春季清潔 環保健康秘決 - cchphealthplan.com › public_v1 › sites › default › ...•...

COMMUNITY HEALTH NEWSLETTER 社區健康季刊 2011 SPRING 春季刊 照顧嬰兒,從出生前開始 照顧新生嬰兒其實在出生前就開始,新任的準父母們都 會盡全力保持健康、吃的好、睡的飽,並戒煙戒酒。媽 媽們都知道在懷孕期間定期約見婦產科醫生進行產前檢 查的重要性。但是有多少家庭了解和小兒科醫生進行產 前檢查也是同樣重要的呢? 在東華醫院的華康醫療中心,妊婦與小兒科醫生的產前 會面是免費的。這些免費產前諮詢能讓父母有機會在孩 子出生前選擇兒科醫生,也是讓父母熟識孩子的兒科醫 生的好機會。當孩子出生時,兒科醫生已經是家庭熟識 的臉孔了。此外,因為在兒科醫生診所進行了產前諮 詢,醫生已經了解家庭的需求和可能影響新生嬰兒的家 庭病史,也能教導家庭如何迎接孩子的到來。如果嬰兒 出生後需要特殊照顧,有熟識的兒科醫生也能舒緩家庭 的壓力。 兒科產前課程是一個四十五分鐘的課程,討論家庭準備迎接新生嬰兒來臨所需的資訊,您有機會學習 如何注意新生嬰兒的飲食狀況、何時更換尿布、以及注意新生嬰兒的體重和皮膚上的變化。帝利市和 外米慎區華康醫務中心都為準媽媽們提供免費的產前課程。 詳情請致電伍醫生: 帝利市華康醫務中心電話650-991-8883或 外米慎區華康醫務中心電話415-677-2488。 445 Grant Ave., Ste 700, San Francisco, CA 94108 Chinese hospital & CliniCs

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Page 1: 春季清潔 環保健康秘決 - cchphealthplan.com › public_v1 › sites › default › ...• 如果你有反復的感冒或上呼吸道感染, 這也許意味 著你有未知的過敏或免疫缺陷病;

Community HealtH newsletter 社區健康季刊 2011 SPRING 春季刊

在美國約有20%-30%的人患有過敏。可是我們中有很多人常年生活在過敏症狀中卻不自知。比如說常常打噴嚏, 鼻子痒, 流清水鼻涕或黃綠色膿鼻涕, 鼻子堵得難受, 鼻子反復發炎,頭疼等等。

為什麼過敏會導致鼻子發炎和頭痛呢?人類的鼻腔內有一層黏膜, 黏膜分泌粘液, 可以濕潤和淨化通過的空氣。當人體對外界的物質產生過敏反應時, 這層黏膜會充血腫脹, 使黏膜分泌的粘液不能正常的從鼻孔流出, 堵塞在鼻腔中, 使鼻子不通气, 脹得難受。時間長了還會感染發炎, 引起頭痛。

由于鼻腔的後部与口腔的後部是相通的, 過敏產生的大量粘液會從鼻腔後部倒流入喉嚨, 導致喉嚨痒, 喉嚨痛, 和喉嚨口的异物感。鼻涕倒流在晚上睡覺時尤其明顯, 所以有人大清早起來會不停地清嗓子,甚至常年咳嗽, 都有可能是過敏引起的, 因為咳嗽是人體對充滿細菌的鼻粘液的自然排斥反應, 否則細菌會進入肺部, 引起肺炎。

典型的過敏症狀還包括眼睛痒, 紅腫和流淚。有時也會引起耳朵痒, 耳朵堵, 甚至耳鳴耳疼, 聽力減弱, 頭暈等。這是由于過敏反應可以使与耳道相通的咽鼓管腫脹, 造成耳道的堵塞与耳內積液, 進而感染發炎。過敏還可能引起胸悶, 氣喘, 呼吸困難等哮喘反應, 甚至導致窒息与死亡。

但你怎麼知道你不是平常的感冒或病毒感染而是過敏了呢? 由于感冒与過敏常常呈現相似的症狀,要區分他們連醫生有時都覺得有點困難。一般來說,如果除了鼻子和喉嚨的症狀外,還伴有發燒,全身乏力与酸痛,噁心嘔吐或腹瀉等,病毒感染的可能性居大,尤其當你周圍的人群中也有人有類似的症狀。但病毒感染一般在7-10天多數自然會好。如果是反復髮作的類似感冒症狀而無明顯的發燒等病毒感染跡象,則可能有潛在的過敏。

如果有以下情況, 你應該考慮去看一下過敏專科, 以便確診与治療:

• 反復發作的“感冒”症狀但又沒有發燒或病毒感染的其他症狀;

• 症狀的產生有明顯的誘因, 比如說一接觸到某種動物或灰塵。

• 症狀有明顯的規律, 比如季節性(每年春天或夏天), 或每天早上剛起床就打很多噴嚏;

• 不明原因的長期咳嗽;• 過敏症狀同時伴有哮喘;• 如果除了過敏外, 你還被告知有鼻息肉• 如果你有反復的感冒或上呼吸道感染, 這也許意味

著你有未知的過敏或免疫缺陷病;• 如果你不想一輩子使用過敏藥來控制你的過敏症狀

治療過敏的方法分兩大類。一種是藥物治療, 一種是脫敏針。常見的藥物主要有三類, 抗組胺類藥, 比如Claritin, Zyrtec, Allegra 等; 抗白三烯類藥, 比如Singulair;類固醇類藥, 比如Flonase, Nasonex等。前面兩種藥物有效率一般在30-40%左右, 滴鼻子的類固醇藥物有效率是50-60%。但藥物控制只能減輕過敏症狀, 不能根治過敏。目前所知唯一能根治過敏的治療方法是脫敏針。就是將致敏原注入體內, 濃度由低到高慢慢增加至維持劑量, 進而導致人體不再對過敏原產生過敏反應。一般療程在2-3年左右。

以上資料是由過敏及關節炎專家汪嶸卿醫學博士提供。汪醫生是華美醫師協會的會員,接受各種保險。如果有疑問請致電 (415) 677-0901, 或寄信至過敏, 風濕和關節炎中心950 Stockton street, #399, San Francisco, CA 94108, 或email至 [email protected].



照顧新生嬰兒其實在出生前就開始,新任的準父母們都會盡全力保持健康、吃的好、睡的飽,並戒煙戒酒。媽媽們都知道在懷孕期間定期約見婦產科醫生進行產前檢查的重要性。但是有多少家庭了解和小兒科醫生進行產前檢查也是同樣重要的呢? 在東華醫院的華康醫療中心,妊婦與小兒科醫生的產前會面是免費的。這些免費產前諮詢能讓父母有機會在孩子出生前選擇兒科醫生,也是讓父母熟識孩子的兒科醫生的好機會。當孩子出生時,兒科醫生已經是家庭熟識的臉孔了。此外,因為在兒科醫生診所進行了產前諮詢,醫生已經了解家庭的需求和可能影響新生嬰兒的家庭病史,也能教導家庭如何迎接孩子的到來。如果嬰兒出生後需要特殊照顧,有熟識的兒科醫生也能舒緩家庭的壓力。



445 Grant Ave., Ste 700, San Francisco, CA 94108

Chinese hospital & CliniCs

社區健康季刊簡介以促進社區健康為一致的使命,東華醫院及其診所, 華美醫師協會, 華人社區健康資源中心及華人保健計劃聯合推出這健康季刊。這季刊突出每季度健康的主題和活動,會對您,您的家人及親友都很有益。健康寶貴,分享無價。請您仔細閱讀及積極參與這些活動的同時,將這季刊在您的親友之間傳閱。如果您想索取更多副本或剔除您的郵寄地址,請致電 415-955-8800 x 3313 或電郵 [email protected]. 上網瀏覽:cchphmo.com/chinese/newsletter.html and cchrchealth.org

東華醫院,華人保健計劃和中國城男青年會精誠合作,為您提供醫療保健服務。從2011年開始,我們共同在位於Sacramento 街,新建成的中國城男青年會



春季清潔 環保健康秘決春天來了!很多人都會將家大掃除來迎接新年。以下提供一些秘訣令你清潔得更健康和環保。




Page 2: 春季清潔 環保健康秘決 - cchphealthplan.com › public_v1 › sites › default › ...• 如果你有反復的感冒或上呼吸道感染, 這也許意味 著你有未知的過敏或免疫缺陷病;

Community HealtH newsletter 社區健康季刊 2011 SPRING 春季刊

在美國約有20%-30%的人患有過敏。可是我們中有很多人常年生活在過敏症狀中卻不自知。比如說常常打噴嚏, 鼻子痒, 流清水鼻涕或黃綠色膿鼻涕, 鼻子堵得難受, 鼻子反復發炎,頭疼等等。

為什麼過敏會導致鼻子發炎和頭痛呢?人類的鼻腔內有一層黏膜, 黏膜分泌粘液, 可以濕潤和淨化通過的空氣。當人體對外界的物質產生過敏反應時, 這層黏膜會充血腫脹, 使黏膜分泌的粘液不能正常的從鼻孔流出, 堵塞在鼻腔中, 使鼻子不通气, 脹得難受。時間長了還會感染發炎, 引起頭痛。

由于鼻腔的後部与口腔的後部是相通的, 過敏產生的大量粘液會從鼻腔後部倒流入喉嚨, 導致喉嚨痒, 喉嚨痛, 和喉嚨口的异物感。鼻涕倒流在晚上睡覺時尤其明顯, 所以有人大清早起來會不停地清嗓子,甚至常年咳嗽, 都有可能是過敏引起的, 因為咳嗽是人體對充滿細菌的鼻粘液的自然排斥反應, 否則細菌會進入肺部, 引起肺炎。

典型的過敏症狀還包括眼睛痒, 紅腫和流淚。有時也會引起耳朵痒, 耳朵堵, 甚至耳鳴耳疼, 聽力減弱, 頭暈等。這是由于過敏反應可以使与耳道相通的咽鼓管腫脹, 造成耳道的堵塞与耳內積液, 進而感染發炎。過敏還可能引起胸悶, 氣喘, 呼吸困難等哮喘反應, 甚至導致窒息与死亡。

但你怎麼知道你不是平常的感冒或病毒感染而是過敏了呢? 由于感冒与過敏常常呈現相似的症狀,要區分他們連醫生有時都覺得有點困難。一般來說,如果除了鼻子和喉嚨的症狀外,還伴有發燒,全身乏力与酸痛,噁心嘔吐或腹瀉等,病毒感染的可能性居大,尤其當你周圍的人群中也有人有類似的症狀。但病毒感染一般在7-10天多數自然會好。如果是反復髮作的類似感冒症狀而無明顯的發燒等病毒感染跡象,則可能有潛在的過敏。

如果有以下情況, 你應該考慮去看一下過敏專科, 以便確診与治療:

• 反復發作的“感冒”症狀但又沒有發燒或病毒感染的其他症狀;

• 症狀的產生有明顯的誘因, 比如說一接觸到某種動物或灰塵。

• 症狀有明顯的規律, 比如季節性(每年春天或夏天), 或每天早上剛起床就打很多噴嚏;

• 不明原因的長期咳嗽;• 過敏症狀同時伴有哮喘;• 如果除了過敏外, 你還被告知有鼻息肉• 如果你有反復的感冒或上呼吸道感染, 這也許意味

著你有未知的過敏或免疫缺陷病;• 如果你不想一輩子使用過敏藥來控制你的過敏症狀

治療過敏的方法分兩大類。一種是藥物治療, 一種是脫敏針。常見的藥物主要有三類, 抗組胺類藥, 比如Claritin, Zyrtec, Allegra 等; 抗白三烯類藥, 比如Singulair;類固醇類藥, 比如Flonase, Nasonex等。前面兩種藥物有效率一般在30-40%左右, 滴鼻子的類固醇藥物有效率是50-60%。但藥物控制只能減輕過敏症狀, 不能根治過敏。目前所知唯一能根治過敏的治療方法是脫敏針。就是將致敏原注入體內, 濃度由低到高慢慢增加至維持劑量, 進而導致人體不再對過敏原產生過敏反應。一般療程在2-3年左右。

以上資料是由過敏及關節炎專家汪嶸卿醫學博士提供。汪醫生是華美醫師協會的會員,接受各種保險。如果有疑問請致電 (415) 677-0901, 或寄信至過敏, 風濕和關節炎中心950 Stockton street, #399, San Francisco, CA 94108, 或email至 [email protected].



照顧新生嬰兒其實在出生前就開始,新任的準父母們都會盡全力保持健康、吃的好、睡的飽,並戒煙戒酒。媽媽們都知道在懷孕期間定期約見婦產科醫生進行產前檢查的重要性。但是有多少家庭了解和小兒科醫生進行產前檢查也是同樣重要的呢? 在東華醫院的華康醫療中心,妊婦與小兒科醫生的產前會面是免費的。這些免費產前諮詢能讓父母有機會在孩子出生前選擇兒科醫生,也是讓父母熟識孩子的兒科醫生的好機會。當孩子出生時,兒科醫生已經是家庭熟識的臉孔了。此外,因為在兒科醫生診所進行了產前諮詢,醫生已經了解家庭的需求和可能影響新生嬰兒的家庭病史,也能教導家庭如何迎接孩子的到來。如果嬰兒出生後需要特殊照顧,有熟識的兒科醫生也能舒緩家庭的壓力。



445 Grant Ave., Ste 700, San Francisco, CA 94108

Chinese hospital & CliniCs

社區健康季刊簡介以促進社區健康為一致的使命,東華醫院及其診所, 華美醫師協會, 華人社區健康資源中心及華人保健計劃聯合推出這健康季刊。這季刊突出每季度健康的主題和活動,會對您,您的家人及親友都很有益。健康寶貴,分享無價。請您仔細閱讀及積極參與這些活動的同時,將這季刊在您的親友之間傳閱。如果您想索取更多副本或剔除您的郵寄地址,請致電 415-955-8800 x 3313 或電郵 [email protected]. 上網瀏覽:cchphmo.com/chinese/newsletter.html and cchrchealth.org

東華醫院,華人保健計劃和中國城男青年會精誠合作,為您提供醫療保健服務。從2011年開始,我們共同在位於Sacramento 街,新建成的中國城男青年會



春季清潔 環保健康秘決春天來了!很多人都會將家大掃除來迎接新年。以下提供一些秘訣令你清潔得更健康和環保。




Page 3: 春季清潔 環保健康秘決 - cchphealthplan.com › public_v1 › sites › default › ...• 如果你有反復的感冒或上呼吸道感染, 這也許意味 著你有未知的過敏或免疫缺陷病;

Community HealtH newsletter 社區健康季刊 2011 SPRING 春季刊

在美國約有20%-30%的人患有過敏。可是我們中有很多人常年生活在過敏症狀中卻不自知。比如說常常打噴嚏, 鼻子痒, 流清水鼻涕或黃綠色膿鼻涕, 鼻子堵得難受, 鼻子反復發炎,頭疼等等。

為什麼過敏會導致鼻子發炎和頭痛呢?人類的鼻腔內有一層黏膜, 黏膜分泌粘液, 可以濕潤和淨化通過的空氣。當人體對外界的物質產生過敏反應時, 這層黏膜會充血腫脹, 使黏膜分泌的粘液不能正常的從鼻孔流出, 堵塞在鼻腔中, 使鼻子不通气, 脹得難受。時間長了還會感染發炎, 引起頭痛。

由于鼻腔的後部与口腔的後部是相通的, 過敏產生的大量粘液會從鼻腔後部倒流入喉嚨, 導致喉嚨痒, 喉嚨痛, 和喉嚨口的异物感。鼻涕倒流在晚上睡覺時尤其明顯, 所以有人大清早起來會不停地清嗓子,甚至常年咳嗽, 都有可能是過敏引起的, 因為咳嗽是人體對充滿細菌的鼻粘液的自然排斥反應, 否則細菌會進入肺部, 引起肺炎。

典型的過敏症狀還包括眼睛痒, 紅腫和流淚。有時也會引起耳朵痒, 耳朵堵, 甚至耳鳴耳疼, 聽力減弱, 頭暈等。這是由于過敏反應可以使与耳道相通的咽鼓管腫脹, 造成耳道的堵塞与耳內積液, 進而感染發炎。過敏還可能引起胸悶, 氣喘, 呼吸困難等哮喘反應, 甚至導致窒息与死亡。

但你怎麼知道你不是平常的感冒或病毒感染而是過敏了呢? 由于感冒与過敏常常呈現相似的症狀,要區分他們連醫生有時都覺得有點困難。一般來說,如果除了鼻子和喉嚨的症狀外,還伴有發燒,全身乏力与酸痛,噁心嘔吐或腹瀉等,病毒感染的可能性居大,尤其當你周圍的人群中也有人有類似的症狀。但病毒感染一般在7-10天多數自然會好。如果是反復髮作的類似感冒症狀而無明顯的發燒等病毒感染跡象,則可能有潛在的過敏。

如果有以下情況, 你應該考慮去看一下過敏專科, 以便確診与治療:

• 反復發作的“感冒”症狀但又沒有發燒或病毒感染的其他症狀;

• 症狀的產生有明顯的誘因, 比如說一接觸到某種動物或灰塵。

• 症狀有明顯的規律, 比如季節性(每年春天或夏天), 或每天早上剛起床就打很多噴嚏;

• 不明原因的長期咳嗽;• 過敏症狀同時伴有哮喘;• 如果除了過敏外, 你還被告知有鼻息肉• 如果你有反復的感冒或上呼吸道感染, 這也許意味

著你有未知的過敏或免疫缺陷病;• 如果你不想一輩子使用過敏藥來控制你的過敏症狀

治療過敏的方法分兩大類。一種是藥物治療, 一種是脫敏針。常見的藥物主要有三類, 抗組胺類藥, 比如Claritin, Zyrtec, Allegra 等; 抗白三烯類藥, 比如Singulair;類固醇類藥, 比如Flonase, Nasonex等。前面兩種藥物有效率一般在30-40%左右, 滴鼻子的類固醇藥物有效率是50-60%。但藥物控制只能減輕過敏症狀, 不能根治過敏。目前所知唯一能根治過敏的治療方法是脫敏針。就是將致敏原注入體內, 濃度由低到高慢慢增加至維持劑量, 進而導致人體不再對過敏原產生過敏反應。一般療程在2-3年左右。

以上資料是由過敏及關節炎專家汪嶸卿醫學博士提供。汪醫生是華美醫師協會的會員,接受各種保險。如果有疑問請致電 (415) 677-0901, 或寄信至過敏, 風濕和關節炎中心950 Stockton street, #399, San Francisco, CA 94108, 或email至 [email protected].



照顧新生嬰兒其實在出生前就開始,新任的準父母們都會盡全力保持健康、吃的好、睡的飽,並戒煙戒酒。媽媽們都知道在懷孕期間定期約見婦產科醫生進行產前檢查的重要性。但是有多少家庭了解和小兒科醫生進行產前檢查也是同樣重要的呢? 在東華醫院的華康醫療中心,妊婦與小兒科醫生的產前會面是免費的。這些免費產前諮詢能讓父母有機會在孩子出生前選擇兒科醫生,也是讓父母熟識孩子的兒科醫生的好機會。當孩子出生時,兒科醫生已經是家庭熟識的臉孔了。此外,因為在兒科醫生診所進行了產前諮詢,醫生已經了解家庭的需求和可能影響新生嬰兒的家庭病史,也能教導家庭如何迎接孩子的到來。如果嬰兒出生後需要特殊照顧,有熟識的兒科醫生也能舒緩家庭的壓力。



445 Grant Ave., Ste 700, San Francisco, CA 94108

Chinese hospital & CliniCs

社區健康季刊簡介以促進社區健康為一致的使命,東華醫院及其診所, 華美醫師協會, 華人社區健康資源中心及華人保健計劃聯合推出這健康季刊。這季刊突出每季度健康的主題和活動,會對您,您的家人及親友都很有益。健康寶貴,分享無價。請您仔細閱讀及積極參與這些活動的同時,將這季刊在您的親友之間傳閱。如果您想索取更多副本或剔除您的郵寄地址,請致電 415-955-8800 x 3313 或電郵 [email protected]. 上網瀏覽:cchphmo.com/chinese/newsletter.html and cchrchealth.org

東華醫院,華人保健計劃和中國城男青年會精誠合作,為您提供醫療保健服務。從2011年開始,我們共同在位於Sacramento 街,新建成的中國城男青年會



春季清潔 環保健康秘決春天來了!很多人都會將家大掃除來迎接新年。以下提供一些秘訣令你清潔得更健康和環保。




Page 4: 春季清潔 環保健康秘決 - cchphealthplan.com › public_v1 › sites › default › ...• 如果你有反復的感冒或上呼吸道感染, 這也許意味 著你有未知的過敏或免疫缺陷病;

We are united in the mission to promote the health and wellness of the communities served by Chinese Hospital and clinics, Chinese Community Health Care Association, Chinese Community Health Resource Center and Chinese Community Health Plan. This quarterly newsletter highlights health topics and programs that may be important to you, your family or someone you care about. Your health is not static and this newsletter shouldn’t be either. Please read, enjoy, participate in our programs and pass it along when done. If you would like additional copies or to be removed from our mailings, please call 415-955-8800 x 3313 or email [email protected]. Available online at: cchphmo.com/newsletter.html and cchrchealth.org

About this Community Health Newsletter

Taking care of a newborn begins well before the baby is born. Pregnant mothers and fathers do their very best to stay healthy, eat well, sleep well and not smoke or drink alcohol. Mothers know how important it is to have prenatal care visits with their OB/GYN doctors every step of the pregnancy. But how many new families realize that a prenatal visit with a pediatrician is also important before the baby is born?

At the Chinese Hospital Neighbor Clinics, this prenatal visit with the pediatrician is complimentary for new and existing patients. Attending a prenatal visit will allow the parents to choose a pediatrician before the baby is born. It is a wonderful chance to meet and get to know a doctor specifically for your baby. Once the baby is born, the doctor is already a familiar face. A pediatrician who meets a family before the baby is born learns about the family’s needs, knows any pertinent medical history that affects the baby’s newborn care and helps teach the family how to prepare for the birth of their child. If the baby needs extra care after the birth, being acquainted with the pediatrician beforehand allows for a comforting presence during a time of stress.

A pediatric prenatal class is a 45-minute class which discusses information that helps a new family prepare for the exciting days after the birth of a newborn. You have the chance to learn important issues such as how to monitor a newborns feedings, soiled diapers, weight changes and skin changes. A free prenatal class is available at both Daly City Health Services and at Excelsior Health Services for expectant parents.

Dr. Lyra Ng – PeDiatriciaN DaLy city HeaLtH Service 650-991-8883 exceLSior HeatLH ServiceS 415-677-2488

You may be living with allergic symptoms without realizing it. Typical symptoms include : sneezing, itchy and runny nose with clear or colored nasal discharge, nasal congestion, sinus pressure or pain, frequent sinus infections, headaches, itching, and red/ tearing eyes. Allergies may also give rise to itchy ears, ear-plugging, fluid buildup behind the eardrums accompanied by pain, decreased hearing, ringing ears and sometimes dizziness.

Allergies may also cause an itchy or sore throat, a “foreign body” sensation in the back of the throat leading to constant throat-clearing, and even chronic cough. These symptoms are the result of “postnasal drip” caused by allergies. Your body will naturally try to remove this substance by coughing, preventing it from dripping down into your lungs, which may cause pneumonia. Last but not least, allergies may give rise to asthmatic symptoms (chest-tightness, wheezing, and trouble breathing) leading to asthma exacerbation, suffocation, and in severe cases, even death.

How do you know whether you have allergies versus a regular cold or viral infection? Here are some tips that can help you tell the difference:

• Fever: viral infection (or “cold”) is usually accompanied by fever, whereas allergy does not unless your sinuses get infected.

• Nasal discharge: allergies usually give clear watery discharge, accompanied by nasal itching, whereas viral infection usually produce yellow-greenish discharge before it resolves, and without itchiness of the noses.

• Natural courses: viral infections usually recover within 7-10 days. Allergies can be recurrent and linger on for months or the whole year without anyone else around you necessarily having same symptoms.

• Concurrent symptoms: viral infections also give rise to malaise, muscle or body ache, nausea or vomiting, and diarrhea. Whereas nasal allergy usually do not result in gastrointestinal symptoms, unless you ingest food that you are allergic to.

Consider seeing an allergist if you have any of the following:

• Frequent “cold” symptoms without fever or signs of viral infection,

• Obvious triggers to your allergy symptoms such as exposure to certain animals or dusty environments,

• A pattern to your symptoms, such as sneezing a lot first thing in the morning, or seasonality (like every spring or summer),

• Chronic coughing without a clear reason,

• Asthma concurrent with symptoms of allergy,

• Previously told you have nasal polyps with your allergy,

• Frequent upper respiratory infections (this may indicate an underlying allergy or immunodeficiency), or

• You know you have allergic reactions, and do not want to take medications for the rest of your life.

There are two ways to treat your allergy. While common anti-allergy medications including anti-histamine (Claritin, Zyrtec, Allegra), anti-leukotriene (Singulair), and nasal corticosteroid (such as Flonase, Nasonex), they only relieve your symptoms with an efficacy ranging from 30-40% with the former two and 50-60% with nasal steroid. Such medications do not get rid of your allergy. Allergy shots offer 80-90% efficacy for reducing allergy symptoms, and are the only treatment modality available so far that can transform an individual from being an allergic person to a non-allergic person. Treatments usually requires 2-3 years to reach full effect.

Dr. Roger Wang, is an Allergy and Rheumatology Specialist and a member physician of Chinese Community Health Care Association. His office is located at 950 Stockton St., #399, San Francisco, CA 94108, you may reach him at (415) 677-0901.

Taking Care of Babies before They Are Born

Chinese hospital & CliniCs

How do you know that you have an allergy? Chinese Hospital, CCHP and the Chinatown YMCA are proud to team up as your partners in health and wellness. Starting in 2011, we co-sponsor a number of health and fitness classes, which are free to all CCHP members, and offered at the beautiful

new Chinatown YMCA building on Sacramento Street.

Join us taking active strides together toward a long and flourishing future.

Cleaning Tips for a Healthy SpringSpring is here! For many people, it is tradition to start the New Year fresh by cleaning and de-cluttering the house. Here are some tips on enhancing your cleaning process, making your living space better for your health and the environment.

NaturaL cLeaNiNg SuPPLieS:Instead of using the cleaning products that are loaded with toxic chemicals, you may achieve similar or even better results (with only a fraction of the price) by using some of the alternative non-toxic, organic methods with some of your kitchen staples, such as vinegar, baking soda, and hot water. Lemons can be used as an all-purpose stain remover and bleacher. Surprisingly, beer can also be used for polishing wood furniture, removing stains, as well as polishing gold jewelry.

MoLD PreveNtioN:Molds are microscopic life forms that can be found anywhere as long as there is moisture and oxygen. They are harmful to health by potentially causing allergic reactions, headaches, dizziness, and severe asthma and may also lead to property damage. They should be removed as soon as possible to prevent more from growing. The key is to control moisture by drying out any damp surfaces, fixing any leaks in plumbing and roofs. In addition, always make sure that rooms are well ventilated and invest a dehumidifier to keep the room free from moisture. Lastly, always wear rubber gloves and a quality mask when removing mold.

SLeeP QuaLity iMProveMeNt:Many people complain about insomnia or not feeling fully rested after a night of sleep. These can be attributed to a number of reasons, but here are ways that can improve the quality of your rest. It is recommended to paint the bedroom walls with a low or no Volatile Organic Compounds (VOC) paint, or use a clay plaster that produces negative ions to increase the flow of oxygen to the brain. Moreover, old mattresses and pillows are home to a lot of bed bugs, dust mites and their droppings without noticing visually. Therefore, the best way of solving the problem is to wash and change sheets frequently, replace old pillows and mattresses regularly, or get a hypo-allergic, natural mattress cover.

Page 5: 春季清潔 環保健康秘決 - cchphealthplan.com › public_v1 › sites › default › ...• 如果你有反復的感冒或上呼吸道感染, 這也許意味 著你有未知的過敏或免疫缺陷病;

We are united in the mission to promote the health and wellness of the communities served by Chinese Hospital and clinics, Chinese Community Health Care Association, Chinese Community Health Resource Center and Chinese Community Health Plan. This quarterly newsletter highlights health topics and programs that may be important to you, your family or someone you care about. Your health is not static and this newsletter shouldn’t be either. Please read, enjoy, participate in our programs and pass it along when done. If you would like additional copies or to be removed from our mailings, please call 415-955-8800 x 3313 or email [email protected]. Available online at: cchphmo.com/newsletter.html and cchrchealth.org

About this Community Health Newsletter

Taking care of a newborn begins well before the baby is born. Pregnant mothers and fathers do their very best to stay healthy, eat well, sleep well and not smoke or drink alcohol. Mothers know how important it is to have prenatal care visits with their OB/GYN doctors every step of the pregnancy. But how many new families realize that a prenatal visit with a pediatrician is also important before the baby is born?

At the Chinese Hospital Neighbor Clinics, this prenatal visit with the pediatrician is complimentary for new and existing patients. Attending a prenatal visit will allow the parents to choose a pediatrician before the baby is born. It is a wonderful chance to meet and get to know a doctor specifically for your baby. Once the baby is born, the doctor is already a familiar face. A pediatrician who meets a family before the baby is born learns about the family’s needs, knows any pertinent medical history that affects the baby’s newborn care and helps teach the family how to prepare for the birth of their child. If the baby needs extra care after the birth, being acquainted with the pediatrician beforehand allows for a comforting presence during a time of stress.

A pediatric prenatal class is a 45-minute class which discusses information that helps a new family prepare for the exciting days after the birth of a newborn. You have the chance to learn important issues such as how to monitor a newborns feedings, soiled diapers, weight changes and skin changes. A free prenatal class is available at both Daly City Health Services and at Excelsior Health Services for expectant parents.

Dr. Lyra Ng – PeDiatriciaN DaLy city HeaLtH Service 650-991-8883 exceLSior HeatLH ServiceS 415-677-2488

You may be living with allergic symptoms without realizing it. Typical symptoms include : sneezing, itchy and runny nose with clear or colored nasal discharge, nasal congestion, sinus pressure or pain, frequent sinus infections, headaches, itching, and red/ tearing eyes. Allergies may also give rise to itchy ears, ear-plugging, fluid buildup behind the eardrums accompanied by pain, decreased hearing, ringing ears and sometimes dizziness.

Allergies may also cause an itchy or sore throat, a “foreign body” sensation in the back of the throat leading to constant throat-clearing, and even chronic cough. These symptoms are the result of “postnasal drip” caused by allergies. Your body will naturally try to remove this substance by coughing, preventing it from dripping down into your lungs, which may cause pneumonia. Last but not least, allergies may give rise to asthmatic symptoms (chest-tightness, wheezing, and trouble breathing) leading to asthma exacerbation, suffocation, and in severe cases, even death.

How do you know whether you have allergies versus a regular cold or viral infection? Here are some tips that can help you tell the difference:

• Fever: viral infection (or “cold”) is usually accompanied by fever, whereas allergy does not unless your sinuses get infected.

• Nasal discharge: allergies usually give clear watery discharge, accompanied by nasal itching, whereas viral infection usually produce yellow-greenish discharge before it resolves, and without itchiness of the noses.

• Natural courses: viral infections usually recover within 7-10 days. Allergies can be recurrent and linger on for months or the whole year without anyone else around you necessarily having same symptoms.

• Concurrent symptoms: viral infections also give rise to malaise, muscle or body ache, nausea or vomiting, and diarrhea. Whereas nasal allergy usually do not result in gastrointestinal symptoms, unless you ingest food that you are allergic to.

Consider seeing an allergist if you have any of the following:

• Frequent “cold” symptoms without fever or signs of viral infection,

• Obvious triggers to your allergy symptoms such as exposure to certain animals or dusty environments,

• A pattern to your symptoms, such as sneezing a lot first thing in the morning, or seasonality (like every spring or summer),

• Chronic coughing without a clear reason,

• Asthma concurrent with symptoms of allergy,

• Previously told you have nasal polyps with your allergy,

• Frequent upper respiratory infections (this may indicate an underlying allergy or immunodeficiency), or

• You know you have allergic reactions, and do not want to take medications for the rest of your life.

There are two ways to treat your allergy. While common anti-allergy medications including anti-histamine (Claritin, Zyrtec, Allegra), anti-leukotriene (Singulair), and nasal corticosteroid (such as Flonase, Nasonex), they only relieve your symptoms with an efficacy ranging from 30-40% with the former two and 50-60% with nasal steroid. Such medications do not get rid of your allergy. Allergy shots offer 80-90% efficacy for reducing allergy symptoms, and are the only treatment modality available so far that can transform an individual from being an allergic person to a non-allergic person. Treatments usually requires 2-3 years to reach full effect.

Dr. Roger Wang, is an Allergy and Rheumatology Specialist and a member physician of Chinese Community Health Care Association. His office is located at 950 Stockton St., #399, San Francisco, CA 94108, you may reach him at (415) 677-0901.

Taking Care of Babies before They Are Born

Chinese hospital & CliniCs

How do you know that you have an allergy? Chinese Hospital, CCHP and the Chinatown YMCA are proud to team up as your partners in health and wellness. Starting in 2011, we co-sponsor a number of health and fitness classes, which are free to all CCHP members, and offered at the beautiful

new Chinatown YMCA building on Sacramento Street.

Join us taking active strides together toward a long and flourishing future.

Cleaning Tips for a Healthy SpringSpring is here! For many people, it is tradition to start the New Year fresh by cleaning and de-cluttering the house. Here are some tips on enhancing your cleaning process, making your living space better for your health and the environment.

NaturaL cLeaNiNg SuPPLieS:Instead of using the cleaning products that are loaded with toxic chemicals, you may achieve similar or even better results (with only a fraction of the price) by using some of the alternative non-toxic, organic methods with some of your kitchen staples, such as vinegar, baking soda, and hot water. Lemons can be used as an all-purpose stain remover and bleacher. Surprisingly, beer can also be used for polishing wood furniture, removing stains, as well as polishing gold jewelry.

MoLD PreveNtioN:Molds are microscopic life forms that can be found anywhere as long as there is moisture and oxygen. They are harmful to health by potentially causing allergic reactions, headaches, dizziness, and severe asthma and may also lead to property damage. They should be removed as soon as possible to prevent more from growing. The key is to control moisture by drying out any damp surfaces, fixing any leaks in plumbing and roofs. In addition, always make sure that rooms are well ventilated and invest a dehumidifier to keep the room free from moisture. Lastly, always wear rubber gloves and a quality mask when removing mold.

SLeeP QuaLity iMProveMeNt:Many people complain about insomnia or not feeling fully rested after a night of sleep. These can be attributed to a number of reasons, but here are ways that can improve the quality of your rest. It is recommended to paint the bedroom walls with a low or no Volatile Organic Compounds (VOC) paint, or use a clay plaster that produces negative ions to increase the flow of oxygen to the brain. Moreover, old mattresses and pillows are home to a lot of bed bugs, dust mites and their droppings without noticing visually. Therefore, the best way of solving the problem is to wash and change sheets frequently, replace old pillows and mattresses regularly, or get a hypo-allergic, natural mattress cover.

Page 6: 春季清潔 環保健康秘決 - cchphealthplan.com › public_v1 › sites › default › ...• 如果你有反復的感冒或上呼吸道感染, 這也許意味 著你有未知的過敏或免疫缺陷病;

We are united in the mission to promote the health and wellness of the communities served by Chinese Hospital and clinics, Chinese Community Health Care Association, Chinese Community Health Resource Center and Chinese Community Health Plan. This quarterly newsletter highlights health topics and programs that may be important to you, your family or someone you care about. Your health is not static and this newsletter shouldn’t be either. Please read, enjoy, participate in our programs and pass it along when done. If you would like additional copies or to be removed from our mailings, please call 415-955-8800 x 3313 or email [email protected]. Available online at: cchphmo.com/newsletter.html and cchrchealth.org

About this Community Health Newsletter

Taking care of a newborn begins well before the baby is born. Pregnant mothers and fathers do their very best to stay healthy, eat well, sleep well and not smoke or drink alcohol. Mothers know how important it is to have prenatal care visits with their OB/GYN doctors every step of the pregnancy. But how many new families realize that a prenatal visit with a pediatrician is also important before the baby is born?

At the Chinese Hospital Neighbor Clinics, this prenatal visit with the pediatrician is complimentary for new and existing patients. Attending a prenatal visit will allow the parents to choose a pediatrician before the baby is born. It is a wonderful chance to meet and get to know a doctor specifically for your baby. Once the baby is born, the doctor is already a familiar face. A pediatrician who meets a family before the baby is born learns about the family’s needs, knows any pertinent medical history that affects the baby’s newborn care and helps teach the family how to prepare for the birth of their child. If the baby needs extra care after the birth, being acquainted with the pediatrician beforehand allows for a comforting presence during a time of stress.

A pediatric prenatal class is a 45-minute class which discusses information that helps a new family prepare for the exciting days after the birth of a newborn. You have the chance to learn important issues such as how to monitor a newborns feedings, soiled diapers, weight changes and skin changes. A free prenatal class is available at both Daly City Health Services and at Excelsior Health Services for expectant parents.

Dr. Lyra Ng – PeDiatriciaN DaLy city HeaLtH Service 650-991-8883 exceLSior HeatLH ServiceS 415-677-2488

You may be living with allergic symptoms without realizing it. Typical symptoms include : sneezing, itchy and runny nose with clear or colored nasal discharge, nasal congestion, sinus pressure or pain, frequent sinus infections, headaches, itching, and red/ tearing eyes. Allergies may also give rise to itchy ears, ear-plugging, fluid buildup behind the eardrums accompanied by pain, decreased hearing, ringing ears and sometimes dizziness.

Allergies may also cause an itchy or sore throat, a “foreign body” sensation in the back of the throat leading to constant throat-clearing, and even chronic cough. These symptoms are the result of “postnasal drip” caused by allergies. Your body will naturally try to remove this substance by coughing, preventing it from dripping down into your lungs, which may cause pneumonia. Last but not least, allergies may give rise to asthmatic symptoms (chest-tightness, wheezing, and trouble breathing) leading to asthma exacerbation, suffocation, and in severe cases, even death.

How do you know whether you have allergies versus a regular cold or viral infection? Here are some tips that can help you tell the difference:

• Fever: viral infection (or “cold”) is usually accompanied by fever, whereas allergy does not unless your sinuses get infected.

• Nasal discharge: allergies usually give clear watery discharge, accompanied by nasal itching, whereas viral infection usually produce yellow-greenish discharge before it resolves, and without itchiness of the noses.

• Natural courses: viral infections usually recover within 7-10 days. Allergies can be recurrent and linger on for months or the whole year without anyone else around you necessarily having same symptoms.

• Concurrent symptoms: viral infections also give rise to malaise, muscle or body ache, nausea or vomiting, and diarrhea. Whereas nasal allergy usually do not result in gastrointestinal symptoms, unless you ingest food that you are allergic to.

Consider seeing an allergist if you have any of the following:

• Frequent “cold” symptoms without fever or signs of viral infection,

• Obvious triggers to your allergy symptoms such as exposure to certain animals or dusty environments,

• A pattern to your symptoms, such as sneezing a lot first thing in the morning, or seasonality (like every spring or summer),

• Chronic coughing without a clear reason,

• Asthma concurrent with symptoms of allergy,

• Previously told you have nasal polyps with your allergy,

• Frequent upper respiratory infections (this may indicate an underlying allergy or immunodeficiency), or

• You know you have allergic reactions, and do not want to take medications for the rest of your life.

There are two ways to treat your allergy. While common anti-allergy medications including anti-histamine (Claritin, Zyrtec, Allegra), anti-leukotriene (Singulair), and nasal corticosteroid (such as Flonase, Nasonex), they only relieve your symptoms with an efficacy ranging from 30-40% with the former two and 50-60% with nasal steroid. Such medications do not get rid of your allergy. Allergy shots offer 80-90% efficacy for reducing allergy symptoms, and are the only treatment modality available so far that can transform an individual from being an allergic person to a non-allergic person. Treatments usually requires 2-3 years to reach full effect.

Dr. Roger Wang, is an Allergy and Rheumatology Specialist and a member physician of Chinese Community Health Care Association. His office is located at 950 Stockton St., #399, San Francisco, CA 94108, you may reach him at (415) 677-0901.

Taking Care of Babies before They Are Born

Chinese hospital & CliniCs

How do you know that you have an allergy? Chinese Hospital, CCHP and the Chinatown YMCA are proud to team up as your partners in health and wellness. Starting in 2011, we co-sponsor a number of health and fitness classes, which are free to all CCHP members, and offered at the beautiful

new Chinatown YMCA building on Sacramento Street.

Join us taking active strides together toward a long and flourishing future.

Cleaning Tips for a Healthy SpringSpring is here! For many people, it is tradition to start the New Year fresh by cleaning and de-cluttering the house. Here are some tips on enhancing your cleaning process, making your living space better for your health and the environment.

NaturaL cLeaNiNg SuPPLieS:Instead of using the cleaning products that are loaded with toxic chemicals, you may achieve similar or even better results (with only a fraction of the price) by using some of the alternative non-toxic, organic methods with some of your kitchen staples, such as vinegar, baking soda, and hot water. Lemons can be used as an all-purpose stain remover and bleacher. Surprisingly, beer can also be used for polishing wood furniture, removing stains, as well as polishing gold jewelry.

MoLD PreveNtioN:Molds are microscopic life forms that can be found anywhere as long as there is moisture and oxygen. They are harmful to health by potentially causing allergic reactions, headaches, dizziness, and severe asthma and may also lead to property damage. They should be removed as soon as possible to prevent more from growing. The key is to control moisture by drying out any damp surfaces, fixing any leaks in plumbing and roofs. In addition, always make sure that rooms are well ventilated and invest a dehumidifier to keep the room free from moisture. Lastly, always wear rubber gloves and a quality mask when removing mold.

SLeeP QuaLity iMProveMeNt:Many people complain about insomnia or not feeling fully rested after a night of sleep. These can be attributed to a number of reasons, but here are ways that can improve the quality of your rest. It is recommended to paint the bedroom walls with a low or no Volatile Organic Compounds (VOC) paint, or use a clay plaster that produces negative ions to increase the flow of oxygen to the brain. Moreover, old mattresses and pillows are home to a lot of bed bugs, dust mites and their droppings without noticing visually. Therefore, the best way of solving the problem is to wash and change sheets frequently, replace old pillows and mattresses regularly, or get a hypo-allergic, natural mattress cover.