coaching athletes vs. softball players vs. specialization coaching females body language, tone of...

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  • Slide 1

Slide 2 Coaching Athletes vs. Softball players vs. Specialization Coaching Females Body language, tone of voice, criticism, competition, need to please, public praise, standing out in crowd, social need 5 fundamentals of softball throw, catch, field, hit, run 95% rule Discipline, focus, intensity game speed Practice with a purpose Slide 3 W.I.N Focus on the present No No or Dont Thinkers Rewarded behavior is Repeated behavior Start with fundamentals and work upwards Slide 4 Slide 5 Grip 4 seams across the C Transfer Thumbs down/elbows up Stance & Stride Body perpendicular to target straight line Front elbow points to target Back elbow high, hand above head, relaxed Hand outside elbow Feet outside shoulders Stride should be directly to target weight transfer Slide 6 Motion Back elbow pulls forward, hand lags behind Elbow should stay away from body Shoulder height Hand outside elbow Body begins to open following stride Front elbow pulls down and back Finishes in back pocket Glove turns over palm to sky Release Hand should be on top of ball Ball is released out in front off the tips of the finger, snap down Slide 7 Follow Through Arm continues its natural path, out and down across the body Momentum should bring back foot forward Waist bent and hand will finish at shin level Slide 8 Ready Position Body squared to thrower Athletic position ready to react Knees bent Balls of feet Hands up glove as a target Catch With glove foot stride to ball Catch with 2 hands nose to knuckle Slide 9 Perfect Fielding Position (PFP) Feet outside shoulders On balls of feet Toes pointed forward Knees bent and waist bent Chest should be over toes Thumb and Pinky of glove should be on the ground Skateboard Field bottom of ball working up into throw Take away hops go get the ball & field into stomach Throwing foots instep will step toward target With short quick steps jump into throwing position Slide 10 Forehands Field in front of foot Butt low lunge position, eyes level Thumb and pinky on ground glove tall Flexed elbow Continue 1 step passed the ball knee to knee Backhands Field in front of foot Butt low lunge position, eyes level Thumb and pinky on ground glove tall Throw glove up to Slide 11 Pop Flies First step is always back easier to run in then back Play behind the ball working in into throw Short choppy steps Catch the ball 2 hands nose to knuckle Catch in front of forehead Glove foot steps forward as ball is caught knee gives with catch Crow Hop Throwing foots instep lifts up over knee Drive out not up Slide 12 Drop Steps First step should be back Turn glove side when straight back First step is most important push away from ground Ankle, knee, hip all extended Throw arms to help turn body Eyes stay on ball Pump arms when running dont lead with glove Work to get around ball or catch ball, break down, crow hop and throw Slide 13 Fielding Musts: Ready positions (outfield, infield, corners) jump stop Beg for the ball Attack Get down early dont crash Field the bottom of the ball coming up into your throw Ball first, throw second Communicate Slide 14 Grounders Forehands/Backhands Pop-ups Communication Flips/Tags Footwork (Tag vs. Force) Steal Coverage Bunt Defense Slapper Defense Back ups Double Play Footwork Relays/Cuts Pickoffs Holding Runners Slide 15 Grounders Fly Balls Communication Back ups Throwing to Bases Fielding on the Charge Diving Playing the Fence Slapper Defense Movement and Coverage Slide 16 Grounders Pop-ups Throws to Bases Bunt Defense Covering Home Pitch outs Intentional Walks Pitching Mechanics and Strategy Slide 17 Blocking Pop-ups Tag plays Past Balls Pick offs and Pitch outs Steals Bunt Coverage Back ups Cut offs Double Play Footwork Intentional Walks Receiving and Giving Signals Handling Pitchers Calling a Game Slide 18 Rundowns 1st and 3rd Plays Relays and Cut offs Situational Positioning and Movement Bunt Coverage Set Plays Communication Slide 19 Relays and cuts Rundowns Flips and Tags 1 st base footwork Double play footwork Bunt coverage Slide 20 Slide 21 Receiving Wide stance: feet even with or outside of shoulders Toes can point out so that you are comfortable and can get lower on balls of feet Glove elbow flexed outside of knees Throwing hand behind or down grabbing heel of shin guard Signal Stance 1st & 3rd basemen should not see your signs Glove underneath left leg Runners on base Staggered stance slightly higher 2 hand catch Slide 22 Framing Sway with pitch quiet movements Glove beats ball to spot Catch around the ball outside Blocking Knees replace feet Glove beats ball to 5 hole Throwing hand behind glove Elbows spread - be big Chin down Chest over ball stay tall Slide 23 Pick offs and Steals Bring glove to throwing hand quick Feet quickly jump into throwing position step towards target jump step Stay low to throw Throw needs to be quick, strong, and accurate Throw through 2 nd base not to the base Key to pick offs = see daylight between runner and receiver Slide 24 Slide 25 Mechanics first, control second, speed third Control and speed will come with proper mechanics Always warm-up before throwing any full speed pitches Pitching Warm-up Slide 26 Presentation Pitchers are required to approach the pitching rubber from behind with hands apart, at their side with the ball in the throwing hand. The pitcher must then be completely set before starting pitch Stance Tall, relaxed, & balanced Both feet start on the rubber The push off or pivot foot will be placed on the front edge of the rubber and the rear stride or plant will be on the back side of the rubber. Slide 27 Power Line The power line is an imaginary line from the pitchers pivot foot to where they want the ball to go. This line is used for the pitcher to drive down creating the most power and force on their pitch. Slide 28 Drive The drive of a pitcher is much like the form of a sprint runner. It is the drive up and out by the pitchers stride knee which creates the force and power of a pitch. The more power a pitcher uses from the legs the more powerful their pitch will be and the more endurance they will have. A female has the most power in their legs vs. men who have a lot of upper body strength as well. Female pitchers need to use their legs to their advantage and get as much power as they can from them. Make sure that a pitchers eyes stay on their target even during their drive. Slide 29 Drive The pitcher will have a slight angel forward with their body during the beginning of their drive but it is important to make sure that their backs are not hunched over and that there is not an extreme bend at their hips (a slight bend at the hips is ok). It is important to make sure that younger pitchers are NOT driving more than their arms can handle. Many times younger children have less control of their bodies and if they drive too hard too soon they can put too much strain on their shoulders. The older the athlete and the more aware of their body the more drive they should use Slide 30 Similar drive between pitcher and sprinter Slide 31 K Position After the Drive the pitcher should land with both toes on their Power Line, their glove pointing at their catcher and their pitching arm by their ear. This position is called the K Position. A slight bend in their hips is necessary here to give the pitchers arm room to move through on the Power Line. Slide 32 Snap The snap is a very important part of the pitch. It is necessary for pitchers at all levels to work on the snap for all pitches they pitch and to do so regularly. For a fastball it is important that the pitcher has their wrist cocked back as they deliver the pitch and on the snap their hand should act as a whip with the tip of their middle finger being the last thing touching the ball and last crossing past their hip. A half a second after the pitcher snaps the ball their back foot (foot on the pitching rubber the longest) should be meeting their stride foot. Back foot toe to front foot heel and knees come together as well. Slide 33 Finish or Follow Through A pitchers throwing arm should be as relaxed as possible and allowed to go wherever is comfortable for it after the snap. Forcing a pitcher to have her hand or arm do something or touch a certain part of the body (the shoulder is a common one) only makes the pitcher tense and will slow their snap along with the pitch. On the finish the pitcher should be prepared for a ball to be hit directly back at them! They should have their glove ready to react and should be squaring up to home plate as much as possible. Slide 34 Warm-UP It will take each pitcher a different amount of time to get fully game prepared however if they are working hard and they are focused on preparing it should not take them more than a half hour to get ready. (a half hour would be if they have multiple pitches that they can throw and need to warm up.) The most efficient way I have found to warming up is to start with snaps (from K Position but with arms down) and then slowly working back to full distance gradually using more and more arm and legs (staying sideways until reaching full length then squaring up to catcher.) Depending on the strength of the pitcher doing walk-through pitches a little farther than full distance is also a good way to really warm up the arm. Once warm then a pitcher should pitch all of their pitches until they have each pitch Game Ready. They can do this by warming one type of pitch up at a time or by rotating through all of them to warm them up. Slide 35 One thing very important to remember for young girls as they are learning to pitch is to learn a fastball and be able to pitch it for a strike whenever they want BEFORE moving on to learn other pitches. There are far too many pitchers that have many pitches that are all inaccurate. A pitcher with a good fastball that can hit her spots is much more dominating then a pitcher that throws lots of different pitches but none where intended! Slide 36 Slide 37 GRIP In fingers - golf grip Choke up - Hand off knob of bat Wrist cocked - Hammer, motorcycle grip POSITION IN BATTERS BOX Plate coverage Parallel Foot position (closed, open) Routines Rhythm Slide 38 STANCE Feet just outside hips. "Balanced and athletic" Toes slightly pointed in Weight on balls of feet Knees bent, inside feet - Linear motion Slight bend in waist forward - chest over toes hands hang off legs Head level and both eyes looking at pitcher How do you read a book? Slide 39 STANCE Cont. Hands at top of Zone, above elbow Hands are a fist inside and above shoulder Bat at 45o Angle and slightly wrapped behind head Elbows down and relaxed, shoulders relaxed - Vertical clap Small Rhythm with feet and hands Slide 40 TRIGGER / LAUNCH Go back to go forward (kicking, punching) Weight shifts to back leg Hands travel off the back shoulder 2 in Weight should be: 60% on back leg - 40% on front leg. Back forearm stays outside bat/hands Slide 41 STRIDE Short, soft, soon enough (better early - 45 angle) Soft toe touch - hard heel plant. Should be separate. Linear motion on heel plant Hips stay closed on heel plant Head stays behind belly button Knees stay close, Hands stay back Eyes at same level through stride. Short stride helps timing Shoulders stay level Slide 42 SWING After striding on ball of front foot, swing begins by getting front foot heel plant while back foot begins to raise and turn toward the pitcher. Heel up / Heel down - causes weight from backside to go into midline of body (hit against front leg, not over front leg) Timing = linear + rotation Shoulders level, chin on front shoulder Throw a Frisbee lead with front shoulder, elbow, then wrist - front elbow pulls down and hands go from back shoulder to center of chest and then down and out (release shoulders and elbows when hands get to chin. Hands move separately than elbows and shoulders Slide 43 Bat head should slide between back shoulder and ear (bat lag)...does not drop below shoulder at beginning of swing Back elbow connects with belly button and then extends out Hips stay square to plate until released at toe touch Hands stay inside the ball/plate (extend arms just after contact and NOT before contact) Slide 44 Pull with front arm and then push or throw with back arm extend through ball and point bat at pitcher Elbow stays at a vertical angle - hands above elbow Chest should point at ball and follow plane of ball bench press ball you are hitting Bat head stays higher than hands as long as possible and bat travels down to the ball NOT up to the ball Slide 45 Slide 46 CONTACT TO FOLLOW THROUGH Back foot pushes forward and rotates weight should be on inside of big toe, heel ends vertically Weight transfers to 51% on front foot Front leg is straight - not locked - chin behind belly behind Contact should be made in front of front hip/foot Slide 47 Back knee should point where the ball should be hit follows angle of bat (at ball) Eyes should match shoulder angle and shoulder angle matches bat angle - depending on position of ball - high, mid, low Slight bend in elbows at contact - palm up palm down (power L) Slide 48 Head still with eyes at contact zone throughout swing Arms fully extend through ball and bat head points at pitcher Hips, shoulders, eyes stay at same angle throughout swing Follow through long with hands to the shoulder - bat should not slap against back Slide 49 Level Swing? SLIGHT UPSWING LEVEL SWING Slide 50 There are Five Strike Zones Best pitch to hit Zone based on the count Slide 51 Slide 52 Start with a slightly open stance This will help maintain balance Pivot completely toward the pitcher Shoulders, hips, and back knee should finish facing the pitcher On your pivot, you should have complete plate coverage Knees bent bat should end up at the top of the strike zone Bat should be almost fully extended to the pitcher slight bend in elbows with bat at eye level Slide 53 Bottom hand stays near knob and controls the bat to give direction Bat head is slightly above bat knob directs ball downward Use the last 3 inches of the bat to deaden the ball Body should stay balanced chest stays behind front knee Do not reach or jab at the ball just stop it or give with the ball Use your knees to go down to a low ball, dont reach down Look to bunt the top half of the ball you should never go up to a ball Slide 54 Sacrifice Bunt Begin pivot when pitcher begins her motion Drag Bunt Begins when pitchers arm passes ear. Take a short, jab step toward 1 st and quickly get into pivot position. All other mechanics are the same. Ideally down 1 st base Suicide Bunt similar to a sacrifice if ball is outside, release top hand and reach outside with bottom hand and angle bat back toward pitcher Right Handed Slap show like a sacrifice, on ball release pull bat back to shoulder DO NOT pivot back chop/punch at the ball. Keeping bat head above hands punch ball past charging infielders. Slide 55 Slide 56 Practice It! Can use as part of warm-up Baserunning stations Girls at each base work on something different Baserunning is about being Smart, not fast Slide 57 Out of the Box First Step is the most important Big an Quick Through 1 st Base Dont slow down Hit Front of base Breakdown short/choppy steps Look for over through Dont peel off or round too far Turn straight around and return to first Slide 58 Rounding Bases Inside shoulder lines up with outside corner of the base Angle to hit the inside corner of the base Body lean inside Arms are important NO BANANAs Round with Intent to go to 2 nd Stay only if defense stops you Stay athletic, open to the ball Slide 59 Rocker Start Left foot starts on the outfield side of the base Right foot start behind base Athletic position Arms up and ready Use 2 of base as a launching pad First Step is most important Baserunners should start sprinting motion when pitchers arm is straight above her head in the pitching motion Must work on Timing Slide 60 Leads from 1 st Base 3 step lead Stay athletic ready to dive back Feet should keep moving No concrete leads Get away from base on pop flies let ball dictate Leads from 2nd Base 5 Step lead longer throw from catcher Scoring position Freeze on line drives and immediately retreat on pop flies Including foul balls Slide 61 Leads from 3rdBase 3 step WALKING lead Each step should be quicker then the last 3 rd step lands when ball crosses plate Easy to score from 3 rd no reason to jump off the base Very easy to get doubled off Body should stay facing home plate Always be ready to get back Slide 62 Good Baserunning is not only about being fast, being smart is just as important. It starts in the Dugout Touch Every Base Always know where the ball is Listen to and watch your base coaches When in doubt slide Always know: How many outs there are Type of hitter up to bat Where the defense is playing The arms of the catcher and position players The field conditions soft/hard dirt As a batter, run out every hit no matter what. Never assume a ball is foul, a pop up caught, or a grounder is a sure out. Always put pressure on the defense by sprinting down the line. If a pop fly is dropped, runners should be well on their way to 2. When beating out a play at 1 st, never watch the ball or the play. Explode off the bag every lead off. First two steps should look the same as your steal On deck batters are responsible for communicating to player on 2 nd or 3 rd Never turn your back to the ball Always look for opportunities to advance advance until the defense stops you without getting out Base runners should hold number of outs on chest so coach knows you know the outs and are focused and paying attention Slide 63 Know the number of outs Get coaches signs Know the type of hitter at the plate Know where the defense is playing Steal catchers signs Know the arm of the catcher Know the arms of position players Know the field 3 step lead mixed with fake steals Know if the catcher likes to throw pick offs Know if the right fielder backs up Know your importance as a runner Tag on all foul balls Stay off the base as far as you can as long as you can without getting doubled off Pop up slide into 2 on a bunt Know where the ball is at all times On lead front foot lands as ball crosses plate Never run into a tag Freeze on all line drives Always be ready for over throws and passed balls never fall asleep Avoid all batted balls and defense making plays on batted balls Always make sure you are called out before leaving a base If bases loaded, easy off base 3-2 count with 2 outs - Steal When leaving 1 st on a hit, pick up coaches signs before reaching 2 nd Base Read how fielder sets up at base determines how you slide Always look to take extra bases Slide 64 Know the number of outs Get coaches signs Know the type of hitter at the plate Know where the defense is playing Steal catchers signs Know the arm of the catcher Know the arms of position players Outfielders Know the field 5 step lead mixed with fake steals Know who covers the base Know if the catcher likes to throw pick offs Know your importance as a runner Dont run off teammates in front of you Tag on all foul balls Tag on all balls in the air. Unless un-tagable. Then stay off as far as you can without getting doubled off. Stay off the base as far as you can as long as you can without getting doubled off Balls hit in front of you, up middle, to the right get to third. Dont run into an out Always know where the ball is Know if you can beat the shortstop on a steal Know if you can delay off the pitcher or catcher Know if 3rd or short covers 3rd base Relay catchers signs to batter Balls hit to outfield, face the ball to get read Never make 1st or 3rd out at 3 Watch for overthrows and passed balls Always look to take extra bases base hit, expect to go home and coach will stop you Read how fielder sets up at base determines how you slide Slide 65 Know the number of outs Get coaches signs Know the type of hitter at the plate Know where the defense is playing Outfielders Know the arm of the catcher Know the arms of position players Outfielders Know the field - Backstop 3 step walking lead 3rd step lands as ball crosses plate with body facing home Know who covers the base Know your importance as a runner Losing? Tie game? Insurance? Blow out? Know if the catcher likes to throw pick offs Tag on all foul balls Tag on all balls in the air. Unless un-tagable. Then stay off as far as you can without getting doubled off. Dont run into an out stay in a run down as long as you can If you hesitate, your late If a bunt, make sure it is good and you can score Do not get doubled off Lead into foul territory Sprint through or slide into home plate never expect to be safe. Watch for overthrows and passed balls Taggable balls leave on your judgment, dont wait for coach its too late Always back on line drives Slow rollers, choppers Go! Unless back to pitcher Slide 66 Slide 67 Warm- up to throw vs. throw to warm-up Purpose Enhance performance Prevent injury 10-15 Minutes Slide 68 5 min Jog Leg swings Arm Swings - Arm Circles Arm Stretches Walking Lateral Squats Walking Lunges Walking Quad Inverted Hamstring High Knees A skips B skips Backward run Butt Kickers Bounders Carioca Sprints (2-50%) Independent Stretch Sprints (2-100%) Slide 69 Throwing Wrist Flips One Knee Throwing Sideways Catch Quick Feet/Quick Hands Long Toss Position Player Catch Outfield Drop Knee Grounders Do or Dies Pop fly Footwork w/Partner Drop Steps Quarterback Fielding Short Hops Off Knees Forehands Backhands PFP Short Hops Forehands/Backhands Roll with Approach 4 Corners Flips/Tags Forehands/Backhands 4 Corner Roll with Approach Slide 70 Practice Plan 3-21 3:30-6:00 3:30WARM UP StretchesPitchers Warm-up Strength: Squat jumps, Planks, Leg-overs, Sprint sit ups, Lunge jumps 4:00EVERYDAYS 4:15USA DRILL SS-1B, 2B 1B, 1B 3B, 3B 2B 4:30DEFENSE ROTATIONS P, C, 1B, 3B bunt defense to 1b/home SS, 2B triangle drill OF communication P, C 1B, 2B pick offs to 1b P, C, 3B, SS pick offs to ss OF angles P, 1B plays to 1b P, C, SS, 2B steals 3B, OF plays at 3b OF plays at home (everybody moves to positions) 5:00HITTING STATIONS 3-Tee extension Insider bat Bustos Live Ball on a rope with mirror 2 Person bunting 12 34 5 6 Slide 71 Slide 72 Lower Body Bat on hip Ball by back foot Front Knee Barrier Load & Transfer Bustos Flamingo Happy Gilmore Step Back Balance Beam Upper Body Frisbee Toss Ball throw Barrier Top/Bottom Hand Top hand bat lag triangle Reverse Top Hand Putting it Together Plyo-Tee Front Toss Long tee Hitting Three Plate Hitting Numbered Toss Drop Ball (1, 2, 3) Bounce Toss Numbered Toss Rapid Fire Back Toss Dog toy Ball on a Rope 3 Tee hitting Total Control Balls Or Basketball toss High/low toss Skinny bat with Golf ball wiffles Slide 73 Infield PFP Short hops Short hops off knees Back hands 45 degree back hands Fore hands Long hops Roll with approach 2 ball shuffles One hand with small balls no glove Wally ball Wally ball with tennis ball no glove Do or dies Flips and tags USA drill - LinkLink Star drill Cross fire Chinese drill Quick hands drill Outfield Roll with approach with throws 3 hop crow hops Drop steps Octagon Quarterback Wrap around drill Partner flys Target throwing Grounders to gaps angles Slides, dives, shoe string catches Slide 74 blog, videos, tons of resources training videos The Talent Code book and blog Brian Cain - 2 books and a blog/online resources Championship Productions tons of videos Championship Coaches Network Positive Coaching book by Jim Thompson Fastpitch TV Network - Online Gamechanger App Ubersense/Right View Pro - video app Slide 75 Contact me at [email protected] or (651) 353-6968 Good Luck this Season! Go Bears!