web viewthe scar boys: first draft (3b) scene 1: rewind (the stage is set up with the rock stage...

The Scar Boys: First Draft (3B) Scene 1: Rewind (The stage is set up with the rock stage upstage or middle stage left. There is a sign saying: “Help the Scar Boys finish their tour. Rock and roll fundraiser at 810 Hill Street this Friday. $10 to get in, larger donations accepted. Live music, cold brew, and riding the pipe. We start tapping the keg at 9p.m. Spread the word.” There are many people in front of the rock stage some-what loud and drinking. There are some people with flashlights, waving them around. Harry is fully dressed in his Scar Boy getup- glasses, hat, and denim jacket with the collar up. The band members Harry, Cheyenne, and Richie are on the stage and begin to play. Cheyenne and Richie start and Harry begins to really get into the music by tapping his foot and then moving his whole body. Then he starts to pump his fist in the air and the crowd claps along.) HARRY On the drums, give it up for the skateboarding prince of the groove, Richie McGill! (Richie takes this as a cue to do an extra drum fill.) On the bass, we have the princess of pounding rhythm, Cheyenne Belle. (The people with flashlights wave them around and point them to Cheyenne and the audience screams.) And I’m Harbinger Robert Francis Jones- (At this point Harry throws his hat out to the audience and a girl catches it. The scene freezes with the hat held up in the air. Spotlight on Harry and the surrounding lights are slightly dimmed.) …but you can call me Harry for short. (Beat. Harry looks around the frozen scene briefly) Well, you know we should just start at the beginning…(Lights out.) (“Younger” Harry stands downstage right minding his own business as a group of seven boys come walking around him.) BOY 1

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Page 1: Web viewThe Scar Boys: First Draft (3B) Scene 1: Rewind (The stage is set up with the rock stage upstage or middle stage left. There is a sign saying: “Help the Scar Boys

The Scar Boys: First Draft (3B)

Scene 1: Rewind

(The stage is set up with the rock stage upstage or middle stage left. There is a sign saying:“Help the Scar Boys finish their tour. Rock and roll fundraiser at 810 Hill Street this Friday. $10 to get in, larger donations accepted. Live music, cold brew, and riding the pipe. We start tapping the keg at 9p.m. Spread the word.”

There are many people in front of the rock stage some-what loud and drinking. There are some people with flashlights, waving them around. Harry is fully dressed in his Scar Boy getup- glasses, hat, and denim jacket with the collar up. The band members Harry, Cheyenne, and Richie are on the stage and begin to play. Cheyenne and Richie start and Harry begins to really get into the music by tapping his foot and then moving his whole body. Then he starts to pump his fist in the air and the crowd claps along.)

HARRYOn the drums, give it up for the skateboarding prince of the groove, Richie McGill!(Richie takes this as a cue to do an extra drum fill.)On the bass, we have the princess of pounding rhythm, Cheyenne Belle.(The people with flashlights wave them around and point them to Cheyenne and the audience screams.)And I’m Harbinger Robert Francis Jones-(At this point Harry throws his hat out to the audience and a girl catches it. The scene freezes with the hat held up in the air. Spotlight on Harry and the surrounding lights are slightly dimmed.)…but you can call me Harry for short.(Beat. Harry looks around the frozen scene briefly)Well, you know we should just start at the beginning…(Lights out.)

(“Younger” Harry stands downstage right minding his own business as a group of seven boys come walking around him.)

BOY 1 Who the hell are you? (The group of boys surrounds Harry in a football-like huddle, looking for trouble. Harry stands there frozen, not sure what to say.) Who the hell are you?

HARRY I don’t know.

BOY 1You don’t know who you are?

BOY 2What are you stupid or something?


Page 2: Web viewThe Scar Boys: First Draft (3B) Scene 1: Rewind (The stage is set up with the rock stage upstage or middle stage left. There is a sign saying: “Help the Scar Boys

I’m Harry Jones.

BOY 1:Well then you, Harry Loser Jones, have been caught by the Sharks-

BOY 2: -that’s our team-

BOY 1: -and you’re our prisoner. (The other boys stomp in approval.) And what’s worse, you little air head, you’ve been caught cheating.

HARRY: I wasn’t chea-

BOY 1:Shut up.

HARRY:Honest, I wasn’t- (The boy punches Harry in the shoulder.)

BOY 2:Whaddya think we should do with him?

BOY 1:I think we should put him in jail. (All of the boys laugh, hoot and howl at this remark. They take Harry and back him into a small but sturdy dogwood tree. Some of the boys get out some nylon cord and tied Harry to the tree with it. They pull the cord too tight for it to be anywhere close to being comfortable. The sky gets darker and a storm quickly approaches. Its starts to rain and quickly becomes a harsh thunder/lightning storm. The group of boys begin to run off and leave the stage, leaving Harry all alone.)

HARRY:Wait, you guys…Guys? (Beat.) Guys?!? (Lights out as several lightning strikes are seen)

Scene 2 (from 4th Period)

(Entire ensemble comes onto stage and meanders around. Harry starts downstage right and progressively moves to center stage then downstage left)

HARRY:People talk about the resiliency of children, but those same people have never tied those same children to a tree during a thunderstorm to test the theory. In a lot of ways my life would’ve been easier if I’d received a direct hit. To be the boy almost struck by lightning was like finishing second in the big race. You ran, but no one cared.

Page 3: Web viewThe Scar Boys: First Draft (3B) Scene 1: Rewind (The stage is set up with the rock stage upstage or middle stage left. There is a sign saying: “Help the Scar Boys

BULLY 1: Freak!

BULLY 2: Loser!

BILLY: Almost struck by lightning? Ha!

HARRY:I was even incapable of caring. Or doing just about anything. I went from doctor’s appointment (Lights come up on doctor who steps out of ensemble) to psychologist (Harry starts to the left. Doctor steps back, lights come up on psychologist who steps out of ensemble) to witch doctor (Harry continues to the left. Psychologist steps back, lights come up on witch doctor who steps out of ensemble) to treatment (Harry continues to the left. Witch doctor steps back, lights come up on nurse who steps out of ensemble) to hospital (Harry continues to center stage left. Nurse steps back, lights come up on coughing patient who steps out of ensemble) to neurologists (Harry continues to the left. Patient steps back, lights come up on neurologist who steps out of ensemble) and plastic surgeons (Harry continues to the left. Neurologist steps back, lights come up on plastic surgeon who steps out of ensemble); anything that could work really. I moved in a haze. Never really hearing or understanding what any of these faceless people said to me (Continues to downstage left). They had no effect. None of them. Until I met Lucky strike. (Lucky strike walks from ensemble to downstage left.)

LUCKY STRIKE: (Ensemble brings on chairs and sits around Lucky Strike making a presentation) The concentrated surge of energy eviscerates the nervous and autonomic systems. Our brethren, those souls fortunate enough to survive a lightning strike, often suffer terrible maladies such as headaches dizziness and vomiting. Sometimes much worse ailments. Many of which we will cover in the next session. Thank you for joining me for today’s session. I will be at the booth in the main lobby in fifteen minutes to answer any of your questions. (Crowd begins to disperse with murmurs and whispers)

HARRY:So of course I stayed to talk to the one man (Lucky moves to downstage right where a table has been set up) who might actually understand what I had been through. (Arrives downstage right) He explained what would have happened had I been directly struck. Now if you remember, I was only eight years old at this time. Most of the words he spoke went over my head, until he told this one story…


Page 4: Web viewThe Scar Boys: First Draft (3B) Scene 1: Rewind (The stage is set up with the rock stage upstage or middle stage left. There is a sign saying: “Help the Scar Boys

Do you know, young man, what can happen when one little butterfly flaps its wings in China, all the way on the other side of the world? (Harry shakes his head.) When those little wings flap, (begins to flap his arms) they move little molecules in the air. Do you know what molecules are? (Harry nods.) Good, good. Now picture those molecules moving and bumping into other molecules, which bump into other molecules, and so on and so forth. All these molecules affect the course of those that surround them, changing them, moving them in different directions, just because a butterfly flapped its wings. (Pauses to see that Harry understands. He doesn’t.) …So a butterfly flapping its wings in China in April can cause a thunderstorm in New York in July. One little thing can cause so many other things to happen. All these things that happen, if you don’t control them, will control you. (Harry nods. Lights fade as Harry walks to downstage center.)

HARRY:I don’t remember much else that he said. But I thought about that story a lot. And I still do. Was Lucky trying to tell me that my thunderstorm was caused by a butterfly in China? Or was he telling me that things like thunderstorms are so random there’s no point in trying to make sense of them? I’m not sure even to this day. I never saw him again. But that one phrase has always been in the back of my mind, waiting for its chance to come to the forefront again: ‘One little thing can cause so many other things to happen. All these things that happen, if you don’t control them, will control you.’ Lucky Strike was the last magic fix my mother tried before opting for more logical solutions to a problem that seemed to bother her more and more and bothered me less and less. (Lights fade.)

Scene 3 (from 4th Period)

HARRY:(crosses down stage center, Dr. Kenny's office set up in the behind Harry.) So here's how my first session with Dr. Kenny went.

DR. KENNY:Hello Harry, I'm Dr. Kenneth Hirschorn. (HARRY stares at DR. KENNY, standing still at the door) How are you feeling today Harry?

HARRY:Can I call you Kenny?

DR. KENNY:How about Dr. Kenny? (HARRY nods)

HARRY: (DR. KENNY freezes) Session 120

Page 5: Web viewThe Scar Boys: First Draft (3B) Scene 1: Rewind (The stage is set up with the rock stage upstage or middle stage left. There is a sign saying: “Help the Scar Boys

HARRY:I don't like it.

DR. KENNY:Why not?

HARRY: Because it's stupid.

DR. KENNY: Why is it stupid?

HARRY: (Stands up, DR. KENNY freezes) We never really talked about the real reason I was here: Lightning. (Harry sits back down, scene continues)I don’t know. It hurts people.

DR. KENNY:Okay, Harry, the best way to avoid getting hurt by something is to understand it.

HARRY:(DR. KENNY freezes) Session 204

DR. KENNY:A lot of grown-ups use little tricks to calm themselves down. Sometimes they count to ten. How about you try making a list?


DR. KENNY:It’ll help you forget whatever’s bothering you.

HARRY:That works?

DR. KENNY:Just try it.

HARRY:(paces) Intracloud Lightning….Cloud-to-cloud Lightning….Heat Lightning….

Page 6: Web viewThe Scar Boys: First Draft (3B) Scene 1: Rewind (The stage is set up with the rock stage upstage or middle stage left. There is a sign saying: “Help the Scar Boys

Ribbon Lightning…Streak Lightning….(DR. KENNY freezes) Session 284. (Flips through magazine)

DR. KENNY: How would you describe other people, Harry?

HARRY:Describe them?

DR. KENNY:Things they have in common, put them into groups. You know, kids in sports, or adults that yell too much. That sort of thing.

HARRY:(to audience, center down stage)I made categories based around my scar. I guess he meant how other people see them. Nazis: They saw my scars as a way to torment me. Faints. Faux Saints:They pretend not to judge me by my scars, but they do. Freaks: They enjoy looking at my scars, like they get some sort of pleasure out of it. Then the really rare breed, like Johnny Mckenna, he doesn’t seem to notice my scars at all, a friend. (Scene changes behind Harry’s narration, scene starts down stage right. Harry is eating a cupcake, bully snatches cupcake from Harry )

Scene 4-Harry meets Johnny- mom and dad largely involved-combined meeting and parent

scene- transition between playground & parentSetting

(Harry is sitting on a courtyard/picnic table outside as Billy approaches him. Billy snatches Harry’s lunchbox, and begins messing through his things, Harry reaches for it and it fails)Billy: Let’s see what we have here. Juice, banana, (pause) here we go, cupcake (Billy takes the cupcake and throws the lunchbox at Harry) thanks freak. (Billy takes a bite of the cupcake, turns around, realizing he didn’t respond. Harry looks down, waiting anxiously for Billy to walk away)

Billy: I said thanks, freak (A bit more emphasis the second time) I said….. (Johnny approaches Harry from behind)

Johnny: Alright Billy, that’s enough, give it back (Harry looks at Johnny analyzing him as in the book)

Page 7: Web viewThe Scar Boys: First Draft (3B) Scene 1: Rewind (The stage is set up with the rock stage upstage or middle stage left. There is a sign saying: “Help the Scar Boys

Billy: (Rolling his eyes, he is moving away from Johnny and Harry) Whatever, I didn’t want it anyway (Billy walks away, and blindly throws the cupcake. The cupcake ends up in the palm of Johnny’s hand)

Johnny: Don’t pay him any attention, he’s harmless. I’m Johnny (Johnny motions to sit down, as he extends his hand for a handshake. Harry, oblivious to what just happened, shakes his hand)

Scene:The Halloween partyEveryone is having fun, talking . Music is playing. Harry meets up with his friends at the party, Gabrielle is with them and they get introduced to each other and they talk all night.The next day: Johnny comes up with idea to start a band and they began daydreaming on the bedroom floor. They began to play music on a record player. They were also reading album covers for ideas. Harry came up with name “Scar Boys” and Johnny liked it.Script:Harry: This party is awesome!Johnny: I know! I'm glad you could make it. *Gabrielle walks in*Gabrielle: Hi Johnny!Johnny: Hi Gabrielle! Hey Everyone I want you guys to meet Gabrielle. Everyone: Hi Gabrielle!Harry: H..... Hi.*Gabrielle is staring at Harry*Johnny: I'm going to talk to the other guys, I'll be right back. *Gabrielle and Harry talks the rest of the night and start to like each other* The next day*Harry knocks on Johnny's door. Johnny opens the door*Johnny: Hey Harry! Come on in. *Harry enters*Harry: Hey! Are you hanging with Gabrielle today by any chance? Johnny: Yes! Actually I am she's on her way over. *Johnny looks at Harry with a smirk on his face*Harry: Why are you looking like that. We are just friends.Johnny: Okay! If you say so. *Moments later Gabrielle arrives*Johnny: Hey GabrielleHarry: *excited to see her* Hi!Gabrielle:*staring at Harry* Umm Hi. *They talk for a while then Gabrielle leaves. Gabrielle and Harry barely talk* Harry: She doesn’t like me anymore. Johnny: I'm sorry Harry.Harry: Its fine im used to it.

Page 8: Web viewThe Scar Boys: First Draft (3B) Scene 1: Rewind (The stage is set up with the rock stage upstage or middle stage left. There is a sign saying: “Help the Scar Boys

Johnny: Hey lets not think about Gabrielle, lets do something else.Harry: Ok*They sit in silence for a while*Johnny: Lets start a band!!! Harry: A band? Johnny: Yes! A band! Harry: Ok well what will we call this band? Johnny: Um I'm not sure!Harry: How about Scar Boys!Johnny: I like that!*Harry and Johnny sit and listen to music on a record player the rest of the evening* Scene: Family meetingThe mom calls the family down for dinner, Harry begins eating while his parents stare at him. He noticed that they aren’t eating and that they are staring at him. He mentions that he knows what’s going on and that all of this was because of his grades and he doesn’t mind talking about it. His parents give him the floor to explain himself before they complained. They eventually talk it out and the Mom brings up the bad.Script:Mom: Time for dinner!*Everybody comes to eat*Harry: What's for dinner tonight? *Looks at food* Ahh my favorite!*Mom stares at harry *Harry: This is so good mom! … What? … Ohhhh.. I know what this is about.. Let me explain.Mom: Your going to explain yourself alright! We had to talk to your principle because your grades are so bad!Dad: Do you know how embarrassing as a parent that is!? Harry:*Sighs* I know I know im going to do better, I started not to care a little...Mom: Not to care? I guess you don’t care if your a high school drop out?Harry: I do care!Dad and Mom: Well act like it!Harry:Okay!Mom: So hows the band coming along?Harry: Its going goodDad: I hope that’s not your main focus...Harry: Its notMom: Good, I don’t want that to get in the way of school. Just stay focused okay? and if you need any help with the band let me know.Harry: Thanks Mom! Dinner was great by the way! (Mom smiles)

Scene 6(THE STAGE OPENS UP ON THEM IN HARRY’S BASEMENT . They are playing their instruments)

Page 9: Web viewThe Scar Boys: First Draft (3B) Scene 1: Rewind (The stage is set up with the rock stage upstage or middle stage left. There is a sign saying: “Help the Scar Boys

harry- i think we should make up a name for the bandJohnny-what should the name beRichie-the boyzharry - nahjohnny - what about the strikersrichie-thats lameHarry- what about the scar boysjohnny- hey that is a perfect name harryrichie-yeah harry- thanks Johnny - now what about our gig at CBGB’sharry- we need new clothesrichie- yeah we doharry- when are going to go its tomorrow nightjohnny-(johnny is thinking with a puzzling face) i know what we can do we can skip school and go shoppingharry-i don't know johnnyrichie- we won't get caught calm downjohnny - just trust me we will be fine harry- ok, we can skip schooljohnny-greatrichie-yeah( they leave off stage and light dims down)(The scene opens up on Johnny, Richie,and Harry walking down a street when johnny spots a store.)Harry- It was a good idea to skip school.Johnny- Yeah it was but we are on a mission to find some rad clothes for our gig. This is our fifth store. We need to find one.Richie- Yeah.Johnny - Hey you guys come look at this a store. I think we found the one .Richie and Harry- (NODS and says yeah)Johnny- Lets go in(They walk off stage, the lights dim)Jarrell Patterson(the lights fade up on johnny,richie,and harry looking at clothes.)harry- I found some clothes.johnny -let me see them. (johnny face is surprised and shocked ) I don’t like it, but i did find something that would be good for you.harry- What?(Johnny pulls out his preferred outfit for Harry; Harry is disgusted by what he sees)harry- OH NO, Why should i be the one wearing fire-engine red? You’re the front man.johnny- Its just the opposite for me; the singer is in the spotlight. He needs to be understated.

Page 10: Web viewThe Scar Boys: First Draft (3B) Scene 1: Rewind (The stage is set up with the rock stage upstage or middle stage left. There is a sign saying: “Help the Scar Boys

(Harry looks to richie for support; however richie justs shrugs his shoulders.)Harry- (looking at johnny) can i still wear my sunglasses?johnny- of courseharry- and my hat?johnny- (smiling) sure, i just think this combo will look cool onstage.(they walk off stage and the lights are dimmed down)

SCENE 7( The stage is split his parents are on one side and harry is on the other side playing the guitar)Dad- honey we should talk mom - about whatDad - the bills(the lights dims down on the parents side and lights up on harrys)Harry- I HAVE TO GET THESE NOTES RIGHT BEFORE THE GIG. (HARRY IS VIGOROUSLY PLAYING THE GUITAR frustratedly )(the light s opens upon the parents )Mom- what about the billsdad- they are piling up mom-like which ones dad- well for starters we have to pay harrys doctor every weekmom- yeah, so harry needs Doctor kenny(the stage opens up on harry )harry- playing his guitar(he plays angrily while listening to his parents argue over him)Jarrell PattersonDad- harry is 18 years old. linda how long does he need a doctormom- I don't know fred. i really don't know if harry needs help then he is going to get itdad- Sometimes I really wish i didn't have a freak for a son sometimesmom -fred don't call our son a freak he is not a freak he is just trying to figure out his identity IN AN ABNORMAL WAY.dad -well I CALL THAT A FREAK (SHOUTING)Harry- I'm not a freak . Im NORMAL (He plays his guitar louder he is trying to block out his parents conversation.)mom- Fred harry is not a freak he just needs help and how dare you say you wish you didn't have a sondad- I never said that i said i wish i didn't have a FREAK as a son. mom- well that is what it sounded like.dad- I am tired linda . Im going out to get a pack of smokes. (He leaves and the lights dims down )(spotlight is on harry he puts down his guitar and starts to cry)

Scene 8: Dave

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(The band players: Harry, Johnny, Richie, and Dave are beginning to play together. And Johnny tells some good news.)

Harry/Richie/Dave: What?! No way. How’d you-

Johnny: Yeah I talked to CBGB’s booking agent and she loved our demo. So Monday we get half an hour to show off our stuff. Then we’ll get other paying gigs.

Richie: This is so cool man, our first gig.

Johnny: Well now we really need to practice so we can rock that stage like no other.

(Now they are really working on improving their sound and style for their first gig. Starting at stage right, they gradually improve playing and move towards stage left and finish practicing while walking off stage. Then the band members enter thrilled to get on the stage and play at

CBGB’s. Dave is not there.)

Johnny: Where is Dave?!

Harry: What if he isn’t coming? We’re next for sound check…

Johnny: Lemme call him.

(The boys let the band waiting behind them go ahead, hoping that Dave will magically appear before go time. Johnny goes to call Richie and see what’s going on.)

Johnny: He’s not coming.

Harry: What?? He’s-

Johnny: His mother didn’t say why. He’s home, he wouldn’t come to the phone. He’s not coming! (Beat.) He’s not coming…

Scene 9

cene 9Harry: Richie, have you seen this? (Gestures to a flyer)Riche: Yeah, man.

Page 12: Web viewThe Scar Boys: First Draft (3B) Scene 1: Rewind (The stage is set up with the rock stage upstage or middle stage left. There is a sign saying: “Help the Scar Boys

Harry: (reading) The scar boys are holding auditions for a new bass player today after school in the auditorium.(The bell rings)Johnny: (comes in with half a dozen guys and stands on a chair) We need someone with style, someone who’s different, who can bring some flavor to the group. Go outside, take a number and we'll call you in.Harry: (to Johnny) So we're  replacing just Dave like that?Johnny: After three years the guy doesn't show up to our most important gig. What else are we gonna do?Harry: Cut him a little slack--

Johnny:  It's final. We're cutting him from the band. Like I said before, we need someone original. (Calling) Number one, you're up.Person 1: ( guys slides in, looking nervous) Johnny: Do you have anything prepared?P: Yes, sir. (Plays something horrible)Johnny: What was that?P: Happy birthday!Johnny: ...Next! Number two!Person 2: (comes in confident)Johnny: Peter Havermayer. Do you have anything prepared?P2: NahJohnny: Then just play the sheet music in front of you.P2: (Goes too hard)Richie: Stop stop! Could you be a little more...subtle?P2: Gotcha (plays softly then goes hard again)Johnny: Next! (To Harry) He wasn't terrible. Why don't you do the next one, Harry.P3: (comes in)Harry: (starts to say something, but shakes his head)Johnny: What do you have for us?P3: (just stares)Johnny: Just play the sheet music there.P3: (tries to play it)Johnny: Woah, woah, woah, can you even read the music? P3: (shakes head no)Johnny: Get out! P3: (leaves)Johnny: They all sucked. But Peter was the best of the worst, don’t you agree?(Cheyenne enters with a spotlight on her and possibly angels singing)

(Johnny, Richie and Harry are struck dumb)

Cheyenne: (smiles) Where can I plug in?

Johnny: (points to the cord)

Cheyenne: (plugs in and looks at Harry, who wilts under her gaze)

Page 13: Web viewThe Scar Boys: First Draft (3B) Scene 1: Rewind (The stage is set up with the rock stage upstage or middle stage left. There is a sign saying: “Help the Scar Boys

Richie: Um, like, how old are you?

Cheyenne: Old enough. (plays like Jaco Pastorius)

Richie: Woah.

Lights go down on Cheyenne, but she is still visible

Guys go in a corner to discuss

Johnny: Okay, she’s awesome. But listen to me--not one of us, not me, not you, not you, as long as we’re in this band, can ever date this girl, kiss this girl or sleep with this girl. She’s off-limits. Agreed?

(Richie and Harry nod. They all turn to Cheyenne and the lights go up on her.)

Boys: You’re in!

Scene: Family meetingThe mom calls the family down for dinner, Harry begins eating while his parents stare at him. He noticed that they aren’t eating and that they are staring at him. He mentions that he knows what’s going on and that all of this was because of his grades and he doesn’t mind talking about it. His parents give him the floor to explain himself before they complained. They eventually talk it out and the Mom brings up the bad.Script:Mom: Time for dinner!*Everybody comes to eat*Harry: What's for dinner tonight? *Looks at food* Ahh my favorite!*Mom stares at harry *Harry: This is so good mom! … What? … Ohhhh.. I know what this is about.. Let me explain.Mom: Your going to explain yourself alright! We had to talk to your principle because your grades are so bad!Dad: Do you know how embarrassing as a parent that is!? Harry:*Sighs* I know I know im going to do better, I started not to care a little...Mom: Not to care? I guess you don’t care if your a high school drop out?Harry: I do care!Dad and Mom: Well act like it!Harry:Okay!Mom: So hows the band coming along?Harry: Its going goodDad: I hope that’s not your main focus...Harry: Its notMom: Good, I don’t want that to get in the way of school. Just stay focused okay? and if you need any help with the band let me know.

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Harry: Thanks Mom! Dinner was great by the way!*Mom smiles*

Scene 11

(Lights come up as Johnny speaks. Johnny comes in from stage left, followed by Richie.)

Johnny: Hey, Harry, meet Richie. He’s our new drummer.

Harry: Hey, nice to meet you!

Richie: So you guys started a band, that’s nice.

Johnny: (Speaks while walking) Hey, you guys come on over here and have a seat.

(Harry and Richie walk over and sit with Johnny)

Johnny: Okay, now that we’ve found our style, and our members, and everything else, let’s talk about our name. We’re the Scar Boys, right guys?

Harry&Richie: (In synch) Right!

Johnny: Okay, so why not prove it?

Richie: What do you me-?

Harry: (Harry cuts Johnny off) I know what he means. He’s talking about me; he doesn’t want me to hide in disguise anymore.

Johnny: (Walks to Harry, rest his arm on Harry’s Shoulders) Harry you know I don’t mean it like that?

Harry: (Jerks away from Johnny) really, well how do you mean it?

Johnny: All I’m saying is that the name will actually suit the band if you would just show you scars. Nobody would ever think that you’re different. All of the kids will actually think that’s its

pretty cool.

Harry: I’m not showing my scars, and that’s final. (Harry Storms offstage)

SCENE 12(Harry, Cheyenne, Johnny, and Richie are on the way back from the city; Harry’s driving) HARRY So I was talking to that drummer from Woofing Cookies…

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JOHNNY (scoffs) cute name CHEYENNE Okay, but they rocked it. The lead singer was totally rad.Johnny and Harry both roll their eyes and get quiet for a second.JOHNNY Whatever.HARRY Anyway, I was talking to the drummer and he invited us to come play in

Georgia, and well, I started thinking, and I, well I think we should do a tour.

(The car gets silent for several seconds.)RICHIE (suddenly) HELL YES!(Richie sudden and loud shout causes Harry to nearly run off the road. Cheyenne laughs and

punches Richie playfully. The three laugh for a minute before all noticing Johnny’s silence and serious demeanor.)

RICHIE Johnny? What is it?JOHNNY Well, I didn’t tell you guys, but I’ve been offered a track-and-field

scholarship to Syracuse and I accepted it. They’re paying half my tuition.(The car gets quiet for several seconds.)JOHNNY (noticing the silence and looking at Harry and Cheyenne) I mean, you

guys applied to colleges, too, right?(continued silence)JOHNNY C’mon, did you really think we were going to do this for the rest of our

lives?NARRATOR This was the moment when it hit me. Johnny wasn’t one of us; he was a

tourist. I’d been putting him on a rock-and-roll pedestal—he was the driving force behind the Scar Boys, the band was his idea, and he made most of the decisions. We were, or at least I believed we were, nothing without him. He was our David Byrne, our Iggy Pop, our Brian Eno. But all along he’d been posing as a rock star, playing dress up. As far as Johnny was concerned, we were just four kids from the suburbs who didn’t have the right to think they could be anything more.

HARRY (mumbling) Yeah, I guess.JOHNNY C’mon Harry, get real. Do you have any idea what a long shot this would

be? Grow up. (Harry doesn’t respond and the car remains silent for several seconds. CHEYENNE I kind of thought we were going to give this a try for a while. I mean, can’t

you defer? (placing her hand on Johnny’s) I really think this thing could go somewhere. What if this is our once chance?

NARRATOR Johnny seemed speechless, but I mean, who could blame the kid? He had everything—popularity, good grades, parents that fawned over him—he didn’t need this. It was different for Richie, Cheyenne, and me. The band was a lifeboat, a way out. A way out of what? I’m not sure I know. But the

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three of us needed the Scar Boys like a methadone addict needs his junk, and I know something about that.

JOHNNY What about Richie? He’s just a junior. He still has a whole year of high school left.

RICHIE School ain’t going anywhere. It’ll still be there when I get back. Besides, I’m not in school over the summer.

JOHNNY Yeah, the summer. The summer. The summer! Hey, what if we went on tour during the summer? (The car remains silent.) Well, what do you guys say?

NARRATOR Yeah, the twit actually said all this without a trace of humor or irony. I’d come up with the idea of a tour, and Richie had come up with the idea of doing it in the summer, but Johnny just pretended like this had been his show all along. The sick part is that we let him do it. The three of us just mumbled our agreement.

JOHNNY Then it’s settled. We’ll do a tour and be back by the middle of August so I can go to school.

HARRY Yeah, it’s settled.RICHIE Sounds good.


Mary Beth Tice: Hi Harry. I heard that your band is going on the road. That is so cool!

Narrator (Harry): Before that moment, and in the ten years since the lighting strike, Mary Beth Tice had said exactly six words to me. One on three separate occasions she said “Hi”, and one

other time she said, “excuse me please”. That she had now chosen to more than double the word count of our entire life's conversation was more than unexpected.

(Mary Beth Tice leans against lockers towards Harry)

Harry: (looks around, closes his locker and tries to walk away)

Mary Beth Tice: (Blocks Harry's way and looks at him like he has two heads)

Harry: OH! You were talking to me!?

Mary Beth Tice: Unless you know someone else who plays in a band that’s going on tour!

Harry: Just Johnny and Richie. (Realizes how stupid he sounds)

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(Mary Beth Tice smiles)

(Harry just stands there)

(Mary Beth Tice shrugs shoulders and exits)

Harry: Thanks!

Billy: (elbows Harry in the back into the locker) Don’t talk to yourself, freak. People will think you’re crazy.

Narrator (Harry): I may have been in a band, even a touring band, but I still occupied the bottom rung of the social ladder. But let’s take a step back. It’s important to the story. Trust me, you’ll

see. When I was a kid my mother, father, and I would spend one week each summer off the New Jersey coast called long beach island. To understand what happens next you have to know two things about my father. First he had grown to resent me. The second thing is that he hates dogs. One day we were at the light house and I saw a dog wandering around. After no one came for him, we figured he was abandoned and tried to take him to a shelter, but he got away. My dad

tried to catch him, but this is what happened.

(Father and mother step out of the ensemble)(Father lunges to try and grab the dog, leans over and holds his back in pain. Harry puts hand

out to try and help his dad up)

Father: (Bats hand out of the way) This is your fault, everything is your fault! Just get away from me you freak!

Mother: Ben!

(Lights go down on mother and father and they drift back to the ensemble while Harry still has his hand out)

Narrator (Harry): Back to the future. My dad was home from Albany for the weekend and we were sitting across the table from one another. (Goes to sit at the table). I was leaving on tour in a matter of weeks, and I hadn't told my parents anything about it. In fact, regarding my future, I

had told them a series of colossal lies. Colossal Lie #1: I had applied to four colleges. When everything was ready to be mailed, I drove my mom's car to the post office.

(Mom and dad step out again)

Harry: Mom, dad, this will mean more to me if I'm the one to mail the applications.

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(Mom and dad nod and walk back to the ensemble)Narrator (Harry): (tosses applications in dumpster on or off stage) Colossal Lie #2: I was

accepted at the University of Scranton, my (air quotes) first choice.

(Johnny and Cheyenne step out of the ensemble)

Harry: Johnny, let me borrow your acceptance letter!

Johnny: No way. I'm too much of a choir boy.

Narrator: In my mind, that’s what he said.

Cheyenne: Come on, Johnny, just let him have this.

(Johnny shrugs and hands Harry the letter)

Harry: Thanks. (Turns back to parents).Mother: Congratulations Harry! (hugs him tight)

Father: We're proud of you, Harry.

Narrator: Colossal Lie #3 (takes a check from his pocket and rips it into pieces)

Father: Did you mail that check I gave you for tuition, room and board?

Narrator: Sure did.

Father: My boy. (sits down at table)

Narrator: It was against this fictional backdrop that I told my father I was going on the road.

Father: Harry, how long have you been planning this?

Harry: I don't know, a couple of months

Father: And why didn't you tell me sooner?

Harry: I was afraid you'd say no.

Father: But what if I say no now? (Pause). You know, the check we sent to Scranton hasn't been mailed yet.

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Harry: huh, that's weird. I'll call them for you and find out what's going on.

Father: Aha! You never mailed the check did you? You used that money for your little band's tour!

Harry: No, I wouldn't steal from you! Besides, if I'd used the check, it would have been cashed, right?

Father: (thinks this is reasonable) Then what happened to it?

Harry: I'll call the school and find out.

Father: No Harry, I'll call the school. (Goes to get the phone on stage)

Narrator (Harry): I figured I had three options. Option #1 (runs off stage, but comes back seconds later) Only problem was, all our gear was in my parents' basement. And I had nowhere to go or hide for (looks at watch) three weeks until the tour started. Option #2: (goes to father)

Okay, okay, I never mailed the check.

Father: (angrily hangs up phone)

Narrator: But here's what I chose. (Sits back down at table) Option #3: Wait it out.

Father: (comes back to table) That's strange.

Harry: Did they get the check?

Father: Why you cheeky little--you lied about everything didn't you? The school has never heard of you. Not even an application. You've been playing this charade for months...

Narrator: I sat there with my head down as my father spewed a rainstorm of abuse on me.

Father:...for the first time in my life I wish were a violent man so I could beat the...

Narrator: I was so wrapped up in my own world...


Narrator:...trying to figure a way out...

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Father: ...we sacrificed everything for you...

Narrator: ...that I only caught sporadic words and phrases from his rant.

Father: ...toaster...

Narrator: (looks up, confused)

Father: ...failure...loser—

Harry: (stands up) You're right, dad. I guess it's just what us freaks do. (Father and son have long stare)

Father: (starts to say something, but flops down into the chair)Narrator: And just like that, it was over. I had won.

Scene 14: On the RoadHarry, Richie, Cheyenne, and Johnny carrying band equipment offstage to “load the van”. Mr.

Jones standing in background watching, with a scowl on his face, leaning on the golf putter.Harry walks onto porch to meet Mrs. Jones.

Mrs. Jones: I know your father is upset, and you shouldn’t have lied to us. But, Harry?

Harry: Yea, Mom?

Mrs. Jones: I’m so incredibly proud of you.

Harry and Mrs. Jones become emotional and embrace each other.

Harry walks off porch and turns to his father.

Harry: We’re all set I guess. See you in a month.

At this point, all on stage stop and look at Mr. Jones.

Mr. Jones: Remember, think with the head on your shoulders. Turns to Cheyenne. Not you Cheyenne.

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Mr. Jones hands a small wad of cash to Harry, pausing while still holding hands. Mr. Jones grabs Harry’s hand with both hands, pausing and making eye contact. Mr. Jones turns away,

Harry shrugs shoulders and faces Richie, Cheyenne, and Johnny.Richie and Harry lead the group towards the van.

Johnny and Cheyenne straggle behind with excessive flirtation.

SCENERY CHANGE TO DINERAll walk into the diner goofing off with each other. They head towards a booth.

Richie: You were awesome dude! I don’t how you got the feedback coming out of your amp to screech like that, but, man, I could feel it in my sneakers.

Waitress comes over, and takes their order.

Waitress: What can I get you all tonight?Johnny: Well, what’s good around here?

Waitress: I take it you’re not from Maryland.

Cheyenne: No, we’re from New York.

Johnny: (flirtatiously) What do you suggest?

Waitress: Well, most locals love the French fries with gravy!

Richie: (lacking enthusiasm) Sounds awesome. We’ll have two plates of those.

Waitress: Coming right up!

Richie: I’m telling you man, I didn’t think it was going to turn out well. Did you see the crowd?It was full of regulars and they didn’t look too happy.

Harry: Yea but later on they really seemed to be getting into it.

Waitress returns and sets the food on the table.

Cheyenne: (While grabbing some fries) You know, a night like tonight is the reason I joined this band in the first place.

Richie: (Extremely sarcastically/deadpan) Not me. (beat) I’m in it for the chicks.

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Johnny and Harry laugh.

Cheyenne: (ignoring the boys) All I’ve ever wanted is to play music that would make people feel good. We did that tonight.

They pause as the thought sinks in.

Johnny: (to Cheyenne) I’ve always wondered, why did you want to play the bass?

Cheyenne: I didn’t.

Everyone pauses, waiting for more.

Johnny: Then why do you?Cheyenne: Because I can’t play the trumpet. (sees looks on the boys faces, laughs) I started

playing the trumpet in the fifth grade. All the other girls chose the flute or clarinet, but I didn’t want to be like the other girls. I wanted to be one of the boys, so I took up the trumpet. (stops


Johnny: And?

Cheyenne: Braces.

Richie: Braces?

Cheyenne: My teeth were crooked. I got braces. I had to give up the trumpet.

Johnny: Okay…but why the bass? Why not the piano, or guitar?

Cheyenne: How the hell should I know? How about you, Harry, what do you get out of all of this?

Harry: (pause) I don’t know, I guess I didn’t have anything better to do.

Johnny: (with a little too much force) For me, it’s always been about the music.(all get up to leave, Harry stays behind to pay the bill)

Harry: (throws some money on the table, walks to center stage) Truth is, I’d joined the band because Johnny had wanted to start a band. But now that I was here, I couldn’t imagine doing

anything else. I’d stumbled onto my one true love, music, as an accident of circumstance. Music, it turns out, is more about giving than receiving. Who knew?

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The Scar Boys: Scene 15By Sarah Kaiser and Jasmine Mills

(Harry Wakes up to the sound of Riche tossing and turning. He jolts up and gasps for air but doesn’t make much of a noise.He looks around and assumes his band mates are sleeping,

chuckles and walks outside for some fresh air. Harry stares blankly off the balcony.)

*Harry lets out a sigh, starts talking to himself*

Harry: “What’s the matter with me? This should be one of the best moments of my life. Maybe Cheyenne can help me, she always has awnsers.”

(Walks over to Cheyenne’s door. Pauses to knock and then stops to listen. Takes ear off the door for a moment and puts ear against the door once more.)

Harry: “What the-“

(Peaks through a half open window. Harry Sighs and sneaks halfheartedly to another room)

Scene 16(Richie is driving, Harry is in the passenger seat and Johnny is sitting in the back with

Cheyenne’s legs draped over him)

Cheyenne: (giggles)

Richie: Dammit! Cotter pin! (hits hazard lights and leaps out)

Johnny: (shrugs shoulders)

(They pull the van over and everyone gets out)

Johnny: What the hell is going on? What's a cotter pin?

Richie: The clutch. When I stepped on the clutch to change gears, it went straight to the floor, lost all it's tension. That noise you heard?

Johnny: Yeah?

Richie: It was the cotter pin - a little piece that connects the clutch to the gears - breaking off.

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Johnny: how can you possible know that?

Richie: Dude! When you have a mechanic for a dad you just know!

Johnny: So what do we do?

Richie: We fix it! ( turns around with a hanger in one hand and a pair of needle - nose pliers in the other) Never be without one of these( he smiles, waving the hanger in everyone's face )

Narrator: The first few rain drops coincided with the first flash of still far - off lighting. I silently counted - one Mississippi, two Mississippi, three Mississippi, four Mississippi, five Mississippi, six Mississippi, seven Mississippi, eight Mississippi, nine Mississippi and then the unfurling of

low, rumbling thunder. Almost two miles away.Cheyenne: (looks at Harry and reaches for his hand, gives Harry a gentle squeeze and lets go)

It’s okay if you want to wait in the van.

Harry: I’ll be fine. (starts to panic and robotically waves cars by) Go around! (under his breath) One Mississippi, two Mississippi, three—


Harry: (closes his eyes)


Harry: One Missi--(BOOM!)

(Richie, Johnny and Cheyenne lead Harry into the car where he curls up like a fetus. Johnny and Cheyenne climb in next to him)

Harry: I’m all right. Sorry…”I Saw Her Standing There”, “Misery”, “Anna”, “Chains”...

Richie: (climbs in the front seat and shifts into gear) Hell yeah!

Scene 17

Harry exits house, arrives at payphone

Harry: ( freaking out, sees payphone and rushes in, dials)

Receptionist: Dr. Hirschon;s line

Harry: ( regaining his breath) I need to speak with Dr. Kenny

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Receptionist: Dr. Kenny?

Harry: ( tries to take a deep breath) Dr. Hirshorn

Receptionist: Is it an emergency?

Harry: No im calling in the middle of the night to sell him encylopedias. ( starts sobbing and blubbering oncontrollably) Yes.( continues crying)

Receptionist: Sir?

Harry: ( Continues hyperventilating and crying)

Receptionist: Hold please


Kenny: Harry, is that you?

Harry: yes

Kenny: its been a while harry. Can you tell me what’s going on.( silence) Harry, it will help if you talk to me

Harry: Nothing , im sorry to have bothered you

( Harry enters, Cheyenne is siting on on the porch crying)

Harry enters unaware that she is crying. Hey

Cheyenne: hey

Harry sits in silence not knowing what to do

Cheyenne: we had a fight. We wants us to leave, to go home. I asked him what about you guys? He said he didn’t care. He

Scene 18 (from 4th Period)

Harry comes in from stage right and is pacing around stage looking stressed and reads aloud the sign they made and Cheyenne walks in and he doesn’t notice and at the moment he is sitting down and she

sits right next to him.

Cheyenne: Hi

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Harry: oh, hey

*Cheyenne paused and seemed to collect her thoughts for a moment*Cheyenne: all of this doesn’t seem right…

Harry: what doesn’t?

Cheyenne: Playing this party without Johnny….finishing the tour with him…being here…without him…

Harry: so what do you want to do? Do you want to go home?

Cheyenne: no, but it still doesn’t feel right

Harry: I think we sound pretty good as trio, don’t you think?

Cheyenne: we do! (smiling) ….somehow that makes it worse.

Harry: Look Chey if you want to go, we’ll all go. We’ll do whatever you want to do.

*Chey grabbed his hand and started to kiss Harrys cheek*

Chey: Thank you harry….thank you*puts head on shoulder*

Harry: for what?

Chey: for still being here…

*harry looks at her and they start kissing**They freeze kissing and narrator comes out and says*

Narrator: At this moment so many things were rushing through Harrys mind. Her lips were soft, softer than her hands, softer than anything in the world…he felt that they were the most wonderful things id

ever felt in my life.*Chey pulls away*

Chey: Harry im…im sorry

*she got up and walked off*

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Scene 19: I’m Free(Lights up: general buzz from the crowd. Harry and Richie weave through the crowd, Cheyenne

is nowhere to be found)

Richie: Dude, do you think she followed Johnny home?(Both boys look around again)

Cheyenne: (walks up with bass) Let’s play.

(All walk out onto the stage, start playing. Harry starts feeling the music-starts by tapping his foot, soon whole body is moving to the beat)

Harry: (begins pumping his fist as the crowd claps along) On the drums, give it up for the skateboarding prince of the groove, Richie McGill!

(Some people in the crowd whoop and holler)

Harry: On the bass, the princess of pounding rhythm, Cheyenne Belle!

(Crowd cheers)

Harry: And I’m Harbinger Robert Francis Jones, the king of electrifying rock!

(Harry plays a short riff, takes off his hat and throws it. Richie and Cheyenne halt as the hat is caught and the crowd gasps. Scene pauses)

Harry: (Looks back at Cheyenne and Richie, who look encouraging, turns back around) And we are the Scar Boys!

(Crowd erupts and goes crazy as they start playing)

Scene 20Setting

-Harry pulls up to the skate house ( from backstage) and swiftly walks up on the porch

Harry: What the heck is going on? ( confused as he looks back and forth between Richie and Cheyenne)

Harry: What happened?!?!? ( After no one tells him what happened)

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Chuck: We got a call ( Chuck pauses, harry urges him on, Cheyenne makes a low sob) from New York( Cheyenne makes a slightly louder sob) its Johnny, there was an accident.( Cheyenne sobs even louder)

Harry: Hmph, serves him right (In a low voice)

Richie: Did you say something?

Harry: ( Hesitant)…..No. What happened?

Richie: So Johnny took a bus to Atlanta, and flew the rest of the way. Once Johnny and his parents arrived home, Johnny went for a run, same routine. He was going down Alta Vista Drive, which is where the car hit him.

Harry: ( Although he says nothing the expression shows on his face)

Richie: the car slamed Johnny into a tree, his leg was hanging on by a string, his bone was literally snapped in two

Johnny: ( thinking to himself) I couldn’t imagine the pain….oh wait it can

Richie: He was rushed to the hospital, hopping to save his leg, unfortunately they weren’t able to save it.

Cheyenne: ( Gazed look on her face) I just need to be alone right now

Harry goes on a walk??

Scene progresses without Harry, Cheyenne is in the background packing her things, you can hear her putting things into a suitcase and she rushes out and says im going to see Johnny

Harry comes back to the skate House

Harry: Where’s Cheyenne?

Richie: She went to go see about Johnny

Narration: I had just begun to learn how to live with the first random event, the lighting strike, and now this. This new thing didn’t happen to me. It happened to Johnny. But that didn’t matter, Everything, everything that was important to me was about to crumble away, AGAIN. If I ever felt cursed, it was at that moment, standing in Athens, Georgia, that Cheyenne was gone.

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21.(Lights up on Harry, sitting on a couch as Doctor Kenny enters the room and sits in a chair

across from him as Harry looked around at the drawings on the walls)

Dr. Kenny: So… (Dr. Kenny leans forward his elbows on his knees)Harry: So…

Dr. Kenny: So you kind of abandoned me HarryHarry: I did not abandon you (sill not looking Dr, Kenny in the eyes)

Dr. Kenny: well you sure didn’t tell me you were going on tour to become a rock GodHarry: Never knew I needed to, I didn’t really even want to come back, my parents insisted I

start seeing you again.Dr. Kenny: well, while we’re here, what has happened to you since our last session, you seem

different?Harry: Well.. How about I just start from the beginning?

Dr. Kenny: sounds good to meHarry: (shifting on the couch, putting his elbows on his knees and holding his hands out) Okay, it

all started when we decided to go on tour, I mean I honestly didn’t think that everyone was serious about it, but they all were and we did it and Dr. Kenny we were good! But I mean, other

than that, it was a lot of music, and our van broke down on the way there, and we stayed in a hotel, and then I saw Johnny and Cheyenne… (Harry stops talking and his hands fall to his

sides, before he lies back on the couch)Dr. Kenny: You saw Johnny and Cheyenne… (he pauses) what?

Harry: They were having sex. And if I remember correctly, we made a pact at the beginning of all of this, that none of us would sleep with her, but of course it would figure that if anyone was going to sleep with her it would be Johnny, cause you see doc (Harry sits up and leans in close to doctor Kenny) Johnny and my relationship started to deteriorate even before we went on the tour, but he just kept doing things that tore me to pieces, and its funny really that he slept with her, but I didn’t do anything or say anything about it to them, I just kept on, then more music, and you know I called you after getting trapped in a lighting storm.(Harry’s mind trails off)

Dr, Kenny: is that it?Harry: I slapped Johnny, I kissed Cheyenne, and Johnny left us, then we were told that Johnny

got hit by a car, and lost his legs, and then Cheyenne left to chase after him, and with half of our band gone, Richie and I decided that it was time to go home, and that’s it..

Dr. Kenny: Are you still playing guitar?Harry: Nope, haven’t picked it up since I got back in town.

Dr. Kenny: Well, how is the rest of the band now?Harry: I don’t know, I haven’t talked to anyone from the band…

Dr. Kenny: Harry, we’re almost out of time, but I feel that you need to talk to Richie. Call him, see how he’s doing. You didn’t leave things well with Cheyenne and Johnny, and I get that. But

Richie was left in the same place, what could go wrong if you called him?Harry: Alright… Maybe I will, I’ll see you around Doc…

(Lights up on the other side of the stage, with a trail leading to his house, he walks slowly into the house, picks up a phone to call Richie)

Richie: Dude! Where the hell you been?

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Harry: Just hanging around, how you been doing?Richie: I been good man, I got this new board, its black, and its got these green stripes of grip tape on the top that kind of make triangle designs, and then on the underside of it it’s got this

paisley pattern, and I met these local skate guys, and we’ve been riding on this improvised little half pipe in Valhalla.

Harry: Oh… um, nice. You playing drums?Richie: Yeah, of course. That and killing time till school starts man.

Harry: (rubs the back of his neck) I’m kind of jealous you get to go back to high school.Richie: (laughing) you hated that placeHarry: Yeah, well, the devil you know.Richie: You know what we should do?

Harry: What?Richie: Let’s get together this coming weekend, and I don’t know, get together.

Harry: Okay, yeah. Let’s do it! So I guess I’ll go man.Richie: Wait, have you been to see Johnny yet?

Harry: No, I’m pretty sure he won’t want to see me.Richie: I don’t know, Harry, The dudes in pretty bad shape. He wound up not going up to

Syracuse. He’s talking like he’s never gonna go.Harry: I’m not surprised to hear that, trauma is great at changing plans.

Richie: A visit might do him goodHarry: (slow fade out as he says okay) …Okay.

22. (from 4th Period)Harry: (Walking around, reciting lists under his breath. Suddenly, he sees Cheyenne sitting on a

bridge, staring at a small waterfall)Cheyenne: (sighs)

(Harry approaches her silently, then stops)(Chey looks down, somberly)

Harry: (opens mouth, stops)Cheyenne: (is uncomfortable)

Harry: Hi Chey.Cheyenne: Not now, harry. Just leave me alone.

Harry: I-I just-Cheyenne: (coughs)

Harry: Chey?Cheyenne: (sits down on the nearby bench)

Harry: Are you ok, Chey?Cheyenne: (throws up onto Harry’s shoes)

Harry: (stares at Chey)Cheyenne: I’m perfectly fine, Harry. You don’t need to worry about me. (looks away)

Harry: Chey…I love you.Cheyenne: (gets up to leave)

Harry: Wait, Chey. (pulls her back into the chair) Chey, please, I’m sorry.

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Cheyenne: (looks back at Harry) No, Harry. I’m sorry.Harry: (confused) For what?

Cheyenne: For kissing you. (starts to cry)Harry: Chey… (genuinely concerned)

(pause)Cheyenne: He won’t even see me.

Harry: What?Cheyenne: He won’t see me.

Harry: Who?Cheyenne: Johnny! Johnny won’t let me near him.

Harry: (even more confused than before) Why? I thought you two were like (puts his hands together) THIS close?

Cheyenne: I don’t know why, (looks away) but I think he’s mad at me.Harry: Did he know that you kissed me?

Cheyenne: I don’t think so, but you aren’t allowed to tell him if he doesn’t already know.Harry: Are you saying I should talk to him for you?

Cheyenne: (hesitates) Maybe.Harry: I… (looks down) I don’t know if he’ll see me.

Cheyenne: (looks back) You mean you haven’t tried to see him yet?Harry: I don’t want to see him… after I hit him…

Cheyenne: Don’t let that stop you from trying! He knows you the best, and he need to see someone!Harry: I-

Cheyenne: Go see him.Harry: Chey, I-

Cheyenne: You need to see him, Harry!Harry: I…(pauses) ok. I’ll go see Johnny.

Cheyenne: (gets up and starts to leave) Then go. Go see him.Harry: Alright. I’ll go now.

(Cheyenne waits for Harry to leave before she, herself, leaves)

Scene 23: Begin AgainHarry arrives at the McKenna’s house, he rings the doorbell and Mrs. McKenna comes to the

doorMrs. McKenna: (with little emotion) Hello Harry. Come on in, Johnny’s in his room.

(Both walk towards Johnny’s room, in silence)Mrs. McKenna: (places her hand on Harry’s shoulder) See if you can help him, Harry.(Composes himself then enters Johnny’s room. Johnny is sitting in bed reading a book)

Harry: Hey. (Johnny nods) How are you doing? (Johnny shrugs)(Harry takes a moment, glances towards Johnny’s missing leg, and then laughs to himself)

Johnny: Jeez, Harry, did you come here to laugh at me?

Page 32: Web viewThe Scar Boys: First Draft (3B) Scene 1: Rewind (The stage is set up with the rock stage upstage or middle stage left. There is a sign saying: “Help the Scar Boys

Harry: What? Oh, no, no. I was thinking of something someone said to me a long time ago, after the lightning strike.

Johnny: And what is that?Harry: Have you ever heard of Chinese butterflies?

Johnny: No.Harry: Oh. Well when a butterfly flaps its wings in China (while making flapping motions) they move molecules in the air. And all those molecules bump into other molecules, which bump into

other molecules. (getting more excited) So now, all these molecules are affecting the course of all the other ones around them; changing, moving them in different directions just because a butterfly flapped its wings. So a butterfly flapping its wings in China in April can cause a

thunderstorm in New York in July.Johnny: (shaking his and smiling) Harry, you’re crazy man.

(Harry possibly sitting in a chair, fiddles with chair)Harry: So…I saw Cheyenne.

(Instant awkward silence)Johnny: What about Chey?

Harry: She thinks you hate her.Johnny: Good.Harry: What?

(Johnny nods to his missing leg)Harry: I don’t understand.

Johnny: I’m letting her off the hook, I don’t want her pity, and I don’t want her to have to settle for someone who isn’t all here.

(Johnny throws his book where his leg should be; Harry is unfazed)Harry: I don’t understand.

Johnny: You said that already.Harry: If you didn’t want to see any of us, why did your mom call Athens to tell us you were in

the accident in the first place?Johnny: Who said I didn’t want to see any of you?

Harry: I don’t under---Johnny: You don’t understand. Yeah, so I’ve gathered. Look, Harry, I’m not sure if I told my

mom to call the skate house or if it was her idea. That was less than two days after my surgery. (struggles to say “surgery”) And I was so full of morphine you could’ve, oh, I don’t know,

slapped me in the face and I wouldn’t have felt it.(Beat)

Johnny: And it wasn’t the band I wanted to get in touch with, it was you, Harry. You! Where the hell have you been?!

(Pause)Harry: (barely above a whisper) I’m sorry. I thought you were mad at me, because I hit you.

Johnny: Slapped me.Harry: Slapped you.

Page 33: Web viewThe Scar Boys: First Draft (3B) Scene 1: Rewind (The stage is set up with the rock stage upstage or middle stage left. There is a sign saying: “Help the Scar Boys

Johnny: I was mad at you, Harry. But then this happened, (pointing at his leg) And somehow the slap in the face didn’t seem so bad.

Harry: But I still don’t understand. Then why didn’t you call me?Johnny: You were supposed to call me!

Harry: (Hand up in surrender) You’re right, you’re right. I’m really sorry, John. I really am. But I’m here now.

(Long pause)Harry: I still don’t understand.

Johnny: What?Harry: Why you don’t want to see Cheyenne.

Johnny: I told you. I’m doing her a favor.Harry: But she loves you.

Johnny: Which is why I need to push her away. Do you think I like doing this?Harry: Then don’t.

(Beat)Harry: You know John, sometimes you can be you can be one stubborn, arrogant prick.

Johnny: (With anger in his voice) Be careful Harry.Harry: Dude, you’re my best friend. (beat) And you’re the luckiest guy in the world to have a

girl like Cheyenne, I’d give anything for that. Don’t blow it.Johnny: Luckiest guy in the world? Are you out of your mind? Look at me!

Harry: I am looking John.Johnny: You’re looking but you’re not seeing. This is not lucky! (rips back the covers, exposing his stump) I’m a cripple, a gimp, a freak! How the hell would you know anything about what I

feel!(Johnny slowly looks at Harry while Harry looks up from the ground. They make eye contact

and Johnny calms down as the realization hits.)Harry: Just talk to her okay?

(Johnny nods)(Harry looks around the room; his eyes fall on Johnny’s guitar)

Johnny: Go ahead. My parents bought it to cheer me up. I haven’t touched it.(Harry picks up the guitar and starts to play)

(Johnny starts singing)Johnny: You give a little and take a lot

As distant guns are echoing shotsYou never find the time to stop

You just keep reaching for the topAnd you think you’re walking a thin line but you’re not

Able to see what’s at stake

You had your chanceTo do your time

Page 34: Web viewThe Scar Boys: First Draft (3B) Scene 1: Rewind (The stage is set up with the rock stage upstage or middle stage left. There is a sign saying: “Help the Scar Boys

To rectifyYour useless crimes

But don’t worryNo one noticed

(Johnny stops singing, guitar fades out)Johnny: You know, the name of this band will make a lot more sense now that there are two of

us.(Johnny and Harry laugh)

(Harry starts to play again as the lights go black and a spotlight lands on him.)Harry: Music to the rescue again.

END SCENE(Lights up on the whole band in a diner, all laughing together, everyone freezes in laughing

stance, Harry stands up moving away from the rest of the band, lights come up on just Harry, and fade low on the rest of the band, and he beings talking)

“Everybody is a genius. But if you judge a fish by it’s ability to climb a tree, it will live it’s whole life believing that it is stupid.” –Albert Einstein

I love this quote, because you see what I’ve just recently realized is that I’m a fish, an my ability to climb a tree, is actually my ability to seem normal. Everyone has something that they’d like to

change about themselves, but me, I always wished I could just be anything but ME. I tried everything on for size too, I started as a coward, then I tried smart, I tried stupid, I tried invisible, I tried Johnny’s shadow, and finally I settled nicely on “Rock God.” I feel normal on stage, and I look normal too, I’m still a fish on stage, but this time, I’m in a bowl, and I’m being judged by my ability to swim in circles, and boy am I good at it. I don’t guess I ever would have known how good I could be at music if it weren’t for my bullies, so I guess in a way I’m thankful for

this entire thing. I’m thankful that Jonny was the one person who stood up for me, because that’s part of what changed me. I think in that SPLIT second, in one tiny moment, I realized that this one person thought that I was normal enough to stick up for. I was normal enough for someone to look past my scars and look further inside me, and that leads me to be thankful for the music. When I’m on stage, and I’m playing, no one cares about my scars or about my past, they care about the music, and the music is damn good, if I do say so myself, and if anything people are fascinated to learn where I got my scars, and how it’s shaped my life. Our scars remind us of

who we are, and while I can look at mine as the reason for years of ridicule and self hatred, this music, and these opportunities, have made me realize that my scars are not the reason for self

hatred and years of ridicule, they are the reason that I ended up here. I told you how I started out as a coward, and you know, come to think of it, I probably still am, but I guess what I’m trying to say is thank you, to all of you (bullies, parents, and all other obstacles come out on the sides of the stage and remain still) it’s because of you that I realized, I’m no longer the shy ugly kid with the scars, now I’m the shy ugly kid with the scars who plays guitar, who loves music, and

who has friends. And you know what? That’s good enough for me.(Lights fade out on stage, as Harry stays still, and puts on part of his disguise, with a little smirk

before the stage goes dark)