Наставно ливче 4 одд прво 3 месечие.docx

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  • 8/14/2019 4 3 .docx





    1. ) Good afternoon b) Good evening c) Good morning d) Goodbye

    2. ) Good afternoon b) Good evening c) Good morning d) Goodbye

    3. ) Good afternoon b) Good evening c) Good morning d) Goodbye

    4. ) Good afternoon b) Good evening c) Good night d) Goodbye

    5. Who, She, He !)Who is she? B) Who is _______? C) _______ are they?

    _________s Miss Benn. Hes Mr. Benn. Theyre Ana and Tom.

    6. Mother, father, brother, sister, grandfather, grandmother, uncle, aunt

    male female

    7. This, His, Hera) This is my sister. b)________ is my brother. c)This is my father.

    _____names Ana. His names Ben. _____ names Tony.

    8. son and daughter ) ) ) d)

    9. his hera) Whats _______ name? b) Whats ________ name? c) Whats _____ name?

    _____ names Ana. _____ names Lucy. ______ names John.

    10. How old are you? :) Im Ilina. b) Im fine. c) Im 10. d) Im Macedonian.

    11. 5 __________, 15_____________, 40 ____________, 2 __________, 10 __________

    39 ___________, 8 _____________, 11 ___________, 23 _________, 46 __________

    12. Where are you from? :) Im Tom. b) Im from Macedonia. c) Im 11. d) Im at school.

    13. a an______ book, ____ table, ____ DVD, ____ orange, ____ apple, ____ bag, ____ egg,

    ____ ice cream, ____ orange tree, ____ tree, ____ mobile phone,___ chair, ___ house

  • 8/14/2019 4 3 .docx


    14. Theyre Its.a) Whats that? b) What are those? c) Whats this? d) What are those?

    ____ an egg. ________ mangoes. ______ a DVD. _________ bananas.

    15. Apple ________, table __________, banana __________, chair ___________,Cherry _________, strawberry______, peach _________, watch __________.

    16.The bananas area) Orange b) green c) yellow d ) blue

    17. ________, __________, __________, _________,

    _________, ___________, __________, __________.

    18. to be( am, is, are)a) She _____ 10. b) I ____ a student. c) They ______ friends. d) Ben _____ 11.e) Tom and Ben ____ cousins. f) ____ he your brother? Yes, he ____.

    g) ____ they sisters? No, they _________. h)_____ Mary your mother? Yes, she __.

    19. The capital of Macedonia is

    a) Prilep b) Bitola c) Skopje d) Kavadarci

    20. :

    Hi! I / My/ He names Ana. I / My/ Her come from London, Britain. I is / am/ are 11years old. This / Those / These is my brother Ben. She / He/ It is 9 years old.

    Our/ their / her mother is Mary. It/ He/ She is American.

    What are this/ that/ those? Theyre mango / mangs/ mangoes.

    What is/ are/ am this? Its my house.

    Betty is Polish, she isnt/ arent/ amnot English.

    What are these/ that/ this? They are peach/ peachs/ peaches.


    Britain ________________, the USA ________________, Macedonia _____________,

    France _________________.


    0-30 = 1 ; 31-45= 2; 46- 60= 3; 6175 = 4; 76- 100 = 5 _______________
