Мартин Оссееварде"bishkek, go eco! - перспективы устойчивого...


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Мартин Оссееварде"Bishkek, go ECO! - перспективы устойчивого развития для города"



2. Presentation Overview Who I am What an ECO-City is Why go there?The Benefits Example:Transportation, Water How to GetThere 3. Economist with Minor in Public Administration Assistant Professor of Sustainable Development at AUCA Born in the Netherlands, in Bishkek since 1998 Who I am 4. ECO-City is a Way of Life A city that maximises long-term well-being for all groups of citizens within ecological limits. Social Economic Environmental http://www.burohappold.com/thelivingcity/the-living-city-model/ 5. Eco-City Criteria 1. Supports local agriculture & resources 2. Efficient energy use with maximum RET 3. Transport prioritises walking, cycling, and mass transit (bus/rail) 4. Resource efficient: Reduce, Reuse, Recycling 5. Affordable housing for all income groups 6. Restores environmentally damaged areas 7. Promotes voluntary simplicity in lifestyle 6. Why? Benefits Integrated vision improves outcomes for all areas of urban services, ex. MEEP Pro-active policies address root causes, ex. waste Wise resource management prevents crises, ex. water Stakeholder involvement raises acceptance of city policies Win-win solutions allow progress without high social cost (Curitiba) 7. Which Cities Are Leading? Melbourne, Australia Bogota, Colombia Curitiba, Brazil Rizhao, China Freiburg, Germany Ahmedabad, India San Francisco, USA ECO-info centre 8. Focus on Bishkek Energy Transport Food Water Waste 9. Think Link! Buildings Public Spaces -Travel Schools, offices, shopping malls high travel demand high risk of congestion Axial Development Model Zoning: high visitor facilities only near fast, frequent, high-capacity public transport URBS = PublicTransport Agency 3Types: Axis buses, Direct buses, Feeder routes Curitiba, Brazil 10. Sustainable Transportation Solutions: Unified bus network with public-private participation Standard bus fare Safe cycling & walking Parking restrictions Safe streets & intersections The Problem: Overuse of cars poor access Wide streets invite speeding Hazards & Road Rage Metrobus or Optibus 11. Guayaquil, Equador MetroBus in Pictures http://www.skyscrapercity.com/showthread.php?t=498176 Capital Cost: $2 mln/ km 12. Managing our Water Solutions: Reduce leakage Build awareness of the real water issue Speed up metering Differentiate water fee: basic + luxury usage Drip irrigation for parks The Problem: Overuse of non-renewable resource Due to lack of incentives to save Crisis and conflict 13. Greening the City Deep Change 1. Create a sense of urgency 2. Establish guiding coalition 3. Make the ECO- vision! 4. Communicate it widely in words and actions 5. Enable stakeholders to effect the change 6. Plan short-term wins 7. Reinforce the gains 8. Anchor in org culture Source: J.Kotter, Leading Change, Harvard 1996 14. ECO-city is not a trick, but a way of life Eco-cities worldwide have visionary leaders who walk the talk Their guiding coalition are willing to take risks and learn as they go They involve their citizens in planning and implementing the citys sustainable future Wealth helps, but political will and planning are more important Technical expertise and financial support may be drawn from a range of international organisations and specialised NGOs Summary & Conclusion 15. Resources: Asian Green City Index, Economist Intelligence Unit with support from Siemens, Munich 2011, www.siemens.com/greencityindex GoingGreen. How Cities Are Leading the Next Economy, LSE/ ICLEI/GGGI, Bonn/Copenhagen/London 2012 Guidelines for Developing Eco-efficient and Socially Inclusive Infrastructure, United Nations 2011 Videos on Curitiba: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RiwiyuZH3qY https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7nyu-SgAkAo https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i2nOHTc4qDM Assistance: InternationalCouncil for Local Environmental Initiatives (ICLEI) Thank You for Your Attention!