-fflefi isr*nyshistoricnewspapers.org/lccn/sn87070316/1911-07-07/ed-1/seq-6.pdf · nlag ffconjeo...

sp; •$),;.. 1 T^ r " I . ^ M T*Cm***MV*09*-*tO-A*HT. SF22% r-Fraaklia Coaaty.r- two (1). Btook •+£; Trust Ctmmar of ,_g5tfMW«g}tfs th* OR Pi i**?" <"!? lot No. ._ * wap s»k Cone* sahdlTlatoe ft. Great Purchase, tohj**^ _ICEL OP Altamont. __* of Now feed as fol- at a corner the George of oak __»*o Paw>._-... ... ... Fraakltolft* .thft thence atf line of M » t of battening. within said »* gs^*™* said street aH THAT WUCT O* »ARC fi L OF situate tn\.tko TniWft of A,t *"5 n £ Lot Ko. 1. _ > of au.b lot the aforesaid " a map n County T., titled No. 10*. Purchase. tarred for the afore- ty of Freaklto , being * ? , t "B." ot Towaohto toera, eovaty i t i f f •*-»* CM* mi to Park. ja» * ' * » & . ihMMtt to to * Jh. i i •» anM i - «*#.-» te the > »»<%eShwoat- 5Sa x*t •A 1 thirty ptooe of bo- ^Waja^tta ttTvowBaMf No. throe (»). batog ,1©,' MHtf**"^ ortSSafl __2EL OP Altamont, of New lbed at at * polat Ave- ire the north- _~ tho Halts of at ah* KB sah log maf north< tbeaes AvonftO th* JMsunv TRACT OR PABSamV tho town of AM*! and State of - P"%iae7 If befflt within ' the of the Mb lot Oi County, northerly links to now watt *&"«* center'of tha raj or Un > east. PC: Itto. all thai oel of land, most afore •treat malts. -fflefi fifl ISr*" 1 \ at* fth4 h n f l l f * 01 vwvt j-Sft. 1 7y yn+ -*** - * * - »ir' r- tot p. - pysffltchftip, 4fe ferny* bricks. "i ^ t *'^^^i*T** •»*ult f N P». WttKQo BoUw all of VflaunJUof No. I. Stoak "•," a« ahowB. oa a Map •ow oft « • la tho Oo^^aoffKfOitoft OSftty. New York." eoatalataf hooah a«d * , AJ3L! < T3AT TRACT OR VABCBL OP LANU altoato la tho Tyaajat Altoaaaat, Ooaaty of Praaldla aad.StaU of Now rob tot No. 101. U) thuroe huiiaaa Tin foltowtoai»i«rib*4 ploeo or pareel of toad » i i K W •««?*5* a J d , at tho aovtaeaat oornor of Lot No. two (2). Btook "K," Tjako TUakft, la aaid town, oounty uThadiaaalar Ikoaeo aorta- __Timm wttTFark »y«*tnif« ^ ^ a S i . ^ ' S ? 8S2; ai'twi «%&•* MOf beflnolaf. hotog <1). aaoek -** ooa- wltain aaid bound. of YUtofa Lot af oreaaJi to th part of Lot Throe m. m Stetooj an tho-laad with "AS'THATTIAS 8i aortherly limit of Ylllaco of Tuppor tafe ' l e a f or ootid tft tho ooaaty aadM of Alta< tWn ttt to the : aaaterly • if IT foot toromSti ... feet to tk# ooatalnlDf 9Jf more or lot that Uftf Pine Btfoaf la subjoot 10 raaad to the^atoj rapt atod hy w . w. HOW daiorlpttoa of the .aaid l o t No. U. whioh '^ "" —- - - — at aaaoiyed. mil la OOh. .fiH A LT TRACT of Praaklla foot mont. In the the aaid point beta* ._. erty from tne jntoraaetloa of the amid northerly Lake Street Mmk ajol tho woot- erly limit of Wawbook AT«n*e; thoaoo at right aagtoa with the aaid Lake M o t Ikalj one hundred fttty (M» fogTf" J|j» [•£» o Ooaaty of Pri .. • Torfcv>oaBdod and dooori aWINNtNO at a potot fa PARCEL OP State. patd aetot belnf Pour Hi loot aoatharlyatrtght angloa from aaa of tao Mohawk and Ma- awdraaa froat thence aovtti- ftagtoa to aaM eeater ttao of . , , , rwoTwawredtwWty-flYoioot tho aa)d atroet Unit owe aaadrod foot it*) to tho ooator ttao of aaM Ptoo aagllag to tho right (Iff) foot: thoaoo angUOfto tho right " with tho aaid Wawbook *Are- foor >t aloBf tho amid etreot (loo) feet to tho pteeo ttatnlag all tho toado aad parallel BO* Mrait one hundred tffcr <ltm) to tho oatd Lake Stroot flmlt; angtlnr to the right Maait one hondrod ( of begtoniagK ooatatnlag all tho within Che aaid hoaada. aad hoiag part of aaid rah lot No. lot, no aurroyod by W. E. LaFoantaaia, aonreyor, Aagaat 4. ll»4. - ALL THAT TRACT OR PARCEL OT LAND, attdhta in tho Town of AJtaaaoat, County of Franklin aad State of Now York, bounded aad deocrlbed aa fol la hod as la the o VHlago of m*ntT&» foot (N#) to tho o^OakTstroot jroduoed; \ ttortharty- at right ankles along tho ooater Uaodff aaid Oak Stroot two hundred |kp> hy Wlllia» P. the *th day of BALI* WRdftWOff Jg, «^a^Bsm_ ^ W TfiJ^r1Ba?: .•'#•••' ®$% V'-'T' MAI AMD Tttl Ma%k£anHtCoetyiay«}j &.NEWPI JPjttlfT that i aVge Vi '>.^y- VADDI MANCI 8UP'SllfE ' Tho HamUton Tuppor TERMS OF SALE: CK)URT—FraakllB tot »t; thono hoaadary aorti ^ tha Fraaana Alao aN land pitwate to the aaid aahtot 1H: Deno% tot bou iSnot^Krt oa Oerk's am tot indmnr » aaid oiher ataeo or pmrool of tweaty-tro (tie); westerly at LANDL attamto la tho village of LakaTOoaaS^of naaknaaad State of Nov York, iaairfltod aa hoglaalag at a aa»,,yr..**jg.jegt.'» Btoak •*•.•• hears North IT oaat to fort; taambajr thoaoo at right angtaa with tho said Park Stroot ft foot: to a otako; thaaooooataweatorfar aawmHol with tho aaM street » foot; thence aMtherJy run- ning parallel wttk tne'Rrst lino H fat toa polat oa tka IhaH of aaM^•froot; fhoaoakawthamatarir mtoag tho Maatt of .lows: BSQBtfNBKI at the aorthwoaterly R PARCEL OP I corner of Vfltage Lot No. f. Block -D? eaTheaa/aart of aaM wlaago tot No. JL aa^oit *TL aa skowa aa a aaap oa Ale la tho'County Ctork^jO*©* at Malooe. Now^ork, t»«a*-««W«o«Vtoton of auh lot hto. Ma. Tiwasftlp -thV NaowaVo par- chmamv ttaat Traot No. Oaa. Praaklla Ooaaty. Mate of Now Tork." ^ * ' « » TRACT- 4>R PARCEL OP , sttaato.la the VUUge of Tupeor to fao Town of AJtamoat, la tho j of Fraaktta. la th\ Stato of Now York, ooocrfhod aad bounded oa fottowa: - otog la tho waat lino of Park ao omBom, at a. polat two foot of tho north wall of tho Opera of the aubdJwlaion of sub lot 1M, Town- ship tt. Ataeemb'a Purohias. Oroat Tract No. One la aaM county aad atato; rua- nlag ffconjeo north ^M* oaat atoms the aortherly hjMmomry of aaM Tinman tot No. t, M foot; thence at right aagtos with tho amid northerly boundary oaa hun- dred sixteen (11*) foot to tho southorty hooadary of the aaM rtllago lot; theaeo along the said southorty boundary hoar- tag southwesterly thirty (M) feet to tho tot lino of Tillage tots No*, six («) aad SOTOB (7) of the aaM Block "D"; theaeo along the aaM lot line to tho ptoeo of beginning, containing MM square foot of toad, aad being part of the aaM •Utogo Lot No. a, Btook "D." and berng tho pareel of land deeded by Wllltoaa Me- Lmaghlla aad wife to Loula DoLaaoott, January I. t t t l and recorded in hfalona. N. Y M Ptbrvmry I, l i f t . ALL THAT TRACT OR PARCEL OF LAND, situate in tho Town of Altamont. Ooaaty of Fraakna aad Stato of Now York, being bounded aad doaortbed par- ticularly as follows: BEGINNING at the Moat easterly oornori of Btook J df tho William hteLaoghlto/rabttYtalon of Lot lot. Township n toTtho aforooaM Town, Coaatr and State; thoaoo southwesterly following and along tho boundaries of the aaM Block, fifty (M) foot; thonoa at right angles one hundred (lfO) foot; feet to one a n l f h ^ - t e * S a l ) . a « r M of iSE ho tko -aaato vaoro or. tons. The above doserfhed prsialsis arealpwn aa Lot No. tt. oa a S a p Mod an the oAoaofthf Ooaaty Clerk of tho Gtajaty of Franklin, Stato of Now York, March >7. lift. Thoee portions of tho mhora dooeribed promisee that are included within the boondw of aaM Mala. Pine and Oak Streets, each of whtoh are Fifty (M) foot whto, are subject to tho pubUc eaaoaaont la and "j& 5Rt'W3?ffrafe«. or LAND, situate 1ft tho Town of Altamont. County of Franklin ami Stato of Now York, aad bounded ftad dftocrJhad aa fol- lows: nDQINNLKO at a potot la tho orator of Oak Stroot In aaid VUtaga, aaM potot hotog lareo hundred fifty (SM) feet southerly at right aagtoa freer, tho ©enter line of tho Mohawk and Matofta Railway, aad rune from thftnoe weeterty at right aagtoa to tho center ttao of aaM Oak Stroot one hundred tweaty-frro (ISf) feat; thenoe southerly at right aaadao to tho last mentioned Una. a a * JMraaoJ to Um oantor lino of aaid Oak m o t fifty toot (to); thoaoo easterly at right aaj to tho toot dooeribed Una oao humdroo twonty-firo (Itm) foot to tho ooator Sao. m - rr ^._^, __ the town of Aitamoat ariy oa tho oaat nne of aaM tot tt to the the aaid PieraeAaM toi»fw;_ thence waototly atong the nortkeBy boundonr of aaM hajfiniay to tto^atoco ot beginning. eoatttnfMr «t acres oTtoad tooro or lee*. ML H. 1., PtoW «SJSn.« I U, JJSrS to bo paid to ihce o t i saai. . »balance at Topper buatilid aa foot; thoaoo aTifortj*la a'sao nmiaJwfwlfh tho wall of aaJoT Opera Hoafa. atooty-nliia (to) to a lino parallel bousei forty-four foot; in a line parallel ao carted, (rsaontly orortod hy thonc* at right angloa fifty (M) , Doaoraa), mad running from tho bound* of ssdoTBaaomT Themsr eouthorly along tho boundary of aagtos foSowiag aad aloag the aa l o the last dooeribed 11 •TO am foot to Oak Stroat; thence northerly atoag tho center Hao of the aaM Oak Street ftftT (if) foot to tho place of hegianlar, aad ooatalBlas f.t!7 of aa aero of toad, together with a right,of way la iiaaimuii with others for tho purpooo of Ingress aad agree* only ovar a strip, of toad ton (M) feet In width along tho northerly aide of tho above dooeribed prssaloaa. and extending froaa tho said Oak Stroot to Mala Stroot. Thai, portion within- tho bounds of a*M Oak Street la aatdoet to '(•tt foot;tantottaaoterty__. hto aad appmrtanawroi thereunto hotog a aorthni of tho earn* doodad b y l a a r y E. Weir to lo fla, Fraaklin County ILL THAT TllACT"~OR PARCEL OF . situate in tho Town of Altamwht. Itu County, Now York, deocrlbed a* fottowa: Bdtog an of Yulmgw Lot No. three (3), Block "C," aa shown on a map sow on file in the County Clork'a OAce at Matone, N. Y., titled "Tho subdivision of Sob Lot No. 106. Townahto tt, Ma- eomh'a Purchase. Great Tract No. One, Franklin County, N. Y." Tho said village Lot being ft feet by ft feet, and being tho same lot conveyed to John Hayes August 11, ltto. by Wm. P. Llndaey and Bridget, hie wife, of South Colton, St. Lawrence Oounty, N. Y. This is the same lot convoyed by above mentioned John Hayes to Fred M. Hayes. February l, ltf», and recorded February 5. 1895. ALL THAT TRACT OR PARCEL OF LAND, aituate in the Town of Altamont, County of Franklin and State of New York, being all of Village Lot No. fouV <4), in Block"C," of the Wm. Mofaaugh- lin subdivision of lot 101, Township 22, In the aforesaid town, oounty and state, tho said lot four <4) fronting on Wawbeek Avenue ninety-nine (ft) feet, and on Tark Street ninety-nlno (M> feet, as shown on a map of the said subdivision, now on file in the) Franklin , County Clerk's Omco at lialone, X. T., titled *T|io subdivision of Lot No. 105. Town- ship it. Macomb's Purchase. Great Tract No. One. Franklin County, New York." ALL THAT TRACT OR PARCEL OF LAND, aituate in tho Town of Alfmmonf, County of Franklin, and State of New York, described particularly as follows, to wit: Bring village lot No. One, Block "C." as surveyed and platted by W. E. LaFouatoin in the subdivision of sub lot Iff, Township 22. Macomb's Purchase, Groat Tract No- On*, Franklin County, N*wTYorK-p»li: fttlma* lot faolng ft foot on Forest Avenue and 99 feel on Park Street, betag name premise* conveyed to Julia A. Noma by •William McLaughlin and Sarah MoLaughUn, his wife, by deed dated May f. 1M*U and recorded in tho County Clerk's Ofitoft of Franklin County, May t, litl, ia Liber tt of Deeds at Pago fit. ALL THAT TRACT OR PARCEL OF LAND, situate in tko) Town of Altamont, County of Franktta gad SUte of Now Ja?ttvatorly^ nr fonowA to 1 wft: d BEGar> ' a point aa the northerly limit angles foSowiag aad along the aaM Btook botrnda on* hundred (lfO) feet to tho ptoco of beginning, containing toot squaro feet of land, and hotog part of Lots No. 1 and t of the a*Mjno£~J. ALL THAT TRACT OF. PARCEL OF LAND, sttaate In tho Town of Altamont. County of PraakHn aad - State of New York, being bounded aad described aa follows: BEaiNNINO at the southwest- erly corner of the lot dewtod to tho party of the second partharohs (J. A. Thiasell) by Rebecca H. LaFpantoin on September 24; 1900. and Tunning thence westerly along the limits of Door Street forty feet to the corner of tko Antoine Mooe lot: thence northerly Iff feet along the northerly line of the Antoine Mose Lot to the northeasterty corner of the said Mose lot; thence easterly fifty feet to the comer of the Thlawoll lot; thence southerly along the line of -said Thlssell lot to the plate of beginning, containing all the land within the above described t>ounds, bo the same mora or less. ALL THAT TRACT OR PARCKL OF LAND, situate in the ToWh of Altamont County of Frariklln and State of New York, ttounded and described as follows: BEGINNINO at a point 10 feet easterly of the S. \V. .corner of a one acrp lot deeded bv Wallace- McLaughlin to Tavrle Wesoott July 26. 18»0, aftd recorrlo.i in Liber KX at Page 506; thence north 40° 45' east 104 f<-et;f thence eolith 85* 15' cast 50 feet; thence south 4' 4t' west 104 feet to the street 'limit; thenoe north 85* if.' w*st 10 feet to the place of lieginniiis. containing 1200 square feet of land. HHng part of fne Said one acre lot on.suh Lit lOeV Township 22, Great Tract On*-. Macomb's Purchase. , ALL THAT TRACT OR PARCEL OF' LAND, sit'inte in the Town of Altamont. County 'f Kranklirt and State of New York, an«l flesrribed particularly as fol Iowa, to wit: Commencing or beginning at a stake airU stones on the easterly hounds of nigh Ptreet in the Village or Tupper l^ike, two hundred ten (210) fee.t from the southerly bound* of Church Stroot, at the Intersection of said Church ^«nrtgar th* panne •aaauisal to and la iho sant* rtvortn^hm Atoe o S that oartain p4ec« or aarasl of oornor of suhtot lltjtownahtp ih'f Powohaaa, Oroat Traot One. tamos aastorly along tho north- vSLJlTit^^jSLrjUh 'tho SOJ4 not them soaadary aad manlng parallel wttk thav woatorly boundary of the aaM aubtot t o tho- oonter of RaquotU rtoori theaeo wootorhr foOowtng the ooator of aaM rtoar to tho weat boundary of!aaM suhtot; thonoa northerly along said jroat- eriy boundary to tho p a W y J ^"miff. •»^l»toeT o right of wag II toet ar% nuMung east and watt aoroaa tho above doserihod parcel of toad, alao a right of way tt foot wMe daseribed. aa follows: Begtanlng at a point on the easterly Baa af the foregoing deoerfbed pareel of toad at low polat of land In what la ooav monly known as Stetson slough] themes northeasterly following- the towwst troond between the high land and bank of aaM river to a potot whore said low toad moots the aforesaid river; with tho privi- lege of removing tho dirt from said right of way so as to make a channel for the purpose of floating log* from tho said T of T *a o, N. T.. oa t JulVT ltll. mt which tlmO^—-- „ •renVdeed wUl be ramdy f^/dah^aaay^ t »,. Tho Referee to not, rogatrot $o .fend, any nottoa fo t k o . l ^ ^ S : B ntoat Ibovo^anlMS 1 tS l & ^ % t p S t t l J S S r U d .with »»2^tt^a*ama« on tho whole amount a 1st'jWStP anlei* the Referee »^ii2k*Lg«S|f extoad the_time for his oonqpntloa of amid P T*Tho biddings wm ha after tho pniporty is jrtrttak ease any purchaser ahanfaj the promises so ftrack dow? tol^wg elect to aaako such _?*etioatton: aad i purehaaor wttl ha hold Babto for afty defl- cTeneylhmt may «5ot betwoeo ,tk* >um for whtoh amid ntamigoi ««*• Jrt*<»»* <* upon tho sale and that tor oyWkjtoajr may bo sold oa tho resato. mmflfto~l» ail oasts and expenses oerarrtog oa saoh resale. --^_ t. The pqrehaeer of saM jpraaahns or any portionthereof, win at tfitthmo and pav^^sato. mgn a monjoraaAana^ his purohaao BKmayTasa.auettoajlara fo>^ Ihroo dollars for each parool aoparatety eald. C A portion of aaM uramlais, aw ahf* ho apoelfiod at the ttme and fttooo a A will^e soM subject to pftor lnouaa- brancoa. ^ ^ HASlTJgS,. rvtatlCS. ITJANT toaa order of^_. SurToaate of the aaaS nktoro oaar 'tZL all daj-i with tat k citv' oftfae'Ko P.J.McCormi art* MHO at ft of Park ~ tot No. ?$&&&£ bdMaionof suh Maoomh's Pur- One, Franklin Street ami High Street; running thence along the line of one acre I<tt known as tho school house lot one hundred twenty <1J0) feet; thence on m line parallel with the easterly bounds of High Street fifty (SO) feet; thence on a line parallel with the southerly line of aaid school house lot to the easterly bounds of High Street; thence along the easterly bounds of High Street fifty (50) feet to the place of be- ginning. This conveyance covers parts of Village Lots No*. If and 11, Block J, of the subdivision of auh lot 108, on file in the office or the Clerk of Franklin County, New York. ~ ALL THAT TRACT OR PARCEL OF LAND, situate In thf Town of Altamont, County of Franklin and State of New Tork, being part of Villas* Lot No. 1, Block "B," oftho subdivision of Lot 106, Township 12, Maoomh's Purchase, Great Tract No. One In tho said Town of Alta- mont, County of Fraaklin and State of Now Tork. and aosorfhod as follows, to wit: BEGINNING at tho southwesterly corner of aaM village Lot No. t; thanes atong the westerly bowadary of amid vil- lage lot to the center Una of said Btook; for. street parpoass. The above gascrtbsfi premisea are shown as Lot No. Sd on a atop filed to tho office of tho County Clerk of tho County of Franklin and State of Now Tork oa the 27th dag of March, ltft, ' - * LAND, situate in the Town of Altamont, County of Franklin and State of New tork. dsscrlhed as being an of village lot No. Four (4), Block L, as shown on a man now on file in the Fraakjto County ClertTs OfBoo at Malone, N. Y.. titled "The subdivision of Sub Lot Iff. ToVn- shlp tt, Macomb's Purchase, Ohroat Tract No. One, Franklin County,. Now Tork. All of village lots numbers One and Two. Block I, according to a atop on file. In the County Clerk's office at malone. Franklin Cou/ity. N. Y., entitled "Sub- division of the south »i of the wast H of sublot 10*. township 22. Macomh'a Pur- chase, Great Tract number One, Franklin County. N. Y., aaid lots being each 75 feet by 121 feet and being part off the said south % of the west y% of ftttblot 106, Township tt. Macomb's Purchase, being the same land described in deed recorded In book tt of deeds, page 498, Clerk's office of Franklin County. N. Y. Also alf that certain other piece or parcel of land situate in tho town of Altamont aforesaid, described particularly as follows, to wit: Beginning at a point rrr tho center of the road commonly known aa the Tupper i^ake and Saranac Lake road, said point marking the south- westerly corner of a four-acre lot con- tracted _by. Wallace. McLaughlin to Mrs. Nettle Coleman, January 23, ltff; run- ning thence north 4 degrees 4S minutes E. /magnetic meridian 1890) S4t feet to the northerly corner of said four-acre lot; jthence northerly S5 degree*- IS min- utes west about 200 feet to tho easterly limit of a certain street as surveyed by W, EL LaFbuntain In subdivision of the south \ of the west % of sublot 106: thence south 4 degrees 45 minutes west 343 feet to the center of the said Tapper Lake and Saranac Lake road; thence easterly along the center of aaid road about 200 feet to the place of beginning, containing 1H acres of land more "or less. said parcel being part of the south' % of the west ft 6f sublot 108, township 22, Macomb's Purchase, being the same land described in deed recorded in liber 89 of deeds, page 499, Clerk's office of Franklin County, June 24. IRfti. Also all that certain other piece or par- cel of land, situate In township tt, Frank lln County, lying/'and being in tho south ofiaf tog* auij mill on tho aforesaid pareel of land. " - Also an that' tract or parcel of land situate In tho town of Altamont. County of Franklin and State of Now Tork, and being otosrrthtd mora parUentorty as fol- lows, to wit: Beginning at a polat In the ccnter_ of hlgtrway commonly known as southwest oornor of sublot Iff, twp. 12, bears north ff deg. 15 min. wast. Mt feet; tkaftee north 4 deg^tt min. east ttf feet tothe toads of M. Aabline; thence at right aagtos atong th* boundary of said M. Aahnne's lands 104% feet- to the lands of Dr. J. A, Thlssell J thenc* aagUng t e the right and along the boundary o^Tthe •aid Dr. J. A. Thlssoll toad ltffeet to tho center of the said road; thonoa angling to the right .atong thf oehtor of said road to the puce of beginning; being part of the south % of the waat % of aubtot W , reoaired to exhibit the oame, wttk the to aaM ooaatf. oa or holore a*ptoa)i*r 1, Mti. Hsy,<ATfll»sRo4ir,Ft iSSk Dated tUrehklfU f^waasjca a MAIS, Kxeestor. Ra^mHASTiiroa, *. •*" , ™!*ate».T. ftoticf fO Croditort. to,an order of Frederick 4*. FfJLSH PBUfJlAKD The C*kbr»u<i "No; HotananiiCat -DUR8QANT to,an order of frederick <k A Padlock, Suirogate of the Oounty of Praaklla. aad aoeordlag to tho etotato |n sueev oaaa a* gtvea U Baraott Praaklla.aad aeaordtof I oaaa made .and prnvMeu. -**»* gtvea to all persons havlaff claim* Propplate ofTapper Lj aicsaaafl. that they are: ofTapper Lak*,to hat they are legalist, aa a, with Uie voucher* thereof: to tho oadorslgaed. Betsy at Pronv at her hops to Tapper Lake la aaM oounty. on or before the 1st day of October next. Dated Mareh fth. ltll BrrsrR Paorr. * Admiaatratrix, Patricia B. SCATSW, Tapper Lake, NTT. Attorney for Administratrix, Topper Lake. N. Y. y east quarter g t quarter or said township 23, hounded as follows: Beginning in the -center of Saranac Lake and Tupper Lake road at the northeast corner o a 50-acre parcel surveyed off for Charles H. Johnson, but not conveyed, said eorner being about II chains 10 links along tha highway east of tho oast lino of lot of tW 17/M acres, known as tha Jesse Corey lot, aa surveyed for him; thence along tho east line of said fifty, acres t degrees 30 mlnutea west, 28 chains ft links to m hemlock stake, marked A, P. Co. Park, 8. W. Corner. R. & MoAy. said stake being on line and tt foot southerly of a ledge of rocks, a bowlder rook being on line between tho ledge of rooks and fhs stake and four feet from stake,! also i largo bowlder being southwest from stake lt~ feet; being same land deocrlbed in deed re- corded in liber 101 of deeds, page 130, Clerk's office of Franklin County, D e c 8, 1895. Also all that certain lot or parcel of land situate at Tupper Lake Junction, Franklin County, N. x., bounded and de- scribed as follows: Beginning at a point in the center line of Main street, said point being 400 feet southerly at right angle* frdm the center Jlne of the Mo- hawk nnd Malone railway, and runs from thence easterly parallel with the said railway and at right angles to said Main street 125 feet; thence northerly at right angles 50 feet; thence westerly ut right angles 125 feet, to the center line of said Main street; thence southerly along said center line of said' Main street 50 feet to the place of beginning and containing about 14/100 of an acre be the same more or less. Together with the right of way in common with others for the purposes of Ingress, and egress only over a strip of land 10 feet In width along the north- erly side of the above described premises and extendlnc-iforh said Main street to -Oak street i n said village. The above premises are shown as lot number 23 on a map filed In the County Clerk's office of Franklin County, March 27. 1893, That portion of the above described premises lying within the bounds of. said Main street, which street is fifty feet wide, is subject to the public easement in and to the same ior street purposes; being the same land described in deed recorded in Franklin County Clerk's office in book 104 of deeds at page 388, July 8, 1899. Also "all that certain piece or parcel of land aituate in the town of Altamont aforesaid described as follows: Beginning at a point on the northerly limit of Park street in the village of Tupper Lake, N. T-, from whence the, southeasterly corner of village lot 3, Block B, bears northerly 50 degrees B. 30 feet; running thence at right angles with the" said Pars- street 99 feet to a stake; thenoe aouth- COPY OF ORDINANCE PASSED JULY «th, to*. Resolved: That within the corporate limits of the Village of Tupper Lake. It shall be un- lawful to sell or offer for sale any explosive*, or fire-works, such aa are commonly used a t celebrations. That a violation of this ordin- ance shall be punishable by a fine of not leas than 815.00 for each offence. That tt shall be unlawful to explode any fire-works within the incorporate limit* of this village. That a violation of this ordin- ance shall be punishable by a fine of not lea* than 11.00 for each offence. The above ordinance was passed hy Tupper Lake Village Board July 8th. 1910. and is now published for the information of the public. ' ,v - 'i GafJSAtfttd to keep ««< Hastk*«FProvaJol] ^•arWwlatavCBsro'ttl M.Y.IJ 0h^jtatostnas»*tl ^ • ' i i i i i ^ ^ westerly -parallel with the said street 80 . thencd southerly with the first line above mentioned 99 feet; thencoV southerly running parallel feet to a point on tha said limit of said atreat;; thence northeasterly on said limit S o! amid street 30 feet to the place of be- nnlng, containing 2,970 square feet of nd. being part of village lot I, Block B, "" —!L on .* m *J? • « wo In the Franklin Clerk's oaice aatltled subdivision as shown on a msp an file In tha Franklin . l I. ^fTJf 8 o* 0 * oatltlod subdivision of sublot 101, township 31, of Maoomh's Count] Purchase and suae premises describe* la of (deeds II at peg* 146, by deed .book Cool. Delicious Summer Drinks Ice-cream, Ice-cream Soda, AH the Popular Flavors. Served as You Like Them. Chocolate and Confectionery RECEIVED FRESH BACH* WEEK. No old or stale stock carried. 'C0PVRI&HT.i THE PHYSICIAN'S as stated in your pre* > 'P,'^ £ garded by us as "mew . *** think of olarogardinK t Hem ha picking your pocket. Tl »»• *J of a fiWotoss reputable plww such importance to >««r n«em Yon caudettondon u* «*>»>" ? and trustedfrietKi;t ««'for*.' prescription* to be fllk«l, brim. J. W. BAl Louis Fox. Next to the Pott Office. MACHINE SI Alt kinds of machine w" Mill aftd Contractors 5« Gray Iraos, Brass and Broa^j GftWhaftEnftao.SteM" Boilers. Boiler Grate, and Si PIpo.nttlafaadBra.f' Troa*«i*sioaMaeW»rry ,f H. Fred Perl 21-23 MIH Stroot. HOME Offset 14. mi, j,

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Post on 24-Apr-2018




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sp; •$),;.. 1T^r"

I . ^


SF22% r-Fraaklia Coaaty.r- two (1). Btook •+£;

Trust Ctmmar of ,_g5tfMW«g}tfs




<"!? lot No. ._ * wap s»k Cone*

sahdlTlatoe ft. Great Purchase,


_ICEL OP Altamont.

__* of Now feed as fol-

at a corner the George

of oak __»*o Paw>._-... ... ... Fraakltolft* .thft

thence at f line of M » t

of battening. within said »* gs^*™* said street aH

THAT W U C T O * »ARC f iL OF situate tn\.tko TniWft of A , t * " 5 n £

Lot Ko. 1. _ > of au.b lot the aforesaid

" a map n County T., titled No. 10*.

Purchase. tarred for the afore-

t y of Freaklto , being * ? , t "B." ot Towaohto

toera, eovaty i t i f f •*-»* C M * mi


Park. ja» * ' * » & . •

ihMMt t to

to *

Jh. i i •» anM i - «*#.-»

te the

> » » < % e S h w o a t -

5Sa x*t



ptooe of bo-^ W a j a ^ t t a


No. throe (»). batog ,1©,' MHtf* *"^

• ortSSafl

__2EL OP Altamont,

of New lbed at

at * polat Ave-

ire the north-

_ ~ tho Halts of

at ah* KB sah

log maf north< tbeaes




TRACT OR PABSamV tho town of AM*!

and State of

- P"%iae7 If befflt within ' the

of the Mb lot

Oi County,

northerly links to



* & " « *

center'of tha ra j

or Un

> east.


Itto. all thai

oel of land, most afore

•treat m a l t s .

-fflefi fifl



a t * fth4 h n f l l f * 01 vwvt


7y yn+ -*** - * * - »ir' r-



- pysffltchftip, 4fe ferny* bricks.

"i ^ t * ' ^ ^ ^ i * T * * • » * u l t f N P».


BoUw all of Vflaun JUof No. I. Stoak "•," a« ahowB. oa a Map •ow oft « • la tho O o ^ ^ a o f f K f O i t o f t

OSftty. New York." eoatalataf hooah a«d

*,AJ3L!<T3AT TRACT OR VABCBL OP LANU altoato la tho Tyaajat Altoaaaat, Ooaaty of Praaldla aad .StaU of Now

rob tot No. 101.

U) thuroe

huiiaaa Tin foltowtoai»i«rib*4 ploeo or pareel of toad » i i K W • « « ? * 5 * a J d ,

at tho aovtaeaat oornor of Lot No. two (2). Btook "K,"

Tjako TUakft, la aaid town, oounty u T h a d i a a a l a r Ikoaeo aorta-

__Timm wttTFark »y«*tnif« ^ ^ a S i . ^ ' S ? 8S2;

ai'twi «%&•* MOf beflnolaf. hotog <1). aaoek - * * ooa-

wltain aaid bound.

of YUtofa Lot af oreaaJi to th part of Lot Throe m. m Stetooj an tho-laad with


aortherly limit of Ylllaco of Tuppor tafe

' l e a f or ootid

tft tho

ooaaty aadM of Alta<

tWn ttt to the

: aaaterly

• if IT foot


. . . feet to tk# ooatalnlDf 9Jf

more or lot that Uftf Pine Btfoaf

la subjoot 10 r a a a d to the^atoj

rapt atod hy w . w. HOW

daiorlpttoa of the .aaid l o t No. U. whioh '^ "" —- - - — a t aaaoiyed.




.fiH A


of Praaklla

foot mont. In the the aaid point beta* ._. erty from tne jntoraaetloa of the amid northerly Lake Street Mmk ajol tho woot-erly limit of Wawbook AT«n*e; thoaoo at right aagtoa with the aaid Lake M o t Ikalj one hundred fttty (M» fogTf" J|j» [ •£»

o Ooaaty of Pri .. • Torfcv>oaBdod and dooori

aWINNtNO at a potot fa



patd aetot belnf Pour Hi loot aoatharlyatrtght angloa from

aaa of tao Mohawk and Ma-awdraaa froat thence aovtti-ftagtoa to aaM eeater ttao of

. , , , rwoTwawredtwWty-flYoioot tho aa)d atroet Unit owe aaadrod foot it*) to tho ooator ttao of aaM Ptoo

aagllag to tho right

(Iff) foot: thoaoo angUOfto tho right " with tho aaid Wawbook *Are-

foor >t aloBf tho amid etreot (loo) feet to tho pteeo

ttatnlag all tho toado

aad parallel BO* Mrait one hundred tffcr <ltm) to tho oatd Lake Stroot flmlt; angtlnr to the right Maait one hondrod ( of begtoniagK ooatatnlag all tho within Che aaid hoaada. aad hoiag part of aaid rah lot No. lot, no aurroyod by W. E. LaFoantaaia, aonreyor, Aagaat 4. ll»4. -

ALL THAT TRACT OR PARCEL OT LAND, attdhta in tho Town of AJtaaaoat, County of Franklin aad State of Now York, bounded aad deocrlbed aa fol


hod as la the o

VHlago of

m*ntT&» foot (N#) to tho o^OakTstroot jroduoed; \

ttortharty- at right ankles along tho ooater Uaodff aaid Oak Stroot two hundred


hy Wlllia» P.

the *th day of B A L I *

WRdftWOff Jg, «^a^Bsm_


. • ' # • • • ' ®$% V'-'T' MAI AMD



&.NEWPI JPjttlfT that i

aVge Vi

'>. y-VADDI


8UP ' S l l f E ' Tho HamUton



tot »t; thono hoaadary


^ tha

Fraaana Alao aN

land pitwate

to the aaid aahtot 1H:

Deno% tot bou

iSnot Krt



am tot indmnr » aaid

oiher ataeo or pmrool of

tweaty-tro ( t ie) ; westerly at

L A N D L attamto la tho village of LakaTOoaaS^of n a a k n a a a d State of Nov York, iaairfltod aa hoglaalag at a

aa»,,yr..**jg.jegt.'» Btoak •*•.•• hears North I T oaat to fort; taambajr thoaoo at right angtaa with tho said Park Stroot ft foot: to a otako; thaaooooataweatorfar aawmHol with tho aaM street » foot; thence aMtherJy run­ning parallel wttk tne'Rrst lino H f a t toa polat oa tka IhaH of aaM^•froot; fhoaoakawthamatarir mtoag tho Maatt of

. lows: BSQBtfNBKI a t the aorthwoaterly R PARCEL OP I corner of Vfltage Lot No. f. Block - D ?

eaTheaa /aar t of aaM wlaago tot No.JL aa^oit *TL aa skowa a a a aaap oa Ale la tho'County Ctork^jO*©* at Malooe. Now^ork, t»«a*-««W«o«Vtoton of auh lot hto. Ma. Tiwasftlp -thV NaowaVo par-chmamv ttaat Traot No. Oaa. Praaklla Ooaaty. Mate of Now Tork." ^ * ' « » TRACT- 4>R PARCEL OP

, sttaato.la the VUUge of Tupeor to fao Town of AJtamoat, la tho

j of Fraaktta. la t h \ Stato of Now York, ooocrfhod aad bounded oa fottowa: - otog la tho waat lino of Park

ao omBom, at a. polat two foot of tho north wall of tho Opera

of the aubdJwlaion of sub lot 1M, Town­ship tt. Ataeemb'a Purohias. Oroat Tract No. One la aaM county aad atato; rua-nlag ffconjeo north ^M* oaat atoms the aortherly hjMmomry of aaM Tinman tot No. t, M foot; thence at right aagtos with tho amid northerly boundary oaa hun­dred sixteen (11*) foot to tho southorty hooadary of the aaM rtllago lot; theaeo along the said southorty boundary hoar-tag southwesterly thirty (M) feet to tho tot lino of Tillage tots No*, six («) aad SOTOB (7) of the aaM Block "D"; theaeo along the aaM lot line to tho ptoeo of beginning, containing MM square foot of toad, aad being part of the aaM •Utogo Lot No. a, Btook "D." and berng tho pareel of land deeded by Wllltoaa Me-Lmaghlla aad wife to Loula DoLaaoott, January I. t t t l and recorded in hfalona. N. YM Ptbrvmry I, l i f t .

ALL THAT TRACT OR PARCEL OF LAND, situate in tho Town of Altamont. Ooaaty of Fraakna aad Stato of Now York, being bounded aad doaortbed par­ticularly as follows: BEGINNING at the Moat easterly oornori of Btook J df tho William hteLaoghlto/rabttYtalon of Lot lot. Township n toTtho aforooaM Town, Coaatr and State; thoaoo southwesterly following and along tho boundaries of the aaM Block, fifty (M) foot; thonoa at right angles one hundred (lfO) foot;

feet to

one a n l f h ^ - t e * S a l ) . a « r M of i S E ho tko -aaato vaoro or. tons. The above doserfhed prsialsis area lpwn aa Lot No. tt. oa a S a p Mod an the o A o a o f t h f Ooaaty Clerk of tho Gtajaty of Franklin, Stato of Now York, March >7. lift. Thoee portions of tho mhora dooeribed promisee that are included within the boondw of aaM Mala. Pine and Oak Streets, each of whtoh are Fifty (M) foot whto, are subject to tho pubUc eaaoaaont la and

"j& 5Rt'W3?ffrafe«. or LAND, situate 1ft tho Town of Altamont. County of Franklin ami Stato of Now York, aad bounded ftad dftocrJhad aa fol­lows: nDQINNLKO at a potot la tho orator of Oak Stroot In aaid VUtaga, aaM potot hotog lareo hundred fifty (SM) feet southerly at right aagtoa freer, tho ©enter line of tho Mohawk and Matofta Railway, aad rune from thftnoe weeterty at right aagtoa to tho center ttao of aaM Oak Stroot one hundred tweaty-frro (ISf) feat; thenoe southerly at right aaadao to tho last mentioned Una. a a * JMraaoJ to Um oantor lino of aaid Oak m o t fifty toot (to); thoaoo easterly at right aaj to tho toot dooeribed Una oao humdroo twonty-firo (Itm) foot to tho ooator Sao.

m-rr ^ . _ ^ , __ the town of Aitamoat

ariy oa tho oaat nne of aaM tot tt to the

the aaid PieraeAaM toi»fw;_ thence waototly atong the nortkeBy boundonr of aaM hajfiniay to tto^atoco ot beginning. eoatttnfMr «t acres oTtoad tooro or lee*.

ML H. 1., PtoW

«SJSn.« I U ,

JJSrS to bo paid to

ihce o t i saai. .


at Topper

buatilid aa

foot; thoaoo aTifortj*la a ' sao nmiaJwfwlfh tho wall of aaJoT Opera Hoafa. atooty-nliia (to)

to a lino parallel bousei forty-four

foot; in a line parallel

ao carted, (rsaontly orortod hy thonc* at right angloa fifty (M) , Doaoraa), mad running from tho bound* of ssdoTBaaomT Themsr eouthorly along tho boundary of aagtos foSowiag aad aloag the aa

l o the last dooeribed 11 •TO am foot to Oak Stroat; thence northerly atoag

tho center Hao of the aaM Oak Street ftftT ( if) foot to tho place of hegianlar, aad ooatalBlas f.t!7 of aa aero of toad, together with a right,of way la iiaaimuii with others for tho purpooo of Ingress aad agree* only ovar a strip, of toad ton (M) feet In width along tho northerly aide of tho above dooeribed prssaloaa. and extending froaa tho said Oak Stroot to Mala Stroot. Thai, portion within- tho bounds of a*M Oak Street la aatdoet to

' (•tt foot;tantottaaoterty__.

hto aad appmrtanawroi thereunto hotog a aorthni of tho earn*

doodad b y l a a r y E. Weir to lo f la , Fraaklin County

ILL THAT TllACT"~OR PARCEL OF . situate in tho Town of Altamwht.

Itu County, Now York, deocrlbed a* fottowa: Bdtog an of Yulmgw Lot No. three (3), Block "C," aa shown on a map sow on file in the County Clork'a OAce at Matone, N. Y., titled "Tho subdivision of Sob Lot No. 106. Townahto tt, Ma-eomh'a Purchase. Great Tract No. One, Franklin County, N. Y." Tho said village Lot being ft feet by ft feet, and being tho same lot conveyed to John Hayes August 11, ltto. by Wm. P. Llndaey and Bridget, hie wife, of South Colton, St. Lawrence Oounty, N. Y. This is the same lot convoyed by above mentioned John Hayes to Fred M. Hayes. February l, ltf», and recorded February 5. 1895.

ALL THAT TRACT OR PARCEL OF LAND, aituate in the Town of Altamont, County of Franklin and State of New York, being all of Village Lot No. fouV <4), in Block"C," of the Wm. Mofaaugh-lin subdivision of lot 101, Township 22, In the aforesaid town, oounty and state, tho said lot four <4) fronting on Wawbeek Avenue ninety-nine (ft) feet, and on Tark Street ninety-nlno (M> feet, as shown on a map of the said subdivision, now on file in the) Franklin , County Clerk's Omco at lialone, X. T., titled *T|io subdivision of Lot No. 105. Town­ship it. Macomb's Purchase. Great Tract No. One. Franklin County, New York."

ALL THAT TRACT OR PARCEL OF LAND, aituate in tho Town of Alfmmonf, County of Franklin, and State of New York, described particularly as follows, to wit: Bring village lot No. One, Block "C." as surveyed and platted by W. E. LaFouatoin in the subdivision of sub lot Iff, Township 22. Macomb's Purchase, Groat Tract No- On*, Franklin County, N*wTYorK-p»li: fttlma* lot faolng ft foot on Forest Avenue and 99 feel on Park Street, betag name premise* conveyed to Julia A. Noma by •William McLaughlin and Sarah MoLaughUn, his wife, by deed dated May f. 1M*U and recorded in tho County Clerk's Ofitoft of Franklin County, May t, l i t l , ia Liber tt of Deeds at Pago f i t .

ALL THAT TRACT OR PARCEL OF LAND, situate in tko) Town of Altamont, County of Franktta gad SUte of Now

Ja?ttvatorly^nrfonowA to 1wft:dBEGar> ' a point aa the northerly limit

angles foSowiag aad along the aaM Btook botrnda on* hundred (lfO) feet to tho ptoco of beginning, containing toot squaro feet of land, and hotog part of Lots No. 1 and t of the a*Mjno£~J.

ALL THAT TRACT OF. PARCEL OF LAND, sttaate In tho Town of Altamont. County of PraakHn aad - State of New York, being bounded aad described aa follows: BEaiNNINO at the southwest­erly corner of the lot dewtod to tho party of the second partharohs (J. A. Thiasell) by Rebecca H. LaFpantoin on September 24; 1900. and Tunning thence westerly along the limits of Door Street forty feet to the corner of tko Antoine Mooe lot: thence northerly Iff feet along the northerly line of the Antoine Mose Lot to the northeasterty corner of the said Mose lot; thence easterly fifty feet to the comer of the Thlawoll lot; thence southerly along the line of -said Thlssell lot to the plate of beginning, containing all the land within the above described t>ounds, bo the same mora or less.

ALL THAT TRACT OR PARCKL OF LAND, situate in the ToWh of Altamont County of Frariklln and State of New York, ttounded and described as follows: BEGINNINO at a point 10 feet easterly of the S. \V. .corner of a one acrp lot deeded bv Wallace- McLaughlin to Tavrle Wesoott July 26. 18»0, aftd recorrlo.i in Liber KX at Page 506; thence north 40° 45' east 104 f<-et;f thence eolith 85* 15' cast 50 feet; thence south 4' 4t' west 104 feet to the street 'limit; thenoe north 85* if.' w*st 10 feet to the place of lieginniiis. containing 1200 square feet of land. HHng part of fne Said one acre lot on.suh Lit lOeV Township 22, Great Tract On*-. Macomb's Purchase. , ALL THAT TRACT OR PARCEL OF' LAND, sit'inte in the Town of Altamont. County 'f Kranklirt and State of New York, an«l flesrribed particularly as fol Iowa, to wit: Commencing or beginning at a stake airU stones on the easterly hounds of nigh Ptreet in the Village or Tupper l^ike, two hundred ten (210) fee.t from the southerly bound* of Church Stroot, at the Intersection of said Church

^«nrtgar th* panne •aaauisal to and la iho sant* rtvortn^hm

Atoe o S that oartain p4ec« or aarasl of

oornor of suhtot l ltjtownahtp ih'f Powohaaa, Oroat Traot One. tamos aastorly along tho north-

vSLJlTit^^jSLrjUh 'tho SOJ4 not them soaadary aad manlng parallel wttk thav woatorly boundary of the aaM aubtot t o tho- oonter of RaquotU rtoori theaeo wootorhr foOowtng the ooator of aaM rtoar to tho weat boundary of!aaM suhtot; thonoa northerly along said jroat-eriy boundary to tho p a W y J ^ " m i f f . •»^l»toeT o right of wag II toet ar% nuMung east and watt aoroaa tho above doserihod parcel of toad, alao a right of way t t foot wMe daseribed. aa follows: Begtanlng at a point on the easterly Baa af the foregoing deoerfbed pareel of toad at low polat of land In what la ooav monly known as Stetson slough] themes northeasterly following- the towwst troond between the high land and bank of aaM river to a potot whore said low toad moots the aforesaid river; with tho privi­lege of removing tho dirt from said right of way so as to make a channel for the purpose of floating log* from tho said

TofT*a o, N. T.. oa t

JulVT l t l l . mt which tlmO^—-- „ •renVdeed wUl be ramdy f^/dah^aaay^ t

»,. Tho Referee to not, rogatrot $o .fend, any nottoa fo t k o . l ^ ^ S : B ntoat I b o v o ^ a n l M S 1 tS l & ^ % t p S t t l J S S r U d .with » » 2 ^ t t ^ a * a m a « on tho whole amount a 1 s t ' j W S t P anlei* the Referee » ^ i i 2 k * L g « S | f extoad the_time for his oonqpntloa of amid P T * T h o biddings wm ha after tho pniporty is jrtrttak ease any purchaser ahanfaj

the promises so ftrack dow? t o l ^ w g

elect to aaako such _?*etioatton: aad i purehaaor wttl ha hold Babto for afty defl-cTeneylhmt may «5ot betwoeo ,tk* >um for whtoh amid ntamigoi ««*• Jrt*<»»* <* upon tho sale and that tor oyWkjtoajr m a y bo sold oa tho resato. mmfl f to~l» ail oasts and expenses oerarrtog oa saoh resale. -- _

t . The pqrehaeer of saM jpraaahns or any portionthereof, win at tfitthmo and p a v ^ ^ s a t o . mgn a monjoraaAana^ his purohaao BKmayTasa.auettoajlara f o > ^ Ihroo dollars for each parool aoparatety eald.

C A portion of aaM uramlais, aw ahf* ho apoelfiod at the ttme and fttooo a A w i l l ^ e soM subject to pftor lnouaa-brancoa. ^ ^ HASlTJgS, .

rvtatlCS. ITJANT toaa order of^_.

SurToaate of the

aaaS nktoro oaar 'tZL

all daj-i with tat

k citv' oftfae'Ko

P.J.McCormi art*

M H O at ft of Park ~ tot No. ?$&&&£

bdMaionof suh Maoomh's Pur-One, Franklin

Street ami High Street; running thence along the line of one acre I<tt known as tho school house lot one hundred twenty <1J0) feet; thence on m line parallel with the easterly bounds of High Street fifty (SO) feet; thence on a line parallel with the southerly line of aaid school house lot to the easterly bounds of High Street; thence along the easterly bounds of High Street fifty (50) feet to the place of be­ginning. This conveyance covers parts of Village Lots No*. If and 11, Block J, of the subdivision of auh lot 108, on file in the office or the Clerk of Franklin County, New York. ~

ALL THAT TRACT OR PARCEL OF LAND, situate In thf Town of Altamont, County of Franklin and State of New Tork, being part of Villas* Lot No. 1, Block "B," of tho subdivision of Lot 106, Township 12, Maoomh's Purchase, Great Tract No. One In tho said Town of Alta­mont, County of Fraaklin and State of Now Tork. and aosorfhod as follows, to wit: BEGINNING at tho southwesterly corner of aaM village Lot No. t; thanes atong the westerly bowadary of amid vil­lage lot to the center Una of said Btook;

for. street parpoass. The above gascrtbsfi premisea are shown as Lot No. Sd on a atop filed to tho office of tho County Clerk of tho County of Franklin and State of Now Tork oa the 27th dag of March, l t ft , ' - *

LAND, situate in the Town of Altamont, County of Franklin and State of New tork. dsscrlhed as being an of village lot No. Four (4), Block L, as shown on a man now on file in the Fraakjto County ClertTs OfBoo at Malone, N. Y.. titled "The subdivision of Sub Lot Iff. ToVn-shlp tt, Macomb's Purchase, Ohroat Tract No. One, Franklin County,. Now Tork.

All of village lots numbers One and Two. Block I, according to a atop on file. In the County Clerk's office at malone. Franklin Cou/ity. N. Y., entitled "Sub­division of the south »i of the wast H of sublot 10*. township 22. Macomh'a Pur­chase, Great Tract number One, Franklin County. N. Y., aaid lots being each 75 feet by 121 feet and being part off the said south % of the west y% of ftttblot 106, Township t t . Macomb's Purchase, being the same land described in deed recorded In book t t of deeds, page 498, Clerk's office of Franklin County. N. Y.

Also alf that certain other piece or parcel of land situate in tho town of Altamont aforesaid, described particularly as follows, to wit: Beginning at a point rrr tho center of the road commonly known aa the Tupper i^ake and Saranac Lake road, said point marking the south­westerly corner of a four-acre lot con­tracted _by. Wallace. McLaughlin to Mrs. Nettle Coleman, January 23, l tff; run­ning thence north 4 degrees 4S minutes E. /magnetic meridian 1890) S4t feet to the northerly corner of said four-acre lot; jthence northerly S5 degree*- IS min­utes west about 200 feet to tho easterly limit of a certain street as surveyed by W, EL LaFbuntain In subdivision of the south \ of the west % of sublot 106: thence south 4 degrees 45 minutes west 343 feet to the center of the said Tapper Lake and Saranac Lake road; thence easterly along the center of aaid road about 200 feet to the place of beginning, containing 1H acres of land more "or less. said parcel being part of the south' % of the west ft 6f sublot 108, township 22, Macomb's Purchase, being the same land described in deed recorded in liber 89 of deeds, page 499, Clerk's office of Franklin County, June 24. IRfti.

Also all that certain other piece or par­cel of land, situate In township t t , Frank lln County, lying/'and being in tho south


tog* a u i j mill on tho aforesaid

pareel of land. " -Also an that' tract or parcel of land

situate In tho town of Altamont. County of Franklin and State of Now Tork, and being otosrrthtd mora parUentorty as fol­lows, t o wit: Beginning at a polat In the ccnter_ of hlgtrway commonly known as

southwest oornor of sublot Iff, twp. 12, bears north f f deg. 15 min. wast. Mt feet; tkaftee north 4 deg^tt min. east ttf feet t o t h e toads of M. Aabline; thence at right aagtos atong th* boundary of said M. Aahnne's lands 104% feet- t o the lands of Dr. J. A, Thlssell J thenc* aagUng t e the right and along the boundary o^Tthe •aid Dr. J. A. Thlssoll toad l t f f e e t to tho center of the said road; thonoa angling to the right .atong thf oehtor of said road to the puce of beginning; being part of the south % of the waat % of aubtot W,

reoaired to exhibit the oame, wttk the

to aaM ooaatf. oa or holore a*ptoa)i*r 1, Mti.


iSSk Dated tUrehklfU f^waasjca a M A I S ,

Kxeestor. Ra^mHASTiiroa, *.

•*",™!*ate».T. ftoticf fO Croditort.

to,an order of Frederick 4*.


The C*kbr»u<i "No; HotananiiCat

-DUR8QANT to,an order of frederick <k A Padlock, Suirogate of the Oounty of Praaklla. aad aoeordlag to tho etotato |n sueev oaaa a* gtvea U Baraott

Praaklla.aad aeaordtof I oaaa made .and prnvMeu. -**»* — gtvea to all persons havlaff claim*

Propplate ofTapper Lj aicsaaafl. that they are:

ofTapper Lak*,to hat they are legalist, aa

a, with Uie voucher* thereof: to tho oadorslgaed. Betsy at Pronv at her hops to Tapper Lake la aaM oounty. on or before the 1st day of October next.

Dated Mareh fth. l t l l BrrsrR Paorr.

* Admiaatratrix, Patricia B. SCATSW, Tapper Lake, NTT.

Attorney for Administratrix, Topper Lake. N. Y.


east quarter g

t quarter or said township 23, hounded as follows: Beginning in the -center of Saranac Lake and Tupper Lake road at the northeast corner o a 50-acre parcel surveyed off for Charles H. Johnson, but not conveyed, said eorner being about II chains 10 links along tha highway east of tho oast lino of lot of tW 17/M acres, known as tha Jesse Corey lot, aa surveyed for him; thence along tho east line of said fifty, acres t degrees 30 mlnutea west, 28 chains f t links to m hemlock stake, marked A, P. Co. Park, 8. W. Corner. R. & MoAy. said stake being on line and t t foot southerly of a ledge of rocks, a bowlder rook being on line between tho ledge of rooks and fhs stake and four feet from stake,! also i largo bowlder being southwest from stake lt~ feet;

being same land deocrlbed in deed re­corded in liber 101 of deeds, page 130, Clerk's office of Franklin County, D e c 8, 1895.

Also all that certain lot or parcel of land situate at Tupper Lake Junction, Franklin County, N. x., bounded and de­scribed as follows: Beginning at a point in the center line of Main street, said point being 400 feet southerly at right angle* frdm the center Jlne of the Mo­hawk nnd Malone railway, and runs from thence easterly parallel with the said railway and at right angles to said Main street 125 feet; thence northerly at right angles 50 feet; thence westerly ut right angles 125 feet, to the center line of said Main street; thence southerly along said center line of said' Main street 50 feet to the place of beginning and containing about 14/100 of an acre be the same more or less. Together with the right of way in common with others for the purposes of Ingress, and egress only over a strip of land 10 feet In width along the north­erly side of the above described premises and extendlnc-iforh said Main street to -Oak street i n said village. The above premises are shown as lot number 23 on a map filed In the County Clerk's office of Franklin County, March 27. 1893, That portion of the above described premises lying within the bounds of. said Main street, which street is fifty feet wide, is subject to the public easement in and to the same ior street purposes; being the same land described in deed recorded in Franklin County Clerk's office in book 104 of deeds at page 388, July 8, 1899.

Also "all that certain piece or parcel of land aituate in the town of Altamont aforesaid described a s follows: Beginning at a point on the northerly limit of Park street in the village of Tupper Lake, N. T-, from whence the, southeasterly corner of village lot 3, Block B, bears northerly 50 degrees B. 30 feet; running thence at right angles with the" said Pars-street 99 feet to a stake; thenoe aouth-


Resolved: That within the corporate limits of the Village of Tupper Lake. It shall be un­lawful to sell or offer for sale any explosive*, or fire-works, such aa are commonly used a t celebrations. That a violation of this ordin­ance shall be punishable by a fine of not leas than 815.00 for each offence.

That tt shall be unlawful to explode any fire-works within the incorporate limit* of this village. That a violation of this ordin­ance shall be punishable by a fine of not lea* than 11.00 for each offence.

The above ordinance was passed hy Tupper Lake Village Board July 8th. 1910. and is now published for the information of the public.

' ,v - • 'i

GafJSAtfttd to keep ««< Hastk*«FProvaJol]


M.Y.IJ 0h^jtatostnas»*tl

^ • ' i i i i i ^ ^

westerly -parallel with the said street 80 . thencd southerly

with the first line above mentioned 99 feet; thencoV southerly running parallel

feet to a point on tha said limit of said atreat;; thence northeasterly on said limit

So! amid street 30 feet to the place of be-

nnlng, containing 2,970 square feet of nd. being part of village lot I, Block B,

"" — ! L o n . * m*J? • « wo In the Franklin Clerk's oaice aatltled subdivision

as shown on a msp an file In tha Franklin . lI. ^fTJf8 o * 0 * oatltlod subdivision

of sublot 101, township 31, of Maoomh's


Purchase and suae premises describe* la of (deeds II at peg* 146, by deed .book

Cool. Delicious Summer Drinks

Ice-cream, Ice-cream Soda,

AH the Popular Flavors.

Served as You Like Them.

Chocolate and Confectionery RECEIVED FRESH BACH* WEEK.

No old or stale stock carried.



as stated in your pre* > 'P, '^ £ garded by us as "mew . *** think of olarogardinK t Hem ha picking your pocket. Tl »»• *J of a fiWotoss reputable plww such importance to >««r n«em Yon caudettondon u* «*>»>" ? and trustedfrietKi;t ««'for*.' prescription* to be fllk«l, brim.

J. W. BAl

Louis Fox. Next to the Pott Office.

MACHINE SI Alt kinds of machine w" Mill aftd Contractors 5« Gray Iraos, Brass and Broa j GftWhaftEnftao.SteM"

Boilers. „ Boiler Grate, and Si PIpo.nttlafaadBra.f' Troa*«i*sioaMaeW»rry,f

H. Fred Perl 21-23 MIH Stroot.

HOME Offset 14.

mi, j ,