+ gathering around the word + peace …...the old life has gone; a new life has begun. know that we...

+ GATHERING AROUND THE WORD + PRELUDE WELCOME AND ANNOUNCEMENTS ! CALL TO WORSHIP Give praise to God! Praise the Lord, for it is God who saves. It is God who forgives. It is God who delivers. Give thanks and praise to the Lord! ! HYMN #45 “Crown Him with Many Crowns” CALL TO CONFESSION (unison) Let us confess our sins to God who forgives and saves. PRAYER OF CONFESSION (unison) Gracious and loving God, you lived for us—we have not lived for you. You have forgiven us—we have not forgiven others. You have loved us—we have not loved ourselves nor have we loved one another. Take pity on us and forgive us, God. Help us to forgive. Help us to live for you. Help us to love through Christ our Lord. (continue in silence, personal confession) DECLARATION OF FORGIVENESS Hear the good news! Who is in a position to condemn? Only Christ, and Christ died for us, Christ rose for us, Christ reigns in power for us, Christ prays for us. Anyone who is in Christ is a new creation. The old life has gone; a new life has begun. Know that we are forgiven and be at peace. Amen. ! PEACE ! GLORIA PATRI #579 “Glory Be To the Father” CHILDREN’S MESSAGE + PROCLAIMING THE WORD + PRAYER FOR ILLUMINATION EPISTLE: Romans 14:1-12 SERMON Rev. Copeland + RESPONDING TO THE WORD + ! AFFIRMATION OF FAITH Apostles’ Creed (Traditional) I Believe in God the Father Almighty, Maker of heaven and earth, And in Jesus Christ his only Son our Lord; who was conceived by the Holy Ghost, born of the Virgin Mary, suffered under Pontius Pilate, was crucified, dead, and buried; he descended into hell; the third day he rose again from the dead; he ascended into heaven, and sitteth on the right hand of God the Father Almighty; from thence he shall come to judge the quick and the dead. I believe in the Holy Ghost; the holy catholic Church; the communion of saints; the forgiveness of sins; the resurrection of the body; and the life everlasting. Amen. ! HYMN #436 “Freely, Freely” PRAYERS OF THE PEOPLE The Lord’s Prayer (Traditional) Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come, thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread; and forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors; and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. For thine is the kingdom and the power and the glory, forever. Amen.

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Page 1: + GATHERING AROUND THE WORD + PEACE …...The old life has gone; a new life has begun. Know that we are forgiven and be at peace. Amen.! PEACE! GLORIA PATRI #579 “Glory Be To the



! CALL TO WORSHIP Give praise to God!Praise the Lord, for it is God who saves. It is God who forgives.It is God who delivers.Give thanks and praise to the Lord!

! HYMN #45 “Crown Him with Many Crowns”

CALL TO CONFESSION (unison) Let us confess our sins to God who forgives and saves.

PRAYER OF CONFESSION (unison) Gracious and loving God, you lived for us—we have not lived for you. You have forgiven us—we have not forgiven others.You have loved us—we have not loved ourselves nor have we loved one another. Take pity on us and forgive us, God.Help us to forgive. Help us to live for you.Help us to love through Christ our Lord.(continue in silence, personal confession)

DECLARATION OF FORGIVENESS Hear the good news! Who is in a position to condemn? Only Christ, and Christ died for us, Christ rose for us, Christ reigns in power for us, Christ prays for us. Anyone who is in Christ is a new creation.The old life has gone; a new life has begun.Know that we are forgiven and be at peace. Amen.




SERMON Rev. Copeland


! AFFIRMATION OF FAITH Apostles’ Creed (Traditional) I Believe in God the Father Almighty, Maker of heaven and earth, And in Jesus Christ his only Son our Lord; who was conceived by the Holy Ghost, born of the Virgin Mary, suffered under Pontius Pilate, was crucified, dead, and buried; he descended into hell; the third day he rose again from the dead; he ascended into heaven, and sitteth on the right hand of God the Father Almighty; from thence he shall come to judge the quick and the dead. I believe in the Holy Ghost; the holy catholic Church; the communion of saints; the forgiveness of sins; the resurrection of the body; and the life everlasting.  Amen.

! HYMN #436 “Freely, Freely”

PRAYERS OF THE PEOPLE The Lord’s Prayer (Traditional) Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come, thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread; and forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors; and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. For thine is the kingdom and the power and the glory, forever. Amen.

Page 2: + GATHERING AROUND THE WORD + PEACE …...The old life has gone; a new life has begun. Know that we are forgiven and be at peace. Amen.! PEACE! GLORIA PATRI #579 “Glory Be To the



! HYMN #682 “Guide  Me, O Thou Great Jehovah”! BENEDICTION ! POSTLUDE

+ + +

Announcements:Session has called a Congregational Meeting for October 29th immediately following the worship service for the purposes of reviewing, discussing, and voting on a motion to: reduce the number of Active Ruling Elders on the Ramah Presbyterian Church Session from nine to five, establish the quorum for all Session meetings to be no less than four of the five elected Active Ruling Elders, and take effect January 1, 2018.

Homecoming next Sunday with Alan Gray.

Remember in Prayer:

RAMAH PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH USA 14401 Ramah Church Road, Huntersville, NC 28078

704.875.6683, www.RamahPCUSA.org

Sunday September 17, 2017 24th Sunday in Ordinary Time

Worship Leadership: The Reverend Brian Copeland

The Director of Music: Tim Ward Nursery: Rodney & Kathy Kiser

Children’s Church: Jeff & Sally Watson Greeter: Lee Brown

Acolyte: Finn Watson

Walter CravenJackie Keel (sister of Janine Bryant)Dave McCord Martha Ann ReadlingJo Ruple (mother of Jo Brown)Linda Scott

Jeanette ShoemakerTim WardJay Wise (father of Karen Helms)Sarah Craven Washam*Remember our Military& our First Responders