[ 註冊慈善團體 a registered charity...# 連演後舞臺導賞 incl. post show stage tour *...

誇啦啦藝術集匯為西灣河文娛中心場地伙伴 The Absolutely Fabulous Theatre Connection Co Ltd is the Venue Partner of the Sai Wan Ho Civic Centre © 2018 誇啦啦藝術集匯版權所有 The Absolutely Fabulous Theatre Connection Co Ltd. All Rights Reserved. 贊助 Sponsored by 2018 - 19 年度 Season 主辦 Presenter 誇啦啦藝術集匯 The Absolutely Fabulous Theatre Connection 藝術總監 - 黃清霞博士 Artistic Director - Dr Vicki Ooi [ 註冊慈善團體 A registered charity 藝動人生 Arts Change Lives

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Page 1: [ 註冊慈善團體 A registered charity...# 連演後舞臺導賞 Incl. post show stage tour * 全日制學生、殘疾人士及看護人、六十歲或以上長者及綜合社會保障援助受惠人士可獲半價優惠。每次購買同一節目十張或以上正價門票可獲九五折優惠。以上折

誇啦啦藝術集匯為西灣河文娛中心場地伙伴 The Absolutely Fabulous Theatre Connection Co Ltd is the Venue Partner of the Sai Wan Ho Civic Centre

© 2018 誇啦啦藝術集匯版權所有 The Absolutely Fabulous Theatre Connection Co Ltd. All Rights Reserved.

贊助 Sponsored by

2018 - 19

年度 Season

主辦 Presenter

誇啦啦藝術集匯 The Absolutely Fabulous Theatre Connection 藝術總監 - 黃清霞博士 Artistic Director - Dr Vicki Ooi[ 註冊慈善團體 A registered charity ]

藝動人生Arts Change Lives

Page 2: [ 註冊慈善團體 A registered charity...# 連演後舞臺導賞 Incl. post show stage tour * 全日制學生、殘疾人士及看護人、六十歲或以上長者及綜合社會保障援助受惠人士可獲半價優惠。每次購買同一節目十張或以上正價門票可獲九五折優惠。以上折

戲遊人生計劃:劇場演出及討論Young Theatre Makers: Showcase & Discussion透過戲劇培養明辨性思考 Critical Thinking through Drama中學生及青年中心會員雙語演出 Bilingual performances by students from secondary schools and youth centres

「戲遊人生計劃」是一個以中學生及青年中心會員為對象的雙語學習計劃,著重參加者於整個過程中對劇目進行分析及理解,並於劇院裏上演劇目選段。計劃以劇目為框架,引發參加者討論及作明辨性思考。Young Theatre Makers is a bilingual learning scheme that uses playscripts as a framework for discussion and critical thinking. Intended for young people in schools and youth centres, Young Theatre Makers focuses on the process of analysing and understanding a play and creating work-in-progress staging in the theatre.

演戲工作坊 Acting Workshop讓演戲的初學者一嘗專業演員的工作,學習基本表演技巧、分析劇本及排練選段。Participants will be able to learn basic acting skills, script analysis and rehearsal of excerpts.

舞台製作工作坊Stage Production Workshop每個舞台製作背後,都有專業團隊在各個崗位全力以赴。參加者會學習主要分工,之後可從「舞台管理及音響設計」、「燈光設計」及「佈景及道具設計」中選擇一項作更深入了解。Every stage production involves dedicated efforts of different backstage professionals in assigned roles. Participants can learn the allocation of tasks by key disciplines: Stage management & sound design, Lighting design or Sets & props design.

兩個工作坊均會在尾段以試驗演出作總結。The two workshops will culminate in a work-in-progress performance.

劇場一日遊:演戲 / 舞台製作工作坊 One Day in the Theatre: Acting / Stage Production

學習與體驗戲劇Learning & Participation Theatre場地伙伴計劃節目 Venue Partnership Scheme Programmes

公眾場於演出前四至六星期透過城市售票網發售。 Tickets for public shows will be made available through URBTIX four to six weeks in advance.# 連演後舞臺導賞 Incl. post show stage tour* 全日制學生、殘疾人士及看護人、六十歲或以上長者及綜合社會保障援助受惠人士可獲半價優惠。每次購買同一節目十張或以上正價門票可獲九五折優惠。以上折扣不能同時使用。 50% discount for full-time students, the disabled and minders, senior citizens aged 60 or above and CSSA recipients. 5% discount for every purchase of 10 or more full-price tickets for one programme. All the above discounts cannot be used in conjunction with any other discounts or offer.

節目查詢 Programme Enquiries: 2520 1716 | [email protected]

14 – 15/7/2018 六及日 Sat & Sun 2:30pm西灣河文娛中心劇院 Sai Wan Ho Civic Centre Theatre$100*入場年齡 For ages: 10+

28 – 29/7/2018 六及日 Sat & Sun 10am-1pm & 2-5pm粵語進行 In Cantonese西灣河文娛中心文娛廳及劇院 Sai Wan Ho Civic Centre Cultural Activities Hall & Theatre$300*入場年齡 For ages: 12+

14 - 15 / 7 / 2018

28 - 29 / 7 / 2018

Page 3: [ 註冊慈善團體 A registered charity...# 連演後舞臺導賞 Incl. post show stage tour * 全日制學生、殘疾人士及看護人、六十歲或以上長者及綜合社會保障援助受惠人士可獲半價優惠。每次購買同一節目十張或以上正價門票可獲九五折優惠。以上折

青年劇場︰《亂世梟雄》Young Company Production: The Revenge of Orphan Zhao聯合導演及改編:黃清霞博士及馮鎮宇Co-directors & Adaptation: Dr Vicki Ooi & Oscar Fung

一個有關復仇和犧性的故事。春秋時期,晉國貴族趙氏被奸臣屠岸賈陷害,而大夫程嬰為保趙氏孤兒趙武,不惜犧牲自己的親生孩兒。屠岸賈收養了趙武,趙武長大後面臨對養父忠心和復仇的抉擇。The play is about revenge and sacrifice which takes place in the Spring Autumn Era (722-481 BC). In order to gain supreme power, General Tu’an Gu massacred the entire family Zhao. But unknown to him, the physician Cheng Yin sacrificed his infant son’s life for the last Zhao heir, Zhao Wu. General Tu’an Gu adopts Zhao Wu and when the boy discovers his foster father massacred his entire family, he has to choose between revenge for his family and loyalty to his adopted father.

公眾場 Public shows:30/11 – 1/12/2018 五及六 Fri & Sat 8pm2/12/2018 日 Sun 3pm雙語演出,附雙語字幕 Bilingual performances with bilingual surtitles西灣河文娛中心劇院 Sai Wan Ho Civic Centre Theatre$200*, $150*入場年齡 For ages: 6+

《綠野仙蹤》自在劇場 The Wizard of Oz Relaxed Theatre自閉症及學習障礙人士專場For individuals with Autism SpectrumDisorders & Learning Difficulties編導︰馮鎮宇(粵語場); Michael Sharmon(英語場)Directors & Adaptation: Oscar Fung (Cantonese); Michael Sharmon (English)8/10/2018 一 Mon 10:30am(粵語場 Cantonese) & 2pm(粵語場 Cantonese)9/10/2018 二 Tue 10:30am(粵語場 Cantonese) & 2pm(英語場 English)西灣河文娛中心劇院 Sai Wan Ho Civic Centre Theatre$40入場年齡 For ages: 3+

英語經典遊蹤2018︰《綠野仙蹤》Classics for Juniors 2018: The Wizard of Oz改編自萊曼.弗蘭克.鮑姆的小說Adapted from L. Frank Baum’s novel聯合導演:黃清霞博士及Michael SharmonCo-directors: Dr Vicki Ooi & Michael Sharmon

改編︰Michael Sharmon Adaptation: Michael Sharmon《綠野仙蹤》是溫暖人心的不朽之作,內容圍繞親情、友情,教人學會欣賞,相信奇蹟。桃


《綠野仙蹤》,與誇啦啦一同見證和分享這段動人旅程吧!Dorothy, an orphan, wishes to explore the world beyond the confines and routines of her life in Kansas, USA. In an unexpected storm, she is transported to a very different land with characters who seem to be familiar in her home yet quite different. If you were Dorothy, how would you deal with a scarecrow without a brain, a tin man without a heart and a lion who is afraid of everything? The Wizard of Oz is a timeless classic that warms the heart about home, friendship, appreciation and the magic that still exists in the world. Come and share this beautiful journey!英語演出,附雙語字幕 In English with bilingual surtitles西灣河文娛中心劇院 Sai Wan Ho Civic Centre Theatre

公眾場 Public shows:13 – 14/10/2018 六及日 Sat & Sun 2:30pm$230#*, $200*, $150*入場年齡 For ages: 3+

小學及初中專場 Primary and junior secondary schools shows:10 – 12/10/2018 三至五 Wed to Fri 10:30am & 2:30pm


配合演前工作坊及教學資源,另設「創意盒子」演戲工作坊之選擇。Acting Training with pre-show workshops and education pack. Optional “Creative Box” programme.

10 - 14 / 10 / 2018

30 / 11 - 2 / 12 / 2018

8 - 9 / 10 / 2018

Page 4: [ 註冊慈善團體 A registered charity...# 連演後舞臺導賞 Incl. post show stage tour * 全日制學生、殘疾人士及看護人、六十歲或以上長者及綜合社會保障援助受惠人士可獲半價優惠。每次購買同一節目十張或以上正價門票可獲九五折優惠。以上折

《基度山復仇記》是一個探討希望、正義、復仇、憐憫和寬恕的歷險故事。故事描寫一位含冤下獄的人,越獄後意外獲得巨額財富,並對他的迫害者復仇的過程。The story of Alexandre Dumas’ famous The Count of Monte Cristo is re-imagined as a modern thriller. The Count of Monte Cristo is about a man who is wrongfully imprisoned, escapes from jail, acquires a fortune, and sets about exacting revenge on those responsible for his imprisonment. This is an exciting adventure story with themes of hope, justice, vengeance, mercy and forgiveness.英語演出,附雙語字幕 In English with bilingual surtitles西灣河文娛中心劇院 Sai Wan Ho Civic Centre Theatre

「從文本到舞臺®」語常會英語大聯盟劇場教育計劃 2019︰《基度山恩仇記》SCOLAR English Alliance “From Page to Stage®” Programme 2019: The Count of Monte Cristo改編自法國大文豪阿歷山大.仲馬的經典小說Adapted from the novel of Alexandre Dumas編導:黃清霞博士 Director & Adaption: Dr Vicki Ooi

「翱翔」藝動沙螺灣是一個在沙螺灣村舉辦,並開放予公眾及學校參與的藝術實驗活動。這項計劃由誇啦啦策劃,聯同本地及海外藝術家及科學家共同製作,並得到沙螺灣鄉公所的支持。「翱翔」藝動沙螺灣旨在探索「翱翔」的概念,以及與其相關的多個演繹及理解方式。公眾可於這兩個週末於沙螺灣欣賞一連串裝置藝術、音樂創作、舞蹈及戲劇表演,並參與 「 學習與體驗」講座 、創意工作坊及導賞活動。


「翱翔」藝動沙螺灣FLIGHT is an arts experiment in Shalowan Village that is open to the public and schools. Curated by AFTEC in association with local & overseas artists and scientists, the adventure is supported by the Shalowan Village Office. This pilot event explores the concept of flying and its many interpretations. Over two weekends, members of public can appreciate exciting sights, sounds and shows, and participate in Learning & Participation talks, workshops and docent-led tours. The world-renowned and amazing Eden Project from Cornwall (UK) shall be debuting in Hong Kong at FLIGHT. Come listen and wonder at Eden’s story of flying high transforming disused clay pits to an international science & arts phenomenon!

日期 Dates:開放予公眾參與 Open to public: 3-4 & 10-11/11/2018 六及日 Sat & Sun開放予中學參與 Open to secondary schools: 6-7/11/2018 二及三 Tue & Wed

地點 Venue: 大嶼山沙螺灣村(位於香港國際機場南跑道對岸)從東涌新發展碼頭乘船可於10分鐘左右到達Shalowan Village, Lantau Island (Opposite to the southern runway of the HK International Airport)10-minute ferry ride from Tung Chung New Development Ferry Pier

公眾場 Public shows:3 & 10/3/2019 日 Sun 2:30pm$220#*, $200*, $150*入場年齡 For ages: 6+

中學專場 Secondary school shows:27/2 – 15/3/2019 一至五 Mon to Fri 10:15am, 1:45pm, 4:30pm

連演前、演後工作坊及教學資源 With pre- & post-show workshops & education pack

誇啦啦將在今季為您送上12個精選伊索寓言的改編故事。誇啦啦深信藝術能啟發年輕人的創意思維,希望透過有趣和幽默的戲劇演出,激發小朋友的明辨思考能力。With the vision of inspiring young people to engage their minds creatively, AFTEC will be performing the Aesop's Fables for 12 weekends in this season. These performances are adapted from the 12 most popular Aesop’s Fables which are interesting and satirical and will stimulate children’s critical and intellectual thinking abilities.

「誇啦啦」戲遊利園 - 兒童英語寓意劇場Absolutely Fabulous Children’s Theatre at Lee Gardens

地點:銅鑼灣利園二期2樓Venue: 2/F, Lee Garden Two, Causeway Bay 對象:3-10歲兒童,歡迎家長一起欣賞Target audience: Children aged 3 to 10, parents welcome語言:以英語進行Language: In English免費入場,毋須報名,座位有限,先到先得Free entry. No pre-enrolment needed. Limited seats, first-come, first-served.

請登入誇啦啦的網站,查閱詳情。 For more information, please stay tuned at our website.


27 / 2 - 15 / 3 / 2019

Page 5: [ 註冊慈善團體 A registered charity...# 連演後舞臺導賞 Incl. post show stage tour * 全日制學生、殘疾人士及看護人、六十歲或以上長者及綜合社會保障援助受惠人士可獲半價優惠。每次購買同一節目十張或以上正價門票可獲九五折優惠。以上折

Sm-ART 青年計劃 Youth Project踏入計劃的第六年,Sm-ART青年計劃仍然秉持着透過創意及明辦思維過程改變來自困難家庭孩子生命的理念。本計劃由誇啦啦藝術集匯的藝術教育家設計,由跨代義工協助舉辦,旨在 訓 練 學 生 養 成 反 思 習 慣,進 而 引 導 他 們 尋 找 自 我,理 解 別 人,找 到 生 命 的意義。Sm-ART青年計劃被韓國KACES (Korea Arts and Culture Education Services)部門引用為最佳實踐範例,為聯合國教科文組織認可為本土文化及創意教育研究觀測所的「星」計劃(2012至2014年)。下一期計劃將在2018年9月開始,提供給學校報名的程序亦即將展開。Now in its 6th year, the Sm-ART Youth project aims to be a catalyst that transforms the lives of disadvantaged children through creative and critical thinking processes. Recognised as a Best Practice model by KACES (Korean Arts and Cultural Education Service), Sm-ART Youth is also the UNESCO Arts-in-Education Observatory Star Project from 2012-14. This project nurtures a questioning habit of mind, introspection and to find meaning in life through exposure to diverse arts disciplines in and outside of the classroom with inter-generational volunteers. The next project will be launched in September 2018. Applications will open soon to primary schools.


With an integrated arts & education approach for experiential learning, AFTEC’s teaching & learning programmes for young people are fun as they are inspiring, with rich content for exploration at diverse levels. At times cross-disciplinary, cross-sector and inter-generational, all programmes enable creative and critical thinking through the arts.

Bravo! 香港青年劇場獎勵計劃 Hong Kong Youth Theatre Awards SchemeBravo! 是歷時一年半的雙語戲劇及生命教育計劃,橫跨香港、台北及倫敦,為參加者提供長達一年半的專業形體劇場及經典劇場訓練,對象為具戲劇天份的13-18歲香港全日制學生。計劃於2013年開始至今已踏入第三屆,利希慎基金一直為本計劃的策略伙伴及贊助。享負盛名的倫敦音樂及戲劇藝術學院 (LAMDA) 及台北雲門舞集舞蹈教室擔任本計劃之學習伙伴。

Bravo! 2017-2018的學員將會在2018年12月的青年劇場製作中畢業。請密切關注我們於年底在全港招募學員的Bravo! 2019-2020。

Bravo! is a unique, award-winning bilingual acting and life-skills scheme based in Hong Kong, Taipei and London for talented 13-18 year old full-time students. Now into its third cohort, training is divided into the Classic and Physical Theatre streams and spans 1.5 years. Overseas Learning Partners are the prestigious LAMDA (London Academy of Music and Dramatic Art) and Cloud Gate Dance School in Taipei.Bravo! 2017-2018 will graduate in December 2018 at the Young Company production. Look out for the territory-wide open call for applications for young people for Bravo! 2019-2020 also at the end of the year!

藝術融入教育 Arts-in-Education

探究式教學雙向項目 Inquiry-based Teaching & Learning Programmes

「翱翔」藝動沙螺灣是一個在沙螺灣村舉辦,並開放予公眾及學校參與的藝術實驗活動。這項計劃由誇啦啦策劃,聯同本地及海外藝術家及科學家共同製作,並得到沙螺灣鄉公所的支持。「翱翔」藝動沙螺灣旨在探索「翱翔」的概念,以及與其相關的多個演繹及理解方式。公眾可於這兩個週末於沙螺灣欣賞一連串裝置藝術、音樂創作、舞蹈及戲劇表演,並參與 「 學習與體驗」講座 、創意工作坊及導賞活動。


「翱翔」藝動沙螺灣 FLIGHT - Sights, Sounds & Shows @ ShalowanFLIGHT is an arts experiment in Shalowan Village that is open to the public and schools. Curated by AFTEC in association with local & overseas artists and scientists, the adventure is supported by the Shalowan Village Office. This pilot event explores the concept of flying and its many interpretations. Over two weekends, members of public can appreciate exciting sights, sounds and shows, and participate in Learning & Participation talks, workshops and docent-led tours. The world-renowned and amazing Eden Project from Cornwall (UK) shall be debuting in Hong Kong at FLIGHT. Come listen and wonder at Eden’s story of flying high transforming disused clay pits to an international science & arts phenomenon!

Sm-ART 青年計劃 Youth Project

Bravo! 香港青年劇場獎勵計劃 Hong Kong Youth Theatre Awards Scheme

Page 6: [ 註冊慈善團體 A registered charity...# 連演後舞臺導賞 Incl. post show stage tour * 全日制學生、殘疾人士及看護人、六十歲或以上長者及綜合社會保障援助受惠人士可獲半價優惠。每次購買同一節目十張或以上正價門票可獲九五折優惠。以上折

「青年專屬劇目」計劃 Plays for Young People我們圓滿地舉辦了第一屆「青年專屬劇目」計劃,並邀請了來自瑞典及英國的四個劇本參與計劃。在獲得第一次的成功後,我們在第二屆的「青年專屬劇目」計劃亦成功促成來自多個「一帶一路」沿線城市(中國香港及西安、蒙特內哥羅波德戈里察、羅馬尼亞布加勒斯特、塞爾維亞貝爾格萊德及土耳其伊斯坦堡)的劇作家提供共六個劇本互相交流。這個獨特的計劃旨在栽培本地新晉的翻譯人才,讓他們與資深譯者及劇作家交流,為本港青年帶來優秀的青年劇目翻譯劇本。勝出的翻譯劇本選段會在2018年12月於西灣河文娛中心舉行的讀者劇場環節中公開朗讀。

After the successful launch of the first series of 4 plays (Sweden & UK), this series consists of 6 plays from One Belt One Road cities including Hong Kong & Xi’an (China), Podgorica (Montenegro), Bucharest (Romania), Belgrade (Serbia), and Istanbul (Turkey). This unique project brings living playwrights, veteran and emerging translators together in Hong Kong to work on the plays together thereby bringing rich and varied play scripts to young people in the city. Extracts from the winning translations will be performed as Reader’s Theatre at Sai Wan Ho Civic Centre in December 2018.

跨界別融合 Cross-disciplinary Integration

醫學人文學科 Medical Humanities誇啦啦藝術集匯作為香港大學李嘉誠醫學院醫學人文學科的社區伙伴,聯同醫學院攜手展開一個突破性的項目。計劃踏入第六年,已為多名醫學系學生獻上全港第一個運用表演藝術的醫學人文學科。由誇啦啦設計的工作坊是學科課程的一部分,旨在探索一個準醫生的多重身份,認識自己的身體和情緒。透過藝術體驗和想像,學生們能從中了解到自己,作為個人、家中一員及醫科學生的不同身份,並反思醫生與病人間何謂治療及受苦。

AFTEC is the Community Partner in the Performance Arts module of the ground-breaking Medical Humanities curriculum for the 6th year running at the Li Ka Shing Faculty of Medicine, The University of Hong Kong. Credit-bearing workshops delve into the emotions, body and diverse identities of being a young doctor. Through imaginative encounters in the arts, undergraduates explore the relationship between doctor and patient, suffering and healing, and the self as an individual, part of a family and a medical student.

賽馬會青創社區系列:誇啦啦藝術集匯「藝動人生」計劃Jockey Club YouthCreate Series: The Absolutely Fabulous Theatre Connection “Arts for Change” Project


The “Arts for Change” project has the ultimate goal of empowering social workers, young people and youth organisations to become effective change-makers through the power of the arts. Together with a diverse range of local professional artists who share the vision, social workers and young people from 3 NGOs, this 3-year pilot programme focuses on co-creation and co-design for meaningful and impactful community projects. Led by AFTEC, participating artists and organisations in this pioneering project include Cheng Chi Wai, Cheung Wai Lok, Priscila Chu, Michele Chung, Cinematic Theatre, Thomas Lin, Passoverdance, Kenny Poon, Soundpocket, Y-Space and Yolanda So.

FLIGHT - Sights, Sounds & Shows @ Shalowan

「青年專屬劇目」計劃 Plays for Young People

醫學人文學科 Medical Humanities

賽馬會青創社區系列:誇啦啦藝術集匯「藝動人生」計劃Jockey Club YouthCreate Series: The Absolutely Fabulous Theatre Connection “Arts for Change” Project

Page 7: [ 註冊慈善團體 A registered charity...# 連演後舞臺導賞 Incl. post show stage tour * 全日制學生、殘疾人士及看護人、六十歲或以上長者及綜合社會保障援助受惠人士可獲半價優惠。每次購買同一節目十張或以上正價門票可獲九五折優惠。以上折

節目及計劃贊助 Programme Sponsors

個人捐款者 Individual Donors

「翱翔」藝動沙螺灣 FLIGHT - Sights, Sounds & Shows @ Shalowan

「藝能發展資助計劃」資助項目Programmes supported by the

Arts Capacity Development Funding Scheme:

「青年專屬劇目」計劃 Plays for Young People II 2018

Sm-ART青年計劃 Sm-ART Youth Project 2018/20

Bravo! 香港青年劇場獎勵計劃Bravo! Hong Kong Youth Theatre Awards Scheme 2019/20

賽馬會青創社區系列:誇啦啦藝術集匯「藝動人生」計劃Jockey Club YouthCreate Series:

The Absolutely Fabulous Theatre Connection “Arts for Change” Project

「誇啦啦」戲遊利園‒兒童英語寓意劇場Absolutely Fabulous Children’s Theatre at Lee Gardens

「從文本到舞臺®」語常會英語大聯盟劇場教育計劃 SCOLAR English Alliance “From Page to Stage®” Programme*

創意空間贊助 Creative Space Sponsor

「機會一新」計劃 Second Chance Project

場地伙伴計劃 / 場地贊助Venue Partnership Scheme / Venue Sponsor*:

戲遊人生計劃 Young Theatre Makers劇場一日遊 One Day in the Theatre*

英語經典遊蹤 Classics for Juniors青年劇場 Young Company Production

Bravo! 香港青年劇場獎勵計劃 Bravo! Hong Kong Youth Theatre Awards Scheme*

策略伙伴 Strategic Partner

周蓓女士 Ms Pearl Chow

Ms Gabriela Kennedy & Dr. Peter Kennedy

Ms Audrey Slighton

Page 8: [ 註冊慈善團體 A registered charity...# 連演後舞臺導賞 Incl. post show stage tour * 全日制學生、殘疾人士及看護人、六十歲或以上長者及綜合社會保障援助受惠人士可獲半價優惠。每次購買同一節目十張或以上正價門票可獲九五折優惠。以上折


活動內容並不反映香港特別行政區政府的意見 The content of these activities does not reflect the views of the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region

如遇特殊情況,主辦方保留更改或取消節目的權利 The presenter reserves the right to change or cancel any programme should unavoidable circumstances occur

關於誇啦啦誇啦啦藝術集匯(誇啦啦)是雙語學習劇場™及非牟利藝術組織,致力培育新一代年輕人。我們相信藝術帶來啟發、動力及轉變,以藝術融入教育的方法鼓勵學習,令教育更加完備。我們是一個註冊慈善團體,節目多元化,2008年成立至今觀眾及參加者超過160,233名,2009年起成為康樂及文化事務署轄下的西灣河文娛中心場地伙伴。 誇啦啦於2015年獲羅兵咸永道選為本地10間最具影響力的非政府機構,參與其社會影響評估指導計劃。誇啦啦曾獲香港藝術發展局頒發2014及2017香港藝術教育獎,亦兩度獲得香港特別行政區政府「藝能發展資助計劃」的躍進資助。

About AFTECThe Absolutely Fabulous Theatre Connection (AFTEC) is a bilingual Learning Theatre™ and non-profit arts organisation dedicated to nurturing the next generation of youth. We believe in the power of the arts to inspire, motivate and transform, and use an integrated arts-in-education approach to enhance education and encourage learning. Established in 2008 as a registered charity, we have reached over 160,233 audience members and participants through our diverse programmes to date, and have been the Venue Partner of the Sai Wan Ho Civic Centre under the LCSD Venue Partnership Scheme since 2009. AFTEC was selected as a top 10 high impact NGO in the PwC Community Mentoring Programme on social impact assessment in 2015, recipient of HK Arts Development Council’s Award for Arts Education 2014 & 2017, and is a two-time recipient of the Springboard Grant under the Arts Capacity Development Funding Scheme of the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region.

誇 啦 啦 藝 術 集 匯 有 賴 您 的 支 持!Please support AFTEC!



The Absolutely Fabulous Theatre Connect ion is a Hong Kong registered char i table organisat ion rely ing on sponsorship and donat ion. AFTEC has reached over 160,233 audience members and

part ic ipants in the past 9 years through our var ious product ions and programmes. I f you bel ieve in the power of ar ts, p lease support us!

捐 款 表 格 Donation Form本人 / 本公司欲捐助 Our company would like to support AFTEC with

所有港幣100元或以上捐款或贊助可從應課稅中扣除。 Any donation or sponsorship over HK$100 is tax deductible.


捐 款 方 法 Donor Method支票抬頭請填「誇啦啦藝術集匯有限公司」,並郵寄至:香港鰂魚涌英皇道1069-1073號華廈工業大廈8樓A室。Please make cheque payable to “The Absolutely Fabulous Theatre Connection Co. Ltd.” and send it to:Room A, 8/F, Wah Ha Factory Building, 1069-1073 King’s Road, Quarry Bay, Hong Kong

先生 / 小姐 / 女士 / 博士 / 教授中文名 First name

Mr / Miss / Ms / Mrs / Dr / ProfLast name

公司名稱 Company name



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感 謝 閣 下 的 支 持! Thank you for your support! 如閣下不欲接收節目宣傳資訊,請劃上剔號。

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(Privacy) Ordinance. Enquiries concerning personal data, including requests for access and correction, may be directed to The Absolutely Fabulous Theatre Connection.