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ВІДДІЛ ОСВІТИ ВИКОНКОМУ ЖОВТНЕВОЇ РАЙОННОЇ У МІСТІ РАДИ Криворізька загальноосвітня школа І-ІІІ ступенів № 97 Позакласний захід з англійської мови в 4 класі: Подорож до казки «THE WOLF AND SEVEN LITTLE KIDS» Підготувала: Вчитель англійської мови Фролова Людмила Миколаївна м. Кривий Ріг 2012 р.

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. 2012 .

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. .1. . .2. . Name the fairy tale. .1. The Wolf and Seven Little Kids2. The right variant.3. . .1. .2. .

. . 1. . .T: Stand up, please! Good morning, children! Good morning.T: Sit down. Today well have an unusual lesson. We are going to travel to the fairy tale. . .T: Do you like fairy tales? ? . , , , . . 2. . Name the fairy tale.T: Lets play the game Name the fairy tale. . . . . .T: At first, repeat after me the names of the fairy tales.( , ). 1. A House in the Wood2. The Turnip3. The Little Red Riding Hood4. Cinderella5. The Cat in High Boots6. Three Bears7. Three Little Pigs8. Snowdrop9. Puff the Ball10. Winnie the Pooh11. The Golden Fish12. The Wolf and Seven Little Kids .1. The Wolf and Seven Little KidsT: Now lets watch the fairy tale The Wolf and Seven Little Kids. Listen very attentively, because then you will answer some questions about this fairy tale.( ).2. The right variant.T: I hope you liked this fairy tale very much. Now lets check how attentively you have watched it. Your task will be to choose the right variant and complete the sentences. . . 1. Mother Goat has a) six little kids;b) seven little kids;c) eight little kids. 2. Mother Goat went a) to the shop to buy some sweets;b) to the market to buy some meat;c) to the market to get some milk. 3. Who came to the Goats house? a) A big bad wolf;b) A big brown bear;c) A small nice kitten. 4. The Wolf wanted a) to play games with kids;b) to read books with kids;c) to eat up the kids. 5. When the Wolf came, the kids a) opened the door;b) didnt open the door. 6. Then the Wolf a) changes his hands;b) changes his tail;c) changes his voice. 7. The Wolf brought a) bread, meat and cheese;b) bananas, apples and plums;c) sweets, cakes and ice-creams; 8. Seven little kids a) took sweets, cakes and ice-creams;b) didnt take any sweets, cakes and ice-creams. 9. The Wolf was looking for a) a very big stick;b) a very big spoon;c) a very small stick. 10. Seven little kids decided a) to play games with the Wolf;b) to hide under the bed;c) to fight against the Wolf. 11. Kids made an awful noise and the Wolf a) ran away very quickly;b) did not run away;c) broke the door. 12. Mother Goat said to her kids, If we fight altogether, a) we shall win;b) we shall not win;c) we shall lose.3. .T: How do you understand these words? If we fight altogether, we shall win? , . , . . . ? .3. . , . . , , , - . 4. .: Stand up. The lesson is over. Thank you. Good-bye.


Characters: Storyteller, Wolf, Mother Goat and 7 Little Kids.

Storyteller: Dear children! Hope you like fairy-tales very much! You know an old story about the wolf and 7 little kids, dont you? Now the play begins! Once upon a time there lived Mother Goat and her 7 little kids. (Mother Goat has a milk can in her hand. She wants to go to the market. Her kids are around her.)Kids: Mother is the dearest Of all the friends we know. She helps us work and helps us play, Thats why we love her so.Mother Goat: Now, my dear children, I must go to the market and get some milk for you. You must stay at home! Lock the door! Dont open the door to anybody! Goodbye! 7 Little Kids: Goodbye! Goodbye! Come back soon! (They sing a song ) 1 and 2 and 3 and 4 We are dancing on the floor We are dancing on the floor Clap, clap, clap, clap. We are playing with the hands Look at our smiling face Look at our smiling face Clap, clap, clap, clap.

Storyteller: Look! There is a big bad wolf! He is at the door! He wants to eat up the kids!Wolf (loudly and roughly): Open the door! It's me, your mother! I have some milk for you! 1st kid: No, no, you are not our mother!2nd kid: Our mother's voice is soft!3rd kid: Our mother's voice is sweet!4th kid: We must not open the door to anybody!Wolf (loudly and roughly): You are silly kids! ( The wolf goes away.) Storyteller: And the wolf changes his voice. Now his voice is soft and he goes to the Goat's house again.Wolf (softly): Open the door, my dear children. It's me, your mother! I have some sweets for you!5th kid: No, no, you are not our mother!6th kid: Your voice is soft, but it is not our mother's!Wolf: But dont you want these nice sweets?7th kid: We dont want any sweets from you.Wolf: And I have a cake for you!1st kid: No, we dont want a cake from you!Wolf: And I have some ice-cream for you!2nd kid: We dont want any ice-cream from you!Wolf: Open the door or I shall break it!3rd kid: We are not afraid of you, a big bad wolf! ( The Wolf goes away. Kids sing a song.)7 Little Kids: We arent afraid of a big bad wolf, Big bad wolf, big bad wolf! We arent afraid of a big bad wolf! Tra-la-la-la-la!Storyteller: The wolf is looking for a very big stick. He wants to break the door!4th kid: We arent afraid of a big bad wolf! But we must fight against him if he comes back. 5th kid: You and you two take big spoons. You and you two take the frying-pans.Storyteller: Do you hear the noise? That is a wolf again.Wolf: Do you give up! One!7 Little Kids: No!Wolf: Do you give up! Two!7 Little Kids: No! No!Wolf: Do you give up! Three! ( Kids make awful noise, the Wolf is frightened.) Oh! What is that? What is that? I must run away very quickly! ( Mother Goat come in.)Mother Goat: Oh, what's the matter? What does this all mean? 6th kid: Everything is all right, mother!7th kid: The wolf wanted to eat us up!1st kid: But it is not so easy to do it!Mother Goat: Oh, my dear brave children! It is very good that you are not afraid of a big bad wolf! There are many wolves in the world! If we fight all together, we shall win! Im very happy!Storyteller: So, our fairy-tale is coming to the end. We are going to sing a song for you about friends! A song If you travel with your friends If you travel with your friends, If you travel with your friends You enjoy the journey. With the merry friends of mine, With the merry friends of mine I am happier and stronger! When it rains or when it snows, When it's sunny or wind blows All my dear friends with me! When it rains or when it snows, When it's sunny or wind blows All my dear friends with me!