: american legion jyl m/trs. thompson jvfm/fxs....

: AMERICAN LEGION | / HEAD GIVES ' .DINNER . * Vice President and Mrs. Cool- idge, General Pershing, .tart Other notables Entertaineo by Commander H. J. Ryan. By EVELYN C. HINT. . *7ICE PRESIDENT aJjD MRS. ? * COOLIDGE were among the , guests of Henry J. Ryan. District Cummandfr of the American -Le¬ gion who entertained at dinner last evening at Wardman Park Hotel.. / His guests Included. General Pershing. Senator and Mrs. Mor¬ ris Hheppard, Oen. and Mrs. C. K. Kawyer. Cof. Ahrin M. Owsiey, national «ommander of the le¬ gion: John T. Taggart. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas O. Marvin. Mrs. Walter Content, Mr. and Mrs. 'Charles Cramer, and Dr. and Mrs. Stanley M. Rinehart. . M . rE German Anf^assador and Mme. Wledfeldt left yesterday for New York to remain for a few j days. _ . # . Mjs. H. Wilfred DuPuy will en- | tertan at dinner this evening in | compliment to Lady Henry, ^bo i will arrive here today. There will be twenty-four covers. Mrs. DuPuy's mother. Mrs. Alexander Ramsay Thompson, of Penn Tan. X. Y.. will spend the Christmas holidays and the month # of January as the guest of her I 4 daughter. 1 I- Mrs. George Mesta will enter¬ tain at luncheon on December 23 In compliment to her cousin. Miss Helen Husted. . . . Mrs. Williajn F. Dennis will en¬ tertain at tea Monday afternoon. . . . ^yARREN F. MARTIN was host at dinner last evening at the Hamilton Hotel. . . . Representative and Mrs. Harry E. Hull will entertain at supper at Wardman Park Hotel New Year's Eve. . . . Count and Countess von Lev- Insky have had as their guests In their apartment at the Cairo for several days Mr. and Mrs. M. Curtis, of New York, who return¬ ed to their home last evening. Count von Levinsky is a mem¬ ber of the German Claims Com¬ mission. . .. Mrs. Samuel Winslow has re¬ turned from Boston to Join her husband. Representative Winslow. after an extended absence. . . . The Military Oj^ler of the World War entertained at lunch¬ eon yesterday at the Army and Navy Club. / . . . Mr. Janssen. of Bremen, Ger¬ many. has arrived- in Washington to be on the staff of the German Claims Commission. . . . Mrs. E. B. Chase entertained a party of six at luncheon at the Shoreham yesterdav. JUAN FRANCISCO DE CAR- " DENAS. counselor of the Spanish embassy, had guests lunching with him yesterday at the Hamilton Hotel. Mr. Mlschler. private secretary to Chief Justice Taft. and Mrs. Mischler have taken an apart¬ ment at Wardman Park Hotel for the winter. Mrs. Stephen B. Elkins enter¬ tain#^ at dinner Tuesday even¬ ing in rompllment to Mrs. White- law R*id and Mrs. Edward A. Harriman. . .. Mrs. Thomas F. Walsh will be the guest of honor at a luncheon to be given today in the palm room of th#» Willard. with Mrs. Frank S. Hlght as hostess. The company will include Mrs. Thomas Riley Marshall. Mrs. #T. DeWitt Talmage. Mrs. George Mesta. Mrs. Ord Pres¬ ton. Mrs. John Allen Dougherty, Mrs. William M. Calder. Mrs. Wil- lam Bailey Umar. Mrs. C. C. Mc- Chord. Mrs. Mark Sullivan and Mrs. T. T. Ansberry. . . . 1>EAR ADMIRAL AND MRS. *v WILLIAM FULLAM will en¬ tertain at a luncheon today at the Hamilton Hotel In compliment to Mrs. Elisha Dvei>- . . . Mrs. Mary Roberts Rinehart will be the honor guest at the Arts Club reception tomorrow after¬ noon. . . . Col. and Mrs. John Hull enter¬ tained at dinner last evening in compliment to Mrs. John Allen Dougherty. Afterwards the party attended Mrs. Walsh's dance. . . . Col. and Mrs. Charles B. Drake entertained several guest* at din¬ ner last evening preceding the dan«e at Mrs. Walsh's. . . . Capt. William McK. Dunn. 1". S. N.. and Mrs. Dunn are at the Shoreham. . . . Representative and Mrs. Edgar R. Kiess of Williamsport. Pa., have taken a suite at the Lee House for the winter. Young Women Give Dance At Old Chinese House ^PHE young women of St. John's -*¦ Norwood Parish. Bethesda, gave a dance at the old Chinese House in Watkkis avenue. Bethea¬ rt i. last evening. The younger married set acted as chaperones. They included Mr. snd Mrs. John Mann. Mr. and Mrs. Winsor Offutt. Mr. and Mrs. M. Wilson Offutt. Mr. and Mrs. Morti- ' mer Counselman and Mr. and Mrs. George A. Sack£. . , I M/TRS. REED, wife of Senator James ^ Rfied of JYl Missouri. They recently returned to Washing¬ ton, coming by motor, dfter spending some lime at their home in Kansas City where theSfnator was victorious in the last elections. > Society Notes llfRS. JOHN R. WILLIAMS is moving into her new home, 1531 New Hampshire avenue. She has been staying with hei* daugh¬ ter, Mrs. Joseph Leiter while the house has been In process of re¬ modeling and redecorfction. . . Mrs. Clarence Richmond Day had a small company lunching with her yesterday at the Shore- ham. . . . Mrs. J. Wesley Cardwell enter¬ tained at luncheon yesterday, fol¬ lowed by bridge in honor of Miss Asenath Co* and Miss Josephine Willlford. The other guests were Mrs. Matthe^ A. De Lanay, Mrs. Charles Clay Bayly. Mrs. Charels Nelson Riker, Mrs. John Mac- Atee, Mrs. H. M. Slater, Mrs. Field Harris. Miss Catherine Letts, Miss Elizabeth Zolnay and Miss Annette Ashford. . . . Mr. and Mrs. Chdries Warren have as their guest Mrs. War¬ ren's father, William H. Bliss. Mr. Bliss, will go to New York shortly to Join Mrs. Bliss, and they will return to California where they now make their home. Miss Alice Harriman and Miss Louise Lacey will be at home at 1306 Connecticut avenue this aft¬ ernoon for the last time this year. After January 1 they will receive on Tuesday afternoons. They will be assisted today by the Marquise dl Bernezzo, Mrs. Walter Schoel- kopf. Mrs. John C. Fremont, Miss Matilda Mellon. Mrs. Luther Mott, Mrs. P. Lee Phillips, Miss Ruth Hitchcock and Miss Louise Thorne. . . . Norval Richardson, who has been attached at our embassy at Tokyo, is^n Washington. Wife of Lieut. Price To Motor to Capital' MRS GEOROE D PRICE, wife of Lieutenant Price. U. S. N., who has been in Philadelphia for a month, will leave there the first of the week to motor to Washing¬ ton. accompanied by her mother, Mrs. Elizabeth R. Walmsley, who has been visiting her. Lieutenant Price, who will go to Norfolk, will join them here about December 23. Lieutenant and Mrs. Price will spend Christmas with his parents. Judge and Mrs. CJeorge Prica in Charleston, W. Va.. re¬ turning to Washington about Janu¬ ary 1. Mrs. Walmsley will spend Christmas and the rest of the win¬ ter at l^ake Placid, where Mrs. Price will join her early in Janu¬ ary when Lieutenant Price returns to Norfolk. Lieutenant and Mrs. Pri<*e will go to Panama eai*ly in February. Ramsay win sell you the Most Reliable Watches, Diamonds, Chime Clocks, Jewelry, Etc., i»t the lowest prices In Washing¬ ton. floods In id aside for Xmas. Ramsay's Watch Shop, ISIS r STREET N. W. ySTEW BEDS AND BEDDIIfta 344 .'V "S BEDS AND BEDDIffi^ MATTRESSES $r> ... RENOVATED < *JL ft REMADE U We Guarantee Absolute Satlsfacttoa. Dorothy Warren Makes Her Debut . » IfR1 AND MRS. BATES WAR- RE>» entertained at a recep¬ tion yesterday afternoon at 202# Connecticut avenue, to present their daughter. Miss Dorothy War¬ ren, to society. Mrs. Warren and Misa Warren were assisted in re¬ ceiving by Miss Frances Wright, niece of the hostess, and a group of the prettiest of the season's buds in the receiving party. Miss Warren wore a gown of soft whit© satin trimmed with old lace and ermine and Mrs. Warren's gown was of pale green and silver brocade. Miss Wright wore Jade preen "velvet. All three ladies car¬ ried flowers and took their stand at the entrance to the big library before a screen on which were ar- ran^pd the flowers sent the popu¬ lar debutante. * Mrs. Warren was assisted by her mother, Mrs. John Hughes Bell. Mrs. J. D. Wright. Mrs. Charles A. Douglass, Mrs. S. H. Kondrup. Mrs. Parker Jones and Mrs. William F. Dennis. The girls assisting were Miss I.jaura Bryn, Miss Helen Campbell, Miss Catherine Radcliffe. Miss Louise Anderson. Miss Virginia Selden, Miss Alice Milburn, Miss Catherine Weller, Miss Margaret Sutherland, Miss Virginia Ed¬ wards, Miss Evelyn Wadsworth. Miss Nina Lunn, Miss Colbert. Miss Virginia Hume and Miss Eliz¬ abeth Bryant. Mr. and Mr^-^STarren will give a ball for Vtheir daughter on De¬ cember 22 at Rauscher's. Visiting Nieces Here. Miss H. Lark in, of Chicago, has Joined her nieces, the Misses Ma- honey. at the T-.ee House for the Christmas holidays. Under New Management Royal Restaurant Chi#m and american Dishrs , A new Chinese American cook has just arrived from New York to give the patrons of this first-class restaurant real Chinese and American cooking. Special dinner for parties can be arranged with the manager at a mod¬ erate rate. Music and Dancing With al! new American musi. cians playing all the latest selec¬ tions. beginning Monday. Decem¬ ber nth. Cor. 9th and Pa. Ave. Phone Franklin 54*5. Devoted to High-class Food and Service. a Reception Special Lunch every day from II to 2 '40c 65c $1.25 Speiai Dinner from 6 to 8.... > Special Sunday Din* ner. 12 to 8.75c to THOMPSON GIVES SMART DINNER FOR 22 Delegates to Central American Conference qgd Wives Are Among Guests at Elaborate Function at Their Home. f*OL. AND MR8. ROBERT M. ^ THOMPSON entertained <> company of twenty-two at dinnei las tevenlng in honor of aoni> of the delegates to the Centre! American conference and the! wives. .' " Their guests were the Minister of Guatemala and Mme. Sanchez Latour, the C^iief Justice of Sal vador and Mme. Martinez Suarez 8em>? ZepeUa, former Minister o: Foreign Affairs of Nicaragua: Or Cordova, /Minister of Honduras in Salvador, and Miss Oorflova> the Counselor of' the Guatemala Leg" tlon and, Mme. Prem, Senor Oreo muno, delegate from Costa Rica: Senor Guerrero, Minister of Sal-, vador In Italy: Attorney Genera) Harry M. Daugherty, Herbert, Hoover. Secretary ®f Commerce; Senator and Mrs. Oscar Under¬ wood, the Undersecretary Of State and Mrs. William Phillips. Dr. and Mrs. David Jayne Hill. Representative and Mr*. Richard Wayne Parker, ~ Montgomery Schuyler, Amerioan minister lo Salvador, «nd Mrs. Schnyler: Sum¬ ner Welles, American delegate to the conference, and Mrs. WrllcA;. Mr*. James Carroll Frazer. Miss Mabel Board man, Mrs. Frederick Nellson, Miss Helen Patten and, Miss Margaret Harding. Mr. and Mrs. White entertain¬ ed the other 'delegates at din¬ ner.' their guests (including the Minister of Nicaragua and Mme. Chamorro, the Minister of Costa Rica and Mme. Beeche, Senor Ucles, delegate of Honduras; Se¬ nor Cardenas, delegate of Nicara¬ gua; Senor Toledo de Lopez, dele- Bft'e of Honduras, and Mme. To¬ ledo Lopez; Matthew E. Hanna, chief of the division of Mexican Affairs of the State Department, and Senorlta Adela Eurlquea. They later went to the heception which Col. and Mrs. Thompson Kave at their home, following their dinner party. A number of ad¬ ditional guests itere asked for the reception. Women to Give Musical. A musical, under the direction of Mrs. Gertrude Lyons, will be given at the Women's City Cub Monday evening. The artist* on the program are those of the Joseph Kaspar violin and pianr ensemble. M/fXS. LARfCti, who JVf be/ore her mar- riage to William L. Lar- kin jva8 Mist Georgian Anderson, daughter of Mr. and > Mrt. William Anderson of Gilbertsvillf, Masa. She was aH' Oc¬ tober bride. Bridal Couple Return F.rdm Niagara Falls Trip mfrR. and mrs. Samuel * PHILLIP PKLIi'KR will be at home after today at 1460 Clifton ¦traet, having returned from a ljpneymoon to Niagara Falls. Mrs. Feller, whji was Mias Ruth Cleve¬ land Alexander, wan married at the home of her parent*, Mr. and Mrs. Kppa II. t"olvin, 1427 R atreet northwest. December 6. The bride wore.a gown of white satin and Spanish lace. Mias Eliza¬ beth King, maid of honor, wore a gown of blue satin and georgette. The beat man was George B. Le Foe. - Miss Addie Souder played the wedding march. The out-of-town guexts were: Mr. and Mrs. Walter L. Alexander, Hyattsville. Md.; Mr. and Mrs. Albert L. Alexander and »on ljouis. Glenrarlyn. W: Mr. and Mrs. Howard T. Colvin. Alexan¬ dria. V«.: Mrs. C. K Clarke and dsiusrhter Lucille. Minnlevlllc, Va.; Ml>« Addie Soudei. Hrooklaitd. Md. u .r ^^"OVELTIES that appeal to dainty feminine tastes.are among the Gidding Christmas Suggestions. Unique earrings of carved jade . coral . crystal *nd marqulsite. Pearls for neck¬ laces or that may be wound about the wrist as bracelets. platinum and rhine- stone chains.cig¬ arette holders. Florentine powder boxes and rings. French Perfumes of subtle fragrance in at¬ tractive bottles. Prices have been revised to meet the approval of the holiday shopper. It \Ji APtnat- ft? "NfwNorh 010 H. STREET. N.W. o ptoutt shordum moten SPECIAL > For Saturday California Everlasting or Straw Flowers, for Holi¬ day Table Bou- ng quets, each v4jC Sweet Peas Violets $1.50 bunch .$1, 50 bunch Xmat Memorial Wreath (as pictured), Shipped Anywhere, $3jS0. Yuletide Candles, 50c to $5. 14th and H Phone Main 3707 City Club Plans Reception for Members' Wives W) VES of tbe members of the JT City Club will be the club's guests at an at-home reception December 27 from 4 to t o'clock, Charles Demo net. chairman of tbe club's house committee announced yesterday. '' Wives of the members of the "Ijjb's board of governors will re- . <-4ve at 4 p. m. after which a tea tutce will be held t in the main ft11 room AsA pert of the recep- iOn entertainment, thirty chil¬ dren Win participate in a Chris'. maatlde In the rsaspUon Una wfll be Mrs. Henry' E. Rriaitr. wife Of the president of the club; Mrs Claude H. Woodward. Mrs. T. Lincoln Townsend. Mr*. Roy L Neuhauser. Mrs. Chartea T. Clag- ett. Mrs. Charles F. Crane. Mrs. Charles Demonet, Mrs. E. C. Gra- him. Mrs. James R. Maya, Mrs. Claude W. Owen, Mia. Samuel J. Preacott. Mrs. M. D. Rosenberg. Mrs. Charles W. Semmes, Mrs. E. L. Stock and Mrs. F. P. Wil¬ cox At tha tea table will be Mra. Frederic B. Pyle. Mrs. Prank H. Bryson. Mrs. Paul B. I,um Mra. Percy H. Russell. Mra. Oscar A. Thorup. Mrs. W. C. Hanson. Mrs. John J. Boobar and Mrs. R B. Plankintsn. \ The clab Is' alao planning an elaborate New Tear's Eve sup¬ per dance, which will begin at 11 w St. wtt tola.*. at these bars Dinner Parties Precede Universal Alliance Ball A an t attaining at < Mrs. Patar A. Drury. who to a larva number peqpta in honor at Mies Catherine Wa«sr; Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Calhoun. "Whs had a compar; of twenty-fswr. with Mr. and Mrs Lew la Nixon, at Now Tar*, as the honor guest*, and Mrs. ) Wil¬ fred DuPuy. tertalned In her bos. Ubc Christmas Store t f t .' Big Christmas Sale Beautiful Dolls, $2.95 Every little girl may have her heart's fondest desire.a new dolly for Christmas . and every doll has moving eyes, curly hair, and jointed arms arid legs, and they even have little slippers and socks. Choose yours early, for they'll sell quickly at this remark¬ ably low price. Toy Store, Fourth floor. What to Give a Baby Warm Remembrances of Quilted Silk Will Be Enjoyed in Wintry Weather BABY BUNTINGS will keep them nice and warm when out riding in their carriages. Pink or blue ones, plain, $6; daintily embroidered. $7.50. CAIB OR CARRIAGE ROBES, of quilted Japanese silk, are lovely gifts, Rnd jnay be plain or em¬ broidered or colored sprays. $3.50 to $8.50. SHORT QUILTED SILK JACKETS, in pink or blue, frog trimmed, $3, and with dainty embroidery, $3.50. LONG QUILTED ROBES, in pink or blue, are daintily embroidered and piped in satin, $8. WHITE FUR-TOPPED QUILTED SILK CARRIAGE BOOTS come in white, pink or blue. $3.50 pair. Dainty Little Handmade Dresses .of exquisitely fine batistes, are edged at the neck with a bit of lace, beautifully embroidered in tiny sprays, hemstitched or feather-stitched, and some¬ times finished with very dainty rose point scallops. $1.25 to $12.50. Adorable Little Bonnets .of crepe de chine, faille silk or georgette crepe, are embroidered, ruffled, puffed and beribboned.to de¬ light the tiniest babv's vanity. In white or pale pink. $1.50 to $7.50. Beautiful Little Kimonos .of soft cream cashmere, crepe de chine or ere pell*, are satin bound, embroidered or edged with dainty scallops, with trimming touches in pink or blue. $3 to $15. Crocheted Woolen Sacques. $1 to $4.50. Bootees, of wool, 50c to $1 pair. Dainty Kid Moccasins, $1.25 pair. Little Hand-painted Celluloid Toilet Sets, $1 to $3.50. Carriage Clamps, will hold baby's carriage robe hi place, 75c pair. Ribbon Rosettes, in blue or pink, 75e for two. Tiny French Flower Pins, 25c pair. Infant Sectloo, Fourth floor. \

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Page 1: : AMERICAN LEGION JYl M/TRS. THOMPSON JVfM/fXS. …chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83045433/1922-12-16/ed-1/seq-8.pdf · Kaveat their home, following their dinner party. A number




Vice President and Mrs. Cool-idge, General Pershing, .tartOther notables Entertaineoby Commander H. J. Ryan.


*7ICE PRESIDENT aJjD MRS.? * COOLIDGE were among the

, guests of Henry J. Ryan. DistrictCummandfr of the American -Le¬gion who entertained at dinnerlast evening at Wardman ParkHotel../ His guests Included. GeneralPershing. Senator and Mrs. Mor¬ris Hheppard, Oen. and Mrs. C. K.Kawyer. Cof. Ahrin M. Owsiey,national «ommander of the le¬gion: John T. Taggart. Mr. andMrs. Thomas O. Marvin. Mrs.Walter Content, Mr. and Mrs.'Charles Cramer, and Dr. and Mrs.

Stanley M. Rinehart.. M .

rE German Anf^assador andMme. Wledfeldt left yesterday

for New York to remain for a few

j days. _

. # .

Mjs. H. Wilfred DuPuy will en-

| tertan at dinner this evening in

| compliment to Lady Henry, ^boi will arrive here today. There will

be twenty-four covers.Mrs. DuPuy's mother. Mrs.

Alexander Ramsay Thompson, ofPenn Tan. X. Y.. will spend theChristmas holidays and the month

# of January as the guest of her I4 daughter. 1


Mrs. George Mesta will enter¬tain at luncheon on December 23In compliment to her cousin. MissHelen Husted.

. . .

Mrs. Williajn F. Dennis will en¬

tertain at tea Monday afternoon.. . .


host at dinner last eveningat the Hamilton Hotel.

. . .

Representative and Mrs. HarryE. Hull will entertain at supperat Wardman Park Hotel NewYear's Eve.

. . .

Count and Countess von Lev-Insky have had as their guestsIn their apartment at the Cairofor several days Mr. and Mrs. M.Curtis, of New York, who return¬ed to their home last evening.Count von Levinsky is a mem¬

ber of the German Claims Com¬mission.

. . .

Mrs. Samuel Winslow has re¬

turned from Boston to Join herhusband. Representative Winslow.after an extended absence.

. . .

The Military Oj^ler of theWorld War entertained at lunch¬eon yesterday at the Army andNavy Club.

/ . . .

Mr. Janssen. of Bremen, Ger¬many. has arrived- in Washingtonto be on the staff of the GermanClaims Commission.

. . .

Mrs. E. B. Chase entertained aparty of six at luncheon at theShoreham yesterdav.

JUAN FRANCISCO DE CAR-" DENAS. counselor of theSpanish embassy, had guestslunching with him yesterday atthe Hamilton Hotel.

Mr. Mlschler. private secretaryto Chief Justice Taft. and Mrs.Mischler have taken an apart¬ment at Wardman Park Hotel forthe winter.

Mrs. Stephen B. Elkins enter¬tain#^ at dinner Tuesday even¬ing in rompllment to Mrs. White-law R*id and Mrs. Edward A.Harriman.

. . .

Mrs. Thomas F. Walsh will bethe guest of honor at a luncheonto be given today in the palm roomof th#» Willard. with Mrs. Frank S.Hlght as hostess. The companywill include Mrs. Thomas RileyMarshall. Mrs. #T. DeWitt Talmage.Mrs. George Mesta. Mrs. Ord Pres¬ton. Mrs. John Allen Dougherty,Mrs. William M. Calder. Mrs. Wil-lam Bailey Umar. Mrs. C. C. Mc-Chord. Mrs. Mark Sullivan andMrs. T. T. Ansberry.

. . .

1>EAR ADMIRAL AND MRS.*v WILLIAM FULLAM will en¬tertain at a luncheon today at theHamilton Hotel In compliment toMrs. Elisha Dvei>-

. . .

Mrs. Mary Roberts Rinehartwill be the honor guest at the ArtsClub reception tomorrow after¬noon.

. . .

Col. and Mrs. John Hull enter¬tained at dinner last evening incompliment to Mrs. John AllenDougherty. Afterwards the partyattended Mrs. Walsh's dance.

. . .

Col. and Mrs. Charles B. Drakeentertained several guest* at din¬ner last evening preceding thedan«e at Mrs. Walsh's.

. . .

Capt. William McK. Dunn. 1".S. N.. and Mrs. Dunn are at theShoreham.

. . .

Representative and Mrs. EdgarR. Kiess of Williamsport. Pa.,have taken a suite at the LeeHouse for the winter.

Young Women Give DanceAt Old Chinese House

^PHE young women of St. John's-*¦ Norwood Parish. Bethesda,gave a dance at the old ChineseHouse in Watkkis avenue. Bethea¬rt i. last evening.The younger married set acted

as chaperones. They included Mr.snd Mrs. John Mann. Mr. and Mrs.Winsor Offutt. Mr. and Mrs. M.Wilson Offutt. Mr. and Mrs. Morti- 'mer Counselman and Mr. and Mrs.George A. Sack£. .



M/TRS. REED, wife of Senator James ^ Rfied ofJYl Missouri. They recently returned to Washing¬ton, coming by motor, dfter spending some lime at theirhome in Kansas City where theSfnator was victoriousin the last elections. >

Society NotesllfRS. JOHN R. WILLIAMS is

moving into her new home,1531 New Hampshire avenue. Shehas been staying with hei* daugh¬ter, Mrs. Joseph Leiter while thehouse has been In process of re¬modeling and redecorfction.

. .

Mrs. Clarence Richmond Dayhad a small company lunchingwith her yesterday at the Shore-ham.

. . .

Mrs. J. Wesley Cardwell enter¬tained at luncheon yesterday, fol¬lowed by bridge in honor of MissAsenath Co* and Miss JosephineWilllford. The other guests wereMrs. Matthe^ A. De Lanay, Mrs.Charles Clay Bayly. Mrs. CharelsNelson Riker, Mrs. John Mac-Atee, Mrs. H. M. Slater, Mrs.Field Harris. Miss CatherineLetts, Miss Elizabeth Zolnay andMiss Annette Ashford.

. . .

Mr. and Mrs. Chdries Warrenhave as their guest Mrs. War¬ren's father, William H. Bliss.Mr. Bliss, will go to New Yorkshortly to Join Mrs. Bliss, andthey will return to Californiawhere they now make their home.

Miss Alice Harriman and MissLouise Lacey will be at home at1306 Connecticut avenue this aft¬ernoon for the last time this year.After January 1 they will receiveon Tuesday afternoons. They willbe assisted today by the Marquisedl Bernezzo, Mrs. Walter Schoel-kopf. Mrs. John C. Fremont, MissMatilda Mellon. Mrs. Luther Mott,Mrs. P. Lee Phillips, Miss RuthHitchcock and Miss Louise Thorne.

. . .

Norval Richardson, who hasbeen attached at our embassy atTokyo, is^n Washington.

Wife of Lieut. PriceTo Motor to Capital'

MRS GEOROE D PRICE, wifeof Lieutenant Price. U. S. N.,

who has been in Philadelphia fora month, will leave there the firstof the week to motor to Washing¬ton. accompanied by her mother,Mrs. Elizabeth R. Walmsley, whohas been visiting her.Lieutenant Price, who will go to

Norfolk, will join them here aboutDecember 23. Lieutenant and Mrs.Price will spend Christmas withhis parents. Judge and Mrs. CJeorgePrica in Charleston, W. Va.. re¬turning to Washington about Janu¬ary 1. Mrs. Walmsley will spendChristmas and the rest of the win¬ter at l^ake Placid, where Mrs.Price will join her early in Janu¬ary when Lieutenant Price returnsto Norfolk. Lieutenant and Mrs.Pri<*e will go to Panama eai*ly inFebruary.

Ramsay win sell youthe Most ReliableWatches, Diamonds,Chime Clocks, Jewelry, Etc.,

i»t the lowest prices In Washing¬ton. floods In id aside for Xmas.

Ramsay's Watch Shop,ISIS r STREET N. W.


344.'V "S

BEDS AND BEDDIffi^MATTRESSES $r> ...RENOVATED < *JLft REMADE UWe Guarantee Absolute Satlsfacttoa.

Dorothy WarrenMakes Her Debut

. »

IfR1 AND MRS. BATES WAR-RE>» entertained at a recep¬

tion yesterday afternoon at 202#Connecticut avenue, to presenttheir daughter. Miss Dorothy War¬ren, to society. Mrs. Warren andMisa Warren were assisted in re¬

ceiving by Miss Frances Wright,niece of the hostess, and a groupof the prettiest of the season'sbuds in the receiving party.

Miss Warren wore a gown ofsoft whit© satin trimmed with oldlace and ermine and Mrs. Warren'sgown was of pale green and silverbrocade. Miss Wright wore Jadepreen "velvet. All three ladies car¬ried flowers and took their standat the entrance to the big librarybefore a screen on which were ar-

ran^pd the flowers sent the popu¬lar debutante. *

Mrs. Warren was assisted by hermother, Mrs. John Hughes Bell.Mrs. J. D. Wright. Mrs. CharlesA. Douglass, Mrs. S. H. Kondrup.Mrs. Parker Jones and Mrs.William F. Dennis.The girls assisting were Miss

I.jaura Bryn, Miss Helen Campbell,Miss Catherine Radcliffe. MissLouise Anderson. Miss VirginiaSelden, Miss Alice Milburn, MissCatherine Weller, Miss MargaretSutherland, Miss Virginia Ed¬wards, Miss Evelyn Wadsworth.Miss Nina Lunn, Miss Colbert.Miss Virginia Hume and Miss Eliz¬abeth Bryant.

Mr. and Mr^-^STarren will givea ball for Vtheir daughter on De¬cember 22 at Rauscher's.

Visiting Nieces Here.Miss H. Larkin, of Chicago, has

Joined her nieces, the Misses Ma-honey. at the T-.ee House forthe Christmas holidays.

Under New Management

Royal RestaurantChi#m and american

Dishrs ,

A new Chinese Americancook has just arrived fromNew York to give the patronsof this first-class restaurantreal Chinese and Americancooking. Special dinner forparties can be arrangedwith the manager at a mod¬erate rate.

Music and DancingWith al! new American musi.

cians playing all the latest selec¬tions. beginning Monday. Decem¬ber nth.

Cor. 9th and Pa. Ave.Phone Franklin 54*5.

Devoted to High-class Foodand Service.

a Reception

Special Lunch every dayfrom II to 2 '40c


Speiai Dinner from6 to 8.... >

Special Sunday Din*ner. 12 to 8.75c to


FOR 22Delegates to Central AmericanConference qgd Wives AreAmong Guests at ElaborateFunction at Their Home.

f*OL. AND MR8. ROBERT M.^ THOMPSON entertained <>

company of twenty-two at dinneilas tevenlng in honor of aoni>of the delegates to the Centre!American conference and the!wives. .' "

Their guests were the Ministerof Guatemala and Mme. SanchezLatour, the C^iief Justice of Salvador and Mme. Martinez Suarez8em>? ZepeUa, former Minister o:Foreign Affairs of Nicaragua: OrCordova, /Minister of Honduras inSalvador, and Miss Oorflova> theCounselor of' the Guatemala Leg"tlon and, Mme. Prem, Senor Oreomuno, delegate from Costa Rica:Senor Guerrero, Minister of Sal-,vador In Italy: Attorney Genera)Harry M. Daugherty, Herbert,Hoover. Secretary ®f Commerce;Senator and Mrs. Oscar Under¬wood, the Undersecretary OfState and Mrs. William Phillips.Dr. and Mrs. David Jayne Hill.Representative and Mr*. RichardWayne Parker, ~ MontgomerySchuyler, Amerioan minister loSalvador, «nd Mrs. Schnyler: Sum¬ner Welles, American delegate tothe conference, and Mrs. WrllcA;.Mr*. James Carroll Frazer. MissMabel Boardman, Mrs. FrederickNellson, Miss Helen Patten and,Miss Margaret Harding.Mr. and Mrs. White entertain¬

ed the other 'delegates at din¬ner.' their guests (including theMinister of Nicaragua and Mme.Chamorro, the Minister of CostaRica and Mme. Beeche, SenorUcles, delegate of Honduras; Se¬nor Cardenas, delegate of Nicara¬gua; Senor Toledo de Lopez, dele-Bft'e of Honduras, and Mme. To¬ledo Lopez; Matthew E. Hanna,chief of the division of MexicanAffairs of the State Department,and Senorlta Adela Eurlquea.They later went to the heceptionwhich Col. and Mrs. ThompsonKave at their home, following theirdinner party. A number of ad¬ditional guests itere asked forthe reception.

Women to Give Musical.A musical, under the direction

of Mrs. Gertrude Lyons, will begiven at the Women's City CubMonday evening. The artist* onthe program are those of theJoseph Kaspar violin and pianrensemble.

M/fXS. LARfCti, whoJVf be/ore her mar-

riage to William L. Lar-kin jva8 Mist GeorgianAnderson, daughter ofMr. and > Mrt. WilliamAnderson of Gilbertsvillf,Masa. She was aH' Oc¬tober bride.

Bridal Couple ReturnF.rdm Niagara Falls TripmfrR. and mrs. Samuel* PHILLIP PKLIi'KR will be athome after today at 1460 Clifton¦traet, having returned from a

ljpneymoon to Niagara Falls. Mrs.Feller, whji was Mias Ruth Cleve¬land Alexander, wan married atthe home of her parent*, Mr. andMrs. Kppa II. t"olvin, 1427 R atreetnorthwest. December 6.The bride wore.a gown of white

satin and Spanish lace. Mias Eliza¬beth King, maid of honor, wore a

gown of blue satin and georgette.The beat man was George B. LeFoe. -

Miss Addie Souder played thewedding march. The out-of-townguexts were: Mr. and Mrs. WalterL. Alexander, Hyattsville. Md.; Mr.and Mrs. Albert L. Alexander and»on ljouis. Glenrarlyn. W: Mr. andMrs. Howard T. Colvin. Alexan¬dria. V«.: Mrs. C. K Clarke anddsiusrhter Lucille. Minnlevlllc, Va.;Ml>« Addie Soudei. Hrooklaitd. Md.



^^"OVELTIES that appeal to daintyfeminine tastes.are among the

Gidding Christmas Suggestions.Unique earrings

of carved jade .coral . crystal *ndmarqulsite.

Pearls for neck¬laces or that may bewound about thewrist as bracelets.platinum and rhine-stone chains.cig¬arette holders.Florentine powderboxes and rings.

French Perfumes of subtle fragrance in at¬tractive bottles.

Prices have been revised to meet

the approval of the holiday shopper.

It\JiAPtnat- ft? "NfwNorh010 H. STREET. N.W. optoutt shordum moten

SPECIAL> For SaturdayCalifornia Everlasting orStraw Flowers, for Holi¬day Table Bou- ngquets, each v4jCSweet Peas Violets$1.50 bunch .$1, 50 bunch

Xmat Memorial Wreath(as pictured), ShippedAnywhere, $3jS0.

YuletideCandles,50c to$5. 14th and H

Phone Main 3707

City Club PlansReception forMembers' Wives

W)VES of tbe members of theJT City Club will be the club'sguests at an at-home receptionDecember 27 from 4 to t o'clock,Charles Demonet. chairman of tbeclub's house committee announcedyesterday.

'' Wives of the members of the"Ijjb's board of governors will re-

. <-4ve at 4 p. m. after which a teatutce will be held

tin the main

ft11room AsA pert of the recep-iOn entertainment, thirty chil¬

dren Win participate in a Chris'.maatldeIn the rsaspUon Una wfll be

Mrs. Henry' E. Rriaitr. wife Ofthe president of the club; MrsClaude H. Woodward. Mrs. T.Lincoln Townsend. Mr*. Roy LNeuhauser. Mrs. Chartea T. Clag-ett. Mrs. Charles F. Crane. Mrs.Charles Demonet, Mrs. E. C. Gra-him. Mrs. James R. Maya, Mrs.Claude W. Owen, Mia. Samuel J.Preacott. Mrs. M. D. Rosenberg.Mrs. Charles W. Semmes, Mrs.E. L. Stock and Mrs. F. P. Wil¬cox

At tha tea table will be Mra.Frederic B. Pyle. Mrs. Prank H.Bryson. Mrs. Paul B. I,um Mra.Percy H. Russell. Mra. Oscar A.Thorup. Mrs. W. C. Hanson. Mrs.John J. Boobar and Mrs. R B.Plankintsn. \The clab Is' alao planning anelaborate New Tear's Eve sup¬per dance, which will begin at 11

w St. wtttola.*.

at these bars

Dinner Parties PrecedeUniversal Alliance BallA an

tattaining at <

Mrs. Patar A. Drury. whoto a larva number

peqpta in honor at MiesCatherine Wa«sr; Mr. and Mrs.C. C. Calhoun. "Whs had a compar;of twenty-fswr. with Mr. and MrsLewla Nixon, at Now Tar*, asthe honor guest*, and Mrs. ) Wil¬fred DuPuy.

tertalned In her bos.

Ubc Christmas Store


ft .'

Big Christmas SaleBeautiful Dolls,

$2.95Every little girl may have herheart's fondest desire.a newdolly for Christmas. andevery doll has moving eyes,curly hair, and jointed armsarid legs, and they even havelittle slippers and socks.Choose yours early, for they'llsell quickly at this remark¬ably low price.

Toy Store, Fourth floor.

What to Give a BabyWarm Remembrances of Quilted SilkWill Be Enjoyed in Wintry Weather

BABY BUNTINGS will keep themnice and warm when out riding intheir carriages. Pink or blue ones,plain, $6; daintily embroidered.$7.50.CAIB OR CARRIAGE ROBES, ofquilted Japanese silk, are lovelygifts, Rnd jnay be plain or em¬broidered or colored sprays. $3.50to $8.50.

SHORT QUILTED SILK JACKETS,in pink or blue, frog trimmed, $3,and with dainty embroidery, $3.50.LONG QUILTED ROBES, in pinkor blue, are daintily embroideredand piped in satin, $8.WHITE FUR-TOPPED QUILTEDSILK CARRIAGE BOOTS come inwhite, pink or blue. $3.50 pair.

Dainty Little Handmade Dresses.of exquisitely fine batistes, are edged at the neckwith a bit of lace, beautifully embroidered in tinysprays, hemstitched or feather-stitched, and some¬times finished with very dainty rose point scallops.$1.25 to $12.50.

Adorable Little Bonnets.of crepe de chine, faille silk or georgette crepe, areembroidered, ruffled, puffed and beribboned.to de¬light the tiniest babv's vanity. In white or pale pink.$1.50 to $7.50.

Beautiful Little Kimonos.of soft cream cashmere, crepe de chine or erepell*,are satin bound, embroidered or edged with daintyscallops, with trimming touches in pink or blue.$3 to $15.

Crocheted Woolen Sacques. $1 to $4.50.Bootees, of wool, 50c to $1 pair.Dainty Kid Moccasins, $1.25 pair.Little Hand-painted Celluloid Toilet Sets, $1 to $3.50.Carriage Clamps, will hold baby's carriage robe hi

place, 75c pair.Ribbon Rosettes, in blue or pink, 75e for two.

Tiny French Flower Pins, 25c pair.Infant Sectloo, Fourth floor.
