“ empowering captive members & authenticated users

“Empowering captive members & authenticated users to confidently promote and encourage fair, secured and effi cient bilateral and multi-lateral trades” “Click me to know me!” Home About Us Q & A Contact Us Transact Now! My Account Participant Login

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Post on 23-Feb-2016




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Home. “Click me to know me!”. About Us . “ Empowering captive members & authenticated users to confidently promote and encourage fair, secured and efficient bilateral and multi-lateral trades”. Q & A . Participant Login. Contact Us. My Account. Transact Now!. About Globcred® . - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Page 1: “ Empowering captive members & authenticated  users

“E m p o w e r i n g c a p ti v e m e m b e r s & a u t h e n ti c a t e d u s e r s t o c o n fi d e n t l y p r o m o t e a n d e n c o u r a g e f a i r, s e c u r e d a n d e ffi c i e n t b i l a t e r a l a n d m u l ti - l a t e r a l t r a d e s ”

“Cl ick me to know me!”

H o m e

About Us

Q & A

Contact Us Transact Now!My AccountParticipant Login

Page 2: “ Empowering captive members & authenticated  users

About Globcred®

Click on image to download Globcred® corporate profile

BACKGROUNDGlobcred Corporation (“Globcred®”) is a special purpose, bankruptcy-remote Corporation that is authorized to be incorporated and organized under the laws of Canada. Its activities are focused in the areas of payment, clearing and settling of global trades positions; exchange and conversion of tC™ (“trade currency”) to host country currencies; and to provide money credit facilities to its captive members and authenticated users to promote and encourage secured, efficient and smooth flowing bilateral and multi-lateral trades.

The objective of Globcred® is to:-a) To provide a trade liquidity solution that facilitates a more efficient and secured method of paying, clearing and settling international trades andcommerce transactions; b) To enable its members to take on positions that require liquidity with confidence within a secured environment; and,c) To provide monetary credit solutions to governmental and financial institutions, as well as merchants, exporters, importers, and multinationalcorporations who conscribe their exports or imports transactions through the trades and commerce platform of Conscribe-It!™ .

Page 3: “ Empowering captive members & authenticated  users

Questions & Answers

Click on image to download Globcred® corporate profile

1. What is Globcred®?It is a brand name that promotes and encourages secured, efficient and smooth flowing bilateral and multi-lateral trades amongst its captive members and authenticated users.

2. Who owns Globcred®?Globcred Corporation established as a special purpose bankruptcy remote vehicle owns the brand name and all rights with respect to the brand name Globcred®

3. Who can apply for a Globcred® account?Only members and/or authenticated users of Conscribe-It!™ who are Governments or state owned enterprises, exporters, suppliers, manufacturers, importers, buyers, and licensed professional service providers qualifies to apply for a Globcred® account.

4. Can an individual/ person apply for a Globcred® account?Individuals are not permitted to use Globcred®, unless you are a sole proprietor who is a licensed professional offering services to members or authenticated users of Conscribe-It!™.

5. How corporations can enjoys the benefits of Globcred?The corporations must be an authenticated user of Conscribe-It!™. Please click “Apply to be a Conscribe-It!™ authenticated user” and once your application is successful and obtained the Conscribe-It!™ O.M.N.I number, the corporation will be invited to open an account with Globcred®

Page 4: “ Empowering captive members & authenticated  users

Questions & Answers

Click on image to download Globcred® corporate profile

6. What are the benefits of Globcred®?Some of the benefits of the Globcred® account are:-a) Providing timely liquidity to enable members to take on business opportunities or to participate in a given project;b) Enabling counter parties to enjoy services of authorized suppliers or exporters who can perform;c) Enabling account parties to enter into new markets through the provision of buyers credit;d) Providing the interface to exchange tCurrency™ with host country currencies (where available);

7. What are the types of Globcred® accounts?Globcred® accounts are divided into two types namely accounts for Account Party and accounts for Counter Party. The name of the account for Account Party is commonly known as Globcred Suppliers Account. The accounts for Counter Party are divided into 4 groups namely Globcred Liquid-G ™,, Globcred Liquid™ Biz, Globcred Shariah.biz ™, Globcred Liquid Pro ™.

8. What are the difference between the various Globcred® Liquid™ accounts?Please click on this link, “Globcred Liquid Accounts”

Page 5: “ Empowering captive members & authenticated  users

Contact Us

Your Corporation Name:

Your Name:

Your Email Address:


How can we assist you?

Note: It is the policy of Globcred® to respond within 72 hours upon receipt of your message. In the event you did not receive a respond from Globcred®, please send us a reminder and quote the “Subject”. Thank you.

Page 6: “ Empowering captive members & authenticated  users

Participants Login

Portfolio ManagersTrust & CustodialMember Banks

Placement Agents Liquidity Agents Globcred® Internal

Globcred® participants login is for partners, participants, and facilitators who are regulated licensed institutions thatensure and enforce standards and procedures for the settlement andacceptance of members’ transactions. They are :-o Member Banks or Participating Licensed Financial Institutions;o Trust and Custodial Institutions;o Portfolio Managers;o Placement Agents; o Liquidity Agents; and

In addition to the above, this login is also for:-o Globcred® Internal Team

If you are not any of the above, please do not proceed t further .

Page 7: “ Empowering captive members & authenticated  users

International Network Login : Member BanksGlobcred® participants login is for partners, participants, and facilitators who are regulated licensed institutions thatensure and enforce standards and procedures for the settlement andacceptance of members’ transactions. They are :-o Member Banks or Participating Licensed Financial Institutions;o Trust and Custodial Institutions;o Portfolio Managers;o Placement Agents; o Liquidity Agents; and

In addition to the above, this login is also for:-o Globcred® Internal Team

If you are not any of the above, please do not proceed t further .

Page 8: “ Empowering captive members & authenticated  users

International Network Login : Trust & Custodial InstitutionsGlobcred® participants login is for partners, participants, and facilitators who are regulated licensed institutions thatensure and enforce standards and procedures for the settlement andacceptance of members’ transactions. They are :-o Member Banks or Participating Licensed Financial Institutions;o Trust and Custodial Institutions;o Portfolio Managers;o Placement Agents; o Liquidity Agents; and

In addition to the above, this login is also for:-o Globcred® Internal Team

If you are not any of the above, please do not proceed t further .

Page 9: “ Empowering captive members & authenticated  users

International Network Login : Portfolio ManagersGlobcred® participants login is for partners, participants, and facilitators who are regulated licensed institutions thatensure and enforce standards and procedures for the settlement andacceptance of members’ transactions. They are :-o Member Banks or Participating Licensed Financial Institutions;o Trust and Custodial Institutions;o Portfolio Managers;o Placement Agents; o Liquidity Agents; and

In addition to the above, this login is also for:-o Globcred® Internal Team

If you are not any of the above, please do not proceed t further .

Page 10: “ Empowering captive members & authenticated  users

International Network Login : Placement AgentsGlobcred® participants login is for partners, participants, and facilitators who are regulated licensed institutions thatensure and enforce standards and procedures for the settlement andacceptance of members’ transactions. They are :-o Member Banks or Participating Licensed Financial Institutions;o Trust and Custodial Institutions;o Portfolio Managers;o Placement Agents; o Liquidity Agents; and

In addition to the above, this login is also for:-o Globcred® Internal Team

If you are not any of the above, please do not proceed t further .

Page 11: “ Empowering captive members & authenticated  users

International Network Login : Liquidity AgentsGlobcred® participants login is for partners, participants, and facilitators who are regulated licensed institutions thatensure and enforce standards and procedures for the settlement andacceptance of members’ transactions. They are :-o Member Banks or Participating Licensed Financial Institutions;o Trust and Custodial Institutions;o Portfolio Managers;o Placement Agents; o Liquidity Agents; and

In addition to the above, this login is also for:-o Globcred® Internal Team

If you are not any of the above, please do not proceed t further .

Page 12: “ Empowering captive members & authenticated  users

International Network Login : Globcred Internal TeamGlobcred® participants login is for partners, participants, and facilitators who are regulated licensed institutions thatensure and enforce standards and procedures for the settlement andacceptance of members’ transactions. They are :-o Member Banks or Participating Licensed Financial Institutions;o Trust and Custodial Institutions;o Portfolio Managers;o Placement Agents; o Liquidity Agents; and

In addition to the above, this login is also for:-o Globcred® Internal Team

If you are not any of the above, please do not proceed t further .

Page 13: “ Empowering captive members & authenticated  users

M y A c c o u n t

Account Party(Exporters)

If you are an existing account holder of Globcred and would like to suggest

how Globcred can serve you better, please submit your suggestion by clicking

“ How Globcred can serve me better?”

Globcred® Shariah.biz™Globcred® Liquid Biz™Globcred® Liquid-G™

Globcred® Liquid Pro™ Globcred® Authorized Supplier - Account Party

Page 14: “ Empowering captive members & authenticated  users

M y A c c o u n t

By accessing this webpage, you are deemed to be an authorized user representing a government, or government agency or statutory board who are authenticated user of Conscribe-It! and you agree to be bound by the terms and conditions of using Globcred portal, services and facilities provided. Please proceed to enter your authenticated username and password to continue, otherwise do not proceed any further.

Counter Party Account: Globcred® Liquid G™

Page 15: “ Empowering captive members & authenticated  users

M y A c c o u n t

By accessing this webpage, you are deemed to be an authorized user and/or a member of Globcred that conscribe transactions via iConscribe platform and you agree to be bound by the terms and conditions of using Globcred portal, services and facilities provided. Please proceed to enter your authenticated username and password to continue, otherwise do not proceed any further.

Counter Party Account: Globcred® Liquid Biz™

Page 16: “ Empowering captive members & authenticated  users

M y A c c o u n t

By accessing this webpage, you are deemed to be an authorized user and/or a member of Globcred that conscribe transactions via Shariah.biz platform and you agree to be bound by the terms and conditions of using Globcred portal, services and facilities provided. Please proceed to enter your authenticated username and password to continue, otherwise do not proceed any further.

Counter Party Account: Globcred® Liquid Shariah.biz™

Page 17: “ Empowering captive members & authenticated  users

M y A c c o u n t

By accessing this webpage, you are deemed to be an authorized user and/or a member of Globcred who is a sole proprietor /professional and you agree to be bound by the terms and conditions of using Globcred portal, services and facilities provided. Please proceed to enter your authenticated username and password to continue, otherwise do not proceed any further.

Counter Party Account: Globcred® Liquid Pro™

Page 18: “ Empowering captive members & authenticated  users

M y A c c o u n t

By accessing this webpage, you are deemed to be an authorized user and/or a member of Globcred who is a supplier or manufacturer or exporter and you agree to be bound by the terms and conditions of using Globcred portal, services and facilities provided. Please proceed to enter your authenticated username and password to continue, otherwise do not proceed any further.

Account Party Login

Page 19: “ Empowering captive members & authenticated  users

Tr a n s a c t N o w !

By accessing this webpage, you are deemed to be an authorized user and/or a member of Globcred who is a sole proprietor /professional and you agree to be bound by the terms and conditions of using Globcred portal, services and facilities provided. Please proceed to enter your authenticated username and password to continue, otherwise do not proceed any further.

Check BalanceMake a PaymentSubmit a transaction

Support Ticket StatustC™ ExchangeReport Lost Card

Page 20: “ Empowering captive members & authenticated  users

Tr a n s a c t N o w !S u b m i t T r a n s a c ti o n

Page 21: “ Empowering captive members & authenticated  users

Tr a n s a c t N o w !S u b m i t T r a n s a c ti o n

By accessing this webpage, you are deemed to be an authorized user and/or a member of Globcred and you agree to be bound by the terms and conditions of using Globcred portal, services and facilities provided. Please proceed to enter your authenticated username and password to continue, otherwise do not proceed any further.

Page 22: “ Empowering captive members & authenticated  users

Tr a n s a c t N o w !R e p o r t L o s t C a r d

Page 23: “ Empowering captive members & authenticated  users

Tr a n s a c t N o w !R e p o r t L o s t C a r d

By accessing this webpage, you are deemed to be an authorized user and/or a member of Globcred and you agree to be bound by the terms and conditions of using Globcred portal, services and facilities provided. Please proceed to enter your authenticated username and password to continue, otherwise do not proceed any further.


Name of Account Holder:Name of Card User:Card Number:Last known transaction (if possible):

Special Instruction:

Page 24: “ Empowering captive members & authenticated  users

Tr a n s a c t N o w !M a k e P a y m e n t

Page 25: “ Empowering captive members & authenticated  users

Tr a n s a c t N o w !M a k e P a y m e n t

By accessing this webpage, you are deemed to be an authorized user and/or a member of Globcred and you agree to be bound by the terms and conditions of using Globcred portal, services and facilities provided. Please proceed to enter your authenticated username and password to continue, otherwise do not proceed any further.


Account Number:Amount to pay in tC™:


Name Of Account Holder:Account Number:


Page 26: “ Empowering captive members & authenticated  users

Tr a n s a c t N o w !t C ™ E x c h a n g e

Page 27: “ Empowering captive members & authenticated  users

Tr a n s a c t N o w !t C ™ E x c h a n g e

By accessing this webpage, you are deemed to be an authorized user and/or a member of Globcred and you agree to be bound by the terms and conditions of using Globcred portal, services and facilities provided. Please proceed to enter your authenticated username and password to continue, otherwise do not proceed any further.


Account Number:tC™ Amount to convert”:


Account Number:Name of Bank:Bank SWIFT Code:Host Country Currency :

Page 28: “ Empowering captive members & authenticated  users

Tr a n s a c t N o w !C h e c k B a l a n c e

By accessing this webpage, you are deemed to be an authorized user and/or a member of Globcred and you agree to be bound by the terms and conditions of using Globcred portal, services and facilities provided. Please proceed to enter your authenticated username and password to continue, otherwise do not proceed any further.

Page 29: “ Empowering captive members & authenticated  users

Tr a n s a c t N o w !C h e c k B a l a n c e

By accessing this webpage, you are deemed to be an authorized user and/or a member of Globcred and you agree to be bound by the terms and conditions of using Globcred portal, services and facilities provided. Please proceed to enter your authenticated username and password to continue, otherwise do not proceed any further.

Tri, link to existing check balance page

Page 30: “ Empowering captive members & authenticated  users

Tr a n s a c t N o w !S u p p o r t T i c k e t S t a t u s

By accessing this webpage, you are deemed to be an authorized user and/or a member of Globcred and you agree to be bound by the terms and conditions of using Globcred portal, services and facilities provided. Please proceed to enter your authenticated username and password to continue, otherwise do not proceed any further.

Page 31: “ Empowering captive members & authenticated  users

Tr a n s a c t N o w !S u p p o r t T i c k e t S t a t u s

By accessing this webpage, you are deemed to be an authorized user and/or a member of Globcred and you agree to be bound by the terms and conditions of using Globcred portal, services and facilities provided. Please proceed to enter your authenticated username and password to continue, otherwise do not proceed any further.

Support Ticket Number:

Page 32: “ Empowering captive members & authenticated  users

Globcred® Liquid™ G

Globcred® Liquid™ is a money credit facility that is offered through authorized licensed financial institutions of Globcred® to eligible members who conscribe their international trade transactions through the trades and commerce platform of Conscribe-It!™.

Globcred® Liquid G™ enables authorized governmental institutions to initiate trades and commerce transactions that are based on infrastructure projects that have been conscribed through the trades and commerce platform of Conscribe-It!™;

Page 33: “ Empowering captive members & authenticated  users

Globcred® Liquid Biz™

Globcred® Liquid™ is a money credit facility that is offered through authorized licensed financial institutions of Globcred® to eligible members who conscribe their international trade transactions through the trades and commerce platform of Conscribe-It!™.

Globcred® Liquid Biz™ enables host country sector sponsors or qualified buyers/importers to purchase on credit from authorized merchants of Globcred® for transactions that are required to be conscribed through the trades andcommerce conventional platform of Conscribe-It!™ (iConscribe™).

Page 34: “ Empowering captive members & authenticated  users

Globcred® Liquid Shariah.Biz™

Globcred® Liquid™ is a money credit facility that is offered through authorized licensed financial institutions of Globcred® to eligible members who conscribe their international trade transactions through the trades and commerce platform of Conscribe-It!™.

Globcred® Liquid Shariah.biz™ enables host country sector sponsors or qualied buyers/importers to purchase on credit from authorized merchants of Globcred® fortransactions that are required to be conscribed through the shariah compliant trades and commerce platform (Shariah.biz®)

Page 35: “ Empowering captive members & authenticated  users

Globcred® Liquid Pro™

Globcred® Liquid™ is a money credit facility that is offered through authorized licensed financial institutions of Globcred® to eligible members who conscribe their international trade transactions through the trades and commerce platform of Conscribe-It!™.

Globcred® Liquid Pro™ enables high profile sole proprietors and/or licensed professionals to transact with condence with their Conscribe Network!™ counterparts