марк комм aida+3_ps+integrmarkcomp

Students: Dudoglo Kristina Zhukov Artem Shirokova Daria Moscow 2015 International Business School

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Post on 15-Jul-2015




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Students: Dudoglo Kristina

Zhukov Artem

Shirokova Daria


International Business School

3Ps of MarketingCommunication




PUSHA ‘push strategy’ Involves ‘pushing’ the product through

the market channels to final consumer

Use marketing channels, such as trade promotions, to

push a product or service through to the sales channel

Push Strategies: "Taking the product to the customer."

Producer Wholesaler Retailer Customer

Flow of promotion: Mainly personal selling to channel


Flow of demand

Examples of push strategy:

• Trade show promotions to encourage retailer demand

Pull Strategies: “Getting the customer to come to you“

Producer Wholesaler Retailer Customer

Flow of promotion: Mainly advertising directed

to channel customers

Flow of demand


Profile StrategyFor the organizations interest it is vital to keep up good

relationship with its various stakeholders. Using profile

strategy awareness, perception, attitude and reputation of a

company is build

Tools used are:

• Public relations

• Sponsorship

• Corporate advertising

AIDA Model

Presented By :- Anurag Kumar

What is the AIDA model?

What does AIDA stand for?• Awareness: creating brand awareness or affiliation with

your product or service

• Interest: generating interest in the benefits of your product or service, and sufficient interest to encourage the buyer to start to research further

• Desire: for your product or service through an 'emotional connection', showing your brand personality. Move the consumer from 'liking' it to 'wanting it’

• Action: Move the buyer to interacting with your company and taking the next step ie. downloading a brochure, making the phone call, joining your newsletter, or engaging in live chat etc

How to use the AIDA model?

• Awareness: How do we make buyers aware of our products or services? What should the messages be?

• Interest: How will we gain their interest? How do we make this information available and where ? ie. on website, via videos, customer ratings

• Desire: What makes our product or service desirable?

• Action: What are the call to actions and where do we place them?

What is an integrated marketing campaign?

• It is an approach to achieving the objectives of

a marketing campaign, through a well-

coordinated use of various channels that are

intended to reinforce each other.

Channels for marketing campaign

Coca-colaprint media, POS, TV commercials, billboards…

offerings throughout partnerships such as restaurants,

hotel…, but also campaigns including emailngs,

texting/SMS, sponsorships…

Interactive marketing & social media: interactive

& entertaining website, social networks,


PR: Coca uses PR in its strategy through events

(culture, music, cinema…), social causes, CSR,…


FutureChanges in the business environment, along with

technological innovation, increasing consumer

sophistication and changes in marketing

communications practices