~'1Q~~' 1.l-l..~~Ll....;.---:-~~~"'"==~=--.--:...-: --+--~~~~~~~ .•.,.'ii" I, 'in;: ,1]1,;,i I ~ ,: I 'IF.TY-TlimD,iY'Ic<£R . WAYNE NEBRASKA THURSD,<\.Y 'APRIL 13 J,933 :r-."U~,d'NE 'Stni\ton.1 Wayne, Sb;:'ibfter~i,,,I I I" "1111 1'111, '.II ·n,. i I I ,II, I '. J". i,,' '.:,.' , '.' '01'", " '1"1 I 1,:11 ,,,'

I .. I IIn 1j.JJ l'J' f:fiI)Ur I 1113 I "HII' I ill I I I EX. I t I I I I I' , I I I I J I' III J'I

~ausal rt ynot an~ 0 I I rna;1 group saxophone-;- • cel-\WIN'NE'RS FEl'ED after beIng absent six weeks. Tile thr ground started to heave and glass of a car in, which she was Marcella Speer, rrances S!.ef¥er,Scltouls Place Highest. l l~nt Norfolk I 1children were weighed that day roll agam A neighbor came 0l\t of I riding, Doris Tilden and,yrace Walters"

I Small group. ipuwo----E."<cellent,. I and thos~ gaining stnce. March her tent and sald, 'The end has I WEEK'S REVIEW 1 Richard Kyl of Wayne and Paul Numerals were presented to.l.WINNERS TO ENTER STATE S,OUth SlOUX City , I wer" Patty Thompson, Jean Ger- como Wt"arc shppmg mto the oc- HUher of Carroll, are alDong those Frances Atklnll, IPau1lDe Dutton,' III Ui~~ 111tu annual :iorli:l NeR I Smal gT<mp stnng-Good '''Y~IBY THE PEP CLUB mar, Aliet:' Smolsky, Nancj' 'Mines, eau Sec that, valle;y, Yesterda:r' 1t reelected to teach at West Point. Laura ~wse Eplmea, ~lottebrll~l;;t' !l1t"t s. t101,) , u strLct musw t not ave~-e.~~nca. Carolinn McClure, :Kathryn Sue was a hill See that crack It was OF THE HERALD I Clyde Booth bought the Clover LaBreck, Ann Martens, :Allce Mol-

~ h',tt;!ll1 W tYn~ .B'n.cta....llanu I II . In" ca.) (ilro~..l Lernet, Adeline Luers. Arnold foggy, everyon;c was half alseep 1Farm store at Har4Dgton from R zahn, Leona Pribll. Gla4Y;S ~pur~CQnt~~:tV t: Stanto.)~ nlaccu tH~at I SF ~ group:-supcrior. ' --- I.. KOhrt, Maxme Johiulon,:Fred Ellis, and read;J-·to believe anything so EXCHANGES H Smith. lqck and MIldred watters, I IA~~u ~<It\'Ut. hum schOOl 5e~QnU I c..~cellc~~ ·wn~b ..higil Banquet At The Pr~8byterlan Delos DaVls, Delmar ~vis. Mar- she fnghtened everyone terribly. I j Ita.ymond Toelle of IBeemer, and. school letter was presentep toi~ 'I !. s.:'" b ,. fi s~ ana I' SioUX r~L-~ Scribhe~. In Church Thuraday Eve cella Bt:Ugg-er and ~MarJ()ri~ Ann We fmall~' rcallzed she was demeu- Miss Vema Hoefener of Pierce, Ruth Armstrong. I I~ ~ <1"<' • .. ~.I U'Cl ~ ..., U j tli£ Wa:'"ll~1bqY$' group a~i\ Frank 1 W 11 Att d d Berg Two in the group Weigh. the ted We all got up and sat around I' Ralph Carhart of Randolph, '"jD..S were married last week. _I' ..... • I I11!!~w:;~\ Vl1:~~( (I~~rst II'~n cc~ u: ~ (j~I?bk Ja.mes Davies Donald 8 e i e I· same as shown on. M9.i'c:h 9, anti the campfIre until we calmed down reelected member. of the city LOuis Eaton of, Pender,~ last O. E. S. K~n. I " I I

!'T'UC"1 \\'£?rt nre--enteu O\l]j}r tl. S,! ~t'1ght and :Mari~:n Jones 1 . Tilt' Pep banquet onotll:lg ac~ six show loss m weIiiht. again and thep. tned to go to sleep councIl the::c week at AnSl~j'?b ~ Ea:;l.tern Star ~tonl ImetA if 1: Smalt grhup, '\:ocal mL*eG-SU~ tlvitlel' WInners <It ~e Presbyter- Baye ~. Ne\\' ~t6 The next day was Sundnj' and we F R Philbin who WM found Mrs. FrancislG vesofEmerson, Fndaoy afternoon with 'Mf,s E W.C\:ml' wlUl ttmnuC's t.lH g ~ 0 'p~rl0t Scdbnei.l'- excellentl Wayne ian churc.l,J. Thursd..1.;j' pveniug wa.':I The wee tots in the kinde~l'I spent the whole day trymg to cook dead at Colome, S D., was buned died at Penderl t week Monday. Huse about 25~ present IAs_~~~~~'~l~~~~UW~; ~~:~r~l' ~~~r:~~ : H,~h In the IWavn(' nu.xed gro~p attended by llbout 60·W.n.yne' high ten are .mucli occupled these. daYs enough to cat The water all had to at Randolph last week Flre of undet origin de- SISm{g hostesses were lofiss ICHive

- , Viert Pe~:-: strahan Ftahces l\..l- school students The footballilwith spring projects Last week be bOIled 20 Inlllutes Oue puny Walter Black of Lincoln, former stroyed a $1.500 bridge south of Ruse Mrs D S. Wl;ghtman llnd;~~~;:ll~_"~l!\~':~sen(~~~t:~hl:In~:~~I:j 1t~r Janle~ Da:--:ies and I Everett I sqUB,\l, basketball tC"am, and de- they decorated greer: mdividual' oil Ifife to cook everything- au made It Wayne. student, 18 one of four in Bristow last w k.. Mrs 'Fred W Ny'be;rg. ~hel timeAll \'dlt' scor't::~( a.."- sunenOl or c..'\lt : !>em:IS ... . !Clamlltor), d~bn.te and sommer- cloth mats WIth orchid enamel, a mes~ The baby wa.s as nervous the Umted States on a commlttee Norfolk IS pav g two miles on was spent 1D sewmg for I the


- G1.15 tolee club. class D:-Ex- ,cul.l contest "'lIlliers we~c han~ ~·'orking out their own designs as a llttlc witch Everytime any- to meet 1ll New York this week to east Norfolk av nue tern Star home at Fremont. He-'

eeeIIl~~~~, l~l~ t'~~te~IS~I~::~qt~~~t:~~~:~:c~llent . Wynot I . : oree$ Mrs c~ Wnght, A~rs. Rol- bd this week they used the'm fO; one "auld make a sudden ,mov'e. formulate basketball rules 0 Supt T I Fri~st and all Wisner freahments were served. M:11l1C T.

'" • - Glrl~ small group '\:ocal-Su- lu,~ Le' am rs C C 'Detersep I cla,· modelin& Jacqueline Wlvht- ment she would cry Ed Beeler 24, was burned to teachers Were r¥lected last week. Ingham, Mrs A. McEachen. 1.1rsu· K\:,UrIlP' M~' .' anu lj Norfolk j • E PI N 1 ... .., I,) b' C t Mi J D f w' i ;.l.: ~• • A peno:, merson, fUnVle\\ 0,1'- took char<"'C of the ::;en'l~ The Iman and Jack Fltch .brought "Tne baby and ~ went to Men~ death sa urday at Stanton when S5 ean aVles 0 ayne, s one Willis Noakes and Mrs. u; E


~\~;~g~: ~I~~'~""co~~~et~~t~ ~:~:= :ft:llk, excellent, Al1en, W1sner, I program t:J lllcluded Vr'~ork,erb, pussywlllows for the roam; Rich- tore Harlan cOj.lldn~t because the trymg to escape from a blazm~ 10f the staff The boa.rd Will save son enterta.m Ma;y 5 aT ~e Dr.tnct J 0 • 1 \Vaynt' liigh Wausa Hartington: IFrankhlf, Henkel, I-nspImtion~W' j ard Best brought two gold fISh for CIty bwuness :b,ad to go on We hou.c;e Mr Beeler was alone al.. j 18 percent or about $3,~OO Ingham home. I

WakefH~ld IIi the WaYtJ:e glT1S A Behl N-umbers, l.f.eivm Brown, the bowl, and a present of R' clam sla-yed at an orange ranch ill the hom,.e and had dropped off to sleep I Mrs Lizzie Schuneman 63, sus~ ... ·1'" '" II Senoe! \\ ~r, cla~scd a~coTCting l sextet a'n:~ tne fQllo'lh1ng' Helen N~eve, Mavls Baker, ~I~arnest- I in its shell and three stones was foothiUs a week I ill the evemng before retlnng I tamed a broken hip When she fell \Vitb Mrs. L. F. GoOd.tD SIZ'. A l'<>ing-larg-est Eacb en- j :~lones Jeanne Wnght. Gwendolyn De&:;: Ru:: Holder, R~eu.son, James jrecelved from fourth grade boys... I IAbout 1:30 Saturday nlOrmng he as a rooster fnghtened per The J. A 0, clUb Ime{ laattr.artt ~_md~ fo' hl<: s::hpol supel-iMulvC'), Inez Perl') LucHt! WrIght DaVies, and S-uccesB, Gayle carolinn McClure, fIrst ..grader, Tn: liQspital~ 10 Long .BeaCh was awakened by Smo&.c but the IIPlalnVlew voted last week to Thursday with Mrs. L.IF. Good.]0- g:n:m:f" Ll' !nrlS- pomb cxct'l- I and V-eronu t-icNatt with lIelen IChilds Zada GIfford, Barbara Stra~ brought her black baby chick m to are not do\\"D. LIke other bmldings I fire had gamed s\lch headwa.y that continue its band Foy George, Guests were M~. A,. A 1 p;~el ofl~n· nt"'~. {-:'),t<l next and av;e~ag(' IVatt~ Wi accompamst han and Neva Jones tap danced, I show the begtnners and this st.arl~ they are damaged but not setlOUS-\ he could not escape formerly of Carroll 19 leader Norfolk, Mrs C, L. Plcke£tl and .In\\.;:>3: T:l' ~~htln!" .mellltloned.·! r Orches:ra class D-~xcenent, and MIrabel Blan furmshed mUSlC. '[ cd them to thinltlng of Easter. Pa- ly Ptpes In one burst and attend- Mrs Damel Albertson of La.utel, I Mr and Mrs James Voorhies of Mrs Mamle Golden. ;Each ~el~nblH l.SI'or'2( large?:! number, 'at ~\'1itot "d I Tn.outs w~re held fOl the semor per baskets and eggs were th¢' re- ants .'WOrked around on sandbags Idled :March 24 at the age of 72 I,orchard celebrated their golden cd roll call on the gard~ j;lrggrampcmt", Boys' giee chili, lass C-Super· 'I I . 1 j,p 0 M H t .. sult. A new beaD. bag boardi has It wonderful that the fleet John Armstrong dIed at New- wedding 8111uversary last week. with her favorite flower and ve.g~

PH:: ,lnlu' r:. E:C1U :lnd Prof K : 10':". §lcr,ibneT, cx~ellent Ponca, ;r~: iU:;dR e~til Fr;d.a).~~t been added to the roam eqwpment, waR herc They were on shore halt I castle March 28 at the age of 71 I Norfolk voted last week. to buy etable. Mrs Bud Ch1lc9~t t?d ai" J\~rl,. o' \'\" coIlcgt' faculty BrUfiSv.'1x:k I I k w th ail rnerober4 ttemg glV and hM proven very absorbmg to an hour after the quake and put 1 Miss Clara Tl~dtke of Pilger, Ithe electnc power and gas plants paper on garden flowers! anti ]I;!rshall 1(1":;"\ kh up .01 th .::ontest j Glrt.<:' glel;; club ~Ilass' C-Sluper. ::eu~e 0

1portunltv to ~<tmpete fa; the children tl1(' CIt..... under martial law The Iand Ralph Lawrence of Hastings: of that cit) The voters usa fa- GOlden told about her !1f!W+


Of1h•.;>r;- vi tnt;. Cl;;', dected lOr ,Allen, Har:t1llg on, e..xcellent IToles G~Yle Cmlcts .senIOr spon~ thm¥ that saved Long Bea: from wJre martied at West Point Thej Ivored spending $50,000 for an den. lI'he hostess served after aSatUlQ:.\i' ,m Pre/Stdtmt l:>tulC1Pa.l wflusa l Crof~on, merson SCTlb~ joSor IS ill chaI?e of the production W.·t T F lk terrIble loss by fire y.ra.<:; e fact Wlll hve at Pilger aeratIon and filtratiOn system m social time Mrs.,Dean lia.n$on en-

. JDhn SmO)OllCK O:i EW~, VJ.Ct) ner lb. J l es 0 0 8 that the men at the gas pIpe con~ Ed WIlkinson, 79, pIOneer of the water workB plant. tertatns April 20, I Ipres.ut:fl..MUSH lu.'StructOl· PaUli I EO)"" glee clUb, class B-Super~ . Supt H ~ Best was 111 last In Wayne About troIs lrept theIr heads and almost IDlXon county 1 died a.t New~tle The Burlington has asked per~ * * * .. ~ IRummel of ~or.f(llk and secre* I lot, WaynE hIgh. e.."t.cellent, Stan- week, and unable to meet his the nunute the quake hit they last week ! nusslon to discontinue station Bidorbi On~:r.

B . J .hL We til ton Wlsn~' In the Wayne rrroup j classes trom Wedneslila) through Quake In West turned off the gas The man who I Loms GIgear of Emerson, has il a IMrs Edna DaVIS Mm Ie H~~·... t~.2~~':;\~,~t~:onif~~l~ ~ffli:~ers\h~ t:m. thft fOliowrq.g. Wilham Ahern, I Fnday threv-' off all the high voltag~ lost completed 50 years of service for ::nts on the O'Ne ~'SlOUX ty F18her· andlMrs H 13 cta.'~lwere

• D'g",. J J ! ! John Brugger .1'; Robert eunntnrr_' Prachces fat; thE' - tllgh school Mrs Harlan Boyer of Long his life dOlllg It but he flllIshed the the raIlroad and has been retired h t t ~ Bd' b bm I t~~~t~~:l.~B:;~e ir~n~:or~~~ o~- :pam Jame~ D~Vles, Everett De~-l charms and glee clubs .wer€' held at Beach, ICalif., formerly Miss Dofo- Jab t" on pensIon, He WM formerly sec~ • T~~::'~:: the Da~~rhl:ejIn:-mout! al:G Bun: \-Veatherhogg 1lls. Frank ~ble, Marton Jones, Ithe college aUditonuh Thursday thy El~s, wntes March 31 to ::Mrs. "All the school hmldings are Just, hon man at Wayne \ SOCIety Ied guests wer.e .Miss IMJ.r~ret

rt~~mlt;;. ~l "\ftCal 80lmi Robert Kmgston, William I afternoon m prepara on for the ~a:J Ell~S Dan~ ~ ~H. pIles of bnck If the quake had 1 -Mrs Grace Laiarge's resldence Athletic ~uet Held Sch~melf Mrs.l O. R BOwen and

S'''-l( \, ""'\i':!U~~ conauct~d at the Howar.o. ~la\l'. 'Robert McEachen i m~:c. ~~~est t d t h t I h- b~ ~ an t th ua: :::- happened dunng school hours it Iat Bloomheld was destroyed by fire- II A large number attended. the IMrs. D. H CUmiingban:i. The h08-S('hIJC, r ::L1l2;'l reSultell':":; fo11o\\.3 ~lumo~ Ne~son. carol Peterson ~ ~ . l'"~ ~rne Ok IS d~ a Uts f e re~en 1e:t

r i 11 " would have been the Worst disa;ster Thursday night The Lafarge boys I seventh annual banquet of the tesses served 1 o'clock luncheon at- Wtlltam Studley, Dale f Tucker, mg on R) a ast wee an as cerp rom er e er 0 ov.; of history Tht' PaCIfic coast club Iwere awakened bv the smoke a'1Q , small tables attractive~sweet~

B1WC: 1<1\\ "'01 • .:-~une:lI;H' Cha.r 'Don Wnght and ,Paul ybung. Loula Aver~. ]UDlOr hIgh teacher, "Th last bme I heard the Offl- wa~ so badly dama ed that It \s I roused Just lD time to leap out of I college Womens ~th1etic asSOCI- \ as. Bnd e I_II

I ~:n;~~';~,~1: Inc:(,' o~Ol~~~~~~:US~:ld ~ Ml-'<ed chorus Class C---SuperlOr, ~::~~~t:;;e~O~~=~t::~esdaY ~:~l:n ~~~Q:lq~:e~~I::ha~: bemg torn down ~el¥e tons 01 : a wmdow to safety. 'I ~:n=~~'=~be~l~o~Ot:~= ~ard MrsgH ~Scl11.1lt. oi ~ortOH. e:\.celleht. PeTiE Scrib:ner Wayne college high; ex- Fihals In the declamatory con~ had pi nty SInCe'then That seem.s brick and plasterl were taken out t A hog house on the Hans Nelsen ed awards T.aose received mto ac- score for the jl

tltaverlmml' n .Brun~wlcl" gopu ; Cellttnt,IPtmca In the Wayne col- test ar!;' set for Apnl 21, place to be e natural Of a of the CIty hall farm near Homer was destroyed bYe membership are Lavem C . .M Craven ks II

}I. aRelL' \1 :.JrCllU.Td Harole. ,legemgh IIllXFed chDorufi are oEllea~ r~ot yet deCIded James DaVies, ora- bIg ea thquake but nevertheless it "Harlan has talked to a lot of r b:;i' firbee lastI wteek'th1s bSloWS and 21 I Beard, .Sophle Damme, Ruth De- seaeflhes t1n Mtwo AweeB n"'b It' Ed'P I nor Cechin ave awson IVla f th b h th th ck f I'P gs mg os III e aze. tz LaV me Erxl,eben../ Evelyn I' ar ,rs ","",or: ar anson 0:· V~ H,YJ"h; '}. ,ammg ~ctJ.oo.., 1l~ I' ff b \.t!!b irumie Denkm er toncal wmner at Laurel, and Wll- doesn' prevent one's heart rom e ays w ° were III C 1 0 IWI, e MrS C M Ctaven etttetla.ih

'::" I Dl en a .,. g liam Studle,., extemporaneous compl te fl1f-fiops from t:lme to fIghting m the 'World war and they One of the rural ma.fl routes at I Gast-er, Francma Limes, Helyn· I IBll\'~ mgt VOICt - ::'uperjor H.Ob~·1 Ma""y Ellen Ctilhver JeSS1~Hro;-j WInnel, WIll rep~esent Wayne time. Yesterday mormng about 4 all say never were they as fnght- t West POInt has ~n di5contiriuedIMunter, Wy.lma Nykodem, Irene' • tio I

crt S('xtlJI, 0 (JrCllllrd ~ Korva.: Ison Rut~ Hanson. Doro~~rt:s-I I~erI1(lt Stewart mUSlC dIrector o'Cloc we had the hardest one ened as durmJ; the quake Even to -elImmate cost Rose, Alberta Simon. Lola Thom- Things ~aven t hit "I J.tbm Cos~~o"3ta 0 V,ltl'''' <Yl)od L1nvo Do ~ dan F'<1ye Lutt Eleanor J!, N I al tile schoo] and Mrs .1 T Bres- Slllce the ongmal It Just about, bIg, strong :fIlen get fnghtened· II MISS Nell Dendinger of Harting- as, Ruth Tilden, Vaneta Trac:r long as its sa:fe to PiS a coIl-e­sC!' o. \1, .\,yne""coll~gl 111gh ~ Brun5.- ~ouella Mever]. Dagmer elSO~~ I sle~ Jr, pre~ented a program 01 IratUe us out of our beds I Every IgueM it IS because they were so' ton, had .one ~ye Injured when a Pins were awarded to Frances At- tion-p~ from han"d Ito ~~F-

~l~~ J 11_~~~m'lillwmSCd-GIMdaIO~~dP.~~~rn~~I~tS~~~~~~I~hje~~~~~S~.~'~O~d~o~an~Y~t~_~g~'~~'~~I~p~hi~ian~t~d~m~.~~anid~b~roik~e~th~e~_~~,o~li~v~e~_~~k~e~~~~~c~e~M~~~_~~'~~~t~~~=~~N~~~~~~,~~~~~,,. 1 ....aret Wade Evelvn en t, a v:.:; • ha h d t I ~ .',1""[ I'" \' ,- ~llTl\>no "2 I \VhOrlrn... Harold AndeniOn Clar- Methoaist church Sunda'\ evenmg I "AI ost evervone 8 a er-

In' ,,,-,,!. C \ nt"c I-vl-I D id.Bak Donal and Mrt H f: Best gave Easter nble~OldS for we haven't had an" )<"' ~1

'1I31:elP'~~l'r1(Jlk_ AaeeofIA!.,~Ct~o~~f'eo~~uer.Mi~~~nDaw~ireadings .. ' Igas twasJustturnedODIUBei: ~~ I I I III1I ~J-! r ',- t'lltn "-I. I::g~::'n ot"B,{. - E g H d 1 hn Al Among .TulIJor HIgh GT"ddes, mont hore two days ago Onerea'l ~ r F- dOTh' F Ab '.. j, ' ,. Ll' FJ·~tL:il,,"l OJ 1,)' - ""~~h ~d~~e;:~B~~ W~ltmoreuen, Last Damrosch program\ of tileIson i was so slo\" .heJ::e was tre-:-""t - lit ~ 18 at e, a~ts IOU""~: ..' l • t' {{ 1 1'1.« :Mary Ellen L~ J J year 5 sene" wa.."" hearD by the cause Belmont shore dropped SIX 1 .,:-.(,ulll\" III \\lh'11t.: collegE.' lugh Girl!> {flee club class B--SUpeI- \ grade chIldren FrIday morning. incbe and broke every ~ plpe iV.ll..lreflt'!o.. . lOr, Pierce IStanton, Wayne high' These broadcasts of mustcallD- down here I

~,1 1 ' I ::nm Sun, :-to- ~xcelIent 'piam... Ie..... \Vlsner The terpretatwn hav{' beeu hearc~ 'IT e day of tile big qUake I had I G od T- Atli 1'1 l- 1 1>1 U11\ IN" , .... t.:mdil!)''"1l Wayn' group COnsIsts of the fol- I eve~ two weeks durmg the perIOl1 1 take Airs Munson to a fnend s I 0 year Ires

~,Ll1 (I \' ll:·ll !Jig-I., ~la<1:.~ IO\\l~g ~~rances Baker. Artw::ne: from October-'to Apnl, alternatmg fO! ~ner at 5.30 and left Harlan I I

bullr:;;'lcu n: \-"akefl~ltl] 'excellent, \ DaVIS, I.&ona Coryel1, Georgma r with the programs for high Iand e baby playing ball athome.!L':l::" ~lt.l n~ ~Cl'", Bernetta Ei· ,E~~tn:'mr . Mildred . Eckstrom, Ischools, I e right back aD9- i'¥it put I I :

il~ \J~ ~·dl·'!. '!<dltL LeL:;.... O~Wi.sncr;: ~!arJorl,E" ~llIs, ~ra.lQine Gambl:, i Betty Wright was winner in the my f at on the top step when oilt" (CENTRAL' GARAG'JE.''. l" ':',!-1"'. Lm·~r."cl: '::ilady" , Loms!', Heldenrelc)J.. Dorothy Hook, huIhoroulO dlvislOn of thE' Junlor I of a lear sky there was a terrific ..

I V. "'-'11, c<)~l('g"t' bigoh ! Rachel Hansen, Mnr.~aret JOll:S 1 ):ligh tn-school tournamem. held re- iroar, a sudden and terrible jolt up-S\,n€no- ~lm- Helen Jones ,lune Gal~ ,lones Nl:":- cenU~, 10 placl' 0: Jeann{" Wnghl, I\vard ,a sway from tlle north sld~'

m' OC V,a}"lli cOll~ej ~a J.ones ElIzabeth Kl~et Mar- II as prevlOusly announced WhiC threw me down fIve steps " I'!'l~l n Nonal. Irene ]Or1£' Lerr:i:lr, Frances Kiker Ver- Seventh grader", are compos1mg and sway back fralm the south ' WAYN'E NEB Ph" 220

I :'~!"lDner excel ana .McNatt MIldred Malone, \'en,es m languagt class tm& wee.. I that threw me back up the steps 101 Main ,. onelcnl Gustaf"on of Wausa i G:wendolyn Mulvey Mary Ella Ishowmg motion, color and so4nd II de a lunge for the dom It

Hlldr-l V,Ul,lm, 01 80,lt" Swux 1p,ie, Inez Perry, Vman Sandahl Tney are taking up stucty ot, open ct and there werk Harlan and IT ISN'T. DIFFICULT to buy a good tire at th.e rightCl:.) '}I]\ ...[1' Manr of \VlSner Fegg:;r Strahan, Helen v.ath Betsy grapm ill anthmetlc, and m [art j the aby ill the middlf of the room"flne' K"e'" ot "eYf!' h1gh IVonSeggern, Jeanne Wrtght, La- ciass, made a\traetwP'pussywill0V. tfYl g to get out Iflyou C1!D lm- price when you know the FACTS. The·facts are not;CU" \' 'hdtdd PlallWteW or-I elle Wnght, Pauline Yocum, kllee I_ketcnes and bird Plcture.s to form agm floors rolling in waves like hard to get at _ Because the( are just two maincna"u I!.r:ae~ :;,Ol, II Mae Young. Manon Seymour- 18 Ia bdrder for theIr room br~er8 and the ~onung m I

B()\~ "Cl'l1lUn .... mc'C ~Supenor accompailist EIghth ""meters' current event to eet you and the turn fly- parts'to a tire _ ,I' .E,vP..\'t I f"Ull1", ()' \\"':{fV hIgh Mixed chords, class ~SuperlOr, pen-od lastcFn~'was III charge of mg round like it d a.rms andI

M11-rtn OC \Vau",;:'. excel- \\'ayne high I excellent, Wisner. Dorothy Heidenrelch legs. and your hous at such an ,

1"]:: ':)) :'m~'~~~~n.~;~::CkS~~~~~~;. ' ~::~I~~l'~T~r::~i:e:;l~~~~C~~~~~ !edA~:~. ~~~g~~~~\~L:~~~~ 6~~~: :g~ et:~'l~'f~~~~o= ~~ ~:~ I

Im:;trunwlltu~ ~olff"" ,g~ee. clubs. I I' I[ bUB cia;y, they want~d to, w~ite to e other, then you have a-smal1C,)r~l" Fra?tc~~ 'J?em- III ,,~oleridg~. ?~ly clas~ C, arches· humorous account..1 of a modern con p'Uon of what it was. ~ke. I

m·' lj~ Sldn,,;: ~~~gtlaD2j 01 I. tra , wa~ tillablE' to appear. I Columbus, and :Marian Vath read di 't see how it was pOSSible thatPl>:::l':' MilUll [J (·at.~ OT Bancroft: l O~chestra, class B---:-SuperIGr, Ian espeCIally gOO,d one to the class. Har ,With the baby Iclasped inex('"eli~n; Paul Buhnnan of \tvake-


"S,tantonll The readillg chart for the fourthIhis arms, would make that doorfield, Mll~lit~ .1tJ!1,?-s012·' ~~ Os~on?:' Band," 'C~a~ G-Superior, Os~ I gradeI'E 'showS 'the most b,?Ok em- hef re the whole house collapsed!l ..aura, V. qrrter l?'" .].\\·~W· Lesll£: 'mond' ex.celle:ht, EWing, Pendet. Iblem." aftE;r thE; foll~wing nam~s; but epl0ther wave'from the north,Waldon q~ Pemier, 'IiT~d; Sly of '", . Stan PaUl Harringt01i, J."eah Jean Ga- m t luive helped us out the doorHarhngt<JI1' g\l'){~ S~ribner Emer-

IB.and, (:laS~'-B--~-SuperlOr, - "auwe. Jack Carroll and Virginia and just as we· got down on the

son ton, exceUen~, PIerce. ! Mesnard, Ned vVade made a. bIrd i sid alk a huge service garageClann'" - Rlip·.:ao1 Manon i .1u~<>"C6 for .C-orrtest. : house 1ll connectIOn ,\ith hIS boy 1 do,,", on the corner from us col~

Jone::" 0: v, nyth 111lgL F~ed S"''"311 I" Mrs."ca~9l;:M. Pit~c; o~. 0:naha~ \ s~out work, and brought it tOj lap ed in a pile of bril1lk. , .of Osmor:L! t'x"cllen:.. Hazel Clark, Ethel Th?mpSOIl ~ucms~l of s~oux school Friday to show his class- "he pandemonium that Iollow­()1 J'.,;ort{}\!. ::'l.t:-:\· Bnon of E\ving. ! Cit:.: arn F:ederlCk ViIlck 0* St. mates. In self~testingdrill No.19 ed! Cars started dashing 60 and1l,liltoI~ .M'~~Lilll 01 Plerce r H.egmold ' PaUl, '""fere Judges. Iin arithmetic, Annabell Jensen 10 'les an hour, everybody lean-IWert7- 0; Hu.rtingto~. ,'Ivan: :!, " i T~ ':FU:r V18U;orS., I ,made' 10, Ithe highest, possible ing on their horns-sirens ahriek-Sc:hwart:;: of Stantotl Stanley 1I--u.s;; Ardath. Conn and Mrs. 'score, and average for the class ing A soon as we could get our~!lcha~i, rJi. 'W,sne[. goodrl Scribn~x, i .Jq.~,I~. KT~~ ~tertainc;d at a tea, was l eight. Bi~e SIde is leading in wi a.bout us we dashed down toEDlt;nwh. I ,Saturday q:ftr:noon jat the conege·1 the arithmetic contest. the folks and it was some happy

TrornbDll' ~ super¥>r, Ivan Guests were :Judges! members of I Miss Hazel Reeve has organized re ion,Schy.a.rtz 1(}f .stanton. !J -cxceUc~t,r tq.~ music ,q~ra:rtIn;en~ Of, the col· a r.qythm orchestta at;n0ng het:" . "We went down town and ~eLowel1.l\hdmcl of Wisner. lege ~aculty land theIr Wives and third graders, with the follOWing SIg ts that met our eyes on the

f'nUti,Ipllolw - Ex~elleni..1 n.ay~ officers of the district music 3.8S9- players; Xylophone, June Thomas; wa! Parlors, bedrooms, etc., ex~nllond 1'dl'f'\" 0: Osmond. I ' ciation and their wives. drum, Buddy McNatt; triangies, po ed. Buildings collapsed. Streets

·Dru:n.i~,::---SupcrlOr, Hugh ll.1abir:!' ': 'Shirle~- Mae Powers and - Carol im assable in plS.ces. It took usof Stanton. I, I." "', I '. I •• jean Ni~holaisen: symbals, Fred~ an hour to get down there. Most

rre:nch Horn---ExcellTPL Joseph, \ F;~u:or,t~, ~fJ~{{,,:e, .~ick ~ traJ•. Paul Pett:r8~n and: all brick buildiI;lgs went do~.Bri.rne~ 1'1': Pender. . 1 To M;eet In lJ'ayne John Ei ung; bells, PhyItis Mit- "After visiting the' store we de-

".~ Qf~I~~~~~~:;o~;:o~~it~;;l~~~';:1 'Tbe.~e~~distEpworth League ~:tl':~ ~=~en~e~~;:~ ~ ~o::=~tt: ::.~~~~e:':c€Ueui Ed. V..·ocrth of Schnner, l annual lD.sbtute for Ne~ 'Donald DenQeCk; tamborfnes, Mar- th ught our part of the town wasItoPt:-::",l. .SmitL of HaI"ti~ton, Clay,,\ brask~ W,lll ~ ~el~~ this ~e~.r ,gie Fitch, B~tty Jo G~ldersleeve, 8.f, safe as any. We had only beenHacely 0: Pender; good, Ewtno. at the .waYn~"fatrgrOl.m.'dS the last .Betty Pile and Betty Ann zeppl!n: ou ~ere a shQrt while when theyOsmocd. week In J~. Rev. R. M. Fagan sand blocks, Betty Sund, Donald sh oed everyone out of B~lmont

Platllt-,sl1pn'i2Jr, Ruth Puba.nzIof PiercE.·, who has charge, reports Dean Steinmetz, Donald ¥c~her~ sh r~ because of a tidal wave theyof PlllinvlCw; excellent. Jeanne ~~t 250 la:st year and he ran, Dorothy Be~ks and: Harold sa d ]was coming. We drove outWrigh: o~ \~'a~ml' high, M~rgaret l~ cxp:cting ian even l~rger num~ Racher\;>aumer; 'Wood blocks, Leroy ~ Vf Signal hill on ~e.main roadBarkp,T 0; Croft'JTI: good, Laurel, ber this ,J~. The ~ntire exp~e. Bonawitz; rhythm sticks; H821el 0 Lqs Angeles. We p~ed at;oundSoutb S:fH1:;: City. Stanton, Wake~, for each regIstrant 15 ~4. . Thompson, jean Berry, Ruth Jean' tsitle all that niEht and the nextfield, Pierc,". Pilger, Pender; aver- I I' Phipps, Dorothy SrnOlskJ} Laur- y te parked on a vacant lot off .

,,' age, \V:vnot ,! Cam of 'J1Ia:IilcB. ence Laas Robert Laas, Qila Mae· A e ic~ avenue. and watched.. Flut;.:....-Ex~cllcnt,. El~,peth LC~~~:: :, w~ wt's~ tP 'e:;;;:.pre~s:,t~ nei~hb,!rs· va~ghter~ .and R:a~pnd; Murray. c rs s~~ out of La'rig ..~each,

1 of W1S"· and ather ,friends our smcere 3ean Germar is .leader, and Miss mlu.ances going by and all kinds1 Violin--Superior. Byron Darnen thankS for their many acts of Reeve plays the accompapiments. 0 S~PIies coming in.' 4\:11 the titIle

o~ ~ar'f')U-c e:-:cell~~t,,'ViOm;, 'k.~dness dutmg.' the ~e~ ,~.3.:t ;In:connection with the rest project ~. ~ getting sh.alOOs about ev,­Schvv"lnd:[ of Stant~n;, ,g~o~~, ~~e t~m~ of 1q.J.(~ 4eath of ?';1r WIfe ~~,,;gym~n1' third gr~~:s :q.ave e y. lhalf hour and it seemed as""Bloomfield. and mother. David E . .lames -and made inter~sting and origmal pos- t OU the glrounq was 'in ~on~

, "i8mJiJ GroUPi~~"I"Ji'i ",I,: \~'l'il~"I' ' ":~,,,,"'I" "" " " 5.~mO~iO~I: .

Re~utt~ in Small'~0!rp,:r.M~~2f~, 1'1' ,I, I "I" II l "'"", ' 1 I ~ob1;!yJea.p.,Ca~1!:bro,1Jgh~ .' 'I'S ~e~lnd$.invitedU8"to::r'jVl.el:fr'~f~ follow~.~ ,'ll"" ':~Ij'l' '1"11 II ~III 111,.Unde~ ..~ n~'fi, ~e;nf,ep.ts '~I~ ,qu!*,,,~.t;c;'Jtl ,horne: ~q:,~~~e , elr C ,yard RI1d we,rli. e, Small group, tnstrum~ta ,brasfl might be w~U to have somebody orlgtn81 beach set~ng ~m. pte ba to. sleep in the car-Surerior, Stanton; -excellent, whose .duty it is to remind the on tlIe sea, and W"itidnillis m the d ~ept on apnngs with no n1~t-·

~~~~. ~~~~,~~~;d~~~e:~~~~~"~1t~:S~~~ymg~""~~~ffi~:~~~d,'~ t ,~tli~el',~~~~:ior, -N~viUe ~outhet:n Lumberman. first grade Monday of lwlt week "I iurt dl;oP~ off to Ble~ when~.l~;;~~~~i~~iii;iiii~iiiii;iiiiii"ii~ii!i~~;i~ii!iiii~iiiiiii~ii!i~iiii~iiii~iiii;

iill;!J~li,i~i;1iil;l~illllH:!:,hliiiM'i;:i,.I, l,i:1 :,,11;"11'I,ili 11'1: 111 11::;,1'1,.11 iklilli,",··I>fhl' .1.11 :L,\k!I.'i.,i;i i!iii.;;i)lii!i~'ili;i:i;;;;Ji;':~i· j'l;il<~;::~:ilj,:;, ~,'I' ;,,,, I' ' ;1 ,!' "'''! i':':;'::f"~1!, 1',(,~~i,ilh!!Jl~jti'l ,~~im k~ ~Hi l~l" ,) ,~~~jH1ll~I'~ 1~Ih:ifl'l rol~j~hlkf,lfJ~j ;I,L!I bh,·W II'! 1";!];1';d,'¥tr,;'1:11~'irn1hHtbiI~\k'fUJ~i'\~~1ll'tittllliiW:'f, ;~'~1,1", i ,} Jt\I~Ti,,'~" "1\,, ,.;. i I"', i ,~. . ,',;

Page 10: Herald (1888-Present)/1931-1940/







. ' I i I

Yourself. i' I ,I

.on Price I,·

.whether you"ant the bestgasaline and motor on::yoJ '~1'money can buy or the best at low cost, ,.!OU WiIl fi~".i~ a~ ,youi' nearest StanClard Station or dealer; Whatever pricey~u choose to pJy, you can use i~ wi~ complete, confi1~nee. Everything Standard sells IS Slife for your ~otor~ ,

, : :,I!I

FIN'E GASOLI'NES"at 3 fair prices - take' your choice: "~

. '!-I' I

•Not a third g~ade fuel, but a high:':test, regular. white gasoline ·that:is the equal of the Red Crown yo~

bought" few yeaJ'8 "go~ ,: .:, I, 'I',,: ,I'.'! ,"! :, ,

The most popular gasoline in'Nebr"sk" and the Middle West.,Constantly improved, (it's noWhigher in anti~knoek<

,- " I' : _ 1-"":: i :!!I! 11:1

The Yer'f linest gasoline seteace hasprodu~. pluS a full measure .~IEthyilluld. .


1 An OldBusiness

Has Opened a New


I~usine~s in Wayne_ 20 years expel""I, ience i~ Conco~d is your a~8uraDce

lof .'satisfactory,' guaranteed! work_


, W~b~ve th~ most complete :Weltdrill.!. ~ng~ 'eq~jpn:tent in.No~hea.~t Nebr~.lta~ ':1­

Five; "fell d~illing .macbines '~~ yo~rserviCe., " , , •




Sunday school at ,10 a. m.There will be 'R service on Good

Friday morning at 10:30 o'clock.You ,are welcome.

Friday evening, April 14, theIAdplt League wil~ meet ~t, the pa,r~ :

:~;a::/~~c~=r~:~r~Usines~, meet~ IPrayer service on Wednesda

evenings ,at 8 o'clo'ck, followed bchoin practice. I

Set-;ices for, Easter Sunday,April 16,: ,

Sunday school at 10 a. m., withlesson on "The Easter Message."

Easter morning worShip at 11o'clock I

, E. L~. C. E. meets at 7:30 p. m.The lesson: "If a Man Die. Shalllle Live Again1" 'Leader. FredMaas.· ,

Easter program at 8 p. m., fol~

lowed by choir practice.

fI""Ji' I, 'JIi'III~IJ"I" '111 '1\1 "1,'1,'" .I' ',11 llfjl'IM' l'IHI1l'ilJ,' "':t ," "I" j,1 '~'~'1111r~ 1"! ';'iH'", t l '. :." I' "flt '.' 1", 'I .• · --- .:: ;, "'-:-.;':·I::~· "':-f I .,- • 'I ' " 1 ,. ,. :~--';"'-~---:";--":';r---";":-:-__--+"-""''';''''';;;;;:,-';;;'~--;':~, ;,\o;,j;,;';,''';14,;,~,~-.•p,~nl,jUmlll~l"lIllIU"'I'l111llln"'''I''Ulnll"lIInft'l v las, week VlSl UlP' at tre, cf 1 n~' l),mltll" ill;" n,·!, llt),'l1'll )'(,'·"(8 fp.;i,t :,'rv.:;rn1' w~e.",~S w tho h"',' r G:f.'..:_ '!}dfit.',·,ho.m,", a week ag;o'f?unday, a,f~ s'e'rvice" With' ee'''· b" ~~i'o'n' i "of' tb


..··~··.':T"'o'""S'U:1N'SJl.":,::,::: '::.!: ~~;~f"'~bwe'~:~~d; iiqe :~:~~: :a~~"hNtds qy~r'::~il~ 4ft'~li's't6' ~~e ght r"~lsa Faye ,Brittain. t~rnoon. ," I,Lo,rd's ~upper at)O i~la':I'~','" e

.1':" w"I'~~I:' L,' .;f'..M~", "'I'" " ,il " , "hqm~"~'itp ~~~m, I ,ne}\' n~emb~r~.. ' , I hi' or pink gold fi'a~es,.. In- " Glovanna' Bennett was a guest ,:,. On master Sunda I GerJ:D~n serv-: NO\'Jl,lt:L',~peAter ot,ihe,~er.. ;" _ "1~' 19~C?uR, 'Y~~,t, ~,~t~~~ql?-'" " " ' ,I, , cl~ h~ , ~eps, $'8• GOO.~. Hess, M. in the ~ontn. Boine~ hom~ Thurs.. Attend Bridal Shower. ices- at 9:30 ,li. ,'m." Iand, i,,~ngl1Sh' ~:' :D.LU:, ~~~l:~ editor otl:th~,de... Li, ,t,n" Bt;l:X~I:~!f~' to vl~l,tlr~ a,Uves.JUld" " 'WI~lt~~~~'(~I' f~m,L,~~I., ,D•• W~ yl1e, Neb. ~m9tf day and Frid~y of last wee~, while .\ M~, and Mrs~ R. H. H!1~sen, jr., a,e)'Vlces, at 10:15. a.~,~, . 1,'1," ,,ptu;t~~nt. ,Any, :p,e~. ~ttl.'":, S, ,~rl,e;qda. 'II, 'I' ,> , I , " , f'eslle,B?,r~pa~cl, ~lx,th ',~rad~ Pll~ lIpt. a~d Mrs. Joseph tier taking eighth grad~ examinations were' g:uest~' at a, miscellat:J.equR

it I ,blltiq;l& jtrom, towuilQfl coun... i, 1drs. "lfAfIq~p~, K~~p,e ,.of, ~~l;lr, pil, withdr~..,:" frp,m, l;1osk;ms ~ublic ?f arhora, Neb., vis~ted. over he in Wayne.'- ) sho~e" at the' Robert Rinehart ~1II11I1II1I1II1II1II1'III'il'I~I'III.II'i'IIIIII.II:·~ , ,try willlQe gladly, r~c~lYed bf' it IW~S'I~ S,\lppeI," g UfS~ of:lt~e sc~ool, when 'I his" pnrel~ts Imov~d to we k-end here with the latter's Mr. and Mrs. Wilke Lueken and home *ar Randolph Sunday after~ ;For Birthday. :: ,,' ~"" ,I ,II "l::~ ,,,her.., I', " " I 1'1' 11 ,51 ~ ~l1''''~'I,i,~~wec~n~rs, ?Il;daY""of ,a ~arJn west ,of NorfO* las~ Frl- par n,~s, ,~r:11 hnd ¥rs. LOUis their house guests, Mr. ,and, Mrs. noon of last week. Mr. find Mirs. Tuesday evening of last week, a:: '( ii' i §31, ,., '. I '.' !., st :weekJ and an over~ ight guest day. J Oa ne~., I John Mintken, visited at the Gus Elary R'~nehatt, recent bridal cou- group of fr~ends gathered: at the = 1 1=

. E1~","""""',,,n ..;.,mll~,llllllllllllllllilU,~I~'''',.u,OIl~lUlm at ',the, Fre'4 Miller hom,ej -, Iss Elsie Kingstoniwho tnllg:ht S~elmeyer home itt West Point ple_ wer~ the honorees, and abolJ,t Maurice Montgomery home to \= .E'Pror. C~~l' Finup ~as:1n ;Wayne:' R~v. ~h~age,.of Norft;>lk, wa~ n ,Auto lJpseb, Frl y Eve., at r~okston,M,inh., completed her' Wednesday of ~ast weel-I:. '1'8' attended. Lunch was served in celebrate Mr. Montgomery's birth- '5 " E

&1,tunJa,y. " supper: gp~st in the ~ev. Q. F. The car in which r. nnd Mrs. ter ~ast week and arrived home Mr. ilJul Mrs. Glenn Swartz nnd late afternoon.' day. Guests were Mr. nnd Mrs. Ru- :: ::~lr. and Mrs. F. M. Phillips were Schmidt ,home a. week lago Wed- Ho:rr~ Ruhlow and Mfr. and Mrs. Th rsday to spend the' summer childl'en, and Ira Swartz were dolph Kay and Marceline, Mr. aud :: . i

in .::1:oux City :M;onday.' D:esday e;vening. He made several WilHam: ~uhlbW wer~ turn~' wi h ~,her parents, 'Mr. and 'MIl's: gue~ts at the E1mil Meyer home -Farmers' Union Convenes. Mrs. Eve~t Larsen and daughters, :: ' ~., ),l-L's. ,Henry Beerbobm ~nt ,to, ,cal,ls in ,Hqs~ins and "~Cjnity the ed over o,n, the ,lt~ose gravel be-- J. . RingstoD;' , Wednesday 'evening of last week, 'Members of Altona local, Farm- Mr. and Mrs. Walter Hansen and:: =

~'·ll'ne~ tfo.rlthe :Week-enq.. ,,, "I ,p~t, ~ve,elt., I'I tw~('n Stn~ton fl;ud ,Pilge~ last Fri~ r. W: B. Vall, optomq,tl'ist, of celebrating Mrs. Meyer's birthday. ers' Union, and th,eir families, children, Mr. and Mrs. Russell = ~

,111". a~d Mrs. Fred ¥Hlel', 'were ,wt ~riMy,)14rs. A.IB. Baster ~ay evening, an~l ~rs. Hflrry Rnh~ 'w yn~, will lattend' the twenty~ Saturda.;y before last, R. H, Han.. nU,mberinga;bout 24 in all, met at Lindsay and Junior, Mr. and Mrs. ~ ::N~Hl\llk Vj.~l~Ol;.a Saturq8:Y." ,I ,en~ertaiD~d four girls, I Gertrllde ~O\Y rcceiv,ed, ,n.. ~~()!ten ~r!s~. The ~~~!th '!lDPl!al qonvQntio~ of·the Ne~ sep.; jr., and Vernon, Burdette and the William Barelman home last yv. E. 'Lindsay, Miss- Florence ::' " ::

_Prof. RU,sst;:ll, Mellbe;rg ~~n,t, to and ¥ar~haIBobm,~ Irep.e Brumel oU~ers were llDlDJured. , hI' ska Associa,tion of Dptome- Lavonn~ went to "'the Hans Han- Friday evenlng. The men hearq a' Montgomery, and Mr. and Mra. CJ :: '::RiullX CH~ :fpr, the we~k;.~d. , and Adalyne, Bruckner.,jat dinner. tr! ts, which',wilf be held in Grand .sen home for the day, and the men talk on hog ''Serum by Otto' Rath- W. Pfeil and. Marjory Carol. § M.Y SILKS ell.0,',ME 5

]\'II'. and ~'!l's. F. M. Phm~pswere The girls, came to Hoskins to take Lal-ge, Vote, :l!olt"etl· , Island at the/Yancey hotel, Mon- sawed wood. ke of near Wf:3ner, and the women, -In'Nori'olk po week ago~esday~ ,seventh,and eighth gra~e ,examin- day and Tue4d;y, April 17 and 18. Mrs. Frank Litz of Sibley, Iowa, spent the eve!ning socially. W. F. '. -' For Mrs. R. D. Hansen. § HOME LOQJ{tNG ~

,)oit's. l..O\l,l~ Krause "YEip:~,,~~,N9r-i a,tiona. I~ !lO$~~1l:~ ~ll~esd(lY 'f'---+-' ealled on Mrs. E. W. Lehmkuhl Biermann is pr.~siderit of the union. Mrs. R. H. Hansek, jr., was rern~ :: JUST I ::f\\lli \lll 'V-cunesday tif ~a~,t ~,eek" R'. E. ',Tempun, ,jr., i Franklin ~ ittl,ng" bQt!tom WOUldn't ,be so Monday of last week. Sh,e was vis~ I embered on ,her birthday Friday :: ' ..,... .=

:nrs. A. H . .Basler and~Mrs.. Wil~ Ziemer and Miss Vernal Anderson I:I,9.skins,:yoters Wfmt tl~ the pqlls ~~. i~;~~~~n'~ hi: back.~~cston ~i;r~~~r~~rz~~ls'~~~iS:::' Mrs. For l\;Irs Greenwald. ' when a group enjoyed a social eveM :E, B' ·f' l' ::

li:un Bl:ucckucr went t~ ~prfolk I have been driVing, back land forth Tuesday otilla~t week ~~ rec,?rded Burdette Honsen vjslted his A, week \ago Saturday was Mrs. ning with her. Five hundred was§_==_------= eautl n.. I',~__----------=~'ltllrda" t ' t w t one of the latTgest votes in local co. Albert GrtnWB.ld>S birthday, and diversion and luncheon followed.... J. ,. ,to [email protected]:4ehistory.Fill·"]'77',local' ',' resldeots ~'I'""I.....,n,.".".'''''i''''''''''''''''''''I''I''I'I'''"'"1!l grandmother, Mrs. R. H. Hansen'

111'<: FI,U~a May accompanied' rt- hit 'Y' I,:J tchaemfeollfooWrl tghefrieevnednS'lngao:d rMelra.tiavne"s ~::eustsawnderefaMm':I·y,andMMr. rasn· dAlMberrst. It ,'. w':nderful' how', 'hey.... 1~ '. {~l! D \V B' to N ", each~rs -college t e past moD h, named their cboices for town; ~ ALTONA ,§ of Wayne, on Thursday and Fr1Clay J.V~ U,.\ ,r. al\(,,~ ,1;S., . . erry or-, linste~d of remaining at ,Wayne . ' , , i' . " : =. last week, while he was taking the dEl k ." h Ii'J~lt \Y\'--:p~c;sd.ay. I during the week. I ,board, e~ectiJlg Her~an ~~ls by ~l Mrs. Fre rxleben, Mr. and Mrs. Martin Holst and family, Mr. and 00 80 nice at t e OW;

,,)11'8. Ma,l't~a,L~tt spent a few < Mr.. and Mrs. R. G. Rtlhrke le,ft vo~es'c:02,arle~ phlund by 49, ,and Norma ¢arpenter will vis.. ~ eighth grade examination,s. Ernest Greenwald and family, Mr,' Mrs Carl Frevert and family Mr 1· at! - I<la,Ys at l:the I~UlS. Kr,allse home last Thul'Sda morning for a S 000 John ~~eel by 35. Chairman of ~ tt Altona ~ach Saturday. She § The Carl Freverts visited at and Mrs. Otto Greenwald and fam: and'Mrs'. ) Alfred Test, Mr.' and = c ea~\lng co =Wf\lk beforp .last., ' mile motor [rip stopping at Chi.. tli~ bo r(~ wil~ ~e named:w.~en the i, Wcoiolltrg,lbaudtllYolnrse.,ceive any new~ ~,' IdlaeyrmheaFo~onl!.S~,sa:n:a~~~:lgudSeuSnia~ By, Mr. and Mrs. B. H. Von Seg~ MTS. Hans Hansen, Mr: and Mrs. 5 PI· S'Jk '50'~

:.\11'. ~md,-tdi's. Tony Wets. left a, cago Fort wayn'e Ind. land visit~ new board prganizes. I gem and family,'Mr. and Mrs. Carl LeRoy Hunt, Harry Hansen, Miss = aln I II C =\,-,('\'1' ':tgo Sunday to make their' " :: ' . . e in the Herman F'revert home at Bailiff and fanlily, and Valerius Bernadette . Shannon. Harvey I ~ Dresses i··········,··· 211o'n~~ i~ Humphrey. ,~g t~~ir 9:1hP;~l R9hr~et :t S,eriO,llSIY'lrtJ·'tr~d ~"""'''''''''''''''I'''t''''''''~IIIUll''l.ln''II,,! ..,..n''''1!l Pilger 'the 'following Tuesda~ eve~ Damme. Farnsworth, George Thompson,:, Ladies' and 35'::

,Mr. tu;1d ~rs., Fred S~menberg,of oOlg a~o~;t 'ac~ont:~ expec ~ ~ ,Mr. and '~rs. Harry Benn~~i nlng. I. Cecil Moeller, Mr. aij.d Mrs. Anton :: 'I' C·::~.meuln.:s,p~p.t jthe week,~enq w:tth g e, '. '. When ShelliniiCorn 'ereiin Norf~IRMondllY., Mrs. Soren Dybd~hl and chil~ For Twins' Birthday. GranqUist and family. IE= Men's Hats ····1 " ,', §=

"ill'" LQuis, Langenb~rg~. M,r. and ~rs:.Henry 'Kieper, of I Ernest Halide of Waltef,ield, was' dren of Huron, S. D., came Wed- A family dinner at the ,Fran}!: L d" d-. nea Wfiyne were a we k a S t -' d f t k t d th Trinity Luthera,n Churcl1. '\ __-_ a les an _.--, i ~,I OC,~ ==){rs, Dagny Drevson of Winside, " r, , . e go.a-E. M. Stamm of fnear Hoskins, Wednesday dinner guest In-st· nes ay 0 las wee 0 spen e SChl(llz home a week ago Sunday 'Men's Top 'coats tlJ

C31ll'J on, Mrs. Sarali Schulz a urd,ay supper guestsm the Wilham re(\eived bad injljries when he wl'u;c. e,e~' in the R; H. Hansen, jr. remainder of the week with the eve~ing honored Earl and Elmer (Rev E J Moede pastor) -,. ," 'Brueckner home and M"s Kieper C f' t d' . t M Alb t ~ hit I h b' d On 000'd 'Fr','day, O'erman serv- -_= ,'! ==-,~w'ek ng,o)~l~day .eyeni:qg., ' " .! " • l • dra;wn into a corn sheller on b4s om. It'S ~name S SIS er, rs. el1 'pC ~ Z, w ns W ose Irth ay fell , M' 35

~\'1rs. A. H. Basler wen~ Ito Win,,:, rt;!m~ned over-night Wltl~ Mrs. A. farm l~st, Thursd~y. ,The belt W rren Mau spent Friday and Greenwald. thelne~t day. The g~ests were Mr. ices at '9:30 a. m., and Englis~ ~ H::: s- ~.,I ..• ,I : e' §r~~i(l.:, Thursdav to see Mrs. Ch~is H. Basler. Mr. Kieper went to Nol'- slipped off·and he attempted to re- atulrday in the R. H. Hansen, jr., M.r. and Mrs. George Nau and .-- -Nelsen, jr., V::ho has been ,ill. lol~ 'Yhere he underwent a major p~ace it witholl-t, stopping the' en- lome. family, Mrs. Ed. Roggenbach and E Men's i 5'0" ::

JoTr. and Mrs. Ed. Brumel aI!.d d:' 'op~,ration at'the Lut~eranhospital. gme. The loose belt ,wrapped MiS' Lee sta,uffer visited thr Er- Mrs. August Matthes, jr., Vis~te,d in '~_-=_ 5 ·t 'C,§_--=\1,', And,erson were in ~lbJon on :'He ha~ .been ~~proVlDg daily. Mrs.. around his leg and 'dragged him in Schulz family Tuesday aftcr- Pilger a week' ag,? Sunday with UI S .•..--- •.......'._.

l)~lSilll'SS Tuesday of last: week. " :,Basle~ an~ ¥~s .. ,Kieper visited him into the sheller, crushing the ,right 00 a- week ago. Mrs. August Matthes, sr.; and Miss 15Ht'yuold Brtieckner went to Nor;" the next ~ay, and tl;te first-named leg badly and cutting two deep M . and Mrs. J. M. Bennett of Esther Matthes. § Caps, , ' C· _~ ~

iI'll!" Friday to vi.~;it He.n~y Ki~per, ,went to see him thelnext Wednes~ gashes in his forehead. Mr. Stamm af.e, had Sunday dinner wit.h The E. P. Caauwes Were Sunday -, p;~tient in the Luth'eran day. was taken to Norfolk QY his son, he arry Bennetts. dinner guests of the J. H. Spahrs 2 All Other qa~e~tsRe-: ~

• )ll·. ~n9 Mrs. F. H. Harrison of Oliver Stamm, and an ,operation L ana Hageman visited Glovan'" a week ,ago. Mr. an[1 Mrs. Richard duced' Jo Correspond:: IO:uaha, were luncheon guest$ of ~y Son ~s ~rn. . was performed Friday, morning. a ennett at the Harry Bennett Kyl of West Point, were there al- With The Abare Prices,•. §!I-~r. and Mrs. F. M. Phillips Tburs-· Mr. ,and M~--s. Gehardt Gmrk are Roland LiDn who lives" one~half ante last week~end.. " s,?, and;, tl}.ey.,called at,.the Caauwe -day. :the'?arents of ~'son b?rn Monday, mile west"of the Stamm farm,mas The W. F. Biermanns called at hom~ t,bat ~vening; i, "::

~ ",j', ,scott;y MCPh:rson. 9f N~rlo~k, Aflrtl 3~ .injl,lred by the machine a,few min~ 'tp,e Frank Pflueger home a we,ek M. a'nd.Mrs..~Ohn,Mintken and Clf!an l!i,,~o,r 1 §

I,:~:::'~v~~~~e~~~~St~eh~~~~,t~~fJ~~~ lias Ladles' Group. :'i:sa~~~~~e~rt~S~~':~:.~~~~~~n~ ag~;~~~a~:::t~:~~eil~nd Mar- ;~~ ~~;~t~:.:~~I~:etU:r.n~~~~ i" ~ao;:, .~.E~..~.a~.~s,..t..e,',;.r... ' ,5c.. §==========_'home. MrS. Ed Maas was hostess to the and received a sprained left ankle. jorl~ Carol visited at Alfred Sy~ The boys left Saturday for Fire-

:.\p',' and ,Mrs. D.,E. Woods and ladies of :,Emmanuel Refbrmed .A.n:'X-ray !Showed that no bones doW'S Thursday evening. mont, anp their parents remain~d

:M1'.s. R. L. J:!:ummel 'we~, ,dipner her. h0t1f :hursday af- were broken.' IMr. and Mrs. E. D. B'ehmer of until the following Wee:ltle~day. ,gUf'sts of the Glenn Woods a week "Hoskins, spent a week ago Sun· Mrs.. Paul Splittgerber enter'- JaC'k andJm went up the hill Or free with Winter.rigo Su~ilay. .. "Wl'ld G,'nger" Cast day with the Fred Freverts. iained the following at <lioner Sun- G" ,t

,).Tr. and Mrs. Harry Langenberg ,Firemen llave ISession. Mrs. Augusta- Barelman and dau- day: Herman F,revert, M~ss Mary To .&.-......L pail ofwa:':tel armen sand fa.mily visited the., W. W. Hoskins Volunteer firemen gath~ Is" Chosen Last Week ghter, Miss Erna, called on Mrs. Frevert, Marvin Frevert, and Mrs. K.lLll a -/ C h D I'Flt'tchf'l's near Norfolk ~h SllDday ered at the Voss Implement store _ I .W. F. Biermann Friday afternoon. Henrietta Siegert and children, all IIad tile lad·an,d"...the lasS fljjf] - as on e Ive~y - =='of \\'~eek. ,. " . Monday eve~ing of last week, and Tenth and eiewlnth'l'grbderS ,of The Paul Splittgerb~rs were of Pilger, and William Splittgerb- . - ~ Call O~ ~llve~ry, ~_.

,""ltt,_e,.'t·a'iCne'dFR'eSvC.,h.Em.idiAt. aJnadCkfs.aomniolYf 'cOllaucted routtne ,bu~iness. Chief Hosk,'ns publ,·. school w,'Ir,1 present guests of Mr. and Mrs. E,mil Mey- er. H r~e he-for th~~.. "as ~_ ", ' William Voss was in the chair. the play, "Wild Ginger," the even- er a week ago Wednesday after- Mr. anr. Mrs. Paul Hilpert" Mr. ~m ..."" ~~ --- Ja'cq"u',,e'". s·'" ~_'Lincoln. fJ:;om,Friday until Sunday ing of April 20. Miss Marian Beh- noon. and Mrs. Carl Wolters and family, [ -rt..m:,'dnever had need tobenervousof last \1;~eek. Farmers Out In Fields. mer is directing the production, Mr. and Mrs. William Thies" and Mr. and MrS. Henry Stuthmann ~&M.oJ I· -

:'1-11'3. Clarence Beckel:' ,of ,Valen- The warmin,g, drying wind last and cast follows: Mr. Peterson, ,a Henr~ Thi'e1'> were Sunday evening, and family,',Mlss Ruth A~air, Miss '8ecause..ftee Wet.terand,air r:~E9. ~ St~n(~, camc...,a week ago Friday to- week made it possible for local grocer, Melvin LaFollette; Miss g\lests of the Wilke Lw~kens last Bertha Lueders and H~rmanGude- "CL~ANz;.RS =vi.<;it Mts. Lizzie Gre~D, returning farmers to get out into the' fielrls, Stanley, a health nurse, Verna ~ek. hus visited the William Stuth- We IU'nlnde.Wlth"reat _1-_- 'J Ehome Saturday. and dlscing was well under way Voss; Wuzy, a would-be chiroprac~ JThe Auguste Biermanns visited manns sunday evening before r--·- a ~ ~ TA"ILOndR"s' ", 2

:'\Tiss Marian Behmer and Leo last week·end. tor, Reuben Meierhenry; Marwood Mrs. Biermann's parents, the last. ' As a))ilIt ofour courteo~sservi(i!. .' =.~;~r;l'~~~~I~a~~:d~~,,:~ns~:, :~~~ 500 Club M~et6. ~a~e~ ~~nkof s:nf?~::~ey, Gil- '~~~~k Longes, Sunday' of last For~ Test. WAYNE AU,TO SERVICE 1=~1'"Phone ~"63;"',, "'=~:hi]!.;!] Lydia Behmer. ' Mr. and Mrs. Fred 'Brumel en- sf:ter, e Ad:iine ~~ner.,a ~;gi:: TlJ~SdaYi evening of IIast week, ',:->;Mr. anp. Mrs. R. H. Hansen, jr.. C,' C, FOX' and JOE H,<DERER '

E. R. ¥,ouPg returned to Minne... · tertained the 500 card club at their ,Tallman, daughter' of Jake Tall- Mr.,' and; jMr~. Albert preenwald aEd :family attended the birthday "'f..U:: 08 ,IW,"ype, i ::. ~"F0!is, Minn., a week ago S~nday home Friday evening, with six ta- man, Lucille LaFollette; Jake Tall- and famIly VIsited the 13: H. Von- party for Alfred Test a week ago Wayne, PHONE 87 N~braska E Main ,~eb~aska E:"filtf'r f;pending his vacation at the bles of players present. Prizes man, a miserly old pinchpenny, ,Seggerns., . Sunday evening. , ~__ . 5111111IUtlltl~lIllltill'llljtll'I~IIIIIIIlIIIJlE

, ~~C~~'~:. ';nOIi Stamm ~~~;les~~w:f;:d,~~l:;:e ~::~'::~ Melvin Stamm; Miss Rachel, VJr. I[ Mr. and M~S .. Nelf:! hyngen ot' --'--~- ..berg and Mrs., Hans Asmus. Lunch ginia's best friend, Bernice near Way~e, vlslted at the Harry wed~ets:; ~::n~~:~'week,

"~le',cdnbva,.bs'~l'lOSg.o,l>a·t<OftheCEhi.caMg.o'Stahmavme :closed the even'ln'g. Schmidt; G. Alfred Freeman, a B~nnett home Sunday afternoo~~ t _ young man Vernon Behmer' Mr be,fore last. I Mr. and Mrs. Harry Bennett were

:1:, , home abQut,four weeks. Lakey owr:er of the milk f~ctory' , Miss Lillian \ialvodf;L, teacher:of g,J;lests- ,at a p~,t honoring Mrs.

I ' Miss~Hilda Bauman returned to Ha':ve Card Party. Gilbert FletCh,er; Mrs. Walker', '[district 32, waska rthur~ay eve- Emil Meyer on birthday. S.n,ith . . Mrs. Walter Ohlund and Mrs. - 'ng t f M d M ' -

1," er home in Pierce Wednesday be~ Wuzy's mother, Eleanor Langen~ III su~ner gue 0 r. ,an rs.fore last, after a 'few weeks' visit Henry Langenberg were hostesses 'berg. W. F. B1e,rmannt Has Nori k Operation. .at the Herbert Mittlestadt home. at a progressive pitch. party ,at the __ Mr. and Mrs., Alfred Sydow at- Mrs. Paul Mulso of Wisner, who

August and Lowell Schulz and OhIund home Tuesday evening of Trinity Lutheran Church. ,ten~ed t~e party at the formerly lived south of Altona,Miss Louise Schulz drove'to StanM last week., Six tables of players (Rev. 1m. P., Frey, pastor) E.mIl Meyer home Wednesday eve- underwept a. major operation inton Tuesd,ay'oflast week. and were Were pres~nt. including Mit'. alfd Good Fl'iday services with cele- mng of Iflst week... the Norfolk Lutheran hospital Sat-

. M,rs. Vern,on S,tamm of Chicago., Mr antl Mrs Wilham Biermann urday ofllast week, and is report~gue,sts of' the W. F. Schulz family. bration of the Lord's supper will " '.

:;"1:1;. and Mrs. Ed Bernhart and Mrs. Lloyd 'Behmer, George Lang· be conducted iil German language and falljll~ weFe guests of the ed as showing some improvement. and 'Mrs. Raymond Bernha.rt :~~~~~~~:~tnC;::~o~~::~:::'at 10 a. m. Please note time. ~ugust IBlermanns Monday eve~ Spring Worl{ Well 'started.,and ih.m:ily were guests, at ,the W,11- On Easter Sunday, Sunday mng of last w~ek.

- and the hostess'es served. school will begin at 10 a.' m.• and Mrs. dharles I Roggenbach and Farmers in this vicinity haveliam Voss home Sunday' evening English services will follow' at gon, Pre~t0n, ~~d, lv.lrs. Chauncey been out in the fields all week,befor~ last. ,J To,,", BOard Convenes. 10:45 a.: m. On Easter Monday, Agler were Frl~ay D:ll~day guests discing or sowing oats and barley.

L~r~:,e~~:.u~i~Z~n~~:e~~J~~~ bO~~~e;~'~~ i:: ~~::~ts~~= German services Will be held at 8 of Mrs. t~nton I ,flueger. - ~~~~g ~o~~e a~~~t ~~~~ee~da~e~~"Iarence "eck.r, the 1".t 'na'mel,'d of I " ,', ,r p', m. ,A cordial invitation, to at- A wee ago Friday E[v~ning" Mr.\J '0 ...., the Fr,iday night after· election, tend these services is extended to and Mr . John Happel and fam- last week.Valentine, were in S~W.IX i~ty :fl-J;l4 'tl;lbul~tt::d [votes. Last Monday all. ny, andl Henry Seelmeyer called ...L..

at the vY. F. Bie.rmann home. For Mr;s. Frank Schulz.I ,MJ;'s. :ae~ry Brundieck ~nd da'ij'l' Fridar ,eveni?g, Mr.. a~d Mrs.,

.: \~~i'I'~~~~~~I:\\Ij~:~~IlIl~~t·,~e~h;E;l"f,"fI.~n!l-,1!I~l1\h:¥~::t~cia'W~eI<',ilit01·Sundlly';ilft'roDon'at· ",ca'. ',l1lrwlll ,ScMlz ''anD clilluren.the William Stuthmanrt home. and Earl Scpulz ga.thered at the

Mr. and Mrs. R. H'IHansen, jr., Frank Schulz home for, Mrs.Vernon, Burdette, Lavonne and Schulz's birthday. Cards and jigM

Rachel were callers a~ ~e ~lbert !saw PPZZ1~S ,were ,the di:yersion,

Page 11: Herald (1888-Present)/1931-1940/


Men's Dress' .PA.MTS

You cau. alwayswe ail extra. pairof t.ouaers . andthese are the kindyou'll be glad to.find. All size•. Pat­tern'.. an4 ~verypair all wool.

$' .191 PAJ;R



Men's Fancy Hose, 4 pr.... ZScKaynee ~ash Suits • • • • Jk

Easter O~ YAround:The;Ltol,'~er.You'll 'W_nt One Of~~~-,

Phone· 205


100 Pa,ckages "Free'~ merchandise absolute­lyfree given away at the door when we openu.t 10a.m.,Friday morning,'April14. Heif! LineEarly and get yours.


• 19c'IOc2Sc


$11.95--'F:E. ,GAMBLE CLOTHING I STORE,., ,",." ,,' , ',". " .':, "

2.09 Maio'


Boys' Kaynee Blouse an4 Shirts •Boys' Hats going for .'Men's Caps, choice


BOYS' SPOAT .JACKETSPD1l over8and button styles.Combination ,Qf colors. All.Izes. )'ou'll lind shopping ap1eaaure .here for 8 big day.because your money will8tretcb :.. long w~y•• Be8tde8

~~i':V~:I~~, .. ,,~, 39c

Men's Dress

All wool trou.e.... I' if!~I;f!1$fW30 to 38 sizes. T~e 0\;best values 'inyears. Come andsee for ,yourself.



F. E. SA BLE STORE"'F"""""""',,·,··"O~'····R··"""'··C'''·E'''D''T····.···.O"R···'···A·'.' ··IS··'E···,.,..•C··'A··. 'S'"'H~~~~'

'.. ..' . . .;....... . . . . . '. . . . '. J .' .jN-qNLV £IGHT'D~YS


\,.~ -d~~"····=·~oAir-W~

~3f~~~~:;/~\lALU~fC:::;-~/~fll\\ 'v\.~


For Two BirthdaYS.Mr. and Mrs. Herman Reeg en·

tertain~~d at dinner thi~ Sundayfor the birthdays of Mr~. Henriet­ta Kurrelmeyer and Ed. Kurr~l­meyer. Guests were Mrs. Henri­etta Knrrelmeyer, Mr. and Mrs.Ed.' Kurrelmeyer, and daughter,Mr. and Mrs. Adolph Korn andfamIly and Mr. and Mrs. FrankKurrelmeyer.


Mrs. Eugene Steiner arrivedfrom. Ottawa, Kan., last Thursdayto visit· her parents, Mr. and Mrs.C. E. Yocum.

H. L. Sewell arrived last' Thurs·day from Tulsa, Okla., to~visitMrs.

,.. '. Sewell who is in charge of l,theWayne telegraph office.

Bargains! April onlY-Wiref'!creen, '26",3 3-4c ft, Screen paint,27c qt. 1-2 pt. 4 hr. 'art enamel,26c-brusb,free. Katsomfne, Stores. n13t1

Mrs_ J. S. Lewis arrived. h()I~elast Thursday' after spending sev­eral weeks with her daughters,Mrs, L., L. Raymond, in Scott's~

bluff, and Mrs. Morton'T'aylor, inColumbus.

Mrs. William' Beckenhauer whohas been visiting ber daughter,Miss Faye BeckeDhauer, at Carle­ton. where the latter teaches, willbe hom~ this Friday. Miss Fayewill also come for E..,ter.

Mrs. A: A. Deuel returned to!~orfol~: Thursday after, spendingIt,~coul?le ,days here wit~ her daugh­

..,t,j.r. Mrs. L. F. Good. Mr. Deuelbrought her Ihere TU~y Jast

:,.w~Ck p.nd retl.1fI1cd the +me <:hlY.

S~l~tllWest Wayne)"(By Stllff' Correspondent) i

.~ ~li~:; lWtt !BrullS visited Wt'·dn-es~Idt\y at He~ll'Y Wittler's. •

Albert l?t'adl'l' and Ht~nry \Vit-:­th'l' s[1li'nt h1St Thur"day In Lin~

coin. r\ ).'li~s Irene \,·lttll'l' was ft Sun~

day guest 01' ~Iiss Ht~le~: Wcster­house.

Mrs. Dl1ll ).lIIlikE'l1 was a 'rhUl'S-

'J.' ~rrt ~d~~~':-·:' ~U~,~~ i~ ~h:e: ~;eo.?I¢tf !

The Ht'~l ~It'Y"r .fl\.mUy ,'i~ited

:Monday evening la~t \wd>: ~,t Clnr~

<.'nce Longl~'~.

)[onduy cVt.'ning lu!:"t wf'ek ).,I1"

and .Mr:.;. Fl'l'd Ellis visited in theLloyd p\)Wl,'l'S lwme.

),1.1'. antI :Ml'~, l!l'l'man Elvcrsspent \V('d~1\,sd:1Y aft\'l'nuon in theAlbert J..lillilt\'11 humt'.

'l'hu Nell::> Grnuqui~~, "~~i1qz:enl~pt'nt S\II1l!;1Y art.~~rnoonin the An­tun Gl'a~\qui~t !WllW,

Mr. ::ulll Ml'~. Don Milliken andfamil.Y' !'PCllt ~lon(by l.'\,cniuS' inth.e John Lindsay ,lwnw.

:Ml'~,\ J. A. Lt'wis spent Mondaynftt'rnoon 'last \\'l'ek with :Mrs.Chris' Anderson in \Va)'lw.

Jo..'!r. and ?o.lrs. Don :Milliken at­tended a wit'llt'l" roast at the Wcrt. home last ii'tiday.

Mr. and },[r:,;. .:\laullso l,TlrichEp.ent Sunday evening last \\'cek inthe August \Vittler. jr.. home.

.:'olr. and 1[rs. Walter tnrich.spent \Veunesday evening a \yeckago in tlll~ Oscar Hileman h9me.

Mr. and ~lrs. ,Ed. Gathje andfamily spent Stlntla,y ('vening in.the hOUle of !III'. ahd l-1l's. Ernest}Cnch.

1r an~lri.r~~~d ;~~~'u~~ ~~~~~'in~~:l~~~e.velling last week ut HaroldQuinn',;.

Meeting of the ,Merry Makers,, p'lallnl'd April H in the Bl.)n Meyer

home, h,ls bt'\'n postponed llntil

~~~.2:ri<l. Mrs. Alber't' ':Millikenanti children spt'nt a week agoFrid.ay evtlning in the Hermau jJaeger home. I

, Mr. and .Mr.". J<:mil VahlkUl)lP I. ano. 11bs Martha l-It'iel' visitt-'d in

the Fr.t>d IIpit~l' hume Sunday even~

lug uf llu~t \\-'t'elc":fhe E:, H. Glassmeyers called on

Sund,ay 'last '",('ell in the •.\ug~l~t" \\'ittll'r Ullll nIl s. Henry Vahlkamp

homes in \Yayne.

i4 ~e:~~,a~~~}I}~~~.~e~~,~g~~~;~e~p~~l(~( Sunuay afternoon last week in the

Emil Brader home.},lr. aIHi Mrs. \Villianl Raclll'r­

baunwl' and chilurell ~pent .Fr-i.dayevening in the home \of Mr. andlo<{t's. O::;cJ.l' Hocmun.j Mr. rind :<o.ll's. Fn:d Eric!{son and'Eiwin of \\'inside wel:e dinner

i gue:;ls l!l~t s{;nday in the home ufMr. and 111 rs. Allwrt J\'1ill~l~cn.

~ Mr. and Mrs. ,Albert Ivfillikena-nd familY \vere Sundav dinnerfl,ud Sllpp~r gllt~sts a week ago in

the Frt'd Ericson h,ome in Wiu- 5'":'iiUl'." 5 to 10 Siz~s. Klndergurten bJ;'Ul1d' 1 gC

1\-11'. anll ::-11':--. H. W. \Vintersteln PAIR Solid Il'atlwr construction. B}aelu~, tans J1IIIspent W('zhwsllay (,vPIl~ng last and hvo tone. \\'hile· last. PAIR

\veek at Burt Surber's, and Miss ::~~~::::::::::::::::::~~~=~Doruthv visited the same ev{'ning III';=:=:::::~:::::::::::::::::: ~::::::::::::::::::~=::::==I~lr,ellat Ed. -Surber's.

),IL anll ~hs. Jack Mann and:'ion of Winside, called Su~day last ~' .

:::l~~n~t ~:r';';:~g~e~f;~;e~n~nt~~: M.en'5 Fine Top Coats MEN'S Solid leathe. fro.m heel to. tne. Bal•.or Ladi-s' Tailored COats. ,Blustyles. This value §ouP. offers a ,.

Adam Reeg home. ""'" d I I II ··our. ~--ter coat "sJUCked away In this group, waltlnv for· yon.' ~onSpring Top Coats ..- .<abrics an wor· {mans lip of the sort usua y 8,een 0 ~ d b d . t f I I 8 9 ~.£>i.UI ., ...n1l'. and Mrs. Anton Granquist h . ..• tEl t X or 5 r.oa varle .0 se ec.. . '\\·Ol,·t I)~ abl~ to re st tbese smart vood- $'5' g'.' 5onl)' in hig N' prlCru garmen s. 11(', I C01\ $ 9 5 v v G

~~~~aan~~~Yfa~~~iya~~ ~1~~S~I~,C:;:~~ absolutely all \vool. SclCCltion of sizes and .' '4. hon presenting sev..· lo.ol(!ng all wool CI~~'el'l~' taJJored co.ats. . "Sunday evening vi;;itors' in the patterns. eral distinctively new Spring oxfords. PAIR ~~~~t~t~k$l~~~~,1 At.~~S -_ -.-........' '.' " t

Nels Granquist home. $15.00 VALUES FOR •..... CHOICE _ _ __ : _ .

Mr. an(j 1'1rs. William Vahlkamp,'and children w,ent to the· John Sic·vel'S home Sunday last week tocall and took home Mrs. EmmaSievers who had sp~nt 10 .dayswith them.

Miss' Nina Carter of Norfolk,was a week-end guest in the, H.W. Winterstein' home. Mr. andMrs. T. C. Winterstein and' BettyLou of Carroll, were also week~end

guest=-, and Miss Margaret Phippswa:':J a Saturday night guest.

Page 12: Herald (1888-Present)/1931-1940/

Hancoclt. t

Wm. Brune, August Sp~ngler,







1'('lcphonc l~trons Meet.About 20 rural telephone pa~

trans met in ~he town hall Satur­day everung to dISCUSS reductIOn ofrates. Henry Asmus preSIded. Thegroup favored waitIng until de­CISIOn of the state railway com­mission was given.

Form~r Local Girl Married.MISS Elllc Gellert, formerly (}f

Winside. and EmIl Schoenrock ofMartinsburg, were ma,rrted inMartinsburg German Lutheranchurch a week ago Sunday after­noon. Mrs, Fred Trampe of Win­Side, and Ewald Less of Ponca, at-~i~ned~~t:ef~~:le. I The couple will

Mother' Dit's In lowa~

Mr. and Mrs. Fl"cd Miller andson, GeOf ge, were called to Hart­ley, Iowa, last week by the illnessand death of tl'lC fJrst-named'smother. Frank Krause took cerreof Mr. MIller's bUSIness durlOg hisabsence. '

,Bo~ Scout..~ on llil{(~.

Scouts of troQP 179, Indian andWolf patrol~, hlltcd to SunkenValley JrU'~tl Thursday after schooland cooked their dinners over openfire. Irving Anderson, passed hiscoolting test fm: second class. Supt.E. A. Austin, scoutmaster, andGerald Cherry, assistant, accom­panied the boys. Regular businessmc-cHng was held at the schoolhouse Wednesday.

Monday. This was the fifth an­nual honors day, and upper 10 per­cent of each class for the past twosemesters was named. Aronoe! isthe son of, Mr. and Mr,'3. H. G.T;raulwcin of Winside.

. Chapin. . 1

Herb~'S~~f~I~~son, Chas. D. Far~an, Ralph Prin~-C1iffordFranCIS,

Hoskins.. Herman Weich, George F. Drevsen, Robert Gr.cen, Charloy Mans,Jr., Wm. Ruhlow. ~remm. . I J

Pyatt Rhudy, Andrew Granquist, Geo P. Thomson, Ivan Wade A

Comes now J. M. Cherry, Co. JUdge, and orders that Mother'H IHh....sian fOlf March be reduced to the follOWing sums: . 1

JeJ)nie Jones, Marietta Morris, Jan/} McCoy, Lizzie Longnccltl'1Hazel E. Buckley, and Mrs. Anna Speulda, each/$10.00. I '

Cla:ra Conyers, Ferne Plppltt, Augusta Sellin, each $15.00., DlUSY Plppitt, $7.50. _ _

to c~p:;O~ft~~~~~ ~~~:~ ~rd~trOVed and claims are tq be allow~d

Comes now 0 .. D. Trombla, Secretary of DwelliTl;g Hduse Ins. Co~nd st~tes that sald Company was assessed with $145.00 valuatlOllIII th~ village of Hoskins, which valuation covered grosd amlmnt o[

premlUlnS received during year 1931; that the taxes on sa~e a:J;1lOunlc 1!to $3 9~ and that he paid same under protest as showbi bYj re(~eIpt No.206 fo~ the reason that said Company is a Mutual Insurance1 Co ami;~~~~:~able. He asks that th~ county tteasurer be orderbd to :r;~rund

Gil'(' Rural S<'IlOol Exams. 01' motion the county treasurer is ord~red to refund to said Com.Puptis In eighth grades of rural pany ~e tax of $3.95. r

schools near Wmslde came to Wlll~ T Ie funds of the County and its numerous subdivisions of whIchSIde school last Thursday and FrI-' the c?unty through jts county treasurer is custodian, are found to beday to take elghth grade examina- deposIte~ in the bank~ of the county at the close of busineSs for' Marchtions. Miss Gladys Mettlen super- 1933, i hlCh does not Include the funds invested in liberty bonds or thevised. funds~n hand in the office of the county treasurer, as follows:

S te NatIOnal Bank of Wayne < $36,316 78lA'gion l\-le(·ts Tuesday. C :ron .State Bank of Carroll . 16,65381)

Members of Roy Reed post, Am- ~CI Izens State Bank Qf WinSIde 7,02671ericnn LegIOn, the hall on RiPort of Bertha Berres, County Clerk, showmg am~unt of feesTuesday cvenmg and diSCllSSf!d earned by he~'lo; the quarter endlllg March 31, 1833, amounting to theplans for Memorial day. Com- sum a $47935, f\nd the payment of the same into the county treasurymandel' Gcnc Boyd \Vas in the as S~IO n by County Tre!'Lsurer's receIpt attached, was exan~med and O~l

chair. 'moho dUly approved and board finds that she earned fees as follows75 D eds Ull Of)52 rtgages ' i ' 77 7031 Rfleases 29 l'

389 C a ttel Mortgages 97'2~93 C rtiflcates . . . 23 2~44 Omtracts ' 11 00

14 A~~s~gnmentsof Chattel Mortgagcs :~ fiO6 A sIgnments of Real Estatc...litgages 6.15

31 F rm Leases 1 / ••••• :1••• 7.75

5 E tensions of Mort:gages 7108 Li Pendens I' , 4:00

7 B~IS offSale 1 7511 ffida its I10907 ills a d Probates . I42.'503 T anscripts 9.109 R~ports 2.251 Marginal Release . c . .1 ~arginal Release Mechanic's Lien , c.; ..i....•2~ Bh~~~~~~;d~~ Lease ' ..

1 Nbtarial Commission ..............•...; .1 A!ssignment of Farm Lease1 C~rtified Copy of BIll of Sale1 ~echanic's Lien .1 Certiifed copy of chattel lease1 Artisan's Lien . " . .2 C?pieS chattel mortgages . .

i ~6%a;:e:~~~:r···..··.···········•········· ..

1 Agister's Lien1 .A!ssignment of Contract .. ................•. " :.1 Certified copy and copy of charter2 Certified copies of assignments

tive members present, one exten­sion member and 13 visitors. Rev.FOWler was in charge of the pro...gram on "Our Society, What,Where, and Who in China?" Hespoke bnefly on the 'begmnings ofthe society in China and locatedthe misstonary stations in thefwId. Dialogue skit, "Mrs. Pick­ett's Mite Box," was given by Mrs.Mittelstadt and Mrs. E. A. AustIn.

:r~~~~:t~~e~~~,W::din~~~~:~the hunt for the questions whicwere hidden in colored Easter eggsabout the. house. Next meeting IsWith ·Mrs. A. H. Cal ter on May 5.

Trinity Lutf1e.nm Church.(Rev. W. Ii'. Most, pastor)

Sunday school and Bible classes,10 a. m.

Enghsh services and Holy com­munion, 11 a. m. Please registerwith the pastor before commUnIon.

German services are planned forGood FrIday morning' at 11 o'clock.Holy communion. English serv~es

will follow that evening a 8o·clock. A special offermg wil etaken at Good Friday services andEaster morning services for theGerman-Nebraska synod.

Choir rehearsal will be this -eve­ning at 7:30.

Ladies' Aid society met at thechurch parlors Wednesday after­noon. Mrs. H. G. Trautwein washostess.

Palm Sunday services were asfollows: Organ prelude; proces­sional of choir, the class and pas­tor, singing "Beautiful Savior;"liturgy; choir anthem, "Blessed Bethe King;" examination of theclass; baptism clf Harold Hansen;confirmation; solo, "My Task,"MISS Adelyne Most; song by con­gregation, "Jesus Still Leads On,"recessional. The church was filledto overflowing, and attractivelydecorated with green plants. Girlsin the class wore white. FolloWingthe serVlCe, Mrs. Frank Bron~

zynski entertained the class, thepastor, and several other guests,numbering about 30 in all, at din­ner. The class pitcture was takenin Wayne that afternoon. Contir­mands were Florence Nieman,Marie Hansen, Harold Hansen,Vernon Nelsen, Esther Ritze, Wil­lis Ritze, Adeline Pohlman, AlfredPohlman, ~dward Weible and Mil-ton Johnson. .

Grade Operetta IsVery Well ReceivedPatrons of Wmslde school who

attended the grade school operetta,j'Goldilock's Adventure," last Fri­day evcnlng were most enthusias­tic In their praise of the produc·tlOn. A total of $27.20 was takenIn fOf admissions, and thiS Willmean about :jl10 clear to be usedfor musIc books. Miss DorothyGreenleaf and MISS Alice GarWOl)dsponsored the opc~etta.

Emman. Rf:r. Cliurch.(Rey. A. DUmll\, pastor)

:E~nghsh len len scrVlces· worcheld Wednesday evenIng, Apr1112,at 8 o'clock.

Good Friday services in the GCI'~

m~'n language Will be held at n:15a, m.

On Eastcr Sunday, sen.'lCCS inF:nghsh WIth commulllon, arescheduled for 11 a. m. Sund1lyschool precedes at 10 a. m.

1\'1. E. Church.(Rev. A. E. ,FOWler, pastor)

Pf"c-Easter services will be hC'ldtomght and Friday evening begm-

ni~na~a~t~~l~~~day,early servlc~will be held at 7:30 in the morn­ing. Sunday school Easter pro­gram follows at 10 o'clock, incharge of Mrs. E. A.' Austin. Thl:!morning sermon begins at 11o'clock.

Epworth league meets at 7 p. m.Sunday,1nstead of 6:30 as duringthe winter months.

Evening worShip is scheduledfor 8 P.I m., in p'!ace of 7:30.

RcY. F'owler Will preach at Car­roll M E, church Thursday even­mg, substItuting for Rev. DavidSimpson,

Stereopticon pictures at "Christ'sLast Week" were shown at Sundayevemng services.

Ladies' Aid society of the churchmet in the parlors a week ago (}nTuesday afternoon, and about 30members to quilt.

'Vomen's ForeIgn :M.1ssionary so­CIety met with Mrs. G. A. Mlttel­stadt last Friday afternoon. MIS.A. H. Carter Was also hostess, andMiss pcrtrude Bayes was incharge of devotionals on the sub­ject "1 thirst." There were 11 ac-


Wayne, Nebraska, April 4, 1933.Board met as per adjournment. All member.!ll present.Mtnutes of meeting held March 21, 1933. read and approv~d.

On motion the folloWing eighty'(80) naines are submitted. to be~CI tJifcd to the Clerk of District Court, from which to draw the juryfor the May 1983 term of :(,)istrict Court in and for Wayne County,tNeb. .

.Winside TrackmenSponsor Rural Meet

Easter Egg HuntPlanned By Lion;;

Attend IUtJ:>:s for SistPI·.Scrvice~ for Mrs T. E. French,

Gi, sister of Charles and WilhamMisfeldt of Winside, were held atKennard Sunday afternoon. Mrs.F"rench (lied III an Omaha hospitalfolIowmg a seige of typhoid feverShe was the former Margaret MJs~feldt, and is survived by her hus­band and three adult daughtersMr. and Mrs. Will Misfeldt andCharles Misfeldt went tq Kennard

L~ons club of Wmsille is spon- Saturday, and Mrs. Charles Mis­soring an Easter egg hunt for all felc1t and family came the nextchildren U1 the fnst Clght grades Winside school thiS commg Sat- ,

~~~~~e~ftt~~O~l~'zenE~~:tlym~:,>r:~~, AI~~~Slitlc ':eo;m~~ HO;;:~;~~ein,eggs for the event, aIl'I thcse WCI C g rauuate of Wmside high school In

hiddcJl about town by boy and gIrl thc claHS of 1831, was amo~& thosescouts. Local merchantr, arc oftt'r~ I students citcd a~ honors 0onvoca­lUg pn,zes to those f1l1umg the bon at Ulliversity of .N~braska onmost eggs, and t\.. p ce.;)h lHIZCS aletn be gIven to f!TItlel s of the goldeneggs.

Thosc cJukhen In find. tu fOllllhgrades mclWllve will be nS'ilgnl'dto one hllntlI1g gwund, find fliLhthrough 'Clghth gr,u!els \\111 hunttogether. PreSident Hdrolli. Nef'lyWill announce the huntmg gIoulldsat 3 p. m Supt 1~."A. AustIn, 1IG. 'rlautwcm, C. C. PaUlk, FredWIltler and Dr R. E. Gormlcy aremaking plans for the affaIr.

Regular bi-monthly dmnct meet­ing of the cluh wa:; held at TnmtyLutheran church Tuesday eveningof last !week, Witll Hatry E. Sitnanmaldng pnnclpal talk of the eyen­ing. He told of the ;mggcsted '11­cohol·and·gas mIxture for cars,and how it would benefIt Ncbras-

~~s~r k~~~~~:llla~1~hC):~~I~: ;,~~~~~ St. Paul's Lutheran Church.(Rev. H. M. HIlpert, pastor)

~~~:lC~a;c~doi~~O~:d~H~~~~dU~~r~ Maundy Thrlr'day brings Eng-

of the commu~llty hWldmg com- hS~O~odm~r~~~ a;e~~~~e~' n:~ tIle

~;~~: s~~~c ~~~~~~~.~~lIO~~~~ Gelman langu e WIll begin at 10

delayed unhl next sprmg Gene a ~l~~rn~C~~~~::l ~~~~~~~~:d forBoyd and Rev. W. F'. Mm,t 1"(1 v'nday evening at 8 o' sing mg. No Saturday school this week.

Next meeting WIll be on Tuesday Preaching in the English lang-

~:~~:n~U~~i;h:n:~~~r~~~t~~~~:~~t' uagc at 9:30 a. m. Easter Sunday.

are planning the program. ne~~msd::d=;h:~r:;ng~0:20o'clock

German services at 10:55 a. m.on Easter morning.

Couple Married AtChurch Last' Night

All Children In Firs\ EightGrades Invited To Take

Part On Saturday.

Rev. W. F. MDst met With localmen and women who are interest­ed in mUSIC, at the school house onWednesday evening of last week,and organizecl a commumty choir.Practices will be held every Mon~day evening at the school houseThe choir IS preparing special mu­'Sic for commencement and baccal­aureate serVice

Membership includcs the follow­ing: Sopranos, Miss Adelyn'c Most,Mrs. 1. O. Brown, MISS DorothcaBartlett, Miss Dorothy Greenleaf,Miss Ruth Schindler, Misfl RachelBracken, Mrs. Arthur Herschefd,Mrs. Florence Reuibrecht, ::Mrs.HUbert Fleer; altos, Mrs. HaroldNeely, Mrs. Gerald Cherry, MISSAlma Lautenbaugh, Miss GoldicOlson and Mrs. A. E. Fowler: ten~

ors, Gene Boyd, Arlington Prince,Bud Francis, Ed. GranqUist andRev. A. E. Fbwlcr; basses, ElwinTrautwein, Frank Fleer, OllieSmith, Dr. R. E. Gormley, LouisBeudin and Donald Podoll.

Witte and Shirley Bell Witte: hadperfect attendance among U;il'llgraders, nnd Ruth Gormley,' MaryAnn Gottsch and Joe Or unql.ustfor the other group. .

The children: nrc w01'lting ')It

penmanship sl1eets lll'l;cl.Will chOOse'the best onCi> for the county IUUtexhi'Qit this weelt, Betty La1TtQIl­baugh, 'third grader, had perfect

!pemng lessons every day for pastix weeks~ and Mary C.laire Jordannd Ruth Gormley, £:olll'lh gl'Udf)lS,ad like records,

N 0\\'8 of Beginners.

'-'-i~~~~+.oi+"'~HH-~~H'~o;400~~~~~~~.~...;"".,..--~";~"'~_"'_-_"'_"";"""''''- 111 High school boys a:rc making"":' ptcl~minllry Rl'rangements for aI U1;,ul school track meet he1 c Apl'rl!W. Slxth l ~cventh and eighthtFadcrs from .!:lurrounctmg districtsHie invited to attend, and eventsKur both boys and girls WIll be ar­ranged. Jumps, relays and 50-yarddash are among the events. Adual track meet wIth Laurel ISscheduled for Friday, April 14, adda ttiangular meet wIth Wisner aridWayne Training school Will beheld at Wayne, April 21. Pra~li­

cally every boy in high school I~as

turped out for track practices.

Page 13: Herald (1888-Present)/1931-1940/



Page 14: Herald (1888-Present)/1931-1940/


Page 15: Herald (1888-Present)/1931-1940/



$2.50 $3~501"redericks $5

Shampoo and "Finger WaveIncluded

~~~:I~rOr:::c:nger 75c;o~niC~,. 50~

Phone .527 for .Appom:t~. ments ,I

Easter! r'

COIFFUIlES .YOU'LL be ama~ed at t~~

~~~c~r~~~~o~~~~i~Wer~~,_r,haVe had one of our marvel.'­ously catural permanents.

He ,'t really a big-Ume crookunle:;;s you must let hi~. a~or+e.,toprevent the lQSS of p'ul?~~; conn..~~_~..=~edford Mail~~~~fe ..

'Vhat this nation needs-is bank..

~~: ~~~ ~~;:~kh:V~:\~~k:~~~gers.~Jackson'News.


Sunday, April 18:9:30-Sunday school.10:45--Musical masterp~eces.

11:0o--Presbyterian church,.12:00~Helen Crave~.'pilimist,

12:15----;--Kceler's orchestra.1,2 :30-- ~Iail bag.l:UO-·, Mickey, the farmerMpoeL1:15--Andy·s orchestra. .1:-15.--P..eminiscence hour,2 :00- Farm forum.2:30~LutheranBible hour.3:00~Uli.Jans· Dance Masters.

The Schoolma'am I

"Voiee Of The Street" Is APopular Broadcast Over

Station W JAG.

Wakefield RecipesEarly DayL'ollimn

Blankets - Curtains

i! I"iillii ',i l;iil'I'III'~"II:' I'I;;:' :Ii i'li! Ii! I III! ':;liili!lii:1 i~1 j:::I:I:II'I::> t},it: '. . .. , .:' 1'1 i1'! ' "I ,II, ,"" , I.:" 'I, . ~ , 'I ' WA~ HERALD, WAYNJ>. NEBft-IlSKA, THURSDAY.. ABRIL .13, 1933.

t'~-'_·."~;'''-·-·~~~ 'S..""""'''''''-'''''''''',__ ~ :~: -=-=~ -==---=-==;=::=='=-C::'._ ~ ==--=~'c:-=-_---c'_-_--=_

I' 1'~I',allll,llllllllllUlIIIllII!IIIIII'llIIlIIl&l ,,1'1 ' I 'g, 11:='·: 'I' II ~ , " ' I I , •

li'l' ~~. ;' 1~- Pa e Devoted' t~Feminine InterestsI t § . 1~ '1~ § I I '~•. Iii!' § ~ i!~~" S I ,j' ,f:' ~ ~ir '~ 1 Etta Keltc' U.:: ,= '\

i1·.··.I::f~·L.~lIl1llllllllllilllIllIIll111l1l'~lllllllij· '.,' .~' , ' '''' .'. " , ..


1:45-------0rgan.2:1SO--Around the town.2:45----Studio.

~'~ 3~OO--Variety. I

~1~i' 3:45-Classical recordIngs.!Ii.~~ 4':OO-Late news. 'J",

4 :l5---Sundown story.Herald ,.Readers 4:45-Studio program.

I Th' F . D' h 5:00--Bing Crosby..\ ':,i\:;::':"",1" Ud:,," ):!]7, elr aVOl:lte IS es I 5:30-Russell Jensen, organ.

t,) );It· : ~,ll ~ F l},·,"Y.•:ii",1 For Women"s Page. 6;00--Variety.

;;\;~:::' ~::~~,:~ .~~;;_;~o,~~,~Op~,~::L1 Is it pr~per f?r per:ns to l1(~::~~~~~·~a~·on) EASTER APPROACHES -=~~~==~~~~~:)I;;;;;;~E;:;~'APriI15:A son was.· April'19, 1917, I:greet one anol(let' in chUEC~(? 1 1-4 cup~ ,sugar ~ I 1. How is the date of Easter de- 8:0G-Devotional.

to :Mr. an" ~[r,. H. J .. Luders of II' 2. When i. it correct iO.greet 13-4 cups flour The Most E.ncouragi g And Hopeful Event terniined? 8:1;>-,-£tudio. " ,Wayne. one's friends at church? 1'2 cup milk or water I All Of 0 M H 2 Wh t . t b th "h Iy 8:30-Uhcle mnc" the Wayne Her-

:\[r, antl· ~!rs. F. E. Gamble II 3. What rule should a stranger 1 3-4 teaspoon bak~p.g powder . n' I Ul~' an! ~man Experiences. scr~ll?" a 1.S mean yeo, I ald.O.f \\",llyn.. st()~pe-d' in De~,. ~Io~nes,..'.f.ollow Whe~. att.enmng a. ~hurCh 1 teaspoon e:x!tra~t'·· ~ 3. Who were the tirst people to 9:3Q--Sacred quartet•

. e.nrouh· to Chlcag-o, and \;l.slted the :where the ntual 15 n'€w to hlm? ?inch of salt . " ' 'n'~A".1 t '...<>nh,,' worship one god? 10:00--Wall Street.J, a, K:~tl..~ an,l~ E, J, f"..aymond 4. What courtesy is it custom- Beat yolks until light, Add su- "The long. grey winter is ov~r, 'century or the next. 4. What is the origin of the 10:I5-Voice of the Street.f:lmili.",:".. ~rr. ,.h.3.t,"" IS an-xious .to I' ,~ry to sho\\( to pe~sons sitting gar and beat until light and fluffy, its demise is marked by' the ~Qn1- In its religious aspect, Easter l1:00-Markets.buv~ \":lYL( T'hn:,. . I!nex,t to one? Sift baking pow:der in flour,and al- ing of Easter ... which heralds signifies belief in the survival after w~~~~~~b~:sObadiah? 11 :30-Today in History.

Pt:'tt't' }I:lje·nga. ~j_,. died here l' ,5. ""hat dU~y does a church ternate with milk or water. ::Bake springtime in all its freshness\an~ bodily death .... it symbolizes 6. What is theocracy? 11:45----Missourians.fror;a'.effcC't:i of 'lnnkmg sulphuric j memb~r owe to a. neWcomer to the in moderate oven 45 minutes. optimism. Ard now, both me~- one's falt~in the ultimate rightM 7. What is the Golden Rule? 12:00-Nebraskans.&oJ.. '1 ch1jjrcl,1 '; " , tally and alsO literally, we put ness of 1" e . .. aDd expresses 8. What r~ligious enthusiast sti- 12:15~KarlStefan.

')'lax L,-'n3~'r, :arnwr near ~os- j, 6.1Sh,~uld one wear one s- best Pineapple Sponge. aside OUrt dark winte~ raiment one's confidence in <the reality and mulated the First Crusade in 12:48--Oon Bridge.kir_s., l.!i,~d of inj.uri~'s susta~nedIclothes t().l::hur~h,Y.. (By Mrs, John Goshorn) and emerge ill; fresh, new things. permanence of Him who came not France in the 11th century? l:lO~Variety.Y.'h':'lll' :,Q fep fn'm 3. \Tag1m and I 7: What ,is. the mos~ s€,.n:lceable 1 can grated pineapple ... we put aside our winter to be ministered unto, but to min.. 9. Who baptized Jesus? 1:45--0rgan.lh~ W3.g'.;P-' s,'at (1:'11 :mll .struck bis; and least brespme color: WhICh wo- [1 cup sugar worries an~ heavin.ess, .a.fd feel ister. Our modern observance of 10. Name the first six books of 2:15--Around the town.~ooJ::k. , . I men ~ay ch~$e in: cl?thes.? 1 1M2 cups water I oursel,ves hghtened III spinto Easter day is marked by services the Old Testament. 2:45---Studio.

).1r:::. Willi:1n;. Kraus.e of Hoskins,: S, W·hat should be kept-In rnmd Cook 10 minutes and strain. For Eastertime is more than a of worship, most reverent, . most 11. Which of the Apostles were 3:00-Variety.di~d in AllriL 1?17. i in choosing a new spring ward~ T~en add to 1.2 box gelatine whtCll s~yle parade ... more jthan the! sobering, and,yet most hopeful of brothers? 3~45--Quarte.t recordings.

Ah~in;:8.te l~,i the Norfolk state i~rpb€? . has been soaked in 1-2 cup wa~er. Signa: to appear in n~ .lig:lt all the ... year distinguished by 12, Who was the first person to 4:00--Lat"e l'.5caned. r ..,bbed the Hos- I . 9. Why is it netessary. tJ;tat chil- Let cool and when partly,.set, add clOt~I~g..It marks our' f8.l~. In robed choirs singing the story of see Christ after he arose from the 4:15---Sundown story.

.• ha.',·,-t\V:lrE',·' 5t.ore ami \vas ap'-' dren should be, allo:Wed ~o d,:"ess .in, 4 eg-g whites thoroug,hly beaten. contmual hf~ .. : .ou,r recogrutlO~ the Crucifixion aI1c;l re,..birlh, ... d d? ,4:30-Norfolk Junior w·~"t 01 Carroll and tak- the same manner Its th~.J.r fnends. and pour into J;11ould and let set. of ,the earth s ,~ertlhty ., '. for we by banks of green. :palms, and waxy e~3.·WhenElijah WM in the wild- 4:45---Studio progra~.en 'back tu ~crfo)k. I, 19. \<\~hat is the,fir~t requirement Top with Whipped cream. I I-know that spnng never failS!,. white lilies, symqol of.Pl1rit~, erness and about to die of hunger, 5:0o--DeMolay, ,

, " "~A,. .dallght~r' was bor.n to Mr,. 'and I'in business w~m.~n's'? . -- i I hi;~:,:~:yn ~~~~~;::ng~:~e:~u:: Easter bas. its ,.1igh~er: side, tob . how 'was he fed? 5:30---Russell ·Jensen, organ.1

Mrs, G. A. Peootal Apn117. 1917, at .~ers 7'0 Etto. K-ett. Angel Food ~e; ! of w~rmth ~d sun and growing .. its ,candy ~gg h~ts ~nd egg : 14, ""ho killed a lion with hisI-~-..-'.--.-:."'.."O-~·.-c--=.,--Wm:::id;> .,', (By Mrs. C. J. A. ~arson> tho I b t· th d th l·rolls fot"'Smail folks ... Its egg-' bare'hands?[,\Ub3-:,' ~" d,U:?:htt~r of Mr. a:ld I 1. :'\0, i~ is c~~si~ered i.rr~verent 1 1-2' cups egg \\:hites 'i a~l~~:_birt.h ~~ ~h:agl~:of :eJ,.:~a- eating :ompetitions for those oldM 15. Which is considered the most

~rrs, "L-. ::. Hl)r~t,n of Winside. died [' to speak to one s fnends rlD church 1 tf'aspoon cream of tartar I b ts tt t f th 'E beautiful sermon of Jesus?_'p._,', 1.".',".,",. ~usually a smile is suffi~ient. J' • I tion. in the olden days, Christian er ... 1 pre. y s ory 0 e as-:-.. ~ "ft . t th u h th 1 cup cake flour SIfted once and f II( f' d th' t th' od ter bunny who goes about early 16. Who left this earth in a charM,. J ...,;-;n Be,th.. fl)rmerlv ,-;f' Wu,;"ne .... A er passlpg au ro g e t~en ~measurt;"d. and' sifted four v~r)~ 1~~'towaradS e:~r,:~ Win~::' Easter morning. leaving colorful iot of fire?

~~:~~?~'\)'I:~~~l~ntl:~"~:~~~~f~~~~fS'~n 'I dO~~ ~}t~:~ ~~, ~~l~~~~'the gene.ral tane;:;. sifted four and abstemiousness was not only c.andY eggs in th~ baskets of good m:~t,:'hat is the first commandM

~wm~lde cemetery association .procedure,', nsmg and kn~ehng t,1 1

M2 cups sug:flor good moral discipline, butjirath,~r httle ,boys and gtrls.

rE'E'lE-Ctet~ \Y. C. Lm;·ry 'su,perinten- ,),....~~h the o~hers, '?r else s.l~ting lI~.e~ ··n necessary to the larder as wel1. \Vhile observance of the Easter- 18. Who be:::;.:~~mson? AKIN",.,~ . G('0rg~ Farran j.." i:·resident I qUletly an~ lUconsJ~nc,uously If the 1 4 e:spoon van~t a With the promise of new crops. the tide is general throughout civilized B . G

d \\''l Ga.eble'r, s€'cretary. .., procedute IS co~usmg. Com~~;:~~nU:~al and bake from1! good people co.uld relax and in-' coun~ries, its symbolism varies 1. E~te,r always falls on theTL,~ 2-yL-:l'-illJ ;,r)D' of (~!r. and ,~. To ~bare your song-book: 50 to 60 minutes. I. dfeUalg.,te qt,h"etm

eSnealtVuersa'llySOfotlhloeweEdaSttheer caonnse'mdebrleamblYp' n'nTht~~ Gt~erthmraeneS ~aeVne5 first Sunday after the full 'moon POWDEft

),lr;;, J,)( :.\Ll::::I'!1 of \Yd.vne'. \\·3.S tn- v. To welcome them, and 1Dtro~ "' ... ,u u which happens upon or next after I'-''"l1tn:e-u .....-b"..n ki('k~cl bv ;. horse, duce ,them to 9ther members of Oh-80-000-d'.iPie. I : Lenten fast., holding a basket ,of three eggs, -in- the 21st 'day of March. and if the

Waiter E.r,": S, "';:1 nf :\Ir. and the congregation after services. are tBy Mrs. \Vm. Htlgelman): I ~aster derives its name from the stead of the Easter rabbit and egg. full moon is 'on a Sunday~ Easter~lr:-,;, J, ,)-";n Krd.,)·h:td bi~ thru3.! 1fiI!-is'hed. 4 whole eggs I ISaxon ,goddess, ~stre, whose fes- In Vien¥. the eggs are of Silver, i::; ~~;.~:~:: ~~~::'~~~ments.t:r~ \':[:"11 l,·~ 11'J! w!d',' ciimbing aI' 6. Yes, one's best informal ~ tablespoons butter I~~~~ ~~~i:Sep~sa~n:~l~~~:lil~~~~ ~l~;~e:~~~p~~;tll~rg~;~~zer:n~l~~'~ 3. The HebrewS.

',~,\.\~~,;":,:,,, ~.-~~~~(:I~~,'I:~.'rThl"',i,,,.o,~.o.P.'.~,'1,_n,... td,',·:..•._!."+~,~rni_ol 'I 'p'~~'ca·~;.·e~.~es~~ a~.s~~~~:· a~: ~~~rs~f 1 1~2 cups sugar I ten, Easter never occurs before days in England, their ~aster eggs 4, From the Greek word mean-._ _ ... ,LC" , •• <-. ~u _, ... 3 teaspoons vinegar March 22 nor after A.pril 25. rn -Were blessed by the. priest. and ing "books."

I1-2 tea.5poon cinnamon 11761 ana 1881. it fell on March 21. definitely linked up with their reli-I 5. A minor prophet mentioned in

and b:n 6U6"hte,·,;. sun·ivt'. . 7, Blnd;e It is lesS -easily recog- 11-4 teaspoon clove~ but this won't hap~n again in this gious observances. ' ~the Old Testa'ment who lived about

x.~', .l:~ '!\:i:r:g of ,\\"l!l:'idc. is, hav- nized by ~ne's acquaintances, . and :k4 t~asp'0~n allspice I . . 585 B. ·u;'1 , "', t! ·"·,,~,_'l :,t the \\ 8.yr.c ; therefore \\i11 not tire them as 1 cup raisIllS I----.----- '-I 6 A government which recog-h(~it3.L· : would a· striped effect or Cream butter and sugar 'until I. 22 mmutes in oven at 400'. guest, .MiSS Sophie Wieland, being .' th' d' t . t [~l;iam Ch,i.:;t,)pherson of 'VinM ! ::triking contr~st in colors. \Vhite light, add beaten egg yolks and Invert and let cool before remov- present. Mrs. Henry Schroeder ~s e lmme la e sovereign yo

fi<:lCy had 1',1'"' nngef amputated has the same effect. ~ vinegar, then spice~ an.d raisins. ipg from pan. joined. the Bodet.y. The hostess 7.' All things "whatsoever ye'O$rt'oll h::1.s 3. ni',:r; fl:lg' Jl~le. Old 8... That your frocks, should be Beat well and fold ID whites. Pour j -- " served after husmess. Mrs. Ru- ' ld th t n should do to you

~()I:~lPrs b':lve tho:' flag ....\·hICh was planned so that ~hey can ,be worn in an unbaked pie cru,st. Thtt,fill-

IPotatoes and Ham. 'dolph Kunz entertains in May. :oo~e eve~ s:~nto them:' ,

dl'-<;J( 3.t,',,] 'by A. R. DaYl:". with the same coat and accessor- ing forms its own menngue. Bake (By :Mrs. C .. J, A. Larso~'} ,... *' II< '"~ 8 Peter the Hermit.

1'a..-·, :tnU Ax,'l Sra.stcdt, who ies-----a definite color sch,eme runM in medium oven. I .Brown two slIces of ham III pan Came,a: Social Evening 9: John the Ba tist. I~~~~~~~~!~~!~~!~!!~!~~!~built ElP DaniE'l.'l DnYi~ and Jo.; nipg through .them all. This not -.-- I'WIth brown sugar. Then alternate Members of the ea eo club and 0 G . ~ d I.e ·ticJone.3 ,,""';~idtmces at Carroll, moved only means eco,Ilomy but also al- Easy»essert. Iham, pota~oes a:~d o~on with' their husbands, also r. and Mrs. N~~be;:;e~:~tero~o:~,Jo~ua~'E. Curo;r from Omah~, for the lows variety in combinations. (By Mrs. John GOShOrn; i some flo;ur III bakIng dISh. Season L. E. Brown, Mr. and rs. D. P. 11 J and John Simon Pet4summer to ~o contractmg. 9. Because nothing .makes a Put sliced apples, rhuba or I with salt and pepper and add milk Miller AD-d Mr. and Mrs. P. L. er ~4'a:n~ew, .

John Harn~? bought a farm young child, especially a boy, more other fresh fruit in weUMbu tered and bake,' Marcl( o/ere ent-ertained Friday /}'2 Mary Magd~ene.sOl::Theast of ,)a)'ne from F. G. self-conscious than to look baking dish. half filling it." ~dd 1 evening fat the George Anderson 13: He was fed by the ra.vens.Phll-,eo f(,!" S16~.vO an acre. "strange" to the children he plays cup sugar and desired spices.+-cin. Coffee Bl'ood. home. In bridge high scores ,were 14. Samson.

John J(thn~on and~. Fr~d Lund- with. namon and nutmeg are bes.t. ~ake (By Mrs. R. H. Mathews?n) ~eld ~y Dr. and Mr13· ~. W. Jamie- 15. '1'he Sermon 'on the Mount.ber~ rp'~llmed to. \\'akefle~d~ aft~r 10. Neatness. a battet' ot 3-4 cup sugar, 1 table- 2 large cups brea~ spon~e son. The hostess served. The club 16'. Elijah.completing' vetermary tr3.mmg ,In spoon butter, 1 we)} beated egg, 2 well beaten eggs meets this Friday for stUdy, 17. Thou shalt have ina, otherChirag r" 1 Sherbahn are making improve- 2-3 cup sw~et milk, 11M2 cups ~Iour, 3-4 cup sugar, •• '. • gods before me.

~Ir uTI{1 ~.rrs, H. B. \,"ar;~ and ments at the brick yard. 1 teaspoon baking powder. IBake 1 1 heaping tablespoon butter Vulnerables Meet. 18. Deli, It-:ft. ftlr \,'cst Yirgir.ia- to From Logan VaHey Herald April until apples are done; and ,,serve melted The Vulnerable bridge club was _vl~it. 18, 1884r: Newton brothers are op'" with cr~am and "Sugar. 1-2 cup raisins entertained by Miss Norma Car- h' A .

"::\fr. ar.d :\Ir:::. Arthu1r Larson vis- ening a creamery. P. C. Maure::r Nutmeg to taste penter in the R. J. Kingston home On: T e . Ir~.:ited in \,,'akefield when moving famil:y moved here from Ohio. Mr. l\oleat Balls DeLuxe. : Add enough flour to make as Thursday evening. Miss Marian"'from Primrose to SiC.HX City. McCoy is new Wayne school prin- (By Mrs. C. J. A.,Lars0n!> stiff as can be stirred with a mix,:, Price· was a guest. and-the players~ P. L. ~labb()tt went to Icipal. Bailey & Dyer are building 1 1-2 pounds groUI1d beef I ing spoon. Let rise untj.l very light, made up two tables for ·coBtract.~...Gre:e'h. 'Vis., to see hi~ mother who ~ shed adjoini?g ~h~ir lumber 1 1~2 cups ground pota1:oe~ then pa out into thin sheets in ].fiss Evelyn Mellor was named': 1s seriouslv ilL,' :,; ard. Brown IS bmldmg a new Salt and pepper 'well gre ed pans. Spread top with per~nent chairman of the group.,~.:~ From \\'a,\rne Herald for April meat market on west Second ~~~g: little milk and form into melted utter, sugar and cinnam- The hostess ,servedMNext meeting

~21, 1892: R::l.·n Fraizier shipped 12 ~:e~in~~~~;~t:~;:~te~~rt ~~ balls. Cook in oven in tomatoes ~~'d ~:~ r~~eq~~~no:~~ very light :~:::;: :.55 argaret Fan- Thursda,y, April 13:

;.:~:~c~f::t~~~a~~e~m:~a;;~~:~~~ town and will feed 4,000 cattle. ' ;~d~~C~sli~~ ~:~:ke:a~~~:~ En~rtaJns" fO; ~:S. ;~~t=~::~~;~: part.y. Prof. J. 2<1. Pile gave a lecM if desired. I Mrs. H. R. Best entertained her 8:00---Devotional.iP ture at-'Beemer on "Cranks, Dudes Republicans in Congress ,have class of girls of the Methodist 8:15---Studio.~..<and Fools." R. and F. G. Philleo d~cided not to oppose the Roose- Date l\luffins. Sunday school Friday evening at 8:30-Uncle Gene, the Wayne Her-

. I t I b J rd th velt program. Vfe hope they will ald. . ,';~t~he°r:ii::a(~ b~n~~i~st ~o~o., promise, not to interfere with the (By Mrs. R. H. Mathewson), SoclaI her home. Easter egg hunt and 9:30--Sacred Quartet.'!I.'''of Fort Scott, lian.. have establish- solar system, either.-San Diego 1-3 cup hutter other games were enjoyed. Each

:;ed a normal college at O·~-eill. The Union. ' I ~:: ~::s;~cf:~alt Oa~i~r: ~~nO~o~ak troop ~t' ;;~:~~~:..c~~e~~c~~~. ~:; i~~~~~~~e ~~r:; Street.~:-Wayne cornet bandreo~ to Fewer peop!le. 'thaD, ever before 2' eggs well beaten Friday t the high school. So e girls present were Peace Kingston. 1101·:.13~~Oe~:nyan.·''ndHiHarrystOry·.

·It-·,take part in the political' cam- 34' cup milk worked nfirstclasstes.tsando ~ Zada Gifford. Glovana. Bennett, v--... un.~:paign. A, P. Childs is alternate leave a play after the first act, ag.. 2 cups flour 'd I Th ~ ~rjOrie Ellis, Ruth Hanse~, Da 1l:45--Missourians.

~l~"!o~~e~';i;~e ~;o~a~~~m~r~; ~:~:ra=~:~~':.:h~;=t~~~ i ~~~:~e:i:~ powder ~::~~ds c~:w s6n,,;sThe ~rlsgIJ/e"J ~~ersleeve, Helen Mabbott and i;~~~~~~:",;,..~elebrating its seventy third anni- after the last act. - Tbon\:aston Sprinkle sugar and cinnamon at the c liege*~~ ~daY. i ,e~ Va.nAl1en~ • • • 12:48-Don Bridge.

'~er~ary, John Lewis and John (Ga.) Times, over the tops and bake in a mod- "'lth 'LeRoy Hunt. D. A. R. Chapter Meet& l;lo-Variety.""---- erate oven aboUi.t 20 infnut'es. The Here and 'There club met D. A. R. chapter met Saturday 1:4s-.:.-o~.

last Th1 sday with Mrs. LeRoy afternoon with Mrs t. H. Britell, 2 :15---Around the town.

se d U YApple Crisp Pudding. Hunt. T e time was spent in sew~ Mrs. E. E. Fleetwood and Mrs. H. 2:45--Studio.. n s· o·U'• (By'Mrs. Wm, Rugelman') ing, g es and visiting. Luncheon S. Scaee at the Prof. ~ritell home. 3:00-Variety.

, -.: -" Slice apples, a,:pd sprea~' over closed e afternoon., Next Thurs- Miss Enid ConkIyn anlfl Mrs. Scaee 3:45--Hawaiian.bottom of pan. Sprinkle 2 ~ble- day Mr~.A. C. Mau entertains. gave repor~ of the ~tate conven. 4:00-Late News.sPoons sug-a'r ov'er them and add 1 ' • " ., • tion held recently at Hastings. 4:15--Sundown story.

R' R teaspoon vani~la. Blend together ~oung eople's Class. Miss Peggy Morris played 4:3G--Margaret' Walling, vocalist.'ag ugs 1 cup brown sugar, 1 cup flour and The oung People's Bible Stuny solos. Mrs. J. W. Jones gave a Ies- 4:45--Studio program.-.,-----.- 1':'2' cup butter and<spread the mix.~ class m t Friday evening at the E. son on defense. The hostesses ser- 5:00---Mina Inhelder, voclVlst.

Q. 'It ·C·· f' t' L' th" ·P·U sture over apples. Bake In slow B.Youn homeandLorenC8rlson ved. Mrs. Paul' Harrington and 5:&o-RusseJlJensen,organ.~- on or s-_ ea ~r lOW '6ven. Apple' sauce can be'usediD 'led the tudy. William Benshoof Mrs. Jones entertain in M,ay. 6:00--Variety.

the same way. sang .tWo selectiQDs for which be • • • • 7:00--Riversiders.-- ,¥ote '1'qrdi' and muoi•• The. class Country ClUb SodaL Friday, AprU 14: '

Ncverlffl ~1' .FOOd. meets>, again this FrIday at The. second of a Country clt,lb 6:45--Sunrise.(By Mis/~. ·H. Mathewson) ~OUDg'~,' • • ..' , 'sedes was held-at Hotel Stratton 7:00-\7arie,ty.

F:lace,~ pa.u in o~ to heat Thursd8.y evening. The !rommi~tee 8:OQ.,--DevoUonal.'~t~re;,:~~~ c.ake: St:'~aill ~uth:el'8n Aido.:. ,included Mr. and ·Yrs.'R. J, Reis- ~:l~tud1o.

Slf.,t 11-~ c~p~ s~~r,.t~r~e time~ Mrs. Albert Bastian Iii1d Mrs. R. ter,:Mit.~Mp.~. L. ;Brat;r.. De~ 8:So--Un~le Gene, the Wayne Her·'..ri:d'1 'cup' SWanMown cake fiour' ,F: Rog'!:enbach entertained the St. and Mrs. 'g. g. Hahn, Mr and Mrs. aid:' . Jfour times, mea~uring" after first "PaUl Luther~n Aid las.! Tllursday A~ B.· ~r~,a~~ ~. p~' Hor- 9;'SQ--Sacred quartet. ;JsJi~g~,·.: "': " '"' ',' ,'" ' , in, the' 'church parlors~ I ~egUIar sharp. aqd Mrs. Grl\.ce K,ey~r. In lO:OQ-.C.:-Wall street.

WWP ~lll\es of 10 laf~e egf-' to, IiUslqess Was fOlJowed'jly.!\social !>~ldge high ~011!~, 'Y!!re .!leld. by lQ:ll}-,Volce of \Ile St1'eet.,'f. ~t!rf.ii<i\h. \Vlth l~: ~e~poon. 'time •"I'd loncheoll. '1\fts:,Chafies M\SSIUlthryJjH~ and E, A. lO:45-J..iIll\\li~;;salt and 1 teaspoon Cfeam of tar- Meyers alid Mrs.- Rooort Johl'lson Gordo~. The last 9f the .erl~s Is l1'_OO-Mafkels.t;J.r_.,eontlnue heatlni until eggs ente.rtaln in two weeks: ' pllthnl!d next.Thursday. at· the ho- 1l.2o-TodaY· in Hl;<tory,~~~t,iff,~fl:~~:a4df.r:1.g4W;"" ,,' ~,' ~.*. tel; 11:45--:-Missouriims.

~\>e~,~~ting~.~~.f~.~·ts.d:b.~lf~~s~P'~ioonsj::~C!O::ld~..n:~:.e~~~~t~~~~. ~~~=rq]i:

\:ii,jIL:~B~~;~~-:~:;;:~;:~:~ii~:7~~~1~~~~",~~~;~t~,:'~j~;"~~'.•'~~:;·iEv~:~~ge~cal .,L~the~an,_ AJ,d. last 1Z;3O-~r~stefan..;Thurodaz' 10 1ll0Dlbe<O ",,<I. "'!e 12::xI-,Don Bridge.. , .

Page 16: Herald (1888-Present)/1931-1940/

This season more than ever be­fore, . white footwear will befashion's favorite. Awaitingyour selection is a large assort-

ment 'of Pumps, Strapsand Ties sty~es in low,medium and $1 98high heels. . , •


":?~ J~)-.§l~~ )fj

~~';ff~Here's New East·

er Hats at98c

~ Just try one of these hats on-Let the mirrot reflect thetrim, neat stylin . Good look-,irig straws in t e season'smost wanted colors. Here arehats far below What ·you ex­pected ,to pay,

A new showing for Easter in

the Styles Y oll've waited for

at the price yo~'ve hoped for

Vogaires ~ ~' . .~~~~k ~:r~~iteP~~i;~_~.. .-ers. All are exclusivedesigns.' ,



DRESS OXFORDS$2.98 $3.50

Newest Spring Toes

Dress oxfords in the best and new­est of Spring toes. Combinationfitting lasts. Gen~ine calf uppers.

"First grade oak soles. And of, course all of these are GoodyearI welt constructioq.' .

lf you are alert to new things,especially in clothing, then hereare the new Easter styles you'vebeen waiHng for.


$2.98~: .I


You must have anew hat this Easter,for it's been many

l seasons since suchgood looking hatshave been fashionedfor men. Most styleswith snan bnm, oth:~

~rs Wlth the new rolIedge. See them llcr~.




Ne", Hats

New Scarfs'TO MATCH

Pick out one of these beau­tiful scarfs to match yournew Easter millinery. Theyare moderately priced an,dadd greatly to the appear­ance.

Advance EasterModels that Boast

of S,nartnessStraws, Crepes, SaUor cffects,beret turba~s, high-in-the-back

~~I~s~~;~r~iS~m~r~~~~~:~i~~fashionable, approved millineryis yours. Beige hats, navy hats,grey hats, blue hats, black hats.Make your selection now whilcthis fine showing is most com­plete in every detail.

Work Shoes. Have insula~edmiddle sole. Such a low pncefor work shoes might prejudiceyou ... but the quality 98c .is all there. ,

Men's New Dress Shirts. Plain,or fancy patterns. Small neatchecks . . _. plaids .. . fa~cypatterns or plains. Made ot fastcolor broadcloth. The flnest

::~tp~~~~e ever sold at 9ac'Handkerchiefs. Red o(blue. )::ouuhould by an ample 1supply atthis low price. Cut on a 5generous size pat~~rr~ ., CLeather WorK' Glove~. GauntIe,tor band style. One qf the !Jestvalues in an inexpensive leatherglove. Made of soft, pliable' spUthorsehide. Y-our choice of eith­er the short wrist I 25nr g_auntlet. style... I' i ' C


Men's Dress Hose. New patterns

~a~~ ~~lO~~yH;~~':~~~e.15COxfords. These have Goodyearwelt sewed oak sales. l~ theseoXfot;"ds you will find all thestyle and appearance that go

;;;:~w~~~~er priced $1.98l\'len's New Dress Shirts. A realvalue. Buy several:· lfast colorbroadcloths in a host of tancypatterns as well as plams. A

i~:~it~t ~~~~~~,~can 49cAU Silli Prints. A feature value.TheSe printed' silks. deservetheir popularity '1' • one of ourbest values. 1<'or 'party dresses,blouses or street frocks, you't1find these silks ideal. See a!!aortment"of new 69cpat.ter~. I

"1·"·' ,I


lOe 15e,Warm days arc anklet day~and you'll certainly enjoychoosin~ them from our tineselection. Plain colors orfancy designs. Qualitiesworth more than our lowprice. .


Sheer chiffon or service wcight'in full 'fashioned style. Whywaste words' telling you themerits of this hose, when .acomparison of this 42 gaugepure thread ,silk hose will quick­ly convince you of its qualitieC3.You'll surely chQose these, forthey are made with a long ·slIkboot, cradle foot, high Frenchheel and full 'fashioned.,

SilK HOSI~RYA I Quality ComparingOnly to Hose Selling 'ForMuchMore.





No reason to dep~ive 5 5yourself of ,a new $ 9Easter coat! They .are priced so rea-sonably, you can •easily purcnase one.Finely styled,

These are the ideal

Easter coats. And $9 90vou'U be greatly sur- •prised how largeyour dollar hasgrown - it goesfarther.




A new Easter assortm~nt'ofgood looking undies, panties,step-ins, shorties. Yourchoice of either the fancy[ace trimmed styles or theplainer tallo,red types. Buy asupply at thi~ low price.



'1.95. ...$2.95

$2.98Prints! Pastels! Sheers! Combinations!Here are all the styles, suitable forstreet, dress up or special occasion wear.Finished,cleverly with jaunty bows,belts, or buttons. In every spring shade.Greys, blues, pastel colors and darks.

" ,

Another added feature to our ~aster showing is eyelet batiste dre;sses.You'll find plain colors of blue or fed or white with worked designsin contrasting colors. Navy mixtures and t\·vo·tonc cffects in blue orgrey or beige. Here is fashion's favorite frock.

Style and Thrift at its Best • ••Golden Rule Brings to You'This S~e~ialEaste,. Showing


New in every ("etail with boWs that area bit different---.:sleeves a bit more per­ky-Necklines that arc flatterillg-Abutton or belt just a trifle smarter­Everything ahout these dresses makes $5.95them more youthful than those you'veseen before. And the soft feminine lines'make them wearable for street or anydress-up occasion.

EASTER,---"------"---'-----"-_.-'--------;. . '


It;s nearly Easter, '. Time to"Dreas Up" ••• And you'll en­joy shopping here amongst all

I the things of newness whichhave just been received .,. Re-

I member, too, ever,Y efforeh~s

been made to give you the ut­moat in value., Consider this asa personal invitation to :visit us.

Brdadcloth Shorts. It's true!Here are men's and boys'shorts in new fancy 15cpatterns for only. . .

Men's Athletic Shirts. Whi teshirts to ·be l worn with shorts.ThIs garment has proven ex~cepUonally popular as it wearsand washes very weU ... and

~~~ ~~::~~nsive, tO~::".,"..19c,Men's and Boy,s'. Dress CapsWith unbreakable Vl!.lor and lelJ.­ther inband. Just inspect one ofthese inexpensive caps You

~Wl~:et~~~'that it i.~ 49cHoy's'Suits; These are s.elocted

"I~6;ta~o;:~u~ean: B[pe;;a~6j;. thls,Easter in a ,new suit? '

·I·$~.~~ '$4.98/' .,~

·N i tho t W and Mrs. Byron Ruth ~nd family Harry McNama~a and daughters, is spending a few days this Week~f eas a~e '" wE!r~, ~~~~s I~t ~ pa~ty lin the, ;Lc-:. ,Kl\thl~n, F~ye and :p~tty Ann, aU in tho ~ome 'of Mr. and Mrs, Amos

I I' '(.o.y-'SWt'CortespOlldetii)' 1 land Young home for Mrs. Young's of Schuyler. On Sunday, I the mchtenkamp..Otto ~Ii~eriCbS has been ill the ~d, Lyle, Hansen,'s :birthdays. Sclmyler guests and Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and MrS. Amos Echtenkamp ,

past fe\'( days. ' About 25 'Yore present., The time Gus Fiere and Mildred and Harold and Walter Franzen spent Sunday,Wjls~:n 'Ychke of Norfolk, spent was spent in playing 50,0. Guests Piere, all of Wisner, w~re included in N~rfQlk visittJ:)g in t9\,William

Friday ~vening a.,t; Pe$-er-caauwe's. served luncheon. " ~~~e~hicken fry at tp.e Chilcott Ni~~~ISa~~m::rr$. Herbert EC~lten~Las~ ~veek.MondayJ4r. n.nd Mrs. Fr::r:S'L~:~ ~~~e~t~~ileM~: kamp spent Monday evening last

George nr~mmer were in Sioux week in the home of 'Mr. and Mrs.I .City.'. ',Wakefield, Miss Hulda fChtell- I Hns stag Party. otto Miller., Edith, Sievers spent Thursday kamp, Ray Jensen, M.ts. Alvena ' Lytle Chilcott entertained a Miss Erm" June Baclt.' was an

after oon i th Fr d A ' Echtenkamp, Donald Echtenkamp, group of me:~ w~o helped, charivari .~home~' p.., c_ e, ,evlilrmann. HenrtM~~er, sr., Mr.. ~!and Mrs. him and Mrs. Chilcott afterlhelr a11 night visitor iIi the H. C.

~~'. ~d,¥(~. Byron, ~u~ .visit~, ,"Ytn. Kr~lm~ ~nd Rev. ,iF. ~. Doc- ma,rriage, With' a. ,stag party ~ri- ~ guest" Qf Ar_eet F'n~a:y evening in the Evert i to~ were' among the caUerS'last .dl;lY evening before last. After anLarsen home.' 'reek in the Edward Me~'cr home., evening of cards, the host served Miss Leona Ecbtcnkamp, Obert'

.Roland Hopmann spent ~unday' Celebrate Blrt.hWt3;os. an oyster feed. Guests were. Ad- ~~~~:~k::~i:;dl~~tw~r:cgCi~P~~~Wi~ .Melv~n l!techt at the Emil To~' help Mrs. ,Henrietta Kurrel- olph Claussen, Harvey Haase, ~al-' Otto MUler home,Utecht p'ome, ' meyer and Ed. (Kurrclmeyer celc- ~hn~~~~niriu;~:n1-0'o~~USiJa~o~~ Mr.. and Mr$. E. P. Caauw~,Mar-

:Mi~'Eda Meyer spent the week- I brate their birthdays, a·' group , . 'jor1e and O~nald were guests forend with her sister, .M)'s. Carl Mey- gothcred at tfie Ed. Kurrelmeycr Knudsen, Clifford Gildersleeve anper at Beld n ... , Mat Holt, aU of near ,\.V~e, and dinner 1it."!Veek·, ago last Sunday'in,. e . , home Sunday for a social evC;Ding. Ja_mes KHUon,. Leland JQhnson, th.e J. ~. Spahr home.Miss Anita Lessman spent from The guests.were Mrs Mary Doring Milton Johnson,' Meredf h 'John. . Edward Qampbell Went to Fre-

, Monday to Thursday in the George and Irma, Mr. and Mrs. Henry . , I mont Saturday to accep.t a posl-ROl'lber home son, and George MagnUSr~l:al of

, Mr. nnd :M:~., Fred Meyer and JDoOhnringHOa:sdtmfaanm1~dMDre.' l~anhied. :re~~ ,Concord. _ . I tion with the Able Construction

Reuben Visited Frid'ay evening at 11.,.. company of that place,. '

Fred !toeber·s. ;i:~~~~;"fa~~·y~n~~~~.~~~;~l~ . For John Grl~. ,. M~~h~~~~siI~~;r:!a~h:p~~~Mr. and J.! William Krallman, meyer and Mr. and Mrs. Fra!lk Ho~or~ng John GrJmrq on his last Sunday in the~'home of Mr.

Joe aDd Ed spent Sunday in the Kurrelmeyer. ~hursday evening, the and :M:rs. c. J. Johnson.Ed. Me)'er home. I follow~ng neighbors andl relatives

Mr. and Mrs. C. K. Corbit were S h W' came to sur,rise him; bringing a . Mr. Bnd Mrs. Harris Sorensen,. out east ayne rn; ~mer Bell and Mi~ AevermannSunday dinner guests of Mr.~·and lun . Card were dIVer"t·on of tbej pent Wednesday evening in the

Mrs'. H. S. SCRee. ' (By Staff Correspondent) e-v\ ~ing. Ihc ude.d were r. and r'arold Sorensen home. IM~ss Elaine Baker spent Wcd- Mrs. Peter Jo:rgens~n visited at Mrs. 'Mapnso U'lrlch, Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Davfson and

nesday afternoon visiting in the the Ed. Hammer home Friday at- August· Kay and son, ..qWiIl, Mr. daughter spent Thursday after-Emil Roeber home. 'ternoon. and Mrs. Cp.rl Frevert d family, ~oon visiting .in the borne or" Mr.

Miss Vema Walters was,a. Mr·s. Eric Thompson was. in Mr. andMrs. Will Meyerland Dor- od Mrs'. George Harder.Thursday evening visitor in the Si- Wayne Friday with Mrs.~. C. is May, Mr. and ..Mrs. ,~emard I Mr. antl Mrs. Emil Vahlkampmon Lessman home, Thompson Meyer, Mr. and Mrs. OttQ 'Lutt and )and Mi~ Martha Heier spent S':ln~

Miss LaVerne Krallman...was a ¥rs. ~ymond Baker called on family, Mr.. and Mjrs. John Lutt and 'da i J t kiTSunday afternoon caller ":,in the Mrs. John Lutt Tuesday afternoon family, Mr. and Mrs. Nels Grimm !th; ;;e ~~ie~ s'r:e~om:.Sl mg inGeorge M,eyer hom,e. "il ,:"",." .r of last week and son, Neal, Herman Garrell, aU I Mrs. Ralph Htllier and Mrs. I

Mrs. C. R. Glenn and ~iSs Lotl~a ' 1\.fiss Cleo 'Patterson visit~d ov- of this neighborhood, and Miss Richard Kyl of West Point, spentBU.Sh called Wednesday,last \l{c~k er~night last Thursday at t-fte True Dorothy Awisz'us and John"Meyeron Mrs. E. F. Shields. Prescott home. 1 and family of Winside. "-!'UesdaYj a' week ,~go in the home

M and M J H k . 10f Mr. BInd Mrs. J',H. Spahr.r. r~. ames an s VIS- 'Wallace and Milo Meyer spent a , Mr; ",!.,d MrS. M:f:le Roe'and Eu-

ited Tuesday 10 the home of Mr. week ago Sunday afternoon in the N h W I I M:1' EI P 'U' d Rd M P I L ort Wiest ayne n ce, r~. mer I IpS an ubyan rs. au essman,. ,Carl Gust horne, 'Davis spent Sunday evening last

1 Rufus Caauwe who teaches at Mrs. Peter Nels(l)n spent Tues· (By Staff Correspondent) Iweek ~.nthe Will Roe home.l Concord, spent the'" weelt~end here day afternoo~ of last week with Mrs. H. 1.. Atkins was in Sioux Mr. a d Mrs. RIchard Kyl of

in thEjrPeter Caauwe home. Mrs. John Grimm. City Friday, IWest Pint, were Sunday after-Mr. a,nd Mrs. S. J. H$le a~d Mr. and .Mrs,! B. Grone and two Mrs. Wilbur Spahr spettt last Inoon d evening guests 10 thc J.

E.thel~Tibbles spent .Sunday cve- daughters went~to. Norfolk Friday H S h kDmg ill the Joe CorbIt home. morning'qn buSiness. Friday in the C. J. Jqhnson home. I • p ~r ~me a ~ee ago.

M d MEt E ht Mrs. Mary C?rey Is spending a' Mr. nd ,Mrs. W. H. ,Racher-r. an rs. rnes c en- , Mrs~.Lytie' Ohilcott called at the few days in the C. J. J,ohnnon Ibaumer1and fami!y and ~nss Ida

kamp and ~red.Luth spent Wed~1 Earl Fitch J:1o~e in Wayne a ~cClt home. IEchten~amp spent Thursday even-nes9ay evetrmg 10 the Fred Flege" ago· Monday evening. Mr.. and Mrs. Ray Perdue called ing in the Otto Miller home.home., _ ' Nadine Jorgensen visited with in the John Bush home last Fri- I Mrs. Arthur Campbell an4 fam-

Ur.. and; Mrs. Charles Roggen- Ardyce Lutt at the John Lult_bach of Altona, spent Mon~aye,ve~ home Thursday afternoon. da~e:~'~~~·.Braisted was a Tues- I~~~~:~r~~:~~~?nc~l~dsa~;~~;"ning l~t week at George Bram- Mr. and M~s. Clyde Oman were d t hmer's. \ ~ Monday noon d'nn~r gU€StS of the ~~c~~~i:~:~~~e~eek in the ~ L. anM~SeSu~i~~ J~~:e~ha~a~:nJi~;~mR:::;;~~,~~s;f~~~~iS~~u,;:~~~.Tr~r.P~~~CO~;}rsr/~~e:C~~stinand Mr. and Mrs. Frank Spahr vis- Thurston on Friday of last wcc\tda;.y here 10 th~ Peter Caauwe Warren were in Ponca and New- ited in the C. H. Jeffrey home last to spend the week·end with herborne. caStle Sunday of last week. Thursday evening. , parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Jef-M~. and Mrs. Ernest' Echten- Miss Florence and Miss Miriam Wilbur Spahr spent Friday frey.

kamp and ~rEtd '·Luth ~pent Wed- :Prescott called on Mrs. Clyde morning in-'the home of Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. Carl Pedersen andnesday ev 1 t k t F d' Mrs. Frank'Spahr. childre1f1 spent Sunday evening .in

, enmg as wee .. a I'e Oman .last Thursday afternoon. . Mrs. 0: B. Haas and Weldon the Hatold Sorensen home. M1SSFlege s. I'. . Mrs. William Malmberg of Wtn- t TI d' . tb E Clara Sorenscn was also a Sunday

Mrs. Byron Ru h VISIted Monday side caHed on Mrs. Kaspar Korn spe~ Illrs ay ~venmg in e " .

~::~~~~I~S~oW~:: ;;;::: ~r~ ~:;,~~ w~~e;~~y~~~ni~!t:rw~~~gaegn~'c'; E.~~~e;:~o~~~";;ehirley Sprague vi~~.r~nd Mrs. ~eorgc' Hoffmanof week); , . and family spent Thursday evening and Elwin sp~nt Sunday iIi thn and daughters spen,t Wednesd~y.

M and M NIH I rf FrAnk Spahr home. afternoon last week III Norfolk VIS-r. rs. ,e s a do of with Mr. and Mrs. ReynOld Weise. Ernest Spahr spent Thursday iting Henry Kieper' in a Norfolk

Dixon, spent Th\l.!"sqay evening in Melvin and Bernitta Otte' and evening in Randolph visitin~' his hospital. 1~hc~~=~f.M.r. and Mrs. Ernest Donald Quinn spent a week ag'o brother, R. L. Spahr. Sund;,ay afterI}.oon callers in thc

Thi S Pd M Saturday afternoon at the B. Mrs. George Hpffman called in Arthur Drnnsellta h.orne were Mr.. s un ay r. and Mrs. Al- Grone home. d '

b~n Carlson and family: were in. Mr. and Mrs. Otto Lutt and the Fred Reeg home on Friday an M"s. A. H. Brinkman and Mr.vlted to the Conrad Carlson home family spent Thursday e'ven'ing morning of last week. and l1rs . Carl Thomsen, Estherat'Concord f dl Mr, and Mrs. George Reuter and Irene.

!~Ir d; ~~r. with the John Gri'mms, this being were Sunday supper guests in the Mr. and Mrs. Roy Graham andr t d it- an rs. Imon Lessman Mr. Grimm's birthday. lierbert Reuter home. , children of Dak?ta City spent. last:n r. and Mrs. Geo!ge Lessman Mrs. Bud Chilcott and Mn;. Mrs. Rudolph Kay and Marcel- Sunday in the E.awrence Victor:J::~ ~e;;::a:oZ::~ning in the Lytle Chilcott were in Norf~lk two line spent Wednesday afternoon in home. Mrs. Graham is a sister of

John EChtenkamp, LlqYd. aDd ~::~~' ~~~lc~~t~s~ay to ViSIt Mrs. the Frank Longe home. Mrs. Victor.Gle~ Echtenkamp of Arlington . . 1.1 :i1dr. and Mrs. E,rwln Vahlkamp Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Dranselkawere Wednesday dinner guests i~ MISS VIda Bec~, teacher in Lin- spbnt Sunday evening last week and Marvin spent Mollday evening~e WitUam Krallman' home. coIn, ,came h.ome .saty.rday (<?r a in/the GfilO. Hoffman home. of last!wee~ in the Will.. Harder

'John Echtenkamp, Lloyd, and week S ,vacation 10 the Mrs. Han- Mr. and Mrs. Russell Pryor caU- borne helping Mr. Harder celebrateGlenn Echtenkamp of Arlington nah Beck .home. . . ed Sunday afternoon last week in his birthday.~pent Tuesday afternoon visiting Mrs. Allee Chance and son, Wll- the Walford CarlsQn home. Mr. ~nd Mrs. Gereon Allvin, the W. G. Echtenkam home Ham, both of Wayne, were guests Mr. and Mrs. Fred Reeg were and M~s.~. L. Ireland and Mr. a.nd

Mr. and Mrs. Herbe~ ,H~er- of Mrs. Jack Skeahan last Thurs~ Sunday dinn~r the ho~e Mrs. IToy S?ahr were Su.nday dU:-ichs attended the dinner and con- day and Friday. . of Mr. and Mrs. B. Grone. ner guests 10 the Ernfrld Allvmfirmation exercises at the Emman- Mr. and Mr~. Abram Gllder- Mr. ~n~ Mrs. John Kay were home ,ast week. .' 'uel Lutheran church last Sunday. ~eeve and family wer~ at the Her- dinner guests Sunday of last week MrS~JamesRogers, Mrs. Charles

Dr, and Mrs. C. J. Dendinger .~rt Knudson home near Wake- in the George Reuter home. Roger and Paul Rogers of Lyons,and sons, Jack and Gene, of Hart- fIeld a week ~go Sunday. Mr. and Mr~. Arthur campbeU spent onday a w~ek agO' visitingington, were Sunday guests of Mr. ,Mrs. Gus Fiere and daughter, and baby spent Thursday evening in th~ILawrcnce,Victorhome: ~a?land Mrs. Jpe Corbit. The women Mlldr~d of ~isner, and'Earl ~yru~ in the Iienry BUSh, jr., home. .remalned for an e~tended VISIt 10

are sisters of LeIgh, VISIted at Lytie ChIlcott s Miss Ama:nda, Elsie and Ernest the v*tor home.Mr. and ~rs. Harold Gunnarson SWlday evening before last. Jacobsen spent Sunday afternooJ} Mr~and Mrs. Arthur Campbell

Mrs. Clarence Dahlquist and Mar~ Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Wa~- ~ the Joseph Carlson ,home. I drove to Coleridge Sunday cveningll':l and Carl Gunn'arson Of Con- berg were guests of the latter s Mr. an9 MrS. W. E. Back and to ta Miss Myrtle and her friend,cord, visited Tuesday last week in parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles family were Sunday cUnner guest~ Miss Alma Crawford, back tothe Albin Carlson home here. I-Ieikes, a week ago Sund~y. of Mr. and Mrs. Gus Wendt. . schoo~\ IThey spent the evening in

Mr.. and Mrs. Fred Meyer and \ Mr. and Mrs. rJohn Gnmm. and Elhardt Pospishil and MarviJ;l the craWford home.ReUben visited Sunday evei:ting in son, Dale, were S;jillday dlOner were 'Yednesday afte~.l;loon callers Artpur Campbell and Edwardthe Ed. ECJ:1tenkamp home, a num- guests at the F. C. "ammer home in the H. C. Barel~an home. l spent j'Friday in Hartington. Missber helping the Echtenkamps cele- a w:ek ago. Nels Nelson was there Mr. and Mrs. Will Roe and daU! Myrtl~ Campbell and Alma Craw-brate their tenth wedding anni also. ghters spent Friday evening in ford ~eturned from Coleridge witJ1sa:rY ver- :Miss Gertrude Lutt is expeetp.d the Maurice Montgomery home. I, Mr. Campbell on Friday to spend

I M~. and Mrs. Fred Otte a d home Fri~ay to '. spend her three- Mr. and Mrs. Al Hellberg speIljt the week-end in the Campbellfamily and.Mr. and Mrs. Hai~s day vacatlOU With her mother, Wednesday ~vening of last week home.Sorenson and son spent Thursday ~~~S:de"\V. Lutt. She teaches at visiting in the C. H. Jeffrey home. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Longe andevening last week at Fred Aever' Mr. and Mrs. O. B. Haas and :Melvin and Mr. and Mrs. Henrymann's helping LaVerne celebrat~ Sunday of last week, Mr. and Weldon spent Sunday ev:ening last Doring and family spent Sunday

-: her birthday. Mrs~ George, Grone and Bonnie, week in the Dr. A. D. Lewis home. evening in the Ernfrid AUyln homeMr. and Mrs. Henry Hansen and Mr. an~ Mrs..Fred Heeg and son, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Heter. jr., and helping Mr. Allvin celebrate his

family spent Tuesday evening last and ~I~S Lilllan Hollman were son spent Monday evening last b,irthday. The time was spent' inweek in the Fred Otte h M guests of the B. Grones. week in the Fred Heier, sr., home. Visiting. J ,

and Mrs. Henry Franzen°:'~ He;~ .The Peter Jorgensens Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Wensel Pospishil Mr. and Mrs. ~J C. Barelmanman Franzen were Friday evening dmner ?,uests. of the August of West Point, spent the week-end and Lois and Herbert Barelmanguests at Otte's . ,Frahm, Jr., famIly Sunday of la&t visiting in the homes of relatives were Thursday dinner guests inMd· . , we~k. THat evening, Ed. Hammer here. I > ,the home of Mrs. Augusta Barel-

and rf'a_~lnl ~rs. Lawrenc,e Ruwe ~nd Ch.ildren, E,lsie and Albert, :M d M F d H Iro, y, Mrs. George Brammer caUed on the Jorgensens r. an re. rr e er, sr., man at'Wisher. The H. C. Barel-

and :Mrs. George Wi~cbhof. and ,Mrs. Jack Sk~ahanw~ with her were Sunday dinner I guests in the mans called at Bernard Barelmansson were Sunday supper, gues;ls ,mother, Mrs. :Robert Dehart of William Bartling home 'in ColE;lr- in the afternoon.l~t ~~ek in the_Theodore Lessman, Sioux. City, from Monday until idge. ' I

home at Wakefield. Friday, of week before last. Ed- Darlene Bomar spent from Fri- Oentml SocJal Clircle.

Sunday evening Mr. and Mrs. ward Skeahan came that Wednes~ ~~~l:~nM~d::e ~~~~d~r~:~ The Central Social Circle club-¥red Lessman and family, Mr. and day'.and retu~n~d home with her. home. ;n:Iet with Mrs. Monta B?m~r l~tMrs. '~enry Roeber and" family, Mr.' and Mrs! Emil Meyer, Nor- Mr. ,and Mrs. ehas. Nelson Bnd TahguureSdstaYM'Mrsr.s

c· aArdlensuArubsetrlD t.wOOaks

~r. and Mrs. .Martin Meyer, Aug~ ma, Leon and Vernelda, visited at .ust ~nd Louis Roeber visited in the the Strudthoff I brothers home tn ::~i~ee~p~~tth~~~or:r~:~~~: Mrs. Roy K!opping's place in giv­G~orge Roeber home. ' 1 Pender 'l;L weeki ago .Sunday,.~d horne. . 1 ing a tal.k, Roll call was answered

Mrs. ~lbin Carlson and ' EuIuce the: -:'precedi'hg Friday 'eveni~g Miss Lillian CampbeU spent last by na~in~ a favorite spring flow-spent Wedn~sday, afternoon last t~ey were guests of Mrs. K. Henry week visiting in the home of her :~et'f:g~ ~i~:e~~s~~v~~e ~~rit:e~;week~, in ~e Clar~nce ~~~hl.qtitst Meyer. , j ,aunt, M.fS" Hosea Carnes, at Hart- .u"'s, ca'l Surbe'r the f,'r-t :rhurs"'home rlear Con~ord. 'Eunice re- ,Harvey Split~gerber, soQ. of ;Mt. in't" ~.. ...'n1,ained wi~h h~r slater.' Mra. H~r~" a~d: Mra. P~ut Sp~ittgerller, re- Le~~ri~'M~~. Ernest Beale were day tn May. '061 Gunnarson a few days. ~aln:ed from'W:edn~sday:unt:l~Sat- Wectnesday E:;veni~g callers in. the .

'Getald ~ck and Mr ,and ~ urday ~f last week ~ith.. the Emil .home of Mr. and Mil's. 'Charles ..Optimists,say that tqe earth­~T~ Beach of West ~int vis~ted' ,~eyers and he: ·and M:ilo took the ;aan~en.. Iquake "tas 9alif0n:t;ia's own eXUb-

'sunday .las"~ week hef~ in. the eighth grade 1 'examinati.on '.. in Prof. and Mrs. Howard Hanscom erant way of trying" to get the.Charles AdcQck home. Cletus Ad- ,Wayne.: s.a.tur~~ ca..lIers last week.. in. banks open R. little ahead ,of thecock who! had spent three weeks Mr. ~d M~s. Ly~le; Chilcott the· home f Mr. and Mrs..E, L.!,re,st of the country.-~ew Yo~k:With th~M. return!i!d ~o.Q1e that ~~~~ ~q, ~~rfo1~ ~ ~eek.',f~om,l~ast Chlcl1ester;" : ,'. ': J " I ..TiD1e~, .! I ~" .' ~(da.y~'"", ; ". : :tr~~,S?~Yj ~o B~e ¥fs. L.£1Bter,Chil~ ·Mr.'land Mrs. Basil,' ,Oobornai ; ,

Mr, '\lDdMrs. Adolph Kom .and cott, who was In ~ local hospItal; spent SaturdJi-y . evening in tbel

. fanlily..::Mr. and Mrs. J!'ranl< leur- That same evelling tbey went to home 'of ·Mr. and Mrs. Arthur.relmeyei~:;1 .Mr. a;rd Mrs. Ed. ~ur':' "'Jtsner to see Mrs. Chilcott's J?a:r,- Dranselka.relmeyer~',l,Mrs. Henrietta Kurrel~ ent.s, the Gus .Pleres, and she re- Mrs. Atiiust· Koopman and

Iter Kuttelmeyer ,mooned until sun~y ·when Mr. dtearn~gohotne~"SsPltelnng~.llnastbt'~E~~VYablafJ_:er guests' In thlf Chilcott came fo~ the da;r· , .1 v. e H"~

~ , 'Week end-guests 'at "'tll,'e' Lyt1e kamp'-:tiome~ r ' i IJ·· , "

m~~8t .week . "Mx~.: : 'liucott-'home were :M:r;' ana Mrs. ~ii~,,.~~P~~:~i~.~~~~~,,?r;~~~~~~ ",~~~~Bl~f~ 'Npnp.arell.,;:il~hljt'il,;i!;fli:,P, t;!\i!'llnflbli:].I,t', i!,,!\,f i tiV Ilft]I',':", I; II':':~'I;,II "I~ t, ':, ll[ "i, ,I ~ '\ r. \ 1'(,," ',~,: :"1,,,,'1 ,,'l~ I'r '" <! ,"i~ "t,', ',,', l~' i ,'" ',', ·... 1'(,'.1 I F 'L,·